Report of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission Report of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission


Iowa at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, 1898.


Iowa State Capitol.










Yours Very Truly, Leslie M. Shaw


Executive Council of State.

Gov. Leslie M. Shaw, - - - - - - - President

Hon. Geo. L. Dobson, - - - - - Secretary of State

*Hon. C. G. McCarthy, - - - - - Auditor of State

Hon. John Herriott, - - - - - Treasurer of State

*A. E. Shipley, - - - - - - - - - - Secretary

* Succeeded by HON. FRANK F. MERRIAM

* Succeeded by A. H. DAVISON


GEORGE L. DOBSON. Secretary of State.


FRANK F. MERRIAM Auditor of State.


JOHN HERRIOTT, Treasurer of State.


Iowa Trans Mississippi and International Commission.

S. H. MALLORY, Chariton


GEO. W. McCOID, Logan

FRANK N. CHASE, Cedar Falls

S. B. PACKARD, Marshalltown

S. D. COOK, Davenport

R. H. MOORE, Ottumwa.

JNO. H. WALLBANK, Mt Pleasant

J. E. E. MARKLEY, Mason City.


*A. W. ERWIN. Sioux City

*JOHN F. MERRY, Manchester


President...S. H. MALLORY

Vice-President...ALLAN DAWSON

Treasurer...GEO. W. McCOID

Superintendent and Secretary...FRANK N. CHASE

Executive Committee.






Auditing Committee.




Committee on Transportation.


Committee on Ceremonies.




* Appointed to succeed Frank N. Chase, who resigned to accept position of Superintendent and Secretary

* A. W. ERWIN did not qualify




C. G. McCarthy, Ex-Auditor of State.


Iowa State Building Dedication Day, June 23, 1898


Table of Contents. Page.

Title 5

Executive Council of State 7

Roster of Iowa T-M. & I. Exposition Commission 11

Letter of Transmittal 17

Report of President 19

Address to the People of the State 21

Report of Executive Committee 23

Report of Superintendent and Secretary 35

Salvage Account 42

Schedule of Exhibits Turned Over to State 43

Report, Department of Fine Arts 45

Report, Department of Live Stock 47

Report of Agricultural Department 71

Report of Dairy Department 79

Report of Apiary Department 81

Report, Department of Horticulture 87

Report of Committee on Ceremonies 91

Report of Treasurer 135

Report of Auditing Committee 137

Detailed Financial Statement 137

Resolution of Executive Council of State 175

Roster of Employees at Iowa Buildirg and Exhibits 177

Board of Management, T-M. & I. Exposition 179


Section of Iowa Exhibit Agricultural Building


Letter of Transmittal.

To His Excellency, Leslie M. Shaw, Governor of Iowa.

Dear Sir: Chapter 149 of the Laws of the 26th General Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for an exhibit of the resources of the State of Iowa at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, to be held at Omaha in the year 1898," and approved April 17th, 1896,

Provides that "At the close of its services, the Commission shall make to the Governor a statement of its proceedings which shall include a list of disbursements with complete vouchers therefor."

In compliance with the statute we have the honor to submit to you the financial statement, accompanied by the report of the Superintendent and Secretary and reports of Commissioners who have had charge of departments and all standing committees, showing the work, promotion and installation, and the prosecution of the work outlined in the act and committed to us by the Executive* Council of State. The reports are designed to show to some extent the participation of Iowa in the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, in the exhibition of the resources and possibilities of our great commonwealth, at this first great western exposition, together with an account of disbursements and proper vouchers therefor.

Very Respectfully Submitted.

S. H. MALLORY, President.

ALLAN DAWSON, Vice-President.

GEO. W. McCOID, Treasurer.

Executive Committee.

S. B. PACKARD, Chairman.





Auditing Committee.

J. H. WALLBANK, Chairman.




Committee on Transportation.

F. N. CHASE, Superintendent and Secretary.


S. H. MALLORY. President Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.


Report ot the Iowa Trains Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.


By SMITH H. MALLORY, President.

To His Excellency, Leslie M. Shaw, Governor of Iowa:

The Twenty-Sixth Genei-al Assembly provided for a Commission or Exhibit Committee for the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, and made a preliminary appropriation of ten thousand dollars by the following Act:

"Chapter 149, Laws of the Twenty-Sixth General Assembly.

AN ACT to provide for an exhibit of the resources of the State of Iowa at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition to be held at Omaha in the year 1898.

WHEREAS, Congress has passed a bill authorizing and encouraging the holding of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition at the city of Omaha, in the state of Nebraska, in the year 1898; and,

WHEREAS, It is very desirable that the agricultural, mineral, mechanical, industrial and educational, and every resource and advantage of the State of Iowa shall be creditably represented in such Exposition; therefore.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:

Section 1. That the Executive Council be and is hereby authorized and directed to appoint an exhibit commission to be known as the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition committtee. Such commission shall consist of eleven members, to be selected one from each congressional district in the State, not more than six of whom shall be from the same political party, and shall have full power to devise and execute plans for the said exhibit herein contemplated, and take charge of the same and dispose of the appropriations. It may appoint such officers as it in its judgment may deem necessary for the carrying out of the purposes of this act, including the right to delegate to the exhibit committee the duty and power to execute all or any plans that may be devised or ordered by said commission. One member thereof shall be chosen to act as treasurer and who shall be ex-ofRcio custodian of the moneys herein appropriated, but before entering upon the duties of such office he shall furnish a bond subject to the approval of the Executive Council, and in favor of the State of Iowa, in a penal sum equal to the amount herein appropriated. Any vacancy occurring in such Commission shall be filled by the Executive Council by a choice of some citizen residing in the congressional district wherein such vacancy occurs.

The commission herein created shall serve without compensation.

Sec. 2. The sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any monev in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying into execution the intent of this act. All payments of money must be made upon complete vouchers and under conditions to be fixed bv said commission. At the close of its services the commission shall make to the governor a statement of its proceedings, which shall include a list of all disbursements with complete vouchers therefor. Provided, further, no appointment under this act shall be made, nor shall any money herein appropriated be drawn or any charge or expense made until it is definitelv known that Congress has made a substantial appropriation for the   Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition. Provided, further, that said commission shall be restricted in expenses to the sum herein appropriated, and no contracts shall be made or money expended except upon approval of the Executive Council.

Approved April 17, 1896.

The Commission was appointed by the Executive Council of State under this Act. The law provides that the Executive Council of State should supervise the expenditure of money by the Commission, and the plans for expenditure of any and all funds appropriated by the State should be approved by the executive Council before money could be expended. The Commission take this opportunity to express their thanks to the Executive Council of State for their kindly advice and co-operation and for their uniform courtesy and approval of their work.

The Commission met at the Capitol on call of Governor Francis M. Drake for organization on the 27th of May, 1897. Ten members of the commission were present and qualified. A. W. Erwin, of the Eleventh district, was not able to be present on account of other duties, and has not since that time qualified as commissioner or attended any of the ineetings of the Commission. At this first session officers were elected and rules for the government of the Commission were adopted.

The second session of the Commission was held in Council Bluffs, and was invited by Gurdon W. Wattles, President, to confer with the Board of Management of the Exposition. At that conference the scope of the exposition was fully discussed and we became satisfied that they had the matter well in hand and sufficient capital at their disposal to insure the ultimate success of their great enterprise. After the conference the commission, accompanied by the President and members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Management of the Exposition, visited the exposition grounds.

The Commission at this session appointed a committee to prepare an address to the people of the State; a sub-committee to prepare estimates deemed necessary for a creditable exhibit of the I'esources and industries of Iowa and to consult architects in regard to plans for state building and cost of the same and report at the next session of the commission. It also assigned members of the Commission to take charge of different departments of the State exhibit.

The Congress of the United States recognized the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition and made a liberal appropriation therefor. The City of Omaha and the State of Nebraska made large contributions to aid the project. It was not only necessary to make a large contribution to aid it required courage and almost superhuman energy to build and carry forward to a successful termination a great exposition more than one thousand miles from the seaboard and in the heart of the new but vast territory lying west of the Mississippi river. The grand success of the Exposition is largely due to the hard work and able management of President Gurdon W. Wattles and his efficient contemporaries.

The Twenty-Seventh General Assembly made an additional appropriation of twenty-five thousand dollars, thus placing a total of thirty-five thousand dollars at the disposal of the Iowa Commission. The Commission realized that to creditably represent all the varied industries of the state it would require a much larger sum and wisely decided not to enter into competition with the other states and territories in all the different departments, but first erect and maintain a comfortable home for Iowa visitors and their friends, and make the best possible showing of our leading industries,

At a subsequent session it was found necessary to appoint a suitable person as General Superintendent to take charge of the work.

The results are fully set forth in the reports of the Superintendent and Secretary and the Commissioners in charge of the several departments.


President Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.


Address to the People of the State.

To the People of the State of Iowa:

Iowa being the pivotal state of those embraced in the wide territory known as the Trans-Mississippi as regarcis wealth, enterprise, education, and all that goes to make a great state, the people of Iowa are especially interested in the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, to be held in Omaha in 1898. This Exposition will be held for the purpose of exhibiting the products, manufactures, arts and industries of the twenty-four states and territories included in the Trans-Mississippi belt. It has been nationalized by act of Congress, and aided by a liberal appropriation.

The Twenty-Sixth General Assenibly of Iowa passed "An Act to provide for an exhibit of the resources of the state at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition to be held at Omaha in the year 1898," which was approved by the Governor April 17th, 1896. The Commission appointed under this act asks your co-operation in carrying out the expressed intent—"that the agricultural, mechanical, industrial, educational, and every resource and advantage of the state of Iowa be creditably represented."

At the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876 Iowa took the gold medal on farm and dairy products. At the World's Fair in Chicago, Iowa made an exhibit of her agricultural, horticultural, dairy and live stock interests that did great credit to the state. All the world knows of Iowa and its agricultural wealth and possibilities. The world also knows that in point of education, Iowa leads.

The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition will afford an opportunity that has not hitherto been presented to Iowa, not only to advertise her agricultural wealth, but also to show the possibilities of developing a great manufacturing state. The coal fields of Iowa are sufficient to run all the manufacturing interests of the entire Northwest. The water power still undeveloped, is unsurpassed in the West.

Experimental tests of sugar beets in Iowa have shown beyond question the possibility of making beet sugar oneof the leading industries of the state

Take as a basis a commercial point in Iowa, draw a circle taking in a radius of two hundred miles, and you will And more railroads and river outlets for commerce than in the same extent of territory any place in the world. But the Iowa cattle and hog producer must at present find his market in Chicago. The farmer w'ho depends upon the sale of grain for the profits of his farm, either directly or indirectly, finds his market east or south of the borders of his own state. The Iowa wool grower ships his clip to the eastern seaboard. Iowa has not risen to her opportunities.

Capital is necessary for success in new fields of industry; Iowa has capital, and Iowa capital should be used in developing the latent resources of the far-famed agricultural and dairy state, and in building up home markets. Foreign capital would naturally be drawn by the magnate, "faith at home," and Iowa, with her vast agricultural resources and her own artisans, would supply her own people and the world with finished goods, and would indeed become the pride of the Trans-Mississippi group of states.

This Exposition can be made a source of profit to Iowa beyond all computation. The time is now ripe for investment in new lines. There has never   before been a time in the history of the country when there was so much idle capital as there is today. Idle capital means idle laborers. Iowa should form a working ground for these mutual interests. The capitalist and laborer can join hands in Iowa and develop the natural and latest resources of the state to an extent" heretofore undreamed of.

Money is necessary to make an exhibit that will do credit to the state Only $10,000 has been appropriated. It will require $50,000 more to do the work at all creditably. The farmers and stockmen cannot afford the expense of an exhibit without the aid of the state. The same is true in other departments.

State interest as well as state pride calls for a requisite appropriation. The Exposition will be held at our western border, and Iowa will receive a large part of the direct benefit which falls to the country immediately surrounding any great exhibition. It is probable that Iowa will reap as much direct benefit fi'om eastern travel and transportation as will Nebraska.

The Commissioners appeal to all the people to join in making an exhibit that will bring pi-actical results, and expect that those engaged in agriculture, horticulture, stock raising, manufacturing, and all other industrial lines of work will at once begin preparation for the exhibit.

The liberal arts department should make an exhibit commensui-ate with the vast sums of money the state is expending for the education and elevation of its people. Fine arts and the department of women's work should be especially successful in this Exposition.

Please address the commissioner of the department in which you wish to exhibit. On all general matters, address the secretary of the Commission.


Committee. ROBERT H. MOORE,



Report ot the Executive Committee of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi Exposition Commission.

We have the honor to report briefly the work assigned to and the results accomplished by the Executive Committee. For information in detail, reference is had to the minutes of all the sessions of the Executive Committee, which are already a matter of record.


The act creating the Commission gave to them authority to delegate its powers wholly or in part to an executive or exhibit committee. The rules adopted by the Commission at their first session provided for an Executive Committee of three, but did not confer upon them full power to act. At a subsequent session when it was definitely known what amount of funds would be at the disposal of the Commisssion, the amount being considerably less than was asked for and deemed necessary for a creditable showing of Iowa's resources, and as frequent meetings of the Commission would be expensive, in the interest of economy (not because the members of the Commission were unwilling to devote their time) ai the third session of the Commission Rule VII, referring to the Executive Committee was rescinded and the following rule substituted in lieu thereof:

"Article VII.— There shall be an Executive Committeee consisting of five members of the Commission. Three shall be appointed by the president, and the President and Secretary of the Commission shall be ex-offlcio members. Such committeee shall serve during the pleasure of the Commission and perform such duties and execute such plans as may be devised or ordered by the Commission."

Under the new Article VII, the following persons constitute the Executive Committee: S. B. Packard, S. H. Mallory, S. D. Cook, R. H. Moore, F. N. Chase.

Commissioner Markley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:

"Whereas, It will be necessary to use the utmost economy in the expenditure of the funds appropriated by the state for the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, to be held in Omaha, June to November, 1898, in order to accomplish the best results and make the most creditable exhibit of the products of the state, and

"Whereas, The frequent meetings of the Cojnmission are expensive and constantly reduces the limited appropriation made by the state, and

"Whereas, The law under which this Commission is appointed gives this Commission the right to delegate to an Executive or Exhibit Committee the duty and power to execute all or any plans that may be devised or ordered by the Commission, and

"Whereas, The work to be done will require immediate and constant attention; therefore,

"Resolved, 1st, That all the duties, and power to execute all or any plans that are now, or may hereafter be devised or ordered by this Commission be, and the same are hereby delegated to the Executive or Exhibit Committee,   with full power to act in the premises, at all times when this Board is not in actual session; and

"Resolved, 2nd, That the secretary of this Commission be, and is hereby required to keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the Executive or Exhibit Committee, and report the same to this Commission, to be preserved as a part of the proceedings of said Commission." Adopted.

On motion of Commissioner Cook, S. B. Packard was elected chairman of the Executive Committee.

At the fourth session of the Commission, on motion, the following resolution was adopted:

"Whereas, F. N. Chase has so ably and satisfactorily discharged the duties of secretary of this Commission ever since its organization without compensation; and

"Whereas, This Commission does not think it just that he should continue without being compensated; and

"Whereas, The interests of the cause demand the entire services of a competent man as secretary and general superintendent, but as the law does not permit of the selection of any member of this Commission as an officer with pay; therefore, be it

"Resolved, That Mr. Chase be requested by this Commission to resign as commissioner in order that he may accept the position of secretary and general superintendent; and,

"Resolved, further. That his compensation be fixed at a salary of one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per month and necessary expenses, subject to the approval of the Executive Council of the State."

Upon request of Commissioner Chase of the Third district, the Executive Council accepted his resignation. Mr. Chase then accepted the position of superintendent and secretary and continued the work.

At the fourth session of the Commission, upon the resignation of F. N. Chase as a member of the Commission, the following resolutions were adopted:

Commissioner Moore moved that the vacancy on the Executive Committee created by the resignation of F. N. Chase be filled by the election of Commissioner J. E. E. Markley. Seconded by Commissioner Lovejoy.

Commissioner Lovejoy moved that new Article VII. be amended by striking out the words "three shall be appointed by the president and the president and secretary of the Commission shall be ex-ofl3cio members," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "the president of the Commission shall be ex-offcio a member thereof."

Under those resolutions your Comnittee undertook the work, having full authority to act in all matters at all times when the Commission was not in session. Nine sessions of the Executive Committee have been held. Plans were devised from time to time and instructions were given to the superintendent, who had been appointed by the Commission to take charge of the work under the direction of the Executive Committee and their plans and instructions were ably and faithfully carried out by him.


At second session of the Commission, Commissioners S. B. Packard and F. N. Chase were appointed as a sub-committee to prepare estimates, and Commissioner Packard was appointed a committee of one to visit Omaha and confer with the Board of Management in reference to location for State Building and in regard to free space foi State Collective Exhibits in the several exposition buildings.

Your sub-committee secured plans from the Josselyn & Taylor Co., architects, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for State building, without expense to the Commission, and after careful consideration and consultation with competent men representing the leading industries of our state, prepared the following   schedule of estimates for State building and for a creditable representation of the resources of the state and for the necessary expenses of administration. The total of these estimates amounted to $57,400.00; $10,000.00 had been already appropriated, leaving $47,400.00 to be appropriated. The several amounts were deemed to be reasonable and necessary for a satisfactory and profitable participation with the other states and territories at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition and were approved by the Commission and Executive Council of State. It was decided to ask the General Assembly to make an additional appropriation in accordance with these estimates.

Report of Sub-Committee on Estimates.

To The Executive Committee:

Your Committee herewith submit estimates of the cost of preparing, installing and maintaining exhibits, worthy of the State, at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, in the several departments as follows:

An Exhibit of Live Stock—To encourage the exhibit of the best specimens of all domestic animals of Iowa breeding, rearing, or ownership, including poultry...$2,000

An Exhibit of Agricultural Products—To prepare, install and maintain a collective state exhibit of grains, grasses, seeds, roots, plants, etc., grown by cultivation, or such as are indigenous to Iowa soil to include the manufactured products of this vegetation, such as flour, meal, sugar, glucose, starch, and products of the canning factory, also samples of Iowa soil...$3,500

An Exhibit of Horticultural Products—To collect, install and maintain a state exhibit of orchard, vineyard and garden fruits, also dried, evaporated, and canned specimens by processes useful in the commercial handling, or preserving for winter use, also flori- culture and forestry, with an exhib't of flowers, woods, and the florist's art...$3,000

An Exhibit of Dairy Products—To make and install a state competitive exhibit of butter and cheese, with special reference to obtaining awards for the best dairy batter made on the farm from mixed herds, or from distinct breeds of dairy cows, also for creamery butter made from gathei-ed cream, or from cream separated from the milk, also butter prepared suitably for export, with a view of the competition in the butter classes by several states in June and July, September and October, also to include dairy appliances and best commercial packages...$4,000

An Exhibit of Apiary Products—To prepare, install and maintain an exhibit of honey, bees, bee products, and appliances...$500

An Exhibit of Mines, Mining, and Geology—For the purpose of developing our mineral resources and exhibiting the products of our coal, lead, and iron mines, aluminum, and other metals, and for the collection, installation, and maintaining of the above, and also for an exhibit of limestone, marble, granite, gypsum, and other building stone, and the different varieties of fire and potters' clay and sands, and articles manufactured therefrom, to include brick and tile, and for an exhibit illustrating the geology of Iowa, with suitable specimens classified and arranged...$1,000

An Exhibit of Manufactures and Machinery—For an exhibit of machinery of Iowa invention or manufacture, and for the manufactures of Iowa raw material with reference to cheapness of fuel, and for promotion...$1,250


An Exhibit of Liberal Arts—To prepare, install and maintain an educational exhibit to suitably represent our public school system, and our schools of higher education, academies, colleges, and universities, including photography, engraving and public libraries...$2,000

An Exhibit of Fine Arts—To prepare and install an exhibit of music, drawing, painting, designing, and artistic work of Iowa artists...$500

An Exhibit of Publications and Journalism—To promote and provide an Iowa press headquarters with complete files of all Iowa publications and newspapers and works of Iowa authors...$750

Decorative Department—This will embrace the designing and interior decorations with natural products of the soil in the agricultural exposition and state building; for the purpose of making an artistic display of Iowa corn and other grasses...$3,750

Music—Band of thirty pieces, support and transportation...$1,000

Woman's Department—For an exhibit of women's work, a representation of the achievements of Iowa women, domestic, literary, fine arts, inventions, etc...$1,000

For State Building—Estimates prepared by Iowa architects...$20,000

For furniture and carpets and postofflce for state building...$2,200

For wiring for electric lighting...$500

For painting and decorating walls and ceiling State building...$750

For insurance...$350

For stenographer, register clerk, postmaster information bureau, parcel check clerk, messenger, janitor and watchmen, matron and maid...$3,750

Administration—Commissioners' expenses, postage, stationery, printing, freight, express, telegraphing, telephone...$3,500


Water supply and plumbing...$600

A total of $57,400.00, with $10,000.00 appropriated by the Twenty-Sixth General Assembly, leaving $47,400.00 required.



Sub. Committee of Executive Com.


Commissioner Packard, as Committee to procure space, found no easy task, and was obliged to have a number of interviews with the Board of management of the Exposition. In some of these he had the valuable aid of Senator N. M. Pusey and Hon. Geo. F. Wright, vice-president of the Exposition for Iowa.

The plans of the Board of Management were to charge all states the sum of fifty cents per square foot for space for collective exhibits and State Building and one dollar per square foot for individuals or firms making exhibits. It was estimated that we would need from eight to ten thousand square feet of space and that amount was asked for, and at the close of the negotiations we were successful in securing free space for the Iowa State Building on the bluff tract, and 2,400 square feet in the Exposition Buildings, as follows: 1,200 square feet in the Horticultural Building, and 1,200 square feet in the Agricultural Building. Central and desirable locations were assigned in these buildings to the Iowa Commission.

When this result was reported to the Commission it was decided that we would make no attempt to install exhibits in any buildings except where free space was granted, and at the close of the session of the General Assembly, when it was definitely known that the amount asked for had been   reduced to $25,000.00, it became necessary to modify all the plans and make arrangements for the preparation of exhibits on a smaller scale, and prepare new plans for a State Building that might be erected within the limit of eight thousand dollars, that amount being designated by the General Assembly for that purpose.

It was the unanimous opinion of the Commission and the Executive Council that in whatever departments we exhibited the products of Iowa, it should be well done; the installation should be of the best, and not make an attempt to exhibit in all the departments, and thereby fail to attract creditable attention and notice to any of Iowa's exhibits.

A conference was had with the Executive Council of State, and a committee consisting of Hon. John Herriott Treasurer of State, representing the State Executive Council, and J. E. E. Markley, representing the Commission, was appointed, and after due deliberation they reported to the Commission the following as the best possible distribution of the funds at the disposal of the Commission. Their report was unanimously adopted by the Commission and approved by the Executive Council.


The following report in the form of a resolution was submitted to the Commission April 4th, 1898, as report of a conference of a joint committee of the Executive Council of State and the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Commission, by the Committee, Hon. John. Herriott, member of the Committee for the Executive Council of State, and Hon. J. E. E. Markley, member of Committee from the Commission:

RESOLVED, By the Iowa Commission of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, that the sum of eight thousand dollars ($8,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, be set apart for the purpose of erecting a State Building in pursuance of the plans adopted by the Commission.

That the sum of one thousand and seventy dollars ($1,070.00), be set apart for the purpose of providing furniture for said building, and for fitting up a postoffice, check room, offices, and the necessary fixtures in said building.

That the sum of five thousand five hundred dollars ($.5, .500.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, be set apart and appropriated for the purpose of the Decorative Agricultural Exhibit of farm products, including corn, and other grains, grasses, seeds, etc , and the expense of Decorative Art, and all work in connection with the gathering, installing and maintaining said exhibit in the Agricultural Building.

For an exhibit in the Horticultural Building, to include Horticulture, Pomology and Forestry, the sum of $1,500.00, to be increased by such sum as may be appropriated by the State Horticultural Society, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For music, $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For two State Days Celebrations, with souvenir literature, $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For Commissioners' expenses, expenses of administration and other incidental expenses not otherwise specifically enumerated, the sum of $4,800.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For maintaining the Secretary's cfflce with assistants and expenses incidental thereto, the sum of $2,S0O.0O, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For salary of register clerk, Bureau of Information, two Janitors, one night watch, hostess and servant, custodian, and other help that may be necessary in and about Iowa Building, or Iowa Exhibits during the Fair, $2,625.00.

For sinking fund, wrecking building insurance, returning exhibits, etc., $1,500.00.


This apportionment is subject to change by the joint action of the Executive Committee, or Commission, and the Executive Council. On motion, the report and resolution was adopted.


The time intervening between the final action of the General Assembly in regard to an appropriation and the opening of the Exposition being so short, made it necessary to act with promptness in regard to the erection of a state building. The Commission was immediately called together, the revised plans were subinitted and approved, bids were asked for and proposals for the erection of the Iowa Building were advertised in the leading papers as follows:


Sealed proposals must be received by F. N. Chase, Secretary, addressed in the care of A. E. Shipley, Secretary of the Executive Council, Des Moines, Iowa, on or before 2 oclock p. m. of the 19th day of April, 1898, and opened at the office of the Executive Council as above at 2 p. m. of said day, for all the labor and materials required for the construction as set forth in the specifications for said building, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, copies of which may be seen on and after the 12th day of April, 1898, at the office of F. N. Chase, Secretary, Cedar Falls; Hon. G. F. Wright, Council Bluffs; A. E. Shipley, secretary of the Executive Council, Des Moines, or Josselyn & Taylor Co., architects. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for a ?um not less than 5 per cent of the proposal. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive any defects or any informality in any bid, if it is deemed in the interest of the State to do so.

Proposals must be enclosed in envelopes and sealed, marked "Proposals for construction of the Iowa State Building at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Neb., addressed to the secretary, F. N. Chase, in care of A. E. Shipley, secretary of the Executive Council, Des Moines, la.

By order of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.

F. N. CHASE, Secretary.

At the date named in the proposals, the following bids were received:


No. 1. P. H. Wind, Council Bluffs; amount of bid, nine thousand five hundred dollars ($9,-500.00); certified check accompanying the bid on Citizens' State Bank, Council Bluffs, five hundred dollars ($500.00).

No. 2. T. A. Dungan, Chicago; amount of bid, ten thousand and ninety dollars ($10,090.00), and the additional work specified in basement for five hundred dollars ($500.00) and to complete contract within thirty-five working days from the time of receiving complele plans and details. Certified check five hundred dollars ($500.00).

No. 3. L. Wallace & Son, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; amount of bid eleven thousand seven hundred dollars ($11,709.00). Will finish rooms in basement, including extra closets, for five hundred seventy-five dollars ($575.00). Certified check, five hundred dollars ($500.00).

A joint meeting of the Executive Committee and the Executive Council was held. The bids were opened and read, but as all of them were in excess of the limit named by the General Assembly ($8,000.00), on motion of President Mallory, the letting of the contract was postponed for twenty-four hours.

Architect Josselyn, being present, was asked to still further modify the plans, and the Executive Committee immediately called the contractors who had submitted bids to examine the modified plans and make new bids. This   could not be accomplished within the time named, and another postponement of twenty-four hours was taken.

When the time came for opening the bids, there were only two submitted. These bids were as follows

Bid No. 1. P. H. Wind of Council Bluffs, Iowa, seven thousand seven hundred ninety-five dollars ($7,795.00).

Bid No. 2. Messrs. Goldie & Sons, Chicago, eight thousand dollars, $8,000.) The bid of P. H. Wind of Council Bluffs Iowa, being the lowest and best bid, your committee instructed the chairman and secretary to enter into contract with him in accordance with the proposals as advertised.

Mr. Wind gave satisfactory bonds and immediately commenced the work and under the direction of the superintendent and secretary it was hurried forward as rapidly as possible in compliance with contract. It was found necessary to make some minor alterations, but the work was completed within the limit of time named in the contract.

D. E. Milward was employed to cover the walls with Burlap and make other suitable and necessary decorations for installing the exhibit of pictures by Iowa artists and make everything ready for the furniture and furnishings.


The architectural design, as well as the plans and detail drawings, was made by the Josselyn & Taylor Co., Architects, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The design is Ionic and the effect similar to the picturesque Italian casinos. The object to which all their energies were bent was to secure all the out-door space possible, hence the large circular porches with graceful pillars supporting a high roof, the whole structure upon a basement elevation of nine feet.

The site upon which the building was erected was in the very heart of the beautiful bluff tract and facing Iowa's graceful shores and the high bluffs beyond.

"The building combined two qualities for which the State and its people are noted: substantialness and comfort. On the front of the building great porches curved in elliptical form to the north and south from the central veranda and invited the weary to rest and comfort.

The extreme measurements of the building were 152 feet from north to south and 113 feet from east to west, of which 78 1-2 feet by 55 1-2 feet composed the building proper, leaving the remainder in facades. The basement under the entire building was used for storage.

On the first floor in the center of the building was a large hall extending from front to rear. In this hall was placed the drinking fountain so highly appreciated by all visitors during the whole term of the Exposition. On the right of the hall the staircase ascended to the second floor. On the front, opening from the porches into the main hall were two large double doors on each side of the large bay window. The first room at the right was the ladies' parlor, and opening from this the ladies' dressing room and toilet. Beyond this and opening from the large hall was the gentlemen's parlor and toilet room. On the other side of the hall the first room at the front was the Commissioner's rooin. The remainder of that entire side of the building was occupied by offices for the Commission, the Superintendent and Secretary, a check room, postofflce, and information bureau.

On the second floor at the front, extending the entire width of the main structure was the reading and press room, where many of the newspapers of the State, both daily and weekly, were aiwaj'S to oe found. This room was also used on special occasions as an assembly room, for representative meetings and conventions of the different organizations visiting the Exposition from Iowa. There were also large spaces on either side of the open well. In the rear were store rooms and rooms occupied by the janitor, assistant janitor and night watchman.


From the roof of the building rose the dome and from it the tall flagstaff from which floated the stars and stripes and the bergee with the word "Iowa." There were domes at the extreme end of each veranda with flagstaff and flag on each. High on the front of the building was the word "Iowa," with the figures "1846-1898." Beneath this, the following motto: "Our liberties we prize, our rights Ave will maintain."

Between the Ionic pillars were hanging baskets filled with vines and foliage plants, which added much to the artistic effect, and in front of the large central porch between the stair-cases there was a huge cornucopia formed of foliage plants, having the effect of casting upon the sward beneath a wealth of blooming plants, typical of the blessings bestowed upon "her citizens by the state; at the base of this the word "Iowa" in bright leaves.. This design was prepared and maintained by J. F. Wilcox, florist, of Council Bluffs.

No competitive exhibits were shown in the building.

In the press room on the second floor there was an exhibit of Indian work by the Indians from the Iowa reservation, and a fine collection of photographs prepared by the President and Board of the Iowa Agricultural College.

On the walls of nearly all the rooms was installed an exhibit of the handiwork of Iowa artists which served to relieve, to some extent, the unfinished appearance of the walls, and these pictures were greatly admired by the thousands of visitors.

One of the most notable exhibits in the building was the mammoth Book, where more than one hundred thousand of Iowa visitors and their friends were pleased to register their names. Full description of this wonderful book is given elsewhere.

The plan adopted by the Iowa Commission that everything about the Building should be free to all visitors proved to be a grand feature in the administration of the affairs of the Building, especially the check room, where thousands of parcels were checked in and out daily, requiring the work of two attendants to accommodate all that wished to avail themselves of this feature free of expense. Writing tables and writing material were furnished in various parts of the building free.

The Postoffice was also a desirable feature, and it required almost constant attention by one of the assistants. There were three deliveries of mail at the Building by the Government letter carriers daily, except Sundays, and many visitors availed themselves of the opportunity of depositing and receiving their mail at the Building.


The Building was comfortably though economically furnished. A carload of rattan chairs, rockers and settees, with a large number of wooden chairs, sofas and benches, furnished sittings for over five hundred people. Cocoa matting extended through the large hall, and all the rooms on the first floor were carpeted with Japanese matting and rugs.

The thanks of the Committee are due to the Rand & Leopold Desk Company, of Burlington, who kindly furnished a carload of their fine office desks and tables for the use of the Commission free of expense except the freight. The Committee also wish to extend their thanks to the Steinway Piano Co., who kindly placed one of their superb Grand Pianos in the parlor of the Building.


A detailed statement in regard to the employees in the State Building and other departments is given in the report of the Superintendent and Secretary, and need not be repeated here. They were all selected from Iowa, and the number was limited to the actual necessities in order to keep the expenaitures in this department within the limit of the amount set apart for their maintamance.


Many hundred applications were received and filed in the office of the Secretary with the best endorsements and recommendations from reliable citizens of the State. These were carefully considered by the Committee, but of course very few of the large number could be chosen.

Reasonable compensation was agreed upon, and those selected as assistants were to be called whenever their services were needed, and their assignment to the various positions was placed in the hands of Superintendent Chase, and they were at all times to be under his control, subject to the action of the Committee.


Your Committee in considering the needs of all the different departments had to consider carefully the estimate of expenditures for the various departments of work, and the Superintendent was, from time to time, requested to exercise economy in order that the expenditures in the different departments might not exceed the appropriation.

It is with pleasure that we are able to announce that in only one or two instances did the amount reach the sum designated for that special purpose, while in many others the amount appropriated was considerably in excess of the amount expended.


At a meeting of the Executive Committee held in September, Superintendent Chase was instructed to advertise for bids for wrecking the State Building, removing the debris, and cleaning the grounds in compliance with the rules of the Board of Management of the Exposition. The Superintendent advertised for bids in the Omaha Bee and World-Herald and in the Council Bluffs Nonpareil as follows:


The Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission offer for sale, to the highest bidder, the Iowa State Building, exclusive of the plumbing, situated on the bluff tract. Lot No. 719, Exposition Grounds, the bids to include the wrecking or removal of the Iowa State Building and leaving the grounds clean or to the satisfaction of the Iowa Commission and the Board of Management of the Exposition. All salvage derived from said building to become the property of the purchaser. Bids to be opened on the 27th of October, at the office of the Secretary, at the Iowa Building, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, the Commission reserving the right to reject any or all bids. For further information, call on the Secretary at the Building.

By Order of the Committee.

S. B. PACKARD, Chairman.

F. N. CHASE, Secretary."

Up to the time designated for the opening of the bids only one bid had been received, and the opening of the bids was postponed until the 29th at which time four bids had been received. On motion, the Secretary was requested to open and read the bids.

Bid No. 1, by A. W. Phelps &. Son, Ninety Dollars ($90.00.)

Bid No. 2, wants one hundred and fifty dollars paid to him in addition to thesalvage.

Bid No. 3, St. Bernard Hospital, by George F. Wright, Agent & Attorney ($300.00.)

Bid No. 4, by C. F. Drake, Two Hundred and One Dollars ($201.00.)

All of these bids were based upon notice to contractors published in the several papers, and all of the bids in compliance with said notice.

The bid of St. Bernard Hospital of Council Bluffs, Iowa, through their attorney. Hon. Geo. F. Wright, being the highest and best bid, was ac-   cepted , contract was entered into with them and wrecking of the building commenced soon after the close of the Exposition, the rules of theExposition requiring that the building should be removed on or before Jan. 1st, 1899.

