Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 07 Wakefield Scrapbook Volume 07

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No 04
V. 8
October 8- 1898 to November 25, 1898
Oct 1, 1898- Nov. 25
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5 a. m.65
6 a. m.66
7 a. m.67
8 a. m.67
9 a. m.67
10 a. m.67
11 a. m.68
12 m.70
1 p. m.72
2 p. m.72
3 p. m.72


Chicago People Take Possession of Exposition Grounds and Buildings.


Even Their Home Brand of Weather is Provided for the Visitors.


Ceremonies at the Auditorium Carried Out Under Schedule Arranged.


Mayors of the Two Cities and Presidents of the Exposition and Illinois Commission Vie in Saying Nice Things About the Situation.

Total admissions yesterday19,530
Total to date1,688,370

The radiant sunshine that welcomed the representatives of the Sunny South was pertinently succeeded by lowering skies and damp, misty winds when Chicago came this morning to pay her respects to the only exposition that has rivaled her own marvelous achievement. Is​ was as nearly a counterpart of the brand of weather for which the Windy City is famed as nature could suggest, and the visitors unpacked their mackintoshes and umbrellas and felt entirely at home. The clouds were draped in that slaty shade of gray that distinguishes the heavy canopy of mist that a stiff east wind blows up from Lake Michigan. The rain drizzled at intervals, with the same chilly persistence that it falls on Michigan avenue on several days of the 365, the southeast wind was damply suggestive of a journey over miles of angry water, and the Chicagoans had only to close their eyes and imagine that they could hear the muffled pounding of the insistent billows on the sturdy riprapping of the Lake Front. They had every reason to feel at home and they did. They showed their appreciation of the cordial sincerity of their welcome by simply taking possession of the grounds and lavishing their admiration on the show as enthusiastically as though they had not had a slightly bigger one of their own. They had come with the announced intention of making Chicago day one of the great events of the transmississippi show and the atmospheric inconveniences of the morning did not prevent them from carrying it into execution.

The delegations that were brought by the various railroads included some of the most notable figures in Chicago citizenship. Many of them were accompanied by their families and together they formed the biggest and most enthusiastic crowd that has visited the exposition. They swarmed into the Illinois building all through the morning and kept the pretty rotunda full of animation and pretty costumes. As the excursionists whose trains had been switched directly to the grounds joined those who came up from their down town quarters the pretty red badges were conspicuous all over the grounds and by 11 o'clock there were enough of them to fairly fill the Auditorium and still leave a representation in every other quarter.

Officials Finally Arrive.

The official party was belated but in the meantime the crowd was pleasantly entertained by the Omaha Concert band and was not perceptibly restless. The speakers and official guests arrived at 11:30 and were escorted to the stage by President Wattles and Mayor Moores and accompanied by nearly all the Omaha city officials. After an earnest invocation by Rev. T. J. Mackay, Chairman William H. Harper of the executive committee of the Illionis​ commission called the meeting to order and introduced President Clark E. Carr of the Illinois commision​ as the presiding officer. President Carr said to his Chicago hearers that, proud as they are of the splendor of their imperial city, they were now in the midst of that which had made that splendor, the great northwest. He introduced Mayor Frank E. Moores, who welcomed the visitors in behalf of the city of Omaha. He declared that every citizen of the west is proud of Chicago. He regards [?]ter, around which the universe revolves and feels a personal interest in its triumphs. But Omaha is to the transmississippi west what Chicago is to the whole country, and he expressed the belief that when his hearers had inspected the magnificent enterprise that they are here to visit they would be as proud of Omaha as Omaha is of Chicago. In conclusion he presented Mayor Harrison with the keys to the city and invited the visitors to take the fullest advantage of the liberties afforded.

In behalf of the exposition management President Wattles said that the inspiration and ambition of our people to build this exposition on the banks of the Missouri had been received from Chicago's great World's Fair, and, while this was but a shadow of the ideal, the west is proud of its child and is glad to welcome its distinguished visitors. He referred to the intimate commercial relations that exist between the Mississippi and Missouri valleys. Chicago is the great clearing house for the immense products of this fertile territory. Its business interests are so closely connected with the transmississippi territory that it is practically the great heart of the west. He spoke of its wonderful growth and transcendent enterprise and paid a high tribute to the progressive spirit of its citizens.

Mayor Harrison's Response.

In response to these sentiments Mayor Carter H. Harrison spoke of "Chicago" and his introduction was followed by a generous ovation. He said that they were here to return the thanks of Chicago for the designation of this day in honor of their city. They represented all nationalities, all politics and all creeds. They sometimes differed at home but they were a unit in extending to Omaha their sympathy and encouragement and their congratulations on its magnificent achievement. He declared that this celebration came at a time of glorious significance to this country. We had learned that the untried volunteers were of the stuff of which heroes are made and that Sampson, Dewey and Schley are worthy successors to Farragut and Perry. We are not only a peace loving nation but we have found that we have the ability to make our enemies on the battlefield desire peace rather than war.

Referring more particularly to Chicago, Mayor Harrison said that on most occasions a Chicagoan could not tell the truth about his city without being accused of exaggeration. The truth about Chicago seemed like an extravagant dream to the citizen of New York, or Boston or Philadelphia. But Omaha can understand Chicago. Her people had the same inherent spirit and the same pluck and enterprise had made each city what it is. In conclusion, he declared that not only on this occasion, but in every achievement of its future, Omaha commands all the sympathy and encouragement and inspiration that Chicago has to give.

Chicago and the West.

"Chicago and Its Relation to the West" was the subject of an able address by Charles G. Dawes, ex-congressman and assistant comptroller of the currency of the United States. After an enthusiastic hand clapping had greeted his introduction, Mr. Dawes said:

Twenty-seven years ago fifty of the leading citizens of Chicago gathered themselves in a little meeting under most distressing circumstances. Around them, in smoking and somber ruins, lay what had been but a few days before the magnificent city of Chicago. Their own homes had been burned over their heads; their property of all kinds was in ashes; around them all was desolation and cheerlessness and the future seemed as dark as the present. Some of these men rose and spoke of the city as destroyed and lost forever. Its rebuilding seemed to them impossible. To their minds the great Chicago, the city of their pride and affection, was numbered among the things of the past. But from among them there rose a young man who amidst depressing surroundings lifted his voice in remonstrance and in prophecy of the future. "Chicago will live," said he, "and live to be so mighty and so vast that this great fire will be but an incident in its past." And Chicago will thus live because beyond her there lies the giant forces, the teeming millions and the imperial area of the mighty west, which having before created Chicago as the necessary gateway to the east must re-create it under the same necessities." That speaker, now the secretary of the treasury of the United States, has lived to see Chicago re-created by the west and his prophecies fulfilled to the uttermost.

I have thought of no better way than by the telling of this incident to indicate the relation of Chicago to the west.

Chicago is the child of the west, dependent upon her for her prosperity and progress—almost for her very existence—and far be it from her to belittle the debt she owes [?]ern men, sustained largely by western resources, she feels the keenest and most vital interest in the west, and I believe the great west takes equal interest in this young giant among the cities of the world.

Some Hard Boiled Facts.

The details of the social and commercial relations between the west and Chicago, daily growing more intimate, daily growing more vast—relations which may well challenge the deepest attention of the student of economics and of American history—can receive from me today but a passing and superficial word. From this great section 125 passenger trains carrying over 12,000 people roll daily into the depots of the city of Chicago, and an equal number of trains depart daily from Chicago for the west. During the last year 20,000,000 bushels of western wheat, 116,000,000 bushels of western corn, 118,000,000 bushels of western oats and 17,000,000 bushels of western rye went to or through the great commercial gateway of Chicago. Of the 46,000,000 pounds of second class printed matter entered for the year ending June 30, 1896, at the Chicago postoffice, the authorities of the office estimate that from three-eighths to three-fourths went to the west. Taking the postoffice average of five pieces to the pound, we find that the total annual circulation of Chicago periodical issues in the west must be between 130,000,000 and 172,000,000 copies—a circulation of most surprising and portentious​ magnitude. The combined mileage of the railroads east and west of the Missouri river, binding and knitting together the west and Chicago in ties of common interest, is 67,180 miles.

But no catalogue of the evidences of the intimacy and vastness of the commercial and sociological relations of the west to Chicago can add to our sense of their importance.

Affects the National Life.

The degree of contentment and prosperity experienced by the western people under these relations of western cities like Chicago and Omaha to the western country is so important as affecting our national life and progress that these relations now command the interest and attention of the entire people of the United States. It is generally realized that when the social problems involved in them are solved all the internal problems which confront our young republic will be solved. These people—the people of Chicago and the west—are not waiting for other peoples or other nations to solve the great problems of today, but strong in the consciousness of their competency for the task they eagerly seek after right solutions.

The rapidity of the development of the west has in less than two generations brought them face to face with the problem of existence under all social conditions from the most primitive to the most complex.

What has thus happened before the eyes of one generation in the west has consumed several hundred years even in other sections of our country and in continental Europe thousands of years. Crowded into the lives of the people of the west has been the marvelous sight of an empire builded from a wilderness.

Past and Present.

We stand today in the midst of this magnificent exposition—an exponent of the highest art of the world—located in this beautiful city of Omaha with its complex nineteenth century civilization and architecture, and are startled by the thought that the Indians and buffalo which have been brought here as objects of curiosity lived in their native state upon this very site less than fifty years ago.

Little wonder is it that the people of the west are interested in these relations of the western city to the western community. The fingers of fate move in decades and not in centuries, in setting the problems for western humanity to conquer.

Little wonder is it that no solution seems too difficult of attainment for those who have seen such great transformation in the west through the successful solution of earlier problems, equally grave.

And now as the genius of America, at the close of a glorious war so bravely fought by a gallant army and navy under a great and wise president, stands upon the threshold of a dawning century and a dawning destiny, with her face toward the fair islands of the Pacific west placed by God's hand under her guardianship, little wonder is it that these people of the west, themselves but a short time ago the adopted children of the wilderness, should not doubt that the path of national duty toward the new western possessions shall again by the path of national glory.

On the Louisiana Purchase.

Cogressman​ J. R. Mann also received a flaering​ welcome from he​ audience. He discussed "The Louisiana Purchase," as follows:

We celebrate today the victories of peace and peaceful pursuits. Where a magic city and a beautiful exposition now stand the wild buffalo was chased by the savage Indian within the lifetime of many here. In the midst of this fitting celebration of the successes of our arts of peace, while enjoying the benefits of bounteous plenty and prosperity, it is proper to recall the history of those events which have made these western states an equal part of that nation which is today the embodiment of progressive civilization and which flies[?]

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"Large streams from little fountains flow; tall oaks from little acorns grow." The little narrow fringes of settlements along the Atlantic coast has grown into an empire which sweeps across a continent and embraces the islands of the sea.

The Louisiana purchase more than doubled the national territory. It gave to our country the exclusive control of the mighty Mississippi and its tributaries. It planted our possessions on the Gulf of Mexico. It acquired for us the Columbia river and a coast line on the Pacific ocean. It brought into our country a region having the most fertile farm and grazing lands, as well as varied mineral resources, to be found in the world, and yet its acquirement was, as it were, only a chance shot.

Spain owned the entire western bank of the Mississippi river and the eastern bank below the Thirty-first parallel of latitude, the boundary line fixed by the treaty of 1795. After the war of the revolution our country west of the Alleghenies had begun to fill up with a class of sturdy and independent pioneer settlers. These settlements depended for transportation of their products wholly upon river navigation, the only outlet for which was through the mouth of the Mississippi, owned and controlled by Spain.

In 1800, by the secret treaty of San Ildefonso, Spain retroceded the province of Louisiana to France, but without delivering possession at that time.

It became evident to the statesmen of that time that we could have no lasting peace until we should possess one bank entire of the Mississippi river, with a consequent right to its free navigation.

Jefferson was president and did not believe that the constitution warranted the purchase of new territory, but overcoming his scruples he rose equal to the emergency and he commissioned James Monroe to act with Robert Livingston, then minister to France, in an effort to purchase that part of the Louisiana province east of the Mississippi, including New Orleans, from France, and congress appropriated the sum of $2,000,000 for that purpose.

War a Fortunate Incident.

"It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good." Fortunately for our own interest, France and England were then on the verge of another war. They had just concluded a treaty of peace, but each country was looking with dread suspicion upon the other. England viewed with grave objection the retransfer by Spain of the immense Louisiana province to France; and Napoleon, who was then the first consul of France and its ruler, quickly say that in case of war the English, with their superiority at sea, would immediately seize New Orleans and the Mississippi river valley. On Easter Sunday, April 10, 1803, he called two of his counselors who were most familiar with the foreign possessions and asked their advice. He said to them:

"I know the full value of Louisiana, and I have been desirous of repairing the fault of the French negotiator who abandoned it in 1763. A few lines of a treaty have restored it to me, and I have scarcely recovered it when I must expect to lose it. But if it escapes me, it shall one day cost dearer to those who oblige me to strip myself of it than to those to whom I wish to deliver it. The English have successively taken from France Canada, Cape Breton, New Foundland, Nova Scotia and the richest portions of Asia. They shall not have the Mississippi which they covet."

And after hearing from his advisers, one in favor of selling the province to the United States, the other in favor of retaining it, Napoleon said:

"Irresolution and deliberation are no longer in season. I renounces Louisiana. It is not only New Orleans that I will cede; it is the whole colony without my reservation."

Monroe and Livingston had no authority to accept the offer which was made to them by Napoleon.

They could not cable for instructions. They had no time to communicate with the home government by letter. Napoleon was not a Spanish diplomat; he wanted his offer promptly accepted or rejected.

Monroe and Livingston, however, proved equal to the ocasion​, and after negotiations, which lasted but a few days, the purchase was agreed upon, the United States to pay France the principal sum of $11,250,000 payable in stocks or bonds due in fifteen years, with interest, and the further sum of $3,750,000, to be paid by our government to American citizens having certain valid claims against France.

Had Its Opponents.

When the treaty became known in this country some of the haters of President Jefferson raised a violent outcry against its confirmation, and dire predictions were made about the danger of extending the country in violation of the constitution, and burdening the people with an immense debt for the purpose of buying an uninhabitable wilderness.

The treaty of purchase was dated April 30, 1803, was ratified in October following, and on December 20, 1803, the American flag was raised over New Orleans.

No one can measure the future possibilities of the states embraced in the Louisiana purchase. The development since the purchase in 1803 has been more splendid than an alchemist's dream. The future will [?]outrival the present and the past.

[?] value of the Louisiana purchase cannot yet be appreciated. In 1854 Omaha [?] a bare trading post. Its growth [?] as rapid as the mushroom which [?] in the night, but as strong and [?] the steel beams which constitute [?]

The acquisition of the Louisiana territory was the greatest prize ever gained by a nation at one time. By the stroke of a pen an empire changed hands. In a moment of doubt a construction was placed upon the constitution which authorized the vast increase of territory.

The Louisiana purchase will soon have a greater population than the country which sold it to us. A single false step might have lost us its possession. All the circumstances at the time of its purchase conspired to give us a single opportunity to gain an empire. The opportunity refused or neglected might never have come again.

The France which today maintains an army of more than half a million men because she was compelled to cede Alsace and Lorraine to Germany gave way to us a possession worth many times Alsace and Lorraine, and gave it in friendly peace.

Not one of us can look far into the future. The progress of a century has enabled us to utilize all our possessions. The lightning's fluid puts far distant territory in a moment's communication with the capitol. The expansion of our domain and the increase of our possessions made more keen the intellect and genius of our people. It broadened the hearts and deepened the souls of our citizens. With the new wants, caused by long distance and varied interests, came new ideas with which to supply those wants. New discoveries in the fields of science, art, mechanics, followed closely the new discoveries regarding the surface of our territory.

The last address was to have been made by Hon. William E. Mason on "Our Country." But the senator was unable to be present at the exercises, having been called to Washington on business Thursday. The program was concluded by the band playing "The Star Spangled Banner."


Committee on Transportation Tells How Omaha Will Welcome Them.

NEW YORK, Sept. 30.—George L. Miller of Omaha is in this city, together with Hon. J. Sterling Morton, ex-secretary of agriculture. These gentlemen compose what is known as the committee on transportation for the Transmississippi and International Exposition at Omaha, whose purpose is to tender personally to persons in this city invitations to be present at the celebration of New York day at the Omaha exposition and also to invite a delegation to represent New York at the Peace Jubilee to be held at Omaha directly after the celebration of New York day.

Mr. Miller said: "We are anxious that New York City be represented. The west holds out the hand of friendship to New York and her men of affairs ask the men of affairs of New York to drop for a few days their work and accept the hospitality of the thriving city of Omaha.

"New York day will be celebrated on October 8. Dr. Depew will deliver an address and possibly there will be other addresses. We, on our part, will assure you a royal welcome and a good time.

"I want to thank the people of New York for the courtesies that have been extended to members of our committee and I only want a chance to reciprocate on the part of Omaha when your people come out to see our city."


Iowa's Exhibit Changes Hands and All the Rest Are Hustling.

A change in the superintendency of the Iowa fruit exhibit in the Horticulture building became effective yesterday, J. W. Murphy of Glenwood succeeding J. J. Coleman, who has looked after the exhibit since its installation. The new man who takes charge of the Iowa exhibit is experienced in the fruit business and promises to put up an exhibit that will compare favorably with any in the building.

J. W. Stanton, treasurer of the Illinois State Horticultural society, returned from home yesterday, where he went a couple of weeks ago for the purpose of having a large supply of fruit sent here for exhibition during the closing weeks of the exposition. He says that from now until the close of the great show there will be no difficulty in securing everything that he will need. Illinois will feature apples and pears, while all of the varieties of grapes will be shown in abundance. The grapes will come from the growers and from the etate​ experimental station.

In order that the big crowds of today may have an idea of the possibilities of Nebraska as a fruit raising state Superintendent Youngers has covered his tables with peaches, having more on exhibition than all of the other states combined. Besides peaches the state is making a great exhibit of apples, plums, prunes and a large quantity of late summer fruit that was presumed to have been out of market weeks ago. Superintendent Walker of the Douglas county exhibit has and is putting up an exhibit that is even better than weeks ago, when it was pronounced the best in the building. Grapes is the strong card of Douglas county just at this time, but there are plenty of apples, peaches, pears and plums.

[?] Superintendent Nelson is showing more apples than ever before and all of them are of an excellent quality. The favorites are the big red ones, but there are plenty of others that are also admired.

Kansas keeps working away at its exhibit and it is constantly growing, Secretary Greef and Commissioner Glick having made arrangements for the shipment of fruit at regular intervals. Heretofore the non-arrival of fruit has been a serious drawback to the state exhibit, but now it is said that there will be no more trouble of that kind.

Music Last Night and Today.

The Wagner concert announced for last night brought out an immense crowd. It is safe to say that about every local musician of prominence was present. In spite of the high grade of music rendered, the vast audience seemed to be more enthusiastic ever than usual. It seemed as though many feared they would be unable to secure seats, so intense was the interest in the musical feast which had been prepared, but when the grand organ-like tones of the "Tannhauser" overture fell on the ear a sudden hush came over the assemblage. Never has this supreme work been heard here to greater advantage. It was given with an authority which at once removed it from the domain of criticism. In response to the determined encore the band gave Innes' "Love is King" two step, which seems to have leaped into universal popularity. Following this came the beautiful "Isolden's Liebested," from "Tristan." And then came the gem of the evening, the "Magic Fire" music from "Die Walkure," which was played with a perfection and delicacy which it is hard to believe possible from an organization composed almost exclusively of wind instruments.

Some of the announced numbers were omitted, unfortunately. This was owing to the necessity of giving some special feature in honor of the visiting Georgians and it took the shape of a series of illuminated pictures thrown on a screen by a stereopticon. Dewey and Hobson and the explosion of the Maine were all received with favor by those who had not yet seen this pleasing feature. The spectacular anvil scene and cannon accompaniment, which was announced for the concert tonight has been postponed in consequence of the inability of the electrical department to give the necessary attention to the details of the electrical effects, but will be given next week as soon as the immense preparations necessary for Chicago day have been completed. A special feature of the Sunday afternoon concert, which will be given in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock, will be Handel's celebrated "Largo" by band and organ, the organ obligato being played by Mr. Thomas Kelly. Much interest is being manifested in the request concert of Monday night.

Puebloes Putting Up a House.

Yesterday morning the Puebloes commenced the erection of their adobe house. The work was watched all day by numerous delegations of whites, who took a great interest in the proceedings.

When the Indians made their brick they dug their clay from a place near the center of their encampment and spread them about the hole to dry. Yesterday in commencing the erection of their adobe habitation they leveled off the ground around this hole and then with square and compass, both of which were crude instruments, prepared for laying the walls. First they placed plank upon the ground and covered the surface with mortar, mixed in the hole from which the clay for the brick was dug. Then the laying of the brick was commenced, each brick being laid to a line. The walls will be about seven feet in the front and six feet in the rear. The building will be 16x20 feet and will be covered with poles, on which will be spread hay, which in turn will be covered with earth. There will be a floor in the house and underneath will be a cellar, which will be the hole from which all of the material for the walls of the structure has been taken.

Sham Battle Plans.

Everything is in readiness for the sham battle that will take place at the Indian grounds at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. Captain Mercer has put up his own seats and has accommodations for 5,000 people.

The battle will be between the Sioux and the Blackfeet, about 250 Indians appearing on each side. The Sioux will be under Goes-toWar, who will direct their movements from the eastern portion of the battlefield. The Blackfeet will undoubtedly be led by Little Man as head chief, with Looks High assisting. Both sides have been furnished with an abundant supply of ammunition and they promise to put up the hottest sham battle that has been seen upon the grounds.

Iowa Veterans.

Scores of gray-haired men wearing bright yellow badges were upon the exposition grounds. They were the surviving members of the First Iowa cavalry, organized June 13, 1861, and mustered out March 16, 1866. The old veterans had been holding their annual reunion at Council Bluffs and, having adjourned, concluded to spend a day at the exposition.

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Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, on Mr. McKinley's Request, Will Accompany the Executive.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.—(Special Telegram.)—Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, on the request of President McKinley, will accompany the presidential party to Omaha. General Meiklejohn had intended leaving about October 15 and remaining in Nebraska until the close of the campaign. As Secretary Alger has decided not to go west, President McKinley extended an invitation to Mr. Meiklejohn, who accepted, as it would give him additional time in the state. As made up at present the president will be accompanied west by Secretary and Mrs. Wilson, Secretary Bliss, Assistant Commissioner Toner of the Indian bureau, Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, possibly Secretary and Mrs. Hay of the State department, Executive Clerk George Cortelyou and several others to be decided upon later.

Senator Thurston today, at the request of President Wattles of the exposition, obtained the sanction of the president to a handshaking reception at the Government building on the afternoon of the 12th, immediately after the close of the life saving drill.

Secretary Alger today granted permission to General Joseph Wheeler to attend the Transmississippi Exposition.

The Milwaukee having refused to handle the second special from Washington, Chairman Babcock of the Transportation department of the exposition is in communication with other roads to perform like services for this train as for the presidential train.

North Daktota​ Waking Up.

North Dakota people are waking up to the importance of the exposition and many of them are coming, notwithstanding the long distance that they have to travel in order to reach Omaha. Yesterday a party of fifteen arrived from that state, all of whom will remain from a week to ten days.

The fruit exhibit of North Dakota is being increased, a large consignment of apples having arrived from Richland county. The apples are of this year's crop and are shown in jars. Miss Ford, who is in charge of the exhibit, has advices that grapes, plums and crab apples have been sent and the state will make a creditable display of fruit during the last month of the exposition.


Promise of the Windy City to Make Omaha Hum is Fulfilled.


Mayor Harrison and the Most Prominent of the Social and Business World of the Great Metropolis Come to Celebrate at Omaha.

Chicago, the giant metropolis of the lakes, was welcomed this morning by her smaller and more modern sister of the plains with every evidence of hospitality and with tumultuous greetings. Thousands poured out to bid her welcome at the depot gateways of Omaha and cheered her as her stalwarts, Mayor Harrison and the Cook County Marching club, marched between the crowds that lined the streets. "Omaha is yours" was the burden of the welcome that was extended to every wearer of the pink Chicago badges. There was not a discordant note in the entire welcome. Even the weather that was thought to be the most appropriate was furnished and the Chicagoans could not have helped feeling at home beneath the lowering skies and the light drizzle of rain that bedewed them—a reminder of the conditions that are not at all infrequent along the shores of Lake Michigan.

The Windy City turned out in a swarm. No estimate can be given of its number. There were thousands on the loaded specials and regular trains. Chicago fulfilled its promise, for it agreed to have thousands take part in the celebration of Chicago day. It was a representative crowd. Mayor Carter Harrison, the Cook County Marching club, the Union League club, the Marquette club, the Board of Trade, the thousands of others who were not banded together in associations—they represented the administration, the politics, the wealth, the business interests, the people of the great city of Chicago. This is Chicago day, not in name, but in reality.

Armies Gather and Melt.

Like Longfellow's Beleagured​ City, the stations that are terminals for eastern railroads were invested this morning by armies, and like the hosts of the poem, they came [?]noon were scattered and gone. They were armies of visitors from Chicago, on an invasion of peace, and they brought with them the air of hurry and hustle that pervades the atmosphere of their own metropolis. From a time not long after daybreak, when a yawning porter opened the doors of Union station for the day, until just before noon, when Old Sol found a rift in the clouds and shone for a few brief minutes, the twin depots by the viaduct presented scenes of unwonted activity. Long trains drew up alongside of the platforms, twisting over the curved tracks like huge serpents, and when they came to a stop passengers streamed down their steps by hundreds. There were all kinds and conditions of men, and women too; and all wore the pink button and ribbon that are insignia for Chicago day.

There were the multi-millionaire members of the Chicago Board of Trade and Union league, and paupers; men in whom were reflected eminent respectability and commercial success, and others whom it required the eternal vigilance of the police force and Pinkerton detectives combined to keep from breaking the laws of the land. And among the visitors the women were as numerous as the men, but they one and all were of the social ne plus ultra, in whose demeanor one reads the signs of patrician elegance and countless dollars. Then there was the usual quota from up the state, men who know how to hew wood and curry mules. They wore the orthodox heavy boots and slouch hats, and spent most of their time looking at the sights.

As is usual when there is a press of travel over the roads, most of the trains were late.

They were scheduled to arrive at different hours, but all happened to come pretty well together, helping to swell the throng of people at both stations.

Had Provided for a Jam.

Depot officials expected something of a jam about the Union and the Burlington depots, but this was avoided because the special and the regular trains did not come in bunched. The consequence was that, although there was a big crowd on the depot platforms from 7:30 o'clock in the morning when the first special was due, until the last train pulled in about 10:30, there was no confusion or rush. The arrangements at the depots to take care of the crowds were excellent. As soon as one of the specials was pulled in and was emptied of its passengers, it was drawn from the tracks to make way for the through trains or the following specials. The trains came in at such intervals that the task of keeping the tracks clear was made the more easy.

The big crowd congregated at the Burlington depot to witness and welcome the arrival of the Cook county democracy, but it did not materially hinder the visitors from reaching the viaduct, although it was continually augmented by the Chicagoans, who desired to await the coming of Mayor Harrison's train. The Union depot platform and stairs were also kept satisfactorily cleared. When the top of the viaduct was reached the visitors were forced to pass through another press, for hundreds of people lined the viaduct to witness the arrival of the specials. Any confusion that might have resulted from the crowds was avoided through the efforts of a large squad of officers, who had been detailed by Chief White to keep order.

The street car company furnished ample facilities for the transportation of the crowds to the heart of the city. Cars were kept running at frequent intervals, and a dozen extras were in waiting to carry the people when the final special arrived and the crowds dispersed.


Chicago Board of Trade Comes Over Two Hundred in All to See Fair.

With flags flying from the engines the special trains of the "Board of Trade" left Chicago at 6 o'clock last night over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road with 200 passengers. The train consisted of eleven cars, a baggage, a dynamo, a buffet library, six sleeping, one compartment, two dining and a reception car, vestibuled and lighted throughout by electricity, under the supervision of Assistant General Passenger Agent Miller.

The train on which the visitors came was a most magnificent one, and was run in regal style. It was pulled by two of the Milwaukee's best locomotives, and a light engine was sent ahead to see that the track was clear. Three hundred millions were represented by the men on board, and the Milwaukee management felt the need of taking good care of its precious load.

In the compartment car were the officers of the "Board of Trade," President Z. R. Carter, Vice President Lyon and Parker with their wives and friends. Scattered about in the other cars were several of the directors. Messrs. W. B. Bogert, J. F. Barrett, James Nichol, George W. Stone, Lloyd J. Smith and families, Hon. W. H. Harper and C. C. Williams of the Illinois commission, Colonel E. C. Young and Lieutenant Colonel R. B. Harper of the First Illinois Cavalry and Hon. J. R. Mann.

The two forward cars were given to the bachelor members of the board and the newspaper men, Messrs. O'Neil and Tarren of the Record, Strong and Gregory of the Tribune, Stowe of the Chronicle, Michaels of the Inter Ocean and Howard of the Daily Trade Bulletin, the official Board of Trade paper.

The early hours of the evening were passed in dining and chatting and by 10 o'clock most of the party had retired. But in the "stag" cars things waxed merry, with story telling and singing till after midnight. Everybody arose bright and early to see as much of the wonderful agricultural country through which they were passing as possible. So perfect were the arrangements that even with 200 hungry mortals there was no confusion attending breakfast.

And when the train arrived at the union station at 7:45, eleven minutes ahead of schedule time, and thirty minutes ahead of any other special, the late risers were just leaving the tables.

As the train pulled into the station it was greeted by a sprinkle, but this in no wise dampened the ardor and enthusiasm of the guests. President Carter was met at the train by President Wattles and driven to the Paxton for a rest before the fatigue of the day. The other remained aboard and in a few minutes the train was hauled on the Union Pacific tracks, thence over the Missouri Pacific siding to North Twenty-fourth street where it will remain until tomorrow night.

The passing glimpse of the exposition on the way to their position invoked murmurs of surprise and admiration from the party, and no sooner had the train stopped than they hastened to get off and enter the grounds. By 9 o'clock the train was practically deserted.

Instead of going to hotels the party will live in the cars, eating dinner there tonight and breakfast tomorrow.

A most tasteful medal, with a head of Admiral Dewey on one side and an engraving of the "Board of Trade" building with Chicago clasping hands with Omaha on the other, symbolic of war and peace, has been prepared by McLain Brothers of the Board of Trade and the railroad company has presented a booklet description of the country traversed to each of the passengers.

Credit is due to the executive committee of the board, Messrs. Parker, Lyon and Bogert, and to Mr. Miller, the assistant general passenger agent, and Mr. Nash, the general western agent, for the perfect arrangement and service on the trains. Not an accident or the slightest trouble occurred to mar the pleasure of the party, and all are enthusiastic in praise of the trip.

The train will stand on the Missouri Pacific siding till 6 o'clock tomorrow evening, when it will be drawn to the Union station, and from there it will return to Chicago, arriving in time for business on Monday morning.


Chicago's Great Organization Comes Through in Fine Style.

The members of the Union League club of Chicago, accompanied by their wives and daughters, arrived in the city to grace the celebration of Chicago day at the exposition on a handsome special train over the Northwestern line this morning at 10:15 o'clock at Webster street station. The party is one of the most notable that has visited the exposition, including 150 of the most distinguished citizens of the World's Fair city.

The train left Chicago at 6:30 o'clock last evening, and ran by the way of Missouri Valley, Ia., and Blair, Neb., crossing the river at the latter point and coming down on this side of the river. The train was composed of the most elegant cars in the service of the company, and was solid vestibuled throughout. Back of the two big locomotives that brought the train in were these cars: Buffet library car; compartment cars, "Sappho" and "Hebron;" drawing room sleeping cars "Potosi," "Exeter," "Surrey" and "Sussex;" dining cars "Illinois" and "Chicago" and Chicago Northwestern railway private car No. 404.

Hiram R. McCullough, second vice president of the Union League club and third vice president of the Northwestern system, was the ranking officer of both organizations aboard of the train. Secretary Will H. Clark of the Union League club assisted in looking after the comfort of the leaguers. At Missouri Valley General Agent Kuhn of the Northwestern met the party, and presented a large box of flowers from General Manager Bidwell of the Elkhorn. At the Webster street station General Manager Clarkson of the exposition, General Passenger Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific and other prominent Omahans were present to receive and to greet the visitors. Special trolley cars were provided and conveyed the party directly to the exposition grounds. Saturday and Sunday will be spent on the [?]  Scanned image of page 6 [?] be used for hotel purposes. The Omaha club will be the down town headquarters of the party, and apartments at the Illinois building answer the same purpose on the exposition grounds.

Some of the Party.

Among those who are members of the Union league party are the following: Messrs. and Mesdames F. W. Upham, William H. Cook, E. G. Pauling, Walter C. Nelson, R. T. Whelpley, J. T. Stockton, L. E. Harding, A. Schmitt, C. A. Goodyear, Frank H. Baker, D. F. Crilly, W. H. Gray, George C. Fry, Frank E. Johnson, F. E. Spooner, H. S. Smith, Oliver Sollett, A. F. Banks, R. A. Bower, E. D. Weary, General John McNulty, J. S. Jones, A. J. Harding, F. T. Simmons, William Garnett, jr.; De Witt C. Hull, L. W. Noyes, G. E. Highley, J. Fred Wilcox, B. A. Eckhart; Misses Belden, Louise C. Marshall, Crilly, Clara Tomlinson, Mary E. Reid, Mrs. W. D. Salisbury; Messrs. Hiram R. McCullough, C. C. Cheney, George E. Marshall, Thomas S. Cruttenden, Malcolm Lawrence, S. A. Treat, Dr. George M. Chamberlain,, William Watson, jr.; C. J. Dorrance, Fred Fitch, M. K. Bowen, W. E. Selleck, William T. Eaton, John Critchell, C. M. Nichols, Burton Johnson, C. W. Hinckley, Hugh McLennon, W. G. Jerrems, J. O. Whitaker, Captain H. E. Robinson, A. C. Mather, W. E. Pratt, George K. Dauchy, V Falkenau, Charles T. Boal, John B. Mallers, C. E. Follansbee, J. A. Agee, Clift Wise, C. B. Beardsley, E. F. Gobel, J. E. Shepherd, John S. Belden, J. P. Soper, R. M. Dyer, Charles Truax, W. J. Woods, J. B. Woodruff.

The Union League club of Chicago is one of the best known organizations in the United States. Since its incorporation on December 19, 1879, it has been the promoter and the supporter of innumerable public movements and enterprises for the good of Chicago, Ill., and the nation. It has been especially friendly to the Transmississippi exposition; this is natural in view of its close connection with the World's Fair. The plan of the Columbian exposition was conceived and largely carried out within the Union League club, and Thomas P. Bryan, who represented the World's Fair abroad, was the president of the Union league last year.

One Day it Celebrates.

A patriotic movement, to which the Union league has given great attention in recent years, is the public celebration of Washington's birthday in Chicago. Through the medium of this club the observance of the day has been general there. A liberal appropriation is made each year for carrying on public exercises in honor of the Father of the Country. Last year ex-President Benjamin Harrison delivered the address of the day to an audience of 5,000 in the Chicago auditorium, while patriotic exercises were held in fifty public schools. Sixty thousand copies of patriotic songs were distributed among the school children and some of the songs found their way all over the country, request for additional copies later coming from schools in Colorado, Nebraska and the Dakotas. On the same day 35,000 flags were distributed gratis.

The plans for the Chicago peace jubilee were first formed in the Union League. Though at its start the club was a republican organization, it is now non-political. Republicanism prevails among the membership, but there are many democratic members. It is a matter of note that all of the members are sound money men. The membership is divided into four classes. There are 1,200 resident members, 300 non-resident members and a lengthy roll of army and navy members. The honorary membership is extremely limited, and the following are the only men who have received this honor: William McKinley, Benjamin Harrison, John M. Harlan, Henry W. Blodgett, Shelby M. Cullom, John M. Schofield, Chauncey M. Depew, Melville W. Fuller, Levi P. Morton, Nelson A. Miles, Joseph P. Gary, David J. Brewer and Henry B. Brown.

Officers of the Club.

The present officers of the Union league are: Alexander H. Redell, president; George A. Follansbee, first vice president; Hiram R. McCullough, second vice president; John C. Nelly, treasurer, and Will H. Clark, secretary. The clubhouse, on Adams street, near Dearborn, opposite the government site, is one of the most elegantly equipped clubhouses in the United States. The building is of brick and stone and the apartments are spacious and handsomely appointed. On one unusual day recently there were 285 prominent citizens of the Chicago club engaged in various committee meetings in the clubhouses. Secretary Clark keeps a press album, in which is pasted all clippings concerning the club. The daily addition to this album is at the rate of 200 per day.

The condition of membership in the Union League is absolute and unqualified loyalty to the government of the United States. The primary objects of the association are: To encourage and promote by moral, social [?] and protect the integrity and perpetuity of this nation. To inculcate a higher appreciation of the value and sacred obligations of American citizenship; to maintain the civil and political equality of all citizens in every section of our comon​ country, and to aid in the enforcement of all laws enacted to preserve the purity of the ballot box. To resist and oppose corruption and promote economy in office, and to secure honesty and efficiency in the administration of national, state and municipal office.


Cook County Marching Club Gives Omaha a Chance to See.

Lowering clouds and a misty rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Cook County Marching club upon its arrival in the city this morning, but the members were considerably fatigued by their repeated marching and cheering at way stations along the line of their journey to this city, which made their train over two hours late in reaching Omaha.

At 8 o'clock about 300 members of the Jacksonian club marched to the Burlington depot to receive their distinguished party visitors, and the two hours' wait in the rain failed to drive many of them away, for they made a good showing so far as numbers were concerned in the parade afterward through the city. Hundreds of other people gathered at the depot to see the Chicago party come in, and the accommodations of the Burlington depot were tested nearly to the limit without the aid of the passengers brought on the special trains.

It was about 10:30 when the train bearing the Chicago democrats pulled in. It was composed of nineteen cars, the first being a baggage car, and the last being Mayor Harrison's car. The train was pulled by two engines. The marching club lost no time in turning out, and the calls of the captains of the different companies to "fall in" were promptly obeyed. There were about 500 in the club, all wearing dark suits, silk hats, white gloves and carrying cased umbrellas. With the club was the Cook County Democratic band, with sixty-five pieces, and the drum and bugle corps of the First Illinois regiment, which has but recently returned from Santiago, composed of sixteen pieces.

Major James H. Farrell was commander-in-chief of the club, and gave the command to march when the companies had been formed. In fact, he virtually assumed command of the parade. When the club started up the roadway, leading from the tracks, the Jacksonians, who had been waiting on the viaduct, fell into line. Three battalions of police, commanded by Sergeants King, Halter and Iler, led the way. They were followed by a band, and this in turn by the Jacksonians. J. E. Riley was marshal of the local part of the parade, and his assistants were Arthur Metz, E. E. Howell, John Moynihan, George Strathman and John D. Ware. Following the Jacksonians came the Omaha city officials, with Mayor Moores, acting as an escort for Mayor Carter H. Harrison, all on foot. The Chicago band and drum corps were next. The marching club was led by a detachment of Chicago's city officials, who are also members of the club.

The visiting democrats made a pretty show. They marched in good order and at intervals executed maneuvers on foot and gave a drill with their umbrellas. The line of march was on Tenth to Farnam, to Twelfth, to Douglas, to Sixteenth, to Farnam, and then down Farnam to Fourteenth, where the line was broken at the Paxton hotel. All along the line Mayor Harrison was greeted with cheers as soon as he was recognized, and he responded to the greeting by lifting his hat. The whole club came in for a share of the honors and was frequently cheered as it marched along.

The club will remain in the city until tomorrow evening, when it will again board its special train to return home. While in the city the Jacksonian club will do everything possible to make the visitors welcome, and the club rooms have been thrown open to their use, with plenty of refreshments for those who wish them. Mayor Harrison and his immediate party, including members of the Chicago city government, will be the guests of Omaha city officials.



How the Distinguished Guests Were Welcomed to Omaha.

The Board of Trade party, having come over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, were early at the Paxton hotel, where President Z. R. Carter, Vice President R. S. Lyon, George J. Brine of Armour & Co., George H. Webster, president of the Armour Elevator company; Colonel E. C. Young of the First Illinois cavalry and others of the party soon established headquarters in parlor 51. Chairman W. H. Harper of the executive committee of the Illinois commission also arrived with his party. President Clark E. Carr of the Illinois commission came in from Galesburg on the Burlington ahead of the Cook County Democracy train. Senator William Mason and George H. Heafford did not come.[?] what of a hitch in the arrangements at the Paxton and kept President Gurdon W. Wattles of the exposition management, Colonel Harper of the Illinois commission and General Manager T. S. Clarkson waiting for some time for their arrival. When they did at last reach the Paxton it was getting along toward 11 o'clock. The delay did not lessen the enthusiasm of their reception, however, and as soon as the Omaha Military band struck up "A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight," heralding the approach of the parade of the Cook County club and the marching club of the Jacksonian club, cheer after cheer broke from the crowds which had assembled on the sidewalks anticipating their coming. No time was lost by Mayor Moores and Mayor Carter Harrison of Chicago in getting into a carriage and driving at once to the exposition, but the members of the Cook County Democracy concluded to take lunch at the Paxton before going to the grounds.

The approach of the Cook county democracy's marching club under the command of Marshal James H. Farrell, and headed by the DeBaugh band of sixty-five pieces, was an inspiring sight. To the tune of "The Wabash" they filed up to the Fourteenth stret​ entrance, four abreast in open order, amid the shouts of the spectators. Mayor Moores and Mayor Harrison marched side by side, umbrellas in hand at a carry after the style of the old military tactics. As they broke ranks and walked into the Paxton the following took carriages in the order given and went immediately out to the grounds: Mayors Moores and Harrison, President Clark E. Carr and Chairman W. H. Harper of the executive committee of the Illinois commission. President Gurdon W. Wattles, Comptroller Charles B. Dawes of Chicago, President Z. R. Carter of the Chicago Board of Trade and Colonel E. C. Young of the First Ilinois​ cavalry. Vice President R. S. Lyon and George J. Brine of the Chicago Board of Trade and Charles C. Williams of the Illinois commission. General Manager T. S. Clarkson of the exposition, Commissioner C. E. Keeler and E. C. Cropsey of Dixon, Ill. The local city councilmen and city officials followed in the next carriages.

For the social functions of the day the following special committees were selected to represent each organization and club:

Board of Trade: President Z. R. Carter. Vice President R. S. Lyon and George J. Brine.

Union League club: Vice President H. R. McCullough, General John McNulty and Fred W. Upham.

Marquette club: President E. G. Pauling, W. R. Rennacker and Lloyd J. Smith.

Standard club: Simeon A. Kohn, Milton A. Strauss and Norman Slorsheim.

Athletic club: President D. M. Lord. John H. Jones and C. K. Wooster.

The railroads: C. A. Goodenow of the Milwaukee, W. B. Kniskern of the Northwestern and W. H. Purdy of the Rock Island.

A detail of twenty-seven men under command of Sergeants Iler, Halter and King, together with all the available detectives guarded the crowds from the criminal element at the depot and maintained order. Chief White in person attended to the formation of his men in the parade and led it over the greatest portion of its route.

General Passenger Agent Daniels.

George H. Daniels, general passenger and ticket agent of the New York Central, is in the city. He came on his private car Corsair this morning. His car was switched to the exposition grounds, where it will remain until Monday.


The Pennsylvania Commissioners will Go to the Exposition in Fine Style Sunday.

Next Wednesday, Oct. 5, will be Pennsylvania day at the Trans-Mississippi exposition, at Omaha, Neb. A private car will leave Philadelphia at 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon and will pass through this place Monday over the Pennsylvania lines, enroute to the exposition. The commissioners are: President, Col. John W. Woodside; Vice President, Col. Thos. Potter, Jr.; Treasurer, Thos. Bradly; Secretary, Wm. A. Conner; Chairman of Executive Committee, Col. George Knox McCain; Executive committee, Dr. J. Roberts Bryan, I. O. Nissley, Dr. F. C. Johnson, C. S. Overholt, Joshua D. Baker, T. L. Kennedy. The other commissioners are: Thomas M. Jones, George M. Wanbaugh, James G. Derringer, F. H. Zerby, Livey S. Richards, P. C. Boyle, Hiram Young, Richard H. Couch, Asa Acker Blahslie, Robert E. Wible.

Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith, orator of the day, will be with the party, accompanied by his wife. Probably 15 or 20 ladies, wives and [?]

The trip will be made over two of the finest railroads in the country, the Pennsylvania and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. The party goes over these roads through the courtesy of John P. Potts, of Williamsport, Dis. Pass. Agent of the latter road, and George W. Boyd, agent of the former. It will no doubt be a delightful trip.

The Fair will be open all this month, and as the rate is low, a large number of people from this section will likely attend. That it has been a success is attested by the fact that it opened with a debt of $250,000, which has been wiped out, and will close with a surplus. All who have attended speak of it as being equal in many respects and superior in others to the World's Fair.

 Scanned image of page 7

The Cook County Democratic club was between 400 and 500 strong. Congressman James R. Mann, accompanied it and nearly every candidate for a county position in the coming election, as well as about all the city office holders. Mayor Harrison, Congressman and the club generally was informally welcomed at the Paxton by President Wattles of the exposition, and the following members of the Illinois commission: Colonel W. F. Harper, L. O. Goddard, O. Williams, C. H. Keeler and the president of the commission, Colonel Clark E. Carr.

A few of the more noted members of the Cook County Democratic club are the following, as they registered ata​ the Paxton: John Powers, its president; City Attorney Miles Devine, Chairman Thomas Gahn and Secretary Burke of the democratic committee, Walter Thomas Mills, the well known democratic orator, Attorney M. V. Gannon, formerly of Omaha; James H. Farrell, the club's marshal; Alderman O'Brien, Ballenberg and Cook, Chief of Police Joe Kipley, James McAndrews, building commissioner; Robert E. Burke, oil inspector; Charles Thornton, corporation counsel; John Shubert, smoke inspector; Inspector of Police Hartnett; Howard S. Taylor, city prosecuting attorney; Thomas Gaines, candidate for county treasurer; Fred Eldred, candidate for county clerk; Judge George Kersten, candidate fo rsheriff​ of Cook county; James J. Gray, the north town assessor; Frank E. Davidson, superintendent of the sewer department; A. J. Toolen of the Board of Public Works; City Treasurer Ernst Hummel; Peter Kiolbassa; ex-Alderman Robert Mulcahy; Street Commissioner John Doherty; Corporation Inspector John W. McCarthy; James C. Martin, candidate for county judge; James Markham, Chief Kipley's secretary; Vincent H. ePrkins​, candidate for president of the Cook county board; C. C. Stilwell, chairman of the Sixth district congressional committee; Emil Hoechster, candidate for congress for the Sixth district; City Clerk William Seffler; ex-Alderman John Colvin, Judge A. J. Sabbath; John Dullard, sergeant at arms of the city council; T. J. Corcoran ,secretary of the civil service commission of Chicago; Frank W. Solon, superintendent of the street and alley cleaning department; Frank Ryan, superintendent of the water pipe extension, and Lieutenant George Perry of the city detectives.

Some Other Delegations.

A special train from Chicago, carrying several delegation from various Chicago clubs, arrived at the Webster street station over the Northwestern line shortly before 11 o'clock this morning. The train left Chicago at 7:30 last evening and ran one hour behind the Union League special. On this train the Chicago Athletic club occupied two cars; the Marquette club, one car; the Standard club, one car, and a number of members of the Chicago Board of Trade, two cars.

The regular "Overland Limited" train of the Northwestern was run in three sections, and all of these came into the city at the Union depot. They were from one to two hours late on account of the extraordinary number of special trains on the road between Chicago and Omaha last night. All of the three sections of the regular train were well filled.

Incidents of the Affair.

The badges worn by the Cook County Marching club were made especially for this occasion. They are very handsome affairs of blue silk plush.

Out of the thousands of people who crowded the Burlington and Tenth street depot platforms to witness the arrival of the trains fully 65 per cent were women.

William Pinkerton, head of the Pinkerton Detective agency, and Chief of Police Linden of Philadelphia, with Chief of Police White, welcomed Chief of Police Kipley of Chicago at the depot.

So closely were the crowds guarded by the local detectives and Pinkerton men that not one case of pocket-picking was reported and it was a rich field for this class of criminals about the densely crowded depot platforms.

One of the local marshal's aids, who was riding a fractious horse, was thrown from the animal's back at the corner of Tenth and Dodge streets. He was not injured and pluckily mounted the animal again amid the cheers of the marchers.

Among the Northwestern officials on the Union League special were: General Passenger Agent Kniskern, Assistant General Passenger Agent Ferguson, General Agent Kuhn and Division Superintendent Ashton. The train was brought in by Conductor Cook.

As Mayor Harrison stepped from his car a young, handsome and very stylishly dressed woman, unknown to him, presented him with a very large bunch of American beauty roses. A card attached bore this, "From a former Chicagoan." The act was loudly applauded.

In the Cook County Marching club the Chicago police department was represented by nearly fifty men, headed by Chief Kipley, Inspector "Jack" Hartnett, Captain Matt Homer and "Jimmy" Markham, private secretary to the chief. Company F contained fifteen central office detectives.


President Lane of the American Association Presides at the Meeting.


Various Phases of the Subject Are Handled by Speakers Who Have Made a Study of the Matter Under Consideration.

The transmississippi congress concluded its discussions this morning and adjourned. The first paper was one by Mis​ Electra Dayton, the librarian of Dayton, O., on emphasized the necessity for proper training for the cataloguing feature of library work and the establishment of training schools. This paper was discussed fully by William Richard Watson of Pittsburg, the assistant librarian of the Carnegie library there.

The next subject taken up was the relation of the library to other formal educational work. Papers were read on its relation to the public school by Purd B. Wright, librarian, of St. Joseph, Mo.; its relation to the college, by William C. Lane, president of the American Library association and librarian of Harvard university, and its relation to the club (the woman's club in particular), by Mrs. T. K. Sudborough of this city. The general trend of the discussion of these papers was that librarians and teachers should come closer together in educational sympathy. Miss Kate McHugh, assistant principal of the Omaha High school; Miss Virginia Dodge, librarian of Cedar Rapids, Ia., and William Wallace and Mrs. W. W. Keysor of this city all took part in the discussion. The views expressed on Mrs. Sudborough's paper were that woman's clubs should not conflict with the public libraries.

Resolutions of appreciation of the hospitality of Omaha were adopted and Victor Rosewater and Miss Edith Tobitt, the local librarian, expressed the obligation of this city to the visitors.

President Lane Presides.

At last evening's session of the Transmississippi Library congress William C. Lane, librarian of Harvard university and president of the American Library association, was introduced as chairman for the evening. He spoke briefly of the librarian's privilege of imparting knowledge and power to his fellow men and of his responsibility as a public servant. "The program to follow," he added, "will deal with the missionary aspect of the public library. Librarians have what they know to be good and it is their wish to impart it and the purpose of the speakers tonight will be to make that conception more clear and broad." The general subject was announced to be "The Value of the Library to the Community," and the different phases of the material, the social and political and the spiritual values were taken up.

The material good which the library brought with it was presented by Henry J. Carr of the public library of Scranton, Pa., who said that there was no expenditure of public money which brought such an immediate and extraordinary return as that invested in libraries. They are less expensive, he said, than prisons and reformatories and a great deal more effective. Mr. Carr outlined the history of the growth of public libraries in America from the origin of the crude school district libraries in 1835 to the first important gain, when a free library law was passed in New Hampshire in 1849. The next important date in library annals was 1853, when the convention was held in New York which proved the forerunner of the American Library association. The first material value in a library, Mr. Carr said, was naturally in the tangible worth of the volumes and other property attached to it. A more presumptive but none the less real value was in the feeling of ownership taken in it by citizens, thus stimulating pride in their community. Its value to workingmen in their pursuits was pointed out as well as to the unemployed tradesman who is in need of a wholesome distraction.

Value in Other Ways.

The social and political value of a public library was spoken of by Charles R. Dudley of the city library, Denver, Colo. He said that our government was run on the theory that every citizen was a political expert. Although it is a thinking age, he remarked, it is too often the case that people are ready to let the other man do the thinking rather than make the exertion themselves. No physician would be allowed to practice, said Mr. Dudley, and no lawyer would be called to a case without specialized knowledge along his line and the American citizen should similarly learn of the science of government from infallible sources. Preparation to hold public office should be made a matter of the most thorough study and at present branches of political science are taken up very seldom in high schools and are often only elective in colleges. The library is able to take up a large share of this burden and can offer material more trustworthy than hearsay or newspapers.

The same topic was discussed by Superintendent C. G. Pearse, who mentioned incidents in his experience with school children showing the good brought to them by the public library. Many children, he said, who have had no opportunity at home to acquire good breeding or to learn social usages get an invaluable glimpse into higher things from books in which pleasant views of life are taken. They obtain a taste for good reading that will last beyond their school lives.

The value of the public library to the education of the individual was spoken of by Miss M. E. Ahern, editor of Public Libraries, Chicago. She remarked upon the unsuitable reading which had formerly been offered to children in public schools when they had grown up in the narrow and unfruitful atmosphere of McGuffie's readers. Only 10 per cent of the students who enter public schools, she said, ever reach the high school, the large majority falling out either from the necessity of earning a livelihood or through the poor judgment of their parents. To such as these the library offers a boundless field of self-culture. If the lives of men who toil seem to them commonplace and narrow they have a refuge in a realm as unrestricted as the world's history, where they may commune with the greatest minds that have come to earth. To the tradesman the public library is an Aladdin's lamp, which opens a new and unsuspected world of beauty. A short discussion on the same theme followed by Johnson Brigham, librarian of the Iowa State library, Des Moines. He presented the view rather of a taxpayer who saw the necessity of the distribution of clean and elevating literature among his neighbors. A few remarks along the same line followed by W. P. Payne of the public library, Nevada, Ia.

Spiritual Benefits Also.

Rev. Mary A. Safford of Sioux City, Ia., concluded the program with an earnest and scholarly address upon the spiritual value of the public library to the community. She said that the library was a blessing not only to those who read but to all who even indirectly felt its influence. The debt of religion to the library, she said, is far greater than is usually realized for religion not grounded in intelligence is nothing higher than superstition. Religion, she added, cannot rise above the level of the popular intelligence. It is not enough to mean well; good intentions must be wedded to right thinking. So much of wrongdoing and suffering is brought about simply by ignorance that the library becomes a most important factor in the uplifting of the nation's life. The palliative measures of penal institutions are valuable because they are necessary, but they are not so important as those which are preventive. The speaker did not deplore the fact that a large amount of the present reading is in fiction, for she said that in this commercial age the stimulus was helpful to the imagination and broadening in its tendency.


American Painters and Golden Age of Italian Art Discussed.

There was an improvement in the attendance on the Art congress yesterday afternaan​, but the same feminine predominance was apparent which characterized the audience in the morning. The lecture was by Charles Francis Brown, an instructor in the Chicago Art institute, and his subject was "American Painters." He illustrated his lecture by the aid of a stereopticon, the room being darkened for the purpose, and the pictures were thrown on a canvas stretched over the front of the pipe organ.

The lecturer said he had been impressed by the logical arrangement of some of the exhibits in the Government building at the exposition, showing the development in some particular branch. He mentioned the hammer which is shown in the crude shape of stone which was used centuries ago and the finely finished article which is used by the skilled workmen of today in accomplishing the development of the trades. The same is true, he said, of the display in the Art building and he would seek to illustrate this development in the course of his lecture.

Mr. Brown divided the history of American art into three periods. The first was the colonial or revolutionary period, closing with the death of Gilbert Stewart; the second extended down to 1878, when the Art Student league and the Society of American Artists were founded in New York and the third, or modern period, covered the time  Scanned image of page 8 from 1878 to the present. In the beginning American art was under the influence of the English and Italian school, but since American students began to go abroad for their education and training the influence of France and Germany is more noticeable.

The speaker then gave a short sketch of the different American artists, with criticisms of some of their work, beginning with Benjamin West, the first American painter, following with John Trumbull, John Copley, Gilbert Stewart and others down to those well known today. Throughout it all specimens of the work of the artists were thrown upon the canvas for the benefit and instruction of the audience. The lecture was entertaining and of great value to all interested in art culture.

Miss Caulfield's Lecture.

Miss Anna Caulfield gave a lecture before the art congress at the First Congregational church last evening, on the "Golden Age of Italian Art," illustrated with stereopticon views in colors, which to many was a revelation in art, poetry, philosophy and history all combined. She has been strongly impressed with the natural trinity of architecture, sculpture and painting and for an hour treated her charmed audience to a most instructive transition from the Gothic to the Renaissant in architecture and painting in a very philosophical resume of the progression from the thirteenth century in Florence to the sixteenth century in Rome and Venice. Mrs. W. W. Keysor introduced her.

Her endeavor was to answer the questions, "How shall we awaken an interest in art in America?" "How shall we convince the people that art is something more than a mere form of amusement?" and "How can it be best introduced into our cities, our schools and our homes?" We need eye culture as well as soul culture, she said, speaking more particularly of the American people, and she advised that we turn from God's art in nature to man's art in architecture, sculpture and painting. The American people can do as did the ancients—cultivate a love of beauty from the continuous scene of the beautiful in which this country abounds in its natural scenery. She stepped aside a little to add a word of praise to the Transmississippi Exposition as an object lesson in art.

Stress was laid upon the value of color and she rather deprecated the decoration of homes with pictures in black and white and brown and white. The women's clubs, she thought, could awaken an interest in art by going about it the proper way. An awakening in the direction of art, however, she said, is going on in America as in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries there was a revival in Europe in the Renaissance. The capitol at Washington and the congressional library building she had thrown onto the screen to emphasize this point and by way of comparison with Florentine architecture in the Duomo which, having grown from a study of the Pantheon, had become the original of all great domes from St. Peter's at Rome to the national capitol. As a treatment of the subject of architecture itself the lecture was a most profitable one to her listeners.

Her Stereopticon Views.

Her stereopticon views were of a very high order, numerous and versatile. They covered everything of note from the day of Lorenzo the Magnificent in Florence, to Michael Angelo's frescoing of St. Peter's and the vatican in Rome and the masterpieces of Titian in Venice. Fra Angelico's works of spiritual beauty in his religious paintings, Andrea del Sarto's faces, Raphael's madonnas, the style of Leorardo da Vinci and Giorgioni's pageantry scenes all found a place in her interesting sweep of the four centuries. Florence she considered the heir of Rome's magnificence and Venice that of the marine beauty of Constantinople, each inheriting a special feature of the respective divisions of the Roman empire. Form was the prevailing characteristic of Florentine art and color that of the Venetian. Her illustrations were brought to a happy finale by a reproduction of Titian's Assumption and a moonlight scene of the grand canal of Venice, for which she was compensated by spontaneous bursts of admiring applause from the select audience which had accompanied her in her entertaining tour from the Armo to the Tiber and thence to the "bride of the Sea," whose doge lives now only in the immortalization that has come from Shakespeare's pen and Titian's brush.

This morning at 10 o'clock Miss Isabelle McDougall, art critic for the Chicago Post, will talk on "Municipal Art." At 11 o'clock L. H. Griffith will speak on "Practical Application of Art Education." This afternoon at 3 o'clock Lorado Taft will lecture on "French Sculpture." This lecture will close the congress.


Lakeside City People Expected to Take In the Exposition and See the Sights.

Famous Cook County Democratic Club With an Immense Band of Music Will Storm the City and

Twenty Sleeping Cars Filled With the Crack Marching Club of the World Arrives in Omaha Early Saturday Morning on Special Trains.

Mayor of Chicago.

Today, according to the exposition calendar, is Chicago day at the exposition, and the indications are that the event will be a hummer—a record breaker. The Chicago excursion proper is under the auspices of the Cook County Democratic club, and that noted organization will come in full force. This is perhaps the most remarkable political organization in the country today. It is a powerful body, and has grown in numbers and influence. While it is not a "machine" controlling body, it is an organization that runs the political affairs of the democracy of the Lakeside city to a large extent. In the membership are men of all conditions and social standing in the party. Chicago is rapidly growing to the proportions of the political center of the northwest, and this club is no small factor in the work of organization and controlling the party in that city and in Illinois.

This club keeps up its organization year in and year out. From time to time meetings are held—social meetings, business meetings, and during campaign times, frequent business meetings in which great events are discussed. The organization, as some one has said, is always in the saddle, ready for business. When distinguished men of the faith visit Chicago this club does the nice thing in a royal manner. Notable days in democratic history are commemorated in a becoming way by this organization. The club never does anything by halves. The motto of the club is, "What is worth doing at all is worth doing well."

The anniversaries of this club, such as Jefferson and Jackson days, and other notable ones in democratic history, are events, not alone in the history of Chicago, but of consequence also to the country and party the country over. Nothing in the way of splendor and magnificence in the way of arrangements and program are left undone.

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This club has a membership of thousands—men of all conditions, from the day laborer on the streets to the millionaire in his palace. They meet from time to time, and discuss matters of much interest to the city, county, state and nation and themselves as individuals.


Inside the club proper is an organization known the world over as the "Marching club." This is an organization within an organization. It is composed of the real workers, those who are ready in season and out of season to go forth in behalf of the party principles. They are what might be called the "rough riders" in Chicago political affairs. On them depends largely the work of the great organization. During campaigns this club meets night after night to plan, devise, suggest, execute plans calculated to bring about desired ends. In short the "Marching club" is the cabinet for action.

In times of peace this wing of the organization takes pleasure and business trips to different places, carrying cheer and astonishment with them. Their trips are events not only in the history of the club's life, but in the annals of the places visited, as well. When they go they go in royal style. They do the thing up in elegance—and money is no object with them. Some years ago the Marching club went to Syracuse in a train, the car service alone costing $7,000. The club went to Nashville to the exposition last year and the car service account alone was larger by considerable than was the cost of the Syracuse trip.


The trip of seven days through the south during the Cotton States exposition at Atlanta, Ga., in 1895, was a memorable one. The club participated in Chicago day services in Memorial hall and serenaded all the Illinois dignitaries assembled on that occasion, who were Governor Altgeld, Chairman Ferdinand Peck, General Wheeler of the national guard, A. S. Trude, George Adams and Chief of Fire Department Swenie. Governor Atkinson of Georgia and the mayor of Atlanta were also serenaded. They were received by the staff officers of the governor and leading citizens. Other points visited were Memphis, Tenn., where they were received by the Tennessee committee, composd​ of leading office holders and citizens; Birmingham, Ala., where they were received by the mayor and citizens of that beautiful and enterprising city, and serenaded by the ladies in charge of the Chrysanthemum exhibition, held there are the time, and stops were also made at Tuscaloosa and Holly Springs, Miss.

When Governor Boies was inaugurated at Des Moines, this club was a feature of the exercises. It was the admired of all. This trip was one of the most noted in the history of the club, and consumed five days, during which time the weather was extremely cold, the thermometer registering 10 degrees below zero on inauguration day. Two hundred members and forty musicians from the First regiment band made up the company.


When Mayor Van Wyck was inaugurated at New York the club was the seven days wonder of Gotham. The body paraded to Tammany hall and won eulogies as the finest appearing body of men that ever marched down Broadway. A reception was given them next day by Tammany. On the return home a stop of five hours was made at Niagara Falls. Upon arriving in Chicago 500 citizens, headed by a band, received them as conquering heroes and gave them a reception and banquet in Oriental hall.

The trips and triumphs of the club have been many. October 7, 1897, the club made an invasion of the southland and added another peace victory to the many laurels won on civic battlefields. The famous "swing around the circle" in October, 1897, into the heart of the campaigns of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee will live in political history. As a result democracy triumphed at Lafayette, Indianapolis, Louisville, Cincinnati and Nashville, where the county democracy sojourned and was entertained. The parades of the organization awakened great enthusiasm, with Mayor Harrison at the head—a plain democratic mayor marching in line with "the boys."

Saturday is Chicago day, and that does not mean that only the famous Cook County Democratic club will be here. That club comes, to be sure, as a body, to swell the ranks and to place organization behind the exercises. energy. Mayor Harrison will be here. Thousands of people will be here—people of all political faiths as well as people who have no political home. It is Chicago day—a day in which every loyal Chicagoan can take part and enter into the exercises with freedom and He responds to "The Mayor," and his address will be the chief one of the day. Others will speak, and the Auditorium exercises will be somewhat out of the usual.

To give a list of the prominent people who will be here would be an impossibility. President Powers of the noted club will head the list; ex-President Burke, Mayor Harrison, ex-Governor Altgeld, leading judges, noted members of the Chicago bar, men famous on 'change, county and city and state officials, and two or three congressmen, and Senator Mason is of the pary​.

This will be the club's only real extensive outing for 1898, and it is their purpose to make it an affair worthy of the great young city of which it is a representative. They come to have a good time; to show the people of Omaha a good time; to meet and greet old friends, and to form new ones; and incidentally to make a display worthy of the name of Chicago. A Chicago man expressed the idea when he said: "They would come to Omaha loaded, and would unload—and maybe, some of them fill up again."


Months ago the club decided to come to Omaha, to see the exposition and to do Omaha. From time to time committees have visited the city perfecting arrangements for the outing, and plans at both ends are now perfected, and are on a scale at once grand and magnificent.

While here the Paxton hotel will be headquarters. The club will arrive in the city Saturday morning, leaving Chicago at 2:30 p. m. Friday. They have chartered twenty sleepers for the members of the club alone. Two engines will draw this immense train. Enroute the train stops briefly at Monmouth, Galeburg and Burlington. At Burlington, Ia., the club leaves the car and makes a parade through the principal streets, early Saturday morning. There are 500 in the marching party. The famous club band of seventy pieces furnishes the music. Arriving in Omaha the club will fall in and march from the depot to the Paxton.

While here a street display will be made, and the parade at the exposition Saturday afternoon will be something worth seeing.

In addition to the marching club a large number of Chicago people will come, and it is estimated that at least 10,000 people from that city will be in Omaha today.

Secretary of Cook County Democratic Central Committee.
President of Cook County Democracy.
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Democratic Candidate for Sheriff of Cook County, Illinois.
Democratic Candidate for County Clerk, Cook County, Illinois.


Statesmen and Orators From the Great Cotton Commonwealth Here.

They Come in Force to Exposition---Generous Tribute to the West---Pioneer and Children's Day, Also,

Nebraska's past, present and future, its labor, its achievement and it promise met by chance on the exposition grounds yesterday. The territorial pioneers and the old settlers were there to see epitomized the results of forty or fifty years of effort in the land beyond the Mississippi—the conquest of the prairie schooner which President Olson the other day called the grandest sort of battleship. Their sons and their daughters were there to feel satisfied with their present undertakings, and their grandchildren were there to share in pride for the past and to be filled full of hope for the future.


It was all children's day, too—a day for the youngest and the oldest. No one knows just how many of the little people there were, but they piled off every train that arrived in the morning. The most imposing body of them came in from Blair on a special about 9:30. There were about 1,000 of them. They made a pretty looking army as they marched from the Elkhorn station into the grounds and down the boulevard to the main part. They were in the general charge of Superintendent N. K. Fowler of the Blair schools, but the detachment from each township and school district in the county had its own chaperon.

Bundles and packages were deposited at the Children's building and then the grounds were free to the excursionists. There were no formal exercises, and the only special entertainment for the children was a display of Japanese day fireworks on the plaza at 1:30.

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There were, of course, fewer of the old settlers, but there were many for them. They moved about the grounds more slowly than the children, but they were yet lively enough to see the exposition. They made headquarters at the Nebraska building, where shortly after noon a reunion was held.


The day was further distinguished by a visit of the prominent citizens and the Press association of Georgia, with exercises in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. The southern excursionists met at the Georgia building and marched to the Auditorium to the music of the Omaha Concert band.

Ex-Governor Northen presided. He said that the people of Georgia were here to congratulate the brave men who had made the exposition so grand a success in the face of such serious discouragements at the start. The south had been in the exposition business and the governor said that he thought at the time that the Cotton States' exposition was second only to the World's fair. He believed he was now safe in saying since he was 1,000 miles from hime​, that the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition had not been surpassed by any other ever held. (Cheers.) The governor referred to the same spirit that had moved both the north and the south in the war with Spain, and declared that the conflict was worth all its cost in money and blood, because it had wiped out forever the last vestige of sectionalism. (Cheers.)

The greeting for the exposition was extended by President Wattles. His commendation of the enterprise shown by Georgia in participating in the exposition was received with much applause, as well as were his remarks regarding the disappearance of the remnants of sectional animosity. Not less well received were his remarks regarding the prosperity of the new south and his prediction that it would soon be working up in its own factories its own cotton.


Henry Richardson, editor of the Atlanta Journal, and one of the prominent members of the Georgia commission, was profuse in his praise of the substantial and the more airy splendors of the exposition. He did it with a great deal of fervor and a great deal of wit, and found frequently before him a thousand laughing faces. He declared that here about the main court were shown more grandly the works of man than at any other time and place. "And," said he, "if that be treason, let Chicago and Atlanta make the most of it." He repeated with great satisfaction the facts regarding the attraction of northern capital and northern men to the south and shouted that they were welcome. They would rather have down there good, regular, well-seasoned American citizens, with American traditions and American spirit than the population continually dumped down in New York from foreign shores. "We appreciate," said he, "what the northwest has done for the south and we want more of you."

Discussing the resources of Georgia and its agricultural advantages, Mr. Richardson entered on a cheer-causing part of his address when he began talking about one flag and one patriotism. He has, as a boy, he said, seen the city of his hope riddled with federal shells and fired by federal torches, and yet, today, when one there turned his eyes toward the sky he saw nothing but an array of American flags, and devotion to the common interests of the whole country was nowhere so strong as in the empire state of the south.

Manager Rosewater of the department of publicity and promotion followed with an address more particularly to the members of the Georgia Press association and on the theme of the work of the press in contributing to the success of the exposition.


Response was to be made by Captain John Triplett, vice president of the Georgia Press association and editor of the Thomasville Times, but he contented himself with acknowledging the courtesies extended, and introduced Colonel J. H. Estelle of Savannah.

Colonel Estelle said he felt like repeating the old story of the queen of Sheba, but Mr. Richardson had already told that, and he would speak of the Georgia press. He commended it for its boldness through many trying times and for its honesty at all times. He and and his friends would carry back the most pleasant recollections of the exposition, profoundly impressed with its beauty and with the power and intelligence that produced it.

After "The Old Kentucky Home" by the Omaha Concert band the final address was delivered by John Temple Graves, whom the chairman said all Georgia regarded as a second Henry W. Grady.


Mr. Graves began with a very gracious compliment to the president of the exposition and his associates for their great accomplishment. With much fluency and apt description he spoke of the exposition and the spirit of the people of west. He aroused the most ardent enthusiasm as he spoke of the interests of his section and pronounced the Nicaraguan canal the logical outcome of the Spanish war, and was cheered at the end of every sentence as he progressed in his chief theme—a reunited country, and a north and south linked by new commercial and industrial ties.


Oldest Settlers of Nebraska Gather in Numbers to Rejoice.

That Nebraska is not so young as she used to be one must admit after a glance at those who gathered at the Nebraska building yesterday responsive to a call for a meeting at noon of the Territorial Pioneers' association, ex-Governor Furnas president and W. R. Bowen secretary. Long before noon the building was a hive of activity—a gray and venerable activity. White beards, bald crowns and bent shoulders were much in evidence; but so also was the spirit of fire and courage which has made these men worthy to bear the name of pioneers.

Prior to the meeting no definite plan or program had been arranged for the day's entertainment, the purpose of the meeting being to perfect arrangements for such manner of celebrating as would be most acceptable to the guests. Nor did there seem any urgent desire for any form of enjoyment other than that of exchanging greetings and renewing old-time friendships. So busy were the graybeards with this pleasure that the meeting had not been called to order at the hour of 12:30.

It was expected that other old settlers' associations would join with the Territorial Pioneers' association in this celebration. The Lancaster County association had signified its intention of doing so, but at the last moment this plan was abandoned and the only organized body concerned in the festivities is that of the Territorial Pioneers.

The afternoon meeting was called to order at 1 o'clock by the president of the association, ex-Governor Furnas, with about 200 members present.

Governor Furnas, in addressing the assembly, said this was the most largely attended meeting of the association which has yet been held, despite the fact that the material available for the making of members is constantly decreasing. He spoke briefly of the astonishing contrast between the condition of the territory a generation ago and its condition in this great exposition year—a contrast impossible in any other country within so limited a period of time.

Secretary Bowen read the minutes of the meeting of last year, which was held at Lincoln. The secretary also submitted the financial report and report of auditing committee.

Ex-Governor Furnas then briefly outlined the purposes and objects of the organization of the association, which has in view the preservation of some authentic record of the days of territorial pioneering. He urged the increase of membership, which is available to all who came to or was born in Nebraska prior to March 1, 1867. Children of such pioneers, if born in Nebraska, are available for membership in the second class. It is desirable that there be the largest co-operation among old settlers for furthering the purposes of the organization before death shall make such co-operation impossible.

The association has adopted a specially designed and characteristic badge of bronze, the design being a buffalo head, inclosed within a horseshoe.

Robert W. Furnas was re-elected president of the association for the ensuing year. W. R. Bowen was also re-elected as secretary.

At the conclusion of the formal business of the meeting many of the members were called upon for five-minute addresses. Ex-Governor Boyd was the first to respond to this call, and spoke feelingly of the early days, and hopefully of the days to come. He was followed by Colonel Champion S. Chase, who urged the need of attempting to preserve the "inside" of territorial history while its makers are still living.

Major D. H. Wheeler spoke of the conditions that prevailed in Nebraska in the '50s, when cottonwood timber was legal tender, and when there was a race of real estate boomers who must have put the modern boomer to shame.

Short speeches were also made by Dr. Daniel Freeman, Beatrice; Isaac Hascall, Omaha; Dr. Harvey L. Link, Millard; Dr. George Smith, Omaha; John B. Furay, Omaha; A. Yost, Fontanelle, and others, all in reminiscent mood. The remainder of old settlers' day celebration was a go-as-you-please.

Missouri Editors at the Exposition.

Fifty Southwest Missouri editors and their wives are at the Mercer. Yesterday after a brief informal session the party left the hotel in a body for the exposition. Press Commissioner R. W. Richardson was on hand and presented each editor with tickets to the exposition. The southwest editors will stay over Sunday in the city.


Georgia Editors Plan to See Salt Lake and Revisit Omaha.

The Georgia editors were up betimes yesterday. At 9 o'clock they assembled in the parlors of the Millard to discuss and arrange plans for a western trip. The entire party was present, the meeting being very interesting. It was decided to go to Denver, at any rate, the party already having an invitation to that point. A committee was appointed to complete arrangements for that outing; also the committee to see if arrangements can be made to go to Salt Lake, many of the editors being very anxious to go to that city while in the north. That committee was requested to do all in its power to arrange for the Salt Lake trip.

It was further decided to leave Omaha for Denver, Saturday evening, spending three or four days in Denver, returning to the city next week and spending two or three days more at the exposition. Should arrangements be perfected to go to Salt lake they will return to Omaha October 8, spending the 9th and 10th at the exposition.

After the meeting the editors went in a body to the exposition, and held an informal meeeing​ in the Georgia state building, at 10:30 just previous to the Auditorium building.

Chicagoans Coming.

The hotels are already filling up with Chicagoans, and there are at this time several hundred people from that city in Omaha. Every incoming train adds to the number, and by evening at least 1,000 Chicagoans arrived to participate in the exercises. These are the advance guard, coming to complete arrangements, and to avoid the rush today. Commercial men, representing Chicago houses, are coming in very fast. There have been several hundred of them at large in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas, and almost to a man they are rolling into Omha​. Many of them live in Chicago, and their families will meet them here. Some are members of the Cook County Democratic club, and come to have a lark with their comrades. The Paxton, Murray and Millard are filling up with Chicagoans. At each of these hotels quarters have been engaged for weeks in advance for today, and the indications are that the hotels will have few idle rooms Saturday night.

Indian Sham Battle Saturday.

Great commotion and turmoil will again disturb the Indian congress this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, for at that hour the six Sioux tribes and their friends, consisting of one or two of the smaller tribes, will wage conflict with every other tribe in the village. It will be another of the sham battles that have become the drawing cards of the grounds on the day that they occur, preceded by a grand review by tribes in which Geronimo and his Apaches dash up the last of all.

Accommodations for seating 3,000 people in the shape of solid plank tiers thoroughly braced have been provided. The Indian braves will have their usual number of Springfield carbines and blank cartridges.

Notes of the Exposition.

The fireworks tonight in honor of Chicago day will be on a scale not before witnessed. More than double the quantity of fireworks ever yet used on the grounds will be sent up.

October 20 has been set apart as Eastern Star day. There will be no formal exercises. The local members of the order will entertain visiting members from all points.

General Superintendent Newell of the Chicago & Easern​ Illinois railroad will be one of the visitors tomorrow. He will be attended by a party.

The special cars of President Purdy of the Rock Island and of George H. Daniels, the general passenger agent of the New York Central, stand near the railroad entrance. They and their friends will remain over tomorrow.

The St. Paul & Omaha road brought in twelve coach loads of children to the exposition. The Union Pacific had three extra loads from Columbus, and the Burlington brought in 10 0children​ from Minden.

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Three Members of Presidency, Snow, Cannon and Smith, Will Lead.

Accompanied by Governor Wells and Utah Officials, Will Arrive October 18 or 20.

Eight of Cannon's Sons and Daughteas​ From Five Families Visit Exposition--Going East to College.

Dignitaries of the Mormon church have advised Superintendent Whittaker of the Utah displays that they will arrive in a large party to view the exposition October 18 or 20. In the party will be the three members of the presidency of the Mormon church, the president proper, Lorenzo Snow, recently elected to succeed the later President Woodruff; the first councilor, George Q. Cannon, ex-territorial delegate and father of the present United States Senator Cannon, and the second councilor, Joseph F. Smith. Perhaps the governor of Utah, Hon. Heber M. Wells, will be a member of the party, which will also include several other officials of both the church and the state.

The Utah exhibits are now being visited daily by a dozen or more young people en route from their Utah homes to eastern colleges. Among the number during the last two days have been four sons and four daughters of George Q. Cannon, three of the sons bound for Cornell university and the others for other eastern institutions. It is said of the distinguished churchman that he has four or five families. Although now having renounced polygamy, he is most generously providing for each of his families, and is giving all of his children liberal educations, his immense wealth so permitting.

He was president of the Trans-Mississippi in this city two years ago last winter, which by reolution​ fixed upon Omaha as the representative city of the Trans-Mississippi states for the exposition.


One of the interesting features of the fisheries exhibit in the Government building, which became especially so yesterday, is the hatching out of a large number of Quinat salmon. Twelve days ago a large quantity of the delicate pink eggs were received from the government hatching station on the McCloud river at Baird, Cal. The eggs had been in the water twenty-five days, and in the ordinary course of events they would have remained in water at the temperature of 48 degrees, and would not have been hatched for several days yet. So most of the eggs are now being kept.

But one jar was put in Missouri river water at the temperature of 68 degrees, the water being gradually warmed to that point, and these are the eggs that yesterday began bursting open for the active little salmon with big food sacks fastened to them, so heavy they cannot swim for two weeks yet until the food is absorbed, although they are ambitiously trying. It is feared that the little fellows will be more delicate than those raised in colder water.


Canadian day has been fixed by the dominion government at October 15, so Mr. Mathew A. Hall, British vice consul of the Canadian-American club, has wired from Ottawa. He went a few days ago on the mission in behalf of the exposition. To make the day truly representative of Canadian interest and enterprise, it is announced that a large delegation of prominent Canadian officials will arrive to participate in the events of the day, in which it is believed that they will be heartily seconded by the 2,000 Omaha Canadians, as well as the large number from the Trans-Mississippi territory.


Six special cars with parties of people prominent in railroad circles will be on the tracks within the exposition grounds this morning. A New York Central party consists of General Passenger Agent George H. Daniels, Mrs. Daniels, Miss Harriet M. Daniels of New York; Mrs. L. B. Hamlin, Miss Maud Hamlin, Mr. A. W. Hamlin and Mr. Clinton Hamlin of Elgin, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dickinson, Mr. Mansel Clarke and Mr. R. T. Crane, jr. They arrived last evening on the New York Central private car "Corsair," but will occupy two cars during their stay. A Rock Island party consists of President W. G. Purdy, the Misses S. E. Purdy, E. F. Purdy and B. A. Purdy, Mr. C. F. Drake and Miss A. B. Sanger. General Superintendent J. C. Stewart, wife and daughter of the Omaha are expected today, as are also a party of Port Arthur officials and their families.

Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has written the National Flax, Hemp and Ramie association that he will be in the city during peace jubilee week, and will be pleased to participate in the contemplated flax fiber congress. Plans for the congress have not been definitely formed as yet, save that it will be held during the second week in October.


It is anticipated that during the next few days the North Dakota agricultural exhibit will be greatly augmented by a collection of the best agricultural products of the state direct from the state fair being held this week at Mandan, and later by another collection from the Grand Fork street fair, a fall festival peculiar to the larger North Dakota cities, the one at Grand Forks being held October 5, 6 and 7, including all kinds of fruit and cereal displays, Midway and balloon attractions, and Paine's Fall of Santiago produced on the Red river. The Richland county collection of Wealthy and Duchess apples has been largely increased.

South Dakota day is October 6, but as yet Mr. J. E. Pilcher, superintendent of the Black Hills mines exhibit, has received no definite information of the program save that Hon. C. E. Davis of Deadwood will deliver the opening addresses. It is rumored, however, that extensive preparations are being made, and that a large delegation from the Black Hills region at least, will be here. Mr. Pilcher has just received a miniature working model of a ten-stamp gold mill, and in operation shows the work of the two five-stamp batteries, one with clean plate and the other amalgamated with quicksilver.


T. L. Kennedy Selected as One of the Twenty-two Commissioners of Pennsylvania to Attend the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha on Pennsylvania Day.

By request of the management of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, now open at Omaha, Nebraska, Governor Hastings appointed twenty-two commissioners to represent the State on Pennsylvania Day, which will be October 6th, 1898. Among those appointed are Col. John W. Woodside, president; Col. Thomas Potter, vice-president; Thomas Bradley, treasurer; William A. Conner, secretary; George Knox McCain, chairman executive committee; T. L. Kennedy and others. The commission is composed of practical representative men and Governor Hastings is receiving praise for his wise selection.

The exposition is intended as a counterpart of the World't​ Fair, and in points of exhibits in electricity and fine buildings, is said to be the finest ever attempted in the United States.

John A. Wakefield, formerly of New Brighton, is secretary of the exposition, and by the selection of Mr. Kennedy as a member of the commission, Beaver county should certainly feel honored.

The commission will leave Philadelphia to-morrow evening at 4:30 o'clock and will pass through New Brighton early on Monday morning. It will be one of the few commissions that go outside of the state whose members pay their own expenses, so far as the state is concerned. However, the Pennsylvania Company, through George M. Boyd, general passenger agent, has kindly tendered free transportation over their lines and also furnished special cars. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company, through John R. Pott, general passenger agent, kindly furnishes transportation over that line from Chicago to Omaha and return. Mr. Boyd and Mr. Pott will accompany the commission in person.

Mr. Kennedy stated to a TRIBUNE reporter to-day that the state of New York has a large building erected on the exposition grounds which has been tendered to the Pennsylvania commission for use as a headquarters on Pennsylvania day. The offer has been accepted and the building will be used on that occasion, when the address of the day will be delivered by Postmaster General George Emory Smith. Mr. Smith and his wife will accompany the commis-[?]


Omaha's Exposition Leads All Others in Point of Attendance.


Visitors from the Windy City Take Full Possession of the Grounds.


Weather Man Prepares a Lake Michigan Fog for Their Benefit.


Speakers Exchange Compliments and Congratulations of Undoubted Sincerity and Unite in Exalting the West and Its Resources.

Total Admissions Yesterday21,255
Total for the Week128,854
Total to Date1,709,635

True to its promise and its well known hustling ability Chicago came to the exposition yesterday and made its visit the biggest, liveliest and most enthusiastic municipal celebration in the history of the exposition. And incidentally Chicago day will be remembered as the date on which the Transmississippi Exposition made good its promise that it would be the biggest exposition since the World's fair. Last night the total attendance passed the record of the total attendance of the Nashville exposition with several thousands to spare. In its six months of existence 1,703,328 people passed through the gates of the Nashville show. At the end of the fourth month the Omaha record was within 15,000 of the total Nashville attendance, and yesterday added this and thousands more. The total attendance at the Atlanta exposition, which was also a six months' show, was 1,287,863, and that at the Midwinter fair was also decidedly less than that at Nashville.

The radiant sunshine that welcomed the representatives of the Sunny South was pertinently succeeded by lowering skies and damp, misty winds when Chicago came to pay her respects to the only exposition that has rivaled her own marvelous achievement. It was as nearly a counterpart of the brand of weather for which the Windy City is famed as nature could suggest, and the visitors unpacked their mackintoshes and umbrellas and felt entirely at home. The clouds were draped in that slaty shade of gray that distinguishes the heavy canopy of mist that a stiff east wind blows up from Lake Michigan. The rain drizzled at intervals, with the same chilly persistence that it falls on Michigan avenue on several days of the 365, the southeast wind was damply suggestive of a journey over miles of angry water, and the Chicagoans had only to close their eyes and imagine that they could hear the muffled pounding of the insistent billows on the sturdy riprapping of the Lake Front. They had every reason to feel at home and they did. They showed their appreciation of the cordial sincerity of their welcome by simply taking possession of the grounds and lavishing their admiration on the show as enthusiastically as though they had not had a slightly bigger one of their own. They had come with the announced intention of making Chicago day one of the great events of the transmississippi show and the atmospheric inconveniences of the morning did not prevent them from carrying it into execution.

Make Their Presence Manifest.

The delegations that were brought by the various railroads included some of the most notable figures in Chicago citizenship. Many of them were accompanied by their families and together they formed the biggest and most enthusiastic crowd that has visited the exposition. They swarmed into the Illinois building all through the morning and kept the pretty rotunda full of animation and pretty costumes. As the excursionists whose trains had been switched directly to the grounds joined those who came up from their down town quarters the pretty red  Scanned image of page 13 grounds and by 11 o'clock there were enough of them to fairly fill the Auditorium and still leave a representation in every other quarter.

During the afternoon the clouds scattered and the drizzling rain of the morning was succeeded by occasional bursts of sunshine that were suggestive of real Nebraska weather. This gave the visitors an opportunity to see the show under the most favorable conditions, and they made the most of it. They furnished a big crowd at the sham battle, and the Cook county democrats were so thoroughly enthused with the scrappy tactics of the aboriginal contestants that they wanted to colonize them for delegates to the next county convention. This band concert and the special fireworks display in the evening caught the fancy of the visitors, and then they proceeded to give the Midway a little the warmest turning over it has had yet. Most of them will remain over Sunday, and the Innes band will play two exceptionally attractive programs. The feature of the afternoon concert in the Auditorium will be the rendition of Handel's Largo by the band and the Auditorium organ manipulated by Director Kelly.

Officials Finally Arrive.

The official party was belated but in the meantime the crowd was pleasantly entertained by the Omaha Concert band and was not perceptibly restless. The speakers and official guests arrived at 11:30 and were escorted to the stage by President Wattles and Mayor Moores and accompanied by nearly all the Omaha city officials. After an earnest invocation by Rev. T. J. Mackay, Chairman William H. Harper of the executive committee of the Illionis​ commission called the meeting to order and introduced President Clark E. Carr of the Illinois commision​ as the presiding officer. President Carr said to his Chicago hearers that, proud as they are of the splendor of their imperial city, they were now in the midst of that which had made that splendor, the great northwest. He introduced Mayor Frank E. Moores, who welcomed the visitors in behalf of the city of Omaha. He declared that every citizen of the west is proud of Chicago. He regards it as the center, around which the universe revolves and feels a personal interest in its triumphs. But Omaha is to the transmississippi west what Chicago is to the whole country, and he expressed the belief that when his hearers had inspected the magnificent enterprise that they are here to visit they would be as proud of Omaha as Omaha is of Chicago. In conclusion he presented Mayor Harrison with the keys to the city and invited the visitors to take the fullest advantage of the liberties afforded.

In behalf of the exposition management President Wattles said that the inspiration and ambition of our people to build this exposition on the banks of the Missouri had been received from Chicago's great World's Fair, and, while this was but a shadow of the ideal, the west is proud of its child and is glad to welcome its distinguished visitors. He referred to the intimate commercial relations that exist between the Mississippi and Missouri valleys. Chicago is the great clearing house for the immense products of this fertile territory. Its business interests are so closely connected with the transmississippi territory that it is practically the great heart of the west. He spoke of its wonderful growth and transcendent enterprise and paid a high tribute to the progressive spirit of its citizens.

Mayor Harrison's Response.

In response to these sentiments Mayor Carter H. Harrison spoke of "Chicago" and his introduction was followed by a generous ovation. He said that they werewe are here to return the thanks of Chicago for the designation of this day in honor of their city. TheyWe represented all nationalities, all politics and all creeds. They sometimes differed at home but they were a unit in extending to Omaha their sympathy and encouragement and their congratulations on its magnificent achievement. He declared that this celebration came at a time of glorious significance to this country. We has learned that the untried volunteers were of the stuff of which heroes are made and that Sampson, Dewey and Schley are worthy successors to Farragut and Perry. We are not only a peace loving nation but we have found that we have the ability to make our enemies on the battlefield desire peace rather than war.

Referring more particularly to Chicago, Mayor Harrison said that on most occasions a Chicagoan could not tell the truth about his city without being accused of exaggeration. The truth about Chicago seemed like an extravagant dream to the citizen of New York, or Boston or Philadelphia. But Omaha can understand Chicago. Her people had the same inherent spirit and the same pluck and enterprise had made each city what it is. In conclusion, he declared that not only on this occasion, but in every achievement of its future, Omaha commands all the sympathy and encouragement and inspiration that Chicago has to give.

Chicago and the West.

"Chicago and Its Relation to the West" was the subject of an able address by Charles G. Dawes, ex-congressman and assistant comptroller of the currency of the United States. After an enthusiastic hand clapping had greeted his introduction, Mr. Dawes said:

Twenty-seven years ago fifty of the leading citizens of Chicago gathered themselves in a little meeting under most distressing circumstances. Around them, in smoking and somber ruins, lay what had been but a few days before the magnificent city of Chicago. Their own homes had been burned over their heads; their property of all kinds was in ashes; around them all was desolation and cheerlessness and the future seemed as dark as the present. Some of these men rose and spoke of the city as destroyed and lost forever. Its rebuilding seemed to them impossible. To their minds the great Chicago, the city of their pride and affection, was numbered among the things of the past. But from among them there rose a young man who amidst depressing surroundings lifted his voice in remonstrance and in prophecy of the future. "Chicago will live," said he, "and live to be so mighty and so vast that this great fire will be but an incident in its past." And Chicago will thus live because beyond her there lies the giant force, the teeming millions and the imperial area of the mighty west, which having before created Chicago as the necessary gateway to the east must re-create it under the same necessities." That speaker, now the secretary of the treasury of the United States, has lived to see Chicago re-created by the west and his prophecies fulfilled to the uttermost.

I have thought of no better way than by the telling of this incident to indicate the relation of Chicago to the west.

Chicago is the child of the west, dependent upon her for her prosperity and progress—almost for her very existence—and far be it from her to belittle the debt she owes. Willingly, freely, she acknowledges and rejoices in it. Peopled largely by western men, sustained largely by western resources, she feels the keenest and most vital interest in the west, and I believe the great west takes equal interest in this young giant among the cities of the world.

Some Hard Boiled Facts.

The details of the social and commercial relations between the west and Chicago, daily growing more intimate, daily growing more vast—relations which may well challenge the deepest attention of the student of economics and of American history—can receive from me today but a passing and superficial word. From this great section 125 passenger trains carrying over 12,000 people roll daily into the depots of the city of Chicago, and an equal number of trains depart daily from Chicago for the west. During the last year 20,000,000 bushels of western wheat, 116,000,000 bushels of western corn, 118,000,000 bushels of western oats and 17,000,000 bushels of western rye went to or through the great commercial gateway of Chicago. Of the 46,000,000 pounds of second class printed matter entered for the year ending June 30, 1896, at the Chicago postoffice, the authorities of the office estimate that from three-eighths to three-fourths went to the west. Taking the postoffice average of five pieces to the pound, we find that the total annual circulation of Chicago periodical issues in the west must be between 130,000,000 and 172,000,000 copies—a circulation of most surprising and portentious​ magnitude. The combined mileage of the railroads east and west of the Missouri river, binding and knitting together the west and Chicago in ties of common interest, is 67,180 miles.

But no catalogue of the evidences of the intimacy and vastness of the commercial and sociological relations of the west to Chicago can add to our sense of their importance.

Affects the National Life.

The degree of contentment and prosperity experienced by the western people under these relations of western cities like Chicago and Omaha to the western country is so important as affecting our national life and progress that these relations now command the interest and attention of the entire people of the United States. It is generally realized that when the social problems involved in them are solved all the internal problems which confront our young republic will be solved. These people—the people of Chicago and the west—are not waiting for other people or other nations to solve the great problems of today, but strong in the consciousness of their competency for the task they eagerly seek after right solutions.

The rapidity of the development of the west has in less than two generations brought them face to face with the problem of existence under all social conditions from the most primitive to the most complex.

What has thus happened before the eyes of one generation in the west has consumed several hundred years even in other sections of our country and in continental Europe thousands of years. Crowded into the lives of the people of the west has been the marvelous sight of an empire builded from a wilderness.

Past and Present.

We stand today in the midst of this magnificent exposition—an exponent of the highest art of the world—located in this beautiful city of Omaha with its complex nineteenth century civilization and architecture, and are startled by the thought that the Indians and buffalo which have been brought here as objects of curiosity lived in their native state upon this very site less than fifty years ago.

Little wonder is it that the people of the west are interested in these relations of the western city to the western community. The fingers of fate move in decades and not in centuries, in setting the problems for western humanity to conquer.

Little wonder is it that no solution seems too difficult of attainment for those who have seen such great transformations in the west through the successful solution of earlier problems, equally grave.

And now as the genius of America, at the close of a glorious war so bravely fought by a gallant army and navy under a great and wise president, stands upon the threshold of a dawning century and a dawning destiny, with her face toward the fair islands of the Pacific west placed by God's hand under her guardianship, little wonder is it that these people of the west, themselves but a short time ago the adopted children of the wilderness, should not doubt that the path of national duty toward the new western possessions shall again be the path of national glory.

On the Louisiana Purchase.

Cogressman​ J. R. Mann also received a flaering​ welcome from he​ audience. He discussed "The Louisiana Purchase," as follows:

We celebrate today the victories of peace and peaceful pursuits. Where a magic city and a beautiful exposition now stand the wild buffalo was chased by the savage Indian within the lifetime of many here. In the midst of this fitting celebration of the successes of our arts of peace, while enjoying the benefits of bounteous plenty and prosperity, it is proper to recall the history of those events which have made these western states an equal part of that nation which is today the embodiment of progressive civilization and which flies the most beautiful and beloved flag ever lighted up by the sunshine or kissed by the breezes.

"Large streams from little fountains flow; tall oaks from little acorns grow." The little narrow fringe of settlements along the Atlantic coast has grown into an empire which sweeps across a continent and embraces the islands of the sea.

The Louisiana purchase more than doubled the national territory. It gave to our country the exclusive control of the mighty Mississippi and its tributaries. It planted our possessions on the Gulf of Mexico. It acquired for us the Columbia river and a coast line on the Pacific ocean. It brought into our country a region having the most fertile farm and grazing lands, as well as varied mineral resources, to be found in the world, and yet its acquirement was, as it were, only a chance shot.

Spain owned the entire west bank of the Mississippi river and the eastern bank below the Thirty-first parallel of latitude, the boundary line fixed by the treaty of 1795. After the war of the revolution our country west of the Alleghenies had begun to fill up with a class of sturdy and independent pioneer settlers. These settlements depended for transportation of their products wholly upon river navigation, the only outlet for which was through the mouth of the Mississippi, owned and controlled by Spain.

In 1800, by the secret treaty of San Ildefonso, Spain retroceded the province of Louisiana to France, but without delivering possession at that time.

It became evident to the statesmen of that time that we could have no lasting peace until we should possess one bank entire of the Mississippi river, with a consequent right to its free navigation.

Jefferson was president and did not believe that the constitution warranted the purchase of new territory, but overcoming his scruples he rose equal to the emergency and he commissioned James Monroe to act with Robert Livingston, then minister to France, in an effort to purchase that part of the Louisiana province east of the Mississippi, including New Orleans, from France, and congress appropriated the sum of $2,000,000 for that purpose.

War a Fortunate Incident.

"It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good." Fortunately for our own interest, France and England were then on the verge of another war. They had just concluded a treaty of peace, but each country was looking dread suspicion upon the other. England viewed with grave objection the retransfer by Spain of the immense Louisiana province to France; and Napoleon, who was then the first consul of France and its ruler, quickly saw that in case of war the English, with their superiority at sea, would immediately seize New Orleans and the Mississippi river valley. On Easter Sunday, April 10, 1803, he called two of his counselors who were most familiar with the foreign possessions and asked their advice. He said to them:

"I know the full value of Louisiana, and I have been desirous of repairing the fault of the French negotiator who abandoned it in 1763. A few lines of a treaty have restored it to me, and I have scarcely recovered it when I must expect to lose it. But if it escapes me, it shall one day cost dearer to those who oblige me to strip myself of it than to those to whom I wish to deliver it. The English have successively  Scanned image of page 14 taken from France Canada, Cape Breton, New Foundland, Nova Scotia and the richest portions of Asia. They shall not have the Mississippi which they covet."

And after hearing from his advisers, one in favor of selling the province to the United States, the other in favor of retaining it, Napoleon said:

"Irresolution and deliberation are no longer in season. I renounce Louisiana. It is not only New Orleans that I will cede; it is the whole colony without my reservation."

Monroe and Livingston had no authority to accept the offer which was made to them by Napoleon.

They could not cable for instructions. They had no time to communicate with the home government by letter. Napoleon was not a Spanish diplomat; he wanted his offer promptly accepted or rejected.

Monroe and Livingston, however, proved equal to the ocasion​, and after negotiations, which lasted but a few days, the purchase was agreed upon, the United States to pay France the principal sum of $11,250,000 payable in stocks or bonds due in fifteen years, with interest, and the further sum of $3,750,000, to be paid by our government to American citizens having certain valid claims against France.

When the treaty became known in this country some of the haters of President Jefferson raised a violent outcry against its confirmation, and dire predictions were made about the danger of extending the country in violation of the constitution, and burdening the people with an immense debt for the purpose of buying an uninhabitable wilderness.

The treaty of purchase was dated April 30, 1803, was ratified in October following, and on December 20, 1803, the American flag was raised over New Orleans.

No one can measure the future possibilities of the states embraced in the Louisiana purchase. The development since the purchase in 1803 has been more splendid than an alchemist's dream. The future will far outrival the present and the past.

The value of the Louisiana purchase cannot yet be appreciated. In 1854 Omaha was but a bare trading post. Its growth has been as rapid as the mushroom which springs up in the night, but as strong and certain as the steel beams which constitute the superstructure of its great buildings, and it is but an example of the genius of the west.

The acquisition of the Louisiana territory was the greatest prize ever gained by a nation at one time. By the stroke of a pen an empire changed hands. In a moment of doubt a construction was placed upon the constitution which authorized the vast increase of territory.

The Louisiana purchase will soon have a greater population than the country which sold it to us. A single false step might have lost us its possession. All the circumstances at the time of its purchase conspired to give us a single opportunity to gain an empire. The opportunity refused or neglected might never have come again.

The France which today maintains an army of more than half a million men because she was compelled to cede Alsace and Lorraine to Germany gave way to us a possession worth many times Alsace and Lorraine, and gave it in friendly peace.

Not one of us can look far into the future. The progress of a century has enabled us to utilize all our possessions. The lightning's fluid puts far distant territory in a moment's communication with the capitol. The expansion of our domain and the increase of our possessions made more keen the intellect and genius of our people. It broadened the hearts and deepened the souls of our citizens. With the new wants, caused by long distance and varied interests, came new ideas with which to supply those wants. New discoveries in the fields of science, art, mechanics, followed closely the new discoveries regarding the surface of our territory.

The last address was to have been made by Hon. William E. Mason on "Our Country." But the senator was unable to be present at the exercises, having been called to Washington on business Thursday. The program was concluded by the band playing "The Star Spangled Banner."

During the course of the exercises Chairman Harper read the following cablegram which was received during the morning from Ferd W. Peck, commissioner-in-general from the United States to the Paris exposition:

GENEVA, Oct. 1.—William H. Harper, Chairman Illinois Commission, Omaha: Paris exposition greet Chicago day at sister exposition.

Commissioner General.

After the exercises in the Auditorium Mayor Harrison's party was escorted to Markel's casino, where they were banqueted by the members of the executive committee and the city council. The party occupied the long table on the north side of the room on the second floor of the north restaurant. Aside from the dinner there was no set program and speeches were not indulged in. After dinner the party broke up and the time between then and the sham battle was devoted to visiting the exposition buildings.

Chairman Harper of the transportation committee left for Chicago at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.


Major and Mrs. Hambleton Keep Open House for the Guests.

The Chicagoans were given a reception at the Illinois building last evening from 9 until 11 o'clock. Along the walks and among the trees surrounding the structure 1,000 incandescent lamps had been strung to light the way of the visitors to the warm welcome of Major and Mrs. Hambleton. Within, the rooms were hung with evergreens and decked with roses. The punch bowl stood in a conspicuous place near the entrance. The orchestra, stationed on the balcony, furnished music for the occasion.

Out on the veranda members of the Cook county democracy and the Union League club, forgetting politics, spoke only of the beauties of the exposition, or watched at a distance the display of fireworks whose scattering stars lighted the sky in the north.

Nearly 500 guests called during the evening to pay their respects to their fellow citizen, the major, and do homage at the shrine of their mother state. It was the unanimous verdict of all that Illinois had done itself proud at Omaha. All agreed that there was no better state building on the grounds and united in congratulating Major Hambleton on the beauty of the home that he has made his during the summer, and spared no praise for the taste and art displayed in its decoration for their reception and entertainment.

The headquarters of the Union League club in the north room upstairs were especially inviting and had its share of guests until a late hour.


Celebration at the Exposition to Be Followed by Picnic at the Park.

Pennsylvania day at the exposition is Wednesday, October 5. The headquarters for Pennsylvanians on that day is to be at the Nebraska State building. Postmaster General Smith is to deliver the oration. Governor Hastings and staff, with a large party of prominent Pennsylvanians, are to be present. Ten thousands Nebraska Pennsylvanians are expected. Badges and buttons for Pennsylvanians can be obtained at Balduff's, Dalzell's and several other places in town. The Pennsylvania basket picnic will be held on Thursday, October 6, in Hanscom park. All Pennsylvanians are cordially invited. A program of short addresses by General Manderson, Governor Holcomb and other prominent Pennsylvanians, interspersed with plantation melodies and songs, instrumental and vocal, will be rendered. Everybody who attends is expected to be on the grounds in Hanscom park by 11 a. m. as refreshments will be served at 12 o'clock. Every person from far and near is invited to bring their own basket, as it is to be a typical Pennsylvania basket picnic, consisting of meats, sandwiches, cold slaw, salads, apple butter, scrapple, pumpkin pie, cake, cider, etc. The headquarters for the picnic people until 10 o'clock of Thursday, October 6, will be at the Young Men's Christian association building in Omaha. Street car accommodations run direct from there to the park. A beautiful souvenir Pennsylvania button has been prepared and can be obtained from any of the committee by applying for the same. One hundred and fifty Pennsylvanians have been appointed on the reception committee and everything has been done that was possible to make this a great day for Pennsylvanians in the west. One county has promised to send 500 representatives and other counties all over the state are expecting to send in large delegations.


Hundreds of Cars of Fat Stock Received and Hundreds More Coming.

The live stock show, which opens on the North tract Monday and which includes cattle, horses, jacks, jennets, mules, sheep and swine, promises to be one of the greatest exhibitions of its kind ever held in the United States. The entries number 2,550 animals, nearly all of which will be here. For the accommodation of the stock fifty-one barns have been erected, with 192 horse, 400 cattle, 332 swine and 186 sheep stalls and pens.

Yesterday was a busy time with the owners of the stock and also with the exposition people, as trainloads of animals were arriving from early morning until late at night, coming from almost every state and territory in the union, as well as some from Canada. While Monday is the opening day of the show it is not expected that all of the stock will arrive before Tuesday morning, as that exhibited at the Illinois state fair at Springfield will not leave its destination. Two hundred and fifty carloads of stock arrived yesterday and as much more is billed to come in today. The stock that has arrived up to this time is of excellent quality and most [?] fairs previously held. One ewe, in particular, ha arrived that has just been brought from England, where it took first prize in the Cotswold class a few weeks ago.

The horse show will be good, but it may not compare favorably with some of the shows held years ago, as it is a difficult matter to find any large number of fine horses in the country, breeders having gone out of the business to quite a large extent.

The judging at the show will not begin until Thursday morning. For the purpose of showing the animals before the judges and the public a large amphitheater has been erected, capable of seating several hundred persons. This is located just inside the east entrance to the grounds and is directly in the rear of the Dairy building.


Chicagoans and Others See What Savage Warfare Was Once Like.

Nearly all the Chicagoans and thousands of other visitors witnessed the sham battle fought yesterday afternoon between the Sioux and their allies and the Blackfeet and their allies. The battle was preceded by the usual parade of the members of the Indian congress, all in gala attire.

The preliminaries having been disposed of the forces divided, the Sioux and their supporters going to the east end of the field, while the Blackfeet and those who were to fight with them occupied the ground at the west end of the camp. Then the fight was on and unlike some that have been seen upon former occasions this one was a draw.

With the grandstand crowded and thousands standing along the ropes, with hundreds of spectators perched upon the roofs of surrounding buildings, the shrill notes of the bugle were wafted over the field and the fight was started. A party of Sioux had been out in Blackfeet territory hunting buffalo and two of them had been captured. A council of war had been held and it had been decided that they should die at the stake. Following out the text of the decision the two braves, Comes Running and Falls-As-He-Runs, were brought out into the open space and in full view of the audience. The first was tied to a stake and a fire kindled about him, while the latter Indian was securely roped and laid upon the ground to be disposed of at a later date. Around the unfortunate Indian the Blackfeet danced and howled, waiting for the flames to reach their victim. Not satisfied with this method of torture, however, they added to the misery of their victim by throwing dust in his eyes and prodding him with the burning ends of sticks.

Luck Was with Them.

It is probable that Comes Running would have journeyed to the happy hunting ground had it not been for an incident. Two other Sioux had heard that there was game in the vicinity of the spot that had been selected for the burning and happened to be close by when their comrades were prepared for the slaughter. At about the same time, however, their presence was discovered and two fearless braves were sent out from the ranks of the Wichitas to dispatch them. The Wichitas went, but they never came back, for the Sioux ambushed them, brained them with the butts of their guns and tearing their scalps from their heads, fled to the camp of the Sioux, where they gave the alarm. Within a remarkably short space of time the Sioux came riding down upon the Blackfeet and fired a volley into their ranks. The volley was returned and then the fighting became general. In the early part of the fight Big Brave, the chief in command of the Blackfeet, was killed by being tomahawked by Goes-to-War, who was leading the Sioux. The fight was a hand to hand encounter and was one of the most exciting scenes of the battle.

As Big Brave fell to the ground his scalp was torn off by Goes-to-War, who waved the gory trophy over his head and gave vent to a war cry that was taken up and echoed over the entire field. For an instant after the fall of their chief the Blackfeet seemed dismayed and there were indications that they were about to retreat. Right at this moment Touches-the-Cloud, a Cheyenne, assumed command and riding into the thick of the fight and waving his wand high above his head, cheered the wavering ranks on. The fight, however, was not for Touches-the-Clouds at this time, for in another part of the field his forces had become routed and the men were rapidly riding away, followed by the Sioux who were doing great damage to his columns. The old chief saw that the fight was lost, and starting to fly, discovered that he was alone, surrounded by half a hundred savages who thirsted for his blood. Clubbing his gun and urging on his pony, he rode against the ranks of the Sioux, cutting his way through and reaching his retreating men in safety.

 Scanned image of page 15

Exterminating the Blackfeet.

In this fight the Sioux killed and captured nearly half of the Blackfeet and their allies. They dead they scalped and the captives they conducted to the open space and prepared for burning them at the stake. One man, Dust Maker, was lashed to the identical pole to which he had assisted in lashing a Sioux but a short time previous and around him was kindled a bright, blazing fire. Around this fire the Sioux danced and howled, executing the same dance that is employed when business is intended. The squaws came in for their share and assisted in torturing the captive. Around and around the Indians danced, while the mounted red men circled about and gave vent to the most unearthly yells. Just as the man was about to give up the ghost the Blackfeet, who had been creeping up on the Sioux, arrived with reinforcements and engaged the Sioux in a most desperate battle. They dismounted from their ponies and turning them over to the squaws and children to hold, secreted themselves behind stumps and trees and opened a fire upon their enemies with telling effect. The Sioux retreated under the galling fire, but were rallied by Goes-to-War and his aid, Medicine Horn, both of whom seemed to be everywhere present. By directing the fire of their men, although outnumbered two to one, they held the Blackfeet off, piling the ground with the dead. What would have been the result of the battle cannot be predicted. It was nobody's fight when the supply of blank cartridges run low, which was the signal for the cessation of hostilities.

Even after the firing had been concluded the Indians gave the audience a fine exhibition of hand to hand conflicts. A dozen or more Indians engaged in such an encounter right in front of the grand stand, showing the methods in fighting at close range.

The sham battle interested the visitors immensely and was declared to have been one of the best things ever seen.

Welcome to the Plumbers.

Among the Chicago visitors in the city yesterday were John S. Kelly, national president of the Journeymen Plumbers' union; John Mitchell, president of the Chicago local union, and Frank Kennedy, president of the examining board for union plumbers in Chicago. They were the guests of the Omaha Plumbers' union, No. 16, and at the close of the regular union meeting last night were tendered an informal reception at Labor temple. A welcoming address was made by John M. Buggy, presdient​ of the local union, and there were responses by the visiting brothers and also by Andrew Young, chief inspector of the Chicago Board of Health, who was of the party.


Innes Band Wins More Praise—Programs for Sunday Concerts.

In spite of the somewhat unfavorable weather and the counter attractions brought about by the extra features in honor of the Chicago day visitors, two immense crowds attended the concerts of Innes and his band yesterday. It was a disappointment to many that the spectacular features were not given in the evening. This was not, however, the fault of Bandmaster Innes. It is promised that the necessary arrangements will be at once proceeded with and that the first of these spectacular productions will be given at the festival concert next Saturday night. The disappointment did not interfere, however, with the enjoyment of the big crowd, as Innes and his players seemed to lay themselves out in such shape as to create an extra amount of enthusiasm as each number of the concert followed one on top of the other. Heidelberg, the undoubtedly great piccoloist, caught them on his solo. His playing was for all the world like the song of a bird. Some of the notes were as thin as paper and about as long as the flash of a fire-fly, but they could be heard by the most remote auditor. Innes and his magical trombone set them wild again. The "Jubel" overture with its concluding hymn, "America! My Country 'Tis of Thee," brought the vast assemblage to its feet with such bursts of patriotic enthusiasm as it was good to look upon. The classicists, who are so fond of Innes because he appeals to them, were especially catered to by Wagner's magnificent "Tannhausser" overture and two songs by Mendelssohn, "Farewell to the Forest" and the "Spring Song." This last, by the way, is one of the most remarkable things that Innes does, in the judgment of many people. It is his own transcription of a delicate composition written especially for piano and the beautiful arpeggio effects which he brings in here with his reeds are not only mysterious but absolutely astounding.

The "Hunting Scene," a descriptive idyl by Bucalossi, made one of the hits of the night. Heppner, the solo trumpeter of the band, quietly slipped out and in the distance gave a faint response to the calling of the hounds, which had been sounded by one of the cornetists in the band. Then came the [?]

A-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go,
Tantivy, tantivy, tantivy,
A-hunting we will go.

This brought down the house and formed the climax of an evening of sensations. The program for the concert which will be given in the Auditorium this afternoon at 3 o'clock is of especial interest and is as follows:


Ave MariaSchubert(Transcription by Lux.)
Comin' Through the Rye (air varia for piccolo)HeidelbergMr. H. Heidelberg.
Grand Fantasia on the Works of Beethoven
Love Is King (march)Innes


Symphonic Poem—Last Days of the TerrorLitolff(This magnificent work describes in unmistakable tones the horrors of the French revolution. The ravings of a brutalized mob—the "Marseillaise," at first in triumph, but now in sadness—Robespierre himself meeting death at the guillotine, the awed hush of a country dazed by such a stupendous saturnalia of carnage, all are vividly pictured in this tone poem, which earned for its young composer a place among the foremost of French musicians.)
LargoHaendelOrgan obligato by Mr. Thomas J. Kelly.
(a) Part Song (for brass band) Farewell to the Forest
(b) (for reed band) Spring SongMendelssohn
Inflammatus (The Judgment Day), from Stabat MaterRossini
Solo for TromboneMr. F. N. Innes
Gloria, from Twelfth MassMozart

A grand concert will be given by Innes and his band on the Grand Plaza tonight at 7 o'clock, for which this is the program:


Two Hymns—
(a) Park Street
(b) Nearer My God to Thee
Trombone Solo—Air VariaZimmermannMr. Leo Zimmermann.
Second Hungarian RhapsodyLiszt


Overture—The MartyrsDonizetti
(a) Intermezzo—Cupid's Story
(b) March—Love is KingInnes
Song of Old Ireland (popular fantasia)Moore
Love Feast of the ApostlesWagner

Rounded Out with Fireworks.

Chicago day was rounded out with a most magnificent display of fireworks, hundreds of rockets, shells and bombs. There were numerous set pieces, all designed by John Due for the occasion. There was the "Welcome Chicago," a large picture of Mayor Harrison and then there was the cow that kicked over the lamp that set fire to and burned the old city of Chicago. As a companion piece, there was Mrs. O'Leary, the owner of the cow. In addition to this there was a large seal of the city, the acrobat and the phoenix, but better than all of this was the great display of bombs fired in connection with the burning of the city, which was represented on canvas by a street 400 feet in length, many of the buildings so arranged that when the bombs exploded the building tumbled down and apparently burned. The finale was a statue fifty feet high, designated as "I Will," representative of the new Chicago, built since the big fire.

Along the Midway.

There was a hot time on the Midway last night. It was not a riotous time, but just a jollification, participated in by the thousands of Chicagoans and others who were there for the purpose of seeing the sights. The shows opened early and continued in business until a late hour, all doing a good business. It as​ a jolly crowd and every member of the great gathering was in the best of humor.

From dark until midnight the street was packed and the clarion voice of the barker mingled with the laugh of the pleasure seeker who looked at the pictures, slid down all of the inclines and patronized all of the soda water establishments in his round.


Reception to the Postmaster General in the Court of The Bee Building Next Wednesday Night.

A public reception will be tendered to Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general and editor of the Philadelphia Press, in the court of The Bee building on the night of October 5. The postmaster general will precede the presidential party by several days in order to deliver the address on Pennsylvania day, and the reception has been planned to enable the postmasters and newspaper men of the west to greet him personally. The Bee building will be brilliantly illuminated and decorated for the occasion, and the long lines of red, white and blue incandescents will blend in pleasing unison with flags and bunting. Within, the court will be resplendent with foliage and draperies, and the distinguished guest will be welcomed by an assembly of notable people. The Bee has sent personal invitations to 1,100 western postmasters and it is expected that a large proportion of them will be present to receive their chief. Other invitations to newspaper men of the west [?]


Omaha Lines Give Out the Passenger Tariff for the Week.


Promise of Record Breaking Rates Not Fulfilled and Some Criticism is Endangered—What a Railroad Man Thinks.

A meeting of the passenger representatives of the lines west of here held a meeting yesterday and decided upon reduced rates to Omaha during Peace Jubilee week, October 10-15. It was resolved that lines would act independently of the Western Passenger association and D. B. Caldwell, who is employed by that organization as chairman, was so notified.

The rate that will be made from all points within 150 miles of Omaha is one fare for the round trip, with a minimum rate of $1. Beyond the radius of 150 miles a rate of 1 cent a mile will apply, with a minimum rate from such territory fixed at $4.50. Tickets will be sold at these rates on October 10, 11, 12 and 13, and October 17 will be the latest date for the return trip.

That these rates are a signal disappointment to those interested in the success of the Peace Jubilee is most apparent. From the intimations given out from time to time by passenger men here it was believed that the Peace Jubilee rates would be the lowest ever made to Omaha, as the occasion is to be undoubtedly the greatest. Two weeks ago the passenger men said that it would be unwise to announce the jubilee rates as they would be so low that travel in the meantime will be held back. It's hard to see why anyone should hold back to travel on the rates announced, as they are about the same as are granted the most ordinary conventions that come along.

This opinion is entertained of the Peace Jubilee rates not only by outsiders, but by well posted railroad men who are not so close to the general passenger departments but that they can talk. Said one of them to a Bee reporter: "I understand the jubilee rates are high in comparison with the attraction; there can be no doubt about that. Lower rates have been made to Omaha for the Nebraska State fair. I do not know whether there is any chance of having the rates lowered or not, but certainly they ought to be.

Some Singular Excuses Offered.

"It's amusing to anyone but a passenger man to hear the explanations the general passenger agents give for keeping the rates up. I heard a couple of them say that if lower rates were made their lines could not supply sufficient passenger equipment. There never was a line that could not get hold of all the cars it needed if it new sufficiently ahead of time of the travel expected.

"The real reason for the rates is that the general passenger agents want to go before their general managers and presidents with statements showing that they have acted as wise conservers of revenue. They make money on the traffic they do handle and get patted on the back for their shrewdness, but they lose lots of traffic that would yield good earnings.

"The rates for Ak-Sar-Ben week and for Jubilee week are reasonable enough from remote points, but they are altogether too high from nearby points. One fare for the round trip from points within 150 miles for a peace jubilee with President McKinley and his cabinet here is not a fair rate at all. I heard one passenger man say that the crowds would come any way no matter what rates were made, so the railroads were justified in getting all of the money they could out of the business. I do not consider this is the wisest course to pursue, and the error may be discovered later on.

"The general passenger agents have bulled the situation throughout the exposition, as they did during the World's fair, yet you will find passenger men all over the west today telling you how admirably the World's fair rates were handled. The great error with the campaigns for lower rates here has been that they have been mis-directed. Had a movement been started for lower rates from nearby points instead of from remote points the situation would have been better today. The great bulk of the support of the exposition comes from points within a radius of 250 miles of Omaha."

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Librarians Conclude Their Business and Take an Adjournment˙


Numerous Important Topics Ars​ Discussed and Resolutions of Appreciation of Hospitality of Omaha Are Adopted.

The transmississippi congress concluded its discussion Saturday and adjourned. The first paper was one by Miss Electra Dayton, the librarian of Dayton, O., on special training for library work. She emphasized the necessity for proper training for the cataloguing feature of library work and the establishment of training schools. This paper was discussed fully by William Richard Watson of Pittsburg, the assistant librarian of the Carnegie library there.

The next subject taken up was the relation of the library to other formal educational work. Papers were read on its relation to the public school by Purd B. Wright, librarian, of St. Joseph, Mo.; its relation to the college, by William C. Lane, president of the American Library association and librarian of Harvard university, and its relation to the club (the woman's club in particular), by Mrs. T. K. Sudborough of this city. The general trend of the discussion of these papers was that librarians and teachers should come closer together in educational sympathy. Miss Kate McHugh, assistant principal of the Omaha High school; Miss Virginia Dodge, librarian of Cedar Rapids, Ia., and William Wallace and Mrs. W. W. Keysor of this city all took part in the discussion. The views expressed on Mrs. Sudborough's paper were that woman's clubs should not conflict with the public libraries.

Resolutions of appreciation of the hospitality of Omaha were adopted and Miss Victor Rosewater and Miss Edith Tobitt, the local librarian, expressed the obligation of this city to the visitors.

President Lane's Address.

Perhaps the most interesting paper was by President Lane of the American Library association. Briefly he said:

The public library has three main functions—the provision of entertainment, information and inspiration, in the last giving assurance of a continuity of progress in matters intellectual and moral. The duties of the college library lie in the same three directions, but the function of providing entertainment sinks into comparative unimportance, because, while the public library naturally uses this as the best means of attracting its readers in the first place, the college librarian can take it for granted that the love of learning is already planted and it is his duty in co-operation with the professors to direct and encourage this. The collection of the literature of information and the literature of power (or inspiration) demands all his energy, and his attention is principally directed toward organizing this in accordance with the needs of the various departments of instruction. The chief value of a library to a college is that it provides the means of forming a habit of independent judgment and the formation of such a habit should be the principal aim of college training.

Simple study of text books requires little aid from the library and has little educational value; the true college method of study should be to send the student to various sources of information and opinion and require him under guidance to draw his own conclusions. For this co-operation of the library is essential. Such a method of study has an important effect on the character. It begets a respect for truth, accuracy, open-mindedness, clear discrimination, qualities supremely worth cultivating. The bearing of this ideal of college study on the problems of library administration was then considered.

Principle of Classification.

The principle underlying a classification for college libraries should be to group the books according to the needs of the different departments of instruction. In classifications usually adopted by public libraries English history, English biography, English travel, etc., are shelved in different parts of the buildings, but in a college library they belong together for the sake of the use made of them by the students of English. Even with this principle as a guide the librarian will find many vexing problems in settling the details of his classification, but he must try to decide all these questions on the ground of practical usefulness rather than by some philosophical system.

In many college libraries there is a strong tendency to break up the general collection into a group of sectional libraries. The demand for this is generally strongest from the scientific departments, which want to have each its own library in connection with its laboratory. No field of science or literature, however, can be absolutely fenced off from other fields, though some cases admit of separation with less incon-[?]ways a certain common ground, in which the workers in various fields have common interest. If any scientific section of a library is separated off in this way enough non-technical works should remain in the central library to satisfy the ordinary demands of the non-professional reader.

The subjects of catalogue, loan system, selection of books were briefly touched on. Finally the use of a college library by men of learning coming from any part of the country was spoken of as its highest field of usefulness in which it contributes to the real advancement of learning. This use justifies the enormous expense at which a great college library (such as that of Harvard university) is carried on, and for this reason Harvard and other colleges always give an eager welcome to scholars coming from a distance to make use of their treasures.

Library for Woman's Clubs.

Mrs. Sudborough's paper stirred up a great deal of animated discussion. On one hand it was thought that a woman's club should have a library complete for the purposes of the club, but there were others who expressed the radical opinion that very little more than a dictionary and some exclusive feminine literature were essential to an organization of this kind. The idea was expressed that everything that could should be done to make the public library the one great source of information to the public, and, if possible, lesser libraries should be more or less discouraged; that is to say, that no effort should be made by the Woman's club in the direction of a gathering of literature that might in any way detract from the value of the public library.

Mr. Rosewater's remarks just before adjournment were by way of emphasizing the interest that had been taken in the congress by out-of-town librarians. More than sixty people identified with library work throughout the country had lent their presence to the congress and added their quota of good suggestions. Of the states represented in addition to Nebraska there had been Colorado, South Dakota, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois, not counting the special guests from points in the farther east.

Invitations were extended to attend the meeting of the Iowa state meeting at Cedar Rapids and the convention of the American Library association at Atlanta next summer.

Close of the Art Congress.

An informal talk on "Municipal Art" by Miss McDougal of Chicago occupied the attention of the Art Congress yesterday morning. Miss McDougal laid great stress on the fact that our American cities would be much more beautiful, artistically, if more care were spent in the selection of subjects and quality made the criterion rather than quantity. She spoke of the education it was to the poor to see fine architecture and sculpture and urged the need of their adoption as an offset to unpleasant home influences.

Mr. Griffith, the art director of the exposition, talked interestingly upon the practical applications of art in matter of daily life.

In the afternoon Lorado Taft of Chicago spoke upon "Modern French Sculpture." After citing the reasons why Paris is the work shop of the workers in clay and deprecating the work of Americans abroad and at home, Mr. Taft proceeded to trace briefly the three stages of sculpture, the classic, renaissance and modern. By the aid of stereopticon views the different styles and masterpieces were reproduced with interpretations and explanations by Mr. Taft.


Omaha's Big Sister by the Lake Comes in With Breezy Step to Take a Look at the White City of '98.

Cook County's Regiment of Democracy Files Into the Town Like a Conquering Army—Assisted by Other Organizations Scarcely Less Warlike—Reception at the Grounds—Speeches at Auditorium.


Chicago day at the exposition was inaugurated by as fine a specimen of Chicago autumnal weather as the oldest inhabitant of the Lakeside city had ever seen. The sky was overcast with a thick curtain of gray clouds at an early hour and a driving, penetrating drizzle filled the air at intervals while a brisk wind completed the combination which made the visitors feel perfectly at home as soon as they alighted from their trains.

Special trains were the rule, the various Omaha-Chicago roads vieing​ with one another to see which could furnish the finest equipment for the big crowds which came in on every road. Vestibule trains containing all the latest improvements in the way of luxuries for the travelers were supplied in every case and even an expert would have found difficulty in determining which party fared the best.

The board of trade delegation was the first on the scene and very soon after their arrival the Paxton hotel lobby and the streets in the business districts were liberally dotted with the fluttering ribbon badges which were distributed by the new arrivals. The badge was a button and fluttering ribbon, all of bright pink with the word "Chicago" in large letters and other lettering appropriate.

These trains commenced rolling into the city at an early hour and from that time until noon the influx continued without abatement until the streets of Omaha were filled with the prosperous and well-fed citizens of the northwest's metropolis and everything had a Chicago air which carried enthusiasm with it. The streets and business houses were gaily decorated with flags and bunting, badges were everywhere and everybody and everything had a holiday air in keeping with the importance of the occasion.

In addition to the arrivals on the special trains the regular Chicago trains were all filled with people from Omaha's elder sister, and before noon the various badges carried by the different organization from the city by the lakes were in evidence on every hand.

The Cook County Democratic Marching club was delayed about an hour by numerous stops along the road and arrived about 10:30 o'clock. The Jacksonian club and a delegation of city officials met the club at the depot and escorted it through the principal streets, the greatest enthusiasm being manifested by the great crowds which lined the streets along the entire distance. A salvo of cheers marked the presence of the club at all points and the fine appearance of the organization excited the greatest admiration. The World-Herald office came in for a salute.


The distinguished citizens and citizenship of Chicago was not content with striking Omaha on one side only. The board of trade excursionists, for example, piercing the town on the east, shot clear through it and got back at it first on the south side and then on the north side, for the train was run out to Summit, there switched and then run up to the north side of the grounds where the twelve coaches stand.

The rumor was that the Union league crowd would execute a somewhat similar maneuver, coming over the river at Blair and running down on the Elkhorn also, to the north side of the grounds.

The short of it is that the tactics of the four invading armies were thoroughly mysterious and bewildering. The Cook County Marching club was reported late. This was for a time at least suspected to be a ruse under which some sort of flank movement would be executed. Certain it was that the city seemed to be catching it on all sides and from directions the least anticipated. The ingress could no more have been warded off than a rainstorm. In fact a real little rainstorm accompanied it as if still further to becloud the movements of the advancing detachments.


There was no general parade to the grounds. The visitors found their way out there, whereupon many of them rubbed their eyes, thought themselves dreaming, believed it was five years ago, and that they had simply gone down once more to Jackson park.


Of course headquarters were at the Illinois building, and Major and Mrs. Hambleton had taken good care that the guests should have a fitting reception. American flags and bunting had been stretched over the front portico of the building and a bower-like effect was given to the whole interior by the [?]  Scanned image of page 17 spots. Smilax, palms, asparagus and culled flowers abounded in profusion, and appeared in pretty designs wherever the architectural features permitted. Particularly beautiful was a curtain of asparagus over the mantel in the gentlemen's parlor, the corners being hidden with American beauty roses tied with white ribbon.

The badges, the daintiest ribbon badges yet seen on the exposition grounds, were distributed at this building as fast as the visitors called to register. In the afternoon a continual concert was furnished by the Sutorius Mandolin club of this city and it was the plan that at night music should be rendered by Kaufman's orchestra and that frappee and claret punch should be served.

The majority of the Chicago visitors who came on the numerous special trains will return home this afternoon or evening, although some of them will remain in the city for several days. The special trains are sidetracked north of the exposition grounds on the tracks of the Missouri Pacific and are used by the travelers as headquarters and for lodgings. The Milwaukee train was connected with the electric light service of the exposition and brilliantly illuminated last night.


A Regiment of the Finest Campaigners Comes in Style.

An enthusiastic welcome was given the Cook County Democratic Marching club when it arrived at the Burlington depot at 12:20 yesterday morning. The big train was three hours late, due to stops en route to parade and the weight of its nineteen coaches.

Over 200 members of the Jacksonian club, with the Omaha Military band in the lead, and several thousand Omahans belonging to all parties were at the depot and exchanged cheers with the Chicagoans.

It was planned that the prominent visitors should ride in carriages to the Paxton, but Mayor Harrison declared that he wanted to march along with the boys, and did so, the Omaha city officials also falling line.

The DeBaugh band of seventy pieces and the First Illinois regiment bugle corps from Santiago furnished music while the procession marched up Tenth to Farnam and thence over Twelfth and Douglas, Sixteenth and Farnam to the Paxton, where an informal reception was held.

There was a great deal of enthusiasm all along the line, despite the light drizzling rain, and the Chicagoans expressed themselves as highly pleased with their reception.

J. E. Riley of the Jacksonians was grand marshal of the parade, assisted by Arthur Metz, E. E. Howell, J. R. Monihan, John D. Ware and George B. Strathmann as aids. Mayor Moores and every member of the city council, and almost all of the city officials, were also in the parade. Three platoons of police marched at the head of the parade.

Compliments on the appearance of the Cook County Democracy, as it showed up in the line of march, every man with new plug hat, Prince Albert coat and cane or umbrella, were many and hearty. Cheers for "the finest," "the bravest and the best" and for the "Chicago boys" were given all along the line.

Among the prominent people were: Mayor Carter H. Harrison, Chief of Police Joseph Kipley, William Loeffler, city clerk; J. J. Corcoran, secretary of the civil service commission; John Dullard, sergeant-at-arms city council; Thomas Gahan, candidate for county commissioner; H. S. Taylor, city prosecuting attorney; Fred Eldred, candidate for county clerk; M. V. Gannon, formerly of Omaha, ex-president of the Irish Land league; Judge George Kersten, candidate for sheriff; A. J. Tollen, assistant commissioner board of public works; J. J. Gray, candidate for assessor; F. E. Davidson, superintendent of sewer department; John C. Schubert, chief sewer inspector; Ernest Thummell, city treasurer; Alderman John Powers, president of the Cook County Democratic club; A. A. Baldenberg and Cook; M. J. Devine, city attorney; Fred Eldred, citiy​ sealer and candidate for county clerk; John Daugherty, street commissioner; Frank W. Solon, formerly of Omaha, now superintendent of the streets and alley cleaning bureau; Judge James C. Martin, candidate for county judge; ex-Alderman Robert Mulcahey, Mike McFadden, the "King of the Pats;" Charles Thornton, corporation counsel; Lieutenant George Perry, of the city detective force, and nine detectives; Vincent H. Perkins, north town supervisor and candidate for president of the county commissioners; C. C. Stillwell, chairman Sixth congressional democratic committee; Emil Hoechster, democratic candidate for congress Sixth district; Walter Thomas Mills, the Chicago orator; James McAndrews, city building inspector; Inspector Hartnet Heidelmeier and Lieutenants Colloran, Perry and Matt Homer of the police department.


The music of the Cook County Democracy parade was furnished by the famous DeBaugh band, W. C. DeBaugh, leader. This organization of seventy pieces has accompanied the club on its many pilgrimages. The band has been present at all the really notable gatherings at which the famous club has been a part. It was at the two inaugurations of President Cleveland, the inauguration of Mayor Van Wyck of New York, the Cotton States exposition at Atlanta, the Nashville exposition, and the inauguration of Governor Boies of Iowa.


The famous First regiment, Illinois volunteer drum and bugle corps is here with the club. They were present at the Santiago fight, and spent seven weeks in that city. They were in the hottest of the fight at El Caney, and throughout that historic struggle. Sergeant E. L. Prescott is in charge of the bugle corps.

They are now home on thirty days' furlough, having arrived in Chicago September 10. In addition to the regular corps, C. H. Tolbin of the Second Illinois, and Sergeant McKay of the Seventh, are with the Santiago buglers.

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The Santiago drum corps, also with the First Illinois, on the right center, near Roosevelt's Rough Riders, are with the party. This famous drum corps is composed of Sergeant William D. Codman, Henry Johnson, jr., William E. Smith, Albion Wagner and L. D. Johnson. This was the drum corps of the First Illinois state militia, and has been in existence since 1878, having a long and eventful history.

Sergeant Codman, speaking of the Santiago battle, said:

"It was hot; we were in the trenches two or three days, and kept our drums rattling. We were near the famous Rough Riders, and saw plainly the heroic conduct of these men. They never wavered, and in the face of a withering fall of lead and fire crowded on step by step toward Santiago. It was a thrilling and never-to-be-forgotten sight. And hot—my gracious, we have no conception of hot weather—sultry, and no refreshing water to drink. But our boys fought like tigers, and the world knows the result."


The long line of special cars containing the club reached the ground shortly after 1 o'clock, stopping at the big gate just north of Pinkney street. The line was formed at Sherman avenue with three platoons of police in the lead and the club, band and drum corps immediately behind them.

The various companies formed quickly and the long line entered the grounds with Special Commissioner McGarvie as pilot.

Passing over the main viaduct from the bluff tract to the main court the parade reached the broad plaza about the lagoon from the east end of the Mines building. This point of entrance created a most favorable impression on the marchers and many expressions of astonishment were heard as the classic beauty of the main court burst upon the view without warning.

The line of march extended along the south side of the lagoon to the bridges at Twentieth street, and thence north and east through the Administration arch and the Midway to the Illinois building where the parade was dismissed.

Without further formalities the members of the club dispersed and were soon distributed over the grounds.


At 11 o'clock the official party left the Paxton hotel for the exposition. A dozen carriages were in waiting, and when the marching club rounded the corner at Fourteenth and Farnam, Mayor Harrison and Mayor Moores left the ranks, entering carriages. In the first carriage were the two mayors, President Clark E. Carr, and Colonel Harper of the Illinois commission.

George J. Brine, Vice President Lyon and C. C. Williams of the board of trade were in the next carriage. The members of the board of trade and prominent people of Chicago filled the ten other carriages. President Wattles and Major Clarkson being in the third carriage.

Friday night at 11 o'clock the county democracy's special train pulled into Burlington. There were hundreds of people at the depot, and the reception was an enthusiastic one. The club, headed by the band, took a spin through the streets. Thousands of people were out, the streets being lined with the people. After a march of thirty minutes the club returned to the train, at which place 10,000 people had assembled, when the train pulled out amid the wild hurrah of 10,000 voices.

In the party at Burlington were the mayor, the city officials and hundreds of prominent men of all political parties.


Natawattamie Goes to Happy Hunting Grounds After a Mortal Wound.

Bold Warrior While Chasing a Sioux Steps on a Nail and His Medicine Men Cannot Cure.

But This Does Not Stop the Sham Battle Which Thousands of Chicagoans Enjoy--Geronimo and the Ladies.

Natawattamie, a Fox brave, yesterday went to the happy hunting grounds of his fathers, where the squaws do all the work and the bucks don't have to hustle for stuff to eat. Not in the heat of battle did he die; not when the smoke drifted o'er and unlucky prisoners were sizzling at the stake; not while bravely trying to scalp an enemy, but washed clean and white and with his clothes off did he breathe his last between white sheets in St. Joseph's hospital.

The late Natawattamie was a bold warrior, though, and to his ardor in one of the earlier battles of the present campaign is attributed his death. While rushing to his death one of his Sioux enemies he stepped on a nail and retired from the firing line a cripple. Natawattamie objected to taking the white doctor's medicine, and in the mixture of that with the Indian medicine which the Fox medicine man prescribed Natawattamie took to his bed and was in a few days suffering from malarial fever. He was taken to the hospital, but grew worse daily and yesterday died, after a visit from several friends, to whom he pathetically appealed to take him home, that he might die as an Indian and not as a common paleface.


Shortly before leaving his native southern heath Natawattamie was wedded to the Widow Opohomock, who, with her child, survives him. Last evening they and their Fox neighbors were very busy sewing the dead husband and father a handsome burial suit of rich black and colored clothes. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the friends of the dead man mounted on their ponies will form the cortege to Swanson's undertaking parlors, from whence the remains will be escorted to Rev. C. H. Savidge's church at Eighteenth and California streets and from there to the cemetery.

Because of this death the Fox and Sacs tribes went into mourning yesterday afternoon, indicated by hanging all of their wearing apparel on the outside of their tents, and did not participate in the grand review or the sham battle.

All of the other Indians did, however, and the way the Chicagoans enjoyed the treat and asked questions was a marvel. The crowd was a crush, at least 15,000 people filling the seats and surging against the ropes till the last shot was fired. All of the various Chicago organizations were given reserved seats directly in front of the heavy killing and scalping.


At 4:30 the grand review began, first by the interpreters advancing to the grand stand and flanking so that they passed in front of the whole line of spectators. The squaws and children and "infantry" warriors, gaily attired, followed in the same manner, and then came the dashing mounted warriors, each tribe dressed in its own peculiar garb, or absence of garb, as the case might be, and artistically spread coats of paint, artistic because of 400 or more designs, no two were alike.

Each tribe introduced and then the Big-I-Am, the chief, rode up all alone, pompous as the owner of the fattest hog at the county fair, and led his bucks away.

Then every man, woman and child marched up, tribal front, a salute was fired by the warriors, non-combatants retired, and the war forces, the Sioux, Cheyennes, Kiowas and Wichitas on the one hand, and all the other tribes immediately drew off and became bitter enemies.

The Sioux and their friends under the redoubtable Goes-to-War, with Black Eagles as chief of staff and astute Towanconi im and Touch-the-Clouds in charge of divisions, went to the east, while the allied enemy under Big Brave and his chief of staff, Dust-Maker, with White Swan, the Custer massacre survivor, Blackbird, and Apache Josh as division commanders, pulled off to the west. Old Geronimo also participated in this battle, his first at the exposition, and rode around with a gun, but acted principally as a board of strategy for the allied tribes. Every man held a 45 caliber Springfield carbine.

A Sioux brave was captured and tied to a tree. Fuel was piled about his feet and a council of war was held to see if the fun should proceed further. The ayes had it unanimously, and a dance was arranged to put Cat Bird in a cheerful frame of mind preliminary to his departure from the earthly fire to that of the hereafter. The rescue came and the battle was on. The Sioux drove the allied forces from the field.

Immediately after the fight a throng of lady admirers surrounded old Geronimo, and it was an hour or more ere the smiling old fellow was released.

As if a battle were not enough for one day, the Apaches last evening gave a "wall dance," the principal occasion of which seemed to be a quantity of left-over cartridges, which were fired off inconnection​ with the ceremonies of the dance, a light and airy step for an Indian dance, apparently one of intense joy. Even old Geronimo, despite his 68 years, hopped out into the ring, clad in gray coat, a pair of white drawers and moccasins, and tripped the light fantasie for half an hour with the ease and grace of a gay young buck.

Several distinguished arrivals are expected at the Indian congress shortly, among them Chief Joseph of the Nez Perces, who once upon a time led General Howard a merry chase of 1,700 miles across western deserts and mountains, and in his old days is able to come and enjoy the great exposition; Chief Red Cloud of Pine Ridge, American Horse, Sitting Bull's family, and Hollow Horn eBar​ and Two Sticks, prominent in the late Sioux war.

Much attention in the village to the adobe house being biult​ by the Pueblos. They dug a hole for the cellar, mixing the mud with straw and making sun-dried brick about the size of each of four ordinary kiln-dried brick. They are building the house about fifteen by twenty feet on the ground, seven feet high in front and six in the rear, and will cover it with a roof of poles and brush.

The Crow Creek Indian Agency Indian band will arrive October 7.

Attendance by Months.

