Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 06 Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 06

Scrap Book
August 1st 1898
September 30th 1898
No 03
Business & Industrial Department.
Patented Dec. 11th 1888.
B + I Locked Case


Second Month of the Exposition Removes Another Slice of the Indebtedness.

Editors From Sunny Kansas Among the Visitors Who Enjoy a Cool Day at the White City.

Half Rate Taken Advantage Of by People of Omaha—Sioux and Brules Take a Stroll Down the Midway.

Yesterday saw the close of the second month of the exposition, and while complete figures are not yet obtainable, it is stated that it will make as satisfactory a showing in the way of reducing indebtedness as did June. The operating force has been reduced to what is regarded as bedrock, making the daily operating expenses about $2,000. Estimates based on partly completed reports are to the effect that the month's receipts will approximate $125,000, or an average of about $4,000 a day.

The third Sunday with a reduced admission rate was practically a duplicate of its predecessor so far as attendance was concerned. The evening was so cool that a number of overcoats and heavy wraps were seen on the grounds. The Indian camp was something of a drawing card, although few of the redskins are yet on the ground, and the exhibit buildings on the north tract had more visitors in proportion to the number on the grounds than on any previous day. The indications are that the coming of the Indians will bring the whole north tract into greater prominence than it has thus far received.


The only Indians who have yet arrived are a party of Brule Sioux, made up of bucks, squaws and pappooses​. Another party of fifty-eight Omahas and Winnebagoes are expected in this morning. Agents Wise and Liddiard took the Brules down the Midway, and they were invited into all the concessions. The sight of the bucks in full paint and feather trying to preserve Indian stolidity while being rocked and pitched on the hurricane decks of the camels in the oriental streets was itself worth double the price of admission. The younger squaws did not try to conceal their pleasure.

The North Central Kansas Editorial association reached the grounds yesterday, about fifty of the members being present. In the party were C. L. Landis, president of the association; Secretary Grace L. Snyder of Cawker City and President S. H. Dodge of the Kansas State Press association. C. S. Stiles, the Missouri Pacific's passenger and ticket agent for Kansas, had the party in charge. Press Commissioner Richardson took them in tow and provided passes and showed the visitors about the grounds. At 4 o'clock this afternoon they will assemble at the Press building, and President Wattles and other officials of the exposition will meet them.

Mura Matani, an attache of the Streets of All Nations, became bellicose yesterday afternoon and insisted that he wanted to imbibe a little gore. No one else in the locality was inclined to supply a meal for him and he was locked up to cool off.


Later in the evening blood flowed plentifully at the Streets of All Nations, the sword dancer, Kahllil Zernny, being stabbed three time by Kahllil Wardeeny, who is employed at his brother's restaurant near the Twentieth street entrance, just outside the grounds. Wardeeny visited the Streets and a quarrel quickly resulted. The men came to blows and the stabbing ensued. Wardeeny fled, but was captured near the Service building. He denied any knowledge of the stabbing, but was identified by a dozen witnesses and was sent to the county jail, charged with assault with intent to kill. It is stated that the men had trouble in the old country, and again at Nashville last year.

Zernny's injuries consisted of a gash four inches long just below the left shoulder blade, and slight cuts on the head and shoulder. He was sewed up and allowed to depart, as no serious results are anticipated. The knife with which the cutting was done was picked up at the scene of the trouble. It is a small pearl-handled affair, and the blade was considerably bent from striking a bone.

There was considerable excitement at the Southern California Ostrich Farm yesterday. A large crowd was present about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and, as is usual, a bird was picked out for the jockey to ride. William McKinley was the bird selected and the jockey had ridden around the farm once or twice when the bird became frightened at a dog near by. He jumped through a hole in the fence, throwing the boy heavily to the ground. A broken wrist for the jockey and a few bruises for the bird were the result.

Hess, the noted lion wrestler at Hagenback's Wild Animal show, barely escaped with his head last night, and as it is he has ten stitches in his nose this morning. He was finishing his wrestling match with the lion Prince and placed his head in the animal's mouth. When he was withdrawing his head his fingers slipped from Prince's lips and the stout jaws came together with force. He was quick enough to save his head, but his nose was terribly lacerated and he was taken to the hospital for repairs.

A most interesting and instructive exhibition will open on West Midway tomorrow. It is to be known as the X Ray, and is said to be very wonderful. The machine, the largest ever manufactured, was made to order for show purposes only, and a large audience will be enabled to see the exhibition at the same time. Numerous tests will be given at each performance. The old professor, who will deliver instructive lectures, will be assisted by Miss Eva Le Roy in the tests. The building which will be occupied by this show is one of the most attractive on the Midway. It is located near the Ostrich Farm.

There is gloom in the Chinese village, and the gloom is shared by those who have been delighted with the performances of the 10-year-old son of Ching Ling Foo. The little fellow was a splendid athlete, and his solemn eyes, prematurely old face and lithe limbs made him a striking figure. Wednesday the boy died suddenly and Ching Ling Foo is broken hearted. The father is a magician, but all of his skill and magic will not bring back to life his dead boy. The white badge of mourning is worn by the father and by the villagers, and the smoke of incense is wafted upon the breezes that play up and down the Midway. Outside all is merrymaking, but behind the scenery of the Chinese theater there is gloom and tears and heartaches.

But Ching Ling Foo, bowed down with sorrow must still satisfy the demand for feats of magic. With hear nearly broken he steps to the front of the stage and astonishes the multitudes. When the applause comes he bows and smiles, but tears lurk in the smiles, and his thoughts are not of his triumphs but of the inanimate clay awaiting interment.

The singers continue to sing, but in the weird notes of their songs is descernable​ a strain of pathos, for the singers are thinking of the lithe and active boy who was the life of the village. Tough young men still gather on the Midway and say "smart" things to the "Chinks," and the "Chinks" reply not, for down town rests the body of the little athlete and their thoughts are with him or roaming through the vales of the Flowery Kingdom. The little Chinese baby toddles about the garden and calls shrilly for her brother. The gong and the cymbals make harsh discords, and the clacking billets of wood split the air with sounds that grate harshly upon the American ear. The dancers dance and the play goes on, but even Chinese men and women love, and their hearts are filled with sorrow for the little boy lying in Chinese state down town.


All Classes Visit the Scenic Railway for an Exhilarating Time.

Whizzing Through the Tunnel and Over Inclines, Great Crowds Enjoy the Trip.

Gliding Through a Perfect Fairyland of Grottoes Brilliantly Lighted--Four Thousand Feet Traversed.

Concessionaire James A. Griffiths of the Scenic Railway is naturally elated over news that suits that have been pending for some time over alleged infringement of patents have been decided in his favor. Mr. Griffiths is the patentee of the combination clutch used on the cable feature of the railway, by means of which the car catches the cable automatically at the bottom of the incline and releases it at the top.

The Scenic Railway represents a combination of the old switchbac​, or gravity road, and the cable and tunnel system. The one at the exposition grounds is the largest and most complete of the half dozen that are in operation in the United States. The round trip covers a length of 4,200 feet. The ups and downs of the gravity road are much accentuated, the cable being used to carry the cars to the tops of the hills that they could not reach by gravity headway alone. The patent clutch grasps the cable without making any stop or interfering in any way with the movement of the car, and, on reaching the summit, "trips" itself, and the car goes whizzing on to the next incline and into the tunnel.


The scenic effect is artificially presented in the tunnel, which is artistically painted, and illuminated with electric lights. The effect is striking as the car dashes through fairy grottos with their countless stalagmite and stalactite formations, past miniature lakes, on which appear the bulky outlines of a fleet of battleships, and in rapid succession from one to another of a series of optical surprises that invariably please the wondering passenger.

Probably the most striking view that is presented to the eye over the Scenic Railway is that which burst upon the vision as the cah​ emerges from the tunnel and the brilliant beauty of the exposition grounds spreads itself in extended range. It is a scene that never fails to impress the beholder, and thousands have repeated the trip solely for the purpose of witnessing that sight again. From no other point on the grounds does the general view of the whole surroundings appeal to the imagination with so much force. Not even on the grand court itself does the illumination from the viaduct towers on the east to the government dome on the west give the impression of fairyland grandeur that takes possession of the beholder at the moment he emerges from the Scenic Railway tunnel as he begins his return trip. The thousands of electric lights seem multiplied to millions, while the succession of domes and pinnacles and minarets apparently belong to a dreamland that he has nevr​ visited before.


Cars have been received sufficient to equip six trains, but even with this number the facilities are taxed to their fullest capacity on big days. On the Fourth of July the road carried 9,000 passengers, and on last Thursday evening it became necessary to regulate the admissions to the platforms by means of the gates.

The dlays​ that were occasioned during the opening days were due solely to the work of adjusting the clutches, all of the construction being new, and now that this has been accomplished, the trains run with the regularity of clockwork. Mr. Griffiths states that after the adjustment is perfected on a new road the operation is as methodical as the rising and setting of the sun.


Exposition Concert Will Offer More Than Ordinary Attraction.

At the exposition concert tonight on the Grand Plaza there will be music of more than ordinary interest. In addition to the piece which has created so much enthusiasm on preceding nights—namely, the battle piece entitled "From Battlefield to Fireside," with pyrotechnic effects, Superintendent Kelly is arranging two special numbers, which will elicit much applause and interest.

If Captain Mercer's Indians can be secured there will be a living picture of thrilling intensity.

To lovers of the great and late lamented Bismarck the special extra number, "In Memoriam," which is not on the regular program, will be acceptable.

All the flags on the exposition grounds are at half-mast today on account of the death of Prince Bismarck.

Brule Sioux Give a Parade.

Captain Mercer's Brule Sioux Indians made a hit last night. During the early evening they clothed themselves in the war toggery and marched from the camp to Twentieth street and down that thoroughfare to the Administration building. Upon reaching there they marched around the lagoon, singing war songs and giving an imitation of the old time war whoop. They attracted a great crowd and before they had gone half way around the Lagoon, half of the people on the grounds were following in their wake.



Monday Morning Attendance at Exposition Mostly Out-of-Town People.


Gorgeous Spectacle to Introduce a Month Containing Many Special Events.


Indian Day and Kansas City Day the Celebrations Next on List.


Many People Pass the Afternoon and Evening Amid the Scenes of Beauty, Listening to Much Sweet Music.

Monday morning brought the usual influx of country visitors to the exposition, and many of them came with the expectation of remaining during the week. The early arrivals were largely composed of excursionists who were dropped from the trains at the north entrance, but other who were brought into the downtown depots came straggling out on the street cars later on. It was one of the most enjoyable mornings​ yet experienced on the grounds, and people who came expecting to be broiled and wilted by the heat were happily disappointed.

The midsummer quietude that has characterized the exposition during the past two weeks will now give place to a series of brilliant spectacles and celebrations that will continue almost without intermission until the gates close for the last time and the White City is deserted. This is the last day of inaction. Tomorrow the gorgeous floral pageantry of Flower day will appropriately introduce a succession of events that will give variety and zest to the enterprise and furnish a vast scope of entertainment for the hundreds of thousands of visitors that are expected during the remaining three months. These will include a wide variety of features, spectacular, fraternal and educational. They will keep public interest excited and assist to make the exposition memorable after its glittering palaces have disappeared.

The program this week is punctuated with three big days, aside from the special musical attractions of the evenings. Very low railroad rates have been secured on each occasion and a largely increased out of town attendance is expected. The flower parade Tuesday evening is something entirely novel in this part of the country and its success elsewhere is a sufficient indication that the spectacle will prove highly entertaining. The decorations of various equipages that will form the parade have been practically completed and they display a degree of taste and artistic mingling of colors that will be especially pleasing in the magnificent landscaping of the bluff tract. The parade will form promptly at 6 o'clock and will move half an hour after, preceding by Phinney's band and the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. It will make the circuit of the bluff tract three times and will be followed by an informal reception by the women of the Bureau of Entertainment at their quarters in the Mines building.

Indians Come Next.

Indian day on Thursday will bring another novel spectacle in which over thirty tribes of men will illustrate their native dress, customs and sports. This will occupy the entire day and will be concluded with a magnificent display of fireworks. Saturday Kansas City will transport itself to the grounds and several thousands of its people will swell the crowd and celebrate its participation in the Transmississippi enterprise.

No suggestion of subsequent bustle and activity was apparent on the grounds yesterday where a good sized crowd passed the afternoon and evening in quiet enjoyment of the pretty scenery and delightful music. The skies were ominous early in the day, but the reduced admission was a strong attraction and all the afternoon there was a constant inflow of people. The afternoon concert was given in the rotunda of the Mines building and the change was generally commended. The lofty arch acted as a sounding board and the music was clearly audible all over the main court. Among the notable selections were the overtures [?] the "Pilgrim's Chorus," from Tannhauser, Mendelsshon's "Songs Without Words," and the medley "with the Minstrels." The evening program was played in the Auditorium as it was thought the building would be more comfortable than the open air and included a succession of popular favorites which caught the fancy of the crowd and elicited numerous encores.

This evening the grand fantasie, "From Battlefield to Fireside" will be again repeated on the Plaza with the assistance of the exposition chorus. In the first part the chorus will sing the Sicilian hymn, "Let the Hills and Vales Resound," by Richards and "Robin Adair." The band selections are especially attractive. They include the overture from "Semiramide," the waltz, "Jolly Fellows," by Vollstedt, a selection from "Wang" and Bellstedt's magnificent descriptive composition, "The Indian War Dance." The fantasie with the same vocal and pyrotechnical accompaniment that marked its previous production will occupy the last half of the evening.

Hour for the Indian Parade.

The hour of the parade on Indian day has been changed from 10 o'clock to 1:30. It was suggested that many people who would like to witness the demonstration would not be able to come out in the forenoon, and that the later hour would be more satisfactory to all concerned. The change will enable visitors to come out after lunch and still be in time to see every feature of the day.

The parade will form on North Twentieth street and march east through the Midway, and thence south to the Horticultural building. From there it will countermarch and pass back in front of the band stand and through the Midway to the Indian village on the north tract.

The entire encampment will be open to the public through the afternoon and evening. Immediately after the parade there will be an exhibition of Indian dances and sports, including the "medicine" dance by the Winnebago tribe, and a game of la crosse by the Chippewas. In the evening the Omahas will show their tribal dances, and the Indian band of thirty pieces will give a concert. This will be followed by a brilliant fireworks display.


President Wattles and Other Exposition Officers Learn the Work.

Since Friday afternoon, when Manager Rosewater of the Department of Publicity declined to longer perform the thankless task of dispenser of press passes subject to the interference of the board of directors, certain other exposition officials have been acquiring some practical experience of the difficulties of the position. Saturday morning Mr. Rosewater referred all applications for passes to President Wattles, with the statement that he would have nothing more to do with them and long before the end of the day President Wattles had some decidedly enlarged ideas in regard to the pass business. He discovered that it means a continual inundation of applications, among which there were many that presented perplexing propositions that it was impossible to satisfactorily adjust.

While President Wattles was sweating under the pressure of these personal applications, the Bureau of Admissions was literally overwhelmed with letters from every part of the United States containing urgent requests for passes. In many cases it was almost impossible to determine whether the applicants were entitled to them or not and the bureau was soon confronted with a lot of tangled propositions that it had never dreamed of. One day of it was enough and Saturday night Mr. Rosewater was vigorously urged to take the matter on his own shoulders again. President Wattles declared that the pass business had occupied his entire time all day and it was absolutely impossible for him to think of carrying such a burden. Mr. Rosewater replied that it had also been taking his time, which is as valuable as anyone's. He has given a large portion of his time to this single matter with a view to keeping it on a business basis, but he does not propose to continue to do so unless he is allowed to act without interference. He said he would not re-assume the responsibility unless the action of the board of directors in granting passes was rescinded.

One sample of the manner in which the press department has been handicapped came up Friday morning. Each member of the executive committee is allowed one book containing fifty trip passes a week. While this has been ample for the heads of some departments, it was far from being adequate to meet the demand on the Department of Publicity on account of the large number of newspaper men fro[?] sections of the country that were con[?]asking for recognition. This department has issued an average of thirty-five trip passes a day since the exposition opened to these applicants. As the Publicity department is the only one required to enable press people with requisitions for term or season passes to get into the grounds to present their requisitions to the admissions bureau in the service building. When the first fifty passes were exhausted Mr. Rosewater has drawn on the Admissions department for such additional passes as are necessary to satisfy the demand. Friday his requisition was turned down by Superintendent Boehme of the Admissions department and he was left without the means to give visiting editors entrance to the exposition.

Another incident in illustration of the propositions that come before the pass dispenser occurred last week. M. L. Zook, business manager of the American, applied for two passes. This publication for years has lost no opportunity to libel Mr. Rosewater, but Mr. Zook was at once notified that his application was favorably considered and that the passes would be mailed to him in a day or two. Yesterday Mr. Rosewater received the following letter from John C. Thompson repudiating the action of Mr. Zook:

OMAHA, July 31.—Mr. Edward Rosewater, Manager Department of Publicity of the Transmississippi Exposition: Dear Sir—Your letter notifying me that Mr. Zook's application for passes for himself and wife had been acted upon favorably and that passes would be mailed in a few days has been received. Any favors extended Mr. Zook as a private citizen and not as a representative of the American concern only the exposition management and himself. But any favors extended him as a representative of the American and not as a private citizen concern me, and I do not care to stultify myself by either asking or accepting a pass in my own name or that of any officer of this corporation and must request that no passes be issued on account of the American. This paper has not done anything that justifies any man in asking a pass of the Transmississippi Exposition. Trusting you will see the propriety of the step I have taken, I remain very respectfully,



New Orleans Man Offers a Pertinent Pointer to the Directors.

"I've been to every big exposition since the Centennial at Philadelphia held in this country and saw the last one at Paris and I want to say to you that in the Transmississippi Exposition you have a wonder and a beauty, only equaled by the World's fair at Chicago," said James W. Hearn of New Orleans to a Bee reporter after a half week spent at the exposition grounds. Continuing he said: "The buildings are stately, and yet they are attractive. The landscape work is beautiful and the magnificent proportions of the grand court and the buildings about it, so brilliantly illuminated at night, as such as to make one want to stay there forever. Nothing equalled this at the World's fair. The Midwinter fair at California couldn't touch it. And Atlanta was not 1-2-3 compared with it.

"It may be presumption for me to give you advice, but I want to suggest that your directors cannot do a wiser thing than extend the 25-cent admission for the evenings. I was out there for the first time on Thursday night and I was just carired​ away with delight and surprise when I saw the beautiful scene being admired by so many thousand people. Then I was out again the next night and there were not a half dozen people around the grand court. Nothing succeeds like success. It's better to have a big crowd there to enjoy the beautiful scene at 25 cents a head than nobody there at all. Your average workingman cannot take his family out there if he has to pay 50 cents, but he will go pretty often at 25 cents. Your people will not fully appreciate the exposition and its wonderful attractions, perhaps, until it is gone. Then they will miss it sorely. But there will be greater enjoyment of it and more real, uplifting benefit done to the people generally if they can enjoy their evenings at the exposition for 25 cents."

Mr. Hearn is one of the most prominent men of the Crescent city. He is one of the leaders on the committees that share the work of arranging the famous Mardi Gras festivals. Last year he handsomely entertained Messrs. William R. Bennett, Dudley Smith and E. M. Bartlett, when they went down to New Orleans for the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. While here last week he was looked after by Mr. Bennett who reciprocated some of the courtesies shown the knights. From here Mr. Hearn went to Mackinac island, where he will meet his family and take them east for the summer.



Philadelphia Lawyer Urges His Fellow Citizens to Get in Now.

United States Attorney J. M. Beck of Philadelphia, who delivered the eloquent address at the exposition July 4, has returned to Philadelphia, where he expressed in a public interview his regret that his state was not more properly represented. "The Omaha Exposition," he said, "would alone justify the length of the journey. The buildings, while not as large as those at Chicago or Philadelphia, are designed with great taste and are effectively grouped upon a noble lagoon which reminds one of the Chicago 'Court of Honor.' The illuminations at night have, I think, never been surpassed at any similar exposition. Instead of the arc light the buildings are outlined by 40,000 incandescent lights and the effect is beautiful beyond expression. So far as the exhibitions are concerned they admirably illustrate the great agricultural and mineral resources of the west and the culture of the transmississippi region. As an international exposition the war has made it a disappointment, but there is ample to interest and instruct any one.

"I could not but greatly regret the entire absence of any exhibits from either Philadelphia or Pennsylvania; neither has a building and the matchless resources of of the editors journeyed to the grounds, where they remained during the evening, looking over the main building and attending the Midway attractions.

The Kansas editors are well pleased with the exposition and express astonishment at the magnitude of the concern. During their stay on the grounds, their headquarters will be at the Kansas State building on the Bluff tract. C. W. Landis is president and Miss Grace L. Snyder is secretary of the association. S. H. Dodge, president of the Kansas Press association, is a member of the party. The Welfare of the newspaper people is looked after by Passenger Agent Stiles of the Missouri Pacific, who attends to the Kansas passenger business.

Kansas Editors on the Grounds.

Some sixty editors of the North Central Editorial association of Kansas are in the city for the purpose of attending the exposition. Many of them are accompanied by their wives, and all will remain until the last of the week. They arrived early yesterday morning and were met at the depot by Colonel Richardson of the Department of Publicity. He conducted them to the Mercer hotel, where in a short speech, he extended the freedom of the city, inviting them to the exposition. During the day most this city and state are unrepresented. Whose fault this is I do not pretend to say, but that our people have made a great mistake I am confident. The western people are more appreciative of attention and they resent being ignored. Had the Philadelphia merchants made an adequate exhibit of our great manufacturing industries they would have gained the lasting friendship of a section which numbers 22,000,000 people. It is true that we have been no more remiss than other eastern states, but this fact makes our opportunity to make valuable business connections in the west the greater. It is not too late and either the governor or the mayor should move in the matter. or the Trades league should take it up independently and show the west that we feel an interest in its great exposition."

Lion Bites His Tamer's Head.

One of the animal tamers up at Hagenback's put his head into the mouth of a lion, but he will not do so again for a time at least. When the lion discovered the choice morsel between his teeth, he closed down and the prompt action of the attendants were all that saved the life of the tamer. These men rushed at the lion and beat him with iron bars. The tamer was taken to the hospital where ten stitches were taken in his head and face.

Judges for the Flower Parade.

General Manager Clarkson has selected Mayor Moores of Omaha, Mayor Graham of Lincoln and Mayor Frick of Fremont as the judges for the floral parade tomorrow night. The judges will review the pageant from the band stand and award the gold, bronze and silver medals to the vehicles that are first, second and third in the excellence of their decorations.

Notes of the Exposition.

There will be a rehearsal of the exposition chorus at the Auditorium Tuesday evening.

The formal dedication of the great organ in the Auditorium will occur Thursday evening, August 11. The occasion will be celebrated by an elaborate musical program by Harrison Wild of Chicago, assisted by the exposition chorus. Mr. Wild is one of the foremost organists of the west and has very recently been selected as the conductor of the Chicago Apollo club to succeed William L. Tomlins.

The idea of a choral congress in connection with the exposition is received with general approval and the plan promises to be a go. Assurances have already been secured that the necessary rates will be granted and Superintendent Kelly expects to secure the speakers and issue his circulars before the end of the week. The date has been informally set for September 21, 22 and 23, and the selection will undoubtedly be approved.

Superintendent Kelly of the music department is arranged for a series of illustrated concerts on the Plaza with the assistance of W. G. Stephens. Mr. Stephens is the possessor of a stereopticon and it is proposed to give a series of entertainments, operatic and otherwise, in which the scenic background will be provided by the use of the apparatus. It is possible that the first of these entertainments will be put on next Monday night.

Some of the Midway people are disgruntled on account of the action of the management in refusing to permit the Flower parade to traverse the amusement section. General Manager Clarkson states that this action was taken on account of the restiveness of many horses in the midst of the unaccustomed noises of the Midway. As all the vehicles in the parade will be driven by women it was considered inadvisable if not positively dangerous to run the risk of an accident by passing through that part of the grounds.


She Gets Flower Parade Committee to Vote Her an Endorsement.

There was a special meeting of the flower parade committee, called by Mrs. Travis, at the Millard hotel this morning. It was presided over by Mrs. T. M. Orr, and attended by about fifteen women. The time was occupied by a discussion concerning the reported dissatisfaction with Mrs. Travis' work in arranging for the parade. No business except the passage of the following resolution was transacted: "Resolved, That there is no rupture in this committee; that the committee is satisfied with the work of Mrs. Travis, and that the members of the committee refute the statements to the contrary."

Mrs. Travis gives this version of her connection with the exposition: "My correspondence and arrangements have all been with Major Clarkson. I have had no business dealings with anyone else in connection with the exposition. When I was concluding my work at Milwaukee in connection with the carnival there I received an offer from Major Clarkson, asking for my terms. I have invariably charged $400 and my hotel expenses for organizing flower parades. When I had the opportunity to organize a summer parade for the Transmississippi Exposition I realized the advantage it would be to me in the way of added prestige, so I agreed to do it for $200 and hotel expenses, stipulating that I was to stay at the best hotel in the city. When I came to Omaha I went to the Millard, and arranging for a room, was told the charge would be $8 per day. Major Clarkson had made no arrangements for me. After I had been here two days I was notified by the executive committee of the exposition that I would be allowed only $4 per day for hotel expenses. I went to the hotel managers and secured the reduction. That is all I know about the $8 per day. I have not yet drawn a cent from the exposition treasury, nor do I expect to until my work is completed, when I will receive a check for $200.

"I have decorated one carriage, for which I have received a fee of $40. This is the turnout of Mr. John Cudahy. Mr. Cudahy had no one to decorate it, and asked me to see that it was taken care of. and I did so. I was to have decorated the Chiquita carriage and the Montgomery Ward horseless carriage, but there was objection raised to these and I let the matter drop. Aside from these I have not received or solicited any money for my services from any who expect to take part in the parade.

"My time has been at the disposal of the women entirely since I have been here. I have none but pleasant relations with the Omaha women, with but one exception."


Manager Babcock Announces the Latest List of Concessions.


Flower Day, Indian Day and Other Special Occasions Are Favored with the Reductions—Figures on Cost of Travel.

Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation of the exposition, has announced the following reduced rates to Omaha for the month of August, agreed to by lines in the Western Passenger association for regular and special days at the exposition.

For Flower day, August 2, there will be made a rate of 1 cent per mile distance traveled (short line mileage) from all points to and including the radius described, 25 cents for bridge arbitrary to be added from points east of the Missouri river. Tickets to be sold August 1 and for trains arriving in Omaha on morning of August 2, and to be limited for return to August 3: Sioux City, 100 miles; Des Moines, 145 miles; Ottumwa, 201 miles; Oakdale, Neb., 148 miles; Elgin, Neb., 167 miles; Superior, Neb., 184 miles; Verdigre, Neb., 172 miles; Broken Bow, 227 miles; North Platte, 294 miles; Broken Bow, 227 miles; North Platte, 294 miles; Oxford, 229 miles; Orleans, 239 miles; Concordia, aKn​., 198 miles; Belleville, aKn​., 145 miles; Atchison, aKn​, 143 miles; St. Joseph, 149 miles.

For the same occasion a rate of one fare for the round trip from Western Passenger association territory west of the Mississippi river to and including Cheyenne, Wyo, and Colorado common points, outside of the radius from which 1-cent rate is named, tickets to be sold August 1 and for trains arriving in Omaha morning of August 2, and to be limited for return to August 5.

For Indian day, August 4, there will be a rate of 1 cent per mile, distance traveled (short line mileage) from all points to and including the radius described below, tickets to be sold August 3, and for trains arriving in Omaha morning of August 4, and to be limited for return to August 5: Oakdale, Neb., 148 miles; Elgin, Neb., 167 miles; Superior, Neb., 184 miles; Verdigre, Neb., 172 miles; Broken Bow, Neb., 227 miles; North Platte, Neb., 294 miles; Oxford, Neb., 229 miles; Orleans, Neb., 239 miles; Concordia, Neb., Kan., 198 miles; Belleville, Kan., 145 miles; Atchison, Kan., 143 miles; St. Joseph, Mo., 149 miles.

For the same day there will be a rate of one-fare for the round trip from all Western Passenger asosciation​ territory, west of the Missouri river, outside of radius from which 1 cent rate is named, tickets to be sold August 3, and for trains arriving in Omaha, morning of August 4, and to be limited for return to August 9.

For Kansas City day, August 6, there will be a rate of $4 for the round trip from Kansas to Omaha, and return. Tickets to be sold to arrive in Omaha morning of August 6, good to return August 7 and 8.

For the following meets: Nebraska Photographers' association, August 16, Transmississippi Photographers' association August 16; Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturalists, August 16-19. The rates will be. One lowest first-class fare for the round trip, plus $2, except that from points within a radius of 150 miles of Omaha rate of one-fare for the round trip will apply. Tickets to be sold August 13, 14 and 15, and from points within a radius of 150 miles of Omaha, August 16. Final return limit August 25.

For Texas day, August 18, the rate will be one lowest first class fare from all points in Texas and all points in Louisiana, on line with Texarcana and south, to Omaha and return. Tickets to be sold August 16, with final limit for return of ten days.

For the meeting of the Nebraska Congress of Retail Liquor Dealers, August 22, and the National Congress of Retail Liquor Dealers, August 22 to 27, the rates will be one lowest regular first class fare plus $2 for the round trip, except that from points within 150 miles of Omaha rate of one fare for the round trip to apply. Tickets to be sold August 20 and 21, and within 150 miles of Omaha August 22; final return limit September 1. This rate has also been tendered to railroads in eastern and southern states.

For Des Moines day, August 23, there will be a rate of 1 cent per mile (short line mileage) plus 25 cents bridge arbitrary, Des Moines and intermediate points to Omaha and return, tickets to be sold for trains arriving in Omaha on August 23, good to return until and including August 24.

For Bohemian day, August 27; Western District Bohemian Tournament, August 28, and the National Congress of Bohemian Turners, August 28 to 30, there will be one regular fare for the round trip, plus [?]   Omaha shall be one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale August 26 and 27 and within 150 miles of Omaha for trains to arrive on the morning of August 28, final return limit September 5. These rates have been tendered to railroads in eastern and southern states.

For Missouri day, August 30, there will be a rate of one fare for the round trip from all points in Missouri to Omaha and return, tickets to be sold for trains arriving in Omaha on August 30, good to return until and including September 5.

In addition to the above rates, which are already authorized, special day and convention rates have been recommended, tickets to be placed on sale on dates for the following indicated occasions: Iowa Pythian day, August 8 and 9; Red Men's day, August 10 and 11; St. Joseph day, August 13; Wheelmen's day, and Business and Fraternal association day, August 15; Congress of White and Colored Americans, and Colored National Personal Liberty league, August 17, 18 and 19; Modern Woodmen's day, August 18; Nebraska Saengerbund and Saengerfest, and Colored People's day, August 19; World-Herald day, August 24; Sioux City day, August 25; Sioux City day, August 25; Greek Letter society day, August 30 and 31.

The regular exposition rates that prevail during the month of August, in addition to the rates in effect on special days, will be one and one-third regular fare for the round trip, tickets good for thirty days, and for bands and militia companies in uniform, 1 cent per mile traveled, from the following territory: North Dakota (eastern half), South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado (except Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs), Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Missouri (except St. Louis), Iowa, Minnesota (except St. Paul and Minneapolis), Wisconsin, Illinois (except Chicago and Peoria gateways), northern peninsula of Michigan.

There will also be one and one-third fare, thirty days' limit, individual tickets sold by railroads outside of the Western Pasenger​ association operating in the following named states: Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico and Texas.

The regular exposition rates of 80 per cent of double first class rate from territory beyond the Western Pasenger​ association—tickets on sale daily from June 1 to October 30, good until November 15—Will apply from the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, southern Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Canada (Grand Trunk railway).


Flower Day Display is Put Over Until Friday Afternoon.


Inclement Weather Too Much for the Frail Decorations Provided.


Work of the Women Who Have Made Success Their Watchword.


People from Down the River Expect to Storm Omaha Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the Present Week.

Flower day parade and exercises have been postponed until Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

There will be fireworks at the grounds tonight.

It was stated by the passenger officials of the Omaha terminal lines this afternoon that in all probability the same rates that were made for Flower day will be offered on Friday, to which the day the Flower parade has been postponed. There will be reduced rates into Omaha on Thursday on account of the opening of the Indian congress, and the plan suggested by several of the passenger officials is to make these reduced rate tickets good for return on the Friday evening trains, allowing the holders to stay over to see the parade on Friday afternoon. The matter will be decided at a meeting here on Wednesday morning.

The rattle of rain drops on roof and foliage in the early morning inspired dismal forebodings in the people who have been working for weeks to make Flower Day one of the distinguishing events of the exposition, but as the rain disappeared with the darkness and the sun occasionally broke through the clouds to flash a promise of brighter skies later in the day, they worked on in the expectation that the conditions would be more favorable in the evening when the grand pageant of the day was to occur. As the morning wore away and the clouds still gave no signs of clearing, the committee decided to postpone the event. The certainty of rain made this action imperative.

The arrivals at the grounds during the early forenoon were somewhat limited, but the street cars were carrying hundreds of people with valises and traveling bags who dropped off in search of hotels and boarding houses and proceeded to the grounds later in the day. By 10 o'clock they began to materialize at the exposition and during the remainder of the forenoon every northbound car was heavily loaded. As the parade does not occur until evening and the bulk of the local attendance is not anticipated until late in the afternoon, there is every prospect of a big crowd. The amount of baggage carried by the out-of-town arrivals indicated that they proposed to stay to the full limit of their tickets and most of them will be on the grounds again tomorrow.

Beautiful Spectacle Promised.

The floral pageant that was to have been the principal feature of Flower day was necessarily postponed on account of the rain, to the great disappointment of everybody. Those who are familiar with the entrancing effects that have been worked out by Mrs. Travis and her corps of assistants agree that it will present a spectacle that will be worth coming hundreds of miles to see. There will be upwards of fifty vehicles of all descriptions in the line of march and each will be a marvel of artistic decoration and magnificent coloring. All sorts of flowers will be used in the decorations, but all will blend in harmony of effect that will emphasize the beauty of the detailed designs. It has been decided that the procession will be led by the fine double team of President Gurdon W. Wattles. Half a hundred of Omaha's most prominent society women will drive the beautifully decorated equipages and many more will assist in completing the ensemble by wearing colors that will harmonize with the flowers in which they ride. The parade will move three times around the Bluff tract headed by Phinney's band and will be reviewed from the band stand by Mayor Moores of Omaha, Mayor Graham of Lincoln and Mayor Jennings of Council Bluffs. A handsome solid gold souvenir medal will be presented to the driver of the most artistically decorataed​ vehicle while bronze and silver medals will reward the second and third best respectively. After the parade the band will give a short concert in the band stand and the women of the Bureau of Entertainment will hold an informal reception in the Mines building.

Kansas City Day Grows.

Kansas City day grows in importance as the event approaches and it now seems certain that Saturday will bring one of the biggest out of town crowds that has ever yet been on the grounds. The Kansas City officials and business men who have charge of the arrangements predict that no less than 5,000 people will come from the city on the Kaw to celebrate the occasion and most of them will remain in Omaha for a number of days. For some days the committee has been endeavoring to secure an additional concession from the railroad companies which would permit the excursionists to make a longer stay at the exposition. When the flat rate of $4 for the round trip was granted the tickets were limited from Friday evening to Saturday evening, giving the people only one day and evening on the grounds. This brought out a vigorous protest and the limit has now been extended to Monday night. The committee kept kicking and there is a satisfactory prospect that the tickets will be put on sale Friday morning, thus allowing the party nearly three full days in Omaha.

Invitations have been extended by the local committee of arrangements to the [?] commercial organizations of Kansas City [?] particiuate​ in a body. The Live Stock exchange has already prepared to make a characteristic demonstration and most of the other organizations will probably follow suit. The visitors will bring a profusion of bands and handsome badges will be furnished to all members of the party. The railroads have made elaborate preparations to handle the business and unless all indications fail they will have about all the people they can conveniently carry.


Blackfeet, Assiniboines, Sacs and Foxes on the Ground.

The population of the Indian village on the exposition grounds is increasing at a rapid fire, and before tomorrow night it is probable that the majority of the 700 delegates to the congress will have arrived. A few of the Indians will be slow in coming in, so that it is not though that the full strength of the party will be on the grounds before Thursday morning. Captain Mercer is pleased with the outlook and feels sure that the success of the undertaking is fully assured.

Yesterday twenty-two of the Blackfeet and fifteen of the Assiniboines came in and were located upon the grounds. The former went into camp on the west side of the enclosure, while the latter were quartered on the open tract east of the office. Late last night twenty of the Sacs and Foxes arrived from Toledo, Ia., and were made happy by being supplied with rations. All of the Indians have their interpreters along. While the late arrivals are fine looking people, they cannot come up to the Brules in either stature or general appearance. Most of the Indians have brought their ponies, which are tethered in the grass in the open field in the center of the encampment.

As yet none of the big braves have come, though in the camp of the Blackfeet there is a man who claims distinction. He bears the name of He Wets It, and is said to have been a great hunter, able to bring down a deer or elk at almost any distance, so true was his eye and aim in his younger days. This Indian was always a friend of the whites and at the present time is the Indian chief of police at the agency.

The tepees of the Blackfeet are features of the camp. They are the regulation shape and size, but most of them are of the hides of deer and buffalo, painted and decorated, the studies being representative of the chase. Interpreter Publo is in charge and never tires of telling tales of the bravery of the men who are being cared for by him.

The Assiniboines are looked after by Interpreter Martin, who has lived with them about all of his life. These Indians are much smaller than either the Brules or the Blackfeet. They are bright and intelligent and are good farmers. Their tepees are adorned with pictures done in oil and show some degree of skill.

While all of the Indians now on the ground dress in the traditional blanket, most of them have their war bonnets and the equipment used in their fantastic dances, all of which will be worn when they go on dress parade next Thursday.


Dairymen Have Their Occasions for Joy and Causes for Grief.

There is some fine cheese in the Dairy building. It is of the new crop and is pronounced about as good as any ever exhibited. As a result of this Superintendent Whitcomb is feeling unusually proud. One of the exhibits came from the creamery at Avoca, Cass county, and the other from Friend.

The cheese exhibit in the Dairy building is in charge of B. R. Stouffer of Bellevue, who is an expert in his line. Speaking of Nebraska cheese, he said: "We will show the world that we live in the great dairy belt of the world. When our cheese is all in we will gladly invite competition and we will carry off the medals."

Just at this time the exhibitors in the Dairy building are having considerable trouble. There is a refrigerating plant in the structure. The power is furnished from the plant that furnishes power for the exposition. It starts up about 6 o'clock in the morning and shuts down at midnight. Between these hours from midnight until morning, of course, the refrigerator is not doing business. As a result of this the cases get warm and the butter melts down, evil is a thing that is bothering the men while the cheese moulds. How to remedy the in charge of the building. An all night refrigerating service was promised on June 20 and another promise of a like character was made on July 1. Neither of these promises have been kept and the butter continues to melt.

The butter model of Commodore Dewey that was in the Dairy building has melted down simply for the reason that the temperature of the building was allowed to run up into the eighties, and so it goes. Superintendent Whitcomb says that unless something is done to secure an even temperature in the building it will be impossible to make a creditable exhibit of butter at any time during the exposition.



Descriptive Music, a Dirge for Bismarck and an Indian Dance.

The oftener the battle piece, "From Battlefield to Fireside," is rendered, the better the people seem to like it. It was put on again last night and was filled in with specialties that have not been seen before. The night was perfect and the crowd filled the reserved seats and occupied a greater portion of the standing room on the Plaza. The pyrotechnic effects were better if anything than those of the previous evening, the red lights, bombs and rockets being fired by electric contact, something that has not been heretofore attempted on this portion of the exposition grounds.

A life-size figure of Prince Bismarck was stationed on one end of the platform. The figure was in full uniform and covered with the German and American flags, while above were rosettes of black. As the band struck up a dirge the flags were parted, giving the audience an opportunity of seeing the late German warrior and statesman, apparently looking as natural as life. Following this the band and chorus rendered three selections and then some fifty of Captain Mercer's Indians, clad in their war bonnets and shirts, ascended the stage and executed a good will dance, accompanied by a song, which when interpreted into English, would be, "When the Corn is Ripe." This caught the crowd and it applauded for an encore, but as the Indian is not in the encore business, everybody had to be satisfied with the one dance and the one selection.

Superintendent Kelly feels satisfied with the result of the evening and said last night that he would reproduce the piece again, putting in a number of new and additional features.

Executive Committee Meeting.

Little of importance was transacted at the meeting of the executive committee, held yesterday afternoon, Fireworks were ordered for the evening of August 30, Missouri day, and for the evening of September 1, Kansas day.

Shriner day was set for September 14 and the use of the Auditorium was granted for both day and night. Odd Fellows' day was fixed for October 14.


Union Pacific Passenger Department Distributing a Costly Folder.

Within the next few days the Union Pacific will send 50,000 most beautiful souvenirs of the Transmississippi Exposition to be distributed at the principal ticket offices in the east. This work will be followed up later by placing equally large quantities of the new souvenir in the leading cities of other parts of the country for free distribution.

The advertisement of the exposition is in the form of a pocket folder of sixty-two pages and all of these pages save the last four are devoted exclusively to an adequate description of the exposition by pictures and sketches. The pictures are something entirely new, fine color work being the noteworthy feature. Light blue tints are used with good effect and help to set off the pictures of the buildings and grounds to the greatest advantage. In addition to pictures of the main buildings, Grand Court and state buildings there are good representations of Midway scenes and a fair description of the amusement section of the exposition. Each building is graphically described. Appended there is a valuable guide for visitors concerning the hotels, public buildings and others​ institutions of Omaha.

The folder has been gotten out by Mr. Darlow under the direction of General Passenger Agent Lomax and reflects great credit on the advertising bureau of the Union Pacific's passenger department.

Whithead Torpedo on Exhibition.

The first Whitehead torpedo that has ever been seen in Nebraska has been added to the navy exhibit in the Government building and is regarded with marked interest by visitors. The missile is an ingeniously contrived piece of mechanism, but its method of operation is easily understood. It is shaped almost exactly like a huge cigar. The larger end contains the explosive, while the other holds the compressed air and engine that furnishes the motive power. It is propelled by two screws which turn in opposite directions in order to hold the torpedo steady in its flight through the water and behind these are the rudders that can be so set as to keep it at any desired distance from the surface of the water. The percussion head is protected by a small wheel that is not unlike a tiny propeller, but the action of the water unscrews this and it is dropped a few seconds after the discharge, leaving the projectile ready for business. Each of these torpedoes cost $3,000.

Mr. Gregg is Surprised.

H. C. Gregg of Minneapolis was at the exposition yesterday. He was just in from Honolulu. He was there are the time of the arrival of the Nebraska boys who were on their way to Manila to join Commodore Dewey's command. He says that the boys owned the Hawaiian city while there and that there was nothing too good for them.

Speaking of the exposition, Mr. Gregg said: "It is the greatest of the great shows and when the railroads get around to making decent rates it will be a winner. I am surprised at the class of the exhibits. They are better than those at the World's Fair. The buildings are magnificent and the grand court is the most beautiful thing that I ever saw in the exposition line."

Half Price for Wednesday Evening.

In accordance with the action of the board of directors, the admission to the grounds will be 25 cents after 7 o'clock Wednesday evening. The concert will be supplemented by a series of magnificent stereoptican views illustrative of the music. Superintendent Kelly thinks that this can be made one of the most effective evening features that have yet been attempted, especially in connection with the patriotic selections which will be illustrated by scenes connected with the Cuban war.

Mexican Band Coming.

The coming of the Seventh Artillery band from the City of Mexico is an assured fact. Last night Manager Lindsey of the Department of Ways and Means received a telegram stating that the band will start on August 4 and will reach here the night of August 9. The first concert will undoubtedly be given on the afternoon of August 10. There are forty-two members in the organization.

Will Advertise the Big Fair.

Mrs. Edith Hanway of Dallas, Tex., has been visiting the exposition as the guest of Omaha friends and states that she will carry to her friends in the south a glowing account of the sights to be seen there.

Exposition Notes.

B. Sienauk, assistant to Vice President Truesdale of the Rock Island railroad, and his three daughters, are among the exposition visitors today.

It has been found necessary to change the date of Montana day from September 12 to September 6. This is on account of the inability of the governor to come to Omaha on the date first selected.

All the flags on the exposition grounds were hung at half mast yesterday in tribute to Bismarck. This feature was generally commented on by visitors of German extraction, who expressed a lively appreciation of the recognition of the demise of their greatest statesman.

W. C. Peeler, traveling passenger agent of the Cotton Belt, who has been in charge of the exhibit in the Agriculture building during the last two weeks, has returned to his home in Memphis, Tenn. He is succeeded by W. G. Adams, traveling passenger agent of the same road, who is stationed at Nashville, Tenn.

The railroad rate that was originally announced for Missouri day has been materially reduced. Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation succeeded yesterday in securing a rate of 1 cent a mile from Kansas City and intermediate points, as well as within the 150-mile limit. The rate from other points outside the limit will be one fare for the round trip.

Mayor Freid of Fremont is away on a fishing trip and Mayor Jennings of Council Bluffs has consented to act in his place on the committee of judges for the flower parade. In addition to the souvenir medals a handsome blue banner will be presented to the owner of the most artistically decorated vehicle. The second best will receive a red banner and the third a white one.

Montana day at the exposition is set for September 10, but it is possible that the ceremonies attending the dedication of the building will not be held at that time. Governor Smith has wired that upon the date named he will be compelled to be at home to attend the meetings of the state boards, of which he is a member by virtue of his office. He says that he can be here earlier or later, but that it will be impossible to come at the time fixed by the exposition management.

August 2 Very cool - in fact cold.


In order to make the exposition a success in every respect it must be made possible for people with limited means as well as people with abundant means to come to Omaha at a moderate expense. No matter how anxious people living at a distance of more than 200 miles from Omaha may be to view the beauties of our magnificent exposition, no considerable number living east of the Mississippi or west of the Rockies will venture to gratify their desire unless they can do so at very much lower fares than have prevailed up to this time. This fact must be as apparent to railway managers as it is to all other people. The 1-cent-a-mile or one fare for the round trip rate on red-letter days within a 200-mile limit does not meet the want of a low rate for the class of people whom the projectors of the exposition have primarily desired to attract. In other words, the main object of the exposition—to advertise the marvelous resources of the country west of the Mississippi to the capitalists looking for profitable investments and people who desire to find new homes—would be frustrated if the attractions to bring these visitors from New England, New York and the middle states are not supplemented by low railroad fares.

While it is not our purpose to arraign the railroads for what they have omitted to do or refused to do toward stimulating travel to Omaha since the opening of the exposition, we deem it our duty to impress upon their passenger departments the universal demand for concessions that will enable tourists, investors and home seekers to patronize the exposition and incidentally familiarize themselves with the region whose varied products are on exhibition. Unless these concessions are made promptly the blame for any failure to reap the benefits of this laborious enterprise will not only be lost to the people of this city and the states represented here, but to the railroads which are interested with them in their feature prosperity and development.


He Gets Into the Grounds by Climbing Over the Turnstiles.

Building Inspector Butler was induced to indulge in a display of Captain "Bob" Evans' diction this morning as consequence of a message he received from Exposition Director Kirkendall that his shape would be found reclining in a cell in the city bastile​ if he did not cease from his undignified method of securing admission into the exposition grounds.

Butler is having the same trouble with Manager Kirkendall that City Electrician Schurig had. He holds that he is responsible for the condition of the buildings on the exposition grounds, as in any other part of the city, and particularly that it is his duty to supervise the erection of buildings on the Midway, for which permits are daily being issued. In order to perform these duties the building inspector applied for a pass and was turned down. That has not deterred him, however, and daily he gains admission into the grounds by scrambling over the tops of the turnstiles.

When this report reached Director Kirkendall's ears he telephoned the office of the building inspector that he would be arrested if he essayed a repetition of the valuing act. When this message was delivered to the building inspector he declared forthwith with emphasis that he proposed to go in the same way as in the past unless he is provided with a pass and dared the director to arrest him.



Bluff Tract Is Being Made Fresher and More Beautiful Than Ever.

Blackfeet and Assinniboine Indians Arrive---Concert Opening Auditorium Organ--Notes of the Exposition.

Notwithstanding all that has been said about the beauty, from a landscape standpoint, of the Bluff tract of the exposition, it is likely that a great many people will be surprised today to observe what a pretty picture there is there. For this is the part of the grounds that will be the scene of the Flower day parade, and consequently more people than usual will be in this part of the grounds. Indeed, everybody who goes in through the gates is expected to be there when the Flower day procession moves, which will be at 6:30 o'clock in the evening. And an exceptionally big crowd, it is presumed, will go through the gates, so that the Bluff tract will contain an enormous throng.

It was the original intention that the procession should move around the Midway, but many of the teams are to be driven by ladies, and it was though that they might have some trouble in handling their steeds amid the hubbub and the tomtom of the Midway. It was therefore decided that the parade should be entirely in the quiet precincts, shadowed by the graceful trees and state buildings and brilliant with mammoth beds of blooming flowers of the Bluff tract, and the procession will complete the rounds of the main walks there three times.

The tract is being prepared for the occasion. Lawn mowers and sprinklers were going all day yesterday. Attendants have been moving in and out among the flowers, plucking off the faded ones and the whole place will look fresher and prettier that​ ever today.

There remains but one unsightly feature. This is the bricks and sand hauled for putting a bottom in the pond containing the aquatic plants. There seems a delay about this work and a hesitation about doing it after all, but nobody wants the bricks and the sand pits there today, and a request has been sent to the proper authorities that they by moved, so that nothing may mar the beauty of the immense flower garden in which the flower festival is to be given.

President Wattles announces that three prizes will be awarded, the judges being the mayors of Lincoln, Council Bluffs and Omaha, who will view the pageant from the band stand. The firs prize will be a gold medal and a banner, the second prize a bronze medal and a banner and the third prize a silver medal and a banner. The awards are for the best decorated carriage and the second and third best respectively.

The Indian congress colony on the exposition grounds was increased this morning by the arrival of a delegation of twenty-two Blackfeet Indians from Browning, Mont., and of twenty-five Assinniboines from Fort Peck., Mont. The former were under the charge of Interpreter George Pablo, and the latter under the charge of Dan Martin. They came in at the Burlington depot and were taken to the grounds in street cars. There they squatted about under the trees, met the Brules already there and smoked the pipe of peace with them, and met Captain Mercer who is in charge of the congress. The captain told them through their interpreters that he was glad to see them and that an effort would be made to give them a good time.

It has been decided the Indians parade on Indian day, next Thursday, shall beat​ 1:30 p. m., instead of 10 a. m. The change is made on the request of many of the people of the city, who say that they want to witness the open- of the Indian congress, but that their business will not allow them to get away so early in the morning as 10 o'clock.

Auditorium Organ Concert.

Miss Julia Officer, manager of artists for the exposition, announces that she has arranged for the opening concert of the Auditorium pipe organ next week. Harrison Wild, organist and director of the Grace Episcopal church choir of Chicago, director of the [?]


Great Head of the Department of Publicity Tells of His Awful Burdens.

Trials of a Man Running a Big Exposition Related and Officials Smile and Smile.

Mr. Rosewater Gives the Board Until Friday to Rescind the Pass Proposition---Directory on Probation.

The most noticeable thing on the exposition grounds yesterday was the official smile. It was broad enough to be termed a grin, but the gold and silver badged officials are too dignified to indulge in any such luxury. It was all due to the manner in which Manager Rosewater had sought to take the public into his confidence through the columns of his paper and explain his latest lay-down, due to the calling of his latest bluff.

It will be remembered that he "served notice" at the meeting of the board of directors on Friday that he would no longer attend to the press passes because he was directed to send passes to Editor Hudspeth of the Labor Bulletin after he had said be wouldn't do it. He held off all day Saturday until he learned that a special meeting of the board of directors was to be called for the sole purpose of making him either fish or cut bait, when he hustled before the executive committee and promised to be good. He later modified his concession so that he would "consent" to act until the next meeting of the board, at which the obnoxious instructions must be rescinded.

But what caused yesterday's smile was the following story, printed in Mr. Rosewater's paper, showing how impossible it was for the exposition to get along with the press pass question without Mr. Rosewater's assistance:


"Since Friday afternoon, when Manager Rosewater of the department of publicity declined to longer perform the thankless task of dispenser of press passes subject to the interference of the board of directors, certain other exposition officials have been acquiring some practical experience of the difficulties of the position. Saturday morninf​ Mr. Rosewater referred all applications for passes to President Wattles, with the statement that he would have nothing more to do with them, and long before the end of the day President Wattles, with the statement that he would have nothing more to do with them, and long before the end of the day President Wattles had some decidedly enlarged ideas in regard to the pass business He discovered that it meant a continual inundation of applications, among which there were many that presented perplexing questions that it was impossible to satisfactorily adjust.

"One day of it was enough and Saturday night Mr. Rosewater was vigorously urged to take the matter on his own shoulders again. President Wattles declared that the pass business had occupied his entire time all day and it was absolutely impossible for him to think of carrying such a burden. Mr. Rosewater replied that it had also been taking his time, which is as valuable as anyone's. He has given a large portion of his time to this single matter with a view to keeping it on a business basis, but he does not propose to continue to do so unless he is allowed to act without interference. He said he would not reassume the responsibility unless the action of the board of directors in granting passes was rescinded."

What especially tickled the officials was the knowledge of their experience in acquiring "decidedly enlarged ideas in regard to the pass business." The "continued inundation of applications" was represented by six letters which Mr. Rosewater sent to President Wattles and eleven to the bureau of admissions.


While President Wattles was "sweating" under the manifold terrors of his six letters the bureau of admissions was "overwhelmed" with its eleven applications "from every part of the United States." While the bureau's office boy was unraveling several yards of the "tangled propositions," the bureau itself was tied in a hard knot over the "perplexing propositions that it was impossible to satisfactorily adjust." Long before nightfall the able-bodied president and the five strong men who help Mr. Rosewater to act as the executive committee were in despair. Seventeen applications for passes in one day was something that the inexperienced officials had "never dreamed of," and they knew that "one day of it was enough" without even taking a vote on the question. Before couriers could be dispatched in all directions to look for Mr. Rosewater and bring him in by force to compel him to "reassume the responsibility" that indispensable gentleman fortunately appeared, and was at once "vigorously urged" to take the "burden" and the seventeen letters once more upon his broad and capable shoulders.


Mr. Rosewater would not have been Mr. Rosewater had he refused to be moved by the heart-rending pleas in the face of such a blood-curdling situation, when six stalwart men, abject in their pitiful helplessness, were being ground into the very dust after a hopeless struggle with seventeen letters, each one of which seared their souls with a black and white request for a press pass. Mr. Rosewater "consented," and president and bureau of admission and the minority of the executive committee [?]

President Wattles was on the grounds yesterday, but with the drying of his cuticle and the disappearance of the "sweat" he had forgotten the nightmare of the six letters, and when a Bee reader solicitously inquired about his health he winked profoundly and laughed as if he had never known the agony of receiving half a dozen requests for press passes in a single day.

Manager Lindsey, however, was not so forgetful, and as he recalled the anguish and suffering he had undergone because of those eleven letters "from all parts of the United States" he uncovered his head and displayed dozens of snow white hairs.

But the blow is liable to fall again. The respite lasts only until Friday, when the action of the directors in granting passes must be rescinded and the manager of the department of promotion and publicity must be allowed henceforth "to act without interference," or Mr. Rosewater will kick out the only prop on which the imposing structure has been reared, and the exposition will ignominiously die the death.

Notwithstanding the gruesome outlook the directors and other officials on the grounds yesterday were inclined to have a good time in life because they will be a long time dead, and in sheer recklessness of spirits they laughed and laughed.


Nuptials at Pabst an Event of the Day.

The third wedding among Midway people took place yesterday afternoon. Pat Fuller and Miss Ethel Bowe, employed at Pabst on the Midway, were the contracting parties. They came here from St. Louis early in June, and since that time they have been employed at Pabst. This happy marriage was the culmination of a very romantic love affair, and last night they were receiving congratulations from their many friends.

There was a large attendance at the meeting of the Concessionaires' association at Pabst on the Midway yesterday afternoon. The body remained in session for more than two hours, and much business was transacted, most of which was of a private nature. The concessionaires are making every effort to induce the exposition directors to give a 25-cent rate at night and on Sundays. They argue that the experiments at different times have proven beyond question that a 25-cent rate should prevail. The rate tomorrow night will be 25 cents, and the concessionaires are making arrangements to advertise it extensively.

The 15,000 bags of confetti ordered for the great battle to take place in the Streets of All Nations tonight have arrived. Many orders for confetti at the Streets of All Nations have been received, and at the present rate there will be none left at 11 o'clock tonight. The battle will begin at 8:30 and will last as long as there is any confetti to be had.

Heaven and Hell is rapidly assuming shape, and gives promise of being a wonder in its way. The Cabaret de la Morte, Dante's Inferno and catacombs are being constructed really underground and terminating in the beautiful Blue Grotto theater. The scheme contemplates a grand electrical and spectacular effect, contrasting Dore's hell with the magnificent splendor of Milton's paradise. The Cabaret de la Morte will be larger and more magnificent than the one operated in Paris, which created such a sensation throughout the whole world.

The life saving crew had a preliminary drill yesterday, during which the shot was tried over the mast in its new place. The crew is now ready to give an exhibition as soon as the boat sent for arrives. It is thought this will be in a day or two.

Last night's rendition of the "From Battlefield to Fireside" program was the most successful yet experienced, and the unusually large audience was aroused to a high pitch of enthusiasm. At the conclusion of the second part, just as the music and fireworks died away, the watching and listening thousands broke into a succession of cheers which continued for some time. Two surprises were on the evening's card. One was the unveiling of a life size figure of Bismarck, with a background of draped American and German flags, the band playing "Die Wacht am Rhine" in memoriam. The other special feature was the introduction on the bandstand of a party of thirty Sioux and Navajo Indians in full paint and war bonnets to make the rendition of the "Indian War Dance" more realistic. The redskins whooped and howled in so bloodcurdling a manner as to make some of the members of the band decidedly uneasy as the war clubs and hatchets were swung over their heads.

After Kansas City Musicians.

Adolf Edgren, the composer, tenor and conductor, and C. A. Jacobson, basso, left last night via Burlington & Missouri for Kansas City. The object of the trip is to stir up people interested in the Kansas City day, next Saturday, at the exposition. They carry with them letters of introduction to the mayor and Missouri and Kansas representatives of the Trans-Mississippi exposition.

Mexican Exhibit Arrives.

The long delayed Mexican exhibit at the exposition has arrived at Omaha and is in the hands of the customs authorities. It will be shifted to the exposition grounds at once and duly installed in the International building.



July Attendance Shows Increase of Twenty Thousand Admissions.

Complete returns on the admissions for July make the following showing, as compared with June:

Paid admissions in June, 166,882; in July, 187,654; increase of second month over first, 20,772, or nearly 12½ per cent.

Free admissions in June, 122,469; in July, 144,030; increase of second month over first, 21,561, or 17½ per cent.

Cash received at the gates for admissions in June, $70,766.85; in July, $79,965.80; increase of second month over first, $9,189.95, or nearly 13 per cent.

The apparent increase in free admissions is not actual, as none of the admissions of nearly 1,000 employes in the buildings and grounds department during the first ten days of June were recorded, while none of the small army of concessionaires and exhibitors' employes, as well as exposition employes used the Manderson street gates, were recorded until an even later date, as the turnstiles and chopper boxes were not put in place at those points until the exposition had been in operation about a month. While it is impossible to tell accurately what those unrecorded admissions numbered, logical computation based on the best information obtainable shows an actual decrease of about 7 per cent in free admissions for July as compared with June.


Official information from the bureau of admissions, dated July 30, shows the following state of affairs with reference to the number of passes issued, as well as of those outstanding:


Issued, complimentary "season"1,492.....
Cancelled account reissue, lost etc..... 2[?]
Void account errors and duplications..... 1[?]
Now in effect.....1,457


Issued, complimentary, short terms1,104.....
Void account error and duplications..... 140
Cancelled for cause..... 91
Expired..... 790
Now in effect..... 83


Issued, press card passes5,732.....
Reissued to same person, account exposition..... 282
Cancelled account errors and duplications..... 664
Now in effect.....2,061


Full term, series E, issued 625.....
Monthly, series F, issued3,502.....
Photo passes cancelled for cause..... 681
Photo passes now in effect.....3,446


The series A passes are those issued to the directors, heads of departments, members of the various state commissions, president of the United States, governors of states and other "big guns" whom it was deemed proper to honor.

The series B passes were short term cards, issued principally on the recommendation of Manager Babcock to railroad officials, passenger agents, etc., also to members of the bands that have been playing here, musicians of various classes on requisition of Manager Lindsey, and to visiting architects on requisition of Manager Kirkendall. It will be observed that of the 1,104 issued but eighty-three were in effect on July 30.

The series C passes were all press passes and were issued on the requisition of Manager Rosewater. Most of them were term passes, and of the 5,732 issued there were but 2,061 in effect on July 30. As most of these were July passes there are probably less than half of even this number now in effect.

The E and F series are all photograph passes. The E series was issued to exhibitors and concessionaires themselves, and the F series to their employes. The former was paid for at the rate of $2.50 each, and the latter at $2 each. The exposition received pay for them all except where payment was expressly waived, as in the case of the members of the fire dpartment​, city detectives, etc.

These classes also include the attaches of state buildings and the guards, gatemen and other regular employes of the exposition.


It will be observed that of these passes 4,127 were issued and 3,446 are in effect. A few days ago, before the figures were available, the World-Herald approximated this number at 3,500. Those cancelled for cause represent discharged employes of the exposition, and of exhibitors and concessionaires.

Inasmuch as all these people are regularly employed on the exposition grounds, and less than 300 people use sleeping permits to remain on the grounds nightly, it is evident that more than 3,000 passes are daily used in securing admission to the grounds by the class made up of exposition employes, exhibitors and concessionaires and their employes. This presupposes a single admission to each, but the fact is that many of these parties live or board near the exposition grounds and go outside to their meals. Just how many passes are used twice or more daily cannot be told until a checking of this branch of admissions is completed, but it is certain that 1,000 admissions daily are due to second or third visits. The gatekeepers at the gates most used for this purpose state positively that the number is much greater than that.

That no wholesale imposition has been practiced in the matter of trip passes is very conclusively shown by the fact that thus far but 5,800 of these passess​ have been given out by the bureau of admissions to the president and members of the executive committee for distribution. This would allow less than 100 per day since the exposition has been open, even if all of them had been used. As a matter of fact, each of the officials named still has some in his possession, while a number of them have been cancelled. For instance, a large party of turners, or building and loan association delegates, or delegates to the League of Republican clubs are to be admitted to the grounds. No one knows just how many there will be, and the executive committee orders 400 given out. Possibly but 200 or 300 are required. The remainder are turned back to the bureau of admissions and cancelled. This was the case Sunday, when 100 passes were ordered issued for the North Central Kansas Editorial association, when but about fifty were used.

It thus develops that but about 5,000 trip passes have thus far been used. Of the 5,800 trip passes turned over by the bureau of admissions 2,100 have gone to Mr. Rosewater and the 3,700 to the president and the other five members of the executive committee. Assuming that all of Mr. Rosewater's 2,000 have been honestly issued, and that every one of the 3,000 issued by the other officials have been fraudulently issued, the exposition would have suffered an imposition to the extent of only fifty a day, instead of "thousands daily," as charged by Mr. Rosewater.

Sunday's paid admissions numbered 5,736, a cash net gain of about $80 over the preceding Sunday.


Crowds of Visitors Come From a Distance and Enjoy a Day at Sight Seeing.

Flower Parade's Postponement Disappoints Many Who Expected That Feature.

Special Musical Program Given With Fine Pyrotechnic Effects--God of the Weather Frowns on Fair City.

A paid attendance of nearly 10,000 people on the exposition grounds yesterday showed conclusively what anything like decent railroad rates will do. The visitors were very largely out-of-town people, who had been induced to come by the special rates offered for Flower day. They did not see a flower parade, and many were disappointed on that account, but they realized that the management was not responsible for the rain.

It was distinctively an exhibit-seeking crowd, as are all the first-trip visitors, the Midway coming second. For this reason the concessionaires did not do a business commensurate with the size of the crowd.

A special music program was given in the evening, to take the place of the postponed parade, the "From Battlefield to Fireside" program of the preceding evening being repeated, together with the pyrotechnic effects. The war dance number was omitted on account of the threatening weather, although Captain Mercer offered to have his braves present it unless it rained. The unveiling of the figure of Bismarck was again repeated, the large figure loaned by Manager Turpin of the Moorish Palace for the purpose being placed prominently at the back of the platform on a pedestal. The light on it was much better than on Monday evening, and the crowd generously applauded in honor of the dead statesman.

J. Q. A. Ward, a guard at the government building, died Monday night of appendicitis. His relatives at Duluth have been notified.

W. G. Adams, traveling agent for the Cotton Belt road, is taking in the exposition while on a two weeks' vacation. He gave the officials some interesting information yesterday regarding the action of the southern roads in granting reduced rates to the Nashville exposition. There a flat rate of one fare for the round trip was given from the start, and this was succeeded by one of 1 cent a mile for a radius of 150 miles, and supplemented by special rates of 80 per cent for one fare for the round trip. After looking over the grounds carefully he said that all this exposition lacked was advertising and railroad rates, and that if the latter were granted the roads would see to the advertising themselves.

The report of the concessions department for July shows cash receipts of $35,524.66. The indications are that the month will exceed June all along the line.

An effort to ascertain to what extent a pass is used in a single day was made yesterday, and it was found that the holders of 400 photo passes scored 1,128 admissions on Monday, or nearly three each.

Another session of the investigating committee was held last evening. Evidence of corruption is not materializing, but the proof of rank favoritism continues to accumulate. Two members of the committee gave it out last night that it is a foregone conclusion[?]

Spanish Flag for the Exposition.

President Wattles last evening received this telegram from the assistant secretary of war:

"Washington D. C., Aug. 2.—I sent you yesterday, through the quartermaster's department, by express, a Spanish flag, the first trophy secured by the military force from the enemy. You are requested to deliver it personally to the representative of the war department's exhibit, with instructions to have it carefully preserved and protected.


J. Q. A. Ward, one of the guards in the Government building at the exposition, died Monday afternoon of appendicitis, at his boarding place, the Saratoga hotel, Twenty-eighth street and Ames avenue. His parents reside at Duluth, Minn. The funeral will be at 10 o'clock today, from the boarding place. Interment at Forest Lawn.

The commissioners of Minnesota have tendered the use of the Minnesota building to the people of New Mexico on the occasion of New Mexico day, which has not yet been fixed.

Mr. C. W. Field, who is in charge with Secretary Danforth of the Minnesota building, says that he wants it to be understood that the building is open at all times day and night for the accommodation of the public.

Harry C. Mason, one of the Ohio commissioners, is visiting the exposition. He was shown about the grounds yesterday by Secretary Greene of the commission, who has his constant headquarters in the Nebraska building.


Twenty-Five Cents the Price of Admission at Exposition This Evening.


Flower Day Visitors Stay Over to See Sunshine on the Grounds.


Arrangements for Friday's Program Include Many Entertaining Features.


Three Special Features, Including the Indians, Flower Parade and the Incursion of Kansas City's Citizens in Full Force.

With few exceptions, the people who took advantage of the low railroad rates to visit the exposition yesterday remained today, and the attendance is exceptionally good for an off day. The unsurpassed lovliness​ of the morning brought the visitors out early, and the delightful atmosphere inspired the limit of enjoyment. By the middle of the forenoon the buildings were bustling with visitors, and several thousand people were scattered over the main court and the pretty landscapes on the bluff.

This evening the 25-cent admission will again be in force and with the local patronage added to the crowd already on the grounds there is every reason why the evening crowd should be one of the biggest of the season. The special attraction of the evening will be the illustrated concert on the Plaza. Pinney's band will render a delightful program and scenic views appropriate to the selections will be furnished by a powerful stereopticon.

The tremendous boom in the out of town attendance that was produced by the reduced rates for Flower day encourages the management to expect a big crowd tomorrow, when Indian day will be celebrated by the formal opening of the encampment on the north tract and a parade and public exhibitions of Indian sports and costums by 700 red men, representing thirty western tribes. This will be an entirely new feature in exposition attractions and a revelation to every visitor. No such exposition of Indian life has ever before been attempted, and it will furnish a limitless field of interest and profit. It will fully illustrate the differences in dress, manners and appearance between the various tribes and afford a vast amount of interesting information that could not be acquired in any other way.

The entire population of the encampment will appear in the parade, which [?]   from Twentieth street and the Midway at 1:30 o'clock. The cavalcade will pass down the Midway to the Horticulture building and thence back to the encampment, where the rest of the afternoon will be occupied by exhibitions of Indian sports by the various tribes. All this will be free to the public, and visitors all also be given full liberty to inspect the encampment and see how the primitive red men live. The camp will be especially interesting in the evening, with its firelight illuminations, and further amusement will be furnished by dances by the Omaha tribe and music by the Indian band. The fireworks that will occur later will be particularly elaborate.

As the floral parade has been postponed to Friday afternoon, each day during the remainder of the week will be a feature. Arrangements will undoubtedly be secured by which the Indian day excursionists will be permitted to remain over for the flower carnival, and Saturday the Kansas City crowd will arrive in force and remain over Sunday. Next week will bring another series of special events, and these will succeed one another almost continuously until the end of the exposition.


Representatives of the Original Lords of the Land Assembling.

Although Indian day at the exposition is not to be observed until Thursday, it is the talk of the people who visit the exposition, due, no doubt, to the fact that Captain Mercer is daily receiving and looking after the wants of the delegates who are arriving to participate in the Indian congress, which will continue during the exposition. The large space west of the Transportation building allotted to the Indians is rapidly becoming a city of tents and everywhere within the enclosure the copper colored men and women, boys and girls, attired in gay blankets, are visible. They are coming in large parties and it is certain that the captain's estimate of an attendance of 800 will not be far out of the way.

Since Monday a large number of Indians have arrived and a still larger number will arrive today and tonight, while others will continue to come in during the balance of the week. Yesterday the Cheyenne River Sioux came, bringing eight people, and went into camp on the south side of the grounds near the Brule Sioux. They are fine specimens and present a striking appearance Being wealthy Indians, they wear fine apparel that is intended to throw in the shade some of the garments owned by other tribes Frank Taylor is the interpreter and is a perfect fund of information when it comes down to telling hair-raising tales of life among the Indians.

The Arapahoes and Cheyennes from Oklahoma have come in. They number twenty-five persons and are large and strong people, especially the men. These Indians are farmers and cultivate large tracts of land upon their reservation. Many of them speak the English language quite well.

The Indians that attract considerable attention are the Apaches from San Carlos Agency, Ariz. They are smaller than the northern Indians, but what they lack in stature they make up in activity. They are strong and wiry fellows, being as quick as cats. Their blankets are the envy of the whites who visit the camp. Made of the finest wool and woven by hand, they are as soft as silk and as thick as a board. The coloring is artistic and gaudy, red prevailing.

There are two delegations of Chippewas on the grounds, one party coming from the Lac lu Flambeau and the other from the Bad River agency, both in Wisconsin. They are wood Indians and are skilled in boating and boat building. These are the people who will construct the birch bark canoes and use them for racing purposes on the lagoon.

The Brule Sioux from Lower Brule Agency, S. D., have come with five people. They are camped in the neighborhood of their cousins, the Rosebuds and the Cheyennes. Like them, they are strong, hearty fellows and make a fine appearance.

Coming from near by the Sacs and Foxes of Tama City, Ia., are sought after by most of these visitors. While these Indians are probably more aboriginal than many of the others they are good friends of the whites and have been for a great many years. The history of the tribe has been handed down from generation to generation, it being said that the Foxes were the chosen of the Great Spirit, at least that is the Fox version. They say that many many years before the white man landed on the American shores they were a great nation, the warriors being as numerous as the leaves of the forest, their domain extending from the sea well over toward the Great Lakes. They were brave and as a result they engaged in way and while often victorious they lost large numbers of their young men. On account of their cunning and their fleetness they say that the Great Father gave them the name that they still retain. The Sacs, as laid down by Indian tradition, occupied the lands in the vicinity of the mouth of the Mississippi river, but eventually moved north and later on became involved in war with the whites. They were under the great Indian leader and councilman, Chief Blackhawk, and after the war that bears his name formed a union that has been retained until this day. They regard Blackhawk as the greatest leader who ever lived. After the Blackhawk war the men and women of the two tribes married and intermarried. They quit the war path and became tillers of the soil, the main body of the tribe being removed to Indian territory, but the ones now here were located upon the reservation which they now occupy in Iowa. From a powerful tribe they have gradually dwindled down until the numerical strength of the tribe is now but about 400, including men women and children.

The branch of the Sacs and Foxes, known as Musquakies, are camped just to the east of the office buildings and instead of living in tents, as do the other Indians, occupy wickiups. These dwellings are constructed of willow poles and mats. The poles are placed in the ground in the form of a square and the tops tied together, forming a framework about fourteen feet square and eight feet high. Over these are spread thick and highly colored mats, constructed by the Indians from the rushes that grow in the swamps and lowlands. The material is woven by hand and shows a high degree of skill. The Sacs and Foxes are artists and as evidence of this it is only necessary to see some of their beadwork which is upon their fancy blankets, their leggings and bonnets. The beads are sewed on with sinews and are arranged in perfect square and geometrical figures. The Sacs and Foxes are small Indians, but unusually well built. They are straight as arrows, bread-shouldered​ and very strong. They have unusually small feet and hands, of which they feel very proud.

The interpreter in charge of the Sacs and Foxes is a man with a history. His name is Joseph Tosson, now near 60 years of age, but as supple as a boy of 15. At the time of the war of the rebellion he enlisted in the Second Nebraska regiment of volunteers and served with distinction for three years. He is a member of the Grand Army post at Tama City and is regarded as one of the best and most influential members. He has lived with the Indians all of his life and is rich, owning a large tract of land, many cattle and horses and a good sized bank account. He has raised a family of six children, all of whom have died, with the exception of one son, who is now in school at Lawrence, Kan. Mr. Tosson feels very proud of this boy and will do everything in his power to give him a finished education. Joseph Tosson's father was a full-blooded Indian and always a warm friend of the whites. He died last spring at the age of 95 years. The elder Tosson was a scout under General Harney during his campaigns against the Sioux when they raided the early settlers of Nebraska. On account of his bravery he was given a medal by the government, which Mr. Tosson now has in his possession.


Special Performance of the Band Pleases a Multitude of People.

In the absence of the floral parade the special concert that was hastily improvised for the entertainment of the exposition crowd last night did much to reconcile the people who had come expecting to see a more unusual spectacle. The Plaza was packed with one of the biggest audiences that has congregated there since the exposition opened, and in spite of the disagreeable atmosphere the people seemed to thoroughly enjoy the performance. This included several of the features that have previously proved most popular, and as they were entirely new to the bulk of the crowd they took it with all the zest of a first presentation. The descriptive fantasie, "From Battlefield to Fireside," evoked hearty demonstrations, and as a partial compensation for the postponement of the parade, the pyrotechnical finale was somewhat more elaborate than usual.

The Exposition orchestra and Phinney's band contributed a very enjoyable first part, which included a number of popular selections, and the wax figure of Bismarck was unveiled as an accompaniment to the solemn strains of Chopin's funeral march. Bellstedt's descriptive composition, "The Indian War Dance," was also repeated and every feature was vigorously applauded. After the concert the bulk of the crowd left the grounds, but enough remained to keep the Midway lively during the remainder of the evening.


Commercial Bodies Resolve to Be in Omaha in Full Force.

The Manufacturers' association of Kansas City has unanimously voted to attend the exposition in a body Saturday. The organization took this action at one of the latest and most lively meetings it has held this year and the members exhibited a degree of enthusiasm in the idea that was exceptional. A number of vigorous speeches were made, urging a demonstration that would open the eyes of the other exposition visitors and a number of suggestions were made contemplating a novel display that would make the association a conspicuous feature of the Kansas City crowd. These were finally referred to a special committee which will work out a detailed plan. An invitation was also extended to the Commercial club of Independence to join with the association in the Kansas City day celebration and it is thought that it will be accepted. It is announced that the official Kansas City badge will be a flag over a ribbon bearing the words, "Kansas City day, August 6, 1898."

In this connection the Kansas City people comment very favorably on the readiness with which the exposition and Omaha city officials have entered into the plans for their reception and entertainment and promise to show them a hot time in return.


Trophy Taken at Santiago on Its Way to the Exposition.

President Gurdon W. Wattles last evening received word that a most valuable souvenir is on its way to the Transmississippi Exposition. It is expected to arrive today and will at once be placed on exhibition in the Government building. The information was contained in the following telegram from Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn: "I sent you yesterday through the quartermaster's department by express a Spanish flag, the first trophy secured by the military forces from the enemy. You are requested to deliver it personally to the representative of the war exhibit department, with instructions to have it carefully preserved and protected."

Additional Low Rates.

The low rate of 1 cent a mile in the 150-mile limit, and one fare for the round trip from other Western Passenger association points has been announced for Railroad day, which occurs September 17. The tickets will be good from September 16 to 19. For the meeting of the National Dental association August 25 to September 3, the rate will be one fare for the round trip in the 150-mile limit, and one fare, plus $2, from outside points. These tickets extend from August 23 to September 5.

The railroads have made an additional concession in regard to the rates for Labor day and the Firemen's tournament, covering September 2 to 7. The flat rate of 1 cent a mile will apply for the benefit of parties of fifteen instead of twenty, as previously announced. For individuals the rate remains 1 cent a mile inside a 350-mile limit and one fare for the round trip from outside points.

The Central Passenger association has announced rates for Commercial Traveler's day, September 24, and the Sons of Veteran's encampment, September 12 to 16, of one fare plus $4 for the round trip. This applies east of Chicago.

Exposition Organ Opening Concert.

Miss Julia Officer, manager of artists for the exposition, has arranged for the opening concert of the Auditorium organ next week. Mr. Harrison Wild, organist and director of the Grace Episcopal church choir of Chicago, director of the Mendelssohn club of male voices and the newly elected director of the Apollo club in the place of Mr. William Tomlins, is to give the opening concert. Mr. Tomlins, having resigned in order to enter the lecture field, his place was a difficult one to fill, and Mr. Wild has been chosen as his successor, owing to his ability as shown with the Mendelssohn club and to his success in conducting rehearsals of the Apollo club during the absence of Mr. Tomlins from the city. Mr. Harrison Wild is recognized as the leading organist of Chicago.

Low Rates for Indian Day.

All the Omaha roads have now announced the reduced rate of one cent a mile inside the 150-mile limit and one fare for the round trip from other association points for Indian day. The last road got into line yesterday afternoon and the effect of its independent action is the same as though the rate had been officially granted by the Western Passenger association. The latter organization refused to make the rate east of the Missouri river on account of the fact that it followed so close on the similar rate that had been granted for Flower Day. Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation then took up the matter with the officials of each road separately and after a voluminous exchange of te[?]