The plumbing in the building was also advertised for sale. Only one bid was received, offering fifty dollars ($50.00), as it was in place. It was afterwards sold for $90.00.


At the last session of the Executive Committee, held pi-ior to the' close of the Exposition, the disposal of the furniture and property belonging tothe Commission was placed in the hands of P. N. Chase, Superintendent and Secretary, by the following resolution:

"Moved by Commissioner Moore that Secretary Chase have full authority to sell all property of the Iowa Commission not already sold or otherwise disposed of. Motion adopted."

A statement of the proceeds from salvage is attached to and made a part of the report of the Superintendent and Secretary.


Your Committee fully believe that the State through its Legislature acted wisely in planning to participate in this first great western exposition.

The Exposition had its origin in a representative convention composed of intelligent delegates from Iowa and other Trans-Mississippi States and Territories, and Omaha was finally selected as the place for holding the same. The United States government lent its aid, co-operation and financial support, and the Citizens of Omaha and Nebraska and the trunk line railroads by liberal contribution furnished an adequate amount of money, without which no exposition could be made a success.

Notwithstanding the unfortunate circumstance of the Spanish-American war, which diverted the attention of all of our citizens, to some extent at least, from the arts of Peace, still the Exposition, in its beautiful grounds, magnificent buildings, and endless variety of exhibits attracted the attention and admiration of a vast multitude and its success was phenomenal.

It does not seem, in this intelUgent age, necessary to speak of the benefits of great expositions, especially as to the good done to the Trans-Mississippi country by the recent exhibition at Omaha. If this great valley region as a whole has been benefitted, what shall we say of Iowa, on whose very borders the exposition was held, making our state the gateway to it from the east? In an address on a neighboring State day, when praise would naturally be expected to be corfined to the subject of the occasion, a distinguished eastern orator said ir substance: "If I had found no such an exposition here, the ride I have had across the State of Iowa, would have fully repaid me for my trip. "Words cannot picture the scenes spread before me of thriving towns and cities, the vastness of the agricultural section, the high cultivation of the farms, the' wealth of grain and fruit and flowers and the herds and flocks I saw. To me it was a revelation, and I shall tell the story when I return to hundreds who know not of the greatness of Iowa."

The same impression formed on the minds of thousands who cross our State to Omaha, is worth more in an advertising sense, and will bring more material returns to our state than can be expressed in dollars. The education given the thousands of lowans who visited the Exposition is also beyond financial computation. But even in a strictly business sense it would be rash for anyone to deny that within the next few years, all that Iowa appropriated for its exhibit at Omaha will come back to our people many fold.

The benefits resulting to the west at large and to the State of Iowa and its citizens, we believe, will vastly exceed the cost of money and labor and will continue to add greatly to the material growth and prosperity of our great commonwealth.


In closing this report, the Committee desires to put upon record its just appreciation of the satisfactory discharge of the duties imposed upon the Superintendent and Secretary, F. N. Chase.

With the extended acquaintance and thorough knowledge Mr. Chase has had in Exposition work, the Committee was sure he would see his way plainly, but still the labor devolved was more than most men could have done well, when it is considered that the contract for the erection of the Iowa State Building required its completion in less than fifty working days and that this was accomplished under his supervision, and during the same time the work of preparing the space and installing the exhibits to be made by the Commission in the agricultural and horticultural buildings; these exhibits were to be ready for inspection by the opening day of the Exposition, and the work of decorating and furnishing the State Building and the preparation for the dedicatory services held June 23d, the care needed in systematizing the work of those who were to be on duty in the Iowa State Building, besides receiving the vast number of people who had business with the Commission or found pleasure in the genial social qualities of this hard worked official when he was most pressed with his perplexing duties, yet always meeting pleasantly and courteously their calls and in no Instance forgetting that he belonged to and represented Iowa.

As Superintendent, Secretary and disbursing agent, his accounts have been accurately kept and his vouchers have been found to cover every dollar of expenditures and the careful and economical disbursement of the funds entrusted to the Commission meet their expectation and hearty approval.

His duties as Secretary and Comn:issioner in charge of the work of preparing exhibits for the agricultural and horticultural departments during 1897 and up to April 1st, 1898, were faithfully discharged without remuneration. After that time for the period of about eight months his duties required him to be away from home and the compensation allowed by the committee was in no sense a just recompense for the services rendered us.

THEREFORE, The Executive Committee takes much pleasure in testifying to the value of these services and in tendering its thanks for the same.

Executive Committee.







F. N. CHASE. Superintendent and Secretary Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.


Report of Superintendent and Secretary.


To the President and Members of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.

Gentlemen: Complying with the following resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of your Commission in session November 1, 1898, I present my report.


"Moved by Commissioner Markley that Chairman Packard of the Executive committee, assisted by the secretary, be authorized to make a comprehensive report of the doings of the Executive Committee and the Commisson, to be submitted to the final meeting of the Commission when called." Motion adopted.


The Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission was appointed by the Executive Council of state under Chapter one hundred forty-nine (145), laws of the Twenty-sixth General Assembly, which made a preliminary appropriation of ten thousand dollars ($10,000,00) authorized the appointment of a Commission of eleven by the Executive Council, one from each Congressional district.

The following persons were appointed:

First District—JOHN H. WALLBANK, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Second District—SYLYANUS D. COOK, Davenport. Iowa.

Third District—FRANK N. CHASE, Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Fourth District—J. E. E. MARKLEY, Mason City, Iowa.

Fifth District—S. B. PACKARD, Marshalltown, Iowa.

Sixth District—ROBERT H. MOORE, Ottumwa, Iowa.

Seventh District—ALLAN DAWSON, Des Moines, Iowa.

Eighth District—SMITH H. MALLORY, Chariton, Iowa.

Ninth District—GEO. W. McCOID, Logan, Iowa.

Tenth District—OWEN LOVEJOY, Jefferson, Iowa.

Eleventh District—A. W. ERWIN, Sioux City, Iowa.

Governor Francis M. Drake called the Commission together for organization Mav 27, 1897, in the Governors leception room at the Capitci. Ten members were present and aualified. Attorney General Ramley administering the oath A. W. Erwin, commissioner appointed from the Eleventh district, was absent, and has never qualified or met with the Commission Governor Drake read the law, and after asking the Commission to elect their own officers, retired. Organization was perfected.

The second session of the Commission was held at Council Bluffs, at which session the work of the Commission was fully discussed.


At a subsequent meeting, with the view of lessening the expense of administration, the powers of the Commission were delegated to an Executive Committee composed of the following members: S. B. Packard, chairman; S. H. Mallory, J. E. E. Markley, R. H. Moore, S. D. Cook. The secretary was instructed to keep a complete record of all of the acts of the Executive Committeee and report the same to the Commission.

The Twenty-seventh General Assembly made additional appropriation of the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). The amount asked for was forty-seven thousand four hundred dollars ($47,400.00). At the fourth session of the Commission, after additional appropriation had been made, the scope of the work had to be somewhat modified from the original plans of the Commission, and it was found necessary for some one to take immediate and active charge of the work of the Commission, and as the law creating the Commission made no provision for compensation for any officer or member of the Commission, and as no competent person could devote his entire time to work of this character without compensation, the Commission asked the Executive Council of State to accept the resignation of Commissioner Chase of the Third district, in order that they might appoint him as superintendent to take charge of the work, under the direction of the Executive Committee. Your secretary tendered his resignation, which was accepted by the Executive Council, and Captain J. F. Merry of Manchester, Iowa, was appointed to fill the vacancy. The Commission then elected Mr. Chase as sup?rintendent and secretary.

The secretary, who had been discharging the duties of the office without compensation from the 27th of May, 1897, to April 4, 1898, and had also had charge of, and given personal attention to the securing of exhibits from the crop of 1897, accepted the position offered with a determination to exercise the most rigid economy consistent with the best interests of the state, and to make the best showing at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition that could possibly be made with the amount of money the state had placed at the disposal of the Commission.

For a detailed report as secretary, I call your attention to a complete copy of the minutes of all sessions of the Commission and of the Executive Committee on file in the oflfice of the se?retary of the Executive Council of State. A full and complete financial statement is published herewith.


The Commission and the Executive Council of State are entitled to, and I herewith submit, a report as superintendent placed in charge of the work of the Commission by the resolution above referred to.

This work is also partly covered by the minutes of the several sessions of the Commission and Executive Committee, and need not be repeated in this report.

The most important and immediate work was that of advertising for bids for the erection of the State building, the cost of which was limited by statute to eight thousand dollars ($8,000.00). After considerable difficulty and much delay, contract was entered into with P. H. Wind of Council Bluffs, Iowa, for the sum of seven thousand seven hundred ninety-five dollars ($7,795.00), this being the lowest and best bid received by the Executive Committee. Work was immediately commenced, and your superintendent devoted as much time as possible looking after the construction of the building as supervising architect.

In the meantime, a joint meeting of the Executive Council of State and of the Commission was held in Des Moines and plans agreed upon for the disbursement of the funds, believing that the best and most satisfactory results could be obtained by first making a comfortable headquarters for the accommodation of Iowa visitors and their friends and for the necessary offices of the Commission, and then make exhibits representing the leading industries of our state, rather than to go into all departments with an exhi-   bit entirely unworthy of our state. The disposition of the funds was made by a special committeee, State Treasurer Herriott and Commissioner Markley, appointed at the conference just referred to, and is as follows:

For State Building $8,000.00

For furnishing 1,070.00

For Department of Agriculture 5,500.00

For Department of Horticulture 1,500.00

For Music 2,500.00

For dedication, state days, etc 2,000.00

For commissioners' expenses, administration, incidental expenses

connected therewith, and expenses not otherwise specified 4,800.00

For secretary's office, with assistants and incidental expenses 2,800.00

For assistants, employes in the Iowa State Building and in connection with the state exhibits 2,625.00

For sinking fund, insurance, returning exhibits, wrecking building, etc 1.500.00

This apportionment was subject to change by the joint action of the Executive Council and the Iowa Coniiuisaion or its Executive Committee.

The Iowa Building was completed in accordance with the terms of the contract and furnished comfortably but without needless expense. The walls and ceilings were covered with burlap instead of being plastered, and on the walls was hung a very creditable display of the work of Iowa artists, under the direction of Commissioner Cook. The building was dedicated with proper ceremonies on the 23d of June, 1898. The exhibits in departments of Agriculture and Horticulture were conipleted and ready for inspection on June 1, the opening day of the Exposition; an account of the ceremonies as well as the celebration of Iowa day, September 21, will be fully given in the report of the Committee on Ceremonies.

As soon as the building was completed and suitably furnished, the employes were installed and the house was opened to visitors from 8 a. m. until 8 p. m. every day during the Exposition, excepting Sundays. Of course, there were some complaints on account of the building not being open late in the evening and on Sundays, but the masses of the people from Iowa and other states were well satisfied and greatly pleased with the comfort, conveniences and attention they received at the building.

Tables, supplied free of charge, with stationery and other writing material, were placed on the first and second floors. The postoffice was well patronized. The free check room was highly appreciated by all. It is true that sometimes our hospitality was abused, for in most of the state buildings a charge was made for checking, while it was well known that everything was free at the Iowa building. "What would we have done without the Iowa building?" was the expression of thousands of visitors.

It was hardly possible with one set of employes to do more than was done. The entire building had to be cleaned and put in order every night and dusted every morning by the same parties that were in charge during the day. and repairs and extra cleaning had to be done on Sundays by the same employes.

It was deemed inexpedient by the Executive Committee to go to the expense of having the building wired and furnished with electrical apphances for lighting, as there was practically no demand for keeping the building open after 8 p. m., as no effort was made to maintain any social functions at the building on account of the necessary expense it w^ould incur. The night watchman on duty was always ready to deliver packages and answer calls until after 12 o'clock.

The popular concerts, fireworks and other attractions, furnished by the Exposition management, entertained all visitors every evening from 8 o'clock until midnight, and the state buildings were practically deserted.


Iowa's big book for registering the names of visitors was one of the chief attractions to the visitors from all the states. It was furnished to the Compiission free of charge by the Republican Printing Company of Cedar Rapids, and this, perhaps the largest book in the world, was nearly filled with names before the close of the Exposition.

The book is ten inches thick and thirty inches wide and thirty-two inches long, contains nearly three thousand pages, and has space for over one hundred thousand names, and weighs, with the covers, three hundred pounds. Three books of gold leaf were used in the lettering and ornamentation. The material is valued at $200.00, and the total cost of the book $300.00.

This book served its purpose well, and perhaps attracted more attention than any other Iowa exhibit, and I believe the Republican Printing Company of Cedar Rapids is entitled to the thanks of the Commission, and I beg to suggest that the book be deposited in the historical department, to be kept as a remembrance of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, in compliance with the request of the donor.


Before the opening of the Exposition, when members of the Board of Management were inclined to criticise the Iowa board for the seeming lack of interest on account of our unwillingness to pay for space in the department exposition buildings, and for space on the grounds for the Iowa State building, they were repeatedly assured by your superintendent that Iowa would do her full share towards supporting the enterprise, and that she would send more visitors through the Exposition gates than any other state. These statements were fully verified, and it was stated by many that Iowa sent more visitors to the Exposition than all other states combined outside of Nebraska, and I believe the facts will prove these statements to be true. From the opening day of the Exposition until its close the attendance from Iowa was remarkable, especially from the western portion of the state. Nearly every week the railroads gave a rate of one cent a mile from all points within a radius of one hundred and fifty miles of Omaha, thus reaching Sioux City, Boone, Des Moines, and south to St. Joseph, Mo., and when the low rates were extended throughout the entire state, the rush of visitors from Iowa was marvelous, and before the close of the Exposition the members of the Board of Management were profuse with their compliments, both on account of what the state had done in the way of exhibits and for the large patronage by her citizens. This large number of visitors made the building a busy place.


The total number of employes at the Iowa State building during the term ot the Exposition was twenty. Some of these were emploj^ed for one month only, others were re-appointed and remained two months, while only two outside of the secretary's office remained during the full term of the Exposition, thus carrying out the plan adopted by the Commission to change the employes whenever it could be done without detriment to the service.


In view of the combustible nature of the Iowa building and the buildings adjacent thereto, it was deemed advisable to place on the building a reasonable amount of insurance, not only on the building, but on its contents. In compliance with the instructions of the Executive Committee, I placed $5,500.00 of fire insurance and $3,500.00 tornado insurance upon the building, and $3,500.00 upon the furnishings and exhibits. The insurance on the building expired November 1, on the contents November 20, 1898.


One of the greatest luxuries of the Iowa Building during the hot weather was the inexhaustiblesupplyof ice water at the drinking fountain in the hall   of the building. This increased to some extent the amount of our ice and water bills, but we believe it was a good investment, and it seemed to be a necessity.


The repairs on the building from the time it came into the possession of the Commission until it was sold were nominal, with the exception of necessary repairs upon the roof to prevent leakage, but this had been provided for with the contractor, he having agreed in his contract to keep the roof in good repair until the close of the Exposition, which he did promptly whenever notified.

During the last half of September and the month of October the weather was unreasonably cold. Oil stoves and large lamps were used, and everything that could be done for the comfort of visitors was done, but it was exceedingly uncomfortable both for visitors and employes.


Resolutions were adopted by the Executive Committee authorizing the superintendent to advertise for bids for wrecking the State building.

The following resolution was adopted, instructing the seci-etary to dispose of the property of the Commission:

Motion by Commissioner Moore "that Secretary Chase have full authority to sell all property of the Iowa Commission not already sold or otherwise disposed of."

Also motion by Commissioner Markley "that the superintendent and secretary be authorized to continue employes until in his judgment their services were no longer necessary, and as soon as any employes can be disposed of the same should be done."

The sale of the building was effected on October 29. Some of the furniture had already been listed for sale, and immediately after the close of the Exposition, all the employes not absolutely necessary to be retained to assist in dismantling and shipping the exhibits were dismissed, and the work of disposing of the furniture and other material was commenced, and the exhibits were boxed and shipped as rapidly as possible. The night watchman was retained, and during the night time patrolled the building constantly until all the property of the Commission was removed from the building. The material in the agricultural exhibit was disposed of.

Statement of Salvage account is attached hereto marked "Exhibit A."

The structures used in making up the installation in the horticultural building were of very little value on a?count of peculiar shape in which our exhibit in that building had to be installed, being one quarter of the center of the building under the dome The material used had to be cut in such manner as to make it worthless for any other purpose, and after several unsuccessful efforts had been made to dispose of it, at some price, it was left in the building.

On November 20 your suparintendent removed the office to Cedar Falls, taking Mr. Thode, the bookkeeper, with him to assist in completing the work. We have made careful examination of the books, vouchers and accounts, compared with warrants, and prepared a financial statement carefully verified for the auditing committee. Since that time, all matters in connection with the salvage account and the disposition of matters pertaining to the live stock department have b3en settled.


The Iowa exhibitors were remarkably fortunate in securing medals and diplomas in the departments of agriculture, dairy, apiary and horticulture. In the live stock department cash prizes were awarded in addition to ribbons and diplomas.


The premiums awarded were of the first, second and third class and honorable mention. All parties receiving an award were entitled to a diploma, and the diploma stated whether it was to be accompanied by a gold, silver or brass medal. Diplomas for honorable mention were not accompanied with medal.

The Exposition management issued all their medals in bronze, and have been severely criticised for so doing. The Iowa Commission felt humiliated at having to distribute bronze medals where the diploma accompany the same called for gold or silver, but as no provision had been made for this unexpected event, they did not feel justified in expending the money belonging to the state for gold or silver plating and engi'aving the medals. They were, therefore, distributed from this ofllce as they came from the bureau of awards, each one, however, accompanied by a letter of explanation.

The collective exhibits made by the Commission in the horticultural building and the agricultural building were both entered in competition with other states and territories, and we were awarded diploma and gold medal on each. I have had these inedals gold plated and properly engraved, and they are now ready to turn over to the state.

The total number of awards to Iowa exhibitors in all departments was 602.


A short time before the close of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, a project was started for reopening the Exposition in 1899. Mass meetings were held, and some of the representatives of the several states who had participated in the Trans-Mississippi Exposition were very enthusiastic and anxious to participate in the new Exposition. Being the only representative of the Iowa Commission present at the time, and being urged to attend these meetings, I took the responsibility of declining and saying that Iowa would not participate in an Exposition if held in 1899. I was obliged to take action without consultation, and from my past experience in these matters, I felt sure that both the Commission and the Executive Council of State would approve the action I had taken.


After the apportionment of the funds at the disposal of the Commission by the special committee appointed by the Executive Council and the Commission, it required careful forethought on the part of the superintendent in order that the expenditures in the several departments should not exceed the amount set apart for each. The superintendent, under the rules, was disbursing agent. I am able to report that in nearly every instance the expense incurred in each department was less than the amount named by the committee. The exceptions were in the department of furniture and furnishings for the State building, and in the horticultural exhibit. In the department of furnishings for the State building, the necessary expense exceeded the amount appropriated for that purpose. This was on account of unexpected work that had to be done by the Commission to beautify the grounds, gravel the walks and for flags and decorations, and this department seemed to be the appropriate one to which such should be made. The water supply, ice bills and many other incidentals, w^ere also put into this account.

The amount set aside for installing and maintaining an exhibit of the horticulture of the State was $1,.500. It was thought at the time that this would be insufficient, but it was hoped and expected that from $500.00 to SI, 000. 00 would be added to this amount by contribution from the State Horticultural Society. Nothing, however, was received from that Society.

Some small errors were found in verifying the accounts, and the amount of these, with more than one thousand dollars received on account of salvage, has been turned over to Treasurer McCoid.


It is a source of gratification that I am able to report that the expense of administration has been less than was anticipated, and from the amount set apart for this purpose and for the Agricultural Exhibit, enough was saved to aid the Iowa Live Stock exhibitors to the extent of $1,5000.00. This aid brought out a very creditable exhibit from the stock breeders of Iowa. All these matters are fully shown in the financial statement. That statement also shows that one thousand dollars of the amount appropriated was never drawn from the State treasury, and the sum of three thousand dollars has been refunded to the State. A small balance is still in the treasury of the Commission, which will be sufficient for the publication and distribution of the final report of the Commission and the incidental expenses connected therewith. All of which will be accounted for in a supplemental report, with proper vouchers for expenditures, and will be placed on file with the governor.

All of which is most respectfully submitted,


Superintendent and Secretary Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.



Exhibit A.

J.F.Wilcox, furniture $ 2.2S

Mrs. J. E. Wigman, furniture 1.00

J. R. Hudson, furniture 2.60

Chas. J. Barber, desk 20.50

W. L. Wilson, chairs and settees 14.40

St. Bernard's Hospital, furniture 30.00

B. J. Moore, chair 1.30

Mrs. R. Laing, chairs 2.30

Frank Merriam, furniture 2.10

Sunshine Publishing Company, furniture 6.25

Eva Robinson, table 1.85

R. G. Fritz, wood chairs 27.35

Cash, old mats and matting 1.50

Mrs. J. A. Lash, chairs and benches 2.30

Chas. D. Thompson, table 22.00

St. Bernard's Hospital, furniture 26.40

J. W. Squires, desks and furniture 136.95

S. Clark, chairs, etc 5.60

L. G. Chute, chairs 2.50

Iowa State Building, above expense of wrecking and cleaning the grounds as per contract 300.00

Mrs. Ish, chairs and matting 8.55

St. Bernard's Hospital, matting and dishes 12.90

Mrs. Robins, chairs 6.50

Levy, mats and matting 10.50

Scott & Scott, desk, table and clocks 9.75

I. Levy, benches and chairs 11.50

I. Levy, books and bench 60

I. Levy, job lot 3.00

J. D. Hornby, stoves, furniture, and bedding 13.45

Cash, one lot old matting 2.00

Cash, one step ladder, broken 75

Cash, lamps 60

Cash, one red settee, B. O. 1.00

School for the Deaf, chairs 4.00

J. J. Brown, chairs 3.60

J. E. Thode, desk 22.00

J. E. E. Markley, desk 30.00

Matt Parrott, chairs and settees 10.60

P. H. Wind, chairs 4.45

Mrs. C. W. Wilson, chairs, settees and lamp 5.45

Sanford Harris, two dressers, bad order 5.00

Cash, one rope mat, B. O. 25

Cash, one settee, badly broken 1.00

H. S. Josselyn, chairs and settees 4.75

Geo. W. McCoid, chairs, settees and table 27.85

F. N. Chase, furniture, stoves and paper 12.30


S. B. Packard, oil stove and furniture 4.70

S. H. Mallory, furniture 11.45

Cash, two pillows, @ 25c 50

Cash, two cushions, @ 15c 30

Cash, one basket 25

Cash, brush, pail, mop and glasses 1.00

Cash, one lot old mats and matting 1.55

L. G. Clute, desk 24.00

L. G. Clute, tools and material 7.59

Cash, from sale of exhibits 64.10A

Cash for machine sold, less repairs 21.50

On account of sale of plumbing material 90.00

Total $1,048.44


Thirteen cases Glass Tubes and Inverted Glass Show Bottles.

Ten Tapestry Paintings representing Iowa's Industries.

One Registry Book, containing names of visitors.

Three Iowa Signs.

One Diploma, framed, awarded to State of Iowa for Agricultural Exhibit.

One Diploma, framed, awarded to State of Iowa for Horticultural Exhibit.

One Gold Medal in Morocco Case awarded Agricultural Exhibit.

One Gold Medal in Morocco Case awarded Horticultural Exhibit.




Report ot the Department of fine Arts.

By S. D. COOK.

When the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission was organized it was intended that the Department of Liberal Arts and fine Arts should be creditably represented at the Exposition, and I had the honor of being chosen by the Iowa Commission as Commissioner of Education and Fine Arts, and at once placed myself in touch with the educators and artists of the State, which is conspicuous in the middle west for its institutions of learning. My efforts met with hearty response.

But as a member of the Executive Committee I soon discovered that we could not properly represent all the departments the Commission had originally outlined. Realizing that the state's basis of wealth and prosperity were agriculture, live stock and horticulture and that the funds at our command would not justify us in making exhibits outside of these industries I proposed to abandon the educational and fine arts exhibit, which was concurred in by the Commission.

I then proposed to solicit the artists of the state for a loan of their best work for the purpose of interior decoration of the Iowa building. This request was generously responded to, and the cost of transportation and installation was saved from other appropriations. In addition to this, with the consent of the Commission I ordered ten large tapestries representing the leading industries of Iowa, which were executed by the noted artist, Carl Burrette, at the nominal expense of two hundred and fifty dollars ($2.50.00). These pictures were a unique feature of the Iowa building, and attracted considerable notice. They could have been sold on the Exposition grounds for much more than their original cost, but, with the consent of the Executive Council, I respectfully recommend that they be turned over to the historical department and become a permanent possession of the State.

Respectfully submitted,

S. D. COOK, Commissioner in Charge.


S B. PACKARD. Commissioner in Charge of the Department of Live Stock.


Report of the Department ot Live Stock


Commissioner in Charge.

To the President and Members of the Iowa Commission, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.

Gentlemen: As Commissioner in charge of the Iowa Exhibit of Live Stock, I beg to submit the following report:

The Live Stock Exhibit opened September 19 and closed October 20. Division P, the Exhibit of Poultry, opened September 19 and closed September 30; division A, Exhibit of Cattle; B, Horses, Jacks, Jennets and Mules; C, Sheep; D, Swine, opened October 3, closed October 20. Division E, Fat Stock, opened October 13, closed October 20. Entries were advertised to close August 10, except Fat Stock, Avhich closed August 15. The time of closing of entries was extended in some cases to a later date.

The determination of the Exposition Management to pay no cash prizes was so generally disapproved and caused such wide dissatisfaction among the intending exhibitors that for a time it seemed that the Exhibition would prove a failure. The premium lists were not issued pending this period of uncertainty. Finally, the Exposition Management authorized cash premiums to the amount of about thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00), and soon thereafter issued premium lists, when the condition changed and the work of preparation was actually begun by the owners of live stock.

A catalogue of the entries was prepared and issued, sold at twenty-flve cents per copy, upon the opening of the exhibit, showing two thousand three hundred and fifty (2,350) animals, occupying fifty barns, which were found generally satisfactory for the sheltering of the stock, an ampitheater was built surrounding a spacious ring for judging the cattle and horses and providing comfortable seats for visitors to witness the placing of the ribbons. The barns were built facing two main streets running east and west. The horse barns were 36x100 feet; the cattle barns 34x100 feet; the sheep and swine barns 30x100 feet, with seven feet posts at the walls, with broad passageways through the center for the use of visitors. There was a charge of five dollars per stall (double) for cattle; three dollars per stall (single) for hoi-ses; and two dollars and forty cents per pen for swine and sheep—horse stalls six feet in width, cattle stalls ten feet, and pens seven by eight feet. Exhibitors and caretakers had to pay for a season pass for each person two dollars. Forage, grain and bedding was furnished at market prices. A switching or terminal charge of five dollars per car for bringing the car in and the same amount for taking the car out was charged by the Exposition. It may be presumed that a trifle of this amount went to the railways, which had tracks to the Exposition Grounds. It will thus be seen that an exhibitor was well taxed for the opportunity to show his stock and to try to win some of the premiums offered.

Stock was exhibited from states as far east as New York, west to Colorado, north to Canada and south to Kentucky, but Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas.: Illinois and Wisconsin were the principal states that made the exhibit.


The Exhibit of Poultry was small, and few people found the place wherethe birds were shown. Nebraska provided an exhibit on the main thoroughfare (not for premiums) which was generally regarded by the public as the Exposition Exhibit, but this exhibit was in a distant part of the grounds in one of the stock barns.

This report will be confined to the record of Iowa in the exhibits, but the number of competing herds, flocks, etc., from other states will be noted in connection with the awards. There were exhibits of some breeds of horses and sheep from other states where there was no competition from Iowa, as follows:


STANDARD BRED—One horse from Missouri.

FRENCH COACH—Exhibitors from Ohio, Nebraska and Illinois.

OLDENBURG—One exhibitor from Nebraska.

CLEVELAND BAYS—One exhibitor from Ohio.

CLYDESDALES—One exhibitor from. Minnesota.

SHIRES AND FRENCH DRAFT—One exhibitor from Nebraska and Illinois in each class.

HACKNEY—One exhibitor from Illinois.


CATSWOLDS—An exhibitor from Wisconsin and two from Canada.

LEICESTERS—An exhibitor from New York and one each from Canada and Nebraska.

LINCOLN—Two exhibitors from Canada.

SOUTHDOWN—One exhibitor from Wisconsin and one from Nebraska.

FRENCH MERINOS—Two exhibitors from Ohio and one from Kansas.

MERINOS—Exhibitors from Kansas, Illinois and Ohio.

The following named persons from Iowa exhibited live stock


G. E. Ward, Hawarden, herd, 11 head.

John Cresswell, Bonaparte, herd, 8 head

T. R. Westrope, Harlan, herd, 10 head.

Charles C Norton, Corning, herd, 7 head.

Albert Harrah, Newton, herd, 4 head.

Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, herd, 13 head.


Peter Mouw, Orange City, herd, 10 head.

Z. T. Kinsell, Mount Ayr, herd, 8


W. A. McHenry, Denison, herd, 12 head.

Charles Escher & Sons, Botna, herd, 8 head.

John Evans, Jr. & Sons, Emerson, herd, 16 head.

Iowa Agricultural College. Ames, 1 bull.

A. C. Binnie, Alta, herd, 7 head.


L. E. Williams, Glenwood, herd, 10 head.


W. B. Barney, Hampton, herd, 16 head.


J. M. Hughes, Luray, herd, 4 head.




Peter Hopley, Lewis, stable, 18 head.


E. Lefebure, Fairfax, stable, 13 head.


Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, 1 stallion.


W. L. DeClow, Cedar Rapid?, stable, 19 head.


Geo. E. Morse, Genoa Bluffs, 1 pair mules.


Blakely and Co., Grinnell, flock, 24 head.


Ed Wineland, Avoca, flock, 15 head.


Ed Wineland, Avoca, flock, 30 head.



A. J. Lytle, Oskaloosa, herd, 28 head.

J. H. Van Buren, Quimby, 1 sow.

W. G. Tittsworth, AvoCa, 1 sow.

Hoover and Harrison, Oskaloosa, herd, 11 head.

G. F. Marshall, Monroe, herd, 15 head.

C. Gloe, Clinton, herd, 2 head.

Harvey Johnson, Logan, herd, 25 head.

Richie Bros., St. Charles, 1 Boar.

F. M. McDiarmid, Cumberland, herd, 20 head.

A. W. Albertson, Inwood, herd. 5 head.

L. Maasdom & Son, Bella, herd, 4 head.

Thomas Stevenson, Fifleld, herd, 13 head.

Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, 1 sow.


Wm. Roberts and Son, Paton, herd, 24 head.

John Henderson, Panora, herd, 20 head.


Ida H. Haworth, New Sharon, herd, 15 head.


James A. Loughridge, Sigourney, herd, 30 head.

The Exhibit of Cattle at the Exposition was a record breaker. The Herefords, leading with an exhibit the equal of which was never seen in this country, and probably never in England, with an entry list of nineteen herds, the display in all classes was one long to be remembered by those present. Two of the herds were from Iowa, as noted.




The best of the cattle of beef breeds exhibited from Iowa were in the Short Horn and Aberdeen Angus classes Six herds of Short Horns were from Iowa, one each from Nebraska, Minnesota and Missouri, while the show of "doddies" included four Iowa herds and one each from Illinois and Nebraska.


The Superintendent of the Live Slock Exhibit was J. B. Dinsmore of Sutton, Neb., and assistant, C. H. Elmendorf, Nebraska men with experience. Mr. Dinsmore having occupied the same post at the Chicago World's Fair.


Mr. Dinsmore selected Mr. Richard Gibson of Canada as judge in the Short Horn classes. This selection met with a determined protest from Mr. G. E. Ward, Hawarden, Iowa. Mr. Ward, at great expense, secured and fitted a herd of Short Horns, which warranted his expectations of winning the blue ribbon throughout the circuit of 1898. His principal competitor was the Minnesota herd owned by H. F. Brown. The first battle was fought in the aged bull class at the Minnesota State Fair, where the two judges, one from Iowa and the other from Minnesota, "tied," each favoring the representative of his State, and a Minnesota umpire awarded first to Mr. Brown's bull nominee, and second to St. Valentine," Mr. Ward's bull. This decision, while not satisfactory, was abided by with the best grace possible, with the expectation that at the Indiana and Illinois State fairs other influence would give fair play. Mr. Ward made the circuit with his herd. While at Indianapolis and Springfield his St. Valentine won, but did not encounter the Minnesota herd till reaching Omaha. There Mr. Ward felt that since Mr. Gibson was reported to be the brother-in-law of the man who had raised Mr. Brown's bull, "Nominee," and was said to have figured in his purchase for use in the Brown herd, and would not be sufficiently impartial to be placed as judge


In protesting to Mr. Dinsmore against having Mr. Gibson act as judge, these reports were given as a resaon why a change should be made. This brought out the suggestion from the superintendent that if the judge was unsatisfactory he (Ward) need not bring his herd to the Exposition. On reflection, and on the advice of prominent owners of Short Horn cattle who were much interested in having a good exhibit of the breed and that the absence of the herd would leave the way open without embarrassment for the honors to go to the Minnesota herd, Mr. Ward's herd was taken to Omaha, notwithstanding the apparent lack of fair play promised. The selection of Mr. Gibson as one of the judges to award the sweepstakes was also met with a firm protest by the Short Horn and Hereford Exhibitors, and upon the refusal to substitute some other person, the Hereford and Short Horn breeders, with the single exception of the Minnesota herd of Short Horns and the "cross" herd of Hereford, were not led into the ring.


The award of first place to "Nominee," the Minnesota bull, over St. Valentine the Iowa bull, by the judge was received by the onlookers with hisses. In the herd contest of this breed the award of first to the Minnesota herd over the Ward Iowa herd by the same judge was received with even a more marked disapproval by the grand stand and the exhibitors about the ring. While Iowa had, except in the Hereford classes, the best exhibit of cattle of any State, she certainly, without representation in the management was entitled to fair play in the judging: ribbons won otherwise only emphasizes the lack of superiority and wilely advertises that fact at the same time.


In some cases animals are so nearly equal in merit that a fancy or bias of a type or quality can honestly be shown by a judge without prejudice, and in such a contest it is always considered no discredit to an owner when good judges concede that of two animals either can be put first according to one's fancy without discrediting the second.

It is not, however, considered good form for an owner to give more attention to the selection of the judge than is consistent in getting fair play.


SHORT HORN CLASS—One herd each from Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and six herds from Iowa.


EXHIBITOR—George E. Ward, Hawarden.

Class I., Name of Animal., Age., Aged, Prem., Amount.

