Title: Letter from E. Rosewater


Aspersions on character. Letter to Clark Whitheck in Schenectady, New York, from Edward Rosewater. Omaha Bee Newspaper investigation of Gurdon W. Wattles. Mentions Electric Lighting Plant in  O'Neil, Nebraska.  1 sheet previously folded in sixths. Typed in blue ink on cream colored Omaha Bee stationary with black printing. Signed in black ink.

Aspersions on character. Letter to Clark Whitheck in Schenectady, New York, from Edward Rosewater. Omaha Bee Newspaper investigation of Gurdon W. Wattles. Mentions Electric Lighting Plant in  O'Neil, Nebraska.  1 sheet previously folded in sixths. Typed in blue ink on cream colored Omaha Bee stationary with black printing. Signed in black ink.