Great Transmississippi and International Exposition a Reality.
Presses the Key that Gives Living Energy to Waiting Machinery.
Program of Speeches and Music Carried Out With Military Precision.
Omaha Entertains a Tremendous Gathering of Citizens of the Central West on the Occasion of a Signal Triumph.
Just after 12:30 today President McKinley declared the Transmississippi and International Exposition open to the world. A pressure of his finger liberated the electric spark that flashed across the continent and gave life and movement to its silent machinery. The big shaft in the power house turned slowly in its bearings, the dynamos hummed softly, then sang shrilly as they felt the full force of the mighty current, the band burst into a swelling anthem and exuberant cheers from 100,000 throats welcomed the exposition into life.
Nothing could be more auspicious and inspiring than the conditions that attended the opening. After weeks of tears and frowns, Nature greeted the exposition with one of her merriest moods. Domed by the most translucent of Nebraska skies, bathed and gilded by a flood of glorious sunshine and kissed by the softest of summer winds, the White City might almost inspire the imagination like a vision of the celestial habitation. Bewilderingly and magnificently beautiful, it challenges the admiration of every sense and commands the unrestrained enthusiasm of every beholder.
Even the workmen who have been laboring day and night to prepare the vast enclosure to receive its guests were struck by the scene as it stretched before them when they entered the gates this morning. Miracles have been accomplished in the last three days, and while there is still work to be done, the ensemble was of completeness. Emptied of the army of laborers and tenanted only by its own beauties, the main court was a striking picture in the early morning.
Coming of the Throng.
It was more impressive in its desolation than when it was a hive of human activity and the immensity of its outlines was more clearly perceptible. Gradually a few hundred workmen appeared and busied themselves in adding a finishing touch here and there and sweeping up the scattered refuse that remained to tell of the previous activities. Almost at the same time the first skirmish lines of exposition visitors arrived and before 9 o'clock the tide of arrivals began to assume the proportions of a torrent. Many of the early visitors were people from the surrounding country, whose immense lunch baskets proclaimed their intention to stay all day, and at first they were contented to range themselves on some elevated point and contemplate the magnificence around them with admiration that seemed too fervent for actual contact. By this time the street railway lines were carrying full loads, and as the forenoon advanced, Twenty-fourth street and Sherman avenue bore a solid procession of motor trains that were loaded to the footboards. The gates were besieged by clamoring multitudes, and the ticket sellers and gate keepers were pressed to their utmost efforts. They were new to the business and there was some delay at first in getting admittance, but it was not sufficient to cause inconvenience. Toward 11 o'clock the crowd began to mobilize in the main court, in anticipation of the opening exercises, and by the time the parade arrived, a solid sea of faces lined both sides of the lagoon and jammed against the buildings in every direction.
Arrangements at the Grounds.
The formal exercises took place at the eastern end of the main court. The speakers occupied an elevated position in the arch of the central pavilion of the east colonnade, being in full view from the seats arranged for the audience on the broad walks surrounding the lagoon. A large stand for the chorus had been erected just in front of the place selected for the speakers, the seats being arranged in banks. The chorus and the Marine band occupied these seats.
In front of this stand and extending around the sweeping colonnades were long rows of settees, and these were occupied at an early hour. The elevated colonnades were crowded with people eager to get a front seat at the approaching exercises. A rope extending from the east ends of the Machinery and Electricity and the Mines buildings to the lagoon rail cut off the entire exedra of the main court, and a score of guards were occupied in keeping the people from breaking through the barriers.
Ceremonies Begin Before an Audience of Ten Thousand.
It was 11:45 when the line of parade reached the grounds and President Wattles led the long line of guests through the Auditorium gate and to the central pavilion. In the party was Governor Holcomb and his official staff, the latter all in uniform, the Nebraska state officers, members of the Board of Directors of the exposition, mayor and city officials of Omaha, members of the exposition commissions of various states, delegates of the Travelers' Protective association, prominent citizens of Omaha and surrounding cities. Manager Rosewater of the Department of Publicity and Promotion was unable to attend, being confined at home as the result of overwork.
The chorus and band took possession of the music stand just as the parade reached the grounds. The United States Marine band occupied the foreground, the bright red coats of the band forming a brilliant spectacle against the variegated background of the chorus. The latter was augmented by a chorus of Lincoln, Neb. When the great crowd of guests and participants had taken their places the ropes were removed and the few remaining seats were quickly filled. There was no attempt to seat the crowd, those who could not find seats filling the broad plaza along both sides of the lagoon. No less than 10,000 persons occupied seats or stood about the east part of the main court in as favorable positions as could be secured.
At 12:15 Director Santtemann raised his baton and the first notes of the Jubilee overture were wafted gently on the vibrating air. The number was played as only the Marine band could play it, and the last note was followed by an outburst of applause.
Dr. Nichols' Prayer.
There was no pause, but President Wattles at once introduced Rev. Samuel J. Nichols of St. Louis to deliver the invocation. He spoke as follows:
O, God, uncreated and eternal in Thy being, Creator and Lord of all, who dost uphold and govern all in infinite power, wisdom, righteousness and goodness, we lift up our hearts to Thee, in adoration and praise. There is none perfect as Thou art. We rejoice in Thy sovereignty; thy greatness is unsearchable. The Heavens declare the glory, and the earth is full of the tokens of Thy goodness. Thou art the bounteous giver of all good, the fountain of all wisdom, the spirit of all knowledge, the source of all life and happiness. We are thy creatures utterly dependent upon Thee; without Thee we have no wisdom or strength or life of our own. We are also Thy children, made in Thy image and capable of sharing Thy life. This honor Thou hast given us and hast crowned us with sovereignty over the earth. It is our privilege to call Thee, our Father in Heaven, unworthy and sinful as we have made ourselves, Thou has not forsaken us, but hast by The holy spirit given us wisdom, and understanding and power. Thou dost inspire men with high purposes, and lead them to execute good and great designs. So, today, in this hour of finished labor, we would not glory in ourselves, or in the work of our hands, but only in Thee, from whom came the wisdom to devise and the power to execute. This glory of human achievement which surrounds us in this place, and which speaks of man's skill and industry, of progress in knowledge and increase of power over the land which Thou hast given us for our inheritance, is only a witness and a memorial to Thy great favor toward us. When we remember the way by which Thou hast led us, and from what to what we have come, we are moved to cry in adoring gratitude, "Thou hast not dealt so with any nation," Thou art the God of our Fathers, who didst lead them to this western world, Thous didst keep a continent hidden until the fulness of time came, when Thou didst throw open its gates that the people prepared for it, and of Thy own choice, might enter in and possess the land. In it Thou has lifted up the people and established a nation of freemen. Thine hand hast led us, marvelously in the past, and through Thy favor we are crowned with riches and honor and might. Our eyes have seen the wonders which Thou has wrought in our midst, so that this day the aged among us stand amazed when they recall the past. For all this exposition represents, for the transfiguration of a wilderness into fruitful fields, and an uninhabited land into populous states, for progress in arts and manufactures, for the fruits of the fields, the riches of the mines and the abundance of the forests, for growth in education, refinement, wealth and the comforts of life, for the supremacy of law, the continuance of our free institutions and the bright hopes for the future, we give Thee, O God, our most hearty and grateful thanks.
O Gracious Father, Whose bounty is infinite, grant now Thy blessing, we entreat Thee, upon all who have labored for the establishment and completion of this enterprise. May what they have done be owned by Thee in advancing and stimulating all the arts of peace, and in promoting the progress and wellbeing of society. Bless the city within whose gates we have come. May peace abide within its walls and prosperity within its palaces. Bless the commonwealth of Nebraska, and let thy favor descend upon its homes, even as the rain and dews upon its fields. Bless the governor of this state and all associated with him in authority and counsel. We pray Thee also in behalf of our common country. Remember Thy servant, the president of the United States, his cabinet, Thy servants in congress assembled, and all who bear rule in the several states of this nation. Grant unto them the spirit of wisdom and counsel, strengthen them for any good work and make them faithful in all things to Thy holy law, so that they may lead the people in righteousness. While we pray for the land we love we would remember before Thee all nations and rulers, especially those who are represented in this exposition. Grant Thy blessing to Queen Victoria and all her subjects, to the president of the republic of Mexico and all whom he represents. May they be led by Thy good spirit in all things, and may peace and good will abide and grow deeper and stronger between them and us. O God of our Fathers, Ruler of Nations, while we celebrate the triumphs of peace, we remember that the shadow of war is upon our land, and that the sound of conflict smites our ears. We earnestly pray that it may please Thee speedily to restore peace, and to hasten the day when under the reign of righteousness and love, all wars shall cease. But if, as we believe, Thou hast called us to take the sword to avenge the wrongs of the helpless and oppressed, and to set free our brothers from their bondage, then make us strong to serve Thee and defend us in the day of battle. Bless the army and the navy; shield them from all perils by land or by sea, and grant them victory, which is in thy hand. O gracious God, most bountiful benefactor, our hearts are this day lifted up in hope, and thou dost make us bold to ask the continuance of Thy favors and larger blessings for the future. Thou has redeemed the region in which we dwell from savage rule, and hast given its abundance into our hands. The wilderness, where once Thy image was defiled by ignorance and superstition, has been filled with happy homes purified by Thy word; Thy temples stand on every side and Thy people sing Thy praise. But surely Thou hast not brought us so far on our way only to leave us. Abide with us; grant us more of Thy light and truth, and make us faithful in all things to Thy holy law, so that through our obedience to Thee, we may be known as that people where God is the Lord. Multiply peace and prosperity among us. Lift up the poor and cast down the proud. Rebuke vice and oppression, cast down the wicked and defeat their plans. Make righteousness to flourish, truth to be established and brotherly love to prevail in all our burdens. All this we humbly ask in the name of Him who has taught us to pray, saying: 'Our Father which art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name. They kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
He Tells What the Great Omaha Exposition Stands For.
Dr. Nichol's prayer was followed by President Wattles, who said:
The Transmississippi and International Exposition is a reality today only by virtue of the pluck and energy and enterprise of the people of the country it represents. Amid the financial depression of the greatest panic of recent years, amid the gloom of drouth and distress which followed this panic, the first steps were taken in this great enterprise.
Against the advice of many of our most conservative citizens, and the prophecy of failure by some, the work was begun. During its early stages there were many discouragements, but when the congress of the United States recognized the exposition as worthy of its encouragement and support all doubts were dispelled, and the people of this community, and of the entire west, rose above the calamities of the hour and united in the work with an energy which insured success.
But these beautiful grounds and buildings have not been prepared and filled with the choicest specimens of the products of the world by chance. This work represents many weary months of toil, many discouragements and vicissitudes, but a final triumph worthy of the men who have given it their best thought and energy. This, the opening day, crowns their work with an adequate reward. We see the results of [?] spectacl[?]
This exposition celebrates no single event in the history of the transmississippi country. This history for the period of a single generation past reveals a succession of achievements, any one of which might properly be the subject of a great demonstration of this character.
Fifty years ago the larger part of the country west of the Mississippi river was unorganized territory, and was indicated on the map as the Great American Desert. Its arid plains and unexplored mountains were occupied by savage tribes, and there herds of buffalo and antelope roamed unmolested by the white man, in solitude unbroken by the implements of civilization.
There Were No Railroads.
No railroad had been constructed west of the Missouri river. But one city of more than 50,000 population had been built west of the Mississippi. The total population of this vast domain, comprising more than two-thirds of the area of the United States, was less than 2,000,000, and more than three-fourths of this population was in three states on its southeastern border.
The city of Omaha had not been founded. The resources on which the city depends for its great commerce today were undeveloped. Gold had just been discovered in California, and the march of civilization toward the west had hardly begun.
Fifty years is within the memory of many here present, but what a change has been wrought in this region. Within its borders are now twenty states and four territories with a population of more than 20,000,000, wealth double that of Spain and Portugal combined, and an internal commerce greater than the foreign commerce of Germany, France and Great Britain.
The Great American Desert is no more. Its eastern part is covered with fertile farms, which produced last year more than 1,000,000,000 bushels of corn and 300,000,000 bushels of wheat which, with the other agricultural products of this section, were sold for more than $1,100,000,000. The western part of this desert now forms the pasture of the nation. On its nutritious grasses feed the herds which supply the meat to the markets of the world.
In 1850 the buffalo which roamed over this region outnumbered the cattle in the United States. In 1895 it is estimated that there were 30,000,000 cattle and 50,000,000 hogs and sheep west of the Mississippi river and the value of the yearly product of these herds is $400,000,000, or nearly equal in value to the animal output of the gold and silver mines throughout the world.
Nor does the grain and stock of this country comprise its only products. The fruit and wine of California and Oregon, the forests of Washington, Minnesota and Arkansas, the sugar of Louisiana, Utah and Nebraska, and the cotton of the southeastern states, furnish no small part of its yearly commerce. But its mines must not be overlooked. From then has been taken in paying quantities every known mineral. The copper, iron and coal already discovered would supply the markets of the world for a century to come. The surface of the mountains and hills has hardly been prospected, but the richest and most extensive gold and silver mines in the world have been discovered. From them has been produced in the past fifty years more than sufficient to pay the government debt at the close of the rebellion, and their annual output now amounts to more than $100,000,000.
Prairie Schooner is Obsolete.
The caravan of prairie schooners, requiring six months of hardship and danger to travel from the Mississippi to the Pacific coast, has been displaced by the overland express, with palace cars provided with all the conveniences of home, which travel the distance in thirty-three hours. No less than 80,000 miles of railroad have been constructed in the transmississippi country during the last fifty years at the fabulous cost of more than $2,000,000,000. Towns and villages have sprung into existence along these roads as by magic. Great cities have been built, commercial relations established with all parts of the world, and manufacturing has assumed enormous proportions.
Surely with all these achievements during the short space of half a century we might well celebrate a growth and development unparalleled in history. But looking to the future, rather than to the past, the commercial congress which authorized this exposition wisely conceived its objects to be the advancements of the commercial interests of the west rather than the celebration of any of its past achievements.
We have gathered here in these beautiful buildings and on these grounds some of the resources of this vast country, and have invited our eastern neighbors and foreign friends to bring their products, and come with their citizens to be our guests and here study with us the lessons of the future which these evidences of our past progress teach. If the exhibition here made of the resources of this new country should demonstrate that greater prosperity and happiness could be found within its borders for many who now live in less favored climes, the purposes of this exposition would be accomplished.
With a history that has hardly been written, but which records greater growth and more important changes than has been made in any other country on earth in 500 years of its life; with natural resources unequalled in value, variety and extent; with a climate which inspires the greatest mental and physical activity; with a people composed of the best elements of all nations who have broken the ties which bound them to the homes of their fathers, and have wrested this country from savage life; with all these advantages and achievements, what can we prophesy for the future generation, and who will attempt to limit the possibilities of a people who have accomplished such wonders in the past?
Will Pale Into Insignificance.
This magnificent exposition, illustrating the products of our soil and mines and factories, made possible by the inventions of the last century, will pale into insignificance at the close of the twentieth century. When the agricultural resources of this rich country are fully developed by the use of its rivers and streams for irrigation; when the sugar, as well as the bread and meat for the markets of the world shall be produced here and carried to these markets by the electric forces of nature; when the minerals in our mountains and the gold and silver in our mines, shall be extracted and utilized by this same force; when our natural products shall be manufactured here, then this transmississippi country will support a population in peace and plenty greater than the present population of any other nation in the world.
When we consider that the British empire, exclusive of its colonies, embraces only 121,000 square miles, that the civilization of Egypt was supported on less than 10,000 square miles, and that with the same density of population as the state of Ohio this country would provide homes for 300,000,000 people, we can appreciate the possibilities which the future has in store in this, the richest part of the world's domain.
Standing at the close of a century teeming with great discoveries and inventions which have elevated the civilization of the world to a higher plane than ever before, surrounded with such evidences of the past progress and future possibilities of this country, who can prophesy its future greatness, and who can estimate the influence of this exposition in accelerating its development? Like a great beacon light it sends its rays throughout the land and challenges the attention of the world. To the homeless millions of less favored lands it is a messenger of promise. To the weary mariner whose fortunes have been wrecked on the seas of adversity it is a harbinger of hope. It opens new field to the investor, inspires the ambition of the genius, incites the emulation of states, and stands the crowning glory in the history of the west.
Unable to Attend in Person, but Present by Letter.
President Wattles announced that Senator W. V. Allen had been detained in Washington and was unable to be present and address the people as he had intended. Instead, the senator had sent a letter expressing his sentiments and the president asked G. M. Hitchcock to read the letter. The document was as follows:
WASHINGTON, D. C., May 28, 1898.—Hon. Gurdon W. Wattles, Omaha: My Dear Sir—It has become apparent that it will be impracticable for me to be at the opening of the exposition. I regret this extremely, as it has been my desire to be present, if possible, on that occasion. Having had intimate connection with the promotion of the enterprise from its inception, I have taken a deep interest in its success, believing that it will furnish our people a desirable and peculiar means of education and that it will be highly valuable in attracting attention to Nebraska in a way that could not be done otherwise. I do not doubt the exposition will be successful, and that hundreds of thousands of people will by it be attracted to Omaha and the state at large who would otherwise know little of the state and city, and that every one who may visit Nebraska during the exposition will be amply well satisfied. With our great natural resources, beautiful summer scenery, and the health-giving qualities of our climate, Nebraska could not be otherwise than attractive to visitors, apart from what may be seen at the exposition. Our possibilities as a state are almost boundless and at present inconceivable. The Nebraska fifty years from now will present one of the greatest and richest agricultural and commercial communities of the world.
But much as I would like to be with you, and much as I have desired and intended, if possible, to be, I feel that I could not excuse myself for leaving my post of duty at this time when congress is engaged in discussing ways and means of raising money with which to successfully prosecute the present war against Spain. We were altogether too long derelict in our duty to Cuba. Within less than 100 miles from our shores the extermination of 1,500,000 people by starvation, of old men, boys, women and children, including sucklings, went on unchecked until one-third of the population of Cuba have died by that means. We could no longer justify ourselves in the eyes of the Christian and civilized world by declining to take immediate cognizance of the conditions there prevailing and live up to our high professions of humanity by intervening in the war between Spain and he Cuban subjects. We, of all nations of the western hemisphere, have the power to say to Spain that she shall not depopulate Cuba by starvation, for aspiring to gain the liberty we ourselves enjoy and hold to be the rightful heritage of all.
From the start I have advocated Cuban liberty, even at a time when it was not popular in the senate to do so, and having been a pioneer in the cause, I could not feel that my duty was discharged unless I remained at my desk in the senate until the ways and means of raising the necessary money to prosecute the war successfully have been fully determined.
I trust I may be permitted to spend a portion of my summer vacation at the exposition and contribute my full share to its success, and if at any time it shall be deemed desirable by the management for me to deliver an address, I will gladly do so. I trust you will do me the honor of announcing during the exercises the fact that I am detained by my duties at Washington.
Expressing the hope and the full confidence that the exposition will be pre-eminently successful and that ere the summer is gone the war with Spain will have been successfully terminated, and the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rico made free and Spain forever driven from her last foot of territory on this continent, I remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Glories of the Transmississippi Region Graphically Pictured.
President Wattles announced that in the absence of Senator Allen he had requested one of the members of the board of directors of the exposition, Hon. John L. Webster, with one day's notice, to take part in the exercises. He introduced Mr. Webster, who said:
We meet today amid surroundings that excite the most lively imagination and rouse the dullest sensibilities. Entrancing and bewitching scenes are all about us. The best that architecture could plan and that skill could construct and that art could decorate and adorn, make up the exterior of this, the most unique exposition ever witnessed on the American continent.
These mighty structures stand where fifty years ago were the clustered tepees of the Omaha Indians. Then the silence of this place was disturbed only by the Indian war sound, by the revelry of the Indian dance, and the prairies rang with no sound but the war whoop of the aborigine. Today it is surrounded by twenty thousand buildings, the homes of one hundred and fifty thousand people, who are the members of the rich commercial city of Omaha.
But this is not an exposition for our city, or for our state. We are part and parcel of the great transmississippi country, a country extending from the river on the east which Do Soto discovered, westward to the Pacific ocean, and from the Mexican Republic on the south to the British possessions on the north—a country with more than fifteen millions of Anglo-Saxon people. It is a country now divided into states and territories, each large enough for an empire, with resources unparalleled, with soil unexcelled, and with capabilities immeasurable. It is the granary and market house of the world. To borrow a thought from Edmund Burke: "The scarcity which the empires and kingdoms of Europe have many times felt would have been a desolating famine if this child of their old age, with a true filial piety, with a Roman charity, had not put the breast of its youthful exuberance to the mouth of its exhausted parents.
On this spot the vast resources and mighty wealth of this extensive transmississippi territory are today put on exhibition, not so much for our own instruction and entertainment as that the rest of mankind may come and see for themselves, look on with startled amazement and depart with astonishment and wonder.
But we are not satisfied nor a sectional people. We are part of a rich commercial nation. We know but one constitution, but one country, but one flag. We have opened the doors of the exposition to all our fellow citizens and received the products and exhibits of all the states, which gives it a truly national character.
World Wide in Scope.
We are a cosmopolitan people and extended the scope of the enterprise until it became international in character. Canada upon the north and the republics of South America are here mingling with us. Exhibitors from various countries in Europe are here vying with each other in their efforts to excel. Here may be seen the Italian, who walks the streets where Caesar's legions once trod; the Greek from the classic land where Athens was and where the Spartans won an unfading historic fame. Here are a dusky people, with their camels, from the deserts of Arabia. Here are Turks from that land whose people bow in prayer at the voice of the priest from the minaret.
Then, too, we welcome the Asiatics from the western shores of the Pacific. Here is the Mongolian race from the Chinese empire, which traces its dynasty back through fabulous ages. Here are exhibitors from Japan—that country which in our day has taken a mighty leap in advance, and is now recognized as one of the commercial and naval powers of the world. It is this exposition, so grand in conception, so broad in purpose and so comprehensive in character, that is this day thrown upon the throng here present, and which extends a hearty welcome to the millions who shall visit it.
To build these immense palaces of beauty we have drawn from the past as well as from the present. We have studied the artistic among all people and in all countries. In architecture we have drawn from whatever was most beautiful in Gothic, whatever was most refined in classic, whatever was most desirable in Grecian and whatever was most noble in Roman, and supplemented and improved theme with the most artistic conceptions of the present age, and the result we see before us is a realistic picture of a fairy scene.
This decorative statuary is not the fruit of a day, the birth of an hour. It is the present imprint of an art which had its supreme revival in the Moses of Michael Angelo and Titian's tomb by Canova. The figures which these sculptors chiseled from marble were the letters of the alphabet of art and have left an impression on the centuries which have come after them. Out of the fulfillment of that art American skill has decorated these buildings with forms of grace and of beauty which express the taste and refinement of this age.
Within the walls of these beautiful buildings one way wander in a bewildering maze of exhibits. There will be found the best and richest productions of American soil; cotton from the vast plantations of Louisiana and Mississippi, ripened grain from the wheat fields of Minnesota, Washington and Oregon; and the golden king corn from Kansas and Nebraska. There may be seen the woods and finished lumber culled from pine forests of Michigan, and the high towering trees of the Columbia river. There may be seen minerals, copper from the Anaconda and silver and gold which the energy of our mountain pioneers have delved from beneath the Rockies and Sierras. There will be seen the skilled handiwork of the mechanic and artisan, and in Machinery hall the perfected result of what was once an inventor's dream. Within this circle is gathered evidences of the toil, of the prosperity, and of the refinement of seventy millions of industrial people, who have brought America to its present high standard of national supremacy.
Emblem of Republican Majesty.
The Government building at the west end of the lagoon, with its long colonnades and high shining dome, supporting the Goddess of Liberty, stands as the emblem of power and strength and majesty of this republic. It speaks for the greatness of our nation, the realization of what John Bright once said:
I see one vast confederation stretching from the frozen north in unbroken line to the glowing south, and from the wild billows of the Atlantic westward to the calmer waters of the Pacific main, and I see one people, and one law and one language and one faith, and over all that wide continent the home of freedom and a refuge for the oppressed of every race and of every clime.
We have reached the condition pictured by John Bright, and we have passed beyond it. Our commerce envelops the seas and our navy is in the flush of victory. Our grasp is on the Sandwich islands and our gallant Dewey holds the Philippines.
The nation's future which John Bright saw falls short of the future we see today. We are amazed at our own growth since the days of Washington and Jefferson to our present invincible power. We are now on the high vantage ground where we can look forward to the fulfillment of American destiny. The present is already a realized dream and the brightness of the future is stronger than a vision.
To know the present let me draw a contrast from the past. Marcus Aurelius ruled over Rome at the closing of its golden period. His victories in war and achievements in peace classed him in the minds of Romans, with Caesar and Augustus. In a plaza at Rome there was erected a high, towering monument to his memory. Circling around the column from the base to the capitol the historic scenes and incidents of his career were carved and chiseled in the solid marble.
That column still stands, browned by the centuries that have rolled by since its construction. It stands not alone as a relic of antiquity, but as an historic monument of an age when civilization, linked with all that makes a nation great and powerful, was in eastern Europe, and when one man ruled the farthest known portions of the world to the confines of the western sea. At the side of the square close by is a high and gray colored building, and along its front in blazoned letters is the name of an American insurance company.
There is a singular linking together by way of contrast of the changed conditions of seventeen hundred years. If Marcus Aurelius could come forth from his long slumber his eye would rest on that monument on which is recorded the deeds of Rome' greatness and grandeur, and he would see that Imperial City mouldy with age and its magnificent structures crumbling into ruins. When he looked on the assembled multitudes he would not see the legions of old that marched under his command. He would see a new people and hear a new language. If he inquired what had wrought this great change, he would find that civilization in its onward course and westward march had discovered a new continent beyond the sea. That a new race of people with a new language had built up a mighty republic of seventy millions of people, where industry had an open field, where science has made new discoveries, where literature and art and refinement were the common property of all her citizens. That this new people with characteristic energy and enterprise were insuring the lives of the lazaroni.
Triumph of Fifty Years.
The scene thus presented to Marcus Aurelius would be more astonishing to him than were the lines upon the wall which were interpreted to Nebuchednezzar. Yet, this transmississippi country has developed more and accomplished more in the last fifty years than was worked out in the seventeen centuries that marked the space of time between the ages of Marcus Aurelius and the planting of this western civilization which this exposition is builded to commemorate.
To judge of the future, let us draw another lesson from the past: The earliest civilization had its habitation in western Asia, in Palestine and Assyria. It joined hands with trade and commerce as time rolled by and left Babylon and Nineveh in ruins, and took up its abode in Egypt and northern Africa. Later on it left the land of the sphynx and pyramids and took up its abode in Greece, the land that became famous by the sculpture of Praxiteles, by the matchless oratory of Demosthenes, by the wisdom and philosophy of Socrates and Plato and by the statesmanship of Pericles and Phocian; the land whose patriotism made the names Thermopylae and Marathon synonymous with all that is daring and brave and glorious in war.
Time rolled on and civilization, with its companions, trade and commerce, left this land of charming scenes and bewitching history and passed westward across the Adriatic to imperial Rome. From the age of Caesar and Augustus to the time of Constantine Rome ruled the old world. But civilization traveled westward until it reached the confines of Europe, where the ocean seemed a barrier, and stayed its progress for fourteen long centuries. Rome crumbled into ruins, Brussels and Antwerp and Paris and London became the commercial centers. Italy broke into dukedoms and provinces and England, France and Germany became the ruling nations of Europe. Civilization, urged on by its companions, trade and commerce, like a man of nervous energy and restless ambition, found a way to cross the ocean and the new continent of America was discovered. They crossed the stormy waters of the sea and made their new home in this western hemisphere. Here our nation has grown up and the scepter of supremacy has passed from the old world to the new.
In the fulfillment of our destiny, and to hold trade and commerce within our grasp, we have to work out the problem of universal civilization. We may have to join hands with the great powers of Europe to compass the trade of western Asia, and bring it across the Pacific into the harbor of Puget Sound, and through the Golden Gate.
Destiny of the Anglo-Saxon.
We are an international nation; Europe is on the east of us, and Asia is on the west of us. It is no longer a question of the far east, it is a question of the west. In the southern waters of the Pacific is Australia, practically a newly discovered country. The Anglo-Saxon people are already there. It is like a new risen sun in the southwestern waters, whose foreign commercial trade of more than six hundred million dollars per year demands our most considerate attention.
There, too, at our western door is Japan already a great commercial nation, and with a navy that takes first rank with the modern sphynxs of war which float in Pacific waters.
There, too, is China. Russia has crossed the territory with a line of railroad, whose depot stands fronting the surf-line of the western ocean, and her flag floats over Port Arthur. England, Germany and France have their navies floating from her fortified harbors. China is about to awake from her hibernating sleep of four thousand years. Her four hundred millions of people are to become the consumers of American products and the patrons of American commerce. Who can say that within the next fifty years the commercial trade of the Pacific shall not take supremacy over the commercial trade of the Atlantic? May not this exposition mark the beginning of a new era of prosperity, when the commerce of Europe and of Asia shall find their race course across this mid-continent and pour out their wealth to overflowing in this transmississippi country.
A month ago it was a serious question whether the war with Spain would not injure this exposition, but within a month it has become an accentuation of the expansive power of the American nation. A month ago the American people were disposed to cling to the traditional policy of isolation; today they receive with patriotic enthusiasm the doctrine of annexation and of conquest. A month ago the Philippines were in the far east; today they are in the nearer west.
Emilio Castelar said to the Spanish Cortes twenty-seven years ago words which in these days of rapid change breathe the spirit of prophecy:
America, and especially Saxon America, with its immense virgin territories, with its republic, with its equilibrium between stability and progress, with its harmony between liberty and democracy, is the continent of the future, the immense continent stretched by God between the Atlantic and the Pacific, where mankind may essay and resolve all social problems. Europe is to decide whether she will confound herself with Asia, placing upon her lands old altars and upon the altars old idols, and upon the idols plutocracies, and upon the plutocracies empires, or whether she will collaborate with America in the grand work of universal civilization.
Spain's Great Mistake.
Spain heeded not his voice. She has not taken part with America in the grand work of civilization. She has clung to her old idols and her despotic empire. In this, the close of the nineteenth century, she carried to the beautiful island of Cuba the cruel and relentless warfare of the fourteenth century.
Our Saxon civilization of which Castelar spoke entered its protest against the barbarism of the middle ages being transplanted to this island of the western hemisphere, and determined to eradicate it by the severe arbitrament of war. It is our high standard of civilization, our love of liberty, our sympathy with suffering humanity, our regard for national honor, that has brought us to the initial point where we must solve questions of national policy, and which we are to settle for future ages before the present century shall close.
A month ago the Sandwich islands seemed too remote an object for the grasp of national ambition. They have now become a resting place for the American army in its race across the Pacific to give aid and assistance to our navy in the Philippines, and to make complete the conquest of Admiral Dewey, whose victory at Manila is the wonder of the age and the marvel of the seas.
Yonder Administration building is supported by four open arches, looking toward the four points of the compass. They are emblematic of the thought that this exposition stands in the center of the American republic, and that the people of the transmississippi country, through those gateways, are ready to welcome to us the commerce and trade from the four corners of the earth, which shall make us the greatest, the happiest and the most prosperous people in the world.
Iowa Orator Does Both Himself and His State Proud.
The "Song of Welcome" was sung by the Exposition chorus, accompanied by the Marine band. The words of this opening ode were written in honor of the occasion by Henry M. Blossom of St. Louis and the music was composed by Mrs. H. H. A. Beech of Boston. The volume of tone produced by the chorus exceeded the fondest anticipations of the warmest friends of the organization. In spite of the fact that it was the first attempt of the chorus to sing in the opening air, without a covering to prevent the dissipation of the sound in the upper air, the rendition of the tuneful ode was executed in a manner which would have done credit to any of the older and larger choral organizations of the country. Musical Director Kimball wielded the banton and both chorus and band responded as a unit.
John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs, the principal orator of the occasion, was introduced by President Wattles and spoke as follows:
Man delights in retrospection and indulges in anticipation. The faithful historian never lacks appreciative audiences, for the dullest eye must lighten and the most sluggish pulse quicken at the recital of the trials and triumphs of the past. Neither is a prophet without honor even in his own country, when to listeners, whose hopes and aims are one with his, he predicts a glorious future.
But the critic of existent institutions treads no primrose path. Unless carefully guarded in expression, he will damn with faint praise, disgust with fulsome flattery, or awaken jealousy by unfavorable comparison. In all ages there are those who insist that the present time is sick and out of joint; that there is nothing in the present like unto the past; that whatever is, is not comparable with what is to be.
Fortunately for the progress of the world, those who revel in rehearsals and venture so much in prophecy have not been in the majority; only sufficient in number to disturb and impede. It is sad to say, but it must be said, that in our own time there are many individuals who insist that there is no progress today except in mechanics.
They croak and cry. It is simply the time of steam, steel and starvation. Like puny whispers, they pull their pencils to write, "The State in Danger." They declare and resolve that governments are so drawn and trussed that for the few there is plethoric plenty, while the many starve. They philosophize that this is an age of machinery, not an heroical, devotional, philosophical or moral age.
These contentions and opinions imposed upon the thoughtful, intelligent and progressive men of the time, who believe that the present is better than the past and promises more for the future, the task of denial, of assertion and of proof. To deny and assert, is easy. To prove requires organization and labor.
In their efforts to arouse men to more glorious triumphs they met with many difficulties. "Happy men are full of the present, for it's bounty suffices them; and wise men also, for its duties engage them." The busy man would say, "With me it is what I eat, where shall I drink, my body, what shall it put on?" The iconoclastic man, "Do not talk about our achievements. It is better to listen forever than to brag." Among these and many others the opinion prevailed that there are two classes of lies, common lies and statistics. "Give us proofs," they say, "outward signs and tokens."
In vain did they plead, as did the wise men of old, "Say not thou, 'What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this."
From out these discussions, controversies and opinions evolved the idea of an exposition. Tested, it has been found to be practical and promotive. The exposition is an item of evidence. It goes to prove not only what has been done, but what may be accomplished. It is an eyewitness and an expert. It lays in your hands the record of the past. It makes, while you look, the exhibits of the present. It paints before your eyes the splendor of still greater acievements on the cloud curtain of the future. It shows itself, wherever there is a spirit of commercialism, a sense of pride and an impulse for improvement.
The exposition has become the instrument of civilization. Being a concomitant to empire, westward it takes its way. The Crystal palace, the Centennial, the World's fair, the Transmississippi and International Exposition!
We celebrate at this hour the opening of the Transmississippi and International Exposition, and this day marks an important era in our development.
Object of the Exposition.
The purpose of this exposition is to display the products, manufactures and industries of the states and territories west of the Mississippi river. The territory embraced is two-thirds of the area of the union and contains nineteen states and five territories. Part of this territory was acquired by purchase from France in 1803 and part by treaties, negotiations and cessions.
I refer to these facts because from 1802 to 1850 this purchase, these treaties and these cesssions were the subject of public discussion, and much that was said and written fittingly illustrates the thought I have heretofore endeavored to express.
During these times some there were who dealt much in prophecy, and what they then foretold is of surpassing interest in view of what has since happened.
Referring to the standard histories and leading reviews of this period, I find that the opponents of the acquisition of this territory said: "The east would be depopulated. The mere extent of territory would rend the republic apart; that no common ties of interest would ever bind together under on government men who fought Indians, trapped bears and hunted buffaloes, and men who built ships and caught fish in the harbors of the Atlantic ocean. It would enormously increase the public debt. Two millions for an island and possibly as much ground on the main land as is now covered by the state of New York was enough in all conscience, but to pay $15,000,000 for lands containing over 1,000,000 square miles was revolutionary and unconstitutional. The limits of the federation could not be safely extended beyond the Stony (Rocky) mountains." As late as 1825 one United States senator boldly proclaimed in the senate, "A member of congress traveling from his home to Washington and return would cover a distance of 9,200 miles. At the rate of thirty miles per day, and allowing him forty-four days for Sundays, 350 days would be consumed and the member would have fourteen days in Washington before he started home. It would be quicker to go around Cape Horn or by Bering's straits, Baffin's bay and Davis strait to the Atlantic, and so to Washington."
Moans of Early Croakers.
They also said, "All settlers who go beyond the Mississippi river will be forever lost to the United States." Pike, whose name is attached to the giant peak of the Rockies, condemned these plains to everlasting sterility. He officially reported to the War department as follows: "From these immense prairie will be derived one great advantage to the United States, namely, the restriction of our population to some certain limits, and thereby a continuation of the union. They will be constrained to limit themselves to the borders of the Missouri and Mississippi, while they leave the prairies, incapable of cultivation, to the wandering and uncivilized aborigines of the country."
In 1858 the North American Review declared: "The people of the United States have reached their inland western frontier, and the banks of the Missouri are the shores at the termination of a vast ocean desert for 1,000 miles in breadth, which it is proposed to travel, if at all, with caravans of camels and which interpose a final barrier to the establishment of large communities, agricultural, commercial or even pastoral."
In all authorized publications and on all school maps the strip of land lying west of the Missouri river and east of the Rocky mountains, south to the Mexican frontier and north to British America, was called an "Unknown Land" and designated as the "Great American Desert."
I have the honor today of being the official spokesman of the Transmississippi and International Exposition. In the discharge of the duty imposed upon me I now and here assert, realizing full well the breadth and depth and meaning of every word I utter, that in fertility and productiveness of soil, in mountains and meadows, rivers and lakes, metals and minerals, forests and farms, sea coast and harbors, cereals, fruits and flowers, cattle, horses and hogs, healthful climate, grandeur of scenery and intelligence and industry of inhabitants, there is not on this globe a body or tract of land of the same area equal to that region of country covered by the states and territories of the union west of the Mississippi river.
Ready to Show Them.
In proof whereof we welcome you to these grounds. Come through these gates and enter these buildings. We will give you "ocular proof," or
At the last shall so provide it,
That the probation bear no hinge nor loop
To hang a doubt on.
With samples and exhibits, records and reports, with representatives credentialed and accredited, we will prove to the thoughtful, intelligent and unprejudiced people of the world that the "Great American Desert" must have deserted, for it cannot be found. Where fifty years ago they said it was, we will show a farm of 67,000,000 acres under cultivation, producing annually products of the value of $1,000,000,000.
The prairies which were considered "incapable of cultivation," produce annually 1,200,000,000 bushels of corn, 350,000,000 bushels of wheat and 30,000,000 tons of hay, of the aggregate value of $600,000,000, making no accounting of the other cereals, the fruits and the vegetables.
Instead of "trapping bear and hunting buffalo," 9,000,000 horses and mules work in the valleys; 32,000,000 cattle feed on the hills; 51,000,000 of sheep and hogs fleece and fatten, and this live stock alone is of the aggregate value of $1,200,000,000.
They thought $15,000,000 was an extortionate price to pay for this "wilderness." Today the annual output of gold and silver is $100,000,000, of copper and other minerals $100,000,000, and of coal $30,000,000. With the precious metals alone from our mines we could pay the purchase price in sixty days.
The "barrier to the establishment of commercial enterprise," stormed by the sturdy frontiersmen, gave way, and on the other side hum and whirl the wheels of factories turning our annually $1,400,000,000 worth of the best and cheapest manufactured goods in the world.
The "caravans of camels" not coming from their Egyptian midnight, the people of this country constructed 80,000 miles of railway as a means of travel and transportation.
Homes of Millions.
In the land where only fifty years ago "wandering and uncivilized aborigines" sought shelter in wigwams and leaf tents, now line 22,000,000 of intelligent people, with 121 universities and colleges, 62,000 school houses, 5,700,000 children, 6,000 newspapers and 45,000 religious organizations having a membership of 3,500,000 and worshipping in 44,000 church edifices.
The aggregate wealth of this region of country is $22,000,000,000, or more than one-half of the entire capital of Great Britain.
These are not figures of speech, but the arithmetic of facts. I have given the numbers round, but always under.
For one of these territories the government paid $7,000,000, yet in a few years it received from the seal islands embraced therein, alone, the purchase price, and there is now in sight in its gold mines treasure enough to pay the national debt.
Another has the greatest onyx mines in the world, yet its shipments of fruit amount to 10,000,000 pounds a year.
One of these transmississippi states has the greatest deposits of marble of any state in the union, and yet this same state took the prize at the Columbian exposition for the best apples in the world.
Another leads the union not only in gold and silver production, but in the production of wool as well, and it has more seacoast than the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina combined.
Still another produces annually an amount equal to four hundred dollars for each of its inhabitants, man, woman and child, and no other country in the world can show an equal product per capita.
Another state has already taken from its mines silver to an amount equal to the present circulation of silver coin in the United States. One thousand miles from the place where stand the greatest flour mills in the world, and all in this same territory, is a land where cotton, corn and olives grow in adjoining fields.
In one state there is a greater variety of minerals than in any other section of country of like size in the world. Another has a region of country in the hills, a hundred miles square, which is the richest in the world, containing the largest and most easily worked mass of low grade ore yet discovered. Another has an area equal to the German empire, with sixty-two thousand square miles to spare, and could sustain upon its surface with ease and prosperity the entire population of the United States.
Wealthy in Other Ways.
Here we find "literature and the elegant arts growing up side by side with the grosser plants of daily interest." In almost every city are academies of painting, sculpture, music and literature. The development in the fine arts has not been as conspicuous in the industrial pursuits. I do not think that I would be superfluously explanatory if I assigned the reason.
These people have imagination and taste, and long to hold communion with the visible forms of all that is beautiful and refined, but for the last fifty years they have been using their brain and brawn in a war with rude nature. They have been employing their genius to find reason and glory in matter. With them it has been an age of utility and utensil. Egyptian and Indian architecture. Phidian sculptures, gothic ministers, Italian paintings, Grecian [?] and Scottish ballads are not produced [?]
[?]people whose time is consumed in constructing railways, building cities, disemboweling mountains, draining lakes into irrigating canals, "bottling up the forces of gravity and selling it by retail," yoking electricity and steam, and directing them both as unwearied and obedient servants.
The results which this exposition will show have been attained are largely due to the character of the people who took possession of this land. They were of the best blood of the union; men of depth and range; of aplomb and reserve; of judgment and common sense. Men who would spare nothing and wanted everything. Men who believed in action and knew the value of every moment of time. Men who realized "that the poorest day that passes over us is the conflux of two eternities. It is made up of currents that issue from the remotest past and flow onward into the remotest future." Men who soon found that agriculture was just beginning when they felled the forest, and that driving from the streams the Indian and his canoe was not the end of commerce. Men who were willing to give their life work to making the alphabet of the language of development, leaving the word forming and phrase making to those who would succeed them. Men who, actuated by the impulse to better themselves and also their descendants, co-operating with the organic effort of nature "to mount and ameliorate," overcame the "wilderness" and converted the "desert" into a garden of benefits.
Man of This People.
I do not believe I shall have adequately discharged the duty of this office unless I speak of one other factor in the glorious development of this great country. We today should bow our heads in reverence and speak the name of Abraham Lincoln. The greatest single factor or agency in the development of this country and in the bringing of this people together in a spirit of union and brotherhood was the construction of the Pacific railways, and Abraham Lincoln was the leading public man who had sufficient prescience of the necessity of the construction of these railways.
And Abraham Lincoln was of this people. He was born about 100 miles from the east line of the Louisiana purchase. For fifty-two of the fifty-six years of his life on earth he labored in this territory with the pioneers for the development of this country, the organization of its society and the establishment and preservation of this government. He was a frontiersman, and yet of all the greatest, the best and the mightiest men of the past nineteen centuries, he was the only man of whom we can say, "Some there are who doubt he divinity of Christ, but no one the godliness of Lincoln."
"When the cornerstone of this great enterprise was laid, many were the things which we promised you would see and hear on Opening day. And now into these magnificent buildings and on these beautiful
ground we ask the people of the earth to come and judge of their fulfillment.
While your eyes are enraptured with the glories of these scenes, your ears will be enchanted with our promised song.
"Uplift a thousand voices full and sweet
In this wide hall, with earth's inventions stored,
And praise the invisible, universal Lord,
Who lets once more in peace the nations meet
Where science, art and labor have outpoured
Their myriad horns of plenty at our feet."
Had Close Attention.
Mr. Baldwin's powerful voice penetrated ever recess of the main court and the audience maintained the closest attention, following his brilliant peroration with a burst of applause.
"The Voice of Our Nation," a fantasia of national airs, popular folk songs and old-time war melodies, rendered with the beautiful effects characteristic of the Marine band, won the hearts of the people and frequent applause, cheers and shouts as well known airs were played, betokened the growing popularity of the band and the delight of the thousands of the hearers. There was more than one moist eye as the familiar old time songs were rendered with feeling and wonderful expression. The veterans of the rebellion were especially affected as certain of the songs so familiar thirty years ago were rendered with an effect which recalled the old days. The change from grave to gay was instantaneous and the scarcely repressed tears were chased away by smiles as the stirring snatches succeeded one another in rapid succession. The medley ended with the "Star Spangled Banner" and the immense audience rose to its feet as the opening strains floated over the lagoon and remained standing until the number was finished.
Officials at Washington Participate in Opening Exercises.
When the time came to receive the message of President McKinley the long distance telephone line proved unequal to the emergency for some reason which no one seemed to understand and a hastily improvised telegraph line was run to the central pavilion and Superintendent W. W. Umsted attached a box sounder to the wire. Seated in a chair with the sounder on another chair, Mr. Umsted took the message of the president on his knee. In spite of the awkwardness of the situation the message was transcribed and handed to Governor Holcomb to read. It was as follows:
The cordiality of the invitation extended to me to be present at the opening of your great exposition is deeply appreciated and I more deeply regret that public duties prevent me from leaving the capital at this time.
The events of the memorable half century which the Transmississippi and International Exposition commemorates are interwoven with the history of the whole nation, and are of surpassing importance. The mighty west affords most striking evidences of the splendid achievements and possibilities of our people. It is a matchless tribute to the energy and endurance of the pioneer, while its vast agricultural development, its progress in manufactures, its advancement in the arts and sciences and in all departments of education and endeavor have been inestimable contributions to the civilization and wealth of the world.
Nowhere have the unconquerable determination, self-reliant strength and sturdy manhood of our American citizenship been more forcibly illustrated. In peace or war the men and women of the west have ever been in the vanguard. I congratulate the management upon its magnificent enterprise and assure all who participate in this undertaking of the deep interest which the government has in its success.
Speaks in Behalf of Nebraska, the Exposition State.
After reading President McKinley's message Governor Holcomb spoke on behalf of the state of Nebraska as follows:
This occasion, the day and the hour, will ever remain memorable in the history of the transmississippi country. It marks a most interesting event in the history of this commonwealth and measures a step forward in the progress of our great republic. To the people of Nebraska the ceremonies attending the opening of the Transmississippi and International Exposition are freighted with special and personal interests of the most impressive character.
This day has been anxiously awaited by every patriotic citizen of the state. The inception and successful inauguration of an enterprise, so grand in its scope and fraught, as we believe it is, with so much good to the present and future generations, is gratifying alike to all. An exposition denoting the ever advancing civilization of the present age, and by a people inhabiting over one-half of the area of the United States and comprising over one-third of its population, held within the boundaries of our great commonwealth, is an honor and a distinction gratifying to our state pride, and for which all Nebraskans are duly appreciative. For five months it will be the great pleasure, as well as a high privilege, for our people to extend with welcome hands and warm hearts a hospitable greeting to the people of all
portions of our common country, and to those from other lands who may participate in or visit this magnificent display. We cordially invite all to visit us and view the evidences of the marvelous progress made by the people of the great west in the material advancement in the industries, arts and sciences; to learn of the wonderful and inexhaustible resources of a country which in extent forms an empire ,and whose unparalleled resources when utilized can be made to bless and make happy millions of mankind who may in this vast domain find innumerable opportunities for the establishment of prosperous homes.
Wonders of the Wealthy West.
Here, gathered by the energy, industry and ingenuity of man, will be found the products of land and sea, of farm and field, of factory and mine, all giving evidence of the wonderful richness of a country yet only partially developed, and displaying the marvelous progress made by its citizens in keeping step with the grand march of civilization throughout the world. The spirit of progress and philanthropy in the upbuilding of an industrial empire in our midst, displayed upon every hand, must challenge the admiration and solicit unstinted praise from all who shall visit us and behold what has been accomplished by these people in scarce one-half century of labor. These are the evidences of the intelligent and well directed efforts of a people who, with a courage that is undaunted and a faith that is undismayed, have wrested from nature's primeval conditions this beautiful land, and established a civilization that will forever bless mankind.
This great exposition celebrates and commemorates no important epoch in the history of the country. It is an epoch in itself. It has grown and assumed shape and form as an expression of the desires of a people to celebrate the development of the resources of a country, the result of their own struggles, labors and final triumphs. It is grander and far more reaching in its scope than the celebration of some anniversary in our country's history. It emphasizes and makes comprehensive the accomplishments of an intelligent, progressive people toward a higher civilization. It is a composite picture of the growth of a people made during the early years of settlement in a new and untried country. It is befitting that as the nineteenth century is drawing to a close, with its fruitage of the manifold blessings which have been showered upon the people of the earth during its reign, that we of the western and newer half of the American republic should take an inventory of the stock of great riches of which we are possessed in order that we may thereby be the better enabled to assume the duties and responsibilities and to solve the problems of the advancement of the human race that come crowding upon us with the dawning of the twentieth century.
Duty of a Good Citizen.
With the force of a proverb it has been said of man "Know thyself;" and with greater emphasis may it be declared, "Know thy country." Study its structure as formed by divine hands. Know its rivers and mountains, its forests and prairies, its valleys and plains, its climate and soil. Learn of its hidden treasures of gold and silver, of coal and iron; its productive fields of grain and grasses, of vegetables and fruits, its plains of rich grazing for horses, cattle
and sheep. Inform yourself of th[?]towns, of telegraphs and telephon[?]roads and steamboats, of the [?] arteries of commerce, the facili[?]change of the products of man[?] and industry, and a faint concep[?]gained of the present greatness [?] possibilities of this magnificen[?]sissippi country.
As this beautiful exposition c[?] thousands of exhibits represent[?] branch of industry, pleasing to [?] inspiring to the mind, has sprun[?]istence in so short a period as i[?] so has the transmississippi coun[?]oped during the last half century [?]velous rapidity. This has been a[?] by the courage and untiring ener[?] who have peopled its broad don[?] evidences here witnessed of th[?]ment of the people and the d[?] of the country's resources inspir[?] a spirit of thankfulness that God[?] us so goodly a land, to be mad[?] and to fructify for the enjoymen[?]fit of mankind.
Though young in years we of th[?] no allowance on the score of age[?]lenge investigation and compa[?] improvements made by countries [?] years, confident that no unfavora[?]sion of us will result therefrom[?] hour of festivity and rejoicing [?] unmindful that it is also a time [?] the nation. Loyal citizens from [?]tion of the country have sprung [?] defense of national honor, [?]cause of humanity. Sectio[?] have been obliterated in [?] of threatened danger from foreig[?] reunited people are fighting si[?] under the Stars and Stripes, [?] of liberty and progress.
Amidst these marvelous collecti[?] triumphs in the peaceful pursu[?] we hope it may again be demons[?] "peace hath her victories no less[?] than war" and that our country [?] east may meet us here in th[?] city of the continent, learn of o[?] in the past, our aspirations and [?] our hopes for the future and th[?] of our purpose and determinat[?]tribute to a better civilization i[?] this great country and to atta[?] destiny designed for us by the[?] the Universe.
President Wattles announced [?] machinery of the exposition [?] started by President McKinley [?]ercises would be closed by the [?] "America" by the audience. [?]crowd joined in the singing, [?] Marine band and the chorus, a[?] blowing of whistles and the s[?]thusiastic thousands the Tran[?] and International Exposition w[?] inaugurated.
Civic and Military Societies Gather to Honor the Occasion.
Procession from the City to the Grounds Watched by Thousands.
Citizens of All Classes Out in Their Gala Summer Attire.
June's Lovely Beginning Affords a Welcome Opportunity for the Show Made Perfect by Woman's Charming Presence.
One of the most notable events in connection with the opening of the Transmississippi Exposition was the magnificent procession of the distinguished guests of honor, of the directory and other officials of the exposition, and of the scores of military and civic bodies with their accompanying bands. The pageant was one of the most remarkable in the history of the transmississippi country, and it was viewed with manifest satisfaction and evident delight by the most numerous concourse of spectators that ever saw a daylight parade in the Gate City of the West.
The parade itself was lengthy and elaborate. It was nearly two miles in length, and it included many prominent men from various parts of the territory of whose products and resources the exposition is such a true exponent. If the procession was lacking in the display of military that Omahans have long been used to seeing the great pageants the place was adequately filled by the appearance of a number of goodly appearing, excellently drilled companies of the younger Americans, whose sole regret of today is that parental edicts, scholastic duties and lack of age qualifications separate them from the other defenders of the country. Instead of noting the fine marching of a regiment of United States' regulars and of the companies of state militia that are the pride and glory of Omaha, the spectators today reviewed several battalions of younger cadets and zouaves. Their presence formed a conspicuous feature of the parade, a feature that distinguished the parade from its predecessors, and a feature that was received with enthusiastic plaudits along the line of march. The governor and his staff, all arrayed in glittering gold and royal blue, were well received by the spectators, as were also the exposition officials, the mayor of this and neighboring cities, and other distinguished personages. All had some friends along the line, and as the particular official for whom a score of spectator had been watching, craning their necks and straining their eyes, appeared in sight, a shout of welcome that made the object of their attention smile with pride and bow becomingly to his patrons.
Throng of Sightseers.
But if the pageant itself formed a beautiful spectacle, what must be said of the even more inspiring scene afforded by the tens of thousands that lined the curbs and sidewalks, that filled every available window and that scattered over lawns and porches, from the starting point of the parade in the business section of the city clear through the residence portion to the imposing enterance of the exposition grounds? It was a wonderful concourse of people. It was so not alone on account of its great numerical dimensions, but because of its attractive appearance. The bright warm day, the sunshine of June's initial day tempered with a cool breeze from the north, augumented the crowd of spectators and brought out such a wealth of beautiful raiments and such a gorgeous display of headgear as were never seen in Omaha upon any of its former gala days. The dark robes of winter had been cast aside by the crowd, and the somber clothing of the Lenten season had given place to the variegated gowns and the floral creations of the milliner. On the principal streets of the downtown district, notably at the corners of Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth and Douglas streets, the assemblage of brilliantly attires women, young and old, formed a maze of beautiful color combinations that made one think of fairyland. And of the fairies, their name was legion. With their light gowns and catchy headgear, with a frequent showing of the red, white and blue, or a military souvenir of some soldier at the front, or again with a flag of the tri-color of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, they constituted a picture that was unequalled in the history of the day. In all the store windows down town, scattered about spacious lawns of the residences up town and banked along the sidewalks between the two sections of the city, it all looked alike; the youth and beauty of Omaha and of the territory tributary to it admired the parade and in turn were admired by the paraders.
Procession to the Grounds a Notable One in All Its Features.
The first division of the parade started off as though its movements were manipulated by clockwork. Grand Marshal Clarkson was in command, assisted by his aides, T. C. Shelly, George W. Holbrook and W. H. Thomas, all of whom, mounted upon spirited horses, rode up and down the line, directing the movements of the organizations in the different divisions. The parade was preceded by Chief of Police Gallagher, assisted by the captains of the force. They in turn commanded eighty men who cleared the streets for the organizations that followed. The police were in their new uniforms and presented a neat appearance, attracting considerable attention. The police were followed by the Transmississippi Troopers, who, mounted, marched four abreast. These men presented a striking appearance, clothed in their regulation uniform, consisting of silk hats, dress coats and white leggins. They were in command of Colonel McWhorter. There were some sixty of them and they represented the business interests of the city. Closely following the Troopers followed the band of the University of Nebraska. There were twenty-nine men with Prof. Easterly as the leader. The boys were clothed in their full dress uniform, consisting of blue coats and white duck trousers. The music of this band was prepared especially for the occasion and was received with hearty applause all along the line of march.
The feature of the division was the cadets of the University of Nebraska. The boys marched with the precision of veteran soldiers and numbered 250, under the command of Major Charles H. True. While their uniforms were not striking, they were neat consisting of blue coats and white duck trousers.
The Council Bluffs High school cadets were next in line to the number of fifty, under the command of Captain E. S. Beardsley. They marched well and kept step to the music of the Columbian band of this city that followed closely behind. This band consisted of twenty-one pieces and was under the direction of Paul F. Gannon, leader.
As upon many former occasions, the Omaha High school cadets were the center of attraction. There were 250 of the boys, besides the drum corps. They were looked after by Lieutenant Campbell, U. S. A., who is their instructor. The boys wore the regulation uniform of blue, with white leggings.
The Webster Zouaves, under the command of Captain Sues, presented a striking appearance, on account of the fact that their uniform was the gaudiest of the gaudy. There were sixty men in line, all wearing the red fez, blue jackets, red breeches and white leggings, in addition to which they were clad in white vests, with bright yellow girdles.
The Clarkson camp of the Sons of Veterans of South Omaha closed up the division. These men were in command of Captain Etter and numbered seventy-five. Their uniform was blue caps, coats and white pants. Their street work was out of the ordinary, and elicited frequent and hearty applause all along the line of march.
In the Second Division.
The second division was lead by Assistant Marshal W. G. Shriver and his aides, J. A. Kuhn, A. B. Smith, W. R. Richardson and D. M. Haverley, and while it was not military to any great extent, it contained the dignitaries of the day. It was preceded by the band by Randoph, Ia., with F. Green as leader. There were seventeen pieces, the men wearing catchy uniforms of blue and white. Their music was considered of the finest quality and was appreciated by the spectators who watched the procession as it passed.
Following the band were the men who made the exposition. They were President Wattles, the members of the various departments, the members of the executive committee and the directory, all riding in carriages. Immediately in their wake rode the speakers of the day, and the invited guests, some 300 in number, including the commissioners from the various Transmississippi states, together with the governor and his staff.
The members of the second division, while not decked out with gold lace and tinsel, were the subject of much comment, as they were mostly men of note. There were mayors galore and among them were Mayor Moores of this city, Mayor Ensor of South Omaha, Mayor Jennings of Council Bluffs and Mayor Graham of Lincoln. Immediately behind them were the members of the city council of Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Hastings, Lincoln, Fremont and half a dozen smaller towns in the transmississippi region.
Rev. Dr. Nichols, who invoked the divine blessing upon the success of the exposition, occupied the carriage with President Wattles, and bowing to the right and left acknowledged the cheers that greeted him all along the lines of march. Immediately following rode Hon. William J. Bryan, accompanied by most of the state officers, who in turn were followed by the county and city officials.
Clad in their regimentals of the rank which they occupied followed Governor Silas A. Holcomb and General Barry, Colonel Lundeen, Peabody, Moies, Burress, Barnes, Walker, Lyons, Decker, Charles Bryan and Hansen, members of the staff.
In addition to the men of rank there were something like 500 other invited guests and among them were members of the Travelers' Protective association, who rested from their convention labors long enough to participate in the festivities attending the opening exercises of the exposition.
Third Division.
Assistant Marshal Dudley Smith and Aide George S. Wright were in command of the third division, which was made up principally of secret society drill teams and letter carriers. The division did not by any means rank second to the military bodies that preceded, for, although their objects are directly opposite to those of the boys in blue and gray, they marched with as much military precision and executed maneuvers with as much skill as the riflemen.
The handsomely-uniformed Cosmopolitan band under the leadership of George W. Greene headed the division and was in advance of several carriages containing the officers of the Travelers' Protective association. Five hundred of the rank and file of the association were to have been in the line, but formed too late. The Modern Woodmen band of Plattsmouth, a nicely uniformed body of musicians, followed.
The section was headed by the drill team of the Havelock camp of the Modern Woodmen of America—a stalwart body of men dressed in blue shirts with the letters of the order emblazoned on the breasts and white pants. Behind them marched a good representation of the drill teams of the local camps of the Modern Woodmen of America. First came the body of Omaha camp, uniformed in blue jackets, with white facings, white trousers and black boots. Beech camp came next in blue uniforms, relieved with lighter blue facings and white stripes down their trouser legs. B. & M. camp followed with uniforms of a similar character, and behind them the drill team of Hebrew camp, uniformed in much the same fashion as Omaha camp. The Maple camp drill team came next with a distinctive dress—brown shirts and grey jackets.
Every one of these organizations was armed with the emblem of the order, the ax, and they executed a manual of arms with these as skillful as did the military bodies with their more warlike weapons. They also executed along the line of march a series of flank movements with such precision that they were frequently greeted with applause from the crowding spectators.
Behind this fraternal contingent came a squad from Clan Gordon, Order of the Scottish Clans, every man wearing a plaid and Scotch bonnet and many in kilts. The section was headed by a band of pipers, who guided the footsteps of the Scots with the weird music of the bagpipes. Bechtold's band came next as the escort of the Alpha Guards, a natty drill team of the Woodmen of the World, uniformed in handsome and neat blue suits.
Uncle Sam's Boys.
The band of Craig, an excellent musical organization, were the appropriate escort of the letter carriers as they were uniformed in grey suits. Uncle Sam's employes were out in force, about 100 being in line in charge of Field Marshal Maher. Behind marched the drill team of Ak-Sar-Ben lodge, Ancient Order of United Workmen, and following them came one of the most interesting bodies in the parade—the Walnut Hill boy brigade. This organization consisted of a band of boys, none of them over a dozen years of age, uniformed in the white
and red zouave costume. It was commanded by Captain Ed Hervey.
A contingent followed which attracted the most interest and applause in the whole line. This consisted of representations from Custer and Crook posts of the Grand Army of the Republic. As the old veterans, many of them clad in the army blue and a large proportion bearing the marks of battle, marched through the streets, they were everywhere greeted with cheers.
Cantons Ezra Millard and Pottawattamie, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the latter from Council Bluffs, came next. Both the bodies were in the brilliant uniform of the order—blue suits with plenty of gold trappings. Behind them marched another youngster organization, the Lawton Guards. This band of boys, none of them over 14 years of age, were uniformed in the army blue and army caps and at their head marched bravely Captain E. E. Hartman.
In the Fourth Division.
The fourth division was given over entirely to the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, and it was one of the most interesting features of the parade. It was gay and brilliant in appearance, and the handsome trappings of the horsemen caught the attention of the crowds. Major Wilcox was in command and his aides were W. R. Bennett and Vance Lane. Their escort was the Pawnee Military band, a neatly uniformed band of excellent musicians.
First came the board of governors of the Court of Mondamin. Every man was attired in the prescribed uniform—handsome red jacket, with white facings, white skin trousers, black boots and white hat. Guiding their horses with military precision, four abreast. Behind was drawn the Ak-Sar-Ben float—a huge symbol of the immensity and importance of the transmississippi country and of the exposition.
Under a great horseshoe, labelled with the words "Good Luck," was spread open the History of the World, a great volume many feet in height. It was opened at the date June 1, 1898, and upon the great leaf were inscribed the words, "Transmississippi Exposition, Omaha," in huge black letters. A court attendant with a wand pointed out the inscription to the multitudes as the float proceeded. Behind, a great crown overshadowed the mighty mineral and agricultural products of the west and round about the symbol were grouped many courtiers and ladies in brilliant costumes. Horses and float were burthened with bright and many-hued flowers.
The escort of this picture consisted of 100 mounted courtiers of King Mondamin. Every man was attired in the bright and magnificent costumes of the court and they made a brave array as they marched through the streets.
Along the Line of March.
Two enterprising young men circulated among the crowds along the route of the parade with small baskets filled with rusty bolts, bit of sheet iron and metal scraps which they announced loudly were relics from the hulk of the ill-fated battleship Maine. Twenty-five cents each was the modest price asked for the majority of the articles sold. Out of town visitors bought readily. A scrap heap in the rear of Paxton and Vierling's iron foundry, it is said, furnished the vendors with their relics.
A pickpocket caused a great deal of excitement on Seventeenth street by snatching a woman's purse from her hand. After committing the theft the thief plunged in to the crowd. Cries of "Stop thief!" "Head him off!" caused hundreds to go in pursuit of the fleeing man. One man drew a revolver, intending to shoot at the fugitive, but was deterred by several men. As the thief turned into Douglas street with the crowd at his heels he ran into a fat man, who attempted to stop him and bowled him over into the street. This put a temporary check on the pursuit and the thief faded into the crowd and was lost sight of.
One of the horses bestrode by a tall Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben gave an exhibition of ground and lofty bucking as the parade swung west on Douglas street, to the amusement of the sightseers and the discomfiture of the doughty knight. Not being much of a horseman and being handicapped by the fact that the visor of his tin helmet fell down over his face, shutting off his vision, the rider was compelled to hang on to the horn of his saddle to prevent being thrown into the air. The broncho, being unrestrained, went through all the movements he could devise to rid himself of his burden. The crowd hooted and yelled derisively at the knight and made sarcastic suggestions for his extrication from his difficulty. Finally, in answer to the knight's muffled calls for help, one of his brothers went to his assistance. The unfortunate knight was lifted from his saddle and he left the parade shamefaced, leading his horse after him.
Hour. | Deg. |
5 a. m. | 65 |
6 a. m. | 65 |
7 a. m. | 65 |
8 a. m. | 70 |
9 a. m. | 74 |
Hour. | Deg. |
10 a. m. | 76 |
11 a. m. | 77 |
12 m. | 78 |
1 p. m. | 79 |
2 p. m. | 81 |
3 p. m. | 81 |
For Nebraska—Generally fair tonight and Thursday, with increasing cloudiness Thursday; cooler in extreme east and warmer in northwest portions tonight; variable winds.
For Missouri—Partly cloudy tonight, with thunderstorms in southeastern portion; cooler tonight in west portion; Thursday fair, variable winds.
For Iowa—Generally fair tonight and Thursday; cooler tonight; variable winds.
For Kansas—Generally fair tonight and Thursday; cooler in extreme east portion tonight; variable winds.
President Presses the Button Which Formally Opens the Exposition.
Several Other Western Senators and Congressmen in the Party at the Executive Mansion.
WASHINGTON, June 1.—(Special Telegram.)—Conditions were well nigh perfect when, at 1:30 o'clock today, Washington time, corresponding to 12:30 Omaha time, President McKinley pushed the button, formally opening the Transmississippi and International Exposition. Around the chief executive were grouped many of the foremost men in public life, men who have been moulding public opinion for a quarter of a century. It was an inspiring scene, this culmination of many anxious moments, of personal sacrifice on the part of those who have given time and money to do gigantic and undertaking that out of it all might come a better appreciation of the forces dominating that vast territory which extends from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, from the frigid north to the Gulf of Mexico. In his short term in the presidential chair Major McKinley has shown patriotic devotion to the whole country and wherever possible in his active, busy life has lent his presence and his help to enterprises of both local and national character. He has performed the same service as today upon a number of similar occasions, notably pressing the button at the electrical exhibits at Cleveland, celebration of the golden jubilee at San Francisco, Nashville exposition and Electrical exposition in New York. He has lent himself willingly to every enterprise that would benefit the whole country and his ready acquiescence to every condition precedent has endeared him to those who have gone to him to perform these functions, a necessary part of his high office.
Insert below
It had been the intention of officials connected with the Transmississippi Exposition to have the president deliver his address through the long distance telephone, but being fearful that some slip might occur the president decided to rely on the telegraph and especially as he was not accustomed to use the telephone since his term as president began. In order to conform to the arrangements the hour of formally recognizing the Transmississippi and International Exposition as open was deferred until 1:30 o'clock, at which time there was assembled in the president's reception room the following distinguished party: Senators Allen and Thurston, Representatives Mercer, Stark, Sutherland, Maxwell and Greene, Mrs. Sutherland and daughter, Mrs. Greene and daughters, Mr. Burt Wheeler, Representative Fleming of Georgia, Representative Johns of North Dakota, and Senator W. B. Allison of Iowa.
Considerable delay was experienced by Captain Montgomery in getting a wire out of Chicago and direct to the exposition grounds, but finally the welcome sound "Omaha" came to the alert telegrapher and there were flashed these words by Montgomery:
This is White House, Washington. When this key closes, president will close it.
"Everything is ready, Mr. President," said Captain Montgomery, and the chief executive, gracious in manner, stepped to the key of the instrument and depressing it with his right hand and closed the circuit. Those in the room stood during this ceremony, of little interest to layman, but of greater interest to those gathered in the cool reception room—and at 1:53 o'clock, Washington time, the president announced that [?]
There was clapping of hands and congratulations and thanks showered upon the executive for his patience and his affability and taking so much time from the affairs of the nation to give the Transmississippi Exposition the benefit of his benediction and good wishes. Immediately after the pressure upon the button, the president's message of congratulation was sent which was followed by congratulation telegrams of the Nebraska delegation terminating a most auspicious occasion for Omaha and the west.
After short congratulations informally made between President McKinley and the members of the Nebraska delegation on the successful beginning of the exposition, the chief executive read his congratulatory telegram to President G. W. Wattles.
Immediately after the congratulatory wire of the president had been sent and indication given from Omaha that so far as the president was concerned, his work had been done, Executive Clerk Montgomery sent the following wire to President Wattles:
The members of the Nebraska delegation, assembled in the executive mansion, beg leave to extend their congratulations upon the auspicious beginning of so vast an enterprise as the Transmississippi and International Exposition, and regret their inability to be present and to personally participate in its accomplishment.
Notes of the Exposition.
The members of the Nebraska commission have arrived to take part in the opening exercises.
The state poultry building is a new addition on Twentieth street just south of the Apiary building.
The Armour Packing company unloaded a car of its material yesterday for its exhibit in the Manufactures building.
The Western Editorial association has fixed the dates for its annual meeting in Omaha, July 12, 13 and 14 being the dates selected.
Two carloads of Westinghouse electric light machinery arrived yesterday, the contents of which were soon unloaded into the Machinery and Electricity building.
Governor Holcomb has notified the exposition management that he and his staff will leave Lincoln at 8 a. m., and arrive in Omaha at 9:35 Wednesday morning. The staff will be in full uniform.
The big century plant which will occupy the post of honor in the center of the dome of the Horticulture building has arrived from Plattsmouth and has been placed on the pedestal arranged for it. The plant is about twenty feet high and about twenty-four feet in diameter.
The equipment of the miniature railway has arrived and the plant is being installed along the west side of the avenue connecting the main court and the north tract. The railway will be about 1,000 feet in length and will be equipped with stations, and all the other appliances of a regulation railway.
The two-horse hook and ladder truck for the fire fighting force on the exposition grounds has arrived and the detachment detailed to the grounds puts in its time drilling with the extension ladders. These ladders are of the truss type and all are extension ladders. The longest ladder is sixty feet in length.
The engine house recently removed from the main court has been stationed on East Midway, just south of the Streets of Cairo. After a few improvements it will be occupied by one of the hose wagons from Twentieth street. A chemical engine from the city will supply the place of the hose wagon.
One of the first "openings" to occur on the Midway was that of the Parisian cafe on the West Midway. In honor of the commencement of active business a banquet was served Monday evening in the neat and cozy building in which this concession is quartered. The guests were all newspaper men and the repast served up was of the highest order of merit. The dining room was decorated with the red, green and yellow of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, which have come to be recognized as the civic colors of Omaha, and the red, white and blue, which are common to both the United States and France.
Committee Concludes the Arrangement for the Formal Exercises.
Tuesday, June 14, is to be "Nebraska Day" at the exposition, and no plans are being spared by the state commission, with the assistance of the exposition management, to make it one of the most notable days of the entire five months. The ex-governors of Nebraska, as well as all state officers, will be invited to be present, and the event promises to be a gala one. Efforts will be made to have excursions run from all parts of the state, and it is believed that thousands will be present on that occasion. President Neville and Hon. H. M. Boydston of the state commission, who have the program in charge, held a meeting yesterday in the State building and decided upon the following program, with the exercises to commence at 10:30 a. m., June 14, in front of the Nebraska building:
Invocation—Chancellor MacLean of the University of Nebraska.
Formal dedication of the Nebraska building, Judge William H. Neville, president of state commission.
Response—Governor Silas A. Holcomb.
Music—Glee club.
Remarks—Hon. William Jennings Bryan.
Address—Hon. W. F. Gurley, Omaha.
Address—Hon. C. J. Smyth.
Banquet to invited guests.
Ladies' Cadets of North Platte will give a drill both afternoon and evening in the assembly room of the Nebraska building. They challenge the world, and especially the Spaniards.
President Wattles, Secretary Wakefield and the executive members of the exposition have been invited to be present and assist in the success of the day.
There will be no parade or public demonstration.
Illinois People Pleased.
The members of the Illinois state commission who were in Omaha attendant upon the opening exercises of the exposition returned to their respective homes last night with the exception of E. C. Craig of Mattoon, C. C. Williams of Hoopstown and W. H. Stead of Ottawa, who will remain a few days. The commissioners expressed themselves as more than pleased with the exposition and especially with the showing made by the state of Illinois. The building has excelled their expectations and they are glad to say that every Illinoisan will be proud of its when it is visited. A large flag, as well as a huge streamer bearing the word "Illinois," were suspended from the flag pole on the building yesterday morning, being raised by Master Harry Black of Carthage, Ill., son of Commissioner James A. Black.
The painters have completed their work on the Montana state building, and during the next few days Chairman Sutherlin of the state commission will be a busy man arranging the furnishing of the same. It is the intention of Mr. Sutherlin to arrange with the exposition management for a Montana day, but nothing has been decided upon yet as to the program or date.
Notes of the Exposition.
The peddlers of "goggles" did not reap a harvest yesterday. The sprinklers kept the dust from flying.
John Scott of Washington has arrived to look after the work of installing the exhibit from that state. Mr. Scott resided here twenty-three years ago.
C. H. Becker of Little Rock, Ark., writes that he is making arrangements for a big excursion of Woodmen of the World from that section to the exposition in the near future.
Kodaks were plentiful yesterday. Visitors gladly paid the fee demanded for the admission of these photographic appurtenaces for the sole purpose of "shooting" the buildings and exhibits.
Sneak thieves have already began work. The combs and brushes in the men's toilet rooms of the Nebraska state building were stolen Wednesday, and after being replaced with new ones, these were stolen also.
Prof. Owens, superintendent of the electrical department, says that the material for the exhibits is now all on the ground and the balance of it will be fully installed in a couple of weeks. The last consignment arrived yesterday and consists of half a dozen carloads from a single concern.
"Plain drunk" is the way the record reads against the names of Ivan Olsen and Al Nace at the exposition police headquarters. Olsen had imbibed so freely that he fell asleep by the wayside and was rudely awakened by a policeman and hauled off—on his feet—to the court. Nace was fighting drunk and because one of the bands didn't play as he wished it to he was going to do as Dewey did to the Spaniards. The police attended to his troubles. Both cases occurred on the Midway.
The exposition management finds that it made a grave mistake in placing the band stand in its present position. A 2 o'clock p. m., when all the concerts are to take place, the sun's rays beat, not only upon the grand plaza, but the concert space as well, so that it is impossible to remain there any length of time. At night it is a most enjoyable spot, but the afternoon concerts are from necessity either given on the steps of the government building or in the Auditorium, and neither of these places [?]
State Buildings Afford a Place Where the People May Rest.
The Bluff tract and the Midways are proving quite popular to the visitors as was evinced again yesterday. Early in the forenoon many people were in this part of the exposition and their numbers were greatly swelled in the afternoon. The windy weather did not seem to cause them to waver for one moment from their purpose, that of seeing the many sights.
All work was postponed on the opening day, but yesterday witnessed a great amount of cleaning up going on around the unfinished state buildings and a few minute deals being completed here and there. The railroad track running through the Grand Plaza to Sherman avenue has been graded over with dirt and work of beautifying the landscape has been renewed with vigor. A few days will mark the entire completion of the Bluff tract with the exception of the state buildings of Minnesota and New York, but these are being rushed with all possible haste. The Kansas building begins to show an almost complete appearance and the furniture is now arriving for installation.
The state buildings of Nebraska and Illinois are proving splendid rendezvous for visitors tired after a journey through the grounds. Here they can rest in comfort and enjoy a cool atmosphere which seems to especially pervade these homelike pallaces. Visitors to the Nebraska building have the privilege of hearing a concert each afternoon at 4 o'clock by the Glee club of York. The club numbers twenty people and has been engaged by the state commission for a week's concert, which commenced the opening day. They discoursed some excellent music yesterday. The vocal solo renditions were all heartily applauded by the large number present. Several prominent soloists of the state are numbered among the members. Dr. B. F. Lang, a well known citizen of York, is leader, the personnel of the club being as follows: Sopranos, Misses Belle Warmer, Birdie Whitcomb, Winnie Stilson, Mesdames Julia Bell, C. C. Campbell, C. F. Gilbert; altos, Mesdames B. F. Lang, S. Bissel, Stover, Diffenbacher; tenors, Messrs. A. Wilson Tout, Stover, S. F. Bissel; bassos, Messrs. Nugent, Bell and Kirkpatrick, with Mrs. H. Harrison, an accomplished musician as pianist. Miss Eidth Lang, the little daughter of Dr. Lang, is quite a pianist and plays a number of accompaniments for the glee club.
Extra Tariff at Art Building.
A new regulation has been inaugurated at the Art building and the kick that it has raised is only limited by the number of visitors to the building. It has been ordained that no one can carry a cane or umbrella into the precincts sacred to artistic conceptions and a concession has been let for a checking stand at which these can be left for 10 cents each. If the visitor has a cane and his wife a parasol it costs them 20 cents to walk through the building and if he is endowed with human proclivities his wrath is undisguisedly apparent. It is suggested that some people are uncivilized enough to use their canes or umbrellas to point out the beauties of the pictures and it is feared that in this way some of the valuable paintings may be damaged. The imposition of a charge of 10 cents each is regarded as exorbitant, however, and unless it is reduced the building is likely to be decidedly lonesome.
Pearse Gets Acceptances.
According to a telegram received by Superintendent of Schools Pearse yesterday, Hon. W. W. Stetson, state superintendent of Maine, will be in attendance at the Educational congress and will deliver an address upon the "Conditions and Needs of the Rural Schools." The superintendent is an authority of this branch of the public school system and recently wrote an article on the rural schools which is considered the best ever written on the topic. It was feared for a time that he would not be able to be in attendance at the congress.
Superintendent Pearse has also received telegrams from Miss Estelle Reel, state superintendent of the Wyoming schools, and William W. Powell, informing him that both would accept the chairmanship of some of the meetings.
Too Hot in the Band Stand.
The band stand on the Grand Plaza proved to be too warm a location for the Marine band yesterday afternoon and the concert was given in front of the Government building, where the musicians were protected from the sun. A large portion of the visitors on the grounds were mobilized at this end of the lagoon and listened to the program with as much appreciation as was possible on a sweltering afternoon. As usual the program was largely composed of popular selections which the musicians rendered with their customary precision and good taste.
Extensive Prospectus for Illinois Day in a Way to Realization.
Idea of Obliterating Sectional Differences in Songs and Marches Suggested Through the Hamilton Club of Chicago.
The completion of the details for the celebration of Illinois day, June 21, at the exposition have been left in charge of William H. Harper, chairman of the executive committee of the commission of that state. He promises to make the occasion one of the red-letter days of the year. While the program has not been competed, Mr. Harper expects to enlist the state officials, the members of the legislature which made the exposition appropriation and the mayors of all the principal cities in Illinois in the project. He feels certain that he can secure special concessions from the railroads and bring a crowd from Illinois on June 21 that will equal the attendance on the opening day.
In speaking of the exposition to The Bee, Mr. Harper said: "I think the managers of the exposition have a right to feel proud of their achievement, for the exposition is certainly greater and grander than anything that was expected. I have met a great many friends from the east, and all of them are unanimous in expressing the same sentiment.
"There is one opportunity which should be availed of by the exposition, and which I believe would add to its popularity in view of the present war situation. You have doubtless noticed that President McKinley in his appointments to military commands has been doing all he can to blot out sectional antagonism between the north and the south. About a month ago the Hamilton club of Chicago adopted a resolution intended to further this object. The resolution reads as follows:
"After a lapse of a generation, northern troops are again marching to the south, but now to join hands with our southern countrymen against a common enemy. At this time it is especially appropriate that everyone should do all in his power to emphasize the fact that we are one country. It is fitting also that here where we have reared a monument to the confederate dead, and have shown in many ways our belief in an undivided country, we should continue the good work whenever an opportunity is presented. Moreover, it is well that this organization, founded on the anniversary of Appomattox, should do what it can to foster the idea that while the ninth of April, 1865, is memorable as the day of final triumph for the union arms, it has a more exalted place in our hearts as the first day of peace in a reunited land. In view of these facts, to provide for a frequent and universal public expression of the fraternal feeling of north and south, and mindful of the influence music has upon the masses, it is
"Resolved, That the president appoint a committee of five whose duty it shall be to do everything in its power to carry into effect the spirit of these resolutions and to urge all bands and orchestras, north and south, on all occasions when they play a northern or southern air to immediately follow the same with an air recognized as similarly significant in the other section.
Its Natural Effect.
"I was apopinted chairman of the committee and we have already accomplished considerable in the direction indicated. At our theaters and concert halls the orchestras and the bands have acted on the suggestion, and have interspersed their music with combinations of northern and southern patriotic airs. The result has been to electrify the audience. I think the musical department of the exposition should be induced to pursue the same policy in the preparation of the numbers of the programs for the daily concerts by the Marine band. The music thus arranged would be a potent factor in welding closer the union between all parts of the country and eradicating the line that formerly separated the north from the south."
At a meeting held Tuesday in the offices of the National Business league in the Chicago Stock Exchange building it was agreed that as many members of the league as possible shall be present and that a special train of palace cars be chartered for the league. Arrangements will be made for the accommodation of women who may accompany the party. In order to avoid discomfort by overcrowding, the number of passengers in each car will be limited. The train will leave Chicago Monday evening, June 20, between 5 and 6 o'clock, arriving at Omaha Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. Returning the train will probably leave Omaha after the festivities of the exposition are over at night, arriving in Chicago Wednesday forenoon. Tickets for return will be good several days, and the rate will not be over one fare for the round trip.
Many members of the league have already signified their intention to join the excursion and letters of invitation, giving full particulars of the trip, are now being prepared by the secretary to be sent to all members.
Government Exhibit at the Exposition an Education in Itself.
Portion Which Relates to Science of Agriculture One of the Most Interesting in Great Building.
The magnificent building at the west end of the main court, facing the broad expanse of the Mirror, with its golden dome rising high above all the surrounding buildings, is the center of attraction in the entire grounds. The stately pile erected by the federal government is but an emblem of the many beautiful exhibits prepared by the various governmental departments for the instruction of the people of the great middle west. Within its walls every department of the government is represented by exhibits which show the practical workings of the branches among the vast business of the government is divided. A visit to this building is an education in itself. Not merely do the exhibits show the methods by which the business of the government is carried on, but they show the purpose for which this business is conducted. The method and the result are shown side by side, and days might be profitably spent in studying the thousands of exhibits and the lessons they teach.
The interior of the building is divided into ten parts, of varying extent, and each of these is occupied by one of the departments of the government. The departments are these: State, Treasury, Justice, Interior, Postoffice, War, Navy, Agriculture, Smithsonian institution and National museum, Fish commission. The space allotted to each is completely filled with exhibits relating to the work of the department. There are several bureaus in some of the departments and each of these is allotted space sufficient for its needs.
There is little discrimination on the part of the visiting public, each of the exhibits receiving its due meed of attention, but the display made by the Department of Agriculture perhaps touches a deeper spot in the hearts of the people of this particular section than any other. It includes the things which the people of an agricultural community understand and appreciate, and that they are interested is demonstrated by the throngs which pass about from exhibit to exhibit, carefully examining each one and exchanging comments as information regarding some particular thing is absorbed.
The exhibit of this department occupies about 4,500 feet in the southwest corner of the building. It was prepared under the supervision of Colonel J. H. Brigham, assistant secretary of agriculture, and was installed under the direction of Charles Richards Dodge, in charge of the office of fiber investigation. There are seven bureaus under this department, each having an exhibit illustrating its practical operation. These are the Weather bureau, the Bureau of Animal Industry, Division of Forestry, Division of Entomology, Division of Pomology, Division of Botany and office of Fiber Investigation.
Weather Bureau Instruments.
The exhibit of the Weather bureau occupies the north end of the space allotted to the department. The most important portion of the display comprises the various instruments used in taking meteorological observations. These instruments constitute the equipment of a weath observing station of the first class. They include a registering apparatus electrically connected with a wind vane, anemometer, sunshine recorder and rain gauge located on the roof of the building, the direction and velocity of the wind, the duration of sunshine or cloudiness and the amount of rainfall, if any, being recorded on the cylinder in full view of visitors. There are also displayed two types of sunshine recorders, the electrical device and the photographic device. Two types of rain gauge are shown, the tipping bucket gauge and the weighing gauge. A telethermograph is an interesting instrument by which the temperature of the air above the Government building is recorded on a cylinder contained in a glass case on the table before the visitors. This instrument is connected electrically with a thermometer on the roof and the reading of the instrument is recorded on the cylinder. An instrument for recording observations is the nephoscope. By it the direction and velocity of clouds, their azimuth of motion and their altitude are determined. Several varieties of barometers are shown, including the old reliable mecurial barometer and the self-recording aneroid. A large kite of the type which has caused a great deal of excitement and comment hereabouts since the local kite station was established is among the exhibits. The kite is of the "box" variety, the cells each being seven feet in width, braced with steel wire and capable of lifting over 100 pounds. A complete map printing plant is in operation and a weather map is issued daily by Observer A. B. Wollaber, who was detailed from the Buffalo station especially for this work. Local Forecast Official Welsh has charge of the exhibit and his time is greatly occupied in explaining to visitors the use and operations of the various instruments. In addition to the features already mentioned, the exhibit includes a series of climatic chartes, by which the various climatic conditions of any given section may be studied, and a number of photographs of various stations of the bureau, pictures of clouds, lightning flashes, etc.
Studies of Animal Creation.
The exhibit of the Bureau of Animal Industry consists of models and specimens in alcohol representing some of the infectious diseases in the domesticated animals, models of diseased horse's hoofs, shoes for the correction of faulty gaits and the treatment of diseases of the hoof; cultures of bacteria, toxins and anti-toxins, animal parasites; a pyramid of wool samples; poultry illustrating the gape worm disease, etc. The practical operation of the microscopical inspection of meat for export is shown by four young women from the office of the bureau at the South Omaha Stock yards. These young women perform their daily work in full view of the visitors and the operation is watched with a great deal of interest. A near-by case contains enlarged models of the various stages of the trichina. The dairy exhibit is contained in a case against the south wall of the building. This contains jars showing samples of cheese and butter products and a collection of packages used for packing butter, including a number of foreign packing cases. Models of sheep dipping vats, such as are used at the large stock yards for the treatment of scabby sheep, are shown.
The exhibit of the Forestry division comprises a monographic display of four commercialy important timber trees of the west—white pine, bull pine, white fir and Douglas spruce. Each species is shown in a frame formed of the timber of the species with the bark on it, enclosing a map showing the geographical distribution, synonym and economic uses, photomicrophs (showing magnified structure of the wood), botanical specimens together with cross-sections of young and old trunks and unfinished and finished wood, showing characteristic appearance; representative forest botanical display of 125 representative tree species mounted in glass boxes, each box specimen accompanied by a block of wood and a small map showing geographical distribution. Models of farms are also displayed, showing the effect of indiscriminate denudation of forests, the method of reclaiming the land and a model farm as reclaimed. In connection with the last named display is the tree plantation of the department of the north tract of the exposition grounds, in the rear of the Dairy and Apiary buildings. This plantation shows the practical operation of tree cultivation as practiced by the department. Between 500 and 600 small trees are placed on this plantation and the method of cultivation is shown. The trees are quite small and include a large variety which the department believes are suitable for the west. The exhibit of the forestry division is in charge of George B. Sudworth, who says that the problem of cultivating trees in the section east of the Mississippi and reclaiming land which has been denuded of its forest growth has been solved, but the question of creating a timber growth in the treeless region of the west is one which has given the department much anxiety. The purpose of the exhibit is to give the people of this section a general idea of forestry and to establish the principles of forestry as it has been practiced for centuries in Europe. The importance of trees to the successful prosecution of agriculture is recognized by the department and the work of the factory division is to disseminate knowledge on this point.
The division of entomology shows a collection of insects affecting fruit trees, truck crops, forage plants, grains, live stock, etc., with a number of the more important insecticides and brief directions for their preparation and use.
The division of pomology shows models and water color paintings of fruit adapted to cultivation in the United States and a collection of fruit descriptions illustrating methods used in recording varietal statistics for use in identification of varieties. A collection of dried California fruit is also included in the display.
The division of botany illustrates the government method of seed inspection, with samples of seeds, many of which are accompanied by enlarged models showing peculiarities of form and color; also a collection of poisonous plants mounted on herbarium sheets. In connection with this exhibit is a large case prepared by H. P. Dorsett of the division of vegetable physiology, illustrating the wild and cultivated mushrooms of the United States.
Showing of Fiber Industry.
The exhibit of the office of fiber investigation was prepared by Charles Richards Dodge, in charge of these investigations. It shows a collection of the more important commercial flaxes and hemps of the world. One of the most interesting features of the collection is a series showing the work of the office in its establishment of the flax industry. A panel shows the flax grown in experiments in the Puget sound region of Washington, the product being shown from the straw as harvested, to bundles of flax worth $500 per ton. Several beautiful samples are shown from Michigan, Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin and other western states which are interested in the flax fiber industry. A foreign collection embraces some of the best varieties grown anywhere in the world. The hemp industry is illustrated in the same thorough manner. In addition to the display of fibers in the Government building, the department, at the request of the exposition management, loaned to the exposition a valuable collection of the commercial fibers of the world which has been handsomely installed, at government expense, in the Liberal Arts building. This is arranged in four cases of thirty-two panels, in series, to illustrate the raw fibers and their preparation, with examples of principal manufactures. The collection includes flax, hemp, jute, cotton, ramie, sisal and manila hemps, palmetto, cocoanut and the principal species of brush fibers, such as piass aba, palmyra, kittool, etc. Among the novelties are corn pith cellulose used for packing bulkheads of armored vessels, Cuba bast and willow and poplar shavings, used in millinery goods.
A large case in the space assigned to the Agricultural department contains a complete set of the numerous and complicated instruments used in the chemical analysis of sugar and the apparatus for testing the "mother beets" to determine their saccharine quality.
Two Set Apart on Which the Exposition Will Be Run by Young Folks.
Monday, June 13, and Wednesday, June 15, have been designated as "school days," and the pupils of the Omaha schools will be afforded facilities for visiting the grounds and taking in all that is to be seen. The arrangements are in the hands of Superintendent Pearse of the public schools and President Wattles of the exposition.
Monday, June 13, will be devoted to the children of the Sixth and lower grades. All the schools of these grades will be dismissed on that day and the children will be admitted to the grounds for 10 cents each. They will be afforded every opportunity for visiting all parts of the grounds and the guards will be especially instructed to see that the little tots keep out of mischief. The children will not be required to be accompanied by their parents, although the teachers will be expected to be on the grounds and see that the little ones are kept within bounds.
Wednesday, June 15, will be set apart for the children of the Seventh and Eighth grades and the High school. There will be no school in these grades on the day named and the pupils will be admitted to the grounds for 15 cents each. They are expected to be able to take care of themselves, but the guards will keep a watchful eye on the exuberance of the youths and see that they are kept in order.
It is expected that the thousands of school children in Omaha will be overjoyed at this opportunity to visit the exposition under these favorable circumstances, and that the grounds will be crowded with them.
Coming to Monetary Convention.
Hon. Charles N. Fowler of New Jersey has accepted an invitation to open the discussion at the monetary congress on September 15 with an address as to the best form of paper currency. W. C. Cornwell, the president of the City bank of Buffalo, N. Y., writes that as many of the bankers as possible who are to attend the National convention of bankers at Denver will
endeavor to be present at the monetary congress in Omaha on September 13, 14 and 15.
Passes for the Chorus.
Choral Master Kelley has the passes for all members of the exposition chorus who have paid their full fee. These will be given on application at his studio today. It is well to call early on account of the photographic feature of the pass.
Notes of the Exposition.
The police and hospital departments had a quiet day yesterday, no cases being reported from either division.
Ticket booths and turnstiles are being erected on the bluff tract directly south of the Sherman avenue viaduct. This will add greatly to the facilities for accommodating the large crowds which are expected during the next five months.
The Marine band gave another delightful concert in the main court yesterday afternoon. The few hundreds of visitors who were there were liberal in their appreciation and did their best to supply in enthusiasm what they lacked in numbers.
The Bureau of Admissions reports that the number of paid admissions to the exposition on the second admission day was 3,912. The registration of admissions by passes is still incomplete and no estimate is made by the bureau of those entering the grounds in this manner.
Some of the younger employes about the grounds have discovered a means of "working" the penny-in-the-slot machines which supply ice-cold mineral water. These machines are stationed all over the grounds and the sang-froid with which some of the employes referred to extract a cup of refreshing water from the "innards" of these venders without depositing the necessary penny is very interesting.
The Transportation department has taken possession of its offices on the second floor of the Service building. The partitions, counters, railings, etc., are not yet completed, but the business of the department is being conducted under difficulties amid the noise of the carpenters and the smell of fresh paint.
The Bureau of Admissions is besieged all day long by parties wanting passes for temporary workmen or the regular exhibitors and assistants after their pass books. Up to last night only about 100 pass books had been issued. The bureau expects to do a rushing business today, as all the books should be delivered by night.
A number of the camels that were shipped to Omaha for use in one of the oriental concessions are detained at quarantine in New York. The quarantine officers insisted that the animals should be thoroughly disinfected before they were landed. This process has been satisfactorily completed and the animals will be shipped on today.
The high winds which have prevailed since the opening of the exposition have kicked up quite a "sea" in the lagoon and the erstwhile placed basin is decidedly "choppy." Some of the landlubbers who have been patronizing the gondolas have displayed symptoms of sea sickness and the jerky motion of the boats as the mighty waves (six or eight inches in height) dash with fury against the gunwales as though to bury the occupants in a watery grave causes those who have left their sea legs at home to grasp at the cords and seats to keep from being snatched from the bosom of the boats.
Fair Sized Crowds Turn Out and Listen to the Concerts.
Last night there were people enough on the exposition grounds to give them a lively appearance and to do full justice to the excellence of the music. The concerts were begun slightly earlier than previously and when the first strains of music floated across the grounds there were comparatively few people to enjoy them. But the stream of arrivals continued and an hour later both the band and the orchestra were playing to very fair audiences. The band had something the better of the argument for it was insufferably hot in the Auditorium and hundreds of people who came originally to hear the orchestra were driven out by the heat and sought the Grand Plaza, where they could hear the music in the open air.
The music seemed to offer the principal attraction for a large proportion of the people who seemed to prefer to sit quietly and listen to the concerts to sightseeing around the grounds. The disposition to attend the exposition in the evening is growing and it is expected that it will soon become the popular thing to sit on the cool bluff in the evening and hear the music, in addition to witnessing the beautiful spectacle presented by the grounds when they are radiant with the gleam of innumerable electric lamps.
The menace of another storm drove most of the visitors home as soon as the concerts were over, but enough remained to make things fairly lively along the Midway until the gates were closed.
Detectives Evict a Batch of Dangerous Thieves from the Fair.
Some of the Most Noted Criminals in the World Put in Here for the Purpose of "Working" the Exposition Crowds.
Nearly a dozen foreign crooks, many who have international reputations, were driven from the exposition grounds during the last four days by the detectives employed by the exposition officials. No arrests were made, the detectives simply warning the crooks that their presence on the grounds again would be the signal for their arrest.
Those who were spotted lost no time in getting away. Among those seen and recognized were: Jimmy Sullivan, alias "The Velvet Hand," a pickpocket; Marty O'Donnell, alias Eddie Marty, also a pickpocket; William Jordon, a street car worker and diamond nipper, and Lucy Stanley, a pickpocket and diamond nipper—all of Chicago. Kansas City was represented by John Winters, a grafter and pickpocket, and St. Louis by "Butch" Sullivan, a pickpocket and general "grafter."
New York's representative was the celebrated "Tony the Dago," known as the "King of Pickpockets." His real name is Gilbert Parker and he has a reputation the world over. It is recorded that his picture or "mug," in police parlance, is to be seen in the rogues' gallery of nearly every city of any size in the world. He is the man who picked a pocket of $500 in Kansas City, for which he was arrested. Knowing his craftiness in the matter of secreting his stealings, he was taken to the bath room of the county jail and disrobed and searched, but the money known to be in his possession could not be found. Later he was discovered counting it in his cell. He then confessed that during the time he was being disrobed that he had placed the money in the searcher's pocket and then picked his pocket as he was clanging the door of his cell after him. Parker also has the distinction of having, fifteen years ago, picked the pocket of the governor general of Cuba during a public reception on the open plaza.
Mrs. Lou Decker, known as "Little Lou," the most adept of female pickpockets and shoplifters and a woman 60 years old, represented the criminal element at large. This woman is very easy of identification, as she is minus her right ear. She was marked in this manner by the gendarmes of Austria some years ago and driven from the country.
Master Mechanics This Week.
Early Tuesday morning there will be a meeting of the master mechanics of the Burlington system. Unless other arrangements are made in the meantime, it will be held in the Board of Trade building, like the meeting of last January, Superintendent Godfrey W. Rhoads of motive power of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy presiding. The questions to be discussed are those having to do with the rolling stock of the roads in the system.
Notes of the Exposition.
The number of paid admissions for the third day of the exposition was 2,446.
President Wattles has gone to Boston to attend the annual meeting of a financial institution of which he is the western representative. He will be absent about ten days.
Hereafter the Transportation and Agricultural Implement building and the Dairy and Apiary buildings will be closed at 6:30 p. m. each day except on special occasions when it may be deemed advisable to keep the building open longer.
The guards are kept busy with the small boys who are continually climbing over the fence. A number have been taken before the police officials and after being cautioned not to repeat the offense have been piloted outside the grounds.
John R. Dunn has been appointed special government messenger in connection with the Transmississippi Exposition at a salary of $840 per annum, and H. M. Carpenter and M. O. Rock have been appointed government inspectors at $3 per day.
The demand for benches about the grounds, where people may sit down and rest while enjoying the beauty of the grounds and buildings, has become so great that a large number of additional benches have been ordered and will be placed at necessary points as soon as they can be secured.
A meeting of the Pennsylvania club was held at noon in the Commercial club rooms, [?] as the attendance was small it was [?]ed to adjourn till some night within [?]x week. The club was not able to de-[?] the night, but will announce the [?]
The exposition architecture seemed to have changed color yesterday and the change was not entirely disagreeable to visitors, whose eyes had been wearied by the dazzling white of the buildings. The rain temporarily invested the staff with a light brown shade which was slightly less attractive, but decidedly easier to gaze upon.
Two Concerts Are Billed for This Afternoon.
Two concerts will be given one the exposition grounds today, which will form most attractive features of the entertainment provided for those who desire to enjoy their Sunday rest in quiet amusement of a most elevating character. The celebrated Marine band, the national band of the American government, will play at 2:30 p. m., in front of the Government building at the west end of the Main court, and the Theodore Thomas Chicago orchestra will give a concert at 4 o'clock in the Auditorium. These concerts are so timed that those who wish to do so may hear both. No charge is made to either and the opportunity thus afforded to the people to listen to music by the organizations which are conceded on all hands to be the finest of their kind in this country will undoubtedly draw a large attendance.
The programs to be presented by both organizations will be of a varied nature, with the so-called sacred music predominating. Neither includes in its repertory the claptrap music which is manufactured by the yard to suit the alleged demand of "the masses," but both render selections which charm the ear of the man who "likes to hear music," as well as the musician who enjoys the concerts because of the benefit he derives from hearing a high grade of music rendered by organizations capable of executing it according to the ideas of the composer. Many of the numbers are of the so-called "popular" variety, but they are popular because of the refining influence they exert upon those who hear them.
A treat is promised by the musical department of the exposition for Monday evening. Mrs. Stella Hadden-Alexander, an American pianist who has achieved a considerable reputation during the short time she has been before the public as a performer upon this instrument, will appear with the Thomas orchestra at the concert in the Auditorium Monday evening. Mrs. Alexander is a native of Michigan and pursued her preliminary musical studies at [?]
The policy of the Nebraska State Exposition commission ever since its creation has been to use the exposition as an adjunct to the popocratic machine. In the selection of employes, construction of the state building and apportionment of the state exposition fund to different organizations the commission has acted upon the idea that the money voted by the legislature to exhibit the products of Nebraska and advertise the resources of the state at the exposition was in reality to be devoted to the promotion of political ends. The keynote for this exhibition of rank partisanship was given by the governor when he made up a nonpartisan commission out of the triple-headed combination that prints the same ticket on the ballot under three different heads.
So far no remonstrance has been made against this manifestly unfair policy in the expenditure of money contributed by taxpayers of all political creeds. When, as is now apparent, the attempt is about to be made to make Nebraska day at the exposition simply a popocratic partisan demonstration at the expense of the taxpayers, it would seem proper and timely to enter protest on behalf of the political minority which constitutes nearly one-half of the people of Nebraska and bears fully two-thirds of the tax burden.
From the outset it has been the constant care of the exposition management to keep the exposition out of politics. No applicant for employment in any department of the exposition has ever been asked about his politics or his political backing. The program for opening day was broad enough for men of all political complexions and no ground for complaint has been given that would justify the Nebraska commission in transforming Nebraska day into a political jubilee.
Nebraska belongs to Nebraskans and Nebraska day at the exposition should be designed to draw out not only populists and democrats, but republicans, mugwumps, prohibitionists and social democrats if there are such.
Let us have Nebraska day for all Nebraska and not for part of Nebraska only.
Marine Band Delights the People with Its Excellent Performances.
The Marine band gave two concerts yesterday and in each case their musicianly work commanded the enthusiastic approbation of very creditably audiences. The afternoon program was rendered in front of the Government building at 2:30 o'clock and its character was admirably adapted to the people and who constituted the bulk of the audience. The first number was one of Sousa's stirring compositions, which caught the crowd and was heartily applauded. Another familiar number was Strauss' "Beautiful Blue Danube" waltz, and a collocation of pretty snatches from "Il Trovatore" was also well received. The rendition of "The Forge in the Forest," which has been frequently played before Omaha audiences, brought out the conductor's perfect mastery of his organization and an inspiring rendition of the national anthem concluded the performance.
The evening concert on the Grand Plaza included some of the most enjoyable compositions that have yet been heard at the exposition. It was introduced with the grand march from "Rienzi" and included the "Grand Jubilee" overture, which was composed by Mr. Santelmann expressly in honor of the Transmississippi Exposition. A very pretty number and one seldom imitated in band concerts consisted of an arabesque and the slumber song by Schumann. These were exquisitely rendered and the cornet solo by Walter F. Smith was also warmly received. The program ended with the "Star Spangled Banner."
BEE: MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1898.
Apollo Club to Sings "Elijah."
The Apollo Musical club of Chicago will appear in concert at the exposition Auditorium Tuesday evening, June 21, when "Elijah" will be sung. Wednesday evening, June 22, the club will give an out-of-door concert on the grounds, singing folk songs and part songs. Thursday afternoon, June 23, the club will sing selections from the "Messiah" and the "Swan and Skylark," returning home Thursday evening. There will be at least 200 members of the club in the party and the prospect is good for a party of 250 singers.
Change in Hour for Concert.
It has been decided that the evening concerts by the Marine band on the Bluff tract will commence at 6 p. m., instead of 8:15 p. m., and will conclude at 8 o'clock. The concerts of the Thomas orchestra in the Auditorium will commence at 8 p. m. and close at 9:30 o'clock. These changes were made to avoid the interruption of the orchestra concerts by the playing of the band. Some of the most effective passages of the orchestra have been almost completely ruined by the blare of the brass instruments of the band.
Doctors Visit the Exposition.
The Union Pacific sends a special train out of Omaha this evening to the medical convention at Denver. The train will be composed entirely of Pullmans and will leave the union depot at half-past 6. Two Pullmans carrying delegates arrived on the Northwestern this morning, and another arrived on the Rock Island at noon, all three of the cars being allowed to remain in Omaha till time for the special, that the delegates might have an opportunity to visit the exposition.
Thomas' Concert Tomorrow.
Owing to the rehearsal of the exposition chorus and the Thomas orchestra in the Auditorium Tuesday night, there will be no public concert at this time, but the usual daily concert will be given at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, instead. A feature of the concert will be a flue solo by A. Quensel, a member of the orchestra, who is an artist of a high order on this instrument.
Exposition Chorus Meeting.
A rehearsal of the Omaha Exposition chorus has been called for Tuesday evening by Conductor Kelly. The rehearsal will be held in the Auditorium and the men will be expected to be on hand at 7:30 p. m.; the women will report at 8 o'clock. A rehearsal has also been called at the city hall on Thursday evening of this week. The women are asked to be on hand promptly at 7:15 p. m. and the men at 8 o'clock.
Notes of the Exposition.
The number of paid admissions to the exposition the fourth day, June 4, were 2,195.
The full program of the educational congress will be ready for distribution during the latter part of the week.
Miss Ellenore Dutcher of this city has a column of descriptive matter of the exposition in the Boston Transcript of June 1.
Prof. F. W. Clarke, who has charge of the exhibit of the Interior department in the Government building, left for Washington yesterday.
The Bee is asked to extend to the fire department the thanks of the concessionaires for its good work in suppressing the fire in their building on the Midway Friday.
The Pennsylvania club will meet in the Commercial club parlors at 8 o'clock Friday evening and all native born Pennsylvanians and their families are urged to attend.
William Taylor, the colored laborer injured Saturday morning by the elevator of the "Roll the Roll," was taken to his home last evening at Sixteenth and Izard streets.
Leo Bonet has taken out a permit for the erection of a $4,600 Chinese inn on the exposition grounds and another permit has been granted him to put up a Temple of Palmistry.
Advantage was taken of the temporary closing of the Government building to oil the floors with a patent coating of petroleum and parrafine, which will prevent the dust from sticking to its surface.
Secretary Cox of the government commission says that the life saving crew which will give a series of exhibitions at the west end of the lagoon will be in Omaha some time this week. The crew will consist of ten men.
The California gold mining plant on West Midway, which was partly damaged by fire last Thursday, is being rapidly repaired and the proprietors of the enterprise have posted a sign to the effect that it will be opened June 11.
President Marvin Hughitt and the members of the board of directors of the Northwestern railway will arrive in the city this morning and will be escorted to the exposition grounds by General Agent John A. Kuhn, where they will be met by General Manager Clarkson and shown about the grounds.
Work on the German Village on East Midway has been temporarily suspended, owing to the proprietors being unable to get passes for their workmen. It is expected that [?]
Northwestern Officials and Directors Inspect the Buildings and Grounds.
A special train on the Northwestern railroad arrived in Omaha yesterday afternoon on which were the following named officers of the Chicago & Northwestern railway: Albert Keep, Chicago, chairman Board of Directors; Marvin Hughitt, Chicago, president; M. L. Sykes, New York, vice president; H. R. McCullough, Chicago, third vice president; John M. Whitman, Chicago, general manager, and David P. Kimball, Boston; James C. Fargo, New York; N. K. Fairbanks, Chicago; Byron L. Smith, Chicago; Cyrus H. McCormick, Chicago, directors; also W. A. Scott, general manager Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway, St. Paul; J. C. Stuart, general superintendent Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway, St. Paul; H. S. Jaynes, superintendent Nebraska division Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway, Omaha.
After luncheon in the city the party was escorted to the exposition grounds in carriages by General Manager Babcock, accompanied by J. A. Kuhn, general agent Northwestern; C. C. Hughes, general superinendent of the Elkhorn, and J. R. Buchanan, general passenger agent.
The first stop was made at the Illinois state building, where the gentlemen registered and spent a few moments in admiring the building, which they pronounced beautiful. They were then driven through the Midway to the Transportation building, thence to the Government building.
After spending some time at the exposition grounds they went directly to South Omaha, where they looked over the new packing plants there. All of the visitors expressed themselves as highly pleased with what they saw at the exposition grounds and at the notable improvements at South Omaha, President Hughitt and Third Vice President McCullough being particularly enthusiastic concerning both enterprises. The party returned to Chicago last evening at 6:30 o'clock.
Many Applicants for Special Occasions Are Being Accommodated.
Application for "days" at the exposition are coming in fast from all directions and General Manager Clarkson has his hands full to keep the many applicants from running afoul of one another and getting two "days" fixed on the same date.
July 1 has been fixed at "Texas Melon and Grape Day" and great quantities of these varieties of Texas fruits will be distributed on that day.
July 6 will be New York day at the request of the Merchants' association of New York City, which is co-operating with the New York Exposition commission in working up an interest in the exposition among the people of the Empire state. The Merchants' association has notified General Manager Clarkson that the state day will be made a memorable occasion and one of the most noted orators of the state will deliver an address on the grounds. The New York building will be formally dedicated and the celebration will be on a great scale.
Sunday and Monday, September 18 and 19, will be Modern Woodmen of America days, and preparations are making for bringing large numbers of members of the order here from all parts of the country. Walter Inman and Judd E. Epperson of Kansas City, deputy head consuls of the order, have been in the city several days, acting as representatives of the head of this order in the United States in this matter and arrangements have been completed for making this occasion a gathering of Woodmen from all the camps of the order.
Boone County's Idea.
Boone county, Nebraska, has just added a very novel effect to its exhibit in the Agriculture building. It consists of a massive pyramid of immense blocks, which narrow to an apex about a dozen feet from the base. The blocks are composed of a thin veneer of glass, which is filled with Nebraska grain. The effect is very similar to that of polished granite and the exhibit serves to show the cereal resources of the state in a very unique manner.
Postoffice at the Grounds.
The postoffice at the exposition has proven to be a very busy place, in fact, much more so than the postoffice authorities expected. The sale of stamps and money orders has been quite extensive and the mail collected and distributed on the grounds has been sufficient to keep the clerks and carriers very busy.
Massachusetts Official Party.
Wilson H. Fairbanks, chairman of the senate committee on appropriations of the Massachusetts legislature, writes to the Department of Publicity and Promotion that the resolution appropriating $6,000 for the expenses of a commission to represent the state at the Transmississippi Exposition had been signed and that the commission would start for Omaha about June 15. The commission provided for by the resolution making the appropriation comprises the governor or lieutenant governor, all of the state officers and a delegation from each house of the legislature. According to Senator Fairbanks, the party will remain in Omaha four or five days, and preparations are being made by the exposition management to entertain the distinguished guests in the manner befitting their positions and the significance of their visit to the exposition as the representatives of the Old Bay state.
Exposition Notes.
Work on the German village has been resumed and is making great headway.
The paid admissions to the exposition grounds on Tuesday, June 7, were 2,936.
The Kansas horticultural display has arrived and the work of installing it in the Horticulture building is under way.
Owing to the presence of the chorus it has been decided to charge an admission fee of 25 cents to the Auditorium concert tonight.
The debris is being removed from the Wisconsin building and the painters and decorators have taken possession for the purpose of beautifying the building in readiness for the formal dedication June 18.
The paid admissions to the exposition on June 6 were 1,679. The sharp decline in the number of admissions is easily accounted for by the rainy weather which prevailed during almost the entire day and evening.
All the big electrical machinery that is to be installed in the Machinery building is now on the floor and workmen are rapidly setting it up. It is expected that the electrical features will be fully installed by the end of this week.
The connection with the water main on Twenty-fourth street showed signs of weakness yesterday and last night it was taken up and relaid. It was stated that the work had been done too hurriedly in the first place and in order to avoid any possibility of future trouble it was decided to make a more thorough job of it.
The Admissions bureau laid off forty ticket sellers and gatekeepers this morning. All of the men on the gates were put on part time the latter part of last week, but it was decided to reduce the force for the present rather than to keep the large number on duty but a little while each day, with a corresponding decrease in their pay.
The "Nebraska Day" exercises will take place in the state building, which is capable of accommodating as many people as usually remain during the entire time of similar exercises. The platform on the north part of the lower floor will be used by the speakers and singers. Several hundred seats will be provided and there will be an abundance of standing room.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle has forwarded to the Transmississippi Exposition an interesting exhibit for the Press building. It is a matrix of the front page of the Eagle of May 25, 1898, and contains in boldface type these words across the columns: "Brooklyn Daily Eagle Sends Greeting to the Transmississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Nebraska." It is expected that matrices will be sent from all the leading papers of the country, and when received will be grouped to form a dado around the main court of the Press building on the exposition grounds.
Comprehensive Statement of the Privileges Granted by the Railroads.
Announcement Made Without Waiting for Chairman Caldwell's Decision—Some Every Day Excursion Figures Quoted.
One fare for the round trip to Omaha and return from all points in the state of Nebraska will be the order of the day on Tuesday, June 14, which will be celebrated at the Transmississippi Exposition as Nebraska day.
The railroads are energetically at work advertising the special attractions for the celebration of this day at the exposition grounds and the indications point to a large attendance. The tickets, which will be sold from all points in the state for the round trip, will contain a six days' limit, so that persons coming to the exposition for Nebraska day may remain here nearly a week. In addition to the rate of one fare for the round trip a lower rate will be offered from nearby points. From various towns and villages within a radius of about 200 miles of Omaha, in Nebraska, there will be a rate of 1 cent a mile put into effect for this occasion.
The leading lines will run special trains in addition to the regular trains for Nebraska day. The Burlington, the Union Pacific, the Northwestern and the Rock Island have already decided to put on a number of additional trains, and the passenger men of these roads are now working with their respective operating departments on time cards for the day. The Burlington has decided on extra train service to Omaha from Hastings, from Wymore via Table Rock, from Ravenna, from Superior via Edgar, Strang and DeWitt. The special trains for these points to leave here after the evening concerts will depart at 11 o'clock p. m.
The railroad men say that B. D. Caldwell, chairman af the Western Passenger association, is responsible for the delay in the announcement of rates for Nebraska day. At a meeting of the local lines recently it was agreed that the association should be asked to authorize the same rates for Nebraska day that it did for the opening day of the exposition. This action was at once transmitted to Chairman Caldwell, but repeated inquiries have failed to bring forth any reply from him. General Passenger Agents Lomax of the Union Pacific, Francis of the B. & M. and Buchanan of the Elkhorn have grown tired of waiting for Chairman Caldwell to act, and with the Rock Island and the Missouri Pacific have proceeded to announce rates, which the chairman of the association may approve or disapprove, as he likes; but the rates will go into effect on June 14.
Other Low Rates to Omaha.
Some other rates which are announced by the Transportation department of the exposition are:
For meeting of General Federation of Women's Clubs in Omaha June 18, one fare for round trip from Iowa and Nebraska points.
For Illinois day and National Eclectic Medical association meeting at Omaha June 21, one lowest regular first class rate from all points in Illinois and one lowest regular first class normal tariff fare, plus $2, from association territory east of, but not including Utah, the following selling and basing rates to apply from the terminals named, viz: Chicago, $14.75; Peoria, $13,25; St. Louis, $13.50. Tickets good for return until July 7. These rates have been tendered to lines east and south of Western Passenger association terminals named.
For American Institute of Homeopathy, Omaha June 23, one lowest regular first class rate from all Western Passenger association territory east of but not including Utah and basing rates to apply from the terminal named, viz: Chicago, $14.75; Peoria, $13.25; St. Louis, $13.50. Final return limit July 7. These rates have been tendered to lines east and south of Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis.
For the Swedish-American Transmississippi Jubilee association, Omaha June 23, one lowest regular first class rate, plus $2, from all Western Passenger association territory east of but not including Utah, and basing rates the same as herein named. Final limit of tickets, July 7. These rates have been tendered to lines east and south of Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis.
Transmississippi Teachers' congress, Omaha June 28, one lowest regular first class rate, plus $2, for the round trip from points in Western Passenger association territory, and Utah and east. Final return limit of tickets July 5, but extension may be made until August 31 on payment of 50 cents joint agency free.
Every Day Rates.
Every day during the exposition tickets will be on sale from all Western Passenger association territory to Omaha at one and one-third fare for the round trip, except their rates from the following points shall be as follows: Chicago, $20; Peoria, $17; St. Louis, $17; Denver, $25. Tickets to be limited to return thirty days from date of sale, not to exceed November 15.
The Western Passenger association territory is embraced within the following boundaries: The states of Minnesota, Iowa, northern peninsula of Michigan, Wisconsin, that part of the state of Illinois on the west of the Illinois Central railroad, Chicago to Gibson; the Wabash railroad, Gibson to Decatur; the Illinois Central railroad, Decatur to Pana; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis railroad, Pana to Litchfield, and the Wabash railroad, Litchfield to St. Louis; that part of the state of Missouri on the north of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, following its Vinita line west of Springfield, Mo.; South Dakota and that part of North Dakota east of the meridian at which the Missouri river crosses its southern boundary line; the states of Kansas and Nebraska, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, the state of Colorado west to and including Denver to Trinidad, and the state of Wyoming west to and including Cheyenne.
On Other Roads.
June 1 to October 15 the passenger rates to Omaha from all the principal cities and towns in the United States beyond the Western Passenger association territory, 80 per cent of double the first class fare. Tickets good to return until November 15.
All tickets of every character through Omaha in every direction may be good for stopover, not to exceed five days, upon deposit with the joint agency bureau. This includes tickets going to or returning from conventions and tourist tickets. Purchasers of special tickets, one fare, plus $2 for the round trip, from which regular one-way rates apply via Omaha to points of meeting west of the Missouri river named below, shall be entitled to stopover privileges at Omaha in either direction of five days upon deposit with the joint agency bureau, extension to be made by the joint agent, to-wit:
Tenth triennial National Council of Congregational Churches at Portland, Ore., July 7.
American Medical association at Denver June 7.
Biennial meeting of the General Federation of Women's clubs at Denver June 20.
North American Turners' union convention at San Francisco July 5.
Fight Over the Right to Use Camels Still Rages Before Equity Judge Scott.
The fight over the rights to exhibit and hire out camels in the Streets of Cairo and the Streets of All Nations at the exposition grounds was on before Judge Scott again and was passed until Thursday morning for a final decision.
The exposition management sold the camel riding concession to the Streets of Cairo and afterward sold the same concession to the Streets of All Nations. The first named association sought a restraining order to prevent the second named association from infringing on its concession. Thus the law suit started.
While Judge Scott has not decided the case, he has intimated that the exposition people went too far when it gave a concession to the Streets of All Nations to exhibit the same features as were to be put on in the Streets of Cairo. He intimated that the camel riding was typical of Egyptian styles and customs and that the Streets of All Nations had no right to exhibit the same styles and customs.
Midway People Petition for Twenty-five Cent Admission at Night.
Long Petition Drawn Up and Will Be Presented at Meeting of the Exposition Today.
Contains Names of All Concessionaires---Tobacco Men Raise a Row Over Signs Which Are Misleading.
The petition for reduced rates of admission into the grounds at night and on Sundays was signed by every concessionaire. Those who did not see it the first day it was in circulation signed it yesterday. This petition not only prays for these reduced rates at night and on Sundays, but it also asks for liberal and extensive advertising of the exposition in all this Trans-Mississippi country, both pictorially and in the newspapers.
The concessionaires in their petition give figures to show that the Midway attractions at nearly all exposition have been big money makers for the exposition companies. Last Wednesday, the opening day of the exposition, the different attractions, restaurants, cigar and fruit stands on the Midway took in approximately $20,000. The overage per cent paid to the exposition company is over 20, hence the money paid into the treasury of the exposition company from the Midway concessionaires was about $4,000.
Had all the attractions on the Midway been ready to open the amount of money turned over to the exposition company from them would have exceeded $5,000 that day. The Midway on that day was in an unfinished state and was not at all inviting, still it as thronged and those shows that were open did a fine business all day. One show alone took in more than $2,000. The exposition's percentage from this show along was over $500. And no one knows better than the concessionaires that the Midway is a great feeder to the exposition.
The concessionaires all along the line from East to West Midway could be seen in groups at different times yesterday, discussing the situation. "Look at this crowd," said one. "How many people do you suppose are on this Midway now. If every man and woman of them should go in every show and pay the full price of admission there wouldn't be enough money to pay the running expenses. But we can't blame the people. They are not coming to this exposition until they know there is an exposition here. When the country at large hears about the grandeur and magnitude of this enterprise they will come here to see it. Then and not till then we will have big crowds on the Midway and everybody will be making money and will be satisfied."
The petition will be presented to the executive committee today or tomorrow.
Henry Willard, manager of Pabst, on the Midway, will soon open his summer garden in the rear of his building. Mr. Willard will also run a restaurant in connection with his business.
Miss Fannie Frankel and Miss Mamie McKeever are among the latest attractions at Pabst's on the Midway. Miss Frankel is an operatic singer of considerable merit. She was educated for the stage in Europe, where she sang three years. Miss McKeever is only 12 years old, and her voice is rich and melodious. She finished an engagement in Chicago Saturday.
The cigar concessionaires are complaining that the signs posted all over the grounds prohibiting smoking on the grounds are misleading and are injuring their trade. The intent of the regulation is to prohibit smoking in the buildings. It would be a hard matter to prevent smoking on the grounds, and there has been no serious attempt made to do so, though a number of visitors have complained that the guards have demanded that they stop smoking on the thoroughfares. The cigar concessionaires will lay the matter before the proper authorities and see if the wording on the signs cannot be changed so that everyone, even the guards, will comprehend.
J. B. Morris, manager of the dancing girl illusion on the East Midway, has made many improvements, both on the interior and exterior of his building. The front is very attractive, and in the future free shows will be given on the outside.
Inspectors for the insurance companies made thorough examinations of all the buildings on the Midway yesterday.
The cyclorama continues to attract good crowds every day. The great interest felt by everyone in the present war makes the fight between the Merrimac and Monitor particularly interesting at this time, and so long as people cannot see the great battleships in an engagement, they are quick to take advantage of an actual reproduction by visiting the cyclorama. The burning of the Congress and the sinking of the Cumberland are exceedingly realistic, and clearly illustrate what must have been the fate of the Spanish at Manila.
G. W. Monell, the representative of the Haunted Swing company, will return to [?]rk today. The haunted swing [?] and was well patronized. [?]one of the finest he [?]
Award Several Small Concessions at Meeting Last Night.
The executive committee last evening awarded a number of small concessions, including a privilege to the Omaha Glove company to make and sell their products; the Young Woman's Christian association, for a restaurant, to occupy the entire second floor of the Girls' and Boys' building and a sandwich stand on the veranda; Arabella Kimball, to sell dolls and baskets in the same building, and a similar concession to G. W. Lawler.
Vice President Warner of the Missouri Pacific notified the committee that his company elected to make their subscriptions of $15,000 as a donation.
The public school children will have June 13 and 15 set apart as their special property. The grades below and including the sixth will have the 13th and the price of admission will be 10 cents. Those in the grades above the sixth will have the 15th, and the price will be 15 cents. Teachers will be supplied with cards, which must be presented at the gate to get the benefit of the reduced prices.
A special form of ticket, including a souvenir and ticket coupon, will be issued for Nebraska day.
The Mines and Mining building will be closed at 6:30 p. m., except on special days and occasions when the entertainment bureau has special functions.
Monday's paid attendance was 1,679.
Lagoon Walls Bulge.
The continued rainfall has again caused a bulging of the lagoon sheet piling, this time just west of the bridge on the south side. A strip about 100 feet long bulged inward a few inches last night, but no break has occurred. Contractor Grant, who is at work putting down the asphalt paving on the bridges, remarked yesterday that the management would continue to have trouble with the piling unless the surface water was better taken care of. The water seeps down behind the piling, and, as Contractor Grant expressed it, "There is no power on earth that will hold earth after it has begun to move, if you keep on feeding water to it." The same suggestions were given by ex-Superintendent Geraldine with reference to the work in hand at the time he left the exposition.
Regains Evans' Flag.
Colonel D. R. Elliott, superintendent of the Transportation and Agricultural building, is very much elated after having been in the slough of despond for several days. He had a handsome flag which was presented to him some years ago during a cruise in southern seas by Captain Robley D. Evans, now the commander of the battleship Iowa. A few days ago it was stolen by some unregenerate individual and yesterday it was recovered by Sergeant Bebout of the city police force on the grounds. The flag was found floating in the front yard of Mrs. Dooley's residence on North Twenty-fourth street, and was returned to the owner. Mr. Dooley was unable to give any information as to who placed it there.
Griffith Wants More Light.
Art Director Griffith has a grievance, but it has reference to the lighting. He states that there has not been an evening since the exposition opened when he has not had trouble from the temporary breaking of the circuit. The lights have all gone out, leaving the building in darkness for a few minutes. He says he cannot stand the strain, as such occurrences may mean the infliction of thousands of dollars of damage, either through malice or accident, and he will insist that the trouble be remedied or he will close the building at 7:30.
Women's Club Day June 18.
June 18, has been decided on for Woman's club day at the exposition. The program is being arranged by the executive committee of the board of lady managers. On that day most of the delegates from the eastern states to the meeting of the biennial federation of Woman's clubs at Denver will stop over in Omaha.
Exposition Events.
The National Association of Railway Postal Clerks will open at the old federal building this morning.
Saturday will be Maccabees day. A musical program is being prepared. Mayor Moores will deliver an address of welcome. The exercises will be at the Nebraska building.
Next Monday the Danish Lutheran church of America will hold its national meeting here.
The National Reform Press association will meet in Creighton hall Monday.
Tuesday next will be national flag day.
On the same day the Nebraska Veteran Free Masons will meet at Masonic hall. This is also the date of the meeting of the Nebraska Medical society.
Wednesday of next week the Masonic grand lodge meets at Masonic temple. The Nebraska grain dealers will hold a convention in the city hall.
June 15 the national executive committee of the people's party will hold a meeting at Creighton hall.
June 16 is the date for the meeting of the Nebraska State Medical association and the press associatioins of Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
June 17—Wisconsin day.
June 18—Wisconsin day, with dedication of the Wisconsin state building.
June 18—Women's club day.
Minnesota day has been changed from June 29 to July 20. Governor Clough and his staff will be here and an elaborate program will be presented.
John Lindsey has been appointed janitor for the Administration Arch. He is on duty.
Prof. Willard Kimball, director of music, had headquarters in the Service building. Thomas Kelly, director of the chorus, will also have an office there through the summer. Prof. Kimball's clerk and stenographer is B. D. M. Babcock.
Notes of the Exposition.
The Souvenir medals have arrived and can be obtained from Secretary Wakefield. This medal bears a lady's face made up by composite from photographs of the most beautiful women in all the trans-Mississippi states chosen by competition, two photographs being sent from each state and territory.
Chairman Lindsay announces that the photographic coupon admission books have again gone on sale for five days. The sale will close Saturday night and the books will not again be offered. the 100 admissions book sells for $20, and the fifty admissions book for $12,50.
The management states that an admission of 25 cents will be charged to the Anditorium tonight, when the "Fair Ellen" concert will be given. The charge is made on account of the extra expense for securing the talent, and particularly the soloists, Miss Metcalf and Mr. Clark.
A crazy colored man showed up at one of the exposition gates about 3 o'clock a. m. yesterday, clad only in a suit of underclothing. He could give no account of himself and was sent to the police station.
Three patients received treatment for injuries at the hospital yesterday. William Toney, a cook on the Midway, had a hand badly burned with gasoline; Henry S. Polk, a farmer from Danbury, Ia., ran a nail in his foot, and Charles Lyon, a donkey boy, had an ankle sprained by a donkey that fell on him.
R. W. Baker, who has been one of the inspectors of construction on the exposition grounds for several months, has tendered his resignation to take effect as soon as possible before the 10th inst. He leaves his position with the exposition to accept a similar one with the Fidelity Trust company, which is erecting a number of rows of flats in various locations.
Can't Get Passes for Attendants on Headquarters.
A number of the secret societies that have secured quarters in the Nebraska building have stopped preparations to occupy them on account of their failure to get passes for the attendants whose services would be required. This is notably true with reference to the Knights of Pythias and the Sons and Daughters of the Revolution, both of which organizations have brought their furniture and are ready to move into their quarters.
It is stated that the exposition management did not take kindly to the action of the state commission in allowing the organizations to occupy space rent free, and thereby possibly depriving the exposition of a little revenue from the sale of space elsewhere. Whatever the cause of the hitch may be it is [?]
Mrs. MacMurphy Has Her Model Kitchen Demonstration Gone.
The model kitchen to exploit the excellence of Nebraska cereals has been opened in a modest way in the Agricultural building, adjoining the Nebraska agricultural exhibit. This kitchen is a part of the Nebraska exhibit, being conducted under the auspices of the Nebraska Exposition commission by Mrs. Harriet S. MacMurphy. The flour, meal, etc., used in the demonstrations are furnished by the members of the Nebraska Millers' association and with this delicious bread, biscuit, muffins, rolls, cake, etc., are made daily by Mrs. MacMurphy and her expert assistants and distributed without cost among visitors to the building. The arrangements for conducting the daily demonstrations are not entirely completed and the scope of the operations of the kitchen are not as extensive as they will be when everything is in running order.
The delicious quality of the substantial products of the oven which have thus far been distributed is known only to the fortunate few who have "happened in" just at the right time to participate in the distribution, but the volume of praise arising from this source indicates that the quality of Nebraska's cereal products will be fully demonstrated before the close of the exposition. It is the intention of Mrs. MacMurphy to give daily demonstrations of the value of Nebraska cereals as soon as the necessary arrangements are completed and those desiring the information will be shown how to prepare some of the little used cereal products in the most delicious manner. Full explanations will be given of the best manner of accomplishing good results with the Nebraska products and no charge will be made for these lectures or for the samples which will be distributed, the object being to create a demand for Nebraska flour, meal, etc.
Large Audience Hears Orchestra and Chorus Together.
The concert in the Auditorium last night was the stellar attraction at the grounds and the large majority of people who visited the exposition found their way to the Auditorium early in the evening. The fact that an extra fee of 25 cents for admission to the concert was charged on this occasion seemed to have no effect on the size of the crowd and the big building was very comfortably filled. It was one of the largest crowds which has assembled in the Auditorium since the exposition opened.
The program was in two sections, the first being devoted to the orchestra alone and the second part being filled by the Exposition chorus. Seven selections from the works of Richard Wagner constituted the instrumental portion of the program and these selections were of the most varied nature. The rendition of the numbers was highly gratifying to the audience and the applause was frequent and hearty. The proper rendering of such numbers as the overture of the "Flying Dutchman," the "Vorspiel" and "Lovedeath" from Tristan and Isolde; "Dreams," Siegfried Idyl," "Woten's Farewell" and "Magic Fire Scene" from "The Valkyrie" by an orchestra of thirty-five men is not an easy matter, but the execution left little to be desired.
The Exposition chorus made its first appearance in concert, and the result was gratifying to those who came to see what an Omaha chorus is capable of doing. The composition selected for the initial appearance of the chorus was "Fair Ellen" by Max Bruch, rather peculiar and offering little opportunity for pleasing effects, but calling for great care in the avoidance of numerous pitfalls. The accompaniment was played by the orchestra, the performance being directed by Mr. Thomas J. Kelly.
The chorus did well, notwithstanding the rather unpleasant prominence of the orchestra at times. All of the parts were carried with vigor and force, but it was conclusively demonstrated that the acoustics of the Auditorium are not best suited to vocal music.
The solo parts of the choral number were sung by Miss Anna Metcalf and Mr. Charles W. Clark, both of Chicago. Miss Metcalf was laboring under a severe attack of la grippe and was noticeably in bad form. It was a great effort for her to sing, but the small amount of solo work in the number in hand gave her an opportunity to show that she has a pleasing voice. The singing of Mr. Clark was all that could have been desired. He has a rich baritone voice of good quality and sings with ease and expression. The entire number was sung with snap and action and the hearty applause of the audience attested the enjoyment of those who were there.
The next appearance of the chorus will be on Monday evening of the coming week, when the "Daughter of Jairus" will be the bill.
The concert this evening will be marked by a 'cello solo by Mr. Bruno Steindel, one of the Thomas orchestra. Mr. Steindel is regarded as one of the greatest living 'cellists. He has been with the Thomas orchestra for the last seven years, having left the Philharmonic orchestra of Berlin for the purpose of joining this organization. In the Philharmonic orchestra he was the first 'cellist and as such played under the greatest conductors, such as Hans von Bulow, Richard Strauss, Nikisch and others. He was frequently called upon to play at different European concerts and has been made the recipient of royal favors. At the concert this evening he will play a fantasia by Servais entitled "Il Desir."
Noted Picture Placed on Exhibition by North Dakota.
Carl Gutherz's noted picture, "Farming in the West," was hung in the North Dakota exhibit yesterday. This picture is a scene from the farm of Hon. J. B. Power of Richland county, North Dakota, one of the commissioners from that state. Gutherz spent one entire summer on the farm gathering the material for his picture, noting every possible position of the animals while engaged in their work, reproducing correct pictures of them. Even the men are recognized by those familiar with them. The picture represents a plowing scene, twenty odd plows and teams following each other. The scene is laid just after the harvest, and on one side the unbroken sod and its grass is shown and on the other the stubble, the stacks of grain, the threshed straw, and in the distance the farm buildings and another group of teams engaged in plowing.
The painting was first exhibited at the Paris exhibition and after its return from Europe was purchased by the United States government and now belongs to the Department of Agriculture at Washington, and is loaned to North Dakota for the purposes of the exposition. The government is represented to have paid $6,000 for the picture. It is recognized as one of the important historic paintings of the country.
Aside from this painting, which attracts the attention of every visitor to the Agricultural building, the North Dakota exhibit is very attractive in the masses of grain and grasses, tastefully arranged with a view to attracting attention to the grain, not specially to the general appearance of the exhibit. North Dakota is the great grain growing state and while it possesses other advantages grain growing is its leading interest. In 1895 its production of wheat exceeded 60,000,000 bushels.
Colonel Lounsberry, vice president for North Dakota, who has been in the city since the opening of the exposition, having practically completed the work of installation, leaves for home this evening, leaving the exhibit in charge of W. W. Barrett, assisted by Miss H. E. Ford and Miss Gertrude Underwood. Mrs. Lounsberry, who is assisted superintendent of the state exhibit, leaves for St. Louis on a brief visit to her daughter, but will return in a few days.
Bill for the Big Organ.
Absolute proof has at last been received that the big organ, which is to be placed in the Auditorium, is on the road to Omaha. The bill of lading has been received by Musical Director Kimball and this shows that the organ was shipped from the Maryland factory, June 4. It is coming by fast freight and should arrive by the last of this week. About ten days or two weeks will be required for its installation. This work will not interfere with the ordinary use of the building, as the builders will be compelled to do their work at night and during the early morning, when the building is not required for other purposes.
Notes of the Exposition.
The number of paid admissions to the exposition grounds on June 8 was 2,662.
Bookkeeper Dan Althen of the Nebraska commission is on the sick list and is confined to his room.
A matinee concert by the Thomas orchestra will be given in the Auditorium building Saturday of this week at 3 o'clock.
A twenty-foot board walk has been laid from Twenty-fourth street to the entrance to the Main court just west of Twenty-fourth street.
The iron bridges across the lagoon at Twentieth street have been completed at last and the work of finishing the approaches will be pushed as soon as the ground is dry enough for working.
A force of drapers is at work in the Auditorium hanging flags and bunting from the roof trusses for the purpose of improving the accoustics of the building as well as to add to the appearance of the interior.
The Irish-American Exposition club is now established in its permanent quarters in the Barker block. The rooms will be open daily from 8 a. m. to 11 p. m. for members and their friends. The business meetings in future will be held on Friday evening of each week.
The arrangements for concerts on the exposition grounds next Sunday will be the same as for last Sunday, including a concert by the Marine band in front of the Government building at 2:30 p. m., and on the lBuff tract at 8 o'clock, a concert in the Auditorium by the Thomas orchestra at 4 p. m.
The soloists who will sing with the exposition chorus in the presentation of the "Daughter of Jairus" next Monday evening in the Auditorium are Miss Sophia Markee, soprano; Mr. Holmes Cowper, tenor, and Mr. Henry Kuss, basso. A full rehearsal of the chorus, soloists and orchestra, will be held in the Auditorium Saturday evening.
June 29 has been designated as "Montana day" and arrangements are being made by President Sutherlin of the Montana commission and General Manager Clarkson for a celebration appropriate to the occasion. The Montana building will be formally dedicated and it is expected that a large number of people from that state will be present to take part in the exercise.
Program for the Day's Concerts.
Following are the numbers which will be rendered by the Marine band at its concerts today:
10:30 A. M.
March—Washington Post | Sousa |
Overture—King's Lieutenant | Titl |
Characteristic—The Butterfly | Bendix |
Selection—Beggar Student | Milloecker |
Concert Mazurka—La Tzigane | Ganne |
Remembrance of Weber | Godfrey |
Komish, Heiter, und so Weiter | Reiner |
Comical Contest | Godfrey |
My Country 'Tis of Thee | |
6 P. M.
Overture—Giovana d'Arco | Verdi |
Excerpts from Carmen | Bizet |
Descriptive—The Dying Poet | Gottschalk |
Dance de Poneneur | Godfrey |
Cornet Solo—Weber's Last Waltz | Hartman |
Grand Selection—Boccacio | Suppe |
Characteristic—Schmeichelkaetzchen | Bendix |
Patrol—Grand Army | Fanciulli |
Selection—Wizard of the Nile | Herbert |
Grand Selection—The Voice of Our Nation | Santelmann |
In the Auditorium at 8 o'clock this evening the following will be rendered:
Soloist | Mr. Bruno Steindel, Cello |
Overture—Oberon | Weber |
Suite—L'Arisienne | Bizet |
(a) Prelude. |
(b) Minuetto. |
(c) Adagietto. |
(d) Carillon. |
Fantasia for Cello—Il Desir | Servais |
Mr. Bruno Steindel. |
Symphonic Poem—Les Preludes | Liszt |
(a)—Traumerie | Schumann |
(b)—Spring Song | Mendelssohn |
Polonaise Mignon | A. Thomas |
Waltz—The Beautiful Blue Danube | Strauss |
March—Rakoczy | Berlioz |
Additional Reduced Rates.
Manager W. N. Babcock of the Department of Transportation has notified the executive committee that a number of additional reduced rates have been announced by the railroads between the Great Lakes and the Pacific ocean, to cover the following events:
National Eclectic Medical association, June 21 to 23, one lowest regular first-class normal tariff, plus $2 for round trip. Tickets to be sold June 18 to 21, according to distance from Omaha, and they will be good for return trip to July 7, thus allowing visitors to spend July 4 at the exposition.
American Institute of Homeopathy, June 23 to 30, same rate. Tickets to be sold June 21, 22 and 23, with return limit to July 7.
Transmississippi Teachers' association, June 28 to 30, same rate. Tickets to be sold June 25 to 28, and to be good for return to July 5. In this case tickets may be extended to August 31 if deposited for extension not later than July 3 and on payment of the joint agency fee of 50 cents.
In all cases the sale of tickets is not limited to persons who are members of the various conventions, but they may be purchased by any one in the designated territory.
Treat for the Children.
A great visit is in store for the youngsters who wil visit the exposition next Monday. Don Maguire, the mineral specialist in charge of Utah's mineral display, has agreed with Mrs. Ford, secretary of the Woman's board, that he will take charge of as many of the children as care to get under his wing and will take them through the Mines building, delivering a running lecture on the magnificent specimens of all the ores found in this wide country. Mr. Maguire is a pjerfect mine of information regarding everything pertaining to minerals, and he has the happy faculty of imparting information that produces a lasting impression. His tal kto the children will give them a great deal of information regarding the precious metals and minerals in general which could be acquired in no other way.
Concert at the Casino.
The morning concert by the Marine band was given in the casino today in view of the sloppy condition of the Grand Plaza. From this point the music was clearly audible in every part of the grounds and visitors were able to enjoy it without neglecting the other interesting features of the grounds. The program was introduced with one of Sousa's stirring marches, which was followed by the overture, "The King's Lieutenant," by Titl, a selection from the Beggar Student, a concert mazurka by Ganne, and several other enjoyable selections [?]
The Jonah cry first raised in 1890 by G. M. Hitchcock on his return from a European junket is again heard in the land. In the midst of that historic anti-prohibition campaign the wretched monomaniac who has wrecked several inherited fortunes in a vain endeavor to gain journalistic prominence demanded that the editor of The Bee, who had been selected to direct the work of the organization, be thrown overboard as a Jonah. This puerile demand, although coupled with the fact that his fakery, which was already at that time giving aid and comfort to prohibitionists, would refuse to lend its support, was contemptuously ignored. The Jonah remained at the helm of the ship and when the battle was over prohibition was found to be snowed under by more than 50,000 majority.
The revival of the Jonah cry by the same fortune wrecker without any other provocation than the denunciation by The Bee of the outrages perpetrated by the police chief in the interest of professional crooks can leave only one inference, and that is that the wretched monomaniac find himself blocked in some scheme that promised to keep his tottering concern from collapsing like Geraldine's lagoon. Were not his crazy tirade demanding the expulsion of the editor of The Bee from the exposition management written in all seriousness it would pass for a stupid outburst of envious gall.
One would actually imagine from this howl that the editor of The Bee had projected himself on the exposition instead of having projected the exposition and given it unstinted both his means and his brains. Were it not for the repeated lagoon disasters the Jonah cry might make uninformed people believe that the editor of The Bee had meticulously fabricated charge of incompetency and fraud against Geraldine and sought to dictate to his colleagues on the executive committee a policy detrimental to the exposition. As a matter of fact, however, the howl of the imbecile who defended Geraldine and who has constantly opposed every measure advocated by his successor in charge of the Promotion department cannot deceive or delude anybody who knows anything about the exposition.
Everybody in this community knows that the course pursued by The Bee and its editor has been steadfastly in the interest of the great enterprise and for the protection of its stockholders. Everybody in this community knows, too, that were it not for The Bee the exposition would not only have suffered from the perpetuation of Geraldinism, but from jobbers, boodlers and ringsters, who have been constantly plotting to get their hands into its treasury or hold up its patrons. Everybody in this community familiar with the inside workings of this exposition knows that The Bee has shown great forbearance toward men prominently identified with it whose exposure would have caused the dumping of several Jonahs. On that score the less provocation given the better, since forbearance sometimes ceases to be a virtue.
Water Falls at the Rate of Two Inches Per Hour.
Wood Pavement Washed Out on the Hilly Streets and Another Section of Lagoon Wall Gives Way.
Omaha got soaked yesterday. Things inside and outside were moistened by the most severe and most persistent rain that has visited the city this year. It rained nearly all day, but the heaviest showers were in the afternoon, when it poured down, sometimes in bucketsful, sometimes in torrents and sometimes in sheets.
City Engineer Rosewater estimated that during the heaviest of the storm the water came down at the rate of one inch in thirty-five minutes.
At 3:30 o'clock the sun came out and it looked as though the storm might pass over to let the crowds enjoy the open air concert of the United States Marine band at the exposition, but later in the afternoon it rained again. At 3:30 the weather office reported that .98 of an inch of rain had fallen in thirty-five minutes. Between noon and 3.30 o'clock the fall amounted to 1.61 inches and the changes for more unsettled weather and additional showers were pronounced to be very good at that hour.
Speaking of the water the forecast officer remarked that since March 1, this year, there had been .90 of an inch of water in excess of the amount that is regarded as normal. Last year, 1897, there was a deficiency of 1.54 inches. Since March 1 the precipitation has been 11.49 inches, exclusive of the heavy fall of yesterday. When the total fall for the last twenty-four hours shall be added in it will be found that Omaha has taken quite a good deal of water since March 1.
Where the Heavy Rain Fell.
The heavy rain between 2 and 3 o'clock was accompanied by sharp lightning and heavy peals of thunder. During the time most electric lights were doubtful, telephone and telegraph communication was interrupted, and the street cars came to a standstill.
Residents of the north and northwestern portions of the city only suffered little from the effects of the storm, owing to the fact that the sewers were in good condition and carried the water off as rapidly as it fell.
The inrushing waters caused considerable inconvenience to the residents of the small frame dwellings that mark the lowlands in the south and east portions of the city. In some of the dwellings the families were compelled to abandon their ground floor rooms and seek refuge in the upper floors.
At the street railway power house heavy shocks of electricity were felt at intervals through the heaviest part of the storm, but no damage resulted. The only damage to the trackage and roadbed of the car company were at Thirty-first and Farnam streets, where the track was undermined for a considerable distance. The break, however, did not affect traffic any.
While the storm was at the height of its fury the telephone service was given a paralytic stroke. Communication to the exposition grounds was entirely cut off for a time and some of the private telephones were rendered out of order. Some of the short out of town wires were rendered inoperative for a short time. The only loss sustained by the company was the prostration of a few poles at various points about the city.
The telegraph lines sustained but trifling damage and the fire alarm system for a brief period was inoperative. Just before the heavy downpour ceased the wires became overcharged with electricity and a great many of the fire alarms about the city were set to ringing furiously. From the railroad yard terminals little or no damage is reported.
Damage at the Lagoon.
The storm did serious damage to the piling of the lagoon at the exposition grounds and another heavy expenditure will be necessary to repair the breaks. About 100 feet of the sheet piling was washed out completely, carrying great quantities of dirt into the lagoon, and about 200 feet additional was more or less damaged by the effect of the water. None of the breaks occurred where the repairs were made after the last heavy rain.
As soon as the damage was inflicted as many men as could be found were put to work to repair the damage. Superintendent Foster and the entire force of the Building and Grounds department took a hand and men were sent out to pick up as many men as possible. Mr. Foster said the repairs would be made as fast as possible and will probably be completed before the end of the week.
The force of running water interfered seriously with the laying of the large water mains for which trenches have been recently dug on Twenty-fourth street between Farnam and Pierce. South of Leavenworth street the excavations were made in filled earth and this has caved in at various points.
Residents of the southwest portion of the city as a whole, however, were not seriously annoyed by the downpour as little damage was done in that sightly and well drained locality. The foliage in Hanscom park, which has become dense in the last few weeks, was heavily saturated with moisture and the upper lake, in the channel of a former waterway, was over its restraining wall for several hours.
At Twentieth and Harney streets there is rather a mysterious hole which the street car company has made futile efforts to fill. It is about three feet in diameter and was recently filled with cinders and tamped solid. Yesterday afternoon it was as usual, however, with a volume of water pouring into some unknown subterranean channel. On Thirty-first street beginning at Walnut the sewer was practically washed out, the water rushing in a channel that was in some places fifteen feet deep. On Nineteenth street, between Leavenworth and Mason, there is a similar washout and at Sixteenth and Jackson streets the water is charged with the doubtful impropriety of carrying away a large number of very rough and uneven cedar blocks.
Workmen Have Them Nearly Ready to Turn Over to Commissions.
Conveniences for the Public and Reminders for the Visitors of the Conditions at Home Will Be the Features.
The state buildings on the bluff tract which have not yet been completed are making good progress and nearing completion. No time is being lost in any case and the buildings will be ready for occupancy by the time set for their formal dedication.
The Kansas building is about ready to be turned over to the Kansas commission, and President George W. Glick and Secretary A. H. Greef have "moved in." The debris incident to the building operations is being removed and carpets are being put down in some of the rooms. The building will be ready by Monday to be thrown open to the public.
The Montana building is about ready to be occupied. The carpenters and painters are putting on the finishing touches and the furniture and fittings are being placed in the rooms. Some of the rooms will be decorated with magnificent specimens of Montana game, including two buffalo heads and the gigantic head of a moose, all the property of a oMntana millionaire, who loaned them for the occasion. Other specimens of animals are also rare and interesting, an especially fine piece being a Rocky mountain sheep as large as a young calf. There are deers, bears, and other animals in profusion and President Sutherlin of the Montana commission has about concluded that there are so many of these that some of them will have to be placed among the exhibits in the main buildings. The building will be formally dedicated June 29.
The Georgia building is being arranged for the inspection of the public. This will be an exhibit building, purely. The lower floor is being filled with a magnificent collection showing the mineral resources of the state, including ores of all kinds, building stone, etc. The second floor is devoted to a fine exhibit of agriculture and horticulture products, the latter in glass jars and the former arranged in [?]
Wisconsin and Others.
The interior of the Wisconsin building is being cleaned of the debris left by the plasterers and carpenters and the painters are nearly through with their work. Some of the furniture is being placed in the rooms and the building will be ready for inspection within a few days.
The Pottawattamie county wigwam is progressing rapidly under the watchful eye of President Graham, and he says the building will be all ready for visitors by Iowa day, June 23. The first floor of the building will be occupied by a Council Bluffs firm with an exhibit; the second floor will contain the county exhibit; the third floor will be fitted up as a waiting room for the women, affording a pleasant view of the grounds, and the fourth floor will be fitted up for the use of the men.
The Iowa building seems to be making rather slow progress and a great deal remains to be done to complete the building in time for the formal dedication on "Iowa day."
The New York building was one of the last to bes tarted and work on it is making good headway. The interior is being finished and the building will be ready for occupancy some time before the date fixed for the dedication, July 12.
The Swiss chalet, which will be the headquarters for Minnesota people on the grounds, is gradually mounting skyward. The pine logs with which the building is being constructed are strewn all about the building and visitors to the grounds are treated to a sight which is an object lesson in itself. The great timbers are fitted as nicely as though a delicate piece of cabinet work was being constructed, and the ease and grace with which the workmen handle the axe and adze make an interesting sight to the residents of a prairie state. The form of construction makes the work rather slow, but the building will be completed in time for "Minnesota day," July 20.
FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1898.
But Program and Music of Marine Band Highly Appreciated.
Santelman and the Marine band have demonstrated their ability to draw tears of enthusiasm from men and women—whether or not they were responsible for the weeping heavens yesterday afternoon and last evening is a question. Certain it is that no one else cares to assume the responsibility. But if guilty their punishment fitted the crime. For instead of a concert in the grand plaza with applauding thousands, the band was crowded into one end of the gallery of the Markel cafe at the south side of the south viaduct. Only a few score of people were on the grounds early in the evening, but they managed to force their way into the other end of the gallery and under discouraging circumstances enjoy Marina band music. The needlessness of other quantifying words will be understood by those who have, under any circumstances, listened to the Marine band.
The program of ten numbers was, as on every evening, increased by a number of popular and patriotic selections. By "popular" is not meant some of the latter day productions of alleged music, though it is possible Santelman could even inject music into them. The program was an unusually fine one, opening with Verdi's "Giovana d' Arce." Walter F. Smith, the assistant leader of the band and first cornetist, was the soloist of the evening.
This evening one of the features of the concert will be the "Dewey's March," finished but a few days ago by Leader Santelman. It is a realistic composition—the roar of cannon is heard, then silence and darkness, a flash of light and then a single cannon shot—the end.
Exposition Notes.
Andrew Langdon, a banker of Buffalo, is visiting Secretary Cox of the government board of control.
The concessionaires at the grounds were blue all day and very few made running expenses. A show was put on now and then, but the attendance was small.
Two or three more attractions will go on in a day or two. There will probably be forty-five shows on the Midway in two weeks, not including cigar stands, fruit stands and restaurants.
W. E. Belt, representing the adjustable eye protector, was on the Midway yesterday. He was making efforts to secure a concession, but found some difficulty, as the concession for eyeglasses of all kinds has been given out.
The bureau of entertainment of the exposition was to have given its first reception in the pretty rooms in the gallery of the Mines and Mining building at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A musical program and refreshments had been prepared, but the rain prevented attendance and the reception was postponed to this afternoon at the same hour.
L. S. McClellan, district passenger agent of the Wabash, was on the Midway yesterday. Mr. McClellan is located at Louisville, Ky. He has brought a number of excursions here from Kentucky and Tennessee and says that his road expects to do a good business this summer. Mr. McClellan says what everybody else says about the exposition's advertising needs.
J. S. T. Koslowsky of St. Louis, representing the Cotton Belt railroad, was a visitor on the Midway yesterday. He has an exhibit in the Agricultural building. In this exhibit there are fifty-eight varieties of timber grown on the line of the Cotton Belt railroad. Another fine exhibit is a rare painting of the fall of the Alamo. Grass and grain pictures of the southwest as it was and the southwest as it is have attracted much attention. Mr. Koslowsky was much pleased with the exposition.
Heavy Fall of Water Creates Havoc at the Exposition Grounds.
All the Buildings Leaked and a Portion of the Lagoon Piling Gives Way Again.
Concessionaires on the Midway Find It Very Damp Indeed--Row Boats Would Come in Handy in Spots.
The rain storm on the exposition grounds yesterday afternoon was itself a rare exhibition. It completely eclipsed all the rains in the last few weeks and quite came up to the storm that occurred four or five days before the opening. People were naturally disposed not to pay much attention to it at first for they have become familiar with showers, but it soon was the observation and the talk of everybody.
Those on the walks were speedily driven indoors and the rain, driven by a stiff breeze, now blowing this way and now that, seemed determined to follow them even there, and the doors were closed. Then the old trick of coming down through the roof was resorted to with great success. All the buildings leaked in the same old way and generally with the same old result. There was some moving about of cases, but no damage was done.
To the lagoon just about the same damage was done as two weeks ago. The retaining planking is in the water in the same places—just south of the Machinery and Electricity building on the north side of the lagoon, and just west of the south end of the bridge across the island. In several other places the planking is yielding and bulging inward from six to eight inches.
Superintendent Foster had a gang of men starting repairs before it had fairly stopped raining, and the work will be pushed, as it was before, with all the energy possible. It is thought that it can be completed in four or five days.
It seemed to be plain that the fault was in the laying of the broad walks about the edge of the lagoon. The surface is level and the gutters at the inner edge shallow, so that the walks are practically without drain, and as the new earth beneath becomes saturated the strain on the planking is so great that even masonry, as some say, could not withstand it. Few of the round piles gave way and many stood even, though the cable wiring was slack, but in one instance the planking was forced out at a point where a large bolt ran through it. The head of the bolt tore a ragged hole through the plank and snapped a two by four timber.
The rain gauge at the Government building on the grounds showed that in thirty minutes 92 one-hundredths of an inch of water came down and 32 one-hundredths of that came in five minutes.
The damage done on the Midway by the wind and rain was considerable. All the concessionaires suffered more or less and the losses sustained in dollars and cents could hardly be estimated. From noon until 6 o'clock the rain poured in torrents, the downpour ceasing only at short intervals. By 3:30 the whole thoroughfare, from east to west, was flooded. For an hour during the afternoon the western portion of the Midway near the viaduct was impassable as far as pedestrians were concerned, the water standing several inches deep.
The people of the Giant See Saw, the Chutes, the Vision of Art, the Switchback railroad and other attractions in that neighborhood were hemmed in and their only avenues of travel called for wading or by passing vehicles.
The buildings all the way from Montgomery Ward & Co. on the east to the Press building on the west were severely tested as to their ability to shed water. Many of them were unequal to the test. One or two attractions were forced to cut their programs short and invite the patrons to come after the storm was over. A number of the buildings were not only unable to withstand the rain, but water running through the gutters, found its way to the floors and necessitated the removal of furniture and carpets. About 4 o'clock the rain ceased and the clouds broke away, but only for a short time. The small number of visitors and the inhabitants of the Midway began moving again, but it was only for a little while, for an alarm was given that a cyclone was approaching from the west. In a moment the heavens were black with flying clouds and the rain began to pour, but hundreds, regardless of the drenching, stood and watched with eagerness the dark, luminous funnel-shaped cloud in the west as it twisted and whirled, apparently, toward the exposition, gathering strength as it moved. It was an attractive sight, though havoc and ruin apparently laid in its path. The inhabitants of the Midway became alarmed as it seemed to approach nearer, but presently its course turned in a more southerly direction and it was soon lost to view.
In a few moments the clouds broke away again and the sun showed his face. In the east the great bow of promise appeared and it seemed as if the rain was over, but during the remainder of the afternoon, at intervals, the downpour continued.
Rosewater Finds He Cannot Dictate to Exposition and Is Wrathy.
So Interested in Managing Other Departments He Has No Time for His Own.
Proceeds to Knock the Big Show Because He Was Not Made Director General--The Press Disgusted.
An indignant cry of protest is going up from not only members of the board of directors, but from citizens of Omaha generally, as well as from all parts of the state where interest is felt in the success of the exposition. The cause of this protest is the course that is being pursued by Edward Rosewater, manager of the department of publicity and promotion.
The complaint is that from the inception of the enterprise Rosewater has sought to build himself up at the expense of the exposition, using tens of thousands of the exposition's money to primarily give publicity to Rosewater's greatness and prominence to Rosewater's paper, allowing the exposition to incidentally receive occasional notice, but the great grievance is that Rosewater has now turned the columns of his paper to the active injury of the exposition by trying to keep visitors away from Omaha during the exposition period.
The matter is the subject of discussion whenever directors meet each other, and is generally the topic of animated reference on the streets and on the exposition grounds. The feeling is more general and more intense than has been manifested in connection with any other feature since the starting of the exposition enterprise, and the resentment it has engendered is expressed in vigorous language.
The state press has taken hold of the matter and demands that something be done to stop the circulation of baseless fabrications that menace the success of the exposition and the reputation of the state. A sample of the feeling that is being manifested is the following editorial paragraph from the Plattsmouth Journal:
"With the persistent efforts of the Bee to convey the impression that everyone who attends the exposition is sure to be slugged, robbed, confidenced, buncoed or murdered, it is not likely that many people will be lured into Omaha from Nebraska and Iowa."
While it can hardly be said that Rosewater's action was a surprise to many people in Omaha who remember the "blood-flows-in-Omaha" dispatches that were sent all over the country from the Bee office during the fire and police controversy a few years ago, it is nevertheless true that Rosewater's open sandbagging of the exposition through repeated assertions that no one would come to Omaha this summer for fear of being robbed of all his worldly possessions or murdered in his bed was a stunner in some quarters and made people doubt their senses. But it did not take long to catch their breath, and the way they are expressing their opinion of a department of publicity and promotion that puts in its heavy work trying to give the city a black eye and keep people away from the exposition shows the feeling on the subject.
There has been a growing belief for months that the exposition was not receiving as much attention in the outside world as it deserved. But people have hesitated to give expression to their belief that was becoming a conviction. Omahans who had occasion to visit other states returned with stories that people had not heard of the exposition or were at best lamentably short of information as to its size, character and attractiveness. Visitors coming here from other points were invariably amazed to find what met their eyes at the exposition grounds, and every circumstance added weight to the feeling of dissatisfaction with the expensive publicity branch.
Then came the action of the manager of the department in clubbing the executive committee into giving him $3,200 of the exposition's money for an exposition writeup in his own paper, and close on its heels came the explosion of the publishers of the outside press. Up to this time they had confined their feelings of antagonism to the publicity department to the simple act of casting a large part of the copy sent out by the department into the waste basket, but when this piece of jobbery came to their attention a roar went up that smote heavily on the ears of the management. The board of directors felt impelled to take action in the interest of the exposition, and a resolution was passed instructing the executive committee that there must be no repetition of that procedure.
But the state press was sore, and insisted that it would decline to be "played for a lot of suckers" any longer. The editors put their feet down hard, and what little advertising the publicity department had been able to secure in this section came to an end.
In the meantime the eastern metropolitan press had begun to find fault. They complained that they could get nothing of a satisfactory nature regarding the exposition. They grew tired of being offered cuts of Edward Rosewater in various poses and sizes when they sent to the publicity department for illustrations of the exposition, and their readers refused to accept in good faith a history of Rosewater's political fights as a detailed description of the features of the big show that was being prepared west of the Mississippi.
Unable to secure anything of the kind they desired, a number of the papers sent their representatives here in person to see what was going on, and to advise definitely as to whether an exposition of the resources of twenty-four states and territories was really being prepared or whether Rosewater was simply building an addition to the Bee building.
Even then the publicity department refused to give the exposition an even break for its money, and the newspaper representatives were compelled to get their information from other sources. Scarcely three weeks ago the Chicago Chronicle sent a member of its staff here to get an exposition story, and after vainly trying to secure a history of the exposition enterprise at the publicity department he encountered a World-Herald representative and demanded to know whether he could be furnished with some real information regarding the exposition or would have to go home without it. He said he had been offered cuts of Rosewater, and sketches of Rosewater, and cuts of the Bee building, and a ready-print interview with Rosewater, but he stated that he wanted something interesting about the exposition and had been unable to get it.
President Wattles was called up by 'phone and the situation was stated to him. He declared that the visiting newspaper man must be furnished with what he wanted and undertook to see to the matter personally. The result was a page illustrated story of the exposition in the Sunday Chronicle, and it was secured through the efforts of the president of the exposition after the visiting correspondent had left the publicity department in disgust.
Almost without exception the representatives of the press who had occasion to come here found it necessary to make a kick about the publicity feature of the exposition before their departure. With some it was the character of the matter furnished, and with others simply a protest against being compelled to listen to an account of Rosewater's achievements by Rosewater himself before they could receive a pass to the grounds. In order to remedy this objectionable feature, the executive committee tried to move the department to the grounds, but Rosewater would not consent to it.
The exposition directors refused to appoint Rosewater's man as director general and then came the open assault on the exposition. The city police department had been a long-standing cause of annoyance to Rosewater, and he combined the two grievances. The outside world was told that robbery and crime held high carnival in Omaha, and the information was conveyed that no one could come to the exposition and get out of the city with his hair on. The gauntlet was flung in the face of the exposition management, and notice indirectly served that the management must lie down to Rosewater, give him his way regarding the conduct of affairs and join forces with him in trying to bring about the retirement of a police management that was obnoxious to him or take the consequences in the shape of an onslaught on the exposition that might make it a failure.
An incident that seemed to have also influenced Rosewater in entering upon a campaign of active warfare was the fact that he was omitted from the list of speakers on the opening day of the exposition. In the story of the exposition presented, by the Bee on the opening day a great deal of space was devoted to setting forth the idea that it was Rosewater's show and that he was practically the one person who made it what it is. After thus advertising his prominence in connection with the exposition, he deeply felt the chagrin of being omitted from the opening program, and declined to go to the grounds on that day, sulking under cover and having his paper state that he was prostrated by overwork on the exposition when the bands were playing, the long parade marching, and the speakers of prominence exchanging felicitations over the wonderful accomplishment.
An opportunity still remained, as Nebraska day was coming, but when the program was announced and he found his name missing, he began the assault on the exposition, advising republicans to stay away from the exposition on Nebraska day on the ground that the exercises were to be a "popocratic demonstration." Then began the fusilade all along the line, and the beginning of a systematic effort to keep every one away. It was another attempt to work the same scheme that was tried successfully last fall. At that time the Bee kept reiterating that the exposition bonds would not carry unless Geraldine was removed. Bogus sentiment was manufactured and Geraldine resigned. Now the statement is made that no one will come to the exposition unless police matters are rearranged to Rosewater's satisfaction, and still another demand is being kept cool in the editorial ice box. It demands the control of the director general and the patronage of the big show, and after that the appointment of a new comptroller and the control of the finances. These demands have all been outlined to the board by Rosewater, but he is not pressing them all at once.
It must not be supposed that simply because the work of the publicity department has been ineffective and unsatisfactory Rosewater has not been busy, for it has been the continuous complaint of the managers of the other departments that he has put in his time interfering in their work and stirring up all kinds of trouble.
The case of the Chicago Chronicle, above cited, is but one of a score that show that there is no good reason for the lamentable fact that the papers of the country are not devoting much space to the exposition. It does not require urging to get them to print exposition matter at this stage, for they are clamoring for the news. So badly do they want good exposition matter that they are paying for it by the column, and one of the big eastern magazines paid $30 into the exposition treasury through the architects-in-chief for matter and illustrations, when Rosewater was holding the exposition up for $3,200 for printed matter and illustrations in his own paper.
The latest case in point is that of the Winnipeg News, a paper with a circulation of about 15,000, from which the following letter was received yesterday:
"Winnipeg, June 6, 1898.—News Editor World-Herald—Dear Sir: Would it be possible for us to secure from the exposition people free use of cuts of buildings and grounds for a page article on the exposition? We would gladly give the space in our morning or evening edition. Kindly hand to the proper party and oblige. Respectfully yours,
"News Editor The News."
The letter will be placed in the hands of the exposition management.
One of the directors who had been quietly investigating the matter for some time remarked yesterday, as a result of his observations: "The papers of the country are fairly crying for accurate and newsy information about the exposition, notwithstanding the demands made on their space by war news. They are not getting it, and our failure to get advertised is our fault and not theirs. Our publicity and promotion department seems interested only in securing the publishing of pictures and puffs of the head of the department, while Rosewater's idea of promotion is to advise people to stay away from the exposition."
"It may be," he concluded sarcastically, "that it don't make any difference whether we have our exposition now or at some time in the future. We ought to have a show here at any time that would discount anything in the country, for a community that will submit to a thing of this kind ought to rank as the biggest curiosity on earth."
FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1898.
For more than a year the exposition directors and the people who were anxious for the success of the great enterprise have been compelled to submit to the most ridiculous exhibition of pure cussedness that it is possible for any one man to make. At every turn of the hard road which it was necessary for this great enterprise to take in its march to success the people whose sole anxiety was to accomplish a great achievement for the west have been hindered by the insufferable egotism and embarrassed by the malicious fabrications of one man who desired to reign supreme and was willing to ruin where he could not rule. The history of the exposition is full of large personal sacrifices and the display of great public spirit on the part of the business men of Omaha. But thoroughly attached to that history is a most remarkable record of one man's persistent and absurd assault upon every man and every official that did not happen to be to his liking.
At every directory meeting held during the last year a large portion of the time has been devoted to the complaints and quarrels of Rosewater. Although being honored, far beyond his deserts, by being placed on the executive committee that man has devoted his energies to making trouble for every other department while ignoring in a large measure the best interests of his own department. He has disregarded the usual courtesies and consideration due from one gentleman to another engaged in the same public work and has heaped insult and abuse upon his colleagues on the executive committee. He has traduced good citizens whose services were drafted in the work of special committees and has questioned the integrity of the men who, without hope of remuneration, were working to make the exposition a success. Every contribution that could possibly be made to disorder in exposition affairs Rosewater has freely contributed from his boundless stock of the germs of strife. For more than a year Rosewater's colleagues on the executive committee have patiently borne his insults and his abuse. Doubtless they submitted believing patient submission to be to the interest of the great enterprise on which their hearts were set. Certainly they submitted where many other men would have revolted, submitted to insults which other men would have resented, tolerated abuse against which other men would have risen in mighty wrath. Their submission was perhaps patriotic but it was unnatural. The course they adopted was and is their own affair and if we commend their devotion to what they consider to be the public interest, we must also give due consideration to their display of a patience that passeth all understanding.
But now that the exposition gates have been opened to the world, now that we are inviting the people of the earth to come and view the results made possible by the toll and sacrifice of Omaha people, those who have exposition's interest at heart had a right to hope that the community would enjoy a rest from the Rosewater midway. They had a right to hope that a man who holds a prominent place in the exposition management would cease his damnable efforts to overturn all the work accomplished by the sacrifice and toil of Omaha men. But after spending the greater part of the past year in denouncing his associates on the committee, after injecting his interesting, although not material, personality into every feature of exposition work, after neglecting his own department in order to create trouble in other departments, Rosewater has adopted a systematic course, which, if it has any effect, can accomplish nothing more nor less than serious disadvantage to the exposition. Because of his hatred for the gentleman who occupies the position of chief of police Rosewater has advertised Omaha as a place infested with thieves, and has warned the public that the police of this city are both unwilling to give protection and incapable of handling the crooks. Because he was not given a place on the program for Nebraska day Rosewater has warned the republicans of the state that that day was to be simply a "popocratic demonstration." While the railroads and others interested in the exposition have been working to make "Nebraska day" a success this man, who ought to be co-operating in this good effort, has been doing all in his power to make that occasion a dismal failure.
The time has arrived when the people of this city must take firm hold of this situation. Omaha people must not rest secure in the belief that the Rosewater methods are too well known for those gross libels to be effective. They will be effective upon people who do not know the man and they will be far-reaching when they are copied, as they are now being copied, into the newspapers of the country.
It is perhaps too late to induce Rosewater's department to advertise the exposition. It is not, however, too late to insist that Rosewater shall cease in his libels against this city and in his assaults upon the material interests of the exposition. It is not too late to demand that the libeler of Omaha shall either cease his monstrous assaults against the good name of this city or retire from his place in the exposition management. It is not too late for the people of this city to offset the bad effects of these libels by an assurance of the fact that there does not exist a more orderly city than Omaha and that exposition visitors may depend upon entire security from rogues.
Exposition Board of Directors Thinks His Department Needs Prodding.
Little Editor Resists All Interference and Declares That War Engrosses Public Attention.
The Majority, However, Still of the Opinion That the Big Show Has Not Been Properly Advertised.
The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the exposition was held yesterday afternoon in the Administration building and was principally devoted to a discussion of lack of advertising from which the exposition is suffering.
The matter was brought up by Herman Kountze, who stated that he had been informed that the exposition was not known in the surrounding states as it should be and detailed a conversation with a promiment citizen of Denver, who had told him that the papers there were not devoting space to the matter, and that the enterprise was not known to that people there sufficiently well to interest them and cause them to talk about it. Mr. Kountze said this was a serious matter and that the welfare of the exposition demanded that steps be taken to remedy such a vital defect. He said he did not want to criticise Mr. Rosewater, who had possibly done all he could, but he suggested that he would have liked to have some light on the subject to see if the condition could not be improved.
This brought Mr. Rosewater to his feet and he immediately manifested unmistakable symptoms of acute gastritis. He said that his work had not accomplished as much as it ought to have done because he had been interfered with. He said that a backfire had been started to annoy him and embarrass the operations of his department, and that the country press had been incited to rebellion against him.
The hostility of the country press seemed to revive a number of unpleasant memories, for after winking with much force and frequency for a fraction of a minute, Mr. Rosewater proceeded to rip the country editors up the back. He said their opposition was due to the fact that somebody else had induced them to oppose him and the work he was doing, and that they would have been handled without any trouble if he had been let alone. But he said their opposition did not amount to much, anyway, and he was ready to venture the assertion that the editors who objected to his method of conducting affairs and who refused to print the matter that he sent them would all be found in the class which would sell the passes sent them, and that somebody else would be found coming into the exposition grounds later on with those passes.
Mr. Rosewater started to say something about "sandbagging," but he seemed to suddenly arrive at the conclusion that this subject was one that had better be left along with the directors in their very evident frame of mind, and he did not finish the sentence, but switched off on something else. He told the board of the great things the expected to accomplish in the near future, and clinched it with the assertion that Harper's was going to print a page of matter about the exposition in the near sometime. The directors were convinced of the truth of the statement, because is was a corroboration, word for word, of what they had heard several times previously from the same source.