Bulls, St. Valentine, Aged, 2d, $15.00

", Gold Dust, Two Years, 3d, 10.00

", St. Valentine 12, Calf, 5th, commended

Cows, Monarch's Lady, Aged, 2d, 15.00

", Norah's Valentine, Two years, 1st, 20.00

", Selma, Two years, 3d, 10.00

", Lady Valentine, One year, 1st, 20.00

", Nydia of Oak Hill, One year, 2d, 15.00

", Verbena Valentine, cdalf, 5th, commended

Herd, St. Valentine, Monarch's Lady, Norah's Valentine, Lady Valentine, Verbena Valentine, Aged, 2d, 15.00

Get of Sire, St. Valentine, four animals, 1st, 20.00

Produce of Cow, 17th Scottish Lady, two animals, 1st, 20.00

Sweepstakes, Bull, St. Valentine, Aged, 2d, 15.00

Cow, Monarch's Lady, Aged, 2d, 15.00

", Norah's Valentine, Two years, 3d, 10.00

$ 200.00

EXHIBITOR—Westrope & Son, Harlan.

Class I., Name of Animal., Prem., Amount.

Bull, Young Abbottsburn 2d, Two years, 2d, $15.00

Cows, Wild Eyes, Aged, 5th, commended

", Sweet Violet 2d, Two years, 2d, 15.00

", Lady of Pine Valley, Calf, 3d, 7.00

Herd, Young Abbottsburn 2d. Queen of Scotland, Sweet Violet 2d. Alice Mand 3d, Lady of Pine Valley, Aged, 3d, 10.00

Young Herd, Bull and four Heifers bred by exhibitor, Under 2 years, 3d, 10.00

Get of Sire, Lavender King 3d, four animals, 3d, 10.00

Produce of Cow, Mary Tulip, Roan Mary and Welcome Chief, 3d, 10.00

$ 77.00

EXHIBITOR—C. C. Norton, Corning.

Class I, Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount.

Bulls, Banker, One year, 1st, $20.00

", Sittyton Hero 2d, Calf, 4th, highly commen'd

Cows, Sweet Charity 5th, Calf, 3d, 10.00

Young Herd, Banker, Lady Gloster, Coreopsis, Brampton Lillie, Sweet Charity 5th, Under 2 years, 20.00

$ 50.00

EXHIBITOR—Iowa Agricultural College. Ames.

Class I., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount.

Coutier, Two years, 4th, highly commen'd




With four herds from Iowa and one each from llliniois and Nebraska.

EXHIBITOR—W. A. McHenry, Denison.

Class III., Name of Animal., Age, Prem., Amount.

Bull, Heather Lad 4th, 12,747, Aged, 3d, $ 10.00

", McHenry King 2d, 26.064, One year, 2d, 15.00

", McHenry King 8th, 29.556, Calf, 2d, 10.00

Cows, Blackbird McHenry 3d, 17,479, Aged, 2d, 15.00

", Pride McHenry 7th, 23,939, Two years, 1st, 20.00

", Blackbird McHenry 12th, 23.941, Two years, 3d, 10.00

", Coquette McHenry llth, 26,059, One year, 1st, 20.00

", Coquette McHenry 12, 26 661, One year, 2d, 15.00

", Barbara McHenry 10, 20,085, Calf, 4th, highly commen'd

Herds, Heather Lad 4th at the head, Aged, 2d, 15.00

", McHenry King 2d at the head, Young, 1st, 20.00

Get of Sire, Heather Lad 4th, four animals, 1st, 20.00

Get of Sire, heather Blackbird, four animals, 2d, 15.00

Produce of Cow, Jesamine, 1,405, two animals, 3d, 10.00

Sweepstakes Bull, McHenry King, 2d 26,064, One year, 4th, highly commen'd

Any age, Cow, McHenry Pride 7th, 23,939, Two years, 2d, 15.00


Bull, McHenry King 2d. 26,064, One year, 2d, $ 9.00

", McHenry King 8th, 29,556, Calf, 3d, 6.00

Cows, Blackbird McHenry 3d, 17,479, Aged, 4th, highly commen'd

", Pride McHenry 7th, 23,939, Two years, 1st, 20.00

", Coquette McHenry 11th, 26,059, One year, 2d, 9.00

", Coquette McHenry 12th, 26,061, One year, 3d, 6.00


Herds, Heather Lad 4th at the head, Aged, 4th, highly commen'd

McHenry King 2d at the head, Young, 1st, $ 75.00

$ 335.00

EXHIBITOR—Escher & Sons. Botna.

Clas III., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount.

Bull, Clansman Chief, 16,026, Aged, 2d, $15.00

", Proud Patrick 2d, 29,763, Calf, 1st, 15.00

Cows, .... Honey Moon of North Oaks, 18,044, aged, 1st, 20.00

", Florette, 21.884, Aged, 3d, 10.00

", Eva of Long Branch, 24,797, Two years, 2d 15.00

", Jennie Bawbee, 27,899, One year, 4th, highly commen'd

", " Valetta of Long Branch, 28.902, Calf, 1st, 15.00

Herds, Herds Clansman Chief at the head, Aged, 1st, 20.00


Bull, any age, Clansman Chief, 16.026, Aged, 3d, 10.00

Cow, any age, Honey Moon of North Oaks, 18,014, Aged, 1st, 20.00

Eva of Long Branch, 24,797, Two years, 3d, 10.00


Bull, Clansman Chief, 16.026, Aged, 3d, $10.00

", Proud Patrick 2d, 29,763, Calf, 2d, 9.00

Cows, Honev Moon of North Oaks, 18,044, Aged 5th, commended

", Eva of Long Branch, 24,797, Two years, 2d, 15.00

", Valetta of Long Branch, 28.902, 9.00


Herd, Clansman Chief at the head, Aged, 3d, $ 30.00

$ 223.00


Red Polled Heifer, Spotless 6th.



EXHIBITOR—A. C. Binnie, Alta.

Class III., Name of Animal, Age., Prem., Amount.

Bull...Heather Lad of Emerson 2d...Aged...1st...$20.00

Cows...Mina of North Oaks...aged...4th...highly commen'd

"...Stately Beauty of Alta...Two years...4th...high commen'd

"...Mina of Alta...One year...5th...commended

Herd"...Heather Lad of Emerson...2d at the head...Aged...3d...10.00


Bull any age., Heather Lad of Emerson 2d, Aged, 1st, $20.00


Bull, Heather Lad of Emerson 2d, 2d, $ 15.00

$ 65.00

EXHIBITOR—J. Evans Jr. & Son, Emerson.

Class III., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount. AUgust, 26, 706...One year...3d...$10.00

Cows...Evans Blackcap, 25, 705...One year...3d...10.00

"...Rose of Emerson 5th, 29, 547...Calf...5th...commended

Herds...Black August at the head...Young...15.00

Produce of a cow...August Flower 2d, 21, 145, two animals...1st...20.00


EXHIBITOR—Iowa Agricultural College, Ames.

Class III., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount.

Bull, Roseberry of Lakeside, 25,639, Two years, 1st, $20.00

Bull any age, Roseberry of Lakeside, 25,639, Two years, 5th, commended


Bull any age, Roseberry of Lakeside, 25,639, Two years, 5th, commended


Holstein Friesian were exhibited from Nebraska, three herds, one from New York and one from Iowa. The record made by the Iowa herd is one very gratifying, as follows:

EXHIBITOR—W. B. Barney. Hampton.

Class VII., Name of Animal, Age., Prem., Amount.

Bull...Chief of Maple Hill 4th...Aged...1st...$15.00

"...Jewel of Home Farm...Two years...1st...15.00

"...Sensational Chief...Calf...3d...5.00

"...Waspie Jewel Chief...Calf...3d...5.00

Cows...Minnie Spaanz...Aged...3d...commended

"...Bentje...Aged...4th...highly commen'd

"...Pence 5th Netherland...Two years...4th...highly commen'd

"...Empress of Home year...3d...12.00

"...Empress Gerben of Home Farm...Calf...3d...5.00

"...Gerben Empress of Home Farm...Calf...5th...commended

Herd...Jewel of Home Farm at the head...Aged...2d...12.00

"...Sensational Chief at the head...Young...3d...8.00

Get of Sire...Chief of Maple HIll 4th, 4 animals...3d...8.00

Produce of Cow...Empress Josephine 3d, Gerbern two animals...3d...8.00


Bull any age, Jewel of Home Farm, Two years, 1st, $ 15.00

Chief of Maple Hill 4th, Aged, 2d, 12.00


Class XV. GRAND SWEEPSTAKES BY AGES, General Purpose Breeds.

Bull, Jewel of Home Farm, Two years, $15.00


Herd, Jewel of Home Farm at the head, aged, 3d, 30.00


Three herds of Red Polled cattle were exhibited being from Wisconsin, Nebraska and Iowa. The following is the record of the Iowa herd:

EXHIBITOR—S. A. Converse, Cresco.

Class X., Name of Animal, Age., Prem., Amount.

Bull .. Cows . Herd. Name of Animal. Lofty E 13th Red Mabel A 12th Rav 3d, P.9 Spotless, VI, A. 13 Tip III, 74 Rav V, P.9 Queen Bess II, A. 12 Baveris Bess II, A. 12 Lofty E 13 at head of herd Age. Prem. Aged 3d Aged 3d Aged 4th .... Two vears 1st Two ^-ears 3d .... One year 2d Calf 1st Calf 3d Aged 2d Amount. $ 8.00 8.00 highly commen'd 15.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00


Cows, Spotless VI, A 13, Two years, —2d., 12.00


Cows, Spotless VI, A 13, Two years, 4th, highly commen'd

", Ray V, One year, 3d, 6.00

", Queen Bess 2d, A 13, Calf, 5th, commended

$ 98.00

There were two herds of Polled Durhams exhibited, one from Ohio and the following from Iowa:

EXHIBITOR—J. M. Hughes, Luray.

Class XI., Name of Animal., Age., Amount

Prem. 2d 3d .3d .... 4th ... . Amount Bull Aged Aged $ 12.00 8.00 Cow Calf 5.00 highly commen'd


Bull, Aged, 2d, 12.00

Cow, Aged, 3d, 8.00

$ 45.00


The Jersey ring was the best show of Jerseys that has been seen since the Worlds Fair at Chicago.

There were two herds from Nebraska and one each from New York, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa, represented by L. E. Williams, of Glenwood. None of the Iowa herd caught the eye of the judge for a cash prize. The same was true of the two Iowa herds of Hereford cattle, but this fact does not prove the lack of merit of the Jersey or Hereford Iowa herds, but only emphasizes the superior quality of these two breeds exhibited, the equal of which may not be seen in the near future.


Mr. Z. T. Kinsell, of Mt. Ayr, with his young herd of Herefords, stood sixth, but could have been placed higher with no injustice to those taking ribbons in this ring of eight herds.

Division E, Fat Stock, attracted very little interest, though there was a small but very high class showing of steers in fat stock and car lot classes.

The State Agricultural College exhibited some pure bred Short Horn steers and grades in car lot classes, as follows:


Class I., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount

Steer, One year, 1st, $18.00

", 2d, 12.00


One Year, 1st, 20.00


Steer, One year, 3d, $7.00


Class X. Competition limited to first in classes.

Steer, One year, 3d, $ 15 00

Class XII. A , Best Car Lot Five Head, Best Car Lot Five Head, , Best Car Lot for Feeding, Eight Head, Purposes One year 4th .... 5th .... 3d 1st .... highly commen commended 15 00

87 00

J. Evans, Jr., & Son. Emerson, exhibited some Aberdeen Angus steers in the classes for grades and crosses and car lots.

Steer Car Lot. Five Head Two years 1st .... 2d 2d 3d 1st 15 00 10 00 ** 12 00 Car Lot. Five Head Car Lot. Eight Head for feeding purposes 9 00 jj 15 00 $ 61 00

Albert Harrah, Newton, exhibited grade Short Horn steers in 3-year old class.

Class VII. Class IX. Class X. Class XII. Steer Three years 1st.. Steer Three years 2d.. Sweepstakes Three years ...1st.. Grand Sweepstakes by ages Three years 1st . . Grand sweepstakes, first in classes Three years ...ith Heaviest Steer, any age Three years 3d .. 15 00 10 00 18 00 15 00 highly commended 9 00 $67 00


Herd of Jersey Cattle, At the Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa.



The exhibit of horses was not conspicuously large in numbers nor complete in number of breeds, though high class, yet it lacked in competition.

Iowa had two first-class stables beside a good specimen sent from the Iowa Agricultural College, which took third premium in a good ring of 2-year-old Percherons, as follows:

Stallion 2 years old and under 3, third premium, $8.00.


Class, Name of Animal, Age, Amount

Prem 1st .... 2d 1st .... 1st .... 2d 1st .... 1st .... 1st .... 2d... 1st .... 2d 1st .... 1st .... 1st ... 2d. . . 1st .... 2d Amount Aged Aged $ 18 00 Stallion Bell Boy 12 00 Ben Bolt Two >ears . . . One year Gne year CoU Aged Three years .. Three years, .. Two years Two years One year Under lyear.. 18 00 15 00 Bol) Burgess 10 00 McKinlev 12 00 Mares Smart 18 00 18 00 Alice. 12 00 Dora Lucy Mary 18 00 12 00 15 00 ?Stallion Juno 12 00 18 00 Stallion Mare Mare Bell Boy and three of his get . . ... • Smart and two colts Lucy and two colts 12 00 18 00 12 00


Stallions any age

Blazer, 1st, 18 00

Bell Boy, 2d, 12 00

Ben Bolt, 3d, 8 00

Jimmy, 4th, highly commen'd

Bob Burgess, 5th, commended


Mares any age

Jessie, 1st, 18.00

2d 3d 4th .... 5th .... 1st .... 18 00 12 00 Juno... .... ... 8 00 Smart highly commen'd Mary commended Collection two stallions and three mares lired by exhibitor, five years old or under. Peter Hopley 18 00 $ 344 00

BELGIAN—E. Lerebure, Fairfax.

Stallions Mares. Parthos 603 (891) Brigand 1083 (967) Parthos IV 783 Partlios VI 809 Parthos \'III 811 Stallion and three of his get, Parthos 603 Brilliant 117 Fanvette 118 Migionette 119 Mazette 122 Frizette 120 .. Filly iMarionette 121 Mare and two colts. Rosette 85.. . Mare and two colts. Brilliant 117. Aged Aged Two years One year.. Colt: Aged Three years. ., Two years— Two years . Yearling filly Under 1 year.. 1st 2d. 1st 1st 2d. 1st 2d. 1st 1st 2d. 2d. 1st 1st 2d.


Stallion any age Mare any age Parthos 603 (891) Brigand 1083 (967) Mignionette, 119... Brilliant 117 Rosette 85 Collection, five animals t)red by exhibitor 18 00 12 00 18 00 15 00 8 00 18 00 12 00 18 00 18 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 18 00 12 00


Blazer [1729]



One Exhibit from Missouri and one from Iowa.

EXHIBITOR—W. L. DeClow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Jacks, 4 years or more, 2d, $18.00

", 4 years or over, 3d, 8.00

", 3 years, 1st, 18.00

", 2 years, 2d, 12.00

", 2 years, 3d, 8.00

Jennet, 4 years or over, 1st, 18.00

Sweepstakes, Jack, 3d, 8.00


EXHIBITOR—Geergo E. Morse, Genoa Bluffs.

One year and under two, 1, $15.00

One year and under two, 2, 10.00

Pair mules, one year and under two, 1, 18.00

5, $43.00


The following prizes were awarded to Iowa exhibitors:

McKee & Jones, Des Moines, Iowa.

Light Brama Cockerel 3

Light Brahma Pullet 3

Buff Cochin Cockerel 2

Buff Cochin Cock 2

Buff Cochin Pullet 2

Buff Cochin Hen 1

Barred Plymouth Rock Hen. 3

IBuff Plymouth Rock Hen 2

Black Breasted Game Bantam Hen 1

Black Breasted Red Game Bantan Cockerel 1

Black Breasted Red Game Pullet, Bantam 1

Berchen Game Bantam Cock 1

Berchen Game Bantam Hen 1

Estelle Vaughn, Council Bluffs.

Black Langshan Cockerel 3

Black Langshan Pullet 3 3

DARK BRAHMAS—A. A. Anderson, Boone.

Cockerel 1

Pullet l

Cock 1

Hen 1

Ben male and four females 1


Pullet 1

Ben 1

WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK—Mrs. K. E. Beckwith. Mt. Pleasant.

Hen 1

Cockerel 1

Pullet 2

Pen 1




F. O. Green, Des Moines.

Golden Wyandotte Cockerel 1

Golden Sebright Bantam Cockerel 1

Golden Sebright Bantam Pullet 1


Cock 1

Hen 1

Cockerel 1

Pullet 1

P. H. Gassard, Missouri Valley.

White Wyandotte Pullet 2

Silver Laced Wyandotte, Cockerel 2

Silver Laced Wyandotte, Pullet 2

SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES—E. T. Geddings, Missouri Valley.

Cockerel 1

Pullet 1

Red Pyle Game Cockerel 1

Red Pyle Game Pullet 1

Black Cochin Bantam Hen 1

White Cochin Bantam Cockerel 1

White Cochin Bantam Pullet 1


Hen 1

Cockerel 1

Pullet 1

A. A. Madison, West Branch.

Silver Spangled Hamburg Cockerel 1


Cockerel 1

Pullet 2


The Exhibit was not greater in number or quality than has been shown at the Iowa State Fair in recent years.

The Exhibits were from only four States: Iowa, thirteen herds; Nebraska, twelve; Kansas, six, and Missouri five herds.

EXHIBITOR—A. J. Lytle, Oskaloosa.

Class II., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount. Boar Sow , Herd Herd Herd, Sow Sow Four Pigs Name of Animal. So. Columbia 41541 Marion 2 Boar and three sows Boar and three sows Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Four Swine, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor Lady Lightfoof 66, 125,762 Age. One year Aged Over one xear Under " " Prem 4th 3d 4th 2d 2d Any Age 2d 5th Amount. highly commen'd 12 00 highly commen'd 20 00 20 00 20 00 commended $ 72 00

EXHIBITOR—Harvey Johnson, Logan.

Sow, Chiefs Fame, 122.986, Six months, 1st, 18 00

Four Pigs, Produce same sow, Under mos., 2d, 15 00

$ 33 00


Judging Swine, At the Iowa Agriculture College, Ames, Iowa.


EXHIBITOR—Hoover & Harrison, Oskaloosa.

Boar Sow Herd Herd Four Swine Four Pigs . Mahaska Chief, 41,5-1:9 Star Pointer. -415,455 Hoover's Choice. 127,058 ... Boar and three sows Boar and three sows, bred by exhibitor Get of oee sire bred by exhibitor Produce same sow Aged . .— Under (> inos Under (J nios. Under 1 \ear Under 1 year Any age 'Under li inos. 4th . . 5th . . . 4th ... 41h .. 4th .. 3d ... 1st ... highly commen'd coniinended highly coninien'd 12 00 20 00 $32 00

EXHIBITOR—Thomas Stevenson, Fifield.

Boar Boar A. J. Tecumseh, 41,309 Aged Any age 2d . . 9d .... 15 00 12 00 S27 00

EXHIBITOR—G. F. Marshall, Monroe.

Class II. Herd Herd Herd Four Swine Name of Animal. Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Boar and three sows Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Get of one sire bred by exhibitor Age. Over 1 year .. Under 1 year Under 1 year Any age Prem. 5th 3d 3d 4d Amount. commended 12 00 12 00 highly commen'd 24 00

EXHIBITOR—A W. Albertson & Son. Inwood.

Boar A's Chiefs Tecumseh, 19.066 Aged 5th ... EXHIBITOR—\V. G. Tittsworth, Avoca. Sow Lady Corwin, 126,896 One year 5th ... EXHIBITOR-F. M. McDairmid, Cumberland. Boar Corwin Boy, 46,023 Under 6 mos 4th ... Four Pigs.. The produce of one sow Under 6 mos ..3d. ... commended commended highly commended $12 00


This Exhibit was generally conceded to have been the best ever seen in the Western country, showing that the owners of the stout boned red hogs are meeting with great success for their favorite breed.

Six herds were shown from Nebraska, two from Iowa and one from Illinois, and one from Ohio, but the honors were largely taken by the veteran breeder from Iowa, to whom great credit is due. His score is as follows:

EXHIBITOR-Wm. Roberts & Son, Baton.

Class IV, Name of Animal. Orion, 4,901 Am Awake, 6,601 Boar Boar Boar Sow Dot III, 13,740 Sow Sow Herd Boar and three sows Hercl Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Herd Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Boar Sweepstakes Sow Sweepstakes Boar Sweepstakes, bred by exhibitor Sow ? 'Sweepstakes, bred by exhibitor Age. Aged One year Under 6 mos . Aged Aged 6 months, under 1 year— Over 1 year. ., Over 1 year . Under 1 year Any age Any age Any age Any age Prem 1st 4th . 2d 1st 2d . 1st 3d 3d . 4th . 2d . 2d . 5th 2d . Amount. S20 00 highly commen'd 10 00 20 00 15 00 18 00 12 00 12 00 highly commen'd 20 00 20 00 commended 20 00 $ 167 00


Exhibitor—John Henderson Panora.

Class IV Boar Sow Name of Animal. Herd Boar and three sows " Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor " Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Get of one boar, bred by exhibitor. Four Swine. Four Pigs . . Boar Sweepstakes . Age. Aged One year Over ti inos. .. One year Under U mos.. Over 1 \'ear. .. Over 1 year. .. Under 1 year . Under 1 year . Any age ..... Under 4 mos . Any age Prem. 2d .... Amount. 15 00 5th ... . commended 4th . . . highlv commen d 5th ... commended 2d .... 10 00 4th ... highly commen d 4th ... highly commen d 5th .... commended 5th ... commended 5th .... commended 2d ... 15 00 5th .... commended $40 00


Premiums offered in this class were only three-fourths the amount given to other leading Iowa classes

Two herds were shown from Nebraska, one from Illinois, one from Missouri and one from Iowa, but good enough to win the largest part of the prizes, being the largest winners on swine in the State.

EXHIBITOR—James A. Loughridge, Sigourney.

Boar Boar and three sows bred by exhil^itor Under 1 year . Under mos. . Under mos One year ... 6 months 6 montlis 6 mos. (under) Under 6 mos. . Over 1 year. . Under lyear.. Under lyear.. Under 1 j'ear.. Any age Under 6 mos.. Under 6 mos.. Any age Any age Any age Any age— 1st 1st . . 2d .... 4th .. 1st .... 2d .... 1st .... 2d .... 3d .... 1st .... 2d .... 1st .... 3d .... 1st .... 2d .... 3d .... 3d .... 1st .... 3d .... 12 00 10 00 .> 7 00 Sow highly commen'd 12 00 1' 8 00 '. 10 00 • • 7 00 Herd 00 ti Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor Boar and three sows bred by exhibftor Boar and three sows Get of same boar, bred by exhibitor Four Swine. .. Four Pigs 18 00 12 00 18 00 9 00 15 00 Produce of same sow 12 00 Boar Sweepstakes Sweepstakes Sweepstakes, bred by exhibitor . . Sweepstakes, bred by exhibitor— 9 00 Sow 9 00 Boar Sow 18 00 9 00 $204 00


Two herds were exhibited from Missouri, one from Kentucky, Nebraska, and one from Iowa.

EXHIBITOR—Mrs. Ida H. Haworlh. New Sharon.

Class I., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount.

Second Seven Oaks Baron, 46,574.. Boar and three sows Boar and three sows Boar and three sows bred by exhibitor— Produce same sow One year 6 months Under 6 mos.. One year Under Omos.. Over 1 year. .. L'nder lyear.. Under 1 year.. Under 6 mos.. 3d .... 2d .... 4th ... . 4th .... 4th .... 4th .... 4th .... 4th .... 2d .... 12 00 Boar 12 00 Boar highly commen'd Sow highlv commen'd Sow highlv commen'd Herd highlv commen'd Herd highly commen'd Herd Four Pigs highly commen'd 15 00 $39 00


Chief Tecumseh 3rd 38233, 1st In Class and 2nd Grand Sweepstakes, Trans Mississippi Exposition. Frome Life, L. A. Webster. Nebraska Farmer. Owned by Harvey Johnson, Logan, Iowa.



EXHIBITOR—F M. McDairmid, Cumberland.

Class II, POLAND CHINA SWINE., Prem., Amount. Prem. 2d .... 1st .... Amount. Barrow Barrow Fourteen and under eighteen months old Six and under ten months old 15 00 15 00 $ 30 09


Prof. John A. Craig of the Agricultural College distributed the ribbons on nearly all the Sheep classes and gave universal satisfaction.


A flock from Nebraska, one from Illinois and one from Iowa were shown.

EXHIBITOR—Ed. Wineland, Avoca.

Class V., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount.

Age. Aged Yearling Two years . . Yearling Under 2 years. Prem. 3d .... 5th .... 4th .... 5th .... 3d .... Amount. R am Two rams and three ewes 1 exhibitor jred by 8 00 (i commended Ewe highly commen'd Pen 9 00


One Exhibit from Wisconsin, one from Illinois and one from Iowa.

EXHIBITOR—Ed. Wineland, Avoca.

Class VI., Name of Animal., Age., Amount.

Aged Yearling Lamb .... Prem. 3d .... 3d .... 5th ... . 4th ... . 3d .... 5th .... Amount. Ram 8 00 8 00 11 rom mendefl Ewe Aged 1 earhng Yearling highly commen'd 8 00 $ 41 00


Two flocks were shown from Kansas, one from Ohio and one from Iowa.

EXHIBITOR—Blakely & Co., Grinnell.

Class X., Name of Animal., Age., Prem., Amount.

Two years Two years One year One year Under 1 year.. Under 1 year.. Ae-ed Prem. 4th .... 5th .... 3d ... 4th .... 3d .... 4th .... 3d .... 4th .... 3d .... 4th .... 3d .... 4th .... 4th .... 2d .... .3d .... 2cl .... 2d .... 3d .... Amount. Ram and three ewes highly commen'd comniHnrlerl 5 00 highly commen'tl 4 00 highly ct)mmen'd 5 00 4 Ewe a Aged.... ..... Two years . . . Two oears— One year One year Under 1 year.. Over 2 years.. (Jver 2 years.. Over 2 years . . Under 2 years Under 2 years. highly commen'd 5 00 highly commen'd 5 00 " iiighly commen'd highly commen'd 12 00 " Ram Ram and three ewes 9 00 Pen of five ewes bred by exhibitor 12 00 Pen of two Pen of two.... rams and three ewes bred by exhibitor rams and three ewes bred by exhibitor 12 00 9 00 $ 78 00


Short Horn Cattle received 6 first premiums, 8 second premiums, 8 third premiums, 2 fourth premiums, 3 fifth premiums. Total, 27 premiums.


DELAINE MERINO Blakely & Co., Grinnell, Iowa.


Aberdeen Angus Cattle received 15 first premiums, 16 second premiums, 13 third premiums, 7 fourth premiums, 4 fifth premiums. Total, 78 premiums.

Holstein Friesian Cattle received 3 first premiums, 4 second premiums, 7 third premiums, 2 fourth premiums, 2 fifth premiums. Total, 18 premiums.

Red Polled Cattle received 2 first premiums, 3 second premiums, 5 third premiums, 2 fourth premiums, 1 fifth premium. Total, 13 premiums.

Polled Durham Cattle received 2 second premiums, 3 third premiums, 1 fifth premium. Total, 6 premiums.

Fat Cattle and Steer Classes received 8 first premiums, 4 second premiums, 5 third premiums, 2 fourth premiums, 1 fifth premium. Total, 20 premiums.

In all, Iowa Cattle took 34 first premiums, 37 second premiums, 41 third premiums, 16 fourth premiums, 11 fifth premiums. Total, 139 premiums.

Iowa Horses received 24 first premiums, 16 second premiums, 4 third premiums, 2 fourth premiums, 2 fifth premiums. Total, 48 premiums.

Jacks and Jennets received 2 first premiums, 2 second premiums, 3 third premiums. Total, 7 premiums.

Two Iowa Mules received 2 first premiums, 1 second premium. Total, 3 premiums.


Poland China received 2 first premiums, 5 second premiums, 5 third premiums, 7 fourth premiums, 5 fifth premiums. Total, 24 premiums.

Duroc Jersey received 3 first premiums, 8 second premiums, 2 third premiums, 5 fourth premiums, 7 fifth premiums. Total, 25 premiums.

Chester White, one herd, received 8 first premiums, 5 second premiums, 5 third premiums, 1 fourth premium. Total, 19 premiums.

Berkshires, one herd, received 2 second premiums, 1 third premium, 6 fourth premiums. Total, 9 premiums.

Fat Stock Poland China received 1 first premium, 1 second premium. Total, 2 premiums.

In all Iowa Swine received 14 first premiums, 21 second premiums, 13 third premiums, 19 fourth premiums, 12 fifth premiums. Total, 79 premiums.


Iowa Flocks took 3 second premiums, 12 third premiums, 9 fourth premiums, 5 fifth premiums. Total, 29 premiums.

The Iowa Live Stock in all the classes shown as above took the following prizes: 74 first premiums, 80 second premiums, 72 third premiums, 46 fourth premiums, 30 fifth premiums. Total, 302 premiums.

Amount of total cash premiums, $3,106.00. In addition to the above cash prizes there were ribbons for 76 different awards.

The Executive Committee of the Icwa Commission voted to pay the freight and terminal charges in and oi t of the Exposition to all Live Stock Exhibitors from Iowa.

In accordance therewith, the sums set opposite the following names were paid by the Secretary:



John Henderson Iowa Agricultural College (C. F. Curtis. Exhibitor) W. L. DeClow G. E.Ward E. Lefebure Sr Albert Harrah W.B.Barney J. H. VanBuren L. E. Williams A. J.Lytle Chas. Escher & Sons , Blakelv & Co A. J. Tittsvvorth Hoover & Harrison J. Evans Jr. & Sons S.A.Converse Ed. Wineland , G.F.Marshall .. J. R. Westrope , Wm. Roberts C.Gloe Harvey Johnson Richie Bros F. M. McDiarmid A.W. Albertson &Son... Ida H. Haworth W. A. McHenry A. C. Binnie Z.T.Kinsell Peter Hopley John Cresswell Chas. C. Norton James A. Loughridge J. M. Hughes Peter Mouw P. O. Panora Ames Cedar Rapids Hawarden . . . Fairfax Newton Hampton Quimby Glenwood— Oskaloosa . . . Botna Grinnell Avoca Oskaloosa— Emerson Cresco Avoca Monroe Harlan Baton Clinton Logan St. Charles.... Cumberland . . Inwood New Sharon . . Denison Alta Mount Ayr .. Lewis Bonaparte . . . Corning Sigourney Luray Orange City . . STOCK. Swine Swine and Cattle Jacks Cattle Horses Cattle Cattle Swine Cattle Swine Cattle Sheep Swine Swine Cattle Cattle Sheep Swine , Cattle Swine Swine Swine Swine Swine Swine Swine Cattle ,Cattle Cattle Horses Cattle Cattle Swine Cattle Cattle AMOUNT. 35 00 118 34 76 00 54 74 62 68 48 50 62 40 14 60 27 29 47 00 35 93 39 80 7 65 39 98 30 04 64 93 30 60 46 40 33 00 43 61 8 80 34 02 11 15 37 90 23 95 43 00 36 83 45 94 57 89 50 84 53 80 31 99 49 94 28 08 34 42 $ 1,467 04

I desire, in conclusion, to extend my congratulations to the Exhibitors for the excellent showing made. In behalf of the Commission, I extend thanks for the credit done the State by their enterprise.

S. B. PACKARD, Commissioner in Charge.

Marshalltown, Iowa.


REPORT OF THE Department of Agriculture, Dairy and Apiary.

At the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, June to November, 1898.

Report of the Department of Agriculture.

To the President and Members of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission:

In submitting this report I desire to state that at the second session of the Iowa Commission, held in Council Bluffs, July 1, 1897, the following resolution was presented by Commissioner Packard:

"Resolved, That for the purpose of securing the necessary grains, grasses, straw and other material from the growing crops when in proper condition for exhibition and for decorative purposes, also such fruits and other products of the soil as may be obtained from the crop of 1897,to be used as part of the Iowa State Exhibit at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, to be held in Omaha in 1898, the secretary is hereby instructed to collect, prepare and preserve, at the expense of the Commission, the foregoing products at an expense not to exceed the sum of eight hundred dollars ($800), and this sum, or such part thereof as may be necessary, is hereby set apart for that purpose, and the president and secretary are hereby authorized to draw warrants upun the Treasurer of tlie Commission -for the same, upon proper vouchers." Resolution adopted.

During the same session of the Commission, plans were discussed for making exhibits of the industries of Iowa in the various departments at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition. It was hoped at that time that sufficient appropriation would be made by the Twenty-seventh General Assembly to enable the Commission to make a creditable exhibit of all the varied industries of our State, and departments were assigned to the different members of the Commission, and, on motion of Commission Cook, I was appointed as Commissioner to take charge of the Agricultural, Dairy and Apiary Departments.

In order to secure the best results, I found it necessary to commence promptly the work of securing specimens from the growing crops, and immediately after the adjournment of the Commission, acting under the resolution above written, I secured the services of some well known experts in different parts of the state, giving them minute instructions as to the material desired for making a creditable exhibit, and for decorative purposes. I secured cold storage for fruit and a suitable warehouse at Council Bluffs for* storing the material for the Agricultural Exhibit, and all grains, grasses and other material, whenever it was sufficiently cured, was properly boxed and sent to this warehouse for storage until it was needed the following spring.

So far as the exhibit of agricultural and farm products was concerned, I deemed it best to make that exhibit as permanent as possible before the opening of the Exposition, not only In the interest of economy, but with two special objects in view:


Section of Iowa Exhibit Agricultural Building.


First—To install an artistic exhibit and make a pleasing decorative display of natural products, making corn in all the many varieties and colors a leading feature, introducing grains, grasses, seeds, plants and herbs in the most attractive forms.

Second—to show in the exhibit the best specimens not only of the products of our soil, but the soil itself, knowing that an exhibit of this kind properly installed required but little replenishing during the entire term of the Exposition.

At a subsequent session of the Commission and after an additional appropriation had been made by the General Assembly, it was decided by the Commission to make no exhibit in any of the departments of the Exposition unless space should be granted free in the various exhibition buildings for the purpose of installing the Iowa exhibits. Only a limited amount of free space was granted, and it was decided to allot that space in the Agricultural and Horticultural Buildings and make the best possible exhibits thereon. The sum of Ave thousand five hundred dollars ($5,500.00) was set apart to install and maintain an exhibit in the Agricultural Department, and L. G. Clute, of Greeley, Delaware County, Iowa, was nominated superintendent, and his nomination confirmed by the Commission.

Twelve hundred (1,200) square feet of space was secured in the center of the Agricultural building; the location was one of the most desirable and prominent in the building; drawing for platform and superstructures were made by Josselyn & Taylor Co., architects, contract for construction was let to P. H. Wind of Council Bluffs, and the Commission secured the services of the well known decorator, D. E. Milward, to do the decorative work and assist in the installation of the exhibit. In addition to the decorative work, twenty-five hundred (2,500) inverted glass show bottles and tubes were filled Avith grain and seeds and helped to complete the installation of the most attractive exhibit in the entire building.

As proof of the excellence of the work, the quality of the material and the artistic design, the state of Iowa was awarded a diploma and gold medal for its collective state exhibit.