Four calendar months of the exposition closed Friday night and there has been some inquiry as to the attendance by months. The attendance has been:

June—Paid, 166,882; free, 122,469.

July—Paid, 187,654; free, 144,030.

August—Paid, 311,943; free, 162,234.

September—Paid, 413,571; free, 179,597.

The big days in September were September 1, Kansas City day, when the attendance was 26,210; the 21st, Iowa day, when the attendance was 39,090, and the 22d, Modern Woodmen day, when the attendance was 52,725.

Passes Nashville Show.

Nashville's record is already broken by the Omaha exposition. For six months Nashville kept open the gates of her exposition, and closed with a total attendance of 1,703,328, and called it a famous success. Last night, with four months and a day, the Omaha exposition had a total of admissions of 1,709,635, or more than 6,000 better than Nashville ever had. As for Atlanta, the total of admissions at her exposition was but 1,287,863, also open six months. Yesterday's attendance was the best of the week, 21,255.

Exhibit for Sportsmen.

Standing beside the Los Angeles exhibit in Horticultural building, that of the game fish of Santa Cataline, the great pleasure resort of Southern California, attracts attention. Mr. G. W. Thompson, conducting it, has mounted specimens of the leaping tuna, the yellow tail, black bass and other food fishes of the waters of the island. The exhibit is at once thrilling to the sportsman and tantalizing to him who has not had a chance to indulge in the excitement of angling for these big fellows.

Meiklejohn, Not Alger.

Washington, D. C., Oct. 4.—Secretary Alger has concluded that he will be unable to accompany the president to Omaha, and has requested Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn to take his vacation at that time and to accompany President McKinley as the representative of the war department. Mr. Meiklejohn will therefore go west with the presidential party October 10, and, after the exercises, will enter the campaign in Nebraska, and will make speeches for the republican ticket every day until the election.

Exposition Notes.

The Nebraska building is being handsomely rigged up in the Ak-Sar-Ben colors, so as to be in perfect style next week.

Workmen were busy wiring the avenues of the bluff tract and approaches to buildings for electric light during Ak-Sar-Ben festival week and peace jubilee week.

The 100 high school pupils, brought in Friday by Prof. Thomas of Kearney county, remained over today.

Close to the kitchen wall in the northwest corner of Markel's cafe yesterday was a hot boiler, which set the wall on fire, and the flames instantly shot up two stories and threatened the whole building. Prompt work by the fire department brought the damages down to where $25 worth of lath and plaster will make them good.

Open house was kept at the Illinois building last evening for the Chicago guests. The rooms were artistically decorated, an orchestra played sweetly and ices and punch were served to the hundreds of visitors.

The executive committee last evening engaged the Omaha Concert band for another week, and received advices to the effect that Fremont children's day had been postponed from tomorrow to October 17.

W. N. Babcock, manager of transportation, telegraphed yesterday from Washington that the presidential party would consist of thirty-eight in all.

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W. Herald Oct 2
Did not have this

The Chinese theater in the Chinese Village was packed to overflowing last night with people who had heard that Ching Ling Foo, the great Chinese magician, was going to perform a number of new tricks. The large audience was astonished and mystified at the wonderful performances of this wonderful man, but it was awe-stricken and dumfounded​ when, right before its very eyes, he severed Hok Wai's head from his shoulders. The feat was so cleverly performed that many in the audience thought for a moment that there was one dead Chinaman and possibly there was, but in a moment Ching Ling Foo stopped the flow of blood, placed the head back on the shoulders and the boy walked off the stage very much alive.


Will Be the Peace Jubilee to Be Celebrated in Omaha Next Week.

Presidential Visit Heads the List of Special Events, End of Which Is Remarkable.

For Every Day Attractions Are Offered Which Will Bring Multitudes of People to the City.

Peace Jubilee—that's the first five days of next week—has now developed a forecast of stirring events and rare treats that will bewilder the magnificent crowds hoped for and expected for a certainty. Day by day the details are being perfected as more and more distinguished statesmen and generals announce their intentions of being present, as the plans for a six days' carnival of music weave themselves into shape and as schemes for spectacular pyrotechnic displays give promise of turning the nights into wonderlands of weird beauty.

Not for a moment was it anticipated at the inception of the peace jubilee plan that such a galaxy of brilliant men of the day could be gathered within the exposition gates, nor that such unparalleled ways of royally entertaining the distinguished visitors, and the ever welcome public, would be opened to the management.

Briefly, the history of the coming jubilee is that President Wattles asked for and received permission of the exposition directory to execute the comprehensive plans he had formed for the grand western carnival in celebration of the return of peace, immediately after the signing of the protocol between our country and Spain.

It was deemed most fitting for such an event that the president of the United States should participate, and to a committee of prominent citizens, headed by Senator Thurston, was entrusted the duty of inviting the president to come to Omaha. His acceptance on September 3 to participate October 12 fixed upon that week, the one previously hoped for as the ideal, the time for the peace jubilee.

President Wattles and his staff immediately began their work; 3,500 special invitations were sent broadcast through the nation and several committees of prominent and public-spirited men were sent east to extend personal invitations.


In general, the program designed for the week, as promulgated in a daintily illustrated souvenir, is for Monday, Mayors' day; Tuesday, Governors' day; Wednesday, President's day; Thursday, Army and Navy day; Friday, Civil Government day, and for Saturday, the festival of innocence and joy to celebrate the great jubilee of peace just ended, a Children's jubilee, in which a grand patriotic chorus by 1,000 children will be the climateric​ conclusion.

Monday or Mayors' day will begin with the opening exercises of the jubilee at the Auditorium at 11 a. m., an address by the mayor of Omaha and the mayors of the principal municipalities of the country, followed by luncheon to prominent guests, sham battle of the Indian tribes and spectacular fireworks in the evening. This is also Missouri day, which will be especially observed by state day exercises at the Auditorium at 2:30 p. m. by addresses by distinguished Missourians.

Tuesday or Governor's day. Exercises at the Auditorium at 11 a. m., including a welcome by Governor Holcomb of Nebraska and addresses by Governor Adams of Colorado, Governor Clough of Minnesota, Governor Shaw of Iowa, Governor Richards of Wyoming, Governor Barnes of Oklahoma and other governors from the Trans-Mississippi states.


Not the least interesting event of the day will be the great north and south handshaking carnival at 2 p. m. At that hour a distinguished northern orator will deliver an address at the Government building, while at the same time an equally noted southern orator will address the public from the arch at the east end of the lagoon. Bands at either end will discourse popular military airs most appropriate to the north or south, as the audience may prefer, and at a given signal both bands will lead the now peace-loving friends of the north and south to the half way meeting place, the Administration Arch, where the bands will join in the "Star Spangled Banner," and the handshaking will begin.

Wednesday, "President's day." Exercises from the grand band stand on the Plaza at 11 a. m. Addressed by his excellency, President McKinley, and Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general. Luncheon to distinguished guests; luncheon to Mrs. McKinley at Omaha club; reception at Government building; military and spectacular parade; sham battle of Indian tribes, and spectacular fireworks, afternoon and evening.

Thursday, or "Army and Navy day." Exercises in the Auditorium at 11 a. m. Addresses by General Nelson A. Miles, John D. Long, secretary of the navy; Russell A. Alger, secretary of war; General Joseph Wheeler, General W. R. Shafter, General James H. Wilson and perhaps President McKinley.

In the evening at 7 o'clock will be a great campfire, in charge of General T. S. Clarkson, ex-commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. At that hour members of renown of the Grand Army of the Republic and Confederate Veterans' association, including nearly all of the generals present will participate.

Other events of the day will be luncheons, ascension of war balloons, sham battle of Indian tribes and spectacular fireworks.

Friday, "Civil Government day." Exercises in the Auditorium, in which members of the president's cabinet, representatives of the supreme court, senators and representatives and other civil officers of national repute will participate. The usual special events of the afternoon and evening will be given.


Saturday, "Children's day," is a problem that is being worked out by experienced hands, and is growing brighter as liberal encouragement is being given by exposition and parents.

For every day and every evening in the week will be entertaining events. Innes' renowned New York band has prepared a series of concerts, something in magnificence beyond that of which the warmest Omaha admirers of past concerts have not yet dreamed; there will be spectacular fireworks of splendor yet unknown to the west, and in the Indian congress, the most varied ethnological aggregation ever gotten together in America, will occur war dances each night, and grand reviews and sham battles every afternoon save when actual fatigue may cause a postponement for a day only. The weather permitting, the now famous Santiago war balloons will ascend daily at 4 p. m., while a complete war signaling exhibit will be operated daily, and without fail the sea coast life saving service exhibition will be given on the lagoon daily at 3 p. m.

The latest advices as to the arrival of the presidential party are that it will leave Washington by two special trains Monday at 10 a. m., arriving in Omaha Tuesday, October 11, at 10 p. m., and will include President and Mrs. McKinley, the secretaries of war, the navy and the treasury, the postmaster general and a large delegation from the diplomatic corps.


Commissioner Dinsmore Hustles to Keep Up With Arrivals.

"No, I can't begin to tell you of all the arrivals for the live stock show," said Stock Commissioner Dinsmore last evening. "I know that I was awakened four times last night to get up and let in exhibitors who had just arrived with stock, that I have been on the jump all day caring for the new arrivals, and am now waiting for a special train of twenty-six car loads from the Illinois state fair at Springfield.

"Among the arrivals that particularly attracted my attention today was a fine flock of sheep shipped in from Denfield, Ontario; a string of seventeen magnificent Clydesdales from St. Cloud, Minn., and a string of thirty-two high bred horses from Illinois.

"You may say," he continued, "that the sheep and cattle for their individuality equal anything ever shown in the world of their breeds; they will easily be classed among the finest ever shown in the United States. The cattle are very strong in individual character, and to see them will be a treat that lovers of stock cannot well forego."

It is anticipated that today there will arrive from Atchison, Kas., a new variety of cattle, developed by Mr. W. W. Guthrie, from a foundation of Shorthorn cows and Hereford bulls. The animals have red bodies, white faces and are hornless, a peculiarity, since neither of the parent stocks are hornless, unless freaks. The new stock has been built up from the original foundation stock and will invite inspection.

After Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock no more stock will be received, although it is probable that the bulk of the exhibits will be in today. Judging will begin Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.

For the benefit of spectators, a capacious amphitheater has been built overlooking the three show rings, and on those rings, beginning Wednesday, all four lines of stock sheep, cattle, swine and horses will be exhibited at the same time from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m. This being farmers' week special facilities will be afforded the farmers to have first and best opportunities in viewing the displays.


Provided With Ham Sandwiches, Etc., for His Journey.

Natawattamie has been laid to rest, and according to western parlance, is now a "good Indian." He was the Fox brave who died in the hospital Saturday, leaving Opohomock, his widow, and one child as survivors. Great were the preparations made for the burial yesterday afternoon. His Sac and Fox friends arrayed the body in the finest moccasins in the village, a pair of rich black cloth leggins and a nice new Indian blanket, making the body quite handsomely dressed.

For the long journey to the happy hunting grounds they placed in his coffin a ham sandwich, several doughnuts, a pie, half a pound of candy, a package of smoking tobacco and a pipe, a plug of chewing tobacco and other delicacies. Fearing that he might become thirsty they bought a bright new dinner pail with a tin cup on the top, filled it with water and placed it with the food.

The cortege of Sac and Fox warriors and their near neighbors, mounted on ponies, and the women and children loaded in government wagons, left the village for Swanson's undertaking parlors at 1 p. m. yesterday. From there they took the body to the people's church, where Rev. C. W. Savidge talked in a simple and earnest manner of the dead man and his future life.

Over 1,500 white people thronged about the church during the ceremonies, and at the close filed through the little church to view the remains. When all were through and the friends were left with their dead each approached the corpse, grasped the cold right hand and held it in silence for half a minute. This impressive ceremony over the body was placed in the hearse and accompanied by a few friends was taken to Forest Lawn.


Martin Dodge Has One Built on Exposition Grounds.

Martin Dodge, the government good roads expert, who has been at the exposition during the past three weeks, has completed one of the most remarkable pieces of roadway ever seen in Omaha. It is just north of the Dairy building and consists of two parallel plates of steel, each eight inches in width, slightly hollowed toward the middle and inner edge, three-eighths of an inch thick, and set in cement on a base of broken rock at distances equal to the width of ordinary road vehicles. Besides being held firmly by the cement at distances of seven and one-half feet, iron cross ties connect the plates to prevent spreading.

It is maintained by Mr. Dodge that this style of roadway is the cheapest built hard road that can be built; the most durable without exception, and presenting a surface that permits the greatest traction obtainable, that of a perfectly smooth steel surface, as he purposes demonstrating by practical tests with engines and vehicles. Each of the continuous steel plates, Mr. Dodge says, forms an ideal bicycle track.

For the present Mr. Dodge is working up interest for the good roads congress that is to convene at the Nebraska building next Saturday. Delegates have been appointed by the governors of the several states and interesting and educational benefits in the good roads work will be many. Sessions will be held at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. The wheelmen, farmers, road supervisors and all others interested in good roads are cordially invited to attend.


Minister of Interior Already Promised and Many More Expected.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Ottawa, Oct. 2.—Matthew A. Hall of Omaha is in Ottawa in connection with the Trans-Mississippi exposition now in progress there. He is here for the purpose of personally extending to Lord Aberdeen, the lieutenant governor of Ontario, and the members of the dominion and Ontario cabinets and the Quebec conference invitations to the big peace jubilee, which is to be held in Omaha in connection with the fair, from October 10 to 15.

Another object of Mr. Hall's visit is to arrange for a Canadian day, which it is proposed to have October 13 at the fair. It is proposed to have a large number of distinguished Canadians at the exposition on that day, when there will be a banquet in honor of the Canadian visitors.

The minster​ of the interior and the secretary of state have already signified their intention of accepting the invitation and other cabinet ministers will also attend.

Mr. Hall is British vice consul in Omaha and considers this a most opportune time, on acount​ of the war, to bring Canadians and Americans into closer relations.


Saturday's Display of Fireworks Suggestive and Beautiful.

Chicago day was a glorious success. No feature of the day in Omaha was more marked than was the fireworks Saturday night. As expressed by one, "The day came in in splendor and closed in a blaze of glory." Of the many displays by the Due Fireworks company, John Due operator, not one, perhaps, eclipsed the Chicago display. It was original in design and unique in arrangement.

The features started with a royal handshake, representing Omaha giving Chicago a hearty handshake, the word "welcome" appearing in fire in the design. This was followed by the mammoth seal of Chicago. The picture of Mayor Harrison, exceedingly lifelike, called out the hearty applause of the assembled thousands.

The illustration of Mrs. O'Leary's family cow kicking over the lantern, starting the great fire out of which came Greater Chicago, was original and was much admired. This was followed by the burning of the city, a wonderfully realistic production. The closing piece of the special display was the "I Will" statue of Miss Chicago, towering fifty feet high, being, no doubt, the tallest piece ever exhibited. One thousand rockets and bombs in great numbers, large and powerful, followed.

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Breeders Getting Ready to Astonish the World with Their Exhibits.


Transmississippi Live Stock Show Will Be a Successful Display.


Threatening Weather Has a Most Depressing Effect on the Attendance.


Attractions that Should Bring Big Crowds to the City Are on the Schedule and the Managers Expect Throngs.

Total Admissions Yesterday15,238
Total to Date1,724,873

Monday has never been a big day at the exposition in point of attendance. Strangers visiting the city usually come later in the week and the city people, after spending Sunday on the grounds, are content to pass Monday by. There were no special features on the program for today. So even with the most favorable weather, the attendance would not have been large. Those who passed through the turnstiles this morning knew that it was not a day to see the grounds and buildings at their best. But turning their coat collars up around their ears and thrusting their hands into their pockets they faced the chilling wind that blew across the Main court and hurried into the nearest building. When once inside they found much to interest them. They were free to inspect the exhibits without the annoyance of a crowd. It is a flattering commentary upon the substantial attractions of the exposition that so many people should pay it a visit on a day so uninviting, when there is no special feature on the card.

Those who attended today did not belong to any particular class of visitors. They wore no badges. The silk-hatted Chicagoans had left. A number of the breeders of live stock, who are putting in their exhibits back of the Dairy building, found time to inspect the show, but most of them were busy in getting their pets into the most presentable shape for the eyes of the critics later in the week.

Live Stock Men Hustling.

The live stock exhibit nominally opened this morning, but only about a half of the animals are yet in the barns. The entries that have been at the state fair at Springfield, Ill., are now on the way and are expected to arrive this evening. By tomorrow most of the entries will be in the barns. There was a bustling about the barns this morning. Beds were being made, ditches dug and a rattling of hammers driving the last nails into the stalls. Big fat 1,900-pound Herefords were blinking with contentment while being curried and petted by their attendants. Flocks of sheep and herds of cattle were being driven between the barns and into their quarters.

In view of the fact that this week and next will be devoted to the live stock exhibit, the management of the exposition has determined to call this week Farmers' week, and an especial effort will be made to attract as many as possible. The Farmers' institute managers meet at the Commercial club rooms Tuesday and Wednesday and there will be a meeting in the amphitheater on the live stock grounds Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Tuesday is Michigan day at the exposition. How many Wolverines will be in attendance cannot be determined, as there have been no exercises prepared for the celebration of the occasion and no word has been received by the management in regard to a special excursion. Wednesday will see a big crowd on the grounds. Ohio and Pennsylvania will join in swelling the attendance. The Buckeyes will hold their exercises at the Auditorium in the morning and the Pennsylvanians in the afternoon. It is expected that the latter delegation will arrive tomorrow. They come in a special car and are now on the way. The feature of Pennsylvania's exercises will be the address by Postmaster General Smith, who will speak not only for the audience at the Auditorium on that occasion, but also for [?] voice the present administration and will be published in a number of the newspapers throughout the union. Friday will be New Jersey, P. E. O., and Knox college day and Saturday is New York, Twin City and Good Roads day.


Busy Scenes Around the Barns Denote the Intense Interest Felt.

Around the live stock barns on the North tract there was nothing to indicate that yesterday was the Sabbath. From early morning until late at night, cattle, horses, hogs and sheep were being received and taken away to the barns, where they will be housed until the close of the live stock show that opens today. Yesterday and last night 100 cars of stock came in and half as many more are due to arrive today.

While the live stock show opens today, the exhibits will not be fully ready for inspection before tomorrow, as most of the time today will be consumed in locating the entries, putting the stalls in shape and grooming the animals after their long journey in the cars. The stock that has arrived is the best that has ever been seen in the west and the entries are more numerous than even at the World's Fair, which was the record breaker until now.

Last night in speaking of the live stock show Superintendent Dinsmore said: "I am satisfied that it will be years and perhaps centuries before there will be another such exhibition of fine animals. I am confident that never in the history of the country were there such a lot of cattle, sheep and hogs brought together. I have been in the live stock business all my life and have attended all of the fairs during the last twenty years, but at no time have I seen such a lot of animals. This is due, I think, to the fact that four-fifths of the cattle and sheep of the United States are raised in the west. Hence it is not such a difficult matter to get the animals here.

"The sheep are the best ever exhibited in any country and there will be a ring of Herefords that will be world-beaters. All of the cattle are good and I feel confident that our live stock show will be a success in every particular."


Representatives of the Quaker State En Route to Omaha.

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2.—The Pennsylvania commissioners to the Transmississippi and International Exposition today left in the special car Belfast for Omaha, where they will take part in the ceremonies incident to Pennsylvania day, Wednesday, October 5.

Postmaster General Smith, who is to deliver the Pennsylvania day oration, accompanied the commissioners. The departing commissioners were John W. Woodside, Thomas Bradley, Dr. J. Roberts Bryan, I. O. Nissley, C. S. Overholt, Dr. F. C. Johnson, T. Livingston Kennedy, L. S. Richards, P. C. Boyle, Hiram Young, W. C. Gretzinger and G. C. McKain.

The party will reach Omaha on the morning of Pennsylvania day. After delivering the oration at the exposition Postmaster General Smith has been invited to make a number of speeches, political and patriotic, before returning. Dates have been arranged to October 21. Leaving Omaha he will speak as follows: Topeka, 7th; Wichita, 8th; Denver, open date; Omaha, 12th; Columbus, O., 15th; Crawford, Ind., 17th; Chicago peace jubilee, 18th and 19th; Dayton, 20th, and Cleveland, 21st. The political speeches will be confined to Kansas and Ohio.


Great Band Master Delights Large Audiences at the Exposition.

Innes' concert at the Auditorium yesterday was a most enjoyable occasion and brought such a jam as made the vast building all too small for the big assemblage. Even the society element was largely in evidence. Whether the magnificent performances of the band or whether it may be that the rare taste displayed by the leader in the makeup of his programs is the reason, there is no questioning the fact that Omaha people who have been in the habit of going to see the big show twice a month may now be seen sitting in front of the music stand day after day and night after night. With them it seems to be simply a case of there being "but one Wagner and Innes is his prophet."

Among the many notable features of yesterday's concerts were Handel's Largo, magnificently given by Mr. Thomas J. Kelly in conjunction with the band, and who, in response to the determined encore which followed, gave the always popular Intermezzo from the "Cavalleria." Innes' own solo, "Inflammatus," was of course the occasion for some more unrestrained enthusiasm. The two Mendelssohn songs, [?] Song," were given—the first by the brass instruments alone and the second by the reed choir—with a finish and delicacy which shows the wonderful virtuosity to which the band has been brought.

Mr. Zimmerman's trombone solo in the evening concert was received with a demonstration of favor that must have been gratifying in the extreme to this brilliant artist. Such runs, roulades, trills and tours de force generally as were performed by this phenomenal player with seeming ease are usually confined to the flute, cornet or clarinet. The set program was largely added to by the innumerable encores which greeted almost every number. In these patriotic selections largely predominated and each was received with displays of patriotism which did one good to see.

The "Request" program which is announced for tonight's concert will be scanned with considerable interest by those who are curious to see just what shape such a program will take here. Innes says that so far as his experience goes the taste for good music appears to him to be on about as high as plane here as anywhere else he has played, and certainly the program of tonight, which is made up entirely of selections requested by the patrons of the concerts, goes far to substantiate the statement.


Antelope State Takes the Shine Out of Its Rivals' Displays.

People who have labored under the delusion that Nebraska is a land where poor crops are the rule have only to look over the state exhibit in the Agriculture building, which has been greatly augmented during the last few days.

When the exposition first opened, the state did not attempt to show anything in the vegetable line, being content to show the best corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye and flax ever seen. A few weeks ago, however, vegetables were added to the exhibit and the showing has been kept up ever since, being renewed each week. The exhibit now is the finest of any and is of such a character that it is the envy of every other exhibitor in the big building. The vegetables are even larger than those grown in the valleys of the states where the crops are pushed along by chinook winds and irrigation, and then everything is so clean and fresh.

Sugar beets, which have become a leader with the Nebraska farmer, are shown in endless profusion. This year they are unusually large and are as solid as rocks, thus giving them great sugar producing properties. The new corn in the state exhibit is even better than that of last year, many of the ears ranging from twelve to sixteen inches in length.

Twin City Excursionists.

Exposition Commissioner Field, who is in charge of the Minnesota building, has received advices from the chairman of the committee who is working up the Twin City excursion that will come to the exposition next Friday night, the members of which will remain here until the following Wednesday. He says a great deal of interest is being worked up in Minneapolis and that the indications are that thousands of the residents of the two cities will be here. They will come in special trains and many of them will sleep in their cars durinr​ their stay. The roads, he says, must have made a very satisfactory rate for the occasion.

The people who are coming down from the two big cities of Minnesota expect to take part in the exercises of Peace Jubilee week and are all anxious to see and meet President McKinley. As this is the only opportunity they will have of meeting him while he is making his western tour, it will be an inducement for many of them to visit the exposition, who otherwise would not come.

While the excursions will start from Minneapolis and St. Paul, people at the stations en route will be picked up and brought along, as the same cheap rate will be applied to Minnesota towns this side of the two big cities.

Coming Here from Texas.

Assistant General Passenger Agent Lupton of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass railroad has written to Prof. Atwater of the Texas exhibit that he will arrive in the city Wednesday and will likely remain until after the exercises of Peace Jubilee week, though he may have to return to Texas to accompany the excursions that will come from the south.

Mr. Lupton says in his letter that the North and South Handshaking carnival grows more popular each day and that the indications point to the attendance of a large number of the boys who wore the gray during the 60s and fought against those who wore the blue. He says that they regard this occasion as the greatest opportunity to cement the bonds of friendship that now exist between the two sections of the country. In addition to the large delegations and prominent men of the south, Mr. Lupton expects to bring along several bands of music to participate in the [?]

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While the Aransas Pass railroad has no terminals in Omaha, arrangements have been completed by which solid trains of coaches and sleepers will be run direct from San Antonio, thus allowing the people of Texas to reach here without change of cars.

Three from Texas.

Charles Peterson, E. B. Cole and Leopold Cahn, members of the Texas Exposition commission, are in the city to remain until after the jubilee week festivities. Assistant General Passenger Agent Lupton of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass railroad, who has had much to do with pushing the Texas interest in the exposition, will arrive Wednesday and will assist the commissioners in outlining the part that Texas will take in the jubilee.

Commissioner Peterson, speaking of the jubilee week, said: "Our people are taking a great interest in the affair and I expect that hundreds of them will be here next week. Mr. Lupton's road has made a very low rate and it is going to bring in many people from our state and the intermediate points along the line and its connections in the other states of the south."

Distinguished Canadians Coming.

M. A. Hall, British vice consul for Omaha, who is in Canada arranging for British and Canadian day at the exposition, writes to Manager Rosewater as follows from Ottawa under date of September 29:

Hon. Clifford Sifton, minister of the interior, and Charles W. Speers of the same department and other distinguished Canadian statesmen have promised to be at Omaha on October 15 to celebrate British and Canadian day, and I have just written to Dr. A. H. Hipple, chairman executive of the committee of the British and Canadian-American exhibit, to see that proper arrangements are made. I go from here to Quebec city to deliver the remainder of the invitations to the Peace Jubilee, as Sir Wilfred Laurier and two or three other members of the dominion cabinet are down there.

Emergency Hospital Record.

E. J. Parratt, the clerk at the Emergency hospital, has filed the report of the institution, showing the business transacted from June 1 to October 1. The report is made up from the books which he has kept. This report shows the total number of cases to have been 1,516, of which 1,146 were the result of illness and the balance brought about by accidents. The ambulance made 337 trips. Of the cases treated in the dispensary there were 1,003 and in the wards 513. The amount of money received from patients aggregated $110, of which sum $71.07 has been covered into the exposition treasury.

Ask Us Something Easy.

OMAHA, Oct. 1.—To the Editor of The Bee: I would be pleased with information concerning the powers and methods of the assistant executive officer in the concessions department of the Transmississippi Exposition. Has he absolute power to arbitrarily discriminate between applicants for concessions without giving the applicant a chance to be heard? Is it within his providence to exact of one person cash only for the payment of space and the next moment turn the same space over to another party, taking a worthless due bill or I O U for the amount? Such an instance is of record within the week just past and it looks very much as if Mr. Wadley is either in partnership with the concessioner or is using unlimited gall in favoring a questionable applicant in petticoat attire over a legitimate applicant for straight business purposes. The writer of this being the party first entitled to consideration will make a complete statement to your board for their information. Very respectfully,



Sac and Fox Indians Prepare a Deceased Brother for His Entry to the Happy Hunting Grounds.

With the solemn rite and grotesque ceremonies of a religion of superstition, half a hundred Indians of the Sac and Fox tribes carried the body of a brother brave to its last resting place in Forest Lawn cemetery yesterday afternoon.

It was a curious and unique proceeding—the preparation of the dead, the funeral service, and finally the interment, and many hundred people were present to observe every weird detail of it. The deceased braves name was Nah-tow-waw-pe-moh. He was stricken with malarial fever Friday, and preferring to rely on the cures of the Indian medicine man, rather than take the prescriptions of physicians, he was not moved to the hospital until Saturday when it was too late to save his life.

At the morgue a group of copperskins worked for hours preparing their dead for burial. They carefully braided the long black hair, weaving in bits of bright colored ribbons and tying the ends with beaver tails. They ornamented the ears with earrings in the form of tiny tomahawks. They they applied the war-paint, and when their task was finished left the lifeless countenance of the brave bearing the marks and coloring with which he was accustomed to appear in battle. They wrapped him in a long winding sheet or shroud made of soft blue material worked with multicolored beads in countless designs. Then there was buckskin breeches with blue silk trimmings, and moccasins covered with tiny shells, and when the deceased brave was suitably attired to ensure a propitious entrance into the happy hunting grounds he was a curious representation of all in life that Indians find beautiful.

When the body was placed in its sombre casket, room was found for a lunch pail containing edibles, and a leather sack which held the articles that are indispensable to an Indian's everyday life. They were the orthodox long-stemmed pipe, a package of smoking tobacco and a plug of the same plant. In addition to these there were a soup bowl and spoon, this being done in accordance with the religious belief that dead men must have sufficient food when they arrive in the hunting ground to last until they can kill some game. The funeral cortege consisted of an express wagon in which the squaws rode, a wagon to carry the casket, while the men followed on ponies.

At the graveside the brave's arms were freed from the shroud and all of his former friends and relatives indulged in a farewell handshake, the final details of the ceremony.

Indians at the Omaha Fair

THE Indian Congress at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition was organized with a view to assembling representatives of every tribe of Indians on this continent, and that idea inspired the Indian Bureau at Washington to avail itself of this rare chance to present an ethnological exhibit never before attempted, and the like of which probably never can be again produced. Accordingly, Congress appropriated $40,000 for a great Indian encampment at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition now in progress at Omaha. This unique exhibit is better known as the Indian Congress. The Indian bill, approved by President McKinley on June 30th of this year, authorized this large expenditure with the sole object of presenting to the American people an opportunity to view representative types of every Indian tribe. It was entirely a case of persuasion, the government making no attempt to force them to leave their homes. Many of them who agreed to go, bade a sad farewell to their tilicums fearful lest they would not be returned to their friends and families. They have been unwillingly moved about from place to place in the past and many have died broken hearted on the way. The memory of this, perhaps, made them hesitant before deciding to leave their reservation again, even for a time.

Once at Omaha, comfortably housed and well fed, they seem to understand what the Indian Congress means, and are satisfied and happy. Going around among the different tribes and talking to the chiefs through interpreters one discovers that the principal fear they had, when they were told they would meet other Indians, was that it would be necessary to renew the old tribal feuds and fight again the battles of their ancestors.

This is best demonstrated by a letter one of them wrote the second day after his arrival. He went to the office and dictated the following to be addressed to his squaw left behind in Arizona: "Am here all right. Not afraid any more. See five new tribes never saw before. Won't have to fight other Indians. Having good time. Like it all right." The agents were instructed to send old men and as far as possible head men, who would typically represent the old time Indian, subdued, but otherwise uninfluenced by the government's system of civilization. These instructions were faithfully followed, and as a result the Indian Congress is composed of hundreds of the best types of the various tribes. There are today the remnants of at least seventy tribes extant, but some of these are but mere remnants and many have never been under government control. Thirty-four reservations have been established, embracing about forty-five distinct tribes. All the tribes that are of any interest from an aboriginal standpoint are to be represented at this Congress before the close of the Exposition. Some have become so civilized, like the Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Cherokees and Seminoles, united and known as the "Five Civilized Tribes," that their presence would add little interest from an ethnological point of view. The government has not assembled at Omaha its more civilized, but its wilder protégés, and the tribes it has conquered with most bloodshed are the most prominent at the Congress and the ones eagerly sought by visitors.

When the Congress was formally opened, August 4th, delegations from thirty-five tribes were camped on the grounds, aggregating five hundred Indians. The northwest corner of the extensive Exposition grounds is given up exclusively to the big Indian camp. There they are living in primitive style, housed in tepees of tent cloth, birch bark wigwams, or rush mat wickiups, each tribe adopting its original style and manner of habitation. The most notable tepee is made of buffalo skin, and represents the typical home of the Blackfoot tribe, which has become rare and valuable with the rapid extermination of the buffalo.

The Indian Congress is by far the most unique feature of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, and in many ways the most interesting as well. It is the first time in history that such an undertaking has been accomplished, and in all probability will be the last. The aboriginal race of Americans is fast dying. Civilization is slowly exterminating the red skins. The system of allotting them land and allowing it to be leased to white people, thus giving the Indians an income amounting frequently to $1,000 per year, is rapidly ruining them. Plenty of money to spend for liquor and nothing to do is surely killing off the Indians, and every year the tribes grow smaller.

The object of the Congress is to represent the different Indian tribes and their primitive modes of living; to reproduce their old dances and games; show their manner of dress; illustrate their superstitions and recall their almost forgotten traditions; prove their skill in bead embroidery, basket weaving and pottery; and most important of all, to afford a comparison of the various Indian types and a study of their characteristic and tribal traits. Although members of one delegation cannot talk to those of another, except where fate has thrown two distinct tribes upon one reservation, they nevertheless take keen interest in watching the dances, the dress and the war trappings of their strange neighbors. Only a few of the younger ones who have attended school can speak English, but they are nearly all hospitable to visitors, extending their hand and saying "How" by way of salutation. Each delegation has its interpreter, who is sometimes a full blood, but oftener half or quarter breed. Occasionally he is a white man, who has spent his life among the Indians and knows their language and habits.

The scene, particularly at night, is intensely picturesque. Small cooking fires scattered around the field dimly light up the strange picture, throwing a soft red

Concluded at left of this page
Indian article
glow upon the decorated tepees or casting them in half shadow. Across the trails prance the stalwart braves, lavishly decked out with gay blankets, with richly beaded vests and pouches and moccasins, bristling with war bonnets of eagle feathers, decorated in every conceivable manner, with jingling bells, tiny looking glasses, fur colors, silver and brass bracelets, bear-claw necklaces, small pelts, buckskin leggings and all manner of indescribable trinkets. The slatternly squaws, or klootchmen, as they are known in Chinook jargon, sit crouched around the wigwam caring for the sleeping papooses. A scrawny mongrel cur, known as the "squaw dog," faithfully guards the entrance.

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Autumn's Chill Again Banished from the White City's Precincts.


Old Sol Ends the Debate in Favor of the Warmer of the Twain.


Day's Attractions Hold Nothing Special, but Crowds in Attendance.


Exhibitors Not All Ready, but Enough Are There to Attract Many Who Are Interested in the Breeding and Care of Fancy Animals.

Total Admissions Yesterday15,264
Total to Date1,740,820

The clouds were hanging low over the exposition grounds this morning as the turnstiles began to click off their daily record of sight-seers. And when the first squad of visitors passed through the gates with overcoats tightly buttoned it seemed that the soft melodious Indian summer had given way for good to the melancholy days of October. One looked for the finger marks of Jack Frost on the foliage and gave a sigh for the beauties that would soon be faded. But as the day wore on the leaden canopy became flecked with patches of white. Then bursting through the tissue in the east the clear blue brushed aside the veil and at noon Old Sol was smiling again on the little garden patch of earth's treasures which he has had so great a part in beautifying.

All through the morning it was a struggle between the seasons. Drear autumn had pinned the veil and said "The White city shall be mine." Radiant summer, grappling with her rosy arms, cried "Mine a little longer," while old Sol from behind his curtained throne dimly viewed the contest. Then remembering the carnival of Ak-Sar-Ben and the many preparations that the management had made for the next two weeks, he broke in the arena, scattered the storm legions and blew his warm breath on the shivering mortals and presented the chalice to summer.

There are a great many more visitors on the grounds today. They are strangers in the city who have come to witness the parade of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben this evening and Thursday evening and to view the fair during the day. They expect to remain all the week and are taking all the time that is necessary to give the various exhibits a close inspection. This morning the two points of attraction were the Government building and the live stock exhibit.

The stockmen have now got things in good shape and the barns are nearly all filled. There are a few of the entries yet to come in. But those that are already on the grounds are fine enough specimens to delight even those who are most ignorant of fine breeds of stock. To the enthusiast the show is an eye-opener. It is the general comment that when the animals appear in the ring the judges will have a hard time in awarding the ribbons.

Today was marked on the programs as Michigan day. But the Wolverines made no preparations for its celebration, and very few made the journey. No special features were carded for the day's entertainment except a sham battle by the Indians at 4:30 this afternoon.

This will be fought along lines similar to those of the battles that have been given during the last three weeks. The Sioux will be pitted against the allied tribes and there will be a rumpus about a prisoner who has been captured and is about to be burned at the stake. After the battle is over and amicability is again established then will be a grand war dance participated in by all the tribes.

Tomorrow will be full of speech making and band playing. It is Ohio day, Pennsylvania day, Mercer County (Ill.) day and Topeka day. The Buckeyes will hold their exercises in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock in the morning, and the Pennsylvanians at the same place at 2:30 in the afternoon. The visitors from Mercer county and Topeka will not evidence their presence except by a pro-[?]se wearing of badges.


Indians Will Give Another of Their Justly Celebrated Entertainments.

The Indians will engage in another of their sham battles at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon and, as upon former occasions, the Sioux will ride down upon the eastern portion of the congress grounds, attacking a large party of Blackfeet and their allies, who have captured a Sioux, who has been out upon a hunting excursion and who has been doomed to die at the stake. They will arrive in time to rescue their comrade and in the mix-up that will follow they will slaughter a number of the Blackfeet, or at least that is what they will pretend to do. The Blackfeet, however, reinforced, will renew the attack and will defeat the Sioux, who will be driven off, leaving many of the dead and wounded behind.

In connection with the sham battle, the Indians will give a correct representation of a war dance as it was executed years ago when they were the monarchs of the plains and before they commenced to draw rations from the government.

During the evening, after the battle, all of the Indians will participate in a friendly dance on the grounds, directly in front of the reserved seats and under the rays of the electric lights that have been placed about the space.


Governor Bushnell and Staff Coming to Participate in Ohio Day.

CHICAGO, Oct. 4.—Governor Bushnell of Ohio, and his staff reached Chicago today and left on the Burlington for Omaha to take part in the exercises of Ohio day at the exposition. The party will return home by way of St. Louis. The governor was accompanied by Major Bushnell, and his staff consists of the following: Adjutant General H. B. Kingsley, Quartermaster General P. Orr, Surgeon General Joseph Lowes, daughter and son; Aides-de-camp Colonels David L. Cockley, Charles B. Wing, wife, daughter and Miss Timus of Cincinnati; Charles R. Fisher, Julius Fleischmann and wife, Robert McKinley and wife, Albert Brewer and wife and the Hon. Charles L. Kurtz.


Great Band Master Has Further Delights in Store for Omaha.

During the present week Innes' band will introduce a number of innovations. The pregrams​ show that the concerts of the current week include every possible kind of good music. Next Friday's concert is to be again devoted exclusively to the works of Wagner, though with an entire change of program from the one given last week. On Saturday night Innes will produce for the first time here one of his spectacular anvil scenes, entitled "The Forge in the Forest." Much interest has been created in the Innes spectaculars, and the giving of this piece is awaited with universal interest. The scene opens with sunrise in the forest. The singing of a multitude of birds and the whirr and chirp of insects are heard. Then will come the music of the cathedral chimes in the distance. Morning prayer is the next thought conveyed by the music. A storm follows, the lights go out and a corps of musical blacksmiths in costume march out and take their places at an old-time forge occupying one side of the stage. And then comes the musical tones of the carefully tuned anvils, which will give forth some entirely novel electrical effects.

The "request" concert was given last night in the Auditorium, as it was felt that the weather was too cool to give it on the Plaza. The performance was the occasion of a great deal of enthusiasm from the big crowd of music lovers, which, in spite of the many encores lengthening the concert out considerably, stayed right through until the closing notes had been played and the musicians had packed their instruments and left the stage. Weber's overture, "Oberon," which opened the concert, received an authoritative rendition. After the inevitable encore which followed, Schubert's well known "Serenade" was given with the charming delicacy for which the band is already noted. Then came the gem of the evening, "Les Preludes," by Liszt. This remarkable work was given with a grandeur which at once impressed itself upon the great crowd as a performance of unique ability. A delightful dance suite pleased the lovers of the lighter vein, as did also the director's own "Love Is King" two step. Innes' trombone solo, "The Two Grenadiers," was received with the usual demonstrations of enthusiasm, and one of the most successful concerts of the series was brought to a finish by a brilliant rendition of the well known "Zampa" overture.


Governor Will Head the Party Coming to the Exposition.

ST. LOUIS, Oct. 4.—Governor Stephens and family, with his military staff and the state officials and their families, will visit the Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha on Missouri day, October 10. The party will go over the Burlington route, reaching Omaha by way of Kansas City, and will remain over the 12th, President McKinley's day. Low rates have been made by the Burlington, Missouri Pacific and other roads running to Omaha, and many thousand Missourians expect to take advantage of them.

Topeka Coming in Force.

TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 3.—(Special Telegram.)—Several hundred citizens of this place will leave tomorrow for Omaha, to be present at the exposition on Topeka day, Wednesday. Special trains will be run on all roads. The Sante Fe will carry the Karnival Knights, an organization of young men which manages the carnival feature of the fall festivities each year. With the Karnival Knights, as their guest, will go Miss Anna Rose of Hilo, Hawaii, this year's queen, and Major Boyd's company of girl cadets. Major Boyd received an order from the adjutant general of Nebraska today, permitting him to bring his cadets, armed with their Springfield rifles, into that state.

Notes of the Exposition.

The Chinese minister at Washington has accepted the invitation of the management to be present and participate in the peace jubilee next week. Three members of the Chinese legation will accompany him.

Anticipating a big rush of business as a result of the opening of the live stock show, numerous of the lunch stands and trinket venders are moving over onto Twentieth street, between the West Midway and the north gates of the grounds. Many of them got settled in their new locations yesterday and all did a prosperous business, as about every person who attended the exposition went out Twentieth street and took a look at the fine show of animals.

Captain Leeson, commissioner from New Mexico, has received advices from his home at Silver City notifying him that a large quantity of fruit has been shipped. It includes grapes, peaches, pears, apples and pomegranates. While he will not make any competitive exhibit, he will place this fruit in the Minnesota building, where it will be kept for a few days, after which it will be given away. The fruit ought to be here the last of this or the first of next week.

Cold weather and bleak winds have a depressing effect even upon Indians. On account of the unfavorable condition of the weather yesterday few of the redskins ventured outside of their tepees. Their dances that are the regular afternoon and evening features of the camp lost much of their snap and were cut short. If the weather is fine today they promise to make up for lost time and put up some dances that have seldom been excelled since the establishment of the camp upon the grounds.

People who have labored under the impression that the exposition guards lack the authority to make arrests will find that they have made a mistake in the event that they make an attempt to resist if they are caught in any violation of the law, the city ordinances or the rules of the exposition. This morning fifty of the guards will be sworn in as special police to continue during the exposition. The men who will act as special officers have not yet been designated, but they will be named by the mayor and confirmed by the Fire and Police commissioners.

The big attendance that is expected to come with the Ak-Sar-Ben week festivities started in last night and is expected to continue during all of today, at least. Last night the Missouri Pacific brought in 1,600 people from Marysville, Kan., and intermediate points, while the Elkhorn brought in a party of 1,000 from Valentine and other points along the line. Most of the people who came last evening visited the exposition last night and will go again today. They came for the purpose of remaining three or four days, going to the exposition during the day and watching the parades at night.

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Distinguished Pennsylvanians Who Come to Attend the Exposition.


Members of the State Commission and Others High in the Life of the Great Commonwealth Here to Celebrate with the West.

Pennsylvania's official party, which is to represent that state at the celebration at the exposition tomorrow, arrived in Omaha this morning over the Milwaukee road. There is one disappointment connected with its arrival in that Governor Hastings, who was confidently expected to be present, was unable to come. The governor has been giving his personal attention to the sick and wounded Pennsylvania soldiers who have returned from the front, and felt he could not abandon this work for the length of time required to make the western trip. With the party, however, is Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general in President McKinley's cabinet, who will deliver the oration at tomorrow's exercises.

The Pennsylvania commission is headed by John W. Woodside, president of the Atlantic Snuff company and one of the leading manufacturers of Philadelphia on the Cotton States and International Exposition at Atlanta, a member of the national commission of Pennsylvania at the Chicago World's fair and has been associated in some way with every international celebration or episode in the United States in the last quarter of a century.

Thomas Bradley, treasurer of the commission, who accompanies the party, is also one of the leading business men of Philadelphia. He is engaged in the provision trade and is one of the heaviest shippers in that line on the eastern seaboard.

One of the State's Editors.

Colonel George Nox McCain is one of the editors of the Philadelphia Press. He received his newspaper training in Pittsburg, where for eight years he filled editorial positions on the Dispatch, subsequently becoming one of the owners of the Commercial Gazette. He was afterwards Washington correspondent of the latter paper. For services rendered the government of Venezuela during his visit there in the late boundary excitement in that country Colonel McCain was decorated by President Crespo with the Order of the Liberator.

Among the members of the commission in professional life, is Dr. J. Roberts Bryan, also of Philadelphia. He is a member of the Philadelphia Pathological society, Philadelphia Pediatric society and Phiadelphia​ County Medical society.

I. O. Nissley is publisher of the Middletown Press, one of the largest newspapers in the central part of Pennsylvania.

Christian S. Overholt, the dean of the commission in point of years, is a retired banker, merchant and manufacturer of Westmoreland county, although now residing in Philadelphia. He retired a third of a century ago and became president of the First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant.

One of the most successful newspapers in Pennsylvania is the Wilkesbarre Record of which Dr. Frederick C. Johnson of the official party is editor.

Another prominent newspaper editor with the commission is Livy S. Richard, editor of the Scranton Tribune. Mr. Richard is a native of Ohio, who began his newspaper work at La Port, Ind., in 1888.

Joshua D. Baker is widely known as the manager of the Hotel Lafayette in Philadelphia. For thirty years he has been identified with the hotel life of Pennsylvania.

From the Western Section.

In western Pennsylvania at New Brighton, Thomas Livingston Kennedy, another manufacturer on the commission, has his home. He is president of several manufacturing concerns.

The one member of the commission who knows more about the great oil industries of the Untied States is P. C. Boyle, editor and proprietor of the Oil City Derrick. Mr. Boyle, who is a veteran of the late war, is known to every man in the United States who has ever been identified with the petroleum industry. Mr. Boyle has been prominent in Pennsylvania life for a quarter of a century and is best known to the newspaper world as one of the directors of the Associated Press.

The colleges and universities and the educational life of Pennsylvania are represented by William C. Gretzinger, Ph. D., registrar of Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa., Mr. Gretzinger is one of the youngest members of the commission, but he is at the business head of one of the largest educational institutions in Pennsylvania with the exception of the University of Pennsylvania.

Hiram Young is the dean of Pennsylvania journalists, being the oldest active newspaper man in the state. He is editor and proprietor of the York Daily Dispatch. During President Harrison's administration he was postmaster of York.

Other members of the commission are Thomas J. Keenan, jr., of Pittsburg, Thomas M. Jones and George M. Wanbaugh of Harrisburg, J. H. Zerby of Pottsville, Asa Packer Blakeslee of Mauch Chunk, and James P. Deininger of Sullivan county.

Among the women accompanying the commission are Mrs. John W. Woodside, Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mrs. Thomas Bradley, Mrs. George Nox McCain, Mrs. I. O. Nissley, Mrs. Frederick C. Johnson, Mrs. L. S. Richard, Mrs. P. C. Boyle and Mrs. T. Livingston Kennedy.

John R. Pott of Williamsport, Pa., district passenger agent for the Milwaukee road, has charge of a party to this city and will take advantage of his sojourn in Omaha to call upon some old railroad friends who are now in the harness here.

In the absence of Governor Hastings, it is understood that John W. Woodside, president of the Pennsylvania commission, will officially represent that state in the ceremonies tomorrow.

Others in the party not mentioned are Clarence Edward Dawson of Lewiston, private secretary to the postmaster general, and A. B. Dunning, representing the Scranton Times, who is a delegate to the good roads parliament to be held in Omaha next Saturday.

The visitors will regulate their visit in the city according to their own convenience, some to continue their travels in the west and other to return direct to their homes. Several will spend the week here. The members of the party are registered at the Millard.


Managers of Farmer Institutes Holding a Convention in Omaha This Week.

Interest in the live stock exhibit at the exposition interfered with the morning attendance at the meeting of the Association of Farmers' Institute Managers at the Commercial club to such a degree that no official business was attempted. There are about twenty members of the association in town and they make the Mercer hotel their headquarters. Meetings for discussing methods and means for increasing the scope of the society will be held this afternoon and tomorrow.

This afternoon papers will be read on "The Value of Object Teaching in Farmers' Institutes," by Dr. J. C. Curryer of Minnesota, and "The Place and Value of One-Day Institutes," by Prof. Clinton Smith of Michigan.

D. D. Denise, president of the State Board of Agriculture of New York, and C. C. Brown, director of the Institute of West Virginia, are among the association's guests.


One Party Whom Exposition Managers Hope Will Stay Away.

There is one famous personage who will not be asked to come to the exposition and who will be kept away if possible, should he indicate any inclination to come. This is none other than the renowned Jack Frost. Lately the managers have begun to dread that he might take a notion to pay the exposition a visit, and indeed some annoyance from him sooner or later is considered inevitable. Perhaps the most apprehensive persons in this respect are Mr. Hadkinson, superintendent of the landscape on the Bluff tract and Mr. Unger, superintendent of the landscape in the main court.

They have had cause to be proud all summer because visitors would be continually saying how beautiful was the garden effect here produced. The average date for a killing frost in Nebraska is September 8, but so far not a flower or a leaf on the ground has been touched, and the superintendents have been gratified at the unusual vigor and hence the lasting beauty of varied bloom and green. The colors are as profuse and as vivid as in midsummer and the delight to the eye is as great as when the breezes were milder and the rays of the sun warmer.

Special pains, in anticipation of the large crowds and the array of distinguished guests, are being taken with the stretches of grass and the beds of foliage and bloom just now. Hose and rakes and the skillful pruning knife are kept going.


Preliminaries for Judging and Awards Serve to Make Them Suspicious.

Circular Sent Out to Superintendent of Each Building to Provide for Jurors.

Names to Be Announced Later and Report on Prizes to Be Ready for Publication by October 25.

Monday's Admissions15,264
Total Admissions1,740,820

Now comes the time when the hitherto friendly exposition exhibitor begins to grow suspicious of his neighbor, and fearing that somebody is going to give him the worst of some "bad deal." It is the time when the preliminaries for the official judging of exhibits is to begin.

Circulars have been sent by the department of exhibits to the superintendents of the various exhibits in all buildings, save those where the exhibits consist of perishable goods and are judged differently. These include the thirteen judging regulations recommended by the bureau of jury on awards and the further request that the exhibitors in each section select one juror for that section to act with another juror selected by the bureau of juries in the selection of a third juror. All selections, whether made by the bureau or not, must meet with its approval. In the selection of the exhibitors' juror is where each exhibitor realizes that his neighbor has evil intentions against him because the neighbor doesn't believe that the first exhibitor's ideal juror, happening to be from the same town, is the best man.

Altogether there will be about sixty judges chosen in this manner. Their expenses will be paid, but no compensation is attached, as the position will be honorary. It is anticipated that their names will be ready for announcement October 11; that their work will be completed October 18 or 20, and that their reports will be passed upon by the committee on awards in time for publication October 25. Each exhibitor feeling aggrieved at the decision of the judges may appeal to the committee on awards within forty-eight hours, accompanying the appeal by a fee of $10. Thus the committee is given time for the adjudication of affairs.

Judge J. M. Woolworth is chairman, and J. E. Utt is assistant chairman of the committee on awards.


Kansas, Ohio, Pennsy and New York Parties to See White City.

The Missouri Pacific yesterday brought in the Otoe club of Kansas on a special train of thirteen coaches. There are 600 people in the party, and they will remain several days.

The Rock Island will bring in two special trains of Ohio people Wednesday morning. The trains, composed entirely of Pullman cars, will be switched to the Missouri Pacific tracks at the exposition grounds, and the people will live in them while here. C. E. Styles is in charge of the party.

G. A. A. Green, traveling passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific at Indianapolis, brought in a party of 100 people from Southern Indiana yesterday.

The Northwestern will have a solid Pullman train from New York the morning of October 8, filled with prominent Empire State men, come to celebrate New York day.

The personally conducted exposition excursion arranged by the Pennsylvania road came in this morning over the Milwaukee road. It was not so large as anticipated, being a little early for Pennsylvania day.


The movement to have a meeting of literary people in Omaha has been abandoned. The meeting was to have been held today at the public library building, and a number of well known men and women of letters had been invited, and were expected to be present. Among those prominently mentioned in connection with the gathering were Hamlin Garlan, who was to have delivered an address on modern literature and the authors of today. Mr. Garlan is unable to be here, and other interested in the movement cannot come, so the congress of literary workers has been abandoned for the present at least.

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The Great Live Stock of the Exposition Is Now Open.

Thirteen Hundred Animals Here and Trains Constantly Arriving---Finest Stock in the Country Here.

The north wind which began blowing Sunday afternoon had become uncongenial by yesterday morning, so that outdoor conditions did not correspond on the grounds with the fascinating objects and scenes. One could not be certain that the Monday crowd was larger than usual, while nothing indicated that it was smaller. The visitors were wrapped in overcoats and jackets, and the inhabitants of offices not already provided with some artificial heating apparatus were inquiring about the prices of oil stoves.

To one class of creatures, and newly arrived on the grounds, the lower temperature was welcome. This was the fat stock, the enormous and slow moving cattle and hogs that had to be made active enough to get them from the cars to their stables and stalls.

The great live stock show opened this morning. Said Director Dinsmore: "I have had to do with two international stock shows and with the main western fairs for fifteen years, and I may say that the quality of the stock here is equal to or better than I have ever seen before, while in point of numbers the show is second only to that at the World's Fair.

There are to be about 2,700 animals of all classes at this exhibition. Half of these are here now and trains have been coming in all day. One of them was from the Illinois state fair at Springfield and contains the pick of the stock there.

By 9 o'clock tomorrow morning the greater part of the stock will be housed on the grounds, and stragglers will be dropping in until Thursday. Twenty-two states and Canada will be represented in the stables. The display from Canada will consist chiefly of sheep.

The stables have been wired, so that the stock may be seen at night better than a menagerie usually can be, for the lighting will be better.

Judgment will begin Thursday morning. There is a ring for the horses and cattle, one for the sheep and another for the hogs. The judges are:

Horses—F. M. Welchell of Des Moines and Joseph Watson of Hastings.

Cattle—Richard Gibson, Denfield, Ont.; Claude Makin, Lawrence, Kas.; T. J. McCrarey, Highland, Kas.; David McKay, Fort Wayne, Ind.; H. C. Taylor, Wisconsin; J. H. Coolidge, Illinois; C. F. Curtis, Iowa.

Swine—F. M. Laile and N. H. Gentry of Missouri and W. E. Spicer of Illinois.

Sheep—G. W. Hervey of Omaha and John A. Craig of Iowa.

Mr. Gentry will also be the judge of mules and asses.

The premiums offered by the exposition aggregate $35,000, and the special premiums raise the total to about $50,000.

A live stock parade through the Midway and the Bluff Tract had been thought of, but the suggestion was dropped because of the gravel coating of the avenues, it being feared that some of the animals might be injured. But it may be that on certain days the rings may be filled at a stated hour, so that the stock may be seen readily on all sides.


Exhibits Which Are Already in the Barns.

The following stock animals have been placed in the barns since the report of yesterday:


Peter Mouw of Orange City, Ia., has ten head of fine animals, in age, calves to breeding cows. One cow, 4 years old, weighs 2,000 pounds, and one 2-year-old bull, 2,000 pounds.

C. H. Elmendorf of Turlington, Neb., six head, in age, calves to 3-year-old cow, a 2-year-old bull that weighs 2,200 pounds is an excellent animal and is attracting much favorable comment.

Gudgell & Simpson of Independence, Mo., have ten head fine show cattle, in ages from calves to aged cows.

Stewart & Hutchins, Greenwood, Mo., seven head. A 6-year-old cow weighing 1,700 pounds was a second prize winner at the World's fair as a yearling. She is probably the only World's fair representative of this breed that will be at this show. This herd has a 2-year-old bull weighing 1,800 pounds and yearling that weighs 1,500 pounds.

A. F. Huwaldt of Randolph, Neb., has five head, 2-year-olds to aged cows; one cow 10 years old, which has each year produced and raised a calf.

Scott & March of Belton, Mo., six head; a 2-year-old bull that weighs 2,040 pounds, [?]


The S. McKelvey & Son's herd of Fairfield, Neb., which was in the fire on their way to the fair, is in the stables and presents a sorry sight. There are eleven head in this herd, calves to aged cows. One bull weighs 2,300 pounds. A beautiful cow and her sucking calf are so burned that the skin on their necks is wrinkled and shrunken. They are evidently in great pain, but every attention possible is given them, and it is believed they will recover without any serious blemish.

Two other calves are more dangerously burned and are in apparent great distress. It is thought one of these will lose both its eyesight and its ears. The skin on the back and sides is crisp and blacked.

When Mr. McKelvey found the car on fire he opened the car door and eight head jumped from the car while the train was in motion. This saved them from a worse fate. The cattle thus escaping jumped in a sand pit and were not injured much by the fall. The cattle were brought to the fair, as the owner desired to have them under his own care in the treatment. Mr. McKelvey was severely burned about the hands and face.

J. W. Martin, Richland City, Wis., has eleven head, calves to aged bull and cows. The stock bull weighs 2,300 pounds and the best cow 1,700 pounds.


Edward Paul, Dundee, Minn., ten head, calves to aged cows and bull. The 7-year-old bull took first prize as a 2-year-old at the World's fair and first prize as aged bull in 1895 at Illinois, Minnesota and Missouri state fairs. He is a fine animal.

Mr. Paul has in connection with his Galloway show a display of robes which far excel all buffalo robes to be found in the market. They are very fine and pliable and prove that the Galloway cattle have a quality in this direction that no other breed can fill.


W. Chappel of Normal, Neb., has ten head of these milkers on exhibition.

H. C. Glissmann of Omaha has ten head. The classes are pretty well filled by both these exhibitors, and quality good.

J. C. Doubt of University Place, Neb., has nine head. A 2-year-old bull that weighs near 2,000 pounds. He has a crack butter cow, Sharondora, which he has entered in the butter contest.


George C. Hill & Son of Rosendale, Wis., have thirteen head of calves, two old cows and breeding bull. He claims a big butter record.

M. Hilgert of St. Joseph, Mo., has twenty head, representing a fine dairy herd. The individuals are fine and show good breeding.

E. E. Day of Weeping Water, Neb., has five head of Jerseys and two Herefords.

Miller & Sibley of Franklin, Pa., have nineteen head, all ages.

R. D. Button of Cotton, New York state, has three yearlings that he thinks will open the eyes of the western dairymen.


Squires & Son of Blue Earth City, Minn., have twelve head of these fine cattle, representing every age from calves to breeding cows and bull. This is the only herd of this breed now on the grounds, and are attracting some special attention from the dairymen.


Charles C. Norton of Corning, Ia., has six head of red Shorthon cattle, very nice animals, and are in for a strong show in prizes.

John Creswell of Bonaparte, Ia., has eight head of red and road cattle, representative of his large home herd. They are good individuals.


D. N. Syford, Lincoln, Neb., has seven head of these cattle, showing both young and old. His yearling bull, "Nightingale Highness," 26,013, is a fine specimen and weighs 1,350 pounds. He was a prize winner as a calf at the Lincoln fair last year and promises to make things lively for all competitors in the yearling class at the big show.

A Chicago beef packer remarked that "he was just right, after the Jack Sprat idea, neither too lean nor too fat." This rather remarkable calf is a grandson of the celebrated "Abbess of Turlington," who took first prize over all beef brands at the World's fair in 1893.


Thomas Taylor of Waynesville, Ill., has eleven head of merinos from his flock of registered sheep.

Blakely & Evans of Grinnell, Ia., twenty-nine head of delaine merinos.

E. D. King of Burlington, Kas., sixty-seven head of merinos from his flock of 700. This is a large display of sheep to come from one flock, and not only fills all classes, but doubles the entries in each and has a few left, which are for sale and delivery any time.

Mr. King is the big sheep man of Kansas and is will known among exhibitors throughout the west.

C. H. Ballinger of Lexington, Neb., has thirty head of Shropshires and will fill all classes in this breed. Mr. Ballinger's sheep are in their usual fine show shape, and, as usual, he has some fine specimens. Ballinger is a skillful handler and care taker and his flock shows it.

Ed Wineland of Avoca, Ia., has forty-two head of Oxfords and Shropshires, lambs to breeding ewes and aged rams. Mr. Wineland has a fine lot of sheep on exhibition and he is very justly proud of his pets. He will fill all classes in both breeds.

Gibson & Walker of Denfield, Ontario, Can., have thirty head of Lincolns.

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The Commissioners from this State Enjoy Themselves at Omaha.

Things to be Seen at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition Described by the "News" Correspondent—Charles Emory Smith Makes the Address of the Day—The Pennsylvania Club Gives a Picnic.

EDITOR NEWS:—Well "Pennsylvania Day" at the great Trans-Mississippi Exposition is a thing of the past, and a great day it, or rather they, were in the way of speech-making and cordial meeting and greeting among the visitors and the one time Pennsylvanians, who now call Nebraska home.

The members of the State Commission appointed by Gov. Hastings to represent Pennsylvania at Omaha, accompanied by Hon. Chas. Emory Smith, Postmaster General of the United States, and his wife, and the wives of the Commissioners, left Pittsburg last Monday morning, Oct. 2d, arriving in Chicago that evening, where they were met by some of the members who had preceded them. The journey from Chicago to Omaha was over the St. Paul route, through central Iowa. Omaha was reached early Tuesday morning, the party going at once to the Hotel Willard, where they were most comfortably entertained during their stay. Tuesday was spent in resting and a little sight seeing, this particular party taking a trip around the grounds, and viewing the beautiful buildings and colonnades connecting them from the outside; spending some time in the Art Gallery, which contains some very interesting works of art. Then we saw a drill by the U. S. Life Service Guard on the lagoon. They rescue a sailor supposed to be clinging to the mast of a sunken vessel, by shooting him a rope and then sending out a life preserver. Then the life boat goes out and the guard recovers a drowning man and resuscitates him. In coming in their own boat is upset a number of times by the raging waters of the lagoon (aided by the efforts of the men), and it is quite interesting to see them "bob up serenely," clinging to the boat. We also visited the Indian camp, where over five hundred Indians of thirty-five different tribes are encamped, in charge of an army officer. They have a sham battle every day which is very interesting. The next day was "Pennsylvania Day." First the Pennsylvania party were lunched in great style, and amid much mirth and good feeling, by the Exposition management at Menkel's restaurant on the grounds; then the public exercises were held in the auditorium. Speeches were made by President Wattles, of the Exposition management, Mr. John Woodside, of Philadelphia, Chairman of the Commission. Senator Manderson, of Omaha, then, in a witty speech, introduced the distinguished guest and orator of the day, Hon. Chas. Emory Smith. Mr. Smith was listened to by a large audience, who cheered to the echo his many witty and patriotic utterances. After the meeting, the ladies of the party were tendered a reception by the Omaha ladies at their parlors in the Mines and Mining building. A reception was given Mr. Smith in the evening at the Bee building in the city. All the postmaster in the state were invited and many postal employees.

On Thursday the "Pennsylvania Club" gave a picnic at Hanscom Park to the visitors from the Keystone state. The club numbers over 1,200 members, and there are over 15,000 voters living in Nebraska who were once residents of Pennsylvania. Mr. Smith again made a bright, well-received speech. At night there were most magnificent fireworks.

And then we stepped down from the pedestal of honored guest to make room for Ohio and New York, who in turn are having their day, but we hear the attendance on Pennsylvania Day was greater than on any distant state day thus far, although Ohio brought 360 people on a special train, and New York had Chauncey Depew and a large delegation and also has a nice state building on the ground.

The Omaha Exposition is certainly a stupendous success, a most interesting, elevating and educational exhibit, and you can find all the amusements you desire on the Midway or the Streets of All Nations or the Indian Camp. The government exhibit is much larger and finer than at the World's Fair. The buildings are more beautiful, the connecting colonnades adding to the beauty and also to comfort by protecting from heat or rain.

New Brighton can well be proud of her son, John A. Wakefield, who is the wide-awake, courteous, far-seeing, indefatigable secretary of the exposition management and to whom a large measure of its attraction, completness​ and success are due. Some of his colleagues said to us "Wakefield is a marvel to us. No one can do half as much or do it as well." The wisdom of these public spirited men, who planned this great exposition, has been demonstrated by the benefit which has already accrued to Omaha. The street car lines have been extended, the great trunk lines have increased their facilities at Omaha and already two more of the great railroads have signified their intention to build into the city. The great annual festival of the Ak-sar-ben (spell it backward) was held this week and we all gazed spellbound at the gorgeous pageants, which drew 100,000 people on Tuesday and Thursday nights, to see the floats representing scenes from Irving's Alhambra on the first night and on the second an electrical parade wherein twenty large floats of various conceits, lighted by 2,000 electric lights, paraded the principal streets and on Friday night the grand ball and crowning of King and Queen Ak-sar-ben for the year. The great castle, larger than the Pittsburg Exposition building, all decorated with the club colors, red, green and yellow, (as was every building and person in the city) was only moderately lighted when the Knights of Ak-sar-ben marched in dressed in most elegant and gorgeous costumes of all nations, and notions. Then the king marched in attended only his pages and ascended the steps to the throng, which was flanked by a hundred beautifully dressed ladies in waiting. Then came marching twenty maids of honor, all in white, and as the lovely young queen, Miss Grace Allen, appeared, 20,000 electric lights suddenly flashed out, thickly studding the 32 arches of the roof. The queen was crowned and then dancing began. Never had our staid Beaver county eyes witnessed such a gorgeous sight as the lights, the palms, the red, yellow and green trimmings, the beautifully dressed women and fine music by two bands. The Ak-sar-ben Club is composed of citizens, and its object is the business advancement of Omaha. We turn our backs with regret and shall always remember the beautiful exposition, the gay carnival and hospitable Omahaians. Lone live Omaha.

T. L. K.
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Formal Exercises Postponed Twenty-Four Hours Owing to Railroad Delay.


Ceremonies at the Auditorium This Afternoon Are Well Attended.


Seven Hundred of Them Manifest Their Presence at the Fair.


Exhibitors Have Their Animals Ready for Inspection and the People Are Already Spending Much Time Admiring the Noble Brutes.

Total Admissions Yesterday19,999
Total to Date1,760,821

Today is Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mercer county, Illinois, and Topeka day. The various delegations and those who wore no badges did not begin to come until somewhat later than usual owing to the festivities attendant upon the carnival parade of last evening. But by the middle of the forenooon​ it could easily be seen that the fourfold attractions slated for today would draw their full share of visitors.

The Ohio day exercises were to have been held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. At that time the hall was comfortably filled and the Omaha Concert band was warming up the audience for the proper reception of the distinguished speakers from the Buckeye state. When the number was finished General Manager Clarkson stepped to the platform and announced that the Ohioans would not hold forth this morning on account of the failure of several of the delegation to arrive in time for the exercises. Three train-loads from Toledo, among whom is Samuel L. Jones, mayor of that city, and one of the speakers, had been delayed five hours in making the trip. They will arrive in the city this afternoon. The exercises which had been prepared for today will be carried out tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. They will consist of an introductory address by President Gurdon W. Wattles, an address of welcome by Governor Holcomb on part of the state of Nebraska, an address of welcome by Hon. John L. Webster in behalf of the exposition, and responsive addresses by Asa J. Bushnell, governor of Ohio, and Samuel L. Jones, mayor of Toledo.

The Pennsylvanians arrived yesterday, bringing with them members of the governor's staff and representatives of various business interests and trade organizations. They hold their exercises in the Auditorium at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. After the introductory address by President Wattles and the address of welcome in behalf of the exposition by Senator Charles F. Manderson, Hon. John W. Woodside, chairman of the Pennsylvania commission will respond. This will be followed by an address by Hon. Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general of the United States.

Mercer county, Illinois, sends a train load of visitors to the grounds this morning. They made their headquarters at the Illinois building, but held no exercises. The Karnival Knights of Topeka were more demonstrative. They came 700 strong and brought with them the Ladies' Cadets corps of that city, who marched around the grounds headed by a fife and drum corps and attracted considerable attention. Miss Anna Rose, a native of Hilo, Hawaii, and queen of the Kansas Karnival was also with the party. The visit of the Topekans to the exposition today is the grand finale of a carnival that has been held in that city for the last week.

The live stock exhibit continues to be a magnet drawing the crowds to the north end of the grounds. The animals have practically all arrived and are in readiness to be led into the judgment ring. The first showing will be made tomorrow morning in the amphitheater west of the dairy building.

Tomorrow has been designated South Dakota day. A special train will haul a number of visitors from that state to the exposition. They will make no special demonstration, but spend the day at the grounds and witness the electrical parade of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben in the evening.


Postmaster General Smith Speaks of the Keystone State.

Hon. Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general in President McKinley's cabinet, was the orator of the day at the Pennsylvania exercises this afternoon. He said:

This is Pennsylvania day. It is dedicated to the friendly interest of the great commonwealth of the east in this splendid monument of the energy and public spirit of the west. Philadelphia is the mother of American expositions. She has seen with pride how the Centennial of 1876 has been followed by a series of brilliant exhibitions and she has encouraged and supported them with the same patriotic zeal which prompted her own pioneer effort. She is here today through her representatives to congratulate you on this stately and impressive creation, on these dazzling scenes of beauty and activity, which typify the artistic achievements and the industrial progress of this mighty transmississippi region.

Pennsylvania feels another interest in this imposing exhibition. To the sturdy, enlightened and enterprising citizenship which has created this noble commonwealth she has contributed an honorable share. Her blood flows in the veins of this vigorous offspring of the adventurous spirit and thrift of the older sections. Her children are among the pillars of your state. One of her sons was for years your distinguished and honored senator and still adorns and illuminates your civic life. Pennsylvania blends in high degree the composite racial elements and the fruitful heritage of ancestral diversity which have enriched and strengthened the American people; and steadfast, stable and solid as she is, firm as the keystone of the arch she symbolizes, she has none the less joined in the onward march and infused something of her own characteristics in the upbuilding of this great empire of the west.

Events Move Swiftly.

We have moved during the last six months in the swift current of stupendous events which have recast the maps and spanned the wide horizon. We have just emerged triumphant from a short but crucial and momentous war, which has carried forward history and unveiled destiny. The halo it has shed on American arms and the glory with which it has exalted the American name fills us with just pride and exultation. Reluctantly accepted by the president only under the supreme mandate of humanity and justice, once undertaken the unerring seriousness of its aim, the unfaltering vigor of its direction and the unbroken sweep of its success stand unmatched on the pages of war. The renown of the American navy, always brilliant and never equalled, man for man and gun for gun, was sustained and enhanced in every clash of the struggle. An army of 250,000 men was summoned from the ranks of citizenship, organized, equipped and made ready for action. Every soldier who fought was transported beyond the deep. The whole scene of the war was on foreign soil and in a tropical clime, under burning skies and drenching torrents, with the blight of fever and the danger of pestilence. In the face of such difficulties, what a swift and unerring triumph!

With our monumental victory we face a new epoch in the history of the republic. We come to a broader outlook, whose deep import it is well for us to consider. The world knows our ampler reach and our larger destiny and we feel it. No true American can be insensible to the increased respect for our country and the higher conception of its mission which the marvelous revelations of this war have inspired in all lands. The embattled farmers at Lexington "fired the shot heard round the world," and not less distinctly and significantly did the opening shot of this war under the glittering consellations​ of the Orient resound in every capital of the globe and awaken a new understanding of America's onward movement.

One of Great World Powers.

It is recognized that the United States advanced to its place as one of the great world powers, and whatever may be our wise policy, whatever may be the measure of our just restraint or our legitimate ambition, no American can fail to feel an honorable pride in the new distinction and the new consideration never before approached, which American heroism and American statesmanship have brought to our republic. The world's acknowledged tribute is the measure of its estimate of the potency of our new position. Our use of that position will be the measure of our wisdom and rulership. Equal to every crisis in the past, we shall deal with this emergency in the true American spirit. It makes us responsible for Cuba. It gives us Porto Rico. It plants our outpost on the farther side of the globe. Whatever we hold, whether it be more or less, will be held, not for territorial aggrandizement, but solely in acceptance of responsibilities which Providence has laid upon us. Men lightly talk of "imperialism." Our imperialism is not territorial lust, but benignant trade expansion and civilizing influence, and our flag is at Manila, not in any spirit of spoliation, not in either the greed or the glory of con-[?]ng force of a Providential guidance, at the ripe hour in the development and requirements of our national growth.

It is treated in many quarters simply as a question of territorial expansion, but that is a secondary and incidental consideration. The great and overshadowing question is one of commercial openings. The heart of the issue is not mere territory, but trade necessities and facilities. Beyond and behind and beneath this departure lies the broad problem of America's destiny in the commerce and civilization of the world. If we are to fulfill that destiny we must have commercial expansion, and it is a profoundly significant fact which shows a guiding hand that overrules the will of man that this war should have come just as this great necessity begins to be realized. The opportunity matches the need.

Time and Opportunity.

The universal acceptance of its obligation to stretch forth its civilizing hand where the fate of war has carried it, the fortunate possession of an established emporium on the very theater of the world's seeking have brought the occasion and the duty together. Is it not for enlightened American statesmanship, watchful of American interests, to use the opportunity, not in territorial avarice, but for commercial extension and civilizing influence in the Orient with the base and bulwark that are needed for its support? Shall we be worthy of this high mission? I have full faith in my countrymen. I believe in the spirit and the capacity of the American people. This war and its tremendous question has given us a new elevation and dignity and purpose. How it has dwarfed and diminished our domestic differences and our petty contentions? How it has kindled the patriotic fires and quickened the true national instinct! How it has lifted us to a higher plane of public consciousness and to a broader view of national greatness! In the large work before us of governing and developing our new possessions, of ameliorating and advancing the condition of the new peoples who have been brought under the protecting folds of our flag and of achieving the fullness of the possibilities within our grasp there is call for all that is best in our American courage and statesmanship and character.

There is call for thoughtful, conscientious and patriotic devotion on the part of the people. Dealing with these great questions which the future of our country and its relations to the world make necessary calls for no narrow partisanship. Let us leave our partisanship to domestic issues; let us limit our family contests to the family circle; let us with patriotic spirit end them at our own shores, and when we come to confront foreign countries and nations involving our honor, our dignity and our interests before the world, let us stand united as one peaple​, forgetting that we are repblicans​ or democrats and remembering only that we are all Americans together.

With single purpose and with unerring wisdom our executive has called his aides and associates in the great work from all parties and all sections, and through all the conflict and all the settlement his sole thought has been the welfare and glory of his country. It was for the American people to meet these new questions in the same lofty spirit of patriotism, with open eyes for the broader career before us and open hands for the higher duty and destiny of the republic.

Notes of the Exposition.

H. A. Heath of the Kansas Farmer, published at Topeka, Kan., is in the city and will remain during the live stock show, reporting the same for his paper.

After the Ohio day exercises which will be held at the Auditorium today the members of the Omaha Ohio club will banquet Governor Bushnell and party at one of the Viaduct restaurants.

The Nebraska section of the Horticultural building has been decorated with the Ak-Sar-Ben colors. Several of the exhibitors from outside states have caught the inspiration and have put up bits of the tri-colored bunting.

Hon. John L. Pennington, one of the early territorial governors of South Dakota, is in the city visiting the exposition. At the present time Mr. Pennington is a resident of Alabama. He is on his way to Yankton, S. D., to spend a few days visiting friends.

The members of the International Association of Flax and Fiber Growers met in the Montana building yesterday afternoon and discussed the advisability of holding a meeting next week. It was decided to meet and invite Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture to deliver an address before the club. It is understood that he will be here with the president's party and that he is willing to talk upon the subject of fibers and fiber culture.

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Postmaster General Smith and Other Distinguished Pennsylvanians Go to the Exposition.

Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith and members of the Pennsylvania commission attended the exposition this morning as guests of the Buckeye state officials, shortly after breakfast time. Several members of the Pennsylvania club's reception committee, including Prof. J. P. Gillespie and Mr. Barr, called at the Millard hotel and passed an hour or two chatting with the visitors from the Keystone state about incidents of the Ak-Sar-Ben parade and the big picnic that will occur tomorrow. Today the Pennsylvanians are guests of the exposition officials and Ohioans jointly. Tomorrow they will be entertained by people from their own state.

It was nearly 11 o'clock when the postmaster general accompaniel​ by Mrs. Smith appeared in the hotel lobby, prepared to attend the exercises at the exposition. He was joined by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Woodside and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradley. After greeting friends and acquaintances and chatting with them for a while, the party took a car for the exposition. They were the last to start, for half an hour earlier Mrs. George Nox McCain, accompanying her father, Christian S. Overholt, had taken their departure, and at intervals between that time and 11 o'clock members of the commission and their wives left in small parties of four or five. Among those who attended the exercises were: Dr. J. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Nissley, Mr. and Mrs. Livy S. Richard, Joshua D. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kenedy, P. C. Boyle, William C. Gretzinger, Hiram Young and C. E. Dawson.

The Pennsylvania day picnic will begin tomorrow at 11 o'clock. The speaking will occur at 1 o'clock and among those who are to deliver addresses are Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith, General Charles F. Manderson, John W. Woodside and Governor Silas A. Holcomb.


Closing Session of the Body Made a Most Enjoyable Affair.


President Sawyer's Address Covers the History of the Exposition—Toasts at Luncheon Show the Spirit of the Women.

The Woman's Board of Managers met in the boys' parlor of the Girls' and Boys' building at 10 o'clock yesterday morning for its quarterly and last meeting. The out-of-town members present were Mrs. Sawyer and Mrs. Field of Lincoln, Mrs. Kerr of Ansley, Mrs. Hunter of Broken Bow, Mrs. Dutton of Hastings, Mrs. Hollenbeck of Fremont, Mrs. Giffert of West Point, Mrs. McDowell of Fairbury and Mrs. Key of Council Bluffs. The president, Mrs. Sawyer, delivered her parting message to the board in a speech so forcible and brilliant that the ladies immediately demanded possession of it that it might by put in permanent form for a keepsake.

Mrs. Sawyer began her address by noting the two distinct features of this, as of all expositions, namely, the products of industry and the evidences of culture; the first, useful arts; the second, liberal arts. After paying tribute to the administrative ability which has brought together such an exhibit of material things. Mrs. Sawyer said: "To many visitors the material features of the exposition, its buildings and grounds, its exhibits and entertainments, its beauty and variety, constitute the whole of the exposition, nevertheless the immaterial and incorporeal features are essential and omnipresent, just as the light and air are inseparable from all material exhibits. The intangible features, the evidences of culture, are the true exponents of progress. That this transmississippi region—a hundred years ago an unknown wild—should make the close of this century glorious by this vision of intrinsic and relative beauty, this accumulation of resources, this expression and appreciation of aesthetic and ethical standards that the existing standard of taste should demand and receive so much, is worthy of no[?] part of the exposition is [?] rare flower. We admire and praise it the more, perhaps, because it is so fleeting. We nurture a flower because we know it is a sheath for the golden secret of a seed, the germ and promise of future life. In like manner should we cherish the invisible influence of the exposition, which will live after the visible forms have passed away, because they foretell the hopes of future years. The thought-moulding, character-forming aspiration and impulses, the lifting of ideals, such are some of the sacred seeds maturing in the heart of this incomparable bloom."

Work of Education Bureau.

Mrs. Sawyer then referred to the comparison some times made between the Board of Lady Managers of Chicago and the Bureau of Education of the Transmississippi Exposition, a comparison for which there is no more basis than there is between a watch and the woman who carries it. "But a watch," she continued," that fulfills the purposes for which it was created self-reliant and independent. This bureau was deputed by the directors of the exposition to do special work. Therefore it has not been and was not intended to be a significant or integral factor in the material development of the exposition." Mrs. Sawyer reviewed the educational exhibit over which the bureau has had jurisdiction, the congress work and the Girls and Boys' building, demonstrating forcibly the ideas for which each stands in the exposition. Following the address of the president, the secretary reported the detail of the various lines of work. She stated that exact figures could not be given while there were still outstanding accounts, but that the Girls' and Boys' building might be considered free from indebtedness. The approximate cost has been $10,000. The subscription of the children amounted to $3,000, the subscription of Mrs. Kimball to $1,000, and the proceeds of The Hatchet, with the receipts from exhibits and concessions, make up the balance. She reported that the Congresses of Music and of Art had been most successful and that a number of other congresses were about to convene under the auspices of the bureau. She also stated that the Monetary and Library congresses were initiated by the bureau and that for all the educational congresses its machinery had been called into use.

Among several unexpected pleasures of the morning was a visit from General Manager Clarkson, who congratulated the women upon their very successful work and thanked them for co-operation and assistance. Having begun upon the extension of courtesies the women were apparently in no haste to stop. Mrs. Harford offered a resolution of appreciation of the services of the president, Mrs. Sawyer, "who by her untiring devotion to the work on the executive committee, or the congress committee, in the presentation of plans, at great physical inconvenience, and in time of sore personal bereavement, has so largely contributed to the success achieved." This was passed, with applause, and Miss McHugh immediately presented a resolution formally recognizing the valuable work of the secretary. This being acted upon, Mrs. Towne proposed a vote of thanks to the executive committee.

Luncheon and Toasts.

By this time luncheon was announced and the women were soon seated at long tables spread in the reading room. These were furnished with the finest of linen and china, and decorated with red and yellow roses. The luncheon was in charge of Mrs. Tilden and the hand-decorated menu cards were provided by Miss McCague.

When the physical necessities of the company had been met, the president, Mrs. Sawyer, called to order and announced as the first toast, "The Bureau of Education. How Camest Thou in this Pickle?" which was responded to by Mrs. Kerr of Ansley. Mrs. Kerr treated the subject from a humorous standpoint, remarking upon her satisfaction that the toastmistress had decided that the bureau belonged in the pickle jar, rather than in the soup tureen. She declined to state how we got in, but thought we were in a fair way to get out with credit.

Mrs. Hollenbeck of Fremont spoke of "Woman's Sphere" from the sentiment of "A Crust of Bread and Liberty." The speaker deprecated the spelling of "sphere" with too large a capital letter, believing that "the most intelligence, wisdom and physical strength is required in the home, and the most responsibility and happiness is found in motherhood."

Miss McHugh discoursed upon "The Genus Homo" from the standpoint of a woman's reason, "I think him so because I think him so." She announced as the chief interest the "genus boyo," and said that the hope of development in the genus homo lay in holding the same standards for Thomas Jefferson as for Tirzah Ann; that she might [?] of pettiness, and he to her standard of purity. Miss McHugh congratulated the board on its opportunity of studying the abstract from the concrete, and said, "If I am to attribute to the whole class the qualities found in the individual, the genus homo must possess the frankness and honesty of our friend, Mr. Hardt, and the suavity and unvarying kindness of the head of our department, Mr. Bruce."

Mrs. McDowell spoke on "Finances, the Root of All Evil," announcing herself to be a believer in all the metals there were and in the free and unlimited distribution of them all. She had been sufficiently interested in the subject to buy a book, but her husband couldn't explain it to her, and she concluded that a woman's chief power lay, after all, in making $1 do the work of $5.

Mrs. Ford brought out the necessity in public life of "The Scapegoat," dwelling upon the pleasures of his life, especially pointing to the fact that at the end he could get away into the wilderness and never be heard of more.

Mrs. Field of Lincoln presented "Woman as a Classified Exhibit." She said: "It is quite enough to be a thinking, conscientious human being without having in addition the burden of all the news and notices with which we are labelled in the woman's page of the daily press." Mrs. Field also expressed her satisfaction that there is no woman's building in our exposition and no distinction in the work of the sexes.

To Mrs. Dutton of Hastings was assigned the appropriate sentiment "Like Olive Plants Around Thy Table." Mrs. Dutton, in the names of Miss Anita Dutton, shared honors with Master Thomas Munro of South Omaha and Master Joseph Reed of Council Bluffs, all of whom had been born into the board since its organization. Mrs. Dutton believes that every mother in the land is a heroine and she thinks that if Dewey had had the conquering of one of the children of the present day he might have been considered a martyr instead of a hero.

Mrs. Towne closed the exercises by toasting the executive committee to the sentiment "A Very Little Meat and a Good Deal of Table Cloth." She gave great credit to the committee for its work, especially in the organization of the congresses which she said had been of exceeding value to the few who had been wise enough to take advantage of them.

During the afternoon the women were given the courtesies of the Midway and they visited the principal attractions there in a body.


Final Arrangements Are Made for the Handling of Special Trains.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.—(Special Telegram.)—Final arrangements were made today by Manager Babcock of the Transportation department of the Transmississippi Exposition with Manager W. M. Greene of the Baltimore & Ohio as to the running of the second special to Omaha. As outlined, the train carrying representatives of the government, army, navy, diplomatic corps and newspaper men, will leave Washington at 8 o'clock Monday morning. The Northwestern will furnish the entire equipment for this train, consisting of private car 428, combination baggage and buffet car and three sleepers, which will be assembled in Washington on Saturday. The Baltimore & Ohio will supply the dining car as far as Chicago Junction, the Northwestern attaching a dining car at Chicago for the run through Iowa. It is the plan now to have this special precede the president's train, which will leave Chicago half an hour after the other gets away, in order to reach Omaha in time to give the occupants a chance to participate in the parade.

While the personnel of the president's train is still incomplete, it is known it will include Mr. and Mrs. McKinley and maid, Secretaries Bliss and Wilson, Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn and Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen, Captain and Mrs. McWilliams, J. Addison Porter, secretary to the president, and Assistant Secretary Cortelyou. At Omaha Secretary and Mrs. Gage and Secretary and Mrs. Smith will join the party and return with them to Chicago. A representative committee of the exposition will join the president at Chicago and make up the train into Omaha.

The train carrying government officials and other distinguished citizens will make no stops between Chicago and Omaha. It is now contemplated by the Baltimore & Ohio railroad to give the train to the Northwestern line outside of the city and not run into the Baltimore & Ohio station at all, thereby saving considerable time, and returning the same program will be observed.

South Dakotans Coming In.

South Dakotans are arriving for the purpose of participating in the South Dakota exercises, which will be held in the Auditorium Friday. Yesterday Vice President McKinney and Secretary Davis of the commission arrived. Governor Lee, with the members of his staff, will arrive tonight or early tomorrow morning. Those Dakotans who are here state that there will be quite a number of their people present.

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Governor Will Head the Party Coming to the Exposition.

ST. LOUIS, Oct. 4.—Governor Stephens and family, with his military staff and the state officials and their families, will visit the Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha on Missouri day, October 10. The party will go over the Burlington route, reaching Omaha by way of Kansas City, and will remain over the 12th, President McKinley's day. Low rates have been made by the Burlington, Missouri Pacific and other roads running to Omaha, and many thousand Missourians expect to take advantage of them.

Today at the Indian Congress.

This afternoon at 4:30 o'clock the Wichita Indians brought up from Oklahoma by Prof. James Mooney, the government ethnologist, will give their unique horn dance, which always attracts so much attention when performed upon the reservation. The dance is both warlike and religious in its significance, being intended as an invocation of the war gods of the tribe and the protecting power of the buffalo spirit. For this reason it is sometimes known as the buffalo dance.

The warriors of the tribe, assisted by the young men of the allied Cheyennes, Arapahoes and Kiowas, all striped and painted, with their rifles in their hands and mounted horseback upon gaily decorated ponies, will lead the procession from the grass house, around the circle of the camps, to the center of the parade ground, where all will dismount and the chief, Tawaconi Jim, will deliver an address of welcome in his own language to the white visitors. This will be interpreted at the time in the sign language for the benefit of the other tribes, giving a practical example of the beautiful gesture speech in use among all the Indians of the plains. The women join with the men in the dance, which differs materially in step and figure from most Indian performances and winds up with the closing song of the celebrated ghost dance.

In the evening at 7 o'clock the women of the Assiniboines, assisted by those of the Crows and Blackfeet, will perform the scalp dance, of which we have all heard, but which has never before been witnessed outside of the Indian country. This dance belongs to the women alone. Dressed in the costumes of their warrior husbands and with their faces painted black, the sign of death, they exult over the scalps of their slain enemies. The scalps—genuine ones, brought down by the Assiniboines—are carried in the dance, stretched over hoops at the ends of long poles.

Delightful Concerts.

Two musical events of peculiar importance are set for next Friday and Saturday nights. Innes will have another Wagner program. It contains the "Love Feast of the Apostles," a wonderfully vivid picture of the well-known biblical episode. Then there is something from "Lohengrin." Going from the strictly classical Wagner one night to the "Forge in the Forest" with electrical and scenic effects the next shows how quickly this band undergoes the transition from an orchestra to a military band. "The Forge in the Forest" is a delightful piece, full of weird melodies and given with the foliage, forge, anvils and scenery presented under subdued lights it will doubtless thrill every spectator.

Both Director Innes and Superintendent Kelly are greatly worked up over the Peace Jubilee, one of the prominent features of which is to be a children's carnival. They have secured from the executive committee a special rate of 15 cents for each child for that one day, Saturday, October 15. Each child taking part in the singing of the jubilee number, which is to be performed, will have a nice little souvenir of the occasion presented to him or her. A petition is now in circulation among all the concessionaires asking them to throw open their concessions on this day to all the children for a uniform admission fee of 5 cents. Mr. Innes is to personally supervise the training of the grand chorus of children and he promises something in the way of a sensation when the carnival comes off. A unique feature of this day will be the singing of a group of Chinese children dressed in their picturesque costumes. Arrangements are also under way for the appearance in this festival, which will be given at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, October 15, of several well known and talented local instrumental child soloists. A boys' drum and fife band will be secured and altogether the children's carnival promises to be one of the big successes of the entire exposition.

Fussing About the Fakirs.

The exhibitors in the Agriculture building are up in arms over the influx of fakirs who have found their way into the structure during the last few days. They are getting up a petition, which is being signed very generally. In the document they declare that unless these people are driven out of the building they will cover up their [?] last few days scores of the fakirs who are selling cheap jewelry and trinkets have been let into the building until they block up nearly every aisle, making it impossible to get along. Many of them are so persistent in trying to sell their wares that they are insulting, especially to women who visit the building for the purpose of inspecting the exhibits. These salesmen are largely those who have occupied outstands during the summer, but since the cooler weather they have succeeded in getting inside, where they hawk their wares from morning until night. Their presence gives the interior of the building the appearance of a large auction house.


Rooms Selected for the President and Mrs. McKinley at the Club House.

Police Will Serve as Guards and the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Will Act aa​ Escorts of the Party.

Arrangements for the coming of President McKinley and party next week are being pushed vigorously. The president, Mrs. McKinley, Secretaries Gage, Bliss, Smith and Wilson, with their wives, will be entertained at the Omaha club. Ex-Senator Manderson is president of the club, and ex-officio member of the various committees. Arrangements are in the hands of the house committee, of which Edward P. Peck is chairman. This committee meets every evening to plan, devise and arrange details, and proposes to leave nothing undone that should be done to the end that the presidential party is royally received and entertained in a manner worthy of the exalted position of the distinguished guests, and the standing of the city and west, whose guests the party will be.

There are thirteen suites of rooms in the club house. The house is located at the northwest corner of Twentieth and Douglas streets. The building is three stories high. The apartments selected for President McKinley are on the third floor, room No. 4, commanding a splendid view of the city, looking south and southeast. The apartments are being placed in elegant shape and will present a charming and attractive appearance.

For the four cabinet officers who will also be entertained by the club, elegant suites are being arranged. The president, Mrs. McKinley, Secretaries Gage, Bliss, Wilson and Smith, with their wives, maids and private secretaries will complete the club guests.

Mrs. McKinley's apartments are on the main or ground floor, in the northeast corner of the building. There are three rooms in this suite, and they are being put in admirable order for the reception of the first lady of the land. The suite is composed of reception room, bed room and maid's room, all connected. These rooms will be outfitted throughout with new furniture. The best to be had will be placed for the comfort of Mrs. McKinley. A chair is being made, after the pattern of the one at the White house home, for Mrs. McKinley. It is an invalid chair, and will be arranged for carrying her up and down the stairs and about at her pleasure. Attendants have been arranged for, and will be constantly at the call of Mrs. McKinley from the moment of the arrival of the party in the city until their departure.

The party comes in Tuesday evening over the Northwestern railroad. There will be a large body of policemen at the depot to act as official guard. In addition to the police there will be 200 or 300 Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben to escort the party to the club rooms.

During the stay of the president in the city a large detail of policemen will act as guards at the building, and only those known to have business within will be admitted to the building.

The matter of guard for the president and escort has been placed in the hands of the chief of police, and he will manage that feature of the program, detailing the men who will have the honor of presidential guard and escort.

There are few more elegantly furnished places in the west than the rooms of the Omaha club. In addition to the present handsome appointments of the building, the inner furnishings will be rich in added decoration, pictures and flowers being placed in profusion, and the exterior will be tastily decorated, the national colors forming no small part of the decorations.

The presidential party will be met at the depot by the mayor, Senator Thurston, ex-Senator Manderson, Major Clarkson, President Wattles and members of the reception and entertaining committees, and returning the visitors and citizens will go direct to the club rooms.


Live Stock Show Will Tomorrow Be a Great Sight for Knowing and Ignorant.

Thursday the Flower of Herds Will Be Picked Out for Prizes and Blue Ribbons.

Still the Porkers and Bovines From Everywhere Come to Be Admired--Today the Exhibits Will Be in Fine Shape.

Tuesday's Admissions19,999
Total Admissions1,760,821

At 9 o'clock tomorrow will begin the real circus at the live stock show, something that city people who can't tell a Poland China hog from a guinea pig and know no more about milking a cow than operating a Gatling gun, can sit in a big, comfortable amphitheater with 2,999 other people as comfortable as in a parquet seat at the Creighton and enjoy the moving panorama of high-bred flesh and blood.

Then the judging of the stock will begin, and on three show rings within the half inclosing amphitheater will be shown the best collection of horses, sheep, swine and cattle without exception gotten together in America this year. From then on till October 20 the oval will be alive with blooded stock each day from 9 a. m. to 12 and from 1:30 to 5 p. m.

Stock is still arriving from all parts of the United States and will be received until 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, somebody being ready to admit it any time tonight. Commissioner Dinsmore and Superintendent Elmendorf have been busy as bees locating the choice arrivals and will today have everything in spick and span shape, all streets and alleys cleared of hay and the debris incident to moving stock, and ready for the thousands of visitors expected.

There is good reason for expecting them by thousands from the way they swarmed through the streets all day yesterday and admired the blooded beauties of many a prize ring.


Show Stock Among the Arrivals of Tuesday.

The following are additional arrivals of show stock since yesterday's report:

Jersey cattle—J. E. Robbins, Greensburg, Ind., fifteen head, in ages from calves to aged cow and bull. There are in this herd two imported cows, Jersey Venture and Pearl Pensey. For two years Jersey Venture was the second prize cow on the Jersey islands. It required $2,000 to induce her owner to sell to the present owner, Mr. Robbins. Venture Lad, a 1-year-old bull, a calf of this famous cow, has taken first prize and sweepstakes at Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin state fairs.

Abderdeen Angus—J. E. Evans, Aberdeen, Ia., fifteen head, calves, yearlings and 2-year-olds. The majority of this display are steers for the fat stock show. They are fine animals.

W. A. McHenry, Denison, Ia., twelve head. His 1-year-old bull weighs 2,000 pounds, a yearling bull 1,650 pounds, a bull calf 1,050 pounds. One aged cow 1,900 pounds.

A beautiful 2-year-old heifer, 1,650 pounds, took champion prize at Minnesota fair over all breeds. Another heifer weighing 1,500 pounds took second in class. There are in Mr. McHenry's herd four yearling heifers that average in weight 1,250 pounds.

At the World's fair the two cows, Abbess and Progress, of this herd were the first and second prize cows over all breeds. Nellquinne III., a 2-year-old heifer, was champion over all breeds at the same show, and a yearling bull from same herd was second champion over all breeds.

Herefords—W. S. Van Natta of Fowler, Ind., has three head, two steers for the fat show and one bull. The bull is a yearling and weighs 1,600 pounds. He was a prize winner at the Illinois state fair. Clem Grave of Bunker Hill, Ind., has a bull calf on exhibition that was a prize taker at both Indiana and Illinois state fairs.

F. A. Nave of Attica, Ind., has [?] head, two 2-year-old bulls wei[?] pounds each. Dale one of th[?]

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Duke of Fairview II., a bull calf, took sweepstakes over all under 2 years old at Illinois state fair.

Shorthorns—George E. Ward of Hawarden, Ia., has ten head. His 4-year-old bull, St. Valentine, weighs 2,600 pounds, was winner of sweepstakes at Indiana and Illinois state fairs.

Gold Dust, a 2-year-old bull, won first in class at the above state fairs. His weight is 2,000 pounds. Monarchs Lady, a fine cow in this herd, has been following close after Mary Abbottsburn, the noted prize winner of America. They have been in the show ring together and Monarchs Lady has taken second in class. This herd emphasizes the roan color as prize winners. They are beauties.

C. W. Sanborn of Omaha has two Shorthorn steers entered for the fat stock show, both 3-year-olds, and weigh respectively 2,000 and 2,300 pounds.

Galloways—J. H. McAllister of O'Neill, Neb., has ten head ranging in age from calves to aged cow and bull.

T. J. Davis & Son of Triumph, Ill., have fifteen head of very good animals of all ages and will be in the contest in all classes.

Holstines—Henry Stevens & Son of Lacona, N. Y., have fifteen head and will show in every class from calves to aged cow and bull.

Brown Swiss Cattle—E. M. Barton of Hinsdale, Ill., has seventeen head. In this herd are several sweepstakes winners. Their latest conquests were at the state fairs of Wisconsin and Illinois.

Devons—John Hudson of Moweaqua, Ill., has fourteen head of Devons representing all ages. The herd bull weighs 2,100 pounds. There are three steers for the fat stock display. Mr. Hudson imported the original stock to start his herd and has kept within these lines of breeding ever since. His animals are regarded as great beauties by many cattle raisers.

Sheep—J. N. Grau of Asherville, Kas., has three Delaine Merinos, a ram and two lambs.

A. F. Gamber of Wakeman, O., has fifteen head of Delaine Merinos, a full display of these very popular sheep, and will contest for the prizes in class from lambs to aged ewe and ram.

Charles Cook of Cyrus, Neb., has three French Merino rams. These specimens are quite a curiosity to many visitors; they are very large and carry immense fleeces of nice wool.

Robert Taylor of Abbott, Neb., has thirty-five head of Hampshires, Lesters and Merinos.

George Harding & Sons of Waukesha, Wis., shows forty head of Cotswolds of all ages.

George McKerrow of Sussex, Wis., has eighty head of Oxfords and Southdowns, all ages. He is prepared to fill all classes and then have a reserve to satisfy buyers who want to get some of his stock.

George Allen of Allerton, Ill., has Twenty-four head of Shropshires. He has been on the fair circuit for some time and has great confidence in his stock as winners.

R. Stuyvsant of Allamuchy, N. J., has fourteen head of the horned Dorset sheep on exhibition. These sheep are comparatively new to this district of the country and are receiving much attention from visitors. Mr. Stuyvesant says his exhibition of sheep are all American bred except one ram. This is claiming to be the greatest prize winning flock of Dorsets in America.


Commission Made Up of Brightest Men of Keystone State.

The Pennsylvania commission of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition, appointed by Governor Daniel H. Hastings, is composed of some of the leading manufacturers, business men and editors of the old Keystone state. The party reached Omaha yesterday morning over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad in their special car, and are quartered at the Millard. Accompanying the commission as its guest is Hon. Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general, who is to deliver the oration today, Pennsylvania day. He was the editor-in-chief of the Philadelphia Press for fifteen years prior to his appointment as postmaster general. Under President Harrison's last administration he was ambassador to Russia. The postmaster general is accompanied by Mrs. Smith.

The Pennsylvania commission is headed by John W. Woodside, president of the Atlantic Snuff company and one of the leading manufacturers of Philadelphia. He was secretary of the Tennessee Centennial commission of the city of Philadelphia, chairman of the citizens' commission of Philadelphia on the Cotton States and International exposition at Atlanta, a member of the national commission of Pennsylvania at the Chicago World's fair, and has been associated in some way with every international celebration or episode in the United States in the last quarter of a century. He had charge of having the design made for the famous medal of award for the Chicago World's fair, [?]

Thomas Bradley, treasurer of the commission, who accompanies the party, is also one of the leading business men of Philadelphia.

Colonel George Nox McCain, chairman of the executive committee of the commission, is one of the editors of the Philadelphia Press. He received his newspaper training in Pittsburg, where for eight years he filled editorial positions on the Dispatch, subsequently becoming one of the owners of the Commercial Gazette. He was afterward Washington correspondent for the latter paper. He has been an extensive traveler, visiting among other places the interior of Venezuela during the late boundary excitement. For services rendered the government of Venezuela Colonel McCain was decorated by President Crespo with the Order of the Liberator. He is a member of Governor Hastings' staff, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, is a member of the Society of the War of 1812, of the University club of Philadelphia and is widely known as one of the foremost political writers in his native state.

Among the members of the commission in professional life is Dr. J. Roberts Bryan, also of Philadelphia. He is a member of the Philadelphia Pathological society, Philadelphia Pediatric society and Philadelphia County Medical society. Dr. Bryan was assistant physician of the Children's hospital in Philadelphia for a number of years.

I. O. Nissley, member of the executive committee, is publisher of the Middletown Press, one of the largest and most influential newspapers in the central part of Pennsylvania.

Christian S. Overholt, the dean of the commission in point of years, is a retired banker, merchant and manufacturer of Westmoreland county, although now residing in Philadelphia. Mr. Overholt is the uncle of Henry Clay Frick, the active head of the great Carnegie enterprises.

One of the most successful newspapers in Pennsylvania is the Wilkesbarre Record, of which Dr. Frederick C. Johnson, also a member of the executive committee, is editor. Dr. Johnson was born at Marquette, Mich. A graduate of the medical department of the university of Pennsylvania, he entered journalism, and became one of the proprietors of the Wilkesbarre Record.

One other prominent newspaper editor of the quartet in Omaha with the commission is Livy S. Richard, editor-in-chief of the Scranton Tribune. Mr. Richard is a native of Ohio, who began his newspaper work at La Porta, Ind., in 1888. In 1892 he accepted a position as associate editor of the Tribune, and became its editor-in-chief in 1894. Under his direction the Tribune has taken a foremost place among the influential interior journals of the state.

Joshua D. Baker is widely, intimately and favorably known as the manager of the Hotel Lafayette in Philadelphia. He is of Quaker stock and has come by his hotel experience through a long line of hotel ancestry.

In Western Pennsylvania at New Brighton, Thomas Livingston Kennedy, another manufacturer on the commission, has his home.

The one member of the commission who knows all about the great oil industries of the United States is P. C. Boyle, editor and proprietor of the Oil City Derrick. Mr. Boyle, who is a veteran of the late war, is known to every man in the United States who has ever been identified with the petroleum industry.

The colleges and universities and the educational life of Pennsylvania are represented by W. C. Gretzinger, Ph. D., registrar of Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Mr. Gretzinger is one of the youngest members of the commission, but he is at the business head of the largest educational institution in Pennsylvania, with the exception of the university of Pennsylvania. He is active and prominent in the business and social life of Central Pennsylvania.

Hiram Young, esq., is the dean of Pennsylvania journalists, being the oldest active newspaper man in the state. He is editor and propritor​ of the York Daily Dispatch. During President Harrison's administration he was postmaster of York.

Other members of the commission are Thomas J. Keenan, jr., of Pittsburg, Thomas M. Jones and George M. Wanbaugh of Harrisburg, J. H. Zerby of Pottsville, Asa Packer Blakeslee of Mauch Chunk and James P. Deininger of Sullivan county.


Poland China Boar Weighs More Than a Half Ton.

The whole south side of the live stock grounds is filled with hogs. Everybody is well pleased with the display, and many declare it to be the finest collection of swine that has ever been seen in the state. The pick of the stock from the half dozen best hog producing states is there. It is of all the common ages and in size ranges from the pig of a few weeks old up to A. J. Tecumseh, Thomas Stevenson's Poland China boar that weighs fifty pounds more than half a ton. There are any number of animals in the pens that run up to 700 and 800 pounds. John Blain of Pawnee [?] old, and weigh 540 pounds apiece.

This is just an indication of the general quality of the stock in this department. In the lot are a great many prize winners, and some of the exhibitors have the honor of displaying a yard or two square of premium badges.

Up to the present time the exhibitors are:

Poland Chinas—Harvey Johnson, Logan, Ia.; C. M. Irwin, Wichita, Kas.; J. Mandelbaum, Blue Hill, Neb.; Hoover & Harrison, Oskaloosa, Ia.; Thomas Stevenson, Fairfield, Ia.; J. H. Van Buren, Quimby, Ia.; D. F. Risk and Risk & Gabbert, Weston, Mo.; Kirkpatrick & Gresham, Connor, Kas.; D. S. Roush, Grand Island, Neb.; A. W. Albertson & Son, Inwood, Ia.; William Uhe & Sons, Papillion, Neb.; John O'Connell, Malcolm, Neb.; John Blain, Pawnee City, Neb.; J. R. Watts, Waterloo, Neb.

Duroc Jerseys—John Henderson, Panora, Ia.; D. S. Roush, Grand Island, Neb.; G. W. Trone, Rushville, Ill.; W. H. Taylor & Sons, Lincoln, Neb.; William Roberts & Son, Paton, Ia.; H. B. Louden & Son, Clay Center, Neb.; C. H. Searle, Edgar, Neb.

Berkshires—J. W. Townley, Octavia, Neb., Seven Oak farm, New Sharon, Ia.; John B. Thompson, Plattsburg, Mo.; Harris & McMahan, Lamine, Mo.

Victorias—George F. Davis, Dyer, Ind.

Chester Whites—John M. Ketcham & Sons, Love Lake, Mo.; Van Derslice Bros., Cheney, Neb.; G. W. Trone, Rushville, Ill.

Essex—L. E. Mahan & Co., Malcolm, Neb.


Old Plantation Is Adding to Its Unique Show.

The program at the Old Plantation has been greatly improved lately and while the show has been very superior it is better today than ever. The cake walk is better, the camp meeting scene is better and the buck and wing dancing and the quartet singing elicits enthusiastic applause. Since Mr. McConnell decided to reduce the price of admission from 20 to 10 cents the attendance has been something enormous. Mr. McConnell claims that his show now enjoys the patronage of 25 per cent of all Midway visitors and from the way the people pour into the Old Plantation at each platform, one is inclined to believe that Mr. McConnell is very modest in his statements. The Old Plantation is a great show and the people, especially the Omaha people, appreciate the fact.

Fritz Mueller's new place, the Live Stock Exchange, near the stock exhibit, is a success, as is every enterprise that he takes hold of. It is centrally located, the building is handsome and inviting and when the visitors steps inside he gets the best for the least amount of money. Beer, fresh and pure, is kept on tap and cold lunches of all kinds are on sale. Schlitz Pavilion, of which Mr. Muller is proprietor, is crowded every day, not only with old customers, but new ones who have heard so much of the place.

A new feature of the entertainment at the German Village is the pie eating contest. The last one gave such genuine pleasure and satisfaction that the management has decided to have another. A dozen urchins and rag muffins will take part and three prizes will be given to the three who finish first. The contestants will eat the pies from ordinary pie pans, placed on the bottom of chairs. Contestant's​ hands will be tied behind them and they will be forced to get on their knees while eating. The contest will take place in the next two or three days and when it takes place a large crowd is sure to attend.

After considerable delay, trouble and expense the management of the Great Omaha Wild West Show has succeeded in raising the quarantine on the Mexican bulls and today at 4 o'clock a bull fight will take place in the Wild West Show. Five professional bull fighters have been secured and the fight promises to be very interesting and sensational. From all indications the large grand stand will be packed this afternoon.


Scalp Dance Will Be a Unique Attraction.

Two characteristic Indian tribal dances will be given this afternoon and evening, both unique and entertaining. At 4:30 the Wichitas and friendly tribes will give the horn dance peculiar only to the Wichitas. It is a ceremonial prayer originally for the increase of the buffalo, but since none are left to increase the prayer is for the return of the big ruminant of the plains. Towanconi Jim, the chief, will give an address in Wichita, which will be interpreted in the sign language.

This evening will be given the scalp dance, both unique and grewsome​, by the Assinaboines and their northern neighbors. It is most peculiar as an Indian dance in that it is danced by the women only, with blackened faces,  Scanned image of page 33 wearing their warriors' costumes and dangling from long poles the scalps captured by their warriors in the last victorious campaign. Prof. Mooney, who has arranged for the dances, says that it is a style like that adopted by the young women of today in wearing soldiers' field hats, cross guns and other ornaments of war at its victorious conclusion. In the dance, however, some genuine old scalps will be used.

A quickly gotten up sham battle was given by the Indians yesterday afternoon, with a big crowd present and much enthusiasm. The plan of battle of Saturday last was followed.

In the center of the battlefield is being built a log house, a model of that occupied by Sitting Bull at the time of his death, and a picturesque feature of the next battle will be the last fight and death of Sitting Bull. Red Tomahawk, the Sioux policeman who killed him, will be here soon to be stage manager in that act.

The next battle will be given Thursday afternoon at 4:30.


Song Festival Being Prepared—Chorus of Small Voices.

Musical Director Kelly is working up enthusiasm for the Children's jubilee Saturday, October 16, which will resolve itself into a children's song festival in the afternoon. For that day the exposition management has made the reduced race of 15 cents for all children of 15 years or under. All who will participate in the afternoon chorus are requested to report at the Auditorium at 9:30 a. m., the jubilee chorus taking place at 2:30 p. m. on the plaza. To all children volunteering to participate handsome badges will be given in the morning, and it is being arranged by Mr. Kelly with the leading concessionaires that children wearing those badges will be admitted at reduced rates.

It is anticipated that on the occasion there will be from 5,000 to 10,000 children on the grounds, and from them it is hoped to select the chorus of 1,000 voices, 500 from Omaha and an equal number from visiting schools out in the state. The parents of children of such musical ability as developed in the public schools and whose children would like to join the chorus are requested to write in advance to Mr. Kelly, giving names and ages.


Farewell Occasion Yesterday at Conclusion of Efficient Work.

For the last time the woman's board of the exposition met yesterday, and with lingering regrets the members bade good-bye to the work they inaugurated and now nearing a successful end. The board has met quarterly, and yesterday it was decided that the executive committee should do the work that is left, so a social day was enjoyed.

There was a greeting by Major Clarkson and an address by the president, Mrs. Sawyer. This was at the boys' parlor in the Boys and Girls' building at 10 a. m., and then luncheon was had in the library. The sentiments and ladies responding were: "Bureau of Education," Mrs. Kerr; "Woman's Sphere," Mrs. Hollenbeck; "The Genus Homo," Miss McHugh; "Finances," Mrs. McDowell; "The Scapegoat," Mrs. Ford; "Women as a Classified Exhibit," Mrs. Field; "Olive Branches," Mrs. Dutton; "The Executive Committee," Mrs. Towne. In the afternoon the courtesies of the Midway were enjoyed.

Those present from out of the city were: Mrs. A. J. Sawyer and Mrs. A. H. Field, Lincoln; Mrs. McDowell, Fairbury; Mrs. Hollenbeck, Fremont; Mrs. Giffert, West Point; Mrs. Kerr, Ansley; Mrs. Hunter, Broken Bow; Mrs. Dutton, Hastings, and Mrs. Key, Council Bluffs.

The work of the twenty-seven members of the woman's board has been the charge of all the educational exhibits, children's excursions, educational exhibits, children's excursions, educational conventions and the Boys' and Girls' building. All were much gratified at the successes attained, and left for their homes feeling that their work had been well done.


Forty-Five Per Cent Dividend is Now in Prospect.

With $84,107.34 in the treasury in excess of all of the floating indebtedness, the exposition began the month of October, conceded to be the best, as well as the last, of the exposition. And as for more money that is to come, it may be observed by the following report that the exposition began the month with a $235,000 pace for receipts, and, after allowing $100,000 for the entertainments of peace jubilee week and the resplendent events that mark the whole month as the peer of all the others, there will be an additional surplus of $135,000 if September's pace be kept up, but with what is to come, there are sanguine exposition authorities that believe it will be doubled. Without allowing for the easily anticipated increase for October, there will [?]

This is the report of October 1:

Floating debt June 1$250,000 00
July 1 225,000 00
August 1 127,984 22
September 1 80,695 93
October 1 51,583 62


Prior to June 1 and commutation tickets$ 19,248 77
June 80,001 85
July 81,178 95
August 139,174 00
September 182,768 75
Total$502,372 32
Pro-exposition period$ 81,054 92
June 25,471 04
July 35,524 66
August 45,803 59
September 52,705 83
Total$240,560 04
Total expenditures to June 1$ 751,002 58
Total expenditures June 1 to October 1 547,638 40
Total$1,298,640 98
Estimated operating expenses for October$ 75,000 00
Peace jubile​ and other incidentals 25,000 00
Total$100,000 00
Total stock subscribed$484,405 19
Total donations subscribed 163,070 20
Total$647,475 39
Total number subscribers, 6,641.
Cash in treasurer's custody October 1$124,411 25
Cash in secretary's custody October 1 11,279 71
Total$135,690 96

Mexican Bulls Not Coming.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 4.—Colonel A. H. Dean, chief of the stock yards bureau of animal industry, has received orders from the head of the department at Washington to have the Mexican bulls confiscated a few days ago, and quarantined on their way to Omaha, either returned to Mexico or sold for immediate slaughter.

There were only four of the ugly beasts in the car, and so far they have cost $110. If they are sold on the open market they would probably bring less than $10 per head. The animals were imported from Old Mexico by E. Mattox and billed to Omaha, but after having passed the officials on the border it was learned that they were to be used in an exhibition of bull fighting at the Omaha exposition, and Colonel Dean confiscated the property and placed the bulls in quarantine as soon as they arrived in this city. Since that time the owner has had the animals disinfected and in every other way attempted to satisfy the officers at Washington, who finally put an end to his scheme by the order to sell or return them to Old Mexico.

To Confederate Veterans.

New Orleans, La., Oct. 4.—Adjutant General Morgan, by orders of General J. B. Gordon, commanding United Confederate Veterans, today issued an order, stating that a cordial fraternal letter has been received at these headquarters from General T. S. Clarkson, past commander of the Grand Army of Republic, now general manager of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition at Omaha, especially inviting all ex-confederates to attend that exposition during Peace Jubilee week, from October 10 to 15.

The general commanding desires this generous invitation made known to all United Confederate Veteran camps and to all ex-confederates, so that as many as desire can attend the interesting and patriotic ceremonies.


Manager Lemen Takes Several Parties of Juveniles to the Exposition.

Little Ones Enjoy the Great Show and Furnish Entertainment in Cairo Street.

Half Price Charged Them on the Midway and Special Rate Granted by the Exposition Managers.

The Omaha Bridge and Terminal company some time since issued to Manager J. G. Lemen of the Christian Home of this city ten passes, each of which gave free passage over the lines of the company for ten children of the home, accompanied by Mr. Lemen and a teacher. The exposition management supplemented this by admitting each of these parties for $1. Mr. Lemen has already taken to the exposition six parties of children each from the home, and before the exposition closes will take over four more.

Most of these children are from 6 to 12 years old and never before in their little lives have they had such an experience. Inside the grounds these parties of home children have attracted much attention. They have been admitted free of charge to the Libbey glass works, where each of them has received a beautiful souvenir; to the Scenic Railway, Hagenback's and the Ostrich Farm, and at nearly all the other places on the Midway where they should be taken only half price has been charged.

These little groups of orphan children from the home have attracted attention wherever they have gone about the exposition grounds. At each visit Manager Lemen has made it a point to call at the general offices of the exposition, and each time Manager Wakefield has manifested the deepest interest in the children and has dropped his work to greet them personally and shake hands with each one. The children are quite well drilled in singing and a few days ago Mr. Lemen asked Manager Wakefield if he would like to hear a song from the group then present. The youngsters began "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and sang two stanzas. The little song stopped the machinery of the whole office and ever clerk and other employe opened his wicket widow and listened until the conclusion.

Another interesting incident occurred on the Midway opposite the Streets of Cairo. Mr. Lemen, with his children, met two old friends of the home at this point, and after some conversation the latter expressed a desire to hear the children sing. There was all about the noise of a large crowd, and added to it the din of the drums and cries of the "spielers." Scarcely had the children sung two lines, however, before there was a hush. The men about the entrance to the Streets of Cairo hushed each other, and as the tuneful notes sounded clearer and clearer people came from every side and gathered in a great crowd about the little band. At the conclusion of the song one of the swarthy Egyptians pressed forward and asked Mr. Lemen who the children were, and when he was told they were orphans from the home across the river he appeared deeply affected.

The children manifest the liveliest interest in the various things they see at the exposition, and their visits furnish the chief topics of conversation at the home.

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The Christian Home is a weekly religious and family paper, published in the interest of a charitable institution for the care and training of orphans and destitute children, known as the Orphans' Christian Home, which is supported wholly by free-will offerings of the lovers of Christ and humanity.

The Christian Home

J. G. LEMEN, Editor and Manager.

Sec. John A. Wakefield,
Dear Sir:

Probably you noticed, but if you did not, I take pleasure in calling your attention to the enclosed article, clipped from today's Omaha World-Herald.

Again returning thanks to you for your generous consideration of the little ones of the Home, I am

Yours Truly

J. G. Lenzen
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Seventeenth Annual Session at the Dellone Hotel.

A lively boy of men of melancholy occupation assembled at Odd Fellows' hall yesterday morning. It was the National Funeral Directors' association, for its seventeenth annual session. There weer​ about 100 delegates. President John H. Sharer called the meeting to order. Mayor Moores welcomed the directors, and George L. Thomas, Milwaukee, responded.

The address of the president was exceptionally interesting, and replete with wise suggestions, containing many recommendations.

Secretary Naulty's report showed that 15,125 directors were represented, and that twenty-two states had delegates in attendance.

The afternoon with the association was devoted to routine matters chiefly. President Sharer named the various committees, standing committees made their reports, and under the head of new business a resolution was adopted to the effect that the president name a committee of three who shall be empowered to consult with the government authorities with reference to the removal of American soldiers who died in battle or in hospitals during the late Spanish war, and to represent the association in the matter. The government is considering the advisability of removing the dead from Cuban and Porto Rican soil to the United States. The resolution was discussed at great length, some feeling that it were better to prepare a good cemetery in those lands than to take the risk of removing the remains. The discussion assumed, to some extent, a somewhat scientific consideration of the yellow fever and the germ of the disease, and its probable effects in soils, climate and caskets.

The president announced the various committees, the chairmen of which are as follows: On president's address, George L. Thomas; secretary's report, F. B. Waters, California; finance, A. E. Sossay, Minnesota; place of next meeting, Fred Hulburg, New York; obituary, J. B. Smith, New York; resolutions, J. S. Pierce, Pennsylvania.

Executive Committee—W. P. Hohnshuh, Iowa City; J. S. Pearce, Ardmore, Pa.; Franklin Dickinson, Pennsylvania.

Legislation—Percy B. Dixon, Fred Hurlburg, W. P. Hohnshuh, S. B. Purigo and John C. Cohill.

Constitution and By-Laws—W. H. Newlan, A. E. Sossay and H. M. Kilpatrick.

On Organization—P. F. Bell, F. B. Waters, William Danspier, W. B. Raymond and H. D. Wells.

The convention adjourned at 4 o'clock until 9:30 this morning. The ladies of the party, some twenty in number, were taken to the Creighton theater yesterday afternoon by the local committee. Last night the delegates, nearly 100, were taken to the exposition, being guests of the undertakers of Omaha.


Buckeyes Lead the Procession at the Exposition Today.


Delegations from the New Mother of Presidents Joined by Others.


Nebraska's Executive Extends the Verbal Glad Hand to Ohio.


Kindly Sentiments of the West Appreciated by the Great Central Commonwealth—Toledo's Celebration Brought to the Front.

Total admissions yesterday29,473
Total to date1,790,293

The Ohio day exercises which were postponed from Wednesday, were held in the Auditorium this morning at 11 o'clock. The Toledo Marine band, before the opening of the exercises, pondered [?] hall was filled long before the speakers took the platform. The last to arrive were Governor Bushnell and his staff. As the crowd caught sight of the governor it was a signal for the tumult of applause that did not cease until he had taken his seat in the center of the platform and had risen to acknowledge his enthusiastic reception.

President Wattles of the exposition acted as chairman and after calling the gathering to order he introduced Governor Holcomb of Nebraska who made the address of welcome on the part of the state. He said:

I know that a great many Buckeyes have been transplanted and have grown up on our western prairies. There is a similarity in the history of the two states. Ohio was once a state in which our ancestors despaired of establishing a civilization such as they then enjoyed. It was a brave people that broke over the barriers of the mountain system and came down into the Ohio valley. Ohio, settled by that sturdy citizenship, is an imperial state. She has contributed as much as any other state to the development of the privileges which we all enjoy. It is an inspiration for us to study the great Buckeyes who have done so much for the union. She has almost robbed the Old Dominion of her title as mother of presidents.

A great territory has come together, not to celebrate any event, but to show to the world what they have been doing for the last quarter of a century. We ask you to consider what are the possibilities of the future. We hope that your stay with us will be pleasant, that you come again and come often.

Governor Bushnell's Response.

Asa S. Bushnell, governor of Ohio, was the next speaker. He said:

Ohio rejoices in this exploitation of the growth of the western states. No praise can be more sincere than ours. We are mindful of the claim you have to the approbation of those who admire advancement. The children of Ohio are found everywhere in the west. It is a pleasure to us who come from the land of their birth to note that they are taking a prominent part in the affairs of their adopted states.

When much of the history of our state was written this was known as the Indian territory. Now it is one of the garden spots of the world. This exposition typifies the virtues of your aims and efforts. The view we shall have will move us to a spirit of emulation. Ohio must do as well at a later date. When her time shall come she must send her greeting westward to bid the western people to come and worship at her shrine of industry and peace. Five years hence she holds her centennial in the beautiful city of Toledo. Come to us then as we have come to you today, with hearts swelling with pride and joy that such a spectacle and occasion as this can be, with generous thoughts and words of kindness, with willing eyes to see the triumphs you have achieved and with ready hands to help lead the way to still higher paths of honor for all our people.

Ohio has exulted in this opportunity to do even a small part toward making this undertaking the glowing success it has proven to be. It is our hope that the bond between the states shall grow stronger year by year by reason of this closer communion. Cordially we accept and treasure the assurances of amity that have been spoken. May your state in the years to come feel that there has been the same steady advance and the same virility and power which made possible the remarkable results which are crystalized​ in the exposition that lies before us today.

Other Speeches Made.

Following Governor Bushnell, Hon. John L. Webster spoke a few words of welcome in behalf of the exposition, pledging the support of the west in the undertaking which the Ohioans are planning for 1903 in the city of Toledo. Colonel James Kilbourne, president of the Ohio Centennial Exposition, was the next speaker. He briefly outlined the expectations of his state in regard to the enterprise of which he has been placed at the head, and said that a great deal is to be learned from the Transmississippi Exposition which will be treasured up to make a great success of Ohio's show.

This afternoon the crowd will be swelled by the Knights Templar, who pass through the city today on their way to the conclave at Pittsburg.

A feature of the program this afternoon will be another sham battle between the Indians on the North tract at 4:30 o'clock. After the battle there will be a representation of how an Indian is scalped. The first showing of the live stock show toow​ place this morning in the amphitheater west of the Dairy building. This afternoon the animals will continue to be brought into the rings. The decisions of the judges will not be announced until the close of the exhibition, a week from Saturday.

Tomorrow is P. E. O. society, Knox college and New Jersey day. The P. E. O. society will make the Nebraska building their headquarters and hold a reception in that place tomorrow morning from 10 to 12 o'clock.


New York to Be Represented by a Party of Distinguished People.

New York day will be observed at the exposition Saturday by one of the most distinguished parties of visitors of the exposition season. There will be no small number of the Empire state's representative citizens in the party. Major Wheeler, who is the state's representative at the grounds, has been in telegraphic communication with the New York men and up to last night had received positive assurance of the attendance of enough to give the affair an air of unusual importance. The first delegation of the visitors will reach Omaha tomorrow morning. It will comprise twelve members of the New York Produce exchange. Most of these will be accompanied by their ladies. Another party will represent the Merchants' exchange of New York. This will include S. C. Mead and wife, Charles T. Roat and William R. Corwin, assistant secretary of the exchange.

Hon. C. M. Depew, who is to be the orator of the day, will reach Omaha Friday evening. The personnel of his party is not known. G. Creighton Webb, brother of W. Seward Webb, will also reach Omaha Friday evening, as will Hon. Jacob Amas of Syracuse and Henry B. Hebert of New York City.

From Buffalo another distinguished party is coming, headed by Mayor Diehl. In it are Captain Brinker, president of the Pan-American Exposition association; Treasurer Loutz and Secretary R. C. Hill of the same association; Herbert Bisell, brother of the former postmaster general, Wilson Bissell, and fully a dozen others of the representative men of the Bison City. These will be accompanied by their ladies. Aside from these there are a number of smaller parties coming, attracted by the celebration of New York day at the exposition and the great Peace jubilee celebration during the week that follows.


Circulate About the Grounds and Enjoy Themselves Hugely.

The people who came up from Topeka, Kan., to visit the exposition made their presence felt yesterday at every turn of the road. There were only 700 of them, but they circulated around until some people had an idea that they numbered nearer 7,000,000. In the first place the Boyd cadets, forty-five young women, dressed in blue and carrying army rifles and canteens, marched out to the grounds, following their drum corps. They gave a drill on the Plaza and another over on the main court, after which they marched around the Midway and back to the Plaza, where they drilled again. After that they rested for a couple of hours, when they went at it again and from then until after dark they were marching or drilling, being applauded over and over again.

Just after the Boyd cadets reached the grounds, Miss Anna Rose, queen of the Karnival Knights of Topeka, and her suite, made up of courtiers and ladies of the court, reached the ground. They visited most of the main buildings, stopping for a brief period at the Hawaiian exhibit, where she met Commissioner Shingle, and then went to Markel's, where she and her party lunched. During the afternoon Miss Rose held a reception at the Kansas building, where she met a large number of the Omaha people and the Kansas pepole​ who are in the city.

Nebraska Commission's Finances.

The following statement shows the condition of the state appropriation made for exposition purposes. This report is for the month of September, with the balance on hand on October 1:

Vouchers drawn for officersDrawn during SeptemberPreviously expendedTotal expended
Salaries and employes wages$ 512.50$ 6,686.98$ 7,199.48
Furniture and fixtures 12.50 290.45 302.95
Current expenses 520.70 1,952.33 2,473.03
Construction 200.41 25,169.32 25,369.73
Agriculture dep't 348.41 7,189.64 7,538.05
Horticult'al dep't 2,080.70 5,207.71 7,288.41
Apiary dep't 197.39 1,832.14 2,029.53
Live stock dep't 85.35 5,437.84 5,523.19
Dairy dep't 837.80 1,328.25 2,166.05
Poultry dep't 173.41 1,910.78 2,084.19
Flor'cul'al dep't 197.60 1,642.73 1,840.33
Educational dep't 364.57 9,330.17 9,694.74
Miscellan'us space account 3,560.25 3,560.25
Postage account 210.00 210.00
Building employes 965.00 3,366.17 4,331.17
Sod house acc't 500.00 500.00
Decorations of the State building 77.19 1,662.04 1,739.23
Nebraska Cereal Cooking dep't 100.00 400.00 500.00
Nebraska Ceramic club 300.00 300.00
Attractions acc't 759.75 759.75
Repairs and improvements 260.97 260.97
[?]expended balance, $14,328.85.
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Missourians Are Surely Coming.

President Sterrett of the Missouri state commission returned yesterday from St. Louis, where he went some days ago for the purpose of working up the details for Missouri day at the exposition, which will be observed on October 10. He says that the people of the state are becoming very much interested and that he will not be surprised if from 5,000 to 10,000 Missourians are in attendance.

President Sterrett has addressed letters to all of the editors of the state, urging them to call the attention of their readers to the Missouri date and the race that the railroads have made from all Missouri points—1 cent per mile. The tickets for the trip to Omaha will go on sale October 8, and will be limited, so that the parties coming may return on October 12, thus giving them from three to four days at the exposition.

As yet the program for the Missouri day exercises has not been completed, but it is in course of preparation by President Sterrett and will be out in a day or two.


Now that the exposition is gradually nearing a close the delicate task of making the awards of medals and diplomas must be taken up. Under the rules of the exposition the award juries are appointed on the basis of one juror chosen by competing exhibitors in any class, one juror named by the exposition and a third selected by the two. This rule, if honestly carried into effect, should be fair to all concerned.

There is, however, always some danger of chicanery and underhanded scheming whereby the finding of a jury is fore-ordained and inferior exhibits given preference to which they are not entitled. As a matter of precaution against abuse and to prevent just complaints of discrimination and favoritism the utmost vigilance should be exercised by exhibitors who have a voice in the selection of juries and the representatives of the exposition, whose only interest should be to reach impartial verdicts in each contest.

The greatest scandals in former expositions have arisen from the juggling and corrupt manipulation of awards through incompetent or dishonest judges and combines between preferred exhibitors and exposition officials or their subordinates. Such scandals should if possible be avoided by the Transmississippi Exposition, which in the main has been so far conducted satisfactorily to all classes of its patrons. The exposition management owes it to the public and to its own reputation that no exhibitor shall be in position to display a prize which he has not obtained by merit.

While it is not possible for any jury or set of juries to make awards that will not rouse some complaint in the part of those whose expectations have been disappointed, flagrant partiality and notorious favoritism to any exhibitors or class of exhibitors would seriously impair the value of all awards and reflect discreditably upon the management responsible for it. This responsibility cannot be shifted upon subordinates who may use their positions for private gain, nor is it to be borne by the Department of Exhibits alone because it has had control of installation of exhibits and selection of the juries. When the history of the exposition is summed up the responsibility for any serious blunder will be charged up to the whole executive board, which is presumed to exercise reasonable precaution against abuses in all departments.


Schedule, if Carried Out, Will Land Mr. McKinley in Omaha Tuesday Night.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.—(Special Telegram.)—The tireless work of the committee sent by the Transmississippi Exposition to arrange the details not only for President McKinley's train to the exposition but for a train to carry many renowned people distinguished in arms, in education and diplomacy, is making itself felt in Washington. As finally arranged the president's train will leave Chicago via the Northwestern Tuesday morning, stopping a short time at Clinton, Cedar Rapids, Marshalltown, Boone and slowing up at a number of other points [?]o'clock. Wednesday will be president's day and according to the program the chief executive will be given a great ovation, spending the whole day in and about the exposition grounds.

He will leave Thursday morning via Burlington line and will run through Iowa during daylight, stopping at Creston, Ottumwa, Burlington, Monmouth and Galesburg en route to St. Louis, making his headquarters at the Southern hotel and leaving via Terre Haute and Logansport for Chicago, which will be reached Saturday afternoon.

The Gate City of the West train carrying representatives of the army, navy, government officials and numbers of the diplomatic corps will leave Washington over the Baltimore & Ohio Monday morning at 8 o'clock and will run to Chicago with stops only that engines may be changed. From Chicago the train will precede the president over the Northwestern and, if thought advisable, will make two or three stops en route. This is not, however, regarded as likely, as it is the desire of Mr. Babcock of the transportation department of the Exposition to arrive in Omaha about fifteen minutes before the president's train, members of both trains joining the procession to their several apartments.

Senator Thurston has not allowed grass to grow under his feet since he has been in Washington, having by dint of hard work secured for Nebraska one of ten additional revenue agents provided for under recent act of congress. The appointment of the agent will be made shortly. Colonel Chase, present surveyor of customs, will be appointed custodian of both old and new government buildings at Omaha.

Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, in view of the agitation going on in Nebraska over the colonelcy of the First Nebraska, now at Manila, stated today that the colonelcy of the First Nebraska can only be filled by the governor's appointment. The reply of Governor Holcomb to a letter from the War department in relation to mustering out of one of the two Nebraska regiments now in the field has been received, but as far as can be learned Holcomb has failed to elect which regiment shall be discharged. He talks a good deal about sick soldiers, but evidently fails to remember that the boys who want to go home on account of illness can readily do so on application through the proper military channels.


Day's Program is Devoted Entirely to the E Sisterhood.

Part of the Afternoon is Given Over to a Reception of Out-of-Town Members and the Meeting Makes an Auspicious Start.

The first session of the P. E. O. Congress was held this morning at the First Congregational church at Nineteenth and Davenport streets.

Preceding the morning meeting of the sisterhood there was an informal reception for out-of-town members. Members from far and near renewed their old friendships and formed new ones. Fully 100 women were present, though the state convention in South Omaha, which is still in session, detained many. Before afternoon, however, this will have adjourned and its members will attend in a body.

The meeting was called to order by the supreme president, Mrs. Flora C. Herring, who introduced the executive committee, Mesdames Herring, West, Campbell, Barnes and Bryant. Mrs. Herring spoke of the honor accorded the sisterhood in opening the women's congress and expressed the sisterhood's appreciation.

At the request of the audience, rose and sang the Sisterhood's ode. Then Mrs. Berta C. Fox of Nelson, Nebraska, offered prayer invoking peace and comfort on the Sisterhood and womankind. Inconclusion​ she read the estimate of woman in the bible.

By special request, Mrs. Belle Haecker of Hampton, Ia., sang the "Holy City," after which Mrs. F. B. Bryant delivered the address of welcome, saying:

"It is an old saying that a woman cannot keep a secret. Now who started this report, which has come to be a proverb? It must have been a man. But in this twentieth century woman can look with scorn on this imputation. If you don't believe it ask some of our members what P. E. O. means.

"Omaha is proud to greet you and offers you the freedom of the city. But please observe Mayor Moores' modest request that you leave the new station, for its the only one we have. Though if you come next year you will find another.

"Few people realize the vast resources of our state and of the west, but I am sure [?]

Mrs. Kittie Loughbridge Dutton of Hastings delivered the greeting from the Bureau of Education of the Transmississippi Exposition. She traced woman's work from the birth of Christ. "In the life of the mother of our Savior we see unceasing love and mercy for the poor and unfortunate. Woman has taken Christ's saying, 'The poor you have always with ye,' to heart. To whom do people go for sympathy and consolation in time of trouble? To women. Look at the gloriour​ work of Florence Nightingale during the Crimean war, which opened the way for the work of our American women on the Potomac and in the south, and of which the Red Cross is the capstone.

"You hear more concerning the hero than the heroine in times of war, but unjustly I think. What mother, sister or sweetheart hesitated when her dear ones were summoned in our last war? Did any of them flinch? No! They said 'Go! and God bless you!' All honor to the heroes—and to these who bore the heroes.

"Steadily has woman marched upward. More gates are open to her and we feel a just pride at the sight. Women, realizing that they should occupy the crowning place in country, church and home, evolved a plan and success will be theirs in the end. The P. E. O. is doing grand work toward this end and we extend greeting to all."

Mrs. Herring Responds.

In responding to the welcome and greeting, President Herring said: "We should be proud and pleased at Omaha's greetings. We organized in 1869 at Mt. Pleasant, Ia. Since then reunions have cemented old friendships and been the cause of new and undying vows. Throughout our existence 7 has been our magic motto. Seven wowmen​ formed the sisterhood; seven members are required to start a chapter, and the members must be admitted in multiples of seven. Seven chapters form a state chapter, and seven presidents of state chapters form the supreme council. Our object is to live on a broad plain. For we shall be judged not by what we have done, but what we might have done. In the name of the sisterhood, I thank the chapter and citizens of Nebraska for their hospitality."

The president of the Chicago chapter, Mrs. E. M. Pratt, was then introduced. She spoke on the objects and aims of P. E. O. "As the Star of the East 190 years ago shone on him who brought peace on earth, good will to men, so our star has the same sweet thoughts. Love bears to spiritual life the same relation that electricity does to physicial​. Love is the epitome of life and makes it one long, sweet song. We appeal not only for an intellectual but for a sweet, pure home life. For life is an education, not a holiday. It is the smiles and sympathy that women know so well how to bestow that count. Truth should be our highest aim. We should try to be a help to others. Self-sacrifice is woman's noblest privilege. It is not to the intellectual woman that men go for love and help, but to the warm-hearted and loving. The world is at our feet. Woman as an aid and counsellor of man, fighting side by side with him, can purify the world.

"God's idea of woman was as a helpmate to man. But we have fallen far short. Look at the family of the new woman. Oftentimes the husband must be nurse and comforter of his children.

"The glory of a home is the mother. I believe in the Trinity of the Father, Mother and child. That will create trust and truth at home. Let our aim be for the future what it has been in the past, 'Love and being loved.'"

Mrs. Herring then introduced Mrs. Walter Campbell, president of the grand chapter of Iowa, who read the pathetic story of "Tom Connell, an Irishman." It was a dialect story and Mrs. Campbell read it in a delightful Irish brogue.

The morning exercises closed with a clever monologue, "The Obstruction Hat," which Miss E. M. Crawford, the principal of the Nebraska School of Oratory, recited. Miss Crawford has a charming voice. So delighted was her audience that it insisted on an encore, to which she responded with "So Was I," the story of a timid schoolboy.

This afternoon's papers will be by Mrs. Alice Babb, wife of Judge Babb of Iowa; Miss Clara Duval, Miss Corbett of Montana, Miss Dysart of Missouri and Mrs. Munro of South Omaha, interspersed with music and recitations.

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Postmaster General Tendered a Complimentary Reception at The Bee Building.


Beautiful Court Presents an Entrancing Scene While the Visitors Are Presented to Distinguished Editor, Diplomat and Statesman.

Hon. Charles Emory Smith of Philadelphia, postmaster general of the United States, editor of the Philadelphia Press and former minister to Russia, was the guest of honor at a public reception tendered him last evening by Edward Rosewater, editor of The Omaha Bee, in the court of The Bee building.

It was one of the most notable affairs that has even taken place in The Bee building, where so many distinguished public men have met the citizens of Nebraska, and was attended by a large concourse of people. Each visitor was personally presented to the representative of President McKinley's cabinet, and many of them enjoyed quite a little intercourse with him. The reception committee consisted of Edward Rosewater, General Charles F. Manderson, who presented the visitors to Postmaster General Smith, who in turn introduced them to Assistant Postmaster Woodard, and the latter to United States Judge Munger and Colonel J. J. Dickey.

The receiving committee occupied a post at the north end of the handsome court. A dais slightly raised above the level of the court and spread with oriental rugs formed the station of the host, the guests of honor and the members of the reception committee. In front of them hung two large American flags, gracefully crossed and suspended from the balcony of an upper floor. Back of them appeared a transplanted conservatory rich with rare plants.

Decorations Most Effective.

The grand court of The Bee building never looked prettier than it did last evening. Brilliant with hundreds of multi-colored incandescent lights the effect was softened with several choice collections of stately palms admirably arranged on the staircase and throughout the court. The most notable display of flowers was that which completely filled the fine marble fountain in the middle of the court. Instead of the usual jets of water in the tessellated basin appeared a lavish display of palms and ferns rising to a height of a dozen feet above the marble top of the fountain, one beautiful palm forming an artistic apex for the floral pyramid. About the base of the court, on all sides, were distributed more palms, while the broad stairs leading to the first main floor were lined with the same flowers and the effect of the whole was not unlike the charming appearance of the richly decorated placita of some rare Mexican mansion.

The spotless white walls of the court shone brilliantly in the reflected light of the variegated electric lights and this resplendent scene was happily broken by the moving beaux and belles about the corridors of the upper floors. The pretty gowns of the visitors looked all the more attractive in these points of vantage and the picture in the balconies of the second and third floors combined pleasingly with the animated sight in the court proper. The balustrades of the upper corridors were appropriately trimmed with red, white and blue bunting, draped in graceful festoons about the four sides of the court. Throughout the evening the Sutorius Mandolin orchestra, assisted by the Misses Lowe, rendered delightful music from the second balcony.