Mr. Rosewater noticed that the directors seemed to feel more kindly disposed toward what he proposed to do than toward what he had done, and he devoted the remainder of his remarks to distracting their attention from the real subject under discussion. He discoursed on the war as a news feature and said it was a monopolizing topic to the exclusion of other matter. He was sure that nobody could get matter in the press of the country under such circumstances, and then proceeded to tell how papers were sending their correspondents here to get news about the exposition, and how the woods would be full of exposition advertising before very long.
John L. Webster took the floor to advocate more extensive advertising of the exposition. He said he had been told by at least twenty men from different cities and states that the exposition was not known to the outside public. Further than this, every man who came here and visited the grounds was amazed at what he saw, and talked as if he had made an undreamed-of discovery. This showed conclusively that the people had no adequate idea of what was to be found here, and they only found it by practically stumbling on it in the dark.
Mr. Webster disclaimed any intention of passing strictures on Mr. Rosewater's work, but he felt that the exposition was deserving of more extensive publicity than it has received. If Mr. Rosewater had exhausted his resources it was necessary that something further be done, and it might be desirable for another means to be employed to supplement what had already been attempted. The speaker favored getting out a large amount of pictorial posters and having them conspicuously placed wherever it was possible to have it done.
John C. Wharton thought the exposition was the best advertised affair that ever came before the people. He said he had been told so and he believed it, for he had seen a whole lot of printed matter about it.
George H. Payne favored greater publicity than the exposition has yet received. He said his company has sent out 1,000 copies of everything Mr. Rosewater had issued,but he knew that the field was not covered, and he wanted steps taken that would bring people here from the extreme east. He was satisfied that the easterners did not know much about the exposition, and he was also satisfied that the attendance that must be secured to make the exposition the success anticipated in developing the west could not be brought from within a few hundred of miles of Omaha.
Thomas Kilpatrick said he knew the exposition was not well advertised outside. He had been to Cleveland, and he was much surprised that comparatively nothing was known of the affair. He was disposed to accept the statement of Mr. Rosewater, explaining the war as a reason for his failure to secure more extensive publicity, but said that it was necessary to do something to improve the condition. He was in favor of getting the Omaha papers to devote a certain portion of their front pages to the subject, so that people could tell just where to look for it, and offered a motion to that effect.
Several members were opposed to repeating the mistake that had already been proven costly, by the attitude of the country press with reference to the action in voting Mr. Rosewater's paper $3,200, when others were asked to work for nothing, and Mr. Kilpatrick withdrew his motion.
Mr. Rosewater again dilated on what he hoped to do if allowed to go ahead with his advertising, and said he would spend all the money the board was willing to spare. He said he had already ordered a lot of stuff that he couldn't pay for until more money was placed at his disposal.
No formal action was taken on the matter, but it was understood after the polite prodding was over that the department of publicity would immediately endeavor to get some real advertising matter before the public.
Fred Youngs brought up the matter of reduced evening rates and moved that the admission be fixed at 25 cents after 7 p. m. for a period of thirty days as an experiment.
Fred Youngs brought up the matter of reduced evening rates and moved that the admission be fixed at 25 cents after 7 p. m. for a period of thirty days as an experiment.
Mr. Babcock assured the board that arrangements were being made by the executive committee that he was sure would be satisfactory as to special rates, and the motion was withdrawn.
Mr. Rosewater then brought up the lagoon matter and moved that the executive committee be authorized to employ a competent hydraulic engineer to devise plans for fixing the lagoon so that it would stay fixed and not cave in again during the equinoxal storms in September, when the big crowds are on hand. He said he brought the matter before the big board because Mr. Kirkendall seemed to think it was a slap at his department when he (Rosewater) wanted a special meeting of the executive committee to act on it. He said that the work had been done hit or miss without any engineering supervision.
"That's where you are off your base, Mr. Rosewater," said Mr. Kirkendall.
"Yes, I'm always off my base on everything about the exposition," said Mr. Rosewater petulantly, looking around for somebody to deny the proposition. But for once the entire board was unanimously in accord with Mr. Rosewater and no one disputed his assertion.
It was agreed that it was necessary that the repair work be pushed at once and that it be put in permanent order. The question was asked whether or not the damage was at the same point where it had been repaired by Superintendent Foster. Mr. Rosewater said it made no different whether it was the same or not, and hurried away from the point of dangerous controversy. He said he had consulted his brother, the city engineer, about the situation, but could get no advice unless the engineer was retained as consulting expert. For this reason he wanted the board given authority to employ either the city engineer or the water works engineer, or some other capable specialist.
The authority was granted and the board adjourned for two weeks, to meet at 8 o'clock in the evening.
Concessionaires Resume After the Washout of Thursday.
The disastrous effects of the rain and wind storm Thursday were noticeable on the Midway all day yesterday, but in the afternoon business was generally resumed. Many of the concessionaires were busy replacing furniture, carpets and decorations that were moved during the storm. The attendance was above the average thus far. A considerable sprinkling of visitors were hunting attractions in the forenoon, but very few opened until the afternoon.
Everybody is getting ready for Nebraska day, June 14, and all the concessionaires expect to see the Midway thronged from morning until the closing hour. The announcement that there will be fireworks on the night of the 14th was received with great pleasure by the Midway people, who know from past experience that fireworks attract people who would not otherwise visit the grounds. After the display of fireworks the crowd throngs the Midway and every attraction has plenty of patrons.
The Chinese village will be opened Sunday, and the management states that a very unique and original show will be put on.
Work has progressed rapidly on the German village and it will open Monday or Tuesday.
There are twenty-five baby animals at Hagenbeck's. Twelve baby lions, eleven baby opossums, three baby monkeys, two baby bears and one baby elk.
Improvements are being made on the front of the wargraph. Mr. Bayless is pleased with the amount of patronage, considering the very bad weather.
Mr. Bernhardt, a composer of considerable reputation, was on the Midway yesterday. Prof. Bernhardt won the gold medal at the exposition for his Centennial Prize March. He has charge of Kersher's piano exhibit, which will be placed in the Manufactures building, provided the space can be secured.
Fifty negro singers from the Old Plantation gave a free street parade and concert yesterday afternoon and many visitors were delighted.
East Midway was a very popular resort yesterday afternoon. The crowd increased about 6 o'clock and enjoyed the Marine band concert.
The spieler at the Moorish Palace has the advantage of most of the other boys, as his show is "never out and never over—it goes on all the time."
Streets of Cairo Closed by Order of the Management.
The Streets of Cairo are in the hands of the exposition company this morning.
Last evening about 9 o'clock Major Llewellyn, commandant of the guard force, received an order from Chief of Concessions Reed, stating that the contract with the Streets of Cairo concession had been cancelled and directing him to take possession of the property. Major Llewellen exhibited his authority to Manager O'Brien, who accepted the situation as gracefully as possible, and the performance was declared off.
The news that the streets had been closed spread rapidly and the concessionaires along the line who heard of it discussed it in all its phases.
Mr. O'Brien was asked by a World-Herald reporter for a statement regarding the difficulty, but he had but little to say on the subject. He expressed the opinion that there has been a great deal of persecution heaped on the management of the streets, but [?]
He stated that he had endeavored to comply with the contract and that if it had been violated in any way it was unintentional on his part. Only yesterday afternoon he called the dancing girls all together and informed them that the muscle dance would have to be dispensed with and that any girl who gave it on the stage again would be discharged. Since that time, he says, the notorious dance has not been repeated.
The Cairo people are sore at the action of the exposition management in the matter and they propose to fight the matter to a finish. From what could be gathered here and there it is probable that the case will speedily find its way into court and it is possible that Judge Scott will find the opportunity that he said he longed for—to run an oriental village and eliminate the dance du ventre.
Music at the Exposition.
The piano recital tendered by Mrs. Hadden-Alexander of New York to the ladies of the bureau of entertainment of the exposition yesterday afternoon was the occasion for a pleasant union of most of the officials of the exposition and those in divers capacities prominently connected with it.
The musical was connected with a reception on the part of the bureau. Mrs. Clement Chase, the president, was assisted by the vice president, Mrs. H. T. Clark, Mrs. Alexander and most of the members of the executive committee of the bureau. Mrs. Kirkendall and Mrs. Redick were at the punch bowl. Strawberry ices and other dainty refreshments were served.
There was much pleasant comment about the appearance of the rooms, which occupy the whole east half of the north gallery of the Mines and Mining building. A number of inviting apartments are canopied with white bunting, and the floors are covered with matting and rugs. The rooms open out on to a broad balcony ornamented with potted flowers and plants, where it is expected many a wearied guest will have a delightful rest.
Exhilarating at the Pavilion—Entrancing at Auditorium.
The Marine band concert last evening was of a more delicate nature, as a whole, than the previous one, there being several dainty numbers, if such an adjective may be applied to the music of a band. The "Comic Tattoo," which has become a favorite since the band has been here, was repeated, as was also Santelman's "Voice of Our Nation." The scene at the close of this production is at all times impressive. The band rises with the first note of the "Star Spangled Banner," and with them rise the audience. And some hats go off also.
It would be difficult to imagine sweeter music than the Thomas orchestra gave last night. One sat entranced, wondering that such a multitude of sweet sounds could be produced in continuous succession. There was the ballet music from "Sylvia," and the waltz movement from "Serenade No. 2," by Volkman, with its sounds of whistling winds with all the shrillness taken away, and most delicately modulated tones added. There was the march from the "Symphony Louise," by Raff, the "Dance of the Sylphs," selections from Strauss, Weber, Goillet and Goldmark, each touching the soul in a different way, and yet all perfect and exciting one as does sweet wine.
Bee of June 11 will be found 3 pages in advance.
Many Visitors Coming—Swedish Music and Oratory.
For the Swedish people of the state and the northwest generally, June 16, will be a day long to be remembered. That will be "Swedish day" at the exposition. Those arranging the program say they expect many visitors from out of town that day. Many will come before the 16th and remain in the city several days.
At the exposition the music will all be the airs and songs of that nation, and other special features will be planned. It is the purpose of those managing the affair to have the event creditable to the Swedish people and something that Omaha and the exposition management will be proud of.
There will be some speaking at the exposition by prominent Swedish orators.
For the Children's Days.
The program for the children's days, next Monday and Wednesday, will probably be announced today. Chairman Lindsey states that all schools, parochial, sectarian as well as public, are invited, though some may fail to receive written invitations. The teachers must have cards to distribute to the children to entitle them to the reduced rate, 10 cents, and if these cards are not soon received application should be made to Mr. Lindsey.
Monday will be the day for all children in and below the seventh grade, and Wednesday for all above. The children while in the grounds will be under the care of their teachers.
Half Holiday for Lumbermen.
The various lumber dealers of Omaha have signed an agreement to dismiss their employes every Saturday afternoon to permit them to visit the exposition in the afternoon and evening.
JUNE 12, 1898.
One Cent Per Mile for Those Who Come Nebraska Day.
The Department of Transportation announces that special rates have been made by the lines in the Central Passenger association of one fare, plus $4, from all points in the territory of the association east of Chicago to and including Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Erie, Pittsburg, Parkersburg and Charleston, W. Va. These tickets will be on sale June 18 to 21 and will be good returning until July 8. In addition to the foregoing a rate of one and one-third fare has been made from New York City and points west of the Hudson river to the eastern terminals of the Central Passenger association.
For Nebraska day a special rate of 1 cent per mile has been made, to apply from Nebraska points in the same way as on the opening day of the exposition, including points within a radius of 150 miles from Omaha in both Iowa and Nebraska. These tickets will be on sale June 13 and will be good returning on June 15.
For Illinois day a flat rate of one fare for the round trip has been made from all points in Illinois, tickets going on sale June 20 and being good for return passage until June 24. It is expected by the department that a rate of 1 cent per mile will be made from all Iowa points.
Annual Convention to Be Held in Omaha This Week.
The National Association of Railway Postal Clerks will hold its annual convention in Omaha June 13-16. The business meetings will be held in the court room of the old federal buildings and will occupy most of the first two days of the convention. At 10 a. m. on June 14 Mayor Moores will open the convention with an address of welcome and will be followed by Dr. G. L. Miller, who will address the mail clerks on behalf of the citizens of Omaha. C. L. Shaffer, president of the association, will respond to Dr. Miller's address and the regular order of business will then be carried out.
On the night of June 15 a banquet will be tendered the visitors at the Dellone hotel and on June 16 the entire party will attend the exposition. About fifty accredited delegates are to attend the convention and this number will be greatly swelled by the mail clerks who are not delegates and women who will accompany the party.
The chief matter which is to be considered by the mail clerks is the organization of a mail clerks' mutual accident insurance company.
Habeas Corpus Proceedings Brought by Wah Lee of Lincoln.
Complainant Alleges that Maidens from the Land of the Poppy Have Been Brought Here to Be Sold as Slaves.
Until next Monday, at least, Sheriff McDonald will be the custodian of three Chinese maidens, each of whom has seen 16 summers. The three girls are Lun Kim, Lun Yuk and Lun Ten, who are detained upon habeas corpus proceedings brought by Wah Lee, a laundryman of Lincoln.
Wah Lee came up from Lincoln yesterday and immediately hunted up Edson Rich, to whom he told his tale of woe. He said there were some forty or fifty Chinese girls in this city, brought here by the Chinese village companies that are operating at the exposition. He further added that the girls were brought here ostensibly for the purpose of operating villages where native life in China would be portrayed in all its simplicity, but that as a matter of fact, the girls were secured for immoral purposes. These girls, he contended, were confined against their will in a building at Thirteenth and Chicago streets and were under the immediate control of Lem You. In his petition, Mr. Lee alleged that instead of locating the girls at the exposition grounds it was the purpose to sell them at the rate of $1,500, delivered in San Francisco, and that seven had already been so disposed of. Upon this showing being made, the writ went out, returnable before Judge Scott at 2 o'clock. At that hour the three girls and a number of other persons from the Chinese quarter appeared in court, but owing to the fact that there was no disinterested person present who could act as an interpreter, the case went over until next Monday morning, the three Miss Luns in the meantime being turned over the Sheriff McDonald for safe keeping.
Don't Know Court Rules.
It was apparent that the Chinese girls did not understand the rules and regulations of an American court, as all of the time during the proceedings they kept up a chattering, winking and smiling at the judge when he intimated that they should keep still.
The complaining witness in the case insisted that he knew what he did when he made the affidavit for the writ of habeas corpus. He said that the girls were imported by one of the big Chinese companies of San Francisco and that it was never the intention to return them to their native land. He said that bringing them here was a scheme to evade the United State laws and continue the traffic in selling Chinese girls.
H. Sling, the foreign agent for the United Pacific Railroad company, and who has an interest in the Chines concession at the exposition, said that all of the allegations made in the affidavit by Wah Lee were absolutely false. He said that the girls had not been brought to America for immoral purposes. They were willing to come, were all registered with the United States authorities, and the company bringing them had given bonds for their return to China at the close of the exposition.
Management Restrained from Interfering with Streets of Cairo.
The row between the Streets of Cairo and the Streets of All Nations has taken another legal turn. This time it involves the officers of the exposition, who are restrained from interfering with the conduct of the Streets of Cairo. The new complications were brought about Friday night when an officer of the Department of Concessions instructed two of the exposition guards to visit the Streets of Cairo and close the gates, he at the same time declaring that the contract with the concessionaire was canceled and forfeited. At the time of this action, the performances in the Streets of Cairo were in progress, the street parade being on. The manager, Henry O'Brien, complied with the demands of the guards and the streets were closed during the balance of the night and during nearly all of the yesterday. Last evening, however, Mr. O'Brien and his attorney, T. J. Mahoney, appeared before Judge Scott and upon making their showing, secured the temporary restraining order. Arguments upon the application to make the order permanent will be heard next Wednesday morning.
Before Judge Scott granted the restraining order asked for by Manager O'Brien, the latter assured the court that the muscle dance had been tabooed in the Streets of Cairo and that an order had gone out, informing the girls that any and all persons found dancing it would be at once discharged[?]
Fireworks for Nebraska Day.
A special display of fireworks is being arranged for Nebraska day and a number of elaborate pieces are being prepared, including portraits of noted people, comical pieces, etc.
In addition to the features already announced for Nebraska day there will be an address by President Wattles, accepting from Governor Holcomb, on behalf of the exposition management, the Nebraska building, and an original poem by Mrs. J. L. McKeever of Stromsburg will be read during the formal exercises.
Nature Gives the Great Exposition One More Bright Glance.
Beauties of the Scene Made More Lovely Under the Radiance.
Luxuriant Growth of a Week Marks the Shrubbery and Flowers.
Fair Now in Its Most Attractive Condition and to Its Other Features is Added the Finest of Music.
The second exposition Sunday brings a promise of fair sky and bright sunshine and finds the grounds and buildings in their most attractive array. The landscapes have flourished even more luxuriantly after the steady moisture of the week and the shrubbery and flowers have acquired brighter tints and more luxuriant foliage. The details of preparation in the various buildings that were still incomplete a week ago have so nearly approached completion that their attractions have multiplied, and there is nothing lacking to instruct and entertain the big crowd that is expected to spend the afternoon and evening on the grounds. The gates will open at 1 o'clock, and from then until they close at night there will be no lack of entertainment. Aside from the pleasure of spending a bright summer afternoon in the midst of so much architectural and scenic beauty, there will be three concerts by the two most noted musical organizations of the United States, any one of which will amply reward a visit to the grounds. The Marine band will play at 2:30 in the afternoon and again in the evening, and at 4 o'clock the Thomas orchestra will give a carefully selected program in the Auditorium. No intoxicants will be permitted on the grounds and no feature that could offend the most rigid Sabbatarian will be apparent. The sunshine of yesterday afternoon thoroughly dried the grounds and the wide avenues and promenades are as hard and smooth as macadam. Unless there should be another change in the elemental conditions the exposition will be in its most attractive dress and worthy of the interest of every public spirited citizen.
Even yesterday the result of the previous storms was hardly apparent. The bulging sides of the lagoon had been restored except for a short distance at the east end and inspired by the promise of good weather the people came out to swell the attendance far beyond its usual proportions. The aisles of the buildings were more generally occupied by sightseers than on any day since the exposition opened and the concerts in the afternoon and evening were given before exceptionally large audiences.
The exposition officials are making extensive preparations for Nebraska day, which is expected to bring the first really big crowd of the exposition. The liberal rates that have been made by all the railroads and the general interest in the enterprise throughout the state are depended on to make the occasion a memorable one in exposition history and all the superintendents of departments are making a prodigious effort to have their exhibits fully perfected by Tuesday morning. Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation has received a telegram which assures the management that the rate of 1 cent a mile that was in force on opening day from Nebraska points will be made for this occasion and a similar rate will rule from Iowa points within 150 miles of Omaha. From points in Nebraska outside the 1 cent rate limit the rate will be one fare flat for the round trip. Tickets will be sold June 13 and 14 and will be good for the return trip up to June 20.
Biggest Crowd Since Opening Day Takes in the Sights.
Last night the exposition grounds were tenanted by the biggest crowd that has been in evidence since the opening day. It was big enough to indicate that the people are beginning to realize what a pleasant evening can be spent listening to the music of the band and watching the magnificent illumination that grows more beautiful the longer the eyes behold it. The Marine band played to an audience that filled every seat on the Grand Plaza and a large portion of the standing room and gave such vorciferous approbation of every number that the program was extended by an unprecedented number of encores and extras. The musicians in turned seemed to appreciate the favor of the crowd and altogether the program was one of the most enjoyable that has been heard on the grounds. It was introduced by Sousa's march, "Rifle Regiment," and then the pretty overture from "Mignon" caught the fancy of the crowd. Some selections from Rubenstein's "Bal Costume" and a waltz by Chopin followed and then a very meritorious cornet solo, by Mr. L. M. Larson. A selection from Lohengrin was received with equal favor and then followed Sousa's arrangement of "Marching Thro' Georgia," "Suwanee River," "Star Spangled Banner" and a number of other selections that elicited the most enthusiastic encores. The band held the crowd until nearly 10 o'clock and the musicians received a final handclapping in farewell as they declined to play all night, as their audience apparently required.
In spite of the big crowd on the Plaza the other parts of the ground were far from deserted. There were people everywhere and the Midway exhibits its attractions to more people than are usually expected during the opening days of an exposition.
Concert by the Thomas Orchestra Captivates the Audience.
The fact that Omaha audiences are growing more appreciative of good music since they have an unlimited opportunity to gratify their taste was evident at the Thomas orchestra concert in the Auditorium yesterday afternoon. The big building was well filled with an audience that indulged in a degree of enthusiasm seldom witnessed in Omaha, and the unanimity with which it encored nearly every number was a well merited tribute to one of the most enjoyable concerts of the week. The overture, "The Merry Wives of Windsor," by Nicolai, was warmly applauded, but the artistic rendition of the allegretto from Beethoven's symphony, No. 8, which followed, first brought the audience really into touch with the musicians. This was encored until the last movement was repeated, and even then the listeners were unwilling to be satisfied. "The Trumpeter's Farewell," with the trumpet solo by Charles Rodenkirchen, brought another encore, and then the enthusiasm of the audience reached its highest pitch with the masterly interpretation of Schubert's beautiful "Serenade."
The last note of the finale was followed by a tempest of handclappings which would not cease until after the entire selection had been played a second time. The remaining numbers were greeted with equal appreciation. They consisted of a serenade by Moszkowsky, "Swedish Wedding March," by Soedermann; the solo, "Oh, Thou Sublime, Sweet Evening Star," from Tannhauser; the intermezzo, from "Cavalleria Rusticana," and a concluding waltz, "Wine, Women and Song," by Strauss. The trombone solo in the Tannhauser number was very well rendered by O. Gebhardt.
Fully two-thirds of the people who visit the exposition grounds and throng the east and west midways never visit the Transportation, Apiary nor Diarybuildings from the fact that they are nearly hidden from view and visitors are under the impression they have seen it all.
Montgomery Ward & Co. are showing magniscope pictures at their building on the bluff tract. Yesterday a continual swarm of visitors were streaming in and out of their building and they gave every indication of being highly pleased with the entertainment. The entertainment is free and the exhibit is a marvel of beauty.
The principal feature of the concert at the Auditorium tomorrow night will be the singing the "Daughter of Jairus" by the exposition chorus. The solo parts will be sung by Mrs. Sophia Markee, soprano; Holmes Cowper, tenor, and Edward Kuss, basso. The accompaniment will be furnished by the Thomas orchestra. Owing to the large additional expense sustained by the exposition management in presenting this portion of the program, a charge of 25 cents will be made for admission.
Formal Exercises to Be Observed by the Two Great States.
Nebraska leads the van of the state days and Illinois comes second. Both state commissions have prepared their formal programs for the occasions and have arranged in detail for the proper observation of events so momentous in exposition history. The program for the dedication of the Nebraska building at 11:30 a. m., Tuesday, June 14, is as follows:
Music | Band |
Invocation | Chancellor MacLean |
Formal Dedication of the Building to the State for Exposition Purposes | Judge Neville |
Response | Governor Holcomb |
Music | Glee Club |
Remarks | W. J. Bryan |
Music | |
Address | W. F. Gurley |
Music | |
Address | C. J. Smyth |
The public exercises will be followed by a banquet to invited guests. The "Lady Cadets" of North Platte will give an exhibition drill in the afternoon and evening in the assembly room of the Nebraska building. They challenge the world and especially the Spanish army. Ex-governors of the state will be invited to be present.
A rate of 1 cent a mile has been made up all roads entering Omaha, covering points up to 150 miles from Omaha. Beyond this the fare will be one fare for the round trip. This includes Iowa as well as Nebraska.
For the Illinois Dedication.
For Illinois day a rate of one fare for the round trip has been granted by the railroads from all Illinois points to Omaha, good to arrive in Omaha June 21. The tickets are good for return until June 24, allowing purchasers four days to inspect the exhibits and grounds of the exposition. June 21 is the day agreed upon for the dedication of the magnificent Illinois state building. On the morning of that day the structure will be formally handed over by Illinois officials to the officials of the exposition. The program for the dedication exercises, which will be held in the Auditorium building at 11:30 a. m., is as follows:
Music by the Band | |
Prayer | |
Brief Outline of the Work of the Illinois Commission | Hon. William H. Harper, Chairman Executive Committee |
Address—Presentation of Illinois Building to the State | Colonel Clark E. Carr, President Illinois Commission |
Address—Acceptance on Behalf of the State, and in Turn Tendering Same to the Officials of the Exposition | Hon. John R. Tanner, Governor of Illinois |
Music—Illinois | Male Quartet from Apollo Musical Club |
Address of Acceptance | Hon. Gurdon W. Wattles, President of the Exposition |
Address | Senator S. M. Cullom or Senator W. E. Mason |
Music | |
A public reception will be given at the Illinois building at 4 o'clock p. m. to Governor and Mrs. John R. Tanner and other distinguished guests.
In the evening an informal banquet to the visiting Illinois officials and others will be tendered by the citizens of Omaha Commercial club. Invitations have been sent to the governor of Illinois and his staff, the Illinois exposition commissioners and the governor of Nebraska and his staff. Toasts will be responded to by Governor Tanner, Hon. Clark E. Carr (chairman of the Illinois exposition commission), Hon. W. H. Harper (chairman of the executive committee), Hon. Henry D. Estabrook, Senator William E. Mason, Senator Shelby M. Cullom, for Illinois, and by Governor Holcomb, William J. Bryan, President G. W. Wattles of the exposition, Judge McHugh and others, for Nebraska. Mayor Carter Harrison of Chicago and Secretary of the Treasury Lyman J. Gage have also been invited and if they accept will be assigned placed on the toast list.
After the banquet, at 9:30 p. m., the entire party will proceed by motor cars to the Illinois building on the grounds, where further exercises to which all Illinois people are invited to be held.
Illinois Committee Meeting.
A meeting will be held Monday afternoon at the Commercial club rooms by the committee of the Illinois club to complete the arrangements for the banquet which is to be given to Governor Tanner and his staff, the Illinois commissioners and Governor Holcomb and staff by the citizens of Omaha on the evening of Illinois day. This committee consists of Euclid Martin, J. J. Dickey, Lucius Wells, Dr. S. D. Mercer, E. Benedict, T. D. Crane, W. D. McHugh and W. B. Taylor.
It is expected that there will be from 2,500 to 3,000 people in the excursion from Illinois outside of those from Chicago. Among the Chicagoans the Apollo club will be represented by a contingent fully 200 strong, and the Union league, Loyal Legion, Board of Trade and Iroquois, Calumet, Hamilton, Illinois and Marquette clubs will all be very well represented. As will be seen from the program the Apollo club will have its male quartet here. Most of the other clubs think they can send a carload each. President Z. T. Carter of the Board of Trade expects that his organization[?]
need about three cars. The directory of the Columbian exposition has been specially invited, and will require a special car. Most of the state officials will accompany Governor Tanner. The excursion will be due here at 7 a. m.
All the railroads centering in Chicago have sent out posters to all the agents along their lines to be put up in conspicuous places for the purpose of advertising the excursion as thoroughly as possible. "It will undoubtedly be the biggest of the kind," said Secretary Hambleton at the Illinois building, while discussing the arrangements yesterday.
For Woman's Day.
In addition to the features of the program for Woman's day, June 18, heretofore announced, Mrs. Ford, secretary of the Woman's Board of Managers, says that Kate Tannatt Woods of Salem, Mass., will deliver an address on "Club Courtesies," and the music will consist of solos by Mrs. T. J. Kelly of Omaha and Master Sims of Milwaukee, the boy singer of Wisconsin, and the Lorelei quartet, composed of the following women: Mrs. D. M. Campbell and Miss Maud Oakley of Lincoln and Miss Lillian Terry and Mrs. A. G. Edwards of Omaha.
Nebraska's Good Looking Women.
The photographs of the handsome women of Nebraska submitted to Chairman William Neville of the Nebraska commission, when he was charged with the task of selecting the two handsomest women in the state as Nebraska's contribution to the composite photograph representing the combined beauty of the women of the transmississippi region, have been handsomely framed and hung in the Nebraska building for the inspection of all who wish to see the contribution of the state to the roll of honor. The photographs have been placed in two frames, on account of the number, and in the center of each frame is the picture of one of the two young women who were selected to represent the state. These two young women will be at the Nebraska building on Nebraska day to assist in receiving the guests on that occasion.
Program Arranged to Entertain Little Folks Monday and Wednesday.
The formal exercises in connection with Children's days at the exposition, June 13 and 15, will take place in the Girls' and Boys' building, which will be ready for occupancy at that time. The exercises at this time will not be a formal dedication of the building, but will be of simple character calculated to amuse the children and give some form to the celebration. The exercises will commence at 2 o'clock on both days and will be as follows:
Piano Solo, Romance in E flat | Rubinstein | Miss Margaret Read. |
Address of Welcome | Mrs. W. W. Keysor |
Response | Miss Rene Hamilton |
Recitation—Seein' Things at Night | Virginia Merges |
Song—Selected | Gertrude Smith |
Recitation—Selected | Lois Dorward |
Piano Solo—Grandmother Tells a Shuddering Tale | Kullak | Miss Margaret Read. |
Recitation—Selected | Maud Huston |
Chorus—The Spacious Firmament | Haydn | Seventh and Eighth Grades. |
Address of Welcome | Mrs. L. R. Harford |
Response | Mr. Irwin Lewiston |
Chorus—Away to the Fields | Wilson | Seventh and Eighth Grades. |
Piano Solo—Kammenoi Ostron | Rubinstein | Miss Alice Pritchard. |
Essay—Music | Miss Edith Spencer |
Piano Solo—Air de Ballet | Chaminade | Miss Ella Patridge. |
Piano Solo—A Boston Tea Party | Pryor | Mr. Fred Cuscaden. |
Notes of the Exposition.
The paid admissions for the tenth day of the exposition numbered 2,469.
Eleven patients were treated at the Emergency hospital yesterday.
The mail carriers on the grounds make four deliveries daily. The mail is quite heavy on all of these trips.
The executive committee yesterday authorized Manager Rosewater to entertain the members of the National and Nebraska Reform Press associations, who will be in Omaha tomorrow evening.
G. T. Prince, chief engineer of the Omaha Water company, and City Engineer Andrew Rosewater were called into consultation yesterday by Manager Kirkendall in accordance with the instruction of the Board of Directors and were asked to make a thorough examination of the piling about the lagoon with a view of making suggestions regarding the best means of repairing the piling and strengthening it so that there will be no further recurrence of the breaking down of the walls.
The concerts by the orchestra at the exposition Auditorium are slowly but sure coming into the popular esteem that they deserve. At this longitude an orchestra is so seldom heard that it is to many a sort of unknown quantity. They look forward to hearing it with a mixture of ideas, some of which conflict. The word "symphony" is a synonym for mystery and unpleasant duration. It has an alarming effect only because it is not understood. As a matter of fact a symphony is nothing but a set of four different and distinct pieces played in succession. Symphonies are generally written by really great musicians, but they are good music for all that and, if carefully listened to, they will be found interesting. As originally conceived, they are not intended for the human whistle and on that account are not adapted to street performance. Even this does not deprive them of all value, for as played by the orchestra they reveal beauties which amply compensate for what they may lack as outlined above. Beethoven, Mozart, Rubenstein, Brahms and others have spend their best strength in composing symphonies and have set an example which the leading American composers are following with success. The symphony, as a form of musical composition, was first put into definite shape by Haydn, whose oratorio "The Creation," will be given by the exposition musical department during the last week of the present month. Haydn was court composer to the emperor of Austria and had to write music of all kinds to please his blue-blooded employer. If there was a royal dance the royal composer had to write some royal music to guide the royal feet. If a member of the imperial family got married Haydn must needs write some wedding music, and if any one died he must write something appropriate to so important an occasion. He also taught the royal children how to worry the harpsichord and violin. He received his board, clothes, had his washing done by the royal washerwoman, and got about $300 a year salary. In view of all these things he should not be blamed for writing symphonies; he enjoyed it.
The playing of the orchestra is a remarkable exhibition of what real ability can accomplish. Where every man is an artist and in sympathy with the conductor, music means vastly more than is involved in a mere succession of sounds. It talks to the mind and heart with an eloquence that cannot be described. The repertory which is being performed by Mr. Mees is so comprehensive that all tastes must be satisfied. Every kind of music is represented. It would astonish the stranger to such things to drop into the music room at the Auditorium and see the dozen larger trunks in which the scores and parts from which the men play are stored. Fifteen thousand dollars' worth of music is on tap in the Auditorium at this moment. Every composer of any reputation of every civilized country in the world is represented. Mr. Thomas has the largest private musical library in America, and has been accumulating it for the last thirty-five years. Omaha has the opportunity to profit by this if it cares to attend the concerts now being given by the orchestra. As was said last Sunday, one can hear bands all summer, but this is the last chance to hear an orchestra until October, and perhaps not even then. It will depend very largely upon how much appreciation is manifested at the present time. A bird in the hand is certainly somewhat surer than one in the bush.
For the National Congress of Musicians to be held in this city from June 30 to July 4, inclusive, the services of a number of the greatest musicians that this country has ever produced has been secured. Among these is George W. Chadwick, the director of the New England Conservatory of Music. Mr. Chadwick, and perhaps three others, stand at the head of the list of American composers. He it was who composed the music for the opening of the World's fair at Chicago. He was born at Lowell, Mass., November 13, 1854, of native American stock. An older brother was organist of a church in Lawrence, Mass., and George received from him his first instruction in music. In 1876 he took charge of the musical department of a college at Olivet, Mich., but resigned at the close of the first year to go to Europe for further study. For two years he worked under Reinecke and others at Leipzig, and then went to Munich to study with the great composer Rheinberger. He returned to Boston in 1880 and took a position as organist of the South Congregational church. Shortly afterward he was engaged as instructor in harmony and composition in the New England conservatory, of which he is now the head. Mr. Chadwick is a versatile composer and counts among his works overtures, cantatas, symphonies, chamber music, a large number of songs and considerable church music. His ideals are the highest and he is particularly patriotic, believing that there is a field for the American composer and that he has a duty to perform. Besides being a teacher and composer he is one of the finest conductors in the country and will visit Omaha for the purpose of conducting some of his own works. He has never been in the middle west and has expressed himself as greatly interested in its people and of course its musical prospects. The musicians of this part of the country will doubtless avail themselves of the opportunity to meet Mr. Chadwick, to the mutual benefit of all concerned.
Maccabees Have Captured the Exposition Grounds and Buildings.
Many Visitors Besides Those of the Order Take in the Sights.
Ravages of the Deluge Effaced and Walks Dry and Solid Again.
Leader of the Marine Band Provides a Program Appropriate to the Morning and Provides a Fine One for Evening.
The Knights of the Maccabees have the right of way at the exposition today, and during the afternoon they will congregate in the Nebraska building, where they will be formally welcomed to the city by Mayor Moores. As most of the knights did not arrive until late in the forenoon they were not in evidence at the grounds until after dinner, but quite a crowd of other people pinned their faith on the prognostication of the weather bureau and came out during the morning. The grounds had dried rapidly during the night, and this morning there were few indications that they had been deluged. A force of men had leveled the gravel that had been loosened by the continual rain, and the big steam roller traveled over the promenades and left them hard and smooth.
The bulging sides of the lagoon have been restored, except at the east end, where it will require a couple more days and nights to fully repair the damage. The wide avenue through the Midways, which had become soft and cozy under the persistent downpour, is again traversible, and in the absence of more rain, the grounds will be as dry as ever before tomorrow.
While there were a large number of visitors scattered about the grounds, most of them seemed to be too busily engaged in gratifying their curiosity to hear the morning concert by the Marine band in the Grand Plaza. With a few exceptions the program consisted of popular numbers, of which the medley, "Songs from the Sunny South," was evidently most thoroughly appreciated. The overture from the "Barber of Seville" was the only operatic number, and among the more familiar selections were "Sounds from the Alps," the patrol, "Coxey's Army," "Hail Columbia" and one of Sousa's marches.
Conductor Santelmann has prepared an especially attractive program for the concert tonight, which promises to be one of the most enjoyable of the week. Among the notable numbers are excerpts from "Bal Costume," by Rubenstein, a waltz by Chopin and a selection from Lohengrin. Two of Sousa's latest compositions and the overture from "Mignon" are also included.
Attendance at the Thomas Orchestra Performances is Increasing.
The attendance at the concerts given daily in the Auditorium by the Theodore Thomas orchestra is increasing with each performance and the fact seems to be dawning upon the people of this vicinity that they have allowed many excellent opportunities to escape them. The program presented at each performance offers a great diversity of selections and there is never lack of pleasing numbers for every taste.
The audience last night was one of the largest which has yet attended these concerts and the frequent applause attested the great enjoyment afforded by the excellent program presented by Director Mees. The program included a suite of ballet music from "Sylvia," by Delibes, the Dance of the Sylphs from "The Damnation of Faust," by Berlioz; a pizzecato polka and a march by Strauss; "Invitation to the Dance," by Weber-Berlioz; a gavotte, "Near the Ball," Gillett; "The Queen of Sheba," a march by Goldmark, and others of an equally diversified character. The playing of each number was above criticism and the audience was carried by storm as one number after another was rendered in a manner which increased the firm hold upon the people which the orchestra has gained by the uniform excellence of its work.
The upper portion of the Auditorium has been freely draped with flags and bunting and the effect has been very noticeable in improving the acoustics of the building.
The concert today will be a matinee, commencing at 3 o'clock. The programs for today are:
10:30 A. M.
March—Eastern High School | Larsen |
Overture—The Barber of Seville | Rossini |
Selection—The Serenade | Herbert |
Medley—Songs from the Sunny South | Eisemann |
March—The Fencibles | Sousa |
Waltz—Kunsterleben | Strauss |
Selection—Gondoliers | Sullivan |
Sounds from the Alps | Herfurth |
Patrol—Coxey's Army | Orth |
Hail Columbia | Fyles |
8 P. M.
March—Rifle Regiment | Sousa |
Overture—Mignon | Thomas |
Excerpts from Bal Costume | Rubenstein |
Valse Brilliant | Chopin |
Cornet Solo—Concert Polka | Steinhauser | Lauritz M. Larson. |
Selection—Lohengrin | Wagner |
Characteristic—In the Clock Store | Orth |
Loreley | Nesvadba |
Patrol—Marching Through Georgia | Sousa |
The Voice of Our Nation | Santelmann |
Overture—The Merry Wives of Windsor | Nicolai |
Allegretto—Symphony No. 8 | Beethoven |
The Trumpeter's Farewell | Nessler | Trumpet Solo, Mr. Ch. Rodenkirchen. |
Serenade | Schubert |
Serenade | Moszkowsky |
Swedish Wedding March | Soedermann |
Romanzo—To the Evening Star—Tannhauser | Wagner | Trombone Solo, Mr. O. Gebhardt. |
Intermezzo—Cavalleria Rusticana | Mascagni |
Waltz—Wine, Women and Song | Strauss |
Extend Time of Marine Band.
WASHINGTON, June 10.—(Special Telegram.)—Efforts are being made to extend the time of the Marine band at Omaha, the disagreeable weather of the last week playing havoc with the performance of the band at the Omaha Exposition. The management has asked Senator Thurston to use every effort to secure an extension of time until June 22, covering Illinois day at the exposition, June 21, which is expected to be one of the biggest days in the history of the fair. Colonel Haywood, commandant of the Marine barracks, who was seen today, expressed himself as favorable to the proposition for extension of time, having originally recommended that the band be given five weeks at Omaha instead of two as finally granted by the president. Colonel Haywood, however, suggested that the matter being in the hands of the secretary of the navy, that gentleman should be seen, and it is Senator Thurston's intention in the morning to call upon Acting Secretary Allen and endeavor to secure his permission for an extension, and if necessary to go to the president with a plea for additional time in view of existing conditions.
Exhibitors for Homeopaths.
Dr. W. H. Hanchett has just returned from Denver where he has been in attendance upon invitation at the annual session of the American Medical association. There were a number of other physicians from this city in attendance, among them being Drs. E. W. Lee, B. B. Davis, R. C. Moore and Harold Gifford. The convention adjourned yesterday.
The object of Dr. Hanchett's trip was to secure the presence here of the exhibitors who were at the Denver convention when the American Institute of Homeopathy holds its annual session in Omaha from June 23 to June 30. He was successful in this object, as a large number of them agreed to come. The convention will be one of the biggest to be held in Omaha this year, some 1200 delegates being expected. This was about the size of the Denver meeting.
Through the courtesy of Dr. Lee, Dr. Hanchett was enabled to be present at the exemplification of a number of new surgical operations. The operations were performed upon dogs, the animals being furnished by the city of Denver.
A number of physicians expect to stop in Omaha on their way to their homes to take in the exposition.
One of the Educational Features of the Mining Exhibit.
Lake Superior, Montana and Arizona Contribute Some Marvelous Specimens of the Mineral in Its Many Forms.
No feature of the mineral exhibit is regarded with more general interest than that which illustrates the resources and development of the copper industries of the United States. Much of the material is strikingly attractive from an exhibitors standpoint and people who have been accustomed to regard copper as a baser metal are surprised to discover that in many of its basic forms it acquires even more beautiful effects than gold or silver. The Transmississippi Exposition is fortunate in securing the most complete and interesting copper exhibit that has ever been brought together in the history of the world. This is in a degree the result of peculiar trade conditions which induce the great mine owners to make a special effort at this time. The copper interests of this country are in the hands of comparatively few men who do not need to advertise their product, as far as its local consumption is concerned. But within the last few years there has been a tremendous increase in the demand for the product, which is largely on account of electrical development. The long distance telephone lines call for a largely increased use of the metal and it is also used to a tremendous extent in other forms of electrical construction which are of comparatively recent date. The increase in the use of the metal in 1896 was about $80,000,000 and last year showed a proportionate increase over 1896. This condition has induced great activity in the copper industry. Everyone has been looking for new mines, but very little has been found. This has strengthened the owners of the present great sources of supply and they have now reached the export stage. This country produces more than one-half of the copper of the world and the mine owners are now anxious to exhibit at Omaha in order to get their product advertised abroad and get in line for the Paris exposition. The result is that the Mines building contains a display of copper ores and products that for outclasses that of the World's fair.
Where the Copper Comes From.
The three great copper producing regions of this country are known as those of Lake Superior, Montana and Arizona. The Lake Superior product is pure copper, while that of the western mines consists of sulphide of copper, which must be refined before it is ready for the trade. The exhibit amply illustrates the resources of each of these districts, as well as the differences in the original product and in its preparation for the market. One private individual has an exhibit from Michigan which shows every form of native copper that is found on the face of the earth. The Michigan exhibit also illustrates the two different forms of copper deposit. One consists of huge boulders of pure copper, which range from the size of a man's fist to masses of several tons weight. On account of the peculiar tenacity of the metal, it has been found that it cost more to mine these large masses than they were worth, and, remarkable as it may seem, the most valuable mines are those which treat rock which only contains 2½ per cent of copper. The metal consists of small pellets of pure copper, and when the rock is crushed to powder these pellets are simply flattened and are easily separated from the conglomerate rock. This rock is very fully shown in all its forms. Some of the specimens are crystallized in the form of ferns and other growths. Others are known as "half-breeds," and contain small quantities of silver. The peculiarity of this species is that while the rock contains both silver and copper, each is absolutely pure. The silver runs in layers through the duller metal like the light color in a marble cake, and in this nature has accomplished one of the most mysterious feats known to mineralogists. No human being has ever been able to weld silver and copper and keep the two metals entirely distinct, and science has so far entirely failed to explain by what mysterious process this has been accomplished in these ores. Another very interesting form is that in which the pure copper appears inside of crystals of calcide, which are as clear as water, and the collection includes every form of rock in which copper is found.
Sulphides and Carbonates.
Montana is represented by some of the richest specimens of sulphide ore that have ever been mined. This is far richer than the "shot copper" of the Lake Superior mines, but the excess is offset by the expensive chemical processes that are necessary in order to eliminate the sulphur and other alloys. The Arizona exhibit is the most interesting to the majority of visitors on account of the indescribably beautiful forms and colors that the original ore develops. These are caused by the carbonate which abounds in the surface copper in the Arizona mines, but disappear as the drifts run deeper in the earth. Aside from the magnificent display of Arizona copper that is already installed that is already installed, another and similar exhibit is now on the way, and this will also comprise a complete showing of the uses of the metal in its manufactured state.
Settles a Pass Dispute.
The discussion between the exposition management and the Nebraska Exposition commission regarding the number of passes to be allowed the commission and its employes has been adjusted by giving the commission passes for each member of the commission, one for the assistant secretary, twenty-six for employes connected with the various exhibits, and nineteen for employes in and about the Nebraska building, a total of fifty-two passes. This was all that was asked by the commission, the additional names handed in by Assistant Secretary Campbell being simply in the nature of "suggestions" which have not yet been approved by the executive committee.
No passes were issued to the representatives of the various secret societies which have headquarters in the Nebraska building.
Art Director Griffiths to Explain.
Art Director Griffiths will give visitors to the Art building on Sunday afternoon a treat. About 3 o'clock on that day he will commence a running lecture on the pictures displayed in the Art building and will walk about from gallery to gallery calling attention to the especial points of merit of this or that picture and telling a few catchy things about the artist. Mr. Griffiths is a perfect storehouse of interesting little things of a personal nature about the leading artists whose pictures are displayed in the building under his supervision, and is as well a lecturer on art subjects, who is in constant demand in all parts of the country. His "personally conducted" trip through the Art building for such as care to avail themselves of the opportunity will be a treat.
Discussion of Means for Giving the Exposition Publicity.
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the exposition was held yesterday in the Administration arch. There were twenty-seven directors present, and Vice President Saunders presided in the absence of President Wattles.
The greater part of the session was taken up with a discussion regarding the best means of advertising the exposition. Mr. Kountze introduced the subject by speaking of a man from Denver who had visited the exposition and had expressed the greatest surprise that the affair was not advertized in the Denver papers. In contrast to this, Mr. Wharton told of a client from Denver who had spoken most enthusiastically of the exposition, before seeing it, saying that he had read all about it in the Denver papers, and had never known any exposition anywhere which had been so thoroughly advertized.
Manager Rosewater spoke of the great quantities of clippings from papers all over the country, and especially from Denver and Colorado, showing that the papers in all parts of the country are constantly giving the exposition enormous quantities of advertising without charge. He said there has been a systematic attempt on the part of certain newspapers in this immediate vicinity to cause dissatisfaction regarding the method adopted for showing the usual courtesies to the newspapers in the way of passes. He said the same method had been adopted with the Iowa papers that was in force with Nebraska, yet but three complaints have been received from Iowa editors, while a systematic effort has been made to prejudice the newspapers of Nebraska against the exposition. He referred to the Chicago papers which have been giving the exposition page after page of advertising without charge, and said the next issue of Harper's Weekly will devote two pages to an article regarding the exposition.
The discussion then became general and many suggestions were made regarding the best methods to bring the exposition prominently before the people in all sections of the country. Mr. Rosewater told of what is being done in the way of getting out new advertising matter and said the lack of funds was all that prevented the advertising being carried on more extensively. The matter was then dropped without action.
Director Youngs moved that the price of admission to the exposition grounds be reduced to 25 cents after 7 p. m, each day until July 15. He supported this motion by the argument that this course would give the masses of the people an opportunity to come to the exposition to spend their evenings.
Manager Babcock said this question had been thoroughly discussed by the executive committee and the decision of the committee had been against the course proposed by the motion. Mr. Babcock said there were two sides to the question, in addition to the argument advanced by Mr. Youngs. The concessionaires would like to see that price reduced at night as that would improve their business, but the exhibitors were on the other side. If the exposition is made a "night show" the increased attendance at that time will detract from the size of the crowds which will visit the exposition in the day time and the result will be that the exhibitors will take their goods and leave.
This argument was satisfactory to Mr. Youngs and his motion was withdrawn.
Mr. Rosewater called attention to the recent damage to the lagoon and said that something should be done to prevent a recurrence of the disaster. He therefore moved that the executive committee be directed to employ a competent hydraulic engineer to devise a plan for repairing the lagoon so that it will not be breaking down with every rain.
There was very little comment on this motion, Mr. Kountze remarking that the lagoon is one of the most attractive features of the main and that something should be done at once to prevent it from being out of order all the time. The motion was then adopted without further discussion.
The board adjourned to meet June 24 at 4 p. m.
July 12 Will Be Sacred to Visitors from the Empire State.
Tuesday, July 12, will be "New York day" at the exposition, and arrangements are being made for a big celebration under the auspices of the New York commission and the Merchants' association, one of the most influential organizations of business men in the state. Hon. W. Bourke Cochran, the noted orator, will deliver an adddress during the ceremonies incident to the formal dedication of the New York building.
The New York Exposition commission and a delegation from the Merchants' association, together with a party of prominent people to the number of about 100, will be here. President William F. King of the Merchants' association writes to General Manager Clarkson that the association realizes the importance to the whole country of the development of any particular section and will co-operate in every possible manner to make the exposition a success. He congratulates the exposition management on the successful opening of the show and says that the association is watching with a great deal of interest the development of the enterprise.
Manager Clarkson Gets Word Concerning the Number Coming.
The sergeant-at-arms of the lower house of the Massachusetts legislature telegraphed General Manager Clarkson that the delegation to the exposition from Massachusetts would include forty-four persons. The date when the party will arrive was not stated and a telegram was sent at once to learn that point. As soon as this is known the date will be designated as "Massachusetts day" and an appropriate program will be arranged. The party will start for the west soon after the adjournment of the legislature and will travel in a special car. This will be sidetracked at a convenient point and the members will remain in Omaha about a week. The resolution making the appropriation of $6,000 to defray the expenses of this party specified the officers who will make up the delegation. This includes the governor or lieutenant governor, four members of the staff of the chief executive, three members of the executive council, one of the secretaries of the executive department, the state officers and members of both houses of the legislature.
MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1898.
Exposition Grounds Turned Over to the Kids During the Day.
Sights Viewed on the Run by the Little Ones from School.
Displays Given a Fleeting Glance and the Midway Duly Inspected.
Exposition Management Entertains a Most Wonderful Aggregation of Critics and Inquisitors During the Afternoon and Evening.
The children are officially recognized as the guests of the exposition today and thousands of them are taking advantage of the privilege of spending a day in enthusiastic admiration of its beauties. Every precaution has been taken to insure their safety and comfort and permit the little ones to enjoy a holiday that will long remain a pleasant memory. As the public schools were in session as usual this forenoon, it was not until later in the day that the children arrived in full force. But judging by the number that were on the grounds in the morning there must have been many a vacant seat in some of the school rooms and many a truancy remains to be accounted for. They did not swarm over the grounds as they did later on, but they were there in groups and dozens and their merry chatter was in evidence in every building on the grounds.
At noon the schools were dismissed for the day, and after the mid-day lunch had been hastily disposed of the pupils were started for the grounds by the hundred. They swarmed over the motor cars and besieged the ticket sellers and gate keepers by battalions. The turnstiles revolved all too slowly to suit their eager anticipations, but once inside, they were turned loose to romp over the grounds without restraint. Many of them had only caught glimpses of the exposition from the outside, and their delight and enthusiasm as they came face to face with its full ensemble was amusing to witness. The only thing that prevented them from being entirely happy was their inability to see the whole show at once. But they saw more of it to the minute than the ordinary exposition visitor could comprehend in an hour. They fairly raced through the main buildings and covered the intervening pavements in double time. Nothing could arrest their progress for more than a few seconds, but even at that there was mightly little worth seeing that they did not notice during their rapid flight.
The Marine band concert in the Grand Plaza caught a few of them, but only for a minute. They applauded the music as appreciatively as their elders, but they were altogether too busy to sit still and hurried on to see that wonderful Midway that they had heard their big brothers and sisters tell about.
..To Our Visitors..
The Nebraska Building
It is for your Comfort and Pleasure.......
Visit the Reception and Waiting Rooms Upstairs and Down.
If you don't see what you want, ask for it.
The Pictures are all Painted by Nebraska Artists.
The Nebraska Exhibit of FRUITS and FLOWERS in the HORTICULTURAL BUILDING is Magnificent. Go see it.
Every variety of Shrub and Flower on Exhibition.
Constant attention and frequent renewals of our great variety of fruit keeps this show at the head of the procession.
Our show of GRAINS AND GRASSES in the AGRICULTURAL BUILDING strikingly illustrates Nebraska's capacity for raising Grain to feed the world. Be sure to notice all the County Displays.
The COOKING SCHOOL Adjunct gives free lectures and practical demonstrations of how to utilize our Cereal Products.
The Nebraska CERAMIC CLUB have their artistic and Beautiful Display in the West Gallery of the LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING.
To appreciate the comforts of Pioneer Life you must inspect our SOD HOUSE Exhibit back of the Nebraska Building.
Nebraska Maintains her high reputation for learning by her EDUCATIONAL DISPLAY, occupying two-thirds of the gallery in the MANUFACTURES BUILDING.
The common schools, high schools, normal schools, our great University, the State Institutes and Industrial schools all have elegant and unique displays.
Go to the north end of the Exposition Grounds and view Nebraska HONEY AND BEES in the APIARY BUILDING. The Bees can be seen at work. Our cases are filled with Honey in all conditions and colors, beautiful to behold.
Our Nebraska BUTTER AND CHEESE is on exhibition in the DAIRY BUILDING. Butter moulded and arranged in attractive forms. Cheese unexcelled. Taste and see.
The Nebraska POULTRY PENS are all full. Almost every variety of Poultry represented by fine blood and valuable specimens of their kind.
The LIVE STOCK Show opens in October. Nebraska will be on the grounds then with premium takers in every division.
Nebraska's Building at the Exposition Formally Dedicated.
Distinguished Speakers Pour a Libation of Eloquent Oratory.
Beautiful Homes for Nebraskans Given a Thorough Inspection.
Program at the Building Carried Out in Presence of an Immense Throng of Patriotic and Interested Residents.
Fully an hour before the time announced for the commencement of the dedicatory exercises the people made their way to the Nebraska building and spent the intervening time very pleasantly in inspecting the handsome structure. The pretty fountain in the center of the rotunda flashed gently, the spray falling on the broad leaves of the palms and potted plants which made the fountain a bower of beauty. The central portion of the floor was filled with camp stools and settees, seats being provided for 600 people. Ample space remained about the sides of the room and in the balcony on the second floor to accommodate several hundred people in addition to the seating capacity.
The crowd passed about from room to room, delighted with the beauty of the decorations and the tasteful manner in which the entire building was arranged. Cut flowers and potted plants in each room added to the attractiveness of the building. About 10:30 a procession of carriages halted before the west entrance to the building and the distinguished guests of the occasion arrived. The party comprised General Holcomb and his staff, the latter in full regimentals, the state officers, President Wattles of the exposition and W. J. Bryan. The party were under the escort of Chairman Neville, Secretary Casper and Assistant Secretary Campbell of the Nebraska commission. The people in the building soon gathered about the state officers and an impromptu reception was soon in full blast in the governor's rooms on the second floor.
The Omaha Military band was installed in the west balcony and filled in the time with a number of selections.
On the Speakers' Stand.
The speakers of the occasion occupied the dais at the north end of the assembly room. A small table served as a speakers' stand and in front of it were palms and small silk American flags grouped in a very effective manner. Suspended from the balcony immediately above and in front of the speakers were large portraits of President McKinley and Vice President Hobart, draped with the national colors.
Every foot of standing room in the spacious building was occupied when Commissioner Boydston, acting as master of ceremonies, led the way to the platform at 11:45 followed by Governor Holcomb and staff, Senator Allen, President Wattles, W. J. Bryan, W. F. Gurley, Chancellor MacLean, ex-Governor Alvin Saunders, ex-Governor Crounse, ex-Governor Boyd, the members of the Nebraska Exposition commission, Attorney General C. J. Smyth.
A burst of applause greeted the appearance of the little procession and Master of Ceremonies Boydston raised his hand for silence as soon as all were seated. He announced that the exercises would be brief and introduced Chancellor MacLean of the University of Nebraska to deliver the invocation. The chancellor was in good voice and his prayer to the Almighty that the Divine blessing might rest on the building, the commissioners, the state and all its inhabitants was a literary gem.
The vocal music for the occasion was furnished by the York Glee club, under the direction of Dr. B. F. Lang. The personnel of the club was as follows: Dr. B. F. Lang and wife, Edwin Bell and wife, S. W. Bissell and wife, W. L. Kirkpatrick, F. W. Stillson, Winnie Stillson, R. V. Clark, Mrs. Charles Gilbert, Wilson Tout, Mrs. J. P. Diffenbacher, Miss Elsie Beck, George Fair, Mrs. W. D. Cocke, Miss Belle Warner; Mrs. Harrison, pianist; Miss Edith Lang, assistant pianist. The first number rendered by the club was "The Union of States We Hail." The other numbers sung by the club were these: "Now Tramp O'er Moors and Fell," "The New Hail Columbia" and the "Bridal Chorus," from the "Rose Maiden."
Judge Neville's Address.
The formal dedication of the building was in the hands of Judge William Neville of North Platte, chairman of the Nebraska commission. He spoke briefly without notes, saying that Nebraska welcomes the world and invites it to come and see the feast which has been prepared. He attributed the great prosperity which the state is experiencing to the bountiful supply of air and sunshine with which the state is blessed, declaring that Nebraska products excel the world. Referring to the building, the chairman said it offered headquarters for the secret societies and all other societies, as well as people of all politics and creeds, all of whom are at liberty to use the building as a place for ventilating their views. He invited all to come and make the Nebraska building their home.
Judge Neville advised all the people everywhere to come to the exposition, referring especially to the children, saying that a month of studious observation at the exposition is worth more to the rising generation than five years of school life. He complimented the exposition management for the great things which have been accomplished, lauded the government officials for the splendid exhibit which has been prepared. In closing Judge Neville introduced Governor Holcomb as the real representative of the state of Nebraska.
Governor Holcomb was vigorously applauded as he stepped to the front to address the gathering. He spoke briefly of the progress of the great west in the development of its material resources, referring to the period when the section of which Nebraska is the center was regarded as a barren spot, and sketching some of the hardships experience by the earl ysettlers of the state. The growth of the exposition sentiment in other sections was referred to and the speaker declared that the culmination of expositions had been reached in the great fair now being held in the principal city of the region, which had been transformed from a desert to the most fertile spot on the face of the earth. He cited the yield of cereals in Nebraska during the past two years to supporthis statement that the state is one of the greatest food producers of any section in the world and complimented the people of the state for the energy and constancy which had accomplished such vast results.
A poem entitled "Nebraska" was recited by the author, Mrs. McKeever of Stromsburg, who explained that the poem had been written and read at the meeting of the Western Writers' association at Warsaw, Ind., one year ago. She said if more time had been given her she would have rewritten the poem, but having had but a brief notice she had been unable to do so.
President Wattles' Welcome.
President Wattles was introduced by Mr. Boydston to accept the building in the name of the exposition. He said:
In behalf of the management of the Transmississippi and International Exposition I accept this beautiful building dedicated here today for the comfort and convenience of the citizens of Nebraska. I commend the wisdom of its conception, the care and economy in its erection and the beauty and convenience of its design. The management of the exposition appreciates the broad and liberal hospitality of the state board of directors in providing a home on these grounds, not only for our own citizens, societies and institution, but for the representatives of other states and territories. The comforts this building will afford to thousands of strangers who will accept its hospitality will do much to accomplish one of the great objects of this exposition, which is to cement the ties of friendship and good feeling and bind together with pleasant memories and common interests the citizens from all parts of this great country. The east has misunderstood the west and has not appreciated its resources, its citizens and its magnificent opportunities. To the state of Nebraska the future historian will give the credit of erecting in times of adversity a great exposition destined to break down prejudices, build up commerce and promote peace and good will throughout the land.
When our excellent governor recommended in his last biennial message to the legislature of this state a liberal appropriation in aid of this exposition, a discussion of the merits of this enterprise was precipitated throughout the state which for several months grew in intensity until a bill was finally passed and became a law providing for a state building and a state exhibit. Many of the speeches in opposition to this measure would be amusing if reproduced here today. But when we consider the conditions which prevailed three years ago in this state we cannot wonder that many questioned the advisability of the enterprise. A great panic had paralyzed our business interests; two crop failures had discouraged our farming communities; many of our citizens in the western parts of the state had but recently received public charity and many had abandoned their lands to seek homes in southern climes or go back to eastern friends and relatives. Conditions never seemed more discouraging and to many who live only in the present an exposition of our resources in 1898 meant failure and disgrace.
But adverse conditions make heroes. The richest inheritance of this generation is the courage and energy of the pioneers of the west. These pioneers subdued the savage tribes which occupied this territory, drove back the buffalo and antelope and made productive farms of the desert they occupied. They built railroads, school houses, churches and colleges; they bravely met and surmounted every emergency; they were of the best blood and brain of the east and of all parts of the world. From them and their descendants came words of encouragement and support to the managers of this enterprise. These men who had seen the state of Nebraska in times of temporary adversity before knew that the natural conditions of this state justified the expectation of a speedy return of good crops and prosperity in business, and so from all parts of the state came a demand by petition and through the press in favor of the exposition which our legislators could not resist.
That the appropriation of state and national funds for this exposition was wise cannot be doubted by any who believe in public schools and other public institutions of learning. From an educational standpoint what could impart more information and better education than an exposition of this character? Who can stand at either end of the grand court and look at the magnificent spectacle of architectural grandeur there displayed without receiving impressions and inspirations which will last through life. To the farmer whose days are spent in honest toil in the quiet and peaceful pursuits of country life, what must be the sensations of wonder and delight in seeing for the first time the electrical effects of these grounds and buildings at night. To the great majority of our citizens who have never seen the capitol of the nation and the departments of our government what could be more interesting and educating than the illustrations of the workings of these departments made in the beautiful government building here? To one and all the display of art from the masters of the old world and the best painters of modern times, the statuary, the machinery, the products of farm and factory and the highest and best results of genius and invention cannot fail to be a school of learning that could not be equalled in any other way.
But the financial benefits of this exposition to the state of Nebraska and to the entire west will amply repay the expense and effort in its promotion. Already the attention of the world has been attracted by the magnificent display of our resources here made and during the next four months thousands of homeseekers and investors will visit the exposition and investigate the opportunities of the west. That this state will secure its full share of this tide of immigration we cannot doubt when we consider that the growing crops this year in many counties promise to exceed the value of the farms on which they are produced, that the live stock interests of th estate have doubled in the last four years and that thousands of acres of the richest and best lands in the world for the production of corn and sugar beets are today unoccupied. New life and energy will be infused in all branches of industry throughout the state by the men and money that will be attracted here by the exposition and the improved conditions which now prevail. The investment of this state will be returned many fold by the increase in value of its taxable property and by the higher and better civilization of its citizens.
In view of the many benefits of this exposition to the state of Nebraska I most heartily congratulate his excellency, the lawmakers of the state and the state board of directors of the exposition on the wisdom and statesmanship displayed in making an appropriation for a state building and an exhibit here. I congratulate them on this magnificent building which does honor to the state it represents and credit to the exposition of which it forms a part. In the name of the exposition I accept this building for the purposes for which it is this day dedicated.
Mr. Bryan's Remarks.
After a selection by the band, W. J. Bryan was introduced. He was greeted with loud applause. Mr. Bryan reviewed the purpose of the state and touched upon the war in the following language:
Nebraska is ready o her part in time of war as well as in time of peace. Her citizens were among the first to give expression to their sympathy with the Cuban patriots, and her representatives in the senate and house took a prominent part in the advocacy of armed intervention by the United States.
When the president issued a call for volunteers Nebraska's quota was promptly furnished and she is prepared to respond to the second and subsequent calls.
Nebraska's attitude upon this subject does not, however, indicate that the state is inhabited by a contentious or warlike people; it simply proves that our people understand both the rights conferred, and the obligations imposed, by proximity to Cuba. Understanding these rights and obligations, they do not shrink from any consequences which may follow the performance of a national duty.
War is harsh; it is attended by hardship and suffering; it means a vast expenditure of men and money. We may well pray for the coming of the time, promised in Holy Writ, when the spears shall be beaten to pruning hooks and the swords into plowshares; but universal peace can not come until justice is enthroned throughout the world. Jehovah deals with nations as He deals with men, and for both decrees that the wages of sin is death. Until the right has triumphed in every land, and love reigns in every heart, governments must, as a last resort, appeal to force. As long as the oppressor is deaf to the advice of reason, so long must the citizen accustom his shoulder to the musket and his hand to the saber.
Our nation exhausted diplomacy in its efforts to secure a peaceable solution of the Cuban question; and only took up arms when it was compelled to choose between war and servile acquiescence in cruelties which would have been a disgrace to barbarism.
History will vindicate the position taken by hte nUited States in the war with Spain. In saying this I assume that the priciples which were invoked in the inauguration of the war will be observed in its prosecution and conclusion. If a contest undertaken for the sake of humanity degenerates into a war of conquest, we shall find it difficult to meet the charge of having added hypocrisy to greed.
Is our national character so weak that we cannot withstand the temptation to appropriate the first piece of land that comes with niour reach? To inflict upon the enemy all possible harm is legitimate warfare, but shall we contemplate a scheme for the colonization of the Orient merely because our fleet won a remarkable victory in the harbor of Manila?
Our guns destroyed a Spanish fleet, but can they destroy that self-evident truth, that governments derive their just powers—not from superior force, but from the consent of the governed?
Shall we abandon a just resistance to European encroachment upon the western hemisphere in order to mingle in the controversies of Europe and Asia?
What Gurley Said.
The next thing on the program was a vocal solo by Prof. Monte Parsons of Omaha, who sang a song, entitled "The Little Old Sod Shanty on the Plains," the words and music composed by himself.
W. F. Gurley was the next speaker. He spoke as follows:
Fellow Citizens: The dedication of the Nebraska building is in reality the inauguration of the Transmississippi Exposition. The orators of this occasion, speaking with authority, voice the welcome of a most gracious host—the commonwealth of Nebraska. The ceremonials of this hour convey formal notice to the civilized world that the hospitality of our state is boundless and that every guest within our gates shall find a royal welcome.
The American exposition of broadest scope has heretofore been not only commemorative, but has been the chronicle of some great national anniversary, or the celebration of an epoch in history. The Transmississippi Exposition has no place in this majestic series of formal festivals. No memory which duty enjoins to embalm in marble sits enthroned among the palaces of this triumphal city. It rears today its domes of gold and minarets of alabaster as an inspiration born of the passionate impulse of a proud people; not a memory, but a radiant dream—a dream which is also a prophecy!
For more than a hundred years the traditions of the republic have found lodgement among the granite hills of New England and in the pine groves and cotton fields of the balmy south. To New England and the south we turn with pride to read the annals of American ancestry; but in the magnificent prairies and mountain states, those colossal principalities which comprise the "seat of empire" of the new west, enthroned between the mountains and the Mississippi, we behold the fulfillment of the hope of American posterity.
The Centennial and the World's fair were superb monuments to the glittering pageantry of completed history. The exposition to which we bid you welcome is unique in character, and in its promise of future grandeur more wonderful than the crystallization of centuries of matured development which characterized the national pageants at Philadelphia and Chicago. The perfected products of a matured civilization may well incite the admiration of observant men. But it has remained for the progressive population of this royal region, rich in resources beyond the flight of the most exuberant fancy, to present for the delectation of mankind the inexhaustible treasures of an incomparable territory comprising the most princely provinces of our national domain.
This exposition is representative not of what we have been, but rather of what we may be, and under the providence of God what we are to be. Nebraska rejoices that the time has come when as the official representative of the great west she may extend a welcome to the denizen of the east; hopeful and confident that by contact and association those errors and misconceptions which have arisen as to the character and purpose of her citizenship may be forever swept away.
Conservative and radical are much abused terms. In recent years they have been employed to emphasize a demarcation line between the so-called eastern and western halves of the republic. The accumulated wealth of the east, by virtue of the logic of human nature, has impressed its timidity and conservative quality upon the citizenship of that portion of the republic. In the east dwell the sentinels of wealth. in the west the pioneers of fortune. He who has it ever conservative while he who hopes is ever radical. I do not hesitate to affirm that the radicalism of the west, born of honest tumult and patriotic commotion, is the sure sign of that superb progression which blazes the pathway of civilization, and builds the roadways for the onward march of humanity toward the final and triumphant destiny of the race.
To be radical is to agitate, and in agitation lies the safety of the republic. Some one has defined agitation to be "marshalling the conscience of a nation to mould its laws," and since John Brown trod the soil of Kansas we of the west have been agitators. Popular government can only exist through a continual process of fermentation. Free speech is at the basis of free institutions, and out of the clamor and heat of partisan discussion arises the best thought, the highest purpose of a patriotic people.
My fellow citizens, I can conceive of no more appropriate occasion than the present, on this day, and at this hour to protest against the misconception of our status as a commonwealth, or our purpose as a people. With seventeen years of personal knowledge and an intimate acquaintance with the history of Nebraska since its admission to the sisterhood of states; as a loyal son of this glorious commonwealth, I challenge the assertion, whenever or wherever made, that any branch of our state government in any period of its history has ever made an assault upon the rights of citizenship, real or personal, or endeavored to wield an arbitrary authority in defiance of lay or constitution.
Agitation is one thing—lawlessness another. The west is turbulent, but not lawless; and out of that turbulency and commotion there arises the spirit of the genius of liberty.
Today Nebraska throws open wide her golden gates, and summons to her portals and myriads of mankind. To this enchanted city of the plains she lures with wizard wand the unnumbered host of other lands and climes. Superb sponsor of a regal hospitality, broad as the prairies, rich and varies as the mountain ranges which rear their snow crowned crests in salutation to the sky; robed in the glittering garments which nature weaves alone in token of man's toil; imperial in her pride, her sovereign brow tinged with the glow of the approaching dawn she bids the nations hail.
Attorney General Smyth's Speech.
After another selection by the band Attorney General C. J. Smyth was introduced and spoke as follows:
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is Nebraska's day. It is on this day that we may sound the praises of our great commonwealth. She bids her sons do this, not in the spirit of vanity, but that she may be known as she is. Not one jot or tittle would she take from the glory of her sister states who have come here to display in these buildings and on these grounds the evidences of their growth, their wealth and their enterprise. With delight will she listen when they tell of their resources and their triumphs. To them she extends that welcome which becomes a generous, broadminded and truly American commonwealth; and to none will she yield in admiration of their greatness.
If we would understand Nebraska as she is, the work of her sons in bringing her to her present condition and the probabilities of her future, we must look back and contemplate, if only for a moment, the "small beginnings" from which she sprang.
In 1834 the congress of the United States denominated the territory of which she was then a part as "The Indian Country." It was, in fact, at that time the country of the savage. The white man had no dominion therein, and the sweet word "home" was without a meaning on all its broad prairies. Less than fifty years ago the Omaha Indians held title to the land on which we stand, and the entire white population at that time in this vast territory did not exceed 5,000 souls.
Not many years after the Omahas ceded their title to this territory to the United States, Nebraska's pioneers came and commenced the work of home building and state building. The days of the freighters followed; the Union Pacific was projected and finished; the ox team gave way to the freight train; the prairie schooner to the upholstered car, and thus the evolution went on until within the short span of forty-five years it has culminated in the palaces of art that lift their class outlines within the walls of this exposition. marvelous has been the progress.
The surplus products of her farms last year—that is, the products she was able to send to market—were worth over $55,000,000. She has over 3,000 factories with a capital invested of $40,000,000. These factories pay yearly more that $13,000,000 in wages, and the value of their output is nearly $95,000,000 annually. Here on the border of her chief city are located packing houses which bring Nebraska near to the second packing center of the world. Fourteen lines of railway, having a mileage of 4,730 miles, carry Nebraska's commerce.
This is but a glimpse of Nebraska as she is materially; how is she in those departments of activity which develop the higher nature of man, which refines his thoughts and makes him a force in the dominion of taste and intellect? Six universities, twenty-nine colleges, seventeen academies, 6,690 common schools and seventy-five private schools educate 360,000 of her sons and daughters.
This is Nebraska's day, and this exposition is her palace. As she steps to the main entrance thereof to welcome her guests of the transmississippi region notice the inscription on her shield. It illustrates the fact that she has the lowest rate of illiteracy of all the states of all this union. The national government has placed her percentage at 3.11.
How appropriate then that the representatives of this transmississippi region should select this state as the place wherein to exhibit to the world their best specimens of the triumph of mind over matter. And what specimens they are! If you would see a picture as beautiful as ever man created, contemplate the grand court when illuminated at night. Go into the buildings, look at the evidence there of what man has done, and then say, if you will, that his achievements in the transmississippi country have not been surpassingly great. But do not be surprised, for in this region we possess the best blood and brains of our country. From the east, from every nation under the sun, have come to us energy, independence of character, and irresistible progressiveness that knows no halt until it reaches its goal or the grave. From what race sprung those men? The Anglo-Saxon? Those who weep because we have not lords, and castles and crests and other evidence of barbarism, answer "yes." Men who deal in facts, and not in fancies, answer "no." Read the names of those who perished with the Maine, who supported the immortal Dewey, or who went into the laws of death with the heroic Hobson. Were they all Anglo-Saxons? Who will say so? Truth declares that many races were represented there. The Dane and the Swedish, the German and the Irish. Shoulder to shoulder they stood behind the guns of their adopted country, offered their lives on her altar and thanked God that they were Americans, the best race that ever blessed the earth, the combination of all that is good in all the races of the world.
Today Nebraska sends greetings to the oppressed of every race, and of every clime. To all, no matter of what race they come, who have energy, intelligence and industry, coupled with a love of freedom, she opens wide her gates and bids them welcome. Here under the blessings of our free institutions, and breathing the air of the most healthful climate in the world, they will have their energy stimulated, their industry rewarded and their liberty protected.
This concluded the exercises and the Nebraska commissioners and guests adjourned to the cafe at the south viaduct, where luncheon was served.
Antelope State Takes Up Headquarters on Exposition Grounds.
Opening of the State Building Brings Throngs of Visitors.
Nothing Lacking to Make the Occasion Thoroughly Enjoyable.
Palaces Around the Main Court Attract Many from the Formal Exercises on the Bluff Tract During the Morning.
Regardless of clouds that gathered forbiddingly at noon, Nebraska day promises to be one of the eventful occasions of the exposition. Thousands of people from every part of the state poured into the grounds all the morning and when all previous records of attendance were eclipsed, there was no diminution in the incoming tide of visitors. The full shift of ticket sellers and gatekeepers was put on and the turnstiles at the main entrances clicked as regularly as clocks.
The forenoon was most delightfully adapted for exposition sightseeing. There was just a sufficient haze across the sky to minimize the heat and save the eyes from the full glare of the sun on the white buildings. The atmosphere was just cool enough for the maximum of comfort and a more comfortable looking lot of people than those who swarmed through the grounds could scarcely be imagined.
As most of the special trains were not scheduled to arrive until late in the afternoon, it was not expected that the people would begin to come in large numbers until toward midday. But a surprising number of them were well loaded. After 9 o'clock there was a constant inflow from both ends of the main court and by 11 o'clock there were apparently as many visitors in sight as at any time during the previous day. The majority of them were strangers and most of them brought their lunches for an all day's holiday. They rapidly distributed themselves over the grounds to see what their varying tastes designated as most worthy of their first attention and none of the myriad attractions of the big show were neglected.
Coming from the Country.
Towards noon the contributions of the special trains from Nebraska points swelled the arrivals and for a couple of hours the gate keepers were kept on the hustle. From each entrance stretched a dense line of people which was lost in the crowds that populated the more central parts of the enclosure. Many of the arrivals went on to the Bluff tract to witness the ceremonies that attended the formal opening of the Nebraska building, but thousands of others preferred to occupy their time in seeing the exposition. The buildings were not uncomfortably crowded, but every aisle was full and the exposition guards had their first experience in keeping them from being blockaded in the vicinity of the more popular exhibits.
While the effort to have every exhibit complete by Nebraska day was not successful in every detail, it was approximately accomplished. The crowd found everything complete in the majority of the buildings, and in others so little was lacking that it was scarcely perceptible. Workmen were still putting the finishing touches on some of the exhibits in the Agriculture building, and some of the heavy machinery in the Machinery building were not fully installed. A little material for the mining exhibit is still on the road, but aside from these slight details the exposition is complete.
Marine Band's Triumph.
The morning concert of the Marine band was hugely enjoyed by an audience of which a large proportion had not previously enjoyed the privilege of listening to its splendid music. The program included several compositions that have led in popularity previously and they received a large additional measure of approval. Sousa's famous march, the "Directorate," was the opening number before it was finished the big square in front of the band stand was well occupied. An overture by Thomas followed and then the crowd was delighted with Gottschalk's beautiful work, "The Dying Poet." The rendition of the waltz, "Wine and Song" by Strauss was especially well received and was followed by a selection from "The Merchant of Venice by Mercadante. A number of other selections which were not so generally familiar were given and the program was concluded with the always popular "Marching Thro' Georgia" and "Hail Columbia."
Chorus and Orchestra Work Well Together in Its Rendition.
The giving of "The Daughter of Jairus" last evening was in every way a musical delight. The chorus, for weeks under the careful guidance of Mr. T. J. Kelley, responded to the baton of a new conductor gracefully, singing with excellent appreciation throughout. Particularly may be mentioned their last ensemble work, which was full of life and artistic merit. The orchestra played with consideration, not in any ensemble work, which was full of life and artistic merit. The orchestra played with consideration, not in any instance sufficiently fortisimo to obscure the voices. Exceptionally well matched was the trio, Madame Sophia Markee, Messrs. Holmes Cowper and Kuss. The duo between Mrs. Markee and Mr. Cowper, "Love Divine," was the gem of the evening and brought special enthusiasm from the audience. Mr. Kuss and Mrs. Markee were more acceptable in the choral work than in their respective solos, which were somewhat interfered with by the wandering about of the audience. Mr. Kuss was formerly of the Carl Rosa Opera company. Mrs. Markee has been for some time a representative of Boston's Musical coterie and has a smooth and well trained voice with a personality all in her favor. Mr. Cowper, lately from London, is a happy addition to the small number of good tenor singers. Director Kimball, who led the performance, did so with ease and ability and expressed himself as well satisfied with both chorus and orchestra.
Previous to the choral work an admirably rendered program was given by the orchestra. A special number of interest was MacDowell's suite No. 1 in four movements. Like all of his works there was the evident merit and grace of thought and musical realism, especially in the "Summer Idylle," and "Shepherdess' Song." The musical committee should feel encouraged to continue these delightful evenings, for a good sized audience responds each time. It will be well worth while to hear M. Bare Tuesday, the first violinist of the Chicago orchastra, who appears in solo.
Mr. E. Bare. who joined the Chicago orchestra at the beginning of the season, is a pupil of the celebrated violinist, Hellmesberger of Vienna. After having studied with him for a number of years, Mr. Bare went to Paris for the purpose of taking advantage of the excellent opportunities offered to violinists in the French capital. He occupied the position of concert master, both in Paris and Cologne, with notable success. At his first appearance as soloist with the Thomas orchestra he at once stepped into the favor of the public. He will appear tonight at the Thomas concert at the Exposition Auditorium.
Secretary Gage Coming.
The exposition management has been notified that Hon. Lyman J. Gage, secretary of the Treasury department, will be in Omaha on Illinois day, June 21, and will be one of the honored guests at the Illinois building. Mr. Gage will travel from Washington in a special car and will take part in the ceremonies incident to the formal participation of Illinois in the exposition.
Program of the Interesting Ceremonies Made Public.
The Kansas state building will be dedicated Wednesday, June 22, and the occasion will be celebrated by an interesting program and distinguished as Kansas day in exposition chronology. Ex-Governor Glick, president of the Kansas exposition commission, will preside at the ceremonies and Vice President John E. Frost will deliver the address of welcome and turn the building over to the exposition authorities.
The Kansas building is at once pleasing and dignified in appearance, with broad porticos on three sides and balconied upper stories. In its composition the result of classic influence is at once manifest and in endeavoring to obtain this result, combined with convenient arrangement and economy, the result has been eminently satisfactory. The building is 55x57 feet. Entering the main or assembly room, which is thirty-two feet square, extending through both stories, the gallery above is reached by means of ample staircases, and from this level a fine view is obtained of the surroundings. Opposite the main entrance is located the checking rooms and postoffice, while at either side the rooms adjoining are arranged en suite, those on one side being assigned for use as women's parlors and lunch rooms. On the other side are located the gentlemen's quarters and commissioners' office.
Money for the building and also for the fine state exhibits in the Agricultural and other main buildings was collected in the various counties of Kansas on the promise of Governor Leedy to recommend to the next legislature that the counties should be reimbursed.
The program for the dedication ceremonies, which will begin at 11 a. m. at the Kansas building on the bluff tract, is as follows:
First Call | |
Reveille | Boys First Regiment Trumpet Corps |
Reunion Quick Step | Todd Ingraham, First sergeant; Artie McClintock, Second Duty sergeant; Earl McFarland, Third Duty sergeant; Russell E. Frost, trumpeter; John B. McKee, trumpeter; Ore C. Garvin, trumpeter. |
Invocation | Rev. A. F. Irwin, Hutchinson |
Flag Without a Stain | Male Quartet |
Adress of Welcome and Presentation of the Building | John E. Frost, vice president Kansas commission |
Acceptance | Gurdon W. Wattles, president Transmississippi and International Exposition |
(a) Bugle Song | Quartet | Hatton |
(b) To the Colors | |
Reveille March—Trumpet Corps | Garry Owen |
Address | F. D. Coburn, secretary Kansas State Board of Agriculture |
Nature's Adoration | Beethoven | James Moore. |
Dedicatory Address | Charles S. Gleed, Topeka |
Selection | Quartet |
America | By Everbody |
Retreat | |
Taps | By Trumpet Corps | Quartet, H. L. Shirer, first tenor; H. E. Overholt, second tenor; W. E. Shever, first bass; J. Moore, second bass |
Pianist | Miss Eleanor Worke, Topeka. |
A brilliant display of fireworks will be given in the evening. Free concerts by the Theodore Thomas orchestra will also be given in the Auditorium on the grounds during the day.
Exposition Notes.
Many visitors from over the state arrived on the regular trains last night in order to avoid the crowds that will come in this morning on the excursions.
After the banquet, following the public exercises, Governor Silas A. Holcomb will receive visitors for an hour or so in his suite of rooms in the Nebraska building.
The York Glee club of twenty splendid singers will arrive in Omaha this morning on an excursion from York. The club will furnish music during the "Nebraska day" exercises.
The fire department was called out Sunday night at 12:30 o'clock by an alarm which turned out to be a false one. The janitor of the Dairy building went to turn what he thought was the electric light button, but instead proved to be the fire alarm.
Among the many excursionists to arrive in Omaha this morning to assist in the success of Nebraska day will be the Ladies' cadets of North Platte. The cadets will give exhibition drills both this afternoon and evening in the assembly room of the state building.
The first prostration by heat occurred yesterday afternoon. S. O. Campbell of East Peru, Pa., a gentleman of 60 years of age, was prostrated. Mr. Campbell is an exhibitor of a gate on the north tract. Some twenty other patients were treated at the Emergency hospital.
Some 300 of the school children were given free admittance into the Great Wild West show in the afternoon by Mr. Mattox, the proprietor. The little codgers stood around on the outside without a penny in their pockets and as fast as a crowd of ten or twenty would gather, Mr. Mattox would rush them past the gatekeeper into the [?]
One little boy, who was walking along west midway intent on the manipulations of the Shoot the Chutes, ran against a pipe protruding from a plumber's wagon, striking him in the face in close proximity to the eye. The result is a bad cut and the little follow was carried to the hospital, where he received treatment. The driver of the wagon received a rebuke from a guard for letting his wagon stand out in the street in such a manner as to injure people.
Governor Tanner and Staff May Be Banquetted at the Exposition Grounds.
The executive committee of the Illinois club met yesterday afternoon in the Commercial club parlors to complete arrangements for the entertainment of Governor Tanner and other prominent Illinois people who will be here on Illinois day. Preparations had been made to entertain Governor Tanner and his staff, together with other well known men who will attend the exposition at that time, at a banquet to be given in the rooms of the Commercial club on the evening of June 21. The exposition directors have planned to have special fireworks and other features of particular interests at the grounds on that night and through E. Rosewater and Major Clarkson they asked that the banquet be given in one of the restaurants on the grounds in order to have the party on the grounds in the evening. Most of the members of the executive committee favored this change in arrangements and the matter was referred to a committee composed of Messrs. Taylor, Payne and Benedict who will look into the matter and report to the whole committee at a meeting to be held at the office of Postmaster Martin at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon.
What the Children, Large and Small, Have Contributed.
Showing Made by the Institutions is in Keeping with Nebraska's High Standing as a Leader in Enlightenment.
While the exposition is to a large extent commemorative of what Nebraska has achieved during its half century of existence it includes one feature that is significant of what the next generation will add to its measure of wealth and culture. Here is gathered together a vast representation of the work of its public schools whereto the children of the rich and poor alike is opened the way to a happy and successful future. In a state whose proudest boast is that its percentage of illiteracy is less than that of any other state in the union, this exhibit commands more than ordinary interest and the lesson that it teaches us is at no time more pertinent than when the citizenship of the state is congregated to celebrate Nebraska Day.
The educational exhibit occupies over 14,000 feet of floor space, almost completely filling the gallery of the Manufactures building. The entire north side is devoted to the public schools, the east end is occupied by the University of Nebraska and the State Normal school and the state educational institutions and the private and denominational schools occupy the south side. The public school exhibit includes contributions from 183 high and graded schools, which employ a combined teaching force of 1,732 teachers, and 322 rural schools. There are also represented eight state institutions employing 167 teachers, five private schools employing forty-eight teachers and five denominational schools which employs thirty-seven teachers. Of the forty-eight schools in the state which have a teaching force of more than ten instructors thirty-eight are represented at the exposition. Of the ninety counties seventy-two figure in the exhibit through their public schools.
What the Children Can Do.
The galleries have been divided into nineteen booths in which the various exhibits are arranged in a systematic manner and with an artistic and attractive ensemble. To thoroughly inspect the work of the thousand of pupils who have contributed to the enterprise is to acquire an enlarged idea of the results of modern education. The long galleries hung with drawings and designs that would be creditable in trained artists merely indicate what has been done by children whose hands are scarcely large enough to hold a pencil. The exhibits illustrate the work of every class of pupils from the kindergarten to the twelfth grade of the high schools and show how the little ones have been trained to use their hands and imaginations together to create new ideas and develop their powers of thought. In one booth are seen the petty creations that the pupils 5 and 6 years old have been taught to make merely by folding and cutting paper. In a higher grade they begin to draw from life and to develop their imaginations by drawings descriptive of some incident or problem that occurs in their studies. As they pass upward these specimens develop a wider scope until the high school grades produce a variety of studies in life and figure work that indicate no ordinary degree of talent.
Four of the booths in the public school exhibit are occupied by the Omaha schools. One is devoted to a presentation of the work of the manual training department of the High school and another is filled with drawings from life, wall paper designs and casts which represent the work of the pupils of the high school grades. The seventh and eighth grades fill the third booth and the lower grades occupy the last. In addition to the specimens which are hung on the walls there are a large number of bound books which contain compositions, language work and illustrated papers pertaining to the studies of the class in all the branches of the curriculum.
General Exhibit is Excellent.
The remainder of the public school gallery is devoted to the general state exhibit and the walls are entirely occupied with specimens from the schools of the state. These are very similar to the exhibit of the Omaha schools and even in the rural schools a surprising degree of merit is apparent. The University of Nebraska shows a large amount of work of an advanced character, which includes a gallery of oil paintings, some of which display no ordinary degree of talent. The Institute for the Deaf at Omaha, the Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City, the Boys' and Girls' Industrial schools at Kearney and Geneva and the Institute for the Feeble Minded at Beatrice are represented as state institutions and in each case the booth is well filled with elaborate and artistic handiwork accomplished by these unfortunates. The booth occupied by the State Normal school is prettily decorated in blue and serves as a sort of reception room for the use of the exhibitors and their visitors.
The entire exhibit was complete several days ago and in spite of the effort involved in climbing a long flight of stairs it has been a subject of general interest to exposition visitors. Superintendent Stewart has personal charge of the department and Miss Alice Tithe of the Omaha schools has superintended the selection and installation of the contributions of the Omaha schools.
Resources of Nebraska and Its Inducements to Homeseekers.
The Transmississippi and International Exposition is just now drawing the attention of the entire United States, as well as a large portion of the world to the great stretch of country west of the Mississippi, and by reason of the location of the exposition at Omaha, Nebraska is particularly conspicuous. Before it is over the people of the entire country will be made aware of what those who have lived here and those who have had intimate business connections in the state, have long known—that no state in the union has greater or more varied resources than Nebraska. There is no product which the soil of the temperate zone produces that does not flourish here, and in many of them Nebraska can safely challenge the world to produce equal results.
For many years Nebraska has stood well up to the head of the corn producing states, ranging from third to fifth in point of total production, gradually crawling up and passing many of its former rivals as the area of cultivated land was extended by the influx of settlers. Among men who have been engaged in farming in many states it has long been recognized that the same number of men and teams can produce more corn in Nebraska than in any state of the union, for the reason that in practically all portions of the state the soil does not bake and become hard if worked while wet. This gives the advantage of a larger number of working days in the growing season, with the attendant results.
The inseparable companions of King Corn are hogs and cattle to consume the crop. In Nebraska a less percentage of the corn crop finds its way to the world's markets in its primary condition than in any state of the union. In hogs, Nebraska has no particular advantage over any other of the corn states, though it is just as fortunately situated. In cattle, however, that is not a state in the union so favorably situated. In every direction, except to the eastward stretch the great ranges on which cattle can be raised at a comparatively small cost, but these sections lack, and always will lack, the corn that is necessary to make the best qualities of beef. With a lay-over ticket for the market they are stopped in the Nebraska feed yards, adding to the value of the cattle, and also to the corn they consume, and when they are ready to be turned off they have the best of markets at their own door in the great packing houses at South Omaha.
Among the Wheat States.
In small grain Nebraska is also forging to the front. In oats and all of the fine cereals, except wheat, it has always occupied a conspicuous place in the table of production and within the last few years Nebraska farmers have been waking up to the fact that this is also a profitable wheat-producing state. The result is the record-breaking crop of last year, which promises to be excelled this season. The oats fields of Nebraska have long been the source of wonder to those who have seen them and of unbelief to those who have not, frequently threshing out 100 bushels to the acre.
One of the growing industries of the country is the production of sugar, particularly from beets. The United States is the
greatest sugar consuming country in the world, and with the best and almost an unlimited market at home, produces but a small per cent of the home consumption. The area of cane sugar production is limited in this country, and attention of late years has been turned to the beet as a source of supply, Nebraska has been a pioneer in this direction, both in the experimental stages and in the practical adoption of its production in a commercial way. Experiments conducted through a series of years demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that this state, both in soil and climate, was peculiarly adopted to the growth of the sugar beet. Its porous surface and subsoil adapt it the growth of all root crops, and it also possesses the chemical ingredients necessary to make the beets rich in sugar. Two immense factories have been in successful operation for several years, and efforts to secure the necessary capital to build several others give promise of success. There is no reason why Nebraska should not produce a large portion of the sugar that is now bought in foreign lands.
Of all the various products which spring from the soil which are to be raised in this latitude which go to make up the food supply of man, Nebraska produces in abundance and has plenty to spare for its neighbors.
Partially Developed Industries.
Of the industries in an agricultural way which have yet been scantily developed, if at all, are those of fiber production. Some small effort has been made in the growing of hemp and its manufacture, in every instance with success, but what could be made the most important has never passed this stage of experiment. That is the growing of flax for the fiber. Large quantities are grown for the seed, but the fiber practically goes to waste. Experiments by thoroughly compentent men have demonstrated that, particularly in the valleys of the principal rivers, a quality of flax fiber for the manufacture of linen can be successfully and profitably produced, which is excelled by none produced elsewhere in the world.
There was a time when it was supposed that outside of a small section along the Missouri river fruit could not be successfully grown in Nebraska. Practical experience exploded this theory long ago and now in every portion of the state which has been settled long enough to allow it to be started fruit in plenty is raised for home consumption and in the older portion of the state large quantities are shipped out to other markets.
No belief concerning Nebraska is so common as that the state is practically treeless. Many people who live in the state in a measure share in this belief, thinking that with the exception of a small fringe of timber along the Missouri the vast expanse stretches westward scarcely relieved by the sight of a tree. In the sense that people in what are known as the timber states speak of forests this condition exists. Along all of the streams that early settlers found a fringe of trees, but under the provisions of the timber culture act and the stimulus of priviate enterprise the prairies all over the state are now dotted thickly with small groves of from ten to twenty acres of fine young timber, their beauty and utility testifying to the wisdom of the injunction to "plant trees."
Taken all in all no state in the union offers greater inducements for people to come and build for themselves homes than does Nebraska, and in the opportunities which it offers to those of limited means of accomplishing the result it is not approached by any. With a rich national endowment it has attracted the best of the homebuilders, who have here erected a school system excelled by none and with a rich endowment which ensures its expansion to meet the needs of the future.
Governors of Nebraska.
The governors of Nebraska, from the inception of the territory to the present time, follow:
Territory. | Term. |
Francis Burt | 1854 |
T. B. Cuming (acting) | 1854-55 |
Mark W. Izard | 1855-58 |
William A. Richardson | 1858 |
J. S. Morton (acting) | 1858-59 |
Samuel W. Black | 1859-61 |
Alvin Saunders | 1861-66 |
David Butler | 1866-67 |
David Butler | 1867-71 |
W. H. James (acting) | 1871-73 |
Robert W. Furnas | 1873-75 |
Silas Garber | 1875-79 |
Albinus Nance | 1879-83 |
James W. Dawes | 1883-87 |
John M. Thayer | 1887-89 |
James E. Boyd | 1891-93 |
Lorenzo M. Crounse | 1893-95 |
Silas A. Holcomb | 1895-99 |
Concerning the Nebraska State Building at the Exposition.
Landmark that is Visible from All Portions of the Grounds and the Surrounding Country—List of Employes.
The Nebraska building occupies one of the most commanding positions among the structures erected by the many states participating in the exposition. Standing near the edge of the bluff overlooking the broad valley of the winding Missouri, the size and imposing appearance of the building make it an object of attention, even among the beautiful and classic structures which have been erected by other states as a mark of their appreciation of the good work which has been done in bringing the exposition into life.
The building is massive in appearance, the general mass being rectangular. The huge dome, flanked by four smaller domes, give to the building an appearance which makes it a landmark plainly visible from all parts of the grounds as well as from the surrounding country. The exterior is a light chocolate color against which the white columns supporting the cornice stand out in bold relief. The pediment over each of the entrances at the center of the main fronts of the building is crowned by a heroic figure representing Nebraska welcoming the people of every state and nation to the portals of the home erected by the state for all who may come. The pediments are flanked by groups of statuary symbolizing peace and plenty.
The building is two stories in height, measuring 90x142 feet on the ground and about ninety feet to the top of the lantern surmounting the dome.
Starting the Work.
When the Nebraska Exposition commission was appointed by Governor Holcomb about the first thing which was decided was that the state should have a building to be used for headquarters for the people of Nebraska who visited the grounds and for the official representatives of such other states as might wish to avail themselves of the hospitality of Nebraska. This much was decided upon before the commission had [?] official existence. The appropriation of [?],000 was not available until the latter [?] of July, 1897, but at the first meeting held after this was available and the commission officially in existence one of the first business transacted related to the erection of such building. A number of plans were submitted by architects from all parts of the state and these were taken under consideration by the commission at the first meeting. No formal action was taken, however, until the second meeting, August 12, when the plans submitted by John H. Craddock of Lincoln and John McDonald of Omaha, collaborating for this purpose, were accepted and details, drawings and specifications were ordered made. The site on which the building stands was officially determined August 26, although it had been conceded from the very beginning that this place, regarded as the best location on the Bluff tract, should be assigned to Nebraska.
Almost the first action taken by the Nebraska commission regarding the erection of the state building was the passage of a
MARCH 1TH 1867.
resolution providing that the building should be erected by day's labor and that the wage scale fixed by the Omaha labor unions should be the scale governing the wages to be paid all men employed on the building. George W. Blake of Lincoln was appointed superintendent of the building; J. E. Knowles of Omaha was appointed assistant superintendent, and J. A. Watson of Lincoln was appointed foreman.
Cost of the Building.
The original plans for the building were changed slightly and on September 21 modified plans were adopted, the building being enlarged somewhat from the size originally proposed and the general form of the building being slightly altered. It had been estimated that the cost of construction under the first plans would not exceed $16,000 and the estimate of the cost under the modified plans placed the figure at about $20,000. The statement issued by the commission June 1, last, shows that the total expenditure on account of the building up to that time was $25,082.02, but this amount includes insurance during construction, architects' fees, guards and watchmen, fuel for the workmen during the cold weather and other items which might not be considered as properly chargeable to this account, the total of these items being about $3,000.
The contract for supplying the lumber covered by the schedule made by Superintendent Blake was let to the Wyatt-Bullard Lumber company of Omaha for $3,471, and it was stipulated that the same firm would supply any additional lumber at the rate on which this bid was based.
Active work on the building was commenced September 28 and the structure was erected in the most substantial manner. The Nebraska building is, without doubt, the most substantially constructed building on the exposition grounds and might easily be removed any reasonable distance. Men from all parts of the state were employed on the building and the work was prosecuted all through the winter. During a few of the most severe days work was suspended, but, except in the most extreme cases, there was no cessation and the work went steadily on.
The staff and plaster work of the building and the statuary were done by contract, it being out of the question to do this portion of the work by employing men by the day. Kimball Bros. of Lincoln were awarded the contract for both staff and plaster at $5,800. They sublet the plaster work to Hester & McCaslin, also of Lincoln, and the very unsatisfactory manner in which the plastering, both interior and exterior, was done formed the only serious subject of disagreement between the commission and the contractors. The matter was finally adjusted on the basis of a reduction in the contract price. This reduction just about equalled a bill for extras presented by Kimball Bros. on account of extra staff work ordered by the architects and the contract price represented the total cost of this portion of the work.
The electric wiring of the building was done by the Western Electric company of Omaha, the contract price being $340.
The painting of the outside and the finishing of the interior wood work was done by A. B. Bender & Son of Madison county, the price being $372.
Has a Fine Interior.
The interior of the building is arranged to make it a convenient place for meetings of various kinds such as state societies, celebrations, etc. The center of the building is a large assembly room, 100x60 feet in size, on the lower floor, with a wide balcony extending all around the rotunda on the second floor. The ceiling of the dome is sixty feet above the floor.
Surrounding this assembly room, on both the first and second floors, are a series of rooms, twenty-four in number, of various sizes and used for a variety of purposes. Reading and toilet rooms are provided for both men and women, an intelligence office is maintained where visitors may obtain information on any subject, a postoffice is installed in one of the rooms, were persons desiring to do so may have their mail addressed, and an attendant is on duty to deliver such mail. A visitors' register in one of the rooms shows the name and address of those calling at the building.
A large room at the north end of the building on the second floor and the smaller room adjoining it on the west are assigned to Governor Holcomb and these have been very tastefully fitted up under the direction of Miss Mellona Butterfield, the hostess of the building. The rooms at the northeast corner of the second floor are occupied by the Nebraska commission as its offices. The other rooms in the building and the nooks and corners at various points have been assigned to numerous secret societies of the state which maintain headquarters here for the convenience of their members who may visit the exposition from Nebraska and adjoining states.
Splendid Array of Pictures.
The interior of the building is decorated in the most artistic manner. The walls of the large assembly room and rotunda are tinted a light green with decorations in light chocolate color. The window draperies harmonize with these colors. The other rooms in the building are tinted in various shades, some being yellow, others blue, gray, red, etc., with draperies and other furnishings which harmonize in the most tasteful manner. The walls of the large room, as well as those of the smaller rooms, are embellished with a large collection of paintings, both in oil and water color, from the brushes of Nebraska artists. The collection is highly artistic, every painting being the work of an artist. They were selectel by Miss Butterfield and hung under her direction. A number of pictures painted by Miss Butterfield herself constitute a part of the collection and add very materially to its artistic completness.
The Ohio Exposition commission is the only state commission which has availed itself of the invitation of the Nebraska commission to make the Nebraska building its headquarters on the grounds. A desk in the office of the Nebraska commission on the second floor is presided over by Secretary Greene of the Ohio commission.
Makeup of the Commission.
The members of the Nebraska state commission are as follows: William Neville, president, North Platte; W. A. Poynter, Albion; C. D. Casper, David City; H. M. Boydston, Nebraska City; C. A. Whitford, Arlington; W. M. Dutton, Hastings; J. N. Campbell, assistant secretary, Fullerton.
Employes Nebraska State Commission—State building: Dan Althen, bookkeeper, Beatrice; Nellie O'Rourke, stenographer, and Mellona Butterfield, hostess, Omaha; Mrs. W. H. Hunter, assistant hostess, Fremont; Mrs. Clara Marks, check room clerk, Grand Island; Miss Anna B. Overton, attendant ladies' waiting room, Gibbon; Miss Lela Wheeler, postmistrees, Lincoln; F. M. Whittecar, custodian, Ainsworth; Cyrus Lindell, assistant custodian, Lincoln; A. J. Williams, policeman, Omaha; Patrick Hynes, policeman, Hastings; John Barrett, policeman, Knox county; Frank Barry, guard, Wahoo; E. B. Wilber, guard, South Sioux City; Ed Parrott, janitor, Auburn; W. C. Bass, janitor, Seward; A. J. Tomlinson, clerk intelligence office, Red Cloud; G. C. Stevenson, registry clerk, Madison; Arthur Elder, messenger, Clay Center.
Educational Department—W. R. Jackson, superintendent, Lincoln; C. W. Stewart, assistant superintendent, Alma; Eliza L. McGrew, helper, Garfield; William B. Howard, helper, Dawes county; A. H. Holmes, helper, Wilcox; M. C. O'Hara, helper, Bloomfield; W. H. Mullen, helper, O'Neill.
Agricultural Department—E. D. Johnson, superintendent, Lexington; C. E. Drake, assistant superintendent, Albion; W. E. Hassler, helper, Pawnee City; Jerry Wagoner, helper, Bellwood.
Cooking School in Flour Exhibit—Mrs. H. McMurphy, proprietress; Mrs. Mary Pleak,
Horticultural Department—Peter Youngers, jr., superintendent, Geneva; G. A. Marshall, assistant superintendent, Arlington; Charles Nownes, assistant superintendent, Papillion; Frank Clark, helper, Tecumseh.
Floriculture Department—L. C. Chapin, superintendent, Lincoln; A. W. Shickley, helper, Fillmore county.
Apiary Department—L. D. Stilson, super intendent, York; G. M. Whitford, assistan superintendent, Arlington.
Dairy Department[?]
How the Great Fight Was Waged in the Nebraska Legislature.
Middle-of-the-Road Populists and Kansas City Republicans Obstruct the Way, but Are Eventually Swept Aside.
How the appropriation for Nebraska's participation in the Transmississippi and International Exposition was secured is a warm chapter of state history in itself, and not an especially creditable one to some of the members of the legislature which made it. It is charitable to think that some of the opposition to the bill was honestly made, but that much of it was malicious and some directly intended to assist Kansas City in its efforts to secure the transfer of the exposition from Omaha to that place is equally true. When the bill was at last passed it was loaded with such provisions as the opponents could devise in the hope that Omaha would be unable to fulfill, and therefore lost the benfits of the measure. It is true also that the delay in the Nebraska legislature occasioned by the opponents of the exposition had a very decided effect on western legislatures which were in session at the same time, and which refused to make any appropriation because the enterprise lacked the proper support at home.
Charles Wooster of Merrick county, Wilson Winslow of Gosper, Fred Gaylord of Buffalo and W. G. Eastman of Custer, populists, and C. E. Jenkins of Jefferson, republican, were leaders of the opposition in the house, and they had a very numerous following, both open and concealed. They fought the bill from first to last with all their power.
As soon as the legislature was organized Governor Holcomb, as the state executive, recommended, in his annual message, legislative assistance in the following words:
You will be called upon by the management of the Transmississippi association to aid the enterprise, and I trust that the financial assistance given by you will be liberal and sufficient, so that our sister states and territories west of the Mississippi may be thereby encouraged to lend their substantial aid.
He called attention to what congress had done in the way of an appropriation, also to the action taken by Iowa, Utah and Louisiana.
On January 13 Representative Dudley Smith of Douglas county introduced a bill for an appropriation of $350,000. As house roll 93, it became familiar to every citizen of the state. One of its provisions was the appointment by the governor of twelve directors to represent the state of Nebraska. In its preamble it alluded to the action of congress and enumerated several strong reasons for the exposition.
It would make too long a story to follow the legislative history of the bill in all its detail. From the very first opportunity he had to speak on the measure, before its reference, Wooster attacked it with brutal candor, and the others were as active, if not as frank.
Kansas City Took Part.
Agents of the Kansas City Commercial club were in Lincoln, too, snatching up every indication of antagonism, in their intention to report to the legislatures of Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas a prediction that the Nebraska legislature would vote down any appropriation. They were engaged in a scheme to have the exposition removed to Kansas City.
The committee did not get ready to report the bill for the general file until February 5, and then the committee was about evenly divided on it. This committee consisted of Ralph A. Clark of Richardson, chairman; Richard Dobson of Fillmore, A. E. Sheldon of Dawes, D. S. Zimmerman of York, Henry Gerdes of Richardson, G. L. Rouse of Hall, C. E. Curtis of Douglas, G. E. Jenkins of Jefferson, V. W. Straub of Otoe, C. F. Wheeler of Furnas and E. M. Pollard of Nemaha. Jenkins and Gerdes fought the bill to the very last, as their vote on the final passage witnesses. Chairman Clark was always friendly and frequently championed it. When the committee reported it the bill was accompanied by several amendments, one intending to cut down the appropriation to $150,000. Another amendment proposed to reduce the number of directors from twelve to six at $75 per month.
It took the house three days to reach a consideration of the report. Wooster did not miss his opportunity then and Winslow, Gaylord and Jenkins all came out from their ambush. Hitherto they had been making their attacks from under cover, where they had been safely hid from public gaze. How, however, they became bold and exhibited their teeth. All four got their
chance to show themselves in their true colors in opposing a motion made by Chairman Clark to have the bill made the special order for 2 p. m., February 10, the day following. In their efforts to indefinitely postpone they were defeated, but the bill had to take its place on the general file.
Gaffin's Special Ruling.
A second attempt to advance the bill was defeated in the house on February 18 by a vote of 55 to 38. Friends of the bill favored pushing it forward. These were O. Hull of Harlan, republican; William Horner of Dawson, populist; Lucien Stebbins of Lincoln, populist, and Clark of Richardson, populist, who had always been friendly. But Wooster, Winslow and Gaylord were, if anything, firmer than ever in their opposition. At this stage Speaker Gaffin came to the bill's rescue somewhat by announcing a new ruling, at which he said he had arrived after a careful study of parliamentary authorities. The new rule was that a majority of the house was sufficient to advance any bill. Hull had made the motion to advance the bill. Under the speaker's ruling fifty-one votes were all that were necessary to advance a bill. The committee on rules in a caucus decided to sustain him in his position. Clark of Lancaster made an objection, based upon "Roberts' Rules of Order," and contending for the two-thirds vote up to that time considered necessary.
Things had come to such a pass by this time that it was thought by the free silver leaders, themselves, advisable to do something to prevent the fusionists from being made the victims of popular indignation in case the exposition bill failed to pass, so they decided that an entirely new bill, to be introduced by Speaker Gaffin as a substitute for the Smith bill, might gain the support of the populists and best subserve the interests of the exposition. Accordingly, one was drafted conjointly by Congressman-elect W. L. Stark of Aurora and Judge C. R. Scott of Omaha. It provided for an appropriation of $200,000 for "a Nebraska exhibit."
In the event of neither the original bill nor the substitute going through, only five days of the forty allowed for the introduction of bills remained, when the Smith bill did finally come up in committee of the whole, February 23, and the Gaffin substitute was offered. In striking contrast to Wooster and his followers, Speaker Gaffin, Chairman Clarke of the finance committee, and Sheldon of Dawes, all populist leaders, and Hull of Harlan, republican, worked hard for the exposition. The bill had eventually been made the special order for this day almost unanimously, only E. J. Burkett of Lancaster and Cole of Franklin voting against getting it this far along.
Hot Time in the House
This meeting of the house in committee of the whole was a hot one and a long one. The committee sat two days, the second until after midnight, and every tactic the opponents of the exposition could resort to
they tried. The roll call was responded to by ninety-six members. Gaffin took the floor and had Burkett of Lancaster occupy the chair. This was to give the speaker a chance to introduce his substitute and participate in the inevitable debate. Both the original bill and his substitute were read section by section before an amendment was permitted any attention whatever. As soon as the Smith bill was read through, Mr. Gaffin moved his substitute, and immediately Winslow moved for a report recommending indefinite postponement. This opened the contest. He waxed so vehement that he lost his voice early in the speech, in which he was endeavoring to flay the friends of the bill.
Wooster accused Horner of Dawson with having played the turncoat, and Horner called him a "liar" without any attempt at ceremony. Of course, Jenkins played for indefinite postponement. The discussion reached a point where Gaffin thought it was useless to continue it, "as it would not change a vote," he said, so, from Hull's seat, he moved the previous question, whereupon Wooster accused him of trying to apply the "gag law." Gaylord of Buffalo and Hamilton of Butler did their utmost to give the exposition a crippling blow. By the time the committee arose the Gaffin appropriation figure was cut down to $100,000—exactly one-half of what Congressman Stark and Judge Scott though the exposition's foes would agree to, and the fight was not yet ended. The amendment to reduce to $100,000 came from Billings of Keya Paha.
Last Stand of the Opposition.
An effort by A. E. Sheldon of Dawes to have the committee finish its consideration on the first day by having an evening session was beaten by a vote of 53 to 43. The fever of malignancy broke out the second day without waiting for anything like an excuse. It was started by Eastman of Custer, and Jenkins roasted Omaha to his own satisfaction. All sorts of amendments were aimed at the bill—the substitute now was being considered—to weaken it. Eager of Seward tried to have the appropriation cut down still further to $50,000. Winslow, himself, had been a trifle more modest—or ashamed—than this; the figure he proposed was $75,000. One of the amendments saddled on to it forbade the paying out of any money until at least $250,000 had been paid in by the Omaha stockholders.
A statement was secured from Treasurer Meserve to please Wooster, showing the total amount available for appropriation by the state. Its figures allowed $1,250,000 for the finance, ways and means committee, and $400,000 for the claims committee, a total of $1,650,000. A table a day or so later, prepared by the finance committee, gave the footings of the legislative appropriations as $574,550 for the departments, and $1,140,685 for the state institutions.
Motions by Wooster to recommit and Winslow to indefinitely postpone were both easily voted down. Frank Loomis of Butler said the condition of the state treasury demanded "something radical," and intimated that to refuse an appropriation altogether would be about "radical" enough to suit him, but the other salons did not see it that way. P. H. Eighmy of Brown and R. H. Hill of Clay said they were not opposed to the $100,000 appropriation, but were to any greater sum. At 12:45 a. m., February 25, the committee of the whole decided to arise and report the bill for engrossment and passage.
One of Wooster's threats was that he would block legislation, and particularly the other appropriations, by holding up the exposition bill, if its champions did not yield. Why, he knew best. On the last day allowed for the introduction of bills in the house he got a resolution before it asking that the bill's constitutionality be inquired into by the supreme court before final action was taken. His motive was transparent to every one, but Clark of Lancaster calling attention to a rule of the court that it would not consider the constitutionality of any law until a case was brought formally before it, Wooster's resolution was tabled on a motion by Dudley Smith of Douglas.
He did gain a doubtful victory next day. He told the house he had information to the effect that the bill had been tampered with—that the word "association" had been erased from it outside the house—and he moved the appointment of an investigating committee. Though Dudley Smith explained that there was no Transmississippi "association," yet Wooster's motion prevailed by a vote of 54 to 30, and he became the committee's chairman. His committee never reported.
Final Vote in the House.
On March 4, the date of President McKinley's inauguration, the Gaffin substitute was finally passed by a big majority of the house and went to the senate. True to himself, Wooster had not subsided in the least, but did his utmost to keep the bill from reaching a vote. He represented that his investigating committee had not yet had [?]
ruling Jenkins protested and Eager of Seward moved to recommit the bill for correction. The chairman of the engrossing committee, O. A. Sever of Otoe, had, however, reported that the bill had been correctly engrossed. Clark of Lancaster, therefore, raised the point that nothing but the correct bill was before the house, which point the speaker sustained.
The vote on the passage of the bill is an official record of its friends and foes. Following is how the vote stood:
Ayes—Alderman rep, Ankeny pop, Baldwin dem, Bernard rep, Billings pop, Blake rep, Bower pop, Burkett rep, Bryam rep, Campbell pop, Casebeer rep, Chittenden rep, Clark of Lancaster rep, Clark of Richardson dem, Curtis pop, Dobson pop, Eighmy rep, Felker dem, Foulke rep, Gaylord pop, Givens pop, Goshorn rep, Grandstaff pop, Grell dem, Grimes pop, Henderson rep, Hill pop, Holbrook rep, Holland pop, Horner pop, Hull pop, Hyatt pop, Jones of Gage rep, Jones of Nemaha pop, Jones of Wayne dem, Kapp dem, Lemar pop, Liddell dem, McCarthy pop, McGee rep, McLeod rep, Mann rep, Marshall pop, Mills rep, Moran pop, Morrison pop, Nesbit rep, Phelps pop, Prince rep, Rich dem, Roberts dem, Rouse rep, Sheldon pop, Shull pop, Smith of Douglas dem, Snyder of Sherman pop, Straub dem, Sutton pop, Taylor of Douglas pop, Taylor of Fillmore pop, Uerling pop, Van Horn dem, Waite rep, Welch pop, Wheeler pop, Wimberley rep, Yeiser pop, Young rep, Zimmerman pop, Speaker Gaffin pop—70.
Nays—Cole pop, Eager pop, Eastman pop, Fernow pop, Gerdes pop, Grosvenor pop, Hamilton pop, Hill pop, Jenkins rep, Keister pop, Loomis pop, Mitchell pop, Robertson pop, Severe pop, Smith of Richmond pop, Snyder of Nemaha pop, Soderman pop, Webb pop, Winsow pop, Wooster pop—20.
Absent or not voting—Cronk pop, Endorf pop, McCracken pop, Pollard rep, Roddy rep, Schram pop, Stebbins pop, Wiebe pop, Woodard pop, Wright pop—10.
Easier in the Senate.
The bill did not have much difficulty in the senate, though there was some opposition. It was pushed up to the head of the file on March 12 and was at once considered in committee of the whole and recommended to pass. The next day it passed, four votes going against it.
Senator Murphy did not succeed in his endeavors to raise the amount of the appropriation to $150,000; neither did Senator J. S. Canaday of Kearney to cut it down to $50,000. Frank Ransom pronounced Canaday amendment "too absurd to merit even a moment's consideration and an insult to the intelligence of the senate." J. H. Dundas of Nemaha favored the $50,000 figure, through Senators Beal of Custer, J. D. Lee of Keya Paha, Smith T. Caldwell of Nuckolls and A. T. Talbot of Lancaster stiffly insisted on the $100,000 limit, if not less. Frank Ransom of Douglas closed the discussion with a speech in favor of Mr. Murphy's figure, but, though the senate voted down Canaday's amendment, it would go no higher than $100,000. Canaday's amendment received three votes, those of Senators Canaday, Dundas and J. M. Osborn of Pawnee. This discussion of the amount was in committee of the whole. The passage of the bill on the next day was without incident. It passed by the following vote:
Ayes—Beal pop, Caldwell rep, Conaway rep, Dearing pop, Feltz pop, Fritz pop, Gondring pop, Graham pop, Haller rep, Heapy pop, Howell dem, Jeffcoat pop, Johnson pop, McGann pop, Miller pop, Muffly pop, Murphy rep, Mutz pop, Ransom pop, Schaal pop, Spencer rep, Steele rep, Sykes pop, Talbot rep, Weller dem—25.
Nays—Canaday pop, Dundas pop, Osborn pop, Ritchie pop—4.
Absent and not voting—Farrell pop, Grothan pop, Lee pop, Watson pop—4.
Part of the Louisiana Purchase that Has Become an Empire Itself.
Nebraska was admitted to the union March 1, 1867. It was a part of the Louisiana territory ceded to the United States by France in 1803. Lewis and Clark's party traversed the country in 1804-5 and they are believed to have been the first white explorers who passed through it from east to west.
In 1812 the state occupied a considerable part of what was then called Missouri territory, which was occupied by strong and warlike Indian tribes, and, therefore, not regarded as desirable territory for emigrants for many years.
Senator Douglas in 1844 introduced a bill in congress for the establishment of a Nebraska territory, including Kansas, Dakota and portions of Colorado and Wyoming. The year following an amended bill on the same subject was brought up, but nothing was done with it.
In 1853-4 the subject of a bill for Nebraska territory assumed a new interest and the Kansas-Nebraska bill was introduced. In effect it repealed the "Missouri compromise" and permitted the inhabitants to decide whether slavery should be admitted into their respective territories.
This doctrine, known as "squatter sovereignty," exerted an untoward influence on Kansas, causing much disturbance there, but had no effect in Nebraska, which was organized as a territory finally in 1854. It included part of Dakota, Montana, most of Wyoming and the northeastern part of Colorado. The region was given up to be free territory by common consent.
In Its Present Form.
At the beginning of the war the extent of Nebraska territory was greatly demolished by the setting off of Colorado, Dakota, Wyoming and Montana territories. Its population grew very slowly at first but as the Pacific railroad, which had its eastern terminus at Omaha, began to stretch out into the greater west, the state began to fill up. Settlers recognized its great advantages for agricultural purposes, the rich soil and genial climate and flocked here in great numbers. Its principal growth has been from 1867 to the present date. After it became one of the Union in 1867 it lived under the constitution then adopted until the close of 1875, when a new constitution was ratified by the people. It took effect in 1876.
Nebraska lies in one of the richest sections of the United States and its products are rich and varied. The climate it essentially a dry one, but the rainfall is not much less than in the east. The mean temperature during the winter months ranges from twenty-two to thirty degrees, that of the spring from forty-seven to forty-nine degrees, the summer seventy to seventy-four degrees and autumn forty-nine to fifty-one degrees. A weather record of seven years at Nebraska City gave the mean annual rainfall as 30,36 inches, of which 20.87 inches fell between April 1 and October 1, and only 8.49 between October 1 and April 1.
Nebraska lies between forty and forty-three degrees north latitude and ninety-five degrees, twenty-three minutes and 104 degrees west longitude, bounded by Dakota on the north, the Missouri river on the east, which separates it from Iowa and Missouri, on the south by Kansas and Colorado and on the west by Wyoming and Colorado. Its length is about 412 miles by 208 miles wide and its area is 76,855 square miles, or 49,187,200 acres. The population in 1890 was 1,058,910. The assessed valuation of property was $183,717,498. The valuation of all real and personal property is $1,275,685,514. The per capita of total true valuation in 1890 was $1,205.
Topography of the State.
The northwest portion of the state bordering on the "Bad Lands" has some hills of considerable height. The river beds are deeply eroded by the action of the water and the high bluffs give an appearance of hills where none in reality exists. The greater part of the state is a gently rolling prairie, rising gradually toward the west. The eastern part is well drained and watered, the Missouri river receiving the Niobrara and Nebraska, or Platte, the Great Ne-rivers; the Republican fork of the Kansas, also drains the southern part of the state and receives numerous tributaries. The Nebraska, or Platte, a broad and majestic but not a navigable river, is the principal stream and traverses the entire state from west to east.
The mineral wealth of the state consists principally of coal from the upper coal measures, and of not sufficient thickness to furnish more than a local supply. This coal is confined to the upper carboniferous region along the Missouri river, and mostly below the Platte river. There are numerous salt basins in the cenrtal and western parts of the state. The most extensive is in Lancaster county, in a district twelve by twenty-five miles surrounding Lincoln, the capital. The springs contain 29 per cent of salt and it is pronounced the purest in the world.
The eastern part of the state is well watered and the soil of the Missouri river bottoms as well as the region south of the Platte and east of the ninety-ninth meridian is a rich, black vegetable mould from two to ten feet deep. Wild grasses grow luxuriantly upon both the bottom and the table lands, yielding from one-half to three tons of hay per acre, and are excellently adapted for the raising of sheep and cattle.
Game birds abound, including wild turkey, several species of grouse, singers and birds of fine plummage pertaining to the Rocky mountain region. The Missouri and most of its tributaries have a fine supply of fish. Much attention is being given to fish breeding in the rivers.
In the matter of educational advantages and churches Nebraska has kept pace with the rest of the country. Her institutions of learning are modern and no state equal in population and area spends more money on the public school system than Nebraska.
Educational Statistics.
There are 272,290 school pupils enrolled in the public schools of the state; there are 9,491 teachers, 6,687 school houses and the aggregate value of all school property is $8,889,842. The total expenditure, including the debt paid, is given at $3,766,217. Omaha, the metropolis, has a million and a half dollars invested in school property. There are ten higher institutions of learning in the state with 170 instructors and professors. The value of buildings, grounds and apparatus was, in 1895, $1,114,000. There is a compulsory education law in Nebraska and while it is not positively effective in increasing attendance of pupils it has accomplished good. The percentage of Nebraska's school population attending the schools is higher than many of the eastern states.
During the last ten years Omaha's miportance as a railroad center has steadily increased. There are 5,542.27 miles of railway in the state. Two of these are great trunk lines. Fourteen lines of railways converge at the metropolis; eighty passenger trains arrive and depart daily. The metropolis is the third largest live stock market in the world and is the military headquarters of the Department of the Missouri.
Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners.
SATURDAY, June 4, 1898.
Board met pursuant to adjournment and called to order by Chairman Kierstead, with all members present.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Reports of Standing Committees.
The request of Nels Larsen for the reducing of the assessment on west 81 feet of lots 86 and 87, Fairmount addition, and request of M. E. L. Williams for refund of certain taxes on lots 1 and 2, Andrews & Benson's addition, were denied.
Claims Allowed.
From general fund: George Heimrod, county treasurer, $85.27.
From bridge fund: H. A. Nolte, $171.15; Lou Turner, $20.90.
Petitions and Communications.
The resignation of Joseph Vanderford as custodian of the county exposition store was accepted.
County treasurer's receipts, $310.00, and $25.00 to clerk of the district court for fines collected. Filed.
Statements of clerks of the district court of fines collected; request of W. Siedentoph for refund of certain taxes paid; request of John Beard for refund of certain interest paid; request of R. B. Rhoades for cancellation of certain taxes; request of C. A. Baldwin for readjustment of certain taxes, etc.; request of S. C. Brewster to pay certain taxes without interest and petition for appointment of Clara Feenan to some position at G. A. R. room at Transmississippi Exposition. Referred.
Bills and Claims.
The following claims were allowed as read and ordered paid by warrant: Associated Charities, $7.80; William Olmstead, $36; Thomas Welch, $35.50; J. T. Ochiltree, $79.98; D. D. Sullivan, $8.61; O. P. Schwerin, $18.65; Frank Kelpin, $11.85.
By Hoctor—Authorizing the superintendent of the county hospital to employ a waitress at the hospital. Adopted.
By Ostrom—Appointing Charles Hodder as custodian at the county exposition store, to take the place of Joseph Vanderford, resigned. Adopted.
Appropriations Passed.
From general fund, $93.07.
From bridge fund, $263.55.
From Interstate exposition, $119.09.
Adjourned to Saturday, June 11, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m.
WM. I KIERSTEAD, Chairman.
D. M. HAVERLY, County Clerk.
A Confederate Half Dollar the Only One in Known Existence.
Of the four celebrated confederate half dollars of 1861—practically the only coins of the confederacy—not more than one is now known to be in existence, and that is in the possession of J. W. Scott, the well-known coin dealer of this city, relates the New York Tribune. He values it at $1,000. The obverse side of the coin is the same as that of the silver half dollars of the regular mint series of that time, with the Goddess of Liberty seated, and the date 1861, beneath. The distinctive feature is the reverse side, for which a new die was struck. In the center is a shield bearing the stars and bars of the confederacy. The number of stars in the field—seven—represent the seven states which seceded before the inauguration of Lincoln, March 4, 1861. A liberty pole is thrust through the shield, and bears on its tip a liberty cap. Twined around the shield, in the form of a wreath, are a stalk of sugar cane and a stalk of cotton. Above these devices are the words: "Confederate States of America," and below them the denomination of the coin, "Half Sol."
The history of this coin and its three counterparts is interesting. In February, 1861, the United States mint at New Orleans fell into confederate hands. The confederate government, then seated in Montgomery, Ala., decided to have some new dies made and to start a coinage of its own at the mint. It was determined to begin the series with the silver half-dollar. In April Mr. Memminger, the secretary of the treasury of the confederacy, having issued a call for designs, selected the one above described. The die was made by A. H. Peterson of New Orleans, and four coins were struck as specimen pieces, under the direction of Dr. B. F. Taylor, "chief coiner for the confederate states of America." But the southern government then found that, owing to a total lack of silver bullion, it was one thing to make four specimen coins and quite another to issue the money in quantities. The idea was abandoned and on April 30, 1861, the mint closed only a few days after the sample pieces had been made. The four coins were distributed to persons who would be most likely to take an interest in them. One was sent to the government, one to Prof. Riddell of the University of Louisiana, one to Dr. E. Ames of New Orleans, and the fourth, together with the die, was kept by Dr. Taylor, who had charge of the mint when it was struck. This is the coin which is now in this city. About the year 1879 Dr. Taylor sold the coin and the die to Mr. Scott. The latter, in turn, disposed of the coin three or four years afterward at a public auction in New York for $870. Ten years ago the collection of which it formed a part was offered for sale; Mr. Scott bought the rare old piece back, and has owned it ever since.
One of the other coins—probably that which was sent to the confederate government in 1861—came into the possession of Jefferson Davis, asking him if he still owned the piece. Mr. Davis replied in a letter which Mr. Scott still has, that the coin was taken from him when he was captured on May 10, 1865, together with many other things that he owned, and that he had never heard of it afterward. Up to the present its whereabouts is not known. Of the other two coins there is no definite trace, although one was reported to be in New Orleans in 1882.
Public Schools Send Older Pupils on Tour of Inspection.
Buildings and Contents Gone Over in a Systematic Manner.
More People Pass the Gates Than Were Really Looked For.
Friday and Saturday Promise to Bring Many Thousands of Visitors from Abroad to the Great Exposition.
Today the school children of the seventh and eighth grades and the pupils of the High school are taking the turn at seeing the exposition, and although their numbers scarcely compare to those of the smaller pupils who thronged the grounds Monday, they make a conscious addition to the usual crowd. Only the advance guard arrived this morning, but as the day advanced it was reinforced by additional detachments and by the time the exercises began in the Boys' and Girls' building there were enough of them to fill several such buildings.
Aside from the presence of the unusual proportion of young men and women and their particular celebration, the day was without special feature. There is not a fair crowd on the grounds, but it is not so noticeable after the larger attendance of Nebraska day. The morning was delightful as usual, but was not without the prospect of less favorable weather later in the day.
The Thomas orchestra is scheduled for a concert in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock this afternoon in addition to the usual concert in the evening.
Thursday is without feature, but Friday and Saturday will be Wisconsin days and on Saturday the Woman's clubs will also have a celebration at the grounds, which includes a very interesting musical and literary program.
Orchestra and Band Entertain Many Thousands of Visitors.
An audience which packed the big Auditorium from pit to dome greeted the Theodore Thomas orchestra last night when the hour arrived for the commencement of the usual evening concert. It was the largest audience which has attended a concert since the opening of the exposition and the excellent program prepared for the occasion was performed under the inspiration which comes from a packed house. The orchestra was at its best and the execution of the varied program left nothing to be desired. The audience was in close sympathy with the music and the several numbers were applauded in a hearty manner which added to the efforts of the orchestra.
The feature of the performance was the violin solo by Mr. E. Bare. He played a "Ballet Fantasia," by De Beriot, and the exquisite delicacy of touch, the breadth and purity of tone and the finished technique with which the beautiful composition was rendered only served to strengthen the hold he had already gained upon the admiration and favor of the people of this section.
The program opened with Weber's "Jubilee Overture" and included Greig's "Suite Peer Glynt," Dvorak's "Slavic Dances," the ever-beautiful "Traumerie," by Schumann; Mendelssohn's "Spring Song," "Invitation to the Dance," by Weber-Berlioz; Tchaikowsky's "Sleeping Beauty" and Meyerbeer's "Torchlight Dance," concluding with "America."
The morning concert of the Marine band was hugely enjoyed by an audience, of which a large proportion had not previously enjoyed the privilege of listening to its splendid music. The program included several compositions that have led in popularity previously and they received a large additional measure of approval. Sousa's famous march, "The Directorate," was the opening number and before it was finished the big square in the front of the band stand was well occupied. An overture by Thomas followed and then the crowd was delighted with Gottschalk's beautiful work, "The Dying Poet." The rendition of the waltz, "Wine and Song," by Strauss, was especially well received and was followed by a selection from "The Merchant of Venice," by Mercadante. A number of other selections which were not so generally familiar were given and the program was concluded with the always popular "Marching Through Georgia" and "Hail Columbia."
The evening concert was equally enjoyable. The overture, "Grand Jubilee," which Mr. Santelmann wrote expressly for the exposition, was repeated and enthusiastically commended and his "Admiral Dewey" march and the fantasie, "The Voice of Our Nation," also met with marked favor. Among other numbers which were notable were the fantasie from Lohengrin, excerpts from Rigoletto, "Dream After the Ball" by Czibulka and the cornet solo by Walter F. Smith.
Miss Julia Officer, manager of artists for the exposition concerts, has secured the following soloists for the two Apollo club concerts on June 21 and 23: Miss Jenny Osborn, soprano; Mrs. Katherine Fisk, contralto; Miss Helen Buckley, soprano; Miss Bessie Campbell, contralto; Mr. George Hamlin, tenor, and Mr. Frank King Clark, basso. Mr. William Tomkins, the celebrated choral director, will conduct. A popular concert will be given also by the Apollo club on the 22d.
Senator Owen Miller of St. Louis is in Omaha to arrange, if possible, for the appearance of the St. Louis symphony orchestra at the exposition. This body of musicians is well known and is unique in the fact that it is truly a transmississippi institution, twenty-three of its members having been born in St. Louis and all of them being bona fide residents of that city.
Display that Gives the People Value Received for Their Money.
The display of fireworks in the north tract after the concerts and attractions in the lower parts of the grounds had been concluded attracted an immense crowd which packed the immense space set apart for the multitudes which are expected to witness these displays. By the time the first piece was touched off there were thousands of people gathered about the lake which forms the foreground for the display.
The set pieces were numerous and elaborate, a prominent feature being a monstor portrait of Governor Holcomb. The lighting of this piece was greeted with applause and the explosions of the bombs which followed in quick succession kept the crowd in a constant state of surprise. There were a great number of these bombs and the multitude of stars which were thrown from each, lighting up the firmament with a profusion of colors, formed a sight which called forth numerous plaudits from the beholders.
When the display was ended the crowd surged through the Midway and the numerous amusement attractions reaped a rich harvest. Long after the lights in the main court had been extinguished and when all other parts of the grounds were in darkness, the Midway was a scene of activity and bustle which promised to continue until the streaks of gray over the Iowa bluffs gave warning of the approach of another day. It was a big night and the concessionaires were in their glory. The crowd had come to be amused and if every man, woman and child in the throng was not surfeited with amusement it was not the fault of the concessionaires or their army of "people."
Many Prominent Club Workers Will Deliver Addresses.
CHICAGO, June 14.—Mrs. Ellen Henrotin, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, has completed the plans for "Woman's Club day" at the Transmississippi Exposition, Omaha, Saturday, June 18. This gathering is a prelude to the eight days' biennial convention of the national organization, which will begin its work Tuesday, June 21, in Denver.
Besides the scores of women from all over the country who will center at Omaha, scores more will attend from outside nearby towns. The first convention will be held in the exposition auditorium in the afternoon and the second will be held in the evening at the Woman's club.
The speakers will be Mrs. Edward Longstreth of Philadelphia on "Federation;" Mrs Ellen M. Richardson of Boston on "The Keystone of the Arch of Education;" Mrs. Herman T. Hall of Chicago on "Art in the Home, the School and the Community;" Mrs. Mary E. Mumford of Philadelphia on
"Some Phases of Education;" Mrs. William Fischel of St. Louis on "The Ethical Value of Domestic Training for Children;" Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson of Philadelphia on "Civics."
Sunday morning the pulpits of various churches will be occupied by women pastors in the party.
The Omaha women will entertain in their homes the executive officers and board of directors of the general federation, the presidents of state federations, the chairmen of state correspondence and the speakers.
For identification purposes the visiting club women will wear a bow of light blue ribbon, and the Omaha reception committee will be similarly decorated with yellow and white ribbon.
One of the special trains to Omaha from Chicago will have delegations aboard from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana. This train will leave here at 5:30 Friday afternoon over the Burlington, and arrive at Omaha at 8:10 Saturday morning. All sojourning club women in Omaha will leave in their respective specials Sunday night for Denver, arriving there on Monday.
Young Man Who Saves a Boy from Danger Gets a Testimonial.
Guard Olwin, who is on duty at the exit gate on Sherman avenue, was made the recipient of a handsome basket of flowers and overwhelmed with thanks by the grateful mother of a small boy who was rescued from beneath the feet of a prancing horse by the guard. The boy became separated from his mother in the crowd which was gathered about the gate near the Auditorium waiting for the down town car to come along, and a horse driven to a light wagon became somewhat unmanageable just as the boy essayed to run in front of it. The guard saw the danger threatening the youngster and snatched him from beneath the uplifted feet of the horse. His mother came up at this instant and clasped her offspring in her arms. She declined to give her name, but hurried away to the carriage which was in waiting for her. Shortly afterward she drove back to the gate and, calling Guard Olwin to the carriage, gave him a beautiful basket of flowers and voiced her thankfulness for his heroism and presence of mind.
Admissions on Nebraska Day.
The paid admissions to the grounds on Nebraska day were 11,366. This does not include the large number of commutation tickets which served as a means of admission to the grounds for fully a thousand people, neither does it include the thousands of people who came in with passes of various kinds.
Thoroughfares Thronged by Visitors and Convention Delegates.
The downtown streets of the city were thronged today. A great many of the excursionists who came into Omaha to take in the special features of Nebraska day stayed over, and their number was augmented by delegates to a number of bodies which are meeting in the city at the present time. The streets were particularly crowded in the morning, as the threatening condition of the weather kept many of them from going out to the exposition grounds out of fear that the usual daily downpour was due.
The press became especially great about noon, when the various conventions poured their delegates upon the streets. A great profusion of badges was noticeable. About the same time the hotel corridors were thronged. The crowd thinned out considerably in the afternoon, as a great many of the visitors went out to the exposition grounds, rain or no rain.
Nebraska Commission's Work.
The Nebraska state commission met in regular session in the state building. It was ordered that the three pianos loaned for use in the building be insured and that the glassware in the Agricultural building, loaned by the state agricultural society also be insured.
Jerry Farrall, attorney for Hester & McCaslin, served notice, orally, that his clients had sued Kimball Bros. for a settlement, and requested the board to hold back any moneys in its hands owing to Kimball Bros. until settlement is made. Kimball Bros. were the contractors of the staff and plastering work on the Nebraska building and Hester & McCaslin were subcontractors on the plaster work, and are now holding a bill of $900 against Kimballs for the extra work.
Railway Figures on Excursions.
The railroad figures that they carried into Omaha somewhere between 7,000 and 8,000 people from points in Iowa and Nebraska. Those who came in on the special trains returned on them last night, but a considerable number of the excursionists stayed in the city until today. The streets were well filled with them all day.
The Burlington appears to have gotten the principal portion of the traffic, for its official returns showed that it carried about 2,000. The Union Pacific had 1,500, the Fremont road about 1,000, the Rock Island 500 and the remainder were scattered among the other systems that come into the city.
"Request Program" Day.
Sunday will be "request program" day for the United States Marine band at the exposition. The programs will be made up by Director Santelman from numbers requested by the public. All who have suggestions or favorite pieces they wish to hear, are requested to send the names to Director Santelman at the Barker hotel.
Union League Club Will Come.
CHICAGO, June 14.—The Union League club has accepted an invitation from William H. Harper, chairman of the Illinois commission, to participate in Illinois day at the Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha June 21.
Exposition Notes.
There were 10,281 paid admissions to the exposition yesterday, exclusive of those who came in on commutation tickets.
Court Inquiries Into the Circumstances Concerning Their Life in America.
The habeas corpus case wherein Wah Lee is seeking to take the Lun sisters from the custody and control of H. Sling and Lem You, the proprietors of the Chinese village at the exposition, had another inning in Judge Scott's court, and the indications are that the hearing will extend over several days before a final adjudication is reached.
Up to this time there has been no intimation of Lee's purpose in bringing the suit, aside from the fact that he has alleged that the Lun sisters have been brought here for the purpose of being sold in slavery.
At the opening of court Lee was given to understand that in order to do business in an American court, he would be compelled to comply with the American methods. At the time of Lee receiving this intimation Lem You was on the witness stand testifying through an interpreter, Aloy Wong. The direct examination of You had been concluded and he had been turned over to the attorneys for the defendants for cross-examination. At this time Lee was sitting close to his attorney and as questions were propounded to the witness Lee would wink his eyes and motion to indicate the manner in which the answers were to be made. This continued for some time, and the proceedings were noticed by the judge, who finally brought Lee up to the bar and asked him what he meant by signalling to the witness. Lee tried to dodge the issue by explaining that he intended no disrespect to the court. The judge told the fellow that such practices might do in China, but that they would not be tolerated in the United States. After chastising Lee, he was ordered from the court room and was informed that he could not return during the process of the trial.
The first witness called to the stand was Mrs. Wykoff, a returned missionary from China. She was on the stand last Saturday, but at that time her examination had not been concluded. Again she reiterated the statement that she saw the three Lun sisters in the Chinese quarters at Thirteenth and Chicago streets, and that they were crying. Why they cried she could not say.
On cross-examination the witness said that the condition of the Lun sisters was called to her attention by some of the members of the Chinese Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church. Thereupon she visited the building, where the girls, together with other Chinese, were boarded. No person objected to her going through the building and talking with the women and children. While there she met Customs Officer Walker from San Francisco, who apparently had charge of the place and who showed her about.
Leo You was next called by the prosecution and said that he visited the Chinese quarters and was informed by Lem You that the three Lun girls were for sale at $1,500 each. Through the interpreter the witness said that Lem You informed him that the girls were bought in China and that they had been brought here to be sold.
When cross-examined Leo You got badly tangled on his dates and was not certain whether the conversations were had at the Chicago street house or on Harney street. he was just straightening himself out when the judge caught him holding a sign conversation with the prosecuting witness and ordered the latter from the room.
The injunction case of the Streets of Cairo against the exposition association was called in Judge Scott's court, but owing to the fact that the Chinese case had the right of way it was passed.
The conspiracy hatched in the inner recesses of the Omaha Fakery to have the exposition sandbagged or ignored by the country press has proved a flat failure notwithstanding the covert attempts to create disaffection among the publishers of the country weeklies by the exposition management, the country press with very few exceptions standing up nobly for the greatest enterprise ever undertaken to advertise the resources of Nebraska. The average Nebraska editor knows a hawk from a handsaw. He readily reads between the lines that the effort to array the country press against the exposition is inspired by malicious mediocrity under cover of sympathetic friendship for an abused country press. They have manhood enough to resent the imputation of supreme selfishness that would magnify and praise the exposition for the sake of a season pass or belittle and misrepresent its scope to vent their spleen upon its management for failing to comply with all the demands made upon it. Even those who have been inveigled into the crusade are conscious of the fact that they have been made to play a despicable part when they give credence and publicity to baseless flings and downright falsehoods concerning the policy pursued by the Omaha exposition given by the self-styled organ of the State Press association emanates directly from the sub-editor of the Omaha Fakery, whose name appears at the head of the editorial columns of this spurious organ and who, while advising the country editors to spurn the tender of an exposition pass, carries one in his own pocket. They know also, as everybody who knows anything about the courtesies extended by the World's fair and other expositions to the country press, that the Omaha exposition has been more liberal than any of its predecessors toward the country weeklies as well as city dailies. They know that there is no truth whatever in the assertion maliciously published by one of the Lincoln malcontents who get their inspiration from the Omaha Fakery that Nebraska editors or any other editors have been tendered photographic term passes for which a payment of $5 is exacted in advance, when as a matter of fact all editorial passes issued or to be issued are on plain cards and no fee whatever or even a pledge to reciprocate in advertising is exacted. And this is only one of the many contemptible fakes that have been industriously circulated among Nebraska publishers by the infamous gang that is striving to bring the Department of Publicity into disrepute.
In spite of the brine that is being poured into wounded susceptible and tender sensibilities the Nebraska country press knows that the Department of Publicity labors under a great strain in dealing with 20,000 publications, and necessarily must be governed by uniform rules and safeguard the interests of the exposition against undue abuse of privileges. It was an open secret that in issuing tickets to the Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas country press good for the month of June only the exposition was actuated by a desire to secure from the country press the earliest possible publicity of the magnitude and attractions of the exposition for personal need. There was no disposition, however, to compel the attendance of any publisher during June nor is there any disposition to curtail the privileges of those who came in June. On the contrary The Bee is in position to assure the country press that the most liberal courtesy will be extended to all who may come and make known their desire to visit the exposition grounds at any time between now and the closing of its gates.
Explains the Home Costumes of the Chinese Women.
Shows to the Court that the Women Over Whom the Fight is Being Made Are Actresses and Are Respectable Persons.
Judge Scott has announced that he will decide the Chinese habeas corpus case tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock even if he has to work until midnight. The case was before the court all the morning, and the prosecution attempted to drag in any number of things that were ruled out as immaterial.
There was an instance where a Chinese merchant of Chicago brought his wife from China about the time of the arrival of the Chinese in this city, and in this connection the prosecution attempted to show that the wife of the Chicago man was one of the girls hired to perform in the Mee Lee Wah village at the exposition grounds. Hong Sling cleared up any doubts that the court might have had and explained the vexed question that the prosecution did not understand.
Upon the convening of court Miss Wykoff, a returned missionary, went upon the stand and testified that the dress of the Len sisters, black tunics and black pants, was the style adopted by the lewd women of China. She inferred from the dress worn by the girls in court that they were not what they should be.
Sling Explains Some Things.
Hong Sling, when called to the stand, described the dress worn by the women of Canton, Hong Kong, Shanghi and many other cities of China, explaining that each city had its own peculiar style of dress and that in Hong Kong and other places named women of high rank wore apparel similar in style to that worn by the girls. He denied that any of the girls had been brought to this country for barter and sale. He maintained that they were all daughters of respectable parents, and that there were no lewd women in the lot.
Before leaving the stand Mr. Sling testified that he was approached by a Chinaman a few days ago and was informed that if the sum of $500 was paid over the present prosecution would be dropped. Sling said that he spurned the offer, and remarked that he had nothing to settle, and that he could not be blackmailed. The evidence of Sling closed the case for the prosecution and just before noon Ley Sen, one of the girls for whom the writ is asked, was called by the defense. She said through an interpreter that she was known as one of the Len girls, but that her family name was Len Sen. The young women testified that she came from Hong Kong, where she performed in a theater as a singer and dancer. She came to the United States under contract to be paid for her services in the Chinese village at the exposition, and that a portion of her salary and her expenses had been advanced. She declared that she was satisfied with her surroundings, her employment and treatment, and that her employers had treated her in the best possible manner.
Len You, when called as a witness for the defense, said that he was hired to look after and care for the girls. He had never offered any of them for sale, nor could he if he would, as he was only an employe of the Chinese Village company.
Lee Wee was called and questioned by the court. He said that last Saturday he had a conversation with Jim Wey, a witness for the prosecution, and that Wee said: "I think that it would be better to settle this matter even if we have to pay a few hundred dollars, so as not to have any more trouble."
Jim Wey was called and denied ever having had a conversation with Wee relative to a settlement.
At this point both sides rested and the judge announced that he did not care to hear any arguments. He said that he would hand down a decision at 10 o'clock Friday morning.
Testimony Taken Yesterday.
At the afternoon session of court yesterday Jim Wey was called as a witness and testified that he met Lem You, who informed him that he had three Chinese girls for sale. Witness could not state whether the girls in court were the ones referred to, as he had not seen them.
On cross-examination Wey remembered of having met You but once. He thought that the question of the sale of the girls was the only subject that was discussed. The conversation extended over a short period of time. To the remarks of You the witness made no reply.
The elder of the three girls was called during the session of court and was still upon the stand under cross-examination when the hour of adjournment was reached. The girl testified that she was known as Lun Fong, was 17 years of age and was an actress, formerly employed in the theaters of Hong Kong as a ballet dancer. She came to this country of her own free will, receiving two months' salary, $40, and expenses. Asked if she was well treated by the people of the Chinese company, she said that she was and that she was perfectly satisfied to remain in their employ. The subject of the sale of her and her sisters had never been touched upon. None of the people had ever made any insulting remarks or indecent proposals. Testifying along this line, the witness said that one man had made nidecent proposals since her arrival in Omaha. That man she said was Lun Tung, one of the witnesses who had testified for the prosecution. Asked to identify the party, the girl pointed the man out to the court, he occupying a seat in the lobby.
Contempt Proceedings Come Next.
On an application made by Harry O'Brien, manager of the Streets of Cairo, Gaston Akoun and Mardoule Zitun, proprietors of the Streets of All Nations, and A. L. Reed and S. B. Wadley of the Department of Concessions of the exposition, have been cited to appear before Judge Scott at 10 o'clock Friday morning and show cause why they should not be punished for contempt of court.
In the affidavit on file, O'Brien alleges that since the issuance of the order restraining the Streets of All Nations from exhibiting camels and donkeys for hire, everything in connection with the show has been conducted and carried on the same as though no legal order had been entered. He alleges that this has been done by the proprietors of the Streets of All Nations, and with the knowledge and consent of the parties in charge of the Department of Concessions.
THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1898.
Strange Chinese, Who Pose as Rescuers of Mongol Damsels, Get No Thanks From Them.
The hearing of the Chinese habeas corpus suit, in which Wah Lee, a Lincoln Chinaman, seeks to get possession, for some undefined purpose, of three of the Chinese girls imported to give shows at the exposition, was resumed before Judge Scott yesterday morning.
A brief cross-examination of Miss Wyckoff, the Chinese missionary who visited the Chicago street house, elicited nothing important.
A Chinaman named Leo You furnished the interest of the session. While Leo You was testifying through an interpreter Wah Lee was caught by the attorneys for Lem You, Hall & McCulloch, in the act of signaling Leo You how to testify. The attorneys said nothing, but the signals became so noticeable when Leo You's testimony began to get contradictory, that the court saw them, and Wah Lee warmed his shins against the railings of the corridor the rest of the session.
Leo You's testimony consisted of reiterated statements that Lem You offered him the three girls for $1,500 each.
The girls themselves showed an abhorrence of both Wah Lee and Leo You, one of the girls especially, frequently passing her hand across her face and sarcastically throwing it at the opposition Chinese, the expression being similar of the small boy's gyration of his fingers to his nose.
Deputy Sheriff Stryker says that the three girls absolutely refuse to use the cots he had prepared for them, and sleep peacefully on the floor.
The Chinese litigation over the possession of three of the village girls took a sudden and unexpected turn yesterday afternoon, based on an intimation from the court that the girls whom Wah Lee wants to get for some unknown purpose, while they are not kept unwillingly by the concessionaires, may not be allowed their liberty, provided certain circumstances are shown to be true.
One of the girls, Ah Fong by name, told her story through an interpreter, and during the tale made a startling statement, which apparently threw Wah Lee and one of his principal witnesses into consternation.
Her story, as translated, was that she lived with her father and grandmother in Hong Kong, her mother having died some time ago. She is 17 years old and a woman under the Chinese law. She was an actress, a ballet dancer, in Hong Kong, and was employed by the agent of the Mee Lee Wah village company, which old the Chinese concession at the exposition, at salary of $20 per month and board. She rehearsed for two months in Hong Kong before coming to America. On the voyage she was treated excellently, no one saying a word out of the way to her throughout the trip to Omaha. She then said that one man made improper advances to her, "and because I refused him," she answered, "I was brought up here."
She described the man as a pockmarked Chinaman, and, upon request, pointed out Lun Tun, the principal witness for Wah Lee. She said she was willing to remain with the company, as she thereby will be enabled to assist in supporting her grandmother.
At the conclusion of her story the statement by Judge Scott was made that, "If I find from the evidence that these girls sleep on the floor, without beds, that the house is dirty, no matter whether or not they are willing, I will see that they do not go back to this company. And, if I find from the evidence that these girls are brought here for immoral purposes, I don't care if they are willing, this court will not countenance it by allowing the girls to remain with the company."
Several Chinese witnesses were examined during the afternoon, and it was attempted to establish by one of them that he came over in the steamer Gallic, four years ago, with Lem You, the defendant, and that Lem You then had two girls for sale. The defense will meet this by showing that Lem You did not come over in the Gallic. The other witnesses reiterated the story that girls were offered for $1,500 each by Lem You.
An amusing thing occurred at the Chicago street house, where the girls are kept, Tuesday night. The three girls had already refused to have one of the matting-covered benches, which some of the girls use for sleeping accommodations, so Deputy Sheriff Stryker, who guards the girls, had a clean cot brought to the house, and attempted to put it in the room for the girls' use. They refused to allow it to be brought into the room at all, preferring to sleep on the floor, as they have always been accustomed.
The case will be resumed this morning.
Discovered by Pullman Train Crew Hanging in the Transportation Building.
Make a Strong Protest and an Exposition Guard Destroys the Pernicious Rag.
Aeronaut's Balloon Comes Down Into the Lagoon and Mr. Balloonist Has to Pay His Way Into Grounds.
The Spanish flag caused an incipient riot in the Transportation building yesterday afternoon. When arrangements were being made for the decoration several months ago, an order was placed for a number of the flags of various nations, and Spain's was included. That was before the war came on. The flags came, and in the rush incident to putting them up the fact was overlooked that the Dons' detested rag was given an honorable place with the rest of them.
It so happened that one of the Spanish flags was hung yesterday in the Transportation building immediately over the entrance to the Pullman train. The train crew kicked as soon as they discovered it, and complained to Guard R. L. Smith. Some of the bystanders joined in the general protestations, and a committee was being made up to call at the executive offices and demand a change when the guard decided to settle the case himself. He pulled down the flag and tore it to pieces and started for guard headquarters with the remnants. He reported the occurrence to the captain of the guard and stated that he would not serve under the Spanish flag in any capacity.
The captain ordered him to return to his post and tear down any other Spanish flags that were in the vicinity. One other flag was found and removed, and peace once more resigned in the Transportation building.
The balloonist had trouble last evening. His parachute deposited him two blocks outside the grounds, but the balloon fell in the middle of the lagoon. The aeronaut had to pay 50 cents to get into the grounds to report his loss to Secretary Wakefield. It was then too late to do anything, and he was told to put up another half dollar this morning and return for his property, but "not to let his balloon come down inside the grounds again."
Wednesday's paid admissions numbered 7,894. The total paid admissions for the first fifteen days were 87,638, a daily average of 5,842. Omitting the big crowd of the opening day, the average paid attendance for the fourteen succeeding days was 4,446. The total attendance on the opening day, including paid and free admissions, was 41,000, as against 68,000 total admissions on the opening day of the World's Fair. The daily receipts thus far make a most favorable showing as compared with Atlanta, Nashville and San Francisco.
The Marine band yesterday entered upon the third and last week of its stay. The organization continues to grow in the estimation of the exposition visitors, and its concerts daily see increasing audiences. One very noticeable feature is the spread of the patriotic sentiment that prompts the rising and uncovering of the audience when "America" is played.
Among the visiting newspaper representatives on the grounds yesterday were Frank Simmons of the Seward Reporter and Arthur Statter and bride of the Sioux City Journal.
The badges of the railway telegraph superintendents were noticeable in all parts of the grounds last night.
John Gellaty of Fairbury was knocked down and run over last evening by a carelessly driven camel. He was stunned for a few moments, and his jaw was severely bruised, but an inspection at the hospital failed to discover any serious injuries.
The executive committee is in receipt of a letter from Secretary Chase of the Iowa commission, stating that on Iowa day, June 23, the members of the state commission will all be here, accompanied by the Atlantic band and the Dubuque Choral society, the latter organization having 100 voices. The Trans-Mississippi Troopers will make their first appearance on the day for escort duty in connection with exposition demonstrations, and it is expected that there will be a very large attendance of Iowa people. The Iowa building will be completely and ready for occupancy, and the Pottawattamie county wigwam will also be ready to receive and care for all guests. The details of the program of special exercises is not yet complete, but the committee is assured that it will be of a character to leave no doubt of Iowa's intention to take an active part in the exposition from start to finish.
The representatives of the various departments in the Government building have been busy getting their exhibits "nailed down," as souvenir hunters have been perniciously active in some of the sections. The navy department was the heaviest loser. One of the walls in that section was covered with small anchors put up for decorative purposes, but Nebraska day left the wall sadly despoiled. The superintendent was disposed to congratulate himself, however, when he visited the spot occupied by the 14,000-pound anchor and found it undisturbed. The army exhibit still shows the effects of similar pilfering at Nashville, when on "Thomas day," two days before the close of the exposition, with an attendance of 99,000 and the consequent inability of the guards to closely watch the exhibits, two of the mortars on one of the miniature mortar batteries were unscrewed from their positions and taken away.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska State Eclectic Medical society will be held in this city June 21, 22 and 23. The sessions will be in Creighton hall.
The members of the state medical society were tendered a luncheon and smoker at Markel's restaurant on the grounds last evening after the Thomas concert. The affair was purely informal, but was a very enjoyable one, and was thoroughly appreciated by the visiting medics.
Two Concerts by the Marine and One by Thomas Orchestra.
The Marine band concerts yesterday attracted everyone on the grounds, as usual. Mr. Santelman grows in favor each day he remains, and were his concerts to be continued the whole summer through they would prove strong drawing cards for the exposition.
In the morning the program included two of Sousa's compositions. One, the "Gladiator," was composed years ago and had never been played in Omaha before the Marine band presented it. Other striking numbers were selections from De Koven's "Robin Hood," "Gondolier," by Sullivan, and several lyrical pieces.
The evening program was a more than usually strong one and embraced such numbers as "Son and Strangers," by Mendelssohn; "Scenes de Ballet," by Thomas; Chopin's "Grand Valse," "Grand Fantasie," by Verdie. Mr. Santelman's favorite composition, "Dewey's March," was repeated, and the concert closed with "Voice of Our Nation" and "Star Spangled Banner." It is pleasing to note the unanimity with which the audience rises during the closing numbers in honor of the country's national hymn.
The Thomas concert was an exceptionally excellent one in point of selections and rendering them. The overture from "Ruy Blas," by Mendelssohn, was the first upon the program, and other selections were from Schubert, Weber-Liszt, Wagner, Chopin and Berlioz. Mr. Stevens made a decided hit in his piano solos, and while it is doubtful if the main part of the audience did not appreciate and enjoy the concerted numbers more, yet so deeply impressed were they with this gentleman's genius that they gave him a most hearty welcome, recalling him each time he played.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1898
Exposition Buildings and Grounds Flooded with Glorious Light.
Delightful Day for Visiting the Great Transmississippi Fair.
Hitch in the Arrangements Necessitates a Delay in Celebration.
Saturday to See a Most Notable Gathering of People from the Badger State and Prominent Women from Everywhere.
This was supposed to be First Wisconsin day at the exposition and in anticipation of the event this morning dawned in all the perfect glory of June when June is kind. The few clouds that lingered above the horizon were merely bits of feathery spume that emphasized the deep tints of the overhanging sky and the sun shone resplendently. But owing to a change in the prearranged program the celebration that was scheduled for the day not not occur. For some days past Major Clarkson has vainly endeavored to ascertain what the intentions of the Wisconsin people were, but the matter has hung fire. An explanation was not received until today, when A. C. Clas of Milwaukee, the architect and treasurer of the Wisconsin commission, arrived with Mrs. Clas. He explained that the arrangements had been delayed on account of the failure of the commission to get definite terms from the railroads. Finally it had been decided to hold the formal exercises by which the building will be turned over to the exposition authorities tomorrow and leave the celebration of Wisconsin day proper until some time in September. About half the members of the commission, with their wives, will arrive in Omaha at 8:20 tomorrow morning over the Milwaukee road. Other delegations of Wisconsin people will arrive over the other lines during the forenoon and it is expected that quite a crowd of them will be present at the transfer of the building. The party will also include a liberal representation of Wisconsin newspaper men and a large delegation of women who are on their way to attend the meeting of the National Federation of Women's Clubs at Denver.
The exercises will occur either at the Wisconsin building or the band stand some time tomorrow forenoon. J. C. Koch, ex-mayor of Milwaukee and president of the commission, will present the building to President Wattles, who will reply on behalf of the exposition. The principal address will be delivered by William Quarles, one of the rising young orators of Milwaukee.
The pleasant weather brought out a fair morning crowd, but it is becoming evident that the bulk of the people prefer to visit the exposition in the afternoon and evening. This is rather to the disadvantage of the Marine band, whose morning concerts are not heard by half as many people as they deserve. This morning there were only a few hundred people in the Grand Plaza to hear a program that was thoroughly enjoyable. It included such selections as Sousa's march, "Semper Fidelis," Rossini's overture from "Semiramide," the song, "Lombardi," by Verdi a, selection from "The Bohemian Girl" and "Remembrance of Offenbach," by Kappey.
The arrangements for Women's Club day are complete. In addition to the program published yesterday, the following plans are laid:
From 12 to 1 o'clock a concert by Thomas' orchestra in the Auditorium, free to everyone.
At 1 o'clock a luncheon will be tendered by the Omaha Woman's club to Mrs. Henrotin of Chicago, Mrs. Alice L. Breed of Lynn, Mass., Mrs. Etta Osgood of Portland, Me., Dr. Ellen Spencer Mussey of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Louise Van Loon Lynch of Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs. C. W. Bassett of Sewickley, Pa., Mrs. Clara A. Cooley of Dubuque, Ia., Mrs. Herman Hall of Chicago, Miss Sadie Anderson of Chicago, Mrs. Celia I. Wooley of Chicago, Mrs. Stoutenborough of Plattsmouth, Neb., Mrs. Van Vichten of Cedar Rapids, Ia., Rev. Florence Crocker of Boston, Mrs. Mary E. Mumford of Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. W. B. Leech of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Robert P. Farson of Chicago, Mrs. Edward Longstrath of Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Cornelia Stevenson of Philadelphia, Pa., Miss Agnes Repplier of Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Henry W. Blair of Manchester, N. H., Mrs. Anna A. Palmer of Saginaw, Mich., Mrs. Laura Scammon of Kansas City, Mrs. Jeannie S. Tullar of Fargo, N. D., Mrs. Horace Brock of Lebanon, Pa., Mrs. Charles S. Morris of Berlin, Wis., Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson of Boston, Mrs. H. E. Stevens of Chicago, Miss Beeks of Chicago, Mrs. Ruth McEnery Stuart of Philadelphia, Pa., Miss Clair de Graffenried of Philadelphia, Pa., Miss Cornela E. Bedford of Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Kate Tannott Wood of Salem, Mass., Mrs. W. W. Boyd of St. Louis, Mrs. Lucy W. Bancker of Jackson, Mich., Mrs. Lenore A. Hilbert of Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. J. B. Pillow of Helena, Ark., Mrs. R. Hall Wiles of Chicago, Mrs. Frank H. Briggs of Auburn, Me., Mrs. F. F. Ford of Omaha and the executive officers of the Omaha Woman's club, Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. George Nattinger, Mrs. D. A. Fergurson, Mrs. Clara S. Rosewater, Mrs. C. C. Belden, Mrs. G. C. Thompson,.
This luncheon will be served in the Boys' and Girls' building, where special tables will be reserved for the guests of honor.
At 2:30 in the Auditorium the program opens, to which everybody is invited.
At 5 o'clock tea will be given at the Mines and Mining building by the Bureau of Entertainment to the officers of the general Federation, the speakers, the Board of Directors of the Omaha Woman's club and the entire committee of arrangements.
The evening program will be from 8 to 9 in the Auditorium instead of the club rooms. Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, president of the Woman's Board of the Transmississippi Exposition, opens the afternoon meeting at which Mrs. Henrotin presides. Mrs. Alice I. Breed presides in the evening. After the evening program a reception by the Omaha Woman's club will be given in the rooms of the Bureau of Entertainment in the Mines and Mining building, from 9 to 10 o'clock, for all visiting club women.
Exhibits Will Be Equal to that Shown at World's Fair.
Commissioner Harry A. Lee of Colorado, with Edward Price and Harry Smith of Denver, arrived in Omaha yesterday to install the Colorado exhibit of ore and minerals in the Mines building. A carload of the material arrived yesterday, but a car of furniture that was started sometime before the ore has not been heard from. It is expected to turn up before Sunday and then it will only take a few days to install the exhibit. Commissioner Lee says that the material has been thoroughly classified and so arranged that it will be a short task to put it in shape for inspection.
The installation of the Colorado exhibit has been delayed on account of the fact that the men who were at the head of the enterprise have been laid up by injuries sustained in the wreck of the Union Pacific flyer, on which they were returning to Denver from their last visit to this city. Two of the party are still in bed, several others are barely able to walk around and Commissioner Lee himself not entirely recovered from his injuries.
In speaking of the exhibit that would represent Colorado Commissioner Lee said: "It will be fully as elaborate and interesting as the one which won the medal at the World's fair. Some things will be dropped and others added according to what the previous experience has suggested. We hoped to win the same honors in Omaha that we did at Chicago. The exhibit will include a full showing of the granite, marble and sandstones of the state in addition to the collection of mineral specimens."
One of the specimens which Commissioner Lee brought with him is believed to be the largest piece of free gold that was never taken from a fissure vein. The nugget weights twenty-one pounds and contains ten pounds of gold. It has been split in half in order that the gold can be more readily seen and the two pieces have been temporarily placed on exhibition at the Omaha National bank.
Members of the National Editorial Association Coming in September.
Louis Holtman of Brazil, Ind., and J. M. Page of Jerseyville, Ill., the former president and the latter secretary of the National Editorial association, are in the city conferring with General Manager Clarkson regarding the coming of the members of this association to the exposition in September.
The National Editorial association meets in annual session in Denver September 6 and arrangements have been made for all the delegates to rendezvous at Omaha September 2 and remain here until the evening of Sunday, September 4. The delegates from the east and south will concentrate at St. Louis and those from the north and west will meet in Chicago, the several delegations meeting at Omaha, where three days will be devoted entirely to the exposition. All of the delegations will arrive in special trains and these will be sidetracked on the exposition grounds near Ames avenue and the delegates will remain at the grounds the entire time of their stay in the city.
"There will be between 500 and 600 delegates in our entire party," said President Holtman, "and almost every delegate will be accompanied by some friend, making over 1,000 people altogether. We will occupy about twenty sleepers and our members will put in all their time inspecting the exposition. There are few of our people who are not more or less familiar with Omaha and they don't care to see much of the city, but they all want to see the exposition."
Continues to Grow in Favor.
The Marine band continues to favor and its morning and evening concerts draw a large proportion of the visitors on the grounds to the Grand Plaza. To a considerable class of people the inspiring music of the band appeals more vividly than the orchestral performances, the full appreciation of which requires a somewhat greater degree of musical culture. Yesterday morning the program was introduced by an overture that was comparatively new to most of the audience, the "Son and Stranger," by Mendelssohn. This was followed by the intermezzo from "Pagliacci," by Leoncavallo; the Scene de Ballet from "Hamlet" and a Polish dance by Moszkowsky. Chopin's "Valse Brilliante" and the grand fantasie from "Riggoletto" were played by request and the program was completed by new compositions by Sousa and Mr. Santelmann.
Sousa was represented on the evening program by a march, "The Gladiator" and the polonaise, "Presidential." Other notable selections were the fantasie from DeKoven's "Robin Hood," a selection from the "Gondoliers," by Sullivan, and the medley, "Down on the Plantation," arranged by Conterno.
Postal Clerks at the Exposition.
Most of the delegates to the convention of the National Association of Railway Postal Clerks remained in the city after the conclusion of their business meeting Wednesday night and spent yesterday in visiting the exposition. The party went to the grounds about 10 o'clock and put in the entire day in exploring the wonders of the Midway, examining the exhibits and listening to the band concerts. A few of the clerks left the city last night, but most of them are still here and many expect to remain for several days. Upon an invitation of the Swift Packing company the delegates will visit the company's plant at South Omaha and a visit to the smelter has also been planned by some of the party.
Apollo Club of Chicago.
Miss Julia Officer, manager of artists for the exposition concerts, who is an active member of the Apollo club of Chicago, succeeded in securing the club for three concerts in Omaha, at the exposition on the 21st, 22d and 23d, under the direction of Mr. William Tomlins.
Exposition Chorus Rehearsal.
The Exposition chorus held a well attended rehearsal last night at the city hall. Among the selections practiced were: "By Babylon's Wave" and "Rose Maiden." "Rose Maiden" is a complete cantata and has been in preparation for some time. Several miscellaneous choruses were also sung, but greatest stress was laid upon "By Babylon's Wave," the words to which are those of the One hundred and twenty-seventh psalm and the music by Gounod. This selection will be sung at the concert next Monday night.
Music for Today.
Tonight will be "request" program night for the Thomas orchestra at the Auditorium. In response to numerous requests Chopin's Funeral March, as orchestrated by Mr. Thomas, will be included in the evening's program, in addition to that published yesterday.
The programs for the Marine band concerts today are:
10:30 A. M.
March—Semper Fidelis | Sousa |
Overture—Semiramide | Rossini |
Song—Lombardi | Verdi |
Waltz—Vienna Darlings | Ziehrer |
Selection—Bohemian Girl | Balfe |
Characteristic—Listen to My Tale of Woe | Smith |
Patrol—Grand Army | Fanciulli |
"Remembrance of Offenbach" | Kappey |
"My Country, 'Tis of Thee" | Wilhelm |
6:00 P. M.
Overture—William Tell | Rossini |
Grand Fantasia—Hansel and Gretel | Humperdink |
"Traumerei" | Schuman |
Waltz—Debutants (by request) | Santelmann |
Flute Solo—Grand Fantasie, Sonambula | Terschak | Mr. Henry Jaeger. |
"The Turkish Patrol" (by request) | Michaelis |
"Gems of Scotland" | Godfrey |
Humoreske—Musical Strike | Fahrbach |
"The Voice of the Nation" | Santelmann |
Custody of the Lun Sisters Transferred by Order of the Equity Court.
The care and custody of the three Chinese girls, Kim, Yup and Tue Lun, has been transferred from the sheriff to a Dr. Wykoff, a female missionary who is returned from China some months ago and is spending a few weeks in Omaha. What this woman will do with the girls is not known, as she has not formulated her plans, or if she has, she has not made them public.
Shortly after the arrival of the Chinese in this city to take part in the operation of the Chinese village at the exposition grounds, Wah Lee, a Lincoln Chinaman, assisted by others, secured a writ of habeas corpus for the Lun girls, who were employed as actresses in the Chinese theater. The girls were found in the Chinese quarters at Thirteenth and Chicago streets, together with some thirty-eight other Chinese girls and women. In his application for the writ, Lee alleged that in his opinion the girls were brought to this place for the purpose of eventually being sold into slavery. The case was put on for a hearing and occupied the attention of the court for several days, the decision being handed down this morning. After the girls had been passed to the custody of the missionary the woman went out to hunt a boarding place for them until she could make some arrangements for their final disposition.
Party from the Midway Gets Chilly Reception on Return to Grounds.
Played for a Benefit Down Town Thursday Night But Guard Turned Them Down.
Madam Bertholdi Has Trouble Getting Her Performing Fox Terrier Inside the Gate--More Red Tape.
The regulations enforced with reference to admissions continue to provoke a great deal of complaint and give rise to some interesting incidents. On Thursday night a company of Midway people, consisting of Madame Bertholdi of Hagenback's, Miss Hall and Rube of Pabst's, "Gentlemen Look" and Midway Bert of the Streets of Cairo, Eddie Barscow and La Belle Selica of the Moorish Village, and the Pickaninny quartet of the Old Plantation, left the grounds after the performances were over at 11 o'clock to assist at a benefit entertainment given by the Maccabees to replenish the sick fund, which had been depleted in furnishing the Maccabee quarters in the Nebraska building.
On returning to the grounds they were refused admittance. The officer in charge said he knew they belonged there, but that Commander Llewellyn had been reprimanded for making an exception to the rules in an equally deserving case, and he did not dare to let them in. The party drove around the city for some time trying to find an official with the necessary authority, but without success. Admission was finally secured about 3:30 o'clock, after the head of the Maccabees in the city had been routed out and the guard assured that his salary would be made up by the Midway people and by the Maccabees in case he was discharged.
Madame Bertholdi also had trouble while out with her performing fox terrier. She took the dog outside the grounds, but was stopped at the gate on her return and the dog was refused admittance. Another wild chase resulted before a pass for the dog could be secured, and the interrupted feature of the Midway show resumed.
There is now a strong probability that the famous painting, "The Fall of Babylon," will be exhibited at the exposition, as Manager Reed of the concessions department has received a proposition from George W. Carmer of New York, the owner of the picture, with this end in view, and the executive committee last evening authorized him to close a contract in the matter. The owner proposes to erect a building on the Midway and there exhibit the picture as a concession feature, the exposition to receive a certain percent of the receipts after the cost of the building and installation of the picture have been met.
This painting is one of the largest and most famous in existence, and has been accorded a great deal of space in the newspapers of the country. Director Griffiths endeavored to secure the pictures for the Fine Arts building as a regular exhibit, but was unsuccessful.
Superintendent Taylor of the Horticulture building is missing his meals now on account of a telegram received yeesterday from the chairman of the Texas state commission. The message read as follows: "Your expectations be met. Texas stand treat July 1. Melons and fruit. C. S. Penfold, chairman."
[?]position was a thing of the p[?]
The executive committee yesterday appointed W. K. Bradish of Detroit to be assistant superintendent of fine arts. He is Mr. Griffith's assistant in the Detroit art museum, and his selection was made at the request of the art director, his service to be rendered without pay. John B. Goodwin was appoointed assistant superintendent of the Mines and Mining bureau at a salary of $100 per month. He will have charge of the Mining building, as it will not be possible for Mr. Day to remain here continuously throughout the exposition period.