The flax industry of northern and western Iowa was represented by some very fine samples of flax, flax seed and flax spinning fiber. These specimens were, at my request, secured by Hon. Jasper Thompson of Forest City.

A prominent feature of the Iowa Agricultural Exhibit was the samples of Iowa soil which was shown in glass cylinders six inches in diameter and six eet in length. These samples were especially attractive and received favorable comment.

During the Exposition arrangement.-, were made with the officers of the Iowa State Agricultural College and Experiment Station to make a special exhibit of farm products, and a location was assigned them on the space allotted to Iowa in the Agricultural Building, and a most creditable exhibit was installed by Mr. James Atkinson, asistant in agriculture, under the direction of President Beardshear of the College and Director C. P. Curtis of the Experiment Station. After the installation of this exhibit was completed, it became a part of our State Exhibit and was cared for by our superintendent in charge.

During the months of August and September some very fine specimens of corn were placed on exhibition by Iowa farmers interested in the success of our State Exhibit. Some of these spscimens, I feel sure, were the finest ever produced, and I wish to extend my thanks to the parties contributing these specimens, and also the thanks of the Commission. I think every one of these specimens entered in the competitive contest was awarded a diploma or medal.

In this connection I desire to mention the eflkient and faithful services performed by L. G. Clute. superintendent, during the entire term of the Exposition he was in charge, and with the exception of a few days during his illness he performed all the duties, and the Commission was at no expense for other assistants in that dejiartment.


From Photograph of an Iowa Corn Field, On Farm of J. B. Armstrong, Shenandoah, Iowa


Perhaps the most notable feature in the State Agricultural Exhibit was the magnificent showing made of Iowa's principal product. I refer to the display and quality of Indian Corn, of which we exhibited over one hundred varieties, and we can state, without fear of successful contradiction, that the corn exhibit not only equaled, but was superior to that of any other state.

Snow Flake & Early Yellow Rose

BY J. B. ARMSTRONG, Shenandoah, Iowa.

The above cut shows fairly seven ears of Early Yellow Rose Corn that weighed 10 1-2 pounds and five ears of Snowflake White that weighed 8 1-2 pounds. The cut is from a photo and shows truly what may be expected to grow from either variety with good ground, good work.

J. B. ARMSTRONG, Shenandoah, Iowa.


A Portion of the Iowa Agricultural Colllege Campus with Main Building to the Right.



State of Iowa, for Artistic Collective Exhibit of Agricultural Products, Gold Medal and Diploma.

L. G. Clute, Greeley, grains, gold medal and diploma.

L. G. Clute and Sons, Greeley, collection of corn, gold medal and diploma.

J. B. Armstrong, Shenandoah, corn, gold medal and diploma.

C. A. Clute, Greeley, grain, bronze medal and diploma.

James Hethershaw, Des Moines, red corn, bronze medal and diploma.

Nims Bros., Emerson, yellow corn, bronze medal and diploma.

Bingham and Son, Jesup, corn flour, bronze medal and diploma.

J. W. Murphy, Glenwood, squaw corn, bronze medal and diploma.

John Fishell, Greeley, white corn, bronze medal and diploma.

Francis Duke, Peterson, yellow corn, bronze medal and diploma.

John Crail, Greeley, yellow corn, bronze medal and diploma.

"William Hoyt, Manchester, white rye, diploma for honorable mention.

S. A. Thomas, Bingham, white corn, diploma for honorable mention.

A. L. Plummer, Ivy, white oats, diploma for honorable mention.

R. H. Bailey, Atlantic, white corn, diploma for honorable mention.

J. M. Daniels, Algona, yellow corn, diploma for honorable mention.

J. L. Edwards, Glenwood, white corn, diploma for honorable mention.

Fred Hethershaw, Des Moines, white oats, diploma for honorable mention.

C. R. Taylor, Hamburg, white cor i, diploma for honorable mention.

John Coyle, Greeley, white corn, diploma for honorable mention.

C. Anderson, Farragut,, white cor.i, diploma for honorable mention.


A View of a Part of the Live Stock Classroom Iowa Agricultural College.



It was the desire of youi" Commissioner in cliarge of the Dairy Department of the Iowa Exliibit, and of all the members of the Commission, to have Iowa malce a creditable exhibit in this Department. The dairy industry has grown to be one of the most important and profitable industries of our great commonwealth. The product of our creameries sells on its merit everywhere, and the attention of the world has been drawn to our state on account of the exhibits that have been made at previous great expositions, and on account of the large number of premiums awarded to Iowa for the very high score that had been made at those expositions by the butter exhibited from the creameries and dairies of our state. The magnificent record made at the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, winning, as we did, one hundred and twenty awards on butter sent from creameries and dairies has added thousands if not millions of dollars to the wealth of our state.

Our first visit to Omaha, in company with Chairman Packard of our Executive Committee, and acting as sub-cnmmittee for securing free space for Iowa Exhibits, we had several interviews with the Commissioner in charge of the dairy department of the Exposition, also with the Board of Management, in order that we might, if possible, secure free space in the dairy building for an exhibit of butter from the Iowa creameries. We were unable to secure any space except upon payment in compliance with their rules. At the next session of the Executive Committe I brought the matter to their attention, and it was fully discussed, but as the rules for making exhibits in that department had not yet been pu'jlished, no definite action was taken. At a late date, however, the rules were published, requiring every exhibitor to make five exhibits, one during each month of the Exposition.

After sending copies of the rules to the leading creamery men of the state and to the dairy commissioner and president of the State Dairy Association, I visited the commissioner, and it was his opinion, and his views were endorsed by many of the buttermakers of the State, that it would be unwise to try to exhibit under the rules, and be obliged to submit to five tests, as it must necessarily lower the record of the best buttermakers if they were obliged to make butter and ship it to the Exposition during the months of July and August. I at once corresponded with superintendents in charge of the Dairy Department of some other states that were interested, and all joined in asking the Board of Management to change their rules and have three tests instead of five, thereby materially reducing the expense to states and individuals and also giving opportunity to obtain a better record. These efforts, however, failed, and it was deemed best to give up that part of our State Exhibit, as we feared conditions would be such that Iowa would gain nothing under existing circumstances.

Another difficulty was in the fact that refrigeration in the dairy building was not perfect until the last of July or early in August. Later some changes were made in the rules by the manager of the dairy department, allowing each exhibit to be tested and award made for that exhibit without reference to the tests that might be made in any other month. We immediately corresponded with our creamery men, and many individual exhibits were made, and in almost every instance the score was equal to the best, and in one or two instances we scored higher on creamery butter than any other State. John M. Turnbull of Atlantic, having scored the highest number of points in any one test, was awarded a gold medal.

After the close of the Exposition, I received notice from the Department of Exhibits that a bronze medal had been awarded to Iowa for her State Exhibit in the dairy department. I immediately replied that the State of Iowa through its Commission, had made no State Exhibit, and had not entered into competition with other States in that department during the Exposition, and made a vigorous protest against having the matter published in their official report in that way, and stated that all the exhibits that had  

Section of Iowa Exhibit Agricultural Building.
  been made in the dairy department from Iowa had been made by individuals or firms, and not in the name of the State of Iowa or of the Commission, and all awards had been made to them. I received reply, saying that their official record would be changed as requested.


John Turnbull, Atlantic, making Highest Score on Five Butter Tests, Gold Medal and Diploma.

Lewis Shack, Atlantic, over 97 Points, Silver Medal and Diploma.

K. T. McColl, Creston, over 97 Points, Silver Medal and Diploma.

H. O. Armstrong, Collins, above 97 Points. Silver Medal and Diploma.

C. J. Julien, Algona, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

C. L. Scheiver, Ames, above 97 Points, Silver Medal and Diploma.

T. P. Nielson, Brayton. above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

W. W. Day, Tripoli, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

P. P. Stewart, Ames, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

M. F. Goodnow, Gray, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

H. L. Palmer, Manchester, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

A. Zimmerman, Ames, above 97 Points. Silver Medal and Diploma.

H. J. Neitert, Walker, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

T. H. Baldwin, Elliott, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

William Mago, Ames, above 95 Points. Bronze Medal and Diploma.

T. H. Bossnot, Dows, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

Tielman & Co., Missouri Valley, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

H. Frees, 0'Leary, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

William Gehrls, Germantown, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

J. H. Turnbull, Atlantic, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

O. B. Ross, Spencer, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

W. W. Micklewait, Glenwood, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

M. M. Tapager, Thompson, above 95 Points. Bronze Medal and Diploma.

Harvey Johnson, Logan, above 97 Points, Silver Medal and Diploma.

F. C. Oltrogge, Tripoli, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

F. Wills, Tripoli, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

C. L. Christensen, Cuiiew, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

F. J. Kleekner, Greeley, above 95 Points, Bronze Medal and Diploma.

NOTE—A very sad event occurred during the Dairy Convention held at the Exposition in October. State Dairy Commissioner Gates died very suddenly while delivering an address before the assembled dairymen of the west.


A large and commodious building was erected on the northwest part of the Exposition Grounds for the installation of exhibits in the Apiary Department. Here was ample room for the largest exhibits that could possibly have been made by the States interested in an Exhibit of Comb and Extracted Honey, Bees and Apiary Implements, Appliances and Machinery.

We secured space and glass cases and installed a very fine exhibit of both comb and extracted honey, and showed not only the crop of 189S, but also several hundred pounds of very fine comb honey, perfectly preserved, from the crop of 1897. This was secured during the summer of 1897, when we were engaged in gathering material for exhibit in the Agricultural and Horticultural Departments. The exhibit from the crop of 1898 was largely made up from the Apiary of L. G. Clute. of Delaware County, and was furnished at his own expense with the exception of transportation and local charges.


Mr. E. Kretchmer of Red Oak also made a very large exhibit of Apiary implements and appliances. This exhibit, he maintained during the entire Exposition.

I am glad to be able to furnish the very high score made by the Iowa honey on exhibition as reported by Hon. Eugene Secor, Judge.

The following entries were made by L. G. Clute. To illustrate, I give one score in full (a score of one hundred points was perfect). Comb Honey; variety, White Clover; Score, as follows:

Points. Flavor 50 Cleanliness 10 Capping 20 Color of Honey 10 General Appearance 10 lotal score 100 Total Score. Comb Honey, Alsike Clover 100 Comb Honey, Heartsease 90 Comb Honey, Linden 90 Comb Honey, Dandelion 100 Extracted Honey, White Clover 100 Extracted Honey, Bass- Wood 100 It would seem impossible for any exhibit to beat that record. The following is a list of Awards in Apiary Department: A^VARDS. L. G. Clute, Greeley, White Clover Comb Honey, Silver Medal and Diploma. L. G. Clute, Greeley, White Clover Extracted Honey, Silver Medal and Diploma. L. G. Clute. Greeley, Linden Comb Honey, Silver Medal and Diploma. L. G. Clute, Greeley, Linden Extracted Honey, Bronze Medal and Diploma. L. G. Clute, Greeley, Heart's Ease Comb Honey, Bronze Medal and Diploma. L. G. Clute, Greeley, Alsike Clover Comb Honey, Bronze Medal and Diploma. L. G. Clute, Greeley, Dandelion Comb Honey, Diploma for Honorable Mention. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Iowa. Manufactui-er of up-to-date bee hives, honey vessels, and implements and appliances used by bee keepers, was awarded the following prizes: E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Best and Most Attractive Collection of Modern Bee Hives, Gold Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmei', Red Oak, Apiarian Supplies and Implements, Gold Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Best Wood and Galvanized Steel Tanks, Gold Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Linden Comb Honey, Silver Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Alfalfa Comb Honey, Silver Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, White Clover Comb Honey. Silver Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Unrefined Bees-wax, silver Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, White Clover Extracted Honey, Silver Medal and Diploma.   E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Alfalfa Extracted Honey, Bronze Medal and Diploma. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Bees and Queens in cages. Diploma for Honorable Mention. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Bee Books and Bee Literature, Diploma for Honorable Mention. E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Exhibit of Educational Value, Showing Honeyin all stages of Crystalization, Diploma for Honorable Mention. Respectfully Submitted, F. N. CHASE, Commissioner in Charge.


OWEN LOVEJOY, Member of Auditing Committee.


Robert T. Moore, Member of Executive Committee.


Iowa Exhibit Horticultural Building.

Report of the Department of Horticulture.


Commissioner in Charge.

To the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission:—

Having been placed in charge of the Horticultural Department of the Iowa Exihibit, I beg to present the following report:

At the second session of the Iowa Commission held at Council Bluffs, June 29-30, July 1st, 1897, for the better performance of its duties, and anticipating an additional appropriation sufficient to make a creditable exhibit of all the varied industries of Iowa, the work was divided into departments and a member of the Commission was assigned to take charge of each. At this session I was, by vote of the Commission, placed in charge of this department.

At a subsequent session, when it was known that the limited amount appropriated would not admit of expenditures for an exhibit in all departments it was decided to make exhibit only where free space was granted, namely: in the Agricultural and Horticultural Exposition Buildings, and revised schedule of estimates was prepared by a sub-committee of the Executive Committee, setting apart the sum of $1,500.00 for an exhibit of Iowa Horticulture, it being understood and expected that this amount would be supplemented by financial aid and co-operation from the State Horticultural Society.

Hon. A. F. Collman, of Corning, was named as Superintendent, believing that his appointment would be satisfactory to the State Horticultural Society as well as to the Iowa Commission. His appointment was confirmed by the Commission.


Twelve hundred (1,200) square feet of space was secured in the center of the Horticultural Building. This was considered one of the best locations in the building.


Plans for suitable structures for this space and for an artistic installation were submitted by D. E. Mil ward and were approved by Superintendent Taylor, in charge of the Horticultural Building. Contract was entered into with Mr. Mil ward for erecting the superstructures and decorating the space, with a view of making the installation as artistic as possible and to harmonize with the floral and pomological exhibits to be shown thereon.


Contract was also made with J. F. Wilcox. Florist, of Council Bluffs, Iowa to install on one of the pagodas a floral exhibit and maintain the same during the Exposition. This he did with credit to himself and the State.


Superintendent Collman secured from the crop of 1897 a large quantity and quite a number of varieties of apples, which were placed in cold storage until the opening of the Exposition, when they were placed on exhibition, and in addition thereto a large assortment of small fruits in their season were received almost daily, filling over one thousand plates, and keeping up a fairly creditable exhibit during the summer months. Possibly, the showing was not what it might have been, but the season of 1898 was very disastrous to fruit, especially the apple crop, and the total failure of this crop in some sections of the State and partial failure in other parts necessarily crippled the exhibit to some extent.

In September, Superintendent Collman resigned and the Commission appointed Mr. J. W. Murphy of Glenwood as his successor. He remained in charge until the close of the Exposition. Mr. Murphy being from Mills County, which is doubtless the banner apple County in the State, his friends took special interest and contributed largely to the exhibit during September and October, thus enabling the Commission to make a very creditable showing of the fall and winter varieties of apples. Many very fine specimens were shown from nearly every section of the States during the months above named.

The display of grapes was undoubtedly the best ever shown by Iowa.

In addition to the exhibit made by the Iowa Commission in this department in competition with other states, the citizens of Council Bluffs and Pottawattamie County made an exhibit of grapes and small fruits in the Wigwam that was erected by the Exposition Association of Council Bluffs which attracted the attention of many thousands of visitors.

No funds were received from the State Horticultural Society or other organizations, and the sum of fifteen hundred dollars previously set apart by the Commission was not sufficient to maintain the exhibit during the entire term of the Exposition, the total expenses for this department being about $2,300.00 as shown by the financial statement and report of the Auditing Committee. The deficit was supplied from the funds set apart for the Agricultural Department.


That the Jury of Awards found much in the Iowa display of real merit is shown by the following list of Medals and Diplomas awarded to the State of Iowa and to Iowa exhibitors:

State of Iowa, for Artistic Installation and Collective Exhibit, Diploma and Gold Medal.

Mills County Horticultural Society, Display Fruits, Diploma and Gold Medal.

D. L. and A. Heinsheimer, Glenwood, Peaches, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

Mrs. Maggie Buckingham, Glenwood, Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

R. P. Speer, Cedar Falls. 10 Varieties Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

J. P. Jackson, Glenwood, Peaches, Apples and Small Fruits, Fifteen Varieties, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

H. A. Terry, Crescent City. Apples, Plums, and Small Fruits, Twelve Varieties, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

J. R. Rice, Council Bluffs. Forty Varieties Plums and Cherries, Diploma and Silver Medal.

A. F. Collman, Corning. Forty-six Varieties Apples, Diploma and Silver Medal.

P. H. Hess. Council Bluffs, Iwenty Varieties Grapes, Currants and Gooseberries. Diploma and Bronze Medal.

J. D. Budd, Ames, Forty Varieties Russian Cherries, Diploma and Silver Medal.


Pottawattamie County, a Fine Collection of Grapes, Twenty-three Varieties, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

Frank Bruning, Kent, Peaches and Pears, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

M. J. Graham, Adel, Fifteen Varieties Pears and Peaches, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

W. C. Hoverland, Ft. Dodge, Twenty-nine Varieties Russian Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

Eugene Secor, Forest City, Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

M. J. Wragg, Waukon, Plums and Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

B. Stewart, Ivy, Apples, Pears and Peaches, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

E. V. Wright, Hamburg, Apples, Plums and Pears, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

Silas Wilson, Atlantic, Grapes, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

F. S. White, Des Moines, Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

J. F. Wilcox, Council Bluffs, Fine Display of Plants and Flowers, Two Hundred Varieties, Diploma and Gold Medal.

W. F. Laraway, Glenwood, Pears, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

W. M. Van Orsdel, Hillsdale, Grapes, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

E. Starbuck, Glenwood, Variety of Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

A Record, Glenwood, Pippin Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

J. E. Record, Glenwood, Stark Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

J. M. Rambaugh, Glenwood, Duchess Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

Alvin Peterson, Glenwood, Variety Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

W. F. Pflander, Clarinda. Variety Peaches, Dip'.oma and Bronze Medal.

J. F. Nichols. Glenwood, Watermelons, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

J. W. Murphy, Glenwood, Variety Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

T. A. Sloan, Sioux City, Apples, DiPloma and Bronze Medal.

J. F. Lewis, Glenwood. Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

M. J. Williams, Glenwood, Variety Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

Ted Sivers, Glenwood, Variety ApPles. Diploma and Bronze Medal.

T. F. Smouse, Glenwood, Variety APPles, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

W. J. Howard, Glenwood. Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

L. C. Chew. Glenwood, Mother Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

John T. Stone, Glenwood, seven Varieties Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

T. E. Carson. Clarinda, Apples, Diploma and Bronze Medal.

Dr. C. H. DeWitt, Glenwood, Variety Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

James Calleen, Glenwood, Pears, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

Henry Everham, Glenwood, Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

J. H. Mayberry. Glenwood. Apples. Diploma for Honorable Mention.

F. M. Powell, Glenwood, Apples, DiPloma for Honorable Mention.

J. M. Warren, Glenwood, Variety Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

M. E. Hinkley, Marcus, Variety Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

Samuel Holmes, Hamburg. Variety Apples, Diploma for Honorable Mention.

In closing, I wish to thank each and all who kindly contributed from theirdrchards and vineyards samples for the Iowa Horticultural Exhibit.

Respectfully Submitted.


Commissioner in Charge.


J. E. E. Markley, Chairman of Committee on Ceremonies.


Report of Comittee on Ceremonies

By J. E. E. MARKLEY, Chairman.

To the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission:

Your Committee have the honor to report as follows:

The Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission in session at Des Moines, April 5, 1S98, adopted the following:

"On motion, Commissioners Packard and Markley were appointed to act in conjunction with the Secretary in pieparing a program for the dedication of the Iowa Building."

The following motion was also adopted:

"That Commissioner Packard be appointed a committee of one to correspond with Hon. R. G. Cousins with reference to delivering the oration at the Exposition on Iowa State Day."

At the fifth session of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Enposition Commission, held in Council Eluffs, May 30, the following motion was adopted:

"That Commissioners Markley and Packard and Secretary Chase be appointed a Committee to select a band for Iowa Dedication Day, and that they be continued as a Permanent Committee on Ceremonies, with full power to act."

The more important duties to be performed by your Committee were to make arrangements for appropriate ceremonies for the Dedication of the Iowa State Building, and to plan and carry out a program for the celebration of Iowa State Day.

The date for the Dedicatory Ceremonies could not then be fixed, as it was not known when the Building would be completed.

The date for the celebration of Iowa State Day had been arranged by a Sub-Committeee composed of Chairman Packard and Secretary Chase, who, in conference with President Wattles, of the Exposition Board, set aside September 20 and 21 as Iowa State Days. When the time came to make the arrangements, your Committee decided to have but one day's celebration, and fixed the date as September 21, and so reported to the Executive Committee. There were a number of requests to have the date changed, and efforts were made by your Committee to secure some other date, but without success.

Your Committee had several meetings for conference, and selected June 23 as the day for dedicating and formally opening the Iowa Building, and September 21 for Iowa Day. This action was approved by the Executive Committee. Chairman Markley secured music for Dedication Day, and it was arranged to meet Governor Shaw and the State officers, the President and other officers of the Exposition at the Murray Hotel. The procession was formed at 1:00 p. m. and proceeded to the Iowa State Building, where the following program was successfully carried out:




1—Overture, Atlantic City Band.

2—Invocation, Rev. L. P. McDonald, Rector St. Paul's Church, Council Bluffs.

3—Music, Quartette.

4—Chorus, Prof. Pontius, Dubuque Oratorio Society of 100 Voices.

5—Presentation, Hon. S. H. Mallory, President Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Commission.

6—Dedication, Governor Leslie M. Shaw.

7—Acceptance, Hon. Gurdon W. Wattles, President Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.

8—Music, Medley, Band.

9—Exposition Ode, Major S. H. M. Byers.

10—Quartette and Chorus, Song of Iowa.

11—Address, Hon. John N. Baldwin.

12—Chorus, Dubuque Oratorio Society.


14—Music, National Airs, Atlantic City Band.

President Mallory being called home suddenly, Vice-President Dawson not being present, Ex-Governor S. B. Packard Chairman of the Executive Committee, was appointed to act as Master of Ceremonies, and to take th« place of President Mallory on the program.


Read by Chairman Packard.



Looking through the vista of the ages past, one fails to see any such gathering of the people as we witness here at this grand Exposition today. Instead, we see the people meeting in vast concourse to rejoice with and crown the returning victorious general, whose armies have spread death and devastation amongst their enemies; the trophies exhibited to the admiring crowd are not such exhibits as we have before us today, but men of note, princes and generals, led as captives in the triumphal procession and forced to do homage to the victorious leader. The righteousness of the cause that had triumphed they did not proclaim; only the number and rank of the captives, the value of the plunder, the number of the enemy slain, and the devastation wrought; and these were amply sufficient to cause their rejoicing.

As the years roll on, we see that the arts of peace become of more importance to the people, if not to their rulers, than the arts of war, and men strive to subjugate the forces of nature, rather than subjugate their fellow men, and so civilization advances.

That man has not degenerated in his physical powers by the growth and enlargement of his moral faculties and perception, or become enervated by the luxuries obtained and enjoyed through victories of the brain, or lost his manhood and courage in his greed and struggle for the possession of wealth, that he might obtain these enjoyments, is made patent to all the world today by the glorious uprising of the people of this our land to relieve the distressed and succor the oppressed of downtrodden Cuba, struggling for freedom; not merely with words of encouragement, but with heroic deeds that speak far louder than words—and Dewey, Sampson, Powell,   and Hobson with his immortal crew of seven, are types of manhood under the civilization and liberty enjoyed by us who live under the folds of these glorious Stars and Stripes.

The alchemist of old searching after the philosopher's stone secreted himself in the dark recesses of some gloomy cavern, far away from the eyes of man, that his researches might not be made known. The first national industrial exhibition of which we have any record, held in England by and under the auspices of the Society of Arts in the year 1761, offered valuable prizes as an inducement for the display of miscellaneous and agricultural machinery. So jealous then were the inventors and patentees of their invention and improvements that none would make an exhibit unless special guards were employed and placed around their exhibits, whose duty it should be to keep all foreigners at a distance and prevent any one from making drawings of their machinery, for in those days the leading nations of Europe—England, Germany, Holland and France—had their secret agents, scientists, scholars and artizans, employes of their respective governments

Iowa State Building.
who traveled in disguise through foreign countries endeavoring to pry out the secrets held by the industrial classes of other nations and communicate them to their home government. Hard, indeed, oftimes was the task of these secret agents, with such jealous care were these secrets hidden. France for centuries defied their efforts to discover certain industrial secrets she held, and they were only finally made known to other nations through the emigration of the Hugenots, who carried the secrets with them.

Unlike these, we today in the broad glare of the noonday sun display before the world at large the results of our improvements and the advancements made in Arts, Science, Mechanics, Manufacture and Agriculture, all that conduces to our welfare, comfort and prosperity that all men may be benefitted through the results obtained by us.

Had we been permitted to view the display at the first national exposition in London in 1761 and compare it with the display here in Omaha today, we no doubt would have pronounced it exceedingly limited, meager and crude, and seeing the guards at their posts watching for foreigners and   strangers would have deemed it very exclusive, and yet it was the com- mencement of a movement to foster taste for invention and mechanics, which improvement soon spread throughout continental Europe. In the year 1798, soon after the revolution by which Napoleon was made Emperor, a national exposition was held in Paris. The grand results arising from this first French Exposition were so marked in the advancement of mechanics and art that through the urgency of Napoleon, who was quick to see their importance and value, frequent displays of like character followed in all parts of the Empire, and Tallyrand declared that in their encouragement lay the hidden and future glory of the French people. The advanced position France took as a nation in Art, Manufactures and Commerce in the years following these expositions proved the truth of his prophecy. These freciuent expositions served as schools in which the people received their education and acquired that taste for the arts which has since made France so famous.

The evolution of national expositions in the United States was first the town hall, the county fair, two or more counties uniting, the state fair, and the group of states uniting. With such favor have they been received that each year we have one or more national expositions. Iowa, the beautiful land, the garden of agriculture, with its fifty-five thousand square miles of rich, fertile, tillable land, traversed with clear running streams, a veritable paradise, was, less than one hundred years ago, untrodden by the foot of the white man, its ownership resting in Spain, its beauties unknown its boundaries not established until 1S20. Born into the family of states less than fifty-two years ago, or about thirteen years after the first cabin was built by a white man in its borders, Iowa now has its whole area dotted with Colleges. Academies, Schools and Churches; a population of over two million, and is bound together by 8,500 miles of steel, its railroads touching the capital of every county in its domain but one, and serving, with the wide rivers on its eastern and western borders, to carry its vast productions to the markets of the world.

IOWA, with a soil producing all standard grains, grasses, vegetables, and fruits in abundance, is an agricultural state, standing first in the union of states with its crop of corn, and fourth in the production of all agricultural products, yet with her inexhaustible deposits of coal, her metallic ores of lead, zinc and iron, she offei's large opportunities and possibilities for prominence as a manufacturing State—thus Iowa comes in company with her sister states, not with a spirit of envy, but of friendly emulation, with her quota of exhibits. Her people, by and through Legislative enactment, appropriated the sum of $35,000.00 to aid in furnishing an exhibit of her varied industries and resources, worthy of the State at this Trans-Mississippi Exposition, and this Building erected under the supervision of the Commission appointed by the Governor of the State in furtherance of the object sought by the people of the State, I, as Chairman of the Commission, now tender to you Governor Shaw, that you may dedicate it to the use and purpose for which it was designed.

The contract for the construction of this beautiful home of the people of Iowa and their neighbors and friends of sister States, was awarded to Mr. P. H. Wind, of Council Bluffs, for the sum of $7,795.00, sixty-three days ago. A few years since, six months would have been considered a short time to erect such a structure. Mr. Wind is entitled to great credit for the energy displayed in rushing the work to completion in spite of the elements.

The plans for the building were prepared by the Josselyn & Taylor Co., of Cedar Rapids.

The Commission desire to express their many obligations to President Wattles for the many courtesies shown them and assistance rendered in prosecution of their work. President Wattles and his able corps of assistants are entitled to great praise for the conception, planning and con;struction of this beautiful city, and wc predict it will be the most successful Exposition yet held.



As Chairman of, and in behalf of the Committee that has had charge of the erection of the Building, the preparation and installation of the Exhibits which may be seen in the Agricultural and Horticultural Buildings, it becomes the duty, and it is a pleasure, to record the distinguished and loyal service which has been rendered to the people of the State by those to whom this special work has been entrusted. The di-awings of our Exhibits in the Agricultural and Horticultural Buildings w-ere made by D. E. Milward, formerly residing at Sioux City. Detailed plans and specifications of the structure in the Agricultural Building were prepared by our architects, and the structure was put in plar-e by our builder, Mr. P. H. Wind, of Council Bluffs. Upon this structure Mr. Milward has worked out, in natural product decorations, an Exhibit of our farm products, which we now offer in competition with the other States.

While admiring the picture which Mr. Milward has so well executed in that display, the visitor must not overlook the excellence of the grains, grasses and other products which have thus been put on exhibition, but should minutely examine the specimens that have been selected by some of our best farmers, and it will not be invidious to name in this connection Mr. L. G. Clute, of Delaware County, to whom the Committee feels indebted for his services, both in the selection and the arrangement of the materials, and the assistance which he has given Mr. Milward in placing the specimens on exhibition. Mr. Milward was also given the contract to decorate the walls and ceilings of our State Building, and provide a structure for and to decorate our space in the Horticultural Building. The display of Orchard and Garden Fruits has been put in place under the immediate superintendence of Mr. A. F. Collman, wth an able corps of assistants.

It has taken but a little over two months to install the Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits.

All the members of the Iowa Commission, in this public way, wish to express to our Superintendent and Secretary, F. N. Chase, their entire confidence in his judgment, their admiration for the judicious care with which lie has superintended the work entrusted to the Commission by the Legislature of our State. The oversight of the execution of the builders contract for this Building and the structure in the Agricultural Building, also the installation of the two exhibits before mentioned, and all the minute details involved in the economical expenditure of this money has taxed the strength but never the genial nature of our dear friend, whom it gives us pleasure to cordially thank for his great success in bringing to completion, in so brief a time, this important public enterprise.

To Mr. Wilcox, the florist of Council Bluffs, who produced the cornucopra, this floral horn of plenty, which is at our door, and a display of the florists art that may be seen on the Iowa space in the Horticultural Building, we commend, though not as effectually in words as his own work would serve to do.

To the staff of Secretary Chase, we express our pleasurable anticipation of their loyal service in making the Iowa Building a home indeed to our people as well as those visitors whom we expect to see resting in and about the portals of our Building.

To the Governor and his associates of the Executive Council, who are "by law required to, and have advised and approved the plans of the Commission and the expenditure i-esulting, in thus bringing to the Exposition this testimonial of the love our State bears to her sister State of Nebraska, where so many of our former citizens have found a home, the Commission desires to tender their thanks for the confidence which you have given us. Every voucher of expenditure which we send for your approval is laden with our reciprocal confidence and esteem.

To President Wattles and the others associated with him in the manage-ment of the Exposition, the Commission tender their thanks. We shall aid in promoting the music "now so dear to your hearts—the click of the turnstile. Iowa will pour her thousands through your gates and they will en-   joy a study of the great problem you have prepared for them, this Exhibition of the boundless resources of the West.

It only remains for me to now tender to you, Governor Shaw, in the name of the Commission, this Building for dedication.


Governor Shaw accepted the Building in the name of the State and turned it over to the Exposition in the following brief address:

"The State of Iowa, through its representative, accepts at the hands of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission this Building designed by its direction and erected under its supervision. It may not be inappropriate to tarry in this presence to make public acknowledgment of the faithful and expeditious services thus far rendered by the members of this Commission; services sure to be appreciated by those at whose behest they were performed. And now as the representative of the people of the State of Iowa, I hereby dedicate this edifice to the purposes for which it was designed, and commit the same to the care, custody and use of the* President and Management of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition in the hope that it may add somewhat to the interest and comfort of those who may visit these spacious grounds and enjoy the trophies of State and national prosperity and greatness."


President Wattles responded on behalf of the Exposition Management. He spoke as follows:

"During the last ten days it has been my official duty and pleasure to speak of the resources, progress and splendid achievements of a number of Western States at the dedicatory exercises of the buildings they have erected on these grounds. I may be pardoned for the sentiments of pride and gratification I feel today and for the expression of these sentiments in the few words I shall say regarding the State in which twenty-five years of my life wei'e spent, and in the acknowledgment I desire to make of the assistance of this State to the great enterprise I have the honor to represent. During the early history of this Exposition, when doubt still lingered in the minds of many as to its advantages and possibilities, and while the dark clouds of financial embarrassment and the devastating effects of drouth still hung over the West, casting their gloom over all new enterprises, and for the time obscuring the sunlight of hope and prosperity, at this time when many of our own citizens discouraged and disheartened, were ready to abandon this enterprise, when our nation was borrowing gold from Europe to protect its credit and when the evil influences of inflation and speculation had destroyed for the time the financial reputation of the West, then it was that the Legislature of the great State of Iowa, the first of all the Trans-Mississippi States to act, by joint resolution asked the Congress of the United States to recognize this Exposition and make an appropriation for a Government Building and an exhibit here. To this act of the General Assembly of Iowa, supplemented by the efficient work of your Representatives and Senators in Congress, must be given the credit of having extended this Exposition a helping hand in its greatest need.

"The Commission appointed to represent the State of Iowa here has done its work with credit to itself and the State. This magnificent Building with its broad verandas, artistic design and complete appointments, speaks louder than words in praise of their work. It will furnish a home for the weary, a meeting place for friends, and will return to the State a thousand fold its cost in promoting the interests of the State and advertising the enterprise and hospitality of its people throughout the land. I commend its design, the completeness of its appointments, the wisdom of its conception, and for the Management of this Exposition I accept and dedicate It to the purposes for which it has been erected."


"We naturally expect from such a State eloquence like that of Cousins and Dolliver, statesmanship like that of Allison and Gear, philanthropy like that of Drake, leadership like that of the Clarksons, and executive ability like that of Kirkwood, Boies and Shaw; and while in the history of the State of Iowa there are no Lincolns, Grants or Shermans, its history is replete with the names of many whose wisdom and statesmanship in times of peace, and courage and leadership in times of war, have re-ndered to the nation services invaluable. During the late Rebellion her soldiers were distinguished for their bravery and endurance. These men were gathered from the farms of this then pioneer State, and they were endowed with the splendid physique and the intelligence and morality which pioneer life in the broad prairies of the West inspires. Their bravery in battle, their endurance and the ability of their leaders was second to that of no other Northern State. And so we are not surprised when we read that among the gallant crew that w-ent down with the battleship, the Maine, the names of several men from Iowa are found; nor are we surprised that when from 4,000 brave soldiers a crew was selected to man a ship which was to sail into the harbor of Santiago, to face the fire of Spanish guns and meet almost certain death, one of Iowa's sons was chosen.

"It might be said that a State with such magnificent resources, with such a history and with such a people, there would be no need to advertise to the world at an Exposition of this character; but when we consider that with the same density of population as the State of Massachusetts, Iowa can provide homes for 15,000,000 inhabitants and when we consider that but a small percentage of the manufactures consumed in the State are manufactured there, that with the increase of wealth and population, a higher civilization than has ever been known in the world will come from the environments of citizenship under the advantages which already exist within this State, we can realize the importance and necessity of promoting and developing these resources to the fullest extent."