Cooling the Dairy Building.

The people in the Dairy building are feeling much better. The promise has been made that the refrigerating plant will be run night and day and that additional freezing pipes will be put into the cases where the butter is kept. Superintendent Whitcomb says that if this is done the dairy exhibit will be the finest ever seen. If it is not done, he says that the exhibit will be a complete failure.

More Editors Coming.

The arrivals of a number of additional press excursions have been scheduled by the Department of Publicity. The Nevada Press association will leave Reno for Omaha August 20, and the Colored Press association will reach here two days later. The Oklahoma editors have deferred their trip until September 16, when they will come in a body to assist in the celebration of Oklahoma day.

From Omaha to Hot Springs.

In answer to an inquiry made by a reader of The Bee, it can be said that there is no truth in the report that cheaper railroad rates are offered from Omaha to Hot Springs, S. D., and return than from Hot Springs, S. D., and return. The rate offered every day during the summer season from Omaha to Hot Springs, S. D., and return is $25. The rate offered every day this season from Hot Springs, S. D., to Omaha and return is $21.90.

On the following special days a rate of $16.40 has been made from Omaha to Hot Springs and return: June 16 and 30 and July 5 and 9. On the following special days a rate of $16.49 has been made for the round trip from Hot Springs to Omaha and return: May 31 and August 2 and 4. A rate of $16.40 plus $2, or $18.40, has been made from Hot Springs to Omaha and return on the following days: June 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27 and 29 and July 13.

Rates for Flower Day.

The Omaha Terminal lines have telegraphed to Chairman Caldwell of the Western Passenger association, asking that he submit a proposition to all the lines in the association to make the same rates into Omaha for Flower day, on Friday, that were offered on Tuesday. The vote of the lines on the proposition is being taken.

Whether the proposition prevails or not, the rates offered for the trip to Omaha on Thursday on account of the opening of the Indian congress will be good to return on Friday afternoon and evening, after the flower parade. The tickets for this occasion will be limited to August 5, and as most of the lines now run evening trains, the return trip can be made after the Flower parade within the limit on the tickets issued for Indian day.


Camp Proves to Be a Great Attraction to Visitors at Exposition.

Band From the Flandreau School Arrives---Making Ready for the Big Parade and Entertainment Tomorrow.

Although the public is not generally admitted yet to the camping grounds of the Indians at the exposition, the rules forbidding the entrance of visitors has not been rigidly enforced, and this has already become the favorite part of the grounds.

The population of the village has now reached about 300, and this will be almost doubled by tonight. Since yesterday forenoon small delegations of Apaches, Crows and Northern Cheyennes have arrived, and a large delegation of Omahas and Winnebagos. There are about 150 Omahas and fifty Winnebagos. They came down from the reservation overland, under the conduct of Sam Combs and John Ashford. Accompanying the Omahas is Silas Wood, an interpreter, who speaks English as well as a white man and wears a Grand Army uniform, having gone through the civil war in the First Neb[?]

About the middle of the forenoon almost everybody on the grounds was attracted to the south side, where the Indian band from the Flamdreau Indian school, South Dakota, was entering. It was playing a stirring piece, and the hundreds of Indians in all sorts of costumes standing about made a picturesque scene. Only part of the band, however, arrived at that time. About half the members got left at Sioux City, and will be in later. The members of the band here are Charles S. Woodin, leader; James Goings, John Carl, George Beaulieu, Tom Swan, Hensey Graham, Elmore Little Chief, Reuben Wolfe, Allen Morrison, Joseph Day, Zenes Graham, Lynn Woodin, Joseph Soldier, John Martin and Lutie Davis. There are twenty-eight pieces in the band.

The Indians may be seen in their tepees just as they are at home. Rations of fresh beef, flour, coffee, etc., are dealt out, and the Indians do their own cooking.

Preparations for the big Indian day parade tomorrow are completed, and there is no doubt but that it will be a great attraction.

Some Huge Tomato Vines.

The Douglas county agricultural exhibit received a novelty Tuesday in the form of tomato vines. The varieties are called crimson cushion and Pondarosa, two immense vines planted in tubs and measuring five and a half feet in height. They are of the tree-tomato varieties and in size fully establish their claim to the name. They each bear a dozen tomatoes that are in size proportion to the vine when compared with the ordinary tomato fruit.

These vines are a contribution from D. McMillan of 1716 South Seventeenth street.

Missouri Day Rate.

Manager Babcock says: "Referring to rate to the Omaha exposition for 'Missouri Day,' from points within 150 miles of Omaha, and from Kansas City and intermediate points, including St. Joseph, the rate will be 1 cent per mile, tickets on sale to arrive in Omaha morning of August 30, good to return until and including September 5."

Funeral of Guard Ward.

The funeral of J. Q. A. Ward, one of the guards at the Government building, was held yesterday at the Saratoga hotel. It was attended by the guards in a body, by the members of the life-saving crew and by as many of the Government building force as could be relieved from duty. Interment was at Forest Lawn.

Notes of the Exposition.

Mrs. Clement Chase, president of the bureau of entertainment and the executive committee, state that the reception in their rooms in the Mines and Mining building following the floral parade Friday will be entirely of an informal character and everyone is cordially invited to attend.

Ex-Governor Furnas is up from Brownville to spend a week at the exposition. He is accompanied by his niece, Miss McComas, of Brownville, and by his granddaughter, Miss Weber of Denver.


More Exhibits Coming for the Georgia Building.

The executive committee of the Iowa exposition commission was in session all day yesterday at the Iowa building, and will probably be today. All the members are present. These are President S. H. Mallory, S. B. Packard, S. D. Cook, R. H. Moore and J. E. E. Markley.

Commissioner Lambe of Kansas came in yesterday morning, and will be here for some time. He says that efforts are being made to make Kansas day, August 23, a great occasion.

Commissioner Greene, who is in charge of the Georgia exhibit in the Georgia building, says that Governor Northen has notified him that he is collecting more exhibits, and will have them here in a short time. It is supposed that they will probably consist of this season's fruits.

The Georgia biulding​ is now full from top to bottom, the agricultural display, which occupies all of the second floor, having recently been installed. Naturally, cotton is given prominence in this exhibit, and a large plant of cotton just ready for the picking has the place of honor in the center. Cotton seed oil in all its stages, from the crudest to the white oil, is shown, and the refuse from the cotton seed used in feeding stock is displayed. In addition to this there is a good showing of all the common grains, both in the straw and sack, and the different kinds of forage and hay plants are exhibited in the bale.

An interesting corner is that in which the kaolin, a white clay from which chinaware is made, is displayed. Most of the kaolin at the present time is shipped to northern factories to be made up, and Mr. Greene believes there is a good opening for a pottery in Hancock county, where this clay is found.

The Colorado educational exhibit is very attractively arranged in the southwest corner of the Liberal Arts building, second floor. It appears to have been mainly contributed by the Grand Junction schools, but the photographs of the state university at Boulder and of the other colleges in the state give one a splendid impression of the provisions made for higher education in Colorado, and an interesting feature is the showing made of the Sloyd system in the Greeley state normal and at Pueblo.

The entire booth is dressed in the colors of the state flower, the columbine. A gratifying point about the display from Grand Junction is that the work of all the pupils, from the lowest to the highest, is shown, and for the most part only average work has been selected. It is noticeable that nature work extends through all the grades, the youngest pupils being trained to make observations.

Another interesting feature is that showing the system of correlations, such as the correlation of history with geography, of nature with arithmetic, etc.

The charts show the large scope in German and Latin in advanced work, and throughout the whole exhibit full development in any one branch can be noted.

A woman left her cape and purse on a seat at the building of Montgomery Ward & Co. Tuesday, not missing them until she had reached the Government building. She was so gratified at the return of them that she gave away to tears as she pressed the manager to accept pay for his kindness. Recovering her composure, she said: "Every soul in my neighborhood shall know and respect Montgomery Ward & Co., the great mail order house, for this."


Indians Enjoy a Trip to The Old Plantation.

Visitors to the Old Plantation yesterday had an interesting experience other than the usual entertainment. Big Snake, Black Craw, A-Man-Afraid-of-a-Horse, with a party of squaws, visited the show in order to compare their snake dance with the negro buck-and-wing dance. The Indians were so much pleased with the entertainment that it was difficult to get them to leave the Old Plantation at the close of the entertainment. On their return to the wigwams they gave such glowing accounts to the tribes encamped there that the day following the Old Plantation had the appearance of an Indian village, so large was the number of Indians.

There has been such profound friendship established that the Indians have insisted that the chief invite the Old Plantation darkies to take breakfast in the wigwams and smoke the old-time calumet as they once did when they took the scalp of the white man and black man alike. Mr. Millicon, in charge of the negroes at the Old Plantation, will entertain the braves at an early breakfast and then the negro and Indian will vie with each other in their peculiar and interesting dances.

Owing to the postponement of the flower parade, the great battle of Confetti announced to take place at the Streets of All Nations Tuesday night was also postponed, as so many of those who are to participate in the parade expressed their intention to join in the battle of Confetti. Hundreds of people who had heard that a battle of Confetti would take place flocked to the Streets of All Nations to witness and to take part. They were disappointed to some extent, but they were greatly pleased with the performance in the Streets and in the theater. The battle will take place tomorrow night, and will continue until midnight.


It is an interesting experience when a big crowd is on the grounds to stand near the draped model of the battleship Maine in the navy section of the Government building and watch the people who gather to view that exhibit. They frequently stand five or six deep. Sometimes men swear audibly to give vent to their feelings while women relieve their pent-up emotions in tears. Nowhere else on the grounds is such intensity of feeling manifested, and the situation does not change as the days go by.

Special efforts will be made to please the Indians with the fireworks display that is to be made tonight. The principal figure in fire will be that of an Indian chief on horseback, with the horse in motion. A number of comic features will be introduced to test the Indians' sense of humor.

An interesting feature in the Mines and Mining building is a silver and gold table in the New Mexico exhibit, made by the precious metal workers in Santa Fe. It is about fifteen inches square, the top of filigree silver work, and the legs of gold. It cost $4,000. Wrought in silver on the top is the territorial seal, and the box underneath shows a number of scenes etched in silver. A number of designs are also wrought on the top, and set out with garnets, rubies and intricate work in solid gold. At the bottom is a silver basket filled with silver fruit.

Another big crowd filled the Grand Plaza last evening to take in a popular concert and the other features at the popular evening price. The reduced evening rate did not hurt the day attendance, as the admissions prior to 7 o'clock were larger than they have averaged for several days, counting out Flower day and its crowd from out of the city.


The concert included the war dance number, and the Indians were again introduced on the platform. The novelty, however, was the illustrated feature by means of a stereopticon, which threw pictures on a large screen dropped over the band stand arch. While the band, which was stationed in the soda pavilion, played "Life On the Ocean Wave," cuts of our battleships were shown, and to cover the imaginary transition to Cuban scenes the strains of "The Girl I Left Behind Me" filled the Plaza. The picture of Washington introduced "America," the American and Cuban emblems brought out "Rally 'Round the Flag," and so on through the program, which had been carefully prepared. The new feature was so well received that it will be enlarged upon and repeated.

The executive committee decided to r[?]


Rates Thursday and Friday That Will Bring Crowds.

Manager Babcock announced last evening that the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha, the Port Arthur, the Burlington and the Milwaukee roads had already given consent to putting in a 1-cent a mile rate for the postponed Flower day, Friday of this week, and that it was expected that all roads would consent. This rate is good from all points within 150 miles of Omaha.

There is already a 1-cent a mile rate for today, Indian day, from points within 150 [?]

For Saturday there will be a rate of $4 from Kansas City to Omaha and return, good also for any intermediate points. These Kansas City day rates are good to return to and including Monday evening, August 8.



The World-Herald has been slow to reach the conclusion that the exposition would be benefited by a reduction of the night rate to 25 cents.

We have been impressed by the strenuous opposition of the executive committee. The arguments against reduction have received, as they deserved, great consideration. The fact was recognized that if the night rates were reduced they could not be again raised. The claim was forcibly made that gate receipts, being the main assets, should not be hastily tampered with.

Now, however, the time has come, the World-Herald believes, to end the discussion and permanently adopt a 25 cent night rate.

With a 50 cent night rate, the night attendance has been comparatively small, except on special occasions. That is to say, the number of persons who enter the grounds after 6 p. m. is small.

Whenever we have had a 25 cent night rate the attendance has been large. This large night attendance on 25 cent nights has not detracted from the day attendance of the same days.

A person desiring to see the exposition as a whole cannot do so at night, because the government building is closed and many exhibits are covered up. Therefore there is no danger that people will stay away during the day so as to save 25 cents by a night visit.

The 25 cent night rate at the Nashville exposition was an acknowledged success. It brought out the town people night after night, made the exposition lively and attractive when it would otherwise have been dull and lifeless at night and is acknowledged to have saved the exposition from bankruptcy:

The 25 cent rate at night and the 50 cent rate for all day is an equitable arrangement for three reasons:

First—Because the all day visitor gets twice as much "exposition" as an evening visitor.

Second—Because the all-day visitor only comes once or twice, while the evening visitor will come repeatedly.

Third—Because the evening attendance is made up of people who work all day and who only use the evening attendance as a recreation.

Perhaps the strongest single reason why the 25 cent rate should be put into effect at night is to be found in the fact that the exposition is a silent partner in some thirty odd Midway amusements and other exposition concessions. Every dollar expended on the Midway by visitors means on an average 20 cents for the exposition treasury. It is a simple proposition that 8,000 people admitted at the exposition gates will spend as a rule at least twice as much on the Midway as 4,000 people.

That 25 cents will more than treble the night attendance is a very moderate estimate. This implies that the gate receipts at night will be increased, the Midway receipts at night doubled and the exposition rendered more attractive to all-day visitors by reason of the increased liveliness at night.

The wise course is to make the night rate 25 cents.


Traveling Men of Chicago Have Decided Not to Run a Special Train to Omaha.

Even the Proverbial Generosity of the Drummer Is Not Equal to Such Proposal.

Something Must Be Done, a Director Says--Special Fireworks for the Indians Tonight--Day's Features.

A fair sample of what the failure of the transportation department to secure adequate railroad rates is costing the exposition is contained in a letter received yesterday from R. G. Murdoch of the firm of R. G. Murdoch & Co. of Chicago. It expresses appreciation of the kindness of the exposition management in granting them the date of September 24 for National Traveling Men's day, but reaches this emphatic conclusion:

"We have had a great deal of discussion, and have finally come to the conclusion that the rate is not sufficiently low to insure enough people to make up a special train, or even two cars, and we have made up our minds to have nothing more to do with it. Personally, I am very sorry, and I think I express the sentiments of all the other members of our committee when I state that it would have been great pleasure for us to have a delegation at Omaha, and show the people out there that we ap[?]efforts by visiting the expo-[?]those who[?]

The matter of railroad rates and advertising having for time being excluded all other official ideas from the minds of the directors, and the talk indulged in by all of them is that something must be done to swell the receipts. The sentiment in favor of a 25-cent evening rate is growing, in order to stimulate the evening admissions, which have amounted to practically nothing except on the two occasions of reduced rates, when it has been very satisfactory. But it is realized that if the exposition is to be the success that was hoped, and if the desired end is to be attained, it will only be from publicity in the east and rates from eastern points that will enable easterners to get here.


A director sized up the situation yesterday, as follows:

"We have put up about $1,000,000 to build the exposition, and it is possible for us to do all the patronizing ourselves so as to pay operating expenses and pay back the stock subscribed. Then the show would pay out financially, but what would be gained? We would simply have put up $2,000,000 instead of $1,000,000 to reimburse ourselves. The idea of this exposition was to develop the Trans-Mississippi country through inducing eastern people and capital to locate in it. If the exposition is a failure in this respect it will fail of its great object, no matter what the financial statement may show at the close. We must interest the people of the east, yet up to this time they know nothing about it. I have recently been to the Atlantic coast, and I know what I am talking about.

"We must do something to change this state of affairs, and we can't do it too soon. We must also have rates that will be an additional inducement to come, instead of being a bar to it. All that we seem to be able to get in the way of rates is a little concession one day for a few miles west, and the next week a little reduction for a few miles in some other direction. I am getting disgusted with the situation, and before long I will have to talk right out in meeting, whether it hurts anybody's feelings or not."


Secretary Wakefield received a letter yesterday from T. L. Kennedy of the Pennsylvania commission stating that at a recent meeting John W. Woodside had been elected chairman, and the following members of the executive committee: George Knox McCain, Dr. J. C. Johnson, J. D. Baker, Dr. J. R. Bryan, I. O. Nissley, C. S. Overholt and T. L. Kennedy. It was further stated that special efforts were being made to secure the Liberty bell and several notable relics now in the possession of the state, but that thus far they had not been attended with success. The sentiment of the state commission is in favor of October 5 for Pennsylvania day.

Chairman Lindsey is in receipt of a telegram from Powell Clayton, minister to Mexico, stating that the Mexican band would be ready to start today and would be here ready to open its engagement of six weeks on the 9th inst.

The Shriners have had September 14 set apart as their day at the exposition, and the Odd Fellows will have their day just a month later.

September 1 has been designated as Kansas day, and a big attendance is promised. The governor will be here with his staff, and will be accompanied by a band from Winfield, Kas. Missouri day will be on August 30, and elaborate fireworks displays will be made features of both these state days, and Governors Leedy and Stone will be presented in portraits of fire.


The attaches of the Government building, as well as all the visitors to that structure, are greatly annoyed by a nuisance that is permitted to exist in the shape of improperly flushed sewers. Numerous complaints have been made, but the exposition officials have claimed it to be the fault of the city, while the city has insisted that the blame belonged to the exposition. A flushing of the sewers on the grounds a few days ago abated the nuisance for a short time, and demonstrated where the trouble lies. Things have come to such a pass that unless the department of buildings and grounds gives the matter proper attention one of the finest exhibits on the grounds will be given a wide berth, as the stench is almost unbearable when the wind blows from certain quarters.

The exhibit that is probably attracting the most attention just now is the recently received Whitehead torpedo in the navy section. The engine of destruction is about fifteen feet long, and is completely equipped, with its warhead in place, although the charge of 110 pounds of gun cotton is omitted for obvious reasons. The polished steel shell is smeared with grease to prevent rusting, and this, together with the conspicuous sign, is sufficient to keep hands off. The practice head rests alongside. Cuts on the wall and the explanations of the attendants convey to visitors much new information as to how these terrible engines are handled.


Union Pacific is Making Great Improvements on Its Exposition Road.

The building of a branch line along the valley of the North Platte river is not the only extension the reorganized Union Pacific Railroad company has in mind. The Miniature railroad on the exposition grounds is to be double-tracked and an extension of the line northward to the Transportation building is under consideration. The roadbed of the smallest railroad on earth is now being made over with Sherman gravel from the Sherman gravel pits of Wyoming, and the work of double-tracking will be commenced in a short time. The through traffic has been found to be so heavy that a second track is needed by the little road in its business. After the double track has been put down the scenic artists of the company are to paint correct representations of the plains of Nebraska, the hills of Wyoming, the mountains of Colorado and the wilder scenery of Idaho and Utah between the places along the line representing the real thing along the "Overland Route." New equipment to make up a second train for the "Miniature Limited" has been ordered, and is expected here next week. The cars are being built by firms in Detroit and St. Louis, and the locomotives will be of the Vanderbilt type from Schenectedy, N. Y. The repair work will be done at the Omaha shops.

Excursion from Twin Cities.

Commissioner Field of Minnesota has received advices that an excursion bringing at least 800 people will arrive in the city from St. Paul and Minneapolis either Monday or Tuesday of next week. The railroads have made a round trip of $14, which includes hotel expenses for two days and two admissions into the grounds.

Five thousand visitors registered at the Minnesota building Tuesday.

From now until the close of the exposition the Minnesota state building will be kept open from 8 o'clock in the morning until 11 at night. Visitors have been requested to call at the place and rest. They are also invited to bring their lunches and eat them upon the porches or in the rooms.

Exposition Notes.

A collection of the various souvenir medals issued by the exposition has been donated to the Omaha Public library for addition to its collection.



The opening of the Indian congress marks an epoch in the history of the American Indian. For the first time since the government of the United States has undertaken the management of the Indians, representatives of all the principal tribes have been brought together in one great encampment.

In making the appropriation of $40,000 to provide for this unique gathering as part of the government exhibit at the Transmississippi Exposition congress was actuated by the desire to afford to the world an object lesson of the progress of the American Indian from the savage state to his present condition. Incidentally, congress was impelled to favor the plan of exhibiting the aborigines at this time and place because the American Indian, like the American bison, is rapidly passing away, and those who survive will soon lose the characteristics of their full-blooded ancestors.

The conception of the Indian congress, like that of the Transmississippi Exposition, originated with The Bee, whose editor, with the aid of Senators Allen and Thurston, Congressman Mercer and other representatives of the transmississippi states, succeeded in enlisting the active interest of the Indian bureau and Secretary of the Interior Bliss in the project and in procuring a congressional appropriation to defray its expenses. Had it not been for the delay in the passage of the Indian appropriation bill, caused by the pressure of war measures, the Indian congress would have been installed at the opening of the exposition.

Although the Indian appropriation bill was not passed until the last day of June, the Indian bureau has succeeded in less than five weeks in completing all the arrangements for the selection of tribal representatives at the different agencies and reservations and for transporting them to Omaha. The congress, or rather the great Indian encampment, has been placed under the immediate charge of Captain W. A. Mercer of the United States army, whose experience in dealing with Indians, both as an army officer and as an Indian agent, gives him pre-eminent qualifications for the responsible task imposed upon him.

The Indian congress does not contemplate merely an encampment of tribal Indians, housed in native habitations and carrying on various native handicrafts, but also periodic Indian festivals, participated in not only by the Indians in attendance, but by additional members brought from the larger reservations for these special occasions. These Indian festivals, illustrating the religious and social rites of the American Indian, will be not alone interesting as a show feature, but instructive from the educational and scientific standpoint, affording students of ethnology and sociology an opportunity never before presented and never likely to be again within their reach.


Attracted by the Indians Many Thousands Throng the Exposition Grounds.


Out-of-Town People Come in Great Crowds to Attend Opening of Congress.


Parade of the Original Americans Proves Unique and Attractive.


Omaha Lines Make Concessions that Should Bring Another Great Outpouring—Kansas City Plans Are All Matured.

Low railroad rates, perfect weather and one of the most novel and interesting spectacles that has ever been witnessed in this country brought a tremendous crowd to the exposition today. Since early morning the people have been coming in ever-increasing numbers. The railroads brought thousands of excursionists and during the forenoon they poured into the grounds in continuous streams. By 9 o'clock the Department of Admissions was compelled to send out an extra detail of ticket sellers and gatekeepers to the street railway entrances and as the local visitors began to figure in the arrivals the turnstiles revolved with a rapidity that promised to approximate the Fourth of July record. The Street Railway company put on a number of extra trains on the exposition lines and groups of from fifty to 100 people were dropped at the gates every minute. The rush was most active about 11 o'clock and for some time a crowded train pulled up as fast as one ahead of it was unloaded. The crowd was particularly noticable​ at the Twenty-fourth street gate, but with two months experience the admissions department handled the rush with sufficient alacity​ to keep no one waiting.

While many of the visitors filed across the grounds to secure an early view of the Indian encampment the crowd was big enough to cover the entire enclosure. There was a veritable crush in the Government building, and very nearly the same situation prevailed in the other main structures. Meanwhile the incoming lines from the entrances were well sustained and by 2 o'clock when the parade started Indian day was an unqualified success.

During the forenoon a number of the Indians were mounted and paraded through the principal down town streets in all the panoply of fuss and feathers. It was one of the most unique cavalcades seen on the streets of Omaha in many a day and business was practically suspended while people lined the sidewalks to witness the spectacle. The Indians rode back to the encampment for dinner and at 2 o'clock they were mobilized on Twentieth street near the West Midway for the demonstration of the day. The parade was followed by a number of interesting exhibitions of Indian sports and dances and the program will be continued this evening with the addition of a brilliant display of fireworks.

Low Rates for Other Days.

The immense number of out-of-town visitors that were brought in this morning also indicates another big crowd tomorrow when the postponed floral pageant will occur. The Department of Transportation has succeeded in securing the same rate that was in force on Flower day. There was no time to secure action by the Western Passenger association, but the railroads have consented to take independent action and make a rate of 1 cent a mile in the 150-mile limit and one fare for the round trip from outside points. As the same rate was granted for Indian day it practically covers the entire week. In connection with the floral parade Friday afternoon Mrs. Clement Chase, president of the Bureau of Entertainment, and the executive committee announce that the reception in their rooms in the Mines building after the parade will be entirely informal and everyone is cordially invited to attend.

The program that will figure in the celebration of Kansas City day Saturday will be somewhat informal, the idea being to merely indulge in enough oratory to make the visitors welcome without interfering with their [?]d their time in seeing the ex-[?] over three lines on as many special trains as may be necessary to carry the crowd. Mayor Jones and the other city officials will arrive on the Burlington at 8 o'clock in the morning. They will be met at the depot by the Omaha officials and escorted in carriages to their headquarters at the Millard hotel. At 10 o'clock they will be taken to the grounds and at 11 the exercises of the day will be held in the Auditorium. These will consist of an address of welcome by Mayor Moores and responses by ex-Governor Crittenden of Missouri and other members of the visiting party. Phinney's band will interpolate a number of selections and then the visitors will be turned loose on the grounds. The visiting city officials will be entertained at lunch by the Omaha officials at 1:30.

The unofficial members of the party will come in on the Port Arthur and Missouri Pacific roads during the morning. They will likewise make their headquarters at the Millard hotel and will participate in the celebration on the grounds.


Great Procession Will Move at Four O'clock Friday Afternoon.

The postponement of the Flower parade from Tuesday to Friday afternoon, though not intentional and not without regret upon the part of all interested, has really had the effect of doubly insuring the success of the unique pageant. The additional days gained by the paraders through the postponement have been put to good use in the ornamentation of their vehicles, and a more artistic parade will be seen tomorrow afternoon than could have possibly passed the reviewing stand on Tuesday.

Yesterday about half of the carriages that will appear in the line were carefully inspected by Mrs. Travis. While she found the plans agreed upon for decoration very well carried out in most instances she discovered many little things that would have marred the beauty of the passing show had they not been corrected before the eventful afternoon. The wife of a prominent barrister, in her eager desire to completely hide all the usual trappings of her carriage, had covered the tires of the wheels with cloth. Mrs. Travis called attention to the fact that the cloth would be cut to pieces before the vehicles had gone through the parade, and instead of the tires presenting a fine appearance they would be the circular supports of a bunch of cloth rags. The cloth covering was removed. The carriages that were not examined yesterday will be today.

Many of the owners of the carriages that will make up the gala procession have invited in their friends during the last two days to look over the results of their handiwork. The barns and stables where the precious things are kept have been turned into impromptu reception rooms, and more calls have been made there since Monday than in the drawing rooms of the first families. The verdict of all who have seen the carriages is that they are exquisitely decorated, and arranged in a graceful line curving in and out of the pretty spots on the Bluff tract will present a spectacle unequaled by any of Omaha's previous artistic successes. The double team of President Gurdon W. Wattles will appropriately lead the procession. It will be followed by the tallyho of Mr. Al Patrick. The order in which the carriages will follow is known to no one save Mrs. Travis, and will not be announced before the passing of the wheeled bowers. The arrangement of the carriages has been made with the finest regard for color combinations, and the most fetching results are anticipated. The carriages will not be crowded closely together, but a considerable amount of space will be left between them all. Great attention is being paid to the decoration of the rear ends of the carriages, as well as to their other parts, as the attention of the judges must necessarily be attracted to the back of the carriage longer than to any other part.

The parade is to start promptly at 4 o'clock on Friday afternoon, but the carriages are all to be on the exposition grounds at 3 o'clock. One hour will be none too long for the necessary arrangement of the vehicles and the taking of the photographs. All of the carriages are to be photographed, and these pictures will undoubtedly form beautiful souvenirs of the fete day. Should any of the participants in the parade be late in reaching the grounds they will be debarred from the photographic groups. The pictures will have to be taken before the parade starts, as it will be too dark after the conclusion of the event to secure good photographs.


Noble Red Man Loafs While His Wife Looks After the Affairs.

People who have never seen the American Indian in all of his aboriginality are being afforded that opportunity now. This opportunity is due to the fact that close to 450 Indians are encamped on the north tract of the exposition grounds, just west and [?]t from the Transportation   building. There are more Indians coming and before the end of the week it is probable that there will be fully 800 in attendance upon the congress.

While all of the Indians on the exposition grounds do not know Captain Mercer, they all look upon him as the man who stands next to President McKinley, and consequently all of them come to him and pour their joys and troubles into his ears. The captain is a patient listener and never turns a deaf ear to the appeals and entreaties, no matter how insignificant they may be. As a result of this he has suddenly bounded into popularity with the Indians from the most remote parts of the country, and those who have not heard of him before. If an Indian wants a pail of water or a pipeful of tobacco, Captain Mercer must be consulted before an effort is made to secure the same. While he is not at all times able to the demands made upon his time, he is always pleasant and has some person ready to attend to the wants of the red men who are about him.

There is an Indian name for about everything under the sun, and one peculiarity about this whole matter is that if an Indian does not know the name of a person or thing, he immediately coins one. Outside of the Omahas and Winnebagoes, few of the Indians know Captain Mercer or his name. For this reason he has been given as many names as there are bands of Indians on the grounds. The latest name that has been coined and given to him comes from the Jicarilla Apaches, who come from the northern portion of New Mexico. These people call him Koski Jolik Tytioprt, which it is said when translated into English means He Who Feeds All, though no person seems to know, as there are few who speak the Apache language. Other names the captain has galore, and by the time that the last band of Indians arrive, he will have enough to fill a dictionary.

The Indian camp is growing in size, and the occupants of course continue to be the star attraction on the grounds. At this time they are all busy, or at least the women are. The Indian man is a firm believer in the rights of woman. At least he believes that the woman has a perfect and undisputed right to work while he takes life easy. The visitor will find the women putting up the tepee, carrying the water, tending the babies and tethering out the ponies, while the men visit back and forth or lie around in the sun or shade as suit them best.

It has become apparent since the arrival of the Indians that they are all great visitors and are possessed of a great amount of sociability. When a new party arrives upon the ground the members are at once surrounded by the other Indians and as a rule what is supposed to be an interesting conversation is carried on, either by words or signs. There are no introductions and the meeting of the two strange Indians can be likened to the meetings of two gangs of strange boys. They approach within a distance of twenty or thirty feet, stare at each other and begin to jabber. Then there is a nearer approach and the parties walk in circles, one around the other. This continues for a time, during which the Indians are constantly drawing closer together. Finally they get within handshaking distance, but there is no shaking of hands. There is a little more talking, after which the always present pipe is brought out and after being lighted is smoked, the party who does the lighting taking the first whiff, after which he passes it to the stranger. This completes the introduction and is said to cement friendship that is hard to break.

Since yesterday Indians have been coming in at a lively rate. One hundred and forty Omahas and forty Winnebagoes, bringing 100 ponies, have arrived. The Santees, from Flandreau, S. D., reached the grounds, bringing along a brass band. Two families of Crow Creek Sioux have reached the grounds, while Jicarilla Apaches from New Mexico have put up their tents. These latter Indians, though still clad in the blanket, are undoubtedly the most highly civilized of any Indians upon the grounds. They are farmers and are skilled in the manufacture of pottery and the weaving of blankets. They live high up in the mountains, where they raise grain, vegetables, sheep and cattle.


Territory Makes a Splendid Showing of Its Agricultural Resources.

Among the prominent men in attendance upon the exposition are Governor C. M. Barnes and J. C. Post of Oklahoma. The governor is president of the commission and Mr. Post is the chairman. They arrived yesterday and spent most of their time visiting the main buildings and the state buildings on the bluff tract.

Governor Barnes is one of the wealthy men of the territory and is a staunch republican who formerly resided in Arkansas. He was appointed to the position which he now holds by President McKinley and since taking charge of the office has devoted all [?]o the upbuilding of the ter[?] young man is an ensign and is now assisting in the blockading of Havana harbor.

Chairman Post is a banker at Kingfisher. He went there several years ago and has always been prominently connected with the affairs of the territory. He is a brother of Former Chief Justice Post of Nebraska.

Governor Barnes is well pleased with the exposition and in speaking of it last night he said: "It is grand beyond all conception and will go down into history as the greatest exhibition of the resources of the great west that has ever been seen. The industrial and agricultural exhibits are as fine as the world has ever seen and they are diversified. There is apparently just enough of everything and not too much of anything. I knew all along that it was a great show, but I never had any clear conception of its magnitude until I stepped inside the gate and gazed over the grand court, which is magnificent beyond all description. It is a picture for an artist; it is more beautiful than the World's fair. Inside the great buildings are the best things that can be gathered from the transmississippi country. There is nothing shoddy and there seems to have been a studied effort among exhibitors to bring before the public only that which will please. The exposition has builded well and the greatest care must have been exercised in securing the exhibits.

"While the territory that I represent is one of the newest subdivisions of the great country in which we live, I feel considerable satisfaction in realizing that it has an exhibit of which we ought not to feel ashamed. In making our exhibit we were hampered by lack of funds, but notwithstanding this, our people responded liberally. The contributions were not made with a desire to boom the country, but merely to enable us to exhibit our resources and show that we can grow and mature every grain, vegetable and fruit that can be produced in any country on earth. Later on in the season we will add to our exhibit, thus keeping it up to date. At this time our corn is almost ripe and within a few days we will send on specimens that will astonish the people. We will exhibit fruit as fine as can be raised in any of the states, either east or west, north or south."

The exhibit from Oklahoma, shown in the Agricultural building, and which is under the care and custody of Editor Goloba, is about complete and is greatly admired by those who visit the building. It occupies a prominent position in the building, being just to the left of the main entrance from the east. Along the front, high up against the ceiling, there are three pictures upon canvas. All three represent farm scenes, but the center pieces are the things that catch the eye. The central piece is the territorial seal, while to the right and left are sheaves of wheat and barley, respectively. The grain is fully five feet in length, with heads upon the straw measuring fully eight inches.

Around the booth has been constructed a railing, the material used being the native wood found in the forests of the territory. There are pine, cedar, fir, cypress, oak, hickory, beach, birch, walnut and half a dozen other varieties. For corner pieces bundles of cut corn have been brought into play, the stalks of which are from twelve to sixteen feet high, all heavily eared. Inside of the booth are great pyramids of grain, including wheat, oats, barley, flax and corn. These are arranged in an artistic manner, producing a very pleasing effect. At the base of each pyrimid​ there are jars of fruit, rich and juicy, flanked with new vegetables, such as potatoes, beets, sweet potatoes and cabbage, all of enormous size, sound and solid.

Cotton is a product in which the people of Oklahoma feel a great interest, and in making up their exhibit they have featured it. Great bales of the material occupy prominent places in the booth, while stalks in bloom and others with bulbs ready to burst are scattered wherever they will attract the most attention. The raw cotton has been used for decorating the booth and is wrought into wreaths, stars and garlands which hang from the ceiling and from the posts, pillars and corners.

Governor Barnes says that he feels confident that as soon as the harvest is over large numbers of the people from his territory will visit the exposition. It has been advertised well in that section of the country, and that there is a general desire to come here and attend the greatest exposition since the World's fair.


Business Men Asked to Close Early on Friday—Children's Rates.

For the purpose of making the afternoon of Flower Day a holiday, at the meeting of the executive committee of the exposition, a resolution was adopted, requesting the merchants and business men to close their places of business at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of that day. As this would be but two hours earlier than the usual time for closing, it is believed that most of them will comply with the request.

Manager Babcock of the Transportation department reported that the Elkhorn had made a Children's Day rate for all children attending the exposition on August 12 from Norfolk and intermediate points on the line. The rates made are as follows for the round trip: Norfolk, $1.35; Stanton, $1.35; Pilger, $1.10; Wisner and Beemer, $1; West Point, 85 cents; Scribner and Crowell, 75 cents; Hooper, 65 cents; Nickerson, 55 cents. The rates will apply to all children of 18 years or under. While adults are not given the benefit of this low rate, one will be allowed with each ten children and at the same rate.

The committee decided that the rate would be satisfactory and that all children from the points on the Elkhorn heretofore named would be passed into the exposition grounds at 15 cents each upon that occasion. The train will stop at the Twentieth street gate on the north side of the grounds and returning it will leave from the same place. In order that none of the children may stray away or be lost, tags will be sent to the towns from which the little ones come. These tags will be tied upon the clothing of the children and upon them will be an inscription indicating the place of their residence.

The members of the Pennsylvania commission notified the committee that if it was an open date they would like to have October 5 set aside as Pennsylvania Day. This will be reported upon at the next meeting.


Concert on the Grand Court This Evening Will Hold Some Surprises.

The third grand court concert will be given in the main court this evening. There has been some complaint that the orchestra and chorus was not heard to the best advantage at the east end of the lagoon, where the melody was confined by the high walls and tonight the music will be transferred to the Mirror, where the water is almost level with the grounds. The orchestra will be located in one of the angles formed by the extension of the lagoon into the clover leaf design and the chorus will occupy the opposite angle. By this arrangement the music can be heard distinctly all around the Mirror and the broad sweep of pavement will accommodate an immense crowd without discomfort.

The chorus, directed by Thomas J. Kelly, will sing the evening hymn, "Sun of My Soul," and "The Minstrel Boy," by Thomas Moore. The antiphonal chorus, "Adestes Fideles," which was so well received on its first presentation, will be repeated by the chorus and band and the final number will be a very effective patriotic arrangement. The band will play the "Star Spangled Banner" and then subside while the chorus takes up the hymn, "America." Among the band selections will be the "Largo" by Handel, the overture, "Robespierre" and an arrangement of selections from Paderewski. The cornet solo by Mr. Rodenkirchen will introduce another novel feature. The soloist will be located in a gondola at the other end of the lagoon. As the craft is propelled toward the audience the music will increase in volume, producing a very pretty effect.


Superintendent Walker Maks​ a Display of Horticulture.

Douglas county is getting to the front in the Horticulture building and is showing an exhibit that in quantity and variety compares very favorably with some of the states. Superintendent Walker is constantly making additions to the exhibit and says that he will continue to do so until the close of the exposition. Mr. Walker manufactured 1,000 gallons of grape wine last season and at this time he is showing a number of samples. His wine cellars are the largest in the state. His vineyards and orchard are near Florence.

Joseph Cole, living just west of Florence, has sent in a great quantity of wild goose plums which are attracting much attention. E. H. Walker is exhibiting six varieties of new apples, while J. P. Brown of Florence has a number of plates of blackberries that are as fresh as those shown during June.

Idaho has contracted for 300 feet of space in the west end of the Horticulture building and will fill it with fruit next week.

Colorado's fruit exhibit is slow in arriving, but the promise is made that next week it will arrive and by put in place.

Next month New York will fill its space [?]

California's new crop of fruit is arriving. Since the beginning of the week Superintendent Wilson has received an invoice of yellow botan plums, Kelsey Japan plums and Crawford peaches. The fruit is unusually large and fine. He says that the quality of the California fruit is excellent this season.



Retailers Decline to Close Their Stores on Friday Afternoon.


Business Men Say it is Impossible Unless All Act Together and the Time is Too Short for Arrangements.

The retail merchants of Omaha do not expect to close Friday afternoon on account of the flower parade at the exposition grounds. Many knew nothing of the request of the exposition executive committee asking them to close either for the afternoon or at 4 o'clock. Others say they are there for business and have not helped the fair along in order that they should close their doors on some special day.

The Continental Clothing company says it will not close. Browning, King & Co. say they will close if the others do, but there is little probability of it. Kilpatrick & Co. will not close. They had heard nothing of any such request. Mr. Kilpatrick remarked that if the exposition officials had consulted with the merchants beforehand they undoubtedly would have met with better success and that the merchants would have been glad to close up for the occasion. The People's Furniture and Carpet company say no. Mrs. Benson says she will close her store if the others do and that she would be glad to do it. In case no one else does she can not. Thompson, Belden & Co. said they do not expect to close. The Boston store managers say they will remain open until the usual hour. Hayden Bros. say they would like to close if the other do, but their closing is unlikely. The Nebraska Clothing company say they will not close and do not see how the exposition officials can expect them to shut their doors on the public at the busiest part of the afternoon.


Trains from the East Are Loaded with People Who Want to See the Show.

On former days when large crowds came to the exposition from out of town it has been noticeable that most of the people came from the west. The crowds arriving in the city this morning, however, have been largely from the east. The Milwaukee brought in a crowded train from Iowa points; the Rock Island and Northwestern each had larger trains than usual, and they were so full that people had to stand on the platforms; Burlington train No. 5 was almost twice its usual size and brought at least 700 excursionists to the city. The Omaha line also had a large party of Iowans from Sioux City and intermediate points.

The Nebraska crowd was not lacking, either, in the morning arrivals. Burlington train No. 4 brought in fourteen heavily loaded coaches, and in spite of the fact that it had two engines, was delayed about fifteen minutes by the crowds. The Rock Island and Union Pacific each brought in heavy trains from the west and the Elkhorn and Missouri Pacific had well filled trains from Nebraska points.

At the Tenth street depot the people began to arrive early this morning, and by 10 o'clock all the cars bound for the exposition were so jammed that many people had quite a wait before they could even find standing room on a car. The passenger directors and policemen around the station are kept busy answering questions and the excursionists say that the stream of sightseers who have been pouring into the city for the last few days are but a forerunner of what may be expected from now on to the end of the exposition if the railroads make a good rate.

The Board of Women Managers is now actively pushing the arrangements for School day, August 12. This excursion is merely designed to cover the territory on the Elkhorn between Norfolk and Hooper, but if it proves the success that is anticipated, it will be fllowed​ by similar excursions from will be followed by similar excursions from other localities. The rates that have been secured are very low and as the children the expense of the trip will be merely nominal. The age limit has been fixed at 18 years in order to bring in the pupils of the higher grades and no adult tickets will be sold except to one person for each ten children. Each group of ten will be in charge of their chaperon from the time they leave home until they get back again and this does away with any suggestion of danger. The party will be carried on a special train and the occasion will be celebrated by exercises at the Boys' and Girls' building at 2 o'clock. The program will be contributed by the visitors and each town represented will be expected to furnish a number.

Kansas Honey and Butter.

Ex-Governor Glick and Commissioner Lamb of Kansas are in the city attending the exposition. While here they will look after the establishment of a honey and a dairy exhibit in the Apiary and the Dairy buildings. Both men are pleased with the exposition and predict a large attendance from the Sunflower state as soon as the crops are out of the way. They will maintain the excellent standard of the fruit exhibit in the Horticulture building and will see that new varieties are added as the season advances.

Kansas City People Interested.

H. F. McGarvie, director of special days, returned yesterday from Kansas City, where he has assisted in working up the preliminaries for Kansas City day. He says that the people there are thoroughly interested in the scheme and that there is every indication that the sanguine forecasts of the attendance will be fulfilled. He was accompanied by William A. Wilson and Colonel J. W. Moore of Kansas City, who came on to arrange for headquarters and other incidentals of the trip.

Coming with the Dry Dock.

Lieutenant Commander Stedman, in charge of the naval exhibit in the government building, is expected back from Washington Monday. He will bring the working model of the modern dry dock that has been in course of construction in Washington since last winter, and a number of rapid firing guns of larger caliber than have yet been exhibited on the grounds.

Exposition Notes.

The total attendance yesterday was 12,945. That of the preceding day was 16,462 and the indications are that it will exceed 20,000 today.

General Manager Clarkson has fixed September 27 as German Holstein day. It is understood that there are a large number of Germans in Nebraska and Iowa who come from the province of Holstein, and in response to requests from some of their number the day has been set aside for a general reunion and celebration on the grounds.

Captain Knowles has heard nothing from his lifeboat, but as Superintendent Kimball of the Life Saving service has given the matter his personal attention, he expects to learn of the arrival of the craft any minute. The other arrangements for the life saving exhibitions have been fully worked out and they will be begun very soon after the boat arrives.


Special Day Attractions Bring the Crowds from the Iowa and Nebraska Towns.

The tickets sold by the railroads allowing exposition visitors several days at the exposition are making the crowds steadier and lessening the rush which occurred at the depots when tickets were sold for only one day and good on special trains. The Indian day crowds remained in the city for the most part and will take in the Flower parade, helping to swell the large attendance that is assured for this afternoon.

All the morning excursionists poured into the city from Iowa and Nebraska points. Most of the arrivals were women and many of them were heard to remark that they were in Omaha Tuesday to see the Flower carnival and that their desire to see it was so great they could not stay away. Lincoln and intermediate points, the southern part of the state, Fremont, Sioux City and other northern and western Nebraska points contribute to the throng.

Every car headed for the exposition was well filled with out-of-town people.


Weather Man Smiles His Brightest on Flower Day This Time.


Everything in the Most Favorable Aspect Possible for the Display.


Most of the People Who Were Disappointed Tuesday Return.


Management Preparing to Entertain All the Able-Bodied Men, Women and Children from the Missouri Metropolis Saturday.

Nature's repentance for the frowns that necessitated the postponement of Flower day was apparent in the bright skies under which the pageant of color and beauty will move this afternoon. There was scarcely as big a crowd on the grounds this morning as there was Tuesday, but the bulk of the people did not get away from the show until late last night and preferred to wait until later in the day before they returned to the grounds. Towards noon the rush was resumed and the people swarmed through the gates at a rate indicative of a big afternoon and evening crowd. As the great event of the day was not scheduled until late in the afternoon the volume of arrivals was maintained until 3 o'clock when the people massed on the bluff tract to see one of the most beautiful spectacular effects that they had ever witnessed.

The crowd that assembled on Flower day in spite of the drizzling rain was a sufficient indication that this novel feature has aroused a lively interest and those who witness the parade today will profit by a number of improvements that the postponement has made possible. During the last three days number of changes have been made that will add to the artistic harmony of the pageant and it promises to be one of the most complete and attractive spectacles that has ever been seen in Omaha. There will be nearly fifty vehicles in line, includling​ the most elaborate equippages​ in Omaha, and each will be completely covered with masses of flowers arranged in the most beautiful and unique designs. Each vehicle will express an original conception worked out in flowers especially suitable to the design, but care has been taken that all shall blend in a perfect harmony of coloring that will entrance the senses with beautiful effects.

The vehicles that are to participate in the parade are expected to enter the grounds on the east side of Sherman avenue not later than 3 o'clock and proceed to the open park south of the Horticulture building, where they will be marshaled in their proper places. The parade will move promptly at 4 o'clock and pass in front of the Nebraska and Illinois buildings to the bandstand, where it will be reviewed by Mayor Moores of Omaha, Mayor Jennings of Council Bluffs and Mayor Graham of Lincoln, who will constitute the committee of judges. It will return by the West Avenue to the Horticulture building and repeat the circuit twice in order that the crowd as well as the judges may have a full opportunity to inspect the decorations. Immediately following the parade the women of the Bureau of Entertainment will give an informal reception at the Mines building to which the public is invited.

The celebration of Kansas City day tomorrow promises to fittingly conclude the most successful week that the exposition has yet enjoyed. Every report from the Missouri city indicates that there will be an immense crowd of Kansas City people on the grounds to participate in the jubilation, and as most of the excursionists now in the city will remain until tomorrow night the prospect for a large attendance is encouraging. The Kansas City visitors will arrive tomorrow morning in special trains over the Burlington, Port Arthur and Missouri Pacific routes. The city officials will come on the Burlington and will be met at the depot by the Omaha officials and escorted to their headquarters at the Millard hotel. Some time will be allowed for breakfast and general sociability and the party will leave for the exposition grounds about 10 o'clock. The exercises of the day will be held in the Auditorium an hour later. Mayor Moores will welcome the visitors in behalf of the city of Omaha[?]   Wattles will extend the felicitations of the exposition association. Ex-Governor Crittenden of Missouri will respond, and then the visitors will be turned loose over the grounds, with the exception of the officials, who will be entertained at lunch by the Omaha city officials.

While there is no set program for the afternoon, a number of the visiting commercial organizations have planned demonstrations that will amuse themselves and interest the crowd. The excursionists will bring a profusion of bands and there will be music galore all the afternoon and evening. They will remain in the city over Sunday, and declare their intention to make it a hot town during their stay.


General Longstreet and Party Come to Look Over the Exposition.

General James Longstreet, railroad commissioner for the United States, accompanied by his party, arrived in Omaha yesterday noon, in a special car over the Northwestern, on a tour of inspection over the land grant and bond-aided roads. His car is sidetracked at the exposition grounds, where it will remain till tomorrow morning, when the general will leave for Denver, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, returning east by the southern route.

The party is composed of Mrs. Longstreet, Colonel and Mrs. C. C. Sanders, Miss Sanders, and Mrs. Sanders, all of Gainesville, Ga., Mrs. J. H. Hunt and Emory Shannon of Elberton, Ga., and the general assistant, L. W. Haskell of Abbeville, S. C.

The general said it had been forty years since his last previous visit to this city. At that time he was in the regular army, on his way to visit the different Indian agencies in his jurisdiction, and said there was little here then to indicate that a city was in store for the future. He said he was for three years with General Grant at West Point, being in the class ahead of the hero at Appomattox.

The general is 77 years old, but says he is in excellent health, and that he refrained from going to way only to prevent his tramping upon the toes of the enthusiastic younger generation. He contributed his two sons to the cause, however, one of whom is with Fitzhugh Lee at Jacksonville, and the other at Chickamauga. He says Fitzhugh Lee served under him during the civil war.

General Longstreet served one year as minister at Constantinople during the administration of President Hayes, and says he enjoyed his life there. It is an interesting city; with delightful climate and good enough for anybody. When President Garfield came in he was brought home and made United States marshal for the district of Georgia.

Colonel Sanders, who is one of the party, is president of a state bank at Gainesville, and served under General Longstreet during the rebellion. He commended five brigades during one engagement in which he lost 50 per cent of the men under him, none of whom were taken prisoners.

The members of the party put in the afternoon visiting the exposition, and all expressed pleasure over the beauty of the spectacle. The general was particularly enthusiastic in his praises of the enterprise, and says it is a credit to the city and the men who made it. He was so tired from his afternoon's exertions that he remained in his car last evening while his companions visited the Indians and watched the fireworks.


One Cent Per Mile for Flower Day and Other Occasions.

A rate of 1 cent per mile is offered on all railroads leading to Omaha today on account of the Flower parade, which will be the central figure on the exposition program, and railroad men anticipate a large attendance from surrounding town as well as from the three cities about the exposition. As the Flower parade was postponed until this afternoon from Tuesday there was some delay in securing the reduced rate and but little time has been left to advertise the new date. Wherever possible the railroads have boomed the attraction and good results are expected. The rate prevailing is 1 cent a mile from all points within 150 miles of Omaha and from points beyond this radius the rate offered is one regular fare for the round trip. In addition the tickets sold at reduced rates for Indian day will be good to return on this evening's trains, enabling the holders to remain to witness the unique parade on the exposition grounds.

Monday and Tuesday of next week a large party is expected to visit the exposition from St. Paul and Minneapolis. For this occasion a round trip rate of $14, including hotel expenses and exposition admissions for two days, is offered by the railroads.

On Friday, August 12, the children living along the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad are expected to unanimously report at the exposition grounds. Reduced railroad rates [?] made for children [?] age and an adult with every ten children will be given the advantage of the same rate. The children will also be admitted to the exposition at the rate of 15 cents per capita. The round trip rates offered for the children from the principal points in the Elkhorn August 12 are as follows: Norfolk, $1.35; Stanton, $1.35; Pilger, $1.10; Wisner and Beemer, $1; West Point, 85 cents; Scribner and Crowell, 75 cents; Hooper, 65 cents, and Nickerson, 55 cents. A special train will be run on this day for the benefit of the children and every attention will be shown them from the time they leave home until they are safely returned.

September 17 has been designated as Railroad day. While it is not anticipated that many of the railroaders will have to pay fare, a rate of 1 cent per mile from points within 150 miles and a rate of one fare for the round trip from points beyond this radius has been made for the benefit of the families and friends of the railroad men. The tickets will be good from September 17 to 19. Low rates have also been declared for the meeting of the National Dental association, August 25 to September 3; Labor Day and Firemen's Tournament, September 2 to 7; Commercial Travelers' day, September 24, and Sons of Veterans' Encampment, September 12 to 16.


Horticultural Building Thronged All Day by Visitors.

The exhibit in the Horticultural building was visited by more people yesterday than upon any previous day since the opening of the exposition. This was largely due to the opening of the gate in the rear of the Georgia building and but a few feet distant from the west door of the building in which the great fruit display is made. Thousands of people left the cars at this point and immediately visited the Horticultural building and state buildings on the Bluff tract.

The Horticultural building had been brightened up on the inside and everything presented a very pleasant and attractive appearance. One of the first visitors to call was Senator Dunlap of Illinois, president of the State Horticultural society, and the man who was in charge of the Illinois fruit exhibit at the World's fair. Speaking of the fruit exhibit at the exposition he said: "It is wonderful and never before did I realize that the western states are making such progress in fruit raising. We always thought that we could beat any state in the union. After looking through this building I am convinced that there are others and that unless we look to our laurels we may be outclassed. The west is becoming a great fruit raising district and there is no mistake about it."

Senator Dunlap will return home and work up enthusiasm among the Illinois fruit growers and will do much to keep the display in fine condition until the close of the exposition.

Superintendent Youngers of the Nebraska exhibit is out scouring the state in the interest of the Nebraska exhibit and while away will see a great many of the growers for the purpose of inducing them to send their fruit on for exhibition.

Superintendent Nelson of the Missouri exhibit is giving the shelves in his space a coat of fresh paint and is preparing to load them down with fruit. He has received fifteen evergreens which will be placed in tubs and located in connection with the exhibit. A large number of varieties of new peaches and pears from Missouri are being exhibited.

Kansas is showing a fine lot of new apples, which when added to the display already made furnished the state with a very creditable exhibit.


Trophy Taken by Corporal Boyle Now in Wattles' Office.

The captured Spanish flag that was recently secured by the War department for the exposition has arrived and is now suspended in President Wattles' office in the Administration Arch. It is not a large emblem, but it is regarded with more interest than any recent acquisition. A little over a month ago it was waving over the Spanish ramparts at Juraguasito and now it comes to take the place of the Spanish flag that crept into the international decorations when the exposition opened and was promptly relegated to the sewer in response to a vigorously expressed public sentiment.

The flag was captured June 23 by a detail of soldiers from Company B of the Twenty-second infantry. This is the Fort Crook regiment, and the prize is consequently of more than ordinary local interest. The men who particupated​ in the capture are Corporals Newman and Boyle and Privates Keyser, Cooley and Houghtaling.

For Red Men's Day.

Great preparations are being made for Red Men's day, which will be observed next Wednesday, and it is pretty certain that a great crowd will be in attendance. A committee from the local lodges called upon Captain Mercer yesterday and asked that he allowed his Indians to take part in the parade. The captain informed the members of the committee that he was willing to co-operate and would do all in his power to make the occasion a success. It is expected that fully 1,000 Red Men from Omaha and neighboring towns will take part in the exercises.


Experience of a Minnesotan in a Sixteenth Street Museum.

The St. Paul Globe of recent date tells the following on one of the members of Governor Clough's staff:

"While the governor and his party were taking in the sights of the Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha the other day, one of Mr. Clough's aides drifted away from the Minnesota party long enough to chase into a fake museum on Sixteenth street, where for 10 cents the patrons were regaled with some delectable visions of tawdry chromos and alleged wonders of more or less uncertain value. The two chief features of the place were a fascinating lecturer and a diligent small boy to take tickets. After the lecturer had finished showing the party around, he informed the ladies and the minors in sepulchral tones that they were through. However, the men, if they desired to see 'our special bill,' might remain for an additional charge of 15 cents. The men stayed, mostly.

"'Are you ready, Maud?' shouted the lecturer, metamorphosing into a stage manager with the easy grace of an Omaha Chesterfield.

"From the depths of a cavernous curtain came in a feminine voice: 'Not quite.'

"The crowd surged closer to the curtain; eyes set forward in their sockets like pigs at their matutinal trough. In a moment that seemed an eternity to the anxious throng, the curtain was pulled aside.

"Maud was ready. And there was not a wrinkle in her brand new bicycle suit, either, that had not been draped before the stage mirror."

Concert Last Night.

The third and probably the last of the series of grand court concerts by the Exposition chorus and Phinney's band was heard with substantial appreciation last night by an audience that packed the entire west half of the main court. The change to this end of the court proved most acceptable, as the wide sweep of pavement around the mirror offered far more spacious accommodation for the crowd and the music was heard to far better advantage than at the previous locations. The chorus sang the evening hymn, "Sun of My Soul," and "The Minstrel Boy" with excellent effect and the repetition of the antiphonal selection, "Adeste Fideles," was received with fresh appreciation. The band selections elicited equally warm approval, and the finale, in which the band played the "Star Spangled Banner" and the chorus followed with the national hymn, brought out quite a patriotic demonstration.

The music-loving public will hear with some regret that it has been practically decided that these concerts must be abandoned. The big crowds that they draw to the main court have wrought considerable havoc with these decorations and the management has declined to allow them to continue.

Fireworks in the Evening.

The Indian day celebration wound up last night in a display of fireworks that delighted the immense audience and elicited copious grunts of approval from the red men. To the people who were near enough to appreciate it the wonderment and admiration of the Indians were even more entertaining than the pyrotechnical effects. It was their first view of such a spectacle and even their stoicism was scarcely sufficient to restrain their approval.

The display was given at the encampment, but it was fairly visible from nearly every part of the grounds. It consisted of the usual succession of rockets, bombs, mines and colored effects and terminated with a magnificent set piece, which represented a huge Indian on horseback.

Was a Good Investment.

Representative Potter of Iowa, who was instrumental in securing the state appropriation which has enabled Iowa to erect a building and make a display at the exposition, was upon the grounds yesterday. He said that he was very much pleased with the exposition, and added: "Iowa made a good investment when it decided to be one of the great transmississippi states to advertise its resources. I predict that the state will be repaid tenfold for the money invested."

Sham Battle in Prospect.

A big sham battle will be one of the attractions of Red Men's days, next Wednesday and Thursday. The Red Men are noted for their ability to give a realistic imitation of a sure enough fight, and the plans contemplate the participation of enough [?]order to make the [?]


Exposition Notes.

Prof. F. M. Steinhauser has been elected musical director for the Transmississippi Sangerfest on the 19th, 20th and 21st of August. The Fest orchestra is composed of forty musicians.

The Nebraska Exposition commission has filed its statement for the month of July. It shows that the expenditures for the month were $4,649.09, leaving an unexpended balance of the $100,000 appropriated amounting to $25,085.76.

A large party of eastern tourists will leave New York September 1 on a trip to the Yellowstone park and arrangements have been made by which they will stop at Omaha and spend at least two days at the exposition. The party will travel in a special train and will include a number of prominent people.

Superintendent Hardt of the Department of Exhibits is still confined to his bed by an acute bowel trouble which seems reluctant to yield to treatment. The organization of the Bureau of Awards has been deferred on account of his illness, but an effort will be made to begin this part of the work of the department some time next week.

Dr. E. K. Jaques of Minneapolis has arrived in the city and will attend to installing the Minnesota honey exhibit in the Apiary building. The doctor is an enthusiast on the honey question and speaking of the exhibit now on exhibition, said: "It is as fine as I have ever seen, but wait until our honey is in place and then I think I will show you something a little bit better."

Some of the small boys who have spent their spare time during the summer in devising ways and means to beat the Admissions department have invented a scheme by which they raise the exit turnstiles off the cogs and walk in as easily as though they turned both ways. The job is done by slipping a piece of sheet iron under the stile, which raises it just enough so it will turn far enough backwards to allow them to squeeze through.

The Bureau of Publicity has issued a new illustrated pamphlet which includes some of the best views of the exposition grounds that have yet been issued. These show the buildings from different points of view and include a number of general views of the Midway, landscape effects and other features. The book contains a large amount of matter descriptive of the show and a vast amount of information that will be of use to visitors.

Superintendent Goodwin of the Mines building has just received a quantity of samples of manufactured Verde antique marble, which will be installed among the novelties of the building. This is a product peculiar to the Santa Catalina island off the California coast and is said to be the only stone that is susceptible of delicate turning and engraving. The exhibit includes tumblers, finger bowls and a variety of similar articles turned out of the solid marble. The stone is of a dark mottled color after it is polished and its texture is almost as fine as glass.

The Hoohoos of the transmississippi region have fixed upon the night of September 9 as the date for having their grand concatenation, at which time they will do their annual howling. The grand concert will be upon the roof of the Minnesota building, the structure having been tendered to the Hoohoos and the tender having been accepted. A number of candidates will be initiated after the transaction of the routine business which brings the Hoohoos together.

Executive Committee Meeting.

At the meeting of the executive committee yesterday afternoon action was taken contemplating another big parade next Thursday. This is an off day on the exposition calendar and the parade will be introduced for a drawing card. It will be an elaborate affair, as the Indians and the Midway will both participate. The details of the demonstration were turned over to President Wattles, who will have personal charge of the arrangements.

Exposition Rate Conference.

The conference of general passenger agents of western lines with the exposition directors on the subject of reduced rates to Omaha on account of the Transmississippi Exposition will be held in the Administration arch on the exposition grounds on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. The meeting was originally set for 10 o'clock, but the hour has been changed at the request of several who expect to be in attendance.


First Great Gathering of the Different Tribes in Close Communion.


Exposition Visitors Given an Opportunity Never Before Presented to Observe the Points of Contrast Between Red Men.

The Indian congress opened at the exposition grounds yesterday with savage ceremonial more or less appropriate to so important an event is one of the most unique and attractive features of the exposition. Never before was such an opportunity given to observe the red man in his native habits, methods of life and amusements, for never before were so many representatives of tribes and nations called together. It is no mean thing to show side by side the Assiniboine and the Jicarilla, the Musquawkie and the Comanche, the Chippewa and the Sioux, the Arapahoe and the Blackfoot, the Cheyennes and the Bannocks, the Wichitas, Osages, Iroquois, Omahas, all the noble, the industrious, the energetic of the race of men found by Lief Erickson and the Cabots. These form a congress worthy of the closest attention of the casual observer and the deepest study by the student. Captain Mercer will have in charge during the remainder of the exposition period one of the most remarkable gatherings, whether viewed from an ethnological or anthropological standpoint, ever offered. The North American Indians is surely fading from among the things that are. He is following the buffalo and the cowboy and a few more generations will find him but a memory. It was to catch him while yet he still has the impress of the mint, the mark of his aboriginality, that the Transmississippi Indian congress was provided. Here for the next three months at least can be found the red man just as nature produces him.

Day a Great Success.

Indian day at the exposition was a pronounced success and was enjoyed by the Indians as well as by the thousands of whites who watched the aborigines as they paraded the streets, as they cooked their meals, as they danced their dances and participated in their games. The day was commenced by Captain Mercer taking 150 of his children of the plains and the forests down town and parading them over the principal streets of the city. These Indians were mounted and were gaudily attired and painted according to the latest and most approved style. On their return they reached the exposition grounds at noon and at once proceeded to the center of the open space in front of the office building where they and the Indians who had remained behind participated in a flag raising.

Prior to the flag raising, Captain Mercer called the Indians into the square and, through an interpreter, explained the purpose of the gathering. Those who attended and listened were Bad River and Sac du Flambeau Chippewas, Rosebud, Lower Brule, Cheyenne, Sisseton, Flandreau, Standing Rock and Crow Creek Sioux, Sacs and Foxes, Assiniboines, Omahas, Winnebagoes, Blackfeet, Arapahoes, Jicarilla Apaches, Nes Perces, Comanches, Wichitas, Bannocks, Pueblos, Osages, Iroquois and Poncas. The Indians on horses formed a large circle, inside of which was placed the Indian band from the Sisseton agency. Outside of the circle stood the unmounted men of the different tribes, together with the women and the children.

As the flag ascended to the top of the mast the band played the "Star Spangled Banner," and as it fluttered out in the wind three cheers were given for Old Glory. Such cheers were never heard before. They were given in as many languages and dialects as there were tribes represented, but they were given with a hearty good will, and the hundreds of white who were standing around took up the spirit of the occasion and cheered Old Glory again and again. This mark of respect to the flag having been shown, Captain Mercer ordered the Indians to their dinner, the band playing "Yankee Doodle" as they scampered away. From the time of the completion of the meal, all was hurry and bustle in the Indian camp, as the order had gone forth that the parade was to start promptly at 1:30 o'clock. The parade, however, did not start at that hour. Indian parades, like those of the white man, are slow in getting in motion, and it was close to 3 o'clock before the aggregation, headed by a squad of Exposition police, swung into line and moved through the gates out into Twentieth street.

When the Parade Did Start.

There were tens of thousands of people lined along the Midway and the avenues of the Bluff tract and although they waited long they felt well repaid for the delay as they watched the Indians come and go. It was not necessary for the police to clear the way. The Indians did this themselves and as their column filled the streets from curb to curb, humanity flattened itself out against the buildings and occasionally felt of its scalplock to see if it was still in the proper place. This was more noticeable among the easterners and southerners than among the people who lived in the west and have rubbed up against the Indians for years.

Behind the exposition police marched the Flandreau band and then there were Indians on foot. They were dressed in apparel that was gaudy in the extreme, but in many instances the quantity was scarce and bare skin was more apparent than garments made of blankets or other material. Way up in the line there was a sledge drawn by a pony. On this sledge was what some spectators called a drum. Regardless of what it was, it was beaten by painted and feathered Indians and the hideous sounds it gave out as it responded to the thumps were only exceeded by whoops and howls of the passing throng. Following this instrument were more Indians on foot and then there was another one of the instruments of the same vintage as the one that had gone before.

There was slight break in the procession, but it was filled in by Captain Mercer and the members of his staff, who headed the mounted Indians. This break, however, added zest to the occasion, for it was the forerunner of the feature of the parade. It meant the coming of the 150 reds mounted upon horses and dressed in war costumes. The Indians who rode were clothed in all of the known colors and painted to perfection. The faces of some were a dead white, others were black, while other were red, blue or green. There were as many styles of painting as there were Indians. Eagle feathers formed a feature of the attire of many of the Indians, especially the Rosebud, the Brule and the Standing Rock Sioux. There were carried all of the Indian implements of ancient and civilized warfare. Some had the modern rifle, some the tomahawk, while plenty had the bows and arrows. Many a brave had a bunch of scalps dangling at his belt, while others held aloft and waved with great satisfaction great bunches of flesh, to which was attached hair, not human flesh and hair, but flesh and hair torn from a beef that had been slaughtered during the morning hours.

Amid enthusiasm that extended from one end of the grounds to the other the parade moved through the Midway and over the broad avenues of the Bluff tract, past the state buildings on the west side of the grounds, in front of the Horticultural building and back past the state buildings on the east side of the tract. It countermarched over the Midways and back into the enclosure, where the Indians enjoyed a brief period of rest.

Entertaining in the Enclosure.

There is no rest for an Indian when he is on dress parade for the benefit of his white brother, and shortly after reaching camp the entire population of the village was called over into the enclosure to amuse and entertain at 25 cents per amusement, that being the price charged to gain admittance to the enclosure. It required some time to get the show started and during the interim an Indian maiden of the Iroquois tribe fired arrows at a target, putting them remarkably close to the bull's-eye, but not quite as close as a young man who borrowed the outfit and made several center shots.

By this time the Indians had become rested from their tramp and were willing to begin the festivities of the congress. A party of some twenty marched out to the center of the grass plot and seated themselves cross legged upon the ground. With them they had half a dozen of their drums. Each Indian drew from some mysterious pocket beneath his blanket a stick and commenced to belabor some one of these drums, Outruns the Wold acting in the capacity of drum major. The beating of the drums continued for some minutes, during which time the Indians gathered from far and near, dressed in every style of garb known in Indian life on the plains and in the forest. They formed a large circle around the drummers, the squaws and children squatting on the outer edge. The male Indians injected themselves into the center of this circle and then the fun began. The dance was designated as He Lu Ski, which when put into English means nothing more than Brave Dance. This is a dance for the Winnebagoes and Omahas and they were the only ones who participated. An Indian would start out with a slow swinging step. This he would continue for a time. Gradually he would move faster and faster and continuing till he fell exhausted. Then others would dance and fall until about all had taken a turn at the machine.


To vary the program, Tom Sloane, an Indian attorney from the Omaha agency, presented a medal to Stone, a member of the Foxes. The thing was of silver, as big and thick as a saucer and upon one side it bore a figure of George Washington and upon the reverse an inscription, "Peace Forever." This started the gift making part of the program and Silver Brown of the Omahas stepped into the ring and in the best language that he could command, said that he would give a pony to the Indian he loved best and not to show any partiality he said he would allow S. A. Combs, a white man, to do the naming of the Indian. Combs did not know all of the Indians and with him it was something as a catch-as-catch-can. He looked the Indians over and pointed to Smoke Maker as the recipient of the gift. Silver Brown said that he was satisfied and Mr. Maker got the pony. After getting hold of the bridle of the animal Mr. Maker said that he had always wanted a white pony and as this one was white his ambition had been satisfied. Explaining his reasons for giving away the horse, Mr. Brown said that it was the custom for some person to give away a horse whenever the dance just concluded was given and as he had hundreds of ponies he felt it was his duty to do the giving at this time.

Horse Race Stops Dancing.

Somebody suggested that there ought to be more dancing and Oh Le She None, who boasts of having seen the snows of 113 winters, walked around the ring and invited everybody to join. A lot of old and young men stepped in and as the drums ground out more discords, the dance was continued until it was announced that it was time for a horse race. This announcement broke up the dance and everybody rushed to the edge of a quarter mile ring while six young Indians brought their ponies into the stretch. The word was given and off they went like arrows from the bow. It was not much of a race, for Bunchgrass, ridden by Woodhall from the Omaha agency, distanced all of the others and won in a canter. After this a friendly game of lacrosse between a couple of picked teams from the Winnebago agency was played, or at least started. It was not finished for the simple reason that darkness came on too soon.

There will be a change in the program today. It was announced last night that a scalp dance is scheduled for the afternoon, together with some horse races and ball games.


Indian Day the Third Best in Point of Attendance at the Exposition.

Thirteen Thousand Paid Admissions Registered at the Gates on Thursday.

Success Not Due Merely to Redskins, but Shows What Reasonable Rates Can Accomplish.

Indians to Be an Interesting Feature to Those Who Know Not the Redman as He Is.

Another Parade Next Thursday--A Few Facts and Figures Demonstrate What Low Admission Means to Show.

Yesterday ranked next to the Fourth of July and the opening day in point of attendance, nearly 13,000 paid admissions being recorded at the gates, while about $6,400 was received through the ticket windows. It was furthermore a money spending crowd to a greater extent than has been noticed on the grounds of late, and the day will net the exposition upward of $8,000 when the returns are all in.

While it was Indian day, the Indians were far from being the drawing card that was responsible for the presence of the crowd. The big factor was the reduced rates, the attendance being very largely from outside the city. The redskins, however, promise to be something of an attraction, though it is already apparent that too much is expected of them. Everything about them is genuine, and therein is where they will fall short of the expectations built up by many.

The exposition management is disposed to circus the feature as extensively as possible, and another parade is on the cord for next Thursday, President Wattles having been authorized by the executive committee yesterday to get up a parade of all the exposition features on that day, with the Indians and the Midway as a basis. It is intended to make that occasion the formal opening of the life saving service and the initial exhibition on the lagoon, as everything will be in readiness by that time.


Ever since the movement for a 25 cent evening rate was inaugurated it has been systematically represented by the opponents of the plan that the exhibitors were a unit against it, and that in case it was put in effect they had threatened to take their exhibits and go home. This was the statement made by Manager Bruce of the exhibition department before the board of directors and it had considerable effect, coming as an expression of the exhibitors as a class.

The fact is the exhibitors are in favor of the 25 cent rate, as was shown yesterday when the managers of 70 per cent of the exhibits in the Manufactures building, including all of the big exhibits with one exception, signed a petition to the executive committee asking that the 25 cent evening rate be at once put into effect for the remainder of the exposition period.

Not only did they express themselves as in favor of the reduced rate, but several of them stated that it was not until within the past few days that they learned that they had been represented as opposed to it. They said that the statements that had been made did not represent their sentiments and that they were in favor of whatever steps might be necessary to secure a crowd. They had brought their exhibits here to show and a crowd was as necessary to them as it was to the exposition. They were of the opinion that if the evening was set aside practically for the Midway and the outside features it would result in devoting the days more generally to viewing the exhibits, the visitors would not be so much on the rush and would take time to look more carefully and thoroughly, which was what the exhibitors wanted.


So far as the exhibit buildings are concerned, evenings have been a dead letter from the start. The "live" exhibits are almost, without exception, "dead" in the evening, and more than half of the exhibits have been covered up. The Government building is closed, and very few people have attempted to explore the half-lighted buildings, as they at once discovered the situation, and recognized the fact that, even if time were devoted to an exploration under such circumstances, it would have to be repeated in the daytime if they wished to really see what was offered for inspection in the various buildings. The average exposition visitor does not have so much time hanging on his hands as to lead him to voluntarily go over the exhibits twice as a whole.


The sentiment of the board of directors has been gradually inclining toward the reduced rate, as has been evidenced by the decisive vote with which each new proposition for its extension has been favored. It is realized that from the opening of the exposition to the present time the evening attendance, with the exception of a few nights on which there were pronounced special attractions, have not averaged 500 paid admissions, while on the two evenings on which the reduced rate has been tried it has been approximately 5,000 and 3,500. A little arithmetical calculation based on this knowledge has intensified the belief of the directors that their ideas on this question were right, and that the executive committee was wrong in its pronounced opposition to a reduction.

The Nebraska state commission has made its monthly report for July, showing the expenditure of $4,649.09, leaving a balance of $25,085.76 still on hand to defray the expenses of the three remaining months.

Phinney's band will give its farewell concert next Tuesday evening. On the afternoon of that day it will meet the visiting Iowa Knights of Pythias at the Sherman avenue gate, and escort them to the Iowa building, where the afternoon concert will be given. The Mexican band will be ready to open its engagement on Wednesday.


Four Hundred Indians Showing Their Life at Exposition.

War Cries, Songs, Dances and Games Delight Crowds---Their Parade Down Town Exposition Notes.

It will not be known for a little while whether the people in Omaha like better to see flowers than Indians, for the number on the exposition grounds Thursday, Indian day, was about the same as Tuesday, which was Flower day.

They began coming early, and extra ticket sellers had to be sent to some of the gates as early as 9 o'clock. A good business was done by the street cars and the Terminal railroad between Omaha and Council Bluffs. All railway trains coming into the city were full.

And the Indians at the encampment on the grounds were just as much interested in Indian day as the public. They, too, had never seen a day quite like it. Very few of them, indeed, have ever seen the representatives of so many different tribes together, and the Apaches, for example, are about as interesting to the Musquakies as they are to the whites.

The Indians got abroad early. Soon after their rude breakfast one could peep into a tepee and see a buck stark naked striping his bronze body with paint, and into another and observe a stout warrior trimming up his war bonnet, so as to appear faultlessly dressed in the parade.

The whole population was delighted when it was told them through the various interpreters by Captain Mercer that 100 of them were to be taken mounted and with all their war togs on through the streets of the city in the forenoon. The somber and sober fellows seemed to get excited as when all dressed out and mounted on their ponies they galloped about the camp ground repeating their war cries and yells in concert as if imagining that they were about to advance against an enemy or to engage in the chase. They seemed to reproach the fence as a barrier and cast longing eyes on the savage looking buffalo penned up for their later amusement and the entertainment of the public.

But there was one important ceremony before they should leave the camp on their trip down town. This was the flag raising. The Indian band was brought out and while it played "Yankee Doodle" the brightly plumed and befeathered host was drawn up around the flagpole, and as Mr. Wise and the master of commissary ran up old glory the band played "The Star Spangled Banner" and the dusky reds saluted and cheered the flag that now waves over their old hunting grounds.

The column then wheeled about and under the lead of Captain Mercer and Messrs. Liddiard and Hege went out the west gate and down into the city.


It was full noon when the fantastic procession got back to camp. The horses were turned out to some of the tall grass that still remains in that part of the grounds, the warriors doffed their war bonnets and hung them on the fence or on their tepees and the squaws went to work to cook the meat and boil the coffee for dinner. For an hour the crowd of braves and squaws was thick about the commissary building, retiring as their turn came with pieces of meat or loaves of bread or sacks of rice. The late return from the city made a late starting out on the big parade of the day, that down the Midway and encircling the bluffs tract.

The parade was advertised to start at 1:30, and by that time all the points of vantage along the route were packed, people standing several deep along the Midway and the porches of the state buildings being crowded. But the procession in which there was so much interest did not appear for an hour, and, in the meantime, many people got tired waiting, and were just beginning to go away to inspect exhibits when the sound of the drum of the Indian band announced that the show was on. Every brave, squaw and pappoose in the village was in the procession. Some were on foot, some on horseback, and a few in rude, low carts beating drums and tomtoms.


A fact especially gratifying to the public was that the representatives of the tribes were all in native costume, and there was a profusion of the paint and feathers and gorgeous ornaments in which the savage heart delights. The spectacle called to mind many of the old-time pictures of the Indian on his beloved plains, naked, save for a girding about the loins and decorations taken from the animals slain in the chase. Another gratifying feature was the banners carried designating the tribe to which the several detachments belonged, thus giving to the spectators a brief opportunity to contrast the physical characteristics.

About 400 were in the parade. It was not long in passing, but everyone thought it was a great show. Several were heard to say that they feared they would see nothing but a lot of Indians trudging along, wrapped in blankets, and they were satisfied when all the glory of savage holiday and war equipment burst upon them.


There were only a few who were skeptical about the character of the apparel of the naked bucks. Some were heard to say that they were in tights, but one young man was squelched when a young lady by his side said, "No, sir; that's hide; just hide; painted hide."

The band from the Flandreau Indian school, South Dakota, was at the head with only a detachment of exposition guards in front, and played well, alternating with the war whoops and yells of those behind.

The parade over, thousands [?] and made th[?]



Indian Day Parade Was a Great Thing Down Town.