S. P. Rounds of Salt Lake City, formerly of the Omaha Morning Republican, was in the city Thursday. Mr. Rounds said the exposition management should bestir itself in letting its light shine abroad so that the people would know that an exposition is being held here this summer. Outside of the railroad officials and the state commissions, he says, but very few people have any knowledge of the ex-[?]
West Midway Up in Arms Over Lack of Entrances.
The concessionaires on West Midway complain that the entrances and exits are all remote from their vicinity and they urge that the concessions department look into the matter. They have prepared and signed the following petition, which will be presented to Manager A. L. Reed today: "We, the concessionaires on West Midway, respectfully petition you to establish an entrance and an exit contiguous to our part of the grounds and would suggest the west side of the north viaduct as a good location. We urge that this be done at once, as this portion of the grounds is far removed from any entrance or exit, which is a source of great inconvenience to the public as well as to ourselves."
Members of the Reform Press association of Texas are still here and yesterday they visited most of the shows on the Midway. They were all treated in royal style by the managers and they say they will give glowing accounts of the shows and of the exposition when they return home. O. P. Pyle, editor of the Minneola Courier, is president of the association. There are forty papers of this class in the state.
H. Hess, the lion tamer and wrestler at Hagenback's, who was seriously injured about the head and left ear last week, when the big lion, Prince, bit him, has been suffering intensely this week, and yesterday afternoon he was sent to the hospital, where an operation was performed. At last accounts he was resting easily.
SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1898.
Judge Scott Caps the Climax of the Chinese Village Case.
Meddlers Who Precipitate a Row Abandon Their Alleged Object and Leave Them to Bear the Court's Wrath.
The Lum sisters, Yup, Tue and Kim, three young Chinese girls who came to the city to appear upon the stage of the theater of the Mee Lee Wah village at the exposition grounds, have been sent to jail by Judge Scott because they refused to accompany and place themselves in the custody of a Miss Wykoff, who lays claims to being a missionary who recently returned from China.
Several weeks ago the proprietors of the Mee Lee Wah village brought some 200 Chinese men, women and children to Omaha for the purpose of representing the customs and methods of life in China. They came in under a special act of congress, providing for their admission. They were received by the customs officers at San Francisco and were sent on to this city. Upon reaching here, they were checked up by Customs Officer Miller, and their certificates were examined and found correct in every particular.
A couple of weeks ago, Wah Lee, a Chinese laundryman from Lincoln, arrived on the scene and at once interested himself in the affairs at the Chinese quarters, which were under the control of Hong Sling, Chinese agent for the Union Pacific Railroad company. Not long after this, Lee applied to Judge Scott for a writ of habeas corpus, alleging that in his opinion the three Lun sisters had been brought here for immoral purposes and that it was the purpose of the proprietors of the Mee Lee Wah Village company to sell them at the rate of $1,500 each, to be delivered in San Francisco. Upon this showing, the writ was issued and the girls were arrested by Deputy Sheriff Striker and conducted into court. The trial proceeded and evidence was taken, Miss Wykoff pushing the prosecution. Any number of witnesses were called an examined for the defense, but nothing was brought out to indicate that there was any attempt upon the part of Sling or his associates to sell the girls, aside from the testimony of Wah Lee, who swore that he visited the Chinese quarters and that while there, some person who was not in [?]
Scores Everybody in Sight.
On the showing made at the hearing Judge Scott held that in his judgment the Chinese girls were in an atmosphere that was dangerous to their morals. He delivered one of his characteristic lectures and the galleries applauded. He took up the Chinese question at a point where it was first touched upon by profane history, following it down to the present date. He roasted the Chinese government, the United States government and all of its officials, intimating that men in authority at Washington were in league with the Chinese companies, and that it was never the purpose to return any of the Chinese brought to this city under the provisions of exclusion act of congress. Departing from this subject he turned his batteries of wrath upon the city officials and turned them over and abused them on account of the fact that prostitution exists in Omaha and because prostitutes are arrested and fined.
The final climax was reached by Judge Scott turning the three Chinese girls over to Missionary Wykoff and directing Deputy Sheriff Stryker to conduct them to her place of abode, the third floor of a flat at 2211 Douglas street. Last night in order to carry out the instructions of the court, the deputy took the girls to the place indicated and asked the missionary to take them and relieve him of further responsibility in the matter.
Right at this time Miss Wykoff discovered for the first time that she had bought more than she had bargained for. Notwithstanding this, she directed the officer to take the girls to the room she had provided. Obeying these instructions, Stryker took his charges up two flights of dark stairs and landed them to a dark, dirty, dismal chamber, absolutely devoid of furniture, with the exception of a couple of wood chairs, a cot and a bed. The girls rebelled and refused to remain as prisoners in this place, which lacked a great deal of being as comfortable and commodious as the Chinese quarters of which Wah Lee and Miss Wykoff complained and which are located at Thirteenth and Chicago streets.
Miss Wykoff Weakens.
Understanding that they were to be imprisoned in this upper story of the flat, the girls became violent and pleaded by signs for the deputy sheriff to take them away. To make matters worse, the missionary arrived at this time and gave the girls to understand that they were to remain there and that the court had directed her to become their custodian. This explanation being made, they revolted and the missionary threw up her hands and begged Stryker to take them away. He informed the woman that he could do nothing of the kind, as he was acting under an order of the court. Miss Wykoff continued her appeals, but as they had no effect she went out on a search for Judge Scott and finally found him and secured another order, directing Stryker to return the girls to their Chicago street quarters for the night. The order directed that the girls be in court at 10 o'clock this morning.
Once out of the presence of the missionary the Lun sisters quieted down and spent the night peacefully at the place which they had occupied since their arrival in Omaha.
This morning Miss Wykoff was one of the early arrivals at Judge Scott's court, where she poured her troubles into the judicial ear. Later Deputy Stryker arrived, bringing the girls with him. He explained the proceedings of last night and the manner in which the missionary attempted to shirk the responsibility that the court had placed upon her. Instead of chastising the woman, through an interpreter, the court gave the girls their choice of going back with the woman or going to jail. They chose the latter, after which he informed them that "no Chinese girls can run this court, and you might as well understand it first as last." The girls did not understand a word that was said, though they knew by the violent gesticulations that something had happened. They were taken into a private room, where they were informed of the action of the court. Breaking down, they cried in a hysterical manner, and declared that in their own heathen country a heather would not be treated in such an inhuman manner.
As Deputy Stryker had no alternative, he took the three girls to jail and locked them in a room, where they spent the day in weeping and pleading to be let out that they might go to their own people.
Deserted by the Missionary.
As soon as the Chinese girls were sent to jail the missionary woman deserted them, as did Wah Lee, who lays claim to being a
religious Chinaman and a great worker in the Lincoln Sunday schools. Friends of the girls gathered about the jail for the purpose of consoling them and informing them that they would not be harmed, but were driven away from the windows, Judge Scott having issued an order that no person should visit the girls or converse with them without first having secured permission of the court.
What will become of the Lun sisters is a conundrum that no persons will attempt to guess. Lawyers say that it is the first instance where parties to a habeas corpus have been jailed where the circumstances are as they are in this case. They say that the incarceration is illegal and void, but that nothing can be done, as Scott has taken the law in his own hands. They also say that Scott has no jurisdiction in the premises and that his action is a direct violation of a rule of court that he was instrumental in promulgating, that all habeas corpus cases should be heard before the judge of the criminal court.
The Christian people of the city, especially those who have watched the antics of Missionary Wykoff, are pretty thoroughly disgusted with her course, but they are not inclined to do anything except as a last resort. They contend that the woman went into a matter that was none of her concern. If she had wanted to do Christian missionary work they say that she could have found a wide field without taking up affairs of foreigners who came here to remain only during the exposition.
United States Takes a Hand.
Within an hour after the Lun sisters had been committed to the county jail the United States had taken a hand in the proceedings. The action of Judge Scott was called to the attention of Judge Munger of the United States court and immediately thereafter a writ of habeas corpus issued, directed to the sheriff of Douglas county, directing him to appear forthwith and show by what right he detained in jail persons who were directly under the control and jurisdiction of the United States officials. At 1 o'clock this afternoon the three girls were turned over to the custody of United States Deputy Marshal Allen, who escorted them before Judge Munger.
Decides to Release the Girls.
When Judge Scott convened his court this afternoon, he informed Attorney Rich, who has represented Wah Lee and Miss Wykoff in the habeas proceeding, that unless some provision was made for the care and custody of the Lun girls before 5 o'clock, he would order them released from jail and would permit them to go where they pleased. Following up this decision, the judge said that notwithstanding the fact that many of the people of Omaha pretended to be Christians, none of the church people had proffered aid or comfort in the disposition of the habeas corpus case. They had stood aloof and had made no attempt to save the girls. This being so, the judge said that he was ready to wash his hands of the whole matter.
Attorney Rich informed the court that at this time funds were being solicited for the purpose of sending the girls to the Chinese Christian mission at San Francisco.
Judge Scott reminded the attorney that further delay would not be tolerated and that unless plans were perfected prior to the hour named, the girls would be released and allowed to go back to the Chinese quarters if they so desired.
At this point in the proceedings, Judge Scott was informed that the United States court had taken action in the case, looking to setting aside the order of the district court. Judge Scott remarked that he would not interfere with the action of the United States court, but immediately thereafter he issued an order, directed to the sheriff, instructing the sheriff to detain the girls and keep them in his custody until further notice.
In the Government's Care.
The three girls were taken before Judge Munger of the federal court yesterday afternoon and their case was set for Tuesday. Meantime the girls are to be in the care of Deputy United States Marshal Homan, who will have charge of them either at their old quarters at Thirteenth and Chicago or will take them to some hotel if he thinks it desirable that they be kept elsewhere.
Exposition Enjoys a Triple Blessing for a Saturday's Experience.
Features of the Day at the Grounds Include This Triumvirate.
Building Formally Turned Over to the State Commissioners.
Prelude to the Denver Biennial is Being Made a Most Notable Event in Local Club History.
The close of the third calendar week of the exposition is made notable by two important events. This forenoon the handsome Wisconsin building was formally dedicated and turned over to the exposition management by the members of the Wisconsin State commission and a large delegation of prominent citizens and later in the day the exposition is honored by the presence of several hundred members of the National Federation of Women's Clubs, who will be the guests of the Omaha Women's club until their departure for Denver Monday morning. The plans that have been made for the reception and entertainment of these distinguished guests are complete even to a bountiful provision of Nebraska's most delightful June weather, in which the visitors will be able to see the exposition at its best and inhale the inspiration of the real Nebraska zephyr, fresh and invigorating from its contact with the plentifully moistened and luxuriant prairies. The thunderstorm of the early morning was a welcome visitor after the torrid heat of the preseding day and evening. The electric batteries cleared the air, and the short dash of rain annihilated the dust and imparted a brighter tint to the glowing landscapes. As the dawn broke the clouds retreated and the sun came out from the ruby tinted horizon to dry the tears that remained on turf and foliage and bathe the white domes and alabaster columns with its splendor. The heat was tempered by a brisk and invigorating breeze and Nature outdid herself in gallantry in welcome to the feminine guests.
Weather an Inspiration.
The beautiful weather conspired with the attractions of the day to bring out a fair crowd this morning, which increased rapidly toward noon. The grounds never looked more attractive than today and the entire absence of heat and dust contributes to make the enjoyment of the visitors complete. The morning concert at the band stand was postponed in deference to the ceremonies at the Wisconsin building, but those who missed the morning music were compensated by the enjoyable program rendered by the Thomas orchestra in the Auditorium from 12 to 1 o'clock. At the latter hour the visiting women were entertained at lunch by the Omaha Woman's club at the Boys; and Girls' building, and the principal exercises of the day are in progress at the Auditorium this afternoon. Tea will be served to the visitors at 5 o'clock by the Bureau of Entertainment at the Mines building, and this evening will be pleasantly occupied by a short program at the Auditorium and a reception at the luxurious quarters of the Bureau of Entertainment.
The first skirmish lines of the visiting women appeared last night, but the bulk of the excursionists came in on this morning's trains. During the afternoon and evening they will have full sway at the grounds and the usual concerts will be transferred in order that they may have the unrestricted use of the Auditorium.
Some Additional Exercises.
In addition to the program heretofore announced there will be an extended program this evening and tomorrow.
The exercises this evening will be held in the Auditorium at the exposition grounds, commencing promptly at 7:45 o'clock and concluding at 8:45, as the building will be required for a rehearsal of the exposition chorus at that time. The program will include addresses by three women noted in the councils of woman's clubs. Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson of Philadelphia, president of the Civic club of that city, will speak on civics.
Miss Sadie American of Chicago, secretary of the National Council of Jewish Women, will speak on "A Summer Duty."
Mrs. Edward Longstreet of Philadelphia, a member of the directory of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs, will speak on "Federation."
Following these exercises the visiting women will be tendered a reception in the rooms of the Bureau of Entertainment of the exposition in the gallery of the Mines building. The rooms have been tendered to the Woman's club of Omaha by the Bureau of Entertainment and the visitors will be entertained there for an hour or more.
The exercises on Sunday will take place in the First Congregational church, commencing at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Celia Parker Woolley of Chicago will speak on "Modern Religious Tendencies." Mrs. A. P. Stevens of Hull House, Chicago, will speak on the subject, "The Public School and the Children of the Laborer."
The music for this entertainment will be furnished by a quartet composed of the following women: Miss Helen Wyman, Miss Rene Hamilton, Mrs. A. P. Ely and Miss Coster. Mrs. Ely will also sing a solo.
Special Trains Bearing Delegates to Denver Stops Here for the Day.
Several hundred feminine delegates to the convention of the Federation of Women's Clubs at Denver next week are in the city today taking in the exposition. They come in special trains and special cars and are from all parts of the country east of here. They will all stop over a day or two and some will stay until Monday.
The Burlington brought in a special train of eight cars of the women. The Rock Island had a special of four cars bearing delegates from Boston and the New England states and an extra car on the regular train from Michigan. The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha brought in several carloads from Minnesota, the Milwaukee had several special cars, the Northwestern brought in a contingent from Milwaukee and New York state and the other eastern lines all had representations of delegates on board their trains.
A number of these specials proceed to Denver tomorrow night, but several will stay over until Monday. On the latter day the delegates and visitors from this city and state will journey to the Convention City.
Among the prominent women who arrived this morning are: Mrs. Ellen Henrotin, president of the General Federation of Clubs, Chicago; Mrs. Edward Longstreth, Mrs. Mary E. Mumford, Miss Agnes Repplier, Miss Claire de Grafenreid, Miss Cornelia Bedford, Miss Cornelia Stevenson, Philadelphia; Mrs. Kate Tannatt Woods, Miss Carpenter, Miss Ellen A. Richardson, Boston; Miss Eetta Osgood, Portland, Me.; Miss Celia Parker Wooley, Chicago; Mrs. William E. Fischel, St. Louis; Miss Margaret J. Evans, Northfield, Minn.; Mrs. Jeannie S. Tuller, president of the North Dakota federation; Miss Louis Van Loon Lynch, Syracuse, N. Y.; Mrs. F. H. Briggs, Auburn, Me.
Commissioners Plan for the Exercises Attending the Dedication.
The Kansas exposition commissioners are making preparations for the dedicatory exercises in connection with the formal opening of the handsome state building erected by the Sunflower state on the Bluff tract immediately east of the Horticulture building. The building is being fitted up in pleasant and comfortable style and its sightly location on the lower portion of the Bluff tract makes it one of the most enjoyable buildings in the group of state buildings.
Secretary Greef and a force of clerks are engaged in sending out invitations to officials of the exposition, the state officers of Kansas, members of the Kansas legislature, the mayors of the principal cities, representative commercial organizations and to the leading newspapers of the state. These invitations are handsomely engraved and bear on their face a picture of the state building.
The reports received by Secretary Greef from all portions of his state indicate that the attendance from Kansas will be large. A large delegation will attend from Topeka and reports from other cities indicate that the parties being organized to come to Omaha will swell the crowd to very respectable proportions.
Exhibits in Place Make a Temptingly Beautiful Picture.
The exhibits in the Horticulture building are completely installed with the exception of Colorado, which has not arrived, although it is expected daily, and the building presents a beautiful sight. The display of apples, cherries and strawberries in the center and the west wing gives these portions of the building an appearance of brightness which is as pleasing as it is surprising, while the prevailing yellow tone imparted to the entire east wing by the thousands of oranges in the Los Angeles county exhibit offers a striking contrast to the warm red color which predominates in the other fruit exhibits.
There are other things besides oranges in the California exhibit made by Los Angeles county, but the major portion of the decoration being golden apples a characteristic tone is given to the entire exhibit. One of the most striking things in connection with this exhibit is a bunch of bananas which has just been received. The banannas are grown in Los Angeles county and are a species of plantain, the fruit being slightly shorter and much thicker than the true bananna. Every variety of fruit grown in this fertile region and many other things which are produced there are shown in the most attractive manner and the exhibit is the central point of interest for large numbers of the visitors. It is in charge of Mr. C. L. Wilson, assistant secretary of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Wiggins, the secretary of that body, having been called some by business. Mrs. Wiggins has arrived and will stay during the exposition and Mr. Wiggins is expected to return in a short time.
The exhibitors in the Horticulture building are up in arms with a demand for an entrance and an exit gate in the lower portion of the bluff tract. There is neither entrance nor exit nearer than the viaduct leading to the main court and the exhibitors protest against what they claim is an injustice to them. They say that in order to visit the Horticulture building people are compelled to walk the full length of the Bluff tract, and when they wish to leave the grounds after visiting the building, as many do, they are compelled to walk back to the viaduct. The exhibitors claim that these conditions keep many people away from the building who would otherwise visit it. They have petitioned the executive committee to locate an entrance and an exit at Spencer street, near the Georgia building, where people may alight from the car and enter the grounds, passing the Horticulture building, or may leave the grounds after inspecting the buildings on the lower portion of the Bluff tract. The executive committee notified the petitioners that a gate is to be located at the south end of the Bluff tract for the convenience of people coming from the Iowa side, and that this will answer the purpose suggested in the petition.
People Find Attractions of Exposition Irresistible After Nightfall.
Another delightful evening at the grounds was enjoyed by a crowd that was decidedly larger than that of the day. The fact that the exposition affords an opportunity to pass a really enjoyable evening at a small expense is apparently gaining ground with the Omaha people and it is becoming quite the thing to come out after supper and enjoy the beautiful spectacle to the entrancing strains of one of the most magnificent orchestras in the world. Hundreds of people sat all the evening long in the seats provided at either end of the lagoon and enjoyed the pretty scene while the music floated out through the open window of the Auditorium and mingled with the gentle splashing of the water as the gondolas glided silently along the brilliantly lit lagoon. It was enough to bring out all the poetry in human nature and it was really distressing when the harsh falsetto of the "barker" broke in with its discordant clamor for new passengers.
In the Auditorium the "request" program of the orchestra was heard by an exceptionally large audience in spite of the fact that it was decidedly more comfortable outside. The program indicated that Omaha people are far from lacking in musical taste for a more enjoyable succession of the masterpieces of musical composition could scarcely be suggested. The extent to which the Wagnerian taste has been cultivated in this city during the last three or four years was evident in the fact that nearly half of the program consisted of his compositions. These included the overture from "Tannhauser," the prize song from "Die Meistersinger," the funeral march from "Gotterdamerung" and the "Ride of the Valkyries." A more artistic selection could hardly be made from the works of the great composer than this quartet and they were most adequately rendered and thoroughly enjoyed. Schubert's beautiful "Serenade" was a favorite as usual; the Chopin funeral march was also a distinct success. Mr. Steindel's cello solo was enthusiastically applauded and Mr. Bare also scored a notable success in his rendition of the violin obligato of the largo by Handel. "Peer Gynt Suite" by Grieg and the minuet from Mozart's symphony in C completed one of the most meritorious programs that has yet been rendered.
Anniversary of Bunker Hill is Fittingly Observed.
The societies of the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution held a joint celebration in the Nebraska building yesterday afternoon in honor of the battle of Bunker Hill. The day was made the occasion of the installation of the exhibit of revolutionary relics which occupies a conspicuous location at the southeast corner of the main floor of the building. This exhibit includes a large number of valuable and curious relics of revolutionary times and was installed by a joint committee from two societies, of which Mrs. C. S. Langworthy of Seward is chairman, with a subcommittee on exhibits, of which Rev. Luther M. Kuhns of Omaha is chairman.
The meeting yesterday was attended by representatives from Lincoln, Seward, Minden, Fremont, Grand Island, Council Bluffs and several other points. It was held in the assembly room of the Nebraska building and was presided over by L. D. Richards of Fremont.
A gavel made of wood taken from the Avery house, a famous revolutionary landmark, was presented to the presiding officer by Mrs. Pound of Lincoln, former state regent, on behalf of Della Avery chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of Lincoln. Chairman Richards received the gavel in the name of the assembly and then Mrs. Langworthy of Seward, on behalf of Lincoln chapter, presented the meeting with a large register, handsomely bound, which was ordered placed in the exhibit so that visiting members of the two societies may register their names and other data provided for by the headlines. It was ordered that when the exposition shall have passed into history the register shall be deposited with the Nebraska State Historical society, and it was further ordered that the register shall be used on similar occasions until it is filled.
This concluded the preliminaries and the formal program of the meeting was entered upon. Rev. Samuel Goodale of Columbus, Neb., a son of a revolutionary soldier, himself a man who has passed the allotted span of life, invoked the divine blessing upon the proceedings about to be held.
Greetings and Addresses.
Mrs. Angus Cameron of La Crosse, Wis., wife of the ex-senator and vice president of the national society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, extended a greeting to those present in the name of the national society.
George D. Hale of Topeka, Kan., president of the Kansas society of the Sons of the American Revolution, presented the greetings of the Kansas society.
Mrs. S. C. Langworthy of Seward, Neb., delivered an eloquent address, in which she made especial reference to the exhibit which had been prepared under the direction of the two societies, calling attention to some of the more interesting relics in the collection, among them being the sword carried by Colonel Merriam at the battle of Bunker Hill, the sword of "Mad Anthony" Wayne, a chip taken from the capstone of Bunker Hill monument the day of its dedication in 1843; a uniform of a British soldier, a genuine "red coat;" a coat worn by James Fennimore Cooper, etc.
The principal address of the occasion was delivered by Rev. Luther M. Kuhns of this city. He called attention to the fact that the most memorable administration between Washington and Abraham Lincoln was that of Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, by whose foresight in making the Louisiana purchase by the treaty of April 30, 1803, this magnificent region was added to the union, forever securing the granaries and mints of the nation and preserving its great artery of inland commerce. "The grandeur of western enterprise appears," said the speaker, "when it is remembered the great ignorance prevailed respecting this region until the birth of the generation yet engaged in active pursuits."
Mr. Kuhns said the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, which assured the successful termination of American independ-[?]
As a closing feature of the meeting, William Huddelson of Lincoln, a son of a revolutionary soldier, was introduced and merely bowed his acknowledgments to the applause which greeted his appearance.
Texas Melon and Grape Day.
July 1 has been designated as "Texas Melon and Grape Day" and a big time is promised on that occasion by the representatives of the Lone Star state. In order to make sure that the arrangements had not "slipped a cog" somewhere, Superintendent Taylor of the Horticulture bureau telegraphed Chairman Penfield of the Texas Exposition commission to ask if the affair would take place according to schedule. In reply Mr. Penfield said, "your expectations will be met. Texas stands treat July 1 with melons and grapes."
According to the arrangements made by Mr. Penfield last month the commission will send several carloads of their best and biggest watermelons and other fruits to Omaha in time for distribution July 1 and these will be distributed free to all comers.
Stieringer Plans New Surprises.
A number of very pretty and surprising effects are being planned by Luther M. Stieringer of New York, consulting electrical engineer of the exposition, and Superintendent Rustin of the electrical department in connection with the illumination of the exposition grounds and especially the main court. These effects will be in the nature of surprises to the public and the details will not be announced, but the public may prepare to be as greatly surprised at the beautiful effects which will be produced as is the case when the beautiful effect of the lighting of the main court is seen at night for the first time. Mr. Stieringer is receiving the highest compliments from all sources on the magnificent effect which has been accomplished by means of incandescent lighting of the main court and he promises that the results which will be produced by the preparations now under way will be fully as beautiful and satisfactory. These new conceptions are designed for special occasions, such as Illinois day and other events of importance in the course of the exposition and the progress which has been made in the way of preparation makes it certain that the public will be highly entertained.
Admission to the Auditorium.
Commencing Monday night of the coming week a charge will be made for admission to the concerts in the Auditorium, in order to put a stop to the incessant annoyance caused by people who persist in wandering in and out during the progress of the concert. Those who want to stay through the concert are annoyed and harassed by the people who crowd by them to get a seat in the middle of a row and then crowd their way out as soon as a number is completed. It is thought if a nominal charge is made people will not enter unless they wish to hear the music and the delay caused by waiting for the noise to cease will be avoided.
The usual charge for admission will be 10 cents, but this will be varied in some instances where special attractions are offered.
Opening the German Village.
Today and tonight will be a gala occasion for the newest of amusement places on the Midway—the opening of the German village. This place is designed to be one of the sort where one may go in quest of a quiet rest and find it; where a man need not fear to take the woman he is escorting; where a father may take his family. It will be a place where high grade vaudeville attractions will appear, where good music will always be heard and where the refreshments will be of the best. Manager von Szenney has arranged a program for the opening week that is far above the average. He has been at especial pains to secure a fine lot of performers, who will begin their engagement today and will certainly redeem the promises he has made during his tedious wait for the time to open his gates and say to all: "Come. Was wohlen sie?"
Notes of the Exposition.
The paid admissions for June 16 were 3,911.
Several new county exhibits are being installed in the Agricultural building, among them being Hitchcock and Red Willow.
The firm of Vilmorin-Andrieux & Co., seed growers of Paris, France, are making a display of the sugar beet in connection with the Nebraska agricultural exhibit.
The "crown of thorns," which was suspended from the inside of the large dome which formed the central figure of the Nebraska exhibit in the Agricultural building, has been taken down.
The Pottawattamie county Wigwam will be dedicated on the same day as the Iowa state building, June 23. The exercises will occur at 1 o'clock and be followed one hour later by those of Iowa.
The Exposition chorus will make its next appearance in public at the concert in the Auditorium next Monday evening, when it will sing "By Babylon's Wave," by Charles Gounod and "Moonlight," by Fanning.
The exhibit of grains and grasses is now in process of installment in the Douglas county booth in the Agricultural building. The display will represent 152 species and will be as complete as that of the other materials that are included in the exhibit.
The brick pavement leading from the bridge to the Administration Arch has been completed, and future rains will not transform the avenue into a puddle. The repairs to the lagoon are practically completed and it is being gradually filed to its full capacity.
Montgomery Ward & Co. have just received from New York a magnificent piano that is operated by electricity. It will be on exhibition at their building on the bluff tract every day and evening. The novelty attracted general attention from their numerous visitors yesterday.
The state officials of Wisconsin and the exposition state commission of the same state will arrive in the city this morning at 8:20 o'clock. They are coming in over the Milwaukee in a special car attached to the regular train.
The belated car which brought the furniture for the Colorado mineral exhibit arrived this morning and Commissioner Lee, with a large force of men, is busily engaged in installing the exhibit. This is being done with exceptional rapidity, and the exhibit will be practically complete before Sunday.
Lun Fung, a 7-year-old Chinese girl at the Chinese village, met with an accident yesterday afternoon which badly hurt her. She was walking around in the joss house when she fell through an opening a distance of about ten feet. She was stunned and upon being taken to the hospital it was found she was badly bruised.
Dr. George E. Ladd, dean of the Rolla School of Mines at Rolla, Mo., arrived at the grounds this morning. Dr. Ladd is recognized as one of the leading clay experts of the United States, and he is in charge of a large collection of specimens of raw and manufactured brick clay which forms a part of the Missouri exhibit in the Mines building.
The revolutionary exhibit in the Nebraska building has been enriched by the addition of an old-fashioned flintlock musket, which was contributed by John R. and W. A. Webster of this city. The weapon was captured from a British soldier by their great-grandfather at the battle of Bennington and has been retained in their family as a relic of that famous engagement.
Addresses of the Distinguished Guests During Their Visit to Omaha.
The Omaha Woman's club will entertain the officers of the General Federation, the state presidents, state chairmen and the speakers while they visit in Omaha. They are assigned as follows:
Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin of Chicago, president General Federation; Mrs. Edward Longsworth, chairman program committee of the Denver biennial, Philadelphia; Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, president of Civic Federation, Philadelphia; Miss Agnes Ripplien, Mrs. Ruth McEmery Stuart, Miss Clair de Graffenried and Miss Cornelia E. Bedford, of Philadelphia, are at the Paxton.
Mrs. Alice Ives Breed, Lynn, Mass., entertained at Mrs. Arthur S. Smith, Park avenue.
Mrs. Cameron, Wisconsin, at Mrs. H. B. Larson, 406 North Fortieth street.
Mrs. W. D. Tisdale, Ottumwa, Ia., at Mrs. E. E. Brice's, Eighth and Worthington.
Dr. Mary C. Greene, president National Household Economic association, at Mrs. Frank Pugh's, 2537 St. Mary's avenue.
Mrs. John A. Allen, Mrs. Edwin Harrison, Mrs. Liddy, Mrs. Bradwell, from St. Louis, at the Madison.
Mrs. Herman Hall at Mrs. W. W. Keydor's, 2724 Caldwell street.
Mrs. J. T. Whitney, Mt. Pleasant, Ia., and Mrs. Ida L. Snyder, Plattsmouth, Neb., at Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey's, 406 South Fortieth street.
Mrs. John Moore, Chicago, at Mrs. A. J. Vierling, 2606 Poppleton avenue.
Miss Sadie American, at Mrs. Charles Rosewater's, 2417 Jones street.
Mrs. Mary L. Lockwood, Washington, D. C., at Mrs. Guy C. Barton's, 2105 California street.
Mrs. Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth, Neb., Mrs. Celia Parker Wooley, Chicago, at Mrs. Draper Smith's, 624 Park avenue.
Mrs. Van Veckten, Cedar Rapids, Ia., president Iowa State Federation, and Rev. Florence Crooker, Boston, Mass., at Mrs. Mary G. Andrew's, 3819 Charles street.
Mrs. Mary E. Munford, Philadelphia, Pa., at Mrs. Richard Carrier's, 2963 Pacific street.
Miss Nicholls and Mrs. Harrington, Chicago, at Mrs. George M. Nattinger's, 2611 Pierce street.
Mrs. W. B. Leech, state chairman of Minnesota, and Mrs. Stearer, Duluth, at Mrs. J. F. Swan's, 3019 Pacific street.
Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, Lincoln, Neb., at Mrs. E. F. Dundy's, 718 South Twenty-ninth street.
Mrs. C. W. Bassett, state chairman, and Mrs. Clara A. Cooley, Dubuque, Ia., at Mrs. W. E. Riddell's, 1614 North Twenty-second street.
Mrs. Louise Van Loon Lynch and Mrs. Ellen M Mitchell, Syracuse, N. Y., at Mrs. A. L. Stiger's, 2530 Capitol avenue.
Mrs. Etta Osgood, director of General Federation, Portland, Me., at Mrs. George Patterson's. 2224 Howard street.
Dr. Ellen Spencer Mussy, Washington, D. C., at Mrs. Dr. Ross. 2121 Lake street.
Mrs. Kate Tannatt Woods, Salem, Mass., Mrs. E. W. Carpenter, Boston, Mass., at Mrs. F. M. Richardson's, 2523 Capitol avenue.
Mrs. W. E. Fischel and Mrs. W. W. Boyd, St. Louis, at Mrs. E. L. Patterson, Thirty-second and Woolworth.
Miss Margaret J. Evans, president of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., at Mrs. Joseph H. Millard's, 2406 Harney street.
Mrs. C. B. Pillow, Helena, Ark., at Mrs. Edward Johnson's, 2224 Poppleton avenue.
Mrs. Robert Hall Wiles, Chicago, president Illinois State Federation, at Mrs. C. E. Ford's, 125 North Thirty-second avenue.
Mrs. Frank H. Briggs, Auburn, Me., and Mrs. Henry W. Blair, Manchester, N. H., at Mrs. L. R. Towne's, 2530 Farnam street.
Mrs. Anna A. Palmer, Saginaw, Mich., at Mrs. E. E. Bryson's, 1302 Georgia avenue.
Mrs. Laura E. Scammon, president of Missouri State Federation, Kansas City, at Mrs. J. J. Evering Crane, 2507 Pierce street.
Mrs. Jennie L. Tullar, state chairman General Federation, Fargo, N. D., at Mrs. J. G. Black's, 610 North Twenty-third street.
Miss Buks, president National Stenographers' association, at Mrs. C. A. Tracy's, 1712 North Twenty-fifth street.
Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson, president of the George Washington Memorial association, Boston, at Mrs. Euclid Martin's, 3608 Jackson street.
Mrs. H. E. Stevens, Hull House, Chicago, at Mrs. F. W. Tucker's, 118 North Twenty-sixth street.
President of Chicago Woman's club at Mrs. E. V. Lewis's. 2021 Wirt street.
SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1898.
Ben Yagga Injects Another Restraining Order Into the Fight Over Camels.
Another complication has arisen in the litigation over the right to exhibit the camels and their equipment on the Midway. The camels in the Streets of All Nations are owned by Ben Yagga, who is under contract with Akoun to work then during the season. Yesterday Yagga conceived the idea that the enforcement of the injunction issued by Judge Scott stopping the use of camels in the Streets of All Nations was likely to throw him out of a job, so with this job in view, through his attorney, he appeared before Judge Fawcett and secured a temporary order that restrains Akoun from ordering the camel riding to stop. The hearing to make the restraining order permanent was set for Monday morning.
Some time ago the Streets of Cairo secured an injunction restraining the Streets of All Nations from putting on the camels and donkeys. Notwithstanding this, the latter named attraction continued to give camel and donkey rides. Three or four days ago contempt proceedings were instituted before Judge Scott, by which Manager Reed and Assistant Wadley of the Department of Concessions of the exposition, Caston Akoun and Assistant Manager Zitoun of the Street of All Nations were cited to appear and show cause why they should not be punished. Yesterday was the time set for the hearing but none of the parties were on hand. During the afternoon Judge Scott took judicial notice of this fact and issued a process directing the sheriff to have all the parties in court next Monday morning at 10 o'clock.
Streets of All Nations.
The "Streets of All Nations," owned by Mr. Gaston Akoun and under the management of Mr. Kahliel E. Neimy, in spite of the rumors spread all over town of different characters, has acquired a great reputation as being the whole attraction of the Midway. As a matter of fact, the large capital invested in this enterprise, with the careful management in running the show properly, has given the right to both public and press to pronounce that the Streets of All Nations is the most attractive, original and characteristic show on the grounds. The nature of the show consists of a combination of different nationalities gathered together to represent no one certain feature existing on the entire exposition grounds, but to give an idea to visitors what one of the biggest shows in the world should look like. The construction is a conglomeration of buildings of different nations, the striking feature amongst which is the theater, which stands in the middle of the street to represent the Pantheon of Athens, Greece, bordered upon a beautiful court, where the Greek athletic games, together with a performance of different characters concludes with the great vaudeville show that takes place in the theater. While there is no performance going on the visitors can enjoy rides on camels, dromedaries and donkeys, or examine the beautiful ware in the booths around the streets, the goods in which booths are imported from countries represented by the Streets of All Nations. The performers are in number about 150, besides 150 others connected with concessions in the streets. The performers are considered without a doubt the best in their line in the world and draw the biggest salaries. The management secured these performers at very great expense, therefore the Streets of All Nations must be highly recommended as being a place of first class entertainment and of the best moral standing and character, while it furnishes various features of amusement, and where a person could spend a whole day and still be pleased to continue, without in the least being overtaxed.
Nature Makes Amends for Her Surly Mood of Late Days.
Loveliest of Nebraska June Weather is Put on Exhibition.
Wisconsin's Dedication and Women's Clubs' Visit Mark the Occasion.
Badger State Building Turned Over with Fitting Formality and the Women Welcomed with an Appropriate Program.
It was most appropriate that the day which had been set apart for the gathering of the women from all parts of this wide land and for the dedication of the beautiful building erected by the people of Wisconsin on the exposition grounds should be the fairest day which has dawned upon the exposition since the gates were opened. The day was a dream of loveliness—nature lavished hitherto hidden beauties in bountiful profusion and the atmospheric conditions left nothing to be desired; the passing shower of the early morning hours had touched the budding foliage with the finger of an artist and removed the last vestige of dust from each leaf and flower; the tiny drops of moisture sparkling in the sunlight until each individual plant seemed to be decked with diamonds in honor of the occasion. The sky was beautiful with huge banks of fleecy, white clouds drifting majestically along as though loth to leave a scene of such surpassing beauty, tempering the rays of the sun with their flitting shadows and bringing out, by contrast, the deep blue of the heavens. In the midst of this magnificent setting the stately beauty of the "White City" stood out with the grandeur of ancient Greece and evoked paeans of praise which swelled with gladness the hearts of those who have worked with might and main that this magnificence might become a reality.
The announcement of the many attractions for the day was sufficient to draw a large number of people to the grounds and the hour was early when the first arrivals knocked at the gates for admission. There was no cessation in the flow and all day long and far into the night the people continued to come. The railroads brought hundreds of people from the nearby farms and towns as well as from a distance, and the farmer boy with his best girl rubbed elbows with his city brother and his sweetheart. The yellow badges designating the people from Wisconsin in attendance at the dedication of the building which marks the semi-centennial of Wisconsin's statehood, besides serving as a rendezvous for natives besides serving as a rendezvous for natives of the Badger state, were everywhere in evidence, and the rosettes of light blue ribbon which indicated visiting delegates to the "Omaha prelude" of the annual meeting of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs at Denver, were to be seen in all parts of the grounds, usually accompanied by a woman wearing corresponding rosette of white ribbon, indicating the Omaha committee appointed to look after the personal comfort of the visiting women.
Women Explore the Grounds.
While the Auditorium was comfortably filled with women, and some men, who desired to hear the addresses of the women who occupy positions of prominence in the councils of the women of the United States, there were large numbers of delegates who men and Pres got a base on it. Holly came ing the exposition and these women, accompanied by Omaha woman as pilots, made tours of the grounds, taking in all the points of interest and enjoying to the full the opportunity for acquiring information. They were immensely pleased with the many interesting things to be seen on every side and their opinions, after a full examination and opportunity for passing calm judgment, were flattering in the extreme.
The Wisconsin visitors were especially pleased with the result of their examination of the general arrangement of the grounds, the beauty of the building and the completeness of the exhibits. Their compliments were numerous and flattering and many of them declared their intention of remaining in the city several days to make a more careful inspection of the exhibits.
The surprise of all of these visitors at the magnificence of the grounds and buildings was changed to amazement as they gazed at the beauty of the grounds when seen under the soft glow of the electric lights. Words were lacking to express their admiration of the grandeur of the scene and they simply looked their enjoyment. They crowded the many points of vantage in the main court and drank in the beauty of the scene, punctuating the silence with exclamations of pleasure and registering vows that this visit should not be their last.
The music of the Thomas orchestra and the always famous Marine band filled the cup of pleasure to the brim and the visitors left the grounds almost speechless with pleasure at the bountiful extent of the entertainment provided for those who enter the grounds.
Interesting Observance of Woman's Day at the Exposition.
The exercises that constituted the principal celebration of Woman's day were held in the Auditorium yesterday afternoon before what was in many respects one of the most notable audiences that has ever assembled in Omaha. It was second only in numbers and importance to the big convention of the General Federation of Women's clubs that will congregate in Denver this week, and it included most of the talented and progressive women whom the feminine club movement has brought into conspicuous notice during the last few years. The big building was almost entirely filled, and in spite of the heat that grew almost insufferable at times, a program that lasted almost three hours was heard to the end with an enthusiasm that was significant of the interest that the occasion inspired. The breadth of comprehension resulting from the associations and culture of the club work was apparent in the scope and practical character of the addresses which abounded in clever comments and original ideas.
Mrs. Winona S. Sawyer, president of the Board of Lady Managers of the Exposition association, presided, and introduced the program with a few well chosen remarks. She alluded to the fact that there are now two great questions before this country. One relating to the storm of war and another to the pursuits of peace and civilization. She declared that good thought and new inspiration had a vitality that would survive military force.
Miss Margaret J. Evans of Minnesota, dean of Carleton college, offered a brief prayer, after which the Lorelei quartet, consisting of Miss Lillian Terry, Miss Flora Philleo, Mrs. A. G. Edwards and Miss Frances Roeder, sang "Legends," by Mohring. The music was exquisitely rendered and the audience responded with an enthusiastic encore which brought the quartet back to sing "Old Kentucky Babe," which was received with equal warmth.
Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the Omaha Woman's club, then welcomed the visitors in behalf of the organization. Her remarks were brief, but every sentence was graceful and to the point. She said that it falls to the lot of few cities to be refused a convention and then receive the cream of it in advance. This was the unique position that Omaha now occupied. She then bade them thrice welcome in the name of the club, the city and the state and assured them during their short stay of the most heartfelt cordialty.
Speaks for the West.
President G. W. Wattles of the Exposition association extended a welcome in behalf of the exposition management. He called their attention to the fact that this exposition was held in a territory that only fifty years ago had been inhabited by savages, and indicated on the map as the Great American Desert. He said that some nations were in the vigor of life, while others were in process of disintegration and decay. This could be no better illustrated than by a comparison between the resources of this country and of Spain. In the midst of war the greatness of the country was celebrated in this exposition, which represents the arts of peace. This demonstrated the fact that we live in a nation that is great enough and rich enough to go to war with one of the oldest monarchies in the world and at the same time educate and elevate its own people. In conclusion, he referred in complimentary terms to the work of the women in organizing the educational exhibits and the various congresses incidental to the exposition, and extended the best wishes of the management for a pleasant journey and a safe return.
To these felicitations Mrs. Ellen Henrotin of Chicago, president of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs, very gracefully responded. Her manner charmed those of her audience who had never had the pleasure of listening to her before and those who knew her best declared that they had never heard her speak with more effect than on this occasion. She stated in beginning that the history of the general federation was in fact a history of expositions. It had received its inspiration from the great gatherings incidental to the successive expositions and in this connection she compared the part that the women had taken in the Centennial with that which had been performed by them in connection with the Transmississippi Exposition. This was illustrative of the progress of woman's clubs.
Mrs. Henrotin very feelingly declared that at this time the women all over this country were sacrificing what was dearest to them for freedom and it was eminently fitting that they should now meet together to give their reasons for the faith that was in them. Referring to the beautiful White City around them, she declared that the reason why this color had been adopted at every exposition was because it was the conception of the celestial city to which all aspire. And such an association as this was one of the steps by which they were mounting upwards to that eternal white city.
Mrs. Henrotin left immediately after her address to take the afternoon train for Denver and the great audience of women rose while a thousand handkerchiefs waved her a loving adieu.
The solo, "Love in Springtime," by Arditti, by Master Horace Sims, the boy soprano of Milwaukee, was a very enjoyable interlude in the speechmaking and after he had responded to a well merited encore Mrs. Mary E. Mumford of Philadelphia gave a very interesting address on "A Phase of Education." This was the home and mother influence that, during the last few years, had been inculcated in the schools. The kindergarten was the nursery phase of home in the school. Kindergartning was real good mothering and that was all there was of it. Not only the nursury, but the kicthen, was gradually taking place in the curriculum and in the cooking school people had gone to the mother's plan of teaching the domestic virtues. The only trouble was that this had not been carried far enough. It should be followed up by teaching domestic science in the high schools and by courses in domestic economy in colleges. As yet we had no real college education for women. When a girl went to college she was limited to the study of the things a man should know.
Mrs. Mumford also emphasized the practical value of teaching sewing the public schools. Machinery would never so fully take the place of the needle but that a knowledge of sewing would be of value.
Teaching in Public Schools.
Continuing, the speaker suggested that the parlor had been taken into the schools by teaching the children that the bare walls of a school room did not make the pleasantest place in the world in which to pass their lives. So the idea of decoration had developed and the most unattractive school rooms had been transformed into places that charmed the child and implanted in him the artistic taste. Thereafter he would not be satisfied with the commonplace, but would strive to make his surroundings more attractive.
Mrs. Mumford particularly emphasized the value of the manual training department for boys. She regarded this as one of the most important incidentals to modern education and urged her auditors to go home with a determination to do all they could to have the system engrafted in their schools. In this connection she condemned the women who neglected to vote at a school board election and criticised the character of many of the men who were elected as members of the board in various cities. She insisted that no man was competent to serve in this capacity unless his moral character was such as to furnish an admirable example to the children and that it was the duty of the women to use their right of suffrage to assist in the election of such men.
One of the most interesting papers of the afternoon was read by Mrs. Herman Hail of Chicago, who is the founder, not only of the Central Art association of that city, but also of an art club of 500 women. Her address abounded in practical suggestions on the subject, "Art in the Home, the School and the Community." In speaking of the development of the artistic spirit Mrs. Hall declared that while we are waiting for genius we should support and encourage talent. Then we would be more likely to recognize genius when it came. Continuing, she suggested that the development of art should begin in the home. In this connection she illustrated her meaning by a series of practical suggestions relative to the architecture and furnishing of the home. She pointed out the manner in which deep horizontal lines and arches over the windows should be used to relieve the vertical lines of the building and then discussed in considerably detail the colors that should be used in the interior and how they should be arranged in order to give an artistic effect. Above all she urged that yards of daisies and pansies should not be hung on the walls simply because they were painted by some one who was regarded by her immediate relatives as a genius. It was better to spend a quarter of a dollar in the purchase of a photograph of some real masterpiece and be forever happy in its contemplation.
Mrs. Hall contended the more morality could be installed into the minds of the boys and girls through the medium of an attractice school room than by any other means. Nothing taught the lessons of morality and charity more forcibly than the masterpieces of art.
In discussing art in the community the speaker deprecated the fact that the introduction of machinery to supplant hand labor had robbed some classes of art of its individuality. The time was past when a man spent a life evening in carving a crucifix because no one would wait for it or buy it after he had finished it.
Another musical number was contributed by Mrs. Thomas Kelly, who sang "A Summer Night" by Gorign Thomas with a voice of rare sweetness but scarcely strong enough to fill such a vast structure. In view of the long program she declined to respond to the very hearty encore that rewarded her effort.
Mrs. Kate Tannett Woods of Salem, Mass., was to speak on "Club Courtesies," but as her manuscript was in her trunk, which still lingered somewhere between Salem and Omaha, she excused herself by very gracefully suggesting that in view of the courtesy that the visitors had experienced in Omaha any further comment on the subject would be superfluous.
The Lorelei sang "Stay With Me," by Otto Lob, and scored another decided success. The program closed with an exceptionally able paper by Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson of Boston on "The Keystone of the Educational Arch." She said that as a nation the Americans are the builders of an educational arch that should span the earth with its bow of promise. The keystone was the ideal that would make civilization in its highest form possible for the whole world. She proceeded to analyze the technical structure of an arch using each element to point an educational moral. At the conclusion of her address the visitors adjourned to the quarters of the Bureau of Entertainment in the Mines building, where tea was served.
Exercises in the Evening.
The evening entertainment offered to the visitors and the women of Omaha was announced to commence promptly at 7:45 o'clock in order that the rehearsal of the Exposition chorus and orchestra might be held after the conclusion of the exercises, but a delay in the arrival of the audience and the speakers prevented the commencement of the exercises before 8:25. At that time Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. F. M. Ford, Miss Sadie American of Chicago and Mrs. Alice Ives Breed of Lynn, Mass., appeared on the platform and the program was entered upon without any delay. Mrs. Smith introduced Mrs. Breed as the chairman of the evening and the latter took occasion to express her pleasure at being once more in "God's country," after a sojourn in China. She spoke of having been at Hong Kong when Dewey sailed for Manila, saying that she had returned to this country to find him a hero. She paid a neat compliment to the exposition management for the beautiful white city which had been erected for the display of the resources of the great west and expressed her best wishes for the success of the enterprise.
Mrs. Breed then introduced Mrs. Sadie American, the secretary of the National Council of Jewish Women, to speak on the topic, "A Summer Duty." Miss American's address treated the sociological conditions which exist during the summertime in the great cities. She dwelt at some length on the conditions which exist in the crowded portions of these cities during the months when "nobody is in town." During this period schools are not in session and the children of the working people are thrown upon their own resources. The laws of these cities forbid playing in the streets, there is no opportunity for the children to find occupation of a beneficial kind, their parents are too busy with their own cares to amuse them and the result is that they are thrown entirely upon their own resources. The speaker declared that from this condition arises a very large percentage of the crimes committed in those cities. The establishment of schools for the children during the summer, where they have leave to play, is expected to promote the welfare of the children and educate them along different lines than those taught in the public schools. In this connection, the speaker complimented the exposition management on its action in keeping the exposition upon on Sunday. She declared that the opportunity thus afforded the children of this section to visit the exposition in company with their parents or some one who can explain the various sights to them would be of incalculable value to the children, and she expressed the regret which she said the women of Chicago feel that they had neglected this opportunity which was offered them during the World's fair.
Miss American's address was well received, being liberally applauded.
Mrs. G. W Johnston of Omaha sang a lullaby, which captivated the audience. She was in good voice and sang with much expression and feeling.
Women in Public Affairs.
The only other speaker of the evening was Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson of Philadelphia, president of the Civic club of that city. She read a paper on "Civics." She declared that the World's fair was the epitome of the greatness of nations and at that exposition the woman's club movement received its greatest impetus. The expositions of Atlanta and Nashville had still further promoted the movement and the speaker said that the warm welcome which had been extended to the delegates in Omaha gave promise of further impetus from this exposition. Mrs. Stevenson dwelt upon the importance of the influence of the women in securing the highest standards in public affairs, declaring that permanent results are only brought about by education in the higher sense. The speaker said that the women form the heart of the nation and can render assistance in many ways. In illustration of this point she related the action of many of the women of the east who had countermanded orders given to French importers before the open opposition of the French press and people in connection with the war in Spain. She spoke of one firm which had received orders to cancel orders for $35,000 worth of goods in one week and declared that there were many such cases. These little occurrences, she said, would go a long way toward changing the sentiment of the commercial element in France toward this country and would aid in smoothing the way toward diplomatic proceedings.
Mrs. Stevenson referred to the progress which has been made in the west in the matter of opening the higher educational institutions to women, and expressed the hope that the conservatism which has marked the attitude of the eastern institutions in this matter would soon give way before the demand of public sentiment. This portion of the paper was cut short by the lateness of the hour and was brought to a close with little ceremony.
This concluded the exercises in the Auditorium, and the audience adjourned to the rooms of the Bureau of Entertainment in the gallery of the Mines building, where an informal reception was held for over an hour. The visitors and the Omaha women were given an opportunity to cultivate the acquaintance formed during the day, and the social time which resulted was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
Union League Club of Chicago Has a Strong Delegation.
CHICAGO, June 18.—In response to an invitation extended by William H. Harper, chairman of the executive committee of the Illinois Transmississippi and International Exposition commission, to have representatives in attendance on Illinois day at the exposition, the Union League club has appointed the following to act on such committee: Alexander H. Revell, George A. Follansbee, Hiram R. McCullough, Will H. Clark, James L. Archer, Josiah L. Lombard, Charles M. Hewitt, Edward A. Turner, Frederick W. Upham, John H. Hamline, H. S. Burkhardt, William G. Jerrems, F. J. Dewes, W. A. Alexander, Ephriam Banning, E. G. Halle, Otto C. Schneider, C. B. Beardsley, George A. McKinlock, Henry D. Estabrook, George William Dixon, Robert Vierling and R. C. Clowry.
The committee will leave on a special train over the Chicago & Northwestern at [?]:15 p. m. Monday, arriving in Omaha early [?]
Chorus Will Not Appear.
The exposition chorus will not appear at the concert in the Auditorium tomorrow night as announced, as no rehearsal could be held last night. The rehearsal was to have been held in the Auditorium last night with the orchestra, but the building was occupied until 9:30 o'clock by the women of the Woman's club and Conductor Kelly dismissed the orchestra and chorus on account of the lateness of the hour.
Exposition Notes.
The Scenic Railway commenced business yesterday.
The paid admissions to the grounds June 17 numbered 3,875, not including commutation tickets.
Exit gates are being placed just south of the Georgia building for the convenience of visitors to the Bluff tract.
The exposition postage stamps have been placed on sale at the Government building and a brisk demand is made for them.
An observation car containing agricultural and horticultural products from South Dakota has been placed in position on a track just north outside the Transportation building.
Horace Sims, the famous boy soprano from Wisconsin, who sung at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon, will sing "Angels Ever Bright and Fair" and the First Methodist church this evening.
The German village on the Midway was opened to the public yesterday afternoon and last night. The construction is not entirely completed, but was sufficiently advanced to allow the gates to be opened. The concert hall was in full blast with a vaudeville performance of unusual extent and excellence and the patronage of the village was very liberal.
A treat is promised those who attend the reception which is to be held in the Illinois building Tuesday evening, Illinois day. Mrs. Catherine Bloodgood, one of the noted singers of this country, will sing several selections during the progress of the reception and Mrs. Allen Spencer, a pianist of wide reputation and Mr. Justin M. Thatcher of Chicago, a tenor singer of ability, will add to the excellence of the entertainment.
W. K. Bradish of Detroit, Mich., assistant director of the Detroit Art museum, has arrived in the city to relive Art Director Griffiths of the Art building, who will leave the city next week to fill several lecture engagements. Mr. Bradish has been appointed assistant superintendent of the Art building and will be in charge of the building during the absence of Mr. Griffiths.
Wisconsin Dedicates Its Beautiful Home at Exposition Grounds.
Fifty Years a State and the Epoch Marked by Participation in the Wonderful Show of the Western Empire.
The weather god smiled on Wisconsin day at the exposition and a brisk shower at sunrise was followed by one of those rare days in June for which Nebraska has gained a world-wide reputation. The grounds were looking their best, the verdure clear and bright after its shower bath and the profusion of flowers nodding a pleasant welcome to the guests of the day. The shower had simply served to make the grass greener the building whiter and the pleasant tan color of the gravel walks a shade darker, forming a series of contrasts which made the grounds a scene of beauty unexcelled in attractiveness.
Fully an hour before the time for the formal exercises to commence the beautiful Wisconsin building on the Bluff tract was the objective point of large numbers of people and the spacious and beautiful rotunda which is the main feature of the building was filled with men and women.
The building is a very handsome structure, facing the Illinois building on one of the finest locations on the portion of the grounds devoted to state buildings. It is classic in style and is excellently planned to meet the requirements for which it was erected. A. C. Clas of Milwaukee, a member of the commission, was the architect of the building.
The feature of the interior of the building is a central rotunda lighted mainly from above and having a balcony at the second floor which commands a full view of the main floor. Handsome furniture, a profusion of potted plants and spreading foliage of plants, together with a grand piano, make the interior attractive and beautiful.
A large number of Wisconsin people arrived in the city Friday, among them being a delegation of about thirty women en route to attend the meeting of the General Federation of Woman's clubs at Denver. A party of people from the Badger state, including several of the Wisconsin exposition commissioners, arrived this morning and these with a number of Wisconsin natives residing in Omaha and delegations from the Omaha Woman's club, made a gathering which filled the spacious building to the doors.
Wisconsin's Representatives.
The Wisconsin commissioners present were: John C. Koch of Milwaukee, president of the commission; A. C. Clas of Milwaukee, treasurer; J. E. Hausen of Milwaukee, Senator C. H. Baxter of Lancaster, G. H. Greenback of Madison, H. D. Fisher of Florence, Fred Kickhefer of Milwaukee, Mrs. Angus Cameron of La Crosse, General John Hicks of Oshkosh Northwestern, Willard E. Carpenter of the Waupaca Record, John G. Gregory of the Evening Wisconsin of Milwaukee and John Larsen of the Ashland News.
The Marine band made a special trip to the grounds to play a couple of selections in front of the building.
The ceremonies were opened promptly on time by President John C. Koch of the Wisconsin commission. He referred to the fact that the dedication of Wisconsin's building at the exposition marked also the celebration of the semi-centennial of Wisconsin's admission to the union of states. He spoke of the friendly relations which exist between Nebraska and Wisconsin on account of the large numbers of natives of the latter state who have taken up their residence to Nebraska. The history of the origin of the Wisconsin building was reviewed briefly by the speaker, who, in a few words, turned the building over to President Wattles for the exposition.
President Wattles accepted the building on behalf of the exposition management and dedicated it in honor of the semi-centennial of Wisconsin's history as a state.
Wisconsin history was reviewed briefly by President Wattles, who referred to the fact that in the original settlement of the state the Germans predominated, as do their descendants today, and he declared that their thrift, industry and reputation as good citizens have made the state famous. The excellent educational facilities possessed by the state were referred to and an array of figures regarding the agricultural and farm products was quoted showing the great resources of the state. The president made reference to the fact that the state had furnished many enterprising citizens to many of the western states and said the erection and dedication of the building on the exposition grounds constitutes a tie which still further binds the people of the two sections together.
William Amadeus Haas delighted the assembly by playing the "Bismarck March," one of his own compositions.
Mr. Quarles' Oration.
The orator of the occasion was William C. Quarles of Milwaukee, a prominent member of the bar. He was introduced by President Koch and among other things said:
Wisconsin men are found wherever true Americans dwelt beyond the Alleghenies, beyond the Rockies, their influence is felt. No sooner have their cabins been located in the wilderness, than as if by magic all the institutions of civilization spring up about them.
This exposition is great monument to the ability, energy, taste and culture of the people of this broad western land. It may well excite wonder and admiration. As we behold these magnificent buildings and all these evidences of wealth and culture, we can hardly realize that within the narrow span of a human life this great prairie was a wilderness, ripening for future use, where every autumn the dusky savage, in pursuit of game, roamed over vast stretches, of country, whose surface, clad in a mantle of sombre brown, undulated like the billows of the sea. While we contemplate in Europe the fate of kingdoms that have been tottering for ages on the brink of decay, slowly dying for a thousand years, we behold our own states growing to maturity within the experiences of a generation.
It is eminently fitting that Omaha, which so well represents the spirit of western advancement, should at the consummation of the Nineteenth century, set up in its midst this magnificent object lesson. As we look about us today we realize that we live in the heart of a republic, whose shores touch either ocean, which stretches from the frozen zone to tropic lands, whose men and women are the demigods of industrial and intellectual conquest, of and concerning whom it is not necessary that any man make explanation or apology, but who stand upon the hilltops of civilization, with a national emblem representing everything that is grand in human life and noble in human endeavor.
In casting the eye over the map of Nebraska, we are thrilled with patriotic joy to see among the names of your counties those of our Jefferson, Grant, Logan, Blaine, Garfield, Sherman, Lincoln and Washington. We feel that our hearts are thus linked together by the tie of common devotion to the precious memory of our soldiers and patriots, whose fame is a common heritage, and we confidently rest in the assurance that our children will unite with yours in the tribute of gratitude due to those who, whether at the north or south, east or west, have stood or fallen in this country's cause.
Few of us have realized the tremendous resources of our united country. The world failed to appreciate it. The events of the last few months have amazed foreign nations, as they have quickened the pulse of America with pride and exultation.
Wisconsin presents to Nebraska today not merely a beautiful building, as a token of her admiration and esteem, but as an older to a younger sister, she extends to you affectionate and well merited congratulations and the most earnest wishes for the success of this, your great undertaking.
During his remarks Mr. Quarles paid a warm tribute to Senator Thurston and the troops now in the field.
The exercises closed with the reading of a poem written for the occasion by John Goodby Gregory of the Evening Wisconsin, the poet laureate of the state.
JUNE 20, 1898.
Sucker State's Joyous Celebration Takes Its Turn Tomorrow.
Delegations from the Great State Come to Give the Affair Eclat.
Chief Executive and His Personal Staff Already in the City.
Week Opens with Glorious Weather and a Prospect of a Bust Session for Everybody at the Exposition.
In the absence of any special event on the exposition calendar, this is largely a day of preparation for the notable occasions that are scheduled for the remainder of the week. Of these Illinois is first and foremost in point of interest, and tomorrow the sons and daughters of the Sucker state will gather in force to celebrate their participation in the exposition, in which they have taken such an extensive interest. The presence of a full representation of the notable personages of the state is assured, as well as a large attendance of private citizens. It will be one of the big days of the exposition, and it will be celebrated on a scale commensurate with the dignity of the state that built the World's fair.
The advance guard of the visitors arrived this morning. Governor Tanner, with Mrs. Tanner and his official staff, reached the grounds about 10 o'clock and proceeded at once to the handsome Illinois building, where they were received by Colonel and Mrs. Hambleton and the exposition officials. There were about seventy persons in the party and the staff officers were dressed in the handsome uniform of the Illinois National Guard. Governor and Mrs. Tanner, with several others of the party, were taken for a trip over the grounds by Major Clarkson, and they expressed the most extravagant delight with the magnificent panorama that they witnessed. The remainder of the visitors will arrive on the morning trains tomorrow and proceed at once to the grounds to be present at the formal ceremonies that will be held in the Auditorium at 11:30 o'clock. After lunch a public reception will be tendered the guests of the day in the Illinois building, and in the evening Colonel and Mrs. Hambleton will give a private reception in their honor which will be one of the most notable social events of the exposition.
This is the official program of the exercises at the Auditorium:
Music by the band.
Prayer—By Chancellor MacLean of State university.
Brief Outline of the work of the Illinois Commission—Hon. William H. Harper chairman executive committee.
Address—Presentation of Illinois building to the state—Colonel Clark E. Carr, president Illinois commission.
Address—Acceptance on behalf of the state, and in turn tendering same to the officials of the exposition—Hon. John R. Tanner, Governor of Illinois.
Male quartet from Apollo Musical club.
Address of Acceptance—Hon. Gurdon W. Wattles, president of the exposition.
Address—Senator S. M. Cullom or Senator W. E. Mason.
Address—"Past and Present," Hon. John L. Beveridge, ex-governor of Illinois.
In the absence of any special attraction, a very creditable Monday morning crowd was on the grounds. It was another glimpse of Nature's kindest mood, and even as early as 9 o'clock the aisles in the main buildings were well occupied with visitors. There was also a good crowd on the Bluff tract, and the morning concert by the Marine band was enjoyed by a good sized audience. The appearance of the landscapes is constantly improving as the flowers approach maturity, and with the exception of one or two corners where belated exhibitors are at work there is nothing to contradict the impression that the exposition is complete in every detail.
Director Santelmann Adds to the Approbation He Has Worn in Omaha.
The concert of the Marine band yesterday was played in front of the Government building, where a suitable space had been marked by ropes to prevent the crowd from jostling the musicians. At the time announced for the concert to begin, 2:30 o'clock, a large crowd had gathered at the west end of the lagoon. The wide steps leading to the Government building presented a gay appearance with the multitude of colors displayed in the dresses of the women, and the colonnades on either side were filled with people who had taken refuge there from the rays of the sun. As the afternoon advanced the crowd increased in size, but there was no room for any increase in the enthusiasm with which every number was received. The playing of the band was all that the most pessimistic critic could ask and the audience manifested its enjoyment of the excellent program by frequent and vigorous applause.
The first number on the program was one of Sousa's stirring marches, "The Bride Elect," and the inspiring strains aroused the enthusiasm of the audience. The overture of the "Merry Wives of Windsor," by Nicolai, met with a hearty reception and then a selection from Bach, "Ein Maerchen," was played with all the art of the finished musicians constituting this famous organization. A selection from "Wizard of the Nile" followed and then came "Robin Adair," played as only the Marine band can play this charming and touching old folk-song. Sousa's "Three Quotations" which has been played many times during the engagement of the band, was the next number and the "Transmississippi March," composed by Director Santelmann, was played. This latter has become one of the greatest favorites in the repertory of the band and each repetition increases its popularity.
The program was concluded with "America," and the stirring strains of the national anthem, played with all the pathos and feeling possible, formed a fitting close for a concert which was enjoyed to the utmost.
One of the best crowds that has yet been seen at the exposition heard the magnificent program that was rendered by the Marine band last night. The Grand Plaza was packed clear back to the casino and it was such an audience as might assemble at an opera house to hear a popular production. It included a large representation of the swell set of Omaha and Council Bluffs, who vie with the families of workingmen in their appreciation of the splendid performance of the band. It was altogether a pretty and inspiring scene that lay under the brilliant glitter of the arc lights and it seemed to enthuse the musicians as well. The program was composed of "request" numbers and was admirably suited to the character of the audience. The rendition of the famous Tannhauser march took the crowd by storm and while the Largo from Handel's "Xerxes" that followed was less perfectly understood it was also received with marked favor. A selection from "The Bohemian Girl" touched a familiar chord and Weber's beautiful "Invitation to the Waltz" was enthusiastically applauded. Mr. Walter F. Smith's cornet solo, the "Inflammatus," by Rossini, was most artistically rendered. Two of Mr. Santelmann's compositions, the "Admiral Dewey" march and "The Voice of Our Nation," were rendered with marked success and the Intermezzo from "Cavalleria's Rusticana" and the popular "Comical Contest" completed the program.
Exposition Plans for a Celebration of Independence Day.
The fact that there will be no celebration of the nation's birthday down town will not interfere in the least with the arrangements for a good, old-fashioned celebration on the exposition grounds. Preparations are making which will produce a celebration which will eclipse anything in this line seen in Omaha since that historic day, July 4, 1855, when a celebration was held on what is now Capitol hill by the people of Council Bluffs, who came across to the young town on this side of the river to celebrate with the solitary settlers of Omaha and were driven home early in the afternoon by the cry of "Indians!"
The event on the exposition grounds will be an international celebration. All of the principal nations under the sun will participate through their representatives on the grounds, and the affair will be a novelty which cannot fail to attract attention from every quarter. The grand celebration will open in the morning with a parade in which the various families of mankind will be represented. The nations of the Orient will be represented by numerous denizens of the countries of southern Asia and Europe; the dark skinned nations of northern Africa, Egypt, Syria, Arabia, etc., will appear in their gay apparel, riding upon the gaily caparisoned ships of the desert or the more humble donkey. China and Japan will contribute their quota; Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, all will be represented by natives of those countries in characteristic dress. The dancing girls of all the nations where Terpsichore is worshiped will form a feature of the procession, each robed in the dress characteristic of her country. Last, but not least, the people of this great continent will be represented in numerous ways. The aboriginal inhabitants will be representated by their copper skinned descendants; Black America will be there in profusion with bucks, wenches and pickaninnies, and above all and around all will wave the stars and stripes.
This cavalcade will pass all around the grounds ,the line of march terminating at the music pavilion on the Bluff tract where a typical Fourth of July celebration will be held. Patriotic songs will be sung by the Exposition chorus, with brass band accompaniment, the Declaration of Independance will be read, and orations will be delivered by Judge J. M. Beck of Philadelphia, a noted orator ,and another speaker whose identity will be disclosed later.
The celebration will close in the evening with a grand display of fireworks on the North tract, when all previous displays in this line will be totally eclipsed.
How a Telegraph Operator at the Grounds Got Into Trouble.
The Admissions bureau is kept busy looking afer the small army of people who are provided with passes to the grounds and long lists are issued daily to the keepers of the pass gates of passes which have been lost and which are to be taken up on presentation. All kinds of explanations are made by the holders of passes to account for their loss and to secure a temporary pass to the grounds until their own is taken up and returned to them, but one of the young women telegraphers in one of the main buildings is carrying the medal for the most remarkable explanation which has yet been presented.
This young woman had occasion to write a letter to a friend in Los Angeles, Cal., a few days ago. The letter was written at home and when the young woman started for the exposition grounds in the morning she carried the letter and pass with her. As a matter of course she had no pocket in her dress and the letter being unsealed she slipped the pass into it for convenience in carrying. Before reaching the grounds she passed a mail box and, in a fit of absentmindedness she sealed the letter and dropped it into the box. Not until she reached the gate to the exposition grounds did it occur to her that she had sent her pass, photograph and all, to her friend in Los Angeles. After many explanations she was provided with a temporary pass and is waiting for her correspondent in California to return the pass.
Sunday at the Art Building.
Art Director A. H. Griffiths entertained a large party of visitors at the Art building yesterday afternoon by another of his running lectures on some of the principal paintings in the building. At 3 o'clock he invited all who cared to do so to go with him through the galleries and all the people within the sound of his voice gladly took advantage of the opportunity to hear one of the talks for which Mr. Griffiths has acquired a wide reputation. Passing from gallery to gallery, calling attention to their most striking characteristics and getting in a number of decidedly interesting observations on art in general, which added much to the value of the talk. In this way [?] was expected and [?]
At the German Village.
The German village, which was somewhat delayed in opening, is rapidly making up lost time by becoming the most popular resort on the grounds.
Manager Von Szinnyey is making great preparations for Illinois day. On this occasion the Apollo club of Chicago and the National Business Men's League will visit the resort in a body and a special program will be prepared for their entertainment. Governor Tanner of Illinois is expected to pay the village a visit this evening in company with Secretary Hamilton of the Illinois commission and other notables and an effort will be made to entertain him in a manner that will thoroughly impress these distinguished visitors with the character of entertainment that is to be found at the Transmississippi Exposition.
Ida County to Have a Day.
The people of Ida county, Ia., are planning to have an exposition day of their own and the arrangements for the event have been very nearly consummated. The Ida County Pioneer has taken up the idea with a good deal of energy and it has received so much encouragement that the plan appears sure to succeed. It is proposed to select Thursday, June 14, as the date and a vigorous effort is being made to arouse an interest that will bring the band and fire department and pretty nearly the entire population of Ida county to Omaha on that day. It is understood that a railroad rate of one fare for the round trip has been sesured and there is every indication that the Ida county people will make a demonstration that will show the west that they are about as wide awake as anyone. The plan is to have the entire excursion party march from the depot to the grounds, swing around the Court of Honor and then halt in front of the Administration Arch where they will be welcomed by the exposition officials. Afeer this they will break ranks and seek enjoyment according to their individual tastes.
Great Audience Enjoys the Sunday Afternoon Program.
A most appreciative audience of the concerts sat through the program at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon. The first number seemed to strike a chord of cordial feeling, and the sympathy of the audience increased as the concert advanced, intense interest being displayed at all times, and the applause being frequent and warm. The orchestra felt the influence of the mood of the audience and the playing of each number was excellent. Cards upon which was printed in large type a request that the audience remain seated and quiet during the performance of a number were displayed at prominent points and these served to partially stop the annoyance. A small percentage of the audience drifted in and out during the afternoon, but the great majority came to enjoy the concert and there was far less annoyance than usual from this source.
Those who remained throughout the concert were richly rewarded, the concert, all things considered, being one of the most successful which has been given by this most excellent organization. The house was comfortably filled, the audience comprising all grades of society and all showing the greatest appreciation of the music.
The program commenced with a double number, a "Chorale," by Bach, and "Meditation," by Bach-Gounod. These selections seemed to tickle the fancy of the audience, and the next number, a suite of three numbers by Massenet, was warmly received. The last of the suite was a 'cello solo by Bruno Steindel, and this was applauded both loud and long. Mr. Steindel's playing was exceptionally fine, and the audience was in thorough sympathy with him.
A harp solo by Mr. Schuecker carried the house by storm. He played one of his own compositions in the artistic manner which has earned for him a national reputation. In the next number Mr. Schuecker displayed a versatility which demonstrated his ability as a composer as well as an artist. The number was Liszt's Rhapsody No. 2, which is usually played with a more or less complicated cadenza for the harp. When the music for this number was being laid out yesterday morning it was discovered that this cadenza was missing, and an incident which occurred when the selection was last played in Chicago was recalled, showing that the harp part had been purloined. Director Mees and Librarian McNicoll were at their wits' end; the program had been printed and the number must be played, but it was conceded that it would never do to omit the cadenza. In this dilemma Mr. Schucker came to the rescue. He seized some music paper and forthwith composed a cadenza, committee it to memory and played it during the concert as though the composition and playing of cadenzas was an every day affair. The Liszt rhapsody is a beautiful composition, and the very artistic manner in which it was rendered by the orchestra called forth the most enthusiastic applause on the part [?]
The next number was a double one, a waltz movement by Volkman and a ball scene, "Charlotte Corday," by Benoit. The latter had been played before during the engagement of the orchestra and has become very popular. A sextet composed of flute, clarinet, horn, cornet, oboe and bassoon plays behind the scenes with the strings in the orchestra without joining in at intervals. It is a rather incongruous composition, but seems to take the fancy of the people, and it was applauded so vigorously that the orchestra repeated it, much to the delight of the audience.
A polonaise, "Mignon," by Thomas, and the "Rakoczy March," by Liszt, completed a program which afforded a rich treat to those fortunate enough to remain throughout the afternoon.
Run Out of Programs.
The absence of official programs was an embarrassing result of the big crowd that was on the grounds last night. From a few minutes after the Marine band concert had begun it was impossible to obtain a program and hundreds of people were inconvenienced. A number of people were willing to pay $1 for one of the very necessary pamphlets, but there were simply none to be had and the situation was not improved this morninging. There was a good sized morning crowd on the Plaza to hear the Marine band, but there was not a program for sale on the grounds.
Rate for Kansas Day.
The following arrangement for passenger rate on account of "Kansas day" at the exposition, June 22, has been announced by the Western Passenger association: A flat rate of one fare for the round trip from all points in Kansas and from Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo., tickets to be sold for trains arriving in Omaha on June 22, limited to return on or before June 28.
Music for Today.
The exposition music for today, June 20, will be:
10:30 a. m.—United States Marine band. William H. Santelmann, director. Music pavilion.
6:00 p. m.—United States Marine band. Music pavilion.
8:00 p. m.—Theodore Thomas orchestra. Arthur Mees, director. Auditorium.
Notes of the Exposition.
The art catalogues have just been issued.
The Exposition chorus will not appear at the concert at the Auditorium tonight.
The paid admissions to the grounds on Sunday were 4,165, not including commutation tickets.
The paid admissions to the grounds on Saturday, June 18, were 6,335, not including commutation tickets.
Every day of the exposition chronicles a growing interest in the novel features of the exhibit Montgomery Ward & Co. These are free to everyone and combine with the uniform courtesy that is shown to all visitors to keep the building filled to overflowing.
One of the pugs who was scheduled for a ten-round bout at South Omaha tonight will not be able to keep his engagement. He has been training at the Streets of Cairo and yesterday while he was engaged in a set-to with his trainer the latter landed a stiff right on his nose that fractured that very useful organ. He was taken to the emergency hospital where his face was encased in splints, and it will be some time before he will be in condition to do any more fighting.
One of the teams employed to haul sand for the completion of the brick pavement opposite the bridge, ran away yesterday and made things lively in the vicinity of the Administration arch for a few minutes. The horses dashed through the arch at full speed but fortunately without doing further damage than knocking off a small chunk of staff. In front of the Service building they collided with an electric light pole which was smashed into splinters. Then the animals started on a mad dash up the Midway but they were stopped before any further damage was done.
Omaha Capitulates to the Citizens of the Great Sucker State.
Official Party of the Governor Heads the Procession, Flanked by Chairman Harper and His Guests of Honor.
The peaceful invasion of Omaha and the exposition city by the Illinois people commenced this morning. All day long the fluttering white badges indicating the visitors from the Sucker state increased the visitors from the Sucker state increased in number. The first two early trains from Chicago on the Chicago & Northwestern and the Burlington brought nearly 100 of the advance guard.
It was one of the mornings when Nature was at her prettiest. The air was fresh and cool, and the first arrivals were particularly pleased when they left the Union depot for the carriages uptown, remarking that it was auspicious for the great celebration.
The delegations which arrived this morning were headed by Governor John R. Tanner and his personal staff and family. The other party was headed by William H. Harper, chairman of the executive committee of the Illinois state commission, and included many prominent officials and visitors from all over the state. Their arrival at the depot was marked by a spontaneously enthusiastic welcome from Omahans. President Wattles of the exposition, Major Clarkson and Colonel C. E. Hamilton of the Illinois commission, assisted by a large staff, were on hand with carriages and escorts to conduct Governor Tanner and the members of his party to the hotels.
Personnel of Governor's Party.
The governor's staff traveled on the Chicago & Northwestern. They were accommodated in Vice President A. J. Earling's private car and a special sleeper. The run through from Chicago was made on time and was without incident. Governor Tanner is accompanied by Mrs. Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mack Tanner, Mrs. John R. Drake and twenty-nine members of the executive staff, headed by General J. N. Reece, as follows:
Colonels James B. Smith, William Clendenin, H. S. Dietrich, E. R. Bliss, John W. Gates, Charles E. Bleyer, William M. Crilly, William S. Eden, Charles W. Kopf, Henry B. Maxwell, Ernest Frecker, Maurice Kozminski, John A. Drake, Edwin Norton, Isaac L. Ellwood, J. R. Beggs, William Pittinger, William H. Glasgow, N. Dwight Nimen, F. L. Smith, John Lambert, Fred H. Smith, Isaac H. Lessem, Stephen L. Littler, R. T. Higgins, Harvey M. Hall, Randolph Smith, First Lieutenant Clifford M. Bleyer.
In Mr. Harper's party there are ex-Governor Beveridge, one of the speakers of tomorrow, Edgar A. Bancroft, George T. Stone, Henry D. Estabrook, Mrs. George E. Marcy, H. R. Wilson, Misses Frances A. and Hazel Glenn Harper, R. Hall McCormick, J. P. Wheadon, John R. Drake and wife, William S. Eden, L. W. Bodman and Mrs. S. B. Raymond, daughter of ex-Governor Beveridge.
Senator William E. Mason is scheduled to arrive this evening, and Chairman Harper said he could surely be expected. Melville E. Stone of the Associated Press will arrive tonight.
Goes Early to the Grounds.
Governor Tanner lost no time in starting out to see the sights when he had arrived at his hotel. He left the women and Chicago delegation to their own devices and was ready as soon as the officials were to ride to the White City.
From now until tomorrow morning the tide of Nebraska-bound travel from Chicago will rise to great proportions. Every railroad line has special cars and trains in readiness to carry the throng.
"I cannot give you an estimate of the number of people who are coming," said Mr. Harper this morning. "There are special trains starting from several important cities in the state—from Springfield, Galesburg, East St. Louis, Quincy and elsewhere. From Chicago alone 500 civic and fraternal societies and bodies will be largely represented. As to how many individuals, I cannot begin to guess. We will simply flood the town and we will make it a memorable day."
General Manager Brown of the Burlington [?] the way to Omaha today with a train-[?] the railroad men—the World's Co-[?]xposition delegation, the Illinois [?]sion and the Chicago Board of [?]
Apollo and Other Clubs.
Two hundred members of the Apollo club will leave this evening, half over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and half over the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. These parties will return over the Northwestern and the Rock Island. The Northwestern road will start special trains this evening at 6:15, bearing delegations from the National Business league, the Union league, the Board of Trade and the Stock exchange, as follows:
Union League—Alevander H. Revell, George A. Follansbee, Hiram R. McCullough, Will H. Clark, James L. Archer, Josiah L. Lombard, Charles M. Hewitt, Edward A. Truner, Frederic W. Upham, John H. Hamline, H. S. Burkhardt, William G. Jerrems, F. J. Dewes, W. A. Alexander, Ephraim Banning, E. G. Halle, Otto C. Schneider, C. B. Beardsley, George A. McKinlock, George William Dixon, Robert Vierling, R. C. Clowry.
Chicago Stock Exchange—C. C. Adsit, Henry Hackney, Solomon Sturgis, B. R. Cahn, J. J. Townsend, Charles McGrath, Elisha Whitehead, Herman Herbst, W. W. Tracy, Sidney Love, W. V. Baker, Ben Carpenter, R. H. Donnelly.
Board of Trade—William Nash, W. L. Kroeschell, J. G. Snydacker, I. P. Rumsey, George E. Marcy, B. G. Edgerton, W. S. Booth, P. H. Eschenberg, James Crighton, Sidney H. Warner, E. L. Glaser, Gilbert Montague, L. Everingham, E. G. Case, F. R. Warner, Oscar H. Boughart.
National Business League—Messrs. and Mesdames Charles Truax, Elliott Durand, John Farson, A. A. Burnham, Edgar D. Harber, W. B. Kniskern, W. A. Gardner, Heywood, Messrs. Walter L. Peck, L. C. Straight, John C. Fetzer, B. M. Wilson, W. M. Dodd, John L. Ferguson, Dwight K. Tripp.
The World's fair directors will have a special car over the "Q" this evening, and the party will be: Messrs. and Mesdames A. R. Barnes, C. I. Peck, H. O. Edmonds; Messrs. B. B. Lamb, F. J. V. Skiff, A. W. Sawyer, W. D. Kerfoot, E. P. Ripley, A. M. Rothschild, Horace Tucker, P. S. Grosscup, J. C. Peasley, E. R. Graham, Charles Henrotin, Henry Dibbles, B. E. Sunny, M. W. Kirk, E. B. Butler, E. F. Lawrence, Arthur Dixon, Volney W. Foster.
Chicago men who are expected to respond to toasts at the banquet Tuesday evening have been notified that speeches must be limited to ten minutes.
With the Chicago party this morning were B. J. Mullaney of the Chicago Times-Herald and E. D. Sisson of the Tribune.
There is no set program for the afternoon, but it is likely most of the advance party will visit the exposition grounds to get a glimpse of it before the crowds reach there.
Special Concessions to Exposition Visitors for Remainder of June.
From Chicago, St. Louis and Western Passenger Association Territory One Fare Plus $2 for Round Trip.
Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation gives the following information in regard to reduced passenger rates and arrangements for sale of tickets to the Transmississippi Exposition for the present month:
Tickets will be on sale from all points in Western Passenger association territory June 19, 20, 21 and 22, final return limit July 7, at one fare plus $2 for the round trip. Round trip rate from Chicago, $14.75; Peoria, $13.25; St. Louis, $13.50. From all points east of Chicago, to and including Toronto, Buffalo, Pittsburg and common points, tickets will be on sale June 18, 19, 20 and 21, final return limit July 8, at one fare plus $4 for the round trip. From all points east thereof, to and including the Hudson river, tickets will be on sale June 18, 19, 20 and 21, final return limit July 10, one and one-third fare to Chicago, Peoria or St. Louis, plus $14.75, Chicago to Omaha and return, $13.25, Peoria to Omaha and return, $13.50, St. Louis to Omaha and return. These tickets can be purchased at any coupon ticket office of all railroads, members of the association, or upon application to the general passenger agent of the railroad.
Delegates to the biennial meeting General Federation of Woman's Clubs, Denver, Colo., June 20-29, from east of the Missouri river are entitled to five days stop-over at Omaha in either direction. Delegates from east of the Missouri river to the North American Turners' Union convention, San Francisco July 5, are also entitled to five days stop over at Omaha in either direction. Delegates from east of the Missouri river to the national Mining congress, Salt Lake City July 6-9, are entitled to stop-over at Omaha five days in either direction. Delegates from east of the Missouri river to the tenth triennial National Council of [?]
Delegates to the National Saengerfest, Davenport, Ia., July 28-31, are entitled to five days' stop-over in either direction from all points from which regular first class one way ticket reads via Omaha. Delegates to the annual convention, Washington, D. C., July 7-12, from points west of the Missouri river are entitled to stop-over five days in either direction at Omaha. Delegates to the National Christian Endeavor convention, Nashville, Tenn., July 5-12, are entitled to five days' stop-over at Omaha in either direction.
Any of the delegates having tickets reading via any other Missouri river gateway may have the route changed to enable them to come to Omaha without extra charge.
The Denver & Rio Grande railway, operating from Denver, with terminals at Trinidad, Santa Fe, N. M., Durango, Ouray, Gunnison, Aspen and Grand Junction, announce the following reduced rates to Omaha, available to parties wishing to attend the exposition, at one and one-third fare for the round trip from all points on the Denver & Rio Grande railway, tickets limited thirty days from date of sale; also one fare plus $2 for the round trip from all points on that road to Omaha, tickets on sale June 19, 20, 21 and 22, good to return July 7.
The Rio Grande Western announce the same arrangement from points on its lines in Utah and Colorado. The Missouri, Kansas & Texas, running through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory to Galveston, Tex., have adopted a special rate of one fare plus $2 for the round trip, tickets on sale June 18, 19, 20 and 21, good to return July 7, from all points on its line. They will also sell the regular 80 per cent tourist ticket, good until November 15.
The Oregon Short Line, operating from terminals of the Union Pacific to Butte and Frisco, through Salt Lake City and Ogden, and also west to Huntington, Ore., have adopted a rate of 80 per cent of double one way fare for the round trip, from all stations on its line, and will also sell tickets to Omaha at one fare for the round trip, plus $2, on June 18, 19, 20 and 21, good to return to and including July 7.
Judge Scott Has the Midway Matter in His County Again.
Defenlants Decline to Plead, Acting on Their Attorney's Advice and the Judge Pleads Not Guilty for Them.
The case wherein the proprietors of the Streets of Cairo seek to prevent the proprietors of the Streets of All Nations from exhibiting camels and donkeys and from giving camel and donkey rides monopolizes the time of Judge Scott.
The real issues in the Midway cases have been lost sight of for the time being, as contempt cases have taken their place. The first case called was that wherein Gaston Akoun and Mardoche Zitone, proprietors and managers of the Streets of All Nations, were charged with violating the order of the court in not obeying the injunction issued some days ago, ordering them to turn their camels and donkeys out of the village. This case also included A. L. Reed of the Bureau of Concessions and his assistant, S. B. Wadley.
When the case was called, Attorneys Hall, Montgomery and McCullough for the defendants, objected to the court taking any action in the premises, contending that by reason of the fact that the May term of the district court adjourned last Saturday, the judge had no jurisdiction. The objection was overruled and the information was read to each of the defendants. Acting upon the advice of their attorneys, they stood mute and refused to plead. The judge on his own motion entered a plea of not guilty in each case. This, however, was done over the objections of the attorneys.
It took nearly all of the time of the morning session to read the information and accept the pleas. At the hour of the noon adjournment the court ordered all of the defendants into the custody of the sheriff, informing them if they desired their liberty until the convening of the afternoon session they would have to give bonds in the sum of $200 each. Bonds were given and none of the parties went to jail.
The contempt case against La Belle Rosa and fifteen other witnesses who were called last Saturday were dismissed, Attorney Montgomery explaining that it was his fault that the witnesses were not in court at the time named.
Adventures of a Boa Constrictor that Has Just Been Brought to Omaha.
During the last few days men, women children residing on the bottoms east of the Bluff tract of the exposition grounds have been staying in nights and have moved about with a great deal of caution during the day. Now, however, they are feeling better, as the cause of alarm has been removed.
Last week the trained animal show on the Midway received a new consignment of animals, including several snakes. The outfit came in a stock car and was switched onto the exposition sidetrack. When the car was opened it was discovered that a box that had contained a twenty-foot boa constrictor was empty. Where his snakeship had gone was a mystery. It had reached the depot and this made it apparent that the reptile had been lost between the Webster street depot and the exposition grounds. Tracers were sent out, but no snake was found. Then the snake trainers and the snake experts were given leave to join in the hunt. All day Thursday and Friday the men from the show, together with an army of boys, patrolled the shores of Cut Off lake and the bluffs along the railroad tracks. No trace of the thing was found until yesterday afternoon. when a boy found the snake coiled up in a cave at the foot of Ohio street. Word of the find was sent to the exposition grounds and in a short time men from the show arrived, lassoed the fellow, dragged it into a box, loaded it onto a wagon and carted it away to the grounds.
Just before this snake left Boston it gave some of the Hubites a fright and passed a night in the police station before starting for Omaha. The Boston Transcript of June 13 tells the story thus:
The big reptile evidently has had an eventful history. Just now it is impossible to learn where he came from originally. It is believed, however, that he was born in the jungles of India or in the wilds of Africa. From his native haunts he was transported to London by one of the largest dealers who have their headquarters in the metropolis of the United Kingdom. There, with a number of others, he was purchased by the agents of the Zoo in Boston. He came across in the steamer Victorian nearly two years ago, his companions being "Tess," the diminutive chimpanzee, and a number of Gila monsters. The snake was established in a glass case at one end of the hall with several others of his species.
One day, through an accident, three of the reptiles escaped. One was quickly caught, and a second was discovered after a prolonged search under one of the boilers in the basement all coiled up in a nice warm spot. The third, however, was never found until last evening, when he fell from the roof of the old Public Library building. It is supposed that he has been asleep all winter coiled up about some warm chimney on that or a neighboring building. The last few days of warm sunshine warned the serpent that summer was at hand, whereupon he proceeded to shed his skin and appear in a new spring suit. His skin is bright and clean and beautifully marked, and his eye is clear and snapping, all of which, together with his general liveliness, is a sign to the snake men that he has just cast off his winter coat.
There was, naturally, a considerable scattering of the crowd about the building last evening when his snakeship tumbled down to the ground. He was harmless and stunned from the fall from the gutter, where he had been squirming along in search of something to eat. He was easily captured by a couple of patrolmen, hustled unceremoniously into a bag and imprisoned in a cell at station 4 in the bottom of an iron ash barrel, which the policemen took good care was well covered and made amply secure by a big weight on top.
F. C. Bostock, formerly of the Zoo, is now at the exposition at Omaha. Thomas Early is his eartern agent, and this morning Mrs. Earley and one of the employes went to the station house to get the snake. Captain Wyman rang for a patrolman and asked him to "bring up the snake for the lady." The patrolman replied that he would bring up the barrel if he liked. Evidently he did not care to handle the serpent, an unknown quantity to him. At this point Henry Gillis, an old hand at the business, who has been with Bostock for three years, and bears the scars of animal fights, relieved the patrolman's anxiety. He went down into the cell and reached down into the barrel catching his snakeship by the throat. The latter retaliated by twisting his head, opening his capacious mouth and fastening his teeth in Gillis' right hand. This exchange of compliments did not disturb Gillis, who wound him once around his neck and held him at arm's length. In that fashion he carried him across the street to the hotel, where he was boxed up and sent to Omaha marked "live stock." Gillis said this morning that the wound was painful, but he anticipated no serious results. After the reptile had been boxed up, he went to a physician and had the wound cauterized. It shows plainly the marks of each sharp tooth of the vicious snake. There are thirteen distinct wounds where the upper teeth sank into the flesh, and three [?]
It Is Tastily Decorated and Interesting to the Devotees of the Newspaper.
Mr. Williams of Texas Says an Excursion of Ten Cars Will Leave Galveston Last of Month.
Sightseers Enjoy Sunday--Effort Made to Extend Marine Band's Time--Apollo Club Concert.
The third Sunday at the exposition was hardly up to its predecessors in the point of attendance, although there was fully as much money spent on the grounds as had been left by any Sunday crowd. The concerts drew large audiences, and while the exhibit buildings were at no time crowded, the stream of people passing through was continuous and steady.
The Press building is now fully completed, and Special Commissioner Richardson is installed in charge. The building is one of the most tastily decorated on the grounds. A panel made of newspaper front page matrices extends around the central rotunda, and the background of maroon, set off with gilt molding and festooned with the national colors, gives a pleasing effect. The furniture has been placed in the rooms, including a score of private compartments for individual press workers, and both the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies have installed operators there for the convenience of the visiting newspaper men. Files of all the large daily papers will be kept there for convenient reference.
Among the callers at the Press building yesterday were William C. Williams and bride, representing the Galveston Tribune and Houston Post. They are collecting a number of exposition views and kindred matter that will be used in setting forth the attractions of the exposition to the people of the south.
Mr. Williams stated that the "Katy" road would have an excursion of ten cars, leaving Galveston on the 27th inst., and running through direct to the exposition. The excursion will bring several hundred invited guests of the road, who are given a free outing, and will be made up of prominent men of Galveston and Houston, representing all the important commercial bodies and the state press.
Although the leave of the Marine band expires on Tuesday, a strong effort is being mode to secure an extension of another week. Senator Allison of Iowa is working earnestly to this end, and aiding Nebraska's senators and representatives by every means within his power.
Cards will hereafter be placed in a number of prominent downtown windows, showing the special attractions on the grounds each day and the hour of the various features.
The Wednesday evening concert will be given on the island in the center of the lagoon, and will begin at 8:30. The program will be made up exclusively of popular airs, and will be rendered by the entire Apollo club chorus of 200 voices and the exposition chorus of 100 voices, assisted by the band. It will be a new feature, and it is believed that it will be unusually attractive.
A runaway occurred on the grounds yesterday morning, a team starting out with a load of brick. They collided with one of the electric light poles in front of the Service building after passing through the Administration arch. The pole was broken short off and the brick scattered in every direction. The horses were stopped by the firemen at the engine house just beyond.
Saturday's paid admissions numbered 6,335.
At the concessionaires' meeting at the Press building this morning action will be taken looking to a reduction in the price of evening admission, the "circumcising" of the exposition, an agreement on the free list question and some arrangement looking to the utmost harmony and co-operation with the exposition management in all matters looking to the mutual advantage of the exposition and the concessionaires.
Friday They Will Be in Evidence at the Exposition.
Next Friday, June 24, will be a great day for the Swedish-Americans of the Trans-Mississippi states at the exposition.
Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Kansas, Colorada, Missouri and Nebraska will be well represented. Mr. John S. Helgren, the secretary, is daily receiving letters from people who are coming. One society 300 strong, hailing from Sioux City, and Denver will be on hand in force.
Fifty years ago there were only a few scattered settlements of Swedes west of Chicago. Fifty years ago there was not a Swedish church building west of Chicago. Today the Trans-Mississippi states have hundreds of thousands of Swedish speaking people and Swedish churches, schools and colleges in abundance.
Large Swedish speaking farming settlements have sprung up and the Swedish speaking physician, teacher, mechanic, manufacturer and merchant are found everywhere. They will all be in evidence next Friday. The musical feature will be the great attraction.
About 300 singers from the different localities and cities in the west will be present. The following program will delight the audience at the Auditorium on Friday evening:
Opening of meeting and introduction of President Wattles of the exposition.
Introduction of chairman of the evening, Hon. C. O. Lobeck, president.
Address by chairman of the evening, A. J. Lofgren, Lincoln, Neb., presiding elder Swedish Methodist church.
David's 150th psalm, G. Wennerberg.
Poem for the occasion by Hon. J. A. Enander of Chicago, ex-minister to Denmark.
Soprano solo, recit, and avia from "Creation," Haydn; Miss Emma Moeller.
"Hear Us, Svea," G. Wennerberg; male chorus.
Soprano and tenor duet, "The Tones," A. Dahl; Miss Emma Moeller and Prof. Edgren.
"The Singers' March," J. A. Ahlstrom; the Jubilee chorus.
Address, Rev. Carl Swenson, Ph. D., D. D., president Bethany college, Lindsborg, Kas.
Baritone solo, selected, Rev. A. J. Hultman, Chicago.
Jubilee cantata, Adlof Edgren.
Solo, duet, quartet, male, female and mixed chorus.
The music is especially prepared and written for the occasion by Prof. Adolf Edgren.
Exposition Music.
The Thomas orchestra program was an appropriate one for Sunday afternoon, the selections being of a subdued character, and several of them of a religious nature. The opening number was a chorale by Bach, arranged by Abert for brass instruments. This was followed by the melody which Gounod wrote for the first prelude of well-tempered clavichord. This meditation is generally called the "Ave Maria."
In the prelude, "Religious Scene," Mr. Steindel's cello solo was very fine and enthusiastically applauded. Mr.[?]
Sabbath Checks the Sheriff.
Sheriff McDonald did not serve his writs of attachment for contempt upon the persons of the proprietors, managers and performers at the Streets of All Nations Saturday night. He lingered in the oriental gloom until midnight, when he was suddenly confronted by the people for whom he had been looking. But his watch told him that it was Sunday and that no writs could be served, so that he will have to try again this morning early if he wishes to have the orientals in Judge Scott's court by 10 o'clock, the hour named by his honor.
Nominal Admission Fee Plan Works Remarkably Well.
The experiment of making a nominal charge for admission to the Auditorium concerts was tried last night to test its effect upon the annoyance caused by people who insist on running in and out during the performance of the program. The experiment was pronounced a success in every way, and it is probable that the custom will be continued. There was no apparent decrease in the size of the audience, and there was much less noise. People who came to hear the music were able to do so without being disturbed by those whose only object seemed to be to be able to say that they had "heard the Thomas orchestra." The house was well filled and with a very few exceptions those who entered remained until the close.
The program was of the same high order of excellence which has obtained during the entire engagement of the orchestra, and the audience was most appreciative. The overture of "Die Meistersinger" was the first number, and the masterly manner in which this beautiful selection was rendered was rewarded by the close attention of the audience until the last note had died away, when the applause was quick and vigorous. A suite of seven number of ballet music from "The Cid," by Massanet, afforded an excellent opportunity for the display of the versatility of the orchestra, and the all but supernatural effect of the baton of Director Mees produced a variation in tone shading and expression which caused the audience to break out with applause frequently during the performance of the number. Saint Saens' symphonic poem, "Phaeton," was a dream of wild beauty, and the pretty serenade by McCloskey, which was substituted for the choral number on account of the cancelling of the appearance of the exposition chorus, was greeted with pleasure. The intermezzo, "I Pagliacci," by Leoncavallo; "Pizzicato Sylvia," by Delibes; the "Funeral March," by Chopin, and the "Mignon" polonaise completed a program which left nothing to be desired.
Notes of the Exposition.
The official statement of admission for Monday indicates 3,499 admissions, not including commutation tickets.
Superintendent Griffith of the Art department leaves tonight for Detroit to fill a number of ?lecture dates.
The management has designated July 14 as boys' and girls' day, and on that occasion the Boys' and Girls' building will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. Children under 15 will be admitted for 15 cents.
One of the Illinois day visitors, E. H. Wright, is a colored attorney of Chicago, who is a member of the Cook county Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Wright is being entertained by some of Omaha's prominent colored people.
The Colorado Mineral exhibit is being rapidly installed and Commissioner Lee says that it will be ready for inspection before the end of the week. The exhibit contains over 6,000 specimens and the arrangements of the booth compare favorably with any in the building.
The official badges of the exposition officers were received last night and are worn for the first time today. They are the work of a local firm and the design is exceptionally artistic. The badges that designate the principal officials are of gold, and those of the directors and superintendents of departments are of silver.
The oratorio of "Creation" by Joseph Haydn, and "Barbara Freitchie" by Jules Jordan, will be given by the Dubuque Choral club under the direction of William H. Pontius at the Auditorium Saturday evening of this week. The choral club will bring a chorus of 150 voices and the soloists of the evening will be Mrs. Sophia Markee, soprano, Miss Estelle Rose, contralto, Mr. Henry Stow, tenor, and Mr. Homer Moore, basso. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged for this concert.
There was rather a funny scene at the Sherman avenue entrance this morning, where about fifty colored gentlemen who officiate as waiters in the casino restaurant found themselves unable to secure admission. Through some oversight their employers had not provided the necessary transportation and they were compelled to wait in the hot sun while it was secured. A madder lot of individuals would be hard to find, and their feelings were scarcely mollified by the rather officious actions of an officer, who insisted that they could not wait under the viaduct, but must go out and cool themselves in the sun.
Formal Exercises Connected with the Illinois Day Celebration.
Speakers Extol the Pride of a Great Commonwealth and the Beauties of a Great Exposition to a Great Audience.
Some time previous to the time announced for the commencement of the exercises in the Auditorium the people gravitated toward the Illinois building, and the wide porches, the rotunda and the parlors were soon crowded with people. As fast as they came they were supplied with badges of white ribbon on which were printed "Illinois day, June 21, 1898, Transmississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Neb." Many people who came from Illinois to take up their home in Nebraska and neighboring states took advantage of the opportunity to renew old acquaintance with the visitors and an hour was spent very pleasantly in social intercourse. The members of the Illinois commission who had come early to the grounds, the visiting delegations from the Chicago commercial organizations and large numbers of people from all sections of Illinois had gathered at the building when the hour arrived for the exercises to begin. The entire party passed in a body to the Auditorium and on arrival there found the big building fairly well filled. The interior was hung with bunting which lent an air of gaiety to the scene and improved the accousties of the building. Palms and other foliage plants gave the stage a pleasing appearance. The Apollo Musical club of Chicago occupied seats at the back of the platform.
At 11:30 o'clock the official party made its appearance at the northeast door and marched down the main aisle to the stage, preceded by the official flag of Illinois, borne by J. Mack Tanner, private secretary of the governor. Governor and Mrs. Tanner led the way, followed by Governor Holcomb, President Clark E. Carr of the Illinois commission, Chairman W. H. Harper of the executive committee, the speakers of the day, members of the Illinois commission and their wives, members of the Nebraska commission, members of the executive committee of the exposition, members of the Bureau of Entertainment, the official staffs of Governor Tanner and of Governor Holcomb, all in full uniform. The staffs of the governors and the Transmississippi troopers were seated in the center of the house immediately in front of the platform.
Opening the Exercises.
When all were seated the Marine band made its way to the stage, amid a burst of applause. It was just 12 o'clock when the band formally opened the exercises with Sousa's stirring march, "The Stars and Stripes Forever."
Chancellor MacLean of the University of Nebraska invoked Divine blessing on the proceedings, returning thanks for the prominence which had been bestowed on the state and people of Illinois, and for the cordial relations which have been established between the people of the two sections. Blessings were invoked on the army and navy and Divine guidance invoked in national affairs.
Chairman Harper of the executive committee of the Illinois commission was the first speaker, his address being devoted to a resume of the work of the commission. The speaker extolled the standing of Illinois in the business world and spoke of the friendly feeling existing between the people of Illinois and Nebraska on account of the fact that the former has furnished a large percentage of the citizens of the latter commonwealth. The incidents in connection with the appropriation of $45,000 by the legislature and the appointment of the commission provided for in the appropriation act were reviewed, as were the details in relation to the choosing of plans for a state building and the erection of the same. In closing Chairman Harper congratulated the exposition management and expressed the hope that the exposition would result in permanent good to the entire section of country represented in the exposition.
Clark E. Carr's Address.
At the close of his brief address Chairman Harper introduced Colonel Clark E. Carr, president of the Illinois commission, as the permanent chairman of the meeting. Colonel Carr took occasion to compliment Chairman Harper on the magnificent outcome of his constant efforts in behalf of Illinois at the exposition, saying that what has been accomplished is largely the result of these efforts. Colonel Carr then began his address, speaking as follows:
When Lasalle was, with his heroic followers, exploring western wilds, soon after leaving Lake Michigan he came to the headwaters of a river upon which he launched his canoes and floated down with the current. The river broadened and deepened as he advanced, and he soon became convinced that it belonged to the great system which drained all the vast region of the northwest. He made excursions upon either side and found himself in the midst of vast meadows of waving grass which seemed illimitable. One day the party came upon an Indian village and found it to be the home of a people who called themselves Illini. He called the region the land of the Illini, and he called the river upon which he was floating the river of the Illini. When he asked the significance of this name, he found it to be men, full grown, complete, or as we would say, stalwart men. From this dusky race not only that river but our great state takes its name.
There is scarcely an attribute of mankind so universal as that of affection for the region in which our lot is cast; the land which has given us birth, or which in maturer years has received us to her bosom. The heart of the Esquimaux, alike with the inhabitants of more favored regions, swells with the liveliest emotions in contemplating what seem to him the beauties and excellencies of his own country. If this emotion be an universal attribute to mankind, it cannot fail to be more profound and intense in proportion as those beauties and excellencies are real. There is no true son of Illinois
"Whose heart has ne'er within him burned"
In contemplating the sublime glories of his own state.
Boast of the Commonwealth.
No other commonwealth can boast of more enterprising and prosperous cities and towns and villages or of more delightful rural homes. Our great metropolis with her magnificent buildings towering into the skies, with her vast libraries already provided for, with her university and institutes and schools, with her charities and eleemosynary institutions, with her parks and great avenues, is destined with the growth of architecture and the development of art to be the most resplendent city on the face of the earth. Millions of revolving wheels are forever rolling to her great storehouses treasures
"Which far outshine the wealth of Ormus and of Ind."
and she must very soon become the most opulent and populous city of the western hemisphere, and finally of the world.
But it is of our complete, stalwart men that we are proud. They have shown themselves worthy of the name they bear. Men "whose wrestling thews can throw the world." Scarcely had the people of Illinois begun to enjoy the privileges and appreciate the glories of full citizenship of the republic when almost immediately after the state was admitted into the union the demon of human slavery tried to fasten itself upon them. Though most of them were from slave states, they met and overcame the monster, and hurled it from them, banishing it forever. A few years later, when borne down and overwhelmed with debt and taxation, and the last hope of being able to extricate themselves seemed gone, the siren of repudiation, as she has successfully done elsewhere, beckoned them to follew her for relief. They indignantly repelled her and deliberately, in their fundamental law, put upon themselves a burden of taxation and, after years of self-denial, paid the debt in full, dollar for dollar. When the Mexican war came Illinois carried the banner of the republic on many a victorious battlefield, and finally assisted in dictating terms to the enemy in his own capital. When human slavery sought to fasten itself upon California and Kansas, Illinois men helped to drive it out. In the war of the rebellion Illinois men "hewed their way down the Mississippi valley with their good swords," as their greatest volunteer leader, whose achievements have lately been commemorated in bronz, said they would do, and the great river flowed "unvexed to the sea."
The names of the stalwart sons of Illinois who have won imperishable renown would fill volumes. One of them conquered the sword of rebellion, and, with mangnanimity and generosity unequaled in history, declined to receive it, and another is recognized throughout the world as the sublimest character of the age.
Statesmen and Soldiers.
While there is a tendency to exalt military genius above all other, there have been intellectual conflicts in which the laurels have been as resplendent as those which deck the soldier's brow. In the great debates before the people of Athens, Demosthenes gained renown which has brought his name down through all the ages.
Just preceding the war of the rebellion, on the prairies of Illinois we witnessed a campaign of public discussion, continuing for several months. As it progressed from day to day it attracted more and more attention until finally all the people of the nation became interested. The great[?]
the United States the platform, the greatest American statesman the champion, and the fate of a continent the issue.
The original fabric of the government was composed of states bordering upon the Atlantic, of which the great state of Pennsylvania was appropriately designated as the keystone. Soon the adventurous and hardy pioneer subdued the western wilds, new states were formed and the republic expanded. By the Louisiana purchase, the conquest of Mexico and the settlement of the Oregon boundary the domains of the republic have extended until our boundaries are the oceans. Her adamantine foundations, laid broad and deep, support the most majestic edifice that has ever been projected.
In the midst of this mighty structure so amplified and extended from its original boundaries Illinois appeared. Through the achievements and great names of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant and the deeds of our other statesmen and heroes Illinois has so risen in her central position that from every quarter of the union men and women instinctively lift their eyes to her and so carry out the now clearly discerned will of the divine architect. She unites and cements and canopies with grace and symmetry and beauty the majestic edifice. As Pennsylvania was appropriately called the keystone, so Illinois may be appropriately designated as the dome of the republic of the United States.
In the midst of this most splendid exposition of the world's progress that has ever been attempted and carried out in the transmississippi region, equal, in so far as designed, to the World's Columbian exposition and superior in manay of its details, Illinois has erected a building. In the work of laying out and erecting this building the Illinois commissioners, representing every part of the state, have taken a lively interest. It has been their desire to, without unnecessary outlay, have a building that would be worthy of the state which has honored them by placing the important trust in their hands. It has been a labor of love, and they will feel amply compensated if their work is approved. For them and in their behalf I now turn the building over to his excellency, the governor of Illinois, whom I have the honor to present to you.
In introducing Governor Tanner it is unnecessary for me to add more than a word. Some of us have known him from the time when a mere lad he wore the blue uniform of his country. We do not always agree with him, but we recognize his sterling qualities. He learned from Abraham Lincoln to be just and kind and considerate, and he learned from General Grant to keep steadily on in the line of duty, unmoved by denunciation on the one hand, or by flattery on the other, and he learned from John A. Logan, whose faithful and trusted companion he was, to never desert a friend. He is one of the Illini.
Colonel Carr's delivery was forceful and eloquent and he was frequently interrupted by the applause of the audience.
Governor Tanner Speaks.
Governor Tanner followed Colonel Carr, accepting the building in the name of the state and turning it over to the officials of the exposition. He spoke as follows:
Mr. President of the Illinois Commission and the Officers of the Transmississippi Exposition: It affords me sincere pleasure on behalf of the state of Illinois, as its governor and executive head, to receive from the distinguished and genial president of the Illinois commission this commodious and elegant building, which is not surpassed, I believe, in point of beauty and convenience, by any similar structure upon these capacious grounds. It is a building of which the great state I have the honor here to represent may be justly proud and I trust that many Illinoisans may see it, rest beneath its hospitable roof and share the sentiment of admiration and approval with which I view it for the first time.
The people of Illinois have the most cordial and sympathetic feeling for the state of Nebraska and its citizens. They are largely the same people, since Illinois has contributed so largely to populate these virgin and fertile plains. I see in this audience of brave men and fair women many a spectator and listener who was born in Illinois, but for one reason or another has cast his or her lot with a younger community. To no other state in the union, I think, have we given so many of our sons and daughters. We cherish the belief that even Nebraska can show none better. They are gone from us; but they are still of us. Their memories are cherished by those whom they have left behind, many of whom will take this opportunity to renew old ties of affection and friendship.
It is this common blood flowing through all our veins, much of it inherited from the early settlers of New England, some of it from the founders of Maryland and Virginia and the Carolinas, but all of it, whether its original source was in England, Ireland, Germany or elsewhere, now thoroughly and forevermore American, which is the promise and pledge of perpetual union of every portion of our common country.
Lessons of War and Peace.
The mention of our country at this moment of national peril and anxiety thrills every patriotic heart. It is hard for us, far removed as we are from the island shores in two hemispheres, where our destiny is even now being shaped to some unseen end by the thunderbolts of war, to command our thoughts and hold them to the peaceful scenes which at home greet our view. In imagination and sympathy we are only partly here. Our hearts are with our bravest and dearest in camp or at sea, where the children of Illinois and the children of Nebraska have joined hands to purchase, at the cost of their own lives if so great a sacrifice is required of them, the liberty and prosperity for an alien race which we ourselves enjoy and of which this magnificent exposition is the latest and highest symbol. What a contrast! May we not derive from it the lesson that greater are the triumphs of peace than of war? War is a destructive, but peace is a creative force.
As I look around me I pray for the restoration of peace, a just and honorable peace, a lasting peace, which shall usher in for all mankind a brighter era of humanity and universal brotherhood. We can never be again what we have been—an isolated nation, selfishly enjoying our immunity from international responsibilities. We have a duty to discharge to the world as well as to ourselves, and the destruction of the Maine with its gallant crew was the rude voice which awakened us from our dream of perpetual exemption from entanglement with the affairs of other nations and aroused us to a higher conception of our duty as to the pioneers of the new Christian civilization which is to characterize the coming century.
But I have led away from the matter in hand. As governor of the state of Illinois I congratulate the commission which has so well performed the task assigned to it of preparing and presenting a fit testimonial of our friendly regard for a sister state and our cordial sympathy with its noble ambitions.
I thank you for what you have done and now, in the name of this commission and on behalf of the people of Illinois, I tender to the officials in charge of the Transmississippi Exposition this edifice for the use of all who may enjoy its hospitality, whether they be Nebraskans, Illinoisans, or from whatever state or land they may come. Let Illinois and Nebraska vie with each other which of the two shall give them the warmer welcome.
Governor Tanner's address was punctuated by frequent applause and at the close he was presented with a bunch of beautiful roses.
Cheer the News from Shafter.
Following the address of the governor ensued one of the most dramatic scenes ever witnessed in Omaha. Colonel Carr announced that Mr. Melville E. Stone, the chief representative of the Associated Press, had received a bulletin announcing that General Shafter and his army had arrived off Santiago in safety. The crowd went wild in an instant. Men and women jumped to their feet and wild cheers rent the air, while the flutter of dainty white handkerchiefs and the waving of hats, canes and umbrellas filled the air. While the cheering was at its height the stirring strains of "The Star Spangled Banner" rose above the glad shouts and the enthusiasm of the audience knew no bounds. Men and women mounted the seats and waved their arms in the air as though carried completely away and the music was almost drowned beneath the flood of glad acclaims. The audience soon joined in the music, however, and the shouting gave place to singing as the whole audience joined in the stirring war song.
The enthusiasm was not allowed to wane with the cessation of the song. The Apollo club was on the bill for a song, "Illinois" and as soon as this was concluded, without pause the club sang "America," the audience rising to join in the song and again the big building rang with a volume of sound which threatened to burst the walls.
When the enthusiasm had slightly subsided, Colonel Carr announced that as the Marine band was compelled to leave for Washington on the afternoon train it would be asked to play at this point instead of later in the excercises as was originally intended.
"The Voice of Our Nation," an arrangement of national and patriotic airs and folk-songs by Director Santelmann, was selected by the leader and as the familiar strains rose upon the air the audience was again electrified. People jumped to their feet and cheered madly as "Yankee Doodle," "Star Spangled Banner," "Dixie," "The Knight's Farewell," and other popular airs were played in quick succession. Such enthusiasm is rarely witnessed in any assembly and the applause which followed the conclusion of the selection was continued unabated as the band played "Auld Lang Syne" for an encore.
The band withdrew at the conclusion of this selection and quiet was restored when President Wattles of the exposition was introduced by Colonel Carr.
President Wattles' Address.
President Wattles' address was very brief and to the point. He reviewed the proceedings between the exposition management and the Illinois commission leading up to the erection of the Illinois building and the participation of the state in the exposition. He complimented the commission and the people of Illinois on the beautiful building which has been erected and accepted the structure in the name of the exposition.
The president referred to the many famous sons Illinois has furnished to the country, and evoked thunderous applause by allusions to the magnificent resources of a country which can conduct a great exposition and a war with a foreign power at the same time. The ties which bind Illinois and Nebraska in one common interest were touched upon briefly and the president closed his speech by dedicating the Illinois building to the use of the public.
Colonel Carr announced that Governor Holcomb had come to Omaha to assist in extending a cordial welcome to the people of Illinois who had come to Nebraska to take part in the exposition, and had consented to say a few words.
Governor Holcomb was greeted with applause and spoke briefly regarding the visit of the Illinois people, expressing the satisfaction given the people of Nebraska by the visit of Governor Tanner at a time when his presence is required in his own state. The governor spoke of the appreciation of the people of this state for the substantial manner in which Illinois has assisted in making the exposition a success and closed by assuring the visitors that the friendly relations thus established between the two states will be maintained.
At the conclusion of Governor Holcomb's speech Secretary Hambleton read letters and telegrams of regreat from Senator W. E. Mason, Alice Bradford Willis, president of Illinois federation of Woman's clubs; Robert T. Lincoln, Charles G. Dawes, Joseph W. Pfeiffer and Adlai E. Stevenson.
Beveridge on 'Past and Present."
Hon. Joseph L. Beveridge, former governor of Illinois, wsa introduced to speak on the subject, "Past and Present." He was greeted with long applause.
He spoke with feeling of the emotion which filled him as he recalled the past when he first took up his residence on the prairies of Illinois fifty years ago. The beauties of the virgin prairies were commented on as a thing unknown to the generation which came later to find the land covered with fields of waving grain and dotted with comfortable homes. The early settlers laid broad and deep the foundations on which their descendants have erected the structures which are the embodiment of culture, refinement and art. He compared the beautiful White City which houses the great exposition with the beautiful city of Holy Writ, and declared that it had been his privilege to see an empire greater in extent than any on the earth except Russia rise up in the northwest—not through the might of war, but by the arts of peace. Eloquently the speaker pictured the many changes which have been wrought in the history of the nation within his memory, his references to stirring events being greeted with great and continued applause. His delivery was most effective, and at the conclusion of his address the applause continued until the governor was compelled to acknowledge it by bowing, and then the audience gave three cheers for the speaker.
This concluded the exercises and after three cheers for Governor Holcomb and three cheers for the wives of the governor of Illinois and the governor of Nebraska, the crowd dispersed.
Will Report in Favor of Indian Congress at the Transmississippi Exposition.
WASHINGTON, June 20.—(Special Telegram.)—Conferees on the Indian appropriation bill agreed finally today and in all probability a report will be made to both houses of congress tomorrow. Conferees have agreed upon an appropriation for an Indian congress to be held at Omaha in conjunction with the Transmississippi Exposition, but the amount is reduced to $40,000 to be made available upon the passage of the act without any suggestion of protecting any expenditure that may have been incurred in preliminary work.
Upon the question of changing the agency buildings of the Omaha and Winnebago Indians from their present location to a point nearer the center of the reservation in Thurston county and upon a line of railroad, the senate conferrees have receded and the whole question must go over until the short session next winter.
Deep Concern Shown in the Success of the Transmississippi Exposition.
Friends of the Enterprise and How They Labored to Secure the Liberal Appropriation for the State's Participation.
Illinois did not forget that Nebraska contributed $80,000 toward the World's Columbian exposition. It reciprocated by making a good appropriation for a state exhibit at the Transmississippi and International Exposition at Omaha.
Soon after it was decided at the meeting of the Transmississippi Congress in 1895 to hold an exposition at Omaha some time in the future the wide-awake Chicago men who had pushed through the World's fair to a phenomenal success became interested in the idea. H. N. Higinbotham, the president of the Columbian exposition, took the lead in the efforts made from that time on to have Illinois formally recognize the project and aid it with a fat appropriation.
Nebraska has been largely settled by Illinois people and naturally there is a strong family feeling between the two states. Quite a number of the men officially connected with the exposition, too, were formerly more or less identified with Illinois. Secretary John A. Wakefield was in the lumber business at Rock Island from 1876 to 1880. Manager Freeman P. Kirkendall of the Department of Buildings and Grounds was in his early days engaged in the dry goods business at Bloomington. The boyhood of Vice President Alvin Saunders was put in near Springfield, and Malden, Ill., was the birthplace of Vice President Henry P. Steele of Colorado. W. N. Babcock, director and member of the executive committee, enlisted for the union cause at Springfield, and Euclid Martin hails from Minonk.
There is a strong club of former residents of Illinois in Omaha. It is estimated that there are at least 2,000 people in this city who came from that state. The president of the club is E. E. Benedict and Henry W. Betterman is its secretary.
Of Council Bluffs Director Lucius Wells is an Illinoisan and Vice President George F. Wright was instrumental in the organization of the first street car railroad company at Ottawa, Ill.
Early in the Field.
Illinois took the lead of the states during the early months of 1897 in the matter of making appropriations for the Transmississippi Exposition. On January 14—just a day after Dudley Smith introduced his $350,000 appropriation bill in the Nebraska legislature—Senator Charles Crawford of Chicago introduced one for $100,000 in the Illinois upper house. The attitude of certain misguided would-be reformers in the Nerbaska legislature in fighting the Smith bill and, afterwards, the Gaffin substitute, was having such a discouraging effect that for a time the question of an appropriation by the Illinois legislature hung in the balance. The announcement, however, on February 26 that Marvin Hughitt would take a block of stock for the Chicago & Northwestern railroad system, amounting to the good sum of $30,000, gave a fresh impetus to the movement in that state, and when, finally, on the day the eyes of the nation were turned toward Washington and Mr. McKinley's inauguration, the Nebraska legislature appropriated $100,000, it was felt that something like $50,000 or $60,000 from the Illinois legislature was an assured fact. Mexico was also waking up to the value an exhibit here would be to her, and President Diaz treated Euclid Martin, C. S. Montgomery, E. J. Cornish and others of a delegation from Omaha with a great deal of cordiality. Accordingly, it was deemed advisable to have a party of gentlemen connected with the exposition in various ways pay Chicago and Springfield a personal visit.
An invitation from Mr. Higinbotham was received, and on Wednesday noon, March 24, a delegation, made up of directors and officials, left for Chicago, to go immediately thence to Springfield. It consisted of Messrs. E. Rosewater, W. S. Poppleton, D. Farrell, jr., and C. W. Lyman of Omaha and Lucius Wells of Council Bluffs. That night they were magnificently entertained by Mr. Higinbotham. Among the prominent Chicagoans who were present on this occasion were Moses P. Handy, the manager of the Department of Publicity and Promotion of the World's fair, Edwin Walker, the counsellor of the Chicago exposition board, and several other leading bankers, journalists, attorneys and business men. Mr. Higinbotham's guests from his own city [?] of the Inter Ocean, George P. Upton of the Tribune, Samuel S. Rogers of the Record, Hon. Robert Waller, E. F. Lawrence, Edwin Walker, D. H. Forgan, Henry D. Estabrook, J. T. Lefers, Rev. Dr. Frank Crane, W. J. Chalmers, and many other identified with the push and progress of Chicago.
Effect of the Visit.
In response to the address of welcome made by Mr. Higinbotham, an interesting presentation of the objects of the visit was given by Mr. Rosewater, who had been made the chairman of the transmississippi delegation, and there were other good talks by Mr. Handy and Messrs. Nixon, Estabrook, Poppleton, Crane and Walker. A result of the coming together of the men of both cities interested in the exposition enterprise as an aid to the highest development of the great west was that a resolution was unanimously adopted at the meeting by Chicago's representatives to the effect that the directors of the Columbian exposition would, at their final meeting in May, organize an auxiliary for the Transmississippi exposition and co-operate with it. The original proposition was to have a directory of five with Mr. Higinbotham as chairman. The subscription of $30,000 by the Chicago & Northwestern was announced at the same meeting; also that of a like figure by the Burlington, and it was estimated that the stock subscribed by the other roads—the Rock Island, the Union Pacific, the Missouri Pacific, the Milwaukee & St. Paul and others—would increase the amount that the commissioners could safely rely upon from $438,680 to $528,480. Z. T. Lindsey, manager of the Department of Ways and Means, felt confident of securing at least $1,00,000 in stock subscriptions altogether.
At once the party went to Springfield, accompanied by Mr. Higinbotham, Charles E. Cox and F. D. Higbee of Chicago. They reached the capital city the next day and were very encouragingly received by Governor Tanner, Speaker Curtis and the members of the legislature. Being allowed an opportunity to address the assembled law-makers, speeches were made by Mr. Higinbotham, who reminded them of the fact that Nebraska had been considerably populated with emigrants from Illinois and of the gratitude Illinois naturally felt for what Nebraska had done respecting the World's fair, and by Mr. Rosewater, who told of the inception of the movement at the 1895 meeting of the Transmississippi congress, the incorporation of the exposition accordingly with $1,000,000 capital stock, of which $500,000 had already been subscribed, the appropriation by congress of $200,000, and the wide territorial scope of the beneficial influence of the exposition. Messrs. Poppleton and Wells followed in the same vein. Governor Tanner and Speaker Curtis assured the visitors that everything that could would be done. Eventually an appropriation of $45,000 was passed and was ready for the governor's signature on June 2, Messrs. Wells, Martin and Higbee having made a second visit to Springfield.
This was considerably more than Illinois had given other expositions held since the World's fair. It gave to the Nashville exhibition $20,000 and it was more than double that sum.
Organizing the Commission.
A commission of twenty was organized September 16. At first it was the intention to make a big agricultural exhibit, but on second consideration this was thought to be like carrying coals to Newcastle, so it was concluded to have a fine fruit display in the general horticultural building, as southern Illinois is famed the world over for its splendid fruit, and to induce the large manufacturers of agricultural implements to secure a good space in the machinery exhibits, and then put up a nice building, which would serve as a comfortable club house for the crowds of peole coming from Illinois to the exposition.
The commission was made up of Hon. Clark E. Carr of Galesburg, a well known political orator, who had been minister to Denmark under President Harrison; Lafayette Funk of Shirley, who, as a member of the State Board of Agriculture, had been in charge of the Illinois exhibit at the World's fair; Ferdinand W. Peck, the originator of the Auditorium, and who had been president of the state commission at the Nashville exposition; John M. Smyth, William H. Harper, L. O. Goddard, E. S. Conway, James P. Whedon and Charles A. Mallory, all of Chicago; George W. Wall of DuQuoin, Oscar P. Trahern of Rockford, William B. Brinton of LaSalle, Edward C. Craig of Mattoon, Lewis H. Miner of Springfield, William H. Stead of Ottawa, James A. Black of Carthage, Randolph Smith of Flora, Charles C. Williams of Hoopeston, C. H. Keeler of Dixon and Martin Kingman of Peoria. The commission organized with Mr. Carr, president; Mr. Conway, first vice president; Mr. Peck, second vice president; Mr. Wall, third vice president; Mr. Miner, treasurer, and C. E. Hambleton, secretary. Mr. Harper [?]mittee of seven—Mr. Conway of the committee on transportation, Mr. Smyth of that on exhibits and manufactures, Mr. Funk of that on live stock and agriculture, Mr. Whedon of that on buildings and grounds and Mr. Peck of the committee on publicity and promotion. Headquarters were at once secured at 218 LaSalle street and the secretary, Mr. Hambleton, was sent out to do effective missionary work among the big agricultural implement manufacturing establishments throughout the state. A vice president for Illinois on the exposition's list was selected, on Governor Tanner's recommendation, in the person of R. Hall McCormick, son of Leander McCormick and brother of Cyrus McCormick of harvester fame.
Result of the Commission's Efforts.
The result of the energy of the commission is familiar to everybody. Illinois and Chicago never do anything by halves. Its building—of the combined colonial and Byzantine style, with its splendid columns and gables and comfortable verandas and balconies, and almost a counterpart of the historic Lee homestead, "Arlington," in Virginia, just across the Potomac from Washington—has been pronounced by Burnham, the World's fair architect, a splendid piece of work, and its fruit exhibit is a marvel in its particular line. Secretary and Mrs. Hamilton do the honors at the building to hosts of visitors daily. The fruit exhibit was looked after by State Senator H. M. Dunlap of Champagne, president of the Illinois State Horticultural society, an extensive fruit grower. Henry Augustine of Normal, a Bloomington suburb, himself one of the most enterprising nurserymen and fruit raisers of the state, ls its superintendent. A visit through the Implement building of the exposition is all that is necessary to convince anyone of what Illinois is capable of in the implement direction.
A prominent feature of the Illinois building is the art annex. It contains four magnificent oil paintings of the World's fair by John R. key, from different points of view. Wilson & Marshal of Chicago were the architects of the building. It was furnished throughout by Marshall Field & Co., which is Mr. Higinbotham's firm.
Members of the Illinois commission visited Omaha and selected the site for the building on October 19. This early choosing of a location, it is believed, acted as a stimulus to other states and gave a decided impetus to the work of putting up the splendid lot of structures now standing as monuments to their public spirit and push.
Exposition People Mixed With Contempt and Injunction Suits in Different Courts.
Equity court No. 6 was crowded to its utmost capacity yesterday with representatives of half a dozen nations, fourteen foreigners and two Americans having been called before the bar to show cause why they should not be punished for contempt.
The people were from the Streets of All Nations, at the exposition grounds, and consisted of A. L. Reed manager, and S. B. Wadley, superintendent of the department of concessions; Gaston Akoun and Amados Zeitoun, two of the proprietors of the show, and twelve dancers, jugglers and other performers, including three girls, the twelve being charged with contempt of court in failing to appear in response to a subpoena issued in the contempt case against Reed, Wadley, Akoun and Zeitoun. The case against the last four is founded on an alleged violation of an injunction obtained by the Streets of Cairo against the Streets of All nations, prohibiting the use of camels and donkeys in the Streets.
The four men were arraigned, but stood mute, declining to plead to the information for contempt, their attorneys objecting to the jurisdiction of the court. It is claimed the United States court has sole jurisdiction, because application was made for a removal of the case to that court.
The information was interpreted to Zeitoun, by Emil Lermy, manager for the Streets of All Nations, whose quickness in handling the legal phrases called out a strong compliment from the court.
Judge Scott adjourned the case until afternoon, requiring Reed, Wadley, Akoun and Zeitoun to remain in the sheriff's custody, or give bonds of $200 each for their appearance in the afternoon. Their attorneys protested, but the order stood. The twelve witnesses were discharged on explanations on attorneys.
The case started Saturday night by Benyaka against Akoun and Zeitoun has left things decidedly mixed. The defense filed a motion for removal to the United States court.
It was found yesterday that court now being in vacation, cannot act on the motion and the case must stand as it is until the fall term, commencing October 3. As Judge Fawcett's injunction also stands until that time, it appears likely that a lively time will ensue in the near future. Judge Scott's injunction restrains the Streets of All Nations from using camels, while Judge Fawcett's injunction restrains the Streets of All Nations from putting the camels out of the show.
A. L. Reed, S. B. Wadley, Gaston Akoun and Amados Zeitoun are still in the custody of the sheriff, under instructions of their attorneys having refused to give the bail of $200 each, required by Judge Scott for their release.
When court opened yesterday afternoon C. S. Montgomery and R. S. Hall, who appear for the four men, objected to the jurisdiction of the court, claiming that, since a removal to the United States court has been asked, the district court has no jurisdiction. The objection was overruled, and then the attorneys asked until Wednesday in which to prepare a defense.
They were refused this unless they would individually promise that their clients would not again disobey the injunction issued by Judge Scott restraining the Streets of All Nations from using camels and donkeys and from representing oriental life. This the attorneys said they were not in a position to do, and Judge Scott said they must then proceed to trial, which was done. Separate trials were also asked and refused.
The trial itself was uninteresting, the evidence consisting of the introduction of the orders entered in the original injunction suit and the testimony of Harry O'Brien, manager of the Streets of Cairo, who said he had received an order signed by Wadley to close the Streets of Cairo on the ground alleged that it had not opened June 1 according to contract.
An adjournment was taken until this morning.
The case presented in the court room was an unusual one. Above forty Syrians, Egyptians, Arabians, French, Turks, Abyssinians and other southern European and oriental nationalities, [?] dressed in the costume of his na-[?]lled every seat in the room, the [?]ng watching proceedings with [?]
Distinguished Writer Admires It From Every Point of View---Miss Dutcher Has Press Building---Concessioners Organize.
A distinguished visitor at the Press building yesterday was Octave Than-et, better known in the world of letters by this nom de plume than as Miss Alice French of Davenport, Ia. Miss French is here to write a series of exposition articles for the McClure Magazine syndicate. She is accompanied by her maid and is stopping at the Millard. She was shown about the grounds yesterday by Special Commissioner Richardson, and met the heads of the various departments.
When asked whether she had seen sufficient of the exposition to enable her to form a general opinion as to its merit, Miss French said: "It is a beautiful exposition. One does not have to be knocked down by an exposition to be able to appreciate it. A general view of the grounds, the symmetry and beauty of the buildings, the noticeable cleanliness and care with which the grounds are kept, tell the story of the character of the exposition."
Miss French is a delegate to the Federation of Women's Clubs at Denver, and expects to leave for that point about Thursday, but will stop here on her return and remain for some time.
Miss Ellenore Dutcher was yesterday morning installed as hostess at the Press building. Charlie Dezevallos of the Giant See Saw called the meeting to order and stated that the object of the organization was for the mutual benefit of not only the concessionaires, but of the exposition management as well. He stated that an organization was highly necessary from the fact that more good can be accomplished by united action than by individual efforts.
Mr. Devevallos was elected temporary chairman and C. H. Holbrook of the California Gold Mine tunnel temporary secretary.
Mr. Dezevanos appointed these committees:
Membership—E. W. McConnell, Old Plantation; A. F. Turpin, Cyclorama; C. H. Holbrook, jr., California Gold Mining Tunnel.
Bylaws—J. Anthony Gorman, Due Fire Works company; P. C. Mattox, Wil West Show; Mr. Cagney, Miniature railroad; L. R. Hare, California Gold Mining Tunnel.
The question arose as to who should be entitled to membership and it was finally determined that only the amusement concessionaires were eligible.
The 25 cent admission rate into the grounds at night and on Saturday was discussed, as was also the question of pictorial and other kind of advertising of the exposition throughout the country. No definite steps were taken, as the main object was to effect an organization. Another meeting will be held in a day or two where these and other matters of importance will be considered.
R. W. Richardson, introduced Miss French (Octave Thanet) to the association, and stated that she came here to prepare a number of magazine articles on the exposition and the Midway. The concessionaires extended to Miss French cordial invitations to visit their attractions.
Representatives of the local press were elected honorary members of the concesionaires association.
Mr. Richardson was extended a vote of thanks for the use of the press building. He was introduced to the body by Chairman Dezevallos and addressed the members briefly. He extended an invitation to hold all future meetings in the building and state that he would be glad to receive them collectively or individually at any time.
New Exhibits.
W. H. Hay of the Canadian department of agriculture, expects two carloads of exhibits here this morning, and has arranged for their immediate installation in International hall. It will be a general exhibit of Canadian products, including grains and minerals. A large fruit exhibit will be received at a later period.
The Mexican and Hawaiian exhibits will be here on the 28th inst. They will be installed in the galleries of the Manufactures building, as there was no other space to assign them.
The Sunday crowd numbered 7,424, of which 4,578 were paid admissions and 2,846 passes.
Irrepressible George T. Williams, editor of the Ida County Pioneer, is here arranging with General Manager Clarkson for Ida County day, July 14. It is stated that a big crowd will be here on that day from that section of Iowa.
The Marine band was entertained at a lunch yesterday at the sod house by Mrs. Bowser, its hostess.
Notes of the Exposition.
Robert Charles of Menomonie and Bert Irwin of Chippewa Falls are in charge of the Wisconsin building and will be through the summer.
Three of the twenty different kinds of pond lilies in the basin in front of the Horticulture building are in bloom.
The fruit display from Montana has arrived and is being installed. It is mainly preserved and canned fruits.
Sebrecht of New York, who filled the two large beds in front of the Horticulture building, has sent a car of floral exhibits for the inside.
Say Litigation is Becoming Too Sensational to Benefit the Exposition.
Hold Consultation With Some Business Men---Reed and Wadley Now Prisoners in Fact--"All Nations" Contempt Case On.
The litigation between the Streets of Cairo and the Streets of All Nations is assuming a form where there is a great possibility of a clash between the judges of the state district court and that very soon. The troubles to be seen on the horizon involve about all the suits pending, in which the exposition is interested, directly or indirectly.
Judges Slabaugh, Baker, Powell, Fawcett and Keysor held a meeting yesterday to consider what action, if any, they would take in regard to the exposition litigation. They say that the litigation, which has all been pending before Judge Scott has assumed such a stage that to prevent injury to the exposition by so much publicity of actions and cross-actions, contempt and injunction cases, some plan must be formed and carried into effect.
The meeting of judges was visited by a number of business men, comprising W. N. Babcock, Z. T. Lindsay, E. E. Bruce, E. Rosewater, J. H. Evans, Alexander Charlton, A. L. Reed and W. D. Beckett, and two or three others dropped in and offered advice or suggestions.
The judges came to an understanding to which all agreed, upon a definite course to be pursued, but owing to the nature of the agreement, its details were not give publicity at present.
The particular reason for the meeting was the contempt case against Abraham L. Reed, S. B. Wadley, both of the department of concessions, and Gaston Akoun and Amados Zeitoun, concessionaires for the Streets of All Nations. The four men are charged with contempt of Judge Scott's court by an alleged violation of an injunction issued by Judge Scott restraining the Streets of All Nations from using camels and donkeys and from exhibiting oriental life. The Streets of Cairo concessionaires, who obtained the injunction, claim that camels and donkeys have been used and oriental life exhibited since the issuance of the injunction.
When the case first came up before Judge Scott, Hall & McCulloch and C. S. Montgomery, attorneys for the Streets of All Nations people, demanded a removal of the case to the United States court, making the statutory showing and filing the necessary bond. Several of the district judges, who were in session this morning, say that such a motion is granted as a matter of course, under the statutes and rules of court. Judge Scott refused to grant the motion and held the case before him, subsequently granting the injunction prayed for.
The defense claims that the injunction was therefore granted illegally and a violation of it is not a contempt of court.
The hearing in the contempt case was resumed yesterday before Judge Scott. The testimony consisted of that of two or three witnesses who saw the camels and donkeys used and oriental life exhibited after the issuance of the injunction.
Attorney Mahoney, for the Streets of Cairo, then called George Habib, an employe at the Streets of All Nations. Habib understood English very imperfectly and frequently asked for a repetition of the questions.
At noon Judge Scott called Deputy Sheriff Stryker before the bench and demanded to know what had been done with Reed, Wadley, Akoun and Zeitoun Monday night. They had been placed in the sheriff's custody for the night, but Judge Scott had been informed, he said, that they had been allowed some liberties by the sheriff. Stryker explained that he had been assigned to other business and did not know what had been done with the men.
Judge Scott thereupon said. "I want you to understand that I placed these four men in your custody and that I mean custody. If I hear that they are allowed their liberty, I shall hold you responsible and file an information for contempt against you. You are an officer of this court, and this court's orders are going to be obeyed. I want you to keep them in your custody and bring them back here at 1 o'clock.
As a consequence of this order, Reed, Wadley, Akoun and Zeitoun became prisoners in fact, and were taken in charge by Stryker, who took them to lunch.
The trial of the contempt case against A. L. Reed, S. B. Wadley, Gaston Akouna and Amados Zeitoun occupied all yesterday afternoon, and will be resumed again this morning.
About a dozen of employes at the Streets of All Nations and the Streets of Cairo were examined as to their duties and the use of camels and donkeys at the Streets of All Nations. The testimony of some of the witnesses, owing to their lack of proficiency in the use of English, was extremly laughable, frequently causing merriment among the spectators and attorneys.
One of the natives of Syria could not understand the cause of the laughter, and it was increased to a roar by his turning to the spectators from the witness stand and asking: "What are you laughing at?"
At the evening adjournment Reed, Wadley, Akoun and Zeitoun were again placed in the sheriff's custody for the night.
The Executive Committee Casts Some Ironclad Rules About Wagon Permits.
Dana Hall, Secretary of the Chicago Apollo Club, Overcome by the Intense Heat.
Boys' and Girls' Building to Be Formally Dedicated on July 14--Marine Band Starts for National Capital.
The executive committee thinks it has finally made arrangements regarding the troublesome wagon permit feature that will put a stop to the kicking and dissatisfaction that has existed in this connection.
Hereafter all wagons having any deliveries to make on the grounds will be admitted between the hours of 5 and 7:30 a. m., and they must be out of the grounds by 8 a. m. A regular 50-cent or a commutation ticket will be necessary to admit a team and driver, except that the concessionaires will be furnished with admission books for this purpose at $2 for the season. All goods delivered after that hour must be left at the Transportation building, which is to be fenced out of the grounds, and the goods will be delivered from there in push carts, except where covered by the issuance of special permits in cases of urgent necessity.
Mr. Dana Hull, secretary of the Chicago Apollo club, was overcome last evening by heat prostration after a very busy afternoon, and the ambulance was called to remove him from the Illinoisans' special car to the emergency hospital for necessary treatment. The doctor stated that he would probably be fully recovered this morning, as he was resting comfortably at midnight.
The executive committee has fixed July 14 for the formal dedication of the Boys' and Girls' building. On that day children of the age of 15 years and under will be admitted to the ground for 15 cents. An appropriate program for the occasion is being arranged.
Monday's paid attendance was 3,499.
The German Turners, whose interstate turnfest is to be held here the last of this month, have arranged to give an exhibition on the grounds at 4 p. m. on June 30. The exhibition will take place on the Grand Plaza, and the members of both the ladies' and men's clubs participating will appear in uniform. It is expected that there will be over 1,500 uniformed Turners, on the grounds.
A pleasing feature of the Marine band's farewell concert in front of the government building yesterday afternoon was the response to the final encore. The closing number was "The Voice of Our Nation," and as the closing strains of "The Star Spangled Banner" died away the large audience burst out in enthusiastic applause. It insisted on its encore, and a moment later the familiar notes of "Auld Lang Syne" swept out over the lagoon. It was a happy thought on the part of Leader Santelmann and hundreds showed their appreciation by voicing the words of the old song. At the conclusion of the program Mr. Santelmann said good-bye to the department representatives of the government board and many new Omaha friends, and expressed the regrets of the band at the necessary departure after a pleasant three weeks' stay at the exposition. The band left for Washington at 5 o'clock over the Burlington and Rock Island roads.
S. J. Howe, the official program concessionaire, collided with Officer Goodrich in front of the Government building yesterday afternoon. Howe was announcing the band concert, and the officer declared that the announcement was misleading, as the band had left at 1 o'clock. Howe had later information and continued to cry the concert. Goodrich placed him under arrest, but released him without sending him to the station.
Miss Margaret Caine, auditor of Salt lake county, Utah, and a member of the state silk commission, who has been installing the Utah silk exhibit in the Agriculture building, leaves for home this evening.
Art Director A. H. Griffith left last evening for Detroit to prepare his report for the directors of the Detroit Art museum, and will thence continue to Chautauqua, N. Y., where he is to deliver a series of six lectures. He hopes to be back by July 4.
The transportation department announces that it has secured a number of additional special rates. The Oregon Navigation company, in connection with the Union Pacific, will put on a half fare rate from California, the Grand Trunk will give an 80 per cent sale from Quebec and all intermediate points in Canada, and promises still further reduction later, and a half rate will be given from all parts of the country to the convention of National League of Republic Clubs.
Visiting physicians yesterday inscribed the following names on the register in the emergency hospital: Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Walker, Canton, O.; Dr. George L. Eyster, Rock Springs, Ill.; Mr. Mary Bell, Fremont, Neb.; Dr. J. K. Pennington, Chicago; Dr. E. P. Cook, Mendota, Ill.; Dr. W. E. Shmallenberger, Canton, Ill.; Dr. L. L. Gregory, Chicago.
Visitors registering at the Press building yesterday were: C. H. Keller and wife, Dixon (Ill.) Comet; George E. Moran, Chicago Chronicle; William C. Caldwell, Berkley (Cal.) News; James Handly, Quincy (Ill.) Daily Whig; G. W. Grahame, Detroit Evening News; Duke Schroer, Quincy (Ill.) Daily Journal; Melville E. Stone, general manager Associated Press, Chicago; Robert C. Clowry, general superintendent Western Union, Chicago; J. Dan. Kiser, Ottumwa Daily Democrat; H. P. Macloon, Grand Island Independent; A. H. Holmes, Wilcox (Neb.) Herald; F. C. Kenower, Wisner (Neb.) Chronicle; R. Gittings, Wichita (Kas.) Sagle; J. Austin Shaw, Florists' Exchange and Review, New York and Chicago.
The number of people paying admission at the gates yesterday was 8,886. This does not include commutation tickets, which swell the attendance to between 15,000 and 16,000.
A new feature tonight will be the special illumination of the Grand court with spectacular lights and fireworks effects. The illumination will take place at 9:30 immediately following the close of Apollo club and exposition chorus concert on the island.
Chorus of 200 Voices Render the Oratorio "Elijah."
Mr. Hamlin received a storm of applause at the close of his first solo, which was sung with a great deal of feeling. He has a sympathetic voice, which would win favor for him where other qualities might be lacking.
And what has been said of him could be truthfully said of all the soloists. Too many singers think that music sonsists in merely uttering certain musical sounds, in rhythmical succession. The soloists who delighted the audience last night were successful in winning favor, not so much because each has a beautiful voice, but because they entered thoroughly into the spirit of the great masterpiece they were rendering, and sang with their hearts as well as their lips.
Bass solos are not attractive as a general thing, yet when Mr. Clark sings them they hold one almost spellbound. He has a strong voice, yet one which is very musical and very smooth, and when to these qualities are added true conception of the composition and correct expression it is no wonder that even following choruses could not drown the waves of applause which swept over the auditorium at times. He certainly is a superb basso.
Mrs. Katherine Fisk has a voice of unusual sweetness and her rich tones charmed the audience into applause which was meant to be most complimentary. Her voice is magnetic.
Master George Meades, who took the character of "the youth," divided honors with Mr. King in the way of applause. He has a clear voice, which rang through the auditorium—an exceptionally strong voice for a boy, and when, at the close of the first part, he advancerd to the front of the platform, the audience went wild in testifying their admiration for him.
There are two things which impress the listener more strongly than any others with regard to Mrs. Osborn, and they are that she has a very smooth, highly cultivated voice and that it is more suited to operatic music than any other. It is strong and clear and even in the pianissimo passages the enunciation was so clear as to be heard distinctly in the farthest corner of the auditorium.
Words of sufficient praise for the chorus work of the club are difficult to choose. The harmonious manner in which they sang was very nearly perfect and the individual voices all that could be desired in a chorus. They have been well trained and the effect was at all times inspiring.
Governor Tanner and Staff Take in the Sights.
The Illinois people, who attend every exposition and who patronize everything worthy patronizing on the Midways, were in possession of the Trans-Mississippi Midway yesterday, and they didn't slight a show. Besides Governor Tanner and his staff and private party there were many other distinguished visitors from Chicago, Springfield and various parts of the state. They had a delightful day, and were much pleased with the Midway attractions. The concessionaires did everything possible to please them and in many instances special performances were given.
At several of the shows special Illinois day programs were distributed through the audiences. These progressive citizens of the Windy City have not forgotten the greatness of the Midway Plaisance at the World's Columbian exposition, but many of them admitted that the Midway here has many improvements.
The petition from the concessionaires on West Midway for an entrance and exit contiguous to them has resulted in some good at least. An exit has been opened at the north viaduct and the public is greatly pleased, but an entrance is yet desired.
The Concessionaires' association, which was temporarily organized Monday morning, will have another meeting in the Press building this morning at 11 o'clock, when a permanent organization will be effected. The committees on by-laws and membership will report.
The Wild West show was in total darkness for thirty minutes last night, but it was no fault of the electric light plant.
Prof. Fremont Wheeler, the sharpshooter, was giving an exhibition, when a bullet from his rifle struck a wire and cut the connection. As soon as repairs could be made the show went on.
Among the many attractions visited by the gubernatorial party yesterday was the Dragon's Head, and the visitors were pleased both with the artistic design of the building and with the performance on the inside.
Many improvements have been made at the Chinese Village, and in a day or two the tea garden, the bazaar and the joss house will be open to the public.
Yesterday P. E. Nuna, a Cuban who has suffered under Spanish rule, visited Chiquita, the Cuban atom. Nuna and Chiquita were born and reared within ten miles of each other, and they grew up together—that is Nuna grew, but Chiquita is still a living doll. They had not seen each other for some time and the meeting yesterday was a delightful one. Chiquita was so glad to see her old friend that while they talked and recalled happy days gone by she sat upon the shoulder of the friend of her childhood. Nuna will be here for several days.
In these times of war the battle of the Monitor and Merrimac at the Cyclorama is interesting to visitors, and the attendance each day is most gratifying. Mrs. Turpin, the manager, has no complaint to make at the patronage her attraction receives. The Illinois visitors were pleased with the great injustice.
Grand Time at German Village Last Night.
A special program was rendered at the German Village last night in honor of the Illinois day visitors. During the rehearsal at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon Stephen von Szinnyey, general manager of the German Village, tendered a personal invitation from the stage for members of the Apollo club to attend the entertainment at the German Village immediately after the concert at the Auditorium last night. The invitation was accepted, and a large number of the club members were present. A reception was given members of the club and orchestra. Speechmaking and music were enjoyed until a late hour. A [?] be given today [?] from Kansas.
ED. W. GLICK, Pres't.
H. GREEF, Secretary.
JNO. E. FROST, V. P. & Treasr.
To Hon. John A. Wakefield,
You are cordially invited to attend
the dedication
to be held at 11 o'clock A.M.
Wednesday June 22nd,
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-eight,
of the Kansas State Building
at the
Trans-Mississippi and International
Omaha, Nebraska.
Shall the management of the exposition be left in the hands of the board chosen by the stockholders or shall it be usurped by the courts? This question is forcing itself upon the exposition by judicial interference that threatens the great enterprise with a state of anarchy.
With injunctions and counter-injunctions and contempt proceedings that not only tie the hands of the executive officers of the exposition, but deprive the exposition of their services, to say nothing of interfering with their personal freedom, the exposition is seriously embarrassed and subjected to irreparable loss. While it is true that the law makes no distinctions between individuals or corporations and is no respecter of persons, it is a grave question whether the powers of courts should be arbitrarily exercised in this way to harass and obstruct a great public undertaking when all real grievances can be remedied or adjusted by the ordinary procedure of suits at law for the recovery of damages for injuries actually suffered.
The managers of the exposition are, as everybody knows, business men who have neglected their private business in the interest of the exposition, devoting many months to a laborious and thankless task without pay and without hope of other reward than the conscientiousness of having achieved success in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles. It is asking too much of any one of these men to carry on the business of the exposition at the risk of imprisonment or detention in the custody of the sheriff every time some concessionaire gets into the toils of the law either in controversy with a Midway rival or with the exposition itself.
No other exposition has ever been subjected to such treatment at the hand of the courts. The managers have enough unavoidable difficulties and tribulations to contend with without being summarily dragged into court every hour of the day and night simply because it is within the power of the court to grant restraining orders and issue attachments for contempt.
Sunflower State Dedicates Its Pretty Building to Exposition Uses.
Grounds and Buildings Flooded with Light and Fanned by Breezes.
Kansas Citizens Come in Crowds and Are Joined by Many Nebraskans.
Apollo Club, Exposition Chorus and Thomas' Orchestra to Appear in an Open Air Concert on the Main Court.
The clouds that kindly screened the people of Illinois from the scorching rays of the Nebraska sun declined to perform a similar office for the citizens of the Sunflower state and Kansas day at the exposition dawned in a blaze of sunlight that sent the mercury hurrying upward and drove the visitors to the shady places and the interiors of the buildings. The crowd on the grounds this forenoon, while it was not equal to that of the previous day, was of fairly good proportions. There were plenty of people in the buildings, where there is always a cool atmosphere and a refreshing breeze, and the ample accommodations that have been provided afford comfort to thousands.
Aside from the ceremonies connected with the formal dedication of the Kansas building the feature of the day was the presence of the children who were admitted at a nominal rate. As the day was more particularly for the benefit of the children of Council Bluffs, South Omaha, an dthose of Douglas county outside of Omaha most of them were a little late in arriving and the real children's crowd was not in evidence until afternoon. There were no exercises on the part of the children as sufficient notice was not given to permit the arrangement of a program, and there was not the organized attendance that would have been expected if more time had been provided. Up to Monday the people who had charge of the children's day features had expected that the date would not occur until later in the month and the arrangements that had been partially perfected for its celebration could not be brought to a focus at such short notice. So the boys and girls were left to spend the day as they pleased and with so many things to distract their attention they seemed to be just as well pleased.
The usual morning concert of the Marine band was missed by hundreds of people who have been regular auditors. But the magnificent out-of-door spectacle that has been arranged for tonight will atone for the loss of the morning entertainment and will be one of the most novel and interesting features of the exposition. A force of electricians has been at work all day stringing wires and putting additional clusters of incandescent lights around the island and this evening it will look like a nook from fairy land. The Thomas orchestra, the Apollo club and the exposition chorus will unite in a grand concert, and the people can sit comfortably in the cool evening air and listen to the magnificent ensemble of the three organizations without missing the spectacle of the illuminations.
On account of the fact that the Apollo club leaves for Chicago at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon, the concert that was scheduled for tomorrow evening will be given in the Auditorium at 2 o'clock.
Secretary Gillan Assured of a Large Attendance at the Congress.
Secretary Gillan is receiving a large number of letters from teachers who are coming to the Transmississippi Educational convention that meets in Omaha June 28-30 and his estimate is that there will be not less than 5,000 teachers in attendance, aside from those of Omaha and Douglas county. Plans for accommodating the teachers are rapidly maturing and before the end of the week rooms will be secured for all. The secretary states that at this time he has secured rooms in private families and at private boarding houses for about 3,000 persons and in but few instances is the price more than $1 per day.
The programs of the Transmississippi Educational convention are being mailed to teachers all over the country. These programs give the features of the convention and contain a small map of the city, the parks and other places of interest. The location of the exposition is shown and in addition to this there are numerous statistics relative to Omaha and Nebraska. Parties who do not receive these maps through the mail can obtain them from Secretary Gillan by making application.
Great Jam of People Listens to Its Last Omaha Programs.
The Marine band, which has contributed so much to the pleasure of the exposition visitors since the beginning of the month, left yesterday afternoon for Washington followed by the best wishes of the numerous admirers it has acquired during its stay. The band and its leader were greeted with veritable ovations at each appearance yesterday and when the final number was ended they were cheered to the echo while the feminine portion of their audience waved handkerchiefs in farewell.
The musicians faced an audience that included more new faces than usual at the morning concert and they played one of their most popular programs with a dash and spirit peculiarly their own. One of Mr. Santelmann's marches, "The Soldier's Farewell," was the first number and after the liberal applause that it evoked had subsided the popular overture, "The King's Lieutenant," by Titl, was rendered with equal success. A waltz, "Solitude," by Waldteufel, and one of Sousa's marches followed, and then a selection from "Wang" struck the fancy of the crowd. Sousa's famous patrol, "Marching Thro' Georgia," fairly brought the crowd to its feet, and after a couple of less notable patriotic numbers the enthusiasm reached a climax under the inspiration of "Hail Columbia."
An equally enjoyable program was rendered at the farewell performance in the afternoon. It included the overture, "Rymond," by Thomas; the grand march "Coronation," by Meyerbeer; a selection from "Mignon," one of Strauss' waltzes, Sousa's famous "Stars and Stripes" march, the "Arabesque," by Schumann, and the "Tour Through Europe," by Conradi. The closing number was Mr. Santelmann's "Voice of Our Nation," which has won such remarkable popularity with exposition audiences, and the long continued cheering which followed the finale was at once a flattering tribute to the composer and a rousing farewell to the band.
Visitors Gather at the Banquet Given in Honor of the Event.
A banquet was tendered the visitors from Illinois at the cafe at the south viaduct on the exposition grounds last night by the Illinois club of this city. The affair took place on the upper floor, which is open on all sides, and the floral decorations, the plentiful supply of bunting and the open space on every side affording a view in all directions, made the surroundings ideal in every respect. Five long tables extended the length of the room and at right angles to these, at the east end of the room, was the table assigned to the distinguished guests. On the wall at the back of these guests was hung a large picture of General U. S. Grant, with John A. Logan on one side and Mrs. John A. Logan on the other.
Seated at the table assigned to the speakers and distinguished visitors was Euclid Martin, toastmaster of the evening; on his right were Governor Holcomb, Colonel Clark E. Carr, Chairman W. H. Harper, Manager F. P. Kirkendall, President Wattles, Ferd. W. Peck of the World's Fair association, H. C. Brown, Chicago; E. A. Bancroft, George F. Stone, secretary of the Board of Trade; Dr. Younger, Chicago; ex-Governor Beveridge of Illinois. On his left sat W. J. Bryan, Manager E. Rosewater, Henry D. Estabrook, Melville E. Stone, general manager of the Associated Press. At the other tables were members of the various commercial organizations from Illinois, members of the Illinois commission, the staff of Governor Holcomb and many members of the Commercial club and prominent citizens of Omaha.
Just before the toastmaster rapped for attention the lights on the music pavilion on the bluff tract on the music pavilion on the bluff tract were lighted and above the cornice blazed forth the words, "Welcome Illinois," in letters of fire. The light flashed on those seated about the banquet board and the burst of applause was instantaneous.
The post-prandial exercises were opened by Toastmaster Martin, who stated that the banquet was tendered to the distinguished visitors by the Illinois club of Omaha and other people interested in the exposition who took that method of showing their appreciation of the substantial assistance rendered by Illinois. He spoke of the liberal appropriation which had been made by Illinois and of the handsome building which has been erected on the grounds.
Ex-Governor Beveridge Responds.
The toastmaster called on Ex-Governor John L. Beveridge as the substitute for Governor Tanner, who had been called home by the demands of public duties. As the venerable representative of Illinois arose to respond he was greeted with loud applause. After a humorous reference to the lot of a substitute the speaker said he spoke as a resident of California, having taken up his residence in that distant state. He said he would repeat the words of Ferd. W. Peck of Chicago, one of the founders of the World's fair, who said that the people of Omaha, with less than one-fifteenth of the capital of the World's fair, had produced twice the result. With a complimentary reference to the beauty of the main court at night, the speaker closed amid great applause.
Governor Holcomb was assigned the topic, "Our Illinois Guests." He confessed to a feeling of hesitancy regarding his ability to do such a subject justice. He said he would like to correct one impression which obtained in the east regarding the west and he requested the visitors from the east to assure the people in their own section that the people of Nebraska do not have horns and are not wild and woolly. A humorous reference to the bulls and bears of the east brought down the house and the governor said social amenities such as the one under consideration would tend to remove erroneous ideas in one section regarding another section. Governor Holcomb discussed the resources of Illinois and Nebraska and stated that while the people of the latter have the kindliest feelings for those of the former they are doing all they can to build up the stock markets and
the grain markets in the expectation that the west may be able to control these lines eventually. He declared that the interests of the two sections are identical and he closed by proposing a toast to Illinois and its continued prosperity.
Senator William E. Mason was billed for the next speech, but in his absence the toastmaster called on ex-Senator C. F. Manderson. The general was in his best mood and he kept the company laughing incessantly as he rung the changes on the futility of any one but the junior senator from Illinois attempting to fill the place which had once been filled by "Billy" Mason.
Covers the Corn Question.
President Clark E. Carr of the Illinois commission was assigned the topic, "Indian Corn," and in introducing him Toastmaster Martin remarked that the speaker was president of the American Maize Propaganda and ought to know all about corn.
Colonel Carr remarked that he would like to talk about seven or eight hours on the subject of corn, especially as he was standing in the very heart of the great corn country. He reviewed his own experience while representing this country at Copenhagen when the first attempt was made to introduce corn to the people of that country. He declared that only 31 per cent of the civilized people of the world know that corn is fit for human food. He urged the importance to this great west of the movement started by the Maize propaganda, which seeks to increase the consumption of corn as a human food.
The next speaker was W. J. Bryan, who was assigned the topic "Sons of Illinois." He spoke in terms of high praise of the resources and advantages of the state and its principal city and paid a tribute to the noted men furnished to the public service by the state.
Henry D. Estabrook, a native of Omaha, now resident in Chicago, was the next speaker and as he rose to respond he was greeted with shouts and cheers from his former associates among the Sons of Omaha who were present. He declared that he was not a visitor from Illinois, but was at home and he recalled many humorous incidents which provoked laughter and applause, commenting on the paradoxical status of the man who owes allegiance to two cities. Passing to more serious matters the speaker discussed current events, referring to the war with Spain and commenting on the situation in the eloquent manner which has gained for him a reputation as wide as the continent.
Melville E. Stone, general manager of the Associated Press, was assigned the topic, "The Western Spirit." He expressed his wonder at the magnitude and beauty of the exposition and at the audacity which had conceived and executed such a great enterprise during the depression which well nigh paralyzed the nation. As an expert who had visited Vienna, Brussels, Nashville, Atlanta, Chicago and Omaha expositions, he declared that the two last named surpassed anything accomplished by any other city in the world.
How Illinois Helped.
Edward Rosewater, editor of The Bee, spoke on "What the Transmississippi Country Owes to Illinois." He was greeted with applause as he rose. He informed the last speaker that one of the buildings in the main court had been designed by an Omaha firm. The speaker reviewed the history of the appropriation by Illinois of $45,000 for participation in the exposition, declaring that this action had been of very great assistance in securing action in states within the transmississippi region. The substantial assistance received from the great railroads centered in Chicago was also referred to, and, incidentally, the speaker spoke of the assistance rendered by other states outside of the transmississippi region. In conclusion, he expressed the hope that the people of Illinois would come again to Omaha and have another day at the exposition, promising to show them something of the original inhabitants of the west when the Indian congress is established on the grounds.
George F. Stone, secretary of the Chicago Board of Trade, was the next speaker, "Commerce" being his topic. The scope and purpose of commerce was discussed in a scholarly manner, the well rounded periods and glowing phrases being greeted with outbursts of applause.
The last speaker was Judge W. D. McHugh, to whom was assigned the topic, "Why We Came to Nebraska." He spoke of the various motives which had inspired those who left their eastern homes to come to the broad west, where there was more room for experience. The great resources of Nebraska were touched upon as showing some of the inducements which had peopled the state with the natives of the eastern states. The ties which still bind these immigrants to the place of their nativity were touched upon in a touching manner and the speaker closed with an eloquent peroration, which was followed by continued applause as the meeting dissolved.
Excellent Program Rendered by Vocalists and Instrumentalists.
As a delightful conclusion of the Illinois day celebration, the Illinois commission gave a reception and musical in the parlors of the Illinois building which was tastefully decorated with roses and greens for the occasion. The soloists included Mrs. Katherine Bloodgood of New York, Mr. Allen Spencer and Mr. Justin Thatcher of Chicago. Each was received with hearty applause, the rich strong contralto voice of Mrs. Bloodgood eliciting several encores. The program follows:
Bluette, to a Water Lily | MacDowell |
La Fileuse | Raff |
Momento Cappriccioso | Van Westerhou | Mr. Allen Spencer. |
Thy Beaming Eyes | MacDowell |
Where Blossoms the Rose | Clayton-Johns |
Nocturne | Nevin | Mrs. Katherine Bloodgood. |
Etude in D flat | Liszt |
La Campanella | Liszt | Mr. Allen Spence. |
How I Love Her | M. E. White |
In Bygone Days | G. W. Chadwick |
Songs in Araby | F. Clay | Mr. Jutin Thatcher. |
The Guest | Eleanor Smith |
The Beautiful Land of Nod in MSS.) | Roy Smith |
Songs from Persian Gardens | Liza Lehmann | Mrs. Katherine Bloodgood. |
Oh, Fair, Oh, Sweet and Holy | Cantor |
Chansonette | R. DeKoven | Mr. Justin Thatcher. |
Alabama's Mineral Exhibit.
The Alabama exhibit has arrived and is being installed in the Mines building. It consists almost entirely of an exposition of the iron industry of that state and illustrates very forcibly the remarkable cheapness with which iron can be produced. The mines are on the surface and worked just like a gravel bed. All that is necessary is to blast away the ore, and it is placed in the stock house at a cost of less than 50 cents aton. The pigiron is manufactured at a cost of less than $6 a ton. The exhibit includes some of the finest specimens of iro nore that have ever been shown at any exposition. None of them weigh less than $1,000 pounds, and one huge boulder tips the scales at 5,600 pounds. Samples are also shown of the manufactured material which illustrates its exceptional toughness and elasticity.
Managers Surprise Council Bluffs.
Some of the Council Bluffs people who have been energetically preparing for the celebration of the Council Bluffs children's day are somewhat taken back by the announcement that the event has been scheduled for today. They say that the public school teachers and the patronesses were making elaborate arrangements to bring over the entire juvenile population of the Iowa city and that the business men were raising the money to charter special motor trains for the day. They were also preparing a very pretentious program on the expectation that they would have a day entirely their own. As it is they have not completed their preparations and will be compelled to leave much that they had anticipated to a future occasion.
Concessionaires Organize.
A meeting of the amusement concessionaires on the Midway was called at the Press building at the exposition Monday for the purpose of effecting an organization. Charles Dezevallos of the Giant See Saw presided at the meeting and explained that it was called for the purpose of bringing about an organization which would be of great benefit to all managers of amusement features. Mr. Dezevallos was appointed temporary chairman and named the following committees:
Membership—E. W. McConnell, Old Plantation; A. F. Turpin, Cyclorama; C. H. Holbreek, California Gold Mine.
Bylaws—J. Anthony German, Due Fire Works company; P. C. Mattox, Wild West; Cagney, Miniature Railroad; L. R. Hare, California Gold Mine.
Another meeting will be held in a few days to complete the organization.
Utah Press Association.
The Utah Press association has completed arrangements to attend the exposition in a body about the middle of July. As now arranged the plans contemplate that the members will leave Salt Lake City July 10 and remain in Omaha until July 14. The Western Editorial Federation will be in session here during that time and the Utah newspaper men will thus be able to participate in the convention while they are at the exposition.
Shipping Clerks Coming.
The Independent Order of Shipping Clerks, a Kansas City organization, is scheduled for a visit to the exposition July 3 and 4. The organization makes a feature of semi-occasional excursions and it is expected that their trip to Omaha will be a huge success. The party will leave Kansas City Saturday night, July 2, on as many special trains as are required to accommodate the crowd and arrive in Omaha Sunday morning. They will thus have two full days in which to see the exposition and the first return train will leave Omaha at 6 o'clock Monday night. The clerks have secured a very low rate for the occasion and they are busily at work selling tickets.
Finger Rings Are Lost.
The exposition guards are constantly receiving complaints from women who have lost their finger rings. The women enter the lavatories and remove their rings while they lave their hands. After drying their hands they walk out, leaving their rings on the window sill, the table or wherever they were placed. After a short absence they return to find that their finger ornaments have disappeared. Then the nearest guard is entertained with a tale of woe and asked to recover the jewelry. No method has yet been discovered whereby these articles are restored to their owners.
As a rule articles which are lost may be recovered by applying at the headquarters of the guard in police building near the Service building, as all articles found lying about by the guards are taken at once to headquarters, but finger rings and other jewelry usually disappears as soon as the owner's back is turned.
Program for Homeopaths.
Governor Holcomb gives the address of welcome to the American Institute of Homeopathy Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the First Congregational church. Mayor Frank E. Moores delivers the keys of the city to the doctors and Dr. O. S. Wood, who has practiced medicine in Omaha over thirty years, welcomes the visitors on behalf of the resident fraternity.
Homer Moore has charge of the musical program. A new patriotic song is one of the numbers, entitled "We'll Not Forget," by Dr. Charles Gatchell, editor of the Medical Era of Chicago. This new song has been much praised. It will be sung by Miss Laura Van Kuran.
The public is invited to this opening meeting and doubtless the church will be filled.
Chicago to Have a Day.
One of the results of the visit of the Illinois people to the exposition yesterday is a decided boom for the Chicago day that has been previously suggested. The visitors were so delighted with what they saw that they were anxious to return and it is promised that Chicago day will bring a crowd of Suckers that will fairly inundate the grounds. The Cook County Marching club, one of the leading political organizations of Chicago, has taken the initiative in the matter and has requested the exposition management to designate September 13 as the occasion. General Manager Clarkson says that the suggestion has been turned over to the Illinois commission to name the day and it is expected that the day asked for by the Cook county organization will be designated.
Eastern Star Day.
Yesterday was Eastern Star day at the exposition grounds in addition to being Illinois day and the members of the grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star who are in the city assembled at the room in the Nebraska building assigned to the Free Masons of Nebraska and their associate branches. There were no formalities, but the time was passed pleasantly in renewing old acquaintances and in friendly intercourse. Among the notables present was Mrs. M. E. Partridge of Oakland, Cal., grand matron of the general grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, and Mrs. Lorraine J. Pitkin of Chicago, grand secretary of the general grand chapter.
Plans for a Des Moines Day.
DES MOINES, June 21.—(Special Telegram.)—Commissioner Shaw of the Transmississippi Exposition commission was in the city today working in the interest of Des Moines day at the exposition. He attended a council meeting and explained the desires of the commission to have July 15 celebrated as Des Moines day. The council passed a resolution promising to co-operate and do everything possible to make the day a success. The commercial exchange will also exert itself in the interest of the day.
Iowa State Commission Meeting.
The Iowa State Exposition commission held a meeting yesterday to complete arrangements for carrying out the Iowa day program. Secretary Chase reported everything in promising order and the commissioners were enthusiastic over the prospect of a large attendance from all over Iowa.
Notes of the Exposition.
Mrs. J. M. Welch of South Omaha has reported the loss of a pocketbook containing $340.
The Manchester, Ia., Press sends a special reporter in Clarence Copeland to represent it at the exposition Iowa day.
A telegram received from Des Moines by President Wattles announced that the city council of Des Moines had selected July 15 as Des Moines day at the exposition.
The Dubuque Choral club of 100 voices, under Prof. Pontius, leaves its home city tonight on a special train, which will arrive in Omaha tomorrow morning. The club will be accompanied by prominent people of Dubuque, Manchester, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Iowa Falls, Fort Dodge, Storm Lake and Cherokee, who come with it to participate in the Iowa day exercises at the exposition.
The oratorio of "Creation" by Joseph Haydn, and "Barbara Freitchie" by Jules Jordan, will be given by the Dubuque Choral club under the direction of William H. Pontius at the Auditorium Saturday evening of this week. The choral club will bring a chorus of 150 voices and the soloists of the evening will be Mrs. Sophia Markee, soprano, Miss Estelle Rose, contralto, Mr. Henry Stow, tenor, and Mr. Homer Moore, basso. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged for this concert.
Dedication of the Building Marked by Very Pleasant Ceremonies.
Advance of the Twin Territories of 1854 Strongly Evinced by the Showing of Prosperity Made by Two Great States.
The Kansas state building on the lower portion of the Bluff tract was crowded with natives of the Sunflower state when the party of state officials and members of the exposition commission reached the building at 11 o'clock. The interior of the building was handsomely decorated with bunting, potted plants and cut flowers. The exercises commenced without delay, President George W. Glick presiding. The trumpet corps of the Boys' First regiment of Topeka opened the ball with several trumpet calls, including "First call," "Reveille" and a quickstep. A male quartet from Topeka sang "The Flag Without a Stain," and was encored.
President Glick announced that a telegram had been received from Governor J. W. Leedy reading like this: "I am too busy to get away. Please express my regrets."
Vice President J. E. Frost of the Kansas commission was introduced to deliver the address of welcome. He spoke as follows:
May 30, A. D., 1854, was an eventful day. It marked the beginning of an epoch in the history of our nation, which, in its achievements, makes it possible for us to meet here today to dedicate this building as a part of this great exposition of the resources, development and boundless promise of the mighty west.
On that notable day congress passed the act creating the twin territories of Nebraska and Kansas, and while the statesmen of that day undoubtedly foresaw a great future for this then unpeopled region, who could have foreseen the marvelous growth which the two states have attained in the half century that has since elapsed? What prophetic vision could have revealed the scenes that surround us here today within the boundaries of the territory carved out of a vast wilderness? The twin territories, become states, have grown side by side in close friendship and generous rivalry, surpassing in their attainment the fondest hopes of their creators, and today they clasp hands, while Kansas renders ready tribute to the prowess of her sister state as exemplified in the splendid creations with which we are surrounded.
I esteem it a great pleasure, a high privilege on behalf of the Kansas commission and of our fellow citizens of the Sunflower state to welcome to the dedication of the Kansas state building our friends who honor us with their presence this morning.
We congratulate the managers of the Transmississippi and International Exposition upon their daring spirit and matchless pluck in conceiving and undertaking their great enterprise and upon their tireless energy and skillful management in putting it in successful operation.
We most cordially welcome the representatives of Nebraska and of Missouri and of Iowa, of the great northwest and of the great southwest, of the Rocky mountain regions and of the Pacific slope, component parts of this magnificent Transmississippi domain; we welcome our friends from Illinois, which great mother has sent to both Kansas and Nebraska a great proportion of its population than any other state in the union; we welcome those from the Buckeye, the Badger and the Hoosier states and from the grand old Empire state, from stanch New England, the sunny south and from all the others.