The guests began to arrive shortly after 8 o'clock and continued to pay their respects to the well known journalist and diplomat until after 10. After the guests had met Mr. Smith they passed out through the other side of the court and took elevators to the seventh floor of The Bee building. Here refreshments, with coffee and punch, were served to all who called, in the large assembly room. Several hundred of the visitors took the opportunity to inspect the composing rooms, stereotyping department and press rooms of The Bee after being served with refreshments.

Some Who Attended.

Among those noticed among the out-of-town visitors were: E. E. Wonder, postmaster, Holmesville, Neb.; W. S. Raker, Gretna, Neb.; F. G. Simmons, Seward, Neb.; Ross Hammond, Fremont, Neb.; Postmaster Williamson, Riverton, Neb.; Postmaster Thomas A. Healey, Milford, Neb., and many others from Nebraska and Iowa points. Prominent among the callers were eighty letter carriers and clerks of the Omaha postoffice, uniformed, who marched to The Bee building early in the evening to greet their chief from Wash-[?] fire and police commissioners called to pay their respects after the adjournment of their meeting at the city hall.

The visitors refused to disperse until after Postmaster General Smith consented to address them. Mr. Smith, when introduced by Mr. Rosewater, paid a high compliment to The Bee and its magnificent establishment as typical of the west. He said this was the first time he had visited in the transmississippi country and standing here almost in the middle of the American continent he realized as never before the greatness and grandeur of the republic. He felt sure that the visit had done him good and that when he returned to the editorial chair, as he surely would, he would be a better editor because of what he had learned on this trip. He emphasized the importance of the Postoffice department as the one branch of the government service that came nearest home to the people and represented more than any other the intelligence of the country; this was shown by the fact that out of 17,000,000,000 letters written in the world each year one-third of them are written in the United States. He concluded by calling on those present connected with the postal service to do what they could to improve its usefulness and maintain its high efficiency.

Mr. Rosewater also responded with a few words expressing appreciation of the compliment paid Omaha and Nebraska by the visit of the postmaster general.


Celebrations at the Exposition Today Are of Minor Importance.


Visitors to Whom the Day is Dedicated Spend Time Inspecting.


Steady Stream of People Pours Into the Grounds All Forenoon.


Empire State Comes Tomorrow and Promises to Make the Showing Its Importance in the Nation Demands.

Admissions yesterday27,423
Admissions to date1,817,716

With no important features to attract the people there is a fairly good crowd of visitors on the ground today and these included a large number who have come to participate in the final festivities of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and then remain to assist in welcoming President McKinley next Wednesday. During the early morning the slight drizzle of rain had a minimizing effect on the arrivals, but later, when the clouds broke away and the sun shone out in full resplendence of a perfect October day, the crowd started with a rush and the street cars were jammed with all the people they could carry.

There are three celebrations of minor importance scheduled for the day, but none of them are attended by any formalities. The New Jersey day program was declared off, as it was found difficult to secure any representative attendance from that far-away state, in view of the superior attractions of Jubilee week. There are quite a number of New Jersey visitors on the grounds, but they preferred to spend their time in enjoying the exposition that they had come half way across the continent to see and voted speechmaking an altogether unnecessary adjunct of their holiday.

The pretty parlors on the second floor of the Nebraska building were given over to the women of the P. E. O, who occupied them with an informal reception given by the local chapter to the visiting members. The guests were received from 10 to 12 o'clock and regaled with light refreshments. After lunch the women broke up into small parties and spent the remainder of the day in sightseeing.

The excursion from Bureau county, Illinois, did not appear this morning, but Colonel Hambleton received advices that quite a representative party from that part of his state would be in during the day. The visitors will be informally received at the Illinois building and then left to their own devices.

The celebration of New York day tomorrow promises to be one of the most notable state occasions of the exposition. The presence of Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, who is to deliver the address of the day, is expected to bring out a large local attendance to add to the New York crowd and the Auditorium program will be of exceptional. interest. The other speakers have not been announced, but it is not likely that any elaborate addresses will be scheduled except that of Mr. Depew.

President A. E. Orr of the Chamber of Commerce of New York has transmitted to the exposition management a handsomely engrossed certificate bearing the seal of the organization, by which Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, Hon. Warner Miller, Charles A. Cohieren, Francis B. Thurber, Richard Young, Henry A. Spaulding and D. L. Ramsey are designated as the official representatives to the exposition.


Outline of the Entertainment Prepared for Major McKinley.

The program for the entertainment of President McKinley and party has been announced and no changes will be made except as the convenience of the visitors may require. The party will be met at the depot Tuesday night by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, who will act as a mounted escort. The troops of United States cavalry that had been expected cannot be secured on account of several changes that are being made by the War department and lack of horses consequent of the recent service in the field. With the knights as a substitute for Uncle Sam's troopers the visiting party will be conducted to the city hall, where the spectacular parade of King Ak-Sar-Ben IV will be reviewed and thence to the Omaha club.

Wednesday morning the visitors will leave the club at 10 o'clock with the same escort and be conducted to the Grand Plaza, where the exercises of the day will occur. These will consist of music by Innes' band, a short introductory address by President Wattles and addresses by President McKinley and Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith.

After the speaking the official party will be lunched by the reception committee at Markel's cafe and the women of the party will be returned in carriages to the Omaha club, where a luncheon will be tendered to Mrs. McKinley. The president and his party will go to the Government building at 3 o'clock, where a handshaking reception will occupy half an hour, and then it will be rejoined by the women and the entire party will be taken in carriages to see the sham battle at 4 o'clock and the balloon ascension at 5. There will be a dinner at Markel's cafe at 6 o'clock, and at 7:30, unless the atmosphere should be too chilly for comfort, the entire fleet on the lagoon will be placed at the disposal of the visitors and they will admire the illuminations from the water while quartet and band furnishes vocal and instrumental music. At 8:30 the carriages will again be called into requisition and the party will witness the fireworks on the north tract. Later those who wish to spend an hour or two on the Midway will be given an opportunity and the others will be returned to their quarters.


Mayor Jones of Toledo Discourses at Ohio Day Celebration.

At the close of the formal exercises for Ohio day at the exposition Mayor Jones of Toledo delivered an address. He devoted a large portion of his time to the discussion of industrial problems. He spoke in part as follows:

When Lamenais said, "I love my family more than myself, my village more than my family, my country more than my village, and mankind more than my country," he showed himself the true lover in the broadest and best sense. The Omaha Exposition is Omaha's only in name. Its glory and greatness is only best understood when we speak of its as ours, and in so speaking we do not detract from, but rather add to, the glory of the people of this progressive city.

Not one of Ohio's sons or daughters who participates in these ceremonies today but feels a just sense of pride and a quickening of the pulse beat as he looks upon the marvelous beauty that has risen up out of the earth as the result of the labor of your hands. Our hearts swell with exultant pride at these manifestations of the power of creative effort, and yet I think this feeling of triumph and satisfaction is not due alone to the contemplation of the mere material things that we look upon, but rather to the spiritual thought that was behind all, that was the inspiration of all, and without which no part of this manifestation of genius could have arisen out of the ground. It is this feature of the work of the Omaha Exposition  Scanned image of page 37 that to my mind is more valuable as an object lesson than even these beautiful buildings that rear their graceful proportions toward heaven, more precious than the vaulted treasures that are here displayed, more priceless than the works of art that delight us with their beauty. It is the demonstration of the power of associated effort of men that leads us to exclaim with wonder, "What hath God wrought!"

Men, my brothers, men the workers,
Ever weaving something new,
That which they have done the earnest
Of the things that they will do

So it is that I say we of Ohio feel that we have a part in this Omaha Exposition, because we belong to the same world, the same nation, the same country, the same race. It is yours, it is ours. It is the practical demonstration of what love can bring forth. Men never created by hating each other, never builded an Omaha Exposition because they hated each other, but because they loved each other. The spirit of love inspires them to erect such altars as these to say to the world, "Come and see what we have done."

We of Ohio will leave Omaha with pleasant recollections of the beautiful pictures we have here seen, with the memory of your labors indelibly written upon our heart and in the work that we are about to enter upon of fitly commemorating the birth of the great state of Ohio with a centennial at our own beloved Toledo, we shall strive, not in any spirit of rivalry, but in the spirit of brotherly love, to emulate and excell​ the work that love has wrought at Omaha.

These expositions bring a more valuable lesson in spreading the idea of democracy than in any other way, as it seems to me, and this thought of democracy or brotherhood commands the attention of the thinking people of the civilized world today. We are learning the lesson that has been taught for ages, but which we have been seemingly slow to learn, that we are all children of one common Father and all entitled to share alike in His bounty and care. We are losing the degrading sense of class consciousness that has kept us apart, one from another, that has divided us into sects, classes and factions, and we are learning through such noble efforts as have been put forth at Omaha, that we are truly one people, that we have one Father, even God, and all we are His children. In no other place is our oneness demonstrated more fully and perfectly than in our public schools, and yet as late as fifty years ago the great state of Ohio had no free schools: but today all over this broad land, the sun of the public school actually does "shine upon the just and the unjust," and we would think it a most dreadful thing to find a child in this country who is denied the right to learn to read. So it seems to me we are coming to think about and to solve other questions of responsibility, and if the Ohio Centennial Exposition in 1903 may, along with commemorating the birth of a great state, mark the era of the emancipation of a race, great masses of whom are today wearing the chains of slavery no less truly than were the negroes bearing their chains forty years ago; if, I saw, we shall be able then throughout this broad land to proclaim such a degree of industrial freedom that every man who is willing to work may have the right to live in a self-respecting manner, it will be a greater triumph than was the emancipation proclamation of the immortal Lincoln.

And why not? Why should we not issue such a proclamation of liberty? Why is it not as important that my brother shall have the right to work as that he shall have the right to learn to read or the right to vote? My friends, let us demonstrate our greatness by our love for our fellow men. Let us frankly face these problems and say these things ought not to be, and I am sure that a people who have accomplished the great triumphs that characterize our history will not falter when it comes to the solution of the problem that simply means fair play, that shall mean equality not of wealth, or station or position, but equality of opportunity.

These are the questions that confront us in Ohio; these are the questions that confront us all over this broad land; greater in their importance than the questions of foreign policy, great as they may be, are the questions of social reconstruction that are now forcing themselves upon our consideration and will no longer be set aside. Towards the settlement of these social questions the work of the Omaha exposition has contributed mightily and in the recognition organized labor, the eight-hour day and the right of our fellow men to labor, and to labor under decent conditions, you have done much to establish and plant imperishably within our breasts the truth of universal brotherhood.

I trust that we of Ohio may profit by the example that you have here shown us, and I trust that four and a half years hence, when you shall come to Toledo to look upon the work that we have done to commemorate the centennial of Ohio we shall be able to point you to a great exposition and to a truly great city, as we have already the great state. I trust that we shall be able to point you to an improved condition of civilization that should distinguish and mark every step of our progress from this time forward, a condition in which we will finally and forever pass the stage of making periodical appeals for starving miners, a condition of civilization in which the interest of all of the people shall be the music that sings us to our work. I trust that we may point you to a centennial exposition that has [?] glory of all of the people of a great state, as the manifestation of the love of that state for its people untainted with the thought of private profit from its foundation stone to the highest pinnacle from which waves the emblem of our liberties.

Handshaking Carnival.

Commissioners Peterson and Cahn of Texas have returned from their homes, where they went some time ago to work up enthusiasm in the Peace Jubilee and North and South Handshaking carnival. Both of them say that there will be large crowds here from Texas next week, as the people down there are all anxious to come to the exposition and are also anxious to meet President McKinley.

Commissioner Peterson brought along a quantity of pears, raised by himself, J. W. Tinkley and Major Robert Ford. The fruit grew near Rock Island, Colorado county, and is the finest yet seen at the exposition. The pears are the big yellow fellows and weigh from one and one-half to two pounds each. Most of those that were brought were distributed among the exposition officials and MR. Peterson's friends.


First Exhibition and Judging in the Ring Held Yesterday.

The first ring showing of the live stock exhibit took place yesterday afternoon in the amphitheater west of the Dairy building. Three rings of Jersey females were brought before the judges. It has been decided that no announcements of awards shall be made until the close of the exhibit a week from Saturday. At that time, besides the $35,000 prizes offered by the management of the exposition, there will be about $3,000 distributed in special premiums.

The gathering of live stock that is now on the exposition grounds exceeds that at any similar exhibit ever held in this country with the exception of the live stock show at the World's fair in Chicago. Although there were a greater number of animals brought together at that time, they fell far short of equaling in quality those of the present exhibit. There are still a few more entries that are on the way. But the entries are now practically all in the barns. There are about 200 head of horses, 700 of cattle, 800 of swine and 600 of sheep. Among the horses the Clydesdales, Percherons and Hackneys predominate. There are twelve varieties of cattle, but about one-fourth of the entire number on exhibition are Herefords. There are also a large number of Holsteins, Jerseys and Short-Horns shown. Among the swine there are eight distinct breeds. Fine specimens are shown of the Poland China, Chester White and Yorkshire varieties. The sheep show ten breeds, the Lincolnshire, Cotswold and Leichester predominating.

Almost all of the exhibitors are owners of large stock farms and the entries they have made are the pick of their pets. Rarely has any one breeder brought more than one variety. The Holstein cattle shown by W. B. Barney, I. W. Chappell and Stephens & Son are attracting a great deal of attention, as are also the Red Polled variety shown by S. A. Converse, J. W. Martin and McElvey & Son. There are a few exhibits from Canada in sheep and swine that are somewhat different from the varieties that are so common with exhibitors from this country. They include a pen of Yorkshire hogs and a couple of flocks of Lincoln and Cotswold sheep.

The program calls for the showing of the Short-Horns, Galloways and Holstein cattle today. Besides these, several of the horses will be brought into the ring.

An erroneous impression has got abroad that an extra admission is charged for the show. This is wrong. The live stock exhibit is free to all visitors to the exposition.

Today at the Indian Congress.

This afternoon at 4:30 the Cheyennes, Arapahoes, Sioux and other allied tribes of the plains will give a rendition of the famous Indian ghost dance which attracted so much attention throughout the country a few years ago in connection with the Sioux outbreak and the massacre of Wounded Knee. It will be given under the supervision of Prof. James Mooney, the government ethnological expert, who was detailed at the time of the outbreak to investigate the new Indian religion and in that capacity visited nearly every tribe west of the Missouri and interviewed the original Messiah in the Sierra Nevadas. Among the participants this afternoon will be some of the identical Indians whose frantic performances under the leadership of Sitting Bull led to military intervention.

In the ghost dance men and women together clasp hands and move around in a circle to a peculiar step, singing songs of lamentation for the old life which has gone by, while the medicine men in the center of the ring gradually work them into a frenzy under which the more sensitive subjects finally lose consciousness and go into [?] prophetic visions of the spirit world to which their departed friends have gone. To attain this trance condition is the great object of the dance and every means is used by the medicine men to accomplish this result, making the performance one of intense excitement.

Tomorrow Mr. Mooney will begin the setting up of his Kiowa Camp circle, a part of which formed the government ethnologic exhibit at the Nashville exposition. It consists of 100 miniature tepees with heraldic decorations as they existed in the Kiowa tribe at the period of the Medicine Lodge treaty in 1867.

Cheese and Butter.

The Dairy building is rapidly filling up with cheese, being entered for the contest which will be about October 28, at which time the final butter scoring will occur. Cheese is coming in from all of the states of the transmississippi region in quantities to insure the success of the exhibit.

The next scoring of butter will take place about October 10, at which time Expert Collyer will be here. The exhibits promise to be more numerous than at the September scoring, and at the same time there promises to be a larger quantity of good butter. The last scoring during the exposition will take place during the last days of the month, probably October 28. For this scoring the dairymen write that they will make their big showing of the season.

Depew on the Way.

BUFFALO, Oct. 6.—(Special Telegram.)—Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, orator of the day, with President Calloway of the New York Central lines, passed through here at 4:34 p. m. on a special train, and the Pan-American officials and excursionists fill a train leaving at midnight for Omaha. President Brinker, Treasurer Lautz, Architect Curtis, Manager of Concessions Higbee, Secretary Hill and the directors of the exposition are all aboard the train.

NEW YORK, Oct. 6.—The committee to represent the New York Produce exchange at the Omaha exposition on New York day left for Omaha this afternoon over the Erie railroad. The committee included: John Valiant, Samuel Graff, John Glenhill, E. H. Dougherty, D. T. Wade, F. W. Comiskey, John W. Axley, E. A. Allen, Frank Brainard, T. H. Andrews and W. E. Truesdell.

Road Congress Plans.

A meeting of the Good Roads congress will be held in the Nebraska building on the exposition grounds Saturday morning, convening at 10 o'clock. The meeting will be called to order by Martin Dodge of Washington, D. C., who will deliver a short address, after which E. Rosewater will be introduced as vice president to preside over the deliberations of the meeting, in the absence of President Roy Stone, who is now at Porto Rico. During the day the meeting will be addressed by Charles F. Manderson of Omaha; the subject will be "Contour Roads for the West." Other speakers and their subjects will be: Richard Daniels, Guston, Va., "Simple Methods of Road Building;" John M. Staht, Chicago, "Good Roads for Farmers;" Otto Donner, Milwaukee, "Wheelmen's Relations to the Good Roads Movement;" E. J. Harrison, New Jersey, "Road Construction and Maintenance;" A. B. Dunning, Scranton, Pa., "The Supervisor System." The governor of Iowa has appointed Mesdames Beatty of Fruillart and Ewing of Des Moines, both of whom will be here and take part in the discussion of the topics that will come before the meeting.


Special Trains Will Reach Omaha Early Tuesday Evening.


Board of Governors Arranges for Presentation of Consolidated Pageants Before Mr. McKinley and His Distinguished Companions.

The latest advices at the local office of the Chicago & Northwestern railway concerning the special trains for the presidential party are to the effect that both President McKinley's and General Miles' trains will arrive at the Omaha union depot at 8.20 o'clock on Tuesday evening.

The first train will carry General Miles and party, who will await the arrival of President McKinley and party at the union depot, both parties then proceeding to the reviewing stand to witness the grand Ak-Sar-Ben parade. The train of President McKinley is scheduled to leave Clinton, Ia., at 11:20 a. m., and a run of nine hours will be made from Clinton on to Omaha, the  Scanned image of page 38 daylight trip from Chicago to Omaha giving President McKinley and his party an opportunity to see the states of Illinois and Iowa and to make brief stops at towns along the line of the Northwestern where crowds may be assembled to greet the nation's chief.

President McKinley is not to be deprived of the privilege of viewing the Ak-Sar-Ben parades because he was not in the city this week. The beautiful pageants will be repeated next week while the president is a guest of the city, and the grandeur of the scenes will be enhanced by the union of the two parades into one. This will be done on Tuesday night, the time set for the arrival of the president in the city. This much has been decided upon by the board of governors.

The line of march will not be so extended as on the two evenings of this week, as the purpose of the parade is to show the beauty of the floats to the president, and they will simply be passed in review before him. The floats will be assembled along Douglas street, with the head of the line resting on Tenth and Farnam streets, and no lights will be turned on until the hour arrives for starting from that point.

The board of governors will repair to the depot to receive the presidential party, along with the escort provided for the occasion, and the reception committee of the exposition. When the visitors turn up Farnam street the parade will be started and fall in behind. When the first of the floats reaches Fifteenth street the line will be halted until the presidential party becomes seated in a position to review the parade. It is expected that the visitors will be given places on the stand in front of the city hall, as it is thought the crowd will be too great to permit the carriages to take positions in the street.

After these arrangements have been perfected the parade will move again in grand review, going west as far as Nineteenth street, then south to Harney, east to Fifteenth, and then north to the den. It may be necessary to go east on Harney to Fourteenth if it is found that the parade is too long to permit the head of the line to cross at Fifteenth street. There will be between thirty and thirty-five floats in line. All of the electric floats will be used, and most of the Samson floats. Two or three of the latter were spoiled by the rain this morning, as they had not been put under cover.

It has not yet been decided what arrangement shall be adopted for the placing of the floats. It is possible the electric and legendary floats will be alternated, and if this be not done the electric display will come first in the line. No definite time for the starting of the parade can be given until it is known just what hour the presidential train will reach the city.


Seward, Aurora and York Send a Fine Delegation of Youngsters to Attend the Exposition.

There are three Nebraska towns in which no school is held today—Seward, Aurora and York. The doors of their houses of learning are closed and the pupils are enjoying a day's recreation at the exposition. At 11 o'clock a special train of ten coaches drew into the Burlington station. Each car was gaily decorated with flags and bunting, while the fluttering handkerchiefs at every window and the laughter and shouting of small boys and girls as the train came to a stop clearly indicated as an excursion of school children.

The youngsters numbered 700 all told. There were 300 from Seward, in charge of Superintendent W. W. Stoner and Principal L. H. Wilson, and 200 each from Aurora and York, in charge of Superintendents F. A. Hyde and W. D. Bower, respectively. They scrambled down from the cars and up onto the viaduct and it required all the vigilance their teachers were capable of to keep them together and prevent accidents. A dozen or more trolley cars were waiting for the party and on these the children were placed and conveyed to the exposition grounds. They will return this evening.


Governor Bushnell and Seven Hundred Ohioans Welcomed at the Exposition.

Exchange of Compliments at the Auditorium---General Attendance About Like Wednesday---The

Ohio lost nothing and apparently gained considerably by the postponement of the state day exercises from yesterday to today.

The weather was as fair and only a trifle cooler and the general attendance, it was though at noon, was larger. And besides it was possible to marshal on the grounds and even in the Auditorium all the excursionists—several hundred—that left the Buckeye state on a pilgrimage to the exposition.

The distinguished guests from Ohio, escorted in carriages from the Paxton hotel by the officials of the exposition and Secretary Hiram Greene of the Ohio state commission, were led to the Auditorium by the Toledo Marine band, resplendent in royal blue trimmed with white.

While the band played a number of patriotic melodies and popular selections the excursionists and the resident natives and friends of Ohio filled the greater part of the lower floor.

The exercises began soon after 11 o'clock.


President Wattles of the exposition introduced Governor Holcomb of Nebraska, who delivered an address of welcome on behalf of the state. He made considerable pleasant reference to the fact of the large number of people in Nebraska originally from Ohio, with much compliment to the residents of both the older and the newer commonwealths, and he seemed for the moment to be just a little inclined to regret that he was not born a Buckeye instead of a Hoosier.


Governor Holcomb made mention of the important part taken by Ohio in the great affairs of the country, and in naming some of the illustrious sons of the state repeated the name of William McKinley, which called forth much applause.

"I do not know," said the governor, "but that I ought to utter a word of caution here. We are beginning to raise presidential timber in Nebraska." At which there was more cheering. "But," continued the governor, "when we elect a president from Nebraska he will be compelled, in going back and forth between here and Washington, to pass through your beautiful state.

"I want to give you that consolation." (Laughter and cheers.) Governor Holcomb concluded with remarks regarding the west, as shown by the exposition, and with a reiteration of the words of welcome with which he began.


Governor Bushnell of Ohio was warmly received as he arose to respond, just as he had been on taking his place on the platform. The hospitality of the Nebraskans and of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, he said, had been so generous and their attention so constant and kind that he could not trust himself to make fitting acknowledgement extemporaneously, and so had taken a little time to make his response more proper. He was very gracious in returning the thanks ordinarily thought requisite on such an occasion. He praised the character of the citizenship of his state, and declared that in any state adopted by Ohioans their coming was welcomed and their long stay desired. He expressed his appreciation of the rapid development, the enterprise and the attainment of the great west and of the admirable general character of its inhabitants. His citations from old reports of opinions that the west beyond the Missouri river was a region where it was impossible to found agricultural, commercial or even pastoral communities, were heard with much interest, and their absurdity in the light of present facts caused much laughter.

Praising the exposition, Governor Bushnell said that in short, it was the result of American character and that therefrom all Americans could share in the just pride. Making reference, well understood, to the coming Ohio Centennial, the governor said that Ohio could and must do as well as Nebraska. The sentiment was applauded. And then, he said, the people here would [?]


John L. Webster extended a greeting on behalf of the exposition association. The sentence which attracted the most attention and caused the most astonishment was that in which Mr. Webster seriously gave assurance to the people of Ohio that all the people in Nebraska, including the governor himself, were now willing to get down on their knees and worship William Mcinley​.

Concluding addresses were made by President Kilbourne of the Ohio centennial commission and by Mayor Jones of Toledo.


Many Champion Prize Winners Just Arriving.

Among the new arrivals of stock at the exposition are the following herds and flocks: H. C. Young of Lincoln has three head of Jersey calves, two heifers and one bull. These are very fine specimens. "Grace Manorfield" is an especially fine heifer, her native home is Tennessee. She is a descendant from some of the most noted ancestry to be found in this popular breed of cattle.

"Exile of Manorfield," a bull calf, was bred by the Manorfield Stock Farm company of Pennsylvania. He is a descendant of great butter families. "Exiles Beauty," dam of this noted calf, has a butter test of sixteen pounds and four ounces. His grand sire, "Exile of St. Lamber," has sixty-five tested daughters, making from fourteen to thirty-two pounds and six ounces in seven days.

Phillip H. Zweievel of Papillion, Neb., has a big steer at the show which will be a sight at the fat stock farm department. He weighs 3,100 pounds and is a grade shorthorn.

Charles Escher & Son of Boston, Ia., have seven head of Aberdeen Angus cattle, in ages from calves to aged cow and bull. One bull, 7 years old, weighs 2,100 pounds. One cow, 1,700 pounds.

T. F. B. Sothan, Chilicothe, Mo., has ten head Herefords. "Sir Bredwell," 3 years old, weighs 2,300 pounds. "Thick-set," a 2-year-old bull, weighs 2,200 pounds. "Benita," a 4-year-old cow, weight, 2,000 pounds. "Grandee," a yearling bull, weight 1,500 pounds. A 2-year-old heifer that weighs 1,500 pounds, a yearling heifer, 1,200 pounds, and two heifer calves, 800 pounds each. All of these are sired by the great stock bull, "Corrector." This herd numbers at home 150 animals. There is a 2-year-old steer in this show, 1,500 pounds, that was champion in the fat stock at Illinois state fair.


These cattle are shown as a new breed of polls. There are eight head on exhibition, representing a herd of forty head at home.

The main claim for this breed is that they are polled and resemble the Herefords. They are red and white faced, is about the only claim they can have of a resemblance to the pure bred Hereford. That they are a polled type of mixture of Hereford and a polled breed no one seems to doubt. General W. W. Guthrie of Kansas claims to be the originator of this breed.


Seven Oaks Stock farm, New Sharon, Ia., has twelve head large English Berkshires.

A 2-year-old boar, 700 pounds. All ages are represented from pigs to aged sow and boar.

John B. Thompson of Plattsburg, Mo., has twenty head; one boar that weighs 750 pounds.

Harris & McMahan, Lamine, Mo., has fourteen head of hogs. A 2-year-old sow weighing 800 pounds, and a yearling sow 715 pounds. Their home herd is 200 head; all recorded.

Reuben Gentry of Danvile, Ky., has fifteen head of his noted herd of Berkshires on exhibition. The reputation of this herd as a prize-taker in hog shows has few if any equals.

The famous sow, "Dutchess 158," bred by N. H. Gentry of Missouri, which was sold one year ago for $650, is in this display. There are two boars that weigh 800 pounds each, and sow whose present weight is 750 pounds. A 4-months-old sow pig that weighs 200 pounds.

This herd has been to the New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky state fairs this season and took a large share of all first and sweepstakes prizes offered for Berkshires.


Officials of Two Coming Expositions Here to Inspect This.

The success and the general reputation of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition have not failed to impress the officials of coming expositions.

 Scanned image of page 39

The members of the Ohio Centennial commission are here, coming with the Ohio excursions, for the express purpose of carefully inspecting the big show and acquainting themselves with the methods of its management for their guidance. These commissioners are W. H. Stewart, M. A. McGuire, William Binkley, G. K. Otis, J. W. Davis, Henry Flesch, Dr. W. A. Belt, L. J. Fenton, M. H. Donahue, G. B. Christian, C. E. McBride, B. J. McVinney, T. J. Donaldson, J. P. Forbes, J. C. Smith, J. M. Stull and J. W. Conger. The names of the officers have been published.

General Manager Clarkson has received word that Saturday morning President Brinker, Treasurer Loutz, Secretary R. C. Hill and Architect Esemwein of the Pan-American exposition to be held at Buffalo next year, will be here. They will spend several days studying important factors contributing to the success of the show. They write that they have heard from all sources that this exposition is the most complete of its kind ever held. They will make headquarters at the Paxton.

New York Day Speeches.

The exercises on New York day, a most elaborate program, including an address by Chauncey M. Depew, will be held at 11 a. m. Saturday at the Auditorium. The gathering promises to be large.


Will Run, Wrestle, Jump and Disport Themselves for the Public.

Foot Race Yesterday Ends in Charges of Sioux Favoring Sioux, Flimflamming Apache.

Tipped His Friend Before Firing Revolver--Pueblo Bachelors Move Into Their Adobe Mansion.

Friday's Admissions23,613
Total Admissions1,841,445

Athletic sports have been added to the repertoire of the Indian congress, the first event of the kind being pulled off last evening in a big foot race. It is the intention to follow immediately with foot racing, football, wrestling, high jumping, and all of the characteristic Indian games of the various tribes. These programs are to fill in the days between the sham battles.

Yesterday's races consisted of three trial heats, first by bunches by ten men each, the winner in each qualifying for the final heat. Brawny bucks made ready by stripping off all superfluous garments, showing their lithe and muscular physiques to perfection, as they sprinted the 100-yard dash like the wind.

The winners of the three trial events were Sam Houzous, a Chiracauha Apache; Playing Bird, a Crow, and George Good Load, a Rosebud Sioux. They were matched for the final heat, the pistol was fired, and Playing Bird and Good Load started as if they were going somewhere the Big Crow winning out by the length of his nose. But the Apache got left in the start, and declared that it wasn't a fair deal, because Good Load's best Sioux friend held the gun and gave the tip to start a couple of seconds before firing, whereupon Playing Bird took the cue and followed closely.

When the honest Apache saw smoke he avers that his rivals were kicking dust half way down the line, and, concluding it wasn't worth while wasting his breath to catch sight of them, just waited and protested. The Crow and Sioux sprinters denied the charges made by the Apache, said they started right, and Houzous had no kick coming. They would not run again, and there the matter was left for future adjudication.

After the races came a ghost dance led by the survivors of Wounded Knee, in which several susceptible dancers had trances and saw visions wherein they conversed with dead friends gone to the happy hunting grounds, all of which will be related in songs at the [?]

Yesterday was moving day for the Pueblos. Since coming here they have camped out like common Indians, but against this their aristocratic natures revolted, so they built a Mexican adobe house with brush roof, mud fire place and chimney, and real holes in the walls for windows. The mud was dry yesterday, so the nineteen men, constituting the contingent, moved in and established bachelors' quarters. During the early evening a reception to their lady friends of the Arapahoe, Kiowa and other southern tribes was given.

Louis Batiste, best known as Little Bat, has arrived with his family and has been formally installed into his seat in the congress. Although of French-Canadian birth, and with French blood flowing in his veins, he is to all intents and purposes an Indian, having served the government as a 'scout through all of the Indian wars of the past twenty years or more. He is reputed to be a man of great influence among the Sioux.


War Balloon Will Take a Sail if Weather Permits.

War balloon times have come back, and each reasonably fair day from this time hence will witness an ascension. After the trial trip of two weeks ago, successful in itself, but demonstrating the weaknesses of the balloons furnished, hard work has been done in reinforcing them to withstand the Nebraska winds. The French balloon sent to Sergeant Baldwin at Santiago was the one selected for the work, as it was of the strongest and newest material, not getting so much gas whipped out in the wind. The generators began working early in the morning, and by 4 o'clock it was as full of gas as a pickaninny is of watermelon in August.

Captain Yancey and Sergeant Briede made the trip, over 2,500 feet of cable being paid out before they telephoned down from the aerial height that they were willing to come home to dinner. So the big fellow with his two passengers was slowly reeled back to mother earth.

For the first time for exhibition a little signal balloon was sent up, a yellow one, with only 250 feet of gas, not over five or six feet in diameter. From its cable fluttered two signal flags. In time of war these little balloons are sent up a sufficient distance so that the people with whom it is wished to communicate can see it. From the cable sometimes floats a dozen flags of different designs, meaning whole messages in the signal code. If responses be made in a similar manner lengthy conversations can be carried on by alternately lowering and raising the balloons and changing the flags.

On all reasonable fair days after this ascensions and signal work will be shown at 4 p. m.


Quarrel Over a Phonograph Results in a Bad Fracture.

Trouble and bloodshed attracted more attention than the spielers yesterday afternoon at the east end of West Midway. It was all caused by C. N. Fairly, who is now in jail, and E. P. Noland, who is now in the emergency hospital with a lower jaw crushed into so many small pieces that Drs. Lee and Campbell say can never be knit together again, if the man escapes the good chances of dying.

Fairly lives in a tent near Sixteenth and Locust streets, and is minus one eye, while Noland lives at 712 North Seventeenth street and is minus one led. Both are married.

Yesterday they were working as partners in operating a phonograph, and Fairly says that Noland wanted to sequester the funds of their employers and divide them. He refused, and in the ensuing quarrel he picked up materials and started for the home office. He says that Noland followed and began beating him with a heavy black cane, and that in warding off the blows he threw up his right hand, striking Noland. In the hand was a heavy copper phonograph cylinder roll, two inches or more in diameter and six long, on a steel shaft nearly a foot long.

Guard Sergeant Wilber, the arresting officer, says that witnesses accuse Fairly of throwing the cylinder at the slender cripple, who was but a weak physical antagonist. At all events, the jaw is crushed to fragments.


Complete List of Army, Navy, Government Officials and Diplomats Given.

Generals Miles, Shafter and Wheeler Among Those Who Are to Visit the Exposition.

Members of the Diplomatic Corps in the Party That Will Be on Board Special Which Precedes President.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Washington, D. C., Oct. 7.—Following is the complete list of members of the army and navy and the government officials who will leave Washington next Monday by special train for the Omaha exposition, preceding the departure of the president and his party:

Army and Navy and Government Officials—Major General Miles, Colonel Francis Micheler, Colonel William M. Black, Colonel Samuel Reber, Captain H. H .Whitney, secretary; Mrs. Miles, Major General W. R. Shafter, two aides and valet, Major General Joseph Wheeler, the Misses Wheeler, Brigadier General A. W. Greely, chief signal officer; Mrs. Greely, Brigadier General C. F. Humphrey, Mrs. Humphrey, Miss Humphrey, Mrs. Mary Howland, Commodore J. W. Philip, U. S. N.; Captain Arthur Paget, naval attache, British embassy; Dr. R. W. Baker, U. S. A.; Mrs. Baker, Mrs. J. V. Creighton, Hon. J. M. Thurston, United States senator; Hon. J. D. Yeomans, interstate commerce commission; Prof. W. L. Moore, chief weather bureau; Mrs. Moore, Dr. W. T. Harris, commissioner of education; Mrs. Harris, General James A. Sexton, commander-in-chief Grand Army of the Republic; G. R. Butlin, secretary; A. J. Leonard, secretary; George Scott, messenger.

Diplomatic Corps—Mr. Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister; Mrs. Wu Ting Fang, maid; Master Wu Cho Chu, Mr. Chow Tsz Chi, Mr. Hwang Chung Huli, Mr. Li Kwang Hang, secretaries; the minister's steward; Mr. Chin Pom Ye, Corean minister plenipotentiary; Mrs. Chin Pom Ye, Master We Chong Ye, Mr. Tam E. Ye, secretary; Mr. Henry Guillaume, Gonzolo De Quesada, charge d'affaires Cuban junta; Mrs. Quesada, Brazilian and Argentina ministers.

Representatives of the Press—W. E. Annin, Philadelphia Ledger; George Grantham Bain, Harper's Weekly; Frederick Benzinger, Chicago Times-Herald; W. E. Curtis, Chicago Record; Louis Garthe, Baltimore American; C. A. Hamilton, Sioux City Journal; James Henry, Philadelphia Press; Raymond Patterson, Chicago Tribune; Frank Richardson, Baltimore Sun; George W. Rouser, New York Herald; John S. Shriver, New York Mail and Express; E. C. Snyder, Omaha Bee; Howard N. Thompson, Associated Press; Charles S. Albert, New York World.

The train will leave Washington on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad Monday at 8 o'clock, preceding the presidential train one hour. Both together will carry the most brilliant party of public men that ever left the national capital on a pleasant jaunt.

There wil lbe​ no change of cars, the Chicago & Northwestern sending its special cars all the way to Washington to receive the guests of the exposition at the Baltimore & Ohio depot here, the latter line surrendering them to the Chicago & Northwestern at Chicago. The train is scheduled to arrive at Chicago at 6 o'clock Tuesday morning. Leave Chicago at 8; arrive at Clinton, Ia., 10:45; Cedar Rapids, 12:30; Marshalltown, 2 p. m.; Boone, 3:30; Council Bluffs, 7:10, and Omaha, 7:30.

The president will leave Omaha at 9:30 Thursday, October 13, for St. Louis, but the special army and navy and diplomatic train will not leave until midnight Friday, October 14, arriving at Chicago at noon Saturday and reaching Washington at 1 p. m. Sunday, October 16.

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Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Washington D. C., Oct. 7.—It was announced from the white house at 11:30 that the death of Saxton would not change the president's intention to visit the Omaha exposition. This was a public engagement which it was not customary for the president to forego. The president and Mrs. McKinley will leave here tomorrow night for Canton. The president will start for Omaha probably on Monday afternoon. The information as to the funeral arrangements have not been received at the white house up to midnight. it was stated that although news of the death of Mr. Saxton was received at the white house early in the evening, the reception was practically over before the president was advised of the fact.


Omaha Club, Oct. 7.—The stalwart young metropolis that has for months excited the admiration of the nation and the envy of other municipalities is about to face a problem which has staggered many an older and wealthier community. Omaha has, by her courage in inaugurating and carrying out, on broad and comprehensive lines, a great exposition of the products and industries, arts and crafts of the mid-continental states, gained the sanction and esteem of all America and has occupied a high place in the pyramid of progressive cities.

The modern Venice, with its domes and parapets, colonades and plazas, lagoons and arches, kiosks and pagodas, an archetype of design, built almost with oriental splendor and at lavish cost, has dazzled and perplexed every visitors. Such sublime and stately preparation for an exposition could not have been expected even by the most audacious frontier town extant. The magnificence of the scheme would reflect credit upon the greatest of our cities. It approximates in grandeur, though not in extent, Chicago's memorable event.

The exhibits, gathered from the farms, mines and forests of the great west, have bewildered every one who has seen them, and have astonished even those who have in a measure kept pace with the phenomenal advancement of this vast Trans-Mississippi region. The lessons these exhibits have taught are many, and they will influence further developments in multifold directions. They have proven that for another century at least here will be the granary of the world; that western wheat and corn, fruits and vegetables, will continue to supply millions beyond our own shores; that western beef and mutton will be as much the daily sustenance of all Europe as of our own countrymen; that western and southern wool and cotton will, in large measure, clothe the people of many nations; that this country will be for an incalculable cycle of time the world's mainstay and safeguard for food and raiment and for most of the essential elements of living. This exposition has proven, too, that it is not to agriculture alone, bountiful as it is, that these states owe their exceptional prosperity and the great future which no man can define. The mineral displays have outstripped the claims of the most wildly sanguine mine promoter. One would think that mining was only in its inception and that the whole face of the earth west of Kansas and Nebraska was a mass of precious substances, the list of which was constantly increasing. These displays indicate that our western mining states are not only holding their own, but that they are, year by year, giving forth more and better ores, and that valuable minerals are being discovered not heretofore utilized.

In science and invention, in the substantial progress of industry, in education and art, the exhibits have made a deep impression and have laid the foundation for vastly greater and better results. Many economic lessons have been taught, the utilization of many waste products has been assured and the construction of mills, works and shops, almost without number, will, under proper direction and encouragement, follow upon the heels of Omaha's brave achievement.

So much for the exposition!

Now, will the closing of the gates forebode good or ill to Omaha?

To this city the results will be worth incalculable millions, if only the same intrepid spirit, the same indomitable energy, the same pride, intelligence and keen foresight which molded this event are maintained and strengthened. Otherwise, the exposition, splendid as it was in conception, far-reaching as it has been in effect, pregnant as it is of rich possibilities, will prove a calamity from which will take Omaha years to recover. The inevitable reaction must be seriously considered. No American city that has undertaken one of the more impoprtant​ expositions has escaped a reactionary period of business derangement, real estate stagnation and financial depression, with the single exception of Atlanta (1881), and there a grave crisis was only averted by harmonious and vigilant exertion on the part of business men, when the exposition was over, to hold every advantage that had been gained and to secure additional benefits by constantly pressing Atlanta's facilities and the resources of Georgia upon the attention of the whole country through every available medium. It was hard and expensive work, but it paid. The people organized to fight against a reaction; they raised a large fund for the purpose and carried out a campaign of instruction through the press. In the eighteen years since Atlanta has jumped from 25,000 to nearly 200,000 population and has become the leading commercial center of the South Atlantic states.

So with Omaha! Locally considered, her work begins with the CLOSE of the exposition. Its prospective benefits are apparent, but it will require constant aggression to gather all the fruits that are within reach. Stop now and there will remain after next month only the Omaha of yesterday. Continue to work unitedly, unselfishly, liberally, and the greater Omaha of tomorrow will illustrate a rapid expansion in manufactures, in population and wealth not yet equaled in this section of the nation.

The present is Omaha's opportunity! Will she rise to it and grasp it in its fullness?

The world applauds the readiness, the valor, with which Omaha assumed a great responsibility. She is now looked upon throughout this country and beyond the seas as having all the elements of extensive growth and expansion. Omaha will seriously disappoint the producing and industrial classes if she fails through inertia or the tired feeling that is usually prevalent at the close of a large exposition, to reap all the rewards her courage has entitled her to. Omaha has never shown a weak side yet. Will she now?

The Chicago Chronicle.


Directors Will Have a Writeup of the Exposition and Make Appropriation.

Ten Thousand Dollars for the Purpose and a Committee to Be Appointed for the Work.

Mr. Rosewater's Desire to Be an Author Nipped in the Bud--He Will Be Allowed to Contribute.

Mr. Rosewater collided with the board of directors of the exposition yesterday afternoon, but the directors desisted just in time to keep their eminent associate from going into hysterics. In the vernacular of the sporting fraternity, the directors "handed him a hot mit," and Mr. Rosewater speedily demonstrated that he didn't know what to do with it, and that he didn't like it a little bit.

The allopathic dose of grief that was administered to Mr. Rosewater was put up in the following literary capsule, compounded by Mr. Manderson:

In view of the historical value of every incident connected with the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition and the importance of preserving in a safe public depository all material connected with its inception, its progress, its development and its triumphant success, it is

Resolved, The president and secretary of the exposition are hereby directed to obtain by purchase or otherwise one at least of every medal, souvenir, program, photograph, illustration, magazine or newspaper article and all other matters and things connected with its history that can be procured.

Resolved, That all such materials when gathered shall be placed in suitable cases or receptacles in the building of the Omaha city library, provided said library shall agree to furnish suitable places therefor and give due care to the preservation of the same. It is further

Resolved, That the president shall appoint from the directors of the exposition a committee of three to constitute and be called "the historical committee." Such commitee​ shall be authorized and empowered to employ a suitable person or historian, who shall at once proceed with the gathering of the material and information for a complete history of the exposition and prepare the manuscript and select the illustrations and plates therefor. Such manuscript and material to be ready for the printers by June 1, 1899. It is further

Resolved, That the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be appropriated for such purpose, the sum needed to be expended under the direction of the historical committee upon voucher approved by a majority of them and countersigned by the president of the exposition.

The said committee shall serve without compensation or emolument, but are authorized to employ a stenographer at not exceeding $75 per month.

The material prepared for publication shall be approved before printing by the said committee, who shall also direct the form of the book to be published and provide for its binding. One copy of said book shall be furnished to the Omaha city library, to the university of Nebraska, to the Omaha high school library, to Creighton college, to the state libraries of each of the Trans-Mississippi states, and to each one of the directors of the exposition. All other of said publications shall be sold at not exceeding the cost of printing and binding and 10 per cent addition, the sum resulting from such sales to be paid to the treasurer of the exposition.


Mr. Hitchcock moved the adoption of the resolution, and it received half a dozen seconds.

Mr. Rosewater was so anxious to begin talking that he didn't wait to get his feet on the floor. It was rather a ticklish subject for him to handle, as modesty would hardly allow him to say that he wanted to attend to that matter himself, yet he manifestly could not  Scanned image of page 41 take the matter of writing the official history of the exposition out of his hands and place it with individuals who might overlook the fact that he originated and built the exposition and had been "it" all the way through.

Of course other members of the executive committee have fondly imagined at times that they were in some measure entitled to credit for what had been accomplished, but Mr. Rosewater knew better, and he proposed to see to it that when the history of the exposition was written a volume would be handed down to posterity that would do coming generations some good, and incidentally afford him a pleasing object of contemplation during his closing years.

He said that he was in accord with the general proposition, but he could not quite indorse the resolutions. He wanted it understood that the bureau of publicity had made it a point to collect a lot of material for this purpose, and would have all that was necessary for a history of the exposition on hand when the gates closed.

"So much the better," said Mr. Manderson. "That can be turned over to the committee, and will save just that much expense in time and labor."


Mr. Rosewater gasped thrice in rapid succession, but bravely continued, after putting a monkey wrench on his nerve and screwing it up to a pressure of 180 pounds. He said that all other expositions that he knew anything about had left this work in the hands of the bureau of publicity, and in support of that assertion stated that he had seen some of the matter that was written by Major Moses P. Handy about the World's fair, but that it had never been published. He declared that he was opposed to a big, bulky work that nobody would read, and said that the official history of the rebellion filled sixty volumes, which he had, but that no one would ever think of reading them.

This exhausted the supply of argument that Mr. Rosewater had on hand, and he sat down to let his think-loom weave a few more thoughts.

Mr. Manderson at once called his attention to the fact that Major Handy had not written the official history of the World's fair, and named the writers who had prepared it, and stated that the matter is now in the hands of the printing committee at Washington. "So far as the official history of the war of the rebellion is concerned," he continued, "it is a most interesting and valuable history. It has exploded more lies and blasted more bogus reputations than any other publication bearing on the war, and if it had attained no other end it has done sufficient in that direction to more than warrant its publication."

This more than confirmed Mr. Rosewater's worst fears, and he fidgeted around like the abdomen of a houchee-couchee artist. He had been busy for months trying to "got and get a reputation" in exposition matters, either bogus or otherwise, and this cold-blooded intimation that his carefully reared cob house was liable to be torpedoed at an early day was painfully disturbing.


Mr. Manderson said it was due the men who had carried the great work through to a tremendous and even stupefying success that the history be written, and that it be carefully and accurately done. These men had given their time and effort without compensation, and this would be a fitting monument. It would also preserve for the future all that could be preserved of the exposition when the gates were finally closed and the present fairyland had vanished like a dream, and the site again reverted to the uses of streets and alleys and city lots. It was in every way due that a faithful history be written, that it might be preserved in public libraries and schools and private homes in order that youth in coming years might receive accurate information of what the Trans-Mississippi exposition had been.

Mr. Rosewater died hard, and he executed one more spasm. He said he thought $10,000 was altogether too much to be used for the purpose, and he moved as an amendment that the amount be reduced to $2,500.

Mr. Manderson stated that he did not believe that the full amount would be used by any committee of the director unless it were actually needed, and the amendment was defeated by a decisive vote.

The original motion was then passed and the resolution adopted, Mr. Rosewater voting a solitary "No" in a very conspicuous and heartfelt manner.

The buildings and grounds department asked for instructions as to what was to be done with the property after the close of the exposition, and stated that a complete schedule of assets in that line was being prepared.

Mr. Bidwell moved that the executive committee be instructed to advertise for bids for the buildings and their removal in accordance with the terms of the ground leases.

Mr. Lindsey said this brought up the question of whether the exposition was to be continued another year, and he was in favor of selling the entire expo-[?]

Mr. Manderson was opposed to making the exposition a "warmed-over pudding," preferring that the city and state and entire western country should enjoy the present prestige rather than speculate on the dubious chances of success attending an attempt to carry the show on for another season.

Mr. Rosewater said he didn't quite know just what he would think about the matter, and wanted action deferred until after the peace jubilee.

Mr. Hitchcock was opposed to immediate action, and moved that further consideration of the matter be postponed until a special meeting of the entire board could be assembled under call of the president. The motion prevailed.

Chairman Kilpatrick of the committee of audit, revision and investigation reported that the pass situation was in excellent shape. There had been no marked abuses, and the whole board could hardly suggest any improvement if it had all details before it.

The cashier was instructed to comply with a request formerly made for a daily balancing of the cash, to avoid a repetition of a few minor seeming discrepancies. Mr. Kilpatrick stated that there was nothing to indicate any dishonesty, and read from reports made by the expert accountant, but recommended minor changes in the system.

After adjournment Mr. Rosewater looked over the directors to find a few sympathetic countenances, and proceeded to relate his troubles, as there was no policeman present for the purpose. He denounced the action relating to the history of the exposition, and employed several adjectives in making himself clearly understood, but the directors said they wouldn't get off the ticket.


Distinguished New Yorker and President Calloway Arrive for Today's Celebration.

Doctor Says His Dancing Days Are Over and Avoids Social Swim at Ak-Sar-Ben.

Major Clarkson Greets Him--President Wattles Calls and Exposition Is Seen in Its Plaza of White Light.

Smiling, affable Chauncey M. Depew, accompanied by President Calloway of the New York Central railway, came in over the Northwestern in the president's special car last evening, arriving in Omaha at 5 o'clock. Dr. Depew comes to help celebrate New York day, in honor of which occasion he will this forenoon at 11 o'clock deliver one of his characteristic addresses at the Auditorium at the exposition grounds. The New Yorkers were a little worse for wear after their long trip and glad to arrive in Omaha for a peep at the white city.

Mr. Depew was met at the depot by a reception committee consisting of Hon. Jacob Ames, ex-mayor of Syracuse, N. Y.; H. B. Hobert and A. M. Wheeler, members of the New York board of exposition commissioners, together with Major T. S. Clarkson, general manager of the Trans-Mississippi exposition, and others.

After greetings Major Clarkson, on behalf of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, extended an invitation to the distinguished guest to attend the ball in

the evening. Mr. Depew smiled as graciously as was possible for a man to do after making a flying trip from the Atlantic coast to Omaha, and replied:

"I trust, major, that your committee days are over and as I have heard so much about the beautiful effects of the electric lights with their varied colors playing on the waters of the lagoon at your exposition, I much prefer to spend my evening there."

The doctor was then informed that during the evening President Wattles and officials of the exposition would pay their respects. This was agreeable and the program was carried out later. The evening was spent at the exposition, the Midway being visited thoroughly and enjoyed by the party.

"The thing that interests me most just now," declared Mr. Depew energetically, "is to get located and attend to the wants of the inner man at such time and place as may have been decided upon."

As the doctor was being piloted from the depot he turned to the World-Herald reporter, and in reply to a question said: "Mr. Calloway, while he accompanies me to Omaha, does so as an Omaha man; he claiming Omaha as his home."

Mr. Depew, as of yore, years​ his beard blocked out on the cheeks, a smooth chin and no mustache. He was dressed in a black cheviot suit, cut a la sack, turn down collar and dark fedora hat.

President Calloway, who accompanied Mr. Depew, at one time resided in Omaha, being the general manager of the Union Pacific.

Mr. Depew will leave Omaha this evening for the east. He stops over at Chicago, where he addresses the Hamilton Republican club at the Auditorium in the afternoon and is banqueted by the same club in the evening.

Among the visitors to arrive this morning to attend the New York day exercises will be representatives from the produce exchange, board of trade and Merchants' association of New York city.


Excursion Party Leaves Chicago for the Exposition City.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Chicago, Ill., Oct. 7.—An excursion party of leading citizens of New York city and state east of Buffalo, and a special car containing President Brinker, Treasurer Lautz, Secretary Hill and Messrs. Curtis, Essenweine, Higbee, Van Aken and Metcalf and others of Buffalo, reached Chicago as the first section of the Boston special on the Lake Shore road this afternoon, and left as the first section of the Northwestern and Union Pacific Overland for Omaha at 6:30 tonight, having added here a fine new dining car and observation car, which were attached to the train of the northwestern officials.

The train was under the personal supervision of Assistant General Passenger Agent Charles Carns from Chicago to Omaha. The party will participate in the ceremonies incident to the observation of New York day at the exposition tomorrow, Hon. Chauncey M. Depew being the orator for the day for the New York state commission.

Judge Metcalf of Buffalo and Hon. William R. Payne of Chicago will make addresses on behalf of the Pan-American exposition. The party expects to leave Omaha on Monday, via Northwestern, to Chicago, and going east via the Michigan Central and Niagara Falls. Ex-Senator Warner Miller is with the party, and a special car filled with leading people of Boston and New England also came upon the train, and goes west tonight.

Hoosier Editors to Be Here.

Two special Pullmans, loaded with Southern Indiana newspaper men, will leave St. Louis over the Missouri Pacific this evening for Omaha. They will arrive at 6 a. m. Sunday. The visitors come to participate in the peace jubilee, and take in the exposition. In the party will be some of the most prominent newspaper men in the Hoosier state.

Peace Jubilee week will open with a grand sacred and patriotic concert Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Innes band and the Exposition chorus will combine.

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The action of the board of exposition directors in voting $10,000 for a history of the exposition will not be endorsed by the mass of exposition stockholders. A $10,000 history of the exposition means simply the squandering of that much money belonging to the stockholders in order to furnish lucrative employment for some favorite. There is no call whatever for such an expenditure. The publication of an exposition history in book form is no legitimate part of the exposition business that was entrusted to the directors.

So far as the history of the exposition is concerned, there is no danger that it will be lost or blotted out. All the record, souvenirs and memorials relating to the great fair are in the possession of the exposition and can be readily prepared for preservation in some public place at a small expense. If the directors want to see a many-volumed book printed to commemorate their work they need not draw upon the exposition funds for this purpose, but by joining in a subscription enterprise they can have the work published by any one of a dozen reputable bookmakers, who will undertake it upon a purely business basis.

The attempt of the directors to take the money of the 6,000 stockholders, many of them wageworkers, clerks and people of small means, and vote it away in this manner is not only unwarranted and without authority, but should be frustrated if need be by appeal to the courts. Let any laboring man who came forward with his hard earned savings for the support of the exposition when its success was in the balance and took his chances on getting back part of his money enter protest in the courts and no judge will refuse to grant an injunction to prevent this lawless dissipation of his money. With the favorable conditions enjoyed there should be a good surplus in the exposition funds at the closing of the gates. The stockholders will certainly not sit idly by while it is used up on all sorts of wild and useless projects designed simply to furnish a soft berth to somebody.

A $10,000 history of the exposition is too much of a luxury for 6,000 stock subscribers, whose money is to be thus squandered.

The popocratic candidate for congress is over-anxious to throw away $10,000 of the exposition stockholders' money on a history of the exposition. But then he has always been throwing away money which other people have earned.


Burlington Brings a Train Load to Spend the Saturday Holiday at the Exposition.

Fifteen hundred small boys and girls who attend school in the different towns along the Burlington railroad took advantage of the Saturday holiday to enjoy a day's outing at the exposition. They were accompanied by teachers and principals, and traveled in a special train of twelve coaches, arriving in the city at 11:30 o'clock this morning.

Before alighting from the cars the youngsters from the various towns had remained together, each school in charge of its principal, and each class under the supervision of its teacher, and they had been instructed to remain together, but when the train came to a stop at the station some of the small boys unable to restrain their pent-up enthusiasm, made a rush for the viaduct, starting a stampede that resulted in the utter confusion of the entire party. All crowded about the dozen trolley cars waiting to convey them to the exposition, and an attempt at reorganization was made, but it resutled​ in failure, and they were placed aboard the cars regardless of division and order, after waiting fifteen minutes to make sure that none were missing.

The representation from the larger towns was as follows: Pawnee, 150, in charge of Superintendent Fulmer; Beatrice, 300, with Superintendent Dinsmore; Wymore, 300, with Principal Lauterback; Crete, 150, with Principal Reed. DeWitt, Liberty, Lincoln and Blue Springs were represented.


Empire State Celebrates Its Part in the Transmississippi Exposition.


Strong Delegation of Distinguished Citizens Attend the Ceremonies.


Auditorium Filled by an Attentive and Enthusiastic Audience.


Congratulates the Transmississippi People and Presents What He Calls the Best Exhibit New York Could Possibly Make, a Man.

Total admissions yesterday23,613
Total to date1,841,445

The versatility of the Nebraska climate was again demonstrated today, when the visiting Knickerbockers were greeted by a day reminiscent of all the beauties of the Empire state when the chestnut ridges are aglow with red and gold and crimson and the smoky October haze mantles its massive hills and hovers sleepily over its smiling valleys. The air was crisp and invigorating and tempered by the radiance of a red October sun, that shone resplendently from a sky as clear as that which reflects the incomparable beauty of New York lakes and mountains. It was the sort of a morning that inspires humanity to its highest susceptibility of enjoyment and it left nothing lacking to make the pleasure of the visitors complete.

The ideal beauty of the day, combined with the attraction afforded by the presence of so distinguished a party, combined to induce an exceptionally generous attendance for the last day of the week, and all through the morning the turnstiles clicked continuously. While thousands of visitors were scattered over the grounds to improve the opportunity to see the show under such delightful conlitions​, the Auditorium was the center of attraction. In addition to the regular visitors, hundreds of Omaha people came out solely to hear the distinguished orator of the day, and the presence of Mr. Depew was largely responsible for the immense audience that filled the building to the limit of its capacity. Long before 1 o'clock nearly every seat in the Auditorium was occupied, and by the time the exercises began scarcely an inch of standing room remained unappropriated.

At exactly 11 o'clock a burst of long-sustained applause indicated the arrival of the distinguished guests. Mr. Depew was escorted to the stage by President Wattles and followed by the New York delegation, which filled the remainder of the stage and several rows of seats in the pit, which had been reserved for them. A medley of popular selections by Innes' band was enthusiastically received and then Jacob Amos, jr., of Syracuse, secretary of the New York commission, introduced Hon. Warner Miller as the presiding officer of the day.

Warner Miller's Address.

In accepting the chair Mr. Miller said that while the New York delegation was not large, it brought the sympathy and best wishes of the Empire state. The people of New York, he declared, have an abiding interest in the west, which is the home of so many of their children. The great drama of the last few months has made us a more homogeneous people than we have ever been before.

Mr. Miller then introduced President Wattles of the exposition, who cordially welcomed the New Yorkers to the great Transmississippi enterprise. He congratulated them on the fact that New York is the only eastern state that has a building on the grounds, and assured them that the cordial good will thus manifested was fully appreciated. He added that one great object of the exposition was to bring the people of the east and those of the west closer together. During the heat of recent political campaigns it had been repeatedly declared that the interests of the west were at enmity with those of the east, and more especially with those of New York. But when the Rough Riders of the west went to victory under the leadership of the gallant son of the Empire state it showed that the same blood flowed in every American citizen, whether he come from the prairies of the west or the millionaire homes of New York.

President Wattles briefly sketched the development of the west during the last fifty years, which this exposition is designed to illustrate, and added that the events of the last few months have indicated the necessity for a broader commercial existence, and the west looked to the east for leadership in these undertakings.

Dr. Depew Presented.

In presenting the orator of the day, Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, Chairman Miller said that he had had no opportunity to look over the grounds to see what sort of an exhibit New York had made, but he now had the pleasure of presenting the best exhibit it was capable of making, and one that he was confident would take the gold medal, the exhibit of a man.

When Mr. Depew rose to deliver his address he received the most dramatic and inspiring greeting that has yet been tendered to any exposition orator. An ovation of hand-clapping began spontaneously in every part of the house, then the band joined in with the melody of "Auld Lang Syne." This lent new inspiration to the applause and the entire audience rose to its feet and cheered tumultuously for several minutes. After gracefully expressing his appreciation of this royal reception Mr. Depew proceeded to deliver one of his characteristically eloquent orations, which was punctuated by frequent and generous applause. He said:

Ladies and Gentlemen: Some years ago, Chicago, the metropolis of the west, itself the most marvelous of the creations of the latter half of this wonderful century, reared upon the borders of Lake Michigan an industrial city. The spirits, whose deeds in classic and eastern tale charmed our childhood, became commonplace mortals. American genius and modern science surpassed in suggestion and execution the works of demigods and genii. The stately palaces, broad avenues, lakes and canals of this home of industry and the arts drew all the world within its walls. In its conception and administration the World's fair at Chicago was a worthy celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, and a fitting tribute to the great explorer.

Our industrial progress has been during the four years since the Chicago exhibition greater than during any decade in our history. Our resources have been developed, our markets enlarged, and new avenues of employment opened. We have, in greater measure than ever before, realized our dream of producing in our country everything required for our necessities or luxuries. From practical independence of other countries for the products of their fields or factories, we have suddenly become their competitors with out surplus, both within and without their borders.

The great benefits which the World's fair at Chicago conferred upon the United States in acquisition from foreign countries and information to foreign governments, this Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha is to vastly enhance in bringing nearer together in better understanding of each other the different sections of our own country. I heard Li Hung Chang say when here that there were many provinces of China and millions of Chinamen who had not heard of the war with Japan. The light of the nineteenth century had not penetrated China's ironclad isolation. A conflict could be carried on and ended in which her territory was invaded, her fleet destroyed, her cities captured, tens of thousands of her people killed, and lands and islands she had held for centuries wrested from her, while a large part of the people of China were peacefully pursuing their vocations, ignorant of these disasters to their country. This exhibition has increased in industrial interest during every hour of our war with Spain, and yet every pulsation of its activities and every throb of the hearts of its visitors have been moved with patriotic prayers for the success of our arms and intelligent understanding of the justice of our cause. We have carried on a war with a foreign country, raised and equipped an army of 250,000 men and a formidable navy, have won great victories by sea and land, and yet though our interests and industries are so intimately connected that a blow in any section of the country is felt everywhere, this exhibition has as serenely continued its course as it has enthusiastically celebrated the deeds of Dewey, Sampson, Schley and Hobson, and Miles, Shafter and Merritt. There could be no happier illustration of the boundless resources of the United States and its powers for peace or war. It demonstrates the versatility of the Yankee character and its adaptability to circumstances. One thing at a time has had its day, and no longer forms a headline for the copy book of the American boy. Spain is thoroughly thrashed with one hand, while the other attends with energy and efficiency to the business of the nation.

Mistakes of New York.

New York has been too content with being the Empire state, and with having its chief city the metropolis of the continent, the west too eager for empire independent of the east, the south living too much upon its traditions and in its past, and the Pa-[?]  Scanned image of page 43 boundless possibilities and great expectations. The war with Spain has superbly restored the sentiment of nationality and eliminated sectional jealousies. But this exposition is a healthy educator for commercial union. The mission of peace is to develop the practical side of patriotism. It is to teach and demonstrate what will promote the development of the whole country and the prosperity and happiness of the whole people.

The concentrated capital of the east is the fruit of 300 years of settlement and trade. It is needed in the west for railroads, irrigation, mines, water power, furnaces and mills. It furnishes the transportation facilities which transform the prairie from the glazing plains of the buffalo and the hunting haunts of the wolf to the farm, the homestead, and productive power in herds of cattle and vast fields of wheat and corn. Its hopeful enterprise often finds for it an untimely grave in booming towns, unnecessary railroads and worthless mines. But capital is both selfish and intelligent. It never deserts a territory because the investment has failed through bad judgment. It seeks other sources for profitable employment, and finds its remuneration in other and needed work for the development of the country. Its freemasonry of fear is confined by no boundaries of land or sea. In times and in places of panic and distrust its disappears and increases the distress. With the return of confidence it moves the machinery of society and makes possible varied industries and prosperity. The state which so legislates as to take away all earning power from the money it has invited or borrowed soon learns that it has gained a temporary advantage and lost its credit, which is the most fruitful source of profit and prosperity. Differences between the east and the west have been due to distance, misunderstanding and demagogues. For a time the sections were daily becoming more widely separated. The west was encouraged to believe that it was plundered by usurers and extortionists in the east, and the east learned to distrust the integrity and intentions of the west. Far-sighted citizens of the prairie and mountain states knew that the resources of this wide territory had scarcely been touched. Drouth can be defeated by the ditch. Millions of acres from which the homesteader has fled in despair and millions more known as the Great American desert are to become, through storage reservoirs and irrigation, fruitful farms, thriving settlements and happy homes.


Unbusinesslike Ways of Keeping the Accounts Are Reported Upon.

A large portion of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors yesterday afternoon was occupied by the consideration of a number of voluminous reports from the committee on audit and revision relative to carelessness and lack of business system in the management of the financial affairs of the exposition. These related chiefly to the failure of the cashier to strike daily balances as was directed by the board some weeks ago and to the failure of the same official to retain anything to show that a large number of vouchers and warrants had been paid.

On the latter score Chairman Kilpatrick reported that the expert examination of vouchers to August 15 had showed that there were a large number of cases in which no record had been made of the fact that money had been paid except the endorsement on the back of the voucher that had been retained by the treasurer for his own protection. A number of instances were cited, one of which referred to a voucher for $8,673.15 drawn in favor of Goldie & Son and cashed at the Union National bank in November, 1897. In this case, as in the others cited, there was absolutely no record on the books of the exposition to show that the amounts had ever been paid.

Numerous cases were also cited in which pay checks had been cashed without exacting a receipt or making any entry on the books to indicate that the employe had received his money. The same unbusinesslike policy prevailed in the matter of checks which were drawn and issued while no receipt was taken or record made beyond the endorsement of the recipient on the back of the check when he presented it for payment at the bank.

Three Cases that Are Suspicious.

Several directors suggested that these facts were very important and that the situation called for vigorous action. This led President Wattles to ask Mr. Kilpatrick if the committee had discovered anything that seemed to indicate that any funds had been misappropriated or embezzled. Mr. Kilpatrick stated in explanation that nothing of that kind was suggested except in three casse​ in which amounts of $15.69, $3.50 and $175, respectively, had been returned to the exposition and had not been credited to any of the funds. This left one of two conclusions. Either the employe who received these sums had put them into his pocket or the cash for the days on which they were received should be over to that extent. It was impossible to tell whether the latter was the case because no daily balances had been kept.

In reference to the daily cash balance Chairman Kilpatrick included a report from the special examiner, who declared that the records of cash as kept by the cashier showed that the cash was nearly $500 over when he begun​ his investigation and was still about $130 over. He added that the cashier kept an incomplete record of the cash for various days on slips of paper which were subsequently entered in the books. No proper cash balance had ever been made.

Continuing, the committee report referred again to the three amounts previously cited, in which the failure to maintain a daily cash balance made it impossible to tell whether or not a fraud had been committed. The committee recommended that the cashier should be compelled at once to make the daily cash balances and after a motion to this effect had been adopted the reports were referred to the executive committee.

Reports from the same committee showed that the bills receivable on September 16 amounted to $6,115.16. The amount unpaid by exhibitors was $13,525.05 and the amount overpaid exhibitors was $3,394.65. A number of errors had been discovered and the committee recommended that the accounts should be carefully checked up by the exhibits department at once. This matter was also referred to the executive committee, that the collection of these unpaid claims should be vigorously pushed.

Provides for a History.

The following resolution by General Manderson provoked quite a sharp debate, which ended in its adoption:

In view of the historical value of every incident connected with the Transmississippi and International Exposition and the importance of preserving in a safe public depository all material connected with its inception, its progress, its development and its triumphant success, it is

Resolved, That the president and secretary of the exposition are hereby directed to obtain by purchase or otherwise one at least of every medal, souvenir, program, photograph, illustration, magazine or newspaper article and all other matters and things connected with its history that can be procured.

Resolved, That all such materials when gathered shall be placed in suitable cases or receptacles in the building of the Omaha City library, provided that said library shall agree to furnish suitable places therefor and give due care to the preservation of the same. It is further

Resolved, That the president shall appoint from the directors of the exposition a committee of three to constitute and be called the Historical committee. Such committee shall be authorized and empowered to employ a suitable person as historian, who shall at once proceed with the gathering of the material and information for a complete history of the exposition and prepare the manuscript and select the illustrations and plates therefor. Such manuscript and material to be ready for the printers by June 1, 1899. It is further

Resolved, That the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be appropriated for such purpose. The sum needed to be expended under the direction of the historical committee upon voucher approved by a majority of them and countersigned by the president of the exposition. The said committee shall serve without compensation or emolument, but is authorized to employ a stenographer at not exceeding $75 per month. The material prepared for publication shall be approved before printing by the said committee, which shall also direct the form of the book to be published and provide for its binding. One copy of said book shall be furnished to the Omaha City library, to the University of Nebraska, to the Omaha High School library, to Creighton college and to each one of the directors of the exposition. All other of said publications shall be sold at not exceeding the cost of printing and binding and 10 per cent additional. The sum resulting from such sales to be paid to the treasurer of the exposition.

Unnecessary and Extravagant.

Manager Rosewater opposed the resolution on the ground that it contemplated as unnecessary and unjustifiable expenditure. He said that the bulk of the material referred to in this resolution had already been collected by the Department of Publicity and other souvenirs and records were in the hands of the secretary. He contended that to appropriate so large a sum for the purpose mentioned would be to let down the bars for all sorts of extravagance in the preparation of the "history" contemplated and that it was at the least poor policy to tie up so large a sum. He moved that the appropriation be reduced to $2,500, but this was lost and the original motion prevailed.

Auditor's Balance Sheet.

Secretary Wakefield furnishes the following auditor's account of receipts and disbursements to October 1:

Total receipts reported September 1, 1898$1,250,332.74
Received during September:
Stock subscriptions$ 1,867.50
Concessions 52,247.02
Exhibits 2,588.21
Bureau of Music 5.00
Publicity and Promotion 3.63
Buildings and Grounds 8,038.20
Gates 178,868.25
Photo passes 3,905.25
Commutation books 144.50
Souvenir medals 1,761.82— 249,429.38

Disbursements from December 1, 1896, to date:


Ways and Means$ 101,175.75
Publicity and Promotion 79,702.30
Buildings and Grounds 995,051.34
Exhibits department 45,586.77
Concessions and Privileges 24,029.29
Transportation 4,225.80
Store, storeroom 284.79
Keeper, postage and revenue 673.47
Interest and discount 3,044.01
Commission to agents 5,721.25
General expense 21,045.68
Girls' and Boys' building 8,747.41
Refunds 1,569.53
United States government Indian congress 4,507.15
H. T. McGarvie 150.00
United States war balloon 3,126.46


Salaries and wages$ 289,147.02
Freight and express 15,812.97
Advertising 10,660.33
Printing and stationery 31,378.92
Photographing 3,227.75
Commissions 7,167.00
Souvenir medals 2,393.38
Furniture 3,010.66
Telegraph and telephone 3,217.09
Interest and discount 3,047.31
Special attractions 45,827.20
Insurance 15,249.67
Travelers, messengers and livery 23,730.93
Pictures and painting 16,701.15
Postage and revenue 10,779.23
Taxes, rentals and loans 11,662.48
Miscellaneous 19,530.87
Steam and electric plants 63,461.82
Utensils 10,123.47
Grounds 105,181.66
Buildings 567,734.73
Sewer 3,682.99
Water 35,882.36
Awards 30.00

Innes' Band Concert.

The Wagner program give by Innes and his band in the Auditorium last night opened with a brilliant rendition of the "Rienzi" overture. In response to the encore which followed the band gave Mendelssohn's dainty "Spring Song." Then came "Isolde's Love Death" from "Tristan," which was substituted for the programed "Nachtgesang." Following this came the highly dramatic "Love Feast of the Apostles" and then the gem of the evening, the "Lohengrin Vorspiel," which was given with a delicacy, finish and dramatic fervor which the vast audience rewarded by such a demonstration of enthusiasm as has seldom been heard in an Omaha concert room. Tonight's concert will conclude with the sensational composition, "The Forge in the Forest." This is a wonderful musical contrivance of the most startling and thrilling character, requiring the highest order of interpretation of which any band is capable. In order to properly present it arrangements have been made to have electrical illustrations in its rendition. For instance, in signifying the forge in the forest, the lights in the building will be subdued and the finest electrical contrivances yet invented will be brought into play to illustrate in forms of fire and many-colored brilliancy the scene which the music undertakes to portray.

The third of Innes' Sunday afternoon concerts, which will be given in the Auditorium at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon, will introduce a program of especial merit, the notable features being two numbers by the Exposition chorus and Batiste's beautiful, "Communion in G," which will be given by Mr. T. J. Kelly on the grand organ accompanied by the band.


Signal Service Men Send Messages to Show the Public.

The first exhibition of flag, heliograph and flashlight signalling, as carried on by the War department, was given yesterday afternoon and evening by the members of the United States signal corps. It started with the flag or wigwag system, men being stationed upon different buildings along the grand court. Armed with small flags, they carried on a system of telegraphing that was understood by each operator. Questions were asked by a wave of a flag and an answer was given by another wave of the little square. Next the heliograph was brought into action and the light, aided by mirrors, was flashed through the air like sunbeams. According to the code each flash meant a word or series of words, and a man with a heliograph threw his signals from the lagoon off into space, where they were read by the officers for whom they were intended.

The work of signalling at night was even more interesting than during the day. A small light working upon substantially the same plan as a searchlight was brought into action and a series of signals flashed up against the sky. In carrying on this work a code system is in use, each flash representing words, figures and sentences.

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War Balloon Goes Up Once.

Captain Yancey and the members of the signal corps got the war balloon up in the air yesterday afternoon, reaching a point 1,600 feet above the earth. The trip was unannounced, but notwithstanding this there was a crowd around the ropes long before the big airship reached a height of 100 feet. The car was occupied by Captain Yancey and Sergeant Briede and when they signalled for a cut away, the ballast was cast off and the ballon​ started up like a big bird, going higher and higher until it had reached the elevation desired. From that point telephone messages were sent to the ground informing the operator there that up in the air the weather was very cold.

In sending up the balloon yesterday a pilot balloon was used as a feeler to find out the conditions of the upper currents of air. This balloon was sent ahead and as its flight indicated that there were no strong currents of air the big bag was allowed to follow. From now until the close of the exposition balloon ascensions will be daily features, providing the weather conditions are favorable.

New Mexico Day.

Captain Leeson, commissioner from New Mexico, has completed all of the arrangements for observing New Mexico day at the exposition. It has been decided not to have any exercises, but instead to have the visitors spend the day in an informal way.

New Mexico day has been set for next Monday, when Governor Prince and the members of his staff, together with enough from the territory to fill a special train, will be present. In the party there will be Captain Llewellyn and twelve of the Rough Riders who participated in the war with Spain. The members of the party will remain several days in order that they may be here during Peace Jubilee week. A button for New Mexico day has been designed and will be given out from the territory's space in the Mines building. The button will bear the words "New Mexico" on one side and on the reverse will be a picture of a burro, loaded with a miner's outfit.

Spieler's Jaws Broken.

A Midway spieler named Nolan became involved in a fracas yesterday afternoon with a visitor who resented his somewhat personal remarks. The stranger picked up an iron bar that happened to be in reach and hit Nolan a blow that fractured his jaw in two places. The injured man was taken to the hospital, where he was made as comfortable as possible, but he is still in a serious condition.

Massachusetts Will Show Butter.

Massachusetts has sent on an exhibit and will come into the next butter contest, which will occur the first of next week in the Dairy building.

A large number of entries of cheese are being made at the Dairy building. The contest at which the scorings will be made has been set for October 12.

Notes of the Exposition.

Mrs. W. V. Cox, wife of Secretary Cox at the Government building, has arrived from Washington, accompanied by her sister, Miss Emory. They will remain in the city several days visiting the exposition.

J. M. Biddle of the Department of State gave a dinner at the Omaha club Thursday evening in honor of the visit of Mr. and Miss Murphy of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Cox and Miss Emory were also present.

The members of the Southern Indiana Editorial association will arrive in the city Sunday morning at 6 o'clock. It is understood that there will be 100 in the party and that they will stay during the greater portion of next week.

During the stay of the Ohio people at the exposition, a great many of them are making their headquarters at the Government building, where they have numerous friends who are in the employ of the government and assigned to work in the several departments.

Prof. Armstrong Smith of Hawaii, who is here, studying the public school system, is much pleased with the kindergarten work shown in the gallery of the Manufactures building. He is seeking to make arrangements to take home with him a portion of the exhibit as an object lesson for the children of the islands. Prof. Smith is in charge of the Hawaiian schools.

Superintendent Sumner I. Kimball of the life saving service was at the exposition yesterday and during the afternoon he was an interested spectator at the drill given by the members of the live saving crew. He has been with the service since its establishment and was one of the men who brought it into existence. Superintendent Kimball will be in Omaha next week for the purpose of attending the Peace Jubilee exercises.


Toledo Excursionists Start for Home Full of Transmississippi and Omaha Enthusiasm.

In two long trains the Ohio excursionists started homeward at 7 o'clock last night. The second section contained the Ohio commissioners, Mayor Jones, Editor Curtis and several architects with their wives from Toledo. Seated in the smoking compartment of the fourth car were President Kilbourne, Vice Presidents Kumler and Belt, Secretary Harris of the commission, Architect Tallis and James Smith, the stockman, discussing the exposition.

To the harmless question of how they enjoyed the exposition the replies "great," "fine," "splendid," "excellent," snapped like fire crackers. And then everybody started to praise it at once. "That stock show is a heap sight better than the one at the Columbian exposition," said Mr. Smith. "I never saw anything like it," and then they chose Vice President Kumler to speak for them.

"The entire commission," said he, "and the private citizens who accompanied us are delighted with the trip and the curiosities they have been shown. The exposition exceeded our expectations. The mining and electrical exhibits are far superior to those of the Columbian exposition. I never heard praise so uniformly expressed as on this trip. It was great—great.

"The gentlemen behind this enterprise are entitled to the greatest credit. When they conceived the idea of the Transmississippi Exposition they builded better than they knew. We were delighted to visit Omaha and hope that you will return the greeting at our exposition in 1903, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Ohio's admission to the United States. You are a great agricultural state. So come with sheaves of wheat and shocks of corn. And come ten hundred million strong. That beats Lincoln's request. We'll welcome you in our hearts and to our homes.

"Your exposition is conceded to be the best of its kind in the nineteenth century and has received and merited the plaudits of seventy million people."

Editor Curtis said it was his business to get Ohio people to talk, not talk himself, but he could not contain his surprise and delight in the exposition. "We were prepared to be very critical, you know," said he, "for we are to have an exposition ourselves, but we found nothing to criticise. Instead, we did nothing but admire and praise the buildings and exhibits."

Architect Tallis and several others came on to study the architecture and plans of the buildings and they had naught but praise for their beauty and dignity.

"I could talk for an hour about our good time," said Mayor Jones. "We have all enjoyed it immensely and are deeply gratified at the attention and hospitality we have received. You cannot express our pleasure too strongly."

And then the train pulled out with its passengers still wondering at and praising the exposition.

The Bee was yesterday afternoon favored with a serenade by the Toledo Marine band which accompanied the Toledo delegation to the exposition and took part in the Ohio day exercises Thursday. The band is composed of forty-two pieces, but only had twenty-five on this trip. The leader is W. E. Van Dorn and N. W. Hartman is the drum major. The band assembled in the court of The Bee building and played a march, after which it is rendered a concert selection, in which Mr. Hartman was given an opportunity to show his capabilities as a cornetist. The hastily gathered audience showed its appreciation of this selection so enthusiastically that an encore was given. The band left last evening with the excursionists for Chicago, where it will play today and will then go on to Pittsburg to attend the Knights Templar conclave.


Session of the Delegates Opens at the Exposition Grounds During the Morning.

The Good Roads parliament opened in the Nebraska building this morning at 10 o'clock. Martin Dodge, who is connected with the road department at Washington and acting president of the parliament, called the convention to order and explained briefly the objects of the meeting. He said:

With all the rapid and wonderful advancement made in reference to both transportation and communication between distant places, there has been comparatively little progress in bettering the common roads of the country, and the means of communication in the rural districts but short distances from one another. It still costs an average of 25 cents a mile per ton to move the products of the country by animal power upon the common roads, and this can undoubtedly be reduced to an average of 5 cents by introducing the best known means of improvement. It is the desire of the government to do everything possible to solve the road problem, and especially to ascertain and publish all facts pertaining to legislation and construction of roads and the best methods of combining materials most suitable to the end in view.

Edward Rosewater, vice president of the National Goods Roads association, was then introduced as chairman of the meeting. He spoke of the need of better roads throughout the United States, and especially in Nebraska, mentioning a recent attempt on the part of the citizens of this county to improve their highways, for which the county appropriated several thousands of dollars.

It was the sense of the meeting that the subject of good roads is so vital a one that a permanent organization should be formed before proceeding to the reading of the papers dealing with the subject. On motion two committees were appointed by the chair, one to draw up resolutions and the other to submit a constitution at the afternoon session. The following were named on these committees: Resolutions—Delegates Patterson of Nebraska, Moore of Missouri, Kennedy of Pennsylvania and Rankin of Ohio; permanent organization—Delegates Helsley of Nebraska, Schackleford of Missouri and Donner of Wisconsin.

After electing A. B. Dunning of Pennsylvania temporary secretary the convention adjourned to hear the New York day exercises at the Auditorium and allow the committees time to prepare their reports. The afternoon session was called to order at 1:30 o'clock.


Judge Scott Takes Another Turn at the Streets of All Nations Case.

A temporary injunction has again been ordered by Judge Scott to issue against the "Streets of All Nations" in the suit of the "'Streets of Cairo." He threatens to make trouble if the clerk of the district court does not honor his order. The injunction of the other judges on the clerk, the sheriff and the coroner was up to term time. Judge Scott says it does not apply to any order he might make now, as term time commenced October 3. All the other judges, however, adjourned court until November.

When asked about what he, as attorney for the "Streets of All Nations" and general counsel of the exposition, would do if any effort is made to harass his clients, Carroll S. Montgomery said no notice had been received by him yet from the other side and he would not take any action until he was formally notified. "Anyway," said Mr. Montgomery, "the case has been removed from the district court to the federal court by our petition, which we filed before October 3, according to the bond we gave. We consider the case removed from district court jurisdiction absolutely and there is now nothing that Judge Scott can do."

The attorney for the "Streets of Cairo" had not fled any order with the clerk of the district court at a late hour yesterday afternoon.

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New York's Popular Orator Will Make an Address at the Exposition.


His Train Arrives an Hour Ahead of Time and Heads Off Any Possible Demonstration by Omaha Admirers.

Chauncey M. Depew, accompanied by President S. R. Calloway of the New York Central, arrived in Omaha at 5 p. m. yesterday after a quick run from New York. Dr. Depew will participate in the exercises of New York day today and will start on the return trip tonight.

The party left New York at 8:30 a. m. Thursday and arrived in Chicago at 6:15 a. m. yesterday, completing the run to the Mississippi river in twenty-five hours. The routes taken were the New York Central, the Lake Shore and the Northwestern. The special train was made up of the finest equipment and the trip was made so smoothly that Dr. Depew was not in the least fatigued by his long journey.

The time of the party's arrival was not generally known and had been announced for one hour later. The prominent republicans of this locality, therefore, were unable to pay their respects in person to their chief and will take that opportunity at the hotel or during the exercises at the grounds.

General Manager Clarkson was waiting when the train drew up and tendered Dr. Depew the welcome of the exposition management. He said that President Wattles and other officials wished to meet the distinguished guest after he had become refreshed from his journey, and to conduct him to the exposition grounds and later to the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Dr. Depew accepted the first invitation cordially, remarking that he had heard the praises of the exposition at night sung in no measured terms. Others who were present to extend an official welcome to the party were: Hon. Jacob Amos, ex-mayor of Syracuse, N. Y.; H. B. Hebert of the Produce Exchange, New York, and Major A. M. Wheeler, all members of the New York state commission.

Not a Stranger in Omaha.

Dr. Depew remarked on his way to a carriage that he was by no means a stranger in the city, having made brief stops here on a number of occasions. "Mr. Calloway, who is with me," he added, "quite considers himself an Omaha citizen, as he was resident here for a number of years at the time he was president of the Union Pacific."

He was asked regarding the subject of his speech today and replied with one of his contagious laughs, "Omaha, nothing but Omaha, the center of the world."

Although the special made a direct trip from New York there will be less haste on the return and Monday will be spent in Chicago. Dr. Depew will make an address in the afternoon at the Auditorium under the auspices of the Hamilton club and in the evening he will be tendered a banquet by the same organization, which will be followed by one of the guest's famous after dinner speeches.

The main body of the New Yorkers came in this morning. There is a party of twelve from the Produce exchange and a number from the Merchants' association and the Board of Trade. Dr. Depew's party is quartered at the Paxton and the New York headquarters will be divided between that house and the Millard, where reservations have been made for the Merchants' association.


Itinerary for the Journey from Washington to Omaha is Practically Completed.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.—(Special Telegram.)—The work of the committee sent to Washington to arrange for the president's train to Omaha is about completed. The copy for the itinerary has been given to the printer and the only minor details intrusted to division superintendents affecting the running of trains remain to bring to a glorious culmination the efforts of Nebraska and the west to make the week of the Peace Jubilee notable in these closing century days. There have been few changes in the itinerary of the president's train to Omaha, the design being to run the train carrying the army and navy people, representatives of the diplomatic corps and government officials ahead of the president's train in order that the party may be in carriages on the arrival of the chief executive.

As for the second special which goes over the Baltimore & Ohio Monday morning, it will carry more notables than have ever left Washington at any one time in the history of the century. The list as made up now is as follows:

Diplomatic corps—Mr. Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister plenipotentiary; Mrs. Wu Ting Fang and maid, Master Wu Cho Chu, Mr. Chow Tsz-Chi, Mr. Hwang Chung-Huli, Mr. Li Kwang-Hang, secretaries; the minister's steward; Mr. Chin Pom Ye, Korean minister plenipotentiary; Mrs. Chin Pom Ye, Master Wo Chong Ye; Mrs. Tam E. Ye, secretary; Mr. Henry Guillaume, Gonzalo DeQuesada, charge d'affaires of the Cuban junta; Mrs. Quesada, Miss Quesada.

Army and navy and government officials: Major General Miles, Colonel Francis Michler, Colonel William M. Black, Colonel Samuel Reber, Captain H. H. Whitney, staff officers, and Mrs. Miles; Major General W. R. Shafter, two aides and valet, Major General Joseph Wheeler, the Misses Wheeler, Brigadier General A. W. Greeley, chief signal officer; Mrs. Greeley, Brigadier General C. F. Humphrey, Mrs. Mary Howland, Commodore W. J. Philip, U. S. N.; Captain Arther Paget, naval attache, British embassy; Dr. R. W. Baker, U. S. A.; Mrs. Baker, Mrs. J. V. Creighton, Hon. J. M. Thurston, Hon. J. D. Yoemans, interstate commerce commission; Prof. W. L. Moore, chief weather bureau; Mrs. Moore, Dr. W. T. Harris, commissioner of education; Mrs. Harris, General James A. Sexton, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. Representatives of the press: Charles S. Albert, New York World; W. E. Annin, Philadelphia Ledger; George Grantham Bain, Harper's Weekly; Frederic Benzinger, Chicago Times-Herald; W. E. Curtis, Chicago Record; Louis Garthe, Baltimore American; C. A. Hamilton, Sioux City Journal; James S. Henry, Philadelphia Press; Raymond Patterson, Chicago Tribune; Frank Richardson, Baltimore Sun; George W. Rouzer, New York Herald; John S. Shriver, New York Mail and Express; E. C. Snyder, Omaha Bee; Howard N. Thompson, Associated Press.


Novel Intermission in the Round of Sham Battles by Indians.


Members of Several Tribes Join in the Strangely Wierd​ Dance that Led up to the Pine Ridge War.

A foot race, participated in by twenty-four of the swiftest runners of the Indian congress, and a ghost dance in which fifty men and women from the Apache, Cheyenne, Wichita and Sioux tribes joined, were the attractions at the Indian village yesterday afternoon. Neither of these features has been presented before and they made a pleasing variation to the sham battles which have been enjoyed by so many during the last three weeks. They represented two new and distinct phases of the Indians' life. The one showed him in his natural and native sport, the other in his religious ceremonial. The arrangements for both of these exhibitions of the Indian at peace were in charge of Prof. James Mooney, the government ethnological expert, who has spent the last twelve years among the Indians and especially among the Arapahoes.

Owing to the small space in the enclosure the track for the foot race was limited to 100 yards. This distance was determined upon as an experiment and was not expected to develop the quality for which the Indian is most famed—endurance. The Pueblos, Apaches, Navajoes and other tribes of the extreme southwest are long distance runners and can follow a trail for hour after hour without diminishing their speed. The Wichitas have a religious festival every year in which foot races for a distance of one or two miles form a part and the members of this tribe are trained especially for this distance. The tribes of the plains are horsemen and, although they have a few runners, are not swift on their feet.

To bring these various competitors down to a short distance was the difficulty experienced. But when the Sioux chief, His Horse Looking, called the competitors to the start twenty-four well-muscled, trim-limbed braves answered the blast of the bugle. They were divided into three groups of eight competitors each, each group to run one heat and the three winners to appear in the final. The three heats were well contested, the first going to Sam, a Chiricahua Apache, the second to a Crow and third to a Sioux. After a short rest the three winners toed the mark for the championship of the congress. Each was bare-headed, bare-footed and bare-legged. The Apache wore a white, the Crow a red and the Sioux a black shirt. The shot was fired, away spend the Crow and the Sioux, leaving Sam, the Apache, standing at the post. The red-shirted Crow won by a foot. Sam wanted the race run over, claiming that the start was not fair. But they refused to go into another heat. So the question of championship was left to be debated around the fires in the tepees.

Ghost Dance Comes On.

Just as the shadows were beginning to lengthen across the clearing in the center of the village the men and women of the congress trooped out from their wigwams to give a rendition of the famous Indian religious ceremonial—the ghost dance. This differs from all other Indian dances. It is the basis of a religion originated twelve years ago by a prophet of the Piutes of western Nevada called by his people Wovoka and known to the whites as Jack Wilson. He declared that he had had a vision in which he was carried to heaven and saw the great god of the Indians, by whom he was informed that by going into a trance the people of the earth might gain a sight of heaven and meet their departed friends. When in this state he said that the new earth would open before their eyes and a new life be unfolded to them. The ghost dance began to develop immediately among the Piutes and belief in the teachings of Wovoka spread like a prairie fire across the plain until the new religion and its attendant ceremonial became the life of the western tribes. Its culmination came with the outbreak of the Sioux at the Pine Ridge agency and the massacre at Wounded Knee, where the government intervened, believing that the ceremonial tended to inflame the redskins to rebellion.

The ghost dance yesterday was of too short duration to show the effects. However, it was not an imitation to amuse the spectators, but a real ghost dance participated in with all the characteristic vigor and frenzy. Fifty redskins from the Arapahoes, Sioux, Cheyennes and Wichitas—men, women and papooses—joined hands in a ring. With no musical instruments but the sonorous tones of their voices singing in unison they began to move in a circle. Low and droning, like the voices of monks muffled by the walls of a distant convent, they repeated the strains of the Indian messiah's message to his people, while their feet, stepping in perfect time, marked the rhythm of the Arapaho song. Then the Cheyennes joined in, humming the tune but not the words. The volume of sound increased and the sidelong steps beat the ground more firmly. They stopped and the Wichitas and Sioux began the weird strains again with other words in which the whole circle joined. Their bodies began to sway in time to their voices, lifting a prayer to the great father, while cries of lamentation broke in on the monotonous strain.

Then three medicine men of the tribes broke from the chain and with bodies bent almost to the ground began to wheel around the inner circle, waving their white handkerchiefs in the faces of the dancers. Round and round they went as the music changed from lamentation to a frenzied song that indicated the mesmeric spell induced by the rhythm of their own motion and the incantations of the medicine men. Finally, two of the women dropped their hands to their sides and trembling to the finger tips danced in the center of the ring, their eyes following the medicine men as they spun around in search of subjects. The outer circle continued the awful strain of the song while those within, oblivious to rhythm, threw up their arms in weird fantastic gesticulations, beat their breasts and tore at the roots of their hair, half conscious of what they did and heeding only the mendications of the mesmerists. Then the Sioux began the song sung at the Pine Ridge agency, who words translated are "Our father, the crow has told us to dance around five times and stop." It began with the frenzy of the song of lamentation, but with each successive repetition became softer and softer, until with the last turn of that circle it died away and the famous ghost dance was over.

Had it not been that the dance was begun so late in the afternoon it might have been possible for the medicine men to have broken up the dance and sent the whole ring into a state of semi-consciousness, as often happens when the ceremonial continues late into the night.

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Empire State Draws a Prize in the Weather Man's Lottery.


Strong Delegation of Distinguished Citizens Attend the Ceremonies.


Auditorium Filled by an Attentive and Enthusiastic Audience.


Congratulates the Transmississippi People and Presents What He Calls the Best Exhibit New York Could Possibly Make, a Man.

Total Admissions Yesterday26,162
Total for the Week148,025
Total to Date1,867,656

With the great attractions of Jubilee week only a day ahead it was not to be supposed that the exposition would receive more than a limited patronage yesterday. But the show provide big enough to command attention even if thousands of people were waiting for the great spectacles that will begin tomorrow, and it was one of the biggest and most enjoyable Saturdays since the exposition opened.

The versatility of the Nebraska climate was again demonstrated when the visiting Knickerbockers were greeted by a day reminiscent of all the beauties of the Empire state when the chestnut ridges are aglow with red and gold and crimson and the smoky October haze mantles its massive hills and hovers sleepily over its smiling valleys. The air was crisp and invigorating and tempered by the radiance of a red October sun, that shone resplendently from a sky as clear as that which reflects the incomparable beauty of New York lakes and mountains. It was the sort of weather that inspires humanity to its highest susceptibility of enjoyment and it left nothing lacking to make the pleasure of the visitors complete.

The ideal beauty of the day, combined with the attraction afforded by the presence of so distinguished a party, combined to induce an exceptionally generous attendance for the last day of the week, and all through the morning the turnstiles clicked continuously. While thousands of visitors were scattered over the grounds to improve the opportunity to see the show under such delightful conditions, the Auditorium was the center of attractions. In addition to the regular visitors, hundred of Omaha people came out solely to hear the distinguished orator of the day, and the presence of Mr. Depew was largely responsible for the immense audience that filled the building to the limit of its capacity. After the exercises had been thoroughly enjoyed the crowd mingled with the other thousands that were seeking enjoyment in every part of the grounds, and the Empire state visitors improved their first really adequate opportunity to acquire a full appreciation of the wonderful enterprise. Many of them were attracted by the various attractions of the afternoon, but the majority preferred to spend their time in inspecting the big buildings and their varied contents. They regarded the exhibits with unstinted admiration and did not hesitate to declare that in many respects the Transmississippi show was a distinct improvement on the World's fair.

Today the celebration of Jubilee week, the crowning feature of the exposition, will be opened with a grand sacred concert in the Auditorium. This will be one of the most enjoyable musical events of the summer and with the 25-cent admission the Sunday attendance record should be broken with a few thousand to spare. The usual Plaza concert will occupy this evening, and there will probably be a religious dance at the Indian encampment.


Auditorium Filled by an Attentive and Enthusiastic Audience.

The presence of the large delegation of distinguished citizens of the Empire state was celebrated by formal exercises in the Auditorium yesterday forenoon. The great building was jammed with people and resonant with enthusiasm. Long before 1 o'clock nearly every seat was occupied, and by the time the exercises began scarcely an inch of standing room remained unappropriated.

At exactly 11 o'clock a burst of long-sustained applause indicated the arrival of the distinguished guests. Mr. Depew was escorted to the stage by President Wattles and followed by the New York delegation, which filled the remainder of the stage and several rows of seats in the pit, which had been reserved for them. A medley of popular selections by Innes' band was enthusiastically received and then Jacob Amos, jr., of Syracuse, secretary of the New York commission, introduced Hon. Warner Miller as the presiding officer of the day.

Warner Miller's Address.

In accepting the chair Mr. Miller said that while the New York delegation was not large, it brought the sympathy and best wishes of the Empire state. The people of New York, he declared, have an abiding interest in the west, which is the home of so many of their children. The great drama of the last few months has made us a more homogeneous people than we have ever been before.

Mr. Miller then introduced President Wattles of the exposition, who cordially welcomed the New Yorkers to the great Transmississippi enterprise. He congratulated them on the fact that New York is the only eastern state that has a building on the grounds, and assured them that the cordial good will thus manifested was fully appreciated. He added that one great object of the exposition was to bring the people of the east and those of the west closer together. During the heat of recent political campaigns it had been repeatedly declared that the interests of the west were at enmity with those of the east, and more especially with those of New York. But when the Rough Riders of the west went to victory under the leadership of the gallant son of the Empire state it showed that the same blood flowed in every American citizen, whether he come from the prairies of the west or the millionaire homes of New York.

President Wattles briefly sketched the development of the west during the last fifty years, which this exposition is designed to illustrate, and added that the events of the last few months have indicated the necessity for a broader commercial existence, and the west looked to the east for leadership in these undertakings.

Dr. Depew Presented.

In presenting the orator of the day, Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, Chairman Miller said that he had had no opportunity to look over the grounds to see what sort of an exhibit New York had made, but he now had the pleasure of presenting the best exhibit it was capable of making, and one that he was confident would take the gold medal, the exhibit of a man.

When Mr. Depew rose to deliver his address he received the most dramatic and inspiring greeting that has yet been tendered to any exposition orator. An ovation of hand-clapping began spontaneously in every part of the house, then the band joined in with the melody of "Auld Lang Syne." This lent new inspiration to the applause and the entire audience rose to its feet and cheered tumultuously for several minutes. After gracefully expressing his appreciation of this royal reception Mr. Depew proceeded to deliver one of his characteristically eloquent orations, which was punctuated by frequent and generous applause. He said:

Ladies and Gentlemen: Some years ago, Chicago, the metropolis if the west, itself the most marvelous of the creations of the latter half of this wonderful century, reared upon the borders of Lake Michigan an industrial city. The spirits, whose deeds in classic and eastern tale charmed our childhood, became commonplace mortals. American genius and modern science surpassed in suggestion and execution the works of demigods and genii. The stately palaces, broad avenues, lakes and canals of this home of industry and the arts drew in all the world within its walls. In its conception and administration the World's fair at Chicago was a worthy celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, and a fitting tribute to the great explorer.

Our industrial progress has been during the four years since the Chicago exhibition greater than during any decade in our history. Our resources have been developed, our markets enlarged, and new avenues of employment opened. We have, in greater measure than ever before, realized our dream of producing in our country everything required for our necessities or luxuries. From practical independence of other countries for the products of their fields or factories, we have suddenly become their competitors with our surplus, both within and without their borders.

The great benefits which the World's fair at Chicago conferred upon the United States in acquisition from foreign countries and information to foreign governments, this Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha is to vastly enhance in bringing nearer together in better understanding of each other the different sections of our own country. I heard Li Hung Chang say when here that there were many provinces of China and millions of Chinamen who had not heard of the war with Japan. The light of the nineteenth century had not penetrated China's ironclad isolation. A conflict could be carried on and ended in which her territory was invaded, her fleet destroyed, her cities captured, tens of thousands of her people killed, and lands and islands she had held for centuries wrested from her, while a large part of the people of China were peacefully pursuing their vocations, ignorant of these disasters to their country. This exhibition has increased in industrial interest during every hour of our war with Spain, and yet every pulsation of its activities and every throb of the hearts of its visitors have been moved with patriotic prayers for the success of our arms and intelligent understanding of the justice of our cause. We have carried on a war with a foreign country, raised and equipped an army of 250,000 men and a formidable navy, have won great victories by sea and land, and yet though our interests and industries are so intimately connected that a blow in any section of the country is felt everywhere, this exhibition has as serenely continued its course as it has enthusiastically celebrated the deeds of Dewey, Sampson, Schley and Hobson, and Miles, Shafter and Merritt. There could be no happier illustration of the boundless resources of the United States and its powers for peace or war. It demonstrates the versatility of the Yankee character and its adaptability to circumstances. One thing at a time has had its day, and no longer forms a headline for the copy book of the American boy. Spain is thoroughly thrashed with one hand, while the other attends with energy and efficiency to the business of the nation.

Mistakes of New York.

New York has been too content with being the Empire state, and with having its chief city the metropolis of the continent, the west too eager for empire independent of the east, the south living too much upon its traditions and in its past, and the Pacific slope resting too serenely upon its boundless possibilities and great expectations. The war with Spain has superbly restored the sentiment of nationality and eliminated sectional jealousies. But this exposition is a healthy educator for commercial union. The mission of peace is to develop the practical side of patriotism. It is to teach and demonstrate what will promote the development of the whole country and the prosperity and happiness of the whole people.

The concentrated capital of the east is the fruit of 300 years of settlement and trade. It is needed in the west for railroads, irrigation, mines, water power, furnaces and mills. It furnishes the transportation facilities which transform the prairie from the grazing plains of the buffalo and the hunting haunts of the wolf to the farm, the homestead, and productive power in herds of cattle and vast fields of wheat and corn. Its hopeful enterprise often finds for it an untimely grave in booming towns, unnecessary railroads and worthless mines. But capital is both selfish and intelligent. It never deserts a territory because the investment has failed through bad judgment. It seeks other sources for profitable employment, and finds its remuneration in other and needed work for the development of the country. Its freemasonry of fear is confined by no boundaries of land or sea. In times and in places of panic and distrust it disappears and increases the distress. With the return of confidence it moves the machinery of society and makes possible varied industries and prosperity. The state which so legislates as to take away all earning power from the money it has invited or borrowed soon learns that it has gained a temporary advantage and lost its credit, which is the most fruitful source of profit and prosperity. Differences between the east and the west have been due to distance, misunderstanding and demagogues. For a time the sections were daily becoming more widely separated. The west was encouraged to believe that it was plundered by usurers and extortionists in the east, and the east learned to distrust the integrity and intentions of the west. Far-sighted citizens of the prairie and mountain states knew that the resources of this wide territory had scarcely been touched. Drouth can be defeated by the ditch. Millions of acres from which the homesteader has fled in despair and millions more known as the Great American desert are to become, through storage reservoirs and irrigation, fruitful farms, thriving settlements and happy homes.

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Education the Remedy.

Education is the remedy for our troubles. The school is the preparatory department of the college, and the college fits boys for the greater university of the world. The school and the college teach, they cannot educate. The collegian can become as narrow as his village playmate who graduated at the common school if both remain for their life-work in the isolated environment of these local conditions, prejudices and misconceptions. Both of them come to this exposition. The encircling horizon which made coincident their physical and intellectual vision expands with their minds and embraces states and cities, arts and industries. They see the vastness and interdependence of our internal commerce. They learn that the more intelligently selfish any business may be, the more patriotically it encourages every other industry and contributes to the general weal. The solution of the century-vexing problem of capital and labor grows simpler. They see that even a railroad president may be a public-spirited citizen without betraying the interests or lessening the business of his company; that the money power is the concentration of the capital of the many at convenient centers of financial operations and contact with the world, where it lies idle and useless in times of distrust, but is easily drawn to the beneficent purposes and productive energies of the community which can give it profitable employment. Those from large cities learn that New York and Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago are marts of trade, not places of power. The country needs and recruits them. They reflect and do not originate the conditions and opinions of the republic. The untraveled city man is the most provincial of mortals. His local pride paralyzes his powers of observation, and the rest of the universe exists only for his benefit and by his permission. The west is an unknown land of grazing plains, mining camps and big game. But he finds here the broadest culture of the schools and colleges, a vigorous and healthy public sentiment, the courage to try and the ability to utilize every invention which will increase the productive power and decrease the cost of operating the farm, the forest, the manufactory and the mine. Thus the broader education brings into contact and activity all the elements of our strength and growth. Self-centered satisfaction is an insurmountable barrier to mental, moral or material growth.

Big Enough for Our Destiny.

Foreign cities say Americans boast of the bigness of their country. There is no use denying the fact; we are big. We are not too large for a destiny never so manifest as today. Cuba is under our protection and certain to come under our flag by the vote of her people; Porto Rico is ours; our foothold in the Philippines will never be surrendered, and the markets of the far east are inviting us to compete with the nations of Europe for their trade. Big as we are, the future is bigger with duties, responsibilities and opportunities for our citizens. The sentimentalist declares that such a review as has occupied our hour today is the grossest materialism. After years of experiment and observation I have found that sentiment has less alloy, is purer and attains loftier ideals under a well thatched roof than on the sod, under storms as well as sunshine, and with drenching clouds as well as stars above. "What makes a hero in battle?" I inquired of a veteran, the victor on many a bloody field. His answer was: "Plenty of good beef or mutton and hot coffee."

When Nebraska shall have reached the age of New York there will be a population of over 200,000,000 in the United States, Our domain will be sufficient for their support and our institutions elastic enough for their orderly government and their liberty. Intelligence will be keen and high and the state will be very close to the daily life and industrial activities of the people. Co-operation will be working to an extent now thought chimerical. There will always be differences of conditions, as God has endowed his children with degrees of gifts, but the much abused doctrine that the world owes every many a living will be in general vogue and practical. The lazy, the shiftless and the improvident will grumble and suffer then as now, but there will be a place for all according to the talents bestowed upon them, and wisely perfected plans for the care and comfort of the aged and the helpless.

The war with Spain has unified our country. The sons of the south and the north fighting side by side and under the old flag has effaced the last vestige of the passions of the civil war. The young men of the farthest west and its primitive conditions lying with their comrades from the circles of the clubs and fashion in the east in the trenches of El Caney and charging up the hill and over the defenses of San Juan have made the men of the west and the east one by the baptism of blood. Whether from the plains of Arizona or the palaces of New York, and whether dressed in broadcloth or in buckskin, the Rough Rider is the same American.

Venerable New York sends hail and cordial congratulations to young Nebraska. Our settlement is 240 and our sovereignty ninety years older than yours. Three centuries of development under original conditions and free institutions greet this half century of the west from the painted savage to the industrious citizen with a past and present full of cheer and hope. First among the states of the republic in population, prosperity, educational institutions, churches, productive power and wealth, and commanding the resources of the continent through her metropolis, the second city of the world, and opportunity. It is her pride and pleasure to attract and welcome the citizens of all the sister states. The people of the south, the west and the Pacific have found hospitable homes in the Empire state in numbers greater than the population of many cities in those sections. These fraternal ties intertwining with the bonds of patriotism and common interest bind our states together in one indissoluble union, and makes us all one people, of one country and under one flag.

The inspiring peroration which closed Mr. Depew's address was followed by another popular demonstration, and then the crowd pressed forward to the stage, where a short informal reception occurred.

Upon the conclusion of the exercises at the Auditorium the members of the New York party and the exposition officials proceeded to one of the viaduct cafes, where dinner was served, the members of the New York exposition commission being the hosts. The dinner was an informal affair and was without oratory. One remarkable feature was the fact that at the table there was more capital represented in a business way than at any gathering every before seen in the city. It is estimated that the men who were around the board represented not less than $200,000,000, nearly all of which is employed in trade or in the operation of railroads and railroad equipment.

After their lunch the distinguished New Yorkers separated into groups and visited the buildings that interested them most. At 3 o'clock they all met at the New York State building and under the guidance of Major Clarkson proceeded to the Indian congress, where they watched the sham battle from seats that had been reserved for them. To most of the party this was something new, as many of them had never before seen Indians, except the wooden articles in front of cigar stores. The charging of the forces and the retreat, together with the treatment of the captives, interested them very much and many of them expressed the opinion that if the exposition was without other features, seeing the battle would be well worth the time and expense of a journey from New York.


War Balloon Makes Its First Successful Ascension.

Yeesterday​ afternoon the atmospheric conditions were perfect for ballooning, and as a result the war balloon made the only successful ascension since its arrival several weeks ago. The day before the big bag got away and shot up into the air, but the upper currents of air were strong and it drifted with the wind. Yesterday afternoon, however, there was scarcely a breeze when the balloon was cut loose, and the same conditions prevailed up in the strata where it soared.

Just after 2 o'clock Sergeant Briede took Sergeants Barton and Lockart into the confidence and informed them that he proposed to give the people an exhibition of fine ballooning. The three men jumped into the basket, Briede standing on the edges and hanging to the guy ropes over his head, with his companions beneath him, signalled the men having charge of the lifting apparatus to cut loose. The bags of ballast were cast off and the balloon commenced to rise. It went up in an almost perpendicular direction until it reached a height of 800 feet, when it stopped. Barton and Lockart threw out some ballast and higher and higher the bag shot until it reached an elevation of 1,000 feet and not 100 feet either side of the starting point.

From their high perch the men in the basket placed themselves in telephonic connection with the operator on the ground, informing him that they had a beautiful view of the surrounding country, and that up where they were doing business the weather was even more perfect than down on the earth.

From its elevation the balloon was drawn down by the windlass to which the cable is attached, and anchored with the bags of ballast until 5 o'clock, when another ascension was made, which was equally as successful as the one of the early afternoon.

The balloon used yesterday was not one that was in service during the recent war with Spain. It was made for the purpose and sent south, but before it reached Cuban soil the war was over and the bag was sent back to the balloon station at Washington and from there sent direct to Omaha. It carries 25,000 cubic feet of gas and is made of the strongest canvas, varnished both inside and out.

Speaking of the trips made yesterday Sergeant Briede said: "It was one of the most delightful ones in my nine years' experience in ballooning. All of the conditions were perfect. Up in the air the wind, what little there was, was as fresh and balmy as spring. The atmosphere was as clear as a bell and cities and towns thirty and forty miles away could be seen. Off to the southeast we could see the town of Glenwood, over in Iowa. The winding course of the Missouri river could be followed [?] To the south we could see Plattsbouth​ and way off to the west the town of Ashland was visible. The fringe of timber along the Platte could be distinguished, while Fremont was plainly in view. Off toward the north we could see Blair, nestling in the hills along the bluffs of the Missouri river. The country to the west and north resembled a great chess board, dotted with the farms upon which the houses and other buildings might be taken for chess men.

"People who have never been up in balloons have no idea of the beauties that are spread out below them. There is something about the business that is fascinating. People who climb to the top of a high mountain and look over the landscape think that is a beautiful sight, but it is nothing to what may be seen from a balloon that is 1,000 or more feet in the air."

Sergeant Briede, while not one of the oldest navigators of the air, is one of the successful ones. He was not at Santiago, but he was in active service at Washington during the recent war and there had charge of all of the balloons that were sent south. He is a young man, 23 years of age, and has been ballooning since he was a boy of 15. Prior to enlisting he was a balloonist who gave exhibitions of balloon work in mid air. He used the hot air balloons frequently and made parachute leaps from the dizzy heights. He has met with numerous accidents and carries a crippled ankle and any number of scars as mementos of his trips through the air.


Thousands of Visitors Promised Fail to Show Up.

While yesterday was designated as Twin City day it lacked most of the essential features required of a day in order to make it a success. It has been stated, and the information had been given out, that thousands of the residents of Minneapolis and St. Paul would be here for the purpose of seeing the exposition and joining the thousands from other cities and towns in the United States. But instead of the great crowds coming down from the two big towns of Minnesota, only a couple of hundred of visitors arrived. Those who did come, however, had a good time and felt amply repaid for the trip. They visited the Minnesota building, where they checked their parcels, after which they started out to do the exposition. They did not get half way around when the gates closed for the night, finding it a much bigger show than they had anticipated.

The Minnesotians will remain over today and Monday, and some of them will be back again, coming to participate in the exercises of Jubilee week. The advices from Minnesota are to the effect that during Jubilee week several excursion trains will run from St. Paul and Minneapolis, and that thousands of the residents of the state will be here upon that occasion.

Last night the visitors from St. Paul and Minneapolis had something of a reunion at the Minnesota building. They spent the early part of the evening along the Midway and at the fireworks. Soon after 10 o'clock the entire party, together with a number of invited guests gathered at the Minnesota building, where an informal reception was held, Secretary Danforth and Commissioner Field doing the honors for the occasion. There was music during the evening. Upstairs light refreshments and cigars were served to all who called. By those who were in attendance it was voted one of the most delightful "at homes" held on the grounds since the opening of the exposition.


Sham Battle Proves an Interesting Attraction for Them.

All the New Yorkers viewed the sham battle fought by the Indians yesterday and after it was over they pronounced it one of the sights of a life time. Few of the distinguished visitors from the Empire state had ever seen western Indians and their methods employed in peace and war proved most interesting.

The battle was fought along the same old lines, Goes-to-War looking after the interests of the Sioux, while Big Brave was the guiding star of the Blackfeet. There was the same brilliant charge made by the Sioux, routing their enemies, and in turn there was the return charge of the Blackfeet, who had been reinfroced​ by a lot of Indians who had been loafing down among the trees on the west side of the camp. The same old program was carried out and in the final charge the Sioux were outnumbered and routed, leaving their pretended dead upon the field.

After the battle Chauncey M. Depew and the members of his party, under the guidance of Captain Mercer and the exposition officials, visited the camp and looked in upon the Indians, shaking hands with some of the big men of the tribes and admiring the little fellows.

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"Step right this way if you want to ride on the smallest railroad on earth," sang out the Midway barker in front of the Union Pacific's miniature railway.

Two distinguished looking gentlemen approached and surveyed the curious little railroad with evident interest. "We might take a ride on it, Mr. Depew," remarked President Callaway of the New York Central, for the two strangers were the two great railroaders of the Empire state.

"We'll just do that very thing," replied Chauncey. "I've ridden on the greatest railroad on earth a good many times, so I guess I'll have to ride on the smallest to make my record good."

So the protectors of the Vanderbilt railways in New York state bought two tickets at 10 cents each. As they were not known they received no free transportation and they wouldn't think of asking for half rates. Both the visitors found the seats of the little cars none too large. At first they were dubious about the capacity of the cars, but they were assured that the train had often carried bigger men, from the consideration of avoirdupois.

The whistle gave a shriek as long as the train and much bigger, and the chief executive officers of the four-tracked railway across the Empire state were soon being whirled past Julesburg, Cheyenne, Rawlins, Ogden and into Salt Lake City at a rate of speed that made their heads swim. As they were jarred up and down in their seats President Callaway leaned over to his predecessor in the next car to remark: "I've ridden on smoother roads in my lifetime."

"Yes, the track isn't like ours and I guess they forgot springs in building the coaches, but then think how cheap the trip is—all the way to Salt Lake and back for 10 cents."

When the trip was completed they got out of the little train adorned with Union Pacific shields and were cordially greeted by the manager of the miniature railway, who during their ride had been informed of the identity of his two heavyweight passengers. He said he would send them passes good for rides on the "Miniature Limited," on which free transportation is not ordinarily accepted, and Dr. Depew smilingly remarked that he should be glad to reciprocate the favor.

The fireworks display was also exceptionally brilliant. It included twenty-two distinct features, a large portion of which consisted of elaborate set pieces. Of these the most notable were the spiral Phoenix, a portrait of Chauncey M. Depew and the "Sunrise on the Alps."

Attendance for the Week.

Ak-Sar-Ben week did not break the record of exposition attendance, but it easily reached second place. The total for the seven days was 148,025, which was only exceeded by the big week which ended September 22, when the grand total was over 189,000. The record for the week is:

Week Ending October 1.Week Ending October 8.
Sunday 16,035 15,925
Monday 15,759 15,266
Tuesday 16,396 19,998
Wednesday 19,474 29,539
Thursday 20,395 27,473
Friday 19,540 23,662
Saturday 21,251 26,162
Average 18,407 21,003


In the early stages of the Transmississippi Exposition many men in this community and not a few influential newspapers throughout the country expressed doubt that exposition could be fairly adjudged beneficial to cities projecting them. These cities at home and abroad were not slow to assert a belief that the financial success of the Omaha Exposition was highly problematical. Their opinions were based upon the experience of Chicago, Atlanta and Nashville. Nobody could gainsay the extraordinary success of the Columbian fair in an artistic sense but the financial distress which followed in its wake was cited as an example of the ill-effects of expositions upon cities standing as sponsors for such undertakings. Atlanta was cited as a partial failure, while the success of the Nashville fair was open to some question.

The projectors of the Transmississippi Exposition discounted all these predictions of disaster and forged ahead. They knew that the stressful conditions following the Columbian fair were in no sense attributable to that exposition, but rather to foolhardy speculators who operated in real estate and in the building of topheavy structures in the city to an extent out of all proportion to possible demands and in spite of the dictates of sound business principles. They argued further that business conditions in Chicago would have been much more direful but for the benefits directly traceable to the World's Fair. The opinion prevailed here that success or failure at Atlanta or Nashville could have no bearing on the destiny of the Transmississippi Exposition.

Time has justified the sanguine expectations of the men who bore the burdens of financiering and promoting the exposition and its phenomenal success in the face of an international war and other serious obstacles has not only caused a radical revision of opinion among local croakers, but it has compelled recognition at the hands of the press all over the United States, which now frankly concedes the Transmississippi Exposition to be, just what its projectors contended, an enterprise second only to the World's Fair. The effect upon the country at large is simply amazing. The promoters of the Panamerican exposition at Buffalo, it is said, will revise that project in view of the success scored by the Omaha affair, while St. Louis is now earnestly discussing a celebration of the centenary of the Louisiana purchase for the year 1903.

There is no longer room for question as to the benefits Omaha and the Transmississippi country are enjoying by reason of the exposition. The city has been by it lifted to a higher plane in the estimation of the world, for a city which can prove itself equal to a task of such magnitude is entitled to and will receive encomiums of merit that must continue to be of inestimable value to it for years to come.


Prominent Commercial Men from Metropolis Represent the Empire State.

New York's delegation to the exposition as the official representatives of the Empire state in the special exercises at the exposition arrived in Omaha yesterday morning over the Northwestern. The train ran as a special to Chicago and from there to Omaha it was scheduled as the second section of the Overland Limited. The members of the delegation are not so prominent in the political world, but are leading business men of the metropolis and are substantial representatives of the big state. Among the delegates are the following:

Representing the New York Produce exchange: Frank Brainard, F. H. Andrews, John Valient, Frank Commisky, J. W. Ahles, John Gledhill, E. A. Allen, W. E. Truesdale, E. H. Dougherty, Daniel T. Wade, S. T. Graff.

Representing New York Chamber of Commerce: Warner Miller, Charles A. Schieren, Francis B. Thurber, Richard Young, Henry A. Spaulding, D. S. Ramser.

From Buffalo: Captain J. M. Brinker, F. C. M. Lantz, R. C. Hill, A. C. Essenwein, Major G. Creighton Webb, F. D. Higbee, E. W. Curtis, jr., and D. Van Aken.

In addition to these there are Chauncey M. Depew, S. R. Callaway, Dr. Seward Webb, Marvin Hughitt, W. H. Newman and W. E. Eby, who came in on their special train Friday afternoon.

Yesterday morning the delegation was met at the Paxton hotel by General Manager Clarkson and at 10:30 the members entered carriages provided by the exposition and were driven straight to the grounds, where the exercises took place.

The delegates from Buffalo embrace the officers of the Panamerican Exposition company, who are planning an exposition to be held in their city in 1901. They are: J. M. Brinker, president; F. C. Lantz, treasurer; R. C. Hill, secretary; A. C. Essenwein and E. W. Curtis, jr., architects, and F. D. Higbee, superintendent of concessions. They will study the exposition in all its phases and consult with the officers as to details of building and management to prepare themselves for the work before them.

Boston Bankers at Exposition.

A party of Boston bankers have stopped in Omaha for a day to visit the exposition while on a western tour. They will leave Sunday evening, continuing their trip. The following are in the party: Thomas S. Carpenter, Charles E. Redfern, Denman Blanchard, James R. Simpson, Eugene French, Phineas W. Sprague, George O. Knowles, Frederick H. Mills, David Thayer, Albert D. Thayer, E. Henry Barnes, H. Fisher Eldridge, Willard B. Ferguson, Frederick A. Gilbert, Arthur L. Robinson, James S. Sanborn and James F. Shaw. While in the city the visitors stopped at the Millard.


Women Gather Together to Discuss the Welfare of Children.


First Session is Given Over Largely to Welcoming Visiting Delegates and an Informal Reception.

The opening session of the Mothers' congress at the Omaha Woman's club rooms yesterday afternoon was devoted to welcoming the guests. After the formal meeting an informal reception was tendered the visiting club women and the officers of the National Mothers' congress. Conspicuous among the many world-famed women were the president, Mrs. Theodore W. Birney, of Washington; recording secretary, Mrs. Sallie S. Cotton, of Falkland, N. C.; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Vesta H. Cassidy, of National Park seminary, Glen Forest, Md.; treasurer, Mrs. Hardin W. Masters, of Lewiston, Ill.; Mrs. Mary H. Weeks of Kansas City; Miss Amelie Hofer and Miss France Newton of Chicago, Dr. Mary Wood Allen of Ann Arbor, Mrs. Hollenberger of Virginia and Miss Moten of Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Ford called the congress to order and after a few words of hearty pleasure at seeing so many people present, introduced Mrs. Harriette Heller, who formally welcomed the mothers.

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After a most cordial greeting and a mention of the youth of the congress, Mrs. Heller said: "Though we are a Mothers' congress we are in our infancy. But youth bears no discredit. The mightiest oak was once a feeble shoot. And that great and good man whom we are soon to welcome here in Omaha was once a little child, young and helpless. As he has grown great, so we must and shall grow.

Mother Needs to Study.

"People think nothing of live stock shows, doctors' conventions and the like, but they are inclined to scoff at a Mothers' congress. Yet there are different ways of caring for children. And the mother who occasionally leaves her child, yet not without pangs, to discuss the best methods of child culture, returns more able and competent. As music stimulates man and makes him stronger, so a rest stimulates the mother in her care for her child. Recently I visited the electrical plant that supplies the myriads of electric lights that make our exposition so beautiful by night. I found a lot of machinery and belts, with lubricating devices and copper heads which caused a multitude of sparks. These were the instruments which cast the light. And it occurred to me that our congress was like that power house, the machinery, belts and lubricating device by which light is cast in every home."

Mrs. Birney, the national president, responded to the welcome. "It gives me great pleasure to hear these words of welcome and to attend the exposition. When Mrs. Hellen extended the invitation to us we wondered if we could accept, for October is a busy month for mothers. But we wanted to get in closer touch with the women of the west and we came.

"Nothing appeals to us more than the helplessness of children and to aid that helplessness our Mothers' congress was formed. It is but two years old and it depends on women whether it grows as it deserves or falls by the wayside.

"In my moments of distress, which come to us all, I seem to see visions of thousands of little hands stretched out appealingly to me. Some are from palatial homes, where nothing is lacking, others from the less fortunate. No work or sacrifice can be too great to bring happiness to these children."

Mrs. Cotton, Miss Cassidy, Mrs. Muller, Miss Hofer and Miss Newton were then presented in turn to the audience and expressed their pleasure and delight in being here.

Colored Teacher Talks.

Mrs. Heller next introduced Miss Moten of Washington, the colored kindergarten teacher who has done so much for her fellowmen. Miss Moten said: "I thank you many times for my cordial reception. I bear to you messages of love and sympathy from all our mothers; for the colored mothers are fully alive to all questions and especially to that of their children. In our young of today their interest chiefly centers. Though the position of our present and future generations is vastly above that of former times it is not what we hope to see it.

"Since certain conditions exist we must not close our eyes to them. The solution depends upon the mothers of the land. They shape the destinies of nations; for the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

"We wish to make the most of our opportunities. We can show you a generation of young men and women of which you can be proud. But we need your aid and support. Do for us what all other nations have done for their oppressed; for we can never aspire unless you inspire.

"There is a large class of colored men and women who have never known the horrors of antebellum days. Break down the barrier and we will help you. We feel that the child is the bridge on which we shall meet. But you must not make us feel inferior."

In a burst of applause Miss Moten sat down.

A telegram of greeting and best wishes from the Salt Lake City and a letter from the South Dakota branches were then read. Mrs. Heller announced that a mass meeting would be held at the First Congregational church this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The following program will occupy the congress today and Monday:

Sunday afternoon: Mass meeting; devotional exercises; brief addresses by Mrs. Theodore Birney of Washington, Miss Amalie Hofer, Miss Frances Newton and Mrs. Elia W. Peattie of Chicago, and Mrs. W. P. Harford and Mrs. H. H. Heller of Omaha.

Monday morning: Open conference; informal discussion of matters connected with home and school; organization of mothers' clubs; questions and answers.

Monday afternoon: Paper, "Result of the Training School in Washington for Colored Kindergartens," Dr. Lucy Moten; address, "Mother and Teacher," Mrs. Vesta H. Cassidy, Washington, D. C., corresponding secretary National Congress of Mothers; discussion.

Monday evening: Address, "A National Training School for Women," Mrs. Sallie S. Cotton, Falkland, N. C., recording secretary National Congress of Mothers; address, "Methods of Organization," Mrs. Mary H. Weeks, Kansas City, auditor National Congress of Mothers; discussion, led by Mrs. A. C. Ricketts of Lincoln, Mrs. McMullen of Evanston, Ill., Mrs. Mary S. Lockwood, Washington, D. C., Mrs. Sudborough, Mrs. Ford of Omaha and others.


National Association of Women Will Meet Here This Week.

On Thursday and Friday, in this series of women's meetings, will be held the sixth annual meeting of the National Household Economic association. Like a majority of the rest of the gatherings of the week, this body claims as its confines the bounds of the country, and delegates will be prominent women from all sections. They will arrive during the early days of the week and during their stay in the city will be entertained by the women of the Omaha Woman's club at their homes. The entertainment and the meeting will be under the direction of the directors of the Household department of the local club, Mrs. C. H. Townsend and Mrs. M. M. Pugh.

The meetings of the association will take place at the First Congregational church. The attendance will be by no means limited to the membership of the association, or of the Omaha Woman's club, but every person who is interested in the home is cordially invited to be present. A program full of interest has been prepared for the meeting and will be of a highly educational value. It is as follows:

Thursday morning: Prayer, Rev. Mary Gerard Andrews; music; address of welcome, Mrs. Mary Moody Pugh, Omaha; response, Mrs. Emma F. Van Vechten, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; reports of state vice presidents.

Thursday afternoon: Music; "The Problems which the Present Century Presents to the Housekeeper," Mrs. M. V. Shailer, New York; "Household Economics in the Schools," Miss Ellen F. Marshall and Miss Isabella D. Bullard, Chicago; "Household Economics in the Rural Districts," Prof. Marie B. Senn, Fargo, N. D.; "How May Women be the Most Useful and Successful?" Mrs. W. K. James, St. Joseph, Mo.

Thursday evening: "How to Finish the Home," Mrs. Kate H. Watson, Chicago; president's address, Mary E. Green, M. D., Charlotte, Mich.; reception.

Friday morning: Demonstration lecture; "What May be Done with Fifty Cents a Day in Preparing Food for a Family of Four," Mrs. Harriet S. MacMurphy, Omaha; "How May Every Woman Become a Sanitarian?"

Friday afternoon: Music; "The relation of Women to the Labor Problem," Mrs. Maude H. Lacy, St. Louis, Mo.; "Economy of Time, Money and Labor," Mrs. James D. Whitmire, Denver, Colo.; "The Necessity of Instructing Children Concerning Their Prospective Conjugal and Parental Duties," Susa Young Gates, Provo City, Utah; discussion, led by Mrs. Emma F. Van Vetchen, Cedar Rapids, Ia.


Officers of the General Federation Will Be Present.

Tuesday, October 11, immediately following the Mothers' congress, which concludes its three days' session tomorrow, the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs meets in annual session at the First Congregational church. The officers of the federation are as follows: President, Mrs. B. M. Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth; vice president, Mrs. E. M. Cobb, York; secretary, Mrs. Draper Smith, Omaha; treasurer, Mrs. M. V. Nichols, Beatrice; auditor, Mrs. E. S. Larsh, Nebraska City; state chairman of the general federation, Mrs. Ricketts, Lincoln; librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln.

The opening meeting, which convenes Tuesday at 9 a. m., will be devoted largely to business, reports from the various clubs, committees, etc. Mrs. A. N. Ferguson, first vice president of the Omaha Woman's club, will give the address of welcome and Mrs. Brindley, president of the Columbus club, will respond. The musical numbers will be contributed by Mesdames J. H. McIntosh and J. H. Metcalf.

The afternoon session will commence promptly at 2:30. Mrs. Snyder of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Harrison of York, Mrs. Apperson of Tecumseh, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Wilson, both of Lincoln, are the speakers. Following the address the annual election of officers will take place.

The opening address Tuesday evening will be given by Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, after which the officers of the general federation will be introduced. Mrs. Lowe of Georgia is president, Mrs. Platt of Colorado is vice president, Mrs. Fox of Michigan is re-[?]sylvania is corresponding secretary, Mrs. Moore of Missouri is treasurer and Mrs. Barnes of Kentucky is auditor. The musical portion of the program will be rendered by Mr. Dan H. Wheeler, jr., and Miss Louise Kellogg. The annual address, by Mrs. Stoutenborough, state federation president, will close the meeting.

Wednesday will usher in the larger club gathering, the Transmississippi Congress of Women's clubs, which continue for two days. The program committee comprises the presidents of the Transmississippi Federated clubs, namely; Mrs. Scammon of Missouri, Mrs. Thatcher of Colorado, Mrs. Van Vechten of Iowa, Mrs. Tuller of North Dakota, Mrs. Peters of Kansas, Miss Evans of Minnesota and Mrs. Stoutenborough of Nebraska. Mrs. Philip N. Moore will preside at the opening session, which convenes at 9:30. Two addresses, "Traveling Libraries," by Mrs. Bachwalter of Ohio, and "Rest Rooms in Market Towns," by Mrs. Giddings of Minnesota (both to be followed by discussion), together with two musical numbers, constitute the program.

President McKinley will address the afternoon meeting, which will be held in the Auditorium at the exposition grounds, commencing at 3:30. The program, which will be presided over by Mrs. Lowe, is as follows: Organ solo, Mr. Thomas J. Kelly; vocal solo, Mrs. Cotton; address, "The Unlimited Club," Mrs. Platt of Denver; piano solo, Mr. Joseph Gahm; greetings from President McKinley.

Thursday's meetings, both morning and afternoon, will be held at the Congregational church, the former beginning at 9 o'clock and the latter at 2:30. The morning program opens with music by Mrs. H. P. Whitmore. Addresses will be delivered by Miss Cole of Denver, on "The Bible as Literature;" by Miss Lathrop of Hull House on "Philanthropy and Charities," and by Miss Rockwell of Kansas on "Evolution in the American Home." Miss Oakley of Lincoln will sing.

The afternoon program includes addresses on "Club Life in California" and "Pioneer Club Life in Oklahoma," by Mesdames Moore and Douglas respectively; a vocal solo by Miss Terry and a piano duet by Miss Connor and Mrs. McIntosh.

There will be no formal program Thursday evening. Instead, in the club parlors, a reception will be given visiting club women by the Omaha Women's club.

As if all this, in addition to "Club Day" in June, were not sufficient compensation for Omaha not entertaining the "biennial," the board of directors of the general federation meets in our city at this time. The personnel of the board is as follows: Mrs. Bachwalter, Ohio; Mrs. Morris, Wisconsin; Mrs. Eastman, California; Mrs. Ford, Nebraska; Mrs. Kinney, Utah; Mrs. Helmuth, New York, Mrs. Pyle, Connecticut; Mrs. Windsor, Iowa, and Mrs. Lockwood, Washington, D. C. Then, too, the annual meeting of the National Household Economic association, October 13 and 14, will bring many representative women. The president of the association, Dr. Mary E. Green of Michigan, is chairman of the program committee. The list of speakers includes women not only from the western states but many from the Atlantic coast as well, who will give interesting addresses on helpful and practical subjects.

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Second Best in the History of the Exposition and Larger One Coming.

Gives the Total Admissions a Long Push Toward the 2,000,000 Mark.

One Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thousand Clicks of the Turnstile During Seven Days.

Splendid Average Attendance With No Particularly Strong Attraction at the Grounds.

Comparison During the Past Fortnight--Signalling by the Corps--Sham Battle of the Reds.

Saturday's Admissions,26,162
Total for Week158,021
Total Admissions1,867,556

These are the days of big attendance at the exposition, as compared with all previous records, for the week ending last night is the second best to date, the first being the week ending September 24. So accustomed to the big events of the last week have people become, that they fail to realize that the pace is rapidly increasing, but it is, and will take a sprint this week that will pass the best of the records.

The three big weeks to date are:

Ending September 24189,615
Ending last night158,021
Ending September 3135,213

The figures putting the last week at second place were hardly excepted, but none the less gratifying. There were no particularly big days that served as markers, but a steady enthusiasm that counted well at the gates, which registered the 158,921, as against 128,855 of the week before.


The comparison in days with the week before shows this:

Week before.Last week.
Sunday 16,684 15,238
Monday 15,857 15,264
Tuesday 16,396 19,999
Wednesday 19,464 29,473
Thursday 20,388 27,423
Friday 19,530 23,613
Saturday 21,255 26,162

Honors are shared equally in showing this effective result between the live stock show, yet good till October 20, and the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. Special days contributing largely were Pennsylvania and Ohio days Tuesday, and New York, Twin City and Good Roads day yesterday.


Signalling by balloons, flags and heliographs, was given practical demonstrations along all lines yesterday afternoon by the signal corps attached to the war department exhibit, even to carrying a wounded officer from the field.

In the afternoon three ascensions were made by the big captive balloon, and signalling with flags was carried on from one end of the lagoon to the other. At night, signalling by acetyline​ lamps, much after the style of the heliographs by day, was tried with good success till an acetyline​ reservoir exploded, and blew pieces of metal into Captain Yancey's arm. The concussion caused it to become swollen to several times its normal size in a very short time. No results of a serious nature are anticipated.


With their usual avidity, the warlike Indians of the congress on the exposition grounds dashed into a frisky sham battle yesterday afternoon for the benefit of several thousand spectators. It was another blood curdling chapter in the long standing war between the Sioux and their friends, and the Blackfeet with another crowd of allies, truces always being declared when the ammunition gives out and the warriors get hungry. Sham battles are slated for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. The camp will be given a thorough scrubbing up and dressing down tomorrow.

Half of the Crow Creek Indian band arrived Friday night, and ten more musicians are expected today. Fourteen Winnebagos arrived yesterday to join their friends here. A delegation of big chiefs is expected from the Sioux reservations tomorrow.


Dairymen will not only jubilate on account of peace the coming Tuesday, but will discuss the ins and outs of butter and cheese making at a congress in the Dairy building, at 2 p. m. Many prominent dairymen from over the entire country west of Ohio are expected.

Addresses will be delivered by President Wattles of the exposition, Governor Hoard of Wisconsin, Hon. W. A. Poynter of Nebraska, Prof. Hoecker of Minnesota, and Prof. Curtiss of the Iowa state agricultural college. The guests of the day will be L. S. Gates, P. G. Henderson, J. C. Daly and W. K. Boardman of Iowa; Hon. John Mathieson of Minnesota; C. F. Armstrong of Kansas, and the officers of the National Buttermakers' association.

Exposition Notes.

E. F. Self, a marine of the detachment of eight of the heroes of Guantanamo who arrived Friday to assist in the navy exhibit, was taken sick yesterday with malarial fever and is now in the hospital. The malaria in his system was a souvenir of the campaign in Cuba. There are seven able-bodied men left to take the next relief in answering the incessant fire of questions which have simply driven the men on duty to the point where they are almost speechless.

E. P. Noland, the phonograph spieler who received a blow that crushed his jaw in a quarrel with a larger man Friday, will be sent to his old home in Des Moines this morning. In addition to the broken jaw, Noland was already minus one leg and suffering from a rupture. The Midway spielers passed around the hat yesterday and raised a purse of over $50 for the poor fellow.

George Cook was arrested last night on the exposition grounds by Police Sergeant Bebout on the charge of being implicated with D. R. McGuire in picking the pockets of J. M. Bradford of Deadwood.

Dr. Minor C. Baldwin, a musical artist of widespread reputation, is in the city, and has kindly consented to give the usual organ recital tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Auditorium.

The opening musical event of Peace Jubilee week, the grand sacred concert, will be given at the Auditorium by Innes' band this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

A. C. Esenwein is the architect of the Pan-American exposition and will spend much of his time in studying the buildings and general architecture of the grounds. He has visited all the great expositions, and will pass several days in Omaha. He has a large force of men at work on the great buildings to be erected at Buffalo. He said he had heard much of the Omaha architecture, and had no criticism to make. He had see the pictures, and the work was that of a masterhand.

Minnesotans at the Exposition.

An even dozen Minnesotians arrived in the city yesterday, traveling in a special sleeper on the St. Paul & Omaha road. The delegation came to see the exposition, and most of them will remain in the city until after the coming of President McKinley. G. H. MacRae, assistant general passenger agent of the St. Paul & Omaha, was in charge of the excursion. The party is composed of W. D. McNaughton of the passenger department of the Erie line, W. L. Wyland of the Michigan Central, W. G. Calving and G. H. MacRae, all of St. Paul; A. W. Warnock and C. J. Tuller of the Journal, Minneapolis; H. J. Smith, C. P. McClure, C. C. Joslyn and A. W. Harrison, judge of the supreme court of Minnesota, all of Minneapolis, and E. W. Kuehn of Wabasha, Minn. They are at the Dellone hotel.

Twin City day at the exposition is creditably well patronized. The St. Paul & Omaha this morning brought in a fine train, there being twelve coaches, well filled. The Twin City people filled two coaches, numbering something over 100. Many of these got off at the exposition, and some forty or fifty came on to the city. The Minnesotans will return home Sunday evening.

Children from the North.

Two carloads of little people came in this morning on the St. Paul & Omaha, from Emerson and intervening points. They were let out at the exposition, and immediately started on a run for a good time. They will return to their homes tonight.

Sidelights on Exposition.

Despite his declination of the invitation to take in the Ak-Sar-Ben ball, Dr. Depew, with President Calloway and others of the New York party were induced to drop in at the ball. They stayed an hour or so and were presented at court.

D. R. McGuire, who lays claim to residence in South Omaha, was arrested by Guard Murphy at the Manderson gate late Friday night on the charge of picking the pockets of J. M. Bradford, an exposition visitor from Deadwood, stopping at the Arcade. It is charged that by some coincidence Bradford's purse and $5 was found in McGuire's pocket, all of which McGuire says that he will explain later.


General Manderson's resolution providing for the compilation of a history of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition is timely, and the plan suggested in the resolution will meet with the unqualified approval of all people who desire to have the history of this great enterprise fairly and comprehensively written. The preparation of a history of the exposition will involve an immense amount of labor, and the hardest task for those who do the work will be to keep out matter rather than finding matter.

The history of the exposition will be in many respects the history of the great west. The development of the Trans-Mississippi country has taken place within the memory of many men and women who have not yet reached the meridian of life, and thousands who saw the sod broken where prosperous cities now stand and who saw the mighty herds of buffalo roaming the free prairies have been privileged to see the exposition the material evidences of a progress and development that have been the admiration and the wonder of the world. From the sod house of a new west to the majestic palaces of the exposition is but a short distance measured in actual time, but in development the distance is greater than ever before covered in a century of time. The Trans-Mississippi exposition's history will be a literary monument to the indomitable energy that has made, west of the Mississippi river within a generation, an industrial empire that heretofore centuries have not equalled.

The men selected to write the history of the great exposition will have an arduous duty to perform. It will be their duty to give credit to all the forces that contributed to the success of the exposition—credit alike to the capitalist who gave of his abundance and to the laborer who gave his mite. It will not be their duty to single out any one man or any particular coterie of men and say that to him or to them is the credit due. The credit is due to all the forces that have combined to made it possible for the great west to erect and carry to a successful conclusion the greatest exposition save one in the history of civilization. It must be the history of an enterprise, of a country, of a people. Such a history will be an inspiration to greater exertion in the development of the boundless resources of the fairest country that man has been privileged to own and utilize.

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Dr. Chauncey Depew and Other Distinguished Guests Given a Banquet.

Sparkling Wit of Visitors and Local After Dinner Speakers Entertain the Company.

The Doctor Tells of His Experience on the Midway and They All Compare Notes--The Toasts.

The Omaha club house was filled with lights, flowers, music and with some six score guests last night. It was for the banquet given by former sons of New York and sons of other states to Chauncey Depew, members of the New York Trans-Mississippi commission, the mayor of Buffalo and officers of the Pan-American exposition.