The parade of the Indians at the congress yesterday made through the city streets down town, under the guidance of Captain Mercer and the illustrious "Rattlesnake Pete," Bill Liddiard was a thrilling and interesting spectacle indeed. There was a long line of these wild horsemen, including the tall Cheyenne, with lithe and graceful figure, in scanty apparel and wild accoutrements—splendid specimens of the old time native warrior, the terrors of the plains in the days of early emigration. The Brule Sioux are a majestic lot, big and powerful, but stolid, low-browed, and in their halcyon days were bloodthirsty, treacherous and cruel. The Ogallalas, Chippewas, Sacs and Foxes, Omahas, Blackfeet, Crows, Santees and Winnebagoes—they were all there in the glory of war paint, feathers, cows' horns, horses' tails and flaming seraphes. The big troupe made a wild picture, indeed, as it galloped up Farnam street in bands of four and five in their barbaric holiday attire of wolfskins and scarlet robes. The Ogallalas showed themselves particularly fond of fanciful trappings and were picturesque in the extreme on account of their grotesque paraphernalia and haughty bearing, which contrasted strongly with the dark-featured Crow and crafty Cheyenne, with their malignant scowls, painted, half-naked bodies, banded wrists and ankles, beads, hawks' plumes and Navajo scarfs.

Crowds lined the sidewalks and vied with the aborigines in the medley of sounds they uttered. There is no mistake that the exposition will score a hit with its latest accession.

Flower Day Parade.

Flower day, postponed from Tuesday by rain, comes today in fuller bloom than would have been possible Tuesday, and more elaborate. At least forty rigs will be seen in the procession. They will go out early in order to enable Rinehart to photograph them. The parade will begin at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and the carriages will be stretched out with space for viewing each, front and rear, to a pageant about three blocks long.

The flower parade will start promptly at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Those participating are requested to enter the grounds promptly at 3 o'clock by the carriage gate on the east side of Sherman avenue, opposite the Auditorium.

Indian Day Travel.

All incoming Thursday passenger trains were crowded with exposition visitors. The Burlington trains from the east and west brought in upwards of 2,500 people alone. The Lincoln Q. local, which ordinarily only carries three coaches, had fifteen yesterday, and all crowded. A party of 150 from Lincoln came in on No. 4. The other roads all had from three to five extra coaches attached.

For Sioux City Day.

General Manager Bidwell of the Elkhorn and Sioux City & Pacific companies has gone to Sioux City to confer with General Agent Cheney relative to local rates for Sioux City day at the exposition. It is anticipated that Sioux City day will be a corker in every sense of the word, as arrangements are being made for fully 5,000 visitors.

Notes of the Exposition.

Commissioner and General Superintendent Dosch of the Oregon exhibit is scattering about on the grounds a little compliment, being an engraving of the battleship Oregon, with a description.

The double system of pipes has been put into the Dairy building. This doubles the cooling capacity of the ice plant.


Leading Concessionaires Tell Why It Would Bring People and Money.

It Made Nashville a Success and Paid at Midwinter Fair---Tests Here Have Shown It Would Win.

Some people may have doubts as to the advisability of adopting a 25 cent rate of admission to the exposition after 7 o'clock in the evening, as urged by the World-Herald, but no boubt​ exists in the minds of the various concessionaires on the grounds. They say they are agreed that but three things are essential to a large attendance and brilliant close of the exposition: These are, viz.: "Circus" advertising, low railroad rates, and a 25-cent admission at night. They state that they have been brought here and induced to invest large sums of money under promises of from 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 attendance, and now after two months have expired the attendance threatens to fall far short of that; that believing the promises of low railroad rates, proper advertising and fair treatment, they paid 500 per cent more for ground rent and a larger percentage of receipts than was demanded at Nashville, and that as a result of the poor attendance there is not a show on the Midway today that has yet earned 10 per cent of the original investment—while a great many of them are being operated at a loss.

The turn stile reports for the two test nights which the directors granted at the request of the amusement concessionaires association have been taken as a convincing argument in themselves, when an ordinary day's business has been trebled, showing 66 per cent of the total number of admissions for the day were after 7 p. m., and too, without affecting the day's receipts in the least.

A great many of the proprietors of places of amusement on the Midway have been to all former expositions, and they have a thorough knowledge of all details pertaining to one, and could even, perhaps, give some of the officials a few pointers on how to operate. Knowing this, a World-Herald reporter interviewed a number regarding the night rate with this results:


Frederick Thompson of Heaven and Hell: "Does a night rate pay? Most assuredly. There is no argument to it. The first test night drove the nail; last night clinched it. Nashville at the middle of the season was in the same straits as the Trans-Mississippi—no attendance and very small prospects. But the management was equal to the emergency. It sent out advertising cars with lithographs and billed the surrounding country for miles. It induced the railroads to give rates whereby it was cheaper to come than to stay at home. It made a night rate of 25 cents after 7 p. m., and found it worked so well it changed the time to 6 p. m. Not only did it offer inducements to home people in the way of rates of admission, but also in the form of amusements. Elaborate displays of fireworks were given every other night, the Innes spectacular and band, the Belstadt-Ballenberg band, Conteruo's spectacular and band, Victor Herbert and various other attractions were offered as an inducement. Did it pay? Ask anyone who witnessed Nashville's brilliant close in spite of the Mississippi floods, hard times and yellow fever."


C. H. Dezevallos, president of the Concessionaires' association and owner of the giant seesaw: "Despite the fact that but little effort was made to advertise the 25-cent rate, the attendance last Thursday and yesterday was most gratifying, and I am of the opinion that a great mistake will be made if the rate does not continue. A large per cent of the people in Omaha are working people, and at the reduced rate working men would not only come themselves, but they would bring their families. What benefits the concessionaires benefits the exposition,as they are partners. The exposition is receiving more profits from the shows than the owners of the shows are."


Fritz Mueller, proprietor of Schlitz pavillion: "Four-fifths of the people in Omaha are working people. They can come to the exposition only at night or on Sunday. When they do come, they want to bring their families, and unless the rate is reduced to 25 cents they cannot afford it. This rate should be made and it should be made at once, as I am of the opinion that the success of the exposition depends, to a great extent, on this reduction."


Henry Willard, manager of Pabst on the Midway: "The 25-cent rate at night was the salvation of the Centennial exposition at Nashville. I fail to see how any man can a good reason why the 25-cent rate should not prevail. The attendance, if the 25-cent rate is given will not only quadruple the attendance now, but each person will have 25 cents extra to spend on the Midway. The exposition will, as you can see, receive more money at the gates and also much more from various concessions."


Gaston Akoun, proprietor of Streets of All Nations: "The total attendance at the Nashville exposition was more than 1,700,000, and I am safe in saying that fully 700,000 of those were Nashville people. I mean by that that Nashville's 100,000 people visited the exposition seven times each. The 25-cent rate and the 10-cent season tickets induced them to go. I saw the same people in my show hundreds of times."


A. F. Turpin, proprietor of the Cyclorama: "The tests have proven beyond a doubt that the 25-cent rate should be made. Last Thursday ten thousand people paid their way into the grounds. Three thousand of these attended during the day. The attendance on ordinary days has been less than 3,000, and I am convinced, therefore, that the cheap rate at night does not affect the attendance in day time.


Bayliss, Edison's Wargraph: "My reasons for lowering the 25 cent rate is that on the two nights which this rate has been made, my receipts have been more than doubled. Average has been tried in other such expositions and has been the means of bringing financial success to the exposition, and midway shows. I am sure four fifths of the shows will go from the Omaha exposition losers on their investment unless this rate is given. And, again, the Omaha working people coming at 7 p. m., cannot see one-third of the exposition, and it is no more than equity they should pay 25 cents. The visitor to the city would not wait untill​ night to save 25 cents where his hotel bill is from $3.00 to $4.00 per day. Hence I beg the support of your good paper in obtaining the 25-cent night rate."


A. Y. Pierson, Ostrich Farm: "I favor a 25-cent night rate because it brings more people to the grounds who could afford to and would most likely come several nights each week after business hours. A person will often pay a quarter, but might hesitate at 50 cents, especially when there are more than one in the party. It undoubtedly would help business and as the exposition draws a percentage of most of all the business done on the grounds, it would of course be benefited financially by the increased business caused by the increased attendance."


E. A. Felder of the Moorish Village: "A 25-cent rate at night and low passenger rates from contiguous territory will insure a tremendous attendance."


Charles F. Beindorf, German Village: "I consider that the success of the exposition, to a large extent, depends on a 25-cent rate at night. A majority of people in and around Omaha have seen the exhibits in most of the buildings and now they want to see the Midway, but they are not willing to pay 50 cents each night. The exposition management is as much interested in the success of the Midway attractions as are the concessionaires. The Midway attractions cannot be seen in one night, or two nights, or even a week; and if the rate is reduced men could come and bring their families."


Frank C. Bostock, manager Chiquita and the English Fair: "I am a believer in the masses. The way to get the masses of evenings, when most of the buildings are closed, is to make a 25-cent rate. There is no question in my mind but that the ultimate result would be a decided success, for both the exposition company and the concessionaires."


Dr. E. D. Colvin, manager Hagenback's: "In my opinion the 25-cent rate in the evening is a gratifying success and should be continued. It gives the workingman a chance to spend a pleasant evening at a nominal cost; also people employed during the day, who could not otherwise attend. It has been tried in San Francisco and Nashville and met with success. Why not in Omaha?"


E. W. McConnell, the Old Plantation: "I am most heartily in favor of a 25-cent rate of admission after 6 p. m. at the exposition, as it will be a sure financial winner, both to the exposition and- the individual concessionaires. My convictions are based upon past experience at other expositions. Should a half rate be given to Omaha people, they would be by the half rate induced to visit the exposition after office hours to meet their friends, instead of visiting the parks for an evening's entertainment. Double the attendance at night by a cheap rate, and the concessions will fill their coffers and add much to the percentage paid to the exposition company. A half rate at night will be a success."




Recognizing the true importance of the lumber industry as a leading factor in the development of the territory most directly interested in the success of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, now in progress at Omaha, the management of that courageous and broad-minded enterprise has very properly set apart a date to be known to the world as "Lumbermen's Day." On September 9 the lumber fraternity of the nation, the continent and the world, or so many thereof as can, are invited to rendezvous at Omaha with the purpose of sharing in one day's exhibition distinctly given over to them and to be signalized by exercises and features of peculiar interest to all lumbermen. The convocation thus of large numbers of lumbermen from all sections and representing various interests, will afford participants delightful opportunities of forming new acquaintances and for the promotion of the fellow feeling that moves "birds of a feather" to sympathetic ends.

John A. Wakefield, secretary of the exposition, is a lumberman and a gentleman of demonstrated fertility of resource. Aided by the counsels of other lumbermen throughout the country, whose advice he has invited, there is little doubt that features of the occasion will be presented on "Lumbermen's Day" in the highest degree diverting, interesting and beneficial.

A very large contingent of the lumber trade, of the northwest, at least, it is assumed, will naturally plan to attend the exposition some time during the period preceding its close. In view of this fact, it seems to The Timberman that it would largely conduce to the pleasures of all lumbermen so intending to time their visits so as to be present on their own "day." In the interest of the trade and its votaries, the latter is what we would cordially recommend in every case possible.

As has been shown in these columns, and according to the general tenor of all available testimony on the subject, the exposition comprises an aggregation of features not to be despised even by those in whose memories pictures of the World's Fair are still fresh. The Omaha exposition brings the whole idea of unrestricted exhibition practically down to the day and the hour, and the Omaha show of course embraces objects and novelties to which the Chicago affair was a stranger. One of the objections to the World's Fair from the individual standpoint had relation to its incomprehensible vastness and the incidental physical impossibility of seeing and appreciating it all in detail. Naturally, this objection is in a considerable measure modified in the demands upon one's time and attention at Omaha, and it remains beyond question that to anybody, however blase, the show is well worth a long journey to see and study its splendors and its lessons.

And, besides, we are all interested in having it said after the fact that "Lumbermen's Day" was the most notable in the history of the exposition. We would like to be able to say that, and hope to do so.

The committee of lumbermen having the matter in charge have issued the following circular:

September 9th, 1898, will be Lumbermen's Day at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Nebraska, and arrangements are practically perfected for the handling of the largest body of lumbermen ever gathered together in the United States.

Especially reduced railroad rates to Omaha and return will be made from all points upon that occasion.

Special rates will be made to everything on the Midway.

A concatenation of Hoo-Hoo will be held on the grounds in one of the Trans-Mississippi buildings and a unique parade of these same cats in costume will be held upon the grand court on that day.

A log-rolling contest by imported northern experts will take place in the open lagoon.

The Nebraska lumbermen will keep open house at the Nebraska building.

These and several other important features will serve to make the day a memorable one.

In the evening there will be a grand pyrotechnic display, including set pieces of objects familiar to every lumberman.

The manufacturer, the jobber, and the retailer will be there and an opportunity will be given everyone to extend his lumber acquaintance over an extremely wide territory.

J. J. Bonekemper,
F. Colpetzer,
Geo. A. Hoagland,
J. S. White,
P. E. Smith,


Congressman of the Second Returns for the Summer.

Congressman D. H. Mercer arrived in Omaha from Washington yesterday with his family and announced his intention of remaining in the city during the balance of the summer. He said his first duty would be to thoroughly inspect the exposition, as he had not had the opportunity of coming home to do so heretofore.

In this connection Mr. Mercer said he expected that a large number of congressmen and newspaper men from the national capital will visit Omaha during the next two or three months. All of the newspaper men and many of the congressmen were very much interested in the idea of making up a party to attend the opening of the exposition, but were disappointed by the great pressure resulting from the war, which prevented them from leaving Washington. The congressmen have now been relieved. and Mr. Mercer says many of them have announced their intention of coming to Omaha to spend their usual summer outing.

"The people from the east who visited the exposition during the opening days are just getting back home and getting the news of the exposition distributed among their friends," said the congressman, "and the latter are beginning to realize that the exposition is a good thing and are making preparations to see it. I believe that the old town will be overrun with eastern people during the balance of the time the exposition is open, and Omaha will be talked about more than ever."

According to the telegram received by Mr. Mercer after his arrival in the city, the first contingent of this army of invasion will arrive in Omaha this afternoon, when Congressman Loudenslager of New Jersey and a party of New Jersey officials and prominent people will reach Omaha to remain for several days inspecting the exposition. The party will come in over the Burlington this afternoon from the south.


Contrasts Between This Land as They Used to Know It and as It Is.

Red Men Coming to the Great White City Remark on the Change---Editor Ribok's Instructive Comment.

Horace M. Ribok, editor of the Tama County, Ia., Democrat, who is also an Indian agent, is attending the Indian congress at this city, and contributes this striking sketch of what the exposition means to Indians and to the white men:

A delegation from the Tama county, Ia., camp arrived at the Indian congress Monday evening about 5 o'clock, after a pleasant but uneventful ride of eight hours across Iowa. I said it was an uneventful ride, but that is true rather of the writer than the Indians, for to some of them it was like a baptism of youth. Soon after we had passed Coon Rapids I observed two of the elder members of the delegation with car seats turned facing each other, intensely engaged in conversation, making eager observations from the car window, and gesticulating as if describing some scene of activity of which they evidently had personal knowledge. As we shot through the rough and rolling country beyond Coon Rapids, they watched every hill and valley with an eagerness that was interesting to the observer and thrilling to them. The actors in this scene were On-A-Wat and Pa-Na-Na-Que, two of the few survivors of that powerful nation of aborigines who, but a little over a half century ago, held sovereign rights to the best agricultural state in the union, but are now content to possess only 3,000 acres of their former domain. I wondered at the cause of their interest, at their eagerness. Presently On-A-Wat beckoned me to a seat beside him, and in broken English volunteered the explanation:

"Thirty-seven years oga we kill 'em deer here. There (pointing out a spot at the foot of a large hill and by the edge of a brook passing through the valley) my wickiup [?]ellu-ka, Pa-Na-Na-Que, John Allen, kill deer. Some days one, some days five, kill 'em. Some times not kill 'em any. Ride all over here, pony. No fences, no timber Coon river to Missouri. Thirty-seven years ago me camp here, kill deer, eat 'em. White man now corn all over; no deer; no more creek, just slough. Indian show white man raise corn; white man take land, raise corn all over."

With these reflections on his observations, the Indian drew his blanket up around him and the conversation ceased, and the wonder is left with us, What does the Indian think of the civilization of his white brother?

Regardless of how the Indian may answer this question and what his philosophy of the case may be, the Trans-Mississippi exposition stands conspicuously the most stupendous fact in the history of that magnificent empire lying west of the Mississippi river. Would that the shade of the illustrious Jefferson might witness the significance of the Louisiana purchase! Our text books have erected mile stones in history on which are inscribed the expedition of Lewis and Clarke, the conquest of Mexico, the wanderings of the pathfinder, the victory of national authority over border warfare, the subjugation of the red man, and the triumph of law and order over the frontier ruffianism—but no event in the history of the great west is so significant as the great industrial exposition now in session in this city. It is the realization of all and more than Jefferson hoped for. It surpasses the wildest dream of the pathfinder or the pioneer. It is the most stupendous fact in the history of the people of varied language, customs, color and blood, who inhabit this cast domain. It is almost as marvelous to the pale face as to the native of the plains.

One of the most befitting and timely conceptions of the exposition is the congress of American Indians. This is the territory of the scenes of his hostile activity. On these western plains and in these valleys he fought his last battle in the contest with a superior race for the survival of the fittest. Here he has made his last but hopeless stand, impelled by the intuitive law of self-preservation, for the survival of his race and radical tradition, customs, laws. Here he has been vanquished from the contest for the sovereignty of the land over which he roamed, and from which he gathered his sustenance, and here he has been compelled to swear an eternal and perpetual peace as a subject, a citizen, of a nation dominated by another race. When peace came to him and the nation, it settled upon the tents of hitherto hostile tribes of his own race. What is more befitting than that this era of universal peace between the different Indian tribes and between the Indian race and the nation should be immortalized at a great peace gathering at Omaha, where the arts and industries of the peace that has settled over the vast empire lying between the Mississippi and the ocean on the west are spread before the world, and the world is asked to look, to behold!

Just what the impressions of the Muskwakie will be when he passes out the gates of the White City, and bids his brethren from the north, south and west farewell is a matter of conjecture, but at present he is engaged in shaking hands and conversing in the sign language with the sons of warriors of other tribes, against whom his fathers wielded the war club with vehemence and partial success, and he is intensely engrossed in the panorama of peace, friendship and industry which surrounds him.


Twenty Bands and Crocker's Brigade May Be Here September 21.

The meeting of the executive committee of the Iowa exposition commission closed Thursday at the Iowa building. A large part of the time of the meeting was taken up in discussing plans for Iowa day, September 21.

Major M. H. Higley, representing the famous Iowa Crocker's brigade, was present to express the desire of the brigade that the date for the state day be set a day or two later. The reason was that the brigade is to hold its biennial reunion at Jefferson, Ia., September 20, and 21, and most of the members of brigade wanted to come to the exposition for the state day. The committee was disposed to make the change, but it was found that the two following days were already set apart. An effort will therefore be made to begin the reunion one day sooner so that the members may come direct from Jefferson to participate in the state day here.

It seems likely that twenty or thirty bands from different parts of the state of Iowa will be brought here for the occasion and that excursions will be run from all the principal cities in the state. It is also expected that the cadets at the State Agricultural [?]


A program has been outlined. From 8 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. concerts by the bands will be given at the state building. The parade will form down town, and just after noon march to the state building. From there it will parade the Bluff tract and the Midway, winding up at the Auditorium, where the exercises will be held. There will be band and vocal music and addresses by Governor Shaw of Iowa, Governor Holcomb of Nebraska, President Wattles, Congressman R. G. Cousins, whom the Iowa people like to call "Our Bob"; ex-Governor Saunders, ex-Senator Harlan and other prominent men.


First Flag Trophy of the Present War Now at the Exposition.

President Wattles has received from Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn the first flag captured from Spain in the present war. Pinned to it is a sheet of paper giving the facts in the case. It was captured by company B of the Twenty-second infantry, Omaha's own company, at Juraguasita, Cuba, June 23. Those making the capture were Captain Neloman and Boyles and Privates Keysor, Cooley and Houghtaling. It is about four feet long by two and a half wide. It will be on exhibition in the Government building during the remainder of the exposition.

Kansas City Day Today.

Today will be Kansas City day. The mayor of Kansas City and the city council will arrive in the morning and be the guests of the mayor and city council of this city, who will meet them at the depot and breakfast them at the Millard hotel. A large excursion from Kansas City is also expected. Exercises will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. They will be short. Addresses of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Moores and President Wattles, and a response will be made by ex-Governor Crittenden of Missouri. Music will be furnished by the Phinney band. After the exercises a luncheon will be tendered the guests at the Markel cafe.

Wheelmen's Day at the Expo.

All roads and cycle paths will lead to the exposition August 15, the day set apart as Wheelmen's day at the big show. That the occasion will be the social event of the season from a cycling standpoint goes without saying. The Midway concessionaires have responded quite liberally by offering special rates and programs, and the exposition people will allow bicycles on the grounds. Badges will be given to all attending wheelmen, and several side features of interest to wheelmen are now on the tapis. Suffice it to say that every bicycle rider attending the exposition on August 15 will have the "mostest fun for the leastest money."

Installing the Mexico Exhibit.

Albino R. Nuncio, connected with the department of formento, or promotion, of the republic of Mexico, is busy unpacking and installing the exhibit from Mexico. It will occupy 1,000 square feet in International hall, and consists of agricultural, mineral and manufactured products.

The Mexican band of forty-two pieces will reach Omaha for an engagement of several weeks at the exposition next Tuesday.

Single Taxers Next Month.

Replying to an inquiry from Mr. J. J. H. Reedy of this city a letter comes to him from Governor Pingree's firm at Detroit stating that John B. Howarth, the veteran single taxer, will attend a single tax conference in this city in September. Possibly Governor Pingree may be here also at that time.

Single taxers throughout the west will participate in the demonstrations. The exact date will be announced later, but it will probably be in the latter part of September. The meetings will be held at the exposition grounds.

Notes of the Exposition.

Utah and Minnesota are putting in their honey exhibits.

Next Wednesday and Thursday will be Red Men's days.

A considerable exhibit of Indian made goods from the reservation of the Sacs and Foxes and Musquakies at Tama, Ia., is being placed in the main room of the Iowa building.


Exposition Managers Actively Carrying Out the Missourians' Injunction.


Omaha Opens Its Arms to the Visitors, Who Cordially Respond.


His Honor Points Out the Mutuality of the Metropolitan Interests.


Eloquent Kansas Cityan Pours Forth a Torrent of Amicable Encouragement for Closer Relations Between the Two Cities.

The big crowd of public officials and citizens that Kansas City sent to see the exposition is very much in evidence today. The pretty badges of the visitors are conspicuous all over the grounds and the people who wear them constitute one of the liveliest and most enthusiastic crowds that has yet visited the show. The visitors came in on half a dozen crowded trains and during the forenoon they made their way to the grounds in small parties to get a glimpse of the exhibits before the exercises of the day begun. They found the grounds barely recovered from the drenching of the night before, but the excellent drainage system had carried most of the water away and very little inconvenience was experienced in walking about the grounds. The local attendance was not heavy during the forenoon, but after dinner the people arrived in great numbers and the crowd began to approximate the dimensions of the preceding days. The badges worn by the visitors bore the suggestion "You will Have to Show Me," and the management in connection with the local city officials are doing their best to observe the injunction.

The official members of the party were a little late in getting out and it was a little after 11 o'clock when they appeared at the Auditorium. They were escorted to the stage by President Wattles of the exposition association, Mayor Mooores​ and other city officiation, Mayor Moores, and other city offi- of popular airs and the crowd poured in and partially filled the building. A few minutes later the Manufacturers' association of Kansas City, headed by Blackman's band, arrived at the grounds and the band was escorted to a place on the stage.

Welcomed to Omaha.

President Wattles called the crowd to order and introduced Mayor Frank E. Moores, who welcomed the visitors in behalf of the city. He assured them that this is no perfunctory duty. At this time when the great west is making this magnificent exposition of its resources it is eminently fitting that the good fellowship and hospitality, which was no less a product of the west, should not be lacking. The west had produced Lincoln, whose motto was "Malice toward none and charity toward all." It had produced Grant, whose magnanimous conduct at Appomattox had done so much to relieve the acerbities of civil war.

Mayor Moores called attention to the fact that Omaha and Kansas City occupied a very similar position in regard to the commercial field in the west. But this is no reason why their competition should not be of the friendliest character. Their interests are in the main identical. What brings benefit to one must in some degree assist the other. In conclusion he presented Acting Mayor Burroughs with the huge golden kays​ which represented the liberty of the city.

In behalf of Mayor Jones, who was unable to be present, Mr. Burroughs expressed the aprpeciation​ of the visitors at the very hospitable reception that had greeted them, and was succeeded by ex-Governor Crittenden of Missouri, who responded in behalf of the people of his state. The speaker declared that they had stopped at the gates this morning and declared with admiration and gratification, "Behold, a greater than Chicago." They would return home to proclaim the beauties of the exposition and the hospitality of the city and send the rest of their inhabitants to descend on Omaha like a flight of locusts.

Come to Cheer Us On.

Continuing Governor Crittenden declared that they had come to pluck no flowers, but to add brighter colors to our wreaths. They came from a sister city and they were animated by only one feeling and that to do honor to an enterprise that honored the whole west. There is no hatred towards Omaha in Kansas City. They recognized in Omaha a great and energetic city and have no desire to rob it of any of the laurels it has won. "All hail to Omaha" is the utterance of Kansas City, Missouri, and the great west of which we are all a part, and all shared the expectation that the exposition would bring an added measure of prosperity to the whole west.

Referring to Kansas City, the speaker sketched a brief statistical review of its business resources and superior advantages, and declared that if he had access to similar date in regard to Omaha he would speak of it with the same pride. Omaha has accomplished what no other city dared to undertake and its success has surprised everyone, except itself.

Governor Crittenden's address was followed by a selection by Blackman's band and a short address by President Wattles, who said that it was especially appropriate that the first municipal day at the exposition should be celebrated by Kansas City. No city ever won commercial supremacy by tearing down the prestige of another city. The interests of the two municipalities were identical. They were both developments of the pioneer life of the early west. The future of both depended on the continued growth and prosperity of the same territory. This neighborly visit was only one of the evidences of good will and encouragement that had been received from Kansas City during the progress of the exposition. The great enterprise stood like a beacon light and commanded the attention of the world. That such results could be accomplished in the midst of financial embarrassments by a people burdened by crop failures and evil reports, was the greatest marvel of modern times. It was an exposition of pluck and energy and enterprise that had never been equaled.

More music concluded the exercises, and the crowd was turned loose to follow its own inclinations. The flower parade will be repeated at 4 o'clock if the weather permits it.

Had a Floral Flag.

The feature of the band concert on the Plaza last evening was the unfurling of a floral flag. After the last number on the program had been played a large flag of natural flowers was unfurled and pulled to the top of the staff. It was allowed to remain there a few minutes, after which it was hauled down, the flowers picked off and distributed among the audience.

Joe Schwartz, the head flagman, was responsible for the feature, it having been an idea that he conceived.


Squaws and Maidens Give a Sample of What They Can Do.

The Indian congress drew its share of the exposition crowd yesterday and the people who attended the festivities were apparently satisfied. During the morning hour there was a dress rehearsal, a number of the tribes putting the finishing touches on the dances which they will give during their stay. Later in the day a large ring was roped off for the purpose of preventing the whites from crowding up upon the dancers. This ring is about 100 feet in diameter. The band stand, or rather the band ring, is in the center and here the Indians will sit upon their haunches and beat out doleful music, while around them will gyrate, the painted and feather-bedecked children of the mountain, plain and forest.

Yesterday afternoon the congress opened by a party of Assiniboines putting on a friendly dance, which, when uninterpreted, is "Ki Yi Hi." The dance is an easy swinging affair, the movement being similar to that of a chicken that hops about with badly frozen feet. This dance continued for an hour or more, after which a number of squaws injected themselves into the ring and gave a dance peculiar to the women of the Sioux tribe. Like all other Indian dances, this one was accompanied by singing and the beating of wheezy drums. It is apparent that tune and harmony don't count for much with Indians when they dance, noise being the principal accompaniment. The women were beautifully painted, red being the prevailing color, though there were many bright stripes of black artistically daubed across their cheeks, lips and foreheads.

Mrs. Hits-the-Eagle-High-in-the-Clouds was the belle of the ball and won frequent and uproarious applause. Her step was as light as that of a young fawn. while her costume was strikingly fetching. She wore a dress of red blanket, cut decollete at both top and bottom. Over his she wore muskrat skin rimmed with [?]


Miss Hits-the-Eagle-High-in-the-Clouds was attired in a dainty suit of yellow calico, reaching to her knees, a girdle of brass encircling her waist. She encased her feet in slippers of buckskin, hair side in, the tops worked in porcupine quills, dyed red and blue. Her pantalettese were of blue blanket, cut bias and trimmed down the sides with white braid.

Mrs. Loves-One-Man and her daughter, Miss Runs-Like-the-Deer, were gowned in blue calico, trimmed with red. They carried goldenrod for flowers.

Miss Hurt-When-She-Was-Young wore white over a red blanket and carried small mirrors for ornaments.

Although quite fleshy Mrs. Knows-No-Fear danced as lightly as though she was made of feathers, notwithstanding the fact that she tips the scales at 205 pounds. Her costume was rich in the extreme. It was of yellow squaw cloth, a kind of flannel, and was profusely decorated with clam shells and pieces and strips of otter fur. She wore her hair down her back, with a crown of hawk feathers, dyed crimson, encircling her head.

Miss Rides-the-Wind, from the Blackfeet agency, tried to outshine her friends and some of the spectators thought that she did. She wore a beautiful robe of buckskin, tanned a bright yellow and hand painted. It was covered with figures representing hunting scenes, with Indian tepees in the background. Her black hair was gathered in the back and held in place by a strip of red braid, which hung nearly to the ground. She carried a turkey wing for a fan.

There were many other striking costumes which were greatly admired, especially by the white women who stood around the ropes.


Cadets from Ames and Many Bands Will Be Present.

The executive committee of the Iowa Exposition commission held its meeting yesterday and adjourned. All the members were present. September 21 was fixed upon as Iowa day. The Crocker brigade of Iowa had asked that September 23 be set aside as state day, but upon conferring with the members of the executive committee of the exposition it was ascertained that both September 22 and 23 were set apart for the Woodmen of America, so it was decided to retain the day first considered.

Word was received from Ames that three battalions of the cadets from the Agricultural college will be present and take part in the exercises. The Ladies' Cornet band of Eldora offered its services and the offer was accepted. It is expected that at least twenty-five Iowa bands will be in attendance and march in the parade that will form down town and proceed to the grounds. The procession will march over the avenues of the Bluff tract and past the Iowa building, then proceed to the Auditorium, where it will disband.

The exercises will be held in the Auditorium and will consist of vocal and instrumental music and speeches. President Wattles will deliver the address of welcome. To this Governor Shaw will respond, turning the state building over to the exposition. Congressman Cousins will speak in behalf of the state. In the Iowa building there will be concerts continuously from 8 o'clock in the morning until 1 o'clock in the afternoon. In the evening there will be a display of fireworks.

The commission stated that a rate of 1 cent per mile had been secured from all points in Iowa and it was probable that fully 50,000 people will be here.


Money-Spending Crowd Makes Things Lively at the Attractions.

The attractions on the Midway made all kinds of money last night. It was a money spending crowd, and while the streets were packed from one end to another, all of the shows had all the people that they could handle until the last hour for closing arrived. Special numbers were added in many instances and all were enjoyed.

The Battle of Confetti drew the crowd to the Streets of All Nations. In the true sense of the word, this was not a battle. It was simply the throwing of small bits of paper. Each person upon entering the streets was given a sack filled with little squares of paper of various colors and the person receiving one of these sacks felt at liberty to throw the contents into the face, or upon the clothing, of any other person.

The only thing to mar the pleasure of the evening was a fire at the Bombardment of Fort Mantanzas. Early in the evening the film used in the movable pictures broke and one end flew against the machine that is used for projecting the pictures. This film is of combustible material and as soon as it came in contact with the electric light it burned like loose powder. The department was called, but before its arrival the damage was complete. Manager Baylis immediately telegraphed for new films, which will arrive in three or four days. During that [?] he will be tied up. After[?] not listened to by as big a crowd as was expected, it being apparent that something else instead of music was wanted in the amusement line.


Uncle Sam is a Generous Provider to His Aboriginal Wards.

One of the interesting features at the Indian congress at the exposition is the issuance of rations to the 450 Indians who are congregated within the enclosure. Along the north side of the tract are located the officers' quarters and storehouses, one of the latter being used as a store from which are issued all of the rations. The same course of issuing is pursued as at the respective agencies. On the list kept at the store is the name of every head of a family represented, and the number of persons in each family. Each family head is given a card designating who he is and how many are depending upon him for the necessaries of life.

In order that there may not be a greater rush of business on one day more than another, the Indians are divided into ration parties, and to each party is given rations sufficient to last for the period of five days. Thus, one party comes in today, another tomorrow and so on until the end of five days, when all have been supplied and the first party is due to report again.

Sometimes one man will draw rations for half a dozen families, but as a rule each head prefers to draw for his family and no other. They sit around the store, smoking and telling stories, much after the style that will be observed at any country cross road. After one Indian is waited upon, another drops into his place, presents his card, and the food to which he is entitled is weighed or measured and dropped into a sack, after which he hurries back to his camp. The store opens at about 7 o'clock in the morning, and continues to do business until the last Indian is supplied.

The following rations are allowed each person per day: One loaf of bread and 14 2-5 ounces of flour, 1½ pounds of beef, 4 8-10 ounces of coffee, 16-100 ounces of tea, 1 92-100 ounces of sugar, 1 12-100 ounces of beans, 64-100 ounces of hominy, 1 92-100 ounces of dried fruit, 1-100 gallons of syrup, 1-100 quart of vinegar, 64-100 ounces of salt, 4-100 ounces of pepper, 16-100 ounces of baking powder, 64-100 ounces of lard, 1 64-100 ounces of soap, 9 60-100 ounces of potatoes, 2 40-100 ounces of onions and 60-100 ounces of rice.

Experience taught Captain Mercer that the amount of rations heretofore named would not be sufficient to appease the hunger of the Indians, especially as they were working, dancing or playing games a greater portion of the time, so he ordered that one-third more of everything except soap be added.

The Indians are not burdened with a large supply of cupboards and cooking utensils, so consequently the matter of caring for their supply of food that is left over after each meal is simple. Instead of having the cans, jars and crocks that are possessed by the American housewife, they have simply one large sack which contains everything in the cooking line except the lard, vinegar and the syrup. These articles are put in cans or bottles and placed on one side of the tepee.

The beef is issued fresh and consequently during this hot weather it has to be cured in order to keep it from one meal until the next. In curing meats the Indian squaw is an expert. After her husband returns from the store she takes possession of the meat at once and begins operations upon it with a sharp knife. It is cut into strips perhaps half an inch thick and as long and wide was the piece will permit. These pieces are pierced with a sharp stick and hung from a tree, a pole or the roof of the tepee to dry, great care being taken to put them above the reach of the dogs, which around an Indian camp are even more numerous than the Indians themselves. After being hung out in the hot sun the odor of the fresh meat attracts numerous flies, but that doesn't count. They gather in swarms and deposit their eggs, but before the hatching period arrives, the meat has dried and is hard as a bone.

While the Indian is not a graduate of any cooking school, he, or rather she, puts up a meal that is as palatable to an Indian as though it had been cooked and served in the most fashionable French restaurant in the land, though it is not usually relished by the white man, especially the one who is troubled with dyspepsia or has a weak stomach.

They are great on mixed dishes and as a result the meat, the hominy, the rice and beans all go into one kettle. There it boils and simmers until it is one mass about as thick as gruel, after which it is ready to serve. This is seasoned to suit the taste and then dished out into tin vessels and thickened with bread and eaten with spoons. If it is not all eaten at one meal it is warmed up for the next and warmed again until it is disposed of.

Indians all like coffee and they make good coffee, too. It is black and strong, but the cooks know just how to boil out the flavor. They drink it boiling hot and as much as they can hold.

Like the white man, the Indian eats three meals a day, when he can get them, but if he is forced to a starvation diet, he can go from six to eight days without eating. In order to do this he draws his belt a little tighter each day and continues his fast until he dies of hunger, or until he finds something to appease the cravings of his stomach.

As to the sleeping, the Indian pursues the same customs as his white brother. He goes to bed early and sleeps late, providing he has no work to do that calls him out in the morning. However, if he has employment or business matters that demand his attention, he is up before the sun and continues until he has completed his task.

Executive Committee Meeting.

At the meeting of the executive committee of the exposition, held yesterday, it was decided to make the admission for next Thursday evening 25 cents. This rate will apply after 7 o'clock.

The question of the price of admission of next Sunday was settled. It had been reported that the price would be 25 cents. The committee disposed of the matter by resolving that it should be 50 cents, no more and no less.

Program for Indian Exercises.

Hereafter there will be a regular program of events that will be pulled off at the Indian congress. Dr. War Eagle, an Iroquois, has been appointed master of ceremonies and he will co-operate with Captain Mercer in furnishing something instructive and amusing. The program this afternoon and evening will be participated in by the Blackfeet and Assiniboines and will include the following named dances: Grass or brave warrior dance, dog party or adopting dance, medicine dance, bear dance, tea dance by warriors and squaws, deer dance, pigeon dance and snake dance. The exercises on Sunday will be of a religious nature. There will not be any preaching, but there will be dances, all dedicated to the Great Father, the leading Indians in attendance upon the congress having decided to abstain from participating in wild dances on Sunday.

Time for Live Stock Entries.

The Department of Live Stock of the exposition issues the following:

In the interests of all exhibitors of live stock, and the furtherance of a desire to increase the number of exhibitors to the utmost extent, the dates of the closing of entries in both live stock and poultry departments are extended to August 20, 1898. Blank entry sheets can be had by addressing John B. Dinsmore, superintendent, Omaha.

Notes of the Exposition.

Mrs. Andrew Rosewater bombarded the participants in the Flower parade with the contents of a bushel basket of flowers, and Mrs. Colonel Hambleton of the Illinois building also showered a lot of floral missiles.

The Eastern Central Passenger association has announced a rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip to Chicago for Commercial Travelers' day, September 24. The fare from Chicago to Omaha will be one fare for the round trip.

W. J. Stewart, secretary of the Society of American Florists favors the department of transportation with a letter that is entirely unique in the correspondence of that department. He assures Manager Babcock that the florists are well pleased with the rate that has been secured for their annual convention in Omaha and that they will attend in large numbers.

The flag over the Life Saving Service building floated at half mast yesterday in memory of Superintendent Nathaniel Robbins of the Lake Michigan district, whose death from apoplexy has just been reported. Captain Robbins was one of the old-timers in the live saving service and was located at Grand Haven when his death occurred.

The heavy rain that soaked Omaha and vicinity early this morning did no material damage at the grounds. The walls of the lagoon were not perceptibly strained by the flood and there was comparatively little leakage in any of the buildings. The worst sufferers were Captain Mercer's Indians, whose tepees were scarcely adapted to withstand the descending torrents, but aside from some inconvenience they were not greatly damaged.

Quick action on the part of Captain Haze and a number of other officers prevented what might have been a serious runaway during the floral parade yesterday. Just as the carriage driven by Mrs. T. M. Orr passed the reviewing stand one of the horses stepped over the pole and both animals took fright and started to break away. The plaza was crowded with carriages and spectators and there was a decided flurry for a minute until the police succeeded in getting the horses under control. A broken carriage pole was the only damage.



Omaha Women Present a Spectacle that is Remarkable for Its Beauty.


Thousands Applaud the Passage of the Pretty Pageant and the Decision of the Judges in Awarding the Prizes.

The floral pageant that wound through the pretty landscapes of the bluff tract yesterday afternoon scored one of the most notable successes of the exposition. So uniformly beautiful were the designs that ruled the decorations of the numerous carriages that it is almost impossible to institute comparisons. Each was perfect in its peculiar pattern and commanded its share of approval, but the most striking feature was the manner in which these varied decorations blended into an ensemble in which the keenest artistic sense could detect no discordant element of color or design. The entire affair was the work of Omaha women under the direction of Mrs. H. McColl Travis, whose personal supervision was given to every detail and after the parade was over they were fairly overwhelmed with congratulations.

The pageant was preceded by a squad of exposition guards, who discarded their clubs for pampas plumes and these were followed by Marshal T. S. Clarkson and his assistant, Harry Thomas, on horseback. Phinney's band marched next and behind them rode the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. The carriages followed at intervals of twenty feet and as there were nearly fifty of them in line the procession stretched over nearly the entire circuit. The pageant passed in front of the band stand, where it was reviewed by Mayor Moores of Omaha, Mayor Jennings of Council Bluffs and Mayor Graham of Lincoln, who acted as judges, and by the exposition officials and invited guests. The crowd was enthusiastic all along the route and its appreciation was very impartially distributed. As the carriages passed the reviewing stand for the third time Mayor Moores presented the handsome banners that signified the opinion of the judges on the relative merit of the decorations. Mrs. Baldrige's tandem was the first to be thus honored and the presentation of the red banner that signified approval. The white banner and third prize went to Mrs. John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs, and then Mrs. J. H. Evans' handsome victoria was called up to receive the blue emblem that carried the first prize. In making the presentations Mayor Moores said that the judges found themselves no better off than if they had been called on to award the prizes of a baby show. Where there were so many designs that approached perfection they had found it difficult to make a distinction and he expressed the wish that they might have awarded a prize to every participant. The carriages driven by Mrs. G. A. Joslyn, Miss Louise Squires, Miss Curtis and Mrs. H. T. Clarke were given honorable mention.

Coming of the Carriages.

Immediately following the band appeared the attractive equipage of President Gurdon W. Wattles of the exposition association. It not only led the procession in regard to official rank, but set a high standard of beauty for the others to follow. In the carriage were seated President and Mrs. Wattles, Mrs. George F. Bidwell and Mrs. Charles Ogden. The turnout was a handsome trap with a unique umbrella canopy, drawn by a striking pair of ponies. The decorations throughout were of pink American beauty roses. The pink reins were handled by President Wattles himself. The ponies were gaily festooned in pink roses and ribbons.

The greatest part of the procession in respect to size of vehicle, wealth of flowers and group of pretty girls, followed by the carriage of President Wattles. It was the time-honored tallyho coach of Mr. Al Patrick, and it abundantly reflected the spirit of '98 in its red, white and blue decorations. Rhododendrons were used in ornamenting the big coach, and as the rosebays were appropriately used in alternate strips of red, of white and of blue, the effect was extremely patriotic, as well as most fetching. The coach was drawn by four fine horses, gaily caparisoned with the national red colors, and the reins were handled by Mr. Patrick himself. On the front seat with him sat Miss May Dundy. The party of fair occupants of the coach was chaperoned by Mrs. Remington, and included Mesdames W. A. Redick, D. H. Wheeler, jr., Edward Sprague, Johnson of St. Paul and Warren Rogers and Misses Mabel Taylor, Grace Allen, Chandler and Brown. Master Allan Smith acted as bugler in a large manner.

Symphony in White.

The third number on the program was a sketch in pure white—the carriage of the Misses Sharp. From the white horse in front to the white gloves and other trimmings on the little colored groom in the rumble behind there was nothing but white to be seen. The Misses Sharp were gowned in white, the spider was beautifully decorated with white roses, the harness covering the white horse was white and was adorned with numerous white ribbons and festoons.

There was no more striking equipage in the parade than that of Mrs. Joslyn, with whom was Mrs. Clement Chase. The body of the handsome victoria was screened from view with red poppies, while the running gear of the vehicle and the harness were completely covered with white flowers of the same variety. Over 4,000 flowers were used in decorating the carriage, and a few more red ones to set off the white parasols of the occupants. The carriage was drawn by a pair of beautiful black horses.

A very pretty carriage was the fifth in line, driven by Mrs. T. W. Taliaferro, who was acompanied​ by Mrs. Paul Charlton. A handsome spider phaeton was completely covered with white roses and Easter lilies, and the horse was well set off with the same striking flowers. The occupants of the carriage were beautifully gowned in white, and carried white parasols adorned with the flowers used in the decoration of the carriage.

The sixth carriage in line was the trap of Mrs. J. E. Baum, and with her rode Miss Sadie Baum, Mrs. David Baum and Mrs. Charles L. Burr of Lincoln. It was beautifully decorated with shaded yellow poppies and trimmed with asparagus. An umbrella canopy, also finely decorated with shaded yellow poppies and asparagus, set off the equipage in an admirable manner.

The handsome black victoria of Mrs. Henry T. Clarke and Miss Clarke was prettily decorated with white chrysanthemums, and was drawn by a pair of fiery black steeds. The occupants were gowned in white and carried fine white parasols. In addition to the artificial white flowers Miss Clarke carried a quantity of real flowers, which she distributed among her friends.

Only One in Blue.

Mrs. Freeman P. Kirkendall had the distinction of having the only blue equipage in line. With her were the Misses Baum, Burgert and Ada Kirkendall. The decorations consisted of blue corn flowers and real oats, most appropriately representing the cereal products of the state. The handsome Kensington was completely covered with the catchy combination of cereal flowers. The occupants were gowned in white, and carried white parasols that were also trimmed with the corn flower and oats.

Miss Elizabeth Allen's tastefully decorated landau presented a lovely picture of yellow and white. The body and the running gear of the vehicle were buried beneath a wealth of yellow chrysanthemums, the effect of which was pleasingly relieved by the white gowns of the fair young women in the carriage. With Miss Allen were Miss Reichel and Mrs. Frank Bishop, and the yellow reins were well handled by Mr. James Paxton. A pair of fine bay horses drew the gorgeous chrysanthemum show.

Mesdames Downs and Pennock rode in the tenth carriage, which was driven by the former. Their Central Park trap was covered with a fine array of red and white roses. In addition to the fine floral display made by the variegated roses there was an abundance of green grasses gracefully entwined about the spokes of the wheels, completing the pretty picture in a very effective manner. The horse and white harness were prettily decorated with red and white roses.

The first appearance of the royal color of purple came with the equipage of Mrs. J. N. Cornish. In the broad carriage, drawn by a double team, were the Misses Fannie Cole, Fayette Cole and Louise Doherty, besides a liveried driver. The carriage was gaily adorned with royal purple poppies of three different shades. The young women wore white gowns with lavender trimmings and presented a very pretty picture.

Pink Follows the Purple.

Following the royal purple equipage came a fetching picture in pink. It was the trap of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mercer, abundantly covered with La France roses. The pink bower was well set off with green ribbons and the horses were ornamented with garlands of pink. With Mr. and Mrs. Mercer were Miss Mercer of this city and Miss Davidson of Bay City, Mich.

No. 13 was somewhat unlucky in the Flower parade, as one of the horses jumped over the pole of the carriage and nearly caused a runaway. The equipage was a most elaborate one and was decorated in Louis XV style throughout. Crushed poppies of pink and light blue were used in rich profusion to adorn the fine double team and a beautiful effect was produced. In the carriage were Mesdames T. M. Orr, Charles E. Squires and O. S. Hoffman.

Mrs. Howard H. Baldrige made an immense hit with the only tandem team in the procession and the award of second prize to her was most popularly received. The stylish trap was covered with a rich display of cerise poppies and smilax. The horses were adorned with garlands of the same flower and the attendants were liveried becomingly. With Mrs. Baldrige rode Mrs. Richard Carrier, and both were appropriately gowned in red.

The elaborate turnout of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McWhorter was a little late, but it got there just the same. It was one of the most notable equipages in the procession. A large double carriage was transformed into a bed of pretty tea roses of the lightest shades of cream. A wealth of natural rose foliage was used with good effect to supplement the roses. Scarlet ribbons were seen in streamers about the carriage and in the harness. Mr. McWhorter handled the reins himself and with him were Mrs. McWhorter and pretty little Miss Moore. Little Gardner McWhorter wore a sit of white and his brother, Donald, appeared in a uniform of gold. The outriders, seated on ponies, were Hugh McWhorter and James Fair, and both wore suits of brilliant scarlet.

Miss Guckert and Miss Sharpe appeared in the next equipage and attracted much favorable notice. A swell Stanhope rig was out of sight beneath a multitudinous collection of burnt orange chrysanthemums. The color effect was notably successful. The occupants wore dresses of white with white hats.

Welcome for Pony Carts.

Miss Eugenia Morand drove the first pony cart in the procession and was the recipient of much applause. Her dainty little pony cart was transformed into a bower of pink roses for the occasion.

The eighteenth number on the program of the parade was another pony cart equally well received. It was that of Miss Mary Mercer, driven by Master Burnham Chase. The cart was gay with red poppies, wild oats and other grasses.

Miss Nellie Bennett drove a high trap with umbrella top. It was a gorgeous display of royal purple and it combined so many novel features that it was most popularly received. She was accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Woodward. A well liveried coachman occupied the rumble of the trap. The decorations combined three various shades of violet, lavender predominating. Chrysanthemums of a violet color were used with a good effect.

One of the swell turnouts in the procession was the cabriolet of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franklin Smith, drawn by a pair of bay horses. The carriage was decorated with La France roses. Garlands of smilax added greatly to the effect. With Mr. and Mrs. Smith were Mesdames John Bastler and Churchill Barker. They were gowned in white organdies over pink silk with pink and white picture hats.

A very attractive equipage was that of Miss Parrote, with whom rode Miss Goodrich, Mrs. Eva Parrote Sweeney and Mrs. J. P. Whitney. On the steps were Ruth Slabaugh and Joy Bailey, two pretty little misses. The handsome landau was abundantly decorated with white water lilies filled with asparagus grass. The horses were adorned with white lilies and asparagus also.

Some Fetching Effects.

Miss Louise Squires, accompanied by Miss Edna Cowin, drove a two-wheeled cart with umbrella top which had been transformed into a magnificent design in La France roses. The flowers were shaded from a delicate pink to blood red and the shades were tastefully combined to produce a decidedly fetching effect. Fred Nash and Fred Hamilton accompanied the turn-out as outriders.

Mrs. A. J. Love, Mrs. Kate Dewey Squire, Mrs. Charles Offutt and Miss Georgia Lindsey rode in Mrs. Love's handsome equipage, which was simply, but very effectively, decorated. The flowers were morning glories of every conceivable color and their variegated tints were relieved by trimmings of broad satin ribbons of white and yellow. The whip was trimmed to represent a shrub entwined with morning glories and green trimmings of asparagus completed the design.

One of the prettiest designs in pure white was that of the phaeton of Miss Alice Andreesen. The vehicle was solidly banked with huge white roses arranged in unique and attractive designs and not a glimpse of any other color was visible. The horse was as white as possible and even the harness and the spokes of the wheels were concealed under a covering of white. Rosettes and festoons of white satin ribbon completed the effect. Miss Andreesen was accompanied by Miss Marian McDonald of St. Joseph.

The decoration of the Noyes carriage was a pretty combination of Ak-Sar-Ben colors. The main feature consisted of red and yellow poppies and the effect was emphasized by shades of deep green. The design included trimmings of yellow satin ribbons, which harmonized perfectly with the floral decorations. The carriage was occupied by   Mrs. A. H. Noyes and Misses Elsie and Vera Noyes.

Mrs. A. B. Brandeis drove one of the most elaborately decorated vehicles in the parade. A butterfly design was worked out with exceptional perfection of detail and the flowers were merely an incident to the main design. The carriage carried Mrs. Brandeis, Mrs. H. Freedman, Mrs. E. Fisher and Mrs. J. Marcus of Chicago.

Miss Ura Kelly drove a trap which was arrayed in a beautiful decoration of La France roses and pink tarleton. The decoration displayed a peculiarly effective color shading and was designed with exceptional taste. Miss Kelly was accompanied by her guests, the Misses Grace and Marian Sanbourn of St. Paul.

Pink and Lavender.

Mrs. M. C. Peters and Miss Peters rode in a spider phaeton decorated with pink roses and lavender chrysanthemums. The design afforded a notable opportunity for delicate effects in shading, and it was improved with remarkable success.

Yellow and black were the prevailing colors in the very pretty decoration of Mrs. Charles E. Ford's carriage. The glossy black of the vehicle was allowed to be visible in part and it afforded an effective background for the added design in yellow roses and ribbons. Mrs. Ford was accompanied by Mrs. Will Gyger of Philadelphia and Mrs. Will Wyatt.

Miss Jessie Dickinson and Miss Mae Mount drove a very striking turnout in burnt orange and yellow. The effect was produced by an artistically contrived design in chrysanthemums and yellow ribbons. The parasols, which were decorated in harmony with the main design, added materially to its effect.

The pony trap driven by Master Julius Maurer was decorated with pink, white and yellow roses with decided success. The other occupants were Misses Daisy and Anna and Eddie and Rudolph Maurer.

The Webster trap presented a particularly imposing appearance. It was tastefully decorated with white chrysanthemums over an outline of smilax and was drawn by a pair of white horses that were also decorated with the same flowers. A. V. Foster of Evanston, Ill., and Lewis B. Reed were the outriders, Fred Empke of Council Bluffs held the reins and Miss Nellie Law of Henry, Ill., Miss Nellie Moore of Council Bluffs, Miss Mabel Balcombe, Mrs. Webster and Miss Flora Webster occupied the trap.

Misses Alice Parker, Ethel Wilcox, Cecil Parker and Harriett Marsh rode in Miss Parker's pretty double carriage, which was profusely decorated with poppies. Black and yellow were the colors and these were gracefully combined in a very striking and artistic design.

The carriage driven by John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs, which was awarded the third prize, was strikingly arrayed in three shades of large red poppies. The difficult task of working out a really tasteful design with such gorgeous materials was very successfully accomplished. The carriage was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baldwin, Miss Genevieve Baldwin and Miss Elinor Stewart.

First Prize Turnout.

The beautiful victoria which won the distinction of being adjudged the most artistically decorated equipage in the parade was occupied by Mrs. J. H. Evans and Miss Amy Barker. The decorations were designed by Mrs. Martin Meyer and were especially delicate and original. The carriage was banked with heliotrope and white chrysanthemums which were arranged in a very fetching design of Van Dyke points. The wheels were decorated in a similar manner and the horses wore purple pampas plumes and rosettes of the colors that formed the main design. The coachman was attired in black satin.

Miss Anna Shiverick contributed one of the most artistic equipages in the parade. Her carriage was upholstered in white on which the lattice work of smilax produced a remarkably pretty effect. The design was very delicately shaded with the borders of pink chrysanthemums.

Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, with Mrs. A. P. Metcalf of Lincoln, rode in a handsome carriage of shaded pink hollyhocks and foliage. This was a simple but very beautiful design, the combinations of the various tints of the flowers being particularly effective.

Miss Mae Hamilton and Miss Bessie Yates rode in a victoria that was a beautiful design of lavender and royal purple chrysanthemums. They were gowned in pure white with lavender hats and parasols. Robert Patrick and Captain Will Cowin were their outriders.

Mrs. G. W. McGeath's pony cart was a very pretty effect in which white and pink roses, satin ribbons and smilax were artistically combined. The cart was occupied by Mrs. McGeath, Miss Frances Tibbetts and Miss Julia Coe and Master Windsor McGeath in white livery acted as footman. Miss Leo Brown, also attired in white, accompanied the turnout as outrider.

Mrs. C. J. Barber and Miss Alice Barber contributed another very attractive decoration of chrysanthemums. Lavender was the prevailing color of the flowers, and these made a very pretty contrast to the white satin ribbons which were lavishly twined among the blossoms.

The last equipage in the parade was Jack Cudahy's trap, which was driven by Miss Lynn Curtis and Miss Daisy Doane. The entire design was pure white except the minimum of color afforded by the black livery of the coachman. White roses formed the entire design, and they completely covered every outline of the vehicle. The horses were almost as white as the roses and the harness was also decorated with the same.


Milwaukee Line Announces a Slashing Reduction in Fare.


Failure of the Chicago Meeting to Secure an Adjustment of the Northern Difficulties Opens the Door for the Row.

The passenger rate between Omaha and Chicago will be cut in both directions from $12.75 to $9.25 by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway on Tuesday of next week, August 9. The cut is a deep one, amounting to nearly 25 per cent. It is the biggest cut in passenger rates made by any of the Omaha-Chicago lines in a number of years.

The reduction is the direct result of the failure of the Canadian Pacific to help the American lines restore northern rates. It is believed that the cut of the Milwaukee will be followed by a corresponding reduction on the part of three other Omaha-Chicago lines. The cut comes at an opportune time for the exposition and railroad men believe that it will largely increase travel to the big show so long as it remains in effect.

The advance notice of the cut was sent to General Western Agent Nash by telegraph from General Passenger Agent Heafford last night. The telegram follows:

Among the results of the Canadian Pacific competition has been the reduction of rates between St. Paul and the east via Chicago to such an extent that ticket brokers cannot only manipulate fares between New York and Chicago, but also between Chicago and St. Paul in both directions. Many of these through tickets have come into the market and have scalped the local rates via Chicago-St. Paul lines to such an extent that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway has, in self-defense, been compelled to give notice of a reduction of regular tariff rates from $11.50 to $8, commencing the 9th inst. This rate has also been tendered connecting lines as a basing rate, and as common points business beyond the Missouri river is necessarily affected, it is also decided by that company to reduce local rates between Chicago and Omaha in both directions to $9.25, also effective the 9th inst.

There is every indication that the conference on reduced railroad rates to the exposition to be held today will be largely attended by prominent passenger officials and most of the exposition directors. The meeting will be held in the Administration Arch on the exposition grounds at 11 o'clock. Manager Babcock has made arrangements for a full stenographic copy of the proceedings.

Before going out to the exposition grounds the railroad men will hold a meeting at the Elkhorn headquarters. Among the passenger men who are expected are: General Passenger Agents Heafford of the Milwaukee, Sebastian of the Rock Island, Eustis and Francis of the Burlington, Lomax of the Union Pacific, Buchanan of the Elkhorn and Assistant Passenger Agents Cairnes of the Northwestern and Payne of the Missouri Pacific.


Session Between Omaha Men and the Western Passenger Association at the Grounds.

Quite an exposition rate session was held at the Administration arch this morning on the exposition grounds. There were present the members of the Western aPssenger​ association, representing the passenger departments of the Burlington, the Rock Island, the Northwestern, the Missouri Pacific, the Elkhorn, the B. & M., and the Union Pacific. Nearly all the general passenger agents were present, only one or two being represented by their assistants. The exposition executive committee and the committee from the Commercial club was also present.

E. Rosewater, Herman Kountze and J. E. Baum presented the argument for the lower rate on behalf of the exposition, and P. E. Eustis of the Burlington represented the railroads.

The meeting was in executive session from 11 o'clock until nearly 2, when adjournment for luncheon was taken, and the meeting was resumed.


Eighty Thousand People on the Grounds, Decreasing Debt Quite a Sum.

St. Joseph's Day the Big Event of the Next Seven Days, Which Will Be Comparatively Quiet.

Slugging Match the Latest Sensation Growing Out of the Manderson Street Blunder---People Are Threatening.

Yesterday's attendance numbered 4,872 paid admissions, and fell considerably short of what was expected of Kansas City day. The numbers that had been reported as coming did not materialize at the gate. The small size of the crowd was especially noticeable when compared with the crowds that had thronged the grounds all during the week.

The week just closed saw a total attendance of about 80,000 people. The week just beginning will not, however, make this kind of a record, as there are few special features, the biggest day anticipated being St. Joseph day, next Saturday.

The executive committee knocked out the 25-cent rate for today, and the concessionaires were figuring last evening on having nothing to do today.

The abominable system that is maintained by the buildings and grounds department with reference to the Manderson street gates resulted in a disturbance at an early hour yesterday morning that culminated in a shooting bout and slugging match. Jimmy Lindsey, the pugilist, appeared at the gate, and wanted to cross to the gate on the opposite side of the street. He did not have a pass, and the guard told him no money could be received there. Lindsey proceeded to kick a hole in the fence and walk through. Several of the guards attempted to arrest him, and Lindsey pulled a gun and began to shoot. No one was injured except Lindsey, who was clubbed into unconsciousness, after which he was locked up, charged with shooting with intent to kill.


The situation with reference to these gates has been steadily growing worse. The fencing up of the grounds shut in the people on Manderson street on both sides of Twentieth, with a fence on three sides of them. They were promised by the exposition management that if they would quietly submit to being thus boxed up they would be provided with two gates through which they could pass without annoyance. Every few days a new rule with reference to the gates has been put in effect by the buildings and grounds department, and the storm of indignation on the part of the surrounding residents has been steadily growing. Passes have been issued to some of the interested parties, but the majority have not been provided for. Families have been cut off from their grocers, butchers, druggists, doctors and neighbors, who were formerly but a couple of blocks away, and who are now removed to a dis-[?]


The volume of excited protest has reached the point where it is stated that, unless something is speedily done to relieve the situation, the interested parties will chop down the fence and test their rights i​ the courts. The situation is one that admits of easy solution, as guards are present at b[?]gates all the time, and the openings are close together on both sides of the streets.

The whole trouble [?] an admission to the grounds, and Manager Kirkendall's fear of being charged with too many free admissions has caused him to refuse the requisite permits to hundreds who are thereby force to submit to unnecessary and grievous imposition.




General Passenger Agents Meet Exposition and Commercial Club Committees.

Recommendations for Radical Reductions Will Be Unanimously Made at Chicago Meeting.

If Not Accepted Omaha Roads Will Be Forced to Act Independently—Schedule of Rates and Time Limits Proposed.

The Western Passenger association and exposition directory and Commercial club railroad rate committees held a satisfactory conference in the Administration arch, exposition grounds, yesterday, and one which is confidently believed will result in the announcement of greatly reduced rates within a very short time.

The meeting was called to order at 11:15 o'clock and remained in session until nearly 1:30 o'clock, when all present adjourned for lunch at the Markel viaduct restaurant. The Western Passenger assomiation​ later held an executive session to consider the csalper​ situation in Omaha, exposition rates and other matters.

Manager Babcock of the Transportation department was elected chairman of the conference and without a formal motion it was decided that it should be an executive session, all but the railroad men and members of the two committees being excluded.


The rates asked for by the exposition and Commercial club committees, and which were discussed, were these:

One fare for the round trip, tickets to be sold daily with fifteen days' return limit, from all points in Western Passenger association territory.

One cent per mile on state and city days, tickets to be good for return trip ten days.

Local excursion trains, for distances of 200 miles, arriving in Omaha in the morning and leaving in the evening, one-half cent per mile.

Red letter days, distances of 200 miles, one cent per mile ,three days' limit for return trip.

Messrs. Kountze, Rosewater, Baum, Babcock, Montgomery and Utt argued for the putting in of these rates. Chairman Caldwell of the Western Passenger association, Mr. Eustis of the "Q.," Mr. Heafford of the Milwaukee, and Mr. Buchanan of the Elkhorn spoke from the railroad point of view, the discussion being conducted in an amicable and friendly spirit.

The railroad men did not discuss the question of rates quite as directly as was expected, the line of difference being more clearly drawn on the question of time than on the details of the rates to be given.

The exposition and Commercial club speakers asked that the rates named above be put in force August 20, and that the announcement of them be made at the earliest possible moment.

The railroad speakers on the other hand argued that the rates should not be put in until September, and that the big crowds would not come, and could not be expected until next month.


The railroad men present were:

B. D. Caldwell, chairman Western Passenger association; Thomas W. Lee, chairman mileage and joint agency bureau; General Passenger Agents MacLeod of the Rock Island; George H. Heafford of the Milwaukee, P. S. Eustis and John Francis of the Burlington, J. R. Buchanan of the Elkhorn, E. [?] Lomax of the Union Pacific and Assistant Passenger Agents C. A. Cairns of the Northwestern, Payne of the Missouri Pacific and Hutchison of the Union Pacific; Louis Jackson, industrial commissioner Milwaukee road; J. M. Bechtel, division passenger agent, and W. H. Davenport, assistant division passenger agent, Burlington route; T. S. Godfrey, Missouri Pacific.


After lunch the Western Passenger association held an executive meeting in the large office in the Service building, exposition grounds, which did not adjourn until after 4 o'clock.

Chairman Caldwell stated after the meeting that an arrangement had been reached on the exposition rate question, and that the roads represented were a unit on the recommendations which would be made to a general meeting of the Western Passenger association to be held in Chicago next Wednesday. Exactly what there recommendations were Mr. Caldwell would not state, but both the conference with the exposition directory and Commercial club committees and the meeting of the Western Passenger association, he declared, had been very satisfactory, and while not so stating [?] Mr. Caldwell [?]ing next Wednesday, which is to take final action on the question, would also be satisfactory to Omaha.


From a reliable authority the World-Herald learned last evening that the recommendations decided upon, and which will be urged at the Chicago meeting next week, are for substantially the same rates and time limits asked for by the exposition directory and Commercial club committee, and which are printed above. The roads represented in yesterday's meetings were the Burlington, Union Pacific, Northwestern, Missouri Pacific, Rock Island, Port Arthur, Milwaukee, Omaha, Elkhorn, Kansas City and St. Joe & Council Bluffs, and as these were the roads most vitally interested the same authority stated that the recommendations made by them would very probably be accepted by the other roads in the Western Passenger association. Should they not be, it was stated positively and without equivocation, one of the principal Chicago-Omaha lines will at once announce reduced round trip and special day rates on its own account, as will also at least one line from Omaha to the southeast, thereby compelling all other roads to do the same. It was also stated that the officials of these two roads have been ready, and, in fact, anxious to make lower rates, and have only been held back from doing so on the belief that the Western Passenger association would act promptly and favorably in the matter. It was expected by them that the matter would be definitely settled by this time and the meeting Wednesday next is the longest time they will wait for it to be settled.

(Participant in the Flower Parade.)
(Organize of the Flower Parade.)
(Participant in the Flower Parade.)
Council Bluffs, Ia.—Patroness of the Floral Parade.)

(Patroness of the Flower Parade.)

(Participant in Flower Parade.
(Participant in Flower Parade.)
Bee of August 7 will be found 3 pages forward.

Admission to the exposition Sunday afternoons should be made 25 cents or the exposition closed altogether on that day. The experimental period is past.



Strikes the Iron in Attendance Upon the Indian Congress.


Belongs to the Standing Rock Sioux and Has Had a Varied Experience with Life on the Plains.

Among the Indians who are in attendance upon the congress there is none more noted than the old chief, Strikes the Iron, a Standing Rock Sioux brave. This Indian is close to 100 years old, and has seen more of life upon the plains that have the Indians of some tribes if all of their experience and observation could be combined. Strikes the Iron has watched the march of progress, and at last has resigned to the inevitable and reads the story of his future in the falling of the leaves of the forest.

Strikes the Iron has not always been a friend to the whites. He is uncertain about the place of his birth, but he is of the opinion that the important event occurred not far from Albert Lea, Minn. His ancestors were fighters and consequently he inherited the spirit of bravery which was first taught to him when he was a suckling at his mother's breast. His early days were spent upon the Minnesota prairies and later on he became a great and famous hunter.

The manner in which Strikes the Iron received his name is interesting. It has been said by writers of fiction that when an Indian is born the father steps to the outside of the tent and names the young hopeful after the first object that he sees. This, however, is not true. As a rule Indian children are nameless until such time as they perform some act that will entitle them to a name. This at least was the case with Strikes the Iron.

For some fifteen years he hunted and shot down game with his arrows, and was referred to as Kio Kio's son. Later on, however, he made a hit and earned a name. He was up in the iron region in the vicinity of the present city of Duluth, with a party of hunters. One day the young lad saw a deer passing, and fired an arrow at the animal. The aim was true, and the beautiful creature fell pierced to the heart. The arrow had gone through the body, but it did not stop. It went onward in its course and struck a ledge of iron ore, and rebounding the flint head came back and struck the young man in the eye, cutting the member from its socket. Immediately thereafter the Indian was given the name of Strikes the Iron, a name which he will carry to his grave, as that is the name which is registered on the ration rolls at the agency.

Feasted as a Warrior.

The losing of an eye was an epoch in the life career of the young Indian and upon his return home he was feasted and knighted as a warrior. In 1862 he was mixed up in the Indian troubles and if the stories told about him are true he hung several white scalps to his belt. Regarding this, however, he is not talkative and when approached upon the subject shuts up like a clam. After the killing of the whites at New Ulm, Strikes the Iron moved with his tribe to the plains of Dakota and eventually drifted into the Cannon Ball river country, where he remained unknown until the settlement of the Black Hills country in 1875. He had become something of a medicine man, but he never aspired to be a leader among his followers. During this year, believing that the white man was encroaching upon his domains, he headed a small party of braves and pursued his course from the Missouri river into the region along the stage line between Bismarck and Rapid City. For a time he and his followers devoted their attention to running off horses of the gold seekers who were flocking into that country around the hills.

Their method was simple, but effective. The horses would be turned out for the night to graze and just before sunset Strikes the Iron and his associates would appear upon the scene. Like snakes they would crawl through the grass until close to the horses, when with an unearthly whoop they would spring to their feet, swinging their blankets over their heads. This would stampede the animals and drive them from camp, after which their capture was an easy matter. The horses would be ridden to the nearest camp, after which the [?] until Strikes the Iron and his little band had nearly enough horses to supply the entire Sioux nation. His horses he drove into the valley of the Moreau river, opposite LeBeau, where they were herded by his sons and sold to both friendly Indians and whites. By Strikes the Iron this was not regarded as horse stealing, as his people and the whites were at war and everything captured was regarded as a trophy of the chase.

Tells of a Personal Conflict.

Strikes the Iron declares that during the Indian war of 1876 he never killed a white man or woman, but he admits that he was man or woman, but he admits that he was a friend and bosom companion of Sitting Bull, the most cruel and crafty of Indians. He takes great pleasure in recounting the deeds of heroism performed by himself and says that numerous times he and his people have fought the Cheyenne Sioux and that he has had many hand-to-hand conflicts. One of the most interesting ones he told through an interpreter.

"Some sixty years ago, when I was a young man and full of vigor, I was out in the Minnesota woods hunting elk, of which there were many at that time. Passing through dense underbrush I came to a narrow but deep stream, over which a tree had fallen. It was necessary to walk over this log or else go miles around and I was not in a mood to go around. I started to cross and when about half way over I met a Chippewa, who disputed my right to the passage. For a few moments we carried on a conversation in the sign language and neither seemed inclined to turn back.

"There was no use of arguing and both stripped for the fray for the purpose of ascertaining who was the best man. We went at it with knives and fought like demons. This continued for nearly an hour, during which time I received several severe cuts and wounds, I at the same time punishing my opponent. It was apparent that it was a fight to the death and putting all of my energy into one mighty effort I grappled with the Chippewa and plunged the knife into his body. The blood spurted out in a stream and his body fell into the water and floated away, while I pursued my course."


New Week at the Exposition Starts Out Very Auspiciously.


Grand Lodge of Iowa Will Come Over and Take Part in Exercises.


They Have a Celebration Possessed of Peculiar Interest.


New Boat Arrives and First Opportunity for Public to See Workings of Service Will Be Thursday Afternoon.

Another grist of exposition visitors began to accumulate on the grounds this morning and quite a number of those who came last week remained to keep them company. Monday is considered by the concessionists and exhibitors the least promising day of the seven, but the arrivals were sufficiently numerous today to forecast another active week. People who have been deferring their trip to Omaha until fall, on account of the heat, would have discovered their error today, for the conditions for enjoyable sightseeing could not be surpassed.

The obstinate drizzle that caused the postponement of the flower parade last Tuesday was indirectly responsible for the painfully emaciated appearance of the Sunday crowd. The parade occurred Friday at the hour when the Board of Directors would otherwise have met. Consequently there was no meeting of the board and in the absence of legislation to the contrary the Sunday admission was 50 cents. Hence the general unanimity with which the local people stayed at home.

The return to the full rate and the sharp shower that fell early in the afternoon confined the attendance largely to out-of-town people who wanted to see the exhibits and were consequently willing to pay as much as on a week day. There was enough of them to make a showing on the ground, but the purely local attendance was the lightest there has been on any [?] large number of excursionists who were on the grounds Friday and Saturday remained for a final inspection of the show and they had it practically to themselves. The evening brought some additional arrivals, but at no time did the crowd compare with the attendance of the preceding Sundays, when the 25-cent rate brought out the Omaha workingman with his family.

The change in the character of the crowd was apparent in the entirely different manner in which it put in the day. On previous Sundays it was largely composed of local visitors, who went with their families to spend a quiet day on the grounds. They loafed in the shaded corners, listened to the music and seemed disposed to get a complete rest out of their holiday. Yesterday the grounds were tenanted by people who came to be amused rather than rested. The crowd was continually on the go. There was a perpetual procession through the exhibit buildings and the Midway and little of the quiet relaxation that has been the most prominent feature of previous Sundays. Even the band concerts commanded the attention of only a small proportion of the visitors and the pretty retreats under the colonnades and on the Bluff tract were practically deserted.

While the crowd was more restless than usual it was by no means disorderly. The same stringent regulations that have been enforced every Sunday were still observed and any one who came to the grounds to indulge in any relaxation unbecoming to the day was disappointed. The general good order was a subject of much favorable comment from visitors who were spending their first Sunday at the exposition and they admitted their conviction that the Sabbath could be as well observed at the exposition as at home.

New Lifeboat Arrives.

The lifeboat, with which the exhibitions of the United States Life Saving service are to be given, arrived yesterday and the first exhibition will be given on Thursday afternoon. It will require a day or two to clean up the craft and get it ready for use and then the exhibitions will be a permanent daily feature of the exposition. The new boat is exactly similar to the large boat first received, except in size, and it can be easily handled by the eight men who compose Captain Knowles' crew. With this added to the equipment that was already on the grounds the crew will be able to give a realistic illustration of every feature of work of the service.

The program for this week includes a number of features of scarcely less interest than those that just transpired. Monday is an off day, but the special musical attraction in the evening will prevent it from being entirely featureless.

Tuesday is dedicated to the Iowa Knights of Pythias, who will celebrate it informally, but enjoyably. A low railroad rate has been secured especially for their benefit and the reports received by the local committee indicate a large attendance from all the Iowa divisions. The principal feature of the day will be a parade of the Knights at 2 o'clock, headed by Phinney's band, and at 2:30 the band will give a concert at the Iowa building, composed of selections especially appropriate to the occasion.

The Red Men will be the guests of Wednesday and Thursday and on Wednesday they will participate in one of the most elaborate celebrations yet given on the grounds. They will march to the grounds in the forenoon, after parading through the principal down town streets, and at 11 o'clock they will indulge in a session of music and oratory at the Auditorium. At 6:30 they will give a big sham battle and the concert and fireworks will occupy the evening.

Thursday the exposition management will furnish entertainment. It will consist of the first exhibition of the life saving service, a big spectacular parade which will include all the Indians and the Midway features and a brilliant fireworks display in the evening.

Saturday will be St. Joseph day and the people of that enterprising city promise to come several thousand strong and make it the biggest municipal celebration of the exposition.


Lieutenant Commander Stedman Increases His Exposition Armament.

Lieutenant Commander Stedman, in charge of the naval exhibit at the government building, returned from Washington this morning. One object of his trip was to hasten the shipment of the dry dock and other new features that were promised for his exhibit. The dry dock, the model of the battleship Illinois, a four-inch rapid firing gun and other items were shipped last Tuesday and are likely to arrive in Omaha any day. Commander Stedman has also secured a breech plug from one of the big thirteen-inch guns which will arrive with the rest of the shipment. This is one of the most interesting mechanical features of the big guns and will illustrate the manner in which they are manipulated.


Notes of the Exposition.

An amateur performance will be given in addition to the regular performance at the German village next Friday night.

The executive committee has concurred in the action of the Pennsylvania state commission designating September 5 as Pennsylvania day.

Heretofore the electric lights on the Grand Court have been turned on at 8:30 o'clock at night, but owing to the fact that the days have grown murch​ shorter the grounds are lighted half an hour earlier. The change was made last night and from now until September 1 the grounds will be lighted at 8 o'clock each night.

Clinton Boydon, an Omaha lad of 11 years of age, was wandering through the Manufacturers' building yesterday afternoon and forced his finger into the gear of a bicycle that was operated by electricity. He drew the digit away as soon as possible, but not until it had been amputated at the first joint. The job was performed as neatly as though done by a surgeon.

General Manager Clarkson has been assured that fully 2,000 Iowa Knights of Pythias will participate in the celebration tomorrow. The Iowa grand lodge will meet in Council Bluffs Wednesday with a prospective membership of 1,200 delegates, and it is expected that several hundred additional members of the various subordinate lodges will improve the opportunity to see the exposition and benefit by the low railroad rate.

September 28 has been designated by the management as Swedish-American day and local Swedes are making elaborate arrangements for a big celebration. They expect to mobilize several thousand visitors of their nationality on the grounds, and chorus singing by the various singing societies will be a notable feature of the program. The scheme is being actively promoted by Rev. Elving, editor of the Swedish Journal of this city, and Prof. Hill of Wahoo.

The interest that has been taken in the secret society days that have already been scheduled on the exposition grounds has aroused a general demand for recognition from the remaining orders. The Ancient Order of United Workmen is now arranging to give a big demonstration October 18, and the members are already working up interest in Nebraska and adjacent states with a view to securing a big representation. There is considerable rivalry among the different organizations as to which shall make the most imposing demonstration, and these occasions promise to be among the most interesting events of the next three months.


Afflicted Redskin Fights White Medicine Man but Takes His Painkiller.

Amusing Incident of the Barbarian's Conflict With Civilization at the Exposition.

Kirkendall Has a Plan for Appeasing the Reconcentrados on Manderson Street--Light Attendance.

There was trouble in the camp of the redskin yesterday when Lo, the poor Indian, bumped up against one of the ailments of the paleface. It was nothnig​ serious, but it was interesting while it lasted. Rain-in-the-Face had an attack of thunder-in-the-stomach, and as the energetic cramps began to get in their ornamental scroll work, Rain-in-the-Face was the most disconsolate Indian that ever drifted off the reservation. Captain Mercer wanted him to go to the hospital for treatment, but the suffering red man stood on his inherent rights and refused to go. He had learned what the white man's sickness was, and he positively balked on going up against the unknown terrors of their remedies.

Persuasion and argument were unavailing, and when it became apparent that the only way to get the Indian to the hospital would be to rope him like a steer and carry him, a wise man suggested that the doctor could be called to the camp. This was done, and a quantity of pain-killing fluid was smuggled inside the aborigine's anatomy. It worked like a charm, and henceforth, when Indians are on the sick list, the hospital doctors will treat them in the camp, this arrangement having been made yesterday by Captain Mercer.


Arrangements are being made to do away with the constant friction that has resulted from the Manderson street gates. Manager Kirkendall of the buildings and grounds department stated yesterday that he intended to provide all the residents within the inclosed strips on either side of Twentieth street, who were entitled to permits, with the necessary cards, so that they would have no trouble in passing through. He said that many of the parties who were complaining had not called on him for passes, but he hoped to get everything satisfactorily adjusted, although he could not be expected to issue passes by telephone. He stated further that orders had been given that parties who were going to the drug store or after a doctor should be allowed to pass, whether they had passes or not. They will be required to leave their name and address, so that, in case of any attempted abuse of the privilege, the department would have the necessary record for government of subsequent action.

