Title: Letter from A. U. Quint
- Date: 28 March 1898
- Medium: typescript
- Size: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4 in.
- Creator: Quint, A. U.
- Collection: Gurdon W. Wattles
Aspersions on character. Letter to Gurdon W. Wattles from A. U. Quint regarding a conversation with G. C. Porter of the Omaha Bee Newspaper. 1 sheet previously folded in sixths. Text reads as follows: Bankers Mutual Casualty Co. Manhattan Building Des Moines, Iowa Mar. 28-98. G. W. Wattles, Essq., C/o Union National Bank Omaha, Nebr. Dear Sir:---- During the day yesterday I was called upon by Mr. G. C. Porter, of your city who gave me to understand that he was representing the Board of Directors, or a Committee of the Board of Directors of the Exposition Company, and was making inquiries concerning your good self. He finally told me what seemed to be his idea of the situation. Of course, I knew nothing about the condition of things in any way. I took, occasion, however, to disabuse his mind of several idea that he seemed to be entertaining, and I can assure you that the interview did not result in any way to your discredit. I have always felt somewhat inclined to extend a good word in favor of my friends in so far as circumstances permit, and the facts will warrant. Will take great pleasure in accommodating you in any way possible, realizing that my efforts would be reciprocated. Yours very truly, A. U. Quint