After a selection by the chorus, Major S. H. M. Byers read an Exposition Ode, composed by himself, for the occasion.


Welcome, welcome—welcome, welcome!
Loud the pealing cannon said.
All the bells rang happy joyance.
Waved the banners overhead.
Welcome to the land of prairie—
Land of many lands the best.
Half-way house 'twixt lake and ocean.
Gateway of the golden west.
Look! The arts of forge and forest,
Web of loom, and work of mill.
Battles here of arts and science.
Tournaments of toil and skill.
Look around you, tower and palace,
Works of hand, and fruits of earth;
But beyond them, still more glorious,
See the land that gave them birth.
See the land the poets tell of,
Land of glories yet to be,
Not the tombstone of dead ages,
Coffined many a century;
But the world's new youth and springtime.
Boundless prairies far and near.
Making room—room for the new age,
For the age already here.
Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome,
Still the banners seem to say.
Still the cannon seemed to thunder,
To the mountains far away,
Welcome to the land of Shasta,
In his robes of stars and snow,
Come—behold the mighty canyons,
With their rivers far below.
See their walls like gates of jasper,
Walls of lava, gold and red.
Gorges, crags, of God's own making.
Where man's feet may never tread.
See El Capitan the glorious—
Hear the red hot geysers roar,
Born of some forgot volcano,
Dead these thousand years and more.
Walk the groves of Calaveras,
Touch the trees of mighty girth.
Born coeval with the mountains.
Primal monarchs of the earth.
See the golden sanded desert.
Plains that once Vere stormy seas.
Where are now the captains—sailors.
Where the ships that rode on these?
Mines of gold and mines of silver,
Chains of mountains standing forth,
Erom the warm gulf of the Southland
To the icebergs of the North.
From the Mississippi's borders
To the far-off Golden Horn,
Countless fields of wealth and plenty,
Homes for millions yet unborn.
This the land, and this the people.
Welcome still, the banners say,
Lo, the sun that rises westward?
Westward still must take its way.
Yonder Asia, dead for ages,
Yonder Europe, dying slow,
Feels no more the heart-pulse beating.
Sees no more the red blood flow.
It is we the newer, younger,
Who must solve the coming strife;
On these prairies we must solve it.
In these mountains find new life.
By the Mississippi river.
By the Rio Grande's shore.
We must bury all the dead things
Of the thousand years before.
Great the Past; the Now is greater.
Forward, forward, moves the world.
Problems, science, science, problems.
Newer flags must be unfurled;
Not of nations—parties—only,
For mankind the coming call—
Look, through time's quick widening vistas.
One great flag above us all.
Then shall speak the mighty Shasta,
In his robes of stars and snow,
Then shall echo back the canyons
From a thousand feet below.
Up and down a thousand valleys
Shall the words triumphant fly,
And the prairies shall give answer
To the glad news passing by.
Then El Capitan, the glorious.
Shall put on his crown of gold,
Then shall peace walk on the mountains
As the prophets once foretold,
Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome,
Speed the day of man's new birth—
Hail the day of God's republic,
For the people of the earth.


Hon. John N. Baldwin, of Council Bluffs, the orator of the day, was introduced and delivered an eloquent ad Iress. Among other things, he said:

"As I wandered through the Exposition buildings and strolled over these Grotmds I heard orators proclaiming from the exedra, the Plaza and rostrums in State buildings the glories and triumphs of their respective States. One evening after a storm I stood on the bridge of the lagoon but a few feet distant from the spot where only a year ago we laid the cornerstone of this great enterprise, and beholding this mighty monument to the skill, courage and enterprise of the men of Nebraska ,I thought what has Iowa, or what has Iowa done to compare with this?

"I came Nebraska Day and heard that distinguished citizen of the republic, whose heart in love and tongue tipped with silver eloquently presented the record of the resources and progress of Nebraska; I came Illinois Day and heard the representatives of that great commonwealth give their report of the work and worth of Illinois, concluding with the claim to the undisputed title to the possession of the third greatest commercial center of the world; I imagined that on New York Day Bourke Cochran would so portray the history and glories of the great State of New York that we should all seem to hear the Siblys chanting the springtime of the greatest empire on earth. Again I thought, what has Iowa, or what has Iowa done, to compare with all these?

"Reflecting on all that I had seen heard and imagined, I venerated my office and would have despaired of my performance had not the power of my subject made me bold in such a presence to plead my thotights. It would be the drivel of idiocy, unbecoming a gentleman and unworthy of the States, should I on this occasion make any statement not based upon careful investigation and not founded upon incontrovertible facts. I now and here assert, my heart beating with pride at the utterance, that, measured by the standard of religion, education, prosperity, patriotism, liberty, or any great principle or idea that makes men better, nobler and happier, Iowa, in the union of States, is the peer of all, superior to many and excelled by none.

"We dedicated today this beautiful Building to the uses and purposes of the Trans-Mississippi and Internatio.ial Exposition It is merely a type of the habitations of our people at the present time. A few feet from here "and within your vision stands a wigwam, which has just been opened. It, too, is a type—a type of the habitations of our people flf ty-two years ago. You cannot but recognize the significance of the change. The advancement, improvement and progress of the people of the State of Iowa in education, religion and material interests has been as striking as that in their habitations.

"This great State with its wondercus destinies is now in the hands of   the younger and present generation. It belongs to us to protect, preserve and improve. We must take up the work where the pioneers were compelled to let it go. They placed high the standard. Let us never lower it. Let us look up and listen; look forward and move. Let our every action be prompted and performed in accordance with that design created by one of the greatest philosophers and poets,

Build thou more stately mansions, Oh my soul,
As the swift seasons roll.
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thy view from heaven with a dome more vast,
Until at last thou art free.
Leaving thy outgrown shell by life's unresting sea.

"I propose this sentiment: The State of Iowa, with a people possessing affections deeper even than her soil; actuated by purposes broader even than her prairies, and inspired by aims loftier even than her hills, she stands today first in the union of States in general contentment, in more evenly distributed wealth, and in universal prosperity."

"The Battle Hymn of the Republic" was sung by the chorus, and Governor Holcomb was introduced by Chairman Packard. His remarks were general in their nature and application, and the conclusion was warmly applauded. After the conclusion of the exercises the speakers, the members of the Iowa Commission and the guests of the occasion were entertained at luncheon at the viaduct cafe, after which the visitors inspected the exhibits of Iowa products in the Agriculture and Horticulture Buildings.

At 5:30 p. m. a reception in honor of Governor and Mrs. Shaw was held in the Iowa Building, during which hundreds of people shook the hand of Iowa's Chief Executive and his wife, bringing to a close a day which was universally voted to be a great success in every respect.

The weather was delightful and Iowa gave the Exposition a larger attendance than had been on the grounds since the opening day of the Exposition.





Pottawattamie County Adds Its Big Tepee to the Exposition.

The dedication of the Wigwam erected by the Council Bluffs and Pottawattamie County Exposition Association near the Iowa Building took place at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon in order to allow the visitors to attend this ceremony as weCl as the dedication of the State Buildings. The tall yellow Wigwam was crowded with people from Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County and other Iowa points when President A. C. Graham called the assemblage to order and introduced Rev. G. W. Snyder of the English Lutheran Church of Council Bluffs, who delivered the invocation. President Graham then expressed the thanks of the Pottawattamie County Committee for the assistance which had been rendered the committee by the people of Pottawattamie County and Council Bluffs in the way of money and in other substantial ways. Mayor Victor Jennings of Council Bluffs was the first speaker. He said:

Ladies and Gentlemen: We have met here today to dedicate to the uses of this great and grand Exposition this contribution from Pottawattamie County and the City of Council Bluffs. As the head of the municipal organization of that city it becomes my duty, as it is my pleasure, to speak for her on this occasion.

To those familiar with the beauties of Coimcil Bluffs, who know of its enterprise and thrift, who are proud to claim a place in its citizenship, it is unnecessary for me to enter into detais. To those, however, who simply know that there is a city called Council Bluffs, but who have not tested its hospitalities nor witnessed the unfolding of its many and varied industries, it affords me gratification to say that within gunshot of this spot, yet hidden almost compDetely by "the eternal hills," lies a city of 30,000 intelligent, industrious, contented and happy people. It is the capital city of the largest county in the state, a county containing 582,1.56 acres of the richest land on the face of the globe. It is second, if, indeed, it is not the first city in the world in the magnitude of its agricultural implement trade. "Implement Row," comprising blocks upon blocks of mammoth warehouses into which the roads from the east pour trainloads of implements dai!Iy, and out of which these same goods go daily by the dozen lines of railroads to almost every quarter section of this great Trans-Mississippi territory. It is a city of schools and churches, and its educational and moral tone is second to that of no city of its size in tie United States. It is a city of fair women and brave men, as attested by the avidity with which its daughters are taken from the homes of their parents to homes of which they are the inspiration and the head, and by the number of soldier boys it has contributed to Uncle Sam's armies.

This city of Council Bluffs, anxious to contribute in material way to the success of this Trans-Mississippi Exposition, and, because of its nearness, feeling an almost proprietary interest in it, unanimously determined at the very inception of this great undertaking—the fruition of which we are witnessing today—to be fittingly represented here. This determination led to the purchase of stock of the exposition, to the calling of public meetings and the or.e-anization of an association whose duty it should be to see to it that Council Bluffs should be seen and known by all who came within these enchanted grounds during the period of the Exposition. It was a difficult task assigned to these men. but nobly have they discharged it.

The Wigwam tells better than can words of mine the wonderful, the miraculous development of this Trans-Mississippi country. The footfall of the red man, following his well known trails, has given place to the   whirl of the electric motor as it moves along the glistening lines of steel.. The smoke of the "Wigwam" has faded away before the smoke from factory and force. The silence of natural peace has gone forever, succeeded by the never-ending hum of industry. Ihe plains and valleys are no longer the waste places of the earth, but have been made the garden spots and graneries of the world.

To the purposes of this Exposition this "Wigwam is to day given. To the city which gives it in part I cordially invite you. The trails are plainer than they were a half century ago and the hearts of our people, like the doors of their "Wigwams," are ever open to you. We want you to come and break bread with us, smoke with us the pipe of peace, rest body and mind in the prettiest parks between the two ranges of mountains, and, going back over the y-ars, find a new meaning in Longfellow's lines:

Very spacious was the Wigwam,
Made of deerskin dressed and whitened.
With the gods of the Dakotas.
Drawn and painted on its curtains.

Spencer Smith, one of the pioneer lawyers of Council Bluffs, spoke at length of the hardships and experiences of the pioneer of the prairie. Judge Walter I. Smith, a member of the district bench of Pottawattamie County, was the next speaker. He spoke rapidly, sketching the history of Pottawattamie County and passing quickly to the present status of affairs in the county, referring to the mortality statistics as showing that the average life of the man who takes up his residence in Council Bluffs is 150 years. In closing he welcomed the people to the Wigwam and invited them to make it their home. The music for the occasion was furnished by the Apollo Mandolin Club of Council Bluffs, an organization of young men, who delighted the audience with the excellence of their playing.


During the term of the Exposition there were a number of conventions and reunions of Iowa Organizations and Societies held in the Press room and in the Commissioners' room of the Iowa Building, and at different times the use of the building was tendered to the representatives of other States who had no State Building on the Exposition Grounds.

Your Committee commenced early to make their plans for the Iowa Celebration which was to occur on the 21st of September. They planned to make it an ideal Iowa demonstration. Your Committee planned to have a large number of the bands from different counties in the state in attendance at that time and opened correspondence with the County Auditors and Mayors of the principal cities with this end in view. They also entered into negotiations with the railroads of the State of Iowa with request to transport all uniformed bands to the Exposition for that occasion free of charge.

Your Committee also requested a uniform rate over the entire state of one cent per mile and a six days limit. The railroad companies at a late date made rates nearly as I'equested by your committee and granted the limit asked for, but they declined to transport the bands free.

The press of the State heartily responded to calls made up on them for advertising Iowa State Day Ceremonies.

A. brief synopsis of the plan of the Committee was submitted to the Executive Committee for their approval and was adopted.

The exercises of the Celebration Day were preceded on the evening of the 20th by a dinner given by the Iowa Commission in honor of Governor Shaw, the Iowa State Officers, our Senators and Representatives in Congress, the President and Board of Management of the Exposition, the Commissioners of the several states and territories participating in the Exposition, and others.


At this dinner, (the President being absent), Chairman Packard presided and the following addresses were made, which were highly complimentary to our State and Nation.


Omaha Club Room, Tuesday evening, September 20, 1898. The following is a stenographic report of the proceedings: In the opening post-prandial exercises Hon. S. B. Packard, toastmaster, bade the guests w^elcome, an announced that the banquet was given by the Iowa Commission in honor of Governor Leslie M. Shaw and State Officers, the President and other officers of the Exposition and the Commissioners of the several States and Territories.

The Male Quartet from Council Bluffs sang, "Comrades in Arms, Win the Fight."

When the cigars were lighted Toastmaster Packard called on the male Quartette.

Toastmaster Packard introduced Senator Allen as follows:

Gentlemen: The story is too long to tell all at once, the way in which Iowa started to come lo the Exposition, but with your patience we will gradually unroll, so that you will see how it came about.

One of the first things in a matter of this sort is to know how this great Exposition got its start, and we are fortunate in having with us tonight the gentleman who originated and offei'ed the bill which finally passed, asking Congress to make an appropriation for ihis great International Exposition. And we are fortunate again that this is an Iowa gentleman that w-e loaned to Nebraska. I have gi-eat pleasure in introducing Senator Allen, to respond to the toast, "Congress and the Exposition."


Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: My life has been a life of surprises.

I came here this forenoon for the express purpose of doing what I could to entertain 5'ou gentlemen from Iowa, assisting our friends from Omaha, as far as I had the capacity to do so, but with not the slightest idea of having anything to say, notwithstanding it is charged against me that I hold the Avorld's record for long distance heel and toe talking. (Applause and laughter.)

The origin of this bill is not a matter of very great importance.

Nebraska, as you know, has been suffering, or had suffered somewhat from an unhappy concatination of circumstances, not necessary now to be mentioned, for we are a young and struggling commonwealth, we did not have the age that Iowa has, and age counts for much in the experience of a State. It was deemed by us, at a meeting of the TransMississippi Congress, held in November, 1895, I think, that a TransMississippi and International Exposition should be held in Omaha. I do not think any of us had a clear conception of the magnitude of the enterprise at that time. It had been agitated some time before that by the newspapers of this city, and by prominent citizens, and, finally, it took definite shape. An organization was formed, the stockholders of which resided in Omaha.

The President of the company will be able to tell you more about that than I can. And we then made an appeal to Congress to give it national recognition and an appropriation.

I had the honor of drafting the bill, a very simple affair, and introducing it in the senate, and we were fortunate in having my distinguished colleague as the chairman of the committee to which it was referred.

You can very well see, then, the first step in the programme.

It was reported favorably and, with some amendments, placed on it by your distinguished senior Senator, it passed the Senate and went to the   House of Representatives, where, after a time, and a great deal of labor, it passed, and was signed, a few hours before the adjournment of Congress, by Mr. Cleveland.

The history of this enterprise is better known by President Wattles, and those more intimately connected with it. than I could possibly know.

I may say to you gentlemen, that this enterprise is not only a pet of Omaha, it is a pet of Nebraska, and it is a pet, I believe and favorite of the entire Mississippi and Missouri basin.

I am frank to say that I did not have myself a clear conception of the possible magnitude of this enterprise, and I never had a clear conception of it until today, and I have not been through it yet. My colleague here toted me off down the Midway, and kept me almost all the afternoon, and I did not see all that was to be seen.

Senator Thurston—I never had a better stayer.

Senator Allen—The history of this bill. I believe, or, from the passage of this bill, dates a new era in the history, not only of the State of Nebraska, but in the history of the State of Iowa.

I may say to you gentlemen from Iowa that I first set my foot on Iowa soil forty-two years ago. It was a new State at that time, and I have not lost my affection for Iowa, by any means although I am frank to say toyou, if I were compelled to make a choice between Iowa and that younger and, in some respects, brighter Commonwealth of Nebraska, I would cling to Nebraska soil. (Applause.)

It is the beginning of a new era of prosperity, in my judgment. I mean general prosperity. Not the kind we were talking about a couple of years ago. (Applause.)

It brings the people of these great Western States more closely in contact with one another than they have been before. Much of the trouble, much of the difficulty that has come to the people of the United States, has been in consequence of their hitherto isolated positions.

I frankly believe, if I may be permitted to refer to the fact, that if we had had the close communication with the South, thirty years ago, we would not have had the great struggle through which we passed, and if all the people of this country were to be brought more closely in contact with one another, and this great enterprise is not only bringing people from Iowa here, who are our neighbors and great friends, but it is bringing people from all sections of the Union, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and fi'om Canada to the Gulf. (Applause.)

That it is educational, no one can deny.

A person would have to be extremely stupid that would visit this great White City located at Omaha and make a study of the Expositionand the articles put upon exhibition there, that did not learn many valuable lessons from what he saw. It is educational not only for the generation to which you and I belong, but it is supremely educational to the impressionable youth of this country that may attend it. And whatever I may have done, which is little, in making it a success, I shall always regard, with some degree of pride, the fact that I was, in some measure, connected with its inception and its success.

You must understand, gentlemen from Iowa, that out here in Nebraska we are in love with one another. All sections of this state are in perfect accord with all other sections in the state. We have our political battles. We have our contentions. We have our struggles among ourselves. But when it touches, when anything affects the welfare of Nebraska, its commercial or its agricultural or its educational advantages, we are all one. There is no Populism then, no Republicanism, no Democracy. (Applause.)

And those of us who reside in the interior of the State, and I speak as one who lives in the interior of this state, those of us who reside in the in   terior of Nebraska are in love with the progress and the enterprise of this commercial city and center of our State. (Applause.)

In this center is poured much of the wealth produced from the soil of Nebraska, and as long as the merchants and the business men of Omaha are as .iust and generous to our people as they have been, in the laps will be poured the wealth of this commonwealth in the years that are to come.

Now, I do not desire to take any more of your attention. I enjoy myself best, strange as it may seem, when I talk least.

I am glad to see you here.

As a citizen of this state I desire to extend you a hearty welcome to Omaha. The doors of Omaha and the doors of Nebraska are open to you. You are our friends and our brethren. You are here as our guest, to enable us to make this enterprise more successful than it has been heretofore, though it has been a great success, and as such we appreciate your visit, and we will do all we can to make your stay among us a pleasant and profitable stay. (Applause.)

Toastmaster Packard—I cannot say, like the. Senator, that I am not prepared. I cannot make that excuse, because I have got it all in my pocket, and the excuse would not be correct, and when I fire a shot, etc. In other words, I give every man a change to enjoy his dinner without any fear that he is going to be called out.

I suppose the next subject on the programme should be the one to bring us down to the main work and to an understanding of the great task that has been accomplished, in raising the money, in preparing this grand Exposition, and to do that*there is one man with us here tonight who can tell us all about how this was done. And I want you all to stand and drink to the health of President Wattles, who will respond to the toast, "Omaha and the Exposition."

The male quarete from Council Bluffs sang "For He Is a Jolly Good Fellow."


I had hoped and had asked to to be excusd from making any remarks this evening, and had supposed, until I was just notified a few moments ago that my request had been granted. I am not an extemporaneous speaker and until connected with this Exposition, for fifteen years, had not attempted to make a public address.

However, as I feel that I am among my friends tonight, I do not feel that hesitation that I sometimes do a nong strangers.

Twenty-five years of the best years of my life were spent in Iowa. To the public schools and colleges of that State I owe my education. To the splendid advantages and resources and opportunities offered by that State, I owe whatever success I may have attained in business. In that State are many of my old acquaintances and many of my nearest relatives, and in the soil of the State of Iowa lies my only child.

I therefore feel a fellow feeling today, and as the Iowa Day approaches a pleasure that I have not felt in anticipating any other State day celebration at this Exposition.

But I am to talk of Omaha and tha Exposition. The history is so old and has been so often told that it seems almost treadbare.

The year 1892 was a year of panic throughout the land.

It was followed in Nebraska by failure of crops, by a drouth such as had never been known before, business failures throughout the State and in this city had reached their maximum in 1895, and business men were discouraged and disheartened. And whan the proposition was made by the Commercial Congress that met in this State to hold here in 1898 a great Exposition of the resources and wealth and progress of the Trans-Mississippi States and Territories, it was thought by many of our most conservative men that the task was too great and that the time was not opportune. The resolution passed the Commercial Congress to hold this Exposition. This Congress was composed of all the States and Territories West of the   Mississippi, but the Immediate ^vork of this Exposition devolved upon the citizens of Omaha. An organization was perfected. Officers were elected. But the discouragements were so great that even the officers, at first composed of the Board of Directors of this Exposition, were almost ready to give up the enterprise. Our business men, many of them, advised against it, and we finally agreed among ourselves that we would go on with the preliminary organization, and if we could secure national aid and a national appropriation we would carry the work forward to completion.

How this aid was secured has just been told by Senator Alien. After a fight in Congress, such as had never been seen before, on a measure of this kind, after efforts, which Speaker Reed acknowledged, after the bill passed, had never been equaled, in the passage, and in the requests, in the number of requests for the passage of the measure, the bill, finally, on the last day of Congress, became a law, and a great jubilee was celebrated in this city immediately thereafter, and from that day really began this great work of building this great enterprise.

When I returned from Washington, where I went to do what little I could in assistance to our worthy Congressman, to secure a favorable report on this bill from the Ways and Means Committee in the House, when I returned and told our people that a condition had been added, by the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, providing that we must raise two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in stock subscriptions, before the Government appropriation would be available, many were disheartened and discouraged, said it never could be done. But many of our business men felt that when the night was darkest and when the skies were overhung with clouds was the time for the most supreme effort. They felt that by gathering here the resources and the wealth and the produce of this Western country, and inviting the people of the East to come and see what the West really was and what it could produce, we would correct many of the false impressions and reports that gone out regarding this State and regarding the other Western States. (Applause.)

They were, therefore, spurred on to action, and, after a long and hard canvass among the business men of this city, our committees met and compared notes, and we found that instead of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, required by Congress, that we had already subscribed more than four hundred thousand dollars. (Applause.)

Those of us who were most intimately connected with the plans of this enterprise well knew that two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and even four hundred thousand dollars, would, in no wise, build an Exposition worthy of the West. The work went on. the railroads were solicited. They came to our aid in the most generous manner. The Burlington road was the first, and it subscribed thirty thou'^and dollars; this was followed by an equal amount by the Northwestern, annd the other roads leading to this city all subscribed in a most liberal manner, until we finally raised by stock subscriptions and donations in this community alone about six hundred thousand dollars. (Applause.)

The plans of the Exposition Buildings were drawn and the work began. We did not know where the remainder of the money was to come from, but we went on as best we could, and carried out the plans that have been consummated in the beautiful design which has been the pleasure and the admiration of all visitors, until today, the corporation, organized in this city, and upon whose shoulders the active work has been placed, has raised and expended one million and three hundred thousand dollars, in round figures. They do not owe a dollar. The corporation is practically out of debt. The Exposition was in bond for a time. It has been built by Omaha capital, by Omaha labor, supplemented, of course, by the work that has been done In outside States. All appropriations of States and Territories, the general Government, and of foreign nations, has gone to build the buildings of these municipalities and States and countries, and not into the general fund. Even our own State, that appropriated one hundred thousand dollars, has expended every dollar of it through a commission appointed by the Governor of this State. The active work has been done by Omaha people, and to the   generosity and labor and brain and architectural designing we can credit forever the great success that this enterprise has achieved.

It may be out of place, at a meeting of this kind, where people from an, outside State are the principal guests of the occasion, to speak in this manner of the people of the city in which I live. But I want to say that to the pc-ople of this city will forever stand the credit of not only showing to theworld that in a time of trouble and discouragement we were brave enough, and strong enough to come forward to the rescue of our own city, but thejr were brave enough and strong enough and willing to put up the money necessary to protect the credit and to forvrard the interests of the entire West, (Applause.)

The Chairman—We will call upon the quartet. It is an Iowa quartet.

The quartet responded to the request of the Chairman with this song:: "Still and Lonely Must I Go; O, Star, Thy Loving Smile Bestow."

Chairman Packard—I am going to give you something now to awaken the pride which every one has in the toast of "Our Nation." And we haveT/ith us here tonight a most eminent statesman of this country, whom we are fortunate in having, and whom I now call upon to respond. I refer toSenator Thurston, senior Senator of Nebraska. (Applause.)


The Toastmaster and Gentlemen of Iowa: It is with great pleasure that I meet you here tonight from our neighboring State.

You have already noticed that most of our eminent citizens originally came from Iowa. (Applause.)

It may not be out of place to suggest that they appeared here almost simultaneously with the passage of the prohibitory law. (Applause and laughter.)

We are very familiar with most of your citizens who live within a radius of one hundred miles from Omaha. They are frequent and welcome visitors.

I am faced tonight with a sentiment that would appal any one called upon to respond to it, "Our Nation." Why, gentlemen, we do not even know the boundaries of the United States today. (Applause.)

The last few months we have leapad the seas, and our flag flies on twocontinents, instead of one, and if Dewey had one more Spanish fleet to follow. God knows how far our dominion might have been extended. (Applause.)

We are not a people of conquest. The words dominion and conquest have not been known in our national vocabulary. And, yet, from the beginning of the Republic up to the present time, what wonderful strides we have made, not only in civilization and general advancement, but in the scope of territory that the American people have from time to time added to the original thirteen colonies and the adjacent territory. Here, even, where you and I both live, was not a part of the United States at the beginning of the nineteenth century. For, by one grand acquisition, in 1804, we brought under the Stars and Stripes over two-thirds of the area of the United States the area that today has placed in tha diadem of the nation's banner almost one-third of its glittering stars. (Applause.)

Our present position as a nation, in the extension of our boundaries and of our jurisdiction, has not been one of our own seeking. Whatever we may add to the domain of the United States, the world will acquit us of any seeking for territory. The great struggle, which is now so fortunately and happily and gloriously closed, was not undertaken to acquire foreign lands, to take in the islands of the Gulf or of the further seas, but it waff done in response to the resistless demand of the consciences of the American people that humanity should be relieved from the burdens and the oppressions of tyranny of a foreign government upon the Western Hemisphere. (Applause.)

And today, whatever will come to us of this great struggle, in the   way of territory, it will not come to us of our seeking-, but as the inevitable logic of the situation, and the responsibility that will attach to the American people will come to them unsought.

I don't know what may be the policy of this Government in its settlement of the g-reat issue with the country of Spain.

I do know that we have secured, because we could not prevent it, and I don't think we would have cared to prevent it if we could, the splendid island of Porto Rico.

I do not know what the policy of this Government will be as to the extension of our domain in the Pacific seas.

I do know this, that it was no part of the purpose of the United States to seek dominion there.

Dewey's fleet sailed into the harbor of Manila, not seeking land, not seekacquisition, but simply as an inevitable result of the war that was upon us, to put an end to the fleet that threatened the interests of our beloved country

For my part. I have been most cautioun ar.d cor.servative in thought and action. I confess that I have looked with apprehension upon a departure from the old established theories of our Government. I have viewed with concern and I have hesitatingly cast my influence and my vote in favor of any proposition for an acquisition of foreign territory.

But new responsibilities have come to us as a people.

Sometimes when I look back upon the history of this country, bounding up, as it does, the mag^nificent progress of this world of ours, I have been inclined to believe that the guiding finger of Providence may have directed the fleets of the United States in the foreign seas, and that it is God's will and God's doing that the flag of the United States floats over more people, for their salvation and their uplifting, than we ever expected it would. (Applause.)

I do know this, that whatever we may retain in our neighboring gulf; whatever our administration may retain in the further seas; I do know Ihis, that there are no people on the face of the earth to whom the responsibility of the government of new lands can be entrusted than to the American people. (Applause.)

I do know this, too, that as a nation we have grown before the world. I do know that we stand today, with more power and more dignity and more grandeur and more respect than we have stood before. I know that that dear old flag of our means more to the world than it ever meant before. That flag that like our country has been a growth, a good growth, a healthy growth, a splendid growth. Why, we remember that at Yorktown, when it first became the flag of an independent people, it stood as the flag that relieved us from the dominion of kings, and for a Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We know how the dear old flag grew out at Appomattox until it became in the sky one of human liberty, and we know, too, that in this later growth that dear old flag at Santiago, when almost a quarter of a million soldiers surrendered to twenty-three thousand troops of the United States, that flag became something that it had never been in the sky of nations, "the flag of man's humanity for man. (Applause.)

It waves in all its splendor on land and sea, in both hemispheres, silvering and sparkling on the empyrean blue, kissed by the sun of day and ?wooed by the stars at night, feared by tyrants, beloved by mankind, our triumphant flag, the flag of the greatest nation on earth. (Applause.)

God's providence is in it all, and has been from the beginning. No man can read the history of the world without reaching the belief that this providence reserved this new land through all the sufferings and early struggles of the human race, reserved it until, in the fullness of time, a people should come to live upon it, fitted and strengthened by great long ages of combat and of progress to people it in a better way and for better purposes than anv other land had ever been peopled before.


The ancients believed in an Arcadian realm toward which those be more less favored of the Gods might sail o.i golden seas, and where the sun set beneath old ocean's wave they saw its shining strand. This is that land. The centuries have given it to the human race; have given it that those oppressed in other climes may here be free; have given it that on its peaceful shores earth's toiling millions may find hope and rest; have given it that its peaceful valleys may abound in pleasant hopes and its eternal hill tops glorify the goodness of all America. (Applause.)

The Chairman—Gentlemen, we will now come to the State we came from, Iowa. We have Avith us tonight an eminent citizen of Nebraska, who also, was a former citizen of Iowa. How numerous they are. And this gentleman can give reminiscences for us. He is one of the old-timers, and I am going to ask him to tell us of these early days in Iowa, and I ask to respond to "Early Days in Iowa" Ex-Governor Saunders, of Nebraska.


Mr. Toastmaster and Gentlemen—Probably I should be able to talk of the early days, for I have not had so much to do with these latter days. (Laughter.)

I went into what is called Iowa now when it was Michigan. Probably there is not any one here who was there at that time. I think probably I know more than most of you of the early settlement of that country. It was Michigan then. On the Fourth of July, I think, Michigan was admitted, and I was there in that territory. I was ten years in that territory before it was admitted. And I was there six or seven years after it was admitted, so I ought to know something of the history of that country.

I assisted as a clerk to take a census in your State when it took in territory north of you up as far as St. Paul, when there was forty-one thousand people in it.

Now, this country that is right across here now we did not think was worth anything here at that time.

Now there was some land down in here called Black Hawk, Avhere the Black Hawk war was fought, and in 1833 it was taken and called the Black Hawk purchase. That is all we knew about it when we went there. I don't know what name it would have except that name. But finally the Indian Territory was extended, and in that way we kept the people going out a little further, and a little further afttr there was some value to it.

But, gentlemen, I might state right to you here now, the first thing that induced me to take a hand in politics was to make the fine map that you have in your State. You have as good a map as there is in the whole history.

But I was over at a convention that made the constitution for that State, that made one State here with a line that would run right between the two rivers here, and the two States was divided so as to make this State a little longer than that and that run up towards St. Paul. And I took a hand as a youngster. I was then postmaster at Mount Pleasant in Iowa, with a great many others, to try to defeat that constitution. I wanted it to come just where it comes now, right down to the center of the river on the west and to the river on the east, and we had a hard fight to bring- that State more than half way throug-h, but we beat it, and I thing by about four hundred votes only. But we beat it. And at that time we defeated this constitution. Up to that time I never had any thing to do with politic at all. And they said I ought to go and help make a constitution instead of defeating it. So I was sent by the people of my county to help make the constitution that gives you your map as you have it today,, and I am a little proud of that whether you are for me or not. (Applause.)

Now, gentlemen, I am not going to detain you. I am not much of a talker these days, and never was a very good talker, but could talk a little better sometimes than I could since I have had this long spell of keeping quiet.

This Exposition that has been spoken of here.

Our people, you have learned tonigl t who they were, have taken hold   of this matter, and we have been backed by my people in Iowa. I feel a great affection for the people of Iowa.

I made my first dollar, after I had left my father's home, there. I cast my first vote in that State that I eyer cast. I found my wife in that country, my children were born ther?, and why shouldn't I have a love for that country.

Now, gentlemen, I could go on, but I do not want to do it now. I only want you to know that I am very glad that our Iowa people have given us this banquet tonight.

They have done well. We have tried to do our duty at home, as you have learned tonight, and I feel that there is no people outside of my own State that are nearer to me than the Iowa people are today, and I thank you very kindly for this opportunity that we should have to express to you our appreciation of what you have done, and let us get together, as we have here tonight, and talk the same things and do the same things and act the same things and we shall be neighbors all our time and that you will be proud of us as we are proud of you. Applause.)

The quartet sang "You Ask What Land I Love the Best."

Time, 10:40 p. m.

The Chairman said: We have with us tonight an eminent representative of our Supreme Court of Iowa, and in order to get you introduced to these gentlemen, I am going to give you the toast, "The Iowa Judiciary," and ask Judge Deemer, of the Supreme Court, to respond.


Mr. Toastmaster and Gentlemen:

Although it is currently reported that the Judiciary is standing sponsor for the "Midways," this is the first time, I believe, that that co-ordinate branch of Government which I have the honor to represent has had recognition upon any of the regular programmes.

We have been so concerned with the evidences of material prosperity about us and with the wonderful achievements of this Western people before us that we have not had time to consider the social, political and judicial conditions which lie at the bottom of all progress.

But so it has ever been. Courts come and go unheralded. They work so quietly, enunciate their doctrines so calmly, and proceed so deliberately that their influence is hardly felt; and yet I venture the assertion that had it not been for Judge Marshall, this Grand Exposition would have been but a dream.

This department of Government has no patronage at its disposal, no favors to bestow, no friends to reward, and no enemies to punish—save the enemies of all mankind. It is at once the most potent and the most impotent branch of Government. It has mind to declare but no hand to enforce. It may command but it cannot compel. It may interpret but it cannot coerce. Its weapons are time honored precedent and inexorable logic. Its aim justice and truth. It never guesses more than two ways on the same proposition; and over in our State they say it is right about half of the time—and this compliment is usually bestowed by the successful litigant.

It is looked upon as the impregnable bulwark of our liberties, and yet it is most unmercifully and unjustly criticised. I speak now of the system, and .not of particular courts or individual judges—and I may say parenthetically that I have no patience with a court that will make men work against their will; nor faith in an institution that will compel men to conduct their business or employ their capital at a loss. Neither have I regard for a court that will interfere with men in the performance of any lawful avocation; nor belief in a judicial system which cannot or will not protect property rights. I have no respect for that argument which gives to government the powerto create something out of nothing, and yet takes away from it the right toprotect that which one enjoys.

But to return from my digression. From Marshall to Miller marks the   distance from Virginia to Iowa. From Virginia to Iowa measures the interval between the original thirteen colonies, and the fully developed nation. From the Alleghanies to the Louisiana purchase measures in kind the true limits of territorial expansion.