The life boat for which the life-saving crew has been waiting for the last two weeks arrived yesterday, and was transferred to its station. It will be launched this morning, and it is expected that the first exhibition on the lagoon will be given tomorrow. The boat is one that belongs to the regular service, and was brought from Grand Haven, Mich.


Prof. Wigman, who has charge of the manual training department at the high school, has been desirous of placing an exhibit at the exposition, but has been prevented by the inability of the board of education to place the necessary funds at his disposal. The executive committee has decided to furnish the necessary space and power free for the purpose, together with passes for twenty-four pupils, to run the machinery and make it a live exhibit. It now devolves on the board of education to provide for the transfer of the necessary machinery and equipment from the high school to the grounds and provide the material for the young workers to operate on. The board of county commissioners has already set aside $300 to assist in the matter.

Edgar S. Bronson, one of the proprietors of the Trenton, Mo., Tribune, arrived yesterday with a party of thirty-five in a special car over the Pittsburg & Gulf, and will remain a week, taking in the exposition. The trip is the result of a voting contest gotten up by the Tribune the first of the year, a popular ballot being taken to decide who was the most popular young lady in Grundy county, the paper offering a prize of a trip to Omaha and a week's stay at the exposition, with all expenses paid. The contest closed June 1, and the winner was Miss Emma Wilson of Trenton. The party consists of a number of the most prominent people of Trenton and Grundy county. With them is Mr. Lea M. Richards of the Tribune staff. Mr. Bronson's partner, C. D. Morris, was here some time ago as the advance agent for the Northwest Missouri Press association, which subsequently paid the exposition a visit, and went home to write glowing stories of the beauties of the big show for the information of their readers.


In recognition of the "fugitiveness" of time, the exposition management last night turned on the electric lights at 8 o'clock, instead of 8:30, which has heretofore been the hour.

The investigating committee has taken up the music question, and is inquiring into the charges that have been made regarding the procedure in the engagement of artists, and the manner of placing this part of the work in the hands of Miss Jula Officer, with permission to collect a commission from the artists engaged.

The members of Phinney's band were the guests of Mrs. Bowser at an informal lunch at the Nebraska Sod House at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It was a sort of farewell testimonial, as the band concludes its engagement here tomorrow night. The same courtesy was accorded the Marine band just prior to its departure. Coffee, gingerbread and milk were served, and the bandsmen enjoyed it more than they would a more pretentious spread.

The telephone company has completed the installation of its new switchboard in the Machinery and Electricity building, and new instruments are being placed at the various points on the grounds where subscribers are located. Under the new system there is no crank to twist, the mere act of removing the telephone from the hook signaling central, who is similarly notified when the conversation is concluded by the hanging up of the telephone. All of the telephones on the grounds will be connected with this switchboard.

Clinton Boyden, an inquiring youngster of 11 years of age, could not satisfactorily understand the workings of a bicycle sprocket wheel in the Manufactures building yesterday afternoon and inserted his finger between the chain and the wheel. The finger is now a little shorter than it really ought to be, and the nail is being preserved with the other relics of the campaign at the Emergency hospital.


The spectacular number "From Battlefield to Fireside," which has created a furore on its previous presentations, will be repeated on the Grand Plaza tonight for the last time. The piece has caused more comment and drawn more people to the grounds than any other musical feature which has yet been introduced.


The formal opening of the Auditorium organ, which was arranged for Thursday night of this week and then postponed, has been finally settled. It will take place on Thursday night, as originally planned, rain or shine. It will be attractive for several reasons, first because the admission fee has been placed at 25 cents to the grounds, and 15 cents to the Auditorium. Children will be admitted to the Auditorium for 10 cents. The organist will be Mr. Harrison Wild of Chicago.

The afternoon concerts are now being given at the Government building, owing to the attraction of the exhibitions by the United States life saving service. Tomorrow, however, will be an exception, as the concert will be given at the Iowa building at 2:30 p. m.

Yesterday's attendance was the smallest Sunday crowd that the exposition has seen in a month, the 50-cent rate being in effect. The gate receipts hold up, however, as one admission went twice as far, but the grounds looked deserted. The consensus of opinion on the admission question now favors a straight 25 cent evening rate after 6 o'clock, closing all the exhibit buildings at that hour. In some quarters this is coupled with an expression favoring the closing of the grounds on Sunday on the theory that the low evening rate would leave Sunday "a frost," even at an equally low figure. The reduced rate idea is gaining new adherents every day in all quarters, both inside and outside the exposition.


La Belle Fatma Gives the Exciting Sword Dance.

Last week more than 15,000 people visited the Streets of All Nations, and they were all so delighted with the Street performances that nine-tenths of them went into the theater, where one of the best shows ever given on a Midway is seen. Among the many clever and proficient dancers on the stage none received more vigorous applause than popular La Belle Fatma, who executed for the first time in Omaha the sword war dance, which is very sensational and exciting. Mr. Akoun promises that additions will be made to his show which will include the attractions in his show the Streets of India, now at Coney Island, under the management of Victor Roditi, one of the most prominent showmen in the country. Mr. Akoun will leave this week for San Francisco, to complete arrangements for a midwinter fair.


Cyclists Prepare for Large Number of Visitors.

The Trans-Mississippi exposition management designated Monday, August 15, as Wheelmen's day, and local wheelmen are preparing to entertain their guests in a royal manner. Arrangements have been made for a grand bicycle parade on the exposition grounds at 7 o'clock in the evening, after which wheels will be checked and the bicyclists will take in the Midway. Almost all of the concessionaires have cut the price of admission to their different shows for the wheelmen, who must be identified by a badge that will be given to those who enter the grounds with wheels, by the gatekeepers.

Chief Consul D. J. O'Brien of the League of American Wheelmen, one of the most hospitable league officials in the country, has charge of the plans for entertainment, and cyclists who attend on this occasion will not be apt to soon forget their reception. Visiting wheelmen are expected from Colorado, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, Nebraska and from eastern states as well.

There is to be a big gathering of wheelmen at the National league meet in Indianapolis during the week of August 8, and many wheelmen will come direct from there to attend the Wheelmen's day celebration. Denver is expected to send an even 100, as a Trans-Mississippi Wheelmen's club was organized there early this spring, and has been making great preparations for this day. The boys are expecting to remain during the entire week of August 15, and have engaged quarters at one of the leading hotels, where they will hold a reception for the local and other visiting wheelmen. Council Bluffs, Ia., will send over 200 bikers, while Kansas City, Sioux City, Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Louis, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Des Moines, Burlington and Topeka will send large delegations.

Local bicycle dealers are making preparations to put gorgeously decorated floats in the parade, and the wheelman who has the best decorated wheel in line will be awarded a handsome prize. Teddy Edwards, the well-known eastern century rider, who has covered 100 miles each day since January 1 of this year, will undoubtedly be here, and, as he intends to ride 100 miles each day during 1898, if he comes to Omaha for Wheelmen's day, visitors will doubtless have the opportunity of seeing him do his 100 miles upon the grounds.



Feature of Kansas City Day That Was Attractive.

The fire display given by the A. L. Due company north of West Midway Saturday night was one of the most gorgeous witnessed for a long time, and the Kansas City visitors and thousands of other people from various parts of the country encored with great enthusiasm every effect.

Long before the hour for the display to begin throngs of people poured into every avenue leading from West Midway to the scene of the illumination and the stream of humanity was immense. Fred Cummins, seat concessionaire, and his assistants cared for them in splendid style and everyone was soon comfortably located. At 9 o'clock the signal was given and for nearly an hour the grand entertainment went on. The program was as follows:

Display began with three large salute shells, which could be heard for miles.

"Welcome Kansas City."

Firing extra heavy magnesium shells.

Mammoth revolving planets undergoing mechanical changes in fire.

Flight of floating star rockets.

Revolving fountains on the lake, filling the entire lake with fire.

A. L. Due's grand bouquet of variegated colors.

Flight of silver snakes.

Ascension of mammoth umbrella.

Mechanical device, the only one of its kind in the country, jeweled fan with revolving stars.

Double shells, giving two explosions in midair with magnesium effects.

Mechanical "girl acrobat," performing on large ball of fire running 300 feet in midair.

Ascension of A. L. Due's extra large forty-five inch shells, containing 10,000 stars each, with all the colors of the rainbow.

Flight of flying doves, flying to and fro across the lake.

A mammoth portrait of J. M. Jones, mayor of Kansas city, surmounted with a floral wreath of variegated colors.

Concluding with a grand finale bombardment of thousands of rockets, shells, candles, etc., and "good night" in large letters of many colors.

Nebraska Commission's Showing.

The financial statement of the Nebraska exposition commission for July is as follows:

Salaries.Total Expended.
Wages during July$ 512 50$ 6,174 43
Furniture and fixtures 8 95 261 45
Current expense account 384 70 1,682 15
Construction 83 30 25,165 32
Agricultural department 274 97 6,947 54
Horticultural department 590 55 4,533 10
Apiary department 233 65 1,649 13
Live stock department 91 80 5,350 73
Dairy department 109 13 1,158 76
Poultry department 123 45 1,765 95
Floricultural department 171 75 1,475 93
Educational department 587 83 8,860 62
Miscellaneous space account...... 3,560 25
Postage...... 210 00
Building employes 971 00 2,395 17
Sod house 48 48 500 00
Decorations of state building 200 00 1,662 04
Nebraska cereal cooking department 100 00 300 00
Nebraska Ceramic club...... 300 00
Attractions 37 00 759 75
Repairs and improvement 120 03 201 97
Totals$4,649 09$74,914 24

Unexpended balance of the $100,000 appropriation, $25,085.76.


People from the Kaw's Mouth Come Up to Visit the Exposition.


Several Thousand of Them Contribute to Make Their Day One of the Best in the Exposition's History.

Kansas City was here. It came in large numbersupwards of 1200 of them, and they were easily to be distinguished by the badges which suggest something about their town, and express a demand to be furnished ocular evidence, which demand was readily complied with. They brought a band with them, and while the delegation is from a southern state, the band is made up of colored musicians, and furnished a quality of music which the Missourians were pleased to hear. The cream of the metropolis on the Kaw has temporarily been transferred to Omaha, and the visitors have been extended the glad hand on all sides since their arrival in the city, and for the day the people here seem to be willing to admit [?]

The visitors occupied three special trains, besides forcing the railroad companies to add several cars to their regular trains plying between the two cities. The program for meeting the trains was marred a trifle by their arrival about an hour ahead of the scheduled time, but the reception committees reached the depot before the passengers had dispersed, and straightway sought to make up for its delay by increased efforts to make our neighbors feel at home. The official portion of them was taken to the Millard, where the members were regaled and refreshed, after their all night journey, and made acquainted with the representatives of the city and of the exposition.

The bulk of the visitors represent the business men and citizens generally of Kansas City, with large delegations from the Manufacturers' association, Board of Trade, Commercial club, and Live Stock exchange, while a roll call of the roster of city officials would find few failing to respond to their names. The following officials of the city are present:

C. S. Curry, city clerk; R. B. Middlebrook, counsellor; Hans Lund, comptroller; J. Scott Harrison, jr., treasurer; Amos R. Cecil, auditor; A. Wallace Love, superintendent of buildings; Henry Sieben, plumbing inspector; A. Van Brunt, park commissioner; Clarence McIlroy, clerk in city clerk's office; William Woolf, deputy license inspector; J. R. Kuickley, county recorder's office.

Members of Upper House—A. F. Butt, John E. Lach, Herman M. Gerhart, C. N. Munson, P. S. Brown, jr., William Clough, sergeant-at-arms.

Members of Lower House—John Moran, Jesse L. Jewell, Olans Swanson, James O. Beroth, John P. Lynch, Lewis B. Sawyer, William H. Otto, Speaker A. D. Burrows, John F. Wiedenmann, John Thomas, sergeant-at-arms.

The newspaper men in the party are, Walter Sanford of the Star, J. Irwin of the Journal, Frank Miarquard of the Times, J. P. Britt of the World and Arthur Cain of the Star.

Ex-Governor Thomas T. Crittenden and wife, Hugh J. McCowan of the Barber Asphalt company and Henry R. Carson of Chicago, representing the same company, and Judge J. H. Austin are also in the party.

Modest but Insinuative.

The representatives of the Manufacturers' association carried grass linen parasols, on which was inscribed the name of the organization. There were the hustlers of the crowd, and immediately upon entering the lobby of the hotel one was impressed with the feeling that some one from Kansas City was near by. They were modest in general, however, and generous. They complimented the appearance of Omaha, and expressed pleasure with the courtesy shown them. They said the first impression of the two cities would be to leave the belief that Omaha is larger than Kansas City, while least one representative of Omaha's city that after an investigation the opposite would be shown to be true.

Blackman's Midland band (colored), D. E. Blackman, leader, donned its white coats, and gave a short concert while the members of the delegation secured their breakfast and made ready to go out to the exposition. It was 10 o'clock before they were ready to make the start. Carriages had been secured for the use of the official representatives of Kansas City, and into these the visitors were hurried, each carriage containing at they of course expected to no one to doubt but government, to act as guide. There were fifteen of the carriages. In the first one Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden and Mayor Moores, and in the second President Wattles of the exposition pointed out the places of interest to the other occupants. The line, headed by Sergeant Iler and Policeman Ronk and Gibbon, mounted, drove from the Millard to Farnam street, west on Farnam to Fifteenth, north on Fifteen to Douglas, west on Douglas to Sixteenth and north on Sixteenth to the exposition grounds, where the formal ceremonies of the day were to take place.

The official reception and honors were confined to the representatives of the Kansas City municipal government, as the delegation from the south was too large to be handled in a body. The balance of the visitors soon dispersed themselves over the city after their arrival, and many of them lost no time in getting out to the grounds. The major portion of them returned home last evening, but the members of the city government will remain until Sunday evening, returning on one of the regular trains.

Good Day for Railroads.

The railroads leading to Omaha from Kansas City have not done such a business since the opening of the exposition as that of yesterday. Kansas City sent as large a delegation as had been anticipated, and promises to make its day a fitting example for other western cities to follow.

and on next page

The Kansas City branch of the Burlington brought in its regular train with ten well filled coaches, and in addition had a special train made up of eight Pullmans, bringing at least 1,000 excursionists. The Port Arthur had a special train composed of three Pullmans and five coaches, which were filled to full capacity. Its regular morning train was larger than usual also, and swelled the number of Missourians the road carried to 800 or 900. The Missouri Pacific had a special train of six Pullmans and several coaches fun as a section of its train, No. 1, and the regular train was larger than it ordinarily is by several cars, and every car well filled.


Exposition Will Celebrate the War's Formal Conclusion.


Will Endeavor to Secure Attendance of President McKinley.


Many Attractions Will Be Offered for the Patriotic Americans.


Closing Week Has Been the Most Successful One of the Exposition, Many Outsiders Being Present.

Anticipating a favorable outcome of the peace negotiations now in progress between Spain and the United States, the exposition management is preparing for a grand peace demonstration which will be held as soon after the war is officially ended as the necessary preliminaries can be arranged. It has been suggested that it is eminently fitting that the peaceful solution of the difficulties now pending should be celebrated by a big jollification at the Transmississippi Exposition, which is essentially representative of the arts and pursuits of peace. With this idea in view it is proposed to make the demonstration one of the biggest features of the exposition and it will occur as soon as possible after the conclusion of the war is assured.

The plans for the celebration have not been fully determined, but it has been decided that a vigorous effort will be made to secure the presence of President McKinley and of as many other representatives of the national administration as possible. A number of speakers of national reputation will be invited to make addresses and there will be a mammoth parade, which will include all the features of the exposition and possibly an entire representation of local organizations and secret societies. The celebration will conclude with a big display of fireworks in the evening and other interesting features will probably be added before the plans are completed.

In the same connection it is proposed to recognize the return of the volunteers with a big public demonstration in case they are sent home before the exposition closes. This will also be an exposition feature and although it is considered doubtful if any of the Nebraska regiments are mustered out before November 1 the management will be ready to give them a rousing reception if the occasion presents itself.

Close of a Successful Week.

In spite of the fact that two of the biggest days of last week were largely discounted by rain, the attendance was a decided improvement on that of any previous week. There was no single day that compared with either the opening day or July 4, but there was a steady inflow of out-of-town people that swelled the aggregate to unprecedented proportions. The total attendance at the exposition up to date is 699,800 and of these fully 100,000 came through the gates during the last seven days. Friday was the banner day, with nearly 22,000 admissions, with Indian day a close second. The exact figures are Sunday, 9,482; Monday, 8,215; Tuesday, 16,462; Wednesday, 12,945; Thursday, 19,648; Friday, 21,441; Saturday (estimated), 12,000; total, 100,193.

It had been expected that yesterday would be an even bigger day in point of attendance than those preceding, but the heavy rain that fell in the early morning and the clouds that continued to threaten kept the crowd down to average dimensions. Aside from the ceremonies that attended the reception and entertainment of the Kansas City visitors the repetition of the floral [?]   the day. This was far from showing the full effect of the magnificent spectacle, but it was sufficient to give the visitors a vivid impression of what it was when the full strength of the demonstration was in line. The ominous weather induced the bulk of the participants to remain at home, and only thirteen of the half hundred equipages that moved in the cavalcade of the previous day were in evidence at 4 o'clock. These waited for half an hour for some belated participant to arrive and break the unfortunate number, but none appeared and the pageant moved over practically the same route, headed by a squad of police and Phinney's band. Those who were sufficiently patriotic to bring out their vehicles for the second time were: Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles, Miss Lynn Curtis, Miss Mae Mount, Miss Anna Shiverick, Mrs. H. T. Clarke, Mrs. C. J. Barber, Mrs. J. E. Baum, Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall, Mrs. Ed Maurer, Mrs. J. H. Evans, Mrs. Howard Baldrige, Miss Nellie Bennett and Miss Elizabeth Allen.

The grounds will be opened at 1 o'clock this afternoon, but owing to the failure to secure a quorum of the Board of Directors Friday, the rate of admission will remain at 50 cents. Phinney's band will give its usual concerts at 3 and 7:30 o'clock and the other attractions of the show will remain as usual.


Kansas City People Overrun the Grounds and Have a Good Time.

Upwards of 1,000 Kansas City visitors helped to enliven the day at the exposition grounds and most of them will remain over Sunday to complete their inspection of the Transmississippi show. They represented a large proportion of the official and commercial life of the big city on the Kaw and with liberal assistance from their Omaha hosts they crowded the day and evening full of unqualified enjoyment. Their badges bore the suggestive motto, "You Will Have to Show Me," and the people who wore them constituted one of the liveliest and most enthusiastic crowds that has yet visited the exposition. They came in during the morning on three different routes and by the time when the exercises of the day were scheduled most of them had found their way to the grounds and impressed the local visitors with the fact that they were in town.

The official members of the party were a little late in getting out and it was a little after 11 o'clock when they appeared at the Auditorium. They were escorted to the stage by President Wattles of the exposition association, Mayor Moores and other city officials while the band played a medley of popular airs and the crowd poured in and partially filled the building. A few minutes later the Manufacturers' association of Kansas City, headed by Blackman's band, arrived at the grounds and the band was escorted to a place on the stage.

Welcomed to Omaha.

President Wattles called the crowd to order and introduced Mayor Frank E. Moores, who welcomed the visitors in behalf of the city. He assured them that this is no perfunctory duty. At this time when the great west is making this magnificent exposition of its resources it is eminently fittting​ that the good fellowship and hospitality, which was no less a product of the west, should not be lacking. The west had produced Lincoln, whose motto was "Malice toward none and charity toward all." It had produced Grant, whose magnanimous conduct at Appomattox had done so much to relieve the acerbities of civil war.

Mayor Moores called attention to the fact that Omaha and Kansas City occupied a very similar position in regard to the commercial field in the west. But this is no reason why their competition should not be of the friendliest character. Their interests are in the main identical. What brings benefit to one must in some degree assist the other. In conclusion he presented Acting Mayor A. D. Burrows with the huge golden keys which represented the liberty of the city.

In behalf of Mayor Jones, who was unable to be present, Mr. Burrows expressed the appreciation of the visitors at the very hospitable reception that had greeted them, and was succeeded by ex-Governor Crittenden of Missouri, who responded in behalf of the people of his state. The speaker declared that they had stopped at the gates this morning and declared with admiration and gratification, "Behold, a greater than Chicago." They would return home to proclaim the beauties of the exposition and the hospitality of the city and send the rest of their inhabitants to descend on Omaha like a flight of locusts.

Come to Cheer Us On.

Continuing Governor Crittenden declared that they had come to pluck no flowers, but to add brighter colors to our wreaths. They came from a sister city and they were animated by only one feeling and that to do honor to an enterprise that honored the whole west. There is no hatred towards Omaha in Kansas City. They recognized in Omaha a great and energetic city and have no desire to rob it of any of the laurels is has won. "All hail to Omaha" is the utterance of Kansas City, Missouri, and the great west of which we are all a part, and all shared the expectation that the exposition would bring an added measure of prosperity to the whole west.

Referring to Kansas City, the speaker sketched a brief statistical review of its business resources and superior advantages, and declared that if he had access to similar data in regard to Omaha he would speak of it with the same pride. Omaha has accomplished what no other city dared to undertake and its success has surprised everyone, except itself.

Governor Crittenden's address was followed by a selection by Blackman's band and a short address by President Wattles, who said that it was especially appropriate that the first municipal day at the exposition should be celebrated by Kansas City. No city ever won commercial supremacy by tearing down the prestige of another city. The interests of the two municipalities were identical. They were both developments of the pioneer life of the early west. The future of both depended on the continued growth and prosperity of the same territory. This neighborly visit was only one of the evidences of good will and encouragement that had been received from Kansas City during the progress of the exposition. The great enterprise stood like a beacon light and commanded the attention of the world. That such results could be accomplished in the midst of financial embarrassments by a people burdened by crop failures and evil reports, was the greatest marvel of modern times. It was an exposition of pluck and energy and enterprise that had never been equaled.

After the conclusion of the formal celebration the crowd proceeded to distribute itself over the grounds and take in the show from the Midway to the Arch of States. During the afternoon a delegation headed by Blackman's band serenaded most of the Midway resorts and were hospitably entertained. The ghost of yesterday's

unremoved Flower Parade
flower parade attracted the bulk of the visitors and in the evening they made a round of the Midway that left nothing to complain of being slighted.

Indians Suffer from Rain.

Yesterday was uneventful at the Indian congress. The rain of the early morning drenched the occupants of the village and dampened the occupants of the village and dampened their bedding and clothing. At the same time it dampened their ardor, especially those who come from Arizona and New Mexico, where it is never supposed to rain.

There are a lot of Indians upon the grounds who when at home reside in a country that is as dry as a powder horn, and it is seldom that they ever see water except in the rivers and streams. The downpour of Saturday morning was something new to them and consequently they were unprepared for anything of the kind. In the morning these Indians arose at the usual hour and seeing the sky overcast with clouds concluded that it meant trouble. They went back into their wickiups and prepared for the worst. The worst, however, did not come, but instead a rain did come and their habitations leaked like so many sieves.

At the Horticultural Building.

Yesterday was something of an off-day in the Horticultural building, as Saturdays always are. The building was visited by hundreds of strangers, who admired the display, which was not at its best. The fruit and vegetables shown in the building are received on Sundays and placed for inspection, consequently everything is not absolutely fresh during the last days of the week.

Yesterday Nebraska put in a lot of fresh fruit, but the big exhibit of the week will not be made until Monday. Superintendent Youngers is now in the country working up an interest among the fruit growers and has written in that he is succeeding most admirably.

Iowa's Indian Exhibit.

The Indian exhibit on the second floor of the Iowa state building is about complete and is regarded as being very creditable. It is made by the Sacs and Foxs​, and shows samples of grain raised this year, together with bead work and matting, the rushes which are used in its manufacture having been gathered from the sloughs and swales of the reservation. In addition to the stuff heretofore enumerated, there are some photographs of farm scenes in which the Indians are the principal characters. There is a picture of the Indian school which will be opened for the first time next month. The exhibit is attracting more than a passing notice.

Concert and Fireworks.

The crowd was exceptionally appreciative at the Plaza concert last night, and encores were frequent. Mr. Rodenkirchen's cornet solo was one of the numbers that was most enthusiastically rewarded, and the selection from Verdi's "Attila" was delightfully rendered. The overture from "Zampa," a medley of old songs, and a xylophone solo by Mr. J. O'Connor were also especially well received.

The concert was followed by a beautiful display of fireworks on the north tract. The usual series of bombs, mines and rockets was featured by a number of very pretty set designs and the crowd was delighted.

Rates for Knights of Pythias.

Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation last night announced that reduced rates had been secured on all railroads entering the city for the convention of the Knights of Pythias on August 10. The rate will be one-third regular fare from all points within 150 miles of Omaha and one regular fare plus $2 from points outside the 150 mile radius. Council Bluffs is not included in the rate announcement. The tickets will be sold on August 8 and will be good for return until August 13.

Executive Committee Meeting.

Flower Parade

At the meeting of the executive committee of the Exposition yesterday afternoon the thanks of the exposition management were tendered to Mrs. T. M. Orr and her assistants for the "superb and artistic" spectacle that their flower parade had afforded. In partial recognition of the hard work done by the women in putting on this elaborate pageant it was decided to present each of the forty-two participants with a souvenir exposition medal. of silver

Power to the extent of ten-horse power was ordered supplied free of charge for the live exhibit of the manual training department of the Omaha High school.

The committee decided to boom the Indian congress more vigorously, and to this effect the purchase of 1,100 four-color lithograph sixteen and twenty-sheet posters was authorized. These will be billed through Nebraska and adjoining states by the last of this week.

They Are All Right.

The electric carriage of Montgomery Ward & Co. was out in the Midway last night and was the center of attraction everywhere. The reporter noticed the great surprise depicted on every face as this mysterious vehicle crept along through the crowds under most perfect control. It would be absolutely impossible for an accident to occur. One could not throw himself under the wheels because it can be stopped instantly at any time, and the steering apparatus is so perfect that the motorman can dodge an object like a bird. Midway entertainers hail with delight this attraction in front of their respective places and the gates of the Streets of All Nations and of Cairo are always open to it. Montgomery Ward & Co. are all right.

Pennsylvania's Commission.

The commission appointed by Governor Hastings to represent Pennsylvania in connection with the exposition has organized, selected officers and an executive committee and is now ready to begin active preparations for the celebration of Pennsylvania day. The commission has informally selected October 5, the day previous to New York day, subject to the approval of the exposition officials. They expect to bring a large delegation to Omaha to assist in the celebration and to remain in the city at least a week. It is expected that Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith will deliver the principal address at the Pennsylvania day celebration.

Exposition Notes.

The Eastern Central Passenger association has announced a rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip to Chicago for Commercial Travelers' day, September 24. The fare from Chicago to Omaha will be one fare for the round trip.

A small boy was brought to the emergency hospital yesterday afternoon suffering from a severely scalded limb, the result of overturning a cup of hot coffee at one of the lunch stands. He was able to go home after his burns were treated.

The work of ballasting the track of the miniature railroad has been commenced. A carload of Sherman gravel was dumped along the line yesterday and before the end of the week the work of putting the track in first-class condition will be completed.

W. J. Stewart, secretary of the Society of American Florists favors the department of transportation with a letter that is entirely unique in the correspondence of that department. He assures Manager Babcock that the florists are well pleased with the rate that has been secured for their annual convention in Omaha and that they will attend in large numbers.

The band that accompanied the Kansas City delegation serenaded the Press building force last night. Several selections were played in front of the building, after which Colonel Richardson appeared and made a brief speech, in which he told the story of the exposition and informed the Kansas City musicians that the building and everything on the grounds was at their disposal.

The dedication of the organ in the Auditorium, which was to have occurred Thursday night, is off. Harrison Wilde of Chicago, who was to have given a recital, assisted by the exposition chorus, has informed the management that he cannot be here on the date mentioned and a postponement was necessitated. Manager Lindsey has not decided when the dedication will take place, but it will be announced in ample time.

The heavy rain that soaked Omaha and vicinity early this morning did no material damage at the grounds. The walls of the lagoon were not perceptibly strained by the flood and there was comparatively little leakage in any of the buildings. The worst sufferers were Captain Mercer's Indians, whose tepees were scarcely adapted to withstand the descending torrents, but aside from some inconvenience they were not [?] damaged.



One of the Interesting Exhibits at the Transmississippi Exposition.


Built for His Pleasure Trips it Was Completed Just in Time to Bear His Corpse to Its Burial.

Of all the interesting exhibits in the Transportation building at the Transmississippi Exposition there is none that attracts more general attention, or is viewed with as great affection and reverence as the old "Lincoln car." None of the visitors to the Transportation building go away without gazing at the historic relic for some time with an evident affectionate interest and very few look at it save with uncovered heads.

Although the car is now in a dilapidated condition and plainly shows that it has been abandoned to the cold storms of winter and the sun's hot rays in summer for too many years, it is still the car that was used to bear the remains of President Lincoln from Washington to Springfield, Ill., for interment. Time has made sad changes within and without. From a beautifully decorated exterior its sides are changed to a lot of cracked and weatherbeaten boards. The glass in the windows, the brass railings of the platforms, the union shield and other decorations are all gone. Inside the several compartments and fine furnishings have been removed. The sofa and chairs are gone, but it is the old Lincoln car, what is left of it, a decaying hulk of its once honored self, and though left obscure and neglected until the opening of the exposition, the visitor who sees it recognizes in it a national treasure of incomparable value and rich association and does well to take off his hat to it.

Why the Car Was Built.

There have been articles descriptive of the old Lincoln car written and published, especially since the World's fair, at which it was proposed to exhibit the car. In all of these articles more or less space is devoted to the description of the armor-plate that is supposed by many to have lined the car, and many tales are related of the use of the car to convey President Lincoln to Virginia during the war that he might visit the Army of the Potomac. As a matter of fact the car was not lined with sheet iron at all and it never made a trip to the front during the civil war. The first time it was ever used was to bear the remains of President Lincoln, with those of his son, which had been disinterred, from Washington, D. C., to Springfield, Ill.

Authority for these statements, which so flatly refute the stories about the use of the car in war time, is obtained from W. H. H. Price of Atlanta, Ga., foreman of car repairs of the Southern railway there. It was he who had charge of the building of the car from the time it was begun until it was finally completed for President Lincoln, shortly before his assassination. At that time Mr. Price was foreman of the car shops at Alexandria, Va. In searching for the true history of the Lincoln car some time ago a Bee reporter discovered a friend of Mr. Price employed in the Union Pacific shops in this city. A correspondence with the man who built the Lincoln care followed and from him were obtained facts that controvert the heretofore accepted history of the national relic.

Letter from Its Builder.

The following is a letter on this subject to The Bee from Mr. Price, under the date of February 19, 1897:

In reply to yours of the 13th inst. I would say that I know that I am the only living man that had anything to do with managing the building of President Lincoln's private car. I was foreman at one of the car shops at Alexandria, Va., under B. P. Lamason, superintendent car department, United States Military railroad of Virginia, and as foreman had charge of building the car from start to finish. The work was begun in November, 1863, and was finished in February, 1865.

Some time during the year 1863 Mr. Lamason conceived the idea or received orders to build a private car for the use of the president. The car was designed for the general use of the president, and not exclusively for the purpose of conveying him to an from the front, as is generally supposed; neither was the car cased inside with iron, as has been stated by some writers.

The car was completed but a short time before the assassination of the president. On the day the president was assassinated General J. H. Devereaux, superintendent of transportation, and Mr. Lamason were awaiting a reply to an invitation sent the president to take a ride in the car the next day, April 15, 1865. The first trip it ever made was to bear President Lincoln's lifeless remains, with those of his son, which [?] from Washington to [?]

After the car had been finished it was photographed by the government photographer.

Design of the Car.

In design of framing the car was similar to those in use on the Pennsylvania railroad, was forty-two feet long inside and had raised roof with circular ends. The inside of the car was upholstered on sides and ends from the seat rail to the head lining, and was divided into three compartments, viz., drawing room, parlor and stateroom, the latter being in center of the car. The drawing room and parlor were connected by an aisle extending along the wall inside of the car, and in the drawing room end a saloon was placed. The upper deck was painted a zinc white, with coat of arms of the different states in the panels.

The car was originally planned to run on two trucks, but after it was framed and well under way Mr. Lamason changed his mind and decided to mount it on four trucks, which necessitated changing the bolsters and considerable other work. The two main bolsters were Ambrose Word's patent, and the ends of the bolster truss rods projected through the sides of the car and were covered by brass-capped nuts, as shown in the cut. Four sub-bolsters were also added to receive the eight side bearings with slotted centers, as described by the sketch.

Each two trucks were connected by means of a truss with main center plate in center. There were four guide center plates, with curved slots, one on each sub-bolster and one on each truck and two side bearings made of spring steel and rubber.

The spread of trucks was four feet ten inches; wheels, thirty-three inches, cast iron, with broad tread. The wheels were made by the Union car wheel works of Jersey City, N. J., of the W. W. Snow patent. Mr. Snow is at present general manager of the Ramapo Wheel and Foundry company of Ramapo, N. Y. The springs of the truck bolsters were hung on old style long hangers, no sand board, but bottom of hangers tied with U-shaped under-rods.

No equalizing bar was used, the elliptic springs being placed on top of oil boxes. The pedestals were cast iron, of a pattern so elaborate as to be difficult to describe. Mr. Lamason having spent weeks in designing them.

The outside of the car was painted a rich chocolate brown and polished with oil and rotten stone with the bare hand. In the oval panel on side of car was painted the United States coat of arms and in the center of panel above coat of arms in small gold letters, placed in a circle, were the words "United States." The car was ornamented in gold, but had neither number nor name except as just described.

Mr. Lamason had personal charge of the car in the funeral train, and, as the running gear was so different from cars then in use, it was attended by one man, having with him a supply of duplicate parts, tools, etc., to facilitate repairs in case of accident.

When the car was returned to Alexandria it was still draped in black crape, which was removed, carefully boxed and sent to the Treasury department. The writer had the honor of attending personally to this work, and, in spite of orders to the contrary, a small portion of the drapery was secured, which he still has in his possession, as well as a block of wood from the catafalque on which rested the body of the dead president.

Bought by Sidney Dillon.

Just after the close of the war the government put a great amount of its railway material that had been used in the prosecution of the war into the hands of an auction firm in Cincinnati, and among it was the Lincoln car. Sidney Dillon, who was then at the head of the Union Pacific affairs, was directly responsible for its purchase. For a long time after its arrival in Omaha the car was a great curiosity both on account of its connection with the martyr president and also for the reason that it was then considered the finest railway coach that had ever been constructed, and many thousands of people visited the shops for the purpose of seeing it.

Late in 1892 a company of men from New York sent an agent to Omaha with a view of negotiating a purchase of the car, intending to exhibit it at the World's fair. Satisfactory terms could not be made, and the project was abandoned. The agent desired to have proof of the authenticity of the car from the railway officials, and Mr. I. H. Condon, for many years master mechanic of the Union Pacific railway, in a lengthy let-letter on the subject, said:

"The famous car was brought to Omaha in 1866, and was purchased for the Union Pacific by T. C. Durant. Sidney Dillon manifested great interest in the car in the early days of the road. I was in charge of the locomotive department of the Great Western railroad of Illinois, at Springfield, during the war, and was there at the time President Lincoln's remains were brought there. The car had been used as a funeral car, and stood in the railroad yards during the time that Lincoln's body lay in state in the capitol building, and we had an opportunity of examining it closely. I remember identifying it as the same car when it came here in 1866. When first brought to Omaha it was used as a private car by the directors, but on account of its extreme weight and the manner in which it was mounted, it rode so poorly that they soon abandoned it. I have been over the road with Mr. Dillon in the Lincoln car, and heard him speak of [?] the president used were brought to Springfield. [?]Clark, now president of the Union Pacific, stated to me a good many years ago that Mr. Dillon desired some of the furniture of the car taken out and sent to New York, and I saw that his request was carried out."

The car was built as nearly as possible to suit Mr. Lincoln's idea, and was so peculiar in construction as to give it individual characteristics.

On the Down Grade.

In 1870 the car was sold to the Colorado Central at the time of the construction of the latter line to Golden, Colo. The car was used for a number of years between Denver and Golden as a passenger coach. The seats of the car then ran sideways along the entire length of the car, and there is said to have been presented some jolly scenes of western sociability as the old car was pulled along at a low rate of speed between the two western towns, the travelers swapping yarns and other things with their fellow tourists across the aisle.

In a few years, after the car had served its usefulness as a passenger coach on the Colorado line, it was declared to be a back number so far as passenger equipment was concerned, and was then converted into a construction car. For several years it carried gangs of workmen along the line, was used by them between camps and at nights, and again saw a bit of pioneer railroad life in the west, when the west was really wild. As is the case with all construction cars this one received some pretty hard knocks. Young engineers and their workmen are not over fond of taking good care of their construction cars. But it was always known as the "Lincoln car." In 1878 the Colorado Central was absorbed by the Union Pacific system. It was used for a time as a construction car on the Union Pacific, but it has spent most of its time since standing unprotected in the shop yards at Omaha. At one time a shed was erected over it and many visitors inspected it.

Since 1878 several attempts have been made to have the car restored to its original condition but they have all failed. W. H. H. Price, the foreman who had charge of the construction of the car, had a plan for restoring the car to a condition very similar to its original state, but never succeeded in obtaining the co-operation of those whose aid was necessary. Some of the most interesting features of the car are still in Omaha, but they are not exhibited with it. The small wooden panels, on which are painted the coats-of-arms of the states belonging to the union in 1865, are well preserved, and are kept in the model room of the Union Pacific shops here. A sofa, reclining chair and several smaller chairs are in the offices of the higher officials. Other articles of furniture of the car were removed to New York by order of Sidney Dillon, a former president of the road.

Object to Early Closing.

The exhibitors in the Agricultural building are up in arms and have a protest against the closing of the building at 6 o'clock. They contend that thousands of the people who visit the exposition are those who are not upon the grounds during the day and that for this reason they should be given some consideration. They have signed a petition which will be presented to the exposition management, asking that the building to be kept open until the gates close.


Three Hundred Dollars Set Aside to Assist the Omaha Schools in Making a Live Exhibit.

A brief session was held by the county commissioners yesterday morning. Miscellaneous claims amounting to about $26,000 were allowed.

The request of the city school board for $500 for an exhibit at the exposition was taken up and acted upon, not just as the school board wanted, but still there was a measure of compliance. Several of the county commissioners feel that the board is not in a position to help the school board very much, considering the condition of the exposition bond fund. An opinion has been [?]


Result of the Conference of Passenger Men and Exposition Officials.


Recommendation to the Western Passenger Association Agreed Upon, but Its Publication Deferred Until After Ratification.

Lower railroad rates to Omaha during the remainder of the exposition are in sight. The result of the joint conference between the [?] passenger agents of Omaha[?]   the exposition and of the Omaha Commercial club was the recommendation of a set of lower rates to the Western Passenger association. To consider this recommendation a special meeting of the Western Passenger association has been called for Chicago on Wednesday, August 10. As the lines entering this city constitute the bulk of power of the Western Passenger association it is confidently believed that their recommendation will be accepted and their suggestions as to low rates be adopted.

Two sessions on the subject of reduced rates to the exposition were held here yesterday. The morning session was held in the Administration Arch on the exposition grounds and representatives of the several interests mentioned were present. The afternoon session was held in the Service building and was a closed session of the general passenger agents of the Omaha terminal lines.

Previous to the morning meeting the visiting railroaders met the local passenger men at the Elkhorn headquarters and hurriedly went over the local rate situation. Then the party adjourned to the exposition grounds, where the conference was called to order shortly after 11 o'clock. In addition to the members of the exposition executive committee there were present Herman Kountze, C. S. Montgomery, J. E. Baum and the following general passenger agents: P. S. Eustis and John Francis of the Burlington, Heafford of the Milwaukee, Lomax of the Union Pacific, Buchanan of the Elkhorn, and Harry C. Orr of the Port Arthur Route, Assistant General Passenger Agents MacLeod of the Rock Island, Payne of the Missouri Pacific, Cairnes of the Northwestern and Hutchison of the Union Pacific; Louis Jackson, industrial agent, and Fred A. Nash, general western agent, of the Milwaukee; B. D. Caldwell, chairman, and T. W. Lee, joint agent of the Western Passenger association.

Arguments for Lower Rates.

The arguments in favor of a reduction in rates to Omaha on account of the exposition were made by Edward Rosewater, Herman Kountze and J. E. Baum. All of them spoke of the benefits to be derived, not only by the exposition and Omaha, but the western country as a whole, through the medium of reduced rates during the remainder of the exposition. Mr. Rosewater made an especial plea for reduced rates from more remote points than had yet been granted low rates to the exposition. The request of the joint committee of the exposition directors and of the Omaha Commercial club was formulated and presented as follows:

The Western Passenger association lines are requested to make the following rates to the exposition:

First—Daily one fare round trip from all points, fifteen days limit.

Second—State and city days 1 cent per mile from all points round trip, limit ten days.

Third—Local excursion trains from points within 200 miles in morning and back at night, ½ cent per mile. Excursion beyond 200 miles limit to be increased based on conditions.

Fourth—Red letter days from points within 200 miles 1 cent per mile, three days limit; excess of 200 miles, limit based on conditions.

After the presentation of this request there was a general discussion in which most of those present participated. The railroaders did not combat the arguments in favor of reduced rates, but contented themselves with an explanation of the rate situation and the difficulties in the way of conceding all that was asked for by the exposition. The morning meeting, which was an executive session, adjourned at 2 o'clock for lunch.

In the afternoon the railroad men convened in the Service building. They discussed the four propositions for reduced rates presented to them at the morning session. The Omaha general passenger agents argued with their brothers for most liberal concessions. What recommendations were agreed upon will be submitted to a general meeting of all the lines in Chicago on Wednesday. It was voted to keep these recommendations secret until Wednesday's meeting, for fear that the premature publication of them would be prejudicial to the movement for lower rates.

Favorable to the Exposition.

After the adjournment of the afternoon meeting General Passenger Agent Francis of the B. & M. said: "The action taken this afternoon was very favorable to the exposition. A meeting of the general association has been called for Wednesday to consider our recommendations. What these recommendations were we think best not to make public for fear of hurting our cause."

"Do you think the other lines in the association will agree to your recommendations?"

"You bet they will. The Omaha terminal lines will recommend liberal rates to the exposition, and their recommendations are going to go."

B. D. Caldwell, chairman of the Western Passenger association, said: "The conference has been very favorable to the exposition. Your committee presented some good arguments for lower rates. The railroad men did not argue against them but explained the situation so that they might know what has to be accomplished to reduce the rates. We are all working together on this matter, and I believe the recommendations of the Omaha terminal lines will be agreed on by all the lines in the association. I want to say that better rates have been secured for the exposition than were granted during the first six weeks of the World's fair, and much credit for this must be given to Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation, who has worked very hard with the railroads for the best interests of the exposition."

After the adjournment of the afternoon meeting the action of the general passenger agents in recommending a line of lower rates was variously discussed among the exposition directors and members of the Commercial club. It was agreed that the four propositions presented contained only a fair request, and the hope was expressed that all of the propositions had been recommended. The only fear expressed was that the recommendations for better rates would not bring the desired rates into effect before September 1, whereas all who are working for the success of the big show want the reduced rates to become effective at once.


General Passenger Agents Talk Gingerly of the Situation.

There was some consternation in passenger circles yesterday when the Milwaukee's cut to $9.25 in the Chicago rate business became known. It was somewhat of a surprise to the passenger men of the other Omaha-Chicago lines, though John Sebastian, general passenger agent of the Rock Island system, got wind of what was coming in Omaha Thursday and that's the reason he cut his visit here short and hurried back to Chicago headquarters.

There is no doubt but the other lines will offer the same rate on Tuesday morning, when the Milwaukee puts its Chicago tickets on sale at both Omaha and Chicago. General Passenger Agent John Francis of the B. & M. last night said that the Burlington would meet the cut. Assistant General Passenger Agent MacLeod of the Rock Island said the matter was being handled in Chicago and he had received no advices of the cut. The Northwestern office did not receive notice of the cut either. But it's a foregone conclusion that all the lines will put in the rate on Tuesday.

Asked where the rate war was going to bring up, Chairman Caldwell of the Western Passenger association yesterday said: "It's pretty hard to tell. The rate of $9.25 between Chicago and Omaha and of $8 between Chicago and St. Paul will be put into effect on Tuesday. It is probable that the lines to St. Louis will also make a cut, but nothing has as yet been announced concerning a cut in the rates to Kansas City. The rate of $9.25 is not only a selling rate, but is a basing rate as well and as such will necessarily affect the through transcontinental rates. Until the rates go into effect on Tuesday it is probable that nothing will be done in the way of restoring rates to tariff."

Railroad Notes and Personals.

Fred A. Nash, general western agent of the Milwaukee, will leave this morning for an extended trip through Colorado and Utah.

M. W. Burns of Chicago, contracting agent of the Frisco line, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Burns is a half brother of Policeman Kelly.

The visiting general passenger agents spent yesterday afternoon, after the conclusion of their meeting, and last evening on the exposition grounds. The Transportation building, the Indian congress and the Midway were the attractions that engaged most of their attention.


Wednesday and Thursday Set Apart for Their Celebrations.


Members of the Improved Order of Red Men Will Observe Two Special Occasions at the Grounds During the Week.

During this week Omaha is to be given over largely to Red Men. On Monday the advance guard of the delegations will arrive in the city, Great Incohonee Daniel of Georgia being among the prominent men of the order who will come on that day. On Tuesday morning the St. Joseph Red Men will arrive at 11 o'clock, and from that time on every train will bring in tribes from all parts of the country. The Tennessee delegation, which comprises 1,000 Red Men together with their friends, has not informed the local committee of the exact time they expect to reach Omaha, but they will be here in time to take part in the exercises of the 10th and end up the day with a genuine Red Men's sham battle, something which is entirely new to Omaha. The following is the program which has been arranged for August 10:

9 a. m.—Parade forms at Fifteenth and Douglas, east on Douglas to Eleventh, south to Farnam, west to Sixteenth, north to Cuming, west to Boulevard, north to Twentieth street entrance; platoon of police; Seventh Ward Military band; chieftain's league in uniform; Red Men by states; carriages, officers of state and committee; exercises at Auditorium at 11 a. m.
InvocationRev. Campbell Fair, D. D., Rector of Trinity Cathedral.
Address of WelcomeBy His Excellency, Gov. Holcomb
ResponseBy Great Chief of Records of United States Charles C. Conley of Philadelphia
Address of Welcome on behalf of CityMayor Frank E. Moores
ResponseJudge A. Saltzman, St. Joseph, Mo.
Address of the dayBy Great Incohonee Hon. Robert T. Daniel, Griffith, Ga.
6:30 p. m., sham battle; 9 p. m., display of fireworks.

August 11 is Tennessee Red Men's day and will be celebrated appropriately by the Red Men who come from that state, assisted by the local and visiting members of the order. The exact program for the day has not been announced, but the chief feature will be two sham battles, one given in the morning and the other in the evening. The Tennessee delegation has had extensive experience in giving these military spectacles and bears the reputation of giving the best sham battles of any organization in the United States. More than 700 men completely costumed in the bright-colored uniform of the native red men will take part in the battles. At the Nashville exposition the sham battles given by the same organization were one of the features of the exposition and on the days they were given attracted great crowds to the grounds.

The lodge rooms in the Continental block are to be the headquarters for Red Men while in the city. The entire Continental building will be decorated appropriately in flags and bunting together with the symbols of the order, and the delegations will be escorted there as they arrive in the city and put under the care of entertainment committees. Five information bureaus for the accommodation of Red Men have been established in different parts of the city and every effort will be made by the local tribes to render the visitors' stay in Omaha a pleasant one.


Kansas City and Omaha City Governments Fraternize Around the Banquet Board.

Kansas City

The Kansas City officials, who accompanied a big batch of Missourians to the city yesterday in celebration of Kansas City day, were "shown." Following the morning at the exposition grounds they were kidnaped​ by the Omaha city government in the afternoon and were given the best in the way of prandial entertainment that the city could offer. The bit of a banquet took place at the Millard hotel in the middle of the afternoon.

An excellent menu was offered for the enjoyment of the official portion of the city down the Kaw. At its conclusion, when cigars were served, Mayor Moores once more welcomed the visitors, this time in the behalf of the city government of Omaha. The response was made by Former Governor Crittenden, who was followed with addresses upon various topics by the following: Speaker D. S. Burrows of the lower house of the council of Kansas City, Member C. N. Munson of the upper house, City Counsellor R. B. Middlebrook, State Representative Thomas Spofford, City Engineer Rosewater of this city and Arthur Kane of the Kansas City Star.

The following Kansas City officials were present at the dinner: Ex-Governor Crittenden, A. S. Batt, John E. Lach, Herman Gerhart, C. N. Munson and P. S. Brown of the upper house of the council, Speaker D. S. Burrows, John Lynch, Dr. Sawyer, Jesse Jewell, James Beroth and Charles Weidiman of the lower house, City Treasurer Scott Harrison, City Counsellor R. B. Middlebrook, City Auditor Amos R. Cecil, City Comptroller Hans Lund, City Clerk Charles Curry, City Plumbing Inspector Henry Sieben, Superintendent of Buildings Wallace Lowe, Chief Clerk Sam Bear of the superintendent of buildings, Assistant License Inspector William Wolf, State Representative Thomas Spofford and City Hall Reporter Arthur Kane of the Kansas City Star.

The Omaha officials in attendance were: Mayor Moores, Assistant City Attorney Scott, Secretary Adams, Health Commissioner Spaulding, City Engineer Rosewater and Councilmen Bingham, Stuht, Mount, Lobeck and Bechel.



Department of Justice Shows Some Rare Old Works of Legal Lore.


Records of Early Trials for Heresy and Treason Among the Many Articles of Historic Interest Shown.

In the exhibit of the Department of Justice in the Government building the portraits of the attorneys general of the United States, painted in oil by the best foreign and native artists, are artistically grouped on a dark maroon background.

The beautiful figure of Justice, which ornaments the large column commanding the entrance to the exhibit, was originally designed by Major Frank Strong, U. S. A., the representative of the department on the government board. A woman of classic features and graceful pose holds in her left hand a pair of golden scales evenly balanced. In her right hand is an unsheathed sword. Her eyes are blindfolded; a wreath of golden hair falls over her shoulders; her Greek robe of blue and white is draped in rich folds about her lissome form. An effective group of American flags borne on golden tipped, arrow-headed staffs, forms a background for this emblem of justice. At her feet is the magnificent seal of the Department of Justice held in a heavy frame of gold. This seal is the American eagle standing on a divided shield, one part composed of the white and red stripes of our national flag, while the other is a dark blue field emblazoned with golden stars; in one claw the eagle holds an olive branch, in the other a bunch of arrows. In letters of gold the motto "Qui pro domina justitia sequitur" holds the shield in an arc of the circle which surrounds the entire design and encloses a field in which the tints of sunrise are admirably blended.

Many Rare Old Books.

The rare old books in the cases, which are always open to the inspection of the cultured people interested in the exhibit, are a rare treat to the judges and lawyers who visit the exposition. The Plaudits of Justinian, written in old Latin, the Frederician code, the laws of Mohamet, the state trials for heresy and high treason in Great Britain from the reign of Richard II to George III, the first edition of Blackstone published on the American continent, the charters of the states of Pennsylvania and Maryland from Charles II to William Penn and Lord Baltimore respectively, the colonial laws of the thirteen original states, are a few of the legal treasures to be seen and read for the asking.

The custodian is always there to be of service in explaining the exhibit, in translating any language contained in the books, or to point out in brief the most striking parts in the historical law papers such as the trial of the archbishop of Canterbury for high treason and heresy, the Guy Fawkes conspiracy or gunpowder plot, the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots, Charles I, Sir Walter Raleigh, Earl of Essex, etc.

Major Frank Strong has just sent from Washington autograph letters of Abraham Lincoln, James Buchanan, U. S. Grant and other presidents in which they recommend pardon to criminals whose circumstances or good behavior gave reasons why justice should be tempered with mercy. In a few days the portraits of all the chief justices of the United States and a number of the associate justices are expected.

The exhibit of the Department of Justice is not a large one, but it appeals peculiarly to the taste of cultured people. A man cannot fail to learn many valuable things in the hour or two spent in the niche over which the emblem of justice presides.

Follow Washington's Advice.

It is considered fitting, at this exposition, conceived and carried out on a plan of increasing and diffusing knowledge among men, that there should be as one of its main attractions an exhibit from the Smithsonian institution and National museum. Having as its motto and shield "For the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge Among Men," this exhaustive and comprehensive exhibit will be found to the right of the main door of the Government building as you go in and is one of the most interesting features of the Government building.

When George Washington, in 1796, said: "Promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the increase and diffusion of knowledge; in proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion be enlightened," he had no conception of the extent to which the United States would grow or the various ways taken to diffuse knowledge.

Thirty years after an Englishman named Smithson, never having been in America, but knowing of its struggles and admiring the principles of its foundation, put this clause in his will: "I bequeath the whole of my property to the United States of America to found at Washington an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." He, too, could have no idea of the ways to be taken to spread the gospel of knowledge. His fortune has rendered it possible to found an institution in Washington, and from there has gone out to every museum in the world and exposition of note part of the accumulated treasures and distinctive features for the benefit of mankind. Our United States government has been liberal in the matter of appropriations for the expositions held in other countries as well as our own.

Covers a Broad Field.

The Smithsonian institution and National museum covers so broad a field, as the chief exponent of scientific thought in America, that a few words as to its inception and operation should be given to the readers of The Bee. The Smithsonian institution is to many but a name, few know of its wide-reaching work. There is no reason known why Smithson, a foreigner, should bequeath his immense fortune to the United States for scientific research. His will was bitterly fought by relatives, but in 1828 the United States won the suit, and with wise investments, augmented by bequests from other philanthropic men, the institution now has a permanent fund of nearly $1,000,000 in the United States treasury, drawing interest at 6 per cent per annum.

The successful organization of the institution has been the result of long continued effort on the part of men of unusual ability and wisdom. Prof. Joseph Henry, who gave the world the electro-magnetic telegraph; Prof. Spencer F. Baird, than whom there is no higher authority on the mammals, birds and fishes of America and founder of the United States commission of fish and fisheries; and Prof. Samuel Pierpont Langley, pre-eminent physicist and astronomer—these are names high in the annals of America's learned men and each has given the best years of his life to the upbuilding of these institutions.

The objects of the Smithsonian institute are, first, to increase knowledge by investigation and study; second, to diffuse knowledge, not through the United States alone, but everywhere, by promoting an interchange of thought among those prominent in learning in all countries. It constantly aids in the improvement of the people, both at Washington and at expositions where a part of its great and valuable collections are shown.

The three ideas, record, research and education, are the fundamental principles of the National museum, of which the Smithsonian institute is the custodian. This is the only lawful place to deposit "all objects of art and of foreign and curious research, and all objects of national history, plants and geological and mineralogical specimens, belonging to the United States.

It is Easily Understood.

The official catalogue of the exposition gives so full a list and description of every object in the exhibit of these two institutions that it would be but repetition to speak of them in detail. It should be remarked, however, that the series of objects of each department are cased, fitted and labeled exactly as in Washington. The highest skill is used in the installation and the compactness and simplicity of labeling are so pronounced that it is unnecessary for an attendant to explain the exhibit. A person can readily grasp the thought presented him and follow it to its legitimate conclusion. For instance, in the department of anthropology there is given a clear and systematic presentation of the native American peoples and their evolution.

At what age man came I know not,
Fossils prove not, tablets show not;
But his dim, remote existence
Is a fact beyond dispute,

And here can be seen the first evidences of his work from prehistoric times,

When the human first began.

"Looking backward" through the ages one can see the growth of centuries and marvel at the advance from fire sticks to electricity; from stone ax to the brightest steel blade; from floating log to first-class steamer; and so on, ad liberatum. The world has been culled for this series on anthropology and we who are privileged to see this exhibit may well exclaim: "It is good to be here!"

The departments of biology and geology, with their divisions, are worthy of weeks of study, presenting as they do a series of objects, in themselves interesting. They give an opportunity for the student to study intelligently and at first hand the best specimens obtainable of mollusks, insects, fishes, reptiles, birds (these should specially be noted for their varied and natural poses), mammals and seaweeds; and in the geological department everything from petrified extinct animals to precious stones.

The great benefit to be derived from such a complete display of scientific research cannot be overestimated, and careful study only enhances the interest felt by the thousands who pass around the well filled cases.

Dr. F. W. True is the representative of the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum and made the selections for the Transmississippi Exposition. He has also many able assistants who have had vast experience in exposition matters and know how to make an exhibit not only instructive but attractive.

W. V. Cox, chief clerk of the National museum, who is here in charge of this exhibit, and also secretary of the government board of management, has probably had more experience in connection with expositions than any man in America, having been attached in one capacity or another to no less than eleven.


Their Skill in Art and Literature is Fully and Creditably Shown in an Inviting Exhibit.

The department of women's work for Missouri furnishes an attractive exhibit. It is advantageously situated in the southwest gallery of the Liberal Arts building, in connection with the educational exhibit of the state. The exhibit, while worthy of a visit to the exposition on its own account, is so skillfully arranged as to invite rather than demand inspection, and to interfere in no way with the idea of an elegant parlor, a place for rest, and the greetings of friends.

The range and diversity of the work exhibited prove how varied are the interests and occupations now open to women. A notable example is the leather work contributed by Miss Mary Bulkley of St. Louis. In the collection is a portfolio of white leather embossed in pale green and lined with green moire antique; the bookbinding, of which there are several specimens, furnishes examples of expert tooling and all are of the finest material; there are card cases, a picture frame and belts for women's wear, richly ornamented in delicate colors and of the most exquisite workmanship.

The pyrography of Mrs. Minette Slayback Carper of St. Louis is another unique collection of high artistic merit. A large linen chest of bold design is the most showy article of this burnt wood, but the tabouret, the panels, portfolios and picture frames show equal skill. Among the smaller articles is a pipe rack in green and brown, the decoration being a quaint conceit of dolphins and the legend, "A wife may be a scold. Give me a pipe."

Also from St. Louis are two beautiful landscapes in pastel, contributed by Miss Schuyler; two exquisite designs in embroidery by Miss Jolivet; an exhibit of wood carving and clay modeling, a book of sewing models and a series of drawings executed by the pupils of Miss Ball's school, and from the Wednesday club several very fine reproductions of well known masterpieces and also a large framed photograph of the club parlors.

The art exhibit sent from Kansas City contains work from nearly every studio there, including those of Van Millett, Weber and Huppert, "A September Morning" by Millet and one of Weber's best compositions in black and white being conspicuous among them. Two exquisite bits, a landscape and an interior, are by Mrs. Mary L. Bookwalter, and one, a cluster of primroses, by Miss Laing. There is a successful open air figure piece in oil by Hoy Campbell, two landscapes by Mrs. DeLaunay, an ideal head and a landscape by Mrs. Frank Brumback, a still life by Lillie May Smith, a charcoal head and one in oil by Mrs. Keith, "Strawberries" by Mrs. Billings, "A Girl Reading" by Mrs. McNitt, and an interior and a still life by Miss Paddock.

The laces and drawn work contributed by Mrs. Brisbane of Kansas City are marvels of intricate needlework. A cabinet of ceramics exhibits some of the finest work of Miss Laing, who has also in frames two beautiful Dresdens, a Princess Louise and Marie Antoinette. Other fine specmens​ of decorated China are sent by Miss Reynolds, Mrs. Thaxter, Mrs. Knotts and the Misses Standeford and Hammer.

An inlaid table in which are more than 6,000 pieces of native woods was sent from Bancroft by the maker, G. S. Tuthill; the case of birds containing 300 species and valued at $1,000 merits more than passing attention. The collection contains nearly every variety of bird ever seen in Jackson county, and both the collecting and taxidermy are the work of Truman Rowe, a student in the Manual Training High school of Kansas City.


The excellent portrait of Mrs. Coates was loaned by her daughter, Mrs. Reed, and that of Judge McCrary by his family. The carved rosewood easel which supports the picture of Judge McCrary is the work of his daughter, Mrs. H. H. McCune, and the exquisite little volume of original poems contributed by Mrs. McCrary and illustrated by Mrs. McCune fittingly completes the work of this gifted family.

The Emmerson club of Joplin shows a fine Indian ink portrait of Emerson. This club has sent a notable exhibit in art needlework executed chiefly by Mrs. W. H. Wells, some beautifully decorated china, a mineral house, a model of the High school of Joplin and two paintings, one a beautiful head in pastel and the other an oil portrait of J. B. Sargent, both contributed by Mrs. P. F. Finch.

In literature the catalogue includes twenty-five volumes by Julia McNair Wright and two volumes by Mary Fisher, "Twenty-five Letters on English Authors," and "A Group of French Critics," both of which are admirable. Mary Hanford Ford is represented by her two earlier books, "Otto's Inspiration" and "Which Wins?" supplemented by her latest work in three volumes, called "The Message of the Mystics," and Laura Coates Reed by her well known book, "West and East." "The Daughter of Alouette" and "Voodoo Tales," by Mrs. Mary Marsh Baker, "Trilogies," by William Griffith and "Notes and Poems in Europe," by Ruby Archer, two little character sketches by Mrs. Laura E. Scammon, the Kansas City "Blue Book," by Mrs. Latshaw and Mrs. McClure are a few of the books on the shelves. There is a short course in bookkeeping by Elizabeth T. Grover and Dr. Maude Harrold of Kansas City has a valuable contribution in her book entitled, "Women and Disease." Various pa- daily papers of St. Louis and Kansas City are kept on file.

Other exhibits are still being received and as a whole this exhibition of the work of Missouri women is one of which the entire state may speak with pride.


New Industry Which the Mormons Are Making a Great Deal of Just at Present.

The habits and customs of the silk worm are fully exemplified in the Utah exhibit in the Agriculture building at the Exposition, where the work of the insect is seen both in the rough and in the finished product. The silk worm is not a native of Utah, it having been brought there some years ago from Japan. Since then the silkworm industry has been an important one until now, when it is regarded as being one of the great resources of the state.

The egg of the silk worm is not as large as the head of an ordinary pin, but after being hatched it brings out a worm that when it reaches maturity is about an inch long and half an inch thick. The eggs are hatched in the early spring, and then the young worm begins business. To hatch the egg of the silk work it is necessary that it should be kept in a warm place where the temperature is very even. As soon as the worm is out of the egg it commences to eat and at once develops a ravenous appetite, its choicest food being the leaf of the mulberry tree. These leaves not only furnish food, but they furnish the worm the material for making silk.

Immediately after the silk worm hatches it is covered with mulberry leaves. For six weeks it continues to eat and at the end of this time it has grown to its full size and is almost transparent. This transparancy​ indicates that it is ready to go into the silk weaving business. It is then placed on a bush in the same even temperature and it begins to spin, the spinning being done with its mouth and a few little feelers that protrude. For days and days it continues to spin, covering itself completely with the delicate little threads which are wound and rewound about its body. About the time it completes its task, it spins a coarser quality of silk and then the silk worm owner knows that his slave has about completed its labors. This little ball that the worm has wound about itself now contains from 1,000 to 1,500 yards of the finest silk thread, 1,000 strands of which will not make thread larger than that used for ordinary sewing.

If allowed to remain, it grows wings, cuts through its cocoon, ruining the silk for commercial purposes, and emerges a full grown miller ,ready to lay another store of eggs, which the following spring, if gathered and kept in a warm place will develop into silk worms. To prevent the worm from cutting through the cocoons, those that are not required for breeding purposes are killed in their shells. This is done by throwing them into boiling water and leaving them there until the cocoon is scalded thoroughly through. The next step is to unwind the silk from the cocoon. This is done largely by delicate little machines, arranged that the required number of threads may be thrown together and twisted into one.

When first taken from the cocoon the silk is a delicate yellow, but it fades and becomes a pure white.

As yet Utah has no mills for the manufacture of silk. The raw material, after being washed and wound into skeins, is shipped abroad to be made into the finished product.


Table Made of Precious Metals and Jewel Stones Shown in the Mining Exhibit.

Another exhibit from New Mexico has been placed in the Mines building and it is attracting more than the ordinary amount of attention. It is only a table, but it is valued at $5,000 and is kept in a glass case and constantly watched over by a trusted guard. The table is constructed entirely of gold, silver and precious stones and is the pride and joy of Commissioner Gleason.

Everybody who visits the exposition knows that New Mexico is a great mining territory, but the wealth of its mines was never fully realized until its ores were placed on exhibition. Now, to clap the climax, the table has made its appearance. This table stands four feet high, its top being about eighteen inches across. The legs are of pure gold, worked in filagree​. Midway between the point where they rest on the floor and the top they are held together by a solid silver basket, which contains grapes, peaches, plums and cherries wrought in solid silver. The top of the table is solid silver, around which is a band of pure gold. In the center of this top, carved in gold, is the coat of arms of the state. This is surrounded by rubies, some of which are as large as acorns. On the four sides of the coat of arms of the territory are relief pictures carved in the solid silver. One is a representation of the old palace, supposed to have been built 400 years ago. Another is the San Miguel mission, a church that is 365 years old. The third is a pueblo, or farm house, showing the plaza in front with a man on horseback, while the fourth is the present capitol building. Around these are set pieces of gold quartz, while in the respective corners are placed pieces of agatized woods highly polished, the space between being inlaid with silver, in which are set numerous turquoises. The panels on the four sides, just below the top, are of solid silver and carry engraved scenes, representative of the country. One is a reproduction of a plaza at Santa Fe, showing the monument erected to the memory of Kit Carson, another a reproduction of Fort Collins and the parade ground, a third a farming scene, while a fourth shows an old water mill used by the Spaniards and later by the Indians. In addition to this there are relief pictures of a mining scene of centuries ago, when the Indians climbed to the bottom of the shaft on ladders that were nothing more than tree trunks, into which were cut notches. This has a companion piece showing the modern mine with all of its appliances.

The valuable table belongs to the Ladies' Board of Trade of Santa Fe and was eighteen months in course of construction.


Little Settlement of Indians on Grounds Rejoices With Spotted Back.

Pythians Make Their Home in the Iowa Building Today, Where They Will Be Feted.

Sham Battle Between Red Men and Indians [?] Be an Attraction Tomorrow Night--Last Night's Concert.

There's a brand new Indian in town. He arrived at 3 o'clock yesterday morning and is as husky a little specimen as ever drew a matutinal meal from a mother's breast.

The new comer is the offspring of Spotted Back and his squaw, both members of the Omaha tribe, and both of whom appeared in the parade last Thursday, marching the entire route around the grounds. The little Injun took very kindly to his first day on earth, and so far as the favored guests who were permitted to call upon him were able to observe, behaved quite as well and displayed as many symptoms of future usefulness as does the average white baby at the same age. He seems to possess the lung power of a calliope, kicks like an ostrich, has as healthy a complexion as Ki-Yi, the Hottentot, and the foundation for an appetite that nothing short of a steam shovel will satisfy when he grows up.

Mrs. Spotted Back is getting along equally well with the little one, as she got up and prepared breakfast for the family yesterday morning at the usual hour, and made herself generally useful around the Spotted Back wickiup. An interesting coincidence in connection with this occurrence is the fact that Mrs. Spotted Back, whose maiden name was an unpoetic succession of sound that means Turns-in-the-Wind, was born thirty-two years ago just over the brow of the bluff within a stone's throw of the sod house in the rear of the Nebraska building on the bluff tract. Her parents were passing through here on one of the periodic trips made by the tribe, and Turns-in-the-Wind first saw the light of day within the present city limits of Omaha at White Sulphur spring, although the spot was then two miles away from the frontier hamlet.


The christening of the new Indian baby will not occur for several days, as some time must be allowed to elapse to enable him to develop his natural propensities, and determine whether he belongs to the kick-a-hole-in-the-sky or the dig-a-hole-in-the-ground variety. The baby christening will be quite an event in the camp, and will be made the occasion of a feast and a number of ceremonies that the Indians regard as necessary to fit the new arrival for a successful struggle with the dog meat and other foibles of this life.

In the meantime the lucky family will reap a financial harvest, as the war revenue charge of 25 cents on Indian babies has already gone into effect, and in every case the foreigner pays the tax. In addition to the charge a number of visitors have contributed presents, all of the other residents of the camp having thus testified to their good will, until the dingy little wickiup begins to look like an Indian department store.


Captain Mercer has upset the plans of the exposition management with reference to charging an admission to the Indian Village. He threw open the big gate yesterday and ordered that all visitors be allowed to visit all parts of the camp and see all that was going on without any extra charge. He stated that the exhibit was made by the government and was not to be run as an exposition side show any more than the government building on the Grand Court or the Marine band on the Grand Plaza.

The policy of charging to see the Indian games occasioned a vehement kick on the part of the public from the start, and a number of visitors announced their intention of writing the authorities in Washington to see if the people of the entire country were to be taxed in order to provide means for retaxation after getting insid​ the exposition grounds.

Captain Mercer stated yesterday that if is should be possible later on to get the Moqui snake dance, or such a feature as that, a special performance might be made of it, but that there would be no more of the general charge of the performances that are now being given. He said that in the first place the present games, while interesting, were not of the kind that justified a special admission rate, and that in the second place he did not like the plan and would not have it.


The National Editorial association will be at the exposition September 2, 3 and 4. It is expected that about 500 members will be present, and they will come in eighteen special sleeping cars, which will be sidetracked near the north entrance to the grounds, and will be the home of the visitors during their stay.

The executive committee yesterday extended the contract with Phinney's band until the end of the week, as the Mexican band will not be here Wednesday as expected.

While the showcase containing the first Spanish flag captured in Cuba was being taken to the Government building yesterday to be placed in the war department's exhibit, the glass was broken and the trophy was taken back to President Wattles' private office. The flag will be installed in position today, however, and opened for the inspection of the public.

The visiting Knights of Pythias will make their headquarters at the Iowa building today, where special arrangements have been made for their entertainment.

The delegation of Blackfeet Indians arrived yesterday and they were duly installed in their new quarters in the Indian camp.

The sham battle between the Red Men and Indians will take place tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock. A grand display of fireworks will follow at 9 o'clock.

Miss Alice French (Octave Thanet) was on the grounds yesterday. She leaves for her home today, but expects to return later in the season.


The investigating committee was grinding again last evening, with Manager Reed of the concessions department in the hopper. It was rather a warm session, as some very interesting questions were asked.

The life saving crew will give its first exhibition on the lagoon Thursday at the close of the parade.

Special Press Commissioner R. W. Rishardson left last evening on a flying trip to Chicago.

Last evening's concert was the last production "From the Battlefield to Fireside" program, which has been increasing in popularity from week to week. A large evening crowd turned out to enjoy it. A trifling hitch in the fireworks was due to the fact that Montgomery & Ward's horseless carriage had run over the wires and interfered with the working of the electric circuit. Aside from that the card worked smoothly and was enthusiastically applauded.



Special Rates and Great Preparation for Red Men's Day.

One of the features of the day at the exposition Wednesday will be the thrilling sham battle between the Red Men and the Indians, which will occur at 6 o'clock in the Grand Plaza.

Mr. Robert T. Daniel, great incohonee of the Improved Order of Red Men and ex-judge of the United States circuit court of Griffin, Ga., is in the city and has taken apartments at the Mercer. Mr. Daniel will deliver the principal address on Red Men's day at the exposition. He has been very favorably impressed with his reception and the entertainment afforded him by the members of his fraternity here, and anticipates a celebration of unusual interest on Wednesday.

"The lack of any liberal concession on the part of the railroads," Mr. Daniel says, "has prevented a large representation coming from Georgia. The almost total lack of advertising has also kept many visitors away, there being nothing heard of the exposition there, with the exception of press letters written by Governor Northern, who is in charge of the Georgia exhibit."

Manager Babcock states there seems to be some misunderstanding in some quarters about rates for Red Men's days at the exposition. Tickets will be sold at 1 cent per mile from points within a radius of 150 miles of Omaha, in all directions, August 9 and 10—good to return to August 13 inclusive. This takes in Des Moines and St. Joseph also.

Present for Miss Dutcher.

The Kansas City delegation, here for Kansas City day, presented to Miss Dutcher, the hostess of the press building, a fancy cup and saucer as an acknowledgment for courtesies received. Miss Dutcher also received special acknowledgment from Octave Thanet.

This evening there will be a special rehearsal of the exposition chorus.

Each car at the Giant See Saw makes 168 trips every day, and since the first day of June each car has made 11,592 trips. The distance from the earth, upward and return is 450 feet, therefore, each car has traveled 5,216,400 feet, or about 1,000 miles, and still it is there, at the same place, carrying hundreds of people every day and all these passengers get magnificent views of beautiful landscapes, a great exposition and enterprising cities.

Cooper's great painting, "Trilby," arrived in the city yesterday, and preparations are now being rapidly made for the display of this wonderful work of art on the East Midway. A building is being specially constructed for it.


Magnificent and Anticipated Effect of Landscaping Plans Are Realized.

Rain and Sun and Human Care Combine to Produce One of the Prettiest Pictures of the Exposition.

The reason that the exposition management was so reluctant to open a gate near the Georgia building was that it believed in the doctrine of first impressions, which, as most people know, is that first impressions are the most abiding; and as the management thought that the impression of the exposition obtained in a view from the east end of the lagoon was the most favorable, it wanted visitors to enter here first so that this great beauty might strike them and remain with them during their stay.

But the exhibitors in the Horticulture building and those who have had charge of the grass plots and the flower beds on the bluff tract thought that they had a great show, and they wanted the visitors to see them first. Besides, they felt that they were so situated that visitors got around to them after they were tired out, and so they pleaded for a long time for a gate near the Georgia building. This they now have, and as large a proportion as expected of those who approach the grounds, enter there.

The whole bluff tract is a garden, and most of those who make their way through it on gracefully curved and winding avenues never saw anything so pretty. The recent rains, alternating with warm sunshine, have brought the whole out in its fullest beauty, and it is not uncommon to hear a person say that this is the prettiest part of the grounds that he has seen.


Perhaps the most interesting spot is the aquatic pond just north of the Horticulture building. It is so because the plants are growing in the water and are rare in the west. The pond is 100 feet in diameter and its surface is now resplendent with odd flat floating leaves and gorgeous blossoms of all colors. In the center are the Victoria Regias. One variety, the Regia Trickeri, is now blooming. It has white flowers ten inches in diameter with a rose center. Its near neighbors are just sending immense buds to the top of the water which will be out in a short time. The leaves, some of which are perfectly round resemble very shallow pans, the edges being turned up for an inch and corrugated. These plants are favorite resting and sunning places for the frogs which may be seen idly squatting on them almost all hours of the day. The Regias come from along the Amazon river and are found in other parts of equinoctial America. They have been cultivated in northern regions about twenty-five years. But they must have warm water if they bloom and the temperature of the water in the pond is kept by means of steam popes​ at 85 degrees.

Around the border, but taking up all the space between the very margin and the center, are the nymphaea of these varieties: O'Harana, chromatella, pulcherrima, deaniana, Layd purpurea, Layd lilacea, cynthina, laydekeri rosea, corulea, kewensis, Robinsoni and seedling.

They have white, cream, yellow, pink, purple and blue flowers, and the plants differ much in the length of their stems and branches, some of the flowers rising proudly two feet out of the water, and others, through fear or modesty, refusing to come higher than just above the surface. The plants were all furnished by a Philadelphia company and the pond has been the special charge of Henry Erfling of this city.

Presently, Prof. Taylor says, a sagittarius is to be added to this collection.


All over this tract and in the nook and corners about the main court the flowers and shrubs are in their full vigor, and Mr. Unger on the east side and Mr. Hadkinson on the west will see to it that all are trimmed and in holiday attire for the annual meeting of the Society of American Florists one week from tomorrow. It is believed that the floral and landscape display afforded on the exposition grounds will be something finer than even the members of the society have ever seen.

A most beautiful sight are the beds at the east end of the logoon​, and there is here a style of bedding not often seen in the west—vines and creepers running up the sides of the colonnades then flowering shrubbery and then the tapering down to the shorter plants and to the shortest of the foliage varieties tthat​ form the margins. Many have noted the climbers. They are chiefly the cobea scandens, a kind of flowering pea with red, white and blue blossoms. Conspicuous in the shrubery​ is a plant quite rare, the herbaceous hibiscus with flowers of pink, blue and white, some of which are eight inches in diameter.


The Sister City Down the River Will Have Big Time.

Indications are that Saturday will be one of the biggest special days at the exposition. Saturday is St. Joseph day, and every one of the prominent hotels is booked for large delegations. The Millard, Paxton, Dellone, Merchants, Murray, Barker and Mercer are booked for delegations from fifty to 100 each. Pryor's military band, thirty-five strong, and fifty guests, are booked for the Barker.

Four wholesale houses of St. Joseph have each taken one or more coaches for their own use, in which their employes will come to Omaha. These cars will be decorated with banners designating the firm occupying the car, and it is said not less than six leading firms will have special cars. The city and county officials have a special car, the Commercial club will have a car, and several cars will be required to bring the people aside from special cars chartered.

One thousand people are guaranteed, and those working the matter up say that at least 2,000 people will come, with two bands, and various other features of an attractive character will come.

Big Tomatoes

A. R. Ferguson of 3868 Franklin street has placed on exhibition in the Douglas county vegetable exhibit, at the exposition, two tomatoes of the Pondarosa variety, that are bumpers. One weights one and three-fourths pounds, the other one pound. The superintendents of the Douglas county display are very desirous for such specimens of vegetables, either as gifts to be placed to the credit of the donor, or will buy at beter​ than market prices all fancy and excellent specimens of vegetables for show purposes.

Indian Football Game.

Captain Mercer of the Indian congress has received a letter from Captain Pratt of the Carlisle Indian school from which it appears likely that the famous football team from there may come out here in September to play a game with one of the university teams. It cannot come sooner or later on account of engagements already made.

A delegation of Flathead Indians got in yesterday.

Yesterday several of the delegations were escorted through the exhibits building by Captain Mercer and Pete Liddiard. The Indian stolidity did not give way except in rare instances when grunts and signs showed that some object was particularly striking.

To Help the Poor.

OMAHA, Aug. 6.—To the Editor of The Bee: Will you kindly find a place for the expression of the following idea in connection with our great Transmississippi Exposition? We are all anxious to have it a decided financial success; we are equally desirous, I trust, that every one of our Omaha people may see the beauties and attractions of this great educator; we hope that even the most destitute amongst us may have the enjoyment of an entire day upon the exposition grounds. On behalf of this last named class I beg to make the following suggestions:

1. Let a popular subscription fund be at once started to pay the admission fee of every one in Omaha who cannot themselves pay. I believe that $1,000 will be amply sufficient for this purpose.

2. Let employers allow their employes the full day off and pay them for it; the time can be made up by working an extra hour for the following eight or ten days.

3. Let the Associated Charities have the distribution of the necessary tickets; its knowledge of the needy in Omaha makes that society the best superintendent of this effort.

4. Let kind hearted men and women provide an abundant lunch on the grounds (as was done recently for our soldiers and why not for our toilers?) and on presentation of the refreshment ticket, previously given to our guests, each and all (families together) can obtain their lunch and eat it where and when they please.

