This version of the website was created in 2025. See the Site Information Page for contact information, data downloads, and other details.
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640 results
2 Women Reclining on Rugs
8 Men (Arapaho)
A. B. Upshaw, Interpreter (Crow)
Ada Shaw & Johnny Growing Horn
Ada Shaw or Clear Day (Kickapoo)
Adelaide Kicking Horse (Selish Flathead) (Front)
Adelaide Kicking Horse (Selish Flathead) (Profile)
Afraid of Eagle (Sioux)
Afraid-Of-His-Track (Assiniboine) (Front)
Afraid-Of-His-Track (Assiniboine) (Profile)
Agnes Antoine & baby & Adelaide Kicking Horse (Spokan Flathead)
Agnes Antoine (Selish Flathead) (Front)
Agnes Antoine (Selish Flathead) (Profile)
Ahahe (Wichita)Front
Ahahe (Wichita)Profile
Ahahe's Wife (Front)
Ahahe's Wife (Profile)
Ahahe's Wife, Tawaconi Jim's Wife
Akahedik (Wichita)
Akahedik (Wichita) Profile
Akahedik (Wichita)Front
Albino Chabiria (Santa Clara Pueblo) (Front)
Albino Chabiria (Santa Clara Pueblo) (Profile)
Alice Baxter (Omaha) (Front)
Alice Baxter (Omaha) (Profile)
Alice Baxter, 2 Children (Omaha)
American Horse and Family (Sioux)
Angeline Lisette Mashkwas (Pottawatomi) (Front)
Angeline Lisette Mashkwas (Pottawatomi) (Profile)
Angeline Mashkwas (Pottawatomi)
Antoine (Sinqomen) (Spokan Flathead)
Antoine (Sinquomen - Spokan Flathead) (Front)
Antoine (Sinquomen - Spokan Flathead) (Profile)
Antonie (Flathead)
Antonnemoise (Flathead)
Ashel & Mary Michel (Selish Flathead)
Ashel (Spokan Flathead) (Front)
Ashel (Spokan Flathead) (Profile)
Asihere-tsid-hideash (Wichita)
Asihere-tsid-hideash (Wichita)Front
Assiniboine Children
Assiniboine Group, Chief Looking in center
Assiniboine Group, Chief Red Dog in center
Assiniboine Group, Chief Wets It, Wife and Family
Assiniboine Group, Dan Martin in center
Assiniboine Warriors, Chief Wets It in center
Assiniboine Women
Assuz (White Mountain Apaches)