Dr. Depew sat at the right of E. M. Bartlett, toastmaster; General Cowin at the right of Dr. Depew, ex-Senator Warner Miller next, John L. Webster and Captain Brinker next, with Judge Wakeley and W. H. Roberson to the left of Dr. Depew, and beyond them Major Creighton Webb, President Wattles, F. B. Thurber and W. E. Corwine. Other prominent New Yorkers were: Frank Brainard, S. C. Mead, ex-Mayor Schierren of Brooklyn and Jacob Amos, H. B. Hebert and Major Wheeler of the New York Trans-Mississippi commission, of which commission Major Webb is also a member, and Secretary Loutz and Secretary Hill of the Pan-American exposition, of which Captain Brinker is president.

The menu cards were printed on Indian tepees, and with each was a copy of the dainty volume of Mrs. Giffen and Bright Eyes—Oo-Mah-Ha Ta-Wa-Tha.


Among the resident guests were:

E. Dickinson, Henry W. Yates, C. F. Weller, G. F. Bidwell, E. M. Bartlett, W. H. Roberson, M. T. Barlow, F. P. Kirkendall, Luther Drake, J. H. Evans, Judge E. Wakeley, H. T. Clarke, W. I. Kierstead, C. W. Lyman, Michael Cudahy, W. Farnam Smith, George E. Pritchett, J. H. Millard, G. W. Wattles, I. W. Carpenter, W. M. Burgess, C. K. Coutant, R. S. Hall, J. J. Dickey, J. H. McCulloch, Thomas Kilpatrick, E. W. Dixon, A. U. Wyman, W. F. Wyman, J. J. Brown, T. H. O'Neill, E. L. Bierbower, W. S. Balduff, E. J. Cornish, B. B. Wood, R. C. Peters, W. F. Allen, Judge Baker, Edgar Allen, F. W. Nash, General J. C. Cowin, Captain Palmer, E. W. Simeral, W. J. Fischer, M. C. Peters, C. F. Hayward, T. W. Taliaferro, Charles J. Greene, F. H. Gaines, D. F. Hurd, G. W. Rainey, H. L. Cummings, J. W. Thomas, Dr. Crummer, P. C. Moriarty, O. S. Hoffman, H. H. Baldrige, W. S. Heller, W. S. Wright, Robert Dempster, Judge Baxter, B. G. Burbank, J. W. Hamilton, H. K. Burket, Guy C. Barton, Frank Murphy, G. M. Lambertson, John L. Webster, E. L. Lomax, P. E. Iler, Edward Rosewater, Congressman Mercer, H. F. Roberson, General Dundy, S. O. Barkalow, Rev. Dr. Butler, Joseph Polcar and S. F. Woodbrige.

Dr. Depew was currenly​ reported to have ordered his iron horse for 10:30, but the steed was champing his bit long after that hour and the great New Yorker evidently was enjoying the gathering and much at his ease. Nobody noted the flight of time, even when Rev. Dr. Butler remarked by way of benediction that Sunday was drawing near and that all hoped for a banquet hereafter which would not be broken up.

Mr. Bartlett presided gracefully with brief and pointed presentations of the speakers.

Rev. Dr. Butler, as substitute for General Manderson, who was not able to be present, delivered a witty speech that took with the guests immensely, his toast being "Our Guests."

John L. Webster, responding to "What Are We Here For?" spoke eloquently of the exposition as illustrating the building of fifteen sovereign states and four organized territories out of what was Indian land fifty years ago.


Dr. Depew's speech was characteristic. He replied to Dr. Butler's joke that he had been told if he would only shave his head and remove his hairwhiskers he would resemble Dr. Depew—and the New Yorker threatened that unless Dr. Butler shaved he himself would grow hair. He had been through the Midway, he said, with Senator Miller under guidance of Major Clarkson, and when the major had asked "Where on the Midway would you go?" he had answered, "Whatever the puritanical managers of this exposition have licensed, that I want to see." The Midway fakirs had recognized him and one had hailed him with "Chauncey, come in here, we don't dance with our feet." And Brother Miller, who is a deacon of a Methodist church in the Mohawk valley, had asked how they could get out of a place that they were told was a "gymnasium." He himself had noticed one of the most muscular of the dancers wore on her sack a New York produce exchange badge—but these gentlemen were a long way from home.

Touching on politics Dr. Depew said that in the campaign of '88, when some friends had proposed him for candidate for presidency of the United States, the Nebraska delegation had come to him and told him that if he stuck on long enough he would be doubtless nominated and elected—and the Nebraskans had warned him that if such a monopolist as he were elected then Nebraska, which was republican, would go populist or democratic. He had told them that the present conditions did not count for much, but if Nebraska could be kept republican for 100 years if he withdrew—as they promised it would—he would withdraw. And he had withdrawn. And Nebraska had voted all ways since. (Laughter.)


Speaking of his trip through Nebraska two years ago in company with Cornelius Vanderbilt, Dr. Depew said the people then said that they could not market their stock or grain or pay their mortgages because the railways oppressed them. Since that time Nebraska has been resurrected. And the railways are no better to the people than they were then. What has brought about the change? The people have set about solving their problems for themselves instead of believing the fictitious things that somebody had been telling them. Then the speaker enlarged upon education and declared that the university was to be the redemption of Nebraska. Then the places for cattle ranges will be cattle ranges and the places for corn and what and Nebraska will be the same every year.

In closing Dr. Depew complimented the social life of this part of the west as he saw it at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. He closed with an eloquent picture of the passing of the Indian as shown at the exposition, and its lesson.


General Cowin responded to "Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way;" Senator Warner to "The Nicaraguan Canal;" Secretary Corwine of the New York Merchants' exchange to "Relations Between the West and the East;" J. H. Metcalfe of Buffalo to "The Pan-American Exposition;" President Wattles to the "Trans-Mississippi Exposition;" Editor Rosewater to "The Press," and F. K. Thurber to "Foreign Commercial Relations."

Treasurer Loutz of the Pan-American sang "The Sar​ Spangled Banner," the guests rising and joining.

Judge Wakeley closed the banquet with the toast of Rip Van Winkle applied to the guests from the Empire state; "Here's to your health and that of your families; may you live long and prosper."

It was midnight when the banquet broke up. The menu and service had been admirable, the gathering was congenial and New York day had ended happily, was the sentiment.


Congress of Mothers Held Yesterday Marked by Many Worthy Addresses.

Mrs. Theodore Binney, National President of Organization, Discourses Eloquently.

Ladies From Chicago Kindergarten in Attendance and Deliver Talks on Topics of Interest to All Mankind.

The second session of the congress of mothers, held at the Congregational church yesterday afternoon was attended by a large number of the women of Omaha, the auditorium being almost entirely filled by women of all ages who had gathered to listen to the discussion of the many topics of interest coming within the scope of the congress.

The meeting was opened by Rev. Herring, who read the eighteenth chapter of the gospel according to Matthew. Mrs. A. P. Ely sang a solo appropriate to the [?]

Mrs. Theodore Birney, president of the nation congress of mothers, was the first speaker. She read a paper on the plan and scope of the mother's congress, laying down the broad proposition that the field of the congress is all mankind and womankind, regardless of color or creed. Regarding the importance of the organization she called attention to the fact that during the last year there has been a very marked increase in the number of articles on childlife in the leading magazines and many other indications showing the influence of the work.

The speaker then talked most entertainingly regarding the methods of work of the mothers' clubs, telling of the establishment of day nurseries in districts where hardworking mothers are unable to give their children the care they require, the establishment of kindergartens, bands of mercy, encouraging philanthropy, etc.

The results attained in some of the large cities were spoken of in detail, making a most interesting recital, and in closing the speaker referred eloquently to the sacredness of the work, appealing to the better feelings of her auditors.


Miss Amalie Hofer of Chicago, editor of the Kindergarten Magazine and a director in the Chicago kindergarten institute, related a number of incidents in her own experience showing the importance of properly training children during their early years. She suggested that "Child Nurture" be aided to the curriculum of every high school and college in order that the little understood subject may be brought home to the mind of every student. She also advocated the training of every woman in the proper care of children. She gave her auditors much food for thought, outlining problem after problem, which she left them to work out. Her address was earnest and thoughtful and made a most favorable impression.

Miss Frances Newton, a director in the Chicago kindergarten institute, made a strong plea for the kindergartens. She said the question was often asked her, "What do you young women have to do in a mothers' congress?" She answered this question by telling of how closely the work of the kindergartener is associated with the care of the mother for her child, and assured her hearers that every kindergartner has the same experience in the rearing of young children as the mothers who bear the little ones. She urged that these workers be given the moral support of the mothers.

Mrs. W. P. Harford, president of the bureau of education of the exposition, extended a hearty greeting to the visitors on behalf of the bureau, and expressed the gratitude of the women of this section that a session of the mothers' congress should be held in the west and should be attended by so many of the national officers. The great importance of the work of the congress was referred to most eloquently by Mrs. Harford, and she expressed great satisfaction that the fathers, as well as the mothers, are included in the scope of its work. She predicted that the bureau of education will reap a rich harvest from the results of this gathering after the material portion of the exposition shall have passed away.


Mrs. Harriet Hickox Heller, chairman of the local committee and the delegate who was mainly instrumental in securing the meeting of the congress in Omaha, was the last speaker. She analyzed the work of the session, and emphasized the fact that the main work is with each individual—that each mother should look to it that she applies to herself and to her own child the great truths which had been expressed, and not rest content with applying the theory, in thought, to the children of her neighbor.

Mrs. Heller also laid stress upon the point that much of the difficulties which beset the paths of mothers might be avoided by careful attention to the spiritual development of the child between the age of 2½ years and the age when it is sent to school. She asserted that at this period the habit of obedience should be well instilled, and much later difficulty thereby avoided.

A session of the congress will be held this morning. The proceedings will be an open conference, with a discussion of matters connected with the home and the school, the organization of mothers' clubs, questions and answers, etc.

This afternoon at 3:30 Miss Moten will read a paper on "The Result of the Training School in Washington for Colored Kindergartners." Mrs. Vera Casseday of Washington, corresponding secretary of the national congress, will deliver an address on "Mother and Teacher," and a general discussion will close the session.

The meeting of the congress will come to a close this evening with a session at 8 o'clock.

Mrs. Sallie S. Cotten of Falkland, N. C., recording secretary of the national congress, will deliver an address on "A National Training School for Women;" Mrs. Mary H. Weeks of Kansas City, auditor of the national congress, will deliver an address on "Methods of Organization," and a general discussion of pertinent topics will be held, led by Mrs. C. A. Ricketts of Lincoln and others.

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Celebration of Close of War With Spain Promises to Be of Magnificent Proportions.

Great Preparations for Reception of President McKinley and Party Are Now Complete.

Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Will Escort, Reproducing Both Their Parades--Innes Band Opens Jubilee.

Sunday's Admissions,19,517
Total Admissions1,887,273

Peace Jubilee has begun, and the exposition yesterday rang with the first echoes of its gladness. It began with a sacred-patriotic concert by the renowned Innes New York band at 3 p. m. at the Auditorium, assisted by the Omaha exposition chorus, and was a most fitting prelude to the brilliant events that are to come. Bewitched with the grandeur of Mendelssohn, Mozart, Wagner, Gounod and Handel, as presented by artists, and by the grand old doxology that began the concert, the audience that filled the big auditorium till thousands were turned away in disappointment was more than enthusiastic in its avowals that peace jubilee had a magnificent introduction.

Nothing could be more fitting as a preparation for the welcome to the mayors of the metroplitan​ cities of America, the governors of the states, the president of the United States, the great generals of victorious armies and the civic representatives of the mighty government of the United States, as they follow in succession by days, with the celebration of five successive triumphs in songs of joy by 1,000 children the last day of the week.


A meeting of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben has been called by Samson for this evening at 8 o'clock, all knights being commanded to appear at the den at that hour. Arrangements will be completed for the grand parade, which will be given Tuesday evening in honor of the coming of President McKinley to the seat of government of the kingdom of Quivera. It is the intention to make the parade a pageant which has never been equalled in the history of America, and many details remain to be arranged.

The South Omaha Equestrian club will join the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben in welcoming the president and in escorting him to the city hall. The board of governors of the knights and the Equestrian club will proceed to the depot and meet the presidential party, escorting them up Tenth street. At Tenth and Farnam streets the floats will be in waiting and the line will be formed at this point. The board of governors will lead the way west on Farnam street, followed by the distinguished visitors in carriages, along either side of which will ride the members of the Equestrian club. The long line of gorgeous floats, forty-two in number, will follow the carriages.

At the city hall the president will be escorted to the big reviewing stand and the magnificent parade will pass before him, proceeding west on Farnam street to Nineteenth street, where it will disband.

After the parade shall have passed the president will be escorted to the Omaha club by the board of governors and the Equestrian club.


Advices from Transportation Manager Babcock in Washington are to the effect that the two trains constituting the presidential and diplomatic parties will contain these persons, as judged by the knowledge of a day or two ago:

First train—President and Mrs. McKinley, Mrs. McKinley's maid and husband, White house steward, Mr. Sinclair; Captain and Mrs. Lafayette McWilliams, Secretary of the Interior Bliss, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and daughter, J. Addison Porter, private secretary to the president; Secretary of the Treasury Gage and Mrs. Gage; George Cortelyou, assistant secretary to the president; Postmaster General Smith and wife, George D. Meiklejohn, assistant secretary of war.

The president suggests that three or four more guests will be added later.

Second train—Major General Miles and wife, with secretary and staff of six officers; General and Mrs. A. W. Greely, General Joe Wheeler and four daughters, Brigadier General Humphrey, wife, four daughters and Mrs. Henry Howland; Prof. and Mrs. W. L. Moore of the weather bureau, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Harris, bureau of education; Hon. W. Y. Yeomans of the interstate commerce commission, Dr. and Mrs. Baker, guests of Senator Thurston; Minister Wu of China, wife, son, maid, three secretaries and steward; Minister Chin Paw Ye of Corea, wife, son and secretary; Minister Gonzalo de Quaseda of Cuba, wife and daughter; Minister Garcia Meron of Argentine, Minister from Brazil and Mr. Lina, first secretary of legation; Major H. O. Heistand, wife and niece, Miss Morton, James A. Saxton, Alfred Paget, naval attache of the British embassy; fifteen newspaper men representing leading papers of the country.

Among the other prominent guests will be: Perry S. Heath, first assistant postmaster general; Senator Mark A. Hanna, Hon. Alva Adams, governor of Colorado; General James H. Wilson, H. C. Taylor, captain of United States steamsip​ Indiana; Hon. A. M. Clough, governor of Minnesota; Chancellor McLean, Lincoln; Hon. Silas A. Holcomb, governor of Nebraska; minister from Turkey.

As at present arranged the trains will proceed over the Baltimore & Ohio to Chicago, thence over the Northwestern to Omaha, arriving in this city at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening.


Bandmaster Innes Will Perform "A Day at the Exposition."

Bandmaster Innes is engaged in making a nightly pilgrimage through the Midway. He is collecting material for a new musical work, which he will put on next week. It promises to be a remarkable piece of descriptive writing, according to those who have had an advance hearing of the work. Its title is to be "A Day at the Omaha Exposition," and it will be described in music, not only the sights and sounds of the exposition proper, but all the queer music and the queerer scenes of the Midway, which will be depicted and heightened by mechanical stage effects. The music of the Chinese theater will be faithfully reproduced, as will that of the peculiar aggregation of the Streets of Cairo. Shooting the Chutes will have a representation, as well several other of the more characteristic shows which lend themselves readily to musical reproduction. Due announcement will be made as to the first production of the work.

Verdi's famous "Anvil Chorus" will have its first production at the concert set for tomorrow night. The great military spectacle, "War and Peace," will be given on Thursday night. It is understood that in this piece a detachment of some 300 soldiers from Fort Crook will take part. A mimic battle scene will form an interesting episode of this much-heralded work, while a battery of artillery will help lend realism to the event.

On Friday night the third of Innes' symphony concerts will be given, and in this, as in the other festival concerts of the week, the Exposition chorus will form a prominent feature.

The children's carnival will take place on Saturday, when, it is expected, a juvenile chorus of 1,000 of the little folk will be heard. Each child taking part in the singing of the jubilee number is to be presented with a delightful souvenir of the occasion. In connection with this event, arrangements are being made which will admit every child on the ground to any single concession for a uniform charge of 5 cents. The parents of all children desiring to take part in this festival should at once make application by postal card to Superintendent Kelly of the bureau of music in order that places may be reserved and souvenirs provided for all the children.


Advance Guard of Over a Thousand Arrived Yesterday.

Ten thousand visiting Missourians is the estimate given by President Sterrett of the Missouri commission as to the attendance today—Missouri day. Fully 1,000 arrived in the city yesterday, it is estimated, one delegation of 300 coming from Pike county, 105 from Schuyler county, with smaller delegations from other counties where commissioners have rustled up much enthusiasm. Owing to the fact that St. Louis is now celebrating her autumnal festivities, including a special peace jubilee day, Tuesday, the most energetic men of that metropolis are concentrating their energies on the local event, and but a small delegation will come to Omaha. In general, the bulk of the Missouri contingent will be from counties away from the large metropolitan centers.

Owing to the fact that the day is being taken up by peace jubilee exercises and that Governor Stephens is prevented by illness from representing his state, the state day exercises will consist of a reception at the Missouri headquarters in the Agricultural building at 2 p. m. Lieutenant Governor Bolte will then give a brief address.

Children's Day Saturday.

The exposition management has decided to make a rate of 15 cents for children on October 15, being the closing day of peace jubilee week. Superintendent Kelly of the bureau of music has arranged with Mr. Innes for the production of two magnificent concerts on that occasion. All children who can sing will be put into a large chorus for the afternoon concert, which will take place at 4 o'clock, and every child singing in the choirs will receive a beautiful souvenir as a memento of the occasion of children's day.

A handsome souvenir is now being made especially for the children, and the ladies of the bureau of entertainment will pin them on the children's clothing as they enter the band stand for the afternoon concert. As there will be a great many thousands children here on that day and only 1,000 can be accepted for the children's chorus Mr. Kelly suggests that all those who are anxious to get into this 1,000 notify him at once, and there will be a rehearsal of the entire chorus at 9:30 on the morning of October 15 for the afternoon performance.

The chorus will have to be limited by necessity and souvenirs will be given only to those children participating.

St. Louisans Come in Crowds.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 9.—There will be a large contingent of St. Louisans in ttendance​ at the Trans-Mississippi exposition tomorrow, desirous of joining in the celebration of Missouri day. The railroads report tremendous sales and if the interest manifested here in the event is a criterion Missourians in general are thoroughly alive to its importance. Following the departure of Lieutenant Governor A. H. Bolte and Governor Stephens' staff, with prominent St. Louisans, last night in the special car provided by the Burlington with outgoing trains today were crowded with those taking advantage of the special rate.

Mayor Ziegenheim's inability to go with the party that left last night was due to the fact that the republican city convention is to be held this week, and he is busy with the preliminaries and taking precautions against his arch-enemy, Chauncey I. Filley, capturing the convention.

This Is Mayors' Day.

The mayors participating in the exercises incident to mayors' day at 11 a. m. today at the exposition will meet at the Paxton at 10 a. m., and will be escorted by President Wattles and General Manager Clarkson to the exposition grounds in carriages. Among the mayors will be Hon. George T. Baker, mayor of Davenport, Ia.; Hon. John MacVicar, mayor of Des Moines, Ia.; Hon. A. J. Magruder, mayor of Kankakee, Ill.; Hon. Victor Jennings, mayor of Council Bluffs, and Hon. M. M. Stephens, mayor of East St. Louis.

Rough Riders Injured.

Floyd Bowers, a rough rider in the Wild West show, was yesterday afternoon thrown from his horse, receiving internal injuries. He was taken to the emergency hospital.

Mrs. McKinley May Yet Come.

Mrs. McKinley, wife of the president, will accompany the presidential party as far as Chicago, and will then decide as to coming to the exposition. This is the gist of a telegram received yesterday by President Wattles of the exposition from W. N. Babcock, manager of transportation, now in Washington arranging for the transportation of the presidential party. Since Mrs. McKinley has never failed to accompany the president wherever he has gone since becoming president it is not doubted by the exposition management but that she will accompany him to this city.

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Great Peace Festival Opens Under the Most Favorable Auspices.


Monday Morning Sees More People on the Grounds Than Ever.


Thousands from the Transmississippi Empire State Flock to Omaha.


Representatives of Transmississippi Cities Give Modest Accounts of the Municipal Greatness of the Municipal Greatness of the Region They Represent.

Total Admissions Yesterday19,517
Total to Date1,887,273

The great Peace Jubilee has begun. No event ever had a more auspicious initiation. There was every element that predicates success from the most beautiful October weather to a crowd of enthusiastic people that promises to make this the most successful Monday since the exposition opened. The elements spent their force in the heavy downpour of the preceding night and left nothing but beauty and sunshine and smiling landscapes to greet the great celebration.

The natural attractions of the day brought the people out early and the grounds filled up this morning with exceptional rapidity. The Missouri day visitors were conspicuous among the early arrivals and as their celebration was scheduled for the afternoon a large number of them assembled to help make up the Mayor's day crowd in the Auditorium and listen to the excellent program that was rendered by Innes' band preliminary to the formal ceremonies of the day.

The exercises were introduced by a selection by the band and an impressive invocation by Rev. T. J. Mackay, who prayed the Omnipotent's blessing on the great peace celebration, of which these exercises were the beginning. After briefly outlining the general plan of the celebrations of the week President Wattles presented Mayor Frank E. Moores of Omaha as the first speaker. Mayor Moores emphasized the importance of good municipal government as an essential to the happiness and prosperity of the people. Well governed cities exert an influence on all the territory surrounding them on commercial as well as moral lines. He declared that the wonderful development of the transmississippi region is largely due to the excellence of its state and city governments. He asked the visiting executives to make themselves at home and assured them that all departments of the city government were at their service to give them any information and assistance that they might require.

Other Mayors Respond

In response Mayor George T. Baker of Davenport paid a high tribute to the exposition, which, he declared, is a wonderful educator. We have always believed in the Missouri valley and this is the enterprise that will remain a credit to the transmississippi country through all the future.

Mayor John Macvickar of Des Moines said this celebration glorifies the best part of war, the end of it. He spoke of the vast scope of the enterprise and from this selected for his subject "The Man Who Wants to Come Home." He declared that if there is one thing more than another that glorifies American citizenship it is the readiness of the people to serve their country in its hour of peril and their determination not to live on a soldier's pay when their services were no longer needed. The war has gone outside of its original object, which was to rescue the starving reconcentrados of Cuba, and he contended that the government should be able to meet the responsibilities that remain without keeping men on garrison duty. He urged that the man who wants to come home should have his own way as soon as he can be spared, and that his work should not be undone by attempting to set up a bogus imperialism.

President Wattles was expected to close the program with an address, but he said that what he had to say referred mainly to the beauties of the grounds and buildings and their artistic embellishments. He suggested that these would speak more eloquently to the visitors than any words that he could offer, and consequently dismissed the crowd to enjoy the attractions of the show.

At 1 o'clock the visiting mayors, with their wives, were entertained at lunch at Markel's cafe by the officers of the exposition and the Bureau of Entertainment.


Mr. Innes and Mr. Kelly Score Fresh Musical Triumphs.

The sacred concert which was given by Innes and his band and the Exposition chorus in the Auditorium yesterday afternoon was even more successful than that of the preceding Sunday. Not only the seating capacity, but every inch of possible standing room in the big structure was occupied. People crowded into the doors and stood compressed against the walls for two hours and although the program was materially extended by numerous encores, they stood patiently and seemed well rewarded for their enthusiasm.

The program of the afternoon offered more than ordinary attraction. It began with the magnificent overture "1812," by Tchaikowsky, and included two movements from Mendelssohn's Scotch symphony, the Vorspiel from "Lohengrin" and the even acceptable trombone solo by Mr. Innes. The encores added such beautiful compositions as the serenata by Mozkowsky, Mendelssohn's "Spring Song" and Mr. Innes' own stirring two-step, "Love is King." With such material for enjoyment the audience would have been delighted even if no further variety had been offered. But to these was added the chorus numbers and the rendition of Batiste's beautiful Communion in G by the band, with an organ obligato by Mr. Kelly. The organist scored a distinct success and Mr. Innes laid down his baton to join in the enthusiastic encore that rewarded him. Mr. Kelly then played the intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rusticana" with the band accompanyment​, and this was, if possible, more acceptable than his previous effort.

The chorus performed its part in the mixed numbers with fair success. Its renditions were well-balanced and enjoyable, but its volume was scarcely equal to the competition of the band. This was especially noticeable in the "Hallelujah" chorus, in which the conductor was compelled to suppress his brasses in order to permit the chorus to be heard. The most enjoyable chorus number was the "Vesper Hymn," which was rendered with no other accompaniment than the cathedral chimes, which assisted to create a very effective feature.

Bandmaster Innes is nowadays fairly haunting the Midway after the conclusion of his night concerts. Visitors cannot help noticing the big, good-natured looking musician as he goes from concession to concession. He is everywhere. The dancing girls, the Streets of Cairo, Hagenback's animal show, the Chinese theater, the Chutes, the Old Plantation, any and everything in the Exposition's most lively quarter, are receiving the patronage of the energetic bandmaster. The cause of all this is the fact that Innes is memorizing sights and sounds for a new piece of music which he is to give next week and which will be entitled "A Day at the Omaha Exposition." The band will show its art of imitation in reproducing everything that strikes the eye and ear from the time that the visitor boards the trolley car for the exposition grounds until he reaches the exit gate late at night after a day of sightseeing and gaiety. Even the fireworks will have its literal reproduction in this strange aggregation of musical pictures. Innes has picked up some of the peculiar instruments on sale at the Chinese Village and his musicians have already become expert performers on tom-toms and the other weird instruments of the almond-eyed players from the flowery kingdom.

The much heralded "Anvil Chorus" will have its first presentation Tuesday night. On Thursday night the great military spectacle "War and Peace," will be given. In this piece a large number of soldiers from Fort Cook will take part so as to give a realistic idea of the pomp and pageant of actual war. Innes' third symphonic concert will be given on Friday night, and the Children's carnival, in which the grand chorus of a thousand juvenile voices will be heard in the national airs, is announced for Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

To properly commemorate this event, the management has decided to give each child taking part in the singing of this jubilee number a charming little souvenir of the occasion, and it is probable that in addition to the reduced rate of admission which has been made to the grounds for this one day, that all the concessions will be thrown open to the children for the day at a uniform rate of 5 cents for each concession visited. In order that places and souvenirs may be provided for all children, it should be well for parents to make early application for places in the grand chorus by postal card to Mr. T. J. Kelly, superintendent of music.

Among the Fruit Exhibits.

There was not any great amount of rest in the Horticulture building yesterday, as all of the exhibitors were putting their fruit in order and getting ready to present a neat and attractive appearance during the Jubilee week. As usual Nebraska is piling its tables to overflowing with all of the varieties grown in this locality. Today it is showing eighty varieties of apples, thirty of which were raised last year. The bulk of the old apples, however, are Jonathans, Willow Twigs and Ben Davis, yet there are large numbers in the other varieties shown. In addition to the apples the state is showing dozens of varieties of peaches, twelve varieties of plums, scores of grapes and goodly quantities of pears and crabapples. On Apple day Nebraska will give away 100 barrels of new and thirty barrels of old apples.

Missouri is getting in a lot of apples and today it will give away ten barrels of the fruit to those who visit the exhibit. Most of them will be the big red apples which have made Missouri famous.

Superintendent Courtney of the Oregon exhibit is looking for a carload of exhibits, the greater portion of which will be fruit. With this he hopes to keep his exhibit in the best possible shape until the close of the exposition. During the Jubilee week he will make something of a spread and will fill all of his tables and all of the available space that he can secure.

Light on the Bluff Tract.

The electric illuminations on the Bluff tract put up for the Jubilee week promise to be the most attractive that have been seen upon the grounds. The test of the lamps will be made tonight. In addition to the arc lights in place, thousands of incandescent lamps have been hung. Poles have been set along all of the avenues of the tract, including those that lead to the state buildings from the main boulevard. Along all of these, poles have been placed at a distance of twenty feet apart. When the lights are all turned on the Bluff tract will be almost as brilliant as noonday.

No Change in Program.

It is announced that there will be no change made in the plans for the reception of the distinguished women who will accompany the presidential party to Omaha on account of the possible absence of Mrs. McKinley. As the arrangements for the entertainment of the distinguished guests have been completed and announced they will be carried out whether Mrs. McKinley accompanies the president here, or on account of her brother's death remans​ in Canton. There will be a number of the wives and daughters of the army and navy officers and cabinet members in the party and for these the full program of entertainment will be followed.

What Tuesday Holds.

Tuesday will be Governors' day, Dairy day and Peoria, Ill., day. The main ceremony of the day will be the Governors' day exercises in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. These will consist of music by Innes' band, an invocation by Rev. S. Wright Butler and addresses by Governor Silas A. Holcomb of Nebraska, Governor Alva Adams of Colorado, Governor D. M. Clough of Minnesota and Governor C. M. Barnes of Oklahoma.

The observance of Dairy day will consist in the convention of the National Dairymen's association, which will begin at the Dairy building at 2 o'clock.

Exposition Notes.

The building and grounds department has begun the erection of a large addition in front of the band stand for Jubilee week. The new portion will seat about 225 people and is constructed especially for the accommodation of the presidential party Wednesday.

The owner of the sod house on the bluff tract has asked President Wattles to call the attention of President McKinley to the structure as an object lesson in what the west has accomplished in the last fifty years. The suggestion was favorably received and a visit to the sod house will be a part of the program of entertainment Wednesday.

Thirty members of the Southern Indiana Press association came in last night for a three day's stay at the exposition. They are in a special car which has been switched to the grounds. In this they will be at home during their visit here. Many of the members are accompanied by their wives. The president of the association is E. W. Cockrum of Oakland City and the secretary is Major Simpson of Paroti.

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Only a Few of the Executive Heads of Transmississippi Towns on Hand at the Hour.

Mayor's day today does not give promise of being an elaborate affair. There may be an army of municipal executives in the city, but they had not reported to General Manager Clarkson at 10:30 this morning, the time set for the party to go to the grounds. Only four were on hand at that hour, and but two of these were accompanied by their wives. These were John MacVicar and wife of Des Moines, O. M. Pettit of Kenosha, Wis., Victor Jennings of Council Bluffs, and John Gratt and wife of North Platte, Neb. To meet this party there was a reception committee of exposition stockholders headed by President Wattles, and a committee of ten women as follows: Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock, Mrs. George A. Joslyn, Mrs. Charles Offutt, Mrs. W. S. Poppleton, Mrs. George F. Bidwell, Mrs. W. J. Connell, Mrs. C. N. Dietz, Mrs. Charles E. Squires, Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrick and Mrs. W. C. Carter. The members of the committee wore the new badges, which consist of a bar on which are the words, "Peace Jubilee," to which is attached a small silk flag, with a pendant representing the seal of Nebraska. These badges were also given to each of the guests.

The visitors were taken in carriages at 10:30, at the Paxton hotel, and escorted to the exposition grounds, where they will spend the day and participate in special exercises provided for them, marking the first day of Peace Jubilee week.


Officers of the Panamerican Exposition Are Studying the Transmississippi.


Omaha's Experience Will Be of Great Service in Building the Exposition on Cayuga Island for 1901.

President J. M. Brinker, Treasurer F. C. M. Lautz and the other officials of the Panamerican exposition to be held on the Niagara frontier in 1901, spent yesterday in securing information regarding the operation of the Transmississippi Exposition likely to prove beneficial in the conduct of their enterprise. They express themselves as being highly gratified at the many courtesies extended to them in Omaha. Captain Brinker said: "I am very pleased with my visit and am very agreeably disappointed at the size, importance and completeness of the exhibition here. As editorially suggested in The Bee, we have received great encouragement and have become inspired with new zeal for the Panamerican exposition by what we have seen and learned. Omaha has certainly done wonders."

Mr. Lautz, treasurer of the Panamerican exposition, who is one of the largest manufacturers in western New York and an important representative of the thriving city of Buffalo, said he was highly pleased with his experiences in Omaha. "We have learned some most valuable lessons and trust we shall profit by them in 1901."

Secretary R. C. Hill, who is a newspaper man of long experience and who has for many years made a careful study of expositions, was a visitor to The Bee office last evening. He said: "I will not attempt to express all the complimentary ideas I have in mind in regard to the Omaha exposition. When the history of all the great expositions of this country is written the chapter devoted to Omaha in 1898 must be an interesting and important one."

Object of the Congress.

Speaking of the Panamerican exposition project he explained, "It has been alluded to as the Panamerican congress, but that is an erroneous title. The leading idea of the exposition will be to illustrate the marvelous progress of the present century in the western hemisphere. This idea was emphatically stated in the enabling act passed by both houses in congress and approved by President McKinley, and the act stated that the purpose of the Panamerican exposition, to be held on Cayuga island, between the cities of Buffalo and Niagara Falls, in the state of New York, in the year 1901, needs the encouragement and approval of congress and of the people of the United States. The exposition is intended to fittingly illustrate the marvelous development of the Western hemisphere during the Nineteenth century by the demonstration of the reciprocal relations existing between the American republics and colonies.

"This idea of an exposition reviewing the achievements of the New World during the Nineteenth century is certainly in harmony with that patriotic spirit long vigorously existent on this hemisphere, but made infinitely more expansive and emphatic by the remarkable events of the last few months in Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines. The New World has fairly outrivaled the Old World during the Nineteenth century in many important fields of human competition. A purely New World's exposition will be an essential departures for the international character of previous great expositions.

Value of the Location.

"I believe that geographically, historically, commercially and scientifically it would be difficult to find a more desirable location than that which has been selected for the Panamerican exposition. This location is not at the city of Buffalo, as has been stated, but within a short distance of the great cataract of the Niaraga​ river. The opportunities for a great electrical display are remarkable. The power generated by the current of the Niagara river is now being delivered along the frontier to Buffalo, twenty miles away, and the supply of electrical power for the exposition purposes will be practically unlimited. The Niagara Frontier teems with historic interest. It was the 'Dark and Bloody Ground' of the revolutionary war, and along its river bank were fought many of the famous battles of the war of 1812. It was also there that more than three centuries ago the intrepid missionaries from France planted the divinely illuminated cross which shed upon the untutored red men of the picturesque region the first gleam of Christian faith. It was at Cayuga island, which is close to the American mainland that Sieur de La Salle built and launched in 1697 the 'Griffon,' the first vessel which sailed the inland seas and pioneered the watery pathway to the Mississippi and the great northwest.

"The Niagara frontier is the center of the largest mass of population on the western hemisphere. Within a day's ride, encircling a radius of less than 500 miles are 50,000,000 people, a fact of great significance in weighing the importance of the Panamerican enterprise. With the experiences of Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville and Omaha it would seem that such an exposition as that proposed for 1901 can be made highly successful."

The Panamerican Exposition party will visit the exposition again today and it is probable that the​ will leave for the east by special car over the Chicago & Northwestern railway this evening.


Railroads Surprised at the Rush for Omaha Monday Morning.


Nebraska and Missouri People Furnish the Bulk of the First Day's Business, but Kansas and Iowa Are Represented.

The first week day of the Peace Jubilee of the Transmississippi Exposition saw an immense crowd of vistors​ enter the city through its two passenger stations and one shed. The influx was more numerous than was anticipated, previous railroad advces​ being to the effect that the movement toward the first big Jubilee celebration would not set in before Tuesday.

All of the morning trains from Chicago were heavily filled. There was not one of the four Chicago-Omaha lines that had the least kick coming on the amount of travel it hauled in, but the big crowds were observed to come in from the west. If the attendance at the grand occasion may be prejudged by the advance guard the transmissouri states are the ones that are going to be the most numerously represented. The Union Pacific's morning train from the west arrived in two long sections, and the noon train from Beatrice and Stromsburg brought in a good crowd. The Burlington brought in its McCook express at 9:35 in two well filled sections, and the Hastings train, twenty minutes before noon delivered 600 more Nebraskans to Omaha to be well taken care of until the last sky rocket should be sent up to tell the inhabitants of Mars and other planets about the glorious successes of the army and navy of the United States. In addition to the special trains the afternoon express of the Burlington from the west is running in three sections, and so far the road has brought in during the last twenty-four hours ninety-five car loads of Missourians. A special train from the St. Francis branch, Kansas, will arrive here at 5 p. m. today with over 1,000 excursionists.

Demand for Equipment.

As the reduced rates to Omaha on account of the Peace Jubilee were not available until one minute after midnight on Monday morning the passenger men were surprised to see such a large crowd come in on the morning trains. Many of the arrivals must have left home before the reduced rates went into effect or else the ticket agents in their home towns pushed the clock hands ahead a few hours.

There is not a railroad superintendent in Omaha that is feeling easy today. All of them are worried about the supply of passenger equipment for the crowds this week. One of them remarked to a Bee reporter: "The crowd has started with a rush and I don't know what it will do to us before the week is over." Superintendent of Transportation Buckingham of the Union Pacific has distributed a goodly supply of passenger coaches at Grand Island, Columbus, Kearney and other central points and the "Overland Route" is probably better fixed for handling the crowds than any other Omaha road, and it is not feeling that it will have an easy time of it. Superintendent Bignell of the B. & M. has everything in the way of passenger equipment that is on wheels ready for use, but he is fearful that he is going to run short. Thirty odd tourist cars of the Burlington have been pressed into service and as the seats are wide they are being made to accommodate three persons each. The Burlington has also hauled out a lot of new coal cars, cleaned them up and in case of emergency will run temporary seats in them and use them for short hauls into Omaha to help handle the crowds.

An indication of the popularity of the peace jubilee throughout Nebraska is gleaned through the fact that at all of the railroad headquarters in the city telegrams were received throughout the morning from station agents in Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota, asking for additional special tickets to Omaha "on account of the way our citizens are lining up to attend the Peace Jubilee at your exposition." The requests for more tickets were sent by telegraph and called for bunches of thirty, fifty, 100 and even 200, for be sent immediately.

The Missouri Pacific brought in just 2,434 people during the morning. Most of the crowd came from Missouri to attend the state celebration at the exposition grounds. The train reports showed the following number of passengers on the five trains: Six hundred and twenty-five from Kansas City, 352 from Kansas City, 410 from Kansas City, 547 from St. Louis and 500 from Auburn.


Famous Apache Chief Speaks from His Own Costly Experience.


Trouble at Leech Lake Gives the Old Man a Chance to Talk About the Folly of Fighting Against the White Man.

While in a talkative mood yesterday Geronimo, the old Apache chief, who is one of the attractions of the Indian congress, unbosomed himself and talked quite freely of the Indian uprising in and around the vicinity of Leech Lake, Minn. The old man has spent more years in war than in following the pursuits of peace and as all of his warfare has been waged against the whites by all of the older Indians he is looked upon as a great man and what he says consequently carries a good deal of weight.

Speaking of the Minnesota troubles Geronimo through an interpreter said: "I have heard something of the fight up in the north and some of my friends have told me some things, so that I have quite an idea of the situation. I don't know where Leech Lake is, but I suppose it is way out in the woods or someways out from the big towns. I have not traveled up that way, so I don't know much about the country, only from what I have been told. I want to say that the Indians are a lot of red fools for going into this fight against the white men. They will get the worst of it in the end and then they will be sorry.

"Years ago," continued the old chief, "I thought that I could whip the whole United States, but since I have been around the country I have changed my mind. There is no country that can whip the United States and what is the use of a few hundred Indians starting in to undertake the job. Since coming to Omaha I have learned that the white men are more numerous than the leaves on the trees or the blades of grass on the prairies. Coming up from my home in the south I saw more white men than there are Indians in existence and I am told that there are only a few down there as compared  Scanned image of page 55 with the number up in Minnesota, where a few fools are making war. Right here at the exposition there are enough people coming every day to put an end to every Indian in the world if they saw fit to do so. Then, besides this, the white men have all of the guns, powder and bullets. They have all of the big guns and they are the ones that count. Down at the government building the other day I saw a gun that shoots more bullets in a minute than all of the Minnesota Indians could shoot in a year. The United States has hundreds and thousands of these guns and I am told that the country has big houses filled with powder and bullets and can make as many more every day in the year, so, as I said before, what is the use of a few hundred Indians going out on the war path trying to clean out the government?

"When I was a young man and a fool, I lived down along the south border of the United States where there were only a few white people. Some of my old friends told me that those people were the only whites in the country and I believed what they said. I want to war and suffered. My men were killed and I was made a prisoner. Of course that made me mad, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me, for it taught me a lesson and convinced me that I was not the only person in the world. Now I am satisfied to settle down and be a good citizen. My days of fighting are over, except to fight for the stars and stripes, which I would be glad to do it I had a chance. Of course if I should be called to go out to fight Indians, I would do so, but I am through shooting at white men. When the president comes here this week, I want to meet him and tell him I am a friend of the white man. Some of the white men have wronged me, but they were bad men and I don't blame all because a few are bad.

"I am an old man now and I want to see my people learn the ways of the whites. I want to see them raise corn and cattle and live in houses and I believe that the president and the big men at Washington will help my people if they will try to help themselves."


Convention of the Men Under Prof. Moore Will Meet in Omaha This Week for Consultation.

If Omaha does not enjoy good weather this week it will be due directly to the presence in the city of a host of Uncle Sam's weather men. Prof. Willis L. Moore, chief of the weather bureau, has called a meeting of all of his assistants to be held here and the chief himself will be present to open the meeting. The sessions will be held in the Commercial club rooms and those present will represent every state and territory in the union. The object of the meeting will be to devise ways and means for improving the work of the bureau and to exchange experiences in dealing with weather problems. Covering so wide a range of territory the weather officials meet new propositions in the different sections and their experience with these is the basis upon which the bureau establishes new lines of work. These meetings are called at intervals by the chief of the bureau. The present one will be the fifth, the last one being held at Indianapolis in 1895. Prof. Moore will arrive in Omaha with the presidential party tomorrow night and will open the meeting Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, adjournment being billed for Thursday afternoon. The sessions will be open to the public.

A committee meeting was held this morning to complete the details for the general meeting and make such arrangements as were necessary to insure a profitable session. The committee was composed of the following members: Prof. Cleveland Abbey, member of the scientific staff of the chief and who has been connectend​ with the bureau since it was established; F. H. Brandenburg of Denver, Major H. C. Bate of Nashville, Dr. I. M. Cline of Denver, J. Warren Smith of Columbus, O., James Berry of Washington, D. C., and T. F. Townsend of Philadelphia.

James Berry, who will be secretary of the meeting, says that when he left Washington responses has been received from the following weather officials, who signified their intention of being present and who were making arrangements for the trip, and it is believed that every one mentioned will be here, unless sickness or accident interposes:

F. P. Chaffee, Montgomery, Ala.; E. B. Richards, Little Rock, Ark.; Wayland Bailey, Fort Smith, Ark.; F. H. Brandenburg, Denver; J. P. Slaughter, Pueblo, Colo.; Prof. Willis L. Moore, Prof. C. Abbey, Prof. H. A. Hazen, James Berry, E. B. Calvert, Washington, D. C.; A. J. Mitchell, Jacksonville, Fla.; A. B. Crane, Pensacola, Fla.; J. B. Marbury, Atlanta, Ga.; H. A. Cox and C. E. Linney, Chicago; John Craig, Springfield, Ill.; P. H. Smyth, Cairo, Ill.; C. F. R. Wappenhans, Indianapolis, Ind.; J. R. Sage and G. M. Chappel, Des Moines; E. H. Bowie, Dubuque, Ia.; U. G. Purssell, Sioux City, Ia.; J. M. Sherier, Davenport, Ia.; T. B. Jennings, Topeka, Kan.; G. T. Todd, Dodge City, Kan.; G. E. Hunt, Louisville, Ky.; A. G. McAdie, New Orleans; Charles Davis, Shreveport, La.; F. J. Walz, Baltimore; C. F. Schneider, Lansing, Mich.; N. B. Conger, Detroit; T. S. Outram, Minneapolis; H. W. Richardson, Duluth; P. F. Lyons, St. Paul; W. T. Blythe, Vicksburg, Miss.; A. E. Hackett, Columbia, Mo.; R. J. Hyatt, St. Louis; R. L. Anderson, Hannibal, Mo.; E. J. Glass, Helena, Mont.; L. A. Welch, Omaha; G. A. Loveland and J. H. Spencer, Lincoln; J. C. Piercy, North Platte, Neb.; G. B. Ackerman, Winnemuca, Nev.; E. W. McGann, New Brunswick, N. J.; R. M. Hardinge, Santa Fe, N. M.; R. G. Allen, Ithaca, N. Y.; David Cuthbertson, Buffalo, N. Y.; A. F. Sims, Albany, N. Y.; John W. Smith, Boston; B. H. Bronson, Bismarch, N. D.; J. Warren Smith, Columbus, O.; G. Hass-Hagen, Toledo, O.; E. C. Thompson, Sandusky, O.; E. A. Beals, Cleveland, O.; J. I. Widmeyer, Oklahoma; B. S. Pague, Portland, Ore.; T. F. Townsend, Philadelphia; J. W. Bauer, Columbia, S. C.; S. W. Glenn, Huron, S. D.; G. B. Wurtz, Pierre, S. D.; H. C. Bate, Nashville; L. M. Pindell, Chattanooga; S. C. Emery, Memphis; W. M. Fulton, Knoxville, Tenn.; T. M. Cline, Galveston; H. H. Curley, San Antonio; J. H. Smith, Salt Lake City; G. N. Wilson, Lynchburg, Va.; G. N. Salisbury, Seattle, Wash.; H. E. Wilkinson, Spokane, Wash.; W. M. Wilson, Milwaukee; W. S. Palmer, Cheyenne, Wyo.


Mr. McKinley Will Review the Pageant from City Hall Stand.


More Seats Being Erected in Order that Ample Accommodations Will Be Provided for Distinguished Party and the City's Guests.

President McKinley and his official party will review the parade in his honor from the big stand in front of the city hall. The stand is being rearranged. An addition is being attached to the east end. This will extend to the entrance of The Bee building and a number of seats will thus be added to the capacity. Accommodations for very nearly 900 people will thus be secured. The members of the local city family will occupy the big majority of the seats, as the stand was erected at their expense, although the exposition management will be given a proper share of the stand. City Clerk Higby will have charge of the distribution of the seats to those who are entitled to them.

The president and his party will occupy the front rows of the platform along its entire length. The party will include the reception committee and officials of the exposition. The number of seats reserved for them will be 200. Immediately in the rear of this party will be seated the members of the various city boards and heads of departments, and behind will be ranged the other employes of the city hall and their friends.

One inexorable rule will be put into effect regarding admission to the stand. Those who are entitled to seats must be in their places before the arrival of the presidential train, which is scheduled to reach Omaha at 8:20 o'clock in the evening. As soon as the train gets into the city the city hall doors and all entrances to the stand will be closed and no one not in place can secure admission to the stand until the presidential party is seated. This rule will be strictly enforced.


The people of Omaha, Nebraska and the entire transmississippi country extend cordial greeting to their chief executive, William McKinley, who has come to celebrate with them the restoration of peace after successful war. No man occupying the responsible position of president of the United States has conducted the affairs of the nation with greater prudence in most trying circumstances and none have established themselves in the confidence of the people more firmly.

It is eminently fitting that the commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States should by his presence lend inspiration to the popular demonstration at the first national peace jubilee following the close of the war with Spain. Nowhere in America could it be more appropriate for President McKinley to signalize the victories of peace than in the heart of the continent at the great exposition conceived and inaugurated to illustrate to the world the arts of peace through the development of the marvelous resources of the most prolific section of the United States.

It is scarcely necessary for the people of the transmississippi states and especially the citizens of Omaha to assure President McKinley how gratefully they appreciate the honor conferred by his participation in their peace jubilee festivities, and how deeply indebted to him and the members of his cabinet for the invaluable assistance rendered by them to the great enterprise whose culmination will mark an epoch in the history of the country. Their hope and prayer is that President McKinley's attendance will give new inspiration for patriotic devotion to America's free institutions and renewed confidence in the vitality of the republic.


During the next three days the hospitality of the citizens of Omaha will be taxed to the utmost. The outpouring of vast multitudes to welcome President McKinley and the military and naval heroes of the war will not only exhaust the capacity of all the hotels and public resorts, but also fill every residence and dwelling that offers accommodations for pay. It therefore behooves our citizens to throw open their homes and to improvise for the time being quarters for the thousands of people who otherwise would be shelterless.

The Bee furthermore urges upon the owners of public halls and the municipal authorities to throw open to public use every available place that can be made to serve for sheltering strangers who may be unable to find lodgings. The Coliseum alone would accommodate from 2,000 to 3,000 people who might be glad to avail themselves of such an opportunity rather than be compelled to walk the streets in search of other quarters.

This is an emergency that must by met by public-spirited action. It is the paramount duty of the community to make every stranger within its gates comfortable as far as lies within its power. With prompt and concerted action, all demands can be supplied.

Incidentally it may be proper to point out the most effective course to be pursued by those who are in a position to accommodate some of the visitors. Notice should be given the police, who will be instructed by the chief to direct strangers to lodgings.

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Western People Gather at Omaha to See Peace in Its Glory.


Morning Crowd Exceeds the Experience of Modern Woodmen Day.


Triumphs of the Transmississippi Empire Eloquently Portrayed.


Nebraska and Colorado Executives Vie with Each Other in Tossing Verbal Bouquets at the People of the United States.

Total Admissions Yesterday29,033
Total to Date1,916,401

The second day of the Jubilee week celebration promises to crowd the high water mark of attendance another point upward. The morning crowd was bigger than that at the corresponding hour of Modern Woodmen day when the top figure of 52,000 was reached and unless the effect of the counter attraction down town tonight should be too potent to be overcome, there is every prospect that that figure may be exceeded. At no time since the exposition opened has there been such a crush on the street railway trains. The Sherman avenue line handled its proportion of the crowd fairly well, but the cross-town and Dodge street lines were not able to carry the people. The Dodge street trains seldom hesitated after they left Sixteenth and Dodge streets and the people on North Twentieth street who wanted to ride to the grounds had to be contented with the excellent walking. There was a crowd waiting at nearly every block, but as train after train whirled by without enough room on the footboards to accomodate​ a fly, the people started for the grounds on foot. After 9 o'clock there was a continuous stream of pedestrians towards the main entrance and densly-laden​ motors discharged their loads at the rate of one a minute. This was the situation from the time the gates opened until noon and even then there was only a slight falling off in the arrivals. There was a bigger crowd on the grounds at 10 o'clock than there was at any time Monday, and at noon the big enclosure was crowded from the Horticulture building to the Indian encampment.

The ceremonies of the day were in the hands of the governors of the transmississippi states and at 11 o'clock there was a good sized audience in the Auditorium to listen to the oratorical felicitations of the gubernatorial guests. They were not kept waiting for the official party appeared with commendable promptitude, although it lacked the personality of some of the speakers whose participation had been anticipated. An invocation by Rev. S. Wright Butler of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church was followed by the opening address by Governor Holcomb. In his remarks the governor brought out a comparison between the progress of this country during the past hundred years and that which had been achieved during the same period by any other nation. It is no wonder that we can build an exposition that is the admiration of the world, for here the representation of what has been done in the last half century is a revelation to every visitor and a source of pride and pleasure to every citizen of the transmississippi country. From no source had more willing co-operation been experienced than from the chief executives of the various transmississippi states. They had been quick to perceive the advantages that would result from the exposition and zealous in their efforts to assist in making it a success.

Celebrates Great Victories.

In discussing the sentiment of the day the speaker spoke of the victories that had been won on the field and on the seas since the exposition opened and declared that it was entirely fitting that the American people should gather here in the midst of the greatest victory of peace to congratulate each other on the triumphant issue of the most brilliant campaign that has ever signalized our arms.

After a selection by the band, President Wattles introduced Governor Alva Adams of Colorado, whose excellent address was punctuated with hearty applause. He congratulated his audience on the fact that there were not more governors present. No words of theirs, he declared, could compensate them for the artistic melody of all that was outside the building. This is the best exposition ever known, and if it does not inspire better aspirations in the hearts of the people, its mission is in vain. It is the child of the west, but while we give fealty to the west, we are not disloyal to the east. But we have a special interest in the place where our homes are built, where our children were born and which holds all that we love and cherish.

Governor Adams spoke in eloquent terms of the effect of this exposition on the people of the east. Many of them have still considered the west as an uncivilized and foreign land. But the audacity of this enterprise has opened their eyes, given a new trend to their thoughts and taught them that the Mississippi river is not the western boundary of the republic. It is in the west that real manhood is most frequently found. Here the man is not bound by tradition or prejudice. He may not have a full idea of the civilizing effect of a dress suit, but when it comes to fulfilling the ideal of the republic he would lose nothing by comparison with any man on earth. This led to a discussion of the gallant achievements of American soldiers and sailors during the last few months, and he declare that through all ages to come these would stand as types of heroic sacrifice and patriotic endeavor. They are worth more to the American people than all their mines of gold and waving harvests. It would be unpatriotic to declare that the flag that has been planted on foreign shores at the cost of such heroic sacrifice shall not stand there forever.

The exercises were concluded by a very brief address by President Wattles and then the audience was dismissed, while the gubernatorial party was entertained at lunch by the exposition management.


Brief Formalities at the Mines and Mining Building.

The New Mexico day exercises were held in the territory's space in the Mines building at 11 o'clock this morning, and while the attendance of residents from New Mexico was not large, those who were there were sufficiently enthusiastic to make up for what they lacked in numbers. There were a number of prominent people present from the territory, including Captain Leeson, who is one of the exposition commissioners, Commissioner Prince, the orator of the occasion, Colonel Albright, the veteran newspaper man of the territory, and a number of others.

Commissioner Prince read a letter from Governor Otero, who expressed his regrets in not being able to attend, having been detained at home by some important public business. He congratulated Captain Lesson upon having made such a successful exhibit, with the bare exception of one consignment of ore, is the private property of the captain, who brought it here at his own expense from his museum. It was all gathered by the captain during his thirty five years' residence in the territory, and is exhibited without reward or hope of reward, aside from what may come to him as a man who has the interest of the territory at heart and is willing to spend his own time and money in advancing the interests of the section of country that is his adopted home.

Commissioner Prince referred to the fact that in 1893, at the World's fair, New Mexico took the highest prize on wheat and oats, has unlimited quantities of gold and silver, lumber, marble, granite and building stone and the most healthful climate in the world.

The exercises of the day closed with a piano selection, which was well received and loudly applauded.


5 a. m.48
6 a. m.47
7 a. m.46
8 a. m.48
9 a. m.52
10 a. m.55
11 a. m.58
12 m.60
1 p. m.61
2 p. m64
3 p. m.66


Formalities to Be Carried Out When the President is There.

Secretary W. V. Cox of the government board has completed the arrangements for the reception of President McKinley when he visits the building on the afternoon of President's day. These are announced as follows:

The Government building will be closed to the public at 1:30 p. m. to allow preparations for the reception. During his presence the president's flag will float from the flagstaff at the center of the east front of the building.

The president, with his guests, accompanied by the president of the exposition and the chairman of the Government Board of Management, will enter the Government building at the north entrance, opposite the north colonnade, and will visit successively of the various department exhibits, in each of which the department representative will act as host.

At 3 o'clock the president will witness the life-saving drill from the eastern entrance of the building. At the close of the drill he will re-enter the building to the rotunda to meet those who desire to pay their respects to him. The president will leave the Government building through the eastern entrance, opposite the south colonnade.

Invited guests will be admitted at the east entrance, opposite the north colonnade.

The president will receive with such persons as he may designate in the main aisle adjacent to the light house lens in the rotunda.

Seats for the presidential party will be reserved in the space of the Department of State and in the rotunda. Other guests will be seated, as far as possible, in the spaces adjoining the main aisle.

The presentation will be made by the representatives of the War and Navy departments, the president of the exposition and the chairman of the government board, occupying positions to the right and back of the president.

Members of the government board and their associates will assist in entertaining the invited guests of the president.

Order will be maintained in the Government building by the government guard, regular and volunteer soldiers and marines detailed for that purpose, exposition guards being stationed on the outside at the various entrances.

A string orchestra will furnish appropriate music for the occasion and will be seated in the section allotted to the Smithsonian institution.


Southern People Eager for the Grip of Their Northern Neighbors.

One thousand people from Texas and other southern points arrived yesterday, chaperoned by Assistant General Passenger Agent Lupton of the Santonio & Aransas Pass Railway company. Another trainload is expected this morning and it is expected that the number of southern visitors will be swelled to 5,000 before Wednesday noon. While the bulk of the people come from Texas and intermediate points along the route traveled, many come from other southern states, brought here through the labors of Mr. Lupton who had much to do with working up the North and South Handshaking carnival, a feature of Jubilee week.

When Mr. Lupton was here some weeks ago he suggested the matter to the exposition officials and with them it met with great favor. After he went home he pushed the scheme and secured a rate of less than 1 cent per mile over all of the southern roads, together with the same rate over the connecting lines, thus allowing the people to reach Omaha at a less rate than has ever before been granted to any excursionists since the opening of the exposition.

The handshaking feature of the Jubilee week is scheduled for this afternoon along the banks of the Lagoon, and if the program is carried out in its details, the northern people will meet at the east end, while those from the south will congregate in front of the Government building. Bands will be stationed along the brink of the pool, playing "Yankee Doodle" and "Dixie." At a given signal the two forces will move together and when they collide, the handshaking will begin and continue until a general introduction has been completed.

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Hours for Innes.

The elaborate celebrations of Jubilee week have interfered somewhat with the regular concerts of the Innes band. Today the band will play in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock and on the Plaza at 7 as usual. Tomorrow it will give a short concert on the Plaza at 10:30 o'clock and another in the Auditorium at 2. The evening concert will begin at 6:30. The hours of the concerts during the remainder of the weeek​ are still undetermined.

McKinley in Electricity.

Superintendent Henry Rustin of the Electrical department is preparing to exhibit a large portrait of Persident​ McKinley in incandescent lights from the top of the band stand tomorrow night. If the attempt is successful it will be another feature which has never been successfully introduced by any previous exposition.

Notes of the Exposition.

Robert R. Johnson of Bloomington, Ill., is in the city visiting his brother, John A. Johnson of the exposition directory. He wlll​ remain during Peace Jubilee week.

Cudahys are putting out a very pretty jubilee souvenir in thes hape of a tablet bearing President McKinley's vignette on one side and a neat design on the other.

Mrs. Lord, wife of Governor Lord of Oregon, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Oberg, the flax expert, who is in charge of the textile department of the Minnesota exhibit. Mrs. Lord will remain in the city several days attending the exposition.

State Senator Stubblefield of Bloomington, Ill., is in the city, the guest of John A. Johnson of the exposition directory. Yesterday he visited the exposition and after looking over the grounds said: "It is certainly the greatest show since the World's fair."

Dairymen's day will be observed at the exposition by a lunch at noon and speaking at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The dinner will be served at one of the viaduct restaurants and the exercises will be held in the Dairy building on the north tract. It is anticipated that there will be a large attendance of those who are interested in dairy work and dairy products.

While this is designated as Peoria day, it is not expected that there wiill​ be any set program. Four hundred of the people from Peoria arrived yesterday and spent their time upon the grounds, visiting the state buildings and those upon the Main Court. They are making their headquarters at the Illinois building. At that place they will meet today, not for the purpose of holding public exercisies​, but to meet old friends who formerly resided in Illinois. They will remain n​ the city several days, or at least until after the Jubilee week exercises.

At least one of the Missouri visitors took to water yesterday afternoon. The party referred to was William Pettker, a young man from St. Louis, who hired a boat and went out for a ride on the lagoon. Down in the vicinity of the bridge south of the Administration arch the craft capsized and Pettker went sprawling in the water. He floundered around for a while until his antice were observed by the members of the United States lifie​ saving crew, who went to the rescue. The young man was pulled out of the water and taken ashore, where he explained that the boat in which he was riding is not like those to which he is accustomed and that the thing became unmanageable.


Executive Committee of the National Live Stock Association to Meet Here on Wednesday.

The executive committee of the National Live Stock association will meet at the exchange building, South Omaha, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Among other matters which will be brought before the commitee for consideration will be the program for the national convention, which meets in Denver during the last week of January.

The committee has been asked by the stockmen of the west to take up the proposition to secure feed-in-transit rates west of the Missouri river, and it is probable that the board will take measures to induce the western states to pass a uniform bounty law in regard to the killing of coyotes and wolves. It has been estimated that in Colorado alone $750,000 worth of sheep and calves are killed annually by these animals, and in Utah $800,000 worth of sheep alone are destroyed during the same period. A number of the western states have placed a bounty on the heads of coyotes and wolves. But in others there is no such provision. The result is that they are killed in one state and sold in another. The stockmen believe that by the passing of a uniform bounty law a great deal of the present loss of stock will be obviated and they intend to bend all their efforts toward such an end.

Those of the commitee who are already in the city are: John W. Springer, president of the association, who owns a large ranch at Esteline, Tex.; Peter Jansen of Jansen, Neb.; F. M. Stewart of South Dakota, R. C. Judson of Portland, Ore.; T. W. Melville of Topeka.


Delegates Representing the Various Reserve Fund Organizations in Session Now.

The American Fraternal congress was organized this morning, the plan being to have a body including in its membership all fraternities in the United States having a reserve or emergency fund. J. C. Root was chosen temporary president, and W. E. Sharp, temporary secretary.

The following fraternities were represented at the opening session: Fraternal Union of America, Ancient Order of Pyramids, Woodmen of the World, Royal Highlanders, Business and Fraternal association, American Benevolent association. Addresses were made by all the members present. A committee on constitution and by-laws was appointed, J. C. Root, F. F. Roose and L. A. Merriam serving, and a report was drafted which will be acted upon at the afternoon session.

"Hail to the Chief
Omaha Extends the glad hand to President McKinley."

King Ak-Sar-Ben IV to Personally Greet the Distinguished Visitor.


Gaily Caparisoned Knights and Two Score Beautiful Flaots.


Columbia's Popular Ruler Will Review the Spectacle from the Stand in Front of the City Hall.

At a meeting of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben at the castle last evening it was unanimously decided that President McKinley should be accorded the most splendid reception ever accorded any visitor to the kingdom of Quivera. King Ak-Sar-Ben IV made his first appearance before the knights since his coronation and his most gracious queen sent her greetings. Both bade the knights to exert themselves mightily to do honor to the beloved ruler of the nation.

On his arrival at the union depot President McKinley and his party will be met by King Ak-Sar-Ben IV in person and escorted to the city hall by two handsomely mounted troops—the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and the Equestrian club of South Omaha. Preceded by this cavalcade the presidential party will drive north on Tenth street to Farnam and west on the latter highway to the city hall.

One inexorable rule will be put into effect regarding admission to the stand. Those who are entitled to seats must be in their places before the arrival of the presidential train, which is scheduled to reach Omaha at 8:20 o'clock in the evening. As soon as the train gets into the city the city hall doors and all entrances to the stand will be closed and no one not in place can secure admission to the stand until the presidential party is seated. This rule will be strictly enforced.

Promptly at 6 o'clock the several hundred knights who will man the floats of the pageant to pass before the presidential party will assemble at the Castle. A royal edict to this effect has been issued and obedience to it is enjoined on all. Though President McKinley may not arrive here before 10 o'clock the parade will be prepared at an earlier hour, ready to start as soon as he takes his place on the reviewing stand. The parade will include the forty floats used in both the Ak-Sar-Ben and the grand electrical parades of last week, and should prove to be the most brilliant pageant ever seen in the west.

On Wednesday morning the president will be escorted from the Omaha club to the Transmississippi Exposition by the Board of Governors, mounted. On the exposition grounds 150 soldiers of the Twenty-second infantry, U. S. A., from Fort Crook and under the command of Major Van Horn, and 500 soldiers of the Second Nebraska infantry, U. S. V., under Colonel Bills, will act as the military escort to the president.

The Omaha club, which will be the home of the presidential party during its stay, has been thoroughly renovated and beautifully decorated in honor of the most distinguished guest. The suite of rooms assigned the president is on the first floor, and the rooms of the other representatives of the government army and navy will be on the upper floors. In the president's room a desk telephone set was yesterday arranged by the Nebraska Telephone company and communication with Washington satisfactorily tested over the wires of the American Telegraph and Telephone company.

Plans for the Reception.

The full plans and arrangements for the reception tonight of President McKinley and the distinguished visitors who accompany him have been completed. According to the program laid out the visitors will have only to place themselves in the hands of the members of the reception committee to have anything in Omaha that Omaha has to give and to see everything that is to be seen; if they want anything that they do not see they have simply to make a request for it and it will be forthcoming.

The reception committee is to meet at the Omaha club rooms at 8 o'clock tonight, where they will take carriages and drive to the depot to meet the visitors. Each member of the committee and his wife has some particular guest to look after. The member must locate this guest and escort him or her to his carriage. The procession will be formed as soon as all are seated in the carriages and will move under escort north on Tenth to Farnam and west on Farnam to Eighteenth street. The party will alight at the west entrance of the city hall and take seats on the platform to review the Ak-Sar-Ben parade. At the conclusion of the parade the visitors will be escorted againt to their carriages, will be taken to the hotels to which they are assigned and given rooms which have been engaged for them.

At 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning the members of the reception committee will call at the hotels, each for his own particular guest. The carriages will be gathered at the Omaha club, where a parade again under a military escort, will be formed and will proceed to the exposition grounds. The line will start at 10 o'clock. The parade will conclude at the band stand on the Grand Plaza and after the guests are seated the exercises of the day will commence.

Lunch for the Women.

At the conclusion of the exercises the women of the reception committee will take the carriages to the band stand and return the women of the visiting party to the Omaha club, where lunch will be served. The male members of the party will be taken to the North cafe, west of the band stand, where they will be served with luncheon. After luncheon at 2:30 they will be escorted through the exhibit buildings on the north side of the grand court to the Government building. Under the escort of the officers of the building the party will go to the west entrance and there view the exhibition of the Life Saving Sservice​ corps. At its conclusion the party will take a position in the building, where the president will hold a short hand-shaking reception. When that is finished the visitors will be escorted through the buildings on the south side of the grand court to the women's reception room in the Mines and Mining building.

In the meantime the women will be expected to have finished their luncheon at the Omaha club and will be returned to the exposition grounds and will be escorted to the reception room in the Mines and Mining building. It is expected that they will be joined by their masculine companions at 3:30 o'clock. The entire party will then proceed over the Sherman avenue viaduct to the Grand Plaza, where carriages will again be taken and will proceed to the grounds of the Indian congress. Seats will be reserved for them there and they will witness the sham battle. After the battle the party will be returned to the north cafe, stopping a few minutes at the cattle exhibit. The committee and guests will dine at the cafe at 6 o'clock. After dinner they will be given a ride around the lagoon and will afterward take carriages on the Grand Plaza for the fireworks. After the fireworks the guests will be entertained according to their wishes and later returned to their hotels.

The entertainment will not conclude with Wednesday. If any of the visitors remain longer in the city they will be provided accommodations and means to enjoy themselves as they wish.

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Fifth Annual Convention of Nebraska Federation in Session.


Reports of Officers Received and the Program of Exercises for the Day Taken Up—Early Evening Session.

A large and appreciative audience attended the opening session of the General Federation of Women's club at the First Congregational church this morning. The meeting is under the auspices of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs, of which Mrs. Stoutenborough of Plattsmouth is president. Mrs. Lowe of Georgia, the president and the other officers, Mrs. Platt of Colorado, vice president; Mrs. Moore of Missouri, treasurer; Mrs. Barnes of Kentucky, auditor, and Mrs. Fox of Michigan and Mrs. Kendrick, the secretaries of the general federation, are present at this the Fifth annual convention of the Nebraska Federation.

Mrs. Stoutenborough presided. The session was formally opened with prayer by Rev. Mary G. Andrews of this city. Rev. Mrs. Andrews invoked divine blessing on all women and their clubs and open woman's progress over all the world.

Mrs. A. N. Ferguson, vice president of the Omaha Woman's club gave greeting and a cordial welcome to the visiting club women. In welcoming them Mrs. Ferguson said that any gathering of clubmen or women was always attended by some good. So these sessions of today could not but be of value.

Mrs. Brindley, president of the Columbus Woman's club, in response thanked the Omaha women for their kindness and hospitality. Twenty-eight years ago Mrs. Brindley crossed from Council Bluffs to Omaha in a ferryboat. In striking terms she depicted the growth of the city. In glowing terms the exposition was praised, for Mrs. Brindley said that it was not only a source of pride and satisfaction to the people of Omaha, but to the people of Nebraska, and thus to all the people of the transmississippi section.

The fact that men gave so little of their time to intellectual culture while women gave so much Mrs. Brindley lamented and urged that the women endeavor to make it possible for men to secure more leisure from their business. With a repetition of thanks and appreciation for the courtesies extended to the visiting club women Mrs. Brindley closed her address.

Commence Business Session.

Business routine was then taken up. Mrs. Draper Smith, the secretary, then read the minutes of the fourth annual session of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, held at Beatrice last year, which were approved and accepted by the delegates. Following this came the report of the committee on credentials and the roll call of delegates. The roll call disclosed that delegates were present from thirty-nine clubs.

The report of the secretary showed that there were seventy-five clubs in the State Federation. The reports of the treasurer, Mrs. Nichols, and the auditor, Mrs. Larsh, were then read and accepted.

The routine work was interrupted for a few moments to listen to two delightful songs by Mrs. J. H. Metcalf. After this refreshing respite, two minute reports of the condition and work of the different clubs were given, all of which offered great satisfaction to the assembled club women.

This afternoon the program will be:

2:30 p. m.—Recommended work; "Town and Village Improvement," Mrs. Nellie Richardson, Lincoln, Neb.; "Art," Mrs. Ida L. Snyder, Plattsmouth, Neb.; "Rest Rooms," Mrs. Helen Harrison, York, Neb.; music, "Angelus," Chaminade, Mrs. D. A. Campbell and Miss Maude Oakley; short addresses; "University Extension," Mrs. H. H. Wilson, Lincoln, Neb.; "District Federation," Mrs. Apperson, Tecumseh, Neb.; unfinished business; music, "An Rendi Me," 1686, Rasse, Mrs. D. A. Campbell; reports of committees; election of officers; new business.

To give the club members an opportunity to see the parade in honor of President McKinley, tonight, the evening session will begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock, ending at 9 o'clock. All the delegates are urgently requested to be in their seats punctually. The following papers and music will end the fifth annual convention of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs:

8 p. m.—Music, (a) "In Woodland Path" (in Mss), Roy L. Smith; (b) "Mine Own Little Sweetheart" (in Mss), Mr. Dan H. Wheeler, jr.; address, Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, Atlanta, Ga., president General Federation [?] the General Federation of Women's Clubs, music, aria, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," from Samson and Delilah, Saint Saens, Miss Lillian Deland Terry; annual address, Mrs. Belle Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth, Neb., president Nebraska Federation Women's Clubs.


County Commissioners and Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Do What They Can to Relieve Pressure for Shelter.

The county commissioner have decided to throw open the court house for the accommodation free of charge of those who will be unable to secure places to sleep tonight, and will do the best they can to make their visitors comfortable. The court rooms will be opened and those who wish may occupy the benches. In addition to this the county has about 100 cots and mattresses which the jurors use when court is in session, and these will be turned over to the public. An extra force of janitors has been appointed for the time to look after the wants of those who have been unable to secure lodgings in the city. There will be no charge for any of this service.

The board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben have also decided to open the castle free of charge for the accommodation of those who are unable to find lodgings. There will be no beds or bunks, there, but the people who desire to take shelter there will be welcome. Policemen have been instructed to guide strangers to the castle, which is the old Coliseum building on North Twentieth street.


President's Train Proceeds at His Will Through the Hawkeye State.


Northwestern People Give the Distinguished Travelers Right-of-Way and Handle the Trains Just as the President Likes.

The special train of the Chicago & Northwestern bearing President McKinley left Chicago at 7:45 o'clock this morning, passed Clinton, Ia., 138 miles from Chicago, at 11:20 o'clock, and is due to arrive at the Omaha union depot at 9 o'clock tonight.

On President McKinley's train is the general superintendent of the Northwestern, and on the other train the assistant general superintendent is riding. All stops are made at the will of the president, who gives instructions when, and how long the stops shall be made. The run up to date has been very pleasant, and great crowds have been out at every station to greet the head of the nation.

The train is making a fair run. No effort at record-breaking is being made. Great precautions are being taken for the safety of the train, all the switches being spiked with other trains off the main line an hour within the president's train. Track-walkers have carefully inspected the entire line and fifty feet from every switch is stationed a switchman to signal the engineer.

President McKinley's train is coming across Iowa in advance of General Miles' train, the preliminary arrangement having been reversed. This manner of handling the trains will be continued through to Omaha, so the president will reach here in advance of the military party. The train will stop at Council Bluffs at the Broadway depot to allow the Omaha committee to get on board.

Good Time with Second Special.

CLINTON, Ia., Oct. 11.—(Special Telegram.)—The army and navy special has been making exceptional speed to overtake the president's train which left Chicago on schedule time. Owing to a wreck on the Cambridge division of the Baltimore & Ohio, a change had to be made to the Camden & Marietta road, compelling the train to make a long detour to Newark, getting into Chicago two hours late. The run from Chicago, however, has been on schedule time and will be in Omaha at 9:30.

" Bee


Arrangements Made by Chief White for the Care of the Presidential Party During Its Visit.

Every member of the police department and all the exposition guards available will be used in handling the big crowds expected during the parade tonight. Orders have been issued by Chief of Police White for the assembly at headquarters of the entire department at 7 o'clock.

The exposition guards detailed for duty with the police will meet at the same place and time. At that hour a detail of mounted officers under command of Sergeant Iler will be assigned to duty at the entrance of the Tenth street depot. Sergeant Whalen and ten men will be assigned to duty on the depot platform and will clear the crowds in advance of the presidential party and escort it to its carriages. Iler's and Whalen's commands will unite on the viaduct and act as escort to the presidential carriage on its way to the reviewing stand in front of the city hall. The rest of the force will be distributed about the down town streets. At each of the most prominent crossings four officers will be stationed. The exposition guards will be distributed in the same manner. A guard of twelve officers will be placed about the building of the Omaha club and this guard will be maintained during the stay of the president in the city. About the reviewing stand a strong cordon of police and detectives will be drawn.

Wherever the presidential party goes it will be guarded by officers in plain clothing.


Everything but Ticket Officers Will Be Shut Down During the President's Visit Here.

"You may say that the railroads hope to see an attendance of 100,000 at the exposition to greet President McKinley on Wednesday, and will help swell the crowd by giving their employes a holiday," remarked an executive officer of one of the Omaha lines to a Bee reporter this morning.

The movement to set apart President's day for a railroad holiday was inaugurated by General Manager Holdrege of the B. & M., Dickinson of the Union Pacific and Bidwell of the Elkhorn early this morning. The officers of the other lines were consulted at once, and all of the railway officials in charge quickly fell in with the idea. Before noon a general agreement had been reached for a whole day's vacation, and as the bulletins were posted in the different headquarters they were received with enthusiasm by the hundreds of clerks there. It will be the first occasion during the exposition that the railroad employes have enjoyed an entire day off. On Railroad day they were given only a half day.

The closing order applies to the general headquarters here, the general offices and the local freight houses. The city ticket offices and the depot ticket offices will necessarily be kept open on account of the enormous number of passengers to be looked after.

The officials of the operating departments of the Omaha terminal lines are glad that the local freight houses are going to be closed all day tomorrow as it will save a lot of switching of freight cars and give more room in the railroad yards for the handling of passenger trains. Said one of them: "There is going to be a big lot of extra and special trains in all of the yards tomorrow. We can handle them with greater safety and in quicker time now that we know there will be but little switching of freight cars. As the local freight houses will be closed there will not need to be much switching and we'll have most of the room in the yards for our passenger trains."

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People by the Thousands Flock Into the Exposition City.


Union Depot is Packed with Visitors Who Arrive Faster Than They Can Be Distributed by the Street Cars.

The vanguard of the army of Peace Jubilee week visitors put in appearance this morning. It came from all localities of the Transmississippi region, but mainly from Iowa and Nebraska, and the indications are that before the arrival of the last train tomorrow night all existing records for travel over the railroads will be smashed to smithereens.

Without a single exception a greater number of people were brought into the city by each of the railroads than were ever carried before during a morning and the same assertion holds good with regard to afternoon, for special trains are scheduled to arrive over all the roads in numbers that are unprecedented. All of the regular trains are carrying extra cars, increasing their size to fourteen or fifteen coaches, being drawn by a pair of locomotives instead of one. The specials vary in length from nine to thirteen cars.

At the Webster street station, in addition to the usual number of regular morning trains, there were four specials—two from Missouri, one from Minnesota, and one from Iowa. The station was crowded all morning, but the visitors experienced little or no difficulty in securing transportation to the parts of the city they wished to reach.

At the big station by the viaduct it was different. Trains followed one another into the depots at such short intervails​, unloading one lot of passengers on to the platforms before the preceeding​ crowds had gotten away, that it became impossible for those in charge to handle the throngs and every avenue of exit became congested, remaining that way most of the morning. To add to the confusion, the street car service was wholly inadequate to accommodate the visitors, and all morning the viaduct was packed with people who were unable to find places on the street cars and get away. Several hundred preferred to walk and carry luggage than to remain home for hours waiting a chance to ride on cars, and as a consequence streets leading to hotel and boarding house districts were crowded by travelers for many hours.

The regular trains into the Union and Burlington stations arrived in sections numbering from two to four, instead of one as is usually the case. In addition to these, there were two specials from Marion, over the Milwaukee; two from Cedar Rapids, over the Northwestern; two from Des Moines, over the Northwestern and Rock Island; three from Missouri, and several more from the west. Two big excursion trains from Holdrege and Beatrice are scheduled to arrive this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Missourians Still Coming.

The Missourians did not cease coming to the exposition on the conclusions of their state celebration here. Over 5,000 more visitors wearing the up-to-date motto "Show Me" arrived here this morning, and as many more are said to be on the way to Omaha to greet President McKinley.

During the morning the Missouri Pacific delivered 2,685 Missourians to the exposition authorities. They came on six trains, whereas the company's time card provides for only half that number of trains. Train No. 1 came in three sections, the first arriving with 650 passengers at 9.25 a. m., over three hours late on account of the heavy travel. Train No. 9 drew in with two sections bearing 300 and 350 persons respectively. The Auburn local train had all of its seats taken and its aisles and platforms crowded when it reached Avoca, so the engineer was instructed to pull it through to Omaha without a stop. This he did, though he had many mean things said about him by the crowds left standing at country stations.

The Rock Island, like all other roads, had a busy morning. Its specialty was in handling Kansans. Its trains from the east and from Colorado and Nebraska points were well filled, but the denizens of the Sunflower state had a great big majority. This was because the Rock Island broke away from the other roads and carried round trip rates of $2, $2.50 and $3 into territory from which the regular one-way fare to Omaha ranges from $6 to $7. A special train from Phillipsburg, Kan., will arrive at 4 p. m., and will be followed by four heavy sections of the regular afternoon train from the west, arriving between 4 and 5 o'clock. The trains are running ten minutes apart on the block system.

Modoc Club Coming.

About 2,600 Kansans are aboard of these trains under the guidance of Hon. Thomas Anderson of Topeka, ex-postmaster of that city and a Grand Army leader. He has with him the famous Modoc club of the Kansas capital, composed of twenty-five well-trained singers. His chief clerk, George W. Bainter, is with him.

All of the large supply of passenger coaches sent west last week by the Union Pacific are returning to Omaha with their seats crowded and their aisles jammed. They will be sent out to points in Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado again tonight, no matter whether anyone rides in them or not, so that they will be ready to bring more visitors to the Peace Jubilee on Wednesday and Thursday.

Here's how some of the cars came in on the "Overland Route" today: Train No. 4 in two sections, the first of sixteen cars and the second of twelve cars; train No. 8 with eleven cars; train No. 42 with thirteen cars. That complets​ the morning grist of arrivals on President Burt's road, while the afternoon express is already reported to be in three sections, with thirty-five cars, and as traffic this way increases more cars are put in service and additional selections made up.


And Visiting Thousands Wait the Coming of President McKinley Tonight.

Exposition Officials Lay Aside All Other Business to Prepare for the Event.

Plans Made to Take Care of the Big Crowds Along Line of March and at Congested Points.

Trip to the City Hall, Domicile at the Omaha Club and the Program Wednesday.

Will Arrive "About 8 O'Clock"---Sees the Exposition Next Day and Attends the Special Attractions.

Preparations for the reception of the president of the United States and the other distinguished guests who will constitute his party temporarily sidetracked other business in exposition official circles yesterday. President Wattles was well-nigh buried in the abstraction of a thousand and one details.

It has been accepted as a predestined fact that tonight will see the biggest crowd that ever assembled on the streets of Omaha, and much thought has been given to its proper handling as well as to the details more closely applying to the reception of the presidential party. Plans have been formulated to relieve about 100 of the exposition guards for duty down town, to assist the police in keeping the streets clear and preventing any annoying interruption of the parade.

Much speculation has been indulged in as to how the crowd will be managed, as the line of march is so short that the people will be massed more densely than at any of the previous parades, and there will be twice as many of them. The presidential party and escort will pass up Tenth street from the depot to Farnam, thence to the city hall reviewing stand, but the parade proper, consisting of the combined lines of last Tuesday and Thursday nights, will only pass up Farnam from Tenth to Eighteenth streets.

The most definite information that can be secured at railroad headquarters as to the time of arrival of the presidential train is that it will be "about 8 o'clock." It is expected that the party will reach the reviewing stand shortly before 9 o'clock.

Immediately following the parade the president will be escorted to the Omaha club, where he will remain until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, when he will be escorted to the exposition grounds. The addresses of the day will be delivered at the band stand on the grand plaza, providing the weather is suitable, otherwise they will occur at the Auditorium. Following the exercises the party will lunch at the Markel cafe at 1 o'clock, and then proceed through the buildings on the north side of the grand court to the Government building.

Returning through the buildings on the south side of the court, the ladies of the party will be met at the rooms of the entertainment bureau in the Mines and Mining building after lunch down town at the club, and all will take carriages and visit the Indian encampment to witness the sham battle, returning through the Midway.

The party will be banqueted at the Markel cafe at 6 o'clock, and, after listening to the Innes band concert, will drive to the north tract to see the fireworks. Immediately following the fireworks the party will leave the grounds and be driven to their quarters at the club, where they will remain until the following morning, when the special train leaves for Washington via St. Louis and Chicago.

While the exposition officials will nominally have charge of the club house during the president's stay, the building will be in direct charge of Major W. C. Ward, president of the government board, who will see that the proper regulations are observed there to maintain such privacy as President McKinley may desire.

Arrangements announced at the city hall reviewing stand for the parade tonight are that 200 most desirably located seats in the front tier will be set aside for the presidential party. In the rear will be located the city officials and employes. All persons holding tickets for these seats must be in their seats before 8:20, or they will then be shut out entirely till after the presidential party is all seated, and may happen to get left altogether in the jam.


Boards Special Train for Omaha and Will Arrive on Time.

Canton, O., Oct. 10.—President McKinley boarded the Omaha special at 9:30 tonight and will reach Chicago at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, leaving an hour later on the Northwestern road. Mrs. McKinley remained in Canton, but will join the president at Chicago in time for the peace jubilee.

The members of the party on the Pennsylvania special are the president, Secretary Bliss, Secretary Wilson, Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn, Secretary John Addison Porter and Assistant Secretary John B. Cortelyou. Postmaster General Smith and Secretary Gage are expected to join the party at Omaha. Governor Shaw of Iowa and his staff will take the train at Clinton, Ia., in order to be present at the exposition on Wednesday, President's day.

His Reception at St. Louis.

St. Louis,Mo., Oct. 10.—Arrangements for the reception of President McKinley in St. Louis have nearly been completed. It has been decided to abandon the proposed visit to Jefferson barracks and provide a drive about the city instead. The Twelfth regiment, Capron's battery, and battery A, will escort the president from union station to the Southern hotel, where a general reception will be held from 11 o'clock till noon. Then a reception will be held at the merchants' exchange until 12:30 o'clock. After luncheon the afternoon will be spent in driving about the city and at night a reception will be held at the exposition, where Governor Stephens and others will speak.


Committees to Greet the President at the Station.

The train of President McKinley will arrive at the union depot about 8 o'clock tonight.

Pulling in before it will be the train bearing General Miles and the whole party, comprising:

Army and Navy and Government Officials—Major General Miles, Colonel Francis Micheler, Colonel William M. Black, Colonel Samuel Reber, Captain H. H. Whitney, secretary; Mrs. Miles, Major General W. R. Shafter, two aides and valet, Major General Joseph Wheeler, the Misses Wheeler, Brigadier General A. W. Greely, chief signal officer; Mrs. Greely, Brigadier General C. F. Humphrey, Mrs. Humphrey, Miss Humphrey, Mrs. Mary Howard, Commodore J. W. Philip, U. S. N.; Captain Arthur Paget, naval attache, British embassy; Dr. R. W. Baker, U. S. A.; Mrs. Baker, Mrs. J. V. Creighton, Hon. J. M. Thurston, United States senator; Hon. J. D. Yeomans, interstate commerce commission; Prof. W. L. Moore, chief weather bureau; Mrs. Moore, Dr. W. T. Harris, commissioner of education; Mrs. Harris, General James A. Sexton, commander-in-chief Grand Army of the Republic; G. R. Butlin, secretary; A. J. Leonard, secretary; George Scott, messenger.

Diplomatic Corps—Mr. Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister; Mrs. Wu Ting Fang, maid; Master Wu Cho Chu, Mr. Chow Tsz Chi, Mr. Hwang Chung Hull, Mr. Li Kwang Hang, secretaries; the minister's steward; Mr. Chin Pom Ye, Corean minister plenipotentiary; Mrs. Chin Pom Ye, Master We Chong Ye, Mr. Tam E. Ye, secretary; Mr. Henry Guillaume, Gonzolo de Quesada, charge d'affaires Cuban junta; Mrs. Quesada, Brazilian and Argentina ministers.

Representatives of the Press—George Grantham Bain, Harper's Weekly; Frederick Benzinger, Chicago Times-Herald; W. E. Curtis, Chicago Record; Louis Garthe, Baltimore American; C. A. Hamilton, Sioux City Journal; James Henry, Philadelphia Press; Raymond Patterson, Chicago Tribune; Frank Richardson, Baltimore Sun; George W. Rouser, New York Herald; John S. Shriver, New York Mail and Express; E. C. Snyder, Omaha Bee; Howard N. Thompson, Associated Press; Charles S. Albert, New York World.

For this party carriages will be in waiting at the depot, and the carriages will wait until the arrival of the presidential train, a few minutes later.

The committee that will receive the president at the station comprises:

For the Exposition—President Wattles and Mrs. Wattles, Vice President and Mrs. Saunders, Treasurer Herman Kountze, Secretary and Mrs. Wakefield, General Counsel Montgomery and Mrs. Montgomery and General Manager Clarkson and Mrs. Clarkson.

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For the Executive Committee—Z. T. and Mrs. Lindsey, E. Rosewater and Mrs. Rosewater, F. P. Kirkendall and Mrs. Kirkendall, E. E. Bruce and Mrs. Bruce, A. L. Reed and Mrs. Reed, W. N. Babcock and Mrs. Babcock.

For the Government at the Exposition—Major H. C. Ward and Mrs. Ward, J. R. Dunn and Mrs. Dunn.

For the Invitation Committee—Senator Thurston, Senator Allen and Mrs. Allen, Congressman Mercer and Mrs. Mercer, John L. Webster and Mrs. Webster, General Cowin and Mrs. Cowin, General Mandeson and Mrs. Manderson, John C. Wharton and Mrs. Wharton.

For the Bureau of Ententainment​—Mesdames Clement Chase, H. T. Clarke, W. A. Redick, G. M. Hitchcock, J. E. Summers, jr., Joslyn and Lyman.

In the president's party, besides the president of the United States of America, will be Secretaries Gage, Smith, Wilson, Bliss and their wives, Secretaries Gage and Smith coming back to the city to join the president.

At Tenth and Farnam streets the carriage procession will be met by the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, and the guests will be escorted up Farnam street in the lead of the main floats of the parade of Tuesday and Thursday nights. From the platform in front of the city hall the president will review the parade.

The president and party will afterward be escorted to the Omaha club rooms, and General Miles and party to the Paxton hotel and to the Millard hotel.


Elegant Apartments Provided for President and Cabinet Officers.

All day yesterday the Omaha club was the scene of unusual animation and activity. Preparing for the reception of the presidential party this evening occupied the efforts of everybody from the officers of the club down to the porters. But they have done their work thoroughly and artistically, and this morning the beautiful house is in readiness for the entrance and occupancy of the distinguished guests.

As a matter of greater convenience the ladies' department on the ground floor has been elaborately fitted up for the president and Mrs. McKinley, if she comes. This suite includes the cafe, reception and toilet room, and they have been attractively appointed with brass beds, mahogany dressers, chiffoniers and dressing tables. Heavy cheval glasses adorn the walls. The big doors are hung with rich tapestry, while magnificent lace curtains drape the east windows. Choice plants, vines and flowers are banked everyhere​, and the apartments are really exquisite in their artistic finish.


On the second floor four private dining rooms have been metamorphosed into sumptuous sleeping apartments, with their handsome new furniture and other appointments. Huge palms and spreading ferns are to be seen in profusion here also. These rooms are for the cabinet officers. Ten additional rooms on the third floor have also been elegantly fitted up for the accommodation of other notable visitors.

The club house presents a most attractive appearance throughout interiorally with its labyrinths of tropical verdure, and on the outside huge silk flags alone serve as adornment. A canopied walk reaches from the broad main entrance on Douglas street to the curbing.


The Nebraska Telephone company has installed a handsome telephone cabinet and special set of instruments in the anteroom to the room in the Omaha club to be occupied by President McKinley. An attendant will be placed in charge of these instruments, and the president will be afforded every facility for talking over the lines of the Nebraska company and the lines of the American Telegraph and Telephone company, thus covering every point in the country. By this means the president will be enabled to hold conferences with his office in the White house or with any other point.

The Northwestern city ticket office will today display in its window bulletins announcing the progress of the train bearing the president and his party and of the train bearing General Miles and his party. The latter train will arrive first, so that the occupants may be in their carriages when the presidential party arrives. This is to avoid delay.

Assistant General Superintendent W. A. Gardner will be on the president's train, and General Passenger Agent W. B. Kniskern on General Miles' train.


There is a general anxiety on the part of the public to know something about the line of march of tonight when the president arrives. It will be very simple, beginning at Tenth and Farnam, and up Farnam to Eighteenth street.

The board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and the South Omaha Riding club will meet the presidential party at the Union Pacific depot this evening and escort them up Tenth to Farnam, thence up Farnam to the reviewing platform in front of the city hall.

While the distinguished guests are being seated there the escort will return to Tenth and Farnam and lead the parade up the main thoroughfare to Eighteenth street.

After the parade the president and party will be escorted to the Omaha club by the board of governors.

Wednesday morning the party will be conducted to the exposition grounds, where it will be met at the grand stand on the plaza by the exposition board of directors.

General Green Will Be Here.

Among the distinguished men to be in the city this evening, accompanying the presidential part, is General F. V. Green. General Green, it will be remembered, passed through the city a few weeks ago, en route to Washington from the Philippines, having been summoned there to carry the reports and important documents from Manila to the war department. At Manila he was in command of one wing in the battle, full particulars of which were printed in the World-Herald at the time he passed through the city. The Nebraska troops were in General Green's command. This being true, he is especially interested in Omaha and Nebraska. Of the many notables to form the presidential party none will receive a warmer welcome than will General Green. He is president of the Barber Asphalt company and will retire from the army soon to resume his duties at the head of that company. While in the city he will be at the Millard.


Tuesday, October 11.


9 a. m.—Live stock display in live stock pavilion.

10 a. m.—Omaha Concert band at Auditorium.

11 a. m.—Governors' day exercises at Auditorium:

InvocationRev. S. Wright Butler
WelcomeG. W. WattlesPresident of Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.
AddressHon. Silas A. HolcombGovernor of State of Nebraska.
AddressHon. Alva AdamsGovernor of State of Colorado.
AddressHon. D. M. CloughGovernor of State of Minnesota.
AddressHon. C. M. BarnesGovernor of Oklahoma.

11:30 a. m.—Model of battleship Illinois dry docked at Government building.

12 m.—Fire horses hitched by electricity.

2 p. m.—New Mexico day exercises at Mines and Mining building.

2 p. m.—Omaha Concert band in promenade concert on Main Court.

3 p. m.—Innes band at Auditorium:

Overture—"Le Domino Noir"Auber
Euphonium Solo—"Golden Rod" (Concert polka)EarlPerfetto.
Three Dances From "Henry VIII."—(a) Morris Dance; (b) Shepherd's Idyll; (c) Torch DanceGerman
Scenes from "The Bohemian Girl"Balfe
"At a Georgia Camp Meeting," (Descriptive fantasia)Mills
(a) "Cupid's Story," (Intermezzo)Innes
(b) "Maypole Dance"Tobani
"The Campbells Are Coming," (Scotch fantasia No. 2)Mackey
Trombone Solo—"Esmeralda"LeveyInnes.
"Les Voltigeurs" (Pas Redoubles)Gabriel Pares

3 p. m.—United States life saving service exhibition at west end of lagoon.

4 p. m.—Organ recital at Auditorium by T. J. Kelley:

Finale—"Star Spangled Banner"

4 p. m.—Sham battle on Indian congress grounds.

5 p. m.—Santiago war balloon ascension (if not too windy.)

5 p. m.—Omaha Concert band at Government building:

March—"Stars and Stripes Forever"Sousa
Overture—"Hungarian"Keler Bela
Waltz—"Wine, Wife and Song"Strauss
Selection—"Pleasant Evening"Beyer
Finale—"Return of the Troops"Eilenberg

7 p. m.—Innes' band in third grand jubilee concert on Ggand​ Plaza:

(a) "An die Musik" (Romanza)Schubert
(b) "Love is King" (Two step march)Innes
"Invitation to the Dance"Weber"Transcription by Weingarten. New.)
"The Anvil Chorus" and other scenes from "Il Trovatore"VerdiIntroducing the Exposition chorus, the flaming anvils, solos by Messrs. Levi (clarionet), Zimmerman (trombone); Perfetto, (euphonium;) Kenney, (cornet,) and the costumed corps of musical blacksmiths.
"Vesper Hymn" (Unaccompanied chorus)Exposition chorus, under direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly.
"England to America" (International fantasia)BaetensConcluding with an original transcription of the interwoven representatives melodies, "America," "St. Patrick's Day," "Tullochgorum" and "Rule Britania," and introducing Innes' battery of electric artillery.
"The Star Spangled Banner"Introducing the Exposition chorus and Innes' battery of electric cannons, the accompanying fireworks spectacle being by the Due Fireworks company.

9 p. m.—Special jubilee fireworks on the north tract.


President's Day—11 a. m.—Exercises from band stand on grand plaza. Addresses by His Excellency William McKinley, president of the U. S. Chorus and band music. Lunch to distinguished guests. Lunch to Mrs. McKinley at Omaha club. Reception at Government building. Military and spectacular parade. Sham battle by Indian tribes and spectacular fireworks in afternoon and evening.


Army and Navy Day—Exercises in Auditorium at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Addresses by Major General Nelson A. Miles, John D. Long, secretary of the navy; General Russell A. Alger, secretary of war; General Joseph Wheeler and other distinguished officers of the army and navy, officers of the Grand Army of the Republic and officers of the Confederate Veterans' association. Lunch to prominent guests. Military parades. Ascension of war balloons. Sham battle of Indian tribes and spectacular fireworks in afternoon and evening.

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Civil Government Day—11 a. m.—Exercises in Auditorium. Addresses by members of the president's cabinet, representatives of the supreme court, senators and congressmen and other civil officers. Lunch to distinguished guests. War balloon ascension. Illustration of life saving service and spectacular fireworks in afternoon and evening.


Children's Jubilee Day—11 a. m.—Grand patriotic chorus on grand plaza. Music by Innes band. Concert in Auditorium. Spectacular concert on plaza and spectacular fireworks in afternoon and evening.


Peace Week Opens With Great Influx of Visitors to Exposition.

Mayors' Day Exercisee​--Missouri Day at the Apartments in Agricultural Building--Features of Monday.

The most prominent visitors on the grounds Monday were several thousand badged excursionists from Missouri, the members of the Indiana Press association and the mayors of a number of Omaha's sister cities.

"There are 5,000 Missouri people on the grounds this minute," said President Sterrett of the Missouri commission, before 10 o'clock, "and I think that my guess that there would be 10,000 here today is not too sanguine."

Secretary M. V. Carroll of the commission came in yesterday from Jefferson City and he said there were 1,000 on his train. Commissioner Hedgpeth of Atchison county arrived yesterday and says that 1,000 were on his train. George E. Reynolds, one of the St. Louis commissioners, also got in early and reported that a big crowd was coming a few hours later from the Missouri metropolis. Perhaps 2,000 excursionists from Missouri reached the city yesterday.


The mayors were here because it was also mayors' day.

Mayors' day exercises were at the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. For an hour before they began a large audience had enjoyed the regular morning concert by the Innes band, which, when the visiting mayors had been escorted to the platform by the exposition management and members of the directory, playing a patriotic meddly​, all standing.

President Wattles said that these exercises were to formally open the series of events celebrating Peace Jubilee week.

Prayer was offered by Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Saints.

The first address was by Mayor Moores of Omaha, who proposed the fitness of a representation of the municipalities at this important time, because the good government of cities was essential to the welfare and the prosperity of the country. He discussed the desirability of purity and integrity in the conduct of city affairs. He bade a formal welcome to the visiting mayors and assured them that if they desired to study the methods of administration every facility would be offered.

He was followed by Mayor George T. Baker of Davenport, who begun by extolling the exposition as an educator not only of the American but of foreign peoples. He was gratified that the great and grand enterprise had been so signal a success in every way. He returned thanks for the opportunity then given to him and the chief executives of other cities to visit the exposition.

John MacVicar, the mayor of Des Moines, made appreciative reference to the recent achievements of the army and navy which had given a new luster to American citizenship and given a new exemplification of valor. His theme, he said, would be "The Man Who Wanted to Come Home." While he had the greatest admiration for the heroes who had by acts won distinction, but he had an admiration no less for the boys who having enlisted had no opportunity to do further service. He held that red tape should not prevent the coming home of those not longer needed. All honor to the man, who, with the danger and the need gone, wanted to come home and return to the ranks of peaceful industry. His desire to do this indicated no disposition to shirk responsibility or to desert the old flag in danger. Let the man who wants to come home have his own way. Throw open the city home and the farm house to him and have his assistance in establishing self-government for the new American possessions.

The conclusion of the address was marked by cheers.

It was the last address, and another patriotic medley by the Innes band brought out the last applause of the hour.

President Wattles, to conclude the exercises, invited the visitors to the inspection of all the attractions of the exposition and announced that at 1 o'clock the mayors and their ladies would be lunched by the management and by the bureau of entertainment at the Market cafe.


Missouri state exercises were held at the apartments of the Missouri exhibit in the Agricultural building yesterday afternoon.

The rooms and the aisles adjacent were crowded. President Sterrett of the state commission first introduced Lieutenant Governor Bolte. He thanked the officers of the exposition and the people of the city of Omaha and the state of Nebraska for the kindness shown them on all occasions. He commended the commisisoners​ for the excellent and altogether satisfactory manner in which they had performed their duty, and then gave a description of the resources of the state.

The governor could not be present on account of sickness.

The second and the concluding address was by State Senator E. W. Major of Pike county. It was the first time, he said, that the west had had an opportunity to witness in collected form western enterprise. He declared his admiration of western push and enterprise as shown in what Omaha, Nebraska and the general west had done. He had no words too extravagant to express his appreciation of what Missouri and its people had done at the big show.

He then dwelt on the resources, the condition and the prospects of the state of Missouri. He called attention to the fact that the state had a larger available school fund than any other state in the union. He did not let the occasion pass to compliment the women of the state, and he quoted the couplet:

Whatever spurs our sons have won,
Our women have placed their armor on.

He made much pleasant boast of the promptitude with which Missouri responded to the recent call to arms, and he concluded with a general praise of the people of the state.

Dignitaries From Utah.

Judge Shurtliff, president of the Utah commission, came to town yesterday to remain ten days or longer at the exposition. He says that not many from his state are coming for peace jubilee week, but that there will be a big crowd for Utah day, October 20. Governor Heber M. Wells and staff, and most of the state officials will be present. The presidency of the Mormon church, Lorenzo Snow, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith; Franklin D. Richards, the president of the twelve apostles, and several of the apostles will also be here.

Two Regiments to Escort.

General Sumner, commander of the department of the Missouri and Colorado, arrived from Denver yesterday, accompanied by his aid, Captain Palmer.

He spent the morning conferred with the exposition authorities regarding the arrangements for the Twenty-second infantry from Fort Crook and the Second Nebraska volunteers, both of which will be on duty at the exposition all Wednesday as an escort and guard for the president. Both regiments will reach the exposition grounds Wednesday morning about 8 o'clock and will remain until the president leaves.

General Sumner offered to detail a detachment of soldiers to act as a guard about the Omaha club during the president's stay here, but the civil authorities had already made provision for guarding the chief executive's safety, and the soldiers were not required.

Cleveland Will Not Be Here.

Through a mistake it was announced in the official program of the exposition published in the World-Herald that ex-President Cleveland would be here Thursday. He will not be here.


Monday Swells the Exposition Admissions Nearly Thirty Thousand.

Live Stock Show Proving to Be a Great Attraction to Thousands of the Visitors.

Amphitheater Crowded With People to See the Animals Receive Their Awards--Three Hundred Prizes Already Given.

Monday's Admissions,29,033
Total Admissions1,916,401

The attendance yesterday at the exposition hit close to the 30,000 mark. For Monday it was a "top notcher," and was merely a small indicator of the way peace jubilee week will swell the total admissions well beyond 2,000,000.

Today is to be divided up among the governors, New Mexico, dairymen, stockmen and the good citizens from Peoria, Ill.

Special attention is being given by the exposition public to the movements of the live stock show, over 500 visitors standing around for hours yesterday envying the 3,000 people who filled the amphitheater because of their opportunities to view the judging then going on as the prize horses, cattle, sheep and swine of all America were trotted about the ring for inspection. About 300 awards in the various classes have been made, with hard work by judges to come daily till October 20.

Yesterday they were judging the Hereford classes in cattle, Suffolk Punch class in horses, Southdown sheep and Poland-China swine. Visitors and experts of the stock shows without exception gave lavish praise of the fine quality of the stock and its excellent condition.

The judging begins each morning at 9 o'clock, lasts till noon, and again beginning at 1:30 p. m., continues till 5 p. m., during which the general public is invited to be present, liberty being given to pass through the fifty-one big barns at any time of the day.

Catalogues descriptive of the entire show, the most complete of their kind ever published, are out, being issued by the exposition.


Special Program for This Afternoon and Tonight.

Innes and his band took part in the formal exercises which were held in the Auditorium at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. For this reason the afternoon concert had to be abandoned, much to the regret of those who have grown accustomed to going up to the exposition in the afternoon for the purpose of hearing the famous organization. The evening concert was given as announced, and was the scene of the usual enthusiasm, which seems to be a daily accompaniment to the performances of the popular organization.

A splendid program is announced for this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Auditorium, while tonight's jubilee concert, to be given on the grand plaza at 7 o'clock, promises to be of unusual interest. The piece de resistance will be the first production in spectacular form of Verdi's famous "Anvil Chorus." This will introduce a corps of costumed blacksmiths, Innes' battery of rapid fire electric artillery and the exposition chorus of 200 voices.

The clever bandmaster has arranged a magnificent feast for tomorrow night, which is to be attended by President McKinley, who is a great admirer of the band. Much interest is being aroused in the military spectacle, "War and Peace," which is to be given at the jubilee concert on Thursday night. General Manager Clarkson has assumed the responsibility of securing the necessary military accompaniment to the piece. This will take the shape of some 350 marching troops, which will form a prominent feature in the battle scene contained in the piece as well as in the military review which brings it to a conclusion. Superintendent Kelly has arranged for the attendance of the required auxiliary bands, drum and fife corps and other necessary musical additions.

The children's carnival, which is to be given on Saturday at 4 o'clock on the grand plaza, will introduce a chorus of 1,000 children, to each of whom the management has decided to present a handsome and unique souvenir of the occasion. Applications are coming in daily by the hundred to the bureau of music for places in the big chorus, and as the admission to the grounds for that day has been placed at 15 cents for each child, and moreover the managers of the concessions have agreed to admit children to any single show on the grounds for 5 cents, it is expected that every available place will be pre-empted long before the coming of the great day.


Parade and Speeches Arranged By the Committee.

There was another meeting of the arrangements committee for the German day celebration at Turner hall yesterday. Delegates from twenty-five societies and lodges were present. The preparations for the festival are nearly concluded.

It will consist of a parade, with floats and bands, throughout the streets of the city, the societies all taking party in the procession. The parade will go to the exposition, and in the Auditorium there the[?]. The program for the latter will consist of a vocal and instrumental concert and speeches in German and English. As German speaker, William Rapp, editor-in-chief of the Illinois Staats-Zeitung at Chicago, has been secured.

Theodore Sinhold has been elected treasurer of the committee, while Dr. Max Adler, who is already corresponding secretary, has also been made financial secretary. W. F. Stoecker was elected marshal of the parade. The Plattdeutscher verein at Lincoln, Turner verein at Plattsmouth, Germania society at Loup City and other outside societies will come to Omaha on German day in a body and participate in the parade. The Bennington landwehr verein will come to Omaha with a fine float, drawn by six horses. The parade will start from Turner hall, which has been made headquarters, at 11 o'clock[?]

Great enthusiasm prevails in this matter and German citizens say there is no doubt whatever that German day will prove a great event and will bring many thousand people to Omaha October 18.

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North Dakota Day.

For North Dakota day, October 17, preparations for state day exercises are proceeding famously. It is assured that a large delegation of North Dakota, citizens will be present, headed by the First regiment band of Lisbon. Colonel Lounsberry, president of the North Dakota citizens will be present, headed by the First regiment band of Lisbon. Colonel Lounsberry, president of the North Dakota commission, will arrive October 12 to make necessary arrangements, and he, with Colonel J. B. Power of Power, will participate.

Miss Ford, superintendent of the North Dakota exhibit, has received from Richland and Traill counties an unusually fine collection of vegetables, including mammoth onions, squashes, beets, etc. Miss Ford has been advised of six shipments coming from the various fairs and harvest festivals throughout the state.

For Canadian Day.

Matthew A. Hall, British vice consul, returned last evening from Canada, where he had been to enlist interest in Canadian day, October 15, at the exposition. A special car, with Clifford Sifton, minister of the interior, and L. I. Parte, minister of public work, and a number of members of their staffs, will come to the city. A large number of Canadians have preceded them to this city, coming thus early owing to low fares to Chicago growing out of the rate war with the Canadian Pacific road. Addresses and music will be the program of Canadian day. They will begin at the Auditorium at 2:30 p. m. Saturday.

Idaho Branching Out.

Idaho has taken all the space she could get in the Agricultural building, 100 feet, the fakirs have taken everything else, and yesterday installed a magnificent cereal, vegetable and fruit exhibit. Properly speaking, it is a Bingham county exhibit, arranged by Mr. O. F. Smith of Blackfoot, and is intended to exploit the resources of the Upper Snake river valley, a fertile oasis twenty-five by 125 miles, including the counties of Bingham and Fremont. The products are all from irrigation, and are rare qualities of wheat, oats, corn, three and one-half pound potatoes, cabbages, celery, beets, turnips, prunes, plums, apples and pears.

Grand Lodge K. of P.

Knights of Pythias will meet in grand lodge at Creighton hall this morning, Grand Chancellor Harry Boydston presiding. After the day's session adjournment will probably be taken to Thursday morning to give members a change to take in presidential day at the exposition. After concluding business Thursday morning the members of the grand lodge, with the visiting divisions of the uniform rank, will proceed in a body to the exposition, and at 2 p. m., at the Nebraska building, will hold Knights of Pythias day exercises.

New Mexico Today.

New Mexico day was to have been celebrated yesterday, but owing to a misunderstanding the program was not arranged. Ex-Governor L. Bradford Prince and a party of distinguished New Mexicans arrived in time to participate, but finding things as they were, arranged with the exposition management for exercises this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the New Mexico exhibit at the Mines and Mining building.

Exposition Notes.

In the Apiary building has been received a novelty from Silver Creek, Neb., a swarm of bees which had alighted on a slender limb thirty feet above the ground and at once proceeded to make honey on the limb. Enough honey of a fine quality had been made to fill a hive, and the limb was bending under the weight. It was carefully cut off and with the bees and honey now forms an exhibit in a glass case.

Sumner I. Kimball, general superintendent of the United States life saving service, who has been at the exposition since Thursday last, left for home yesterday. He was well pleased with the exposition and the work being done by the life saving crew on the lagoon, and in return received many complimentary words regarding Captain Knowles and his men.

Mrs. Governor Lord of Oregon is in the city, the guest of Mrs. O. N. Olberg of the Minnesota exhibit, 2438 Manderson street. She has been invited to be present on the occasion of the reception to Secretary of Agriculture Wilson tomorrow by the National Flax, Fiber and Ramie association and Prof. Charles Richards Dodge, expert on flax raising for the fiber. Prof. Hayes of the Minnesota agricultural college experimental station has also arrived to participate in the reception and subsequent meeting.

Commissioner Bernard of Pipestone and Commissioner and Mrs. Nind of Minneapolis and H. F. Brown of Minneapolis were guests at the Minnesota building yesterday.

The Southern Indiana Press association was given a reception last evening at the Press building at the exposition. An address of welcome was made by Mr. E. Rosewater.

Abraham Elsham, a Turkish camel driver at the Streets of All Nations, was arrested a night or two ago for being drunk and at the police station had a prodigious wad of money. The Streets of All nations had lost $400 through theft a short time before, and eyes were being kept open for the thief. Putting two and two together, the arrest of Elsham for grand larceny followed.

In order to avoid the jam at the exposition grounds Wednesday it has been provided that those who wish can secure admission tickets to the exposition from an official seller agent at the corner of Fourteenth and Farnam streets. This will be the only place down town to secure the tickets.


Omaha and the Great West Receive and Pay Tribute to President McKinley.

Highest Officer in the United States and Distinguished Party Given a Western Welcome.

Cheers From Hundreds of Thousands Ascend as the Pageant Passes By---Ak-Sar-Ben IV. Pays Homage.

As the guest of the mighty west, the chief executive of the nation tarries within the city of Omaha. Direct from the seat of government to honor the great Trans-Mississippi exposition with his presence and to participate in the demonstrations of the national peace jubilee, the president of the United States, his cabinet and members of the foreign diplomatic corps, the most prominent officers of the army and navy, and representatives of the metropolitan press of the country last night arrived on special trains at the heart of the continent.

Grand in itself as was the occasion, magnificent to the degree of sublimity was the gorgeous spectacles witnessing the welcome of these distinguished guests to the empire west of the Mississippi. In a blaze of light and color rivaling the brilliancy of noonday, and greeted by loyal cheers from 250,000 throats, the notable party, accompanied by the reception committee and escorted by the carmine-coated board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben on horseback, moved through seas upon seas of people to the reviewing stand, where passed before them a pageant of gleaming splendor the like of which was never seen before.

From the realms of mythology, astrology and ancient fable were brought the wonders of far-off time, while with them were combined the modern marvels of electrical scenic effect on a scale never before attempted in this direction. Both the great parades of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben were rolled into one and added to, and for the space of an hour the continuous effort of a year of preparation and the outlay of tens of thousands of dollars was presented in one of the most unique and awe-inspiring spectacles ever witnessed.

It was not a manifestation of personal friendship to a partisan, but the expression of the most devoted loyalty and broadest patriotism. Republican and democrat, populist and prohibitionist, goldbug and silverite, stood side by side and cheered the passing of the head of the nation, and their homage was neither increased by partisan zeal nor tempered by partisan prejudice. It was the spantaneous​ tribute of each individual sovereign to the official head of the grand republic that each was helping to build to a greater future, and hoped to see every maintained. It was a genuine western welcome, generous, cordial and sincere, that could not be less grateful to those who received than it was a pleasure to those who gave it.


Cheers for the President Upon His Arrival.

For hours a great crowd of people eager for the first glimpse of the chief executive of the nation jammed the platform at the station. It was the beginning of the entertainment of the president and the triumph of the exposition.

It was expected that the president and his party would arrive about 8 o'clock, but the train did not get in until 9. It was expected that the train bearing General Miles, General Shafter and others, the army and the navy heroes of the United States, would arrive a few minutes later. The president's train got in at 9, but the other train was nearly two hours behind time.

The president's train had scarcely whistled this side the Union Pacific bridge when a great scout went up from the thousands on the platform of the station, and, as the train pulled in, the police and the extra police had all they could do to keep the crowds back from the track.


The occupants of the carriages in waiting—the members of the reception committee—made their way to the track. Those of the first carriages there received the guests whom they were to escort. The chief was President McKinley. He came off the platform of the rear car with his hat in his hand, for the crowd was cheering and in every way extending its greeting to the chief magistrate of the nation, and the chief magistrate seemed solicitous to acknowledge the honor offered. President McKinley was arm in arm with President Wattles of the exposition. They made their way, with much courteous hat lifting by President McKinley, to the first carriage, and speedily drove away. The other carriages followed in quick order.

The train bearing the diplomatic representatives, the army and navy officers and the representatives of the great metropolitan newspapers arrived about an hour and a half behind the president's train. This train was one of the most noted trains which ever traveled across this country, having on board more distinguished people than had ever been hauled before by any railroad at the same time. Much finesse was required to handle the many dignitaries on this train, the niceties of official etiquette requiring very fine discrimination in order to avoid violating the ethics which obtain in official circles. These matters were looked after during the journey by Colonel E. C. Snyder, secretary of Senator Thurston, and the efficient manner in which the entire affair was managed resulted in many compliments for the affable and diplomatic gentleman.

It was the original intention to have this train arrive ahead of the president's train, but a wreck on the Baltimore & Ohio road in Ohio compelled the train to make a detour of about 300 miles, and threw it behind time for the entire distance.

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The committees appointed to escort the distinguished guests to the hotels to which they had been assigned were at the depot, and the visitors were driven directly up town.

The committee receiving the guests on both trains at the union depot comprised:

For the Exposition—President Wattles and Mrs. Wattles, Vice President and Mrs. Saunders, Treasurer Herman Kountze, Secretary and Mrs. Wakefield, General Counsel Montgomery and Mrs. Montgomery and General Manager Clarkson and Mrs. Clarkson.

For the Executive Committee—Z. T. and Mrs. Lindsey, E. Rosewater and Mrs. Rosewater, F. P. Kirkendall and Mrs. Kirkendall, E. E. Bruce and Mrs. Bruce, A. L. Reed and Mrs. Reed, W. N. Babcock and Mrs. Babcock.

For the Government at the Exposition—Major H. C. Ward and Mrs. Ward, J. R. Dunn and Mrs. Dunn.

For the Invitation Committee—Senator Thurston, Senator Allen and Mrs. Allen, Congressman Mercer and Mrs. Mercer, John L. Webster and Mrs. Webster, General Cowin and Mrs. Cowin, General Manderson and Mrs. Manderson, John C. Wharton and Mrs. Wharton.

For the Bureau of Entertainment—Mesdames Clement Chase, H. T. Clarke, W. A. Redick, G. M. Hitchcock, J. E. Summers, jr., Joslyn and Lyman.


The committee met the trains, with carriages, as outlined below, but owing to the lateness of the hour of the arrival of General Miles' train some of the carriages contained only members of the committee, they returning later to escort the Miles party.

Carriage No. 1—Gurdon W. Wattles, president of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition, and William McKinley, president of the United States of America.

No. 2—Vice President Alvin Saunders of the exposition and Mrs. Saunders and Dr. Garcia Meron.

No. 3—Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey and Chinese Minister Wu Ting Fang and Mrs. Wu Ting Fang.

No. 4—Mr. and Mrs. E. Rosewater and Corean Minister Chin Pom Ye and Mrs. Chin Pom Ye.

No. 5—Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall and Brazilian Minister Brasil and Gonzalo de Quesada, charge d'affaires of the Cuban junta.

No. 6—Treasurer Herman Kountze of the exposition and Secretary of the Treasury Lyman J. Gage.

No. 8—E. E. Bruce and Secretary of the Interior Bliss.

No. 9—Mrs. E. E. Bruce and Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and Miss Wilson.

No. 10—A. L. Reed and Governor Alva Adams of Colorado and Governor Holcomb of Nebraska.

No. 11—Mrs. A. L. Reed and Senator and Mrs. Allen.

No. 12—Senator Thurston and Mr. and Mrs. Dr. R. W. Baker and Mrs. J. V. Creighton.

No. 14—Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock and Major General and Mrs. Miles.

No. 15—Congressman D. H. Mercer and Brigadier General Sumner.

No. 16—Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Montgomery and General A. W. Greely and Mrs. Greely.

No. 17—Secretary John A. Wakefield of the exposition and Mrs. Wakefield and General and Mrs. Charles F. Humphrey.

No. 18—Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster and Major and Mrs. O. S. Heistand and Miss Martin.

No. 19—Major H. C. Ward, president of the government board of control; Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn and J. Addison Porter, private secretary to President McKinley.

No. 20—J. R. Dunn and Captain Arthur Paget.

No. 21—Mrs. J. R. Dunn, Colonel Francis Micheler and Colonel W. M. Black.

No. 22—Mrs. Major H. C. Ward, Colonel James Allen and Captain H. H. Whitney.

No. 23—President Bingham of the city council and Secretaries A. Delviso of the Argentine minister, Tam E Ye of the Corean minister and Leme of the Brazilian minister.

No. 24—Mrs. Congressman Mercer and Messrs. Chow Tsz Chi, Whang Chang Huli and Kwang Hany, secretaries to the Chinese minister.

No. 25—J. C. Wharton, Prof. W. L. Moore, chief of the United States weather service; Mrs. Moore.

No. 26—Mrs. John C. Wharton and United States Commissioner of Education W. T. Harris and Mrs. Harris.

No. 27—Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cowin and Captain McWilliams and Mrs. McWilliams.

No. 29—Mrs. W. A. Redick, Miss Greely daughter of General Greely, and General Miles' secretary.

No. 30—Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock, Mrs. Cortelyou.

No. 31—Mrs. J. E. Summers, jr., and Mrs. George A. Joslyn, Miss Humphrey and Mrs. Howland.

No. 32—Mrs. C. W. Lyman and George F. Bidwell and General and Mrs. John C. Black.

Nos. 33, 34, 35 and 36—G. M. Hitchcock and fifteen of the newspaper men accompanying the two trains.


The guests after the parade and the review were over were taken to their quarters, as follows:

Omaha Club—President McKinley, Mr. and Mrs. Secretary Gage, Secretary Bliss, Captain and Mrs. McWilliams, Postmaster General and Mrs. Smith, Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn and Secretary to the President Porter, Secretary Wilson and daughter.

Paxton Hotel—Dr. Garcia Meron, Wu Ting Fang and Mrs. Wu Ting Fang, Mr. and Mrs. Chin Pom Ye, Minister Brasil, Mr. Gonzalo de Quesada, Senator and Mrs. Allen, Secretaries Chow Tsz Chi, Whang Chang Huli and Kwang Hany, Captain Paget, Secretaries Delviso, Tam E Ye and Lima.

Millard Hotel—General and Mrs. Humphrey, General and Mrs. Greely, General and Mrs. Miles, Brigadier General Sumner, Mahor and Mrs. Heistand, Prof. and Mrs. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Harris, Colonel James Allen, Captain H. H. Whitney, Colonel Francis Micheler, Colonel W. M. Black, Miss Greely and N. E. Dawson, General Miles' secretary, Miss Humphrey, Mrs. Howland, General and Mrs. John C. Black, L. E. Reed, Chicago Tribune; George W. Rouser, New York Herald; Howard N. Thompson, Associated Press; W. M. Osborne, Army and Navy Register; J. H. Maddy, press agent Baltimore & Ohio, Frank Richardson, Baltimore Sun; E. C. Snyder, Washington correspondent; James S. Henry, Philadelphia Press; John S. Shriver, New York Mail and Express; Raymond Patterson, Chicago Tribune; C. A. Hamilton, Sioux City Journal; W. E. Curtis, Chicago Record; Fred Benzinger, Chicago Times-Herald; Charles S. Albert, New York World.


The scene that greeted the eye as the presidential party moved from the depot to the reviewing stand at Eighteenth and Farnam was an inspiring one. Notwithstanding the fact that those who assembled along Tenth street were off the line of the parade, that thoroughfare was lined on both sides with humanity, whose sole desire seemed to be to see the president and the other distinguished guests who make up his official family and fully represent the official circles at Washington. As the party passed they cheered repeatedly, there being audible evidence whenever was seen one of the faces that frequent newspaper illustration has made familiar to the great reading public.

It was when the line turned into Farnam street, however, that the extent of the crowd became apparent. At the lower end of the street the vast concourse was held back reasonably well, but as each block was traversed the opening become narrower, until from Fifteenth to Eighteenth streets the police were only able to keep open a narrow passage barely wide enough for the carriages to squeeze through. It was a congested gorge of humanity, solidly packed from the lot one to the street car rails, and any attempt to force the people back seemed like an impression on so much India rubber that immediately sprung back to its former position. The broad 100 foot thoroughfare might as well have been but half that width, so far as the parade space was concerned, for it afforded but inadequate facilities for either the moving line or the stationary spectators.


The great buildings along either side of the street seemed to be alive with people, who occupied every foot of available space from street level to roof line. Windows were crowded, improvised platforms were packed, and from every spot where a citizen of the republic struggled to maintain a point of vantage came a hearty, loyal cheer as the president of the United States passed by.


While it was perhaps but a repetition of the expressions of welcome that the people of the country have been accustomed to accord to the occupant of this high office since the nation was in its infancy, there was a heartiness and whole-souledness about it that seemed to please President McKinley, and he smiled pleasantly to right and left and repeatedly bowed and lifted his glossy tile over the entire route.

While there were several interruptions along the line, due to the size of the crowd, there was no serious disarrangement of the program until the last carriage containing the presidential and receiving party had reached the reviewing stand. At that juncture the crowd rushed forward and completely filled the street, and in spite of all that the police and a large detail of exposition guards could do Farnam street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth street became a tumultuous sea of human faces, with wildly surging waves that threatened disaster.

Over that short stretch of pavement 20,000 people madly struggled, first for position and then seemingly for existence, while the 1,500 people on the reviewing stand and the unnumbered thousands seated in compact tiers on the steep terraces of the court house grounds across the street looked on with mingled interest and apprehension. Women fainted and strong men, pitiably helpless in that resistless crush, labored with desperation to keep the inanimate forms from being trampled under the feet of thousands. Policemen seized babies from their mothers' arms and held them above their heads to prevent the crushing out of their young lives.


For fifteen minutes no apparent headway could be made by the fifty policemen and guards who tried to fight back the oncoming thousands, and President McKinley was escorted by President Wattles from the stand to the mayor's office. The withdrawal of the president was not without effect, for the crowd looked blankly at the vacant space for a minute and then seemed to become tractable. More vigorous action was also indulged in by the police, and a living stream was slowly turned up Farnam street and the condition was relieved. Some objected to going, but the majority of those who had suffered in the squeeze were only too anxious to get out when the chance was offered, and in a few minutes an opening was secured. The approach of the mounted police at the head of the parade served to widen it, and from that time a passageway was maintained until the last float had gone by.

The president reappeared as the head of the line approached the stand and reviewed the moving spectacle standing by the side of President Wattles. He was cheered not only by the crowd but by the occupants of the floats, and he acknowledged the numerous salutations, a good-natured half smile pervading his features as the demonstrative occupants of ethereal space hurled muscular osculations in his direction.

Shortly before the last of the parade appeared the president and the immediate members of his party retired from the stand and were driven to his quarters at the Omaha club, as he as much fatigued by the continued efforts of the day. He had delivered sixteen short speeches, and desired to obtain as much rest as possible in view of the arduous program that had been arranged for today.


The parade was an hour and a half passing the stand, and its features were regarded with much interest by the members of the presidential party and other distinguished guests. The electrical floats were very much of a novelty and were the subject of much comment. The grand effect of the general illumination received many words of approval, and there were many expressions of self-congratulation that the guests present had arrived on the first train and had an opportunity to witness the great demonstration.

The floats appeared as on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of last week, the regular Ak-Sar-Ben parade of twenty floats leading, and followed by those of the electrical parade. Inasmuch as the same attendants had done service in both parades it was necessary to halt the line midway in order that some of the unavoidable deficiencies in that particular might be remedied by a partial rearrangement. The delay, however, was not a long one.

The general effect of the street illumination was seen at its best from the reviewing stand, and the spectacle that filled the field of vision from the top of the hill looking down Farnam street as the electrical parade was approaching was one of which the visitors expressed the keenest appreciation.

After reaching his quarters at the club at 11 o'clock last night President McKinley said good night to the members of the local reception committee who had accompanied him, and after giving brief attention to one or two matters of official moment retired.

Mr. J. Addison Porter, secretary to the president, had telegraphed ahead for the engagement of a competent stenographer, and he was busily engaged in dictation during the late hours of the evening.

Sergeant Halter and a detail of twelve policemen are on duty at the club and officers were stationed at all the entrances to secure the president and the members of his party from interruption or annoyance.

President McKinley received a salvo of applause when he passed the World-Herald office and acknowledged it with a bow.


Police Kept Busy With Great Mass of People.

As there was never a larger multitude in the thoroughfares of the city, so there was never a more difficult task presented to the police for solution. Almost the entire force was stationed along the route which the president took from the depot to the reviewing stand in front of the city hall. The vastness of the affair only appealed to the civic authorities, and when the myriads began to collect there were nearly threescore and ten exposition guards placed at points on both Farnam street and Tenth street, where they could readily aid the police officers in their work of handling the turbulent throngs.

Captains Haze and Mostyn were in charge of the police, while Major Llewellyn looked after the less experienced guards. Steadily all through the early portion of the evening the crowds grew denser and denser, eddying to and fro like wind-swept autumn leaves. At first it seemed as though there would be excellent standing room for everybody, but as the time grew closer for the commencement of the parade it became more and more apparent that it would require the utmost energy and tact to clear the way for the presidential carriage. And such proved to be the case.

The twelve mounted police under the leadership of Sergeant Iler found the crowds so thickly massed, especially at the street corners, that the progress of the procession was necessarily slow, but there was an evident advantage in this, for it gave the people a much better chance than they had anticipated of seeing the president and the celebrities who followed him in impressive sequence. Back, back the crowds were pressed by the chafing steeds, only to sway forward again when the opportunity afforded. But the guards and patrolmen did heroic work in restraining the boisterous individuals who frequently became obstreperous.

It was at Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets that the greatest difficulty was experienced. There were several sharp clashes between police guards and citizens. At Fourteenth street one policeman was struck so violently in the face that he was stunned for several seconds, but his assailant fared rather badly when two of the guards succeeded in laying their hands on him. At Nineteenth and Farnam streets a volunteer soldier, who found himself hustled about with what he considered undue celerity, attacked the policeman at his elbow, and was immediately surrounded and placed under arrest. There were several other arrests for various misdemeanors, but all in all a big crowd was rarely handled with more marked skill.

The president himself was well-guarded, even better than he himself imagined. At the city hall he was met by Detectives Dunn and Donahue, who quietly, and without attracting any attention, dropped into his wake, and remained constantly near him until he was escorted in safety to his quarters in the Omaha club.

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Different Guests Find Rest After Their Journey.

The hotels of the city were taxed to their full capacity last night. The Millard and the Paxton each had 500 guests. At both places many cots were occupied. The Murray, Mercer, Dellone, Barker and Iler Grand were overflowing and dozens turned away for want of room.

Early in the evening the streets were thronged with people, the street crowd being estimated at from 125,000 to 150,000, and some placed the number as high as even 200,000 people on the central streets of the city.

After the parade the rush was made for the hotels and for nearly an hour the clerks were kept on the alert.

The Miles party arrived at the Millard at 10:40 and in fifteen minutes had been assigned apartments, and all save the fifteen representatives of the press had retired.

The newspaper men were taken in carriages to the rooms of the department of publicity by Press Agent Richardson, where they were provided with exposition tickets, badges and fitted out for today. They returned to the hotel a half hour later.

The diplomatic corps arrived at the Paxton at 10:45 and the work of registering and assigning apartments consumed a half hour. They each registered their names, and with interpreters were fixed out and sent happily to the partments​ reserved for them. While the diplomats were registering at the Paxton hundreds of people thronged the lobby, anxious to get a glance at the representatives of other lands. It was with some difficulty that the diplomats could get to the desk, and as fast as they placed their names on the register they disappeared. At midnight the streets seemed quite deserted.


Court House Takes Care of Fifty Tired People.

For the first time in its history the accommodations of Omaha were taxed to their utmost, but the hospitality of its citizens made the lot of the stranger a light one. As it was, many visitors walked all night under the starry vault and thanked their particular constellations that they had sturdy constitutions. Fortunately, however, no instance of any woman or child unprovided with proper accommodations was observed.

It was a rather odd sight in the late hours of the afternoon and the early hours of the evening, before the parade began, to watch the delegations, great and small, which wandered through the residence districts looking for lodging. For the first time since Omaha became a city its citizens realized that the metropolis was overcrowded. But the response was quick and cheerful. In homes where the renting of a room had been as a thing unknown the visitor was provided with the best. The women and children fared particularly well. Not only all rooms were occupied, but cots were set up in the hallways and, wonderful to relate, the shelter of an inviting hay loft was not despised. The thrifty made much money and the charitable found that virtue is its own reward.

The World-Herald had the opportunity of securing accommodations for many who would otherwise have suffered great incovenience​. In both the court house and city hall corridors and offices were liberally thronged with men who asked nothing better than to extend themselves at length in a capacious arm chair or lie upon the carpets, and even the cold stones, with nothing but their coats to ease their weary heads. Over 200 addresses of homes where beds could be secured were sent to the police station, and in this way nearly 1,000 people who applied to the jailer were directed to boarding houses and private residences, where they enjoyed the best that could be had.

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Mrs. Langworthy of Seward Chosen President of Nebraska Federation.

Annual Election Follows the Discussion of Many Interesting Subjects.

Feature of Educational Work Strongly Advocated by Convention--Interesting Program Tuesday Evening.

The opening session of the woman's congress began at the First Congregational church yesterday morning with an attendance embracing nearly 200 local club women and delegates from abroad. It was the session of the Nebraska State Federation. Tomorrow will be occupied with the Trans-Mississippi congress of women's clubs, when the attendance will be swelled two-fold.

Mrs. A. N. Ferguson, vice president of the Omaha Woman's club, presided yesterday.

The morning's program opened with a feeling invocation by Rev. Mary G. Andrews of this city. Mrs. Ferguson succeeded her in a welcome address that was timely worded and fervid in its cordiality. The response by Mrs. Sarah Brindley, president of the Columbus Woman's club, was a neat bit of oratory, sparkling with good and pleasant things about Omaha, her women and her great exposition, and evoked the heartiest plaudits of gloved hands.

The solos, "Mignon" and "The Little Dustman," rendered by Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, were captivating, the lady acquitting herself with exceeding credit. She was accompanied on the piano in a charming way by Mrs. J. H. McIntosh.

The rest of the morning's work consisted of routine club business.

At the afternoon session "recommended work" came in for initial attention. This consisted of a trio of ably prepared and interesting papers, the first "Town and Village Improvements" by Mrs. Nellie Richardson of Lincoln, and the second "Art in the Schools" by Mrs. Ida L. Snyder of Plattsmouth, and the third "Town and County Clubs" by Mrs. Helen Harrison of York.

Following the readings came a musical program and discussion of the papers.

Mrs. H. H. Wilson delivered an address on "Woman's Department of the State University," which caused the passage of the following set of resolutions:

"Whereas, We believe the educational features of the women's clubs of our state would be greatly strengthened and benefited by the proposed university extension offered by the state university; therefor be it

"Resolved, That the Nebraska federation of women's clubs in fifth annual session assembled, does indorse and recommend to the clubs of the federation this feature of educational work."

The annual election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. S. C. Langworthy of Seward; vice president, Mrs. Apperson, Tecumseh; secretary, Mrs. M. J. Sackett, Weeping Water; corresponding secretary, Mrs. D. C. McKillip, Seward; treasurer, Mrs. Fuller of Oakland, and librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln.

In considering unfinished business the revision of the constitution and by-laws was completed.

At the evening session the following interesting program was rendered:

Music (a) "A Woodland Path;" (b) "Mine Own Little Sweetheart" by Mr. Dan H. Wheeler, jr.

Address, Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, Atlanta, Ga., president of the general federation of women's clubs.

Introduction of the officers of the general federation of women's clubs.

Music, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," Miss Lillian Deland Terry.

Annual address, Mrs. Belle Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth, president of Nebraska federation of women's clubs.

There will be a session of the Trans-Mississippi congress of women's clubs at 9:30 this morning, and at 3:30 this afternoon the delegates will go to the exposition grounds to greet his excellency, President William McKinley. The convention will close Thursday evening.


American Fraternal Congress Elect Officers and Transact Business.

The American Fraternal congress convened yesterday morning at 1320 Farnam street. There were ten or fifteen fraternal societies represented. The forenoon was spent in routine matters, the appointment of committees and hearing reports.

J. C. Root presided. W. E. Sharp presented a paper containing ten reasons why the reserve fund societies should organize in a federation. In the afternoon constitution and by-laws were adopted and permanent officers elected. J. C. Root of Omaha was chosen president; W. E. Sharp, Aurora, Neb., vice president; Roger Dickens, Omaha, secretary; F. F. Roose, Omaha, treasurer, and F. A. Falkenberg, actuary. These committees were appointed: Arrangements, the chairman being C. A. Sharp; finances, J. T. Yates; jurisprudence and legislation, W. B. Howard; statistics, F. A. Falkenberg; fraternal press, E. S. McClintock; medical matters, L. A. Merriam; reserve fund, J. C. Root. The society will meet again this morning.


Exposition Attendance Tuesday Almost Reaches Fifty Thousand Mark.

Today Over Two Million Visitors Will Have Visited the White City.

Mass of People Come Early and Remain but a Few Hours, Coming Down Town at Night.

Delegations for Special Exercises and Those Who Come to See the President Fill Grounds.

An Earnest of the Great Crowd Which Will Swarm at the Big Show Today--They Come From Everywhere.

Tuesday's Admissions,47,974
Total Admissions1,964,700

Another high spot was touched by the exposition yesterday in the line of attendance, the record for the day being that of second place, with 47,974. To Modern Woodmen of America day, Thursday, September 22, for a few fleeting hours yet belongs the honor of first place, with a record of 52,723, while July 4 is third with 44,452, and Iowa day, September 21, is fourth with 39,094.

Away past the 2,000,000 mark will today's admissions leave the exposition, for the attendance, estimated far in excess of 100,000 will work wonders to last night's total to date of 1,964,700 when added to it.

The component part of yesterday's crowd came from a multitude of sources, save Omaha and Council Bluffs, for the local people who customarily spend the evening only at the exposition or count on it as the best part of their day, went down town instead to see the president and the big double parade. Delegations were there for governors' day, New Mexico day, dairy day and Peoria day, yet greater than all was the vast aggregation of strangers in for the great stirring events of the peace jubilee, timing their days to include today—presidential day. It was verily "strangers' day."

They began clicking the turnstiles early, made the best of their time seeing everything possible in a short time, seeing and hearing and laughing, but yet it had the serious air of strangers among strangers and in a strange land. They all longed for the down town events of the evening, for by 7 o'clock but a light contingent was left, and it soon melted away. They all said they'd come back today and stay longer.

It is only once that the president of the United States visits the exposition, and therefore Mr. Due will surpass himself in the display of fireworks tonight. The program is as follows:

Display will be announced by the firing of three aerial cannon; grand prismatic illumination; welcome; simultaneous firing of extra heavy peacock plume rockets; flight of A. L. Due's bouquet rockets; set piece—emblem of peace; ascension of snakes; display of mammoth umbrellas; fire portrait—secretary of war; ascension of meteor shells; flight of 200 silver plume rockets; comic device—performing acrobat; flight of flying doves; ascension of cascade rockets; flight of parachute rockets; display of Due's famous silver shells; ascension of red, white and blue shells; fire portrait—secretary of navy; the lake on fire; ascension of mammoth sixty-inch bombs, designed for president's day; ascension of mammoth sixty-inch bombs, designed for president's day; ascension of phosphorescent rockets; mechanical device—bicycle rider; a grand display of jeweled fountains; mechanical watermelon; ascension of two dozen festoon or floating chain rockets; grand flight of magnesium shells; exhibition piece—spreading fan; fligt​ of 100 weeping willow rockets; mechanical device—locomotive thirty-five feet long; eruption of Vesuvius; mammoth portrait—the president of the United States; ascension of whistling bombs; Niagara falls on fire; flight of hissing snakes; grand aerial bouquet of thousands of rockets in red, white and blue; mechanical device—walking elephant; grand finale—terrific bombardment, consisting of flights of shells containing 15,000 stars, together with hundreds of rockets, candles, comets, humming birds and thunderous explosions, constituting an aerial display the likes of which has never been witnessed in this section of the country; good night.


Humorous and Entertaining Welcome to the Visitors.

A meeting of the dairymen of the western states was held at the Dairy building on the exposition grounds yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the Nebraska Dairymen's association. Several hundred, mostly from the nearby states, were present, and though there was much to distract attention, the interest in the meeting was marked.

George Haskell of Lincoln, the president of the Nebraska association, presided. A welcoming speech was made by Hon. W. A. Poynter, who gave a humorous and a serious review of the dairy industry. Job, he said, was the first dairymen of importance to be mentioned in the history of the world, and he met with reverses on account of the machinations of a certain being, the devil, who had never ceased to stick his nose into the business of other people. In the dark ages the housewives used to put horseshoes into the churn to drive away the witches and to make the butter come. This was just the beginning of the introduction of science into butter making, for soon the horseshoe was heated, and this principle had been followed up. Mr. Poynter made reference to the romance of the pasture and the poems that had been written about the milk maid with dimpled hands, clean frock and beautiful face.

Mr. Poynter emphasized what science had done for the dairy industry, particularly in the case of the cream separator, which he said marked the longest stride in the progress of the industry.

But science had done too much. It had shown how butter could be made of hog fat and other fats. This was where the dairymen drew the line. They insisted that what was called butter should be made out of nothing save the milk of the cow.

The Lord, said Mr. Poynter, had promised his chosen people a land flowing with milk and honey. This meant nothing else than a great dairy country, and here Mr. Poynter said that the country lying just west of the Mississippi river was a country equal to the old Canaan, for on its broad prairies grew the most succulent of grasses, with blossoms for the finest honey. And of this country Nebraska was a gem. To Nebraska, he said, he took great pleasure in welcoming the visiting dairymen. Here were a half million of cows and 200 creameries.

Prof. Haecker of the Minnesota Agricultural college followed with a recital of the history of the dairy industry in his state. It was mainly the growth of the last six years. What the cows had done for Minnesota could hardly be told. There were now 600 creameries and the profits from cows ran from $20 to $36 per year for each.

The next address was by Henry Wallace, editor of the Wallace Farmer, Ia. His theme was how the dairymen could help the farmer in his work that the benefit might be for both.

L. S. Gates, state dairy commissioner for Iowa, was to follow with a general discussion of the profitableness to the farmer carrying on the dairy business when the session was brought to a sad ending by the shocking death of the speaker.

At noon sixty or seventy of the delegates, all adorned with broad yellow badges to indicate the color of their chief product, had attracted much attention as they marched from the Dairy building to the Markel cafe for lunch.

Battle for Peace Jubilee.

Clouds of smoke, groans of scalped and dying Indians, shrieks of the widows and orphans and all of the other turmoil and terror of battle were served out to an eager crowd of fully 15,000 visitors on the parade grounds of the Indian congress yesterday afternoon. It was one of the peace jubilee sham battles by the Indians, the first of a series of four, today, tomorrow and Friday at 4:30 p. m. The rare studies in the unique and ethnological, the brilliant kaleidoscopic effect of many colored costumes and a dash of real Indian warfare of the plains were given by the 600 specimens of characteristic Indian life.