I would not ask the exposition authorities to make any reduction in the admission fee, the generosity of citizens ought to meet it in full and thus help in securing for our exposition the pecuniary success for which the directors are so untiringly working.

Trinity cathedral is paying the exposition fee for all its poorer members. Cannot the same privilege be granted to every destitute person in Omaha? It will be a disgrace to the wealth of our city if it allows one poor man, woman or child not to see the exposition when 50 cents can grant them the boon.

Such a day as I propose would be one of the greatest glories of our Transmississippi Exposition triumphs. With the earnest co-operation of the Omaha press—and which now most earnestly I solicit—the suggestion can become a joyous reality.


Second Infantry Coming Back.

CAMP GEORGE H. THOMAS, Aug. 4.—To the Editor of The Bee: From present indications the war is over; possibilities are two months will be required before peace negotiations are settled, during which time troops will be held pending settlement. This regiment is desirous of spending its time at Fort Omaha, or better still, at the exposition. We do not want to miss the Transmississippi Exposition.


Who is Responsible?

OMAHA, Aug. 6.—To the Editor of The Bee: To whose financial and business tact shall we credit the see-saw practice on Sunday admission? It is the general opinion among business and workingmen of Omaha today that directing of exposition affairs since July 1 by the Board of Directors or executive committee simply justify your contention for a director general. It is an outrage upon the labouring men of this city and vicinity to compel them to pay 50 cents for a half day on the exposition grounds, when the Government building is closed, the most attractive exhibits in other buildings covered up and many privileges barred in the various amusement resorts. In other words, with two-thirds of the attractions cut off people must put up 50 cents or stay off the grounds. It is the opinion of the writer that the decision to charge full rates yesterday arose from the fact that there would be a great many people here from Kansas City and the all-wise committee could not resist the opportunity to hold them up for full rates. Give us a director general, give the Board of Directors and executive committee a vacation until October 31 and put them on a par with other stockholders by cancelling their passes and other extra privileges, cull a few thousand out of the deadhead list and I will guaranty a surplus at the end of the show.



Evening Admission to the Exposition Should Be Twenty-Five Cents.


Directors Realize the Necessity of Making Reduction as Demanded.


One Phase of the Objection to the Lower Rate for Evenings.


Meeting of the Board of Directors Will Have the Subject Under Consideration and May Dispose of it Finally.

The question of a 25-cent admission every night in the week promises to be a leading feature of the deliberations of the board of directors at their next meeting. It is likely to be complicated by a sentiment of more recent origin which favors the absolute closing of the exposition gates on Sunday. There is nothing to indicate that the latter idea is favored by a majority of the directors. But it is generally discussed and a number of the directors declare that they favor it. They base their position on the assertion that the Sunday closing is an essential correlative of any action that involves a reduced evening admission. The 25-cent night rate, in their opinion, would kill the Sunday local attendance, and the aggregate weekly receipts would be as much in six days as if the show remained open every day. They argue that the best solution of the entire problem is to close the exhibit buildings at 6 o'clock, make the admission 25 cents after that hour and then close everything up tight on Sunday.

In this connection some of the directors have been impressed with the plea of the concessionists, who contend that it is inhuman to compel their employes to work seven days in the week. They allege that their show people are compelled to work from early in the forenoon until after midnight seven days in the week, and that many of them are wearing out under the strain. If the grounds are closed Sundays the people will get a chance to rest and would be able to give more satisfactory performances than they can when they are fagged out from overwork.

On the Other Side.

Other directors present a strong argument in opposition to this policy. They suggest that a large proportion of the municipal excursions come to the exposition Saturday. This is because business men cannot afford to leave their business two days to attend the exposition. They can come Saturday or Monday and spend two days on the grounds with the actual loss of one day, but if the grounds were closed Sundays they would stay at home and an important revenue would be sacrificed. As far as the Midway people are concerned, they suggest that if they are so anxious to rest Sundays there is no law to compel them to remain open. The concessionaires' club could take action by which every member would be bound to close his resort on Sundays, without closing up the entire exposition for their benefit.

These conflicting opinions will probably be ventilated with considerable vigor at the directors' meeting Friday, but in regard to the evening admissions the board is becoming practically of one mind. A few members still cling to their contention that the 25 cent rate will be an injury to the exposition, but as their arguments have been effectually annihilated by previous experiments they are largely outnumbered. The only real difference is on the question whether the reduced rate should be made to apply to three evenings in the week or remain in force every night. The majority view is that it should every night and there is every indication that this action will be taken with a possible exception in favor of evenings when there is some exceptionally strong attraction.

Today at the Grounds.

There was the usual attendance of genuine sightseers this forenoon, but in the absence of any special attraction the general public waited until after dinner when the celebration of the Iowa Knights of Pythias promised something to interest them aside from the ordinary exposition features. The Knights were scheduled to arrive on the grounds at 2 o'clock and as most of them will be in uniform the parade to the Iowa building promised a very pretty feature. The exercises of the day will be very brief in order that the visitors may devote themselves to seeing as much of the show as possible during their short stay.

The jubilation of the Red Men tomorrow is one of the biggest events of the week in anticipation and the committees who have had the arrangements in charge are confident that those who expect a big demonstration will not be disappointed. The parade will start from Fifteenth and Douglas streets at 9 o'clock and after a circle through the business district the procession will march to the grounds where the exercises will begin at 11 o'clock in the Auditorium. The program includes music by Phinney's band, an invocation by Rev. Campbell Fair, dean of Trinity cathedral, addresses of welcome by Governor Holcomb and Mayor Moores, responses by Charles C. Conley of Philadelphia and J. A. Seltzman of St. Joseph and the address of the day by Great Incohonee Robert T. Daniel of Griffin, Ga. A big sham battle, which is one of the characteristic features of the demonstrations of the Red men, will occur at 6:30 o'clock, and the evenings will be fully occupied by the regular band concert and the display of fireworks on the north tract.


Indians Give the Grass, Squaw and Friendly Dances with Vigor.

The Indian congress continues to be one of the strong drawing cards of the exposition and is constantly growing in popularity. While few new Indians are arriving those on the grounds are becoming better acquainted and are getting down to business. They have settled into the routine of camp life, the strangeness having worn off. Their dances are becoming regular features and as a result they are better patronized.

Yesterday the gates to the dancing and sporting grounds were thrown open to the public and the admission charge was dispensed with. This was brought about through the instrumentality of Captain Mercer, who decided that as the Indians are a government exhibit people should not be compelled to pay to see them. However, upon special occasions when some big event is carded, a small fee will be charged at the gate.

During the forenoon the Indians had the regulation flag raising, after which they repaired to the dancing enclosure, where they gave several full dress rehearsals to more thoroughly familiarize themselves with the dances that they will put on during their stay here. In the afternoon they opened the ball with a grass dance, in which most of the men from the various tribes participated. The same music, or what is called music, was furnished. The grass dance is a dance common to all of the northern Indians and is said to commemorate the return of Indians who have been out on a horse gathering excursion and have been successful. As none of the Indians had been out yesterday and as they had captured no horses those who participated simply played a part.

The musicians squat in the center of a big field. When they are ready to start the festivities they commence a dismal chant, which is followed by beating on their drums. Almost immediately a dozen half-naked and highly decorated Indian jump into the ring and waving their hands over their heads take up the refrain of the chant and pretend to keep step to the music. Yesterday this dance continued for an hour, during which time fully 100 Cheyennes, Sioux and Omahas took part. They danced until they were completely exhausted and then their places were filled by others who had been sitting around the ring and watching the performance. The dance was pronounced a great success.

Following the grass dance a squaw dance was put on, the Omahas taking the leading part. To the uninitiated it closely resembled the grass dance, but the Indians said that it was different. However, the only difference that the white man observed was due to the fact that some women hung around the outer edge of the circle and attempted to keep time to the sounds that emanated from the wheezy drums. In this dance the male Indians were out in holiday attire. They wore all of the colors of the rainbow, while their bare backs were decorated in the most striking manner with grease paints, daubed on to represent horses, hunting scenes and animals. Some of them wore their feather headdress and carried their tomahawks, which they brandished in the most threatening style.

During the evening the fun waxed fast and furious. Large quantities of wood were carried to the grounds and after the sun had gone down the torch was applied and the ever present drum was brought forth [?] renewed energy. This was the signal for the assembling of the clans and they drifted in from all directions, completely filling the large circle within the ropes. The Indians squatted upon their haunches until the signal for action was given, after which they put on and engaged in the friendly dance, a dance that had for its object the binding of the ties of friendship between all of the tribes present. For an hour it was kept up and ceased only when the light from the piles of burning wood became din​.

With the Indians the friendly dance is the most significant of all, as it means that after an Indian has entered the charmed circle and taken a part in the festivities he will never think of harming any of the Indians who have participated.


Mr. and Mrs. Spotted Back the Proud Parents of a Newborn Son.

There is a baby in the Indian village on the exposition grounds and consequently there is much joy throughout the camp. It is a boy and is the offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Spotted Back of the Omaha agency. It arrived upon this mundane sphere at 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning and four hours later the mother was up preparing breakfast for the family. Little Spotted Back, for that is what his name will be until he is properly christened, is the first Indian child born in this vicinity in some time and consequently he is attracting much attention, so much so that his proud parents are exhibiting him in their tepee at 25 cents per exhibit. The father of the youngster is about 35 years of age, while the mother, whose maiden name was Miss Turns in the Wind is about three years his junior.

There is a remarkable coincidence connected with the birth of Little Spotted Back. Thirty-two years ago his mother's people were passing through Omaha and camped for the night at Sulphur Springs, under the bluff, just back of the Nebraska State building. Here during the evening the mother of Little Spotted Back was born. The place is hardly a mile from where the little fellow now in the Omaha camp was born.

The christening of the child of Mr. and Mrs. Spotted Back will be an important event and will be attended by some interesting ceremonies and will occur within the next few days. While Captain Mercer will not act as master of ceremonies, he will see that all of the details are attended to and that every feature on the program is carried out as billed.

When an Indian child is born, or at least soon thereafter, the father gives a feast and calls in his neighbors to assist in the jubilation. In this case Spotted Back will follow the usual custom and as there are many strange Indians here they will be invited to participate. There will be a big feast, at which all dishes known to the Indian culinary art will be cooked and served. Captain Mercer will furnish the material for these dishes and will see that there is an abundance of each. After the feast there will be some speeches of congratulation delivered by the orators of the different tribes, the affair to end with a big dance, in which all of the Indians will participate.

As soon as the Indians heard of the birth of the child they commenced to arrive singly, in pairs and parties, all wanting to look into the face of the little thing. Their desires were gratified and before leaving they all threw down presents. Some brought food, other clothing, blankets, pipes, bows and arrows, calico, red cloth and everything intended to make an Indian father and mother happy. The little Indian boy was oblivious to what was going on around and about him and spent his time swaddled in a blanket, now and then giving vent to a cry that in many respects sounded similar to the songs that the big Indians sing when they are putting on their dances for the benefit of their white brothers and sisters who stand around the roped circle and watch the performances.

Looking for a Bootlegger.

There is trouble in store for some Indian, especially if his identity is discovered. This particular Indian has been bootlegging. In other words, he has been smuggling liquor into the camp and has been selling it to the other Indians. Captain Mercer made the discovery yesterday and immediately issued an order to the effect that if the culprit was caught he would be turned over to the United States authorities to be dealt with according to law.

Several Indians are suspected of having had a hand in the purchasing of the liquor and they are being watched. If the suspicions are confirmed the Indians will be driven out of camp and returned to the agency from which they came. Captain Mercer is determined to maintain order in [?]


More Fine Fruits.

Another fine lot of fruit appeared in the Horticultural building yesterday morning and was placed upon the tables, taking the place of that that had been on since last week. As usual Nebraska continues to exhibit the greatest quantity and the largest number of varieties. The state has some forty varieties of new apples and any number of variety of peaches.

Superintendent Collman of the Iowa fruit exhibit is filling his tables with new apples and peaches and is making a most creditable exhibit. He is also showing some plums that are regarded as prize winners.

The Missouri peaches and grapes are coming in at a lively rate and are making a good showing. The smallest peach in the lot measured twelve inches in circumference, while the large ones were nearly double this size.

What St. Joseph Will Do.

A St. Joseph traveling man who was on the grounds yesterday says that the merchants of his city are inspired with a vigorous determination to make a bigger show at the exposition Saturday than their Kansis​ City rivals did the week before. A number of the wholesale houses have chartered tally-ho coaches, which are being lavishly decorated for the occasion and they will bring their entire corps of employes to swell the crowd. Pryor's band of thirty-five pieces has been engaged to accompany the party and they expect to bring from 2,000 to 3,000 people.

New Mineral Exhibits.

Commissioner Leeson of New Mexico is expecting twelve tons of additional mineral specimens, which will be divided between the New Mexico and Minnesota exhibits. The Minnesota people have failed to make an exhibit in any degree commensurate with the prominent position to which they were assigned in the building and the partially filled booth has been an eyesore to the other exhibitors ever since the exposition opened. Commissioner Leeson has generously agreed to divide with the northern state and the vacant space will soon be occupied.

Last Night's Concert.

The final presentation of the battle fantasie drew very nearly the entire population of the grounds to the Plaza last evening. In this case the piece was put on without the assistance of the chorus, but it was accompanied by the usual pyrotechnic features and was received fully as well as on its previous presentations. The first part by Phinney's band included the overture from "Bohemian Girl," Weber's "Invitation" waltz, a selection from Robin Hood, three stirring marches and a cornet solo of his own composition by Mr. Rodenkirchen.

Accommodations for Editors.

The question of providing accommodations for the National Editorial association during its visit to the exposition September 2, 3 and 4 was favorably considered by the executive committee yesterday. The editorial party will include about 500 people and they will remain in their special Pullman cars, which will be switched into the grounds. Their only requirements will be ice, water and some other necessities, and these will be furnished by the exposition management.

Notes of the Exposition.

The Minnesota honey has arrived and has been installed in the Apiary building. The location in the building is considered admirable. The honey is in jars, bottles and in the comb, and is attracting considerable attention. Most of it is this year's product.

The 1 cent a mile rate from points within 150 miles of Omaha will be in force for the Red Men's celebration Wednesday and Thursday. The tickets will be on sale Tuesday and Wednesday and will be good for the return trip at any time during the remainder of the week.

C. D. Casper, secretary of the Nebraska Exposition commission, is in the city and will do the honors at the state building during the coming week. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Nebraska commission will be held this afternoon in the building on the Bluff tract.

Ex-Governor Northen of Georgia, who returned to his home at Atlanta some days ago, writes that he is working on some additional features for the Georgia exhibit and that he will be here within two weeks, bringing along a carload of agricultural products, which will be placed in the State building.

Commissioner Field and Secretary Danforth of the Minnesota commission, are making great preparations for Lumbermen's day. The exercises will be held in the Minnesota building on the Bluff tract. They will consist of the regular meeting of the Hoo Hoos from all parts of the United States. It is thought that from 1,000 to 3,000 lumber dealers will be in attendance.

After spending several days at the exposition, D. J. Hennesey of Butte, Mont., has returned to his home, where he will work enthusiasm in favor of the great transmississippi show. Before leaving he said that he regards the exposition as one of the greatest object lessons ever presented to the people of this country. He added that during the fall months thousands of Montana people will be here to participate in the festivities.

The official photographer is having some trouble in securing pictures of the Indians, especially those who come from the remote parts of the country. Yesterday he tried to get a shot at a group of Assiniboines and got his camera focused on the Indian in the center of the group. Some of the other Indians noticed that the instrument was pointed their way and letting out a yell all of the members of the party dropped into the high grass and hid their faces in their blankets. The interpreter in charge of the Indians say that they believe that the evil spirit lurks in the camera.


The consensus of opinion everywhere is that the final conclusion of a treaty of peace between the United States and Spain will be but the forerunner of a marked increase of foreign and domestic trade and expansion of national industry. With a complete return to the natural channels of commerce and a new stimulus to home consumption which the end of the war is sure to bring, the country is bound to push forward with still greater strides to prosperity that accompanies peaceful pursuits.

On this turn the people of this city and section occupy a vantage ground which they should utilize to its fullest extent. Carried along the rising wave ahead of all competitors by the impetus of the Transmississippi Exposition, Omaha enjoys a starting handicap which should keep it constantly in the lead. Not alone in material improvements worked out in preparation for the exposition has Omaha the advantage, but it is sure to emerge from the exposition season the best and most widely advertised city of its size in the United States. Its reputation for push, pluck and indomitable energy is established and people who want to make investments in a community known to be on the upgrade will not have to make very extensive inquiries. While there may be a reaction in certain directions with the close of the exposition, it will be discounted in advance and more than counterbalanced by the new industrial concerns that have been located here during the past few months.

Another factor making for Omaha's continued progress not to be underestimated is the ever-increasing resources of the agricultural territory tributary to it. Successive good crops are putting the people of this and neighboring states on the soundest financial footing and making this section one of the best markets to cater to found in any part of the country. With such prosperous surroundings the prosperity of Omaha can be confidently counted on to more than keep pace with that of the most progressive community in the transmississippi region.

Try the Life Boat.

The first trial of the new lifeboat was made on the lagoon yesterday and it proved to be admirably adapted for the exhibitions that are to begin Thursday. The boat was easily capsized by four men and the crew that Captain Knowles has on the grounds will be able to handle it with ease. The performance yesterday was not an exhibition and it was limited to a mere experiment on the ability of the craft to be readily capsized and righted.


Great Secret Order Celebrating at the Great Transmississippi Fair.


Speakers Vie with Each Other in an Exchange of Oratorial​ Felicitations and Display of Cordiality at the Auditorium.

The members of the Improved Order of Red Men are

were etc.
the guests of the exposition today, and with their wives and children they constitute a very perceptible addition to the usual crowd. Some of them were among the early morning sightseers, but the bulk of the delegations remainel​ down town to participate in the parade and march out with the rest of the procession. This brought them to the grounds just before noon, and they passed under the Arch of States and proceeded at once to the Auditorium, where the inspiration of the day found vent in an interesting program of music and speeches. This concluded, the visitors distributed themselves over the grounds to spend the remainder of their stay in a thorough enjoyment of the show.

The visitors almost entirely filled the main floor of the Auditorium and their bright scarlet regalia harmonized prettily with the patriotic decorations of the building. Chief of Records Knowlton presided and in exploiting the sentiment of the day he briefly stated that it had originally been proposed that the Red Men should have a handsome fraternal building on the grounds. Since the plan had never been consummated the celebration of today was the most fitting substitute.

Formal Exercises.

The invocation was delivered by Rev. Campbell Fair, dean of Trinity cathedral, and in the absence of Governor Holcomb President Wattles of the exposition association delivered a short address of welcome, in which he emphasized the superiority of the spectacle in which they were invited to find profit and amusement. He suggested that it was particularly appropriate that the order should meet here when the representatives of the last survivors of the race on whose customs their ritual was founded were congregated. In a few years the original red men would no more exist and their rites and customs would only exist as they were reproduced by such organizations as this.

Continuing President Wattles urged the value of fraternal association in these days when the rights of individuals were too often lost sight of in the mad rush for wealth. They had a part to play in the future of this country, the importance of which could not be overestimated. In conclusion he invited the delegates to make themselves at home and to study the lesson of western thrift and enterprise that the exposition afforded.

Mayor Moores gave the Red Men an equally cordial welcome on behalf of the city of Omaha. He expressed his gratification that during all its history and under various names the Order of Red Men had been true to the cardinal principles of their organization as expressed in their motto, "Freedom, Friendship and Charity." It had ever been the enemy of despotism and tyranny and many of the great results of history had been largely due to the sentiments inspired and developed in the ranks of such societies.

The speaker reviewed the history of the order which had originated on the day when a sturdy party of patriots disguised as Indians, resisted the stamp act by dumping the cargo of tea into Boston harbor. He congratulated the order on its past and predicted for it a glorious future. In conclusion he presented the visitors with the golden keys to the city with the information that there was no lock that they would not open.

The rendition of the descriptive "Indian War Dance" by Phinney's band was recognized as peculiarly appropriate and was rewarded with an enthusiastic encore. It was answered by the trombone quartet "Star Spangled Banner," which elicited another demonstration of cheers and hand-clapping.

On Behalf of the Order.

The response to the welcoming addresses was delivered by Great Junior Sagamore E. D. Wiley of Des Moines. He said that President Wattles is altogether too modest in his references to the exposition. They, as near neighbors, had formed some conception of the enterprise and pluck of the people of Omaha and Nebraska, but what they have seen on these grounds is infinitely more beautiful than anything their imaginations had pictured. They did not know that the people of Omaha had [?]   pare such a field of beauty and industry. They have done their work well and deserve the highest enconiums​ that could be extended.

The band made another hit with a medley of southern melodies and then the crowd extended a hearty welcome to Grand Incohonee Robert T. Daniels of Georgia, who delivered the principal address of the day. Mr. Daniels spoke in the most glowing terms of the magnificence of the exposition, which has been a revelation to him with others. It afforded the people an opportunity to appreciate the pluck and resources of the west and to meet its generous and hospitable people.

Continuing the speaker referred in eloquent sentences to the conditions that now prevail. Only a quarter of a century after a deadly civil war the men of the north and south vied with each other to be first at the front. The last vestige of sectionalism had been forever wiped out by the blood of Ensign Bagley and the boys in blue and the boys in gray are ready to march into the jaws of death under the leadership of Fitzhugh Lee.

Tribute to the Red Men.

In discussing the mission of the order of which he is the head Mr. Daniels emphasized the spirit of fraternity and good fellow ship that it inculcated. The location of a tribe in a community seemed to influence a new spirit that made it a better place to live in. While it was originally a purely patriotic organization the element of fraternity has become almost equally conspicuous in its work. It expends nearly $500,000 a year in caring for the necessities of its unfortunate members. It brushes away the widow's tear and hushes the orphan's cry. But it appeals most potently for recognition because it is a purely an American institution, born on American soil, nursed in the cradle of liberty and inspired by the principles on which our government is based.

Hotel Men to Have a Day.

The hotel men of Omaha held quite a lengthy session last night at the Mercer hotel. The most important business transacted was the arranging for a hotel men's day at the exposition. A committee was appointed to get out advertising matter and copies will be sent to every hotel east of the Mississippi river, urging the proprietors to have their hotels represented by one or more people on that occasion. It is the general opinion that the 29th of August would be the day on which the meeting would convene. If satisfactory arrangements can be made with the railroad companies it is quite likely that there will be a large attendance.

At the conclusion of the meeting Proprietor F. J. Coats invited those present to accompany him to the private dining room, where a lunch was in waiting.


Redmen and Redskins Will Engage in Bloodless Contest.

The jubilation of the Red Men today is one of the biggest events of the week in anticipation and the committees who have had the arrangements in charge are confident that those who expect a big demonstration will not be disappointed. The parade will start from Fifteenth and Douglas streets at 9 o'clock and after a circle through the business district the procession will march to the grounds where the exercises will begin at 11 o'clock in the Auditorium. The program includes music by Phinney's band, an invocation by Rev. Campbell Fair, dean of Trinity cathedral, addresses of welcome by Governor Holcomb and Mayor Moores, responses by Charles C. Conley of Philadelphia and J. A. Seltzman of St. Joseph and the address of the day by Great Incohonee Robert T. Daniel of Griffin, Ga. A big sham battle, which is one of the characteristic features of the demonstrations of the Red men, will occur at 6:30 o'clock, and the evening will be fully occupied by the regular band concert and the display of fireworks on the north tract.

There were no dances or other public exercises yesterday afternoon or last night on that portion of the exposition grounds occupied by the Indians. Instead of amusing the whites the 450 Indians were resting or preparing for the sham battle. All day long the Indians remained in their tents, burnishing up their implements of warfare, putting the finishing touches upon their war toggery, or laying out the plans for action.

The battle will occur on the open ground just west of the Transportation building. Captain Mercer will command the Indians. He will not wear the blanket and the breech clout, but he will ride a horse and will direct the movements of his savage followers. For the time being he will act the part of a renegade white who is not inclined to give any quarter.

It is not certain who will command the white force, though it is known that some old-timer accustomed to Indian warfare will be selected for the occasion. He will be assisted by a number of brave men who have seen life on the plains and who have fought Indians in their younger days.

The plan of battle is this: The Indian lodges that are now in the center of the encampment will be moved into the timber at the west end of the grounds. The whites will ride into the enclosure from the east. They will go upon the theory that they have lost some Indians and are looking for them. After entering the grounds the commanding officer will scan the surrounding country and he will discover the Indian lodges a quarter of a mile away. Then he will hold a hurried consultation with his officers. Scouts will be sent out and in a short time they will return to report a large party of warriors with horses and families encamped a short distance away. Another conference will be held and it will be considered advisable to attack the Indians before nightfall.

The command of 500 men will be lined up and will be informed it is to be a battle to the death. All of those who do not desire to participate will be allowed to return to their homes. A cheer will ring out and all will declare they will fight until the last Indian is killed. These little matters having been looked after, the men will look carefully after their arms and ammunition and the command to move forward will be given.

The cavalry will make a wild dash right into the Indian camp, following the admonition, "that whenever you see a head hit it." The men will shoot right and left, but before fighting fifteen minutes they will see that they are outclassed. The Indians, who will be eating their supper at the time, will suddenly rush out of their tepees, and seeing the approaching forces, will rush into the fight on foot and horseback. Captain Mercer will be everywhere present, and will instruct his red people to take as many scalps and horses as possible. At the end of the time allotted for the fight the Indians will defeat their enemies, and will drive them from the field, capturing many and killing still more. The dead men will be scalped, while the captured ones will be conveyed to the wooded space at the west end of the grounds, tied to stakes and wood and brush piled high around them.

Here the climax of the fight will be reached. The Indians who have followed the retreating Red Men will have reached the infantry at the east end of the grounds. These men, not having known the result of the fight, will observe the approach of their comrades and seeing that they have been defeated, will march in double quick order to the scene of the battle, driving the Indians before them. They will be aided by the cavalry that will have been brought back into life.

In passing over the field numerous Indians will be shot down and, hurrying on, will reach the scene of torture just as the flames are reaching the men tied to the stakes. Having rescued them they will continue to follow the Indians, who will retreat in great disorder. A large number will be captured and thrown into prison, where they will be kept until the close of the war.

One of the most important captures to be made will be that of Captain Mercer, who will be known by the Indians as Wyoki Nicyople Tigurebli Acolthj, or Great Man Who Fights Them All.


First of a Series Will Come Over the Elkhorn Road on Friday.

The first of the series of school children's excursions will visit the exposition Friday and elaborate preparations have been made by the Board of Woman Managers to entertain their youthful guests. The party is expected to include about 1,000 children from Norfolk, Hooper and the intermediate towns. The special train will leave Norfolk at 7 o'clock Friday morning and arrive at the grounds at 11. There the children will be met by a local committee consisting of Mrs. E. B. Towle of South Omaha, Mrs. S. C. Keys of Council Bluffs, and Mrs. N. P. Fell, Mrs. Orietta Shields Chittenden and Miss Alice Hitte of this city, who will have charge of them during their stay. They will first be conducted to the Boys' and Girls' building, where Mrs. Winona S. Sawyer, president of the Women's board, will deliver an address of welcome, to which a young woman from Norfolk will respond. This will be followed by a short program contributed by the various visiting schools and then the children will be turned loose in charge of their chaperons until 8:30, when their train will leave on the return trip.

The women who have charge of the arrangements are somewhat surprised to discover that a good many parents are reluctant to allow their children to participate in the excursion for fear of accidents. This is regarded as a purely imaginary anxiety, because as a matter of fact there are few places where children would be safer than on the exposition grounds. There are no street cars or vehicles on the grounds to run over them, there is no building going on, and in fact no condition that offers the slightest possibility of accident. As each ten children will be in charge of a custodian in addition to the guardianship of the local committee and the exposition guards, the women feel safe in guaranteeing the entire safety of every child that is permitted to come.

Phinney's Time Extended.

The members of the Phinney band expected to give their farewell concert last night, but just before going onto the plaza they were informed that owing to the delay of the Mexican Artillery band in arriving their services would be required until Saturday.

Word was received last night to the effect that the Mexican band will arrive at midnight Friday night. It is probable that this band will give its first concert Saturday afternoon and that the time will be divided between this organization and the Phinney band.

Nebraska Exposition Commission.

The Nebraska Exposition commission was to have held its regular semi-monthly meeting last night, but music interfered with the deliberations of the members. After they had settled down to business the Indian Cornet band from Flandreau, S. D., arrived at the building and serenaded the members of the commission and the visitors. After the band boys had played several selections Hon. W. A. Poynter appeared and thanked them, after which cakes, fruit and coffee was served.

Flathead Indians Arrive.

The latest arrivals at the Indian congress come from the Jacko reservation in western Montana. The people represented are Flatheads and number seventeen, including men, women and children. They are fine looking Indians, but not as large as the Rosebud Sioux. They have been located under the big trees, just south of the office buildings, and attract considerable attention.

Fireworks This Evening.

There will be a brilliant display of fireworks on the North tract just east of the Transportation building tonight. The display will be immediately after the battle between the Indians and the Red Men. Manager Cummins has made great preparations for the occasion and will put on a number of new features in addition to the regular display. Of the set pieces there will be a large number, several illustrative of Indian life and habits. He will also burn some big Red Man, but just who he will not say as he wants this feature to be a surprise.


Red Men and Indians Will Engage in Conflict at Exposition This Evening.

Captain Mercer Settles Quarrel of Rival Chiefs and Leads Native Americans to War.

St. Joseph Y. M. C. A. Arrives--Certain Charges Against the Pass System Shown Up by Facts and Figures.

Today's big event will be the sham battle at 6 o'clock in the evening between the Red Men and the Indians. Upward of 1,000 men will take part in the engagement, which will occur on the grounds of the Indian camp on the north tract. The Red Men will appear at the east end of the tract, and their cavalry will make a charge on the Indian camp, but will be repulsed with a heavy loss in killed and prisoners. The Indians will pursue the retreating forces, who will retire until reinforced by their infantry. A second charge will scatter the Indians in disorder, and their village will be destroyed and the survivors will be driven into the woods.

The Indians will be commanded by Captain Mercer, in the guise of a renegade white man, who will be captured in the final charge. The prisoners taken by the Indians in the first charge will be duly scalped, and a number will be bound to stakes for torture and burning. Wood will be piled around them, and everything will be in readiness for the fatal match, but unless there is an unexpected hitch in the program the second charge will bring the rescuers to the spot in time to save them.



A large quantity of ammunition has been secured, and the indications all point to a hotter time than the troops had at Santiago. It was Mercer's original plan to have the Indians commanded by the chief of one of the tribes, but Indian jealosuy​ upset the plan. The redskins shows that they know how to sulk, and it speedily became apparent that if an Assiniboine chief was selected the Sioux and Apaches would not play, while if a Sioux was given preference the Winnebagoes, Omahas and Blackfeet wouldn't budge a foot. Under the circumstances the captain concluded that the best thing he could do would be to lead the war-bonneted forces himself, but he gave it out cold that, while he was willing to be made a prisoner, he drew the line on being scalped or burned at the stake. With this advance notice to the contrary, visitors need not express disappointment because Captain Mercer is not served up raw for their delectation. He will do the best he can for their entertainment, but he has conscientious scruples that must be respected.

Orders have been sent to the Winnebago reservation for 150 more ponies to be used by the Indians in their various performances.

The Seventh Mexican cavalry band will arrive here on Friday at midnight.


The St. Joseph Young Men's Christian association arrived yesterday, and the greater part of the 700 excursionists will remain the rest of the week, as their tickets are good until Saturday, on which day the big excursion will come from that city. The Young Men's Christian association excursion was gotten under way some time before the other was started, and it is a much bigger success than was anticipated, as the original plan was to bring about 500. The party is largely made up of church people, the matter having been worked up through the pastors of the various churches. All of the visitors are immensely pleased with the exposition.

The operating expenses of the bureau of admissions have been materially reduced. Assistant Overbeck stepped down and out some time ago, and Superintendent Boehme's resignation took effect yesterday. Mr. McQuaid, who has been a clerk in the bureau, is now acting as chief of the division. It is stated that the vacated positions will not be filled, as the work of the bureau has been so systematized that it can be operated with a small office force.


Investigation of the practical workings of the pass system show that there were no wholesale frauds, such as were charged, and that the only classes of passes that admitted of manipulation were those first issued to workmen and the press passes. The workmen's passes were good at any hour of the day, and could be "worked" by being passed out through the fence to a friend. These have now been changed so that they are good for entrance for only two hours each day, and carry but one admission a day, being punched for each day.

The error in the press passes was in the manner in which they were issued. They were signed by Superintendent Boehme instead of by the person to whom issued, but now have been replaced by new cards signed by the proper party, so that the gateman can identify the holder by the signature.


The "From Battlefield to Fireside" number was repeated last evening by request, with its spectacular accompaniments. The number has become exceedingly popular and semes​ to grow steadily in public favor.

The approaching departure of Phinney's band appears to be responsible for increasing crowds in the Plaza during the evening concerts, as the many admirers that the organization has made during its stay here seem determined to hear it as often as possible during the few remaining days before the termination of the engagement. When the Marine band left many seemed to think that the real concert days were over, but a popular vote of the regular visitors would not indicate that sentiment now.

Chairman Lindsey of the ways and means department has prepared a statement regarding passes for submission to the directors. It is along the line of the showing made some days ago by the World-Herald, giving the official figures, the actual count of the various classes of passes on August 4, with the following conclusion, explaining away a number of semi-sensational allegations heretofore made in print by Mr. Rosewater:


To show the number who use their passes more than once, the following report of August 4, Indian day, is appended:

A, 265; B, 157; C, 259; E, 728; F, 3,516; G, 41; H, 47; 159, I; 61, L; 43, no letter; I, 63; K, 63; white slips, representing two admissions, series E, 342; series F, 1,654; total, 5,339.

In series E and F, which are employe photographic passes, 1,996 passed through the gates twice. The total number of free admissions for that day, one of the "big" days of the exposition, was 5,339. Deducting from this number the L passes, which are issued to persons crossing Twentieth street to Manderson, and the number of employes who passed twice through the gates there remains 3,282, the actual number of persons holding passes who were on the grounds August 4. A complete record is kept every day of all passes issued and used. More passes are needed now in exhibits and concessions departments than at the opening of the exposition.

On June 1 there were 115 concessionaires on whose account passes were issued. Now there are over 200 concessionaires.

On June 1 between 700 and 800 exhibits had been placed, on whose account passes were issued. Now there are more than 1,300. Until after the middle of June all workmen and employes of the grounds and buildings department passed through a special gate, in which there was no turnstile, and up to that time no coupons were deposited by those employes, which accounts for the comparatively light number of free admissions on the records during the early part of June, when construction was heavier than at any subsequent period. On June 22, 1,747 coupons were turned in from the grounds and buildings department, the result of several days' accumulation of coupons, taken in at the above mentioned gate after the turnstile had been put in. This accounts for the [?] of free admissions recorded [?]

On June 30 there were 371 turners, who were to give an exhibition, admitted free, swelling the free list very materially on that day. Instead of 1,500 employes, as has been stated, there are now in effect 3,531 photographic passes, which are issued to concessionaires, exhibitors and employes, not including workmen.


Unique, Instructive and Exciting Feature of the Midway.

Every one who attended the World's fair will remember the ostrich farm on the Midway. Thousands who visited the farm had never seen a live ostrich before, and the exhibit proved so popular that its owners have secured a large tract on the West Midway at the Omaha exposition and placed in it nearly three times as many birds as were shown at Chicago in 1893.

The farm which furnished birds for both expositions was started at South Pasadena, Cal., about eighteen years ago, with forty genuine South African ostriches. These were very prolific and there are now about 600 of their descendants on the home farm and its branches, and many birds are sold yearly.

When about three years old an ostrich reaches maturity and chooses its mate for life. Even if one of the pair dies the other never remates—there is no such thing as divorce or remarriage in ostrich life.

Having chosen partners the birds select a sandy place for a nest, loosen the earth with their breast bones and scoop out a shallow hole about four feet in diameter with their feet. Here the hen lays an egg every other day for a month. At this juncture the lord of the nest shows his gallantry by helping his better half to hatch the eggs. The hen sits from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 in the afternoon and the male bird from 4 in the afternoon till 9 in the morning, the changes being made with clock-like regularity.

The period of incubation is forty days, and when the chicks are hatched they all look alike, being brown, with black stripes on their necks. They are fed on chopped alfalfa, clover, etc., and they eat all the time. For the first six months they grow at the rate of a foot a month. At 18 months their first feathers are molted, the males becoming black and the females gray.

Both males and females have twenty-four beautiful white plumes under each wing. These plumes are cut off every nine months. The body feathers are allowed to fall out and are picked up by the attendants, as every feather has its value.

Ostriches will eat almost anything—but their principal foods are grains, grasses and fruits. They swallow oranges with ease and relish, and they are more than pleased when served a dainty dish of whole oyster shells, seasoned to taste with gravel.

These mighty winged bipeds can eat off a table eight feet high. They average about 300 pounds, live to an average age of 70 years and are worth $500 a pair.

The ostrich farm on the West Midway at the Trans-Mississippi exposition has more than forty full grown birds, besides the little fellows. Here you can watch the ostriches from the egg to maturity, see them eat, dance, race and fight, and a lecturer describes their habits and points out their peculiarities.

But the most exciting feature of the program comes last, when a jockey mounts a barebacked, full grown ostrich and goes dashing away among the flock at a speed which makes on hold his breath. Those attending the exposition cannot afford to miss it.


Flock of Hawkeyes Come Over in Afternoon.

It was Iowa Pythian day at the exposition yesterday, but there was no considerable fluttering of gold badges until some time after noon, for the members of the Iowa Pythian grand lodge and of the Rathbone sisterhood, in session at Council Bluffs, did not come over until then.

The most of them came on a special train of the Terminal Railway company at 2 o'clock, landing at the southeast corner of the grounds. They were there met by General Manager Clarkson and escorted to the Iowa building, where the formal welcome was to be made. In the procession were about 1,000 persons. They were preceded by the Phinney band and be the Council Bluffs division of the Uniform Rank.

At the Iowa building the brief exercises were conducted by C. C. Dowell of Des Moines, grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of Iowa. He introduced Will L. Scism of this city, supreme representative for Nebraska, who delivered the address of welcome. The response was made by Past Chancellor Ben Selinger, reporter for the supreme court of Iowa. Mr. Selinger added to his wide reputation as a wit and good talker, and both addresses commended the character of the knighthood in the two neighbor states.

This was all the ceremony there was. Following the exercises the Phinney band gave a concert from the veranda of the Iowa building, and those of the visitors not attracted by the music spread to all parts of the grounds, where their bright badges made them conspicuous until the gates closed.


Indians and Cowboys Principal Forces in the Sham Fight in the White City.

Rattlesnake Pete and Dick Mattox Lead the Attack and Are Routed in a Furious Charge.

Some Sensational Scalp-Lifting Startles the Spectators---World-Herald Sells for $2.50 a Copy in Yukon Country.

The sham battle came off after a fashion, but it was not due to any material assistance from the Red Men. That organization "flunked" at the last moment, and had it not been for Captain Mercer's determination that the public should not be wholly disappointed there would have been no performance. The Red Men's committee had been pushing the scheme enthusiastically for several days, but at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon they sent word that they would not take part.

The announcement occasioned a great deal of disappointment, and Captain Mercer promptly decided to go ahead and give some kind of a performance with the Indians alone. He subsequently induced the Wild West management to join with him, and a very realistic exhibition was given with Indians and cowboys. A number of Red Men who disapproved of the "flunk" of that organization were on hand and helped out very materially in the number engaged.


The engagement took place in the camp grounds and consisted of an attack on the Indian camp by the cowboys, led by Dick Mattox and Rattlesnake Pete. The Indians retreated to the cover of the woods, where they rallied, and charging furiously routed the cowboys, killing the capturing several. The prisoners were dragged back to the camp, where they were bound to trees. Around them danced their captors, who waved a number of bloody scalps that had been deftly cut from the heads of the victims who fell on the field. Before the torture was begun, the cowboys charged again and rescued their prisoners, and the engagement closed with a general fusilade​.

The prisoners who narrowly escaped a horrible death were T. G. Magarrell of Omaha, L. A. Nelson of Valparaiso, Neb., and J. C. Thomas of St. Joseph. Nelson escaped form his captors by cutting the rope with which he was bound, but was recaptured and triced up like a turkey.

The most noticeable feature of the entire pereformance​ was the manifest enjoyment of the Indians and the keen interest with which they entered into it. One old Indian, especially, was a picture, as his face lighted up with intense satisfaction when the prisoners were bound to the burning posts. It was generally remarked that he had undoubtedly taken part in such occurrences when they meant something, and that the recollection was obviously pleasing.


Some trouble was experienced in getting the arms for the Indians, but a supply of rifles, revolvers and ammunition was finally obtained. It is the intention to repeat these performances later on, and all of the semi-savages will be fully equipped.

At the conclusion of the fight all of the warriors, as well as the crowd, gathered around Captain Mercer, and cheers were given with a vim for Mercer, the Indians and the exposition.

Difficulty was experienced in keeping back the crowd from the field during the engagement, but the guards did very well in that direction. Captain Haze made a stupid blunder by rushing out and arresting two of the Red Men who were participating in the engagement. The men were A. P. Phillips and G. R. Helsley of St. Joseph. They had stepped out of the line to get additional ammunition, and on returning were placed under arrest by Haze and sent to the station under orders to be locked up. They were subsequently released.


Frank D. Quigley and J. C. McDannel, representing the Yukon Midnight Sun, reached the grounds yesterday. They left Dawson City July 2 and are traveling on a $5,000 wager to visit London and return to Dawson before navigation opens next year. They are selling souvenir copies of the Sun at 25 cents each. They left Dawson without a cent and arrived here about $100 ahead of the game. While crossing the trail they were not allowed to sell a paper for less than $1, cutting the price to 50 cents at Juneau and to a quarter at Seattle.

They tell some interesting incidents of life in the Yukon. When the first paper containing the news of the battle of Manila reached there the fortunate possessor hired a hall and sold tickets, and read the paper aloud from an improvised platform. He cleared up $600 on his gate receipts and then sold the paper for an additional $100. A man from Council Bluffs reached there two months ago with ten copies of the World-Herald. McDannel offered him $15 for the bunch, but the thrifty Bluffs man declined and went out and sold them for $2.50 apiece.

Quigley and McDannel wanted to stay on the grounds a few days and [?]

Sioux City Day.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Sioux City, Ia., Aug. 10.—Mayor Quick of this city has proclaimed a general holiday August 25, Sioux City day at the Trans-Mississippi exposition. Hundreds of citizens are expected to attend the big fair on that date.



Exposition Still Potent to Attract Thousands Each Day to the Grounds.


Total Very Near Approximates Ten Thousand Right Along Nowadays.


Life Saving Exhibit and Parade of All Nations Constitute the Features.


Manager Clarkson Announces the Time for Their Celebration and Changes the Date for Modern Woodmen to Avoid Conflict.

About the usual number of exposition visitors took advantage of the delightful morning to spend the forenoon on the grounds and toward noon they were joined by large accessions of people who were chiefly interested in the special features of the afternoon. The paid admissions during the last two or three days has been maintained well towards the 10,000 mark, and while there are no excursions from out of town points scheduled today, there is apparently no falling off in the attendance. The life saving exhibition, which will occur at 2 o'clock, seems to interest the people more generally than any previous feature of the month, and the station, west of the Fine Arts building, was visited this morning by hundreds of people curious to ascertain what the entertainment would resemble.

General Manager Clarkson has announced a number of additional special days, of which Ohio day is one of the most important. This will be celebrated October 5, and, as the same day has been set for Pennsylvania day, and the following day is New York day, there will be a large gathering of representative easterners on the grounds at that time. The three occasions were bunched on the recommendation of Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation, who suggested that by this means decidedly more favorable railroad rates could be secured than would be granted for three separate occasions.

September 23 has been designated as Quincy day, and the business men of that enterprising city wil​ begin at once to make plans for a large representation. No arrangements have been formulated for the celebration on the grounds, but it will probably be very similar to that of Kansas City day.

At the request of the local committee Modern Woodmen day has been changed from September 18 and 19 to September 22. It was thought that the latter date would be more satisfactory, as the first designated conflicts with another event in which most of the members of the order are interested.

Next Sunday religious services will be resumed in the Auditorium, and it is the plan of the management to continue them during the remainder of the exposition. Rev. Celia Parker Woolley of Chicago, who took a prominent part in the deliberations of the Women's Congress, will preach at 4 o'clock Sunday on the subject, "Things Commonly Believed Among Us." Music will be furnished under the direction of Superintendent Kelly.


Session to Be Held on the Grounds on Friday Afternoon.

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Transmississippi and International Exposition association will be held at the grounds on Friday afternoon. It is especially desired that a full attendance be present, as several matters of vital importance are to be decided upon.


Day at the Exposition Proves a Great Attraction for the Riders.

Next Monday will be Wheelmen's day at the exposition and present indications point toward a grand success. Riders from all the neighboring states have signified their intention of being present on the day set apart for them and Chief Consul O'Brien says he expects 500 at the lowest with a very likely 700 to take part and ride in the special parade at the grounds. Elaborate preparations have been going on for weeks and the scorchers around Omaha have been [?] their brains for new ideas of floats and wheel decorations. The fair association has agreed to pass every rider free who can present a well-decorated bicycle. There will be different ideas as to decorations, however, and a waving ribbon or a neatly tied flag about a wheel will be no means guarantee a free admittance. Consul O'Brien has appointed a special committee to see to these decorations at the gate of the grounds and this number will decide whether a rider is entitled to a pass. As the matter now stands, it looks as if the riders whose decorations are not sufficient for free admission will be charged the regular price of 50 cents. Strenuous efforts are being made by the wheelmen of Omaha to get the price reduced Monday evening to 25 cents, and it is possible that this may become the special rate for the occasion.

Several beautifully decorated floats will be in the parade and the procession of some 600 or 700 riders will be well worth seeing. The parade will start about 7 o'clock at the Grand plaza, where the line of march will extend south around the Horticulture building, north to the West Midway, then south on Twentieth street, passing under the Administration arch around the main lagoon and north again on Twentieth street to the Midway and ending by turning east to the Grand Plaza, where the parade will stop. A mass meeting of the wheelmen was held in Turner hall last night, where the completion of the plans for the day was the chief object of the gathering. About fifty representatives were present from Council Bluffs and many from Omaha and made a right jolly assembly. Refreshments were served and every one seemed highly elated over the prospects for a successful day.


Kansas City Road Opposes Low Far for Exposition Travel.


Association Unable to Adopt the Tariff Recommended by the Omaha Terminal Lines and Disruption is Threatened.

The meeting of the Western Passenger association in Chicago on Wednesday to consider the recommendations of Omaha terminal lines for reduced rates to this city during the remainder of the exposition was the liveliest that association has held within a year. The recommendations for reasonable rates to Omaha were not concurred in by all the lines, but the rates are going into effect just the same on Saturday, August 20.

The meeting broke up without any definite action being taken on the proposition. Another meeting will be called in Chicago for the early part of next week. At that time an effort will be made to have all the lines belonging to the association concur in the reduction. If the effort does not succeed it is practically agreed by all of the Omaha terminal lines that they will put in the rates recommended on August 20 and keep them in during the life of the exposition, the opposition of other lines to the contrary notwithstanding.

The railway companies represented in the association and without lines to Omaha are the principal kickers against the granting of reasonable exposition rates to this city. In fact the Chicago & Alton went so far as to write out a letter of withdrawal from the Western Passenger association, to take effect if the proposed exposition rates are made effective. No great attention was paid to this letter and by most of the general passenger agents it is looked upon as a bluff, few even reading the letter.

Disruption Means Cheap Travel.

The meeting adjourned when things were rather warm and it is thought by next week matters would have cooled off a bit. It is not believed here that the Alton will break up the association in view of the generous treatment the association has always accorded that road. On the other hand most Omahans would relish nothing more than the withdrawal of the Alton and the entire collapse of the Western Passenger association. Such an event would mean the cheapest lot of rates Omaha has enjoyed for a long time. As one passenger man said to The Bee: "When the lines get to scrapping look out for some mighty low rates."

General Passenger Agent John Francis of the B. & M. was the only Omaha passenger man present at the Chicago meeting. General Passenger Agent Buchanan of the Elkhorn was prevented from attending by illness, and General Passenger Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific was unavoidably detained here. In speaking of the meeting, Mr. Francis said: "Nothing was finally accomplished. The recommendations for lower rates to the exposition agreed upon by the Omaha terminal lines were strongly opposed by other lines. The principal opposition was met with when reduced rates from far eastern and far western points were recommended. In the controversy one of the lines threatened to leave the association if the rates were put into effect. With things in this shape it was thought best to adjourn for a few days and let the other lines think the matter over. The date on which the Omaha terminal lines recommend the lower rates to go into effect is August 20. Another meeting will be held in Chicago the first of next week, and I anticipate that final action will have to be taken at that time."


Port Arthur Line Announces a Very Low Rate for Ten Days.

The Port Arthur Route has determined to do all in its power to make Texas day at the Transmississippi Exposition a success. The Texans will celebrate here on Thursday, August 18, and the indications are that there will be a large attendance from the Lone Star state. Harry C. Orr, general passenger agent of the Port Arthur Route, has advised The Bee that a rate of 1 cent per mile from the Gulf of Mexico to Omaha and return will be put into effect for this occasion. The tickets will be good for return any time within ten days after issuance.

This is the most liberal and most extensive rate that has yet been granted to Omaha on account of any special day at the exposition. It places a rate of 1 cent per mile to Omaha within the reach of people living within 1,000 miles of Omaha to the south, or, in other words, make a rate of 1 cent per mile to the exposition from tide water and from the territory between here and the Gulf of Mexico. The extent of the Texas day rate is best appreciated when contrasted with the rates offered for previous special days, good within a radius of 150 miles.

Governor Culberson and his staff will be on hand to officially represent Texas on this occasion and they will be accompanied by a large party of state officials. The exposition is well known throughout the state of Texas, several parties of Omahans having visited there last year and during the winter and made the Texans acquainted with the scope of the exposition and its attractions.


Whites Come Off Victorious in an Encounter with the Hostiles.


All the Horrors of Savage Warfare Depicted in Striking Reality by the Indians and Their Paleface Imitators.

Had it not been for the persistent efforts of Captain Mercer, the sham battle between the allied tribes of Indians and the wihte​ men, fought yesterday evening upon the exposition grounds, would have been a complete failure. As it was, it was a brilliant success, witnessed by thousands of spectators.

A couple of weeks ago a delegation of the Improved Order of Red Men called upon Captain Mercer and asked him to allow the Indians to participate in a sham battle which they proposed to have during the meeting of their grand lodge, which is now in session in this city. The captain told the members of the delegation that he would take the matter under advisement and let them know at a certain time. At the end of that time he informed them that he was willing to go into the scheme, providing they were on hand to do their part. They assured him that they would have several hundred men in line and that they would be prepared to put up a most realistic fight. Later on the captain was assured that all of the plans had been perfected and he knew nothing to the contrary until 3 o'clock yesterday, when he was informed that the Red Men, or at least a greater portion of them, would not appear. This was owing to the failure of the Tennesseans to appear. Having given out the information that he would assist in amusing the public, Captain Mercer at once set about laying his own plans and perfecting ways and means for the battle that was to occur three hours later. He sent down town and borrowed a lot of the guns used by the High school cadets, he sent out and bought blank cartridges and   hired horses, enough to equip all of the Indians and riders in the Wild West show, as well as a greater portion of his own warriors. He next visited the Wild West show and induced Manager Mattox to take a part himself and allow his Indians and rough riders to participate. Thus, with the aid of a few of the Red Men, who went into the fight, he had some 600 or 700 men lined up for the fray.

The fights was white men, cowboys and friendly Indians against the Indians of the congress, who were supposed to be hostile. The attacking party was commanded by Manager Mattox, with Rattlesnake Pete as chief of scouts in command of the friendly Indians and the Red Men.

Just as the sun was sinking behind the fence that surrounds the exposition grounds on the west side, the allied Indian forces and their commander, Captain Mercer, who for the occasion posed as a renegade white, finished their supper and unsuspicious of danger, repaired to the tepees for the night.

Taken by Surprise.

Around the camp fires and while the smoke from the smouldering embers was ascending toward the sky, Red Dog, a Brule Sioux, rushed into the tent of the leader and informed him that a party of horsemen and men on foot were sweeping down upon the village from the east. Hastily throwing off their blankets, Captain Mercer and his two aides, Wise and Hegge, also renegade whites, stepped outside and scanned the eastern horizon with their glasses. Over the gentle rise of ground just west of the Dairy building they discerned a cloud of dust and a moment later horsemen were visible. The three white men grabbed their weapons and uttered a shrill war whoop, aroused the camp. Captain Mercer mounted his horse which was tethered near by and throwing himself into the saddle, scurried through the village, informing his braves that the the whites were upon them and to prepare for battle. Wise and Hegge rushed into the camps of the Assiniboines and the Flatheads and urged them to prepare for a fight that promised to be to the death. Almost instantly the Indians were out and placing their wives and children beyond the ropes that surounded​ the enclosure, painted and bedecked with feathers, returned and rallied around their leader. By this time the command of Mattox was upon them, shooting down Indians right and left, their motto apparently being, "If you see a head, hit it." For a time the Indians were unable to withstand the assault. They retreated to the timber at the west end of the ground, leaving several of their number dead upon the field of battle.

Just at the edge of the timber the horsemen under Mattox halted. This gave Captain Mercer an opportunity to rally his forces and gathering them about him he urged them to battle as did their forefathers a century ago. The words were like magic and inspired the Indians with courage. Uttering a war whoop that froze the blood of the spectators, they charged the whites and drove them across the field much the fashion of a herder who drives his sheep. In the disorderly retreat, the whites lost a number of men. These were promptly put to death and scalped or turned over to the squaws, who were following in the wake of the savages like so many vultures. It is presumed that these squaws tortured their victims in the most heartless manner, as their cries for mercy were piteous and sounded above the din of the musketry. On the Indians pressed the whites until they drove them well up to the gates of the Dairy building. At this point the Indians discovered that they had carried the war a little too far into Egypt. It was here that they met their Waterloo. A squad of infantry had come up from the vicinity of the Transportation building and as the members of the command sniffed the battle they rushed into the breach and beat off the Indians, who retreated in good order, taking with them a number of prisoners.

Final Charge of the Battle.

The white men not being certain as to the number of Indians in the woods, held a council of war and after resting their horses and eating some hard tack, concluded to follow and wipe out the entire savage outfit. The order to march was given and both cavalry and infantry proceeded toward the Indian village. Nearing there, they heard sounds and saw sights that froze the marrow in their bones. Around the encampment they saw a half score of their comrades lying around in the grass, their scalps torn off and their bodies horribly mutilated. A little further on they saw three huge fires blazing around the roots of three cottonwood trees. Lashed to one tree was L. A. Nelson, who had been captured, broke away and had been recaptured. Tied to another tree and down upon his knees was T. G. Maggarell, one of the prominent Red Men of the city, while a little further on was Dan Huntzinger, who was praying and invoking the spirits to come to his assistance. The Indians were dancing about them, whooping and yelling, singing their war songs, while the squaws were plucking brands from the fires and pushing [?]

Mattox and his men did not delay action any longer. Riding into the center of the group of savages, they clubbed their guns and struck right and left until they reached their comrades. Releasing them they turned their attention to the savages, who seeing that the jig was up, surrendered. Their leader, Captain Mercer, made a plucky fight, but was finally overcome and bound hand and foot and carried to the improvised prison located near the spot where the Indians get their drinking water. After being informed his followers had been practically wiped from the face of the earth, he agreed to quit his roving life and settle down and become Indian agent, if given a chance. He was promised that after the exposition he could have the Omaha agency and that his Indians could return to the reservations from which they came. The terms were explained to the Indians and were accepted as satisfactory. After that hostilities were declared off and both Indians and whites joined in cheering for Captain Mercer, Commander Mattox and the exposition.

If a supply of ammunition can be secured, the battle will be repeated this afternoon. If it should be fought, the plan of attack will be somewhat different, as it is not the intention that the Indians shall be taken by surprise.


Some Hundreds of Youngsters Have Control at Exposition Grounds Today.


Norfolk and Towns East Contribute a Big Trainload of Children.


Experiment Proves Its Wisdom and Will Lead to Its Extension.


Program of Speeches Gives Way in Order that the Youthful Visitors May See the Show Unhampered by Oratorical Handicaps.

The children have another inning at the exposition today, and fully 1,000 school children from the state, added to a large number from Omaha and its vicinity, are enjoying the big show. This is the first of a series of school children's excursions from various sections of the state, and as it is an entire success others will be arranged at short intervals during the next few weeks.

This morning the crowd came from Norfolk, and the intermediate towns as far east as Hooper on the Elkhorn road, and it enjoyed the distinction of being the first excursion party that brought as many people as were forecasted by its progenitors. The estimates received by the Board of Women Managers indicated that 1,000 people would participate, and almost exactly that number were unloaded at the gates when the long train pulled in this forenoon. The train was due at 11:25, but it was noon when it arrived, and on that account some of the plans that had been made for the celebration of the day were dispensed with. The party was met at the gates by General Manager Clarkson and W. N. Babcock of the exposition and by a committee from the Women's Board consisting of Mrs. W. S. Sawyer, Mrs. Frances Ford, Mrs. N. P. Feil and Mrs. Orietta Shields Chittenden. They were conducted down Twentieth street and through the Manufactures and Electricity buildings to the Boys' and Girls' building, where a short program of exercises had been anticipated. By this time it was after lunch time and the children were perceptibly restless and disinclined to sit and hear speeches when there was so much to attract their attention outside. The committee very sensibly concluded to confine the exercises to brief statement to the visitors that they were welcome and an outline of the features of the day and when and where they would occur. The nthe​ children were dismissed, the lunch baskets were unpacked and the provender disappeared with amazing rapidity.

At 3 o'clock the youthful visitors were entertained with a pretty display of Japanese fireworks on the Plaza that they thoroughly enjoyed. The air was populated with floating clowns, pigs and other familiar objects and the children applauded vigorously. They will spend the entire afternoon on the grounds and leave for home early in the evening.


Ahead of All the Exhibitors in Variety of Fruit Shown.

So far as county exhibitors are concerned that of Douglas in the Horticulture building appears to be in the lead. Some of the states have larger, but it is conceded that none have a greater variety of fruits to show. In addition to the apples, the varieties of which are almost countless, there are cherries, blackberries and all of the small fruits that went out of market weeks ago. Just now the county is making a great showing in plums and peaches. There are a dozen varieties of plums and will be many more before the end of the month. Some peaches raised along the crest of the river bluffs are pronounced as fine as those from some of the great peach raising states.

Robert J. Furnas of Brownsville is making a special effort to advertise Nebraska as a great fruit raising state. He is exhibiting the celebrated Muhr plums, as big as those from California and even more delicate in coloring. This year he will raise something like fifty bushels of this fruit. He is also showing the "Stumps the World" peaches, some of which measure fourteen inches in circumference. In addition to his peaches he has sent in a lot of tomatoes, three varieties of pears, two of grapes and the first figs ever seen at the exposition. The figs that he is showing are about the size of Bartlett pears and are as finely colored as those from southern California. This year Mr. Furnas has 30,000 bearing apple trees, 700 pear and nearly 1,000 peach trees. His orchards contain nearly 400 acres.

Superintendent Wilson is daily making additions to the southern California exhibit, and at this time he has about as much fresh fruit on exhibit as some of the nearby states. During the last day or two he has received the orange cling peaches, as large as base balls and colored like oranges. He has also received the Hungarian prunes, the first shown, and some Japanese and Washington plums that are as large as the ordinary Ben Davis apples.

Promise for Texas Day.

After spending a month in his home state working up enthusiasm, Vice President Johnson of the Texas State Exposition commission has returned to the city. He says that the plans for the observance of Texas day, August 18, have all been completed and that fully 1,000 of the residents of the Lone Star state will be in attendance upon that occasion. All the railroads but one have made a rate of one fare for the round trip from all points in Texas, and the Port Arthur makes a rate of 1 cent per mile. Governor Culbertson and his staff will come in a special car. While here it is expected that the members of the party will make their headquarters at the Minnesota building. The state day exercises will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. The program follows:

MusicMexican Band
Address of WelcomeGovernor Holcomb of Nebraska
ResponseGovernor Culbertson of Texas
MusicMexican Band
AddressPresident Wattles of the Exposition
MusicMexican Band
Fireworks in the evening.

The members of the Texas party will remain in the city some days, seeing the sights and visiting the exposition.


Cohorts of the Rising Generation Invade the Precincts of the Exposition.


Thirteen Coach Loads of Assorted Sizes and Sexes Pour in a Solid Phalanx Through the North Gate.

The first children's excursion to the Transmississippi Exposition, conducted on an extensive scale, was brought in this morning by a double-headed train of thirteen cars over the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad. There were somewhat over 900 tickets taken up on the excursion train. There were 750 children and 150 accompanying adults, and each chaperon had a merry time in handling the five children assigned.

The train pulled into the Elkhorn's exposition terminal station near the Twentieth street boulevard, north of Ames avenue, at [?]   partment of Transportation, Mrs. Frances E. Ford, Mrs. N. P. Feil, Mrs. E. B. Towle of South Omaha and Mrs. Sawyer were at the station to receive the youthful visitors, and assisted in getting the little folks started toward the exposition grounds in good shape. The train was a long one, and before the two locomotives drawing it had come to a standstill several hundred heads were sticking out the windows of the thirteen cars, and there was one simultaneous yell of delight went up from the 750 small, but powerful throats.

As soon as the train had stopped Superintendent H. C. Mahanna of the Elkhorn road jumped off the train and told the children they could get off and form in the proper rank and file. They tumbled off at the rate of about a half a dozen a second, and the alacrity with which they appeared on the ground made it plain that they had been ready to leave the train as soon as the exposition grounds hove in sight. On the platform the children were marshaled by the school teachers, mothers, elder sisters and aunts, who acted as chaperons, into battalions, companies and squads. Here was a Sunday school class from one town, and there was a lot of pupils from the school room that is closed on Sundays. Yonder was a collection of little ones who lived near together, all under the patronage of one mamma. The school children from Scribner were headed by a big boy, the biggest in the school, who carried the flags of the United States and Cuba and appeared satisfied with his job.

Made a Pretty Picture.

Within five minutes after the train had stopped the youngsters had formed into line and taken up the march down the Boulevard toward the exposition grounds. They presented as pretty a picture as has been seen in the vicinity of the exposition this year, and a lot prettier than some of the imported pictures along the Midway. The school girls seemed to outnumber the boys in about the same proportion as the women always exceed the men in number at the church prayer meetings. The ages varied from 6 to 8 years up to the age where girls stop telling how old they are. The oldest boys looked as though they had passed 18 and 19 pleasant seasons. The bulk of the visitors were between 12 and 15 years old. They were all neatly dressed, light gowns of white, of pink and of other summers shades predominating. A great many of the children carried a little bag or basket of lunch, and occasionally the big boy of the schoolroom was found lugging along a big basket that contained provisions enough to keep the pupils of his grade from getting hungry during the day.

Along the line of march to the exposition's north entrance several of the exposition guards were stationed, and as the children went by the guards sang out: "The train leaves tonight at 8:30 o'clock sharp. Lost children will be found at the guard house." That made the girls of 16 real mad. Who would ever think that they would get lost. They very idea made them highly indignant, and they quickened their steps a bit.

The crossings of the street car tracks and of the Missouri Pacific railroad tracks were carefully guarded, and Manager Babcock was here, there and everywhere, seeing that the children were well looked after and keep out of danger's way.

Getting Through the Gates.

In front of the exposition gates the squads were lined up while the chaperon went over to the ticket window and bought enough tickets for the American youth under her particular care. She was not afraid to leave them alone, as each child was promptly tagged and could be readily identified as a part and parcel of the children's excursion. The tickets purchased and distributed, the children were fairly hustled through the gates. A half dozen guards helped to handle them, and Andrew Jackson Webb acted as a steering committee of one to keep one gate from being overworked. The children were put through in about fifteen minutes, and this time could have been cut in half had the two idle windows intended for the sale of tickets been occupied. But as it was the big excursion was very well handled clear into the exposition grounds. "On the Midway they had never strayed," but the 750 soon made up for this great lack in their early years, and promptly took in everything on both sides of the Midway. As the crowd was running along enjoying the sights and scenes the Department of Transportation surrendered the care of the children for the day, to be resumed on the return trip in the evening.


Life Savers Called on to Give a Test of Their Ability.


Several Thousand People Witness a Most Realistic Exhibition of the Methods Used in Aiding Ships and Men in Danger.

A crowd of fully 5,000 intensely interested people saw the initial exhibition given by Captain Knowles' crew of the United States Life Saving service on the lagoon at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The performance was a very satisfactory reproduction of the actual work of the service, and judging by the enthusiastic approval that it elicited it will be one of the most popular features on the grounds during the remainder of the season. Not one in a hundred of the people who were massed around the mirror had more than the vaguest possible idea of the manner in which Uncle Sam's life savers perform their perilous task, and this was a practical demonstration that amounted to a revelation to this western crowd.

The general interest that the anticipation of the performance has aroused was apparent in the immense crowd that packed the entire main court from the Government building to the bridge. Even the roofs of the collonades​ were utilized by spectators and the formation of this end of the court was so well adapted for the purpose that everyone was able to obtain a good view of the exhibition.

At the hour when the drill was to begin everything around the station was in its normal condition. The lifeboat was mounted on the ways in anticipation of a possible alarm. The patrol was out as usual in each direction and the remainder of the crew was at rest. Then a sailor appeared on the mast in the lagoon and in another minute the signal of distress was fluttering at its peak. The patrol instantly signaled the supposed vessel that assistance was at hand and then ran wiftly​ to the station to give the alarm. The crew turned out like a hose company on a general alarm and manning the beach apparatus ran it swiftly around the lagoon to a point in front of the Government building and directly across the mirror from the mast. In a couple of minutes the boom of the gun was heard and the small lines was hurled directly over the yard and close to the mast, where it was grasped by the sailor. He drew it in hand over hand, hauling up a heavier rope which carried a whip and tackle. This was bent to the mast and with its assistance the crew on shore rapidly ran out the big hawser, which was in turn attached to the mast about two feet above the whip. On this last line the breeches buoy was run out and the sailor was quickly rescued from a position that would have been perilous had it been in a storm-lashed sea instead of on the quiet water of the lagoon.

The rescue was vigorously cheered by the crowd but the next feature of the drill was even more interesting. The rescued sailor now played the part of the unfortunate who escaped drowning only through the efficient work of the crew. He rowed to the center of the mirror in a small boat, where he good-naturedly allowed himself to be capsized. The alarm was given and while he gave a realistic exhibition of a green swimmer overwhelmed the crew raced to the lifeboat. The blocks were kicked away and with a united push it went scurrying down the ways and out into the lagoon. The surfmen caught on somehow before it got away and by the time the craft had steadied itself in the water they had the oars out and were pulling away for the spot where the exertions of the swimmer were rapidly growing feebler. Before they reached him he had thrown up his hands and gone under but the surfman leaped from the bow of the lifeboat and soon brought him to the surface unconscious but still breathing. He was bundled into the boat, which then pulled for the landing.

At this point the drowned sailor was left out of the reckoning for a few minutes while the crew gave the crowd an exciting exhibition of the manner in which a lifeboat can be handled in the water. Their work at the oars was in itself a sufficiently attractive exhibition to the landsmen who had never seen the perfect rhythm with which a trained crew handle the blades. Then the oars were shipped and in a second the big craft whirled bottom up with the crew clinging to the ropes inside. But it came up again with equal ease, the men were at their places in a trice and in another second were pulling away as though [?] several times, to the enthusiastic enjoyment of the crowd. Then they recollected that they had a drowned man somewhere on board and the boat was pulled to the landing, where the victim was laid out on the pavement and the process of resuscitation illustrated. In the absence of a barrel one of the surfmen laid flat on the pavement while the unconscious mariner was rolled over him to let the water exude from his interior. At the same time the other men were at work rubbing his limbs, slapping the soles of his feet and working his chest and arms to restore respiration. The happy result was accomplished at last, the sailor came to life, the apparatus was run back to the station and the surfmen retired to exchange their dripping garments for dry clothing.

The drill is wonderfully realistic from first to last. It will be repeated every day except Sunday at the same hour.


Harrison Wild of Chicago Manipulates the Instrument.

The concert given last evening at the Expositio​ Auditorium by Mr. Harrison Wild, organist of Chicago, and the exposition chorus, under the direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly, drew one of the largest audiences that has graced any performance in that temple of the divine art since its opening. It was plainly evident that the patrons of the exposition are once more ready for a taste of real music and the enthusiastic applause that followed every number is an encouraging sign that love of music is not dead in this longitude; indeed, it is not even sleeping. The opening of an organ is not nearly as inviting a prospect as the opening of a number of other things that appeal to the taste of the genus homo, but a vast concourse of people assembled within doors to hear the new organ, whose advent has been long looked for and earnestly desired by many. It is a noble instrument, possessed of a rich tone, a large variety of stops and a pleasing exterior. It is a pity that it was not ready for use while the Thomas orchestra was here, as in conjunction with it a variety of musical compositions could have been rendered that would have been interesting and instructive to those who are accustomed to attend high class performances.

Mr. Wild is an artist of the first rank. He has long been known as one of the leading organists of Chicago and besides is a thorough musician. His playing gave evidence of abundant technic and a conception of the character of each selection that only comes with natural talent united to profound musical knowledge. His program included selections from the works of Bach, Guilmant, Batiste, Buck, Chopin, Wagner, Brewer, Wely and Rossini; surely a variety which would appeal to all tastes. His pedaling was especially commendable and also very noticeable. A curtain should be hung before the pedals, for the sight of a couple of feet wending their devious pathway up and down the keyboard will turn even a Back fugue into comedy. As one selection Mr. Wild played a set of variations by Dudley Buck on "The Star Spangled Banner," which distorted that well known highly respected melody out of all likeness to its natural self. It looked as if the arranger tried to show off a knowledge of counterpoint and harmony and toward the end a sort of fugue was introduced (but soon dropped) that reminded one of Bach, especially and only when one remembers that in German "bach" means "brook" and a brook is full of runs.

The work of the chorus reflected much credit on Mr. Kelly and was characterized throughout by accuracy, truth to pitch, variety of shading and volume of tone. The arrangement of "Annie Laurie" was enthusiastically encored, but not repeated. The conductor risked his success by an abrupt accelerando at the close, which was neither musicianly nor effective, but the previous good work secured for him a forgiveness for which he should be grateful.

Mr. Wild was several time recalled, but owing to the length of his program, played no encores. He has made a large number of friends by his musicianly playing and by a cordial manner that few public men have been able to preserve through years of success.

Advertising the West.

President Mason of the Ohio Exposition commission, who has been in the city during the last week, has returned to his home at Cleveland, O. Before going he said: "The exposition has opened my eyes to the growing importance of the west. It is the bone and sinew of the whole country, and is capable of furnishing the material to feed and supply the world. It is a nation within itself, and before the end of the next decade will be the great center of population. The fertile land and the stirring ability of the people is what does the business."


Trans=Mississippi and International Exposition

Omaha, Neb.
June 1 to Nov. 1 1898.

Daily Drill on Lagoon, at 4 p. m. Weather Permitting, Sunday Excepted.
General Superintendent U. S. Life Saving Service,
Washington, D.C.


In Charge of CAPT. H. M. KNOWLES, Wakefield, R. I., Assistant Superintendent 3rd Life Saving District.
Exercises Daily at 4 p. m. In front of Government Building.
Life Savers go on Patrol.
Discover Distress Signals.
Line Fired Over Wreck.
Man Saved in Breeches Buoy.
Man Overboard.
Rescue With Life Boat.
The Capsize.
Apparently Drowned.
(Close of Exercise.)
1st Exhibition Friday Aug - 12.


Life Savers go on patrol, right and left from Station.

The one going to the left discovers distress Signals on mast. Returns to Station and reports to keeper.

Crew go to scene of disaster with beach apparatus, and shoot line over the wreck.

Set up beach apparatus and land man with breeches buoy.

A man is reported overboard and drowning.

Crew go out with life boat and rescue man from the water, and on returning to shore boat is capsized, but rights again and lands the person in an exhausted condition apparently drowned.

Is resuscitated by Life Savers and taken to the Station for medical treatment.




Henry Cleary, Marquette, Michigan.


No. 1.Henry SinnigenMilwaukee, Wisconsin.
No. 2.Jacob Van WeeldenGrand Haven, Michigan.
No. 3.James ScottSand Beach, Michigan.
No. 4.Henry WalkerMuskegon, Michigan.
No. 5.John McLeodDuluth, Minnesota.
No. 6.Windfield AdamsonGrind Stone City, Michigan.
No. 7.Frank JohnsonHolland, Michigan.
No. 8.Nelson SimsEast Tawas, Michigan.


Omaha Lines Make a Special Figure on Exposition Travel.


Colorado, Montana and Utah Given Red Letter Day Rates Outside of the Distance Limits Heretofore Imposed.

The Omaha terminal lines have agreed on reduced rates for the excursions that are expected to come in from the west about the middle of next month to celebrate Colorado day, Montana day and Utah day at the Transmississippi Exposition. There is no doubt but that the reduced rates and time limits agreed on by the Omaha terminal lines will be put into effect. The opposition of other lines to reasonable rates to this city for the exposition is growing less effective every day.

The rate for these days will be 1 cent per mile, in each direction, and on all of the tickets there will be a limit of fifteen days allowed. This limit will allow the excursionists more time to visit the exposition than has been granted travelers on former state days. Colorado day will be September 9; Montana day, September 12, and Utah da​, September 14.


Spectacular Appearance of the People of All Races on the Midway.

The parade of the Midway establishments united with the Indian congress yesterday afternoon was a feature of sufficient spectacular interest to entertain even the regular exposition visitors, who were familiar with the spectacles it included. To those who had never seen them before it was an attraction of the highest order and it presented a varied succession of gorgeous costumes that filled the main court with color. The brilliant attire of the Orientals, the more somber habiliments of the Chinese and the gaudy paint and blankets of the Indians contributed to give the ensemble a picturesque effect that could scarcely be improved upon.

The parade formed on the boulevard and the West Midway at 2 o'clock and soon after it started down Twentieth street, on which it passed through Administration Arch and around the main court to the starting point. Phinney's band headed the pageant, followed by General Manager Clarkson, who officiated as marshal, and Manager Akoun of the Streets of All Nations and Manager Cummins of the roller chair concession has assistants. The Midway attractions followed and nearly all of them were represented. The people of the Streets of All Nations made an especially imposing turnout. The swordsmen and gun spinners marched on foot, the dark Oriental beauties in their striking costumes following in jinrikishas, while the other show people were mounted on a cavalcade of camels and donkeys.

The Streets of Cairo made a creditable and very similar display and the Chinese village was represented by its full complement of people dressed in their holiday attire and accompanied by their peculiar brand of music. The Old Plantation darkeys marched in full force and the Wild West show furnished a small army of rough riders in cowboy costumes, together with their band. The German village and Pabst's both stopped entertaining the crowds inside long enough to assist in the out of door demonstration. The other Midway attractions represented were Hagenbeck's, Chiquita, Shoot the Chutes and the ostrich farm.

The second division was headed by the Indian band and was in charge of Captain Mercer and Bill Liddiard. It was composed entirely of the inhabitants of the aboriginal encampment and it constituted by far the biggest feature of the parade. It was the first time the Indians have paraded on foot, but the feature was fully as effective as when most of them were mounted. The change gave the people a better opportunity to compare the stature and physical characteristics of the various tribes, while their costumes were no less striking. After the return from the round of the main court the Indian countermarched on Twentieth street and gave the crowd a full opportunity to complete its inspection.


Infant Incubator and Its Place in the Economy of Life.

From a scientific standpoint the baby incubator on the exposition grounds is attracting considerable attention. Members of the medical profession are becoming interested in its workings. The affair started only yesterday, but during the entire afternoon and evening the house in which the incubator is located was crowded. The incubator is a glass and metal case heated to a certain temperature. Into this enough air is admitted to maintain life in the infant until such time as it is strong enough to come in contact with the temperature of the room.

Yesterday two prematurely born infants were placed in incubators and the heat was turned on. They were carefully watched over by the physician in charge and last night he was certain the little things would live, providing they contracted none of the complaints or diseases to which children are subject.

The baby incubator is the patent of a German physician. It is contended that 85 per cent of the infants sent to the incubator have lived and become healthy children. The concern on the grounds is opertaed​ more for scientific than for exhibition purposes. It is intended for the rearing of the weakly born babies, who under ordinary circumstances soon pass away.


Captain Mercer Will Make that Display a Feature of the Congress.

So well pleased with the result of the sham battle between the Indians and the whites is Captain Mercer of the Indian congress that he has decided to make them regular features at stated intervals. No date has been fixed for the next one, but it is more than likely that it will occur during the present month. Another thing that Captain Mercer has decided upon and that is, in the future, he will use only Indians in the fights. The movements and action of the whites in the battle of Wednesday was satisfactory to the captain, but he thinks that better results can be secured by putting only Indians into the field and allowing them to conduct a regular Indian campaign.

Some time ago it was decided to have regular programs of the afternoon dances engeged​ in by the Indians, but it has been found that it is next to impossible to arrange a program that can be carried out in all of its details, consequently Captain Mercer has abandoned the idea and has concluded to allow the Indians to select their own dances after reaching the grounds. This will not prevent the giving of dances, however. Each afternoon some tribe will dance and will do so without interference. The first experiment in this line was tried yesterday afternoon and it worked well, pleasing the public very much.

Shortly after 4 o'clock, after viewing the work of the life saving crew on the Lagoon, the Indians were marched to the encampment, where the Omahas gave the celebrated corn dance, which at the agency is put on to show their appreciation of the goodness of the Great Father in producing a big yield of corn. To the average white man this dance differs little from the grass dance. The musicians sit in the center of the field and beat upon their drums. After the noise has continued for some five minutes, a score of Indians, who heretofore have been sitting on their haunches, jump into the ring and bedaubed with paint commence hopping around, imitating kernels of corn upon a hot griddle. This continues until the dancers are about exhausted, when other Indians take their places and the fun goes on without intermission.

The Indian congress is rapidly growing in favor with the public and the attendance is daily growing larger. More Indians are expected within the next few days. Captain Mercer has received word a party of Sioux from Pine Ridge are on the way and are due to arrive any day. He is also expecting a delegation of the Seneca Indians from New York, but just when they will get here is uncertain.

Missourians and Montana.