From whatever state or territory, "One for all and all for one," you are all Kansans by adoption today.
President Wattles' Response.
President G. W. Wattles responded on behalf of the exposition. He reviewed briefly the marvelous progress which has been made in the prairie states of the west during the last half century, eclipsing the progress of any other section in a similar time. In commenting on this condition he spoke of the peculiar propriety of holding a great exposition to display to the world the magnificent resources of this great region. The president complimented the people of Kansas on the fine showing which has been made of the resources of their state and especially on account of the handsome and commodious state building which has been erected for the accommodation of the people from the Sunflower state. The grand result of the efforts of the commission and the state officers of Kansas in raising funds for the exhibit of the resources of the state were commended in high terms by President Wattles and the promise of the future, as indicated by the energy and ability shown by the state in this instance, were cited by the speaker as most encouraging. The resources and products of the state were discussed somewhat in detail by the speaker, and in conclusion he expressed the hope that the investment made in the exposition would be returned to the state a thousandfold.
A bugle song by the quartet and several trumpet calls by the trumpet corps met with hearty applause and F. D. Coburn, secretary of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, was introduced. He announced that he would speak about "Some Kansas Facts and Fictions." He asserted that Kansas had been more written about and talked about and less understood than any similar aggregation of people, land, sunshine and air known to modern history; more praised by those who know her virtues best and more aspersed by those upon whom in her varying mood she has frowned. Turning to a discussion, in detail, of the resources of the state, Mr. Coburn said in 1890 the state produced one-eighth of the total yield of corn in the United States; in 1892 about one-seventh of the total yield grew in Kansas. Last year it grew more wheat than all of New England, New York, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland and Georgia combined. She has a mile of railroad for every 150 inhabitants, as against one mile to each 700 people in the eight North Atlantic states. The census shows that nearly 70 per cent of her farms are owned by those who cultivate them. The wealth of New York state increased 25 per cent from 1880 to 1890 and the whole country increased 50 per cent in the same period, while the wealth of Kansas increased 137 per cent. The speaker concluded with an eloquent peroration in which the advantages of Kansas were extolled in language which held his hearers in rapt attention and was followed by a burst of applause.
Hon. Silas Porter Speaks.
James W. Moore of Topeka sand "Nature's Adoration," by Beethoven, and was followed by Hon. Silas Porter of Wyandotte, who said, among other things:
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is Kansas day, a Kansas audience and a Kansas building. Kansas and Nebraska are renewing today an acquaintance formed forty years ago, when as infants, they were rocked in the same cradle, and the name of one was never mentioned without the other. In the history of the great conflict against the extension of slavery in the new territories of the northwest their names became forever associated, and the acquaintance formed so early has ripened into a warm friendship. They have kept step together in the grand march of progress and today their interests are common.
And Kansas congratulates her young sister upon this magnificent exposition and upon her tireless energy and genius in creating here a fitting memorial of the history and development of the great transmississippi territory.
We have come to throw open the doors of this beautiful building, which represents in a measure the dignity and hospitality of our state, and to write over those doors a message of royal welcome to all Kansans and their friends who may have occasion to meet here.
Kansas is the central state. Her area exceeds that of New England, and her population is about equal to that of the city of Chicago, so that every Kansan has plenty of elbow-room. The state is 200 miles wide, 400 miles long—and all sunshine. Today that sunshine falls upon a wheat field of 4,000,000 acres, the southern edges of which is ripening for the harvest. General Fremont, in his report to the government in 1850, said that the fertile district of Kansas ended abruptly about 100 miles west of the Missouri river. "Beyond," he said, "it is wholly unfit for agricultural purposes and must ever remain so." A single county lying more than 100 miles west of Fremont's limit produced last year 8,000,000 bushels of corn and yields each year upon the average more corn than any other county in the United States. The "Great American Desert" is covered with magnificent farms and orchards, the homes of a contented and prosperous people.
The Kansan is loyal to his state; he acquires the habit of thinking of his state as something real, of identifying himself with her past history, her present fortunes and her future destiny. And once a Kansan, always a Kansan. To him the sun always shines a little brighter there. If some occasion has arisen necessitating his removal to another place he looks forward anxiously to the time when he shall again reside within her borders.
Kansas is both the best and worst advertised state. Her name is always in the newspapers; any paragraph about Kansas is as sure of being republished as though it were followed by the words, "All papers please copy." With it all the state has suffered from an undeserved and undesired notoriety. The marvelous speculation in real estate which reached its climax about ten years ago proved a more costly experience than all the accumulate disasters in Kansas history. When reason returned and liquidation began conditions were most unfavorable. Distrust prevailed in financial circles everywhere; a period of depression in all lines of business almost unparalleled set in; low prices and, worst of all, a partial failure of crops resulted in many Kansas obligations going to protest. The eastern man with money to lend was largely at fault. He believed that values would continue to rise and he frequently loaned up to the limit of speculative values. Kansas loans made with any pretense of judgment have proven safe investments.
Kansas laws for the protection of the rights of the debtor class have been persistently misunderstood. Editors of newspapers in eastern states where the laws for a hundred years have given the mortgagor from one to two years equity of redemption have railed at the dishonesty of the Kansas law giving the mortgagor eighteen months to redeem. But Kansas is not the only state where men lost their heads in real estate speculation. The bankruptcy measure is not being pushed through congress to aid Kansas bankrupts alone.
The state has much to be proud of. Within her borders general prosperity reigns. The wise man who prayed that he might be given neither poverty nor riches would find in Kansas an ideal home. We have no millionaires and no poverty. The state is long on schools and academies and short on jails and poorhouses. Her school fund is richer than a "king's ransom," and she makes the proud boast that the percentage of illiteracy among her people is less than that of any state or province or country in the world. And so it happened, very naturally, that of her 3,000 soldiers enlisted last month, every one can read and write. Her patriotism is as strong today as in the '60's, when she furnished more volunteers in proportion to population than any other state. This building is only a temporary structure, but it stands for the time for Kansas. Let us dedicate it to the memory of the brave men who founded and preserved the state, the loyal, generous-hearted men who gave the best efforts of their lives to make Kansas a free state, an outpost of freedom planted upon the frontier of civilization, and those others who came after and helped to preserve her free institutions as a priceless heritage for us and our posterity. But in a broader sense, let us dedicate it to the Kansas that we know, the new Kansas, prosperous Kansas, without ache or pain or cause of complaint, Kansas with nothing whatever "the matter with her," where the Indian and buffalo are traditions of the past where the grasshopper long ago ceased to be a burden; to debt-paying Kansas, with money of her own to lend; Kansas, from which the prairie dog has gone to join the calamity howler; Kansas, with 2,000,000 of prosperous people and ample room for 10,000,000 more.
War is not an unmixed evil. In seasons of long peace men forget their country in the pursuit of wealth and power. "The many fail, the few succeed." Those who succeed become more selfish and grasping; those who fail, discontented. Discontent breeds social disorder. The demagogue sees his opportunity and anarchy and socialism are advocated; distrust prevails, and men lose faith in government. At such times a foreign war in a just cause is a blessing. And if the revival of patriotism which we see all about us shall drive out all traces of sectionalism forever, if it shall lead men to consider the welfare of their country and to lose sight of selfish ends, if it shall result in sweeping away the social disorders which seemed to threaten the stability of our institutions it will prove to be worth all it costs in blood and treasure. And Kansans know that our state will gain as much by this revival of patriotism is any portion of the union.
Kansas believes in the destiny of the Anglo-Saxon to accomplish grand results in the cause of human liberty in the interests of civilization against despotism. The time may come when outrages in Armenia shall cease at the command of the Anglo-Saxon. We need have no fear of a standing army made up of our sons and brothers. And the navy! It no longer belongs to the seacoast states. Since the first of May the whole country, north and south, east and west, has claimed it. Hereafter the western congressman who votes against an appropriation designed to strengthen that arm of the service will have to explain his vote to his constituents.
A song by the quartet, more trumpet calls and "taps" by the boys' trumpet corps wound upclosed the exercises.
Concessionaires' Club Decides to Join in Independence Day Exercises.
At a meeting of the Concessionaires' club, which was held in the Press building yesterday, the organization was completed and regulations for the government of the club adopted. The election of officers resulted in the selection of the following: President, C. H. de Zevallos of the Giant See-Saw; vice president, E. O. Felder of the Moorish Village; secretary and treasurer, C. H. Holbrook, jr., of the California Gold Mine. The executive committee consists of J. A. Gorman, P. C. Mattox, E. W. McConnell, A. F. Turpin and E. H. Cagney.
The constitution and by-laws were adopted after considerably discussion and the question of a 25-cent evening admission to the exposition was discussed to some extent, but laid over without action.
H. F. McGarvey, representing the exposition management, addressed the club relative to the participation of its members in the Fourth of July celebration at the grounds. The suggestion was favorably considered and the club will arrange for one of the most novel and interesting parades that has even been seen in the western hemisphere. E. O. Felder, J. A. Gorman, E. D. Colvin, Fred Thompson and P. C. Mattox were appointed a special committee to arrange for the parade.
Iowa's Enormous Register.
One of the most unique features of the Iowa building will be the register which contains spaces for over 100,000 names and is supposed to be one of the largest books that has even been manufactured. The contract for this immense document was let by the Iowa commission two months ago and it has just been completed. The book is thirty inches wide, thirty-two inches long and ten inches thick. It contains nearly 3,000 pages and weighs 350 pounds. It required a ream and a half of paper that weighs 200 pounds to the ream and thirty square feet of the best quality of leather. Three books of gold leaf were used in the lettering and ornamentation and the total cost of the book was about $300. After it has served its purpose at the exposition it will be deposited in the Aldrich historical collection at Des Moines as a souvenir of the exposition.
Looking for a Band.
No arrangements have yet been made by the Musical department for a band to give daily concerts on the exposition grounds. Negotiations were opened with Director Green of the Seventh Ward band to play an engagement of one week, but Mr. Green said that a number of his men were playing permanent engagements and he could not ask them to break these for a short engagement. Attempts to secure the services of other bands were also unsuccessful.
The Atlantic (Ia.) band will accompany the Iowa delegation to Omaha today and will play on the grounds.
Phinney's band is under engagement to play at the exposition for a short period commencing July 7.
Luncheon for the Officers.
After the dedicatory exercises at the Iowa building this afternoon the members of the executive council of Iowa, the members of the Iowa Exposition commission, the exposition officials and distinguished guests will be entertained at luncheon at the viaduct cafe.
A reception to Governor and Mrs. Shaw, the members of the executive council and their wives will be held at the Iowa building from 5:30 to 6:30 p. m. For this occasion music will be furnished by the Apollo club of Council Bluffs, a mandolin club of fifteen members.
Preparations for Swedish Day.
The preparations for the celebration of Swedish day tomorrow are practically completed and the local committees who have the matter in charge are jubilantly confident that the occasion will be one of the most notable of the week. The singing clubs from Stromsburg, Stanton, Wakefield and a number of other Nebraska cities arrived yesterday. The Red Oak (Ia.) club is also in the city and those from Sioux City and other cities will arrive today. Dr. J. A. Enander of Chicago and Dr. Carl Swenson of Lindsborg, Kan., were among the notable arrivals yesterday. There will be a rehearsal of all the clubs at Patterson hall at 2 o'clock this afternoon and tomorrow the visiting singers will be entertained at lunch by the Omaha club.
Music for Today.
The exposition music for today, June 23, will be:
2 p. m.—Dedication ceremonies at Iowa building.
2 p. m.—Grand choral concert by the Chicago Apollo club, William L. Tomlins, [?]
Flowers from West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb., June 22.—(Special.)—J. P. Neligh went to Omaha Monday and took with him an elegant basket of cut flowers to be set out along the colonnades in the grand court of the exposition grounds. They were composed principally of pond lillies, for-get-me-nots and roses.
Exposition Notes.
Dr. H. L. Ramiciotti has been appointed veterinarian for the exposition.
There were 6,759 admissions yesterday exclusive of commutation tickets.
The executive committee has called itself down on tardy attendance at the daily meetings. From now on every member will be expected to be on hand promptly at 4 o'clock.
The car containing the Minnesota mineral exhibit has been lost somewhere on the road. It was started a week ago, but has evidently been sidetracked somewhere and a tracer has been sent out to locate it.
Owing to the late arrival of trains the dedication of the Iowa building will commence at 2 o'clock today instead of at 11 o'clock, as heretofore announced. The exercises will be held in the Iowa building.
The German village is at the front again with a special program for Iowa day. Manager von Szinnyey neglects nothing that can add to the enjoyment of his guests and the village is already the most popular resort on the grounds. The Tyrolean warblers are one of its most enjoyable attractions and have scored a genuine hit with its patrons.
Charles McDowell of New Orleans, secretary of the Southern Cypress Lumber association, is in the city arranging for space for an exhibit to be made by the association in the Agriculture building. The exhibit is now en route to Omaha and Mr. McDowell will remain to look after its installation. A full line of cypress lumber of all grades will be included in the exhibit.
The many attractions of Montgomery Ward & Co.'s building are exceeding its capacity. Yesterday the entertainment was so well patronized that the doors had to be shut at intervals to prevent overcrowding. Scarcely a visitor on the grounds seems to miss the opportunity to enjoy this novel and attractive exhibit, and nowhere are they more cordially received and hospitably entertained.
President S. H. Mallory of the Iowa commission was in the city to participate in the dedication of the Iowa building, but was called to Chariton by the news of the sudden death of his son-in-law, D. J. Thayer, and will not be present at the dedicatory exercises. The address prepared by the president for the occasion will be ready by S. B. Packard, chairman of the executive committee of the commission.
A man named Plotz, who is connected with one of the refrigerator concessions, was quite severely injured this morning. He was assisting in handling a big block of ice, when it fell and struck him on the head and shoulder, cutting a gash in his scalp and inflicting some painful bruises.
Aleck Acaille, who was severely injured in a drunken brawl late last evening, is still in the hospital. His face is pretty thoroughly smashed up, but none of his injuries are likely to prove serious.
Manager Reed and Superintendent Wadley of the Department of Concessions are still tangled up in the equity court and in their absence the business of the department is handled by Ed Fairfield. One or two belated concessionists are getting ready to add to the attractions of the Midway, but the bulk of the business of the department is now of a routine nature. There are a number of matters, however, that make the presence of the heads of the department desirable and it is expected that they will be able to attend to business before tomorrow.
General Manager Clarkson has received a telegram from Captain Mercer of the Omaha and Winnebago agencies, which states that he will be in Omaha tomorrow night for the purpose of consulting with the exposition officials in regard to the Indian congress. He also says that all preparations have been made and the Indians can be brought here inside of a week. The only thing that is now lacking is the appropriation and as soon as this is passed the congress will be put on the grounds in short order. While Captain Mercer is here the location for the Indians will be selected and all additional plans perfected so that there may be no delay as soon as the money is available.
What the Great Hawkeye State Has Done Toward Helping the Fair.
Early Recognition of the Benefits of the Transmississippi Fair Backed by an Energetic Commission to a Successful Issue.
Iowa was the first state to make any appropriation for the Transmississippi Exposition. As early as March, 1896, its general assembly passed a bill for $10,000, which Governor Francis M. Drake approved the following month. The bill provided that the executive council of the state, consisting of Governor Drake, Auditor C. G. McCarthy, Treasurer John Herriott and Secretary of State George L. Dobson, should appoint a commission to prepare an Iowa exhibit as soon as the national government recognized the enterprise.
The commission was selected soon after congress took action and it met in May, next year, at the call of the governor and organized as follows: Ex-State Senator S. H. Mallory, a prominent Chariton banker and railroad contractor, who was chairman of the Iowa commission at the Chicago World's fair, as its president; Allen Dawson, the editor of the Des Moines Leader, vice president; George W. McCoid, an extensive farmer and stock breeder at Logan, treasurer, and Frank N. Chase of Cedar Falls, Ia., secretary.
Mr. Chase had been a member of the State Board of Agriculture for twenty-six years and was the secretary of the Iowa commission at the Columbian exposition. He was also in charge of Iowa's agricultural display at the New Orleans exposition in 1884 and the next year was sent by Governor Sherman as Iowa's representative to the "Three Americas" exposition at New Orleans. At Atlanta he was the special agent of his state. To Mr. Chase the commission turned over the general superintendency of the agricultural, horticultural and dairy exhibits at Omaha, but as his onerous position necessitated his entire personal attention and allowed him no time to attend the commission meetings Captain John H. Merry, the assistant general passenger agent at Manchester for the Iowa divisions of the Illinois Central railroad, was appointed on the commission from Mr. Chase's district and to him was turned over the transportation branch of the commission's work.
Executive Committee Organized.
The executive committee of the commission was composed of Hon. S. B. Packard, formerly governor of Louisiana and collector at Liverpool, Eng., under President Hayes; S. D. Cook of the Davenport Republican and R. H. Moore of the Ottumwa Democrat. Ex-Governor Packard, like Messrs. Mallory and Chase, had also had plenty of experience in the exposition line. He was in charge of the live stock exhibit from Iowa at the World's fair and chairman of the auditing committee.
The remainder of the commission was appointed an auditing committee, namely: John H. Wallbank, a leading merchant of Mount Pleasant; Attorneys J. E. E. Markley of Mason City, Owen Lovejoy of Jefferson and A. W. Erwin, manager of a big Sioux City dry goods establishment.
The commission and Secretary Chase set to work immediately to see what could be done to give Iowa the showing due. It was felt that not much could be accomplished with so small an appropriation as $10,000 and an agitation was started looking toward an additional appropriation by the next legislature.
At the suggestion of the Department of Promotion of the Transmississippi board members of the Iowa commission visited Omaha in person and they returned elated over the prospects of the exposition. They found everything far beyond what they had been expecting and they so reported to the executive council.
A schedule of what Iowa should have at
Omaha was formulated by the commission and submitted to the executive council, the estimates given amounting to a total of $57,000. It was hoped that when the next legislature assembled it would appropriate $25,000 additional at least. Among the things the commission had in view was a fine building for the state's exclusive use, and, of course, a complete exhibit of the agricultural, horticultural and dairy resources of the state, for the general buildings of the exposition.
Pushing the Bill Along.
In due time a bill for a second appropriation and for the amount mentioned was introduced in the house by Hon. L. F. Potter of Pottawattamie and a similar proposition was put forward in the senate by Senator N. M. Pusey of Council Bluffs. This was in January of this year. The appropriation of $25,000 was passed on March 27 and soon received the approving signature of Governor Leslie M. Shaw.
The legislature did not appropriate this second sum without first gaining a full and satisfactory assurance of the successful development of the Transmississippi Exposition's plans. About 100 members of the two branches of the legislature—about two-thirds of the full legislative strength—enjoyed an excursion to Omaha on January 28, soon after the $25,000 appropriation bills were introduced. President Gurdon W. Wattles and many of the members of the exposition executive committee accompanied the excursionists. Along with them also came ex-Governor Packard, Secretary Chase, Chairman Frank F. Merriam of the house appropriations committee and Messrs. Moore, Wallbank and Cook of the Iowa commission. Their personal visit satisfied them beyond any possibility of a doubt and the amount of the appropriation was never changed. Senators Allison and Gear, Congressman Perkins with his Sioux City Journal and the editors of Iowa generally did all they could to urge the appropriation. It might also be added that Iowa's delegation at Washington stood solidly by the congressional appropriation of $200,000 until it passed.
Commission at Work.
With the $35,000 now placed at its disposal the commission's efforts were redoubled, and it systematized its work so as to secure the best results, segregating various branches thus: To ex-Governor Packard was assigned that of the live stock exhibit; to Mr. McCoid, manufactures and machinery; to Secretary Chase, agriculture, dairy and apiary in particular, though the general supervision of all the exhibits was left to him; to ex-Senator Mallory, horticulture; to Allan Dawson, woman's department; to Mr. Markley, music and photography; to Mr. Wallbank, mines and mining; to Mr. Lovejoy, forestry; to Mr. Erwin, the decorative work and installation, while Mr. Moore looked after the very important detail of the press.
Specialists being necessary also, L. G. Chute of Manchester was given the immediate superintendency, under Mr. Chase, of the agricultural, dairy and apiary exhibits, and A. F. Collman of Corning was placed in charge of the display of fruits. As a great deal of money was intended to be used in the very attractive feature of decorating with natural products, D. E. Woodward of Chicago, who had won fame for his achievements in this direction, was secured. Mr. Woodward had with his unique art decorated the Iowa building, Agricultural pavilion, Mines exhibit, Ontario (Can.) court, South Africa agricultural court and the United States government symbolic arch of the agricultural exhibit, all at the World's fair, and had been strongly in evidence at the Nashville and Atlanta expositions, the Texas Cotton Palace at Waco, the Sioux City Corn Palace, the New Era Exposition at St. Joseph, Mo., and the Iowa Coal Palace at Ottumwa. What he has done for Iowa's exhibit in the Agricultural and Horticultural buildings at Omaha calls forth admiration from everyone, particularly his statistical work and his big sixteen-foot ear of corn. Over the entrance to the Iowa agricultural exhibit he has fashioned a natural enough looking eagle out of corn, also beneath it the significant motto, "The Banner State." The commission secured plenty of space for just such an elaborate display, 1,500 square feet.
Kept Up with Its Lead.
Iowa's results so far in contributing to the general success of the Transmississippi Exposition fully justify the lead it took in the matter of pecuniary promotion. Its building—pretty much after the refreshing style of a French chateau—is one of the very best. It is directly west of the Nebraska building on the Bluff tract, in the center of the group of state buildings. Josselyn & Taylor of Cedar Rapids were the architects. It fronts the east and overlooks the beautiful valley of the Missouri river, toward Iowa and its own Council Bluffs.
The peculiarity of the building is its great semi-circular veranda in front, concave in form, extending outward as though to embrace, and each of the two arms of it terminating in a large pagoda—a decidedly unique but comfortable arrangement, because airy and convenient, affording every facility for music and public speaking. The building proper is two stories high and is near the viaduct connecting the Bluff tract with the east end of the grand court, around which are the large exposition buildings.
It is the headquarters of Iowa visitors and their friends, a place for rest and comfort and contains the offices of the commission, a postoffice, bureau of information, check room, baggage room and other conveniences. It is also proposed to use the basement for quarters for a band of forty pieces, which the commission hopes to be able to maintain during the exposition for the purpose of giving daily concerts at the building.
A feature of the interior is the fine tapestry paintings, representing Iowa rural scenes of various stages of farming, and another is the huge organ built by Paul E. Cerruti of Mason City, who, when a boy in his teens, played the organ of the celebrated Milan cathedral in Italy.
Story of Great Council Bluffs' Part in the Great Exposition.
The Pottawattamie Wigwam, which will be the home of the people of Council Bluffs and Pottawattamie county during the exposition, stands on the Bluff tract close to the Iowa State building and is undoubtedly the most unique structure on the exposition grounds. The structure, while not claiming any architectural beauty, is conceded to be a faithful representation in mammoth proportions of the tepee or dwelling tent of the noble red man of the plains. The building is eighty-three feet high and is surmounted by thirty-foot flag pole, from which "Old Glory" will proudly wave night and day, rain or sunshine, during the exposition. The circumference of this unique structure is 180 feet and contains four stories, which are reached from the center of the building by a handsome and wide stairway. The windows are built in imitation of the openings peculiar to the red man's tepee and the entire building is covered with heavy ducking painted to represent the skins from which the Indians of the plains were wont to construct their abiding places. The first floor will be devoted to exhibits, the second to the fruit and horticultural display of Pottawattamie county and the third will be reserved as a parlor and waiting rooms for women and children. On the fourth will be a smoking room for the men and from this floor, which is plentifully supplied with windows, a magnificent view of the entire exposition can be had.
The idea of the Wigwam was conceived and carried into successful execution in spite of what at first appeared almost insurmountable obstacles by the Council Bluffs Exposition association. This association was the outcome of a mass meeting held in July, 1897, in the city hall of Council Bluffs for the purpose of forming an organization to arrange for a representative exhibit of the products and resources of Pottawattamie county at the exposition. On August 12, 1897, the association was formed and an executive committee of fifty representative citizens chosen by a popular vote to carry out the purposes of the organization. The idea of Pottawattamie county having a building of its own at the exposition was suggested and met with approval. To Victor E. Bender, one of the executive committee, belongs the credit of the idea of the Wigwam or big Indian tepee, as it was he who conceived and suggested the appropriateness of such a structure. The funds to erect the building were secured by popular subscription, aided by a donation of $2,000 from the county funds by the Board of County Supervisors. In all something over $3,000 was collected by subscriptions from the citizens and business men of Council Bluffs. In addition some $500 was raised by selling Wigwam buttons.
The officers of the Council Bluffs Exposition association are: President A. C. Graham; vice president, Dr. J. H. Cleaver; secretary, C. H. Judson, and treasurer, E. W. Hart. The entire construction of the Wigwam was placed in the hands of a special committee of the association, of which Victor E. Bender was chairman and Dr. M. Barstow, Prof. J. C. Hisey, Leonard Everett, M. Wollman, O. P. Wickham, H. W. Binder, A. C. Graham and Colonel W. F. Baker the other members. To the untiring energy of the president of the association, A. C. Graham, who personally superintended the building of the Wigwam from the laying of the foundation to the last touches of the decorations, is due the successful completion of this most unique building.
The executive committee of the Council Bluffs association comprises the following citizens: Victor Jennings, W. S. Baird, Victor E. Bender, George Carson, H. I. Forsythe, Samuel Haas, J. C. Hisey, J. E. Hellenbeck, C. H. Judson, W. A. Maurer, N. M. Pusey, H. W. Sawyer, I. M. Treynor, M. Wollman, Leonard Everett, George F. Wright, J. C. Mitchell, H. P. Barrett, H. W. Binder, G. N. Bowen, E. F. Clark, A. C. Graham, E. W. Hart, A. P. Hanchett, A. S. Hazelton, F. H. Keys, William Moore, J. A. Patton, W. I. Smith, E. H. Walters, A. W. Wyman, Emmet Tinley, L. A. Casper, J. M. Barstow, F. A. Bixby, W. C. Boyer, J. H. Cleaver, J. P. Greenshields, J. P. Hess, J. A. Hereld, W. C. James, C. F. P. Froom, J. T. Oliver, M. F. Rohrer, E. F. Test, O. P. Wickham, O. Younkerman, Lucius Wells, H. B. [?]
Judge Scott Proceeds with the Hearing of the Streets of All Nations Matter.
The hearing of the owners of the Streets of All Nations and Manager Reed and Superintendent Wadley on a charge of contempt of Judge Scott's order is still on trial. Just before adjournment last night the court denied the application for a removal of the case to the United States court, saying that he proposed to conduct the case and decide it. At the session of court yesterday morning James F. Barry was called as a witness and testified that he was a sideshow "spieler," a street "barker," a temperance lecturer, an evangelist and a professor of any and all occupations that would permit of the "turning of a penny." On direct examination he testified that conspiring with the proprietors and managers of the Streets of Cairo, he visited the Streets of All Nations on June 15 and on that occasion rode a camel. Tuesday night he said he was in the streets and again conspiring with the manager of the Streets of Cairo, succeeded in prevailing upon the people of the Streets of All Nations to allow him to ride a camel.
The cross-examination developed the fact that Barry had been discharged by the proprietor of the Mirror Maze and that then he visited Manager O'Brien of the Streets of Cairo, who detailed him to visit the Streets of All Nations for the purpose of ascertaining if camel rides were given in violation of the order of the court.
Just before the noon adjournment the court took up the examination of Barry. The witness was asked by the court if Akoun, Zitoun, Reed or Wadley were at the Streets of All Nations Tuesday night. To this question Attorney Hall for the defendants objected on the grounds of immateriality and incompetency. The court became quite angry and informed the attorney that he could not interrupt the court in the examination of a witness. The court further intimated that he would examine a witness as he say fit and that no attorney could prevent him from so doing. Attorney Hall subsided after the court remarked, "You shut up," and the judge continued the examination, ascertaining from the witness that none of the defendants were at the Streets of All Nations Tuesday night.
When the court adjourned for the noon the four defendants, Reed, Wadley, Akoun and Zitoun, were remanded to the custody of the sheriff, this officer being enjoined that they must not be allowed to get out of his sight or separate.
At the afternoon session of court the prosecution concluded the introduction of testimony by calling Harry O'Brien, manager for the Streets of Cairo, to the stand. The witness testified that he had been in the show business three years, that he was at Coney Island and Nashville. He had never been abroad, yet he thought that he could tell the nationality of foreigners by the clothing which they wore. Cross-examined he was unable to describe the costumes of people of oriental countries.
Emil Lermy was the first witness called for the defense. He said that he was a Frenchman, and at present is conducting a booth in the Streets of All Nations. He had seen people from all of the Oriental countries; those in the Streets of All nations are clothed in garments similar to those which the exposition contract with the Streets of Cairo provided for. The people in the Streets of All Nations represent the customs of the residents of Greece, Malta, Italy, France, Austria and Germany. There is no attempt to portray the customs or costumes of Egypt, the concession for which, he said, he understood is held by the Streets of Cairo company.
Secretary Wakefield of the exposition was on the stand all of the forenoon, having with him the certificate of incorporation and the by-laws of the exposition. He testified to his knowledge of the rights granted to the two concessions.
Iowa Editors Meet.
The Iowa Fifth District Editorial association held a session of its annual meeting at the Mercer hotel yesterday morning, having adjourned its meeting at Cedar Rapids for that purpose. The only business of importance transacted was the election of officers for the ensuing year, as follows: E. E. Taylor of the Star Clipper, Traer, president; C. J. Adams, Courier, Reinbeck, vice president; Cyrenus Cole, Republican, Cedar Rapids, secretary; J. P. Dotson, Reflector, Marshalltown, treasurer.
Commissioner R. W. Richardson, superintendent of the Press building and representative of the Department of Publicity and Promotion of the exposition, appeared before the meeting and invited the members to visit the exposition and establish their headquarters at the Press building. The invitation was accepted and the entire party, numbering about 120 persons, proceeded to the exposition grounds in a body and participated in the dedicatory exercises of the Iowa building and spent the day in inspecting the points of interest about the grounds.
Nebraska Building in No Danger.
The officials at the Nebraska building are greatly annoyed at the sensational reports being circulated by an Omaha paper regarding the overheating of a switch for the incandescent lights in the building. A screw connection which was not perfectly tight caused the wire and switch to become heated and the insulation of the former was charred for a short distance from the switch. The condition was discovered by the custodian and the current cut off. City Electrician Schurig and Superintendent Rustin of the Electrical department of the exposition examined the wiring and attachments and decided that there had been no defective construction, but that the binding screw had become loosened by some means, possibly by some over curious visitor. Precautions were taken to prevent a recurrence of the trouble.
Bell with a History.
A very valuable relic has just been added to the Arizona exhibit in the Mines building. It is alleged to be the first bell that was ever manufactured on the American continent and its history dates from 1549. It weighs 461 pounds and although it bears the marks of its centuries of use it is still capable of giving a fairly melodious tone. It has hung in the belfries of several Spanish churches and has outlived them all. In each case it has been dug from the ruins and preserved as a souvenir of the early days of Spanish conquest. The peculiarity of its construction appears in a deep crack at the bottom. It is asserted that when the bell was cast, the people put in their jewelry and a quantity of gold and silver to complete the cast and traces of the more precious metals are still apparent in the cracked surface.
Last Night at the Grounds.
There was no concert scheduled last night, but the crowd was treated to a display of fireworks that was well worth going to see. At 9 o'clock the north tract was densely packed and thousands of people were congregated at the various vantage points around the grounds from which the pyrotechnics could be seen. The dark clouds that hung across the sky emphasized the beauty of the display and some of the effects were the most brilliant that have been seen on the grounds. A number of novel designs in mines and bombs were introduced and these with a number of very pretty set pieces furnished a half hour of very satisfactory entertainment.
Interested in Fruit.
H. M. Dunlap of Campaign county, Ill., a member of the state senate and president of the Illinois Horticultural society, has established his headquarters at the Illinois building for a few days while looking after the Illinois horticultural exhibit. Mr. Dunlap is one of the largest fruit growers in the extensive district of southern and central Illinois and has been largely instrumental in securing a fine exhibit of Illinois fruits in the Horticultural building. He is accompanied by Mrs. Dunlap, who is prominent in Woman's Relief corps circles in Illinois.
Kansas Commission Meets.
The Kansas Exposition commission held a business meeting at the Kansas building yesterday and disposed of a large amount of routine business. It was decided that September 1 should be selected as Kansas day and the exposition management was notified to that effect. The Kansas commissioners say a strong effect will be made to bring large numbers of people from the Sunflower state on Kansas day, and it is expected that the reports made by the people attending the dedications will serve to swell the crowds to large proportions.
Force at Iowa Building.
The Iowa building is in charge of Secretary F. N. Chase of the Iowa commission, and the following persons constitute the force of attaches connected with the building: Hostess, Mrs. C. O. McBride, Muscatine; bookkeeper, Guy Thode, Stuart; stenographer, Mrs. Fred McCausland, Washington; assistants, Miss Nellie Barber, Oakland; George R. Feldthaus, Mason City; B. I. Kinsey, Harlan; E. E. Crawford, Mount Pleasant; Miss Eva Robinson, Des Moines; Fred Wright and wife, Marshalltown.
Music for Today.
The exposition music for today, June 24, will be:
3:00 p. m.—Theodore Thomas orchestra and Miss Frances Striegel, pianist.
8:00 p. m.—Swedish day exercises and the United Swedish choirs, in the Auditorium.
Admission, 25 cents to each concert.
Exposition Notes.
Governor Shaw of Ioawa put in the day at the grounds visiting the many points of interest and holding an informal reception at the Iowa building.
Aubust 18 has been selected as Texas day and Vice President Johnson says that the people of the Lone Star state will visit Omaha in large numbers on that occasion.
S. L. Cary is making arrangements for space in the Agricultural building for an exhibit by the Southern Pacific Railway company, showing the cane sugar and rice industries of Louisiana.
Aleck Acaille, who was severely injured in a drunken brawl Wednesday evening, is still in the hospital. His face is pretty thoroughly smashed up, but none of his injuries are likely to prove serious.
The pupils of the Deaf and Dumb Institute in Council Bluffs are visiting the exposition in sections and a party of about thirty children spent the day at the grounds, making their headquarters at the Iowa building.
A man named Plotz, who is connected with one of the refrigerator concessions, was quite severely injured yesterday. He was assisting in handling a big block of ice, when it fell and struck him on the head and shoulder, cutting a gash in his scalp and inflicting some painful bruises.
The Dubuque Choral club, a chorus of mixed voices, 100 strong, arrived in the city yesterday with the gubernatorial party to take part in the dedication of the Iowa building and will remain until Sunday. Saturday evening the chorus appears at the Auditorium in Haydn's "Creation" and Jules Gordon's "Barbara Freitchie."
Just before the dedication of the Iowa building Manager von Szinnyey of the German Village invited the Dubuque Choral club and the Atlantic band to attend a dinner and reception at the village at 6 o'clock. The invitation was accepted and the precincts of the village were enlivened by the lively party at the hour named.
The Atlantic City, Ia., band was unable to enter into an engagement with the exposition authorities to remain for a few days and give concerts on the grounds. Negotiations are pending with other bands, but there is no probability of securing any of them before the first of next week. There will be no dearth of musical attractions, however, as the Swedish jubilee chorus tonight, the Dubuque Choral society tomorrow night, and the concert Sunday afternoon by the Thomas orchestra will afford a variety of entertainment in this line.
Iowa State Building Turned Over to the Exposition.
Many Distinguished Visitors Attend the Exercises and Participate—Orators Pay Tribute to Iowa.
The sun beamed munificently upon the crowd assembled to celebrate the dedication of the building erected on the Bluff tract of the exposition grounds as a gathering place for the people from Nebraska's eastern neighbor and as a memento of Iowa's interest in the exposition.
The building occupies one of the most sightly locations on the beautiful tract devoted to the state buildings, facing the Nebraska building and within plain view of the tall bluffs which mark the Iowa shore of the winding Missouri. The Iowa people were early on the grounds, many of them coming as soon as the gates were opened, and the building was thronged with hundreds of people intent upon inspecting the structure which had been erected by the representatives of the state. As the day advanced the crowd increased and by the time it was announced for the exercises of the day to commence the building was jammed and the crowd filled the porches until there was not an inch of standing room remaining.
The finishing touches were put upon the building just before the crowd commenced coming and the result was pleasing and effective. The main room and rotunda was especially attractive, the walls being hung with oil paintings from the brushes of Iowa artists. Foliage plants and cut flowers were on every side and the large number of wicker chairs and settees offered facilities for restraining, which were not allowed to go unnoticed.
At 2 o'clock Governor Shaw, escorted by the members of the Iowa Exposition commission, entered the grounds and were met by the Atlantic City band and escorted to the building, the exercises commencing without delay.
The speakers and distinguished guests occupied seats on the wide veranda in front of the center of the building an back of them was grouped the Dubuque Choral club. Seated on the platform were the speakers of the day, Governor Holcomb, Adjutant General Barry, Former Governor Alvin Saunders, Colonel Brownlow of the Postoffice department, Captain W. W. Cox, secretary of the Government Board of Control, Manager RosewaterMembers of the exposition executive committee and several members of the Iowa commission. Fully 3,000 people were assembled in honor of the occasion and the fluttering of the gay ribbons of the feminine portion of the audience, the many flags hung from cornice and pinnacle, together with the profusion of cut flowers, lent an air of gayety and festivity to the scene which made a beautiful sight.
The Atlantic City band opened the ceremony with an overture and ex-Governor Packard introduced Rev. L. P. McDonald of St. Paul's church, Council Bluffs, to deliver the invocation.
The Dubuque Choral club sang a selection, composed especially for the occasion by Rev. L. M. Waterman of Dubuque, with music by Prof. W. H. Pontius, entitled "The Land We Love." This was warmly received and applauded to the echo.
Ex-Governor Packard, chairman of the executive committee, explained that President S. H. Mallory had been called home and was unable to be present, but had left an address prepared for the occasion, which Chairman Packard proceeded to read.
Tribute to Iowa.
After dwelling at some length upon former expositions, both in the United States and abroad, the president said:
"Iowa, the beautiful land, the garden of agriculture, with its 55,000 square miles of rich, fertile, tillable iand, traversed with clear running streams, a veritable paradise, was less than 100 years ago untrodden by the foot of the white man, its ownership resting in Spain, its beauties unknown, its boundaries not established until 1820. Born into the family of states less than fifty-two years ago, or about thirteen years after the first cabin was built by a white man in its borders, Iowa now has its whole area dotted with colleges, academies, schools and churches; a population of over 2,000,000, and is bound together by 8,500 miles of steel, its railroads touching the capital of every county in its domain but one and serving, with the wide rivers on its eastern and western borders to carry its vast productions to the markets of the world.
"Iowa, with a soil producing all standard grains, grasses, vegetables and fruits in abundance, is an agricultural state, standing first in the union of states with its crop of corn and fourth in the production of all agricultural products. Yet, with her inexhaustiblle deposits of coal, her metallic ores, of lead, zinc and iron, she offers large opportunities and possibilities for prominence as a manufacturing state. Thus Iowa comes in company with her sister states, not with a spirit of envy, but of friendly emulation, with her quota of exhibits. Her people, by and through legislative enactment, appropriated the sum of $35,000 to aid in furnishing an exhibit of her varied industries and resources, worthy of the state at the Transmississippi Exposition, and this building erected under the supervision of the commission appointed by the governor of the state in furtherance of the object sought by the people of the state, I as chairman of the commission now tender to you, Governor Shaw, that you may dedicate it to the use and purpose for which it was designed.
"The contract for the construction of this beautiful home of the people of Iowa and their neighbors and friends of sister states was awarded to P. H. Wind of Council Bluffs for the sum of $7,795 sixty-three days ago. A few years since six months would have been considered a short time to erect such a structure. Mr. Wind is entitled to great credit for the energy displayed in rushing the work to completion in spite of the elements. The plans for the building were prepared by the Josselyn and Taylor company of Cedar Rapids.
"The commission desires to express its many obligations to President Wattles for the many courtesies shown and assistance rendered in prosecution of the work. President Wattles and his able corps of assistants are entitled to great praise for the [?]
At the conclusion of the address of the president, Chairman Packard addressed the gathering briefly on behalf of the executive committee, expressing the sincere thanks of the committee to those who had assisted in the construction and decoration of the building and the installation of the Iowa exhibits in the Agriculture and Horticulture buildings.
Governor Shaw accepted the building in the name of the state and turned it over to the exposition in the following brief address:
"The state of Iowa, through its representative, accepts at the hands of the Iowa Transmississippi and International Exposition commission this building designed by its direction and erected under its supervision. It may not be inappropriate to tarry in this presence to make public acknowledgement of the faithful and expeditious services thus far rendered by the members of this commission; services sure to be appreciated by those at whose behest they were performed. And now as the representative of the people of the state of Iowa, I hereby dedicate this edifice to the purposes for which it was designed, and commit the same to the care, custody and use of the president and management of the Transmississippi and International Exposition in the hope that it may add somewhat to the interest and comfort of those who may visit these spacious grounds and enjoy the trophies of state and national prosperity and greatness."
In Behalf of the Exposition.
President Wattles responded on behalf of the exposition management. He spoke as follows:
"During the last ten days it has been my official duty and pleasure to speak of the resources, progress and splendid achievements of a number of western states at the dedicatory exercises of the building they have erected on these grounds. I may be pardoned for the sentiments of pride and gratification I feel today and for the expression of these sentiments in the few words I shall say regarding the state in which twenty-five years of my life were spent, and in the acknowledgment I desire to make of the assistance of this state to the great enterprise I have the honor to represent. During the early history of this exposition, when doubt still lingered in the minds of many as to its advantages and possibilities, and while the dark clouds of financial embarrassment and the devastating effects of drouth still hung over the west, casting their gloom over all new enterprises, and for the time obscuring the sunlight of hope and prosperity, at this time when many of our own citizens, discouraged and disheartened, were ready to abandon this enterprise, when our nation was borrowing gold from Europe to protect its credit and when the evil influences of inflation and speculation had destroyed for the time the financial reputation of the west, then it was that the legislature of the great state of Iowa, the first of all the transmississippi states to act, by joint resolution asked the congress of the United States to recognize this exposition and make an appropriation for a government building and an exhibit here. To this act of the general assembly of Iowa, supplemented by the efficient work of your representatives and senators in congress, must be given the credit of having extended this exposition a helping hand in its greatest need.
"The commission appointed to represent the state of Iowa here has done its work with credit to itself and the state. This magnificent building with its broad verandas, artistic design and complete appointments, speaks louder than words in praise of their work. It will furnish a home for the weary, a meeting place for friends, and will return to the state a thousand fold its cost in promoting the interests of the state and advertising the enterprise and hospitality of its people throughout the land. I commend its design, the completeness of its appointments, the wisdom of its conception, and for the management of this exposition I accept and dedicate it to the purposes for which it has been erected.
"We naturally expect from such a state eloquence like that of Cousins and Dolliver, statesmanship like that of Allison and Gear, philanthropy like that of Drake, leadership like that of the Clarksons, and executive ability like that of Kirkwood, Boles and Shaw; and while in the history of the state of Iowa there are no Lincolns, Grants or Shermans, its history is replete with the names of many whose wisdom and statesmanship in times of peace, and courage and leadership in times of war, have rendered to the nation services invaluable. During the late rebellion her soldiers were distinguished for their bravery and endurance. These men were gathered from the farms of this then pioneer state, and they were endowed with the splendid physique and the intelligence and morality which pioneer life on the broad prairies of the west inspires. Their bravery in battle, their endurance and the ability of their leaders was second to that of no other northern state. And so we are not surprised when we read that among the gallant crew that went down with the battleship, 'The Maine,' the names of several men from Iowa are found; nor are we surprised that when from 4,000 brave soldiers a crew was selected to man a ship which was to sail into the harbor of Santiago, to face the fire of Spanish guns and meet almost certain death, one of Iowa's sons was chosen.
"It might be said that a state with such magnificent resources, with such a history and with such a people, there would be no need to advertise to the world at an exposition of this character; but when we consider that with the same density of population as the state of Massachusetts, Iowa can provide homes for 15,000,000 inhabitants and when we consider that but a small percentage of the manufactures consumed in the state are manufactured there, that with the increase of wealth and population, a higher civilization than has ever been known in the world will come from the environments of citizenship under the advantages which already exist within this state, we can realize the importance and necessity of promoting and developing these resources to the fullest extent."
Baldwin Delivers an Address.
After a selection by the chorus Major S. H. M. Byers read an exposition ode composed for the occasion.
Hon. John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs, the orator of the day, was introduced and delivered an eloquent address. Among other things, he said:
"As I wandered through the exposition buildings and strolled over these grounds I heard orators proclaiming from the exedra, the Plaza and rostrums in state buildings the glories and triumphs of their respective states. One evening after a storm I stood on the bridge of the lagoon but a few feet distant from the spot where only a year ago we laid the cornerstone of this great enterprise, and beholding this mighty monument to the skill, courage and enterprise of the men of Nebraska, I thought what has Iowa, or what has Iowa done to compare with this?
"I came Nebraska day and heard that distinguished citizen of the republic, whose heart in love and tongue tipped with silver eloquently presented the record of the resources and progress of Nebraska; I came Illinois day and heard the representatives of that great commonwealth give their report of the work and worth of Illinois, concluding with the claim to the undisputed title to the possession of the third greatest commercial center of the world; I imagined that on New York day Bourke Cockran would so portray the history and glories of the great state of New York that we should all seem to hear the Sibyls claiming the springtime of the greatest empire on earth. Again I thought, what has Iowa, or what has Iowa done, to compare with all these?
"Reflecting on all that I had seen and heard and imagined, I venerated my office and would have despaired of my performance had not the power of my subject made me bold in such a presence to plead my thoughts. It would be the drivel of idiocy, unbecoming a gentleman and unworthy of the states, should I on this occasion make any statement not based upon careful investigation and not founded upon incontrovertible facts. I now and here assert, my heart beating with pride at the utterance, that, measured by the standard of religion, education, prosperity, patriotism, liberty, or any great principle or idea that makes men better, nobler and happier, Iowa, in the union of states, is the peer of all, superior to many and excelled by none.
"We dedicate today this beautiful building to the uses and purposes of the Transmississippi and International Exposition. It is merely a type of the habitations of our people at the present time. A few feet from here and within your vision stands a wigwam, which has just been opened. It, too, is a type—a type of the habitations of our people fifty-two years ago. You cannot but recognize the significance of the change. The advancement, improvement and progress of the people of the state of Iowa in education, religion and material interests has been as striking as that in their habitations.
"This great state with its wondrous destinies is now in the hands of the younger and present generation. It belongs to us to protect, preserve and improve. We must take up the work where the pioneers were compelled to let it go. They placed high the standard. Let us never lower it. Let us look up and listen; look forward and move. Let our every action be prompted and performed in accordance with that design created by one of the greatest philosophers and poets,
Build thou more stately mansions, Oh my soul,
As the swiftest seasons roll.
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thy view from heaven with a dome more vast,
Until at last thou art free,
Leaving thy outgrown shell by life's unresting sea.
"I propose this sentiment: The state of Iowa, with a people possessing affections deeper even than her soil; actuated by purposes broader even than her prairies, and inspired by aims loftier even than her hills, she stands today first in the union of states in general contentment, in more evenly distributed wealth, and in universal prosperity."
"The Battle Hymn of the Republic," was sung by the chorus, and Governor Holcomb was introduced by Chairman Packard. His remarks were general in their nature and application and the conclusion was warmly applauded. After the conclusion of the exercises the speakers, the members of the Iowa commission and the guests of the occasion were entertained at luncheon at the viaduct cafe, after which the visitors inspected the exhibits of Iowa products in the Agriculture and Horticulture buildings.
At 5:30 p. m. a reception in honor of the Governor and Mrs. Shaw was held in the Iowa building, during which hundreds of people shook the hand of Iowa's chief executive and his wife, bringing to a close a day which was universally voted to be a great success in every respect.
Pottawattamie County Adds Its Big Tepee to the Exposition.
The dedication of the Wigwam erected by the Council Bluffs and Pottawattamie County Exposition association near the Iowa building took place at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon in order to allow the visitors to attend this ceremony as well as the dedication of the state buildings. The tall yellow Wigwam was crowded with people from Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county and other Iowa points when President A. C. Graham called the assemblage to order and introduced Rev. C. W. Snyder of the English Lutheran church of Council Bluffs, who delivered the invocation. President Graham then expressed the thanks of the Pottawattamie county committee for the assistance which had been rendered the committee by the people of Pottawattamie county and Council Bluffs in the way of money and in other substantial ways. Mayor Victor Jennings of Council Bluffs was the first speaker. He reviewed the history of the struggles of the committee in the work incident to the erection of the building. He discussed the resources of Pottawattamie county at some length and expressed the hope that the people of the county will make the building their headquarters on the grounds. He said:
Ladies and Gentlemen: We have met here today to dedicate to the uses of this great and grand exposition this contribution from Pottawattamie county and the city of Council Bluffs. As the head of the municipal organization of that city it becomes my duty, as it is my pleasure, to speak for her on this occasion.
To those familiar with the beauties of Council Bluffs, who know of its enterprise and thrift, who are proud to claim a place in its citizenship, it is unnecessary for me to enter into details. To those, however, who simply know that there is a city called Council Bluffs, but who have not tested its hospitalities nor witnessed the unfolding of its many and varied industries, it afford me gratification to say that within gunshot of this spot, yet hidden almost completely by "the eternal hills," lies a city of 30,000 intelligent, industrious, contented and happy people. It is the capital city of the largest county in the state, a county containing 582,156 acres of the richest land on the face of the globe. It is second, if, indeed, it is not the first, city in the world in the magnitude of its agricultural implement trade. "Implement Row," comprising blocks upon blocks of mammoth warehouses into which the roads from the east pour trainloads of implements daily, and out of which these same goods go daily by the dozen lines of railroads to almost every quarter section of this great transmississippi territory. It is a city of schools and churches, and its educational and moral tone is second to that of no city of its size in the United States. It is a city of fair women and brave men, as attested by the avidity with which its daughters are taken from the homes of their parents to homes of which they are the inspiration and the head, and by the number of soldier boys it has contributed to Uncle Sam's armies.
This city of Council Bluffs, anxious to contribute in material way to the success of this Transmississippi Exposition, and, because of its nearness, feeling an almost proprietary interest in it, unanimously determined at the very inception of this great undertaking—the fruition of which we are witnessing today—to be fittingly represented here. This determination led to the purchase of stock of the exposition, to the calling of public meetings and the organization of an association whose duty it should be to see to it that Council Bluffs should be seen and known by all who came within these enchanted grounds during the period of the exposition. It was a difficult task assigned to these men, but nobly have they discharged it.
The wigwam tells better than can words of mine the wonderful, the miraculous development of this transmississippi country. The footfall of the red man, following his well known trails, has given place to the whirr of the electric motor as it moves along the glistening lines of steel. The smoke of the "wigwam" has faded away before the smoke from factory and forge. The silence of natural peace has gone forever, succeeded by the never-ending hum of industry. The plains and valleys are no longer the waste places of the earth, but have been made the garden spots and granaries of the world.
To the purposes of this exposition this "wigwam" is today given. To the city which gives it in part I cordially invite you. The trails are plainer than they were a half century ago and the hearts of our people, like the doors of their "wigwams," are ever open to you. We want you to come and break bread with us, smoke with us the pipe of peace, rest body and mind in the prettiest parks between the two ranges of mountains, and, going back over the years, find a new meaning in Longfellow's lines:
Very spacious was the wigwam,
Made of deerskin dressed and whitened,
With the gods of the Dakotas
Drawn and painted on its curtains.
Spencer Smith, one of the pioneer lawyers of Council Bluffs, spoke at length of the hardships and experiences of the pioneer of the prairie. Judge Walter I. Smith, a member of the district bench of Pottawattamie county, was the next speaker. He spoke rapidly, sketching the history of Pottawattamie county and passing quickly to the present status of affairs in the county, referring to the mortality statistics as showing that the average life of the man who takes up his residence in Council Bluffs is 150 years. In closing he welcomed the people to the Wigwam and invited them to make it their home. The music for the occasion was furnished by the Apollo Mandolin club of Council Bluffs, an organization of young men, who delighted the audience with the excellence of their playing.
SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1898.
Many People From the Sister State Enjoy It---Eloping Virginia Couple Spectators.
Most of the Kansas people who celebrated Wednesday remained over and spent another day and night seeing the exposition, and as Thursday was Iowa day, citizens from these two great states mingled and got acquainted on the Midway yesterday. Up to 4 o'clock the Midway was very warm and but few people ventured out, prefering to see the sights in the buildings.
After 4 o'clock, however, the throng surged toward the Midway and until after 9 o'clock the shows did a rushing business. At that hour the reports of the bombs back of the Midway notified the people that the mangnificent display of fireworks was about to begin and for more than three quarters of an hour the Midway was practically deserted. But when the grand finale illuminated the lake a rush was again made for the regular attractions and it was midnight when the last of the crowd directed their steps toward the nearest exit.
Two interesting and interested people who mingled in the great crowd were Caleb Dillow, a young farmer from Bland county, Virginia, and his young bride, nee Miss Susan Hall of Patrick county, Virginia. They were here on their wedding trip and when they celebrate their golden wedding they will have a great deal to say about the sights they saw on the great Midway of the exposition "out west." These young people arrived here after great tribulation. For a week before they left the Old Dominion they were fearful that they would never take the long-talked of trip together. The father of the girl objected to the union on various grounds, and they were forced to elope to Tennessee, as the marriage law in that state is more elastic than in Virginia; and Saturday night the two mounted one horse and fled, pursued by the father, to the railroad station nearest to the girl's home. When they reached Bristol, Tenn., just over the line, next day, Father Burroughs, who has married 700 runaway couples in six years, made them one, and they boarded the first train for the west. They do not expect to see the unrelenting father here, and they will see all there is to see at the exposition before returning to Virginia for his blessing and forgiveness.
Frank Hoing, manager of Rolling the Rolls, put his attraction in operation Thursday, and when seen Thursday night he was highly pleased with the day's patronage. This show is the first of the kind ever put before the public in America. The barrels are fifteen feet long, ten feet high and make sixteen revolutions each trip. Each carries twelve people at a time.
Manager Pierson of the Ostrich Farm on Weset Midway, returned from California today with a carload of ostriches. When he places these birds on the farm there will be forty-seven in all.
The jinrikasha is a society fad on the Midway, and Fred T. Cummins is only sorry that he is unable to supply the demand for these vehicles.
Ki-Yi, the famous Zulu ballyhoo artist, has arrived from Coney Island, and has been secured by Charles W. Cessna for work in front of the Dragon's Head on West Midway. Ki-Yi created a sensation when he made his first appearance, Thursday.
A fine leopardess at Hagenback's gave birth to two babies Thursday. There are now thirty-three interesting little baby animals at the Hagenback show.
Yesterday nine more Chinese actors and actresses appeared at the Chinese village, having arrived here over the Union Pacific, Thursday night. They come direct from Hong Kong.
Manager Bayless of the Wargraph put on a new picture Thursday, and hundreds of people were delighted. The picture is an exact representation of the bombardment of Fort Matanzas, April 27. It reached here Thursday from the Edison Manufacturing company.
Wednesday night the old plantation showed to nearly 400 people at one time, the largest attendance since the opening day. E. W. McConnell, proprietor of this attraction, formerly resided in Kansas, and when his Kansas friends heard of the plantation negroes from the south under his management they crowded the theater. Mr. McConnell is gratified with the attendance, not only of Wednesday, but every day, and he expects to do a big business this summer.
Among those who enjoyed the Midway Thursday was a large body of students from the Iowa school for the deaf.
C. R. Haigh, representing the Detroit Tribune, chaperoned the Iowa Editorial association through the Midway Thursday night. There were more than 100 in the party, and they visited every show along the line. The various concessionaires accorded the newspaper men a hearty reception.
At yesterday's meeting of the exposition directors a resolution was introduced by Senator Manderson and seconded by Mr. Kountze directing the bureau of admissions to issue a season pass to each editor of a weekly newspaper in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming, the pass to be good for the editor and his wife.
This resolution, if adopted, will end the controversy which has been in progress some time between Mr. Rosewater and the country press.
Mr. Rosewater opposed this resolution on two grounds and threatened to resign if it passed. One reason was because it proposed to take the matter out of his hands and place it in the hands of the admission bureau. The other was that if season passes were given to country editors without conditions the exposition would get no notices and the passes might not be so honestly used.
As far as any danger that Mr. Rosewater may resign no general public alarm is felt.
As far as Mr. Rosewater's reflection on the honesty of 3,000 country editors that is a wholesale slander, which is not only baseless, but preposterous.
The country editor who accepts the courtesy of a season pass for himself and wife will as a rule use it honestly, and out of good will and enthusiasm he will do fifty times the amount of free advertising for the exposition which would be possible to extort from him by written contracts in which he is practically held under surveillance and suspicion.
There are 3,000 country editors in the region described. The circulation of the papers they run will foot up to about 2,000,000. These 2,000,000 families into which these papers go are just the people who must be drawn upon to make up the bulk of our attendance at the exposition.
The resolution was referred to the executive committee with instructions to report back at the next meeting of the directors one week from next Friday. It is to be hoped that the resolution will be promptly passed at that time, for if it is not bad feeling among the members of the country press will distract greatly both from publicity and attendance.
Judge Scott Would Prefer Them to Other Judges, if Anyone Sits With Him.
Pays His Respects to Judge Fawcett and Adjourns Contempt Case Until Next Monday Morning.
The testimony in the contempt case before Judge Scott, against A. L. Reed, S. B. Wadley, Gaston Akoun and Mardoche Zitoune, growing out of the Streets of Cairo and Streets of all Nations' litigation, was closed at noon today, and the arguments will be heard Mondy morning, to which time the case was adjourned.
Just before adjournment, Judge Scott gave from the bench another talk on the conduct of five of the other judges in holding a meeting concerning the exposition litigation.
The talk was brought out by Attorney Montgomery offering in evidence Judge Fawcett's injunction, restraining Akoun and Zitoune from putting the camels out of the Streets.
After explaining the situation of the two counter-injunctions, Judge Scott said:
"There is a fundamental rule of law that every person must have knowledge of the actions of the courts. Judge Fawcett either knew it (that the Scott injunction was in force), or he is too ignorant to sit on the bench. I am satisfied that he knew it.
"Now just look at it and then talk of anarchy. May 17 a restraining order was issued by me restraining the Streets of All Nations from using camels, among other things. June 14 I issued an injunction, enjoining the same things. June 18 a judge of this court on the next floor above me grants an injunction which effectually overrules my injunction and sets it at naught. Whenever you get in that position, that is anarchy. No wonder they call a meeting of the judges, and they decide that whenever I have an injunction they want to sit with me. And so the [?]
Then a petition for removal to the United States court is filed, and Fawcett immediately throws up his hands and says he can't do anything. Did he know the program? And then they call a meeting of the judges. Why if those judges attempted, or wanted to do anything they could not, for they have no authority. One judge of a court cannot overrule the decision of another judge of the same court.
"And they want to sit with me. If I want anyone to sit with me I will go up and hire some of the donkeys on the Streets to come and sit with me. I am going to have some choice in the matter and I would rather have them.
"I hold Judge Fawcett's injunction is unlawful and it will not be admitted in evidence."
Court then adjourned to Monday morning.
Exposition Directors Believe Editors Should Be Treated Most Liberally.
Rosewater Doesn't See Any Good in Favoring "Miserable Little Weeklies."
Asserts That He Is Running the Pass Business and Resents Interference From Anybody.
General Manderson and Others Proceed to Roast the Little Editor to a Brown.
He Makes a Big Bluff Which Is Beautifully Called and the Houchee-Couchee Dancer Takes Water.
Resolved, That the bureau of admissions be and it is hereby directed to issue at once to all editors of weekly newspapers in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, Colorado, season passes; such passes to be good for the editor and his wife during the period of the exposition. These passes to be sent out by the president of the exposition, with an appropriate letter expressing the desire of the exposition management to extend all usual courtesies and expressing the thanks of the exposition for the generous support given by the western press.
Judge Scott's injunction, including the danse du ventre in the list of immoral exhibitions, was fragrantly violated on the exposition grounds yesterday afternoon by Edward Rosewater, who danced the "houchee-couchee" at an adjourned meeting of the board of directors, and kept up the inhibited performance until nearly exhausted.
It is a cold day when Mr. Rosewater fails to furnish entertainment at the board meetings, and there were no icicles on the weather yesterday. Mr. Rosewater was not, therefore, dancing to keep warm, but indulged in his oriental terpsichorean accomplishment just because he felt like it. And it was well worth the price of admission.
From the view of the average beholder it was a spectacular marvel, and from the standpoint of the anatomist it was a physical wonder. Mr. Rosewater jiggled and twisted, convoluted and hopped around in a manner that would have caused Sarifa and La Belle Rosa to have promptly retired from business could they have witnessed it, but his performance forever shattered the contention that the "houchee-couchee" is a religious devotional rite, for Mr. Rosewater eschews devotional rites on Friday as an Irishman does meat.
There is considerable doubt as to whether Mr. Rosewater really intended to do anything of the kind when he went to the meeting, but that did not detract from the merit of the performance when he got fairly started, and he succeeded in convincing the directors that if he cannot advertise the exposition through the press there is a possibility of his proving a good thing as a specialist on the Midway.
General Manderson gave the signal for the fireworks. He said he understood that there was a great deal of complaint regarding the manner in which passes have been issued, and he wanted to be advised as to the conditions now prevailing in order to be able to make up his mind as to what should be done.
Thomas Kilpatrick stated that he had received complaints regarding the manner in which the press was being treated about passes and cited the case of an editor who, during a recent visit to the city, had told him that the outside publishers were not favorably disposed toward the exposition because of the way they were being treated in this matter.
Mr. Rosewater had been manifesting mental agitation for several minutes, but it was at this point that he made his first vocal demonstration. "If they would read the circular I sent them with their June pass," he declared, "they would understand the situation."
"Well, he showed me that letter," said Mr. Kilpatrick, "and I must confess that I was not able to put a satisfactory construction upon it."
While Mr. Rosewater was adjusting his maxillary muscle, General Manderson again secured the floor to remark that what he wanted to see done was to have the sole power of issuing passes placed in the hands of the bureau of admissions. He favored this because it would give the bureau the power that properly belonged to it and would make it solely responsible for any abuses, and he believed it would put a stop to much of the complaint regarding the number and class of deadheads who were now getting into the grounds.
Mr. Hitchcock reviewed the action of the committee with reference to passes and stated that notwithstanding the fact that he and Mr. Feil of the Bee had agreed as to what the local daily papers would require for ordinary business purposes, Mr. Rosewater had continued to issue passes without limit to the attaches of the Bee. This caused the members of the World-Herald staff to complain that they were not being fairly treated by the exposition. Mr. Hitchcock said he had directed that no requests for passes be made from his paper except by himself, and he said it was an intolerable condition that would require the men in his employ to ask exposition courtesies at the hands of Mr. Rosewater.
Mr. Rosewater declared with much vehemence that he was not a straw man or a wooden Indian in front of a cigar store. He was the head of a department, and he was going to exercise the functions and enjoy the prerogatives of the position for all it was worth. The press pass business was in his hands, and people who wanted to see the show without paying for it must step up to his counter.
General Manderson stated that in order to get something properly before the house he would offer a resolution, and presented the motion written above.
General Manderson criticised the niggardly policy with whch the outside press had been treated and moved the adoption of the resolution. It was seconded by Herman Kountze.
Mr. Rosewater had been giving his abdominal muscles some very severe exercise, but he had been rather careful of his talking apparatus. At this juncture, however, he felt impelled to turn his genio-hyo-glossal machinery loose. He said that there had been a studied effort for four weeks to create an impression that the country press was hostile to him personally and antagonistic to him personally and antagonistic to the work of his department. "It has been fanned by parties," said Mr. Rosewater, "who are pretending to publish rival newspapers. But I do not consider them so," and Mr. Rosewater tipped back his head and closed his eyes as he laid the flattering unction to his soul.
He quickly returned to a consideration of the work in hand and fell all over the Manderson resolution. He said that the bureau of admissions was all right in its way, "but," he demanded, "what do they know about the press? Some of these parties to whom passes have been sent out have lost them. How would the bureau of admissions know whether they were entitled to new ones? I guess I am just as responsible and just as able to do this work as some of the employes who are working around here for $50 or $100 a month."
"Oh, I thought you were busy," said Manderson. "Have you any more time at your disposal than they have?"
"N—no," faltered Mr. Rosewater, and then he frowned fiercely and declared that the policy that was being pursued toward him was getting to be unbearable.
"Do you want us to understand, Mr. Rosewater," said General Manderson, "that you want to hang on to this matter of issuing passes at your own sweet will and to whom you please?"
Mr. Rosewater hemmed and hawed until he could regain his equilibrium, and then executed a clever double shuffle. "Well, I'm ready to hang on or let go," he said, "but I'm getting tired of being harassed and insulted."
Manderson was still apparently waiting for a more definite answer, and Mr. Rosewater, having failed to shift the cut, proceeded to deal from the bottom. "Now here is the letter I propose to send to the country editors," and he read a proposition setting forth that in view of the fact that the June pass hitherto sent had not been used, Mr. Rosewater proposed to send along a pass for July, "provided" the publisher would sign enclosed contract agreeing to print certain special stuff about the exposition. "These country papers are no good anyhow," said Mr. Rosewater. "I wouldn't give a snap for them."
"Then, why not cut off all of them if that is the case?" asked Manderson.
"Well, they might help by printing special matter," replied the head of the department of publicity, "but anybody who knows anything at all knows what a miserable little one-horse weekly sheet amounts to."
And then Mr. Rosewater reached down in the brine and brought the words forth wringing wet. "I'm willing to let go and get out of this thing. If you think you want to take this away from me and do it the other way, why, go ahead with it. I'm tired, anyway," and Mr. Rosewater gave a splendid imitation of a man sinking into a chair.
Frank Hibbard added his mite to the oft-told tale of insufficient advertising and spoke of the influence of the country press, and then Mr. Rosewater struggled up again in self-defense. He said he had just made contracts with the Western Newspaper union and the American Press association for plate matter, and "he couldn't understand why this continual criticism and interference should go on with the work of his department."
John C. Wharton rushed to his assistance with a motion to refer the matter to the executive committee and adjourn, but Mr. Lindsey didn't want to have it that way. He said the committee had been given a dose of it every other day, and they would rather have the bog board take it up and settle it.
"Well, the committee hasn't had these contracts before them, have they?" anxiously inquired Mr. Rosewater, grasping at the offered straw with the eagerness of a hobo seizing a free beer.
"Now I think Mr. Rosewater has done tiptop," said Mr. Weller, soothingly, as he gazed with genuine pity on the evident distress of his old acquaintance.
Mr. Rosewater took courage therefrom and declared "If you do this I won't stay with the department another minute."
It was a most unfortunate and inopportune bluff, for it was called with startling suddenness. "Mr. President," remarked General Manderson, "I, for one, am getting very tired of Mr. Rosewater's threats. Whenever anything is done that he does not fancy or anything is not done that he wants to have done he threatens to take his dolls and go home. This threat has been made here altogether too often, Mr. Rosewater, and too often by yourself. Now you propose to retain in your own hands the power to issue passes to suit yourself, notwithstanding the complaints of abuses that have been repeatedly coming to the ears of the directors. Mr. President, I desire to have a vote taken at once on the motion."
President Wattles started to put the motion, but was interrupted by Mr. Rosewater. He said: "I have given more toward this exposition than anybody else connected with it. I know what I am talking about. If any of the rest of you had been in my place you would have got out of it, but I knew that the exposition would suffer. I knew that I knew my business, and that I could do the exposition more good than anybody else. I have almost given my life for this exposition, for my health is breaking down under the work I have been doing."
"Let go of this pass business and you will have a chance to get well," said General Manderson.
Mr. Rosewater turned the spray nozzle on his vocabulary for a moment and then continued humbly: "I want to stay with the exposition and my department, and carry out the work that I was elected to perform, but I don't propose to be told that I don't know my business. I have been in the advertising business for twenty-seven years and I know all there is to it. Now, if you want to put me our —"
But Mr. Rosewater did not finish the sentence, for President Wattles thought the speaker had concluded and put the motion, and Mr. Rosewater drew a long breath and cast a copious vote against having his privileges curtailed. The president declared the motion carried and the executive committee instructed to report on the proposition at the next meeting of the big board, two weeks hence.
Dr. Lee extended an invitation to the directors to visit the emergency hospital and see what was being done there and an adjournment was then taken.
Exposition Notes.
The receipts for the first three weeks of the exposition were $20,000 in excess of the regular operating expenses. The expenses were materially higher than they will be after everything is gotten down to a regular basis and the rough ends smoothed off.
R. S. Stewart, an electrician from Detroit, engaged in installing an exhibit in the Machinery building, had two toes crushed yesterday under a heavy piece of casting. He was taken to the hospital.
An employe on the Minnesota building was caught under a falling log yesterday and had a knee crushed. He will laid up for ten days.
Compositions of Adolph Edgren Given at the Exposition.
The Auditorium was crowded to its utmost extent last night with Swedes and Americans, who were drawn out by the announced Swedish exercises. Swedish voices are well known to be beautiful and their chorus work especially worth going to hear. For this reason many were present besides those from the northland who attended out of national pride. The Swedish societies, numbering 200 members, about evenly divided as to sex, were seated on the platform. The first number after the opening exercises and addresses of welcome and response by President Wattles, Mr. Lobeck and Mr. Lofgren of Lincoln, the chorus sang the 150th psalm set to music by Wennerberg. This was a beautiful number. The soprano solo by Miss Moeller from the "Creation" was greatly admired. "Hor Us Svea" by the male chorus was a grand production. The soprano and tenor duet, "The Tones," by Miss Moeller and Prof. Edgren, well deserved the applause it received.
The latter part of the program was most enjoyable. It was in the form of a jubilee cantata, composed for the occasion by Adolf Edgren of Omaha. The composition itself deserves the highest of praise. It was of a noble style, well suited to the occasion. It consisted of solos, duets, quartets and choruses, all of which were rendered in an admirable manner.. "The North Star," the "Northern Lights" and the farewell chorus were especially fine and proved to the audience that Omaha could boast of a composer of whom no city would be ashamed. All in all, the Swedish concert was a success which reflected credit upon that nationality.
The Swedish airs making up the concert by the Thomas orchestra yesterday afternoon proved to be a hit with the audience as they were designed to be. The Auditorium was filled chiefly with those who had come because it was Swedish-American day and all the numbers were applauded with heartiness.
Educational Convention Promises to Be Largest of All.
The executive committee of the Trans-Mississippi educational convention, from the replies received to its inquiries recently sent out, is beginning to make some forecast of the attendance at that convention, June 28, 29 and 30. The 160 different persons of the different programs will make something of a showing in themselves. So far only two counties from Wyoming have reported, with a probable attendance of twenty-two; twenty counties in Minnesota have reported a probably attendance of thirty-eight; thirty-two counties in Kansas, a probable attendance of 215; twenty-three counties in Missouri a probable attendance of 397; nine counties in South Dakota a probable attendance of forty-five; forty counties in Iowa a probable attendance of 749; thirty-five counties in Nebraska a probable attendance of 833. This makes a reported probable attendance of 2,500 from Nebraska and a part of the states bounding Nebraska.
Not one-third of the counties in the states quoted have sent in their reports and no account is taken of any of the states other than those named. The attendance from Colorado, North Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Utah and California is ignored entirely in the statement quoted above, so that it will be seen the prospects for a large attendance appear very good.
These reports are entirely from county superintendents and afford no indication as to the number likely to come from the various city and village schools or from colleges and normal schools and similar institutions throughout the region.
Miss Stregel's Appearance.
At the Theodore Thomas concert yesterday afternoon Miss Francis Stregel, pianist from Burlington, Ia., made a most pleasing impression. Miss Stregel played a barcavollo and tavantello by Leschitizky, who has been her instructor for a year or two. She interpreted the numbers with much intelligence and with a brilliancy and dash that were born of confidence, and a technique that was adequate to the occasion. Miss Stregel was recalled by the enthusiastic audience and played a Spanish serenade that was greatly enjoyed by the large audience.
Entertained at German Village.
Four hundred Swedes, including many members of the Swedish Oratorio society, were entertained at the German Village last night. They were invited to be present at 10 o'clock, but were delayed until 11. Mr. Stephen Van Szinnyey received them cordially. A special program was given in their honor. Today the Royal Arcanum picnic will take place at the German Village.
Exposition Grounds a Place Where There is Pleasure Unalloyed.
Weather All that Man Could Wish and Surroundings in Keeping.
Local Councils Celebrate an Anniversary by Doing the Exposition.
Thomas' Orchestra and Dubuque Choral Club to Unite at the Auditorium in a Grand Concert and Oratorio.
That cyclone that gyrated over the northeastern part of the state last night was not altogether a misfortune, since the cool and invigorating breeze that followed in its wake brought a grateful relief from the heat that has ruled at the exposition during the earlier part of the week. The combined climatic advantages of all the summer resorts on this hemisphere could not produce a more perfect day than that which greeted the councils of the Royal Arcanum that are spending a holiday on the grounds today. After the depressing heat of the last few days the change was especially welcome, and it was a pleasure even to breathe the fresh atmosphere and revel in the delightful favors of such ideal June weather.
Since the feature of the day was almost entirely of local significance, it did not bring out the attendance that marked the preceding days of the week. The councils of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs were very liberally represented, and there were enough of the members to make a very creditable showing in the crowd of visitors, who were fortunate enough to be members of the order. They had come primarily to enjoy themselves, and there was no effort to celebrate the day with any set program. Those who came in the morning brought well filled lunch baskets to bridge over the interval until the banquet at 6 o'clock, and there was more than the usual proportion of family parties.
As the Sioux City band will not arrive until Monday, the day is barren of feature, aside from the general attractions of the grounds. This will be atoned for, however, by the exceptionally attractive program that is offered for the evening, when the Dubuque Choral society and the Thomas orchestra will render Haydn's famous oratorio, the "Creation," at the Auditorium. As this is one of the most notable types of this class of music, the concert will be of more than ordinary interest.
Swedish Day Given a Fitting Climax at the Auditorium.
The festival of song which concluded the celebration of Swedish-American day at the exposition drew one of the largest audiences to the Auditorium which has occupied that structure since the opening of the exposition. There was not a vacant seat on the lower floor and very few remained in the gallery when the exercises commenced.
The front of the stage was prettily decorated with palms and other foliage plants, and these, with the bunting hung from the ceiling and about the front of the gallery, gave the interior of the great building a festival appearance in keeping with the character of the occasion. Flags in profusion were used in the decorations, "Old Glory" predominating, and the national colors of Sweden being on every side. At the front of the stage sat the speakers of the evening, and the Jubilee committee which had arranged the great celebration, including the following Swedish-American citizens of Omaha: C. O. Lobeck, president; T. H. Johnson, vice president; T. G. Northwall, treasurer; John S. Helgren, secretary; C. W. Johnson, C. W. Anderson and Albin Liljegren.
Back of these, extending tier above tier to the great organ rearing its lofty front at the back of the stage, sat the Jubilee chorus. There were 209 people in the chorus by actual count, made up of members of choirs from all the surrounding country. The body presented a pleasing appearance, with the women in dresses of light colors in various shades, while the men all appeared in black.
The exercises were opened by President C. O. Lobeck, who presented President Wattles of the exposition as the first speaker.
President Wattles cut his remarks very short, saying in opening that he realized that the people had come to hear music, not speeches. He contented himself with bidding the people welcome to the White City and inviting them to come again and carefully inspect the many things which have been collected to educate the people of the world regarding the vast resources of the great west.
Chairman Lofgren's Remarks.
President Lobeck then introduced the chairman of the evening, Rev. A. J. Lofgren of Lincoln, presiding elder of the Swedish Methodist church.
Rev. Mr. Lofgren made a short address in Swedish, saying it was highly fitting that a day which had been so auspicious should be closed with a feast of song. He said that every good Swede rejoices in every success of American arms, and they also rejoice in every triumphant advance made by science and education. He characterized the exposition as a great exemplification of triumph of the good and pure in life, and complimented the management which had brought about such magnificent results.
The speaker also referred to the fortuitous circumstances which had resulted in bringing together the representatives of the various denominations in a grand celebration of a national feast day and expressed the hope that this was only the beginning of a grand era of harmony when all the natives of the old fatherland shall be united by a bond of unity and common interest.
The first choral number was the psalm CL. and the volume of sound which was called forth at the bid of the baton wielded by Prof. Adolf Edgren fulfilled the anticipations of the audience. The chorus was well balanced and the manner in which the selection was rendered spoke volumes for the capabilities of the singers and the vigorous training required to produce such unison of execution in the short time the many sections composing the choir had been together.
The next number was a soprano solo by Miss Emma Moeller of Omaha. She sang the recitative and aria, "With Verdure Clad," from Haydn's "Creation." She was enthusiastically applauded and presented with a large bunch of American beauty roses, responding with an encore which was also vigorously applauded.
Ovation to Hultman.
A male chorus, "Hear Us Svea," was the next number and then Rev. J. A. Hultman, formerly of this city, but now a resident of Chicago, was announced to sing a baritone solo. He was greeted with a perfect ovation, the applause being hearty and prolonged, continuing for several moments, during which the singer acknowledged the warm welcome from his old friends by repeated bows. Quiet was finally restored and he began his song. Time has only served to strengthen and improve the rich quality of a beautiful voice, and the breathless attention which prevailed during the singing was succeeded by a burst of applause which shook the house. For several moments the applause continued, and only when it was seen that the singer was about to respond with another song did the enthusiasm subside. "Jerusalem" was selected for the encore and served to bring out the beautiful qualities of the voice of the singing preacher in the most pleasing manner. Again he was applauded, but the audience was obliged to be satisfied with a bow.
Dr. J. A. Enander, editor of Hemlandet of Chicago, formerly editor of the Swedish Journal of this city, read a poem of his own composition, written especially for the occasion. It was quite lengthy and dealt with patriotism and love for the adopted country as well as for the fatherland. The beauties of both countries were extolled and many beautiful ideas of a patriotic nature were expressed.
The Jubilee chorus sang "The Singers' March," by J. A. Dahlstrom, in a very catchie, martial style and was liberally applauded.
Rev. Carl Swensson, president of Bethany college at Lindsborg, Kan., one of the most prominent of Swedish-Americans, was the orator of the evening. He spoke for nearly two hours in Swedish and before he had concluded a large portion of the big audience had withdrawn. He complimented the people of this vicinity on the enterprise which had brought so many of them
together on this occasion and spoke glowingly of the land which had given them all birth. He referred somewhat in detail to the beauties of the various portions of Sweden and extolled the bravery of the men and the beauty and home qualities of the women. The discovery of America by Lief Erickson was referred to with pride by the speaker and he recalled the fact that in the rebellion it was another native of Sweden, John Ericsson, who invented the famous vessel which changed the tide of battle in favor of the union. He declared that it is now the duty of every loyal Swede to lend his assistance in the relief of the suffering in Cuba and administered many words of advice and patriotism.
He was frequently applauded and at the conclusion of his address the applause was very emphatic and continued.
The program concluded with a jubilee cantata by Adolf Edgren, introducing solos, duets and mixed choruses. It was well rendered and loudly applauded.
Pass Question Takes Up Most of the Time of the Session.
The pass question occupied most of the time of the board of directors of the exposition at the adjourned meeting yesterday afternoon, but after discussing the subject for over an hour the matter was referred to the executive committee without action, further than to stipulate that it should be reported back in two weeks. The subject was raised in connection with an informal report from Manager Lindsey of the Department of Ways and Means relative to the number of passes of each series that had been issued. This was taken up by General Manderson, who declared that there should be a more systematic method of regulating the issuance of passes. He objected to the practice of allowing the president and members of the executive committee to give out trip passes and contended that the whole matter should be left to the Bureau of Admissions. Mr. Lindsey explained in some detail that this was not always practicable. He cited numerous cases in which it had been necessary to issue trip passes for members of choral societies and others at short notice and this was the principal purpose for which the members of the executive committee had used their perogative.
At this juncture G. M. Hitchcock announced that he had a personal matter to suggest in this connection. He declared that it was intolerable that employes of his paper should be compelled to apply to Mr. Rosewater's department for passes to the grounds. It would be disastrous to the exposition and he was in favor of taking action that would prevent the issuance of trip passes by the Department of Publicity and Promotion.
Mr. Rosewater gave the board a brief sketch of the extent to which passes had been issued by his department and stated positively that Mr. Hitchcock's paper had been treated more liberally than The Bee. He was working first and foremost for the interests of the exposition and in his official capacity he had treated Mr. Hitchcock with the utmost fairness. Some trip passes had been issued to employes of The Bee and others had been compelled to pay their way when they visited the grounds. A number of men who were employed on Mr. Hitchcock's paper had applied for passes, which had been issued to them without question. The stubs which had been returned to the bureau of admissions would show to whom passes had been issued in each case.
Mr. Manderson then offered a resolution which provided that the bureau of admissions should be instructed to issue at once two season passes to all editors of weekly paper in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota.
What is Really Being Done.
This was objected to by Mr. Rosewater, who contended that some distinction should be made between the daily and weekly papers. The co-operation of the dailies was undoubtedly more valuable for advertising purposes and if two passes were to be issued to each weekly, then the number issued to the dailies should be proportionately increased. In this connection he read copies of circulars his department is now sending out to the various daily and weekly newspapers, assuring them of the appreciation of the department of their past services and submitting a liberal proposition for future exchange of courtesies.
Mr. Rosewater declared that there was a studied effort on the part of certain people to convey the impression that the country press was opposed to dealing with the Department of Promotion and was personally hostile to himself. He was heartily tired of being confronted with this petty performance at every meeting of the board.
John C. Wharton moved that the whole matter be referred to the executive committee with instructions to report in two weeks. He was opposed to hasty action on such an important matter. The executive committee had provided rules and regulations according to which the passes were issued. Contracts had been made on this basis and it would be exceedingly bad policy to suddenly change the entire system.
C. F. Weller declared that much of the discussion was in exceedingly bad taste. In his opinion the manager of the Department of Publicity and Promotion had been doing his work well. He is familiar with newspapers and their comparative merit in advertising the exposition. He stated that he is opposed to a promiscuous distribution of passes and contended that the matter should be left where it was.
Mr. Wharton's motion to refer was then carried, Directors Manderson and Hitchcock voting "no."
Dr. E. W. Lee requested the directors to take occasion to visit the emergency hospital, and General Manderson's resolution expressing the appreciation of the board of the services of the architects of the exposition, and especially of those of the architects-in-chief, was adopted by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Rosewater offered a resolution which stated that a judge of the district court had declared that members of the executive committee were personally interested in the Streets of All Nations concession, and provided that a committee of three should be appointed to investigate the matter and report the result. He declared that this charge had been given publicity, and he wanted it thoroughly ventilated. Directors Manderson, Kilpatrick and Kountze protested against the investigation on the ground that it would be giving too much dignity to a ridiculous accusation and the resolution was not adopted.
Financial Condition is Good.
In response to inquiries from General Manderson and others Secretary Wakefield gave an informal statement of the financial condition of the exposition, which indicated that the enterprise has more than paid its operating expenses to date. The necessity for employing large forces of men to complete the work about the grounds and repair the damage to the lagoon had inflated the pay rolls during the early part of the month, but much of this expense would not appear hereafter.
General Manderson also informally suggested the idea of giving a "harvest home festival" during the latter part of August or early in September. He referred to the prominence that attached to this festival in some of the eastern states, and expressed the conviction that it could be made a winning feature of the exposition.
Much Attention is Given the Building by the Passing Throng.
The handsome building erected my the exposition commission of Georgia on the lower portion of the Bluff tract is attracting a great deal of attention and many visitors inspect the extensive collection of Georgia products collected though the energetic efforts of the Georgia Exposition commission. The commission had no state appropriation, but the members, headed by President W. J. Northen, ex-governor of the state, made a series of tours of the entire state and collected money from every district in the state, and from the funds thus collected has sprung the exhibit installed in the pretty building.
The building is in charge of G. F. Greene of Toccoa, Ga.,, a small town in the vicinity of Atlanta. The exhibit includes a large collection of the great variety of fruit grown in that prolific region, a well arranged collection of the great variety of fruit grown in that prolific region, a well arranged collection of marbles, slates and building stone, a large line of gold ores representing a large industry in Georgia; iron ore, manganese, aluminum, kaolins, pottery materials and a fine collection of rare minerals.
Governor Northen has notified Mr. Greene that he will arrive in Omaha early next month and will remain here for some time. Two more carloads of material are expected soon, to supplement the agricultural display, which is somewhat limited, owing to the fact that no attempt was made to preserve specimens from last year's crops. Among other things which Mr. Greene expects to receive is a carload of the famous Georgia watermelons.
"You people up here never see the genuine Georgia watermelon," said Mr. Greene, as his mouth watered at the thought. "The watermelon we brag about is a monster and has a thin skin, making it unsuited for shipping long distances, so it is not a profitable transaction to ship it so far as this section, but our people have promised to ship a carload just to show the people here [?]
Fitting Close to Celebration of Swedish-American Day.
At the Auditorium last evening the Swedish singing societies gave a musical feast in the rendition of the 150th psalm as set to music by G. Wennerberg. The piece is written in a martial style, bright and joyful. The harmony is for the most part simple, but in the writing for the various voices considerable freedom is observable. The thematic development is especially well carried out in the bass. The number ends in an "Andante Maestoso" in choral style, which reminds one of Mendelssohn.
The "Sanger March," by Ahlstrom, is of a different character. It is almost like a folk-song, and is harmonized with much skill. The melody itself is simple, but by means of imitation in the various voices, especially the tenor, much interest is obtained.
The principal number is the "Jubal Kantat" (Jubilee Cantata), by Adolf Edgren, a well known Omaha musician. The introduction is bold and martial in style, striving more for pure tonal effects at first than for anything melodic. This is wise, for after eleven bars a brilliant allegretto movement is introduced which gains much by the contrast. This is followed by a recitative for soprano solo and by a duet for soprano and alto.
The mail chorus which succeeds is founded upon a kindred theme and possesses an amount of power and "go" that is refreshing. Next in order is a female chorus based upon the allegretto theme of the prelude. Soon the male chorus is added and a little later the soprano solo. The whole is worked up to a fine climax in which the solo takes high C in a roulade that looks more as if it were written for a flute than a voice. The bass solo in F minor which follows is written in such irregular periods that its effect is much injured. A revision and more musicianly grouping of bars would improve it greatly. The bass solo is followed by a duet for soprano and alto which has for a theme a phrase rhythmically like the preceding solo, but melodically considerably varied. It leads into a chorus composed in the same spirit. An interesting soprano solo and quartet follow and form a prelude to a chorus for ladies' voices which is so weak as not to merit a place in the work. It ends in F minor and reminds one of the bass solo. Again we hear the theme of the allegretto, now arranged for full chorus, varied by several cadenza effects and worked up to a strong climax at the end. After a solo and duet for soprano and alto and a bass solo melodic in style comes the closing number based upon a melody by Crusell of martial character. The whole work possesses a great deal of merit and shows considerable musicianship. Mr. Edgren has reason to be well pleased with this effort and to continue in the work of composition.
Texas Selects a Day.
August 18 has been selected as the date for Texas day and there is a flattering prospect that there will be a big crowd from the Lone Star state on that occasion. President C. M. Peterson, Vice President S. J. T. Johnson and Prof. H. P. Atwater of the Texas commission assured General Manager Clarkson that the Texas people who have been here are tremendously enthusiastic over the exposition and that if favorable railroad rates could be secured they would bring back a crowd that would be a record breaker. The matter of rates has not been adjusted, but it is expected that there will be no difficulty on that point. July 1 will be Texas melon and grape day and on that occasion a carload of Texas fruit will be distributed on the grounds.
Missouri Pacific's Plan.
Like the other roads that run into this city, the Missouri Pacific has been extending special privileges to newspaper men along its lines in order to induce them to come to this city, view the big exposition, and return home to tell their readers all about it.
This excursion of newspaper men will arrive in the city on a second section of the train from the south, No. 1, on Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock. The visitors will be taken out to the exposition grounds and shown every courtesy possible. It is expected that fifty or more will be in attendance and they will come from all points of the territory covered by the Missouri Pacific to the south.
Music for Today.
The exposition music for today—June 25—will be:
8 p. m.—"The Creation," by Joseph Haydn. The Dubuque, Ia., Choral club and the Thomas orchestra, under the direction of William H. Pontius. Admission, 25 cents.
Notes of the Exposition.
There were 8,845 paid admissions Thursday, not including commutation tickets.
The total paid admissions for Friday were 6,967. The total exclusive of commutation tickets was 6,509.
General Manager Clarkson is still working to complete the plans for the celebration July 4. The idea has been received with general approval and the plans are working as smoothly as could be desired.
The Department of Exhibits has been authorized to engage W. D. Colloyer of Chicago as juryman on butter exhibits. The employment of Miss Elinor Dutcher as hostess of the Press building was authorized by the executive committee yesterday.
Superintendent Wadley of the Department of Concessions was back at his desk this morning for the first time since he was taken into the custody of the equity court. He is still in custody, but will have until Monday morning to clear up the business that has accumulated during his enforced absence.
The railroads are making a flat $30 rate from Pacific coast points to the exposition. This will be in force continuously, and as it is practically a half rate, it is expected that it will bring a large attendance from California, Oregon and Washington during the summer.
Manager Babcock of the Departments of Transportation announces that the railroads have made a rate of one fare for the round trip for Montana day, June 29. This rate will be in force at all the principal Montana points and the ticket agents report that the prospects are encouraging for a good business.
A large number of packages and pocketbooks have been left at Montgomery Ward & Co.'s building and owners have been found for all of them with the exception of one pocketbook, which was left on the Douglas county and Council Bluffs children's day. The owner can secure it by calling on Manager Bird.
The Department of Admissions has kept the gates on the east side of Sherman avenue open for several days, but they have been very slightly patronized. The gates were put in largely on account of the petitions of the people who had buildings and exhibits in that part of the grounds, but the people still prefer to use the main entrances.
A number of people who have secured exposition passes have tried to beat the game by writing in the words "and one" or "and wife," but in nearly every case they have been detected and the passes taken up. No passes are issued for more than one individual and when one is presented that purports to carry more than one the fraud is evident.
Captain Mercer of the Omaha and Winneago Indian agencies was on the grounds today to consult with General Manager Clarkson relative to the arrangements for the Indian congress which will be held as soon as the congressional appropriation becomes available. The location of the camp will be selected and other preliminary details perfected in order that the event may be pulled off without delay.
Secretary Cox of the government commission is having a good deal of trouble with the dust which is whirled into the buildings from Twenty-fourth street. This settles on the exhibits and is particularly damaging to the uniforms on the wax figures. An effort will be made to induce the municipal authorities to have the street adjacent to the building sprinkled at least twice a day.
In accordance with a suggestion from the supervising architect of the Treasury department a change has been made in the illumination of the statue of liberty on the dome of the Government building which has effected a decided improvement. Only the cluster of lamps that form the torch is now turned on and the effect is to bring out the figure in clearer relief and add to the harmony of the illumination.
Arrangements have been practically completed for Educational day, which occurs next Tuesday. The Transmississippi Educational congress convenes in Omaha on that date and the first day will be devoted to seeing the exposition. In the evening there will be an interesting program in the Auditorium, at which Hon. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City and President George A. Gates of Iowa college, at Grinnell, Ia., will deliver addresses.
General Manager Clarkson has received an interesting souvenir from Neal Currie, a Currie, Minn., newspaper man. Mr. Currie was on the grounds in May with a party of friends and they were shown around by Manager Clarkson. Unbeknown to the latter, one of the party had a camera in operation, and the major has just received copies of the photographs illustrating his own appearance while he was expatiating on the prospective beauties of the exposition.
A good many of the ice water tanks and postal cards distributors that are scattered around the grounds are proving to be frauds of the first water. Sometimes they work but more frequently they don't and the people who put in their pennies and fail to get any return accumulate as much disgust as though they had lost a dollar. Some of the superintendents of buildings are talking of requesting the executive committee to have them taken out altogether unless they are made to give better satisfaction.
C. H. Keeler of Dixon, Ill., one of the Illinois commission, is at the Illinois building, accompanied by Mrs. Keeler and will remain there for about two weeks. The commission has adopted a system whereby [?]
June 25—Royal Arcanum day.
June 28—Educational day.
June 29—Montana day.
June 30—Trans-Mississippi Turnfest day.
July 1—Texas Melon and Grape day.
July 2—Christian Endeavor day.
July 4—Independence day.
July 7, 8 and 9—Louisiana days.
July 11—Massachusetts day.
July 12—Tennessee Press association.
July 14—Ida County and Ida Grove, Ia., day.
July 15—Des Moines day.
July 20—Minnesota day.
August 4—Stenographers' day.
August 10—Red Men's day.
August 11—Tennessee Red Men's day.
August 15—Business and Fraternal Associations' day.
August 27—Bohemian day.
August 30—Missouri day.
September 1—Kansas day.
September 3—Editors' day.
September 5—Labor day.
September 8—Druggists' day.
September 9—Woodmen of the World day.
September 13—Chicago day.
September 14—National Shriners' day.
September 15—New England day.
September 16—Oklahoma day.
September 18 and 19—Modern Woodmen days.
September 20 and 21—Iowa days.
September 24—Commercial Travelers' day.
October 7—Knox College day.
October 17—Independent Order of Odd Fellows' day.
October 18—Tennessee day.
Attendance First Three Weeks of Exposition Exceeds All Expectations.
Foots Up a Grand Total of 142,440 and an Average of 5,935 Per Day.
Exposition Architects-in-Chief, Landscape Artist and Electrical Experts Highly Complimented by the Board.
The attendance for the first three weeks fully met expectations, and the figures are a source of much gratification to the exposition management. The receipts have more than met operating expenses, notwithstanding the fact that the latter were unusually heavy, and there has not been a day that the exposition has been operated at a loss. The special feature has brought out an increased attendance and this will be continued.
The total paid attendance each day since the opening of the exposition has been as follows:
June 1, opening day | 25,112 |
June 2 | 4,129 |
June 3 | 2,734 |
June 4 | 2,394 |
June 5 | 3,371 |
June 6 | 1,752 |
June 7 | 3,159 |
June 8 | 2,795 |
June 9 | 1,499 |
June 10 | 2,609 |
June 11 | 3,833 |
June 12 | 3,908 |
June 13, Children's day | 10,397 |
June 14, Nebraska day | 11,726 |
June 15, Children's day | 7,894 |
June 16 | 4,425 |
June 17 | 4,187 |
June 18 | 6,335 |
June 19 | 4,481 |
June 20 | 3,730 |
June 21, Illinois day | 9,399 |
June 22, Kansas day | 7,411 |
June 23, Iowa day | 8,506 |
June 24, Swedish day | 6,654 |
| — |
Total | 142,440 |
Average, 5,935 per day. |
The board of directors deemed it fitting to officially recognize the exceptional work of the exposition architects-in-chief, the landscape artist and the electrical experts, and it was done by resolution, introduced by General Manderson. The resolution read as follows:
The directors of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition, in parting with the professional services of the architects-in-chief of the exposition, their great work being now accomplished, desire to express their unbounded satisfaction with the result and their unqualified approval of the methods that have been pursued. The world has not seen a more perfect aggregation of buildings than those that constitute the exposition proper, and the able architects who designed them are entitled to the enthusiastic praise that comes to them from all who view them. Much credit is due to all, and, with no desire to be invidious, the board desires particularly to commend the ability, skill and devotion of the architects-in-chief, Messrs Walker & Kimball of Omaha. On behalf not only of the exposition, but of the Trans-Mississippi country, we extend to them our congratulations and hearty thanks.
We recognize also the skill and ability of Mr. Rudolph Ulrich, landscape artist, and of Mr. Luther Stieringer, electrician, and Mr. Henry B. Rustin, his assistant, and thank these gentlemen for the magnificent result we have found in which th[?]
Mr. Manderson moved its adoption, Mr. Kirkendall seconding, and the motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Carl S. Swennson of Lindsborg, Kas., one of the leading Spanish orators and thinkers of the country, who was the principal speaker on Swedish-American day, in speaking of the exposition, said he was surprised at what he saw here. He said he received regularly about seventy-five papers, and made it a point to look over them carefully, and stated positively his conviction that the exposition was not receiving the newspaper space that it ought to have. He expressed the opinion that the people right here in Omaha did not fully appreciate the beauty and general merit and attractiveness of the exposition, and was sure that outsiders knew relatively nothing about it. He said he had traveled a great deal, and, from personal contact with people in many localities wide apart, knew that the proper interest was not felt in the great enterprise. He stated, however, that from now on the exposition would have one earnest advocate, for he realized its value as a great educator, and he proposed to do his share of talking for it. He hoped to soon find it more extensively advertised. Dr. Swensson is the head of Bethany college, and holds a prominent place in the educational world.
A meeting of a number of the principal exhibitors was held in the gallery of the Manufactures building yesterday, and an organization was effected by the election of M. S. Sutherlin of Montana as president, and — Field of Minnesota as secretary. A committee of five was appointed to formulate by-laws and regulations for the government of the organization. Meetings will be held regularly, and an effort will be made to co-operate fully with the management in promoting the interests of the exposition.
Musical Director Kimball has secured the services of the Fourth regiment band of Sioux City for this week. The organization has thirty members, and will arrive here Monday morning. It will be followed by Phinney's famous United States band of Chicago, which will begin its engagement July 5.
Willard E. Carpenter, editor of the Waupaca Record, and one of the Wisconsin state commissioners, left for home last evening. Mr. Carpenter has been here for some time, assisting in getting the Wisconsinb uilding in shape. The state building will now be in charge of Mrs. Angus Cameron.
George Meader, the noted boy soprano, from Chicago, will sing at the Thomas concert in the Auditorium this afternoon.
Old Mexican Civilization.
The new Mexican exhibit of Ores and minerals has several objects with it that attract much special attention from the visitors. One of the most prominent of them is an old bell, believed to be the first made by white men that ever rang on the American continent. It was cast in 1549 by the first Spaniards to settle in Mexico. It has lain buried in ruins a number of times, being last unearthed in 1734 at Grande Quivera. It weighs 461 pounds and into its composition entered much silver and gold, contributed by the pious converted natives.
There is, besides, a collection of old Aztec idols, one of them being an iron serpent. The others are of stone rudely finished.
Interesting and Varied Program Will Be Presented at the Auditorium.
While the musical attractions at the exposition during the past week were of unusual excellence the coming week promises to eclipse them in point of interest and in educational value. A series of entertainments will be given extending over the entire week which will constitute an education in themselves and aside from the attractions offered by the exposition grounds will constitute inducement sufficient to draw crowded houses anywhere in the civilized world.
The concert by the Theodore Thomas orchestra this afternoon at 4 o'clock will be but the beginning of the feast of music which bids fair to satiate the desire of the public for music of the highest class. Mr. Edward Schuecker, the harpist of the organization, will be the soloist and will play one of his own compositions. Mr. Schuecker's playing has won for him a place in the estimation of the people of this section as well as all the rest of the country, for his connection of eight years with the Thomas orchestra has made him well known to the music loving public in all sections of this broad land. In addition to the harp solo the program will include among other good things the intermezzo from "Nalia," the "Ruy Blas" overture and Rubinstein's galloping "Cavalry."
Monday evening the exposition chorus of Omaha will sing Cowan's "Rose Maiden," with orchestral accompaniment. The concert will be under the direction of Mr. T. J. Kelly and the soloists will be Miss Jennie Osborne, soprano; Miss Mabelle Crawford, alto; Mr. Holmes Cowper, tenor, and Mr. Charles W. Clarke, bass. The "Rose Maiden" is a most beautiful composition and the chorus has it well in hand.
Tuesday afternoon the orchestra will play a matinee concert, the soloist on this occasion being Miss Silence Dales of Lincoln, a young girl 16 years of age, who is said to play the violin with a high degree of skill.
Tuesday evening a short concert will precede the meeting of the educational convention. This concert will be but three-quarters of an hour in length, but its excellence will fully atone for its brevity.
On Wednesday afternoon will be given one of the most elaborate performances since the beginning of the exposition. The Minneapolis choral society, 250 strong, will sing "Isaiah," an oratorio composed by the conductor of the society, Mr. Willard Patten of Minneapolis, an American musician whose name is destined to a place among the list of America's greatest composers. The performance will be under the direction of Mr. Patten himself, and the praise which this work has received in eastern musical centers whenever it has been performed, together with the reputation of the great chorus under the direction of the composer, gives promise of an entertainment which will pack the big Auditorium to the limit of its capacity. The soloists for this occasion will be Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson, Mrs. Katherine Fisk, Mr. Frederick Carberry and Mr. Charles W. Clark.
Thursday marks the beginning of the Congress of Musicians, and the evening concerts in the Auditorium will be made up exclusively of the works of American composers, affording a treat which is rarely enjoyed by lovers of music. Many of the composers will be present during these performances, and this fact will add to the enjoyment of the occasion.
Texas Men Come to the Exposition to Verify Reports of Its Greatness.
Charles Peterson of Rock Island, Tex., president of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Immigration association and a former resident of Omaha, made a flying visit to Omaha and the exposition Friday of the last week to see the Texas exhibit and the general plan and scope of the exposition. The Texas exhibit at the exposition is made by the association of which Mr. Peterson is president and the Houston Business league. A joint session of these associations was held in Texas recently, which was attended by Prof. Atwater, superintendent of the exhibit installed in the Agriculture building, which illustrates a variety of the products of South Texas.
The accounts of the exposition made by Prof. Atwater were so glowing that the suspicions of the officers of the society were excited, and it was intimated very politely that the professor was "tucking it on." The flying trip of President Peterson was for the purpose of verifying the reports of Prof. Atwater and, judging from the statements made by Mr. Peterson before starting for home, he will tell his associates that Prof. Atwater did not tell the half of the story. He assured Vice President Johnson and Prof. Atwater that the already large exhibit will be supplemented by a large quantity of fresh material, and that more money will be devoted to maintaining the exhibit and [?]
The combined associations which are making the exhibit for South Texas will hold a business meeting on the exposition grounds July 15.
August 18 has been selected as "Texas Day," and energetic efforts are being made to work up a big excursion of Texas people on that occasion. The matter has been taken up by the association making the exhibit, and President Peterson stated that nothing is being left undone to make the affair a success. He says the feeling of friendship in the southern part of the state for Nebraska is so strong that little difficulty is anticipated in securing a large crowd to visit the exposition on the day selected for the Lone Star state.
State Commission Takes Matter in Hand and Will Bring Some Fruit.
All the members of the Kansas Exposition commission with the execption of Secretary Greer have returned home and each individual member of the body will devote himself for the next few weeks to collecting material for the Kansas exhibits. The people in all sections of the state have been profuse in their promises of fruit, grains, etc., but the promises have not been fulfilled and the commission will now take the matter in its own hands and see to it personally that the material is secured. The horticulture exhibit in particular has been neglected and the appearance of the material composing this exhibit in the Horticulture building has not contributed to the reputation of the state. The other exhibitors in the building have protested against allowing this exhibit to remain in its present condition, especially as it is not labeled with the name of the state, but it is promised that new material will be shipped at once and the spot made to blossom as the rose.
Music at the Exposition.
Exposition music for today, June 26, will be:
Theodore Thomas' Chicago orchestra, Auditorium, 4 p. m. Special popular program. Mr. A. Schuecker, harp soloist. Admission, 10 cents.
Monday evening, June 27, Exposition Chorus, Cowan's "Rose Maiden," under the direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelley. Soloists: Miss Jenny Osborne, soprano; Miss Mabelle Crawford, alto; Mr. Holmes Cowper, tenor; Mr. Charles W. Clark, basso. Admission, 25 cents.
Wednesday afternoon, June 29, 3 o'clock: Patten's "Isaiah," under the direction of the composer, Willard Patten. The Minneapolis chorus. Soloists: Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson, soprano; Mrs. Katherine Fiske, contralto; Mr. Frederick Carberry, tenor; Mr. Charles W. Clark, basso. Admission, 25 cents.
Given in the Auditorium by the Dubuque Choral Association.
The Dubuque Choral association, under the direction of Mr. William H. Pontius, gave a performance of the "Creation" by Haydn and "Barbara Frietchie" by Jules Jordan last evening at the exposition Auditorium in the presence of an audience of about 1,000 people. The chorus numbered seventy-five singers, but sang with a volume of tone that would have done credit to twice that number. Prof. Pontius is a good drillmaster. He is full of life and has such confidence in himself and in his singers that he carries them through all sorts of difficulties with perfect safety when one less confident would meet disaster. By this it is not meant that the members of the choral association are not equal to the work chosen for performance, but instead simply a just tribute to the conductor. His interpretation of the oratorio was musicianly and his choice of tempi almost always accurate. He is not as familiar with the orchestra as he should be and in conducting the recitatives he made the task rather difficult by neglecting to mark with precision the beginning of each bar. If he had been before a body of less thorough musicians than those of the Thomas orchestra he might have had trouble at times last evening. The singing of the chorus was full of spirit and merited the enthusiastic applause which was accorded to all its work. The music of the "Creation" is intricate and far from easy, but all the difficulties were successfully met and conquered. Dubuque has just cause to be proud of its choral association.
The soloists were Mrs. Sophia Markee, soprano; Mr. Henry Stowe, tenor, and Mr. Homer Moore, baritone. Miss Estelle Rose was announced as the contralto and was brought all the way from New York to sing the contralto part in the "Creation," but as there never has been any such part in the oratorio, of course, she did not sing it. This oversight by composer Haydn, who evidently did not foresee the action of the musical department of the exposition compelled it to look about for something else for Miss Rose to sing and an appeal was [?] Mr. Handel, well known in Omaha as the composer of "The Messiah," selections from which were recently given by the Apollo club of Chicago. The result was that Miss Rose sang the beautiful aria, "Lascia Ch'io Piango," from "Rinaldo," displaying a lovely contralto voice and a most artistic style of singing. It is to be hoped that she may yet be engaged for an oratorio in which there is a part for her and that she may be heard under circumstances that will afford her an opportunity to show her full powers as an artist. She will sing a solo this morning at the First Congregational church at the regular service.
Mrs. Markee possesses a clear soprano voice of especially good quality in the upper register and considerable flexibility. Her singing is not broad enough for oratorio, but further study will secure all the needed improvement. She was well received by the audience.
The tenor, Mr. Stowe, has a lyric voice of considerable power and sings in a musicianly manner. He is fond of his high notes and occasionally sacrifices the integrity of the interpretation in order to demonstrate their existence. He was also well received, as was also the baritone, Homer Moore.
The concert closed with a short patriotic cantata by Mr. Jordan, the best music in which is "The Star Spangled Banner." The playing of the orchestra was fully as artistic as one would expect from the musicians who compose it.
Card to the Public.
Upon completing our duties as architects-in-chief of the Transmississippi and International Exposition we wish to give public expression to our appreciation of the services of the professional men who have been associated with us in this enterprise. We feel that the measure of success of the architecture and grounds, which is, we believe, universally acknowledged, is due to the training, skill, energy, and specially to the earnest good will and unity of action of the architects of the principal buildings. We also wish to recognize our indebtedness to Mr. Luther Stieringer and Mr. Henry Rustin for the scheme of lighting of the grounds and for the perfection of that scheme, which we believe has never been equalled in its effect; also, especially to Mr. Rudolph Ulrich for his indefatigable and successful labors in laying out and bringing to completion the landscape architecture; to Mr. H. Weatherwax for his efficient and untiring services both as chief draughtsman and as construction engineer, and to Mr. William Bellamy, the sanitary engineer, for his invaluable assistance in that department. While in many directions we have received valuable advice and aid, we desire the public to know that it is above all to the united efforts and cordial co-operation of professional men of well known and unusual ability that the credit of success is due.
Proclaims the Turnfest.
OMAHA, June 25.—To the Citizens of Omaha: I have been requested to announce that the Transmississippi Turnfest will hold its annual meeting in our city, beginning June 30, an continuing until July 3. This society of our German-American citizens is one of the most important organizations in the country for promoting strong physical manhood and womanhood.
There will be more than 500 performing turners in attendance, and at least 10,000 people are expected to visit the city during this annual meeting. The colors and badges and of the turnfest will be on sale at the flag stores of the city, and our citizens are requested to decorate their residences and places of business in honor of the occasion.
All Ready for the Transmississippi Educational Convention.
Large Attendance Assured by Returns to Inquiries of the Local Executive Committee.
The current week will be made notable for Omaha and the exposition by the Transmississippi Educational convention, composed of teachers and others interested directly or indirectly in the progress of education in the states of the Transmississippi country.
The indications are that it will be one of the most brilliant aggregations of educators ever held in the west. Prominent people from all over the country are coming, and several thousand delegates are sure to be in attendance. The local committees have been busily engaged arranging the final details the last week, and everything is now announced to be in readiness. On the program for the three days' meeting there appear the names of over 160 persons and it is thought there will be very few vacancies in the list of participants.
The convention proper opens on Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock at the exposition Auditorium. It will be presided over by Dr. A. F. Nightingale, superintendent of the Chicago High schools. The music will be furnished by the Thomas orchestra. On Wednesday morning at Boyd's theater the first of the down town general sessions begins.
The complete program which has been making for the last few weeks, is ready, and is now being printed and will be ready for distribution on Tuesday morning. The plan of the National Educational association has been largely followed, with the result that a program has been completed that will compare well with that of any similar convention that has ever been held in this country. The program includes addresses by men of high reputation in the educational world and from all parts of the United States. There are to be five sessions of the general meetings and thirteen conferences on special subjects, of two sessions each.
On the program for the general sessions are addresses as follows: Hon. J. Sterling Morton, former secretary of agriculture, original founder of Arbor day, and who has made a careful study of tree culture, will speak on "The Conservation of Forests, Re-Afforestation, and Arbor Day." Arbor day has become a general celebration in the public schools of this country, and is a subject in which teachers are everywhere interested. President George A. Gates of Iowa college will speak on "The Training of the Citizen in a Democracy." Superintendent J. F. Millspaugh of Salt Lake City will present an address on "The Relative Value of Scholarship and Training for Teachers." Superintendent J. F. Keating of Pueblo, Colo., will discuss "The Ideal Grammar School." Miss Maud Summers of Chicago, representing the American Federation of Women's clubs, will try to impress the attendants with the necessity for the "Co-operation of Women's Clubs and Teachers." Superintendent A. B. Warner of Missouri Valley has an address on "What is the Teacher Problem," and Superintendent Aaron Gove of Denver one on "Do Our Schools Cost Too Much." At the evening session of the second day Hon. W. W. Stetson, state superintendent of public instruction of Maine, is down for an address on "The Condition and Needs of Rural Schools," and Prof. Albion W. Small of the University of Chicago will talk on "Education and the New Americanism." The speakers and subjects for the general sessions of the final day include addresses by Richard Waterman of the Kosminsky school of Chicago on "The Function of Manual Training in the Elementary School;" by Prof. Seymour Eaton of the Drexel Institute of Philadelphia, on "Commercial Instruction in Our Schools;" by Superintendent F. Louis Soldan of St. Louis, on "Morality and the Public Schools;" by Mrs. L. F. Young, assistant superintendent of schools at Chicago, on "Ethics in the Teaching Force," and by President E. Benjamin Andrews of Brown university, on "The Public School System as an Instrument of Social Advance."
The evening sessions of the general meetings are to be held in the Auditorium on the exposition grounds, which seats 3,500 people, and are to be opened with music by the Thomas orchestra, which is now playing an engagement for the exposition. The morning sessions are to be held at Boyd's theater which is commodious and conveniently located. The conferences have been arranged by educators who have made special studies [?]
Conference Programs.
The conference upon Boards of Education has been arranged by Hon. G. H. Trewin of Lansing, Ia., and includes papers by William George, editor of the American School Board Journal of Milwaukee; by Hon. J. M. Chatterson of the Louisville, Ky., Board of Education; Hon. J. W. Garside of the Atchison, Kas., Board of Education; by Hon. John Schwaab of the Cincinnati, O., Board of Education; President Paul F. Coste of the St. Louis, Mo., Board of Education; President L. M. Mann of the Des Moines, Ia., Board of Education, and President B. Zimerman of the St. Paul, Minn., Board of Education.
The conference on rural schools has been arranged by Hon. John R. Kirk, state superintendent of schools of Missouri, in which he has enlisted the participation among others of county superintendents L. H. Knowles of Marion, Kas., George L. Farley of Plattsmouth, Neb., George A. Peairs of Lawrence, Kas., Ainsley L. Dayhoff of Hutchinson, Kas., T. S. Johnson of Beloit, Kas., S. M. Barrett of Independence, Mo., Jessie N. Galloway of Wahoo, Neb., and M. R. Howard of Leavenworth, Kas.
The conference on secondary schools and colleges is under the direction of President William F. Slocum, jr., of Colorado college, and among the educators who will discuss the questions presented are Dr. A. H. Daniels of the University of Illinois, Dr. Arthur Allin of the University of Colorado, Superintendent J. H. VanSickle of Denver, Chancellor George E. MacLean of the University of Nebraska, Principal Irwin Leviston of the Omaha High school, Dr. A. F. Nightingale, superintendent of the Chicago High schools, Prof. L. E. Holden of Beloit college, President W. S. Chaplin of Washington university, and President George A. Gates of Iowa college. The conference for science teachers under Prof. Charles E. Bessey of the University of Nebraska has been arranged for nearly every branch of natural and applied science. Among those who will participate in this conference are: Prof. Charles S. Palmer of the University of Colorado, Prof. F. E. Nipher of Washington university, President C. L. Mees of Rose Polytechnic institute at Terra Haute, Prof. H. T. Eddy of the University of Minnesota, Prof. Herbert A. Howe of the University of Denver, Prof. Thimas H. McBride of the University of Iowa, Prof. Albert S. Hitchcock of the Kansas Agricultural college, Prof. Henry B. Ward of the University of Nebraska, Prof. J. H. Powers of Doane college, Prof. H. W. Norris of Iowa college, Prof. Erasmus Howorth of the University of Kansas, Prof. R. H. Marbut of the University of Missouri, Prof. G. P. Grimesley of Washburn college, Prof. J. E. Todd of the University of South Dakota and Prof. E. H. Barbour of the University of Nebraska. The array of educational talent in the conference for teachers of English, arranged by Dr. Edwin M. Hopkins of the University of Kansas, is almost as impressive. Among those who will present papers or take part in the discussion are Dr. L. A. Sherman of the University of Nebraska, Superintendent W. M. Davidson of Topeka, Prof. George M. Marshall of the University of Utah, Prof. Albert E. Jack of Lake Pierce college, Dr. Charles Graham Dunlap of the University of Kansas, Prof. J. Scott Clark of Northwestern university, Superintendent W. H. Skinner of Nebraska City, Superintendent H. E. Kratz of Sioux City, Ia.; Dr. Edward A. Allen of the University of Missouri, Prof. W. F. Brewer of the Montana College of Agriculture, Prof. J. V. Denny of the Ohio State university and Prof. C. F. Ansley of the University of Nebraska.
The conference of history teachers is under Prof. F. M. Fling of the University of Nebraska. Prof. Fling has endeavored to make his conference the starting point for an organization of transmississippi history teachers and a part of one of the sessions will be devoted to the consideration of a plan for such an association.
The other conferences, while of no less importance, must be passed by with mere reference. That of teachers in agricultural colleges and experiment stations is under the direction of President W. M. Beardshear of the State Agricultural college at Ames, Ia., and will enlist the support of a large number of the most prominent professors and experts in the various experiment stations and agricultural colleges of the west. The conference for teachers of manual and industrial training, under Principal Gilbert B. Morrison of the Kansas City Manual Training High school, offers an attractive program. The same is true of the conference for kindergarten teachers, under Mrs. Orietta Shields Chittenden of the Omaha kindergartens, and the conference for drawing teachers, under Mrs. Matilda Evans Riley, supervisor of drawing at St. Louis. The conference for music teachers is under the direction of Mr. C. H. Cogdon, supervisor of music at St. Paul, Minn., and that for teachers of the deaf and blind under Prof. J. A. Gillespie of the Omaha School for the Deaf. The conference on child study is under the direction of Mrs. Grace Bibb Sudborough of the Omaha High school, who has been [?]
Linnie Haguewood to Be Here.
Another feature of the program just announced is the appearance of Linnie Haguewood, the Iowa deaf and blind girl, who has been taught to do so many wonderful things and who will illustrate by exercises the work of deaf instruction.
There is a possibility that the convention will have the pleasure of hearing Dr. Albert Shaw talk on some education subjects. The editor of the Review of Reviews will be in the city next week and has been invited to make an address.
With the assistance of the advisory board the list of participants has been made to include representative educators from something like twenty-five states and there will be visitors from still more. The local executive committee consists of Superintendent C. G. Pearse, J. M. Gillan, J. A. Utt, Victor Rosewater and State Superintendent W. R. Jackson. The advisory board of the states includes the following: Arizona, James McNaughton, State Normal school; Arkansas, Junius Jordan, state superintendent; California, Samuel T. Black, state superintendent; Colorado, Grace E. Patton, state superintendent; Idaho, Louis N. B. Anderson, state superintendent; Iowa, A. B. Warner, superintendent, Missouri Valley; Kansas, A. R. Taylor, State Normal school; Louisiana, J. V. Calhoun, state superintendent; Minnesota, W. W. Pendergast, state superintendent; Missouri, W. H. Martin, principal, Kansas City; Montana, A. E. Carleton, state superintendent; Nebraska, J. W. Crabtree, state inspector of High schools; Nevada, J. E. Stubbs, State university; New Mexico, Manuel C. DeBaca, state superintendent; North Dakota, Joseph Kennedy, superintendent, Grank Forks; Oklahoma, S. N. Hopkins, state superintendent; Oregon, G. M. Irwin, state superintendent; South Dakota, C. M. Pinkerton, superintendent, Lead City; Texas, W. H. Kimbrough, superintendent, Houston; Utah, J. R. Park, state superintendent; Washington, Frank J. Browne, state superintendent; Wyoming, Estelle Reel, state superintendent.
The management of the exposition has made arrangements for the concerts of the Thomas orchestra to take place just before the convention assembles each evening in the Auditorium and the opening music of the proceedings will be played by this grand organization of musicians. Miss Fannie Arnold has arranged the program of music for the convention.
The delegates will scarcely lack for entertainment. On Thursday evening a big reception will be given the teachers at the city hall building from 9 to 11 p. m. Tuesday is Educational day at the exposition.
There are increasing assurances of a very large attendance from immediately surrounding territory, partly by reason of the concessions made by the railroads in allowing of a flat one-fare rate to Omaha for a radius of 150 miles, which will generally be taken advantage of. A rate of one fare plus $2 has been made for the meeting by the lines of the Western Passenger association. This rate will be made in all the territory from Wisconsin, Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis westward to and including Utah and Idaho. The Summer School of Methods, which is now in session in Omaha and which is being attended by about 400 teachers, is an additional attraction for the teachers who count upon being present. This school will practically use the convention—and quite fortunate it will be for those attending—as a supplementary course. The summer school in session at the State university at Lincoln has decided to adjourn for three days in order to come to this city and get the benefit of the instruction offered by the convention and to make the acquaintance of noted educators who are to speak.
Palms and Ferns from New York.
The exhibits in the Horticulture building have been augmented by a carload of palms, ferns and decorative plants, including a fine lot of bay trees from Seabrecht & Son of New York City and a car of rare varieties of palms and ferns from Henry A. Dreer of Philadelphia. These fine specimens have added materially to the appearance of the interior of the building, which is now completely filled with the exception of the large space in the southwest corner reserved for the Colorado horticulture exhibit.
American Institute of Engineers to Meet Here During the Week.
The electricians of Omaha have made arrangements for the reception of the delegation of visiting brethren who will arrive here Monday morning to hold the fifteenth general meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The three days' session will bring together a thoroughly representative body of men from all parts of the country. Papers will be read at the meeting which may be expected to attract widespread attention, besides being of great interest and profit to those present.
About 150 engineers are expected to reach the city on the early train on the Burlington from Chicago. The general headquarters of the convention have been established at the Millard, and those who stop there will be escorted by a committee appointed to look after them. A general committee on reception and entertainment has attended to all the details for the entertainment of the visitors during the daily meetings. This committee consists of J. J. Dickey, chairman; Andrew Rosewater, L. H. Korty, W. F. White, Frank Murphy, W. S. Dimmock, C. O. Fuller, Luther Drake, Hon. J. A. Creighton, C. E. Yost, H. Vance Lane, F. A. Nash, E. F, Schurig, A. S. Rogers, W. W. Umstead, Henry Rustin, Israel Lovett, Prof. R. B. Owens.
The convention will meet at 10 o'clock Monday morning in the Royal Arcanum hall in The Bee building. The outline of the local program will be as follows:
Monday—9 a. m., business meeting at convention hall; 2. p. m., visit to the smelting works and the Union Pacific shops; 7:30 p. m., complimentary visit to the Coliseum and complimentary initiation into the order of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben.
Tuesday—9 a. m., business meeting; 1:30 p. m., trip to South Omaha; evening trolley party.
Among the special points of interest for the visitors will be the electrical exhibits in the Machinery building at the fair and the scheme of lighting and decorations on the buildings and grounds. The feature of interest at the car shops will be the pneumatic plant.
The following papers will be read before the convention in succession until the conclusion of the institute:
Inaugural address, President Dr. A. E. Kennelly of Philadelphia.
"The Dielectric Strength of Air," by C. P. Steinmetz of Schenectady, N. Y.
"Two-Wire Distributing Systems and Lamps at 220-240 Volts," by John W. Howell of Newark, N. J.
"A Capillary Electrometer for Electrical Measurements," by Charles F. Burgess of Madison, Wis.
"Alternating Current Transformers from the Station Manager's Viewpoint," by W. F. White of Omaha, Neb.
"The Graphical Treatment of Alternating Currents in Branching Circuits, with Special Reference to the Case of Variable Frequency," by Dr. H. T. Eddy of Minneapolis, Minn.
"Some Phases of the Rapid Transit Problem," by Albert H. Armstrong of Schenectady, N. Y.
"The Evolution of the Line Signal," by Arthur V. Abbott of Chicago.
"The Commutated Curve of a Composite Wound Alternator," by D. C. Jackson of Madison, Wis.
"Alternate Current Working for Laboratory and Testing Purposes," by Harris J. Ryan of Ithaca.
"High Voltage Power Transmission," by Charles F. Scott of Pittsburg, Pa.
"Preliminary Report of Committee on Standardization," by Dr. Francis B. Crocker, chairman.
"Transmission and Distribution of Power for Railway Service," by Ernst J. Berg of Schenectady, N. Y.
"The Education of Electrical Apprentices and Journeymen," by Arthur A. Hamerschlag of New York City.
"Air Gap and Core Distribution—The Magnetic Flux and Its Effect Upon Regulation and Efficiency of Dynamo Electric Machinery," by W. E. Goldsborough of Lafayette, Ind.
"The Imperial Electric Light, Heat and Power Plant of St. Louis," by George A. Damon of Chicago.
"Some Tests with an Induction Generator," by A. F. McKissick of Auburn, Ala.
Exhibitors Are Organizing.
A meeting of the leading exhibitors on the grounds was held at the Press building yesterday for the purpose of perfecting an organization and deciding on plans for the regulation of an exhibitors' club. W. H. Sutherlin, chairman of the Montana commission, is the temporary president of the club and C. W. Field of Minnesota, secretary. Nearly an hour was spent in discussing plans of organization, which contemplate a union of the exhibitors both for business and social purposes. It is proposed to secure space in one of the main buildings for the headquarters of the club. A permanent organization was postponed until after this had been attended to. Another meeting will be held Monday, at which the arrangements [?]
Next Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at the First Congregational church the National Congress of Musicians will hold its opening session and inaugurate a series of events in the realm of art the like to which has never occurred in this country. Never before have so many of the representative musicians from all parts of the United States combined their efforts in the cause of American music, and seldom, if ever before, have so many of the very first rank taken upon themselves the discomfort of a long journey during the heat of summer, without remuneration, for the sole purpose of advancing the cause of good music. If the people of Omaha and this vicinity fully appreciate the sacrifice which has been made by those who are to take an active part in the congress the sessions of the congress will be thronged by interested listeners who not only desire to avail themselves of the musical advantages offered, but are anxious alike to do honor to the visiting musicians and to our own city. When this congress was first proposed the objection was offered that there was not musical interest enough at this longitude to make worth while the sacrifice in time and labor involved in preparing the addresses and performances and the visit to this city. The fact that these great leaders in the musical thought of the country are to be here this week, deliver addresses and give performances is evidence that they do think it is worth while and that they will be greeted by cultivated, appreciative audiences. It will be greatly to the advantage of Omaha and especially to the musical department of the exposition if these visitors go back to their homes filled with the idea that Omaha is really the musical center of the middle west, that its people understand, believe in and are devoted to the art and that the patrons of the exposition from near and far are here not only to while away a few days in satisfying an idle curiosity, but that they also wish to increase their knowledge of the various departments of human industry and culture and bring themselves into a closer relationship with the progress of the world as a whole. If the musical congress receives the sort of support which its magnitude deserves it will not be difficult in the future to organize great musical enterprises in the west, but should it fail to receive commensurate recognition it will be a long time before a voice crying in the wilderness will receive such hearty responses and such cordial co-operation as have made the National Congress of Musicians an impending fact of gigantic magnitude and immeasurable influence.
At the opening exercises next Thursday morning, Mr. Homer Moore, chairman of the national executive committee, will deliver an address upon the nature and scope of the congress and the great object about which all else in the selection of subjects for addresses and of numbers for the musical performances has centered, namely, the development of a truly American school of musical composition and the encouragement here at home of our own artists and musicians. Messrs. William H. Sherwood, Dr. Gerritt Smith, A. M. Foerster, John C. Fillmore and Ernst R. Kroeger, of the national executive committee, will be present and make short addresses. The Transmississippi Exposition and its Musical department and the Bureau of Education, will be represented; also the Woman's club, by the courtesy of which the congress is enabled to hold its day sessions in the First Congregational church.
At the close of the opening exercises, at 10:15 o'clock, Mr. Johannes Wolfram of Cleveland, O., will deliver an address upon "The Beautiful in Music and in Nature," laying special stress explaining that attribute of our minds which makes it possible for us to distinguish the affects of our various experiences as either beautiful or ugly, and also on an elucidation of the characteristics of and nature which constitute their beauty. At 11 o'clock a vocal and instrumental recital will be given, the program of which will be announced later. At 1:30 p. m., Mr. William L. Tomlins, whose recent visit to this city as conductor of the Chicago Apollo club is fresh in every ones' mind, will deliver an address upon "Music and the Development of Child Individuality." Mr. Tomlins holds that there is a definite relationship between the rythmical occurrences of life, such as the succession of the seasons, of day and night, of the beating of the heart and the more complex rythms which constitute music. He holds that life itself is but a variety of rythms and that music involving as it does all kinds and degrees, enters with a power that is but faintly realized, into the development of the child nature. Mr. Tomlins has been working upon this problem and testing it by experiments with his children's classes, whose members have numbered thousands upon thousands, during the last twenty years, and he has at last resigned the conductorship of the Apollo club that he may give his entire time to instructing teachers to so educate musically the children in their charge as to forward their development according to the principles which he has involved. Mr. Tomlins will be followed by Mr. William Armstrong, musical editor of the Chicago Tribune, who will deliver an address upon "The Artistic Temperament." Mr. Armstrong enjoys a very large and intimate acquaintance with the great artists and has made a careful study of their dispositions and natures. No one is better qualified than he to explain the mysterious influence which they are able to exert over their audiences. At 3 o'clock the second recital for the day will be given.
At 8:15 in the evening the first grand concert of the Congress will take place at Boyd's theater. It was the original intention that this concert would be given at the First Congregational church, but the prospects for a large attendance and the nature of the program have caused the change in place to be made and it is desired to emphasize the fact that the concert Thursday evening will take place at Boyd's theater. The program will commence with a symphony composed by Harry Rowe Shelley of New York and produced a year ago in that city by the Seidl orchestra with great success. It will be played Thursday evening by the Thomas orchestra under the direction of Mr. Arthur Mees. Miss Anna Metcalf of St. Louis will follow with an aria entitled "Pleurez, pleurez mes yeux!" from "Le Cid," by Massenet. Miss Georgia Kober of Chicago will play one movement from the great concerto in A minor by the Norwegian composer, Eduard Grieg. Mr. Harry J. Fellows of New York will sing the famous tenor aria from "Faust," by Gounod, entitled "Salve di More." He will be followed by Mrs. Gerritt Smith of New York, who will sing an aria yet to be selected. After the orchestra shall have performed the prelude to "Lohengrin," by Wagner, Miss Rita Lorton of Nebraska City, a singer well known in this state and recently returned from several years' study in London and Paris, will sing an aria entitled "A Vesta," by Gluck.
It is the policy of the congress to encourage home folks and to give those who attend its performances opportunity to get acquainted with the ability of those who have been with the ability of those who have been or are citizens of the middle west. Miss Lorton will be followed by Dr. Albert Ross Parsons, director of the piano department of the Metropolitan Conservatory of Music, New York, who will play one or two movements from a piano concerto by Hiller. Mrs. Martin Cahn of Omaha will follow with the celebrated aria entitled "Leise fromme Weise," from "Der Freischutz," by Weber, which she sings by special request. The last number of the program will consist of a new suite for orchestra composed especially for this congress by Mr. A. M. Foerster of Pittsburg and to be performed here for the first time Thursday evening by the Thomas orchestra under the direction of Mr. Arthur Mees.
It is a great pleasure to announce that Mr. Mees will be the regular conductor of the evening concerts of the congress, and no one better qualified for the work could be found anywhere. His experience has been the broadest and he is equally at home conducting either vocal or instrumental compositions. He has entered into the work of the congress with an earnestness and an interest which assure that everything which he is called upon to do will be done as well as the time and circumstances permit. It is not small task to study a dozen new orchestral scores, the most of them in badly written manuscript, and so interpret them as to represent the composers' wishes. All the standard works such as are found on the average program have traditional renderings which every conductor [?]
new school of music the traditions must be formed and the interpretation thought out and felt out by the conductor himself. That Mr. Mees is fully equal to this task no one who knows him can question for a moment, and a number of composers have preferred that he should conduct their works than that they themselves should do it, expressing the belief that the performance would be more satisfactory under his direction than under their own. His hearty sympathy with American music and broad acquaintance with American musicians fit him particularly for the work in hand.
The first session of the congress on Friday, July 1, will begin at 9:30 a. m., when Mr. John S. VanCleve of Chicago will deliver an address upon "The Influence Upon Music of Greek and German Mythology." The development of opera from the very beginning down to the present time has been dependent upon these two sources for its inspiration and for its action. At 10:15 Dr. Gerrit Smith of New York will deliver an address upon "The Place and Influence of the Organ in the Development of Musical Art." Dr. Smith is one of the leading organists of New York, and, besides, a man of liberal education, well fitted to discuss any subject connected with his art. At 11 o'clock the third recital of the congress will take place. At 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Katherine Fiske, who sang with such success the alto part at the recent performance of the "Elijah" with the Chicago Apollo club, will give an illustrated lecture upon "The Voice as a Painter of Emotion." Mrs. Fiske is a careful student and well informed upon all the resources which a singer uses in the interpretation of music. There is no one better qualified than she to tell how it is that a great artist "puts expression" into singing. Her discourse will be profusely illustrated by vocal selections covering a wide range of musical literature, and she will have the assistance of Miss Rita Lorton. Mrs. Fiske will be followed by Dr. Albert Ross Parsons of New York, whose lecture will be upon the subject, "The Soul of Wagner's Music," a theme to which he has devoted years of study and upon which he is especially well informed. Owing to the large amount of Wagner music to be performed on Friday Dr. Parsons' discourse will be timely and will add much to its enjoyment, as it will explain many points not generally understood. At 3 o'clock Mr. William H. Sherwood, assisted by Miss Jennie Osborne, will give a recital.
Immediately following the concert there will be an exhibition of 100 stereopticon views representing scenes and characters in the music dramas. During the last ten years Mr. Moore has canvassed the art collections and photographers' studios of Europe and America for pictures of anything pertaining to the Wagner works and as a result possesses a collection of views which represent all the scenes in the music dramas, many of them as they were presented at Bayreuth, portraits of nearly all the great artists in the costumes of their principal roles and reproductions of numerous idealizations upon canvas of the great scenes from all the operas from "Rienzi" to "Parsifal." There are also portraits of King Ludwig II, Liszt and other friends of the composer. There are five portraits of Wagner himself, revealing him as he appeared from early manhood to the time of his death. Besides these there are a number of caricatures which appeared in the German, French and English journals at a time when the "music of the future" and its composer were objects of ridicule. Even those who have seen the music dramas produced upon the stage will find these pictures of great interest and to those who have never had the privilege of seeing them they will be a revelation.
Saturday morning at 9:30 Mr. A. J. Goodrich of Chicago will lecture upon "The Relativity of Tones." Mr. Goodrich is one of the greatest musical theorists in the world and is especially at home in the subject assigned him. He has more musical mysteries to solve than any other person upon the program of the Congress and his address may be safely anticipated with the keenest interest. At 10:15 Mr. John Comfort Fillmore of California will open the series of essays upon Indian music, which has caused Saturday to be denominated "Indian music day." He will be followed by a recital by Miss Katherine Bloodgood and Dr. Albert Ross Parsons. At 1:15 Miss Alice C. Fletcher of Harvard university will deliver an address upon "The Psychic Nature of Indian Music," and she will be followed by Mr. Francis La Flesche of Washington, D. C., whose lecture will be upon "The Omaha Indian Songs of War and Peace." Mr. La Flesche is now in the northern part of the state securing a number of Indian singers, who will assist him in illustrating his discourse. At 3 o'clock a recital will be given by Mr. Bernhard Listemann of Chicago and Miss Jennie Dutton of New York. From 5 to 6 o'clock a reception will be given to the visiting musicians at the residence of Mr. G. W. Lininger.
At 8:15 at the Exposition Auditorium the third grand concert of the congress will be given. The program is as follows: Indian suite by MacDowell, the Thomas orchestra; aria, to be selected, Miss Adele Mabel Bryant of New York; largo, American Symphony, Dvorak, the Thomas orchestra; aria, "He is Kind," "Herodiade" Massenet, Miss Jennie Dutton of New York; Hiawatha Suite, Ernst R. Kroeger, the Thomas orchestra; aria, to be selected, Miss Katherine Bloodgood; concerto for piano, in G minor, Saint Saens, Mr. William H. Sherwood of Chicago; aria, "I am at Last Alone," "Queen of Saba," Gounod, Miss Jennie Osborne of Chicago; Melpomene overture, George W. Chadwick, the Thomas orchestra. This number will be conducted by the composer. The remainder of the program will be given under the direction of Mr. Arthur Mees.
Monday, July 4, will be devoted entirely to American music and addresses will be delivered by N. Coe Stewart of Cleveland, O., George C. Gow of Vassar college and Louis C. Elson of Boston, Mass. The detailed programs will be announced in due time. A number of compositions by American composers will be produced and Mr. George W. Chadwick will be present to conduct a Suite which he has recently composed.
Messrs. Steinway and company of New York have, through their representative, Mr. Haas, placed their grand pianos at the service of the congress for its concerts and recitals.
MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1898.
Monday Morning Auspicious for the Coming Days of the Week.
Crowds of Country People Inspect the Buildings and Grounds.
National Council of Congregationalists and Christian Endeavorers.
Nelson Dingley of Maine Will Be Among the Visitors—Another Delegation of Editors is Sighted from the South.
Even with the counter attraction of a circus parade down town there was a fairly satisfactory Monday morning crowd at the exposition, and although there is no special feature of entertainment until the band concert at 4 o'clock the morning was so delightful that it could be nothing but enjoyable even in less pleasant surroundings. The morning attendance was largely composed of country people who came to the grounds early and set to work in earnest to make the most of their time and see as much as possible with the cool morning breeze made [?] about the grounds a pleasure.
The presence of another very distinguished body is assured for Friday. The National Council of Congregational Churches will meet in triennial session at Portland, Ore., July 7, and a large number of the eastern delegates will stop off to see the exposition on their way to the coast. Rev. H. A. Hazen of Auburndale, Mass., the secretary of the council, writes to General Manager Clarkson that a party of upward of 100 from the New England state will be here Friday and that another crowd of about equal proportions from Chicago will be here on the same day. Among the prominent Congregationalists who are included in the New England excursion is Nelson Dingley, chairman of the ways and means committee of the present congress, who is also moderator of the national council. The exposition management is preparing to receive the excursionists in an appropriate manner, but the precise program has not been determined on.
Tomorrow another party of newspaper men will be the guests of the exposition. This will include upward of fifty Kansas and Missouri editors, who will arrive at 7 o'clock in the morning in a special train which the Missouri Pacific railroad has placed at their disposal. They will be unloaded at the north gates of the grounds, where they will be properly received by representatives of the exposition and given the freedom of the grounds.
No definite information has yet been received by the management in regard to the probable number of the Christian Endeavorers who will arrive Saturday and remain in Omaha over Sunday. Their convention will be held at Nashville, and it is presumed that most of the delegates from the western and northwestern states will take advantage of the opportunity to stop over and enjoy a couple of days at the exposition before proceeding to their destination. Arrangements are in progress for a suitable celebration in connection with their visit and this will include religious services in the Auditorium next Sunday afternoon or evening.
Omaha People Seem to Prefer the Beauties Shown by Electricity.
Yesterday the exposition opened its gates for the fourth time on Sunday. If it was needed, the wisdom of the management again received strong endorsement, for the grounds were again peopled with a decorous throng. Sabbath's sanctity could not have been more rigorously respected anywhere than at the Transmississippi and International Exposition.
The last two days have thoroughly emphasised the fact that as far as the purely local attendance is concerned the exposition is becoming an evening show. Unless some exceptional feature inspires more than ordinary interest, comparatively few Omaha people come out before late in the afternoon and a large proportion of them wait until after 6 o'clock before they begin the trip to the grounds. The attendance during last week was sufficient to afford the management every reason for gratification, but it was noticeable that during the day the great proportion of the visitors were from out of town. After supper the local patronage was added to the crowd and in every case the evening attendance was nearly double that of the early part of the day. This is not regarded as surprising in view of the superior attraction that the exposition acquires after it is illuminated by the electric lamps. Then its beauties are augmented, and to spend an evening in the enclosure is like a visit to fairy land. Then the Midway, which is an important factor in enlisting the interest of the crowd, is in full swing and every feature of the big show is at its best. To visitors who wish to examine the exhibits and improve the extensive opportunities for profit that they afford a daylight visit is essential. But during the twenty-six days that the exposition has been opened a large proportion of the Omaha people have seen the greater part of this and they are now contented to come out and merely pass away a summer evening in the cool atmosphere that prevails on the grounds after sunset and admire the electric effects that never become tiresome, even though they are seen every night in the week. They are coming to realize that they can spend a thoroughly enjoyable evening on the grounds at a very moderate expense and this is always sufficient to bring out a crowd independently of any incidental feature.
Complaint of Concessionaires.
The fact is thoroughly appreciated by the concessionists who profit by the big evening crowds. As a result there is a general protest against the closing of the gates at 11 o'clock and in excluding all visitors from the grounds half an hour later. The concessionists aver that on some evenings their resorts are crowded when the closing time arrives and that since a considerable proportion of the visitors only come out in the evening they should be permitted to remain at least until the last street cars leave the grounds. This is one of the matters that will undoubtedly be [?]
The preference of the people for the evening attractions was again illustrated yesterday. The ideal weather conditions were favorable for a big Sunday crowd, but it did not materialize to any great extent until toward evening. The Thomas orchestra concert brought out a fair audience in the afternoon, but elsewhere on the grounds the crowd was comparatively emaciated. The night told a different story and by 8 o'clock the attendance had increased to very satisfactory proportions. This was in spite of the fact that there was no evening concert and the people depended solely on the illuminations and the attractive surroundings for their amusement.
The current week will be marked by scarcely less notable features than those which punctuated the week just past. The features for today are entirely of a musical character, but these are sufficiently interesting to deserve a liberal patronage. The Fourth Regiment band of Sioux City is scheduled to give its initial concert on the Grand Plaza at 4 o'clock, and in the evening there will be a grand choral concert in the Auditorium, at which the exposition chorus will sing Cowen's pretty cantata, "The Rose Maiden." The soloists will be Miss Jenny Osbourn, soprano; Miss Mabelle Crawford, alto; Mr. Holmes Cowper, tenor, and Mr. Charles W. Clark, basso. The production has been very conscientiously rehearsed and promises to be one of the most enjoyable musical events of the season.
Day for the Teachers.
Tuesday will be Educational Day and the beginning of the Transmississippi Educational convention will be marked by an elaborate celebration on the grounds and the attendance of the delegates who are expected from nearly all the transmississippi states. Wednesday the citizens of Montana will be the guests of the day and the advance information received by the railroads indicate that there will be a number of well patronized excursions from the principle cities of that state.
Thursday the members of the Transmississippi Turnvereins will have the right-of-way and the local turners who have worked up the enterprise expect to enjoy the presence of several thousand members of these well known organizations who will congregate from all the principal cities of the west. Friday brings a unique feature contributed by the Texas fruit growers, who will distribute a carload of luscious melons and grapes on the grounds, and Saturday will be dedicated to the Christian Endeavorers.
Sunday Afternoon Sees Another Goodly Audience to Hear Program.
The Sunday afternoon concerts in the Auditorium are proving very popular, and the great majority of the people who visit the exposition Sunday afternoons attend the concerts as a matter of course. The air of sanctity and repose which characterizes a religious edifice pervades the Auditorium on these occasions, and the behavior of the audience is markedly different on Sundays from the air which prevails at other times. These concerts are not dubbed "sacred," as the class of music habitually played by the organization under the direction of Mr. Mees is of the most elevating and inspiring kind and is always sacred in the opinion of every musician or lover of music.
The program presented by the orchestra yesterday was fully up to the high standard established by Director Mees and the large audience manifested its appreciation and enjoyment by frequent and hearty applause.
The feature of the concert was a 'cello solo by Mr. Bruno Steindel. Mr. Schuecker, the harpist, had been announced as the soloist, but Musical Director Kimball stated that Mr. Schuecker was ill and unable to appear. Mr. Steindel played "Cara Memoria," by Cervais, a beautiful composition with many opportunities for displaying technique in difficult compositions. Mr. Steindel's execution was excellent and he added several more leaves to the wreath of laurel with which he has been metaphorically crowned by exposition audiences. He was applauded both long and loud, the audience insisting on hearing him again and he goodnaturedly responded, repeating the latter portion of the composition.
The program opened with the ever beautiful "Ruy Blas" overture by Mendelssohn and included a number of the works of the most famous composers, among them being an air by Bach, prelude and minuet "L'Arlesienne" by Bizet, intermezzo of "Naila" by Delibes, Schubert's beautiful "Ave Maria," "Galloping Cavalry" by Rubinstein and "Visions in a Dream" by Lumbye, the latter a most interesting and charming number, including a small zither solo, which was played by Mr. C. Wunderle.
The entire performance was faultless in execution and many of the audience took occasion to personally express their enjoyment to Director Mees after the concert was over.
Band Concert for Today.
Manager Kimball of the Musical department of the exposition announces that the Fourth Regiment band of Sioux City will be here today and will play its first concert on the exposition grounds at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The band is under the leadership of M. E. Reed, who gives this as the program for today:
March—American Republic | Thiele |
Overture—Bohemian Girl | Balfe |
Czardis—Last Love | Braham |
Waltz—La Reine de la Mer | Sousa |
Grand Selection—Faust | Gounod |
March—Stars and Stripes Forever | Sousa |
Medley Overture—On Broadway | Beyer |
(a) Flower Song—Hearts and Flowers | Tobani |
(b) African Two-step—Cotton Blossoms | Hall |
Descriptive—The Cavalry Charge | Luders | Synopsis: Morning of the battle; infantry is heard approaching with fifes and drums; cavalry in the distance coming nearer and nearer, until they charge upon the enemy; cavalry, infantry and artillery in the melee of battle; defeat of the enemy; pursued in the distance by the cavalry. |
American National Airs | Keys |
Meeting of the Concessionaires.
The meeting of the Concessionaires' club at the Press building today was attended by representatives of nearly every concession on the grounds. The members entered into the discussions with marked interest, but the bulk of the proceedings related to matters of a purely business nature. The invitation of Manager von Szinnyey to hold the future meetings of the club in the banquet room of the German Village was accepted. The arrangements for the Fourth of July parade were discussed at some length, and it was stated that the event would be of a strikingly original and elaborate character. A special meeting of the club will be held Thursday to complete arrangements for the parade.
Notes of the Exposition.
The official statement shows that there were 4,878 paid admissions Saturday.
Sunday was a comparatively light day in point of attendance. The total paid admissions aggregated 2,965.
The Colorado educational exhibit has arrived and is being installed in the south gallery of the Liberal Arts building.
Superintendent Hardt of the Department of Exhibits is anxiously waiting for news of the Hawaiian and Mexican exhibits, which were scheduled to arrive on the grounds Tuesday.
The members of the concessionists committee who are in charge of the arrangements for the parade of all nations on July 4 have already made considerable progress and the success of the feature is considered assured.
It is stated that the famous Marshalltown, Ia., hose team has decided to enter in the Firemen's turnament which is schedued for the middle of September. A stock company is being formed in the Iowa city to back the team and it is proposed to organize the fastest team that has ever been sent out from Marshalltown.
The Pawnee City Military band, which filled an engagement at the exposition opening day, has been secured by Musical Director Kimball for a week's engagement, commencing July 11. The band will comprise forty-five musicians, well trained and under the leadership of E. L. Fulton. This band has been heard in Omaha on State fair occasions.
The Thomas orchestra will play a short program from 7:30 to 8:15 Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in connection with the meetings of the Transmississippi Educational congress in the Auditorium. The regular program will begin at the conclusion of the orchestral performance. At the opening session Tuesday night Hon. J. Sterling Morton will speak on "Conservation of Forests, Reafforestation and Arbor Day" and President Gates of Grinnell college will discuss "The Training of a Citizen in a Democracy."
American Institute of Electrical Engineers Begins Its Sessions.
Society of Eminent Scientists Gathers for Its One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Consecutive Consultation and Exchange of Ideas.
A society of the brightest and keenest brains of this and other countries, upon whose rolls appear the names of men known over the entire earth in both popular and scientific circles—the American Institute of Electrical Engineers—commenced its fifteen general and 126 consecutive meeting in Royal Arcanum hall in The Bee building this morning. The convention will conclude on the last day of the month, the four days of the meeting being taken up with deliberations, papers, discussions and sightseeing.
The institute has a membership of 1,100 at the present time, and among the names appear such as Edison, Bell, Thomsen and many others as popularly known in the electrical history of the world. A goodly contingent of men who are just as well known in the purely electrical world and are held up as authorities were in attendance at this morning's session. More are coming, and the total attendance will be in the neighborhood of 150.
The first session was begun promptly at 9:30 o'clock. The convention was called to order by its president, Dr. Arthur E. Kennelley of Philadelphia. The other officers of the institute are: Vice presidents—Charles S. Bradley, New York City; Prof. Dugald C. Jackson, Madison, Wis.; Prof. Robert B. Owens, Lincoln, Neb.; William Stanley, Pittsfield, Mass.; Dr. Cary T. Hutchinson, New York, N. Y. Managers—John W. Lieb, jr., New York, N. Y.; F. A. Pickernell, New York, N. Y.; Prof. William L. Puffer, Boston, Mass.; L. B. Stillwell, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Dr. Alex MacFarlane, South Bethlehem, Pa.; Gano S. Dunn, New York, N. Y.; W. F. C. Hasson, San Francisco, Cal.; Herbert Laws Webb, New York, N. Y.; Herbert Lloyd, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Samuel Sheldon, Brooklyn, N. Y.; George F. Sever, New York, N. Y.; Charles P. Steinmetz, Schenectady, N. Y. Treasurer—George A. Hamilton, New York, N. Y. Secretary, Ralph W. Pope, New York, N. Y.
Welcomed to the City.
The delegates were welcomed to the city by President Bingham of the city council. He made a neat little address in which he made the visitors briefly acquainted with their city host and then presented the gilded keys of the city to them. He was followed by President Wattles of the exposition, who pointed out the stupendous project they would witness and spoke at more length upon the electrical features of the great show.
E. Rosewater was another speaker on the program. He confined his remarks entirely to the aims and objects of the institute. In the course of his remarks he related a number of anecdotes of the condition of telegraphy during the civil war, when he was engaged in it. As an indication of the elementary stage it was in, he told how he had written to Prof. Bell, asking him for a list of books upon electricity and was answered to the effect that there were no published authorities and was advised to confine his studies to his own observation of electrical phenomena.
Another of the welcoming citizens was J. J. Dickey, who greeted the visitors not only as a man engaged in the profession and as a resident of Omaha, but also as a member of the court of Ak-Sar-Ben. An invitation from King Sampson to attend the festivities in the den tonight was also presented by H. J. Penfold of the board of directors later in the session and was accepted.
The inaugural address of the convention was delivered by President Kennelly. In his paper he sketched the growth of electrical science in the last decade and a half—from 1884, the date of the birth of the institute. He related the marvelous progress that has been made in all branches, in a financial and a scientific and experimental way. In 1884 there was less than $1,000,000 invested in electrical appliances; today the amount is in the neighborhood of $900,000,000. His paper was very exhaustive and sketched the great strides made in telegraphy, telephony, electric railroads and lighting and the less popular branches down to the Roetgen rays and the wireless telegraphy, which he declared has entered the experimental stage and will enter practical service in the future.
Some of the Papers.
The other papers were: "The Dielectric Strength of Aair," by C. P. Steinmetz of Schenectady; "Two Wire iDstributing Systems and Lamps of 220-240 Volts," by John W. Howell of Newark, N. J.; "A Capillary Electrometer for Electrical Measurements," by Charles F. Burgess of Madison, Wis. Mr. Howell was not present and his paper was read by Secretary Pope. All these writers are authorities on the subjects upon which they had written and they were called upon to answer many questions and take part in discussions that followed the papers.
The convention sessions will be held from 9:30 o'clock each day to 1:30 or 3 o'clock. The afternoons will be consumed in a social way and in excursions to the exposition and points of interest. This afternoon the delegates were taken by the local committee to the smelting works and the Union Pacific shops and tonight they will be at the Ak-Sar-Ben den. At 9:30 they will be the guests on the Midway.
Judge Scott Still Reserves His Decision Covering the Matter.
Action of Other Judges and Motives of the Exposition Managers Made the Test for a General Diatribe.
While Judge Scott did not pass final judgment in the case wherein A. L. Reed, manager of the Department of Concessions of the exposition, S. B. Wadley, his assistant, Gaston Akoun and Mardoce Zitone, are charged with contempt on account of it being alleged that each and all violated his injunction, he devoted two hours to criticizing the managers of the Transmississippi and International Exposition, declaring from the bench that the head officials of the great fair have been in league with the proprietors of one concession to crush out of existence one of the minor features on the Midway, the Streets of Cairo.
The session of court was opened by Attorney Hall expressing the opinion that the court had no jurisdiction in the premises. He urged that the foreigners at the Streets of All Nations are laborers who are paid for what they do, and that there is nothing that could prevent them from doing the labor which they had been hired to perform. Those laborers were carrying out the ideas of the countreis wrom which the people came, and to infringe upon them would be to deprive such people of their personal liberties.
Attorney Montgomery, in arguing for the men charged with contempt, said that the prosecution, in his judgment, had, failed to establish and showing, or tending to show the guilt of the defendants. He also challenged the jurisdiction of the court, arguing that if there was any person liable in damages, it must be the officers of the exposition. He contended that there was never a foundation for the suit, as there was nothing ever done to curtail the rights and franchises originally granted to the Streets of Cairo.
The court declared that from the beginning there had been an infringement upon the contract granted the Streets of Cairo. Taking up the removal question, he declared that it was a trick to get the case away from him and from this he branched off onto the recent meeting of the judges. Dwelling upon this subject at some length, he compared his associates to fleas and himself to an elephant. He said that the fleas might bite and cause some annoyance, but they could never hurt the elephant, at least so long as the huge animal continued to walk in the straight and narrow path. After this he attacked the officers of the exposition. He paid a glowing tribute to the lagoon and the main court, but added that he felt pretty certain that a number of the officials were interested in the Streets of All Nations and that they were anxious to wipe the Streets of Cairo off the face of the earth. He said that he had it from a man who did not want his name used, that certain exposition officials were stockholders in the Streets of All Nations. Settling back in his chair, after making the statement, the court elevated his eyebrows and remarked, "I challenge any person to deny this."
The challenge was immediately picked up by Attorney Montgomery, who replied that the judge's informant was stating something that was absolutely false. Mr. Montgomery said that he was prepared to submit the proof that would show that no director or officer of the exposition had an interest in any concession on the grounds.
This caused the judge to haul in his horns, and after that he commenced another tirade upon the judges who held a meeting to consider Scott's course pursued relative to exposition matters.
Just before adjournment, the court announced that Tuesday morning he would hand down an opinion in the contempt case, and in conclusion, he said that if he found the defendants guilty, "you will want to keep your judges in town, for you will need them."
TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1898.
Delegation from Missouri and Kansas Comes to Inspect the Show.
Expressions of Wonder and Admiration Are Heard from All of Them.
Many Who Expect to Attend the Convention Visit the Grounds.
Citizens of the Western Missouri Metropolis Expect to Come Here in Force During the Next Week.
The exposition grounds were very quiet this forenoon, the only feature being the arrival of the Missouri and Kansas newspaper men who came in on a special train that had been tendered them by the Missouri Pacific railroad. The scribes were unloaded at the north gate, where they were met by R. W. Richardson, superintendent of the Press building, and escorted into the grounds. The visited the Press building for a short time and then scattered over the grounds to make the most of their stay. Most of them had not previously visited the exposition and like everyone else who witnesses its beauties for the first time, they were deeply impressed with its extent and magnificence. The following newspaper men compose the party:
Missouri—J. C. Patterson, Marshall; Kemp Barnes, Sweet Spring; F. J. Wiseman, Ride Hill; J. D. Allen, Butler; R. T. Railey, Harrisonville; T. T. Clifford, Sedalia; N. J. Shepherd, Elden; Joe H. Goddard, Tipton; Philo H. King, Marshall; W. G. Musgrove, Lexington; O. Andreen, Lexington; Charles Botz, Sedalia; O. D. Austin, Butler; J. M. Shepherd, Warrensburg; William H. Ott, Jefferson City; August C. Schneider, Sedalia; W. A. Martin, Liberal; C. C. Townsend, St. Louis; Charles E. Ware, St. Louis; J. Bell McDonald, Warrensburg; J. F. Sailer, Jefferson City; U. S. Russell, California; W. H. Young, Pleasant Hill; J. E. Oldham, Rich Hill; R. H. Tatten, Holden; L. C. Nelson, Bunceton; C. M. Zeigle, Bunceton; William Southron, jr., Independence; C. S. O'Bryan, Kriegsville.
Kansas—C. P. Townsley, Great Bend; James M. Mickey, Osage City; J. E. Junkin, Sterling; A. D. Crouk, Stafford; D. P. Hodgdon, Lyons; S. S. Smith, El Dorado; J. N. Richards, Fort Scott; J. H. Lyons, Kansas City.
While this is also known on the exposition schedule as Educational day few of the teachers who are coming to attend the educational congress were on the grounds this morning. The congress opens with the meeting in the Auditorium tonight and tomorrow.
The management has decided to recognise the demand of the concessionists that the gates shall remain open until midnight. The order was issued this morning to keep the gates open until that hour although the illumination in the main court will be extinguished at 11 o'clock heretofore. There is no change in the time limit of admissions and no one can enter the grounds after 10 o'clock except those who have business there.
Assurances have been received that the excursion from Kansas City to the exposition under the auspices of the shipping clerk's organization, which is scheduled for July 4, will be one of the biggest excursions that ever pulled out of Kansas City. It happens that there is no demonstration organized for the Fourth at Kansas City and the promoters of the [?] assert that they will bring several thousand visitors to Omaha. Their sanguine expectations are given color by the fact that a railroad rate has been secured which amounts to about half the regular fare from Kansas City to Omaha for the entire trip. Arrangements have been made for as many special trains as may be required to carry the crowd and they will leave Kansas City on the evening of July 2, thus giving the people a change to spend both Sunday and Monday at the exposition.
Sioux City Organization Proves One of Exceptionally High Order.
After being without band music for nearly a week the people gathered in front of the Government building in great numbers yesterday afternoon to listen to the first concert by the Fourth Regiment band of Sioux City, Ia. The band consists of twenty-seven men under Director M. E. Reed, and their playing was a pleasant surprise to those who had gathered on the steps of the Government building in anticipation of the concert. After three weeks of the famous Marine band it was expected that a western band would suffer immeasurably by the contrast, but the diversified program presented by Director Reed demonstrated the capabilities of the men under his control, and the result was far ahead of anticipations. The program covered a wide range of selections and all were rendered in a manner which was highly gratifying and the applause of the audience was frequent and emphatic.
A march by Thiele, "American Republic," was the first number and this was followed by the overture of "Bohemian Girl." "Lost Love" by Braham, one of Sousa's waltzes, "La Reine de la Mer," and a medley of selections from "Faust" completed the first part of the program. The "Stars and Stripes Forever" by Sousa; a medley by Beyer entitled "On Broadway;" a "Flower Song" by Tolani, "Cotton Blossoms" by Hall and "Cavalry Charge" by Tuders concluded a program which pleased the tastes of the people and appeased their appetite for band music.
The band will play in front of the Government building at 4:30 p. m. today and in the pavilion on the Bluff tract at 8:30 o'clock.
Cantata by Frederick Cowen Entertains an Evening Audience.
A performance of "The Rose Maiden," a cantata by Frederick Cowen, was given last evening at the Exposition auditorium by the Exposition chorus, the Thomas orchestra and soloists under the direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly. The audience was small but appreciative. The "Rose Maiden" is a sweet, pretty thing, sugar and water. As music it is a good slumber song but not at all adapted to awaken interest in the concerts which are to be given at the Auditorium in the future.
Mr. Kelly directed with force and discretion. He has talent and under favorable circumstances would become a successful conductor. At present he is hampered by many things over which he has no control. The rehearsals of the chorus have been interfered with and twice have they been entirely lost through the Auditorium being otherwise occupied at the time appointed for the rehearsals. The singing of the chorus left much to be desired. Numerically it was stronger than heretofore, but a lack of confidence was very observable. In the number beginning "'Tis Thy Wedding Morning" the best work was done and by the aid of the orchestra and Mr. Kelly's enthusiastic conducting a fine climax was attained.
The soloists were Miss Jennie Osborn, Miss Mebelle Crawford, Mr. Holmes Cowper and Mr. Charles W. Clark. Miss Osborn sang with a beauty of tone that was fascinating. Her part does not afford any such opportunity for dramatic work as lies in "Hear Ye Israel" (Elijah), nor does any of the music of the "Rose Maiden" contain any such virility. It afforded her a change to sing sweetly with one in a while a pretty little climax. Miss Osborn did all that the part would allow her to do and besides gave it the advantage of her own magnetic nature. Miss Crawford was fortunate in having in the alto part one truly fine solo. She possesses a clear, strong mezzo-soprano voice that verges toward alto and thereby gains a richness that it would otherwise lack. Her declamation is good and she scored a decided success last evening. Mr. Cowper, the tenor, possesses a light, lyric voice and sings with a style that is inoffensive. Mr. Clark managed to infuse a large amount of fire into his part and sang his principal song so well as to secure enthusiastic applause.
The work of the orchestra was as usual musicianly. There were times when the accompaniment was too loud for the chorus, but choruses are not supposed to sing in a whisper all the time.
This afternoon Master Silence Dales of Lincoln will make his first appearance at the exposition concerts. He is but 16 years old and is one of the artistic products of the state. The concert will begin at 3 o'clock.
Tomorrow afternoon the new American oratorio "Isaiah," composed by Willard Patten," will be performed by a chorus of 250 voices brought from Minneapolis. This work has been spoken of as possessing very great merit and the composer will conduct. The soloists are well known artists and a fine concert is assured. The members of the chorus will remain in Omaha for one week enjoying the exposition and attending the National Congress of Musicians.
Strengthening Lagoon Walls.
The work of strengthening the lagoon walls is still going on, but the work is done at night and all traces if it are removed before the crowd comes in the morning, so that the people are none the wiser. The old hand twisted cables are being removed and a heavy cable substituted as a means of anchoring the main piles to the back piles and the loose earth back of the sheet piling is being removed and broken stone substituted, the latter allowing the water to drain into the lagoon instead of increasing the weight on the sheet piling and breaking it down.
This work has been almost entirely completed and Superintendent Foster is of the opinion that there will be no further trouble from heavy rains.
Texas Watermelons Are Here.
The watermelons which are to be the center of attention on "Texas Melon and Grape Day," which is set for Friday of this week, have arrived and will be placed on exhibition on ice in the Horticulture building at once. The melons are big, juicy specimens of the best grades produced in the fertile region along the gulf coast in the south of Texas and a look at them is enough to make the mouth water in pleasant anticipation. There are enough melons to feed 10,000 people and at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon the entire lot will be carved and distributed to all comers in front of the Horticulture building.
Notes of the Exposition.
There were 3,402 paid admissions yesterday, not including commutation tickets.
The German Village has taken the first steps to prepare two elaborate floats to appear in the Fourth of July parade on the exposition grounds. These will depict German scenes in the middle ages.
Secretary Cox of the United States government commission is having a good deal of difficulty in uniforming the employes in the building. The uniforms have been received, but only one in the entire lot was a satisfactory fit and the rest had to be sent back for reconstruction.
One of the exposition commissioners from Iowa was severely bruised by a fall from a street car yesterday. He was picked up by the motorman who runs Montgomery Ward & Co.'s electric carriage and taken to their building, where his injuries were attended to. Fortunately no bones were broken and the Iowa man was able to walk away after his face had been cleansed from the blood and dirt that covered it.
H. F. McGarvie, director of special days, is arranging for a "St. Joseph Day" at the exposition and is in correspondence with some of the leading business men of that city regarding the matter. The St. Joseph people think very favorably of the matter and say that the interest in the exposition is strong enough in that section to make certain of a good attendance. The matter will be pushed and the railroads will be asked to make special rates for the occasion.
Sarah Krappe, one of the riders in the Wild West show, was the victim of a very serious accident at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She was riding one of the bucking bronchos when the animal fell and pinned her right leg under him. She suffered a severe sprain of the ankle and contusions of the limb and thigh together with a fracture of one of the small bones of the instep. She was taken to the emergency hospital where she was made as comfortable as possible.
Another State Building Will Be Formally Dedicated This Afternoon.
Absence of the Governor Cuts Short the Intended Ceremonies.
Secretary Sutherlin Will Keep Open House During the Afternoon.
Four Concerts, Including the Grand Presentation of the Oratorio of "Isaiah" by the Minneapolis Choral Society.
The celebration of Montana Day at the exposition grounds this afternoon will be somewhat abbreviated, on account of the inability of Governor Smith to be present and deliver an address. It has been an unsettled question for several days whether the governor would be able to visit Omaha at this time, and it now develops that the exercises must be held without him. The fact that the event occurs in the midst of the busiest season has also operated to prevent the attendance of any considerable number of Montana people, but there is every indication that the state will contribute liberally to the patronage of the exposition later in the season.
Vice President W. H. Sutherlin of the Montana commission will present the building to President Wattles, who will accept it on behalf of the exposition. An original poem by a Montana woman will be read and the juvenile band of Billings will furnish music.
Another very interesting feature of the afternoon will be the grand choral concert at the Auditorium, at which the Minneapolis chorus will sing Patten's oratorio, "Isaiah," with the Thomas orchestra. The soloists will be Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson, soprano; Mrs. Katherine Fisk, contralto; Mr. Frederick Carberry, tenor, and Mr. Charles W. Clark, basso. The Fourth Regiment band will also give two concerts, one in front of the Government building at 4:30 and another on the Grand Plaza in the evening.
As the first feature of the day is the Auditorium concert at 3 o'clock, the morning attendance was light. The musical features for the afternoon are particularly notable, as they include no less than four concerts between 3 o'clock and 8:30, in addition to the short program that will be rendered by the Thomas orchestra, preliminary to the evening session of the Transmississippi Educational convention in the Auditorium. As there is no session of the congress this afternoon, it is expected that the afternoon crowd will be increased by a large proportion of the teachers, who are in the city. Frank B. Copper, superintendent of the Des Moines schools, will preside at the evening meeting in the Auditorium. There will be two addresses, one by State Superintendent W. W. Stetson of Maine on "Conditions and Needs of the Rural Schools," and another by Prof. Albion W. Small of the University of Chicago on "Education and the New Americanism." In the interval between the addresses, Miss Frances Roeder of this city will sing "Dreams," by J. C. Bartlett, and "When Love is Kind," by Moore.
"Isaiah" to Be Rendered Under the Direction of Its Composer.
"Isaiah," an oratorio written by an American and rendered by American singers, will be the main feature of the music at the exposition this afternoon. Willard Patten, the composer, and his Minneapolis choral organization of 250 voices, came in from Minneapolis on a special train last night. This afternoon at 3 o'clock the great production will be given under Mr. Patten's direction at the Auditorium. The entire Theodore Thomas orchestra will furnish the orchestral music. The soloists for the afternoon are: Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson, Chicago, soprano; Miss Katherine Fisk, New York, contralto; Mr. Frederick Carberry, Chicago, tenor, and Mr. Charles M. Clark, Chicago, baritone.
It was necessary to give the performance in the afternoon on account of the meeting of the educational convention at the Auditorium during the evening.
Manager Clarkson Arranging for a Floral Demonstration.
Omaha is to have a flower carnival and in a few days active preparations will be begun for the event. It will be given as a feature of the exposition and will probably occur during the latter part of July. General Manager Clarkson has been working on the scheme for some time, but no definite announcement was possible until yesterday, when an arrangement was closed by which Mrs. H. McColl Travis, who has had charge of the flower carnivals in a number of large cities during the last few years, will arrive in Omaha July 5 and at once take charge of the local enterprise. Mrs. Travis is now in Milwaukee, where she has organized the flower parade, which is a prominent feature of the midsummer celebration in that city. She has had an extended experience in that sort of work and has been uniformly successful. The exposition carnival will be primarily a function of the Bureau of Entertainment and will consequently be very largely a feminine enterprise. Immediately after Mrs. Travis' arrival the women will begin arranging the details for the parade and the event will be pulled off at the earliest date that the somewhat elaborate arrangements will permit. This will be the first flower parade ever given in Omaha, although similar celebrations have been annual features in various cities in southern California and Mexico for years. The general plan of the festivity is to form a parade of as many carriages as possible, each of which is decorated and loaded with flowers. The ingenuity and artistic taste that are employed in making the carnival a success and prizes are usually offered to those who excel in this feature. The flowers that are used are mainly artificial, as they are easily manufactured, are equally attractive and much more durable. Major Clarkson is quite enthusiastic over the plan and expects it to develop into one of the most interesting features of the exposition summer.
Indian Exhibitions.
General Manager Clarkson and Captain Mercer of the Omaha and Winnebago agency are working up a series of exhibitions of Indian dances, horse races and other characteristic aboriginal amusements. This will be independent of the Indian congress and the first exhibitions will be given in about three weeks. The plan is to illustrate all the dances of the various tribes, together with such other Indian customs as may interest exposition visitors. The preliminary steps have already been taken to establish the feature and it is believed that it will prove a very interesting study to exposition visitors.
Exhibit Made by the State in the Horticultural Building.
The Nebraska exhibit in the Horticultural building is as great a surprise to residents of Nebraska as it is to the people from other states. Both classes of visitors have taken it for granted that Nebraska is a great state for corn, but that little fruit is grown. A visit to the Horticultural building knocks all such theories into a cocked hat. The Nebraska horticultural exhibit is in the northwest quadrant of the center of the building, and a portion of the west wing. The space in the west wing is devoted to the display of apples. Long tables occupy all the available space with wide aisles between and on these tables are shown sixty-three varieties of apples. With few exceptions these applies are of the winter varieties, the exceptions being a few summer varieties, such as "Grimes' golden," and other varieties. All of these apples have been in cold storage since last fall, and their state of preservation is the cause of constant remarks by visitors. Some of the apples have been on exhibition for three weeks, and still look as well as when first taken from the cold storage vaults. The tables on which these apples are displayed are white, and the contrast afforded by the bright colors of the apples makes a pretty picture.
The most attractive spot in the exhibit, however, is the section devoted to small fruits. These are displayed on white tables and the brilliant colors of the fruits stand out with distinctness. There are now on exhibition twenty varieties of cherries, red and white currants, black raspberries, June berries or upland huckleberries and gooseberries. This fruit is all fresh, being changed three or four times each week. The fruit is not the product of some hot house or material grown especially for exhibition purposes, neither is it contributed by a specially selected portion of the state, but is sent in from all sections. Among the widely divergent stations which h[?]
small fruits thus far in the exposition are Table Rock, York, Columbus, North Bend, Tekamah, Papillion, Tecumseh, Johnson, Leigh, Fremont, Bellevue and Blue Springs.
The exhibit is in charge of Peter Youngers of Geneva, superintendent of horticulture for the Nebraska commission, and G. A. Marshall of Arlington, assistant superintendent. Both men are prominent members of the State Horticultural society, Mr. Marshall now serving his second term as president of that organization.
Among the latest additions to the collection of small fruits was a number of plates of black raspberries brought by Mr. Marshall from the vicinity of Arlington. The berries were picked just in time to allow Mr. Marshall to catch the train for Omaha and the dew was scarcely dried from them when they were placed on the tables.
Preparations are being made for the display of peaches which will be ripe within a short time. Superintendent Youngers promises as great a surprise in the number of varieties and the quality of the peaches grown in Nebraska as in apples. He is very careful to impress upon visitors the fact that apples and peaches are not grown in Nebraska simply as fancy crops, but are a staple commercial product.
Installation of an Irrigation Exhibit is Under Consideration.