I have chosen Marshall and Miller not simply for this figure of speech, but to illustrate in a measure the influence of the judiciary upon our social system. Marshall was the constructor, Miller the reconstructor. Marshall laid the foundation, Miller builded and cemented the arch. Marshall gathered up the thirteen colonies which has crystallized around the sword of Washington and wound about them the red and white bars typical of the valor of our soldiers and the purity of our intentions.

Miller followed the sword of Grant and gave permanent setting to that ever increasing galaxy of stars which are destined to shine from the blue field of justice

Marshall gave vigor and vitality to the young nation; Miller bound up its wounds, and nur.^ed it to young manhood. As you wend your way out to the "New White City" and pass under that magnificent Arch of States. I ask you to remember that but for the creative genius of Marshall and the constructive ability of Miller, no such triumphant memorial would have been possible.

I have also selcted these two names because of the fact that as Marshall came from the old home of statesmen. Miller was appointed from the new. Marshall represents Virginia; Miller stands for Iowa.

While it is generally conceded that Justice Miller stands at the head of our illustrious jurists, w'e yet have others, and have made large loans to our sister States. New York, Chicago and Omaha have made large drafts upon us, which have always been duly honored.

I must not tire you with the mention of the names of all. To do so would unduly trench upon the exercises for the morrow and I forbear.

Not only is the nation indebted to Iowa for the able jurists she has furnished, but the influence of her sons upon the growth and development of her sister States is beyond computation.

It would not become me to speak of our present court. We frequently say at home that were it not for the bad precedents established by our predecessors we would have no trouble and there would be very little litigation. Over here in Nebraska, and in this exclusive company, I want to confidentially confess that we never had a better court that when Dillon, Wright and Cole were upon our bench. I believe, too, that the whole West has profited from their labors.

We take laudable pride in the fact that we furnished Nebraska with a Post, not to mention the district judges of Omaha, who sat at the feet of the illustrious trio that I have mentioned.

I know it is quite the custom to decry the courts, and to criticise opinions. The latter is perfectly proper, provided the critic has an intelligent conception of what he is talking about. But the statesman or politician, anarchist or socialist who strikes at the former has for his mark the foundation stones of our republic, and should he succeed in undermining the institution our priceless liberties are gone. The courts are the nation's safeguard.

The Chairman—I am going to give you the next toast, "The Iowa Press," and we are fortunate in having my townsman, S. C. McFarland, editor and proprietor of the Times-Republican of Marshalltown, whom I shall ask to respond.


In Response to the "Iowa Press,"

Mr. Toastmaster and Gentlemen:

Coming from Iowa it is Impossible for me to say that I am entirely unprepared—this with deference to the explanations that have preceded mine. I did receive vague word by wire that I would be called upon to respond to a proposition that long range rendered more or less indefinite, and now find that my notes are worthless for the purpose for which they were intended.   The situation is pregnant with embarrassment. Within sound of the eloquence of Senator Thurston and Senator Allen, within touch of the practical enthusiasm of President Wattles, and having been endowed by nature with long legs, I feel like emulating the example of your native jack rabbit and taking to the cornfields of Nebraska.

It might be taken that this toast is merely the usual and stereotyped acknowledgment of the power and influence of the newspaper—that most appreciated and oftimes the most discredited of all human productions. It might be a deference to that ancient remark of Thomas Jefferson: "I would rather live in a country with newspapers and without a government than in a country with government but without newspapers." Or it might be an unconscious tribute to the bitter-sweet of Wendell Phillips: "The newspaper is the parent, school, college, pulpit, theater, example and counsellor —all in one. Every drop of our blood is colored by it. Let me make the newspapers, and I care not who makes the religion and the laws." But it is not too much to presume, in this instance, that it is merely the recognition of the fact that, but for her newspapers Iowa would not have been represented at this splendid show of her sister State, nor would this banquet have been held tonight.

It is difficult, in our personal affairs, to always adjust rightly the niceties of investment and expenditure; it is more difficult in public affairs, enmeshed, as they frequently are, with questions that should be entirely foreign—but tonight there is cause for congratulation throughout all Iowa that, to her credit, as a State, and to the just pride of every citizens, past and present, her newspapers brushed aside all selfish sophistries, and reaching across the Big Muddy, grasped the hand of Omaha, of Wattles, of Rosewater, of Saunders, of Montgomery and all those kindred spirits who looked failure in the face and calmly told her that she lied

In 1840 Iowa had but four weekly newspapers, strong and crude creations they would seem today. In 1850 she had twenty-seven, but still no dailies. Today there are published, in round numbers, 950 weeklies and 70 dailies. Within half a century of time no more marvelous tale has ever been told than the history of Iowa journalism. Its weeklies are the best and strongest in the nation; its dailies have long since trespassed upon the future. Within the brief scope of this response there is no time for historical analysis, and if there were, there are others who alone are competent to put into words a proper tribute to Iowa journalism—to the brain and brawn of its pioneers, to the enterprise and sacrifices of their successors.

The modern Iowa daily is the evolution of but a very few years. Only yesterday perfecting machinery and type-casting and stereotyping processes were unknown outside the very largest cities. Today it is a poor town of 12,000 people that hasn't a substantial, satisfying newspaper. The ponderous metropolitan has become almost a memory. The metropolitan daily finds its erstwhile undisputed field becoming more and more circumscribed. The processes of invention and competition have educated a new clientele; the development of the American idea has created new conditions of locality and environment, and, to meet them, out of rough experience, the inland daily, as we call it, has been evolved, and when you have found, behind its modern plant, that combination of resource and enterprise, that mental and moral balance, and that practical and executive ability required of the . successful publisher in all his acute relations to the public and to individuals, then, in my humble judgment, you have found the genius of the most exacting journalism that is known today.

The fecundity of Iowa is not measured by her cornfields. When the genius of creation called into existence the two great rivers of this northern continent it was decreed that, enclosed within their borders and nestled between the rigors of Minnesota on the north and the miasma of Missouri on the south there should be spread a garden of the Gods—not a fantastic dream of dead volcanos and the wash of centuries, but an empire of rolling prairie and gentle stream, whose influence should be an inspiration for all her children, stamping them with the broad character of her own topography and endowing them with the vigor of her own soil. And her children have   been inspired. The pioneer press of Iowa preached the gospel of education. It took the boulders from the pathways of forgotten glaciers and built the foundation of the school house. That Iowa school house has developed new states, and, as you have heard so eloquently acknowledged tonight, its influence may be traced to the enterprise that lies beneath and the beauty that blossoms within Omaha's White City. It has invaded and invigorated the old commonwealth. Its .-scholars have taken, as their natural levitage, the most commanding places in every avocation of the nation's life,, and, Mr. Toastmaster, not content with producing—I was going to say the best, but with consideration for the feelings of Mr. Rosewater, I shall say the most wholesome, newspapers in the world, it has challenged the country by sending to and retaining in congress a delegation whose practical statesmanship dominates its councils, whose eloquence compels the world to stand still for a moment that it may listen, and whose membership, officially and personally, is the satisfaction and the glory of every true son who dwells within that charmed ground preserved, as we have heard by Ex-Governor Saunders, and Avhose motto, crystallizing the splendid sentiment uttered by Senator Thurston and coined long ago by our war Lieutenant Governor, Enoch Eastman, is inscribed upon that shaft of all the States at W^ashington—"Iowa, the affections of her people, like the rivers of her borders, flow to an inseparable union."

The Chairman—Gentlemen, if mine eyes do not deceive me, far away to the south, in the back part of this room, we have a late arrival from Santiago de Cuba, and in order to get him out of the rear, I am going to propose a toast, "Iowa at Santiago de Cuba," and I will call on Mr. Lafaj-ette Young to respond.


Editor of the Iowa Capital.

Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen—I arrived somewhat unexpectedly, and ani not in the humor that grows upon one after sitting for some time and partaking of the good things at the banqueting board. I still have with me the dust and discomfort of an overcrowded Rock Island train, and am a living evidence of the inefficiency of the commissary department of Cuba. (Laughter.)

It was my good fortune, as a newspaper man, to be with the Fifth Army Corps, under William R. Shatter, almost from the beginning of hostilities until within a few days of their suspension.

It is difficult, at this time, to recount the results of the war. The war began and ended unexpectedly, and events followed one another with such rapidity and so much history was crowded into such a short space of time that it is, as I say, at this time, difficult to estimate the results of the war.

We are today a greater citizenship than on the first of May when George Dewey sailed up Manila bay and introduced Uncle Sam to the leading powers of the world, as a cosmopolitan, world-wide citizen, a cross between Buff-ilo Bill and Simon LeGris, to be taken into the reckoning hereafter if trouble is to be avoided. (Applause and laughter.)

It is much easier to enthuse over the liberation of an oppressed and down-trodden people around the banquet board than it is on the deck of an overcrowded transport troop ship, or amidst the hardships of camp life

I accompanied Shaffer's army from Tampa to Cuba, and it was an interesting experience and one not to be forgotten. The spectacle of twenty thousand men being landed on a hostile shore, with bayonets and bullets— not a committee of reception and badges—to receive them, was an interesting and inspiring sight.

Leaving Tampa, we sailed down through the various bodies of water, down the Florida coast, out to Dry Tortugas, then the full length of the island and around the bend of the eastward point, then eastwardly 75 miles, until you come within sight of Morro Castle at the entrance to the harbor of Santiago de Cuba; laying there on the troop ship at night, wrapped in a blanket, and tossed by the sea, gazing up at the blue firmament above, the tropical conditions disclose many stars never seen in our northern latitudes.


To while away the long hot nights we would look out upon the water, in the darkness and blackness of the night; the only lights were the single lights of these 39 wooden vessels, as helpless in the presence of modern guns as Paul Jones' fleet if we had it today. Stern wheelers, side wheelers, ocean propellers, screw propellers, ships of every variety of form and every conceivable shape that Uncle Sam was able to get together in a hurry, and looking out on that procession, with eleven fighting ships at the side, and the great battle ship Indiana in front, with its upper rigging and turrets towering above the water like towers of an old mediaeval castle, it was an impressive scene. Looking out at the little solitary lights in each of these ships, in their silent procession, in the darkness of the night, you might imagine they were the lights along the principal streets of a country town. Here was the corner drug store, there the postofflce, over yonder the corner grocery, with its cracker boxes and tallow barrels and free American citizens discussing the silver problem; over on the right you might imagine that small lonely light was the school house light and you were hurrying across the prairie to fill a night appointment, and were somewhat late; and this other light was at the farm house of the leading citizen, the man who looked after the delegations, and you would expect the dog to come out barking to receive you.

These thoughts might pass through the mind while sailing down in the darkness of the night through these various bodies of water, when the lights were out and the newspaper men could not play poker to kill time: when our thirty-five newspaper intellects would be at parade rest for want of something entertaining, and we had to think, and thinking is a last resort.

Then, when you arrived, after these days and nights of trials and tribulations, and after the morning round ups when they would bring the sick men on the ships, with the newspaper representatives, and the foreign army and navy representatives of the world, bring the boys to spread the various diseases throughout the various other parts of the ship, day after day, bringing them on a little more thickly, until all the state rooms were crowded and you did not know whether you were going to have typhoid fever the measles or what, and finally, after that had gone on six days and nights and the water was gone out of the tanks, and the ginger ale from the bar, and the boys were out of cigars and cigarettes, and swapping tobacco and chewing brown paper and other make-shifts to supply the tobacco that was gone, and you arrive and see Morro Castle, and the ships, and Sampson and Schley, and everybody else, and the ambitious young lieutenants of the navy who were eager to emulate Dewey

Then to follow the fleet around the corner where you bombard Daquiri with eleven fighting ships, throwing all sizes and shapes of shot and shell on shore, and then landing and sleeping on shore for the first night, in the midst of a great army, and hear the outposts all up through the glens of the little mountains, saying halt, who goes there, and the neighing of the artillery horses all around you, and you begin to wonder if God Almighty is going to smile on an enterprise of the kind, when you are taking possession of land that belongs to somebody else for four hundred years, and to seek your berth and your bed, and other creeping things seek your berth and your bed, without any particular introduction, introduce you to the ways of the tropics, and you hear the bands play, after a while, the old "Star Spangled Banner," the first time, possibly, in that country, and "America," and then, the only survivor of the civil war, that seems to suit both sides, "Dixie," and invariably wind up with the new battle hymn of the republic, "There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight." I will never forget that night. I was thinking, as I said, it is a last resort, I wondered if God Almighty had any partnership in that enterprise, or whether it was going to be well with us, and that is a rather singular thing to be passing through the mind of a newspaper man, and only passes through in extreme cases.

Finally, the Ninth Infantry Band, not far away, every man as black as night, and each man a giant, wound up the concert with "Nearer My God   to Thee." Then an unrepentant newspaper man did think of the circumstances that surrounded him, and then the rain began to pour, and it found all the American citizens that were there. It found fifty hostlers in charge of the artillery back of our camp, and they had been told that if you got wet and cold at night that you must keep moving, so they built an enormous bonfire when the rain began and formed in procession around that bonfire and tramped a^?ound it throughout the entire night, singing everything from gospel hymns down, and invariably wound up with a "Hot Time," and they kept that up until the first rays of dawn, and we were engaged in raising the flag of liberty in Cuba. (Applause.) And then the boys would gather around the campfires at night with their gums bleeding and their mouths dry and lips blistered, and the blood fevered in the veins, and you have got to pass through the fever before you are fit to live in that country and get the northern instincts out of you, before you are prepared to do business, sit around the campfire instead and talk of the good things to be had up in God's country. I remember an Irishman in our camp. "Young," he says, "when you go back to America, you are going back sooner than we are, because we are working by the day and we have to stay, go into the first saloon that you come to tljat looks respectable, get a "tin bucket full of beer and a chunk of ice in it the size of your head and a low stool, spread yourself out, and bury your face in the beer and think of me." (Laughter.) He says: "Don't take your face away or wipe off your chin, it would be greater than the crime of seventy-three."

You can judge by my emaciated appearance whether I followed directions or not.

There were many instances, and I tell you if the American republic endures a thousand years, they will never realize the singleness of purpose and the heroism of the soldiers of the United States army, after they have been waiting for thirty .years to put into practice what for thirty years they had been learning. (Applause.) Every man came off those vessels with a Krag-Jorgensen by his side and his blanket rolled over his shoulders, three days rations and one hundred cartridges in his belt, with as fixed a determination to start toward the proposed firing line of Santiago as if he already had had orders and his position been designated. There will never be greater deeds of heroism and there never has been by American soldiers since Washington's men left the bloody imprints of their feet in the snows of Valley Forge. (Applause.) The first battles of the republic fought by the regular soldiers cf the United States army since Scott and Taylor captured the City of Mexico, more than fifty years before, and one-fourth of all that number were black men and all under the command of General Joseph Wheeler of the South.

Indeed we might say when we see these Southern men saying forward to the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry and the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Infantry, "now let the thy servant depart in peace as in the fulfillment of the law." If there is a preacher here I would thank him to correct my scripture.

There is much to be said about this great campaign in Cuba, and this first ought to be said, that that battle could not have been better fought by living men than it was fought under the command of Shafter. (Applause.) The greatest criticism that could be said would be that a man, that no man weighing three hundred and twenty-fivb pounds had any business in that climate under any circumstances, and the only marvel is that he lived; with fever, with rheumatism, with every known ailment, that man directed the fight,' but the God's truth is it did not need anybody to direct it. There was Chaffee and Hawkins and Kent and Betts and Sumner, and Capron's battery and Grimes' battery, and the coolness and the determination of the men, and they would have taken Santiago or died in the attempt, but if Shafter and every other commander there had been in the bottom of the Caribbean sea it would have been fought just the same, because of the indomitable heroism of the men.

War was a new enterprise with me, and I remember the first news of   the battle. Myself and an old friend, who accompanied me on the way down and who had been all through the civil war and had been in the army forty years and was then on the retired list, were sitting in a va cant bungalow not far from Daquiri, where we landed, for the name is Daquiri and not Baquiri, as Uncle Sam's maps have it; it is owned by the Spanish-American Iron Company, and the name is Daquiri. We were there when Cal Brice and a captain whose name I have forgotten, came riding out with horses covered with foam and perspiration and all having the appearance of excitement, and we went out, and they told us that harrowing tale of the fight back in the woods where the Spanish had been driven away from our landing place and had attacked Roosevelt's Rough Riders and the First cavalry and others under the command of Colonel Wood in one column and General Wheeler in the other, and had surprised them and they had literally slaughtered the entire command, or the heads of their columns. Although depressed with heat, we started pell mell for that battlefield as you would go to a fire in Omaha, out of curiosity; we forgot being tired, and we got up there and found the place strewn with dead and Avounded men. Myself and others propped Marshall of the New York Journal up, had a bullet through him, while he dictated a last letter to his wife and made his will. We assisted the wounded down to Sibonev and the next morning we gathered there and buried the dead. Sixteen Americans were laid in that grave, one grave, on which we laid this tall guana grass to make it soft and gentler for the boys in their last sleep, rolling them first m their blankets and then we covered them over with guana gra=s and then with a foot of black loam, the richest soil in the world to protect them from the ever present buzzard, and then Chaplain Vanderwater of the Seventy-first New York took his place at the head of the grave and read a chapter from the New Testament, and the newspaper men and soldiers gathered there started "Nearer My God to Thee," while we stood with bared heads in the tropical sun. It was the first tragic touch of war and It was new to most of us, we knew nothing about it, and during these solemn proceedings I wondered if it was right to invade an alien shore even in the name of better things and better promises and better hopes' I need not go further. I believe the war has been worth all it cost. It has placed the old flag on every court house of the South; it has placed a little flag on the lappels of all the summer girls and the matrons of the South, and for the first time since I860 it has placed the old star spangled banner on the capitol at Richmond. It has bridged the bloody chasm that stood open for thirty-five years. It has sent the sons of Lee and Grant into the same conflict and on the same side. It has made' us a united republic, and if we go and extend the helping hand of friendship and morality and education and religion to the black people of Cuba and Porto Rico and the Philippines and bring them up to a higher standard of civilization is it not possible that we are doing more for these people than we are for ourselves?

And where we are standing around our own street corners quarre'ing as to whether we are to have dollars of a certain weight or a certain other weight. Is it not better then and is it not just at the time when America's hands were empty and we had conquered our own wildernesses, and bridged our own streams and tunnelled our own mountains, and there was no further progress in our own land unless we countermarched and looked by the right and by the left to see if we had omitted anything in our former march. (Applause.) Has it not come about in God's Providence that these new fields for the resistless, immeasurably restless energy of the American people to reach out in other lands and do other things for humanity. And what are we here for? When we are uplifting other men are we not at the same time uplifting ourselves. God is smiling on" this great conquest, and has smiled on it from Dewey's first shot until the last, in front of Santiago and back of it. Never such a war fought at so little cost; never an accident happened that has not been on our side. Every unexpected thing has been in favor of Uncle Sam. The?e things do not happen by accident. They are intentional. It is the purpose of the pbwer that rules all things to give this great people these new o pportunities in these different parts   of the world. And if I should live a thousand years I will never forget when we laid off the harbor of Daquiri after the bombai'dment at a quarter after five on the 21st day of June, after the landing had begun and seventeen thousand had been put on shore, we noticed on the precipitous mountain in full view of all, three American soldiers climbing up there through that dense menagua, to place the old flag on that height, and in less than ten minutes the old Star Spangled Banner was waving from the flagstaff that had been erected by Spain; then all the ships that had guns fired, and all the young soldiers that had not landed were up in the rigging, and wherever they could get a foothold and hanging by spars and ropes, and the cheering was taken up from ship to ship, and then the bands took a turn, and the old "Star Spangled Banner" and "America" and "Dixie" struck up, and the enthusiasm reached ninety degrees in the shade, and the blood coursed through the veins with irresistible energy, when all of the bands by common consent played "There Will Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight." (Applause.)

This great enterprise is but characteristic of the American people, and also emphasizes the fact that the American hands are nearly out of something to do, otherwise we would not devote ourselves to bickerings and quarreling about this thing and that, and these other enterprises come in in time to meet this universal demand, and it has been a wonderful war, for a great purpose. It has accomplished great things, and it has caused great sufferings, as all wars must do, but it has placed Uncle Sam and John Bull arm in arm, and the two great English speaking nations are one in heart and sentiment, and when they start out on a great enterprise there is scarcely any other great combination that dare tread upon the tails of their coats.

Uncle Sam and John Bull, two great civilizers of the world to be, the great promoters of commerce, and as a consequence all other good things that follow along with it. Long may they reign, and long may our mutual enterprises progress. (Applause.)

The Chairman—This is the last time I shall call upon the quartet. I hope they will indulge us once more. If they happen to have a patriotic air in the number, that they can give us, we will be obliged.

The quartet sang "Oh, Say, Can You See by the Dawn's Early Light."

The Chairman—Gentlemen, with one more toast we will bring the exercises to a close. Before doing that I want to return the thanks of the Iowa Commission to President Wattles and to each member of the Board of Directory for the very fine way in which you have handled all the difficult things that we have brought before you, without any complaint, and with uniform good feeling. You have made us feel at all times perfectly at home in this enterprise. To the other gentlemen that have come here tonight, and especially to those that have favored us with most interesting remarks, the Commission also desires to return their warmest thanks; and to those other gentlemen here who could have responded most gracefully and earnestly and patriotically, had we only a little more time to have given them also, we return the thanks of our Commission. I will give you now, in closing, this wi'l be the last, a toast to those that are not here, "The Blessed Ones, the Ladies," and will call on Congressman Mercer to respond.


Mr Toastmaster and Gent'emen—A few years ago I stood on Tenth street, in this city, it was a summer evening, the merchants were standing out in front looking for a'r and looking for trade. A man, minus a leg, came hobbling up Tenth street. He was on crutches; he came to a clothing store, and he says: "Have you any one legged pants." And the man says: "No, sir; we do not keep anything of the sort in our store." The man next door, who was also in the clothing business, heard the inquiry, rushed to the rear end of his store, took down a pair of pantaloons, which he thought would fit the man on crutches. He took back a pair of shears and cut off one leg from the pantaloones. Ihen he put them back on the counter   and he rushed to the front door. The cripple by that time had got in front of his place, and he says: "How do you do, sir; have you any one leg-ged pants?" "Yes," he said; I always keep in stock everything- my customers ask for." The one legged man went into the store, went back to the rear end, and the merchant, in all confidence, took down the pair of pantaloons and shook them out and immediately saw that he had cut off the wrong leg. Now, I think Governor Packard, in assigning me to this loast has cut off the wrong leg. There was a time in my experience when, so far as ladies are concerned, I dealt in the plural, but I am married now, and j'ou know what that mears.

After listening to the remarkable address by our friend and everybody's friend, Mr. Lafe Young of Iowa, we are more thankful than ever that we have ladies on earth, because were it not for a lady, he would not have been here, and he could not have given us that remarkable address. Were it not for the ladies none of us would be here and have the pleasure of being the guests of such hospitable men as those who come from Iowa to visit us in Nebraska. Were it not for the ladies we would not have had the p'.easure of listening to all the remarkable speeches made here this evening, or listening to the splendid music or partaken of this excellent food.

And your toastmaster would have shown wisdom in the assignment of this toast if he had called upon Mr. Rosewater of the Bee, or Mr. Dawson of the Des Moines Leader, or my friend Judge Wright of Council Bluffs, for they are all ladies' men; they could give you pointers that I know little about in reference to the ladies. Even my friend Senator Allen might have discoursed a little bit when he took the floor and talked to you and devoted part of his time to the subject of ladies, because he and my friend Thurston this afternoon were enjoying the inidway, and had it not been for the ladies they could not have had any fun in the streets of Cairo and the Streets of all Nations.

I remember, some years ago, in Massachusetts, a lady sitting in a coach Across the way a gentleman who kept looking at that lady time and time again, and, finally, he got up and went over to her and says: "I beg your pardon, madam, but I think I know you: your name, please." She says: "Lydia Pinkham is my name." He had seen the cut in the newspapers so often that he thought he knew the lady.

Two ladies sitting in a Pullman car. One complained that the car was close; the other lady complained there was too much draft in the Pullman. Finally, the lady who did not have air, not finding the porter, pushed up the inside window, and she sat back and breathed the air. The lady, across from her, who complained there Avas a draft, said: "I wish you would put that window down, because I am catching cold from the draft." And the altercation grew and attracted the attention of the conductor who came to see what the difficulty was. And the lady looking for air said: "I opened the window to get air because it is too close in here." And the lady across from her says: "I wish she would put it down; I am catching cold." The conductor says: "Those are double windows in this car, and neither one is relieved and neither ore has any complaint." If it were not for the ladies we would not have such pleasantries as this upon the railroads of this country.

Mr. Toastmaster, if it were not for the ladies some of us would stay out a good deal later than we do. If it were not for the ladies civilization would be a good deal worse off than it is today, and in nine cases out of ten if mankind will confine itself to the sociable and its associations to places where ladies are the world will be all the better for it.

It is a pleasant entertainment to meet around a banquet board like this, and it is fitting upon occasions of th"s kind that we should remember that we have intimate friends, that we have our wives and our sisters, and our daughters at home, and they are entitled to our thoughts, even in the highest moments of our hilarity. They are the corner stones of our up   building. To them are we anchored and in many cases whenever we meet with success in this life we can ascribe most of that success to the influence of ladies.

Mr. Toastmaster, it was before the prohibition scare when I came to Nebraska. My father and mother stopped in Benton County, Iowa, long enough to let me see the first light of day, and it is not strange, Governor Saunders, that I have affection and friendship for the State of Iowa, and we in Nebraska admire that magnificent State, the great State University, her other great educational institutions, her remarkable newspapers, her big broad manhood, her statesmen and her splendid citizenship.

And this Exposition, Mr. Toastmaster, is indebted to Iowa as much as to any other State, because Senator Allison and Senator Gear helped us in the Senate every day and hour when the bill was before Congress, and Congressman Dolliver, upon the Ways and Means Committee, never let an opportunity pass by but what he would give us his assistance and his counsel. This is our neighboring State, and I say, Mr. Toastmaster, it is well for us to be friendly in the years to come. When the people of Omaha started this Exposition Council Bluffs joined hands, and we had no more loyal friend, Mr. Wattles, than Council Bluffs in all the struggles, and the ladies of Council Bluffs joined with the ladies of Omaha to make this Exposition the great and grand success that it is. (Applause.)

Mr. Toastmaster, it is late; we have had a splendid time, and I think any one who would attempt to command too much of your attention after listening to the splendid speeches we have had thus far this evening would be committing a crime. And I thank you very much, I assure you. (Applause.)

On the morning of the 21st, a number of bands arrived, concerts were given at the Iowa Building during the entire day and evening.

A procession was formed in the city, composed of Governor Leslie M. Shaw, mounted, attended by Adj. Gen. Melville H. Byers and members of the Governor's staff, and State Oflficers. Governor Holcomb of Nebraska and staff, President Wattles and members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Management of the Exposition, the orator of the day, Hon. Robert G. Cousins, Congressman Fifth Congressional District, of Iowa, and others that were to participate in the program, with numerous Iowa Bands of Music, followed by a large delegation from Council Bluffs, including companies of cadets. This splendid representation was escorted by the Iowa Agricultural College Cadets, Commanded by Col. Herman Knapp with Agricultural College Band acting as escort to the Governor.

They proceeded to the main entrance of the Exposition Ground on the east side of Sherman Avenue, where they were met by Major Clarkson, General Manager of the Exposition, and were conducted by him to the Iowa State Building, thence through the Exposition Grounds to the Auditorium, where thousands of Iowa citizens had assembled awaiting the arrival of the distinguished party who were to take part in the program.

Vice President Allan Dawson of the Iowa Commission, acted as Chairman, introduced the speakers and the following program was given:


Auditorium, 2:30 P. M. September 21, 1898.


1—Organ Voluntary.

2—Introductory Address, Vice President Allan Dawson.

3—Overture, "The Wizard of the West," Ladies' Band of Eldora.


5—Violin Solo, a Legende, H. Wiennanski; b Polonaise, Miska Hauser, Lucile Franchere, Earl Byers, Accompanist.

6—Address, His Excellency, Leslie M. Shaw, Governor of Iowa.

7—Solo, "Delight," Nellie Mae Brewster.


8—Address, Gurdon W. Wattles, President Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.

9—Vocal Solo, "Star Spangled Banner," Mary Theresa Louthan. Audience will join in chorus.

10—Oration, Hon. Robert G. Cousins.

11—Quickstep, "Uncle Remus," Barnard. Iowa Agricultural College Cadet Band.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Citizens and Friends of Iowa:

"Not many generations ago, in the place where you now sit, encircled by all that exalts and embellishes civilized life, the rank thistle nodded in the breeze, and the wild fox digged his hole unscared." So said Charles Sprague three-quarters of a century ago, and the utterance is as true when applied to the land of the Omahas as to the land of the Wampanoags.

We meet this day as citizens of Iowa, on the soil of a sister State, for no idle purpose. The people of Iowa are not idlers, but the day will have been lost to us and to our children unless what is here said, and done, and witnessed, and enjoyed shall bring greater thoughtfulness and increased earnestness. The half century and two years since the admission of Iowa added the twenty-ninth star to the flag which has now become the protector of the world have wrought great changes. Most of the improvements of earth, most of the progress in the arts and sciences, most of the advance in civilization, have been wrought within the period of our State history. Time would not permit, if the inclination were present, to recount the achievements in the political, industrial, financial, agricultural, mechanical, scientific, educational, religious or moral world. Suffice it to say that in all of these Iowa has rendered her full share of service, and has reaped her full measure of blessing. We can well afford to leave to others the study of the past. Let it be ours manfully to face the future, now more than ever big with possibilities, and . with careful glance ahead improve the present.

In all the grand exhibit of this remarkable Exposition there is not found that for which our State has greatest reason to rejoice. The product of the farm, of the orchard, of the garden, of the herd, of the dairy, of the factory, of the mine are here in great quantity and of superb quality. Truly Iowa is great in territory, great in resources, great in product, but she is greatest of all in her children. There is presented to my eye from th>3 platform that which is infinitely more valuable than all herds and all harvests. I see scattered through this audience many of the youth of Iowa. They are from the city, from the town, from the hamlet, and from the Iowa farm. They are representatives of an aggregate of seven hundred thousand of school age, and of an equal number who have just passed from educational tuition to face the activities, the anxieties, and the achievements of manhood and womanhood. These all belong to a generation which will surely be heard from. Their fathers and mothers have been industrious, have been ambitious, have been hopeful, and have been successful. A generation thus circumstanced is always potential. Dr. Strong tells of a township in the western reserve which was settled with an energetic, liberty-loving, God-fearing, educationally-inclined people, and which in a limited period'furnlshed many members of the State Legislature. From that community of only a few hundred inhabitants men went forth to college professorships east and west, to the supreme bench of the State, and to the United States Congress. Northampton, Mass., has among its native and resident population over four hundred graduates from colleges and other educational institutions; it has furnished the world with one hundred and fourteen ministers, eighty-four ministers' wives, ten missionaries, twenty-five judges, one hundred and two lawyers, ninety-five physicians, seven college presidents, thirty professors, sixty-four other educa   tors, twenty-four editors, six historians, twenty-four authors, two governors, and thirty other State officers, twenty-five members of the State General Court, as the Legislature is styled, two generals, six colonels, thirteen other army officers, thirty-eight officers of the United States, among them a Secretary of the Navy, two Foreign Ministers, a Treasurer of the United States, five Senators of the United States, eight Members of Congress and one President. If a territory six miles square, under favorable conditions can make such a record, what may we not hopefully expect from a territory containing fifty-five thousand square miles, all of it similarly peopled, and with conditions more favorable than Massachusetts ever enjoyed or Ohio ever possessed.

"Know thyself," said the Greek philosopher. "Know thine opportunity" has become a companion and equally important maxim.

When you go home tonight tell the children that the world is big and constantly expanding; that this day's experience has broadened your vision; that life has become more real and hope more ardent; and that both j'ou and the world, and especially the States expect something of them. Wake the boy in the night, break in upon his dreams with stories of hopeful possibilities; watch the fire kindle in his eye; then let him dream again of greater things, of broader expanses, of higher altitudes, of nobler achievements. Neglect neither seed time nor harvest; watch the growing and maturing crops; succor and protect both flocks and herds; zealously guard the interests of the shop and the store and the ofl^ce; but, above all, look well to the youth of Iowa, and to all things that shall conserve the generation whose footsteps crowd the threshold of the world's activities.


In the welcome he extended on behalf of the Exposition Management President Wattles declared that Iowa is the finest agricultural State in the Union. It has a smaller percentage of untillable land than any other territory in the world. It has a smaller percentage of illiteracy and fewer criminals. This condition he charged to the fact that farming was the principal vocation of the State's people. Agriculture breeds virtue and contentment and this influence is apparent in the Hawkeye State. There are no large cities to draw the people into faster living and to inspire them with the greed for gain.

There was a special reason, President Wattles said, why this occasion had more of pleasure for him than other events of like character, for he was extending a greeting to his old associates and neighbors. It was with pride that he referred to a residence in Iowa covering a period of his early manhood, and it was at that time that he came to know and love the people of Iowa. The population of the State was of a singularly sturdy, progressive and intelligent character and in respect to these qualities unsurpassed by the people of any other commonwealth.

The chapters that Iowa has added to the growth and development of the west were among the most important and instructive in the annals of the whole Trans-Mississippi region. He cheerfully gave to Iowa the credit of being the first State to pass an appropriation for the Exposition and on behalf of the management he bore testimony to the support w^hich the State had from the first and constantly given to the great enterprise. He reminded the people of the State of the intelligent and effective administration of the Commission, and mentioned the handsome State Building and the splendid exhibits as affording ocular proof that this commendation was well deserved.

Continuing the speaker dwelt on the hardships and difficulties that were encountered in the pioneer life of the State. Their struggles with these conditions left the people inured to hardship and able to fully ap-   preciate the luxuries and conveniences that came with civilization. How gladly the settlers who hauled their wheat 200 miles to market and then «old it for 40 cent-5 a bushel welcomed the scream of the engine and the approach of the railroads. It is no wonder, he declared, that the people of such a State should be intelligent, prosperous and happy.

In conclusion he assured the visitors that they are equal partners in the enterprise and cordially urged them to make themselves at home m the magnificent White City that they had helped to build.


Delivered at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Sept. 21.

IOWA DAY, 1898.

The State of Iowa accepts with fraternal gladness the hospitable hand of greeting extended by Nebraska and our other sister States m this great empire of the pioneers and salutes with reverent patriotism the federal government of the United States.

In the words of that original and poetic genius, "Ironquill," who has voiced so well the thought and feelings of our westland, and who has made the name of Kansas known forever in the world of letters:

States are not great
Except as men may make them.
Men are not great except they do and dare.
All mredit comes from braving the unequal.
All glory comes from daring to begin.