While Missouri has no state building upon the exposition grounds, there is a place where the people from that commonwealth are made to feel at home. The men in charge of the Montana building have extended an invitation to all of the Missourians to call and participate in an acceptance of their hospitalities. The invitation was sent out a few days ago, and yesterday the St. Joseph people in the city accepted in full force. They arrived early and stayed late. They were made welcome and when they left they felt just as well as though they had a building of their own. From this time on, the Montana building will be headquarters for all delegations from Missouri.

Great Future in Fruit.

Hon. A. W. Smith, state senator from McPherson county, Kansas, is in the city for a few days, visiting the exposition. Speaking of the exhibits, he said: "They are as fine as anything that I have ever seen. The display in the Horticulture building furnishes the most conclusive evidence that the Mississippi and Missouri valleys are destined to be the great fruit raising sections of the country. A few years ago it was supposed that fruit could not be raised west of the Mississippi river, but the exhibition here proves that all of the fruits of the temperate, and many of those of the semi-torrid zone will grow here in abundance. The other exhibits at the exposition are equally good, and those in the Agricultural building are extra fine. Right here I want to say that the exhibits of grain are the best that have ever been brought together."

Exposition Notes.

Fred W. Averill, one of the exposition visitors from Kansas City, has the record of being the greatest joiner in the country. He belongs to fifty-four lodges and secret societies and in addition to attending all of the meetings of the orders, he finds time to run for office. He is the republican nominee from the Fifth senatorial district of Kansas City and says that his chances of being elected are excellent.

Joe Abrahams was arrested on the exposition grounds yesterday, charged with larceny. He was accused with stealing a watch from a tailor shop at Fourteenth and Harney streets.

Some days ago complaints reached Major Llewellyn of the exposition guards to the effect that people visiting a long maned horse were being short changed by the parties handling the cash at the concession. A watch was put upon the place and yesterday B. F. Emery, the spieler and cashier, was arrested, charged with defrauding the public. He was taken to the local station and subsequently removed to the city jail.


Thursday Night Adds to the Argument for the Low Evening Admission.

Practically a Thousand Dollars Gained by the Cut in This One Instance.

Exhibitors and Concessionaires Are All Enthusiastic in Favor of the Change.

Directors Meet Today and the Matter Will Probably Come Up for Consideration.

Sunday Closing Another Problem--Life Saving Crew Gives a Great Exhibition on the Lagoon.

The board of directors meets today and a quorum is confidently counted on, as a large number of the directors are anxious to have the 25-cent night rate put into effect at once.

The efficacy of the reduced rate was well shown yesterday, as on previous nights when it has been in effect. The day's receipts at the gate were $4,977.25. Of this amount, approximately $4,000 was taken in at the 50-cent rate before 7 o'clock, and $1,000 at the reduced rate in the evening. As the regular evening admissions are merely nominal on an aver-[?]   and aside from the financial feature, it was responsible for the presence on the grounds of 4,000 people, or just about one-third of the entire paid attendance of the day. The Midway percentages derived from these extra 4,000 people will amount to several hundred dollars more.

The exhibitors are strongly in favor of the reduction, while the concessionaires are a unit in that direction. The forty-two big exhibits in the Horticulture bulding​ are unanimously in favor of it, and thirteen of the sixteen big state exhibits in the Agriculture building have declared for it. Nearly all the exhibitors in the Manufactures building have signed a petition asking for it, while the business judgment of the directors seems to be overwhelmingly in favor of immediately putting the 25-cent rate into effect at 6 o'clock each evening and closing all the exhibits buildings at that hour.


The matter of also closing the exposition on Sunday will come up in this connection. Sentiment on that point does not seem to have crystallized, and the majority seem to want a little more light on the question, but in the matter of evening admissions it looks very much like a 25-cent rate in the future.

Beginning tomorrow, visitors to the Hawaiian exhibit in the Agricultural building will be served free with genuine Hawaiian coffee and bread fruit. The growing coffee and cocoanut feature attracts a great deal of attention, while much interest is manifested in the whole exhibit from this most lately acquired possession of Uncle Sam.


The executive committee yesterday decided to extend an invitation to D. Augustus Staker of Detroit to deliver the oration at the exposition on Colored People's day, August 17, 18 and 19. Steps were also taken to provide the necessary ammunition for future sham battles, as Captain Mercer is arranging to put on two of these events each week. Five thousand rounds of 44, 45 and 50 caliber rifle and revolver blank ammunition were ordered. The committee will hold its meetings after this week only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The "From Battlefield to Fireside" program has been ordered again for this evening, with fireworks effects. It is stated that this will be its final presentation. The executive committee was induced to have it presented once more by the numerous requests of frequent visitors, with whom the number has been constantly increasing in favor.

Special commissioner R. W. Richardson returned yesterday morning from Chicago. He saw Ferd W. Peck, the newly appointed commissioner to the Paris exposition. Mr. Peck sails for Paris about Septembmer​ 1, but will come here again to look over the exhibits, with an eye to securing some of them for Paris in 1900. Robert J. Thompson, the special press commissioner to that exposition, is now in Washington, but will be here next week for the same purpose.


Mr. Richardson also learned that the lord mayor of London sails for this country on the 18th inst. and will visit Chicago. The matter will be brought to the attention of the executive committee and an effort will be made to arrange for his visiting the exposition.


Exhibition on Midway Takes With the People.

"That is worth more than all we have seen today," said a visitor as the parade of All Nations passed under the Administration Arch yesterday afternoon; and he voiced about the general sentiment, judging from expressions heard from others. It was, as far as the Midway was concerned, a repetition of the parade on the Fourth of July except that, as the procession was around the lagoon and the brick pavement would not bear heavy loads, no vehicles were allowed. An exception was made of the tiny carriage of Chiquita.

It was better than the Fourth of July parade because it had the 300 Indians now encamped on the grounds. Everyone in the camp turned out and the Flandreau Indian school band led this division.

The whole procession was led by the Phinney band. It came down the Twentieth street boulevard and moved once around the lagoon, the Indians then being turned about to go to the Government building again to witness the exhibition of the life saving crew.

The line of march was thronged with the unusual number of people on the grounds.

Superintendent of Buildings Banker for the board of education is putting in the machinery necessary for the live exhibit of manual training for the high school. This will be in the gallery of the Manufactures building, and Prof. Wigman says that in a week he expects to have ten boys there actually at work showing what is done in this department in the high school. Most of the machinery has been offered free for the summer by eastern firms.


Formal Opening of the Organ in the Auditorium.

The Auditorium at the exposition last night held the largest audience that has ever assembled in it, the occasion being an organ recital by the famous organist of Chicago, Harrison Wilde. In many of his selections Mr. Wilde was very pleasing and in other barely fair. The first selection was rich in the devotional element of Bach. The simple melody recurring again and again in the pastorale of Guilmant was pleasingly brought out, and the offertoire from Batiste was brilliant and sweet. Chopin was weak and draggy, while the Wagner number was slow and lacking in the fire and brilliancy it should have received.

The "Autumn Sketch," by Brewer, was another number which delighted, and "Communion," by Batiste, was rich with harmonies and deep religious devotion. In Mr. Wilde's interpretation it seemed to run the whole gamut of religious feeling, from the simple prayer to the ecstatic emotion of one wrapt in vision before the altar.

The exposition chorus rendered three numbers, and so well did they distinguish themselves that they were loudly applauded after each one. The rendering of "Annie Laurie" especially touched the hearts of the audience.


Monday, August 29, the Day Fixed for the Bonifaces.

The hotel men expect a great time Monday, August 29, hotel men's day. Circulars will be sent to every hotel man within the Omaha range, and railroad rates will be secured and special rates will be made at all the hotels. F. J. Coates is chairman of the committee on arrangements, and states that there are about 1,400 hotels in the territory embraced in the Omaha section, and the proprietor or chief clerk of each one of these will be urged to come with their wives. The plan is to have a social time and a program in the afternoon at the Auditorium.


Reasons Why It Is Thought Every Day Will See a Large Attendance.

End of War, Low Rates, Special Days and Harvested Crops---Outline of Program for Lumberman's Day.

The exposition has been enjoying something of a boom in attendance in the last two weeks, and the management is beginning to think that the period for big crowds every day has arrrived​.

This is for several reasons. One is that the war is over. About the only effect of the war on the exposition has been that it has so monopolized space in the newspapers of the country as to keep out any considerable mention of the exposition. Now that the fight is over more will be said about the next biggest thing, and that is the exposition.

Another reason is that the summer has advanced to the point where the brunt of the farm work is over. The crops have been good and the country people will feel like having a little pleasure, combined with instruction.

Another reason is that the state and special days will come thick and fast.

Still another and perhaps the most important is that the low railroad rates have already been granted by one road and certainly will be by one more and probably by all.

Council Bluffs-Exposition Trains.

The Omaha Bridge and Terminal railway has issued a time table of its Council Bluffs-Exposition excursion train service. The running time between the Council Bluffs station at Ninth and Broadway and the Omaha station at the southeast corner of the exposition grounds is twenty minutes. The round trip has been fixed at 20 cents, children 10 cents.

Trains will leave Ninth and Broadway at 9 a. m. and at every even hour thereafter until 11 p. m., making ten trips. Trains will leave the Omaha station at 9:30 a. m. and at every hour thereafter until 10:30 p. m.


Some Points About Entertainment Prepared for Hoo-Hoos.

September 9th, the day of the ninth month, has been chosen by the lumbermen of Omaha to entertain visiting lumbermen on the Trans-Mississippi exposition grounds. An attractive program has been prepared, specially low railroad rates have been secured, and there is no doubt the occasion will be a notable success.

A log-rolling contest on the lagoon, in which a number of the leading expert log-rollers of the country will take part, is billed for 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Four prizes are offered and the contest is open to all comers. Twenty-four inch logs will be used. The judges have been selected from among the wealthiest mill owners in the United States, and include such men as Charles A. Weyerhaeuser of the Pine Tree Lumber company of Little Falls, Minn.; J. B. Phelps of the Lindsay & Phelps Lumber company of Davenport; F. L. Murray of Wisconsin Lumber company of Hayward, Wis.; Eugene Shaw of the Daniel Shaw Lumber company of Eau Claire, Wis.; L. K. Baker, manager of the J. S. Stearns Lumber company of Odanah, Wis.; John S. Owen of the Rust-Owen Lumber company of Drummond, Wis.; Thomas H. Shevlin of the Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber company of Minneapolis; H. C. Akeley of the H. C. Akeley Lumber company of Minneapolis; Charles A. Goss of the Winona Lumber company of Winona, Minn.; and James T. Barber of the Northwestern Lumber company of Eau Claire, Wis.

At 7 p. m. on the grand court, there will be a parade of Hoohoos in the grotesque Hoo-Hoo costumes. At 8:30 a brilliant display of fireworks will be given on the north tract, the pieces including a "black cat" and other appropriate figures. After the fireworks a concatenation will be held in the Minnesota building.

All the attractions on the Midway have made reduced prices of admission for visiting lumbermen.

The Nebraska lumbermen will act as hosts during the day and will keep open house at the Nebraska and Minnesota buildings. Down town headquarters will also be established at the Commercial club rooms at the corner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets. Visiting lumbermen can obtain badges from members of the reception committee at the depots or at the Commercial Club rooms, the Nebraska building, or the Minnesota building.

Mexican Band's First Concert.

The initial concert of the Mexican band will be at the government building at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The band of forty-two pieces will arrive about midnight tonight. It's engagement is for several weeks. It had a great reputation at the Midwinter fair and is considered equal to the best bands in this country.

Notes of the Exposition.

There will be unusually elaborate and beautiful fireworks on the north tract tonight as part of the celebration of St. Joseph day.

August 31 has been set as the special day for the Loyal Mystic Legion of America.

September 12 has been fixed as South Dakota day, when the state officials and a large number of citizens will be present.

The every day noon drill of the fire company on the grounds is watched with much interest by visitors to whom a metropolitan fire service is new. The horses are released from their stalls by electric apparatus, are hitched to the wagons and run out of the building.

Mr. Gaston Akoun, proprietor of the Streets of All Nations, received a telegram yesterday from Victor Roditi, Coney Island, to the effect that the great show, Streets of India, is coming to Omaha to participate in the entertainments at the Streets of All Nations famous. The attraction at the gay island consists of Japanese acrobats, pyramids, and elephants, and camels, the two latter of which give all kinds of performances. Mr. Neimy, the manager of the Streets of All Nations, assures the public that this show has never been presented in any previous exposition or place of amusement of any kind. Among the new attractions at the Streets this week are the merry-go-round, the sword dance by beautiful girls, the electric act on the stage and the wonderful Japanese juggler and balancer, to say nothing of the fire eater and La Bell Rosa in her wonderful dance, balancing a heavy chair between her teeth, presenting an entirely new act, never seen in this country before.



Rosewater Extends the Time, Staying Everlasting Destruction of Exposition.

Offers to Continue to Run the Fair if the Directors Rescind the Pass Resolution.

Wharton Comes to His Rescue With "No Quorum"--Low Rate for Thursday Nights Only.

"Mister" Rosewater again entered the ring yesterday afternoon to settle the mooted question of who is at the best man—the "Mister" Rosewater aforesaid or the exposition board of directors. At the end of one very brief and equally bloodless round the gong saved "Mister" Rosewater as he was being counted out, and the referee declared the bout a draw, and ordered its continuance to a finish next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

"Mister" Rosewater had previously threatened that he would die upon the spot until he was thoroughly and completely dead, so far as the exposition was concerned, unless the board jumped over the ropes and hit the back trail, but after the decision of the referee, he "consented" to live until Monday afternoon at twenty-two minutes after 4 o'clock, at which hour he is determined that one or two things shall happen—either the exposition's X-ray will be extinguished in a grand finale of Rosewaterian fireworks or the Rosewater beacon will be set blazing on the topmost pinnacle of the Administration Arch, no more to be dimmed until October 31.


It will be remembered that "Mister" Rosewater was ordered by the board to send two passes to every country paper in the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. "Mister" Rosewater said he knew more about it than fifty directors, and declared he wouldn't do it. Inasmuch as he takes great pride in keeping his word upon certain occasions, "Mister" Rosewater did not send them. Next he was ordered to send passes to the editor of the Labor Bulletin, but the editor of that paper had unfortunately remarked in print that the exposition was bigger than the Bee building, and "Mister" Rosewater was moved to remark that he would not serve another day as press pass dispenser until the outrageous affront was recalled and the "insulting action of the board was rescinded."

The board had its "dander" up at that time, and as it was about to grasp "Mister" Rosewater by the slacks of the pajamas and the loose cuticle at the base of the cerebellum and waft him with much swiftness and unerring certainty through the transom, he "consented" on his own motion to pause on the brink of his resignation. His "consent" carried him over to yesterday, when he stood up in full view of the directors and solemnly announced that the fateful hour had arrived.

He had come to the parting of the ways and had brought the exposition along with him. He pointed out to the directors the twin vistas stretching into the future, and assured them that if they wanted to go along peaceably down his road he would see that they did not want for employment. He would keep them all busy pulling his chestnuts out of the fire, and they could earn an honest living. On the other hand, if they tackled the other road they would have to go without him, and they would find it rocky sledding.


The directors were momentarily appalled at the prospect, but "Mister" Rosewater relieved their apprehension by intimating the he had not yet firmly made up his mind to close up the exposition. If they would rescind their former resolutions relative to directing the work of his department all would be well, for he would "consent" to longer abide with them.

"Mister" Rosewater sat down, but the building did not even tremble.

Mr. Hitchcock moved that the bureau of admissions be instructed to send out the passes previously ordered, in accordance with the former action of the board.

Mr. Lindsey remarked that no one in the bureau of admissions knew the names of the papers in the states named.

"I will see that they are furnished you within forty-eight hours," replied Mr. Hitchcock, "if this is the only way to get out the passes."

And then Mr. Rosewter went into the air. As he struck the floor he yelled: "That shows Mr. Hitchcock's ignorance of this whole business. He knows just about as much about this as he did about the work of his department when he was a member of the executive committee. There must be something decisive about this done now. I have been carrying on this work for two weeks under protest and it has taken all my time. I never worked so hard in my life as I have about this pass question, and you must rescind your action or I won't go on with it another day. I am tired of it anyway."

"This board has had this wholem atter​ under consideration," said Mr. Hitchcock. "The action complained of was taken after prolonged discussion covering seevral​ meetings, and it was reached by a decisive vote. This man has defied the whole board and declared that he would not carry out its instructions. He has not sent out the passes ordered, and now he says he wants to retire. My motion is in accordance with the condition of affairs and provides for placing this work where it will be performed in compliance with the directions of this board."


"Mister" Rosewater again struggled to the surface and loudly announced in a low voice: "I do want to retire, but—but—I want you people to know what a big load it is that you will undertake if you try to attend to these passses​. Who have you got that is competent to do this if I let it go?"

"Mister" Rosewter reached into his think tank and felt anxiously around for another idea tending to show the directors why they could not afford to grant his request and allow him to retire, when Mr. Wharton, who is a member of the society that makes a specialty of preventing cruelty to dumb creatures, proclaimed with much gusto that there was no quorum.

Other members insisted that there was, an​ the president announced after counting noses that there were twenty-seven on hand. Two members of Mr. Wharton's society took the cue and quietly slid out of the room. The point was again raised, and a controversy ensued as to the number present. In order to make things sure, Mr. Babcock jumped through the doorway, but was collared by Mr. Webster and brought back. A roll call was taken, but it showed one short of a quorum.


An adjournment was therefore ordered until 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. "Mister" Rosewater "consented" to extend his "consent" until that time, and then rushed into the anteroom and took a large muscular pill out of a box prescribed by his doctor for acute heart disease. He finally went down the levator​ with one hand firmly grasped in the other ,as he was unwilling to demonstratively shake hands with himself in public, though he was firmly convinced that he had a handshake comin​.

Prior to "Mister" Rosewater's ebullition, the board had a tussle with the reduced rate problem, and decided that every Thursday evening until the close of the exposition should see the 25 cent rate in effect after 6 o'clock. Mr. Hitchcock moved for a straight evening rate at that figure, and it was strongly supported, but amendments for test weeks at that price, and for various other experiments were sprung, and the Thursday evening rate was finally agreed on as a compromise. A motion to try the reduced rate for one week was lost by a vote of 14 to 20, and a motion to make Sunday rates 25 cents was lost by a vote of 10 to 17.

Those in favor of the low rate announced their intention of continuing the compaign​ in that direction.

The splendid reproduction of the Blue Grotto in Heaven and Hell is the work of Mr. O. S. Sarsi, as is also the beautiful statuary adorning the golden stairway. Mr. Sarsi's work is attracting the attention and admiration of all lovers of art whose privilege it has been to view it. In its execution he has employed thirty skilled modelers to assist him.


Missourians in Great Crowds via the Burlington and Missouri Pacific.

A telegram from St. Joseph to the Missouri Pacific officials last night said that the Missouri Pacific special from St. Joseph, via Hiawatha, Ka., would leave St. Joseph at 7:10 this morning and arrive in Omaha at 10 o'clock. The Commercial club, the Fourth Regiment band and 1,000 people will come via the Missouri Pacific. The train will be profusely trimmed with banners. Four tally-hos left St. Joseph for Omaha yesterday, and are to be here this morning.

At 7 o'clock this morning the Burlington special from St. Joseph pulled out for Omaha with 1,000 people on board. The train carries Mayor Kirschner, the city council and city and county officials, Judge O. M. Spencer, Congressman Cochran and other prominent citizens. The train will be handsomely decorated and arrives in Omaha at 10 o'clock this morning. It will be met by Mayor Moores and city officials at the Burlington[?]


The Market Gardeners Show Visitors Something to Wonder At.

The first watermelon and Hubbard squash of the Douglas county product was introduced yesterday into the county vegetable display at the exposition. The samples are very fine and their presence in the show ring announces to the public that from this time forward Douglas county market gardeners are prepared to supply the market with these varieties.

The East Omaha market gardeners are able to supply watermelon, muskmelon, squash, sweet pumpkin and everything in the line of vegetables as soon as they are to be had anywhere in this climate and the management of the county display is on the lookout for the first of everything that is grown.

The finest display of tomatoes that has yet been presented to the exposition visitors is now in the Douglas county vegetable department. This exhibit consists of one dozen tomatoes of the Pondorosa variety grown at 2812 Poppleton avenue, Omaha. These tomatoes have an average weight of one pound and six ounces, the largest one weighing one pound and ten ounces; the lightest one pound four and one-half ounces. Expert tomato growers pronounce the display the best they ever saw.

Who can beat it?


August 24 Will Be a Big Day in Hono​ of the World-Herald.

August 24 is World-Herald day at the exposition, the management having voted to set apart that day in honor of the World-Herald.

For that day the railroads will sell special low rate round trip tickets from all parts of Nebraska and from the western parts of Iowa.

The executive committee has also voted a special 25 cent night rate for the evening of World-Herald day.

The railroad rate for World-Herald day asked for by the exposition management is one fare for the round trip, less 20 per cent.

At noon upon World-Herald day the World-Herald will serve a lunch to Nebraska editors and their wives at the Markel restaurant. To this lunch several hundred invitations have been sent out and a large number of acceptances are expected.

During the evening the editors and their wives will be entertained as guests of the World-Herald upon the Midway and several special entertainments will be provided for them.

World-Herald day has been designated for August 24 to celebrate the thirteenth anniversary of the establishment of the Evening World, which later consolidated with the Morning Herald and became the leading newspaper of Nebraska.

Thirty-five thousand people have been mystified with the Haunted Swing since the first day of June. This swing has made more than 4,000 revolutions and everybody has been invited to examine it closely, yet no man, woman or child has been able to explain the mystery. An Indian concluded to make some examinations yesterday and now he is at home for awhile. When the swing started on its round he grabbed the iron shaft and suspended himself there until the swing stopped. When he found an opportunity he broke through the door and made a bee line for the reservation. He don't understand the workings of the swing and probably never will. Indians are curious, so there are about 500 of them contemplating a trip to the dark thing.

The entire Yankee nation is of the "want-to-know" type of humanity. Perhaps that alone is the keynote to American progress. The public's constant desire for information becomes monotonous and often oppressive, especially when a continuous stream of people ask the same questions repeatedly. A man employed in the Streets of Cairo kept a record of the questions asked him in one day, with this result: "What time does the show begin?"—268 times; "Where are these people from?"—210 times. "How old is that camel?"—112 times; "How long can the camel go without water?"—72 times; "Is that the way they marry in Egypt?"—31 times; "What makes the people do that way?"—50 times; "Do they think that is music?"—22 times. These and other such questions woud​ keep one man busy all the time and in a month he would be a subject for the insane asylum.



Hint From Omaha Terminal Lines to Western Passenger Association That Time for Fooling Is Passed.

The "hint" on the subject of exposition rates which the report of the meeting of passenger officials of Omaha terminal lines will be to the Western Passenger association will not be quite so strong as the hint of the man who, not desiring the presence of a neighbor kicked him out of the house, but it will be fully as meaning, and it is confidently expected will be fully as successful in accomplishing results.

For Montana, Utah, Colorado and South Dakota days the Omaha terminal lines recommend exactly the rates asked for by the exposition directory and Commercial club committees two weeks ago, and the recommendation of which by the Omaha terminal lines at the Western Passenger association meeting in Chicago Wednesday caused such a rumpus. For the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben parades and carnival low rates were also recommended. Then the meeting deliberately recommended the same rates for the Firemen's tournament which it recommended before and which the Western Passenger association has twice refused to approve.

The situation on exposition rates, as explained by one local passenger man whose knowledge of the matter and reliability cannot be questioned, is briefly this:

The Omaha terminal lines do not desire to create any trouble and they have done all in their power to avoid demoralization of rates. At the same time they are determined to put in lower exposition rates, the matter of doing so having been absolutely settled at the meeting Thursday afternoon. In order, however, to treat all lines in the Western Passenger association in the most courteous manner possible the Omaha terminal lines have decided not to take any further action, aside from that taken at the meeting Thursday afternoon, until after the meeting of the Western Passenger association in Chicago the first of next week. But it has also been absolutely decided that should the Western Passenger association again refuse to approve the rates recommended by the Omaha terminal lines then they will at once notify the association of their proposed action and will put in the rates asked for by the exposition and Commercial club committees, and already recommended by the Omaha terminal lines.


Omaha Taken by Storm by the Good Citizens from Down the River.


Mayor Kirshner Heads an Hegira of His Fellow Townsmen, Who Come to Do Homage to the Great Exposition.

Make all in past tense now

The largest excursion that has come here for the exposition from any one city is that of the St. Joseph visitors to the exposition, arriving here this morning. Over 1,200 representatives of the thriving city of the lower Missouri came in on three trains over the Burlington road, and nearly as many more over the Missouri Pacific railroad.

The first train to arrive pulled into the Burlington station at just 10:37, after having made the fastest run between St. Joseph and this city ever covered by an excursion train. The train left St. Joseph at 7:12 o'clock, and ran the 140 miles in three hours and twenty-five minutes. It was a heavy train, the twelve coaches being filled to their seating capacity. As soon as the train had come to a standstill, the Central (colored) band of St. Joseph marched out from the rear coach playing that old familiar song which predicts a real warm time in some old town during the evening. After the band and the flag-bearers came Dr. Kirschner, mayor of St. Joseph; M. M. Riggs, comptroller; P. P. Kane, chief of the fire department; John Broder, chief of police; Fred Hyde, city attorney; John Casteel, city counsel; John Gilkey, city treasurer, and sixteen members of the city council. The car occupied by the city officials was decorated on both sides with banners, on which was painted "City Officials, St. Joseph, Mo."

Mayor Moores, City Clerk Higby, Comptroller Westberg, Treasurer Edwards, Health Commissioner Spaulding, Councilman Mount, Stuht, Bingham, Bechel and J. H. Adams, secretary to the mayor, were the representatives of the Omaha city government on hand to extend a fraternal greeting to the municipal officers of St. Joseph. After introductions all around had been made, and the party made well acquainted, a dozen open carriages were driven down a ramp and filled with the officials of the two cities, who were driven directly to the exposition grounds. The band was sent out to the grounds in charge of the mayor's messenger.

There Were Some Others.

In addition to the city officials there were about 500 other people from St. Joseph on the first section of the excursion train. General Passenger Agent Wakeley of St. Louis and Division Passenger and Freight Agent Marshall of St. Joseph, both of the Burlington lines in Missouri, were on hand to see that the visitors were well taken care of and properly directed. The excursionists were a fine appearing lot of people. They were well dressed, and said they didn't care just so they had a good time. Each excursionist wore a little red badge with "St. Joseph" stamped on it, the ribbon being held in place with a button, on which appeared a little porker, and this query and answer: "St. Joe Rooters. Are We in It? Watch Us."

While the band was playing a few popular airs in the large waiting room of the station and the first party of excursionists were getting acquainted, the second train rolled in. It arrived at 11:23 a. m., and consisted of eight well filled cars. They left St. Joseph fifty minutes after the first train. The third lot of St. Joseph citizens came in on the regular train, the "Exposition Flyer," at 12:05 p. m., having left St. Joseph at 8 a. m. The first train brought in 600, the second 450, and the third about 150.

Over the Other Line.

While the city officials of St. Joseph were coming in at the south end of town the business men of that city were storming the north walls. They entered from the exposition terminal station of the Missouri Pacific and made a notably strong showing. There were nearly as many of them as came in down town and they represented the St. Joseph Commercial club, the Wheeler Manufacturing company, Tootle, Wheeler & Metter, the Weed Manufacturing company, John S. Brittain, the Perfection Pump company and a few other of the leading commercial and manufacturing industries of St. Joseph.

The business men came in on two special trains, the cars of which were handsomely decorated with banners and flyers, telling "who we are." The first train was made up of twelve cars, and the second carried eight coaches. In the two trains were somewhat over 1,000 excursionists. The large number of business men and employes of business houses was secured through the liberal policy pursued by the proprietors of the leading houses. Nearly all of them closed their stores and factories for the day and gave their employes railroad tickets and admission to the exposition. One of the Commercial club men said: "Yes, I guess we're all here. We pretty nearly closed up the town today in honor of your exposition. About the only people left at home are the invalids and the base ball team."

The two special trains filled with business men and their families came from St. Joseph to Hiawatha over the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad and from Hiawatha to Omaha over the Missouri Pacific. Both trains made good runs, leaving there at 7:30 and 7:40 o'clock this morning and reaching the exposition grounds a few minutes after 12 o'clock noon.


People from the Northwest Missouri Metropolis Take in the Exposition.


Promise of an Outpouring is More Than Redeemed During the Day.


Late Hour of Arrival Cuts Short the Welcoming Addresses.


Afternoon Put In Among the Grounds and Along the Midway by the Curious, Who Live Up to the New Missouri Motto.

St. Joseph assured the exposition officials some time ago that it proposed to give the biggest municipal celebration of the season and its people redeemed their promise today by coming fully 3,000 strong and bestowing enthusiastic approval on every feature of the show. As the trains were somewhat late in arriving, the bulk of the crowd did not get on the grounds until afternoon, but from then on they constituted the most conspicuous feature of the attendance. The presence of the visitors was celebrated by a short program at the Auditorium at 12 o'clock. Although only a small proportion of the St. Joe delegation were in time to participate, the minority made a strong showing and exhibited a degree of enthusiasm that atoned for the empty seats.

President Wattles called the assemblage to order and announced that although the bulk of the crowd had not reached the grounds, the day was so far advanced that it was thought best to proceed with the program. He introduced Mayor Moores, who delivered the address of welcome on behalf of the city of Omaha. The mayor spoke in high terms of the enterprise and good fellowship that were alike characteristic of the people of St. Joseph. He declared that the transmississippi region was fortunate in having on the banks of its great river a number of prosperous and ambitious cities that were doing their best to develope​ the region by which they were surrounded. The history of St. Joseph has been very similar to that of Omaha and it faces very nearly the same conditions. Both have developed from pioneer trading posts into metropolitan proportions. During ten years of hard times they have held their own and in the years to come they will be among the most prosperous and progressive cities on this continent. In conclusion, he gave them a hearty welcome to the exposition, that is not an Omaha show, nor a Nebraska show, but an exposition of the products and resources of the entire west.

St. Joseph's Response.

Mayor Kirschner of St. Joseph responded very gracefully to the remarks of Mayor Moores, and assured the hosts that the visitors would make liberal use of the freedom of the city that had been so hospitably tendered.

The St. Joseph band played a brief selection, and then President Wattles spoke briefly in behalf of the exposition management. He eulogized the active part taken by citizens of Missouri in the incipiency of the enterprise. All through the difficulties that beset its progress many assurances of good will were received from our neighbors on the south, and not the least grateful of these from the city that is so largely in evidence on the grounds today. Continuing, he spoke in enthusiastic terms of the limitless resources that were represented in this exposition. The west is in its infancy, and while we boast of its commerce and wealth today, we have only a glimpse of the possibilities of its future. With its splendid opportunities for acquiring wealth the west must become the most populous part of the country, if not of the world. This exposition assists us to appreciate the vast possibilities of the future and will bring capital and population to every part of the transmississippi region for many years to come.

In conclusion President Wattles briefly sketched the growth of St. Joseph, complimented the vigor and enterprise of its citizens and made them cordially welcome to the transmississippi show.



Exposition Managers Begin Arrangement of the Formalities.

Since the conclusion of peace is assured the exposition management has begun active preparation for the grand Peace jubilee which will celebrate the event. It was determined some time ago that if peace was declared before the exposition closed it would be made the subject of a great celebration, and immediately on the announcement that the protocol had been signed at Washington, President Wattles and Manager Rosewater took the matter actively in hand. At a conference this morning with Senator Thurston it was decided that the jubilee should be held during the week of October 9 to 15. This will afford ample time for preparation, and the week will be made the premier period of the exposition. On September 3 a committee, consisting of Senator Thurston and Allen, Congressman Mercer, and at least three members of the exposition directory will call on President McKinley to secure his consent to be present, with the members of his cabinet, and participate in the celebration. Letters have also been addressed to the governors of all the transmississippi states and territories asking them to join in the invitation to President McKinley, and it is confidently believed that by that time the international atmosphere will be so far cleared that he will be able to make the trip.

Government Day.

At a conference this morning between Senator Thurston and President Wattles of the exposition arrangements for the celebration of Government day, September 20, were largely completed. The invitation to congress to participate in the event reached the house of representatives too late for formal action, but the senate has appointed a committee of fifteen, of which Senator Thurston is chairman, to represent it at the exposition. The members of that committee will all be here on Government day, as well as a large number of congressmen and other government officials. The main program of the day will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. President Wattles will deliver an address in behalf of the exposition and a number of senators, to be hereinafter selected by Senator Thurston, will respond. An especially elaborate musical program will be rendered by the Mexican band and the exposition chorus. Immediately following the exercises the distinguished guests will be tendered a banquet at the Casino at which the senators who did not speak in the morning will respond to toasts. There will be an exceptionally brilliant fireworks display in the evening.


Captain Mercer Plans Some Special Entertainments for the Public.

Plans for some attractions in which the Indians on the grounds will amuse and interest the public are being matured by Captain Mercer. Since the recent Indian battle he has taken exclusive charge of the amusement features of the camp and will put up an interesting program in the near future. He will do away with battles in which whites and Indians will participate and at the same time he will allow the Indians to participate in such dances as they see fit. This decision with reference to the dances will prevent giving notice in advance at is​ will be impossible to tell just what the Indians will do until they reach the grounds. It is certain, however, that dances will be given each afternoon at 2 o'clock.

During the next few days Captain Mercer will conduct an Indian school of instruction at which rehearsals will be the features. These will continue until the Indians reach a certain degree of proficiency, after which they will appear in public in which might properly be called a drama. There will be several sensational acts, all of which will be new and prepared especially for the occasion. In the first place the captain will put on a little play in which he will portray the scenes and incidents around the Indian camp just prior to the young men leaving for the front, where they go to do battle with an enemy. There will be all of the events of camp life, the squaws and Indian bucks working on the war equipment, the preparing the ammunition, sharpening of the knives and the manufacture of the war bonnets and leggings. While this will be supposed to cover a period of several days in reality it will consume but a few minutes, or hours at the most. Following this there will be the scenes attending the return of a victorious war party. There will be the coming of the braves, the reception when they reach the camp and the feast, the whole ending with a grand dance in which both squaws and warriors will participate.

On another occasion the Indians will give a correct representation of a war party that has fought and lost. There will be the return and the sorrow that attends such a return will be manifested in true Indian style. In connection with this there will be the services held in observance of the death of the warriors killed in battle. There will be the burial exercises, together with the mourning for the dead.

At intervals during the fall Captain Mercer will put on battles and skirmishes, but they will all be between Indians. In order to carry out his plans he has made a requisition for rifles and blank cartridges, which will arrive during the next few days. In arranging these contests he will divide his Indians into parties so that the timber and mountain Indians can do their fighting in the brush and under the trees in the center and at the west end of the grounds, thus leaving the plains Indians to show their skill in the opening around the east end of the grounds.


Apples and Pears from the Sucker State Attract Much Attention.

Even the children admired the fruit and yesterday the Horticulture building was crowded from morning until late at night. Anticipating the large attendance, the men in charge of the exhibits had brightened up their plates and their contents, so that everything presented a pleasing appearance.

The Illinois people sent in a large quantity of fruit that was placed on exhibition for the first time. Most of it came with J. W. Stouton, who is manager of the fruit display and who has been at home during the past three weeks working up enthusiasm in the exposition. Mr. Stouton is something of a fruiter himself, having 100 acres in orchard and more than 2,500 bearing trees. He is showing much fruit of his own raising, including apples and peaches, with a fine collection of pears. His Bartlett pears are as fine as were ever seen, some of them being as large as coffee cups. Just as an illustration of what can be done, he is exhibiting some branches that contain as high as six pears growing in one cluster. He also brought from his home some Sickel pears, the only ones exhibited up to this time. While they are small, they are fine flavor and nicely colored. He is calling particular attention to Willow Twig apples that have been in cold storage since last fall. They are as sound as apples just picked from the trees and as finely colored. E. Tucker of Richville, Ill., has sent on a fine collection of peaches that are attracting much attention.

Speaking of the horticultural exhibits of the exposition, Mr. Stouton said: "I think that it is a good if not better than was shown at the World's Fair. The varieties are greater and the quality is equally as good, notwithstanding the fact that this is something of an off year with fruit. We shall keep our exhibit up to the highest standard until the close of the exposition. Our farmers and fruit growers are taking a deep interest in the fruit exhibit and have promised that they will keep our tables supplied with all that is necessary."

The exhibitors in the Horticulture building have another kick coming. They say that the rule adopted by the exposition management relative to the delivery of fruit is working a great injury to the displays that they are making. The fruit is all delivered at the warehouse at the north side of the grounds and later in the day is hauled about and distributed. What the exhibitors want to have done is to have the fruit delivered at the gate just west of the Georgia state building each morning. They say that if they are allowed to received their consignments there they can have the fruit all in place on the tables before the arrival of the crowds.

Climate Hard on Apaches.

Some of the Apache Indians from the San Carlos agency in New Mexico are getting anxious to get home. They like the exposition and the attractions, but they are not in love with the Nebraska climate. These Indians come from a climate that is devoid of humidity. They are not accustomed to rains, dews or clouds and every little shower drives them to distraction. They are without tents, as in their country they have no need for them. They live wickiups, constructed of boughs and when it rains, they might as well be out of doors as in the habitations which their dwelling places afford. When it has rained, Captain Mercer has hurried them into the houses along the north line of the camp, but these they do not like, as in them they feel about as much at home as a cat in a strange garret.

One peculiar thing about the Apache Indians is that they are nearly all afflicted with consumption, and the moist climate of the north is about as fatal to them as yellow fever. They all cough and even in their own country, consumption causes more deaths than all of the other diseases combined.

Mexican Band is Here.

The celebrated Mexican band, the official band of the Seventh regiment of artillery of the Mexican government, arrived direct from the City of Mexico at 9:50 o'clock this morning and was escorted to the exposition grounds, where the musicians were provided with transportation into the grounds during their stay in the city. There are forty-two pieces. Ricardo Pacheco is the leader. M. Venta is in charge to look after the welfare of the members.

The Seventh Regiment band is the pride of the Mexican army and is regarded as the best musical organization in the republic. It is considered better than the Mexican band that played an engagement at the World's fair in Chicago in 1893. The first concert will be given tomorrow.

Notes of the Exposition.

Two men, giving the names Fred Harris and Dan Clark, were arrested in the Government building yesterday afternoon. They were taken to the city jail and charged with being suspects.

Additions are being made almost daily to the Douglas county exhibit in the Agriculture building. New wheat that yields thirty-five bushels per acre is shown and any quantity of new potatoes, cabbage, melons, tomatoes and general garden truck has been put into the booth during the last few days.

Owing to the light rain during the early evening the concert on the lagoon was something of a failure. Few cared to stand out and listen to the music, while still fewer of the members of the band and chorus cared to play or sing in a drizzling rain.

In a private letter to a friend in this city a resident of Findlay, O., says: "Every billboard is posted with exposition advertising; the hotels and depots display posters and literature to the exclusion of almost everything else. As soon as the rates get down to a reasonable figure I am coming, and there are others."

Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bursum and bride of Socorro, N. M., are in the city on their wedding trip. While here they are the guests of Captain Leeson, who is in charge of the New Mexico exhibit. They are much pleased with the exposition and will remain several days. Mr. Bursum is the sheriff of Socorro county.

Ever since the opening of the exposition the majority of the people have been compelled to guess at the names of the aquatic plants in the pool in front of the Horticulture building on the bluff tract. Things, however, have changed and now all of the plants are arranged so that cards giving the names have been placed in close proximity.

E. H. McCutchen, a banker at Holstein, Ia., is spending several days in the city visiting the exposition. Speaking of the show, he said: "It is much better than I expected to find it. The exhibits are very fine and there are plenty of them. While it is not so great an exposition as the World's fair, I think that in many respects it is much better."

Major Clarkson has scheduled the noon hitching of the fire department horses as a daily attraction. Yesterday notice of this went upon the bulletin boards for the first time and when the hour arrived there was a great crowd around the doors of the engine house. The noon hitching is a regular thing with the firemen, but with the crowds it is a good drawing card.

September 12 has been designated as South Dakota day and the commissioners from that state are arranging for its proper celebration. It is expected that a very satisfactory railroad rate will be secured and that a large party of South Dakota officials and citizens will visit the exposition on that occasion. Wednesday, August 31, has been set aside for the celebration of the Loyal Mystic Legion of America.

The state poultry exhibit on the north tract, just west of the Transportation building, is not coming on as well as was anticipated. Some of the fanciers have put in their exhibits, but more are holding off until later in the season. At this time there are only a few of the pens occupied, but next month when the weather cools off it is expected that there will be a fine lot of fowls shown.



Opinions Concerning the Probable Effect on Exposition Attendance.


End of Hostilities and Military Operations Will Give the Public Time to Visit Omaha and the Transmississippi Fair.

Following are some expressions of local opinion on the probable effect of the end of the war on business in general and exposition attendance in particular:

Senator Thurston: The exposition will certainly feel the quickening impulse of the establishment of peace, just as business of all kinds will feel it. It is well and favorably known to the people of the east, and they only need the relaxation of the interest in war to bring them west to look at the exposition. I look for large numbers of them out here during the months of September and October.

Mayor Frank E. Moores: We can look for a decided improvement in the attendance as a result of the declaration of the peace, especially of people from the east. The papers throughout the country, particularly those in the eastern part of the country, have been running "Santiago" or "Manila" or "Porto Rico" at the top of their columns ever since the exposition opened. Now that there will no longer be any occasion for this the newspapers will naturally fall back upon the next biggest event in the world's history and devote their space to the Transmississippi Exposition. The result will be that people who have had no time to devote except to the reading of war news will read about the exposition, and, reading of its magnitude, will journey west to see it.

Herman Kountze: The effect of peace ought to be good for the exposition. The war has so absorbed the attention of eastern people that they have overlooked or forgotten the exposition. This can in a measure be remedied now, and they will have an opportunity to read of Omaha, and they may decide to come out.

Judge W. D. McHugh: I look for an increased attendance now that the war has come to an end. The newspapers will devote more space to the exposition, for there will not be so big a demand upon them by news of the war. What we ought to have now is a big peace jubilee. There is no more appropriate place or time for such a celebration than right here in Omaha in connection with the exposition, which is supposed to represent the pursuits of peace. I would favor a public meeting at once to bring this about. Do not make it an adjunct of the exposition, but an independent affair, of national scope, to which the president of the United States might come without fear of being used as an advertising card. This should be done at once, and it seems to me it could be made a success.

John Francis, general passenger agent of the B. & M.: The negotiation of the peace treaty cannot but have a very beneficial effect on the exposition. With the close of the war, the newspapers of the country will have space for something else besides war news, and I believe will devote much more attention to the exposition. During the remainder of the exposition I believe we'll be able to attract more attention to it than we have up to this time. The people will think of something else besides war now that it is over, and the exposition should come in for a large share of their attention.

John A. Kuhn, general agent of the Northwestern railroad: The negotiation of peace means increased activity for the railroads. With the revival of commerce the railroads must necessarily be benefited. I believe we shall have increases both in freight and passenger traffic. The finish of the war should result in greater crowds of visitors to our exposition, and I believe it will.

J. W. Munn of the Elkhorn's passenger department: Certainly the close of the war will help the exposition. The people will have something else to think about besides the war, and we'll be better able to impress them with the great attractions we have here. I look for much greater attendance during the remaining months of the exposition than if the war had kept on.

A. Darlow of the Union Pacific passenger department: It will unquestionably be of great benefit to the business of the country, especially to the railroads, as we will now be compelled to figure on hauling back the troops which we recently carried to the front. It will also increase other lines of travel, and necessarily that will inure to the benefit of the exposition, bringing more people to the west and to this city.

City Comptroller Westberg: It is a fact that ever since the war has opened the people of the United States have displayed no desire to pay any attention to anything in the way of amusements. The bad success that has attended pretty nearly everything in the amusement line fully attests to this. With the war over the American people will turn to something else to distract their attention and as they are an amusement-loving people they will naturally turn to something that will give them enjoyment. Attendance at various places of amusement will pick up, and, as the exposition is the biggest show in the country, a big number will naturally watch this and will finally be induced to attend themselves. The result will be an increased attendance. The next two and a half months ought to be big ones.

City Clerk Beecher Higby: I believe that the ending of the war will result in an increased interest in the exposition throughout the country. With this increased interest will come a desire to see the show itself and the result will be a bigger attendance. The people of this country have been so engrossed in the progress of the war that they have had no time to devote to anything else except possibly their own business. With their minds taken off the war problem they will turn again to the affairs of this country and the first object they will light upon will be the exposition.

Henry W. Yates: I think that without doubt it will prove to be a good thing for the exposition.

John C. Cowin: It must surely help, for it will attract the attention of the people from war, and give them an opportunity to think of enterprises connected with peace.

General Solicitor William R. Kelly of the Union Pacific: The war is over, and I suppose fighting has ceased. But there are battles of diplomacy yet to be waged, and upon their results depend important interests of this nation. In negotiating peace conditions this country has greater responsibilities, it seems to me, than it has ever before encountered in its history. It has now to deal with some new problems, and I have faith enough in the government to believe they will be solved to the credit and the ultimate good of this country. The close of war means renewed activity throughout the country; first, in shipbuilding; secondly, in manufacturing and thirdly, in agricultural pursuits. One of the first results of the war will be the upbuilding of the American merchant marine. With the opening of new markets to our goods I believe there will be a wonderful revival in American shipbuilding, and American products will again be carried in American bottoms. There will also be a large increase in our manufactures, especially in the iron and steel trade. I am confident that we shall see increased investments and operations in agriculture. This country is now entering on a wonderful era of prosperity. Confidence has been restored, and with the conclusion of the peace negotiations money that has been hoarded will come out to seek investments. The subscription of $1,200,000,000 by the people of this country when a war loan of $200,000,000 was called for proved conclusively that there was money here just waiting for investment. The fact that nearly $100,000,000 was withdrawn from circulation and deposited in the form of certified checks as earnest money without ever affecting the financial situation demonstrated how sound a financial basis we were working on. With these facts before us and the assured activity in manufacturing, commercial and agricultural industries I cannot see but that the outlook is very bright.

J. H. Millard: The exposition ought to be benefited. What I want now is to see about four regiments of soldiers camped at Fort Omaha. It ought not to be difficult to get them, or at least a partion​ of that number, so the people of the west can see the men who have been fighting the country's battles.

Superintendent Taylor, in charge of the Horticulture building: I think that the end of the war will help the exposition more than anything that could have occurred. It will give the people an opportunity to think and read of something else than battles. It will relieve the strain and will start the flow of money.

Superintendent Wilson, in charge of the California exhibit: It certainly means much for the exposition, and ought to start travel toward Omaha. People will feel easier and will feel much more like spending their money.

Secretary Greef of the Kansas commission: The close of the war with Spain means a boom for the exposition. With peace assured, people will let loose of the money that they have been hoarding, and they will begin to travel. From now on the attendance at the exposition ought to increase at a tremendous rate.

General Manager Clarkson: It is the biggest thing that could have occurred, so far as benefiting the exposition is concerned. Now the crowds will begin to move this way and the great papers of the cities will give us space. In the past the war news crowded [?]

Secretary Wakefield: With the coming of peace, the financial success of the exposition is assured. People will now give time to other things than war and will move in this direction. The exposition will get more space in the press and will be more talked of both at home and abroad. The declaration of peace ought to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the exposition.

Register of Deeds Crocker: It shows that we have a man at the head of the nation who knows his business. It is all right. Our turn with the exposition comes now to show what peace also has done for progress.

County Superintendent Bodwell: I am satisfied with whatever the administration does. The country is safe with Mr. McKinley. War and peace are both object lessons of advancement in our country. We have the latter in our exposition.

President Kierstead of the Board of County Commissioners: It demonstrates what wise conservatism will do. Mr. McKinley has surprised the world. The war has been conducted in a most humane manner and brought to a speedy conclusion with the best of terms. National attention will now turn to the progress of industry and peace exemplified by the Omaha exposition.

Clerk Albyn Frank of the district court: The object of the war has been successfully carried out and the result is in every way satisfactory to me. I believe the attention of the country now will be directed to the victories of peace and the achievements of industry, and that the Transmississippi Exposition will now be the center of interest.

Deputy Sheriff John Lewis: I have the fullest confidence in whatever the administration does. Mr. McKinley has shown himself a broad-minded statesman and a humane victor. Of course, the people will begin to flock to the exposition now. Hitherto their attention has been taken up too much by the war to stop to consider the value of peace and its achievements in industry, art and science.

President Charles E. Winter of the Nebraska State League of Republican Clubs: The republican party has demonstrated that it is always the safe party, whether in peace or war, and even the opponents of Mr. McKinley are forced to praise his cool-headedness, conservative judgment, and humane tactics. His manner of conducting the war has astonished the world and made Europe blush. Now the party, having proven its fitness in a most trying time, will have easily sailing through a period of peaceful development. As for the exposition, why of course the termination of the war will be a big thing for it. The public mind will now have some room for a proper regard for the value of the triumphs, nearer home, of peace.


Exposition Directory Makes Its Final Concession Concerning Admissions.


General Expression of Opinion Shows a Sentiment Against Making the Night Tariff Less Than the Day All the Time.

From now until the end of the exposition 25 cents will purchase an admission to the grounds after 6 o'clock every Thursday night. This was decided on by the board of directors yesterday after a protracted discussion in which the sentiments expressed were largely in favor of a reduced admission for at least one night in the week. An effort to make a flat evening rate of 25 cents every night in the week was voted down, as was also a motion to make the Sunday admission 25 cents during the remainder of the exposition.

The question of reduced admissions was raised by a petition signed by 250 exhibitors and forwarded by the Concessionaires club, in which the board was requested to make a flat evening half rate in order to promote the local attendance.

Mr. Hitchcock moved that hereafter the rate should be 25 cents after 7 o'clock every night.

Dr. Lee suggested that the hour should be changed at 6 o'clock, and after this had been accepted there was a general and exhaustive discussion of the various questions involved.

Mr. Lindsey declared that it would be a mistake to open the gates at half rates every night. He was willing to favor a proposition to make that rate for one or two specified nights in each week, but the Hitchcock resolution was too radical.

Mr. Hitchcock declared that if one or two nights were selected it would create confusion in the public mind and might detract from the attendance on the other nights. He contended that a thorough test of the value of the concession could not be secured unless it was made to apply to all night admissions.


E. E. Bruce vigorously opposed the 25 cent proposition and quoted figures at length from the records of admissions to justify his position. These indicate that on the Sundays when the reduced rate had been in effect the gate receipts from percentages on concessions were sufficiently increased to offset the difference. He also quoted figures on evening admissions which purport to show that the percentage of evening receipts is no greater at 25 cents than on evenings when the full rate was charged. This brought out the explanation that the figures given refer to the admissions after 7 o'clock when the 25 cent rate was in force, while those which he quoted for other days included the entire receipts after 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Some Actual Receipts.

Thomas Kilpatrick also produced an array of figures which in his opinion conclusively established the advisability of the reduced rate. For instance during the week beginning July 24 the receipts on Thursday when the low rate prevailed in the evening were $3,356.95, while the receipts on the other days ranged from $1,734.50 to $1.962.75. On Thursday the evening receipts amounted to $800, thus disproving the assertion that the evening rate killed the daylight attendance since more money was taken in, exclusive of the evening admissions, than was received altogether on any other day of the week.

Mr. Rosewater declared that the bulk of the figures that had been presented to the directors were so completely juggled that they were valueless. Even the monthly reports consisted of a mass of statistics that did not show anything. The figures are probably correct as the books go, but there has never been a report submitted that an intelligent bookkeeper could understand. As a matter of fact, certain members of the executive committe​ did not want the 25 cent rate to be a success. The fact is that on the 25 cent nights when the weather is favorable there are immense crowds of people on the grounds. As far as the 25 cent Sundays are concerned, they have never had a thorough trial. The first Sunday it was unbearably hot, and the next was too cold for a large attendance.

Mr. Rosewater also called attention to the fact that the statements of receipts that were cited are misleading and delusive in that they purport to show the actual receipts from the gates and the concessions. As a matter of fact receipts that had been secured on account of new concessions granted are included in these showings of daily percentages. He was not prepared to vote for a 25 cent rate every day in the week. He favored it for Sundays and for one or two nights in the week. Whatever action was taken should be decided on at once and made permanent for the change of policy on this point had caused much confusion on the part of the public and made enemies for the exposition.

Wattles' Reason for Opposition.

President Wattles opposed a 25 cent rate from start to finish. It would detract from the dignity of the exposition, and have a tendency to bring the rough element of the city to the grounds in the evening. He alluded to the movement in its favor as due to the influence of the concessionaires and declared that several of the directors were interested in various concessions.

Herman Kountze opposed the resolution on financial principles. The exposition must be just before it becomes liberal, and in his opinion it will be more likely to pay its debts if the admission is maintained at 50 cents. He would vote for one 25 cent night in each week as a concession to the people who could not afford to pay 50 cents to visit the grounds.

Mr. Rosewater replied to the statement of President Wattles relative to the interest of directors in concessions by remarking that, as far as he knew, Mr. Metz was the only member who had a direct interest in a concession and he voted against every proposition that contemplated a reduced rate. He added that he had as great an interest in seeing the debts of the exposition paid as any member of the board. But he believed that the best way to accomplish this result is to throw the gates open for 25 cents on Sunday and on one evening during the week. As a matter of fact the people do not come to the grounds in the evening to see the exhibits. Several of the most popular buildings are closed at 6 o'clock and it was seldom that 500 people can be found in the buildings after that hour.

The debate continued at length and finally John C. Wharton moved as a substitute that the admission be fixed at 25 cents every Thursday night during August. Mr. Montgomery offered an amendment to the effect that it be tried every night for one week, but this was voted down by 20 to 14. On the suggestion of Mr. Rosewater, Mr. Wharton then changed his motion to make the Thursday night rate continue until the end of the exposition and it was carried by 22 to 12.

Dudley Smith moved that the same re-[?] of the exposition, but this was voted down after considerable discussion.

Passes to the Press.

Mr. Rosewater then brought up the pass question and stated his position relative to the action taken by the board at its previous meeting. He said that the resolution adopted by the board had made it impossible for him to continue to act as pass distributor. At that time he had given notice that he would not serve in that capacity any longer and he had accordingly turned the matter over to President Wattles. At the end of two days at the urgent request of President Wattles and the executive committee he had resumed the task, but with the distinct understanding that unless the resolution was rescinded at this meeting he would decline to do the work any longer. The executive committee had formulated rules by which the issuance of passes were governed. But this board had taken it into its own hands to vote passes in opposition to these rules and after he had declined to issue them. The action of the directors would seem to convey the idea that they did not consider him competent to discharge the duties of the position and he was very willing to turn the work over to some one else. It was a most disagreeable task at the best and not an occupation to be desired.

Continuing, Mr. Rosewater called attention to a statement of the number of passes of various kinds that had been issued which had been promulgated by Manager Lindsey of the Department of Admissions. He declared that this statement displayed the same perversity of bookmaking that was shown in other things. It showed that 2,100 passes of series H had been issued to members of the executive committee, of which 650 were charged to him. The interference was that these passes had been given to him for his personal distribution. As a matter of fact, he had not used over thirty passes on his own account since the opening of the exposition gates, when each member of the committee is entitled to fifty passes a week. He had no passes to give to his friends, as other members of the committee are doing, but those that passed through his hands went to representatives of the press who were personally entitled to them. He had himself paid time and again the admissions of friends who expected him to favor them with passes, but whom he did not feel free to accommodate.

Matter Still Unsettled.

By this time it was 7 o'clock and a number of directors were anxious to adjourn. Mr. Hitchcock moved that the Bureau of Admissions be directed to issue passes as required by the resolution passed at the last meeting, but Mr. Lindsey suggested that if this was done it would be necessary to take some immediate action to provide for handling the work that Mr. Rosewater would no longer undertake. There is no one connected with the Department of Admissions who is capable of doing it and it would be necessary to employ some competent newspaper man at a good salary.

Mr. Wharton remarked that it is evident that the board made a mistake in adopting the resolution in the first place, and during the discussion that followed it was discovered that there was no quorum present. Consequently no action was possible and at the solicitation of the members Mr. Rosewater consented to handle the work until Monday afternoon, when the board will meet in adjourned session to take some definite action.


Phinney's band played its farewell concert last night. At the conclusion of the last number on the program Prof. Phinney briefly addressed the audience, expressing the thanks of the organization for the courtesy shown during the six weeks' engagement, and stating that the members would go forth as forty-five representatives to talk for the exposition. As a special number the band then played "Auld Lang Syne," and a large number of recently-made friends pressed forward to shake hands and say good-bye. During the day the members were each presented with a boutonniere by Mrs. Frederick H. Cole. The band leaves this evening for Chicago.

B. F. Emery, spieler at the Long-Maned Horse concession, who was arrested for "short-changing" visitors there, and who admitted to the police that he had made it a practice ever since being on the grounds, was released from custody temporarily pending argument in the case. He is again at work at his old job, notwithstanding the fact that the concessionaire was advised of the facts. The officers of the guard are determined to put a stop to the imposition on the public and to that end have written a letter to the executive committee stating the facts, and asking that steps be taken at once to prevent the continuance of [?]

W. S. Streeter of Minneapolis has been selected by the investigating committee as the expert accountant to examine and check up the books and accounts of the exposition. He will begin his work tomorrow.

The exposition guards appeared yesterday in new helmets. They are of gray, and the regulation police style, with light leather trimmings. The guard presents a vastly improved appearance with the new headgear.

Senator Thurston and Congressman Mercer were on the grounds yesterday, accompanied by parties of family friends.


Program for This Week at Exposition and Down Town.

The committee for the mixed conress​ of white and colored Americans meeting in Omaha this week announces that the opening exercises will be held at the exposition Wednesday at 10 o'clock and that the program, with some musical numbers to be added, will be this principally:

Song, "Star Spangled Banner," chorus of forty voices.

Opening address by E. R. Overall, local chairman.

Welcome in behalf of the state by Lieutenant Governor Harris.

Welcome to the city by Mayor Moores.

Response by Judge D. Augustus Straker of Detroit, Mich.

Song, "Red, White and Blue," by chorus.

An afternoon session will be held at 3 o'clock down town. It will be either at Creighton hall or at the First Congregational church, both of which have been tendered for down town meetings.

Thursday the session of the congress will be held down town. A picnic will be given at Hanscom park Thursday. Thursday evening an entertainment will be given at Washington hall.

Friday, Afro-American day, business sessions will be held.

Cyrus D. Bell, director of the chorus, asks the chorus to meet at the guild hall of St. Philip's at 9 a. m. Wednesday, going thence to the exposition.

Photographers This Week.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the Nebraska State and Trans-Mississippi Photographers' association will be in convention at Thurston Rifles' armory. Three hundred persons will attend. The week is filled up with good things, lectures, displays, receptions, lunches and trips. Lancaster of Omaha is president, and W. F. Fritz of Fremont, secretary. Exhibits will be made by the leading photographers of the country. The mornings will be devoted to business sessions the afternoons to visitors and demonstrations. F. W. Godfrey will lecture, and lantern shows will make up evening programs.


The St. Joseph excursion has opened the eyes of the management as to what railroads and advertising will do. The St. Joseph committee secured a rate of $1.75 for the round trip, when the one-way fare is $4.05. In order to get it, however, it insisted that the exposition department of transportation keep its hands out of the matter, as it had been advised of what rates to expect in that event. It has secured an extension of the time to five days, and a number of the visitors will remain until the middle of the week. The visitors desire to make public expression of their appreciation of the efforts of H. G. Getchell, chairman, and Messrs. Ed C. Wild, E. A. King, A. H. Wehrman and A. J. Enright, members of the committee of arrangements. It is stated that the great result of this excursion will be a continuous low rate from St. Joseph during the remainder of the exposition.

Last evening's fireworks display was one of the prettiest since the opening of the exposition, and 8,000 people crowded the inclosure on the north tracts to witness and applaud it. The visitors declared it to be a fitting close of a memorable day, and said that it filled them with pleasant anticipation of many enjoyable days to come.



At the Same Time the Directors Decide to Take a Hand in the Advertising.

Dr. Miller to Be One of Two to Awake the East to a Knowledge of the Exposition.

Weak Head of the Department of Publicity Given a Slap on the Pass Question--Events on the Grounds.

There was the hottest kind of a powwow on the exposition grounds yesterday, but it wasn't located in the Indian camp nor anywhere near Captain Mercer's bailiwick. It was in the executive committee room in the Administration Arch, and the cause of the outbreak was the unannounced visit of Directors Kountze, Murphy and Webster, who called to ascertain why the exposition was not being advertised.

The visitors put Manager Rosewater of the department of publicity and promotion on a red-hot skillet and the way they made him perform was something awful. Rosewater sought to defend his department and insisted that the advertising received was all that could be expected, but the callers wouldn't be bluffed and told him plain that the situation was all wrong and that there must be a change. Mr. Kountze had been east, and he knew what he was talking about when he said nothing was known there about the exposition, and he did not hesitate to so inform Mr. Rosewater in a few short sentences that were right to the point.

The other members were equally outspoken, and the department of publicity was given a churning that would have brought butter in record-breaking time, provided there had been any butter to bring. The visitors then took the entire executive committee into consultation, and it was determined that something must be done. Various plans were discussed, and it was decided that the best plan to adopt to remedy long standing defects at this late day would be to send two men east to take up the matter personally with the newspapers, and endeavor to secure the much needed space.


Mr. Rosewater had been rebellious, but when he say that the committee was determined about the matter he fell in with the plan, and when Dr. George L. Miller's name was mentioned as one that would have influence in the eastern newspaper world he suggested that he be sent along, too. The suggestion was not kindly received, but no definite action was taken further than to draft a resolution to be presented to the board of directors at their meeting tomorrow, reciting the situation and providing for sending two press commissioners to the east.

The visitors also took Mr. Rosewater to task for not sending out the press passes as ordered, and told him in language much more vigorous than complimentary what they thought of a man who assumed to run the entire community and exposition, and overrule his forty-nine associates on the exposition directory. Rosewater wiggled and twisted and squirmed, but there was no escape. It was an executive session where no reporters were present, and there was no danger of the linen washing getting into print, so everybody felt free to talk, and the pent-up feelings of many long days were poured out with an abandon and volumne​ that well nigh overwhelmed Mr. Rosewater.


It was an old fashioned "talking to," such as folk were wont to receive to good advantage in the long ago, and the talkers seemed to feel a whole lot better after they had eased their minds. It did not serve to improve Mr. Rosewater's temper, however, for at a late hour last evening he was still as ugly as a bear with a sore head.

The board of directors is to be rounded up tomorrow afternoon and noses counted, to see whether or not the expsition​ will break faith with the country publishers. More than a month ago the publishers of country papers in this and all the surrounding states were notified that they were to be each furnished with two season passes to the exposition, and the announcement went a long way toward allaying the feeling of resentment that had been engendered by the policy that had hitherto been given full sway.

The direct result of the changed attitude of the publishers was manifest within two weeks, and there has been a constant increase in attendance since the papers began to call the attention of their readers to the exposition and urge them to visit it.


Lately, however, the country publishers have discovered that the instructions of the board were not being carried out, and there are evidences of an unmistakable revolt all along the line. Letters are being received in increasing numbers each day, and their tone indicates that an announcement that the exposition has been playing horse with the publishers is not wholly unexpected.

A fair sample of what is being received is the following from the Dubuque Herald, the oldest newspaper in Iowa, having been established in 1836:

Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 12, 1898.—World-Herald, Omaha—Dear Sirs: Some weeks ago I saw in your paper that a spirited controversy was going on between the management of the exposition and Mr. Rosewater as to courtesies which were to be extended to the press. My impression was that the management desired to be liberal with the press, and that Rosewater opposed it. He must have carried the day, for notwithstanding we have published column after column about the exposition, not even a suggestion of tickets of admission have we received. I don't know that we should use them if we had them, but the courtesy of the privilege would count for something. If the press of eastern states have been ignored, as the Herald has been, no wonder you have taken Mr. Rosewater to task sharply and that other papers have joined in. This is not written to find fault, but simply to give you a sample of how the press is served. Yours,



A sample of what the situation is with reference to the eastern press is shown by the action of the executive committee yesterday in allowing $1,000 for bill posting in Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore and some other eastern cities, in order to get some information regarding the exposition before the public there, as the papers have turned the cold shoulder to the publicity department and consigned the execrable effusions of its press bureau to the waste basket with chilling unanimity.

In speaking of the situation yesterday one of the directors said:

"I am not in favor of breaking faith with the newspapers. I do not think we can afford to do it. We have said that the papers in this and surrounding states should have two passes each, and the least we can do is to keep our word. So far as Mr. Rosewater is concerned if he will not do as he is directed by the board the work should be placed in other hands. If we school ourselves to the belief that the whole exposition is wrapped up in him what an awkward boat we would be in if he should happen to die before the close of the exposition. I cannot help thinking that even in the face of such a catastrophe as that the exposition would go right on. I am not in favor of throwing him out if he wants to stay in and will abide by the declared will of the majority of the board, but I am not ready to concede that he knows more than all the rest of us put together, even about advertising matters.

"I happen to know a little about newspapers myself, and I know that neither Mr. Rosewater nor any other man knows personally about all these country publications. Why, in sending out the matter to them from his press bureau, the stuff is mailed to lists made up from the American newspaper directory, and that is all he knows about them. Can't any member of the board acquire as full and reliable information from that directory as he can? So far as sending out those passes is concerned, if any one of the fourteen clerks in my office could not attend to that feature of the work as well as Mr. Rosewater can I would discharge him tonight.


"With reference to the other work of the department it is different, and I see the need of a competent newspaper man to attend to that, but I made up my mind some time ago that the present system of doing even that is not what it should be. This idea that there is no one else who can look after that work is the veriest rot. I can stand Rosewater's egotism for two months longer if necessary, but I can't stand Rosewater's egotism for two months longer if necessary, but I can't stand any more of his apparent determination to overrule the whole board."

The Manderson street gates are being reset, so as to put them within forty feet of each other. This is to better prepare for the use of the gates by the interested parties on either side of Twentieth, and completely do away with the annoyances that have heretofore existed.

The Sons of Veterans drum corps of Denver has notified the executive committee that it will be here on Sunday, September 11, for an engagement of one week.

Musical Notes.

Some one remarked this summer that it was a waste of money to provide good music at the exposition, as the public did not appreciate it, but preferred popular songs of the day. This was somewhat on the order of country fairs and nowise complimentary to Omaha's visitors this summer, to say nothing of the reflection upon the musical taste of our own people.

Yet at the time this remark was made the Auditorium was being crowded for every performance, and the month of June was looked upon as a brilliant musical period.

The fact that good music always draws, even in wild and woolly Omaha, was evidenced again the last week when Harrison Wilde gave an organ recital. The Auditorium was well filled and the audience was an enthusiastic one.

Mr. Wilde is certainly a good organist, and can bring rich harmonies out of that instrument, but his repertoire seems limit. He is distinctly a church organist, and when he steps far outside of religious compositions does not display that ability which his selections demand. Thus in the program last Thursday night Batiste's "Communion" could scarcely have been played better. All the thoughts of the composed as he wrote his description of feelings which naturally would be excited by the devout worshiper as he knelt before the altar, were brought out, and one could trace his way through the quiet prayers, the exalted devotions of the communion and the joyous thanksgiving and songs of praise. The clear, cold faith of Bach was well interpreted also. Batiste's offertory was complete in its brilliant, semi-devotional theme, and Guilmant's "Pastorale" was charming in its simplicity.

But when the organist attempted the dreamy nocturne and the "Polonaise Militaire" of Chopin, the march from Tannhauser and the overture from William Tell, it was plain that he had little conception of the selections. They were played without expression, were uninteresting and commonplace.

While upon the subject of organ recitals the query may well be made: Why, if it was necessary to secure some one from a distance to "open" the organ, the management did not send a few miles farther and secure a better. Mr. Tabor is only a day's ride farther east, and certainly no better organist could have been secured. The public knows his talent and would have run no risk in engaging him. It is to be hoped that before the exposition is over he may be secured for a series of recitals. The public would also like to hear the announcement that Mr. J. E. Butler has been secured for a similar purpose.

The public is also asking itself what motive the management had in sending away from home for an organist, when we have one equally as good in Omaha. Those who have heard Mr. Butler's recitals find it difficult to imagine a reason.

Without wishing to make any discriminations or criticize the management, the public is also asking if it is necessary to confine the exposition to Chicago for artists. Once, possibly twice, an artist who did not live in Chicago was engaged during the jast​ two and a half months.

There seems to be rather a careless way of doing business lately. Thursday night only one door to the Auditorium was opened, and the large audience was banked up around the entrance, crowding and pushing their way in. As each person was obliged to stop and purchase a ticket at the window in the vestibule, the operation of getting into the Auditorium was a difficult one. Three other doors which might have been opened were locked. Before another concert is given it is to be hoped that those in charge will change their policy and look a little more to the convenience of the public.

As yet no announcements have been made as to what may be expected in September and October. The fact that only simple music, patriotic airs, love songs and hymns were to be rendered during the summer was satisfactory, as attendants at the exposition were willing to give the musicians a rest through the hot weather. But now that August is half over, they are beginning to wonder what will be upon the program next month. June was such an exceptionally successful season in a musical way that Mr. Kelly will be put upon his mettle to surpass it.

"Is Kelly still keeping up his whitewash concerts?" asked an illiterate fellow who had not been out to the exposition for a month.

"Witewash​ concerts? What do you mean?" was the puzzled Yankee answer.

"Well, Kelly gives them a high toned name—calls them frescoing concerts; but it means the same thing."



Wah-tun-nun-she Recounts Some of the Brave Deeds of His Youth.

Tells of the Scalps Dangling From His Belt and His Fight With the Sioux.

Hand to Hand Encounter With Waucouta, Leader of the Sioux Tribe, Near Columbus—Scars of War.

Of all of the aboriginees represented at the Indian encampment at the exposition there is none more interesting or none about whom less is known than the tribe whose name our beautiful city bears.

Omaha, in the terminology of the Southern Sioux nation, means against the wind. It is a corruption of Sioux and Dakota and was the name given to a branch of the united blood of these nations which seceded from the main body over a century ago. Tradition has it that the Quapaws and the Omahas were at an early date one tribe located at the mouth of the Ohio river. Internal strife disrupted the tribe and it became divided against itself, one portion emigrating down the Mississippi and the other up. The southern section adopted the tribal name of Ogolipa and the northern that of Omaha. At that distant day there was an old French trading post at what was formerly known as Cross Timbers, a big belt of cottonwood trees stretching across the Missouri river bottom about half way between Decatur and Tekama, this state, and near this point a considerable number of the Omahas took up their permanent residence, and to a greater or lesser degree have resided in the near vicinity ever since.


But it isn't of the origin of the Omaha tribe we wish to speak, but of an individual member who won distinction a half century ago both upon the war trail and in the hunt, and who today is a leader of the remnant of this once powerful nation now encamped with the representatives of other tribes upon the exposition grounds. Wah-tun-nun-she is now a decrepit old man of 73, and bears little resemblance to the lithe young fellow who fifty years ago won his plumes in daring forays against the natural allies of his people, the treacherous and blood-thirsty Sioux, and the wiry and wary Pawnee. It is said of Wah-tun-nun-she that he could follow the trail of an enemy across our great prairies at a full gallop on his pony with the unerring certainty of a bloodhound. From his earliest manhood he was a leader in both war and the chase, and although he never rose to the dignity of a ruler of his people, his consul was never slighted on occasions of great moment to the nation. He was a veritable prairie Arab—a matchless horseman, swift of foot and keen of eye, a dead shot with bow or gun, a great buffalo killer and intrepid brave. He was known to and feared by both Sioux and Pawnee, and even to this day takes pleasure in exhibiting to you the tokens of his prowess in the eternal war that waged between them.


At the big grass dance of the naked Assiniboines, Arapahoes and Cheyennes on Monday last, the writer held a long and interesting interview, through Interpreter Dan Martin, with Wah-tun-nun-she, in which he gave a graphic recountal of his capture and escape from the Sioux, of the three scalps he took, and the long hard ride out of the buffalo country to his home on the shores of the rushing Missouri.

Wah-tun-nun-she, enveloped in an old red and yellow blanket, was found squatted on his haunches just outside the outer circle of dancing braves. He looked the ideal of an abject, broken-down old warrior, with a muskrat turban crowning his aged head, and the two big feathers of an eagle's wing depending from the thin gray locks that straggled from beneath his hairy headpiece. There was a sad and morose look in his wrinkled face as he leered and blinked with his one eye at the evolving forms of his younger kinsmen in the mazes of Assiniboines summer dance of thanksgiving. Wah-tun-nun-she was deeply interested, that could be seen at a glance, for every once in a while he would utter that short, quavering shout so peculiar to his people, and half rise on his palsied limbs as if determined to take part in the wierd​ exercises of the warriors before him.

It was no easy matter to get the old brave to talk, and it was not until after the fact that he had lost an eye by smallpox, that he was 70 years of age, and was yet a strong man and big Indian had been cork-screwed from him in jerky fragments, that he became at all interested in our visit. But when Martin tapped the long staff he carried in his withered hand and asked him about the tufts of long, black, airey​ hair dangling there-from he braced up as if under the influence of some mystic elixir. His one eye gleamed with the basilisk's light, the colors in his leathern face intensified, and with many gesticulations and many grunts of excitement and satisfaction, many bowings and bendings, he told us of his last fight with the Sioux, how he had killed two young warriors, and torn the scalps from their bleeding heads.

A multitude of fierce passions struggled in the old Indian's dirt and paint begrimed face, as he excitedly detailed his wild story. Now inextinguishable hatred seemed to hold the mastery, and now a nobler expression, and one that better became the character of a chivalrous old Omaha warrior, took possession of his tawny features, and maintained itself until, first throwing aside his dingy blanket, and pointing to a seared scar in his breast, he sad​ in tolerable English, turning the light of his single eye upon the countenance of the writer:


Wah-tun-nun-she—the old brave's legend ran—in the fall of 1856, left the Omaha village on the Missouri with a band of fifteen for their annual buffalo hunt out on the Loup somewhere near where the city of Columbus now flourishes.

They had reached the hunting grounds and found the bison in great numbers, and were preparing for a grand onrush, when Little Wolf, one of the Omaha outriders, discovered a band of horsemen approaching from the north, on the opposite shore of the river. Wah-tun-nun-she quickly recognized them as Sioux, and unwilling to retreat before a force no larger than his own, he drew his men upon their ponies in battle array on the south bank of the stream. The Sioux halted when they were within 200 yards of the Omahas, and drew up in line, when Waucouta, who was at the head of the Sioux, and Wah-tun-nun-she rode forward to the river's bank to parley. The Omaha chief felt that the result of a conflict on the open prairie between two such bands of indomitable warriors meant the extermination of one or the other, and though far from reluctant to engage in the struggle on account of himself, he did not like to sacrifice the men under him, as he had been dispatched on a hunting excursion and not upon the war trail.

The parley of the chieftains was of but brief duration. Waucouta hurled derision and defiance at the Omaha when the latter endeavored to explain why he and his young men had entered the Sioux dominion, and returning a look of ferocious banter, he dug his heels into his pony's sides and galloped back to where his braves eagerly awaited him.

Throwing himself on the side of his horse Wah-tun-nun-she uttered the war cry of his nation, as he rode up and down before his men, interrupting without ceremony the war songs and solemn rites by which the younger among them were stimulating their spirits to deeds of daring. When everything had been agreed upon, the Omahas galloped forward to the margin of the Loup, the Sioux advancing on the other side to meet them.

In a moment the hostile bands were separated only by the low ridges which lined each shore of the stream, the distance, however, being too great to admit of the use of either bow and arrows or spears, and only a few shots were fired by those possessing guns, and this was done more in bravado than with the expectation of doing execution.

Suddenly Waucouta shook his tassellated lance high in the air and uttered a single piercing yell in which the notes of exultation were blended with those of warning. The wild signal was quickly answered by Wah-tun-nun-she, then followed the quick reports of the few guns in the parties and a flight of arrows, and the Indians dashed up to the river's shore's​ on each side, where they began maneuvering, some on foot and some on horseback. With a whoop the steed of the young Sioux chief was urged into the stream. The challenge was too plain and taunting to be misconstrued and Wah-tun-nun-she plunged his horse in to meet him. When within twenty yards of each other Waucouta fitted an arrow and drove it at his fearless foe. The Omaha had barely time to raise his gun, and while it deflected the barb considerably, it struck him across his naked chest, leaving a ragged and ugly wound. Then Wah-tun-nun-she's rifle spoke, and Waucouta was seen to throw himself from his horse into the river current. The fiery little pony snorted with terror, throwing half his form out of the water in a desperate plunge. The Sioux was badly wounded, and seeing that he was liable to reach the shore, where his men were riding up and down and firing their guns and arrows, as were the Omahas, on the opposite bank, in almost futile confusion, Wah-tun-nun-she leaped from his horse's back after him. In a flash he was upon him, and grasped his flowing black locks in one hand, he raised his hunting knife aloft with the other. The keen weapon described a glancing circle in the air, and was then plunged into the naked breast of the treacherous Sioux, the blade being buried to its buckhorn haft.

Waucouta's face blackened with the most hideous hatred and ferocity as he began to sink, but by sheer strength the Omaha held his form above the surface with one hand, while with the other he slashed him across the forehead and tore off his scalp, when he released the dead Sioux and dashed back upon the shore among his frenzied warriors. He caught his pony, and throwing himself astride his back, again plunged into the stream, beckoning his men to follow him, and in another moment they were battling with Waucouta's band on the open prairie.

A series of wild and rapid evolutions with the ponies now began, and their charges and retreats, their wheelings and circuitous sweeps, were like the flight of so many startled hawks. Amidst a medley of wild cries, arrows whizzed in all directions, blows were struck with the lance, the sand was scattered in the air, until finally the Sioux were compelled to retire, closely pressed by the Omahas. Had the Sioux met their foes half way in the river's bed, with their superior numbers, the honors of the day would unquestionably have been theirs, notwithstanding the irretrievable loss they had sustained in the death of Wauouta.

That night Wah-tun-nun-she, feverish from the wound in his chest, gathered with the remnant of his gallant band, in a little motte of cottonwoods near where the station of Ocone stands today, and summed up the spoils and losses of the day. Four of his young men were absent, but in their stead, at his own belt dangled three scalps, one of them being that of the truculent Waucouta, one of the fiercest and most dreaded warriors of the whole Sioux nation. And that was not all. Others among his little band gloated over one or more gory trophies, and while they mourned their own dead, they could not but believe that the day had been well won.

Such is the story of the last battle in Nebraska between the warriors of the Sioux and the Omahas, as told by Wah-tun-nun-she, the old chief now encamped with his tribe on the exposition grounds.



Wit, Wisdom and Humor Characterize Speeches at the Millard.

"It was a tremendous success," said Mayor P. J. Kirschner, speaking of the banquet given at the Millard yesterday afternoon, to the mayor, city council and officials of St. Joseph; "never saw anything like it."