American Horse, the hereditary chief of the Ogalalla Sioux, and a man of great political influence in the Sioux nation, and Red Tomahawk, the Sioux policeman who killed Sitting Bull, arrived yesterday.

Prof. True, the second officer of the Smithsonian institute, was at the congress grounds looking over the educational work being done.

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Wednesday, October 12.


9 a. m.—Special live stock display at live stock pavilion.

100 a. m.—The Innes band on the plaza:

(a) "The Rustic Mill" (descriptive idyl)Eilenberg
(b) "Rob Roy" (quickstep)DeKoven
Solo for contra tuba—"Air Varie"Cesky
Scene from "The Chimes of Normany"Planquette
"At a Georgia Camp Meeting" (descriptive fantasia)Mills
Vorspiel—"Haensel and Gretel"Humperdinck
(a) "Demons of the Mountain" (from "Peer Gynt"Grieg
(b) "Love Is King" (Two Step March)Innes
Cornet solo—"Concert Polka"LevyKenney.
"American National Fantasia"Bendix

11 a. m.—President McKinley and his party enter the grounds.

Exercises on the grand plaza:

MusicInnes Band
InvocationRev. John McQuoid, pastor of First Methodist church.
Introduction and welcomePresident G. W. Wattles of the exposition.
AddressWilliam McKinley, president of the United States of America.
AddressHon. Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general.

2 p. m.—Innes' band at Auditorium.

3 p. m.—Omaha Concert band at Government building.

3 p. m.—United States life saving service exhibition at west end of lagoon.

3:30 p. m.—President McKinley received the public at the Government building.

3:30 p. m.—Woman's club at Auditorium.

4 p. m.—Omaha Concert band at Indian grounds:

March—"Commander in Chief"Horst
Overture—"Bohemian Girl"Balfe
Song—"Spring Awakening"Bach
Waltz—"The Pester"Launer
Polka—"Light as a Feather"Ziehrer
Fantasia—"Soldier's Life"Keler Bela

4:30 p. m.—Great Indian sham battle at Indian grounds.

5 p. m.—Santiago war balloon ascension on north tract (if not too windy.)

7 p. m.—Innes' band on the plaza:

Piccolo solo—"Turtle Dove" (concert polka)DemareHeidelberg.
"Gathering of the Clans" (Scotch fantasia No. 1)DooneIntroducing solos for all the principal players of the band and concluding with the old pledge of affectionate remembrance, "Auld Lang Syne."
"The Star Spangled Banner"Introducing Innes' battery of electric cannon, the accompanying fireworks spectacle being by the Due Fireworks company.
"The Forge in the Forest" (descriptive idyl)MichaelisThe dawn; "winged minstrels" announce the new day; by the brook; a summer shower; the cathedral chimes sound the hour of morning prayer; at the forge. (Introducing the costumed corps of musical blacksmiths, flaming anvils, double male quartet, etc.)
Two characteristic marches—
(a) "En Liesse" (French)Coutant
(b) "Love Is King" (American)Innes
Trombone solo—"Waiting"MillardInnes.
Overture—"Jubel"WeberConcluding with the national hymn, "My Country 'Tis of Thee," and accompanied by Innes' battery of electric artillery.

9 p. m.—Grand special fireworks in honor of President McKinley and his party.


Army and Navy Day—Exercises in Auditorium at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Addresses by Major General Nelson A. Miles, John D. Long, secretary of the navy; General Russell A. Alger, secretary of war; General Joseph Wheeler and other distinguished officers of the army and navy, officers of the Grand Army of the Republic and officers of the Confederate Veterans' association. Lunch to prominent guests. Military parades. Ascension of war balloons. Sham battle of Indian tribes and spectacular fireworks in afternoon and evening.


Civil Government Day—11 a. m.—Exercises in Auditorium. Addresses by members of the president's cabinet, representatives of the supreme court, senators and congressmen and other civil officers. Lunch to distinguished guests. War balloon ascension. Illustration of life saving service and spectacular fireworks in afternoon and evening.


Children's Jubilee Day—11 a. m.—Grand patriotic chorus on grand plaza. Music by Innes band. Concert in Auditorium. Spectacular concert on plaza and spectacular fireworks in afternoon and evening.


This is the greatest week in Omaha's history, and this is the greatest day in Omaha's greatest week. The city is filled to overflowing with visitors who have come to greet the president of the United States and celebrate with him and with us the advent of peace. Omaha is proud of the honor conferred upon her. She is proud to be the center of interest in this great republic for a time.

The doors of the city are open to the visitors. They are thrice welcome. The week belongs to Omaha's visitors. Everything that can be done to contribute to their comfort will be done. The magnificent parade provided by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, the wonderful illumination of the city, the lavish decorations—and even the bright sunshine and healthful atmosphere—have been provided for them, the former by men and the latter by providence. The managers of the great demonstration have a right to be proud of the success that has attended their efforts. The success is magnificent, the occasion is great.


The greatest crowds in the history of Omaha are here today. The streets are crowded, the cars are crowded, the stores are crowded and the exposition is crowded. A few words of advice may not be amiss, and if they are heeded there will be a lessening of discomfort and an increase in comfort.

Keep to the right and don't shove.

Do not be afraid to ask for directions. Every Omahan will gladly be of service to the visitors.

All street cars that go to the exposition grounds are properly labeled on the front. Take them as they go north.

Check your grips down town and do not take them upon the street cars nor into the exposition grounds.

Try to have the exact change for the street car conductors and for all purchases inside the exposition grounds.

Let everybody be good natured and enthusiastic. This is the Peace Jubilee. Do not mar it by becoming annoyed at minor discomforts. Enjoy yourselves and get your money's worth.

P. S.—When in doubt consult a policeman.

Notes of the Exposition.

J. Sterling Morton has been elected president of the National Flax, Ramie and Hemp association, recently organized at the exposition by flax fiber experts of the country. The entertainment committee is arranging for a demonstration in honor of Secretary of Agriculture Wilson during his stay in Omaha this week.

The Los Angeles exhibit of Southern California products is extending the olive branch of peace to all of the friends of Los Angeles, a dainty sprig of olive tied with ribbon and card.

No war balloon ascensions occurred yesterday, but everything was gotten ready for keeping the balloon in motion all the time today. Signalling by flags and heliographs is being shown each afternoon at 2 o'clock by the signal corps.


Crowds Going Out Early in the Day—Day to Governors, New Mexico and Peoria.

Sentiments of Nebraska and Colorado--Governor Otero Sends a Message for His Territory.

Yesterday was the division of the week devoted to the participation of of states through their chief executives. It was Governors' day. The Omaha Concert band entertained the audience until the arrival of their excellencies about 11 o'clock.

The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. S. Wright Butler, pastor of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church.

The first address was by Governor Holcomb of Nebraska, who expressed much regret that circumstances were such as to prevent the attendance of all the other governors, save Governor Adams of Colorado. He compared the progress of the American people in the last hundred years with that of other peoples, and found the great and gratifying differences to be due to the genius of American institutions and the blessings of civil and religious liberty. The exposition illustrated the mightiness of the American people in peace and the achievement and promise of the west. He commended the enthusiasm with which the chief executives of all the western states have supported the exposition project and he took the present opportunity on behalf of the state and the exposition management to return thanks for this support.


Governor Holcomb said he felt like a John the Baptist, making the way straight for a greater to come after. The expression of his pleasure in the anticipated visit of President McKinley drew out hearty applause. The significance of the results of the year, the victories of war and the victories of peace were dwelt on and both conception of the dignity of American citizenship, the value of American opportunity and the seriousness of American duty.

The governor's praise of the self-sacrificing spirit and of the efficiency of the volunteer soldiers as compared with the drafted troops of the standing armies of the old world were much appreciated.


After a selection by the band the concluding address was delivered by Governor Alva Adams of Colorado. The governor caused a pleasant laugh when he remarked that if the audience had any regrets it was probably not that more governors were not there, but that two more were not delinquent. He was sure that nothing which he and Governor Holcomb could say could compensate the people for the time taken from sightseeing to hear them.

Governor Adams was roundly applaunded​ when he declared that the exposition was better than any that had ever been held. If it were not better, progress was a myth and it would, too, be a failure if it did not create new ambition, new zeal and stronger purpose. He loved the exposition because it was the child of the west, and he declared that in giving his fealty to the west he was not disloyal to the east, for he was loyal to the whole, and the western people were ready to defend every foot of the country, whether between the two oceans or now in the islands of the sea.

But the western people, he said, had a peculiar interest in the land of their homes. The governor was not sure but that the ideal American was to be developed on the prairies or mountain valleys of the west. The charm of romance, adventure and opportunity had attracted the bolder spirits from the east and Europe. They might lack in some of the graces of society, but in the elements of manhood they were not delinquent. The man of the west was broader and stronger than the man of the east. He might not have due appreciation of a dress suit, but in illustrating the best ideals of American manhood and citizenship he was without a peer. He did not go into the cemeteries and boast of his ancestry, but like Scott, and Hastings, and Cicero, he was anxious to found a family of his own.

Before the war with Spain the American had not appreciated his own country at its true worth. No longer would it be necessary to read chivalry or ancient story for examples of heroism. "Your own soldier boys," said the governor, "will hereafter be your types of self-sacrifice and valor. The assault at Manila was worth more to American patriotism and American spirit than all the products of field or mine." (Cheers.)

Governor Adams argued from the [?]  Scanned image of page 68 necessities of trade and new markets, that the flags that had been planted on the islands of the sea should stand there forever. He closed with tender words for those to whom the war had brought personal loss and invocation of a benediction on this proud honor of the nation's history.


Territory Celebrates at its Mining Exhibit.

New Mexico Territory day exercises were held at the exhibit in the Mines and Mining building at 11 yesterday morning. There were a number of distinguished citizens of the territory and several hundred excursionists present. The railroads had made a rate of 1 cent per mile from all points in New Mexico to Omaha.

J. J. Leeson, the commissioner and general manager of the exhibit, presided. He had intended to have on hand a larger supply of fruit to give away to the public, but was disappointed in being advised at a late hour that the fruit was delayed in shipment and would not be here until next week.

The apartments were crowded. It was lamented that Governor Otero, on account of sickness, could not be present. He, however, sent an address which was read, and short talks were made by ex-Governor L. Bradford Prince, Colonel J. G. Albright of Albuquerque and Colonel Gise of Los Vegas. Colonel Albright is the pioneer editor of that southwestern country, having founded and for twenty years been the editor of the Albuquerque Democrat.

The governor's address and the speeches of the others were laudatory of the exposition and its managers, expressed gratification at the splendid showing made under very discouraging circumstances by New Mexico and full of praise for Commissioner Leeson, to whom all the credit for the exhibit was unanimously attributed. Of course there was considerable, but not extravagant exploitation of the advantages of New Mexico has a place to live and grow rich.

Twas Peoria Day.

Peoria, Ill., was one of the claimants of yesterday at the exposition. There were no exercises. A large representation, including many men of prominence, was present from the famous Illinois city, and excursionists were on the grounds from all parts of the state. A great many from Southern Illinois came with the excursionists from St. Louis. The visitors made their presence most felt at the Illinois building, which was a rallying point for them and where they registered.

5 a. m.52
6 a. m.50
7 a. m.53
8 a. m.54
9 a. m.54
10 a. m.55
11 a. m.63
12 m.66
1 p. m.65
2 p. m.67

For Nebraska—Showers this afternoon and tonight; cooler tonight; Thursday fair, with cooler in east portion.

For Iowa—Showers tonight, with cooler in west portion; warmer in east portion; Thursday fair and cooler.

For Kansas—Showers in north portion and fair weather tonight; Thursday rain in northwest portion; cooler.


Patriotic People Do Honor to the Great Nation's Executive.


Greatest Gathering Ever Assembled in the West Sees the President.


Press for Admission Exeeds​ the Capacity of Turnstiles for Hours.


President McKinley Speaks from the Band Stand on the Plaza to More than Seventy-Five Thousand Cheering Citizens.

Total admissions yesterday47,974
Total to date1,964,702

If the Peace Jubilee had no other title to a place in history, the mighty celebration of today would make it memorable. The presence of President McKinley and the distinguished party that accompanied him was signalized by the most stupendous demonstration that ever occurred on western soil, and years must pass before the people who participated in its inspiring incidents can witness such a scene again. It was a fitting culmination of the mightiest enterprise the west has ever carried to success and it was witnessed by a crowd that packed the great White City with surging and struggling people until it seemed that a thousand more could not find foothold within its gates.

In the morning it seemed that the skies that had smiled so merrily had changed their temper. The clouds hung low and ominous of storm. A drizzling rain was driven in chilling mist by a strong south wind and thousands of people resigned themselves to the discomforts that seemed inevitable. But soon after 9 o'clock the prospect changed so suddenly that it seemed as though Nature had granted a special dispensation in favor of the great event. The clouds broke into a thousand fragments and these were swept swiftly out of sight. The menacing dome of slaty black was transformed into an arch of brightest blue set with slight whirling specks of gray which hurried before the wind as though anxious to get away and leave no obstacle between the azure above and the white beauty of the resplendent towers beneath. It became an ideal day for the comfort of the immense crowd that was rapidly expanding inside the exposition enlosure​ and the people hastened to dispose of their mackintoshes and umbrellas and get ready to enjoy the day to its full limit.

Couldn't Bluff the Crowd.

While nature was coquetting with the show the people were thronging to the grounds regardless of her smiles or frowns. They began to come almost as soon as it was light and before 7 o'clock there were hundreds massed in front of each of the entrances. In deference to the anticipated crush the gates were opened soon after 7 o'clock and by that time the capacity of the street car lines was reached. Soon after it was exceeded and from 8 o'clock to noon the transportation facilities were totally inadequate. The street railway company turned its barns inside out and ran its trains with exceptional regularity in view of the tremendous crowds that assailed them. But it was simply overwhelmed and a car was no sooner started to the grounds than it was loaded to the roof. No effort whatever was made to carry the people from points north of Dodge street and the trains whirled by them scarcely a block apart, but piled so thickly with people that it was impossible to secure a foothold. Crowds congregated at every block and finally most of them gave it up and started for the grounds on foot. Both sides of all the streets leading towards the exposition grounds were crowded with pedestrians and scores of carryalls and express wagons did a lucrative business picking up the stragglers.

Jam is Astounding.

When all these people merged into compact crushes at the entrances the jam was astounding. Before 9 o'clock there were fully 1,000 people marshaled at the Twenty-fourth street gate waiting for their chance at the ticket windows. On Sherman avenue the crush was less noticeable, as it was distributed between the bluff and main court entrances. It was manifestly impossible to handle such a crowd without some delay, but the inconvenience was the least that could possibly be expected. The Admissions department performed its difficult task with admirable efficiency and the people were hustled through the gates had been opened two hours there were fully 40,000 people inside the grounds, and the rush seemed to become more insistent every minute.

Before the forenoon was half over it was almost impossible to force a way through any of the large buildings. The aisles were packed solidly and every entrance was besieged by a clamoring and struggling multitude. Even in the main avenues the pedestrian had to be contented to elbow his way along with patience, and as the hour for the exercises of the day approached, the rush toward the Plaza was something terrific.

At the same time there was no cessation of the crowd at the gates. Every half minute a motor train dumped from 150 to 200 people, and nearly as many seemed to be coming on foot. What the crowd will be when the last visitor has been registered tonight is difficult to tell. Estimates vary from 90,000 to 125,000, and if it does not reach the latter figure it will be because the people cannot get to the grounds.


Seventy-Five Thousand People Massed in Front of the Stand.

The scene on the Plaza as the hour for the arrival of the president's party approached almost exceeds description. From the band stand the perspective of tightly packed humanity stretched as far as the grounds were visible. It extended from the base of the pavilion over the viaduct and to the entrance to the main court. On sides the human sea was unbroken from the Horticultural building to the East Midway, and even the young trees and the roofs of the buildings were populated by ambitious spectators. Over all was a profusion of bunting that fluttered wildly in the strong breeze and blended in patriotic harmony with the cheers of the crowd and the inspiring strains of martial music. Two long festoons of streamers were strung over the Plaza from each end of the pavilion to the casinos and the arch over the grand stand was draped with two immense silk flags and huge masses of bunting. The same colors were flung from the flagstaffs of all the surrounding buildings and hundreds of smaller flags that were waved by enthusiastic spectators completed the patriotic effect and inspired the crowd to continual outbursts of cheers and handclapping.

While the crowd was waiting Innes' band played a short program and the people cheered wildly whenever a patriotic chord was touched. All this time additional thousands were pouring over the viaducts and through the gates. At length it seemed that the great expanse of bluff was so tightly packed that no more could enter. The crowd became so solidly wedged on the viaduct and in the open space that even the tremendous press behind could not budge it another inch and hundreds of people were unable to even get within sight of the president. It was estimated that when the exercises begun there were 75,000 people on the Plaza and there was not the slightest disposition to break away until after they were over.

Arrival of the President.

The presidential party entered the wagon gate from Sherman avenue at precisely 11 o'clock and the carriages were driven to the band stand through the narrow path which hand​ been kept open by the entire force of the Second Nebraska volunteers. As the carriage which contained President McKinley and President Wattles of the exposition approached the volunteers were drawn up in company front immediately in front of the pavilion and the detachment of the Twenty-second United States infantry stood in solid formation at their left. The passage of the presidential carriage through the crowd was accompanied by the most extravagant demonstrations. The crowd was wedged so closely that it was almost impossible to move, but the people managed to get their hands above their heads long enough to wave a greeting with hats and handkerchiefs and flags, while their voices united in a succession of tremendous cheers that made the Plaza ring. President McKinley bowed right and left to the people as he passed and as he mounted to the platform the demonstration was renewed. It was continued almost  Scanned image of page 69 without interruption while the other distinguished visitors were conducted to seats behind him and even the members of the diplomatic corps in their national costumes were greeted with enthusiastic cheers.

The enthusiasm continued while the band played a patriotic selection and was only silenced when President Wattles introduced Rev. John McQuoid of the First Methodist church to offer the invocation. This was an earnest and eloquent appeal for the Omnipotent's blessing on the celebration of the day and after its conclusion President Wattles spoke briefly in introducing President McKinley. He said in substance: "Our hearts are filled with gratitude and thanksgiving on account of the return of peace to the nation. We meet to celebrate the victory of our arms and to rejoice that the sunshine of peace again bathes our land. I voice the sentiment of all in our heartfelt gratitude to our beloved president, our honored guest today. If I could bring together all the love and adoration that we feel for him and present it like a fragrant flower I might express in some degree the sentiment that we feel. We honored every achievement of American arms. All honor to the soldiers and their commanders who have so gallantly planted the American flag where it will assure the blessings of liberty and of God. All hail to the chief who sent to a suffering people the humanity of a mighty nation. All hail our guest, our rule, our president."

Wild Burst Greets the President.

As President McKinley rose the multitude broke into another tumult of cheers that continued for several minutes. During the eloquent address that followed this was repeated at frequent intervals and when the president asked if the American people would endeavor to detract from the glory so gallantly won by their soldiers the response was a temptuous​ chorus of "Noes" that seemed to reflect the unanimous sentiment of the tremendous throng. President McKinley spoke as follows:

Gentlemen of the Transmississippi Exposition and Fellow Citizens: It is with genuine pleasure that I meet once more the people of Omaha, whose wealth of welcome is not altogether unfamiliar to me and whose warm hearts have before touched and moved me. For this renewed manifestation of your regard and for the cordial reception of today my heart responds with profound gratitude and a deep appreciation which I cannot conceal, and which the language of compliment is inadequate to convey. My greeting is not alone to your city and the state of Nebraska, but to the people of all the states of the transmississippi group participating here, and I cannot withhold congratulations on the evidences of their prosperity furnished by this great exposition. If testimony were needed to establish the fact that their pluck has not deserted them, and that prosperity is again with them it is found here. This picture dispels all doubt.

In an age of expositions they have added yet another magnificent example. The historical celebrations at Philadelphia and Chicago, and the splendid exhibits at New Orleans, Atlanta and Nashville, are now a part of the past, and yet in influence they still live, and their beneficent results are closely interwoven with our national development. Similar rewards will honor the authors and patrons of the Transmississippi and International Exposition. Their contribution will mark another epoch in the nation's material advancement.

One of the great laws of life is progress, and nowhere have the principles of this law been so strikingly illustrated as in the United States. A century and a decade of our national life have turned doubt into conviction; changed experiment into demonstration; revolutionized old methods and won new triumphs which have challenged the attention of the world. This is true not only of the accumulation of material wealth and advance in education, science, invention and manufactures, but above all in the opportunities to the people for their own elevation, which have been secured by wise free government.

Present Full of Responsibility.

Hitherto, in peace and in war, with additions to our territory and slight changes in our laws, we have steadily enforced the spirit of the constitution secured to us by the noble self-sacrifice and far-seeing sagacity of our ancestors. We have avoided the temptations of conquest in the spirit of gain. With an increasing love for our institutions and an abiding faith in their stability, we have made the triumphs of our system of government in the progress and the prosperity of our people an inspiration to the whole human race. Confronted at this moment by new and grave problems, we must recognize that their solution will affect not ourselves along but others of the family of nations.

In this age of frequent interchange and mutual dependency, we cannot shirk our international responsibilities if we would; they must be met with courage and wisdom and we must follow duty even if desire opposes. No deliberation can be too mature, or self-control too constant, in this solemn hour of our history. We must avoid the temptation of undue agression​, and aim to secure only such results as will promote our own and the general good.

It has been said by some one that the normal condition of nations is war. That is not true of the United States. We never enter upon war until every effort for peace without it has been exhausted. Ours has never been a military government. Peace, with whose blessings we have been so singularly favored, is the national desire, and the goal of every American aspiration.

On the 25th of April, for the first time for more than a generation, the United States sounded the call to arms. The banners of war were unfurled; the best and bravest from every section responded; a mighty army was enrolled; the north and the south vied with each other in patriotic devotion; science was invoked to furnish its most effective weapons; factories were rushed to supply equipment; the youth and the veteran joined in freely offering their services to their country; volunteers and regulars and all the people rallied to the support of the republic. There was no break in the line, no halt in the march, no fear in the heart. No resistance to the patriotic impulse at home, no successful resistant to the patriotic spirit of the troops fighting in distant waters or on a foreign shore!

Patriotism Flames Out.

What a wonderful experience it has been from the standpoint of patriotism and achievement! The storm broke so suddenly that it was here almost before we realized it. Our navy was too small, though forceful with its modern equipment and most fortunate in its trained officers and sailors. Our army had years ago been reduced to a peace footing. We had only 19,000 available troops when the war was declared, but the account which officers and men gave of themselves on the battlefields has never been surpassed. The manhood was there and everywhere. American patriotism was there and its resources were limitless. The courageous and invincible spirit of the people proved glorious, and those who a little more than a third of a century ago were divided and at war with each other were again united under the holy standard of liberty. Patriotism banished party feeling; $50,000,000 for the national defense was appropriated without debate or division, as a matter of course, and as only a mere indication of our mighty reserve power.

But if this is true of the beginning of the war, what shall we say of it now, with hostilities suspended, and peace near at hand, as we fervently hope? Matchless in its results! Unequaled in its completeness and the quick succession with which victory followed victory! Attained earlier than it was believed to be possible; so comprehensive in its sweep that every thoughtful man feels the weight of responsibility which has been so suddenly thrust upon us. And above all and beyond all, the valor of the American army and the bravery of the American navy and the majesty of the American names stand forth in unsullied glory, while the humanity of our purposes and the magnanimity of our conduct have given to war, always horrible, touches of noble generosity, Christian sympathy and charity, and examples of human grandeur which can never be lost to mankind. Passion and bitterness formed no part of our impelling motive, and it is gratifying to feel that humanity triumphed at every step of the war's progress.

The heroes of Manila and Santiago and Porto Rico have made immortal history. They are worthy successors and descendants of Washington and Greene; of Paul Jones, Decatur and Hull, and of Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Logan; of Farragut, Porter and Cushing, and of Lee, Jackson and Longstreet.

Heroes of the Line.

New names stand out on the honor roll of the nation's great men and with them unnamed stand the heroes of the trenches and the forecastle, invincible in battle and uncomplaining in death. The intelligent, loyal, indomitable soldier and sailor and marine, regular and volunteer, are entitled to equal praise as having done their whole duty, whether at home or under the baptism of foreign fire.

Who will dim the splendor of their achievements! Who will withhold from them their well-earned distinction! Who will intrude detraction at this time to belittle the manly spirit of the American youth and impair the usefulness of the American army! Who will embarrass the government by sowing seeds of dissatisfaction among the brave men who stand ready to serve and die, if need be, for their country! Who will darken the counsels of the republic in this hour requiring the united wisdom of all!

Shall we deny to ourselves what the rest of the world so freely and so justly accords to us? The men who endured in the short but decisive struggle its hardships, its privations, whether in field or camp, on ship or in the siege, and planned and achieved its victories, will never tolerate impeachment, either direct or indirect, of those who won a peace whose great gain to civilization is yet unknown and unwritten.

The faith of a Christian nation recognizes the hand of Almighty God in the ordeal through which we have passed. Divine favor seemed manifest everywhere. In fighting for humanity's sake we have been signally blessed. We did not seek war. To avoid it if this could be done in justice and honor to the rights of our neighbors and ourselves was our constant prayer. The war was no more invited by us than were the questions which are laid at our door by its results. Now, as then, we will do our duty. The problems will not be solved in a day. Patience will be required; patience combined with sincerity of purpose and unshaken resolution to do right, seeking only the highest good of the nation and recognizing no other obligation, pursuing no other path but that of duty.

Right action follows right purpose. We may not at all times be able to divine the future, the way may not always seem clear; but if our aims are high and unselfish, somehow and in some way the right end will be reached. The genius of the nation, its freedom, its wisdom, its humanity, its courage, its justice, favored by Divine Providence, will make it equal to every task and the master of every emergency.

The inspiring conclusion of the president's address was followed by renewed acclamation and when Postmaster General Smith was introduced, he received an ovation that was almost equally flattering. He spoke briefly along lines similar to those followed by the president.


Throng Gathered to Hear the President Hardly Able to See Him.

Thousands of the press who packed the Grand Plaza before the band stand when President McKinley arose to speak had been in their places for hours. Motor trains early in the morning unloaded thousands who had come long before the turnstiles were set agoing for the express purpose of getting a position on the plaza and retaining it until the exercises were over. It was a case of the early bird catches the worm and plenty of people seemed to be convinced of the soundness of this axiom.

Thus at 9 o'clock and shortly thereafter the forerunners of the immense crowd that was to come were rapidly filling the place. Gradually the crowd became a throng, the throng became a solidly packed mass. At 10 o'clock the people had filled the entire place up to the crest of the viaduct. The reserved seats had long been disposed of and the only place that one could secure to get a view of the platform was on the far outskirts of the crowd. Every point of any elevation about any of the buildings was seized with avidity. From some of the buildings and from the outskirts of the crowd it was impossible to hear anything from the platform and it was barely possible to see more than the outline of persons on the platform. Yet everybody seemed to be satisfied to look at the place where the president was even if they were not always able to distinguish him.

The crowd amused itself with the usual banter and comment that pervade such an assembly. That is, they talked while they were not engaged in trying to prevent themselves from being squeezed to death, and in stopping those who were pushing and hustling to secure their positions. A diversion occurred on the arrival of the soldiers. The Cuban veterans were given a hearty reception, being cheered loudly as they made their way through the crowd. The crowd then sank back again into comparative quietude until it was aroused to cheers by the arrival of the presidential party. The sudden push forward resulting from the wild enthusiasm and the wish to see almost obliterated the passageway along which the cavalcade was passing.

All the distinguished visitors were greeted with cheers, but the ovation of the event was vouchsafed to the president. Another outburst occurred when he arose to speak. Very few of the crowd heard President Wattles, but everybody waited until he apparently turned to introduce some one. When in response to the pantomime President McKinley arose and stepped forward, a thunder of cheers and a sea of waving hats and handkerchiefs greeted him. Those on the outskirts were as eagerly centering their gaze on the stand if they were able to secure but glimpses of the nation's ruler.

"Here, you can see him through here."

"I see the back of his head. See there!"

"That time I saw his face, fair and square. Now let's go."

"Oh, how I wish I could hear him speak only a minute."

Hundreds of such comments and remarks flew right and left through the crowd. And even though 'nary a word penetrated to a twentieth of the audience, the press remained until the last speaker had finished, until the last carriage had rolled away.


North and South Exchange a Hearty and Brotherly Greeting.

The North and South Handshaking jubilee was one of the features of yesterday at the exposition. The exposition management turned its work in connection with the handshaking over to Superintendent Kelly of the musical department and he at once went into conference with General Passenger Agent Lupton of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass railway and Prof. Atwater of the Texas exhibit. The plan was outlined and was carried out in accordance with this outline. At 2 o'clock hundreds of the visitors from the south congregated at the west end of the lagoon and many hundreds of the northern people met at the east end of the little body of water. Each section was accompanied by a band. A few moments later Superintendent Kelly appeared upon the  Scanned image of page 70 viaduct spanning the lagoon and commenced to wigwag with a handkerchief, tied to the end of a long pole. This signal was for the bands to begin to play. Both struck up familiar airs and continued for ten minutes, when Superintendent Kelly again wigwagged, this time for the two processions to move.

The band heading the delegations from the south played "Dixie," while the musicians who preceded the northern forces rendered "Marching Through Georgia." The two great bodies, each containing several hundred men and women, marching along the north side of the lagoon until they reached the Plaza in front of the Administration arch, where the bands joined and played "The Star Spangled Banner." The selection having been completed, Prof. Atwater of Texas stepped into the open space and said that in behalf of the people of the south he wanted to congratulate the exposition management upon its success in building up and carrying on a great show, the like of which had never before been seen upon this or any other continent. He said that the people of the south and especially those of Texas have done all that lay in their power to make it a great achievement. The railroads of the south, he said, and that of Aransas Pass in particular have aided the south in making it possible for the country to be here with its exhibits and its people, doing this by contributing money and making the lowest possible passenger rates.

This ended the speechmaking and the handshaking commenced. At first it was in a weak way, but it seemed to be contagious and in less than five minutes hundred of men, women and children were all shaking hands and all shaking at the same time. Old battle-scarred veterans who fought against each other thirty-five years ago grasped hands and appeared to be as glad to see each other as though they were brothers separated for a long period of years. The whole thing was pronounced a success and will be long remembered as an epoch in the history of the exposition.

In the march to the meeting place the northern forces were preceded by Colonel Stanton of Illinois, Major Courtney of Oregon, Colonel Richardson of Nebraska and a score of others equally prominent. The southern forces were led by Colonel Johnson, vice president of the Texas commission; General Lupton, Commissioner Cole, Colonel Gilliam of Tennessee, Captain Moore of Georgia, Leopole Cahn, Captain Travis, Miss Ethel Jones of Texas and dozens of other prominent southerners.


Successful Exhibition of the Advantage of the New Plan.

A test of the steel road, which is on exhibition north of the Dairy building, was made yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Three heavy wagons loaded with nearly 100 men were drawn over its smooth surface by a single horse. This represented the hauling power of the animal on this style of roadway to be nearly ten times its weight.

The steel road has been placed on exhibition under the direction of Martin Dodge of the United States bureau of road inquiry. It consists of two steel rails eight inches in width and one-half an inch thick, laid on a foundation of cement. Between these is a hard surface of crushed gravel. The rails are laid in lengths of thirty feet. It is estimated that this road can be put down in almost every kind of soil at an average expense of from $3,000 to $3,500 a mile.

On a common road a good load for a horse is his weight. On the paved streets in the city a horse can haul from two to four times his weight. The steel road has the advantage of being harder and more unyielding than one made from any other material. There is practically but one point of contact and friction is reduced to the minimum. It is believed by those interested in the construction of the new road that if it comes into general use the demand for inanimate motive power will be increased, as engines of small horse power would be cheaper than horses.

The new road will be put down with a single track and no turnouts. The hard bed between the rails and at the sides is thought to be adequate to allow the lighter team to give way to the heavier.

Praise from President Peterson.

Charles Peterson, president of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Immigration company and also exposition commissioner from Texas, was unexpectedly called to his home at Rock Island, Tex., last night, thus preventing him from being here during the festivities and participating in the exercises of Peace Jubilee week. Before leaving for the south, Mr. Peterson said: "I feel confident that the Transmississippi and International Exposition will go down into history as the most successful enterprise of its kind ever held in any country on the face of the earth. In my judgment this is largely due to the advertising the exposition received. The Department of Publicity took the right course in pushing the advertising. Mr. Rosewater knew how to reach the people at the right time and just how to reach them in order to start them toward Omaha. Everybody must concede that the large attendance at the exposition has been due in a great measure to Mr. Rosewater and the efforts that he has put forth through his department and his paper, The Bee.

"I feel that Texas as​ done its share toward helping build the exposition. Our people have put in their money and have done so willingly. We feel that the investment has been a good one and that our state will be repaid fully tenfold. Thousands of people in the north, east and west had little idea of the resources and diversified wealth of Texas until they came here and looked over our exhibit. Since then they have changed their minds and many of them are willing to admit the Lone Star state stands well up toward the head of the procession in about every respect."

Sham Battle Yesterday.

The Indian battle yesterday afternoon drew its share of the crowd and proved to be an interesting feature. The grand stand and all of the vacant ground adjoining the battlefield was crowded with people, most of whom were strangers and those who have never seen the Indian as he appears upon his native heath. The fight was along the well worn lines and consisted of the Sioux and their allies battling with the Blackfeet and their allies. As has been the result frequently, the Sioux were licked out of their boots, that having been the program for the occasion.

For the entertainment of the president and the other distinguished members of the party, the Indians will engage in battle this afternoon. They will be supplied with double the usual amount of ammunition and will burn all of it before they quit fighting.

Horticulturists Decorate.

The exhibitors in the Horticultural building are filled with expectancy. They are looking forward to Wednesday, as upon that day they expect the President McKinley will pass through the building and inspect the fruit which is in their care. Anticipating this visit, all of the people connected with the exhibits are doing their utmost to place their fruit in the best possible condition in order that it may make an impression.

[?] the exhibitors have joined forces and [?] hung large numbers of flags, yards [?]g and scores of lithographs of the [?] Their work has given the inte-[?]building a finished appearance [?] much more attractive than [?]


President's Day.

8 a. m. to 10 p. m.—Indian Congress.

9 a. m.—Live Stock Exhibit at Stock Pavilion.

10:30 a. m.—Innes Band on Plaza.

Part 1.

(a) The Rustic Mill (descriptive idyl)Eilenberg
(b) Rob Roy (quickstep)DeKoven
Solo for Contra Tuba—Air VarieCeskyCesky.
Scenes from the Chimes of NormandyPlanquette
At a Georgia Camp Meeting (descriptive fantasia)Mills

Part 2.

Vorspiel—Haensel and GretelHumperdinck
(a) Demons of the Mountain (from Peer Gynt)Grieg
(b) Love Is King (two step march)Innes
Cornet Solo—Concert PolkaLevyKenney.
American National FantasiaBendix

11 a. m.—President McKinley Enters the Grounds and Will Speak at Music Pavilion.

MusicInnes Band
InvocationRev. John McQuoid
Introduction and WelcomeG. W. WattlesPresident Transmississippi and International Exposition.
AddressHon. William McKinleyPresident of the United States.
AddressHon. Charles Emory SmithPostmaster General.

2 p. m.—Innes Band at Auditorium.

3 p. m.—Omaha Concert Band at Government Building.

3 p. m.—U. S. Life Saving Exhibition on Lagoon.

3:30 p. m.—Women's Club at Auditorium.

3:30 p. m.—President Receives the Public at Government Building.

4 p. m.—Omaha Concert Band at Indian Grounds.

Overture—Bohemian GirlBalfe
Song—Spring AwakeningBach
Waltz—The PestherLanner
Polka—Light as a FeatherZiehrer
Fantasia—Soldier's LifeKeler Bela

4:30 p. m.—Great Indian Sham Battle.

5 p. m.—Santiago War Balloon Ascension.

7 p. m.—Innes Band on Plaza.

Part 1.

Piccolo Solo—Turtle Dove (concert polka)DemareHeidelberg.
Gathering of the Clans (Scotch fantasia No. 1)Doone(Introducing solos for all the principal players of the band and concluding with the old pledge of affectionate remembrance, "Auld Lang Syne.")
The Star Spangled Banner(Introducing Innes battery of electric cannon, with accompanying fireworks spectacle.)

Part 2.

The Force in the Forest (descriptive idyl)MichaelisThe dawn; "Winged Minstrels" announce the new day; by the brook; a summer shower; the cathedral chimes sound the hour of the morning prayer; at the forge (Introducing the costumed corps of the musical blacksmiths, flaming anvils, double male quartet, etc.)
Two Characteristic Marches—
(a) En Liesse (French)Coutant
(b) Love Is King (American)Innes
Trombone Solo—WaitingMillardInnes.
Overture—JubelWeber(Concluding with the national hymn, "My Country 'Tis of Thee, and accompanied by Innes' battery of electric artillery.)

9 p. m.—Grand Special Fireworks in Honor of the President and His Party.

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Gems from President McKinley's Speech.

My greeting is not alone to Omaha and the state of Nebraska, but to the people of all the states of the Transmississippi group participating here, and I cannot withhold congratulations on the evidences of their prosperity furnished by this great exposition. If testimony were needed to establish the fact that their pluck has not deserted them, and that prosperity is again with them, it is found here. This picture dispels all doubt.

One of the great laws of life is progress, and nowhere have the principles of this law been so strikingly illustrated as in the United States.

No deliberation can be too mature or self-control too constant, in this solemn hour of our history. We must avoid the temptation of undue aggression, and aim to secure such results as will promote our own and the general good.

Ours has never been a military government. Peace, with whose blessings we have been so singularly favored, is the national desire and the goal of every American aspiration.

New names stand out on the honor roll of the nation's great men and with them unnamed stand the heroes of the trenches and the forecastle, invincible in battle and uncomplaining in death. The intelligent, loyal, indomitable soldier and sailor and marine, regular and volunteer, are entitled to equal praise as having done their whole duty, whether at home or under the baptism of foreign fire.

Who will dim the splendor of their achievements! Who will withhold from them their well-earned distinction! Who will intrude detraction at this time to belittle the manly spirit of the American youth and impair the usefulness of the American army! Who will embarrass the government by sowing seeds of dissatisfaction among the brave men who stand ready to serve and die, if need be, for their country! Who will darken the counsels of the republic in this hour requiring the united wisdom of all!

Shall we deny to ourselves what the rest of the world so freely and so justly accords to us? The men who endured in the short but decisive struggle its hardships, its privations, whether in field or camp, on ship or in the siege, and planned and achieved its victories, will never tolerate impeachment, either direct or indirect, of those who won a peace whose great gain to civilization is yet unknown or unwritten.

Right action follows right purpose. We may not at all times be able to divine the future, the way may not always seem clear; but if our aims are high and unselfish, somehow in some way the right end will be reached.

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Mr. McKinley is Given a Royal Western Welcome to Omaha.


Mightiest Throng Ever Gathered in the City Vents Its Enthusiasm.


Popular Ovation Leaves no Doubt of the Feeling of the Public.


Wide Streets Jammed from Curb to Curb with Citizens Eager to Honor the Nation's Chief Executive as He Passes.

The biggest and most enthusiastic crowd that ever assembled on the streets of Omaha gave hearty and tumultuous greeting last night to the president of the United States. The city was ablaze with light, gorgeous with color and resonant with cheers. It was a welcome worthy of the Exposition city, worthy of its distinguished guests and worthy of the president who, in the last few months, has achieved the diplomatic triumphs of a Richelieu and conducted the most brilliant campaign on land and sea the world has ever witnessed.

Twice before has William McKinley been the guest of Omaha, each time as the representative of a party struggling for supremacy. Last night he came as the executive of the nation and the whole people congregated to bid him welcome and vent their ardor in the greatest demonstration that Omaha has ever seen. Thousands of people from every part of the transmississippi country joined with Ak-Sar-Ben and his loyal subjects in the ringing cheers of greeting. The streets of the city were resplendent with electric radiance and patriotic colors swept in profusion over the upturned faces of the tremendous concourse that waited to catch a glimpse of its president and lend voice and inspiration to the patriotic tumult. The pavements were carpeted with a solid mass of pushing, crowding, surging humanity that packed itself so densely that it was almost impossible to force a passage. Long before 6 o'clock the people began to congregate at the most favorable vantage points and early in the evening the jam in the streets was unprecedented. At the same time the street cars were unable to carry half the people who were still coming. The streets far our into the residence districts were lined with pedestrians hurrying to the streets on which the presidential pageant was to move and these mingled finally in the impact throng that seemed already to fill every foot of standing room. The density of the crush was apparent when the president arrived and the police attempted to clear a passageway for the carriages.

Hardly Room To Pass.

From the foot of Farnam street to the city hall the people were crushed in a cohesive body that had scarcely elasticity enough to yield. The first file of police barely succeeded in opening a narrow footpath. The next jammed the people harder against the walls on either side and finally the mounted troop rode their horses in the faces of the crowd and it fell back with crushing force on those behind and left barely room for the carriages to pass. This was continued all along the line, but even the unbearable crush did not chill the enthusiasm of the people. When the carriage which contained President McKinley was perceived the crowd burst into a vociferous cheer that never seemed to cease. When one voice tired another took it up and the whole line of march was a single demonstration of swelling cheers and waving hats and flags. At frequent intervals the president bowed right and left and his recognition gave new impetus to the ovation. Under the red, green and yellow of the electric arches and the shimmering glory of myriads of incandescent bulbs the scene was one well calculated to inspire the patriotism of the multitude. And this broke forth in new ardor with the appearance of each of the officials and guests as they were recognized by the crowd. When the carriages which carried General Miles and the other heroes of the war came into view the enthusiasm culminated in a shout that fairly made the big buildings quiver and thousands of flags that had waved a greeting to the president were raised again in tribute to the blue and gold and the men who wore it.

It was impossible to move the parade of Ak-Sar-Ben at once and it required nearly an hour and the most vigorous exertions on the part of the police to sufficiently clear the streets to permit its passage. When this was accomplished the pageant moved rapidly over the line of march and the magnificent spectacle was cheered almost as enthusiastically as that which had gone before. Then with a final outburst the crowd broke and swept in every direction. It swamped the street cars and overflowed by thousands into the streets that led homeward. It had been jammed and crushed and elbowed almost beyond the limit of human endurance, but it had performed its duty and went home happy.

Immediately after reviewing the parade President McKinley and his party were driven to the Omaha club, where they will be quartered during their stay in Omaha. Shortly after a lunch was spread in the dining room for the distinguished guests, members of the reception committee and the directors of the club. In this President McKinley did not participate. He was somewhat fatigued after his long journey and the excitement of the evening and at once retired to his apartments on the first floor, which had been especially refitted for his occupancy. Meanwhile the remainder of the party spent a very pleasant hour over the luncheon, which was enjoyed in a thoroughly informal matter.

President on the Fair.

The special committee which met the presidential train at Council Bluffs consisted of Edward Rosewater, Z. T. Lindsey, F. P. Kirkendall, E. E. Bruce and A. L. Reed.

While the train was crossing the bridge the president expressed himself as highly gratified over the success of the exposition. He remarked that this of itself is a good testimony to its excellence. These great industrial fairs, he observed further by way of philosophical comment, are the very best promoters of peace in the world. As the president felt somewhat fatigued by his trip every effort was made by the committee to save him all unnecessary annoyance and only the ordinary interchange of ideas passed between them.

A question, however, was ventured as to whether Senator Hanna was coming, as Mr. Hanna was not on the train. The president's response was to the effect that it had been his particular desire all along that no political significance whatever should attach to his visit. In keeping with this Mr. Hanna had not accompanied the party. Mr. McKinley said he had come merely to participate in the Peace Jubilee after the happy termination of the war with Spain.


Patient Crowd of Patriots Await and Cheer Its Arrival.

For three hours a dense crowd of people thronged the Tenth street viaduct waiting for the arrival of the first section of the Northwestern special train bearing President McKinley and his party. The Burlington and union depots and the yards were thronged. It was with great difficulty that Superintendent Baxter of the Union Pacific and the yard force could keep the railway tracks clear at all for the regular trains. It might have been supposed that the presidential train would have necessitated a change of schedule for some of the regular trains, but only one train was actually delayed, No. 3 of the Union Pacific, which had to be held across the river until the presidential train came over the bridge.

President McKinley's train arrived almost a half hour before it was expected, having made up that much time. Consequently it looked for a while as though there would not be carriages on time to accommodate the party, but Mr. Baxter telephoned up word and the needed carriages appeared. The time at which it was first supposed the presidential train would arrive was 9:20 p. m., but it steamed into the yards as early as 9 o'clock. Wild shouts went up from the people and cheer after cheer welcomed its approach, the cheering commencing as soon as the headlight of the engine was first seen.

Of the reception committee waiting at the Union Pacific depot there were President Gurdon W. Wattles of the exposition and Mrs. Wattles, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. Montgomery, Congressman and Mrs. David H. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dunn, Major and Mrs. H. C. Ward, Mayor Frank E. Moores, President W. W. Bingham of the city council, ex-Senator and Mrs. Charles F. Manderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster, Inspector General Beck, H. S. McGarvey, General and Mrs. John C. Cowin, General Manager Thad. S. Clarkson of the exposition, Herman Kountze, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wharton, G. M. Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey, Mesdames George A. Joslyn, Clement Chase, J. E. Summers, George F. Bidwell, W. A. Redick, E. Rosewater, C. W. Lyman, E. E. Bruce, A. L. Reed, F. P. Kirkendall and a number of other. Edward Rosewater, Z. T. Lindsey, F. P. Kirkendall, E. E. Bruce and A. L. Reed constituted a special committee to meet the train at Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock were already on the train when it arrived at Council Bluffs.

Eager to See McKinley.

Hardly had the train arrived before the eager crowd began to press against the steps of the cars. The presidential party was in the last coach. Everybody wanted to catch a glimpse of Mr. McKinley's face. No sooner did they succeed in doing so than they began pressing toward the rear steps and a jam of humanity was threatened. A squad of police under Sergeant Whalen had managed to keep clear an aisle through the surging mass, but now it had to redouble its efforts to make it possible for the president to pass. The reception committee had to assist, too, in keeping back the people. General E. V. Sumner, commander of the Departments of Colorado and the Missouri, and his aide, Lieutenant John M. Palmer, had been waiting with the committee, more particularly for the military train which was to follow in about an hour, but they were among the first to board the coach and a hearty handshake was given the president by General Sumner. President Wattles was likewise speedily into the car and other members of the committee. A few words of welcome were extended to the president and then he appeared on the steps and was escorted through the crowd to his carriage by Mr. Wattles and Carroll S. Montgomery. The people pressed around him thickly and cheering at the top of their voices. Mr. McKinley smilingly took in the situation and his face beamed benignly upon his enthusiastic fellow Americans and their spontaneous expressions of admiration. There was no time to be lost though, so the party was escorted to the carriages immediately.

The presidential party consisted of Mr. McKinley and his secretary, John Addison Porter, and Assistant Secretary George B. Cortelyou, Secretary of the Interior Cornelius Bliss, Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson ,Assistant Secretary of War George D. Meiklejohn, James McKinley, a nephew of the president, William Drummond, a relative of Mrs. McKinley, and Captain Lafayette McWilliams of Chicago. Governor Leslie M. Shaw and staff of Iowa were also on the train, having got aboard at Clinton, and Congressman Cousins had boarded it at Cedar Rapids. Senator Allison had ridden with it as far as Boone. The press was represented by Robert S. McFarlane of the Associated Press and D. H. Carroll of the New York Sun.

Ride to the City Hall.

There was naturally some slight hitch in the arrangements, for it was necessary to get the party up town through great masses of people on time to see the parade. President McKinley, accompanied by President Wattles of the exposition, were soon seated in the first carriage and taken up the driveway. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bruce, General and Mrs. John C. Cowin, Major and Mrs. H. C. Ward and other members of the reception committee, with the exception of Major Clarkson and one or two others, took their carriages and went up town, also, expecting to be back easily in time for the train bearing the military party.

At every step of the horses as the party drove through the streets the throngs which lined the sidewalks cheered themselves hoarse and far ahead of the course taken, as soon as the word was passed along that the president was coming, the shouts arose. The cheers served as a method of signaling equally as good as anything in the electric line and from the depot the shouts passed along Tenth street to Farnam and thence up Farnam to the city hall, where a mighty concourse had been patiently waiting for several hours. Soon the entire town was yelling and cheering and waving hats and handkerchiefs. It was a glorious ovation which was given to the nation's chief executive on his entrance into the exposition city.

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Delayed in Reaching Omaha, but Warmly Received When It Arrives.

It was due to no lack of appreciation of the merits of the commanding general of the army of the United States and the gallant officers with him that the crowd which greeted his train at the Union depot last night was small and that there was an apparent lack of enthusiasm. When the presidential train arrived it was rumored among the thousands who were at the depot that the parade would start immediately after the distinguished guests were driven to Farnam street, without waiting for the military train, and the crowd quickly dispersed to witness the pageant. Further, the people had been waiting at the depot for nearly two hours when the presidential train pulled in and the prospect of a further wait of an hour and a half was not welcomed by them.

It was 10:35 when the train bearing General Miles and staff and other military officers, members of the diplomatic corps, newspaper correspondents and government officials pulling up at the Union depot. General Sumner, temporarily in command of the Department of the Missouri, was present to greet his superior officer and the members of the reception committee were also there to see that the distinguished guests were properly cared for.

Personnel of the Party.

The following made up the party on the train: Major General Nelson A. Miles and wife, Colonel Francis Michler, Colonel William M. Black, Colonel James Allen, Captain W. H. Whitney, staff officers; Mr. Dawson, secretary to General Miles; Brigadier General A. W. Greeley, chief signal officer, wife and daughter, chief signal officer, wife and daughter; Brigadier General C. F. Humphrey, wife and daughter and Miss Page Carr; Major H. O. S. Heistand and wife and Miss Martin; Prof. Willis L. Moore, chief of the Weather bureau, and wife; Dr. W. T. Harris of the Bureau of Education and wife; Dr. R. W. Baker, U. S. A., and wife; Mrs. J. V. Creighton, president of the White Cross society; Senator John M. Thurston and stenographer; G. R. Butlin, A. J. Leonard, stenographer at the White House and George Scott, messenger for the party.

In the diplomatic corps were the following: Wu Ting-Fang, Chinese minister plenipotentiary, and wife and maid and their son, Wu Cho Chu; Chow Tsz-Chi, Hwang Chung-Huli, Li Kwang-Hang, secretaries; Chin Pom Ye, Korean minister plenipotentiary, and wife and their son, We Chong Ye; Tam E. Ye, secretary; Henry Guillaume; Gonsalo de Quesada, charge d'affaires, Cuban junta, and his wife and daughter; Mr. Meron, minister for the Argentine Republic, and his secretary, Mr. Del Viso; Mr. Brasil, the Brazilian minister, and his secretary, Mr. Lima.

The following were the members of the Washington press gang: Charles S. Albert, New York World; George Grantham Bain, Harper's Weekly; Fred Benzinger, Chicago Times-Herald; W. E. Curtis, Chicago Record; C. A. Hamilton, Sioux City Journal; James S. Henry, Philadelphia Press; Raymond Patterson and L. E. Reed, Chicago Tribune; Frank Richardson, Baltimore Sun; George W. Rouzer, New York Herald; John S. Shriver, New York Mail and Express; Howard N. Thompson, Associated Press; William Osborn, Army and Navy Register; J. H. Maddy, press agent of the Baltimore & Ohio, and E. C. Snyder, Omaha Bee.

The diplomatic corps were the first to alight from the train. The Korean minister and suite led, followed at once by the Chinese minister and family. These, of course, attracted the most attention for the moment owing to the peculiar style of their dress. The Argentine minister and Brazilian minister came next, followed by Mr. Quesada, representing the Cuban junta.

General Miles and his immediate party left their car promptly and were hurried to their carriages. The general and staff wore their fatigue uniforms, but the other military men were clad in civilian costumes.

The newspaper men dodged reception committees and friends and without ceremony or loss of time made for the telegraph offices to file their stories of the trip for their papers. They will be quartered at the Millard during their stay in the city. While they were engaged in the performance of their professional duties the other members of the party were taken in carriages, in charge of members of the reception committee, and while the parade of the evening had passed up Farnam street, they were driven over the route to see the illuminations and caught a glimpse of a portion of the parade as it passed along one of the other streets. They saw the vast crowd which had lined the streets during the early part of the evening, although it was at this time in a disorganized and tangled condition, and drove by the reviewing stand where a few people yet remained to greet them.

Delayed in Ohio.

The first delay of the train bearing this party, save that caused by the stops for speechmaking, was just east of Cambridge, O. There a wreck on the main line of the Baltimore & Ohio made it necessary to make a detour of about 300 miles. Even this did not ruffle the general, for he was enabled to speak and arouse the patriotism of thousands of Americans whom he could not have addressed otherwise. This made the train an hour and half late in Chicago.

From Chicago to Omaha there is not a town of importance that has not had the pleasure of seeing and listening to the eloquence of General Miles.

At Cedar Rapids and Marshalltown the enthusiasm was so great that it reached Wu Ting-Fong, the Chinese minister, and he made two rousing speeches. The unusual sight of a United States general and a Chinese minister, the one in his uniform, the other in his native dress, side by side, speaking on the same themes, roused the people to thunders of applause.

Little Wu Cho Chi, the Chinese minister's son, hobnobbed with little We Ching Ge, the Korean minister's son, and all along the route the distinguished foreigners showed the liveliest interest and wonder.

The party will remain here till midnight on Friday.

The train of three sleepers, a buffet, a dining and a private car for General Miles, was in charge of General Passenger Agent W. B. Kniskern and his assistants, John L. Furgerson and R. H. Aishton of the Northwestern road, while G. H. Maddy accompanied the party as the representative of the Baltimore & Ohio.


Welcome Accorded the President, Who Reviews the Parade.

Unparalleled in the annals of Omaha was the reception accorded to President McKinley last night by the vast concourse of people assembled on and about the reviewing stand in front of the city hall. The ovation to the great war president, which was continuous from the union depot to the Omaha club, reached its climax in the block on Farnam street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. Here the three great buildings of Omaha, the city hall, the county court house and The Bee building, were taxed to their utmost capacity by enthusiastic spectators, while the broad streets surrounding them were packed to suffocation and the spacious lawn surrounding the court house for an entire block was lost to view in a solid covering of humanity.

It was just forty minutes after 9 o'clock when a burglar stationed far aloft in the tower of the city hall sounded the signal that excited the 500 spectators on the grand stand and the 100 times 500 men, women and children who surged as a mightly​ sea for a block about the reviewing stand and transformed the laughing chattering multitude into one that appeared beside itself with enthusiasm, every component member of the great throng wildly cheering as though his throat must break and waving a hat or a flag or a handkerchief in patriotic greeting to the president of the United States.

Welcome is Spontaneous.

The bright red coats of the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben were already seen nearing the crest of Farnam street hill and the outlines of the carriage containing the most honored guest of the Exposition city could be barely descried. And the great crowd doubled its cheers and waved its salutations more frantically. In less than five minutes from the sounding of the bugle signal the long expected guest was in front of the great reviewing stand and his carriage was flanked on both sides by crowds that seemed to have no dimensions that could be computed. From both sides came the renewed cheers and the martial air of the Seventh Ward band was drowned; the brilliant attire of the governors of the loyal Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and the handsome trappings of the South Omaha Equestrian club momentarily lost their attractiveness, paled by the tens of thousands fluttering flags and waving hats. To force a way for the carriage of the president and the long line of equipages that followed through the dense throng that occupied every foot of space in the street seemed an impossibility, but the four score of mounted governors, equestrians and policemen gradually cleared a way and the carriages penetrated the multitude without serious interruption.

Wherever they were recognized the members of the cabinet and other government officials were also accorded a hearty reception, and Governor Holcomb and "Our Dave Mercer" were especially well remembered. Major Robert S. Wilcox, King Ak-Sar-Ben IV, received an ovation from the twin grandstands of the city and the county that was second in intensity only to that accorded to the president and all of the Board of Governors were given "the glad hand" [?]

Reviews the Parade.

President McKinley entered the city hall from Eighteenth street and was escorted to the offices of Mayor Moores by the mayor and President Wattles of the exposition directory. He remained there a few minutes, chatted pleasantly with a few friends and then was taken to the reviewing stand in front of the building to witness the joint parade of the two grand parades of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. As he entered the grandstand the great crowd arose and cheered, while the president, walking slowly down the center aisle to his seat at the front, smiled and bowed, with his hat in his hand, turning from one side to the other, acknowledging the remarkable demonstration in his honor. Reaching his chair at the front of the stand, he stood several minutes with uncovered head bowing to the immense crowd that stood in front of him and seemed to have no limit to its voice capacity. The president was kept busy acknowledging the demonstration until the head of the procession was seen in front of The Bee building. A few enthusiastic spectators who had seats near the chair of honor seized the interval to press forward and shake hands with the president. He was followed by 100 members of the party from Washington and their Omaha hosts and hostesses.

As the head of the mighty pageant of legendry and light reached the reviewing stand President McKinley arose and, lifting his hat, bowed graciously and gracefully to the mounted Board of Governors. He extended the same compliment to the Equestrian club, while all the riders placed their hats on their left shoulder while passing the reviewing stand. For each float the president arose, removed his hat and bowed, while there was not a single horseman or knight who saluted the president who failed to receive a kindly recognition. The knights who assumed the apparel of princesses on the beautiful floats illustrative of "The Feast of Alhambra" kissed their hands to his excellency and the well appointed attendants of the "Two Discreet Statues" brought out two beautiful American flags and waved them as they passed the stand.

Proceeds to the Club.

The president stood and plainly well pleased saw sixteen of the gorgeous floats pass by. Then there was an unfortunate break in the procession. The president sat down for a few minutes and then, as there appeared to be no sign of the march being resumed, withdrew with President Wattles, at 10:30 o'clock. The spectators of the grandstand arose and cheered again and again as he passed out, though they regretted that he could not remain to see the unique electrical display, which constituted the second portion of the pageant. The president was driven directly to the Omaha club, where a supper was served to the presidential party in the elaborately appointed private dining room.

Most of the other guests from Washington remained on the stand throughout the passing of the long parade and showed their appreciation of it by frequent applause. The last two of the electrical floats, one representing the army and the other the navy, were particularly well received. During the last part of the electrical parade, Managers Lindsey and Rosewater of the exposition executive committee entered the stand with General Miles and several prominent representatives of the diplomatic corps. As these distinguished visitors were recognized another shout of welcome went up from the great crowd. Following the last float of the pageant the street crowd took up the line of march past the reviewing stand and, although the "conquering hero" was not there, the throngs by the thousands pressed near and cheered loudly in his honor.

How the Party is Cared For.

Following is a list of the visitors of the city and the persons to whose especial care they have been consigned during their stay:

Carriage No. 1—President McKinley, escorted by Mr. G. W. Wattles; Omaha club.

Carriage No. 6—Secretary Lyman J. Gage and Mrs. Gage, escorted by Mr. Herman Kountze and Mrs. G. W. Wattles; Omaha club.

Carriage No. 2—Dr. Garcia Meron, escorted by Mr. Alvin Saunders and Mrs. Alvin Saunders; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 17—General Charles F. Humphrey and Mrs. Humphrey, escorted by Mr. John A. Wakefield and Mrs. John A. Wakefield.

Carriage No. 16.—General A. W. Greeley and Mrs. Greeley, escorted by Mr. C. S. Montgomery; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 3—Mr. Wu Ting Fang and Mrs. Wu Ting Fang, escorted by Mr. Z. T. Lindsey and Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 4—Mr. Chin Pom Ye and Mrs. Chin Pom Ye, escorted by Mr. E. Rosewater and Mrs. E. Rosewater; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 5—Mr. Brasil, minister of Brazil, and Mr. Gonzalo de Quesada, escorted by Mr. F. P. Kirkendall and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 8—Secretary C. Bliss, escorted by Mr. E. E. Bruce; Omaha club.

Carriage No. 9—Secretary Wilson and Miss Wilson, escorted by Mrs. E. E. Bruce; Omaha club.

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Carriage No. 10—Governor Alva Adams and Governor Silas A. Holcomb, escorted by Mr. A. L. Reed; private car in the exposition grounds.

Carriage No. 11—Senator W. V. Allen and Mrs. Allen, escorted by Mrs. A. L. Reed; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 14—General Miles and Mrs. Miles, escorted by Mr. W. N. Babcock and Mrs. W. N. Babcock; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 12—Dr. R. W. Baker, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Creighton, escorted by Senator Thurston; Mr. Thurston's home.

Carriage No. 15—Brigadier General Sumner, escorted by Hon. D. H. Mercer; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 24—Mr. Chow Tsz Chi, Mr. Whang Chan Huli and Mr. Kwang Hany, secretary of the Chinese minister, escorted by Mrs. D. H. Mercer; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 18—Major H. O. Heistand and Mrs. Heistand, escorted by Hon. John L. Webster and Mrs. John L. Webster; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 27—Captain McWilliams and Mrs. McWilliams, escorted by Hon. John C. Cowin and Mrs. John C. Cowin; Omaha club.

Carriage No. 7—Secretary Charles E. Smith and Mrs. Smith, escorted by ex-Senator C. F. Manderson and Mrs. C. F. Manderson; Omaha club.

Carriage No. 25—Prof. W. L. Moore, Mrs. Moore and Hon. J. D. Yeomans, escorted by Hon. J. C. Wharton; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 26—Dr. W. T. Harris and Mrs. Harris, escorted by Mrs. J. C. Wharton; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 19—Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn and Secretary to the President Porter, escorted by Major H. C. Ward; Omaha club.

Carriage No. 22—Colonel Samuel Reber and Captain H. H. Whitney, escorted by Mrs. H. C. Ward; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 20—Captain Arthur Paget, escorted by Mr. J. R. Dunn; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 21—Colonel Francis Michler and Colonel W. M. Black, escorted by Mrs. J. R. Dunn; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 23—Secretary A. Delviso of Argentine, Secretary Tam E. Ye of Korea and Secretary Lima of Brazil, escorted by Mr. W. W. Bingham; Paxton hotel.

Carriage No. 28—The Misses Wheeler, escorted by Mrs. H. T. Clarke; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 29—The Misses Wheeler and General Miles' secretary, escorted by Mrs. W. A. Redick; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 30—Miss Wheeler and Mr. Cortelyou, escorted by Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock; Millard hotel and Omaha club.

Carriage No. 31—Miss Humphrey and Mrs. Howland, escorted by Mrs. J. E. Summers, jr., and Mrs. George A. Joslyn; Millard hotel.

Carriage No. 32—General John C. Black and Mrs. Black, escorted by Mr. George F. Bidwell and Mrs. C. W. Lyman; Millard hotel.

Carriages No. 33, 34, 35 and 36—Fifteen newspaper men, escorted by Mr. G. M. Hitchcock; Millard hotel.


How the Pageant Formed and Deployed in Review.

Under the shadow of the searchlight that threw its rays from the top of the B. & M. headquarters the forty floats that were to compose the parade waited to fall in behind the presidential party. The structures that delineated in their passage the story of Alhambra were lined on Farnam street east of Tenth and as fitted the personal following of King Ak-Sar-Ben were scheduled to follow directly after the carriages of the distinguished visitors. On Tenth street north of Farnam the electrical pageant of the celestial bodies was in waiting to pursue its glowing course in the rear of the royal procession. All of the knights and their servitors had kept faith with the royal edict and were on hand at the den in ample time to complete preparations. The combined parades took several hundred men to equip the floats and with the attendants a small army of the knig's​ subjects were required in the service. The party of sixty composing the South Omaha Equestrian club assembled on Harney street below Tenth and later rode to meet the visitors to act as guard of honor. Two attended each carriage on either side under command of Colonel A. L. Lott and made an attractive showing in their tall riding boots, white trousers, black coats and light fedora hats. Tenth street had been additionally lighted as far as the viaduct with overhead lines of incandescents and when the searchlight detected the first carriage descending the viaduct the torches were lighted and final preparations made to fall in.

When the carriage containing the chief executive was borne along within finger touch of the multitude, the pride and enthusiasm of the people burst forth in a shout of welcome that attended the carriage along the course. Sergeant Iler in front of his mounted platoon endeavored to make his direction heard, that the parades would follow close behind the presidential party. Just behind this escort rode Major Wilcox, king of Quivera, with the Board of Governors of the kingdom trusting to no lesser hands the attendance of William McKinley. The latter was drawn by snow white horses, while a bevy of knights in scarlet coats and caps rode close beside to keep back the eager populace pressing in upon the carriage for a glimpse of the kindly faced gentleman, who acknowledged their homage with bared head. In front of the whole party marched the Seventh Ward band, which heralded the coming of the nation's chief. Nearly two score carriages followed the presidential equipage and all received a demonstration of western cordiality.

The people who were massed from the building walls to the wheels of the carriages were then pressed back to make way for the pageants which followed with small delay. As minutely described on the occasion of their former appearance, they reflected the splendor of Ak-Sar-Ben;s realm, setting forth first the magic creations attending the Legends of Alhambra and following it the visitation of the heavenly bodies. Beside the admirable arrangement and construction of the floats, a display was made of increased illuminations along the streets. The public buildings on the route were lighted and adorned. Along Farnam street were hung large American flags and many congregations on private stands were individually provided with similar means of salute. The features of McKinley were presented on thousands of engravings and bunting decorated the entire route.

Before the first pageant had passed the reviewing stand the only unfavorable incident of the evening occurred. An electric light wire at Eighteenth and Douglas streets became unfastened and the procession was delayed for almost twenty minutes until repairs were made.

After the last float had passed, thousands of people made their way up Farnam street to win a sight of the city's guest. The thoroughfare for over a block east of Eighteenth was filled with a solid mass of humanity. The president and his party had left the reviewing stand, but men, women and children scanned the official stand eagerly, with cries of "Where is he?" High school boys in flying wedges and tandem files crushed their way through with the slogan, "McKinley, or bust." The crowds were finally cleared away safely, however, and the dense throng dispersed.


People Crowd the Streets in Indescribable but Good Natured Confusion.

Immediately after the last float of the parade had passed any given point along the line turmoil, confusion and pandemonium followed in its wake. The press which had been wedged in tight against the walls of stone and brick expanded and swept out into the street in an indiscriminate mass; the majority followed the final car in the parade and when Seventeenth and Farnam streets was reached there was a solid mass of people filling the last two blocks and a fringe extending a half a dozen blocks in every direction.

The street car company had made excellent arrangements to take care of the passenger traffic, but even these were utterly inadequate. A score and more of motor trains were waiting to transport the people to their homes or their lodging places from every central point. Despite these arrangements, however, hundreds of people were compelled to remain and wait for hours before they were able to secure street car facilities that would land them at the nearest junction to their homes or the places at which they passed the night.

The greatest jam occurred at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, where the east and westbound street cars interfered with the cross-town line. For a full half hour the parade had passed this intersection was packed with people who were seeking to obtain transportation and they preempted every inch of space in these cars. The remainder of the crowd was forced to wait for following cars to be able to get to their night's resting places.

The police arrangements were excellent and it was only because of this that accidents did not occur. A score of these guardians of the peace were stationed at the intersection of Farnam and Sixteenth streets to take care of the people and the vehicles that thronged the corner. It was long after midnight before the crowds had left the streets along which the parade had passed.


Handsome Building Especially Furnished for Distinguished Visitors.

The Omaha club, which has been turned over to President McKinley and his official family during their stay in Omaha, has undergone a wonderful transformation in anticipation of its guests. Above the main entrance on Douglas street are beautifully draped festoons of flags, while a carriage canopy leads from the curb to the door. Inside the club house the apartments have been rearranged with special reference to the accommodation of the presidential party. All through the halls and the reception rooms the florist's art has made a bower of palms, plants and cut flowers. The walls have been hung with new pictures and the drapers and furniture men [?]

The quarters assigned to President McKinley are on the first floor opening off the drawing room, where formerly the women's ordinary was located. Two heavy brass bedsteads have been set up, one in the larger room and one in the smaller, while the toilet room has been turned into a bath. Had Mrs. McKinley come the two beds would have been in the larger room, but upon notice of her withdrawal from the party the smaller room was fitted up as a bedroom for the use of Mr. J. Addison Porter, the president's secretary. One surprise which the president met here was a picture of Mother McKinley, which has been hung in his chamber and which is a proper photographic copy of an old painting made by Peixotto. A portrait of President McKinley himself, which hangs in the reception room, has been prettily draped with the American flag. The large dining rooms on the second floor will be used for the president's party. Last night the table was laid for an evening supper for the guests and shone brightly with brilliant glassware and handsome silver.

Besides the rooms on the third floor, usually occupied for sleeping apartments, three additional chambers have been fitted up on the second floor in rooms formerly used as dining rooms and library. All these have been assigned to different members of the party. The entire service of the club, with all the waiters and attendants, is at the disposal of the guests, the members of the club having relinquished their rights entirely while the house is occupied by the president. The work of arranging the club for the reception of the president has been under the personal supervision of the directors, who are being warmly congratulated on the result of their labors.


How the Police Wrestled with the Jam that Choked the Streets.

Chief White and his 100 men, representing the entire strength of the police department, reinforced by fifty-two of the exposition guards, handling the crowd with credit. Not an accident occurred and but two pockets were picked. On Farnam street from Tenth to Seventeenth streets where the crowds filled the street from one side to the other the greatest difficulty was experienced by the police and guards in maintaining order. An officer was stationed every six feet on each side of this street from Sixteenth street to Seventeenth street.

During the early hours of the evening this force of men was able to maintain a clear street from curb to curb, but as soon as the head of the procession swung into Farnam street from Tenth the crowds that lined the sidewalks crowded out into the street despite the frantic efforts of the police to force them back. The surging crowd was reinforced from all the side streets the length of the route and by the time the president's carriage had started well on its way northward just a narrow lane, through which his carriage barely passed, was all the space the bluecoats could keep open. At Fourteenth and Farnam this lane began closing up and by the time the foremost carriage reached Sixteenth street the pavement was simply one mass of closely-wedged heads. From there to the reviewing stand the police had to fight their way through the crowds.

The carriages of the presidential party were besieged by anxious ones desirous of shaking hands with some one of the notables. The handshaking mania did not appear to the strike the crowd until Sixteenth street was reached.

At the Tenth street depot the dense crowds were more tractable than those on Farnam street and the ten officers under Sergeant Whalen were able to maintain a clear pathway for the presidential party from their trains to the waiting carriages. On the approach to the viaduct, over which the procession passed, a force of fifty officers, the combined forces of Sergeants Iler and Whalen, held in check the people and prevented them crossing the structure with the procession. This precaution was taken to insure the safety of the people.

After the parade, considerable difficulty was experienced at the Douglas street bridges in holding the crowds of Council Bluffs residents, who were anxious to return to their homes. The street cars were blockaded and the wagon roadway was congested by all manner of vehicles, which were wedged into one compact mass. But two officers were on duty at this point and they might just as well have been paper men, for all the good they did. A hurry call to the station for more aid was responded to by fifteen men, who succeeded in breaking the barriers and allowing the crowd to trickle out across the bridge.

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Notes of the Parade.

Not an accident was reported during the night.

All of the theaters postponed their entertainments until 10:30.

In honor of the president coming Tenth street from Farnam to the depot was festooned and arched with strings of electric lights.

There was hardly a window in the buildings facing on Farnam street and those on the side streets near it but that was crowded with sightseers.

Mrs. A. V. Dunn of St. Paul, Neb., and Joseph Coppinger of Auburn, Neb., were the only victims of pickpockets reported up to midnight. The former lost a watch and the latter $58.

Harry Hunter, alias W. A. Hudson, and A. Tweed of Chicago and "Seno" Joseph Tiechman and a man only known as "Greeney" of Minneapolis were pickpockets who fell into the clutches of the police before they could do any work. Hunter and Tweed belong to the notorious McFarland gang of crooks and were arrested by Pinkerton detective Conway. Chief White himself arrested the other two.

On the top of the headquarters building of the Burlington Railroad company a big powerful electric searchlight was placed. Its broad beam of light made the pathway of the procession as light as day from the depot to the reviewing stand. On the front of the building was a large electric lighted crescent with a portrait of President McKinley in the center and with the word "Welcome" in red lights above it. This decoration was saluted by the president as he passed it.


Funeral of C. F. Beindorff.

A large number of sorrowing friends, old schoolmates and city and country officials attended the funeral yesterday afternoon of the late Charles F. Beindorff, who died Sunday evening after an illness of only a day. The services were conducted at 2 o'clock at the residence, No. 1025 South Thirtieth avenue, by Rev. S. Wright Butler, pastor of the St. Mary's avenue Congregational church. The interment was in Prospect Hill cemetery.

Mr. Beindorff died at the age of 35 in the noon of life. He had really been ailing for a year but was not taken down sick until Saturday afternoon in the German village at the exposition, of which he was the concessionaire. He leaves a widow and three small children, one of the children being only a baby. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beindorff; his bother​, Otto; his sister, Mrs. Oliver P. Burnett, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baker, were all among the mourners. The pall-bearers were Alfred Millard, H. D. Reed, George Scribner, Frank Colpetzer, F. B. Johnson and H. E. Palmer.

The deceased was born in this city and when the Sons of Omaha organized he became one of the charter members. He was the vice-president of this organization in 1891. As the architect of the city hall and the Omaha club his name had become a household word among builders. He was the superintendent of construction of the postoffice for the first year or two. He was also the architect of the Horticulture building at the exposition. A number of the courthouses of the state and several schoolhouses have been built after his plans. In In politics he was a republican and took a very active part in the campaign of 1896, acting as chairman of the city central republican committee. He was a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technicology​ in Boston.


Dairy Commissioner of Iowa Stricken with Apoplexy While Speaking at the Convention.

While addressing the convention of dairymen yesterday afternoon Hon. L. S. Gates, dairy commissioner of Iowa, was stricken with apoplexy. He died fifteen minutes later at the emergency hospital.

Mr. Gates was the fourth speaker and was telling of the work of the dairymen in Iowa when he suddenly stopped and with the words "I'll have to quit," sank into his chair. Those who were sitting near him, thinking that he had fainted, supported his head while his face was bathed with water. The efforts to revive him continued for five minutes without success. Then he was lifted by four of his fellow delegates and carried out of the building where he could get more air, and the ambulance was called. While awaiting its arrival restoratives were used without avail.

On arriving at the hospital the case was pronounced apoplexy. In five minutes the fluttering pulse of the stricken man ceased to beat. Life with strength of mind and body that were so fully his had been snatched away without warning.

Mr. Gates was among the first dairymen to start a creamery in the state of Iowa and in recognition of his experience was appointed state dairy commissioner last January. His home for many years had been at Manchester, where he owned a large farm and furnished the market with a great deal of butter. He was at one time a member of the state legislature. He was 65 years of age and left a widow and one son.


Thousands of People Compelled to Bunk in Public Places or Walk the Streets.

It is estimated that nearly 10,000 people walked the streets all of last night because of their inability to secure sleeping accommodations. Every lodging house, hotel and temporary sleeping structure in the city was crowded to its utmost capacity. The hotel lobbies were crowded with people, who gladly paid 25 cents for the privilege of sleping​ in chairs or on desks and tables. The dining rooms of the hotels were turned into sleeping rooms by laying mattresses on the floors. At the court house every available bit of floor space was occupied by tired sightseers and hundreds were turned away. This same condition of affairs existed at the old Coliseum building on North Twentieth street, which had been fitted up by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben as temporary sleeping quarters. Even the rooms at police headquarters were crowded with people unable to obtain other shelter. The various railway depots housed hundreds of people.

Thousands finding themselves outcasts moved over to Council Bluffs and to South Omaha, but only about 40 per cent of these could be accommodated. Those who found themselves unwilling outcasts, walked the streets or rolled up in the front doors of buildings out of the reach of the raw wind. The big reviewing stand in front of the city hall afforded shelter for hundreds.

The entire police department and the exposition guards detailed to police duty were on duty all night and their orders this morning were to remain on duty all of today and tonight.

Between the hours of 6 o'clock and 11 this morning the downtown streets were almost as densely crowded as they were last night at the time of the parade. Every incoming trains swelled the crowds by thousands. The street cars from Council Bluffs and South Omaha kept pouring into the city a stream of humanity from early morning until almost noon. Every available car the street car company could spare from its allied lines was used in the transportation of the crowds to the exposition grounds. The tracks to the grounds were studded with crowded cars from the center of the city to the exposition gates.

One of the officials of the road said that during the early morning hours nearly 150,000 people were unloaded at the grounds by the street car company. Long before the ticket windows at the gates were opened thousands had congregated about them. To ease the jam at the windows the exposition officials stationed ticket sellers at all the down town street crossings and hundreds of people availed themselves of the chance to buy tickets. Men with megaphones were stationed with every ticket seller, whose duty it was to announce the sale of tickets. Squads of policemen, whose faces showed signs of the arduous work they had performed the night before, were detailed at every prominent crossing to handle the clamoring, surging, anxious crowds.

The vigilance of this handful of peace guardians prevented accidents and turbulence. The creditable handling of the vast concourse of people by the department called forth the thanks of the governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben to Chief White. In a short letter to him this morning they thanked him and his men for their efforts and complimented him highly. Tonight the entire force of police and guards, with the exception of a detail to watch the downtown streets, will be divided between the railway stations. Chief White anticipates that the hardest work is in store for his men, as fully 90 per cent of the visitors, he thinks, will leave the city tonight for their homes. He is highly pleased with the work of his men. The record, he thinks, of not a single accident and but two cases of pocket picking is a wonderful one and equal to the record of the police department.


Breakfast at the Club and Correspondence Fills His Limited Time.


Many Citizens Crowd Around the Club House to See the Honored Guest of the City Leave for the Grounds.

President McKinley arose this morning at 8:15 o'clock, but an hour before this time the streets surrounding the elegant club house of the Omaha club at Twentieth and Dodge streets were thronged with thousands of citizens and visitors moved with one desire—to catch a glimpse of the president and add their greetings to those so numerously conferring the evening before.

In the handsomely appointed private dining room set apart for the president breakfast was served to the guest of honor, his nephew, Captain James McKinley, and his secretary, J. A. Porter. Immediately after breakfast the president returned to his suite of beautiful rooms on the first floor, and put in about an hour's work with necessary correspondence, dictating quite a batch of mail and telegrams to his secretary. It was now nearly time for the formation of the party to start to the Transmississippi Exposition, and the president enjoyed a few minutes' leisure. With his nephew he strolled through the artistically decorated first floor of the club, and graciously responded to the morning greetings of the few club members who were on hand to see that everything was perfection in the matter of appointments. The president said he felt fully rested after his long trip and late duties of the evening before, and expressed to the officers of the club his appreciation of the elegant and comfortable quarters that had been assigned him. He said he especially like the absolute privacy of his apartments.

Struggle for a Sight.

Outside of the club there was being enacted a scene that contrasted strongly with the quiet morning affair in the spacious building. A crowd that exceeded 5,000 men, women and children were pushing, jamming, shoving to get close to the canopy beneath which the president would walk to his carriage. A strong cordon of police held the good natured crowd in check and preserved excellent order, but they had their hands full accomplishing it. It was not a crowd that was inclined to anything like disorder, and included many representative citizens and their entire families, who must have had an early breakfast to secure such good positions near the foreground. In the strong breeze from the west there fluttered gaily from the tall flagpole on top of the club the president's own flag, and this was the most observed feature in sight up to this time. With very few exceptions, none of the spectators had ever seen the bright red flag with its pretty stars and shield before, and it was pleasure to them to merely gaze upon it.

"Oh, look at the pretty horses," said one pretty girl, while the others thought it, and the brilliantly appareled governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben drew rein in front of the club house all under the lead[?]  Scanned image of page 77 Ak-Sar-Ben IV—Major Robert S. Wilcox. Then there was Major Thaddeus S. Clarkson, general manager of the exposition, also mounted on a handsome steed and busy looking after the start of the march toward the exposition. In fact he was so very busy securing a place at the head of the column that he rode away and left a goodly portion of the diplomatic corps at the club house unprovided with means of conveyance to the exposition grounds. Fortunately for the hospitality of the city Secretary Charles L. Deuel and Mr. W. H. McCord of the Omaha club quickly saw the slight and by dint of some energetic hustling secured carriages for all the exposition guests.

Made a Brilliant Cavalcade.

The procession was a brilliant one and contained more notable visitors than ever before honored Omaha with their presence. The fine appearing calvacade​ composed of the governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben appeared at the head, preceded by a troop of mounted policemen under command of Sergeant Iler. Immediately after the red-coated governors came the carriages containing President McKinley and President Gurdon W. Wattles of the exposition directory. Then there was a line of carriages extending over a half-mile from the head of the column and occupied by the members of the cabinet, members of the diplomatic corps, governors of the transmississippi states, with an Omaha host or hostess in each carriage.

As the president appeared to take his seat in the first carriage a shout of glad acclaim came up from 5,000 throats and as many hands waved their salutation to him who is "First in war, first in peace." Douglas street from a block west of the club house eastward along the line of march to Sixteenth street was lined with enthusiastic spectators who cheered and cheered the president while the honored guest smiled, and with his head uncovered, bowed becomingly in recognition of the hearty "good morning." At Douglas street the procession turned northward on Sixteenth street, and this busy thoroughfare was even livelier than ever, and along both sides of the street the crowds waved their handkerchiefs to welcome the president. The troopers in front held the parade at a sufficiently slow march in order to afford all who had assembled along the line of march an excellent opportunity to see the president and the other distinguished guests. Northward on Sixteenth street to Sherman avenue the long line advanced, and everywhere the welcome was the same. Through Sherman avenue to the entrance of the exposition it was just alike, crowds of men and women with their families and their out of town relatives lining the curbs to shout "hurrah" as soon as the president was sighted. The procession entered the exposition grounds from Sherman avenue and proceeded directly to the band stand on the Grand Plaza and there the governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben parted and allowed the presidential party to drive between their ranks to the place where the exercises of the morning were held.


No grander ovation was ever given an American citizen than that accorded President McKinley on his arrival in Omaha to participate in the national peace jubilee at the Transmississippi Exposition. As an evidence of popular enthusiasm and esteem among all classes of the people for the great president who has successfully carried through the most remarkable foreign war of modern times, this outburst of patriotic devotion to the chief executive of the nation is fraught with a significance whose importance is not to be underestimated.

The ovation to President McKinley is significant because it typifies the intense loyalty of the greater west to the glories of the republic. With reference to the war with Spain, so bravely fought and won, the people of the whole United States stand as one man in their support and endorsement of the president's wise policy.

It is significant also as a popular recognition of the debt due to President McKinley and his administration for the restoration of prosperity through the reestablishment of public confidence and the beneficent application of republic principles. The great industrial exposition exemplifies not only the magnificent achievements of the pursuits of peace in developing the untold resources of the boundless west, but also the progress which has been made from the pail of business depression and employment-seeking labor that overshadowed the country when President McKinley was elected to the bright skies of commercial activity and busy wageworkers that now canopy the whole country.

In joining in the peace jubilee the people not alone pay honor to President McKinley as the chief executive of the nation, but also render acknowledgments of the blessings they have enjoyed and are enjoying under his guidance of national affairs.

Omaha will never witness another such demonstration as the ovation to President McKinley, because never again will a similar occasion present. Never again will the nation be in position to celebrate at one and the same time the culmination of the most wonderful industrial exposition and the termination of war by renewed peace in the presence of the most popular executive who has occupied the presidential chair.


The initial celebration of the restoration of peace between the United States and Spain which, while not yet a completely accomplished fact is to all intents and purposes substantially assured, is appropriately held in Omaha in connection with an exposition which splendidly illustrates and exemplified the achievements and the triumphs of peace. It is an event of international interest and significance.

Not only is the attention of the whole American people today centered here, where the chief executive of the nation, members of the cabinet and distinguished representatives of the army and navy have come to give national character and dignity to the celebration, but beyond the seas the event commands interest and what will be said here today by President McKinley and others speaking with authority will receive attention throughout the civilized world. It it not a merely local affair, this peace jubilee; it is not an expression of the gratification of simply one section of the country with the ending of war. It is a national event—a festival that speaks for the whole American people.

Other jubilees are to follow. Chicago will celebrate peace next week and Philadelphia later. These will be brilliant and magnificent demonstrations. But the Omaha jubilee will have a national character and significance that neither of the other can have. Proud, indeed, our people may justly feel of this [?]

This jubilee is held in no spirit of boastful exultation. It is not intended merely to glorify American prowess. It implies no reproach to the vanquished. It is the manifestation of the rejoicing of a peace-loving people that they are to have peace, let it be hoped for generations to come. Proud, indeed, are all Americans of the splendid achievements of our arms. The magnificent fighting of our navy and the superb valor of our soldiers will properly occupy our thoughts at this time and should receive the eulogium they merit.

But in justly glorifying these we shall not disparage the courage of the foe. We cannot magnify our own achievements by belittling the bravery of the enemy. Spain's destroyed fleets were officered and manned by men as intrepid as ever set foot upon ships of war. The Spanish soldiers at Santiago, half-starved and confronted by tremendous odds, displayed a valor worthy of all praise. Let us, therefore, in this time of jubilation, while fitly glorifying the splendid work of the naval and military heroes in the war with Spain, not fail to do justice to those with whom they fought.

The peace we celebrate is the culmination of a series of victories unprecedented in the annals of war. History furnishes no parallel to our naval triumphs. The fighting of our soldiers at Santiago, in courage, dash and fortitude, has never been surpassed. We demonstrated to the world that we are a military power not to be lightly regarded, that we know how to utilize our vast resources whenever there is a demand for doing so, that the patriotism of the American people can always be depended upon to respond to the call of the government. We showed that while no people love peace more than the American people, none can more readily meet the requirements of war when war becomes necessary. European nations had conceived the idea that after a third of a century of peace the martial spirit of our people had died out, while they looked upon our navy as an experiment, probably doomed to failure because of improper methods and inadequate discipline. All this has been dissipated and the strongest European doubters of six months ago are now the most ardent admirers. The American navy is acknowledged to be, ship for ship and man for man, equal to any in the world. The American soldier is conceded by competent European judges to have no superior in fighting qualities. Consequently the United States stands higher in the world's respect than ever before in its history.

The peace celebration in Omaha will be memorable. It is the crowning event in connection with the greatest exposition but one ever held in this country—an exposition opened in the midst of war and which has been successful beyond all anticipation. The jubilee and the great fair will go into history as the most splendid exemplification ever given of the patriotism, the enterprise and the public spirit of the people of the transmississippi country.

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C. F. Humphrey, Brig. Gen. Vol.
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Peace Jubilee Dinner
in honor of
The President of the United States.
The Trans-Mississippi
and International Exposition,
Wednesday, October Twelfth, 1898.
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Blue Points,
Clear Green Turtle,
Planked Whitefish with fine Herbs,
Dressed Cucumbers.
Braised Lamb Chops,
French Peas.
Presidential Punch.
Roast Canvasback Duck with Cresses,
Lettuce Salad.
Ice Cream in Forms.
Brie Cheese.
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Mrs. John A. Wakefield
U. S. A.
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His Eloquent Exposition of the New Nationalism.

Brooklyn Eagle.

Those people who are interested in good Americanism should read the address of Chauncey M. Depew made on New York day at the Omaha fair, which we print on another page. It is an able and eloquent exposition of the new nationalism. The title which he gave to it was "The Commercial and Political Unity of the United States." He showed clearly the community of interest of all parts of the country and he regretted that this oneness had not been recognized more generally.

The west has been jealous of the east and the east has been suspicious of the west, and the north has been indifferent to the south and the south has been bitter against the north. But these feelings are passing away. The Chicago fair mollified them; the Omaha fair has confirmed impressions received in Chicago, but the Spanish war has done more than all other things to draw the different parts of the country together. The effect of fighting together upon the feelings of the members of the regiment of Rough Riders was to make them regard one another as brothers. They had endured the same hardships and had worked for the same cause. Therefore, they came to know that the differences between them were external and that at heart they were the same. What happened in this regiment has been repeated in the country at large. No one section was more patriotic than another. Men from all states were eager to fight the battles of their country. Neither north, nor south, nor east, nor west had a monopoly of zeal and enthusiasm.

Mr. Depew has done well to call attention to these facts. He has done well to remind us that the greatest national development will come through the co-operation of all the states—through nationalism rather than through sectionalism. The principle on which he has based his address is so evident that it needs but to be stated to be admitted, but is has been forgotten too often in the heat of partisan politics. Demagogues have attempted to array section against section for their political advantage. They will soon have to find a new subject with which to make appeals to ignorance and prejudice.

Weather full


Visitors of the City Entertained at Two Delightfully Informal Affairs.


Scene at Markel's Inspiring and at the Omaha Club House a Beautiful Arrangement of Lovely Decorations and Stately Dames.

One of the most brilliant affairs in connection with the entertainment of President McKinley and the visitors included in the presidential party was the luncheon given by the exposition management to the chief executive, his party, the diplomatic corps and the visiting journalists on the exposition grounds at 1 o'clock this afternoon.

The luncheon, though elaborate in every detail, was marked by a charming air of felicity. It was formal without being stiff. The luncheon was served in the open casino just north of the principal viaduct over Sherman avenue and the spacious cafe of Caterer Markel was transformed into a beautiful garden far above the surging masses of humanity, from which a beautiful outlook of the crowded exposition grounds with the stately buildings and picturesque surroundings could be obtained. The white columns of the cafe were almost hidden with flags and tri-color bunting and palms and potted plants were scattered about in rich profusion. An orchestra discoursed music throughout the luncheon.

President McKinley, with President Wattles of the exposition directory, sat at the head of the table running across the front of the room. At this table were also seated members of the exposition executive committee and representatives of the diplomatic corps. From the head table there extended four long tables running the length of the room ,and seated about the luncheon board were the following notables: The Chinese minister, Mr. Lindsey, the Brazilian minister, Mr. Quesada, Mr. Kirkendall, Secretary Bliss, Mr. Bruce, Secretary Smith, General Manderson, Dr. Baker, Senator Thurston, Governor Shaw, Mr. Shotliff, Mr. Northen, Mr. Neville, Mr. Kemper, Mr. Michael, Mr. Brownlow, Mr. Ravenel, Mr. Brown, Senator Stout, Mr. Houtz, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sterritt, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wallace, Major Wheeler, Colonel Bills, Mr Sawyer, Champion Chase, Mr. Stinson, Mr. Cox, Mr. Stedman, Mr. True, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Bingham, Mr. Carr, Mr .Cook, Mr. Bishop, Judge Munger, Mr. Martin, Mayor Moores, General Humphrey, Mr. Prince, Mr. Wakefield, Major Heistand, Mr. Webster, Secretary Meiklejohn, Secretary Porter, Major Ward, Mr. Dunn, Colonel Michler, Colonel Black, Colonel Reber, Captain Whitney, Dr. A. DelViso, Mr. Montgomery, General Greeley, Captain Hodges, Captain Beck, Lieutenant Palmer, General Sumner, General Miles, Mr. Babcock, Mr. Tam E. Ye, Mr. Lima, Mr. Bingham, Mr. Chow Tsz Chi, Mr. Wang Chong Huli, Mr. Kwang Hand, Mr. Mercer, Prof. Moore, Mr.

(Continued on Third Page.)
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About One Hundred Thousand People Enter the Gates of the Little City of the Beautiful.

President Cheered on His Trip Through the Grounds by a Great Mass of True Americans.

Chief Executive, General Miles and the Guests See Different Attractions—Banquet Held Later at the Cafe.

President's day at the exposition proved to be what every seer in this vicinity expected—a record breaker in point of attendance and one of the most successful days the exposition has experienced. The exact figures showing the attendance were not obtainable at the bureau of admissions last night, but a conservative estimate made by the bureau, based on partial figures from the turnstiles, placed the total admissions at 98,470. This pushes the total admissions to date well beyond the 2,000,000 mark, which even the most sanguine friends of the exposition believed in the early days, to be the utmost limit which might be expected. Taking the estimate of yesterday's attendance as correct, the total to date reaches the comfortable figure of 2,063,267. The cash receipts at the gates amounted to about $41,000. In addition to this a number of stores down town sold tickets of admission to the grounds, which will swell the receipts to a higher figure.

The president's trip over the exposition grounds yesterday afternoon was a continuation of the triumphal march in which he had been constantly participating since arriving in Omaha. He was everywhere greeted with cheer upon cheer, and it was necessary to maintain a double cordon with the military force on the grounds to permit the party to make any progress.

All of the buildings on the grand court were closed to the public until after the president had passed through, and the colonades connecting them were flanked with soldiers. The same arrangement prevailed across the viaduct, outlining the way for the party to pass from the cafe to the grand court when starting out on the tour of the grounds after the midday lunch.

There were no stops of moment until the Government building was reached. This structure had also been closed, and the presidential party entered from the north colonade to find all arrangements had been made for a limited reception. Admission was only secured by invitation card, and the reception permitted only a few hundred people to shake hands with the president. The favored ones were the directors of the exposition and their wives, federal and local officials, representatives of the press and prominent citizens of the city and state in limited numbers.

The president took station immediately in front of the big lighthouse lens in the center of the building, flanked by members of his party, and the government guards advanced the admitted guests in single file. The Twenty-second regiment furnished the military escort. The usual crush was in evidence outside the building, but it was out of the question to admit the thousands who were clamoring for admittance.


As soon as the reception was over the party resumed its course, passing out through the south colonade exit, thence up through the buildings on the south side of the grand court. At the Mines and Mining building the party rejoined the ladies in the rooms of the bureau of entertainment, and the ladies of the bureau were presented. It was while here that the president's attention was called to the fact that the Federation of Woman's Clubs was in convention in the Auditorium, and that the ladies were desirous of seeing him. He was readily prevailed upon to gratify their wish, and when the party again moved eastward it was only to the Auditorium. The remainder of the party remained outside, and the president, accompanied by President Wattles, advanced to the stage. Mrs. Cotton had just responded to an encore when the president appeared, and she promptly fled from the platform. The president merely expressed his appreciation of the compliment extended by the ladies and was greeted with a Chautauqua salute.

Regaining position at the head of the party, the tour was resumed until the East Midway was reached, where the entire party took carriages and proceeded to the Indian encampment to witness the sham battle. Here a section of the stand had been reserved for the party, and it was from this vantage point that the maneuvers of the redskins were observed. At the conclusion of the engegement​ the Indians were called up in front of the stand for the inspection of the "Great Father," who later walked down the length of the entire line, bowing a kindly greeting to the redmen. The entire group was gotten up in unusually fantastic paint and garb in honor of the "Great Father's" coming, and they showed their appreciation of the fact that it was one of the great events of their lives.


As soon as the demonstration was over the party headed for the cafe for dinner, passing again through the Midway. The president walked over the entire course of the return trip, although the party as a whole occupied their carriages. The Second battalion of the Second Nebraska volunteers formed the escort of the party, and the battalion was in two files on either side of the carriages, with officers at front and rear.

The battalion was made up of companies A, G, K and M, with company G, the Omaha Guards, at the head of the line. This gave the home company the honor of the president's presence during the return trip to the cafe. The crowd along Twentieth street and through the Midway was dense, but it yielded readily for the passage of the presidential [?]

Possibly the most delightful event of the entire day's program was the presidential dinner at the north cafe in the evening. Covers were laid for 150 guests. Those present were the Washington party and the reception committee that had been in attendance on the proceedings during the day, together with a few additional guests.

Somewhat unconsciously the affair partook in a measure of the nature of a jubilation over the eminently successful carrying out of a great day's program and the satisfactory handling of the details in connection with the presence of such an immense crowd without accident or untoward incident. The president seemed to join with those more directly interested in a feeling of satisfaction that the difficulties naturally attendant on the occasion had been surmounted, and a general feeling of intercongratulation was none the less real because not generally expressed.


Following the discussion of the elaborate menu President Wattles, acting as toastmaster, introduced for brief responses the following gentlemen:

St. Clair McKelway, editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, to respond to the toast, "Our Country."

General Nelson A. Miles, to respond to the toast, "From War to Peace."

Senator John M. Thurston, to respond to the toast, "Humanity."

General Charles F. Manderson, to respond to the toast, "The Exposition."

Governor Alva H. Adams of Colorado, to respond to the toast, "The New West."


At the conclusion of the banquet speechmaking the party once more repaired to the carriages, this time for the trip from the grounds. The route was laid through the grand court and out to the north tract to see the fireworks, but the president did not remain there. He made but a momentary stop, and started from the grounds just as the initial feature of the display was ignited. He was driven directly to the club, four mounted police being detailed as an escort. The remainder of the party sat in their carriages and saw the greater part of the display, after which they followed the president back to their down town quarters. The route taken was down Twentieth street across the lagoon and out through the main entrance.

The movements of the party attracted fully as much attention in the evening as they had in the morning, and a rush occurred wherever the carriages were seen, and the same curious interest was manifested to see the members of the most distinguished party of this size that ever visited Omaha.


Mr. McKinley and Party Lerve​ This Morning for Chicago.

President McKinley and most of the members of the presidential party will leave this morning on the Burlington for St. Louis. The party leaves the Burlington depot at 9 o'clock, going on the flyer, to which the special cars will be attached. The president and secretaries will be accompanied to the depot by an escort of police, and a large delegation, including Senators Allen, Thurston, Mayor Moores, President Wattles and many others. The party will leave the Omaha club about 8:40, arriving at the depot in good time. General Manager Elliott Marshall of the Burlington arrived in the city yesteday​, and completed all arrangements for the trip. The train will make no more stops en route than is absolutely necessary, making a through run to St. Louis, arriving there at an early hour Friday morning. The great reception at St. Louis will take place Friday.

The Northwestern party, that of General Miles, will leave for Chicago about noon. The party will include the diplomatic representatives and the army officials, General Greely and the ladies of that party.

The larger number of the newspaper men will go with the presidential party, which includes the secretaries and members of the cabinet. The Miles company will go direct to Chicago and join the president at that city, where they will unite in the celebration of the great Chicago peace jubilee. At the jubilee President McKinley, Secretaries Smith, Gage, Bliss and Wilson and General Miles and others of the army party will speak. From Chicago the distinguished travelers will scatter. Secretary Smith will make some speeches in Ohio and Indiana; Secretary Gage will spend several days in Chicago; the diplomats will return direct to Washington during the middle of next week, spending several days in Chicago. Mrs. McKinley will join the president in Chicago, and after a few days in that city, the will go to Canton for a few days. General Miles and the others of the military will go to Washington as soon as they can get away from Chicago.

The Miles party and the members of the diplomatic corps will spend the morning at the exposition, where several members are expected to speak, and after a lunch on the ground they will return to the city and prepare to leave for Chicago.

Mrs. McKinley Leaves Canton.

Canton, O., Oct. 12.—Mrs. McKinley, wife of the president, left tonight over the Pensylvania​ railway for Chicago in a private car attached to the 9:27 o'clock train. She was accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. Lafayette Williams of Chicago, and Mr. Webb C. Hayes.

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Omaha Club House Turned Over to Them for Part of a Day.

Bureau of Entertainment Receives and Dines Wives and Daughters of Visiting Officials.

The bureau of entertainment of the exposition entertained the visiting ladies at luncheon at the Omaha club at high noon yesterday. The house was turned over to the ladies during the day for this occasion, and right royally did they take advantage of the unusual concession. Those who went to the exposition with the presidential party in the morning returned to the club house about 1 o'clock, and the other members of the visiting party and the ladies of the bureau gathered in the parlors of the club. The scene was brilliant. The toilets of the ladies were elaborate and the gay colors against the background of palms and dark hues of the oak walls made a picture most effective.

At 1:30 o'clock the party proceeded to the dining room on the second floor. As the long line of brightly attired women ascended the grand stairway, Mrs. Clement Chase, chairman of the bureau of entertainment leading the way, closely followed by the wives of thte​ Chinese and Korean ministers and the ladies of the cabinet, a spectacle of stately beauty was presented.

The dining room was like a dream. The tables were arranged in the form of a hollow square, each being covered with a cloth of snowy whiteness against which festoons of smilax and ferns, decked with American beauty and la France roses stood out in strong contrast. Huge jars of roses were arranged at intervals along the tables and banks of roses were placed at prominent points.

The lunch card was a gem of beauty. On a back of white satin ribbon was attached a heavy cardboard with rough surface. At the top appeared an allegorical representation of the past and present of the great trans-Mississippi region. To the left appeared the counterfeit presentment of the aboriginal inhabitants of the treeless prairies, done in water colors by Omaha artists. Various scenes were thus depicted, a life-liking representation of the American Indian appearing in each with his tepee at a gackground​. These little scenes were remarkably well executed and were the work of Mrs. Frances Mumaugh, Miss Linda Curtis and Miss Ethel Evans. At the left of the top of the cards, in a wreath formed of wheat, corn and sugar beets, was an artistic reproduction of the Government building at the exposition. Beneath this artistic decoration appeared the menu, engraved in copper plate. The whole was a most artistic bit of work and was the creation of the genius of Clement Chase.

These cards were at each plate together with an engraved card bearing the name of the occupant of the chair. The menu was a delicate confection and was served in faultless taste, the following being the bill:

Grape Fruit
Frog Legs a la Poulette
Breast of Prairie Chicken
Currant Jelly
Waldorf Salad
Neapolitan Ice Cream
Assorted Cake
Small Coffee

The short table across the end of the hollow square was occupied by the most distinguished of the party, Mrs. Chase, chairman of the bureau of entertainment, occupying the post of honor in the center, with the wife of the Chinese miniser​ on her right and the wife of he​ Corean minister on her left. Next on the right, in the order named, sat Mrs. H. T. Clarke of the bureau of Mrs. Lyman Gage. On the left of Mrs. Chase, next to the wife of the Corean minister, sat Mrs. Wattles, wife of the president of the exposition, and Mrs. Charles Emory Smith.

Seated at the other tables were the following ladies:

Mrs. Kirkendall, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Webser, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Summers, Mrs. Humphrey, Mrs. Manderson, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Babcock, Miss Miles, Mrs. Cowin, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Lindsey, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Mendelken, Mrs. A. Rosewater, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Dandy, Miss Humphrey, Mrs. Kountze, Miss Greeley, Mrs. W. A. Mercer, Mrs. E. Rosewater, Mrs. Bills, Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Dickenson, Mrs. Redick, Mrs. W. V. Allen, Mrs. Hitchcock, Mrs. Greeley, Mrs. Lyman, Mrs. Heistand, Mrs. Joslyn, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Holcomb, Mrs. McCord, Mrs. Trumbull, Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Bidwell, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Yates, Miss Carr, Mrs. Dunn, Miss Martin, Mrs. Lininger, Miss Pierce, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. McKelway, Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Wakefield
Newman, Mrs. Wakefield, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Harrison,.
Mrs. Shiverick ,Mrs. W. F. Allen, Mrs. Colpetzer, Mrs. Offutt, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Mackay, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. George Mercer, Mrs. Remington, Mrs. Wharton, rs. Connell, Mrs. Broatch, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Charlton, Mrs. Bierbower, Mrs. Wilhelm, Mrs. Brandeis, Mrs. Poppleton, Mrs. Dietz, Mrs. Baum, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Rogers.


President Visits the Federation and Pays Respects to the Ladies.

Convention Meets at the Auditorium on the Grounds and Discusses Its Work.

Mrs. Platt of Denver Talks of the Practical Work of the Organization--Business of the Morning Session.

The Trans-Mississippi congress of the Federation of Women's clubs met yesterday afternoon at the Auditorium on the exposition grounds at 3:30. Prior to the hour of opening the session the Innes band discoursed delightful music to an appreciative audience which filled the large building from pit to dome. It had been arranged that President McKinley should address the ladies briefly at 3:30, but it was nearly 4 o'clock when he appeared. While awaiting the president's appearance Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, president of the general federation of women's clubs, was introduced, and delivered a brief and witty talk.

Mrs. C. S. Cotten, in her best voice, sang "Arietta," from "Romeo and Juliet," and was encored, and started to respond when President McKinley entered the door, accompanied by President Wattles of the exposition. En masse the large audinece​ arose, and forgetting for a moment Mrs. Coten's music, greeted the first man of the nation in true western style, Mrs. Cotten gracefully retiring. As the president was walking down the aisle Mr. Thomas J. Kelly rendered on the organ "The Star Spangled Banner."

The president came at once to the platform, and was presented to Mrs. Lowe. Mr. Wattles then introduced the president to the assembled thousands. The president said:

"I have only a moment in which to give you my greetings of good will and best wishes and congratulations."

Bowing low in acknowledgment of the applause, the president was conducted from the building, stopping a moment to speak with Mrs. Lowe and a few others. As he was being escorted from the building a number of the ladies on the platform succeeded in shaking hands with him.

Mrs. Sarah S. Platt, vice president of the Federation of Women's clubs, was introduced. She spoke for half an hour interestingly and entertaingly​ of the work of the women's clubs of the land. She did not believe in a select women's club, but one that took into its fold all women who would not violate the laws of God and man. She told of the degeneration of the old-time literary clubs of women, and said their days were over, and she was glad of it. What she wanted was live, active women's clubs which not alone looked after the interests and welfare of the women, but of the young men as well.

By special request Mrs. D. A. Campbell and Miss Maud Oakley of Lincoln sang "Angelus," and received hearty applause.

Mr. Joseph Gahm presented two musical selections, and the congress adjourned to this morning at 9 o'clock, when it will reconvene at the First Congregational church, Nineteenth and Davenport streets.

There was but a brief session of the woman's congress yesterday morning. The rush of preparation for the grand rally at the Auditorium on the exposition grounds yesterday to hear the president's address necessitated the curtailment of the regular program.

Mrs. Philip N. Moore, the nationl​ treasurer, of St. Louis, presided, and the annual address of the president, Mrs. Stoutenborough, of Plattsmouth, came in for the first attention. It was en​ exhaustive resume of the work and growth of the federation, with predictions as to the future and remarks upon the importance of departmental work and other matters pertaining to the thrift and advancement of the organization.

The organ symphony by Mrs. F. M. Ford was a splendidly executed musical number.

Mrs. Buehwalter of Ohio read an entertaining paper on traveling libraries, and Miss Catherine Collins Morris of Wisconsin sang "A May Morning" with much grace and artistic finish.

Mrs. A. E. Geddings of Minneapolis, who was scheduled for a paper on rest rooms in market towns, telegraphed that owing to an accident she was prevented from getting here.

The congress adjourned at 10:30.


Change in the Afternoon Prevents Higher Notch Being Made Wednesday

Modern Woodman Day a Poor Second Now and the Total Passes the Two Million Mark.

No Accidents of Consequence, but Emergency Hospital Does Lots of Business--Concert Spoiled.

Wednesday's Admissions,98,470
Total Admissions2,063,267

That the total attendance at the exposition Wednesday did not exceed 100,000 is undoubtedly due to a sudden and severe change in the weather, which took place about the middle of the afternoon. The wind shifted suddenly to the northwest, and the mercury in the thermometer commenced looking for "the hole in the bottom of the sea." The air was filled with dust, and the afternoon and evening were about as disagreeable as the balmy atmosphere of Nebraska is capable of producing.

The turnstile record at 3 o'clock showed that 96,700 people had entered the grounds since morning, and the crowd showed no signs of dwindling at that hour, but the night's totals show plainly that the tide suddenly ceased and the unusual attractions offered for the evening prove that the weather is solely responsible.

The fact remains, however, that president's day heads the list in point of attendance. Modern Woodmen of America day, hitherto the big day, is now a poor second, with scarcely more than half the admissions to its credit that mark the record breaker, the admissions on that occasion being 52,723. The third day is Tuesday of this week, with 47,974; July 4 is the fourth in the list, with 44,452 admissions, and Iowa day is fifth, with 39,094.

Notwithstanding the immense attendance of yesterday, there were no accidents and no arrests of consequence. No disturbance occurred on the grounds, and the guards were not called on to make even the ordinary number of arrests. The emergency hospital did a rushing business, however, the ambulance making forty runs during the day and evening. None of the cases were at all serious, however, the majority of them being women who fainted in the crushes which occurred at various points on the grounds.

The crowd kept as close to President McKinley as possible, gathering in great numbers about the point where he happened to be, completely blocking that portion of the grounds until the presidential party moved to some other point. All were eager to catch even a glimpse of the chief executive, and his appearance was the signal for enthusiastic and continued cheering.

The evening concert of the Innes band on the plaza was inaudible on account of the strong wind from the west, which wafted the sound over the broad valley of the Missouri, but the crowd waited with more or less patience until the concert was concluded and the banqueters appeared.

When the guests of the occasion had been driven away in carriages the crowd followed to the fireworks ground, and the plaza was entirely deserted. Immediately after the fireworks the crowd made its way from the grounds, and by 10 o'clock there was scarcely a corporal's guard inside the gates.


Concessions Crowded With the Mass of Visitors.

E. M. Bayliss of the Edison Wargraph refused to sell tickets yesterday on a dozen or more occasions, but not because he wanted to. All day long the building, the lobby and the Midway in front of the show were thronged with people anxious to see the battle of Manila and the bombardment of Fort Matanzas.

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Two bull fights were given at the Wild West show yesterday and each time the grand stand was not nearly large enough to accommodate the crowds. The fights gave more than satisfaction, and today the place will be packed again. The regulation size arena recently constructed makes the fight much more sensational than formerly. The other features on the program are well worth the price of admission.

Every effort was made to accommodate visitors at the Cyclorama yesterday, but the management for once found it utterly impossible and hundreds were turned away, not, however, before purchasing tickets for today, and from the number sold the attendance is likely to be as large as yesterday.

The fame of Ching Ling Foo, the great Chinese magician at the Chinese Village, has certainly spread abroad, for the thousands on the Midway from all over this country inquired when he gave his performance. The Chinese Village looked more like a thickly populated city yesterday than a village. The restaurant, the joss house, the bazar, the theater and every other building were crowded from morning until night.

The large ostrich, William McKinley, at the South African Ostrich Farm, and another bird, Mark Hanna, fought yesterday, and the fight would hove​ been to a finish but for the intervention of an attendant. As it was, McKinley was badly bruised about the head, and this morning he is minus an eye. Hanna was considerably scratched, but he will not be disfigured.

Knights of Pythias Day.

The Knights of Pythias will be at the exposition today. This is Knights of Pythias day, according to the exposition calendar. There are at least 200 knights in the city from Nebraska alone, who came to attend the grand lodge meeting. In addition to these, at least 2,000 or 3,000 will arrive from different parts of the state this morning and a large number will come from adjoining states. There will be exercises in the afternoon, and probably some exhibition drilling. Several Knights of Pythias bands will be in the city today. The local knights are making great preparations for the day, and expect to make a showing worthy of the noble order. The state and some of the supreme officers will be present.

Handling Heavy Traffic.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Wymore, Neb., Oct. 12.—All past records for handling passengers on the southern division of the Burlington & Missouri will pale into insignificance when compared with the business being done this week. Every available coach has been put into use, and they are now compelled to use Santa Fe and other cars in order to handle the exposition travel. Seventy special trains were scheduled to start or pass through here and on the first half dozen of them it is estimated there were 5,000 excursionists. For the first time in the history of the road the free list is suspended, and this week no employe can travel while off duty unless he buys a ticket.

Day for the Deaf and Dumb.

Prof. Dawes has introduced the management of the exposition to make Monday, October 17, a special day for the deaf and dumb children of the state, and a rate of 15 cents has been made for them. One hundred and fifty of the unfortunate children will be taken to the exposition, accompanied by the teachers and officers of the institution. Some of the Midway attractions have agreed to open their doors free to the party, and the superintendent of the institution is looking for others to do likewise. The expense of the day will have to be borne by the teachers and officers of the institution, unless others come to their assistance. An application has been made for a reduced rate for those who accompany the children. Dinner will be served to the party at the Nebraska building.

Exposition Notes.

Martin Kingman, a member of the Illinois exposition commission, arrived in the city yesterday at the head of a large delegation of citizens of Peoria, Ill., including Colonel Clarke E. Carr of Galesburg, president of the commission. Mr. Kingman is accompanied by his family and will make their headquarters at the Illinois building for several days.

The Nebraska commission held a short session yesterday morning and approved a voucher for $3,250 which has been offered to Nebraska stock breeders in a state competition.

The Nebraska building was a very popular place yesterday. It was crowded all day and it was necessary to open five check rooms in order to care for all the luggage which was brought into the building by people from points out in the state.

Henry Watterson, the well known editor of the Louisville, Ky., Courier-Journal, was a caller at the Press building yesterday. Colonel Watterson will remain in the city today. He was very much pleased with the exposition.

Mrs. A. M. Wheeler and Miss Nan Wheeler, wife and daughter of Major Wheeler, secretary of the New York commission, and Miss Susie Holmes arrived in the city to participate in the celebration of New York day and the Peace Jubilee celebration. They will remain several days.

If President McKinley wondered where Omaha "got all the electricity" Tuesday night he must have marveled greatly last night. Besides the 14,000 odd lights at the exposition there were extra features. The portrait of the president in electric globes on the plaza was visible from Capitol Hill and other points down town. When the president glanced toward the center of the city he saw the domes and towers and cornices of great buildings outlined in liquid gold against a deep blue sky and rosettes, crosses and bouquets of red, green and yellow on other structures. The color scheme of the sky scrapers was perfect and to be seen for miles.


Stayed Up Until 1 O'Clock Yesterday Morning, Slept Well and Enjoyed His Breakfast.

Expresses Pleasure at What He Meets--He and Cabinet Officers Give Informal Reception--President and Party Well Cheered as They Drive to White City.

Dawning with heavy clouds the morning threatened to disappoint those who had pinned their faith for fair weather to the unbroken record of clear days and usually sunshine for presidents in Omaha. A slight sprinkle about 9:30 further increased fear of rain. But not long after the clouds rolled away the sun shone from its place in the ether and everybody was happy, was elated and everybody meant all Omaha, South Omaha, East Omaha, Florence, Council Bluffs, with many thousands of strangers sojourning in these cities.

As early as 7:30 a. m. yesterday people began massing about the Omaha club house, the temporary home of President McKinley and several of the cabinet. The people were on the sidewalk opposite the building, and a great many, bolder than others, crossed the street, anxious to even touch the sidewalk or press the steps where his excellency had passed on entering the club house last night. Policemen were on duty all night, and at 8:30 o'clock had no small work in holding the anxious ones back. Many people "only wanted" to pass under the canopy leading from the curb to the club door. Crowds called at the club rooms to pay their respects to Mr. McKinley.

The president retired at 1 yesterday morning and slept well. He arose at 8 and took breakfast with Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, Private Secretary Porter, James W. McKinley, his nephew, and Assistant Secretary Cortelyou. The president ate heartily, and appeared to enjoy the repast greatly. Following the morning meal an informal reception was held in the parlors. Mr. McKinley stood at the folding doors, and a long line of gentlemen formed across the parlor, among whom were Secretaries Smith, Gage, Bliss, Wilson, Meiklejohn, and others of the distinguished party. The visitors shook the president's hand and moved on and out shaking the hands of each of the secretaries. There was a great crowd in the building, and people came and went in a constant stream up to the hour of the departure of the party for the exposition.


"Never felt better in my life," said Pres. McKinley yesterday morning, at the Omaha club, to a World-Herald reporter. "I went to sleep promptly upon retiring, and rested well. I feel very much refreshed after my long journey, and look forward to this day with pleasure. I am glad to be here, and know I shall enjoy the visit to the exposition city."

"I wonder where you get all that electricity," remarked Mr. McKinley, speaking of the Ak-Sar-Ben display last night.

As the reporter left Mr. McKinley said: "My compliments to the World-Herald."

He expressed himself as delighted with the reception last night, and thought it magnificent.

The Ak-Sar-Ben carnival electrical display struck him forcibly, and he remarked about the wonderful display, the like of which he had never seen before. As to an interview the president did not care to talk, and did not know that he had anything of importance to talk about.

The start for the exposition grounds was made at 10:30 o'clock. Long before that time the streets in the vicinity of the Omaha club were crowded with people eager to catch a glimpse of the chief executive of the greatest country in the world. Men, women and children pushed and jostled one another in a good natured way; the pampered aristocrat rubbed elbows with the workingman and the richly dressed representative of the four hundred stood alongside the woman in rags. The kodak fiend was strongly in evidence, at least a hundred of the "snap shot" machines being levelled at the distinguished guests as they rolled in carriages.


Inside the club house all was gaiety. The handsome lobby was crowded by the most distinguished company that ever assembled within its doors. The strange and richly decorated costumes of the foreign ministers and their suites, the attractive and popular uniform of the army of the United States, the rich toilets of the ladies of the party, all combined to make a scene of splendor outlined against the sombre black of the conventional dress of the men. Palms and other foliage plants  Scanned image of page 88 filled every nook and corner and the odor of cut flowers was everywhere.


At 10:30 the president appeared and exchanged kindly greetings with those immediately about him as he made his way quickly to the door, accompanied by President Wattles.

As soon as the chief executive reached the sidewalk and was visible to the crowd beneath the awning leading from the entrance to the curb, a great cheer rent the air and people crowded closer to catch a glimpse of the pleasant-faced man who stood with bared head, smiling and bowing to the right and to the left as he greeted the people who delighted to do him honor. Cheer after cheer was given, and men and women waved hats and handkerchiefs as the volume of sound swelled and died away again, only to be renewed with increased vigor as the president's carriage drove rapidly down Douglas street towards Sixteenth, stopping momentarily near Seventeenth to await the others.


A platoon of mounted police led the line and the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben acted as escort for the president. The bright and handsome uniforms of the board of governors shone in the beautiful morning sun and added a military aspect to the scene quite in keeping with the temper of the admiring thousands who were tuned to the highest pitch of enthusiasm.


The foreign ministers, Wu Ting Fang of China and Chin Pom Ye of Korea, each accompanied by their wives and the members of the reception committee appointed to escort them, followed behind the president's carriage, and then came the members of President McKinley's cabinet, also accompanied by members of the reception committee.


Immediately behind the cabinet officers came General Miles. As he stepped into the carriage and the crowd caught a glimpse of the general commanding the army a cheer split the air and rolled down the Douglas street hill in company with the carriage, while men shouted until they were hoarse and women joined in the joyful welcome.

The officers of General Miles' staff followed the chief and then came the secretaries of legations, members of the president's official family, visitors from other states, representatives of the great metropolitan newspapers and other distinguished guests, all escorted by the members of the reception committee as announced in the list appearing in another column.

The long procession of carriages drove north along Sixteenth street and Sherman avenue to the entrance to the bluff tract opposite the Auditorium and entered the grounds at this point.

Waited for Gen. Miles.

The Millard was crowded yesterday with people, anxious to get a glance at General Miles and the other notables of the army wing of the government. Soon General Miles came down stairs, and was warmly greeted by the members of the local reception committee. An informal reception followed, and a large number of people were presented to General Miles, Colonel Michler, Colonel Black, General Greeley, Captain Whitney and others of the party. Many old friends met and new friendships were made. Nearly an hour was thus spent. At 10 o'clock the visitors, with members of the local committee, entered carirages​ and were driven to the Omaha club, where they joined the presidential party for the exposition.

Tenneseean's​ Tribute to Omaha.

"I was at Nashville last year when President McKinley was there," said Joseph Reynolds of Memphis, Tenn., a guest at the Millard, "and while I am a Tennessean, and proud of my state, proud of our great exposition last year, our reception to his excellency was tame. I must admit that the street display and electrical display were nothing in comparison to what I saw here in Omaha. Why, it was simply gorgeous—wonderful. I have taken in every exposition and big reception in this country during the last twenty years, and I never saw anything like it in my life. If Mr. McKinley was not pleased and delighted last night there is no use for others to try to delight him."

Railways Can't Bring All.

With double-headers steaming in with from ten to sixteen coaches, and extra sections with extra coaches galore attached to the regular trains, with baggage cars loaded and with people left behind by the hundreds at the village depots along the line of the Omaha roads, this has been the story for the last three days. Tuesday's arrivals numbered upward of 500 coach loads, and today's trains at noon had fetched in nearly 400 cars. The Burlington at noon had 136 coach loads registered, while the Rock Island unloaded eighty coaches at the union depot inside of forty minutes.

The Milwaukee, Northwestern, Port Arthur, Missouri Pacific, St. Paul & Omaha, and Elkhorn all brought in dozens of trains each during the day, and still there are more to follow.

She Brought Olive Branch.

"I came all the way from California," said a plieasant​ face woman at the Omaha club yesterday to the policeman at the door, "to bring this bunch of olive branches to Mr. McKinley. I would like to get in."

"Can't get in," said the policeman. "Send your card in and it will be all right."

The lady did so, and in a moment was all smiles and joy as she gracefully bowed, and in the name of the peace society people of the Golden Gate presented the little bundle to his excellency. He gracefully thanked the good woman, and smiling benignly, bade her good by.

The woman who had "come all the way from California to see the president," pasetd​ on, and in a twinkle was lost in the crowd.

The P. M. G.'s Journey.

"We came in yesterday," said Mr. Dawson, Postmaster General Smith's private secretary, at the Millard. We had a delightful trip. Mr Smith addressed tremendous crowds at Topeka and Wichita, Kas., last week, and then went to Colorado Springs. There Mr. Smith was royally received. He was taken in hand by the mayor and prominent people and was shown everything within fifteen miles of the Springs worth seeinng​. Several informal dinners and lunches were given, and the treatment was most pleasant.

"At Denver Mr. Smith was met at the depot and dinner, lunch and trips took up every hour of his time. The Denver people gave Mr. Smith a very hearty reception. We left there yesterday afternoon and had a very pleasant trip.

"We go from here today, Mr. Smith speaking in Columbus, Indianapolis, Dayton and other places, and will arrive in Washington on the 24th."


Women Will Have Formal Exercises at the Exposition.

Woman's Relief Corps day at the exposition will be Friday of this week, October 14. Women will come from all sections of Nebraska to participate in the exercises which will take place in the Nebraska building at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The program embraces a welcome address by the mayor of Omaha, vocal solo by Prof. Lee G. Kratz, welcome address, Mrs. Abbie A. Adams, department president, Superior; response by Mrs. Rosilla B. Condon, past president, Pawnee City; Mrs. Jamison Miller, national president, Monticello, Ill., will deliver an address. Solo, Miss Frances Roeder. Address by Paul Vandervoort.

In the evening a reception will be given in the Commercial Club rooms, Sixteenth and Farnam streets, in honor of the national and department officers present. All members of Women's Relief corps, soldiers, sailors and others, are invited.


A Noted Journalist Will Speak on the "Greater Omaha" Tomorrow.

On Monday next, 7th inst., Mr. John W. Ryckman will, by invitation of the Real Estate exchange, address the business men of Omaha at the Board of Trade rooms on the subject of "The Greater Omaha of Tomorrow." It is expectd​ that he will also suggest a plan by which all the benefits of the exposition may be continued after the close and the city kept in the front rank as the metropolis of the Trans-Mississippi country. And Ryckman is a journalist of wide experience, at present connected with the Chicago Chronicle. He has for years been a close student of industrial and economic conditions in this country and Europe. He organized and managed some of the earier​ national expositions held in the United States and his views on the subject of muncipal​ development showed especially interest for Omaha people at this time.

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President Strikes It and Many Thousands Take It Up With Cheers.

Children of Every Nation on Earth and Flags From All Over the World Welcome Him at Exposition--Scenes on the Grounds.

President McKinley's Speech—He Compliments the Exposition and Speaks of the War and Colonial Question.

Postmaster General Smith Compares God and Man's Work in the West Where States Are Large as Empires.

Exposition Grounds, Omaha, Oct. 12.—(By special wire.)—Every tribe and kindred and tongue greeted the president of the United States with loud acclaim on the grounds yesterday. The flags of all nations waved above and around him. Recent rains and sunshine had given the freshness and color of full summer to sward and flower plot, and showers and brushes had brought out the original whitness​ of the beautiful exhibition palaces.

From every pinnacle waved a flag. Surmounting the band stand in heroic outlines was a portrait of the chief executive of the nation, and hanging heavily from the front of the band stand on the Plaza were huge star spangled banners. Suspended from lines running from either corner of the stand to the south viaduct were the ensigns and pennants of all the peoples on the globe.

The clouds had forgotten in the morning that the president was here, but with this beautiful picture spread out beneath them they hastened away, refusing to keep the spectacle from being complete by preventing the crowning addition of the sunshine.

START FOR 100,000.

The gates had not long been open when those who had predicted an attendance of 100,000 began to feel that they were good prophets. No one ever saw such a jam on the street cars in Omaha. Running three or four a minute on all lines going to the grounds they were packed until noon. By 10 o'clock all the walks and all the buildings were thronged so that the elbows becomes as necessary to locomotion as the feet.

At 9:30 the Second Nebraska volunteer infantry, in full marching order, entered the grounds at the north gate and filed down across the island bridge, up the south side of the main court, behind the Auditorium and across Sherman avenue to the Grand plaza. There the soldiers, who were to be the military guard to the presidential party were ranged in a double line from the band stand to the Sherman Avenue gate along the roadway over which the presidential procession was to pass.

The entry of the troops of course attracted general attention at once and during the progress of their march they were continually cheered by the scores of thousands that crowded up close to [?]

As the regiment passed over to the bluff tract the general movement to the Plaza began and an hour and a half before the time for the exercises to begin at the stand all space in sight of the platform, save the reserved area roped in was packed with humanity.


The presidential party arrived at the gate at 11 o'clock. The troops, forming a lane from the gate to the stand, were called to attention, and as the red-coated board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben rode in just in front of President McKinley's carriage the cheering began. The greeting was acknowledged by the president with smiles and bows. As he alighted and mounted the platform escorted by President Wattles of the exposition, the vast crowd shouted and waved hats and would not be satisfied until the president stepped to the front and with raised hat bowed and bowed again.

Meanwhile the Innes band kept playing patriotic selections and continued to do so until all the carriages had unloaded at the south side of the improvised platform.

As this and that dignitary ascended the platform and was assigned to his chair the cheering was renewed tumultuously as ever.


The exercises began with prayer by Rev. John McQuoid, pastor of the First Methodist church.

President Wattles then delivered a short introductory address. He described the gratitude felt by all classes of citizens on account of the return of peace and was certain that he voiced the greetings of the whole Trans-Mississippi country in welcoming the distinguished and honored guests of the day. (Cheers.) No place was more fit than his, he said, for celebrating the return of peace, for here the throngs were surrounded by all the evidences and the best results of the arts of peace. There was no better illustration of the greatness and power of the American people—and here the north and south had met and pledged anew the faith that now bound them with ties stronger than steel. He dwelt on some of the prominent features of the exposition and made reference to the recent achievements of the army and navy.

"All hail," he concluded, "to the chief, who, inspired by the God of pity, love and justice, proclaimed that cruelty and oppression must cease on the islands near the shores of America. (Cheers.) All hail to our president, our guest and our ruler." (Renewed and long cheering greeted President McKinley as he arose, and at the end of many an earnest sentence, as he progressed the applause broke forth again.)


Lessons of the War—Territorial Problems Confronting the Nation.

President McKinley said:

Gentlemen of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition and Fellow Citizens: It is with genuine pleasure that I meet once more the people of Omaha, whose wealth of welcome is not altogether unfamiliar to me and whose warm hearts have before touched and moved me. For this renewed manifestation of your regard and for the cordial reception of today my heart responds with profound gratitude and a deep appreciation which I can not conceal, and which the language of compliment is inadequate to convey. My greeting is not alone to your city and the state of Nebraska, but to the people of all the states of the Trans-Mississippi group participating here, and I can not withhold congratulations on the evidences of their prosperity furnished by this great exposition. If testimony were needed to establish the fact that their pluck has not deserted them, it is found here. This picture dispels all doubt.


In an age of expositions they have added yet another magnificent example. The historical celebrations at Philadelphia and Chicago, and the splendid exhibits at New Orleans, Atlanta and Nashville are now a part of the past, and yet in influence they still live, and their beneficent results are closely interwoven with our national development. Similar rewards will honor the authors and patrons of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition. Their contribution will mark another epoch n​ the nation's material advancement.


One of the great laws of life is progress, and nowhere have the principles of this law been so strikingly illustrated as in the United States. A century and a decade of our national life have turned doubt into conviction; changed experiment into demonstration; revolutionized old methods and won new triumphs which have challenged the attention of the world. This is true not only of the accumulation of material, wealth and advance in education, science, invention and manufectures​, but above all in the opportunities to the people for their own elevation, which have been secured by wise free government.


Hitherto, in peace and in war, with additions to our territory and slight changes in our laws, we have steadily enforced the spirit of the constitution secured to us by the noble self-sacrifice and far-seeing sagacity of our ancestors. We have avoided the temptations of conquest in the spirit of gain. With an increasing love for our institutions and an abiding faith in their stability, we have made the triumphs of our system of government in the progress and the prosperity of our people an inspiration to the whole human race. Confronted at this moment by new and grave problems, we must recognize that their solution will affect not ourselves alone, but others of the family of nations.


In this age of frequent interchange and mutual dependency, we can not shirk our international responsibilities if we would; they must be met with courage and wisdom and we must follow duty even if desire opposes. No deliberation can be too mature, or self-control too constant, in this solemn hour of our history. We must avoid the temptation of undue agression​, and aim to secure only such results as will promote our own and the general good.


It has been said by some that the normal condition of nations is war. That is not true of the United States. We never enter upon war until every effort for peace without it has been exhausted. Ours has never been a military government. Peace, with whose blessings we have been so singularly favored, is the national desire, and the goal of every American aspiration.

On th​ 25th of April, for the first time for more than a generation, the United States sounded the call to arms. The banners of war were unfurled; the best  Scanned image of page 92 [?]sponded; a mighty army was enrolled; the north and the south vied with each other in patriotic devotion; science was invoked to furnish its most effective weapons; factories were rushed to supply equipment; the youth and the veteran joined in freely offering their services to their country; volunteers and regulars and all the people rallied to the support of the republic. There was no break in the line, no halt in the march, no fear in the heart. No resistance to the patriotic impulse at home, no successful resistance to the patriotic spirit of the troops fighting in distant wars or on a foreign shore!


What a wonderful experience it has been from the standpoint of patriotism and achievement! The storm broke so suddenly that it was here almost before we realized it. Our navy was too small, though forceful with its modern equipment and most fortunate in its trained officers and sailors. Our army had years ago been reduced to a peace footing. We had only 19,000 available troops when the war was declared, but the account which officers and men gave of themselves on the battlefields has never been surpassed. The manhood was there and everywhere. American patriotism was there and its resources were limitless. The courageous and invincible spirit of the people proved glorious, and those who a little more than a third of a century ago were divided and at war with each other, were again united under the holy standard of liberty. Patriotism banished party feeling; $50,000,000 for the national defense was appropriated without debate or division, as a matter of course and as only a mere indication of our mighty reserve power.

But if this is true of the beginning of the war, what shall we say of it now, with hostilities suspended, and peace near at hand, as we fervently hope? Matchless in its results! Unequaled in its completeness and the quick succession with which victory followed victory! Attained earlier than it was believed to be possible; so comprehensive in its sweep that every thoughtful man feels the weight of responsibility which has been so suddenly thrust upon us. And above all and beyond all, the valor of the American army and the bravery of the American navy and the majesty of the American name stand forth in unsullied glory, while the humanity of our purposes and the magnanimity of our conduct have given to war, always horrible, touches of noble generosity, Christian sympathy and charity, and examples of human grandeur which can never be lost to mankind. Passion and bitterness formed no part of our impelling motive, and it is gratifying to feel that humanity triumphed at every step of the war's progress.

The heroes of Manila, and Santiago, and Porto Rico have made immortal history. They are worthy successors and descendants of Washington and Greene; of Paul Jones, Decatur, and Hull, and of Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and Logan; of Farragut, Porter and Cushing, and of Lee, Jackson and Longstreet.


New names stand out on the honor roll of the nation's great men and with them unnamed stand the heroes of the trenches and the forecastle, invinclbe​ in battle and uncomplaining in death. The intelligent, loyal, indomitable soldier and sailor and marine, regular and volunteer, are entitled to equal praise as having done their whole duty, whether at home or under the baptism of foreign fire.

Who will dim the splendor of their achievements! Who will withhold from them their well-earned distinction! Who will intrude detraction at this time to belittle the manly spirit of the American youth and impair the usefulness of the American army! Who will embarrass the government by sowing seeds of dissatisfaction among the brave men who stand ready to serve and die, if need be, for their country! Who will darken the counsels of the republic in this hour requiring the united wisdom of all!


Shall we deny to ourselves what the rest of the world so freely and so justly accord to us? The men who endured in the short but decisive struggle its hardships, its privations, whether in field or camp, on ship or in the siege, and planned and achieved its victories, will never tolerate impeachment, either direct or indirect, of those who won a peace whose great gain to civilization is yet unknown and unwritten.


The faith of a Christian nation recognizes the hand of Almighty God in the ordeal through which we have passed. Divine favor seemed manifest everywhere. In fighting for humanity's sake we have been signally blessed. We do not seek war. To avoid it, if this could be done in justice and honor to the rights of our neighbors and ourselves, was our constant prayer. The war was no more invited by us than were the questions which are laid at our door by its results. Now, as then, we will do our duty. The problems will not be solved in a day. Patience will be required; patience coupled with sincerity of purpose and unshaken resolution to do right, seeking only the highest good of the nation and recognizing no other obligation, pursuing no other path but that of duty.

Right action follows right purpose. We may not at all times be able to divine the future, the way may not always seem clear; but if our aims are high and unselfish, somehow and in some way the right end will be reached. The genius of the nation, its freedom, its wisdom, its humanity, its courage, its justice, favored by divine providence, will make it equal to every task and the master of every emergency.

Following a selection by the band the concluding address was delivered by Postmaster General Emory Smith, who also soon learned that his sentiments had the enthusiastic approbation of the people.


Speaks of Western States That Are Empires.

Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general, said:

"I have just come fresh from the observation of nature's manifestation in its most majestic form. Two days ago it was my privilege to stand on the summit of Pike's peak. The day was clear, and a magnificent view greeted the enraptured eye in all directions. On the one side were the great boundless plains of the west, stretching away into the fading distance like the illimitable ocean. On the other were the mighty chains of the Ricky​ mountains, with peak piling on peak like Ossa on Pelion, while a hundred miles away, in full view and glistening in the midday sun was the snow-capped range which is the great backbone and dividing line of the continent, on the hither side of which the waters seek the Atlantic and on the further side the Pacific. Beneath these mountains lies untold wealth of precious metals, so that, within the broad horizon surveyed from that lofty height, was every variety of agricultural and mineral treasure and of scenic splendor which is unfolded within the continent.

"That was nature's gigantic and inspiring exhibition. Turning from that wonderful panorama, we look upon the triumphs of art. We pass from the handiwork of man, and we see how, out of the materials of nature, he molds and fashions the creations of beauty and utility. In these stately structures, enriched with every grace of architecture, surrounding this beauteous lake, we have a fairy scene which fascinate the eye and enkindles the imagination. Within these buildings the resources of the continent are displayed in their best types, and we see how genius and invention conquer the domain of nature and subdue its varied products to the uses of man. I congratulate you upon this exposition, so admirable in its substance, and so noble in its architectural setting, and from these two lesson's of nature's lavish hand in our vast domain, and of man's mastery of its unbounded forces and treasures, I derive the third and supreme lesson of our matchless destiny as a nation.


"It is fit that these lessons should be taught and emphasized here in the heart of the country. Here in the great west the works of both nature and of man take colossal form. There are only three states west of the Mississippi which are as small as all the New England states put together. Most of them are empires within themselves. Several of them would, singly, reach from New York to Chicago, or from Lake Erie to South Carolina. The vast region between the Mississippi and the Rocky mountains was once the Great American Desert. It has now become the granary of the world, and is advancing in every field of industrial enterprise. With less than 1,000,000 square miles east of the Mississippi, we have more than 2,000,000 west of that great stream, and its development has but just fairly begun. You could put the entire American people into the three states of Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado, and the population would even then not be as dense as that of Great Britain or Belgium.


"It is a curious circumstance that the representative of Spain, after signing the first treaty of Paris during the revolutionary struggle which recognized the existence of the American republic, wrote to his monarch: 'This federal republic is born a pigmy; a day will come when it will be a giant, even a colossus, formidable in these countries.' That day has come; and, in the light of this early Spanish declaration, it is an interesting fact that the world comes to its full realization of this new Colossus as the result of a war with that power whose discerning representative, looking along the vista of years, presaged its great destiny. There is no true American who can be insensible to this new position of our republic. There is no true American who can be unmindful of the happy circumstance that it comes under the presidency of that masterful American statesman who has been most con-[?]y, and who can be trusted to deal most wisely with the new duties and opportunities before us.

"We turn from the exceptional demands of war to the higher mission of peace, which is illustrated in the arts and glories of this exposition, and we move forward in that peaceful career with new courage and with a new outlook. War is sometimes a stern necessity, and sometimes becomes the pathway of civilization; but we do not forget that war is only the last resource in a great crisis, and that our 100 years of progress have been the sure and lasting advancement of peace. To this career of peace we re-dedicate ourselves, and it will be the true mission of our statesmanship to secure the full fruits of our opportunity in harmony with the genius of our liberty and our institutions."

As the postmaster general concluded President Wattles proposed three cheers for our country, our flag and our president, and they were given with unanimity and vigor.


The gentlemen of the president's party then walked to the Markel cafe for luncheon and the ladies escorted back down town to be tendered lunch by the bureau of entertainment at the Omaha club.


A peculiarly gratifyiyng​ feature of the occasion was the behavior of the vast crowd. Although it was a surging mass everywhere, the regular guards, the Second regiment lines and a battalion of the Twenty-second regunlars​, under command of Major Van Horne, were not hard pressed. There was every effort to press forward to points giving a close view of the stand. People stood up on chairs and tables and children were held on the shoulders of their parents. It was next to impossible to force a passage over the south viaduct or down the Bluff tract. But there was no disorder or confusion and impatience was shown only by some in the rear of the assembly who pelted with gravel those who persisted in standing on benches nearer the front.


Following the luncheon at the cafe the president and the other guests were escorted through the buildings on the north side of the main court to the government building. To make their progress as easy as possible general admission had been denied to the buildings and a double force of regular guards and a company of the Second regiment were stationed in each. But as he went from building to building the crowds could see the president and his progress was like a triumphant march.


The people had not grown tired of shouting and they went at it again with every view of the president.

At 3:30 the president received the public at the government building. He and the party were then escorted through the buildings on the south side of the court to the Grand Plaza. Here they were joined by the ladies and all went in carriages to see the sham battle and the balloon ascension.


President, Ambassadors and Others Dine in White City.

The luncheon served at the Markel cafe, at the exposition at noon, was a stately affair. There were 160 covers, and all the distinguished visitors, the exposition officials and a number of prominent citizens were present. The tables were formed in a hollow square—three tables with one across the end. At the head table, facing the guests sat President Wattles in the center, on one side President McKinley and on the other Wu Ting Tang, the Chinese minister. At the end table beside them were seated: Mr. Quesada, Mrs. Kirkendall, Minister Brasil, Mrs. Lindsey, Mme. Wu Ting Fang, Mr. Lindsey, Mrs. Clement Chase, Senor Del Viso, Mrs. Saunders, Governor Saunders, Minister Chin Pom Fe, Mrs. Rosewater,


President Eagerly Listened To—50,000 on Plaza—Gen. Miles Retiring.

Never until today was opportunity given to realize fully what the capacity of the exposition grounds might be, but with the presence of the president of the United States as an additional magnet the possibilities of a record-breaking day were demonstrated. That the day was to be successful even beyond the expectations of sanguine enthusiasts was early apparent, though the showers of the morning for a short time created apprehension as to the outcome of the day. It speedily transpired, however, that the temporary precipitation was all that had been lacking to make the weather conditions perfect. It gave an inspiring freshness to the balmy air of Indian summer and touched with most complete attractiveness every feature of building and landscape.

The tens of thousands who early crowded the grounds had apparently [?]

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The Plaza presented a sight that it had never even approached before. Over 50,000 people were compressed into a compact mass of humanity. Thousands upon thousands were beyond the possible reach of human voice from the speaker's stand and thousands more were even shut out from the view of the presidential party, but they stood there patiently during the entire exercises.


Much of the applause that punctuated the speeches was but a reiteration of that at the front. Those too far away to hear cold not fail to detect the cheering, and at once caught it up and continued it with a vim.