I have asked five of the ablest and most noted Americans what they regard as the chief thing or leading feature of the Trans-Mississippi region and they have invariably answered, "Its men and women." The other day I met one of the oldest settlers of eastern Iowa—one of those original, rugged characters whose wit and wisdom has lightened the settlers' hearts and homes for many a toilsome year—one of those interesting characters who never bores you and whom one always likes to meet—a man whose head is silvered and whose countenance is kind—and I asked him what he regarded as the principal feature of our Trans-Mississippi country, and he replied: "Well, I'm no scholar, but I've been round here nigh onto sixty years and I reckon 'bout the most important thing is the folks and the farms."

While you rest here a little while in this splendid auditorium before going to view the wonders and the beauties of the Exposition (and incidentally the Midway) I shall speak briefly of the folks and farms of my native State of Iowa and of this empire of the pioneers. In doing so, I have some hesitation, realizing as I do that there are doubtless those in this vast audience who were contemporaries with my grandfathers in the early settlement of Iowa away back In the thirties, and who are far better qualified to tell the tale of toil and triumph which is the glory and the honor of our birthland. In such a discussion, I feel as though I was standing on the bank of a magnificent stream in the hearing of patriarchs and pilgrims who have traveled from its source. I can look at its swift flowing current and think of the scenes by which it has swept in its lonely way from the wilds where it started; I can remember with you the roaming red man who watched with jealous eye the coming of this Anglo-Saxon stream of civilization; I can marvel with you at the vastness of the products of its soil, watered with the tears of happiness and toil; I can realize with you the ruggedness and patience of its manhood and the strength and gentleness of its womanhood, but of its landscape farther up, its tributaries and its cabins, its haunts and huts and won   ders, its picturesqueness of primeval life, the story is far better told by him whose tired feet have trudged along the way, whose hands have toiled and whose hair has turned to gray.

Iowa became a separate territory, with the capital at Burlington, ia 1838, and was admitted into the Union "in 1846, and has been in it ever since. It makes little difference whether it was first settled by the whites at Dubuque for mining purposes in 1788, or, for trading purposes, at Montrose, in 1799, or opposite Prairie du Chien, in 1804 or 5, or in Lee county at Sandusky in 1820, or on the lower rapids at what is now known, as Nashville, in 1829; or whether the first settlements for general purposes were made at Burlington and Davenport in 1832. The main facts is that it was well settled—not by dyspeptic tourists nor by invalids who had come west out of curiosity and New Jersey, nor by climate seeking dilettanti with two servants and one lung—but by the best bone and sinew of the Middle States, New England and the Old World. I do not know that there were any dukes or lords or marquises or duchesses, but there were Dutch and Irish and Scotch and Scotch-Irish and English and Americans and they had home rule right from the start—at least they had in the first school which I attended. The men and women who settled the Hawkeye State were not those who expected to go back "in the fall," or as soon as they could prove up on their claims. They were stayers. They were not men to be discouraged by winter or by work. They were men who knew that nobody ever amounted to much in this world unless he had to. Most of them began simply with the capital of honesty, good health and their inherent qualities of character. They built their cabins in the clearings and watching the smoke cuil up in the great wide sky, felt just as patriotic for their humble rustic homes as e'er did princes for their castles or millionaires for mansions grand.

To build a home is a great thing. It doesn't matter so much about the dimensions. "Kings have lived in cottages and pygmies dwelt in palaces," but the walls of a home always add something to inherent character. In the formation of character there are always two elements, the inherent and the adventitious—that which we bring with us into the world and that which our surroundings give us. Somebody said "There is only a small portion; of the earth that produces splendid people." Our pioneers got into a good place. They had left doubt sitting on a boulder in the east and packed their things and started for the west. Rivers had to be forded, trees to be felled: cabins had to be built—the rifle must be kept loaded—so much the better, there was self-reliance. Corn and coffee had to be ground, and' on the same mill—so much the better, there was ingenuity. Teeth had to be filled, and there was no painless dentistry. Disease and injury must be dealt with, and the doctor fifty miles away. Life must be lightened, lonely hearts must be cheered, and the old friends and comrades far back in the States or may b? away in the Fatherland, and the cheering letter tarrying with the belated stage coach—hold fast, thou sturdy denizen and gentle helpmate of the rich and wondrous empire, infinite goodness guards thee and the fertile fields are ready to reward!

Ah, pampered people of the later generations, when you imagine modern hardships, think of the courage and the trials and the ingenuity of pioneers when there were no conveniences but the forest and the axe. the wide rolling prairie and the ox team, the great blue sky, the unsolved future and the annual ague! Complain of markets in these modern times and then think of your grandmother when she was a blooming bride, listening through the toilsome days and anxious nights for the wagon bringing home the husband from a distant market with calico and jeans purchased with dressed pork sold a dollar and a half a hundred, and' maybe bringing home a little money, worth far less per yard than either calico or jeans. Maybe it was all for the best, human character was being formed for the development of a great and loyal and progressive State to shine forever among the stars of the Federal Union.


Probably the purest time in the history of grovernineuLs and of men is "When they are painfully intent upon the labor of their development and defense. Most all greatness and nearly every original idea has come out of some kind of trouble. Whoever gets to greatness or success without meeting opposition, goes in an air castle. Most of the flowers of genius have bloomed from bleeding hearts. There never was a strong and handsome face without some little line of care. And so every circumstance of those early, toilsome lives, every tedious trail, every tear, every home whose roof kept out the storm and whose walls contained their sorrows and their joys; all the gifts of a generous soil in return for careful cultivation; every irritating inconvenience which finally drove some questioned mind to ponder out improvements, all such experiences are as certain in their formation and development of character and mind as are inherent qualities that accompany the origin and mystery of life.

Somewhere I have seen an etching of a face that was called Experience, and I have never forgotten it—one never does forget a face that has ideas in it. This one was the illustrated history of a life. There was Youth with all its hope, marked here and there with all the lines of strife and care and victory which middle life had placed upon it. And there was the mystic touch of later years, like autumn's pencil work in nature, all shaded with the mellow haze of time—a kind of soft and silvery veil with which deft nature covers up her glory—a picture penciled by an artist with an tinderstanding mind, who knew his subject had thought as he had thought, felt as he had felt, dreamed as he had dreamed —a kind of picture that one sees so very very seldom, only as often as one finds genius—the divine—and I thought there is the typical picture of a pioneer and well named "Experience."

Civil government in Iowa proceeded with its rapid settlement. The pioneer became a model citizen. He knew the necessity for the laws that were enacted. He did not feel oppressed by government. He had experienced the losses of robbery and larceny and knew something of the embarrassment and inconvenience of being scalped. There was no hysteria about trusts and combines because they had practiced combinations themselves for mutual protection. If any one would learn the true genius and exemplification and philosophy of self-government^ government of and for and by the people, let him study the records of pioneer life, the institutional beginnings and the evolution of their laws. It would be worth our while on some suitable occasion when time permitted to talk over the interesting incidents attending the administration of justice in the early days of Iowa, the incidents of its territorial legislatures, the birth and growth of its Statehood and the characters of its officials. But the greatness of our State is not contained in any name. Its official history is the exponent of its industrial life and character. Its greatness is the sum total of its citizenship. In order to be just, John Jones, the average citizen, must be mentioned along with our most illustrious officials. Somebody said that the history of a nation is the history of its great men, but there is an unwritten history which that averment overlooks. The growth of a State is the progress of its average citizen. The credit of a commonwealth is the thrift of its John Jones and William Smith, and the character, prosperity and patriotism of the individual citizen is the history of Iowa.

The population of 97,000 which she had when admitted into the Union had increased to 754,699 at the close of the Civil war. Of these about 70,000. almost one-tenth of the population, were in the war—a number equal to nearly one-half the voters of the State. Who made the history of Iowa during that great struggle of our nation's life? John Jones, the average citizen, whether he carried a musket helping to put the scattered stars of State back into the constellation of the Union, or whether he toiled from early dawn to lingering twilight in the fields or in the shop. The best   civilization is tliat which maintains the highest standard of life for its average citizen.

Since the civil war the State of Iowa has increased in population to almost 2,225,000 of people, and most of the time has had the least illiteracy of any State in the Union. Doubtless for that we are indebted to many of the older States, whose enterprising and courageous citizens constitute solarge a portion of our population. With but half a century of statehood and with an area of but 55,475 square miles, the State of Iowa produces the greatest quantity of cereals of any State in the Union. As long ago as the last federal census, taken in 1890, it produced more corn, more oats, more beef, more pork than any State in the Union. Not long since I was introduced to a gentleman from New York City. He said: "Oh, from Iowa— ah—let me see, that's out—ah—you see, I'm not very well posted on the geography of the West." "Yes," I said, "it's out there just across the Mississippi river. You can leave New York about noon and get your supper in Iowa the next evening. It might te worth your while to look it up. It's the State which produces more of the things which people eat than any other State in the Union. It has more miles of railroad than your State of New York, more than Mexico, more than Brazil and more than all the New England States combined."

The value of Iowa's agricultural products and live stock in round numbers for the year 1892 was $407,000,000, to say nothing of her other great and various industries and enterprises. She produced that year 160,000,000 lbs. of the best butter on earth of the value of $32,000,000. The Hawkeye butter ladle has achieved a cunning that challenges all Columbia. The Iowa cow has slowly and painfully yet gradually and grandly worked her way upward to a shining eminence in the eyes of the world. The State of Iowa has on her soil today, if nothing ill befalls it, ninety million dollars' worth of corn. The permanent value of land is estimated by its corn-producing qualities. Of all the products of the earth, corn is king and it reigns in Iowa.

Industry and natui'e have made the State of Iowa a creditor. Her soil has always been solvent and her system of farming does not tend to pauperize it. She is a constant seller, and therefore wants the evidence of the transaction to be unimpeachable. She has more school teachers than any other State except the Empire State and only three and six-tenths per cent of her population are illiterate. The State of Iowa has yielded the grandest dividends on her educational investments. She has become illustrious on account of her enlightenment. She has progressed further from "primitive indifferent tissue" than the land even of Darwin himself, and in her escape from protoplasm and prejudice she is practically out of danger. Marked out in the beginning by the hand of God, bounded on the east and west by the two great rivers of the continent, purified and stimulated by the snows of winter, blessed with copious rainfall in the growing season, with generous soil and stately forests interspersed, no wonder that the dusky aborigines exclaimed when they crossed the Father of Waters, "loAva; this is the place!" Not only did the red man give our State its beautiful and poetic name, but Indian nomenclature runs like a I'omance throughout the counties and communities. What infinite meaning, what tokens of joy and sadness, of triumph and of tears, of valor and of vanqulshment, of life and love and song there may be in these wierd, strange words that name today so many of our towns and streams and counties: Allamakee, Chickasaw, Dakota City, Sioux, Pocahontas, Winneshiek, Keo sauqua, Sac, Winnebago, Tama, Nodawa. Compeine, Chariton, Commanche, Cherokee, Waukon, Muchakinock, Washta, Monona, Waupeton, Onawa, Keota, Waudina, loka, Ottumwa, Oneska, Waukee, Waucoma, Nishnabotna, Keokuk. Decorah, Wapello. Muscatine, Maquoketa, Mahaska, Ocheyedan. Mississippi, Appanoose, Missouri, Quas;iueton, Anamosa, Poweshiek, Pottawattamie, Osceola, Oskaloosa, Wapsipinicon.

Ere long some westland genius, moved by the mystic inspiration of the rich and wonderous heritage of Iowa nativity, may sing the song of our le-   gends and traditions, may voice in verse the wondrous story of his illustrious State. Maybe somewhere among the humble homes where blood and bone and brain grow pure and strong; where simple food with frugal ways feeds wondering minds and drives them craving into nature's secrets and her songs—somewhere along the settler's pathway or by the Indian trail where now the country churchyards grown with uncut grasses hide the forms of sturdy ancestors sleeping all in peaceful ignorance of wayward sons or wondrous progeny—somewhere where rising sun beholds the peasantry at early toil and leaves them in the mystic twilight ere their tasks are done, where odors of the corn and new-mown hay and vine-clay hedges by the shadowy roadside linger long into the night-time, as a sweet and sacred balm for tired hearts—somewhere sometime the song of Iowa shall rise and live, and it will not omit the thought of that gifted son who said: "Iowa, the affections of her people, like the rivers of her borders, flow to an inseparable union."

And now, my fellow citizens, a word about our great Trans-Mississippi region, the empire of the pioneers and of our country and its future.

We have on this side of the Mississippi river an area of 2,143,155 square miles of land, two and a ciuarter times the area east of the Mississippi. You could put England, Ireland, Scotland, the German Empire, France, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Spain and all of the United States east of the Mississippi into this Trans-Mississippi territory without touching California or Hawaii, and Admiral Dewey Avould still have the Pacific ocean and Manila, with rope enough to lasso and hang the last enemy of the United States and civilization.

The population east of the Mississippi in 1890 was 45,979,754, having increased eighteen per cent in the ten preceding years. The population west of the Mississippi in 1890 was 16,642,496, an increase of ninety-three per cent in the preceding decade. The wealth per capita east of the Mississippi increased twenty-two and three-quarters per cent from 1880 to 1890 and increased sixty-nine and one-half per cent west of the Mississippi in the samedecade.

The State of Minnesota alone produces nearly one-eighth of the flour of the United States and Texas furnishes one-fifth of the cotton. Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri produce nearly half of the entire corn product of the country, over one-fourth of the beef and more than one-third of the pork. No other territory in the world of eciual area produces so much of the substantial food of life.

Being a perpetual creditor, on account of its vast productions, the?western region and all its States have a common interest in the largest possible employment of people in other avocations than producing food, because employment not only creates appetite, but likewise the financial ability to satisfy it. The western region and its many States also have a common interest in honesty. Having given their labor for a large increase in wealth per capita—the largest of any section of the country—they are naturally interested in maintaining it. No one has a greater interest in the vested value of a dollar than he who has exchanged his labor and his products for it, or who has a constant surplus to be sold and registered as accumulated wealth. You labor today and accumulate thereby. You may want to rest tomorrow. Your accumulation should be secure. You have been selling all these years. You may wish to buy or build tomorrow. The credit registered by your toil, frugality and prudence should be forever sacred. The West should look to the future and think not only of its gains in one decade, but of the balance that will be to its credit in a hundred years from now. Do not forget that the world must eat and that mankind is multiplying by the millions, and that the Creator is not making any more land on this planet. Hold fast to the heritage which God and the pioneers have left you and to the standard of integrity and value by which it was earned. Let the future buy from you according to that same standard by which you have bought and by which your toil is measured in the present.


No one can foretell a limit of the possibilities of this great, producing, half-developed region for the future, with the United States forging to the front in the commerce of the world, claiming its harbors and its coaling stations along the lines of trade in the uttermost parts of the earth and realizing more than ever before that it is a joint proprietor with the older nations of the earth in the great high seas. Doubtless some people are overreckless for expansion and some are so conservative that their intellectual estates seem almost in probate. Douglas Jerrold used to say, "There are some people so conservative that they can never appreciate the new moon out of regard for that venerable institution, the old one," and Wendell Phillips added, "Some people are afraid to sweep off the cobwebs for fear the roof will come down!" But there is one thing reasonably certain: America will have a place to land and coal her ships in every quarter of the globe. There has been the age of marble and the age of bronze; ours is the age of commerce and of iron. Commerce will not stop, it undermines the mountains, lays its cables underneath the billows of the sea and scorns the fury of its crests. Commerce is a greedy, moiling, tireless spider catching all the world in a web of iron, and it will weave its wires wherever there is life. It has found the orient and the Occident and will never rest until it ties its cables to the poles.

America will build a greater navy and will build the Nicaragua canal and her merchant ships will take her commerce into all the harbors of the world and our battleships shall protect our commerce in its legitimate and rightful course. The American flag shall be visible and revered away from home as it is loved and venerated here, and under it a free people shall thrive and multiply in peace.

If one were to write a prophetic history of the next century and insist upon it with any degree of obstinancy, he would doubtless be deemed insane. If Washington, when he retired from public life, had uttered onehalf the truth of events that have since transpired, even Americans would have said that the pressure of official responsibility had rendered the Father of his Country a victim of dementia, and the world would have doubtless pronounced him crazy. If some optimist of New England had said a hundred years ago, as has transpired and been declared since then, that in the nineteenth century science would pierce through mountains that ancient poetry could never scale, whisper across the ocean, tame the lightning, annihilate space, explode superstition, create light, bottle up sound, he might have been arrected for witchcraft. If at the time when a hundred and eighty crimes were punishable with death, some judge or jurist had recognized the sunrise of civilization and had declared that the time would soon come when the greatest nation of the earth would inflict the death penalty for only two offenses, he might have been deposed for his opinion. If any one were to remina you now of one-half the century that is gone and foretell one-half the century to come he would be regarded as a dangerous man and rickety, and it would be used against him in the next campaign, no matter on what ticket he should run. The fact is that not many realize the rate at which the world is traveling. Time is so noiseless that it awakens very few. The Rip Van Winkles are as numerous as the Smiths and Browns and Joneses. Wh'le we are yet shaking hands with the events of yesterday genius taps us on the shoulder and introduces a stranger and we exclaim, "What impostor is this?" An impossibility, an event of the future.

What shall be the events of the coming century? Probably with whatever degree of certainty we are able to comprehend the past and to understand the present, with that degree can we foretell the future. Yesterday and today are the premises of a syllogism whose conclusion is tomorrow. I believe there is a good reason for everything that happens in the universe. The indications are that the great events of the near future shall be in the line of commerce, as I have already indicated, of jurisprudence, of social economy, of science and of art. The teidency of the times is to get rid of   long-established humbugs as soon as their copyrights expire. The wisdom of the past shall be retained, but the wings of progress shall not be burdened by its evils and stupidity. So long as toil shall bend the back of man his brain shall question science for its mysteries, and so long as mystery remains to form the boundary line of knowledge the scientists will strive and climb and climb and reach beyond those bounds. They will make the electric current turn the wheels of all the world.

And in our coming century there will be tumults, strife and riot, but there shall be no ruin. America shall be ruled by law. She will not forget the lessons that her patriots have taught. She will abide by the pilgrim covenant—the legally expressed will of the majority.

And in the future, striving and contending with all its ceaseless, tireless energies, in that stately and majestic march of time and toil there will be success and failure, thrift and slothfulness, charity and meanness, hope and doubt, happiness and misery. And soma time it will lift up its voice and America shall hear great music—such as she has never known before—and there shall be great artists. Some one has said that America is too busy to make verses, too serious to sing songs; that all her ideas are marshal'ed up in battle array to solve the vital questions of self-government and that all her jewels are wrought into diadems to crown the kings of commerce and the lords of science, whilst poetry is swept away by the tide of activity that swells through every artery and vein of Columbia's land. And all that has been very true. But it shall not always be so. We shall not always take our melodies from old operas nor our designs from ancient frescoes. We shall not always dig our architecture from the ruins of the past nor get our fiction from the brains of dead men. The same conditions that bred the genius of dead empires shall find the muses and the artists for Columbia and a greater glory shall await them, for they shall all be born in freedom.

By and by some millionaire, tired of killing pigs and packing pork, will see something beautiful or maybe something sad, and he will endow an Institution where poverty can come and dream and mark its pain and thought upon the canvas and the marble. And then some other hoarder of the millions shall grow weary cornering kerosene and corn, and he will hear some voice or see some fair young face with just a little line of care upon its arched and thoughtful brow, and he will add his charity to the goodness and the greatness of America and he wil say to genius, "Come, these walls shall keep the winds from shriveling up your tender wings on which you now may rise and soar and out of all your misery that is past make harmonies that will soften all the sorrows of mankind, revive the melodies that have been dying through all the centuries of time with the pain of silence and out of the inspiration that may come to you write rhapsodies that will lift and glorify the thoughts and minds of men and find the very throne of God." Emerson declared a little while before he died: "We think our civilization near its meridian, but we are yet only at the cock crowing and the morning star." The future will verify Emerson. The greatest alliance ever projected in history will be the alliance of American efforts and American interests. Into the opening gateway of the twentieth century, hand-inhand, shall spring our king of commerce and the queen of industry, the Sphinx-eyed scientist and his bride of art, the sturdy son of agriculture and the dreaming child of song, and their thought and toil and song shall honor and inspire the human race and make our country great—essentially, exquisitely, magnificiently great.

At the close of this program a very pleasant reception was given by a committee of Iowa ladies to Mrs. Governor Shaw, Mrs. President Wattles and Mrs. Clement Chase, President of the Ladies' Board of Management of the Exposition. This was followed by illumination at the Iowa Building and grand concert by the Mexican band on the Plaza.

After the concert, there was a magnificent display of fireworks given by the Board of Management in honor of Iowa Day. The illuminated motto over the arch of the Central Music Pavilion, also planned by the Board of Management, read as follows: "Who's all right?" "Iowa."


Thus closed the most successful State Day Celebration held during the Exposition.

The attendance from Iowa during this celebration week was not less than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000), the railroads being taxed to their utmost to provide transportation for the vast crowds going and coming daily.

Your Committee regret exceedingly that they could not arrange the date for holding the celebration so as to accommodate somespecial organizations which were anxious to be present and participate in the celebration, but this could not be done, and in view of the fact that the Peace Jubilee was so soon to be held on the Exposition Grounds occupying the fu'l week, the date fixed, without doubt, proved to be the best possible time for holding the celebration.

In closing the report, your Committee take this opportunity to return their thanks and the thanks of the Commission to all, to the Iowa bands for their splendid music, to the Dubuque Oratorio Society, and to all others for their aid and assistance in making these public exercises and celebrations the grand success they were, and to the thousands of intelligent citizens of Iowa who by their presence added greatly to the success of these public occasions, which were an honor and a credit to our great commonwealth.

Most Respectfully Submitted,

J. E. E. MARKLEY, Chairman.




HON GEO. F. WRIGHT. Vice President for Iowa, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.


HON. LUCIUS WELLS. Iowa Director—Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.


JOHN F. MERRY, Chairman. Committee on Transportation.


GEORGE W. McCOID, Treasurer.


Report of Treasurer


I herewith submit a consolidated statement of moneys received and warrants paid and cancelled, the total amount of which agrees with the warrants issued by the President and Secretary.

One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) of the amount appropriated for purposes of the Commission has never been drawn from the State. Total amount received by me from State Treasury, thirty-four thousand dollars ($34,000.00.) Ihree thousand dollars ($3,000.00) of this amount has already been refunded to the State as shown by my report; this, with the one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) remaining- with the state making four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) to the ere lit of the Commission.

This report also shows balance in my hands of $1,438.82, which will be accounted for in a supplemental report.

Iowa T.-M. & I. Exposition Commission In Account With George McCoid, Treasurer.


By total amount received from State Treasurer $34,000.00

Received on account errors from F. N. Chase, Secretary 53.49

Received on account Organ Matter, from F. N. Chase, Secretary... 150.00

Received on account Salvage, from F. N. Chase, Secretary 1,048.44


Paid Warrants 1 to 211 inclusive, account disbursements $30, 813.11

Paid Warrant No. 212, John Herriott. Treasurer, refund to State 3,000.00

Balance on hand 1,438.82

$35,251.93 $35,251.93

Respectfully submitted,


Treasurer Iowa. T.-M. & I. Exposition Commission.


JOHN H. WALLBANK. Chairman Auditing Committee.

Report of Auditing Committee dnd Full Detail Financial Statement

By JOHN H. WALLBANK, Chairman.

The Auditing Committee of the Iowa Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission beg to report as follows:

The Twenty-sixth General Assembly appointed a Commission and appropriated ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); the Twenty-seventh General Assembly made an additional appropriation of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), making a total of thirty-nve thousand dollars ($35,000.00.)

Since July 1, 1897, and up to the present time, your Committee have carefully examined into all bills and vouchers presented to them by the Secretary, who was the disbursing agent of the Commission.

The vouchers were all fully itemized and properly scheduled. A complete list of the same is attached hereto and made a part of this report.



July 1. J. S. Browning, salary and expenses, month of

June, 1897 $ 125.00

Warrant No. 1 $125.00

June 28. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 49.22

Warrant No. 2- 49.22


June 9. H. H. Markley, P. M., postage 75.00

Warrant No. 3 75.00

May 26. S. B. Packard, Commissioner, railroad fare and hotel expenses 33.05

Warrant No. 4 33.05

May 27. J. E. E. Markley, Commissioner, railroad fare and hotel expenses 30.94

Warrant No. 5 30.94

May 27. John H. Wallbank, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 43.38

Warrant No. 6 43.38

May 26. F. N. Chase, secretary, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 40.60

Warrant No. 7 40.60

May 26. Geo. W. McCoid, treasurer, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 26.93

Warrant No. 8 26.93

May 27. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 57.25

Warrant No. 9 57.25

May 26. S. H. Mallory, president, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 26.43

Warrant No. 10 26.43

May 27. Owen Lovejoy, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 22.15

Warrant No. 11 22.15

July 31, J. S. Browning, salary and expenses for month of July 125.00

Warrant No. 12 125. 00


June 27. F. N. Chase, Secretary, disbursements—

Western Union Telegraph Co., messages 1.28

L. I. Sturm, stenographer 14.50

Heywood & Son, stationery 1.01

S. D. Childs & Co., stationery 16.81

R. B. Drysdale, pocket seal 2.60

B. F. White & Son, stationery 5.45

Geo. A. Fabrick, printing 2.50

L. I. Sturm, stenographer 27.00

American Express Co., express 3.30

Wells Fargo Express Co., express 70

Illinois Central railroad, freight 1.30

United States Express Co., express 1.85

American Express Co., express 35

Synder & Hurd, printing 7.25

United States Express Co., express 1.15

Warrant No. 13 87.05

Aug. 5. Perkins Bros. Co., printing 100.00

Warrant No. 14 100.00

Aug. 2. James Rainbow, to labor collecting grain 30.00

Warrant No. 15 30.00

Aug. 1. L. I. Sturm, stenographer 26.00

Warrant No. 16 26.00

Aug. 1. A. F. Collman, R. R. fare and hotel expenses.... 7.31

Warrant No. 17 7.31

Avg. 24. F. N. Chase, Secretary, disbursements—

Chas. D. Brown & Co., printing 4.50

B. F White & Son, stationery 6.70

United States Express Co 5.40

C. E. McCray, cloth sign 2.00

American Express Co 2.15

United States Express Co 60

Warrant No. 18 21.35


Sept. 4. Owen Lovejoy, Commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 13.65

Warrant No. 19 13.63

Aug 18. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 32.50

Warrant No. 20 32.50

Aug. 16. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 25.10

Warrant No. 21 25.10

Sept. 14. J. E. E. Markley, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 14.85

Warrant No. 22 14.85

Sept. 13. Geo. W. McCoid; treasurer, R. R. fare, and hotel expenses 17.50

Warrant No. 23 17.50

Oct. 1. Fred Hethershaw, labor and expenses, gathering and packing grain 53 . 50

Warrant No. 24 53.50

Oct. 1. A. L. Plummer, labor and expenses, gathering and packing grains 35.00

Warrant No. 25 '. 35.00

Aug. 1. S. D. Cook, commissioner, printing and mailing circulars 55.75

Warrant No. 26 55.75

Aug. 10. F. N. Chase, secretary, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 28.31

Warrant No. 27 23.31

Oct. 1. L. I. Strum, stenographer 26.00

Warrant No. 28 26.00


Dec. 14. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 77.51


Jan. 14. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expense 81.56

Requisition warrant No. 29 150.00

Warrant No. 62 9.07


Nov. 8. F. N. Chase, secretary, R. R, fare and hotel expenses 72.49


Feb. 9. F. N. Chase, secretary, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 64.81

July 16. F. N. Chase, secretary, salary and expenses from April 4th to June 5th 397.99

Requisition warrant No. 30 500.00

Warrant No. 119, Bal. Req. Ac 35.29


July 1. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 10.76

Warrant No. 31 10.76

Oct. 31. L. I. Sturm, stenographer 26.00

Warrant No. 32 26.00

Sept. 23. Geo. F. Wright, freight and express on fruit 11.40

Warrant No. 33 11.40

Oct. 21. H. H. Markley, P. M. Postage 29.00

Warrant No. 34 29.00


Oct. 12. F. N. Chase, Sec'y, disbursements:

American Express Co., express .90

United States Express Co., express .45

F. A. White, services as book-keeper 11.00

Geo. A. Fabrick, printing: 3.00

Warrant No. 35 15.35

Sept. 30 James Rainbow, labor, packing and boxing grain 31.30

Warrant No. 36 31.30

Nov. 9. R. H. Moore, Commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 13.51

Warrant No. 37 13.51

Nov. 22. Geo. F. Wright, freight on fruit 12.66

Warrant No. 38 12.66

Sept. 24. A. F. Collman, R. R. fare and hotel expenses.. 8.92

Snyder & Son, fruit 1.50

M. G. Edwards, fruit 16.00

H. A. Ferry, fruit 4.00

Pat Finn, fruit 8.00

John Wise, fruit 2.60

J. T. Young, fruit 2.00

A. F. Collman, fruit 54.00

Warrant No. 39 97.02

Sept. 20. L. G. Clute, labor and expense, furnishing and procuring materials in 1897; grains etc 190.40

Warrant No. 40 190.40

Oct. 14. F. N. Chase, Sec'y. disbursements:

Judge Thompson, flax 6.00

Bryant Neely Co., coal 8.50

Li. I. Sturm, stenographer 26.00

Adams Express Co .80

American Express Co .45

H. H. Markley, P. M. postage 14.00

Warrant No. 41 55.75


Oct. 10. J. C. Radell, stove 12.00

Warrant No. 42

Oct. 11. S. D. Cook, Commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 47.82

Warrant No. 43

Oct. 17. S. H. Mallory, President, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 10.66

Warrant No. 44

Dec. 31. L. I. Sturm, stenographer 27.00

Warrant No. 45


Jan. 11. R. H. Moore, Com'r, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 14.76

Warrant No. 46

Jan. 1. Wheeler, Hereld & Co., cold storage, rent 20.00

Warrant No. 47

Jan. 10. Ottumwa Democrat, printing- 33.20

Warrant No. 48

Jan. 31. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 28.73

Warrant No . 49

Jan 31. L. I. Sturm, stenographer 26.00

Warrant No. 50

Dec. 28. R. H. Moore, Com'r, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 16.13

Warrant No. 51












Feb. 5. F. N. Chase, Sec'y, disTaursements:

Western Union Telegraph Company 2.82

Iowa Telephone Co 1.20

F. A. White, book-keeper 21.00

B. F. White & Sons, stationery 2.10

Bryant & Neely, coal 14.55

C. A. Wise, ink, paper, fastners 1.20

H. H. Markley, P. M., stamps 10.00

American Express Co .45

Josselyn & Taylor, architects 9.00

Western Union Telegraph Co 1.69

Warrant No. 52

Jan. 30. Ottumwa Democrat printing and mailing 26.35 Warrant No. 53

Feb. 28. B. F. Osborn, R. R. fare and hotel expenses.. 6.93 Warrant No. 54

Feb. 4, R. H. Moore, Com'r, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 17.17 Warrant No. 55

Feb. 28. L. I. Sturm, stenographer 24.00 Warrant No. 56

Jan. 24. John H. Wallbank, Com'r. R. R. fare and hotel expenses 49.46

Warrant No . 57

Jan. 12. A. F. Collman, R. R. fare and hotel expenses.. 11.70

Mar. 31. L.. I. Sturm, stenographer 27.00

Warrant No. 59


Mar. 1. Owen Lovejoy, commiFsioner R. R. fare and hotel expenses 17.90

Warrant No. 60







11. 70




Feb. 17. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R R. fare and hotel expenses 49.00

Warrant No. 61 49.00

For Warrant No. 62, See Warrant No. 29.

Mar. 24. R. H. Moore, commissioner, express, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 21.44

Warrant No. 63 21.44

Apr. 20. Josselyn & Taylor Co., to apply on contract 201.57

Warrant No. 64 201.57

Apr. 6. Geo. W. McCord, treasrer, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 44.05

Warrant No. 65 44.05

Apr. 20. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 14.71

Warrant No. 66 14.71

Apr. 2. J. E. E. Markley, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 10.49

Warrant No. 67 10.49

Apr. 20. J. H. Wallbank, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 15.32

Warrant No. 68 15.32

Apr. 20. P. H. Wind, contractor, to apply on contract... 2000.00

Warrant No. 69 2000.00

Apr. 30. F. A. White, services as book-keener 46.00

Warrant No. 70 46.00

May 1. L. I. Sturm, stenographer 26.00

Warrant No. 71 26.00

Mar. 9. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

S. D. Childs & Co., typewriter supplies 12.76


American Express Co., express .25

H. H. Markley, P. M., stamps 15.45

D. E. Mihvard, expenses 14.00

A. F. Collman, expenses 13.15

Omaha Daily Bee, printing 8.25

United States Express Co .25

Wells, Fargo Express Co .85

Van Pelt & Jayne, stenographers 13.00

Postal Telegraph Co., telegrams .39

M. W. Sawyer, telescope valise 1.50

Iowa Telephone Co .80

Western Union Telegraph Co .56

American Express Co .65

Wells Fargo Express Co., exoress .35

R. B. Henderson, labor, packing grain 7.50

American Express Co .25

Warrant No. 72 89.96


May 24. P. H. Wind, contractor, to apply on contract .. 1000.00

Warrant No. 73 1000.00

May 30. D. E. Milward, decorator, to apply on contract 270.00

Warrant No. 74 270.00

May 30. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 42.25

Warrant No. 75 42.25

May 30. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

New Nonpareil Co., printing 5.50

Bryant Neely Lumber Co., ccal 4.15

U. S. Express Co., express on desk 3.00

Durfee Furniture Co., chairs 10.00

C, B. & Q. R. R., freight 1.85

C, R. I. & P. R. R., freight 1.25

Geo. A. Fabrick, printing 3.75

John Beno & Co., flags and taunting 13.10

U. S. Davis, telegraphing .70


Postal Telegraph Co .83

Iowa Telephone Co 1.40

Chas. S. Safford, rubber stamp .57

Des Moines Leader, publishing 11.70

Tri-City Publishing Co., publishing 13.75

Omaha Bee Co., publishing 8.00

Western Union Telegraph Co 4.39

American Express Co .90

S. D. Childs & Co., stationery 10.93

L. O. Robinson, pins 30

Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition 3.00

Warrant No. 76

May 30. H. H. Markley, P. M., stamps 35.50

Warrant No. 77

May 31. J. E. E. Markley, commissicner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 8.73

Warrant No. 78

June 2. L. I. Sturm, stenographer 12.00

Warrant No. 79

June 2. Rand & Leopold Desk Co 21.00

Warrant No. SO

June 2. D. E. Milward, decorator, to apply on contract 670.00

Warrant No. 81

June 2. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses and telegraphing 50.14

Warrant No. 82

June 2. Grand Hotel Co., office rent 25.00

Warrant No. 83










June. 2. Owen Lovejoy, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 8.35

Warrant No. 84 8.35

June 2. J. F. Merry, commissioner, hotel expenses 13.25

Warrant No. 85 13.25

June. 2. P. H. Wind, contractor, to apply on contract 533.20

Warrant No. 87 533.20

June 2. P. H. Wind, to apply on contract 2,000.00

Warrant No. 86 2,000.00

June 2. D. E. Mihvard, decorator, to apply on contract, 469.80

Warrant No. 88 469.80

June 11. D. E. Milward, decorator, to apply on contract 270.00

Warrant No. 89 270.00

July 1. J. F. Merry, commissioner, Oratorio club expense Dedication Day 150.00

Warrant No. 90 150.00

July 23. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 33.90

Warrant No. 91 33.90

June 24. P. H. Wind, contractor, to apply on contract. 1,000.00

Warrant No. 92 1,000.00

June 23. Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co., furniture 333.93

Warrant No. 93 333.93

June 23. Owen Lovejoy, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 29.40

Warrant No. 94 29.40


June 23. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 30.17

Warrant No . 95

July 1. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

Wm. Welch, drayage

Exposition Transfer Co

Postal Telegraph Co

Exposition Transfer Co

Conway & Shaw, printing

H. L. Chase & Co., clocks

Crescent Mfg. Co. scrubbers and window cleaners

C. R. I. & P. freight

A. D. T. Express Co., express

Saul J. Howe, official programs

J. A. Wakefield, express

American Express Co

Western Union Telegraph Co

Postal Telegraph Co

G. E. Thode, expenses

R. H. Snowden, expenses

Western Union. Telegraph Co

D. W. Bushnell, receipt and bill books

Adams Express Co

J. D. Crockwell, mirror

The Daily Bee. subscription

Western Union Telegraph Co


July 1. United States Express Co 1.30

G. W. Butts, labor 1.00

World Publishing Co, subscription .50

D. W. Bushnell, office merchandise 1.85

Guy Moulton, services 8.25

Iowa Telephone Co., toll and service .95

A. Hospe, hauling 7.00

Western Telephone Co., toll and service 8.35

Hayden Bros., merchandise 2.90
























C. T. Lindley, expense 15.28

C. T. Lindley, show case 13.50

Warrant No. 96 119.02

July 1. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

I. M. Treynor, stamps 14.00

Nebraska Boiler Compound Co., floor oiling 16.00

American District Telegraph Co 24.25

Bee Publishing Co., printing 8.00

Grand Hotel Co., office rent 25.00

New Nonpareil Co., printing 41.00

Council Bluffs and Omaha Transfer Co 8.00

Palace Stables, carriages 30.00

Warrant No. 97 166.25

June 23. D. E. Milward, contractor, to apply on contract 270.00

Warrant No. 98 270.00

June 30. J. F. Merry, commissioner, hctel expenses 19.00

Warrant No. 99 19.00

June 30. P. H. Wind, contractor, final payment 1795.00

Warrant No. 100 1795.00

June 23. Owen Lovejoy, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 29.65

Warrant No. 101 29.63

June 23. J. H. Wallbank, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 59.64

Warrant No. 102 59.64

June 23. J. E. E. Markley, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 23.66

Warrant No. 103 23.66

June 23. New York Plumbing Co., payment of contract 450.00

Warrant No. 104 450.00


July 1. Markel Catering Co 201.60

Warrant No. 105

July 1. D. E. Milward, decorator, payment horticultural contract 393.00 Warrant No. 106

July 1. Lester L. Tilden, Atlantic band Decoration day 100.00 Warrant No. 107

July 1. Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, labor on grounds 32.60

Warrant No. 108

July* 7. New Murray Hotel, expense Dedication Day.. 51.25

Warrant No. 109

July 7. Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co., Furniture... 41.75

Warrant No. 110

July 7. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 39.62.