Mayor Kirschner echoed the sentiment of the forty St. Joseph officials who partook of the elegant spread of Mayor Moores and the city officials of Omaha at the Millard yesterday afternoon. Those present from St. Joseph were:

Dr. J. P. Kirschner, mayor; Rice D. Gilkey, treasurer; B. J. Casteel, city counsellor; Thomas R. Ashbrook, auditor; Dr. J. K. Graham, city physician; J. R. Radcliffe, city engineer; Abe Furst, street commissioner; George B. Allee, assessor; Robert Reed, sidewalk inspector; John Broder, chief of police; Pat Kane, chief of the fire department, and Aldermen John Bruce, president of the council; Phil Hall, W. H. Finch, F. C. Kuhl, G. V. Koch, John Kelley, Edward Chandlee, Richard Garvey, Sep Meyer, Henry Felling, Allen Twedell, M. P. Summers, Adoplh Schroder, Henry Brill, F. M. Kline, Charles Rupert.

Those present from Omaha were Mayor Frank E. Moores, W. J. Connell, city counsellor; A. G. Edwards, city treasurer; B. Higbee, city clerk; J. M. Westberg, comptroller; Fire Chief Redell; James Adams, private secretary to Mayor Moores; Councilmen W. T. Mount, Myron Carr, C. E. Lobeck and Ernst Stuht.

After and excellent dinner Mayor Moores, in his happiest vein, paid a compliment to St. Joseph, to her wealth, enterprise, push and energy, which was known the world over, called upon Mayor Kirschner for a speech. "I didn't come here to speak," said Mayor Kirschner. "I came here to see and to learn. I am seeing and I am learning. I shall go home a wiser man than I came. I had heard much of Omaha and the exposition, but the half had not been told. I am delighted."

Victor Koch, alderman, was the next speaker. He had lived in Omaha, and knew Omaha to be a royal town, and expected a royal time, but the treatment was even beyond his highest expectations. It was gorgeous. He always admired the nerve, vim and push of Omaha. Omaha was original and refreshing. "We can only stay until Sunday night; wish we could stay a week."

John Broder, chief of police, was the next speaker. He was happy and original. He said he had lived forty years in St. Joseph, and had been out of town once before—to Kansas City. Didn't think it possible a city the size and beauty of Omaha could be so close to St. Joseph. He felt like annexing Omaha and making it a suburb of St. Joseph. They were in the annexing business down there, having taken in some farms near by.

W. J. Connell city counsellor of Omaha, spoke, telling how near he came to locating in St. Joseph instead of Omaha when he left Vermont, years ago. He admired St. Joseph, and if he ever left Omaha it would be to go to St. Joseph.

Benjamin J. Casteel, city counsellor of St. Joseph, made a ringing speech about the two greatest cities in the west, Omaha and St. Joseph. Mr. Casteel is a pleasing speaker, and sustained his well earned reputation as a post-prandial orator.

Adolph Schroder of the Anheuser-Busch concern was called for. Mayor Moores wanted a genuine German speech, and got it Mr. Schroder said he had a son who had been in American one week and he had enlisted in a St. Joseph company to fight Spain. That was an evidence of his loyalty to the greatest country on earth.

George Allee said he came from Missouri and was proud of the old state. He was not only a native of Missouri, but was born in Buchanan county. Down there the picture of Bob Lee hung on one side of the hall in the homes and General Grant on the other; Jackson on one end and Sherman on the other; but Missouri was all right. St. Joseph was all right; slightly democratic, but loyal to Old Glory and President McKinley. He was humorous and practical.

Patrick Kane, chief of the fire department, was called for, and finding things getting real warm, moved that all drink water to the exposition, Omaha, St. Joseph and Mayor Moores, which was done standing.

The banquet adjourned at 4:30 that the partakers might get to the exposition to have a glance of the government display before 6 o'clock. The three times three were hearty and earnest, and the close was emphasized with singing "America, 'Tis of Thee," all joining.


Government Day With Visitors of Seaators​—Peace Day, President Invited.

At a conference yesterday between President Wattles of the exposition and Senator Thurston it was decided that September 20 should be Government day at the exposition. At that time the committee of fifteen from the senate will be present and all senators and representatives will be invited to participate.

Exercises will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, when several addresses will be made and music furnished by the Mexican band and the exposition chorus.

Another thing that was definitely decided this morning was that of a week celebrating the return of peace. The date will be October 9 to 16.

A strong committee will go to Washington and on September 3 formally invite President McKinley and his cabinet to be the guests of the exposition during that week. On that committee will Senators Allen and Thurston and Congressman Mercer.

The details of the week have not been arranged, but there will be a repetition of the parade of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben,a water carnival on the lagoon and other big events.


First Thirteen Days in Month of August Show Marked Increase of Visitors.

In Spite of the High Rate of Admission a Fair Attendance Is Had at Grounds Sunday.

Charges of Pass Frauds Wholly Disproved--Redskins Vie With the Orientals in Enjoyment of Medical Attention.

A good Sunday crowd was in attendance yesterday, although the rate was 50 cents. It was a noticeable fact, however, that the great majority of the visitors were from out of town and that the St. Joseph badge was very much in evidence. The excursionists from that city were there in force, practically all of the 3,000 having remained over, while a good sized party came in yesterday morning. To have deducted that aggregation would have left barely a corporal's guard.

The greater part of the St. Joseph visitors left for home on late trains last evening that drew up to the north entrance to the grounds, giving them all of the time to spend on the grounds. A large number will remain from one to three days longer, taking advantage of the extension of their tickets from two to five days.

The first thirteen days in August show an increase of 35,000 in attendance as compared with the first thirteen days in July. This comparison includes the exceptionally large crowd of July 4, but for which the increase would be nearly double that number. The last week saw an average paid attendance of over 8,000 on the grounds daily, with a free attendance averaging 4,850, making a total attendance for the week of 91,043.


The investigation of the pass situation conclusively disproves the allegations of wholesale frouds​. It is revealing instances of abuse, but it has been known from the start that there were bound to be some cases of this kind, and there will be in spite of all efforts to prevent it. Some cases have been found where exhibitors and concessionaires have extended their lists of employes to a larger number than actually required. In these cases the party securing the pass has paid the exposition $2.50 for it, covering the price of five admissions, so that it is a question whether the exposition is not ahead of where it would have been if the pass had not been issued. These cases are all being checked up, and where the holder is not found to be actually employed as represented the pass is taken up.

As stated some days ago it was next to impossible to get a sick Indian to the hospital when the redskins first arrived here, but that is all changed now. The ailing aborigines have had a taste of medical civilization, and they now promise to run the orientals a tight race in the demand for the attention of the doctors. Both are like a lot of children in that respect, and they make the most trivial ailments an excuse for a visit to the hospital. They have found out that the white medicine man is a good thing, and they are disposed to push him along to the full extent of their ability.


An oriental reported yesterday, claiming that there was something the matter with his arm, and making frightful contortions whenever he tried to raise it. The doctor made an examination, and found that it was principally a case of imagination, so he proceeded to anoint the extended wing very liberally with chloroform. The grimaces of the patient in the first place were as nothing compared with those that chased over his countenance as the fluid began to burn, but he insisted that it was a good thing, and went away satisfied.

A tall Indian giving the energetic name of Going-in-a-Hurry called at the drug emporium to take treatment for bug-in-the-ear. The insect appeared to be having a whole lot of fun in the red man's cranium, but Dr. Campbell deftly extracted it with a corkscrew and pair of fire tongs and Going-in-a-Hurry went back to camp at peace with the entire world.

Another Indian bearing the cognomen of Petrified Buffalo was responsible for an ambulance call. It was a case of cholera morbus, and Buffalo couldn't have had a more enthusiastic attack even if he hadn't been petrified. He was taken to the hospital and filled to the muzzle with embalming fluid, and today you couldn't tell that there had ever been a thing the matter with him.


The First Mexican Artillery band made its first appearance at the exposition grounds yesterday, rendering the afternoon concert in front of the Government building and the evening program at the band stand. Large audiences greeted them at each performance and applauded in a most generous manner. To institute comparisons would serve no good purpose, but it may be stated that the visitors to the exposition for the next six weeks will find nothing of which to complain in the musical feature.

The Mexican band promises to fully meet all expectations. Several enthusiasts thought when the Marine band went home that the world had come to an end, and again with the closing of the Phinney band's engagement they about made up their minds that there was nothing left to live for, and in six weeks, when the Mexicans pack up their instruments, they will still think that the supply must be exhausted, but for the benefit of all such the pointer is given that the bureau of music has a whole box full of surprises still in store.

In honor of the visitors from the republic to the south, the Mexican flag was given a conspicuous place on the band stand alongside the banners of John Bull and Uncle Sam.

Yesterday was a quiet day in the Indian camp, the red inhabitants putting in their time smoking and sleeping. Many visitors drifted up and down the paths and noted how religiously the Indian eschews work on the Sabbath day. Captain Mercer is maturing plans for interesting programs of sport in addition to the sham battles that are to take place twice a week.

Major C. E. Llewellyn, commandant of the guard, went to Sioux City to spend the day, returning on the late evening train.

The Sunday beer question seems to have settled itself, and all of the dispensaries were doing business as usual, except that the amber was served in cups and saucers under the guise of "cold tea."

Changes and New Days.

Changes and additions to special days at the exposition are as follows:

September 23 has been arranged as Quincy, Ill., day, and the mayor and   city officials and a special train of Quincy people will come.

New Mexico day has been changed from September 10 to the 29th.

August 24 is World-Herald day; August 29, hotel men's day; August 31, Loyal Mystic Legion of America day.

September 12 has been fixed as Swedish-American day, and October 5 as Pennsylvania and Ohio day.

Modern Woodman day has been changed from the 18th and 19th of September to the 22d.


Magnificent Display in the Horticultural Building.

Superintendent Walker deserves the highest compliment possible from the citizens of Douglas county for the excellent display of fruits that he is making in his department at the Horticultural hall.

While Douglas county farmers and fruit growers produce the fruits and make it possible for a display to be carried on, it devolves upon Superintendent Walker to hustle over the county and secure the exhibit. The fruits are mainly bought from the growers; occasionally some specimens are donated for display.

Mr. Walker has now on his tables of the 1897 crop of apples plates of the Romanite, Lansingburg, Willow-twig, Limber-twig, Ben Davis, Wine Sap, Jonathan, Eickie and Jennette. These samples are all in fine condition, perfect in form, free from specks, decay or objectionable features. The wonder and astonishment of visitors is how these apples keep up under the influences of heat and summer conditions, which naturally are supposed to influence quick decay with cold storage fruits.

Walker says "it is because they are the produce of Nebraska soil and are tempered by the wonderful preserving influences of Nebraska climate." His explanation is usually satisfactory.

In new apples, apples of the 1898 crop, he has on his tables the Astrichan, Early Harvest, Early Pennock, Yellow Transparent, Sops of Wine, Maidens Blush, Iowa Blush and Wealthy. The new varieties, while good, are not so free from blemishes. The apples of this year's crop are difficult to get clear of insect blemish.

In crabs Douglas county is now showing twenty-one varieties and all of these are good specimens. The crabs are a fine exhibition of fruit, but in utility are confined to the preserve and pickling uses.

The peach display that Douglas county is putting up is possibly the greatest surprise in its excellence and qualities of any line of fruit shown. The varieties now on exhibit are: Alberta, Early Crawford, Early Rivers and Bokara. A number of other varieties are in sight for next week and the peach display promises to grow much larger toward the first of September.

Peach growing, Mr. Walker says, is rapidly increasing in Douglas county, and in localities along the Missouri river bluffs will certainly make a great success, with proper care and attention. One thing very noticeable in this peach display is the size of the fruit. One downy sphere measures eight inches in circumference and it was not believed to be larger than many others on the tables. The quality, in solidity of flesh, flavor, etc., is a remarkable feature with the Douglas county peaches.

Grapes are coming in in a very encouraging display. Champion, Moores Early, Worden, Telegraph and Early Hartford represent the varieties now being shown. They are all fine large clusters, very solid and free from defects. The grape display in Douglas county will be a leading feature in thirty days.

The plum king, Theodore Williams of Benson, saw in a recent newspaper report that Douglas county had eight varieties of plums on exhibition, that they were fine specimens, etc. This was too much for the plum expert to stand and not show his colors. Saturday morning he gathered 108 varieties from his orchard, that were in nice show trim and brought them down to the exposition for Mr. Walker. He said he thought if he went the other fellows 100 better that it would be satisfactory for this time, but when it comes to a contest that he could go right on up into the hundreds without any trouble.

Mr. Williams did not name fifty-eight of this 108 varieties of plums, saying: "These are of my own origin and I don't care to give names for them in this exhibition, as there is no competition."

Mr. Williams also furnished eighteen of the twenty-one varieties of crabs now on exhibition.

Douglas county is in the fruit display in a most creditable form and expects to keep it up to the close.


American Association to Hold Its Meeting in September.

The American Forestry association will hold an important meeting in Omaha Friday and Saturday, September 9 and 10. This meeting is held in accordance with a vote of the association at its meeting at Nashville a year ago, and it was contemplated at that time that this meeting should be largely devoted to topics relating to the west. It has also been arranged that a number of western men of many years' experience in the west shall be placed upon the program, so that the "Great Treeless District" may have thorough representation.

Some of the well-known persons who will take part in the meeting by presenting papers are: Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Dr. George L. Miller, Hon. R. W. Furnas, E. F. Stephens, C. A. Keffer, C. L. Watrous, F. S. Phoenix, Henry Michelsen, S. M. Emery, George Van Houten, C. S. Harrison, Prof. Charles E. Bessey, B. E. Fernew, Prof. Lawrence Bruner and George E. Kesser.

The exact topic assigned to each speaker will be announced a little later, but, in the meantime, it may be understood that it is proposed to have a thoroughly profitable program, made up from the topics which will have the most interest to those who are likely to be in attendance. The low rate on the railroads at this time will make it possible for many to attend this meeting who could, perhaps, not otherwise come. The exact place of meeting in Omaha will be announced in due season.

Persons interested or desirous of any further information are cordially invited to correspond with F. W. Taylor, superintendent of agriculture and horticulture, Trans-Mississippi exposition, Omaha.

The officers of the association are Hon. Francis H. Appleton, president, Boston, and George P. Whittlesey, recording secretary and treasurer, Washington.


Nebraska Portrait Artists Will Have a Profitable Session.

The ninth annual meeting of the Nebraska Photographers' association convenes in Thurston Rifles' hall Tuesday. The hall will present a beautiful appearance. Artists from many of the leading cities of the country will have pictures on exhibition. Many of the noted photographers of Washington, New York, Buffalo, Chicago and other cities are now in the city, and others will come.

In connection with the state association will be the Trans-Mississippi association meeting. Medals will be contested for by artists. During the four days there will be lunches, lectures on different phases of the art, drives, trolley rides, receptions and business sessions. A reception will be given at George W. Lininger's one evening. The business sessions will be held in the forenoons, and the afternoons will be given up to demonstrations at the hall and a grand time generally. H. Lancaster of Omaha is president of both associations.

Days of the Fruit Festival.

The following program has been decided upon for the carrying out of the fruit festival idea in connection with the exposition:

September 2, peach day.

September 9, melon day.

September 16, grape day.

October 21, apple day.

The Trans-Mississippi Fruit Festival association, comprising representatives from many of the leading fruit states, is organized to take these special day features and contribute fruits to make the occasion a great feast, free to all exposition visitors.

The effort of the association will be to give these special days publicity and secure as much co-operation as possible from all states and districts of states engaged in the production of these fruits given a place on the program. Peach day comes first, and is placed at a date which accommodates nearly every peach-growing locality in the west.

The grand display of fireworks Saturday night in honor of St. Joseph day was witnessed by several thousand people, who showed their appreciation by enthusiastic applause. John Due of the A. L. Due company is a young man of wonderful ability and he conceives some most magnificent designs.

The display Saturday night began with a grand illumination of the lake in the midst of which was a large set piece, "Welcome St. Joe." The aerial effects were very gorgeous, and the set pieces were more attractive than usual. Among the pieces were: A peacock, with spreading tail; McKinley diamond, man riding a bicycle on wire cable 300 feet long, portrait of Mayor P. J. Kirchner of St. Joseph. The display concluded with a bombardment in which thousands of rockets were ex-[?]


The Progressive Indian.

Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 11.—To the Editor of the World-Herald: I am informed that the exhibition of only one side of Indian life, and that a side that is rapidly passing away, at the Trans-Mississippi exposition, is causing a good deal of protest among the missionaries and others who have given their lives to the work of civilization and Christianity among the various tribes in the United States. It is reported to me that all workers among the Indians have everywhere used all their influence to prevent Indians from coming to the exposition and engaging in the barbarous customs that they have so long tried to stop on the reservations. In consequence of this opposition the officers in charge of the collecting and bringing the Indians to Omaha have only been able to induce those Indians to come who have always opposed the schools, the missionaries and the employes of the government who have been endeavoring to induce the Indians to adopt the customs of civilization.

Among the Indian tribes there are educated physicians, lawyers, ministers, teachers, orators, writers, artists, skilled mechanics and men and women eminent in every walk of life. All this class of Indians—and their numbers would astonish even the well posted citizen—are putting up vigorous protests against this one-sided exhibition of their race at Omaha. They all feel very deeply the disgrace of it. They claim, and it seems to me justly, that this one-sided exhibition is a detriment to them individually and to the race as a whole. It is engendering a bitterness among them and among the unselfish Christian workers among the Indians on all the reservations that will not subside for years to come.

What the educated Indians demand, and it seems to me a just demand, is that a day should be set aside for them. Let them show the advancement that has been made in the arts and sciences since the city of Omaha was founded. They feel that it is something to be proud of. Let the exposition management give a day to the educated and cultured Indians. If the government will give to them free transportation in the same way it has given it to the Indians who have refused every effort made by the government to educate and civilize them more than 1,000 Indian lawyers, physicians, ministers, teachers, artists, writers, musicians, skilled mechanics and successful farmers will assemble and the exhibition of the products of their industries would of itself fill a building. Let there be a day for the educated Indian. Besides the thousand that are qualified to appear upon the rostrum and entertain a cultivated audience with addresses or papers of the greatest interest there are enough more to fill the Auditorium of well-dressed, moderately prosperous Indian men and women (not bucks and squaws), who would be glad to come if the government would extend to them the same courtesies that it so lavishly grants to those who have opposed every effort of the government to civilize them.



Peace will doubtless be formally declared in a few weeks, at any rate in time for it to be celebrated with pomp and circumstance at the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition. Such a celebration could easily be made the crowning glory of the exposition. The glorious won—victories for humanity and justice, and victories that also demonstrate the prowess of American arms—have made all the people rejoice, and with one accord they would gather at some central place to celebrate these victories while celebrating the return of peace.

"Peace Day" at the exposition! That's a name to conjure with. By all means let the exposition directory take up the matter at once and be ready to set a date as soon as peace is formally declared. Let it be heralded broadcast over the country, and the greatest day in the history of the exposition will be the result.



The triumphant close of the war inspires every true patriotic American citizen with thanksgiving over the restoration of peace. The occasion, however, calls for more than mere expressions of rejoicing. It is worthy of a peace demonstration, the like of which the country has never seen before.

The Transmississippi Exposition, itself a monumental triumph of peace, illustrating the material development and industrial advancement of the greater west, should be the center of the nation's great peace jubilee. Carried to completion in the face of the menacing war cloud and having successfully run the gauntlet of the discouraging distractions of the conflict with Spain, the exposition affords the most appropriate background for the exultation of American patriotism.

Numerous reasons combine to urge that the jubilee be held in connection with the exposition. Omaha is the most central point on the continent, midway between the Atlantic and the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico and the Canadian border. The city enjoys unrivaled railroad facilities, making it readily accessible from all directions. Omaha is the headquarters of one of the great military departments and the seat of two army posts, where the returning soldiers who participate in the jubilee may be comfortably housed and provided for. Chicago, which has been contemplating a peace demonstration, has abandoned the project, while Omaha has the resources, the energy and the incentive to make it an unexampled success.

It is gratifying that in the preliminary steps already taken by the exposition management the magnitude and importance of the event appear to be fully realized. The peace jubilee to be complete should have as its central figure the president who has so wisely and skillfully guided the nation through war to peace. With President McKinley and his cabinet and the higher officers of the national government in attendance, surrounded by the governors of all the great states of the union accompanied by their staffs, reviewing such corps of the victorious army as had been withdrawn from active service at the seat of war, the significant lesson of peace would make an everlasting impression upon the people of the whole country. By the second week of October, the time selected for the celebration, the final draft of the treaty which is to restore friendly relations between the two nations lately at war will have been signed, and the jubilee will be not only the crowning glory of the fight for humanity but also the culminating feature of the marvelous Transmississippi Exposition.


Last Seven Days Demonstrate that the Tide Has Turned Toward Omaha.


Steady Increase a Very Encouraging Sign of Ultimate Success.


Record for the Week Indicates the Growth of Public Sentiment.


Three Thousand Enthusiasts from Down the River Overrun the Grounds and Take in Everything from End to End.

The record of increasing exposition attendance continues. Although the seven days just past did not involve any feature that compared in general interest with the Flower day and Indian day celebrations of the preceding week, the aggregate attendance was fully as great. There was a very light Sunday attendance, but during the succeeding days the crowd increased by regular stages until Thursday, when the maximum attendance of the week was reached. There was a slight falling off on the last two days owing to the fact that large numbers of strangers who had spent the first part of the week on the grounds left in order to get home before Sunday. The aggregate attendance during the week was 90,000, distributed as follows: Sunday, 7,312; Monday, 10,204; Tuesday, 12,608; Wednesday, 15,399; Thursday, 17,750; Friday, 13,770; Saturday (estimated), 13,000.

Yesterday the people of St. Joseph made good their assurance that they would contribute the biggest municipal celebration that has yet been held on the grounds. They came nearly 3,000 strong and bestowed their most enthusiastic approval on every feature of the big show. Most of them will remain over Sunday and see the rest of it.

As the trains on which the St. Joe delegation traveled did not reach Omaha until nearly noon, they were not largely in evidence on the grounds until the latter part of the day. But they made up for lost time by parading through the grounds in tallyho coaches and accompanied by Pryor's band in the evening they made things lively on the Midway. They were delighted with their reception and the show and most of them expressed the intention of coming again later in the season.


Practical Result of Experimental Farming and Plant Feeding.

One of the most interesting exhibits at the exposition is that of the North Carolina State Horticultural society. This exhibit is situated in the Agricultural building. It seems that under the auspices of the North Carolina State Horticultural society, acting in co-operation with the state experiment station, an "experimental farm" was established about three years ago at Southern Pines, N. C. The managers of the farm are constantly engaged in scientifically experimenting to find out what kinds and amounts of fertilizing materials will produce the largest crops at the least expense.

The three principal elements of plant food, that is, potash, phosphate and nitrogen, are mixed in varying amounts or proportions, the object being to find, by comparing the growth and yields of the plants experimented upon, just how much of each particular ingredient should be used in order to get the best results from the different crops. The farm is divided into "experimental plots," each being one-tenth of an acre in size, and twenty experiments with each crop are made with different combinations of potash, acid phosphate and nitrogen. Some of the results obtained at the farm are shown in the Omaha exhibit. In the exhibit the pictures which one sees hung around the room are designed to illustrate at a glance the value of the right kind of plant food when applied to farm crops.

Several of the pictures illustrate experiments with tobacco at the experimental farm. One picture shows the yield on plot No. 13, which was not fertilized. The yield was just 220 pounds. Another shows the yield on plot No. 14, which was moderately fertilized; the yield was 1,140 pounds. Then again there is a picture showing the yield from plot No. 19. Here the crop was fertilized at the rate of 30 pounds of muriate of potash, 700 pounds of acid phosphate and 500 pounds of nitrate of soda per acre. The yield was 1,620 pounds of tobacco. Large amounts of fertilizer were used on plot 20, but the yield was about the same as on plot 19, thus showing that excessive fertilization does not pay.

This series of pictures of the various experiments brings out the important fact that the difference between no fertilizer and proper fertilization is about 1,400 pounds in the case of tobacco. Practically as great differences can be shown with other crops. In other words, the proper application of the three principal elements, namely, potash, phosphoric acid and nitrogen, is indispesable​ in profitable farming and the most successful farmers are those who know how to fertilize to as to raise the best and largest crops.


Musicians of the Seventh Artillery to Furnish Music Here Six Weeks.

The band of the Seventh regiment of Mexican artillery has arrived for a six weeks' stay at the exposition. The organization reached the city yesterday forenoon, forty-two men strong and was escorted to the exposition grounds. Passes were supplied and then the men went out to hunt boarding places.

The band is in charge of M. Venta, with Ricardo Pacheco as leader, and is recognized as the crack musical organization of the republic. All of the members are enlisted men and make music and musical matters a business. They left the City of Mexico last Sunday night and were on the road constantly until their arrival in Omaha. Notwithstanding this fact and their fatigued condition, immediately after going to their rooms and washing up and eating, they were called out for three hours of practice. Practice, Leader Pacheco says, is what makes the Mexican army bands perfect. No matter how much work band men may have performed and no matter what may be the occasion or the condition of the weather, they are required to practice three hours each day, the year round.

Yesterday the band practiced in an old barn on the south side of the exposition grounds and after a few notes had been played, a crowd gathered about the doors. After the practice had been finished, it was the universal opinion that it is the best band that has visited the city since the opening of the exposition. All of the selections played yesterday afternoon were by American authors and were frequently applauded.

Musical Director Kelly, who listened to the music, said: "I consider it as fine as I have ever heard. I will not except even Sousa. The exposition has made a great hit in securing this band for the six weeks' run and its being here ought to draw a great crowd daily. I heard the Mexican band in Chicago during the World's fair and consider this organization far superior to the one that was there."

The members of the band were clad in the regulation fatigue uniform, consisting of a heavy leather artillery cap, black blouse with yellow chevrons on the sleeves and black trousers with red stripes down the outer seams. The dress uniform which will be worn at concerts is much more showy.


Exposition Managers Begin Arrangement of the Formalities.

Since the conclusion of peace is assured the exposition management has begun active preparation for the grand Peace jubilee which will celebrate the event. It was determined some time ago that if peace was declared before the exposition closed it would be made the subject of a great celebration, and immediately on the announcement that the protocol had been signed at Washington, President Wattles and Manager Rosewater took the matter actively in hand. At a conference this morning with Senator Thurston it was decided that the jubilee should be held during the week of October 9 to 15. This will afford ample time for preparation, and the week will be made the premier period of the exposition. On September 3 a committee, consisting of Senators Thurston and Allen, Congressman Mercer, and at least three members of the exposition directory will call on President McKinley to secure his consent to be present, with the members of his cabinet, and participate in the celebration. Letters have also been addressed to the governors of all the transmississippi states and territories asking them to join [?] invitation to President McKinley, and [?]



Sister Republic on the South Puts Out a Very Nice Display.

The installation of the Mexican exhibit in the International hall has just been completed and the display adds a very interesting feature to the attractions of the building. While the industries of the country are not so fully represented as was contemplated when the matter was first taken up with the Mexican government, the exhibit fills a large space, occupying one entire corner of the building and affords a variety of interesting information in regard to the conditions that exist in the territory of our southern neighbor. It is in charge of Albino R. Nuncio, who has represented the Mexican government at previous expositions and who is thoroughly familiar with the resources and prospects of the country.

A large proportion of the exhibit is devoted to a partial display of the agricultural resources of Mexico, which are rapidly growing in importance. Ten varieties of coffee are exhibited, as well as samples of the coffee bean in its various stages of preparation for the market. There are jars of wheat, showing the difference between the product of the warmer zone and that of the north, and numerous samples of corn, rice and other samples. There is an especially extensive showing of beans which include twenty varieties in addition to the castor bean, from which castor oil is pressed.

The growth of the cotton industry in Mexico is also made a prominent feature. Five years ago the product was being imported, but now it is being exported in large quantities every year. The climate is such that two crops can be raised every year and it is becoming one of the most lucrative products for the farmer. The tobacco industry is represented by an extensive display of cigars and cigarettes of various grades in addition to samples of the leaf. The tobacco is decidedly darker than the American product and its rich but somewhat rank flavor is familiar to most smokers.

Feminine visitors to the building are attracted by the display of silk and of drawn work and embroidery. A quantity of very pretty silk shawls and ribbons are exhibited and the drawn work contributed by the Mexican women includes a number of very original designs that are worked out with wonderful patience.

Several of the cases are occupied by a collection of mineral specimens furnished by the Geological institute at Mexico. These include a variety of formations of gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc, many of which represent very valuable deposits. The display of Mexican onyx is particularly beautiful. It includes various grades and colors from the pure white to variegated patterns, all of which take a high polish and compare favorably with the finest specimens that are exhibited elsewhere on the grounds.

A large collection of statues and still life groups modeled in cloth represent the decorative genius of the Mexican Indians and these are pretty enough to be classed as works of art. A huge saddle with spurs, riata and other accessories is a remarkably handsome specimen of embossed work on leather and is valued at several hundred dollars. There is also a large display of carpets manufactured from jute and a collection of public and private records illustrate the methods of keeping these records that prevail.


Local Committee Prepares an Interesting Program.

The convention of the Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists convenes tomorrow at the Congregational church, Nineteenth and Davenport streets, under the auspices of the local Florists' club, which has prepared an interesting program.

On Monday there will be an arrangement of trades display, registration of visiting delegates.

Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock there will be an opening prayer by Rev. John Williams, followed by an address of welcome by Mayor Frank E. Moores and a response. At 3 p. m. there will be a reception at G. W. Lininger's art gallery, with lunch.

In the evening at 8 o'clock the president's reception will be held with music by Apollo Zither club. Following this will be a lecture on "The Real Russia," with stereopticon views from photographs taken by Prof. Taylor during his trip in Russia. An admission fee will be charged, admitting also to a beautiful floral and plant exhibit in connection.

Wednesday afternoon there will be a bowling contest at Krug park for a $500 society cup, which is at present held by the Philadelphia club, which has been the winner for the last two yearly conventions. The Omaha local bowling club has put in a great deal of time practicing and will try to hold the cup here. It competes for the same with Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Chicago, St. Louis and other clubs. Other field sports will be indulged in.

Thursday afternoon there will be a trolly ride to Council Bluffs, to the establishment of J. F. Wilcox, who so kindly provides lunch at Fairmont park for visiting florists.

On Friday the local society takes the visiting members in a body to the exposition, where a reception will be held at the Nebraska building, when speeches will be delivered by President Wattles, Major Clarkson, Prof. F. W. Taylor and the president-elect. Afterwards a lunch will be served to members on the grounds.

General Manager Yokum Endorses It.

General Manager Yokum of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad reached the city yesterday morning. His private car came in from St. Louis over the Missouri Pacific and was switched to the exposition tracks on the north side of the grounds. After breakfast General Manager Yokum went upon the grounds and spent the greater portion of the day in the buildings. Speaking of the exposition he said: "It is grand and is superior to the expositions formerly held. The buildings are beautiful and they are so nicely arranged. The buildings, however, are but a small portion of the exposition. The exhibits are the things that tell the tale of the wealth of the country. They are magnificent and the showing that is being made ought to convince the people who come here that the transmississippi region is the bone and sinew of this great republic."

Government Day.

At a conference yesterday between Senator Thurston and President Wattles of the exposition arrangements for the celebration of Government day, September 20, were largely completed. The invitation to congress to participate in the event reached the house of representatives too late for formal action, but the senate has appointed a committee of fifteen, of which Senator Thurston is chairman, to represent it at the exposition. The members of that committee will all be here on Government day, as well as a large number of congressmen and other government officials. The main program of the day will be held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. President Wattles will deliver an address in behalf of the exposition and a number of senators, to be hereinafter selected by Senator Thurston, will respond. An especially elaborate musical program will be rendered by the Mexican band and the exposition chorus. Immediately following the exercises the distinguished guests will be tendered a banquet at the Casino at which the senators who did not speak in the morning will respond to toasts. There will be an exceptionally brilliant fireworks display in the evening.

At the Indian Village.

Yesterday was housecleaning day with the Indians in camp upon the north tract and getting out of their tepees an hour earlier than usual they put in the early morning hours slicking up and putting everything in a presentable shape. The occasion for doing this extra work was due to the fact that word had been passed along the line that Senator Thurston would visit the village during the afternoon.

During the afternoon Senator Thurston spent a few hours in the Indian camp and seemed pleased with the situation. He met a number of the leading men of the different tribes and extended a cordial greeting to all.

An addition to the Indian village is expected within the next few days. Captain Mercer has received word from the Crow agency in Montana to the effect that a party of Crow Indians have started for the exposition, and that they are due to arrive almost any day. How many there are in the party he does not know. Originally it was expected that there would be twenty.

Today the Indians will rest and those who are not of a religious turn of mind will spend the day loafing around the camp. A number of Indians will attend services in the morning at Trinity cathedral, a special invitation having been sent to them by Dean Fair.

Today at the Exposition.

The first religious service that has been held on the grounds in several weeks will occur in the Auditorium at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Celia Parker Woolley will deliver the discourse, in which she will discuss "Things That Are Commonly Believed Among Us." Thomas J. Kelly will preside at the organ and W. B. Wilkins will sing the solo. It had been intended to have a quartet choir for the occasion, but this arrangement has fallen through.

The initial concerts by the Mexican band of forty-two pieces will be a sufficient attraction to interest the visitors during the remainder of the day. The band will play in front of the Government building at 2 o'clock and on the Plaza at 7 o'clock in the evening. Everyone who heard its rehearsal yesterday afternoon is delighted with its music, and it is believed that its concerts will be one of the most popular features of the exposition.

Fireworks for St. Joseph.

The exposition grounds were crowded with visitors last night, a great portion of them being out of town people, of which the St. Joseph contingent was the most numerous. Everything on the Midway did a good business and most of the attractions had all they could handle.

The display of fireworks managed by Prof. Cummins was about the best that has been seen since the opening of the exposition. The St. Joseph people attended in a body and occupied a section of seats set apart for them. They were in charge of Mayor Moores and the members of the city council. There was a fine picture of Mayor P. J. Kirschener, and, as it lighted up with candles and rockets, it was received with cheers. In addition to this there was the bombardment of Manila, a set piece upon the lake. There were the usual number of rockets and bombs, the display ending with "Good Night" in colored fire.

White and Colored Congress.

The Mixed Congress of Colored and White Americans, which is to be held on August 17, 18 and 19, promises to be one of the successful exposition conventions. On August 17 at 10 o'clock exercises will be held at the exposition and the meetings on the other day will be downtown, probably at Creighton hall. The program for August 17 has not been entirely arranged, but the chief features, as far as are known at present, will be as follows: Address of welcome on behalf of the state, Lieutenant Governor Harris; address of welcome on behalf of Omaha, Mayor Moores; response to the welcome, Judge C. Augustus Straker of Detroit, Mich.; singing of "America," "Star Spangled Banner," "Red, White and Blue" and "Hail Columbia" by a chorus of forty voices, under the leadership of Cyrus D. Bell; singing of "The Boys Who Wore the Blue Are Turning Gray" by a male quartet.

Phinney's Farewell Concert.

Phinney's band gave its final concert last night, playing on the Plaza, where an immense crowd congregated. During the evening Mrs. F. H. Cole sent in fifty bouquets, which were distributed among the band boys. Since coming to the exposition, Phinney's band has given between eighty and ninety concerts on the Plaza, in the Auditorium and on the lagoon. At the end of the concert last night there were loud calls for Prof. Phinney, and in responding he assured the audience that he and his people left Omaha with many regrets. He said that his stay of six weeks had been very enjoyable, and that after leaving for Chicago he would be a standing advertisement for Omaha and the exposition. The band leaves for the east this morning. Prof. and Mrs. Phinney will go tonight.

Missouri's President Inspects It.

Among those who visited the exposition yesterday were Clark H. Sampson, president, and Frank Gaiennier, secretary and manager of the St. Louis Exposition association. They were escorted about the grounds by Colonel Richardson of the press committee and were enthusiastic over the situation. They expressed surprise at the magnitude of the exposition, and said that the buildings and exhibits are much better than they expected to find them.

Exposition Notes.

There will be a rehearsal of the exposition chorus in the Auditorium Monday night.

Pryor's famous military band of St. Joseph, Mo., will play all of Sunday afternoon at the East Midway Casino.

Manager Reed of the department of concessions left yesterday for North Scituate, Mass., where his family has been spending the summer. They will return in about ten days.

Secretary Chase of the Iowa state commission has returned to his home at Cedar Rapids, where he will remain ten days or two weeks. During his absence the building will be in charge of ex-Governor Packard.

The daily exhibitions of the United States Life Saving crew under Captain Knowles continue to interest immense crowds at 4 o'clock. Visitors who have seen the performances of the service on their stations say that the drill put up by this crew is a very superior article and to those who have never seen anything of the kind it is one of the most fascinating features on the grounds.


It was the intention to commence judging the flowers on the Bluff tract yesterday, but owing to the fact that some of the exhibitors were late in getting their exhibits in, especially the sweet peas, the awarding of prizes was postponed.

The hospital wagon answered some thirty calls yesterday and all of the wards in the building were full during a greater portion of the day. None of the cases taken in were serious, most of them being headache and minor afflictions. Children were largely in evidence.

The expert employed by the special committee on investigation to audit the accounts of the various departments, arrived from Minneapolis and will begin work Monday. He was ready to go to work yesterday morning, but as the committee had neglected to provide him with written credentials he was unable to obtain access to the books.

The Sons of Veteran's drum corps of Denver has been engaged to play at the exposition during the week beginning September 11. The corps includes twenty-seven men and is said to be the best organization of the kind in the west. The national encampment of the Sons of Veterans occurs in Omaha during the same week and the drum corps was considered a very appropriate attraction at that time. The members make no charge for their services except for their expenses while they are in the city.

Hon. N. Roudebeck, commissioner from Everett, Wash., is now at the exposition in charge of the space set aside for the Washington mineral exhibit. Mr. L. K. Armstrong, superintendent of the mineral exhibit from Washington, arrives today with two carloads of the finest specimens of ore, which will all be in position within a week's time. D. B. Ward, who has been at the exposition conducting an advertising bureau for Seattle, has been recalled and left for home Wednesday.

General Manager Clarkson calls attention to the fact that the wheelmen who have acquired the idea that they were to be admitted to the grounds free on Monday, will be disappointed. No such arrangement has been authorized or proposed. The same rule will apply that has been in force at previous parades, and that is to the effect that the bands and floats will be admitted free, but individuals must buy tickets like anyone else. In the present case a number of floats that have been constructed on several bicycles will be admitted, but the decoration of a single wheel does not constitute a float.


Octave Thanet Tells of Local Crowds and Enthusiasm at the Exposition.


Architectural and Landscape Effects of the Midway—The Maine Explosion and Other Up-to-Date Features of Sideshows.

(Copyrighted, 1898, by the Author.)

If anything the farmers of Nebraska are more thriving than the townspeople. They have a splendidly fertile soil and a climate "Just made for corn;" and they are of the genuine Anglo-Saxon stock, which will not take a fall from Nature or anything else. On the small section of the state where the sun is too kind, and the rainfall sometimes fails, they have turned disaster into success by means of alfalfa and irrigation. As a rule, the Nebraska farmer is a man who has been making money. One good year here will put a man out of debt, two will give him a better house and a balance at his banker's. The Nebraska farmers are coming to the exposition in numbers. One would say that, by the first of November, there would be difficulty in finding the man who had not gone, either in person or through some proxy from his family, to see the great show. Iowa and Kansas are sending an army also, and thousands come from Illinois. The management has prepared a crowded program. During June there was a procession of state days, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, in a single week. Bands and processions, quiet and weary and dusty governors and gorgeous young staff officers in gold cord and plumed hats, singers and songs, speakers and speeches filled the Auditorium and the expostiion​ streets. President Wattles said something pretty to each state; something different, also, and proved that, besides Chauncey Depew, there are others.

The quiet governors made their speeches in turn, and then stood for hours shaking hands with ardent and perspiring fellow-citizens and their wives. The state building had flowers everywhere, and the busy commissioners went about with an absentminded smile and shook hands until they wondered whether it could be so much worse [?] president. It was all tiring; the sun [?] yet, there was something in the [?]s good nature of these warm, fatigued, yet eager crowds that was homely and heartsome. It was plain that they enjoyed themselves. They bought candy and peanuts and hot beef sandwiches; they chafed Aunt Jemima as she made pancakes and asked her if she was the real Aunt Jemima of the advertisements, to which she always returned the same placid, "Laws, yes, honey; have a cake?" They drank the free ice water in such appalling quantities that one wondered they did not drop dead on the ground, they walked countless miles through the buildings, hardly glancing at the white-coated chair bearers, parleying with the jinricksha men, but not spending money on them. They took in the Midway from the explosion of the Maine to the Cuban wonder and the wild west; they rested a space on the green settees or rode in the gondolas, watching for the fireworks; at last, sighing, but not from weariness, they turned their farewell glances on the radiant court, the fountains spouting sapphires and rubies and the fire-limned palaces and climbing into the cars.

"Coming back?" cried one tall, sunburned fellow, whose linen coat was dazzling with patriotic souvenirs of the exposition, silk specimens, a gaudy puzzle bestowed by Aunt Jemima, and the broad ribbon badge of his state, "coming back? Well, I guess! I'm going to fetch all the folks, from my old mother to the baby. Say, it's great!"

There was a musical congress, very successful, both as to music and attendance. There was a Turner's day, with an athletic exhibition, wildly applauded, and an eloquent oration. And several thousand people now know something of the valiant fight and the sacrifices that the turners made for liberty, thanks to the orator of that occasion. And it is safe to say that of these thousands fully half had previously associated the turners only with lager beer, white tights, parallel bars and human pyramids—which is one of the illustrations of the education of the exposition.

Appearance of the State Buildings.

The state buildings are the exposition club houses. They are scattered about the Bluff tract, back of the great Horticulture building. Besides its ornate architecture, its great glass dome and crowd of minarets, its frieze of cupids playing amid fruit and flowers, and its lovely groups of Night and Morning, the state buildings take on an air of simplicity. The less adorned are almost plain. The immense Nebraska building, however, will compare with the structures on the Main Court; Illinois has a stately home, in admirably good taste; Iowa's building is one of the most graceful, having an original and amazingly comfortable arrangement of piazzas. It is like a fine old colonial country house, and within the hall has a pipe organ, an exquisite cameo collection, and some really good bits of painting, representing Iowa scenes.

There is a very large, beautifully-built log cabin amid the more pretentious structures. And the towering yellow wigwam attracts every eye. It may be heretical, but I confess to finding the state buildings distinctly more pleasing than those of the World's fair. They are as a rule in better harmony with the general design, and they are more picturesque and better disposed as features of the landscape.

The landscape gardening is one very striking example of western quickness to learn. The gardeners have studied their lesson at the great fair to good purpose. They have learned not only when to ornament, but (a rarer gift of fortune in a gardener), when to let the kindly scene alone. In consequence there is a happy diversity of effect, and the jaded eye is soothed at intervals by beautiful spaces and masses of greenery. There is plenty of the intricate play of colors, plenty of variety in the designs and the floral bas reliefs which gardeners affect. An ingenious one is the great horn of plenty, framed from coulises in front of the Iowa building, pouring out its wealth of brilliant colors on the terrace.

On the Midway.

The Midway at Omaha has a general resemblance to the Midway we all know. It glitters with flaming and flaring lights and the gayest of colors; it resounds day and night with the blaring of horns and the pounding of drums and cymbals, and the banging of pistols by the Wild West riders. It has all kinds of bizarre architecture, from an Indian tepee to a Moorish palace. It is crowded and dusty and noisy and full of heat and screaming gaiety, but it isn't so dusty as one might expect, and the exposition police have kept it clean on the outside.

There is a feature of its own in the gigantic See-Saw. No one should neglect it any more than the Ferris wheel at the Chicago Midway. It is unique, so are the visitor's sensations. "You can see for nothing, but it costs you 25 cents to saw!"

I spent a half hour in what the man outside described as the "most elegant and high-class show on the grounds," the Moorish palace. I saw Marie Antoinette going to execution, a captive tortured at the stake, a young man who had been having a night of it, and some happy families, and some nymphs in bosky dells with rocks and trees, and a tremendous amount of other waxen horror and loveliness—all for 25 cents.

Over opposite a man with a noble voice and the perspiration streaming down his face was giving apparently a little moral lecture. Beside him stood a lean young man, whose skin was pallid and his eyes pink-rimmed. He looked both limp and anemic. His line in life was to swallow swords. "This young man is going to swallow that sword in a minnit, ladies and gentlemen," boomed the touter, "jest you wait; come up, come up, no charge—we do these things to show what kind of an exhibition we keep. After he has swallowed the sword—pass it round, feel the edge if you like, all solid steel—after the young man has swallowed the sword I'm going to fetch out one of our ladies. This little lady I'm going to show you is from Paris, France, and she and the other ladies dance. Dance. And the ladies that are conducting this exposition, they sent a committee over here. Why did they done it? They done it to be sure we was conducting a refined and elegant exhibition which couldn't shock nobody. And they put a card in the paper to that effect. If you wish to see one of the most beautiful strictly first-class shows on the ground or anywhere walk in. Now, young man." The part of the refined and elegant show present proceeded to swallow the sword. I don't know how he did it, and it was rather awful to witness, but apparently he did swallow it up to the hilt. I am also told that the dancing is not unpleasant and very well done.

The Maine Explosion Exhibit.

Of course there is a Street of Cairo and some sad-eyed camels, and there is a Street of All Nations which troops out on camels and horses and makes a mighty din. There is a very good cyclorama and a most life-like Southern plantation, which has song and dance and is good enough to be visited more than once, and there is an explosion of the Maine which, considerbly​ to my surprise, I found one of the very prettiest little things on the grounds. The scene, the ships riding at anchor in Havana harbor ("on real water, ladies and gentlemen"); the tropical storm, the illumination of the city and the sunrise are remarkably pretty. As for the explosion it wouldn't disturb a rabbit.

The Indian Exhibit.

The most picturesque feature of the exposition has just been established and begun its working. This is the Indian Congress. It will last during the exposition. The United States has appropriated $40,000 and an effort is to be made to show the daily existence, the customs, the industries (so far as they have industries and the extent of these is greater than is suspected), the amusements of a vanishing race. There has never been any undertaking of the kind or anything like the scale of this picture of Indian life. There were seventy-five Indians at the World's fair. Here there will be at least 500. On the great feast days, like the Sun Dance of the Sioux and the Dog Feast of the Blackfeet, thousands of red braves will dance and revel amid the calm beauty of the white palaces. Forty tribes are to be represented. On Wednesday a howling throng of Winnebagoes kindled the quiet colonnades into a lurid gaiety. They swept through them in fine savage style and perceptibly dimmed the attractions of the Midway. Wickiups, tepees and wigwams already make a picturesque show on the new reservation. Each tribe (and every tribe in the union will be represented) will wear its accustomed garb and have its usual weapons and industrial appliances. It is expected that every Indian custom will be in plain view. In short, the Indian life, a life already doomed and fast fading, will enact itself on a stage before the civilized world. It is a pageant, a comedy and a tragedy in one that we shall see. "Caesar, we who are about to die salute you!" cried the gladiators. Silently the Indian race says the same grim words to the American who has destroyed him.

Even the children of this generation may hardly expect to see another such sight as this vast encampment on the Missouri, for the passing of the Indian will not be long.


Probably never again will there be such an opportunity to study the real life and habits of the American Indian without going to the discomfort of living with him The wigwam and the tepees and the dwellings of the red men who have advanced to rude houses will be erected and life will proceed precisely as on the reservations. Captain Mercer of the United States army will be in charge.

A congress of choral societies will add to the diversions of the month of August. The different societies will have separate numbers and will also be massed into one great chorus, and there will be papers and discussions of musical subjects as well.

Meanwhile, Omaha (with some aid from the pretty town across the river) is taking care of the multitude with more and more ease all the time. Besides the two large hotels of the place there are a number of small hotels which have been highly praised. And across the river in the peaceful town of Council Bluffs, looking at the hills and trees of the beautiful park which is the pride of the city, is one of the best hotels in the country. I stayed there myself. The street railway runs past its doors and the ride in the electric cars is a cool one.

In my next letter I hope to speak of the Fine Arts and the Liberal Arts buildings and to know more of what promises to be most prominent and, in many respects, a wonderfully interesting display, the Indian settlement.



Brief Record of Events Culminating in the Freedom of Cuba.


One Hundred and Fourteen Days of Actual War—The Cost and the Results—An Instructive Record.

War against Spain was declared by the United States when the intervention resolutions passed by congress were signed on April 20. One hundred and fourteen days later the peace protocol was approved by the respective governments and the war ended.

The substantial fruits of the war for the United States are the freedom of Cuba under American protectorate, American ownership of Porto Rico, of one of the Ladrone islands and of so much of the Philippine group as may be determined by the peace commissioners.

Financially the war cost the United States to date a trifle less than $120,000,000. But many contracts and like obligations already entered into and partly fulfilled will largely increase to total. Computations made at Washington, based on maintaining the present strength of the army for a year, place the cost up to June 30, 1899, at from $500,000,000 to $600,000,000.

The loss of life in battle on the American side was 274; including the Maine disaster, 551; wounded estimated at 1,580.

The inception of the war goes back to February 24, 1895, when the insurrection broke out in three of Cuba's six provinces. It raged with varying success for three years when the United States became involved. The chief events leading up to and during the war are as follows:

January 24—Battleship Maine ordered to Havana on a peaceful mission.

February 9—Spanish Minister De Lome's private letter, reflecting on President McKinley, published.

February 10—Spanish Minister De Lome recalled.

February 15—Battleship Maine blown up in Havana harbor; 266 lives lost.

February 17—Board of inquiry into the loss of the Maine appointed.

February 21—Board of inquiry beings investigation at Havana.

March 9—Emergency bill, appropriating $50,000,000 for national defense, passed by congress.

March 19—Maine board of inquiry finishes its labors.

March 28—Report of the board of inquiry sent to congress with a message from the president.

March 29—Resolutions declaring war on Spain introduced in both houses of congress.

April 7—Representatives of European powers wait on the president in the interest of peace.

April 9—Consul General Lee leaves Havana, accompanied by many Americans.

April 11—The president sends a message to congress recommending armed interven-[?]

April 16—Intervention resolution passed by the senate.

April 19—House of representatives agrees to the senate intervention resolution.

April 20—Intervention resolution signed by the president and an ultimatum sent to Spain; Spanish Minister Polo y Bernabe asks for and secures his passports.

April 21—United States Minister Woodford given his passports at Madrid.

April 22—North Atlantic squadron sails from Key West to blockade Cuban ports; first shot of the war fired by cruiser Nashville in capturing the Spanish coast trader Buena Ventura; blockade of Cuban ports proclaimed.

April 23—Call issued for 125,000 volunteers.

April 25—Asiatic squadron starts for the Philippine Islands; state militia ordered out, formal declaration of war against Spain passed by congress; Secretary of State Sherman resigns.

April 26—Spanish passenger steamer Panama captured by blockading fleet.

April 27—Coast earthworks at Matanzas shelled by American fleet.

April 28—Movement of regulars to Tampa; Cabanas' forts demolished by the cruiser New York.

April 29—Spanish fleet leaves Cape Verde; house passes revenue bill.

April 30—Commodore Dewey's fleet arrives at Manila; battleship Oregon arrives at Rio Janeiro.

May 1—Commodore Dewey's fleet attacks and destroys Spanish fleet at Manila; eleven ships sunk, two captured; 400 Spaniards killed, 600 wounded; six American seamen slightly injured; Spanish fleet under Admiral Montejo defeated and destroyed in Manila bay by United States squadron, Commodore Dewey commanding; eleven Spanish ships destroyed, no Americans killed.

May 7—Commodore Dewey thanked by the president in the name of the American people.

May 9—Congress tenders vote of thanks to Dewey and his men, orders commemorative medals struck, orders sword for Dewey and increases number of rear admirals; battleship Oregon arrives at Bahia, Brazil; Commodore Dewey promoted to rear admiral.

May 11—Ensign Bagley and four men on the torpedo boat Winslow killed in an engagement off Cardenas.

May 12—Admiral Sampson's fleet shells forts and land batteries at San Juan, Porto Rico.

May 13—Flying squadron under Commodore Schley leaves Fortress Monroe.

May 16—Concentration of volunteers at Chickamauga begun; Nebraska First departs for San Francisco and the Philippines.

May 19—Spanish fleet enters harbor of Santiago de Cuba; Sampson and Schley's ships united at Key West; Second regiment Nebraska volunteers start for Chickamauga; 11,000 regulars and volunteers for Manila reach San Francisco.

May 21—Spanish fleet bottled up in Santiago harbor by Commodore Schley; cruiser Charleston sails with first relief supplies for Admiral Dewey.

May 22—First relief expedition sails from San Francisco for Manila.

May 25—Second call for volunteers (75,000) issued.

June 3—Lieutenant Hobson and seven men sink the collier Merrimac in the entrance of Santiago harbor; the crew captured and made prisoners.

June 4—Senate passes the war revenue bill; Captain Gridley of the cruiser Olympia dies at Kobe, Japan, on his way home.

June 7—Monitor Monterey with collier Brutus sails from San Francisco for Manila; forts at Caimenera bombarded and destroyed.

June 9—Forts at Guantanamo bay destroyed.

June 10—Conference report on war revenue bill adopted by both houses of congress.

June 11—American marines land at Guantanamo.

June 12—American marines attacked by Spanish guerrillas at Guantanamo; four killed.

June 13—General Shafter and an army of 17,000 sail from Tampa.

June 15—Dynamite cruiser Vesuvius tested on Santiago forts; second relief expedition sails for the Philippines.

June 20—General Shafter's army arrives off Santiago.

June 23—General Shafter's army lands at Biaquiri; Monitor Monadnock sails from San Francisco for Manila.

June 24—Two thousand Spanish attack 1,000 Americans, rough riders and regulars; Spanish repulsed; American loss 16.

June 26—Third expedition for Manila sails from San Francisco.

June 27—Commodore Watson's fleet ordered to prepare for a descent on the coast of Spain; Spanish reserve squadron reaches Port Said.

July 1—American troops moved on the city of Santiago and capture Spanish entrenchments; great loss sustained on both sides.

July 2—American troops capture the heights of San Juan and El Caney; losses in both battled (official): Killed, 231; wounded, 1,283; missing, 81; total, 1,595.

July 3—Admiral Cervera's entire fleet of four cruisers and four torpedo boat destroyers destroyed by the American fleet under Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley; General Shafter demands the surrender of Santiago.

July 4—Request for truce by foreign consuls at Santiago granted by General Shafter; first relief expedition arrives at Manila.

July 7—Lieutenant Hobson and crew of the Merrimac exchanged for Spanish prisoners.

July 8—Admiral Camara's fleet ordered back from Suez canal to Spain; congress adjourns.

July 10—Admiral Cervera and 638 men, prisoners of war, landed at Portsmouth, N. H.

July 13—Colonel Bryan and the Nebraska Third mustered in.

July 14—General Toral formally surrenders Santiago and troops and garrisons in Eastern Cuba.

July 15—Commissioners settle upon the details of the surrender.

July 16—General Shafter takes formal possession of the city of Santiago; Nebraska Third given farewell reception at the exposition.

July 17—Spanish flag taken down and "Old Glory" hoisted on the public building in Santiago.

July 18—Third Nebraska departs for Jacksonville, Fla.

July 20—General Miles starts with the army of invasion for Porto Rico.

July 23—General Brooke and staff leave Chickamauga, bound for Porto Rico.

July 25—General Miles' expedition lands at Guanica, Porto Rico.

July 26—Spain sues for peace through the French minister at Washington.

July 29—City of Ponce, Porto Rico, surrenders to General Miles.

July 30—United States replies to Spain's overtures for peace.

July 30-31—Two night attacks by Spaniards on American entrenchments near Manila repulsed; American loss, 13 killed, 48 wounded.

August 3—Second conference of French minister and secretary of state respecting peace terms.

August 5—Cape San Juan, Porto Rico, taken by American marines.

August 6—First detachment of American soldiers leave Santiago.

August 8—Spain's answer to United States' note reaches Washington.

August 10—Protocol covering peace terms presented by the United States to the French minister representing Spain.

August 12—Peace protocol signed by representatives of Spain and the United States.


Almost One Hundred Million Has Been Paid Out of the Treasury.


Of This Amount Almost Twice as Much Expended for the Army as for the Navy—Total Appropriations $360,000,000.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.—Although the war with Spain lasted only 114 days, it is estimated that it has cost the government so far $150,000,000, of which $98,000,000 has been actually paid out of the treasury. Beginning with March 1, when the first increases in the expenditures in anticipation of war became apparent in the daily expenditures of the treasury, the actual disbursements of this account have been approximately as follows: March, army, $600,000; navy, $2,400,000; total, $3,000,000. April, army, $1,200,000; navy, $9,800,000; total, $11,000,000. May, army, $12,000,000; navy, $7,000,000; total, $19,000,000. June, army, $16,500,000; navy, $6,500,000; total, $23,000,000. July, army, $29,500,000; navy, $5,500,000; total, $35,000,000. To August 13, army, $5,500,000; navy, $1,500,000; total, $7,000,000. [?]



Week Opens with a Very Fair Influx of People from Out of Town.


General Impression of the Public Being Made Plain to the Managers.


Its Place in Popular Estimation Fixed Beyond Any Doubt.


High Grade Musical Organization Affords Much Pleasure to the Limited Audiences Before Which it Opens Its Engagement.

There was no particular feature on the grounds this morning aside from the influx of about the usual Monday morning crowd of new visitors. The Business and Fraternal association of this city is represented by a portion of its members, but this is as far as its participation goes. The wheelmen will participate in a parade on the bluff tract at 7 o'clock tonight, but whether the event will bring out a full attendance of the various wheeling organizations is not certain. The feature was organized on the supposition that the management would encourage it by providing an evening half-rate for the wheelmen, but this has been refused and they will have to pay the full admission. The wheelmen will not parade outside of the grounds, but will meet on the bluff tract shortly before 7 o'clock. They will form in line and parade through the grounds, after which they will be turned over to their own pursuits. The clubs will make their headquarters at the German village, where special arrangements have been made to entertain theim​.

The exposition crowd of yesterday was a forcible argument to the effect that the majority of the people do not propose to pay 50 cents to see half a show half a day when they can see the whole thing for the same money on any of the other six days of the week. Aside from a few people who found it inconvenient to visit the grounds during the week the local attendance was the lightest that has been registered on any pleasant Sunday since the exposition opened. The enclosure was redeemed from almost absolute desolation by a good proportion of the St. Joe crowd of yesterday who remained over to see the features that they had been compelled to slight the day before. With these as auxiliaries the day was fairly successful and the crowd increased very perceptibly in the evening.

The feature of the day was the initial concert of the Mexican band, which was played on the portico of the Government building at 2 o'clock. To say that the musicians made a favorable impression would be far too mild an expression. "Isn't that band a crackerjack?" was the query frequently heard and it very accurately expresses the sentiment of the crowd. The Mexicans play with a precision suggestive of the most conscientious rehearsal and every note seems to be at the absolute command of the leader's baton. They play the same standard compositions that are played by the first-class bands of this country, with occasionally a Mexican dance interjected by way of variety. Their rendition is marked by rare musical taste and the success of their first appearance indicates that their concerts will be the most enjoyable out door musical features that exposition patrons have yet enjoyed.

The initial program was introduced by a march and a waltz that were new to the audience and then they caught the crowd with their virile rendition of the overture, "America," with its succession of patriotic melodies. A very pretty Mexican dance selection was given in response to the encore and then the fantasie from "Faust" was played with a degree of artistic conception that was a revelation in band music. At times an effect almost similar to an orchestra was produced and the interpretation was full of delicacy and fire in exactly the right proportion. Another decided success was scored in the rendition of Bucalossi's famous descriptive fantasie, "The Hunter," in which the band showed itself a master of this class of music as well. Another fantasie and the finale, a Mexican dance, completed the program.

The evening concert was received with even greater appreciation. The program included such local favorites of the overture from "William Tell" and the fantasie from "Cavallieria Rusticana," together with a succession of less familiar compositions that were heard with equal favor.


Texas and Oklahoma Making a Great Show of the Product.

There is a great rivalry between Editor Golobie of Oklahoma and Prof. Atwater of Texas. These men are in charge of the agricultural exhibits from their respective states and both are located in the Agricultural building. Golobie has his exhibit in the east end and Atwater has his in the west end of the building. They are both long on corn and they both have long corn, hence the aforesaid rivalry.

Some days ago Prof. Atwater received a consignment of this year's sheaf corn from Texas. It was fourteen feet high and the ears, which ran from three to five to the stalk, were higher than a man could reach. Proceeding to the exhibit, the fire of jealousy consumed the editor from Oklahoma and he immediately wired home to send him some corn. It came, and when it reached here it was nailed to the side of the Oklahoma booth. From root to top of tassle​ it measured sixteen feet. Atwater looked at the display but never said a word. Last week Golobie got in another consignment of corn. It came from Norman and measured an even eighteen feet from root to top of stem. The stalks bear eight ears each, which are from nine to fifteen feet from the roots. With the corn there was a certificate that it was planted on May 15 and that when it got its growth, it would be at least three feet higher. Atwater saw this corn, but again he remained silent and nursed the scorn that he felt. Yesterday he got his revenge. Corn he had telegraphed for arrived and was put in place in the Texas exhibit. It is two inches higher than that shown by Golobie. He is not satisfied with this, however, and in order to rub it in on the man from Oklahoma, he took half a dozen stuffed monkeys from his exhibit, mounted a step ladder and tied the little creatures well up among the ears. Then proceeding to the Oklahoma booth, he invited Golobie down to see his corn. Golobie gazed in astonishment and finally asked: What are those monkeys doing up there?"

"Picking corn," gleefully replied Atwater. "The corn grows so big down in our state that we have to send monkeys up the stalks to break off the ears and throw them down to the huskers. After that we chop the stalks and use them for stove wood, saw logs and ship masts."

The Oklahoma editor acknowledges that he has been beaten on corn, but declares that before the exposition is over he will show some corn that will also put the Texas man to shame. He also says that this week he will have a car of water melons and that most of them will be sent direct to the Agricultural building and that from there they will be given away.


Railroads Not Ready to Make the Concessions Promised the Exposition.

The all important question in the minus of exposition officials at this time is the prospective action of the Western Passenger association in regard to a general reduction in exposition rates. It had been confidently expected that the concession would be granted before this, but the unexpected opposition of the Chicago & Alton line interfered, and now the exposition people are hoping that the matter will be settled Wednesday.

While the matter is hanging fire the department of transportation is seriously embarrassed in its efforts to secure concessions for special days. The railroads are reluctant to act until the general proposition is disposed of for fear of complicating the matter and so far no rate has been secured for the big conventions of colored Americans which meet in this city during the latter part of the week. Manager Babcock has wired the managers of each road requestioning them to consider this an exceptional case and act independently, and it is hoped that favorable replies will be received today or tomorrow. Saturday is the Colored-American day on the grounds, and the management expects that there will be an exceptionally heavy attendance if the rates can be secured in time.


Need of Some Authority at the Exposition Daily Shown.

The lack of a central authority which has repeatedly caused embarrassment to exposition guests was again illustrated in connection with the visit of the St. Joseph people Saturday. The visitors brought with them a band and a number of tallyho coaches and a special arrangement was made with General Manager Clarkson by which the coaches were to be admitted to the Midway for parade purposes during the afternoon. But when they tried to enter the gate they were met by a determined refusal on the part of the gatekeepers. They declared that their orders were to let in no vehicles at that hour and they proposed to obey them. General Managr​ Clarkson was summoned and hastened to set the matter right, but without success. The gatekeeper was reinforced by Secretary Wakefield, who averred that nothing less than a resolution adopted by the executive committee would admit the vehicles. The orders of the general manager were set aside and even when President Wattles added his persuasions the admission was still refused. Finally after the patience of the visitors had been pretty nearly exhausted the ridiculous aspect of the situation was appreciated and the coaches were admitted.

These clashes of authority and the resultant jangles between the heads of various exposition departments are so common that they ordinarily attract very little notice except from those who are inconvenienced thereby. A very pointed instance occurred some time ago when the executive committee spent two hours a day for several successiv​ days in trying to decide what department manager should have charge of the admission of vehicles to the grounds. Manager Babcock suggested that anything that came in on wheels would very properly come under the direction of the Department of Transportation. Manager Kirkendall differed very vigorously. He stated that he was the head of the Department of Buildings and Grounds, and as the wagons undoubtedly came in on the grounds it was eminently fitting that it should be his business to regulate them.

The​ came Manager Lindsey, who alleged that while the vehicles undoubtedly came in on wheels and traversed Manager Kirkendall's grounds in the course of their peregrinations they still remained subject to the Department of Admissions because they came through the gates.

All this time Manager Reed had been waiting for his turn and he proceeded to intervene to the effect that since these vehicles came to deliver supplies to the various concessions they were a part of his department and subject to his supervision. Each manager was insistent on what he considered his prerogatives and the committee spent meeting after meeting in a jangle over their conflicting claims.

There is scarcely a day that does not develop some similar conflict of authority to justify the position taken by The Bee from the beginning in favor of a director general or general manager, who should be something more than a figurehead and have the authority to settle disputed questions without an incessant jangle over the relative prerogatives of the heads of the various departments.


Rev. Celia Parker Woolley Discourses to an Exposition Congregation.

The only religious service held in Omaha yesterday at which no collection was taken occurred at the Auditorium at 4 o'clock. It was held under the direction of the committee of local clergymen which was appointed by General Manager Clarkson some time ago and which was represented by Rev. T. J. Mackay of All Saints Episcopal church. The heat was very oppressive in the building and this largely accounted for the preponderance of vacant seats. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Celia Parker Woolley of Chicago, who talked briefly but vigorously on the subject, "Things Commonly Believed Among Us." She said at the outset that the term "us" did not refer to this audience nor to one locality, but to all mankind. Man was everywhere a creature of love and worship. The capacity to recognize the claims of suffering brethren and the power we have to relieve our fellow men are the essence of religious life wherever we find it. Any man who recognizes in himself evil motives and good motives, selfish purposes and unselfish purposes, is a believer whether he conforms to any particular creed or not.


Rev. Woolley contended that after all a belief in the main tenets of religion is common to all men. All agree in the belief in a power outside of themselves and they differ only in the minor points of name and theories and creed. But in all the emotions and aspirations that underlie the surface they are one the world over. We are beginning to see this. The principle of unity is becoming more generally recognized and established. It exists in this exposition, which brings men together to compare notes on their material resources and these Auditorium services were a step in the same direction. They bring speakers of different denominations in order that the people might compare notes and grow closer together in their religious beliefs.

The speaker suggested that a new idea of reverence is another result of modern religious thought. Men once believed that religion meant the mere acceptance of an intellectual statement propounded as the doctrine of a recognized creed. But we are ocming​ to see that this is entirely too shallow a conception. Religion means a belief in a power for righteousness within ourselves and the conviction that compels us to ally ourselves with that power. So reverence no longer meant merely an austere attention to church services, but the fear of God in our hearts. Reverence was not for the past alone, but it was also for the present. It was a divine spark within ourselves and not an outward assumption of sanctity.

The singing was conducted by Walter Wilkins of Trinity cathedral choir, who also contributed a solo, and Thomas J. Kelly officiated as organist.


Hospital Staff Kept Busy Handing Out White Man's Medicine.

Mrs. Petrified Buffalo, a Sioux Indian woman, is firmly convinced that the medicine of the white man has some merits. Yesterday Mrs. Buffalo partook quite liberally of green corn and cucumbers. An hour later she developed a severe case of cholera morbus. She writhed in agony on the straw on the floor of her tepee. All of the mixtures of the Indian medicine chest were tried, but they failed to afford the relief sought. A Red Cross wagon call was turned in and Mrs. Buffalo was carted down to the hospital. She was put to bed and the usual remedies were prescribed. In less than half an hour the woman was able to walk back to the camp.

The cure of Mrs. Buffalo was a signal for all of the sick Indians to begin an attack upon the hospital and from noon until late at night Drs. Strader and Campbell had all that they could do. Comes in a Hurry was the first Indian to go upon the operating table. He was dancing around the camp, having about the same action of a man who imbibed too freely of Mountain Dew. He could not tell what ailed him, but merely pointed to his head. After sticking one of his index fingers into his ear he let out a howl loud enough to drown the sound of the spielers at the concessions. Running at race horse speed from the Indian camp, Comes in a Hurry made a beeline for the hospital and grabbing one of the doctors pointed to his own ear. The Indian was flopped upon the operating table and an instant later both doctors were probing his ear. Continuing their investigations they drew out a bug fully an inch long. It had crawled into Mr. Hurry's ear while he was lying on the straw in his tent.

Late last night a party of ten Indians, including one man, four women and five children, called at the hospital, all having ailments. They were treated and returned to the camp happy. If the rush of business continues the hospital authorities are of the opinion that the building will have to be enlarged before the end of the week.

So successful have Drs. Strader and Campbell been in curing Indians that they have been designated as the Big Medicine men and have been named Whehaty Koiltun Ishisi, or They Who Cure Every Time.


Change in Arrangements is Due to the Railroads.

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 14.—(Special.)—F. M. Sterrett, president and executive director of the Missouri commission to the Transmississippi exposition at Omaha, has written a letter to the president of the exposition canceling "Missouri Day," which had been set for August 20. The program had been arranged and the Missouri commission were awaiting a 1-cent a mile rate from the railroads before announcing it. Instead of that rate, Mr. Sterrett wrote, the railroads would only make a rate of one fare for the round trip so it has been decided to declare off "Missouri Day."

"If the conditions should hereafter seem more favorable," concluded Mr. Sterrett, "another day can be fixed for 'Missouri Day,' but if as good results can be obtained by working up attendance on several different days for particular localities we will, in either case, do all in our power to have as large a Missouri attendance as possible."

Dull Day for the Red Men.

Captain Mercer's Indians found exposition life almost as monotonous yesterday as everyday life upon their respective reservations. During the morning some of them attended religious services at Trinity cathedral, but the majority remained in their tepees, or visited one another. The afternoon was even more irksome and few of the red men got out into the heat of the sun. They remained in the shade, stretched full length upon the ground and either smoked their pipes or slept. No attempt was made at dancing or giving entertainments, though a few of the young boys got out and shot at pennies the whites put up to test the Indian marksmanship with the bow and arrow.

The Cheyenne River Sioux, who came in a couple of days ago from South Dakota, seemed to be the center of attraction yesterday and the tent occupied by the chiefs, Charger and Two Tails, drew the crowds. Neither of the Indians speak English, but they have their interpreter along. This man is highly educated and reads and writes. Of the two chiefs, Charger is the most noted. In fact he is one of the most noted and most powerful men of the Sioux. He is 67 years of age and is rich, owning about 1,000 head of cattle and 500 horses. Years ago he was a great warrior and gathered about him a tribe of the bravest of the western Indians. As an orator he has no equal among the Indians, and for this reason he has always appeared in the councils of the tribe. Whenever a delegation has been sent to Washington to confer with congress or with the president, relative to matters pertaining to the Indians, Charger has been the spokesman for the delegation. He stands nearly seven feet high and notwithstanding his age, is as straight as an arrow. He has discarded the Indian dress, yet during some of the parades to be given by the Indian congress, he may wear a blanket, but usually he wears a neat fitting suit of black, fashionable shoes and a white shirt. Yesterday he was dressed in a suit of black broadcloth and if seen upon the street under his broad brimmed brown hat, he would have passed for a rich planter or stockman.

Special Events for the Week.

Four special events are scheduled on the exposition program this week in addition to the permanent attractions of the show. Today is Wheelmen's day and a large proportion of the local wheelmen will participate in a parade to the grounds, where they will spend the day and evening. It is also notable as the day for the Business and Fraternal association of Omaha and the double attraction is expected to produce a good Monday crowd.

The Texans will own the grounds Thursday and they have prepared for quite an elaborate celebration. A very low rate has been made from all Texas points and several large excursions are booked from that state.

Saturday will be devoted to the Colored Americans and as two large conventions of colored people will congregate in Omaha during the latter part of the week a large attendance is assured. Special railroad rates have been secured and excursions will be run from Kansas City, St. Joseph, Atchison and various other citiies​ that have a large proportion of colored population.

Notes of the Exposition.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Phinney left last night for Chicago, following the band, which went yesterday morning.

The offices of the Buildings and Grounds department were moved this morning from the cottage on the bluff tract to the second floor of the service building.

The Missouri Pacific railroad has given the Missouri commission free transportation for a car of peaches, which will arrive at the Horticulture building in a few days.

W. S. Streator of Minneapolis, the expert accountant recently employed by the special committee to audit the accounts of the exposition, will begin active work this morning. He spent a part of the day yesterday at the Service building examining the bookkeeping methods and securing such other information from Secretary Wakefield as would enable him to take up the task systematically.

The east gate at Twentieth and Manderson streets has been moved up flush with Twentieth street in order to avoid trouble with neighboring property owners who pass through the grounds at that point. The change will make it easy to see that the people who come in at one side go out at the other and it is thought that it will do away with a large proportion of the misunderstandings that have occurred on this account.

Manager Babcock of the Department of Transportation has received a letter from the Central Passenger association in which it is intimated that a more effective regulation of scalpers by the local authorities is essential if the exposition is to receive any further favors from that association in the matter of rates. The communication is sent in connection with the notification that the central association has made a rate of one fare plus $4 for the round trip on Commercial Travelers' day, but it is plainly stated that unless the organization is protected from the scalpers the rate will not be put in force.


Experience in Connection with St. Joseph Day a Convincing One.

The Missouri Pacific took back a large number of the St. Joseph excursionists on Sunday evening in two special trains. One left the exposition grounds at 6 p. m., and the other at 11 p. m. As the excursion tickets have a limit of five days many of the St. Joseph people are still in town, and quite a number will remain here until Wednesday. Those who did not return on the special train on Sunday night are going back on the regular trains of the Missouri Pacific and of the Burlington between now and Wednesday.

The railroad men express themselves as highly pleased with the success of the St. Joseph excursion. Both of the lines did a richly paying business in hauling the 2,000 St. Joseph people up here and back, and they split just about even in their receipts. A rate of $1.75 for the round trip, or three-fifths of 1 cent per mile, was made for the excursion, and a reasonable limit (five days) granted to the purchasers of the tickets. In speaking of the success of the excursion one railroad man said to a Bee reporter: "The result justifies the contention that if a low excursion rate is made for the special days a large crowd can be secured from almost every city and town in this part of the west. The argument that we must wait until after the crops are harvested before putting in low rates would appear to have been exploded, for there are some other people besides farmers who want to see this show. But we don't make the rates, you know, that's done higher up."


Many Headed Management of the Exposition in Another Blunder.


Riders Unable to Secure Admission Through the Inability of the Several Departments to Get Close Enough Together.

The many-headed management of the exposition has come very near to making Wheelmen's day a failure. The various managers, relying on each other to make the necessary arrangements, have made one. The natural consequence is that visiting wheelmen are disgusted, and the plans which the local committee have worked up are spoiled.

"I am thoroughly disgusted with the way the management has carried on things," declared State Consul O'Brien, who is at the head of the committee on arrangements and who has worked hard during the last four weeks in getting things in shape for the day and securing the presence of wheelmen. "That management has spoiled the plans we have been working on a long time. It will send away the wheelmen visitors with a very poor opinion of the city. It will result in a parade just about half as big and attractive as it otherwise would have been."

Four weeks ago Consul O'Brien made arrangements with President Wattles that wheels should be admitted today. Ordinarily wheels are barred from the grounds, but President Wattles volunteered permission to allow them inside all day, providing that the wheelmen did not ride them until 6 o'clock in the evening. Naturally a visiting wheelmen would not care to leave his wheel down town and go to the exposition during the day, and then pay another admission to take in his wheel in the evenings to take part in the parade on the grounds.

Shortly after 9 o'clock this morning a big batch of the visiting wheelmen and wheelwomen went to the wagon entrance on Sherman avenue, south of the viaduct, where it was understood they would be admitted with their wheels. Among the number were fifty wheelmen from Sioux City  

Wheelmen's day Con.

and Council Bluffs. There was a Denver contingent and representatives from other cities. When they reached the gate they were refused admission.

The party put itself in communication with Consul O'Brien, who went at once to see President Wattles. The latter said that orders would be issued at once to admit the wheelmen. The party waited before the entrance for an hour, but no orders to let them in arrived. By this time O'Brien reached the grounds and by energetic hustling secured an order from the bureau of admissions to let the wheelmen enter with their wheels. When this order arrived, however, it was not found to be sufficiently authoritative, for the gatekeeper refused admission until an inspector was at hand. No inspector could be found.

By this time the wheelmen were a very disgusted lot of individuals, as they had been waiting for nearly two hours. Finally a big majority of them checked their wheels on the outside and went in. Others left for the heart of the city. At 12:30 Consul O'Brien saw President Wattles once more and the latter wrote out an order to admit the wheelmen with their wheels. This was sent out to the grounds early in the afternoon, so that it may be possible that admission to wheels will finally be given.

"But it is too late," declared Consul O'Brien. "By the time the order reached there most of our visitors were in the grounds and had left their wheels outside. Of course, none of them will pay another admission to get their wheels and help us out on the parade. The result will be that our parade will be nothing like what we planned it, although we will do the best we can."

There is quite a contingent of wheelmen and wheelwomen in the city. Early in the morning the Sioux City, Denver and Council Bluffs crowd came in and later there were various representations from towns in this state, especially Beatrice, Lincoln and Plattsmouth.

The principal feature of the day is to be the wheelmen's parade this evening shortly after 6 o'clock. There will be a variety of decorated wheels and floats in line in addition to a lot of wheelmen. Consul O'Brien estimated that fully 800 riders would have been in line had wheels been admitted, but it is quite probable that the number will fall far short of that now.

World H - Aug 14


Illinois State Commission Urges a Big Delegation.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Chicago, Ill., Aug. 13.—Following is a copy of the letter sent to local commercial and social clubs by the Illinois Trans-Mississippi and International exposition commission in regard to Chicago day at the Omaha fair:

Chicago, Ill., Aug. 11.—Gentlemen: Saturday, October 1, 1898, has been set apart as "Chicago day" at the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition at Omaha. The railroads at Chicago reaching Omaha have not yet announced their rates for this day, but it is known that they will treat the subject in their usual liberal spirit and the public will have no cause to complain, when it is made known through the public press.

The trains on all lines leave Chicago in the evening, arriving at Omaha next morning about 8 o'clock. It is confidently believed that before this time peace will have been concluded and many, if not all, of our brave soldiers will have returned to the vocations of civil life. Let us make this a day of general rejoicing, because of the wonderful victories of our army and navy, and because of the advancement of our country among the nations of the earth.