The expression of the president with reference to the war and the pending formation of a new foreign policy was closely listened to. Necks were craned and ears turned eagerly as he asked that the councils of the nation be not darkened by criticisms of the conduct of the war. The statement that the line of duty would be adhered to, even though it were opposed to desire, was regarded as significant in connection with his other statements on the foreign policy.


At the conclusion of Postmaster General Smith's speech Secretary of the Treasury Gage, Secretary of the Interior Bliss, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn, the Chinese and Korean ministers, Senator Allen, General Greeley and General Miles were introduced to the vast audience and bowed their acknowledgments.


General Miles was called for repeatedly, but did not respond until President McKinley noted the temper of the crowd and turning asked the general commanding the army to step forward. He greeted him as he advanced, and President Wattles introduced the general to the people. The general threw back his military cape, removed the heavily gold-braided cap and bowed, retiring almost immediately.


The battalion of the Twenty-second regulars was marched up to form an escort, receiving as it did so the hearty cheers of the Second Nebraska Volunteers and the crowd back of them.

The ladies of the party were returned to their carriages and started down town for lunch at the club. After their departure a line was formed to walk to the north cafe, where lunch was awaiting the party. President McKinley and President Wattles walked in advance, arm in arm. Following the party marched the Twenty-second regulars under Major Van Horn.

Arriving at the cafe, it was some time before the party was seated, an interval of informal talk being indulged in as the members of the party extended their circle of acquaintance and inquired how others of the gathering were getting along.


The size of the crowd was much discussed, it being frequently remarked by the veterans of the Washington circle that not within their memory of twenty years had there been an inaugural when it was possible to see such a crowd in front of the president as had appeared a short time before on the Grand Plaza of the exposition.

The entire second floor of the north cafe was a bower of beauty. The walls and ceiling were completely covered under elaborately designed panels in all colors and the columns were similarly banked and garnished. Immense floral pieces decked the tables, and there was a lavish presence of fragrance and color. The central feature of the decorations was the east end of the long hall, back of the head tables. It was a mass of smilax, flowers and electric lights, surrounding the elaborately wrought out seal of the exposition.

Above on either side appeared the words "Peace—Peace," and white doves poised gracefully in the verdure. Above depended the graceful folds of many flags, while broadly displayed on either hand fell the national emblems of the United States and Cuba.


After the presidential party and reception committee had retired to the cafe, the crowd seemed to realize that the public part of the president's trip had been performed so far as they were concerned, and there was an immediate scattering to all parts of the grounds.

The soldiers were also relieved from duty for the time being, and stacked arms on the green sward of the bluff tract and ate their dinner; travel rations having been brought down from the fort in the army wagons. The regiment was fed by battalions, and then reformed and marched to the grand court to perform guard duty at the exhibit buildings, and keep out the crowd during the time occupied by the presidential party in its trip down the court to the government building.


Appreciated the Ovation Given Him and Says Kind Words About the West.

In his speech at Chicago Dr. Chauncey Depew paid high tribute to Omaha and the exposition. The Times-Herald gave this account of his reception and his impressions:

"Dr. Depew told of the pleasant trip he has had in the west and of the favorable impressions of the Omaha exposition. He left New York last Wednesday and made a flying trip through to Omaha. In exactly twenty-five hours from the time he left New York he was crossing the Mississippi river, that being, he says, record-making time.

"At Omaha he saw about all there was to see of the exposition, and was given a royal reception. In the Auditorium, where he delivered an address on the 'Friction Between the East and the West,' he received an ovation which, he says, he appreciated highly. When he appeared on the platform the whole audience rose and remained standing and cheering for ten minutes, while the bands played. The compliment was all the finer as the audience was composed largely of farmers and men who would not naturally be expected to feel kindly toward a railroad president.

"'There was quite a gathering of wild populists,' said Mr. Depew, 'who had come into town on purpose to have a look at me and see what sort of a thing I was. They seemed to expect horns, tail and sulphur and all the other accompaniments of some of their pet enemies. A greeting such as I received, coming from men of that class, was all the more beautiful.


"For the exposition itself as representative of western life Mr. Depew could not find too high words of praise. He liked it all, but he especially liked the Indian exhibit. Such a remarkable collection of aborigines he thinks will never be brought together again. What most impressed him, however, was that all these natives with their savage customs could be seen side by side with the products of civilization in its highest form. He said the neighborhood of savagery and civilization furnished much food for reflection.

"When the conversation was directed back to the subject of the war and to some of the results, other than political, flowing from it, Mr. Depew said that there could be no doubt that the country had profited to a vast extent from the unifying of divergent national factors through the common patriotic interest.


" 'Two years ago," he said, 'when I traveled through the west, I found a very ragged feeling in almost every section. The west was arrayed against the east in a most dangerous way, and things might have come to a very serious pass. In much the same way the south was arrayed against the north. Now everything is different. I find the most gratifying feeling of national unity wherever I go. Here is a little matter that may serve to illustrate it in a small way. Until recently the west and south, too contained very few supporters of the navy. The dwellers on the prairies never saw the ships and they didn't see any use for them. They would have been glad to see the naval appropriations cut off entirely. Now how different it is. Every little interior town wants to see the navy enlarged, and most of them want to have a ship christened with the home name, in which they can take especial pride.'"

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General of the Army Gets a Warm Reception from the Public.


Introduction at the Auditorium Followed by Remarkable Ovation.


Great Soldier Given a Notion of His Standing in the West.


History of the One and Development of the Other Are Intertwined Inseparably—Speakers Who Tell of the Glory of American Arms.

Total admissions yesterday98,845
Previous high day, Sept. 22—52,725
Total to date2,063,267

Honor to the heroes of the army and navy is the ruling sentiment at the exposition today and while the participation of distinguished officers was limited on account of the demands which the duties of their departments imposed, the celebration was sufficient to give color to the day and inspire an enthusiasm scarcely less pronounced than that which distinguished the imposing ceremonies of the day before.

It was another ideal exposition day. The morning dawned from a sky unbroken by a single cloud and the sun dispensed a flood of yellow light that robbed the frosty air of its chill and radiated resplendently from dome and colonnade. The strong wind that had whirled the dust in blinding circles was succeeded by a breeze just sufficient to lift the flags and streamers and impart a fresh invigorating energy to the atmosphere. The workmen had removed every reminder of the big crowd during the night and the grounds and buildings were as neat and attractive as though they had just been cleaned.

The crowd was by no means suggestive of the surging multitude of the day before, but so far exceeded that of ordinary occasion. Thousands of people who had been unable to get to the grounds to see the president came out early to be sure and see General Miles, and before 11 o'clock the Auditorium was filled to the doors. General Miles entered the building a few minutes later reported by President Wattles and accompanied by his staff, General Greeley, several members of the diplomatic corps, Governor Holcomb and members of the local reception committee. Through the same lack of management that has been conspicuous on several occasions during the week no band was provided, but the crowd needed no musical inspiration to lend a hearty intonation to the greeting with which it welcomed the distinguised​ commander of the United States army and his companions.

Getting Things Started.

President Wattles called the crowd to order and introduced the Modoc Glee club of Topeka, Kan., which contributed a magnificent rendition of a patriotic chorus, "Hail, Flag of the Free." An enthusiastic encore was answered by another inspiring melody, and then Governor Holcomb was introduced to speak "briefly" in welcome to the guests of the day. The governor said that this has been a glorious week for the western country. It has been honored by the presence of the president of the United States and his cabinet and of other distinguished representatives, not only of this government, but of those across the sea. His reference to each of the foreign representatives was greeted by vigorous applause which was particularly emphasized when he referred to Senor Queseda as the representative of the struggling people of Cuba whose cry of distress had been heard and answered by the American people. Governor Holcomb proceeded to narrate the achievements of the American army and navy from 1776 to 1898 and concluded with an eulogistic allusion to General Miles as the hero of two wars, which incited a tumult of cheers and handclapping which did not subside until President Wattles led the distinguished soldier to the front of the platform, when the crowd [?] cheers. An allusion to General Greeley produced a similar demonstration, and it was repeated when General Miles was introduced.

General Miles' Response.

"I am deeply gratified that the people of the west have set aside one day of this exposition in honor of the army and navy of the United States," said General Miles. "By the army and navy I mean every part of the physical force that has added to the strength, perpetuity and grandeur of this republic. Nebraska may well be proud of her part in the great drama we have just passed through. It is one of the few states that has contributed more than its quota to the force that has been marshaled to defend the honor of our country. One of your citizens has also been at Washington all through this struggle as assistant secretary of war, and his ability, energy and integrity have contributed much toward the success of our cause. What I can say of the army I can also say of the navy. The record of our navy has an unbroken history of distinguished achievement.

"Speaking of the army, I may say that it has been more closely allied with the history and progress of the west than with that of any other part of the country. It was through this country that the expedition went to explore the vast new territory in the northwest and to make immortal the names of Lewis and Clarke. Near this point many expeditions have been equipped for campaigns against savage enemies and here the army has ever received a cordial welcome. Here also started the great enterprise that ended in the completion of the first great transcontinental line that opened the way for the achievement of the progress that is illustrated here today.

"I have spent twenty-six years of my life in service west of the Mississippi. I have seen the struggles and the heroic sacrifices of this territory and I have witnessed its growth and rejoiced in its marvelous prosperity. The hardships and sacrifices made by the army have been little known or appreciated by the average citizen of the eastern states. But here in the west there has never been a camp of pioneers or herdsmen or colonists but has found the courage and watchfulness of the army standing guard between that camp and the savages that menaced its safety.

Washington's Maxim Still Good.

"The army of the United States secured its inspiration of integrity, honor and fortitude from the principles and example of its first commander—that eminent solider, statesman and president, George Washington. We should remember his maxim that a little disbursement to prepare for danger will often save a much larger expenditure to repel it. We should make ready for war in time of peace."

Continuing, General Miles emphasized the advantage of an army that is composed of educated men. The great strength of the American army consists in the intelligence of its officers and soldiers. To be well equipped a soldier must first be well informed. The history of the army and navy during the last 100 years has been a record of glorious achievements. Scarcely a year has passed in which the army has not been compelled to contend against a savage and crafty foe and in this severe school the lessons of soldiery have been learned.

The speaker contended for the necessity of a military force commensurate with the interests and importance of the nation. There should be at least one well equipped and disciplined soldier to every 1,000 of our population. As the nation is developed the army and navy should grow in proportion. Our ships should be known on every sea, and we should have a navy adequate to protect our flag and our interests in every quarter of the globe. The ordeal of the last few months should never be repeated. The bravest citizen cannot be transformed into a well-disciplined, well-equipped and experienced soldier in a few months. It is a glorious reflection that even with the disadvantages of lack of preparation the American army has taken islands, captured guns and colors and fortifications and endured every hardship and danger and privation that comes to the solider, but had never given an inch of ground, nor lowered the flag of the republic, nor surrendered a color nor a rifle."

General Greeley's Address.

After another selection by the Modoc club the introduction of General A. W. Greeley was followed by another hearty demonstration. His sympathetic reference to General Wheeler, who had been expected to speak at this time, but who was trying to do his duty in the face of his terrible bereavement, was heard with a silence that was an eloquent expression of the sympathy of the audience, but the applause broke out again when General Greeley congratulated his audience on the fact that we now have a great army and a great navy. We had once fallen out with our southern brethren, but we had kissed and made up with tears and are ready to face together all the emergencies of the future.

Continuing the speaker said that when he came to Omaha yesterday, loked​ on this great white city and was told that there were 100,000 people inside its gates he was impressed as never before with the energy and prosperity of the American people. The whole nation owes a debt of gratitude to the brave generation that had made such heroic sacrifices to civilize and develop this western territory.

Referring more particularly to the army and navy, he said that the charge of the light brigade at alaklava, that had been immortalized in prose and verse did not compare with the charge at Gettysburg. He briefly reviewed the stirring incidents of that sanguinary engagement, in which seventy-five out of every 100 men had fallen, either killed or wounded, and in all there was not one missing man or straggler. Such was the American soldier.

Messenger from Cuba.

Senor Gonzalo de Quesada received a greeting that carried all the hearty enthusiasm that had characterized those which had been extended to previous speakers. He declared that the emotions that almost mastered him at this moment were sufficient proof that Cuba is not ungrateful. He eloquently pictured the desolation in Cuba, but declared that there is one flower that still blossoms, and this was the gratitude of the heroes of three generations to the people who had fought side by side with them to give them liberty. "I appreciate your cheers," he declared, "because they come from a people who have fought for liberty, from manhood that has given its flower for its country, from women who had given their husbands and sons and sweethearts for the honor and dignity of the republic."

Continuing, Senor Quesada pictured the Cuban interpretation of the interference of the United States in its behalf with an eloquence and emotion that brought tears to hundreds of eyes in the audience and inspired frequent bursts of generous applause. In conclusion, he paid a glowing tribute to the army and navy of the United States and declared that though its soldiers starved in their desolated fields the Cuban army would not break its pledge to the United States government to observe the protocol of peace.

The exercises closed with a short address by Senator Allen, who spoke in behalf of the veterans of the civil war, and then the official party adjourned to the cafe, where an elaborate luncheon was served.


President Leisurely Surveys the Exhibits and Holds Brief Reception.

President McKinley held a pleasant reception at the Government building yesterday afternoon. The attendance was limited to only those who had tickets from the board of management of the Government building, but between 500 and 800 people were so favored. The cards read good for admission between the hours of 1:30 and 3 o'clock, and before the first hour arrived the holders of the tickets began to assemble at the north door of the Government building. Some impatience was shown by the people when the hour of 2 arrived and they were not allowed to go into the building, and this increased to bad humor as 3 o'clock approached, and many went away.

During this time the president and his party were making a tour though the buildings on the north side of the lagoon, from which all other visitors had been excluded for the time, and he made the journey leisurely. Finally the doors of the Government building were thrown open and the crowd rushed in and was allowed a little time in which to adjust itself where it could best see the president before the distinguished guests put in an appearance.

Mr. McKinley and his party entered the building at the north door, and proceeded to the center of the building, when they turned and went out upon the east veranda, where they watched the evolutions of the life saving crew for a time and gave several thousand more spectators a chance to look upon the chief executive of the land.

Later the party returned to the building and took up positions in the central court on the west side of the big lighthouse lamp. The members of the receiving party were President McKinley, Secretary of the Interior Bliss, Secretary of the Treasury Gage, Postmaster General Smith, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and Wu-Ting-Fong, the Chinese minister, assisted by President Wattles of the exposition, Lieutenant Commander Steadman, in charge of the naval exhibit; E. Rosewater, General Sumner, temporarily in command of the Department of the Missouri; Major Ward, Senators Thurston and Allen and Congressman Mercer.

The remnants of the  Scanned image of page 95 [?]ond infantry acted as a special bodyguard for the president and held positions of honor in the building during the course of the reception; a squad of marines under command of Sergeant Fogg, who were in the fight at Guantinamo, acted as presidential escort, and both of these organizations, aided by the Government building guards, assisted in keeping the people moving while the line was passing in front of the president.

Mr. McKinley stood uncovered while those who came to do him honor passed before him and he shook each one by the hand and expressed a word of greeting.

At the conclusion of the reception the presidential party passed out of the south door of the building and paid a visit to the buildings of the south side of the lagoon, the same rules being observed as were in force while the party was in the other buildings. After completing the tour of the buildings the visitors were taken in carriages to the Indian encampment, where further entertainment was furnished them.

Little Ruth Noyes had waited patiently from 11 o'clock to see the president. When the great east doors of the manufacturers building, which had been carefully guarded up to that hour, swung open at a little before 3 and the procession entered, headed by the president, pretty little Ruth, who is only 7 years old, daintily stepped into the aisle with a single rose in her hand and said:

"Mr. McKinley, won't you wear my pretty rose in your buttonhole?"

The president, though much surprised at the unexpected interruption, was evidently pleased and, smiling, said: "Certainly, my dear, I will exchange with you," and gallantly taking a white carnation from his buttonhole he handed it to the little maid, who thanked him with a graceful courtesy, and the great procession, in which were members of the cabinet, generals, admirals, senators, governors and foreign ambassadors, halted while the president of the United States and a little Omaha girl exchanged their solitary flower.

The large number of tickets that were sold down town was a material relief to the force of the Admissions department. There was a man on each of the thirty-six turnstiles and the people were passed through much more rapidly than would have been possibly if all had been compelled to mingle in the crush at the ticket windows. In addition to the tickets that were sold at designited​ down town business places a large number were disposed of by scalpers who sold them for 60 cents, the additional cents being freely paid by hundreds of people rather than experience the delay and annoyance of getting up to the windows. One of the scalpers bought 6,000 exposition tickets and another 3,000 and most of them were disposed of.

Nebraska Commission Meets.

The Nebraska Exposition Commission held a brief meeting yesterday morning and adjourned for the purpose of participating in the exercises incident to the visit of President McKinley. The sum of $3,500 was voted for the purpose of paying premiums on live stock brought here by Nebraska men and exhibited. This was in accordance with an arrangement made several weeks ago, when it was decided to offer premiums as an inducement to the stockmen to bring their animals here.


More People Reach Omaha Than Leave During the Hours of the Morning.

Several thousand exposition visitors left Omaha this morning, but so far as the arrivals and departures at the Burlington station and the union depot are concerned the places of all the visitors who returned were taken by new arrivals and then there were some visitors besides. The excess of arrivals over departure this morning was not great, but that it should exist at all was a surprise to the railroad men themselves.

All of the outgoing morning trains were well filled and each carried from two to eight cars more than ordinarily. There were only one or two special trains out of the city and these were balanced by the heavy regular trains that arrived. From the Burlington station the departures appeared to be heavier than the arrivals, though train No. 4 from the west pulled in with ten cars well filled. At the union depot the people arriving on the morning trains far exceeded those going home. The regular trains in and out were well filled, but there were no special trains needed in either direction.

Railroad men say that there is a noticeable tendency on the part of the great bulk of the visitors to spend several days at the exposition. This is observed through the enormous deposit of tickets with the joint agents and from the fact that full advantage is being taken of the time limit on the Peace Jubilee railroad tickets, which will not ex-[?]

No Accidents Noted.

No accidents happened at either of the Tenth street passenger stations during the moving of the great crowds, though the depot policemen and their additional aides were required to use extraordinary vigilance. Superintendent Bignell of the B. & M. this morning said he estimated that 10,000 people went out on Burlington trains between noon and midnight on Wednesday, and as many more departed from the union depot.

Only one case of pocketpicking was reported from the two stations this morning. A. E. Stuart of Bancroft, Nemaha county, Kansas, had $25 stolen from his trousers' pocket while he was holding his little girl up in the air to see President McKinley. He did not notice his loss until after the departure of the president's train, when he started to go up town. The money was in the form of one $10 note and three $5 notes and was loose in a pocket that presented a good opening. The man was left without enough money to buy tickets for himself and his wife and little girl from here home, but as he had $3.80 left he said he could make out till he had time to get money from home.


General Commanding the Army Gets Away from the Hotel for the Grounds with Little Formality.

President Wattles and the members of the Army and Navy day committee were on hand at the Millard a little before 10 o'clock to escort General Miles and his party out to the grounds in carriages. Save that the army officers were in uniform there was no formality about the start.

A few minutes delay was natural, and then General Miles and Colonels Michler and Black got into a carriage with President Wattles and drove off followed by a carriage bearing the other members of his staff and General Greeley. Mrs. Miles occupied a carriage with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock, Mrs. Greeley and Miss Adola Greeley rode with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. Montgomery. Another carriage contained Majors E. V. Robertson of the Ninth infantry and John J. Pershing of the Tenth cavalry and Messrs. G. H. Payne and W. H. Beck. The others of the party, including the ladies, were taken care of by the remaining members of the committee. They all drove direct to the grounds.


Prof. Moore and His Assistants Hold Counsel on Their Work.


How to Secure and Hold the Confidence of the People—Value of Warnings to Mariners on Lakes and Oceans.

Fairly satisfied with the graft they worked upon the weather so far this week, Uncle Sam's weather men were content to settle down this morning to transact the business for which they assembled in the city. They seemed to bear an air of relief, finding themselves sitting in comfortable chairs at the Commercial club, after the push and jam and squeeze of the day before at the exposition grounds. There was a good attendance, fully fifty representatives of the bureau, covering all sections of the country, being present. Prof. Willis L. Moore of Washington, chief of the bureau, called the meeting to order, and the esteem in which he is held by his co-workers was shown partially in the hearty greeting accorded him this morning.

After falicitating​ the weather men upon the work they are accomplishing, and the interest they are showing in the improvement and advancement of their profession, Prof. Moore came to matters closer home, and talked briefly of management of offices and qualifications of officials. In the course of his remarks on this subject he said:

We have a man at the head of the Agricultural department who demands endorsement by the weather officials of any measure he is called upon to recommend for the bureau. We are fortunate in having at the head of the weather service a man who holds the friendship of every officer in the bureau and who is personally interested in every one of his subordinates.

I would call particular attention at this time to the importance of maintaining discipline in your office. Do not permit any assistant to come to you with complaints of the work of others. Do not allow yourselves to be drawn into the fight between subordinates. It is not necessary to be harsh with your men or to have stiff rules.[?]

It is necessary for those in the weather service to be students. We have outlined a course of study at the central office which it is expected the officials will pursue. The local forecast official should be well versed in metaphysics and mathematics and be capable of making his reports in good English, that the standard of the bureau be kept at the highest point.

Prof. Cleveland Abbe Presides.

Prof. Cleveland Abbe, who has been connected with the weather bureau since it was established, being now a member of the scientific staff of the chief, was called to the chair. He was heartily cheered, but declined to make a speech, calling at once for the first paper on the regular program.

"Relation Between the Weather Bureau and the Public" was the subject of a discussion opened by F. J. Walz of Baltimore. "The mental and social qualities of the local official and his assistants," he said, "largely gauge the standard of the bureau in the community. Under the present regulations the weather official may become identified with the community in which he lives, and he should strive to become an honored member of society. The local office should be centrally located that it may be readily accessible to the public. The official should visit the public schools and encourage the study of meteorology, that pupils will be able to read the weather maps for themselves."

G. N. Salisbury of Seattle, Wash., followed on the same subject, and said: "The weather bureau service is now looked upon with more confidence by the public than ever before. To the uninitiated the signal service was for a long time a mystery, but the public learned that signal officers could be like other men. While ridicule of the service still exists, confidence has grown rapidly. It grew when hundreds of ships were saved at sea on the prediction of a coming storm, and when a killing frost was successfully forecasted. Under the liberal policy of the present administration the bureau is widening its work and is coming in closer touch with the public and particularly are the agricultural classes being drawn nearer to the weather service, although there always will be men who will farm according to their own ideas and not to those suggested by the government."

Prof. Moore took up the reference to the signal service and mentioned the repeal of a law at the last congress which gave the chief signal officer the right to step in and take charge of the weather bureau under certain conditions. This statement was applauded, as was the further statement that General A. W. Greeley, chief signal officer, endorsed the repeal.

By a rising vote the convention passed a resolution congratulating General Greeley and his corps upon the excellent work during the late war.

Wind on the Lakes.

Mr. Palmer of Chicago read a paper by H. J. Cox of Chicago upon the value of the weather service on the great lakes. "Navigators," the paper alleged, "have now reached a period where they depend upon the warnings issued by the bureau. The accuracy of these warnings are most essential, especially as to direction of the wind. A speed of thirty-five miles from the north after a few hours on Lake Superior will make navigation impossible, while a speed of fifty miles from the south will cause no interference. Send out no warnings unless the conditions warrant the belief that the coming wind storm will be dangeous​ to marine interests. We are so fitted in Chicago that we can get thes​ to 100 points in the city within a few moments."

N. B. Conger of Detroit asked "leave to print" for his paper, and only gave a synopsis of it, bearing upon the importance of determining the direction from which the wind comes, holding with Mr. Cox that a high speed from one direction which would be destructive on the lakes would not cause alarm if it came from another direction. Mr. Conger also gave an interesting sketch of the important work of the bureau along the great lakes in furnishing ship masters at all important points along their journey with the latest conditions of the weather.

The value of warnings on the Atlantic and gulf coasts was discussed by John W. Smith of Boston, who said the present service by the bureau on the coast was satisfactory to ship owners and they had no improvements to offer. They had, however, heartily commended the service, and admitted it had saved an enormous amount of property and countless lives. He advocated the substitution of cones, drums, spheres, etc., for flags for coast signals, as they were more readily seen by the men at sea.

Prof. Moore at this time said the local officials were encouraged to telegraph the central office inquiring as to forecasts. This was to apply especially when there were conditions apparent that the forecast would not conform to the facts as to the weather.

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Alex G. McAdie of New Orleans thought there were too many signals. He said that red and black flags were good ones but the white was not. The hurricane signal was also a good one. Many other signals, he felt, might be substituted by the use of the information signal, which notified shipowners that the office had information of value to them, and they should come and get it.

Other signal men along the coast took part in the discussion, urging the importance of an accurate direction signal, which will correctly and promptly indicate any coming change in the direction of the wind, and give an idea of the probable velocity of the coming wind. The adoption of the cone and drum signals in place of flags also found more advocates.

The convention adjourned at 12 o'clock for an hour. Tonight the visitors will attend a banquet at the Millard hotel, in which they will be their own hosts.

If the president missed anybody in the transmississippi country yesterday he can charge it up to the lack of capacity of the exposition grounds.

The illustrated peace jubilee number of The Bee is everywhere praised as the best exposition souvenir that has been issued. Send copies to your friends.

Of the 100,000 people who were at the exposition grounds on President's day, less than 10,000 were from Omaha, so that fully 90,000 of them had come to the city for this occasion.

President McKinley will figure in several peace jubilees before he returns to Washington, but none of them will equal the Omaha jubilee in impressive grandeur and popular enthusiasm.

Remember that the exposition continues open until November 1. Those who have not yet visited it will regret it all the remainder of their lives of they do not seize the opportunity.


Executive Committee in Session This Afternoon Preliminary to the General Convention.

The executive committee of the National Live Stock exchange is holding a meeting at Exchange hall, South Omaha, this afternoon. This committee is composed of the following members: J. H. Keene, J. H. Nason and N. Hansen, Sioux City; N. P. Rogers, L. J. Thomas and E. M. Prouty, South St. Paul; W. F. Davis, P. A. Thompson and C. A. Allen, St. Joseph, Mo.; T. B. McPherson, J. B. Blanchard and D. S. Parkhurst, South Omaha; M. D. Scruggs, J. C. McCoy and A. J. Epperson, Kansas City; W. E. Skinner, D. O. Lively and J. D. Farmer, Fort Worth, Tex.; W. J. Broderick, A. D. Evans and W. B. Stickney, East St. Louis; G. B. Norman, F. R. Burroughs and H. C. Barnard, Milwaukee. In addition to these W. H. Thompson, jr., president; C. W. Baker, secretary, and L. B. Doud, treasurer, are in attendance.

The session this afternoon was executive in every sense of the word. Preparations for the regular annual meeting of the exchange to be held tomorrow were made, the most important matters to come up being discussed by the committee and reports prepared.

At 10 o'clock Friday forenoon the convention will meet in Exchange hall.


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Household Economics and General Federation Work Considered.


Women Well Known in Connection with the Club Movement Discuss Matters that Pertain to the Advance of Their Ideas.

There was verily a "feast of reason and flow of soul" for the club women this morning. In fact, there was almost a surfeit, for both the National Household Economic association and the Federation of Women's Clubs held meetings, the one in the rooms of the Omaha Women's club, the other in the church. Eager to attend both, the women flitted back and forth.

Mrs. Mary V. Shailer of New York, vice president of the National Household Economic association, presided at the meeting of the latter. All the national officers, Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin of Chicago, Mrs. Helen Campbell of Denver, Mrs. M. V. Shailer of New York, Mrs. S. F. Gone, Miss E. F. Marshall and Mrs. W. S. Orwig of Chicago, were present.

After a prayer and blessing on the work by Rev. Mary G. Andrews, Mrs. M. M. Pugh welcomed the officers and guests to Omaha and extended to them the hospitality of the city. Mrs. E. F. Van Vechten of Cedar Rapids, Ia., responded and then the reports of the vice presidents were read, with occasional interspersions of music. This occupied the morning session. In the afternoon the two organizations will hold a joint meeting in the church. The following papers will be read by members of the economic association. "The Problems Which the Present Century Presents to the Housekeeper," Mrs. M. V. Shailer, New York; "Household Economics in the Schools," Miss Ellen F. Marshall and Miss Isabella D. Bullard, Chicago; "Household Economics in the Rural Districts," Prof. Marie B. Senn, Fargo, N. D.; "How May Women Be the Most Useful and Successful?" Mrs. W. K. James, St. Joseph, Mo.

Meeting of the Federation.

At the meeting of the federation in the church Mrs. S. R. Peters, president of the Kansas State Federation, presided.

Miss Helen M. Cole of Boston read a paper on the "Bible, as Literature."

Miss Cole's special work is giving instruction to clergymen in bible and hymn reading and introducing the subject of the study of the bible as literature into women's clubs. Said Miss Cole: "Would not the members of any literary club be mortified to be found lacking in, at least, a general knowledge and appreciation of Shakespeare, of Milton, or of Scott? And yet the literary study of our greatest English classic, our common version of the bible, is entirely ignored in the majority of the literary departments of our women's clubs. It is my purpose to give selections from the various biblical writers, suggesting when necessary the historical setting and mentioning their literary form, but leaving the beauty, the strength, the simplicity, the spirit of the literature to speak for themselves."

The speaker then read Psalm xxiv, selections from Job, some of the words of Jesus, St. Paul and John.

Miss Julia Lathrop of Hull House, Chicago, then read an interesting paper on "Philanthropy and Charities." Miss Lathrop sketched the work of "placing out" boards of the pauper children in Scotland and compared them with such as exist here in America. She called attention to the lamentable fact that less than one-fourth of our states had these boards. Their work consists in providing the children who would otherwise go to poor houses or institutions with good homes under the supervision of kind, motherly women who are paid by the state. Thus the danger attendant upon a child's bringing up in an institution is obviated, and the child is spared the humiliation which such a life is sure to bring. The establishment of such homes does not depend on the wealth of the community, but on its desire to better the condition of these poor and unfortunate children who are born into this world. To philanthropy belongs the work of rescue of such children; to philanthropy belongs the task of cutting off the tributary stream of unfit children and the solution of this task is a problem of the present and the future.

Evolution in the American Home.

After some delightful music by Mrs. M. P. Whitmore, Miss Alice Cogney of Plattsmouth read a paper on "Evolution in the American Home," which Miss Bertha Rockwell of Junction City wrote, but was unable to read. The paper told of the growth of the home from the primitive log cabin of the pilgrims to the magnificent palace of the millionaire, of the striving for originality in architecture and of the curse of using imitation material in the building of houses.

The afternoon program in conjunction with the Economic Association will be: Music, "Legende," Winiawaski, Miss Haria L. Connor, Mrs. J. H. McIntosh; address, "Club Life in California," Mrs. Willis Lord Moore, Santa Barbara; Aria (Samson and Delilah) "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," Lillian Terry; address, "Pioneer Club Life," Mrs. Selwyn Douglass, Oklahoma City.

This evening a reception will be given for the visiting club women at the Omaha Woman's club. Mrs. Rebecca D. Loew, Mrs. Sarah H. Platt, Mrs. Emma A. Fox, Mrs. George W. Kendrick, Mrs. Philip N. Moore, Mrs. C. P. Barnes, Mrs. Stoutenborough and Mrs. Draper Smith will receive.


President McKinley Makes an Extended Call at Congress Grounds.


Red Men Make Obeisance and Much Noise Before the President, Who Later Pays His Respects to the Indians.

Yesterday morning President McKinley received the homage of a hundred thousand representatives of a race that stands at the pinnacle of the greatest civilization of the world's history and of a nation that in the opinion of many statesmen is just commencing to play its great part upon the stage of the universe. In the afternoon the president was rendered honor by a thousand representatives of a passing civilization that was in its way great and of a dying nation that acted within its limitations as magnificent a part in the past as its successor in the present. The one set of the subjects of the stars and stripes was but a comparatively small part of the millions that inhabit the twenty-four transmississippi states; the other was an alarmingly large proportion of the remnant of the Indian race.

Thus when on the grounds of the Indian congress yesterday afternoon President McKinley responded to the greetings of the hideously, fantastically or ridiculously attired Indians who did awkward homage to him, and when he later passed before them, hat in hand, to more personally respond to their greetings the scene was more than spectacular and curious—it was dramatic. It was the first time that a president of the United States has ever had the opportunity to meet so many representatives of so many different tribes; it will probably be the last time that one will ever do so. On that account the scene outranked the sight of the masquerading redmen, of their dances, even of the thrilling sham battle that was on the afternoon's program.

It may be that President McKinley himself was impressed with the dramatic feature in the play that was unfolded before him, for he appeared to study rather than to take amusement out of the spectacle. It was the one feature of the exposition that he did not wish to miss he had confided to his friends and the trip through the exposition buildings earlier in the afternoon was therefore hastened to enable the presidential party to arrive on the Indian grounds at 4:30 o'clock, the hour at which the spectacle was scheduled to begin. When the reserved seat in the grandstand were taken and the spectacle commenced President McKinley was evidently a most interested spectator of the affair from start to finish.

Made Up for the Great Father.

And the presidential party was shown the best to be seen on the grounds. Captain Mercer had fully impressed the Indians with the great honor of performing before the "great father," and they were equal to the occasion. They secured over 1,000 yards of new calico, 100 more of bright and gay blanketing and shawling, all of the most brilliant hues; their feathers were bright and new; their paints were startling in their intensity of hue and in the lavishness with  Scanned image of page 97 which they were applied to man, woman, child and horse; their whoops were keyed to the finest pitch; their actions and antics were startlingly realistic. Altogether, they played their parts to perfection and gave the best exhibition yet held on the grounds.

How many other thousand people beside the presidential party saw the savage display is beyond estimation. Like every other section of the exposition grounds, the congress enclosure about the arena was simply packed and wedged without humanity. The stands, which were built to accommodate 5,000 spectators, groaned and swayed beneath the weight that was upon them. Fully four or five times that number must have been compressed into the big grounds and clung to the surrounding buildings, fences, posts, When the show commenced it was absolutely impossible for a single additional person to squeeze into the entrance.

Two hours and a half before the hour for which the sham battle was scheduled to commence the spectators began to take seats upon the stands. Within half an hour a crush was on and continued until the exposition was over. The wait, however, was not a drearisome one. The Indians galloped or ran or walked about the arena with yells and whoops to display and call attention to their finery, and the Omaha Concert band rendered an excellent concert. Thus the time was passed entertainingly enough until the arrival of the presidential party.

Cheers Announce His Coming.

As on every occasion since the chief executive of the nation reached the city, there was no need to announce his coming. While his carriage was still rolling some distance away toward the grounds, the cheers that greeted his way plainly announced his coming. In a few moments the double file of his military escort hove into view and forced a passageway through the crowds. Between these files the presidential party rolled into the arena and to the portion of the grand stand which had been reserved for their use. The president received another tremendous ovation of cheers and waving handkerchiefs and was kept busy bowing to the enthusiastic crowds.

Captain Mercer had in the meanwhile set his stage. Way to the rear of the arena and directly in front of the presidential stand stood the gaudy and picturesque red men grouped in tribes. They were as silent as the grave. Suddenly Captain Mercer raised his hand; the band blared forth a gay martial air; a chorus of yells and chants arose from the ranks of the Indians and the first detachment stepped forward toward the grand stand.

Tribe by tribe the Indians were reviewed by the president and their names were announced to him as they stopped before him. First came the women in blankets of brilliant combinations of red, blue, yellow and green, some with toddling children as gaudily clothed as themselves by their sides and some with pappooses upon their backs, some silent and shy, and others singing and chanting and with smiling faces. Then came the warriors on foot, some with a superfluity of gaudy costumes and others with none at all, every man with all of his exposed body, arms, legs, trunk and face fantastically painted in brilliant hues. Finally came the horsemen as brilliantly decorated, dashed up and halting with perfect horsemanship at the foot of the stand. Behind each tribe came its chief and his name was also announced to the president.

Characteristic Greetings.

The salutations with which the Indians greeted the presidential parties was not the least interesting portion of the play. Some simply halted for an instance and wheeled away; others made an awkward, but a dignified obeisance; a few removed their headgear; some grinned; others saluted in the fashion of their people, with upraised hand or by putting a hand to their forehead; still others bowed low. The women of one tribe came up and wafted kisses up toward the presidential stand. To each and every tribe President McKinley graciously doffed his hat in response to the greetings.

And in this public way the president was introduced to some great men of the dying American race. First and foremost was Geronimo, the once-dreaded chief of the Apaches. As he dashed up behind his tribe, halted in front of them and lifted his eyes to the party in which was numbered the man who had crossed his bloody trail and brought it to an end, General Miles, he doffed his headgear and a dignified smile passed over his wrinkled features as he made obeisance. There was less of show and more of dignity in the old warrior's mien, for of all the chiefs he was the only one that had discarded the dress of savagery and he appeared in a scout's uniform with but a few brilliant adornments.

A variety of other chieftains of greater or less prominence were thus paraded and in-[?]ng them was American Horse, [?] champion of the white man, [?]s greeting with a smiling and friendly face; Natchez, the hereditary chief of the Apaches, more responsible than Geronimo probably for the awful deeds in the southwest, who barely bowed and halted but for an instant and looked up at the reviewing party with immobile features; Hollow Horn Bear of the Rosebuds, whose painted face was all smiles; Little Bat, General Custer's famous scout, who sat his horse in dignity while the story of his deeds was briefly told the president. There were dozens of others about whose names are clustered tales of ferocity, rapine, murder or stories of tried friendship to the palefaces—deeds and acts that were perpetrated and performed not a half century ago.

Welcome of the Red Man.

The Indians were again massed in the background of the arena in a solid group. Again the trumpet sounded and a scene of remarkable spectacular interest ensued. The entire band of Indians slowly advanced to the stand with whoops and yells and chants, the women and the men all taking part in the song. The brilliant and vivid kaleidoscope of color, the thousand savage faces, the shrill tones of the chant, the suggestive savagery in the dancing limbs probably left an impression on the minds of the spectators that will last for all time, even though it was but play.

With the art of a stage master Captain Mercer ended the scene with a climax. When the band had halted before the stand and the members again paid homage to the president, Captain Mercer dashed up in front of the group and raised his hand for silence.

"Three cheers for the president," he shouted.

An ear-splitting yell arose from the throng. The gay blankets and trappings were thrown into the air; a fusillade of rifle shots rang out. It was a pandemonium of noise and color. Again and again the salute was given, while the president bowed repeatedly in response to the honor that had been done him. After this finale, the group of actors broke up. The women ran to their tepees; the warriors scattered to their positions to prepare for the climax of the program—the sham battle.

Same Old Battle.

The exhibition of warfare was on the lines of those that have been given on the grounds during the past few weeks. The Sioux, the Wichitas, the Kiowas and the Assiniboines came into camp with a prisoner of the Blackfeet. They tied the victim to the stake and piled brush about his feet. Round and about him the Indians danced and taunted him in anticipation of the burning. A couple of scouts were thrown out to protect the camp from the enemy. The latter located the camp of the Blackfeet, but while they were spying about it they were killed and scalped by a couple of the scouts of the enemy. The latter rushed into their camp with information of the other encampment and, just as the match was applied to the brush about the feet of the victim at the stake, the Blackfeet descended upon the Sioux and swept them away. In the fight four prisoners were taken, and the now victorious party were preparing for a stake burning of their own. But before their arrangements were completed the Sioux had secured reinforcements and returned to rescue their tribesmen. A pitched battle ensued, in which men were killed and scalped and the bodies of the dead warriors were mutilated by the women of the respective parties.

It was play, of course, but it was play that seemed to be filled with all sorts of serious possibilities. The barks and the yells of the fighters, the wild and apparently deadly attacks of the painted warriors, the din of the musketry, the dead bodies—all this looked like decidedly serious business, and it had a still worse outlook when Captain Mercer was apparently unable to put an end to the fray. He shouted orders to cease, but the Indians were determined to kill each other off entirely or use up their entire stock of ammunition. It was, therefore, with some difficulty that the battle was brought to an end.

President Their Guest.

The Indians, having played their part, were apparently determined to assume the role of spectators at the conclusion of the afternoon's program. They gathered in line before the presidential stand and looked up expectantly to where the president was sitting. Having been introduced to the "great father," they now wanted to have him introduced to them and they sent Captain Mercer to the stand with a message to that effect. President McKinley graciously acceded to the request.

In company with Captain Mercer, the president descended from the stand and walked to the group of Indians. Starting at one end and with hat in hand he walked along the entire line, bowing as Captain mercer introduced him with the words: "This is the president." The stolidness of the red man disappeared. By far the big majority took off the headgear that was removable and [?] the president bowed to them, from Geronimo to the toddler hardly able to waddle. This unique scene was the concluding and most interesting act in the proceedings of the day.

By this time the entire grounds were swarming with people who had broken through the restraints that had been holding them in place. The files of the soldiers were again quickly thrown out and a passageway for the carriages was formed. But the president concluded to display his republicanism, for he decided not to ride, but to walk to the cafe, where supper was to be served. With President Wattles as an escort he marched out of the grounds and down the Midway between a couple of files of the military escort. His entire course was a continual ovation.

The other members of the presidential party took seats in their carriages and rode away.


Distinguished Company Sits Down to Feast Under Happy Conditions.


Editor McKelway, General Miles, Senator Thurston and Governor Adams Pleasantly Allude to Some Pertinent Topics.

President McKinley and the other members of the national delegation to the Peace Jubilee exercises attended a dinner at the Markel cafe, on the exposition grounds, yesterday evening, as the guests of the exposition officials, which was the crowning event of many brilliant affairs which have taken place there during the summer. The dining room was beautifully and artistically draped in national colors and festoons of the red, white and blue were suspended from the ceiling, while the pillars were garnished with evergreen. In the east end of the room, back of the seat occupied by the president, was a mammoth copy of the seal of the exposition worked in flowers, and among the flowers were miniature incandescent lamps with a yellowish light, giving a warm color to the room in comfortable contrast to the chilling northwester which was blowing without. Elsewhere among these decorations and in harmony with the spirit of the occasion were numerous doves of peace. The tables were brightened by floral decorations, which were tasty without being extravagant. At the west end of the room, facing the president, was a large painting of the executive. Each of the guests received as a souvenir of the occasion a silver coffee spoon, in the bowl of which was a picture of the Government building.

The menu card was a handsome affair, printed on cream colored bristol board of five leaves, tied together with white satin ribbon in the upper left hand corner. On the first leaf was the American eagle in gilt as it appears on the president's flag, resting upon a standard of national colors. On the second was a lithograph of the Government building. On the third was an announcement of the event, engraved in graceful script. The third contained the menu in engraved script, printed over a picture in light blue of the Markel cafe building at night. On the back of the last leaf was the gilt seal of the exposition.

At the President's Table.

The president's table extended from north to south along the east side of the dining hall and from it three long tables extended to the west nearly the full length of the room. The president sat in the center of the table and at his left, in the order named, were President Wattles of the exposition, Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister; Z. T. Lindsey, Mrs. Wu Ting Fang, Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey, Mr. Brasil, the Brazilian minister; Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall and Secretary Bliss. At the president's left were Mrs. Wattles, Postmaster General Smith and wife, Secretary Gage and wife, Herman Kountze, Secretary Wilson, Chin Tom Ye, the Korean minister; Mrs. E. Rosewater, Mme. Chin Tom Ye, E. Rosewater, Governor Adams of Colorado and wife, and Governor Holcomb and wife.

Others present were the following: Mr. Quesada, Mrs. Bruce, Mr. Bruce, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Baker, Senator Thurston, Mrs. Creighton, Dr. Baker, Dr. Harris, General Cowin, Mrs. Howland, Mr. Cortelyou, Dr. Miller, Mrs. Joslyn, Mr. Shriver, Dr. Somers, Mrs. Lyman, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Lyman, Mr. Curtis, Mrs. Kelway, Mr. Bidwell, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Lima, Mr. Tam E. Ye, Mrs. Trumbull, Captain Whitney, Mrs. Cowin, Colonel Reber, Mrs. Mercer, Secretary Porter, Mrs. Ward, Secretary Meiklejohn, Mrs. Dunn, Governor Shaw, Senator Hanna, Mrs. Manderson, Mayor Moores, Lieutenant Palmer, Mrs. Montgomery, Captain Hodges, Mrs. Wakefield, Mr. Montgomery, General [?]  Scanned image of page 98 Webster, Colonel Michler, Mrs. Mendelken, Miss Miles, Mr. Yeomans, Mr. Clark, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Albert, Mr. Snyder, Mr. Joslyn, Mr. Hitchcock, Captain McWilliams, Miss Wheeler, Mr. Kwang Hang, Mr. Bingham, Colonel Black, Mrs. Wharton, Major Heistand, Mrs. Saunders, General Humphrey, Mrs. Heistand, General Greeley, Mrs. Humphrey, Captain Beck, Mrs. Greeley, General Sumner, Mrs. Babcock, General Miles, Mrs. Miles, General Manderson, Mrs. Moore, Mr. Babcock, Mrs. Harris, Major Ward, Miss Miles, Captain Paget, Mr. Dunn, Mrs, McWilliams, Mr. Chow Tsz Chi, Mrs. Redick, Mr. Mercer, Mr. Wang Chong Huli, Mrs. Richards, Mr. McKelway, Mr. Chase, Mr. Maddy, Mr. Henry, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Ronser, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Benzinger, Mr. Redick, Mr. Bain, General Miles' secretary, Mrs. Hitchcock, Prof. Moore, Senator Allen, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Reed, Governor Saunders, Mrs. Saunders, Senor Del Viso, Mrs. C. Chase, Mr. Wharton.

Shortly after the guests had been seated the lights were turned on at the music pavilion and the outlines of the president's head on the top of that structure were clearly set out in electricity. The illumination produced a hearty cheer from the thousands outside and the president's attention was called to the new work in the electrical field and he left his seat for a moment to look at it.

Toasts Follow the Feast.

A selection by a choir of a dozen or more voices marked the commencement of the post-prandial feast of the evening and was preliminary to a number of toasts. The recent war, the glorious results and the Peace Jubilee naturally suggested and provided the topics for the toasts. President Wattles was the toastmaster of the evening and in a few words inaugurated the program of speeches. St. Clair McKelway of the Brooklyn Eagle was called upon to respond to the first toast, "Our Country."

The mighty expansion of the United States as a consequence of the war with Spain was the text upon which Mr. McKelway mainly dwelt. With the territorial acquisitions will come an enlarged sphere in which the government will be compelled to move. The commercial horizon has infinitely expanded and in many ways the United States government will be called upon to expand itself to meet the new conditions. Mr. McKelway said the president had had much to do in the consummation of these results and complimented him highly for the judgment that he displayed in the conduct of the last war. He congratulated him upon his magnificent speech of the morning. He drew a comparison between the task that had been presented to him and the one which had confronted President Lincoln preliminary to the civil war. In one as in the other, the declaration of war had been forced by public opinion.

General Nelson A. Miles was asked to respond to the toast, "Our New Acquisition, Porto Rico." Before speaking directly to this topic, however, the distinguished military officer was forced to deliver himself of the admiration for the exposition with which the entire presidential party appears to have been possessed. He declared that he was confounded by the marvelous change that has taken place in the west since he had last crossed the Mississippi river. He found the most forceful example of the transformation in the Indian congress. He said that when last he was in this section of the country he had been called here to subdue the hostile redmen; now he found them in peaceful exhibitions of the dances and the battles which were of such terrible import but a few years ago. He complimented the exposition management most highly for the remarkable evidence of the growth of the west that is being exemplified in the exposition. Turning then to the subject of his toast, the speaker stated that the island of Porto Rico is a most important acquisition to the territory of the United States and as time passed, if ever the country becomes embroiled again with a foreign power, the great importance of its possession will be established. In the course of his remarks General Miles made a significant statement regarding the criticism of his acts during the war. He declared that in the forming of his plan of campaign he had found himself opposed by men of great influence in governmental positions. He found, however, that he was being supported by the president in his arrangements and therefore was perfectly confident that he was performing his duties satisfactorily.

"The War for Humanity" was the topic assigned to Senator John M. Thurston. In responding to the toast Senator Thurston detailed the terrible conditions in which the Cubans had been surrounded under Spanish rule. Their sufferings were so great that a Christian nation such as the United States could not help but intercede and in this statement he found full justification for the declaration of war. The glorious results of the struggle were advanced as proof of the justness of the cause.

Effect of Its Success.

General Manderson, in responding to the toast "The Exposition," said that many people had been of the belief that the enterprise could not be made a success and he was one of the number. As a consequence there were none who were more amazed at its stupendous success than himself. He complimented the executive committee on this happy outcome, for he declared that that body had done all the hard work that has culminated so satisfactorily. General Manderson stated that the great advantage resulting from the exposition, besides many other minor ones, will be an enlargement of the ideas of eastern people regarding the west. The exposition has been a revelation to them and has shown to them the wonderful capabilities of the transmississippi country. The effect of the exposition in this direction, however, will be greater after the exposition closes than it is now.

Governor Alva Adams of Colorado was assigned to respond to the toast, "The West," but he declared that there is no longer any west. With the magnificent territorial acquisitions resulting from the late war the west has been swallowed up. Omaha was formerly in the west, but measured by the present limits of the United States it is far in the east. But even before the additional territory was secured proof was given that there is no east and west, no north and south. Every section is as loyal as any other and when the call for troops was issued the west was as loyal and as ready with a response as the east. In the course of his remarks Governor Adams said that the reception that has been given to the president in Omaha has been magnificent, but it is no more magnificent than would have been the one given him had he been able to have extended his western trip to Colorado. Regardless of politics, the people of that state would have joined to give him a hearty welcome.

At the conclusion of the dinner the presidential party again took seats in their carriages and were driven about the lagoon in the Grand Court. It was the first time that they had seen the illuminations and the magnificent spectacle called forth numerous comments of admiration. From the Grand Court the party was taken to the display of fireworks.


President McKinley Finds it Hard to Start After His Reception.


Notes to General Manderson and Speech to the Crowd at the Depot Indicate the Depth of the President's Feeling.


Dear General Manderson:

Before I go, permit me to thank you. My visit to Omaha has been of uncommon interest and pleasure. Goodbye.


The above note was written by President McKinley under the apprehension that he might not meet General Manderson personally. He afterward gave it to Mr. Manderson, who thought it should belong to the public, and will give it to the Omaha Public library, to be placed in the collection of autograph letters of prominent men.

"I thank you more than words can tell for your many kindnesses to me during my visit to your city and your magnificent exposition. My visit to Omaha and to the transmississippi is one that I shall long remember with the kindliest recollections. What has pleased me more than anything else on my entire trip is to witness the exhibitions of patriotism throughout the country. I am glad to see that in Nebraska, as through the whole land, the people ever love good government and dearly love the old flag. It is very hard for me to say goodby to Omaha; you have all made my trip so delightful. But I must say goodby now, as the train is about to leave. Again I thank you."

With these words President McKinley bade adieu to Omaha this morning at 9:35 o'clock. The brief speech was delivered to a crowd of several thousand people who crowded about the last car of the president's special train, who filled every vantage point about the Burlington station and who even swarmed about the overhead viaduct to speed the departing guest and pleasantly complete the long list of popular ovations he has received within the exposition city since his arrival here on Thursday evening.

Crowd Gets Out Early.

Long before the arrival of the president at the Burlington station the crowd was there to greet him. It was not entirely composed of arriving and departing travelers, as a goodly number of Omaha citizens had assembled there to catch a glimpse of the great war president. As his carriage drove down the rampe​ to the platform President McKinley was cheered and cheered, and the mounted policemen under Sergeant Iler were busy in clearing a way for the honored guest. All about the train of seven handsomely appointed cars set apart for the use of the presidential party there were more people with the same desire—to see the president. He was very gracious and acknowledged the salutations of the people in the same generous manner as he did throughout President's day at the exposition. When the crowd called for him he quickly went to the rear platform of the last car, and again and again bowed his farewell greetings to the people. Then some of the more enthusiastic spectators pressed forward and reached up to shake his hand. He shook hands with them, but saw that it was hard work for them to reach up so far, so he had a trainman open the covered steps to the car, and going down on the bottom step shook hands with as many as could get near within the few minutes that there were to spare.

But still the crowd was not satisfied, and called for a speech. He generously responded in the complimentary words just given, and each sentence was marked with great applause and vociferous cheering by those about him. Then the signal to start was given, and the train pulled out of the station with President McKinley standing on the last platform bowing and waving his hat in farewell greetings to the crowd of Omahans and their guests. He appeared to be in no hurry whatever to enter the car and remained in sight until the train had neared the approach to the bridge across the Missouri river. To accentuate his hearty greetings to the crowd he pulled out his handkerchief just as the train passed the end of the long train shed and waved it to the crowd while he bowed and bowed, and seemed to make good his words: "It is very hard for me to say goodby to Omaha."

Rested Well Last Night.

President McKinley and his favorite nephew, Captain James McKinley, arose and were about their room at the Omaha club before 8 o'clock this morning. They took breakfast in the private dining room and were soon out in the parlors and reception halls of the first floor greeting the other members of the presidential party as they came from the breakfast room upstairs. The president said he had had a very good night's rest, and he looked it. He was dressed in his customary black frock suit, with a pretty Meteor rose in his buttonhole. He showed his fondness for his orphan nephew, who is a fine appearing young man of 20 years, by spending some time with him. One of the presidential party remarked: "The president just thinks more of his nephew than of almost any one outside of his wife and mother. You see at the outbreak of the war Jimmie, who isn't of age yet, enlisted in a volunteer regiment s​ a private and started off to fight right in the ranks. That just hit the president right. This is Jimmie's first trip of importance with the president, and he's enjoying it about as much as anybody." The young captain displayed a becoming modesty and in the informal reception that followed rather kept in the background.

A half hour after the president and his nephew had finished their breakfast a number of distinguished citizens arrived to greet him good morning and bid him farewell. Among those about the club parlors were noticed President Charles F. Manderson of the Omaha club, Vice President Edward P. Peck, Secretary Charles L. Deuel, President Wattles of the exposition directory, Managers Bruce, Reed, Lindsey, Rosewater, Babcock and Kirkendall, Major Ward, General Cowin, Congressman Mercer, W. H. McCord, Luther Drake, all of Omaha. The entire presidential party was on hand except the military officers and the members of the diplomatic corps. Among those noticed chatting with the Omahans were: Secretary Bliss, Secretary Gage and Mrs. Gage, Postmaster General Smith and Mrs. Smith and Secretary Wilson, Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn and others. Representing the press were: Messrs. McFarland of the Associated Press, Benzinger of the Chicago Times-Herald and Carroll of the New York Sun, who accompanied the president to St. Louis.

Some Pleasant Moments.

President McKinley greeted all those about the club with a friendly "Good morning" and then enjoyed a cigar in the  Scanned image of page 99 second parlor, talking with General Manderson, General Cowin and Mr. Rosewater, and incidentally looking over The Bee's Peace Jubilee edition, which he praised. Among others who were presented to him at the club were Detectives Dunn and Donahue, who have watched after the president wherever he has gone in the city and about the exposition grounds. Congressman Mercer introduced them, and President McKinley shook hands with them and said: "I am very glad to know you, and want to thank you for looking after me so well, though I didn't have the slightest fear of anything happening to me. I guess I made you walk pretty lively out at the exposition grounds yesterday afternoon, didn't I? I know some of the soldiers who walked about with me were puffing pretty hard when the got through." And the detectives smiled at this bit of pleasantry, and they said they would be glad to walk miles with the president at any time.

Fifteen minutes had passed since the High school bell sounded 9 o'clock before the president had bade goodbye to all at the club and was ready to leave for the railway station. But there were a great many school children about the club house who did not hear the school bell, or at least did not heed it, and a desire to see the president made several score of pupils late in answering to the roll. And their elders to the number of 1,500 or 2,000 also took an hour or so from their morning duties to greet the president. Douglas street and Twentieth street for a half block from the Omaha club were crowded with eager spectators, and when the president finally appeared they sent up a shout of welcome that made the chief executive smile and bow very low as he acknowledged the hearty greetings. When he had taken his seat in the carriage there was renewed cheering, and he bowed and bowed his compliments. The dozen carriages following were quickly filled with the other members of the presidential party, and the Omaha hosts, and preceded by the mounted policemen, the line of carriages went down Douglas street toward the Burlington station.

The train was scheduled to leave at 9:30 o'clock, but on account of the impromptu reception at the station it was five minutes later than that before the train got away. The train was made up of the same seven elegant cars that brought the president from Washington to Omaha. It was drawn by one of the biggest locomotives of the Burlington route, No. 531, with Engineer Maxwell and Conductor Clark. The train crossed the river on the Union Pacific bridge, and from Council Bluffs proceeded directly to Pacific Junction, and from there through Iowa and Missouri to St. Louis, which will be reached some time this evening, the exact time being dependent upon how many stops the president desires to make to greet the crowds reported to be assembled at all the railway stations along the line.


Chief Geronimo's Comment on the Present System.

Chicago Times-Herald.

The interview with the captive Apache chief Geronimo on the Chippewa trouble contains many touches of real Indian eloquence.

"The white men are as many as the blades of grass. The sun rises and shines for a time and then it goes down, sinking out of sight, and is lost. So it will be with the Indians," are sentences worthy of an Osceola or a Red Jacket.

But while he mourns for the departed glory of his race, and can see no future for the present generation of Indians better than beggary, he makes some practical suggestions with reference to the education of Indian youth.

He considers it a waste of money to educate the Indians under the present system. An Indian child is taken from the reservation and placed in school, and after receiving an education is sent back to the reservation to live with the uneducated members of the tribe. It was the theory of friends of Indian education that the educated youth would exert a civilizing influence upon the other Indians—that he would be the little leaven which eventually would leaven the whole. But, as Geronimo observes, it takes many years to change an Indian's nature, and instead of the educated youth becoming a missionary of civilization, he discards its habiliments, puts on a blanket and becomes an Indian again.

It is the most natural thing in the world for him. Even among our great men few rise above their environment, and it is folly to suppose that the Indian youth can do so.

The old chief asks: "What can an educated Indian do in the sagebrush and cactus?" Everyone conversant with Indian character knows that he can do nothing.

There are now 23,952 Indian children in reservation and boarding schools. If after receiving their education they are given opportunities of pursuing the avocations of white men and kept within civilizing environment there is hope for them and their children, but to turn them loose to run wild on the agencies simply means that they will share with their parents the career of beggary predicted for the race.

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Thursday Sees Nearly Fifty Thousand People on the Exposition Grounds.

Bracing Weather and War Heroes Bring Out a Big Attendance of Happy People.

Receipts Now Over $600,000 and the Management Is Feeling Jubilant--News of the Day at the Show.

Thursday's Admissions,48,327
Total Admissions2,111,969

Army and Navy day finds a place near the top in the record of daily admissions, that place being third, its 48,327 crowding back to fourth place the Fourth of July by a majority of over 4,000. As it now stands, President's day is first, with 98,845; Modern Woodmen of America day, second, with 52,725, and yesterday third, with 48,327.

The air was cool and bracing and the sun shone brightly, a much prettier day throughout than the one preceding. This made the crowd feel good and anxious to honor the war heroes present, and that desire had much to do with making the crowd. Then there were the Knights of Pythias, the left-overs from presidential day, the visitors to the big stock show and the local crowd customary to Thursday nights.

And the exposition management felt good, for the belated reports of the day before showed that the wonderful attendance, 98,845, had not only made the total pass the 2,000,000 mark, with thousands to spare, but that the receipts of $42,822 had caused the total to jump past the $600,000 mark to $600,365.75.

Such was the success of the exposition to date that there is a reward out for the man who hasn't said, "I told you so."


They Are Much in Evidence Though They Have No Exercises.

Yesterday was to have been Knights of Pythias day. It was not Knights of Pythias day except in this particular—that several hundred of the order, amounting, perhaps, to 1,000, were on the grounds.

The Uniform Rank of the Knights of Pythias had expected to participate in the parade on President's day, but did not make the arrangements with the executive committee and the Commercial club that they had expected. They did not get the guarantee of tents, camping grounds and commutation tickets which they thought they would get, and therefore the appearance of the Uniform Knights was declared off.

It was the announcement that Pythian day exercises would he held at the Nebraska building or the Auditorium yesterday afternoon. The knights supposed that they would have the Auditorium. It was engaged for the hour. No exercises, therefore, were held either there or at the Nebraska building. Hundreds of knights dropped into the room at the Nebraska building and registered, and this was all there was to Knights of Pythias day.


Chief Signal Service Officer and Miss Greely in War Balloon.

The Santiago war balloon, under the personal direction of General A. W. Greely, chief signal service officer, made two successful ascensions yesterday afternoon at the exposition grounds. The first ascension was made by Captain A. Warren Yancey and Miss Greely, a daughter of General Greely, and the second trip toward the clouds was taken by General Greely and Lieutenant William Talbott. The telephone and telegraph equipment was successfully operated, even to the satisfaction of the Chinese minister, who enjoyed a talk with the ascensionists 800 feet from the earth. Miss Greely took a number of photographic views of the exposition buildings and surrounding country.


Commander at Santiago Will Speak at the Exposition.

General Shafter and his staff of five members will arrive in the city at 8:20 this morning on the Burlington. They will go to the Paxton, where apartments have been reserved for them. The general was at Galesburg yesterday, where he was tendered an ovation. He will remain in Omaha two or three days, speaking at the exposition this morning, and will be escorted to the grounds at 10 o'clock.

Beautiful Show of Fire.

Presidential day ended with one of the best courses of the day, the fireworks, so critics unhesitatingly declared yesterday, much comment being caused by the beauty and grandeur of the display given by the A. L. Due Fireworks company on the north tract at 9 o'clock.

Beginning with the emblem of peace, a cannon and dove, in rapid succession followed the portraits of President McKinley and Secretaries Long and Alger, the American flag, forty feet in length, a locomotive in motion, the spreading fan, the jeweled fountain, the performing acrobat and the walking elephant, all in vivid colors of living fire. Rockets and shells filled the air with iridescent fire, several mammoth shells bursting into 10,000 stars each. The grand finale was a simultaneous bursting of 10,000 rockets.

Last evening another exceptionally creditable pyrotechnical display was given, including the pictures of General Miles and Admiral Dewey and the bombardment of a Spanish warship and an accompanying torpedo boat by an American warship.

Feeders Do Not Appear.

The meeting of the Trans-Mississippi Cattle Feeders' association, which was billed for yesterday afternoon at the Nebraska building, exposition grounds, failed to materialize. President William Daily of Peru, and one or two other gentlemen, were the only ones present. The president was much disappointed that the cattle feeders of the west should fail to avail themselves of an opportunity to meet together and discuss matters pertaining to the welfare of their business. He held that such a step is essential and until the feeders do thoroughly organize that they will continue to lose money on their investments.

President Daily hopes to have a feeders' meeting held yet this fall and believes that after the exposition is over that the attendance will be satisfactory.

Music Makes a Hit.

A magnificent hit was scored by the musical departmet​ of the exposition last evening in a grand patriotic concert arranged by Mr. Thomas J. Kelly. Innes band, the Omaha Concert band and the Exposition chorus of 100 voices contributed, the patriotic, the light and airy and the majestic, the whole being a catchy program in itself.

Over 100 volunteers quickly secured from the Second Nebraska and commanded by Sergeant Major Atwood and Sergeant Bayles, and for half an hour drilled for the special work required of them, presented a handsome appearance, creating tremendous applause.

Fully 10,000 people constituted the audience, which cheered to the echo.

Shafter Leaves Chicago.

Chicago, Ill., Oct. 13.—Major General Shafter, accompanied by his staff officers, Captain Noble and Lieutenant Colonel Brice, passed through Chicago today, en route to Omaha. General Shafter will spend a day at the exposition and return to Chicago to attend the peace jubilee.

British-Canadian Day.

British and Canadian day at the exposition will be celebrated tomorrow by a reception to visitors in the Canadian section of International hall at 3 p. m. Messrs. and Mesdames John Dale, John Laughland, Matthew W. Swain, R. I. Mattice, A. H. Hipple, John M. Scott, J. E. Shawhan, Fred T. Andrew and E. Sherwood and the Misses McCabe and Fancher will assist the representatives of the Canadian government in the entertainment of visitors.

Exposition Notes.

L. S. Kennington, editor of the Iowa State Democrat, Newton, Ia.; J. E. Ammons and Robert Larimer of Newton, Ia., are in the city to take in the exposition for three days.

On the exposition grounds yesterday was a delegation of teachers from the schools at Pierce, Neb. It comprised W. H. Hirons, the principal of the high school; Assistant Principal Kate Snow, Emma Wurts, Maude Krake, Alice Couffer, Margaret Carr and Eva Mixer. The company will be here until tomorrow.

Before the party of President McKinley went away from the city the private secretary of the president said to President Wattles of the exposition: "I want to congratulate Omaha on the splendid management of every detail of the reception to the president, which was carried out in every detail most satisfactorily and in the best way possible."

Two of the officers on General Miles' staff said to General Manager Clarkson that in al ltheir​ experience with public demonstrations they had never seen any program carried out with so little discomfort to the principal guests.

In honor of Canadian day there will be a reception at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Canadian exhibit in International hall.

Four competitive butter contests have been held at the Dairy building, the last one just closing. For the second time S. P. Bork of Steele Center, Mich., captured first on a score of 98 points. John Friedmer of Strout, Minn., secured second place on a score of 97¾ points on creamery butter. On dairy butter Mrs. C. H. Robbins of St. Charles, Minn., secures first place, with a score of 96½ points.

Musical Director Kelly is receiving an average of fifty letters and 100 postal cards on each mail, making inquiries for the children's jubilee tomorrow. Many are desirous of knowing the style of badges presented to the children participating in the grand chorus in the afternoon. It is stated by Mr. Kelly that the badges are of handsome design, with an exposition medal as a centerpiece, mounted on ribbons of blue for the girls and red for the boys, on which are neatly printed words commemorative of the occasion.

For the stock show yesterday afternoon the Omaha Concert band rendered a program to lend spice to the judging of the big display of fine animals. Immediately at the close the stockmen held a meeting to express appreciation for the courtesy and to ask that it be repealed.

Indians galore swept over the battlefield of the Indian congress yesterday afternoon, both in review and bloody battle. It was one more big enthusiastic success. The next battle will be given this afternoon at 4 o'clock, over 600 Indians participating.

W. S. Campbell, general superintendent of the Idaho Inter-Mountain fair, which closed this week at Boise City, arrived in the city last night with a carload of fruit for the exposition. Mr. Campbell says it is the cream of the great collection of choice fruits on exhibition there.


Chief Moore Calls Convention to Order and Professor Abbe Presides.

Interesting Speeches Upon Topics of Interest to Both Officials and the General Public.

The national convention of weather bureau officials began its session yesterday morning at the Commercial club.

Prof. Moore welcomed the delegates. "Washington," he said, "will acquire new principles from Florida and New England from the great west. We have met here in greater numbers than ever before, and under different conditions from the earlier conventions. We are here as weather bureau officials; before it was as representatives of state organizations. This convention is a pure representative of the practical and scientific workers of the government weather bureau."

After speaking of the various qualifications of a weather bureau man, Prof. Moore introduced Prof. Abbe, as chairman.

Mr. Waltz spoke upon "The Relation Between the Weather Bureau and the Public," in an off-hand breezy manner. he said that an interest should be stimulated in meteorology in our schools, which would enable pupils to read the maps and make their own deductions. Frequent communication should be had with the daily press. The papers should be given the fullest information at all times.

G. N. Salisbury of Seattle read a paper on the same subject. He spoke of the wonderful development in the service, and told of ancient weather bureaus, rain doctors and signs; told of the trials and privations in reaching the present high standard, and animadverted on numerous features of the great work.

Interesting ten minute papers were read by H. J. Cox, Chicago, and N. B. Conger, of Detroit, on forecasts and special warnings, and the most efficient for maritime interests on the great lakes and the method of reaching those interested. John W. Smith, Boston, and Alex G. McAdie, New Orleans, presented instructive papers on the present warnings by flag and lantern, whether they are the best that can be devised for Atlantic and gulf coasts.

The convention then adjourned.

Upon reassembling a resolution was read thanking Secretary Wilson for the interest taken by him in the weather bureau service, and referring to the great benefit he had been to the cause and otherwise expressing the gratitude of the assembled weather men to the secretary. This resolution was enthusiastically adopted, and the secretary instructed to send a copy of the same to St. Louis to Secretary Wilson, as he will arrive there this morning.

The afternoon was spent in the further discussion of the topic "Forecasts and Special Warnings," five minute speeches being made by John W. Smith, Boston; Alex G. McArdie, New Orleans; F. H. Bradenburg, Denver; E. J. Glass, Helena, Mont.; J. Warren Smith, Columbus, O.; T. S. Outram, Minneapolis; J. R. A. Sage, Des Moines; H. C. Bate, Nashville; Prof. H. A. Hazen, Washington; Patrick Connor, Kansas City; F. P. Chaffee, Montgomery; and R. J. Hyatt, St. Louis.

Prof. Hazen's talk on "Long Range Forecasts" was especially interesting. In a mild manner the speaker referred to the class of well known weather prognosticators, and gave some instances of his experience with them, wherein he had many times made efforts to induce them to confine themselves to certain districts or localities in forecasting the weather. His remarks were full of dry humor.

At the conclusion of the discussion under the head of "River and Flood Service," during which many suggestions were made calculated to improve that service, the convention adjourned[?]

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The session will convene this morning at 10 o'clock, at which time two very important papers will be read, one on "West Indian Hurricane Service," by Prof. Willis L. Moore, and the other "Relations of the Weather Bureau to the Department of Agriculture," by E. B. Calvert, Washington, D. C.

After a recess taken to be photographed in a group in front of the court house, the weather officials reconvened yesterday afternoon and took up their papers.

Lively discussions opened up on the subject of forest clearing and cultivation upon water supply, soil, rainfall and temperature.

Eastern and Rocky mountain observers generally coincided that forests conserve snowfall and—except in case of rain upon snow—checked floods.

Director Sage of the Iowa climate and crop service declared it was a question if, upon prairies, trees did not exhaust more moisture than they conserved; also if subsoil cultivation retaining rainfall, were not preferable to proximity to forests for raising crops.

Prof. Moore summarized with his opinion that while alluvium and vegetation fill up ponds and the surface of the land changes, yet the water is still there. The climate is not changed appreciably by deforestation or cultivation of the soil. The say-so of the oldest inhabitant cannot be taken as certain. A record is the only thing that can be considered.

Patrick Connor of Kansas City, speaking of primary views on meteorology in schools, believed it valuable and that what was taught was retained and added to as the pupils grew up.

A number of technical subjects, with comparison of methods looking to improvement of the weather service, whenever possible, were discussed. The session held until toward 2 o'clock and then adjourned for the banquet.


Several Bright Papers Read by Prominent Women---Household Economics.

The Woman's Congress convened yesterday morning at the Flrst​ Congregational church with Mrs. S. H. Peters, state president of the ansas​ Federation of Women's Clubs in the chair. The first paper was "The Bible as Literature," by Miss Helen M. Cole, Boston.

After a musical selection by Mrs. H. P. Whitmore Miss Julia Lathrop of Hull House, Chicago, read a paper on "Philanthropy and Charities." Miss Lathrop's paper treated principally of the care of orphans and destitute children. She maintained that the Scottish asylum was much preferable to the American system of placing children in orphans' homes, governel​ by political appointees.

Miss Cagney of Plattsmouth read a paper on "The Evolution of the American Home," which was prepared by Miss Bertha Rockwell of Junction City, Kas., who was absent.

The afternoon session of the women's congress was opened by a violin solo by Miss Maria L. Connor. The selection rendered was from the "Legende" by Wieniawski.

Mrs. Willis Lord Moore read a paper on "Club Life in California," which was very interesting. Mrs. Selwyn Douglas of Oklahoma City, O. T., read a paper on "Pioneer Club Life," treating of the early history of society in Oklahoma. The paper elicited much applause.

Mrs. S. S. Platt, president of the Denver Women's club, spoke for a few moments and urged the members to teach more practical methods for the home and said that theory was valueless in making a convenient and pleasant home.

Mrs. Theodora Birney of Washington, D. C., president of the mothers' congress, made a few appropriate remarks. Later Mrs. Birney said to the World-Herald reporter:

"I am delighted with Omaha and have enjoyed my visit here very much. Have never been used better in my life. The exposition is fine. In architectural design and arrangement it excels Chicago. I am astonished that Omaha and the west could do so much."

Mrs. Birney left for home last evening. During the day several of the delegates visited the exposition and were driven about the city by the local members of the congress.

An exceptionally pleasant affair was that of the informal reception given last evening by the Women's club of Omhaha​ to the Trans-Mississippi congress of women's clubs and the National Household Economic association. The event took place in the parlors of the First Congregational church, Nineteenth and Davenport streets. The decorations in the handsome rooms were charming, consisting of palms, cut flowers and festooned American flags.

The reception committee consisted of Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the Omaha Women's club, Mrs. A. N. Ferguson, Mrs. G. M. Nattinger, Mrs.[?]


Part of Peace Week Devoted to Fighting Arms of the Nation Marked by Warriors' Talk.

Commander of Army Tells What War Taught--General Greely, Senor Quesada and Senator Allen Also Speak for Soldiers.

The scenes on the exposition grounds yesterday with procession and pageantry almost entirely eliminated, bore a general resemblance to those of yesterday. All the little differences were caused by the main differences—which was that the crowd was not more than about half as large as that of yesterday. This was no disappointment, for a repetition of yesterday's jam was not anticipated, and the attendance was large enough to place the day among the four or five biggest in the history of the exposition.

With the president and his party gone the chief special attraction of the day, and indeed the only special attraction, was the appearance of Major General Miles and most of those on his train at the Army and Navy day exercises.

The exercises were at the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. The hours intervening between the opening of the gates and this time were spent by the visitors in general sightseeing. Besides being Army and Navy day, it was Knights of Pythias day, and there were a sufficient number of the members of the order on the grounds to cause notice in the great body of general visitors.

Though the most meager notice of the exercises had been given by the exposition management, an audience assembled in the Auditorium that filled the lower portion and part of the gallery.

The appearance of General Miles and his staff and several members of the diplomatic corps and their ladies, escorted by officers of the exposition, Governor Holcomb and Senator Allen was the signal for rousing cheers.

Several prominent citizens of Omaha, members of the ladies' bureau of entertainment and company of Modoc Singers from Topeka also accompanied the party of distinguished guests.

The exercises began with the singing of two patriotic songs by the Modoc singers and with a welcoming address by Governor Holcomb.

Nebraska's governor expressed an appreciation of the honor conferred by the visit of the president of the United States and of his large party to the state, the city and the exposition. The governor made particular reference to many of the representatives who had been and were now here. There were loud cheers at ever such mention, but perhaps the demonstration was most marked when he spoke of the presence of the representative of the Cuban junta.

He believed that the information gained and the impressions received by their visit to the interior of the United States would lead to a better appreciation on their part of the whole American country. To them all he extended a cordial greeting.

It was an equal pleasure, Governor Holcomb said, to welcome the admirable heroes of the army and the navy (cheers). Particular mention of the most signal recent victories on land and sea and a commendation of the volunteer soldier caused renewed applause.

Applause especially long and demonstrative, ending with three cheers given standing, followed a complimentary reference to and mention by name of Major General Miles. The ovation was repeated at the mention of the name of General Greely. Each in turn arose and bowed his acknowledgments.

General Miles' Speech.

The greeting was repeated when General Miles arose to speak. His mention of the fact that Nebraska was one of the states contributing more than its quota to the volunteer army recently raised and of the services of a Nebraska citizen, Assistant Secretary of the War Meiklejohn, caused great approving shouts:

General Miles said:

It is gratifying to know that the people of the mighty west gathered in this great exposition have set apart one day in which to honor the army and navy of the United States. Speaking for the army, I may say it has been most closely identified with the welfare, progress and prosperity of the west than with any other portion of this great country. It was up this river that was led in the early years of the century a little band of explorers past the site of your beautiful city, and destined to discover the wealth, the resources and the beauties of our newly acquired and vast territory extending from the "Father of Waters" to the broad Pacific, and render immortal the names of Lewis and Clark. It was near this spot that many of the most important expeditions have been organized and equipped for the exploration and conquest of the wilderness occupied by numerous and powerful tribes of savages, and it was here that the army found ever a cordial welcome upon returning from these perilous and hazardous enterprises. Here was initiated the great expedition which wound its way slowly among your hills into the plain, and then with steadily increasing speed until the stroke of a hammer upon a golden nail telegraphed to the world on the 9th of May, 1869, the completion of the first trans-continental line and a prophecy of the matchless material progress whose fruition we now see demonstrated here.


Individually, there is no place where I feel more at home than in the great west. Twenty-six of the best years of my life have been spent in service west of the Missouri river. As I have been identified with its trials and privations, and in full sympathy with its sacrifices and its heroic struggle, so I have had the pleasure of witnessing its marvelous growth and development and its grand and splendid prosperity.


Here we find the true spirit of American enterprise. It was the prospect of these fields which tempted from their homes the most heroic, the most resolute and the boldest spirits, whose children having caught the inspiration of their fathers are now, in independence of character, true, progressive spirit, intelligence and integrity, in the front rank of citizenship.


The hardships endured and sacrifices made by the army, deprived of many of the advantages of civilization, in its service on the frontier have been little known and little heeded or appreciated by the average citizen in the eastern portion of the United States, yet there has not been a camp of pioneers, of miners, of herdsmen, or of colonists in the vast and trackless wilderness of fifty years ago who have not found the protecting presence of the resolute and faithful soldier standing ward between the defensless​ and the savage. During that period there has come such a transformation as was never before witnessed in the whole history of the human race. A trackless wilderness and barren waste has been transformed into communities and states which exert themselves in friendly rivalry to excel each other in modern industries, sciences, art and institutions of learning. The army rejoices in your magnificent prosperity.

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Let us remember that the army of the United States received its inspiration of integrity, honor and fortitude from the precept and example of that most eminent and perfect soldier, citizen and statesman, its first commander, George Washington. The army does not forget, and the country should not, his injunction to his countrymen that "timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it;" and we may well emphasize the doctrine that to inspire peace, we should be prepared for war. There are other maxims of General Washington to which we should recur at the present time. For instance, "the great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible."

Another of incalculable importance now and always is "promote then as an object of prime importance institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of the government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that the public opinion should be enlightened."

The great element of strength for a republic, and especially for an army, is the universal intelligence of its citizens and soldiers. A democratic government cannot safely exist where this is wanted. In order to be a well equipped soldier, with us, a man must be first well informed, having due regard for the advantages, blessings and requirements of our institutions, and appreciating the obligation of the citizen to his government, realizing that without patriotism, independence of character and integrity of purpose, a man cannot fulfill the requirements of American citizenship. Intelligent patriotism in addition, when the citizen undertakes service in the army or the navy, so demonstrates the fact that he possesses still another of the noblest traits of manhood and fortitude to meet the enemies of his country, and if need be die to uphold the honor of his flag and the existence of his government. This has been the record of the American soldier for more than 100 years. He is not forced to maintain a dynasty or support the power of a monarch, but he volunteers to serve for his country's good and for the protection, well fare and benefits of all who dwell within the borders of the commonwealth. For more than a century the history of our army is one of glorious achievement and fortitude. Scarcely a year has passed but that the army has had to contend against a savage, crafty and warlike race, from the time of Washington to the present day. The history of heroic service in those years gilds with an immortal fame the names and records of those men participating in the wars whose sacrifices have amounted to a larger percentage of casualties than in those of the great wars between civilized nations. It was in that school that Washington himself had his first important lessons in the art of war, and the same can be said of Putnam, Greene, Schuyler, Marion, Wayne, Morgan, Jackson, Worth, Taylor and, indeed, Abraham Lincoln.

Our army is made up of quite different material from that of the great armies of Europe. The officers belong to no one family or class of aristocracy. They come from the public schools, the farms, the counting houses, and the colleges of the land. Many of them enlisted in the ranks, and through merit, industry and gallantry have fought their way to the highest position of honor and responsibility. The people of every state and the best families and elements of society are represented by soldiers in the ranks of the American army. I have hoped for many years that the American army might become a grand school of patriotism in which boys and young men enter, and while serving their country benefit themselves by gaining a thorough knowledge of the principles of our government, of our history, and the advantages of our institutions, and add to their knowledge how best they may serve their country in the hours of national peril and public danger. Possibly we have been too unmindful of this during the last five and thirty years. For four years preceding that period our nation was engulfed in gloom, in the smoke and turmoil of terrible civil war, and only after four years of sacrifice and suffering did it emerge to a glorious epoch of peace and prosperity.


During the period of development of the great west and marvelous prosperity of the following thirty years, people became indifferent to the condition of our army and navy, and as a result of that indifference we have found it necessary to mobilize an army for a foreign war without previous preparation and without the elements of equipment essential to its efficiency. Whether we shall profit by the experience of the last few months remains to be seen. The enormous expenditure of public money and the numberless complaints of suffering and hardship should, in my opinion, prompt the people to due attention to the necessity of having in the future a well equipped military force commensurate with our interests as a nation, and with the requirements of our people here and those living beneath our flag in[?] quarter of the state.


I have for many years advocated the principle of having one soldier to every 1,000 of our population thoroughly instructed in the duties and requirements of military life, and I think that standard could be maintained in the future. As a nation grows in strength and responsibility, those two pillows of support—its army and navy—should grow in proportion. I believe that our ships should be known in every sea and with extended commerce there should be built up of American material, armed with American guns, manned by American seamen, a navy sufficient to protect our flag and our interests in every quarter of the globe.


During the past few months our country has passed through an ordeal which ought not to be repeated. The experience should teach us that tens and hundreds of thousands of even the flower of our citizens cannot suddenly be molded into well eqpipped​, well officered, well supplied, well disciplined troops in a few months.


Whatever there has been of failure, of short comings, of distress, or of suffering—above all whatever there has been of hardship or horrors of war, the American army has written upon the pages of history a page that will illumine its name forever; and it has met every privation, it has encountered every hardship, and it has faced every peril on land and sea incident to the war, and while it has captured guns, battlefields, prisoners, fortifications and territory, it has not in a single instance given an inch of ground to the enemy, nor has it lowered a flag of the republic, nor surrendered a color or a rifle to the enemy. It has carried the banner of freedom to the oppressed and suffering, and has been greeted and received, not as ruthless conquerors, but as liberators and defenders of the liberties and rights of mankind. Our flag has been hailed as the morning light.

General Greely Talks.

A song by the Modoc club, ending with "America," in which the audience joined, standing, preceded an address by General Greely, head of the signal service system of the army. He lamented the absence of General Joe Wheeler, whom he called a grand old historic figure, and regretted that he had been called on in his stead. Much, he said, had been learned from both the civil and the recent war. Now it was possible to look back on the civil war as a mere family difference. Blessed it was to have fallen out to kiss again in tears. With the end of the present war comes a closer union of the people north and south and a union which could be opposed to any future menace to the nation. General Greely said that on the grounds yesterday he had realized as never before what a great nation this was, for it was only thirty-seven years ago that he had seen Omaha a little village. To the pioneers of the west with whom a generation ago he had been well acquainted he though a great debt was due for the great share they had had in the upbuilding and the development of the country. He concluded with a tribute to the boldness of the American soldier.

Cuba's Representative.

On the introduction of Gonzalo de Quesada, the charge d'aaires​ of the Cuban junta, the vast audience rose, shouted, clapped hands and moved hats and handkerchiefs while the representative of the unhappy island bowed his head while the tears came. He acknowledged with much emotion the heartiness of the reception and declared that while most else on the desolate island, once the pearl of the Antilles, have disappeared, gratitude was there for the people who had fought side by side with the ragged heroes of three wars and the half-starved troops that for forty-seven months had alone carried on that combat there against cruelty and oppression. The speaker, with an earnestness that amounted to a passion, described in general terms the sufferings which had led the Cubans to rebel and the hardships that had followed the rebellion. If the United States could learn the perfidy of Spain only by the blowing up of the Maine, the knowledge was worth the cost of that disaster.

He described the attitude of the Cuban army to the troops of the United States, saying that it had done all it could to aid its deliverance and the deliverers of Cuba. He refuted every suggestion that the army of independence was one of barbarians and brigands.

The Cuban patriots, Senor Quesada said, with their own flag moving side by side with that of America, would respect the power and the authority of the United States and abide by its decrees.

The exercises closed with a few eloquent remarks by Senator Allen to the veterans.


Chief Executive Ends His Stay as Planned and Departs for St. Louis Yesterday.

Missouri Reception Committee Arrives to Escor​ Him Eastward and Large Crowd Gathers at Depot to Say Good Bye.

The president's flag, that beautiful banner of crimson silk with its circling center of silver stars, that had never before been thrown to the breezes that blow over Nebraska soil, was hauled down from its proud position on the flagstaff at the Omaha-club house at 9:30 yesterday morning, giving silent notice that the president's stay in the city had come to an end.

At 9:15 the party entered their carriages and were driven to the depot, where the president's special train was in waiting. There was no delay, and twenty minutes after leaving the club house the president and those who were to accompany him on the trip eastward were receiving the farewell cheers of between 4,000 and 5,000 people as the special steamed away from the union depot.

After President McKinley breakfasted yeseterday​ he spent a half hour chatting with a number of the members of the reception committee and others who had called early to say goodbye. Among those who were early on hand were President Wattles, General Manderson and General Cowin, who accompanied the president to the depot. Others who reached there before the departure of the party form the club were the members of the special reception committee from St. Louis, who had come on the morning train over the Burlington to accompany the party back to St. Louis.

The St. Louis committee came in on a special train of private cars, and was headed by National Committeeman Richard C. Kerens of Missouri and Howard Elliott of the Burlington. The train left St. Louis last night, and made the run of 436 miles to Omaha in ten hours and twenty minutes or forty-five minutes an hour, including stops, for the whole distance. The St. Louis contingent reached the club before the president appeared, and waited to accompany the local reception committee to the depot.

There were but half a dozen carriages in the line that followed the president's carriage from the club. Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn accompanied the party to the train, but did not go east with it. He later returned to the Millard to go with the army and navy party to the exposition grounds, to participate in the exercises at the Auditorium and the luncheon at the cafe.

The newspaper correspondents who went with the presidential party were John S. Shriver, of the New York Mail and Express; Raymond Patterson, of the Chicago Tribune; Frederick Benzinger, of the Chicago Times-Herald; and W. E. Curtis, of the Chicago Record.

Major H. C. Ward, who had been directly in charge of the presidential party during its stay in Omaha, personally superintended the details surrounding the departure, and after the train pulled out went to the exposition grounds to participate in the army and navy function.

It was both Wednesday and yesterday t​ subject of congratulation among exposition officials that President Wattles had called upon Major Ward to look after the important duty of supervising the movements of the presidential party. To his experience, executive ability and coolness was largely due the smoothness with which all movements were executed.


The foreign ambassadors and their suites, the representatives of the army and the newspaper correspondents who accompanied the presidential party to Omaha will remain in the city until midnight of Friday, when their train will start on the return trip to Chicago and the east via the Northwestern road.

General A. W. Greely, chief signal officer of the army, and Mrs. Greely will also drop out of the party at this point. Gen. Greely said yesterday that he intended to remain in Omaha two or three days for the express purpose of visiting the Agriculture building, to examine the magnificent exhibits, which he had seen only casually as he passed through the building Wedneesday​ in the party with President McKinley.

Other members of the party may also conclude to remain a little longer in order to visit the exposition at their leisure.

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[?]s Note to Gen. Manderson.

Omaha's public library will have its long coveted autograph letter from President McKinley—having been unable until this time to obtain one to frame and preserve with those it has from preceding chief executives of the nation.

Gen. Manderson yesterday morning while at the Omaha club house received this note from the president, the body as well as the signature being written by Mr. McKinley:


Dear General Manderson:

Before I go permit me to thank you. My visit to Omaha has been of uncommon interest and pleasure. Good by.


General Manderson will give the letter to the library.

Echoes From Club House.

Secretary Bliss accompanied President McKinley to St. Louis. After a two days' stay there he goes on a trip to Oklahoma and the Indian territory, partly on a tour of inspection and partly on pleasure. The secretary of the interior will be given a warm welcome at Guthrie and other prominent cities in that section. He will spend most of the coming week in the southwest.

The directors of the Omaha club gave to Mrs. Hoagland for the Flower mission the large quantities of roses and carnations used in decorating the club house for the president and for the ladies of the presidential, army, navy and diplomatic parties. Mrs. Hoagland says that the gift was most welcome and that to the sick people in homes and hospitals to whom these flowers will go they will be doubly grateful.


Mrs, Geer of Oregon Succumbs to Attack of Asthma

The wife of Governor-elect T. T. Geer of Oregon died suddenly about 2 o'clock Thursday morning of asthma at the Barker. Mrs. Geer had a slight attack of asthma yesterday and remained in her room under the care of a physician. About 2 a. m. yesterday she experienced a severe attack and passed away before relief could be given her.

Mr. Geer started for Salem with the body on the Union Pacific yesterday afternoon.


People Jam the Auditorium and Cheer the Man Who Took Santiago.


Popular Hero Modestly Talks of His Successful Campaign.


Leader Calls it the Finest that Ever Marched Under Old Glory.


Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, Minister Wu Ting Fong, Minister Chin Pom Ye and Others Address a Great Audience.

Total Admissions Yesterday48,327
Total to Date2,111,969

Although this is civil government day, the celebration was largely governed by the patriotic inspiration of the preceding day, which marked the participation of the heroes of the army and navy. The presence of General Shafter, who arrived too late to participate in the army and navy exercises, was the feature of the day, and the civil affairs were overlooked in the sentiment that was inspired by the hero of Santiago. There was the same lavish outpouring of enthusiasm and the bright uniform of Uncle Sam's service were decidedly more conspicuous than the plainer attire of the civil officials who participated in the proceedings.

While the attendance was not quite equal to that of the day before, it was commensurate with the importance of the event and sufficient to keep the turnstiles clicking almost continuously. The proportion of Omaha people was exceptionally conspicuous, and this very nearly offset the departures of visitors from abroad.

The anticipated presence of General Shafter filled the Auditorium with a crowd that was as large and patriotic as the one that gave General Miles such an enthusiastic ovation the day before. Every seat was filled and hundreds of expectant people stood in the lobby and the vacant portions of the gallery. They were entertained by a short program by the Omaha Concert band until the speakers arrived. General Shafter and President Wattles headed the party and as soon as the blue and gold of the general's uniform was perceived the audience rose to its feet spontaneously and greeted him with an ovation of hand clapping and cheers. The band played a patriotic melody while the somewhat numerous party was being seated and then President Wattles introduced Rev. Newton M. Mann of Unity church, who delivered the invocation. General Shafter was introduced as the first speaker, and the crowd rose and cheered him again with a vigor that fairly shook the bunting that hung lavishly from arch and pillar.

General Shafter's Address.

General Shafter's address was a plain, matter-of-fact discussion of the Cuban campaign, and his simple presentation of the main events of the campaign was far more effective than the most exalted oratorical effort from one who had not participated in the struggle. He said in substance:

I regret that I am not able to express in fitting words my appreciation of the reception that I have received at your hands. For what little I may have done I have been rewarded far beyond my wildest dreams. I little thought that I should reach the highest rank when I marched away thirty-six years ago as a volunteer of infantry. The highest reward a soldier can receive is the gratitude and appreciation of his countrymen, and this I believe I now possess. Perhaps the most appropriate thing I can say is to give you a short history of the campaign in Cuba that has ended with so much honor to our arms. I was ordered to report at Washington and informed that I should lead the first expedition from the United States. I was ordered to Tampa with a view to making a reconnoisance​ in Cuba in force, but this plan was subsequently abandoned and we remained there ready for whatever service might be demanded. Then we were ordered to go and assist the fleet to capture the harbor and city of Santiago, and we embarked with an army of 17,000 men. We had absolutely no maps of Cuba, but I had with me a couple of men who were born at Santiago and guided by information I received from them I determined to land at the two points where I did. The result has convinced me that my judgment was correct. No army has ever gone from a temperate zone to the tropics without disaster, and for this reason I knew that the campaign must be pushed as rapidly as lay in human power and endurance. Although I had the best army that ever marched under the American flag, the climate was something awful. You who have never experienced its horrors can never realize them. I believed that we were strong enough to move on Santiago, and in three days I had landed the entire army. On June 25 we defeated the Spaniards in a sharp engagement. They had been accustomed to fighting men who were poorly fed and inadequately armed and they were astounded at the fighting qualities of our soldiers. It has been said that troops in trenches armed with breech-loading rifles could not be successfully assailed, but we proved the fallacy of that idea.

Capture of El Caney.

We then decided on the capture of El Caney and a division was detached to make the charge. I thought that we could take it in two hours, but it required from 10 o'clock in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. The Spaniards expected to be killed if they were captured, so most of them fought until they were killed and no prisoners were taken. We never advanced beyond the position that we won in that fight. The enemy came out the next morning to make an attack, but it was fruitless and only lasted an hour. Then the campaign was practically over. It was simply necessary to convince the Spanish commander that his case was hopeless. He eventually surrendered, and with our small army we had captured 23,376 prisoners, 12,000 of whom were beyond our reach. Why the Spaniards surrendered when they could have abandoned their position and kept up the war I do not yet understand, but I believe it was because they had been informed that the Spanisih​ government had decided to give up the fight and surrender their soldiers in the eastern part of the island.

The problem of that campaign was supplies. The fighting was the least part of it and the soonest over. There were times when the men were short. You who were in the civil war remember that there were many times during that conflict when we were short of rations, but then we could always forage. But in Cuba there was nothing to confiscate, and the army depended entirely on the supplies that were forwarded with the greatest difficulty over roads that were at times impassable. While most of the fighting in Cuba was done by the regular army, the volunteers did all they were required to do, and they did it like soldiers.

Meiklejohn's Remarks.

Hon. George D. Meiklejohn, assistant secretary of war, received a warm greeting from his fellow citizens of Nebraska. He said:

Fitting Celebration.

Mr. President and Fellow Citizens: This peace jubilee is a most fitting culmination of the achievements and successes of our army and navy on land and sea, in the recent war, which startled and thrilled the whole world. The protocol has been executed, hostilities have been suspended, 100,000 of the noble sons of our nation have gone to their homes, and our countrymen again turn their attention from war to the paths of peace and industry.

It is meet that we should thus celebrate the victories of war amid the products of art, agriculture, science and industry, in this exposition, and on this ground, which a third of a century ago was the playground of the children of the plains.

The peace jubilee in Chicago opens Sunday next with songs of praise and thanksgiving in 700 temples of worship, for the Divine guidance with which this nation has been blessed in its war of right, justice and humanity. Every man, woman and child throughout the land should return thanks to Him in whose hand is the destiny of men and nations for those incomparable successes and victories which have attended our army and navy. Every citizen should be thankful that it is his fortune to be permitted to live under such a beneficent government, where high and low, rich and poor, white and black, are guaranteed share and share alike in its conduct and administration. There is no government on the earth which can boast of such free and liberal institutions. A child reared in a humble and unpretentious American cottage may, under this government, be honored with a seat in the halls of congress, or the highest position in the gift of the people. The ladder of fame in this country has no rounds of title or royal blood. This is your government, the government of no caste, no class, but of the whole people. Henry Clay once said, "A government is a trust, its officers are trustees, and the trust and trustees are created for the benefit of the people."

The trustees of your government declared war for the honor of humanity, your gallant soldiers and sailors fought for humanity, and the treaty of peace will be in the best interest of humanity. When a republic arises in Cuba from the debris of a declining monarchy, with this government for its foster mother, it will be for humanity.

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It was but yesterday that we saw the chief executive of our government, McKinley, on a triumphal tour to your city and the west, where he was the recipient of one continual demonstration and ovation, and greeted by more than half a million of patriotic, God-fearing citizens, with manifestations on every hand of love, kindness and sympathy.

We love home because it is our home; we love country because it is our country; we love the president because he is our president; we love him because he is McKinley, and we love him because he is "The Great Commoner."

For Freedom and Humanity.

When this people looked from our shores across the sea and saw millions of the human family struggling, in the light of a free republic, under the heel of tyranny and oppression, with no ray of hope for freedom or liberty, this great government declared war; not for conquest of territory, not for gain, not for power, but for freedom and humanity.

When the president, in this great cause of right and justice, called for an army to battle for these principles, they came from the north, the south, the east, the west, and from the loyalty and patriotism of this nation in less than sixty days sprang an army of more than 20,000 men.

No state was more patriotic, and no state was more prompt in furnishing her quota of this great army than Nebraska, of which I am proud to be a citizen. In camp and in battle the sons of Nebraska have won laurels of which we may justly be proud. The Second regiment, who do me the honor to be present on this occasion, are entitled to the highest encomiums and commendations for their loyalty and patriotism. While not called to the front and subjected to the fire of the enemy, they, with the boys of the Third regiment, will always be crowned as heroes for their gallantry in offering themselves and their services to their country in this cause of the banishment of man's inhumanity to man. The love and sympathy of every citizen of this commonwealth goes out today to those noble sons who are beyond the shores of their home land.

When the order was made for the First regiment of Nebraska to go to the support of our flag in the Philippines there was not a murmur, not a sight, not a misgiving, but their watchword was "On to duty." When men like these, from the college, from the bank, from the farm and from the factory, go beyond the sea, where our noon is their midnight, to battle for rights guaranteed by the law of God, the perpetuation of this government is forever assured.

At no time in the history of this nation have more important affairs of state and greater and more grave responsibilities, the solutions of which will stamp all generations to come, been placed upon a president in the same period of time than those which have confronted McKinley since the advent of his administration. Every question and every issue has been met with that conscientious conviction, that calm and thoughtful deliberation, that great wisdom and sagacity, which have characterized him as the citizen, the soldier and the statesman.

The annals of history record no war parallel to the Hispano-American. War was declared, an army of a quarter of a million of men raised, armed and equipped, and fed, 50,000 of which were transported beyond the seas, one army 8,000 miles from our western shores; campaigns carried on by the army and navy simultaneously in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, the demolition of the Spanish navy, universal victories by land and sea, 20,000 taken prisoners, the cessation of hostilities, and one of the powers of the earth forced to sue for peace, all within a short period of less than four months.

Shame on Traducers.

It is a sad commentary that these brave officers and soldiers are returning to their own land with more honors accredited by the world than the army of any other nation only to find the poisoned shafts of partisan traducers. The glory won by them has been too great and too strongly impressed on the nations of the earth to have its brilliancy and luster bedimmed by those who would use the horrors of war for such ends.

The president of this nation is commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces. During this war he was commander-in-chief, not only in name, but in fact. The campaigns by land and sea were directed by him, and his constant and ceaseless watch for the honor of our nation and the welfare, comfort and protection of our hero soldiers and sailors reached from the early hours of morn into the beginning of another day. His close contact and relation with the departments of government have been such that his fund of information and knowledge of details is marvelous and phenomenal. His sorrow for the dead, and solicitude for the living, of these brave and courageous defenders of the rights of mankind, is that of a father.

To the secretary of war, to the secretary of the navy, to the major general commanding the army, the hero of Porto Rico, Miles, the hero of Santiago, Shafter, the hero of Manila, Merritt, to the gallant officers of the army and the navy and their intrepid men, belongs the honor and glory of the brilliant victory in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, unprecedented in all the world's history. The nation will ever sing songs of praise for the valor and gallantry of these sons of America. The bravery and courageousness of our officers and men astounded the world.

We have among our fallen heroes of the navy a Paul Jones, a Perry, a Farragut and a Porter, and now we have those living heroes—Dewey, Sampson and Schley.

Whenever the nation has wanted a man for the hour. When the country called for such men the people responded with Washington, Lincoln, Grant and Garfield. In this struggle for human rights the emergency called for one to direct the nation, and from seventy millions of people the masterful one was selected. It was his hand that guided us to victory, it was he who placed the nation among the first powers of the earth, the commander-in-chief of the army and navy, the president of the United States, McKinley.

Chinese Minister's Address.

Wu Ting Fong, the Chinese minister, was given a reception no less cordial, and his happy allusion to the fact that while the speakers who had preceded him were men whose duty it is to prepare for war, it is his mission to try and preserve peace, provoked another approving demonstration. Continuing, he spoke briefly of the manner in which the exposition had been brought to the attention of the Chinese government a year ago, and declared that his trip to Omaha had proved a most enjoyable experience. He had observed the vast extent of this country and the richness of its soil, but the greatest thing he had learned was at the exposition. He expressed wonder that a city only forty-five or fifty years old had proved to be one of the most prosperous cities he had ever seen. "I have seen many expositions," he added, "but this is the best I have ever seen. It shows the greatness of your country and the energy and perseverance of your people. As the representative of the oldest empire in the world, I greet you in its name and I hope we will some time be able to receive you in my own country." In conclusion he referred to the pleasant relations that exist between this country and China and expressed the hope that this pleasant condition may always continue.

From Korea and Cuba.

The Korean minister was next introduced, but as he is unfamiliar with the English language he simply arose and bowed to the audience. Hon. Gonzalo de Quesada, the Cuban charge d'affaires, followed and spoke in part as follows:

In the name of the youngest nation in the world, of the people who owe their progress to the greatest, it was my honor to salute the representatives yesterday. Today it is my same privilege to offer tribute to that soldier who went to my native land to suffer not only the bullets of the enemy, but that greater terror—disease. We shall ever remember that that sword was unsheathed for the liberty of our country.

I remember when I for the first time shook his hand. I remember when he departed for my country. I have again greeted him today. I find that for every pound of flesh he has lost he has gained many years of immortality.

I thank the United States for its army and navy. I could not leave this metropolis of the west without expressing my gratitude to the state of Nebraska. It was a representative of this state who first took the part of our oppressed country. It is agreeable to me to say that Cuba has never had a better friend than Senator Allen of Nebraska.

Who was it that explained from one end of this country to the other how our people, ill-clad and ill-armed, were dying of starvation? It was Senator Thurston. And when the mighty army of the American people struck for our redemption Cuba learned to love another Nebraskan. It was he who put in the shade the charge Balaklava, Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn. His heart is as big as the heart that should beat in such a manly bosom. Never has there been a hand outstretched from our island asking for a piece of bread that that has not been filled.

Today is devoted to peace—the eagle is at rest. May it be so until there is another country to be delivered from oppression. War is only to be excused when the veins of the nation are opened as they were at Lexington, at Gettysburg or Santiago. The Cubans have fought enough. There is not a flower in our land which does not grow from the tombs of our martyrs. But now a new republic arises. The Cubans will prove to the world that they have learned much from the United States. The time is coming when fair Columbia will greet the republic of Cuba, which will come to you with love and affection and tenderness. And when I bid you goodbye my voice chokes with gratitude and all I can say is thanks, thanks, to the great American nation.

Senator Thurston Closes.

The exercises closed with an address by Senator Thurston, who said:

We are gathered here on a day dedicated to civil government, the only guaranty of liberty, personal safety or national prosperity. Four written documents stand as the guaranty of the rights of the people. The first was the Magna Charta. Then history moved on and the second was the Declaration of Independence, but it was incomplete. It only meant that people of one race, one color, were free and independent. When Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation he rounded out the constitutional guaranty. But it referred to the people of our nation only. The United States issued a declaration of war against Spain and those who voted for it have no apologies and no regrets. It was God's war. The victories were God's victories. When [?] Santiago it meant a supremer destiny for the American people than we had ever anticipated in our lives before. It meant an American flag on every public building in the land, where it would appeal to all the world. Mother of Republics, her lullaby has been sung over every cradle in the world. The ancients believed in an Arcandian realm. This is that land. The centuries have given it to the human race, that those oppressed in other climes may here live free. Its hilltops glorify the goodness of Almighty God.

The exercises closed with "The Star Spangled Banner" played by the band, after which the distinguished visitors were lunched at the viaduct cafe.


Meeting Between the General and Geronimo a Most Affecting Scene.

Yesterday afternoon the number of distinguished visitors who witnessed the sham battle between the Indians was less than upon the previous day, but there were incidents that filled the occasion with features. There was the cementing of friendships between two great warriors, one white and the other red; there was an ovation given General Miles, the counterpart of which has never before been seen in this or any other country.

The grandstand was packed to its fullest capacity and the Indians were brought up, tribe by tribe, and reviewed; the chiefs were introduced, and then there was the grand presentation of the entire encampment, the warriors, squaws and children being marched up in front of the grand stand by Captain Mercer, who is in charge of the Indians. It was at this time that occurred the recognition that subsequently was the feature of the afternoon.

General Miles has been one of the greatest Indian fighters in the history of the country, and for more than a quarter of a century he was stationed at the outlying posts, engaging in all of the campaigns against the western and southern Indians. It was General Miles who captured Geronimo, the famous Apache chief, and negotiated the terms of surrender. He was also a leading spirit in quelling many of the uprisings that annoyed the early settlers along the borders of the states of the great west. Captain Mercer felt it would be a compliment to the general to line up before him all of the men who were once his enemies and who were hunted down by him and brought under control.

Welcomed by Geronimo.

At yesterday afternoon's battle General Miles and the members of his staff occupied front seats in the reserved section and as the population of the camp was lined up for review Geronimo looked up into the thousands of faces, apparently trying to locate a familiar one. His gaze swept the grand stand from end to end. Suddenly he turned his eyes toward the place where General Miles was sitting. He looked steadily at the general for perhaps a couple of minutes, and then dismounting from his horse, he started toward the seats. He brushed aside the crowd with his hands and was soon at the side of General Miles. Mustering the best English at his command, he extended his hand and exclaimed: "Now, general, I am glad to see you." The general reached for the extended hand, but suddenly it was withdrawn and instantly Geronimo clasped the white warrior in his embrace and hugged him as affectionately as would a father who had not seen his son for years. The embrace was returned by General Miles, and for several minutes the great chiefs stood there, neither saying a word. The head of Geronimo dropped over on General Miles' shoulder and the old man appeared as contented as a babe laying its head upon the breast of its mother.

Unclasping their arms, Geronimo grasped both of the general's hands in his and pumped them up and down in a most vigorous fashion and then let go, only to clasp them again. The greeting was a thing that was not understood by any except those who were close enough to grasp the whole situation. However, the real meaning was soon whispered through the great audience and then a cheer went up that echoed far and near and was taken up by the Indians and carried to the most remote parts of the camp.

After the friendly greeting between the two men, General Miles took from the coat that he was wearing the Peace Jubilee badge and pinned it to the blue uniform worn by Geronimo. The old chief looked at it in a most admiring way and simply responded "Good." After that the two men occupied chairs close together and both seemed deeply interested in the battle that ensued. After it was all over, Geronimo and General Miles, through the Apache interpreter, held a long conference, but to what it referred neither cared to say.

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American Horse Shakes Hands.

There was another incident in connection with the battle that was not on the regular card. American Horse, a man who has always been a power among the Sioux Indians and who has always been a staunch friend to the whites, happened to discover General Miles soon after the beginning of the battle. Droping​ his gun, he hurried into the grand stand and was soon greeting the general in a most cordial, though not affectionate manner.

American Horse has always been a great admirer of General Miles and has always referred to him as the Great White Chief who has always been a friend to the Indian. He had not seen the general for a number of years and it was the desire to meet him that brought him from his home 500 miles away.

After the battle the white men and women was just as anxious to meet General Miles as had been the two Indian chiefs and there was nothing for him to do but to hold a reception. There was loud calls for him and he stepped down to the rail at the foot of the seats. Here, however, it was that the Indians stole a march on their white brothers and sisters, for as soon as the general stepped upon the ground he was surrounded by the Indians, men, women and children, and the whites were crowded back. Each member of the camp felt that he or she had a personal duty to perform and that duty was to shake the hand of the general. Each one, no matter whether they were great or small, received a hearty grasp of the hand and a kind word. The ceremony having been complete, three cheers for the general were proposed and they were given with a hearty good will, but in thirty or forty different dialects. Another round of cheers were proposed and given, after which the Indians who had remaining cartridges in their guns, fired a volley into the air and dispersed.

The Indians having left the grounds, General Miles was surrounded by his white friends and for half an hour a most enjoyable reception was held out in the open air, under the trees in front of the quarters occupied by Captain Mercer. Old comrades who had fought under the general pressed around him and congratulated him upon his brilliant success during the recent war with Spain. Neighbors who had known him when he was stationed in Omaha renewed the acquaintance, while hundreds who had only known him by reputation, crowded forward to grasp his hand.


Two Successful Ascensions Made Under Direction of Captain Yancey.

Two ascensions of the war balloon were made at the exposition grounds yesterday afternoon. As General W. A. Greeley, the chief signal officer of the army, was visiting the exposition with General Miles, he was naturally more interested in the signal corps exhibit here than any other feature, and one of the ascensions was made by him.

The first ascension was at 5 p. m. Miss Adola Greeley, General Greeley's daughter, was taken up in the veteran war balloon that was used at Santiago de Cuba, being accompanied by Captain A. W. Yancey, the officer in command of the signal corps at the grounds. The second ascension was made by General Greeley himself with Lieutenant W. M. Talbott of the corps. It was demonstrated that the balloon is a necessary aid to successful warfare.

General Greeley expressed himself as highly pleased with the operation of the balloon. While he regretted that the weather would not always permit of such successful ascensions he hoped that there would be enough of them made to convince the public of the utility of the balloon in war.

At Santiago this balloon was the first means of locating the enemy, being therefore of great service to the general commanding. Lieutenant Talbott is just back from Porto Rico and is an experienced signal corps man. He operated the war balloon at the World's fair.


Fighting Man from Santiago Gets a Hearty Welcome in Omaha.


Impromptu Levee at the Hotel Before Starting for Exposition Grounds Shows How Popular He is and How Approachable.

General William R. Shafter, the popular hero of Santiago, was welcomed to Omaha by quite a crowd at the Burlington station this morning as he stepped off the train from Chicago. There was not such a jam of people as there was at the same station twenty-four before, when President McKinley left the city, but still the visiting general knew from the number assembled that he was cordially welcomed.

The soldier who was in charge of the American land forces in the Santiago campaign did not appear so immense as the pen pictures from Cuba had painted him. Several of the spectators commented on this fact. He did not show any apparent signs of his recent illness, his eyes were bright and a most genial countenance appeared under a thick head of beautiful iron-gray hair. The general was attired in the fatigue uniform of the regular army, and was accompanied by these members of his personal staff: Major R. H. Noble, Captain S. M. Brice, Lieutenant W. A. Phillipi and Dr. George Goodfellow, all of the United States army.

General Shafter and his staff were met at the station by President Wattles of the exposition directory and General Manager Clarkson of the exposition. The party drove directly to the Paxton hotel, where a number of rooms on the second floor, overlooking Farnam street, had been reserved for the distinguished visitor and his staff. They went to breakfast at 9 o'clock, and as they sat in the dining room, the corridor of the Paxton quickly became crowded with representative citizens and strangers, anxious to catch a glimpse of the famous fighter, and to shake him by the hand, if possible.

Holds an Impromptu Levee.

It was quite possible, for when General Shafter came out of the dining-room, somewhat before 10 o'clock, he very graciously received all who came up to greet him, shaking hands with all and chatting with those who had something more than "Good morning" to say. One old man, plainly from a rural district, said: "Howdy, General Shafter. I just wanted to shake you by the hand. I knowed you by your pictures."

"Thank you," replied the general. "You did very well to remember me from the awful looking pictures some of the papers have printed. Some of those pictures were the worst things that came out of Cuba."

Then he turned to pleasantly greet a young woman who was so glad to see him that she almost gushed. This nettled the general, and he quickly said "Good morning" to her in order to shake hands with a veteran of the war of the rebellion, who had put on his Grand Army uniform in honor of the occasion. Then there were a number of the business and professional men of the city who stopped to shake hands with General Shafter and tell him they were proud of the honor he had conferred on Omaha by his visit. "How long will you be with us, general?" inquired one of them.

"We shall be here until tomorrow evening, and I want to put in as much of the time as possible in seeing your fair. They all say its a great show. Is it a street fair?"

This query rather dazed the oldest inhabitants, who looked askance while waiting for their breath to return. Finally one of them got ahold of his voice and spoke up: "Oh, my, no. It covers over 100 acres on a handsome tract of ground, like the World's fair, you know."

"Oh, yes, of course," responded General Shafter, who plainly had not been posted by his exposition hosts. "You really must excuse me for not knowing better, but I've been out of the country and quite busy, so that I've not had a chance to read much about your fair. But I'll know it better when I get through it." The matter that looked so bad for the general at the start was so nicely explained that the farmer nodded to the old citizen, and they quietly agreed that General Shafter was all right.

It was a few minutes after 10 o'clock when the general, accompanied by the members of his staff, took carriages at the Paxton and drove over to the Millard hotel to pay their respects to Major General Nelson A. Miles. A brief call there was followed by the trip to the exposition grounds.


Commander of the Army Looks in on the Commander of the Department of the Missouri.

Major General Nelson A. Miles called on General Sumner, commanding the Department of the Missouri, U. S. A., at army headquarters in The Bee building this morning shortly before noon. It was an official call, but everyone in the big building was interested in his coming, and the elevator boys were giving tips about the expected arrival a quarter of an hour before the handsome form of the senior major general of the army was seen coming toward the doorway. There was no demonstration, though the distinguished visitor was gazed upon by an admiring throng.

The call at army headquarters was brief, not lasting over ten minutes. General Miles was cordially welcomed by General Sumner and escorted to the latter's office, where the two generals talked of the war and the exposition for several minutes. Then General Miles walked through the corridors of the army floor and looked through some of the army offices. He left just as the whistles were blowing the noon hour and was driven to meet General Shafter.

At 2 o'clock this afternoon General Miles and General Sumner, accompanied by several other officers and their staff officers, left Webster street station for Fort Crook, the post of the Twenty-second regiment of the regular infantry. A special train of the Missouri Pacific carried the party to the post to spend the afternoon. After the inspection of Fort Crook the party of distinguished officers will return to Omaha.


Railroads Announce the Far for the Next Three Big Events.


Odd Fellows, United Workmen and Germans Favored by the Tariff and Then the State Day Drops in for Its Share.

Well satisfied with the enormous attendance of visitors to the exposition during the Peace Jubilee the railroads entering the city have just agreed on a low line of rates for the first three week days of next week. Monday, October 17, will be celebrated as Odd Fellows' day. Tuesday, October 18, has been dedicated to the Ancient Order of United Workmen and German day. Wednesday, October 19, will be set apart for Nebraska.

For these three days the railroads have made lower rates than for the Peace Jubilee, and conservative judges of passenger traffic expect that the total attendance of the three days will equal the total attendance of any three days of the present week.

For October 17 and 18 the round trip rate to Omaha from all points within 200 miles of this city and return will be 80 per cent of the regular one-way rate. The minimum excursion rates for these days will be $1. Tickets will be sold by ticket agents of all railroads at points within 200 miles of Omaha on October 15, 16, 17 and for trains arriving here on the morning of October 18. The final return limit will be Thursday, October 20. The reduced rates for Monday and Tuesday, Odd Fellows and United Workmen days respectively, will apply in Iowa as well as in Nebraska.

The rate for Nebraska day, October 19, will be 80 per cent of the regular one-way fare for the round trip to Omaha from all stations in Nebraska within 100 miles of Omaha. From all other stations in Nebraska the round trip to Omaha will be at the rate of 1 cent per mile in each direction. The maximum limit on the Nebraska day tickets will be $7.50. From the great majority of stations in Nebraska the round trip fare to Omaha and return will be less than $5. The tickets for Nebraska day will be sold by all ticket agents on October 17, 18 and for trains arriving here on the morning of October 19. The limit on these excursion tickets will be five days from the date of sale.

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Keeping a Family of Four on an Income of Fifty Cents a Day.


Dr. Lankton Talks on the Question of Sanitation in the Home—Some Potent Causes for Ill Health.

Mrs. MacMurphy opened the morning session of the Household Economic association with an interesting lecture on how a family of four can live on 50 cents a day. From personal experience, Mrs. MacMurphy said that she knew that it was possible for a family of two to keep a cottage of five rooms, provide all necessary food and pay a woman to scrub and wash, for a little less than $3.00 a week. Since that time study and observation have shown her that one person can live comfortably on $1 a week.

As a sample day's food for the family of four, which was to cost but 50c, she selected for dinner a chatreuse​ of beef or mutton—meaning beef or mutton chopped fine and covered with rice—stewed tomatoes, whole wheat bread and butter, a cereal pudding and cereal coffee. For supper, mush and milk and baked apples, milk for the children and tea or cereal coffee. For breakfast whatever fruit is cheap in summer and in winter some sub-acid fruit like prunes, a hash made from the remains of the dinner and whatever chopped beef was left over, creamed potatoes and coffee, preferably cereal. Then Mrs. MacMurphy went into the details of the cooking. One point she called particular attention to was that it was better to use butterine than poor butter. In proof of her assertion that all this could be purchased for 50 cents the following list was given:

Two pounds of beef (for soup) at 6c.12
One-half can tomatoes at 10c. 5
One-third pound of butter at 15c. 5
Loaf of bread 3
Pudding 1
Coffee 2
Mush 1
Baked apples 3
Prunes or grapes 3
Potatoes 2
Milk, one and one-half quarts at 4c. 6
Real coffee 3
Sugar 4

In her opinion a couple could buy and furnish a home and support themselves and two children on an income of $60 a month.

A lively discussion followed these remarks, and many a young housekeeper asked Mrs. MacMurphy for recipes and advice.

An address on "How Every Woman May Become a Sanitarian" was given by Dr. F. M. Lankton of this city. The doctor said that many a woman who was scrupulously clean in the care of her house was positively filthy in regard to the care of her body. Women's chief fault is in sleeping in close rooms without proper ventilation, and in not bathing often enough. Great danger lies in that the dirt which is removed, while being real dirt, is far less injurious to the body than that which is left. The kerosene lamp turned low at night is women's greatest curse, in the doctor's mind. The oil does not have proper combustion and consequently exhales a disagreeable odor besides bad gases, and if the room be closed the danger is incalculable. The one way to improve these conditions is to teach the children hygiene and the necessity of keeping their bodies properly clean. The rest of the doctor's talk was taken up with examples and cases in her experience.

A general discussion suplemented​ with questions and demonstrations occupied the remainder of the meeting.

This afternoon papers will be read on: "The Relation of Woman to the Labor Problem," by Mrs. Maude H. Lacy, St. Louis, Mo.; "Economy of Time, Money and Labor," by Mrs. James D. Whitmire, Denver, Colo.; "The Necessity of Instructing Children Concerning Their Prospective Conjugal and Parental Duties," by Susa Young Gates, Provo City, Utah. Discussion led by Mrs. Emma F. Van Vechten, Cedar Rapids, Ia.

Training School for Women.

The first part of the afternoon yesterday was devoted to the Household Economic association. Mrs. Robert Cotton of Falkland, N. C., opened the meeting with an earnest plea for the bill which is pending in congress for the establishment of a national training school for women to be situated at Washington. Then Miss I. D. Bullard, who is connected with the Armour institute in Chicago, spoke on "Household Economics in the Schools." She said that this was far from being a useless study, as some people claimed, as the physical and mental strength [?] depend on the body [?] Therefore the knowledge of how to prepare wholesome food and of good sanitation is important. Oftentimes women feel the need of exact and scientific knowledge on these matters and the benefit of such schools would be incalculable. At present in Chicago there are eleven schools where women, young and old, can learn how to sew, cook, make dresses and home nursing. The great difficulty encountered was in finding proper teachers, but this was finally overcome, and plans are now being made for several more such schools.

Miss E. F. Marshall gave some interesting plans about the Kosminski school, a sister of the Armour institute.

Mrs. W. K. James of St. Joseph, Mo., told the women how they could be the most useful and successful. A high ideal of our duty to others will make us useful; a high ideal of our duty to ourselves will make us successful and we cannot be successful unless we are useful. The work in the world must be done by men and women. Adaptation and necessity make this division, for we have to deal with the matter of fact man and woman, not the extraordinary. The women should be taught how to make their homes attractive, their children obedient, their husbands happy. One of the greatest questions is that of the mistress and the maid, and to this the women and training schools should give special attention.

At the close of Mrs. James's address, Mrs. Shailer invited the National Household Economic association and the General and State Federation of Women's Clubs to hold their annual convention in New York City next October. Mrs. Shailer pointed out a long list of problems which the present century presents to the housekeeper, and then Mrs. S. H. Platt of Denver spoke most entertainingly and sensibly on the necessity of being practical in all these matters, of teaching the children in these modern schools what will be of real use in their after lives and not filling their heads with theories and senseless folderol.

Federation Takes Its Turn.

And then came the federation's turn. Miss H. L. Connor of Nebraska City played a most ambitious violin obligato, after which the federation listened to several papers. The first was by Mrs. Selwyn Douglass of Oklahoma City on "Pioneer Club Life." It was a graphic description of the opening of the territory and the driving out of the Indians, ending in a pathetic story of the endeavor and success of the brave pioneer women in establishing clubs and elevating the general morality.

With a description of club life and work in California by Mrs. W. L. Moore of Santa Barbara the meeting closed.

Last evening the members of the Omaha Woman's club tendered a reception to all the visiting club women in the city at the club rooms. Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, Mrs. Sarah H. Platt, Mrs. Philip N. Moore, Mrs. Emma A. Fox, Mrs. George W. Kendrick, Mrs. C. P. Barnes, Mrs. Ella Stoutenborough, all officers of the National Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the Omaha Woman's club, received. About 100 of the club women attended. The rooms were tastefully decorated with palms and American flags and over the rostum​ was a picture of President McKinley surrounded by flags.

All the distinguished club women in the city were present, among whom were Mrs. E. Henrotin, Mrs. Theodore Birney, Mrs. M. V. Shailer, Mrs. F. M. Ford, Mrs. H. H. Heller, Mrs. W. P. Harford, Miss Helen Cole, Mrs. S. Douglass, Mrs. S. R. Peters and Mrs. McMullen.

Tide of Travel Flows Back and Forth in Steady Streams Through Omaha.

Travel in and out of Omaha continues heavy. The great crowds of Nebraskans, Iowans and Kansans that were here to greet President McKinley are going home by the thousand, but a remarkably large number of other visitors from the same states are coming in to fill their places. It is interesting to watch a railroad company start a long line of empty coaches towards Omaha from western stations in order to accommodate the homeward bound travel from here, and long before the coaches reach this city they will be very well filled with more exposition visitors. Thus the two crowds about the passenger stations neutralize each other.

The prospect of a large daily attendance at the exposition for the next few days is good. Friday's arrivals were not so numerous as on the previous days of this week, but at any other season they would have been regarded as immense. On Saturday the railroads expect to bring in several thousand school children from all over the state to help celebrate Children's day. The Union Pacific is going to run a special train for the children from Stromsburg to Omaha. Fifteen cars have already been ordered for the train, which will arrive here at 12:30 p. m. Another special of fifteen cars over the Union Pacific will arrive here on Saturday noon from Manhattan, Kan. It will carry the students of the agricultural college at Manhattan, who are to spend a couple of days at the exposition. The Burlington has arranged to bring in a large party of school children from Table Rock, Neb., and intermediate points on Saturday.


Railroads Begin to Drop the Fare to Catch the Waiting Travel.


Two Days for Iowa People to Come to Omaha for Little More Than Their Time—Other Lines in the Movement.

The passenger men of the Omaha terminal lines who have succeeded in keeping up rates thus far during the exposition are to drop the rates to a point within the reach of all during the last week of October. The reduced rates already announced for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week are away below anything offered to Omaha by the railroads during Jubilee week. What these rates will do to move the thousands who want to see the big show before it closes will be the rates that will be put in during the last week.

General Western Agent Fred A. Nash of the Milwaukee road this afternoon received a telegram from the general passenger department of the company in Chicago announcing that the lowest rates that have ben​ offered during the exposition will be put into effect for Wednesday and Thursday, October 26 and 27, and the company is making plans to move all that part of Iowa that borders on its line into Omaha on these days.

The telegraphic announcement received is as follows: "We have just agreed with the Iowa lines to run special cheop​ excursion trains into Omaha from points as far east as Mississippi termini on Tuesday night, October 25. The rate from all Mississippi river points will be $5 for the roun dtrip​; from Cedar Rapids, $3.50; from Des Moines, $2.50, with rates from intermediate graded proportionately.

"The excursion tickets will be good going only on special trains. They will be good to return on regular trains on October 26 and 27 and on the special train to leave Omaha on the night of October 27. A special train from Des Moines will start on the morning of October 26 and arrive in Omaha at 11:30 a. m. The special train from the main line will arrive in Omaha on Wednesday moning​ at 6:30 a. m. We are anxious to make October 26 and 27 big Iowa days and will co-operate with the exposition management for advertising it extensively."

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Jubilee Attendance At Exposition Passes Three Hundred Thousand.


Saturday Passes the Mark Set for the Day by New York.


Thousands of the Youngsters Run About Grounds and Buildings.


Innes' Band to Lead a Multitude of Youthful Vocalists in a Grand Patriotic Song Service on the Plaza.

Total Admissions Yesterday31,875
Total to Date2,145,227

The final celebration of the Peace Jubilee promises to be scarcely less successful than those that preceded it and today's crowd will carry the total attendance for the week over the 300,000 mark. The total attendance during the first six days of the week was 277,666, or an average daily of 46,278. Today's record will reduce the average slightly, but it will exceed the 22,500 that is required to complete the third hundred thousand.

The last day of the Jubilee is devoted entirely to the children and there are thousands of them on the grounds. A large proportion of the membership of the public schools is spending the Saturday holiday in the pleasant sunshine and among the beauties of the exposition and as most of them are accompanied by their parents the local crowd is proportionately larger than on any day during the week. But although the bulk of the Jubilee visitors have gone home a surprising number of out-of-town people remain. Hundreds of family parties drove in from the surrounding country this morning, attracted by the beauty of the day, and the morning trains brought in a large number of visitors from nearby points to spend a day or two at the fair. While the early morning crowd did not indicate more than an ordinary attendance, after 9 o'clock the arrivals multiplied and from then to noon the rush of the last few days was very nearly duplicated. The street cars were again crowded and the large proportion of children made each load count heavily at the turnstiles. There was a continuous stream of arrivals passing through each of the entrances and the grounds filled up at a rate that indicated that the Saturday record of 26,067, which was made New York day, would be broken, with a few thousands to spare.

There was no formal celebration this morning, but at 4 o'clock this afternoon the children will unite with Innes' band in a big concert on the Plaza and each boy and girl who participates will be presented with a handsome souvenir badge. Tomorrow the 25-cent admission and the concerts by Innes' band in the afternoon and evening will be the main attractions of the day.


Head of the Live Saving Service at the Exposition to Leave.

Captain H. M. Knowles, who has been in charge of the exhibit of the United States Life Saving service since its installation will leave for his station at Wakefield, R. I., Monday. He will be succeeded by Lieutenant C. H. McClellan, who was originally detailed by the Treasury department to come to Omaha, but who was sent to the front when the war broke out. Captain Knowles asked the Treasury department to relieve him some days ago on account of the importance of his presence in his district at this season. This is the busy season in the life saving service, as all stations are being overhauled and equipment prepared for the stormy period that is approaching.

Captain Knowles will take with him a very handsome gold-headed cane as a testimonial of the esteem of his crew. This was presented to his this morning. It bears the inscription, "Captain H. M. Knowles, from United States Life Saving crew, Omaha, Neb., 1898."

Lieutenant McClellan has just been detailed to Omaha after returning from participation in the Cuban campaign. He says that the Spaniards had at least an admirably equipped and efficient signal service. They were especially expert at heliograph and smoke signaling and every movement of the American troops that could be observed was signaled with exceptional success. When the United States signal service corps was patrolling the beach they found that their movements were signaled with uniform accuracy. If the patrol turned to the east two quick flashes revealed the fact and were answered from the fortifications. If they turned to the west one flash conveyed the information. The Americans experimented a good deal along the line and soon got so they could understand the Spanish signals as well as the dons themselves. Lieutenant McClellan says that his observation was that the Spaniards were always ready to fight, but his experience with the Cubans did not give him a very high opinion of them.


Wichita Indian Actually Gets Hurt During the Sham Battle.

The next time that Little Horn, a Wichita Indian, goes into a sham battle and exhausts his supply of ammunition and then falls down and plays the part of a deceased warrior he will select a place on the field of carnage where the horses will not tramp all over him as the riders charge back and forth. Yesterday in the sham battle fought for the amusement and entertainment of General Shafter Little Horn made the mistake of his life by dropping over on the ground just at a point where a dozen horses stepped on him before he could get out of the way. As a result of this display of poor judgment upon the part of Little Horn he is in the Emergency hospital, cut and bruised in a dozen places.

At yesterday's battle General Shafter and a number of other army officers occupied front seats in the reviewing stand and with a great deal of interest witnessed the fight between the Sioux and their allies and the Blackfeet and their allies. As has frequently happened before the Sioux were commanded by Goes-to-War and the destinies of the Blackfeet and the men who had cast their lot with them were looked after by Big Brave. It was the same old story. General Shafter has seen all kinds of fighting, but the battle of yesterday was something new. After the last shot had been fired Captain Mercer lined all of his Indians, both young and old, male and female, up in front of the reviewing stand. There they gave three rousing cheers for the general, who climbed down from the reserved seat section to be the principal in holding the reception. Geronimo was the first to be introduced and he received a hearty shake of the hand. Then came American Horse, Big Brave, Natches, Crow Dog, White Swan and scores of other big men. By this time the general discovered that one hand was not enough and commenced to use the other, bringing both into action. This continued until he had greeted every Indian in the camp and spoken kind words to all.

The white people were just as anxious to meet General Shafter as were the Indians and after the reception of the red men he mounted the steps of the grandstand and there spent half an hour receiving the men and women who clustered about him.

Speaking of the sham battle, General Shafter said it was one of the most interesting things observed during his long military career.


Enthusiastic Gathering of Women and Their Friends.

At the Nebraska building the women of the Women's Relief Corps held a celebration at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The exercises were held in the main rotunda of the building, and were heard by an audience of complimentary proportions, in which old soldiers and their families were in a majority. A number of excellent addresses were mingled with enjoyable vocal selections by Lee G. Kratz and Miss Frances Roeder.

Mayor Frank E. Moores welcomed the organization to Omaha in a brief address, in which he spoke earnestly of the invaluable services that they had performed for their country both in the 60s and during the more recent war. He presented them with the golden key to the city and assured them that no body that had visited the city was received with a more cordial welcome.

Mrs. Abbie A. Adams of Superior, department president for Nebraska, added a very graceful greeting in behalf of the department, and these sentiments were recognized in an appropriate manner by Mrs. Rosalie B. Condon.

The principal address was by Mrs. Flo Jameson Miller, national president of the organization, who spoke with much feeling and not a little eloquence. President Miller said that on the preceding day while the achievements of the army and navy were being extolled, she had waited in vain to hear one of the orators say a word in behalf of the women. It was left to the Cuban, Senor Quesada, to pay a well deserved tribute to what had been done by American womanhood in this decisive struggle. She added that she did not wish to detract from the honors that had been won by the American soldiers and sailors, but she did wish to emphasize the heroic sacrifices and services of American women.

The speaker then referred briefly to the history of warfare in this country and especially to the civil war, in which their organization had its birth. This conflict revolutionized all ideas of war on land and sea. Ground was won and lost and won again and nothing in history has ever equaled it. War is no new thing. Every century has been ushered in by a great conflict, and heroes have been cradled in the lap of every age. The civil war was the first that had been waged from motives of humanity. In previous conflicts ambition had lighted the fuse, but every gun from Sumter to Appomattox echoed the declaration that God was tired of slaves. She commented on the galaxy of heroes that the war had left to the country and on how few of them were left. The Cuban war had also been inspired by motives of humanity and its heroes are still with us.


Exhibitors Decline for Some Reason to Go Ahead with Competition.

Owing to a misunderstanding between some of the exhibitors and the management the ring showing of the live stock was discontinued yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The next exhibit was to have been sweepstakes by ages, beef breeds. The entries included several fine specimens of Shorthorns, Herefords, Galloways and Guernseys.

The trouble arose over the selection of judges. These were three in number, two of whom were to decide on the awards if any conclusion could be reached between them and the third was to act as a referee in case of disagreement. As the competition for premiums in this exhibit was expected to be close, those interested were very solicitous that no shadow of prejudice should exist in the minds of those delegated to do the judging. Some of them believed that the judges selected might be inclined to be partial and hesitated to show their animals. Consequently Commissioner Dinsmore decided to postpone the showing until this morning, when he hoped that all differences will be adjusted.

Besides the competition for the sweepstakes by ages the program for today includes rings of Merino sheep, Essex swine and Victorias. Awards were made yesterday in Hampshire sheep, jacks, mules and small Yorkshire swine.

Music Last Night and Today.

Innes' third Symphonic concert last night was attended by an audience which packed the big Auditorium, and which rewarded the magnificent playing of the organization with unstinted enthusiasm. Among the more noticeable numbers were the Easter hymn and intermezzo, from "Cavalleria Rusticana," and the "Lohengrin" fantasia, which concluded with the famous quintet played by Messrs. Kenney, Wacker, Zimmerman and the Perfetto brothers. Saint Saens weird "Danse Macabre" aroused the immense audience to a fever of applause, and one of the most enjoyable concerts of the series was brought to a conclusion by the rendition of Haendal's hallelujah chorus, which was splendidly given by the Exposition chorus.

The exposition will be made bright today with the happy faces of thousands of children, in whose honor Bandmaster Innes has arranged a special program. All the children will be admitted for the sum of fifteen cents, and each one of them taking part in the singing of the patriotic songs which are to be given is to receive a splendid souvenir of the occasion. Innes is very enthusiastic over the prospects of the entertainment and is sure it will be a great success.

All children desiring to participate should, if practicable, assemble in the Auditorium this morning at 9:30 o'clock for the grand rehearsal, which is to take place under the direction of the famous band master.

The night concert will witness a reproduction of the spectacular "Anvil Chorus," which is repeated in response to an overwhelming demand. The regular Sunday afternoon concert will take place in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock tomorrow, and Innes had made up a program which he thinks sufficiently diverse to please all tastes.

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Preparing for Nebraska Day.

All the people connected with the Nebraska exhibits are making extensive preparations for the observance of Nebraska day, which has been set for October 19, at which time it is contended that not less than 50,000 people from the state will be in attendance. There will be exercises at the Auditorium, but as yet the program has not been completed. The railroads have made a low rate for the occasion and this alone, it is said, will bring in a crowd that will be a record breaker, leaving Presidential day out of consideration.

One feature of Nebraska day, however, has gone upon the card and that will be the free distribution of apples from the state space in the Horticulture building. Superintendent Youngers, together with Assistant Nowns and Marshall and Superintendent Walker of the Douglas county exhibit, have worked up the scheme and have 500 barrels of the finest Nebraska-grown apples that will be given away. The varieties are Grimes' Golden, Willow Twigs, Northern Spies and all of the best kinds of fall fruit.

Leopard Trainer Badly Clawed.

Mme. Canniac, the woman at Hagenback's who appears in the ring with a couple of presumably tame leopards, had a thrilling experience with one of the animals yesterday morning. She was standing in front of their cage when one of them reached out with one paw and, burying its claws in her shoulder, drew her up to the bars of the enclosure, while with the other paw it reached for her head. She screamed and several of the people about the place hurried to the woman's assistance, beating the leopard off with clubs and forks. During all of the time the other leopard in the cage sat up on a shelf and calmly watched the proceedings. Mme. Canniac's left shoulder, arm and hand were terribly lacerated.

North Dakota's Exhibit.

During the next day or two a big consignment of vegetables and farm produce is expected from North Dakota. Colonel Lounsberry, president of the commission, who is in the city, says that before leaving home he arranged to have the best of the exhibits of the state fair held at Mandan and from the county fair held at Grand Forks sent on for exhibition purposes. Since reaching here he has received word that the stuff is in transit and is due to arrive at any time. The exhibit, the colonel says, is the best ever made by the state and will surprise some of the people who have an idea that nothing but wheat can be raised up in that country.

Utah Showing Fruit.

Utah has added to its fruit exhibit in the Agriculture building. Te​ state made no provision for space in the Horticulture building, and consequently it is showing its orchard and vineyard products along with the grain and other exhibits. The fruit exhibit contains peaches, prunes, plums and pears, together with a dozen varieties of grapes. The exhibit is very fine and is attracting considerable attention.

Second Nebraska Attends.

About 100 members of the Second Nebraska volunteers came down from Fort Meiklejohn yesterday morning to assist in welcoming General Shafter. They filed into the Auditorium while the general was delivering his address and their arrival was signalized by hearty applause from the crowd. After the exercises most of the soldiers remained on the grounds and enjoyed themselves until they were compelled to return to barracks.


5 a. m.53
6 a. m.52
7 a. m.53
8 a. m.54
9 a. m.59
10 a. m.62
11 a. m.65
12 m.68
1 p. m.70
2 p. m.71
3 p. m.71

For Nebraska—Fair, with showers in northeast portion and colder in western portion tonight; fair and colder.

For Missouri—Fair, with showers tonight in southwest portion; Sunday fair, with showers in northeast portion; warmer tonight and Sunday in southeast portion.

For Iowa—Showers tonight and Sunday; colder in extreme west Sunday; warmer in southeast portion tonight and Sunday.

For Kansas—Showers tonight, with colder in northwest portion; Sunday fair, with colder in southeast portion.


Jury of Awards for the Exposition Has Organized for Work.


Members Hold a Preliminary Meeting and Attend to Some Minor Matters—Nature of the Rules Governing the Awards.

A preliminary meeting was held in the rooms of the Commercial club last evening by the jury of awards of the exposition, Manager E. E. Bruce of the Department of Exhibits presiding in the absence of the chairman of the awards committee, J. M. Woolworth. Of the eighty jurors nearly half were present. The superintendents of the different departments were also on hand to offer their suggestions as to the facilitation of the work of judging. It was decided to commence judging at once and the jury will, therefore, get together at 9 o'clock this morning at the Department of Exhibits on the grounds and proceed to examine the different exhibits. The expectation is that the work will be finished by Wednesday at the utmost.

The personnel of the jury is a picked one. David T. Day of the United States geological survey at Washington, who is the superintendent of the Mineral department, says it is the best one he has seen so far and he was largely instrumental in selecting the Nashville jury. Superintendent H. B. Hardt of the Department of Exhibits prepared the present list from his wide knowledge of men fitted for this purpose and also formulated a set of rules to govern the jury. Every transmississippi state is represented, he says, and the list includes a number of ex-governors and men of national reputation. Such men as ex-Governor Furnas of this state are on it and Major H. C. Ward and F. W. Clarke of the government board.

In general the jury will go about its labors in groups of three, though there are some specialties which, requiring experts, will be determined by one man each in his particular line. The recommendations of the jurors will be made to the general committee on awards as fast as arrived at. One of the jurors in each section has been picked by the exhibitors, the second by the committee on awards and the third by the two acting in conjunction with the committee. Within the last few days they have all been notified and with but few exceptions they are all here.

Rules for the Jury.

According to the rules the jurors will be reimbursed for their traveling expenses and their hotel bills while here but otherwise their appointment is purely honorary. Manager Bruce says it was surprising how few declined to serve.

No exhibit will be allowed to compete for awards which had not been placed on exhibition by June 1 unless the exhibitor is able to prove that there were good reasons for its delay. From this rule, however, perishable articles were exempted.

The general classification is to follow the official catalogue, but jurors may subdivide classes and recommend awards in each of the subdivisions. Collective exhibits are to be judged as single exhibits, though upon due notice to the awards committee they may be divided and the parts judged separately. If divided they will not be eligible as collective exhibits. Statements may be filed with the jurors by the exhibitor setting forth the particular merits of their respective exhibits.

There is also a provision in the rules for appeals. The method of appeal is for any exhibitor so desiring to lodge his complaint with the superintendent within forty-eight hours after the publication of the award at the head office of the committee in the Manufactures' building gallery, each appeal, however, to be accompanied by $10 to go toward a special fund for the remuneration of experts called in to give evidence.

The recommendations of the jury are to be sealed up in an envelope by the superintendent to be passed upon finally by the awards committee.


Morning Trains on All the Roads Bring Large Delegations.


Range Runs from Eight to Sixty Years and All Are Bent on Seeing the Exposition and Other Omaha Attractions.

Saturday is not usually considered a big day by railroad men for crowds of exposition visitors, but this morning's trains had many extra cars attached to them, they were all crowded and several special trains supplemented the work of the regular train service in bringing in folks to see the big show.

