Title: Moorish Palace. A Temple of Art and Amusement
- Location: East Midway, South West
- Medium: printed
- Size: 3 1/2 x 5 7/8 in.
Moorish Palace. Catalogue. 1 sheet previously folded in eighths. Pamphlet. Text reads as follows: "The Moorish Palace. A Temple of Art and Amusement. Located on East Midway....near Band Plaza. Surmounted by its Moorish domes and minarets it is at once the largest and most imposing structure on the amusement section. In the outside lobby of the Palace there are on exhibition many interesting and amusing features, which are Absolutely Free, Everybody Welcome In The Lobby. Don't fail to see those funny mirrors and the wonderful moving figures in the lobby, Free. [Open this.] The Interior of the Moorish Palace Is at once the most gorgeous and magnificent spectacle on the Grounds, the scene in the Main Hall being grand in the extreme. Three Immense Floors Are devoted to exhibition purposes, being entirely fileld with realistic and striking representations of events and persons. After leaving the Grand Hall You wander through corridors and passageways, past scenes so realistic and life-like that you feel yourself transported and seem to be actually witnessing the scenes depicted. The Execution of marie Antoinette Is a masterpiece which beggars description, while The Fountian of Perennial Youth Is another artistic gem which excites the wonder and admiration of every visitor. The furnishings and decorations of The Sultan's Harem Were imported at a cost of $2600. Striking Biblical Scenes, Events in American History, Shakespearian Tableaux, Fairy Lore, Ancient History, Constitute a vast array of masterpieces which attract, delight and instruct. The Chamber of Horrors Contains many vivid and startling scenes which once seen will never be forgotten. History of Crime (4 scenes), Assassination of Lincoln, Scalping a Prisoner, Moorish Execution, The Cannibal's Feast And many others. Don't Miss It. There are many different features and suprises the Moorish Palace, Some of them beautiful beyond description. Scenes that the most refined and artistic tastes can fully appreicate. Then again there are others on the weird and fantastic order, such as' The Devil's Cave In the Great Dome. The most realistic scene ever produced. A glimpse into Hades. Rocky gorges and crevices, in which lurk imps and devils. Magical Electrical Effects, Faust Outdone, Be sure you see The Ride on the Razor. Tears, smiles, sighs, and hearty laughs all mingle together in the Moorish Palace. Remember Three Large Halls Filled with Rare and Beautiful Scenes. Catalogues free."