Our business men leaving Chicago Friday evening, September 30 (the fair being open Sunday), can have two days sight-seeing and leave for Chicago Sunday evening, reaching home Monday morning. It is unnecessary to say that the fair is in every way a success and worthy of the support of our citizens. Mayor Harrison has accepted an invitation to be present and will deliver an address, subject, "Chicago." Senator Mason will speak, subject, "Our Country." Charles G. Dawes, comptroller of the currency, will deliver an address, subject, "The Relation of the West to Chicago."

Other distinguished speakers will be present and be given a place on the program. Special cars can be provided for your members to go as a club. The Illinois commissioners cordially and earnestly invite your club to participate and co-operate in making the day a memorable one. An early answer is requested.

Bee Aug. 15


Transmississippi Association to Open Its First Session in Omaha, Beginning Tuesday.

The Transmississippi Photographers' association will have its opening meeting in this city Tuesday afternoon in the Thurston Rifles' hall. The organization is a temporary one incident to the exposition, that artists in the transmississippi country might be brought together through the impetus of the exposition to exchange ideas and receive suggestions from each other as to the progress of their work. The attendance, however, is not to be limited to the states west of the Mississiippi​, for there are several already in the city from New York, Michigan, Wisconsin and other states farther east. In connection with the regular sessions there will be displays of the work by visiting photographers.

The session will continue three days and the local committee on arrangements has prepared a program of entertainment for the visitors. On Tuesday evening there will be a lantern slide exhibition, when photographs will be thrown upon a canvass and criticised by the photographers from a professional standpoint. Wednesday evening the visitors will be taken in a body on a tour through the Midway at the exposition. The bill for Thursday evening has not yet been prepared, but it is possible it will be in the shape of a banquet.


Credit for Good Attendance Due to the Exposition's Intrinsic Merit.


Morning Attendance Satisfactory Evidence of the Public's Growing Interest.


Tuesday Sees Even a Greater Number of New Faces Than Monday.


Complications Between Departments and Bureau Result in the Discomfiture of the Bicycle Riders Who Sought to Make a Show.

Today's exposition visitors have nothing in prospect except the permanent attractions of the show, but that these are sufficient to fully entertain the people is apparent in the manner in which the attendance is sustained. Most of the strangers who were on the grounds yesterday are again in evidence, and they were reinforced today by hundreds of excursionists who did not arrive in time to get out before. The increasing proportions of the morning crowds that are entirely composed of people who come purely to see the exhibits is regarded with satisfaction. These form a class of visitors to whom the exposition is something more than a mere pleasure resort, and the interest in the exhibits is constantly becoming more apparent.

Owing to the misunderstanding between the various departments and bureaus in control of the grounds Wheelmen's day was a complete fizzle. Each individual department or bureau seemed anxious to make the affair a success, but they failed to get together, and the wheelmen were sorely disappointed lot. The early morning difficulty at the gates was remedied by Superintendent Foster of buildings and grounds, who sent out a couple of office boys to allay the feelings of the wheelmen. These lads informed the riders that they could check their wheels outside and leave them there until 6 o'clock and they would see that they were brought upon the grounds in time for the parade. Some of the men accepted the proposition, but more went home in disgust, declaring that they had been buncoed. The situation, however, was remedied a l[?]ing the afternoon and as more whee[?] to arrive they were allowed to enter the grounds, their wheels being taken care of by A. J. Webb of the Admissions department.

The climax of the difficulty was reached, however, just before 7 o'clock, the hour fixed for the parade. Major Llewellyn, chief of the exposition police, had not been informed of any parade and consequently had issued no orders to the night men who were on duty at the time. There is a rule that bicycles are not allowed on the grounds and when Chief Consul O'Brien started out along the Midway to notify his men to get their wheels and prepare for the parade, he was halted and pulled off his bicycle. He tried to explain, but the guards informed him that they had no instructions and consequently could do nothing. No exposition officers were on the grounds at this hour and as a result no arrangements could be made.

At this point Superintendent Foster threw himself into the breach and broke a rule to the extent of informing Mr. O'Brien that if he could get a party together he would take the responsibility of allowing the members to ride. O'Brien did not think he could traverse the grounds on foot nor did he care to do so and informed those about him to this effect. He said that if the wheelmen were willing he would declare the parade off. All of the wheelmen within hearing of his voice were willing and so voted and the parade was a complete flunk.

Fresh Fruit on Display.

The beginning of the present week has wrought many changes in the fruit display in the Horticulture building, all of which are pleasing to the visitors. Ever since the opening of the exposition a certain degree of freshness has pervaded the building each Monday morning, but yesterday it seemed that the exhibitors had tried to outdo all previous efforts. The tables were all cleaned and nothing but the freshest fruit was displayed.

Iowa has come to the front with its pears and Superintendent Collman takes great pride in showing seven varieties. Superintendent Collman returned yesterday from a short trip among the fruit growers of the state and while absent secured promises from a number of the fruit raisers who have promised to keep the tables supplied until the close of the exposition. Mr. Collman says that Adams county has a big apple crop and that the quality is above the average.

California continues to add to its exhibit and Superintendent Wilson is delighted over the shipment of another consignment of fruit from Los Angeles. The shipment contains Kelsey, Japan, Silver Plume and Satsuma plums, the latter having meat that is blood red. He also received a large quantity of Valances oranges, which are the first to arrive from any locality.

The Nebraska fruit table presided over by Superintendent Peter Youngers continues to attract the admiration of all who visit the Horticulture building. He has assigned a space 12x24 feet to the peaches and on this he has something like twenty varieties, including the Early Risers, Hale and Alexander, peaches that are supposed to grow only in the south. About all of the old apples have been disposed of and the exhibit is complete with fruit of the present season. Besides this there are paw-paws, Damson plums, cherries and grapes.

With the exhibits now being shown Nebraska is starting a great boom as a fruit raising state.

The State Experimental farm of Illinois is doing the clever thing in the way of furnishing fruit for the Illinois exhibit. It has forwarded twelve varieties of pears, a large quantity of peaches and some apples.

Dates that Conflict.

The continual conflict of authority between various departments of the exposition is seriously embarrassing to some of its officials as well as to the public. One exasperating difficulty occurs in connection with the band concerts. These are scheduled at certain hours every day, but they are continually being interfered with by arrangements made by officials outside of the music department. For instance, the Mexican band has been promised for the Auditorium on Bohemian Turner's day at an hour when it should be giving the regular afternoon concert on the grounds. On Lumberman's day the band concert, the log rolling contest and the life saving exhibition have all been scheduled at the same hour by the various heads who have charge of one and the other. Unless a more systematic arrangement is effected three features which would otherwise entertain the people all the afternoon will be bunched at one time and the visitors will be compelled to see one at the cost of missing the other two.



Clash Between Authorities Results in Favor of Uncle Sam Again.

Yesterday there was a little clash between the authorities at the Indian encampment and some of the exposition people, and, as usual, some of the Indian people came out ahead.

It so happens that the South Omaha Ice company has the contract for supplying ice on the exposition grounds. When the Indians were installed the wagons of this company proceeded to fill the water tanks and cooling rooms with ice. Later on it was discovered that the ice was dirty. Nothing was done until yesterday morning. At that time the ice wagon drove into the grounds and the man in charge was informed that the Indian congress needed no more of his ice. He drove away in a huff and a few moments later an independent ice firm drove an ice wagon up to the gate at the west end of the enclosure. The guard on duty at that point refused to allow him to pass. Assistant Manager Wise of the congress was called and went to the place. He demanded that the man be allowed to enter and fill the ice chests and tanks with ice, but the guard, thinking that he knew his business, still refused. Mr. Wise made a hurried trip to the general offices and stated the case. He was chased from one room to another, each official appearing to be in blissful ignorance of who had the authority to pass the wagon into the grounds. The officials were informed that the Indian congress was not a side show to the exposition, but was an independent exhibit, just as much so as that in the government building. The government was putting up the money and the men in charge had a right to go into the market and buy their supplies where they saw fit. The officials could not see things in this light, but in a few minutes they were brought to their senses by being informed that if the ice wagon was not admitted to the Indian grounds the east gates would be locked and would remain so until the secretary of the interior could be communicated with. This information was telephoned to President Wattles, and within five seconds was hurrying back an order to pass any wagon recommended by the men in charge of the camp. Armed with this order, Mr. Wise returned to the camp and the gates swung open as soon as the guard was informed of its contents.

People who visit the Indian congress are complaining because the gate at the south end of the grounds, just west of the north end of the Miniature railway is not opened to the public. They contend that with this gate closed, they are compelled to go way out to the Transportation building and then half a mile around to reach the enclosure where the dances are given and the games are played.

The gate referred to is kept closed both day and night, but the blame all attaches to the Department of Building and Grounds of the exposition. Several times Captain Mercer has requested that the gate be opened, but no attention has been paid to his requests. To reach the point where the festivities are held would require the construction of a roadway and the painting of a sign, directing the people where to go. This could all be done in a single day if two men were put to work, but they are not put to work and there it is.

At last the arc lights on the grounds of the Indian congress have been located and are ready to burn. Heretofore the grounds have been as dark as a squaw's pocket, simply because the committee having the work in hand refused to get a hustle on itself. Captain Mercer requested the lights two weeks ago, but owing to the dilitory​ tactics pursued nothing was done for several days, and probably nothing would have been done yet if it had not been for the continued prodding that was begun and continued.

Plans for the Peace Jubilee.

The management is forming plans for a big reunion of veteran soldiers in connection with the grand peace jubilee, which will occur September 9 to 15. It was thought that no more appropriate time could be selected for bringing the old soldiers together and steps will be immediately undertaken to secure a big mobilization of veterans from all over the United States. It will not be a Grand Army of the Republic reunion, although that organization will be largely represented. It is proposed to extend the courtesies of the grounds to the confederate veterans as well, and make the occasion a big reunion of the blue and the gray in celebration of the victory of a common cause. Invitations will be extended to all the various organizations of federal and confederate veterans and an effort will also be made to secure the presence of many of their old leaders. These, with the presence of President McKinley and the members of his cabinet, will make the occasion the most notable event of the exposition, and, it is believed, that with favorable railroad rates, the total attendance will mount into six figures during most of the week.

Executive Committee Meeting.

At the meeting of the executive committee, held yesterday, the question of enlarging the Indian congress was taken under consideration and Hon. James Mooney of the Bureau of Ethnology of the United States employed. Mr. Mooney will visit the southern Indians and secure the attendance of representatives from the Zuni and other tribes residing in New Mexico and Arizona.

It was decided to have fireworks on Wednesday and Saturday nights. These fireworks will be on the north tract beyond the Midway.

Arrangements were completed for a concert to be given in the Auditorium Thursday evening, at which Frank Pollock of New York will sing and Miss Bruno of Chicago will preside at the piano.

Government's New Show.

The most extensive addition to the display in the Government building that has been made since the exposition opened arrived this morning and will be installed today and tomorrow. This is all consigned to the naval exhibit and includes the working model of a modern dry dock together with the model of the battleship Illinois, a 4-inch rapid fire gun and the breech mechanism of a 13-inch breech-loading rifle. These features are all of exceptional interest and were secured by Captain Stedman during his recent trip to Washington. The battleship will be floated in the dry dock and an exhibition of the manner of docking and undocking the big fighting machine will be given at stated hours each day.

High School's Live Exhibit.

Prof. Wigman declares that the wheels in the live machinery school exhibit on the exposition grounds will be started on next Friday, and that the exhibit will be in active operation on Monday. The plant is pretty nearly installed now and Prof. Wigman is busy obtaining a few minor articles which are needed and which the school board has allowed.

Mr. Wigman's plan is to have a class of ten boys at work in the workshop during certain hours of the day until the opening of school he will have two or more classes alternating with each other, as he has secured twenty-four passes for his boys. When school opens, however, he proposes to have the class consist of second-year pupils, who will probably work at the exposition during the noon hour.

Word from Culberson.

President Wattles has received a telegram which states that Governor Culberson and staff of Texas will arrive in Omaha Tuesday night at midnight. Thursday will be Texas day, and while no definite information has been received in regard to the probable attendance from that state the Texas people who are on the ground believe that the extremely low rate that has been secured will bring a big crowd from the Lone Star state. The usual exercises will occur in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. There will be addresses by President Wattles, Governor Holcomb of Nebraska, Governor Culberson and ex-Governor R. B. Hubbard of Texas, and music by the Mexican band.

Georgia is Coming This Way.

Ex-Governor Northern of Georgia has returned from his home at Atlanta, where he went a few days ago to work up an interest in the exposition. He succeeded most admirably and says that he has secured a one-fare rate for a Georgia excursion that will come here later in the season. Ex-Governor Northern says that the Georgia people feel a deep interest in the exposition and will do all in their power to make it a success. While absent he secured another carload of exhibits, which will arrive in a few days and will be placed in the state building. This exhibit will include grain, fruits hay and cotton.

Black Hills Day.

Next Monday has been designated as Black Hills day and this will bring another large delegation of people to the exposition. A South Dakota day was previously scheduled, but the Black Hills people were anxious to have a celebration of their own and promised to co-operate with the management in organizing a number of large excursions. The railroads have made a rate of 1 cent a mile from all Black Hills points, and as the tickets will be good for ten days the excursionists will have ample time in which to see all that is to be seen on the grounds.

Shows Oklahoma's Soil.

One thing in the Oklahoma exhibit in the Agricultural building is a section of soil that has been cut from a wheat field and shipped here. The soil is a black loam and has a depth of eight feet. The territory is showing some things in the vegetable line, such as potatoes that measure eight inches in length and eighteen inches in circumference. Then there are apples as big as small-sized melons and peaches that will not slide inside of a quart tin cup.

Honey Exhibit Nearly Completed.

The exhibits in the Apiary building are about complete. L. G. Clute of Iowa has his exhibit in shape and is showing 2,000 pounds of comb honey in cases, crates and cans. The exhibit from Kansas has arrived and is being put up. Ohio is filling its 200 feet of space and will have its honey ready for inspection withing​ a couple of days.

Notes of the Exposition.

Monday's total admissions aggregated 13,317.

The opening session of the Colored Congress is scheduled at the Auditorium at 10:30 tomorrow forenoon.

J. K. Elliott, one of the leading commission men of Minneapolis, after spending several days at the exposition, has returned home.

Superintendent Conway of the government fish exhibit is expecting a large additional shipment of fresh water fish this week. These will come from Manchester, Ia., and Quincy, Ill., and will include trout, pike, suckers and various other species.

Secretary Danforth of the Minnesota commission is sick and has returned to his home at Minneapolis. During his absence Commissioner Field will attend to doing the honors at the state building and looking after the various exhibits that Minnesota is showing.

During the remainder of the exposition the fireworks displays will be made permanent features every Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Tomorrow night Governor Culberson and a staff of Texans will witness the display as the guests of the exposition and a portrait of the governor in fire will be one of the features of the display.

A party of 300 persons came in from Frontier county last night for a week's stay at the exposition. They were met at the depot by Colonel Richardson of the Department of Publicity and given a hearty welcome. They had secured rooms in advance in the north part of the city, to which they repaired. The party is in charge of A. F. Webster of Beaver City.

Charles F. Easley of Santa Fe, N. M., is in the city, the guest of Captain Leeson, who is in charge of the exhibit from New Mexico. He is on his way to Indianapolis, where he goes as the supreme representative of the Knights of Pythias of New Mexico. Speaking of the exposition, Mr. Easley said: "It is wonderful and is as fine a display of the products and resources of the great transmississippi region as could have been made."

Emmett May, a prominent insurance agent from Hawaii, is in Omaha for a few days visiting the exposition. He likes the show very much and never tires of telling of the new things that he has seen here. "It is the greatest display of the resources of the country that has ever been brought together. It furnishes the most conclusive evidence of this great transmississippi region and is bound to bring in much money and many settlers. The buildings are magnificent. I like them and their arrangements much better than those at the World's fair."

Nelse Innes, representing the Boston Herald, is in the city for a few days visiting the exposition. Speaking of the exposition he said: "The people in the east do not understand the magnitude of the exposition. Later in the season, many will come here from the east, but not so many as I would like to see. To my mind it is one of the best expositions ever held in the United States. It is better than that held at Atlanta, Nashville or San Francisco. In fact it is about as good as the World's fair. In some respects it is better."

C. H. Keeler of Dixon, Ill., a member of the executive committee and of the Committee on Publicity and Promotion of the Illinois commission, has been delegated to represent the commission at the exposition on Editors' day, September 3, and with the assistance of Secretary Hambleton will provide light refreshments and otherwise informally entertain the members of the National Editorial association during their stay in Omaha en route for Denver, where the annual meeting of the association is to be held September 6 to 9. Commissioner Keeler is a delegate from the Illinois Press association to this convention and, accompanied by his wife, will accompany the editorial party to Denver.



Department of Publicity and Promotion is Left in Control.


Indiscriminate Distribution of Free Tickets is Not to Be Permitted—Plans for Advertising the Exposition Fully Endorsed.

The resolution offered by G. M. Hitchcock a week ago, which instructed the bureau of admissions to issue passes indiscriminately regardless of the authority of the Department of Promotion and Publicity, was defeated by the unanimous vote of the board of directors at the adjourned meeting yesterday afternoon. Incidentally the motives of the mover of the resolution were very seriously questioned and several directors plainly declared that Mr. Hitchcock was seeking to gratify his personal antagonism toward Manager Rosewater without regard for the interests of the exposition.

The matter was the first subject considered by the board and in the absence of Mr. Rosewater, Herman Kountze stated what he understood to be his objections to the resolution. The question was then laid on the table until Mr. Rosewater's arrival a few minutes later. At the request of the board Mr. Rosewater then called attention to the ridiculous proposition the resolution contemplated. The board had first passed a resolution authorizing the issuance of certain passes to newspapers at the discretion of the manager of the Department of Promotion and Publicity and at the same time declared against an indiscriminate use of that authority. Then Mr. Hitchcock had rushed through another resolution which directed the issuance of passes indiscriminately in entire conflict with the first resolution. Mr. Rosewater declared that if it was not proposed to allow the department any discretion in the matter it was useless for him to be bothered by work that could as well be done by any clerk. His department has made upwards of 500 contracts with the publishers of weekly newspapers for passes in return for mention of special events at the exposition from time to time. If this resolution is adopted the people who have entered into these contracts in good faith will be put on the same footing with others who have absolutely refused to give the exposition the slightest support. It will also work an injustice by putting the smallest weekly on a level with a daily.

No Politics in It.

In reply to a question Mr. Rosewater stated that no distinction has been made in the issuance of passes on account of the political tenets of any newspaper. That feature has never been even considered and he cited several cases in point in support of the assertion. The whole difficulty results from a great effort on the part of Mr. Hitchcock to make out that Mr. Rosewater is antagonistic to the country editors, when, as a matter of fact, he personally insists that the editors of weeklies should be allowed thirty-day passes when other members of the executive committee were disposed to limit them to five days.

C. S. Montgomery said that there was a good deal of truth in what Mr. Rosewater had said. He was himself convinced that this resolution originated in an improper motive and he thought so from the start. When Mr. Hitchcock precipitated this matter on the directory he did not have the good of the exposition in mind so much as his own personal antagonism to Mr. Rosewater. His resolution, which is certainly in direct conflict with the previous resolution, was rushed through in three minutes after the other had been adopted and no one believed that the board had intended that no discretion should be exercised in the matter of passes.

Mr. Kountze said that the remarks of the previous speaker were very pertinent. The course contemplated by the Hitchcock resolution was entirely out of order and it was not a good business transaction. After some further discussion the resolution was put to a vote and lost by the unanimous vote of all the members present.

A request from the publishers of the Omaha Excelsior to have monthly passes exchanged for a season pass was referred to the Department of Publicity and Promotion.

Hitchcock's Written Comlpaint​.

At this juncture Mr. Hitchcock again appeared in evidence through a letter, in which he vented his stereotyped complaint in regard to Manager Rosewater's department. He declared that General Manderson has written that he has found people in Boston who know nothing of the exposition. A commercial agency has been asked by a Philadelphia correspondent for information on the same subject and even the editor of the New York Evening Post is densely ignorant of the transmississippi show.

Manager Rosewater took occasion to show that these allegations are ridiculously false, as their only recommendation is the superabundance of gall with which they are exploited in the face of facts that are self-evident. As far as Philadelphia is concerned, all the large papers of that city have printed page after page of illustrated matter concerning the exposition. Only recently the Pennsylvania State commission has been designated and every paper in Philadelphia has printed an article relative to the exposition and the plans for the participation of Pennsylvania.

It might be true that General Manderson found someone in Boston who did not know much about the exposition. But everyone knows that a party that included the lieutenant governor and other prominent state officials was entertained here on Massachusetts day and their visit was given great prominence in the papers all over the state of Massachusetts. The assertion relative to the editor of the Post is even more mendacious. This is apparent because the editor of the New York Evening Post sat beside the speaker at a banquet in Chicago last spring, given to members of the Associated Press, 600 editors being present, and heard him speak at length on the subject. Mr. Rosewater added that long before that he had conferred with the editor of the Post in New York in regard to the exposition and that this paper has published a considerable amount of matter descriptive of the enterprise. He succeeded to still further administer to the Hitchcock complaint by briefly referring to some of the extensive advertising avenues through which the exposition has been brought to the notice of eastern people. The Octave Thanet letters alone go into sixty of the largest newspapers in the United States every Sunday through the McClure syndicate, and large exposition posters have been billed in upwards of fifty cities.

Some Additional Advertising.

The Hitchcock communication was placed on file and John L. Webster stated for the information of the directors that at a conference at which the executive committee and several directors were present it had been decided to authorize Manager Rosewater and Dr. George L. Miller to visit the editors of the big dailies of the eastern cities with a view to inducing them to co-operate in bringing the exposition to the front and also to authorize Manager Rosewater's department to employ enough men to bill the railroad lines for 500 miles out from Omaha in each direction. The resolutions contemplating these measures were adopted by a unanimous vote of the directory and John C. Wharton took occasion to remark that one members of the board who has just returned from Boston told him that he saw big exposition posters on every billboard and that he had similar reports from friends who have visited other large cities. This talk that the exposition is not known in the east is ridiculous and everyone knows it.

In connection with this matter Mr. Rosewater called attention to a distorted report of the conference referred to which appeared in a local publication. He stated that so far from being called to criticise his methods this conference was determined on at a conference between himself, President Wattles and Senator Thurston, at which the best means for utilizing the end of the war to bring the exposition prominently before the public were discussed. The subsequent conference with members of the directory and the decision to authorize him to go east to see the publishers of the large papers were decided on unanimously and with his own approval.

Investigating Committee Reports.

The last in the interminable succession of Sunday closing petitions was placed on file and two reports from the investigating committee were presented. The first, which related to the issuance of passes to fraternal organizations and similar matters, approved the action of the executive committee and was placed on file. The other referred to the bootblacking concession of "Mogy" Bernstein and as it found that an injustice had been done it was laid over until Manager Reed returned.


Railroads Will Not Back Down if the Governor Has.

Although Governor Stephens of Missouri has announced that Missouri day at the exposition is off, the railroads entering Omaha from that "shown" state will offer the same reduced rates previously announced and expected to haul quite a few Missourians here on that date. It is probable, too, according to several general passenger agents in Omaha, that an attempt will be made to fix another date later in the season for Missouri day, at which time it is hoped that the occasion may suit his excellency's convenience.

The railroads in the Western Passenger association made a rate of 1 cent per mile for Missouri day, to apply to all points in Missouri within 150 miles of Omaha and also to Kansas City. Beyond this radius a rate of one regular fare for the round trip is offered. The territory included in the 1 cent per mile district includes all the Missouri points on the Burlington's branch lines in that state and most places on the Missouri Pacific line and Port Arthur route in Missouri.

According to Governor Stephens these rates were not satisfactory and the eventful day was abandoned. The only information that the Burlington and the Missouri Pacific offices in Omaha have received on the subject is that the arrangements for the day have been cancelled and no reason is assigned in the telegrams from St. Louis conveying this news.

The following extract from the Kansas City Star gives an idea of how the announcement was received in that Missouri town:

The railroad general passenger agents here are more than ordinarily incensed because Missouri day of the Omaha exposition has been abandoned. E. S. Jewett, passenger agent here for the Missouri Pacific railway, says it is a "burning shame."

"All other states are to have days," said Mr. Jewett today; "and there is no good reason why Missouri should not."

The first positive knowledge of the abandonment reached Kansas City this morning by a telegram to Mr. Jewett from H. C. Townsend of St. Louis, general passenger and ticket agent of the Missouri Pacific. It was a bare statement of the fact and brought no comment nor explanation. The railroads blame Governor Stephens for it.

"There's politics in it somewhere," said a passenger man today. "I imagine Lon Stephens is in it somewhere and you know what that means."

News of an incident in this connection that was never intended to reach the public comes from St. Louis. A well known general passenger agent there received a letter from Governor Stephens a few days ago in which the governor was particularly bitter against the railroads for what he called their "niggardly" treatment of Missouri day in the nature of rates. The railroad official's reply was as caustic as was the governor's letter.

"We have given you a rate of 1 cent a mile," he said in substance, "which has always been regarded in the history of railroads as the very lowest profitable rate for passenger travel even in large quantities. I don't see why you should expect the railroads to carry all the burden. I haven't heard that Missouri people will be able to eat or sleep any cheaper in Omaha on their day, or that they will pay any less than anybody else for admission to the grounds. I regard your unreasonable demands on the railroads in this instance as merely another of the 'grand stand plays' to the people of which you are capable."



Rosey Wants to Know How the World-Herald Gets the News.

He Doesn't Want Dr. Miller to Go East Nor Does He Wish to Issue a Certain Pass.

But the Board Dares to Do Business Right Along Each of These Lines--Wheelmen's Day a Fizzle.

Mr. Rosewater broke out in a new place yesterday afternoon. He informed the exposition board of directors that the World-Herald was printing too much news, and to support his assertion he produced a copy of the Sunday World-Herald and read aloud a part of the exclusive story about the meeting of the executive committee last Saturday, at which Directors Kountze, Murphy and Webster appeared and took him to task for his failure to advertise the exposition.

He said that it was an executive session, and that none of the proceedings were supposed to get out. They had gotten out, and that was why Mr. Rosewater's grief receptacle sprung a leak. It was not so much that news got out, but that news of that particular brand should reach the eye or ear of the public. It was bad enough for three of the most prominent directors of the exposition to lay him across a barrel and fan the end of his spine with a spiked plank, but for the plain statement of fact to go out to the readers of the World-Herald was an insult that he could no​ brook. That the directors might know how he felt about it, he stated that he "resented the outrage," and he gave them to understand that there was a great deal of difference between being outrager and outragee.


Mr. Rosewater said that he had talked with most of the members of the committee and of the other directors who were present, and they had assured him that they did not give out the information. He was therefore positive that the secretary had given out the fatal secret, and he proposed to dance Secretary Wakefield up and down. He said that it was not the first time such a thing had happened, and that he "did not propose to have an employe of the exposition venting spleen" in any such way.

Warming up to his subject, Mr. Rosewater declared that the "tail had been wagging the dog long enough." Then Mr. Rosewater swelled up until he almost filled his clothes, and shouted: "I won't stand it. I don't have to stand it. I have a remedy and I will use it."

A director sought to smooth things over by remarking, "Perhaps the reporter was a mind reader."

"Mind reader," snorted the irate little gentleman, "he got his information from somebody on the inside. Here it is about Dr. Miller being mentioned to go east, and all the rest of the talk that the committee had on the subject. Dr. Miller wasn't there, and it is easy to see that inside information was given out. The secretary was there all though the meeting, and that was how it got out."

Secretary Wakefield asked to be allowed to make a statement, and was granted the opportunity. He stated that he was not present at the conference, as he realized from the nature of things when the talk got started that it would take some time, and that he was excused in order to go to his office and attend to other pressing work. He was absent about two hours, returning at the end of the conference.

"Well, what did you tell the World-Herald about it?" demanded Mr. Rosewater.


The secretary stated that he had given the usual information regarding the routine work of the committee, denying to the reporter that anything else had occurred, although the latter had already heard of the row and insisted that other matters had transpired. The secretary denied that he had entertained any spleen, and told Mr. Rosewater how much he admired him.

"I have always admired your capability, Mr. Rosewater," said the secretary, "and I have told you that I admired you. I am not two-faced.

"It's about time you told it to somebody else," snarled Mr. Rosewater, and he refused to be comforted. He then brought up the meeting at which the Blackburn pass matter had been a bone of contention, when he was turned down. "That all got into the World-Herald in the same way. Of course, the imaginative reporter got that out of his mind, too, if this story is to be believed. Now, I know better, and I tell you again I won't stand it."

Mr. Rosewater stopped to take breath, and the president seized the opportunity to say that the secretary's explanation had been heard and the board would proceed to other business.

The first matter before the meeting was the resolution that was under consideration at the former meeting, directing the bureau of admissions to send out passes to the country editors as had been previously ordered. Mr. Rosewater had declined to follow instructions, and had then refused to continue as press pass dispenser unless the former action was rescinded. This was the state of affairs under which Mr. Hitchcock offered the resolution directing the bureau of admissions to execute the board's order.


Mr. Rosewater was called on to explain what he meant by refusing to carry out the board's decree. He repeated a number of the statements previously made, and then switched off to tell how popular he was with the country press. He said he had in years gone by been a good deal of an anti-monopolist, and the country editors swore by him. He insisted that when the pass matter was first under consideration he was the identical individual who had secured a thirty-day pass for the country publishers, instead of a five day pass.

The other members of the executive committee heard the statement in open-mouthed astonishment, and looked wonderingly at each other and then at Mr. Rosewater. The latter, however, seemed to believe in himself for the time being, and hurried on to say that he had laid down his duties for one day by turning them over to the president, "who quickly found out what a burden it was, and was glad to get him to take it back."

"Why, I had no authority to do anything in the matter," remonstrated the president.

"I gave you authority, didn't I, when I turned the work over to you?"

"Neither the board nor committee authorized me to issue passes in your department."

"Good G-d, if you want authority we'll give it to you," snapped the now thoroughly aroused manager of the department of publicity and promotion. "There is no such record of ingratitude anywhere as this board had shown to me. I have given an amount of space to this exposition that would foot up to more than as this board has shown to me. I have put in more time personally than any other director. I say it is the greatest piece of ingratitude ever recorded, and when my life work is ended and the record is written, people will be ashamed of it."

Mr. Rosewater was so busy working the tremulo stop in his thorax that he allowed his language to become somewhat ambiguous, and when he gently pressed his anatomy into his chair the directors were a little at sea as to whether people were to be ashamed of Rosewater's record or of ingratitude on the part of some person or persons unknown.

Mr. Montgomery said he thought that an improper motive had been behind the whole proceeding, and that Mr. Hitchcock had been influenced more by personal feelings against Mr. Rosewater than by what was for the best interests of the exposition. He thought discretion must be left with the manager of the department or somebody else, and discussed the proposition as if the resolution did not provide for that discretion in so many words.


The motion was lost on viva voce vote, leaving the situation just where it was before. The instructions to send out the passes are in effect, Mr. Rosewater declines to abide by them, and when last heard from on the subject said he would not act further unless the orders were rescinded. According to the record they have not been rescinded.

Clement Chase, editor of the Excelsior, sent in a communication returning a short term pass, protesting against the treatment by Mr. Rosewater.

Mr. Montgomery moved that a season pass be issued.

Mr. Rosewater immediately bobbed up with a remonstrance, remarking, "then where does the discretion come in?"

"Well, we reserve the right to revise the discretion," was the reply.

"Then there will be no end to this thing," protested Mr. Rosewater. "There is no law of the Medes and Persians requiring that this man should have a pass."

But the directors thought otherwise, and so expressed themselves, though they did it in the shape of Mr. Wharton's amendment, which tried to let the sore person down easily, and referred the matter back to the department of publicity and promotion "with a statement that it was the sense of the board that the pass be requested."

Both Directors Montgomery and Weller commended the work of the Excelsior, and stated plainly that there was no proper reason why the passes should have been refused in the first place.


Denver, Colo., Aug. 13.—To the Board of Directors, Trans-Mississippi Exposition—Gentlemen: Not being able to attend Monday's meeting, I venture to send this communication.

Every day evidence multiplies showing that people in the east are almost without knowledge of our exposition. Manderson writes that few Boston people know of the existence of the show. Thursday, the R. G. Dun agency in Omaha received a letter from its Philadelphia office, asking on behalf of a Philadelphia manufacturer, whether the "Nebraska Interstate fair" had "opened yet." Friday I received a letter from a Chicago friend now in the east, quoting a conversation he had had with the editor of the New York Evening Post, in which the editor said he rarely heard or read anything about the exposition and expressing surprise that, if it was really as fine as my friend stated, some effort had not been made to make it known in the east.

I cite these three letters because they are the last to come. All others tell the same story. Every Omaha man who goes east discovers the same condition—ignorance of our exposition.

We thought the exposition would advertise Omaha. To get visitors from the east in large numbers was one hope; another was to make Omaha favorably known in the east, even to those who could not be attracted as visitors.

Up to date we have failed miserably. The situation would be ludicrous if it were not so serious. Those in the east who speak of the exposition call it a Nebraska fair and confuse it with the Sioux City Corn Palace. That little Corn Palace was better known in the east before it was finished than our great, beautiful exposition is today. Yet we have been actively at work for nearly two years. Our publicity and promotion department has expended $65,000. The net result is indifference and ignorance among the eastern papers and an almost unfriendly feeling among the 3,000 newspapers published within 400 miles of Omaha.

To cure this last I beg to suggest that the directory enforce its order that season passes be sent to the weekly papers of Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming and Kansas, and five other nearby states should also be included.

I also suggest that we make an effort, even at this late day, to attract attention in the east. It is too late to use posters, except near to Omaha, and too expensive to use them in large cities. Buffalo Bill used 55,000 sheets on Chicago bill boards. We made a feeble effort with less than 2,000 in that city. This comparison illustrates the hopeless task of billing big cities. We must use the big newspapers. We ought to get entrance to their columns free of charge. We could and would if they knew what the exposition is.

Send each one of the big eastern papers a complete collection of Rinehart's beautiful photographs. If necessary, send each paper fifty different views. They need not be mounted. They should be sent by express and with them literature and a letter. The letter should be short; it should ask for recognition of the exposition; tell of its size, cost and attendance. It should invite the editor to come to Omaha as our guest.

This package of pictures would be turned over to the art departments of many of the newspapers and would appear in Sunday editions of those newspapers—not to oblige us, but because:

First—The photographs prove the size and beauty of the show.

Second—Because people in the east know nothing about it and papers are always looking for Sunday features on subjects that their readers "know nothing about."

This letter is a suggestion, written because several directors have asked me the question: "What can we do?" Much more ought to be done, but this letter would be too long if not stopped here. Yours truly,



Mr. Rosewater forgot his former troubles in the face of this new one. "Well," he declared, "this man has a superabundance of gall. As for R. G. Dun's man, he ought to be dismissed from their employ if he don't know that the exposition has been extensively advertised in Philadelphia. A Pennsylvania commission was appointed a couple of weeks ago and the Philadelphia papers had a half column about it. Here are some pictures that the Scientific American is going to run next week, and they are the best that have been turned out. These dancers in the Streets of All Nations are so clear that I can recognize every one of them. This man Hitchcock don't want to know. That's what's the matter with him."

Then Mr. Rosewater proceeded to prove that the editor of the Post knew all about the exposition because he was present at an Associated Press banquet when Mr. Rosewater stood up and talked on that subject, "and two waiters held a big picture of the exposition up behind my back so that they would know what I was talking about." Mr. Rosewater did not quite make it clear just how much good his talk did the exposition, when it was so incoherent that it required an illustration to enable the auditors to determine what he was talking about, but he left that part of it and told how John Brisbane Walker was coming here to see the exposition later in the season if his mother got well. This demonstrated satisfactorily to Mr. Rosewater's mind that the show was splendidly advertised, and with another reference to Mr. Walker and the prospects of his mother getting well Mr. Rosewater concluded.

President Walker stated that he thought satisfactory arrangements would be reached, in accordance with a recent conference, as a resolution had been adopted that it was thought would cover the ground.

Mr. Webster put in a peg and stopped the attempted stampede.


He said he desired to state that certain directors had conferred with the executive committee and he wanted the directors to know about it. They had come to the conclusion that the exposiion​ needed a great deal more advertising than it had been getting, and it had been deemed best to send Dr. George L. Miller through the east to see what could be done toward getting exposition cuts and news in the big papers of the eastern cities. It had also been suggested that Mr. Roseawter​ accompany Dr. Miller to the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, but it was contemplated that Dr. Miller would travel all through the east, and personally take charge of the situation. It was also proposed to send out men on all the railroads within 500 miles of Omaha and have them personally see to the placing of posters and bills. He said the committee thought this sufficient to meet the conditions and put a stop to the general complaint about insufficient advertising.

Inasmuch as the cat was out of the bag and the board had been advised of the full facts regarding the actionof​ the secret conference, when Mr. Rosewater was hauled over the coals and the matter of eastern advertising placed in the hands of Dr. Miller, the president then brought out the resolutions and read them, admitting in response to Mr. Webster's inquiry that they had not been adopted, but that "he understood that they would be." This did not satisfy the directors, and they proceeded to pass the resolutions themselves, so that they stand as the declared purpose of the big board. Dr. Miller will go east as the representative of the board of directors and attempt to secure the publication of the facts regarding the exposition.

A petition from the Christian Endeavor society asking for the closing of the exposition on Sunday was filed.



Chairman Kilpatrick of the investigating committee made a partial report in two sections. The first approved of the action of the executive committee with reference to secret societies, and the second was a vigorous denunciation of the concessions and exhibits departments for their action in throwing "Mogy" Bernstein's boot-blacking furnitlure​ out of the buildings at the opening of the exposition. It denounced the action as arbitrary, unjust and illegal, and recommended the payment of money to Bernstein in settlement.

Mr. Montgomery made an onslaught on the committee, and said it had exceeded its authority. He said it had no right to look over the acts of the executive committee, but was simply to detect thievery if it could.

Mr. Wharton in turn jumped on Mr. Montgomery and declared that the committee was going to investigate all charges of imposition, if it investigated anything, and that Mr. Montgomery had no right as the representative of honest men to make such statements. He said the exposition was not a band of robbers.

Mr. Montgomery did not seem to coincide with Mr. Wharton, but he did not invite a second collision with the buzz saw.

The report was laid over to await the return of Mr. Reed, who is an interested party under its terms, and an adjournment was taken until Friday afternoon.


The wheelmen's parade did not materialize last night. Through bungling management on the grounds the wheelmen bumped up against so many disagreeable features that they quit in disgust. In the first place they were not allowed to take their wheels into the grounds during the forenoon, but had to check them outside. This necessitated going out after them later to take part in the evening parade, and an additional admission fee of 50 cents. They declined to pay $1 for the privilege of parading, and hundreds of them immediately turned back down town. Those who went met with a continuation of the wretched arrangements, and by the time 7 o'clock rolled around they were so mad that they wouldn't have paraded if they had been paid for it. There was no excuse for the wretched botch. It was simply a case of stupid blundering, similar to that which kept the St. Joseph tally-hos standing outside the grounds while the representatives of various departments quarreled over who should waive the rule and admit visitors through the carriage gate.

Superintendent Foster of the buildings and grounds department yesterday moved his quarters from the cottage on the bluff tract to the Service building.

Captain Mercer locked horns with the management again yesterday and had to threaten to close up the camp in order to gain the necessary concession. The hitch arose over the ice furnished the camp. The quality was bad and when it got worse Mercer kicked. He changed icemen, but the exposition stopped it, refusing to allow the new one to come through the gate. Mercer was to be forced to patronize the concern in which one of the exposition moguls was interested or go without ice. The mogul didn't know Mercer. He knows him now. There is a new ice man in camp, and the Mercer banner still floats aloft.

Indian Band Leaves.

The Indian band which has headed the Indian parades on the exposition grounds for two weeks and which has furnished a concert on the Indian encampment for as long a time will leave this morning. It has been made up of the Flandreau Indian school of South Dakota and the Santee band of Niobrara. The leader of the Flandreau part is Mr. Woodin. The leader of the Santee part is John F. Lenger. The combination will meet at Niobrara for practice in November. It will make a tour of the principal American cities from San Francisco to the Atlantic coast, and will then go to Paris for the exposition of 1900.

The latest additions to the poultry exhibit are buff Leghorns by Mr. Bushnell of David City; buff Wyandottes by Mr. Beal of Gretna; silver-spangled Hamburgs by Dr. T. Anderson of Wahoo, and buff Pekin bantams by Mrs. Brown of Omaha.

On September 1 the fall poultry show of the state will open, and from September 19 to October 1 the international show will be on.

Old Plantation Negroes.

At the reception held by the Ak-Sar-Ben at their den on Twentieth street last night performers from the Old Plantation played a conspicuous part. Early yesterday morning Mr. McConnell received a request from the management of the club that a number of the negroes from the Old Plantation be permitted to give an entertainment. Mr. McConnell consented and at 9 o'clock the following negroes went over: Lizzie Sherville, female basso; Jim Johnson, Sam Scott and Henry Knight, burlesque bone and barber artists; the Pickininny quartet and others. The entertainment lasted from 9:30 to 10:30 and the 850 members and guests declared they had never witnessed a performance so unique and interesting. The negroes from the Old Plantation receive invitations every day to appear at some sociable or entertainment.

Tomato Contest in Douglas.

The tomato contest is now on in earnest in the Douglas county exhibit and is getting decidedly interesting among tomato growers.

The last contribution is from Mrs. H. R. Bower of 4233 Nicholas street and weighs two pounds and seven ounces. This is the queen tomato so far in the race, and it is going to take a whopper to beat it. There have been nicer tomaties​ in the dozen collection bunches, but lacked several ounces of being as large.

Who can beat this big tomato in single specimen or who can beat the average of one pound six ounces for one dozen?

Sioux City Committee.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Sioux City, Ia., Aug. 15.—Mayor J. H. Quick appointed the following committee [?]


The Denver Wheel club will not come to Omaha to participate in Wheelmen's day at the exposition, because of unreasonable railroad rates.

Missouri day at the exposition has been declared off because of unreasonable railroad rates.

Recently Omaha lost the stenographers' convention because of unreasonable railroad rates.

The exposition period is half completed and yet, at this late day, Omaha finds itself losing important gatherings because of unreasonable railroad rates.

The question is: How much longer will the people of Omaha tolerate this outrageous imposition?

Whenever the railroads have a piece of anti-corporation legislation to defeat the railroad managers call upon the people of Omaha to help them, and in the past they have never called in vain.

Whenever the railroads have a man of putty whom they want to elect to the office of governor they call upon the people of Omaha for votes, and they have seldom called in vain.

For twenty years Omaha was disgraced and humiliated by a cowshed which took the place that should have been occupied fifteen years ago by a splendid union depot, and this disgrace was not wiped out until the people of this city united for an organized demand for their rights.

More than four months ago the president of the Union Pacific asked permission for that company to erect a cowshed to be used as a depot, promising at the time that within thirty days his company would begin the construction of a magnificent depot, which would be completed before snow came. That cowshed continues to serve as a depot, no movement has been made to carry out that explicit promise, and now the people of Omaha are informed that negotiations are in progress for the Union Pacific to use the depot erected by the Burlington.

Imposed upon and insulted by the railroad corporations in every matter of vital interest to Omaha, the people of this city may well feel humiliated at the situation with which they are confronted. It is an insufferable situation and the only permanent and effective remedy is for this city to cease being used as a catspaw for the corporations.

Omaha people should have learned by this time that it is not to their interests to pull corporation chestnuts out of the fire. In spite of all the favors that Omaha people have bestowed upon these corporations Omaha is today, as Nebraska was up to two years ago, the worst corporation-ridden community in the United States. If the people of Omaha would quit voting the corporation ticket, would refuse to oppose measures that seek to compel exact justice at the corporations' hands, and would fearlessly demand their rights from these corporations, the interests of Omaha would be largely advanced.

Railroad managers have always felt that they could depend upon Omaha to oppose measures which were not to the railroads' intersts​ and to favor measures favored by the railroads. And although this dependence has seldom been in vain there is not a city in the United States one-half the size of Omaha that the railroads would dare to impose upon, to insult and to humiliate to the extent that Omaha has been imposed upon, insulted and humiliated during all the time it has patiently courted corporation favor.

The city that patiently submits to the imposition under which Omaha suffers can never hope to improve its natural opportunities.

The time has come when the people of this city should demand and require at the hands of the railroads reasonable passenger ates​.

If these rates are not granted during the present week the World-Herald proposes that the people of Omaha shall organize for determined action. If Omaha has not sufficient influence to induce the railroad companies to deal fairly with it in the matter of passenger rates the people of Omaha have the power to require the railroad companies to build a system of viaducts, to place a watchman at every intersection crossed by railroad tracks, to provide electric lights at every intersection, and to do many other things essential to the public safety which the railroads heretofore have neglected to do and which duty the generosity of this people has permitted them to avoid.

If the railroads will not deal justly with Omaha in the matter of passenger rates the people of this city can line up in the championship of a 2-cent fare passenger rate established by law as a maximum in Nebraska.

If the railroads will not deal justly with Omaha in the matter of passenger rates the people of this city have it in their power to retaliate, and in the opinion of the World-Herald the moment for the commencement of this work of retaliation is very rapidly approaching.

If during the next five days the railroad managers do not do justice to Omaha in this respect the World-Herald now serves notice that it will endeavor to lead a crusade in this city that will result in the railroads [?]

Omaha has pleaded too long for justice at the hands of these corporations.

Let it be understood here and now that Omaha pleads no longer; that it entreats no more.

Let it be known that Omaha demands exact justice and will employ every means within its power to enforce its demands.



Denver Wheel and Missouri Day Excursions Couldn't Get Low Fares.

Missourians Offered Better and May Reconsider---Too Late for Wheelmen---Many Florists Stay Away.

The Denver Wheel club did not take part in Wheelmen's day. The Denver is one of the crack clubs of the country, and contains many riders of national reputation. The club numbers about 300 men, and is a strong organization. Arrangements had been made for 150 members of this club to take part in Wheelmen's day, but yesterday morning D. J. O'Brien of this city, chief consul League of American Wheelmen for Nebraska, announced that they would not be here. The club had engaged quarters at the Dellone for 150 people, but the date has been canceled.

In the notice from Denver to the managers at Omaha the statement is emphatically made that railroad rates were unreasonable and so unsatisfactory that the club had voted not to come. Just what rate was made the Denver people is not positively known, but it is intimated that it was over one fare for each person and extra strong for wheels, and a very brief limit to tickets—giving the party no opportunity to see the exposition or have a good time.


May Reconsider It, but Fares Are Too High Yet—15,000 to 20,000 People Depended on It.

A telegram sent out from St. Louis announced that Missouri day at the exposition had been declared off on account of failure to secure rates to Omaha. President Sterrett of the Missouri commission had labored to secure a reasonable rate for August 20, Missouri day, and failing to get a better rate than one fare for the round trip from all points in Missouri to Omaha, gave up the matter and wrote to Omaha declaring Missouri day indefinitely postponed.

Since that time the exposition management has been at work, and President Wattles of the exposition said yesterday that he was sure Missouri day would go on as advertised, and that President Sterrett had wired him that he would be here.

"We have received," said President Wattles, "a rate of 1 cent a mile for that day, and believe when Mr. Sterrett comes he will reconsider the matter."

It is understood, however, that President Sterrett demanded a better rate than 1 cent a mile, and felt assured with a better rate he could land 15,000 or 20,000 Missourians in Omaha on the 19th and 20th. Just what President Sterrett will do about the 1 cent a mile rate remains to be seen, but at this writing Missouri day is declared off—postponed until a rate is secured that will enable people living in the northeast, southeast and southwest part of the state to come to Omaha without selling a farm or two. President Sterrett expressed himself as in favor of having no Missouri day at all unless one could be had that was a credit to the state and the exposition, and he is ambitious to have at least 20,000 Missourians here on Missouri day, and thanks anything short of that will not be a credit to the state.

Horticulture Building Notes.

M. B. Gwinn, chairman of the Idaho exposition commission is here on his way home from the east where he attended the meeting of the Two Hundred Thousand Dollar Insurance Writers' club. While here he and Mr. Driscoll will consult about the arrangement of the Idaho fruit display. Mayor Alexander of Boise arrived in the city last evening and will be shown over the exposition. Mr. Gwinn says that the exposition is a much grander affair than most people have any idea of.

Several hundred of the children excursionists Friday lined up in front of the Nebraska fruit display and gave three cheers for it.

The California exhibit has been freshened by the addition of Satsuma, silver and Burbank plums and Valencia late oranges.

Several Thousand Came by Rail.

Yesterday's trains brought in more people than at any time since opening day of the exposition. Upwards of 2,000 arrived at the union and Burlington depots, while possible one-half that number came in at the Webster street depot and hundreds who left the eastern trains across the river came over on the street cars. All were bound for the exposition. Although it is what it termed "blue Monday" in railroad circles, and although there were no special rates offered the people came in crowds from adjacent towns and the street cars were kept busy transferring them to the exposition grounds.

The Burlington brought in two extra cars of Independent Order of Foresters from Wilbur.

Not Many Florists Coming From East.

William J. Stewart, secretary of the National Florists' association, arrived in the city yesterday, and is at the Mercer. When asked as to what attendance was anticipated at the fourteenth annual meeting of that association, which convenes in this city today. Mr. Stewart said: "We usually have 700 to 1,000 delegates in attendance, and had about 800 last year, but we will not have here to exceed one-third of the number present last year. If we have 250 people present I shall not feel discouraged. Rates are so high coming westward that eastern people cannot come. The delegation from the east will be small."

Parking Beats World'​ Fair.

"The beauty of the flowering and landscape features of the exposition beats anything of the kind they had at the World's fair." This was the remark of W. F. Dreer of Philadelphia after he had made a tour of the exposition grounds Sunday. Mr. Dreer is head of the firm of Dreer &Co. of Philadelphia, which has several floral exhibits. This was his first trip here, and he was delighted with the whole show.

Texans Start for Expo.

Austin, Tex., Aug. 15.—Governor Culberson and his entire cabinet, accompanied by forty prominent state politicians, left here this morning for the Omaha exposition on a special train. They go here to be present on Texas day. Governor Culberson will make a speech, as well as ex-Governor Hubbard, who will be the orator of the day.


Governor Culberson and His Party Visit the Exposition Grounds.


Convention for the Discussion of Race Questions Formally Opens.


Closer Communion and a Better Understanding of Each Other.


Lieutenant Governor Harris and Mayor Moores Welcome the Visitors and Express a Desire for Convention's Success.

The regular exposition routine was varied this forenoon by the arrival of Governor Culberson and his party of Texans and the first session of the Congress of White and Colored Americans in the Auditorium. Governor Culberson and his party came out quite informally and were met by General Manager Clarkson and escorted to the principal points of interest about the grounds. Tomorrow they will formally celebrate the participation of the Lone Star state in the enterprise.

The arrival of the delegates to the white and colored congress was attended by some confusion on account of a misunderstanding between the local committee and the exposition management. The committee had located the session in the Auditorium in spite of the express notification from General Manager Clarkson that it would be necessary to pay admission into the grounds in order to reach the building. At the hour at which the congress was called there were a large number of delegates outside the Sherman Avenue gates who had come under the impression that they were to be passed into the grounds. A committee was sent to General Manager Clarkson, who returned with Superintendent Foster, and finally adjusted the difficulty by locking all the doors of the Auditorium but one, and letting in the crowd through the wagon gatae​. The exits to the grounds were then placed in charge of the guards, and those who wished to go in that direction were compelled to go outside and come in at the main entrance in the usual way.

The exercises opened with music, a chorus selected from the various colored church choirs of the city rendering the "Star Spangled Banner" with commendable precision. An invocation by Rev. W. E. DeClayborn of Denver preceded an address by E. R. Overall of Omaha, who discussed the sentiment of the occasion and the objects of the congress. He said that the highest prosperity of a country is only possible when the heartiest sympathy and good will exist between the people. The differences of racial prejudice, in his opinion, are largely due to ignorance, which results in continued friction. An interchange of views will be of incalculable benefit in promoting a better understanding between the races. He deprecated the establishment of the color line in industrial occupations and contended for more effective protection for colored prisoners. The colored American should now be assigned to a higher place before the world than he occupied at the time of his emancipation. He had deserved this by his advancement in education and industry and his well established loyalty to American institutions.

Governor Harris Welcomes Them.

Lieutenant Governor J. E. Harris extended a welcome in behalf of the state government. He said that no class of American citizens has more reason to be loyal to the flag than the colored race. All Americans are facing a great responsibility at this time, in which white and colored people should meet on the common ground of manhood. The colored people excel in oratory, music and religious instincts. Let it take care to be manly and pure and honest, and God will take care of the rest.

H. S. Howell of Kansas City responded in behalf of the congress, and declared that the time is fast approaching when the world will place its stamp of approval on manhood and womanhood, and the man who has demonstrated his power and ability will be given his proper place regardless of the color of his skin. The colored man should not be contented to work out his destiny with a pick and shovel. Wherever brains or skill is wanted he should make his way. If he cannot succeed in this country he cannot succeed anywhere. Thirty years ago scarcely a colored man in the south could read. Now colored lawyers and physicians and statesmen are assisting to work out the problem of their race to a successful issue.

After another selection by the chorus, Mayor Moores was introduced to welcome the congress to the city of Omaha. He declared that since it had been invested with the panoply of citizenship the course of the colored race has been steadily upward and onward. A progress that would be remarkable as the product of a century had marked the last forty years. The courage and daring of the colored soldier had been indicated at Santiago, where they have shown that they are as good soldiers on the battlefield as on the parade ground. He expressed the hope that the day will soon come when no man, white or black, will be punished for a crime until he has been convicted by a jury of his peers. In closing he extended to the delegates the freedom of the city and assured them of his deep interest in their deliberations.

W. E. Gladner of Colorado responded briefly to the sentiments of the preceding speaker, in the absence of J. G. Jones of Chicago, who had been expected to perform that office, and the remainder of the program consisted of music and recitations by delegates. P. J. Lowery of Topeka contributed a very well rendered cornet solo and Miss Victoria E. Overall of Kansas City a recitation. The song, "The Boys Who Wore the Blue Are Turning Gray," was rendered by a quartet and was received with hearty approval.


Chief Executive of the Lone Star State is Here.

Thirty-five of the first citizens of Texas, headed by Governor C. A. Culberson, arrived on a Rock Island special at midnight last night, forming the advance party of the large representation of Texas which will arrive before tomorrow to partake in the celebration of Texas day. The party formed at Austin and its members were present on the personal invitation of the [?]   ing with no unusual reception before Wellington, Kan., was reached. There an elaborate welcome had been prepared and the party was welcomed to the leading wheat county of the world with due ceremony. There were short addresses by the mayor and leading citizens and responses by Governor Culberson and ex-Governor Lubbock. At McFarland, Kan., yesterday noon the party was tendered an extended complimentary dinner by the Rock Island railroad. The details of the excursion were in the hands of Assistant Passenger Agent R. E. George of the Houston & Texas Central and General Passenger Agent C. B. Sloat of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific.

The party is made up of Governor Culberson and the following members of his staff: General A. P. Wozencraft, Dallas; J. D. Rudd, Waskom; B. F. Sherrill, Jefferson; R. J. Murphy, Paris; W. B. Henderson, Dallas; I. M. Standifer, Denison; L. J. Polk, Galveston; S. E. Moss, Cleburne. Ex-governors in the party are F. R. Lubbock, Austin, a war governor, and R. B. Hubbard, Tyler, orator of the day.

The remainder of the party is made up of: R. W. Finley, Austin; Hon. F. Pendexter, Austin; Hon. John C. Meade, Bonham; Hon. F. P. Holland, Dallas; Dr. B. M. Worsham, Waxahachie; Prof. R. L. Batts, University of Texas; G. J. Palmer, Houston; R. N. Culberson, San Antonio; Frank H. Bushick, San Antonio; Thomas Richardson, Houston; Gus F. Taylor, Tyler; R. E. Smith, Sherman; L. A. Carlton, Hilsboro; Captain L. S. Flatan, Dallas; Captain J. S. Myrick, Austin; William Wolf, Austin; Sterrett, Galveston; —, Dallas News; Palmer, Houston Post.


Noble Red Man Prefers to Lay in the Shade and Sleep.

Yesterday was even too warm for the Indians and while none of them succumbed to the intense heat they did not venture out into the sporting lot to indulge in the customary dances. An Assiniboine dance was scheduled for the afternoon, but when old Hits-the-Eagle-in-the-Wing looked out of his tepee and discovered that the mercury was near the century mark he concluded that lying in the shade was preferable to skipping around in the rays of an August sun and so informed his braves. A few of the young Indians got out in the shade of the trees and indulged in shooting arrows for the pennies of the white man, but even this was an effort and the youngsters did not enter into the spirit of the sport. In the evening a friendly dance was put on, but even this did not draw the strength of the encampment.

Additional delegations are looked for daily and if nothing happens a party of Crows ought to be here today, as they left their agency last week.

Captain Mercer has made arrangements by which he will secure a large number of ponies that will be here in time for the next sham battle, which will be fought between Indians some time during the next two weeks.

Since the departure of the Flandreau Cornet band there has been a dearth of music at the Indian encampment. This is not likely to continue long, as it is probable that the band from the Genoa Indian school will be brought here for an extended engagement.


Sets Up a Carload of Melons for the Crowd to Eat.

The Oklahoma people made a great hit yesterday and their exhibit in the Agricultural building was the great drawing card during the afternoon. Exposition Commissioner St. Clair arrived early in the morning and with him came a car of watermelons, the greater portion of which were carted to the grounds and corded up around the booth. Then the word was passed along the line that the carving of the fruit would being at 4 o'clock and continue as long as there was a melon in sight. Long before 4 o'clock the Agricultural building was beseiged​ by an army of men, women and children. The guard force at the doors was doubled and people were passed inside until they filled the aisles and all of the vacant space in and about the exhibits.

Promptly at 4 o'clock all of the people connected with the Oklahoma exhibit lined up in front of the pile of great, lucious​ melons, knives in hand. Commissioner St. Clair called time and gave the order to begin cutting. During the next hour everybody ate watermelon and went away satisfied. Great chunks of the rich red meat were passed out as fast as half a dozen men could handle their knives. The melons were large ones and were all perfect. One was sufficient to feed twenty people and as there were 100 melons cut and distributed it was figured that fully 2,000 persons enjoyed the hospitality of Oklahoma.

Douglas County's Hospitality.

It is getting to be a great fad to visit the Douglas county exhibit in the Agricultural building at noontime. There are a good many people who know just what to expect at that hour and consequently they have motives in being present. Some days ago Superintendent Walsh, who is in charge of the Douglas county agricultural exhibit, introduced the custom of carving a melon promptly at nigh noon. A few friends were invited and the news spread, not only through the building, but to other buildings on the grounds. Since that time the Douglas county exhibit has been popular and every person who happens around at the lunch hour is certain of a slice of melon.

Each day adds to the magnitude of the exhibit made by Douglas county, as fresh vegetables are installed. The latest things to find a place in the exhibit are of Chinese origin, but of Nebraska growth. There are Chinese cucumbers that are from two to eight inches in length. They are said to be good to eat, but as yet no white man has tried them. They are of a bright green and in appearance resemble over-grown milk weed pods. Then there are the Chinese melons and the Chinese squashes. The former resemble great pears, while the latter are more like ripe cucumbers than like squashes.

People who visit the Agricultural building never tire of praising the exhibit made by Douglas county. It is kept in first-class condition, which in a measure accounts for its popularity, yet there is much to be seen that cannot be found in the other exhibits. A Hubbard squash is attracting as much attention just now as any one thing. It is as big as the top of a pork barrel and weighs seventy-five pounds. There are also some tomatoes that do not take a back seat for any other tomatoes on the grounds. They are solid and meaty and several of them weigh eight pounds each.

Abraham Lincoln in Butter.

Mrs. Caroline Shaw Brooks entertained the visitors at the Girls' and Boys' building by modeling in butter a relief bust of Lincoln. The work was all done on the stage and in full view of the audience. Working without the aid of refrigerating apparatus she had to hurry much more than in modeling the bust of Dewey, which she made in the refrigerating car in the Dairy building. The execution, however, was fine and the features of the face were brought out clear and distinct.

The bust of Dewey that Mrs. Brooks made some weeks ago is still in the car in the Dairy building and appears to be as perfect as upon the day of its completion. Shortly after the finishing touches were put on the temperature in the car was allowed to get too high and some of the admiral's features slid off. In fact a part of his nose and an ear sloughed. The temperature was run down and the missing features were put on again, since which time there has not been any more trouble of the kind.

In the near future and as soon as some more butter arrives Mrs. Shaw will make other models. During the exposition she expects to make a bust of President McKinley and some of the officials of the exposition.

Indian Exhibition Saturday.

A program has been outlined for a big celebration at the Indian encampment Saturday afternoon. This will be entirely free to exposition visitors and will be the most elaborate Indian feature that has yet been given on the grounds. It will begin at 2 o'clock with a series of Indian pony races in which a big field will participate. The events will include a one mile, half mile and quarter mile dash, and in each case the winner will be rewarded with an exposition souvenir medal. The pony races will be followed by foot races between members of the various tribes, and dances by the Sioux, Assinaboines and Apaches. Then there will be wrestling matches on foot and on horseback and a bow and arrow contest, in which the crack marksmen of the encampment will participate.

Clarkson Vetoes the Plan.

The idea of giving a life saving exhibition Thursday evening has been vetoed by the exposition management. A large number of people have requested that the experiment should be tried and Captain Knowles and his crew expressed their readiness to accommodate them. But the proposition was turned down by General Manager Clarkson on account of the fact that a band concert and the Auditorium concert were already scheduled for the same evening and it was feared that the additional attraction might detract from the attendance at the other features.

Rates for Firemen.

The rates for the firemen's tournament, which begins September 5, have been announced by the various railroad lines west of the Missouri. The rate from Nebraska points will be one fare for the round trip for individuals, and from Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota it will be one fare plus $2. The rate for parties of twelve or more firemen in uniform will be 1 cent a mile from all points in the states mentioned.

The same rates will also apply to excursionists to the druggists' convention, the meeting of the Fraternal Union of America and to the Labor Day celebration.

Concert Thursday Evening.

A very attractive program has been arranged for the Auditorium concert Thursday evening. The exposition chorus will be assisted by Miss Jeanette Durno, pianist, and Mr. Frank Pollock, tenor. Miss Durno is a Chicago artists who has recently returned from Vienna, where she studied under Leschetizky. She has been very successful in concert work and is regarded as one of the most promising pianists of the younger school. Mr. Pollock comes from New York. He has sung several seasons in light opera, notably in the "Bride Elect" and in various roles with the Bostonians.

Cheap Fare for St. Joseph.

Last evening the Missouri Pacific announced a rate of $1.75 for the round trip, St. Joseph to Omaha, or vice versa. This is not in honor of any special occasion, but is to run as long as the road elects, probably through the exposition period.

Notes of the Exposition.

One of the riders at the Indian encampment was thrown from his horse yesterday afternoon and severely injured. The accident was caused by a loose saddle girth. The rider was dragged some distance and badly bruised on the shoulder, side and hip. The horse also stepped on his hand, nearly severing his little finger.

Dr. George L. Miller, who was selected by the board of directors to accompany Manager Rosewater of the Department of Promotion and Publicity on a trip to interest the editors of eastern newspapers in the exposition, has notified the management that it will be impossible for him to act in that capacity. Dr. Miller's declination will probably be considered by the executive committee this afternoon.

Editors Collins of the Helena Independent and Fitzgerald of the Butte Miner arrived yesterday from Montana and will remain in the city several days, visiting the exposition. Yesterday afternoon they spent the time at the state building and looking over the Montana exhibits in the main buildings. They both expressed surprise at the magnitude of the exposition and declared that it exceeded their expectations.

Miss Plumer, an employe at the Casino restaurant, was severely cut by broken crockery yesterday afternoon. She was carrying a tray of dishes when she caught her foot and fell, smashing the crockery into pieces. One of the sharp edges gashed her right arm, severing the muscles to the bone and cutting the radial artery. The wound bled profusely and the woman was nearly exhausted from loss of blood when she was taken to the hospital.

Rate for Bohemian Day.

For Bohemian day, August 27, a rate of one fare for the round trip has been announced from all points on the Elkhorn, Union Pacific and B. & M. within 150 miles of Omaha. At yesterday's meeting of the general passenger agents of these lines the dates of sale were changed so that tickets could be sold on August 26. For the firemen's tournament the rate will be one fare for the round trip from all points in Nebraska and one fare plus $2 from all points in Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. Parties of a dozen or more firemen traveling together will be given a rate of 1 cent per mile in each direction.



The exposition committee of audit and revision has, after considerable delay, entered upon the work for which it was chiefly created—namely, the examination and checking up of the books and accounts of the exposition. This is a labor that should have been begun months ago.

It is a matter of notoriety that the whole machinery of collecting and disbursing the exposition funds has been and is still in the hands of one man. The secretary, although a salaried employe, is an autocrat who dominates everything and everybody connected with the Ways and Means department. While the corporation has a treasurer, all the functions of the treasurer have been performed and monopolized by the secretary. The so-called auditor is merely the secretary's clerk, subject to his control and direction. The bureau of admissions is a farce because the secretary is the bureau of admissions. The secretary directs and controls the ticket sellers, gatekeepers and inspectors. He manipulates at will the returns of the gate receipts and reports or suppresses reports about attendance at his own pleasure.

Under this extraordinary condition it is not surprising that directors and stockholders can get no intelligent or satisfactory exhibit of the financial affairs of the exposition and up to date have been unable to secure periodic reports showing the exact resources, obligations and current expenses.

It is no impeachment of the integrity of the secretary for the directors to insist on a revision by an expert of the accounts that have never been properly audited. Everything may be found all right and every dollar properly accounted, but it is imperative that the books, vouchers receipts and bank accounts be thoroughly checked up and statements be prepared affording full and correct information as to the status of the exposition.

Incidentally the committee of audit and revision should endeavor to devise improved methods of accounting and suggest better checks upon concessionaires and employes. This task alone will tax the best energies of the committee.

World Herald

While the investigating committee is at work it might devote some time to an inquiry as to C. S. Montgomery's connections with the Streets of Cairo litigation. In seeking to curtail the authority of the investigating committee Mr. Montgomery undoubtedly understands his own motive, but the public will be at a loss to understand why the attorney for the exposition should be the first to protest against the investigating committee's initial report.

Omaha should compel the railroads to build viaducts across their tracks at Sixteenth, Twenty-fourth and Nicholas streets. Then the city should compel the railroads to provide a flagman at every grade crossing and an electric light at every intersection. The railroads will do nothing for Omaha; why should Omaha be forever extending favors to the railroads.

The following conversation took place in the Big Rock between mother and young daughter: "Mamma, the devil's a lady, ain't she?" "Yes." "Mamma, are all ladies devils?" "No, no. Keep quiet." "Well, papa said you was a devil that night when he was so mad, didn't he? And you said I was a little devil when I spilled the milk. I didn't meant to spill the milk, mamma; I don't want to be a devil." At this point the electrical thunder and rain storm arrested the child's attention, very much to the mother's relief.


After reading the World-Herald's demand yesterday for decent treatment to Omaha from the railroads a high railroad official said: "What does the World-Herald mean by that vicious attack on the railroads? Does it not know that the people of Omaha can do nothing against the combined railroads?"

Perhaps Omaha is unable to accomplish anything in the face of combined opposition from the railroads, but we do not believe it. Omaha has been content with taking what the railroads saw fit to offer and thanking them for it. But Omaha is growing out of this foolish habit. Omaha is big enough now to make demands, and big enough to enforce them in a measuse​. At any rate, Omaha is big enough to make trouble for the railroads that refuse to be decent in their treatment of this city. The World-Herald disclaims any intent to make a vicious attack, or any other kind of an attack, upon the railroads. The World-Herald disclaims any intent to make a vicious attack, or any other kind of an attack, upon the railroads. The World-Herald merely intended to convey to the railroads the information that benefits are reciprocal between Omaha and the railroads—or will be as soon as Omaha citizens quit the foolish practice of allowing an annual pass in the hands of a few merchants keep them divided upon the question of forcing the railroads to be fair with the city. Just because Omaha was kind enough to put up with a cowshed passenger station for twenty years is no sign that Omaha will put up with every species of rank injustice from the same source that kept the cowshed in place. When it comes to combining Omaha citizens can do a little in that line. If the combined railroads want a fight with the combined citizenship of Omaha they can, the World-Herald believes, get it in almighty short order. The people of Omaha who have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to make the exposition a success are thoroughly aroused against the injustice being done them by the railroads in the matter of exposition rates. If they continue in their present frame of mind they may become aroused on other matters. They may be aroused to the point of demanding a few more steel viaducts. They may be aroused to the point or​ demanding a flagman at every grade crossing. They may be aroused to the point of insisting upon the railroads providing an electric light at every street crossing.

If the railroads continue their policy of discriminating against Omaha the people of Omaha may be aroused to the point of heading a crusade for a law establishing a 2-cent passenger fare in Nebraska. The price of other things has come down—why not the regular passenger fare?

Do the "combined railroads" want to tote fair with Omaha, or do they want to continue their policy of demanding everything and giving nothing? The people of Omaha are at the point of insisting upon an answer to this questoin​. And they are about ready to accept the issue. They will get ready if the railroads do not act during the present week. The leaven of common sense is working. The disposition to beg and plead is giving way to a determination to demand and enforce the demand.

What will the "combined railroads" do against the combined citizenship of Omaha? What will they gain by arousing the animosity of Omaha? What the railroads centering in Omaha need right now is more of common sense and less of autocracy.

Exposition Notes.

Miss Julia Officer, manager of artists, has arranged for the appearance of Miss Jeannette Durno, pianist, and Frank Pollock, tenor, next Thursday evening at the Auditorium. Miss Durno has recently returned from a season of study at Venice under Leschetizky, and has had much success in concert.

Mr. Pollock of New York has been heard several times in light opera, in the "Bride Elect" and with the Bostonians.


Governor Culberson and His Band of Distingues Are at the Murray Hotel.

From the Southwest With Straw Hats and Crash Suits the Southerners Visit Us.

Members of the Staff and Well Known Newspaper Men With the Executive--Their Day to Be a Great One.

It was a distinguished band of Texans that arrived in the city a few minutes after 12 o'clock last night on a special train over the Rock Island. They formed the advance guard of a vast pilgrimage which will make Texas day, August 18, celebrated in the annals of the exposition. The party was made up of the governor's chosen guests from every nook and corner of Texas and they are all gentlemen of distinction.

Immediately upon arriving the governor and his guests took carriages and were driven to the Murray hotel, where they registered. As they stood in the lobby it was apparent that they had come from a sunny clime. For the most part they wore straw hats of light woof, with wide, turned-up brims, crash suits and tan shoes.

The governor looked cool in his coat of black alpaca. Around the governor were grouped ex-Governor F. R. Lubbock, ex-Governor R. B, Hubbard, and several newspaper men of note, among whom was the genial and irrepressible Bill Sterrett, who can tell a story better than any man within the borders of the Lone Star state.

Governor Culberson is a man of few words. Texas swears by him, as they swore by his father, Judge Culberson, who was a famous man in his day and who was called upon by a republican administration to codify the laws of the state because of his acknowledged pre-eminence as a master of jurisprudence. Governor Culberson declined to be interviewed and admitted that he disliked the ordeal.

"I do not love to talk to newspaper men," he said. Nevertheless he had with him some of the best known newspaper men of his own state with him. There were Mr. G. J. Palmer, business manager of the Houston Post; William Sterrett, Washington correspondent of the Galveston-Dallas News; Frank H. Bushick of the San Antonio Express and Tom Richardson of Houston, who is secretary of the Business Men's league of that city and one of the Texas commissioners.

Among other things which the Texans desired to impress upon the inquirer was the fact that the governor is to be their next senator. Already over half of the legislators have declared their intention of voting to elevate him to that honorable position.

Among others of the governor's guests are: Comptroller R. W. Finley, Austin; Hon. F. Pendexter, city attorney, Austin; Hon. F. P. Holland, Dallas; Dr. B. M. Worsham, Waxahacie; Prof. R. L. Batts of the state university, W. A. Childress, Houston; R. U. Culberson, brother of the governor, San Antonio; Hon. F. P. Holland, ex-mayor of Dallas; Gus F. Tayor, Tyler; R. E. Smith, Sherman; L. A. Carlton, Hillsboro; L. S. Flatau, Dallas; J. S. Myrick, Austin; William Wolf, Austin.

The following members of the governor's staff were also of the party: General A. P. Wozencraft, Dallas; Colonel J. D. Rudd, Waskom; Colonel B. F. Serill, Jefferson; Colonel R. J. Murphy, Paris; Colonel W. B. Henderson, Dallas; Colonel I. M. Standifer, Denison; Colonel L. J. Polk, Galveston; Colonel S. E. Moss, Cleburne.


Endeavors to Shut Off the Proposed Investigation.

A question that the board of directors will have to pass on at an early meeting is with reference to what is expected of the investigating committee. The matter was brought up by Mr. Montgomery at Monday's meeting, but action went over with the report, to await the presence of Manager Reed.


It was manifest at the time the committee was appointed that there was an active sentiment on the part of certain officials against an investigation, and the most demonstrative was General Consul Montgomery. It had been talked considerably in exposition circles prior to that time that Mr. Montgomery's professional advice to the executive committee was surprisingly in accord with the interests of individual clients other than the exposition, and his objection to an investigation did not occasion much surprise. Neither was much surprise manifested a little later on when Mr. Montgomery appeared as the defender of an employe of the exposition against whom nearly all the charges made had been directed.

There is surprise, however, on the part of several of the directors that Mr. Montgomery should now endeavor to throttle further investigation and prevent the committee reviewing some of the proceedings indulged in toward concessionaires and reporting the facts to the board of directors. The matter was considerably discussed in official quarters yesterday, and the sentiment expressed was in favor of going to the bottom of things. When Mr. Montgomery asked on Monday that parties be named against whom improper conduct was alleged, Mr. Wharton promised in very significant language to give Mr. Montgomery all the names he wanted later on, and all the facts connected with them, and the directors are looking forward to the further report of the investigating committee with much interest.

The members of the investigating committee stated in plain terms that they proposed to proceed as they had started out, or to give up the investigation entirely, and in that position the members of the directory seem to be nearly a unit. They indorse the sentiment expressed by Mr. Wharton to the effect that the directors as reputable business men, who expect to remain here after the exposition is over, cannot afford to countenance the misconduct of fly-by-night employes, nor tolerate the continuance of a reign of persecution, favoritism and injustice, no matter whether it has the indorsement and protection of the general counsel of the exposition or not. So strong were the expressions on the subject yesterday that it may be accepted as conclusive that Mr. Montgomery will stand practically alone in his attempt to head off the investigation, even if he does not follow his former course and hedge on the subject when he sees sentiment unanimously against him.

Miss Amelia Plumer, a restaurant employe on the grounds, fell yesterday with a tray of dishes and received several cuts from the broken ware, one piece severing an artery in the wrist. She was taken to the hospital in the ambulance and later removed to her home.

John Brush, an Indian, who participates in the horse races at the Indian camp, was thrown from his horse yesterday, and the animal stepped on his hand, nearly tearing the little finger from its place.

Yesterday's paid admissions numbered 9,820.

The total admissions up to date, covering the first half of the exposition period, have been 839,637, of which 496,164 have been paid.


Superintendent Kelly, Miss Officer and Her Commissions at Variance.

The Exposition Chorus Stands by Its Leader and Manager Lindsey Is Ever on Anxious Seat.

New Orleans Preacher Finds His Wife Doing the Bally-Ho and She Is Not in the Least Repentant.

Manager Lindsey of the department of ways and means, who is incidentally the head of the musical branch, is sitting up nights trying to prevent a row in the bureau of music from coming to the surface. The parties who are at loggerheads are T. J. Kelly, superintendent of the bureau, and Miss Julia Officer, manager of artists. The friction is caused by an inability to determine who is "it." Superintendent Kelly insists that as the official in charge he should be consulted with reference to engagements of individuals and the arrangement of special features, while Miss Officer holds that in the pursuit of the commissions that she is authorized to collect she ought to have full swing in the matter of engagements and collections.

Between the two fires Manager Lindsey is kept walking the floor with the baby. While Mr. Kelly wants to put on spectacular and popular features in the Auditorium during the cool October evenings, Miss Officer insists on arranging for a seacon​ of grand opera, requiring a number of special "artists" and, incidentally, commissions. When Mr. Kelly wanted to put on a popular concert for this evening Miss Officer walked Manager Lindsey into a corner and aranged​ for a concert of "artists," with a tenor from New York, a soprano from Chicago and an imported pianist. When Mr. Kelly arranged for the opening of the Auditorium organ by Mr. Harrison Wild of Chicago Miss Officer interposed an objection and caused the announcement of a postponement to be made because her commission from Mr. Wild had not been arranged. Subsequently the commission matter was arranged and the opening then was allowed to come off as advertised in the first place.


For this evening's concert Miss Officer had the announcement made that the exposition chorus would take part. It so happens that Mr. Kelly is conductor of the chorus, and his associates in that organization, who have evinced considerable feeling over the situation, promptly declined to have anything to do with it. They say that they are rehearsing hard for a number of concerts to be given later, and this occasion is therefore passed up with thanks.

There was a little talk of compulsion, and that the chorus would find its passes taken up unless the members responded, but they immediately sent back word that their passes would gladly be surrendered whenever desired, as they were doing $1 worth of work for the exposition for every cent's worth of benefit they received from the passes.

Since Kelly's installation as head of the musical department every effort has been made to popularize that feature, and its success has been manifested by the increased crowds at the concerts, and by the increased receipts at the gate when this feature was given full sway. The question now seems to be whether this system shall be continued or supplant it by a return to the conspicuous "frosts" that characterized the early attempts to feature classical music against the exposition itself, and, secondarily, whether the principay​ object of the music department is to furnish entertainment for exposition visitors or to provide commissions for persons whom the executive committee are not disposed to place on the pay roll.

When the question of sending passes to the country editors has been under consideration before the board of directors at various times the statement has been made that the passes had been generally sent out, and the impression has been created that nearly all of those entitled to passes had received them. The fact is widely at variance with this idea, as up to the present time but 1,216 season passes have been issued to papers since the board ordered them sent out early in July. This number represents but 718 papers, as in a great many cases the passes have been sent to both editor and wife, so that while the board ordered them sent to both editor and wife, so that while the board ordered them sent to all of the 3,100 papers in this and adjoining states that are in good standing barely one-fourth of them have received them.

The records prove a similar inaccuracy in Mr. Rosewater's statement last Monday to the effect that over 500 contracts had been signed by papers on the basis proposed by him as a requisite for yetting​ passes. The books show that less than half that number of contracts have been signed, so that as a matter of fact the number of country publications in half a dozen states that Mr. Rosewater was willing to concede as being reputable papers in good standing was cut down