The Nebraska Exposition commission held its regular semi-monthly meeting at the Nebraska building this morning. The most important matter taken up for consideration was that of an irrigation exhibit. The people of Dawson county applied for and were allotted four acres of ground on the north tract several months ago for the purpose of making an irrigation exhibit showing the methods practiced in that county for irrigating crops. The county commissioners of Dawson county agreed to appropriate a certain amount of money to carry out the plans and the whole scheme was thought to be settled. The Forestry division of the Agricultural department of the government planted about an acre in forest trees which were to be cared for by the irrigation exhibitors, but with the exception of these trees nothing has been grown on the plot except weeds, and the latter have reached a height of about six feet. This condition of affairs was laid before the commission by Superintendent Johnson of the Agriculture bureau of the Nebraska commission. Mr. Johnson said he had assurances from private parties that $300 would be contributed by them for taking hold of the irrigation exhibit and making it a success, and he asked the commission to appropriate $200 to this purpose, as $500 would be required to carry out the plans necessary to make the exhibit a success. The appropriation was made and Superintendent Johnson will take hold of the matter at once and make an irrigation exhibit that will be a credit to the state.
Frank Clark, who was appointed helper in the horticulture exhibit at a salary of $50, was promoted to be assistant superintendent with a salary of $60 per month.
The salary of Mrs. Marks, attendant in the check room, was increased from $45 to $50, and the salary of Miss Overton, attendant in the women's waiting room, was increased from $45 to $50.
Yesterday at the Auditorium.
The concert at the exposition Auditorium yesterday afternoon was very well attended. The orchestra played an interesting program, the most notable number of which being a heroic march by Mr. Fritz Keller, a member of the orchestra and one of the first violinists. Mr. Keller is a native of Cologne and joined the orchestra last season. The march is an allegro, mostly in D major and is full of interesting musical ideas. It possesses that mysterious something which raises music to the plane of an expression of human nature and sentiment. There is a particularly beautiful middle part in F major scored for the violas, celli, clarinets, oboi and fagotti that only one particularly gifted could have written. The whole ends with the first theme in the original key, brilliantly and full of musicianly power. It is no wonder that the orchestra plays so well if it is composed of musicians who can write such music.
The soloists was Miss Silence Dales of Lincoln. This young woman has seen but 16 years and yet plays the violin well enough to please the audience assembled yesterday with a difficult composition by Vieuxtemps. She has been studying from early childhood and has had for her teacher Mr. G. C. Menzendorf of Lincoln. For one of her years she plays well and if persistent in her study has a future of success to look forward to. Miss Dales is a granddaughter of a former chancellor of the University of Nebraska, the well remembered A. R. Benton.
Augments Los Angeles Exhibit.
The exhibit of Los Angeles county, California, in the Horticulture building has been augmented by the recipient of a shipment of lemons and oranges, a part of the new crop which is just being gathered. There a species of Japanese plums which grow quite prolific in southern California, and several large bunches of Italian cocoons and the spun silk. This silk is much darker than the ordinary raw silk, having a deep orange color. It is a recent innovation in California, and brings a higher price than the ordinary variety.
Program Arranged for the Reception and Exercises on Friday.
The program has been formulated for the exercises that will be held at the exposition Friday on the occasion of the visit of the delegates to the triennial National Council of Congregational Churches, which meets at Portland early in July. The visiting party will include upwards of 200 distinguished Congregationalists from the eastern states and they will be fittingly entertained by the exposition management. The exercises of the day will be held at the Auditorium at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon as follows: Call to order, Rev. S. W. Butler, D.D.; singing, congregation, organist, Mrs. Ford; prayer, Rev. F. A. Warfield; welcome, Gurdon W. Wattles, president Transmississippi Exposition; song, Mrs. G. W. Johnston; address, Rev. S. W. Butler, D.D.; response, Hon. Nelson Dingley; song, Miss Terry; short addresses by representative distinguished visitors, interspersed by song, among whom are Rev. A. E. Dunning of Boston, Rev. R. R. Meredith, D.D., of Brooklyn, Rev. Amory H. Bradford of Mont Clain, N. J., Hon. S. B. Capen, president of Municipal league, Boston, Rev. C. M. Lampson, D.D., president of American board; closing hymn, congregation; benediction.
A special invitation is extended to the Congregationalists and members of other religious organizations to attend the exercises.
They Have Russia Between Them.
Prof. N. E. Hansen, professor of agriculture in the Agricultural college of South Dakota at Brookings, is in attendance at the Educational congress, and makes numerous visits to the Horticultural building to chat with Prof. F. W. Taylor, superintendent of that building. Prof. Hansen has just returned from an extended trip through Russia, where he went on a tour of inspection of the horticultural products of the country. He made similar tours in 1890 and 1894, while Prof. Taylor made similar trips in 1892 and 1896. Both men traveled in the interest of the Department of Agriculture of this country, and their investigations and reports have been valuable additions to the information at the command of the department, while the seeds and plants brought back by them have proved valuable in many ways. Their chance meetings are devoted to discussions of the results of their trips, and they spend hours in the interchange of ideas regarding Russia and its products.
Big Salmon Arrives.
The monster specimen of Royal Chinook salmon caught in the Columbia river in Oregon, has arrived an dhas been installed in the big revolving refrigerator in the Manufactures building. The fish is five feet, six inches in length, and measures three feet around the thickest part, his weight being 85 pounds. This fish is the largest, by twelve pounds, of any specimen of this particular variety ever caught in the Columbia, and his royal highness attracts a great deal of attention. He is in excellent condition and his skin shines as though he had been out of the water but a few hours.
Commissioner Dosch is preparing invitations to banquet, in which the big fish will furnish the entire menu.
Utah's Giant Flag.
The state of Utah has loaned its giant national flag to the exposition management for the Fourth of July, and this monster flag will form a conspicuous feature of the decorations of the main court on the nation's birthday. The flag is 250 feet long and 76 feet in width and is valued at $2,300. It was first hung in the famous tabernacle in Salt Lake City on the occasion of the admission of Utah to the union of states.
The flag was secured for the exposition by Miss Ellenore Dutener of this city, and it will be suspended across the lagoon between the Mines and Mining and the Machinery and Electricity buildings.
Request for Kansas City Day.
KANSAS CITY, June 28.—The mayor has referred to the council a communication from T. S. Clarkson, general manager of the Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha, asking that a special day be set as Kansas City day at the exposition.
Exposition Notes.
There were 4,437 paid admissions yesterday exclusive of commutation tickets.
Dr. A. C. True, director of the office of experiment stations of the Agricultural department, is in the city to attend the meetings of the Educational congress and was a visitor to the exposition yesterday.
A lost and found bureau has been established at guard headquarters in the fire and polce building, and all articles left in the various buildings will be taken at once to this place, where people may obtain them by proving ownership.
The first of the $20 exposition medals were issued yesterday. These are exactly similar to those which have been in circulation during the past week, except that each medal is made from a $20 gold piece instead of from an imitation.
A pleasing and unusual feature of the celebration of the Fourth of July will be a display of Japanese day fireworks which will be exhibited on the Midway. These curious novelties are most interesting and many strange effects will be shown.
John F. Kutz of Lexington, president of the Dawson County Agricultural society, is here superintending the completion of the Dawson county irrigating plant. It is expected that everything will be in readiness to turn on the water next week and have the plant in full running order.
The hour for the drill of the Turnvereins on the Grand Plaza Thursday has been fixed at 4 o'clock. The management has been assured that the National Turnfest will bring together fully 5,000 Germans and the grand drill of the afternoon will be participated in by about 400 athletes. Large excursions are coming from St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph and a dozen other cities and the day promises to be the biggest exposition event of the week.
The exhibit work in the Apiary building has been much on the quiet for the last two weeks, but during the next ten days or two weeks much activity will prevail therein. The only exhibits in place are those of Nebraska and Douglas county, but these are to be augmented by splendid displays from Utah, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Texas. That of Utah has arrived, but has not as yet been placed, as the Utah commission was desirous of placing it with its agricultural exhibit in the Agricultural building. Failing to receive permission to do this it will be installed during the next few days in the Apiary building. Minnesota has sent word that it is waiting for new honey and as soon as ready they will arrive with a large exhibit. Iowa, Kansas and Missouri will also come with some splendid exhibits and taking it altogether it will be a grand showing of the bee industry of the west.
Measure May Possibly Be Laid Over Without Consideration Till the Short Session.
WASHINGTON, June 28.—(Special Telegram.)—Objections have been made in the senate to the free homes amendment in the Indian appropriation bill as accepted by the conference committee. The question goes back to conference, Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota being particularly active in defeating the acceptance of the conference report. It was stated today that the house conferees would insist upon the amendment reported to the senate. Should this be the case it would deadlock the committee on conference and might have a tendency to hold up the matter indefinitely. But there is a rift in the clouds in the understanding that should the house conferees hold to their amendment the senate conferees will recede and so report to that body and ask that the conference be accepted in view of the pressing necessity to pass the bill before July 1. Objection to a single amendment necessarily holds up the whole bill and the Nebraska senators having the interest of the appropriation for the Indian congress at heart, are laboring to bring about an agreement on the Indian bill, allowing the whole subject of free homes to go over until the short session.
German Athletes Have Full Charge at the Exposition Grounds.
Exhibition on the Grand Plaza Promises Much of Unique Interest.
General Manager Clarkson Makes His Final Celebration Arrangements.
Management Gets Word of Low Rates on the Railroads and the Prospects of Kansas City Coming in a Body.
The Turners are presumed to own the exposition grounds today. This afternoon, however, they will come in force and the exposition visitors will be treated to the interesting spectacle of an ensemble drill of over 400 athletes on the Grand Plaza. This will occur at 4 o'clock and will probably last until nearly 6. After that the Turners will break ranks and put in the full evening in enjoying the various entertainments on the grounds. As the Thomas orchestra will assist in the program of the Congress of Musicians downtown tonight, there will be no concert in the Auditorium, but the Fourth Regiment band will play a very enjoyable program at the band stand at 8:30.
The principal subject of interest in exposition circles are the preparations for the Fourth of July celebration which is rapidly outgrowing the preliminary plans. There is every reason to believe that it will be the biggest event of the kind that has ever been organized in Omaha, and it is expected to bring out the biggest crowd that has been on the grounds up to date. The Kansas City excursion promises to be a mammoth affair. While it was originally promoted as a picnic of the shipping clerk's organization, it has now become a general affair. All the railroads have made a flat rate of $2.75 from Kansas City to Omaha and return for the occasion, allowing the excursionists to spend Sunday and Monday at the exposition. In the absence of any Fourth of July celebration in Kansas City, the affair is acquiring extraordinary magnitude and local business men who have been in Kansas City during the last few days say that nearly every one they saw declared that they were coming to Omaha to spend the Fourth. The exceptionally low rate makes the expense of the trip a mere trfle and the fact that the Fourth occurs on Monday makes it possible for the excursionists to enjoy a two days' holiday without interfering with their business.
Program is Ready.
The full program for the exposition celebration was announced by General Manager Clarkson this morning. The feature will be the display of Japanese fireworks on the lagoon at 9:50 o'clock, and the grand parade will start from the intersection of Twentieth street with the West Midway promptly at 10 o'clock. It will march east over the north viaduct, thence south to the Horticultural building, where it will circle and counter-march to the bandstand, where it will be received by Governor Holcomb, Mayor Moores, President Wattles and the members of the executive committee of the exposition association and other invited guests. The parade will be headed by the exposition police and band and will include fifty distinct Midway features. At 11 o'clock the exercises of the day will occur at the bandstand. They will be preceded by music by the band and prayer by Rev. T. J. Mackey. Then the exposition chorus, directed by Mr. Willard Kimball, will sing the national anthem, after which John C. Wharton will read the Declaration of Independence. The chorus will sing the "Red, White and Blue," and this will be followed by the oration of the day by Hon. James M. Beck of Philadelphia.
The celebration will conclude at 9 o'clock in the evening with the most magnificent display of fireworks ever seen in the west.
Editor of the Review of Reviews is an Enthusiast Over the Show.
Dr. Albert Shaw of New York, editor of the American monthly Review of Reviews, is in Omaha to spend a few days inspecting the exposition. Dr. Shaw has been over at Grinnell, Ia., where he was the orator at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Iowa college, from which he graduated some years ago.
Dr. Shaw was once editor of the Minneapolis Tribune, and is therefore familiar with the Transmississippi country. He is an enthusiast over his first view of the exposition. In the Review of Reviews for July, just out, is a well written and beautifully illustrated article about the exposition, and it will doubtless contain in the later numbers some of Dr. Shaw's personal impressions.
Dr. Shaw is accompanied by Mr. Pettengill of the Review of Reviews staff.
Music for the Exposition.
OMAHA, June 29.—To the Editor of The Bee: As a number of very long petitions from prominent citizens have been sent to me asking that the Thomas orchestra be engaged for July I thought best to say through The Bee that it is deemed best by the bureau of music to discontinue orchestral music for the present, with the hope that an arrangement can be made to have the Thomas orchestra or some other good orchestra come in September and possibly remain through October.
There is no question but what the concerts given by the Thomas orchestra have been of a high order and greatly enjoyed by thousands of musical people.
Choral performances will be given frequently during the entire summer. The Fourth Regiment band of Sioux City, which by the way is a very good band and pleases the people immensely, will remain until after the Fourth of July.
Phinney's United States band, which is considered one of the very best in the United States, will play a five weeks' engagement, beginning July 6. Other good bands are under contract. Yours truly,
Chairman Bureau of Music.
House Adopts Conference Report on Indian Appropriation Bill.
General Deficiency and Sundry Civil Bills Still Hung Up in Conference—House Refuses Concurrence.
WASHINGTON, June 30.—In the house today Mr. Sherman (N. Y.) reported the conference report on the Indian appropriation bill. The report was adopted.
Mr. Cannon (rep., Ill.), then called up the general deficiency bill as amended and passed by the senate yesterday and moved a general non-concurrence in the amendments and a request for a conference. The motion prevailed, but, pending that, upon the suggestion of Mr. Maguire (dem., Cal.), Mr. Cannon gave assurance that opportunity to debate the senate's Pacific railroad amendment would be given ultimately. The speaker announced Messrs. Cannon, Northway, (rep., O.), and Sayers, (dem., Tex.) as conferees.
Another failure to agree on the sundry civil bill was reported by Mr. Cannon and upon his motion and in accord with the action taken yesterday, the house again voted unanimously to insist upon its disagreements to the senate amendments and sent the bill again to conference.
The Indian appropriation bill carries the appropriation for the Indian congress to be held in Omaha during the exposition. This appropriation was agreed to in conference and the report had previously been adopted by the senate. The bill now goes to the president for his signature and, as there is no doubt as to his signing it, the congress is assured.
Devotees of the Divine Art Gather to Celebrate Their Muse.
Speeches of Welcome and Explanation All Emphasize the Grand Object of Gathering as the Uplifting of Home Talent.
A majority of those who attended the opening session of the National Congress of Musicians at the First Congregational church took their own time to it. They kept coming at all hours during the forenoon and by the time the afternoon program was ready to be announced there was a good audience present. For anything it lacked in numbers was made up in enthusiasm.
The first session opened with felicitous addresses and there was one musical recital by Miss Amanda Vierhaller, soprano; Miss Adah Mabel Bryant, contralto, and Miss Georgia Kober, pianist.
Chairman Homer Moore of the Music committee, presided over the meeting. He extended a welcome to all visitors and then introduced Mrs. J. M. Metcalf of this city, who represented the Womans' clubs at the congress, and spoke the words of a formal welcome. She referred to the fact that the music-loving people of this vicinity were glad to welcome and to hear the noted musicians who were announced to appear, and that the homes and hearts of the city were open to them.
Mrs. Sawyer of the Bureau of Education of the exposition, added some cordial words of welcome and said:
The Bureau of Education, in arranging a congress in connection with the exposition, has had four aims in view. First, to minister to the demand for the underlying principles which are the basis of every form of progress. The congresses have been arranged with a view to combine practical work and asthetic pleasures, idealistic theories, realistic facts, secular movements, spiritualistic themes, internal sentiments and external expressions.
Second—To secure upon each subject the most advanced thought and the highest attainments.
Third—To demonstrate that the best though of today is not in pursuing dreams bright and beautiful, yet brief and fugitive, nor in the intent to find only the pot of gold at its foot; but that the trend of high ideals is onward and upward toward the central light of all that is true and beautiful in nature and in art.
Lastly—To call attention to the fact that American with its unsurpassed wealth of material possibilities and resources is equally rich in incorporeal heriditiments, rich in the possession of intellectual and artistic development.
Musically Considered.
With the first month of the exposition as a prelude to a grand symphony, the beauty of the architecture, the arrangement of the buildings suggestive of the allegro movement; the labor, patience and anxiety requisite to secure these results, typical of the andante; the entertainment, amusement and pleasure intimating the scherzo movement; we prize this congress coming at this time. It stands out like a fugue subject with strong marked features of lofty inspiration and high ideals, which once introduced will be again and again taken up and repeated successively in various keys and various harmonies throughout the exposition.
Chairman Z. T. Lindsey, of the ways and means committee, made a few remarks. He, with some justifiable degree of pride, stated that the World's Fair managers who were here the other day said we had done better in our music than they. The music of other recent expositions had been a failure according to the statements of their own people, he said, but the Omaha exposition is credited with having made a success of this feature. The speaker made some humorous references to the popular supposition that musical people are not good business people. "But they are the best collectors I ever knew of", he said.
Willard Kimball, director of the exposition music spoke of the pleasure he felt at securing the people that were on the congress' list of speakers.
About American Music.
Homer Mooore, chairman of the committee, frankly said that it was time to take note of the fact—long and many times willfully overlooked—that American music and American singers and composers were as good as any. This congress, he said, is for the purpose of emphasizing the fact that there is plenty of talent in this country; that we know how to work and how to appreciate music.
"There was a time," said he, "when some of us were inclined to think that any music was better than ours. If a performer with long hair came across the water and we could not pronounce his name we were sure to rave over him. We have the ultimate belief in our success and since we have that we can be confident of the end."
Mr. Moore referred to the hearty spirit of co-operation which he had met with on all sides in securing artists from the whole country over.
An intermission was then declared to await the arrival of one of the singers. The first recital was delayed about an hour.
The addresses of William L. Tomlins and William Armstrong of Chicago are on this afternoon.
Three Judges Listen to the Matter on Habeas Corpus Proceedings.
Slabaugh, Baker and Powell Hear the Attorneys and Then End the Contempt Case by Releasing the Defendants.
Three members of the district bench, Judges Slabaugh, Baker and Powell, listened to the evidence in the habeas corpus proceedings brought by A. L. Reed and S. B. Wadley of the Department of Concessions of the exposition and Gaston Akoun and Mardoce Zitoun of the Streets of All Nations, and ordered them released from custody. Wednesday these men were found guilty of contempt by Judge Scott and ordered to pay a fine of $200 each, it being charged that they had disobeyed an order of the court, in this, that they had used and permitted the use of camels and donkeys in the Streets of All Nations. They failed to pay the fine and were ordered to jail. On the way they were taken away from the sheriff on a writ of habeas corpus.
When the case was called before the three judges, County Attorney Balridge appeared for the sheriff and in behalf of the state to resist the writ. Attorneys Montgomery and Hall, in behalf of the defendants, urged that the writ should issue at once and that the defendants should be released from custody.
Attorney Hall opened the ball for the defendants by detailing the proceedings leading up to the bringing of the habeas corpus proceedings. He contended that the defendants had been arrested because they had performed the duties devolving upon them. In proof of this Attorney Montgomery was placed upon the stand and testified relative to the proceedings before Judge Scott, showing that in all particulars the defendants had acted in accordance with the provisions of the constitution of the exposition and the conditions of the contract, granting the right to exhibit to the Streets of All Nations.
County Attorney Balridge made a most vigorous fight against the release of the defendants. He said that though he had been but recently called into the case, he felt certain that the state had a good case against the men under arrest. To make a record for a higher court, he objected to about every question asked, as well as to the introduction of the documentary evidence.
Sheriff McDonald being sworn for the state, and in his own behalf, testified that in arresting and committing the defendants, he had acted in accordance with instructions from Judge Scott. He had no charge to make against any of the defendants, and at the time when they were taken from him by Coroner Swanson, he was carrying out the order of the equity judge, who had ordered the defendants incarcerated in the county jail until payment of the fine imposed had been made.
Sheriff McDonald was the last witness called, and after his testimony had been given, the attorney presented the law as they viewed it. After this the judges stated that the case presented some very interesting points, and that in view of this fact, they would take time to consider the issues. Retiring to the private room, the judges weighed the testimony and considered the law that was applicable. This consumed something like an hour. Again entering the court room and ascending the bench, the judges submitted a written opinion, signed by all three. In this they found that the men were illegally held and that in arresting them, the sheriff acted without authority, and that Judge Scott in ordering them committed, exceeded his jurisdiction.
As soon as the opinion of the court was filed, the four defendants were released from custody and were allowed to depart, free men.
Joy at Streets of All Nations.
Effulgent rejoicing existed at the Streets of All Nations yesterday afternoon over the release from custody of Gaston Akoun and Mardoche Zitoune, who have been under care of the sheriff, by Judge Scott's order, since about June 20. The two were received at the exposition gates by the entire company, camels, donkeys and individuals, led by a band. Akoun and Zitoune were carried to the Streets first on camels, then on donkeys, and, when entering the Streets, were transferred to the shoulders of the husky Greeks and Turks. A reception was held, Akoun and Zitoune furnishing all kinds of refreshments for the crowd.
Judge Munger Hears the Testimony Concerning the Three Chinese Girls.
All day yesterday was given to the talking of testimony in the Lun sisters' case before Judge Munger and the evidence was all given in, leaving only the pleadings to be heard before the court will decide whether the girls may remain in Omaha or shall be sent back to China.
The federal court room was a typical almond-eyed congress yesterday afternoon, about fifty Chinese being present either as witnesses or listeners in the case. On a request made by the United States district attorney all the Chinese excepting the interpreter were excluded from the room during the taking of a part of the testimony, but the orientals waited in the corridors and returned to the court room as soon as possible.
The testimony in the case was very similar to that given in Judge Scott's court. The three girls declared that they had been treated kindly by the Meh Lee Wah Village company and that no indecent proposals had been made to them. They denied all the allegations made by Miss Wykoff and others that their quarters were dirty and uncomfortable and expressed themselves as being greatly pleased with the treatment they had received at the hands of Lem Yue and other members and agents of the company. Jim Wye and Wah Lee testified that the girls were offered for sale at $1,500 and Jim Wye swore that Lem Yue of the village company asked him if he knew any Chinamen who would be apt to buy them. Lem Yue denied ever having met Jim Wye and testimony was offered to show that Jim Wye and several other Chinamen made the boast that it would be cheaper for the company to pay them $300 or $400 than to let the case be taken into the courts.
Miss Wykoff, the missionary who has taken such an interest in the case, was on the stand and testified that the way the Chinese men and women were living at the quarters at Thirteenth and Chicago streets is very important according to Chinese ideas. She found men and women in the same room upon visiting the place, an unheard of thing in China, and saw many things which led her to believe that the girls were brought here for no good purpose.
The attorneys in the case of the Lun sisters made their arguments this morning and after a brief review of the testimony Judge Munger released the three Chinese girls from custody. Before rendering his decision he stated that the case was clearly within the jurisdiction of the federal courts, the girls having come here by special permission obtained from the government and the charge being made that they were brought here for purposes other than those represented when congress granted the village company permission to bring Chinamen to Omaha for the purpose of exhibiting their habits and customs. The holding of the girls and throwing them into jail was illegal, in Judge Munger's opinion, because the state court had no jurisdiction and the girls had done nothing that would justify any judge in having them imprisoned.
Judge Munger considered all the testimony offered to prove that the girls were brought here for immoral purposes and he deemed that it was vague and not conclusive. Statements were made by Miss Wykoff that the conduct and dress of the girls was such that it would be considered very improper in China, but Judge Munger said that it had not been proven that they had done anything improper according to American standards. No positive proof of any violation of the act under which the girls had been brought to the United States was shown and Judge Munger ordered them released.
Twelve Hundred Watermelons From Texas Distributed at the Exposition.
Horticulture Building Attracts the Largest Crowd Since the Opening of Its Doors.
There Are Other Melon Days Coming When Colorado Will Put Her Best Foot Forward---Employes Let Out.
Yesterday was the first of the fruit festival days at the exposition, and watermelons had the call. A carload of 1,200 big, luscious melons had been sent up from Texas, and they were distributed free to all comers at the Horticulture building at 4 o'clock. There was a crowd of melon-hungry people about the building all day, and it was frequently remarked that this was the first time that the building had seen a crowd since the exposition opened.
The superintendent and attendants were besieged from early morning with requests for the distribution to begin, but all were refused until the stated hour. At that time four husky men were put to work with immense butcher knives, and they began by giving out quarter sections, but the demand was so great that it was seen the supply would not go around, and eighths were the regular order after that, although many melons were sent out whole to certain buildings. Addresses were made by Prof. Atwater and Colonel Johnson of Texas, and A. F. Fleming, superintendent of the Iowa exhibit.
The Old Plantation concession was out in force, and gave an exhibition of their singing and dancing, after which each individual darkey, big and little, started back to the Midway grunting and grinning under a big melon. One clever coon balanced his acquisition on the top of his head, and created considerable amusement as he carefully promenaded up Grand avenue. One immense melon was christened "Dewey," and, after being decorated with American and Cuban flags, was photographed.
It was estimated that between 7,000 and 8,000 generous chunks of melon were given out, but the operation did not take long. The big melon day will come about September 1, when Colorado will furnish the supply. The Rocky Ford Melon Growers' association has already taken steps to furnish twenty-five carloads, and the railroads have agreed to bring them here free. Hon. G. W. Swink, president of the association, which has 800 members, left for home last night, after making definite arrangements for Colorado's melon day.
The exposition management has laid of about 200 employes, more than half of whom come from the buildings and ground department. The other departments have all been cut, and it is stated that expenses have been reduced to a minimum. Sixty-five watchmen were laid off, and the remainder will be uniformed and added to the regular guard force, making a total of about 190 men in that department.
A start was made yesterday on the encampment ground for the Indian congress, a force of engineers setting the stakes for the various villages and the show inclosure.
The quintet from "Die Meistersinger," sung by Miss Osborn, Miss Bryant and Messrs. Fellows, Hannah and Moore, secured a hearty encore and showed the audience the genius of the composer in the realm of concerted music. The musical program ended with "Wotan's Farewell and the Magic Fire Scene," from "Die Walkure," sung by Mr. Homer Moore. The audience gave Mr. Moore a most enthusiastic reception on his appearance and applauded for fully five minutes at the close of this number.
At the close of the musical program a large number of stereopticon views were shown, illustrating the scenes in the Wagner musical dramas. Mr. Moore explained briefly each picture and incidentally recited the chief incidents of the stories upon which they were founded.
Mayor Moores Issues His Proclamation Permitting the Discharge of Firearms and Fireworks.
Mayor Moores has issued the following proclamation:
OMAHA, Neb., July 2, 1898.—Whereas, The ordinances of the city of Omaha provide that the unnecessary discharge of firecrackers or fireworks within the city without the permission of the mayor shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, and
Whereas, July 4, the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, is a national holiday, and
Whereas, During the last year our country has emerged from a period of business depression, confidence is restored, prosperity again smiles upon all the people and our country is once more entering upon a period of splendid achievement and progress, and
Whereas, The Fourth of July is always a time of national rejoicing, when patriotism is quickened and pride in our country is deepened, and this year more than ever before, because it has witnessed the obliteration of sectional lines and the reunion of north and south in patriotic devotion to our beloved country and flag; and
Whereas, We are now engaged in a war in the cause of liberty and humanity and the successes which have met our arms have proved that our soldiers and sailors are the bravest and best in the world, the world has been electrified by their genius and bravery; and
Whereas, It is the duty of every patriotic citizen to cease from his ordinary avocations on the 4th day of July and join enthusiastically with others in celebrating the anniversary of the birth of American independence and in rejoicing over the glorious achievements of our country, both past and present, with public speaking, fireworks and the noise of cannon, and firecrackers;
Now, therefore, I, Frank E. Moores, mayor of the city of Omaha, under and by virtue of the authority in me vested by the ordinances of the said city, do hereby grant permission to any and all persons to shoot off firecrackers or other fireworks within the city of Omaha upon the 4th day of July, 1898, except such as are particularly forbidden by ordinances, without such persons becoming amenable to the provisions of the ordinances of the city prohibiting the discharge of such fireworks or firecrackers; provided, however, that no fireworks or other explosives shall be discharged in any alley of the city, or near any barn, or near combustible material, which action might endanger the public safety.
Witness my hand this 2d day of July, 1898.
Got a Slice of the Fruit and Lost Her Diamond Pin.
One woman, who was the "head push" in the crowd which led the charge on the Texas watermelons Friday afternoon, paid pretty dearly for the small piece of the luscious fruit with which she joyfully emerged from the crush. This woman had attended bargain sales and she was in her element as she crowded and pushed, determined to get a good bargain whether school kept or not. She distracted all competitiors and was soon in the front rank where she was rewarded by receiving a generous slice of rich, red juicy melon and as she marched past her less fortunate competitors there was a gleam of exultant satisfaction in her eyes which made the other women look sad. She stepped off to one side to enjoy the result of her victory and, before commencing operations, adjusted her necktie that had become disarranged in the crowd. It was then that she discovered that a $100 diamond pin which had held the tie in place when she entered the crowd, had disappeared. The taste for watermelon vanished forthwith and the woman abandoned the tempting morsel to rush back into the crowd. Pushing the people aside she looked on the ground she had so lately passed over, hoping to see the pin among the gravel. Of course the search was fruitless, but she hung around until the crowd had gone and asked the people in the Horticllture building to assist in looking again. All took a hand, but no trace was discovered of the jewel and the woman went away, declining to give her name.
Exposition Management Determines to Show Its Patriotic Enthusiasm.
Greatest Demonstration Ever Witnessed in the West Will Be Given.
Calculations Based on Not Less Than One Hundred Thousand People.
Opening of the Girls' and Boys' Building to Be Marked with a Most Enthusiastic Demonstration on the Fourteenth.
The cool atmosphere that hung over the exposition grounds yesterday was in striking contract to the torridity that prevailed during the week and the slight dash of rain in the early morning emphasized the brilliant colors of the landscape. The approach of the big day, Monday, has a tendency to reduce the local attendance, but there was still a fairly good crowd on the grounds all day and a decidedly bigger one in the evening.
It was Christian Endeavorers day, but it occurred that very few of the endeavorers arrived in the city in time to get to the grounds yesterday. As they do not leave Omaha for Nashville until Monday night, they will constitute still another addition to Monday's big crowd. A few scattered delegates who arrived yesterday made their headquarters at the Nebraska building, where the organization has a permanent headquarters and rested after their journey.
The Kansas City excursion trains will arrive this morning and with favorable weather an exceptionally heavy Sunday attendance is anticipated. Then will come the big Fourth of July celebration that has been the main subject of interest in exposition circles during the week. Every indication is that Monday will not only be the biggest day yet experienced, but that it will set a pace for some time to come. Reports from every direction point to a tremendous attendance from other points and it is expected that the Omaha people will turn out loyally to help celebrate the occasion. None of the exposition officials are willing to be contented with an estimate of less than 100,000 people, and some of them insist on suggesting an even higher figure. The reports received by Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation from the various railroads are to the effect that every particle of rolling stock that is in sight will be utilized for the occasion. A St. Joseph business man, who was on the grounds yesterday, says that pretty nearly the entire population of that city is going to take advantage of the remarkably low rate from Kansas City and intermediate points and the Kansas City excursion promises to bring one of the biggest crowds that was ever taken out of Kansas City at one time. Then there will be special trains running in from every direction and the ticket agents at Nebraska and Iowa towns report the most flattering prospects for a big crowd. The railroad men generalize the prospect by declaring that they are going to have all the people they can haul, and with anything like the local attendance that is expected, the crowd will be something enormous.
Celebration Will Be Worth Seeing.
That the people will find something worth coming to see, not considering the exposition itself, is apparent from the enthusiasm with which everyone connected with the affair is assisting to make it go. The concessionists are particularly active and the parade of all nations will be one of the most interesting features that has ever been organized at any exposition. General Manager Clarkson has received assurances that every concession on the grounds will be fully represented and most of them are making elaborate preparations to make the most of the opportunity. They realize that their interests are identical with the[?]
The Women's department of the exposition is meanwhile preparing for the big juvenile celebration that will mark the dedication of the Girls' and Boys' building July 14. The exercises will be held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and will be varied rather than prolonged. Each of the ten cities who made the highest contributions to the fund for the erection of the building will participate in the program. These cities in the order of their liberality are Omaha, Council Bluffs, South Omaha, West Point, Lincoln, Norfolk, Blair, Ashland, Kearney and Hastings. An Omaha speaker will deliver the address of welcome and, in view of its excellent showing, West Point will be given the honor of making the response. The remainder of the program will be composed of music, recitations and addresses, which will be contributed by the other cities mentioned. No speaker will be allowed more than three minutes and the musical and other numbers will be strictly limited to five minutes each.
Has an Alligator and Doesn't Know How to Get Rid of It.
Superintendent A. F. Collman, in charge of the Iowa exhibit in the Horticulture building, is the puzzled possessor of a young alligator and he is offering a reward for the best recipe for disposing of the saurian. The "critter" came by express yesterday from Dr. F. M. Powell, superintendent of the Institute for the Feeble Minded at Glenwood, Ia. It was enclosed in a box about three feet long, six inches in width and about six inches high. The top of the box was made in sections with hinges and was an innocent looking affair, with a few holes in one end to admit air. Nothing about the box betrayed the nature of its contents, the only marks aside from the address and name of the sender being a sentence in lead pencil reading: "Three years old."
Mr. Collman supposed the box contained some rare species of fruit which had been grown by Dr. Powell, who is widely known as a horticulturist, and he removed the nails in the hinged portion of the cover very carefully, to guard against bruising the delicate contents. When he turned back the section of the cover there was a whisk of striped and speckled tail as the reptile extended its imprisoned caudal appendage to its full length and a hissing sound like a nest of rattlesnakes made Mr. Collman's hair stand up. His vigorous expressions of surprise attracted the attention of the occupants of the building and the box was soon the center of a curious crowd. There were many jokes cracked about the strange fruit which grows on Iowa trees and Mr. Collman was unable to explain whether the contents of the box represented the result of a new method of grafting fruit trees or was intended to illustrate the livestock industry of the state.
The little saurian threatened to grow into a white elephant and Mr. Collman was in a quandry how to dispose of it. Superintendent Taylor of the Horticulture building suggested that the reptile be placed in the big basin north of the building, which is filled with water lilies, saying it would soon clear the basin of the frogs which infest the place.
Florist Erfling, who has charge of the flower beds about the building and the lilies in the basin, overheard this suggestion and he entered a vigorous objection. "I have to get into that basin two or three times a week," exclaimed Mr. Erfling, "to get out the weeds, and do you think I want that thing taking a piece out of me?"
The "thing" had been quietly surveying the situation while the discussion was going on and its little beady eyes seemed to snap as they took in the rotund proportions of Mr. Erfling while he was objecting to furnishing a meal for the object of discussion.
No one could think of any better suggestion to make and the new arrival was poked back into its cramped quarters until some better place could be found.
Superintendent Collman decided to get a larger box for the reptile in order to give it an opportunity to move about and it will be kept in this until some better means of caring for it is devised. The creature is about four feet long and has jaws which open about six or seven inches. It was inclined to be very cross after its long imprisonment and resented any attempt at familiarity. It will form a part of the Iowa horticulture exhibit for the present.
One of the most interesting, instructive and attractive features of the Transmississippi Exposition will be the great encampment of Indians under the auspices of the United States government. The bill authorizing this unique gathering of American aborigines places $40,000 at the disposal of the United States Indian bureau for an Indian congress without prescribing its precise plan and scope. It is, however, well understood that the main object to be kept in view is educational and historic.
There are now about 150 distinct Indian tribes surviving in the United States. The Indian congress as contemplated by its promoters will consist of about twenty-five groups, representing all the principal types of the race, carefully selected by experienced ethnologists.
The encampment will present an object lesson of the Indian in his primitive condition, each of the tribes living in their peculiar form of habitation and pursuing the characteristic occupation of their people. The Zunis and Navajoes, for example, will be seen weaving blankets and working filigree ornaments, the Sioux, Pawnees and Cheyennes tanning hides and fabricating moccasins, while the Chippewas will build birchbark canoes. At certain periods religious ceremonies and social festivals and dances will be introduced to illustrate the peculiar rites and customs of the aboriginal Indian. The progress of the American Indian in the line of civilization will be illustrated by the pupils of the best Indian schools and the handiwork of the semi-civilized and civilized red man and red woman.
The action of the United States congress has been supplemented by invitations to the Canadian and Mexican governments to co-operate with the United States to make this Indian congress a congress of all North American tribes and it is confidently expected that representative groups of Canadian and Mexican Indians will join in the encampment by the time it is in full operation during the present month. Nowhere in the world has a similar exhibition been undertaken and it is doubtful whether the opportunity will ever again be presented for viewing and studying the American Indian under such favorable circumstances. The savage Indian will be a thing of the past with the close of the present century and the full-blooded semi-civilized Indian will become more of a rarity with every succeeding year.
Bands Will Be the Attraction During the Next Few Weeks.
The Theodore Thomas orchestra will give its farewell concert Tuesday night of the coming week and for some time the public will regale its taste for music by listening to band concerts and out-of-door choral concerts which will be given from time to time.
The Sioux City band, which has been delighting large audiences each afternoon and evening with its excellent concerts, will remain at the exposition until Tuesday evening, giving a concert in the afternoon at 3 o'clock in front of the Government building and at 7:30 p. m. in the pavilion on the bluff tract.
Wednesday of this week Phinney's United States band will commence an engagement of four weeks at the exposition. This band comprises fifty experienced musicians and the name of the Iowa State band has acquired a most enviable reputation throughout the middle west. This band will give concerts every afternoon in front of the Government building and each evening in the pavilion on the bluff tract.
The Pawnee City band will come to the exposition July 11 for an engagement of one week.
The usual Sunday concerts will be given at the grounds today, the Sioux City band playing in front of the Government building at 2:30 o'clock and on the bluff tract at 7:30 p. m., and the Thomas orchestra giving its usual Sunday concert in the Auditorium, commencing at 4 o'clock.
Exhibitors' Club Quarters.
The Exhibitors' club has reached an agreement with the exposition management by which the club will be given quarters in the gallery of the Electricity building. A meeting of the executive committee of the club was held in the Canadian club parlors this forenoon, at which the sub-committees that were appointed to arrange for quarters, furniture and other incidentals, reported. The details are now practically arranged and final action will be taken at a meeting of the club which will be held in the Montana building this evening. The exhibitors state that they propose to furnish their quarters in a manner that will be highly creditable to the exposition as well as themselves and they will occupy them as soon as the necessary preparations can be attended to.
Launches the Life Boat.
Secretary Cox of the government commission officiated at the launching of the life saving boat into the lagoon yesterday. The boat was beginning to show the effect of the hot sun of the last few days and it was found necessary to drop it into the lagoon to save it from serious injury. As the craft is far from being a delicate one this proved to be a rather heavy undertaking, but it was successfully accomplished and the boat is now moored to the mast that rises from the center of the mirror. Secretary Cox is still without information as to when the government will be able to provide a crew, but he hopes to secure one sometime during the month.
Government Building and Sunday.
The exposition management is making an effort to have the government building kept open Sunday afternoon and evenings. The request will be formally submitted to the commission at its next meeting, but it is regarded as doubtful whether the previous action will be rescinded. At the World's fair the matter was taken clear up to President Cleveland, but the determination of the commissioners to keep the building closed on Sunday was not shaken.
Celebration of Independence Day Promises to Be a Hummer.
Grandest and Most Unique Parade Ever Planned—Procession to Be Reviewed by State and City Officials.
All the arrangements for the Fourth of July celebration at the exposition grounds have been completed and everything is ready to celebrate the national holiday in a thoroughly unique and patriotic manner. The first feature of the day will be the display of Japanese fireworks on the lagoon just before 10 o'clock. Promptly at that hour the big parade of all nations will start from the intersection of Twentieth street and the West Midway. The divisions will form as follows:
First division on east side of Twentieth street south of West Midway, right resting on West Midway.
Second division on west side of Twentieth street south of West Midway, right resting opposite Miniature Railroad station.
Third division on east side of Twentieth street north of West Midway, right resting opposite Schlitz pavilion.
Fourth division on west side of Twentieth street north of West Midway, right resting at point north of Miniature Railroad station.
Fifth division on vacant lot in rear of Garibaldi restaurant, right resting on Twentieth street near Garibaldi restaurant.
This is the Order of March.
Exposition police, Exposition band; grand marshal, Frank Bostock; chief of staff, Colonel Thomas Early; staff, J. A. Gorman, Fred T. Cummins, L. R. Hare, F. B. Ashley, Warren B. Irons, Stephen von Szennyey, E. H. Cagney.
This is the Start.
First Division—Marshal, C. H. de Zevellos; aides, Fred W. Thompson, E. T. Dorland, C. F. Wickland, Harry Laugham. Hagenback's band, exposition fire department Hagenback's Wild Animal show, Chinese Village, Bombardment of Matanzas, Chiquita, the Oregon Wonder, Havana and the Maine, Montgomery Ward & Co.
Second Division—Marshal, Harry O'Brien; aides, W. O. Taylor, M. B. Pletz, M. Cusin, Colonel Ioilio Niunci. Band, Streets of Cairo, Shoot the Chutes, Moorish Palace, German Village, Palace of Illusions, Mystic Maze, Big Rock Show, Parisian Dancers, Libby Glass Blowers, Dancing Girl, A. L. Due, fireworks; Flying Lady.
Third Division—Marshal, E. B. McConnell; aides, C. H. Holbrook, Tom Hoctor, S. Williard, H. Roltair. Band, Old Plantation, Pabst Music Hall, Cyclorama, Giant See-Saw, Roll the Roll, California Gold Mine, Ostrich Farm, Scenic Railway, Camera Obscura.
Fourth Division—Marshal, P. C. Mattox;[?]
Still There is More.
Fifth Division—Marshal, Gaston Akoun; aides, Kalhille Neimy, Emil Lerny, Isaac Banyaker, M. Zitoun, Fernand Akoun. Streets of All Nations band, Streets of All Nations, Gondoliers, Baker's Chocolate, Electrical department, Swift Packing company, Cudahy Packing company.
The line of march will be east over the north viaduct and thence south on the East Midway to the Horticulture building, where the procession will countermarch to the Grand plaza. At the band stand the parade will be reviewed by Governor Holcomb, Mayor Moores, President Wattles and the executive committee of the exposition association and distinguished guests. At 11 o'clock the following exercises will be held at the band stand:
Music | Exposition Band |
Prayer | Rev. T. J. Mackay |
Song—My Country 'Tis of Thee | Exposition chorus of 200 voices under direction of Mr. Willard Kimball |
Reading Declaration of Independence | Hon. John C. Wharton |
Song—Red, White and Blue | Exposition chorus of 200 voices under direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly. |
Oration | Hon. James M. Beck United States attorney of Pennsylvania. |
Music | Exposition Band |
The most brilliant display of fireworks ever seen in Omaha will be given on the North tract in the evening, and the celebration will be wound up at 11 o'clock by a grand illumination of the entire Midway.
Sketch of the Orator.
James M. Beck, who will deliver the address of the day, is the United States attorney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania and one of the most noted orators of that state. He was born in Philadelphia July 9, 1861, and was educated at the public schools of that city. Subsequently he entered the Moravian college at Bethlehem, Pa., where he graduated in 1880 as the salutatorian of his class. He spent a year in the railroad business, after which he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1884. A few years later he formed the partnership with William F. Harrity, which still remains. Previous to his appointment as United States attorney in 1896 he served three years as assistant United States attorney for the same district, but resigned in 1892 on account of the demands of his private practice. He has been connected with some of the most important civil and criminal cases that have been tried in the Pennsylvania courts during the last ten years. Aside from his professional success Mr. Beck has won an enviable reputation in the literary field. He has been a contributor to various magazines and was the first editor of the Shakespearian, the first magazine that was devoted to the study of Shakespeare. His first great triumph as a public speaker was in 1881, when he responded to the toast, "Civil and Religious Liberty," at the Hibernian banquet in Philadelphia. The local newspapers of the following day pronounced this to be the most eloquent address ever delivered in that city on a similar occasion and from that time his oratory was in demand. He has been the principal speaker on a number of occasions of national importance, one of the most notable being on Pennsylvania day at the World's fair, where his speech was declared to be the greatest oratorical effort that had yet been heard at Jackson park. Mr. Beck has a wife and two children and is prominently identified with many public institutions of Philadelphia.
Celebrations Showing How the Present Observance Has Developed.
Guns, Fireworks and Processions Then Began—Orations Followed Later—How Congress Kept the First Day.
The first Fourth of July celebration took place in Philadelphia four days after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, on July 8, 1776, "a warm, sunshiny morning," as one of those who were present described the day. John Nixon read the declaration in the yard of the state house, and the great assembly of people "gave three repeated hozzas." The king's arms were torn down from their place, and then the proclamation was read before each of the five battalions on the commons. In the evening, which was clear and starlight, bonfires were kindled, cannon were fired, bells were rung, "with other demonstrations of joy upon the unanimity and agreement of the declaration."
On July 9 Washington himself directed the celebration which was held in New York. The declaration was read in the presence of the army, and the assembled people indulged in displays very like those of the preceding day in Philadelphia, although the New York celebration went a step farther, for in their enthusiasm the people tore down, beheaded and melted the statue of George III in Bowling green, "the troops long having had an inclination so to do."
The news was hurried forward to Boston, and the messengers made such incredible fast time that they arrived on the 18th of July. The people were dressed in their day suits" and with the soldiers thronged the streets. Exactly at 1 o'clock Thomas Crafts arose in the town house and read aloud the declaration, and the men stood up and repeated the words of their officers and swore to uphold the rights of their country. The town clerk read the declaration from a balcony to the crowd, "at the close of which a shout, begun in the hall, passed to the streets, which rang with loud huzzas, the slow and measured boom of cannon and the rattle of musketry." Then there was a banquet in the council chamber, "to which all the richer citizens were invited," while great quantities of liquor were distributed among the people, and in the evening there was a general illumination of the entire town. There was no statue of King George to be broken, but the people did the next best thing, for they tore down the lion and the unicorn from the east wing of the state house.
First Celebration by Congress.
One of the unpublished letters of John Adams gives the following description: The thought of taking any notice of this day was not conceived until the second of the month, and was not mentioned until the third. It was too late to have a sermon, as every one wished, so this must be deferred to another year. Congress determined to adjourn over that day and to dine together. The general officers and others in town were invited, after the president and council and board of war of this state. In the morning the Delaware frigate, several large galleys and other continental armed vessels, the Pennsylvania ship and row galleys and guard boats were all hauled off into the river and several of them were dressed in the colors of all nations displayed above the masts, yards and rigging. At 1 o'clock the ships were all manned; that is, the men were all ordered aloft and arranged upon the top yards and shrouds, making a striking appearance of men drawn up in order in the air. Then I went on board the Delaware with the president and several gentlemen of the marine committee, soon after which we were saluted with a discharge of thirteen guns, which was followed by thirteen others from each of the armed vessels in the river, then the galleys followed the fire and after them the gunboats. Then the president and the company returned in the barges to the shore and were saluted by three cheers from every ship, galley and boat in the river. The wharves and shores were lined with a vast concourse of people, all shouting and huzzaing. * * * At 3 we went to dinner and were very agreeably entertained with excellent company, good cheer and music from the band of Hessians captured at Trenton and by continued volleys between every toast from a company of soldiers."
The letter then goes on to describe the processions and salutes of the soldiers, and expresses the surprise of the writer in the evening to behold almost every house lighted by candles in the windows, "though a few surly houses were dark." "I had forgot," he continues, "the ringing of bells all day and evening, and the bonfires in the streets, and the fireworks played off. Had General Howe been here in disguise, or his master, this show would have given them the headache."
After the Declaration of Peace.
The anniversaries had been celebrated in the army by the discharge of guns, the setting free of prisoners, and festivities in which the wives of the generals had been very active, Mrs. Knox and Mrs. Greene being especially interested. The year when peace was declared witnessed the introduction of the oration. Guns and bells, of course, continued to be very much in evidence, and toasts were drunk and responded to at the dinners, which were provided on every village green or city common. "George Washington," "The Constitution," "The United States" and "The Daughters of America" came in for a goodly share of attention in oration and in toast. "Squirrels, chickens, green corn and vegetables of the season" were piled upon the tables, and were free to all, while firewater as well as fireworks abounded. The introduction of the "oration," however, chiefly distinguishes the celebration of 1783, and dates from that time.
This was the "jubilee" and was the most elaborate of all celebrations up to that time. Three of the signers of the declaration were still living, although the weakness of old age prevented them from taking an active part in the festivities. The struggle of the South American countries to throw off the yoke of Spain, and the popular sympathy with Greece helped to inspire the American people. Bands, bells, cannon and processions abounded, and the oration held a conspicuous part. Josiah Quincy was the orator in Boston, Edward Everett in Cambridge, while in Washington an "honorable member" delivered a great speech before a greater crowd from the steps of the capitol. New York had not yet made so much of the oration as had some of the other cities, but did not lack in enthusiasm. A long procession marched from the Battery to Washington square, and was there review by DeWitt Clinton, the governor of the state. Ten thousand people were in the assembly and aided in disposing of the "ox feast" which had been provided. The enthusiasm throughout the land was intense. The "Monroe doctrine," the "liberty of man," "the oppression of effete monarchies" were expressions used not only by the orators, but by all men. Doubtless the "jubilee" provided a mighty impulse for the nation, then just passing out from its childhood.
The Centennial.
Marvelous were the changes which the fifty years had witnessed since the jubilee, but they were no greater than the changes in the method of celebrating the great event in American history. Noise of bells and cannon was still retained, to the inexpressible delight of young America, but science, art and literature all received their due share of attention. Upon the very spot where the republic was born Hon. Joseph R. Hawley extended a welcome to the friends of all nations assembled there, and then resigned the chair to the vice president of the United States. William M. Evarts delivered an oration upon "What the Age Owes to America," poems by Holmes and Bayard Taylor were read and "Our National Banner, a Grand Triumphal March," written by Dexter Smith, was rendered. Great as was the enthusiasm manifested in the quaint old Quaker town, it was but little in advance of that displayed in every city and village in the nation. The "centennial" will be remembered not only for its material display, but for its orations and poems as well. Among the various Fourth of July orators on that occasion were Richard S. Storris, Henry Ward Beecher, George William Curtis, Horatio Seymour, Lucius E. Chittenden, Henry Barnard, Cortlandt Parker, John A. Dix, Fernando Wood, Leonard Bacon, Robert C. Winthrop, Charles Francis Adams and innumerable other lesser lights.
Of poems, William Cullen Bryant, John Greenleaf Whittier, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Bayard Taylor and others furnished their best. Perhaps the poems of Bryant and Whittier will live longest, and that of Bryant especially was not only historic, but also prophetic. He "celebrated" the past and did not forget the future, as he wrote:
And thou, the new beginning age,
Warmed by the past, and not in vain,
Write on a fairer, whiter page
The record of thy happier reign.
Full Program of the Big Celebration to Take Place on the Grounds.
All Features of the Midway Will Appear in the Parade Early in the Forenoon.
Day Fireworks in the Morning and a $10,000 Pyrotechnic Display at Night---Speeches and Patriotic Songs.
The program for the celebration on the exposition grounds tomorrow, July 4, is as follows:
9:50 a. m., sharp—Grand display of Japanese day fireworks, A. L. Due Fireworks company.
10 a. m.—Grand parade of concessionaires,
(Grand Marshal of the Midway Parade, Morning of July 4.)
in which every feature of the great Midway will be displayed, consisting of five divisions.
Twenty-Two Numbers to Make Unprecedented Display.
The fireworks on the exposition grounds on the night of July 4 will be such a display as was probably never seen in America. The A. L. Due company announces the following program:
The commencement of the display will be announced by the firing of three heavy report shells.
Instantaneous illumination of the entire surroundings in red and green effects.
Ascension of six-pound heavy peacock plume rockets.
Set pieces—Horizontal kaleidoscope.
The lake on fire, with silver fountains, diving porpoises, aerial sharks and verticals.
Flight of A. L. Due's mammoth thirty-six inch magnetism bombs, showing all colors of the rainbow.
Grand flight of 144 meteor rockets.
Comical devices—Two goats fighting in mid air.
Ascension of A. L. Due's shell of shells.
Ascension of golden umbrellas.
Grand flight of silver snakes.
Mammoth portrait of George Washington on horseback, surmounted by the American eagle, shield and flags.
Ascension of twenty-four floating rockets.
Ascension of fifteen thirty-six-inch shells.
Grand device—Jeweled fan.
Flight of twenty-four silver rockets.
Set piece—Sunrise on the Alps.
Flight of mammoth forty-five-inch bomb shells.
Niagara falls on fire, 300 feet long.
Flights of flying doves.
Feats of an acrobat in mid-air.
Grand final—Naval battle between the Olympia and the Reina Christina at Manila, interspersed with the largest aerial display ever fired in this country, consisting of thousands of heavy rockets.
Reduced Admission Evenings and Sundays Still on the Tapis.
The Concessionaires' association met at the German Village yesterday afternoon. The committee appointed to visit the executive committee of the exposition in regard to the 25-cent rate at night and on Sunday made a report to the effect that the matter is receiving the attention of the executive committee, and a decision will be announced in the near future. The committee reported also that there are good reasons to believe that a ticket and pass gate will be placed at the north viaduct, on Sherman avenue, near the West Midway.
After the adjournment the association accepted an invitation from E. A. Feeder to lunch at the Moorish Cafe. Manager H. J. Steen received the guests cordially, and they sat down to a most elegant and tempting collation. For an hour there was feast of reason and a flow of soul. Speechmaking was indulged in at length and many toasts were offered to Mr. Feeder and Mr. Steen.
Fred Thompson, manager of the grand illumination to take place at 11 o'clock Monday night, reports that he has met with wonderful progress, and the illumination will be the most brilliant ever attempted at an exposition. It will extend the entire length of the Midway. Large specially prepared spectacle torches will be placed in rows of red, white and blue down the center of the Midway, and when the signal is given they will all be set off simultaneously. The illumination will [?] considered apart from their purpos[?]
Perhaps one of the most appropriate costumes on the grounds is that of Aunt Jemima, with her gay colored turban and kerchief over her blue dress, standing in front of the biggest barrel in the world and dispensing cakes made of Aunt Jemima's pancake flour. She assures us she is the veritable Aunt Jemima and we haven't the least doubt of it.
Independence Day.
9:50 a. m., Display of Japanese Fireworks.
10 a. m., Grand Parade from Midway.
11 a. m., Speaking at Grand Plaza.
3 p. m., Fourth Regiment Band, Government Building.
7:30 p. m., Fourth Regiment Band, Grand Plaza.
8:15 p. m., Thomas Orchestra and Soloists, Auditorium.
9 p. m., Fireworks, North Tract.
11 p. m., Midway Illumination.
Down town:
9 a. m., Congress of Musicians at Congregational Church.
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[?]inspir-[?] cloud-[?]parable [?]f were [?] that it [?]merable [?]s with [?]ands of [?]
[?]air tremu-[?] in the pa-[?]e[?]or the great [?] gli[?]e celestial palace[?] decorations were especially imposing. Thousands of yards of bunting waved in red, white and blue profusion from every possible vantage. A thousand flags floated from the staffs of the main buildings and streamers of bunting were festooned over the avenues and along the fronts of the smaller buildings. Even the peanut stands were decorated and a large proportion of the visitors wore flags pinned on their breasts or fastened in their hat hands.
During the early forenoon the crowd was well scattered over the grounds, but toward 10 o'clock the rush toward the Midway and the Plaza begun. By the time the parade started the Bluff Tract was a vertiable sea of color and the people were still coming as rapidly as they could crowd over the big viaducts. The wide verendas of the state buildings were densely packed and the parade moved through a solid mass of cheering and enthusiastic men and women. A striking incident occurred while the parade was passing the Casinos where the crowd was most compact. One of the oriental bands struck up the national hymn, the measured movement swelling in sublime contrast to the blare of the zerzhonis and the rattle of the drums. At the first note a huge Turk in the line of march jumped high in the air and bringing his cimeter and shield together with a resounding clash above his head he let out a yell that might have been heard in Constantinople. Then the crowd broke loose. Hundreds of little flags appeared as though by preconcerted arrangement, and were waved in unison with a tumult of cheers that fairly fluttered the bunting overhead.
"Dixie" Also Popular.
Then the band broke into "Dixie" and the tumult was intensified. Thousands of voices joined in the patriotic tribute, the orientals in the procession gave lusty assistance and even the immobile faces of the little Chinese women relaxed under the inspiration of the enthusiastic outburst.
After the parade there was a general break for the bandstand where the exercises of the day were held before as many people as could get within hearing distance. But these were only an insignificant proportion of the immense concourse, and there was enough left to fairly inundate the Midway and the main buildings. Even then the crowd had not reached its maximum, for people were coming constantly through the early afternoon and the fireworks tonight will be a sufficient attraction to bring out those who were unable to spend the entire day on the grounds.
Great Procession Proves a Unique and Enjoyable Attraction.
Parades and parades have been seen in Omaha, but there was never been one that was a marker to that witnessed at the exposition grounds. It was made up of all of the attractions of the Midway and was witnessed by almost countless thousands who congregated along the Midway and that Bluff tract.
The parade was different from any other parade ever seen in the west. There were people from the most remote parts of the earth, all of whom were costumed in the garb of the countries from which they came. The line of march was as outlined and the procession started on time, something that is unusual. The parade was reviewed by the exposition officials who occupied the bandstand on the Bluff tract.
Everything in connection with the parade was in the hands of Grand Marshal Bostwick, assisted by Thomas Earley, J. A. Gorman, Fred T. Cummins, E. H. Cagney, C. H. DeZevelles,
Fred W. Thompson, C. F. Wickland, Harry Laugham, Harry O'Brien, W. O. Taylor, M. B. Platz, M. Cusin, Icilio Ninci, E. W. McConnell, C. H. Holbrook, Tom Hoctor, S. Willard, H. Roltair, P. C. Mattox, Lewis Root, John Willie, Dick Mattox, Jim Root, Gaston Akoun, Kalhille Neimy, Emil Lermy, Isaac Benyaka, M. Root and Fernand Akoun. At the appointed hour, 10 o'clock, the procession moved off as though it had been arranged by clock work, the start being made from West Midway. The grand marshal was in the lead, accompanied by a detachment of the exposition police, the members of which cleared the way. Then came the band from Hagenback's live animal show, which, in turn, was followed by the performing animals from the arena. In this collection there was a lion upon an open float, surrounded by his trainers. There were also snakes, elephants, quaggas, bears, dogs, leopards and numerous other animals from the ring. In this collection, Matt Johnson, the king of wild animal trainers, was the central feature, occupying a place upon an open float, surrounded by wild beasts from the jungle.
After these came representatives of every one of the Midway attractions, making a column most wonderful in its variety and attractiveness.
Oriental Wedding Procession.
There was no more interesting feature in the procession than the allegorical representation of a wedding and the attendant ceremonies given by 125 olive-skinned natives of the Orient. They hailed from the Streets of Cairo, and had quite an animal show of their own; it included a dozen camels, as many donkeys and half as many horses. The bride was attired in a gorgeous gown of light blue silk, and with the diminutive groom walked under a canopy of rich velvet borne by four little boys in blue. The scene was supposed the represent the returning march from the wedding ceremony to the home of the groom. There were bridesmaids in pink and white, the pink waists being as short as the white skirts were long. They all rode camels, and beamed at the crowds through several layers of rouge. The father of the bride preceded her, and whirled a sword defiantly, intimidating those who would attempt to steal her. Then there were attendants of the bride, male and female, some of whom were mounted, while others danced along to familiar midway strains. The wrestlers and the fencers marched along in single file and gave good exhibitions of their art. The pet dog of the Streets of Cairo, Nellie Gray, was decorated in red, white and blue, and was accompanied by Arabian children.
The tally-ho of the Pabst company's vaudeville hall was a gala affair and successfully advertised that resort. The
tally-ho was liberally adorned with the national colors and the four horses that drew the big vehicle were trimmed out with big plumes of red, white and blue. On the front seat was Manager Henry Willard, while back of him rode twelve of the music hall performers and the turnout was enlivened by the music furnished by the Pabst orchestral band.
Shuts Out the Ostriches.
Manager Cawston of the ostrich farm had made plans for an extensive display in the parade, but a Methodist parson who misunderstood just what the manager was advertising had him arrested and while explanations were being made to the guards the parade started. One cage of little ostriches was exhibited, however, and made a good, though rather small, showing.
Memories of the pioneer celebrations of Independence day were recalled by the appearance of the Indians and cowboys connected with the Wild West show. Under the lead of Manager Mattox the red men and the white men from the mountains and plains made a striking showing and their display was one of the creditable features of the procession. First came the cowboy band, twenty musicians dressed in corduroy trousers with heavy boots, blue flannel shirts, bandanna ties and big sombreros, playing popular airs along the line of march. Then there were fifty riders representing the real western cowboy and the representation throughout was good. A dozen Indians followed the riders and they were all strikingly painted in the livliest of war colors. The old stage coach of the Black Hills was occupied by a score of passengers who didn't appear to be the least bit scared. Then there was the immigrant wagon that had plainly seen better days and it was occupied by one lone young woman, who appeared to be enjoying her best days right now.
The "heathen Chinee," from the Chinese village, fifty strong, had with them the musical instruments of their country and were clothed in their holiday garb.
Struck a Popular Chord.
The Bombardment of Matanzas was represented by a party of men upon a guady float, all of whom were clothed in sailor uniforms, and in addition, there was a miniature reproduction of the harbor of Matanzas as it appeared before the guns of the American fleet were turned upon the city. The war spirit among the crowd was further stimulated by the appearance of "Chiquita," the Cuban midget, who rode in a little coupe and carried both the American and Cuban flags. Just to give emphasis to the spirit of '98 "The Destruction of the Maine" was represented by a float, upon which there was a 100-pound cannon and a band of marines. The float was cheered along the line of march.
One of the most notable displays was made by the German villagers, under the guidance of General Manager Stephen Ivor von Szinnyey. It included two immense floats, each drawn by six horses, and five well filled carriages. The latter came first. They were all trimmed in red, white and blue, and contained the management and the singers, dancers and acrobats that amuse the villagers and their guests by day and by night. The first float was a big one, and it was crowded with two score of girl waitresses, all prettily attired in costumes of the German national colors. The second float represented Gambrinius, the very worthy god of beer. Draw one.
Close of the Column.
Over 200 swarthy men and women from the Orient represented the Streets of All Nations and formed a fitting conclusion to the unique parade.
They were in charge of Gaston Akoun, assisted by K. E. Neimy. In the parade there camels and donkeys, ridden and driven by people from a dozen countries, all clothed in the garb of the nations which they represented. The concession had its own band, which played national and oriental airs, all of which were loudly applauded. The camels were richly decorated and presented an attractive feature as they marched from one end of the line to the other. As the procession proceeded over the line of march foreign songs were sung and to the music the sword fighters from
the orient kept time with their weapons and shields. Several dances peculiar to the extreme east were executed, all of which proved a great attraction. The actresses of the streets rode in carriages. They were dressed in raiment of finest silk, from which innumerable jewels glistened. One great features of the streets was a reproduction of the Evjonies, where a Greek regiment engaged in battle with the Turks on on the Plains of Marathon. : The fight was a desperate one, and as victory after victory was declared for one side or the other, loud cheers went up from the assembled multitude. The costumes of the footmen, as well as those who rode in carriages, on donkeys and on camels, were a revelation, as many of them were set in jewels that are seldom seen. The French section of the concession was in charge of Prof. Nermey, who was at home in a carriage, surrounded by numerous belles from the city of Paris. The village struck a patriotic streak and displayed numerous flags, among which were those of the Orient, the United States and Cuba. As the people of the concession passed the reviewing stand, the members cheered the exposition managers and the salute was returned by the officials and state officers. The Streets of All Nations closed the parade, and while it was last in the line, it was voted one of the best attractions seen.
Experience of a Zealous Guard with a Suspected Camera Fiend.
The exposition guards are instructed to stop every person not having one of the official tickets attached to his camera and compel him to leave the grounds or purchase a permit for the use of the instrument. Yesterday about noon, while the sun was shinging brightly and all conditions were perfect for taking photographs, a guard on duty near the Administration arch caught sight of a man with a suspicious looking black box hurrying toward the main court as though in search of a good point from which to catch a snap shot. Hurrying after him the guard saw that there was no ticket attached to the camera. Tapping the man on the shoulder the guard informed him that he would have to get a permit before he could "use that thing."
"I don't need any permit," replied the man, who took in the situation at a glance.
"You can't use that thing without a permit," replied the guard who was becoming somewhat nettled, as a crowd was gathering and the man seemed to be making fun of him. "I don't want to make you any trouble, but our orders are very strict and I'll have to arrest you if you don't go quietly and buy a permit before you use it."
"I don't intend to buy a permit," replied the man with some show of temper, "and you can't make me."
"Now, look here, mister," replied the guard, who was getting mad, "you can't use that without a permit, and if you don't come with me and get one right away I'll run you in."
"I don't need any permit, and I'm going to use this thing right now," replied the man with the kodak, as he winked at the crowd. "You just watch me."
With this he walked to a convenient seat, sat down and opened the box, extracting a sandwich and various other eatables, which he coolly proceeded to demolish, while the crowd gave the guard the laugh.
Band Concerts on Sunday.
The concert of the Fourth Regiment band in front of the Government building yesterday afternoon attracted a large number of people who sat on the steps of the building and along the colonnades at either side. The sun had passed behind the big building before the concert commenced and th[?]shade and the gentle splashing o[?]ing fountain formed a setting fo[?] which added greatly to its cha[?]
At the evening concert on the[?] however, the crowd was much [?] in the afternoon, every seat in [?] music pavilion being filled and [?] people standing during the en[?]mance. The programs presente[?] concerts included an attractive c[?] music of all kinds, both classic a[?] and the capable manner in which [?]bers were performed made the co[?] enjoyable.
Exposition Notes.
There were 4,509 paid admis[?] grounds Saturday.
The interior of the Nebraska [?] decorated with flags and buntin[?]sents a gay appearance in hono[?]ebration of the Fourth of July.
The only arrests made yes[?] those of a couple of men who [?] the Twentieth street gate. [?] past the gatekeeper, who wa[?] for such a movement, but they [?] overhauled and locked up.
The Iowa building is the onl[?]ing on the grounds which is[?] visitors on Sunday. The spre[?] however, are liberally suppli[?] and these are occupied by p[?] to enjoy a view of the grou[?] point.
The Illinois building is libe[?] with the national colors in[?] nation's birthday, flags, bun[?] in the proper colors being d[?] lavish hand. Prominent f[?] decorations are large portr[?] Lincoln and John A. Log[?] hung from the balcony ove[?]trance. These are draped [?] surrounded by flags, addin[?] the effectiveness of the dec[?]
Fourth of July Exercises Like Our Fathers Used to Have.
Giant Parade Followed by the Declaration of Independence and a Patriotic Speech by an Able Orator Hugely Enjoyed.
Fourth of July was celebrated with speeches, music, the Declaration of Independence and all the features that have come to be recognized as part of the occasion, at the exposition grounds. All the available settees on the grounds were gathered on the broad plaza and when the parade had passed the west side of the plaza the crowd surged toward the pavillion and the seats were quickly filled, while thousand of people crowded about the outside. The parade was reviewed by President Wattles, Vice President Saunders and all the executive committee of the exposition, General C. F. Manderson, General J. C. Cowin, J. C. Wharton and H. H. Baldrige.
The signal for the starting of parade was given from the pavillion on the Bluff tract by the sending up of daylight fireworks. The parade passed immediately in front of the pavillion and never was such a cosmopolitan conglomeration seen in any American celebration of a Fourth of July. As the representatives of the various nationalities passed the reviewing stand they stopped and executed characteristic salutes, consisting mainly of glad shouts and wild gesticulations. The air resounded with the combination of national music played on strange instruments and the sound of glad acclaim in many tongues. The parade occupied nearly three-quarters of an hour in passing the pavillion and as soon as the last float had passed the people crowded up to the front of the pavillion and the whole plaza was black with people.
The exercises began with a medley of national airs by the Fourth Regiment band of Sioux City, ending with the "Star Spangled Banner," at the first notes of which the great audience broke into cheers. Those who were sitting stood during the stirring song, all with uncovered heads.
Cheer News of Victory.
As soon as the music ceased President Wattles announced that bulletins showing the progress of events at Santiago would be read during the exercises and he introduced General C. F. Manderson to read a bulletin just received. The crowd shouted with excitement when General Manderson announced that the victory of Vicksburg on that historical Fourth in the '60s was about to be repeated and then he read the announcement that Shafter had given the Spanish in Santiago until Tuesday noon to surrender.
Rev. T. J. Mackay delivered the invocation, dwelling especially on the stirring events in Cuba and asking divine protection for those engaged in deadly conflict for the cause of human liberty.
The exposition chorus sung "America" with accompaniment by the band, the audience standing and joining in singing the last verse, the prayer in song rising in a mighty wave to the clear, blue vault of heaven.
The Declaration of Independence was read in stentorian tones by Hon. J. C. Wharton, his voice reaching to the outer limits of the great crowd. The assembled multitude was in a patriotic mood and the main points in the document were applauded, the close of the reading being followed by continued cheers and applause.
Hon. James M. Beck Speaks.
The exposition chorus sang "The Red, White and Blue," and then the orator of the day was announced, Hon. James M. Beck, United States attorney for Pennsylvania. He was greeted with applause, a [?]words of greeting from Philadelphia to Omaha were
enthusiastically received. He spoke as follows:
My Fellow Countrymen: From the city of the Declaration of Independence, where eHnry spoke, Jefferson wrote, Franklin counseled, Adams debated, Morris administered and Washington unsheathed his sword, within whose walls is Germantown and near to whose gates are Brandywine and Valley Forge, I bring to you a fraternal greeting. Philadelphia felicitates with Omaha. Pennsylvania salutes Nebraska and its sisters of the great west. We congratulate you on this imposing pageant of art and industry, representing the resources of a section over which, when the great declaration was given to the world, the banner of Spain floated in triumph. Its marvelous growth under free institutions is a vindication beyond the power of mere words of those sublime truths to which our fathers gave undying expression 122 years ago this day.
We can reverently than the Ruler of Nations, by whose ordinance we came into being and to serve whose wise purpose we continue to exist, that upon no preceding anniversary has our country exercised so wide an influence among the nations of the earth or used it for any loftier or nobler purpose. The republic is in arms today, not because it loves peace less, but because it loves justice more. Never did nation make war with less selfish purpose. The American people, until patience had ceased to be a virtue, sympathized with their noble president in the wish that this cup of bitterness might be spared our lips. No lust of military glory or territorial aggrandizement inspired our action. We had been slow to believe the oft-repeated stories of medieval barbarities in Cuba and our traditional policy was opposed to intervention in the domestic affairs of another power.
Truth is Brought Home.
It was not until a daughter of Nebraska had died in Cuban waters and her husband, its honored senator, had, in a speech of great eloquence and yet greater pathos, given us "the true and sensible avouch of his own eyes," that our pacific purposes gave place to the passionate indignation of freemen and that the spirit of the Crusaders swept through our veins and the cry "God wills it," was heard on every hand. We then took a high resolve in the spirit of our fathers that our blood should be as dust and our treasure as water to stop this barbarity and remove forever this foul cancer of Spanish oppression. We have thus disproved the libel against American character that our aims are purely material and that our unequaled growth in wealth has choked the finer sensibilities of the soul.
Our rejoicing, however, may well be tempered today by the appreciation of the tremendous responsibilities which by no purpoes of ours are suddenly devolved upon us. Dewey's genius and valor—not unworthy of a land which gave Paul Jones, Greble, Bainbridge, Decatur, Porter and Farragut to history—have blazed the path to victory and have confronted the American people with a responsibility more momentous and pregnant with future consequences than has ever weighed upon our nation on any natal anniversary since the civil war. That involved our existence, this may define our position and relations to the rest of the world. To give back the conquered territory to Spain may be to subject a weak and helpless people to its vindictive revenge; to give these various possessions in two hemispheres to their ow npeople may make them the prey for the powers of Europe, whose selfish greed for territory is now finding expression in China; for us to surrender these conquered islands to any other nation is to incur the lasting enmity of the rest and perhaps involve civilization in a war which might wrap the world in its devouring flame, and yet to permanently annex them to the republic is to cross a great Rubicon than that at whose brink Caesar halted and with consequences scarcely less momentous. Jefferson's words to James Monroe, which inspired the Monroe doctrine, may well be recalled as applicable to the present crisis in our national life. "The question," said he, "is the most momentous which has ever
been offered to my contemplation since that of independence; that made us a nation, this sets our compass and points the course which we are to steer through the ocean of time opening to us."
At the Parting of the Ways.
Is the western hemisphere large enough for the influence and progress of the American people, or must we surrender, commercially and politically, our policy of isolation and claim an influence which shall be as limitless as the world is round? The Atlantic coast was our cradle, lusty youth found us on the banks of the Mississippi, vigorous maturity has brought us to the Pacific. What of the momentous morrow—the twentieth century? Are we, like Alexander, to stop at the margin of the sea and mour that it forever bars our further progress, or are we, like the inspired pilot of Genoa, to launch the bark of our national destiny into an unknown sea and in search of new and untried routes to national prosperity?
Steam and electricity have destroyed our "distant and detached position" of which Washington spoke in the immortal farewell address and upon which he predicated in the infancy of the republic a policy of isolation. Then we were the weakest power in the world, today we are the strongest. Then we were 3,000,000 in number, scattered over 300,000 square miles of territory, today we are 75,000,000 of people, inhabiting a continent from ocean to ocean and possessed of resources which are inexhaustible. Then we were almost exclusively an agricultural country, today we are the greatest agricultural, mining adn manufacturing nation of the globe and seconly only to England in commercial prestige. Then it required five weeks to visit or communicate with Europe and the Atlanitc ocean seemed a natural barrier, today we can flash a message around the world in a few hours and can learn of its affairs almost as they occur. The citizens of New York can today reach London with more facility than Washington could leave Mount Vernon and proceed to Philadelphia. When, therefore, Washington, at a time when the great European powers had been thrown by the French revolution into a state of chaos, advised the infant republic, newest among nations and weakest in credit, numbers and resources, to avoid any interference in the affairs of the greater world beyond the seas, lest as a lamb it should be devoured by a pack of wolves, he counseled, as he always did, with a wisdom unimpeachable; but those who would forever keep the republic in its swaddling clothes and who for this purpose invoke the great name of Washington, should first convince us that if he were the president of the most powerful nation in the world he would advise it to yield precedence to lesser and weaker powers. Would he not feel that a nation which "doth bestride this narrow world like a Colossus," should not lisp in the language of infancy, but should say with St. Paul, "When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things?"
Tradition is Tyrannical.
I would not be understood as arguing in favor of the annexation of any of the islands, of which we have taken possession for the purposes of the war, or indeed of any policy of indiscriminate territorial acquisition. These are questions about which men of equal intelligence and patriotism may reasonably differ, and both the limitations and the proprieties of the occasion forbid their discussion. I have been protesting, however, against the tyranny of tradition and the assumption that there is any policy which forbids the further expansion of the republic.
To faintly grasp the future of this country is to bewilder and exhaust the imagination. The past is but the "happy prologue to the swelling act of an imperial theme." Today as never before we face the world as a united country. If wounds there have been, they are healed; if cause for quarrel, it has gone. East and west from the Father of Waters, north and south of Mason and Dixon's line, we are one today, my fellow countrymen, one, in the proud possession of a glorious past, one in a resolute purpose to meet the duties of the hour and one in an abiding faith in the future of our beloved country. Never before did its flag float as a symbol of possession over so vast a domain. Not only from the Arctic ocean to the Gulf, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but in those islands of the sea, where the Caribbean breaks, and in that farther archipelago, washed by the China sea, the star spangled banner floats today in proudest triumph. Our boast is that of the mother empire, of whose teeming womb we are
born, that night no longer falls upon our possessions, for when these joyous festivities shall have ended and day shall fade from yonder lagoon, and when the moon shall silver with its mellow glory these noble temples of art and industry, the sun will be flooding the harbor of Manila and illumining that glorious flag under which Dewey and his heroes defended their country's honor. For one land, one people, one flag and one destiny let us reverently thank the God of our fathers. May the glory of the republic be as lasting as the day which shines upon its flag, and its beneficent influence upon future generations as ceaseless as the majestic flow of the Mississippi to the sea!
The exercises closed with a selection by the band and then the crowd dispersed to all parts of the grounds.
Everything in the Line of Pyrotechnics Entertains the Crowds.
An old-fashioned display of fireworks with all the latest modern improvements in the way of noise and brilliant lights marked the close of one of the most remarkable days in the history of the exposition. No less than seventy-five thousand people gathered on the North tract before 9 o'clock last night to see the fireworks and they were rewarded by seeing one of the most extensive and elaborate displays that has been seen in this section for many a day.
There were bombs in profusion, the shower of colored stars which burst from the flying ball lighting up the heavens with many colors. Sky rockets and Roman candles of the latest types, flower pots, "snakes" and all the devices known to modern pyrotechnic art formed a background for the display of elaborate set pieces which won the plaudits of the assembled multitude.
One of the handsomest set pieces was one representing the Father of His Country. The immortal Washington was shown in fire, mounted on a charger, emerging from an arch which was surmounted by the coat of arms of the United States. Colored fire was used to bring out the various parts of the device in the most effective manner. Niagara in fire excited the admiration of the crowd and the applause was enthusiastic in vigorous. A figure of an elephant and a group showing two goats bucking at one another furnished amusement for the youngsters.
The display concluded with a set piece which made the crowd wild with enthusiasm. This comprised two battleships, one flying "Old Glory" and the other the Spanish flag. A battle was waged for several minutes with bombs and other pyrotechnic devices, the scene being a vivid one.
Rates for Republican League.
Manager Babcock of the Transportation department has announced the rates that will be made by the various railroads on the occasion of the annual convention of the National League of Republic Clubs, which convenes July 13 to 15. The schedule practically covers the entire United States and is regarded as very satisfactory. The rate from all points within 150 miles of Omaha will be one fare for the round trip and tickets will be on sale July 11 to 13. They will be good for the return trip until July 21. From all points in Western Passenger association territory outside of the 150-mile limit the rate will be one fare plus $2 for the round trip. The same rate will be in force from all points on the Cotton Belt, Port Arthur, Missouri, Kansas & Texas, St. Louis & San Francisco, Oregon Short Line, except north of Dillon, Mont., Oregon Railway and Navigation company, Chicago & Great Western and Wisconsin Central roads. All points in the Southeastern Passenger association territory will also bear a rate of one fare plus $2. The fare from Central Passenger association points will be one fare and $4 for the round trip. The Trunk Line Passenger association has made a rate of one and one-third fare to Chicago and one fare plus $2 from Chicago to Omaha and return. From Texas and other southwestern points the rate will be one fare plus $2 for the round trip.
Fire Alarm on the Midway.
Dense clouds of black smoke that poured from the tower of the south casino threw the east Midway into a furore of excitement just before nine o'clock last night. A flue from the kitchen runs up through the tower and as the cook started up a fresh coke fire the smoke poured out and gave an excellent imitation of a sure enough conflagration. There was a dense crowd in that part of the grounds and for a couple of minutes the scene was intensely exciting. An alarm was turned in and the entire exposition fire department came dashing through the crowd and pulled up in front of the building. By that time the real facts had been ascertained but it looked so much like a fire that the firemen refused to accept the explanation and scaled the stairways with a rush. They soon relieved their doubts and the excitement subsided as rapidly as it developed.
Some Additional Days.
General Manager Clarkson has announced a number of additional special days which will be observed later in the season. The first will be St. Joe day, on which an extremely low railroad rate will be made from St. Joe and intermediate points. The busness men of the hustling Missouri city are taking an enthusiastic interest in the event and promise to bring up a big crowd of people. Three days have also been scheduled in early September. September 6 will be Colorado day and on this occasion there will be another saturnalia of melon eating. The Colorado people have agreed to bring three or four carloads of the luscious fruit, which will be given away on the grounds. Port Arthur day will occur September 7 and the Port Arthur officials have agreed to make a rate that will bring excursions from nearly every point on their line. This is [?]
An accident that came near resulting very seriously occurred a few minutes after 11 o'clock last evening on the Scenic railway on the Midway. In going around the south bend in the pavillion one of the cars ran off the track and nearly tumbled to the ground. A stout railing saved it. Five were in a party of W. T. Smith of 120 North Tenth street, Council Bluffs. Two of the men received cuts and bruises about their heads and faces and two young women and one elderly woman were badly jarred and slightly bruised. The latter was removed to the exposition emergency hospital.
Illumination of Midway.
The illumination of the Midway at 11 o'clock last night attracted a large crowd of people to that portion of the grounds and the street presented a most animated scene from end to end. Hundreds of red, white and blue fires turned night into day and the numerous concessions did a brisk business. The closing hours were the busiest part of a very busy day and the crowds which thronged the street during the day were doubled by the multitude which packed the broad street and filled the numerous places of amusement. The crowd was tired after a long day at sight seeing, but it was willing to be amused. Every concessionaire reported a big day.
Notes of the Exposition.
The Sunday paid admissions aggregated 4,896.
The immense flag from Utah has at last been hung in the Mines building and it was a striking addition to the Fourth of July decorations. It hung from the roof in four immense festoons and covered nearly half the building.
The rule prohibiting firecrackers and blank cartridges on the grounds was rigidly enforced. Every time one of the guards caught a man firing a revolver he confiscated the weapon and by night quite a collection of them had been accumulated at the police station.
The emergency hospital did a rushing business yesterday, breaking the record for the number of cases. Forty-seven cases were cared for, none of them being serious except that of Ernest Mattox, one of the rough riders in the Wild West show, who had his leg broken while doing a riding act.
An exhibit not on the regular program was called out about 8:30 last evening by dense smoke issuing from the turret of the south viaduct restaurant. An alarm was turned in to which the fire department responded, much to the gratification of the assembled multitude, but the smoke proved to emanate from the kitchen, from which the chimney leads to the tower.
In spite of the tremendous crowd that surged over the grounds yesterday there were no accidents to visitors. One of the riders in the Wild West show was rolled by a broncho during the afternoon performance and was taken to the hospital with a fractured ankle. This was the only serious accident of the day, although the hospital was full of people who were being treated for headache or temporary prostration on account of heat and over excitement.
The effect of a month's experience was apparent yesterday in the manner in which the admissions department met the rush. There was none of the delay which occurred on the opening day and no matter how rapidly the arrivals swarmed against the entrances they were passed through without inconvenience. The turnstiles for the paid admissions are supposed to pass 6,000 people an hour and some of them closely approximated their limit during the middle of the forenoon.
July 7 is before July 6-
Damage Done the Exposition by the Deluge Satisfactorily Small.
Management Convinced the Piling is Now Made Storm Proof.
Government Suffers Most, but None of Them Lose Anything.
Sewers Prove Inadequate and the Cheap Structures Are Inundated, Interiors Being Seriously Soaked by the Muddy Water.
The exposition officials, as well as the exhibitors and concessionists, were busily occupied this morning in taking account of stock, to see what damage had been sustained on account of yesterday's deluge, and on the whole the result was very satisfactory. It was not to be expected that such a tremendous downpour could continue without causing some individual loss, but the aggregate was nothing like what it might have been. The damage to the grounds was insignificant. The lagoon went through the ordeal remarkably well, and, aside from a slight bow in the piling on the north side, just west of Twentieth street, it is as sound as ever this morning. Even in this case the damage is not serious and it will be very quickly remedied. The fact that no worse injury than this occurred is sufficient to convince the management that the lagoon is now practically storm proof and may be depended on to stand pat during the balance of the season.
The pavements and landscapes were not seriously damaged in any instance. A section of pavement in front of the Government building about six feet square was washed out and some of the smaller flowers were temporarily stricken down. There were one or two small washouts on the bluff tract, but these slight damages can all be repaired in a few hours.
While the buildings proved to be satisfactorily water proof during most of the afternoon, the roofs could not altogether withstand the onslaught of the cloudburst that emptied over an inch of water on them in ten minutes. During this exceptional downpour the water forced its way in in many places and in a number of cases some of the exhibits were considerably moistened. The leakage was greatest in the government building, but even there the damage was of no great importance.
The worst sufferers were the concessionists, many of whose establishments were built flat on the ground with roofs of very slight construction. During the worst of the storm the two six and eight-inch sewers that are suposed to carry the storm water from the Midway proved entirely unequal to the task and the water ran two feet deep in the street. The water forced its way into the buildings, both from the street and through the roofs, and in several cases the interiors were pretty thoroughly inundated. The Midway people worked hard during the morning cleaning out what debris the water had left and by afternoon they were again ready for business.
Handsome Display by the State Under Direction of Mr. Dosch.
The Oregon agricultural exhibit in the northeast corner of the Agricultural building is attracting a great deal of attention on account of the excellence of the agricultural products shown. The exhibit is in charge of Commissioner Henry E. Dosch and Superintendent E. N. Morgan, both of Portland, and they never tire of expiating on the wonders of the agricultural resources of the state.
The exhibit is not entirely complete, the material constituting it having been shipped before all was ready in order to have the exhibit installed for the opening day.
Commissioner Dosch made his first visit to Omaha in the interest of an exhibit in the latter part of March. He completed all his arrangements for space forty-eight hours after his arrival and started for the coast again, arriving there April 1. Within the following sixty days the money for the exhibit was collected from private parties, the material for the exhibit collected, shipped to Omaha and installed for the opening of the exposition. The big stick of timber which forms the center of attraction was waving its branches in the forests of the Pacific coast April 2 and was cut to form a part of the exhibit. It was squared to four feet originally, but could not be handled and was reduced to its present size, thirty inches on each of its four sides.
The exhibit is enclosed by a wall which is utilized for displaying the various fancy grasses which grow in Oregon and the straws of various cereals. The Oregon exponents call attention to the bright color of the straw and grains, which they say is due to the fact that the farmer in that country is not harassed by rains during the harvest season, which discolor both straw and grain, turning them dark. Among the products arranged about the wall which are out of the ordinary may be mentioned samples of hemp, the stalk ten feet in height. This hemp is said to have a longer fiber and greater tensile strength than hemp grown in any other section. Sugar cane twelve feet in height is also in the collection, the cane being used principally for feeding stock, although the farmers make syrup from it. The production of "teazles" is one of the things for which Oregon is noted in certain quarters. The ordinary citizen has not particular use for a "teazle," but the manufacture of all kinds of woolen goods, as well as of cotton goods having a "nap," requires the use of these products of the soil. To a layman a teazle looks like an ordinary thistle burr, but it is the product of a plant which grows to the height of about ten feet and there are very few places in the world where the plant thrives. Oregon has two or three sections where the raising of teazles is a thriving industry and the burrs are shipped to woolen mills all over the world.
Several varieties of wheat are exhibited, especial attention being drawn to the kind called "golden chaff." The grain of this is very large and plump, and it is said that the average yield is from sixty to sixty-five bushels per acre. Among the varieties of oats Commission Dosch and Superintendent Morgan lay particular stress on one known as "black winter," which is sown in the fall the same as winter wheat. The kernels are mostly black, and it is said that the yield is about 125 bushels per acre.
One point which the Oregon advocates take care to impress upon visitors is the fact that all of the grains grown in that section overrun the standard weights by several pounds to the bushel.
In addition to agriculture and forestry the fish resources of Oregon are shown in a limited way by means of fresh fish in big glass jars. Some of the immense salmon which are caught in Oregon streams have been shipped to Mr. Dosch and placed in a chemical solution, which preserves their appearance. A shipment of these big fish was received a few days ago, but some of them were too large to put in the jars, which are about four feet high and about twelve inches in diameter. One of these dainty morsels formed the basis for a little dinner given by Mr. Dosch yesterday to a few invited guests. Besides the salmon, sturgeon and other varieties of fish shown in jars, the fish industry is represented by a number of "razor clams" in jars. These are considered great delicacies and are much sought after. A case of samples of Cotswold wool attracts the attention of visitors to this exhibit. The wool measures fourteen inches in length, this abnormal length being accounted for by the fact that in the mild climate of the sheep district the wool grows during nine months in the year.
More material for the Oregon exhibit is expected today.
Life Saving Crew Coming.
WASHINGTON, July 6.—(Special Telegram.)—General Superintendent S. I. Kimball of the Life Saving service stated today that a crew for the life saving station at Omaha had been selected and ordered to report for duty at the Transmississippi Exposition next week. The whole life saving exhibition at Omaha will be under the direct charge of Captain H. M. Knowles, who is assistant superintendent of the Third district, with headquarters at Wakefield, R. I. The following have been selected for the crew from life saving stations on the lakes: Henry Cleary, keeper of station and present keeper at Marquette, Wis.; Nelson Sims, Surf man from Ottawa Point station, Lake Huron; James Scott, Sand Beach station, Lake Huron; John McLeod, Duluth station, Lake Superior; Jacob Weelden, Grand Haven station; George I. Stanburt, Muskegon station, Michigan; Frank E. Johnson, Holland station, Lake Michigan; Henry Sinnigen, Milton [?] station. All these are selected men,[?]
Natural Resources of the Great State Amply Displayed.
The Missouri state exhibit in the Mines building is an illustration of what a little energy and perseverance can effect under the most adverse conditions. Money and time were both lacking when the task of organizing the exhibit was undertaken, but nevertheless the mineral resources of the state are very creditably represented. The work was largely done by James A. Reeves of Joplin, who had charge of the Missouri mineral department at the World's fair, which attracted general attention. In that case Mr. Reeves had $15,000 in money and more than a year in which to collect the exhibit. This time he had nothing except what he was able to secure by private subscription and the work was not begun until about two weeks before the exposition opened. But the present exhibit, while it does not assume the dimensions of the Chicago exhibit, very fully illustrates the importance of Missouri's mineral production.
The main feature of the exhibit is the complete showing of the zinc and lead industries of the state. Southwestern Missouri produces more zinc than all the rest of the United States combined. Its zinc ore is the purest in the world and it exports both the ore and the manufactured metal to various European countries. This metal is consequently given a prominent place and the entire process of manufacture is illustrated by a large collection of specimens which show the ore in all its various stages of conversion. The collection of raw ore includes specimens from all the various mines of the state and shows the product in all its various combinations. Other specimens show the ore after it has been crushed, after the sulphur has been roasted out and after the product has been mixed with coke for smelting. One immense pyramid in the center of the booth is constructed of metallic zinc, or spelter, which is the commercial form of the metal.
There is a similar exhibit of lead showing the metal in both the raw and manufactured state, and this includes an exhibit of the Joplin white lead, which is said to be the only white lead that cannot be colored by sulphuric fumes.
An exhibit of nickel from the Lamotte mine is very interesting on account of the fact that this is the oldest mine in the west. It was operated by the French in 1720 and has been in almost continuous operation since that time. It is the only commercial product of nickel in the United States and it is largely used in the manufacture of Harveyized steel for armor plate.
The coal resources of the state are illustrated by a huge block of coal from the Rich Hill mines, which weighs 3,400 pounds, and there is also a complete exhibit of fire clay and brick. The quality of the terra cotta produced in Missouri is shown by a huge eagle and a number of smaller ones, which are modeled in terra cotta. Among the more ornamental features are a case of specimens of crystallized lead from the Joplin club and two cases of foreign and domestic mineral specimens, which are contributed from the private collection of F. P. Graves, superintendent of the Doe Run lead works.
Phinney's First Concert.
Phinney's United States band opened a four weeks' engagement at the exposition yesterday, playing a short program in the afternoon in the music pavilion on the Bluff
The programs presented yesterday covered a wide range of selections, including both classical and popular numbers, the latter predominating. The manner in which several difficult passages were rendered proved conclusively that the band is capable of doing excellent work.
Mother Lion Objects to Being Separated from Her Cubs.
"Broncho" Bocaccio, one of the lion tamers in the Hagenback animal show on the Midway, was seriously injured by one of the lionesses in his troupe of performing animals. The lioness gave birth to a litter of cubs about a week ago and Bocaccio had made no attempt to make her do any work. Yesterday morning he entered her cage and compelled her to leave her cubs and enter the narrow passageway leading to the arena. She was very ugly and resisted all ordinary efforts to take her away from her little ones, but was finally forced out of the cage. Bocaccio followed her, but when she reached the door leading to the arena she turned suddenly and leaped at her trainer. Her action was so sudden and unexpected that he was unprepared and she buried her huge claws in his breast and right forearm, lacerating the flesh severely. Bocaccio did not lose his nerve or self-possession and promptly knocked the brute down and leaped over her into the arena, closing the door. She ran back to her cage and the injured trainer was escorted to the hospital, where his wounds were dressed, and he then returned to his duties, appearing as usual in [?]
Handiwork of a Patient Woman.
A unique and interesting specimen of woman's handiwork is on exhibition in the Nebraska building in the room on the second floor devoted to the use of the organizations of women in the state. The exhibit is a linen table cover about three feet square, the distinctive feature of the piece being the decoration. This consists entirely of autographs, all embroidered and arranged in irregular fashion about a center, which consists of a tea cup and saucer, below which appears the familiar phrase, "Should old acquaintance be forgot?" Beneath this is embroidered these words: "Mrs. Catherine M. Powell. Aged Seventy, 1891." The entire area of the cover is filled with these autographs and the many different colors of silk used in the embroidery give a most attractive appearance to the work. Among the scores of autographs appearing in the group are many names familiar in the history of Omaha, the names, as a rule, being arranged in pairs, including husband and wife, father and daughter, etc. In this list appear the names of J. C. Cowin, General John R. Brooke, Herman Kountze, Henry D. Estabrook, Thomas L. Kimball, William H. Redick, James M. Woolworth, Jetur R. Conkling, Robert W. Furnas, Lyman W. Richardson, Casper E. Yost, Henry W. Yates, William V. Allen, W. W. Lowe, C. F. Manderson, Alfred D. Jones, J. A. Millard, Champion S. Chase and many others. The cover is in an oak frame and covered with glass and the extreme nicety of the work and the skill shown in the execution of the characteristic signatures of well known people attract a great deal of favorable comment from those who visit the room.
Sir Thomas Lipton Sends Regrets.
General Manager Clarkson, has a letter from Sir Thomas Lipton, who built the first packing house in South Omaha, on the site that is now occupied by the Cudahy plant. Since then Mr. Lipton has become a multi-millionaire in the tea business and was knighted by Queen Victoria. General Manager Clarkson wrote to him some time ago, urging him to visit the exposition and witness the progress that Omaha had made since he left the city. Mr. Lipton replied that he had fully intended to spend next week at the exposition, but had been unexpectedly called to London by a business matter. He expressed his enduring admiration for Omaha and the hope that the exposition would be successful beyond the most sanguine wishes of its friends.
Notes of the Exposition.
William Jacobs, jr., of Rushville, Neb., who has been confined in jail for selling whisky to Indians, furnished $500 bail yesterday and was released to appear at the September term of federal court.
In connection with the sermon of Rev. Jenkins Lloyd Jones in the Auditorium next Sunday afternoon it is announced that Rev. H. W. Thomas, D. D. of Chicago, who was president of the Liberal Congress of Religions, will also present and assist in the services.
General Manager Clarkson is arranging the program for Minnesota day, which is scheduled for July 20. Assurances have been received that the governor and a large delegation of officials and citizens will come to Omaha on that occasion, and every effort will be made to make their visit enjoyable.
It was very amusing to witness the spectacle yesterday at the exhibit of Montgomery Ward & Co. of a farmer teasing his spouse about the purchase of a clock by her recently when they found the very same thing on exhibition at Montgomery Ward & Co.'s at $6.75, the price paid by the astonished couple being $12.
The announcement of the program for Boys' and Girls' day is delayed on account of the failure of a number of the cities interested to send in their contributions to the program. Ten cities were to be represented, but only two have been heard from. Unless they wake up very soon the program will be made up from other sources.
Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri Engaged in a Friendly Struggle.
The exhibition of small fruits in the Horticulture building is in full blast and the battle of the berries is being waged fast and furiously by the superintendents of the various exhibits who are within easy reach of their base of supplies. Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska are now engaged in a three-cornered contest to see which can excel in the display of small fruit, and visitors to the building are regaled by the delicious odor of fresh fruit, which is sufficient to whet the appetite of the most confirmed dyspeptic. These three states have facilities for getting fresh fruit which are not within reach of the other states and the representatives of each are straining every nerve. Missouri and Nebraska have settled down to a neck and neck contest, in which Nebraska has the advantage in being nearer the base of supplies. The fine showing in small fruit made by the latter state is a source of constant surprise to the representatives of all the other states as well as to the large majority of those who visit the building. Every day sees fresh accessions to the large display of fruit of exceptional size and flavor and those in charge of the display promise still greater surprises. Superintendent Youngers and Assistant Superintendent Marshall give their personal attention to the arrangement of the display and the tasty manner in which the fruit is arranged has much to do with the effectiveness of the result.
Conspicuous among the additions made to the Nebraska display yesterday was a number of plates bearing a variety of black raspberry which is a Nebraska product, a seedling propagated by Former Governor Robert W. Furnas and named by him the Nemaha. It has a flavor very unusual in a raspberry and is quite large and a good keeper. Red raspberries as large as the thumb of the average man were also displayed, the product of the farm of Assistant Superintendent Marshall. Two varieties of red currants of immense size and three varieties of cherries were also included in the accessions yesterday.
The Missouri exhibit was increased yesterday by the addition of a lot of Red Duke currants, the berries of which are fully one-quarter of an inch in diameter and very delicious, and some fine specimens of the Greeg raspberry, a standard variety of very fine flavor. Assistant Superintendent Nelson expects a supply of peaches this week and promises to show some samples of fruit which support the claim of Missouri to being the greatest fruit state in the union.
The Iowa exhibit contains a fine showing of twelve varieties of Russian cherries. These cherries were originally brought from the Vladimir district of Russia, a great fruit district near Moscow, by Prof. Budd, professor of horticulture in the State University of Iowa. He brought the seed to Iowa about twenty years ago and propagated them, distributing the seed from his trees and from these the Russian cherries have spread over this entire section, many varieties being grown in Nebraska. The twenty varieties shown by Iowa contain many different kinds of flavor and he would be hard to please who could not find a cherry to his liking in the lot.
D. A. Robnett of Columbia, Mo., an officer of the Missouri Horticultural society, has been appointed to judge the small fruits being exhibited in the Horticulture building. He has entered upon this work and the result of his findings will be reported to Superintendent Taylor of the Horticulture building and held in reserve until the result of the judging of the board to be appointed later on the fruit to be exhibited later in the season.
Excursion Club of Fully Five Hundred is Organized.
The people of Greeley county, particularly in the vicinity of Spaulding, are taking an unusual interest in the exposition. Some time ago they conceived the idea of organizing a party to come down and take in the big show. The idea found immediate favor and has grown to such an extent that the promoters are confident that at least 500 will come. It is the intention to charter a special train for the purpose. September is the time decided upon for the visit, and when that time arrives it is hoped that even more than now anticipated will come in on the excursion. Rev. Father Defosse of Spaulding is one of the prime movers in the enterprise. He has urged upon the people the great educational advantage of a visit to the exposition, and since coming here and viewing for himself the magnitude and beauty of the exposition is more enthusiastic than ever on the subject.
Nebraska Commission's Finances.
The regular monthly statement prepared by Bookkeeper Althen of the Nebraska Exposition commission shows the following condition of the state appropriation of $100,000 on July 1:
For what purpose expended. | Expended for June. | Total expended. |
Salaries and wages | $ 512.50 | $ 5,661.98 |
Furniture and fixtures | 27.00 | 252.50 |
Current expense | 514.68 | 1,297.45 |
Construction | ......... | 25,082.02 |
Agricultural | 652.02 | 6,672.57 |
Horticultural | 953.79 | 3,942.55 |
Apiary | 579.11 | 1,415.48 |
Live stock | 65.00 | 5,258.93 |
Dairy | 164.83 | 1,049.53 |
Poultry | 327.65 | 1,642.50 |
Floriculture | 813.88 | 1,304.18 |
Educational | 1,539.44 | 8,272.79 |
Miscellaneous space | ......... | 3,560.25 |
Postage | 60.00 | 210.00 |
Building employes | 953.83 | 1,427.17 |
Sod house | 254.62 | 451.52 |
Decoration state building | 1,045.74 | 1,462.04 |
Nebraska cereal cooking demonstration | 200.00 | 200.00 |
Nebraska Ceramic club | 300.00 | 300.00 |
Attractions | 722.75 | 722.75 |
Repairs and improvements | 81.94 | 81.94 |
| — | — |
Totals | $9,768.78 | $70,265.15 |
Unexpended balance in the fund of $100,000, $29,734.85.
Enjoy the Band Concert.
There was a fairly good crowd on the grounds last night and a large proportion of it listened to the concert given by Phinney's band on the Plaza. This was the only feature of the evening, but it was thoroughly enjoyed. The atmosphere was entirely too sultry to make walking around the grounds agreeable and the space in front of the bandstand was almost entirely filled with an audience that was warmly appreciative of the very excellent program. The band is rapidly becoming almost as popular as the Marine band. It caters to the popular taste and its programs are largely devoted to the class of music that appeals to the ordinary listener. For this reason the music reaches a larger proportion of the people than the more severely technical compositions.
Notes of the Exposition.
The Branch company of High School cadets, Captain L. S. Clarke commanding, will give a exhibition drill on the Plaza at 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening.
July 15 has been designated as a day for the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Immigration association of Texas. It is proposed to bring several excursions from various Texas points and the occasion will be celebrated by exercises in the Auditorium in the evening.
Count von Szinnyey has a plan to increase the interest of the local society set in the exposition by arranging a series of invitation dance parties at his German village. The project is still in its incipiency, but is expected to take tangible shape in a few days.
Former Governor W. J. Stone of Missouri, Colonel M. C. Wetmore of St. Louis, Major H. W. Salmon of Clinton. ex-state treasurer; Miss Louise Clinton, his daughter, and the Misses Watson and Thompson of St. Louis, nieces of Governor Stone, are in the city for the purpose of visiting the exposition.
Manager Lindsey of the Department of Ways and Means has been authorized to secure two balloon ascensions on the exposition grounds. It was proposed to have the feature on Saturday and Monday evenings, but it was impossible to secure it this week and the balloon will go up Monday and Tuesday.
Commissioner David T. Day of the Mines building is now in California with a view to inducing people of that state to put in a mineral exhibit. For some reason the Californians have not come to the front in this respect and although it is now a little late in the day there is still a chance that the state may be represented.
A South Dakota visitor picked up a roll of bills containing $105 in the Agricultural building yesterday afternoon. The money had been lost during the morning, when it was reported at the police station, and the finder immediately reported his discovery at the same place. The cash is still in the hands of the police and will be turned over to the owner on demand.
After considerable discussion Saturday, October 1, has been designated as Chicago day and on that occasion the people of the Windy City are expected to come to the exposition in force. The Chicago people who have already visited the exposition are enthusiastic in their admiration of the enterprise and they have assured the management that their city will turn out all the people the railroads can haul.
The Exhibitors' club is developing into a lively organization. It has been decided to begin fitting up its quarters in the gallery of the Machinery building at once, while the executive committee continues its task of raising funds. Enough support has been assured to put the enterprise on a solid basis and in a few days the club will be the possessor of one of the most comfortable retreats on the grounds.
A temporary stoppage in the sewer near the Press building during the rain Wednesday afternoon caused the entire street to be covered with water to a depth of a foot or more and people bound to or from the north tract were obliged to wade through this water. Many men and women attempted the feat, wading through the water and creating all kinds of fun for the onlookers in the adjoining buildings. Several camera fiends seized the opportunity for catching snap shots and the bad humor of the waders was greatly augmented by the knowledge that th[?]
Concessions to Tennessee Centennial Much More Advantageous Than Granted Here.
Business Men Through Commercial Club Will Take Matter Up with Exposition Committee.
Since the special meeting of the executive committee of the Commercial club last week, called to discuss the questions, "Why is the exposition not attracting more visitors?" and "What can be done to bring more visitors to it?" Omaha business men have been taking a more active and comprehensive interest in the financial affairs of the exposition. The meeting was a disappointment in that only President Wattles and Manager Rosewater of the department of publicity and promotion attended it in response to the invitation extended to every member of the exposition executive committee. It was especially desired that Manager Babcock of the transportation department be present, as in discussions which led up to the calling of the special meeting it was the unanimous opinion of the business men that the two weak points in the matter of bringing visitors from Nebraska and other states to the exposition were the lack of proper advertising and the lack of proper railroad rates.
Regarding the latter point the World-Herald has received the following schedule of railroad rates given the Tennessee centennial exposition in Nashville, which city has but two railroads, the Louisville & Nashville and the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis, which roads are closely connected and allied, while Omaha is entered by seven great independent systems of railroad, with as many more subordinate lines.
The Southern and Central Passenger associations controlled the making of rates to Nashville, and the territory from which the following rates were given comprised Ohio, Indiana, part of Illinois, including the city of Chicago, the District of Columbia, the western part of New York, including Buffalo, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, part of Missouri, including the city of St. Louis, Texas and Oklahoma.
Twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, round trip tickets, good to return for ten days, were sold for 80 per cent of the regular one-fare rate.
On all days round trip tickets, good to return for fifteen days, were sold for one regular one way fare.
On all days round trip tickets, good for the entire time of the exposition, were sold for 80 per cent of double the local rate.
For special days rates of one-half cent per mile or less, good two days, were sold special trains being run for distances of 200 miles from Nashville with a rate of $2 for the 400 miles.
From Chicago, St. Louis and other cities round trip tickets, good to return for ten days, were sold for less than one-half the regular one way fare.
In the opinion of Nashville people the rate first mentioned of less than one fare for the round trip, with a ten day return limit, the one-fare round trip tickets good for fifteen days, and the very low special day rates, were largely responsible for the big crowds attending the exposition.
Up to the present time the only rates granted the exposition by the railroads entering Omaha at all similar to those given the Nashville exposition are the rates of 80 per cent of double locals for round trip tickets and the special day rates. In both cases the territory from which such rates are made is much smaller in miles, and very much smaller in population, than the territory covered by the Nashville rates. Other differences are that the time limit on Omaha tickets is thirty days in place of until the end of the exposition, and that in place of ½ cent or less for distances of 200 miles and more the Omaha special day rate has been 1 cent per mile, limited to a distance of 150 miles.
No plan of action has yet been decided on, but it is probable that another effort will be made to have the executive committee of the exposition meet the business men of the city, all of whom are stockholders in the exposition, and explain the constantly reiterated statements from visitors from east of the Mississippi and west of Nebraska's west line that the exposition is not properly advertised and that very little is known of it where they live, and also the reason the railroads do not give the Trans-Mississippi exposition as favorable rates and time limits as were given to a purely state exposition and has been given to every exposition held in this country for a number of years.
Railways Claim That Depredations Will Stiffen the Fares for the Exposition.
Milwaukee Puts on Past Exposition Train---Moving Troops to Front---Rail Gossip.
A meeting of passenger representatives of all Omaha roads was held at Elkhorn headquarters yesterday to consider and recommend rates for Railroad day, Missouri day and other special days at the exposition.
The result of the meeting was not given out at noon, and those atending it declined to go into details regarding the action. That the "scalper" question came up and was discussed was admitted, and it was also stated that owing to the failure of the city to "regulate" the scalpers that the rates recommended, and the conditions under which ticket are to be sold, were not so favorable as they otherwise would be. The recent alleged altering and changing of tickets, both dates on which they expire and destination, is said to be an additional cause for complaint on the part of the railroads.
New Milwaukee Train.
The Milwaukee announces the putting on of a new local train Sunday next to serve its patrons between Omaha and Manilla, Ia. The train will leave Manilla at 6:45 a. m. daily, stop at all stations and arrive in Omaha at 9:30 p. m. arriving at Manilla at midnight. General Western Agent Nash states that the new train is put on to fully accommodate the local traffic between Manilla and Omaha, which has been steadily growing, and the time was fixed so as to give people an opportunity to spend a full day, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock in the evening at the exposition or in the city.
Live in Their Cars.
W. I. Allen of the Rock Island, and a party of friends bound for Colorado, are stopping here several days to do the exposition, and in addition to being delighted with its attractions declare that living in a private car when it is standing still is not so inconvenient as might be supposed. General Manager Robinson of the St. Joseph & Grand Island with a part of friends also has his car sidetracked north of the exposition grounds while doing the exposition. Both are on the Belt Line sidetracks.
When The Bee called attention to the frauds that were being perpetrated on the exposition by favored contractors under the Geraldine regime the organ of the Geraldine crowd used up several barrels of ink in a desperate effort to distract the public from the damaging disclosures. The same cuttlefish tactics have been pursued whenever some crook in the exposition was in fear of exposure.
The attacks on the Department of Publicity under pretense that the country press is not receiving fair treatment at its hands are simply a part of the cuttlefish program. Their renewal at the very time when everybody in Omaha is talking about the disappointing report of Fourth of July paid admissions and when the people who put on the money to float the enterprise are staggered by the deficit that stares the exposition in the face, only confirms what has been manifest all along, that there is method in the yelp of the Geraldine organ.
This is especially emphasized by the conduct of some of the managers who ought to court publicity of the transactions in their departments but who appear to be very sensitive when anyone calls in question any of the unbusinesslike methods pursued in the handling and disbursement of exposition funds or suggests essential reforms for the protection of the stockholders.
The time is fast approaching when the searchlight of publicity must be turned on and a full discussion invited of the matters most vital to the successful financiering of the exposition and the most effective way to fill up the gaps in some of the exhibit buildings. Raising the dust about alleged dissatisfaction of country editors may serve the purpose of the Geraldine combine, but it will not work forever.
Another Conference with the Exposition Managers is Held.
Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars to Be Paid on Conditions Favorable to County—Van Etten Protests Clerk Frank's Bond.
The members of the executive committee of the exposition appeared before the Board of County Commissioners and renewed the request for $2,500 additional of the $100,000 exposition board fund. After a conference the commissioners voted $2,500 conditioned that the exposition issue passes for all necessary help employed in connection with the Douglas county exhibit. It is also conditioned that in turning the money over to the exposition association, the county shall receive a receipt in full for the electrical service furnished the Douglas county exhibit in the Agriculture building.
The exposition committee asked for $5,000, but after estimating the expenses of maintaining the county exhibit, the commissioners decided that they could not vote the full amount, contending that they would need the balance remaining in the fund for the purpose of paying employes and the necessary expenses that would be incurred.
The exposition is open Sundays for the benefit of wage workers employed during the week. For the same reason the price of admission has been reduced to 25 cents for Sunday afternoon. Workingmen and women will doubtless show their appreciation of this concession.
Next Week Promises Busy Times at the Transmississippi Exposition.
Reduced Admission and Added Attractions Are Expected to Bring a Crowd.
Bay State and New Englanders Generally Will Celebrate on that Day.
Girls' and Boy's Celebration, Ida County and Des Moines Days and a Continuous Performance by Two Big Bands.
After the great patriotic jubilation of last Monday the week has been decidedly uneventful from an exposition standpoint. But nevertheless there has been a very fair attendance every day, and there is every indication that the coming week will bring a decided improvement. During the next seven days there will be a number of special features of more than ordinary interest. These, with the almost continuous band concerts that are scheduled, will enliven the week and afford every inducement for a boom in the gate receipts.
The week will be begun with the experiment of a 25-cent rate that a large proportion of the local public has been clamoring for during the last month. This will only be in force Sunday, and with good weather it is expected to bring out the biggest Sunday crowd that has yet been on the grounds. The grounds will be open at 1 o'clock as usual and at 3 o'clock Phinney's band will give a concert in front of the government building. At 4 o'clock the first religious service that has been held in connection with the exposition will occur in the Auditorium. In addition to Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones and Rev. W. H. Thomas of Chicago, who will participate in the services, a number of the local clergyment will be present and occupy seats on the platform. The music will be furnished by a double quartet from the exposition chorus and will be under the direction of Mr. Kimball. In the evening there will be another band concert on the Plaza.
Monday will be Massachusetts day, and Lieutenant Governor W. Murray Crane and a large party of other distinguished citizens of the Bay state will be present to participate in the celebration of the occasion. The exercises will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, after which the visitors will be entertained at lunch at the Casino by the exposition management. The luncheon will be followed by a number of toasts of an informal character. W. G. Whitmore of Valley and W. H. Alexander of this city, both of whom are natives of Massachusetts, will speak for Nebraska, and several of the Massachusetts orators will respond.
Girls' and Boys' Day.
Thursday will be made notable by the dedication of the Girls' and Boys' building will be held at 2 o'clock, and all children under 15 years of age will be admitted to the grounds for 15 cents. The program has not been fully completed, but at least nine of the cities which contributed to the erection of the building will participate.
The Iowa excursion is due almost entirely to the energy of Mayor George T. Williams of Ida Grove, who conceived the idea and worked out all the details. He has secured a favorable railroad rate and has worked up a degree of interest that promises to bring a large proportion of the population of Ida county to Omaha on that day.
Des Moines day will be celebrated Friday, and although no estimate is yet possible of the number of people that the excursions from that city will bring the Iowa people are taking a general interest in the event and will probably come in large numbers. The reduced railroad rate is also in force from intermediate stations and these are expected to contribute materially to the crowd.
The musical features of the week will be especially notable, as in addition to the regular concerts by Phinney's band the Pawnee City band will also be here all the week. Phinney's band will play as previously in front of the government building at 3 o'clock and on the Plaza at 7:30. The Pawnee City band of forty-five pieces will give a concert at 10 o'clock every morning at the band stand, beginning Tuesday. It will also play a program at 6 o'clock concerts given in various parts of the grounds. Monday and Saturday nights they will occur near the Girls' and Boys' building, Tuesday in front of the Auditorium, Wednesday between the Manufactures and Machinery buildings, Thursday and Friday at the Government building and on the following Sunday at the north side of the Mines building.
The following additional special days have been announced: August 9, Iowa Knights of Pythias day; August 13, St. Joseph day; August 18, Texas day; August 25, Sioux City day; September 6, Colorado day; September 7, Port Arthur day; September 8, Fraternal Union of America day; September 9, Lumbermen's day; September 14, Utah day; September 10, New Mexico day; October 1, Chicago day; October 17, Odd Fellows' day.
Very Attractive Displays of Gold Ores and Other Valuable Minerals.
To a large proportion of the people who visit the exposition the suggestion of the Black Hills implies a vast field stored with inexhaustible resourecs and pregnant with future possibilties. For this reason, if for no other, the South Dakota exhibit in the Mines building commands general interest. More than that it is a very complete and well arranged exposition of the mineral possessions of the state and well deserves the careful study of the mineralogist.
The main feature of the exhibit is the exhaustive collection of siliceous gold ores from the various sections of the Hills. These are of various grades of value and exhibit all the various formations of the mineral. Conspicuous among the specimens is an exhibit from the Ragged Top district, which, in spite of the very common appearance of the nuggets, carries $200 to the ton. Among the most atractive specimens are the sulphide gold ores from the Harding mine, which are of exceptionally delicate formation and have a rich silvery color that makes them more conspicuous than some of the more valuable specimens. There is also an extensive collection of free gold ores from the various mines together with a smaller showing of iron ore and exceptionally pure graphite.
The mica industry, which is assuming such extensive proportions in South Dakota, is also exhaustively illustrated. The state now exports about 5,000 pounds a year of the product and its use for electrical purposes is adding very materially to the demand.
The features that first attract the attention of the general visitor are the two miniature building artistically constructed from small specimens of the various minerals of the state. One is a mineral palace that is very nearly a duplicate of the Deadwood opera house. The construction of this building occupied four expert workmen for over five months and it is a marvel of patinent and tasteful workmanship. It represents a building 50x80 feet and 64 feet high on a scale of one-half inch to the foot. It contains upwards of 75,000 separate pieces of rock and the roof is covered with 5,000 mica shingles. It represents a three-story structure in the Roman-Ionic style and upwards of $100 worth of gold nuggets are in sight on the exterior. The front of the building shows the ornamental materials of the Black Hills country, the left side the rock formations and gold ore veins and the right side and rear the various other valuable ores of the district. Over 100 different species are included in the construction and in the front corridor is cleverly painted a representation of the White Rocks that look down on Main street in Deadwood from a height of 1,000 feet.
The other building is of purely imaginary architecture and was constructed by the women of Custer City from specimens of the minerals that are found in Custer county. It is scarcely less artistic than the Deadwood building and formed a part of the Black Hills exhibit at the World's fair.
Another very novel feature is a shaft and sluice box in miniature, which show how an old fashioned place mine was worked in Bear Gulch. Although the entire model is scarcely two feet long it illustrates the whole process of place mining and even the pans, picks and shovels are duplicated.
Notes of the Exposition.
The canna in the flower beds are beginning to bloom in considerable profusion and their tropical blossoms add a gorgeous coloring to the landscapes. In another week or two they will be in full bloom.
Rev. C. W. Leffingwell and wife and Rev. Edward H. Rudd, members of the faculty of the Episcopal seminars at Knoxville, Ill[?]
Lieutenant Governor Crane and the other Massachusetts visitors to the exposition are in Chicago today. They will arrive here tomorrow morning and will be met at the train and conducted to their headquarters at the Millard hotel.
Since the recent rains the laborers in the exposition landscape department are having a good deal of trouble to keep the lawns in condition. The grass is growing so rapidly that the ordinary force of mowers cannot keep up with it, and a few extra men will probably have to be employed.
The rain of Wednesday loosened a large section of plaster in the extreme top of the rotunda of the Nebraska building and it fell to the floor yesterday, the greater part of it falling into the fountain which occupies the center of the rotunda. Preparations were made at once to repair the damage.
President G. W. Glick and Vice President J. E. Frost of the Kansas Exposition commission have returned from a trip through that state, during which they made arrangements for having shipped to the exposition fine samples of the new crop of grains, grasses, fruits, etc. These will be added to the Kansas display in the various buildings.
The plan of holding a stenographer's day in August is off. It had been expected that the National Association of Stenographers would meet in Omaha August 4 and the management was preparing to make their presence a distinguishing feature of the exposition. But it is now announced that the officials of the association have decided to locate the convention in Cincinnati, and Omaha will have to struggle along without it.
A telegram received by Assistant Superintendent Morrey of the Government building from Mr. F. E. Kemper of the supervising architect's office at Washington announced that the life saving crew which has been detailed for duty at the exposition will arrive in Omaha next Monday. When the crew arrives two exhibitions will be given each day of the practical operations of the life saving service of the government along the great lakes and the seacoast.
Fifteen Members of Upper House Named to Visit Omaha's Show.
Vice President Names the Men Who Will Come to the Gate City—No Appropriation Made for Expenses of Trip.
WASHINGTON, July 8.—(Special Telegram.)—Fifteen members of the United States senate have been designated by Vice President Hobart to represent the upper branch of congress at Omaha some time during the continuance of the Transmississippi Exposition, as a result of a resolution passed this afternoon by Senator Thurston. Should the senators constituting the committee go to the Gate City they will probably have to walk, as the senate failed to provide for the expenses of the trip, notwithstanding that Senator Thurston endeavored to have a resolution considered authorizing the proper authorities of the senate to provide for the expenses of the trip out of the contingent expenses of that body. Senator Gallinger, however, in face of the confusion incident to the final scenes of adjournment, asked that Thurston's resolution be referred to the committee on contingent expenses for a report. Those interested knew at once that the resolution had been pocketed by the watch dog on contingent expenses committee and as 1 o'clock had come and the senators were clamoring for an executive session in order that their friends nominated for places might receive confirmation, all efforts to have the committee report back the resolution providing for the expenses of the trip to Omaha were abandoned.
This action of the senate, so far as appointing a committee to go to Omaha to participate in "Government Day," was due to a telegram received by Vice President Hobart this morning from President Wattles of the exposition, inviting the senate and house to unite in a visit to the greatest exposition since the World's fair. The invitation recited what congress had done to make the exposition a success and reviewed succinctly the achievements of the west since its creation into states. Upon the convening of the senate Vice President Hobart laid the telegram before that body and Senator Thurston prepared the following resolution, which was subsequently adopted:
The senate acknowledges with due appreciation the invitation presented by Gurdon W. Wattles, president of the Transmississippi and International Exposition, to be present and participate in the exposition now being held at Omaha, Neb. It is therefore resolved that a committee of fifteen senators be appointed by the president of the senate to represent this body at the exposition at a time most convenient to those constituting the committee.
This resolution was followed by [?] providing that the expenses of the committee be defrayed out of the contingent expenses, but Senator Gallinger wanted to think over the project, and so it died. Vice President Hobart, however, designated the following senators to constitute the committee as provided by the resolution: Senators Thurston, Warren, Gear, Nelson, Mason, Wolcott, Hansbrough, Pritchard, Allen, Vest, Jones (Ark.), Pettigrew, Cannon, Harris and Heitfeld.
Congressman Mercer said tonight that he had not been informed of the action of the senate until he read it in an evening paper, Speaker Reed, if he received similar telegrams, not having indicated that a customary resolution of acceptance would be expected from him. As a result the house took no action, the invitation coming entirely too late for consideration.
Congressman Mercer, now that congress has adjourned, will devote considerable time to the workings of the republican congressional committee, of which he is a member.
SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1898.
Plan for Sabbath Observance at the Exposition Grounds.
Pastors of Local Churches Accept an Invitation to Be Present.
Directors Try Experiment of Making a Half Rate.
Special Days Scheduled for the Week Give Promise of Attracting Enormous Crowds to the White City.
Today admissions to the exposition grounds will be only 25 cents, and there will be no excuse for staying away. No more beautiful or appropriate place in which to spend a Sabbath afternoon and evening than at the White City could be suggested, and it will be surprising if the biggest previous Sunday attendance is not doubled. The grounds are now in the fullness of their scenic beauty, and aside from the religious services in the Auditorium, there will be an abundance of excellent music to contribute to the enjoyment of the visitors. The quiet and orderly manner in which the previous Sabbaths have been passed at the grounds has effectually silenced all criticism, and the people who worship in the various sanctuaries this morning can go to the exposition this afternoon in the complete assurance that they will encounter nothing that will even remotely offend their principles.
The services in the Auditorium will be held at 4 o'clock in the presence of a large number of the local clergy, who have accepted invitations to be present. As previously announced, the discourse will be delivered by Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, pastor of All Soul's church of Chicago, and secretary of the Liberal Congress of Religion. Rev. W. H. Thomas, president of the congress, will also assist in the services, and the music will be rendered by a double quartet from the exposition chorus. There will also be two concerts by Phinney's band, one in front of the Government building at 3 o'clock, and the other at the band stand in the evening.
After the great patriotic jubilation of last Monday the week has been decidedly uneventful from an exposition standpoint. But nevertheless there has been a very fair attendance every day, and there is every indication that the coming week will bring a decided improvement. During the next seven days there will be a number of special features of more than ordinary interest. These, with the almost continuous band concerts that are scheduled, will enliven the week and afford every inducement for a boom in the gate receipts.
Bay State People Coming.
Monday will be Massachusetts day, and Lieutenant Governor W. Murray Crane and a large party of other distinguished citizens of the Bay state will be present to participate in the celebration of the occasion. The exercises will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, after which the visitors will be entertained at lunch at the Casino by the exposition management. The luncheon will be followed by a number of toasts of an informal character. W. G. Whitmore of Valley and W. H. Alexander of this city, both of whom are natives of Massachusetts orators will respond.
Girls' and Boys' Day.
Thursday will be made notable by the dedication of the Girls' and Boys' building, and also by the presence of a large excursion from Ida county, Iowa. The exercises at the Girls' and Boys' building will be held at 2 o'clock, and all children under 15 years of age will be admitted to the grounds for 15 cents. The program has not been fully completed, but at least nine of the cities which contributed to the erection of the building will participate.
The Iowa excursion is due almost entirely to the energy of Mayor George T. Williams of Ida Grove, who conceived the idea and worked out all the details. He has secured a favorable railroad rate and has worked up a degree of interest that promises to bring a large proportion of the population of Ida county to Omaha on that day.
Des Moines day will be celebrated Friday, and although no estimate is yet possible of the number of people that the excursions from that city will bring the Iowa people are taking a general interest in the event and will probably come in large numbers. The reduced railroad rate is also in force from intermediate stations and these are expected to contribute materially to the crowd.
The musical features of the week will be especially notable, as in addition to the regular concerts by Phinney's band the Pawnee City band will also be here all the week. Phinney's band will play as previously in front of the government building at 3 o'clock and on the Plaza at 7:30. The Pawnee City band of forty-five pieces will give a concert at 10 o'clock every morning at the band stand, beginning Tuesday. It will also play a program at 6 o'clock every evening and the experiment be tried of having the 6 o'clock concerts given in various parts of the grounds. Monday and Saturday nights they will occur near the Girls' and Boys' building. Tuesday in front of the Auditorium, Wednesday between the Manufactures and Machinery buildings, Thursday and Friday at the Government building and on the following Sunday at the north side of the Mines building.
The following additional special days have been announced: August 9, Iowa Knights of Pythias day; August 13, St. Joseph day; August 18, Texas day; August 25, Sioux City day; September 6, Colorado day; September 7, Port Arthur day; September 8, Fraternal Union of America day; September 9, Lumbermen's day; September 14, Utah day; September 10, New Mexico day; October 1, Chicago day; October 17, Odd Fellows' day.
Prefer to Act as Guards.
Some of the members of the exposition guard are the recipients of flattering invitations to join the regiment now being recruited at Fort Omaha, but the strings attached to the offers have been sufficient to discourage them from swallowing the bait. First Sergeant Norwood, who has served in the regular army, was invited to join one of the companies, which was sadly in need of some man with military experience. He was promised the position of first sergeant of the company in question, but was given to understand that he would have to be a democrat in order to make a "good soldier" in the eyes of the examining hoard. Norwood declined to mix soldiering and politics and he is still a member of the exposition guard force. Private Leiter, another member of the guard who has had experience in military affairs, was promised the grade of corporal, providing his politics were of the proper brand, but he politely declined the opportunity.
Products of the Farms of the State on Dress Parade.
Five Nebraska counties accepted the invitation of the Nebraska Exposition commission to occupy a part of the space purchased for a state exhibit and these counties have installed attractive exhibits on this space, which is immediately in the rear of the space occupied by the handsome pavilion erected by the state commission. These counties are Cuming, Fillmore, Burt, Saline and Washington. Each occupies a space about 10x20 feet in size and the different styles of decoration adopted by those having charge of the different exhibits has resulted in making this row of exhibits very attrac-[?] county commissioners [?] Cuming county appropriated the sum of $700 for the purpose of making a display of the resources of the county and the matter of making the exhibit was placed in the hands of Frank E. Peterson E. Peterson of Bancroft. Mr. Peterson has shown considerable originality and artistic taste in the arrangement of the space assigned to him and has arranged an exhibit which is one of the most attractive in the building. The exhibit is confined to the east and west walls of the space, the floor space being reserved for a reception room and provided with tables and chairs. The east wall is decorated in a tasty manner with sheaf grains and grasses and plaster heads of sheep, cattle and hogs, covered with seeds, peep from the curtain of grains. A glass case arranged against this wall contains ears of corn of various kinds, one section being devoted to corn raised by the Indian farmers on the Omaha reservation. The west wall is arranged with a canopy decorated with grains and grasses and beneath this is arranged a number of square boxes containing seeds and cereals of all descriptions grown in Cuming county.
A novel idea has been followed in the arrangement of the display of Fillmore county. Along one side of the space occupied by this county are arranged sixteen tall boxes with glass fronts, forming columns, which are filled with samples of soil, the sixteen boxes representing the soil in the sixteen townships in Fillmore county. Above this base are arranged glass cases containing samples of the various grains grown in the county and above all, grouped in attractive style against the wall, are the sheaf grains and grasses of the county. The opposite wall is prettily decorated with grains and grasses. The exhibit was arranged by John Mills of Geneva, who is in charge and who boasts that the exhibit contains the tallest bunch of rye in the building, the tall sheaf measuring seven feet in height and the yield running forty bushels to the acre. Mr. Mills is also very proud of the wheat and oats contained in the jars forming a part of the exhibit. He says the wheat runs forty bushels to the acre and weighs sixty-five pounds to the bushel, while the oats run sixty-three bushels to the acre and weigh forty-one pounds to the bushel. The county commissioners of Fillmore county appropriated $400 for the display.
Wealth of the Soil.
Burt county was fortunate in securing the largest fund for an exhibit of any of the counties outside of Douglas. The county commissioners appropriated $450 for the purpose and $1,000 additional was raised by subscriptions among the people of the county. The display was placed in charge of H. N. Wheeler of Tekamah, who has charge of the booth erected by the county. The booth is tastefully decorated with corn husks and ears arranged against a background of dark green, and one wall is covered with wild grasses and sheaf grains grouped in attractive designs. At the lower portion of this wall are several small pyramids of glass jars filled with grains and seeds. The major portion of the space occupied by Burt county is fitted up as a resting place for visitors to the building and numerous easy chairs and tables are provided for the accommodations of these visitors.
The exhibit of Saline county is in charge of William James of Crete. The county commissioners of Saline county authorized Mr. James to prepare an exhibit, agreeing to appropriate sufficient money to enable him to make a creditable showing. The east wall of the pavilion erected for the exhibit is decorated with the Ak-Sar-Ben colors, and against this background are arranged the grasses and grains grown in the county. The space is divided to make three panels, the most prominent one being in the center, where the decoration consists of the 123 varieties of wild and tame grasses, the raising of hay being one of the leading industries of Saline county. The side panels are decorated with grains, twenty different varieties of corn being included in the design.
Corn is the staple production of Washington county and C. T. Farnham of Blair, who is in charge of the exhibit, calls particular attention to the case on the east wall of the exhibit which contains samples of the varieties of seed corn grown in that county. Mr. Farnham claims that the Washington county exhibit contains the heaviest corn in the building, one ear in the collection weighing twenty-seven ounces. He also points to the stocks of corn forming a part of the decoration of the front of the exhibit, the stocks being sixteen feet in height and six stocks, when green, weighing ninety-six pounds. The east wall is covered with many varieties of grains and grasses arranged in fanciful designs, 143 varieties of grasses being shown. At the rear of the booth is a panel containing several fine specimens of heads of wild animals and wild grasses, the panel representing the inhabitants and grasses of Washington county in 1858. Alongside this are other panels showing the development of the [?] shown in abundance and numerous grass boxes contain sixty varieties of seeds and grains. One of the grains to which Mr. Farnham points with pride is a bunch of timothy, the heads of which measures eleven inches in length.
Progress at Dairy Building.
A protracted delay in the receipt of a part of the engine of the refrigerating plant in the Dairy building has prevented the installation of the exhibits in that building, but the long delayed part was received yesterday and the machinery was started up yesterday morning. As soon as it was found that the plant was in working order notices were sent by Superintendent Dinsmore to the exhibitors in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota, giving them sixty hours' notice to forward their exhibits. These will begin arriving the latter part of next week and the building will be completely occupied before July 20.
Dedicate Minnesota Building.
The pretty Minnesota building is practically completed and it will be formally dedicated Wednesday, July 20. The exposition management has been assured that the state will be very creditably represented, both officially and individually, on that occasion and the day will be celebrated in the same general manner that has marked the dedication of the other state buildings. The formal exercises will be held at 10 30 o'clock in the following order:
Raising of "Old Glory" and state pennant | |
"Hail Columbia" by band during flag raising | |
Address | Lieutenant Governor John L. Gibbs, President of the State Commission. |
Address dedicating the state building to the exposition | His Excellency, Governor D. M. Clough. |
Response accepting building | Gurdon W. Wattles, President Transmississippi Exposition. |
"America" | Band, Audience to Join |
Ode to Minnesota, short poem by Mr. Harwood | |
Address of the day | Dr. C. H. Northrop, President of the Minnesota State University. |
Music | Band |
Reception in building | |
Position of Department of Publicity Sustained by Executive Committee.
The Board of Directors of the exposition undertook to hold a meeting on the grounds yesterday afternoon, but after waiting two hours for a quorum the attempt was abandoned and the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the president. The meeting was to have disposed of the question of issuing season passes to the editors of all the weekly newspapers in Nebraska and the surrounding states.
The executive committee held a meeting and by a vote that was unanimous placed the stamp of disapproval upon G. M. Hitchcock's scheme to sandbag the Department of Publicity, whereby he sought to convey the idea that editors of country papers were being discriminated against in the matter of passes. The report of the committee is a complete vindication of the position taken by Manager Rosewater and is as follows:
"Your committee to whom was referred the resolution directing the Bureau of Admissions to issue season passes to all editors of weekly newspapers in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas and Colorado have after due consideration thereof reached the conclusion that an indiscriminate distribution of season passes to all editors of weekly papers regardless of their standing would be inexpedient and of questionable propriety. But we favor the most liberal policy toward the press and we have therefore empowered the Department of Publicity and Promotion to issue season passes wherever in its judgment the interests of the exposition would thereby be promoted."
Entertaining Bay State Visitors.
The arrangements for the entertainment of the Massachusetts visitors and the celebration of their state day tomorrow have been fully completed and the occasion will be made one of the notable events of the month. The visitors will arrive in the city today and remain until Thursday and the exercises tomorrow will be the main incident in what is expected to be a most enjoyable sojourn in the exposition city. They will be held at the Auditorium at 11 o'clock and the official program follows:
Music | Phinney's Band |
Welcome | Governor Silas A. Holcomb |
Response | Lieutenant Governor W. Murray Crane. |
Music—"Bridal Chorus" | Quartet |
Address | Gurdon W. Wattles, President Transmississippi Exposition. |
Music—Solo | Mrs. G. W. Johnston |
Address | Hon. John L. Bates, Speaker of the House. |
Address | Chancellor George E. MacLean |
Music | Phinney's Band |
REV. JENKIN LLOYD JONES, minister of all Souls' Church, Chicago, Secretary of the Liberal Congress of Religion, which holds its next annual meeting in this city Oct. 18 to 24, and Editor of The New Unity, will preach at Unity Church Sunday morning, July 10, and at 4 o'clock P. M. of the same day in the Auditorium.
The Young People's Society of Unity church propose to signalize the coming of the Liberal Congress to Omaha by securing 150 subscribers for The New Unity, the official organ of the Congress, published weekly in Chicago, at $2 a year. In return the publishers will print monthly in its columns a sermon preached at Unity church, and contribute besides $100 to the treasury of the church.
Every Liberal thinker ought to have a Liberal newspaper as a means of keeping in touch with the Liberal movement. An opportunity is now offered to subscribe so as to prove highly advantageous all around.
Subscriptions should be sent to H. S. Mann, P. O. Box 703, Omaha.
JULY 10, 1898.
One holy Church of God appears
Through every age and race,
Unwasted by the lapse of years,
Unchanged by changing place.
From oldest time, on farthest shores,
Beneath the pine or palm,
One Unseen Presence she adores,
With silence or with psalm.
Her priests are all God's faithful sons,
To serve the world raised up;
The pure in heart her baptized ones,
Love her communion-cup.
The Truth is her prophetic gift,
The Soul her sacred page;
And feet on mercy's errand swift
Do make her pilgrimage.
"The Parliament of Religions, and What next"
My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty—
Of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountain side
Let Freedom ring!
My native country, thee,—
Land of the noble free,—
Thy name I love:
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.
Our fathers' God, to Thee,
Author of Liberty,—
To thee we sing:
Long may our land be bright
With Freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King!
Another Conference with the Exposition Managers is Held.
Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars to Be Paid on Conditions Favorable to County—Van Etten Protests Clerk Frank's Bond.
The members of the executive committee of the exposition appeared before the Board of County Commissioners and renewed the request for $2,500 additional of the $100,000 exposition bond fund. After a conference the commissioners voted $2,500 conditioned that the exposition issue passes for all necessary help employed in connection with the Douglas county exhibit. It is also conditioned that in turning the money over to the exposition association, the county shall receive a receipt in full for the electrical service furnished the Douglas county exhibit in the Agriculture building.
The exposition committee asked for $5,000, but after estimating the expenses of maintaining the county exhibit, the commissioners decided that they could not vote the full amount, contending that they would need the balance remaining in the fund for the purpose of paying employes and the necessary expenses that would be incurred.
OMAHA, JULY 10, 1898.
Admission to the Exposition Grounds Sundays Will Be Twenty-Five Cents.
Mr. Rosewater Has a Report on the Pass System Which He Hopes Will Stick.
If Adopted by the Directorate It Will Leave the Little Editor Just Where He Is Now.
As exclusively announced by the World-Herald several days ago, a reduced Sunday admission rate of 25 cents will go into effect at the exposition today. The rate has been agreed upon as an experimental move, and if it is a success it will be continued and will probably be extended to evenings.
Today's features will consist of the usual concerts afternoon and evening by the United States band and religious services at the Auditorium. All buildings will be open with the exception of the Government building, and everything on the Midway will be in operation as usual, except the dispensing of malt beverages. Strict orders were issued last evening to all beer concessionaires that they would not be allowed to sell today. The notices were served by the captain of police and the commandant of the guard, and the concessionaires expressed their intention of complying with the requirement.
The executive committee was rounded up yesterday afternoon by Mr. Rosewater, and after three-quarters of an hour of the liveliest kind of hammering he succeeded in forcing the members to agree to a compromise report on the Manderson resolution.
While the members were almost without exception in favor of having passes sent out to the publishers of the weekly papers, Mr. Rosewater would not consent to it, and he brought to bear on the members the usual number of threats to prevent such action as would result in a change of front on the part of the outside press and induce the publishers to espouse the cause of the exposition.
After executing a number of threats and an amount of bully-ragging that well-nigh exhausted the patience of the committee, Mr. Rosewater was able to secure the indorsement of the members to his plan, although they struck out the greater part of the report that he had previously prepared, and had him substitute therefor a declaration in favor of "the most liberal policy toward the press," and "empowering" Mr. Rosewater to issue season passes whenever "in his judgment" the interests of the exposition would be thereby promoted. Inasmuch as Mr. Rosewater's judgment, as hitherto expressed, has been emphatically against issuing passes, except in return for the signing of a contract, it can be seen that the report as adopted is practically a nullity. It declares for a certain policy, and "empowers" Mr. Rosewater to put into effect a policy that he repeatedly declared he would have nothing to do with.
The report that Mr. Rosewater sought to have adopted, indorsing his circular insult to the outside publishers, was as follows:
"Your committee, to whom was referred the resolution directing the bureau of admissions to issue season passes to all editors of weekly newspapers in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas and Colorado, have, after due consideration thereof, reached the conclusion that an indiscriminate distribution of season passes to all editors of weekly papers, regardless of their standing, would be inexpedient and of questionable propriety; first, because it makes no distinction between papers that have favored the exposition from the outset, and have treated it with generous liberality, and those who have antagonized it or have refused to give it fair treatment; second, because the department of publicity and promotion has already put in operation a plan for reciprocal exchange of courtesies between the publishers of weeklies in the states named, and the expositoin, whereby each of said papers is enabled to secure two season passes in consideration of the limited amount of advertising, and the general acceptance of these terms by the weekly press indicates that this arrangement is accepted by it as satisfactory."
The committee rejected everything after the words "questionable propriety," and substituted therefor the following:
"But we favor the most liberal policy toward the press, and we have, therefore, empowered the department of publicity and promotion to issue season passes wherever in its judgment the interests of the exposition would thereby be promoted."
It will be seen that the committee refused to indorse Mr. Rosewater's pet scheme to "hold up" the country publishers for a contract in return for passes, but finally submitted to his badgering to the extent of recommending that the passes to be "liberally" sent out be dispensed in accordance with the "judgment" that favored nothing of the kind.
A fair sample of Mr. Rosewater's popularity with the people whose assistance the exposition is trying to secure is shown by the following letter, which is now before the board pending the disposition of the pass question:
Omaha, July 1.—Board of Directors Trans-Mississippi Exposition—Gentlemen: We will issue tomorrow the "Exposition Photograph Number" of the Excelsior, 10,000 copies, cover in colors, from design by Walker & Kimball, full of handsome half-tones of the exposition, its officers and assistants, and also a full-page supplement showing all the buildings from Rhinehart's latest photographs. These have been sold to leading business houses, to be mailed east, in large quantities, and will be sold by newsboys until after the 4th of July.
In this connection we beg to remind you that the Excelsior issued a year ago March the first illustrated edition gotten out by anybody on the exposition, and circulated very successfully 15,000 copies, covering not only this country, but Europe. We also invested over $500 in a booklet of photogravures of the exposition, first issued last winter, and still selling in large quantities.
As a handsome acknowledgment of this, we have received from the department of publicity and promotion two monthly passes—one for Mr. Chase for the month of June, on which, after the most persistent effort, we have succeeded in getting a promise that it will be renewed for the month of July—and one for our Mr. Richardson, who does the actual writing, good from June 25 to July 5, with no promise of renewal. Mr. Richardson's pass was only obtainable after three weeks' hard work.
Mr. E. Rosewater has advised Mr. Chase verbally that he will probably receive a form of agreement to the effect that a season pass will be issued in case we "promise to publish exposition matter from time to time." In the light of what the Excelsior has done, in doing and proposes to do—not occasionally, but every week—such a circular, if received, will be looked upon as a gratuitous insult, and will be promptly returned unsigned.
On account of its illustrations, more copies of the Excelsior are mailed away by subscribers than of any other Omaha publications.
With assurances of the heartiest co-operation and good will, believe me, yours very truly,
Proprietor Excelsior.
The meeting of the big board, which was called for 3 o'clock, did not materialize, owing to lack of a quorum. Although there were twenty-eight members present at various times during the tedious wait and only twentysix are necessary to constitute a quorum, Mr. Rosewater's long-drawn-out siege with the executive committee exhausted the patience of waiting directors and they dropped out one by one, so that by the time the report was finally ready there were several less than a quorum on hand, and on motion of Dr. Lee an adjournment was taken until Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Signor Nuncio, delegate appointed by President Diaz of Mexico, arrived here yesterday to look after matters connected with the Mexican exhibit. He signed the necessary papers and then left again for the south, but will return here about the 20th inst. with the cars containing the exhibit. The Mexican exhibit will occupy the space in the International building heretofore assigned to the Hawaiian exhibit, the latter having been yesterday transferred to the Agricultural building, inasmuch as Hawaii is now a part of the United States. The Hawaiian exhibit is here and will be installed in the space reserved for Douglas county's supplemental exhibit.
J. M. Maris, general manager of the Illinois Car and Equipment company; Julian Yale of the Yale Lock Manufacturing company and Ray T. Vent, three prominent Chicagoans, were on the grounds yesterday, the guests of Medical Director E. W. Lee.
The executive committee yesterday designated Tuesday, August 2, as "Flower day." The exercises and arrangements will be under the auspices of the ladies of the bureau of entertainment. Mrs. McCall Travis will act as superintendent of the affair. A special floral decoration of the grounds and buildings will be arranged, and a number of novel and attractive features introduced.
Ex-Governor J. W. Northen of Georgia arrived yesterday and will remain for some time, giving his personal attention to the Georgia exhibit. Two additional carloads of exhibits from that state are expected this morning.
General Manager Doddridge and Vice President Warner of the Missouri Pacific were in the city yesterday in a special car with their families and put in a part of the day at the exposition, their car being sidetracked just north of the grounds. Near it was the special car of General Manager Robinson of the St. Joseph & Grand Island, who was accompanied by his wife, mother and niece, Miss Lottie Currier. They were shown around the grounds by Special Commissioner Richardson.
General Passenger and Ticket Agent H. C. Townsend of the Missouri Pacific has forwarded from St. Louis a number of copies of Missouri papers to show the benefit received by the exposition in the way of advertising at the hands of the editors who were brought here by that road a short time ago. They contain a class of matter that will arouse the deepest interest among the readers of these papers, and tends to prove what has been for a long time contended by some of the directors, that the country press can do more for the exposition in these agricultural states than any other one means of publicity.
A few days ago the managers of the Camera Obscura offered $5 in silver to the person who would write the most interesting and comprehensive story about this wonderful amusement. Up to the present time a number of stories have been handed in and in a near future they will be published and judgment will be rendered on their merits. The Camera Obscura has been visited this week by hundred of people who have gone away wondering at the marvelous scene depicted on the screne. The Camera Obscura differs from the Vitascope in that it transfers persons and things, apparently, from any part of the exposition onto the screen in the building occupied by the Camera.
Alvine Wyatt, coon singer and cake walker at Pabst's on the Midway, improvised the following parody, for an encore the other night:
In my Omaha homestead near Platter river;
Near Platter river you will see a sight so grand.
A vast city has risen from the desert,
Built by the enterprising citizens of the land.
But the place you want to visit in the fair grounds,
Is the Midway; it's the greatest ever seen;
When you stroll along and listen to the speilers,
You won't know if you are awake or in a dream.
Oh, the electric lights shone bright along the Midway,
In the Streets of Nations they had a jolly time,
With old Grover and his "Ta-ra-boon-der-ee,"
And the dancing girls, you bet are right in line.
In the Old Plantation there along the Midway,
You can see the niggers dance and hear them play,
When you get there you'll be feeling mighty shady,
On the Midway not so very far away.
[?]the Chutes and swing the [?]
The editor of the Bee is a member of the executive committee of the exposition.
On a number of occasions he has intimated that his associates on the committee were either robbing the exposition or permitting crooked work in their departments. Last evening's Bee contained the following charge against certain managers not named but clearly indicated:
The attacks on the department of publicity under pretense that the country press is not receiving fair treatment at its hands are simply a part of the cuttlefish program. Their renewal at the very time when everybody in Omaha is talking about the disappointing report of Fourth of July paid admissions and when the people who put up the money to float the enterprise are staggered by the deficit that stares the exposition in the face, only confirms what has been manifest all along, that there is method in the yelp of the Geraldine organ.
This is especially emphasized by the conduct of some of the managers who ought to court publicity of the transactions in their departments, but who appear to be very sensitive when anyone calls in question any of the unbusinesslike methods pursued in the handling and disbursement of exposition funds or suggests essential reforms for the protection of the stockholders.
The time is fast approaching when the searchlight of publicity must be turned on and a full discussion invited of the matters most vital to the successful financiering of the exposition and the most effective way to fill up the gaps in some of the exhibit buildings. Raising the dust about alleged dissatisfaction of country editors may serve the purpose of the Geraldine combine, but it will not work forever.
The World-Herald does not make this charge. Neither does the World-Herald propose to shield any member of the executive committee against it.
It is sufficient that the charge is made by a member of the executive committee against his associates.
We demand an investigation.
We demand the selection of an expert accountant to aid the investigating committee.
We demand that the "searchlight" be turned on.
Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Association of Fraternal Orders—Dear Brothers: To the representatives of the following orders: Modern Woodmen of America, Woodmen of the World, Fraternal Union of America, Business and Fraternal association, Masons, Royal Highlanders, Women's Christian Temperance union, Improved Order of Red Men, Knights of the Maccabees, Knights of Pythias, Women's Relief corps, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Clan Gordon, Scottish Rights Masons, Pocahontas, Grand Army of the Republic, Douglas County Veteran association, P. E. O., Sons and Daughters of the Revolution, Junior Order United American Mechanics and Royal Neighbors:
The petition entrusted to us was presented to President Wattles and the board of management of the Trans-Mississippi exposition and considered by them and they decided not to grant the concessions prayer for only in a modified way, which to your committee is not satisfactory and we, therefore, recommend that the committee of the whole convene at Commercial club rooms, Sixteenth and Farnam, July 11, at 5 p. m., sharp, and formulate plans and arrange for places to hold our various meetings and gatherings without the Trans-Mississippi grounds, as set forth in our petition. Yours respectfully,
Will Be One of the Best Meetings of the Organization.
Rev. Dr. H. W. Thomas, the president of the Liberal Congress of Religions, which meets in Omaha early in October, and Rev. Jenkyn Lloyd Jones of Chicago, the secretary of the congress, arrived in Omaha this morning. Dr. Thomas is the guest of Charles J. Greene, and Mr. Jones is the guest of Thomas Kirkpatrick. Mr. Jones will preach at the First Methodist church this morning and at the Auditorium on the exposition grounds at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Dr. Thomas will preach at the First Methodist church this evening.
Mr. Jones says of the meeting of the Liberal Congress of Religions here in October that more interest is being taken in the meeting than in any meeting of the congress since the World's fair. Among those who will be here are Dr. Barrows and Dr. Hirsch of Chicago, Drs. Shutter and Simmons of Minneapolis, Drs. Peabody and Williams of New York city, and Edwin D. Mead, editor of the New England Magazine of Boston. A number of other ministers and laymen have been invited.
Massachusetts Day Program.
Massachusetts will have its day at the exposition Monday. At 11 a. m. the following program will be given in the Auditorium:
Music—Phinney's band.
Welcome—Governor Holcomb of Nebraska.
Response—Lieutenant Governor W. Murray Crane of Massachusetts.
Music—Quartet, "Bridal Chorus," Cowen.
Address—Gurdon W. Wattles, president of the exposition.
Address—Hon. George E. Smith, president of the Massachusetts senate.
Music—Solo, by Mrs. G. W. Johnston.
Address—Hon. John L. Bates, speaker of the Massachusetts house.
Address—Chancellor George E. MacLean of the Nebraska state university.
Music—Phinney's band.
E. A. King Says East Knows Nothing of the Big Show.
E. A. King and Mrs. King of St. Joseph, Mo., are at the Millard. Mr. King is president of the St. Joseph Pump Manufacturing company and has a large exhibit at the exposition. Mr. King is also one of the leading spirits in all great St. Joseph enterprises, and was at the helm in pushing the recent successful jubilee in that city. From a standpoint of an exhibitor, Mr. King is naturally much interested in the exposition, but he very much deplores the lack of advertising the big show has had, and with reference to that question he said: "I have recently been east, and am frank to say that I was surprised to find how little the people of that country knew of the exposition. Detroit people thought it was a large Douglas county fair, and some of the easterners hardly knew it was in existence.
"It would seem to me that some inducement to the thousands of European tourists who reside in the eastern states ought to be held out. The French liner which went down with seventy-five first class passengers last week had 740 on a trip last season, and where are they now? They are not abroad because of the war, and they are simply lying about their homes waiting for peace, and a simple invitation with some pointers about the exposition would get them here, and they could wind up with a sojourn in the mountains.
"The exposition management would, in my opinion, do well to advertise and begin at once."
Omaha Schools to Show Progress at Exposition With Pupils Taking Part.
Massachusetts Has Its Day Monday With Lieutenant Governor and Others---Exposition Doings.
When the Nebraska educational exhibit at the exposition was being prepared it was the desire of Superintendent Jackson and Prof. Stewart, who are in charge of the exhibit, that there should be a "live" display from the manual training department of the Omaha High school. It was hoped that several of the students in this department should be at work through the summer showing just how beautiful and artistic pieces of woodwork were turned out. So far this feature has not been realized, but the probability is that it will soon be an attraction to the visitors in the gallery of the Manufactures' building where the Nebraska educational exhibit is located.
The trouble has been that the majority of the exhibits' committee of three appointed by the board of education of the city to take care of the exhibit of the city schools has ben opposed to the continuation of the manual training department in the High school and was therefore disposed not to give prominence even to the exhibit of products simply that is already on the floor. This has a place in a rather dark corner where it cannot attract much notice.
One of the amusing incidents it that an excuse was made that the board of education had not the money to maintain a live exhibit, but very soon after this was announced the board arranged that the daughters of two members of the board, the Misses Burgess and Jordan, should be attendants on the exhibit of the Omaha schools at a salary of $50 per month each, though attendants are furnished by the state.
The matter has now been called to the notice of the High school committee of the board, and the majority committee is in favor of the live exhibit. It will make a recommendation accordingly at the next meeting of the board, and as the sentiment in the board was strong to secure the re-election of Prof. Wigman, who is in charge of the manual training department, and the continuation of the department, it is taken for granted that its recommendation regarding the live exhibit will be adopted.
Twenty-Five Cent Admission Draws Double Number of Sunday Sight-Seers.
Hundreds of People With Families Can Afford to Enjoy the White City.
Children Attend in Crowds, Testifying to General Appreciation of the Reduction.
Grand Plaza Sought by More People Than at Any Time Since Days of Marine Band.
All Enjoy the Day the More Because of Greater Numbers--Not a Bit of Disturbance.
The first experiment with the 25-cent admission rate on Sunday was an unqualified success, and fully met the expectations of the exposition managers, some of whom were opposed to putting the scheme in operation. Instead of reducing the gate receipts it actually increased them, thus insuring an attendance on the grounds of more than twice the number that has been turning out as a Sunday crowd, and also increasing the exposition receipts in the way of concessions.
The reduction also had the effect of bringing out a large number of people of small means whose pocketbooks would not stand the drain of a 50-cent charge for several members of a large family. It also was responsible for the presence of an unusually large number of children, for whom there was no reduction, but who obviously would not have been present but for the fact that their guardians felt able to spare the reduced price for themselves and take them.
It gave the grounds an appearance that they have not had on any Sunday heretofore since the opening, and in view of the fact that the reduced rate had not been extensively advertised, but on the contrary had merely had a bare announcement, there is every reason to believe that subsequent Sundays will see an even larger attendance, and that the reduced rate will be deemed a sufficiently good thing by the management to be enthusiastically pushed along.
The fact has been demonstrated that there is a great deal in having a crowd on the grounds, aside from the sole feature of gate receipts. It results in a more liberal expenditure of money on the part of individuals than when there are few people on the grounds. While a small crowd feels lost wandering about the big area and perambulating down the aisles of the great buildings the mere effect of numbers is to stir up enthusiasm, and each individual invariably insists that he had a better time with the big company than with the small one, even though he saw precisely the same things in the one case as in the other.
The effect is particularly noticeable on visitors from outside, and those who are here on days when there is a crowd without exception go home and talk more enthusiastically for the show than do those who happen to get in on the small days.
The Grand Plaza contained more people last evening than have been present at any concert since the departure of the Marine band, and at no concert has there been evidence of a more thorough enjoyment of the program.
Although the crowd was larger it was one of the most orderly assemblages that has been seen on the grounds. Not an arrest was made during the day, and even the fence climbers observed the day of rest. The Manderson street gate, that has heretofore been a bone of contention between the guards and would-be visitors on Sunday, was on its good behavior, the management having concluded to put a stop to the trouble by placing a gatekeeper there the same as on week days.
In the matter of beer selling the original rule of non-dispensation was strictly adhered to. The concessionaires were convinced that no one else was getting an inside track under the new order, and all complied with the requirement, and there were no kicks. Not a violation of the rule was reported at headquarters during the day.
Saturday's paid admissions numbered 3,312.
Strong Religious Address by Rev. J. L. Jones at the Auditorium.
An echo of the parliament of religions, held at Chicago during the World's fair, and a prophecy of the liberal congress of religions to be held at Omaha in connection with the exposition, was heard at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon. Rev. Jenkyn Lloyd Jones, secretary of the congress, delivered an address on "The Parliament of Religions and What Next?"
The fame of the speaker brought together and audience of 500 or 600, which was taken by many as proof that, with a preacher of known power, religious services in the Auditorium during the term of the exposition would be popular. Mr. Jones himself said that he hoped this was but the first of a series of Sunday afternoon religious meetings on the grounds, and he declared it was a place most fit, because here were gathered the material signs of man's progress and achievement, and because he believed that the beautiful was allied to righteousness and that har-[?] of character. [?]
The address was preceded by prayer and scripture reading by Mr. Mann, invocation by Rev. T. J. Mackay and several hymns by a double quartet chosen from the Exposition chorus and under the direction of T. J. Kelly.
Mr. Jones prefaced his address by a few words commending the beautiful architectural picture presented on the grounds and the interesting character of the exhibits, and offered his congratulations therefor. He mentioned particularly the magnificent effect of the court at night, saying that the sight had moved him as he had never expected to be moved again, and called up the glories of the grand court of honor at the Columbian exposition.
It was a matter of interest to the audience to be told by Mr. Jones that by some strange happening it had been his lot to open the first religious services at three great expositions—that at New Orleans, that at the World's fair and now this at the Trans-Mississippi exposition.
The address was a sermon in the highest sense, though lacking almost all the forms of one. It could be seen that Mr. Jones was still under the inspiration which made him so active in the work of preparing for the parliament of religions and of that additional inspiration which the grand and unique meeting imparted, and full of hope that the same spirit would make the Omaha congress a success.
The discourse was a collection of stories and anecdotes suggestive of the sentiment which prevailed at the parliament of religions, of the grandeur and strangeness of that gathering and of the impulses received there. The speaker has the pleasing Welsh habit of telling stories, saying himself that they were better than argument, and such stories as were precisely suited to illustrate the matter in hand.
The common restraints imposed by congregational decorum were so far removed or so far forgotten that many a time the audience broke into hearty cheers as the speaker by some apt story with obvious application led his hearers up to some enlarged conception of human duty and portrayed a newer beauty of sympathy.
His plea of course was for a throwing away of the impediments of religion, the truck of denominational ties, rituals and creeds and for a union the world over on the fundamental principles of ethics.
During the last summer the executive committee of the exposition awarded to E. Rosewater a contract for $3,200 for alleged advertising. Subsequently the committee rescinded its action during Mr. Rosewater's absence from the city.
When Mr. Rosewater returned he immediately began to make threats that he would make exposures concerning the exposition management.
Then the executive committee yielded and restored to Rosewater the $3,200 contract.
When the friends of the exposition began to urge the management to issue season passes to the editors of weekly newspapers Rosewater opposed the plan. At the directory meeting on Friday, when it became evident that the sentiment was overwhelmingly against Rosewater, that gentleman renewed his threats of exposing something dreadful. Action was postponed until Saturday afternoon. In the Saturday afternoon Bee Rosewater had an editorial hinting at some alleged wrong concerning the Fourth of July admissions, and intimating that an investigation might be made. On this line Rosewater's editorial had this to say:
This is especially emphasized by the conduct of some of the managers who ought to court publicity of the transactions in their departments, but who appear to be very sensative when anyone calls in question any of the unbusinesslike methods pursued in the handling and disbursement of exposition funds or suggests essential reforms for the protection of the stockholders.
The time is fast approaching when the searchlight of publicity must be turned on and a full discussion invited of the matters most vital to the successful financiering of the exposition and the most effective way to fill up the gaps in some of the exhibit buildings. Raising the dust about alleged dissatisfaction of country editors may serve the purpose of the Geraldine combine, but it will not work forever.
Two hours after that editorial appeared the executive committee yielded to Rosewater's demands.
These questions force themselves to the front:
Are the members of the executive committee afraid of Rosewater?
If Rosewater's threats have been sufficient to make these gentlemen yield is it not fair to assume that the time is right at hand "when the searchlight of publicity must be turned on?"
The World-Herald has never doubted the honesty of the exposition management, but there is nothing reassuring in the sight of these gentlemen falling in line to yield to Rosewater every time Rosewater threatens an exposure.
MONDAY, JULY 11, 1898.
The course which The Bee has pursued with regard to the exposition from its inception to the present day has been honorable, unselfish and consistent. Its sole object has been to insure the success of the exposition from every point of view and thus make the enterprise redound to the credit of its projectors and promoters and the glory of Omaha and the transmississippi country.
When public sentiment was still wavering as to its practicability The Bee exerted all its influence to inspire popular confidence in the colossal undertaking. When it was in danger of being wrecked by dishonest employes and thieving contractors, it sounded the alarm and stopped the perpetrators of the frauds and jobbery from continuing their operations. When the exposition required substantial financial support it came to its rescue cordially and vigorously not only by urging others to contribute, but by placing at its disposal both money and credit and invaluable space.
While mediocre would-be rivals have by turns blown hot and cold and have at every stage sought to embarrass the editor of The Bee in the laborious task assigned to him as one of the exposition managers, their malicious assaults have not and cannot divert him from the responsibly duty of protecting the interests of the exposition and the people who have generously contributed to its support. For this reason The Bee will not allow itself to be inveigled or driven into a controversy which would tend to damage or cripple the exposition.
That the internal affairs of the exposition need reforming and reorganization in some particulars is admitted, but the demand for a public investigation comes from a source everybody knows to be insincere and hypocritical. If G. M. Hitchcock were an honest friend of the exposition instead of a sneaking, covert enemy, he would not persistently seek to array the country press against it by false representations nor would he have attempted to create contention inside of the directory over trivial matters when its attention is imperatively needed to devise ways and means for supplementing the efforts of the managers to secure the largest possible results out of the enterprise.
If he really desires an impartial and searching investigation into the management of any or all of the departments, he is in position to institute it through the board of directors, of which he is a member. It is not to be expected, however, that he will do anything of the kind, because his aim and object is to force the washing of soiled exposition linen in public or try to make it appear that the strictures of The Bee concerning complaints made and reforms demanded are inspired by hostility to men in the executive committee.
Distinguished Official Party from Massachusetts Inspects the Exposition.
Nebraska's Italian Weather Pleasantly Refutes Some Weird Reports.
Nebraska and Massachusetts Representatives Swap Felicitations.
Governor Holcomb, Lieutenant Governor Crane and Others Speak Pointedly on the Subject of Two Commonwealths.
The distinguished citizens of Massachusetts who are the guests of the exposition today were greeted with a hospitality that extended even to the azure sky and bright Nebraska sunshine that contributed to make their visit enjoyable. The visitors who have come to the exposition on the various state days have invariably been impressed with the beautiful weather and those who are on the grounds today are acquiring the same admiration for the Nebraska climate. Many of them have heard weird tales of cyclone and drouth and winds that scorch and burn all living things, but these "Jim Lancey" stories are effectively silenced by the magnificent conditions that have invariably ruled during their stay in Nebraska.
It was rather a quiet morning on the grounds. Most of the exposition officials were down town to escort the Bay State delegation to the grounds, and during the early forenoon the attendance was comparatively light. Towards noon there were indications of a good crowd for the remainder of the day and all the motor trains dropped full loads at the gates. The aisles in the main buildings rapidly became populous, and large parties of out-of-town guests bivouacked at the various state buildings.
Formal Welcome at Auditorium.
The formal welcome to the delegation took place in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, at which time the visiting delegation, escorted by Governor Holcomb, who walked with Lieutenant Governor Crane of Massachusetts, entered the Auditorium and marched to the stage. Each of the visitors carried a small silk flag and as soon as the party reached the places on the stage assigned to them Phinneys' United States band, which was stationed on the stage, commenced playing "The Blue and Gray Patrol," the silk flags waving smartly in the air in unison with the stirring notes. The women of the party were also seated on the stage, being escorted by Mrs. Clement Chase, chairman of the Bureau of Entertainment, and Mrs. H. T. Clarke of the bureau. In addition to the visitors from Massachusetts there were seated on the stage Governor Holcomb and his chief of staff, Adjutant General P. H. Barry; President Wattles of the exposition, Chancellor George E. MacLean of the University of Nebraska and Manager Rosewater. The members of the staff of the governor of Massachusetts were in full dress uniform.
When the exercises commenced there was but a small audience present and President Wattles asked them to sit together to make as large a showing as possible. As the exercises progressed, however, the crowd increased and before the close had reached creditable proportions. The formal proceedings were opened by Governor Holcomb, who extended to the people from Massachusetts a hearty welcome, expressing the appreciation of the people of the great west that the people of the Old Bay state had found time to come to Nebraska to visit the exposition. The governor corrected himself for calling this part of the country the west, saying it was a long way from the western limits of this great union. He reminded the visitors that they had come but 1,500 or 1,600 miles, whereas they would have to travel twice that distance to reach the Golden Gate and would then be nearly 3,000 miles from the western limit of the country over which the stars and stripes wave. This point was loudly applauded, as was the next point made by the governor, a prediction that news would soon be received of another victory at Santiago.
The governor then discussed the resources of the state the delegation from Massachusetts had come to visit and he expressed the hope that the visitors would find time to go about over the state and see for themselves the evidences of prosperity on every side, and that they would spread the good news of Nebraska's condition when they returned home.
Expresses His Satisfaction.
Lieutenant Governor W. Murray Crane of Massachusetts responded on behalf of the visitors. His speech was very brief. He contented himself with expressing the satisfaction he felt in being one of the official delegation sent by his state to take part in the proceedings of the exposition. He said he and his associates of the delegation felt the force of the welcome which had been extended to them and upon their return would do all in their power to further the joint interests of the two sections.
President Wattles was the next speaker. He referred at some length to the fact that the east has furnished the great bulk of the population of the west, few of the people of the west not being able to trace their descent from the sturdy New England stock. The president also spoke of the ties of common interest which bind all sections of this country together and he declared that "the enemy's country" lies beyond the seas and beneath a foreign flag.
The president referred to the many great men in public life, literature, science and kindred arts, which have been given to the world by the Old Bay state and discussed the stirring history of the state which had played an important part in the principal events in the history of this nation. In closing, Mr. Wattles referred briefly to the vast country which has been opened up within the last fifty years and asked the careful consideration of the visitors in the examination of the resources of this section which have been arranged for the inspection of visitors.
Hon. George E. Smith, president of the senate of the Massachusetts legislature, was introduced by President Wattles. He reiterated the welcome and expressions of good wishes of the lieutenant governor, and reviewed the experience of the party on the trip west. He spoke of the trip from Chicago through the most fertile country on the globe and said the magnificence of the exposition had been only partially comprehended. In closing, the speaker said he could think of no more fitting sentiment to express the feelings of the visitors for their hosts than the celebration toast of Rip Van Winkle: "Here's to your good health and your family's health and may you live long and prosper."
Mrs. G. W. Johnson sang a lullaby in a most pleasing manner and was warmly applauded.
Meets Many Old Friends.
Hon. John L. Bates, speaker of the house of representatives of the Massachusetts legislature, was the next speaker. He said the delegation came to bring the good will and good wishes of the people of Massachusetts for the people of the west. He referred to the fact that the members of the party had scarcely been able to turn a corner in Omaha without running across a man from Massachusetts, and said that the delegation brought the hearty good wishes of the people of the state and congratulations on the great exposition and on the boundless possibilities of the great country represented in that great enterprise.
Chancellor George E. MacLean was introduced by President Wattles as a former resident of Massachusetts. He said no eulogium of Massachusetts was necessary, her history is well known and all may judge for themselves. In the face of all that had been said by previous speakers the chancellor said he could add nothing more than repeat the glowing eulogy of the immortal Webster which he said would also apply to Nebraska. The chancellor then proceeded to discuss Massachusetts and Nebraska in the eloquent manner which has gained for him a reputation as wide as the continent.
A quartet sang the wedding chorus from Cowen's "Rose Maiden," and the exercises closed with a selection by the band. At the close of the exercises in the Auditorium the visitors were escorted to the viaduct cage where luncheon was served, followed by speeches by several of the visitors and by W. H. Alexander and W. G. Whitmore natives of Massachusetts now residing in Nebraska.
Cut Rate Admission Fee Proves an Attraction to Many.
The incentive of a 25-cent admission fee drew a big crowd to the exposition yesterday, but it was scarcely such a crowd as the concession deserved. It was by far the biggest Sunday crowd that has yet been on the grounds, but it was not the wholesale turning out of the Omaha public that the management had a right to expect. It is difficult to conceive how any loyal citizen of Omaha could have induced himself to stay at home when such an investment of a quarter of a dollar was open to him; but many of them did and they deprived themselves of a most delightful experience in so doing.
It was an ideal exposition day, but it was equally well adapted for various other recreations that a good many people are in the habit of indulging in on a Sabbath afternoon. For that reason a considerable proportion of the crowd waited until evening before going to the grounds, and as usual the evening crowd was a decided improvement on that which was on the grounds during the day. Hundreds of people went past the grounds to Fort Omaha to see the soldier boys and many of them stopped off on their way back and spent the evening at the exposition.
But while there were people who stayed away, enough came to make a crowd that was far above the average. During the first two hours after 1 o'clock there was a steady stream of arrivals at both entrances, and the grounds filled rapidly. Later in the afternoon the influx was less constant, but it increased rapidly after supper, while comparatively few of those who came in the afternoon went away.
There was no departure from the perfect order that has ruled on previous Sundays, and the crowd was as decorous and well behaved as could be desired. While no bars were erected across the Midway, there was no noisy or disorderly features, and the same decorum was apparent in the amusement section as reigned in other parts of the grounds.
The band concert in the ofternoon was heard by a crowd that fairly filled the broad area in front of the government building, and in the evening the program on the Plaza attracted an exceptionally generous audience.
It is understood that the same rate of admission will prevail next Sunday, as the decision to reduce the admission yesterday was not made public until so late that it did not become thoroughly known.
Showing by New Mexico is a Surprise to Most Visitors.
The New Mexico exhibit is the first feature to attract the attention of visitors to the Mines building as they enter from the Sherman avenue entrance. It is the largest mineral collection in the building and in many respects it is a revelation to thousands of people who were not previously aware of the extensive mineral resources of that yet only partially developed territory. The center space is filled entirely with handsome eight-foot oak cases, so arranged that the contents can be seen at a glance. These are filled with rich specimens of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tin, iron and other metals, from the dull gray sulphates to the most beautiful and delicate forms of crystalizations. The showing in each species is exhaustive and affords a complete study of the various formations and varieties.
For instance the gold specimens show the metal in the forms known as the wire, nugget, scale, dust and flour, as well as several kinds of rock, and in its combinations with other ores. The silver specimens embrace so many formations that they excite the wonderment of the observer at the marvelous work of nature. Here are seen the wire silver, flakes, nugget, horse, chlorides, sulphides, sulphates, sulphurettes, bromides and numerous other forms besides the formations in which the silver is blended with the lead, iron, zinc and other ores.
Next to these are shown the copper ores and in beauty and variety of formation these excel any other form of ore formation. The richness of coloring and the fine, delicate crystalizations of the malachites, azurites and cuprites form a study worthy of an artist's pencil, and command the unstinted admiration of the visitor. The copper exhibit also offers a wide field of study for the mineralogist, for in addition to the varieties mentioned above there are numerous specimens of native, wire and sheet copper, as well as the lovely pyrites, oxides and various other forms.
The lead ores also constitute an interesting study on account of the great variety that is exhibited. They include the
sulphates, sulphides, wolframites, carrussites, sand carbonates and various other forms and crystalizations. Then comes an exhibit of iron ores that shows a similar variety of formations, and a case of mixed ores which include specimens of zinc, tin, cinnabar, aluminum, platinum, manganese, wolframite, sulphur, phosphates and other species.
One of the most interesting features to the general visitor is the extensive exhibit of gems and precious stones. These specimens include turquoise, rubies, amethysts, garnets, agates, opals, topaz and a score of other and less familiar varieties. These cases comprise the center group on the main aisle, but at the side are a large number of additional cases which contain large and particularly noteworthy specimens of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc and iron ores, as well as coal and coke. These are also supplemented by a large exhibit of building stones, fire clays and marbles.