Printing 7.25

Warrant No. 111 39.62

July 7. J. E. E. Markley, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 26.45

Warrant No. 112

July 25. H. H. Markley, P. M., stamps 50.00

Warrant No. 113

July 1. Hayden Bros., merchandise:

Two hoop pails .40

One step ladder 1.20

Two dozen baskets 1.70

One dozen baskets, 1-2 bushel size l.75

Binding twine 4.50

Stove wire .90











Nails 4 10

Nails 5.85

Tacks 1.50

Tacks .65

Cotton twine .50

Hemp twine 2.00

Empty barrels 2.40

Empty barrels 3.00

White lead 11.00

Varnish 4.50

Japan Dryer .40

Turpentine .90

Boiled oil .52

Burnt Umber .13

Lemon Chrome l.00

Paint brushes 3.50

Assorted Fitches .50

Tin cups .20

Brooms .50

Step ladder .85

Tacks 1.25

1 gal. can .20

2 gal. can .20

5 gal. can 35

Venetian red .10

Lamp black .15

Tin cups .20

Cloth 4.12

Cloth 3.76

Cloth 4.12

Oil cloth 1.92

Cloth 10.05

Cotton flannel 5.63

Calico 2.06

Two bed springs and mattresses 10.50

Pillows 1.00

Dresser 4.85

Stand 1.50

Toilet set 1.98

Toilet set 3.75

Mirrors 3.50


Pins .10

Hair brushes 1.00

Toweling 1.50

Soap .50

Rope .30

Glass tumblers 1.00

Matting 70.00

Laying and paper 10.00

Oil cloth 9.75

Laying 1.95

Cocoa Matting 18.00

Window curtains 51.80

Hanging 7.00

Border 2.40

Pillows 2.00

Comforts 3.50

Sheets 4.20

Slips 1.00

Matting 8.00

Laying same 1.60

Shades 3.45

Shades l.70

Hanging same .50

Window curtains 7.40

Door curtains 2.40

Transoms 1.85

Hanging draperies 1.50

Awnings 22.00

Hanging 6.00

Crash toweling 3.60

Towel racks .80

Soap 1.00

Mops and pails 5.20

Brooms and towels 5.20

Plates for fruit 32.00


Less credit slip overcharge 1.30


Warrant No. 114 404.54


July 25. S. B. Packai-d, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 62.45

Warrant No. 115 62.45

July 16. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

Paxton Hotel, state day expense 7.50

Palace Stables, carriages 3.00

Omaha Street Railway 5.00

Hayden Bros., merchandise .20

American District Telephone Co. 2.00

Adams Express Co. 5.00

C. Thomson, lamps and oil 2.05

C. R. I. & P., freight 5.44

Hayden Bros., towels .60

Western Union Telegraph Co .75

F. N. Chase, revenue stamps 3.00

Ed. H. Wilson, one packing trunk 4.00

Guy Moulton, labor 4.75

Nebraska Boiler Compound Co., oiling floor 5.00

A. S. Forbes, labor l.75

J. A. Fuller & Co., paints, glass and putty 1.75

Warrant No. 116 51.79


July. 16. C. T. Lindley, ten tapestry paintings 250.00

Warrant No. 117 250.00

July 16 F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

Exposition Transfer Co., freight and drayage 68.40

Exposition Transfer Co., drayage .50

Exposition Transfer Co., drayage 9.72

"Van Court & Wise, making gravel walks 48.55

S. H. M. Byers, service 25.00

Marshall Paper Co., stationey 18.92

A. Booth Packing Co., storage 5.00

Des Moines Fence Co., settets 32.50

Warrant No. 118 208.53

For Warrant No. 119, See Warrant No. 30.


July 1. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 1, from

June 1st to July 1st, 1S98 744.68

Warrant No. 120 744.68

Aug. 2. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbuisements:

J. S. Rosland, monkey wrench .25

United States Express Co., express .96

C. Thorston, oil .30

Western Union Telegraph Co. 1-35

Webster Howard, insurance 22.50

Webster Howard, insurance 45.00

Johnson Hardware Co. hardware l.05

James Jacoby, drayage 1.50

C. A. Wise & Sons, letter files .35

Nebraska Telephone Co., service 4.60

American District Telephone Co. service .80

Exposition Transfer Co., drayage 2.40

Exposition Transfer Co., drayage l.20

Carpenter Paper Co., stationery .55

Bureau of Admissions, photo passes 25.00

J. J. Deright, rent on safe 19.00

Exposition Transfer Co 6.00

D. E. Milward, expense 28.55

J. F. Wilcox, on contract 190.50

Warrant No. 121 351.91

Aug. 2. S. H. Mallory, president, R R. fare and hotel expenses 77.78

Warrant No. 122 77.78

Aug. 2. F. N. Chase, secretary, distursements, salary and expenses 213.57

Warrant No. 123 213.57

Aug. 2. Malvern Cold Storage Co., fruit 91.00

Warrant No. 124 91.00

Aug. 2. S. D. Cook, commissioner. R. R. fare and hotel expenses 39.95

Warrant No. 125 39.95


Aug. 2. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 2, from July 1st to Aug. 1st, 1898 811.12

Warrant No. 126 811.12

Aug. 15. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

Council Bluffs and Omaha Transfer Co., 4.00

Markel Catering Co., catering 14.20

H. L. Chase & Co., duplicate tags 1.00

Has'den Bros., pens, penholders 1.23

Mrs. Cora Harris, laundry 5.05

C. Thorston, oil .65

J. A. Fuller & Co., glass 3.48

Marsh & Smith, grain and sacks 6.10

Wheeler & Hereld, rent of Warehouse 22.50

Wheeler & Hereld, rent of Cold storage 32.00

Wheeler & Hereld, repacking apples 3.50

Warrant No. 127 93.71

Aug. 29. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 28.42

Warrant No. 128 28.42

Aug. 29. J. E. E. Markley, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 19.65

Warrant No. 129 19.65

Aug. 7. F. N. Chase, secretary pay roll No. 3, from Aug. 1 to Aug. 7, 1898 181.78

Warrant No. 130 181.78

Aug. 15. Hayden Bros., merchandise:

Dresser 6.85

Table 6.85

Chair .35

Cuspidors 2.94

Rubber mats 6.00

Wire mats 3.75

Matting 10.00

Labor, laying 1.00

Bed 2.50


Mattress 1.75

Springs 1.00

Pillows 1.00

Sheets 1.05

Pillow cases .25

Comfort 1.00

Stool .90

Picture wire .75

Mosquito bar .35

Spoons .25

Bowls .50

Dusters .60

Glasses 1.00

Trays .30

Dust pans .40

Mops .50

Mosquito bar .35

Bunting 26.51

Warrant No. 131 78.70

Aug. 15. F. N. Chase, secretary, salary and expenses. 178.80

Warrant No. 132 178.80

Aug. 14. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 4, from Aug 7th until Aug. 14th, 1893 163.72

Warrant No. 133 163.72


Aug. 21. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 5, from Aug. 14th to Aug. 21st, 1898 132.98

Error, refunded to Treasurer McCold (See Journal, Page 193) 8.64

Warrant No. 134 141.62

Aug. 25. A. F. Collman, fruit, freight and expenses 132.85

Warrant No. 135 132.85

Aug. 15. F. N. Chase, secretary, salaiy and expenses Aug 5th to Sept. 5th, 1898 180.55

Warrant No. 136 180.55


Sept. 12. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbuisements:

Geo. A. Hoagland, lumber and nails 8.90

D. C. Wells, decorations 25.00

Craig McQuaid, photo passes 8.00

D. E. Milward, expenses 15.00

E. B. Egan, labor 3.00

O. A. Boehme, photo passes 6.00

Omaha Street Railway Co. 5.00

A. Booth Packing Co. 2.70

Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, carbon paper 1.00

E. B. Egan, labor 4.50

Mossman & Dolliver Co., printing 10.50

E. D. Allen Decorating Co., decorations 23.80

Alfred Bloom, labor and drayage 7.70

New Nonpareil Co., printing 4.25

J. A. Fuller, lime and oil .65

Error, refunded to Treasurer McCoid, (See Journal, Page 193) 26.85

Warrant No. 137 152.85

Sept. 4. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 7, Aug. 28th to Sept. 4th 225.30

Warrant No. 138 225.30

Sept. 15. Josselyn & Taylor, to apply on contract 101.45

Warrant No. 139 101.45

Sept. 12. L. G. Clute, to services, grain glassware and other expenses and material for agricultural exhibit 418.89

Warrant No. 140 418.89

Sept. 12. C. T. Lindsay, R. R. fare and expenses 40.25

Warrant No. 141 40.25

Sept. 12. Hayden Bros., merchandise:

Oilcloth .30

Thread .10

Needles .05

Pens .25


Towels 1.00

Crash 1.25

Needles .05

Mirrors 1.00

Ink .50

Mats 2.00

Hair brush .50

Hair brush .25

Comb .15

Comb .25

Wisk brooms .30

Brooms 1.80

Mops .60

Soap 1.00

Cloth 34.96

Warrant No. 142 46.31

Sept. 12. F. M. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

Western Union Telegraph Co. 4.26

Exposition Ice Co. 41.80

American District Telegraph Co. 1.30

C. Thorston, oil .70

Hayden Bros., merchandise 9.95

Graham Drug Co., rat poison .50

A. D. T. Co., express .15

A. Richman, hardware .20

C. M. Howe, paper weights 1.50

C. & N. W. R. R .98

Hayden Bros., chain 3.29

Warrant No. 143 64.63

Aug. 21. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 6, from Aug. 21 until Aug. 2Sth, 1898 125.30

Warrant No. 144 125.30

Sept. 15. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 27.60

Warrant No. 145 27.60


Sept. 15. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 39.65

Warrant No. 146 39.65

Sept. 15. Geo. W. McCoid, treasurer, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 28.30

Warrant No. 147 28.30

Sept. 15. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 32.70

Warrant No. 148 32.70

Sept. 12. H. H. Markley, P. M., stamps, 26.00

Warrant No. 149 26.00

Oct. 3. Whitehead & Hoag Co., souvenir buttons 263.00

Warrant No. 150 263.00

Oct. 1. Herman Knapp, commandant Agricultural college cadets 450.00

Warrant No. 151 450.00

Oct. 1. E. W. Hart, services of Council Bluffs band. 50.00

Warrant No. 152 50.00

Oct. 1. New Nonpareil Co., printing 101.74

Warrant No. 153 10174


Oct. 1. Ladies' band of Eldora, service 125.00

Warrant No. 154 125.00

Oct. 1. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 31.12

Warrant No. 155 31.12


Oct. 11. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 8 from Sept. 4th to Sept. 11th, 1898 126.26

Error, refunded to Treasurer McCoid, (See Journal, Page 193) 6.00

Warrant No. 156 132.26

Oct. 18. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 9, from Sept. 11th. to Sept. 15th, 1898 119.81

Warrant No. 1.57 119.81

Oct. 11. J. E. E. Markley, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 52.94

Warrant No. 158 52.94

Oct. 11. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 46.40

Warrant No. 159 46.40

Sept. 11. J. E. E. Markley, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 45.96

Warrant No. 160 45.96

Oct. 1. Wm. Hortop, decorations 60.00

Warrant No. 161 60.00

Oct. 1. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

C. Thorston, oil 2.65

Postal Telegraph Co .60

Western Union Telegraph Co 6.06

Omaha Rubber and Stamp Works, badge 1.00

L. I. Sturm, stenographer 3.00

H. L. Chase & Co., duplicate tags 2.00

Carpenter Paper Co., statiorery 5.51

Geo. A. Fabrick, printing 2.00

Craig McQuaid, photo passes 4.00

O. M. Oleson, P. M., stamps 3.50

Craig McQuaid, photo passes 2.00

Geo. A. Hoagland, lumber 2.85

E. Martin, P. M., stamps 5.00

F. J. Sutcliffe, stenographer 5.00


Delone Egan, labor 8.10

Geo. A. Hoagland, lumber 7.65

Euclid Martin, P. M., stamps 3.00

A. D. T. Co, express .25

C, M. & St. P. R. R., freight 5.68

Omaha St. Ry. Co., checks 5.00

Exposition Ice Co., ice 8.37

Geo. A. Hoagland, lumber 4.50

Omaha Paper Box Co .40

A. D. T. Co., express 2.00

W. T. Thacher, labor 2.00

Snyder & Hurd, printing 2.50

P. Carleton, signs 32.25

E. D. Allen, Decorating Co., decorations 3.00

Dudley Buck, music 15.00

Wells Fargo Express Co., express 12.15

I. Kaughman, music 17.00

E. D. Allen, signs 9.00

Warrant No. 162 183.02

Oct. 21. John F. Merry, commissioner, hotel expense. 17.00

Warrant No. 163 17.00

Oct. 21. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 51.07

Warrant No. 164 51.07

Oct. 21. F. N. Chase, secretary, salary and expenses 182.75

Warrant No. 165 182.75

Oct. 21. Omaha Club, catering 198.15

Warrant No. 166 198.15

Oct. 21. A. F. Collman, express and fruit 60.93

Warrant No. 167 60.93

Oct. 21. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

Mrs. Sanford Harris, laundry 24.09

Trans-Mississippi and International Co.,


water 33.21

Omaha Street Railway Co., car checks 10.00

H. L. Chase & Co., Duplicate tags 2.00

Geo. A. Hoagland, lumber 23.00

Grand Hotel 7.00

Sterling Boiler Compound Co, oil 7.10

H. Darey, labor 3.00

Euclid Martin, P. M., stamps 5.00

E. B. Egan, labor 1.85

Iowa Agricultural College, expenses 24.12

Craig McQuaid, photo passes 5.00

F. N. McDowell, flags 6.00

C. Thorston, oil 1.90

Hayden Bros., Duster and tacks .70

Martin & Johnson, coal 4.50

New York Plumbing Co., plumbing 42.28

L. G. Clute, expenses 2.39

Paxton hotel, expenses 9.00

N. F. Frauchere, music 2.00

N. E. Delanjee, saddle horses 6.00

Palace stables, carriages 45.00

Hess & Swoboda, flowers 4.90

Hey wood Bros. & Wakefield Co. 2.25

Error, refunded to Treasurer McCoid, (See Journal, page 193 4.00

Warrant No. 168 287.29

Sept. 25. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 10, from Sept. 18th to Sept. 25th, 1893 124.23

Warrant No. 169 124.23

Oct. 9. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 12, from Oct. 2nd to Oct. 9th, 1898 149.61

Warrant No. 170 149.61

Oct. 2. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 11, from Sept. 25th to Oct. 2nd, 1898 408.31

Warrant No. 171 408.31

Nov. 10. John H. Wallbank, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 69.09

Warrant No. 172 69.09


Nov. 10. K. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 30.22

Warrant No. 173 30.22

Nov. 10. Owen Lovejoy, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 31.95

Warrant No. 174 31.95

Nov. 10. Owen Lovejoy, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 32.75

Warrant No. 175 32.75

Nov. 10. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

New York Plumbing Co 7.90

Exposition Transfer Co., drayage .25

Exposition Telephone Co., service 22.50

U. S. Treasury Department, revenue stamps 5.00

Euclid Martin, P. M., stamps 5.00

Craig McQuaid, passes 2.00

Euclid Martin, P. M., stamps 20.00

American District Telegraph Co 1.60

Wm. Hortop, decorations 25.00

Carpenter Paper Co., stationery 15.68

L. J. Hendershot, badges 15.00

Hess & Swoboda, flowers 2.25

F. A. Rhinehart, photographs 10.00

American District Telegraph Co .60

Hayden Bros., merchandise 2.80

Exposition Ice Co 22.88

C. Thorston, oil 5.60

Markel Catering Co., catering 29.00

E. A. Hess, fruit 49.25

J. W. Murphy, fruit and expenses 28.33

Warrant No. 176 270.64

Nov. 10. Hayden Bros., merchandise:

Matting 8.40

Lemons .80

Sugar .50

Cigars 6.00

Wire and hooks .25



Lamp 7.00

Tumblers .60

Soap 1.44

Railing 6.00

Lye .24

Vanish .15

Ink .10

Ink 1.00

Combs .40

Stove pipe 1.00

Elbows .20

Dampers .10

Stove board .50

Thimble .65

Flue stop .05

Coal hod .30

Fire shovel .05

Oil Stoves 8.50

Lamps 14.00

Jug 0.20

Labor 5.00

Plates .20

Stove 9.00

Warrant No. 177 72.63

Oct. 16. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 13, from Oct. 9th to Oct. 16th, 1898 149.61

Warrant No. 178 149.61

Oct. 23. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 14, from Oct. 16th to Oct. 23, 1898 149.61

Warrant No. 179 149.61

Nov. 28. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements:

Hayden Bros., merchandise 5.55

United States Express Co. .75

Omaha fiubber Stamp Works, badge 1.00

P. H. Wind, insurance 109.00

United States Express Co. 1.80

Bee Publishing Co., publishing 3.00

John A. O'Neill, plumbing 3.50


New Nonpariel Co., printing 5.00

American Express Co. .50

J. C. Stafford 8.15

Martin & Johnson, coal 4.75

Exposition Ice Co 1.35

Western Union Telegraph Co .35

F. A. Rheinhart [sic.], photographs 8.00

World Publishing Co., publishing 3.80

Hayden Bros., merchandise .60

Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, water 12.00

J. A. Fuller & Co .25

Western Union Telegraph Co .80

Perkins Bros. Co., stationery 10.25

Martin & Johnson, coal 4.50

Mrs. Cora Harris, laundry .51

Carpenter Paper Co., stationery 1.80

Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, type-writing Machine 90.00

Western Union Telegraph Co .25

F. A. Rhinehart, photographs 4.00

A. Newman, oil .65

C. Thorston, oil 3.60

Sutcliffe & Sutcliffe, stenographers 12.00

Murray Hotel 54.75

Hayden Bros 11.25

J. W. Murphy, expenses and fruit 29.90

E. V. Wright, fruit 2.03

Davenport Furniture Co. 5.00

U. S. Express, express 6.75

Iowa Agricultural College, exhibit 17.65

Warrant No. 180 434.06

Nov. 19. S. D. Cook, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 35.40

Warrant No. 181 35.40

Nov. 19. R. H. Moore, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 28.02

Warrant No. 182 28.02



Nov. 19. Geo. W. McCoid, treasurer, R R. fare and hotel expenses 8.30

Warrant No. 183 8.30

Nov. 19. Geo. W. McCoid, treasurer, R R. fare and hotel expenses 16.60

Warrant No. 184 16.60

Dec. 13. S. B. Packard, commissioner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 52.97

Warrant No. 185 52.97

Dec. 13. F. N. Chase, secretary, salary and expenses 189.50

Warrant No. 186 189.50

Dec. 13. J. E. E. Markley, commissicner, R. R. fare and hotel expenses 20.60

Warrant No. 187 20.60

Dec. 13. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll No. 15, from Oct. 23rd to Oct. 29th, 1898 145.16

Warrant No. 188 145.16

Dec. 13. F. N. Chase, secretary, pay roll. No. 16 199.31

Warrant No. 189 199.31

Dec. 17. F. N. Chase, superintendent and secretary, pay roll. No. 17 108.61

Warrant No. 190 108.61

Dec. 17. F. N. Chase, superintendent and secretary disbursements:

John O. OwenB Transfer Co., as per bill 26.95

New Murray Hotel, as per bill 18.75

U. S. Express Co., as per bill 1.75

American Express Co., as per bill .35

C. R., I. & P. R. R., as per bill 1.34

American Express Co , as per bill 2.60


P. H. Wind, as per bill 354.62

Craig McQuaid, as per bill 2.00

F. A. Rinehart, as per bill 16.00

Exposition Telephone Co., as per bill 8.30

G. E. Thode, as per bill 9.30

C., B. & Q. R. R., as per bill 1.50

American Express Co., as per bill 1.60

B., C. R. & N. R. R., as per bill 17.47

H. Lancaster, as per bill 20.00

J. F. Wilcox, as per bill 5.00

Bryant Neely Lumber Co., as per bill 7.75

Warrant No. 191 495.28

Dec. 17. F. N. Chase, secretary, salary and expenses 161.30

Warrant No. 192 161.30

Dec. 17. Rand & Leopold Desk Co., furnishings, used as part of the exhibit, to be sold or returned at the close of the exposition. For proceeds, see Salvage Account:

1 No. 0367 antique desk 86.00

1 No. H89 antique T. W. desk 40.00

1 No. 13 mahogany desk .50.00

1 No. 431 antique desk, K. D 22.00

1 No. 397 antique desk 54.00

1 No. 358 antique table, K. D 36.00

1 No. 354 antique table, K. D 32.00

1 No. 6S2 antique table K. D 64.00

1 No. M256 antique desk with filing closet... 40.00

1 No. 21 antique desk 11.00


40 per cent, off (Cat No. 20) 174.00


Warrant No. 193 261.00

Dec. 17. A. Hospe, Jr., for packing ard boxing art exhibit 60.00

For express and freight prepaid by him ... 44.32

Warrant No. 194 104.32



Jan. 31. S. B. Packard, live stock department, disbursements, freight and terminal charges on live stock from Iowa:

John Henderson, Panora, 35.00

Iowa Agricultural College, Ames 118.34

W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids 76.00

G. E. Ward, Hawarden 54.74

E. Lefebure. Fairfax 62.68

Albert Harrah, Newton 48.50

W. B. Barney, Hampton 62.40

J. H. Van Buren, Quimby 14.60

L. E. Williams, Glenwood 27.29

A. J. Lytle, Oskaloosa 47.00

Chas. Escher & Sons, Botna 35.93

Blakely & Co., Grinnell 39.80

A. J. Tittsworth, Avoca 67.65

Hoover & Harrison, Oskaloofa 39.98

J. Evans, Jr., & Sons. Emerson 30.04

S. A. Converse, Cresco 64.93

Ed. Wineland, Avoca 30.60

G. F. Marshall, Monroe 46.40

J. R. Westrope, Harlan 33.00

Wm. Roberts, Paton 43.61

C. Gloe, Clinton 8.80

Harvey Johnson, Logan 34.02

Richie Bros., St. Charles 11.15

F. M. McDarmid, Cumberland 37.90

A. W. Albertson & Son, Inwood 23.95

Ida H. Haworth, New Sharon 43.00

W. A. McHenry, Denison 36.83

A. C. Binnie, Alta 45.94

J. T. Kinsell, Mt. Ayr 57.89

Peter Hopley, Lewis 50.84

John Cresswell, Bonaparte 53.80

Chas. Norton, Corning 31.99

James A. Loughridge, Sigourney 49.94

J. M. Hughes, Luray 28.08

Warrant No. 195, (issued to F. N. Chase, for disburseinents in live stock department) 1,432.62


Jan. 31. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursements to S. D. Cook, commissioner's expenses 37.55

Warrant No. 196 37.55

Jan. 31. F. N. Chase, secretary, salary and expenses. 109.53

Warrant No. 197 109.53

Jan. 31. F. N. Chase, secretary, disbursement:

Exposition Transfer Co .50

L. I. Sturm, stenographer 12.00

Horace M. Rebok 2.50

Horace M. Rebok 1.50

Conway & Shaw 1.00

S. A. Rockwell & Co 1.25

Iowa Agricultural College 8.98

G. E. Thode 27.45

C. F. Lindley, U. S. Exp .31

U. S. Express Co .30

Wells Fargo & Co., express 1.00

Iowa Telephone Co .70

John O. Owens 1.50

H. H. Markley, P. .M 16.34

J. R. Schaffer 19.20

Bryant Neeley Lumber Co. 6.05

American Express Co .25

Wells Fargo & Co., express .30

A. McDonald 1.50

Hayden Bros 5.50

Warrant No. 198 108.13

Feb. 16. C. T. Lindley, expenses, Art department 30.50

Warrant No. 199 30.50

Feb. 15. F. N. Chase, superintendent and secretary disbursements:

L. G. Clute 73.27

S. D. Childs & Co 10.50

American Express Co .25

S. D. Childs & Co 2.50

J. E. Butler 33.00

S. A. Rockwell & Co .25


Iowa Telephone Co 4.50

H. H. Markley, P. M 17.00

L. I. Sturm 14.00

American Express Co. .25

American Express Co. .30

American Express Co. 1.10

Blue Line Transfer Co. l2.65

U. S. Express Co. .60

U. S. Express Co .35

F. N. Chase, secretary 6.20

Wells Fargo Express Co .30

Wells Fargo Express Co .10

Warrant No. 200 177.12

Mar. 7. F. N. Chase, superintendent and secretary's salary, Jan. 5th to Feb. 4th 125.00

Warrant No. 201 125.00

May 1. F. N. Chase, superintendent and secretary, disbursements:

L. I. Sturm 17.00

C. & N. W. R. R 1.31

J. A. Schmidt 5.00

American Express Co. 1.35

Adams Express Co. 1.70

Peter Mouw, live stock 44.90

Snyder & Hurd 1.25

Wells, Fargo & Co., express .26

American Express Co. .12

United States Express Co. .26

Bryant Neeley Lumber Co. 8.30

L. L Sturm 17.00

H. H. Markley 6.00

Warrant No. 202 104.45

Mar. 10. F. N. Chase, superintendent and secretary, salary and expenses 54.87

Warrant No. 203 54.87

June 12. S. H. Mallory, expense account 66.64

Warrant No. 204 6S.64


J. E. E. Markley, expense account 12.43

Warrant No. 205 12.43

R. H. Moore, expense account 17.58

Warrant No. 206 17.58

John H. Wallbank, expense account 18.42

Warrant No. 207 18.42

S. D. Cook, expense account 25.10

Warrant No. 208 25.10

Allan Dawson, expense account 28.00

Warrant No. 209 28.00

Geo. W. McCoid, expense account 21.45

Warrant No. 210 21.45

Owen Lovejoy, expense acccunt 9.90

Warrant No. 211 9.90

Total disbursements to date $30,813.11

Warrants issued to date on account of disbursements, Nos. 1-211 inclusive


Total amount drawn from state treasury 34,000.00

Errors, refunded 53.49

Organ matter, refunded 150.00

Total amount received on account of salvage. (For detailed statement of salvage see report of superintendent and secretary 1,048.44

Warrants issued on account of disbursements. No. 1 to 211 inclusive 30,813.11

Warrant No. 212, John Herriott, treasurer, refund to state 3,000.00

Balance in treasury of the commission 1,438.82

$35,251.93 $35,2.51.93



Of Appropriations and Disbursements.

Amount appropriated by 26th Gen. Assembly $10,000.00

Amount appropriated by 27tli Gen. Assembly. 25,000.00

Total receipts from salvage and other sources. 1,251.93


Total disbursements, warrants No. 1 to 211 inclusive $30,813.11

Refund to state treasurer by warrant No. 212. 3,000.00

Balance appropriation not drawn from state 1,000.00

Balance in treasury of commission 1,438.82

$36,251.93 $36,251.93

Balance in hands of Geo. W. McCoid, treasurer Iowa commission $1,438.82

For which vouchers will be returned, accompanied by supplemental report.

We have also examined the report of Treasurer McCoid and compared the account of warrants paid by him and find they agree with schedule of vouchers approved and warrants issued.

We therefore now present the entire list, all having been passed upon and approved by your committee and the Executive Council of State.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Auditing Committee





Resolution of Executive Council of State.

Whereas, The Executive Council of the State of Iowa, having carefully watched the progress of the work committed to the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission, and having scrutinized all expenditures and the report this day submitted; and

"Whereas, Every detail has been found correct;

Therefore, Resolved, That the work of said Commission be and the same is hereby approved, and that the following named gentlemen, to-wit: S. H. Mallory, President; Allan Dawson, Vice President; F. N. Chase, Secretary; Geo. W. McCoid, Treasurer; John H. Wallbank, S. D., Cook; J. E. E. Markley, S. B. Packard, R. H. Moore, Owen Lrovejoy, and John F. Merry, composing said Commission, are hereby commended for the faithful and

laborious service rendered to the State and the conscientious discharge of the responsibility imposed.

Adopted by unanimous vote of Council at meeting held at Governor's office on this the 3rd day of July, 1899.


Secretary of Council.



Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.

June 1 to November 1, 1898.


Gurdon W. Wattles President

Alvin Saunders Resident Vice-President

Herman Kountze Treasurer

John A. Wakefield Secretary

Carroll S. Montgomery General Counsel


Zachary T. Lindsey Chairman, and Manager Department Ways and Means

Edward Rosewater Manager Department Publicity and Promotion

Freeman P. Kirkendall Manager Department Buildings and Grounds

Edward E. Bruce Manager Department Exhibits

Abram L. Reed Manager Department Concessions and Privileges

Wm. N. Babcock Manager Department Transportation



Hon. W. G. Vincenheller Little Rock


Hon. Geo. W. Parsons Los Angeles


Hon. Henry P. Steele Denver


Hon. B. P Shawhan Payette


Hon. Geo. F. Wright Council Bluffs


Hon. C. A. Fellows Topeka


Hon. C. Harrison Parker New Orleans


Hon. Frank H. Peavey Minneapolis


Hon. John Doniphan St. Joseph


Hon. W. H. Sutherlin White Sulphur Springs


Hon. William Neville North Platte



Hon. Wm. J. Westerfield Reno


Hon. C. A. Lounsberry Fargo


Hon. B. S. Cook Salem


Hon. Thomas H. Wells Hot Springs


Hon. Oils Reymershoffer Galveston


Hon. Lewis W. Shurtliff Ogden City


Hon. Geo. W. Thompson Tacoina


Hon. Frank P. Graves Laramie


Hon. James Sheakley Sitka


Hon. Charles R. Drake Tucson


Hon. L. Bradford Prince Santa Fe


Hon. Eugene Wallace Oklahoma City


Walker & Kimball, Boston and Omaha, Supervising Architects.

Eames & Young, St. Louis, Vine Arts Building.

S. S. Beman, Chicago, Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Building.

Cass Gilbert, St. Paul, Agricultural Building.

J. J. Humphreys, Denver, Mines and Mining Building.

Dwight Perkins, Chicago, Machinery and Electricity Building.

Fisher & Laurie, Omaha, Auditorium.

Charles F. Biendorff, Omaha, Horticulture Building.

F. A. Henninger, Omaha, Dairy Building.

John McDonald. Omaha, Apiary Building.


Roster of Employees at the Iowa Building and Exhibits.


JOSSELYN & TAYLOR CO., Cedar Rapids.

CORTRACTOR, P. H. WIND, Council Bluffs.


Roster of Employes at State Building and in Other Departments Who Served One Month or More.

Mrs. C. O. McBride, hostess Muscatine.

Mrs. J. N. Weaver, hostess Council Bluffs.

Mrs. F. N. Chase, hostess Cedar Falls

Guy E. Thode, book-keeper Stuart

Mrs. Fred. McCausland, stenographer Washington.

Miss Nellie Barber, registry clerk Oakland

Mrs. M. A. Thompson, registry clerk Davenport

B. I. Kinsey, night-watch Harlan

J . D . Hornby, night watch Logan

E. E. Crawford, assistant Mt. Pleasant

Geo. R. Felthous, assistant Mason City

Mortimer E. Wilson, assistant Chariton

P. J. Klinker, assistant Denison

Harry V. Henness, assistant Keokuk

R. H. Moore, Jr., assistant Ottumwa

Fred. Wright, janitor Marshalltown

Mrs. Fred Wright, assistant janitor Marshalltown

Miss Eva Robinson, maid Des Moines

Sanford Harris, porter Omaha


A. F. Collman, superintendent. Horticultural department Corning

J. W, Murphy, superintendent, horticultural department Glenwood

J. F. Wilcox, Florist, horticultural deoartment Council Bluffs

Wesley Green, assistant, horticultural department Dave Tirt

Miss Etta M. Budd. assistant horticultui al department Ames

Miss Jessica Wallace, assistant, hortieultural department Corning

Miss Emma C. Williams, assistant horticultural department Council Bluffs

L. G. Clute, sup't. agr., dairy and Apiary department Greeley

Fred Hethershaw. asst. agr. department Des Moines

Robert E. Snowden. asst. agr. department Cedar Falls