The Uunion​ Pacific brought in two heavy excursion trains, on each of which there were about 1,000 persons. The first to arrive was from Stromsburg, Neb., and intermediate points on the Omaha & Republican Valley branch. It pulled into the union shed at 11:35 a. m. with thirteen cars back of one of the Omaha-built engines, and there was scarcely a vacant seat to be seen in any of the cars. The second excursion train over the Union Pacific did not get in until a little after 2 o'clock this afternoon on account of the crowds at points along the line. The train started from Manhattan, Kan., with several hundred pupils of the Agricultural college there and filled up rapidly between that town and the Exposition city.

The Burlington had two long trains in from the west this morning a few minutes before 11 o'clock. The first carried fourteen coaches and the second had twelve, and all of the cars were filled. On the first train was the excursion of persons supposed to be children who came to the exposition from Table Rock, Neb., and intermediate points to help celebrate Children's day. If they were children when they left home they developed into men and women very rapidly when they got aboard the train. They ranged from 18 years of age up, comparatively few being of school age. A notable exception was found in two special cars attached to the first Burligton​ train. These were occupied by eighty-six pupils of the Central Christian Sunday school of Lincoln, in charge of Superintendent N. K. Griggs.

The Milwaukee came in from the east with a double-header and three special cars were attached to the regular train from Chicago for the benefit of a party of sixty civil engineers and their wives. Among the engineers were noticed the following: Alfred Noble, president Western Society of Engineers and member of the United States Board of Engineers on Deep Waterways; Irving Hitz, civil engineer, United States assistant engineer, in charge of Fox river improvements; Isham Randolph, chief engineer sanitary district of Chicago; Leroy K. Sherman of Lockport, civil engineer sanitary district of Chicago; Clarence L. Crafts, assistant engineer northeastern lake tunnel; Oscar Sanne of Milwaukee, W. R. Roberts, R. D. Seymour, H. C. Martin, C. C. Stowell, D. J. Whittemore, C. L. Cobb, A. Sorg, C. E. Schauffer, J. C. Stevens, G. W. Cope, H. N. Elmer, O. J. Wescott, F. P. Kellogg, C. P. Chase and J. F. Lewis.

Up at the Webster street station the several branch lines of the Northwestern system all emptied many carloads of children into the city to help celebrate Children's day. There were extra cars from Emerson, St. Paul, Tecumseh and other Nebraska points for the children. The Missouri Pacific also brought in a large number from Nebraska City, Hiawatha and other points south of Omaha.

Out-of-the-city travel was heavy on Saturday morning, but not so heavy as the arrivals. The Burlington had three big trains out, thirty cars for the east and twelve for the west. The Union Pacific had an unusually long train out in the "Overland Limited," which was followed by a well-filled local.

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Hero of Santiago Suspects Spanish Had Tip That War Was to End and so Surrendered.

Explains His Reasons for Doing This and That—Meiklejohn Makes Address---Other Speakers---Notable Jubilee Day.

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Yesterday, the sixth of the Peace Jubilee celebration at the exposition, witnessed a considerable falling off in attendance as compared with Thursday, but not so considerable as to make it a little day.

The public has evidently not grown tired of seeing and hearing big men, and the announcement of Civil Government day exercises, with addresses by Major General William R. Shafter and Assistant Secretary of War George D. Meiklejohn and other notables, was sufficient to again pack the Auditorium. There was more general knowledge about these exercises than those of Thursday and the people began to pour into the big building at an earlier hour, to secure the most advantageous seats. It was a day for the front rows. The first comers were there two hours before the time set for the exercises to open, but the tediousness of waiting was not felt after the Omaha Concert band began playing the initial number of its program concert.

As General Shafter, the assistant secretary of war, the Chinese and the Korean ministers and the other guests appeared at the doors, escorted by exposition officials, the band struck up and the audience arose cheering. The ovation continued while the party was being seated on the platform, General Shafter bowing on all sides. By the time the guests were in their places, the band began playing "The Star Spangled Banner," and the audience arose and cheered again.

Prayer was offered by Rev. Newton M. Mann, pastor of Unity church.

President Wattles at once introduced General Shafter as one of the greatest generals of the country and the hero of Santiago.


Hero of Santiago Confines It to Description of Campaign.

"My friends and fellow countrymen," said General Shafter, "I am unable to express in fitting words the gratification I feel at this reception from your hands. I have been rewarded by the nation for any services that I may have rendered it far beyond my most sanguine dreams. I did not expect ever to attain my present grade when I marched away thirty-six years ago as a lieutenant of infantry. It is gratifying for any man to know that his acts are approved by his countrymen, and mine appear to have been thus far. (Applause.)

"But I am not intending to make a speech. No doubt you would all be glad to hear something about the Santiago campaign, and I shall confine my remarks to that."


The general then described how he had been called to Washington and informed that he had been selected to lead the first expedition into Cuba; how the reconnoitering force first planned was kept from sailing by fear of Spanish ships on the ocean; how finally when the news came that the Spanish fleet was securely penned up in the harbor of Santiago it was determined to send at once an army large enough to aid the American fleet in capturing Admiral Cervera's squadron and the town of Santiago.

On the arrival of his transports off Santiago he had a conference with General Garcia so as to obtain some knowledge of the country and to decide where it was best to land. The general still thinks that the two places chosen were the best that could have been chosen.


"All expeditions," he continued, "heretofore from the temperate zones to the tropics have met mith​ disaster on account of climatic conditions. I concluded that there was but one thing to do, and that was to rush the campaign as fast as human strength would stand it. I knew my army. There was never a better army in American than the one landed at Santiago. It was an army of marksmen. It was an army of athletes, and that my confidence in its strength was well placed was proved by the results."


The various steps in the campaign were then described in their order. The Spaniards had been used to fighting poorly equipped and poorly drilled troops and they expected, said General Shafter, that the American army would be as easy to defeat as the Cuban soldiers. They found out their mistake take. It was harder to take El Caney than anticipated, because the Spaniards were in stronger force there than was supposed, and, as the Spaniards afterwards said, they expected to be all killed if captured, and so they kept on fighting until most of them were killed.


"After the last day's fighting," the general continued, "it was only a question of talk and of convincing the Spanish commander that he was whipped and ought to surrender, and he did surrender. I do not know just why he did it, but I think they had information that we did not have—that the Spanish government intended to end the war. The great problem in the campaign was supplies. Fighting was the smallest part of it. But the roads were like quagmires, and some of the men were short of supplies. Men in the civil war will remember that sometimes they were short. But they could always forage. This we could not do at Santiago, for there was nothing there. It is fortunate that I had eight fine pack trains, for the wagons could never have drawn the provisions."

This is all the general said. While he was speaking the Second Nebraska regiment, without arms, came trooping into the Auditorium, and helped to swell the applause as General Shafter concluded. In recognition of the presence of the troops the band played Yankee Doodle and the audience shouted.


Gives Unlimited Praise to Officers and Privates.

Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn said:

Mr. President, Fellow Citizens: This Peace Jubilee is a most fitting culmination of the achievements and successes of our army and navy on land and sea, in the recent war, which startled and thrilled the whole world. The protocol has been executed, hostilities have been suspended, 100,000 noble sons of our nation have gone to their homes, and our countrymen again turn their attention from war to the paths of peace and industry.

It is meet that we should thus celebrate the victories of war amid the products of art, agriculture, science and industry, in this exposition, and on this ground which, a third of century ago was the playground of the children of the plains.

The Peace Jubilee in Chicago opens Sunday next with songs of praise and thanksgiving in 700 temples of worship, for the divine guidance with which this nation has been blessed in its war of right, justice and humanity.

Every man, woman and child throughout the land should return thanks to him in whose hand is the destiny of men and nations, for these incomparable successes and victories which have attended our army and navy. Every citizen should be thankful that it is his fortune to be permitted to live under such a beneficent government, where high and low, rich and poor, white and black,a re guaranteed share and share alike in its conduct and administration. There is no government in the earth which can boast of such free and liberal institutions. A child reared in a humble and unpretentious American cottage may, under this government, be honored with a seat in the halls of congress, or the highest position in the gift of the people.The ladder of fame in this country has no rounds of title or royal blood. This is your government, the government of no caste, no class, but of the whole people. Henry Clay once said: "A government is a trust and trustees are created for the benefit of the people."


The trustees of your government declared war for the honor of humanity; your gallant soldiers and sailors fought for humanity, and the treaty of peace will be in the best interest of humanity. When a republic arises in Cuba from the debris of a declining monarchy, with this government for its foster mother, it will be for humanity.

It was but yesterday that we saw the chief executive of our government, McKinley, on a triumphal tour to your city and the west, where he was the receipient​ of one continual demonstration and ovation, and greeted by more than half a million of patriotic, God-fearing citizens, with manifestations on every hand of love, kindness and sympathy.

We love home because it is our home; we love country because it is our country; we love the president because he is our president; we love him because he is McKinley, and we love him because he is "The Great Commoner."

When this people looked from our shores across the sea and saw millions of the human family struggling in the light of a free republic, under the heel of tyranny and oppression with no ray of hope for freedom or liberty, this great government declared war; not for conquest of territory, not for gain, not for power, but for freedom and humanity.

When the president, in this great cause of right and justice, called for an army to battle for these principles, they came from the north, the south, the east, the west, and from the loyalty and patriotism of this nation, in less than sixty days sprang an army of more than two hundred thousand men.


No state was more patriotic, and no state was more prompt in furnishing her quota of this great army than Nebraska, of which I am proud to be a citizen. In camp and in battle the sons of Nebraska have won laurels of which we may justly be proud. The Second regiment, who do me the honor to be present on this occasion, are entitled to the highest encomiums and commendations for their loyalty and patriotism. While not called to the front and subjected to the fire of the enemy, they, with the boys of the Third regiment, will always be crowned as heroes for their gallantry in offering themselves and their services to their country in this cause of the banishment of man's inhumanity to man. The love and sympathy of every citizen of this commonwealth goes out today to those noble sons who are beyond the shores of their home land.

When the order was made for the First regiment of Nebraska to go to the support of our flag at the Philippines, there was not a murmur, not a sigh, not a misgiving, but their watchword was "On to duty."

When men like these, from the college, from the bank, from the farm and from the factory, go beyond the sea, where our noon is their midnight, to battle for rights guaranteed by the law of God, the perpetuation of this government is forever assured.

At no time in the history of this nation have more important affairs of state and greater and more grave responsibilities, the solution of which will stamp all generations to come, been placed upon a president in the same period of time, than those which have confronted McKinley since the advent of his administration. Every question and every issue has been met with that conscientious conviction, that calm and thoughtful deliberation, that great wisdom and sagacity, which have characterized him as the citizen, the soldier and the statesman.

The annals of history record no war parallel to the Hispano-American. War was declared, an army of 225,000 of men raised, armed and equipped, and fed, 50,000 of which were transported beyond the seas, one army, 8,000 miles from our western shore; campaigns carried on by the army and navy simultaneously in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, the demolition of the Spanish navy, universal victories by land and sea, 20,000 taken prisoners, the cessation of hostilities, and one of the powers of the earth forced to sue for peace, all within a short period of less than four months.

It is a sad commentary that these brave officers and soldiers returns to their own land with more honors accredited by the world than the army of any other nation only to face the poisoned shafts of partisan traducers. The glory won by them has been too great and too strongly impressed on the nations of the earth to have its brilliancy and luster bedimmed by those who would use the horrors of war for such ends.

The president of this nation is commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces. During this war he was commander-in-chief, not in name only, but in fact. The campaigns by land and sea were directed by him, and his constant and ceaseless watch for the honor of our nation and the welfare, comfort and protection of our hero soldiers and sailors, reached from the early hours of morn into the beginning of another day.

His close contact and relation with the departments of government have been such that his fund of information and knowledge of details is marvellous and phenomenal.

His sorrow for the dead and solicitude for the living of these brave and courageous defenders of the rights of mankind is that of a father.


To the secretary of war, to the secretary of the navy, to the major general commanding the army, Miles, to the gallant officers of the army and navy and their intrepid men belongs the honor and glory of the brilliant victory in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, unprecedented in all the world's history. The nation will ever sing songs of praise for the valor and gallantry of these sons of America. The bravery and courageousness of our officers and men astounded the world.

We have among our fallen heroes of the navy a Paul Jones, a Perry, a Farragut and a Porter, and now we have those living heroes Dewey, Sampson and Schley.

Whenever the nation has wanted a man for the hour, it has risen in its wisdom and found him. When the country called for such men the people responded with Washington, Lincoln, Grant and Garfield.

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In this struggle for human rights the emergency for one to direct the nation and from 70,000,000 of people the masterful one was selected. It was his hand that guided to victory, it was he who placed the nation among the first powers of the earth, the commander-in-chief of the army and navy, the president of the United States, McKinley.

Mr. Meiklejohn, who was greeted by a generous outburst of applause, was applauded frequently during his addresss​.

Chinese Minister.

When the Chinese minister was introduced for a brief speech the audience rose as one man to its feet, waved hats and handkerchiefs and shouted itself hoarse. The minister said he felt great embarrassment in following such distinguished platform orators. Those who preceded him were men whose duty it was to fight, while it was his place to do all in his power to preserve peace; but he was reminded that this occasion is a peace jubilee, and so he felt thoroughly at home, though greatly bewildered by the wonders of the greatest exposition he has ever seen. His plans had to be changed to accept the invitation to be here, but he was very glad, indeed, that he came.

The minister extended greeting in the name of his empire, which was warmly received, as were also his many complimentary remarks about this country, from which, he said, his people have much to learn. He spoke plain English.

Senator Thurston.

The demonstration which greeted Senator Thurston was a hearty one. He spoke of this being Civil Government day and pictured in a few words the progress from the time when the divine rights of kings to rule gave way to more representative forms of government, one after another, and traced history up to that great forward step of humanity—the takings up of arms through the promptings of love to free Cuba from the oppressions of Spain. He referred to the development of civilization in the general results of the war and closed with a prophecy of still grander progress for the future of governments.

Senator Thurston's speech closed the program, Editor McKelway of the Brooklyn Eagle not being present to deliver his address.

Hundreds of people rushed forward to shake hands with General Shafter as the audience broke up.

Reception at Armour's.

The newspaper men and the secretary of the Chinese legation went to South Omaha this afternoon, at the invitation of the Armours to look over the packing plant, after which lunch was served. At 2 o'clock the entire newspaper men and the foreign party left the hotels for the exposition. The party leaves at midnight tonight for Chicago.

General Humphrey spent the morning calling on old friends preparatory to leaving last night with General Miles, on whose staff he is. To a World-Herald man, he said: I used to live in this city; I love it. I mean to spend the morning calling on old friends in the railroad offices and the newspapers. I know all of the boys, and love them very much. After seeing the reception given to the president, and to us I am prouder than ever before of Omaha—splendid Omaha.

Senor Quesada.

Then he presented the Hon. Gonzalo de Quesada, the Cuban minister, who spoke eloquently of our heroes who fought gloriously for the country he represents, which he was pleased to term the youngest nation in the world.

He paid a glowing tribute to Senator Allen, which was duly appreciated by the audience, and it hesitated not a moment to let that fact be known.

Korean Minister.

The Korean minister was loudly applauded upon being introduced, but as he does not speak English, President Wattles expressed kindly greeting for him.


Mrs. Susa Gates Lifts Her Voice in Behalf of the Youth of the Land.

Daughter of Brigham Young Makes Eloquent Appeal for Inspiring Purity and Nobility.

Duties of Parents Should Be Impressed Before Marriage--Nature's Laws Respected and Health Preserved.

The session of the sixth annual meeting of the National Household Economic association at the Omaha Woman's club rooms, First Congregational church, yesterday afternoon, was of much interest. The feature of the occasion was the address by Mrs. Susa Young Gates of Provo, Utah, a daughter of Brigham Young, who was, at the time of his death, the greatest Mormon leader in the world. Her subject was "The Necessity of Instructing the Youth in Their Future Parental and Conjugal Duties." Of the many excellent papers presented at the congresses of women this paper was among the very brightest. In part she said:

"However restricted one's reading or opinions may be on the question of greater freedom for women and by women, within the last half century there has grown a strong impulse toward the cultivation of all home tendencies."


She said this work had caused the growth of such schools as the Drexel of Philadelphia, the Pratt of Brooklyn and the Armour of Chicago and the growth and development of art and science departments in the agricultural schools. Yet with all these preparations she regretted that there had been no provision made for the proper bringing up of children. She quoted Herbert Spencer and other authorities to show that no effort had been made to educate the young men and women who will hereafter be parents as to the duties that will devolve upon them in the moral, intellectual and physical bringing up of their offspring.

She held that the women's clubs have much to do with this subject. That it is their duty to do everything which will aid in creating the ideal home, while all that tends to disintegrate and demoralize home forces should be known and denounced. That untold misery fills the world because of the ignorance of the physical laws, including the laws of procreation; affecting the health and happiness of parents and their children. A pure young girl marries a man who is himself only wise in the wicked ways of the world. A year later a babe is born, a being scarcely less helpless that its girl-mother. It sickens in many instances and is fed with medicine and food as an ignorant servant girl feeds a cook stove. It dies. "These things," said Mrs. Gates, "could be avoided in most cases by a proper scientific home education."


She said that a lack of respect for the comomn​ laws of diet, dress, bathing, exercise and ventilation brings invalidism, disease and death. Yet that a rigid observance of all these laws would often be inadequate to protect man or woman from a constant disregard of the laws of sexual science, a disregard of which literally strews the pathway of life with wrecked and broken spirits. To protect the children from these pitfalls the speaker held that it is absolutely necessary to give the children the benefit of the parent's experience. To teach them in a scientific manner the origin of humanity and the purity of all God's given rights, guiding them in the selection of their companions intellectually, as in their choice morally and socially.

"What we need," said the speaker, "is the cultivation of the old fashioned sentiment of the bible. The Hebrew scriptures are built around the sacred altar of home. The strength and vitality of the Jewish nation was due to the sacredness of that which preserved the home life. While the decadence of all nations from Babylon and Egypt down to France and Spain may be traced to the disintegrating forces which first attached and crushed to dust family hearthstones."

She spoke of the effects of self-cultivation; the instruction of the children in the sacred principles of domestic happiness; the chastity of husband and wife; the degeneracy of mankind which makes it too often impossible for a woman to appear on the streets without being subjected to insult. The latter she said was because men have clung to the tradition that men are hunters and women are the prey. She said the boys should be taught by their mothers to respect womankind and honor them just as much as the girl is taught to not allow herself to by imposed upon by man.


In conclusion Mrs. Gates said: "The remedy for all these things is to teach the children the whole law of life and strict chastity. And last and highest of all, our teachings should be based upon the lofty example and pure instructions of the savior of the world. For only through all these can we reach the ideal home; for home is heaven and heaven is home."

Mrs. Maud H. Lacy of St. Louis, Mo., also read an interesting and instructive paper on "The Relation of Woman to the Labor Problem." There were also discussions by Mrs. MacMurphy, Mrs. DePugh and others of Omaha and Mrs. Emma F. Van Vechten of Cedar Rapids, Ia.

The presiding officer, Mrs. W. G. Shailer of New York, on behalf of the delegates, thanked the women of Omaha for the many kindnesses shown, and the congress adjourned.

At yesterday morning's session of the National Household Economic association Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy read a paper on "What May Be Done With Fifty Cents a Day in Preparing Food for a Family of Four."

The speaker urged her hearers to avoid the bakeries and all prepared food; said that home cooked food, under her plan, was much more nutritious. Where families could not afford to buy the very best butter she advised the use of butterine.

Mrs. MacMurphy urged the use of cereal drinks instead of tea and coffee.

Dr. Freda Lankton spoke on the subject: "How May Every Woman Become a Sanitarian."

Miss Stoner and Miss Howell of the School of Domestic Science, Manhattan, Kas., and Miss Bullard of Armour institute, Chicago, spoke on "Household Economics."

The attendance at the morning session was very small.

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The national peace jubilee celebration at Omaha, which was concluded yesterday, has proved a phenomenal success. From every point of view it has eclipsed all patriotic popular demonstrations that have ever taken place west of the Mississippi. The ovation to President McKinley and his cabinet and the heroes of the war was a spontaneous outburst of popular enthusiasm never surpassed. The vast assemblage that greeted the eminent guests of the occasion in the streets of Omaha and on the exposition grounds must have been impressed with the magnificence of the decorations and illuminations of the city as they were undoubtedly with the edifying spectacle presented by the nearly 100,000 people wedged in front of the grandstand to see and hear President McKinley.

The jubilee celebration has afforded a most auspicious opportunity for the first popular rejoicing over the decadence of sectionalism and the advent of true nationalism in the personal greetings of the people from the south and the north. It has afforded also an occasion for popular receptions to the representative men from the various sections of the country as well as to the diplomatic representatives of foreign countries, who joined in the jubilation over the triumph of American arms and the restoration of peace and prosperity to the United States.

To the exposition management the peace jubilee has been a most gratifying testimonial to an achievement without a parallel in the annals of international expositions. It has brought to a climax the stupendous enterprise which they had taken up and prosecuted in the face of most adverse conditions, placing its financial success beyond possibility of reverse.

For Omaha the peace jubilee will be an ever memorable period that will be known as the red letter week in its career. Every citizen of Omaha will point back to jubilee week with pride as he will to the exposition itself, which has contributed more to make Omaha's enterprise and public spirit known and admired throughout the land than all other factors in its growth.


Exposition Affairs Reach a Very High Stage of Prosperity.


Three Hundred Thousand People Pass the Gates in Seven Days.


Saturday Passes the Mark Set for the Day by New York's Celebration.


Youngsters Take Another Turn at the Great Show and Give the Visitors a Sample of Western Jubilee Music.

Total Admissions Yesterday35,540
Total for the Week313,307
Total to Date2,181,292

The Peace Jubilee is over and it has been a magnificent success. More than 300,000 people have passed through the exposition gates and filled the White City with life and human energy. Each day has been marked by imposing spectacles and ceremonies in which the most distinguished statesmen, soldiers and diplomats of this and other nations have participated. These have brought together such a concourse of visitors as Omaha never saw before and all have united in declaring the Transmississippi Exposition to be the greatest enterprise of the age.

From a financial standpoint, also, the record of the week is most satisfactory. It is yet impossible to tell just how much the exposition has profited. The collectors have been almost constantly employed in handling the money received at the gates and very little has been collected from the concessions. As these did a tremendous business all through the week large amounts remain due the exposition which will be collected as rapidly as the department can work out of the rush of business in which it is entangled. But independently of these outstanding accounts, which have not yet been tabulated, the receipts of the week have swelled the cash in bank to more than $300,000, as compared with about $135,000 at the beginning of October. With good weather and the low railroad rates that are assured during the remainder of the month it is believed that this amount will easily be increased by $100,000 before November 1.

The last day of the Jubilee was devoted entirely to the children and there were thousands of them on the grounds. A large proportion of the membership of the public schools spent the Saturday holiday in the pleasant sunshine and among the beauties of the exposition and as most of them were accompanied by their parents the local crowd was proportionately larger than on any day during the week. But although the bulk of the Jubilee visitors have gone home a surprising number of out-of-town people remain. Hundreds of family parties drove in from the surrounding country yesterday morning, attracted by the beauty of the day, and the morning trains brought in a large number of visitors from nearby points to spend a day or two at the fair. While the early morning crowd did not indicate more than an ordinary attendance, after 9 o'clock the arrivals multiplied and from then to noon the rush of the last few days was very nearly duplicated. The street cars were again crowded and the large proportion of children made each load count heavily at the turnstiles. There was a continuous stream of arrivals passing through each of the entrances and the grounds filled up at a rate that indicated that the Saturday record of 26,067, which was made New York day, would be broken, with a few thousands to spare.

The afternoon attendance was also comparatively liberal. Hundreds of people waited until after lunch before going to the grounds in order to stay to the children's concert on the Plaza and their presence made the afternoon and evening as lively as those of the bigger days of the week. At 2 o'clock there was a very pretty display of Japanese fireworks on the Plaza for the benefit of the youthful visitors and as many of the concessions gave them a reduced rate the children made a thoroughly enjoyable day of it.

Today the 25-cent rate will be in force during the afternoon and evening and the usual concert will help to entertain the crowd. There will be the usual sacred concert by Innes' band in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock, but on this occasion the chorus will not participate. The program will be purely instrumental and will include Schumann's "Dreams" by the band with an organ obligato by Thomas J. Kelly.


Great Band Master Successfully Pulls Off His Carnival Chorus.

The exposition was made bright yesterday with the happy faces of thousands of children. The beautiful white buildings glistened in the sunshine and the whole place looked like a fairy land people with vivacious Liliputians. The day was set apart by the exposition management especially for the children and the little folks took the place by storm. The feature of the day was the carnival on the Grand Plaza at 4 o'clock, which was one of the most unique performances ever witnessed in this city, and certainly the most novel attempt made at the exposition since the gates were first thrown open to the public. Bandmaster F. N. Innes originated the idea. The children were all in a happy flutter of excitement. They were seated on the big platform, which had been erected in front of the bandstand for President McKinley. At least 1,500 children faced Mr. Innes when the singing commenced.

The Plaza was full of people. The children laughed, played pranks on one another and had a good time generally. They were so happy that they could not keep still. They did not even try to sit down at first, but climbed upon the benches. They were there to see and they were bent on seeing every single thing that transpired. All colors of the rainbow were represented in the hats worn by the girls, and taking the children all together, they looked like a lovely bouquet of beautiful flowers. There were comparatively few boys in the crowd. But that does not mean that Mr. Young America was not represented at all.

He was there and his presence was noted. He could not sit still in his seat, so he climbed upon the stage and ate a few bananas in full view of the audience and then gave his chum the skins right in the face. The children chattered away at a merry rate until Mr. Innes was seen on the stage and then pandemonium broke loose. The girls screamed with delight and the boys gave an exhibition of some new whistles which they had picked up on the streets. They applauded in this manner for quite a while and Mr. Innes bowed and smiled his thanks.

The climax of the entertainment came with the potpourri of national airs which was sung by the children, accompanied by Innes' band. The children showed that they had been perfectly trains and they did not make a single error in singing the stirring and familiar songs. They sang "The Old Kentucky Home" first and this was followed by "Suwanee River" and other familiar airs. "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," was the last song and the exercises were over.

The children then left the platform proudly displaying the beautiful souvenir medals, which had been presented to them as they went up to take part in the festival, and one of the most successful features of the entire exposition had passed into history.


Midway Managers Show Their Youthful Visitors a Merry Time.

The children owned the Midway yesterday and as long as they live they will consider the Midway of the Transmississippi and International Exposition the greatest show ground in the world. The youngsters came early and remained late. Hundreds of them were around the doors of the concessions and when they were unbarred the lads and lasses flocked through in droves. They saw all there was to see and enjoyed all that they saw. Most of the shows cut their prices to 5 cents for children and let the little things remain as long as they cared to. Manager Ninci of the Streets of Cairo passed 1,500 of the boys and girls to both streets and theater and then gave them free rides on his camels. It happened in this way. A large party of children were in front of the gates when he arrived upon the scene. He learned that a great number of them were without money and these he passed in. Soon the word went down the Midway that the Streets of Cairo was letting children in free and in less than ten minutes all roads led toward the streets. Manager Ninci saw he was in for it and issued orders to pass all the little ones who arrived until a certain hour.

A. V. Sunderland headed a party of 300 children from Tekamah and took them through half a dozen of the shows, paying their way. At Hagenback's, the Streets of All Nations and the Chutes, two children were let in on one ticket and if they were small three were squeezed in. Mr. Sunderland is the superintendent of the public schools of Tekamah and had the children from that place in charge.

Ed Gregg of Nebraska City brought up 350 of the boys and girls from that town and helped them enjoy themselves. He paid their admission into half a dozen of the best shows and bought dinner for all who were not provided with lunches.


Head of the Live Saving Service at the Exposition to Leave.

Captain H. M. Knowles, who has been in charge of the exhibit of the United States Life Saving service since its installation, will leave for his station at Wakefield, R. I., Monday. He will be succeeded by Lieutenant C. H. McClellan, who was originally detailed by the Treasury department to come to Omaha, but who was sent to the front when the war broke out. Captain Knowles asked the Treasury department to relieve him some days ago on account of the importance of his presence in his district at this season. This is the busy season in the life saving service, as all stations are being overhauled and equipment prepared for the stormy period that is approaching.

Captain Knowles will take with him a very handsome gold-headed cane as a testimonial of the esteem of his crew. This was presented to him this morning. It bears the inscriptions, "Captain H. M. Knowles, from United States Life Saving crew, Omaha, Neb., 1898."

Lieutenant McClellan has just been detailed to Omaha after returning from participation in the Cuban campaign. He says that the Spaniards had at least an admirably equipped and efficient signal service. They were especially expert at heliograph and smoke signaling and every movement of the American troops that could be observed was signaled with exceptional success. When the United States signal service corps was patrolling the beach they found that their movements were [?]  Scanned image of page 113 curacy. If the patrol turned to the east two quick flashes revealed the fact and were answered from the fortifications. If they turned to the west one flash conveyed the information. The Americans experimented a good deal along this line and soon got so they could understand the Spanish signals as well as the dons themselves. Lieutenant McClellan says that his observation was that the Spaniards were always ready to fight, but his experience with the Cubans did not give him a very high opinion of them.


Jubilee Crowds Easily Exceed Any that Have Gone Before.

The total attendance of Jubilee week smashed the record by nearly 125,000. The record was 313,307, or 44,758 admissions per day. This is more than double the attendance of the preceding week and the week included the first, third and fourth biggest days in the history of the exposition. The record was also broken for nearly every day in the week. It was the biggest Sunday by nearly 4,000 admissions. There were over 11,000 more people on the grounds Monday than on any preceding Monday except July 4. The Tuesday record was beaten by 28,164 and the Iowa day, the biggest Wednesday with its attendance of 39,090, was exceeded by 59,755. The Thursday crowd was almost equal to that on Modern Woodmen day, which has previously been the high water mark of the exposition, and the highest previous record for Friday and Saturday was broken with thousands to spare. This indicates the attendance of the week as compared with the preceding week:

Week ending Oct. 8.Week ending Oct. 15.
Sunday 15,975 19,908
Monday 15,266 29,378
Tuesday 19,998 48,051
Wednesday 29,539 98,845
Thursday 27,473 49,710
Friday 23,662 31,875
Saturday 26,067 35,540
Average 22,561 44,758


Former and Present Subjects of Her Majesty Have a Celebration.

British and Canadian day was celebrated yesterday in International hall at the Canadian exhibit. The exercises were held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and were enjoyed by a considerable number of people. The celebration mainly took the form of a reception in honor of the Canadian and British officials and visitors now in Omaha, who were assisted in receiving, however, by a score of local Englishmen and their wives.

It was not intended that there should be any speechmaking, but the occasion so aroused the enthusiasm of the attendants that speeches were finally called for. Matthew A. Hall was made an impromptu master of ceremonies and he called upon T. O. Currie, representative of the interior department of Ottawa, to speak for the Canadians and M. W. Swain of this city to represent the Englishmen. Both responded with excellent addresses.

At the conclusion of this program of talks three cheers was given for her majesty, and then a verse of "God Save the Queen" was sung. This was followed with three cheers for the president and the singing of a verse of "America." In conclusion the band played the "Star Spangled Banner." Refreshments were served by the officials of the exhibit during the reception.

Nebraska Shows Its Flour.

The flour exhibit in the Nebraska section in the Agriculture building has become one of the features of the exposition. It has been noised about that there are no flouring mills in the state and for the purpose of nailing the falsification before it travels any further the millers of the state have contributed samples of their products.

Exhibits from thirty-nine flouring mills of the state have been received and put in place. The exhibit contains not only flour, but all of the products of wheat, oats, barley, rye and corn as well. It is in sacks, jars, boxes, cases and packages and makes as fine a showing as can be found upon the exposition grounds. The sacks of flour are formed into a huge pyramid, reaching high toward the rafters of the building, each sack having upon its outer side the name of the mill whence it came, as well as the statement that the wheat used in the manufacture of the flour was grown in Nebraska.

Experts who have examined and tested the Nebraska flour contend that it is superior to that made from the wheat of any [?]e central, western or southern states; [?] it is more nutritious and is more pal-[?]

Vegetables from Montana.

[?]tana people are showing off some [?]oth vegetables in the state's space in [?]griculture building. The stuff comes [?]the state fair that has recently closed [?]he samples are as fine as have been [?]oited in any place. A carload of vegetables came yesterday, including potatoes, beets, squashes, cabbage, onions and all varieties of garden truck. In the lot there is a squash that weighs 250 pounds, cabbage that weigh forty pounds each and potatoes that in weight ten will make a bushel.

The vegetables that have been sent in come from the Yellowstone country, raised at a point about fifty miles from the Custer battlefield, and were grown by a ranchman who this year had 400 acres in crop. After the exposition is over, this stuff will be given to some of the charitable institutions of the city, the superintendent in charge having said that he does not care to ship it home.

During the last few days a large addition has been made to the agricultural exhibit shown by Montana. Samples of sheaf grain, corn and hay have come in in large quantities and have been used in replenishing the stuff that was shown earlier in the season.


Home People to Have a Chance to Close the Exposition.

The executive committee has set the date for Omaha day at the exposition. This was done at the meeting held yesterday afternoon. It will be on Monday, October 31, the last day of the exposition, and from now on the officials will do all in their power to boom the date. An interesting program will be arranged, the details of which will be worked out during the ensuing week. There will probably be fireworks at night. All persons visiting the grounds on that date will be presented with souvenirs. An effort will be made to have the schools, the offices and public buildings closed during the day.

The date for the final closing of the gates of the exposition was set for 12:30 o'clock on the morning of November 1, it being ordered that on the closing night the lights burn until that hour.

Fireworks for nights this week were ordered as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on the North tract and Thursday and Saturday at the band stand on the plaza.

It was ordered that up to and including October 25 all members of the Second Nebraska regiment of volunteers be admitted to the exposition grounds free of charge, providing they are in uniform and present themselves at the gate on the North tract.

Live Stock Show a Success.

George R. Mokel, vice president of the St. Joseph Live Stock Commission company, who has been in the city attending the live stock show, speaking of the animals exhibited, last night, before leaving for home, said: "There never has been anything like it seen in this country. I have attended all of the live stock shows during the last fifteen years and this is the best. There are not so many horses as there used to be some years ago, but those that are here are world beaters. When it comes to cattle, sheep and hogs, there was never such a lot of animals brought to any show. It seems that the whole country has been scoured for the purpose of securing the best. There are animals here from about every state in the union, as well as some from Canada.

"The live stock show has been well attended by the farmers, who have evinced a deep interest in this class of exhibits, and I am of the opinion that they will profit largely by what they have seen, as many of them have already negotiated for the purchase of animals for the purpose of improving their herds."

Jury Gets to Work.

The jury of awards met at the Manufactures building yesterday morning and are now at work inspecting the exhibits. Not all of the juries have been completed, but the vacancies will be filled at once, and their reports will probably be ready to file with the committee by Wednesday. The senior member of the committee, Hon. J. M. Woolworth, will return by that time and with Mr. Utt will take up the reports at once. The results will probably be announced during the last week of the exposition.

Fruit from Oregon.

The fruit growers of Oregon have sent on a full carload of fruit of all varieties grown in their orchards and vineyards during the last season. It arrived Friday night and was put in place yesterday by Superintendent Courtney. The exhibit contains forty varieties of apples, thirty-one of pears, sixteen of peaches, twelve of crab apples, fourteen of grapes and six of late peaches. The fruit is all sound and highly colored and in size it is immense. Some of the apples weigh two pounds each, while some of the pears tip the beam at three and one-half pounds.

Life Savers and Indians Fraternize.

Captain H. M. Knowles and his life saving crew visited the Indian encampment yesterday and had their photograph taken in a group with Geronimo, Nachez, Afraid-of-the-Eagle, American Horse and one or two other aboriginal celebrities. Later in the day the chiefs returned the compliment, and the whole party was loaded into one of the [?]


Arrangements Made for a General and Successful Turnout.


Landing of Germans in America and the Fall of Metz to Be Remembered by the Men Who Followed Von Moltke.

The Germans will have their day at the exposition on next Tuesday and they propose that the celebration shall surpass any that has been held by other nativities during the exposition year. Two anniversaries, the fall of Metz and the landing of Germans in Austria, will be observed. An elaborate program, divided between a parade downtown and exercises at the Auditorium, has been arranged, the final plans having been practically completed at a meeting held last night. Thousands of Germans from adjoining states will be in attendance.

The parade will be one of the most attractive of the exposition year if the plans are carried out. It is expected that there will be about 1,000 men in line, representing a variety of different societies. Among the towns that will send their societies in a body are: Stanton, Plattsmouth, Gretna, West Point, Fremont, Dodge, Wisner, Nebraska City, Lincoln and Hanover, Kan. Several more are expected. The local societies will turn out big representations.

The features of the parade will be a considerable number of floats. These will be provided by the societies. Two others will be put in the line by the executive committee that has been making arrangements for the celebration. One of these floats will picture the progress of the German nation from the oldest known period to the present time. It will be at the head of the parade. The other float will carry the figures of Germania and Columbia. The Landwehr verein proposes to have a carriage in which will be represented four prominent figures of late German history—Emperor William, Bismarck, Von Moltke and General Roon. The carriage will be escorted by forty mounted cuirassiers of the Prussian army in costumes. The Turners will represent the contingent of St. Louis Turners who were the first of the German Turners of the country to respond to Lincoln's call for volunteers. There will be some ten bands in the parade and the line will be headed by four buglers from the Second volunteer infantry of the state. In order to increase the interest in the parade three gold medals will be offered. One will be for the finest float in line, another for the society which has the largest representation in line and the third for the society in line that has traveled farthest to take part in the celebration. The grand marshal will be W. F. Stoecker.

The line will commence to form at Turner hall at 10 o'clock and will start to move at 11 o'clock. It will pass over the following route: From Turner hall to Sixteenth, Sixteenth to Howard, Howard to Fifteenth, Fifteenth to Farnam, Farnam to Thirteenth, Thirteenth to Douglas, Douglas to Sixteenth, Sixteenth to the exposition grounds.

The exercises at the grounds will take place at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The address of welcome will be made by Mayor Moores and two other addresses will follow, one in German and the other in English. The former will be delivered by William Rapp of Chicago, editor of the Illinois Staats-Zeitung, the oldest German newspaper man in active service in the country and a '48er. The English address will be delivered by Edward Rosewater. The Orpheus Singing society will sing a number of selections and the music will be by Innes' band.

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Questions and Answers.

SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 13.—To the Sporting Editor of The Bee: I notice by your morning paper of this date that you say, "Total admissions yesterday, 98,470," and then at the bottom you say in regard to the figures, "Approximate only." Now there are several of us down here that made bets that the number of admissions yesterday would be at least 100,000. There are some of us that would like to know what "Approximate only" means, so that we can settle the bets the right way. Does the number of admissions include the soldiers and the McKinley party? That makes a good deal of difference, when you come to consider the whole thing when the number seems so close to 100,000. I was told by a prominent business man of South Omaha last night that people get in right along without being counted, and that the turnstiles can be so manipulated that they will not record people who go in. If that is a fact there might have been 5,000 people who got in that way yesterday. Let me know whether by mail or through the paper, and oblige.—F. A.

Ans.—The Bureau of Admissions says that the total admissions on President's day was 98,845, and that this included everybody who went upon the grounds.

Taking the Diplomats Home.

The special train of the Chicago & Northwestern railway that bore the members of the diplomatic corps who have been in attendance at the Peace Jubilee here this week back to Washington from Omaha arrived in Chicago at noon on Saturday. The train left here at midnight on Friday under the care of Assistant Superintendent Ferguson and Division Superintendent Ashton of the Northwestern and was given the same careful attention on its eastbound trip as when it brought the diplomats out to Omaha. In order to prevent the possibility of any of the distinguished strangers mistaking their station General Agent Kuhn had a man at each of three passenger stations to direct the diplomats and they saved several of the diplomats from being left. The train consisted of eight elegantly appointed sleeping cars, solid vestibuled.

In Chicago the Northwestern railway entertained the diplomats for several hours yesterday afternoon, while they were waiting for their train by driving them about the city and extending to them the courtesies of the Union League club. President Wattles of the exposition directory was asked to make some provision for the entertainment of the exposition guests during their wait for the Washington train in Chicago but declined, saying that he could do nothing for the party after it had left Omaha.

Last Sunday the Auditorium of the exposition held a vast crowd of people who came to listen to the real opening of the Peace Jubilee. It was the only logical opening, because the first number on the program was the Doxology, a hymn of praise to the great Ruler of All Nations, the author of peace and lover of concord. It was a thrilling sensation indeed which one felt when the tremendous audience stood up and the band, chorus and people united in singing "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow." And when the program closed with the sublime words, "The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth and He shall reign forever and ever, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Hallelujah," the effect was one never to be forgotten. And yet the reports went all over the country the country to the effect that the few speeches made on Monday morning constituted the real opening of the Peace Jubilee!

Of course, Sunday service was merely a musical service and the sublime oratory of men constituted the Monday exercises, the occasion being Mayors' day.

One of the directors of the Exposition had a dream the other night and in his dream he saw a beautiful building in the City of Omaha near the center of the city and he had never seen it before. Looking up the street he beheld an officer coming toward him whom he accosted with the remark: "What is this building and who put it up?" The officer replied: "This is an auditorium which the city of Omaha has needed for a long time and which was built by the generous philanthropy and benevolent enterprise of the directors of the great Transmississippi and International Exposition which was held here a year ago."

The director was surprised and said: "I was not aware of this and I cannot account for the presence of the building;" whereupon his informant answered him, saying: "The directors, when they put their money into the Exposition did not expect to get it back again, and the Exposition was such a financial success that a dividend was declared, whereupon these noble gentlemen met together and unanimously appropriated their share to the erection of a perpetual monument in the city. It did not cost any one of them very much, but the aggregate receipts resulted in the magnificent edifice which you see before you and which generations to come will admire, revere and love. This is the only tangible result of the Exposition of Omaha but is it not enough?"



Mrs. Platt Favors the Broadening of the Field of Work.


She Turns the Tables and Says it is the "New Man" Who Recognizes Woman as His Equal.

Save for a small number who are visiting the exposition today few club women are in the city. Ever since Thursday they have been departing, for there is to be another congress in Chicago the coming week. It would seem that one meeting after another would wear these energetic creatures out, but their zeal evidently supports them in the fatiguing work.

Of those remaining in town Mrs. Sarah S. Platt of Denver, vice president of the General Federation of Women's clubs, and the president of the Woman's club of Denver, is one of the most practical and earnset​ workers. In speaking of the advantage of the women's congresses, Mrs. Platt said that they enabled women from all parts of the country to exchange ideas, compare their methods of work and broaden their views on all the important questions of the day. Mrs. Platt is irrevocably in favor of the unlimited club. While conceding that the old, small clubs, literary and social, were of undoubted benefit in awakening interest in the club, their period of usefulness has now passed. With the great problems that confront all thinking people, all lines of social barriers should be abolished and the society woman should work shoulder to shoulder with the laboring woman.

The Woman's club of Denver is one of the largest in the country, having 1,000 members and an "extension" membership of 350. This branch of the club includes the women in remote districts who would otherwise be deprived of the advantages of a club. The main club has eight departments, the home, the education, the art and literature, the philanthropic, the scientific and philosophical, the city improvement, to which men are eligible, the music and the reform.

The home department consists of a school of domestic science, in which girls and women are taught the rudiments of cooking and housekeeping, and the duties and the difference in those duties of mistress and maid; and five kindergartens for the poor children with a reading room for the scholars.

The educational department concerns itself with the bettering of the public schools and the school commissioners, the study of the labor problems and runs a noon school for newspaper boys and other urchins, with the co-operation of the school authorities. By the efforts of the art and literary department many pictures have been put in the schoolhouses and their walls have been decorated.

Pingree Garden Work.

The philanthropical branch has devoted itself chiefly to the Pingree garden work. Last year in Denver seventy-five families were cared for at a total cost of $250, and their crops brought $2,500. In Philadelphia, where the work is carried on by men hired by the city, forty-five families were helped at a total cost of $2,500. Of course the Denver women gave their time, but the result points a moral. The work is kept up during the winter by teaching the women sewing and the like. Last year three families were made independent and took up land in the country.

The departments of science and philosophy are mainly devoted to study, but they have charge of the traveling library of the state.

The work of the reform division is done in looking after the state institutions, suggesting improvements, and trying to get the best officials for important positions.

Sanitary work, local option laws and general improvements come under the province of the city department of the club.

Though the musical branch is largely for pleasure, it has instituted many free concerts in different parts of the city. By the working of this club the scope of women's clubs is well illustrated.

In speaking of the suffrage question Mrs. Platt said that a woman's right to vote was demanded by justice and that the fancied evils accruing from woman's voting were merely imaginary. Yet undoubtedly it would be better for women to learn parliamentary laws and study before she voted. If chairs of business training were introduced in all women's colleges their benefit would be enormous, for, while many women may never need to use the knowledge thus gained, it is always well to be prepared. Suffrage has not made the Colorado women unwomanly, but more womanly, for a clear stream of water cannot be turned into a muddy one without leaving its mark.

In Mrs. Platt's opinion there is no "new woman," but a new man, who has come to regard woman as his peer and helpmate in solving the problems of the world and in elevating its morals.


Indian Encampment at the Exposition Possesses a New Feature.


All the Work on the Tepees and Decorations is Performed by Some Member of the Kiowa Tribe.

At the east end of the Indian village on the exposition grounds, surrounded by a canvas eight feet high, is a new exhibit which has been added to the features of the Indian congress during the last week. It is an historical reproduction in miniature of the Kiowa camp circle as it was pitched at Medicine Lodge, Kan., in 1867, on the occasion of the last great gathering of that tribe before the signing of the treaty which placed them, together with the Comanches, Apaches, Cheyennes and Arapahoes, on government reservations and ended forever their free life of the plains by making them wards of Uncle Sam.

At that time, which was in June—the season of the blooming of the cotton wood tree—the Kiowas had met to celebrate their great annual ceremonial which is known as the sun dance, the medicine dance, or the torture dance. The tribe consisted, according to the reports of the commissioners, of about 1,600 people. They were encamped in a circle nearly a mile in diameter, each of the 250 tepees being set with precise exactness facing the center of the ring and at a uniform distance from those on either side.

Opened to the Public.

The miniature reproduction of this camp was opened to the public for the first time yesterday. It belongs to the Smithsonian institute, and has been reproduced through the efforts of Prof. James Mooney, the government ethnological expert, who has been engaged on this particular work for the last five years. Each part of the exhibit, even to the whittling of the tepee poles, has been prepared by members of the Kiowa tribe. Each tepee has been made be some member of the family who occupied the original. This is in accordance with the Indian custom which allows no one to imitate in any way the property of another family. Hence the miniature circle becomes of ethnological value to those interested in the study of what may be called Indian heraldry.

The camp as arranged by Prof. Mooney is eighty feet in diameter and consists of eighty tepees. He has selected for this exhibit only those which he thought would prove of the greatest interest, both for their uniqueness of design and the historical associations connected with them. They are set in the same relative positions to each other and the rest of the circle as in the original camp. And in front of each hung on a tripod is the shield emblematic of the family to which it belongs.

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Significance of Special Tepees.

Passing in at the entrance to the circle, which in the reproduction is on the south, but always faced the east in the original encampments, the first tepee on the left is that of the family of the man whose task is​ was to provide the buffalo, the skin of which was used in the dance. When the day was set for the propitiatory ceremony he was obliged to go without food until he had captured his animal. The office of "buffalo man" was hereditary and was considered a high honor as evidenced by the fact that his tepee was allotted the first place in the circle.

The second was the "warrior tepee." Its decorations consisted of numerous pictures representing battles in which the famous warriors of the tribe had achieved distinction. Each was painted by the warrior himself and the occasion was one of feasting and sports. In the miniature tepee these pictures have been reproduced by one man.

A little further around the circle is the tepee belonging to the only surviving signer of the peace treaty. It is decorated with black and white circles. Near this is the "porcupine" tepee, the property of the present chief of the tribe.

Almost opposite the entrance is the "turtle tepee," made by one of the famous medicine men of the tribe. Next to this was the home of a member of the tribe who claimed to understand the language of owls. One of the birds wrapped in a red cloth hangs to a pole before the door.

Following the circle around one passes several tepees decorated with rude pictures of water monsters, horse tracks, eagles and rainbows. Then comes the "scalp tepee" hung with a collection of scalp locks taken from enemies in battle. Day and night are represented on the opposite sides of the next with fantastic representations of the sun and stars.

Rain Tepee is Shown.

Conspicuous among the shields on the right of the entrance is one that is painted with representations of rain drops, from which the name "rain tepee" is given to the home of the owner.

The Kiowa Apaches, an associated tribe of the Kiowas, were assigned a place in the circle adjoining the entrance on the right hand side. Their chief, "White Man," occupied a tepee decorated with the arms of a bear, which was his guardian. In front of the door stood the pabon, a shaft of wood wrapped with a beaver skin. This he carried into battle and drove into the ground to fasten himself to the spot where he took his stand.

The designs on the tepees are, most of them, of so ancient an origin that the present members of the tribe cannot remember how they originated. In general they grew out of what the original designer claimed were visions. On dying, the warrior who held what was called the "tepee right" delegated it to some member of his family. When it happened that for any reason he failed in this, the design, or coat of arms, as it may be called, became extinct, as no one was allowed to revive it.

In the center of the circle stood the "medicine lodge" built for the celebration of the dance whose celebration called all of the members of the tribe together once a year. This was built of cotton wood branches interwoven on seventeen poles standing in a circle around the center poles seven paces apart. Hanging to the center pole was the medicine image, which was kept hid in a bag under strict surveillance of the priests during the year, and only brought out on the annual June festival. It was the head and shoulders of a man carved out of stone, and grotesquely painted. Above the image hung a strip of buffalo skin cut from a point a little in front of the ears to the tail. This was wrapped around a branch of cottonwood. An arbor of cottonwood boughs, which formed the secret chamber of the priests during the dance, completed the interior of the lodge.

Shields Consecrated to the Sun.

The shields, all of which were consecrated to the sun, were arranged in rows in front and back of the lodge. All were painted yellow—the sun color—and decorated according to designs revealed in visions. Those facing the entrance were ranged in two lines of seven and five respectively. Behind the lodge were nine others hung on poles, and two on tripods, painted black and white. These stood before the tepee, which was occupied by the priests in preparing the ceremony.

The dance for which these elaborate preparations were made was a propitiary​ sacrifice to the sun god or medicine image. It continued for four days and nights, during which time those who participated in it took neither food nor sleep. The dancers offered themselves as voluntary sacrifices. Some painted themselves yellow, meaning that they intended to hold out to the end. [?]chalk which signified that they would dance as long as their strength would allow.

With their arms hanging at their sides and the eagle bone whistle in their months​, they circled round and round the lodge, keeping their eyes fixed on the image. While the dance is sometimes called the torture dance, there was no cutting, as the sight of blood was abhorent​ to the god in whose honor it was given.

The miniature reproduction of the Kiowa circle exhibts​ with a minuteness of detail all the features of the original. The fact that it has been constructed by the Indians themselves adds to the interest that would naturally attach itself to a subject about which so few are well informed. It will remain on the Indian grounds during the remainder of the exposition season as a part of the government exhibit, and will then be returned to the Smithsonian institute.



The World-Herald presents to its readers the preliminary sketch for the diploma which has been adopted and is now in the hands of the engravers. The design is at once unique, comprehensive and a radical departure from the usual form. At the lowest right hand corner is a beautiful figure representing Nebraska upholding the chief agricultural products of the state, while at her feet the horticultural products lie in profusion. On the left stands "Fame" of heroic proportions, reading from her scroll, while at her feet are grouped the emblems of art, science, literature, music and manufacture. Above the figures a cornice of plain though chaste design forms a base upon which rests an imposing arch formed of the seals of the different states and territories of the Trans-Mississippi region. Underneath this arch a view is obtained of the most beautiful portion of the Grand Court.

Above the arch at the left in plain relief are the names of the states participating, and at the right the names of the foreign countries represented. These are tastefully arranged on sunken panels with the typical olive branch intertwined. The motto, "Peace Hath Her Victories as Well as War," is particularly appropriate at this time. Surmounting the whole design in the center is a fragment the whole design in the center is a fragment taken from Martin's celebrated group, "Agriculture," while on the left manufacture and liberal art is symbolized, as is also mining on the right.

It is truly a diploma of which the exposition authorities and exhibitors specially should feel proud, and reflects great credit upon the designers.

The diplomas will be ready for delivery immediately upon the rendering of the verdict of the committee on accords.


This magnificent structure was erected on the East Midway especially for the exhibition of the world famed painting "Trilby" by Astley D. M. Cooper. The picture was completed three years ago and has been constantly upon exhibition since then in the larger cities of the country and has been visited by more than two millions of people. It has been pronounced by art critics wherever shown to be one of the greatest art productions of the century, and it is claimed that the figure is the nearest representation of a living model ever painted. "Trilby" is posing on a pedestal in an alcove and the relief is so wonderful the figure seems to be three feet away from the canvass—a marvelous effect. Cooper, the artist, is an American and studied in Paris. He is well known on account of former productions. "Custer's Last Stand" and "The [?]

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Last One in October to Be the Biggest Event of the Great Exposition.

Climax of Series of Brilliant Occasions Is Expected at That Time.

Peace Jubilee Week Not to Stand Alone, for the Coming Ones Have Many Attractions.

Odd Fellows and North Dakota Start Off Tomorrow, With Nebraska on Wednesday.

Three Hundred Thousand and More People Visited the Show the Past Seven Days--Hosts and Guests Gratified.

Saturday's Admissions,35,540
Week's Admissions313,736
Best Previous Week189,615
Total Admissions2,181,292

Peace jubilee at the Trans-Mississippi exposition came to a glorious end, and all anticipations last night were more than satisfied. The chief executive of the nation, the military heros​ of the day, the pick of statesmen and foreign diplomats and hundreds of thousands of American citizens in one short week were the guests of Omaha and the exposition. Both rose to the occasion, the guests were pleased, the hosts more than pleased and the gates couldn't resist the temptation to swing for 124,121 more guests than ever any previous week of the exposition.

The total number for the week was 313,736, while the second place is now held by the week ending September 24, with 189,615, and third place by the week ending October 8, with 158,021. To the week belongs the credit of having the very largest day, Presidential day Wednesday, with 98,845.

Although the most brilliant week of the whole exposition to date has ended, the sources of this marvel of expositions are not half gone, and within the coming two weeks will be crowded the best events of the entire exposition. For the last week plans are not all definitely made, save that Omaha day, October 31, and the last day, will be the cream of the events, and that day is looked forward to as the record breaker of the whole exposition for admission. Chicago day was the best of the World's fair, and the local days, at all succeeding expositions have been hummers. As the gates close at a half hour past midnight Omaha day, the exposition will end.

For this week, however, are listed a galaxy of special affairs of the first magnitude that give promise of making it one of the best, if not the very best, of the summer. Today includes one of the famous Innes band concerts and the ever-ready opportunities for recreation.


Tomorrow includes two special programs—Odd Fellows' day and North Dakota day. The North Dakotans will hold a reception in the state exhibit in the Agricultural building with an address by Colonel J. B. Power, secretary of the commission, and a fine luncheon of hot biscuits made from North Dakota flour and North Dakota banking​ powder, served with North Dakota butter.

The Odd Fellows have been working good and hard for the success of their day. Prizes have been offered for the finest appearing canton of the Patriarchs Militant, and so much interest has been stirred up that it is estimated that fully 2,000 uniformed chevaliers will participate. This is exclusive of the thousands of Odd Fellows appearing in civilians' clothing with the three links of the order as their mark.

The day's program includes a grand parade from Odd Fellows temple to the exposition grounds at 10:30 a. m., addresses at the Auditorium by President Wattles of the exposition, Governor Holcomb, Mayor Moores, Grand Master Charles A. Patterson and Grand Representative George L. Loomis, and reception of grand officers, grand representatives, department commanders and their staffs. At 4 p. m. there will be a dress parade and review of all cantons P. M. on the Grand Plaza.

Tuesday has Tennessee day, Ancient Order of United Workmen day and German day marked up to its account. As to Tennessee day, liberal railroad rates have been made and the Tennessee people are expected to send a delegation, their assuranes​ warranting this.


The Ancient Order of United Workmen people in all of the surrounding states, and especially in Nebraska, all know of the day, and every lodge will have its representatives if it doesn't come in a body. Special excursion parties have been made up from Lincoln, Wood River, Norfolk and Grand Island. Four bands from out of the city, so far as known, will be brought in. Fifteen drill teams in uniform have entered for the competitive contest on the exposition grounds at 4 p. m.

At 1:30 p. m. in the Auditorium will be held the formal exercises, including addresses by the mayor, Grand Master Workman M. E. Schultz, Past Supreme Master Workman J. G. Tate, Supreme Master Workman H. C. Sessions, Mrs. Delia Harding of Hebron, the grand chief of honor. The Ancient Order of United Workmen officers are determined that it shall excel Modern Woodmen day.

The Germans will celebrate in a most elaborate manner, beginning with a parade from down town in the forenoon, with twenty floats, mounted cuirasseurs, vereins from Omaha and all of the neighboring cities, and distinguished guests. At 3 p. m. the exercises of the day will be held at the Auditorium, the mayor giving the welcome and Wilhelm R. Rapp, editor of the Staats-Zeitung of Chicago, giving the principal address. What the Germans will lack in spirit and numbers will not be worth much.

Wednesday is marked up as Lead and Zinc day, Missouri Live Stock Men's day and Nebraska day. Of the two former later advices are expected, but it is known that the live stock interests of Missouri in general and the mineral interests of Sedalia, Carthage and Joplin will be represented.

The ceremonies of the day will be held at the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, the Auditorium being selected because the only building large enough. Addresses will be delivered by Judge Neville, president of the state commission; President Wattles of the exposition, Governor Holcomb and Hon. William F. Gurley. Invitations have been extended to Senators Allen and Thurston to speak, and to gubernatorial candidates Poynter and Hayward to assist in receiving. Music will be furnished by the Christian Sisters of Ashland, the Wesleyan quartet of Lincoln; violin solo by Miss May Reese of Hastings, with Miss Ethel Payne as accompanist; solo by Mrs. Clara R. Rogers of Hastings, and whistling by Mrs. Percy Wells.

Thursday will be Denver day, Eastern Star day and Utah day. For Denver day no exercises have been arranged, because the Denverites are good enough hustlers to take care of themselves, and a good crowd of hustlers is expected.

Friday is to be Apple day, and will be the occasion for the distribution of a large amount of fine fruit at the Horticultural building.

Not till Thursday will the live stock show close; the Indian congress will offer its attractions every day; the life-saving service will give its exhibitions daily at 3 p. m.; the signal service of the war department exhibit will give balloon ascensions and signalling by flags and torches each afternoon and evening; fireworks will be given at the north tract, elaborate displays, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and on the grand plaza Thursday and Friday evenings, and the Innes New York band will give two concerts daily.


For all of these attractions the railroads have begun slashing rates.

The rate for tomorrow from North Dakota is 80 per cent of the lowest regular fare, tickets being sold Saturday good till October 22.

The Odd Fellows secured 80 per cent of one fare for the round trip from all points where the fare is $6 or less, tickets on sale October 16-17, good for five days.

The Ancient Order of United Workmen for the next day secured exactly the same terms, save that their tickets are on sale one day later.

The Tennesseeans have a one-fare rate for the round trip, tickets on sale October 16-17, good for ten days.

Nebraska day will be favored by the rate of 80 per cent for the round trip for all points within 100 miles, and 1 cent a mile for all points farther out, tickets on sale October 18-19, good for five days.

From Denver the fare will be 80 per cent of one way for the round trip, tickets on sale October 19, good till October 24.

Best of all the excursions is the blanket rate made by all of the Iowa roads of $5 from the Mississippi river; $3.50 from Cedar Rapids and $2.50 from Des Moines, other points in proportion, tickets good only on special excursion trains run from the Mississippi river on the evening of October 25, good for return on the regular train of October 26-27.


It Is Their Day of Jubilee Week at the White City; They Own It.

Odd Fellows, German and Nebraska Days Expected to Bring Large Crowds---Life Saving Crew Makes Gift to Captain Knowles.

Yesterday's attendance at the exposition was surprising. That is not saying that it was enormous, especially not enormous as compared with the attendance on each preceding day of the week. Saturday is not a favorable day for a big crowd, for obvious reasons.

Yesterday was the day for the children of this and surrounding cities and of the adjacent country in peace jubilee week. The day closed that week in the history of the exposition. But no one knew how many children would be here nor could give any estimate of them. They owned the grounds. They are in every part of it. They came on the railroads and they rode up and walked up from town. A few very bad ones climbed in over the fence, and some who were both bold and bad made their way through the rounds of the exit gates which have since the beginning of the exposition offered a tempting trial to the adventurous spirit of Young America.

But there were probably more grown people than children there. The latter, however—more demonstrative and expressive than the elders—made the impression general before the gates had been open three hours, that they owned the whole show. There was much "Here, pa," "Say, pa," and "Aunt Ollie." And pa and ma and Aunt Ollie had to do the proper thing or suffer still more of that most restless thing known as child's teasing and solicitation.

Imposing pageantry and sound had been prominent in the celebration of the week. The voice of the president of the United States, of this and that great general or secretary or senator had been heard. This was the day when the softer voices of the children should be heard in ushering in the piping of the piping times of peace.

Meets a Schoolmate.

General Shafter met an old schoolmate yesterday morning.

"I knew William R. Shafter and all his people back in Michigan," said Major Daniel H. Wheeler of this city this morning. "We were boys together back there in 1853-5, and lived fifteen miles apart, and are about the same age, I being one year the older. We were boys then, he about 17 and worked on his father's farm near Galesburg. I lived fifteen miles away and taught school. Young Shafter came to my school at Gourd Neck every two weeks to take part in the spelling school, and he was one of the best spellers in the country; and if there was any one thing he liked more than another it was spelling. He was a jovial, fun-loving fellow, and was always ready for a dance, a picnic, or a fight. He always had a chip on his shoulder, as we say, and was ready for any fellow in the country to knock it off. He was what we called a leader among the boys, and inclined to be a wild youth, harmless, but ready for anything on the earth.

At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion," added Major Wheeler, "Shafter enlisted and rapidly went to the front. At the close of the war he was retained as colonel in the regular army. He never went to West Point, and had no military training other than that secured in the school of experience."

General Shafter and Major Wheeler spent a pleasant time in talking about old times—the boys and girls of "those good old days."

Civil Engineers' Visit.

A party of civil engineers, assembling at Chicago, occupying two sleepers, came in yesterday at 8:20 a. m. on the Milwaukee road. There were about forty leading engineers of the country in the company, and most of them were accompanied by their wives. Upon arriving in the city they scattered, some going to the exposition direct, fifteen or twenty to the Paxton and a like number to the Millard. They will spend two days in the city visiting the exposition, returning home Sunday evening. Howard E. Laing, city pasesnger​ agent of the Milwaukee, had charge of the party and will see that they have a good time.

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These people composed the party: Alfred Noble, president Western Society of Engineers and member of the United States board of engineers on deep waterways; Irving Hitz, civil engineer, United States inspector of Chicago river improvements; Louis M. Mann of Oshkosh, United States assistant engineer, in charge of Fox river improvements; Isham Randolph, chief engineer sanitary district of Chicago; Clarence L. Crafts, assistant engineer northeastern lake tunnel; Oscar Sanne of Milwaukee, W. R. Roberts, C. C. Stowell, A. Sorg, J. C. Stevens, H. N. Elmer, C. P. Chase, R. D. Seymour, D. J. Whitemore, G. W. Cope, O. J. Wescott, J. F. Lewis, H. C. Martin, C. L. Schauffer, J. C. Ross, F. P. Kellogg.

Lieutenant McLellan in Charge.

Lieutenant McLellan has arrived to take charge of the life saving service exhibition at the exposition. He succeeds Captain Knowles, who has been called back to Rhode Island to superintend the putting in of various improvements. Lieutenant McLellan was on the Manning during the recent war and fired several hundred shots at the Spanish.

Captain Knowles, during his stay here, has been as popular with his crew as with the outside parties who have become acquainted with him. This morning the crew presented to the captain a goldheaded cane, which bore the inscription:

Captain H. M. Knowles,
United States Live Saving Crew,
Omaha, Neb.,

Captain Knowles and the crew were recently pleased to receive the commendation of the general superintendent of the life saving service, Mr. Kimball, who spent several days at the exposition.

Children From South.

The Union Pacific yesterday morning brought a special train from Manhattan, Kas., carrying about 1,000 young folks, about half of the number being from the Kansas Agricultural college at Manhattan. A train from Stromsburg brought about the same number of children from that town and intermediate points. The Missouri Pacific brought 250 children from Nebraska City and the Burlington brought 1,000 from Table Rock and intermediate points.

Jury of Awards Begins Its Work.

The jury of awards for the exposition began business yesterday. In its various divisions are from sixty to eighty men. The department of exhibits says that it will not give the names. This is to save the jurymen from the annoyance of suggestion and solicitation on the part of exhibitors.


Nebraska Day Will Be Celebrated Wednesday and Crush Is Again Expected.

That Day and the Next Will Be Last Two of Live Stock Show Excelling All Others in Country.

Special Rates Made on All Railroads for the Occasion on Which State Is to Have Its Exercises at Exposition.

Sunday's Admissions11,104
Total Admissions2,192,396

Nebraska day at the exposition, Wednesday of this week, gives promise of being one of tremendous crowds, abundance of enthusiasm and fun galore. From early morning till late at night everything will be turned over to visiting Nebraskans from out of the city, for whom the railroads have made excursion rates.

That day and the next will be the last two of the live stock show, the best of its kind in America this year in both size and character, and on these two days the fat stock show will be open as a special feature of the big show, where the owners of roly-poly horses, cattle, sheep and swine may exploit the pride of their farms. So right there are two days of royal entertainment and valuable education for the energetic farmer and stockman.

The program of the day will be held at the Auditorium at 11 o'clock in the morning. It is:

Music, Omaha Concert band.

Invocation, Chancellor George E. MacLean.

Concert waltz (Dudley Buck), Wesleyan quartet.

Address, President Gurdon W. Wattles.

Violin solo, Miss Maye Rees; Miss Edith Payne, accompanist.

"Greeting to Spring." Christian sisters.

Address, Governor Silas A. Holcomb.

Vocal solo, "O, Happy Day," Clara Rogers Barnes.

"Rustic Dance" (Reche), Christian sisters.

Oration, Hon. Will F. Gurley.

Music, Omaha Concert band.

At the Nebraska building at 3 p. m. a public reception will be tendered to Governor Holcomb and staff. There will be given a miscellaneous musical program.

A bust of William Jennings Bryan will be molded at the Nebraska building in Nebraska butter by the sculptress, Mrs. Caroline Shaw Brook.

Nebraska apples will be given away all day at the Horticulture building.


Stray Incidents Which Caught Attention During the Crush.

Many were the queer and in some ways memorable incidents of President McKinley's visit to the exposition last Wednesday, which are being commented on from day to day as they become known. One is the regard for the pleasure of others as shown by the president in many little ways. While walking through the crowd from the Indian sham batttle​ to Markel's, a little girl dashed through the line of soldiers, and coyly presented the president with a rose. He smiled as he received it, and in return gave the child one from his own coat lapel, upon which he pinned his last present. At dinner, by a mistake in seating, a vacant chair was on the left of the president. Noticing this, he at once sent an invitation to Mrs. Wattles, whose husband was on the president's right, to occupy the vacant chair. The president presented to Mr. Wattles the original copy from which he read his exposition address, a souvenir much prized.

Not a few remarks were made about the decorations of the cafe for the occasion, the work of the chief flagman, Joe Swartz. The ceiling of the room was in a sun-burst effect of rich red, white and blue bunting, bejeweled with clusters of incandescent lights, and with fan-shaped girders. On the walls were eighteen Florentine shields, each draped in butterfly effect with an American flag. The frieze was deep with red, white and green. At the entrance a magnificent result was made with the portrait of the president, surmounted by a bronze eagle, and draped with four silk flags. At every place where a bad spot was to be hidden, or an artistic turn could be made, drapings of American, Cuban and Hawaiian flags were gracefully flaunted. The columns and pillars were festooned with live oak, hidden by potted plants. Many other pretty effects in color were made in the Auditorium, at the grand plaza, and the Administration Arch.

The Second Nebraska volunteer infantry did some hard work that day as president's guard, particularly companies G and M, who were his immediate escort the greater part of the afternoon. The experience of protecting the president from being crushed to gold leaf thinness by 98,885 enthusiastic American citizens was more trying to muscles and nerves than one of the two and a half hour extended order drills were over the Chickamauga hills.

One of the boys of company G relates a story of how he disposed of a pestiferous individual who kept trying to crowd within the lines. The soldier boy had been standing in the statuesque position of "present arms" for half an hour while being nearly overbalanced by the man behind. Suddenly came the order to "order arms." Innocently raising his gun about three feet from the ground, he let it drop at the order of the butt striking squarely on the toes of the man trying to crowd through. With a yell and a bound, the nuisance went up into the air, and as he was never seen afterward, it is supposed that he is still going.

Live Stock Judging Contest.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Ames, Ia., Oct. 16.—Prof. John Craig of the bureau of animal husbandry in the Iowa agricultural college, who has charge of the Clay, Robinson & Co. inter-collegiate live stock judging contest, has received entries from six universities and colleges, which will together send twenty representative competitors. They are as follows:

University of Missouri, H. H. Smith of Carthage.

University of Wisconsin, J. R. Black, F. Rabeler and J. H. Stanton.

University of Indiana, Frank Johnson.

Agricultural college of Michigan, James A. Buckley and D. I. Knight.

Iowa Agricultural college [?] D. E. Holingsworth, A. G. Hopkins, W. J. Kennedy, E. G. Preston, J. L. Plumb, G. M. Rommett, H. G. Skinner, F. B. Stout, H. G. Van Pelt.

The contest will be held October 18, 19 and 20, and the representative competitors from the Ames college will leave for Omaha tomorrow morning.

The judges will be: John Gosling on Missouri, cattle examiner; George McKerrow of Wisconsin, examiner of sheep; Mr. Brethdor of Canada, examiner of hogs and swine.

The papers of the contestants will be judged according to registrations of Mr. Sanders, an expert Omaha buyer, who will judge the stock at the time the competitors do.

Prof. Craig says the exposition management has done much for the competition and has given it all the scope that could be desired. He thinks the contest will be of much interest and will be well attended, as it has been well advertised by the exposition.

Children Enjoyed Themselves.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Nebraska City, Neb., Oct. 16.—The excursion of the public school children of Nebraska City to the exposition was a success in every particular. Nearly 400 took advantage of the low rate made for the occasion. A purse was raised by popular subscription to provide transportation for those whose parents were unable to pay the expenses of the trip.

Pleasure Even in Dampness.

Although yesterday was somewhat cold and dreary at the exposition, and the depressions in the streets were little pools of water, a crowd of 11,104 people was there the whole afternoon and evening, and seemed to be having just as good a time as if it were a balmy day in June. Two fine concerts were given by the Innes band in the Auditorium, for both of which the building was crowded.

Colonel Richardson Resigns.

Colonel R. W. Richardson has resigned his position as special press commissioner of the exposition, there being not much yet to do on account of the close of the exposition being so nearly at hand, and because of the pressure of private business, that of attorney, which Colonel Richardson will actively resume. Court convenes early in November.

Exposition Notes.

The National Flax, Hemp and Ramie association will hold a meeting at the Montana building tomorrow evening. The president, J. Sterling Morton, is expected for the occasion.

Francis J. Gish, superintendent of transportation, has resigned and will leave at once to enter upon his junior year at Rush Medical college, Chicago. His work, which has nearly ceased with the near approach of the close of the exposition, will be taken up by Mr. A. H. Lee, superintendent of the warehouses, in connection with his son.

Nothing of unusual interest was pulled off at the Indian congress yesterday, a rest being taken after the four sham battles of the week. Thousands of visitors were prying about, however.


Diplomats and Others Say They Had a Jolly Time.

Washington, D. C., Oct. 16.—Shortly after 4 o'clock this afternoon the special train bearing the members of the diplomatic corps, army officials and Washington newspaper men who have been guests of the Baltimore & Ohio and Northwestern railroads and the Omaha exposition for a week arrived at the Baltimore & Ohio station. The run from South Chicago to Washington was made in twenty-one hours and eight minutes. The reception committee of the Chicago jubilee pressed on the party an earnest invitation to remain in Chicago during the jubilee, but it was declined, although very reluctantly.

Members of the party speak in flattering terms of their entertainment and entertainers on the trip. The train, which was furnished by the Northwestern railroad and the Wagner Palace Car company, was one of the finest ever run out of Washington, and the officials of the Baltimore & Ohio and Northwestern vied with each other in supplying excellent service. The managers of the Omaha exposition left nothing undone either during the time of the actual trip or during the period spent at the exposition to afford the party a delightful experience.

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North Wind and Its Attendant Snow Storm at the Exposition.


King of the Wintry Blasts Demands a Reception for Himself.


Summer Show Suffers Considerably from Blizzard's Effects.


Visitors Undaunted by the Awful Weather Make the Best of Their Way from Building to Building All Day.

Total Admissions Yesterday11,104
Total to Date2,192,396

The concensus​ of opinion on the exposition grounds is that this is not a red letter day. There is no surging multitude, no warmth, no sunshine, no coloring of landscape, no comfort anywhere. The attractions of the show are limited to a sharp northwest wind that drives the damp snow through every crack and crevice and chills the visitor to the very bones. The white buildings seem dull and leaden beside the pure white of the blinding snow. The flowers and grass and foliage are concealed under three inches of soft, slushy covering, and the avenues and promenades are a continuous waste of slush and water. It is cold everywhere, and damp and raw and thoroughly comfortless. But even these multiplied disadvantages could not entirely keep the people away. There are several thousand people in Omaha who came here from various distances to see the exposition. They had nowhere else to go and they are doing their best to enjoy themselves on the grounds in spite of the elements. The street cars were crowded all the morning, and while the blustering cold drove the people out of the open the buildings were fairly filled. By crowding pretty close together the visitors managed to see the exhibits in some degree of comfort and the shelter of the colonnades permitted them to pass from one building to another without exposure.

On the Midway the showmen just took a day off and most of them made no effort to do business. In the stock barns the cattle crowded as closely together as their tethers would permit and in the office buildings the employes shivered in spite of the soft coal fires. In the Indian encampment the Apaches and other souther tribes buried themselves in blankets, crept as far as possible into the doubtful shelter of their tepees and shivered in glum silence. Occasionally a fervent ebullition of cuss words betrayed the presence of an aboriginal who had been partially civilized.

Children in the Storm.

But the greatest sufferers by reason of the young blizzard were a big trainload of school children that arrived from Fremont at 10 o'clock. There were 1,129 of them and although it was snowing steadily when they left home not one of them was willing to back out. Some of them were only poorly protected from the unaccustomed cold and when they had been on the grounds half an hour they were nearly frozen. They were admitted at the north gate and by the time they reached the main court they were uniformly wet and cold and uncomfortable. Even childish enthusiasm was chilled by the discomforts of the day and they were glad to be taken in hand by the exposition employes, who did everything in their power to make them comfortable. The little ones were divided between the buildings where stoves diffused some degree of warmth, the fires were stirred until the stoves were red hot and the group of small boys and girls were given the front seats while they dried their soggy shoes and warmed themselves ready for another jaunt out in the cold.

The celebrations that had been scheduled for the day were, in the main, abandoned. The Odd Fellows' parade and exercises were called off entirely and the North Dakota day exercises were limited to a very informal celebration at the state exhibit in the Agricultural building. Several hundred [?] forenoon and these were received and made to feel at home by Miss Henrietta Ford, who is in charge of the exhibit; Mrs. Edna B. Maxwell of Kansas City and Mrs. Charles Dayman of Omaha. The booth was very prettily decorated with red and yellow roses and smilax.

The program of speechmaking was cut very short in deference to the conditions and this consisted of very short greetings by Colonel C. A. Lounsbury, chairman of the North Dakota commission, and Commissioner J. B. Power. The feature of the celebration that appealed most forcibly to the crowd was the distribution of hot biscuits compounded of North Dakota flour and lavishly spread with North Dakota butter. These were manufactured by the hundred and served to all who came, and this was easily the most popular feature of the day. The biscuits were delicious at any time and especially to the people who had been fighting their way through the damp snow outside. The way they disappeared was something amazing, and hundreds of cold and shivering people voted them the most palatable morsels they had ever enjoyed.


Visitors to the Exposition Undaunted by Untoward Weather Conditions.

The bright skies that remained so loyal all through Jubilee week were overcast again yesterday and the immense crowds of the preceding days gave place to a few thousand enthusiastic sightseers whom the discomforts of the day could not daunt. It was surprising that there were so many of them. Even in the morning when the steadily drizzling rain was swept by a north wind that fairly penetrated through and through the human anatomy the grounds were far from being deserted. When 1,100 people came out before 1 o'clock on such a day as yesterday and paid 50 cents to get in, when by waiting until afternoon they could have gone through the gates for half price, it is a pretty pertinent indication that the people consider the show worth coming to see. About that number must have done that very thing for the receipts at the gates at 1 o'clock were $500. Later in the day when the clouds ceased to drizzle, the arrivals increased and by the middle of the afternoon there were enough people on the grounds to surprise the officials who had scarcely expected to pay expenses in the face of such conditions. The show was not at its prettiest. The buildings reflected the dull leaden tints of the clouds and the cold wind had free sweep across the wide promenades and compelled the crowd to move lively to keep warm. Even the still gorgeous coloring of the foliage and flowers seemed a trifle out of place in the chill atmosphere and the damp raw breezes made visions of a warm fire and an easy chair more fascinating than the frigid panorama out of doors.

Crowd Enjoys the Show.

But if these exterior inconveniences were sufficient to minimize the enjoyment of those who have become familiar with the beauties of the grounds, they seemed to have no effect on the bulk of the crowd. This represented visitors who had come to admire the great enterprise of which they had heard so much from their neighbors who had come and gone before them and they found it sufficiently interesting to compensate them for minor discomforts. The cold inspired a gregarious tendency and the people promenaded over the grounds in parties of twenty and fifty instead of breaking up into small parties, as usual, and, although the task of keeping warm seemed to involve more noise and confusion than is usually noticed on the grounds on the first day of the week, it kept the people good-natured and they seemed to be having as much fun out of their visit as though the skies were clear. The evening crowd was not gratifying. Very few people came out after 3 o'clock and many of the earlier arrivals went home after a glimpse at the illuminations.

The concerts by Innes and his band were the only features and even in the Auditorium the atmosphere was too raw to make sitting though a long program especially enjoyable. But the crowd supplied in enthusiasm what it lacked in proportions and it took advantage of the end of every number to applaud with sufficient vigor to quicken its circulation. The sacred concert in the afternoon included a number of selections that are comparatively new to the average auditor and these were rendered with the same magnificent spirit that characterizes nearly all of the work of Mr. Innes' musicians. The opening number was Mendelssohn's overture, "Ruy Blas," and this was so vigorously appreciated that it required two encores to satisfy the crowd. The intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rusticana" won its customary ovation and the rendition of the symphonic paean. "Les Preludes," by Liszt, was another feature of notable [?] Schumann's "Dreams," with organ obligato by Mr. Kelly, and the final military march were among the remaining selections that were heard with pronounced favor.

Prospective Balance Sheet.

As only fifteen days of the exposition remain there is already a good deal of figuring on the prospective financial status of the enterprise when the gates are closed. With fairly good weather during the remainder of the month a very satisfactory showing is assured. As nearly as can be estimated at this time the net balance that will stand in favor of the exposition will be about $140,000 plus the receipts from now to the end of October. The bank balance, with cash in the hands of the secretary, now aggregates almost exactly $300,000. The indications so far are that the estimate of $100,000 for the cost of operation during October will not be far out of the way. To this must be added bills aggregating about $5,000 still outstanding on account of the stock show, premiums amounting to $35,000 and contract balances amounting to $21,685. This makes a prospective expenditure to the end of the show of $160,000. Two weekly payrolls in October, which aggregate $4,000, have been paid and an equal amount has been paid to Innes' band. These amounts are depended on to offset any additional expenditures that may arise and it is regarded as a conservative statement that the exposition now has $140,000 in sight after all bills are paid to November 1. Figuring on this basis, every dollar that is taken in from now to the end may properly be added to this balance.

Live Stock Show a Success.

George R. Mokel, vice president of the St. Joseph Live Stock Commission company, who has been in the city attending the live stock show, speaking of the animals exhibited, last night, before leaving for home, said: "There never has been anything like it seen in this country. I have attended all of the live stock shows during the last fifteen years and this is the best. There are not so many horses as there used to be some years ago, but those that are here are world beaters. When it comes to cattle, sheep and hogs, there was never such a lot of animals brought to any show. It seems that the whole country has been scoured for the purpose of securing the best. There are animals here from about every state in the union, as well as some from Canada.

"The live stock show has been well attended by the farmers, who have evinced a deep interest in this class of exhibits, and I am of the opinion that they will profit largely by what they have seen, as many of them have already negotiated for the purchase of animals for the purpose of improving their herds."

Committee on History.

President Wattles has designated C. W. Lyman, I. W. Carpenter and General Charles F. Manderson as a special committee to have charge of the task of preparing a history of the exposition, for which $10,000 was appropriated at the last meeting of the Board of Directors.


What a Geographer Knew of the United States in 1833.

While it is not an exhibit, one of the most interesting things seen at the exposition showing the development of the transmississippi country is an old map of the United States, owned by Gilbert E. Purple, publisher of the Tioga County Herald, Newark Valley, N. Y. Mr. Purple was at the exposition last week on his way home from a visit with relatives in the western portion of Nebraska and while there he secured this old map. The map is of date of 1833 and was published by J. Carpenter of New York City. It is in colors, appearing much like the maps of the present day, showing the lines of latitude and longitude and having a scale of miles.

The map shows twenty-five states and four territories. The states are those east of the Mississippi river, with the exception of Wisconsin and Michigan, which were then territories. Arkansas on the map is designated as a territory, while all of the country to the north of Missouri is designated as Missouri territory. All of that section to the west is given the name of the Great American desert, arid and unfit for habitation or cultivation. Out in the vicinty​ of Colorado and to the west the map indicates that there are mountains, but the mapmaker has added that the country is unexplored. Wisconsin is known by the names of Ouisconsin territory, while Nebraska has no name or place.

Along the shores of Lakes Huron, Michigan and Superior, there are no towns, though at the extreme western end of the last [?]  Scanned image of page 119 that at this point the American Fur company has a station. Along the south end of Lake Michigan and at a point where the city of Chicago is now situated, the section of the country is marked off as belonging to the Pottawattamie Indians. Their reservation extends over into Indiana and well down toward Indianapolis. South of their reservation the country belongs to the Kickapoos, according to the map markings. The Miamis and Ottawas occupy about all of the territory of Michigan, the Chippewas and Winnebagoes appear to hold sway in what is now Wisconsin. Regarding the Indians west of the Missouri river, the map maker says it is said that there are numerous tribes, but admits that he is unable to learn anything concerning them, as the country has not been visited by white men and there is no data relative to its inhabitants or general character.

According to the map, in 1833 there were no towns on the west bank of the Mississippi above St. Louis, with the exception of a point designated as Lead Mines, located where the city of Dubuque, Ia., now stands. On the Missouri river the map shows no settlements or towns north of Jefferson City. Omaha is not on the map, not even the old trading post at Bellevue being shown. Railroads are even scarcer than towns, as there is but one upon the map. It runs from Philadelphia out to Colombia, in Pennsylvania. Canals, however, are numerous and appear to connect many of the principal towns of the middle states.

Compliments Captain Mercer.

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 14.—To the Editor of The Bee: Considering the many notices which will have appeared in your valuable paper with reference to the Indians, your note on "New Yorkers Saw Indians in Sham Battle" was concise and to the point. Expressing my own opinion, I must say it was highly interesting as well as instructive, it being only a question of time when we will be no longer favored by the presence of these aborigines.

A personage, not on the program, introduced to the audience, or mentioned at all, attracted widespread attention and I was told it to be Captain Mercer, who had charge of this special exhibition. His noble bearing, which proved him to be every inch a soldier, the magnificent manner in which he rode his beautiful steed, was no doubt the greatest contrast to the spectacle which followed and no better example could have been given of the tremendous difference between the heathen and the civilized world.


Nebraska Day Program.

The following program is announced for the Nebraska day exercises Wednesday:

MusicOmaha Concert Band
InvocationChancellor George E. MacLean
Music—Concert WaltzDudley BuckWesleyan Quartet.
AddressPresident G. W. Wattles
Violin SoloMiss Mae Rees
Greetings to SpringG. D. WilsonChristian Sisters.
AddressGovernor Silas A. Holcomb
Vocal Solo—O Happy DayClara Rogers Barnes
Rustic DanceRecheChristian Sisters.
OrationWill F. Gurley

At 3 o'clock a reception will be tendered to Governor Holcomb and staff at the Nebraska building, at which a musical program will be rendered and Nebraska apples will be distributed free at the Horticultural building during the day.


Demonstration Planned for the Day Gives Way to a Reception Tonight at Their Halls.

All of the exercises planned for Odd Fellows' day today have been abandoned, not only in town, but out at the exposition as well. In a measure to make up for this deficiency in entertainment a reception will be tendered the visiting brethren and Daughters of Rebekah at the two halls on the corner of Fourteenth and Dodge streets this evening. An address of welcome will be made by Mayor Moores and short speeches will also be made by some of the visitors and by some of the local Odd Fellows. Light refreshments will also be served.

The prevalence of weather necessitating the postponement of these exercises is a keen disappointment to the local Odd Fellows' committee. For three months it has been at work advertising the day and working up an interest in the order which would contribute to the success of the celebration, and to have the efforts nullified by a freak of the elements is discouraging. But while the weather succeeded in knocking out the parade and other festivities of a public nature, it did not suppress the energy of the members of the local committee, for they [?]

At Odd Fellows' Bureau of Information on Fourteenth street, it was not known this morning how many members of the order had arrived in the city. The nature of the weather was such that few ventured out even to report the arrival of their party. It is believed that many of the brethren are now in the city, or on the way, and that the sudden change in the weather would only affect the plans of those who lived within a short distance of the city.

It was at first proposed to have the exercises postponed until tomorrow, but upon investigation, it was found that the Auditorium at the exposition could not be secured then, as it had been engaged for another program, and it was then that a complete abandonment of the program was regretfully decided upon.


Committee in Charge Expects it to Be a Brilliant Success.


Men Whose Names Are Famous in Connection with the Movement Will Be in Omaha During the Week.

Charles S. Lobingier, one of the committee which has been getting it up, is very sanguine over the prospects of a good attendance from the religious thinkers of all parts of the country at the Liberal Congress of Religions, which is to open with a sermon by Rabbi E. G. Hirsch of Chicago, after the addresses of welcome, at the First Congregational church tomorrow evening. He expects that everyone on the program will be here. The participants may not begin to arrive before this evening and tomorrow afternoon. Their headquarters will be at the Hotel Dellone while here, save that some of the ministers will be the guests of members of their particular denominations.

Some of the names of those who are to be the city's guests in this important gathering are familiar to the reading public all over the country. Rabbi Hirsch is considered one of the leading Hebrew scholars in America. David Starr Jordan is the president of Leland Stanford, jr., university in California. He was a member of the Bering Sea commission to settle the seal patrol question. Dr. John Henry Barrows of Chicago was a prominent figure in the world's parliament of religions at the World's fair. After that he went to Hindustan on an endowment to examine into the tenets of Brahmanism, Buddhism, the Vedas and other phases of Hindu metaphysics and ethics, also the workings of the Brahma Somaje (Society of Universal Religions), at Bombay, in the hope of establishing many things in common between the Hindu religions and Christianity. He is an able Presbyterian minister, and is to discuss the "Great America" and this country's mission in Asia. Prof. N. P. Gilman of the Meadeville, Pa., Theological seminary, is the editor of the "New World." Sociology is his specialty. Rev. Frank Crane of Chicago was formerly pastor of the Frist​ Methodist Episcopal church here. Dr. H. W. Thomas of Chicago, the president of the congress, was tried for heresy some years ago, and started an independent church.

The name, "Liberal Congress of Religions," might have created a wrong impression in the mind of the public, thinks Mr. Lobingier. He wishes it understood that the name means exactly what it says and that it is not to be a "free thinking" affair. Dr. Jenkin Lloyd Jones of Chicago is familiar to Omaha people, having been here some time ago to preach at the First Methodist Episcopal church, and in the exposition Auditorium. He will be one of the leading spirits of the congress. All shades of Christian, Jewish and rationalistic belief are to be represented.


5 a. m.35
6 a. m.34
7 a. m.32
8 a. m.32
9 a. m.32
10 a. m.32
11 a. m.32
12 m.32
1 p. m.32
2 p. m.32
3 p. m.32

From 7 a. m. to 2 p. m. the precipitation has been .35 of an inch, equal to 3 inches of snow.


Local Passenger Stations the Centers of Maelstroms of Humanity.


Odd Fellows Make Up the Bulk of the Great Throng that Comes on the First Day to Have a Good Start for the Week.

The limited space in the union depot shed was more congested yesterday afternoon than it was any time during the Peace Jubilee week. Travel in and out of the city was heavy and the weather was too uncomfortable for the passengers to remain out on the broad space about the depot tracks. Between the hours of 4 and 6 one could scarcely turn around within the wooden station, and the narrow passageway between the building and the first Union Pacific track was so crowded as to almost block traffic.

The only special train to arrive during the day was one from Des Moines over the Northwestern railroad. It arrived at 3 p. m. and brought in about 200 Odd Fellows desirous of celebrating their lodge day at the exposition on Monday. While this was the only special train, there were a great number of special parties, mostly of Odd Fellows, their wives and daughters, who arrived on the regular trains of the day. The Union Pacific's afternoon train from the west was a half hour late on account of the great crowd of exposition visitors it brought in. There were sixteen cars in the train, all filled. The Rock Island trains east and west were crowded with Odd Fellows, and the Milwaukee and Port Arthur roads brought in numerous delegations of the same order from east of the Missouri river.

Red badges, white badges and blue badges were seen here and there about the station, indicative of the effort the Odd Fellows are going to make to equal the exposition record attendance recently made by the Modern Woodmen. The three golden links of the lodge were noticed on about 99 per cent of the badges and ribbons fluttering in the cool Nebraska zephyrs about the depot shed. The men were not alone with the emblems, for scores of women showed their allegiance to the auxiliary of the Odd Fellows. The visiting delegations were met at the depot by representatives of the local lodges and properly directed to their places of temporary abode in the great exposition city.

Across the tracks there were large parties of Odd Fellows arriving at the new Burlington station throughout the day. Most of them came from the west, although there were several hundred aboard of the train from the east which arrived at 4:15 p. m. There were no special trains in or out of the Burlington station yesterday, but all of the thirty-two regular trains were well filled.

Homeward-bound travel of exposition visitors was normal yesterday. It was not so heavy as on Thursday, Friday or Saturday of last week, but it caused all of the trains to leave the Tenth street stations with from one to six extra cars attached. The westbound trains were heavy, but the Chicago trains handled a much great number of passengers. One of the heaviest trains out of the union shed was the Milwaukee evening train with fifteen cars.


Ten Cannon at the Exposition Which Have Had a Varied Experience in the Fortunes of War.

Ten splendidly wrought brass cannon from Santiago de Cuba have recently been placed in position near the front of the Government building. An expert has examined them and pronounced them remarkably fine specimens of ancient cannon. They were all manufactured in the gun factory of Douay, France. Every gun has its name placed well to the front. About twelve inches below the name is this legend in Latin: "Ultima Ratio Regum" (The last argument of kings). Below this is the name of some member of the house of Bourbon, the ones more frequently occurring being those of "Louis Auguste de Bourbon," "Duc du Maine" and of "Louis Charles," "Comte d'Eu," "Duc d'Aumale." Immediately beneath the name is the royal coat-of-arms of the Bourbons of France. The shield is surmounted by a crown composed of fleur-de-lis. Three fleur-de-lis are emblazoned on the shield, which is surrounded by the collar of St. Louis. Just beneath the shield is one of the oldest and most valued decorations of the ancient regime, the Cross of St. Louis. This entire design, exquisitely wrought, rests against a background of flags draped above gun carriages and piles of cannon balls. Here a [?]  Scanned image of page 120 there is a graceful scroll bearing the motto: "Nec Pluribus Impar" (Unequaled among many). Beneath this is a woman's head centered in a glory composed of the rays of the sun at full noontide. The last piece of fine ornamentation on the guns is a reproduction of the royal arms as described above, except that the device is a little larger. Each gun has two handles made of two dolphins, every scale and fin being beautifully reproduced in the bronze. The patient artisan did not stop with this highly ornate barrel of the magnificent gun, but made the rear end to resemble a powerful female head, presumably the famous Gorgon head which adorns the aogis​ of Minerva. The names of these guns are: "Le Furet," "Le Faronche," L'Universel," "Le Conquerant," "Le Passe," "Le Prince de Conde," "Le Facheux," "Le Comte d'Argenson," "Le Fourbe," "Le Effronte." They were manufactured by Berenger, commissaire des fontes, at Douay, and are dated from 1748 to 1755, except "Le Faronche" which was made by John Maritz at Douay in 1748, and "Le Passe Partout," made in Douay at 1693. This last gun has the Bourbon arms emblazoned only once on it and near the mouth instead of the name of one of the royal Bourbons are the name and arms of le mareschal, Duc de Humieres. Sometimes the name Douay is Latinized into "Duaci," perhaps to accord with the "fecit," which word these guns founders invariably used.

As these are French guns of the date indicated, the supposition here is that they were the guns captured from Napoleon Bonaparte during his disastrous campaign in Spain. As weapons of war, the beautiful old fieldpieces are worse than useless and more dangerous to those handling them than to those aimed at, but as works of art and as souvenirs of rare historical value they are easily first among similar possessions of this republic.

These guns were sent directly from Santiago by General Shafter to Major Ward, who is in charge of the exhibit of the War department here.


Squaw Winter Develops Unexpected Vigor Throughout the West.


Change of Wind Saturday Night Followed by Rain Turning to Snow, Which Has Cut off Telegraph and Causes Much Local Discomfort.

Omaha people had a vigorous snow storm accompanied by a stiff northwest wind sprung upon them this morning. It didn't fall far short of a blizzard, and those whose furnaces or heating stoves had not yet been set in operation found the atmosphere rather chilly for an early morning toilet. The snow was heavy and full of water, the register at the weather office at 7 o'clock indicating that .58 of an inch of precipitation had fallen during the previous twenty-four hours. Some of this of course was due to the rain of Sunday. At 2 o'clock snow is still falling steadily.

The wind began blowing from the north on Saturday evening, and the mercury dropped several degrees. During that night a rain set in which continued until nearly Sunday noon. It was cloudy all day Sunday, the wind continuing to blow from the north, and during that night the rain turned into a snow. The thermometer showed 32 degrees at 7 o'clock this morning, the first time this season that a freezing mark has been shown. This is also the mark at which a killing frost is recorded, although, owing to the wind and clouds, there was no frost last night. The average date for the first killing frost is September 21, so that of this year is about one month late.

Cut Off Telegraph.

The snow was so heavy as to cut off all telegraphic communication with Chicago, and the weather office had received no reports from the north and northwest at 11 o'clock. Of the reports received, North Platte showed a temperature of 34, with no precipitation and clearing weather; Dodge City, Kan., had 32 degrees, with a killing frost; Santa Fe had 34 degrees, a killing frost and clear weather; Cheyenne, Denver and Pueblo each had 26 degrees, with clear weather, and Sioux City reported a forty-mile wind and cloudy weather.

With such reports as he had Mr. Welsh thought the storm would be of short duration, but he could not make a forecast to that effect until his missing reports came in, as they might change the condition of the weather map.

Mr. Welsh received his missing reports at noon, and upon them he based a forecast to the effect that it would be fair tomorrow, with continued cold tonight and tomorrow.

The coldest October shown in the record of twenty-eight years in the local weather office was in 1873, when the main temperature was 48; the lowest temperature recorded in the month during that period was 16 degrees on October 25, 1887, and the heaviest snow for the month was four and one-half inches on October 29, 1894.

The wind during the morning was so strong it kept the air filled with fine particles of snow, at times almost blinding the vision. The snow melted about as soon as it struck the ground except in the most exposed places on the northwest side. The sidewalks became ladened with slush and the streets were wet. While traveling was disagreeable, the weather was not uncomfortably cold, although the wind was cutting when one had to face it.

Soldiers Get Stoves.

The unexpected snow storm hit the army posts in the Department of the Missouri very hard. With the volunteer soldiers equipped only with summer clothing they were in no condition to meet the cold weather. The Second Nebraska regiment, stationed at Fort Omaha, is better off than most of the volunteers located in this department, as they are able to enjoy the shelter of substantial barracks. This morning Quartermaster Baxter of the Department of the Missouri sent out several stoves to Fort Omaha and had them put up in the barracks to keep the boys warm. The other military posts in this department at which volunteer troops are now located are as follows: Kansas City, two regiments of infantry; Jefferson Barracks, Mo., two regiments of infantry and one battery of artillery; Des Moines, two regiments of infantry; Fort Logan A. Roots, one regiment of infantry; Fort Leavenworth, two regiments of infantry.

Hard on Telephone Lines.

There was a disturbance of the telephone lines in several parts of the city this morning that caused a ringing of the bells in a number of the office buildings. The fire alarm system was bedly​ hampered. At Twelfth and Mason streets the weight of the snow pulled the electric light wires down so that they crossed the telephone wires and a force of five men was required to repair the damage. The inspectors were busy all the morning looking out for damage to the lines.


Monday Morning Arrivals Are Numerous in Spite of the Snow.


Odd Fellows, United Workmen and School Children Make Up the Bulk of the Stormy Day's Exposition Crowd.

The first snow storm of the season did not prevent the crowds from coming into the exposition city on all lines of railroad this morning. One reason for this was that most of the exposition visitors left their homes before the storm broke in its greatest fury. From the meager reports received at railroad headquarters in the city during the morning it was learned that the snow did not extend westward over fifty miles, although it was coming down quite heavily north and south of Omaha on the banks of the Missouri far away. Throughout Nebraska a cold, driving rain, accompanied by high wind, was reported by the Burlington, Rock Island and the Union Pacific railroads. All of the roads had trouble with their telegraph wires, and none of the lines could get messages through from one end of the road to the other.

The Union Pacific brought in one of the largest crowds it was handled this season outside of the big days of Jubilee week. Two long special trains, two sections of the regular train from the west and heavily loaded regular trains emptied considerably over 2,000 visitors to the exposition from points along the Union Pacific at the union depot shed. One hundred of the visitors came from Kearney, Neb., alone, and 500 from the little towns in central Nebraska on the branch lines north of Columbus. One special train arrived at 11 a. m. from Kearney stopping at Columbus to pick up travelers from Norfolk, Cedar Rapids, Albion and other points on the branch lines. The second special was from Stromsburg. Train No. 4 was in two sections, and train No. 8, from Columbus, had five extra cars attached.

Specials on Other Lines.

The Elkhorn road had three special trains in this morning: two from the South Platte country and one from the Albion line. Both were crowded with Odd Fellows and United Workmen. Still another special on the Elkhorn landed 1,130 school children of Fremont [?] at the Twentieth street entrance at the grounds at 9:30 a. m., in care of Superintendent Miller and forty school teachers of Fremont. Their special will leave for home this evening at 8:30 o'clock.

Superintendent Smith of the Rock Island at Colorado Springs came in with 300 other westerners on the Rock Island morning train. The Missouri Pacific train ran its train No. 1 from the south into Omaha in two sections on account of the heavy travel. The Burlington's morning trains were well filled, and three long specials drew into the Burlington station during the morning. One from Kansas arrived at 8:30 a. m. and two from Nebraska points arrived within the two hours following. The crowd was made up mostly of Odd Fellows and their families from Kansas and cities and towns of Nebraska. The wind and snow kept them pretty closely confined in the station. Beneath the great stone porch at the end of the viaduct several hundred travelers crowded to wait for street cars, and whenever one came along several times as many people made a rush for it as the car could carry. The car company had all its cars in service, but the slush made travel so slow that it was noon before all the people could be taken from the stations.


Omaha's Popular Congressman Addresses Dr. Sisson's Congregation.


Incidents that Led to the Conflict and Good that Will Come from it Added to Panegyrie on the American Soldier.

Congressman David H. Mercer occupied the pulpit of the Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church last night and, for a layman, delivered a very good serman​, appropriate to the Peace Jubilee just closed. There was a rather larger congregation than usual, which was all the more extraordinary considering the stormy weather. Mr. Mercer's subject was "The War and Its Results to Humanity."

The pastor, Rev. Fletcher M. Sisson, prayed that God would bless the American flag in the islands of the sea and that He would guide the peace commission to a right solution of the problem before it. The pastor explained to his congregation that he had thought it fitting to have Mr. Mercer present to address it as the concluding feature of the jubilee. In substance Mr. Mercer said:

I realize that the great Methodist church is as near the people as any in our beloved country and that no better time and place could have been selected for a discussion of peace, now that our late war with Spain has so happily terminated, and the fruits of our victories to humanity at large. The last week has been a most remarkable one, not only to this city, but to the whole nation. By the ingenuity, industry and energy of our people we have been able to show to the world a fine collection of buildings and a marvelous accumulation of the products of our soil and the handicraft of western brawn and the ingenuity of western brain—not so fine as the World's fair at Chicago, perhaps, but more complete in our 200 acres of space instead of the 700 acres there; and when we consider that the exposition that is to be held in Paris in 1900 is to occupy only 350 acres we can have some idea of how great our exposition has been. It was most fitting that our president should be here after the termination so happily of our late war; and, another thing, it chanced that the president made his first definite utterance as to the policy of our country with regard to the possessions which have come to it in this war. We have a right to hold a peace jubilee in Omaha and in America, for we are celebrating the close of the greatest war for humanity the world has ever witnessed—the greatest war in our history.

Provocation of Long Standing.

We are a peace-loving people. We love to follow the arts and sciences, industrial and agricultural pursuits, progressive civilization in a peaceful way. But for years the people of the United States have been harassed by the unfortunate conditions in the island of Cuba. Lives were destroyed at our very doors and the commerce of this country was interfered with. We bore these trials as long as we could and then our government suggested a compromise to Spain. The Spaniards, like all the Latin peoples, said: "Tomorrow will do," and our overture was not respected. Another revolution had broken out in the unhappy island. The Spaniards seemed to revel in the idea that they were living in the time of Ferdinand and Isabella when Columbus had just discovered America. They thought we were all Indians, or if there were any of us which were not we ought to be. We sent to Havana our beautiful battleship, made by American brains and brawn and manned by our brave boys of the navy, on a mission of peace. The moment its flag was seen entering the harbor the threats and mutterings  Scanned image of page 121 of the Spaniards began. It is my firm belief that our beautiful ship was destroyed and the brave souls aboard it were thrown to their death by Spanish hands and by Spanish hands high in authority. So shocked were our people by this outrage that the war was hastened.

The Cubans were not so much known to our people. The grand man who sits at the head of our present administration, a Christian gentleman with a big heart who would not do a wrong, a man who has been a remarkable father and husband—whether it was because he has loved a wife who had been an invalid for years, be that as it may—he was slow to plunge this nation into war. He knew, as old Tecumseh Sherman said, that "war is hell"—a hell of blood and suffering, of disease and death—and he knew that if we had a war it would have to be paid for with the blood of some of the best youth of our country—would have to be paid for in blood and money. While people were storming at him, threatening and criticising him, not only in the public press, but by telegrams and with private letters, he bided his time until he learned from Fitzhugh Lee and our consuls in Cuba the true state of affairs. He learned that the Cubans were not in a position to properly govern themselves and that they had no government which would warrant formal recognition by this nation, but he also learned of the inhumanity of the Spaniards to thousands of suffering people, and when the right time came he acted, and nobody knows better how he acted than the boys on our ships at Santiago and our soldiers at El Caney and the San Juan hills. The Cubans had been starved, murdered and outraged. Spain had not gone forward for 400 years and needed a lesson. In ninety days we organized an army of 268,000 men from every state and territory, and we could just as easily have raised an army of 5,000,000. That army was organized in the rush of events and naturally there were some mistakes made. We also bought and manned a navy. But at the time the people were urging us to go to war we did not have powder enough for half our guns. We were not prepared for war.

Concerning Admiral Dewey.

Here Mr. Mercer, in dwelling upon the navy, recalled his trip to China and Japan three years ago and seeing Dewey's ship, the Baltimore, with the Charleston, Concord and Boston in the harbor of Nagasaki. They were four out of eighteen war vessels in the harbor, the others representing Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Italy. It made the eyes of the Americans flash and their hearts beat to see the flag of their country, he said, for it was rather an unusual sight in foreign ports and the stars and stripes was not as highly respected as it has been since Spain's chastisement. Then he reviewed Dewey's feat at Manila and also the surrender of Santiago with much eulogy of the heroes of both achievements. In this connection he observed:

I realize that Providence is taking an interest in the affairs of mankind. I believe in a God, and if there is a man who does not after this war he is not a good citizen of this or any other government. When Dewey sunk the Spanish fleet he also took possession of Spanish territory. This put the United States on a higher plane. It broadened its relations with other nations. It presented an international problem; and I for one will never be in favor of a foot of that territory being returned to the Spanish. Spain drove us into this war and I for one propose to make her pay for it. Great Britain is said to be such a friend of ours. It may be that we can induce her to trade off Canada to us for the Philippines by giving her a little to boot. We have all the territory of Cuba, the Philippines, the Ladrones and Porto Rico to deal with.

After praising the American soldier for his good marksmanship and saying a good word for Theodore Roosevelt for spending a million dollars in target practice for the navy, he touched upon the yellow journal criticisms of the War department. He asked:

Do you think it fair for those who plunged us into the war to turn around now and forget the glory of our victories and the manhood of America and pick out the little flaws? The whole world, as President McKinley said, is at our feet today, glorifying the American soldier and sailor and the magnitude of our country. I'm proud of America, proud to be an American, and I think the stars and stripes is the prettiest flag that floats. I do not think much of a man who goes out of his way to slander his country. We knew our brave boys would die in that climate. If President McKinley had had his way he wouldn't have commenced that war until October, when the bad season would have been all over. He wanted to chastize​ Spain but in his own way and in his own time. Instead of criticising the government we should all be congratulating it that it has taught Spain a lesson. If the Cubans can be raised to the high plane of American civilization and have churches like this and schools and colleges and a government of their own, that circumstance alone will prove ample compensation for this war.

The name of McKinley, he believed, the historian would link with those of Washington and Lincoln. He warmly praised the colored soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth cavalry and the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth infantry at Santiago and dilated upon the fact that the war had cemented the north and south together, wiping out sectionalism completely.


People Visit the Exposition in Spite of Bad Weather Conditions.


Beauty of the Landscape Sadly Marred by Snow and Wind.


Ancient Order of United Workmen and Germans Make the Display.


People Who Come To See the Exposition Keep the Turnstiles Clicking Merrily All Day Long and the Attendance is Excellent.

Total Admissions Yesterday14,922
Total to Date2,209,988

To the average exposition visitor the conditions that he encounters today show very little improvement over those of yesterday. While his eyes are not blinded and his raiment bedraggled with the continuous bombardment of half melted snow the wind is even more cold and raw and under foot the grounds are an unbroken expanse of slush and puddles. Most of the snow has disappeared, but the moisture left remains, and except on the brick pavements it is impossible to walk about the grounds with any degree of comfort. The shrubbery and flowers show the effects of the freeze. Most of the blossoms are rusted and withered and the luxurious growth of clinging vines that constituted one of the most striking beauties of the landscapes has lost half its beauty.

Two big celebrations were booked for today and although the unfavorable weather will undoubtedly prevent them from realizing the expectations of their promoters there is no disposition to postpone the celebrations. The exercises of German day and Ancient Order of United Workmen day are both scheduled at the Auditorium this afternoon, and it was announced this morning that they would be held regardless of the weather.

Although comparatively few of the visitors who are directly interested in the celebrations of the day came out during the forenoon the attendance kept up at a phenomenal rate for such a day. Nothing could daunt people who had been sufficiently patriotic to come out through the blizzard of the day before and they kept passing the turnstiles with fair regularity during the forenoon. It was of necessity a sight-seeing crowd and the buildings were well filled, while the soggy streets and the Midway were comparatively deserted.

There is some disposition to postpone the celebration of Nebraska day, which was to have occurred tomorrow. Judge Neville suggested this morning that the commissioners thought that a postponement would be advisable, but General Manager Clarkson opposed it on the ground that it is now too late to make the fact generally known among the people who have prepared to come tomorrow. Consequently no decision was reached and the matter will be taken up with President Wattles this afternoon.


Directors to Take the Preliminary Steps This Afternoon.

A special meeting of the Board of Directors has been called at 4 o'clock this afternoon. As the object of this meeting is to arrange for winding up the affairs of the exposition an urgent invitation has been sent to every member to be present. One of the important questions to be considered is the disposal of the assets of the exposition after November 1. President Wattles and some of the members of the executive committee are in favor of selling all the buildings, office furniture and other property at auction immediately after the close of the show. A number of propositions have been made which contemplated the purchase of certain buildings or material, but President Wattles contends that the best policy will be to dispose of everything at auction, thus avoiding losses by vandalism and depreciation. The matter was discussed to some extent at the last meeting, but definite action was deferred. If the board decides in favor of the auction plan, the [?]

It is generally conceded that no matter how the buildings are disposed of, the purchasers will be required to remove them as soon as practicable. The disposition of the management is to close up the affairs of the enterprise at the earliest possible date and carry out its contract to restore the grounds to their original condition. How much grading and filling will have to be done to fulfill this agreement depends on the Board of Park Commissioners. The central portion of the lagoon is included in Kountze park and up to date the board has taken no action to indicate what its wishes are with respect to the maintenance of the lagoon. If it decides that the lake will prove a too expensive luxury and the exposition association is compelled to fill the entire excavation it will be quite an expensive undertaking. If it is decided to retain the lake the task will be much simplified. In any case the board will be required to take action very soon, as it is proposed to begin the work of reconstruction at the earliest possible date after the close of the exposition.


Railroads and Omaha to Work Together to Make it a Success.

The closing week of the exposition has been denominated as Railroad week and the various roads have been invited to co-operate in securing a large attendance through largely reduced rates. They have given assurances that they will do so and the schedules will be announced later in the week. It is proposed to make rates that will bring all the people within a radius of 200 or 300 miles who want to have a final view of the great show and unless the weather should be too forbidding it is believed that the last week will be far from being the least in point of attendance or interest.

The exposition will close in a final blaze of enthusiasm Monday, October 31, and arrangements are already under way to make Omaha day a fitting culmination of the enterprise. The city and county officials, the Commercial club, the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and other local organizations will be requested to co-operate with the management to this end. It is proposed to make Omaha day a general holiday on which the schools, public buildings and all business establishments shall be closed. An effort will also be made to induce business men to buy large blocks of tickets to distribute among their patrons and employees. As a special inducement to a big attendance every visitor will be presented with a handsome souvenir badge or medal which will be of sufficient value to constitute an acceptable keepsake. This will be in the shape of a coin if a sufficient number can be turned out in time, otherwise it will be a badge of artistic design.

The event of the day will be a mammoth celebration in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock. This will be in the nature of a general love feast and a jubilation on account of the wonderful success of the exposition. A special invitation is extended to every stockholder to be present as the officers expect to be able to make a statement that will be of interest to everyone who holds exposition stock. The blowout will be followed by a luncheon to the specially invited guests at the cafe.


5 a. m.32
6 a. m.32
7 a. m.33
8 a. m.34
9 a. m.33
10 a. m.33
11 a. m.34
12 m.34
1 p. m.34
2 p. m.34
3 p. m.34

For Nebraska—Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday, preceded by snow in east portion tonight; brisk northerly winds.

For Missouri—Snow; Wednesday threatening, with rain in northwest portion; brisk variable winds.

For Iowa—Rain or snow tonight; Wednesday threatening weather, with rain or snow in east and central portions; brisk and high south, shifting to north winds.

For Kansas—Generally fair tonight and Wednesday, preceded by snow flurries in extreme northeast portion this afternoon or tonight; brisk and high northwest winds.

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Question the Exposition Management Has to Decide Very Soon.


Liberal Rebate to Be Allowed on Subscriptions, but Just How Much Will Be Paid Remains to Be Settled.

As the exposition approaches its close with a good fat balance on the right side of the ledger the question of dividends becomes a live issue with upwards of 6,000 subscribers. Few of them expected to get any of their money back, but now that a good sized dividend is assured they are anxious to know what the management proposes to do and when it will do it. On this point President Wattles said yesterday that he is in favor of making a liberal distribution of surplus as soon as the show is over and the management can ascertain exactly where it stands. He favors retaining money enough to cover all possible contingencies and then distribute the remainder in the form of a dividend. This will dispose of the bulk of the surplus and if any more remains after all the affairs of the corporation have been adjudicated a second dividend can be declared.

With anything like fair weather during the remainder of the show it is believed that a 50 per cent dividend can easily be declared. The apparent surplus is now about $140,000, after all operating expenses are paid to November 1. How much this will be increased during the next two weeks depends almost entirely on the brand of weather that is provided. That it will exceed $200,000 on November 1 is regarded as a conservative estimate, under any ordinary conditions and it may be a great deal more. The total amount of paid up stock is $260,000, on which a 50 per cent dividend would require only $130,000. In addition to this, about $27,000 has been received on partial payments on account of which no stock certificates have been issued. Much of this amount will be changed to the paid up column before the end of the show. For instance, $4,921 of the $27,000 represents the payments of one subscriber on a subscription of $5,000. As only $79 remains unpaid, it is taken for granted that the certificate will be taken out. There are a number of similar cases and the indications are that only a very small amount of stock will remain on which only partial payments have been made.

Whether dividends will be paid to the subscribers who have made partial payments on their stock has not been decided. Some time ago Secretary Wakefield addressed a letter to C. S. Montgomery, counsel for the exposition association, in which he asked for an opinion on this point. The answer has not been received. Mr. Montgomery says that while he has his own opinion, he does not wish to put it on record until he has made a thorough examination of the authorities and consulted the other attorneys on the Board of Directors. President Wattles says that this is a question that will require a thorough investigation and that this will be made before the management takes a positive position. In any case the percentage of partially paid subscriptions is so low that the decision will not affect the rate of the dividend to any great extent.


Stockholders Should Have a Chance to Say What They Will Do with Their Own Money.

OMAHA, Oct. 17.—To the Editor of The Bee: I read in The Bee that the bank account of the exposition shows a balance in its favor of about $300,000. I have made a rough estimate of the probable revenues for the remaining two weeks and of the salvage. From the total amount of stock subscriptions I deduct the sum of delinquents and of donations. The result points to a debate of about 75 cents on the dollar subscribed.

Subscribed for what purpose? Read the articles of incorporation.

I hear men discussing the best means of disposing of the surplus money of the exposition. One of these thoughtless financiers would have the board of directors hang the whole fund up to be distributed in the shape of bonuses to induce factories to locate in Omaha. Another world take part of the exposition money and with it construct an auditorium. The board of directors has already voted $10,000 of this money for a history of the exposition.

Has the idea ever occurred to these generous spirits that the funds now standing to the credit of the exposition are the sole property of the stockholders? Is it not true that the managers and directors of the exposition have the custody of this money only to further the aims and objects of an exposition? See articles of incorporation.

Is there anything in the articles authorizing the board to invest $10,000 or any other sum in a history or in anything other than an exposition?

After all, would it not be well to give the stockholders a chance to say what they'll do with their own money?

H. B. J.

Protests Against the Misappropriation

SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 17.—To the Editor of The Bee: As one of the original promoters in my humble way of the next best exposition project that has been conceived and successfully conducted almost to its final consummation that this country has ever experienced, I herewith enter my solemn protest, together with scores of other stockholders, against the apparent dishonest and irregular method adopted and practiced by the managers in squandering the surplus funds that in justice should be rebated to those who advanced the means for the promotion and success of this magnificent enterprise. From recent conversations held with many subscribers of stock I am convinced that 90 per cent of them denounce the board's action in expending $10,000 for the publication of a history of the exposition, which is so indelibly impressed on the minds of over 2,000,000 of people, representing every state and territory in the union and perhaps every civilized nation. Many of our citizens were somewhat skeptical at the inception of the enterprise, refusing to buy stock on the ground that if the project proved a financial success and money maker that the profits would be misappropriated by the managers. I, however, have maintained since the organization of the directory that the work was in the hands of our foremost financiers and most successful and reputable business men and that those who advanced money would certainly receive a portion of it back, and I still believe so. Now, let the board, in a spirit of right and justice, reconsider its action concerning this misappropriation, well knowing, as the members do, that the sentiment of stock owners is almost unanimously opposed to it.



The closing day of the exposition has been set apart as Omaha day. If it is the ambition of the exposition management to eclipse in attendance all previous records, the decision of the executive committee to exact the full admission charge of 50 cents from every man and woman must be rescinded and a rate made that will bring out all the people.

The proposal to give every person a bonus in the shape of a cheap souvenir on Omaha day pretending to represent 25 cents will not draw. The people of Omaha have stood by the exposition from first to last and by their active support have made its success possible. Ninety-nine out of every hundred of our people have viewed the exposition not only once, but many times. Unless the rates are made low enough to enable wage workers of all classes to attend with their families Omaha day will be a dismal disappointment.

As to the catch-penny souvenir business the less said the better. Those who want souvenirs will buy what suits them best. A 25-cent rate will be much better appreciated.

There is no excuse whatever for exacting 50 cents from the people of Omaha under compulsion of local pride. There are men working for a dollar a day who have families to support, and women who are earning still less, who should have an opportunity to participate in Omaha day without grudging themselves the bare necessities of life.

Instead of exacting half a dollar admission, the management should suspend the free list from president down and let those who have enjoyed the exposition as deadhands under all sorts of pretexts for once pay to get in.

It is intimated that employers will be expected not only to close their shops and stores, but also to buy tickets for every person on their pay roll. Such a scheme may work with large concerns that have made big money out of the exposition, but the great number of small employers cannot afford to be so liberal with a 50-cent rate. It must also be borne in mind that there are thousands of wage workers who prefer not to pay their own way or will have to pay their own way because they work for corporations whose owners do not live in [?]  Scanned image of page 122 tion tickets.

If all these considerations do not carry weight with the exposition management they will run the risk of a heavy frost on Omaha day.


Storm Delays Traffic, but Doesn't Greatly Interrupt Travel.


Passenger Men Wonder at the Number of People Who Come to Omaha Under the Bad Conditions that Still Prevail Here.

The influx of exposition visitors on the day after the blizzard was heavy considering the stormy weather in which most of them left their homes. The crowds were not what was expected when the railroad companies announced the low rates for the first three days of this week, but they were surprisingly large in view of the unexpected snowstorm of Monday. Germans and United Workmen to celebrate their joint day at the exposition constituted a large part of the arrivals. The majority of the trains were from a half hour to two hours late on account of the storm and the slippery condition of the tracks, preventing anything like fast running.

To show that the western people do not mind a little thing like a storm when they want to see a great exposition they filled all of the regular trains that came in during the morning. Some of the trains were run in two sections on account of heavy travel and the inability of the roads to handle very long trains in one section on account of the adverse conditions. Train No. 4 of the Union Pacific came in from the west in two sections. The Burlington brought in specials from Lincoln at 10:10 a. m. and from Hastings at 10:30 a. m. The regular trains of these and the other roads were well filled, and parties of Germans from Avoca, Minden, Grand Island, Columbus, Falls City, Beatrice and Plattsmouth were among the arrivals. Several of them were accompanied by bands, and all of them proceeded directly to Turner hall. The visiting United Workmen were also welcomed at the railway stations by representatives of the local lodges. Some went to the lodge rooms and others out to the exposition grounds. From the east regular travel was heavy, but there were no specials. All of the Chicago trains were late. The Burlington was the latest, and that was only forty minutes behind time. At the Webster street station all of the Omaha and the Elkhorn trains were late, and all of them had good-sized crowds of Nebraskans for the exposition. Train No. 6 of the Elkhorn from Norfolk was an hour and a half late. Train No. 26 of the Elkhorn from York was two hours behind time. Train No. 3 of the Omaha road from Sioux City was one hour late.


Railroad Reports Show Its Path to Be North and South.

According to the weather reports of the railroads here the blizzard of Monday was most severe within fifty miles of the east and west banks of the Missouri river. Through Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri this fact was shown by the railroad companies' weather reports.

On the Union Pacific the storm was heaviest along the main line between Omaha and Columbus, Neb. The Omaha & Republican Valley branch, extending from Lincoln, Neb., south to Kansas, also caught it pretty hard, and the Union Pacific's lines in eastern Kansas were visited by the twin brother of the storm king who roamed around the exposition grounds on Monday.

Considerable damage was done to the telegraph wires of the Union Pacific company. The most serious damage to wires and poles was in Kansas, between Kansas City and Manhattan, Kan. Between these two points all wires were down on Monday afternoon and Monday night, but by Tuesday morning Superintendent Korty's men had one line up and working in fairly good shape. The wires along the main line through Nebraska stood the storm in a splendid manner, and telegraphic communication was not interrupted. Along the Omaha & Republican Valley branch twenty-five telegraph poles went down and took the wires with them, but a gang was sent out early Tuesday morning and after some hard work succeeded in getting up a line.

The other railroad companies had similar experiences with their telegraph lines, and all of them were working hard on Tuesday morning. The most damage was done through the Missouri valley.

The Burlington reported snow between Omaha and Lincoln, Neb. West of the capital the storm consisted principally of rain accompanied by high wind. There was a little snow in Wyoming. In the central and western portions of Nebraska there was but little moisture, in the form of either rain or snow, and the high wind and cloudy weather was about [?]

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Parade Postponed, but Exercises at the Grounds Are to Be Carried Out as Arranged.

Continued bad weather forced the Germans to abandon the parade they had planned for today in connection with German day at the exposition. A great deal of labor had been expended in preparing for this event and many floats of historical and commercial character had been constructed to be features of the parade, but the weather was so raw and cold and the streets so slushy and slippery it was deemed impractical to carry out the original plans. However, the postponement is not indefinite. If the weather permits the parade will be given next Sunday over the same line of march planned for today.

The other part of the program for the day will be carried out as advertised. The exercises at the auditorium will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon. There will be a short address by President Wattles of the exposition, followed by an address in German by Wilhelm Rapp of Chicago and an address in English by Edward Rosewater. Mr. Rapp is the oldest living German newspaper man in the United States. He is the editor of the Illinois Staats Zeitung and is 74 years of age. He is accompanied to the city by his wife and daughter and will remain over until tomorrow night to see the exposition.

Turner hall will be open all day for the entertainment of those of the visitors who prefer to remain in town and this evening a ball will be given there in honor of the guests of the city. A committee of reception will be at the hall to welcome all who call. Badges are furnished the visitors on the face of which is the seal of the exposition and on the reverse side the German and American flags crossed over the figure of Germania.


Conference of Advanced Thinkers and Workers Begins This Evening.


Many Distinguished Divines Are Already Here and Many Others Have Signified Their Intention of Attending the Sessions.

A great many of the delegates were already in by noon for the Liberal Congress of Religions, which is to begin at the First Congregational church this evening and last till Sunday. The secretary, Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, pastor of All Souls 'church in Chicago, arrived early this morning with a Chicago contingent. Dr. H. W. Thomas, the president, will get in from Chicago this afternoon. Rabbi E. G. Hirsch, also of Chicago, who is to preach the sermon this evening, was also on hand early. The most of the members of the congress are stopping at the Dellone. In addition to the foregoing the following delegates have come:

Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Palmer and H. S. Raymer of Cedar Rapids, Rev. H. H. Peabody of Rome, N. Y.; Rev. R. E. Faville of Lake Mills, Wis.; Rev. John Faville of Appleton, Wis.; Rev. E. M. E. Hodgin of Humboldt, Ia.; Miss Mary E. Collison and Mrs. E. P. Corbett of Ida Grove, Ia.; Miss Eleanor Gordon of Iowa City, Ia.; Mrs. M. A. Emsley and Mrs. J. M. Dakin of Mason City, Ia.; Mary Lloyd Jones, Miss Minnie Burroughs and Mrs Edith Lackensteen of Chicago, Mrs. Mary Newbury Adams of Dubuque, Ia., Ellen C. Lloyd Jones and Jane Lloyd Jones of Hillside, Wis., Mrs. Jessie Greenleaf and Mrs. E. B. Strong of Chicago.

"I am satisfied that we are going to have a very full attendance at the congress," said Dr. Jones, as he registered at the Dellone. "Nearly every one with whom I have communicated assures me he will be here. I have just got a letter from President David Starr Jordan of the eland​ Stanford, Jr., university, in California, informing me he will come on Wednesday. This congress, you know, is the child of the World's aPrliament​ of Religions, which was held at Chicago. It is another step forward in the godo​ work then inaugurated of liberalizing religious sentiment throughout the country. This nation is too broad for narrow sectarianism. The fact is that sectarianism is growing less and less every day, while the true spirit of Christianity is becoming better and better understood."

Dr. Jones was the secretary of the World's Parliament of Religions. He is looked upon as one of the great leaders of liberal Christianity in the country. He was met on his arrival by Chairman Thomas iKlpatrick​ and Rev. Newton M. Mann, of the local committee.

The program for this eevning​ will consist [?]

Visitors to Transportation Exhibits.

The railroad companies that have exhibits in the Transportation building on the exposition grounds are highly delighted with the great crowds that have recently been attracted to that end of the show and have seen the railroad display. On President's day of last week President McKinley and 20,000 other visitors passed through the old Lincoln car exhibited by the Union Pacific railroad. On the same day the count of visitors who went through the fine Pullman train showed 12,400 visitors.

During the first few months of the exposition the railroads and allied corporations complained that the Transportation building was so far north that but a small proportion of the visitors got to see their exhibits at all. Since the location of the Indian congress at the north end of the grounds the visitors to the Transportation building have been as numerous as at any building on the grounds.


Companies Who "Tote" the Public Will Have a Chance at the Exposition.

But the Climax of All Is to Be Omaha Day, Which Will Be Celebration of the Show's Success.

Meanwhile the Germans, Workmen and Tennesseeans Will Make Things Lively Today--Weather Can't Stop Crowds.

Monday's Admissions14,922
Total Admissions2,209,988

It would take a whole blizzard to keep people away from the exposition these days. The snows and breezes of yesterday hardly brought the attendance below the average, for 14,922 people were on the grounds, and the average is 15,899—less than a thousand above. With such an attendance for such a day, there is good promise that this will be the second best week of the whole exposition.

"Railroad week" is the general designation by which next week will be known at the exposition. It is one whole week set apart for the railroads to slash rates from the surrounding country, get up excursions, hold demonstrations on the grounds and raise high carnival generally if they so desire. While the railroads have done much to help the exposition, for the last week, when the rate cutting cannot interfere with future business, a most cordial invitation will be extended by the exposition for them to do their prettiest.

One good start has been made by the action of the Iowa lines in making a blanket rate of $5 for the round trip from all points on the Mississippi river, $3.50 from Cedar Rapids, $2.50 from Des Moines and proportionate rates from intermediate points, tickets good on special excursion trains October 24, good to return on regular trains October 26-27. Other such arrangements are anticipated.

The greatest of great days is banked upon as Omaha day, the last one, October 31. As it is the effort of the thrifty farmer to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before, so the exposition managers will try to put two people where there was one on President's day.


It will be asked of every business establishment in the city that it close that day, and that every employer buy blocks of tickets for distribution among his employes and customers, so that no one will be left on the last big chance; also that the schools close that the children may participate in the memorable event; that the mayor issue a proclamation setting aside the day as a public holiday; that city and county officials suspend business for the day, and that no one be permitted to stay at home, even to the poor and unfortunate for whom benevolent people will be asked to provide.

To this end President Wattles has written letters to the Commercial club, governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and the various civic authorities.

To every man, woman and child entering the gates on that day a handsome souvenir of the exposition, designed especially for Omaha day, will be presented. It is promised that it will be something worth keeping.

The program for the formalities of the day contemplates a general jollification of the 6,000 exposition stockholders in the Auditorium at 3 p. m., when addresses will be made and a financial statement will be read, something that will inform the stockholders who subscribed and kissed goodbye to their money as they paid up that on a certain day they will find money in large lumps, a circumstance [?]


Such little incidents as snow storms are not discouraging exposition officials in the least, for the exposition has reached that point in its career that people can't be stopped from coming anyhow, even if city people do regard the stormy days as uncomfortable. Plans are being made for the balance of the week just as if nothing had happened, with the prospect that all that is lost the first two days will be made up on the usually quiet last two.

For today is slated German day, A. O. U. W. day and Tennessee day, with no prospects of change of plans or intentions by any of the three big crowds. Tomorrow is slated as Nebraska day, with the certainty of tremendous crowds, Lead and Zinc day and Missouri Stockmen's day. Thursday is to be Denver day, Utah day with a distinguished party of state officials and Mormon church dignitaries, and Eastern Star day, with a goodly number of members of the Masonic fraternity present. Friday is to be Apple day, with a free distribution of Nebraska apples at a free distribution of Nebraska apples at the Horticultural building, and on Friday and Saturday will be celebrated much of the enthusiasm and some of the ceremonials that will have been ripening from the snowy days at the beginning of the week.


Wednesday and Thursday will be climacteric days at the live stock show, for on those two closing days will be held a gorgeous side issue, the fat stock show. There entries have been made wholly in addition and outside of the regular live stock show, and include forty cattle, eighty swine and eighty sheep, all of superb quality, superior breeding, compactly built and round as butter balls. While not necessarily including prodigies, yet there will be shown two steers said to weigh 4,000 pounds each and several 400-pound Canadian wethers.

The special prizes offered by the Union Stock Yards company of South Omaha for the bacon hog class has brought out a fine display of finely built swine, spare built and hardy, the very kind the packers are seeking to encourage the farmers to grow for lean bacon. It is the "streak of fat and streak of lean" hogs that are wanted for export, and it is to satisfy the English palate for his favorite breakfast bacon and lean hams that the stock yards threw $1,000 into the pool that western farmers might learn and profit thereby.


Five Thousand Germans Came Yesterday to Help Celebrate.

The executive committee having in charge the German day celebration met last evening and decided to start the parade this morning at 11 o'clock sharp. The line of march will be as follows: Beginning at Eighteenth and Harney streets, east on Harney to Sixteenth, south on Sixteenth to Howard, east on Howard to Fifteenth, north on Fifteenth to Farnam, east on Farnam to Thirteenth, north on Thirteenth to Douglas, west on Douglas to Sixteenth, north on Sixteenth to the exposition grounds. Exercises will follow at the Auditorium as announced in the exposition program.

In the evening a ball will be given at Turner hall in honor of the visiting Germans. The committee having in charge the arrangements for the ball consists of Marshal William F. Stoecker and staff.

Yesterday fully 5,000 Germans arrived in the city and reported at the headquarters at Turner hall. If the weather permits there will be fully 1,200 men in the line of march. There will be twelve historical floats and about 500 men on horseback from Sarpy, Douglas and Washington counties. Nineteen German societies will participate in the parade.


Apaches in Their Frail Tepees Suffer From Cold.

It was for Lo, the poor Indian, all day yesterday and last night before at the Indian congress a period of discontentment. Snow drifted in upon them, and water stood in pools outside their tepees, and having already seen all they wanted to of the exposition, the Indians wanted to go home, quickly, at once, immediately, although the snow might be four times as deep at home.

The Apaches did really suffer, for their tepees are nothing but sapling domes with loose pieces of canvas thrown over with all kinds of three-cornered holes in the roofs. Built as they are in the Apaches' home where it never snows and seldom rains, they are but poor shelter for their southern inmates in a Nebraska snow storm. The Sioux and Assinaboines fared well, while the Pueblos, although of southern birth, existed luxuriously in their adobe mansion with a blazing fire in their mud fireplace and chimney. The mammoth grass house where Towanconi Jim's seven families of Wichitas are ensconced proved to be a comfortable home.

For peace jubilee week the men were all supplied with new underwear, sweaters, and needed outer garments, while the women were given wool clothing and calico for dresses, so all are comfortably fixed in that line.

The Crowds have gone back to their Montana home, about twenty in number, and perhaps a few other small bands will be sent home the last week, as the periods for which they promised to come have expired. But nearly all of the tribes, including the historic characters, will stay for Omaha day.

Sham battles will continue to be given Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 4 o'clock, and dances of various kinds on the intervening days.

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Innes Gives Anvil Chorus.

Bandmaster Innes captured about all the people that were on the exposition grounds yesterday, for in spite of the storm and the difficulty of reaching the building, big crowds attended both performances.

At the night concert Verdi's anvil chorus was given with some novel electrical effects and which justly earned for the distinguished musician the ovation which followed its conclusion. As given by Innes last night, the anvil chorus, with darkened lights, the red glow of the old-time forges, the electrical effects, and with its lusty corps of musical blacksmiths, may be sent down as one of the sensational novelties of the exposition. Its last performance is announced for next Thursday night, when the Exposition chorus, which was prevented by the great storm from being present last night, will take part in the final production.

Come Regardless of Weather.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Fremont, Neb., Oct. 17.—Notwithstanding the fact that an old-fashioned northwesterner was raging, a trainload of school children and teachers to the number of 1,129 left the Elkhorn depot this morning at 8 o'clock, bound for the exposition. Had the day been fair several hundred more would have gone. As the day wore on and the storm increased there were many parents who sincerely regretted that they had listened to the pleading of their children.

Today has been one of the heaviest for exposition travel this fall on the Elkhorn road. It ran six trains with an estimated travel of 4,000.

Slips at the Exposition.

Frank Claufen, a farmer from Minden, was out viewing the Indian congress as it appeared in a snow storm yesterday afternoon, when his feet slipped on the slushy ground and he fell. He was picked up with a broken leg, the right one below the knee, and was taken to the emergency hospital, where he was attended by Drs. Campbell and Updegraff. He will be sent home today.

Miss Stettesman, a young woman employed in the Manufactures building, fell yesterday and fractured a knee cap. After being attended at the emergency hospital she was taken away by friends.

Exposition Notes.

Yesterday afternoon 400 cadets of the Kansas Agricultural college at Manhattan, with a band, were on the exposition grounds. A considerable detachment of the cadets visited the various state buildings and gave a concert, with the college yell. The yell was cheerful, and therefore was enthusiastically received at each building.

The rooms of the Nebraska commission were crowded all day yesterday. This was because Judge Neville, president of the state commission, and Dan Althen, bookkeeper of the commission, and Secretary Campbell of the commission was there all the time. Besides having a fire in the commissioners' room, a fire was kept going in the governor's reception room, and so all the visitors from the state were well accommodated.

The president, Frank Thompson, and directors of the Pennsylvania railroad will arrive in their special cars today to do the exposition. They will entertain the exposition officials at luncheon in their private dining car at 1 o'clock tomorrow.


Nature Proposed to Run the Thing Herself and Odd Fellows and North Dakota People Had to Take a Back Seat.

Over a Thousand Fremont School Children, Lots of Odd Fellows and Considerable General Attendance There—Everyone in Good Mood.

"I have been praying for this weather for three days," said Mrs. Lounsberry, wife of Colonel Lounsberry, at the apartments of the North Dakota exhibit in the Agriculture building yesterday, "for, you know, it is North Dakota day and we must have North Dakota weather. This weather is all right." Then Mrs. Lounsberry went on pinning the North Dakota badges on people—a yellow ribbon, indicating the day, and a tiny sheaf of heads of wheat tied with red ribbon.

Down at the west of the building Prof. Attwater, superintendent of the Texas exhibit, was encountered. "Now," said he, "I would like to know who is going to pay the funeral expenses when all of us Texas people are dead up here." And then, seeming to take his mind from so gloomy a prospect, he added: "Say, just imagine how happy we fellows will be about Thanksgiving time. Our wives will lead us into the garden, where all the flowers are in bloom, and pin fresh roses to our coats, and we will fan ourselves just a little perhaps while we eat turkey and our latest roasting ears, and take a little of the wine from our grapes." Then, with a great deal of eagerness and enthusiasm, the professor led the way over to show a sample of Texas' second crop of corn for the season. He seemed anxious to forget present things.


Omaha's white city was several inches white yesterday morning. It was whiter than ever. It was white everywhere. The green on the roofs was hidden utterly. The brick pavements and the gravel walks were carpeted with the cotton grown on the highest mountain tops. The shrubs and the flowers that had so nobly kept their green and their divers delightful blooms thus far into the autumn had all their varied hues faded into a plain white—a transformation that caused all the graceful plants to bow their heads to the very ground in shame, and even thus humiliated their fairy-like forms were rudely convulsed and shaken by the triumphant north wind, which in this way appeared to be taking vengeance on them for their defiance of the milder breath of the frost.


Nature proposed to claim the day for her's. The exposition had labelled it Odd Fellows' day and North Dakota day. Nature made it Christmas day on the exposition grounds. People really felt like hailing one another with "Merry Christmas." Instead of doing it in fact they said some foolish things such as "How's this?" or "Don't you love your papa now?" or "O, mamma, may I go home?"


There were people there to say these things. It was the common opinion down town and in comfortable homes that no one would be on the exposition grounds who did not have to be there. Those whose business it has been to go out every day thought that they would find the grounds deserted. Those who went out quite early had plenty of room on the street cars, but those who went out later rode out on crowded cars just the same as on any day for the last ten days.


And when they got out there about the first thing they saw were troops of children with red ribbon badges on Sixteen coachloads of children and teachers—1,139 in all—got in from Fremont on an Elkhorn train at 10 o'clock. They were under the general command of Superintendent Dan Miller. They were soon in every part of the grounds and were having a good time. They had not been surprised. It was snowing and blowing worse than in Omaha when they had left Fremont, an hour and a half before. They came to the exposition, they said, because they wanted to see it. They had determined on yesterday[?]


Then, it was Odd Fellows' day, and though the street parade and the exercises at the Auditorium had been abandoned as soon as the character of the morning had been observed, the visiting members of the order—and several thousand of them are in the city—came to the grounds.

North Dakota day brought several hundred from that state, and they made it a matter of state patriotism to be present on the grounds.

The general attendance was considerable. By 10 o'clock the Government building was well thronged.


Altogether, the attendance was again surprising, as that of the day before had been, considering the weather, and the only conclusion that the exposition managers could come to was that there were a whole lot of people yet who had counted on seeing the exposition, and were determined to see it. Another conclusion reached was that, had the circumstances not been so unfavorable, a crowd equal to that of Friday or Saturday would have been on the grounds.

Once inside the grounds, it was not so bad, after all. The buildings about the court formed a wall which was a good wind-breaker, and inside the buildings it was comfortable enough if one had wraps.

Visitors who had become wet and cold were directed to buildings in which there were stoves, comparatively few of them; but the stoves were well liked. Hundreds of people were piloted into the service building to get the chill taken off. Others went into the Press building. On the Bluff tract many fires added to the welcome of the state buildings.

The Midway couldn't stand it and shut up. There was too much blood there accustomed to the balm of southern, continental and oriental breezes, and there was too much gauze and light and airy costume.

The work of judging the live stock was abandoned, for it was too bad a day to lead carefully attended and petted animals into the rings.

On the Indian grounds the denizens closed the flaps of their tepees and added extra sticks to their fires.


A pleasant thing was that everybody was good natured. Almost everybody knew that the exposition had had from the start such remarkably good weather that a great many who had not before believed in Providence began to have faith in at least one deity tutelary to Omaha. There yas​ much of what was popularly called "jollying" and "joshing" and much saying of all those silly but still enjoyable things that human beings are wont to utter at a sudden turn in the weather.

Just inside the main entrance on Sherman avenue there is a blackboard perhaps four feet square, on which a man inspired by Major Clarkson has been in the habit of writing in chalk the program for the day.

Yesterday that blackboard was plastered with snow, and some wag or wit or something of that sort went up to it and wrote in the snow with his finger, "Closed." This word was on an official blackboard. It well indicated the spirit of the crowd. To come right down to it it was not pleasant to be out there, but the goodness and kindness and so on that is in human nature made it rather pleasant after all. Rather than fault-finding with the weather there was congratulation and satisfaction that the weather had treated the exposition on the whole so well.