In addition to the purely mineral features the relic hunter finds a number of interesting curios scattered through the exhibit. One is the historic old bell of New Mexico, which was cast in 1579. It swung peacefully in a church belfry until 1680, when the church was destroyed by the Indians, and in 1734 it was dug out of the ruins of the old Spanish city of Grande Quivera. It was then taken to the San Miguel church at Socorro, which was also destroyed by the Indians and the inhabitants driven out of the country. The town was resettled in 1806 and the old bell was again resuscitated. The bell weighs 461 pounds and is composed of gold, silver and copper melted together. It bears the distinction of having been the first bell to ring on the American continent.
Another remarkable curiosity is an old bottle that is alleged to be 512 years old. It was made in 1387 and was used by the Spaniards as a means of conveying important documents. It was twice sent to Rome by its owners and brought back filled with holy water for the baptism of their children, and it is said to be the oldest bottle in existence.
Other relics of the same character are shown, including an old compass, a madstone and a group of stone idols of the prehistoric ages.
The exhibit is in charge of Commissioner J. J. Leeson of New Mexico, who is always in attendance to furnish visitors with any information that they may require.
Will Not Keep Their Displays Open to the Public at Night.
The policy of organization is becoming general among the exhibitors and other participants in the exposition and one of the most recent is the Commissioners' and Exhibitors' association of the Mines building. Commissioner J. J. Leeson of New Mexico is chairman of the association and Harry C. Smith of Colorado secretary. The other members are A. W. Miller, Oregon; James A. Reeves, Missouri; J. E. Richter, South Dakota; Dr. William B. Phillips, Alabama; Samuel Anderson, Montana; Colonel H. B. Maxon, Nevada, and Harry A. Lee, Colorado. Chairman Leeson and Messrs. Anderson and Reeves compose the executive committee.
Just at present the asociation is co-operating with the exposition management in an effort to induce the American Institute of Mining Engineers to hold its fall meeting at the exposition, and although the matter is not settled there is a strong expectation that the movement will be successful.
The association has decided not to concede the request of the management that the exhibits be kept open during the evening. The managers of the various exhibits complain that the artificial light is not sufficient to permit of a satisfactory inspection of the specimens and that in the evening the guards would not be able to keep a sufficiently close watch on the many valuable features if there was a crowd in the building.
Secret Societies Disappointed at the Action of the Management.
The secret society representatives have been conferring with the management of the exposition and have made the following report:
To the Representatives of the Following Orders: Modern Woodmen of America, Woodmen of the World, Fraternal Union of America, Business and Fraternal association, Masons, Royal Highlanders, Woman's Christian Temperance union, Improved Order of Red Men, Knights of the Maccabees, Knights of Pythias, Woman's Relief corps, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Clan Gordon, Scottish Rite Masons, Pocahontas, Grand Army of the Republic, Douglas County Veteran association, P. E. O., Sons and Daughters of the Revolution, Junior Order United America Mechanics and Royal Neighbors: The petition entrusted to us was presented to President Wattles and the Board of Managers of the Transmississippi Exposition and considered by them, and they decided not to grant the concessions prayed for; only in a modified way, which to your committee is not satisfactory, and we, therefore, recommend that the committee of the whole convene at the Centennial club rooms, Sixteenth and Far-[?] formulate plans and arrange for places to hold our various meetings and gatherings without the Transmississippi grounds, as set forth in our petition. Yours respectfully,
Exposition Notes.
The first bar of silver ore that was run out of the Silver City reduction works was shipped to the exposition and was placed in the New Mexico exhibit yesterday.
The Minnesota exhibit has been augmented by an interesting model of one of the Duluth ore docks. It is complete even to the figures of the workmen and gives a practical illustration of the methods of handling large quantities of ore for shipment.
Commissioner Leeson has arranged a novel decoration to set off the New Mexico mining exhibit. A big consignment of genuine Navajo blankets has just been received and these will be artistically draped around the booth to serve the double purpose of decoration and the illustration of a very notable industry of the state.
A proposition has been made to the woman's congress committee of the exposition to give a performance of the "Mikado" on the Grand Plaza some time in August. The management encourages the idea and a meeting of those interested is called for 8 o'clock tomorrow evening at the Commercial club to consider the matter.
Assistant Superintendent Goodwin of the Mines building has effected a vast improvement by redraping the immense Utah flag, which is a prominent feature in the decorations. The flag was so large that when it hung in four festoons each quarter drooped so low that the effect was spoiled. Now it has been caught up into small sections and makes a magnificent decoration.
Theater Building on the Old Plantation Consumed as the Result of a New Trick.
The fire destroyed the frame theater in the rear of the Old Plantation just before 10 o'clock this forenoon. The building was entirely annihilated, leaving only a few charred timbers. It was worth about $1,500, and carried no insurance.
The fire was the result of the combination of a lighted candle and a darkey on the stage of the theater. The darkey was practicing a new tumbling act, in which the candle played a part, and in some manner the flame communicated with the burlap covering that lined the interior of the building. The structure was constructed entirely of inflammable materials and in a few seconds it was ablaze from pit to cupola. There was no time to save anything from the interior and when the firemen arrived a mass of smoke and flame was pouring forty feet up from the roof.
The two exposition hose companies did remarkably quick work and in a few minutes they were reinforced by Companies 4, 6 and 11 and Truck 2 from the city department. It was impossible to save any part of the building, but the fire was successfully confined to its original location. Manager McConnell of the Old Plantation company was down town when the fire occurred, but his subordinates expressed the opinion that the theater would be rebuilt at once. Mr. Milligan, who was in charge of the concession at the time, was across the street at breakfast and failed to get back in time to save his coat and vest, which he had left in the theater. There was a roll of bills in his vest pocket, which went up in smoke with the rest.
While the theater was burning there was a veritable panic in the Streets of All Nations adjoining. The Arabs and Algerians became possessed with the idea that they were going to be burned alive and although there was no probability that their resort would be scorched they indulged in the wildest sort of a panic. Half dressed women raced out into the street and deposited their dresses and valuables on the ground and the inmates of the rooms in the second story insanely threw their possessions out on the brick pavement. A few of the men retained sufficient presence of mind to get on the roof with fire extinguishers and the few sparks that flew in that direction were easily extinguished. The horses and donkeys were confined in a stable at the rear and very close to the burning building and were nearly crazed by the heat and smoke. A. J. Webb and R. S. Berlin took the animals all out at the expense of divers bruises inflicted by the heels of the excited donkeys. By that time the fire was practically extinguished and the panic-stricken Orientals were finally convinced that they were not in danger. The fire was a hot one while it lasted and with a strong wind from the north or east it would have been a serious menace to the entire Midway.
Chief Redell speaks warm words of praise for Guard A. H. Starkey, who turned in the alarm and got things ready for the firemen. Chief Redell says Starkey rendered the department very valuable assistance.
Twenty-Seven Members of the State Press Association Arrive.
Party Given a Welcome by Press Commissioner Richardson and Furnished with the Freedom of the Grounds.
A party of twenty-seven of the members of the Texas Press association arrived this morning on a special car over the Rock Island route from Fort Worth, Tex. The party is now stopping at the Brunswick hotel. Following is the personnel: W. H. Neel of Dublin, editor of the Dublin Telephone and secretary of the Press association of Texas; W. C. O'Bryan, editor of the McGregor Observer, and wife of McGregor; E. C. Lewis of Forney, editor of the Forney Tribune, who is accompanied by his sister, Miss Jessie Lewis, and Miss Allie Davis, both of Forney; Mrs. J. C. Robert and Miss Maggie Lucy of Dallas; editors of the Texas Farmer; H. D. Cadwell of Gainesville, editor of the Gainesville Signal; T. B. Johnson and Lee Johnson of San Antonio, editors of The San Antonio Light; C. F. Lehman of Halletsville, treasurer of the Texas Press association, editor of the Halletsville Herald; R. C. Johnson of Galveston, editor of the Galveston Opera Glass; M. H. Rowland of Farmerville, editor of the Farmerville Times; C. J. Baynton and wife of Llano, editor of the Llano Times; Rosser Thomas and wife of Ladonia, editor of the Ladonia News; H. E. Wilson and wife of Taylor, editor of The Texan; Jasper Collins of Carthage, editor of the Carthage Watchman; D. L. Beach and W. C. Kleine's of Gonzales, editors of the Gonzales Enquirer; C. W. Ridout of Plano, editor of the Plano Star, and also of the Wylie Rustler, accompanied by Miss Minnie Ridout; J. H. Lowry of Honey Grove, editor of the Honey Grove Signal; Mrs. J. P. Russel of Honey Grove accompanied Mr. Lowry; Miss Daelie Wright of Fort Worth, editor of the Fort Worth Texas Stock and Farm Journal; M. S. Middleton of Maxachachie, editor of the Mirror; F. A. Lochart of Pittsburg, editor of the Gazette.
Given Passes and Freedom.
After lunch today the party met in the parlors of the Brunswick and discussed plans for the week. Colonel R. W. Richardson, of the deportment of the Press of the exposition, addressed the members of the association and gave each one a pass to the fair. Colonel Richardson welcomed very heartily to the city and informed them of the commodious quarters in the Press building at the exposition grounds where they would always be welcome. He thanked the press of Texas for what it had done toward advancing the interests of the Transmississippi Exposition and said that during its stay in Omaha the party would be accorded the best of treatment. Mr. Richardson then gave out tickets and souvenirs for the exposition. Badges with "The Press" marked upon them were given to each together with a written pass and a red, white and blue souvenir. The tickets are good until the 18th of this month, but many of the members intend to stay only a week and those who wish to remain longer were told that their tickets could be renewed for a longer period of time if they so desired.
This afternoon the entire party will attend the exposition. This evening they will attend a welcoming meeting of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, as invitations were issued this afternoon. A light luncheon will be served them in the den of Ak-Sar-Ben and a special program provided for their entertainment. Tomorrow morning will be devoted to sightseeing at Fort Omaha and a visit to the troops at the fort. Further than this no special program has been arranged. The party is in charge of C. B. Sloat, general agent of the passenger department of the Rock Island at Fort Worth, Tex., who brought them to this city.
Official Representative of the Old Bay State to the Exposition.
One of the First States to Accept the Invitation to Visit the Exposition and Will Be Welcomed Accordingly.
Lieutenant Governor W. Murray Crane and the other members of the Massachusetts delegation chosen by the legislature of that state to officially represent it at the Transmississippi Exposition today arrived on their special yesterday morning, a little before 9 o'clock. Their train was the second section of the Chicago & Northwestern overland limited. Altogether there are about forty in the delegation.
A year ago an invitation was extended to Massachusetts to participate in the exposition by paying it a formal visit, which invitation was readily accepted. The legislature selected four members of the state senate and ten members of the local house, and as the matter had been referred to the committee on federal relations in the ordinary course of legislative action, that committee was also designated to go along. The governor, Roger Wolcott, and the state officials and the executive council besides were included. Governor Wolcott himself was prevented from coming by the exigencies of the present war with Spain.
When the delegation came in General Manager T. S. Clarkson of the exposition, with a score of carriages, was at the depot waiting. The visitors were at once driven to the Millard hotel and permitted to spend the day in the ways best suited to their own tastes. During the forenoon Lieutenant Governor Crane, John L. Bates, speaker of the Massachusetts house of representatives, and Edward F. Hamlin, executive secretary, went to the First Methodist Episcopal church to hear Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones discuss the topic of religious unity. Mr. Bates' father is a Boston minister of wide reputation, Rev. Lewis B. Bates, the pastor of the Bromfield Street Methodist Episcopal church.
The other members went driving in various directions over the city viewing points of interest, most of them going out to the exposition grounds. The exposition was generally visited in an informal manner again in the afternoon and many of the delegation heard Dr. Jones at the Auditorium.
Who Are in the Party.
The excursion from the old Bay commonwealth consists of the following: Lieutenant Governor W. Murray Crane and staff, Colonels William C. Capelle, assistant adjutant general; Harry E. Converse, assistant quartermaster general; Roger Morgan, assistant quartermaster general, and Frank B. Stevens, aide-de-camp. Committee of the executive council: John H. Sullivan, Elisha H. Shaw and Horace H. Atherton, and Executive Secretary Edward F. Hamlin. State officials: Edward P. Shaw, treasurer and receiver general; John W. Kimball, auditor; George E. Smith, president of the senate, and John L. Bates, speaker of the house. Committee on federal relations: Senators Henry Parsons, Wilson H. Fairbank, Daniel D. Rourke and Representatives Eugene B. Estes, John O. Slocum, Francis B. Farrar, Joseph M. Philbrick, Frederic P. Drake and William Kells, jr. Joint special legislative committee: Senators Joseph B. Farley, George E. Putnam, Charles O. Bailey and Representatives Albert Clarke, Willmore B. Stone, John H. Ponce, Harvey C. Smith, Julius C. Anthony, Jeremiah J. McCarthy, Walter S. V. Cooke, Otis M. Gove, Alfred S. Hayes and Carleton F. How. Clerks Henry D. Coolidge of the senate and James W. Kimball of the house, Colonel John G. B. Adams, sergeant at arms, John B. Smith of the Boston Herald, Color Bearer David T. Remington and C. H. Wilson also accompany the party. Colonel Adams is in charge of the delegation, and Mr. Wilson attends to the transportation.
The delegation left the Massachusetts state capitol on Thursday last. A day on the way was spent at Niagara Falls, also a day at Chicago. At the latter city Mayor Carter Harrison gave them a cordial welcome, and some compliments of an oratorical nature were exchanged while Chicago's hospitality was being enjoyed, Lieutenant Governor Crane, President Smith of the senate and Speaker Bates each making a response to the welcomes.
It being Sunday the entire day after the arrival here was passed in an informal manner. The official welcome will be extended today with formal exercises in the Auditorium at th[?] A banquet will[?]ndered t[?]he vis[?]
Captain Mercer Receives Orders to Go Right Ahead.
Great American Indian Will Be Shown as He Was in the Past and as He is at the Present Time.
The preparations for the coming Indian encampment at the exposition are being pushed by Captain W. A. Mercer and the prospects are that this will be one of the most attractive permanent features of the exposition. Congress has made the necessary appropriation of $40,000 and yesterday Manager E. Rosewater of the Department of Publicity and Promotion received a telegram from Secretary of the Interior Cornelius N. Bliss informing him that Captain Mercer had all the necessary instructions to go right ahead.
All the tribes of Indians of any consequence will have a representation in the big camp. Nothing will be more picturesque to the public generally; nothing instructive to the ethnologist. The object is to show what the primitive American aborigine was like in the days when the buffalo herds roamed the prairies of the west and the forests of the north were filled with black-tailed deer.
The Indian department at Washington has placed at the disposal of the exposition its facilities, office force and field employes for making up this notable exhibit. The Indian congress is to be undoubtedly one of the strongest, most original and most interesting features of the exposition. It will be the last opportunity of seeing the American Indian as a savage, for the government work now in progress will lift the savage Indian into American citizenship before this generation passes into history and the onward march of American civilization and American industry will wipe off the maps of the United States the Indian reservation and wipe off the face of the earth the reservation Indian. In fact, it will be the rarest ethnological exhibition ever attempted in this or any other land. Situated in the heart of the great American union, within easy reach of all the remaining great Indian reservations, it has been possible here, at comparatively slight expense, to gather upon the exposition grounds a show which would be possible nowhere else in America.
Great Feasts to Be Represented.
Not only is there to be a permanent assembly of the Indian tribes, but at the great feasts, like the sun dance of the Sioux, the dog feast of the Blackfeet, and other festivals of like character, either of a religious nature in the recognition of the Great Spirit or corresponding to the annual games of the ancients, when young bloods are put to tests of valor and endurance to determine their fitness for promotion to warriorhood, thousands of Indians are to be transported to Omaha to take part throughout the entire exposition season.
In this unique exhibition there will be Sioux from the Dakotas, Omahas and Winnebagos from Nebraska, Sacs and Foxes from Iowa, Chippewas from Minnesota, Kickapoos from Kansas, Mandans from North Dakota, Crows, Blackfeet, Cheyennes and Flatheads from Montana, Sheepeaters, Bannocks and Nez Perces from Idaho, Yakimas from Washington, Utes from Colorado, Arapahoes and Shoshones from Wyoming, Plutes from Nevada, Zunis, Moquis, Navajos and Apaches from Arizona and New Mexico, Diggers and Mojaves from California, Umatillas from Oregon and representatives from Indian territory and Oklahoma of Creeks, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Seminoles, Cherokees, Osages, Otoes, Tonkawas, Kiowas, Comanches, Poncas, Iowas, Quapaws, Delawares, Kaws and other tribes and remnants of tribes, all congregated in their wickiups, tents, tepees, wigwams and cabins pursuing their usual avocations and illustrating their dances, religious rites and savage customs.
Delegates from All Tribes.
Delegations from every tribe in the union will be on the grounds at one time or another during the exposition. Each type will be exhibited in appropriate costume with weapons, utensils, industrial appliances, ceremonial objects, burial structures and handiwork. Their games, their solemn festivals, their peculiar customs and their natural surroundings will be reproduced. In connection with these illustrations of savage life, of aboriginal habits and customs and the paraphernalia of the plains, mountains, lakes and forests, their homes, exhibits of their industrial advancement, their school work and other incidents of their slow but sure movements toward civilization and enlightenment will be prominent.
The plans of Captain W. A. Mercer, U. S. A., who has been detailed to take charge of the Indian congress, are so far advanced as to make the assembling of the Indians only a matter of the short time necessary to transport them to Omaha. The captain has engaged men who have lived among the Indians for years to arrange contests, tournaments and a daily program of rare features. Prof. James Mooney of the bureau of ethnology will make a remarkable exhibit of Indian heraldry, the result of years of study and research.
TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1898.
Exposition Managers Hear a Song that Pleases Them Mightily.
Many Out-of-Town People Noticed in the Morning Throng.
First of the Nebraska Organizations to Be Employed at the Grounds.
Men Busy Overhauling the Boats and Getting Their Apparatus in Order—Mexico's Exhibit is Coming Next Week.
If the original intention of the exposition management had been carried out today would have been celebrated as New York Day and a large and distinguished delegation from the Empire state would have been on the grounds to assist in the demonstration and acquire enlarged ideas of the resources and capabilities of the west. But circumstances compelled a postponement of the event and left the day a blank in the exposition program. The New England visitors who were so well entertained yesterday are still in the city and they were taken this morning by the exposition officials and other citizens through the establishment of The Bee and on a trip to the South Omaha stock yards and packing houses but at the grounds the morning was comparatively uneventful.
There was one feature, however, that brought the management more satisfaction than any ceremony and that was a decided increase in the attendance. Last week was marked by the unavoidable stagnancy that follows a great holiday and Monday failed to bring out any appreciable additions to the crowd. But this morning there was a material change and the turnstiles clicked with unaccustomed rapidity. The improvement was not so generally noticeable about the grounds, but there was an unmistakable increase in the number of visitors in the various buildings and as the forenoon advanced there was every indication that the end of the day would see one of the best off-day crowds that has yet been seen on the grounds. A large proportion of the visitors were out-of-town people, and many of them saw the exposition for the first time. There were distinguishable at a glance, for they regarded the beautiful scene around them with that undisguised admiration and enthusiastic commendation that is exhibited by every new arrival. "Isn't it just grand," "Now aren't you glad we came?" "We never expected to see anything like this, did we?" and similar exclamations were everywhere audible and the emphatic declaration that it was better than the World's fair could be heard with surprising frequency. Such exclamations as these are heard so frequently by those who are on the grounds every day that they cease to attract attention, but they are significant as indicating the unanimous verdict of the people, and what they are going to tell their neighbors when they go home.
Nebraska Band at Work.
The Pawnee City band made its first appearance on the Plaza this morning and played a very meritorious program to a somewhat limited audience. As there have been no morning concerts for some time past many of the visitors were not aware that they had been resumed and occupied themselves in inspecting the exhibits in the buildings when they might otherwise have devoted some of their time to hearing the music. The Pawnee City band is the first Nebraska band that has played an engagement on the grounds, and its work compares very favorably with that of the celebrated organizations that have been previously heard. Its music has become popular with the local public at the state fairs and during the remainder of the week its concerts are expected to constitute a strong additional attraction.
The life saving crew, that is to give a series of exhibitions on the Mirror, has arrived and the members are hard at work today, getting their apparatus into shape. The crew consists of eight men and a keeper, selected from the various stations on the Great Lakes. They are under the command of Captain H. M. Knowles of the life saving station at Wakefield, R. I. Captain Knowles said this morning that he was unable to say just when he would be ready to give an exhibition. It will require a few days to paint the boats and get the extensive apparatus in order.
There has been an exasperating delay in securing the announcement of the railroad rates for Girls' and Boys' day, which occurs Thursday. Secretary Owens of the department of Transportation has been keeping the wires hot beteen here and Chicago for the last twenty-four hours, but up to noon had not received a definite statement. It is considered certain, however, that very low rates will be granted and the precise schedule will probably be announced tomorrow.
Superintendent Hardt of the Department of Exhibits has received the bill of lading of the Mexican exhibit and the material is expected on the grounds July 20. The exhibit includes a very complete showing of the agricultural resources of Mexico which embrace a number of products that will be of decided interest to exposition visitors. The cotton, coffee, tobacco, jute and other peculiar Mexican cultures will be fully illustrated as well as rice, barley, wheat, indigo, saffron, chocolate, vanilla, beans, corn fibre, linseed, sago, wool, and a score of other products. There will also be a very interesting mineral display from the Geological Institute of Mexico and a large exhibit of public documents, maps and other documents of general interest. The exhibit will occupy the space in the International building which was originally set aside for Hawaii, as Superintendent Hardt takes position that Hawaii is now a part of the transmississippi territory and is entitled to a place in the Manufactures building.
Wonderful Diversity of the Resources of the Newest State.
Among the Transmississippi states Utah has been prominent in point of interest. Its somewhat romantic history and the wide diversity of its resources have contributed to distinguish it and the peculiar conditions that it presents have kept it before the people. But to learn something new in regard to the possessions of this interesting state it is only necessary to visit its exhibit in the Mines building, which includes a large amount of material that can be found in no other place on earth. Here are represented the products of 200 dividend-paying mines and 500 others whose resources are yet only partially developed. The specimens include numerous varieties of mineral formation that is in itself an exhaustive study.
As in most of the mineral exhibits the gold ores are given the most prominent place. Utah shows a complete collection of samples of oxidized and arsenical ore, together with an equally exhaustive showing of the free milling product. The cyanide process of reduction is also fully illustrated and a number of huge blocks of bullion add interest to the collection. One of these is a bar of gold, silver and copper from the Eureka Hill mine, that is valued at $4,200, and another from the Mercur mine is worth $1,400. It is a peculiarity of the gold ores that in nearly every case the metal is found in combination with silver and lead, with occasionally a trace of copper that gives the nugget those attractive colorings that are characteristic of copper deposits.
An interesting feature of the exhibit is the samples of the various chemicals that are produced in the state. These include soda ash, salts and sulphates, and a variety of other alkalis, a number of which are rapidly increasing in commercial utility.
The marvelous percentage of salt in the water of the Great Salt Lake is illustrated by two glass tanks, one of which contains 100 pounds of water and the other nineteen and one-half pounds of salt, which is the same amount that is held in solution by the water. It seems incredible that such a body of salt could be held in such a comparatively small volume of water, but the fact is indicated by the analysis.
Rubber Exhibit a Feature.
Among the features that are peculiar to Utah is the showing of natural rubber from Uinta county, a product that is found nowhere else in the world. A process has recently been perfected for giving elasticity to this material and it is expected that it will soon become an important factor in the industries of the state.
The gilsonite, which is used extensively for lacquer and varnishes, is also a novel product. It is found only near Fort Duchesne and is already being exported to Europe in considerable quantities. It is found next to the deposits of natural asphalt and in a perfectely pure state.
The chlorutahlite is a mineral that has only recently been discovered and is also peculiar to Utah. When cut the stone has a kaleidoscopic appearance, the most noticeable feature of which is the sections of a blue stone that resembles turquoise, but is purer and more valuable. The government analysis has been unable to determine the precise nature of this mineral except that it has a base of aluminum and it is one of the freaks of the mineral world.
The display of onyx is small, but exceptionally interesting. Here are exhibited specimens that are as beautiful as the most costly imported material and there is a diversity of coloring that provides for every taste. The specimens from southern Utah are yellow, while green is the ruling color in those from the north. Those which are found in the central part of the state have a reddish tint.
The exhibit of building stone comprises nearly every variety of silicas, sandstones and granites and the exhibit of gypsum represents a deposit that is sufficient to supply the world.
There are some remarkable specimens of iron ore that are 95 per cent pure and a vast number of miscellaneous specimens which represent various other features of the mineral wealth of the state. These include asbestos, antimony, guano, slate, lithographing stone and a dozen other varieties.
There is an interesting collection of garnets, topaz and other precious stones and a large exhibit of coal that is now being supplied to the United States navy in immense quantities.
There is a porcelain clay that is susceptible of manufacture into the most delicate wares and is expected to form the basis of an important industry as it is developed.
The whole is arranged in an exceptionally artistic and accessible manner and forms one of the most popular features of the building.
Fine Addition to State Exhibit in the Horticultural Building.
The Oregon exhibit in the Horticulture building was swelled yesterday by the addition of a large number of green boughs bearing ripe cherries. These boughs were strung on a long wire stretched from post to post in the exhibit space and they formed a sight which made the mouths of the visitors water. The cherries hung on the branches like grapes of a fruitful vine. They were so close together that the leaves were completely hidden from sight. There were four varieties, the Royal Ann, a luscious red and yellow berry fully an inch and one-quarter in diameter, and the Black Republican, Bing and Lambert, all black varieties, but fully as large as the first named variety. These beautiful specimens were sent to Commissioner Dosch by G. A. Webb of Silverton, Ore., in a barrel, no extra care being taken to preserve them and the manner in which they emerged from their close quarters proved their excellent quality. Commissioner Dosch sent a liberal share of the luscious fruit to the Press building, where it was fully enjoyed by the visitors to newspaper headquarters.
Express the Highest Pleasure with What They Have Seen.
The party of Texas newspaper men which arrived yesterday morning took its first visit to the Transmississippi Exposition in the afternoon. The members of the association could hardly say enough in praise of the great fair and many remarked that it was the best thing of its kind they had ever seen with the single exception of the World's fair at Chicago. In some ways they thought the Omaha Exposition superior to that of the fair in Chicago. They admired the colonnades connecting the buildings and considered these architectural structures as magnificent beyond description. The lagoon with its grassy sides and beautiful fountain was another object to attract considerable of their attention.
Speaking of Omaha they said that if their present treatment from the hands of the citizens and officials of the fair association continued as it had begun, they would always remember their trip to Omaha and the White City with the greatest of pleasure. When asked what special features of the city impressed them the most, the answer was Omaha's hospitality and the treatment accorded its visitors.
"We appreciate our hearty welcome to this city most deeply," said Secretary Neel of the Dublin Telephone, "and upon our return to Texas we can describe Omaha and its great fair in the most glowing terms."
Last night the male members of the party went by special invitation to the den of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben.
After a visit this morning to Fort Omaha the Texas journalists will take a more complete view of the exposition. Yesterday only the exterior of the buildings was seen and as a result their idea of Omaha's great achievements is limited. The party intends to make a thorough tour of the fair, and expects to have some fun on the Midway this afternoon.
A special invitation was tendered the party by Mr. Swift of the Swift Packing company to take a trip to the company's establishment. This will be done tomorrow morning in connection with visits to other interesting places near the city.
Threaten to Withdraw All Their Headquarters and Exhibits.
A meeting of representatives of the various fraternal societies which have headquarters at the exposition was held yesterday afternoon in the Commercial club for the purpose of considering the action of the directors in refusing passes to persons who have charge of the rooms the societies have furnished for the reception of visiting members. Mrs. Andrews presided at the meeting and representatives from most of the fraternities which are interested in the matter were present.
After considerable discussion of the question, the meeting passed a resolution pledging the efforts of all the persons present to persuade their societies to close up their headquarters at the exposition for a period of not longer than three weeks, and if at the end of that time the directors do not grant the favors asked to withdraw their exhibits permanently and use their influence to prevent any conventions or meetings being held on the exposition grounds. The following committee was appointed to bring the matter before their lodges at once: J. G. Kuhn, Woodmen of the World; Mrs. Andrews, Woman's Christian Temperance union; J. A. Shields, Junior Order of the United American Mechanics; R. O. Bailey, Fraternal Union of America; M. G. Edwards, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Another meeting will be held at the Commercial club at 5 o'clock next Monday afternoon, at which time the president will increase the committee appointed so that every society interested will have two representatives.
Immigration Association Proposes to Boost the Lone Star State.
A public meeting of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway Immigration association will be held in the Auditorium Friday evening of this week and a large delegation of Texas people started for Omaha last night to attend this meeting. It is this association, together with the Business league of Houston, Tex., which made the exhibit of Texas products now on exhibition in the Agriculture building and the last meeting of the association was adjourned to meet in Omaha in order to give the members a better idea of the extent of the exposition and to assist in booming "Texas day," which has been set for August 18.
Among those who will be in attendance at the meeting Friday night are the following: W. A. Childress, Rufus Cage, Tom Richardson, E. C. Crawford, B. A. Riesner, W. D. Cleveland, F. A. Reichardt, C. S. Penfield and other prominent members of the Houston Business league; Charles Peterson of Rock Island, president of the Immigration association; George F. Lupton of San Antonio, assistant general passenger agent of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass railway; James Anderson, San Antonio; T. J. Skaggs, Rock Island; E. B. Cole, Corpus Christi; F. R. Graves and A. J. Bell, Karnes City; John Willacy, Portland; A. W. Turner, Yoakum; John Linderholm, Chesterville; C. I. Swan, Normanna; E. H. Norrall, Rockport, and others.
General Secretary M. G. Ranney of Yoakum and L. Cahn of Beeville are already on the ground and are looking after the Texas exhibit with the assistance of Prof. Atwater.
Latest Addition Comes In.
The exhibit of the Hawaiian islands has arrived at the exposition grounds and will be installed at once in the Agriculture building. The exhibit was originally assigned space in the International building, but when the Hawaiian islands were annexed Superintendent Hardt of the Exhibits department transferred the exhibit to a place alongside the other exhibits of the transmississippi region, assigning space on the main aisle in the Agriculture building between the exhibits of Minnesota and Montana.
Mr. Kimball is Out.
The position of director of the Bureau of Music passed out of existence this morning and the name of Willard Kimball, director of music, was expunged from the exposition roster, the management of the music of the exposition being placed under the charge of Superintendent Thomas J. Kelly, who will have full charge of all matters connected with the bureau, including the Exposition chorus.
Manager Lindsey of the Ways and Means department, under which department the Bureau of Music is placed, notified all concerned that the management of the bureau was in charge of Mr. Kelly.
Mr. Kimball reported for duty as usual and insisted that he was still in the employ of the exposition. Manager Lindsey said Mr. Kimball had been deposed and would not be recognized. Mr. Kimball declined to say what course he intends to pursue.
Apricots from Missouri.
A quantity of golden apricots has been added to the Missouri exhibit and "the land of the red apple" is demonstrating the fact that it can raise apricots as well as apples and other fruits. The fruit is of excellent quality, sweet and juicy, and compares favorably with the products of localities which were supposed to have a monopoly in raising this delicate fruit.
Exposition Notes.
Charles A. Harvey of Logan, Ia., a prominent banker of that place, registered at the Iowa building yesterday.
The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Nebraska Exposition commission will be held at the Nebraska building tonight.
Word has been received by the Exhibits department that the mineral exhibit of Washington will arrive in Omaha July 22.
D. L. Heinsheimer, a prosperous farmer and stockman of Glenwood, Ia., accompanied by his wife, were visitors to the exposition yesterday and registered at the Iowa building.
Phinney's band introduced a novelty in the concert on the Plaza last night in a xylophone duet with band accompaniment. It was a pretty innovation and caught the crowd effectually.
The balloon ascension which was to have occurred last night was necessarily postponed on account of the threatening weather. The event is definitely scheduled, however, for tonight.
An employe of the Omaha Brewing company fell at the north entrance last night and struck his head against the turnstile, knocking him insensible. He recovered with no worse result than a severe bruise.
The executive committee yesterday authorized Manager Kirkendall of the buildings and grounds department to put in a number of additional hydrants on the north tract, and to purchase an additional supply of hose.
The exhibit sent by the government of Mexico will arrive at the exposition July 20 in charge of Commissioner Nuncio and will be installed in the International building in the space heretofore assigned to the Hawaiian islands.
The Pawnee City band did not arrive in time to give the concert that was scheduled in front of the Boys' and Girls' building at 6 o'clock last night. Its first appearance will be at the band stand at 10 o'clock this morning.
The ambulance force had a narrow escape from a serious runaway yesterday afternoon.. The vehicle was answering a call when the breeching broke and let the whiffletrees up against the horse. The animal took the ambulance down the Midway at a gait that threatened destruction to anything in its path, but was finally brought under control without serious results.
The big register in the Iowa building is being rapidly filled, from four to six pages being filled with names on ordinary days and ten or twenty pages being filled on special occasions. Each page contains space for fifty entries, so that the number of persons who have already registered in the book is quite large. It is noticeable that a very large proportion of the entries are those of residents of Iowa.
The leading feature of the evening concerts of Phinney's United States band for the first four nights of this week will be duets by two xylophone artists, who will play one or more numbers during each concert, with band accompaniment. These selections include many of the most popular productions of the day, including the famous overture from "William Tell" and similar compositions.
One of the most serious accidents that has occurred on the grounds happened at the Georgia building yesterday afternoon. A number of painters were working on a ladder which slipped and went down, carrying the men with it. James Mooney of St. Louis suffered a compound fracture of both legs just above the ankle, and C. R. Babcock of this city received a badly sprained wrist. Both men were taken to the emergency hospital, where their injuries were dressed. Mooney will be confined to his bed for several weeks.
Thurston Will Have the Senate Committee Come to Omaha on Government Day.
WASHINGTON, July 11.—(Special Telegram.)—Senator Thurston, before leaving for the west today, said that as chairman of the commission of the senate to go to Omaha on "Government day" to represent that body, he would endeavor to have a majority of the committee present some time during the summer or early fall. He said he had suggested the names of his colleagues to the vice president on account of their proximity to Omaha and as representatives of the states included in the transmississippi region. He will consult with the officers of the exposition when he reaches Omaha as to the best time to call the committee together and will then do what he can to make Government day a success.
The War department has decided to try South Omaha as a horse and cattle market for the purchase of animals for the army. An officer has been sent from Chicago to look over the market with a view of reporting conditions and prices. It is said here that this action on the part of the War department will add considerably to the importance of South Omaha as a market of this kind.
Senator Thurston has recommended for postmasters John Nelson at Helvey, Neb., and Julius Kelly at Parnell, Greeley county.
The president, it is understood, has about decided to appoint Frank Sargent of Chicago, chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, to a place on the industrial commission recently created by congress. William D. Bynum, who used to represent the Indianapolis district in congress as a democrat, but who could not stand the heresies of the Chicago platform and espoused the cause of the gold democracy in the battle of 1896, is also slated for the place. Ex-Congressman Phillips of Pennsylvania, father of the bill, will also receive an appointment and in all probability be made chairman. Senator Kyle of South Dakota is spoken of as a member, as are a number of western senators and representatives.
Exposition and a Meeting of the Western Editorial Federation.
Delegates Come from All Over the West and South and Prepare
Omaha is at present the Mecca for all western and southern newspaper men. Nearly every train brings in new additions to the number and by this time tomorrow there will be some five hundred editors, reporters and literary men in attendance at Omaha and the White City. The Transmississippi Exposition has furnished plenty of attraction and the members of the Western Editorial federation have no fear but what they will find plenty to do and see.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week the fourth annual convention of the Western Editorial federation will be held in this city. Monday twenty-seven members of the association arrived from Texas and began taking in the fair. Four editors from Colorado papers also arrived during the afternoon. This morning at 10 o'clock a small party of editors came from the Indian territory, stopping at the Mercer. At half past 11 the delegation from Louisiana began to arrive. There were about thirty in this party, who procured rooms at the Mercer. The first meeting of the association was called for 11 o'clock this morning, but owing to the later arrival of the Louisiana party the convention was necessarily postponed until 3 o'clock this afternoon. At this convention nothing of special importance will be brought before the meeting. It will be a sort of welcoming and introducing affair, at which the editors can become acquainted and learn from those who have been here before where to go to [?]
Tennessee's Three Hundred.
Wednesday morning the largest delegation from any one state, and in fact larger than all of the rest of the states combined, will arrive from Tennessee. This delegation has 300 members and chartered an entire train of ten coaches and a baggage car from the state whence they hail.
Following is a partial list of the members who arrived in town today, not including the Texas party:
J. B. King and Miss Emma King of Elbert, Colo., representing the Elbert County Tribune; F. N. Lavell and wife of Eastonville, Colo. of the Eastonville World; J. E. Diehl and wife of Eureka, Colo.; Mr. Diehl is the corresponding secretary of the Utah Press association and editor of the Eureka Democrat.
Indian Territory—William J. Grant and wife of Stoka; Miss Eddleman and two sisters of Muskogee.
Louisiana—Homer Mouton of Lafayette, editor of the Gazette; Albert Brennieu of St. Martinsville, editor of the Messenger; T. T. Calhoun and R. J. Alexander of Logansport, editors of the Chronicle; A. G. Cook of Amite City, editor of the Florida Parishes; J. P. Kent of Minden, editor of the Webster Signal; John Evans of Glenmora, editor of the Inter-Parochial, accompanied by his wife; D. R. Lyons and wife of Ruston of the Chatauquan; Leon Sandoz and wife of Opelousa, of the Courier; Charles Lasseigne of Bonne Carre; William T. Roy of St. Bernard, editor of the Voice; James W. Turner and wife of Lake Providence, representing the Banner Democrat; L. E. Bentley, with his wife and son and daughter of Donaldsonville, editor of the Donaldsonville Chief—his term as president of the federation has just expired; John I. Darrieux and Abner A. Folse of New Orleans, editors of the New Orleans Courier; H. Joe Verret of Napoleonville, associate editor of the Assumption Pioneer; Will A. Steidley of Westlake, editor of the Westlake Herald; Miss Natty McGrath and Miss Julia McGrath of Baton Rouge, editors of The Truth; Mrs. M. E. Foster-Comegys of Shreveport, editor of the Shreveport Journal; Mrs. H. H. Hargrove of Shrieveport, who represents for her husband the New Orleans Picayune; J. P. Clarkson of Coushatta, editor of the Citizen; J. H. Jones of Mendon.
In addition to the party from Colorado is Dr. Nicola Giztrotti of Denver, who is editor of an Italian paper called the Justice.
Travelers Returning From New York Tell of Ignorance About Exposition.
Know Nothing of the Great Show and Make No Effort to Come This Way.
Confound It With the Corn Palace at Sioux City and Blue Grass Palace at Creston, Ia.
Information is constantly being received regarding the lack of knowledge of the exposition in the east. Dr. E. S. Colvin of the Hagenback show returned from New York and was accompanied about the grounds yesterday by two representatives of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. These gentlemen, Louis E. Cook, general agent, and M. C. Coyle, railroad contracting agent, both stated that the exposition was scarcely known east of Chicago, and both sought to impress upon President Wattles and some of the members of the executive committee the need of securing more extensive publicity. Both have been in the show business for years and have a practical knowledge of the value of show advertising and the methods of securing it. Dr. Colvin told of a New Yorker he met on the train, who expressed regret that he had not known something about the exposition before he started, as he had bought his tickets out to St. Paul over one road and back over another that would keep him out of this territory. He said he would certainly have come this way had he had any idea of the completeness of the exposition. Another individual to whom Dr. Colvin talked about the exposition had it confounded with the corn palace at Sioux City and the blue grass palace at Creston, Ia.
A public meeting under the auspices of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway association will be held at the Auditorium at 8 p. m., July 15. Arrangements are being made for a band concert outside the building from 7:30 to 8 o'clock, and speeches interspersed with music from that hour till 10 o'clock. The object of the meeting is to inform the audience of the [?]
A large party of Texans registered on the grounds yesterday, and an even larger aggregation left Houston and San Antonio yesterday for the exposition. An effort is being made to work up a delegation of 1,0000 to come here and see for themselves and then go home and spread the story of the exposition.
The adjourned meeting of the board of directors that was to have been held yesterday afternoon was postponed until Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Musical Director Kimball's connection with the exposition terminated on Sunday, and Superintendent Thomas J. Kelly is now in the musical saddle.
The executive committee last evening ordered additional fire plugs and hose for the Transportation building, the action being based on the object lesson of the morning's fire.
Insurance Commissioner Hartman was on the grounds yesterday afternoon to register a kick relative to the lack of water pressure developed at the morning fire. He stated that for several minutes after the lines of hose were laid it was impossible to get a stream of any force, and, on investigating, he found that the regular supply had been cut off for the purpose of taking a test of the quantity used for exposition purposes. It seems that in order to arrive at a safe conclusion as to what the exposition should be charged for its water, it was agreed to make a test for an hour a day for twenty-four days, and it so happened that one of the times selected was yesterday between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock.
The water had been turned off from the big valve, and the supply was being measured through a four-inch pipe. In order to provide for fire protection during the tests, a system of electric signals had been put in connecting the fire station and the box at the gate valve, so that on the receipt of an alarm the man at the valve would be notified to turn on full head again. Mr. Hartman stated that the system had not been put in proper working order, while Electrician Rustin states that the trouble was due to the fact that the arrangement of the bells was being changed at the time, the electrical department knowing nothing about the test. At any rate, several minutes were lost in getting water pressure, but for which fact Mr. Hartman states that the building would have been saved.
The most serious injury that anyone has sustained on the grounds since the opening befell John F. Mooney, a painter, in the Georgia building yesterday afternoon. He was at work on a ladder scaffold inside the building, when his support fell; and he was thrown to a landing twelve feet below. Both legs were groken just above the ankle, both being a compound fracture, with the broken bones protruding through the skin. He was taken to the hospital, where the fractures were reduced, but he will be unable to use the injured limbs for several months. Mooney's home is in St. Louis, where he has a family. He has been at work here for several months. His companion, C. R. Babcock, also fell, but escaped with a badly sprained wrist.
Henry E. Dosch, commissioner from the state of Oregon, received a shipment of cherries yesterday from his home state, and very kindly remembered his friends at the Press building to the extent of a box of the luscious fruit. The cherries were grown in the heart of the city of Portland, at the home of L. H. Spraner.
Emil Hofmann, a violinist employed at the Omaha Brewing association's park, and living at 817 South Seventeenth street, while running to catch a car at the exit adjoining the north viaduct last evening, fell down the steps and dashed his head against the exit turnstile. He was picked up insensible and taken to the hospital, where it was found that he had sustained a concussion of the brain and a contused face. He will be laid up for a few days.
H. A. Cunningham was looking for trouble last night and went to the German Village in search of it. He found it, and a doctor sewed up his scalp later on. Cunningham has been acting as special policeman at the German Village, but was discharged yesterday afternoon. He went back shortly before 11 o'clock in the evening to whale Purchasing Agent Baker, but his newly appointed successor, E. D. Sneelan, promptly stepped up and batted him over the head with a 44-caliber Colt's. Subsequent proceedings interested Mr. Cunningham no more. Both men were taken to the station and locked up.
Will McLaine, an employe of Cummins, the chair concessionaire, collapsed in the German Village last evening from heart trouble, due to the excessive use of cigarettes. Inquiry at the hospital developed the fact that he was subject to these attacks, but had not been troubled by them for several months.
The balloon ascension scheduled for last evening was postponed on account of the threatening weather. Ascensions will take place tonight and tomorrow night at 8 o'clock.
Sunday's paid admissions numbered 7,224. The management claims this is not sufficient encouragement to proceed with the experiment, and Manager Lindsey stated last evening that he did not think there would be any more of it, as it was only put on for one Sunday.
There were 3,098 paid admissions yesterday.
[?] or the resources of the country between Houston and San Antonio, and extending from Corpus Christi to Waco, an area nearly 700 miles in extent. The splendid exhibit of South Texas prod-[?] the Agriculture building is from [?]tion, and the carload of water-[?]ributed on July 1 were contrib[?] citizens of Mathis, near t[?]road[?]
Old Plantation, Despite Fire, Is Ready for Business.
In an hour after the destruction of the Old Plantation theater yesterday morning E. W. McConnell, the proprietor, with his usual grit and energy, had lumber on the ground for the reconstruction of the building, and within one week he will be giving shows as if nothing had happened. In the meantime performances will be given in a temporary building in the streets of the village, just in front of the burned building. Tonight one of the most interesting and unique performances ever given will be witnessed by hundreds, not including the inhabitants of the entire Midway, who will attend in force. The performance will be out of the ordinary. It is known among the negroes of the south as a barn frolic.
The total loss of the fire yesterday was about $3,000 and there was not a cent of [?]thing they had, including clothing and trunks. Mr. McConnell ascertained the exact loss of each one and immediately made it good out of his own pocket. The loss to him was heavy, but he regrets most of all the loss of the beautiful old plantation cottage scene which hung at the back of the stage. It was an oil painting worth $500 and was executed by E. J. Austin, the famous cyclorama artist of New York.
Mr. F. B. Ashby, who was for several weeks connected with the Edison wargraph, has accepted a position in front of the Chiquita show. He is a young man of pleasing address and understands how to entertain a crowd.
The Lagoon Transportation company will receive tomorrow two electro vapor launches from the Racine Boat Manufacturing company of Racine, Wis. The beautiful swan steam yacht and the four gondolas which have been sailing the lagoon since the opening day are very popular and well patronized.
Manager E. M. Bayless of the Edison wargraph is making decided improvements at his already very handsome front. His show is constantly growing in favor and every one who sees it is a walking advertisement. Many new pictures have been added recently and Mr. Bayless says he has more on the road. The picture reproducing the bombardment of Fort Matanzas has created a genuine sensation.
Massachusetts at German Village.
The Massachusetts delegation was entertained at the German Village last night. A special program was given them and they enjoyed it so much that they decided to return again today in a body. The Republican league was tendered a special initation by Manager von Szinnyey, and it is expected that the convention will assemble there, and if so an elaborate entertainment is planned. The vaudeville feature is especially strong this week and the public is greatly pleased with the entertainment. Preparations for the invitation dance, the social event, are nearing completion, and Omaha young society is on the qui vive, and Manager Von Szinnyey has an overflow of requests for invitations.
Exposition Music.
A very appreciative audience listened to the concert by Phinney's band last night.
Messrs. Lowe and Adelmann will appear as soloists tonight, playing a xylophone duet, the "Brillante Valse," by Atsite, and Titl's "Serenade."
Mr. Phinney will also produce his famous descriptive piece, "From Battlefield to Fireside." In this piece is introduced a grand battle scene, and it has met with much success wherever presented.
Douglas County Tomatoes.
The first sample of new tomatoes on the market, produced in Douglas county, was raised by Frank Strathbucker of East Omaha precinct. They are now on exhibition in the vegetable department of the Douglas county agricultural display at the exposition.
The first and the best of everything is picked up by the managers of the Douglas county exhibit for display purposes.
TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1898.
The thing most needed by the Trans-Mississippi exposition today is widespread and effective advertising. This fact is recognized by the managers because they have had under discussion for some time this branch of the work. The World-Herald has pleaded for a more liberal policy toward the newspapers, and especially toward the "country press." When all is said about the exposition it must be admitted that the people who we must rely upon to attend the exposition in such numbers as to make the project self-sustaining are located in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. A large majority of these people live upon farms, and any one conversant with the facts knows that the bulk of these people are largely dependent upon the "country press" for their news. The people in the cities and towns may read the daily newspapers, but the men and women upon the farms read the country newspapers, and it is through these country newspapers that they must be reached. This is a self-evident fact that will impress itself upon the minds of any newspaper man who is not wrapped up in self-conceit and colossal egotism.
The chief duty devolving upon the exposition management is to reach this class of people through their favorite channels of information. But beyond this there is another question. The plaint that the war news is so ample and so important that it is next to impossible to get anything about the exposition in the metropolitan newspapers is ill-founded. The war news occupies but a small space in the great Sunday newspapers, and if these newspapers are decently treated they will gladly give ample space to the exposition, for they know that spicy news of the exposition is eagerly read by their patrons. The trouble has been, to state it plainly, that the matter sent out to these newspapers has been stereotyped, heavy, uninteresting and filled with stuff about other things than the exposition. The plan that should be pursued by the exposition management is to secure representation upon the grounds of the great newspapers of the country. The exposition at this stage of the game could well afford to pay the expenses of these representatives who come duly accredited by their newspapers. Invitations should be given to these great newspapers to send representatives to the exposition, free of all expense to the newspapers themselves, and in this way secure for the exposition what it so sadly lacks now—publicity. When the great Sunday newspapers come out with columns devoted to fiction, reprint and space filling clippings it is foolish to talk about it being impossible to get exposition matter in them because of the press of war news. The great metropolitan newspapers are not content to print exposition matter that is dull and uninteresting and replete with second-hand cuts that should have been thrown into the melting pot weeks ago. They want up-to-date, well written matter, and they know that they can secure it by sending their own representatives to Omaha. But they naturally object to sending their correspondents to Omaha to be snubbed, waved aside and handicapped in order to gratify an egotist and pay the expenses of the snubbing. If they can be assured of decent treatment the metropolitan newspapers will gladly do this. Here, then, lies the duty of the exposition management. There is no use for further temporizing. The exposition must have more publicity. The failure in that line up to the present time should open the eyes of the men responsible for the continued failure.
New Attractions in Both Places Which, It Is Expected, Will Draw Visitors.
Florida Alligator to Have a Home in the Pond---Dairy Building Full in Ten Days.
The people who are connected with exhibits or state buildings on the extreme north tract of the bluff tract and who for this reason have to spend most of their time in these parts of the grounds are beginning to feel more hopeful about getting their share of the attention of the visitors.
With rain and sunshine the bluff tract becomes more beautiful with its wealth of flowers and leaves every day. The pond north of the Horticulture building is now fringed with the bloom of the water lilies, and the big Victoria Regia in the center will open its radiance to the sun in a fortnight. The plant is flourishing and much is expected of the flour it is to put forth. This pond, it is likely, will become the home of an animal somewhat different from the frogs that now disport themselves there. This is the alligator that Dr. Powell recently sent from Florida to President Collman, of the Iowa fruit display. The alligator, which is four feet long and which has bellows in him somewhere that make a noise like the rushing of many winds when he is annoyed, has since his arrival been confined in a zinc tank inside the building. His quarters are circumscribed and as the water cannot be easily changed it becomes stale. This suits the alligator well enough, but it is offensive to the visitors, so it is proposed to put a wire pen inthe in the pond and put the animal there. He could not be given the freedom of the pond because he would plunge about and break down the lilies. A platform will be erected where he may sun himself, and it is supposed that enough stray frogs will find their way into his apartment to furnish him with meals.
The alligator is an object of much interest to all who know he is in the building but it is thought he will be a greater attraction when in the new quarters.
Exhibitors in the Horticulture building are pleased with the gate opened at the southwest corner of the grounds, but it does not do as well as they wish or as well they think one would near the Georgia building. Perhaps 100 a day on an average go in at this gate.
To help out this part of the ground still further the exhibitors are striving to have it arranged that the Indians shall give some of their performances on the bluff tract.
The settlement of the Indians in camp on the north tract is taken by the exhibitors there to mean that they will have their full share of visitors for everyone who comes on the grounds will want to see the Indians, and all who go up that way will drop into the buildings in that vicinity.
The machine for making ice in the Dairy building is now in operation, and Superintendent Dinsmore is hurrying the exhibits in. The building will be full, he thinks, in about a week.
Commercial Club Comes to Rescue of Maize Propaganda.
The executive committee of the Commercial club yesterday decided to bear the expense of installing at the exposition and caring for the exhibit of the American maize propaganda. Secretary Bernard W. Snow has collected nearly 100 products of corn, but there was no money in the treasury of the propaganda with which to make the exhibit.
C. D. Thompson, J. F. Carpenter and Clement Chase were appointed a committee to entertain newspaper men visiting the city.
Commissioner Utt reported the result of an investigation into the question of hotel rates, which was made in consequence of statements that they had been raised since the opening of the exposition. He had written statements from all of the principal hotels, and the proprietors without exception reported that day rates, or rates for [?] as they were [?] changes are that the hotels, some of which have had a number of individuals and families boarding with them at low monthly rates, advanced such rates to the regular transient rates, and several of the hotels, which were formerly operated exclusively on the American plan, are now operated on the European plan or on both the American and European plans.
To Dedicate Children's Building.
The Children's building will be formally dedicated and opened tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tomorrow will be children's day. The admission will be 15 cents for all children under 15 years of age. The building has been handsomely decorated in bunting for the occasion. The exercises will be as follows:
Piano duet by Miss Rogers and a pupil; dedicatory prayer by Mrs. Lillian Harford, chairman of the executive committee of the board of lady managers; address of welcome by Mrs. SawyerW. W. Keysor, presidentone of the board of lady managers; response by Frank B. Hughes of West Point; recitation by Edith Thomas of Council Bluffs; address on "What a Pupil Thought of the Exposition Before He Came, and What Afterward" by Leverne Lindley of Ashland; music by the Pickaninny quartet from the Old Plantation; recitation by Dollie Trent of Bellevue; address by a member of the boys' history class at Plattsmouth, and a recitation by Roy Towl of South Omaha.- How a foreigner Saw the Exposition
The exercises closed by all singing The Star Spangled Banner
Weather Makers in October.
Forecaster Walsh has received advices from James Barry, secretary, that the convention of weather bureau officials will be held in Omaha October 20 and 21. An earlier time had been proposed, but the men who make and mar the weather realize that even the days will be cool and bracing then. Besides, their climate and crop bulletins will then have ended for the season and many more men will be able to come than if the meeting were earlier. Prof. Moore, chief of the weather bureau, will be present and Secretary of Agriculture Wilson is expected.
May Present "Mikado."
A meeting of the musical people of the city and others interested was held Tuesday night at the Commercial club rooms to consider the advisability of presenting "The Mikado" on the Grand Plaza early in August. The matter was left in the hands of a committee comprising M. A. Hall, L. B. Copeland, Mrs. Richardson of Council Bluffs, Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe and Miss Arabella Kimball.
Exposition Demurs.
The exposition management has demurred to the petition of the Oriental Exhibition company, better known as the Streets of Cairo, claiming that there is no cause for action, in which the Cairo people seek an injunction to restrain the exposition management from interfering with its business. The restraining order was obtained two or three weeks ago to prevent the exposition from closing the Streets of Cairo on the ground that the concessionaires had failed to comply with their contract.
The Cotton Belt route has issued a little pamphlet containing five very fine half tone pictures of its excellent exhibit in the Agricultural building, with a page of description.
THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1898.
Low Rates for Special Days.
The special railroad rates have been announced for the national congress of the Retail Liquor Dealers' association, which occurs August 22, and the national congress of Bohemian Turners, August 28. The rates are the same in each case, as follows: From points within 150 miles of Omaha, one flat fare for the round trip; from all other Western Passenger association points, one fare plus $2 for the round trip; from Central Passenger association and Michigan Passenger association points, one fare plus $4; from all points east of Ohio, one and one-third fares to Chicago and return and one fare plus $2 for the round trip from Chicago to Omaha; from all Southwestern Passenger association points, one fare plus $4.
The rates for Minnesota day are exceptionally low for such a long haul. The railroads have put in a flat rate of one fare for the round trip from all Minnesota points and they expect to haul a big crowd on that occasion.
Children Celebrate the Building They Helped to Erect at the Exposition.
All Sorts and Conditions of Youngsters Are Happily Engaged.
Every Department of the Fair Capitulates Without Condition.
Hoards of Pennies Contributed to the Cause Last Winter Are Now Returned in Pleasure to the Donors.
Just north of the main viaduct and half concealed by the long colonnade that circles the head of the lagoon, a pretty white building arrests attention by its simple, but imposing architecture and the homelike atmosphere that exhales from its open portico. Although its proportions are moderate in comparison with the huge surrounding structures, it has an interest peculiar to itself. It is the Girls' and Boys' building in fact as well as in nomenclature, for it was constructed entirely with the contributions of the school children of Nebraska and Iowa. Every pillar and panel and cupola represents the investment of pennies and dimes carefully hoarded by childish hands, and cheerfully given to the great exposition cause. That some of these contributions involved the sacrifice of anticipations that had been long cherished cannot be doubted, and the handsome building that is now an ornament to the exposition is a significant indication of what even the children can accomplish under proper direction.
Today the children assemble to dedicate their pretty building and formally present it to the exposition.
Admission was 15 cents forto all children under 15 years of age.
All the morning they
have been pour
inged into the grounds in couples and squads and platoons. There
arewere children of every size, condition and color, and each of them
is important with a direct financial interest in the enterprise that they c
oame to celebrate. They swarmed over the grounds with exuberant youthful enthusiasm,
andwith their happy bustling activity
is a striking contrast to the ordinary slow moving exposition crowds.
The unfortunate failure of the Western Passenger association to put into effect the reduced rates that had been agreed on has undoubtedly minimized the attendance from other cities. But, in spite of this the volume of arrivals during the morning was sufficient to indicate that the assemblage of children would have been something extraordinary if the expected concessions had been secured. As the exercises were not scheduled until 2 o'clock, it was well along in the forenoon when the boys and girls began to arrive in full force and from then on the motor trains were all crowded. A great many children also drove in from the surrounding country in carryalls and farm wagons and brought big lunch baskets, suggestive of a late return. During the noon hour every shady retreat in the main court was populated by a group of children busily engaged in demolishing the contents of their baskets and enthusiastically recounting the experiences of the morning and then they headed toward the Girls' and Boys' building, which they filled to overflowing long before the program of the day was begun. The exercises were designed especially to amuse the young auditors and a more appreciative audience has not assembled on the grounds.
Plans to Give the Little Folks Many "Days" During the Summer.
The failure to secure reduced rates for Girls' and Boys' days promises to result in an arrangement that will be even more satisfactory to the management that the plan previously adopted. Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation has practically concluded arrangements with the railroad companies by which a series of children's excursions will be brought from the various cities of this state and Iowa under the patronage of the Board of Women Managers. It has been practically settled that a rate of one-half cent a mile for the round trip will be granted for these occasions and that the rate will be good for all children up to 18 years old. The first exposi[?]
[?] the Elkhorn road, [?] an excursion from Nor-[?] and intermediate points on [?] the immediate future, and if [?]es a success it will be followed by [?]r excursions until the entire territory [?]as been covered. This was the original plan of the management and it is believed that better results will be obtained than if it was attempted to bring in all the children on the same day. The children will be admitted to the grounds for 15 cents on each occasion and with the very low railroad rate their expenses will be merely nominal.
In connection with the refusal of the Western Passenger association to give a reduced rate on the ground that the request was not made in time, Secretary Ford of the Board of Woman Managers says that she made the request for rates July 2, fully two weeks ago, and that she has since urged immediate action constantly. She consequently contends that the department is not subject to criticism.
Receiving Newspaper Men.
Superintendent Richardson of the Press building received a party of about 100 newspaper men representing the Tennessee Editorial association at Oak Chatham station at 6 o'clock this morning. The visitors were brought in on the second section of the early Missouri Pacific train and were conducted to their headquarters at the Mercer hotel. Superintendent Richardson presented them with badges and tickets to the exposition, together with an invitation to make themselves at home and the assurance of every possible consideration.
Tonight the same office will be performed for a party of nearly 300 Missouri editors, who will arrive at 6 o'clock over the Burlington. They will also be quartered at the Mercer, where they will be tendered a reception this evening by the exposition authorities and the local Missouri club. President Dudley Smith of the latter organization invites all Omaha people who are natives of Missouri to be on hand and assist to make the visitors feel at home.
Materials Wanted for Soldiers' Lunch.
The Bureau of Entertainment, that has charge of the dinner that will be given the soldiers of the Third Nebraska regiment on the grounds, Saturday, urgently requests the women of Omaha to send baskets of material to the A. D. T. office at 1502 Douglas street before 9 o'clock Saturday morning. There will be 1,300 hungry soldiers to feed, and it is desired that there should be an abundant supply of eatables. These should consist principally of large ham, beef and tongue sandwiches, cake, pickles and fruit.
Board of Directors Rejects the Hitchcock-Manderson Resolution.
The attempt of G. M. Hitchcock to garrote the Department of Publicity and Promotion and cast reflections on the administration of the affairs of the department by taking from it the issuing of passes to all weekly newspapers was summarily disposed of at a special meeting of the Board of Directors held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of passing upon this identical matter.
The report of the executive committee upon the resolution of General Manderson, declaring that the resolution of General Manderson, declaring that the resolution was inexpedient and of questionable propriety, was adopted and the issuing of passes to weekly papers, as well as all other newspaper passes, was left to the discretion of the manager of the Department of Publicity and Promotion.
After an extended discussion of the subject the executive committee's report was adopted by a vote of 15 to 12. The report is as follows:
Your committee, to whom was referred the resolution directing the Bureau of Admissions to issue season passes to all editors of weekly newspapers in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas and Colorado, has, after due consideration thereof, reached the conclusion that an indiscriminate distribution of season passes to all editors of weekly papers, regardless of their standing, would be inexpedient and of questionable propriety, but we favor the most liberal policy toward the press, and we have therefore empowered the Department of Publicity and Promotion to issue season passes whenever in its judgment the interests of the exposition would thereby be promoted.
Mr. Hitchcock added a motion that two passes be issued to each weekly newspaper in good standing, the recipient of the passes being designated by the editors. Mr. Rosewater said he would be glad to accept instructions from the directors and the motion was adopted without discussion.
The board will meet again at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon.
Deep Interest in Minnesota.
Commissioner Shaw of Minnesota, in an interview with a representative of a Minneapolis paper, expresses the belief that Minnesota day, which occurs next Wednesday, will be a decided success. He says that he has discovered that there is a great deal of interest in Minnesota in regard to the exposition and a corresponding appreciation of its importance to the people of the west. He declares that Minnesota day will witness a tremendous influx of people from that state into Omaha. The extension of the time limit on the excursion tickets from four to seven days is a great advantage, as in his opinion four days are not a sufficient time in which to properly view and appreciate the great and varied exhibit that have been gathered together.
In addition to the published information that the Department of Publicity has been sowing over the state Commissioner Shaw has prepared a pamphlet which briefly presents the numerous features of the big show and emphasizes the fact that it is not a city or state affair, but an immense enterprise that involves the interests of the entire people.
More Material from Kansas.
The result of the recent trip of the members of the Kansas exposition commission to the various sections of that state is beginning to be apparent, shipments of additional material for the different exhibits having commenced to arrive. Three big blocks of coal have been received and these will at once be placed in the mineral exhibit made by the state in the Mines building. A lot of material for the educational display has been received and this will be placed in the Kansas exhibit in the Liberal Arts building. A quantity of grain from the 1898 crop was shipped from the southern part of the state July 6 and Commissioner Lamb has been appointed a committee of one to see why the material has not been received at the grounds.
President Glick of the Kansas commission says that the material will be shipped to Omaha very rapidly from this time until the close of the exposition and he promises that Kansas shall more than sustain its reputation as a state of magnificent resources.
Heller Praises the Exposition.
WASHINGTON, July 13.—(Special Telegram.)—The Post prints an interview this morning with Harry E. Heller, a well known western railroad man, regarding the Omaha exposition.
"Instead of being crippled by war, I verily believe that the Omaha exposition has been helped by it," said Mr. Heller. "A good many people thought the Omaha promoters would make a failure, whereas they have scored a tremendous success. The tide of travel toward the west is very heavy this year. Colorado is attracting thousands of tourists, and the mountain resorts of the Centennial state are doing a better business than ever in their history. For some reason the mountains have the call over the seaside this season, anyway. Whether people feared that the Spanish war ships might steal upon them unawares and begin bombarding their hotels or whether they had grown tired of the sad sea waves, I do not pretend to say, but the facts are as I have stated."
Date for Missouri Day.
President F. M. Sterrett of the Missouri State commission and Governor Stephens have practically agreed on the arrangements for the celebration of Missouri day at the exposition, August 30. The program for the day will consist of an address by the governor and short speeches by prominent Missouri orators, in which the various political parties will be impartially represented. The railroads have agreed to put in a very low excursion rate and the mayors of all Missouri cities have been enlisted in the effort to secure an attendance that will be a credit to the state. Special trains will be run from all the principal cities, and the members of the commission feel confident that the celebration will be one of the biggest events of the exposition. Governor Stephens will be accompanied by his full staff, and a large number of the most prominent citizens of the state have already promised to join the party.
Decorating Kansas Building.
The interior decoration of the Kansas building has been augmented by the addition of four large paintings illustrating Kansas landscapes. These have been placed in the upper part of the assembly room of the building, forming a frieze which is finished with a pretty arrangement of bunting in the national colors. These pictures are each thirty-two feet in length and six feet in width. The first represents the great seal of the state shown amidst a characteristic landscape of rolling prairie; the second depicts a scene on the Kansas side of the Missouri river near Atchison; the third shows the Arkansas river near Wichita, and the fourth is a farm scene in McPherson county. The pictures attract a great deal [?]
Notes of the Exposition.
The Bureau of Admissions reports that yesterday's attendance was 10,720.
The Pawnee City band will play a concert program in the Nebraska building Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
California is the first state to show peaches, the exhibit in the Horticultural building made by Los Angeles county being the first in the building to display specimens of this delicious fruit.
E. L. Danforth of Minneapolis, secretary of the Minneapolis Exposition commission, is expected to arrive in Omaha the latter part of the week to oversee the preparations for Minnesota day, which is set for July 20.
The excursion from Ida county, Iowa, which was scheduled as a feature for today, is off. There was some hitch in the arrangements which killed the idea off for the present, but it will probably be utilized later on.
Mrs. W. Bryan and her three children were among the guests on the grounds yesterday morning. They were received by General Manager Clarkson, who escorted them over the grounds, and they will probably remain until Saturday.
A new floor is being laid on the south viaduct. The original floor, although double, with tar paper between, leaked during the heavy rains and let water through into the store room of the viaduct restaurants beneath the viaduct approaches.
James Mooney, the painter who had both legs broken by a fall from a ladder at the Georgia building the other day, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital this morning. His condition is as comfortable as could be expected, but he will be laid up for a long time.
The exposition postal cards are meeting with great favor. Visitors use them in writing home and to friends and carry them off in sets as souvenirs. Omaha people use them in even larger numbers. They seem the prime favorites with all as exposition mementos.
A very welcome improvement is being made at the main viaduct by covering the old planking with flooring. This will do away with the nuisance that was caused by the tar that covered the old floor and attached itself to the shoes of pedestrians on sunny days.
The exposition management has decided to exercise a little more severity with the class of offenders known on the police blotter as "fence climbers." Previously these have merely been arrested and thrown out of the grounds, but hereafter they will be sent to the city jail with other prisoners.
Mrs. T. F. Fitzgerald of San Francisco, wife of the Pacific coast passenger agent of the Texas & Pacific railroad, and Mrs. E. H. Richardson, sister and mother, respectively, of Colonel R. W. Richardson, press commissioner of the exposition are visiting him and will spend a few days inspecting the exposition.
"Mamma, do Montgomery Ward & Co. sell babies?" said a little girl. "Why, daughter, do you ask?" "Because I heard the man say they sell everything and I saw a lady making baby caps at their building the other day. I'm sure, mamma, I could get a little brother at half price from Montgomery Ward & Co., for they sell everything, and so cheap, too. Why don't you send 15 cents for their catalogue?"
The arrangements for the floral carnival, which occurs Tuesday, August 2, are rapidly taking form. The entire affair is under the direction of Mrs. H. McColl Travis, who has been exceptionally successful in organizing similar demonstrations in other cities, and she will be assisted by the women of the Bureau of Entertainment. It is expected that the parade, which will be one of the main features of the day, will include over 100 participants.
The Nebraska Exposition commission held a short session yesterday morning in the Nebraska building. Commissioners Dutton and Casper were absent and the other four members did not transact any business of consequence. The pay of Register Clerk Stevenson was increased from $50 per month to $60, a stand for the sale of lemonade, cigars, etc., was allotted space on the east porch of the building and a few small claims were allowed.
President S. H. Mallory of the Iowa Exposition commission has arrived in the city and will put in the balance of the week inspecting the exposition. Mr. Mallory came to attend the opening of the Iowa building last month, but was called home by the death of his son-in-law and had no opportunity of seeing the exposition. He is making his headquarters at the Iowa building and expresses the greatest satisfaction at the general extent and character of the exposition.
The musical department and some of the Midway concessions are at ours. The Midway people assert that the band concerts on the plazza in the evening are unduly prolonged and thus hold the crowd and injure their business. Recently the Midway people have begun starting a band of their own across the Plaza at about the hour when they think the concerts should cease and interrupting the band music by the obstreporous strains of their own peculiar music. This is decidedly exasperating to the people who wish to enjoy the concert and there is a vigorous demand that some arrangement should be made by which the nuisance shall be prevented.
Nebraska's Next Regiment to Be Given a Great Send Off.
Railroads and Everybody Concerned Striving to Make the Day One of the Most Notable for the Fair.
There is every prospect of a big attendance at the exposition on Saturday, the railroad companies of the state advising that there is a great interest among Nebraskans to say farewell to Colonel William J. Bryan and the Third Nebraska regiment on that occasion. On Wednesday all of the railroads telegraphed notices of the reduced rates that will be offered for Saturday and Sunday to their agents and to the country papers along their lines, and at all the railroad headquarters here every effort is being strained to get a record-breaking crowd to bid good-bye to the soldiers who are to go to the front with General Fitzhugh Lee and Colonel Bryan.
Especial efforts are being made by the railroads to get out a big attendance from each of the towns of the state in which a company of the Third regiment has been organized. It is believed the relatives and friends of the boys in these companies will improve the opportunity to visit this city, see the exposition and say farewell and God-speed to the soldiers, at remarkably low railroad rates. The rate announced by all the lines in Nebraska is 1 cent a mile each way; for instance, Lincoln is fifty-five miles from Omaha, and the railroad fare will be 55 cents from Lincoln to Omaha and 55 cents from Omaha to Lincoln, or $1.10 for the round trip. The return limit on these tickets will allow the holders to spend Sunday here after the farewell ovation at the grounds on Saturday. The rate of 1 cent a mile was agreed upon by the lines for the territory in Nebraska within 150 miles of Omaha, but all of the lines, desirous of helping to get a big crowd for Military Day, are stretching this limit for parties living just outside of the circle with the 150-mile radius.
Manager Clarkson Announces the Arrangements for Saturday.
The arrangements for Military day on Saturday of this week are completed. The full program for the occasion has been completed by General Manager Clarkson, and is as follows:
The regiment will march from Fort Omaha to the grounds, entering at the north gate and marching the full length of the Midway to the Grand Plaza, where the regiment will pass in review before Governor Holcomb and his staff, the music pavillion serving as a receiving stand. At 11 o'clock the formal exercises will take place in the Auditorium, as follows:
Music | Pawnee City Band |
Address | Major T. S. Clarkson |
Music | Third Regiment Band |
Address | General John C. Cowin |
Address | General John M. Thayer |
Music | Pawnee City Band |
Response | Colonel William J. Bryan |
Farewell | Governor Silas A. Holcomb |
Music | Third Regiment Band |
Following the parade, lunch will be served on the Plaza to the soldiers by the women of the Bureau of Entertainment.
At 9 o'clock there will be a grand display of fireworks on the north tract, at which time the portrait of Colonel Bryan will be shown in fire.
THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1898.
After a prolonged fight the board of directors of the exposition has adopted the resolution instructing Mr. Rosewater to send to each legitimate weekly newspaper in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota two season passes.
It is to be hoped that Mr. Rosewater will carry out these instructions promptly and fully. His bitter fight against this plan has not only been ridiculous and damaging to the exposition, but it has greatly delayed other important business.
The World-Herald firmly believes that the new plan is not only simple justice to the country press, but it is the best investment the exposition can make.
The World-Herald has striven hard to bring up Mr. Rosewater in the way he should go. The fact that he often departs from the proper way must not be considered as a reflection upon the World-Herald's ability as a tutor, but must be attributed to the perverseness of the pupil. In its self-appointed task of teaching Mr. Rosewater humbleness of spirit—which task has met with the hearty approbation of the people—the World-Herald has often been compelled to apply the chastening rod to Mr. Rosewater's person, but every time it was so applied it was applied in kindness and not in anger. It has hurt the World-Herald's feelings time and again to be compelled to lay Mr. Rosewater across its knee and apply the spanker, but despite the feeling of pain the World-Herald has performed the task because it was demanded by public sentiment and needed by the recipient.
The World-Herald has sought by loving example and admonition to teach its unregenerate pupil the blessings of humility and patience, and with much patience has submitted to outbreaks of rebellion on the part of one who should be more ready to receive in a spirit of kindness the efforts put forth by this newspaper mentor. The World-Herald dislikes to trounce Mr. Rosewater so often. It does not speak well for its pupil. Corporal punishment is no longer restored to save in cases where the only way to reach the mental faculties is through the physical feelings, and by forcing his tutor to resort to the rod or the spanking machine Mr. Rosewater reveals his mental depravity in all its glaring hideousness. But even Mr. Rosewater is showing gratifying signs of improvement under his course of instruction as presented by the World-Herald. The World-Herald hopes in time to be able to hold him in the lines of veracity and gentleness without resort to the chastening rod. A less patient tutor would have quit the job in disgust long ago, but the World-Herald is patient. It has made allowances for the early training and natural disposition of the refractory pupil, and by being harsh or kind as circumstances demanded has done much to bring Mr. Rosewater to a realizing sense of what he owes to himself and to the community. True he makes bad breaks now and then, but only now and then, and this is much better than his old old way of making bad breaks at every conceivable opportunity. The time may come when the World-Herald will be able to lay aside its rod of correction and present Mr. Rosewater as a glowing example of patient admonition. But until it is sure that the time has arrived the World-Herald will cling fast to its chastening rod and apply it vigorously when occasion demands to the most convenient portion of Mr. Rosewater's anatomy. When talking to a public well acquainted with Mr. Rosewater there is little need of being specific when discussing the Rosewater anatomy.
The Exposition Directors at Last Resolve to Recognize Country Press.
The Board Directs Rosewater's Department to Send Two Passes to Each Weekly Newspaper.
Mr. Hitchcock Introduces a Resolution for the Investigation of Charges of Irregularities and Crooked Work.
At the meeting of the board of directors of the exposition yesterday the fight was resumed upon the resolution to compel Mr. Rosewater to send out passes to all editors of weekly newspapers near Omaha.
This time it succeeded, and in spite of the action of the executive committee and in spite of Mr. Rosewater's violent and desperate opposition, the board by a decisive vote finally adopted Mr. Hitchcock's resolution directing the department of publicity and promotion to send out two passes to each weekly newspaper of good standing in Nebraska and adjoining states without conditions or discrimination.
All of the directors were in favor of giving the press more liberal treatment than it has been receiving, and were determined that this should be done, but Mr. Rosewater had said that if the Manderson resolution were adopted he would not have anything more to do with it. The Manderson resolution was sidetracked in accordance with a report from the executive committee recommending "most liberal treatment of the press," but objecting to the Manderson resolution on the ground that it was "inexpedient and of questionable propriety" to have passes issued to all country weekly papers in the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, South Dakota, Kansas and Wyoming.
Mr. Rosewater felt better after his report was adopted by a vote of 15 to 12, the minority flavoring the Manderson resolution, but his grief again manifested itself a moment later when Mr. Hitchcock introduced the following resolution:
"Resolved, That the department of publicity and promotion be directed, in carrying out this resolution, to send two season passes to each newspaper in good standing in the states named, to persons connected with the paper, as certified by the editor."
In spite of Mr. Rosewater's violent protest the resolution was adopted, but he was careful not to threaten to resign in this connection, as it was manifest from the reception accorded the resolution that the board meant to pass it.
In opposing the Manderson resolution Mr. Rosewater contended that his plan of requiring the publishers to sign contracts was the proper one, and he cited the course pursued by railroads in entering into contracts with the papers.
This was opposed by Mr. Hitchcock, who said that the contract called for furnishing simply a few inches of space. This was all right for the railroads, but it would not do for the exposition. In the one case the paper was at liberty to attack the road, which it frequently did, but what was wanted here was not so much a little space as the cordial good will of the publisher. If the contracts were entered into the terms would undoubtedly be complied with, but this was not enough. The exposition did not demand simply the delivery of the pound of flesh in accordance with the contract. It wanted the continued co-operation of these editors in making the exposition a success, and that could not be secured by any such policy as Mr. Rosewater seemed determined to carry out. He said it would not hurt the exposition at all should these editors and their wives find it impossible to visit the exposition every one of the remaining days that it will be open, and he insisted that greater courtesy be shown the publishers.
Mr. Lyman expressed his surprise at the action of the committee in making the report, and spoke in favor of the issuance of the passes. He said he agreed with Mr. Hitchcock that the oftener the editors visited the exposition the better it would be for the show.
Mr. Rosewater could not get the idea out of his head that the editors could not be trusted to use a season pass without abusing it, and he suggested to Mr. Lyman that the editors would probably keep sending in other people on their passes.
"Some of them might do it," said Mr. Lyman, "but I take it that it would be to a very small extent. I am not willing to impute dishonorable or dishonest motives to the general run of publishers any more than I would to any other class of people."
Mr. Hussie said he was glad that the committee had reported on the resolution, as it could be overturned by the board without then having anything of personality attached to it. A number of stockholders had been kicked against the blindness with which the board had been following the lead of the executive committee, and he thought this was a good time to turn down one of its recommendations. The exposition was in need of more extensive publicity than it had been getting, and this proposed remedy could not hurt the exposition, while it promised to do it a great deal of good.
Mr. Rosewater again spilled himself into the breach to remark that he wouldn't have anything more to do with the matter if the Manderson resolution was adopted. He talked with a great deal of vehemence against allowing the bureau of admissions to handle the matter, insisting that the bureau did not know any more about how it should be done than a lot of school children. He said no one but himself could tell whether anyone was entitled to a pass or not, and a few minutes later objected to the limitation to papers "in good standing" on the ground that he could not be expected to know anything about that.
While the roll was being called on the adoption of the committee report President Wattles took occasion to explain his vote against it. He said: "I have received hundreds of letters complaining about the manner in which this matter has been handled. I am even now receiving letters that convince me that this new plan of Mr. Rosewater's that calls for the signing of contracts is an additional red rag in the eyes of the country publishers. I am satisfied that the exposition will make a serious mistake if it depends for its publicity on the success of this plan, and I therefore vote against adopting the report of the committee."
The report was adopted, however, but before Mr. Rosewater's feeling of relief had a chance to get more than half way through his anatomy the Hitchcock resolution was sprung. Mr. Rosewater rushed frantically about the room trying to set his pins for its defeat, but a motion to lay on the table was overwhelmingly knocked out.
During the discussion the president inquired if it would hurt anything to send out a few passes to papers that had opposed the exposition.
"No," replied Mr. Rector, "and it wouldn't hurt anything, either, if we were to send out a few passes to individuals that have at various times opposed Mr. Rosewater and the Omaha Bee."
It was the straightest shot at the real stumbling block in the way of the exposition that has been given at any of the meetings, but Mr. Rosewater didn't have time to notice it.
The vote was taken on the Hitchcock resolution, and it carried by an almost unanimous vote.
It was practically the Manderson resolution in effect, and contained in explicit terms the provisions that Mr. Rosewater had declared to be so obnoxious that he would not tolerate them, and that would promptly result in his ceasing to act as head of the publicity and promotion department, but he didn't say "boo" after the deadly deed was done.
Mr. Hitchcock then introduced the following resolution:
"Whereas, Disquieting reports of irregularities, mismanagement and corruption in various branches of this exposition have been in circulation for some time, and
"Whereas, Grave charges affecting the character, reputation and conduct of persons employed by this exposition have been made, therefore
"Resolved, That a committee of three directors be at once appointed by the president, with full power to sit and hear all charges and investigate all questionable matters and circumstances involving corruption, imposition or loss to this exposition in whatever department. All employes of this exposition are hereby directed to appear before the committee upon request and to fully answer all questions. The committee is authorized to employ a stenographer, and, if necessary, an expert accountant, and is directed to make a written report of its findings at the next meeting of this board or as soon thereafter as may be. All testimony taken before the committee to be reduced to writing and subject to the order of this board. All records, books, contracts and papers of this exposition to be subject to the inspection of the members of this committee or its accountant.
Mr. Kilpatrick protested against allowing any such information to go before the outside world, and ex-governor Saunders said it would kick up a smell that would hurt the exposition to have such matters go out over the country.
Mr. Hitchcock said that the harm had already been done, and the only proper thing to do was to take such action as would set at rest the rumors that were flying, by either proving the truth of the charges that had been made and punishing the guilty parties, if any there were, or by disproving the charges and establishing the unquestioned integrity of all concerned. He said the investigation was demanded no more to uncover the dishonest than for the protection of honest men. These charges had been given publicity through the columns of the Bee, and they did not specify acts nor individuals. They reflected on the entire management. Whether they were true or false the speaker said he did not pretend to say. Personally he did not believe they were true, but he was compelled to take cognizance of the strange fact that the editor of the Bee had on more than one occasion seen fit to swing a club over the heads of the executive committee by throwing out these insinuations of crookedness whenever he desired to coerce that body. It was a peculiar circumstance, and was a course that was bound to injure the exposition. If there was truth in the reports of crookedness it should be exposed. If there was no truth in them they should be set at rest so that they could no longer be used as a club for personal ends.
Mr. Saunders insisted that nothing reflecting on the exposition "had come from a source that amounted to anything," and wanted to see the whole matter dropped.
Mr. Kilpatrick and Mr. Lyman were not aware that any charges had been made, and Mr. Hitchcock read the following editorial from the Evening Bee of last Saturday
"When the Bee called attention to the frauds that were being perpetrated on the exposition by favored contractors under the Geraldine regime the organ of the Geraldine crowd used up several barrels of ink in a desperate effort to distract the public from the damaging disclosures. The same cuttlefish tactics have been pursued whenever some crook in the exposition was in fear of exposure.
"The attacks on the Department of Publicity under pretense that the country press is not receiving fair treatment at its hands are simply a part of the cuttlefish program. THEIR RENEWAL AT THE VERY TIME WHEN EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THE DISAPPOINTING REPORT OF FOURTH OF JULY PAID ADMISSIONS AND WHEN THE PEOPLE WHO PUT UP THE MONEY TO FLOAT THE ENTERPRISE ARE STAGGERED BY THE DEFICIT THAT STARES THE EXPOSITION IN THE FACE, only confirms what has been manifest all along, that there is method in the yelp of the Geraldine organ.
"This is especially emphasized by the conduct of some of the managers who ought to court publicity of the transactions in their departments, but who appear to be very sensitive when anyone calls in question any of the unbusinesslike methods pursued in the handling and disbursement of exposition funds or suggests essential reform for the protection of the stockholders.
Mr. Lindsey said he courted an investigation of his department. He was very desirous that the resolution pass. He was aware that the charges had been made, but he was certain that Mr. Rosewater could not coerce the executive committee.
Mr. Kirkendall also favored an investigation. He knew that he had been black-washed by the charges and insinuations placed before the public by Mr. Rosewater, and he wanted the whole thing looked into and the truth told.
Mr. Rosewater developed a surprising opposition to the investigation that he had been threatening to have inaugurated. He tried to explain away his editorial by speaking in a general way of "rumors," and a series of "buts" and "of course, you knows." He thought no investigation was necessary, and that the appointment of a comptroller would be sufficient. With reference to the Fourth of July attendance, he said it was a fact that everybody thought there were more people on the grounds than the reports given out showed.
Mr. Bruce said that when he heard that the street railway company had carried 218,000 people on the Fourth he had thought there was something wrong, and he had secured the exact figures. He learned that the figures named were 40 per cent too high, and he had been convinced that there was no ground for suspicion of crookedness in connection with the gates.
Mr. Rosewater then stated that the street railway company had hauled a ilttle over 123,000 on the Fourth.
It was stated that this represented the crowd to and from the exposition, as well as the regular daily business, and was further swelled by the fact that owing to the great crowd a great many had paid two fares to get home from the grounds, as they rode to the north end of the lines in order to get a car down town.
Manager Reed of the concessions department was opposed to the resolution for an investigation of the methods of doing business in the various departments, and when his name was called he voted to table it, explaining that he did not consider that any charges had been made.
The motion to table was defeated by a vote of 5 to 21.
Mr. Montgomery then offered an amendment that the board did not believe any of the charges, and that in the absence of anything more specific it indorsed the integrity of the various heads of departments.
Mr. Hitchcock said he was not crowding for action without proper deliberation, and that as the hour was getting late he would move that both resoluion and amendment go over for consideration at a meeting for the purpose to be held next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The motion prevailed, and the board adjourned.
Gaston Akoun, proprietor of the Streets of All Nations, tendered a reception last night to Mr. Kirkendall of the exposition and the staff of Governor Wolcott of Massachusetts. An elegant champagne supper was served, after which speech making was indulged in. The visitors were delightfully entertained. After the reception a special program in the theater was given and the evening passed away pleasantly.
The seven or eight men composing the government life saving crew that is to give daily exhibitions on the lagoon have arrived, including Captain H. M. Knowles and Keeper Cleaves. The men are already domiciled in the little building erected for them. It will be several days before the first exhibition is given, for these men have come from different stations and have never worked together. They will begin practicing this morning shooting the line over the mast.
Isaac Benyakar, master of ceremonies at the Streets of All Nations, has recently been elected a member of the order of Knights of Pythias. He is the only Egyptian Knight of Pythias in America, as well as the only Egyptian Shriner and thirty-second degree Mason.
Railways Will Grant That for Military Day, Good to Return Monday---Rail Gossip.
There will be no Sunday excursions at lower rates than those now prevailing to the exposition; no special rates will be made for Children's day—tomorrow—but a fare of 1 cent a mile each way, with privilege of stopping over until Monday and seeing the exposition Sunday, will be made for military day, Saturday, July 16.
The above conclusions were arrived at yesterday forenoon at a meeting of representatives of all the lines entering Omaha. So far as Children's day is concerned it was stated that the railroads would very willingly have put in a special rate had the request been made in time, but it was not made until too late to advertise it and putting in special low rates under such circumstances would be an injustice to all interested, as they could not accomplish the object sought—that of bringing in a large number of people. So far as special cheap Sunday excursions are concerned all the lines are agreed that the present rates of one and one-third far all the time, with 1 cent per mile rates for special days, is all that can reasonably be expected, and they were unanimous in voting against the Sunday excursion.
The rate of 1 cent per mile each way for military day will extend for 150 miles in Nebraska and outside that limit the regular reduced rate will be in force. All the railroads are anticipating a heavy traffic, especially from the cities and towns which have companies in the Third regiment. The time for advertising it is shorter than the roads like, but in the present case this is unavoidable, and what time there is will be used to the best advantage.
Work Has Been Pushed Rapidly Forward and Preparations Are Now Complete.
Great Floral Festival and Parade August 2---Children's Day Tomorrow---Exposition Notes.
Fast progress is being made in preparing the grounds for the reception of the representatives of the Indian tribes of North America, who will make up the Indian congress at the exposition.
About two-thirds of the thirty acres which they will occupy has been fenced off for a performance grounds. The performances will include racing, various dances, incantations and all the rude amusements and rites of the Indians. This part is the south portion of the Oak Chatham tract, and the remaining portion to the north will be the camping ground. Along the north side are already several frame buildings. One is quarters for employes. Another is a commissary house. Another is the office of Mr. Wise who has been sent on by the Interior department to keep the accounts. The old Oak Chatham station of the Missouri Pacific has been converted into an office building for Captain Mercer and his force. E. S. Hege, stenographer and clerk for Captain Mercer makes his headquarters on the grounds now, and expects the first of the Indians here in perhaps a week.
Ex-United States Deputy Marshal Liddiard, otherwise known as "Rattlesnake Pete," has a tent on the grounds. He is Captain Mercer's assistant, and Mrs. Liddiard will provide the table for the employes.
The Indians will do their own cooking, and this is in line with Captain Mercer's plan, that the Indians shall show themselves as they are when little influenced by civilization.
In another part of the grounds is a building which will be a store for the sale of Indian made articles.
The people on the Bluff tract, as has been before intimated, are a little envious of the north tract people on account of the Indian village attraction, and they are hoping that some of the performances of the Indians will be given on the Bluff tract so as to move the crowds that way. This position has not been decided, but it is regarded as certain that the Bluff tract performances will be only occasional.
John Ashford and S. A. Combs, assistants to Captain Mercer, were instructed yesterday afternoon to go to the Omaha and Winnebago agency and bring ten from each tribe, who are to remain throughout the congress, and forty or fifty of each tribe simply for the opening day of the congress, which will be August 1. The Indians from the Omaha and Winnebago agency will be brought overland, the trip taking, it is thought, three days.
Flower Festival Is a Go.
The executive committee has definitely arranged with Mrs. H. McCall Travis for a flower festival, including a parade, on the exposition grounds, August 2. Mrs. Travis is an expert in this sort of business and magnificent occasion is expected. She has just returned from Milwaukee, where she superintended a floral festival that was the joy of hundreds of thousands.
Exposition Notes.
Mrs. William J. Bryan and her three children were on the grounds yesterday and will visit until after Military day, Saturday.
It has been decided that the Third regiment, Saturday, shall march in at the railroad entrance, North Twentieth street.
Ida county and Ida Grove day, which was to have been today, has been postponed. Today will be Children's day only.
Five new exhibitors have come into the Agricultural Implement building in the last week.
The forenoon concerts of the Pawnee City band are attracting a constantly increasing number of auditors.
The last issue of Farm Implements contains a seven-page write-up of the exposition with several half tone cuts of exhibits in the Agricultural Implement building and other features of the [?]
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1898.
Slight Bombardment of Exposition Architecture in Getting Range Over Mast
First Work Will Probably Be Monday---Children's Day Fills the Grounds With Young People.
People who were lying abed in the vicinity of the exposition grounds not far from 6 a. m. yesterday morning had nightmares about the bombardment of Santiago, and many of them when they awoke could not be sure for a few minutes that they were not at the beleaguered city. They heard the book of small cannon and those with right good ears could hear brick and mortar falling.
The truth is that a slight bombardment of the exposition buildings took place. It was, however, not in malice. The life saving crew from in front of its station south of the trefoil of the lagoon was experimenting with its small mortar to find the range over the spar of the mast, so that it would know just how to shoot its "shot" line in the exhibitions which it is to give daily from this time on. The projectile used is a solid 18-pounder. This carries the first line to the wreck. At first an ounce and a half of powder was put in the gun, and the projectile with its long tail of rope went sailing clear over the mast and crashed against the foot of the colonnade on the north side. It dislodged a few bricks in the paving and threw up some dust, seeming determined, like other American projectiles these days, to hit something instead of falling into the water. Next time three-quarters of an ounce of powder was used and the projectile fell short. The third time the gun was slightly elevated, an ounce of powder was put in, and the projectile went over nicely and reached the water just inside the north wall. This is just where it is wanted, but Keeper Cleary says that to make things safe a little bulk head will be constructed there.
The popularity that this exhibition is destined to have was plainly evinced this forenoon. It was the first time that the station building had been opened and there was a little crowd of visitors in it all the time looking at the curious apparatus that is used in rescuing the shipwrecked on the ocean and the lakes. The members of the crew were kept answering questions about this or that rope or pulley, or a boat or wheeled beach apparatus.
The crew lacks but one man to be complete. Those here came chiefly from the Tenth and Eleventh life service districts and are Captain H. M. Knowles, superintendent of the Third district, Rhode Island coast, superintendent of the station; Captain Henry Cleary of the Marquette station, Lake Superior, keeper of the station; Frank E. Johnson of the Holland station, Lake Michigan; John McLeod of Duluth; Winfield Adamson, Grindstone City, Lake Michigan, Milwaukee; Jacob Van Weelden, Grand Haven, Mich.; James Scott, Sand Beach, Mich. The one yet to come is Van Brandt of Muskegon, Mich.
These men have bunks in the station house, but will take their meals outside the grounds. They are all well pleased to get here for it is a relief from the rigors of the regular service and their duties in the still water of the lagoon will be nothing more than mere play for them.
The first exhibition will probably not be given until Monday, for it has been found that the life boat here is too large and a smaller one has been telegraphed for. The trouble with the boat here is that in the still water it cannot be capsized.
Republican League Mass Meeting at Auditorium Not Success Anticipated.
Took a Good Deal of Pumping to Get Republican Bazoo to Proper Pitch.
Band Regales the Audience With Patriotic Music--Goldbug Oratory--Sewed Up in Same Old Way.
The mass meeting held last night at the Auditorium under the auspices of the National Republican league was not a massive affair in point of numbers. Only seven people occupied the gallery and two ciphers placed after that figure would be an exaggeration of the number in attendance. Some of the local republican leaders referred to it as a frost but what it lacked in numbers was partly made up in enthusiasm anr an excellent musical program of patriotic selections played by the Pawnee City band of forty-four pieces under the leadership of E. L. Fulton.
Opening with the "Star Spangled Banner" and playing such pieces as "Red, White and Blue," "Marching Through Georgia," "Yankee Doodle," "Dixie," "Guardes de Corps," "Casino Tanze" and the like, the audience was fully aroused to the occasion and greeted each successive speaker with rounds of applause, particularly when reference was made to the brave boys in blue at the front, and as to what the republican party had done for the country and proposed to do in the future.
President L. J. Crawford, in calling the assembly to order, referred to the annual meetings of the National league heretofore held in Louisvill, Nashville and Buffalo, which league meetings, he said, were invariably followed with republican victories at the polls in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee and New York and predicted that a like victory was in store for the grand old party in Nebraska this fall.
Hon. C. M. Harle, the first speaker, said the coming campaign must be fought out on a gold platform with a liberal display of flags and bunting to inspire a patriotic feeling in the minds of the people in favor of the grand old party. The political keynote, he said, was to be sounded on national issues and that petty contentions over local issues and local interests must be brushed aside for the time being. The necessity of rallying around the flag in support of the army and navy would, Mr. Harle thought, be apparent to all party loving people. Mr. Harle said the republican party was now more than ever in favor of the gold standard as it has been found to be not only the salvation of the party, but of the country. He said the wave of patriotism now sweeping over the land and the battle now being waged for the flag was of republican origin, as the party inaugurated the war and the party would carry it to a successful end.
Hon. Frank H. Short of California talked about the war and the patriotism of the people and paid his respects to Colonel Bryan in a way which seemed to please his audience.
A grand ovation awaited Senator Thurston as he arose to speak. It was prolonged and as hearty as it was enthusiastic. Senator Thurston said he was pleased that the playing of "Yankee Doodle,, and "Dixie" followed each other in all parts of this country now without discord and illustrated this feeling of a reunited nation by relating an incident in connection iwth the donning of the blue by General M. C. Butler, an ex-Confederate officer, who was recently commissioned a brigadier general by the president following a petition signed by all the United States senators for the appointment. General Butler remarked, said the senator, upon his first appearance in the blue cloth, that he always had had a desire to shoot at that color, but now hewas proud of it and was ready, willing and anxious to shoot for it.
Senator Thurston said this was not a political year but a patriotic year, and the party which had been truest to the flag in the past would be the party which would secure the suffrages of the people this fall. While the senator said he did not claim everything for the republican party, h did point out almost all the good things occurring in and out of season as having been due to the efforts of the grand old party, including the Manlin victory, and said that every workshop was not filled with workingmen and every factory was busy, while two years ago the reverse was the case. He said there was plenty of money to be had now notwithstanding the predictions of the false prophets of '96. Then there was not enough business done to keep the money in circulation. Senator Thurston said he believed those who deserted the party a few years ago were now coming back under the flag again.
In concluding, the senator said, referring to the war, that he was afraid peace would be declared before Uncle Sam landed on Porto Rico, as that island was necessary to our future with the world as it was the key to the gulf situation.
This morning the convention will elect officers for the ensuing term.
Very Appropriate Exercises at Its Formal Dedication.
A great many children, many mammas and a few papas crowded the Children's building yesterday afternoon on the occasion of the formal dedication and opening.
Mrs. W. W. Keysor presided and on the platform were several of the members of the board of lady managers.
The dedicatory prayer was offered by Mrs. Harford, chairman of the executive committee of the board of lady managers.
In the absence of Mrs. Sawyer, the president of the board, Mrs. Keysor delivered the address of welcome. She congratulated the boys and girls because, as they had contributed the funds for the erection of the building, they were its builders and it was a noble thing to be a builder. She said the building should not be approached in a spirit of criticism. Much had been said about the swimming tank, which was lacking. A swimming tank, except for the littlest people in the creche, was never intended, and Mrs. Keysor counseled the visitors to enjoy the things that were there, some of them excellent things, such as the model school room, which was never promised.
Response was made for the children by Frank B. Hughes of West Point. He declared, after some words of acknowledgment, that the children were there to testify to the magnanimity of the kind hostesses in providing this exposition home for them. The interest of the children in the building was not alone due to its beautiful architecture and convenient appointments, but also to some dim sense of proprietorship. He expressed the hope that every boy and girl in the trans-Mississippi territory would be able to enjoy it.
"How a Foreigner Saw the Fair" was the title of a recitation by Roy Towl of South Omaha. The amusing piece, in which members of many nationalities were represented, was rendered with good effect.
Miss Dollie Trent of Bellevue recited Longfellow's "The Builders," and was followed by Miss Rogers of this city, who sang a number of selections.
"Old Ace," as recited by Miss Edith Thomas of Council Bluff, afforded much entertainment.
An ovation awaited the Pickaninny quartet from the Old Plantation when the four little negro boys ascended the platform. They were not allowed to go until they had sung three numbers and then they left with every reason to believe they had made a hit.
"What a Pupil Thinks Before and After Seeing the Exposition" was the subject of an address by Miss Luverne A. Lindley of Ashland. It was a description of the favorable impressions of a company that visited the exposition from her town.
The exercises closed with the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner."
Promises to Be the Biggest Feature of Carnival Season.
"The greatest society event in the history of Omaha will be Flower day, August 2," said Mrs. H. McCall Travis of Michigan to a report for the World-Herald at the Millard yesterday, "if the interest gathers strength at the rate it has started out.
"Why, it will be no time until every society woman will be trying to outdo her neighbor," continued Mrs. Travis, who has been secured by the management of the exposition to superintend this great event. "Just as soon as everyone knows that August 2 is Flower day and that one of the most beautiful spectacles ever seen is in store on that day, and that it will eclipse any special day at the exposition, then there will be an intereset manifested that will surprise you.
"The spectacle of a gorgeous pageant rounding the lagoon on the Grand Court, which furnishes such a beautiful setting with the flowery landscape back of it, will form the most exquisite scene, and in my opinion, of all the parades in America, there could not be better surroundings."
Then Mrs. Travis, with a truely pardonable pride, referred to some lengthly press notices of Milwaukee papers wherein they praised the floral parade in that city June 29, which Mrs. Travis superintended. Mayor Rose was among other prominent citizens and officials who wrote here congratulatory letters of the parade, saying it was the greatest feature of the week's carnival of parades in Milwaukee, where hundreds of thousands went. The same tone characterized hundreds of other press notices of flower carnivals which Mrs. Travis had arranged in the principal cities of the United States.
"Now," said Mrs. Travis, "what we want should be an immediate and united effort to make Flower day memorable. Twelve prominent ladies of the bureau of entertainment of the exposition have been selected to push the work. The president of this committee is Mrs. T. M. Orr, and they are assuming genuine interest. The parade is going to create a great demand for artificial flowers—for that is the kind we use—and women desirous of manufacturing them may call at my room, 118 at the Millard, and get instructions, and also directions as to how to make them if they do not know how.
Dr. Gigliotti of Denver Gives World-Herald Big Send-off.
Dr. Nicola Gigliotti, the Denver editor who was chosen president of the Western Editorial federation and was outspoken at the meetings in criticism of some things when the federation met in Omaha, has watched with undisguised curiosity, as others doubtless have, the action of the exposition directors in treatment of country editors. Speaking of it Dr. Gigliotti says:
"If the tickets to the editors authorized by the board are sent to them it will help the exposition. I believe every newspaper man is with the World-Herald. I say that as a private citizen. We appreciate what the World-Herald has been doing in fighting for the interests of newspaper men and they are grateful to the exposition directors and especially to Mr. Hitchcock.
"The exposition," he added, "is beautiful. It is one of the best expositions I have ever seen. Perhaps I would except the Fine Arts building pictures and sculpture. I speak from the standpoint of one who has seen museums in all parts of the world and have seen a great museum, the Metropolitan in this country. But the balance of the exposition is beautiful.
"The Government building is an exposition in itself and I believe it alone would be enough to give credit to a greater city than Omaha for an exposition. The architecture of the principal buildings is very good.
"The Court of Honor is beautiful in every respect and the water with the gondola gives the idea of a canal in Venice. Captain Moletti, who comes from Venice, and has charge of the boats is doing everything to carry out the idea."
An Ostrich Fight.
Two of the largest birds at the Southern California Ostrich Farm, on West Midway, fell out about something yesterday. They were together in the same corral and set out at once to annihilate each other. The battle was a bloodly one and will probably result in the death of the bird Admiral Dewey. As soon as they began fighting their keeper attempted to separate them, but met with the usual fate of a peacemaker and received a dangerous kick on the leg. The "high kickers" then continued their fight, and it was not until Dewey was severely wounded that he gave up. The value of the wounded bird is $250, and it is more than probable that he will die. There are now on the farm about 100 full grown birds. Fights often occur, but seldom with such dangerous results as the one yesterday.
Woman's Relief Corps.
The members of the Woman's Relief corps of Omaha and South Omaha are urgently requested to meet at "soldiers' room," No. 2, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock with well filled baskets with cake, sandwiches and fruit. Those that cannot attend send refreshments to 1616 Manderson street. By order of
The Woman's Relief corps having charge of table No. 12 on Saturday at the exposition grounds, George A. Custer corps, are requested to bring cake, fruit and sandwiches. By order of the president.
Exposition Notes.
Editor M. H. DeYoung of the San Francisco Chronicle was a guest of the executive committe yesterday afternoon, and was present at the meeting of that body. He gave the members considerable information regarding the Midwinter exposition, and the session was largely devoted to an interesting interchange of ideas regarding methods of management. Manager Rosewater was especially interested in Mr. DeYoung's account of how he had full control as director general, and how he exercised the cheerful progative of making what he said go. The visitor lunched with the committee in the evening.
Wednesday's paid admissions numbered 5,128.
There were 6,642 paid admissions yesterday.
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1898.
Directors Kelly and Phinney Will Vary the Routine of the Open Air Concerts.
Superintendent Kelly of the music bureau and Director Phinney of Phinney's band are making arrangements for a musical performance next Tuesday evening. The entire second part of the program of the regular concert on the plaza will be a spectacular musical production entitled "From Battle Field to Fireside," an arrangement by Director Phinney. The production represents the departure of the soldiers to battle, followed by a realistic representation of a battle between the contending armies. This portion of the performance will be accompanied by the firing of cannon, the ratttle of musketry and all the noise of battle. An immense flag will be unfurled over the music pavilion to symbolize the victory of the defenders of Old Glory, amid the flashing of fireworks and the booming of cannon.
Another novelty in the way of an outdoor concert will be given in the main court on Thursday evening by the Exposition chorus and Phinney's band, the band being stationed in front of the Liberal Arts building and the chorus occupying the boat landing at the east end of the lagoon. A number of attractive selections will be rendered by these organizations in concert with antiphonal effects, the one echoing the music of the other. The popularity of these outdoor concerts has been demonstrated in the past and the novelty of the effects produced by this arrangement will undoubtedly attract a considerable crowd.
Superintendent Kelly is making preparations for another outdoor concert in the main court July 25, in which the Exposition chorus and Phinney's band will participate. The program will be an interesting one, the band playing compositions in which opportunities occur for the chorus to join in the rendering of popular songs.
Exposition Management Has All Its Plans Well Matured.
General Public Takes Up with the Idea Most Enthusiastically.
Third Nebraska Volunteer Infantry to Be Given an Ovation.
Kansas' Executive Will Take the Place of General Thayer—Lunch to Be Served in the Auditorium to the Soldiers.
The marked improvement that has been evident in the exposition attendance all through the week continues and the crowd this morning compared very favorably with those of the preceding days. It includes a small proportion of Omaha people, as most of these are planning to assist to celebrate Military day tomorrow. The badges of the Republican league were especially numerous on the grounds during the forenoon and many of the delegates were accompanied by their families. They were all delighted with their reception at the grounds yesterday afternoon and many of them assured General Manager Clarkson that they proposed to come again later in the season and bring their friends with them.
Preparations for Military day are progressing with a rush and the efforts of the management are being seconded by the hearty co-operation and support of the people. When the idea was first suggested it was feared that four days were hardly sufficient in which to make all the arrangements that were necessary in order to make the event worthy of the occasion. It was necessary in order to make the event worthy of the occasion. It was necessary to prepare a program, secure reduced rates from all the Nebraska railroads and attend to a multitude of minor matters, and all in tome to have the celebration thoroughly advertised. All this has already been accomplished and the enthusiasm with which the idea has been everywhere received is accepted as a positive indication that when the Third regiment marches into the grounds Saturday morning it will be greeted by a tremendous gathering of patriotic citizens who will join in giving the volunteers a send-off that will be an inspiration long after the cheers have subsided and they are on their way to the front.
In Everybody's Mind.
Every one is talking of Military day and the patriotic spirit of the people has operated to give the event a notoriety that would require a month if they were less thoroughly aroused. General Manager Clarkson said yesterday that the indications were most auspicious for a success that would eclipse the most sanguine expectations, and the railroad officials report that the interest has already reached the point of enthusiasm all over the state. Effective measures have been taken both by the railroads and the exposition authorities to see that the facts relative to the celebration and the rate of 1 cent a mile are brought before the people of all the smaller cities in the state and local agents are already reporting that large numbers of tickets will be sold. These will allow the excursionists to spend two days at the exposition and they will consequently be able to show their patriotism by assisting in the farewell to the regiment and get a pretty thorough idea of the Transmississippi Exposition at the same time.
The management has made several changes in the program for the exercises that will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. It will be impossible for General Thayer to attend and Governor J. W. Leedy of Kansas has consented to occupy the vacant place on the program and deliver a short address. General J. C. Cowin has been called to New York on business, and will be unable to speak, but as there still remain four addresses, it was not thought advisable to schedule another.
Lap Lunch to Be Served.
The idea of serving the dinner on the Grand Plaza has also been abandoned, as it was decided that it could be done more
conveniently in the Auditorium. Immediately after the exercises are concluded the audience will be requested to retire while the soldiers remain in their seats. Then the women of the bureau of entertainment will bring their lunches to them in their seats, while the regimental band and the Pawnee City band alternate in musical selections. The women who are in charge of the dinner wish to again urge the women of the city to deliver their contributions at the American District telegraph office, 1502 Douglas street, before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. It is not expected that there will be any lack of material for the spread, but in order to satisfy 1,300 hungry soldiers the women will be obliged to contribute liberally.
The display of fireworks that will close the day will be especially imposing. The exposition management has authorized a large expenditure for this purpose and the fireworks people will exert themselves to give one of the prettiest exhibitions that have yet been seen on the grounds. The final set piece will be a huge portrait of Colonel Bryan in silver fire, and this will be accompanied by a number of other novelties in pyrotechnical effects.
Failure to Secure Passes for Representatives Bring Dissatisfaction.
The secret societies which have opened headquarters in the Nebraska building are in a great state of uncertainty as to their future movements. Some of them were parties to the meetings which have been held down town at which it was decided to withdraw all representatives on the grounds and close up the headquarters which have been opened, leaving the exposition to shift for itself without their assistance.
Some of the societies represented in the Nebraska building did not participate in the meetings held down town and are not in sympathy with the objects of those meetings. Among these are the six bodies of Nebraska Freemasons, which occupy a room on the second floor of the Nebraska building, and the combined lodges of the Knights of Pythias, which occupy a room on the main floor. These will not withdraw, regardless of any action the other bodies may take, but the indications are that the other societies will remove their furniture and other belongings and abandon their headquarters. The whole question hinges on the action of the exposition management in refusing to issue passes to the representatives of the various orders which wish to maintain headquarters on the grounds. The exposition has steadfastly refused to issue passes on this account and the societies declare that they will not pay admission fees for their representatives.
When the Nebraska commission offered free space in the Nebraska building for all fraternal societies desiring the maintain headquarters on the grounds, twenty-six societies applied for space. When the time came for action the Freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, Improved Order of Redmen, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Knights of the Maccabees, P. E. O. society, Woman's Christian Temperance Union and Christian Endeavorers opened headquarters, the Free Masons and Knights of Pythias each occupying a room and the others being assigned space in the corners on the main floor or in the balcony of the building. These quarters have been fitted up in various styles, some of the orders going to considerable expense for furniture and fittings. The room of the Free Masons has been under the charge of W. N. Nason since the opening day; the Knights of Pythias quarters is in charge of E. L. Spotts, the Modern Woodmen space has been presided over by Mr. Fern and Mrs. C. E. Allen; the United Workmen space has been looked after by the janitor of the Nebraska building, who is a member of the order, the Christian Endeavorers' space is in charge of F. B. Rodefer and the Maccabees' quarters has been in charge of one or two members of that order. The other quarters have been allowed to stand without attention except an occasional call from some passing member.
All of those societies which have maintained attendants at these quarters have been providing for their admission by reimbursing them for money expended for admission or by providing them with commutation tickets. The Free Masons and the Knights of Pythias say this arrangement is satisfactory to them but the others announce their intention of withdrawing entirely from the field.
Military Band Which Exists for the Glory of Its Town Alone.
The Pawnee City Military band which is playing an engagement at the exposition this week is strictly a Nebraska institution. It has been an active organization for twenty years and is composed mostly of business men of Pawnee City, none of the members being professional musicians and none of them ever drawing pay for their services with the band. The money received for engagements goes into a common fund that is used to pay expenses for instruments, music and social excursions. The members of the band are engaged in the following occupations at home: Lawyers, 5; newspaper men, 3; clerks, 4; farmers, 4; painters, 3; barbers, 3; hardware dealers, 3; telegraph operators, 2; butter and egg dealers, 2; musical instrument dealers, 2; shoemaker, 1; dentist, 1; ice dealer, 1; electrician, 1; marble cutter, 1; deputy sheriff, 1; carpenter, 1; watchmaker, 1; cigarmaker, 1; drayman, 1; life insurance, 1; teacher, 1; druggist, 1; student, 1. The instrumentation of the band is practically the same as that of the first-class professional organizations and the grade of standard music is played with good effect. In sending the band to the exposition Pawnee county has made a very good exhibit.
Reception at Agricultural Building and Mass Meeting at Auditorium.
Today the Texans in the city will hold a reception in the Agricultural building at the exposition grounds, not only for other Texans, but for everyone who may wish to hear of Texas. There are a number of Texas business men here, the men who placed the Texas exhibit, in fact, and they desire to meet as many of the other visitors to the exposition as possible.
In the evening there will be a meeting at the auditorium of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway Immigration association of south Texas and of the Business Men's league of Houston, at which there will be many features to interest people not from Texas a well as those who are. Especial attention will be given to talking about Texas, of course, but that will not be the sole purpose of the meeting, a good program having been prepared. Everyone who wishes to attend will be made welcome.
Not so many Texans have yet visited the exposition, but large numbers will be in Omaha before November; it is one of the purposes of the visit of the Texas business men to gain such a knowledge of the fair that they may intelligently spread its fame in Texas, so that the people down there will come. And another purpose is to see what improvement is necessary in the Texas exhibit to make those Texans as proud of the exhibit as they are of their state and section.
Pottawattamie County's Fruit.
The second floor of the Pottawattamie County Wigwam is designed to be used for an exhibit of the products of that county, and the work of installing the exhibit has commenced. Owing to the fact that preparations for making an exhibit were not commenced until it was too late to procure any portion of the crop of 1897, the exhibit will be composed entirely of products of this year's crop, and these are being displayed as fast as the crop is in condition. Small fruits are being shown, this exhibit being the first on the grounds to show blackberries, a fine collection of this luscious fruit being placed on exhibition by Superintendent Graham yesterday. These berries were grown in the vicinity of Council Bluffs and are very large and well flavored. Red and white currants, red and black raspberries, gooseberries, apricots and other small fruits are shown in profusion, and the new crop of hay is represented by fine specimens of timothy, blue grass and alfalfa.
Date for Iowa Day.
Wednesday, September 21, will probably be designated as Iowa day. This date and the one preceding it have been suggested by the exposition management to the Iowa commission as suitable days for bringing to the exposition all the people in the neighboring state of Iowa. The executive committee of the Iowa commission will hold a meeting at the Iowa building the latter part of the current month to decide upon this matter and will also make plans at that time for getting up big crowds from all parts of the state.
In speaking of this matter President Mallory of the Iowa commission, who is spending a few days at the state building, said the prospects seem very good for bringing a large crowd of people to the exposition from all parts of the state at the time mentioned. He said the bountiful crops of the state will have been harvested at that time and the people will be able to leave their farms and spend two or three days at the exposition, as they desire to do. Mr. Mallory said the interest in the exposition is extensive in all parts of the state and with favorable railroad rates there would be no difficulty in getting large crowds.
The Omaha exposition is the first enterprise of the kind in America to pay running expenses the first month—or for the second month. This net result was attained in spite of war and high water.
DeYoung Likes the Exposition.
Hon. M. H. DeYoung of San Francisco, with his wife, came in yesterday from the east on his way home. He spent the day at the grounds in company with Manager Rosewater of the Department of Publicity and Promotion, taking dinner with the executive committee at the Casino restaurant and spending the evening on the grounds. Mr. DeYoung is president of the California commission and is much interested in the Transmississippi Exposition. He expressed himself in warm terms of admiration for the exposition, saying it is far ahead of his anticipations.
Mr. DeYoung is being urged for the position of commissioner general to the Paris exposition in 1900. He has the backing of all the western states.
It is likely that he will go on to California this evening.
Exhibitors' Club Meets.
The Exhibitors' club held a meeting in the Montana building last night to receive the report of the executive committee on the progress of arrangements for the preparation of the headquarters of the club in the Machinery and Electricity building. The committee reported substantial progress in the matter and promised that active operations in the way of preparation would be commenced within a short time. A number of new accessions to the club were reported and the organizers of the movement were gratified at the substantial support which is being received from a large proportion of the exhibitors.
Another Special Rate Fails.
The Department of Transportation has been unable to secure a special railroad rate for the annual meeting of the building and loan associations of the United States which will convene in Omaha July 27. The fact that there are less than 200 delegates who are scattered all over the country convinced the passenger association officials that it would not be worth while to make rates. The delegates will receive the benefit of the regular exposition rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip.
Judge Hayward Approves.
Judge M. L. Hayward of Nebraska City is making his third visit to the exposition, and he says that every visit increases his delight with the magnificent show, "Omaha is justly entitled to jump up and crack its heels together," declared the judge this morning. "She has the greatest show that was ever brought together, and the whole west should rejoice in the magnificent success that has been achieved. We are all proud of the exposition and of Omaha."
Life Saving Exhibit.
The first exhibition of the work of the life saving crew under Captain H. M. Knowles will be given on the lagoon early next week. It has been settled that the shot cannot be put over the yard on the mast in the mirror without falling outside of the lagoon, and the brick pavement will probably be covered with boards and a target constructed to receive the shot. In order to move the mast it would be necessary to draw all the water out of the lagoon, and this is considered impracticable.
Notes of the Exposition.
The admissions to the grounds on Girls' and Boys' day aggregated 14,316.
The exercises in connection with the celebration of Iowa Pythian day will be held in the Iowa building.
Former residents of New York state, either men or women, are requested to send their names at once to Major Algar M. Wheeler, secretary of the New York Exposition commission, at the New York building on the Bluff tract.
Prof. Willard Kimball, lately director of the Bureau of Music, has stepped down and out of that position in the reorganization of the bureau and the full management of the bureau is in the hands of T. J. Kelly, with the title of superintendent.
Governor Leedy of Kansas was on the grounds yesterday with his family. He will remain in Omaha at least a week and make a thorough inspection of the exposition. This is purely an informal visit and he will return later in his official capacity.
A. Boden, the proprietor of one of the small lunch stands on the grounds, was arrested yesterday by Sergeant Bebout on a warrant issued from the police court charging him with embezzlement. The complainant was a merchant who sold Boden certain goods for his stand and who alleges that Boden disposed of the goods without paying for them.
The concert of Phinney's band on the Grand Plaza was cut short last night in order to avoid interruption of the exercises in the Auditorium. The playing of the band could be distinctly heard in the Auditorium the greater part of the time and the result was annoying to the speakers and the audience. One of the largest crowds which has attended the band concerts was gathered in the seats on the plaza and these people were greatly disappointed when the concert was cut off at 9:15 o'clock.
Colonel Clark E. Carr, president of the Illinois commission, will arrive in the city this morning as the guest of F. C. Rice, division superintendent of the Burlington road. Colonel Carr will be accompanied by his wife and daughter and Mr. Rice will be accompanied by his wife and son. The party will be the guests of Colonel Carr at the Illinois building until Saturday evening, when they will return to Illinois.
Manager Reed of the Department of Concessions will leave today with his family for North Scituate, near Boston, Mass. Mr. Reed will return in about ten days, but his family will return in about ten days, but his family will remain on the coast during the summer.
Conclude Their Visit to Omaha by Thanking Everybody Concerned with Its Success.
All but five of the excursion party of the Louisiana Press association departed for home Thursday evening in their chartered sleeper over the Port Arthur Route. A few minutes prior to the time set for the train to pull out a meeting of the party was held, over which Mrs. M. E. F. Comegys of Shreveport, second vice president of the association, presided. A resolution, presented by L. E. Bentley and seconded by A. G. Cook, thanking all who have contributed to the pleasure of the trip, was adopted by a hearty, unanimous shout of "aye."
The members of the party who will remain several days longer to "do" the exposition more thoroughly are L. E. Bentley, Mrs. Ella Bentley, Miss Ella Bentley and G. Donnand Bentley of the Donaldsonville (La.) Chief and Mr H. Joseph Verret of the Assumption Pioneer, Napoleonville, La.
Judge Scott Issues Another Temporary Restraining Order.
Streets of Cairo Renews Its Fight on the Streets of All Nations with the Assistance of the District Court.
The Streets of Cairo and the Streets of All Nations are once more in the court. Judge Scott has issued another injunction restraining the latter from exhibiting or employing donkeys or camels, indulging in the dans du ventre or conducting any sort of a show business that the Streets of Cairo claims to have a monopoly on under its contract with the exposition. The new injunction seems to be of the same character as the old one issued by Judge Scott, which was knocked out on habeas corpus proceedings. The court has set the hearing for October 3.
The restraining order is directed not only against the Streets of All Nations, but also against A. L. Reed, manager of the Department of Concessions; S. B. Wadley, superintendent of the same department, the exposition company, Thaddeus S. Clarkson, general manager; A. C. Foster, superintendent; Charles E. Llewellyn, commandant of the guards; C. S. Montgomery, the general counsel; the entire executive committee and President Wattles. All these individuals and collective parties are charged with having entered into a conspiracy against the Streets of Cairo and they are restrained not only from assisting the Streets of All Nations in exhibiting the prohibited Oriental show, but also from carrying out an alleged threat to shut up the Streets of Cairo.
Minnows in the Lagoon.
A large number of small fish have found their way into the lagoon and the novelty of feeding the fishes has been added to the many attractions of the exposition. The largest of the fish are about four inches in length and there are several different varieties of them. Considerable mystery prevails regarding the manner in which the fish reached the lagoon, but a man in a position to know says they look strangely like a lot of minnows which were received at the fish exhibit a few days ago. No one has raised any objection to their presence and they afford a great deal of delight to the children, as they can be plainly seen darting about near the surface, looking for something to eat.
SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1898.
Deputy Sheriff Grebe visited the grounds last evening to serve the injunction writ issued by Judge Scott on the proprietors and attaches of the Streets of All Nations and on the exposition officials. He found all the parties without trouble. His coming created a little breeze of excitement in the Streets of All Nations, but it quickly blew over and the ordinary conduct of affairs proceeded as usual, the camels and donkeys pursuing their way up and down the street as usual whenever they had any passengers to carry. Mr. Zitoune said he was even anxious to go to jail for violating the order and that he stood ready to put up bonds as often as necessary to carry the show through the exposition period, as that was all he was interested in.
C. R. Haigh Wins the Camera Obscura Prize—Military Day.
A few days ago the management of the Camera Obscura offered $5 for the most comprehensive and interesting short criticism on that wonderful instrument. Among the criticisms handed in the following, by C. R. Heigh, took the prize:
The camera obscura is based upon one of the simplest principles of natural philosophy, namely, the simple reflection of refracted light. And yet to the beholder it conveys the idea of extreme complexity. The one in operation on West Midway at the exposition is the most perfect that has ever been built, and the reproductions on the screen are marvelous to behold. A brief description of the inner workings of the camera obscura may be interesting to some who have not yet visited it.
The phenomenon presented can only be appreciated in a dark room, that is, where a large picture is desired. The only opening is a round hole directly overhead, in as near the center of the roof as possible. In this opening, incased in a shield, is a mirror, the angle of which can be regulated by the operator in such a manner as to reflect the surrounding landscape, buildings and people. In accordance with the fact that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incident, it will be readily seen that an image produced on the mirror at an angle of say 45 degrees would be reproduced at an equal angle upon the screen below. But a difficulty arises at this point. The reflected image is exactly the same size as the original. This is overcome by placing a powerful lens a short distance below the mirror and allowing the picture to be reduced to the right size, at the same time intensifying the image to a marked degree. By revolving the mirror the entire horizon may be reproduced, together with the trees, buildings and moving figures that may be in the foreground, all in their natural color. If you want to find your friends on the Midway go to the Camera Obscura and you will be sure to find them if they are on the street.
Mr. Akoun and Mr. Lermey of the Streets of All Nations entertained yesterday in royal style the members of the Tennessee Press association. Today the Streets will be opened to Colonel Bryan's regiment and special performances will be given in their honor.
Sends Money to Buy Ham for Sandwiches for Soldiers.
The following dispatch has been received by the World-Herald and the supplies will be purchased this morning:
Clay Center, Neb., July 15.—To the Editor of the World-Herald: We, the undersigned, wishing to participate in the reception tendered the Third Nebraska regiment of volunteers at the exposition grounds, July 16, and being unable to be present in person, respectfully contribute $9, said amount to be used for the purchase of cooked boneless ham, and we hereby authorize the World-Herald to purchase same, to deliver to the proper committee.
Mast Will Be Moved.
It is likely that the mast in the lagon at the west end will be moved. The reason is that it is difficult to make the shot of the "shot line," used in the exhibitions of the life saving crew, fall in the water at the north side of trefoil. It is the intention to place the mast in the central line of the lagoon east and west, and perhaps 100 feet to the east of where it now stands. The boats would then leave the shore a little to the side of the Government building, and the shot line would be thrown from that point.
They Hold an Enthusiastic Meeting in the Auditorium.
The public reception given by the representatives of the Houston Business league and of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Immigration association at the South Texas exhibit in the Agricultural building yesterday afternoon was followed in the evening by a public meeting in the Auditorium.
Charles Peterson, president of the immigration association, conducted the meeting. Among those present were M. G. Ranney of Yokum, secretary of the immigration association, and Tom Richardson, secretary of the Houston Business league. A seat of honor was given on the platform to ex-Governor Alvin Saunders, who was the first to seek to interest the people of Texas in the exposition.
A short address was delivered by C. I. Swan of Normanna, who described the wonderful resources and agricultural advantages of Texas. He was followed by Mr. Richardson, who said that every man in the delegation was writing letters back to his home paper praising the exposition and advising the people to come. Thousands would come from Texas in the fall, Mr. Richardson thought, for Texas, comprising one-sixth of the whole trans-Mississippi country, was as much interested as Nebraska, even, in the success of the exposition.
A short talk by Miss Florence Tucker, full of sentiment and closing with a recitation, was much applauded.
Governor Saunders repeated the good words which he has always had for the Lone Star state, commended the exhibits here, and predicted closer commercial and business relations between Texas and the middle western states.
A pleasing feature was the presentation of a gold medal to Miss Elsie Asmus of Norfolk, as a compliment from the association of which she was made an honorary member when on a trip south last winter. It was also in recognition of her work in promoting the exhibit, contributing, as she did, $20 toward it and raising $100 by subscription.
: OMAHA, JULY 17, 1898
Missouri and Minnesota Days.
For Missouri day, August 30, all of the railroads have made a rate of one fare for the round trip from all points in Missouri. The tickets will be good on trains arriving in Omaha August 30 and will be good to return on all regular trains up to and including September 5.
Minnesota day has been sent for July 20. The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha road will run one or more special trains, leaving Minneapolis Tuesday, July 19, at 7 o'clock in the evening, and leaving St. Paul one-half hour later. The train will arrive in Omaha at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning and return at 7:30 Thursday evening, thus giving passengers two full days at the exposition.
Ostriches by Incubator.
At the Ostrich Farm on West Midway they have three ostrich chicks, hatched a week or so ago in a Petaluma incubator. They are now nearly as large as 6-month-old turkeys. Manager Pierson feels proud over the increase to his large flock of birds. This is one of the attractions at the exposition that has interested a great many visitors. The latest addition now completes the exhibit, as they show birds of all ages, from a week old to 8 years old.
Exposition Notes.
Tuesday the second part of the Phinney band concret at the band stand will be a spectacular fantasia entitled "From Battlefield to Fireside."
Thursday evening the grand court concert will be given. The band will be stationed on the outside of the Liberal Arts building and the chorus at the boat landing at the east end of the lagoon. There will be a special rehearsal of the chorus at the Auditorium Monday night at 8, and a meeting of the superintendents of parts in the library of the Auditorium at 7:45.
Musical Director Kelly has decided to inaugurate a series of Friday night request band concerts.
Supreme Court Judge Lewis of Kentucky was the guest of Governor Holcomb and the exposition yesterday.
The exposition management was not satisfied with the results of the half-rate admission last Sunday and the experiment will not be repeated.
Governor Saunders of Nebraska, the only war governor now living, and Governor Leedy, son and daughter of Kansas, were visitors at the Montgomery Ward & Co.'s building yesterday. They stayed to the charming entertainment, which is given free every hour. These [?]
M. H. DeYoung of San Francisco Praises the Transmississippi Fair.
Commands the Enterprise of the People Who Have Made it Possible—His Idea of the War's Ultimate Result.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. De Young of San Francisco are spending a few days in Omaha to view the exposition. The former is known all over the country as the proprietor and editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, the projector of the California Midwinter fair and a member of the national republican committee. Mrs. De Young is a popular leader in the society of the Golden Gate.
The distinguished visitors spend Thursday afternoon and evening at the exposition, having arrived here in the morning from Washington. Mr. De Young attended a meeting of the exposition's executive committee, and gave the members some good advice from his exposition experience. He met with them again yesterday. Yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock the Bureau of Entertainment of the Woman's Department tendered a reception to Mrs. DeYoung in the Mines and Mining building.
As Mr. De Young went about the exposition grounds he was recognized by a great number of exhibitors and concessionaires who had been at the California fair and very warmly greeted. As he went down the Midway he rceived a great ovation and the foreigners made his walk almost a triumphal march. Many of whom he had disciplined at California came out and fell over themselves in their hurry to shake hands with him. During the morning a large number of the Republican leaguers and other prominent personages called on Mr. De Young at his hotel and he was compelled to hold an impromptu reception. Later he and Mrs. De Young called on Edward Rosewater at The Bee building.
Praise for the Exposition.
Mr. De Young is enthusiastic in his praise of the exposition. "The people of this city and state and all who have helped to make the exposition a success have a right to feel proud over what they have accomplished," he said. "It is a great show. The buildings are handsome, and at night when the beautiful illuminations are to be seen the effect is grand. Last evening we enjoyed riding around the lagoon in a dongola, and Mrs. De Young was especially pleased with this feature. It is finer than anything of of its kind even in Venice. The exhibits throughout are good. Of course there are not the international features that were to be seen at the World's fair or at the Midwinter fair. Coming right after the Chicago show we had an opportunity to secure many of the foreign exhibits that were imported for that while this exposition had to secure all its foreign exhibits on its own account. Now that you have the exposition the thing to do is to promote it, and I am sure that you will do that. It may take a little time to get the people started this way but when once you do they will keep coming in large numbers. Your own people of Omaha and the surrounding country, it seems to me, should spend their evenings there, and I believe they soon will even more than they do now."
Even Snakes Have Their Good Points—Palmistry.
"I cannot see what God intended those horrid creatures for." The speaker was a lady visitor in Hagenback's trained animal show on West Midway. She, with a party of friends, was looking at the animals and had stopped in front of a cage containing several huge pythons, boa constrictor and anacondas.
"God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform."
"Well, maybe you are right," said the lady, "but what good could such as those repulsive creatures be to anybody or anythihng?"
"Well, if it were not for them my business would suffer considerably, at any rate." The speaker was Mr. E. H. Sprague, proprietor of the American Rubber company, Eleventh and Farnam streets. "It is like this; while there are several species of plants from which rubber is extracted, the two principal ones grow only in the most unhealthy tropical swamps in the world, in out of the way places, where even the most savage of mankind seldom frequents. But what has this got to do with any benefit derived from serpents, you will ask. I will explain:
"As I said, there are but two plants from which the rubber of commerce is extracted to any extent, one the dwarf bush or palm rubber, whose leaves resemble those of worm-eaten rhubarb, scientifically knwon as philodendron, and the monstrous ficus elastica, a tree of rubber which at times attains a height of 100 feet. The first furnishes us with the poorer grade of rubber, used in the manufacture of boots, hose, etc. While that from the other goes into inner tubes, bicycles, mackintoshes, surgical instruments, etc. Many people fail to understand the great difference in the prices of mackintoshes, merely on account of their ignorance as to the different grades of rubber used in their manufacture, one having much more commercial value, the other in fact, the difference is greater than that between silver and gold. Now the ficus elastica is a species of fig and from it is given a small fruit which is much sought for by all of the reptiles. Whereever you meet with an anaconda you may depend upon it that in that immediate vicinity you will find the rubber plant.
"The natives train their dogs to bark at the sight of a snake, this in turn attracting their attention to the creature which they follow cautiously and at a considerable distance until the rubber is found. Upon its discovery the tree is tapped in much the same way that sap is extracted from the maple, only that it flows much more freely and is almost milk white. While this sap is running from the tapped tree the hunter searches for the bush rubber or philodendron, and upon finding it, removes the large bunches of hardened sap at the root which forms there in much the same way that pitch is formed on the trunk of the pine; this and the sap taken from the tree are dried separately and then made up in packages resembling hams and shipped to the markets of the world, where it sells at about $1 per pound. The high price asked for it is on account of the great danger incurred in the gathering, which is done entirely by the Indians. They also export all of the large snakes and other South American animals exhibited in the great Hagenback's menagerie."
Third Regiment of Nebraska Volunteers at Exposition Grounds.
Welcomed by the Multitudes that Assemble to Bid Them Godspeed.
Boys in Blue Viewed by Proud Relatives and Friends.
Event Proves to Be One of the Most Patriotic and Enjoyable Yet Witnessed Upon the Exposition Grounds.
Yesterday tThe peaceful avenues of the White City resounded with the tramp of marching battalions, the clank of saber and musket and the rattle of accoutrements. The usual exposition crowd was supplemented by 1,300 husky volunteers, whose blue uniforms were in striking contrast to the pure white of the buildings and by thousands of mothers and sisters and sweethearts who gathered to help Nebraska say farewell to its soldier boys. It was a magnificent ovation that many a blue-coated Nebraska boy will treasure in his memory when he is far away under the southern sky, and many a mother's heart swelled proudly as she realized that her boy was already a hero. It was the enthusiastic demonstration of the Fourth of July over again, except that the sentiment was brought nearer the hearts of the people by the prospect of the departure of the soldier boys and the cheers rang with a deeper feeling than the mere exuberance of patriotism.
The scenes that attended the exercises of the forenoon were inspiring and impressive beyond comparison, and never before has an Omaha crowd so thoroughly merged its personality in such a united and unrestrained burst of sentiment. From the moment that the regiment entered the grounds headed by Colonel Bryan and his staff until after the last ceremony had been fulfilled there was no abatement of the enthusiasm. And during the exercises in the Auditorium the patriotic spirit rose to climaxes that made some of the gray-haired veterans on the stage and in the audience remember the days of '61 and recognize the national spirit that had slumbered for thirty years.
Troops Come Marching In.
Just before 10 o'clock General Manager Clarkson, with the Pawnee City band, went to the north gate to formally receive the troops and admit them to the grounds. A large proportion of the crowd followed and when the regimental colors appeared twenty minutes later at the head of the long line of buskined and sun-browned soldiers they were greeted by a cheer that announced the arrival to every visitor on the grounds. The Pawnee City band wheeled into the front of the line, preceded by General Manager Clarkson and a platoon of police, and closely followed by Governor Holcomb, Adjutant General Barry, Colonel Bryan and the regimental staff on horseback. Then came the Third regiment band and behind them the buglers and the rank and file stretched out in columns of fours that extended from the gate clear down Twentieth street and half way through the Midway. The street was lined on each side with people all the way from the entrance to the Grand Plaza and the appearance of Colonel Bryan on his handsome black mount incited a volley of cheers that followed the advance in a continual din of patriotic acclamation. All the Midway attractions suspended business and their entire establishments lined up on the street and joined in the cheers that accompanied the parade.
The line of march was followed down the West Midway and over the north viaduct and thence to the Grand Plaza, where the troops fell into platoons. The movement was a trifle ragged, but it was executed remarkably well for volunteers, who had only been drilling for a few weeks and the cheers multiplied as the long column of fours contracted into the more compact company formation. The regiment marched on to the Nebraska building, when it countermarched and returned to the Plaza, and thence to the main court, where the lines were broken and arms were stacked preparatory to the [?]
Enter the Auditorium.
All this required some time and it was after 11 o'clock when the troops reached the Auditorium, wehre the exercises of the day were to be held. They filed into the building by companies and for five minutes the arches were resonant with the measured tramp of long blue lines that circled around the lobby and inundated the lower floor. The general public had been excluded from the building until after the soldiers were seated, but enough people had leaked in somehow to keep up a continuous cheering that reached its climax when Colonel Bryan appeared on the platform. It required another quarter of an hour to get the crowd seated, and then the big building was jammed from end to end and the standing room was packed clear to the roof. Then at the command "Attention," soldiers and people rose in their seats and saluted the regimental colors while the Third regiment band played the "Star Spangled Banner." As the last note was sounded, "Rest" was ordered and the Pawnee City band broke into "America." This was the signal for another volley of applause and then President Wattles called the crowd to order and introduced General Manager Clarkson, who welcomed the soldiers in behalf of the exposition. He declared that no one had entered the gates to whom their hospitality had been more cheerfully tendered than to themselves. He congratulated the volunteers on the manhood and patriotism they had shown in leaving their comfortable homes for the dangers and hardships of a soldier's life and declared that he should expect to hear nothing but good from the Third regiment. He paid an eloquent tribute to the soldiers' duty and declared that the fight in a holy cause was the greatest honor that manhood could attain. It was better to wear the little bronze button of the Grand Army of the Republic and be a pauper than to be a millionaire and feel that they had failed to answer when their country called.
The cheers that had greeted every sentiment were renewed at the conclusion of Major Clarkson's speech and the Third regimental band kept the enthusiasm alive by the inspiring strains of the "Battle Cry of Freedom."
Governor Leedy's Greeting.
Governor J. W. Leedy of Kansas spoke briefly and expressed his gratification that the Kansas regiments would be flanked by men who were their equals. He assured the volunteers that they were enlisting in a righteous cause. They were to carry the Declaration of Indpendence to a people who had been trodden under the heel of oppression during 400 years. He emphasized the fact that while European nations were compelled to inure their soldiers to bloodshed in order to make them brave, it is not necessary in this country. The American soldier does not have to be taught bravery. Teach him the manual of arms and he is already a soldier whom no danger can daunt.
A descriptive battle piece by the Pawnee City band brought the crowd to its feet again and the finale was accompanied by a tumult of cheers and waving campaign hats and handkerchiefs. The crowd wanted it over again and would take no denial. The band responded with "Dixie" and then the rafters shook again at the impulse of cheers from 5,000 throats.
At this juncture G. M. Hitchcock was introduced to present the regiment with a set of silk guidons, two for each of the three battalions. These were received by Colonel Bryan and Major Clarkson added the announcement that the women of the sanitary commission had delivered at Fort Omaha 150 dozen towels, which they expected the soldiers to use semi-occasionally. President Wattles also presented Colonel Bryan with a cake on behalf of the Bureau of Entertainment and Colonel Bryan suggested that if he had known that so many presentations were in prospect he would have brought along the quartermaster.
Thanks from Colonel Bryan.
Continuing he very feelingly expressed his thanks and those of his regiment for the magnificent demonstration with which they had been honored. He also took occasion to express his appreciation of the assistance rendered by Governor Holcomb, Adjutant Generla Barry and others in the organization and equipment of the regiment and alluded with some humor to the fact that after the physical examination to which the men had been subjected he could safely assert that there was not a man in the regiment who had ever had a relative who was sick.
He declared his belief that every soldier would do his duty in war as he had tried to do it in peace. He denied what he said had been suggested, that this was a political regiment. Many of his officers differed from him in politics and with a few
exceptions no one knew the politics of his comrade. He then briefly stated that they expected to start for Jacksonville Monday and said that as they went from the north to the far southland their band could play "Dixie" and the southern bands could play "Yankee Doodle" and then both could join in the "Star Spangled Banner" and fealty to the grandest flag that ever floated over a free people.
After another selection by the band Governor Holcomb delivered the formal farewell of the state to its volunteers. He spoke with marked feeling and with the eloquence that was inspired by the stirring scenes that had accompanied the previous program. He declared his faith in the loyalty and patriotism of every officer and man and that they would do their duty in every emergency. He assured them that after they had gone to the front they would be remembered in the hearts of the whole people and that their achievements would be the pride of the great commonwealth.
After the exercises the audience was requested to leave the building to the soldiers and the women of the bureau of entertainment, assisted by an adequate auxiliary of patriotic young women, began the somewhat gigantic task of satisfying the appetites of the 1,300 boys in blue. This was eventually accomplished, but the amount of home-cooked grub that disappeared before the onslaught of the regiment was something amazing.
insert the list of those who served them at the top of right hand column this page-
When every blue uniform had been filled to repletion the women stuffed the haversacks with the edibles that remained in order that the supper might also be provided for. Even then there was a full wagonload of provisions remaining, and these were immediately sent out to the fort as a basis for the Sunday dinner. Then the soldiers were turned loose to enjoy themselves after their own inclinations until the bugle call summoned them to return to the garrison. They were taken in hand by the relatives and friends who had been interested spectators of the proceedings, and spent the afternoon very enjoyably, seeing the exposition that they did not expect to see again. They had the freedom of the grounds and most of the Midway, and were everywhere treated as guests of honor. They wanted to stay during the evening, but regimental discipline interfered, and promptly at 4:30 o'clock the bugles called them into line. At 5 o'clock they marched back to their barracks, while the crowd cheered its final farewell.
Several Interesting Features Are on the Program.
The musical features for the coming week are exceptionally promising and include a number of novelties that have been planned by Superintendent Thomas J. Kelly. Although the gates do not open until 1 o'clock today there will be four concerts as usual and these are so arranged that the music will be practically continuous. The Pawnee City band will play in the Auditorium at 1:30 o'clock and again in front of the Government building at 6:30. Phinney's band will give a concert at the Government building at 3 o'clock and another at the band stand in the evening. The last concert by the Pawnee City band will be given at the band stand at 7:30 Monday evening, Phinney's band remaining during the week.
Monday evening there will be a rehearsal of the exposition chorus in the Auditorium, at which all members are urged to be present. There will also be a meeting of the superintendents of the various divisions in the library room a quarter of an hour before the rehearsal.
Tuesday evening the great descriptive piece, "From Battle Field to Fireside," will be the feature of the concert on the Plaza. This will occupy thirty minutes and will constitute the entire second half of the program. It represents two bands playing, one on each side of a river. A southern band plays "Dixie" and other southern melodies, while the northern band plays the music that inspired the Army of the Potomac. This is followed by the battle scene that is made more vivid by realistic cannonading, and then Old Glory is unfurled in a blaze of red fire and the bands unite in the "Star Spangled Banner."
Thursday evening the exposition chorus and Phinney's band will give the first of the series of grand concerts near the head of the lagoon.
Superintendent Kelly announces that hereafter every Friday evening concert will consist of a "request" program. Beginning today each official program will contain a blank coupon which entitles the holder to cast one vote for his favorite selection. The coupons must be sent to Superintendent Kelly early in the week and the programs will be selected from the compositions in the order of their popularity. This practice will be continued indefinitely.
Special Trains from Minnesota.
In order to accommodate the crowds from the Twin Cities and other Minnesota points which are expected to visit Omaha to assist in the dedication of the Minnesota building at the Transmississippi Exposition, one or more special trains will leave Minneapolis at 7 p. m. and St. Paul 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday, July 19, over the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway. The trains will arrive in Omaha at 8 a. m. on the 20th, and will return, leaving Omaha 7:30 p. m., July 21.
One Regiment Does a Doughty Deed of Extensive Gastronomy.
The wide passageway at the back of the Auditorium and the rooms at the back of the stage in the building presented an appearance of animation during the entire morning quite in keeping with the inspiring events taking place in the main portion of the building and is every part of the grounds.
The women of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs who had lovingly assumed the duty of looking after the material welfare of the brave soldier boys gathered at the Auditorium at an early hour to arrange for the lunch which was to be served the boys after the completion of the formalities in the Auditorium. Every woman came laden with baskets, boxes, parcels of every size and shape, all containing goodies of a character to tempt the appetite of an epicure. In addition to the provisions brought by these women, carriages by the score drove up to the big gates at the rear of the Auditorium and parcels of divers sizes and shapes were passed in to the guards on duty to receive them. Wagons commenced arriving at an early hour with big boxes and baskets representing the combined contributions of neighborhoods which had consolidated their forces. The American District Telegraph wagons brought three big loads of all kinds of things—fruit of every variety, flowers in profusion, sandwiches by the bushel, pickles, salad, cakes of every description and a few pies. These articles had been sent to the American District Telegraph office from all parts of the city in response to the request of the Bureau of Entertainment, and numerous contributions were received from South Omaha and Council Bluffs, a box containing fifty pounds of boneless ham was received from Clay Center, representing the contribution of the people of that town.
All of these materials were carefully carried into the large rooms at the back of the Auditorium, where they were received by the scores of women who had assembled to distribute them among the soldiers. The contents of the boxes and baskets were assorted and piled on the tables and the women were divided into squads and assigned companies of the regiment, each squad taking care to secure enough of the available material to supply the needs of their charges.
Plenty of Women to Help.
The women of the Bureau of Entertainment were on hand in force and their efforts were supplemented by a delegation of twenty women from the Women's Relief Corps of Omaha and South Omaha, under the direction of Mrs. Sarah A. Potter, and a strong committee from the Women's Sanitary Aid association headed by Mrs. George B. Eddy, Mrs. Clement Chase, president of the Bureau of Entertainment, and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall, a member of the bureau, were in general charge of the work. When the materials were all arranged there were mountains of sandwiches, huge piles of cake, and immense qualities of everything a hungry man could think of.
"Those men can never eat all of this food!" exclaimed Mrs. Chase, as she surveyed the groaning tables. "There is enough here to feed three regiments."
After the luncheon was over and the tables were stripped bare, Mrs. Chase admitted that she had greatly underestimated the capacity of a hungry soldier.
The work of the women started as soon as the soldiers arrived at the Auditorium. Hot and perspiring from their long and dusty march, the boys commenced looking around for water. A single hint was all that was necessary. From scores of unsuspected places pitchers were produced and soon dozens of women were scouring the neighborhood for water. The way those women carried water and poured it into the seemingly bottomless tin cups of the soldiers was an inspiring sight. Half a dozen of the boys were exhausted by the march through the sun and their wants were attended to as lovingly as though they had been wounded by Spanish bullets.
When the exercises in the Auditorium were concluded the spectators were asked to retire and the building was given to the soldiers. The boys were seated in alternate rows of settees, leaving room for the women to pass, and then the real work of the women commenced. Each man was provided with a new wooden plate on which was piled all the food [?]
Who They Served.
The names of the women and the companies they served, follow:
Third Regiment Band—Mrs. Charles Shiverick, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Baum, Mrs. John Wilbur, the Misses Adeline Nash, Edna Cowin, Anna Crary, Ethel Morse, Anna Shiverick and Miss Outcalt of Lincoln.
Pawnee City Band—Committee of the Women's Relief corps, Mrs. Sarah A. Potter, chairman; Mesdames George B. Eddy, John Jeffcoat, Allen Koch, W. R. Martin, Remington, Omar Whitney, George Rhodes, McCoy, Hough, Deacon, Hull, Askwith, Sheelar, Bugh, all of Omaha corps, and Mesdames Ogg, Eastman, Ingersol, Williams, Fenner and Towl of South Omaha.
Company A—Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, assisted by Mesdames C. D. Sinclair, J. N. Cornish and J. H. Hertsche and the Misses Anna V. Metcalf and Lucy Sinclair.
Company B—Mrs. George E. Barker, Mrs. C. E. Squires, Mrs. A. H. Noyes, the Misses Amy Barker, Mary Barker, Louise Squires.
Company C—Mesdames H. T. Clarke, W. F. Allen, Frank Colpetzer, Harry Wilkins, the Misses Gertrude Clarke, Grace Allen, Mabel Taylor, Freda Ranger, Louise Tukey.
Company D—Mrs. J. E. Summers, jr., Mrs. George Hoagland, the Misses Cora Carney, Belle Beatty, Laura Beatty, Helen Hoagland, May Meighen, Bessie Yates, Caroline Johnson.
Company E—Sanitary Aid society, Mrs. George B. Eddy, vice president; Mesdames Fred Nichols, R. C. Moore, E. V. Lewis, the Misses Flora Holt, Bessie Levitt, Moore, Helene Wyman, Flora Lewis, Jessie Brown.
Company F—Mesdames Paul Charlton, Richard Carrier, George W. Mercer, Charles W. Rainey, the Misses Nellie and Sarah Baum.
Company G—Mesdames Andrew Rosewater, T. J. Mahoney, Henry S. Jaynes, the Misses Herberta Jaynes, Edith Smith, Martha Stone, Tot Moores and Lillie Bergh of New York City.
Company H—Committee of Women's Relief corps.
Company I—Mesdames George A. Joslyn, Charles Offutt, E. A. Nash, A. J. Love, M. A. Hall, Charles Ogden, Miss Laura Barber.
Company K—Mesdames W. A. Redick, Thomas Kilpatrick, T. M. Orr, W. N. Babcock, E. S. Dundy, D. H. Wheeler, jr., E. H. Sprague, Alvin Saunders and Miss Dundy.
Company L—Mesdames T. J. Mackay, E. L. Lomax, John Grossman, Robert Purvis, Miss Purvis, Miss Olla Cook.
Company M—Mesdames G. W. Wattles, J. R. Buchanan, Z. T. Lindsey, G. F. Bidwell, the Misses Lindsey, Evans, Emma Creighton, Andreesen, Miss Moore of Council Bluffs, Miss Nellie Law of Henry, Ill.
Busy Day for Surgeons.
Yesterday was the busiest day that the ambulance has had since the exposition opened. It answered twelve calls besides the numerous cases in which patients were brought to the emergency hospital without the assistance of the vehicle. Eight of the members of the Third regiment were brought in during the day to be treated for exhaustion from the effects of the heat and their big dinner, and an exceptionally large number of women were treated for faintness caused by the crowds and heat. Mrs. Schrider of Omaha was struck by a falling window in one of the toilet rooms and brought to the hospital in an unconscious condition. She was able to go home before night with no worse results than a severe bruise on one side of her head.
Minnesota Day Program.
The program for Minnesota day, which occurs next Wednesday, will include exercises at the Minnesota building at 10:30 o'clock and a display of fireworks in the evening. The program for the morning exercises follows:
Raising of "Old Glory" and State Pennant "Hail Columbia" | By Band during Flag Raising |
Address | Lieutenant Governor John L. Gibbs, President of the State commission. |
Address—Dedicating the State building to the Exposition | His Excellency, Governor D. M. Clough |
Response—Accepting Building | Gurdon W. Wattles, President Transmississippi Exposition. |
"America"—Band audience to join | Ode to Minnesota—Short poem by Mr. Harwood. |
Address of Day | Hon. W. H. Eustis |
Music | Band |
Reception in Building | |
Bryan Takes the Cake.
The cake presented to Colonel Bryan by the women of the Bureau of Entertainment was a monster affair of the layer variety and on the top, in frosting, appeared an American flag covering the entire top of the cake. The colonel preserved the delicacy very carefully, saying it should serve for dessert at the midday meal of the officers' mess today.
When the exposition directory voted to keep the exposition gates open Sunday afternoons the only valid reason given for this step was that it would afford the sole opportunity for wage workers to enjoy the benefits of the educational features of the exposition. It was rightly argued by the supporters of Sunday opening that wage workers could not well afford to lay off and lose a day's or half day's wages in addition to the admission charge. It was also truthfully urged that the average wage worker is tired at the close of his work day and naturally must seek his recreation on the only day of the week on which he is at leisure. If this recreation can be coupled with instructive entertainment, such as music, paintings, statuary and inspection of artistic architecture, charming landscapes, electrical illuminations, panoramas, cycloramas and other unobjectionable amusement features, the Sunday afternoon holiday can be spent profitably for both the workingmen and the community.
The one obstacle to the popular participation is the 50-cent toll exacted at the gate. Everybody knows the great majority of Sunday attendants come in family groups, and it is out of the question for the masses to spare more than from $1 to $2 a week for recreation and amusement. When it costs $1 for a laboring man to take his wife into the grounds, besides 20 cents car fare, he will hesitate to go, and if he has other members of his family to provide for he cannot go more than once or twice during the whole exposition season. The refusal of the directory to reduce the Sunday admission to 25 cents virtually gives the lie to all the professions in favor of opening Sunday afternoons in order to extend the educational benefits of the exposition to the masses.
The question is: Shall the policy of the exposition be to make it exclusive for the rich, who have money and leisure, or shall it be for all the people, at least on the only day of the week on which the great majority of our population have time to attend? If the exposition is to pursue the exclusive policy then there is no excuse whatever for opening the gates on Sunday. The well-to-do can attend whenever they please.
It is idle to put up straw men in the exposition field. The pretense that exhibitors who have paid for space will regard reduced Sunday admissions as an infringement of their rights is a mere scarecrow too preposterous to be considered for a moment. The bulk of the space is covered by state exhibits and the state commissions will have no cause to complain if the workingmen and working women of Omaha are given a 25-cent rate once a week. At Nashville the rate was 25 cents every night and commutation tickets sold at 10 cents.
Another potential incentive to reduced Sunday admissions should be the desire to divert the wage workers from the numberless questionable resorts into which they are being decoyed on Sundays. No more moral or healthful place of recreation than the exposition exists in this section and the better element of the community should encourage the masses to avail themselves of it.
The assertion that cheap Sunday rates have had fair trial and proved a failure is absolutely untrue. The only experiment in that direction was Sunday, July 10, But that was not a fair test, since it was not decided on until two days previous, but even with that short notice more than twice the number of paid admissions of the preceding Sunday were registered. It is certainly more gratifying and impressive to have 10,000 people on the grounds than 5,000.
In this, as in many other matters, the exposition directors should take the broad gauge view.
Visitors at the Exposition Leisurely Inspect All the Varied Attractions.
Investigation More Than Mere Sightseeing the Apparent Object Now.
Additional Exhibits in the Agricultural and Government Buildings.
Northerners Will Dedicate a State Building and Otherwise Enjoy Themselves at the Big Show on Wednesday.
Since Omaha people were largely represented at the exposition during the two preceding days, there were comparatively few of them on the grounds this morning. But the influx of out-of-town visitors has already begun, and following the arrival of the morning trains they became in evidence at the turnstiles. People who come to the exposition to stay for several days or a week are gradually taking the place of those that have come merely to spend a day on the grounds and then go home with only a superficial idea of their attractions. The exposition appears to have settled down to its permanent basis, and it is no longer a question of coming in for a day to see if the show is really worth seeing, but of coming to spend all the time that is necessary to fully enjoy the spectacle that is conceded to be one of the most magnificent that has ever been constructed on this hemisphere. This is plainly apparent to a close observer in the marked change in the demeanor of the visitors. During the early part of the exposition everyone seemed to be in a hurry. The crowds surged through the buildings and swept along the avenues as though were compelled to see the whole show in the shortest possible time. More recently this has been entirely changed. Now the people take time to thoroughly investigate the various features. They linger in the buildings with their catalogues and study the show with the interest of people who propose to see all there is if it takes all summer. Very frequently one member of the group has been to the exposition before and has now returned with his family or a party of friends whose curiosity has been aroused by his enthusiastic descriptions of the wonders of which he enjoyed but a passing view. The exhibitors and attaches who have participated in previous expositions say that this change in the character of the crowd marks the time when the real value of the exposition begins, and that it is becoming apparent in Omaha fully a month earlier than has been the case at previous expositions. From that they conclude that the period of the big attendance will begin sooner than has been expected and that the people will begin to come in earnest very early in August.
Adding to Attractions.
Although the show has been complete for some time, there is always something new to interest even those who think they have seen everything there is to be seen. This is especially true in the Horticultural and Agricultural departments, where each new product of the season is being added as it matures, and even in the other exhibits new attractions frequently appear. The navy display in the Government building has just been increased by a number of interesting features. One is an accurate reproduction of an officer's stateroom on a war ship and this is regarded with a good deal of interest as illustrative of the manner in which Uncle Sam's officers are quartered. The stateroom is complete in every detail, even to the toilet accessories, so arranged that they will not be affected by the rolling of the ship and although the room is limited in size, its furnishings are comfortable and even luxurious.
Another new feature is a section of the side of a ship which shows the construction of the porthole and another is one of the Franklin life buoys, a comparatively recent invention of the greatest value. A small rod is attached to [?]side of the buoy, the base of which contains a chemical solution that ignites at contact with the water. The minute the buoy is thrown overboard the chemical bursts into a continuous flame, and the struggling victim is able to locate it at once, no matter how the sea may be rolling. The rods are held under the water by their own weight and the other end, which is kept well above the surface, gives out a cloud of smoke in the day time, which becomes luminous at night.
Aside from the celebration of Minnesota day Wednesday, which promises to be an occasion of considerable note, the exposition program for the week is barren of daylight features. It is well known that the middle of July is unavoidably a dull season and the management has refrained from attempting to pull off any big features at this time. There will be special musical features on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and these will be of sufficient interest to merit a heavy local patronage. Meantime the same high class of music will be rendered at the regular afternoon and evening concerts and there will be ample inducement for the people to come out, even though no sensational attractions are scheduled.
Exhibits in the Horticultural Building Surprise Even the Natives.
Douglas county is putting itself in a position to cause considerable comment and the comment is favorable, too. The talk is due to the fact that in the Horticultural building on the Bluff tract it is making an exhibit that is the admiration of the thousands who daily pass through the building.
There was a time when it was supposed that nothing aside from the most hardy varieties of fruit could be raised in this county, but the exposition shows that almost everything that grows in the banana belt can be raised here. The latest fruit to be placed upon the table is a collection of apricots. There are ten varieties of the fruit, all raised by Theodore Williams on his fruit farm a short distance northwest from the city. Mr. Williams is one of the leading fruiters in the eastern portion of the state, and is constantly trying new varieties of fruit. A few years ago he planted some apricot trees and waited for them to grow, little thinking that they would ever produce fruit. Last year he raised a limited supply, but this year he has apricots in abundance. They are fully as large as those grown in California, of a rich color and possessing a flavor that is far superior to that of the southern and western fruit.
Assistant Superintendent Nownes, who is in charge of the Nebraska fruit exhibit, says that scarcely a day passes that men do not come to him and remark concerning the excellent appearance and quality of the Nebraska fruit. These praises that are sung are more frequent since the new fruit appeared, and especially since apples, plums and peaches made their appearance.
Speaking of peaches, if you want to see some that are intended to make the mouth water, all that is necessary is to visit the exhibit made by J. M. Russell of Wymore. He has a farm of several hundred acres just outside the city limits and annually he raises thousands of bushels of apples. Not until a few years ago did he turn his attention to peaches. Last year he raised several hundred crates and this year his shipments will be double. At this time he has six varieties on exhibit. All of the fruit is finely colored and has as fine a flavor as could be wished for.
Fruit raisers of Nebraska are preparing to have a Peach day during the exposition. Just when it will be held is not certain, but it is pretty certain that it will be between the first and middle of August. The plan is being worked up by Assistant Superintendent Nownes, who says that all the growers look upon it with much favor. He has written a number of letters to the fruit growers of the state and from nearly every one he has received a favorable response, they saying that if he will designate the time they will send all the peaches necessary to make the occasion a feature of the exposition.
The first lot of ripe plums came in last week, having been sent by J. F. Ryan of Sarpy county. They are known as Goose plums and, while small, are of a fine flavor. They are small, however, and are prolific bearers. Later in the season Mr. Ryan promises to keep the Nebraska table supplied with plums. He has 1,000 trees and raises every known variety.
The first new apples from Nebraska came last week and are being admired daily. They came from W. A. Bell's farm in Sarpy county and are as fine as those that came from Illinois earlier in the week. They are of the Duchess variety and make an interesting display.
Before the end of the week there will not be a foot of vacant space in the Horticultural building. In fact there is none now, as that in the west end of the building for so long a time has been secured and will be occupied by Colorado as soon as the fruit, which has been shipped, can reach here. Colorado takes about 400 square feet and proposes to make a display that will discount that of California in the extreme east end of the building. The fruit will be principally that which is known as the green kind, though there will be a fine display of dried and canned fruits. It will include all of the rare varieties, raised only in the fertile valleys between the mountains. Peaches, however, will take the lead, the Colorado people believing that their state stands well up toward the head of the list in producing this fruit. It is said that thirty varieties of peaches will be shown and that the exhibit will be renewed almost daily in order that no stale fruit may be shown. The Colorado commissioners have made a favorable rate with the railroads and the express companies, thus enabling them to make frequent shipments at a trifling cost.
Course Pursued by the Management in Dealing with the Orders.
OMAHA, July 16.—To the Editor of The Bee: An article appeared in Thursday morning's issue of The Bee, under the title "Secret Societies Will Pull Out," alleging that all societies that had representatives at their headquarters within the Nebraska building had reimbursed the attendants for the money expended in securing admission either with cash or by providing them with commutation tickets, and that the Masons and Knights of Pythias were satisfied with these provisions and would remain, while the others will pull out.
The facts are none of the fraternal benevolent societies have ever been satisfied with these conditions. The various fraternal orders accepted the propositions made by the Nebraska commissioners, with no other thought but they would be permitted to enter their places of business without paying tribute to any person or corporation, and that by maintaining headquarters there they furnished a home for their membership. To this end they advertised through their lodge papers and periodicals urging their membership everywhere to attend this exposition. Tons of advertising matter were circulated through this medium and days were being arranged for by the orders, each order having a special day for itself that would bring thousands to attend the show. They only asked of the management the free admission of a sufficient number to maintain headquarters in a respectable manner, in no case asking more than four for any order. This request was flatly refused all those orders who now expect "to pull out."
The Knights of Pythias, being refused, closed its doors and remained closed until the management made concessions equal to or greater than is asked by any other fraternity. It is beyond a question of reasonable doubt the Masons have been equally well provided for or they, too, would have closed.
Is it the blindness of stupidity that leads these men in authority to believe they can discriminate and not be discovered? Were they well informed on this subject they would realize that the fraternities compose one family and to harm the least is to injure and insult all. There is scarcely a home in all this broad land but one or more of its members is a member of some fraternal organization and to deny all but two of this great family recognition is evidently an imprudent step.
For Committee of Fraternal and Benevolent Orders.
Tobacco Will Grow Here.
One thing has been pretty thoroughly demonstrated since the opening of the exposition and that is that tobacco can be raised in Nebraska, and especially in Douglas county.
Early last spring a big manufacturer who has an exhibit on the Bluff tract planted a patch of burley tobacco as an experiment, not supposing that it would mature. Since theen he has changed his mind and declares that the soil and the climate of this locality will produce the finest tobacco in the world. The tobacco came up out of the ground, but was given little attention. Notwithstanding this fact it continued to grow, and having such a healthy appearance, the man in charge of the exhibit concluded to give the plants some care. He commenced to water them and to cultivate. Later on he prepared to bug his crop, when to his surprise he discovered that there was not an insect or tobacco worm visible.
Everybody knows that the burley tobacco is a variety that requires even in the south the most care, and until now it has been supposed that it would not grow this far north. The plants now growing at the exposition are fully three feet in diameter and [?]
Mr. Patterson Wants Reunion and Lower Prices at Exposition.
OMAHA, July 16.—To the Editor of The Bee: An observation and a suggestion or two, if you please, I trust will be pertinent to the time and year.
We are all agreed on one thing, viz.: That the Transmississippi Exposition is a show. One that exceeds in magnificence, grandeur and beauty the hopes and expectations of the most sanguine. It is conceded by friends and foes that this exposition is second only to the World's fair. Strangers from far and near sound its praises, criticise and extol its merits.
But I digress. I started to suggest. It is this: Reunions—family reunions in Omaha, and invite all the family name of relatives to attend from far and near. The majority of relatives, of every family living in Omaha live in the eastern states. Now is the time to invite them out, to see the exposition and attend the reunion. Two motives for coming.
The Patterson family has called for a reunion to take place in September. A mother and seven sons will come together, all at once, only the second time in thirty-three years. An uncle in Pennsylvania, 70 years old, who has never been out of the county, or on a railroad train, has promised to come. What an observation he will have. What a sight it will be for him to see the kaleidoscopic attractions on the Midway and then to approach slowly and by degrees from the Bluff tract over the viaduct to an easy settee and take a view of the Grand Court at 9 p. m., under the electric light display. What will this uncle think? How will he feel? Who can describe him? Can he realize it?
Send the friends one or two of the Omaha papers, descriptive of the exposition, thereby creating an interest in both the exposition and our city. Then write them that it is proposed to have a family reunion. That they are expected. In fact, the reunion cannot be held without them. A great many of the well known members of the family are coming. This is the first and, perhaps, the only one that will ever be held. It is imperative that they attend. Without them the proposed gathering would be a dismal failure.
The reunion will be favored by a program, consisting of addresses, music and banquet. By this means many good old relatives, who have never ventured beyond the boundaries of their counties, back in the dear old eastern states, may be induced to come out and see the great west and its first and greatest show.
Another suggestion is: I verily believe if the admission fee to the exposition was permanently reduced to 25 cents it would show a wonderful change in financial results. The fact that so many, at the present price of admission, 50 cents, have gone, only goes to prove the great merits of the exposition. But just put her down to 25 cents and keep her there, and I will predict that the visitors will average three times the number who now attend.
I attended the International Exposition in Paris in 1889 for a month. It was a wonderful success from a financial point of view. The price of admission was as low as 35 centimes, or 7 cents—hundreds of thousands attended.
Let the price here be reduced. It is too high. I concede the show is worth 50 cents, but the majority of the people do not feel they can afford it more than once or twice. Reduce it. Reduce it for the children so they can go often during vacation and learn by seeing.
This exposition was gotten up for all the people. Not for a part of the people. Don't now, please, executive committee, since you have made a success in exploiting it, put up a barrier that will keep the people out, but reduce the admission and bring to the exposition, to its exhibitors, concessionaires and to yourselves the very thing that you worked so hard to procure—the people.
Without the people in this instance you are a failure. With them you are a success in all respects. The more of them, the greater, the better.
How the Exposition Takes Care of Emergency Cases on the Grounds.
One of the unavoidable difficulties that occur in connection with the assemblage of exposition crowds is the liability to sickness and minor accidents that results from the heat and the mobilization of immense numbers of people in a comparatively limited area. This is illustrated by the fact that over 30,000 such cases occurred during the World's fair and expositions of lesser magnitude have usually found that the provisions that had been made for emergency hospital work were inadequate during the period of maximum attendance. With this experience in mind the emergency hospital at the Transmississippi Exposition has been designed to meet any possible demand and its necessity and value have already been amply demonstrated. Aside from those who have experienced its comforts, comparatively few exposition visitors realize how thoroughly the care of emergency cases has been provided for and even these will be surprised to learn that nearly 500 patients have already been received and cared for by the hospital staff.
While the reception rooms and staff quarters are located in a dwelling which was confiscated in the location of the grounds an entirely new building was erected to contain the wards, operating room and other features of the modern hospital. This is connected with the main building and is fitted up with every facility for the relief of suffering and the treatment of all sorts of medical and surgical cases. The admirable system that obtains in this emergency work omits nothing that can add to the comfort of the patient. An individual who should be unfortunate enough to fall and break a limb somewhere on the grounds would be astounded to discover that he could be picked up, carried to the hospital and removed from the ambulance to a bed without an extra sensation of pain. The ambulance calls are turned in by telephone and it turns out with exactly the same celerity with which the fire company next door would answer an alarm of fire. It is always accompanied by one of the surgeons and the vehicle is so arranged that the sufferer can be loaded in with the least possible movement of his injured members. The rubber tires and improved springs preserve him from the slightest jar, while he is being taken to the hospital at a sharp trot and once at the door he is removed to the ward with equal comfort. As soon as the gong of the returning ambulance is heard a nurse trundles a patent stretcher mounted on pneumatic tires to the door. The stretcher on which the patient reclines slides noiselessly from the vehicle to this and is trundled along the corridor and into the ward so smoothly that the motion is not perceptible.
After the Patient Arrives.
Inside the hospital the arrangements are equally admirable. Every convenience that modern practice contemplates is at hand and special facilities are provided for the most common treatments. For instance, a large proportion of the cases are those of people who are overcome by the heat assisted by overexertion, and in addition to the usual supply of bandages, gauze, etc., the ambulance always carried a rubber bag filled with cracked ice, which is applied to the head of the patient immediaetly on its arrival. When he is received at the hospital a bed is ready, equipped with rubber sheets, and he is quickly stripped and wrapped in ice cold towels. The nurse presses a button and a cool breeze from an electric fan sweeps across the bed and in a very few minutes the temperature of the sufferer has been reduced to the normal point, and in most cases the recovery is practically complete.
Equally adequate facilities are ready for the treatment of more serious injuries and in the operating room there is a complete equipment of the latest patterns of apparatus and instruments. The wards now will accommodate ten patients at once, but additional accommodations can be provided whenever they are needed.
So far the emergency staff has treated 415 cases, sixty-three of which were ambulance cases. Most of them were prostrations from heat or fatigue or minor cases of sickness. The most serious case that has yet been received was that of James Mooney, the painter who was brought in with compound fractures of both legs. The fractures were quickly reduced and he was removed to St. Joseph's hospital the next day. The superiority of the embulance over the patrol wagon in which the city tortures its injured is indicated by the fact that during the long trip from the grounds to the hospital, in which a number of rough pavements were traveled, the patient did not experience the slightest pain in his broken bones. The surgical cases also include three broken noses, one broken finger, two fractured limbs and numerous scalp wounds and contusions. The biggest day's work was on July 4, when fifty-seven cases were treated, and the next in order was Saturday, which added twenty-nine cases to the record.
The hospital is under the general direction of Dr. E. W. Lee, medical director of the exposition, who is assisted by Chief Surgeon Stewart Campbell, Assistant Surgeon George L. Strader, Head Nurse Annette Nelson and Assistant Alice Donelson.
Rates for Sons of Veterans.
The Department of Transportation has received the announcement of the rates that have been made by the Western Passenger association for the national encampment of the Sons of Veterans, which occurs in Omaha September 12 to 16. The usual rate of one fare for the round trip has been granted in all territory within 150 miles of Omaha and from all points in association territory east of and including Utah the rate will be one fare and $2. The tickets will be good for the return trip to Septem[?]
"The sender is presumably Miss Julia Officer, as the letter bears the Council Bluffs, Iowa, post mark (Miss Officer was in Council Bluffs on that date) and the address is in her chirography.
"Now would it not be pertinent to ask when the same news item will be chronicled regarding Miss Officer? She has undoubtedly been the cause of the employment of quite a number of embryo-artists, and furthermore makes the commission question a leading topic of her conversation in engaging artists. In plain, who pay the highest commission gets the job. Is this right? What is the result? Only the poorer class of musicians is anxious to appear under such circumstances, and Omaha is having an influx of musical nonentities at her musical undertakings. Of course an occasional artist is employed to relieve the monotony, and departure from established methods allowed her.
Miss Officer has said that Mr. Lindsey and other exposition officials are aware of her business methods and acquiesce therein, and seems proud of the latitude."
Manager Lindsey, under whose department is the bureau of music, was asked by the World-Herald about the truth of the statements made by the Criticc, and replied that so far as the charges of incompetency were concerned it applied to a period of the exposition already past, and he did not believe there would be further complaint on the score, as changes had been made which he believed were for the better. With reference to the statements about Miss Officer, the "manager of artists" and her commissions, he said he understood that all business of this kind was conducted on that basis. He did not know but that it naturally tended toward the engagement of the soloists who pay the biggest commissions, all other things being equal; but he said that Miss Officer had secured a very good lot of soloists. He admitted that she had secured some who were considerably below the grade, but thought others had been as good as could be found.
With reference to the Thomas orchestra, Mr. Lindsey said that the employment of forty of the members gave the exposition the right to the name, and that Mr. Thomas himself had taken charge when sixty were engaged. He said he hoped to make arrangements for the engagement of the latter number in September.
Band Concert With Pyrotechnic Display Enthuses Crowds at Exposition.
Phinney's United States Band's Description of Camp Life Executed With Telling Effect.
Cleverest Musical Feature Yet Presented--Will Be Repeated by Director Kelly on Next Monday Evening.
On no former occasion since the opening of the exposition has a feature so thoroughly pleased the crowd or aroused such general enthusiasm as did the band concert with pyrotechnic effects on the Grand Plaza last evening. It pleased and stirred everybody up to a high pitch of enthusiasm.
