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62 results
Trans-Mississippi Exposition Stamps, Omaha World-Herald, 6 March 1898
Trans-Mississippi International Exposition, Omaha, June to November, 1898, 1898
Trans-Mississippi Stamps, Boston Evening Transcript, 19 May 1898
Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, March 1896
Untitled, Omaha World-Herald, 25 September 1898
Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 01, November 25, 1985-December 21, 1896
Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 02 Wakefield Scrapbook, December 22, 1896-August 18, 1897
Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 03 Wakefield Scrapbook, August 19, 1897-February 10, 1898
Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 04 Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 04, February 11, 1898 to June 1, 1898
Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 05 Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 05, June 1, 1898 to July 31, 1898
Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 06 Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 06, August 1, 1898 to September 30, 1898
Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 07 Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 07, October 8, 1898 to November 25, 1898