The special feature consisted of the second part of the program, which was a descriptive camp and battle arrangement, bringing in numerous more or less familiar situations, and terminating with a grand display of aerial fireworks. The work of Phinney's band in depicting camp scenes, work on the picket line and the battlefield was exceedingly clever, and the playing of "The Vacant Chair" thereafter seemed to have a new meaning, while the dropping of the flag from the top of the bandstand arch and the playing of the "Star Spangled Banner" and "America," amid a blaze of flying rockets and the heavy detonations of the big bombs high in the air had a touch of thrilling realism about it that completely captivated the audience.
It was by all odds the cleverest musical feature that has as yet been witnessed on the grounds, and Superintendent Kelly of the bureau of music was heartily congratulated on the result attained, while Prof. Phinney won many new encomiums. It was, furthermore, the feature that saved the day from being one of the dullest yet experiened, as the day was practically a frost until the crowd that was called out by the special attraction began to arrive in the evening.
The affair was so much of a success that it will be repeated next Monday evening, at which time the further attraction of the exposition chorus will be added, and will participate in singing several of the familiar numbers. For this purpose the bandstand platform is to be extended forward so as to accommodate both band and chorus.
[?]emergency hospital with another patient yesterday morning. Trainer Lewis, who was badly injured a few weeks ago, was in the arena with four lion cubs about a third grown, and was giving them a lesson. It became necessary to punish one of them, and while thus engaged another sprang on Lewis' back. The trainer turned to defend himself and the first one attacked him also. Lewis beat them off and after cowing them left the arena and hurried to the hospital. He had a gash half an inch deep and eight inches long, extending from his back around the left side, and other gashes on his arm, on both thighs and a bite through the calf of the leg. He said that cubs born in captivity were worse to handle than those born in the jungle, as their apparent docility was deceptive and tended to throw a trainer off his guard.
The small attendance for the past three days has started the growling again about the lack of advertising and the lack of proper railroad rates. Concessionaires are naturally the first ones to kick, as they feel it first, but some of the exposition directors are inclined to agree with the Commercial club that there is something wrong, and have begun to examine the railroad and advertising question to determine just how much of a defect there is. They realize that the people are not coming in anywhere near such numbers as the merits of the exposition and the population of the surrounding territory warrants, and they have begun doing a little investigating on their own hook without waiting to see what the board of directors as a body will decided to do about the investigating resolution that comes up for action at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
The secret of the operation of the Flying Lady illusion was almost made clear to a good-sized audience last night, while the young lady who performs the illusion was moving airily and gracefully about, her slipper fell off, the curtain was quickly drawn, and in answer to the query of some one in the audience as to why the slipper remained up in space the lecturer declared that it was under the same powerful magnetic force that held the Flying Lady up there.
Mr. E. D. Allen has a large force of carpenters and decorators remodeling and redecorating the Mystic Maze building. Mr. Allen says that when the building is finished it will be the most attractive show building on the Midway.
Mr. and Mrs. William Russell, from Bordeaux, France, formerly of London, England, are visiting the exposition, and yesterday they expressed themselves as highly pleased with the enterprise; in fact, they are so much enthused over it that they have made arrangements to place their magnificent circular Venetian gondola on the Midway. From the photographs carried by the gentleman it would be impossible to describe the great invention. Its actual cost was more than $100,000, and he carries on it, the year through, an insurance amounting to $60,000.
There are thirty female birds at the Southern California Ostrich farm, and these birds are beginning to lay. The bird Queen Victoria deposited the first egg yesterday. She will lay now every other day for more than two months. An ostrich egg is equal to three dozen common-sized hen eggs and is valued at $25. Forty days are required to hatch an ostrich egg. The female bird sets from 9 a. m., when the male bird goes on the nest and sets until 9 a. m.
Lee Hay, president of the Mee Lee Wah Village company, celebrated his 35th anniversary yesterday, and all day there was a joyous time in the village. A sumtuous feast was spread and the 100 celestials made merry. At 2:30 a special religious ceremony was held in the theater in honor of the occasion. Mr. Hay is one of the richest and one of the most prominent men of his race in California. He has been in American three and a half years.
Governor Holcomb spent more than an hour in the Cyclorama, and all the time he was deeply interested in the famous painting, reproducing a famous battle. He stated that it was one of the most comprehensive pictures he had ever seen and that when he stood on the outside he had no idea that it contained such a work of art. He advised that every teacher, in order to more thoroughly explain to the pupil about the battle of the Monitor and Merrimac, should see the Cyclorama.
Fred Cummins' jinrikshas are the popular society fad, and they are in demand all the time. His stands Dewey, Schley, Hobson and Sampson. are popular resorts; hundreds go there for information.
A large force of carpenters have been at work rebuilding the Old Plantation theater, and by the close of this week it will be finished, out and out, though the first performance in the new theater will be given tomorrow night, and from all indications the building will be packed. The theater is being constructed an a much more expensive scale than the old one. Mr. McConnell was so pleased with the liberal patronage in June that he concluded to invest more money this time in the construction of the building and the stage and settings. The painting representing an old time cotton scene has been finished and all who have seen it declare that it is much more beautiful than the one which was burned.
Gopher State Dedicates Its Building to Uses of the Exposition.
Nebraska's Executive Extends Hospitality of the Antelope State.
Lieutenant Governor Gibbs Briefly Explains What Has Been Accomplished.
Another Headquarters for Rest and Comfort Added to the Group that Makes the Bluff Tract a Haven for the Weary.
Minnesota is the guest of honor on the grounds today and its pretty state building is the theater of the celebration. The North Star state is represented by a large and distinguished delegation of its officials and prominent citizens and having performed their first pleasant duty of dedicating their building to the exposition, they will spend a couple of days in an introduction to the myriad beauties of the Transmississippi show.
The Minnesota party arrived this morning in two special trains. They were met by President Wattles, General Manager Clarkson and other exposition officials and conducted to their headquarters at the Murray hotel. At 10:30 they were taken to the grounds to participate in the exercises which were held at the Minnesota state building.
The beautiful and unique log house on the Bluff tract, representing the work of the Minnesota commission, was the center of attraction and all roads led to the building. The crowd numbered several thousand people, many of whom were former residents of Minnesota, but now living in Nebraska and surrounding states.
Promptly at 11 o'clock the Minnesota delegation arrived on the grounds, headed by the Omaha Military band. The line of march was over the broad avenues, leading to the state building. Governor Clough walked with Governor Holcomb and the two executives were closely followed by the members of Governor Clough's staff, in uniform. Escorting the procession were President Wattles of the exposition, General Manager Clarkson and a number of the other officials of the association. Passing into the building, Governor Clough and his party held an informal reception, where the Minnesotians were introduced to the exposition officers and the prominent Nebraskans.
Nebraska's Extensive Hospitality.
J. Newton Nind, chairman of the building committee, presided and introduced Governor Holcomb, who said that the hospitality of Nebraska is growing and that at this time it reached from sea to sea. He extended to the people of Minnesota a warm welcome in helping it carry on an enterprise that he said has exceeded all expectations of the most sanguine. The governor referred in flattering terms to the people of Minnesota who contributed to the erection of the building, adding, "It shows that the people of the northwest are imbued with the work of advancement. This course has won the good will of the entire country and at the same time has convinced the world that Minnesota is active in advertising its resources." Governor Holcomb reviewed the history of the exposition, explaining that the work was accomplished during hard times, and when the United States has been involved in war.
"We live in a country where the skies are brighter; at a time when our boys have gone away and planted the flag where it has never before floated. I welcome you in the warmest words I am capable of expressing. I hope that you will remain with us and enjoy yourselves viewing the grand structures that have been erected in this great country of ours."
Hon. John L. Gibbs, president of the Minnesota commission and lieutenant governor of the state, was introduced and said: "Forty-four years ago congress pas[?]
making the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Then there were only a few hundred people living in the section; now there are millions. I represent Minnesota; and I feel proud in saying that it is the grandest state in the union. Its people are prosperous; this building has been erected for the purpose of showing what Minnesota has and can do." Speaking of the industries of the state he said there is iron enough in the state to lay rails on every railroad in the country and a cook stove for every woman in the United States. The butter and lumber, he said, are the best in the world. At a recent dairy show in Kansas Minnesota took 60 per cent of the premiums. The girls and boys, he said, are the brightest and best, as evidenced by those in attendance. The commission has worked under difficulties, but has accomplished much, erecting a building, which will sell for more than it cost. With this statement, the commission formerly turned the building over to Governor Clough.
Governor Clough's Address.
Governor Clough in accepting the building on behalf of the state, spoke briefly, saying: "We meet at this time at a period when our country is engaged in war; we meet on soil that 100 years ago today belonged to Spain and over which the flag floated." After this the governor reviewed the incidents leading up to the Louisiana purchased, contending that today it is the richest country in the world, containing more people than the entire Spanish nation. "Minnesota produces more iron ore than any foreign nation excepting one, and in 1900, it will lead every country in the world."
Reviewing the Spanish war, the governor said that the people of this country will not tolerate any dog in the manger policy. "Great fortunes have been made in these transmississippi states, but they are nothing comparison with the fortunes that can be made if men will work. There is no chance for the idler. This is true in Cuba, which we have just wrested from Spain." Going into the details of some of the naval battles recently fought, the governor said: "It is nerve, intelligence and the man behind the gun that wins. This country does well to advertise this exposition which was once in the possession of sleepy Spain. The school house is the agency that puts the men and women into business houses and places of trust.
"This exposition stands for the highest in national life; for fostering business life and as chief executive of the great state of Minnesota I have a pleasant duty to perform. It is to dedicate this building and turn it over to the president of the exposition. I want to congratulate the commissioners of Minnesota; the work has been well done; they have accomplished much and to the entire satisfaction of all."
In accepting the building President Wattles of the exposition said: "In accepting for the management this beautiful building, we appreciate the efforts of the governor and commission in erecting this typical home. In accepting it, I dedicate it to the exposition." President Wattles paid a tribute to the state of Minnesota, detailing something relative to its products, especially its wheat, lumber and iron.
At the close of President Wattle's address, the band played "America," the audience joining in singing the chorus.
The last speaker was Hon. W. H. Eustis of Minneapolis, republican candidate for governor of Minnesota. He said that while many expositions have been held in the United States, none have ever been tried in Spain. "We make our pilgrimage to an altar where every law is executed and none pay homage to prince or potentate." Speaking of progress, Mr. Eustis said, "It has reached a point where butter is made without the aid of a cow and honey is made without the assistance of the bee, unless it is here in Omaha, when The Bee is necessary. The Minnesota delegation came here to lay its tribute on the altar of knowledge and truth." The exercises were closed by the Masonic quartet of Minneapolis singing "We're Marching through Cuba." After this the audience repaired to the parlors of the building, where Governor Clough and his party held a public reception.
Private Enterprise Takes Up the Work Legislature Neglected.
Minnesota has builded and it has builded well. It has reared a structure on the exposition grounds that iswas unique, out of the ordinary, and at the same time a credit to the state. It occupiesd a location on the Bluff tract, just to the south of the Nebraska building and facing the park lying north of the pool. Unlike the other state buildings, the one erected by Minnesota iswas typical of life in the pine forests of the north, having been constructed entirely of pine logs shipped here from the woods to the north of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
The legislature of Minnesota made no appropriation for the erection of a state building at the Transmississippi and International Exposition, but the enterprising citizens of the state, seeing the necessity of being represented, calling the matter to the attention of the governor, who appointed W. D. Kirk, W. J. Footner, George R. Finch, Conde Hamlin, R. A. Kirk, Charles P. Noyes of St. Paul; E. J. Phelps, W. W. Heffelfinger, L. C. Prior, Fred R. Salisbury, J. Newton Nind, J. M. Anderson, E. L. Danforth, E. G. Potter, J. H. Seymour, C. W. Field of Minneapolis; C. H. Graves, J. L. Greatsinger, A. M. Marshall, George Spencer, Charles A. Duncan, W. J. Olcott of Duluth; George T. Barr of Mankato, A. T. Stebbins of Rochester, Hudson Wilson of Fairbault, John H. Rich of Red Wing, John L. Gibbs of Geneva, N. S. Gordon of Austin, O. H. Myran of Ada, E. G. Valentine of Breckenridge, Elmer E. Adams of Fergus Falls, George Purvis of Crookston, John I. Bernard of Pipestone, W. H. Garlock and F. E. Gartside of Winona and M. W. Leland of Wells as a commission to devise ways and means for raising money. At the first meeting the following officers were elected: John L. Gibbs, president; R. A. Kirk, vice president; W. D. Kirk, treasurer; E. L. Danforth, secretary. It was at once decided to erect a building and the work of securing subscriptions was taken up. It was found that the sum of $30,000 would be required and notes signed by the members of the commission and the prominent men of the state were given, with the implied understanding that the next legislature would reimburse the makers of the notes. These notes were taken by the banks and the question of finance was thus disposed of.
How to build and what to use in construction agitated the minds of the commissioners for a long time, but J. Newton Nind, a newspaper man of Minneapolis, who for a long time was city editor of the Pioneer Press of St. Paul, came to their relief and suggested that a log house, typical of life in the pineries, be constructed. This caught the members of the commission and his ideas were adopted. A canvass among the lumber dealers was made and willingly they donated the logs. This removed the greatest obstacle, and McLeod & Lamaraux, architects of Minneapolis, were employed to prepare plans. Soon thereafter their plans were presented and approved and the contract for construction was given to D. Cooper of Minneapolis. Thus having disposed of the construction question, another canvass was instituted and as a result manufacturers and dealers in Minnesota donated the stone, the furniture and all of the furnishing. Success being assured, the material was sent and the contractor followed, accompanied by his workmen. Work was somewhat slow in being started, but it was pushed with all possible speed by skilled mechanics and as a result Minnesota has a home of its own where its people can entertain its people and see that they are properly cared for while attending the exposition.
The Minnesota building proper iswas seventy feet long and sixty feet wide, two stories high. Running around the building there arewere two balconies, one at each story. They are twenty feet wide, with railings three feet high.
Everything used in connection with the construction of the building came from Minnesota. The logs arewere straight as arrows and arewere from twelve to fourteen inches in diameter, notched at the ends, so that they lie close together. The roof iswas of the hip style, with eaves and cornices six feet wide. Down stairs in the building there arewere three large rooms. The one that is entered first is a reception room, large and airy, with plenty of easy chairs here and there, while upon the floors arewere numerous soft and rich rugs. To the right iswas the parlor, a large room, filled with couches, easy chairs and the other necessaries that lend comfort and enjoyment.
The feature of the building, however, iswas the men's room on the north of the reception room. It iswas fitted and furnished to illustrate life in a logging camp and iswas in striking contrast with the companion rooms on the main floor. On the north wall there iswas a large fireplace constructed of Mankato stone, while above and around it hang guns, powder horns and all of the accessories used by hunters. A pretty effect iswas produced by the numerous flags that arewere draped in an artistic manner about the chimney of the fireplace. Upon the wall arewere skins, furs and hides of animals of Minnesota. There arewere a number of deer heads, moose, elk and antelope, with one buffalo. From these arewere suspended knives, guns and flasks. Instead of easy chairs, there arewere pine benches, while in a cupboard on the wall there arewere the dishes that the lumberman would naturally use in serving a bachelor meal.
The main staircase leadsled to the second floor from the reception room and at the first landing there isw a work of art that isw admired by all. It isw according to the style of a memorial window, the handiwork of Miss Graves of Minneapolis. The central isw an Indian, dressed in bright colors. He appearsed to be resting from the fatigues of the chase, and, as he standsood, he looksed out over the surrounding country, watching the encroachments of the white man. Smaller windows arew on either side, bearing a representation of the state seal and the coat of arms of the state. At this landing the stairs turned to the right and left and ascended to the main floor of the second story. On this floor arew the rooms of the officers in charge of the building, with a large sized reception room just at the head of the stairs. On this floor, as on the main floor, there arew an abundance of sofas, easy chairs and rugs, while around the veranda arewe some fifty porch chairs for the exclusive use of the visitors.
The interior of the building iswas handsomely decorated, the style and color of each room being different. Bright colors, however, prevailed, giving the whole a rich and home-like aspect.
Missouri Puts in Apples Grown This Year Instead of Last Year.
Fresh fruit has commenced to arrive from Missouri and the state exhibit in the Horticultural building begins to show the effect. In the exhibit from this state the cold storage fruit has been cast aside and the fine specimens direct from the orchards have found a place on the tables. The greatest difficulty the members of the Missouri commission have to labor with is the delay in getting their fruit onto the grounds. As yet they have been unable to locate the trouble, but it is certain that it lies between the men who have the contract for the hauling and those on the exposition gates. A shipment reaching the express office is not delivered until evening, and in many instances the delay causes the fruit to be spoiled so that it has to be thrown away. This condition of affairs became quite apparent a day or two ago, when a couple of crates of red raspberries came. They reached Omaha at 5:30 o'clock in the morning, but were not delivered at the Horticultural building until after 6 o'clock that afternoon. At that time the fruit was spoiled and had to be thrown away.
While Missouri is showing some fine apples at this time they are nothing to be compared with the big red fellows that will come in next month. Eearly in September Missouri will hold an apple festival. It is proposed to have an Apple day, when apples will be shipped in and given away. The date of the festival will be announced later and on that day it is expected that an excursion under the auspices of the Missouri fruit growers will be run into Omaha.
California has added an interesting display in the Horticultural building. During the past few days thousands of pounds of canned fish have been placed on display. The exhibit contains everything from the smallest brook trout to the mammoth salmon that makes the waters of the northern part of the state its home.
Lions Almost Eat Lewis.
Prof. Lewis of the Hagenback Animal show sustained some injuries yesterday that sent him to the hospital. He was in one of the dens with a litter of lion cubs when one of the beasts jumped at him. The professor struck at the animal and as he did so another of the cubs leaped upon his back and commenced to claw into his flesh. This was the signal for two more of the cubs to enter the fray. During the next ten minutes four young lions and their trainer rolled up and down over the sawdust, first one being on top and then the other. At length the professor succeeded in beating the lions off and upon emerging from the contest, he took an inventory of his wounds, to discover that he had a terribly lacerated wrist, a severe scalp wound and a cut half an inch deep and six inches long across the small of his back.
Woman's Board is Anxious.
There has been considerable talk in interested circles of friction between the Women's Board of Managers and the management in regard to matters connected with the congresses. It is officially stated in behalf of the women that there is no animus in the matter, but they wish to have a thorough understanding in the matter before proceeding further. A letter is being prepared and signed by all the members of the executive committee of the women's board in which the matter is fully discussed. This will be presented to the exposition management as soon as all the signatures are secured. The women state that there has been some misunderstanding in regard to a number of matters relating to the congresses and they want to know just how much support they will receive for the congresses that are scheduled for September and October.
Silver Badged Directors Declare War on the Gold Bedecked Magnates.
Exalted General Counsel C. S. Montgomery Makes a Motion That Jars on the Nerves.
Attempt to Throttle Investigation Stirs Up Bitter Feelings--Searchlight and X Ray Bound to Be Used Now.
Yesterday's meeting of the board of directors to consider the matter of an investigation of exposition affairs again developed the lack of a quorum, but in the informal discussion that ensued some matters were brought to light that promise interesting developments in the near future.
The outbreak was precipitated by an innocent motion to adjourn until today. C. S. Montgomery, who is the attorney for the executive committee, stated that he did not see that any of the meetings of the big board had accomplished anything at any time. The members had been called together frequently, but had done little but pass a resolution directing the issuance of passes to the press, and he said that did not amount to much. He was of the opinion that these meetings were of no importance, and suggested that no more were necessary unless it could be shown that there was something to be gained by it. He wanted the matter of the proposed investigation left to the executive committee.
This was just the opportunity that Director Wharton had apparently been waiting for, for he immediately proceeded to say several interesting things. He said first that the meetings of the board had been productive of good, and that as long as he was a director he intended to have something to say about the management of the exposition. He did not intend to be shelved by an executive committee that was inclined to do very largely as one attorney who assumed to run the whole show advised them. He was of the opinion that there were others in the directory whose experience and judgment and foresight was calculated to map out a plan of action for the exposition quite as wisely as Mr. Montgomery, and he did not take kindly to the latter's suggestion that the board of directors need not meet any more or that the executive committee should now become the whole thing under Mr. Montgomery's sole guidance, no matter how able the latter might be. He also thought that an investigation outside the committee might be very desirable.
Mr. Wharton then proceeded to apply a match to a bunch of very inflammable material. He said that another thing he wanted to speak about was quite in line with what had preceded. The idea had been industriously disseminated that the directors had nothing to do with the show and the concessionaires and exhibitors had been given to understand that only the "gold badge" fellows need to be considered as in authority or having any rights anywhere. He said he wore a silver badge the same as the other directors, and that although the "gold badge" fellows constituted a little clique that assumed to run things, just as long as he was entitled to a silver badge he proposed to have some voice in what was going on. The "gold badgers" had even gone so far as to have printed notices posted setting up themselves as a little aristocracy, and an "immediate employe" had taken pains to notify a number of concessionaires that the directors with silver badges were entitled to no consideration. The speaker said he resented this presumption on the part of "this Nashville importation," and he was of the opinion that men who resided here and were members of the directory were entitled to quite as much consideration as "an imported product that would pack his grip and get out of town within a few hours after the close of the exposition and never be heard of again."
This arrangements of Superintendent Wadley of the concessions department struck a tender spot with several of the directors, and they forthwith fell upon that imported individual with much unanimity and gusto. Directors Weller, Rector, Johnson and others had run up against the same experience as Mr. Wharton, and in addition thereto had heard some of the numerous peculiar stories that have been going the rounds.
President Wattles, who has charge of the concessions department in the absence of Manager Reed, rushed to Wadley's defense and both he and Mr. Montgomery protested against "laying this burden on him."
"You laid too big a burden on him when he was imported here to take this job," retorted Colonel Weller.
Mr. Wattles read from the printed rules that were posted up at the various concessions and tried to show that the paragraph calling attention to the powers and privileges of the "gold badge" crowd, which consists of the members of the executive committee, president, secretary, treasurer and counsel, did not mean to reflect against the silver badge officials.
Mr. Montgomery also hastened to the defense of Wadley and tried to work up some sympathy for him, but the silver badge men felt that an effort had been systematically begun to get them out of the road and narrow the exposition management down to a very close corporation, and they were more than ever in favor of a sweeping investigation of the reports, rumors and charges that had come to their notice.
In fact this sentiment has had a wonderful growth among the members of the directory during the last forty-eight hours. Talk of an investigation has taken the lead over all other topics in official circles on the grounds, and has been responsible for bringing out a number of new statements and point-blank charges regarding the manner in which affairs have been run.
The manifest anxiety to head off the inquiry into the inside workings of affairs, especially the concessions department, only served to intensify the feeling, and a number of directors who went into yesterday's meeting in doubt as to thir position on the question came out announcing that they would vote for a most rigid investigation.
Before the members decided that some steps were necessary to secure the presence of a quorum at the meetings of the board, and on motion of Mr. Hitchcock it was declared to be the sense of the meeting that directors who fail to attend two consecutive meetings without giving satisfactory excuse to the president therefor, shall have their passes taken up.
Adjournmnt was taken until 4 o'clock this afternoon, at which time it is expected that there will be considerably more than a quorum of directors present.
Major St. A. D. Balcombe looked over the crowd yesterday seeking for Minnesota visitors, and then drifted dejectedly into the general offices, remarking: "Time must be running away with me. I used to think I knew everybody in the state of Minnesota when I lived there in the '50s, but I can't find a soul among those visitors that I know. I was in the legislature several times, was president of the constitutional convention of the state, and was regent of the state university, but among all these official representatives of the state who are here today there don't seem to be one who went to Minnesota until after I left there in 1863. There is one man in the bunch whose father was in the legislature with me, but that seems to be as close as I can get to Minnesota today."
Signor Albino R. Nuncio of the City of Mexico, special Mexican commissioner appointed by President Diaz, arrived in the city yesterday morning, and will at once proceed with the installation of the Mexican exhibit. He also brought some information for Manager Lindsey and Superintendent Kelly regarding the Mexican band, suggesting new lines on which to work to secure an engagement of that famous musical organization, and the matter will be again taken up.
Monday's paid admisisons numbered 3,188, and on Tuesday 3,992.
The fireworks display last evening was especially arranged in honor of the Minnesota visitors, the principal feature being a fire portrait of Governor Clough. The display opened with an extensive red and green prismatic illumination of the entire surroundings, followed by the set piece, "Welcome, Minnesota." A grand flight of shells within shells preceded the aquatic fireworks, which included snakes, diving fish, porpoises, water mines, silver fountains and volcanoes. The other feature consisted of a grand flight of hundreds of magnesian shells, a comic device of a boy and girl riding a see-saw, the governor's portrait in colors, an aerial device representing a girl acrobat walking on a large ball and traveling 600 feet through the air, a flight of forty-five inch shells containing 10,000 stars each, a flock of swans on the lake, a monster fiery phoenix concluding with a most gorgeous effect produced by a grand bombardment of shells, rockets and colored lights, which the visitors pronounced the most beautiful thing of the kind they had ever witnessed.
The latest move in carrying out the systematic persecution to which the Streets of Cairo concession has been subjected since the beginning of their controversy with the Streets of All Nations was the arrest last evening of Manager O'Brien of the former concession. He was notified that he must keep his camels and donkeys inside a four foot line from the gate. Inasmuch as the rival concession has of late been monopolizing the entire East and West Midway for its parades, extending them from Twentieth street around to the Grand Plaza and even being furnished by the exposition with a platoon of guards for parade purposes, O'Brien did not comply with the order and was taken to guard headquarters, but was subsequently released on agreeing to abide by the mandate. Inquiry at the Streets of All Nations elicited the information that a similar order had been served there, but it was being as blissfully ignored as was the injunction of the district court. It was perhaps the irony of fate that just as the guard was taking O'Brien as a prisoner past the Streets of All Nations the camels from the latter place were taken out across the Midway on parade and came near running over them, but the guard paid no attention to it. When the matter was called to the attention of Commandan Llewellyn he said he could not explain it.
Notes of the Exposition.
The regular Wisconsin day will be September 13. It has been suggested by the Wisconsin people getting up the affair that Bach's orchestra be brought here for the occasion.
Friday, August 19, will be Colored People's day. At that time two conventions of colored people will be in session here, the congress of white and colored Americans, and the National Personal Liberty league.
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the ladies of the bureau of entertainment of the exposition gave a reception to Governor Clough of Minnesota, his staff and the ladies of the party. About half of the bureau of fifty was there to receive. It was purely an informal affair. A large number of the Minnesota visitors attended.
The Kansas state commission was in session yesterday at the Kansas State building. All members were present, President Glick, Vice President Frost, A. H. Greef, A. W. Smith and A. C. Lambe. Arrangements were made for the shipment of this season's fruit and grains to the exposition, and then the question of a big Kansas state day was taken up. This day will be September 1. An elaborate program will be given and the commissioners say that big excursions will be run from all parts of Kansas.
A new thing appeared in the Machinery and Electricity building yesterday. This was nothing more or less than actual thunder and lightning. It startled all those who entered the building. It is furnished by the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing company and the fellow who pulls the string and therefore plays the part of Jove is Charles W. Parkes, the manager of the exhibit. The current used is 250 volts, and by induction coils this is increased to 60,000 volts. The current from one pole goes into the copper letters giving the sign of the company, and the current from the other pole goes into the tin foil that forms the dark background of a case about five feet wide and eight feet high, in which the lightning appears vividly and the report, which can be heard all over the building, proceeds.
Officials and Private Citizens of State Do It Honor.
Unique and Attractive Building, Embodying Public Spiritt---Speeches at Dedication---Notes of the Exposition.
It could be observed quite early yesterday that visitors to the exposition grounds knew that it was Minnesota day, and it could be seen that many of them were visitors on this very account. They gave an unusual fullness to the street cars and on reaching the grounds made for the Minnesota state building.
The Gopher state has been rather late in getting its headquarters opened, but it was the opinion of all who were at the building yesterday that any delay had been amply compensated for by the pleasing oddity and the comfort-giving qualities of the building.
The structure is of Norway pine logs and resembles in appearance some old colonial inn. It was opened only this morning and the public had time before the dedicatory exercises began to give it the attention which it deserves.
Down stairs is a large central reception room flanked on one side by a parlor and on the other by a room called "The Hunter's Lodge." On the walls of this room are the mounted heads of moose, buffalo, deer and elk, and the skins of several different kinds of wild animals. A rude fireplace suggests the homely but solid comfort of the pioneer forest habitation. The floor is of punchon. All the up stair rooms are resting rooms, some small and some large, and they open out on to a balcony running the entire length of the building in front and protected by a rustic birch balustrade. The floors are covered with grass twine matting. On the stair landing is the finely painted picture of an Indian on glass by Miss Marion Graves of Minneapolis. In the lower reception room are portraits of Governors Sibley and Clough.
Much comment was made about the fast progress that has been achieved in getting the building ready. This has been very rapid in the last few days. The whole product is distinctly Minnesota in material, product and everything.
J. Newton Nind, chairman of the building committee of the commission, has been here for ten days superintending the placing of the furniture.
Shortly after 11 o'clock the Minnesota delegation, accompanied by the Nebraska escort, entered the grounds and marched to the Minnesota building, headed by the Omaha Military band. Governor Clough of Minnesota was arm-in-arm with Governor Holcomb of Nebraska. Immediately behind came President Wattles of the exposition and Mrs. Wattles, then the wives of several members of the executive committee, followed by the members of Governor Clough's staff and their ladies, while the rear was brought up by the body of the Minnesota delegation.
The whole building was thronged, the benches placed in front filled and many stood.
The exercises opened with "Hail, Columbia," by the band. Commissioner Nind then introduced Governor Holcomb, who delivered the address of welcome.
He was sure, he said, that the citizens of Minnesota were glad to participate in an enterprise that had so grown in magnitude beyond the most sanguine expectations. He commended the people of the Gopher state for raising a fund by subscription for the exposition after the legislature had determined that a regular state appropriation could not be made. It showed that the people of the state were filled with the ideas of progress, and the people of Nebraska could not but have hearty good will toward their Minnesota neighbors for the interest shown. Referring to the origin and progress of the exposition enterprise, the governor said that the people of the west might congratulate themselves that they lived in a country where so much could be accomplished in so short a time. He concluded with a few formal words of welcome.
Response was made by John L. Gibbs, lieutenant governor of Minnesota and president of the state commission. He confessed his great pleasure in being able to view the grand spectacle presented. It was the object not only to show what had been done, but also what could be done.
When Mr. Gibbs stated that he represented one of the grandest commonwealths in the union he was heartily cheered.
He described with much force the resources of Minnesota and he followed thus up by saying that the state could also produce the best boys and girls that could be found anywhere, some of whom had been brought down here so that they might be looked at. Speaking for the commissioners, he said they had worked under difficulties, but had done as well as they knew how and were not ashamed of the result. He then formally turned the building over to Governor Clough.
Commissioner Nind in a few very complimentary remarks introduced the governor of Minnesota.
Calling to mind that less than 100 years ago the territory of the great west was under a foreign flag, he declared that now any one of the commonwealths into which it had been divided surpassed in wealth and resources and the character of its citizenship Spain or any other of the European nations. Among these commonwealths Minnesota was among the foremost. It was, like the other states of the west, the opportunity and the field for brains and nerve. It had contributed in this exposition to an illustration of what nerve and brains and energy could do. The exposition stood for the highest in the national life. As chief executive of Minnesota it was his agreeable duty to formally dedicate the building and turn it over to the exposition management. He hoped that it would aid in showing the people more of the possibilities of the land and in placing good men behind the great industries of the country. He congratulated the Minnesota commission for the work that it had well done.
Speaking for the exposition President Wattles paid high tribute to the enterprise and energy of the governor and the commissioners of Minnesota. His address was full of statistics pertaining to the commerce and industry of the state and of commendation of the energy and splendid character of its citizenship. He congratulated the state for its representation at the exposition and extended an invitation to every citizen of the commonwealth to visit the great fair.
After "America" by the band, the closing address was delivered by W. H. Eustis, ex-mayor of Minneapolis and republican nominee for governor. Mr. Nind introduced him as "the next governor of Minnesota." The exposition, he said, was a collection of the latest and best honey of the human mind. Here the people came to hear the last whisperings of science. What the age wanted was to know. The dele- temporal purpose. It was CMFWlis gation from Minnesota was here for no temporal purpose. It was here to lay its tribute on the altar of truth, and the world had come to realize that when it wanted the latest secrets of nature it must turn to the west.
The program closed with a selection by the Masonic quartet of Minneapolis, comprising F. H. Forbes, E. S. Browning, W. S. Marshall and William Heath. The song was words regarding the campaign in Cuba adapted to the air "Marching Through Georgia."
Following the exercises Governor Clough and his staff held a reception in the building. Lemonade and other light refreshments were served.
Theodore Williams of Douglas County Has That Distinction.
The plum king of the United States is a title credited to a Nebraska man. Theodore Williams of Benson, Douglas county, is the most extensive propagator of the plum of any fruit growers known in the country. Mr. Williams has over 1,000 varieties of plums, the greater portion of which he has originated within the last twelve years by his own experiments in crossing varieties and with seedlings.
Superintendent Youngers of the state fruit department has on his tables eighteen varieties of plums, now ripe, all of which were supplied by Mr. Williams from his plum orchards at Benson. These are the Wild Goose, Abundance, Haltonkin No. 1, Satsuma, Cherry, Moremon, Kerr, Marianna, Robinson, Yellow Japan, Lombard, Seedling, Burbank, Milton, Pottawattamie and Chabot.
The Williams plum farm contains almost everything known to fruit growers in this latitude, in way of plums and hundreds of varieties not known to the general fruit world because they are wholely the production of Mr. Williams, and as he is not an exhibitor, nor a fruit tree peddler, or seller in any sense, they have remained quietly in the possession of their creator, the world none the wiser or happier because of the existence of these hundreds of varieties of delicious and beautiful plums.
Mr. Williams may keep a supply of fruit from his plum orchards on exhibition throughout the exposition, as he has all kinds, early and late big and little, sour and sweet. And in colors, there has never been any shade yet invented that he cannot imitate with some of his varieties.
In the absence of other evidence, any state in the union is challenged to produce a plum grower who can show more varieties of his own production and cultivation into successful bearing, than is now shown by Mr. Williams, in his orchards.
Mr. Williams is not exerting all his time and energy to plum cultivation. His list of the varieties of the apricot are astonishing. Superintendent Walker of the Douglas county fruit exhibit has thirty-five varieties of the Williams apricots on his tables, all nice smooth specimens. In sweet potato culture Mr. Williams again heads the list, being the largest grower of sweet potatoes for seed purposes of any in the country. A sample of his sweet potatoes can be seen in the Douglas county agricultural exhibit and larger, finer samples cannot be found even in the sweet potato country of the south.
Fire Works Tonight.
There will be fireworks at the exposition at 9:15 this evening on account of Minnesota day. Governor Clough's portrait will be presented in pyrotechnics.
Exposition Notes.
It has been arranged that Friday shall be Fisherman's day, in honor of the American Institute of Fisheries now in session here. Extra exhibits of fish, both government and state, have been provided.
The Kansas state commission is in session at the Kansas building.
October 8 has been set as Twin City day for Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Complaint is heard because the free ice water supply is not kept up by the exposition management. An explanation not given the public is that a misunderstanding with the cent-in-the-slot ice water concessionaire has been fixed up.
Governor Clough and Staff.
Governor Clough of Minnesota and his staff arrived yesterday morning and registered at the Murray. The party is composed of Governor David M. Clough, commander-in-chief; Mrs. David M. Clough, General H. Muehlberg, adjutant general; Miss Muehlberg, General J. M. Diment, quartermaster general; Mrs. J. M. Diment, aids de camp, Colonels C. F. Pusch, Lewis B. Krook, L. W. Campbell, A. F. McDonald, Roland H. Hartley, private secretary, Robert H. Seng, C. J. Monfort, Mrs. C. F. Pusch, Mrs. Lewis B. Krook, Miss Mamie Campbell, Mrs. A. F. McDonald, Mrs. R. H. Hartley, Mrs. Robert H. Seng, Lieutenant Colonel H. S. Saylor, assistant adjutant general, Mrs. H. S. Saylor; Lieutenant Colonel F. C. Barrows, assistant quartermaster general, Mrs. F. C. Barrows; Lieutenant Colonel E. H. Hobe, assistant judge adjutant general, Mrs. Hobe and Miss Roen; Lieutenant Colonel M. M. Gasser, assistant commissary general. Majors, I. W. Bouck, Mrs. I. W. Bouck; E. A. Campbell, Miss Campbell; S. S. McKinley, Mrs. McKinley and Mrs. McK; William S. Pye;Captain M. S. Converse, Milwaukee storekeeper, Mrs. M. S. Converse; Masonic quartete, Frank H. Forbes, E. P. Browning, W. B. Heath, W. S. Marshall; Samuel F. Fullerton, state game warden; Mrs. Fullerton; B. H. Timberlake, assistant insurance commissioner, Mrs. Timberlake; George H. Hallberg, chief clerk secretary of state; Miss E. M. Baker, executive stenographer; Mrs. Henry Howard, Mrs. Fannie Clough, Mrs. Eugene Clough; Fred R. Salisbury, and Mrs. Fred R. Salisbury; Miss Gertrude Satterlee, and Miss Liouisa Pye, and Jonas Brown; Mr. T. W. Teasdale; Mrs. E. P. Browning; Mr. Earl Barrows.
Commercial Club Declares Exposition Railroad Rates Must Be Reduced.
Duty of Executive Committee to Secure Same Rates as Given All Other Expositions.
State and Special Days Have Been a Farce--Exposition Not Accomplishing Objects for Which It Was Created.
President Baum of the Commercial club said yesterday: "The exposition is due to Omaha enterprise. It is not simply a great educational institution, but was intended to be a trade winner for Omaha and a builder up of the entire western country. We want the people of Nebraska and surrounding country to come to Omaha, get acquainted with and do business with us, and we want the people of the east to come out to the exposition, see the exhibits of western resources and the opportunities offered in the west, and to invest their money and come out west of the Mississippi river to live. But we cannot accomplish either of these objects with the present railroad rates, and unless we get rates which will bring the people to Omaha, such rates as have been given to all other expositions, our exposition will fail in the purpose for which the Omaha business men subscribed for stock and made the exposition."
After referring to the articles in Tuesday's and Wednesday's World-Herald, showing the difference in rates and extent of territory from which rates were given, to the Nashville exposition and the Trans-Mississippi exposition and the Trans-Mississippi exposition, President Baum said that nothing had yet been published in any local paper regarding one feature of the "state days." The "state days" here, he said, had been decided "frosts," and the reason they had been so was that the railroads had not made such rates as would attract the people of the different states. As reported by the exposition management and published in the papers, the paid attendance on Illinois day was less than 9,000; the paid attendance on Iowa day was also less than 9,000, and as for Kansas, Montana and Wisconsin days, the attendance on them was just about the same as on any ordinary day, and so small that it would probably be best not to give even approximate figures. On Nebraska day there had been what was called a big crowd, but still the paid admissions were considerably under 40,000, or not much more than on a [?]
From personal observation President Baum stated that a large proportion of the people who came from the states named on the days set apart for them were persons who not only rode on railroad passes, but who also were admitted free into the exposition, so that neither the railroads nor the exposition received any direct benefit from their coming. So far as Nebraska day was concerned, President Baum, who was one of the original workers to get the state fair located in Omaha and a member of the first Omaha Fair and Speed association directory, recalled the fact that the railroads had given much better rates to the state fair than they so far have to the exposition. Until better rates are secured from the railroads President Baum expressed the opinion that it would be a good idea to drop having state days, as with present rates they would continue to be farces.
The exposition at this time, President Baum continued, could not have any better advertising than that which would follow the giving not of exceptionally low rates, but simply of as low rates as have always been granted big expositions. The railroads, if they put them in force, would naturally hang up big posters in the depots, postoffices and other public places all along their lines, the newspapers would talk about the exposition and the rates, and it would not only advertise the exposition for the special state and other days, but for all the time. While the giving of such rates from Chicago and St. Louis might, as has been claimed, interfere with or eeffct the regular traffic from those cities, that was one of the incidents of the railroad business which the companies must stand, and which they always had stood on similar circumstances in the past, but the making of low rates from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas or points in other states would not interfere with their traffic from those points.
President Baum expressed the hope that the matter would be taken up and adjusted by the exposition management within a short time, for though the idea which has found lodgment in some quarters that the executive committee owns the exposition is not correct, the members had assumed the responsibility of conducting the exposition and should conduct it in a successful manner. When asked if the Commercial club and business men would take up the matter directly themselves, providing the exposition management did not act in the matter, or if the business men would simply continue their efforts to have the exposition management act in the matter. President Baum repeated that it was a matter which should be taken up and settled by the exposition management, but at the same time he intimated that if it was not, and the exposition present and prospective was not any more of a success in attracting attendance than it has been, it might become necessary for the business men of the city, in their interests and as stockholders of the exposition, to take the matter into their own hands.
THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1898.
Hour. | Deg. |
5 a. m. | 65 |
6 a. m. | 63 |
7 a. m. | 66 |
8 a. m. | 68 |
9 a. m. | 72 |
Hour. | Deg. |
10 a. m. | 76 |
11 a. m. | 78 |
12 m. | 80 |
1 p. m. | 81 |
2 p. m. | 82 |
3 p. m. | 83 |
For Nebraska—Local rains and thunder storms this afternoon and tonight; showers in east portion Friday; cooler in northwest portion tonight; high southerly winds.
Will Move the Mast.
It is practically decided that the difficulty in regard to the location of the mast in the mirror will be remedied by moving it nearer the center of the lagoon in preference to putting up a bulkhead against the colonnade. This will be quite a task, but it is thought that the life-saving exhibitions will be decidedly more interesting if the spar is placed so the shot can fall in the water. The change will probably delay the exhibitions for several days and by that time Captain Knowles expects the new boat will be ready for use.
Exposition Management Preparing Some Special Programs for Concerts.
Success of Tuesday Evening's Fantasie Encourages More of the Kind.
Day of Dedication Followed by One of General Inspection.
Dates for Celebrations by Cities, Societies and Conventions Announced by General Manager of the Exposition.
During the next two weeks a special effort will be made to bring patronage to the exposition by a series of interesting musical features which promise to add decidedly to the popularity of the evening concerts. The crowd that turned out Tuesday night to hear the fantasie, "From Battlefield to Fireside," was a grateful indication that the efforts of the management along this line are fully appreciated, and it is expected that the first grand court concert tonight will prove an even more popular attraction.
The yellow badges of the Minnesota excursionists are again in evidence on the grounds this morning. The visitors were largely occupied yesterday by the formal celebration and the various entertainments that followed it, but today they are free to spend their time in seeing the show. Most of them find the time altogether too limited to appreciate it fully and many declare themselves for another visit later in the season.
General Manager Clarkson has announced a number of additional special days during the next two months. August 19 will be devoted to the interests of the colored people and an appropriate celebration will be provided for. The Congress of White and Colored Americans and the National Personal Liberty league will meet in Omaha August 17 to 19, and these are expected to bring a large attendance of prominent colored people. Excursions will also be arranged from Kansas City and other southern points with a view to bringing together a large and representative gathering of the race.
Wisconsin day has been definitely fixed on Tuesday, September 13. Chairman John C. Koch of the Wisconsin commission assures Major Clarkson that interest in the event is becoming general throughout the state and that there is every indication that its people will turn out a big crowd if favorable railroad rates are provided.
In accordance with the wish of the Denver people, their day has been designated as October 20 and arrangements are already in progress to secure a low railroad rate. Denver promises to send down a large proportion of its population on that occasion, and as it will be one of the last big days of the exposition a special effort will be made to celebrate it in a manner that will fully satisfy the expectations of the Denverites.
Friday is designated as Fisheries day, but no formal celebration has been arranged. This is in accordance with the wish of most of the delegates to the American Fisheries society, who prefer to spend their day on the grounds in sightseeing without formalities. Superintendent Conway of the government fish exhibit has arranged to have a particularly interesting display in the aquarium for the occasion, and any further recognition of the visit will be confined to a general effort on the part of exposition officials to see that their guests have every facility for seeing the show.
Miniature Dry Dock Will Be Sent Here from Washington.
Lieutenant Commander E. M. Stedman, who is in charge of the exhibit of the Navy department in the Government building, will leave for Washington tonight to arrange for the transportation of a number of new and interesting features that will be added to the exhibit early in August. Of these the most important is a miniature dry dock, which will illustrate to exposition visitors the most modern construction of this essential feature of the navy organism. The model has just been finished at the Washington navy yard, where it has been in course of construction since last [?] an idea of what a dry dock is, and how it is manipulated, and it is an exact reproduction of the Simpson timber dry docks that will be built at the Portsmouth, Philadelphia and Mare Island navy yards to accommodate the urgent necessity for additional docking facilities that has been emphasized since the war broke out.
These docks will be 700 feet long on the coping head to the outer sill gate, and thirty-eight feet deep to the working floor. The general width will be seventy-one feet on the bottom and 162 feet 6 inches at the top, except at the entrance. which is seventy-five feet wide at the bottom and 120 feet wide at the top. The model which will be shown at the exposition is on a scale of one-quarter inch to the foot, or one-forty-eighth of the full size. It is consequently about fifteen feet long and four feet wide. It is a complete working model, and it will be accompanied by a model of the new battleship Illinois, which will be docked and undocked exactly as the actual battleship will be handled in one of the new docks when they are completed. A large basin will be constructed just outside of the entrance to the dock in which the model ship will be floated just as a ship would float in the ocean in front of a genuine dry dock. This will be filled by a connection with the city water system, and at certain hours every day the process of docking will be exhibited by an expert employe of the Navy department, who will explain the method of operation. When it is desired to dock the vessel the valves in the caisson will be opened to let the water flow in and fill the dock to the level of the basin. Then the caisson will swing outward while the ship is towed inside. When the ship is exactly over the keel blocks the caisson will be closed again, and the dock drained of water, leaving the ship high and dry on the blocks. In undocking the same process is reversed, and the process will be repeated every day during the remainder of the exposition.
The model of the Illinois will give the public its first accurate idea of the new type of battleships that are in process of construction. These consist of the Illinois, Alabama and Wisconsin, which are being built at Newport News, Cramps' shipyard in Philadelphia and the Union Iron Works in San Francisco respectively.
Few of the people who admire the various models of war ships that are displayed in the navy exhibit are aware that they are expensive ornaments. Each represents a different type of fishing ship, and it cost the government $6,000 apiece to construct them. The model of the Illinois cost the same amount, and it cost $2,000 additional to build the model of the dry dock, so that this single addition to the exhibit will cost the government $8,000, aside from the expense of transportation and installation.
In addition to this Lieutenant Stedman will secure a 4-inch rapid firing gun for his exhibit. This will be much larger than any piece of ordnance that has been shown on the grounds. It is thirteen feet long and is a type of the fighting apparatus that has wreaked such havoc with the Spanish ships. A Whitehead torpedo will be another new feature, and also a binnacle compass, which will be a curiosity to most of the exposition visitors.
Aquarium at the Government Building Growing in Importance.
The aquariums in the fish exhibit in the Government building are constantly acquiring new tenants and nearly every day there is an arrival of fish from some of the government stations to give variety to the show. Commissioner Conway has just received a large quantity of fish which includes both salt and fresh water varieties and these have been installed in the tanks. The salt water collection was shipped from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and includes an excellent collection of lobsters, sea anemones, blue crabs, king crabs, sea bass, skates, summer flounder and swell fish. The latter is a very curious specimen owing to its ability to inflate itself like a balloon.
A large shipment of fresh water fish has just arrived from Lake Michigan. This includes lake and brook trout, five months old, adult rainbow and brook trout, yellow perch, saugers and small mouthed black bass. A lot of trout from Colorado was also received this morning. These were brought in by Superintendent E. A. Dean of Colorado and include black spotted, rainbow, brook and Lochlevin trout.
Last night Commissioner Lew May shipped in a collection of native Nebraska varieties and four of the aquariums have been turned over to this feature of the exhibit. The varieties include buffalo, cats, bass, gars, pickerel, quill backs, white perch and eels, besides a collection of large snapping turtles. A shipment of 7,000 black spotted trout eggs from Leadville is on the road.
A tank of young grayling trout is now attracting a good deal of attention. It is extremely difficult to raise this variety, but in the present instance the fish are a month old and in exceptionally good condition. The most striking feature of the species is its remarkably slow growth. The graylings now on exhibition were hatched in the middle of June, but they are still so small that it requires close observation to distinguish them. They are scarcely an inch long and in the tank they resemble a lot of very young polywogs.
The surplus specimens that accumulate as new fish arrive are disposed of by dumping them into the lagoon, which already literally alive with small fish. Several thousand gold fish have been liberated in this way besides the odds and ends of the various other varieties.
Allege that Executive Committee is Not the Whole Thing.
The adjourned meeting of the board of directors yesterday afternoon brought out twenty-four members, or two less than a quorum. After waiting until after 6 o'clock for the remaining votes the board adjourned to 4 o'clock today, when an effort will be made to secure a quorum and pass on a number of matters that have been hanging fire all the week.
During the informal discussion with which the members whiled away the time various measures were suggested to induce directors to attend the meetings and a motion was finally adopted which expressed the sense of the members present that hereafter any member who was absent from two consecutive meetings without a sufficient excuse should be deprived of his pass.
In the course of the discussion C. S. Montgomery infused some activity into the proceedings by remarking that it did not matter particularly whether the board met at all or not as the management of the exposition was largely in the hands of the executive committee. This brought up John C. Wharton for the purpose of a vigorous speech, in which he declared that the directors had to bear the responsibility and they should have something to say about the manner in which the business should be conducted.
This led to a reference to the rule promulgated by the Department of Concessions by which all concessionists were directed to recognize the gold badges of members of the executive committee, but did not provide for the free admission of the directors who wore silver badges. Several members declared that an employe of the department had gone so far as to specifically instruct the concessionists to pay no attention to directors' badges and this they regarded as entirely unnecessary.
It is Expected to Prove an Attraction of Great Merit.
Tonight's musical program embraces an element of novelty that promises to bring out a large local crowd. This is the first of a series of grand court concerts in which the exposition chorus and Phinney's band will introduce a new effect in chorus work. The chorus will be stationed at the head of the lagoon, while the band will play in front of the Liberal Arts building. In the choruses the band will play the theme alone, and then remain silent while the chorus sings the same melody without accompaniment. It is believed that the effect will be exceptionally pleasing and an enjoyable innovation. Tonight the chorus will sing "Adeste Fideles," "Steal Away," the Sicilian hymn, and "Abide with Me," and the band will render a program that embraces such popular selections as the overture from "Semiramide," by Rossini, the Pilgrims' chorus from "Tannhauser" and the ballet music from "Faust."
Concert patrons who wish to register their wishes for the Friday night "request" concerts will hand their coupons to the program boys instead of sending them to Superintendent Kelly.
Negotiations are in progress for the engagement of the famous Mexican band, which proved a popular attraction at the World's fair, to follow Phinney's band at the exposition. The engagement of the present band terminates August 3 and it is proposed to play the Mexican organization for six weeks.
Minnesota Crowd is Pleased.
The members of the Minnesota party in the city had an enjoyable time last night. A portion of them visited the Midway, while another large party, escorted by Colonel Shaw of the Department of Promotion, visited the theater.
Speaking of the exposition W. J. McMurchy, assistant city editor of the St. Paul Globe, said: "It is the greatest show yet held. In many respects it is ahead of the World's Fair. It is better than the Nashville or the Atlanta expositions."
Governor Clough, after visiting the main buildings of the exposition and the Court of Honor, remarked: "The exposition is [?]coole[?] attended by hundreds of th[?] Minnesota will do its share to boom the attendance."
State Commission is Endeavoring to Secure Special Railroad Rates.
The Kansas state commission held a meeting yesterday and devoted several hours to working on the program that will be carried into effect on Kansas day, September 1. All of the members of the commission, ex-Governor Glick, John E. Frost, A. H. Greef, A. W. Smith and A. C. Lamb, were in attendance.
The morning session of the Kansas commission was cut short by reason of the members desiring to attend the dedication of the Minnesota building. At the afternoon session it was decided to make an effort to secure a reduced rate for Kansas day and all possible pressure will be brought to bear upon the railroads to bring in the people from the Sunflower state on special trains and at low rates.
A letter was read from Governor Leedy, in which he stated that he was in sympathy with the work of the commission and would do all in his power to assist in pushing Kansas to the front and advertising the exposition to the world.
The fruit that Kansas is showing in the Horticultural building is something that is the talk of the exposition, both on account of the variety and the quality. Regarding his exhibit the members of the commission say that they have made arrangements by which the display will not only be kept up to the present standard but that there will be improvements made almost daily.
Fireworks in the Evening.
The observance of Minnesota day closed with the display of fireworks in the evening. The grandstand was packed with people, while several hundred lined up along the fence on the outside of the enclosure. A reserved section of the grandstand was occupied by Governor Clough and the Minnesota party.
The display opened with a prismatic illumination of the entire surroundings. This, in turn, was followed by a set piece, entitled, "Welcome Minnesota." Then there was a flight of shells within shells, aquatic fireworks, including snakes, diving fish, porpoises, water mines and silver fountains, together with a flight of hundreds of magnesium shells. The next to attract attention was a boy and a girl riding a seesaw, after which came the set piece that was the feature of the display. It was a portrait of Governor Clough in colors. It burned brightly for five minutes, and was cheered and cheered. The next thing in order was an aerial device, representing a girl acrobat walking on a ball that revolved for 600 feet in midair. After this there was a flight of Due's shells, containing 10,000 stars, a flock of swans on the lake, a monster fiery phoenix, the display closing with a grand bombardment of shells, rockets and colored lights.
Last Night on the Midway.
The Midway did a good business last night, and all of the concessions played to packed houses. The crowd was orderly and put in its time enjoying itself. The only unpleasant feature of the evening was the arrest of Harry O'Brien, manager of the Streets of Cairo. Shortly after 9 o'clock one of the guards walked up to O'Brien's office in the streets and placed him under arrest. He was taken to the police station on the grounds and there informed that he had violated an order that was issued yesterday. The order provides that none of the concessionaires shall stand or allow any of their "spielers" to stand outside of a line four feet in front of the building.
This order had not been served upon O'Brien and consequently he allowed his camels to pass outside and make a short tour of the street in front of the building. When arrested, O'Brien stated that he knew nothing of the new order, but was following a custom that has been in vogue since the opening day of the exposition. At the station he gave bonds for his appearance in police court to answer the charge of violating the exposition rules.
Missouri Coming in Force.
Secretary Nelson, in charge of the Missouri exhibit in the Horticultural building, says that state which he represents proposes to come up in full force on Missouri day, which has been set for August 30. He estimates that 10,000 Missourians will be here. They will come on special trains and will bring along several bands of music. In addition to the regular exercises there will be a distribution of melons and peaches. It is the intention to make this a day that will make an epoch in the history of the exposition. Unless there is a change in the present plans 10,000 watermelons and 5,000 boxes of peaches will be given away.
Local Passenger Agents Discuss the Prospects for a Reduction.
Opinion Seems to Be that "When the Scalpers Are Removed" the Fare Will Be Made Reasonably Low.
There was a well attended meeting of the passenger representatives of all Omaha terminal lines at the Elkhorn headquarters on Wednesday evening. The subject under consideration was the recommendation of reduced exposition railroad rates to Chairman B. D. Caldwell of the Western Passenger association.
The meeting brought out very clearly that there is a disposition upon the part of the Omaha passenger men to secure lower rates for exposition attractions. Anent recent criticism there was some discussion of the prospect of securing better exposition rates from Chicago than the hold-up rate of $20.50, but no action was taken on the matter. After the adjournment of the meeting, however, several passenger men expressed the opinion that a one-fare rate from Chicago would be put into effect as soon as some effective manner for regulating the scalpers' business should be devised.
The reduced rates just recommended to Chairman Caldwell of the Western Passenger association, to be voted on by all lines belonging to the association, are for the following occasions: Flower day, August 2; Red Men's day, August 10 and 11; Bohemian day, August 28, and National Volunteer Firemen's convention, September 5-11. The rate recommended for Flower day is that known in passenger circles as a "red-letter day rate." It will be 1 cent a mile from all points within a radius of 150 miles of Omaha, the rate beyond this territory to be one regular fare for the round trip. The rates recommended for the other occasions are nearly as low.
The rate of 1 cent a mile proved very popular on Military day, last Saturday, and all the railrods brought in more people than they really expected to, as there were but two days in which to advertise the rate. Should the rates now recommended to the association prevail among the railroads, it is believed that great crowds may be expected on the dates mentioned.
The condition of the sewers near the Twenty-fourth street entrance demands attention. The trouble has not been precisely located, but the exhalation of the sewer is carried to the manholes near the entrance and there thrown out, to the discomfort of the public. Inspector Holt of the municipal sewer department was called out to investigate the matter yesterday and decided that the difficulty was somewhere inside the grounds. As the exposition authorities refused to admit him to make the necessary examination the nuisance still exists.
Investigation as Proposed by the Exposition Directory Cannot Accomplish Anything.
Mr. Wharton's Resolution Carries and President Wattles Offers to Name Members of Committee.
This Meets With Decided Opposition, However, and Directors Name Their Own Committeemen--Exposition Notes.
A quorum with votes to spare was present at yesterday's meeting of the board of exposition directors to consider the matter of an investigation.
Mr. Montgomery withdrew the amendment offered at a former meeting, wherein he sought to sidetrack Mr. Hitchcock's resolution for an investigation by a declaration of confidence in the executive committee.
Mr. Wharton offered the following substitute for the Hitchcock resolution:
Resolved, That a board of revision, audit and investigation is hereby created, consisting of five member of this board, exclusive of the executive officers and executive committee, who are hereby empowered and dircted to make a thorough examination of the books, papers and records of all departments of the exposition without interfering with their active operation, and that said board is hereby authorized to employ one or more expert accountants or clerks and stenographers, and that the officers and employes of the exposition shall, upon request, furnish all information called for by said board, and that said board shall make report from time to time of its findings and conclusions to the full board of directors.
Mr. Hitchcock opposed the substitute on the ground that it sought to combine two features that were entirely inharmonious and was not calculated to secure a full investigation. He said that the original resolution called for an investigation that would investigate, and that when it was concluded the facts would be known as they existsed. It would result in an immediate investigation and if the charges that had been made were true that fact would be speedily established, while if they were not true existing suspicions and consequent bad effects based on their circulation would be wiped out. The substitute provided for the combination of a temporary and a permanent feature, when the two were as separate and distinct in their functions as a grand jury and a board of county commissioners. It would result in the prolongation of an investigation, even if any were made, until the close of the exposition, and the public, which was already in possession of the charges and rumors, would not be reassured by such a procedure.
Mr. Wharton said he had confidence in the executive committee, but he did not have confidence in some of the men who had been employed by the committee to look after some of the important work of the exposition. He thought his substitute ought to be satisfactory, as he believed it covered the same ground as Mr. Hitchcock's and would accomplish the same result, while it did not reflect on the executive committee.
Mr. Hitchcock said the original did not refer to the executive committee or reflect on the members in any way. It simply provided for an investigation that would go to the bottom of things, while the substitute was in the nature of a dodge; that had nothing in it to compel an investigation, and did not refer, except in the opening line, to anything except the checking up of accounts. He said he was in favor of an auditing committee as a permanent feature, and thought one should have been appointed long ago, but it was also imperative that there be an investigating committee apart from the auditing committee to at once look into the facts concerning charges made affecting the integrity of persons connected with the exposition. He was satisfied that the matter was one that would not down until there was the fullest and most searching investigation and the stockholders were put in possession of the facts. The public would say that this dodge, if attempted, was for the purpose of covering up, and that parties who were involved were voting for it for that very reason.
The substitute was adopted by a vote of 21 to 9, all of the officers and members of the executive committee with the exception of Manager Lindsey and General Counsel Montgomery voting for it as against the original resolution, which called for a sweeping investigation.
The question of how to appoint the committee then came up, and President Wattles stated that he would appoint it unless there was objection.
Under the circumstances there was objection, and plenty of it, and a motion carried providing for appointment by the full board.
Nominations were called for, and eighteen names were suggested. None of them wanted it, and fully half of them positively declined to accept it. The excuse of the majority was that they could not devote the necessary time to it, but Mr. Hitchcock's objection to serving on the committee was that the resolution under which it would act was an abortion and the investigation was bound to be a farce. He said it would be next to impossible under such circumstances to get parties to give testimony before the committee.
The ballot resulted in the selection of the following members of the committee, who will elect their own chairman: Wharton, Price, Payne, Kilpatrick and Lyman.
A motion instructing the committee to get to work at once and continue in daily session until the business of investigation was completed was defeated.
Mr. Webster stated that he was dissatisfied with the manner in which information regarding the affairs of the exposition had been kept from the members of the board of directors, and moved that in order to reawaken the interest of the members and to insure the presence of a quorum, the minutes of the proceedings of the executive committee be hereafter read at the meetings of the big board. It was carried by a unanimous vote.
On motion of Mr. Kilpatrick, it was decided to reduce the admission price on the remaining two Sundays of this month to 25 cents, and for children to 15 cents.
On motion of the same director an invitation was extended to Rev. John McQuoid to preach in the Auditorium some Sunday at his convenience. The department of music was instructed to provide an organist and suitable choir.
Mr. Payne brought up the matter of railroad rates and stated that the exposition was suffering in this respect. Several other directors similarly expressed themselves, and Manager Babcock undertook to hold up the work of hid department by reading from schedules and rate sheets. In answer to direct questioning, however, he admitted that the rates given to this exposition would not compare with those secured for Nashville, and said he was unable to secure them.
Mr. Hitchcock offered the following resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That this board learns with regret that its department of transportation has not been able to secure as low general flat passenger rates on all days as this enterprise is entitled to, nor as low as were accorded Nashville, and that this board respectfully requests all railroads to take prompt action to give this exposition permanent flat round trip passenger rates to the exposition at less than one fare for the round trip and directs its department of transportation to procure an answer from the railroads, to be presented at the next meeting of this board for its action.
On motion of Mr. Montgomery a committee of five was appointed to assist Mr. Babcock in representing the sentiment of the board to the railroads.
The president appointed as such committee Messrs. Montgomery, Thompson, Noyes, Wilcox and Rosewater.
On motion of Mr. Wharton the admission price for Thursday evening, July 28, after 7 o'clock, was fixed at 25 cents, with children at 15 cents. That will be a Grand Court concert evening, and the change is being made as an experiment.
A motion by Mr. Kilpatrick providing for free seats at the concerts on the Grand Plaza met with general approval, but was referred to the attorney for consideration of legal features as applying to existing contracts.
An adjournment was taken until Friday of next week at 4 o'clock.
An interesting incident on the lagoon last evening was the appearance of the life saving crew, which manned the eight oars of the big lifeboat and rowed twice down the lagoon and back to their station.
Wednesday's paid admissions numbered 5,319 and those on yesterday 4,856.
The Masonic quartet of Minneapolis, that accompanied the Minnesotans, visited the Press building yesterday and rendered a number of selections, contributing greatly to the pleasure of the press workers and a number of other visitors to the building.
August 4 has been officially fixed as the opening day for the Indian congress. In addition to the red men who will be here as fixtures during the congress it is proposed to bring a large number of Omahas and Winnebagos to swell the opening day contingent to over 1,000 and make the affair very much of an event.
C. E. Miner, general western agent of the Mexican Central railroad, was conferring with the music department yesterday relative to the engagement of the Mexican band. It transpires that there are two of these organizations and they have been confounded. One is the Zapadores band, that plays at the palace, and the other is the Seventh Regiment band. There is much doubt as to whether the former could be secured, and Mr. Miner says that the latter is the one that the exposition really ought to have.
Will Be One of the Best Features of the Exposition.
Mrs. Hattie McCall Travis of Michigan has entered with great energy into the preparations for Flower day, and the indications are that it will be the most magnificent occasion that the city has ever witnessed. The handsomest carriages in the city, gorgeously trimmed in flowers, drawn by the finest steeds, gaily caparisoned in floral trimmed harness and driven by the most prominent society women and beautiful girls to be found in the city, it is thought, will form the most beautiful special attraction offered by the exposition management during the whole season.
The ladies have begun their preparations for the parade with much enthusiasm and are busily occupied arranging the decorations for their carriages. In the pageant will be tallyhos, broughams, drags, high-brakes, victorias, English dog carts, spiders and stanhopes, and indeed every imaginable kind of equipage. One of the elegant turnouts designed by Mrs. Travis was a Russian landau to be solidly banked in white chrysanthemums. The wheels will appear like those of a whitet chariot. There will be white horses, white robes, white livery, white everything. The ladies will wear white gowns, large white picture hats loaded with white plumes and white parasols wreathed with white ostrich feathers will complete this turnout.
United States Fish Commissioner Clark Praises the Exposition.
"I have taken in every great exposition since the Centennial," said F. N. Clark, at the Millard, "and I am frank to say your exposition is nearer a competitor of the Columbian exposition of any. The electric lights are better, the fish display is equal, the design and neatness of buildings is superior, and the Government building, to my notion, is better than at Chicago. And the best and most beautiful view I ever saw in my life is the lagoon, looking west at night. Why, it's a perfect dream. And what a shame it is," continued Mr. Clark, "people in the east do not know of it. I live near Detroit, and we know little or nothing of the exposition. It has not been advertised in Michigan at all. Why? I do not know. I had some knowledge of it because I had shipped 2,000 or 3,000 fish here, and contemplated coming myself, but the Michigan people know little about your really great exposition."
Mr. Clark is attending the fish convention, and has been in charge of the fishery at Northville, Mich., for thirty years.
Antiphonal Music on the Lagoon by the Band and Chorus.
The concert on the lagoon last night was a triumph for Director Kelly, both as to the make-up of the program and the excellency of the music. Phinney's band was stationed near the center of the lagoon and the exposition chorus at the eastern end. The former rendered a number of choice selections, among which were the "Pilgrim's Chorus" from Tannhauser, "Reminescences of Scotland" and "Ballet Music" from Faust. The chorus sang "Abide With Me," "Vesper Hymn," in which could be heard the tolling of the evening bell; "Aderte Fideles," antiphonally with the band, and that old darky hymn, "Steal Away." All were sung with good effect and were loudly applauded. This was one of the most enjoyable entertainments given at the exposition.
Addition to Smithsonian Exhibit
Secretary Cox of the government board of control has just received from Washington an interesting addition to the exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution in the Government building. This is a photograph copy finely done of the will of James Smithson, the generous Englishman to whom America is indebted for the famous institution. The government has recently secured this valuable memento and this is the first time that this copy has been exhibited.
Secretary Cox has gone to Washington on official business. In his absence John M. Biddle of the department of state will act in his stead.
Indian Agents Get Orders.
Formal orders have been sent to the Indian agents throughout the country to send on their delegations to the Indian congress at the earliest possible moment. Each delegation will be accompanied by an interpreter selected by the agent.
Board of Directors of Exposition Votes to Reduce Sunday Price.
Three Occasions During the Month Will Be Made More Popular.
Accounts and Affairs of the Association to Be More Closely Inspected.
Features So Far Provided Have Demonstrated the Popularity of the Plan and Encourage the Department to Persist.
The vigorous agitation in favor of a reduced admission on evenings and Sundays that will give the working people an opportunity to participate in the enjoyment of the exposition has finally brought results. On at least three occasions during the remainder of this month the people who cannot afford to pay 50 cents for a half day's visit to the grounds will be able to secure admission at a rate proportionate to their resources and with this concession is coupled a reduced rate for children that will permit them to bring their families.
By a very decisive vote yesterday the Board of Directors adopted a resolution to have the gates of the Transmississippi and International exposition open on the next two Sundays at reduced rates. On Sunday, July 24, and Sunday, July 31, the price of admission will be 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. On Thursday evening, July 28, the same prices will prevail. This long step in the direction of reduced rates was taken after the Hitchcock resolution for an investigation of the executive committee had been disposed of. For the Hitchcock resolution Director Wharton brought in a substitute, which provides for an auditing committee of five, to which committee will fall the duty of periodically inspecting the books, auditing the accounts and examining into all the acts of all the officers and employes of the Exposition association. This was not what Mr. Hitchcock wanted, and he very plainly said so, but the directors seemed to think the plan an excellent one, for they adopted it just after Mr. Hitchcock had made an impassioned demand for its rejection. The Hitchcock resolution, by the way, is dead.
The only feature of the day at the grounds was the presence of the delegates to the annual convention of the National Fisheries association, and, as this is not a large organization in point of numbers, their attendance made no perceptible addition to the crowd. General Manager Clarkson dropped into the Government building in the morning to pay his compliments to the visitors and extend the courtesies of the grounds and aside from this very informal ceremony they were allowed to follow their own inclinations.
Musical Features Successful.
While the remainder of July will not be marked by any special celebrations, the bog crowd that came out to hear the first grand court concert last night indicates that similar features will be sufficient to induce the local public to come out in increasing numbers. With the additional inducement of reduced admission the management is encouraged to believe that the evening crowds will offset the comparative quietude during the day that is to be anticipated during the next two weeks. The bulk of the local public has fully satisfied its curiosity in regard to the exhibits and until the influx of out-of-town people begins again the evening promises to be the main features of the show.
No information has been received as to the whereabouts of the additional life boat that Captain Knowles requires before the exhibitions of the service can begin. It is supposed to be on the road and is likely to arrive any day. In the meantime the change in the location of the mast will be made, and it is expected that the first exhibition will not be given until the latter part of next week.
The Mexican exhibit has arrived and is being installed in International hall. This is the last exhibit to be received. The work of installation began this morning and it will be completed about the first of the [?]
The date for the celebration of Indian day was decided yesterday afternoon. It will be August 4, and it is expected that all the Indians who are to participate in the Indian congress will be on the grounds by that time. The occasion will introduce one of the most novel and interesting features that any exposition has ever offered and the celebration will be somewhat elaborate. The details are yet to be determined, but will be announced in a few days.
Name an Auditing Committee and Provide Three Days of Low Admission.
After two unsuccessful attempts to secure a quorum the Board of Directors met again yesterday afternoon with the required number present and several to spare. It disposed of the question of the investigation of exposition affairs by the election of a committee of five with full power to audit all accounts and investigate any charges of any character that might be made against officials or employes; took a decided stand in favor of a reduced admission and decided to co-operate with the Department of Transportation in an effort to secure more liberal rates from the railroads.
The question of investigation occurred on the resolutions introduced by G. M. Hitchcock and C. S. Montgomery at a previous meeting. The Hitchcock resolution alleged that serious charges were being circulated against the management of the exposition and provided that a committee should be appointed to conduct an investigation. That introduced by Mr. Montgomery was a substitute which practically contemplated a vote of confidence in the management instead of the investigation demanded. The result was that both these were effectually disposed of by the directors against the opposition of Mr. Hitchcock.
Mr. Montgomery took the floor to say that he had changed his mind since his resolution was introduced. He declared that a vote of confidence could be secured at any time, as he was positive that the directors had full confidence in the executive committee. But so much had been said that he did not wish to stand in the way of an investigation if a majority of the directors wished it. He asked leave to withdraw the resolution but Governor Saunders, who seconded it, objected. He said that he had not seen any reason to change his mind and he still believed that the Hitchcock resolution was entirely uncalled for. He finally consented to the withdrawal of the resolution in order to admit another substitute which was offered by John C. Wharton.
Permanent Auditing Committee.
Mr. Wharton's resolution provided that a permanent committee of five directors, none of whom should be executive officers or members of the executive committee, should be appointed to revise and audit the accounts of the exposition. This committee to have authority to employ one or more expert accountants and stenographers and to have access to all records or information that it needed and to report the result of its investigations to the board. He stated that this resolution covered the whole process contemplated by the Hitchcock resolution, but did not convey any reflection on anyone before the facts had been ascertained. It was purely a business proceeding, and it was the right way to go about it. He declared that he had perfect confidence in the members of the executive committee, but he could not say as much with regard to some of the men it had in its employ. So much had been said in various quarters that it was a duty that the board owed to the public, to the executive committee and to itself to order a thorough investigation and secure the facts.
At this juncture Mr. Hitchcock suddenly discovered that he didn't want an investigation so very much after all. He proceeded to register a vigorous objection to the resolution, which, he declared, would create too much machinery. He proceeded to contend at some length that this committee ought to report to the board, and his attention was directed to the fact that that was precisely what the resolution provided for. Then he took another tack and alleged that he did not object to the resolution itself, but to having it substituted for his own resolution. One provided for an investigating committee and the other for an auditing committee, and it was impossible to combine the two as was contemplated by the substitute resolution.
Several members called attention to the fact that the auditing was a very essential incident to the investigation and after some additional and vehement protest by Mr. Hitchcock the Wharton resolution was amended by the insertion of the word "investigation" in the designation of the committee, and adopted by 21 to 9.
After some discussion it was determined to select the committee by ballot and the following directors were elected: John C. Wharton, Thomas Kilpatrick, E. C. Price, C. W. Lyman and George H. Payne. W. N. Babcock moved that the committee be instructed to convene within three days and remain in continuous session until its work was completed, but this was voted down at the request of members of the committee, who stated that it was entirely unnecessary as the committee would act with all possible promptitude.
Will Have the Minutes Read.
John L. Weber moved that hereafter the minutes of the proceedings of the executive committee should be read before the Board of Directors as a part of the proceedings of the board. He declared that the directors were not sufficiently familiar with the manner in which the management of the exposition was carried on. They transacted no business of importance at their meetings because they had very little to do with exposition affairs. That is the reason it is so difficult to induce them to attend, and he believed that if they were permitted to have a more thorough knowledge of what is going on there would be no further difficulty. The motion carried without opposition.
A resolution by Mr. Kilpatrick provided that admission to the grounds on the Sundays occurring July 24 and 31 should be 25 cents and 15 cents for children. It was adopted and so was another by Mr. Wharton, which made the same rate of admission for Thursday evening, July 28.
On motion of Mr. Kilpatrick the management was directed to extend to Rev, John McQuoid an invitation to preach in the Auditorium on some Sunday to be selected by himself, and to provide an organist and choir to assist in the services.
A query from Mr. Payne in regard to the prospect of securing a low rate to the exposition from Colorado points brought out the statement from several members that the railroads are not giving as low rates as they accorded the Nashville exposition.
Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation admitted that to a certain extent this is true. He quoted rates that had been made for each enterprise, and stated that the flat rates to Omaha from several points were slightly higher than the rates that Nashville had secured. But on forty-eight of the first fifty days of the exposition Omaha had secured special rates of from 1 cent a mile to one fare for the round trip. He had recently addressed a letter to the officers of the Western Passenger association, urging the necessity for some additional concessions and suggested that he would be glad to have the co-operation of the board in that effort.
On motion of Mr. Montgomery a committee consisting of C. S. Montgomery, A. H. Noyes, H. A. Thompson, R. S. Wilcox and E. Rosewater was appointed by President Wattles to co-operate with the Department of Transportation in an effort to secure more favorable rates.
Free Seats for Free Concerts.
Mr. Kilpatrick voiced a protest against the seat concession at the Plaza concerts, which was vigorously seconded from several quarters. He said that since the exposition was so liberal in furnishing free music to its patrons it ought to go a little further and furnish free seats. He moved that the executive committee be instructed to cancel the concession if possible, and otherwise to move a lot of the benches from the gallery of the Auditorium and place them where they could be utilized by the crowd free of expense. At the suggestion of Mr. Montgomery the motion was referred to the attorney for a report.
The board adjourned until next Friday afternoon.
Antiphonal Concert on the Grand Court an Artistic Revelation.
Last evening at the exposition grounds a novel and interesting musical performance took place under the direction of Thomas J. Kelly, superintendent of music, which consisted of numbers of Phinney's United States band, stationed in front of the Liberal Arts building, and the Exposition chorus, seated upon the platform at the water's edge at the east end of the lagoon. The Exposition chorus sang without accompaniment and was conducted by Mr. Kelly.
The first number was the overture to "Semiramide," by Rossini, played by the band. It was followed by the well known hymn, "Abide With Me," music by Monk, sung by the Exposition chorus. The next number was a transcription of the "Pilgrims' Chorus" as it occurs in the third
act of "Tannhauser," by Wagner, played by the band. This was followed by a potpourri of Scotch melodies by the band, a Sicilian "Vesper Hymn" by the chorus and the ballet music from "Faust," by Gounod, by the band.
The second part opened by an antiphonal selection, "Adeste Fideles," better known as the "Portuguese Hymn." This began with the band announcing the tune in grand, sonorous tones that were truly inspiring. The last chord had hardly died away before the voice of the distant chorus were heard, almost like an echo, singing the verse. At its close the band played the melody once more and closed with the plagle Amen; it was immediately followed by the chorus singing the "Amen." This was certainly a stroke of genius and the affect was magical. The other numbers on the program were a fantasie entitled, "Old Kentucky Home," by the band; the negro hymn, "Steal Away," by the chorus, and "The Star Spangled Banner," by the band.
A more perfect evening for an outdoor musical performance cannot be conceived and the Grand Court, with its brilliant illuminations and glistening triumph of architecture, enhanced the effect of the music with an artistic fitness of things which no opera house in the world may hope to excel. The band and chorus were a little too far apart for one to hear both to advantage from any one place, and the result was a procession of people moving to and fro, as one or the other organization took part in the program. The singing of the chorus was thoroughly commendable, and the shading showed careful drill. At times the soft effects were not audible to those at any great distance, but this defect can easily be remedied and doubtless will be, as experience demonstrates how far the voices carry distinctly with a given degree of power.
These outdoor musical performances bid fair to become very popular, and are surely very entertaining. New features can easily be added by which variety will result and continued interest be maintained. It is to be hoped that hereafter hawkers of photographs and other obnoxious disturbers of the peace may be banished from the Grand Court. Their presence last evening was the only blemish upon an entertainment as unique as it was artistic and pleasing.
It is Suggested that it Be Permanently Located in a Park.
The Minnesota building, which was dedicated on Wednesday, is so much of an architectural success and so absolutely unique and characteristic, and withal so substantial, that it is one of the buildings which is likely to remain in some form, somewhere, as a perpetual reminder of the exposition.
Already Cass Gilbert, the architect of the Agricultural building and of the Minnesota state capitol and himself one of the most prominent architects in the country, has signified his desire to purchase the building and re-erect it for the uses of the Town and Country club of St. Paul and Minneapolis, of which he is a member. No higher compliment could have been paid the building than this expression of appreciation at the hands of Mr. Gilbert.
A Chicago man has also written to ascertain whether the building can be taken down and re-erected on the shores of Lake Michigan at one of Chicago's suburbs and the Minnesota commissioners have had inquiries for the building from citizens of our own state and other state which indicate that the building has covetous admirers in many quarters. Referring to this, one of the Minnesota building commissioners says:
"The Minnesota building should remain in Omaha. It is unfortunate that it was not located on the portion of the site which is to be devoted to park purposes after the exposition is over; or rather it is unfortunate that the bluff tract, where the Minnesota, as well as the other state buildings, are located, is not among the park possessions of Omaha. The capabilities of that tract for park purposes have been abundantly demonstrated by the exposition management.
"It has been suggested that the Minnesota building be taken down and re-erected in some one of your parks in other portions of the city, if no plan is found feasible to let it remain where it is now located, or that it be purchased by some club of your citizens as a perpetual reminder of the Transmississippi Exposition. Some of these things should be done. In any event the Minnesota building should remain in Omaha. This would be the disposition most acceptable to the people of Minnesota."
Expects His Red Wards Here by the First of Next Month.
Captain Mercer is feeling pretty good over the manner in which the work of preparing for the Indian congress is progressing. He is getting the camping ground in fine shape, and if push and energy will accomplish what is required, he will soon be ready to receive the red wards of the country. Water pipes are being laid all over the grounds, which are located just south of Oak Chatham on the Belt Line. Sewers are being put down and water hydrants are being located a numerous and convenient points.
As previously stated it is probable that from 700 to 1,000 Indians will be here, representing almost every tribe in the United States. The Indian men will be accompanied by their wives, and upon their arrival will go into camp, adopting the same manners, methods and customs as upon their respective reservations. Just when the Indians will reach Omaha is not certain at this time, though it is known that they will be here about August 1.
One striking feature of the exposition will be Indian day, when all of the Indians will be put on dress parade. While the program has not been prepared, it is being worked out, and has been completed to such an extent that it is known that there will be the usual addresses, including one by some full-blooded Indian. In addition to this, there will undoubtedly be a big feast, the exercises to conclude with a series of games in which the Indians will participate.
Nebraska Just Now Making a Specialty of Peaches.
New fruit is the order of the day in the Horticultural building on the Bluff tract. Most of the cold storage fruit has gone out of the building and the plates and shelves are filled with the product of the present season. Of course in quantity Nebraska leads, all of which causes Superintendent Youngers to feel delighted. He says that he will keep the state in the lead and will throw all other localities into the shade.
Just at this time Nebraska is making a specialty of peaches, the largest variety having been sent in by J. M. Russell of Wymore. He is one of the largest peach growers in the west, and this year he estimates his crop at 60,000 baskets. He has seventy varieties in his orchard, and at this time he has something like fifteen different kinds on exhibition. Mr. Russell produces peaches, there are others, one of whom is E. J. Jury of Tecumseh. He has about forty varieties, some ten of which are on exhibition. Although his peach orchard is young, this year he expects to make fully 10,000 baskets.
Within the past few days F. Shoemaker of York has put a choice collection of fruit upon the Nebraska tables. At this time, in addition to his other small fruit, he is showing cherries and apricots, which are the envy of the men from California.
Marshall brothers of Arlington are constantly adding to their exhibit and are showing some as fine dew berries, apricots and blackberries as can be found in any country.
C. L. Wilson, in charge of the fruit exhibit from Los Angelos county, is about as proud a man as there is in the Horticultural building. He has been proud of his exhibit all of the time, but now he is unusually so, on account of the arrival of several new varieties of fruit. He has received a consignment of grape fruit. The specimens are as large as small muskmelons, and in shape and color resemble a ripe nutmeg melon. The fruit belongs to the citrous family and is eaten raw. To properly eat this fruit, which is a cross between a lemon and an orange, you cut it open, dig out a small core and fill the place with sugar, after which the correct thing is to dig the pulp out with a spoon. Besides being palatable, the grape fruit is considered a sure cure for all malaria.
California has commenced to show its plums, fine specimens of the blood, the Burbank and the ogon having recently been placed upon the tables. The blood plums are the rarest in this country. They are unusually large, about the size of medium sized apples. The striking feature of the fruit, however, is the color of the meat, which is a bright red.
The first big consignment of wine from southern California has reached the Horticultural building and has been duly installed. It came from General C. F. A. Lost, who has one of the largest wine cellars along the Pacific coast and by those who are expert tasters it is pronounced about as good as any that has ever come over the range. It is of the port variety.
Missouri, the land of the big red apple, is making itself heard through Superintendent Nelson, who is in charge of the exhibit. He has just received his first consignment of big red apples and consequently is feeling proud as he points to them and states that they can be raised all the way from the Mississippi river to the top of the Ozark mountains. In addition to red apples, Mr. Nelson is showing new peaches, tomatoes, beans, prunes, crabs and the famous Gugh blackberries that grow two crops per year, the second crop being larger and better than the first.
By the way, the Missouri prunes are the first that have found their way to the exposition grounds, but there will be more of them later in the season. They are getting to be a great crop in Missouri and are pronounced better than those grown on the Pacific coast, else the statements of Superintendent Nelson go for nothing.
Iowa is a little behind with its new apples, but they are coming and before the end of another week the cold storage specimens will be consigned to the sewer and fresh fruit will be upon the plates. Iowa is exhibiting an endless quantity of small fruit and the exhibit is attracting much attention. Its vegetables are about as fine as any in the building, not even barring those from Douglas county, which are secured and renewed almost daily.
They Stop Over on Their Excursion Trip to the Black Hills.
Editors to the number of forty have captrued the exposition and propose to hold onto it for three or four days at least. The pen pushers are members of the Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana Press association. This is their annual outing and they are on their way to the Black Hills. The party was met at the depot and escorted to the grounds, where the members spent the afternoon enjoying the sights and admiring the grand court, the exhibits and the buildings. The following named papers are represented:
Alma, Mich., Argus, A. W. Beckner.
Bellevue, O., Gazette, M. J. Callaghan.
Butler, Ind., Herald, Ike Stiefel and Ben Stiefel.
Butler, O., Cyclone, J. L. Barr and W. S. Bender.
Chesaning, Mich., Argus, Mrs. Della Graham, little son and Miss Dora Edmonds.
Centerburg, O., Gazette, H. B. Rusler and wife.
Collinwood, O., Chronicle, H. M. Crosby.
Dayton, O., Sunday World, George and Edmund Alberts.
Delphi, Ind., County Citizen, John B. Haugh and W. S. Gibson.
Evansville, Ind., Indiana Post, Ernst Wilkom.
Franklin, Ind., Star and People's Paper, W. W. Aiken and Ferd McClellan.
Johnstown, O., Independent, J. M. Wright and wife.
La Grange, Ind., Saturday Call, W. D. Rheubotton and A. Garlets.
Lima, O., Lima Advertiser, C. E. Strowbridge and C. M. Bowsher.
Logan, O., Ohio Democrat, J. B. Dollison and E. O. Pettit.
Mt. Clemens, Mich., Advertiser, Frederick Gutchow.
Napoleon, O., Henry County Signal, Fred D. Printis and Mrs. L. B. Printis.
Nelsonville, O., Buckeye News, J. C. Baird and Charles Pastin.
New Haven, Mich., New Haven Star, Charles Gaetz.
New Kensington, Pa., Keystone, W. I. Alter and brother.
Owensville, Ind., Messenger-Star, J. P. Cox and Harvey H. Harmon.
Owensville, Ind., Gibson County Advance, Abram Massey.
South Haven, Mich., News, E. S. Thompson.
South Whitley, Ind., Whitley County News, W. Owen Gandy.
Sharon, Pa., Eagle, Frank B. Gilbert.
Silver Lake, Ind., Weekly Record, A. E. Martin and H. A. Bright.
Utica, Mich., Sentinel, W. H. Marvin.
Wauseon, O., Fulton County Tribune, Harry Jameson.
York, Pa., Daily and Weekly Dispatch, Hiram Young.
It is the First Choice of a Large Majority of Those Voting.
Superintendent Kelly has tabulated the coupons that express the wishes of the exposition patrons relative to the selections to be played at the "request" concert next Friday night, and the result is somewhat surprising. Fully 60 per cent of the voters declared for Suppe's overture, "Poet and Peasant," while the overture from "William Tell" and various other compositions that have been apparently popular with concert crowds were scarcely mentioned.
The second selection in point of popularity was the cornet solo, "Annie Laurie," and the third was the "Indian War Dance," a descriptive composition by Bellstedt, the [?] famous Cincinnati band. "The
American Fantasie," a series of tone pictures by Bendix, was also extensively endorsed, and also the descriptive idyll, "The Hunting Scene," by Bucalossi. "The Jolly Fellows," by Vollstedt, was the only waltz selection that was suggested.
In connection with the "Indian War Dance" Superintendent Kelly states he expects to make the selection a special feature at one of the evening concerts in the immediate future. He expects to make the production realistic by securing the services of a party of Indians from Captain Mercer's aggregation.
Another musical feature that is in contemplation is the production of the famous anvil chorus from "Il Trovatore," by Phinney's band and the exposition chorus, with an anvil accompaniment. This is catchy feature on the stage, and it is thought that it can be made especially effective in connection with one of the Plaza concerts.
Their Persistence is Annoying to Exposition Managers.
The small boy is again causing the exposition management and the guards some trouble. The small boy insists on seeing the show without paying the price of admission, and in order to do this he persists upon climbing over, under, or through the fence that surrounds the grounds. The favorite place for his assault is along the east side of the Bluff tract, where the ten-strand barb wire fence is erected. Along this strip of territory the exposition management some weeks ago put up a fence that was hog, bull and chicken tight. Not long afterward it was discovered that the boys were crawling under. Then more wires were added, and for a time the boys were shut out, but not for any long period of time, for the lads found they could climb the posts and jump from the top into the grounds.
As a last resort guards were stationed along the fence to watch the boys. This worked well for a time, but it was not long until the lads caught on, and when a guard turned his back the youngsters would shy through between the wires and out into the open. Now the managers of the exposition are thinking seriously of offering a prize to the man who will concoct some scheme by which the town boys can be kept from stealing through the fence.
New Specimens for Agricultural Display Are Received.
In the Douglas county agricultural exhibit they had a season of house cleaning yesterday and as a result the stuff that is presented for the inspection of visitors has a more pleasing appearance than ever before. While all of the green exhibits are changed frequently the superintendent concluded that it would be the proper thing to have everything new and fresh for the first of the present week. He went out into the country Sunday and indicated just what he needed. As a result of this trip yesterday the vegetables came by the wagon load. The best samples were selected and put in place, and when the visitors commenced to file through the building they were surprised at the change that had taken place since last Saturday.
Douglas county's exhibit is one of the centers of attraction and is probably visited by as many people as any on the grounds. This the exposition officials say is due to the fact that everything is fresh, neatly arranged and as good as can be grown anywhere on the face of the earth, not excepting the irrigated districts of some of the states farther west.
Eastern people, especially, are amazed at the exhibit and are still more amazed when informed of the fact that one of the largest seed houses in the world, located in Michigan, secures a large portion of its seeds from the farmers residing along the Platte and Elkhorn rivers in this county.
Pennsylvania Praises the Show.
Exposition Commission Hiram Young of Pennsylvania is in the city for a few days. Speaking of the exposition he said: "It is a grand showing of the wealth and resources of the great middle section of this country. The whole country ought to be proud of this exposition. I am sorry that the state of Pennsylvania is not represented in a creditable manner. The states that are represented will derive much benefit."
Commissioner Young is the editor of the Daily Dispatch, published at York, Pa. He owns the paper and has been in the editorial harness nearly thirty-five years.
Exposition Notes.
A pipe has been attached to the artesian well by which the water is brought to the level of the railing before it goes to swell the current of the lagoon. Cups have been provided and the water is now accessible to the public.
Superintendent Barnett, in charge of the Illinois fruit exhibit, is ill and has been sent to the hospital. The doctor does not regard his condition as serious, but thinks that it will be several days before he will be able to be out.
Mitchell Harstone of the Manitoba Free Press was at the Press building yesterday in making his rounds of the exposition. He will be in the city some days and will write a series of articles to his home paper descriptive of the great transmississippi show.
The Exhibitors' club has practically completed arrangements for the installation of its quarters in the gallery of the Electricity building. Nearly all the necessary funds have been raised and the executive committee is now negotiating with a competent caterer. The cuisine of the club will be confined to light refreshments for the present and the quarters will probably be furnished in a few days.
Secretary Cox left the city last night for Washington. He has left Mr. John M. Biddle, the custodian of the State department, in charge of the Government building during his absence, which will extend to the 5th or 6th of August. Mr. Biddle has been connected with the State department in an official capacity for a number of years and is one of the best read and most accomplished gentlemen in charge of a government exhibit.
The Minnesota visitors left for home last night carrying a huge burden of exposition enthusiasm. Just before they left the grounds the Masonic Male quartet of Minneapolis called at the Press building and sang Balfe's beautiful melody, "Then You'll Remember Me," in a manner that elicited a hearty encore from the occupants of the building. The quartet responded with "Marching Through Cuba," which was also most cordially received.
Dewey "Done" in Butter.
Considerable interest centered at the Dairy building yesterday afternoon and more particularly in a refrigerator car that contains the Missouri butter exhibit.
Some days ago it was announced that Caroline Shaw Brooks, the Centennial butter sculptress, would give an illustration of her ability to model in butter. This drew the crowd and when she entered the car, the interior of which had been cooled to 46 degrees of temperature, several hundred people were present. The sculptress took a firkin of butter and in less than an hour she had built up a perfect life-sized head and bust of Admiral Dewey.
The work performed by Mrs. Brooks is very interesting. She starts with a shapeless piece of butter and, building to it, in a short time with paddles, knives and chisels she constructs a model that looks like the head of a man, but up to that time it resembled no person in particular. Eventually little dabs of butter are put on here and there and in a few moments the face commences to take on the features of the admiral. These are smoothed and the lines after which the moustache and hair go into place and the work is complete.
Mrs. Brooks' next work will be to make a butter model of President McKinley. No date has been set for this, but it will be within the next few days.
SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1898.
The Committee Calls Witnesses.
The Trans-Mississippi audit and investigation committee held their first meeting at the Commercial National bank and appointed Thomas Kilpatrick chairman. They will meet again on the second floor of the Service building on the exposition grounds on Monday, July 25th, promptly at 4 o'clock, and will be glad to meet anyone who has either complaints to make or charges to prefer, and the same will be investigated at once. Verbal complaints to be made at the meeting before the board and not to individual members. Written complaints to be signed and addressed to the chairman, Thomas Kilpatrick. All statements made, whether verbal or written, will be considered confidential. If anyone knows of any fraud or injustice in connection with the management of the exposition it is his loyal duty to report at once, so that the facts may be clearly ascertained.
Managers Notify Exhibitors' Club It Cannot Have Liquors at Its Headquarters.
General Manager Lane of Telephone Company Enmeshed in Yards of Exposition Red Tape.
Converted Mohammedan Priest Will Preach a Streets of All Nations Sunday Morning--Dance at Nebraska Building.
In the absence from the city of President Wattles and Managers Lindsey, Kirkendall and Reed, the exposition is being run by Managers Rosewater, Babcock and Bruce, and yesterday's meeting of the executive committee was the smallest that has been held for some time. It was large enough, however, to lock horns with the Exhibitors' club, and it put a husky veto on some of the plans of the club.
The club organized a short time ago and Manager Bruce of the exhibits department gave it quarters in the gallery of the Machinery and Electricity building. The members speedily found that it was a long way to travel to go around to the Midway or to one of Mr. Markel's concessions to get a draught of cool fluid, and proposed to put in a locker for the members which would enable them to be properly sociable and comfortable without especial effort. Mr. Markel did not fancy this, and the matter was brought to the attention of the committee, with the result that the secretary was instructed to notify the club that it "didn't go."
The notification straightway developed a howl, and two tenders of new quarters were at once made by the officials in charge of both the Illinois and New York buildings on the bluff tract. The members say they propose to have their club the same as they have had it at other expositions, and that, too, without having the screws applied in the interest of any favored concessionaire. A meeting of the executive committee of the club is to be held today and the matter will probably be acted on.
General Manager Lane of the Nebraska Telephone company had a little experience yesterday with exposition red tape, and is, therefore, as far from commending it as are several others who have from time to time had occasion to try to unravel some of its tangled lengths.
Mr. Lane wanted to remove one of the telephone booths that was temporarily placed in the company's exhibit in the Machinery and Electricity building, and as he was in a hurry to get it to South Omaha yesterday morning, took the precaution to get his wagon permit and a pass for the driver on the preceding evening. The team appeared at the wagon gate at 7 o'clock yesterday morning and straightway the trouble began. The gateman said he could admit the team on the permit, but he was not allowed to recognize the pass at that gate, and the driver would, therefore, have to go to a regular turnstile gate. Inasmuch as the driver was not disposed to take chances on turning his team loose inside the gate while he went around on foot to get through another aperture a quarter of a mile away he put up 50 cents to get in and drove through.
But that was easy compared with the difficulty he had in getting out again. Mr. Lane had to get permission to remove the desired exhibit, and he was batted back and forth from one official to another for several hours before he secured it. The first man he called on sent him to another for several hours before he secured it. The first man he called on sent him to another, and the second started him back to the first. The first then made another guess and started him to see a third, and the third trotted him after a fourth. So it continued with Mr. Lane on the keen jump from 8 o'clock until a little after 12, when the desired permission was secured and the exhibit was removed.
J. I. Taminosian of Chicago, a converted Mohammedan priest, will preach at the Streets of All Nations at 11 o'clock Sunday morning.
Superintendent Whitcomb of the Apiary building is looking forward with much interest to the coming convention of the United States Bee Keepers' union, which meets at the Dellone hotel September 12, 13 and 14. It was intended to have a session on the grounds, but the Apiary building will be too full of exhibits to admit of its being used for the purpose. The visiting bee culturists will, however, make that place their headquarters while on the grounds, and will find there much to interest them.
Captain H. M. Knowles of the life saving station received notice yesterday that the life boat to be used on the lagoon was ordered shipped on the 20th inst., from Grand Haven, Mich., and would be here in a few days. The authorities at Washington have also agreed to have the mast moved from its present location in the lagoon to a point about 200 feet to the eastward, so that in firing the shot with the life line the projectile will fall in the water without danger of damage to life or property. The mast will be struck from its present location this morning, and on Sunday the work of resetting it will begin. It will not be necessary to empty the lagoon, as piles will be driven to form a pocket in which the mast will be stepped, and additional guys will be placed to hold it in position. It is stated that the first exhibition of life saving work will be given early next week.
"Now, Fred, let's settle right here on this phateon. It just suits me and it's $50.00 less than the one we selected at home for $185.00," said a wife to her Fred, as they admired a beautiful phaeton at the Montgomery Ward & Co. building. "You are always stickling about trading at home, but $50.00 is as good to us as to anybody," said she. Fred was about to answer, when the automatic piano began to play, and the last the reporter saw of them they were bursting their sides with laughter over the picture called the "Pillow Fight."
At yesterday's meeting of the executive committee T. W. Blackburn was appointed pass inspector at a salary of $150 per month.
Manager Babcock was designated to act as head of the department of buildings and grounds in the absence of Manager Kirkendall.
The management of the "Roll the Roll" concession was given permission to rebuild and rearrange the concession and put on a Parisian dance feature.
An informal dance party was given at the Nebraska building from 9 to 12 last evening by Hostesses Butterfield and Hunter. The guests included a number of the attaches of the other state buildings and a few others whose work has identified them with the exposition. The occasion was a very enjoyable one, and it is stated that a series of "interchangeable co-operative" events of a similar nature will follow.
Manager Rosewater was a large and enthusiastic spectator at one of the houchee-couchee performances last night. He took Commander Llewellyn with him as a body guard and escaped alive.
Turnstiles Don't Go.
Captain Sigwart detailed Detectives Meals and Sullivan to report to Captain Haze at the exposition grounds yesterday morning for special duty and the two sleuths applied to the Sherman avenue gate for admittance.
"Where's your ticket?" asked the gatekeeper.
"We have no ticket. We are police officers," answered the detectives showing their stars.
"Stars don't go here," replied the gatekeeper and the two detectives began to formulate plans for the future when Captain Haze appeared on the scene and upon learning the situation told the detective to jump over the turnstiles and if necessary walk over the gatekeepers in the discharge of their duties. The detectives leaped over the turnstiles and proceeded about their business just as if they had a season pass to the grounds.
Compliment to Exposition Which Rev. Jenkyn Lloyd Jones Says Is Well Deserved.
Noted Chicago Preacher Describes His Visit in His Own Paper, the New Unity.
Arrangement of Electric Lights More Effective Than That at World's Fair—His Sunday Here.
Rev. Jenkyn Lloyd Jones of Chicago, who visited the exposition and preached in the Auditorium, July 3, has described his trip in the New Unity, the paper of which he is the editor. He says:
The 150 miles of sunshine and shade were duly traversed by the editor and his good horse "Roos," as hinted in our last. One day of Tower Hill serenity, and then back to the city with railroad speed in response to the summons of marriage bells, after which, on Friday evening, July 8, the president and general secretary of the Liberal congress boarded the Northwestern train for Omaha. What a great thing it is to ride across the state of Iowa at this abundant season, when garden, field, meadow and forest are literally burdened with their bounty. The heart is filled with gladness, as the eye is with beauty.
At the Omaha depot Rev. N. M. Mann, secretary of the local committee, director of the congress and pastor of Unity church of Omaha, met us at the depot and escorted us at once to a meeting of the local committee appointed by the exposition directory to cooperate with the directors of the congress in the interest of the next meeting, which is to be held in connection with the exposition, October 18-24. The full committee consists of Thomas Kilpatrick, Rev. Leo M. Franklin (Jewish congregation), Rev. Dr. John McQuoid (Methodist), Rev. T. J. Mackay (Episcopal), Rev. Mary Girard Andrews (Universalist), Charles S. Lobingier and Rev. N. M. Mann, secretary (Unitarian). The full committee was present, and the plans and purposes of the approaching congress were thoroughly and deliberately discussed, no member of the committee entering into the discussion more sympathetically and earnestly than the Methodist and the Episcopalian. In order to teach by object lesson rather than by argument, Dr. McQuoid, pastor of one of the leading churches in the city, invited the secretary to occupy his pulpit on Sunday morning and the president on Sunday evening. The business over, our thoughts turned to the exposition, and the afternoon and evening were spent on the grounds under the companionable escort of Mr. Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick. The Omaha exposition has been aptly called a "reminiscence of the Columbian exposition." This is a high compliment, and it is well deserved. The management had the good sense not to try any expensive experiments. There was plenty of room for the free play of creative skill within the boundaries of good taste established by the Columbian exposition, and so we have the court of honor reduced. The lagoon, a quarter of a mile in length, bordered by the exhibition buildings, eight or ten in number, representing a harmony of outline and unity of design more intelligible than that found in the great prototype. The Government building is more satisfactory in architecture and perhaps more coherent in exhibit than the one at Chicago. The Art building is a little gem, pierced as it is in the center with a columned court. It makes the study restful and the exhibit easily compassed. There are no great pictures there; the collection is not extensive, but it is an excellent collection, with little that is crude and much that is satisfying.
We cannot speak of the exhibits, for the time was too short; but the Horticultural building, some of the state buildings, notably those of Illinois and Wisconsin, the apparently very respectable Midway and the long reaches of garden, the thrifty growth of 20,000 trees, the noble music arch and stand and the great out-of-door concert, commanded large interest. But all of these were subsidiary to the charm, as of fairyland, that fell upon us as daylight receded, and line after line of electrical lights brought back the fascination, the rest, the spiritual elevation which we [?]
lumbian lights impressed upon millions of souls. Profiting by past experience, the electric lights, in some respects, were more effective than at Chicago. The graceful columns crowned with rosettes of light, bringing Phidias and Edison into co-operative touch, representing the scope of the exposition and its far-reaching benedictions.
Sunday morning the secretary found the Methodist church filled from pulpit to gallery. Mr. Mann took part in the opening exercises, and Dr. McQuoid enforced the sermon upon "Religious Unity" with practical application. At 4 in the afternoon an audience of 700 or 800 people gathered in the Auditorium within the gates to listen to the sermon which inaugurated the Sunday services. Mr. Jones spoke on the "Parliament of Religions and What Next?" Dr. Thomas, Rev. Mr. Mackay, Dr McQuoid and Mr. Mann were on the platform and took part in the services. In the early evening the secretary took the train for Tower Hill, Dr. Thomas remaining to preach in the Methodist church in the evening on "Immortality."
From Tower Hill we send these hurried sentences. We conclude by saying we believe in expositions; they are educative and refining. We believe in the Omaha exposition; it proves the energy and foresight of a progressive city. We believe in Sunday preaching on exposition grounds, which for the third time it has been given the present writer to inaugurate—at New Orleans, at Chicago and at Omaha. We believe in the Liberal congress for the good it has done. We believe that the next session at Omaha will be the best of all, if our readers and those who profess to believe in the cause will share the burdens and lend a hand.
Euclid Martin Declares It Will Be Too Late If Action Is Delayed Until Fall.
Visitors Who Come Now Will Send the Big Crowds Wanted in September and October.
Compares Nashville With Omaha Rates---Manager Babcock and Executive Committee Severely Criticised.
Existing railway rates to the Trans-Mississippi exposition and the vast difference between them and the rates given to all other expositions held in this country during the past ten years were the principal objects of conversation among Omaha business men yesterday. On one point there was absolute unanimity of sentiment. It was that the regulation exposition rates should be given the Trans-Mississippi exposition.
The only question on which there was any difference of opinion was as to the method of securing and, if necessary, forcing the railroads to give Omaha regular exposition rates and thereby do their share in making the exposition a success, as it was conceded they had done in another way by liberal subscriptions. The exposition executive committee, and especially the department of transportation, in charge of Manager Babcock, came in for a large share of very plain criticism. This was not based solely on the fact that the exposition management and Manager Babcock had failed utterly in getting within even a reasonable distance of the rates given the Nashville and other expositions, but that the public had been kept in ignorance of the true state of the case until it was taken up and dissected by the World-Herald. Mr. Babcock was also personally criticised for attempting to create the impression that the exposition was securing as good rates as could be expected, and one prominent business man suggested that a mass meeting of the stockholders be called to consider the question.
Euclid Martin, who is a member of the Commercial club committee appointed at the special meeting last week to consider the lack of attendance at the exposition, its causes and the remedy for it, expressed the sentiments of the Omaha business men yesterday afternoon by saying:
"What the exposition wants and what it must have, regardless of ticket brokers or scalpers, is the same rates as have been given other expositions. Such rates will attract hundreds of thousands of people who will not come if the present rates are maintained. The railroads had the ticket brokers to contend with at the World's fair and other expositions and still gave them low rates, and they can and must be made to do the same with the Trans-Mississippi exposition. If they can get rid of the brokers, very well, but meanwhile the exposition must be given such rates as will attract people from the east and all over the country; the present rates are not doing and will not do that.
"It has been intimated," Mr. Martin continued, "that the railroads will give low rates in September and October. But that will be too late. They should be put in at once if they are to do any good. No matter how much a person may read about the exposition, when they meet a person who has seen it, as I know from my trip back to Illinois, they ask about it and if what they have read was true. It is bigger, and better than anyone imagines from just reading about it, and it is the people who come out and see it this month and next month who will, after they return home, send the big crowds here in September and October. But if the railroads do not put the rates in until September and October there will not be time, no matter how favorably they are impressed with it, for visitors to become exposition missionaries.
"Last year when I was arranging for a party to visit the Nashville exposition I wrote to St. Louis to find out the rate from there. The regular one way fare from St. Louis to Nashville is $10, and every day during the exposition there were round trip tickets for sale at about $7 or $8. That was the kind of rates given the Nashville exposition from all over the south and a large part of the east, round trip rates of less than the regular one way fare. I have read the articles in the World-Herald with a great deal of interest, but was not as surprised as some were at the difference in rates given the Nashville and Trans-Mississippi expositions, as I was acquainted to some degree with both of them. For example, it has been said the railroads cannot give low round trip rates from Chicago to Omaha. Cincinnati is the Chicago for Nashville, and yet round trip rates on special occasions, good for three days, were sold for less than one-half the one way regular fare, and every day during the exposition round trip tickets, good for seven days, were sold for about $2.50 less than the regular one way fare. As compared with these, as everybody knows, Omaha is getting round trip rates of one and one-third the regular fare. If the exposition is to be a success," Mr. Martin concluded, "the railroads must put in lower rates and they must put them in now instead of waiting until the exposition is almost over."
Bee July 23
Bluff Tract Exhibitors Petition for a Change in Entrance.
The exhibitors and the managers of state buildings on the Bluff tract are trying to secure the location of an admission gate on Sherman avenue, just in the rear of the Georgia building. They have all signed a petition asking that a gate be located at this point and will present the same to the executive committee at the next meeting. They contend that as the gates are now located they do not have a fair show in catching the people who visit the grounds.
People on the Bluff tract who are in charge of the state buildings say that under the present management people are taken to the gates under the viaduct and there unloaded from the cars. They then go through the main court and those who are on the grounds for only a day seldom get on the Bluff tract. By having a gate in the rear of the Georgia building, it is contended, that visitors would thus be given an opportunity of getting off the cars there, going through the state and Horticultural buildings and then spending the balance of the day upon the grand court. They also contend that the gate at the southwest corner of the Bluff tract is of no use in its present location, as it is not patronized. If this was moved up to the location designated they say that it would be serviceable and satisfactory to all.
Ever since the exposition opened its gates there has been almost constant arbitrary and lawless intrusion into the grounds by the police. Chief Gallagher seems to have taken it into his head that the police have a right to enter the grounds at all times of the day or night without warrants and without passes. Whenever admission has been refused policemen by the gatekeepers, acting under instructions not to admit persons without tickets or passes, these policemen have deliberately climbed over the turnstiles and threatened to arrest and imprison gatekeepers who attempt to enforce the regulations governing admission to the exposition grounds. This has been done not only by uniformed policemen, but by men dressed in civilian clothes claiming to be city detectives.
This outrageous invasion of private rights has been tolerated long enough. The police of Omaha have no more right to force their way into the exposition grounds than a burglar has to force his way with a jimmy into a safe. A policeman has no more right to enter a place of amusement to which an admission fee is charged than any private citizen, unless he comes armed with a warrant to make a search or an arrest.
The fact that the police have been allowed to beat their way into theaters and concert halls does not signify that they are privileged to attend public entertainments without paying the same as every other class of people. At the World's fair at Chicago no policemen were passed into the grounds. All exposition police duty was performed by the Columbian guards and detectives employed by the World's fair authorities. The mere fact that fifteen policemen have been detailed to assist the exposition guards in patrolling the grounds affords no excuse for the 100 other policemen and alleged detectives to beat their way in and violate the law which forbids them as much as private citizens from invading private property.
Exhibit in the Agricultural Building Nearly Ready for Inspection.
So far as the Missouri exhibit in the Agricultural building is concerned, it is a case where order is coming out of chaos and that at a rapid rate. The details are all in the hands of L. F. Luthy, who represents the State Board of Agriculture, and J. E. Crumbo, state commissioner of agriculture and live stock. Both of these men are devoting the whole of their time to getting the exhibit ready for inspection and will complete their labors inside of ten days.
The men in charge of the Missouri exhibit are laboring under great many disadvantages. In the first place the state legislature made no appropriation for an exhibit. The matter, however, was taken up by some of the most prominent business men and farmers and after the matter was presented, the governor appointed a commission. The next thing was to secure funds, and while a number of subscriptions came in early, it was weeks before enough was subscribed to insure the success of the undertaking. After it was certain that Missouri would be on hand at the exposition, the work of gathering the exhibit was undertaken. That was early this spring and before a creditable showing could be made it was necessary to wait until the growing crop matured. That time now has arrived and the men in charge of the work are bending every energy to have their state properly represented.
On thing that will be in Missouri's favor will be the fact that when the exhibit is completed, everything will be new and fresh. There will be nothing in the grain or vegetable line that will be from the cold storage warehouses.
The Missouri space is being decorated in an artistic manner with sheaves of grain and stalks and ears of corn. Vegetables, mammoth in size, are being arranged about the walls and in the corners. Taking it all in all, it is going to be one of the most attractive exhibits in the build[?]
Reduced Admission to the Exposition Grounds for Sunday.
Management Makes the Concession that Has Been So Strongly Urged.
If There is a Big Crowd the Rate May Be Made Permanent.
Dr. McQuoid Unable to Accept the Invitation—T. DeWitt Talmage is Down for a Sermon at an Early Date.
A half rate of 25 cents will rule at the exposition gates today, and the workingmen will have an opportunity to demonstrate their appreciation of the concession by coming out in full force to swell the Sunday crowd. As children will be admitted for 15 cents they can bring their families and spend the afternoon and evening on the grounds without incurring any considerable expense. Hundreds of men with small incomes have complained that they could not afford to pay 50 cents for a half day's relaxation, but with the concession that is in force today they will have no excuse for staying away. Nowhere can they spend their Sabbath more enjoyably and appropriately than among the beauties of the exposition. There they can find a grateful relief from the heat and dust and enjoy the luxury of delightful music and beautiful surroundings. At a cost that is within the reach of every man who earns a living they can experience a day of pleasant recreation and go home Sunday night refreshed and invigorated. It is for the benefit of this class of people that the concession is made and whether it will be continued or not depends altogether on the extent to which it is taken advantage of.
The religious services that were to have been held at the Auditorium this afternoon have been called off. General Manager Clarkson had extended an invitation to Rev. John McQuoid of the First Methodist church to conduct the services, but on account of a previous engagement the courtesy could not be accepted. Rev. McQuoid will probably preach at the grounds next Sunday, however, and during the remainder of the exposition the Sunday afternoon service will be a permanent feature. Among the religious events that will appeal to the churchgoing classes will be a sermon by Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, which is among the probabilities. The date has not been selected, but General Manager Clarkson is now corresponding with this noted divine and it is practically assured that he will preach at the exposition at least once before it closes.
In the absence of the Auditorium services the usual band concerts will occupy a large proportion of the afternoon and evening. Phinney's band will give the usual concert in front of the government building in the afternoon, and a particularly interesting program will be rendered from the band stand in the evening. In view of the fact that the working classes are expected to constitute a considerable proportion of the audience the bulk of the program will consist of selections that are not above the musical understanding of the ordinary individual.
The objection of some of the exposition officials to the reduced Sunday admission on the ground that it would depopulate the grounds on the preceding day was not justified yesterday. There were apparently as many people on the grounds as usual and there was no indication that the announcement of the reduced rate had caused the slightest slump in the attendance. The people who come to the grounds to see the exhibits and make an intelligent study of the profitable features were there as usual.
Among yesterday's visitors was President Clark E. Carr of the Illinois commission, who was accompanied by Mrs. Carr. President Carr says that the beauty and general completeness of the exposition show a marked advancement since his previous visit and that there is no flaw apparent in any feature. "The exposition is constantly growing in interest," he said, "and it commands attention in every quarter. It surpasses every [?]
Agricultural Exhibit Attracts the Attention of Everybody.
"We can't raise such grains, grasses and vegetables in our country." The foregoing remark was made yesterday by a couple of men from the state of Washington. At the time they were standing in the Agricultural building, gazing in wonder and astonishment at the Douglas county exhibit. They were immediately taken in charge by Superintendent Walsh and shown through the exhibit. After looking it over for nearly an hour, they frankly admitted that while they were strong advocates of Washington and its resources, Douglas county could make a better agricultural showing than any of the Pacific coast states.
The Douglas county agricultural exhibit is one of the things of which exposition visitors never tire. This no doubt is due to the fact that everything is kept fresh and trim. The vegetables are renewed three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Peter Magnus of West Omaha furnishes most of the material at this time.
A great many additions have been made to the Douglas county exhibit since the opening of the exposition. Many of the old vegetables have been thrown out, and those of this year's growing substituted. This is particularly true with the potatoes, beets, turnips, cabbage and scores of other products. Just now Superintendent Walsh is showing some rare green vegetables, such as okra, which is a soup stock, oyster plant, carrots, parsnips, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, squash and pumpkins.
One thing that attracts much attention is the exhibit of sweet potatoes made by Theodore Williams of West Omaha. They are the biggest ever seen, and while they have not been coaxed by artificial means into growing, one of them has kept right on until it tipped the scales at thirteen pounds.
Potted vegetables are becoming a great fad in the Douglas county exhibit. The plants have been placed in large pots, showing the vines as they appear when in a perfectly healthy state.
Instead of throwing the rejected vegetables away, the superintendent sends them to the hospital, thus furnishing the institutions nearly as much as they require for the use of their patients.
It Has the Richest Display in the Mines Building.
Of the smaller exhibits in the Mines building that of Oregon is one of the richest in the value of its specimens and it presents a creditable exposition of the mineral resources of that state. Its principal feature is the large display of gold ore in its various combinations with other metals and this includes specimens from nearly every mine in Oregon.
There are some fine specimens of ore from such famous mines as the "Copper Queen," "Last Chance," "Cyclone," and others, that are more or less familiar to the newspaper reader, and the variety of formation that is displayed is scarcely surpassed by any other exhibit in the building. Some of the most attractive specimens are a combination of gold and copper and some ores are also presented in which nickel is found in combination with gold.
Some of the purest copper ore in the building is contributed by the Applegate district and this is an interesting feature of the exhibit. There is also a large showing of free millings and low grade ores, in addition to a varied display of the various less familiar minerals that are found in the state. These include cinnabar in various combinations, hydro-silicon, mineral paint, limestone, kolin and gypsum. There is one big chunk of solid jasper which was picked up on the beach in Curry county and a small display of iron mostly in combination with copper.
The exhibit contains an exceptionally good display of building stones and marbles. The former include various kinds of sandstone and granite, several of which are susceptible of high polish and ornamental effects. There is also a small showing of brick of excellent quality and durability.
Governor Culberson Will Head a Lone Star Delegation.
Thursday, August 18, will be Texas day at the exposition, and Governor Culberson of that state will head a distinguished delegation of Texans who will visit Omaha at that time. The railroads will make a rate of one fare for the round trip for the benefit of the Texans, and the people of the Lone Star state expect to make their day one of the events of the exposition. The Houston Daily Post of July 20, in writing of the exposition and Texas day, says:
The exposition can stand a comparison as regards beauty and excellence with the World's fair at Chicago and Paris. It exceeds in many ways the effort at Atlanta, and the big success accomplished at Nashville. When one considers, however, that this exposition is located on the western banks of the Missouri river and gathers its main support from a section which was considered the frontier but a generation ago it is a marvelous creation.
The exhibit which represents the state of Texas has been placed in position at the western end of the Agricultural building through the efforts of the Houston Business league and the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway Immigration association, and this exhibit, under the care of Prof. Attwater, a thoroughly capable man, is attracting more attention than any other exhibit on the entire ground.
The people of Nebraska, and especially those of the city of Omaha, have been extremely courteous to visitors from Texas. A delegation of Houston and South Texas business men attended the exposition last week, and not only the officers of the exposition company but the newspapers and business men did everything in their power to make the visit of the Texans not only pleasant but profitable.
Concert by Phinney's Band a Leading Attraction.
Evidently a considerable proportion of the Omaha people were not willing to miss the pleasure of an evening at the exposition merely because they could get in the next day for half price. The crowd on the grounds last night was fully up to the usual Saturday night standard and it was a practical repudiation of the stock argument of those who have opposed a reduced admission on Sunday on the theory that it would ruin the Saturday attendance.
The usual enjoyable concert was given by Phinney's band and it received the hearty approval of big audience. The action of the management in limiting the space to be occupied by the reserved seats has given a largely increased latitude to the people who do not wish to pay for them, but a few more seats outside the reserved space would have found occupants last night. The Midway attractions were fairly patronized, although the close atmosphere had a tendency to induce the bulk of the people to remain out in the open, where they could receive the benefit of what little breeze was stirring.
Missouri Editor Writes of His Visit to the Exposition.
Editor A. E. McCollum of the Independent, published at New Cambria, Mo., visited the exposition last week and upon his return home wrote a two column article, descriptive of the great show. He is loud in his praise of everything in connection with the exposition, and in speaking of the Nebraska fruit exhibit he says: "Fruit was elegantly displayed by many of the states and especially so by Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas and Illinois. The fact that Nebraska is in the lead is due probably to those engaged in that line of industry taking more interest in them than some of the others have taken."
Big Crowd Will Come if the Effort Shall Be Successful.
Fred T. Cumming has taken hold of the matter of bringing the Red Men to Omaha on August 8, and yesterday opened up telegraphic communication with Nashville, Tenn., for the purpose of securing a $10 rate for the round trip. He has assurance that if the rate is granted from 300 to 500 Red Men will come from Tennessee alone, and that as many more will join the party enroute. Ten dollars was the rate made to Red Men's day at the Nashville exposition and Mr. Cumming believes that he will secure the same rate from Tennessee points.
If the Red Men's day is secured it is pretty certain that there will be fully 3,000 men in uniform. In the event they come, it is the intention to have a sham battle on the north tract, west from the Transportation building. The Red Men will fight on one side, while the Indians, the parties who participate in the Indian congress, will make up the opposing forces.
It is Kept Fresh and New All of the Time.
The Horticultural building continues to be the Mecca for all of those who are interested in fruit and fruit culture, and yesterday, while the attendance upon the grounds was the smallest, this building was crowded. The exhibit in the building is constantly changing, and those who go there today will see an exhibit much different from the one upon which they gazed a couple of days ago. This change is made necessary to accommodate the new varieties of fruit that arrive daily.
Tables and shelves in the Horticultural building that were vacant a week ago are now filled with fruit, the finest in the land, and all of the vacant space that remains is a small section in the west end, which will be occupied by Colorado within the next few days. Peaches, pears and grapes are beginning to come in at a lively rate, and before the end of another week the display will have undergone many changes.
Take California for instance. During the past week Superintendent Wilson has added several new features that have caught the visitors and opened their eyes with relation to the products of Los Angeles county. He has put in an exhibit of walnuts that in every respect are superior to those of the English variety, and are nearly as large again. These he has in large quantities, and eventually will begin giving them away to the patrons of the exhibit.
He has just put on exhibition a fine display of orange blend, a product that is seldom seen in this market. It has been supposed that the orange was good only for eating raw, but the people of Los Angeles county have discovered that the fruit is for other purposes as well. They have discovered the secret of canning the orange and have made what they designate as blend. It is finely flavored and is rapidly coming into public favor as a preserve.
Port wine is another new exhibit that Superintendent Wilson takes great pleasure in showing. The wine now on exhibit comes from the wine cellars of F. A. Last of Los Angeles, and is pronounced by experts as being as fine as any that ever went through the press. Instead of being thin and watery it is thick and oily, while the flavor is smooth and pleasant.
Just at this time Iowa is showing some apples that attract the attention of the natives, as well as the attention of the visitors from a distance. Superintendent Coleman of Corning has some sixty-five varieties on his table, but the fruit in which he takes great pride is the big winesaps from his own orchards. They are the favorites and he hopes that they will be the prize winners. He also has the yellow transparent apples, which are rare. These are of his own raising and are greatly admired. Iowa is also showing some fine berries and plums. The plum season is hardly on. Later in the season it is expected that Iowa will put up a plum exhibit that will be hard to beat.
The Nebraska fruit exhibit continues to be the favorite, probably because just at this time Nebraska is sending more visitors to the exposition than any other state. Superintendent Youngers, who is in charge of the exhibit, says, however, that the Nebraska fruit attracts the attention of everybody and that they are willing to admit that this is one of the leading fruit states in the union. The exhibit of peaches is rapidly increasing, H. P. Karnes of Fall City being the latest exhibitor. He has one of the largest peach orchards in the state and will market fully 40,000 baskets this season.
D. F. Jenkins of Arcadia is showing twenty varieties of cherries and is still shipping, while A. J. Brown of Geneva is sending in some of the finest apples and peaches that have yet been seen. Mr. Brown is one of the fruit men who has agreed to keep the Nebraska tables full during the exposition.
At this time Nebraska has seventy varieties of apples on exhibition, many of which belong to the crop of this season.
Continue to Praise the Reception Accorded Them by Omaha.
Both Commissioner Field and Secretary Danforth of the Minnesota state commission are still talking of the hospitality extended to them and the people of their state on the day of the dedication of the building. They appreciate it, but say that they expected nothing of the kind, urging that instead of having been treated as exhibitors, they were met as friends and neighbors by the residents of Omaha and the Antelope state.
The Minnesota building continues to be a favorite resort and is always open to visitors. Commissioner Field gives everybody the glad hand while he acts in the capacity of host. He has the happy faculty of making every man, woman and child feel at home, and as a result he is surrounded from early morning until late at night by an admiring crowd.
Today Mrs. C. W. Fields, Mrs. Fuller, wife of Senator Fuller of Little Falls, and Miss Dodge of Minneapolis will arrive in the city for a stay of a week. They will be at home at the Minnesota building, where they expect to meet the exposition officials, the exhibitors and their wives.
W. F. Edmonds Stops Over to Look at the Exposition.
E. F. Edmonds of Dawson City arrived in the city last night direct from the Klondike country. He was on his way east, but stopped for a day to visit the exposition. After touring the grounds he pronounced it the greatest show that he had ever seen, the World's fair not excepted.
In Tacoma Mr. Edmonds brought a ticket for Chicago, being informed by the agent there that he could stop over for ten days in Omaha. Upon reaching here he discovered that if he remained for more than twelve hours the Omaha-Chicago end of his ticket would be void. He says that the people along the North Pacific coast know of the exposition and that it is well advertised, but that the railroads and the business men are inclined to try to induce people not to come, saying that it is not worth the price.
Asked about gold and gold mining in the Klondike region, Mr. Edmonds said: "We are cutting ice now, but are not digging much gold."
Services on the Midway.
Dr. Tamaiousian, a converted Turk from Chicago, will preach Sunday afternoon on the Midway to the people of his language at the exposition. He has been in Omaha for several days and received permission a few days ago to hold services at the fair. His sermon will probably be given in the Streets of All Nations, as the doctor is a personal friend of Akoun, the manager. The object of this service is to benefit the Turks on the Midway. Dr. Tamaiousian comes to Omaha well recommended by prominent religious people of Chicago, where he has lived since his conversion. Five years ago he was a dancing dervish in Barnum & Bailey's great circus, but was converted to the Christian faith and since that time has devoted his life to the cause of saving his brothers. He is perfectly sincere in his religious beliefs and only recently refused a flattering offer from the Streets of All Nations. He gets no salary whatever for his work, but depends solely on what his hearers wish to give him. Dr. Tamaiousian does not belong to any religious denomination, but is simply a believer in Christ and a steadfast worker for His cause. He was converted by Methodists, but spent his time in Chicago lecturing and preaching on the streets with the Salvation Army. He is a young man of 27 years and speaks the English language very fluently. Several years were spent by him in schools of America and he has done everything in his power to perfect himself in speaking and writing the English language. Dr. Tamaiousian has not announced his text yet. His sermon will be at 3 o'clock.
Exhibit is a Revelation to the Visitor from the South.
The Georgia state building, on the bluff tract, contains some of the most interesting exhibits on the grounds.
As is well known, the legislature of the state of Georgia failed to make an appropriation to defray the expense attached to making a display at the exposition. Notwithstanding this fact, a number of the prominent men of the great southern commonwealth decided that the resources of the south should be called to the attention of the people of the transmississippi country and active operations were inaugurated in this direction. That they succeeded is best evidenced by the fact that Georgia has a creditable building upon the grounds and that it is filled with the grains, grasses, minerals, marbles and products of the state.
The building is in charge of Superintendent W. J. Northen, manager of the Georgia Immigration and Investment bureau, a man who during the last thirty years has devoted his time and his money to exploiting the resources of the state of his birth. Mr. Northen is a genial southern gentleman, a man whom it is a pleasure to meet and while he is actively engaged in farming and promoting, he has held the position of governor of the state and at the present time he is chairman of the Georgia Exposition commission. His home is in Atlanta, but his interests are scattered from Atlanta to the sea, and so, instead of representing one section, he represents the entire state. He is out of politics and takes great delight in telling of the progress that has been made by the south during the last twenty-five years. It is largely through his efforts that Georgia is here with an exhibit that attracts more than ordinary attention and is the admiration of all who visit the building.
In the past the people of the north have labored under the impression that the cotton crop is about all that the people of Georgia have to depend upon. The exhibit, however, disproves this and shows that the state can produce everything grown in a semi-tropical country, as well as the products of the most northern states of the union, the eastern and the Pacific slope sections. The marble and building stone exhibit contains specimens from fifty quarries, while the wood is something that has been an eye-opener. In the exhibit there are cherry, pine, oak, hickory, ash and almost hundreds of other kinds, but the pride of Chairman Northen is his collection of the products of the soil. Of his grasses he is showing alfalfa, something that it has been co[?] This product from Georgia looks as healthy as that grown in Nebraska. In addition to this, there is white, red and crimson clover, Bermuda grass, Johnson grass and a dozen other kinds, among which is the vetch grass that grows on the tops of the highest mountains as well as in the low lands of the valleys.
A product peculiar to Georgia is the running pea. This is raised in abundance, and for cows is a great milk producer. It is pastured the same as timothy in the north and then is plowed up, the roots and stubble being a rich fertilizer.
The grain of Georgia is one of its strong cards and a magnificent line is shown. There is wheat of this year's crop, the sheaves standing six feet high and running from twenty to twenty-five bushels to the acre, the berry grading No. 1. The crop, however, Commissioner Northen says, was not up to the usual standard this year. Oats make a more remarkable showing than the wheat and an affidavit accompanies some of the exhibits, furnishing proof that they yielded eighty bushels to the acre. In addition to the small grain there is corn that stands eighteen feet from root to tassel, the stalks bearing ears that are twenty-one inches in length from tip to tip.
The Georgia exhibit supplies proof that the state is the land and the home of the sweet potato, and that the Irish potato is at home in the southland. The southern potato is unusually mealy and its striking peculiarity is that two crops per year can be planted and matured.
Cotton is one of the products that brings much wealth into the exchequer of the Georgia farmer and the evolution of this product is an interesting study. Twenty years ago the cotton was the product of the plant that was utilized, but conditions have brought about a change and now there is nothing that is wasted except the root and even that is likely to be put to some use within the next few years. Twenty years ago the seeds of the cotton plant were carted away and dumped in the river, but now this seed is about as valuable as the fiber.
Taking the cotton seed after it is run through the mill, it bears a large quantity of fiber that is short and sticks close. Now machinery has been invented and is in general use that picks off this fiber, which, when washed and put through the usual process for cleaning, is used as shoddy in making the cheaper grades of cloth. With this off, the seed is ready to be operated upon. It is put through a mill that separates the hull from the kernel and here the roads separate. The kernel is ground into meal and pressed into cakes that are convenient for handling. After this the cakes are put through another mill, the oil taken out and the meal ground into what is designated as cotton seed meal, and here there is another separation of the roads. Taking up the oil, which is in a crude state, it is purified and the first product secured is known as blown oil, which is used generally for lubricating machinery. Continuing the purification process further, salad oil is made, and then there is the butter oil, one of the products used in making the best quality of oleo-margarine. From this there is a by-product that is used by miners in their lamps, and still another, known as summer oil, which is thin, but is the best quality of oil for machinery. During the course of purification there has been a sediment, but this is not wasted, as it is used in making soap, both toilet and laundry, as well as sterine out of which candles and chewing gum are made.
Going back to the cotton seed, where the hull was separated from the kernel, this hull is ground as fine as flour and is fed to cows and cattle, producing large quantities of milk, and at the same time being a great fat producer, as it is mixed with a small proportion of the meats of the seed.
Few farmers possess the conveniences for treating the cotton seed, though there are those who have their own mills and handle their entire crop. Mills, however, are conveniently located throughout the country and the seed is sold, farmers receiving nearly as much for it as they do for their cotton.
Chairman Northen is a great advocate of the public school and has done much to establish them in Georgia. The plan, however, is somewhat different in the rural districts than adopted in the north. He has advocated a plan that has worked with great success and is being pretty generally adopted. He is a great colonizer and in connection with his colonization plans he has made the public school an important factor. His plan is this: For instance, there may be thirty or forty farmers living within a radius of a couple of miles. He induces them to all live in the center of this area of country. This places them all within a convenient distance from their respective farms. Here a store is located, a church is built and a school house is erected, thus giving them the advantages of a town, while at the same time they are maintaining their farms.
Expresses Pleasant Surprise at the Exposition's Magnitude.
M. D. Monserrat, vice president of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railroad company, accompanied by his wife, Mrs. N. A. Tynan, his wife's mother, G. W. Butcher, superintendent of motive power and machinery of the road, and his son and Private Secretary William Frommer arrived in the city yesterday in Vice President Monserrat's private car "Telcaco" and were transferred to the Missouri Pacific tracks on the north tract of the exposition grounds. They will remain several days, occupying their car during most of the time.
After reaching the exposition, Vice President Monserrat and his party immediately started upon a tour of the grounds, visiting the main buildings on the main court. All of the party were much surprised at the magnitude of the exposition and expressed the opinion that it is much better than they had anticipated.
It was largely due to the efforts of Vice President Monserrat that the fine exhibit made by Texas in the buildings on the exposition grounds was collected. When the plan was about to fall through, he jumped into the breach and by contributing money and urging upon the Texans the necessity of coming here, succeeded in putting life into the flagging energy that had manifested itself. He also appointed the agents along his line of road as assistants to promote the interests of Texas at the exposition, instructing them to gather up exhibits for the display that is being made. Vice President Monserrat also loaned his own personal collection of rare Texas products, all of which can now be seen in the west end of the Agricultural building.
Last night, in speaking of the exposition, Vice President Monserrat said: "It is a pleasant surprise; I think that it is better than either Nashville or Atlanta, and almost as good as the World's fair. Later in the season, after the farmers are through with their work, the attendance will be enormous. Texas will do its share, and many of our people will come here during the late summer and fall."
Invites Them to Black Hills.
C. M. Pinkerton, superintendent of city schools of Lead, S. D., writes to The Bee as follows from the Black Hills: "I am just home from the Transmississippi Educational convention. The Bee was responsible for that convention and it may well feel proud of the results. The only thing against the meeting was the heat. The weather in the Black Hills is so delightfully cool during the summer months that it strikes me you could not do a more blessed thing than through your columns induce the thousands of exposition visitors to make an excursion to the Hills. It has been my good fortune to see the Hudson, the Rockies and the northern lakes, but I must say, as Bob Burdette said to me a few weeks since: 'There is no finer scenery in the United States than right here in the Black Hill.'"
Nebraska and Iowa Horticultural Societies Hold a Union Session.
The union meeting of the Nebraska State Horticultural society and the Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society will be held in Omaha this week, beginning on Tuesday and continuing for three days. While the meeting will be held down town, all of the members, of which it is expected that several hundred will be in attendance, will spend considerable time on the exposition grounds. A large number of the exhibitors in the Horticultural building are members of the association and several of them will deliver addresses.
Peter Youngers of Geneva, Neb., in charge of the Nebraska fruit exhibit, will speak Tuesday morning upon the subject, "Observations on Keeping of Different Varieties of Apples." After delivering his address Mr. Youngers will leave the convention and will go out among the fruit raisers of the state to complete arrangements for renewing the Nebraska fruit exhibit in the Horticultural building.
Iowa Butter Scores Most Points.
The first judging in the Dairy building was done yesterday, W. D. Calyer of Chicago having charge of the work. Seventy exhibits were put in competition and while the award was not made public Mr. Calyer announced that the Iowa butter scored the most points. The butter was in firkins and the whole aggregated 4,000 pounds. After the test the entire quantity was sold to a downtown commission merchant at 15 cents a pound.
The next test will be made about the middle of August, when it is thought that there will be nearly double the number of exhibits shown yesterday.
August 4 is the Date for Opening the Indian Congress.
Captain W. A. Mercer of the Eighth infantry, U. S. A., who is in charge of the Congress of American Indians at the exposition for the government, has announced that Thursday, August 4, will be the opening day of the congress.
The arrival and installation of the several delegations will begin about July 31 and it is expected that all of them will be encamped here prior to August 3. The delegations will come from twenty-seven Indian agencies and will represent about thirty-five distinct tribes or bands of the aboriginal American Indian. The congress will number about 500 persons, including women and children, arranged in tribal groups. The basis of the several groups will, of course, be the Indian families. It is intended that these shall illustrate the native tribal customs and mode of life by living just as they do, or formerly did, in their homes.
Exposition a Credit to Omaha.
W. W. Stetson, superintendent of education of the state of Maine, who was a prominent figure in the recent educational congress in this city, writes as follows of the exposition in a letter to Victor Rosewater: "I congratulate you upon the courage and distinguished ability with which the exposition has been managed. It would be a credit to an international commission. I was surprised at the extent and merit of the exhibit and the beauty and magnificence of the buildings. The Court of Honor is a superb piece of work."
Admiral Dewey in Butter.
Mrs. Caroline Shawk Brooks, the butter sculptress of the Centennial, has arrived and will begin her work in the Dairy building next Tuesday. She comes in the interest of the Missouri State Exposition commission and a refrigerator car company. Her first work will be to mould in butter a cast of the head of Admiral Dewey. She will remain during the exposition and will give free exhibitions daily. In order that she have a place to work where the temperature can be kept at an even temperature a refrigerator car with glass sides has been run into the building. It is in this car that she will do all of her modeling.
Exposition Notes.
An ice water fountain is being placed in the Nebraska building. It will be in operation this week, and the building will be another place on the grounds where cool water will be as free as the air.
At its meeting yesterday afternoon the executive committee formally fixed August 6 at Kansas City day and August 13 as St. Joseph day. A fireworks display was authorized on each occasion.
Commissioner Green of Ohio is sick. He has been taken to the hospital. While his illness is not of a serious character, it incapacitates him from attending to his duties in connection with the exhibit.
A whale fifty-five feet in length is the laest feature on the Midway. It arrived yesterday and will be shown as soon as the enclosure can be constructed. This exhibit is not one of the live ones. It has been embalmed, and is in a good state of preservation.
The dance at the Nebraska building last Friday night was a success in every particular. The commissioners were so well pleased that they have decided to have a dance each Friday night during the exposition. At these dances, exhibitors, and those in charge of the exhibits and state buildings, are invited to participate.
Omaha Women Are Marshaling Under the Leadership of Mrs. Travis.
Marvelous Display of Gaily Decked Equippages is Promised for Public Inspection on an Early Day in August.
The next event of general interest that will occur in connection with the exposition is the flower parade, scheduled for Tuesday, August 2. This will be something entirely unique and novel to most of the exposition visitors and the arrangements are already sufficiently advanced to indicate that it will be one of the most interesting features of the Transmississippi show. While this is entirely new in Omaha it has scored a tremendous success in a number of other cities under the direction of Mrs. H. McColl Travis, who has been employed by the exposition management to have full charge of the Omaha parade. Most people have heard of the "fiestas" or flower carnivals that are held annually in Mexico and Southern California, but only those who appreciate their beauty. The flower parade is the distinctive feature of these carnivals and it is to be put on at the exposition with every accessory that can enhance its attraction. Mrs. Travis makes the organization of flower parades a profession. She has followed it for fourteen years, and she asserts that the possibilities for new and novel effects are still far from being exhausted. During this period she has acquired a limitless fund of ideas in the decoration of vehicles of which the Omaha people who will participate in the affair will receive the benefit. While in such a tremendous undertaking a vast amount of assistance is necessary it is Mrs. Travis who selects the designs for the various vehicles. She must see that each participate is attired in colors that will harmonize with the floral decorations of the equipage, assist each individual in working out the ideas that have been suggested, and see that each minor detail is in perfect harmony with a thousand other details. For the chief beauty of the parade consists in the perfect harmony of color and design which blends the whole into one magnificent color scheme that delights the senses with its exquisite beauty.
Her Local Organization.
Mrs. Travis has been in Omaha since early in the month and is being assisted in the work of preparation by a large number of Omaha women whose interest has been enlisted. She is working with the co-operation of the Bureau of Entertainment of the exposition and one of her first measures was to select a committee of Omaha women to assist her in carrying out the details of the carnival. This committee consists of Mrs. T. M. Orr, chairman; Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, secretary and Mesdames Arthur Remington, George W. Mercer, J. M. Metcalf, A. S. Carter, W. F. Allen, Paul Charlton, J. B. Meikle, J. E. Baum, Charles Offutt, C. E. Squires and John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs. The members meet every Monday morning and at such other times as may be necessary and at these sessions the general plans are outlined. Each participant in the parade is expected to decorate her own carriage. So far over fifty carriages have been promised and their decoration provided for, and it is expected that nearly as many more will be secured before the event occurs. In this connection it is stated that every one who is willing to participate should apply to Mr. Travis at once, as it requires some time to properly design and arrange the decorations.
It is not to be presumed that the decorations can be successfully accomplished with natural flowers during midsummer weather. This would be a practical impossibility, and even if the flowers could be secured, they would fade and wither long before their service was accomplished. Mrs. Travis is teaching her assistants to make paper flowers that are even more effective than nature's blossoms, and decidedly more durable. Most of the women are making their own flowers under her superintendence, and it has become quite the thing to give a tea or a luncheon and set the guests at work to manufacture the material for the decorations. This is far from being an arduous employment, and in most cases, it is found really fascinating.
The hour of the parade has been set at 4 o'clock, and it will form on Twentieth street, just south of the Arch of States and outside the grounds. It will pass into the grounds and around the main court proceeding thence through the Midway, around the Bluff tract and back to the main court. In the evening the Bureau of Entertainment will give a reception at its quarters at the Mines building, as a fitting ending to an occasion that is acquiring much of the nature of a social function. It has also been suggested that the parade should be repeated at 9 o'clock, when the grounds are radiant with electric illumination, and the idea will be considered at the meeting of the committee tomorrow.
Some of the Designs Adopted.
"No more fitting name," says Mrs. Travis, "can possibly be given to the beautiful carriage in which will ride Miss Elizabeth Allen and a party of girls than the Chariot of the Sun. The carriage will be solidly banked in golden yellow chrysanthemums, while the lovely blonde girls will be gowned in fluffy yellow organdies, with yellow picture hats, yellow parasols—yellow everything.
"One of the novel and truly aesthetic features will be the Kirkendall dray with its decorations of wheat and the blue cornflowers. The pair of handsome horses will have harnesses of yellow ribbons, with now and then bunches of wheat heads and collars and martingales of the blue corn flowers, while the women will be gowned in pale yellow, with cornflower hats and parasols.
"Mrs. J. E. Baum will drive two horses to a trap profusely decorated in the yellow California poppy. The little sons of Mrs. Baum will ride ponies and accompany this handsome equipage as outriders.
"Among the really magnificent creations of the parade will be the handsome Webster trap, drawn by four pure white horses. The harnesses will be entirely covered with white satin ribbons, while broad garlands of pink chrysanthemums will form the collars, martingales and saddles. The immense six-seated trap will be covered with large pink chrysanthemums, the cushions upholstered in pink and the five women who make up the party will be gowned in pink organdies, with pink picture hats and pink chrysanthemum parasols. A well known society man will drive the four-in-hand. He will of course wear the conventional afternoon dress.
"Mrs. Charles E. Ford will drive a pair of handsome dark horses to a cabriolet. The plain black carriage will be covered with a lattice work of broad yellow satin ribbon with the black forming the backgrounds and this in turn bordered with row after row of deep yellow roses, while huge bunches of the roses, tied with yellow satin ribbons, will be placed artistically here and there. The women will have handsome black gowns with large yellow hats and black and yellow parasols. The harness will be of black with yards upon yards of yellow satin ribbons fashioned into large rosettes and long flying ends.
"Mrs. Wattles will drive a pair of sorrel horses to a high trap, in American beauty roses. Garlands of the roses and red satin ribbons will form the harness.
"Mrs Clark and Miss Clark will drive a pair of black horses to a large carriage covered with white chrysanthemums. Black and white will be carried out in hats, parasols and gowns.
"A handsome large carriage will be that on which Mesdames Orr, Hoffman and Squires will drive. A distinctively French design is to be used, and carried out in turquoise blue tarleton and pink and black poppies. The women will be gowned in white, with pink and black parasols and hats. The harness will be of white satin ribbons, caught now and then with bunches of the pink and black poppies.
"One of Omaha's best horse women is said to be Miss Mae Mount, who will drive a pair of hackneys to a high English trap, which is to be solidly banked in huge chrysanthemums in the most vivid shades of amber and burnt orange. The horses, gayly caparisoned in ribbons and chrysanthemums, will make this a very stunning equipage.
One Tandem in Line.
"Of the many women in Omaha who will drive correctly appointed turnouts, in which an expert would be unable to find a flaw of harness or detail, there are few who care to risk driving tandem, as it is in some respects more difficult to manage than four-in-hand, as it calls into constant play certain tricks with the ribbons that are not needed elsewhere. However, the flower parade will have one tandem driven by Mrs. Howard B. Baldrige, accompanied by Mrs. Currier. The cart will be profusely decorated in pink and black poppies. A footman in correct livery will accompany this turnout.
"Mr. Patrick has long held the palm in Omaha as altogether its best whip. On Flower Day he will drive a four-in-hand to his coach, which will be the patriotic vehicle of the parade. The decorations will be of red, white and blue peonies. A party of Omaha's handsomest women will ride on the coach, chaperoned by Mrs. Arthur Remington and Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, jr.
Mrs. Joslyn will drive a pair of bay horses to her handsome Victoria, which will be solidly banked in scarlet poppies on a foundation of white. Garlands of the scarlet and white poppies will be caught here and there with huge bunches of scarlet poppies. The gowns of Mrs. Joslyn and Mrs. Chase, who will accompany her, are to be of white, with picture hats and parasols of red poppies.
"A carriage of golden butterflies will be one of the most striking of all the exquisite creations and will be driven by Mrs. Arthur Brandeis. White and yellow roses will form the foundation, with white and gold butterflies everywhere. Harnesses of white and yellow satin ribbons will be used, while the ladies will be gowned in white and gold, with the coachman in pure white livery."
Others who will drive very elaborate equipages are: Mrs. George Mercer, Miss Squires, Mary Mercer, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. Taliferro, Mrs. Charlton, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Hitchcock, Misses Sharp, Mrs. McWhorter, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. S. H. Noyes, Mrs. Charles Barber, Mrs. Love, Mrs. Offutt, Mrs. Squires, Miss Lindsay, Mrs. Kenyon, Miss Bennett, Mrs. Peters, Miss Parrotte, Mrs. Downs, Miss Yates, Miss Shiverick, Miss Andreeson, Mrs. Tucker, Miss Sharp, Mrs. Kelly, Eugenia Moran and Margaret Hitchcock.
Investigation Made by World-Herald Regarding Rates an Eye-Opener.
Conventions Have Secured Better Accommodations From the Roads Than Babcock Could Get.
Department of Transportation Apparently Run in Interests of Lines Running Into Omaha--Kansas City Day.
Another instance showing that the exposition has not been accorded such concessions by the railroads as the public has been led to believe transpired when W. T. Edmunds, a student at Bluefield institute, West Virginia, just returning from the Yukon, visited the grounds and entered complaint that he had been sold a ticket a Tacoma with the understanding that it carried a stopover privilege to see the exposition, but who found on reaching here that such was not the case. Edmunds and a companion, who was in a similar boat, visited the city ticket office of the Burlington and there learned that no stopover would be allowed. The other party hurried back to the depot to continue on his way east, but Edmunds went to the grounds and complained to Manager Babcock of the transportation department, who directed him to see General Passenger and Ticket Agent Francis about the matter, as the ticket did not call for a stopover.
Edmunds stated that the road refused to sell him a ticket with a stopover privilege here until he started out of the Tacoma office with the remark that he would buy over another road. He was then directed to call again in a short time, when the general agent would be in, and perhaps the stopover could be fixed up. Edmunds did so, and was told that the stopover would be arranged here. Mr. Babcock stated that the Tacoma office had probably taken the matter up by wire with the general ticket office, and that the case would "probably be fixed up."
The case shows, however, that the road is not regularly allowing stopovers for the purpose of seeing the exposition, and that the statements that have been given out from time to the effect that every road in the west was allowing stopovers from all points for the purpose of seeing the exposition were not based on fact.
It has developed that one of the most fortunate things that has happened for the exposition was the investigation made by the World-Herald into the matter of railroad rates. The disclosures that have been made were a revelation to the directors, who had accepted without question the statements given out from time to time by the transportation department, and had supposed that very favorable rates were being generally made by the roads, while as a matter of fact practically no rates have been secured by the transportation department.
When an effort was being made a year ago to secure the meeting here this year of numerous conventions, one of the arguments used was that the exposition would secure a rate that would be very much lower than would be possible to any other point. The fact has been, however, that the various conventions meeting here this year have had to secure their own rates, which have been the same as are usually accorded, and they have been lower than the exposition has been able through its department of transportation to secure. The result has been that instead of the exposition securing the conventions low rates the conventions have secured the exposition the lowest rates from a distance that it has enjoyed.
The discovery of these facts has set not only the Commercial club, but the directors of the exposition, to talking, as was evidenced by the meeting on Thursday, when a committee was appointed to take hold of the matter and see if it could not bring about results that Mr. Babcock seemed to have been unable to secure.
The whole trouble seems to be, as some of the directors size up the situation, that there has thus far been no real attempt to secure satisfactory rates. One of the directors yesterday voiced a very general opinion, as follows:
"Mr. Babcock's whole training has been from the railroad's side of the fence. Instead of being fortified with arguments for low rates he has been imbued entirely with arguments why reductions should not be granted, and it is a physical impossibility for him to look at the situation from the exposition's standpoint. This has been manifest from the very start. During the eagly stages of the exposition's history, when it was necessary to send out agents to various points, it was next to imposible to get transportation for them through that department. Whenever transportation was requested, Mr. Babcock, without even going to see the roads about it, would begin to talk of the great aid already given by the roads in subscribing to the stock of the exposition, and that it was not right to ask them for transportation, as they must have a chance to get their money back. When a man feels like that he is not to be expected to get any very big concessions from the roads, especially if they require fighting for. I see it is intimated that Mr. Babcock wants to go back into the railroad employ as soon as the exposition is over. I do not knew whether that is so or not, but I am of the opinion that if the exposition and the railroads should clash, as they seemingly have in this matter, the exposition would be thrown more than a mile in the air by the department of transportation."
Speaking of difficulty in obtaining transportation for the conduct of exposition business recalls a standing joke that was current around exposition headquarters a year or so ago. It was stated that after a little experience with the department of transportation the superintendent of one of the departments, who had occasion to travel around the country considerably on exposition business, whenever preparing for a trip would send a request for transportation to Mr. Babcock a few days in advance, and when ready to start would go down to railroad headquarters and get his pass by personal application.
Just about the time he returned home from one to three weeks later he would receive a letter from Mr. Babcock, notifying him that the roads thought they had done all they could for the exposition and that the transportation could not be secured.
Another superintendent, for whom Mr. Babcock reported that he could not secure transportation to Denver, applied to the general manager of one of the local roads and was promptly given an annual pass as soon as he explained the situation.
These are facts that lead people who are deeply concerned in the success of the exposition to refrain from criticising the roads very severely until it can be seen what results can be secured by a little genuine effort to secure rates.
The executive committee yesterday formally designated Saturday, August 6, as Kansas City day, and the following Saturday, August 13, as St. Joseph day. Big excursions will be run from both places and it is expected that each will bring from 2,000 to 3,000 people. Each is engaged in a friendly rivalry to beat the other in the matter of attendance. The outing will last two days, the tourists remaining over Saturday night in each case to see the illumination and fireworks, and returning home Sunday night. The executive committee has given orders for a big fireworks display, which will include the portraits of the respective mayors of the two cities.
The executive committee of the Exhibitors' club yesterday decided to go ahead with its arrangements to open its quarters in the gallery of the Machinery and Electricity building, the exposition management having withdrawn opposition on learning that its social feature was to be confined to a private lock and key arrangement, and that there was no intention of opening a grog shop on the Grand Court, as some had assumed to believe.
Catherine Brown, a colored girl employed at Hammond's exhibit in the Manufactures building, indulged in a flirtation with an electric fan yesterday. She wanted to see if the fan was revolving fast and inserted her finger inside the frame. The attendants at the emergency hospital applied a soothing bandage to the place where her finger nail ought to be.
The descriptive musical composition, "From Battlefield to Fireside," by Phinney, will be reproduced on the Grand Plaza by Phinney's band tomorrow evening, together with the pyrotechnic display that made such a pronounced hit last Tuesday evening. The exposition chorus will also take part in the program, singing Barnby's "Sweet and Low," and assisting in the rendition of several popular numbers by the band.
The phonographic reproduction of the squeals in the hog killing establishment at South Omaha is one of the interesting features at the Swift exhibit in the Manufactures building. A lady visitor from out of town stopped there yesterday to listen to it and inquired of the attendant, "Where is that from?" "South Omaha," was the reply. The lady looked at him doubtingly before remarking, "It sounds very much like the way they squeal at the packing houses at Kansas City. Are you sure there isn't any mistake?" The attendant assured her that there was no mistake, and that hogs actually squealed at South Omaha in the same language as that employed at the mouth of the Kaw.
Superintendent Hardt of the exhibits department was taken seriously ill last evening in the Manufactures building and suffered exceedingly for several hours. The doctor stated that he was very much improved at midnight.
[?]at a uniform temperature of [?]
The second experiment with the 25-cent admission rate will be made today, and it will be repeated next Sunday, and it will be repeated next Sunday, with a like experiment on Thursday evening at the Grand Court concert. This plan was adopted by the big board over the protests of the executive committee, and the permanence of the feature will depend entirely on the result of the experiment in the way of attendance. It is designed to increase the admission sufficiently to increase the gate receipts, as well as to give the working classes an opportunity to see the exposition without losing their time or creating too severe a drain on [?]
Enough Entries for Next Month to Fill Pens With More Varied Stock.
Mast in the Lagoon Being Moved by the Exposition --- Today's Admission 25 Cents---Exposition News.
As the season advances interest in the poultry exhibit being made on the exposition grounds by the state increases. Superintendent Richards has about all the pens filled now—about 400 birds. The capacity of the pens is 1,000, but it has been decided not to do any crowding during the warm summer weather.
At the end of the month all the specimens now here will be taken away and other exhibitors allowed a chance. The entries for August show that there will be more birds here, and the stock will include more breeds. There will also be a much larger showing of special and fancy breeds. To provide a rare and interesting feature, Mr. Richards has ordered from Washington state a pair of golden pheasants. A gratifying circumstance to the exhibitors here is that the care of the stock, although the last few days have been very warm, has prevented any sickness or discomfort in the pens.
Mast is Being Moved.
The mast in the lagoon, which is to be used in the exhibitions of the life saving crew, is being moved. The work is being done by the exposition. Superintendent Foster says that it will take several days and cannot be completed in time for an exhibition Monday. The mast will be placed some distance east and south of where it now is and up the lagoon. This will make the distance further from the starting point for the boats and will make it possible to give a much more interesting exhibition than if the mast remained in its present place. The lagoon will not be drained, a method having been devised that will render this unnecessary. Heavy timbers will be driven down and the mast will be bolted to these.
National Bee Keepers' Meeting.
The bee-keepers of the state are making great preparations for the annual meeting of the United States Bee-keepers' union, which will be held here September 12, 13 and 14. The headquarters will be at the Dellone hotel. President Whitcomb of the state society and the director of the Apiary bureau under the state commission at the exposition, says that 1,000 delegates are expected, perhaps half of whom will be from Nebraska. An effort will be made to secure the attendance of every bee-keeper in the state.
Complaint of the Exposition Management Against Its Auxiliary.
Failure to Co-Operate Alleged Against Many Out-of-Town Women.
Lack of Interest in Their Special Work Becomes Very Apparent.
Worshippers of the Black Cat Planning for a Great Concatenation on the Occasion of the Meeting of the Lumbermen.
It is officially intimated that there is a surprise in store for some of the members of the Women's Board of Managers and that unless there is a more apparent disposition to co-operate with the exposition management a number of passes will be cancelled. The members are provided with railroad transportation when they come to Omaha to attend the meetings of the executive committee or on other official business, and are tendered various other courtesies in recognition of their position. But a number of them have exhibited a marked disinclination to do anything more than take an occasional pleasure trip to Omaha at the expense of the exposition. When there is any work to be done in the localities that they are supposed to represent they are not to be depended on. It has frequently happened the requests have been sent to members to attend to some minor matters in their home towns. The work was not done, and some time after the incident was closed replies were received suavely announcing that they had been too busy to attend to the matter. This lack of interest has been very forcibly in evidence in connection with the scheme to bring in excursions of children from various sections of the state. The management has endeavored to obtain some estimate of the number of children in each city who might be expected to attend through the patronesses, but very largely without result. The patronesses have also been asked to see that matters pertaining to local participation in such events were given publicity in the local press, but this is another case in which the women were too busy to do anything. Consequently it has been necessary to do all the preliminary work from the Omaha headquarters, when much better results might have been obtained with a more vigorous co-operation on the part of the out-of-town members. It is consequently urged that the board is carrying a good deal of dead weight, and that unless certain members exhibit a greater degree of enthusiasm their free excursions will end.
Odd Fellows Already Hustling.
Although Odd Fellows' day does not occur until October 17 the local members of the order have begun an active campaign to secure the largest possible representation in Omaha on that occasion. They have set their mark at 25,000 Odd Fellows and propose to make a prodigious effort to bring that number together and make the celebration one of the most notable in the local history of the order. Colonel N. B. Heim, department commander of the Patriarchs Militant of Nebraska, will call out all the uniformed cantons in the state and will also endeavor to organize a general attendance of all Transmississippi cantons. The grand masters of the various states have been specially requested to be present and to issue dispensations to their subordinate lodges to attend.
The local lodges have established a bureau of information at their headquarters at Fourteenth and Dodge streets with John W. Nichols as secretary in charge. This will be open at all times for the benefit of members of the order. This bureau is in charge of a general committee representing each lodge in the city as follows: No. 2, G. Striffler, C. A. Buckley and Louis Heimrod; No. 10, J. Marks, D. Hartson and Colonel N. B. Heim; No. 20, J. L. Alvison, M. McKay and C. A. Grimes; No. 148, J. F. Etter, J. Miller and Frank Seykora; No. 183, A. E. Samuel-[?] Elkj, Peter Jensen and Dr. Clausen. Committees on finance and transportation consisting of one member from each lodge have also been appointed and a vigorous effort will be made to secure a railroad rate of 1 cent a mile for the occasion.
Frank Colpetzer is working up a Hoo Hoo demonstration in connection with Lumbermen's day, which occurs September 8. There are about 100 Hoo Hoos in Nebraska and several hundred more in the adjoining states. It is believed that most of them will be in Omaha on Lumbermen's day, and it is proposed to have a parade and concatenation as a feature of the day.
General Manager Clarkson has been assured that the St. Joseph citizens will make the celebration of St. Joseph day, August 13, one of the big events of the month. The mayor and other public officials are working up the arrangements with a great deal of vigor and there is a very general interest in the event on the part of the business men and citizens. It is proposed to bring a band, tally-ho coaches, etc., and have a big parade on the grounds in connection with the other exercises of the day.
Captain Mercer Has the Matter All Worked Out in Advance.
The work of preparing for the arrival of the Indians who will be here about the first of next month to become one of the interesting features of the exposition has been nearly completed. All that remains to be done is to work out some of the minor details upon and about the grounds.
At this time Captain Mercer is unable to say just when the Indians will arrive, though he feels pretty certain that they will all be here on Indian day, which has been set for August 4. The camp grounds, which have been located on the north tract just west of the Transportation building, have been cleared of the brush and debris and present an attractive appearance. The west end of this tract is quite heavily wooded, having some stately old cottonwood trees, while maples, box elders and apple trees are scattered about, affording shade and giving it something of the appearance of an old forest. Here the tepees will be located and in and about them will be the utensils and equipment used by the Indian when he is at home upon his reservation. In these tepees and about them will be portrayed the true Indian life.
When the plan of holding an Indian congress was first conceived it was considered advisable to bring Indian families from locations close to the reservations, the members of which are partially civilized. Later on, however, this was abandoned, it being considered that the Indians from the most remote points, those who had seldom come in touch with the whites, would prove a more attractive feature. With this idea in view the work was prosecuted and there will be scores of Indians here who have seldom if ever seen a white settlement. There will be fully 700 Indians here, representing the forty-odd separate and distinctive tribes, while all of the branches of these tribes will have families upon the grounds. The Indians will participate in their tribal games and will hold their own peculiar religious services, will give their dances and social functions. The place where the games and dances will occur will be within an enclosure just south of the camp ground, to which a small admission fee will be charged. The amusement features will take place daily and nightly, so all who are upon the grounds will be afforded an opportunity of witnessing exhibitions seldom seen by white people. In addition to exhibitions within the grounds, the Indians will appear upon the lagoon and furnish evidence of their skill in handling the oar. They will bring their canoes and daily they will float them upon the placid bosom of the lagoon. Those who come from the forests will bring large quantities of birch bark, from which they will manufacture the birch bark canoe read about but seldom seen in this day and age.
The question of feeding is a matter that has been given considerable attention. All of the Indians will be the guests of Uncle Sam and of course he will supply the provisions. The food will be issued from a warehouse in the way of rations and will be cooked according to the rules laid down by the particular tribes of Indians here. The cooking will be over camp fires which will blaze in front of the tepees, and the eating will be in true Indian fashion without any of the Americanized ways being thrown in.
Water pipes have been laid about the grounds. These will furnish the water supply for domestic purposes, but the water that the red men will drink will be filtered and kept in barrels, as it is the intention of Captain Mercer to do everything possible to prevent sickness among the government wards who are entrusted to his care. Bath houses have been located about the grounds where the Indians may bathe and sport in the water. The bathing place for the little Indians is a large pool of water just south of the office. It is about 25x30 feet, three feet deep. This pool has cemented sides and bottom and a waste pipe so that water will be kept fresh and clean all of the time. The baths for the men and women are within the enclosure where the sports will occur. They are similar to that intended for the use of the little Indians, only much larger.
One-third of the period fixed for the Transmississippi Exposition has expired. It is now safe to predict that the exposition will meet fully the expectations of its promoters both as regards attendance and financial returns.
During these first fifty days more than 50,000 persons have passed through the exposition gates and the receipts from all sources have exceeded $165,000. The remaining 100 days include the months when the producing classes and especially the farmers will be in evidence at the exposition.
Up to this time the attendance has been drawn chiefly from towns within the radius of 200 miles of Omaha, while the farmers have been detained by work in the fields. at the rate of the first fifty days the exposition attendance between now and November 1 would be 1,000,000, but the most moderate estimate would double that number and give 2,000,000 as the lowest prospective attendance during the remainder of the exposition season. Should the war with Spain end before September 1 it will certainly be much larger.
From the financial standpoint the outlook is equally promising. This is the first among American expositions which opened its gates without a bonded debt and has from the start not only paid running expenses, but also reduced its floating indebtedness. When it is borne in mind that this great enterprise has been successfully engineered and financiered in spite of business depression and in the face of war with its tendencies to distract and divert popular attention, the achievement is in every respect phenomenal.
MONDAY, JULY 25, 1898.
Boiling Sun Keeps Hundreds From Utilizing Cut Rate at the Exposition.
eceipts Somewhat Less Than Previous Sunday May Be Made Up From Concessions.
Hoo-Hoos Will Monopolize September 9 With a Special Day--Great Preparations Are in Progress.
The second experiment with a 25-cent admission rate drew between 7,000 and 8,000 people to the exposition grounds, of which number 5,589 were paid admissions. Although there were several thousand more people on the grounds than was the case the preceding Sunday the gate receipts were about $500 less. The concessions did well, however, and the cash difference [?]
The experiment seems to leave the situation practically unchanged from what it was before. The opponents of the reduced rate claim that it is not a money maker for the exposition, while the advocates of the cut insist that the day was altogether too hot to expect a big crowd, and say that but for the reduced price there would not have been a corporal's guard on the grounds. Certain it is that the great majority of the people who traveled on the street cars yesterday were headed for the parks, where they plunged into the grateful shade.
Travel on the exposition grounds during the afternoon was not attended with any degree of comfort, as the sun seemed to be working harder than on any day of the week. Visitors turned out well, however, during the entire afternoon, and over 5,000 people had passed through the turnstiles before the gate relief force went on duty at 5:30. Sightseeing was largely confined to the buildings, although many of the exhibits were covered up.
The afternoon concert of the Phinney band was given from the arcade at the east end of the Agriculture building and attracted a large number of auditors. The evening concert on the plaza was the one that drew the crowd and the great arena was filled during the rendition of the entire program.
The lumbermen will monopolize things on the grounds September 9, that date having been designated as Lumbermen's day. When the Nebraska Retail Lumber Dealers association was in session here it asked that this date be set apart for them, as it was the ninth day of the ninth month, or "Hoo-Hoo" day. Frank Colpetzer is working to have a cancatenation of the "Hoo-Hoos" on that night, with a parade of the members of the order in costume. Negotiations are also being carried on with prominent lumbermen in Minnesota and Wisconsin, looking to a log rolling exhibition on the Lagoon, which will include the work of some of the cleverest log manipulators in the world.
Colonel F. M. Sterritt, president, and Hon. M. V. Carroll, secretary, of the Missouri state commission, are doing the exposition.
Colonel Clark E. Carr, president of the Illinois commission, left with his wife for home Saturday evening, but will return later to spend some time on the grounds. Colonel Carr was greatly pleased with the popularity of the Illinois building, and was very enthusiastic over the outlook.
F. T. Cummins has asked for permission to illuminate the Grand Plaza this evening at his own expense, using colored fire at five minute intervals, the colors to be changed in the interim between the numbers on the program. He stated that he desired to have the place brilliantly lighted up for once, just to see how it would look. Each new experiment of this kind has proved a winner in popular estimation, and Mr. Cummins thought the occasion of the joint musical and pyrotechnic display a fitting occasion on which to carry the matter a little farther.
Guard E. S. Pollard covered himself with glory and mud yesterday afternoon. A pair of horses attached to an ice wagon ran away on the East Midway and would have run over a 6-year-old girl had not Pollard dashed in and rescured her when she was almost under the very feet of the horses. It was a daring act, and the spectators loudly cheered the agile and quick-witted young man. Pollard was not on duty at the time, but fortunately happened to be walking through that part of the grounds.
Commandant Llewellyn and Captain Haze rounded up the grounds, securing evidence against parties for seling beer on Sunday. Practically all of the beer concessions ignored the Sunday order, although taking the precaution to serve the amber fluid in cups and saucers as "cold tea." The only arrest made was that of the manager of the Omaha Brewing Co.'s place on the East Midway, as he openly admitted that he was selling, and showed the officers the faucet from which he was drawing the brew. Haze sampled the product and took judicial knowledge of the fact that it was beer, and sent the manager to headquarters.
Tourists Visit the Exposition.
Angus Morrison, a prominent literary and club man of Glasgow, Scotland, accompanied by Mrs. Morrison, visited the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison are on a tour of the United States. Mr. Morrison was much pleased with the exposition. Speaking of it he said: "I have attended a great many expositions during the last twenty years and I confess that this is as good as any that I have seen. The buildings are models of architecture, while the effect is perfectly [?] The exhibits are as fine as one could expect to see."
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison reached Omaha Sunday afternoon and expected to continue their journey west last night, but after spending a few hours at the exposition they concluded that they wanted to see more of it and decided to remain several days.
Wonderful Resources of the Dominion Are Fully Shown.
People who visit the International hall on the exposition grounds are surprised to find that it contains an agricultural, mineral, forestry and apiary exhibit. The building, however, does contain such an exhibit and it is the largest of its kind that is found in any of the numerous buildings. This exhibit is from Canada, and was installed but a short time ago. It is looked after by H. E. Knowlton, commissioner from the Dominion of Canada, assisted by W. V. Bennett, the resident Canadian agent, and his daughter, Miss June, who presides over the register in which the names of the visitors are recorded. The exhibit is an interesting one and is viewed by fully nine-tenths of those who attend the exposition.
Last fall M. A. Hall of this city, formerly a resident of Canada, conferred with the exposition managers and called to their attention the importance of a Canadian exhibit. His plan was considered and later on he was given full power to work along the lines that he indicated. He immediately went to Canada, and while there interested such men as Hon. Clifford Sifton, minister of the interior, and Hon. Sidney Fisher, minister of agriculture. The result was that these men opened a correspondence with the prominent men of the great northwest and an exhibit, second to none on the grounds, was assured. The details were placed in the hands of Mr. Knowlton, who called to his assistance J. C. Duncan, and aided by the newspapers the work was soon under way.
All of this took time, and it was not until June 22 that the exhibit commenced to arrive. Since that time the labors of the men in charge have been continuous until now, when they have 5,000 feet of floor and 6,000 feet of wall space covered with the best that the Dominion of Canada, can produce, all going to show the resources of Uncle Sam's neighbor on the north.
That the Canadians make people feel at home goes without saying. In the space which they occupy with their exhibit they have placed a tank of ice water, chairs, settees, writing material, and large quantities of literature, a great proportion of which, of course, contains interesting information relative to the Dominion. Artistically in booths, on tables, on shelves, and upon the walls they show the products which have made Canada famous as the home of the prosperous farmer, business and professional man.
While the great wealth of Canada is in its wheat, its dairy products, its mines and its lumber, there are other things that are considered, and all of these are represented. Farming up in that country is a great occupation, and the broad acres of Canada, as fertile as the valley of the Nile, extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the north line of the United States well up to the Hudson bay territory. There was a time when it was contended that farming could not be carried on successfully in Canada, but the products that are exhibited go to show that the contention is without foundation. Statistics show that all through the Dominion wheat yields from thirty-eight to forty-five bushels per acre, and what is better still ,grades No. 1 hard northern, and for this reason brings the highest price in the markets of the world. Speaking of wheat, Commissioner Knowlton says: "It's the great wheat field, and with the hundreds of thousands of acres that are eventually to be placed under cultivation it can supply the breadstuffs for all of the nations on the face of the earth."
While wheat has been considered about the only agricultural productof Canada, there is most convincing evidence that the country is rich in other resources. Oats, barley, rye and corn, together with all of the cereals known to the United States, grow and flourish in every locality, yielding abundantly. Speaking of the corn that is exhibited in the Canadian department, it is of varieties similar to that grown in Nebraska and quite as large. The small grain has a different color, being lighter, the berry much larger and more plump than that raised farther south. This condition is said to be due to [?]
The dairy business of Canada has grown with great rapidity during the past few years and has now reached a point where it supplies the tables of Great Britain, last year's shipments having aggregated 12,000,000 pounds, valued at $2,900,000. Along with the butter goes the cheese, which last year amounted to 165,000,000 pounds, valued at $15,000,000.
Honey and maple sugar are two of the other staple products of Canada and both are shown in the exhibit. The Canadian honey ranks well up toward the top, while the sugar is considered equal to that of Vermont.
The lumber industry of the Dominion has assumed great proportions since the destruction of the forests of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and much of the material used in the United States comes from the country to the north. The lumber exhibit is interesting as well as instructive, both on account of the numerous samples and the character of the exhibits. There are shown oak, pine, poplar, birch, hickory, walnut, maple, cedar and a score of other varieties of the woods of the forest. One of the most interesting is a slab cut from a log of hard pine. It is six feet across, and Mr. Knowlton vouches for the statement that the tree from which this plank came measured 150 feet to the first limb. In addition to this, he declares that there are millions of acres of pine forests in the north of the Dominion that have never been visited by the chopper.
While at the present time there are no fruits in the Canadian exhibit, later on a great showing of apples, pears and plums will be made.
The mineral exhibit contains everything from iron ore to gold. There are a dozen or more varieties of coal, including the anthracite, canal and bituminous, which is produced from one end of the country to the other. There are lead, copper—the richest ever known—silver, gold and asbestos.
In grasses there is no end to the display. There are all of the varieties grown in the United States, both tame and wild, and the assertion is made that some of them produce as high as three tons per acre.
Statistics gathered from the literature distributed indicate that during the last few years Canada has been the mecca for emigrants from the United States, as well as from other countries. In 1896 the people who located homesteads aggregated 75,000, while in 1897 the number increased to 100,000. The homestead law requirements are much the same as those in the United States, though to make final proof three years of continuous residence is required instead of five, as here.
The excellence of the Canadian grain is said to be due somewhat to the work of the government experimental stations, which are scattered about throughout the provinces. At each station there is a farm where every product of the farm is raised by men who are experts in their respective lines. The government encourages the farmers to visit these farms each year, and take practical lessons in farming, which they are expected to employ when they return to their homes. In addition to this, they are given grain from these farms, which enables them to plant only the choicest seeds, thereby improving the condition of their crop each year.
In addition to the exhibit now shown by Canada, there is a large quantity of valuable stuff that is still in bond and cannot be placed before the public until the red tape employed by the two countries is disposed of, which will be several days yet. Right in this connection, Mr. Knowlton is a strong advocate of a change in some of the laws that apply in Canada as well as in the United States. He believes that there should be a large attendance at the meeting to be held in Quebec in September, where the question of reciprocity and closer and better trade relations between the two countries will be discussed.
It Occupies Space in Gallery of the Manufactures Building.
LINCOLN, July 25.—(Special.)—State Superintendent Jackson has issued the following circular concerning the Nebraska educational exhibit at the exposition:
LINCOLN, July 20.—To Nebraska School People: Many have experienced difficulty in locating the Nebraska educational exhibit at the Transmississippi Exposition, hence this circular.
This exhibit is to be found in the gallery of the Manufactures building. Some visit our educational headquarters in the Nebraska building and fail to find the exhibit, not knowing that it is put in another building.
The exhibit occupies some 15,000 square feet of floor space and comprises all grades of school work, from the kindergarten up through the State university, and is pronounced by leading educators of other states as one of the finest educational exhibits they have ever seen. The New England Journal of Education, published at Boston and Chicago, in its issue of July 14 makes the following comment: "The educational exhibit of Nebraska at the Transmississippi Exposition, Omaha, is one of the best, if not literally the best, ever made in the United States." Great credit is due to the thousands of educators and pupils of the Nebraska schools who so faithfully co-operated with us in making the exhibit a success.
While we are all proud that Nebraska has the lowest per cent of illiteracy, we feel that this exhibit is right in keeping with the high standing our state has attained.
The work is neatly arranged and tastefully decorated. Visitors can find seats where they can rest and examine the work. You can "stand up for Nebraska" perhaps in no better way than be taking your friends with you to see this exhibit, which no doubt is as fine an educational exhibit as was ever put up by any state.
Superintendent Nebraska Educational Exhibit.
Government Exhibit Receives an Interesting Addition.
A binnacle compass has just been received and added to the naval exhibit at the Government building and if the people who don't know what a "binnacle" is will consult a dictionary they will find that it is "a small habitation." The binnacle in this case refers to the boxlike case in which the compass is swung and which protects it from variation or damage by outside influences. It is solidly constructed and a small window of heavy plate glass permits the mariner to see the dial.
The first question of the average visitor is, "Where is the needle?" for in this modern apparatus the needle that every respectable compass is supposed to have is conspicuously lacking. There is simply a plain dial in black and white, with the principal and intermediate points of the compass plainly marked, which swings on double centers so it is disturbed neither by the pitch nor the roll of the ship. Two small but powerful lamps are inserted in the binnacle and these throw a brilliant light on the dial at night, which is scarcely visible outside.
The modern binnacle includes one feature that has been added since the days of iron ships. This consists of two metal balls, one at each extremity, which are highly magnetized. These hold the compass steady and neutralize the effects of the iron construction of the ship, which would otherwise make the compass unreliable.
"From Battlefield to Fireside."
The second rendition of "From Battlefield to Fireside" on the Plaza last night was accorded an even more enthusiastic reception than it received at its first presentation a week ago. Nearly the entire population of the grounds massed itself on the Plaza and expended its energies in almost continual applause. The piece was put on with some additional effects in the way of pyrotechnics and the incidental work of the exposition chorus at times, but this was not sufficiently emphasized to mar the very enjoyable performance. The vocal support gave additional force to the old battle songs which largely constitute the fantasie and with another rehearsal the rendition can be still more improved.
The first part was received with almost as much evidence of approbation as the fantasie and nearly every number was encored. Mr. Rodenkirchen's cornet solo was rewarded with an encore and the trombone number elicited a similar demonstration of approval.
The chorus sang "Angeline," "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and Barnaby's pretty chorus, "Sweet and Low," and in these numbers their work was excellent.
Georgia Shows a Big Melon.
The long looked for Georgia watermelons have arrived and are being shown in the state building by Commissioner Northen. They are the admiration of an interested crowd of spectators. They are said to be just as fine as their appearance would indicate. They are the rattlesnake variety, being beautifully mottled with spots of light and dark green. The largest one tips the scales at eighty-five pounds.
South Dakota Editors.
The South Dakota Editorial association, now in annual session at Sioux Falls, has sent word that it will arrive in Omaha tomorrow night at 9 o'clock, over the Sioux City & Pacific, to visit the exposition. It is announced that there will be about 200 in this party. This trip will close the meeting for this year and as the tickets used by the party are good for thirty days the members will regulate their visit in the city by their own convenience and the demands of their business.
More Texas Watermelons Arrive.
Otto Buchel, president of the Buchel Power and Irrigation company of Cuera, Tex., who has been in the city for several days in connection with the Texas exhibit, left for home last night to arrange for the exhibit of Texas fruits that will be made within the next few days. Mr. Buchel will be absent for about ten days. Just before starting for home he receipted for two carloads of Texas watermelons that came from the section of the state in which he resides. While most of the melons were sent here for commercial purposes, a large number of them found their way to the state exhibit in the Agricultural building.
Investigating Committee at Work.
The committee of audit, revision and investigation held its first meeting yesterday afternoon. All the members were in attendance, and Jesse Lowe was elected stenographic secretary. The testimony of a number of witnesses was taken. This will be transcribed and a copy furnished to the members of the committee at their next meeting, which will be held next Wednesday afternoon.
Manager Griffiths Arrives.
James A. Grffiths of the Scenic railway at the exposition has arrived in Omaha to give his personal supervision to his Midway feature. The Scenic railway is operated under a patent and is conducted on scientific principles designed to make it perfectly safe, the curves all being on a level and the steep ascents and descents being in a straight line that effectually prevents derailment.
Exposition Notes.
Three carloads of Oklahoma products have been shipped to Omaha to be installed in the agricultural exhibit from that state.
The flotilla of pleasure craft on the lagoon was increased yesterday by the launching of a small gasoline launch, the "Admiral Dewey."
The Montana forestry exhibit in the Agriculture building is about completed and will be opened to public inspection within the next day or two.
A set of official souvenir postal cards—ten beautiful engravings in colors—sent post-paid for 25 cents. U. S. Postal Card Co., 215 New York Life building.
The lawn in front of the Minnesota building is being spaded up. When the work is completed grass seed will be sown and a number of flower beds will be constructed.
Screens are being put on the windows of the Iowa building and several immaterial changes are being made in the interior, all intended to add to the comfort and convenience of those who visit the homelike structure.
The executive committee of the Iowa exposition commission will hold a meeting in the state building Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. The committee will work out the details for the Iowa state festivities, which will be held September 20-21.
Mayor Jones of Kansas City has issued a proclamation declaring Kansas City day, August 6, a local holiday. The mercantile and other establishments are invited to observe the holiday by giving their employes a chance to come to Omaha and help boom the exposition.
In all the states whose legislatures neglected to provide for adequate representation at the exposition expressions of regret are already making the rounds of the press. The newspapers whose editors have visited the show unanimously express the sentiment that a great opportunity has been lost.
TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1898.
All Directors Will Be Admitted Free to Any Show.
The Concessionaires' association held an interesting meeting in the German Village yesterday afternoon. In the absence of Secretary Holbrook Fred Thompson was elected to fill that position. Considerable business of importance was transacted.
The question of admitting the directors free to all the shows was brought up and discussed at length. The vote was taken and it was decided unanimously that directors on exhibiting their silver badges will be admitted in every show on the Midway at any and all times. Although it has not been customary at previous expositions to extend the courtesy of free admission on badges beyond the executive committee and officials in active service, the concessionaires here are glad to extend to the directors cordial invitations to the various shows.
After a number of minor items of business were transacted the association adjourned, to meet at Pabst on the Midway next Monday at 2 o'clock. A full attendance is requested.
[?]sorts on the Midway.
The Lagoon Transportation company received yesterday a beautiful launch from Racine, Wis. It was constructed at a cost of $1,500 and was made to order. It has a seating capacity of thirty people. The boat has been named for the great Admiral Dewey. Two more, Admirals [?]pson and Schley, will arrive this week. [?]f these boats were modeled and built [?]e Racine Boat company. They have [?]tly built seventy similar vessels for [?]overnment.
Investigating Committee Meets at Service Building and Gets to Work.
Several Witnesses Appear Before the Board and an Adjournment Is Taken Until Today.
Editors From Adjoining States Who Have Been Extended Courtesies Write Glowing Articles About the Show.
The actual work of the auditing, revising and investigating committee was begun at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when the five members met in the room over the secertary's office in the Service building and completed the work of organization by electing Jesse Lowe secretary and stenographer.
Chairman Kilpatrick announced that all meetings would be executive and all but members of the committee were excluded, witnesess being admitted from time to time to give what information they had to the committee.
T. J. Mahoney and Manager Harry O'Brien of the Streets of Cairo concession were the first witnesses, and they related a number of circumstances to show how the Cairo concession has been persecuted because it would not waive its rights under its contract as against the Streets of All Nations. The history of the case was rather fully stated by Mr. Mahoney, but as it was a long story the committee asked the lawyer to come in again, as witnesess were waiting in other cases.
The second callers were President E. A. Felder and Manager Morris of the Moorish Village, and their grievance was predicated on the same basis as the other—the rank injustice and persecution of Superintendent Wadley of the department of concessions, the particular instance being Wadley's attempt to deprive the concession of a sub-lease after having agreed to approve it.
The hearing of these complaints occupied two hours, and the committee then adjourned until 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to give the stenographer time to extend his notes. At that time the hearing will be resumed and other witnesses examined.
The editors of several adjoining states are demonstrating the fact that all that was necessary in order to get them to advertise the exposition was to use them decently. A number of those who were brought here by the railroads on excursions to see the exposition have since that time been devoting considerable space in their respective publications to setting forth the merits of the big show, and the enterprise is bound to derive great benefit therefrom. Special Commissioner Richardson is receiving marked copies every day, and there is every indication that the exposition will receive better and more extensive advertising in the adjoining states during the latter half of July and the first half of August than during all the period that preceded it. The results are no more than expected by those who understood the difference between treating the press with common courtesy and decency and trying to handle the publishers with a club.
W. De C. Ravenel of the United States fish commisison and a member of the government board, left last evening for Washington, having stopped over Sunday on his way home from a trip to the Pacific coast. He will return here before the close of the exposition.
Major H. C. Ward, president of the government board and the officer in charge of the war department exhibit, leaves this week for New York and Washington. He will attend a meeting of the board in the latter city and will also endeavor to recure several new features for the exhibit. It was impossible at the outset to secure any field or siege guns, as everything of that kind was needed at the front, but Major Ward is hopeful that affairs have now reached such a stage that he can at least secure one of the five inch siege guns, such as were sent to Santiago. He also expects to get a number of the Mauser rifles captured from the Spaniards. At present there is but one Mauser rifle in the exhibit, and the collection is also limited as to the Krag-Jorgensens, with which our regulars are equipped.
In speaking of the situation Major Ward stated yesterday that our volunteers now going to Porto Rico will be equipped with the Krag-Jorgensen arm and smokeless powder ammunition, and that the arms are being turned out fast enough now to equip all other expeditions of a similar character that may hereafter be sent out. He doubted for this reason whether any of the United States troops would be equipped with the captured Mauser rifles, although he thought it possible that one division might be armed with them. The Mauser guns are of 27-100 caliber, while the Krag-Jorgensen is of 30-100.
A noticeable feature of the rifle exhibit in the war department section is that there is a little difference in the caliber of the various arms adopted by the various nations for equipping their troops. Major Ward stated that this difference is due to design rather than to accident, so as to render captured arms or ammunition of no immediate value to the enemy, as captured ammunition would not fit the enemy's arms, and vice versa.
The mast in the lagoon has been removed from its former location and will be reset tonight, the driving of the necessary piling having been completed yesterday. The new boat for the life saving crew will be here and everything in readiness for the first exhibition on the lagoon tomorrow.
Angus Morrison, a prominent citizen of Glasgow, Scotland, is at the exposition with his wife. He is corresponding for several papers across the water, and came here from Chicago especially to see the exposition. He is very enthusiastic in his praises of the various features and speaks in a most complimentary way of its conciseness, completeness, and comprehensiveness, as well as of its architectural beauty. He will return to Chicago before starting for St. Paul and a trip to Vancouver.
The dark room connetced with the exhibit of the General Electric company in the Machinery and Electricity building is a frequent objective point for those who have been there before and who are accompanied by friends to whom they want to point out the most interesting features. The room contains the X ray machine, and visitors go there in search of information as to the hitherto unfamiliar portions of their anatomy.
Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota was on the grounds yesterday, being met at his hotel and escorted out by Special Commissioner Richardson. He went through the Government, Agriculture and Fine Arts buildings and was very much struck by the completeness and artistic arrangement of the exhibits. He left last evening for Denver and the west and will return early in September to participate with Congressman C. A. Towne of Minnesota in the monetary discussion on Free Silver day.
Senator Warern of Wyoming was in the city yesterday, but did not visit the grounds. He was here soon after the opening, and he stated that what he saw at that time so enthused him that he returned to Washington and worked vigorously for the Indian congress appropriation. He is a strong friend of the exposition and is a member of the senatorial committee that is to come here later as the official representatives of the senate. He said he did not know what date would be fixed for the visit, but stated that he proposed to be here on that occasion.
Wheelmen's Day at Exposition.
Quite a gathering of wheelmen was present at the parlors of the Commercial club last evening in response to the call for a mass meeting of wheelmen to take action on the proposed wheelmen's day at the exposition. The meeting was called to order at 9 p. m. and Mr. D. J. O'Brien was selected as chairman. The invitation from the exposition management to the wheelmen to come to the big show on August 15 and bring their wheels with them was announced to those present, and it was heartily received. The matter was discussed at considerable length, the general opinion being that everything should be done to make it one of the biggest days during the show, and it was shown that this could be done with proper advertising and enthusiasm among the wheelmen. Representative wheelmen were present from Council Bluffs, and they assured the hearty support and co-operation of the boys on the other side of the stream. Committees on arrangements and press were appointed, and an effort will be made to work in conjunction with the exposition management in thoroughly advertising the day and bring the wheelmen here from all the surrounding states. A delegate will visit St. Joe today, where the state meet of the Missouri division League of American Wheelmen is in progress, and he will endeavor to interest those in attendance there. The meeting then adjourned, to meet again Thursday evening of this week. After the meeting had adjourned the boys were introduced to a little surprise party which had been prepared by Secretary Utt of the Commercial club. It was nothing more nor less than a delicious bowl of punch, and the boys did it justice.
But few understand the mechanism of the Camera Obscura, yet hundreds admire the moving, living pictures thrown in beautiful colors on the screen. The pictures presented by the Camera Obscura are not of the past, but of the present, and persons, buildings and objects on the exposition grounds are shown.
Delegates to National League B. & L. Associations Declare Them Prohibitory.
No Exposition Reduced Rates Whatever From Chicago or Any Other Eastern City.
How to Secure Summer Resort Rates Which Are Much Lower Than Any so Far Granted Omaha.
The members of the advance guard of delegates to the National League of Local Building and Loan associations, who have been arriving since Sunday, are unanimous on two points. The first is that the exposition is greater in every way than they anticipated, and the second is that the railroad rates to it from the east are prohibitory so far as visitors to it are concerned.
Secretary Nattinger of the Omaha Mutual Loan and Building association and Secretary Christie of the Nebraska Building and Loan association, who were in part instrumental in bringing the meeting to Omaha, are putting the best possible face on the matter, but at the same time state that the attendance and number of visitors will not be anything like as large as was expected. One of the Philadelphia delegates stated to Mr. Nattinger that instead of six delegates from the Quaker city, which is the great home of building and loan associations, that two full car loads would have come had a reasonable exposition rate been obtainable. By their own efforts at the last moment the delegates obtained a much better rate, one of nearly 40 per cent less than the rate to Omaha obtained by the exposition management, but it was then too late to get up a crowd. Should the railroads give the same rates to Omaha as they did to the Nashville and other expositions it was stated that several thousand people from Philadelphia alone would visit the exposition.
John Steel, who has just returned from a week's visit in Milwaukee, brings the same kind of report. The people of that city know of the exposition and that Wisconsin has a building at it, and thousands of them would like to visit it. But the rate from Chicago to Omaha is double the rate in force all of last summer from Chicago to Nashville, although the distance from Chicago to Nashville is greater than the distance from Chicago to Omaha. As a matter of fact, and the people of Milwaukee and the east know it, the exposition management has not yet obtained any rates whatever from Chicago or other eastern cities to Chicago, the only reduced rate in force being the regular summer tourist excursion rate of 80 per cent of the regular round trip fare. So long as the exposition management does not obtain any reduced railroad rates to Omaha, Mr. Steel declared, the people will not come, except in very small numbers, to the exposition.
As the rates to Colorado Springs, Manitou, Glenwood Springs and other western summer resorts and cities are much less than from them to Omaha, it has been suggested that as one means to get at least a few visitors from the Rocky mountain region that people traveling westward purchase round trip tickets and have the return portion used by persons desiring to visit the exposition. The visitors could in turn buy return trip tickets, and by keeping up the chain they could at least obtain the regular summer resort rates to Omaha and the exposition, which are, as stated, very much lower than any rates which the exposition transportation department has so far obtained from the railroads for Omaha and the exposition.
The attitude of the railroads toward the exposition in the matter of reduced rates may be shown to the understanding of the most superficial observer by a few figures. Seventy miles south of Omaha is a little Missouri fishing resort known as Langdon. The regular fare from Omaha to Langdon is $2.10, but in order to induce people to visit that pleasant little resort the railroad reaching it has made a rate of $2.25 for the round trip. The fare from Langdon to St. Joseph and return is $3.70. By purchasing a round trip ticket to Langdon, and a round trip ticket to St. Joseph from Langdon, a man in Omaha may make the round trip to St. Joseph from Omaha for $5.95. The regular fare from St. Joseph to Omaha and return is $7.90. The regular exposition rate is $5.60.
Note the difference and then secure some realization of the wonderful "liberality" of the railroad rates to the exposition. By purchasing a round trip ticket to Langdon, and another from Langdon to St. Joseph, an Omaha man may go to St. Joseph and back for $5.95. But the St. Joseph man who wants to visit the exposition must pay $5.60 for the same number of miles, or only 35 cents reduction.
Another little example with Langdon as the object. A citizen of Langdon who wants to visit the exposition must pay $2.80 for a special exposition excursion ticket. But the Omaha man who wants to go to Langdon to fish in the placid waters of the Nishne has only to pay $2.25 for the round trip, or 55 cents in favor of the little fishing resort, and against the great exposition.
There seems a way to secure for the exposition decent rates. Let the exposition management stock the lagoon with the wary black bass, the succulent croppie, the pugnacious pickerel and the elusive pike. Then let it herald forth the wondrous fame of Omaha as a fishing resort. The railroads, which have refused decent rates to the great exposition, will then all over themselves to grant low rates to the fishing resort. Or, let the iron pipes [?] the water spouting forth will boil, and then advertise its waters as healing and soothing. Then the railroads which have refused to give the exposition fair rates will tread upon their own heels in their hurry to make low rates to the health resort.
The attitude of the railroads toward the exposition is not fair. They will give better rates to a little fishing resort or a hot spring than they will to the wonderful white city erected at the cost of over a million and filled with the products of man's ingenuity and nature's prodigality.
Authorities Decide Not to Invite Canada and Mexico to Participate Therein.
WASHINGTON, July 26.—(Special Telegram.)—Senator Thurston upon request of E. Rosewater, chairman of the Bureau of Publicity and Promotion of the Transmississippi Exposition, had an extended conference with Secretary Bliss in relation to issuing invitations to the Mexican and Canadian governments, requesting their participation in the Indian congress, which opens August 4 and continues until November 1. Secretary Bliss, after the conference with Senator Thurston, had an extended talk with President McKinley as to the advisability of issuing such invitations. It was finally agreed, however, that it was impossible to extend any invitation to either the Mexican or the Canadian governments, there being no appropriation for any expense connected with the representation of the Mexican and Canadian Indians. The president took the ground that so long as the appropriation for the Indian congress covered only the expenses for American Indians, it would not be courteous toward these governments to sent representatives of the Indian tribes residing in Mexico or Canada when no appropriation was made for the purpose.
Texas Day Plans.
Great preparations are being made for observing Texas day, which occurs on August 18. The indications are at this time that a number of excursions will be run from points in the Lone Star state, as the railroads have taken hold of the matter and are inclined to make a very low rate. Commissioner Atwater, who did so much in working up the Texas exhibit, said that he would not be surprised to see 1,000 Texans in Omaha. He thinks that they will bring a band and will bear numerous banners, advertising both the exposition and the state from which they hail. He expects that Governor Culberson and his entire staff will be here to participate in the exercises.
There are few if any states where the exposition has been advertised more thoroughly than in Texas. A number of the prominent people of the state have been here and upon their return they have become walking advertisements for the great show. Commissioner Atwater has written columns of exposition matter and sent it to the papers of his home state and now he says that the people down there known almost as much about the exposition as do those of Nebraska.
Missouri Exposition Sentiment.
President G. A. Atwood of the Missouri State Horticultural society and Colonel F. M. Sterrett, president of the Missouri exposition commission, are in the city. They are both well pleased with the exposition and feel convinced that it has fulfilled every promise that has been made. While in the city they will likely complete all arrangements relative to Missouri day, which will occur on August 30.
The distinguished visitors from Missouri say that a strong exposition sentiment is working itself upon the state from which they come and that after harvest, if proper railroad rates are secured, several excursions will be run into Omaha. Missouri will continue to keep its magnificent fruit exhibit in the same perfect condition if there is fruit in the state that can be secured for the purpose. The fruit crop is excellent and large quantities of the best will be sent to the exposition from now until the close.
According to the Fakery, Rosewater can't keep his hands off the exposition. Everybody outside of the Fakery knows that if Rosewater had kept his hands off there would have been no exposition.
Records of the Gates the Most Potent of Arguments.
Present System of Passes and of Their Issuance Offers a Premium on Dishonesty—Not Seeking a Place.
The fact that the pass gates admitted more people into the grounds than the pay gates has for some time past been the source of serious alarms to the managers of the exposition. The number of free passes has ranged from 3,000 to 6,000 daily, and it has become manifest that hundreds if not thousands pass through the pass gates daily who have no right, who have either been smuggled on the free list or are traveling on others' names. As there has been no check on free admissions and no system whatever to prevent imposition or detect fraud Manager Rosewater has for weeks been urging the appointment of a pass inspector with authority to check up the deadhands, after comparison of lists, and to devise some system by which the free list should be curtailed and imposture stopped. More than two weeks ago a resolution was adopted by the executive committee directing the Bureau of Admissions to employ such an inspector. The head of the bureau—Manager Lindsey—repeatedly asserted that he could not find a competent person for the place.
Last week, on Wednesday, Mr. Lindsay, just before starting for a trip to Dakota Hot Springs, with other members of the executive committee, was again reminded of the urgent need of the pass inspector, and said then to Manager Rosewater that if he could find a man he considered qualified to engage him. Two days later, on Manager Rosewater's recommendation the committee tendered the place to Mr. T. W. Blackburn at $5 per day for whatever time he might be occupied. Mr. Blackburn, on being notified of the committee's action called on Manager Bruce, who was then acting in place of Manager Lindsay of the Ways and Means department, and was requested to await the return of Manager Lindsay before assuming the duties. In the meantime Mr. Blackburn visited the Bureau of Admissions and endeavored to familiarize himself with the condition of affairs and the task that was to be imposed upon him. On Mr. Lindsay's return Mr. Blackburn wrote him the following letter:
Makes Some Suggestions.
OMAHA, July 25.—Z. T. Lindsay, Esq.—My Dear Sir: At a meeting of the executive committee of the Transmississippi and Internaltional Exposition association on Friday afternoon, I was elected pass inspector. This action was taken without solicitation on my part and I do not know whether or not I can afford to accept the position. However, I have spent some time in making inquiries, and submit the following suggestions as to infirmities discovered:
1. The card passes, trip passes, workingmen's passes, press passes and employes passes afford the exposition no protection whatever against abuse.
2. There is no check attempted whereby to detect abuses in the matter of issuing passes on the request of heads of departments.
3. There is no record of the use made of any form of time passes.
4. There is no check against the numbers, and any printer could duplicate any form of exposition pass except the photograph passes without danger of detection.
5. Collusion between the holder of any form of pass and the gatekeeper will permit one, two, three or even six persons to use the same pass.
6. The gatekeeper's sole reliance as to as to the identity of the holder of the pass other than a photograph pass, is the signature the holder of such pass makes with a lead pencil.
7. There is no record made against a department on time passes, nor against any exhibitor or concessionaire who may hold such pass.
8. In the matter of certain kinds of passes the superintendent of a department makes a request for a flat number and he is not required to advise the Bureau of Admissions to whom the same were issued or by whom they were used.
9. When a fraud is detected no record is made, which will prevent the same party from the same fraud through another department, or even the same department.
10. Instances have cometo the attention of the Bureau of Admissions where out-of-town persons have loaned their passes to other visitors, but these would not have been detected, except for the excessive stupidity of the recipients of the passes. A card pass, requiring no signature of the owner, and affording no means of determining whether the party presenting it, is the one to whom it was issued or not, might almost as well read, "Admit bearer."
Invitation to Fraud.
11. The forms adopted for passes, with the exception of the photograph pass, are all wrong, and afford unlimited opportunity for fraud. In fact, they invite deception and placea premium upon sharp practice, and I do not see how it is possible to avoid frauds, so long as they are used. Whoever devised these surely had a sublime faith in the absolute honesty of visitors to an exposition.
12. Exhibitors and concessionaires can and do obtain more passes than they are entitled to, but the pass records of the Bureau of Admissions do not present any facilities for correcting theabuse, since no change for whatever appears against the exhibitor of concessionaire.
13. It is possible for oneand the same man to get an exhibitor's pass, a concessionaire's pass, an employe's pass and a workingamn's pass, as well as one reading simply "reporter," and to have a friend using each of the passes every day, and each friend letting in four or five other friends, with the gate keepers all doing their duty.
14. There are fifty trip passes each, per week, issued to each head of a department, and nobody pretends to check over the stubs of these trips, and not the least attempt is made to prevent such trip passes being transferred at will.
15. In your absence, I did not feel justified in demanding permission to examine records in your department, and, of course, did not call on other department officials for information, but I saw enough and learned enough to warrant me in saying, that if the exposition is not losing thousands of dollars
Manager Clarkson Announces the Dates of Two Free Fruit Occasions.
Western States Will Contribute of Their Plenty for the Occasion.
Prof. Owens Hopes to Be Able to Show the Latest Wonder of Science.
One Hundred Strong the Press Gang Comes with Its Wives and Sweethearts to See the Transmississippi Exposition.
General Manager Clarkson has announced two addition special days for the first part of September and the celebrations on these occasions will be of a nature highly conducive to the prosperity of the dispensors of various colic compounds. Friday, September 2, will be Peach day and enough of the fruit will be distributed to satisfy the capacity of everyone on the grounds. The peaches will come from all over Nebraska, Colorado and Iowa and several carloads have already been pledged. Friday, September 16, will be Grape day which will be marked by a similar distribution of unlimited quantities of grapes from various southern vineyards.
Prof. Owens of the electrical department is corresponding with a view to securing a demonstration of the recently invented liquidified air process in his building. This is one of the most interesting of recent scientific experiments and if satisfactory arrangements can be made it will be made a feature of the exposition. The liquidified air is produced by the intense compression of air combined with continuous freezing and the product can be made the medium of many novel and interesting experiments. When the air is reduced to the liquidified state it is at a temperature of 300 degrees below zero or so cold that a piece of metal immersed in it becomes so brittle that it can be broken like a lump of clay.
A crowd of South Dakota editors with their wives comprising over 100 people was among the arrivals at the grounds this morning. They arrived last night from Sioux Falls where they were entertained for two days. Consequently they were willing to rest during the morning and it was towards noon when they appeared at the grounds. They were received at the Press building by the hostess, Miss Elinor Dutcher, and after registering they broke up into sightseeing expeditions and took in the grounds. According to their outlined plans most of the party will spend the balance of the week in Omaha. The editorial party includes James Bryson and wife, Gettysburg; W. W. Noyes, Bridgewater; J. F. Halliday and wife, Iroquois; G. M. Farley and wife, Madison; Mrs. J. P. Farley, Madison; R. E. Dowdell and wife, Artesian; H. T. Volkmar and wife, Milbank; Fred Atherton, Webster; W. S. Fox, Tripp; W. C. Bowen, Hurley; L. C. Taylor, Alexandria; T. W. Taubman, Plankinton; E. S. Johnson and son, Mitchell; Harry Wentzy and sister, Pukwana; H. C. Tucker ,Edgerton; Miss A. Nilson, Edgerton; E. E. Dye and wife, Guanaway; J. D. Reeves, Groton; Miss Mona Taubman, Aberdeen; Miss Lizzie Samuels, Plankinton; Henry Hoffman, Woolsey; Miss Johnson, Mitchell; G. W. Kelley, Woonsocket; Charles S. Reed, Woonsocket; A. Sherrin, Britton; C. J. Maynard, Kimball; Miss Edith Sedgwick, Kimball; Miss Florence LaFollette, Chamberlain; Miss Lizzie Stevens, Chamberlain; C. C. Fletcher, Aberdeen; F. J. Tracey, Ipswich; E. J. Searles, Aberdeen; J. W. Peckham, Alexandria; L. V. Doty, Watertown; E. F. Latsch, Chamberlain; Fred LaFollette, Chamberlain; W. S. Bowen, Yankton; J. F. Armstrong and wife, Yankton; S. G. Dewell, Pierre; C. C. Lowe and wife, Salem; J. P. Leonard, Hetland; L. J. Bates, Lake Preston; N. C. Nash, Canton; C. P. Sherwood and wife, DeSmet; Mrs. J. M. Patten, Salem; L. C. Taylor, Alexandria.
Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, California and Nebraska All Contribute.
The hot weather of the last few days has played sad havoc with the fruit in the Horticultural building, and has kept the exhibitors busy changing plates, and only by working constantly have the men in charge been enabled to keep their exhibits in anything like presentable shape.
Illinois is beginning to send on great quantities of fruit and from now until the close of the exposition the tables will be supplied as frequently as those of Nebraska or Iowa. At this time the tables are covered with new apples, the duchess taking the lead. Illinois is the first of the states to show new pears. An installment came in yesterday and the quality, as well as the fine flavor, received considerable favorable comment.
Iowa continues to loom up with its exhibit of peaches, several varieties having gone on exhibition during the past few days. Of course, they are not the big fellows that will come later in the season, but they are good enough and supply convincing evidence that Iowa is destined to become one of the leading peach-producing states. Iowa is also getting in some fine grapes, as well as apples, that are as fine as any grown. One feature of the Iowa apple that attracts attention this year is the delicate coloring, which is said to be unusually fine this year.
The Missouri red apples continue to arrive and Superintendent Nelson is correspondingly happy. He is looking forward to Apple day with feelings of great pleasure, promising that on that occasion he will feed all who attend the exposition. He also says that his Peach day will be an epoch in the history of the exposition and that he will at that time have a crate, or less, of peaches for all who call. In the Missouri fruit exhibit the early Crawford peaches have commenced to come. These are the first of the standard varieties to be placed upon the tables, but by the time that they are gone there will be an abundance of the later varieties. Yesterday an addition to the Missouri fruit exhibit was made by the receipt of a quantity of the big red June plums and a case of Lawton blackberries. They were sent by L. A. Goodwin of Westport, secretary of the State Horticultural society, who has taken a great interest in the fruit display at the exposition.
California continues to receive and dispense its semi-tropical fruits, and between keeping his exhibit in shape, exploiting the resources of the section in which he resides and giving away samples, Superintendent Wilson is kept very busy. Yesterday he received a consignment of new oranges, many of which were as large as pint cups, but he declares that they were the small ones, the large stock having been kept at home on account of the heavy express charges which would follow the shipment of any large number of the big oranges. California has also sent in some apples. While they will not compare with the apples of this section, so far as size goes, they are nicely flavored and beautiful to look upon. Plums and nectarines are also beginning to come and from now on the California exhibit will contain a great variety of products. While not engaged in his other work, Superintendent Wilson devotes some time to giving out copies of Sunshine, a fruit culture magazine, in the publication of which he is interested. The magazine contains numerous articles relative to the work of growing fruit and proves of great interest to the horticulturists who visit the building.
Hawkeye Statesman Warmly Commends Exposition to the Public.
Accompanied by the officers of the exposition Senator Allison made a tour of the White City yesterday. He arrived early in the morning and was met by General Manderson and was driven to the grounds immediately after breakfast, remaining there during the greater portion of the day. After inspecting the buildings on the main court Senator Allison paid a visit to the Bluff tract and went through the state buildings, remaining for some time in the Iowa building, where he met a number of people from his own state.
Speaking of the exposition Senator Allison said: "It exceeds my fondest expectations and is magnificent beyond description; there are no words that can do justice to the Grand Court and the beautiful buildings that have been constructed. This is my first visit to Omaha since the construction of the buildings on the grounds was commenced, and consequently, aside from what I had heard and read, I knew little of what had been done. The whole country, and especially the west, ought to be proud of this great exposition, which has been excelled only by the World's Fair. In some respects I consider the exposition better than the World's Fair. The buildings are not so large, but the architectural design is as good, if not better, while the arrangement upon the grounds is better in every [?] other, and in addition to that the plan of building around the lagoon must prove satisfactory to all who visit here.
"The magnitude of the exposition is a pleasant surprise and instead of the Transmississippi being a show, it is a great school where the masses may be educated and come in contact with people from other sections of this as well as other countries.
"At this time I cannot stay as long as I would like to, but later in the season I intend to visit the exposition again and spend considerable time upon the grounds. The exposition is worthy of a close inspection and to do it thoroughly would require days if not weeks. Our people will be here later in the season, and will come prepared to stay some length of time. Of course just now, being of an agricultural country, we are busily engaged in harvesting an enormous crop, but as soon as that is secured we will have some time to spare and then we will give the exposition our attention. It is worthy of attention and if the people do not visit it they will miss a great opportunity."
Old Washington Hand Press that Has Quite a History.
While the Utah exhibit in the Agricultural building contains many interesting exhibits there is one thing that attracts more than usual attention. This particular thing is an old Washington hand press, capable of printing one page of a seven column paper at a time. While there are other and better printing presses on the grounds, there is no other that has thrown about it so interesting a history. Just were it originally came from history fails to record. Its first appearance in the west was in 1848, when it was brought by Orson Hyde, who set it up in Council Bluffs, then known as Kanesville. Upon it was printed the Guardian, the first newspaper ever published in this section of the country.
How long Orson Hyde continued the publication is not definitely known, but eventually he let go and next the old press turned up in the possession of J. E. Johnson and upon it was printed the Arrow, an Omaha paper. After that the old press commenced its journey toward the setting sun, having been bought by the Mormons, who were on their way to Salt Lake. It was used in the publication of the Rock Bottom Emigrant Guide, the Wood River Echo and the Huntsman's Echo, finally landing in Utah, where it was used in the publication of the Farmer's Oracle at Spring Lake Valley. Having outlived its usefulness the old press went out of business and became the property of C. J. Johnson of Salt Lake City, who keeps it as one of his most valuable relics of the pioneer days of the west.
Local Committee Expects to Make a Great Success of It.
September 9, 1898, will be Lumbermen's day at the Transmississippi Exposition, Omaha, Neb., and arrangements are practically perfected for the handling of the largest body of lumbermen ever gathered together in the United States. Especially reduced railroad rates from all points to Omaha and return will be made upon that occasion. Special rates will be made to everything on the Midway; a concatenation of the Hoo-Hoo tribe will be held on the grounds in one of the Transmississippi buildings and a unique parade of these same cats in costume will be held upon the grand court on that day. A log rolling contest by imported northern experts will take place in the open lagoon and the Nebraska lumbermen will keep open house at the Nebraska building. These and several other important features will serve to make the day a memorable one. The manufacturer, the jobber and the retailer will be there and an opportunity will be given every one to extend his lumber acquaintance over an extremely wide territory.
J. J. Bonekemper, F. Colpetzer, J. S. White and P. E. Smith are the committee having charge of the matter.
Executive Committee Meeting.
At the meeting of the executive committee of the exposition, held yesterday, the remaining details in connection with the Flower parade to be held in August were taken up and worked out. It was decided to start from the south side of the Horticultural building on the Bluff tract as soon after 7 o'clock in the evening as possible. Wagons that are to go in the line are expected to be on the grounds at 6 o'clock. The line of march will be announced at a later date.
It was decided to retain the Phinney band for another week after the expiration of the present engagement. With this arrangement complete the band will stay here until August 10.
T. W. Blackburn withdrew his application for the position of pass inspector, saying that he would not serve if appointed. It is not likely that any one will be appointed to fill this office or some time, at least.
[?]sion Parties Coming.
A. Raymond & Whitcomb party of twenty-five members from Philadelphia and other eastern cities will arrive in Omaha on August 1 on its return from a trip through the Yellowstone. The party will spend several days at the Transmississippi. Thomas Cook & Sons will also have a party of fifteen members, which is now in the Yellowstone, and will spend a few days in Omaha, arriving on July 31.
A party of fifteen Missouri editors, headed by J. J. Heifner of the Macon Times, will arrive in Omaha July 29 and spend a week at the exposition.
Entertained at Luncheon.
Senator Allison of Iowa and President Stuyvesant Fish of the Illinois Central were the guests of the executive committee of the exposition last night. They were entertained at luncheon and later took in the Midway and enjoyed a ride upon the lagoon. They left the city at midnight on a special train, Senator Allison going to Dubuque and President Fish to Memphis and the south. Both were greatly impressed with the magnitude of the exposition. They declared that they were astonished at the enterprise of Omaha citizens in bringing the exposition to such a pinnacle of success with the comparatively small capital at their disposal.
Conference on Railroad Rates.
There is a prospect for an early conference between representatives of the Omaha terminal lines and the exposition directory to consider the important matter of lower railroad rates to Omaha on account of the exposition.
W. N. Babcock, manager of the Department of Transportation of the exposition, has advised the local committee of the Western Passenger association of the action of the directors of the exposition in the appointment of "a committee of five to act in conjunction with himself to move upon the railroad companies to urge upon them the necessity of lower passenger rates to the exposition." He has asked for an early meeting that the committee might appear before them and report at the next meeting of the directors, which is to be held on Friday, July 29. The railroaders have announced that they will hold such a meeting as is desired this week.
Knights of Pythias Day.
General Manager Clarkson says that Knights of Pythias day, October 13, promises to bring together one of the biggest gatherings of members of the order that has ever occurred in the west. All the principal officers in the transmississippi country are interested in the affair and are already working up a general interest among the subordinate divisions. Assurances have been made of an extremely low railroad rate for this occasion, and the correspondence of the local committee indicates that the knights will flock to Omaha by thousands.
Notes of the Exposition.
A set of official souvenir postal cards—ten beautiful engravings in colors—sent post paid for 25 cents. U. S. Postal Card Co., 215 New York Life building.
A farmer entering the gate inquired of the reporter for the building of Montgomery Ward & Co. Directing him the reporter asked, why do you first go there? Why, said he, don't everybody make that their headquarters? That's what I'm told at home. I drive to town in a buggy bought from Montgomery Ward & Co., put in my crops with machinery bought from them; Sarah's sewing machine, my harness, our dishes, the fences, my watch, our clothing, all come from Ward's. I guess they'd be glad to see me over there. I've been in their store in Chicago and know how they treat their customers.
Secret Society Preparing to Make the Day Set Aside for It One to Be Long Remembered.
Much interest is being displayed in the preparation for Red Men's day at the exposition, August 10, and Tennessee Red Men's day, August 11. On Monday a delegation from St. Joseph, composed of Great Junior Sagamore Wickenhoefer, John Croteau, Otto Saltzman, S. Saltzman and J. J. Castel, conferred with the Omaha Red Men and arranged for the entertainment of the crowds which will attend from St. Joe. A rate of $2.25 for the round trip, with tickets good for August 9, 10 and 11, has been secured from that point, and it is thought that not less than 2,000 St. Joe people will take advantage of the cheap rate.
The committee on local arrangements met in Labor Temple last night and decided upon the program to be carried out on the two days. Letters were read from members of the order in all parts of the United States who expect to be here at that time. Members in New Brunswick, N. J., Amsterdam, N. Y., Philadelphia and other far eastern cities are enthusiastic over the celebration and declare their intention of being here. Great Incohonee Robert T. Daniels of Griffin, Ga.; Great Chief of Records C. C. Conley [?]
Wiley of Des Moines will come to Omaha on August 9 along with many Red Men of lesser note. Communications from Tennessee Red Men assure the Omaha committee that at least 500 encursionists will be present from that state. Sham battles have been given in Nashville to raise money to defray the expenses of the trip. All the uniformed men have purchased new headgear and other paraphernalia used in the battles. A large supply of ammunition has been purchased and everything is in readiness for the Omaha pilgrimage.
On August 10 a grand morning parade will be made through the principal down town streets. T. J. Evans and C. E. Holliday of Omaha have been appointed marshals of the day and will have charge of ceremonies. All the uniformed Red Men will appear in the parade, together with bands and distinguished visitors.
After the parade the Red Men will go directly to the exposition grounds, where a program will be given. Mayor Moores will deliver an address of welcome and C. C. Conley of Philadelphia will respond. Governor Holcomb will then welcome the Red Men to Nebraska and Robert F. Daniels of Griffin, Ga., will answer the governor and make the chief address of the morning.
In the afternoon of August 10 a great sham battle will be given by the Tennessee Red Men and on August 11 a battle will be fought in the morning and another in the afternoon. At the Nashville exposition these sham battles were one of the strongest drawing cards. The attendance at the exposition was phenomenal on the days they took place and there is no doubt but that they will prove equally attractive here.
The committee on local arrangements has established Red Men's information bureaus at five places in different parts of the city and will make every effort to provide for the visitors who come here at that time. Reception committees will meet all trains on August 9 and 10 and escort strangers to comfortable quarters.
Mr. Rosewater Meddles With Manager Lindsey's Department and Is Roasted.
Appointed T. W. Blackburn Pass Inspector at a Remunerative Salary Without Authority.
Finds He Grabbed the Red Hot End of Lindsey's Department and Has Reason for Regretting It.
The return of the touring members of the executive committee developed a little clash at the meeting yesterday afternoon. As has been previously announced, T. W. Blackburn was appointed pass inspector a day or two ago at a salary of $150 a month. This was in Mr. Lindsey's department, and as soon as he got home and heard of it he said that he would not stand it. He did not object so much to Mr. Blackburn personally as he did to the salary. He declared that it was an outrage to take such a step when the exposition was in debt, and he put a very effective veto on the proposition.
Mr. Blackburn said he would not serve for less, and Mr. Lindsey replied that he would have to get another man. The discussion of the matter at yesterday's meeting of the committee developed the fact that the appointment was practically made by Mr. Rosewater, and that individual said that Mr. Lindsey had asked him to find a man for the place.
"Well, I didn't ask you to appoint him," retorted Mr. Lindsey. "I asked you to help find a fit man for the place, just as I asked the other members of the committee to do the same thing. I had no idea that the place would be filled before I knew anything about it. There is no sense in paying any such salary as $150 a month, when a thoroughly capable man can be found who will satisfactorily perform the duties of the place for half that sum."
"But Blackburn says he will not take it for less," urged Mr. Rosewater.
"Then we will find a man who will," said Mr. Lindsey. Mr. Blackburn's name will not be added to the payroll.
As each succeeding day goes by the directors and other officials who are keeping track of the matter are better satisfied with the action of the directory in taking a more liberal position toward theoutside press. The editors who have been here on the excursions gotten up for their benefit by the railroads have without exception given the exposition a "send-off" in their papers that money could not have bought. None of them have disposed of the subject in less than a column, while many have devoted four or five columns to telling the story of their delightful trip. The best feature of it that an unmistakable enthusiasm pervades it all. The writers present to their readers the sights just as they saw them, and a single paragraph of it goes farther in inducing a desire to come here and view the grand spectacle than would a barrel of the top-heavy compositions sent out by the publicity department, even if the papers could be prevailed upon to print it. The disposition manifested by the management to accord the publishers proper courtesy has induced an inclination to reciprocate, and even the editors who have not as yet come here have already shown a very decided change in their attitude toward the exposition.
Now that the directors have taken action to remedy some of the manifest weakness of the publicity and promotion department, they are giving a great deal of attention to the transportation department and there is every indicaion that Manager Babcock will be given some valuable lesosns in rate getting before they are through. Mr. Babcock thinks he has been done an injustice, and insists that he has earnestly tried to get favorable rates. He was assured yesterday that there was no disposition to sift things down to ascertain whether the failure was due to lack of inclination or lack of ability on his part, as the ony thing the directors were interested in was results.
It is now conceded even by Mr. Babcock that satisfactory rates have not been secured. The fololwing clipping from the Kansas City Journal of last Saturday is reproduced to show how they go about such things in other [?]
One Fare for the Round Trip From All Points Within 200 Miles.
The Western Passenger association, and roads not members of the association entering Kansas City, have agreed to make a rate of one fare for the round trip for the horse show, which will be held at Fairmount park from September 17 to September 24. The tickets will go on sale September 16 and will be good for the return trip until September 26. They will be on sale at all points in Missouri, aKnsas and Nebraska, where the one way rate is $6 or less. Last year a rate of a fare and one-third was the best that the horse show officials were able to secure. The urgent request of the transportation bureau here had much to do with the rate secured from the Western Passenger association.
The horse show officials are greatly pleased over the reduction and think it means a considerable increase in the numbers of visitors from the surrounding states.
The result is attributed to the "urgent" request of the transportation bureau of a horse show, but Mr. Babcock says the request of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition failed to cut the mustard. He attributes the failure to the "geographical location" of Omaha, as throwing down the bars would "demoralize rates." While Mr. Babcock seems to be imbued with the belief that the demoralizing of rates would be little less than a capital crime, there are several dozen of the directors who are sitting up nights praying for the "demoralization" to begin.
President Wattles and Managers Lindsey and Kirkendall, who with their wives were the guests of General Manager Bidwell on a trip to Hot Springs, S. D., returned home Monday evening. Mr. Kirkendall, in speaking of the trip, said that the exposition was evry favorably regarded by those who knew of it, but that it was not as extensively known as he could wish. He was of the opinnion that the best advertising that it could secure would be from those who came here and went home to tell their neighbors about it. He spoke particularly of the case of a Mr. Hill of Minneapolis, who stated that he was so much pleased with the exposition that he was coming here again in the fall, and had stated that he wolud see to it that a number of his friends were advised of the beauties of the show.
The bureau of music has completed arrangements for the extension of the stay of Phinney's band for another week after August 3. This will keep the band here until Des Moins day, August 10, which will suit the visiting Iowans, as Prof. Phinney conducted the Iowa state band at the Iowa capital until he removed it to Chicago in 1893.
The department of transportation announces a rate of 1 cent a mile for Des Moines day, the rate to be good for two days as to return trip.
The executive committee has decided to have special music and fireworks on Iowa Knights of Pythias day, August 9. The knights meet in Council Bluffs, and special arrangements will be made for ther entertainment on the exposition grounds.
The grand parade on Flower Day, August 2, will start from the Horticulture building at 7 o'clock sharp in the evening. All parties who intend to participate will be required to be on the grounds by 6 o'clock, in order that the line may be formed and the necessary preliminaries gotten out of the way so as not to delay the start.
The paid admissions on Monday numbered 4,262.
THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898.
Rosewater Sees a Scoop in the Opposition Sheet and Boils Over.
Charges Member of the Exposition With Being a Prevaricator of the Worst Kind.
J. W. Bishop Appointed Pass Inspector by Manager Lindsey—Fireworks Arranged for Next Saturday Evening.
The executive committee was advised yesterday afternoon that Mr. Rosewater reads the World-Herald when he wants the news, for he was much perturbed in spirit, and his usually placid demeanor was sadly ruffled over the discovery that the proceedings of the committee relative to the rejection of T. W. Blackburn's appointment as pass inspector had been made public. He charged up and down the room, and declared that some member of the committee was not acting in good faith, and was giving out information that was supposed to be strictly private.
Eeverybody pleaded not guilty, but Mr. Rosewater refused to be satisfied, and intimated that he knew that somebody was lying. He wanted it understood that when he rung in a cold bluff on the committee hereafter it was strictly for home consumption, and was not to be made public, for while he might choose to pose as a Jerusalem pony before the committee, he was not inclined to have himself advertised to the community in that capacity. The members assured him that they understood his feelings in the matter, and then proceeded to business.
Mr. Lindsey announced the appointment of J. W. Bishop as pass inspector, at a salary of $75 per month, in preference to Mr. Rosewater's appointment of T. W. Blackburn, at $150 a month. The appointment was approved.
It was decided to have a fireworks display next Saturday evening, and also on Shriners' day, September 14.
A death occurred at the Chinese Village yesterday, the 10-year-old son of Ching Ling Foo, the Chinese magician, succumbing to an attack of heart disease after less than an hour's illness. The boy had not complained of suffering severely until a few minutes before he died, and when a physician arrived from the emergency hospital death had resulted. It was stated that the trouble was the usual result of overtraining, the young athlete being a member of his father's troupe. The body was taken in charge by Coroner Swanson and removed to his undertaking establishment.
Manager A. L. Reed of the department of concessions has returned from a ten days' trip to Massachusetts, where his family will spend the remainder of the summer.
A noticeable contrast to the action of a guard in arresting Manager O'Brien of the Streets of Cairo a few evenings ago for allowing his camels to be taken outside a four-foot line from the entrance to the streets, was witnessed on the grounds last evening when a camel and donkey from the Streets of All Nations were taken down Twentieth street directly past the guard headquarters and into the grand court without interference. The action occasioned considerable comment on account of the rank discrimination.
The investigating committee held its second session yesterday afternoon, the witnesses being President Wattles, Superintendent Wadley of the concessions department and Jay Burns, the ex-superintendent of that department. The matter of the alleged discrimination against secret societies was explained by President Wattles to the apparent satisfaction of the committee. The case of alleged injustice in the matter of "Mogy" Bernstein's bootblack concession was gone over in part. Wadley was on the witness stand in his own defense, and Burns was there to make it hot for Wadley.
Notwithstanding the fact that a great many of the concessionaires who have grievances will not appear before the committee and tell their stories, owing to a general belief that the cases are not to be fully gone into and that Wadley will be in a position to "get back" at them after the investigation is over, a surprising number of charges have already come to the notice of the committee, and some very damaging evidence is going on. Some ugly stories have come to the surface, and the committee is already being highly entertained by the disclosures. An adjournment was taken last night until 3 o'clock Saturday when a longer session will be held in the afternoon and another session in the evening.
The second of the grand concerts will be given this evening by Phinney's band and the exposition chorus, both organizations to be stationed on the boat landings on opposite sides of the lagoon. The antiphonal effects introduced a week ago will again be in evidence, and some innova-[?]cted as the result of experimenting of various kinds by Superintendent Kelly during the last week. The superintendent desires to have the members of the chorus assemble early this evening in order that arrangements may be made for the renewal of passes for August.
The "From Battlefield to Fireside" program will be repeated on Monday night and also a week later, that being specified in the extension of the contract with the Phinney band. A new feature that will be introduced will be the operation of the fireworks from the band stand by electricity, in order to get the proper effect at the exact moment.
Superintendent Kelly is working to bring about a grand choral festival here some time in September. He intends to bring in about fifty choruses from surrounding cities, providing favorable railroad rates can be secured, and make it a three days' featrue.
Tuesday's paid admissions numbered 3,978.
California Gold Mine Changed to Heaven and Hell.
The California Gold Mine is a thing of the past. A large force of men yesterday went to work on the changes necessary to convert it into "Heaven and Hell." The plans show a Cabaret de la Morte, Catacombs of Rome, Inferno and Paradise. An entire new theater will be constructed on the lines of the Blue Grotte at Nashville, which was awarded a gold medal by the jury of awards of the Tennessee Centennial exposition for artistic construction. The whole scheme of "Heaven and Hell" is new and unique and will form one of the largest and grandest attractions ever placed upon the grounds of the exposition.
Rates for Special Days.
Special railroad rates for special exposition occasions are announced as follows:
Des Moines day, August 23—One cent per mile from Des Moines and all intermediate points.
Texas day, August 18—One fare for the round trip from all points in Texas and Western Louisiana, good for ten days.
Flower day, August 2—One cent per mile from all points within a radius of from between 150 and 200 miles from Omaha in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri; tickets good returning August 3.
Missouri day, August 30—One fare from all points in Missouri; tickets good for ten days.
Commercial Travelers' day, September 24—One fare, plus $2, from all Western Passenger association territory except within a radius of 150 miles from Omaha, for which the rate will be one fare; tickets good for ten days.
Beekeepers' union, September 12—One fare, plus $2; one fare within a radius of 150 miles.
Hosts of Lumbermen.
Messrs. J. J. Bonekemper, F. Colpetzer, J. S. White and P. E. Smith, who comprise the committee on arrangements for the Lumbermen's day, September 9, say that arrangements are practically perfected for handling the largest body of lumbermen ever gotten together in the United States. Advices have been received that reduced railroad rates to Omaha from all points will be made for the occasion. Special rates will be made to everything on the Midway. A concatenation of the Hoo-Hoo tribe has been definitely decided on and there will be a unique parade of the cats in costume in the grand court. A log-rolling contest by imported northern experts will take place, and the Nebraska lumbermen will keep open house at the Nebraska building.
Cement Bottom for Pond.
The bottom of the pond in front of the Horticulture building is leaking in two places, so that a hydrant must be kept constantly running to supply the loss from the waste. The leaks are due to the fact that a large sewer was laid underneath the pond, and the water has made its way down through the new dirt, and either follows along the course of the pipe or is absorbed by the soil. It has, therefore, been determined to put in a brick bottom in the pond, laid in cement. The work will be done at night so as to run the smallest possible risk of injuring the water plants by exposing the tender stems to the air and sun. Besides, every other precaution will be taken, and it is thought that the work can be done without injury to the plants.
Headquarters Are Popular.
The headquarters for the members of the Manufacturers and Consumers' association of Nebraska are proving popular. They are in the booth set up by the sugar factories of Grand Island and Norfolk, where a display of the sugar industry of the state is made. It shows all the products from the juice of the beet to the finished sugar. A model of the Grand Island factory surmounts a pyramid of sacks. O. C. Holmes is in charge, and every member of the association and every manufacturer and merchant in the state is invited to avail himself of its accommodations in the way of stationery, etc.
Arranging for St. Joseph Day.
St. Joseph day, August 13, promises to be a great day for the Missourians at the exposition. A committee of St. Joseph gentlemen was in the city yesterday arranging details. It is proposed to have lodges, societies and clubs represented, and several thousand people are expects to come. It is not announced yet what the rate will be, but an effort is being made to get a very cheap rate and have a half dozen specials run on that day.
Kansas City day is August 6, and St. Joseph people intimate that they will see Kansas City and go it several points better.
Week for Potatoes.
Superintendent Taylor is trying to arrange for a big exhibit of potatoes from all parts of the country, and the growers in Colorado, Maine and New York have been interested in the matter. Mr. Taylor is receiving much assistance from Jerome B. Rice, president of the National Seedsmen's association. It is the intention to put the show on for a special week about October 1.
Notes of the Exposition.
Tonight after 7 o'clock the admission to the exposition grounds will be 25 cents. Children under 15 years of age 15 cents.
One of the comical occurrences to be witnessed at the exposition is the unvarying regularity with which the visitors file toward and into the building of Montgomery Ward & Co., all the afternoon of each day at half past each hour. The great attraction is the free entertainment and reunion held there every hour, commencing at 1:30, continuing until 5:30. Very few, if any, get away unconverted to their way of selling goods, for who can resist the opportunity to save 40 per cent on the things they use, eat and wear.
A lot of onions, some of the specimens weighing three pounds, was added to the South Texas exhibit yesterday.
THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898.
Reduced Admission for This Evening at the Exposition Grounds.
Phinney's Band and the Exposition Chorus Will Play and Sing Together.
Spectacle to Be Presented on the East Midway Tuesday Evening.
Western Association Magnates Will Meet the Executive Committee at the Administration Arch and Consider the Situation.
An argument that the opponents of reduced evening admissions have been urging with great gusto was pretty effectually annihilated by the appearance of the exposition grounds this morning. It has been alleged that a reduced rate in the evening would depopulate the grounds during the day. But in spite of the prospect of getting into the grounds tonight for 25 cents, as many people paid twice that amount to get in this morning as have passed through the turnstiles on any previous forenoon this week. The people who wanted to see the show came regardless of the evening reduction and all the main buildings were well filled with sightseers.
The second Grand Court concert and a 25-cent admission to the grounds after 7 o'clock are the inducements that are expected to bring the big crowd of the week to the exposition grounds tonight. The previous court concert was a distinct success and profiting by the experience that was gained on that occasion a number of changes will be made that will materially add to the enjoyment of the audience. Last week there was some complaint that the music was scarcely audible in some parts of the court, but tonight the position of the musicians will be changed and everyone between the bridge and Sherman avenue will be able to hear distinctly. The band will occupy the third boat landing on one side of the lagoon and the Exposition chorus will be stationed on the opposite landing. Superintendent Kelly made a thorough test of this location Tuesday night.
As the 25-cent admission is counted on to secure a large attendance of the people who cannot afford to pay half a dollar for an evening's attendance the program will be largely composed of the more familiar music that everyone can appreciate. The chorus will sing Keppel's well known Scotch song, "Robin Adair," for its first number. The other chorus numbers will be the pretty serenade, "The Soldier's Farewell," by male voices and the jubilee song, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Among other selections the band will play a fantasie of British folk songs, including "Garryowen," "Annie Laurie," "Last Rose of Summer," etc., and the descriptive piece, "The Forge in the Forest."
Plans for Flower Day.
The preparations for the celebration of Flower day next Tuesday are well advanced and the success of the spectacle is assured. If the crowd on the grounds is commensurate with the merits of the display it will be one of the big days of the exposition and the novelty of the pageant, together with the general interest that is taken in its preparation by the local public is expected to bring the people out in satisfactory numbers. It has not been definitely decided when the parade will move. It was originally scheduled at 4 o'clock, but it was decided that that was an unfavorable hour and the present intention is to have the floral procession in line a little before 7 o'clock. The plans of Mrs. Travis and her committee of women to swing the pageant around the main court have been summarily squelched by the exposition management. While it is conceded that the court is best adapted for the display the pavement is not constructed to bear the weight of vehicles and the parade has been relegated to the bluff tract. The route will follow the windings of the drives and the effect of the long procession of brilliantly decorated vehicles against the back ground of foliage will be exceptionally striking.
In addition to heavy local patronage, it is expected that large numbers of out-of-town people will be brought into see the first spectacle of the kind in Nebraska. The Western Passenger association has made a flat rate of 1 cent a mile from all points within 150 miles of Omaha and a rate of one fare for the round trip from all other association points. The railroads are privileged to exceed the 150 mile limit, except where they strike competitive points and consequently the 1 cent a mile rate will extend from 150 to 200 miles into Nebraska. It will take in St. Joe and Atchison on the the south and will cover the bulk of Iowa.
Will Discuss the Rates.
There will be a meeting of the Western Passenger association in the Administration Arch Wednesday, August 3, to consider the question of more favorable rates for exposition visitors. Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation has extended invitations to the committee of the Commercial club and also to the committee recently appointed by the Board of Directors of the exposition to be present and assist him to convince the passenger men that it will be for the interest of the railroads to make more liberal concessions.
Work of the Experimental Farm of the State Shown in Detail.
The North Carolina exhibit is of especial interest to many of the visitors to the exposition, first because there are so few of the southern etates represented here, but more especially because it is unique in character, representing as it does the work of the experimental farm of the State Horticultural society.
This farm is located sixty-six miles southwest of Raleigh on the Seaboard Air Line railroad and occupies two plots, aggregating about 120 acres. The object of this experimental work is the systematic study of plant foods and the most profitable and economical methods of using them in the growth of fruits, garden vegetables, peanuts and tobacco, and the exhibit attempts to illustrate the essential elements of such foods and some of the results obtained at the farm.
It consists of photographs, maps and paintings, of fruits, vegetables and tobacco and of the various fertilizing materials used, also the [?] in their native state. As is generally known, the three most essential elements of plant food are phosphoric acid, potash and nitrogen. The phosphoric acid is obtained from bones and from the native phosphate rock which is found in great abundance in North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina and Florida. The chief sources of potash are the Stassfurt salt mines of Germany, while the crude nitrates, cotton-seed meal, dried blood and fish and meat scrap furnish nitrogen. These when mixed in certain proportions form what is commercially known as a complete fertilizer.
The light sandy soils about Southern Pines, where there experiments are being carried on and which were formerly thought to be wholly unproductive, have with proper fertilization and culture given most encouraging results and have not only attracted the attention of the farmers and fruit growers of North Carolina but also of some of the northern states. To many western people, who come from farms where the soil is already black with fertility, the idea of grinding up ordinary looking rock, treating [?] with sulphuric acid and mixing this with [?]erials furnishing nitrogen and with pot-[?]alts shipped all the way from Germany [?]en applying this mixture to the soil [?]sh nourishment for the growing [?]n entirely new one. This is only [?] of a law of nature, that where [?] elements of plant food are not [?] must be supplied and also teaches that if farmers continue to take this plant food from the soil in the form of matured crops and return nothing in its place there will eventually come a time when the soil will become exhausted, or at least will become deficient in some one or more of the chief elements of nutrition.
The North Carolina exhibit furnishes an excellent object lesson in scientific agriculture. It does not attempt a general display of the resources of the state.
The exhibit was installed and arranged by T. K. Bruner of Raleigh and is now in charge of A. W. Blair of the North Carolina experiment station.
Magnificent Display of the Products of the Silver State's Mines.
The Montana exhibit occupies one of the four large central space that front on the main aisle of the Mines building and both in completeness and convenience of arrangement it compares very favorably with any other in the building. In one respect the Montana exhibitors assert their superiority and this is the fact that every specimen that is displayed comes directly from the mine where it is produced. They have not had the advantage of a surplus of material from previous exhibits and there is only article in the entire exhibit that has ever been figured in an exposition before. The material was collected and installed under the supervision of Samuel Anderson of White Sulphur Springs, who remains in charge of it during the exposition.
The visitor to the building is at once struck by the artistic decorations of the Montana exhibit. The railing which surrounds it is constructed to represent building stones of the state and the pillars and others superstructure are in imitation of the gold, silver and copper that constitute the principal mineral products. A handsome silk flag is tastily draped from the huge copper arch over the entrance and the interior is fully occupied with showcases and pyramids filled with a profusion of specimens that illustrate every feature of the mineral resources of the state.
The exhibit contributed by Marcus Daly from the Anaconda mines occupies a conspicuous position in front of the entrance. It includes two massive bars of solid silver which weighs over 200 pounds and a collection of bars, ingots and cakes of copper. There is also a huge boulder of copper ore which is one of the most massive specimens at the exposition. It weighs 400 pounds and is 72 per cent copper.
A showcase further down the booth contains one of the finest collections of wire gold in the building. It is the property of Roger C. Knox of Norris and its intrinsic value is considerable. The case also contains a peculiarly rich collection of gold and silver ore from the Ruby mine.
Henry Elling of Virginia City has contributed a very valuable collection of gold nuggets of tremendous size and value. These are worth as much as $350 each and the entire collection is valued at over $4,000. The same case contains a small collection of Montana precious stones, including rubies, garnets and sapphires.
The remaining case contains a private collection of very rich specimens. It is a very extensive and interesting exhibit and includes a large number of rare and novel formations that are of more than ordinary interest to the student of mineralogy.
On each side of the showcases is a row of pyramids laden with an extensive collection of ores just as they come from the mines. These include gold, silver, copper, lead, bismuth, graphite, antimony and asbestos. This is an exceptionally complete showing of native ores and illustrates the richness of the deposits that contribute to the mineral resources of Montana. The rear of the booth is occupied by a display of building stone, including granite and various varieties of sandstone. There is also a small exhibit of fire brick, which are being extensively manufactured. There is also a very rare collection of jasper which is susceptible of a high polish and of very ornamental effects.
The limitless supply of coke and coal that is among the possessions of the state is illustrated by a large display on one side of the booth. The handsome oil painting representing the "Never Sweat" mine at Butte is a very striking feature of the decorations and it covers nearly the entire rear of the booth. Among the ornamental features is also a very ingenious piece of pen work by William Zastrow of Helena. This is an arch of very artistic construction which bears the portraits of all the presidents from Washington to McKinley. The border is formed of a collection of rare stamps also set in an ornamental design in pen work.
The only feature that has ever figured in a previous exhibit is a handsomely carved chair of Montana cedar, which is the property of Madison county. It was on exhibition at the World's Fair and is valued at $150. The carving represents the various wild flowers of Montana and is executed with more than ordinary skill.
Visiting Horticulturists Take in the Display at the Exposition.
A good many of the horticulturists from the downtown convention visited the exposition yesterday afternoon and lingered around the building for a couple of hours admiring the display and sampling the exhibits.
Oregon is the latest state to come to the front with a fresh fruit exhibit, and while it is small it attracts much attention. J. E. Courtney is in charge, and has unboxed some of the finest peaches, plums, cherries and apricots that have ever come over the range. He says the samples are not even as good as the average, but still they are good enough to satisfy anyone.
Nebraska keeps up the pace it set at the opening of the exposition. Superintendent Houngers placed 250 plats of new fruit upon the tables yesterday. At this time he is showing seventy varieties of apples, twelve of apricots, seventeen of plums, fifteen of cherries and half a dozen each of blackberries, gooseberries and grapes.
Iowa shows three varieties of peaches, fifteen of new apples, four of new plums and a dozen of apricots. The Iowa fruit is said to be a little late, but when the proper time comes to get to the front the growers declare that the Hawkeye state will be heard from.
Kansas has made its first exhibit of peaches. They possess the flavor and the keeping qualities and rank well up toward the top as good sellers. Kansas is also showing some fine plums and pears that are as fine as they grow in any of the states. The first installment of honey from Kansas has arrived and has found its place in the Apiary building, where it is admired by those who are up in bee culture and the products of the honey bee.
Missouri keeps right on sending first-class fruit and Superintendent Nelson keeps right on exploiting the resources of the state from which he hails. At this time he is being smothered beneath the shipments of plums and peaches, but he says that this is nothing to what may be expected after the farmers get into the midst of the fruit harvest.
Representatives of the Tribes Will Begin Arriving Here Saturday.
Arrangements for the Indian congress are rapidly approaching completion and its formal opening on Indian day, August 4, is assured. Captain Mercer announces that the representatives of twenty-seven tribes will arrive in Omaha Saturday and others will follow the first of the week. The preparations for their installation at the grounds are nearly complete and in a few days the space back of the Apiary and Dairy buildings will be converted into a veritable aboriginal village. The Indians will live just as they do at home and exposition visitors will have an opportunity to see what their life really is. Later on there will be daily exhibitions of their sports and pastimes. They will race horses, paddle their canoes on the lagoon and exhibit a variety of other features of aboriginal existence.
For More Popular Choral Concerts.
Superintendent Kelly of the Music department is contemplating the organization of a choral congress to be held in connection with the exposition sometime in September. His idea is to bring in all the church choirs from neighboring towns and cities for a three or four days' session. This is to include even the smaller choirs and, in fact, all who can sing the more familiar standard selections. The rough outline of the plan contemplates sessions during the day, consisting of music and addresses on musical subjects, and evening concerts on the Plaza by a full chorus of at least 500 voices, composed of singers who will be able to render standard music with comparatively little rehearsal. Such a chorus in connection with the band would be a powerful evening attraction and if proper arrangements can be made the scheme will undoubtedly be given a trial.
May Get the Mexican Band.
A proposition has been received from the Mexican band to begin an engagement August 10, when Phinney's band will leave. It is announced that it will be accepted provided that an arrangement can be made by which the band can be brought here without a collision with the United States law which prohibits the importation of foreign labor under contract. Manager Lindsey of the Ways and Means department telegraphed to Secretary Gage of the treasury last night in regard to the matter and depend largely on the nature of his reply.
About one out of 100 visitors to the Government building understands the significance of the large shield-shaped flag which hangs over the center of the navy exhibit. It bears an eagle with a shield on its breast which holds a spray of olive in one claw and a bundle of arrows in the other. It is surmounted by a row of thirteen stars and the motto "E Pluribus Unum" on a blue background, and is altogether a very imposing emblem.
This is what is known in naval circles as the president's flag. Whenever it is floated from the masthead of a ship it signifies that the president of the United States is on board and it is never used on any other occasion.
Minnesota's Commission at Work.
The Minnesota exposition commissioners at the Minnesota building have emerged from the rush of business that followed the dedicatory day ceremonies and are giving much of their attention to entertaining the many guests who frequent the beautiful log structure on the Bluff tract.
Secretary Danforth of the Minnesota commission has received word from the North Star Daily Press association of Minnesota and is informed that on August 20 at least fifty members of the organization will visit the exposition. They will come in a special car, prepared to remain from two to four days. While here they will make the Minnesota building their headquarters. The keys to the building will be thrown away and the boys will own everything in connection with the Minnesota exhibit.
Senator Allison and the Farmer.
It is very amusing to witness the promiscuous intermingling of the simple country folk and the great minds of our nation at the exhibit of Montgomery, Ward & Co. If the farmer and his family who sat side by side with Senator Allison of Iowa and Stuyvesant Fish, president of the Illinois Central railway, in the horseless carriage Tuesday had known what the reporter knew, they could the more readily understand how easy it is for Montgomery Ward & Co. to bring within their reach anything great or good at the minimum cost.
Mr. Blackburn Set Right.
OMAHA, July 27.—To the Editor of The Bee: On the ninth page of your evening paper in exposition notes appears the following:
"T. W. Blackburn withdrew his application for the position of pass inspector, etc."
As I never made any application for the position of pass inspector I did not withdraw my application. Kindly set me right.
Employ a Pass Inspector.
At the meeting of the executive committee yesterday afternoon the employment of J. W. Bishop as pass inspector was authorized. He will begin his duties at once. It was also decided to have fireworks display Saturday night as an additional inducement to local patronage.
Notes of the Exposition.
Superintendent Hardt of the Department of Exhibits is quite sick with an acute bowel trouble.
Secretary Greene of the Ohio commission has recovered from his recent illness and is again at his desk in the Nebraska building.
A set of official souvenir postal cards—ten beautiful engravings in colors—sent post paid for 25 cents. U. S. Postal Card Co., 215 New York Life building.
Missouri has placed a very attractive exhibit in its space in the Agricultural building. It is a large wreath of flowers made from seeds, grains and grasses.
The Iowa exposition commissioners were to have held a meeting yesterday, but they failed to secure a quorum and the meeting was postponed until some day next week.
The P. E. O. will meet in South Omaha October 4 and 5. October 6 has been scheduled as their day at the exposition and on that day they will visit the grounds in a body.
Commissioner David T. Day of the Mines building has returned from an extended trip on the Pacific coast where he secured a number of very valuable specimens for the exposition. He will leave tomorrow for Washington, but will return to the exposition in about two weeks.
Prof. Ceruti, the builder of the pipe organ in the Iowa state building, has arrived and has commenced the work of putting the finishing touches upon his instrument. After its completion organ recitals will be given in the building twice each day. The recitals will be during the morning and afternoon hours.
The Western Passenger association has announced the rate for Texas day of one fare for the round trip from all points in Texas and Western Louisiana. The rate for Des Moines day, August 23, will be one cent a mile computed on the short line milage and on Missouri day, August 30, seven-day tickets will be sold from all Missouri points for one flat fare for the round trip.
The annual excursion and picnic of the Retail Grocers' association wll be held on the exposition grounds this year. Instead of charting a train for a trip to some adjacent resort as previously the grocers and their friends will mobilize at the exposition and spend the entire day and evening. They have selected August 25 as the day of their holiday and expect to add fully 2,000 [?]
Several new features are being added to the Midway, most of them being located on the street on the bluff tract. The infant incubator is being rushed to completion and within the next week an illustration of raising babies by artificial means will be given. Another Solomon's temple has been installed and in richness, when ready for inspection, it is said will excell the one referred to in holy writ. Venetian gondolas run by steam are being prepared for the East Midway. It is said that they will have the motion of those upon the lagoon, but unlike those, will run upon dry land.
THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898.
Most Alarming Exhibit of Deadheads at the Exposition.
People Favored Who Have No Rightful Claim Whatever.
Whole Pass System an Incentive to Its Continual Abuse.
Why the Admissions Bureau Objects to a Pass Inspector Who Does Not Owe His Appointment to Its Head.
The controversy over the appointment of a pass inspector of the exposition has just opened the eyes of the directors and stockholders to the extent to which the free pass abuse is being worked. The letter addressed by T. W. Blackburn to Manager Lindsey, printed in The Bee, pointing out certain "infirmities" of the pass system now in vogue has not only created talk, but has brought out a great deal of information about other "infirmities" hitherto covered up.
At the general offices of the exposition no detailed information is given out concerning the number of free passes issued or in which departments they are distributed. Nothing can be obtained as to the daily free admissions, the only figures now published being those representing the total admissions each day, and these give no idea of the extent to which the free pass horse is being ridden.
Even casual observers, however, have noticed that the pass gates seem to be working overtime compared with the pay gates and also that people presenting passes are for the most part not out-of-town visitors or country editors, but Omaha men and women who might be expected to pay their way. Any number of people are roaming around the exposition grounds every day admitted on passes issued to concessionaires or exhibitors. The way the trick is worked is simple. Each exhibitor and concessionaire is entitled to free admission for his employes required to attend to the exhibit or to operate the concession. It is said few of the concessionaires and exhibitors have withstood the importunities of friends to have their names placed on the employes' list. As there has been up to this time no one protecting the interests of the exposition in this matter the result is that hundreds of people have been provided with passes on account of concessions and exhibits to which they have no claim whatever.
Another Flagrant Instance.
Another great abuse has been developed by the scheme for the exposition chorus. Members of the chorus were to have paid a nominal sum into the exposition treasury for the books of music, and in return were to receive free chorus drill and free admission to the exposition on days when the chorus participated in the program. It is said that nearly 200 season passes have been distributed to exposition chorus singers, who have been using them day in and day out. But when choral concerts are scheduled not one-half of that number have shown up to contribute to the music. As a consequence, a large number of people who enrolled themselves in the chorus are enjoying the privilege of season passes at the price of $5 each, and the music department is doing nothing to stop the abuse.
The looseness of the whole pass system is graually dawning upon the public. Under the system put in force over the protest of Manager Rosewater, there is nothing whatever to prevent the wholesale brokerage of passes, and as a matter of fact, the barter and sale of exposition passes has already reached disquieting proportions. The long lists of pass numbers on exhibit at each of the pass gates, for which the gateman is instructed to be on the lookout because ordered taken up for some reason, is evidence on this point and proof that the pass system affords the exposition no protection whatever against fraud.
With the exception of photograph tickets there is no way for the gatekeeper to identify the person possessing the pass, or to ascertain whether the pass belongs to him. The holder is not required to sign the pass nor does the pass give any description, or even tell where he lives, or on what grounds it is issued. Many have been made out without the initials of the holder, and can be readily transferred from one person to another. There is no distinction between term passes and season passes, so far as outward appearances go, and nothing to prevent the gatekeeper from recognizing term passes after they have expired. While the cards given to pass holders at the gate are supposed to be the checks on the gatekeepers, as a matter of fact they have never been tallied up except to see if the number corresponds with the turnstile record. So far as records of the Bureau of Admissions go there is nothing to show whether a pass has been used or not, and the only way of obtaining this information is to go through and tabulate the 200,000 uninspected card checks that have accumulated since the opening of the exposition.
Record for June.
As the only index is by numbers, in order to locate a pass the name of the holder would not be sufficient unless the number is also known. The only available statistics bearing on free and paid admissions are contained in the following table for the month of June:
June. | Paid. | Free. | Total. | Excess Free over Paid. |
1 | 25,112 | 2,886 | 27,998 | |
2 | 4,129 | 1,341 | 5,470 | |
3 | 2,734 | 2,022 | 4,756 | |
4 | 2,394 | 3,596 | 5,990 | 1,202 |
5 | 3,371 | 2,387 | 5,758 | |
6 | 1,752 | 3,278 | 5,030 | 1,526 |
7 | 3,159 | 4,698 | 7,857 | 1,539 |
8 | 2,795 | 3,764 | 6,569 | 969 |
9 | 1,499 | 3,760 | 5,259 | 2,261 |
10 | 2,609 | 3,958 | 6,567 | 1,349 |
11 | 3,833 | 3,956 | 7,789 | 123 |
12 | 3,908 | 3,355 | 7,263 | |
13 | 10,397 | 4,408 | 14,805 | |
14 | 11,726 | 4,744 | 16,470 | |
15 | 7,894 | 4,266 | 12,160 | |
16 | 4,425 | 4,098 | 8,523 | |
17 | 4,187 | 4,096 | 8,283 | |
18 | 6,335 | 5,003 | 11,338 | |
19 | 4,481 | 3,174 | 7,655 | |
20 | 3,730 | 4,168 | 7,898 | 438 |
21 | 9,399 | 5,334 | 14,733 | |
22 | 7,411 | 6,805 | 14,216 | |
23 | 8,506 | 4,894 | 13,400 | |
24 | 6,654 | 4,563 | 11,217 | |
25 | 4,744 | 4,913 | 9,657 | 169 |
26 | 2,884 | 3,766 | 6,650 | 882 |
27 | 3,578 | 4,616 | 8,194 | 1,048 |
28 | 4,463 | 4,575 | 9,038 | 112 |
29 | 4,769 | 4,931 | 9,700 | 162 |
30 | 4,004 | 5,114 | 9,118 | 1,110 |
| — | — | — | — |
Total | 166,882 | 122,469 | 239,351 | |
This table affords the material for some startling comparisons. It shows that of 290,000 admissions during the month of June, 125,000 admissions were on free passes. It shows that for days in succession the number of free admissions has exceeded the number of paid admissions. On one day, for example, the paid admissions were 1,752, and the free admissions were 3,278, or nearly double; while on June 9 the paid admissions were 1,499 and the free admissions were 3,760, or 700 free admissions more than twice the paid admissions. The daily average of free admissions for June is over 4,000 and it has been steadily increasing. This constant increase in free admissions is singular when it is recalled that there were large numbers of workmen employed the first few days and the force of employes has regularly decreased.
No similar statement of July admissions is accessible. For the first twenty-six days of July, however, the free admissions have exceeded 121,000 and they have exceeded the paid admissions on fifteen out of the twenty-six days. The total admissions for the fifty-six days from June 1 to July 26 inclusive are 569,544, of which 243,184 are free admissions and only 326,360 paid admissions. The average free admissions so far in July are nearly 5,000 daily, while for June they were 4,000 daily. The appointment of a pass inspector is expected to result in stopping some of the leaks. It is also possible that the investigation and auditing committee, now holding sessions, will review the pass frauds, and include some timely recommendations in its reports to the full board.
Nearly 250,000 free admissions to the exposition since June 1, or more than 4,000 each day for the entire period. There is evidently some foundation for the demand for radical reform.
When nearly 250,000 people are passed free into the exposition grounds during the first 56 days, it is high time that the free pass scandal demand the attention of the exposition authorities.
Free admissions to the exposition to date, 243,184; paid admissions, 326,360.
Taking into account the fast and loose system of free passes at the exposition, it is only a wonder any paid admissions are recorded.
One Fare to Omaha from Chicago or Denver or Intervening Points.
Further reduced rates for special days at the exposition have just been announced by lines in the Western Passenger association. For Flower day, August 2, a rate of one fare for the round trip to Omaha has been declared for all line in the Western Passenger association territory, which extends from Chicago to Denver. The one-fare rate will be good to come into Omaha on August 1 and on the morning trains of August 2. The final return limit of the tickets will be August 5.
For the opening of the Indian congress at the exposition a reduced rate has also been made. From all points in Nebraska tickets will be sold at the rate of 1 cent per mile. These tickets will be good to come into Omaha on August 3 and 4, with the final return limit on August 5. For this occasion the railroads will also sell tickets that will be good to use until August 9, inclusive, but the rate for these tickets will be one fare for the round trip.
Crowd at the Exposition Attests the Wisdom of Cheaper Admission.
Every Part of the Grounds Thronged by Crowds of Sightseers.
Managers Occupy Their Time in Getting Ready for Future Events.
White and Colored Americans and the Personal Liberty League Will Have a Time and Several Others Will Follow.
The unquestioned success that attended the experiment of reduced evening admission last night has given a decided impetus to the sentiment in favor of the reduced rate. It is conceded with practical unanimity that the measure exactly fulfills its purpose of popularizing the exposition with the local people and the bugaboo that it would detract from the daylight patronage is effectually disposed of. There is a strong sentiment among members of the board of directors in favor of continuing the concession during the hot weather, and this is likely to be expressed at the meeting of the board of directors this afternoon. Everyone who was on the grounds last night is delighted with the result. The public turned out en masse to gaze on the sights of the great fair. More people were on the grounds than on any other day in July with the two exceptions of the Fourth of July and Military day. They thronged the main court and enjoyed the beautiful illuminations and overflowed into the Midway, where they took in all the sights of that famous thoroughfare. The street railway was kept busy handling the crowds. The people began to move as early as 6:30 and the last visitor had not returned home till a late hour. All agreed that the cut rate was a big success, and that it would be a good thing to try it again.
The feature of the evening was the concert given by the exposition chorus and the Phinney band. The chorus occupied the third boat landing of the harbor on the lagoon, being stationed on the south side. The band occupied the same relative position on the north side of the lagoon, while the crowd occupied about every inch of standing room on both sides of the pretty sheet of water from the bridge to the viaduct at the east end. The concert was along the line of that given last week, the band and the chorus alternating. So successful was the concert that Superintendent Kelly has decided to give others in the same location. He is well pleased with the locations selected on the lagoon. The sides of the lagoon act as sounding boards and assist in carrying the sound out over the water, softening it and giving it a tone that is very pleasing to the ear.
Arranging Special Days.
While the present week is without general features aside from the music the time of the management and various local committees is fully occupied with arrangements for the numerous special events that are scheduled for the next three months. One of the most notable of these is the Transmississippi Sunday School congress, which will convene in this city September 27 to 30. The local committee that is conducting the preliminary preparations consists of George G. Wallace, Omaha; John L. Pierce, Omaha; R. H. Pollock, Beatrice; W. R. Harford, Omaha; H. L. Kreider, South Omaha. The program, so far as it has been completed, includes addresses by such prominent Sunday school workers as B. F. Jacobs, D. D., of Chicago, chairman international executive committee; Rev. Jesse T. Hurlburt, D. D., New York, Sunday school secretary Methodist church; H. Hanill, Jacksonville, Ill., international field worker; W. J. Senalroth, St. Louis, editor International Evangel; Hugh Cork, Minneapolis, general secretary Minneapolis Sunday School association; Marion Lawrence, Toledo, O., general secretary Ohio Sunday School association, and E. B. Stevenson, Cedar Rapids, Ia., assistant superintendent Northwestern District American Sunday School union.
Arrangements are also under way to make an important feature of Colored American day, August 19. Both the White and Colored American association and the National Personal Liberty league will convene in Omaha August 17, 18 and 19, and it is proposed to celebrate the last day with a big demonstration at the exposition. The prospective delegates to the conventions include a large number of men and women who are prominently identified with the various movements that are directed toward the improvement and education of the colored race and a number of orators of more than local prominence. There will be appropriate exercises on the grounds and representatives will soon be sent out to increase the interest of the colored people in the cities down the river and provide for a large representation.
October 6 has been selected as New York day. Although it is not expected that there will be as large a representation from the Empire state as has been contributed when the buildings of adjoining state were dedicated the character of the party will atone for any paucity of numbers. The address of the day will be delivered by Chauncey M. Depew, and with him will come a large party of officials and citizens of national reputation. Secretary Wheeler of the New York commission is preparing a list of all the native New Yorkers in this vicinity and an effort will be made to induce them to attend in a body and participate in the dedication.
The first "request" concert on the Plaza will be rendered tonight, and since the public has been allowed to select the program it is expected to draw more than the ordinary crowd. Tomorrow night the people will be entertained by the usual concert, followed by an exceptionally brilliant display of fireworks. The local committee has been unable to arrange a religious service for Sunday, but a number of invitations have been extended to prominent divines to preach in the Auditorium later in the season.
Iowa is Filling Its Register.
The big register in the Iowa building continues to attract the attention of those who visit the headquarters of the Hawkeyites. This book is said to be the largest of its kind ever constructed. It contains 3,000 pages, with room for fifty names on each page. Up to this time about 500 pages have been filled. After the close of the exposition the register becomes the property of the Iowa Historical society, and will be sent to Des Moines.
The purpose of having the register is to secure a list of Iowa people who visit the exposition, though others are welcome to inscribe their names in the book.
Some of Those Who Are to Participate in the Festival.
The plans for the elaborate flower parade are about completed, and the enthusiasm among those who will participate and their friends grows apace.
The parade will start from the Sixteenth street entrance at 6:30 o'clock p. m. The women are requested to meet at 6 o'clock that there may be no delay, and what is still more appalling that no one will be left out of it on account of arriving late.
One of the most elegant turnouts in the parade will be that of Jack Cudahy. His high spider will be solidly banked in pure white bride roses, with ruchings of white tarletan and white satin ribbons. The horses will be of purest white, with harness of white satin ribbons and garlands of roses. A footman on the rumble will have a correct livery of white cloth.
Another very handsome turnout will be the high English cart of Mrs. George Mercer, which will be solidly banked in shaded pink La France roses with green smilax. The horses will be gayly caparisoned in smilax and garlands of roses. The women will be gowned in pink and green.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf and Mrs. A. P. Metcalf of Lincoln will drive in Mrs. Metcalf's cab, elaborately decorated with stalks of shaded pink hollyhocks and green foliage. Mrs. Metcalf's gown will be of white lace over watermelon silk, while Mrs. A. P. Metcalf will wear white.
Mrs. J. N. Cornish will have as her guests Miss Doherty and Miss Cole, and will drive a pair of bay horses to a carriage elaborately decorated in violet shades.
Latest Inventions Add to Joys of the Tiller of the Soil.
A glance through the Transportation building furnishes conclusive proof that the day of stirring up the earth of the farm with a crooked stick has passed, and that now if the farmer is able to purchase the latest improved machinery, his life, as well as being an independent one, is a continued round of pleasure.
Many of the men who are still in the heydey of youth can remember the time when the threshing machine was in its infancy. Comparatively the threshing machine is a new invention, and it was not much more than thirty-five years ago that the first one made its appearance. That machine was a concern that went into the field and did its work. The berry of the grain, the straw, and the chaff were all delivered in a heap at the rear of the machine. Improvements were made and then came the separator, but this was an unwieldy machine. Improvements continued and then the machine came into general use—a machine that run the straw out over an endless apron and the grain and chaff into a heap. There was another improvement and then the chaff and the grain were separated and the farmers say that the machine of the present day is good enough.
There are several of these machines on exhibition, all built substantially along the same lines. They are beautiful models and are quite different from those seen a few years ago. For instance a steam engine that burns straw now furnishes the power. Pitchers from the stacks hand the sheaves of grain to a carrier that is supplied with a belt containing a number of knives. This carrier elevates the sheaves to the feeding table and as they continue on their upward course the knives, working from the under side, cut the bands. As it reaches the top of the carrier it is given a sudden jerk, and by machinery it is whisked into the great maw of the machine, inside of which revolves the cylinder. Here the grain is cut from the heads, and all together the product passes on and is winnowed on the way. Upon reaching a point close to the rear end of the separator, a fan winnows the grain from the chaff and straw; the former drops through a series of sieves and into a spout, which conveys it to the wagon that hauls it to the bin. The straw keeps right on and finds its way to the rear end of the machine, where it is conveyed to a pipe and sent into the air a distance of fifty feet, doing away with the necessity of men upon the straw stick.
The improvements made in the methods of planting corn are wonderful and all of the new machines are on exhibition. Today the farmer mounts his planter, sits in a comfortable seat, and during the day goes over from fifteen to twenty acres. The machine is regulated so that it will drop any number of grains and at any distance apart. Behind the dropper there is a shoe that covers the grain with moist earth and places it beneath the reach of animals and birds.
Still another great labor-saving device that is shown is the potato digger. The machine is drawn by horses that straddle the potato row. The nose of the machine digs beneath the potatoes, carries them onto an elevator that cleans off the dirt, and then drops them in a row in the rear. This machine will dig from 1,000 to 1,500 bushels of potatoes per day.
Plows have been improved to a great extent, until the best and latest improved gang plows, with revolving coulters, with three horses and a driver, will turn over from eight to twelve acres per day.
Corn shellers, potato sorters, clover hullers, drills, seeders, hay rakes and forks, as well as hundreds of other implements, show the progress of the age and prove that this is the country of inventions.
A few years ago most of the farm machinery was made of wood, but now about all of the farm machinery is either made of iron or steel. This even applies to wagons, and several vehicles are on exhibition that do not contain a stick of wood in their make up.
There Will Also Be Grapes and Wines from the Territory.
Commissioner J. J. Leeson of New Mexico has received notice of the shipment of a considerable amount of additional material for his exhibit. One of the new features are four boxes of very rich gold ore from the Cochiti district, the Klondike of New Mexico. This ore is rich, and the district that it represents is now in process of rapid development. Recently fifty-three carloads of machinery were shipped to a single mine, and Commissioner Leeson is confident that the Cochiti camp will become one of the greatest producers of gold in the southwest.
The fruit raisers of New Mexico are preparing to make themselves known at the exposition. A carload of the famous mission [?]the Messilla and Rio Grande [?]
free distribution, and this will be accompanied by a large shipment of native wines, which will also be given away to exposition visitors. The Santa Fe Horticultural society will send quantities of apples, pears, peaches and late apricots. The cream of the exhibits from the territorial fair will also be shipped to Omaha for exhibition at the exposition.
An interesting addition to the exhibit will be specimens of eighty varieties of the cacti. These will be divided between the agricultural and the mineral exhibit. Another feature that will be installed early next week is a table constructed of agatized wood, and trimmed with agates, which represents a financial investment of over $3,000. This is the property of the Women's Board of Trade of Santa Fe, and it was one of the most notable features of the western exhibits at the World's fair. Since then it has been in the possession of a Chicago firm, but has lately been secured for the exposition.
South Dakota Quill Drivers Voice Their Thanks and Appreciation.
The members of the South Dakota Press association had a busy day yesterday. In the morning the members of the party went to South Omaha and visited the packing houses, where they lunched and partook of the hospitality of the proprietors. Upon their return they were taken to the exposition grounds, where they spent some hours in seeing the sights. Later in the afternoon they congregated at the Press building, where they and their wives were received by Colonel Richardson and introduced to President Wattles and Manager Rosewater of the Department of Publicity.
All of the South Dakota editors in the city express themselves as being well pleased with the exposition and the reception that they are receiving. Most of them will return to their homes Saturday, but nearly all will visit the exposition again during the early fall months. Before leaving the Press building resolutions were adopted by a unanimous vote, thanking everybody who has contributed to the pleasure of the outing and endorsing the exposition thus:
Resolved, That we enthusiastically endorse the Transmississippi and International Exposition for its courteous and generous management, and we heartily commend it to the public and express a hope that the people of the great west, whose industries and prosperity it so ably exemplifies, will not fail to personally inspect its magnificence before it closes. We would further suggest that out eastern cousins will find the exposition a panorama of the resources of our prairie states such as will tend to broaden their views of their own land and afford more culture and pleasure than a visit to the ruins of the effete monarchs of Europe. We further commend the press management of the exposition.
Superintendent Wilson is Erecting a Booth on the Line of March.
Coming fram the land of flowers and sunshine, Superintendent Wilson of the California fruit exhibit in the Horticultural building, feels that it is proper for his state to be represented in the Floral parade. He will construct a booth that will be located on the north side of the Horticultural biulding, along the line of march. In doing this he will follow out the custom that prevails in southern California, where floral parades are annual features in all the cities.
The California floral booth is being erected and it promises to be an attractive thing. It will be covered with pampas grass. The top will be covered with pink and heliotrope colored silk and lined with the same material. From this top there will be a pyramid some ten feet in height. Standards will be erected at each of the four corners flying a silk flag and a streamer. The booth will be occupied by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wiggins, who are connected with the California exhibit. They will throw cascaronies and flowers at the parade as it passes. Cascaronies are the flowers of the pampas grass and are beautiful, being a pure white. It is expected that 25,000 of these flowers will be here as Mr. Wilson has received information of their shipment. The women in charge of the booth will be assisted by two small boys dressed in pink blouses, white trousers and white caps. In front of the booth there will be a large floral shield bearing the greeting of Los Angeles to the exposition.
Executive Committee Meeting.
At the meeting of the executive committee, held yesterday afternoon, action was taken looking to changing the location of some of the exposition gates. The gate at the southwest corner of the Bluff tract was ordered moved to a point directly south from the Horticultural building in order to accommodate the Council Bluffs people who will come to this side of the river over the Bridge and Terminal company lines. In this connection a notice was received from the Bridge and Terminal company, in which it agreed and promised to run not less than ten trains per day from [?]ver the F[?] Omaha bridge to Sherman avenue.
The gates on the Bluff tract, just south of the main viaduct over Sherman avenue, were ordered moved to a point just in the rear of the Georgia building. This is a move that the exhibitors and state people on the Bluff tract have been seeking to secure ever since the opening of the exposition.
C. A. Mitchell was appointed pass inspector at a salary of $75 per month, his services to being at once. Mitchell is an old-time railroad man, having been in the employ of the Northwestern for a number of years. He has been connected with the city ticket department. He takes the place of J. W. Bishop, who was formerly appointed and resigned.
A display of fireworks was ordered for Indian day, August 4. There will be the usual number of bombs and rockets and a set piece representing some noted Indian chief. Just who the individual will be has not yet been decided upon.
Mr. Atwood Looks for Many of Them Next Month.
Chairman Atwood of the Missouri commission has arrived and will spend several days on the grounds assisting Superintendent Nelson. He is well pleased with the exposition and says he is convinced it will be a winner. He says the people of Missouri are waking up to the importance of the show and after the middle of next month a great many of them will be in attendance.
Chairman Atwood and Superintendent Nelson have secured a peach day for Missouri. The date has not been set, but it will probably be about the middle of next month. At that time 600 crates, 3,600 baskets, will be here for free distribution. Missouri is also preparing for another. This will be Grape day, which will be observed on August 30, when a carload of grapes and melons will be sent here for distribution.
Missouri is also sending in some fine fruit just now. T. M. Culver, editor of the Southwest, an agricultural paper published at Springfield, has sent in some Koshokonong peaches that are the finest in the building. Their color is delicate, while in size they are as large as quart cups. The meat is rich in color, sweet and solid. At this time Missouri is showing twelve varieties of new apples and five of peaches.
Advertising the Exposition.
OMAHA, July 26.—To the Editor of The Bee: Many people are carried away with the erroneous idea that the Bureau of Publicity and Promotion has been somewhat remiss in advertising the great Transmississippi and International Exposition, asserting that it is scarcely known or heard of in eastern and remote sections of the country. A visit to the British and American club would give sufficient evidence to correct that impression and convince such persons of their mistake, as its tables are literally covered with Canadian and British-American newspapers that have not only called the attention of their readers to the salient features of the club's circular, but have long and well written articles on the merits of the exposition, descriptive of its beauty and grandeur, as excelling in many respects any or all expositions hitherto held.
The club, through the Bureau of Publicity, has sent out its circulars and exposition literature to every newspaper in Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and to many in the United States, as well as to all prominent public men in the Dominion of Canada.
Press Representative of Club.
More Exhibits from Hawaii.
Commissioner Shingle of the Hawaiian exhibit has returned from Minneapolis, and is devoting his time to exploiting the resources of the country from which he comes. His exhibit is attracting a great deal of attention, especially the coffee trees, which are the first ever seen in this country. While the Hawaiian exhibit in the Agricultural building is complete, it will be added to within the next few days. Commissioner Shingle has received information of the arrival of another car of products, which ought to be here soon.
Exposition Notes.
President Mallory of the Iowa Exposition commission has returned to his home for a few days' visit.
Colonel Monserrat, vice president of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass railroad, who spent a week visiting the exposition, has gone to the mountains for an outing of three weeks. Before returning home he will make a tour of the Pacific coast. He was much pleased with the exposition.
Clarence J. Blanchard, erstwhile state oil [?]
While the investigation into irregularities, abuses of privilege and frauds upon the exposition will take up much of the time of the special committee recently appointed by the directors, the most pressing and important duty devolving on this committee is the thorough checking up of the books and accounts through reliable experts.
An auditor or comptroller entirely independent of the officers charged with the receipt and disbursement of the exposition funds, has been a long-felt want which should have been filled months ago. Under the peculiar organization of the exposition, the office of treasurer has been nominal only. The secretary has been the general factotum for receiving revenue, drawing warrants and issuing vouchers, checking out the bank deposits, supervising the bookkeeping and ticket selling. The so-called auditor has been merely the secretary's clerk, just the same as all the other employes in the Ways and Means department outside of the Bureau of Music.
With the tremendous amount of detail work transacted by this one man, it is not in the least surprising that no intelligible or complete financial exhibit has been obtainable up to date, that the statements made from time to time have been crude and that the ticket and gate systems call for radical revision. Without impugning anyone's integrity or reflecting upon anyone's competency, it is a matter of grave concern to the stockholders that every transaction involving the receipt or paying out of money shall be subjected to the scrutiny of a responsible auditor and the books balanced.
This work would have to be done in any event before the affairs of the exposition are finally wound up. If delayed until after the exposition closes, it would not only be more intricate, but would be too late to remedy any abuses or introduce any reforms that may suggest themselves as in the interest of the exposition.
Opinions of Citizens on the Abuse that Pertains at Present.
Business Prudence Necessary to Make a Financial Success of the Great Enterprise—What Some Representative Men Say.
The disclosures in The Bee of the surprising size of the exposition free list showing that 250,000 people have been passed free into the grounds since the opening and that the free admissions were averaging nearly 5,000 a day and steadily increasing has increased the talk among business men about the looseness of the exposition pass scheme. Instances have been brought out where Omaha women have been given exhibitors' season passes by people in charge of exhibits just to accommodate them as friends. In another case, an Omaha merchant is using a season pass secured in exchange for material furnished one of the exhibitors. Non-transferable passes have been hawked about the streets and used to carry a whole chain of people through the gates. It is plain that the demand for reform of the free pass abuse is general. Here is what some well known people say on the subject:
V. B. Caldwell—Too many passes are being issued, and the number should be reduced. I heard of a case where a washer woman had a pass, and being asked how she came by it she said one of the men inside owed her a bill, and he secured her the pass to square accounts.
Henry W. Yates—There is unquestionably an abuse of the pass issue which should be corrected, but I doubt if it can be. I think the position of The Bee on the question is correct.
Should Use Business Prudence.
Morris Levy, President of the Nebraska Clothing Company—I was greatly surprised to see the figures published, and I am satisfied that they are correct, or The Bee would not have published them. It goes without question that the exposition should be conducted on the same business principles as any other business enterprise. This is nothing more than what ordinary common sense would suggest. It is a natural tendency of [?]
nothing, and every man in business starts out with an instinctive appreciation of this tendency and makes proper checks against it for the safeguarding of his business interests. That a check of some kind should be put on the free pass is patent to every reasonable person. We are all interested in having the exposition prove a success, not only in an educational way, but as a business enterprise, and it can be done if conducted with proper business prudence. Those who are interested in the exposition in a pecuniary sense, undoubtedly have a right to have their interests guarded. If a pass is given there should be a good reason for it, and when it is given care should be taken that it is used only for the purpose for which it is given. The manner in which the Pass department has been handled must appear very loose to any ordinary observer. This is not the way business men generally carry on their business affairs.
T. P. Cartwright—I have not yet given the matter the attention it deserves, but off-handedly I agree that the exposition, like any other enterprise, should be conducted on well recognized business principles. I believe the committee will make the needed changes.
Should Stop the Leaks.
Herman Kountze, president of the First National bank—I am not familiar enough with this matter to say anything of consequence just now. I think the first thing to be done should be to ascertain by some effective process if there are any leaks. Certainly there should be a proper check upon the free admissions to the exposition. It would be the veriest folly, though, to refuse such courtesies to people who are in a position to do the exposition some good. If a pass is given to a country editor and he publishes a column or two of matter, the effect of which is to bring a dozen or more persons to the exposition, for which to get here they have to spend their money for railroad transportation, and then, when they are here, they incidentally leave a few dollars with the merchants and business men generally, the use of such a courtesy is a great benefit to the exposition and the whole city. What should be done is to find out if there are people enjoying free admissions who do not make any return whatever to the enterprise. If there are they should be cut off. As I say, however, I am not familiar enough with the question. I believe the committee is doing the best it can and that it will sift the matter thoroughly. On the face of it it looks as though the free pass had been worked for all it was worth, but I understand that there are about 3,000 passes issued to exhibitors and concessionaires, and this, with those issued to other persons, such as the press, etc., would make an army every day of about 3,500, which would count up a very big total at the end of a month.
B. B. Wood—It is an outrage. I have been asked to make a further contribution to the stock of the exposition and have been abused for not doing so. I don't believe I am flat enough to give up any more money with that kind of management.
W. J. Broatch—That seems like a good many passes, but I haven't had one, as I pay my way in.
J. H. Millard—I have had a vague idea that there have been too many passes. In general I think the position of The Bee is the proper one on this matter.
Suggestions from a Stockholder.
OMAHA, July 29.—To the Editor of The Bee: The attendance at the exposition last evening seems to indicate that there are a great many people in Omaha who are willing to pay half rates for an evening, or one-third day's privilege of the grounds, and I hope you will continue you efforts in that behalf for both evenings and Sundays. Being a smal lstockholder and one of the few citizens who escaped the pass distribution, I wil ltake the liberty of suggesting a few adidtional experiments that I believe will add greatly to the expeosition finances, and cause a better feeling among the stockholders and citizens generally. First. That on Sundays and special days or evenings, when the admission is 25 cents, all pass privileges by suspended, except to employes of the grounds and buildings, concessionaires and their employes, and such exhibitors as remain with their exhibits during Sundays and evenings. We might also except the heads of departments and the executive commitee, but it would do them no harm to put up a quarter occasionally, and it would afford them the delightfully indepdent feeling of the other stockholders who pay regular rates several times a week. Their pass is no return for their untiring efforts and successful work in behalf of the exposition. Their reward must and will come from the grateful hearts of the citizens of Omaha and the transmississippi country. Second. On all special evenings, with [?]nt rate, the rate should take effect [?]ter than 5:30 p. m., and I believe that 5 o'clock would not be too early. There are a great many business men, officials and office employes who would patronize all such evenings and would like to go direct from their offices to the grounds and take supper with their family or friends. If they go home to supper the hour and distance precludes their attendance and the exposition and restaurants are both losers thereby. Finally, Ihope there will be no more concerts in the chasm of the lagoon. People who went early to avoid the rush and secured seats close the balustrade were soon cut off from sight and hearing by others who crowded in, climbed upon the balustrade or stood in a solid mass between the seats and same. The musical effects on the lagoon may have been beautiful, but on the promenade or between the balustrade and buildings they were poor indeed.
FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1898.
Joint Meeting of Exposition Directory and Commercial Club Railroad Committees
Campaign for Lower Rates to Be Pushed Pending Western Passenger Association Meeting.
Business Men Confident That Reduced Rates Will Be Put In Before August 10--New Committee Appointed.
The railroad committee of the Commercial club and the railroad rate committee of the exposition directory, at the invitation of the latter committee, held a joint meeting in the Commercial club rooms yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Babcock, Rosewater, Montgomery, Wilcox and Thompson were present on behalf of the directory, and Messrs. Baum, Tibbs, Utt, Brady, Pickens and Andreesen on behalf of the club. On motion of Mr. Montgomery Mr. Babcock was elected chairman of the meeting.
The exposition rate question was discussed at length, but there was a studied absence on both sides of any reference to the criticisms of Commercial club men on the exposition management, and the representatives of the latter agreed fully with the statement that the present railroad rates to the exposition were very far from satisfactory, and that every effort should be made to have radical reductions made in them. The members of both the Commercial club and exposition directory railroad committees had received information to be present at the meeting of the Western Passenger association in Omaha next Wednesday, and it was agreed that the best possible showing of the necessity for reduced rates should be made at that time.
The committee was unanimous, however, in the opinion that the matter should not be allowed to rest until the passenger agents come to Omaha and a special committee composed of Messrs. Rosewater, Kountze, Baum and Brady was appointed to see the presidents and executive officers of the different roads in the meantime.
The committee will meet President Burt of the Union Pacific today, and if it is considered advisable to do so, will go to Chicago tonight or Sunday night.
There is a pronounced feeling in both business and railway circles, since the announcement that the Western Passenger association is to meet in Omaha next week was made, that it will only be a very short time now until reduced rates are given to the exposition. So confident are many that this will be done that the questions of the exact rates which will probably be given, and of the time limits on round trip tickets, are being generally discussed. While comparatively few business men expect that the Trans-Mississippi exposition will receive as low rates as the Nashville exposition, the round trip to it from June 1 to November 1 being 40 per cent of the regular round trip rate, or in other words 20 per cent less than the regular one way fare, on seven day limit tickets, and only slightly higher on longer time limit tickets, there are many who expect one fare round trip rates from Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis and Kansas City will be put in before August 10, and all roads in the Eastern and Southern Passenger associations will immediately thereafter put in reduced rates to the points named.
The meeting of the Western Passenger association next week will bring to Omaha a number of general passenger agents who have not yet visited the exposition, and among them will be several general passenger agents of roads terminating in Omaha. When the latter statement was first made its correctness was doubted, as it was supposed all of the men directly interested in making rates to it had visited the exposition at least once. Investigation proved, however, that the statement was incorrect, and in connection with it the question was asked: "How can men who have never [?]
Editor Rosewater Pours Out the Vials of His Wrath on Manager Lindsey.
Ever Since That Little Fracas Over Blackburn Knowing Ones Have Been Expecting It.
His Policy Crops Out Again, but the Public Is On and Is Not in the Least Surprised---Pass Matters.
That the expected sometimes happens developed yesterday when the Bee sprung a column attack on Managr Z. T. Lindsey of the department of ways and means under the guise of an expose of exposition evils, under a black headline, "Free Pass Frauds." When Mr. Lindsey turned down Mr. Rosewater's scheme to place T. W. Blackburn on the pay roll as pass inspector at a salary of $150 a month, and instead appointed J. W. Bishop to the same position at $75 a month, it was generally believed in exposition circles that Mr. Rosewater would immediately seize his little hammer and being to knock, and the knowing ones were neither surprised nor disappointed.
As nearly as can be ascertained, the situation was simply a question of whether a pass inspector should be appointed by the board to discharge his duties in the interests of the exposition, or whether the appointee should be placed inoffice by Mr. Rosewater in the hope of making a discovery of pass abuse by some other member of the executive committee that would give the head of the department of publicity and promotion a club to be swung whenever he was disposed to force some pet scheme through the executive committee and at the same time prevent a checking of the issuance of passes by Mr. Rosewater on private account.
It was understood by the member sof the committee, Mr. Rosewater was among the rest, that the old bugaboo would no longer be fit for efficient service, as the reporter of the investigating committee that is now at work will dispose of it, either by finding the rumors false or true. In either event the threat of making the charge public will be robbed of its terrors, and Mr. Rosewater was under the necessity of finding some new stuffing for his club.
The new charges, briefly stated, are that "hundreds, if not thousands, pass through the gates daily who have no right, who have either been smuggled on the free list or are traveling on others' names." It is further intimated that the heads of departments are doing a more or less irregular business in issuing passes to their friends, and that a great many of the exhibitors and concessionaires are defrauding the exposition in this respect.
The fact that out of approximately 290,000 total admission in June, 122,500 were free, is cited as "affording material for some startling comparisons," and it is stated that while the passes "exceeded an average of 4,000 a day during June, the daily average thus far in July is nearly 5,000."
The fact is that the average daily free admissions during June was 4,082, and thus far during July has been 4,672, an increase of just 550 per day. The total paid admissions up to yesterday were 330,557, and the total free admissions 248,632. The free admissions were 42.3 per cent of the total attendance during June, and 43.1 per cent of the total thus far in July, as shown by the figures at headquarters, but these are misleading to this extent—the thousands in the parade were admitted free on the opening day, and no record of them could be obtained, and for a part of June the workmen employed by the buildings and grounds department were admitted through a gate where no check was kept as a part of the counted admissions, as the turnstiles had not then been gotten in place. As a matter of fact, the percentage of free admissions during July has been less than in June rather than more as claimed.
As to the increase in the number of passes, it is a matter of general knowledge that the numerous editorial excursions that have arrived have been during this month, and all of them went in on passes, while on other days there have been unusual issuance of passes, as, for instance, Minnesota day, when sixty-one were issued in a bunch to the party of Governor Clough, and on Military day, when the 1,300 men men in Colonel Bryan's regiment were passed in in a body.
It is necessary to a complete understanding of the pass situation that it be known that in the list given out as "free admissions" are included all the officers and employes of the exposition, exhibitors, concessionaires and all people who have work on the grounds. This includes all the performers on the Midway, waiters, guards, gatemen, laborers and dishwashers of all kinds and descriptions, approximately 3,500 in all. These admissions are regular, whether it is a big day or small one, and it follows naturally that the percentage of free admissions will appear large if there are many small days and few big ones. It is a matter of general knowledge that the attendance has not thus far been heavy, yet, notwithstanding this fact, the percentage of free admissions compares favorably with other expositions even after including the heavy period of their closing months.
There is not an official connected with the exposition who is not aware of the probability that some persons have secured free admissions to which they were not entitled, but they class as sublimely ridiculous the charge that "hundreds, if not thousands," or, in fact, any large number, have succeeded in getting in on improperly issued passes.
Another fact that tends to make an adverse showing against July is that the two gates on Manderson street, which a great many exhibitors and concessionaires and their employes use several times a day, have only had turnstiles in place a short time. They now register all these passes, while before that time the holders simply showed that at the gate and passed through without any record of the pass admission being kept.
With the exception of the attendance on Military day, last evening's crowd was the only one the exposition has had since the Fourth. A fair attendance was present during the day, but the 25-cent rate and the grand court concert in the evening was the very evident cause of the greatly increased turnout. Up to 3 o'clock there had been 3,682 paid admissions, but there were about double that number of visitors who paid their way through the gates between that hour and closing time, making a paid attendance of over 10,000 for the day.
The grand court was crowded during the concert and the program was warmly received. The chorus and band were stationed on the boat landings on opposite sides of the lagoon, and alternated in the numbers. Superintendent Kelly had arranged a new feature in the way of a double quartet, which was sent over the lagoon in a lifeboat to render a number as it approached the upper end of the lagoon, but owing to an unfortunate misunderstanding the band interfered with its complete success. On the whole the concert was a most enjoyable one and served to emphasize the popularity of the feature.
The visiting South Dakota editors yesterday rounded themselves up in a body to formally express their sentiments through the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, The members of the South Dakota Press association, being mindful of the many kind and generous courtesies which have contributed so largely toward the magnificent outing enjoyed at the fourteenth annual meeting of 1898, therefore be it
Resolved, That we express appreciation and extend thanks to the citizens of Sioux Falls and Garretson, to the Chicago & Northwestern, the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Sioux City & Northern Railway companies, the management of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition, the New Mercer and Brunswick hotels and the Swift Packing company of Omaha.
We desire particularly to express our appreciation of the courtesies extended by the Greenleaf Cigar company, the Sioux Falls brewery, Dalton Bros., Dickinson, the caterer, William McKeever and "Pat" Patterson, George Burnside, Superintendent Simpson of the deaf mute school, the Sioux Falls Street Railway company, the Electric Motor line, Brown & Saenger, the Business Men's league, the citizens of Sioux Falls for carriages, Schumacher, the florist, the Eagle Mandolin club and Stout's orchestra.
The visit to Garretson and to the Palisades is remembered with special pleasure. We desire to express great appreciation of the kindness and attention of J. H. Gable, general traveling agent of the Sioux City & Pacific Railway company, who personally superintended the excursion of the association from Sioux City to Omaha and did so much for our comfort, and last, but not least, we desire to heartily thank Brothers George Schlosser, J. T. Cogan and Mark Scott, the entertainment committee of Sioux Falls, through whose untiring efforts nothing was left undone for our comfort while in their city. And be it further
Resolved, That we enthusiastically indorse the general excellence of the Trans-Mississippi exposition, its courteous and generous management, and heartily commend it to the general public and express a hope that the people of the great west, whose industries and prosperity are so a[?]y exemplified, will not fail to personally inspect its magnificence before its close. We would further suggest that our eastern cousins will find in this exposition a panorama of the resources of our prairie states such as will tend to broaden their views of their own land and afford more culture and pleasure than a visit to the ruins of the effete monarchies of Europe. We further commend the press management of the exposition, and extend thanks to R. W. Richardson, special committee on publicity and promotion, who spared no pains to make the press boys feel at home.
And whereas, the wisely directed efforts of President L. J. Bates and Secretary J. F. Haladay have resulted in a most delightful trip to the famous Trans-Mississippi exposition, where we have been so royally entertained as before mentioned, we feel that we are under special obligations to Messrs. Bates and Haladay, therefore be it
Resolved, That the thanks of this association be most cordially tendered to them for proposing and providing the very pleasantest outing our association has ever enjoyed, an outing that will be remembered not only for its boundless pleasure, but for its educational features as well, so that we return to our duties refreshed by our recreation and better equipped for work in our several fields.
A new exhibit in the war department section at the Government building yesterday was one of the new "Khakie" uniforms, with which the troops have been equipped for service in tropical climes. It consists of light brown cotton drilling pants and blouse, the latter with four wide pockets on the front, more suggestive of the average hunter's suit than anything else. An ordinary gray campaign hat completes the outfit. The uniforms are manufactured in Cincinnati.
An adjourned meting of the board of directors will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the Administration Arch.
It has been arranged that Phinney's band shall lead the Flower day parade next Tuesday evening.
The paid admissions on Wednesday numbered 3,938.
Manager Lindsey of the ways and means department yesterday reported to the executive committee the appointment of C. A. Mitchell to take the place of J. W. Bishop, who had declined to accept the appointment. The appointment of Mitchell was approved, the salary to be $75 a month.
The committee ordered the removal of the turnstiles on the bluff tract from a point just south of the viaduct to a point near the Georgia building, and of the other stiles from the southwest to the southeast corner of the bluff tract. This will give entrances and exits both east and west of the Horticulture building. That on the east side is for the accommodation of Council Bluffs people, the management having closed a contract with the East Omaha Bridge and Terminal company whereby ten trains a day are to be run direct from the company's Broadway crossing in the Bluffs to the grounds. The first train will leave at 9 a. m.
Fireworks have been ordered for August 4, the opening day of the Indian congress. The display will take place in the Indian camp, and the principal feature will be the fire portrait of a famous Indian chief.
Congressman Charles Curtis of Kansas was on the grounds yesterday.
Captain H. M. Knowles of the life saving station was notified yesterday that the new boat had just been shipped from Grand Haven, Mich. It is expected on the grounds early next week. The moving of the mast has been completed, and everything will be in readiness for the regular exhibitions as soon as the boat get here, as the arrangement of the program has been completed. The exhibition will take place every afternoon at 4 o'clock, and will embrace the following features:
Life savers go on patrol duty, moving right and left from station; man to left discovers distress signals on mast; returns to station and reports to keeper; crew go to scene of disaster with beach apparatus and shoot a line over the wreck; set up beach apparatus and land men in breeches buoy; man reported overboard and drowning; crew go out in life boat to the rescue; on returning boat is capsized, but rights itself, and apparently drowned man is brought ashore; man is resuscitated by usual methods employed at life stations.
President Wattles, Captain Mercer and Special Commissioner Richardson tendered an informal reception to the visiting South Dakota editors at the Press building yesterday afternoon.
Five New Shows Scheduled for Early Next Week.
By the middle of next week there will be at least five new shows on the Midway. The Parisian dancing girls and the X-Ray illusion will be located on West Midway. The other three, the names of which have not been given out, will be located on East Midway.
George Moser has gone to New York in the interest of a number of shows on the Midway. He will secure a number of actors and bring them here on his return.
The Scenic railway on West Midway has only been in operation since June 20, yet since that time more than 40,000 passengers have patronized it. Ten thousand were carried over the road July 4. The track is 4,200 feet in length and the fare for two round trips is only 10 cents.
The coffin force of "Heaven and Hell" will be an exact reproduction of the one in the celebrated Cataret de la Morte at Paris. Beautiful maidens dressed in widow's weeds will serve refreshments in skulls to patrons seated at coffins, which serve as tables. The Inferno will be reproduced after the ideas of Dore, as shown in his illustrations of Dante's Inferno. "Heaven and Hell" will be ready for public inspection by August 15.
Henry Willard, the wideawake proprietor and manager of Pabst on the Midway, secures only the best talent to be found. His latest acquisition to the splendid vaudeville performance is Tyrone, the queen of the French novelty house, attracting so much attention just at present. She executes this dance with wonderful grace and skill. She is a favorite everywhere and Mr. Willard is to be congratulated.
Grand Court Concert.
The attraction of the exposition last night was the alfresco concert on the lagoon by the exposition chorus and Phinney's band. They were situated on a level with the water, opposite each other, and alternated in rendering the music. Mr. Kelly sprung another surprise upon the people by loading a double quartet in one of the life-saving boats which, while being rowed around the lagoon, sang "Old Folks at Home," the chorus on land joining in the chorus. It is a question whether the location of the musicians was a success. There were few, if any, places where the music could be heard to advantage, it coming up as if from the bottom of a hole.
SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1898.
Were About to Hold Indignation Meeting, but Frowns Give Way to Smiles.
Opinion of Exhibit Expressed by Visiting Horticulturists---Sparrows Reveling in the Delights of the Agriculture Building.
The action on the part of the executive committee in ordering the entrance and exit gates south of the viaduct placed near the Georgia building, and those at the southwest corner of the grounds put in the southeast corner came just in time to prevent an indignation meeting of the exhibitors in the Horticulture building. The meeting has been indefinitely postponed and the exhibitors, who were feeling sore, are now smiling. It is what they have long been after and until recently it seemed that it was something they would not get.
They are confident now that all who enter the bluff tract first will pass through the building and that the fine display, certainly the finest that has ever been made in the west, will get the attention that it deserves.
Every man who attended the recent meeting of the Horticultural societies of Nebraska and Iowa, was careful to give the display the most minute inspection and every man confessed his surprise that the exhibit was so large and so excellent. They were equally surprised at the magnificence of the whole exposition, and all joined in lamenting that it had not been properly advertised. "I live no farther away," said one man, "than over here in Iowa, but out people have no idea of the largeness and grandeur of this exposition."
The Iowa display is being almost wholly renewed and new decorations are going up. Mr. Collman says that it will presently be in finer shape than ever.
Trans-Mississippi Sunday School Congress
Many of the noted Sunday school workers of the country will participate in the Trans-Mississippi Sunday School congress to be held in Omaha, September 27-30. The attendance promises to be large, and a very successful gathering seems to be already assured.
The program for the Sunday school convention, so far as it has been completed, includes addresses by such prominent leaders in Sunday school work as B. F. Jacobs, D. D., Chicago, chairman international executive committee; Rev. Jesse T. Hurlbut, D. D., New York, secretary Methodist Episcopal church; H. Hamill, Jacksonville, Ill., international field worker; W. J. Semelroth, editor International Evangel, St. Louis; Hugh Cork, Minneapolis, general secretary Minneapolis Sunday School association; Marion Lawrence, Toledo, O., general secretary Ohio Sunday School association; L. E. Stevenson, Cedar Rapids, Ia., assistant superintendent Northwestern District American Sunday School union.
Among the subjects to be considered are: "Important forward movements," normal work, home department, house to house visitation; "Preparation for Teaching," by Prof. Hamill; "How to Teach," by B. F. Jacobs; "Organization of a Sunday School," by Marion Lawrence; "Direction and Control," by W. J. Semelroth; "Attendance," offerings, evangelistic work, bible study, etc.
Tuesday, September 27, Wednesday morning and Thursday morning will be given to discussion and general conference business. Friday morning the Nebraska association holds its annual meeting. Three evenings will be given to addresses by men like Dr. A. F. Schauffer, Dr. Hurlbut, Dr. Merrill. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons will be given to recreation and sight-seeing. Many of the delegates will stay in Omaha through the week following the convention in order to take in the exposition, but those whose time is limited will be able to get a glimpse [?] 1st, the day following the convention, is Chicago day, which is expected to be one of the big days of the exposition.
The local committee which is arranging for the convention consists of George G. Wallace, chairman; John L. Pierce, secretary; R. H. Pollock, Beatrice, field secretary Nebraska Sunday School association; W. R. Harford, Omaha; H. L. Kreider, South Omaha.
SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1898.
Exposition Directors Are Determmind to Treat All Country Editors Alike.
Little Editor Equally Resolved to Snub All Who Were Persona Non Grata to Him.
Test Vote Came and Thirty-Two Out of Thirty-Four Decided to Be Fair in the Matter--Exit Rosewater.
The little stirring up given the directors for non-attendance at the meetings of the board bore fruit in the largest attendance at yesterday's meeting that has been present for many months, thirty-four answering to roll call.
The secretary read a communication from Willis Hudspeth, editor of the Labor Bulletin, calling attention to the fact that notwithstanding the action of the board in ordering two passes good for the season sent to each weekly paper in good standing in this and surrounding states, he had not been favored, and stating further that in reply to a request for same of the manager of the department of publicity and promotion Mr. Rosewater had stated that the best he would do would be to issue a pass for July.
Mr. Hitchcock asked for information as to what compliance had been made with the directions of the board.
Mr. Rosewater stated that he had not sent the passes asked by Hudspeth "because he did not think it advisable." He said that the exposition had been fully advertised in Omaha and there was nothing more that the paper in question could do. Furthermore he said that the paper had not regularly supported the exposition.
Mr. Hitchcock stated that the paper had supported the bond proposition and had been outspoken in aiding the enterprise at times when it needed help. He wanted the exposition to do the right thing in return, and he moved that the passes asked for be issued.
The sentiment of the directors was obviously in favor of the motion, and Mr. Rosewater stepped up to the secretary's table with a sheet of paper, and, picking up a pen and dipping it viciously in the ink, began to write.
"He is going to resign again," whispered a director gleefully.
"Don't you believe it," said a wise man alongside. "He made a bluff at it once, and he will be predisposed to heart disease the rest of his life on account of the shock he received when he thought we were going to accept it. You couldn't pry him loose with a crow-bar."
The wise man was right. Although Mr. Rosewater was in a petulant frame of mind he was not burning bridges, and when he ceased writing it was to remark that if the directors were going to turn him down and issue a pass to Mr. Hudspeth, who was persona non grata to him, they might as well go farther and issue them to everybody. He then offered his badly written and much-blotted effusion, which provided that passes be issued to every editor, correspondent or reporter applying for one, but could not get a second. He then stated that he would not serve any longer in the capacity of pass dispenser if the motion made by Mr. Hitchcock was passed. He said he was not a boy running around the streets looking for a job. He demanded the role call on the adoption of the motion and sat sulkily in his chair while thirty-two directors voted for the motion, two voting against it.
Mr. Rosewater then once more sprung his substitute, but no attention was paid to it.
"Well," snapped the very much disgruntled small person, "I serve notice on you right now that I won't do this work any more."
No attention was paid to that either, and as the directors proceeded to other business, Mr. Rosewater held a caucus with himself for several minutes in the corner, and then gave as good an imitation of a man stalking out of the room as his shortness of limb rendered possible. He did not forget to pause at the door to meet any possible recall half way, but there was no recall, and Mr. Rosewater fell slowly and disconsolately down the elevator shaft.
On motion of Mr. Youngs the same treatment extended to the Bulletin was accorded the Western Laborer.
Mr. Webster moved that the services of the Cosmopolitan band of this city be secured for the remaining term of the exposition at not to exceed $600 a week. After some discussion it was laid over until the next meeting.
On motion of Mr. Wharton another experiment with the 25-cent rate will be made next Monday evening and the executive committee was directed to prepare a suitable special attraction for that evening. Some opposition was developed against the plan, but the motion carried overwhelmingly. Reference was had to the figures on admissions, and it was conclusively shown that the reduced rate had not injured the attendance on other days, but that on the contrary the cash results as well as the attendance were considerably ahead of the first four days of the preceding week.
Mr. Wilhelm, who had just returned from an eastern trip, stated that he had had his eyes opened regarding the lack of advertising from which the exposition was suffering. He said that he was frequently asked in Grand Rapids, New York and Philadelphia, "When is your exposition going to open?" and that other statements and questions conveyed information of similar ignorance on the subject. He wanted to see something done about it, and to that end moved that $10,000 be set apart for the purpose of advertising the exposition in the big cities of the east. The matter was not acted upon.
Manager Lindsey asked the indulgence of the meeting to reply to a letter from T. W. Blackburn printed by the Bee, in which a number of statements criticising the pass check system were made. Mr. Lindsey took up the allegations one by one and denied them, stating in connection just what the facts were. He said that the best ideas of the men who had managed the World's fair and the Atlanta, Midwinter and Nashville expositions had been embodied in the system, yet Mr. Blackburn had had the effrontery to visit the grounds for half an hour and assume to tell the management how much better a smart man like himself could do on a minute's notice.
The special committee appointed at the previous meeting to look after railroad rates reported progress and asked to be continued, which was granted.
The Bee's attack on the pass situation then came in for a little consideration and Mr. Lindsey and other members of the committee speedily furnished the directors with information that thoroughly set their minds at rest on that subject. It was shown that many of the passes are used by the holders two or three times a day, but that each appears in the total as an admission. Reference to the reports of the admission bureau for several days showed just how many of each kind of free admissions had been recorded, and after deducting the passes of the employes and officials of various kinds connected with the government and state buildings the thousands were reduced to hundreds.
Mr. Payne of the investigating committee stated that when his attention was first called to it by Mr. Rosewater he thought it was a serious situation, and that there was work for the committee right there, but on looking into it he was surprised to find there were so few passes outside the exposition itself.
Mr. Lindsey stated that he would have a full and comprehensive statement on the subject at the next meeting of the board.
An adjournment was taken until next Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The retrenchment ax struck the emergency hospital yesterday, Medical Director Lee having been asked to reduce his force. In accordance therewith the services of the matron, Mrs. Alice Donaldson; the steward, A. D. White, and one ambulance driver, Joe Vanderford, were discontinued after last night.
The executive committee yesterday ordered exposition medals struck in silver and gold to be donated to the public library and placed in the city's collection of coins.
Complete returns to the bureau of admissions show the Thursday attendance to have been 15,193, of which 10,266 were paid. Of this number 5,029 were evening admissions on the reduced rate after 7 o'clock.
Yesterday's paid admissions numbered 2,724.
One of the Most Prominent Features in Agricultural Hall.
The Douglas county agricultural display, under management of Superintendents Walsh and Hervey, continues to be a great attraction in Agricultural hall. There are constantly being added new features of display in the way of vegetables, new in variety and fresh from the hands of the market gardeners. This department of the Douglas county exhibit has now one of the most complete and carefully selected displays of vegetables ever presented to sightseers at fair or exposition. The immense size of many varieties paralyze the eastern visitors.
One day this week a very aristocratic appearing couple, who had just entered the Douglas county display, was noticed by one of the attendants jokingly commenting on the frauds that the western people could get up for display. The gentleman remarked: "They can so nearly imitate vegetables now that one would really believe they were genuine if one didn't taste of them." The young lady in charge saw the situation at once and approached the elderly couple and inquiringly said: "You are strangers here I take it?" "Yes, mu'm, we live in Boston; great artists you western people are, making anything natural as life." "All you see here are the products of our soil," replied the attendant, "Even our pictures and lettering are made of grains and seeds." A huge head of cabbage was the first article the Boston visitor inspected, and with an exclamation of surprise, after puncturing it with his finger, turned to his wife, "it's a cabbage sure as I am a foot high." Cucumbers, beets, squashes, onions, carrots, etc., were inspected by the visitors, and after a half hour's questioning about this and that article, the immense seed pyramids were inspected. Here, again, they met with a surprise that humbled them to concede anything to the greatness of the west. "These pyramids represent the seed industry of our county," remarked the young lady. "You see, we produce more seeds for commercial purposes than any county in the United States. Your large seedsmen of the east get their main supply of seeds from our seed growers. D. M. Ferry of Detroit has now more than 1,000 acres of vegetables growing in this county for seed purposes. W. Atlee, Burpee & Co. of Philadelphia have large seed interests here; likewise many other leading seedsmen buy direct from our seed houses in this county." "I am really surprised; I never knew that before. Have you any circulars or catalogues describing this exhibit? This is a great country; our eastern people don't begin to comprehend its greatness; its unlimited resources." "This," remarked Superintendent Walsh, "is only one of hundreds of examples where eastern visitors are astounded at the display our county is making."
Next week the new sheaf grains will be added to the Douglas county exhibit. This will require additional space and will be an addition that will in all respects be in accord with the present high standing of this great agricultural display.
Grand Battle of Confetti at Streets of All Nations.
There will be a grand battle of confetti in the Streets of All Nations next Tuesday night after the flower parade. Mr. Gaston Akoun, proprietor of the Streets of All Nations, has ordered direct from Paris 15,000 bags of confetti and it will arrive here in time for the battle Tuesday evening. Although the entertainment in the Streets that night will be extraordinary, there will be no extra price of admission. Mr. Akoun has extended to his many friends throughout the city invitations to be present, and he expects on that occasion immense crowds and a glorious time. The battle of confetti originated in Paris and last year at the Streets of Cairo in Nashville, Tenn., the first battle in this country was fought. It was participated in by the leading society people of the Athens of the south. The battle next Tuesday night will begin at 8:30 and will continue until 12. All the passes to the Streets of All Nations will be recognized. Confetti can be secured in the Streets at stands 1, 3 and 5.
The Lagoon Transportation company extended the courtesies of the yachts and gondolas to the exposition chorus and for half an hour they enjoyed the pleasant ride around the lagoon and the cool breezes. The gondola races, scheduled for this week, will be postponed until the life saving crew gives its first exhibitions. The first race will take place in the middle of next week.
A late and interesting attraction on East Midway is the mammoth whale, which was captured in the Atlantic ocean, off Provincetown, Mass., in 1895. It is the only exhibition of its kind in the world. It weighs 80,000 pounds and is fifty-five feet in length. As a scientific and educational exhibition it is unsurpassed and millions have gazed with awe and [?]
Among the many visitors who saw the Cyclorama of the battle of the Monitor and Merrimac yesterday was Mr. Allen Koch, who took part with the land forces in the famous battle. He was a member of company I, Forty-eighth Pennsylvania regiment of volunteers. He pointed out different land marks that he recognized as he went from Fortress Monroe over to Newport News on the day of the great battle. He became completely enthused with the subject that this reproduction so accurately portrays. Pointing to positions occupied by soldiers near the shore, he remarked: "There is where we were just as the Cumberland went down."
Wallace, the great untamed lion at Hagenback's, has been in captivity about five years, and in that time he has killed five trainers. His weight is about 850 pounds and he is one of the most powerful animals in captivity. Yesterday morning the keeper went into Wallace's cage for the second time since the exposition opened. The animal made many attacks, but the brave Bocaccio was on the alert.
Paradise for Sparrows.
The Agriculture building is proving to be a paradise for the sparrows. The decorations in grain, straws and grasses furnish them with a continual banquet and they revel in them. The little pests have caused great annoyance by the havoc they have made with the decorations, but no one can suggest how to get rid of them. The exhibitors are, therefore, putting up with the nuisance as best they can and when they find grains or grasses thrashed out they renew them. The sparrows evidently intend to improve their opportunity for they have built them nests inside the building where there is food in such profusion.
Go to Exposition Again.
The delegates to the national convention of local building and loan associations were taken in charge by the local committee last evening and taken for a second trip to the exposition grounds. The convention adjourned sine die Thursday, but a large number of delegates are remaining in the city to see the exposition.
Exposition Notes.
October 6 will be New York day. It is expected that a large delegation of New Yorkers will be present. Among them will be Chauncey M. Depew, who will deliver an address.
Preparations continue for the white and colored American's convention and the meeting of the National Personal Liberty league August 17, 18, and 19, and for Colored Americans' day, August 19.
A large oil portrait of Governor Stevens has been placed on the walls in the Missouri section.
Kansas City Day Will Be an Event at the Exposition.
Kansas City, Mo., July 29.—If the hopes and expectations of the committees appointed to take in charge the excursions from Kansas City to Omaha on the occasion of Kansas City day at the exposition, August 6, are realized, not fewer than 5,000 Kansas Cityans will attend.
All of the Kansas City railroads that reach Omaha will provide plenty of extra equipment and special trains to handle the business. Handsome and appropriate badges will be furnished free to all who go. The live stock men have agreed to make a demonstration, and there is little doubt that the other commercial bodies will participate. There will be plenty of bands with all the excursions.
At a special meeting of the board of trade this morning it was decided to adjourn on Saturday, August 6, for the purpose of giving all members an opportunity to attend the exposition at Omaha on Kansas City day. A large attendance was urged, and it is proposed to secure a band, placard the cars appropriately, and make the occasion in all respects an enjoyable one, and show due appreciation of the setting aside of a day for Kansas City.
Arrange for Wheel Day.
Considerable interest was manifested at the meeting of wheelmen at the Commercial club rooms last evening for the purpose of making arrangements for wheelmen's day at the exposition August 15. A parade will be held on the grounds at 7 p. m. and all wheelmen, whether organized or unorganized, are requested to line up. The matter of wheel decoration is optional, although a number of local and visiting clubs will doubtless make a showing in the way of decorations. Badges will be given all wheelmen at the gate. Other features now on the tapis will be announced later.
Single Tax Congress.
Mrs. Ford, the secretary of the board of lady managers, states that much progress is being made in the preparations for the single tax congress, to be held here September 16 and 17. Three sessions will be held daily. It is hoped that Dr. Edward McGlynn of New York will occupy the evening of the 16th. Among others who will deliver addresses are John S. Crosby of New York and Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland, who is president of the Single Tax League of the United States.
The committee is made up of one man from each state. The Nebraska committeeman is W. D. Beckett.
SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1898.
Twenty-Five Cents Admission to the Exposition Grounds Tomorrow.
Opponents of the Plan Admit it is a Good Thing to Pursue.
Vote to Have the Same Conditions for One Night Next Week.
Managers Decide on the Line of March for the Pretty Spectacle to Be Presented at the Grounds on Tuesday Evening.
The 25 cent admission will again be in force tomorrow and with the prospect of delightful weather a big Sunday crowd is anticipated. Since it has developed that there is nothing permitted on the grounds at which the most radical stickler for Sabbath observance could take offense the opposition to Sunday opening that was at first apparent in some quarters has disappeared and the church people of the city are among the first to improve the opportunity to spend a part of the day in the quiet enjoyment of scenic beauties that lift the mind out of the commonplaces of the week and in listening to the magnificent music. The usual concerts will be given tomorrow. Phinney's band will play in the main court at 3 o'clock and on the plaza at 8.
The effect of the unqualified success of the reduced rate of admission Thursday night was evident in the alacrity with which the Board of Directors, at their meeting yesterday afternoon, provided for a repetition of the event next Wednesday night. The opposition to the idea has apparently been effectually silenced and it is believed that at least one night a week during the hot weather the 25-cent rate will prevail. The change from Thursday to Wednesday night was made because Thursday is Indian day and it was thought advisable to maintain the regular schedule on that occasion. Provision will be made, however, for some special concert features Wednesday evening and there will be no lack of incentive for another big crowd.
The executive committee has provided for a brilliant pyrotechnical display after the regular concert this evening. This will be given at the usual place on the north tract and an exceptionally attractive exhibition will be given. This will include all the gorgeous effects in midair decoration that have been so well received by exposition crowds.
President Arthur Kruer and M. A. Klein of the St. Louis Drummer's association are in Omaha to make arrangements for a day in September. The association indulges in an annual excursion which is always largely patronized and this year the members propose to take their outing at the exposition. President Kruer says that they are assured of enough people to fill three big trains bringing from 1,200 to 2,000 excursionists. After some consultation with General Manager Clarkson September 19 was selected as Drummer's day and the St. Louis crowd will be in evidence on that occasion.
The route of the floral parade next Tuesday night has been officially announced. It will form on the bluff tract south of the Horticulture building at 6:30 p. m. and move along the east avenue in front of the Nebraska and Illinois buildings. It will then pass the band stand where it will be reviewed by the judges who are to award the medals for the best decorations and thence back by way of the west avenue. The cavalcade will swing around the circle three times in order that everyone may have a full view of the decorations and then the prizes will be awarded. These will consist of a solid gold medal for the best turnout, a bronze medal for the second best and a silver medal for the third.
The program for Indian day Thursday will afford entertainment from 10 o'clock in the morning until the grounds close at night. The parade of Indians in native costume in which thirty tribes will be represented will occur at 10 o'clock and during the afternoon and evening the encampment grounds will be thrown open to the public. The people will have an opportunity to see the red men as they exist and study the varying characteristics of the different tribes. In the afternoon there will be Indian dances, sports and pony races by 300 members of the Omaha and Winnebago tribes, the medicine dance by the Winnebagos and a game of la crosse between the Chippewas and other tribes.
An even more interesting program is scheduled for the evening. This will include a dance by the Omahas, music by an Indian band of thirty pieces, various firelight features of camp life and a magnificent display of fireworks, which will conclude with an immense representation of an Indian chief in brilliant pyrotechnics.
The Single Tax congress, which will occupy September 16 and 17, will bring to Omaha a number of noted advocates of this system. There will be three sessions each day, the daylight meetings to be held down town, while the evening sessions will be held in the Auditorium. It is expected that Dr. Edward McGlynn of New York will deliver an address on the evening of September 16 and John S. Crosby of New York and Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland are also among the prominent men who will deliver addresses. The arrangements are being conducted by a general committee, which includes one member from each state, as well as representatives from various sections of Canada. W. D. Beckett of this city is the Nebraska member of the committee.
Directors of the Exposition Hear Much Argument on These Topics.
There was a decided improvement in the attendance at the adjourned meeting of the board of directors yesterday afternoon and for the first time in several weeks it was not necessary to wait for a quorum. The proceedings were delayed for over an hour, however, by reading the minutes of the proceedings of the executive committee, as required by the resolution adopted at the previous meeting. Then Secretary Wakefield read a letter from the publishers of the Omaha Labor Bulletin, asking for season passes instead of the monthly passes that had been furnished. Manager Rosewater of the Department of Promotion and Publicity stated that the objection in the way of granting the request was that it would mean a similar concession to about thirty other weekly newspapers in Omaha and South Omaha. The board had adopted a resolution which stated that in its judgment an indiscriminate distribution of passes is not advisable and there is no good reason why any change should be made. In conclusion he said that he is in favor of turning the entire pass question over to the Bureau of Admissions. If it is proposed to let down the bars in one case the same action should be taken in others, and he moved that the whole matter be turned over to the Bureau of Admissions with instructions to issue passes to all editors, reporters and advertising men connected with established papers on application.
This was not seconded and a motion to issue the passes requested by the Labor Bulletin was adopted. Mr. Rosewater renewed his resolution providing that the Bureau of Admissions be given entire charge of the issuance of passes. It was not adopted and Mr. Rosewater assured the directors that he does not propose to have anything to do with the pass question hereafter. He is giving fifteen hours a day to exposition work and a large portion of it is occupied with this matter. It should properly be attended to by the Bureau of Admissions, where it belongs.
On motion of Fred Youngs two season passes were granted to the Western Laborer.
John L. Webster addresses the board at some length in regard to the employment of the Cosmpolitan band. This is the reorganized Seventh Ward Military band and Mr. Webster detailed the history of the effort of the band to secure permanent employment at the exposition. He moved that the band be employed for the remainder of the exposition at $600 per week, and explained that it is not his purpose to supersede any other band. He believed another band should be employed to play in the main court after the regular concert on the Plaza and on other occasions w[?]
The motion brought out opposition from several quarters. C. S. Montgomery said it involves a total expenditure of $7,800 and no such action should be taken hastily.
Mr. Lindsey stated he could bring in a new band every week for the purpose proposed by merely paying its transportation expenses. All the smaller bands in this part of the country were anxious to come to the exposition on that basis, and they would also arouse a marked interest in the towns from which they came. He said he could secure the Pawnee City band of forty-five pieces, which is very nearly as good as Phinney's band, for $500 a week, or $100 less than Mr. Webster proposed to pay to the Cosmopolitan band of thirty pieces.
Fred Youngs, in behalf of organized labor, entered a protest against the employment of the Cosmopolitan band. He declared that it is the only "non union" band in the city and that if local bands are to be employed it is unfair to give it all to this organization. After some further discussion Mr. Webster's motion was laid on the table for one week.
John C. Wharton moved that the rate of admission be fixed at 25 cents after 7 o'clock next Wednesday night. This elicited the opposition of one or two directors, who clung to their position as adverse to any concession. Thomas Kilpatrick favored the motion. He declared that Thursday night was the first time a 25-cent rate had been well advertised. Instead of driving people away during the day the daylight attendance had been greater than on any other day of the week and in addition fully 5,000 additional people had come out in the evening. Many of these were working people and the experiment had been a tremendous success.
George H. Payne read the official quotations of the paid admissions for the preceding week, which showed conclusively that Mr. Kilpatrick's conclusion is correct. The receipts of Thursday had exceeded those of any of the preceding six days, exclusive of the increased receipts from concession percentages on account of the immense business that had been done on the Midway Thursday night. The motion was carried by a decisive majority.
Manager Babcock of the Transportation department and Mr. Montgomery of the special committee on railroad rates reported progress and Mr. Babcock submitted copies of his correspondence with the railroads on the subject.
Manager Lindsey of the Ways and Means department read the letter recently addressed to him by T. W. Blackburn relative to the loose system of issuing passes that prevails. He stated in explanation that it has now been ordered that persons holding passes should sign them and this would meet one of his objections. He admits that it is possible for half a dozen persons to get through the gates on the same pass, but declared that the management relies on the honesty of the gatekeepers to prevent this abuse. The pass system has been organized by the same people who invented the system used in Chicago, Nashville and Atlanta and who were supposed to know their business. He made no explanation of the charges that exhibitors' and concessionaires' passes are being manipulated.
The board adjourned to next Friday at 4 o'clock.
Horticultural Building a Maze of Beautiful and Tempting Exhibits.
Large additions to the fruit exhibit in the Horticultural building continue to come in. About every table in the huge building is covered with the finest that the land can produce. Just now Illinois is laying itself out to please and it is succeeding admirably well. Pears are coming in at a lively rate, the latest varieties to arrive being the Gifford and the Tyson. An abundance of grapes and peaches are beginning to arrive and within the next week it is expected that all of the cold storage fruit will be off the tables.
Oregon has been heard from again. H. A. Lewis, who has been at the exposition for a number of days, has returned to his home at Russellville and before going he said that upon his arrival there he would make a trip among the farmers and secure a fine lot of fruit to be sent here and placed upon exhibition. The greatest difficulty in securing the Oregon fruit is the high charges. It costs 4½ cents per pound to send here by express.
Iowa's new apples are coming in now and any number of the varieties are upon the table. The cold storage apples are being rapidly replaced and from now until the close of the exposition nothing but new fruit will be shown. The Iowa apple crop is said to be fair, which gives Superintendent Collman great hopes of taking first premium when it comes to making the awards.
Superintendent Nelson continues to keep his Missouri exhibit in fine condition, owing to the fact that fresh fruit is arriving daily. Missouri grapes are beginning to arrive and are being placed upon the tables. Peaches are also being featured and the last arrivals [?] the envy of [?]
So far as quantity goes Nebraska continues to hold first place. Superintendent Younger says that with reference to quality the state is far in the lead. Let that be as it may there are from ten to a dozen crates of every variety of fruit coming in each day. The plates are changed often enough so that no specked fruit is shown and in looking over the exhibit strangers are thoroughly convinced that this is one of the great fruit raising states in the union. Farmers are taking hold of the matter and seem to be anxious to get their fruit on exhibition, so that instead of there being a shortage there is an abundance of every kind.
The California fruit exhibit has been replenished by the arrival of a new supply of apricots, lemons, grape fruit, plums, peaches and nectarines until Superintendent Wilson has as great a variety to exhibit as some of the states adjoining Nebraska. His wine list is also growing, a dozen new varieties having been received during the last few days. About everything in the California exhibit comes from Los Angeles county.
Representatives of the Sacs and Foxes and the Brule Sioux Coming First.
While the Indian congress to be held on the exposition grounds will not open until next Thursday, most of the Indians who will participate will be here long before that date. The first delegations to arrive will come some time tonight and will be conveyed at once to the camp grounds west of the Transportation building on the North tract. Notification of their being enroute has been received and the work of preparing for their reception has been completed. Some time tonight ten Brule Sioux from Rosebud and the same number of Sacs and Foxes from the reservation near Toledo, Ia., will be here. The families will include men, women and children, but how many of each is not known at this time, as no advices as to numbers have been sent in to Captain Mercer, who has charge of the congress and the grounds.
The Sacs and Foxes no doubt will prove as interesting as any Indians that will be seen during the congress. This will be due to the fact they are even more aboriginal than the Indians that come from the most remote parts of the country. While the Sacs and Foxes occupy a reservation in the most densely settled portion of Iowa they have always refused to give up their ancient customs and adopt the ways of the whites. At the present time they are surrounded by prosperous farmers, but notwithstanding this they live the same as they did a century ago. Their style of living is the same and instead of being clothed in the garb of the white man they wear blankets and breechclouts as did their forefathers, who occupied the lands long years before the white men crossed the Mississippi river. Even the young men and women of the tribes shun the whites and absolutely refuse to become civilized. While they are not warlike they are reserved and clanish, preferring to retain their tribal relations, have their chiefs and perpetuate the teachings of the past.
The Sacs and Foxes are not farmers, though their reservation contains as fine and productive land as there is in the state. This land, however, they lease to white men, receiving the profit, which affords them a means of livelihood and spending money. In the summer they construct baskets and other articles out of willows. These they sell. In winter they hunt the small game that still exists in the woods and trap along the small streams and rivers that run through the reservation. They have many legends relative to the bravery of the former members of the tribe and the men enjoy relating these tales.
The Brule Sioux comprise about the last remnant of the hostile Indians. Their home is in South Dakota and at one time they were the members of a powerful tribe that could count its warriors by the thousands and was a terror to other Indians as well as whites. The Sioux are distinctively prairie Indians, and for many years roamed over the plains of Nebraska and the Dakotas. During the early settlement of this state they were hostile and cruel, and not until a few years ago were they induced to take up life upon the reservation which they now occupy. Since then, however, they have become civilized and today they rank among the most prosperous Indians of the United States. Those who will be here, however, are not the practical farmers. They are Indians who have come from the interior of the reservation, and not people who have cooled coffee around the agency buildings. It is expected that they are the blanket Indians who prefer to draw Uncle Sam's rations rather than work. The Brules will have their wives and children with them and they will also bring along their dogs and ponies, as with a Brule a horde of dogs and a pony is just as necessary for existence as a tepee and a blanket.
Beginning Monday morning the Indians will begin to come in full force and from [?] until [?] kept busy locating their charges and settling them for the summer. It was the intention to have had a number of the Indians here during the first days of the week, but it was discovered that in order to accomplish this it would be necessary for them to travel Sunday, and on this account it was decided to have their arrival postponed for a day or two. In order that the Indians may be kept together they will be conveyed direct to the grounds and there taken from the cars. There is no intention of imprisoning them, but it is considered advisable to keep them in camp for a few days at least, or until they become familiar with the surroundings. The camping ground has been wonderfully beautified during the last few days by the clearing of the underbrush and the removal of the dead grass.
When it comes to locating the families Captain Mercer will adopt a plan that he hopes will prove satisfactory to all. The Indians from the prairie countries will be settled in the large square west of the exposition buildings, while those from the forests will be encamped along the west part of the grounds under the trees that abound there.
The feeding of the 800 or 1,000 Indians will be something that will interest the visitors to the exposition. Rations of meat, flour and vegetables will be issued from the storehouses, the same plan being pursued as at the agencies, each family being allotted a certain quantity of provisions each day. These provisions will be cooked over the camp fires in the same manner and according to the methods and styles in vogue upon the reservations. The menu will be changed as the occasion demands, the idea being to supply the Indians with food that will keep them in perfect health during their stay.
A high board fence has been constructed around the lot where the Indians will camp, the main entrance being located on Twentieth street just south of the Apiary building. There will be no charge made for admission to this enclosure, the purpose of the fence being to keep the Indians inside and prevent them from leaving the grounds without permission.
At the Dairy Building.
The Dairy building will be an unusually quiet place until after the first of next month. Until that time the workmen will have charge of the building, fixing the refrigerator boxes and putting them in shape for the exhibits that will come from Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri.
The last exhibit of butter was principally from Missouri and was pronounced very fine. In fact, it was so fine that it was selected by Mrs. Brooks for use in modeling the bust of Admiral Dewey.
It will be some days yet before there will be any competition in new cheese. The Nebraska exhibit will be the first put in and if there is no change in the plans it will be shown next week. The slowness in showing cheese is due to the fact that few of the factories have commenced operations.
Mayor Jones Names the Men Who Will Make it a Success.
Mayor Jones and the Kansas City day committee of that city are working vigorously to make the event a success and are assisted by a very lively interest in the exposition that has developed since the big excursion last month. A flat railroad rate of $4 for the round trip has been secured and several excellent bands will accompany the party.
The Missouri commissioners have attempted to induce the Kansas City people to postpone their celebration until after Missouri day on the theory that it would detract from the interest in that event. It was believed that it would have the opposite effect, however, and as all preparations were practically completed the committee decided that a postponement was not practicable. Mayor Jones has added the following Kansas City business men to the committee: J. C. James, chairman; J. W. Merrill, J. D. Evans, W. S. Dickey, G. M. Waldron, W. P. Trickett, G. C. Hale, William Barton, F. A. Faxon, L. V. Ashbaugh, Walter J. Bales, John A. Brown, Alonzo Burt, Ora Darnall, S. V. Derrah, F. S. Deggett, James Donohue, J. F. Eaton, W. B. Hill, A. S. Kimberly, W. A. Lawton, F. A. Leland, F. B. Montgomery, J. G. Peppard, John W. Speas, Dent Yates, H. P. Child, J. M. Bernardin, J. Martin Jones, C. J. Carter, J. C. McCoy, Frank Cooper, O. B. Trower, C. S. Keith, D. T. Morton, Ferd Heim, G. W. Fuller, Colonel J. W. Moore, E. W. Shields, A. D. Johnson, O. V. Dodge, R. G. Weber, George T. Lynn, William Huttig, R. McMillan, W. A. Rule, Eugene Rust, F. P. Neal, P. T. Hamm, E. F. Sweeney, J. A. Brubaker, Samuel Hardin, R. C. Menefee, B. H. Jones, W. A. Wilson, W. A. Kelly, W. S. Hallowell, Hal Gaylord, A. F. Seester, R. H. Lindsay, A. E. Ashbaugh.
Gorgeous Display Assured for Tuesday's Demonstration.
Complete List of the Carriages and Their Floral Decorations and Route of the Parade.
Preparations have been practically completed for the flower parade next Tuesday evening, which will be the crowning society event of the exposition. The time of the parade has been changed to suit the convenience of spectators to 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening. All week the members of the society set have been busy preparing the decorative material, burnishing up their carriages, making paper flowers and putting the finishing touches on their costumes in anticipation of the coming show. One prominent member of the upper set has been spending the greater part of several days in Hanscom park receiving instruction in the art of driving tandem. Those who have been busiest, however, are the members of the committee who have assumed the responsibility for carrying out the program. This committee consists of Mr. Thomas Orr, chairman; Mrs. Dan H. Wheeler, jr., secretary; Mesdames Will Carter, Charles E. Squires, J. E. Baum, Paul Charlton, J. N. Metcalf, Charles Offutt, Arthur Remington, W. F. Allen, W. B. Meikle, J. N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs.
As the result of the committee's labors the parade will consist of forty equipages decorated in elaborate designs. The line will form with Phinney's band in the lead, immediately followed by the escort consisting of ten governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben in elaborate riding habit and all mounted, the white saddles and bridles of the horses gaily decorated with flowers in keeping with the parade. The carriages of the women are next in line.
Those who will make up the parade, with the prevailing decorations, are as follows:
1. Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall; drag with corn flowers and wheat.
2. Mrs. H. T. Clark; white crysanthemums.
3. Mrs. George A. Joslyn and Mrs. C. C. Chase; scarlet and white poppies.
4. Mrs. George Mercer; La France roses and smilax.
5. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf; shaded pink hollyhocks.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franklin Smith; pink roses with natural foliage.
7. Miss Mary Mercer; pony cart with Easter lilies and white roses.
8. Mrs. Gurdon Wattles and Mrs. George F. Bidwell; shaded pink roses.
9. Mrs. John L. Webster; drag with white horses, pink crysanthemums.
10. Miss Louis Squires; American Beauty roses.
11. Mrs. J. N. Cornish; royal purple crysanthemums.
12. Mrs. Thomas W. Taliaferro; white roses and white lilies.
13. Mrs. C. E. Squires; pale blue tarleton and pink and black poppies.
14. Mrs. H. H. Baldrige; tandem team.
15. Mrs. J. H. Evans and Miss Amy Barker; victoria, heliotrope and white crysanthemums, design in Vandyke points.
16. The Misses Sharp; white roses and smilax.
17. Mrs. S. A. McWhorter; pale yellow roses.
18. Mrs. J. E. Baum, shaded yellow and black poppies.
19. Miss Elizabeth Allen; golden crysanthemums.
20. Mrs. John N. Baldwin; pink poppies.
21. Mr. Al Patrick; the Patrick tallyho coach in the national colors in peonies.
22. Mrs. A. H. Noyes; Ak-Sar-Ben colors of red, green and yellow.
23. Mrs. Charles E. Ford; Marechal Niel roses.
24. Miss Mount and Miss Dickinson; burnt orange and amber crysanthemums.
25. Mrs. A. J. Love and Mrs. Charles Offutt; trap in morning glories.
26. Miss Bennett; canopy-topped carriage; various shades of violet.
27. Mrs. M. C. Peters; spider phaeton; pink roses and lavender crysanthemums.
28. Miss Parrotte; water lilies.
29. Mrs. Downs; patriotic colors of red, white and blue.
30. Miss Shiverick; carriage upholstered in white, latticed with smilax and with borders of pink crysanthemums.
31. Miss Andreesen; spider phaeton in white crysanthemums.
33. Miss Gertrude Morand; pony cart, Marechal Niel roses and tinsel.
34. Mrs. Arthur Brandeis; golden butterflies; tea and Marechal Niel roses.
35. Mrs. Jack Cudahy; spider phaeton; white bride roses; ruchings of tarleton.
36. Mrs. W. R. Kelly; trap in pink tarleton; La France roses.
37. Miss Alice Parker; trap in yellow poppies, latticed over in pale green.
38. The Misses Hamilton; victoria in lavender and royal purple crysanthemums.
39. Miss Adelaide Nash; trap in white and yellow roses.
40. Mrs. G. W. Megeath; cart in La France roses and trimmed with white satin ribbons.
All the women who are to participate will meet at the Sherman avenue entrance to the Bluff tract at 6 p. m. Tuesday. They will form in line at the Horticultural building. General Manager T. S. Clarkson is to be the marshal of the parade. Starting from the Horticultural building the line of march will be confined to the Bluff tract, passing between the Nebraska and Illinois buildings on the right and the Iowa and Wisconsin buildings on the left, and circling several times around the plaza in front of the band stand; thence past the Georgia building and through the main boulevard.
There is great dissatisfaction among the women of the executive committee, as also among the women who have agreed to participate in the flower parade, over the manner in which they have been treated by Mrs. H. McCall Travis. When the parade was first suggested it was announced to them that all the arrangements would be provided under the direction of Mrs. Travis, who was employed by the exposition to get up the parade and do all the work required to insure its success. For this work she has been drawing upon the exposition treasury for expense money at the rate of $8 per day, in addition to the $200 which she was to receive as her salary. For this work she has been drawing upon the exposition treasury for expense money at the rate of $8 per day, in addition to the $200 which she was to receive as her salary. For this she was not only to organize the parade, but also to design the decorations for the carriages and the costumes for the drivers and to give all necessary instruction to enable the women participating to put the plan in motion.
Instead of doing this Mrs. Travis has left almost all this work to the committee in charge. The women who wish to consult her have been unable to find her. Instead of making designs for the carriages she has simply told them to look over her collection of photographs and select something they would like to imitate. The instruction with reference to making the flowers has been so crude that it has had to be supplemented by a number of Omaha women who are experts in that line and without whose assistance the floral decorations could not have been prepared. Worse yet, not content with the munificent remuneration promised by the exposition, Mrs. Travis has been devoting her time, although paid for by the exposition management, to the decoration of private carriages, for which she is charging the owners from $30 to $50 each. Naturally, the women who have put themselves to so great trouble to make the flower parade a success do not relish this kind of treatment from the woman who is being paid to do the work and claiming all the glory. The parade will without question be a great success, but it will be due entirely to the self-sacrificing and unremitting labors of the Omaha women who have volunteered to act on the executive committee.
Very beautiful in line and dignified in pose is the statue of Neptune of the electric fountain. His form is strong and muscular; with the right hand he holds his trident, the three-pronged symbol of his power, with which he shattered rocks and called forth or subdued storms. His head is bent and his left arm is extended as if in the act of quelling the troubled waters. As the state of the sea is varying, so this god of the sea is sometimes represented in violent agitation and sometimes—as the sculptor has here fashioned him—in a state of repose. One foot rests on the head of a dolphin, one of the symbols of Neptune. The legend has it that Amphitrite, his wife, at first fled from his love, but he came to her one day riding on a dolphin, and thus won her affections, showing even at that early day that the feminine mind did not disdain accessories. For this timely service the dolphin was ever after in favor with the sea god.
The statue is placed on top of a Roman Doric column. A little below half way of the height the column is decorated by an ornamented band with projecting Roman prows. The column sets on a pedestal from each side of which projects a conventional ship's prow, while between the prows a[?]
The effect of the ensemble, of the serene and majestic statue standing on the decorative column is impressive, if for no other reason than by its simplicity. The figure can be seen from all parts of the lagoon court; and although in comparison to the MacMonnies fountain in the court of honor, it may seem inadequate, yet were it larger and more obtrusive it would probably dwarf the adjacent buildings and diminish the apparent size of the lagoon. And as the main object of the fountain is to be only a decorative unit in the whole composition, it would have failed in its mission had it been more dominating. Although the idea and the pose of the statue are not original, the sculptor has modeled it with loving care. He has represented the god with outstretched hand to still the restless waves, yet how indifferent he is to the play of the water about him. This unchanging god, Neptune, looks out unperturbed either by the past or the future. Wars wage about him, nations rise and fall, yet the ceaseless throb of the sea, his home, has been neither quickened nor diminished in its pulsation, since the Greeks worshipped him as Poseidon and Phidias immortalized him in stone on the Parthenon.
What irony of fate that this statue of the implacable god should be the last earthly production of the sculptor—Emil Henry Wuertz—before he was swallowed up in the cold depths of the relentless sea! It was only a few weeks after the statue was finished and placed in position that he was drowned in the sinking of the Bourgogne. I met him a few days after the opening of the exposition, as he was about to leave Omaha, and with great joy he said that so soon as he could arrange his affairs, he was off for Paris. Years of work opened out before him. He was already a successful sculptor in Chicago; he had exhibited at the salon and had received medals at the World's fair and at Nashville.
I have previously referred to his charming little bronze water nymph—789—and the carefully studied figure of a boy listening to the sea—788—which are in the Art building. He was not old and he was at the very threshold of his career; he was devoted to his chosen profession and happy in the thought of having an atelier in the congenial, artistic atmosphere of Paris. In the statue of the electric fountain we have not only a beautiful, decorative figure, but a memento of an artist whose creative hand has been stayed.
Tuesday night immediately after the flower parade Manager Akoun of the Streets of All Nations will introduce a feature that has seldom been seen on this continent. This is the battle of Confetti, a pastime that is common in Italian cities on the evenings of carnival week. On these occasions the traveler in Rome or Naples is bombarded with confetti or small bulbs of confectionery by the dark-eyed denizens of the balconies, and the sport is made one of the most amusing features of the carnival. It was introduced by Manager Akoun at Nashville and it will be repeated at the Streets of All Nations Tuesday evening.
There Should Be a Large Attendance at the Exposition.
Attractions Offered Those Who Work Through the Week.
Experience Shows the Sanctity of the Day Will Be Observed.
Many of the Leading Men of the Country Will Be Present to Take Part in the Great Discussion.
Since Nature has kindly tempered the July heat to a degree at which out of door enjoyment is attractive, there is no perceptible reason why nine-tenths of the population of Omaha should not be on the exposition grounds today. The reduced Sunday admission is still in force, and an expenditure of 25 cents is all that is required to spend the entire afternoon and evening on the grounds, listening to excellent music, and spending the day in the quiet contemplation of scenic beauties that lift the mind out of the commonplaces of the week, and afford a relaxation that refreshes and invigorates. The idea that Sunday opening would be made an excuse for Sabbath desecration has been thoroughly dissipated by the uniform and orderly quiet that has prevailed on previous Sundays, and the people have discovered that they can visit the grounds without offense to their religious principles. Phinney's band will give one of its popular concerts in the main court at 3 o'clock, and will play again in the evening on the Plaza.
The arrangements for the currency congress, which will be held in connection with the exposition September 13, 14 and 15, are progressing satisfactorily, and the presence of enough prominent speakers has been already assured to make the event notable. The congress is to be given under the direction of the Women's Board of Managers, but it has turned the entire matter over to Hon. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City, who is conducting the arrangements. The selection of the silver advocates has been left to Congressman Charles A. Towne of Duluth, and among those who will participate in the debates from a silver standpoint are Senator Jones of Arkansas, who held the wheel of the fusion craft during the last national campaign; Congressman Hartman of Montana, and H. F. Bartine, editor of the National Bimettalist.
Prominent Gold Advocates.
Among the speakers announced in behalf of the single gold standard are Congressman McCleary of Minnesota, Governor Leslie M. Shaw of Iowa, Hon. J. M. Carey of Wyoming, Lyman J. Gage, secretary of the treasury, Platt Rogers and Louis R. Ehrich of Colorado, Horace White, George Foster Peabody, C. S. Fairchild and William Dodsworth of New York, Edward Atkinson and Henry W. Peabody of Boston, Prof. J. Lawrence Lauglin, H. P. Robinson and James H. Eckels of Chicago, M. E. Ingalls of Cincinnati, John P. Irish of California and Judge M. L. Crawford of Dallas, Tex. Ex-Congressman A. J. Warner of Ohio will represent the greenback contention, and ex-Governor Boies of Iowa will discuss his theory of a variable ratio. The principal speeches will be followed by general discussions, which will be of unusual interest on account of the ability of the speakers who will participate.
President Arthur Kruer and M. A. Klein of the St. Louis Drummer's association are in Omaha to make arrangements for a day in September. The association indulges in an annual excursion which is always largely patronized and this year the members propose to take their outing at the exposition. President Kruer says that they are assured of enough people to fill three big trains bringing from 1,200 to 2,000 excursionists. After some consultation with General Manager Clarkson September 19 was selected as Drummer's day and the St. Louis crowd will be in evidence on that occasion.
Route of Floral Parade.
The route of the floral parade next Tuesday night has been officially announced. It will form on the bluff tract south of the Horticulture building at 6:30 p. m. and move along the east avenue in front of the Nebraska and Illinois buildings. It will then pass the band stand where it will be reviewed by the judges who are to award the medals for the best decorations and thence back by way of the west avenue. The cavalcade will swing around the circle three times in order that everyone may have a full view of the decorations and then the prizes will be awarded. These will consist of a solid gold medal for the best turnout, a bronze medal for the second best and a silver medal for the third.
The program for Indian day Thursday will afford entertainment from 10 o'clock in the morning until the grounds close at night. The parade of Indians in native costume in which thirty tribes will be represented will occur at 10 o'clock and during the afternoon and evening the encampment grounds will be thrown open to the public. The people will have an opportunity to see the red men as they exist and study the varying characteristics of the different tribes. In the afternoon there will be Indian dances, sports and pony races by 300 members of the Omaha and Winnebago tribes, the medicine dance by the Winnebagos and a game of la crosse between the Chippewas and other tribes.
An even more interesting program is scheduled for the evening. This will include a dance by the Omahas, music by an Indian band of thirty pieces, various firelight features of camp life and a magnificent display of fireworks, which will conclude with an immense representation of an Indian chief in brilliant pyrotechnics.
Brule Sioux Go Into Camp on the Exposition Grounds.
The first of the Indians who will participate in the Indian congress that convenes on August 4 arrived last night and at once went into camp in the southeast corner of the enclosure, just west of the Dairy building. They were in charge of Prof. J. F. House, superintendent of the Rosebud Indian agency day schools. The Indians are Brule Sioux and are fine specimens of the race. The delegation consists of five families and three unmarried men. There are two children in the party, one girl 10 years of age and a papoose about 2 years old.
The arrival of the Indians last night drew a crowd to the north tract, where the tepees were pitched and supper served. Unfortunately some of the Indians forgot to bring their cooking utensils, but equal to the emergency, Captain Mercer hustled about the grounds and in a short time had a full stock of kettles, tin plates and knives and forks. After supper the Indians, accompanied by the government employes, strolled out along the Midway, attracting more attention than the shows. One of the proprietors made a hit by inviting the entire party into his place. The crowd followed and for the next hour that particular place did a good business. After witnessing the performance they went to the fireworks display, where they seemed spellbound as they gazed upon the rockets and bombs that were shot into the air.
It is expected that a large number of Indians from some of the remote sections will arrive today and tonight. The main body, however, will not get here until Monday or Tuesday.
Its Display in the Agricultural Building is Attractive.
Montana's exhibit in the Agricultural building is about complete in every detail and is attracting as much attention as any on the grounds. It is located in the extreme east end of the building and is under the supervision of C. B. Settles, who has had much to do with gathering the grains, grasses and products of the farm and forest.
The state of Montana appropriated the sum of $15,000 to make an exhibit and Marcus Daly gave a like amount as a donation. A portion of this money was expended in erecting a state building on the Bluff tract and the balance in gathering and placing an exhibit. That the money has been well expended is made apparent by an inspection of the exhibit.
Entering the Agricultural building from the east, the first thing at the right of the huge doors that is worthy of notice is an exhibit that has every indication of being a huge mountain. This is the forestry exhibit of Montana. The foreground represents a broad plain, upon the surface of which are scattered bugs l[?]ak, [?] fir, hickory, ash, poplar, with underbrush here and there. Just beyond the foreground the foothills break off abruptly and the mountain begins. This mountain reaches to the top of the high gallery and among the crags and peaks are fine specimens of the birds and animals that inhabit the state. They are all stuffed and look as natural as life. There are moose, buffalo, deer, antelope, mountain sheep and beasts of prey. In the bird line there are all of those that are native of the state, as well as the migratory birds and fowl that frequent the forests and lakes and rivers.
To give the mountain a natural and pretty appearance, the peak is covered with snow, while a clear and sparkling stream appears to trickle down the side and lose itself in the valley that spreads out for miles in every direction. Of course this is not real, but it might as well be so, as the artist, assisted by his colors and his brush, has done at the exposition what nature has done in the state from which the exhibit comes.
The wealth of Montana does not all lie in the mountains which produce gold, silver, copper, lead and coal, but instead, much of it comes from the fertile soil of the earth, the bosom of which upon being tickled by the plow of the farmer, produces as fine crops as grow in any land under the sun. A few years ago it was not supposed that Montana would ever take a place as one of the agricultural states of the union. Now, however, it is one of the greatest grain producing section of the country, the proof of which is furnished by the exhibit that has been spread out for inspection. The wheat which is on exhibition, both in sheaves and in sacks and jars, stands close inspection and while it is all of the spring variety it grades No. 1 and brings a high price in the market. The color is perfect, which is due to the fact that it is seldom wet between harvest time and marketing. This is also true of the barley, oats and other small grain. Right in this connection it may be said that Montana shows the largest yield per acre of spring wheat of any state in the union. Last year the yield averaged sixty-one bushels per acre, oats 127 and barley seventy-five.
In addition to the small grain, a fair quality of corn is shown, though the state does not lay any claims to being in the corn belt. The pride of the state lies in its grasses and ranges. On the great ranges of the valleys and mountain slopes, red top, bunch grass, buffalo grass and blue stem grows in great profusion, curing on the stem, thus affording the finest winter grazing. Of the tame grasses there is the timothy, the alfalfa and the red clover, which grows and matures two crops per year.
The exhibit of Montana is neatly arranged, the wheat and small grains being constructed to represent pyramids, while around the bases are jars containing flour, meal, shelled grain and canned fruits. Over the booths, of which there are a number, are inscriptions calling attention to the resources of the state. Under the canopies of the booths are pillars built of grain and inside are jars and cans in which are the choicest products of the field, the garden and the orchard.
Executive Committee Meeting.
At the meeting of the executive committee, held yesterday afternoon, President Wattles reported that G. N. Farley and R. E. Dowell, two of the South Dakota editors, had taken hold and were preparing to work up a big excursion from South Dakota points. He said that they had conferred with the railroad officials and had secured a satisfactory rate. Their course was approved and the exposition officials will work in conjunction with them. No date for the excursion has been fixed.
Commissioner Babcock of the Department of Transportation reported that all of the railroads in the Western Passenger association had agreed upon a rate of from 1 to 1½ cents per mile for twenty-seven out of the thirty-one days in August. These rates will be for special days, but will not apply to the entire territory at any one time.
August 24 was set aside as World-Herald day. On that occasion there will be a 25-cent rate in the evening. There will also be fireworks.
Broken Hydrant Floods the Ground.
For a time yesterday afternoon it looked as though Twentieth street, from the main court to the north midway, would be flooded with water. A driver on a sprinkling wagon, after filling his tank, drove off without disconnecting the hose from the hydrant. The hydrant was broken off some four feet below the surface of the ground and the water poured out in torrents. It took an hour to locate the stop box and shut off the water.