North Dakota had its exercises. They were at the exhibit in the Agriculture building at 11 o'clock. Perhaps 200 were there. J. B. Power, ex-president of the North Dakota Agricultural college and secretary of the state commission, and Vice President Lounsberry of the commission delivered addresses laudatory of North Dakota's citizenship and  Scanned image of page 127 North Dakota's attainments and resources. They were both frequently cheered by the enthusiastic audience.

While they had been disappointed in not receiving a shipment of vegetables, they declared they had had a shipment of weather that was just the thing. Biscuits of North Dakota flour, raised with North Dakota baking powder and buttered with North Dakota butter, were served. Assisting in receiving the visitors were Miss Ford, who has been in charge of the exhibit; Mrs. Lounsberry, Mrs. Dayman and Mrs. Maxwell.


Owing the snow storm, the deaf and dumb day exercises at the exposition were postponed until the latter part of the week. The management of the deaf and dumb institute has secured about 165 tickets for the occasion.


Different Ways in Which They Met the Exposition Committee.

Chicago, Ill., Oct. 17.—A story that is pronounced characteristic of the men is told here apropos of the trip east a few days ago of a committee in behalf of the exposition to invite a number of great men to take part in the celebration of the peace jubilee just closed at Omaha. Dr. George L. Miller, J. Sterling Morton and John C. Wharton composed the committee. Two of the great men upon whom they were to call were the ex-presidents, Harrison and Cleveland. Telegraphic correspondence was had to apprise these gentlemen of the coming of the committee and its mission. Mr. Harrison, though having Venezuelan commission work on top of his usual duties, gave the committee half an hour, listening to its arguments why he should go to Omaha. He declined as everybody knows. Mr. Cleveland was not at home when the committee reached his residence, but had sent in advance of the invitation a declination and had gone off duck shooting.

Many Going Home.

What the exposition lost was very indefinitely gauged by the loads in the street cars that went to the depots yesterday. It was considered that Monday morning was not a morning for crowds to be going to the depots and the phenomenon was explained only by a reference to the condition of the weather, it being held that visitors coming in late Saturday or Sunday preferred to go home rather than put up with the discomforts required by attendance at the exposition.

Will the 6,000 exposition stockholders who came to the rescue of the enterprise with their hard-earned savings in the shape of stock subscriptions stand idly by while the directors throw $10,000 of their money away on an edition de luxe exposition history?

If it were not for Dave Mercer the exposition bills would never have gotten through congress. If it were not for Senator Allen's assistance they might not have gotten through congress. But it is certain that they received no help from the man who is trying to climb into Dave Mercer's shoes.


Antelope State Celebrates at the Exposition Under Chilly Conditions.


Speakers All Mercifully Cut Short Their Remarks for the Occasion.


Magnificence of Its Resources as Shown in Every Branch of the Fair.


Many More People Present Than the Weather Would Indicate and All Seem Superior to the Chilly Deal They Are Getting.

Total Admissions Yesterday22,910
Total to Date2,232,886

Nebraska day is a satisfactory success even though the north wind continues to sweep across the exposition grounds with chilling force. The morning arrivals were decidedly more numerous than on any previous day this week and even the brief glimpse of blue sky that appeared this forenoon encouraged the people to hope for more favorable conditions and to enter into the spirit of the day with enthusiastic interest.

The exercises were held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock and were well attended. While oratory has become a familiar feature through the almost daily celebrations of the summer, the distinctive feature of the program was the exceptional excellence of the musical numbers which were contributed exclusively by Nebraska talent. Nothing could give eastern visitors a more effective indication that Nebraska excels in its cultivation of the refined arts as well as in its corn crop than these features, which were received with the most vigorous approbation in spite of the fact that most of the audience was shivering in overcoats and winter wraps.

Judge William Neville called the crowd to order soon after 11 o'clock and introduced Chancellor MacLean of the Nebraska State university, who invoked the divine blessing on the occasion and on the commonwealth that it was designed to honor. The Wesleyan quartet of Lincoln sang Dudley Buck's "Concert Waltz" with excellent taste and was rewarded with a cordial encore, to which it responded with an artistic rendition of "Ol' Kentucky Babe."

Welcomed by Wattles.

The address of welcome was delivered by President Wattles, who said that it is eminently appropriate that the Nebraska celebration should be the last of the state days at the exposition. He added that it was also fitting that at this time attention should be paid to the results that had been secured for the appropriation that was made for the exposition. These could not entirely be specified at this time, for they will multiply as the years go by.

The speaker portrayed the conditions that existed two years ago when drouth and disaster and discouragements rested on the state, the conditions had appeared to justify the opposition of many people to the appropriation on the ground that success was impossible. But the promoters of the enterprise had contended that the time for the supreme effort was when the skies were darkest. The assistance rendered by the states, through its officials and commissioners, could not be overestimated, and future generations will take pride in the part that Nebraska has taken in building the exposition. Thousands of visitors have come here and gone away with wonderfully enlarged ideas of the resources and future of Nebraska. They have seen the evidence of prosperity in the faces of its people, full of happiness and contentment. The exposition has been a new and beautiful world, full of elevating influences that will inspire pride and pleasure for many years to come. It is the pride and crowning glory in the history of our state.

A violin solo by Miss Mae Rees of Hastings was a very enjoyable interlude in the speech-making. Miss Rees played De Beriot's ninth concerto with decided success, in spite of the frosty atmosphere which was sufficient to mar the most adequate technique, and Miss Edith Payne played the piano accompaniment with exceptional good taste. An insistent encore was answered by an equally meritorious rendition of the "Koboldtanz," by Eberhardt.

The Christian Sisters of Ashland, a quartet, contributed another enjoyable musical number. They sang a "Greeting to Spring," and were also rewarded with an encore.

W. F. Gurley's Address.

The address of the day was delivered by W. F. Gurley of Omaha, who abbreviated his remarks in deference to the chilly condition of his audience and thereby earned its gratitude. For a brief interval he spoke eloquently of the exposition and declared that during the last few months it has been the Mecca toward which all pilgrims have journeyed in search of beauty and art and education. As this city of white and gold immersed in beauty has developed before us, it has developed us and it has made us a greater and better people than we ever were before. We have received ideas of art and commerce and industry that have forged the wheels of progress a decade ahead of their time. Visitors have come from every part of the country to see this magnificent white city and they have left behind them their unstinted praise. Some of them were cynical at first and came in performance of a perfunctory courtesy. They believed that New York and Boston were the capsheafs of God's bounty and that somewhere outside of these delectable abodes there lived aborigines who in some way had acquired the rights of citizenship. These had gone away with an enlarged horizon and realizing that there were here people of a common purpose, the enlarging and upbuilding of our common country.

Continuing Mr. Gurley said that while the exposition was conceived in peace it opened with the thunder of cannon was echoing over the world. He referred to the inspiring events of the war in eloquent sentences and emphasized the importance of the Peace Jubilee as a celebration of one of the greatest triumphs in the history of the nation. The exposition will live in recollection long after its superb architecture has crumbled, and so long as it lives in the memory of the people Nebraska can take no backward step.

The program was concluded with a short address by Governor Holcomb and another selection by the Christian sisters. A reception will be tendered to Governor Holcoomb at the Nebraska building at 3 o'clock and a private reception will occur at the same building from 9 to 12 o'clock this evening.


Parades Postponed, but Exercises at the Auditorium Come Off.

The inclemency of the weather yesterday interfered with the success of the German day exercises at the exposition. The parade to and through the grounds was declared off and during the forenoon the German-American visitors contented themselves by inspecting the buildings and examining and exhibits. At 3 o'clock they gathered in the Auditorium, where the regular program was carried out. Innes' band rendered a selection after which Chairman Andres introduced Mayor Moores, who delivered the address of welcome and complimented the German-Americans upon their industry and loyalty.

There were a couple of selections by the Orpheus Singing society after which William Rapp, editor of the Illinois Staatz Zeitung, was introduced as the orator of the day. Mr. Rapp said in part:

Last month I celebrated German day with the Germans of Cincinnati, which in comparison with the oldest German settlements of the east is still so young, and now I have the honor to celebrate a similar German day with the Germans of Omaha, that in comparison with Cincinnati is also young.

German industry, German insight and fidelity have everywhere in this mighty, rising republic unfolded their blessings from the first German settlement in Delaware to the Missouri, and further west. Without exaggeration or vanity we may say this busy young metropolis of Omaha, with its wonderful White City, which so worthily follows that of Chicago of five years ago, would not be possible or even imaginable without the work of the Germans. Without the German love of freedom, without the German agriculture and industry Nebraska and the other western states could not possibly have grown strong so quickly. Nebraska, like its neighbor Kansas, is a state born out of storm. Through the Kansas-Nebraska bill the great voice of the American people called out to the land-greedy slavery, "Thus far and no further," and when it would not listen it was defeated in the great civil war, in which German courage and German bravery and German-American patriotism contributed so much to the preservation of the union and the future [?]  Scanned image of page 128 protected freedom in another form. While its neighbors, Iowa and Kansas, in spite of the vigorous opposition of the Germans, were burdened with the yoke of prohibition, thanks to the efforts made by the great English paper of Mr. Rosewater's for personal liberty, this yoke was avoided, snowed under by the ballots of intelligent Nebraska votes, with whom the Germans were unanimously ranged.

New Fatherland and the Old.

The first love and loyalty of the German-Americans and their descendants belongs completely to the new American fatherland. But they would be bad Americans if they did not at the same time treasure in their inmost hearts faithfulness and love for their old German fatherland. What good German in America will not on this 18th day of October think with pride and feeling of the German fatherland? Today five and eighty years ago was decided the battle of Leipsic. After three days' fearful contest the Corsican upstart, who had reduced the Germans to chains, and sought even to enslave the German spirit, was compelled to retreat. To be sure, the German people were betrayed out of the fruits of that great victory by the wiles of diplomacy, but since twenty-seven years ago this betrayal has been made good by the equally great victory which the Germans won in their own power from the same enemy. Behind the conqueror Moltke there lurked no Metternich like the one behind the victorious Blucher, but beside the great General Moltke stood Bismarck, the greatest of diplomats and statesmen, guiding the welfare of Germany and utilizing the victory to its fullest extent.

In no way will we German-Americans deviate from the strict path of duty. Let everyone, whether it be in the material or spiritual field, do the best which he can for his American home. German music, German song and German physical training can beautify and strengthen American life in all directions. In church and school also let the Germans maintain their force. Let the German who exchanged with sorrow yet with courage his old home for the new attach himself with every fiber to the country here, rely upon it while he performs his duty and maintain his rights. He is no usurping adventurer, but labors faithfully upon a land to make it "a home of the free and brave."

Mr. Rosewater's Address.

In behalf of the exposition management, E. Rosewater supplemented the address of Mayor Moores and extended a cordial welcome to the Germans. He said that they have done more toward building up the exposition and making it a success than any other class of citizens of the state. This not only applies to the exposition but to the west as well. Before the white man trod the soil of the state, Germans settled at St. Louis and since then have been doing all in their power toward the advancement of this section of country. Mr. Rosewater related that forty years ago when he first landed in St. Louis he found comfort and shelter beneath the roof of a German. When the war of the rebellion broke out the Germans of the state rallied around the standard of liberty and stood by it to the last. In the cemeteries of the south the headstones mark thousands of graves occupied by Germans who stood up for the union and equal rights for all men. The best homes of the country have been built up by men of Teutonic origin; they are a sturdy race of people, just and always ready to stand up for liberty and justice. There are no repudiators among them and when they incur a debt they pay it with honest money.

Referring to the great struggle of 1890, when prohibition was the issue, Mr. Rosewater said that all of the Germans were arrayed against the fanatical idea of prohibition. He believes that not one vote was cast by a German for the prohibition side of the question. They understand the question of intemperance and other habits that are injurious, but seldom indulge in and of them to excess.

With the close of the speaking, the band played a couple of selections and the crowd dispersed through the big buildings.

The big parade that was scheduled for yesterday will, if the weather permits, be put upon the streets next Sunday. The line of march will be out along Sherman avenue and through the exposition grounds, passing over the avenues of the Bluff tract and through the Midways, terminating at the Administration arch.

Indians Content with Conditions.

The Indians have become accustomed to the cold weather and now they are apparently as happy as they were during the hot days in July. Yesterday they turned out in their new and warm clothing and circulated around more than at any time since the cold spell came on. Large quantities of dry wood were unloaded at their tepees yesterday morning and with this they built rousing fires, dried their clothing and kept themselves warm. For the present they had discontinued their dances and sham battles, but they will renew these features as soon as the weather moderates sufficiently to permit of their getting out in their undress uniforms, which have been the admiration of so many of the people from the east.

Some of the Indians grew homesick when the storm came on, but since they have been supplied with an issuance of new clothing, plenty to eat and an abundance of wood, they have settled down and now appear perfectly satisfied to remain here during the winter, providing the exposition management and Captain Mercer should so will it, which they will not, as all parties are anxious to allow the aborigines to return to their homes as soon as they can be spared.


Will it Remain to Beautify Kountze Park or Vanish Completely?


If the Beautiful Centerpiece of the Court of Honor is Retained, More Land Must Be Purchased for the Park Site.

Shall the lagoon, the sparkling gem in the center of the beautiful court of honor of the exposition, be filled up or shall it be retained permanently as a centerpiece for a handsome city park? This is a question that must soon be answered, in view of the near approach of the end of the exposition, and the solution of the problem must apparently be reached by the Board of Park Commissioners, inasmuch as they own about one-third of the land upon which the lagoon lies.

The Park board has talked the matter over and appears to have but one sentiment regarding it. The members feel that if it is a possibility the lagoon should be preserved, but they are in a quandary as to the ways and means of accomplishing this object. The land on which the east and west ends lie must be furnished but the problem of raising the necessary money is a difficult nut to crack.

Kountze park, which will succeed the exposition, consists of eleven acres. It is wider than the lagoon, but extends only from Nineteenth street to Twenty-first street. Its center is marked by the two bridges that cross the sheet of water on Twentieth street. Therefore, in order to preserve the lagoon, it will be necessary to purchase or in some other way to secure the two blocks of land from Twenty-first to Twenty-third and the two blocks from Nineteenth to Seventeenth.

While the board has talked over the matter the members have not reached any satisfactory solution of the problem. Captain Palmer, however, advances a plan for the consideration of the property owners of the city living in the vicinity of the exposition.

Wants the Lagoon Retained.

He says: "There is no question that by retaining the lagoon and forming a beautiful park about it the property in the entire vicinity will be greatly benefited and increased in value. As a consequence it would seem to me that the owners could be brought to sell the land at a moderate figure. I think, then, that the other people who own real estate in the neighborhood should be appreciative enough of the increased valuation that the park would bring to their land to be willing to do something to have the park established. It would be impossible for the city in its present financial condition to buy the needed land and therefore I would suggest that the property owners raise enough money by subscription to pay at least a part of the cost of the land, the city to put in the remainder. It would be a pity to have the lagoon filled up, but that will probably be done if the property owners do not come forward with some scheme of this character."

Commissioner Evans would also like to see the lagoon retained if the additional ground can be secured in any way. If, however, this is found to be impossible he has a scheme to preserve the section of it that lies in the park tract. The little lake that would result would lie in the center of the future park.

Nothing will be done in connection with the matter this year, however. In the first place it is not believed that the buildings can be removed in time. Secondly, the park board has no money with which to fill the lagoon or do anything with it, nor will any more money be forthcoming until the board receives a share of next year's tax levy. As a consequence the lagoon will [?]


An Eastern Correspondent's View of the Jubilee Celebration.

The Washington correspondent of the New York Times, who visited Omaha during Jubilee week, gives his impressions of the celebration as follows: "Omaha was so crowded with strangers during the reception this week to President McKinley that the visitors literally begged to be taken into the houses of citizens. The newspapers make widely circulated complaints of the poor hotel accommodations here, but the truth is, Omaha has been singularly wise in not overbuilding. She has known bitterly hard times, has experienced the delights of prosperity since the opening of the exposition, and does not propose to slump down into another slough of despond as soon as the great show is closed. Therefore, no hotel in the right sense of the word was erected for the accommodation of guests, no new houses were constructed. But a large proportion of the private houses have been thrown open. Thousands entertain from the spirit of hospitality. Many others let their rooms for money. But all agree that it was a part of civic good sense to make guests comfortable without erecting buildings which, as soon as the fair is past, would be superfluous.

"The ordinarily quiet streets of Omaha have been as thronged as those of a great metropolis, and during the last few days the thoroughfares out at the fair have been almost impassable. The Union Pacific train came from the west in twelve sections last Wednesday morning, and it took two engines for each train from the east. Nor is this enthusiasm misplaced. This great exposition of the products of the Mississippi valley is inspiring in the extrme​. The land seems fairly oppressed with plenty. The crowds, ugly, patient, slow of movement, composed of almost all the nations of the earth, move about in silence, applauding nothing, yet absorbing the exquisite loveliness of the place. The people from the farms, who spend most of their lives about the barnyard, in the field, or in homes of unmistakable ugliness, sit for hours, immovable, watching the play of light upon the buildings of the Court of Honor at the exposition.

"The sky of the plains is as blue as that of Italy, and against it rests the chaste beauty of the edifices which Walker and Kimball and other architects have erected. The light at this time of the year is often golden, particularly late in the afternoons; on the bluffs which flank the Missouri a purple haze rests. The long sweep of the river is visible. The scene is one of great loveliness. But the beauty of the place becomes almost solemn by night, when the hundreds of thousands of incandescent lights prick the darkness and outline turret, dome and facade. No electrical display has ever equaled this. Neither have the fireworks which are displayed almost nightly ever been equaled. They are made on the ground, and to suit the day, displaying the proper insignia or portraits, according to the guests who are being entertained. Innes, the leader of a band well known in the east, is at present furnishing the music, and the crowds are well pleased with him, for he is most obliging, and gives them what they want."


University of Nebraska Alumni Undertakes to Purchase the Big Exposition Instrument.

Those who have had the pleasure of hearing the big organ in the Auditorium at the exposition will probably be glad to learn that there is a prospect for the instrument remaining in the state. The alumni of the University of Nebraska is interesting itself in the subject and has hopes it may be able to purchase the organ for the university. A meeting of the alumni was held at Lincoln Monday evening and great interest in the project was shown. This was heightened materially when it became known that subscriptions had already been made to the purchase price which left but $2,500 to be raised by the alumni, the price being set at $7,000. It has been decided to call upon each graduate of the university for a subscription of $10 toward the amount needed to complete the purchase price. Prof. Willard F. Kimball of Lincoln, who was temporarily connected with the exposition music department, recommended that the students buy the organ.

A committee appointed by the alumni [?] the matter in hand. It consists of Prof. Lawrence Fassler, '81; Will Owen Jones, '86; Paul F. Clark, '87; Mrs. W. E. Harris, '90, and Harry G. Shedd, '97.


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Railroads Prepare to Finally Clean Up Exposition Travel.


Nebraskans Given a Final Opportunity to Come to Omaha for Less Than it Will Cost to Stay at Home.

In order that every Nebraskan may have an opportunity to see the Transmississippi Exposition during its last week the railroads of the state have agreed on what is undoubtedly the lowest line of rates ever made within the state. The tickets will be sold the first of the week and will be good for five days. Rate wars have at time provoked lower rates, but the special rates that will be put in next week have not been equalled in local travel in Nebraska.

As announced by The Bee last Saturday, the Iowa lines have already agreed on a very low line of rates to Omaha from all points in Iowa for next week, a round trip rate of $5 being offered from points on the Mississippi river, with proportionately low rates from points west of that boundary.

The Union Pacific will next week offer a round trip rate to Omaha of $4 from the western state line of Nebraska. The rate from Sidney, Neb., will be $3.50; from North Platte and Odessa, $3; from Kearney and Benton, Neb., $2.50. Proportionately low rates from other points on the main line of the Union Pacific and from the branch lines will be offered. The tickets will be sold on Monday, October 24, only, and they will be good for five days from that date. With a maximum rate of $4 for the round trip from the most remote points in the state the Union Pacific passenger department expects to "clean up all the exposition travel along the line."

The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific announces that it will put in rates to Omaha from points on its line in Nebraska and Kansas lower than ever before known. From points where the regular one-way fare is $6 and $7, a round trip rate of $2 and $2.50 to see the closing days of the exposition will be offered. The rates will apply from points west of Fairbury, Neb, and are designed especially to give those in the western part of Kansas and Nebraska a last chance to see the fair on most reasonable terms. The rates will be equal to rates of about one-half of 1 cent per mile for the distance traveled. The Rock Island road is also arranging a second excursion from Oklahoma territory. A number of residents of that territory who couldn't get away on the first trip, and some of those who did, have signified their intention of spending the last days of the month at the exposition.

Excursions on the Elkhorn.

The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley has arranged five different excursions, in addition to its regular train service, into Omaha next week to give everyone a chance to see the big show. The first will be from the Oakdale branch via Oakdale and Albion. The round trip rate from the former place will be $2.50, and from the latter point $2. The $2 rate will also be offered from Humphrey. The special train will arrive here on Sunday morning at $10.45 o'clock. An excursion from the Superior branch on Monday will be given with a $2 rate from Geneva and Seward and $2.50 rate from Superior. An excursion on the main line will be run on Monday with rates of $2 from Norfolk, $3 from O'Neill and $3.50 from Long Pine. On Tuesday an excursion from the Hastings branch will give a $2 rate from Hastings, York and David City. A Sunday excursion will be run in from the Virdigre line with rates of $2 from West Point and Norfolk and $2.50 from Verdigre. Intermediate points will be given proportionately low rates.

The Burlington has announced these round trip rates from points west of the Missouri river: Between Concordia, Kan., and Crete, Neb., October 24, $2; Holyoke, October 23, $5; Holdrege, October 23, $3; Benkleman, October 23, $4.50, and Crete, $2; Arcardia and Burwell, October 24, $2.50, and Aurora, $2; Orleans, October 25, $3.50; Broken Bow, October 25, $3; Lincoln, October 25, $2. The points given with the rates named are merely the initial points of special excursions, and low rates will be offered from all points intermediate between these places and Omaha.


Exposition Directory Decides on Sale of All Property as Soon as Gates Close.

Sentiment Overwhelming for Going Out of Business as Soon as It Is Possible.

After Some Discussion a Resolution to That Effect Is Adopted--Finances of the Company in Good Shape.

The attention of the board of directors at the special meeting yesterday afternoon was principally devoted to consideration of what was to be done at the close of the exposition. The sentiment expressed was overwhelmingly in favor of going out of business as soon as possible, and to this end a resolution was unanimously adopted, directing the department of buildings and grounds to at once advertise for bids for the entire property of the exposition on the grounds after the final closing of the gates on October 31. The bids are to be for the property, either in whole or in part, and are to be opened November 15.

There was no expression in favor of the present corporation continuing the exposition another year, but Mr. Lindsey wanted it bought out by the new company and continued. He said that something of the kind would be necessary to prevent a collapse or reaction after the exposition, when a number of people would leave the city. He was positive that people outside the directory were very much in favor of having the show continued, and that other states and the federal government would come in much more readily than they did for this year.

Mr. Lyman said this was not the way he heard people talk on the outside.

Mr. Rosewater was quite certain that the outside states would come in for another year of the show.

Mr. Manderson wanted to see the whole thing wiped out as soon as possible after the close of the gates. The risk of carrying the buildings over would be heavy, and if it were considered best to let some other company try its hand the grounds should certainly be cut down and the hazard minimized.

The discussion ended with the adoption of Mr. Manderson's resolution as outlined above.

An additional resolution was adopted directing that the buildings erected for the live stock exhibit be removed immediately after the close of the exhibit this week, and the lumber sold. Bids in accordance therewith will be at once advertised for.

Mr. Rosewater manifested symptoms of unhappiness early in the meeting and attempted to dress his boil as soon as the minutes of the preceding meeting were read. He said he was opposed to the resolution making an appropriation for the history of the exposition, declaring such action to be not only impossible under the constitution of the corporation, but wasteful and unnecessary. He read a resolution that he had brought with him rescinding the former action.

His resolution was declared to be out of order at that time and when the president called for it later in the meeting Mr. Rosewater announced that he had changed his mind and would not press it at this time. He said he wanted to consult with Mr. Manderson privately about the matter.

"What do you want—to raise it to $20,000?" asked Mr. Manderson.

Mr. Rosewater said he did not, but that he wanted to talk over some things in private that he did not care to discuss before the whole board.

That settled it for the time being and if Mr. Rosewater can make satisfactory arrangements with the historical committee whereby certain portions of his biography may be inserted in the history and the credit for originating the exposition idea and building the show can be officially accredited to him he will no longer oppose the plan to expend $10,000 or any other sum for this purpose.

It was decided to reduce the price of admission to 25 cents on Omaha day, October 21, and to suspend the free list on that day, except for exhibitors, concessionaires and employes. An effort will be made to make Omaha day a record-breaker, although doubt was expressed as to whether this can be done.

It was stated that there is now in the bank to the exposition's credit $304,000, and that about $160,000 will be required to settle up claims at the end of this month. It is not known what, if anything, will be required above salvage to restore the grounds to their original condition in case a new company does not take the property and give a suitable indemnifying bond to protect the present corporation. After that is ascertained it can be determined what dividend is available for a refund of stock.


Nearly Twenty-Three Thousand People Not Intimidated by Wet and Cold.

It Is the White City, Whose Splendors Are Undimmed, That Draws the Crowd.

Sons of the Fatherland and Workmen Are Seen Everywhere on the Grounds.

Hon. William Rapp of Chicago Addresses a Large Audience at the Auditorium.

Innes Gives a Special Concert for the Germans--The Day Passes Without Mishap or Accident.

Tuesday's Admissions22,910
Total Admissions2,232,886

Boreal blasts, falling snow, slush and mud, politics, war and the possibilities of nothing warm in the house to eat when they get home will not prevent people from crowding the exposition grounds till they number thousands above the average daily attendance. Those were the conditions yesterday when 22,910 people passed through the gates, filled the buildings, swarmed up and down the streets and kept Midway busy till the evening was well on. They wore overcoats and cloaks and lamented that they didn't have more clothing; they kicked about the weather; they huddled about the fires when opportunity came, yet no one spoke ill of the exposition. That is what they wanted to see, and they saw it.

Germans arrived in groups and families, participated in the afternoon exercises and sought the friendly shelter of large gilt signs. Ancient Order of United Workmen drill teams paraded about the wet streets in snowy white duck uniforms, happy as if clad in Alaskan furs. Chance strangers from out of town took things as a matter of course and guessed that the weather would be better today.

There was no accidents, no mishaps or sudden cases of pneumonia happened to the 22,910 visitors, something that is apt to happen on an average day when the attendance is but 15,949, or 6,961 less than yesterday.

Sons of the "Fatherland" saw the exposition yesterday, celebrated German day on the grounds and insisted upon enjoying themselves under the most adverse climactic conditions. Although the parade of the forenoon was postponed to the coming Sunday, thousands of Germans went out to the exposition in the afternoon and pluckily held exercises at the Auditorium.

Innes' band concert was merged into the exercises, which began by Mr. Philip Andres presenting Mayor Moores. Although the mayor disclaimed all knowledge of the German language beyond the word "gesundheit," he welcomed the Germans in good, round English.

The address of the occasion was given in German by Hon. Wilhelm Rapp, editor of the Staats Zeitung of Chicago, the program concluding with a brief speech by E. Rosewater. The Orpheus Singing society contributed several well received selections.

Then the Germans disported themselves throughout the grounds during the afternoon and evening, returning to the Auditorium at 7 p. m. to hear the Innes band in a special German day concert.


Interesting Speeches Full of Patriotism and Good of the Order.

The uniformed teams and the members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen that assembled in Omaha yesterday for a day at the exposition did not seem to care if they did have a chance to show their nerve and endurance. They rather seemed to like it, and they determined to make the best of it. The parade down town, however, was abandoned and the [?]

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The exercises were at 1:30. Considerably before that time it was apparent that, though the day was wintry and the room chilly, the audience would be large, and by the time the exercises began the room was full below and several hundred were in the gallery.

The head officers of the order and its auxiliary, the Degree of Honor, marched behind the South Omaha band and were heartily cheered as they took their places on the platform. The uniformed teams, holding aloft their gorgeous banners, were seated mainly on the east side. The auditors kept on their coats and wraps and the men removed their hats only while prayer was offered.

Grand Master Workman Schultz presided. A selection by the South Omaha band was followed with the invocation by Rev. Dr. C. N. Dawson of the Walnut Hill Methodist church, and then an address of welcome was delivered by Mayor Moores. He commended the Workmen for turning out in such large numbers on so unpleasant a day, declaring that this indicated their devotion to their order. He made reference to the grand work being done by the organization, and concluded by presenting the golden keys of the city.

Response was made by Grand Master Workman Schultz. He assured the mayor that his greeting was appreciated by the 24,000 Workmen in Nebraska, the 10,000 members of the Degree of Honor and by the great army of 350,000 Workmen in the United States. Though it was North Dakota weather, it was proved that the order was strong in endurance. If the outside conditions had been more favorable he was confident that the Workmen would have shown to the exposition management a marker.

Supreme Master Workman Sessions was to have delivered an address, but could not be present, and Grand Master Tilton of the Iowa jurisdiction was called on instead. He spoke very briefly and with a humor that caused much laughter. While it was no kindness to the audience to call on him, it was a kindness to himself, for it gave him an opportunity, he said, to warm up a little by exercise.

He was followed by Mrs. Delia Hardings, grand chief of honor. She confessed that she was so cold that she could hardly say a work, and she was sure that no woman could be expected to warm up in five minutes of talking. That would be against all tradition. (Laughter.) She was glad, she said, that the United Workmen had taught their members to fulfill the scriptures in providing for their families, and she was equally glad that the order had further followed the teaching of the scriptures in taking to itself a helpmeet. She described the work being done by the Degree of Honor. While its growth in Nebraska had been but for eight years, the Nebraska jurisdiction had 10,000 members, and it was gratifying to look abroad over twenty-one sister jurisdictions. The members of the degree were thankful for this opportunity of meeting with their brethren and joining in returning thanks for the welcome extended.

Deputy Grand Master Geiger of Iowa spoke for that jurisdiction, making brief reference to the schism which had so handicapped the organization in that state. His address was also well spiced with fun which more than once caused uproarious applause.

The concluding address was by Past Supreme Master Workman J. G. Tate. In preventing poverty and hunger the order had done a more glorious work than that done in the recent war, because it was grander to prevent these conditions than to relieve them after they had come to exist. In doing this the order, too, had shown more patriotism and more devotion to the stars and stripes than had all the deeds on sea and land in the war with Spain.


Audience Demands the Famous Piece of Bandmaster Innes.

Popular fancy swept aside all precedents and had its own way at the Innes band concert last evening in the Auditorium and went into raptures over its success, which, when won, was none the less pleasing to Mr. Innes. A program especially for the German guests, numbers selected only from the pride of the German musical world, were to be given.

All began as planned with an overture, "Tannhauser," and had proceeded famously as far as "Die Hussaren Kommen," a military scene, when a voice in the audience asked for the "Anvil Chorus," made famous by Mr. Innes. Instantly the cry was taken up by the whole throng, which had crowded into the Auditorium from the cold night air, till it was ready to burst. Exposition managers in the audience rushed to the stage and also insisted upon it. So all formalities had to be swept aside by Mr. Innes, and while the audience was quieted with "The Fatherland" costumes were sent for and all was made ready for the "Anvil Chorus."

Round of applause greeted the innovation, which cost the Germans half their program, but all ended happily in the "Star Spangled Banner."

The announcement is made that the first production of Innes' descriptive work, "A Trip to the Omaha Exposition," will be given Saturday night. This piece opens with an idyl descriptive of the dawn. A chorus of "Feathered Prima Donnas" heralds the arrival of a new day. Morning prayer is heard. The trolley follows. Passing through the gates, a gondola ride on the lagoon is taken. A visit to the International building naturally introduces the national hymns of the several countries. Then comes the description of the Midway, which is said by those who have had an advance hearing of the work to be especially clever. Hagenbeck's Animal show is imitated, as is the Chinese Village, the Streets of Cairo and other characteristic features. The piece closes with a view of the grand plaza during the closing strains of Innes concert, the fireworks forming a spectacular accompaniment to the concluding "Star Spangled Banner."

Dancing in the Evening.

The combined German fraternities of the city entertained a number of the visitors of their nationality in the city last evening by giving a dance party at Turner hall. The affair was well arranged, and those in attendance spent a very pleasant evening. Messr. Stoecker and Miller represented the executive committee of German day festivities, and did much to add to the enjoyment of the guests.

Exposition Notes.

Three sets of judges are stirring up things in Agricultural building and exhibitors are in a flutter as to where lightning will strike. It has been rather cold in the building the last two days because no oil stoves or any other heating apparatus is permitted save gas stoves. By last evening several connections with the mains under the floor had been made and stoves placed over them, so that any one feeling that he would rather pay a quarter than suffer longer could make himself comfortable by dropping the required coin in the slot and toasting his shins to the value thereof.

Wednesday next has been designated as Iowa railroad day because of the excursion rates made by the Iowa lines, which will cause several thousand Hawkeyes to be here that day.

Storekeeper Snyder was warming up a pan of oil last evening in the Service building when the hot oil begain​ blazing. There were visions of an exposition in ashes for a few minutes, the fire department was called out and whole lots of advice offered. No damage.

President Frank Thompson and the board of directors of the Pennsylvania railroad with their families form the party arriving this morning on a special train, which will be switched off in the exposition grounds. This afternoon the party will tender a luncheon to the exposition officials in their private dining car.

Miss Kate Will of Chicago, president of the Illinois Woman's alliance and a lecturer on pure food, is in the city, seeing the exposition. In Chicago she says the Woman's alliance has organized a number of much needed reforms. She complimented the exposition as a whole highly. She said she had read with much interest the articles in the World-Herald on the resources of the west, which she considered well written and containing much valuable information.


Youngest of Sisterhood Has a Hearing at Exposition Grounds.


Men Who Conquered the Desert Rejoice in Their Achievements.


Changes from the Time They First Saw the Missouri River Recounted.


Smith, Snow and Cannon Recount Incidents of the Day When There Was No City Nor Even a House Here.

Total admissions yesterday24,691
Total to date2,257,577

While Utah day was insignificant in point of attendance, its celebration was of more than ordinary interest. It brought to the exposition not only the unusual honor of entertaining three presidents of the Mormon church, but the presence of a party of men who had visited Omaha a half century ago and now came back to see the marvelous change that time and human energy has wrought. Their reminiscences of their previous visit were full of interest to the small audience to which they were related and afforded much information that was new and profitable.

The exercises of the day were held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, and although the crowd was limited, it listened to the speeches with close attention. President Wattles presided and welcomed the representatives of Utah to the exposition. He spoke in eulogistic terms of the rich and varied resources of their state, which produces every known mineral and is the only place in the world where the people have existed for a considerable period solely on what was produced within their own borders. He declared that the history of Utah is more fascinating than the most extravagant [?]ion. The heroism of its pioneers can[?] be excelled by those of [?]prise of every visitor was challenged to see what has been wrought on the spot where the first colony of footsore and weary pilgrims rested, which has since become one of the most magnificent ciites of the United States.

Continuing, President Wattles spoke of the wonderful change that has been produced in the world's opinion of the west during the last forty years. Then it was considered a desert almost incapable of cultivation or improvement. Now the world is surprised to behold an exposition of its resources and progress that is only second to the World's fair. The exposition has opened the eyes of the people both of this and foreign countries to the magnitude of the west and in the great tide of immigration that this change in opinion will induce, Utah will reap her share of benefit.

On Behalf of the State.

In response, Governor H. M. Wells of Utah spoke on behalf of his state. He said that it was singularly appropriate that Utah, which had been the last state admitted to the union, should be the last to appear at the exposition. The people are proud that they are at last a part of the federal republic and the destiny of Utah. When the call for troops was issued, Utah had furnished double its quota and its batteries of light artillery participated in the engagement at Manila.

Continuing the speaker said that what Utah wants is capital. Over $200,000,000 in mineral has been dug out of her hills and enough remains to pay the national debt. While much of the best land has been occupied, millions of acres are awaiting redemption by irrigation. He referred briefly to some of the most notable improvements and public enterprises that have been consummated during the last fifty years and to the varied mineral productions that constitute a limitless mine of wealth.

President Lorenzo Snow said that when he saw the magnificent spectacle of the exposition he was struck with the contract between this and what he saw when he went through here fifty years ago. Then there was none of the loveliness that now appears. There was not a house in sight and they came through with ox teams, taking four months to make the journey that they had just made in thirty-six hours. He points out the wonderful changes in their own conditions and manner of living since they founded Salt Lake City. This, he declared, showed what evergy and a laudable ambition can accomplish. In conclusion, he congratulated the people of Nebraska on what they have accomplished and invited them to come to Utah and see what they had done.

The next speaker was Congressman George Q. Cannon, who was one of the leading participants in the Transmississippi Congress at which the exposition project was launched. His remarks were also largely of a reminiscent character. He said that he was in Omaha fifty-two years ago and spent the summer cutting grass for their cattle. They came to what is now known as Council Bluffs in 1846. There a battalion of 500 men was recruited from their camp for the Mexican war, thus leaving no adequate defense for the women and children. Then they moved to Culter's Grove, now known as Florence, and the speaker told in some detail of the hardships that they endured during the following winter. Then he related many interesting incidents of the subsequent trip across the plains and suggested how little they realized at that time the wonderful development that the next half century had in store for this territory.

The concluding address was delivered by President Joseph Smith, who spoke briefly along somewhat similar lines. He said that all this magnificent city of Omaha, with its majestic buildings, its railroads and its wealth—in fact everything that can now be seen in this locality—has sprung up within his own recollection. He also related a number of incidents of his experience here in 1846 and 1847, and said that at that time he had assisted to raise a crop of corn very near the place where the exposition is now located.

Other Events.

Aside from the celebration of Utah day, the participation of the Denver people and the Order of the Eastern Star is featured for the day. There was no formal celebration on the part of the limited party of Denver visitors, but the women of the Eastern Star will give a reception at the Nebraska building from 3 to 5 o'clock this afternoon.

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Saturday Will See a Full Attendance of Omaha Youngsters.


Teachers Instructed to Give Out the Information in All Rooms in Order that None of the Children May Miss the Show.

If the roll of the Omaha city schools is to be called out on the exposition grounds Saturday, when admission to the grounds will be free to all children in the city under 15 years of age, it is not probable that any great number of absent marks would be tallied on the sheets. Both Secretary Gillan of the school board and Superintendent of Schools Pearse are preparing to see that the matter will be thoroughly advertised among the school children through the teachers. The pupils will also be required to tell all their acquaintances who may attend private schools or no schools at all, that they, too, may take advantage of the opportunity to see the great show. As a result a great horde of the children will probably crowd into the grounds.

The children will need no tickets of admissions. It was at first thought that these would be necessary, but inasmuch as every child can get in on his or her "face" they would be of no advantage. Secretary Gillan is making this known to the teachers. At the same time Superintendent of Schools Pearse has instructed the teachers to make a full announcement of the day to the children.

While it is expected that a great number of parents will accompany the children to the grounds, none of the pupils will be prevented from going for lack of guardians. A considerable number of teachers have volunteered to take charge of the pupils whose parents will not be able to accompany them. There will probably be one or more teachers in every school who will offer to act as such guardians. The teachers have already done considerable to enable their pupils to see the show. Not a few have paid the admissions of children whose parents have not been able to do so, and thereby have given many a little one a day of pleasure they would otherwise not have had.


Pennsylvania's President Entertains a Notable Party.

The luncheon that was tendered the exposition officials and a number of invited guests by the president and board of directors of the Pennsylvania railroad at 1 o'clock yesterday was one of the pleasantest informal affairs that has been given in connection with the exposition. The private train of the visiting officials was switched inside the grounds when it arrived at 6 o'clock yesterday morning and after spending the forenoon in a brief inspection of the show the guests were received at the train and conducted to the dining car, where the lunch was served. The affair was entirely informal and in the nature of a very enjoyable social session. The visiting officers were President Frank Thomson of the Pennsylvania railroad; John P. Green, first vice president; W. H. Barnes, Gorge Wood, C. A. Griscom, Amos R. Little, C. Stuart Patterson and N. P. Shortridge, directors; E. T. Postlethwaite, assistant to the president; T. N. Ely, chief of motive power; G. V. Massey, assistant general solicitor; Louis Neilson, assistant secretary; Howard Pusey and C. S. Hurlburt. Representing the Pennsylvania lines were James McCrea, first vice president; Joseph Wood, third vice president; S. B. Liggett, secretary; L. F. Lane, general manager; D. T. McCabe, freight traffic manager; J. F. Miller, general superintendent; E. A. Dawson, manager Union line, Chicago; W. H. Williams and E. F. Leonard, president T. P. & W. railroad.

The guests whom they entertained included President G. W. Wattles, Secretary John A. Wakefield and Managers E. E. Bruce, E. Rosewater, F. P. Kirkendall, A. L. Reed, W. N. Babcock and Z. T. Lindsey of the exposition, President Horace G. Burt and General Manager Edward Dickinson of the Union Pacific, General Manager George F. Bidwell of the Elkhorn, General Manager Holdrege of the B. & M. and Jules G. Lumbard.


Five Hundred Bushels of Fruit Handed Out to the Visitors.

Notwithstanding the fact that the Nebraskans were experiencing an article of weather which was entirely foreign and which belonged to some other section of the country they made the most of the conditions and enjoyed themselves by visiting all portions of the exposition and singing the praises of the state in which they reside. There were the exercises that went along in connection with the observance of Nebraska day and then there was the Nebraska Apple day, which had been featured and which proved to be one of the strong cards of the exposition.

Some weeks ago Superintendent Youngers of the Nebraska fruit exhibit concluded that it would be the proper thing to have a Nebraska Apple day in connection with the regular Nebraska day and went to work upon the plan. He opened up correspondence with numerous of the fruit men of the state and as a result of his labors when the doors of the Horticultural building opened yesterday morning he had 500 bushels of as fine apples as were ever seen and they were all for free distribution to the visitors. Not having a desire to have the giving away of apples interfere with the Nebraska day exercises at the Auditorium he postponed his part of the program until 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the meantime devoting all of his time to arranging for a more perfect system in giving out the fruit.

The apples given away included about every known variety of fall fruit and all of the varieties were perfect in every respect. They were juicy and toothsome, as is all of the fruit grown in this section, the reason being attributable to the elements contained in the soil. The apples were banked up in huge piles upon the Nebraska space and in barrels standing alongside. As a visitor to the building reached the space apples were handed out in abundant quantities, each man, woman and child receiving from four to five.

In addition to the apples there was another feature in connection with the Nebraska exhibit. This was in the nature of decorations put up by Messrs. Nowns and Marshall. There were two huge pyramids of apples, one at either end of the Nebraska space, and in addition there was a floral piece in the shape of a horseshoe, in which were worked with tube roses the words "Stand Up for Nebraska." Beneath this there was a large cornucopia, from the horn of which fully fifty bushels of apples had run out and spread over the table. Then from the beams, columns and ceiling there were long strings of apples of various colors suspended, breaking the monotony of the bare walls and the hitherto undecorated space up toward the rafters.

Taking everything into consideration the day was a great success and it convinced the thousands who tasted the fruit that Nebraska is one of he​ great apple states of the union.

No attempt was made yesterday by any of the states other than Nebraska to give away fruit. Some of them, however, put up a great show. Every exhibitor in the building added to his tables and made the general appearance more attractive than it has been for months.


5 a. m.33
6 a. m.33
7 a. m.33
8 a. m.32
9 a. m.33
10 a. m.36
11 a. m.37
12 m.38
1 p. m.38
2 p. m.37
3 p. m.38

For Nebraska—Fair tonight and Friday, except possibly snow flurries in extreme east portion this afternoon or tonight; continued cooler; brisk northerly winds.

For Iowa—Threatening weather, with probably showers or snow flurries tonight; Friday, generally fair, continued cool; westerly winds.

For Missouri—Threatening weather, with possibly showers or snow flurries tonight; Friday, partly cloudy; continued cool; brisk northerly winds.


At the Grounds:
Utah Day.
Denver Day.
Eastern Star Day.
Closing Day of Live Stock Show.
9 a. m. to 10 p. m., Indian Congress.
9 a. m., Fat Stock Show.
10 a. m., Omaha Concert Band at Auditorium.
11 a. m., Utah Exercises at Auditorium.
11:30 a. m., Battleship Illinois Docked at Government Building.
12 m., Fire Horses Hitched by Electricity.
2 p. m., Day Signaling United States Signal Corps.
2 p. m., Innes Band at Auditorium.


Travel to Omaha Too Strong for a Snow Storm to Stop.


Visitors from the Rural Districts Are Spending Lots of Money with the Merchants of the City for Winter Things.

Lowering clouds and a faint trace of snow were not sufficient to prevent large crowds of visitors coming into Omaha to see the exposition. At the Union depot shed, at the Burlington station and at the Webster street station every one of the numerous morning trains pulled in with good crowds. At the former place Depot Master Ed Haney smiled and remarked: "Guess you couldn't keep these people away with two blizzards." Maurice Fleming, who guards the lives of several thousand people about the depot tracks every day, nodded his head and said that was right.

It is plainly a country crowd that is coming into Omaha now. While the morning trains from Chicago bring in a good many people with dress suit cases and bags well covered with European labels the great bulk of the arrivals are from the stations within a radius of 200 miles of Omaha and from rural points close by. If they carry any impedimenta at all it is in the form of straw baskets, immense valises and clothing done up in shawl straps. The morning trains brought in heavy crowds from western points at the Tenth street stations, and the old brick station on Webster street wasn't half big enough to accommodate the arrivals who stood in out of the cold while waiting for street cars. There were no special trains in during the morning, but the Union Pacific will bring in a special of fourteen cars at 6 o'clock this evening. It comes from central Kansas, the train starting from Ellis, Kan., at 4 a. m. and picking up good sized groups of Kansans at every station between Ellis and Manhattan, from which point the train comes directly through to Omaha.

Busy Day Down Town.

The streets down town this morning presented a more animated appearance than on any previous morning of the week. A large number of visitors, caught in the cold wave with summer clothing, sought out the clothing stores and were fitted out for the winter. All of the stores and shops wore a busy air, and Farnam, Douglas and Sixteenth streets were livelier than at any time since the Peace Jubilee. One Omahan, who has been entertaining a party of eight exposition visitors, at the rate of $1 per capita per day, remarked this morning: "This cold snap has hurt the attendance at the exposition somewhat, but it has made a whole lot of trade for the down town storekeepers. After the eight lodgers at our house had gone out this morning I took a look through their rooms to see if any one had blown out the gas, and I noticed in every room a box in which heavy underwear is done up and in six out of the eight rooms other boxes from shoe stores."

Denver day at the exposition brought a small party of business men and officials from that city to take part in the exercises. In the party are: Colonel R. E. Goodell, president of the Colorado Exposition commission; T. J. White and wife, William N. Byers and wife, F. O. Scobey, president of the Board of Supervisors of the city government, who will represent the city in the formal exercises at the Auditorium in the absence of the mayor; E. Wilkins, chief clerk of the Union Pacific railroad at Denver, and wife; Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Mener, and Lieutenant Governor Brush, all of Denver. Others in the party are Dr. John Law, James Nelson and N. S. Gregg of Leadville, W. C. Stark and wife and Mrs. B. F. Lowell of Colorado Springs, and R. Oldland of Meeker.

Mrs. Stanford a Visitor.

Mrs. Leland Stanford, widow of the former United States senator from California, was among the distinguished visitors to the Transmississippi Exposition who arrived in Omaha this morning. Accompanied by a party of friends, Mrs. Stanford arrived in her private car, "Stanford," which was attached to the "Overland Limited" train from Chicago. The car was dropped from the train here, and the entire party proceeded directly to the exposition grounds. This morning Mrs. Stanford had not decided how long she would remain here, her stay depending largely on the weather and the amount of enjoyment the party found at the exposition.

Frank Hills, auditor of the Oregon Short Line, is one of the visitors from Salt Lake City at the exposition grounds who is aiding in the celebration of Utah day at the Transmississippi Exposition. He came in from the east this morning, and did not know that today was Utah day at Omaha until he called at the Union Pacific headquarters. Some one asked him if he had come on to celebrate Utah day, and he said: "Goodness, gracious, you don't mean to tell me this is Utah day. Well, I'll get right out there with the rest of the good folks." Grabbing his hat and wishing his old associates a merry good-bye, Frank left for the grounds, and hasn't come back yet. He is pleasantly remembered in Omaha as the former assistant auditor of the Union Pacific railroad.

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President Wattles Solicits the Commercial Club's Active Co-Operation.


Business Men Will Be Asked to Take an Active Part in Making the Affair a Success—What Some of the Retailers Say.

President Wattles of the exposition has sent the following letter to Secretary Utt of the Commercial club:

OMAHA. Oct. 17.—J. E. Utt, Secretary Commercial Club, City: Dear Sir—October 31, the last day of the exposition, has been set aside as "Omaha day," and it is our earnest desire to make it the greatest day of the exposition. Inasmuch as the exposition was started on its successful career by the Commercial club. I deem it proper to appeal to your executive committee to inaugurate a general movement in the community for a great demonstration on the day of its close. It has brought to the city of Omaha millions of money and thousands of influential people, whose future investments will do much for the upbuilding of our city. I therefore deem it proper for the organization outside of the exposition management to assume the initiative in this closing celebration.

I appeal to your executive committee to call to your assistance the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, the city and county officials and such other assistance as you may select, and at once take up the work. The schools and every business house in Omaha should close and a proclamation should be issued by the mayor declaring the day a holiday. Every employer of labor should purchase and distribute tickets of admission among those in his employ who would not otherwise attend. Tickets should be distributed among their customers by our large merchants who have profited by the business brought them by the exposition. The poor of the city should be supplied with tickets. In fact a general movement should be made on systematic lines to secure the attendance of every citizen of Omaha and Douglas county on this day.

Exercises will be held in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock p. m. commemorating the closing hours of the exposition. To these exercises all the stockholders of the exposition are respectfully invited, as we expect on that occasion to make some statements regarding the work of the investment.

At the close of these exercises at 6 o'clock p. m. a banquet will be served to the invited guests at the Markel cafe, and I desire to extend your officers and members of your executive committee a cordial invitation to participate in this banquet.

I hope you will appoint such committees as you may deem necessary to take up the work incident to this celebration without delay. Yours truly,


A special meeting of the executive committee of the Comercial​ club was held yesterday afternoon and a committee consisting of Messrs. Hayward, Martin, Hospe, Steel and Utt was named to take charge of the matter. It is the intention of this committee to push the matter with all vigor, to the end that the day may be made the success the managers of the exposition hope to make it. There is some difference of opinion among the retail business men as to the question of closing on that day. The matter was put to a number of the leading ones by Bee reporters yesterday.

What Business Men Say.

Joseph Hayden of Hayden Brothers said it was the plainly written duty of every employer to close his store all day long in order to make the final day of the exposition what the directors meant it to be, day when every Omaha citizen, rich and poor alike, could mingle on the grounds. "We will remain closed all day," he said, "and all 600 employes will be given a chance to have a good time. There is one proviso to the arrangement, however," added Mr. Hayden with a smile, "and that is that you newspaper men do not get out an afternoon paper on that day."

Mr. Brandeis of the Boston store said that the management had decided after considering the claims which the day had on patriotic Omaha citizens to remain closed during the entire day of October 31. The hope is expressed that other stores would act on a similar impulse in order that the day might be a record breaker from the attendance primarily of Omaha people. The store will contribute its quota of over 500 employes toward making the occasion a success.

A less favorable opinion was expressed by W. R. Bennett of the W. R. Bennett company who felt that his establishment would [?] be able to close up. "We remained [?] on the opening day," said Mr. Ben-[?]and were almost alone in that action. [?] not feel therefore that it will be pos-[?]o participate in this occasion in a [?] way, though we wish for it an un-[?] success."

Not Certain About Closing.

Mr. Rosenthal of the People's Furniture and Carpet company approved cordially of the intention to make Omaha's official participation in the exposition the crowning event of its career. The matter had not been definitely decided upon by the store management, but Mr. Rosenthal said that in all probability the employes would be given their liberty, especially if the same action were taken by other large stores. The store employs about 150 men.

The same view was taken by Mrs. Benson who said that her establishment would be guided by the action of other employers in the matter. If the plan of keeping closed house were generally adopted her store would not be found less patriotic than others, and the exposition attendance would be increased by the number of thirty girls with their escorts.

Mr. Belden of Thompson, Belden & Co. said that the present intention of his firm is to keep open on October 31. "We have already been as liberal as possible," he said, "with our employes in the matter of exposition sightseeing. Almost all of them have already had a week off with a continuance of pay in order that they might have a thorough opportunity to see the exposition. The remainder will be given their vacation at once, and we believe that this plan has been advantageous to all parties concerned."

Opposition to the Idea.

A. C. Raymer, hardware: I am opposed to closing our store on that day. I want the celebration to be a success, but can see no reason why we should be expected to close up. There will be lots of strangers in town that day who will not go out to the exposition and they will want some place to go.

George W. Kelley for Kelley, Stiger & Co.: I object to closing the stores. After the hard times through which Omaha has passed in recent years I think it an imposition to ask the retailer to close up. However, if all the other large stores close up. However, if all the other large stores close on that day, we will; but it has got to be a "close," and no side door or behind the blinds business.

Morris Levy, for the Nebraska Clothing company: If the other clothing stores close, we will. We have had a good business this summer, and are willing to close up for a day, provided other dealers do the same.

R. S. Wilcox, for Browning, King & Co.: I am for anything which will make Omaha day the big day of the exposition. I will buy some tickets myself and give them to those who cannot afford to buy them, and will close up the store if other dealers will do so.

Thomas Kilpatrick: We took a stand at the beginning of the exposition against closing on account of any special days, and are inclined to adhere to it. You cannot get an agreement to close which will be uniform. We close our store now at 6 o'clock, but there are others who do not. It is a part of the purpose of country people who come to the city to buy and the stores should as a rule be open.

S. Gamble, for the Continental Clothing company: So far as this store is concerned, I think it will be open. The general trade in Omaha now is good, and I believe we should stay and care for it. We will get through about 8 o'clock, and the boys will get out in time to assist in properly closing the exposition. Another thing is Omaha day comes on the last day of the month, which brings it at a busy time for most retailers.


Distinguished Citizens Headed by Governor Wells Come to Visit the Exposition.

Utah will be represented at the exposition today by a distinguished party of citizens. This will be Utah day and as the history of Utah would not be complete without the history of the Mormon church, many of the leading men of that organization have come to the city to take part in the exercises today. The party came in over the Union Pacific last night and was met by S. T. Whitaker of Salt Lake City, who has been in Omaha looking after the Utah exhibit at the exposition. He escorted the visitors to the Millard, where most of them will be quartered during their stay in the city.

At the head of the delegation is Heber M. Wells, governor of Uncle Sam's baby state. Probably next to the governor in importance, especially so far as the interest of Omaha people is concerned, is George Q. Cannon. Mr. Cannon was president of the Transmississippi congress when it held its annual session in this city in the fall of 1895, when the exposition was given birth, and was one of the warmest advocates of the proposition, particularly that part of it which designated Omaha as the place for holding the big enterprise. His visit to the exposition at this time will therefore be of interest to him in the light of this early history. Mr. Cannon is accompanied by his wife and by Mrs. F. J. Cannon, wife of the young senator from that state. Mr. Cannon is a member of the first presidency of the church.

Others in the party are States Senator Reed Smoot and wife and Miss Mamie Eldridge, Colonel N. W. Clayton of the governor's staff, Lorenzo Snow, president of the church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, and wife, son and daughter; F. D. Richards, president of the twelve apostles and church historian, and Mrs. Richards; Brigham Young, son of the former head of the church, and one of the twelve apostles, and his two daughters; Joseph F. Smith, one of the first presidency, and his wife and two daughters; A. O. Woodruff, one of the twelve apostles, and his wife and mother; W. E. Spence, secretary and immigration agent of the church, and wife; Mrs. Chamberlain, a daughter of George Q. Cannon, and Mrs. Hardy, a daughter of the elder Brigham Young.

The delegation will be met at the hotel at 10:30 this morning and escorted to the exposition grounds, where the formal exercises of the day will be held at the Auditorium. President Wattles will make a welcoming address, which will be followed by an address by Governor Wells. Mr. Cannon, F. D. Richards and Lorenzo Snow will also make short addresses.

Rates for Railroad Week.

For Railroad week, which is all of the coming week, the railroads are beginning to do just what the exposition is asking, giving the very lowest rates of the entire exposition. The Iowa lines led out with the $5 blanket rate from the Mississippi river for the middle of the coming week.

Manager of Transportation Babcock on Tuesday telegraphed all railroads that could possible have anything to do with the exposition and stated just what the exposition wanted for Railroad week. The telegrams were followed by letters.

Early in the afternoon yesterday a reply by wire was received from T. W. Teasdale, St. Paul, general passenger and ticket agent of the Omaha: "Will probably run two popular excursions into Omaha next weke​ at very lowest rates. Particulars by mail in a day or two."

And from W. B. Kniskern, general passenger agent of the Northwestern, Chicago: "Thanks for information in your message of October 18. We have already arranged for a series of excursions to exposition, October 23 to 29 inclusive, at very low rates that will require all of our available equipment if weather is not too unfavorable."

And from G. H. Heafford, Chicago, general passenger agent of the Milwaukee: "Referring to your wire of October 18 Milwaukee has anticipated your wishes and will endeavor to make the period named in your wire satisfactory as to rates and attendance. On October 25 and perhaps one other date we will run cheap excursion trains into Omaha from points as far east as the Mississippi river. This should induce large numbers who have not visited the exposition from this territory to make the journey."

Sidelights of the Show.

All of the members of the exposition executive committee and Secretary Wakefield and Horace G. Burt, George E. Bidwell, E. W. Dickinson and G. W. Holdrege were entertained at luncheon by the president and twelve visiting directors of the Pennsylvania railroad in their private dining car switched into the exposition grounds yesterday. It was a sumptuous menu, and an expression of good feeling all around.

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Mr. C. H. Elmendorf, assistant superintendent of the live stock show, was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of stockmen yesterday and in a neat speech by Dick Stone of Stonington, Ill., was presented with a purse by the exhibitors in appreciation of his courteous and efficient work at the show.

Mrs. H. G. Beaumont, while visiting the exposition afternoon, in company with his husband and son, slipped on the steps leading to the Auditorium, breaking her right leg. She was taken to the emergency hospital. The case is particularly sad in that Mrs. Beaumont is 68 years of age and was en route to her home at Hartford, Conn., from a visit with relatives at Madrid, Neb., having stopped at the exposition between trains only.

George Mey, a homeless urchin, who has been living at the ostrich farm for a few days, while half unconscious from cold and hunger, yesterday fell from a roof at the farm and suffered numerous bruises. His condition, feared for a time as serious, improved as he thawed out at the emergency hospital.

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While They Can't Work They See the Sights and Visit the Live Stock Show.

Wednesday Has Its Thousands, Like All the Days, as the Opportunity Is Fleeting.

Buildings Comfortable and Streets Dry for the People Yesterday--Events of Interest at the Grounds.

"Had it been fine weather we would have been home shucking corn," is the explanation made by hundreds of farmers at the live stock show every day this week. "It has been too stormy to work at home, so we took the first chance to come and see the exposition."

That explains why many of the thousands of strangers helped make up a crowd of 11,104 Sunday, 14,922 Monday, 22,910 Tuesday and 24,691 yesterday. Through snow and cold and bitter winds they came and with astonishing persistence unknown to city people pitched in and had a good time. However, the worst was over in the bad weather line yesterday, the buildings being comfortable, the cold winds being broken by the city of buildings and colonades and the streets being dried to the extent that there was no trouble in finding dry walks.

Students of the curious could find much to interest them in the cuts of clothing worn the past two or three days, particularly by those usually regarded as well dressed. The farmers wrap up well before leaving him, and in their comfort look contented. But the city men who roll up their trousers several inches over a pair of summer weight tan shoes, and with shivering fingers tie lurid colored handkerchiefs around their necks over light overcoats are the sorriest spectacles, and the grumbling is done by them and not by the strangers at all.


Music Makes Him Many Admirers—Anvil Chorus Tonight.

The opportunities for hearing Innes and his great band are becoming less and less as each day brings their engagement nearer to a close. For this reason fashionable Omaha is turning out in ever-increasing numbers to take advantage of the few chances remaining to hear this magnificent organization. Yesterday afternoon's concert was given to an audience which filled the great Auditorium, while the evening concert was the scene of one of the greatest demonstrations of enthusiasm which has yet been seen in the great building. Every day seems to bring Innes and his players nearer the hearts of the people.

Tonight will witness the final presentation of the "Anvil Chorus," which has created so much favorable comment. Its magnificent ensemble of band, exposition chorus, costumed corps of musical blacksmiths, original electric effects and Soloists Levi, Zimmerman, Kenney and Innes will, as usual, take part. Tomorrow night a special Wagner program will be given in response to a deluge of requests received by Band Master Innes.

On Saturday night the first production will be made of Innes' much talked of descriptive work, "A Trip to the Omaha Exposition," which is said by those who have had an advance hearing to be full of unique effects. The following digest of the piece will give some idea of the ground covered by the distinguished musician in this, his latest, work:

"The opening idyl is descriptive of the dawn. The chorus of 'Feathered Prima Donna' heralds the arrival of the new day, which is fittingly begun with morning prayer. The trolley car ride follows. The click of the turnstiles ushers the visitor into the grounds, and a gondola ride on the lagoon brings him to the vicinity of the International building, where the nations—as represented by, respectively, Germany, Italy, England and Ireland—are visited. The Russian-French alliance is indicated. The presence of the 'spieler' is made manifest as the Midway is approached. A Midway band is heard. Hagenbeck's animal show is passed. The Chinese Village, the Old Plantation and Streets of Cairo each receive a call. The popping of corks, as Markel's is passed, gives a hint of the conviviality which reigns within. The Grand Plaza is reached in time to hear Innes' band give its famous rendition of 'Scenes from Trovatore,' introducing solos from clarinet (Levi) and trombone, (Zimmerman.) The universally popular 'Il Miserere' (for cornet and trombone by Kenney and Innes) and the spectacular 'Anvil Chorus,' with original electrical effects by the corps of costumed musical blacksmiths. The fireworks, with the accompanying strains of the national hymn, 'The Star Spangled Banner,' tell their own tale of 'Home! Sweet Home.'"

Great Roast Today for the Red Men—Will Soon Scatter.

Indian congress social circles are all agog over the farewell banquet that is to be tendered the late aboriginal owners of North America by Captain Mercer. In a few days the congress of 600 representatives of thirty-five tribes will be of the past and as a good-bye to the good times of victorious battles, war dances and full rations, this last feed is to be given today. It is to be a strictly invitation affair, none but Indians being present, the gate being closed to the general public.

Sheriff Sam Startzer of Sarpy country was called in as master of ceremonies, and yesterday preparations began. For the feast was bought an ox, two hogs, two sheep, five barrels of applies​, onions, potatoes, cheese, jelly, bread and other good things in abundance. On the south side of the Pueblo adobe mansion a kitchen made of brick, laid in mud, was built, more as a wind break than anything else, and the fires were started.

The ox was butchered first while a big crowd swarmed about and fell over each other and into the blood trying to see the Indians skin an ox. The other animals were killed later, and all were started to roasting over the open fire last night, several bushels of potatoes and onions being made ready for throwing in this morning.

When all is roasted, about 10 o'clock this morning, the eating will begin, and will last till all his disappeared, unless the

Although an enthusiastic public will probably clamor to see the fun, the Indians object. Ever since their arrival the public has watched their every movement and they have asked the privilege of eating one meal in peace. Impertinent visitors have deliberately opened the doors to their tepees and even entered without invitations, and have made their home life miserable by night and by day. Yesterday a big sign had to be tacked up on the Pueblo house, "Keep Out."

The weather of the past three or four days has been severe on the southern Indians, the Apaches, Arapahoes, Cheyennes, Kiowas, Sacs and Foxes and others from the land where snow rarely falls. They are homesick and the terms for which some of them came to the exposition having expired, want to quit. So now comes the farewell deed, followed, perhaps, by a farewell sham battle as soon as the weather clears, and then all can go together.


Governor Wells, George Q. Cannon, Lorenzo Snow and Others.

Utah day will be celebrated in the best of style, for last night Governor H. M. Wells and staff, accompanied by a distinguished party of his fellow citizens, men and women well known in Nebraska and the west, arrived to see that the state is well represented at the exposition today.

With the vigorous young executive are George Q. Cannon, president of the Trans-Mississippi congress; Lorenzo Snow, president of the Mormon church; Joseph Smith, a councillor of the church; Mrs. Woodruff, wife of the late president of the church; Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Woodruff, the former an apostle of the church; Brigham Young, an apostle, and daughter; F. Richards, an apostle, and daughter; Mrs. Joseph A. West and others. Senator Cannon's wife was with the party, the senator being expected to arrive later. Among the members of the governor's staff is Colonel N. W. Clayton, who is prominent in his state and the west.

George Q. Cannon, Lorenzo Snow and Joseph Smith lived in Council Bluffs and Florence before Omaha could be found on a map.

The delegation came from Salt Lake and this morning will be taken to the exposition grounds, where exercises will be held at the Auditorium, Governor Wells making the principal address for Utah. Short talks will be given by other members of the party.

The excursion came in charge of W. C. Spence, transportation agent of the church, who says the trip was a pleasant one and without incident. A special car brought the visitors and they will remain in the city until Saturday.


Five Hundred Bushels of Apples Given Away.

One of the informal but exceedingly pleasant features of Nebraska day was the giving away of apples at the exhibit in the Horticulture building. Five hundred bushels of the fruit had been piled up there, and when evening came it was gone. A constant stream of people passed through the building all day, and to each was handed out a half dozen apples.

The reception to Governor Holcomb at the Nebraska building yesterday afternoon was largely attended. He stood in his own suite of rooms with several of the commissioners and the hostess of the building. The visitors marched up the stairs at the south end, passed in to pay their respects to the chief executive and reached the rotunda again by the stairs in the north end.

Music was furnished by an orchestra and also by those had been on the program in the Auditorium. In addition, Mrs. P. A. Wells of Red Cloud rendered several whistling solos, the selections being from the "Bonnie Princess."

The governor was the recipient of a huge bouquet, with the compliments of Mrs. Hambleton of the Illinois building.

Oct 21 21


Now Is the Time for Omaha to Secure a Lasting Monument to the Exposition.

General Manderson Asks for Contributions to Be Placed in the Liberty Building.

Scientists Find Much of Interest in the Mineralogical Display--Railroads Are Booming the Last Few Days.

Thursday's Admissions,21,613
Total Admissions2,279,529

Now that it is only ten days till Omaha day, the last of the exposition, there is something of a stir as to what will become of many articles of value at the exposition that would be highly prized by the Omaha public if possible to retain.

Particularly is reference made to the rare collections of minerals, portions of the agricultural exhibits, the education exhibits, gems in the Fine Arts building and odds and ends in every building that would go to make up a fine museum. To this could be added, it has been suggested, several pieces of statuary on the various buildings which would be practically imperishable under cover.

General Manderson yesterday issued a circular to exhibitors with a view to securing voluntary contributions to form an exhibit to be placed in the public library.

Many distinguished visitors, impressed with the grandeur and beauty of the exposition, say that this is not enough; that in the exposition is the most and best material for a museum that has ever been collected in the west, or will be again in America for many years, and that it is folly to permit such an opportunity to escape to give Omaha a magnificent museum and to commemorate the great exposition.

At the conclusion of the World's fair public spirited stockholders assigned their dividends to a fund with which the Field Columbian museum was created, and it today exists as a monument to the great enterprise. There the dividends, although incomparably small, as in Omaha, came almost as gifts to the stockholders who had subscribed with the anticipation that never a cent would be returned.


There are some good things in the mineralogical building, and scientists have found it out. A rush is being made by collectors for museums to get the choicest specimens, and many are being picked up. Dr. Farmington, representing the Field Columbian museum of Chicago, has been here for several days, contracting for specimens, and Prof. George Merrill, representing that national museum, has secured several. This recognition from the national museum is quite gratifying, since for every mineral specimen there placed something must be thrown out. There has been a representative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, another from the state university and others from lesser institutions of learning looking over the field.

Prof. Charles D. Walsott, director of the United States geological survey, will arrive today to spend three or four days at the exposition. He is on his way to Washington, after spending the summer in the mining districts of the west.

Superintendent Day yesterday received several fine specimens of Grass Valley gold ore, showing the almost pure gold of the natural color of chemically pure gold. It is a bright yellow, and more nearly approaches a glitter of any native gold. This he regards as particularly valuable in that it completes a collection of 120 specimens showing the natural gold in every shade of color.

There has been recently received a collection of cups, finger bowls and vases cut from verde antique, a rich green stone, variegated and translucent, and peculiar to Santa Catalina island. The articles have been cut to the thinness of paper, highly polished and are extremely beautiful.


Good news keeps coming to the department of transportation about the rates for the coming week, Railroad week. The Elkhorn has issued circulars declaring a special excursion train to leave Verdigre Sunday at 4:40 a. m., arriving at the north exposition gate at 10:40 a. m., and leaving for home from the Webster street depot at 8 p. m. Tickets are good for return on any regular train within five days of sale, however. The round trip rate from Verdigre is $2.50, scaled down proportionately as Omaha is approached.

Mr. J. O. Phillippi has written that the Missouri Pacific will make exceptionally low rates for October 21-14-25, but that he, understanding the situation, will ask for something still better for October 24-25.

General Passenger Agent Orr has written that all of the Port Arthur lines will do something special in the way of rates next week, advices to follow in a day or two.

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Audience Again Shows Its Appreciation of Innes' Anvil Chorus.

Since the opening of the exposition there has not been a scene of enthusiasm such as greeted the performance of Innes' spectacular production of the "Anvil Chorus" last night. The audience was simply wild with enthusiasm. It was the climax of an evening of sensations.

Kenney, the cornetist, had played the first part of "Il Miserere" and Innes the second part on the trombone. By this time every one was on pins and needles, wondering what was coming next. The lights went out and there was a hushed exclamation as a red glow showed about the stage. Simultaneously two lines of men, dressed in red shirts, paper caps and leather aprons marched from either side of the back of the stage and joined each other in front. There were ten of them. They picked up ten hammers and made sparks fly from ten anvils, while the band and the Exposition chorus played and sung the accompaniment. It was a great hit, and in deference to the popular demand it may be repeated some night next week, although last night had been publicly announced as its last production.

Innes will give a Wagner concert tonight, in response to a number of requests which have been received. The program, which will be found in detail in another column, is full of musical gems, and as Friday night has come to be considered rather the swell night of the week, it is certain that the program will be given to an audience thoroughly representative of musical Omaha.

The band will have a special rehearsal after tonight's concert for putting on the final touches to Innes' descriptive work, "A Trip to the Omaha Exposition," which is to be made the big special feature tomorrow night.

Live Stock Show Closes.

After a most successful career of seventeen days the live stock show came to an end last night, with over $40,000 in cash prizes ready for distribution to the fortunate winners. From the very first day the show has been crowded with visitors, and the superb quality of the stock exhibited attracted universal admiration. This being the last show of the season exhibitors are anxious to get home, and began moving last night as rapidly as red tape incident to getting permits to drive through the gates would allow.

Children Free Tomorrow.

The executive committee had decided to admit free all children under the age of 15 years tomorrow. It has also agreed to make a straight admission rate of 25 cents for Omaha day and not give souvenirs, as at first planned.

Kansans Among the Visitors.

A jolly party of Kansas people arrived in town yesterday, taking apartments at the Drexel. The delegation includes many prominent Shriners and business men of the Sunflower state. While they consider their reception in Omaha not the warmest of their lives, they will see all there is at the White City if they have the time. In the party are Frank C. York, Oscar Seitz, E. C. Culp, Prof. and Mrs. Packard, C. T. Hilton, William Tracy, E. V. Tuttle, Mrs. J. M. Bent and her daughter, Mrs. Charley Bronson and Miss May Bent, all of Salina.

Exposition Notes.

Cold weather prevented the big out-of-doors barbecue with speeches at the close planned at the Indian congress for yesterday, but instead the big ox, two sheep and two hogs roasted to a turn, with bushels of potatoes, onions and apples thrown in, were distributed in generous proportions to the families, plenty for all, and taken to the tepees to be eaten in comfort. Big Indians and little Indians alike filled themselves to bursting and felt happy all the rest of the day.

Several delegations of Indians left for their homes yesterday, nineteen Blackfeet, twenty-eight Sacs and Foxes, nine Tonkewas, nineteen Poncas and one family of Arapahoes. In such a big aggregation the few departures are hardly missed save among their own immediate friends. The others will all remain several days yet.

New shoes were issued to every Indian yesterday, male and female, big and little.

Seventy-six judges and jurors in all departments yesterday presented their expense bills, and in the cases of the live stock jurors their salary per diem. It was intended that their work should be completed yesterday, but owing to the magnitude of the task several of the jurors will be occupied all of today.

A large number of the delegates attending the state meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star were on the exposition grounds yesterday, and called at the Masonic headquarters in the Nebraska building.


Plans for Making It Banner Event at Exposition Progressing Favorably.

Mayors of Neighboring Cities Will Be Called On to Issue Proclamations.

Boards of Education and School Superintendents Asked to Help Make It a Success.

Retail Stores in City Will Be Closed at Noon and All Business to Be Suspended at That Hour.

Pride and Patriotism of Omaha Will Be Appealed to by the Committee in Charge--All Organizations to Assist.

Omaha day at the exposition, Monday, October 31, received another boost and several assurances that it will be a big success at the meeting of the special committee at the Commercial club rooms yesterday afternoon.

Mayor Moores, Superintendent Pearse and Major R. S. Wilcox were present by invitation. The first named will, probably next Sunday, issue a proclamation designating Omaha day as a holiday in Omaha and calling on the mayors of Council Bluffs, South Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City and other Nebraska and Iowa cities to issue similar proclamations. Mayor Moores will call attention to the fact that the celebrating of the close of the exposition, which has already resulted in much good to the west and will in the future result in much more good to it, is a matter not belonging to Omaha, but to the entire west and especially to Omaha and the country immediately surrounding it.

Superintendent Pearse will recommend to the board of education at its meeting Monday evening that the schools be closed on Omaha day. He will also urge the boards of education and superintendents of the city and country schools within 100 miles of Omaha to close their schools on that day and give the children one last opportunity to visit the exposition.

Major Wilcox stated that Samson would issue a royal edict commanding all Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben to observe Omaha day as a holiday and to visit the exposition, in company with their families and friends, on that day.

Within the next two days every retailer in the city will be asked to close his store at noon on Omaha day. Some of the prominent retailers of the city favored closing all stores the entire day, but for various reasons it was thought best to make the closing hour 12 o'clock. It is believed that every retailer in the city, without exception, will agree to closing at that hour and lists for their signatures to such an agreement will be distributed today. In signing it the retialers​ also agree to urge their employes and friends to attend the exposition and to themselves attend it on Omaha day.

Th presidents of the Real Estate exchange, Central Labor union, Retail Liquor Dealers' association, Brewers' association, Jobbers' association, Omaha Clearing House association, the railroad offices, packing house proprietors and offices of fraternal and secret organizations will be asked to meet with the committee today to make arrangements for all joining in making Omaha day a grand success and the banner day in attendance.

"We are going to appeal to the pride and patriotism of Omaha and Omaha men to drop business long enough for one day to make Omaha day one of which we will all be proud. The turnstiles should click off an attendance of 150,000 on that day, which would not only be a great advertisement for Omaha, but the most fitting close to the great exposition," is the way one member of the committee put it.

The exposition directory has already placed the admission fee for Omaha day at 25 cents and the committee is now considering the manner of asking the directory to make a special rate for children on that day. Fifteen cents has been suggested be some and it is stated that at such a figure 20,000 or more children would be present.

The matter of securing special excursions, with reduced rates on all railroads from points within a certain distance of Omaha wil lbe​ considered at a future meeting of the committee.


Utah Comes in to Wind Up the Long List of Celebrations.

Address by Governor Wells and the Leaders of the Mormon Church---Omaha in the Long Ago.

The chief event at the exposition yesterday was the exercises in the Auditorium at 11 a. m., celebrating Utah day The Utah party, comprising Governor Heber M. Wells, President Lorenzo Snow of the Mormon church, President Geeorge Q. Cannon of the Trans-Mississippi congress, Councillor Joseph Smith of the church, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Woodruff, Mrs. Cannon, wife of Senator Cannon, and others were escorted to the grounds in carriages by President Wattles of the exposition.

A considerable audience greeted the distinguished guests as they arrived at the building.

President Wattles, opening the exercises, said that it gave him great pleasure to welcome these guests who had come over 1,000 miles. Referring to the support which the state had given to the exposition, President Wattles mentioned with gratification the fact that the motion in the Trans-Mississippi congress, made by William J. Bryan, was seconded by George Q. Cannon. He commended the exhibit made by Utah, and he was certain that in immigration and trade the people would receive full compensation for their pains and expense.

The president declared that the history of Utah read like romance. He described the progress of the Mormons across the plains and commended the thrift, the industry and the hospitality of the Utah people. Brigham Young, he declared, would ever remain one of the great characters of history. Dwelling on the effects of the exposition on the west the president said that it would revolutionize a too general opinion regarding the whole region.


The main address was by Governor Wells. He said that those coming from Utah were not willing that this occasion should be considered a warming over of any of the great events of last week. They were proud in Utah that they were now a part of the grand union of states. They were proud that they were an essential part of the great republic and that the interests of the republic were their interests. He said with great satisfaction that Utah furnished twice its quota of troops in the recent war; and it was peculiarly gratifying that the troops from Utah at Manila have been distinguished for gallantry. The governor was desirous that people should visit Utah. Its people were anxious that the state should be investigated. There had been dug out of the ground there in the last thirty years about $200,000,000 and there was enough left to pay the national debt. He described the resources of the state and briefly the effects of irrigation. Though the people had had many difficulties to meet, they had surmounted them all. He made mention of the success attending the introduction of the beet sugar industry, and of what was expected of the new railroad from Salt Lake to Los Angeles. The people were looking forward to an era of great prosperity. The governor congratulated the management on the great success of the exposition which he had himself found marvelous.

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Lorenzo Snow of the presidency of the Mormon church spoke next. Mr. Snow had passed through this country fifty years ago and today he was struck with the great contrast between the wildness then and the remarkable development now. He could not remember that there was then a single house where Omaha now stands. Then it had taken him and his friends four months to make the distance that he had just now made in two days.

Here was to be seen what energy could do. Providence must have assisted both the settlers here and those at Salt Lake. He congratulated the people for what they had done here and invited them to come over to Utah and see what had been done there.


Following a selection by the band, a short address was made by President George Q. Cannon. His emotions, he said, were chiefly of a reminiscent character. Fifty-two years ago he had spent the summer north of Omaha cutting grass for stock. In the [?]  Scanned image of page 136 Cutler's Grove. Many of the families lived through the winter in dugouts at Florence—a horrible winter on account of sickness and destitution. Many died and were buried in the hills. They little dreamed that there would be such a city as Omaha here and such an exposition. Mr. Cannon described how the start was made across the plains. Talking about the exposition, Mr. Cannon express his utter surprise at its success in all respects.

He was glad that circumstances had so changed, for the first years in Utah were those of extreme hardships. Now they lived in Utah as comfortably as people in Nebraska. They had all the elegancies there that people had here, and they enjoyed liberty. They were free from oppression. They could worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience without the threat of a mob. They were tolerant. They believed that all men as well as the Mormons should have freedom to worship God in their own way.


The concluding address was by President Joseph Smith. His remarks were a description of his experiences here when his people stopped here. He was a mere boy. He helped to plow for the corn crop of 1847, and he was the herd boy. He described how once his home was taken away by the Indians, and many other interesting and exciting incidents connected with the Mormon hegira.

Big Excursion From South Dakota.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Huron, S. D., Oct. 20—The largest party of excursionists that ever went out of South Dakota will leave here October 26 for Omaha ,to take in the great exposition. It will be under the personal supervision of Frank Irish, traveling passenger agent for the Chicago & Northwestern road. He expects that 1,000 or more will go from this immediate locality, and the number increased at each station, so that when Omaha is reached about 1,500 people will constitute the party.


End of the Exposition's Life Indicated by Conditions at Grounds.


Lowering Skies and Chilly Winds Foretell the Great Fair's Close.


Many Out-of-Town Visitors Pass Through Gates During the Day.


All Under Fifteen Will Be Admitted to the Exposition Without Money and Without Price and the Managers Expect a Crowd.

Total admissions yesterday21,613
Total to date2,279,529

This is an off day at the exposition, with a capital O. There is no celebration of any character and neiether​ the weather, nor the crowd is of the sort to inspire enthusiasm. It is one of the occasions on which the big show seems to be lifeless while gathering impetus for some more interesting event to come. With the same leaden sky overhead and a small crowd of people plodding through the buildings there is little to interest the observer aside from the permanent exhibits. Even the white architecture that glowed to magnificently in the sunlight seems to have acquired the sumber​ coloring with which Nature has invested herself during the last six days and the dazzling beauty that charmed the multitudes of previous weeks is succeeded by an effect that is almost sepulcheral​. The wind was not so cold as the day before, but the air was still raw and little conductive to the enthusiastic admiration that the exposition has been accustomed to inspire.

Apparently the people are becoming indolent these cold mornings. For now the full influx of arrivals begins before 10 o'clock instead of bombarding the gates two hours earlier, as formerly. This morning there was apparently scarcely a corporal's guard on the grounds during the first two hours, but later the people began to come in greater numbers and by noon the prospects were decidedly improved. But even then the visitors consisted exclusively of out-of-town people, whom the unseasonable weather had not been able to drive away from the show.

Today is designated as Apple day on the programs, but this is a couple of days late. The apple distribution occurred Wednesday in connection with the celebration of Nebraska day, and none of the states except Nebraska have any left with which to feed the people today. About a dozen barrels of Nebraska apples were left at the Horticulture building and these were accessible to anyone who wished to sample the fruit.

But there will be animation enough on the grounds tomorrow to atone for the moribund aspect of today. The proposition to admit all the children free has been greeted with enthusiastic delight by the rising generation and the indications are that pretty nearly every boy and girl in Omaha will be in the crowd. The management expects to entertain about 20,000 children and these will alone be sufficient to make things exceedingly lively on the grounds. They will be accompanied by enough parents and teachers to keep them out of mischief and all the exposition employes will take particular pains to assist in making their visit agreeable. The sham battle that had been scheduled has been declared off, as the Indians are packing preparatory to getting back to their reservations and it has been decided that further entertainments of that sort are impracticable.


Agricultural Exhibitors Clean Up Ready for the Last Week.

The exhibitors in the Agricultural building have performed their last work in the way of replenishing their exhibits. From now until the close of the exposition the exhibits will remain the same, with the exception that they will be brushed off occasionally and all decayed and wilted articles will be picked. During the last two or three days nearly every exhibitor who shows fresh vegetables, corn and specimens of the root crop has been receiving large quantities of farm products to add to the big showing that is to be made during the last week of the exposition.

Douglas county has practically rebuilt its exhibit during the last week. It had added many new things until now, when it not only has the largest exhibit in the building but has nearly double the amount of any of the states. Corn is now being featured as the leader. Strings of this grain, together with great pyramids, have been put in place. More than fifty varieties are shown, all ripe, sound and as fine as could be wished for. Then the potatoes and roots exhibited by the county are wonderful and are greatly admired by all who visit the building. Pumpkins, squashes, citrons and scores of other food vegetables have been arranged throughout the space, adding much to its completeness.

North Dakota has received another large consignment of vegetables from the Red River valley, all of which are noted particularly for their enormous size. There are potatoes weighing from five to seven pounds each, while some of the turnips would not go inside of an average-sized water pail. One of the features of the exhibit is a bunch of bananas, which the superintendent, Miss Ford, avers grew in the Devil's Lake country, pretty well up toward the north pole. The bananas are small, but they are perfectly formed and the bunch contains twenty-five. Miss Ford declares that the fruit matured in the open air and that the banana, while not a profitable crop, is quite a common one in the state where she resides, hence its name, the "Banana Belt."

Oregon has put in a collection of mammoth vegetables, having some turnips that weigh sixteen pounds each. They are as large as peck measures and are undoubtedly prize winners if size is to be taken into consideration. The potatoes that are being shown are almost as large as the turnips. The vegetables are all from the State fair that was concluded a few days ago.

Nebraska's stock of vegetables was replenished yesterday by the addition of numerous varieties of beets, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkins and a general assortment of farm produce. The stock on hand, outside of that shown by Douglas county, is the largest in the building and is something that astonishes the easterners, who labored under the misguided idea that the state was a vast sandy plain.

Texas, Missouri, Utah, Oklahoma, Montana and several other states received large consignments of farm produce yesterday and [?]


Premiums All Paid and the Exhibitors Go Away Pleased.

The live stock show, the biggest one of its kind ever held in the United States, with the possible exception of the exhibit at the World's fair, has closed its doors and gone out of business. The curtain went down on the final act last night when the judges finished their work on the fat cattle, hogs and sheep. During the morning the judges completed their work on that portion of the program that had been carried over from the previous day and passed on general purpose breed of cattle, Merino and Dorset sheep, Shetland ponies, Angora goats and swine.

So far as premiums are concerned, most of those on cattle and hogs went to Missouri growers. Canada took the lead in sheep and Nebraska in horses. The attendance was all that could have been desired, and even when the weather was the worst during the last few days the barns were crowded with spectators, many of whom were strangers in the city. It is estimated that 75 per cent of the people who passed through the exposition gates visited the live stock show.

It was the intention yesterday to have had a parade of all of the prize winning animals. This parade was to have passed over the avenues of the Bluff tract and through the Midways, but on account of the inclemency of the weather and the threatening conditions that prevailed it was abandoned and no attempt was made to show the animals, not even the ring. There was no parade of the fat cattle, as had been originally intended. The cancelling of the portion of the program was because of the mud and the bad weather.

Yesterday afternoon all of the premiums were paid without any scaling and as a result all of the exhibitors were feeling well satisfied with the results and their success here. During the day a number of trains were switched into the grounds of the North tract and during the afternoon and evening thirty loads of stock went out. Today the balance will go, or at least as much as can be loaded into cars.

All of the breeders who came here with good animals made a large number of sales. The purchases were the heaviest by the Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana ranchers, who bought for the purpose of grading up their herds. Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa took a large number of hogs.


Captain Mercer Stands for a Barbecue at the Congress Grounds.

Since the opening day of the exposition there have been numerous banquets given, but none have been enjoyed more by the bidden guests than was the one upon the Indian congress grounds yesterday, where were congregated the 500 simple and modest children of the mountain, the plain and the forest.

The banquet was given by Captain Mercer to the Indians as an evidence of his appreciation of the services which they have rendered since coming here to participate in their dances, sham battles and other tribal festivities, which have been enjoyed so much by the people who have attended the exposition. Wednesday he ordered a big, fat street, two sheep, two hogs, ten bushels of potatoes, five barrels of apples and 1,000 loaves of bread. This provision was sent to the Indian grounds Wednesday night and Sheriff Startzer of Sarpy county was pressed into service as head chef. He came and selected Bill Liddiard as his assistant and the two men went to work. They butchered the animals and made ready by preparing to roast the meat over a slow fire. The fireplace was built just south of the adobe house of the Pueblos and the barbecue was started. All night long the carcasses of the animals roasted, fried and sizzled over the embers from cords of dry hickory wood and at 10 o'clock yesterday morning the meat was pronounced cooked to a turn. The potatoes were put into huge pans that had been used for catching the drippings from the cooking meat. After the potatoes were done to a rich brown the spread was ready for the guests.

Over at the warehouse bread was issued to the squaws and at an appointed signal, without waiting for anyone to say grace, the Indians were called in, the gates to the grounds were closed and all the white people driven from the enclosure, the Indians having previously told Captain Mercer they wanted to eat one meal without being annoyed by spectators. Black Eagle, a Sioux who at one time worked in a slaughter house at the Crow Creek agency, was appointed head carver and allowed to select his assistants. For this purpose he named Little White Feather, an Omahan, and Long Bear, an Apache, Knife in hand. Black  Scanned image of page 137 Eagle walked up to the place where the animals were spitted, assigned one of his men to the sheep, the other to the bigs and he taking the beef. Geronimo was the first Indian served. He said he wanted a slice of beef tongue and was given a large hunk, which he carried away to his tepee in a tin pail. The tongue was garnished with potatoes. Next came American Horse, who pointed to the beef brisket, saying it was the favorite morsel with him. He got a chunk and plenty of potatoes, after which Little No Heart, who remarked that he had always had a fondness for the rump of a fat steer. This Indian received a couple of pounds of meat out from the portion indicated, and then came a band of the Wichitas. They all wanted mutton. Tokanwana Jim ordered for the party and took away a greater portion of one of the hind quarters. The Rosebud Sioux selected pork and Running Wolf, who had been designated as the man to make the choice, took away with him some fifteen pounds of loin.

Some of the other notables were given the portions which they preferred, but after that it was something of a catch-as-catch-can, the chief carver and his assistants holding that even Indians ought not to be particular. They informed the horde about them that every portion of the meat was prime and that the time for picking out tender morsels had passed. The judgment of the three men was accepted, and from that time until the bones were picked there was less formality to the carving.

In their tepees the Indians enjoyed their feast very much, all having enough, though there was none to spare, as the capacity of an Indian's stomach is an unknown quantity, having the expanding and contracting powers that are supposed to go with a rubber bag.

After the banquet had been disposed of, Little No Heart, who is recognized as the greatest of living Indian orators, went to the leader of the Indian bands and requested that the bugler of the organization go out upon the plaza and blow what to the white man would be boots and saddles. This young man did so and in a remarkably short space of time almost every Indian in the camp was lined up along the front row of reserved seats. Little No Heart mounted the top seat and from the lofty position delivered an address in the choicest Sioux. He lauded Captain Mercer and declared that the meal was one of the best that he had ever eaten, and to this statement the other Indians all voiced the sentiment expressed. Three cheers were given for Captain Mercer, three more for the exposition and the banquet was a thing of the past, except the eating of apples, which had been saved for dessert.

Colonel Lounsberry Satisfied.

Colonel Lounsberry, the North Dakota commissioner, who has been at the exposition for several days, left for his home at Fargo last night, accompanied by Mrs. Lounsberry and a number of his fellow townsmen, who came here to participate in the North Dakota day exercises. The colonel feels satisfied with the advertisement that North Dakota has received at the exposition, and is of the opinion that it will result in sending many settlers and large sums of money for investment into the state next season.


Cold Weather Results in the Breaking Off of Part of the Congress.

From now on the people who visit the exposition will not be afforded an opportunity of seeing the Indian congress in its entirety, as a number of the Indians have been sent home by Captain Mercer. The breaking of camp commenced yesterday and last night seventy-five of the Indians departed. Those who went were the Poncas, Sacs and Foxes, Arapahoes, Tonkawas and Blackfeet. With the exception of the Blackfeet, all of those who departed are southern Indians, most of whom are from Oklahoma and Indian Territory. The Blackfeet reside in Montana.

Some days ago, when the bad weather set in, the southern Indians expressed a strong desire to return home, fearing that winter was upon them, and since that time they have been very restless. Yesterday morning Captain Mercer concluded it would be useless to require these Indians to remain longer and after breakfast they ordered to break camp. They were evidently pleased with the information conveyed to them and in a few minutes they had their tepees down and were soon engaged in packing. The tepee cloths were rolled up and bound with strings, the tepee poles were tied in bunches and the blankets and bedding, aside from that to be used on the trip home, went into sacks, boxes and bundles. By noon the packing was about complete, both men and women taking a hand. Big moving wagons carted the stuff to the depot and during the afternoon the Indians who were without homes spent their time visiting the [?] of the other tribes and say that their [?]

From now until the close of the exposition the Indian congress will gradually lose its representatives until all have gone. Some of the Indians, especially some of the Sioux, are so well pleased with the conditions and the surroundings that they have expressed a desire to remain on the grounds and witness the closing ceremonies. They say the exposition has been a great object lesson to them and that they want to see all of it, as they never expect to see another show of the kind.

Geronimo says he is in no hurry to go home. He says he is being treated well and that in addition to this he is making a few dollars by selling his autographs and pictures and so long as the supply holds out and the white people want to pay for these things there is no particular hurry for going back into the seclusion of the Fort Sill reservation, where his family and the balance of his people are located.

Will Bring in All of Iowa.

Special Excursion Agent Cook of the Milwaukee Railroad company was at the exposition grounds yesterday, piloting a party of fifty people that he brought in from West Union, Ia., on Wednesday. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon he received a telegram from the general offices of the road saying that next Tuesday the Milwaukee will make a rate of $3.75 for the round trip from all Mississippi river points to Omaha and return. The tickets will allow the excursionists to remain at the exposition three full days. Trains will leave the Mississippi river towns Tuesday and reach here the following morning. Returning, they will leave Omaha late Friday night or Saturday morning.

Speaking of travel into Omaha next week over the Milwaukee lines, Mr. Cook said: "With the rate that has been given I will bring in from 10,000 to 15,000 people. The rate is the lowest yet made, and it will start our people in the direction at a great rate. If the other lines having terminals in Omaha put in a correspondingly low rate, I should not be surprised to see the exposition attendance next week run up to an average of 50,000 per day."

History Appropriation Too Large.

Some of the exposition officials have been making some investigations relative to the cost of the production of exposition histories and the result indicates that the $10,000 appropriation made by the Board of Directors some time ago represents a most extravagant outlay for such a purpose. The history of the Nashville exposition fills a book of about 700 pages and is profusely illustrated. The director general of the exposition reports that the entire cost of the first edition of 1,000 copies was $4,000 and that these were all sold at $5 each, thus leaving a profit of $1,000. Of course the cost of publishing a subsequent edition was only a small portion of the original cost and the profit was proportionately greater. With these figures in view the impression is gaining ground that the board acted with more haste than judgment in appropriating $10,000 of the stockholders' money for such a purpose.

Jury of Awards at Work.

The jurors are now working hard to complete the list of awards in the various departments, which will then be turned over to Hon. J. M. Woolworth and J. E. Utt, who constitute the bureau of awards and who will promulgate the decisions. Superintendent Hardt of the Exhibits department says that he expects the complete bulk of the work today, so far as his department is concerned, and it is expected that the report of the bureau of awards will not be long delayed.


Four Thousand Children Will Get to See the Exposition Who Otherwise Would Not.

It is being estimated that when the gates of the exposition are thrown open without admission fee to the children of the city tomorrow, an opportunity to witness the beauties of the show will be offered to some 4,000 or 5,000 youngsters who have been unable to attend through poverty or for other reasons.

This estimate is based upon reports of the number of school children who have not seen the exposition, furnished to Secretary Gillan of the Board of Education by teachers. From the reports so far received it is believed that fully 2,000 children of the public schools alone have not yet seen the show. This is one-eighth of the total attendance. Very nearly the same ratio will prevail in private schools and the percentage of those who have not seen the show among the children who do not go to school is certain to be much larger.

Secretary Gillan's reports cover twenty-nine of the thirty-seven schools outside of the High school. The total daily attendance in these schools is about 12,175. The total number who have not seen the exposition is 1,677. When returns from the other eight schools come in the latter number will be increased to about 2,000. This total is [?]


Noted Workers Coming for the Session of the Council Which Will Be Held Here Next Week.

Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson of Boston, president of the George Washington Memorial association, which has for its object the founding of a great national university at Washington in carrying out the idea of the first president, will be present at the coming meeting of the National Council of Women for the United States, which will be held in this city next week. During the meeting she will make an address on "Patriotism." She will be at the Paxton hotel, which has been made the headquarters for the council.

Miss Susan B. Anthony spent a few hours in the city yesterday afternoon talking over the work of the council, and left on an evening train for Kansas City. She will return to Omaha Sunday.

Rev. Anna H. Shaw of Philadelphia, who will preach in the First Methodist church Sunday evening, will reach Omaha that morning.

Mrs. Theodore W. Birney of Washington, D. C., president of the National Congress of Mothers, will be present at this meeting of the council, representing her organization.

Mrs. Louise Barnum Robbins, the corresponding secretary, received a large envelope this morning containing an enclosure, and its face was nearly covered with inscriptions, postmarks and stamps. It was sent from Italy, and it is supposed to contain the report of Countess di Brazza now sojourning in that country, who is chairman of the committee on social peace and international arbitration.


5 a. m.31
6 a. m.31
7 a. m.31
8 a. m.33
9 a. m.35
10 a. m.37
11 a. m.39
12 m.41
1 p. m.44
2 p. m.46
3 p. m.48

For Nebraska and Kansas—Fair tonight and Sunday; warmer tonight; variable winds.

For Missouri—Fair tonight and Sunday; slightly warmer in north portion Sunday; variable winds.

For Iowa—Partly cloudy tonight, with warmer in extreme west portion; Sunday generally fair and slightly warmer; northwesterly winds.

 Scanned image of page 138


Exposition Grounds Flooded with the Glorious Beauty of October's Light.


Old Sol Gets Out to Greet the Little Guests of the Great Fair.


Thousands of Youngsters from Omaha and Elsewhere in Attendance.


No Formality to Mar the Joy of the Children, Who Take in Things as They See Fit and They Take Advantage of It.

Total admissions yesterday17,648
Total to date2,297,246

The first sunlight of the week showered its comforting warmth this morning on the children who came by thousands in response to the invitation of the exposition management to see the show without price. It was a most delightful novelty after the frigidity and the gloom of the week, and the big crowd of boys and girls enjoyed it with all the enthusiasm of youthful spirits. They romped through the buildings and raced in happy battalions among the walks and avenues, while the older people took a back seat and enjoyed the pretty spectacle.

The children were a little late in getting started, and it was the middle of the forenoon before they appeared on the grounds in sufficient numbers to indicate the character of the day. But as the sun poked a rift in the clouds and smiled a merry welcome, the rush came, and from then until long after noon there was a continual procession at the gates. One turnstile was set aside at each of the main entrances to admit the children, and it was kept turning with a regularity that rapidly filled the grounds. Once inside the visitors separated and sought the attractions that seemed entitled to their first consideration. Many of them stopped at the Government building, the Agriculture building caught the bulk of the country children, and hundreds passed them both and spent their first hour in interested inspection of the Indian encampment.

The attendance was not confined to Omaha and its vicinity, for the morning trains brought in hundreds of children from neighboring towns and villages. One party of 400 came in on the Rock Island and began negotiations to see whether they could obtain the advantage of the 15-cent children's rate that has been in effect on previous children's days. When they were told that they could come in without paying a cent they became the most delighted crowd that has been at the gates this summer. One big boy called for three cheers for the exposition and they were given with a unanimity that testified to their hearty appreciation of the liberality of the management.

There was nothing in the way of a celebration to occupy the time of the children and they were left free to spend the entire day in seeing everything that constitutes the biggest show on earth. There were enough parents and teachers in the crowd to see that none of the youngsters came to grief and everyone on the grounds seemed to be making a personal effort to see that the children spent a pleasant holiday.

The German celebration that was partially prevented by the unfavorable weather Tuesday will be carried out tomorrow afternoon. The parade will leave Turner hall at 1 o'clock and arrive on the grounds about 2:30. The floats and other spectacular features of the pageant were prepared at unusual effort and expense and, while many of the out-of-town Germans have gone home, it is expected that the local German population will be solidly represented on the grounds. Innes and his band will give the usual concerts in the Auditorium at 3 and 7 o'clock, and the Omaha Concert band will play at 5.


Why the Indians Refused to Have Any Part in a Spectacle.

Some time ago a log cabin was erected on the Indian grounds, in which it was proposed to reproduce a bit of tragedy, showing just how Sitting Bull was murdered at [?] The cabin is said to be exactly similar to the one in which the crime was committed by the Indian police, who were sent out to arrest the old man. After the cabin was ready and after the Indians had rehearsed for the part which they were to play, everything in connection with the feature was suddenly called off. Why this was done no one seemed to know, but it is known that ever since that time the Indians have shunned the log cabin as a white man would an evil spirit.

Thursday afternoon, just before the Blackfeet departed for their homes, Joe White Horse, one of the most intelligent Indians of the band, confided to Captain Mercer the reason why the murder of Sitting Bull could not be reproduced by the members of the congress. He said that a few nights previous, several of the Sioux Indians were passing the cabin and, looking in its direction, they saw a light shining through the cracks of the door. Drawing near, they looked in and there in front of a fire they saw Sitting Bull resting on the ground. Suddenly a man appeared behind him and creeping up to his side administered a heavy blow upon the old man's head. Immediately, they said, that the light went out and the whole interior of the cabin was enshrouded in darkness. This word passed from Indian to Indian, and since not a member of any of the tribes has gone inside the log structure. Several days ago the Apaches of Geronimo's band were to occupy the cabin during the balance of their stay, but they declined, saying they preferred to live in their tents.

The tents occupied by the Apaches are frail structures, not intended to keep out cold. They are of the wall construction and not suitable for a cold day when it is necessary to have a fire, consequently Geronimo and his people have not been as comfortable as they would be in a brick house supplied with a furnace. The old man, however, prefers this to the use of the log house, which has been tendered to him free of rent.


Captain Mercer is Fixing His Wards for Their Final Departure.

The time for the complete dissolution of the Indian congress is rapidly approaching and before the end of another week it is doubtful if there will be any of the 500 Indians upon the exposition grounds. None of the Indians left for their homes yesterday, but several parties will undoubtedly start today or tomorrow and after Monday delegations will be leaving almost every day. There will be no more sham battles, but with pleasanter weather the dances will be kept up until the representatives of the tribes have all departed.

Never have the Indians been so well provided with clothing as are those who attended the congress and participated in the features of the gathering. Before leaving for their homes Captain Mercer fitted out all of the men, women and children. He took a portion of the money appropriated for their maintenance and with this purchased blankets, woolen under clothing, stockings, shoes, flannels, calico and gloves. These articles were issued in the same manner as the annuity goods at the agencies. Each man received a blanket, a full suit of underwear, shoes, stockings and mittens. Practically the same articles of wearing apparel were issued to the women and children.

Captain Mercer's own Indians, the Omahas and Winnebagoes, were the last ones served and it was not until yesterday afternoon that they [?] chase. The captain's reasons for this were to convince the other Indians that the people over whom he holds sway are not favorites.

In addition to the supply of clothing and provisions which the Indians have received from the government through Captain Mercer they have earned quite a sum of money by reason of giving dances and sham battles. This money comes through the sale of reserved seats. There have been three distributions since the charges were put upon the seats. The first and second distribution netted each Indian several dollars, while the third and last, which was made just prior to the southern Indians starting for their homes, was apportioned as follows: Men, $8; women, $4, and children, $2 each. As a result of Captain Mercer's efforts to accumulate a fund for the Indians they have been enabled to take home with them more money than they ever saw before.

The two Indians born during the early days of the exposition have at least been named. One child is a boy and the other a girl. The boy is a Sac and the girl an Assiniboine. The last act before the beginning of the breaking up of the congress was to name these children. Thursday morning the christening was performed. It was a very simple matter, but it was just as effective as any christening that was ever performed. Soon after 8 o'clock that morning there was a knock at the door of the quarters occupied by Captain and Mrs. Mercer. The captain went to the door and there he saw four Indians—two squaws and two men. The Sacs were Mr. and Mrs. Hollow Horn and the Assiniboines were Mr. and Mrs. Running Wolf, the respective parents of the two children, the son and daughter of the camp. The people were invited inside and chairs were placed by the stove. Sitting down, the squaws commenced to unroll the bundles which they carried and from which emanated infantile yells at regular and stated intervals. The unswaddling having been completed, the two children were exhibited. The father of the boy informed Captain Mercer that he and his wife had named their son Captain William H. Mercer Hollow Horn. Captain and Mrs. Mercer were thunderstruck when they realized what had befallen them, but even they then were not prepared for what was to come, for Running Wolf had yet to speak. He displayed his girl baby with considerable pride and then ventured the information that he had honored Mrs. Mercer and had named the infant Mrs. Captain Carrie Mercer Running Wolf. The combination of names was something that amused the captain and his wife and they concluded to make the best of a bad matter by letting it alone. They told the Indians that they were glad that such good names had been selected and that they would see that the little ones were properly remembered.

Ysterday​ morning the two elder Hollow Horns and the two elder Running Wolves reported at the captain's house again and were supplied with two complete outfits of baby clothes, including everything from hoods to stockings. The parents were pleased and when they departed they confidentially informed the captain that if in the future a dozen babies arrive at their tepees each and every one will bear the name of Mercer.

Listing the Property.

The Buildings and Grounds department is working on a complete schedule of the property of the exposition and this will be submitted to the executive committee before the exposition closes. This is with a view to disposing of all the assets of the association at the earliest possible date and winding up its business.

In this connection there has been a good deal of unofficial discussion of a plan that is alleged to be promoted by some Chicago parties to buy in the entire property of the association with a view to maintaining the exposition as a private enterprise in 1899. So far there is no definite indication that the scheme will materialize and it is regarded as visionary by most of the exposition officials. The difficulties in the way of securing an additional lease of the ground that is covered by the exposition enclosure are alone almost sufficient to defeat the scheme. Down town business men who have profited tremendously from the immense crowds of visitors that has been brought to the city during the summer are said to regard the proposition kindly but whether they will give any adequate financial support to the undertaking is doubted. In any case the people who still wish to see the exposition had better come now for there is not one chance in a million that they will have another chance.

Removing the Stock Barns.

The miniature city of rough lumber on the North tract that has been the home of the stock show during the last two weeks will be torn down as soon as the animals are removed. The haste is on account of the extraordinary fire hazard that is constituted by the big wooden barns and their inflammable contents. With the wind in the present quarter a fire in this part of the grounds would be likely to sweep over the whole enclosure and consequently the management is arranging to get rid of the risk at the earliest possible date. Bids for the purchase of the buildings will be received next Tuesday and the condition is made that they must be removed at once.

Removing Tender Plants.

The landscape gardener has called in his assistants and together the men are dismantling the Bluff tract of its rare plants and flowers that have been so greatly admired during the last five months. The frost nipped some of the tender plants, but it is said that the bulk of them are uninjured. They are being taken up and carted away to the different hot houses in the city, where they will be kept until spring, when a great many of them will be set out in the public parks.

Thursday night a great many of the plants in the private exhibits in the Horticulture building suffered very severely. The tender palms, century plants and ferns were frozen stiff and yesterday morning they showed the effect of their struggle for existence. Stoves were placed among them and as soon as the leaves thawed they commenced to droop and turn black. Some of the exhibitors contend that their losses will be considerable, owing to the fact that, as a rule, the tender plants are the most expensive and that it requires years to grow them up to the stage where they were before they were frost bitten.

 Scanned image of page 139

Red Tape Amounts to Something.

The live stock barns and pens were the scenes of great activity yesterday. The show is over and the exhibitors were all busy getting their stock out and starting it for home. During the day seventy-five cars of animals were sent out and the balance will go today and tonight, so that by Sunday morning it is doubtful if there will be one of the show animals upon the grounds.

Yesterday the exhibitors were annoyed and delayed to quite an extent by the red tape that they found wrapped around their movements. The day before they had been able to take their animals to the cars on the orders of Superintendent Elmendorf of the Live Stock Exhibit department, but yesterday, when they reached the outer gates, they were held up and informed that there was something else that was necessary before removing the animals from the grounds. They were told that they would have to take Superintendent Elmendorf's order to H. B. Hardt, assistant superintendent of exhibits, and then he would issue a permit, which would have to be taken to Superintendent Babcock of the Transportation department, who would issue a request upon Andy McQuoid, clerk of the Ways and Means department, who would send the original order back to Superintendent Elmendorf for his O. K. This was all done, but in each instance it delayed the shipment out from three to five hours.

Another Admissions Blunder.

The judges who are working on the exhibits that are shown for prizes have a grievance. They were given passes to the grounds, limited to October 20. When that date rolled around they had not completed their labors and yesterday they were compelled to pay the regulation admission fee in order to get upon the grounds to continue their work. The work of judging the exhibits continues to move along with a fair degree of speed in some of the departments, but in others it goes slow. It is not likely that all of the work will be completed before the middle of next week.

Rock Island Has a Low Rate.

It has been unofficially stated that the people of Rock Island, Davenport and Moline are arranging for a big tri-city celebration at the exposition next Wednesday. The low rate of $3.50 for the round trip from Mississippi river points will then be in effect and it is said that the three cities will send one of the biggest excursions that has yet visited the exposition. This is the most important of a number of similar excursions that are being arranged by the various railroads for Railroad week. The exposition management has turned the show over to the railroads for the closing week and they are hustling to induce a record breaking attendance. With the inducements that have been offered in the way of rates it will be cheaper to come to the exposition than to stay at home and it is believed that if the weather improves the roads will have all the business they can handle.


Delegates to the American Association Meeting Reach Omaha Well Ahead of Time.

Ohio's delegation to the annual meeting the American Association of Fair and Exposition Managers is the first to arrive in the city, reaching here this morning. The association will meet at the Millard hotel next Tuesday and Wednesday, and the Buckeye visitors will spend the intervening time in looking over the exposition. The members of the party make up the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, and they are: C. Bordwell, president, and wife, of Batavia; L. G. Ely, vice president, and daughter, of Fayette; J. C. Bower, treasurer, and wife, of Columbus; W. M. Miller, secretary, and wife, of Columbus; J. H. Fleming, assistant secretary, and secretary of the American association and wife, of Columbus; A. J. Clark and wife, Cambridge; G. Leggett and wife, Watkins; Albert Hale and wife, Mogadon; E. C. Ellis and daughter, Crestone; S. H. Eller and daughter, Springboro; H. S. Grums and wife, Portsmouth.

The members of the party assembled at Columbus, and left that city for their western trip Thursday night. At the conclusion of the association's meeting here the visitors will scatter, some continuing their journey, others remaining in this vicinity to visit friends, and still others returning home. They are stopping at the Millard while in the city.

Ohio will be represented on the program of the association by two papers—one by Mr. Fleming on "What Can We Do to Establish Uniformity in Rules of Admission," and another by Mr. Ellis on "The Fair, the Farmer and the Community at Large."


Railroads Preparing to Haul in Some Immense Crowds.


Concessions Cover Nearly a Thousand Miles East and West and Promise to Move an Unusual Number of People.

The indications all point to large crowds for Omaha during its last week of the exposition. Commencing on Sunday a remarkably low line of rates will be put into effect on all Omaha terminal lines, and most of the railroads have advertised the reduced rates for next week exceedingly well. Special train service has been arranged on every railroad entering thhe​ city, and the passenger men this morning declared that if the sun would just shine in the same bright way it appeared this morning, the attendance of the week would prove a record-breaker.

Rates as low as $4 from the extreme western edge of Nebraska and of $5 from the eastern boundary of Iowa have been made for the round trip to Omaha during the week. At some points these rates are offered as early as Sunday, and at other places not until Monday or Tuesday. The tickets will be good for five days. Graded down from the rates named are proportionately low rates from all points in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota.

City Ticket Agent Plummer of the Rock Island is in the city arranging for a big party next week from Rock Island, Davenport and Moline. The mayors of the three cities had a meeting on Friday at Davenport, and it was agreed that the three municipal governments should be well represented at the exposition for the tri-city celebration. A special train will leave Davenport on Tuesday evening at 11:15 p. m., and will arrive here on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. It is thought that about 600 excursionists will take advantage of the low rate offered to join this party to the exposition.

The Iowa Central railroad has arranged a big party from Peoria, Ill., to spend a couple of the latter days of the exposition on the grounds. Although 500 of these latter-day saints are surely coming from Peoria, there is a little controversy among the railroads as to what rate they shall pay. The Iowa Central made a round trip of $5 from Peoria to Omaha and return, but when it commenced to figure with connecting lines to deliver the party in Omaha, these lines refused to accept a proportional share of the $5 rate. The party was to have been turned over to the Northwestern at Marshalltown, Ia., but that line declined the proposition. The

Rock Island was then offered the business, but up until Saturday noon had not made up its mind to accept it. If the Iowa Central cannot get its party hauled into Omaha, it will probably raise the rate just enough to meet the wishes of the general passenger agents of the Iowa lines, although if a number of prairie schooners can be secured an overland trip from the middle of Iowa to Omaha might be a novel attraction to advertise.


In Spite of Clouds and Chills the Exposition Goes Along Just the Same.

Attendance Keeps Up Well and Mammoth Excursions Coming From Eastern Iowa and Illinois Next Week---Sale of Buildings and Furniture.

It seemed a trifle more comfortable on the exposition grounds yesterday than on many day since Sunday, but the indications were that the attendance would fall off as compared with Wednesday, when the attendance fell off as compared with the day before.

But a pulling up is expected today from the way the trains looked that came into the city yesterday. The trains on all lines came in well filled, and at some of the hotels excursionists have had to wait turn No. 7 or 10 to register.

Unless there is a blizzard today a fine big crowd is expected. It is the prospect that there will be a good paid attendance, and the throwing open of the exposition free to all children under 15 years of age, it is presumed, will make the grounds a populous as on almost any day since the exposition opened. It is, of course, also presumed that it will be a great day for falsifying the records in thousands of family bibles, but as the exposition grows old it grows softer and will not mind a thing like that.

Information is that, whatever the weather, a great throng will be on the grounds next Wednesday and Thursday, for, without consulting with the management, the important cities of Davenport in Iowa and Moline and Rock Island in Illinois have determined that they will have a tri-city day October 26. They have not said anything to the management about it. They propose simply to run enormous excursions and take possession of the grounds.


Attention Now Given to Disposition of Buildings and Furniture.

The exposition has been talked about all summer as of the stuff that dreams are made of, a way of expressing a certain vague idea of magnificence, splendor and mystery that a great many people thought very appropriate. Even the generally careful and shrewd and matter-of-fact business men who have had the management of the exposition have talked about this dream matter.

Now, as the end of the exposition is in sight, and not far away, it is necessary to talk about old lumber and old furniture, and this everybody on the exposition grounds is beginning to do. The management is doing it, because it wants to get as much out of the buildings as possible, and those representing the several state commissions here are doing the same thing. In fact, the subject is taking the attention of all the superintendents of state buildings on he​ Bluff tract. They are under agreement, as the exposition management is, to have the buildings off by April next. They want to sell the buildings for the old lumber and building material in them, and also the furniture.

So far not a single state building has been sold. Bids have been called for on many of them. Bids for the Iowa building will be opened October 26. This is the earliest date set by any.

The only permanent state building is that of Montana. It was built with the expectation that it would be moved off and used as a residence. All the other state buildings will have to be torn down, and none of them can be rebuilt in the present form save the Minnesota building, and this would have to be taken down to be moved.

As to the furniture in the buildings, desks, chairs, sofas, carpets, hangings, etc., it is already being sold in some instances though not to be removed until the close of the exposition. On quite a quantity of the furniture sales have been made. Some parties are taking pieces for souvenirs. For example, two prominent ladies of the city have bought pieces in the New [?]

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Live Stock Moving Out.

With the close of the live stock show Wednesday, exhibitors all being anxious to pull out for home and made ready to do so as fast as possible. A good many would have got away with their stock last night, but there was an annoying hitch with regard to permits, and the perfectly free way out was not open until this morning. About seventy-five cars of stock left the grounds today. Exhibitors go away well satisfied.

Children from the North.

The Elkhorn yesterday brought in a children's excursion of eight full coaches from Norfolk. Superintendent of Schools O'Connor, who was in charge of the children, said that many more would have come but for the disagreeable weather, and that Norfolk and surrounding territory will send in good crowds to the exposition every day until it closes.

Notes of the Exposition.

W. H. Green, superintendent of the Georgia building, has returned home. His place is taken by J. H. Miller, who has been with the agricultural exhibit from that state, and ex-Governor Northen, who has been here for two months, will remain until the close. He has been joined by Mrs. Northen and Miss Northen.

Major Wheeler, in charge of the New York building, has gone to Denver for a few days.

It is stated that two firms from Chicago will make bids on the exposition buildings.


German-Americans to Give Their Postponed German Day Parade.

The committee for German day parade, which pageant was postponed by bad weather, announces that it will be given as proposed next Sunday unless the weather is stormy—and prospects are that fair skies will look down upon the event.

Phillip Andres, vice president; W. F. Stoecker, grand marshal and others active in the affair are assured that special trains will be run to this city Sunday for the parade.

All German societies in the city and county will take part and some from others abroad will join them.

All German farmers in Douglas county promise to come on horseback and ride in the parade.

Bennington will bring in an elaborate float, drawn by six horses.

All the floats proposed for the original day, and every one of the handsome costumes secured for that day will be seen in the column.

The parade will form at Turner hall, Harney street at 1 p. m., and march down to Sixteenth street, thence south to Howard, going east on Howard to Thirteenth, north on Thirteenth to Douglas, up Douglas to Sixteenth and out Sixteenth and Sherman avenue to the exposition.

A special program of music will be given in the Auditorium at 2:30.


Objects for Which Visitors Ask at the Government Building.

The Old Brass Cannon Taken From the Fortification at Santiago.

Mauser Rifles in Condition at Time of Capture--The Balloon Filled With Holes.

Out of town visitors are constantly asking to see the relics from the war with Spain, which have been added to the war department exhibit, in the government building, since the surrender of the Spanish army and the city of Santiago de Cuba to General Shafter, on July 17. Among them are:

First—The first Spanish trophy secured in Cuba, a regimental Spanish flag, which was captured at the battle of Juragaisita, Cuba, on June 23, by Company B, Twenty-second United States infantry, from Fort Crook, Neb, The names of the men who made this capture are: Corporal Nuoman, Corporal Boyle and Privates Keyser, Cooley and Houghtaling.

[?]from the converted cruiser "Mexico" in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, July 17, 1898, the date of the surrender of the city to General Shafter.

Third—Twenty Mauser rifles, captured at Santiago. These rifles are shown in the identical condition they were in when taken from the hands of the Spanish soldiers.

Fourth—Ten bronze muzzle-loading cannon, taken from the forts in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, on the surrender of the city to General Shafter, July 17. There are 7 six inch and 3 four inch guns in this collection, and they are pronounced by all who have seen them, as being remarkably fine specimens of ancient cannon; they were all made in the foundry at Douay France, and the dates of manufacture are from 1693 to 1755. Each gun is highly ornamental and has the coat-of-arms of the Bourbons of France, also two Latin mottos, viz.: "Ultima Ratio Regum" (The last argument of kings.) "Nec Pluribus Impar" (Unequaled among many) and a distinctive name. The history of these guns is not known, nor how the Spanish gained possession of them; that they are valuable trophies of war all must admit.

Fifth—The Santiago war balloon was used in the battles in front of Santiago de Cuba, by the army under the command of General Shafter. On June 30, this balloon was sent up four times, carrying members of General Shafter's staff, officers of the engineer corps, and the Cuban General Castillo. During the advance of the army July 1, the balloon was sent up and when it was near the point known as Hell's Crossing, a scathing fire was poured into the inflated bag. Three shells from a sharpnel​ battery tore great holes in it, and showers of bullets made it resemble a large sieve. The balloon was very near the fighting lines, parading up and down the lines, and served to mark our position to the enemy, who concentrated all of its fire in that location. Its elevation when punctured was 350 feet. The balloon finally landed in the San Juan river, and was recovered after the battles.


Souvenirs in Demand as the Final Day of the Exposition Approaches.

Sale of Paintings and Statuary to Take Place First Three Days of November.

Knickknacks in the Indian Village Are Much Sought After--Extra Guards Put Around the Buildings.

Friday's Admissions17,648
Total Admissions2,297,246

That Omaha day—the last day of the exposition—is soon coming is apparent everywhere on the grounds where people are anxiously inquiring about buying something—all the way from a souvenir to a barn or a big white building. They are stirring around for furniture, left-over pieces of exhibits, flowers and bulbs from the many beds, and everything in fact that can be carted away.

Farmers began wanting to buy the barns of the live stock show two weeks ago. Yesterday notices were posted announcing that bids will be opened at 11 a. m. next Tuesday by F. P. Kirkendall, superintendent of grounds and buildings, for the six horse barns, twenty cattle barns, eighteen hog sheds, eight sheep pens, two exhibit pavilions and one grand stand. The fifty-five structures specified may be bunched or bid upon separately. All are well built of good material in every particular save that they are lightly nailed with eight-penny wire nails so that they may be torn down without injury to material.

By request of Art Director Griffiths, Mr. Paul Charlton and numerous art connoisseurs, November 1, 2 and 3 have been designated for an auction sale of paintings and pieces of statuary at the Fine Arts building which many Omaha people have desired a favorably opportunity to purchase. To the laity the term "auction sale" is best understood, although the artists aver that the proceedings will be quite dignified.

At the Indian village there is a scramble for souvenirs that savors of the bargain counter. The Pueblo pottery gave out yesterday save a few articles that are misshapen, and there was a big struggle for the last good pieces. The moccasins and bows and arrows are going rapidly.

Extra guards have been placed in [?]ture to be sold to the highest bidder November 15, and the state buildings at various dates fixed by the commissions, the first next Wednesday. All exhibitors must leave their property in the buildings until after Omaha day, and the concessionaires are desirous of retaining control of their property till after that date, for the big profits are yet to come. But already exhibitors and concessionaires are making sales, the camels and donkeys of the Streets of Cairo changing hands yesterday, but in nearly all cases possession is given November 1.


Local Musicians Delighted With Innes Concert.

In spite of the fact that last night was one of the coldest experienced during the present wintry spell, a large audience assembled in the Auditorium to hear the Wagner program which had been provided by Bandmaster Innes for the especial delectation of the local musicians. The overture, "Rienzi," was warmly applauded, as was the "Tristan" number, but it was not until "The Love Feast of the Apostles" and the "Lohengrin Vorspiel" were given that the enthusiasm assumed a somewhat hysterical phase. Encores were frequent, in fact, almost sufficient to double the length of the original program. Chief among these were Mendelssohn's dainty "Spring Song," Innes' own two-step march, "Love is King," and Moskowski's always delightful "Serenade."

The big feature of tonight's concert will be the first performance of Innes' descriptive story of "A Trip to the Omaha Exposition." This piece will, it is understood, introduce some weird recollections of the Midway, and, in addition, the spectacular "Anvil Chorus," with its scenic effects of sparkling anvils, rudy forges and corps of costumed musical blacksmiths.

Some clever novelties are in preparation for the last, but one of Innes' Sunday concerts, which will be given in the Auditorium tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. T. J. Kelly will play Guilmant's "Prayer and Cradle Song" for grand organ, and, in addition to several other novelties, the famous "Peer Gynt Suite" will have its first presentation at these concerts.


Comfort at the Old Plantation These Days.

Mr. McConnell of the Old Plantation not only gives the people splendid shows, but he looks to their comfort as well. He placed a number of stoves in the theater the first of the week, and now it is a delight to sit and witness the performances.

Clay Clement visited a number of the Midway shows and enjoyed them all, but none received so much praise from him as did the Palace of Mysteries. He was astonished at the wonderful illusions of "Lunette" and "She," and was delighted with the beautiful oriental dance by La Bell Silica.

The Wild West Show was crowded at every performance yesterday. The snow and rain and mud have interfered with this attraction since Sunday, and the public has been greatly disappointed. Today at 4 o'clock the Mexican bull fight will take place.

The Giant See-Saw cars have been made very comfortable since the cold stretch began, and it is just as pleasant to ride now as it was in the summer time. Stoves have been put in, and the open has been shut in with glass.

Live Stock Half Shipped.

Perhaps half of the live stock exhibited at the live stock show was gotten away yesterday by the owners, all sending directly home, save several favorable sales of fine breeding stock from Canada and the east that have been made to Nebraska stock growers. Except a few stragglers the rest will be moved out today, leaving the barns free tomorrow. Some delay has been caused by the fact that five separate signatures have been required for each permit to move stock from the grounds, and the five men in as many different offices could not always be found.

Superintendent Elmendorf will have completed the premium roll by this noon, and it is anticipated that prize winners can begin drawing their premiums, aggregating over $400,000, early this afternoon.

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Exposition Notes.

Suits, hats, sweaters, yellow gloves and underwear were given to the men at the Indian congress yesterday, while the women and children were given such made up garments as they needed and whole bolts of red, blue and yellow calico in solid colors were cut up and distributed among the women. There were no changes in the membership of the camp yesterday. It is anticipated that the Crow Creek agency Indian band will be sent home today.

Mr. Robbins, Chicago partner of P. D. Armour, accompanied by a party of eight, will arrive in a special car over the Milwaukee this morning to do the exposition.

J. W. Thomas, president of the recent Centennial Tennessee exposition at Nashville, accompanied by Mrs. Thomas, arrived yesterday to enjoy the exposition for a few days.

Prof. Charles Richards Dodge, who installed and for a time superintended the agricultural display in the Government building at the exposition, has just returned from Paris, whither he went on the United States commissioner general's staff. Prof. Dodge will now remain here until after the close of the exposition, and probably until November 15, to look after the removal of the exhibit in the Government building.


Return of the Warm Sunshine Puts New Life Into the Beautiful White City.

After Six Days of Lowering Skies the Gleam Is Full of Happy Promise.

From Manager to Spieler the Glow Is Manifest, and the Exposition Is as of Yore.

Santiago Balloon Takes a Sail for the Clouds and the Red Man Exercises His Rusty Joints.

And All Believe the Greatest Week Is Coming, With Omaha Day the Splendid Climax of the Big Events.

Saturday's Admissions33,384
Children's Admissions13,594
Total Admissions2,330,680

Sunshine—pure and mellow and golden—falling with Nebraska lavishness upon street and housetop—making the great gilded domes to shine as burnished bronze, the flowers to lift their forsaken blossoms, and the very air to shimmer in genial warmth and gladness—such was the glorious fate of the exposition yesterday.

Six days of somber clouds above, and chill winds sweeping the streets below, had made the exposition people feel almost disheartened.

The six days of apparent gloom had been profitable to the exposition, as the average of weeks go, but it was the loyalty of the western farmers that made them so, and the patience of even the farmers must soon cease. When the shafts of yellow light began piercing their way to every corner of damp and darkness, everyone shouted for joy.


The managers wondered what had been ailing them for several days past; the exhibitors began brushing their displays, and freshening them as if distinguished company was expected; the camels yawned and stretched themselves and grew a foot taller; the spielers unrolled the bellows that throbbed against the power of old Boreas for six days, and again the Midway air pulsed with terrible tones; the 500 remaining Indians swore by the great [?] that they had never wanted to go home anyhow, and that they only said so on the bad days because they hadn't yet heard of Omaha day, and the exposition guards doffed their pained appearance and overcoats, unreefed the bottoms of their trousers and strode forth on dry streets to care for the thousands of school children that gaily scampered through streets and buildings, and laughed in glee, the first sign of joy for a week. For six days the sun was hidden and on the seventh it shone, and all were glad.

As if the first ray sent by Old Sol had pressed an electric button, every wheel of the great exposition entertainment bureau began revolving, all for eight days of hearty welcome and good cheer for the hundreds of thousands of anticipated exposition visitors, ending with a grand climax on the ninth day—Omaha day.


The Santiago war balloon was induced to come out of its big house, and ascend 1,000 feet into the air, the first time for a week, preparatory to a few days of steady business; the Indians began pounding the old tom-tom and rubbing the rust from the hinges of their joints preparatory to a sunshine dance this afternoon, the first of a series of dances that will last till Omaha day; the Germans were glad they had fixed on today as the one to which their parade of last Tuesday was adjourned; it leaves Germania hall for the grounds at 1 p. m.; the Innes band began making ready for two concerts today, and a splendid week of musical festivals to come, and as a good preparation it gave a stirring concert on the Grand Plaza last evening, a good time in the open air after the crowding and shivering of the Auditorium; fireworks, long locked up, were ordered for two evenings this week, and for a mammoth spread Omaha day, and every man in authority and individual without particular authority was given the needless order to do his best in the few days that are left, and make up for lost time.


The exposition anticipates marvelous returns at the gates from now till Omaha day is past. For Railroad week, beginning today, the railroads have advertised in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota a list of excursions that makes coming to the exposition cheaper than living at home. From the most remote part of Nebraska $5 pays for the round trip; from Pierre down and home again is but $6; from the Mississippi river, for Tri-City day, Wednesday, when excursions come from Davenport, Rock Island and Moline, the round trip figure of $3.50 is made; from Southern Kansas rates as low as $4 have been made, and from even greater distance rates that are next to rock bottom will be in force. And that isn't mentioning the local rates that are to prevail Omaha day.


Pennsylvania Railroad Men Speak Well of Exposition.

Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 22.—Frank Thomson, president of the Pennsylvania railroad; N. Parker Shortridge, C. A. Griscom, William H. Barnes, C. S. Patterson, Amos R. Little and George Wood, directors, and George Massey, T. N. Ely, chief of motive power, and E. T. Postlethwaite, assistant to the president, returned today from the annual inspection tour over the lines west of Pittsburg. On the western lines the party was joined by James McCrea, first vice president of the Pennsylvania company; J. T. Brooks, second vice president; Joseph Wood, third vice president, and L. F. Orr, general manager.

The trip embraced Chicago, Louisville, Cincinnati, Columbus and Pittsburg. Mr. Thomson stated that both the northwestern and southwestern lines of the company were much improved, and, in fact, in better condition than ever before; that the demand for cars at all important points exceeded the supply, and that the outlook for increased traffic was encouraging.

While at Chicago it was decided to go to Omaha for a day to see the exposition. The visit was made, and Mr. Thomson said the managers of the exposition deserve great credit, not only for the grand effect of the buildings constructed and the character of the exhibits secured, but for the financial success attained, and that it furnished a splendid demonstration of the zeal and power of western cities.

Captain Yancey and signal corps have been ordered to report at Huntsville, Ala., turning over balloons and other signal equipment to the regular army officers now stationed at old Fort Omaha. It is not certain as to the time that the corps will leave, but efforts are being made to have the date fixed later than November 1, and it is not doubted but that the war department will accede to this request.

The largest and best exhibit of horses, that of Frank Iams of St. Paul, Neb., will remain on the exposition until Tuesday, and it contains a span of well-broken, high acting coach [?]


They Secrete the Little Souvenirs They Have Gathered.

Trunk day was on with the Indians yesterday. Every buck or squaw possessing $2.50 brought a big trunk, and those possessing $4 bought the very biggest in the city. Quality didn't figure extensively, but size and shiny surfaces did. It is estimated that 400 trunks found their way to the Indian congress, wagon after wagon unloading their high stacked freight. Every Indian has collected a number of souvenirs and plenty of good clothes at the exposition, and wanted something pretty in which to carry them home. So the trunk craze started, and a family that can't boast of four or five imitation Saratogas is in danger of losing caste.

There was money to spare in camp because from the sale of reserved seats at the sham battle peace jubilee week there was declared a dividend of $8 for each man, $4 for each woman and $2 for each child.

More warm clothing was issued yesterday, so that every Indian has an abundance. But the officers of the congress must almost use clubs to compel the Indians to wear it. Every once in a while a consumptive buck that ought to be in the hospital will go parading around the grounds in bare feet and not enough clothes to flag a wheelbarrow. Yesterday an Apache girl named Josie was found running around with a high fever, caused by exposure, and all of her warm underclothing was found in her tepee. She was sent to St. Joseph's hospital.

In many ways the last week has been discouraging, but not in the way of admissions. While it is not doubted that fine weather would have doubted that fine weather would have doubled the number, yet the total for the week has been 148,968, a number that would have startled exposition people beyond recall last June or July. The week is the fourth best of the whole exposition.

Major Clarkson yesterday made up a Christmas package for the Thurston Rifles in Manila, consisting of 125 illustrated descriptions of the exposition, an invitation handsomely engraved to each man to come to the peace jubilee and a box a box of souvenir exposition buttons.


Grand Pageant Will Move to the Exposition Today.

The executive committee of the German day parade, which was postponed on account of the weather from last Tuesday until this afternoon, met last night at Germania hall and completed final arrangements for the parade.

The parade will start promptly at 1 o'clock this afternoon from Germania hall and will march through the principal streets, as mentioned in another column, to the east entrance of the expositions grounds, through the Midway and around the lagoon.

Major Clarkson will receive the procession at the grounds in behalf of the exposition.

W. F. Stoecker will be the grand marshal, assisted by Oberst Bush, Max Becht, G. A. Schoadsack, John Busch, P. Laux, A. Krocher and J. Hess.

Delegations from Plattsmouth, Bennington, Millard, South Omaha and Council Bluffs will participate in the parade.

The Innes band will render a special German program of music at the Auditorium and in the evening a display of fireworks will be given on the Plaza. The remainder of the program will be as outlined elsewhere.

Miles Praises the Show.

Washington, D. C., Oct. 22.—General Miles was at his desk early this morning, looking much benefited from his western trip. He expressed himself as much pleased with what he saw in the west. The Omaha exposition surpassed his greatest expectations, while the jubilee in Chicago, he said, was a most remarkable patriotic display. He expects to go to Philadelphia next Wednesday, where he has been assigned to the important part of chief marshal in the peace jubilee celebration. Meanwhile he is giving attention to details for plans of garrisoning Cuba.

German Day Parade.

The German day parade starts from Germania hall this afternoon at 1 o'clock for the exposition grounds. The line of march will be east from on Harney street to Sixteenth street; south to Howard street; east to Fifteenth street; north to Farnam street; east to Thirteenth street ;north to Douglas street; west to Sixteenth street, and thence north on Sherman avenue to the main entrance to the exposition grounds.

Exposition Notes.

Last evening the exposition executive committee authorized fireworks on the north tract for Wednesday and Saturday evenings and Omaha day, and on the plaza whenever desired for the band concerts. For Omaha day children's admissions were fixed at 10 cents [?]

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General Manderson Enthusiastic Over the Proposition to Secure One.

Now Is the Opportunity of Omaha to Secure Curious and Rare Collection From Exhibits.

Historical Society Is Behind the Move and a Committee Is Making Plans--Circular Made Public.

"For fifteen years," said General Manderson to a World-Herald reporter, "I have suggested and in a more or less active manner endeavored to arouse the people of Omaha to the importance of a museum. There are many reasons why this city should have a really great museum in some directors. There is no reason why we should not have had ere this something of a display of curios, Indian relics and articles of virtu. Omaha is the very center of the old Indian country, and the land has for years teemed with Indian relics of great value.

"For many years I was chairman of the Indian committee in Washington, and had ever opportunity to gather articles of rare value, which I could have done and turned over to such an institution, had we have had one in Omaha. I have myself a very large collection of curios, and have offered to turn them over to a museum. I have ever advocated that the public library take this matter up, and very little progress has been made. Now is our time. There are thousands of articles at the exposition that should be kept in the city if possible. Many of these would be donated; many others would be loaned and some could be purchased cheaply. No time should be lost in arranging to get these. There is abundance of room in the library building for all we can get, and the matter of cases and furniture will take care of itself."

General Manderson is enthusiastic for a museum in Omaha, and will do all he can to bring success to the proposed enterprise. He is in favor of keeping the Santiago cannons here, getting the flags and making an organized move on the many exhibits at the exposition.

The Omaha Historical society held a meeting a few days ago, and discussed the museum proposition in its various phases, and decided to go to work at once in collecting, asking donations and in any and every way possible further the project.

A committee was appointed to take the matter in charge, and General Manderson was chosen chairman. The committee is composed of General Charles F. Manderson, Charles W. Lyman and Isaac W. Carpenter. The committee issued a circular letter, and the same will be printed and a copy sent to every exhibitor at the exposition The circular letter is approved by President Wattles of the exposition and Lewis S. Reed, president of the library board. The circular letter is as follows:

Omaha, Neb., Oct. 21, 1898.—To all Exhibitors and Concessionaires of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition: The undersigned have been appointed a committee on history of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition and a part of the duties devolving upon them is the preservation of that which will serve as a lasting remembrance of this great exhibition, which has achieved such phenomenal and satisfactory success, to which you have so largely contributed.

The Omaha city library, which is owned and controlled by the city of Omaha, has a splendid fireproof building, and it is proposed to place, in commodious and well arranged rooms in the library building, a museum in which shall be stored for preservation and exhibition articles of interest and value.

On behalf of the city of Omaha, which has made such great exertion to conduct the exposition, we ask that you will give to the city such articles as you may think may prove of interest in a free museum such as it is desired shall be established. All articles thus bestowed should be accompanied by a statement giving a description of the article, any historical incident that may be connected with it and the name and address of the donor. Such articles can be transmitted to the librarian of the Omaha city library, or if the librarian is notified where and when the articles can be obtained they will be called for and receipt given.

We ask for curios of any and all descriptions, mineral and geological specimens, works of art, bric-a-brac, articles of virtu and whatever may have had a place in the grounds of the exposition that would be of interest and serve as a reminder or memento of the exposition.

This appeal addressed personally to every exhibitor and concessionaire has not only the warrant and authority of the board of directors, but also of the library board of the city of Omaha and those who make donations for the museum to be thus established can rest assured of the safety of the article bestowed and that due credit will be given to them for their recognition of the enterprise and the donations received. Respectfully yours,

Historical Committee.

Approved by Gurdon W. Wattles, president Trans-Mississippi and International exposition, and Lewis S. Reed, president public library board of Omaha.


That Is Name Enough to Suit a Majority of Members in City.

Would Strike Out "Liberal"---Women Bring Greeting---Last Session.

The Liberal Congress of Religion held its last business session at the First Congregational church yesterday, several local pulpits will be occupied Sunday morning by delegates to the congress, and Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock this congress will conclude its work by holding a mass meeting at the First Congregational church, Dr. E. G. Hirsch of Chicago being the principal speaker.

Rev. A. P. Pearson, a colored minister, representing the Tennessee Widows' and Orphans' home, was given a few minutes this morning in which to tell of the needs of his institution. He made such a good impression on the audience that a generous collection was taken up for the home.

The first paper read to the congress was by E. P. Powell of Clinton, N. Y., the topic being "The Evolution of Conscience in the Nineteenth Century." He spoke of conscience as the common law of the nineteenth century and declared the time is coming when the church will be wedded to the government and the government will be wedded to the church, and all our national life will be penetrated and permeated by the highest considerations of love and humanity. We may sum up our social conscience, he said, as reverence for humanity.

Rev. Robert T. Jones of Ithaca, N. Y., sent his paper on "The Attitude of the Church to the Later Religious Thinking," and it was read by General Secretary Jones. The drift of the paper was that the church should recognize the spirit of the new thinking and welcome approved results.

Mr. Jones expressed deep regret that all who had read papers during the congress were men and referred to the accident to her daughter by which Rev. Mrs. S. L. Crum of Webster City, Ia., was prevented from delivering her address. He hoped now that some of the ladies in the audience would volunteer to speak.

Mrs. Robbins of Adrian, Mich, secretary of the National Woman's council, came forward and extended greeting in the name of "8,000 women in the United States."

Mrs. Adams of Dubuque, Ia., was called for and responded in a few earnest words.

David Starr Jordan, chairman of the committee on resolutions, read several which were adopted with applause. They were of a general character looking forward to a brighter day for liberal ideas in religion and to the time when war shall be no more. They also expressed deep gratitude to the press and people of Omaha and to Thomas Kilpatrick in particular for most gracious treatment during the sessions in this city. The committee also recommended changing the name from "The Liberal Congress of Religious" to "A Congress of Religious" on the ground that the word "liberal" is misrepresentative of the constituency. A discussion followed in which D. S. Jordan, E. P. Powell, Secretary Jones, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Robbins, J. H. Dundas, President Thomas and several others took part and manifested considerable feeling—some of them clinging fondly to the old name, others heartily indorsing the new, while still others were not satisfied with either. The matter was referred to the board of directors with authority to act, but not until an informal vote showing a strong preference for the new name had been taken.

The name of the congress has already been changed several times during the five years of its existence.

General Secretary Jones stated that the correspondence now in progress will [?]


Little People Gladly Take Advantage of the Offer of Free Admission.

They Come in Droves From All Directors--Large Paid Attendance Present--The County's Poor Shall Have a Chance, Too.

Yesterday was by all odds the liveliest day the exposition has seen for a week. It is because the children from far and near were admitted free, and by thousands and thousands embraced the fine opportunity and enjoyed the treat offered by the management.

Following the habit of children everywhere when a show is on hand, they were out early, and kept the street cars loaded all the forenoon.

There was a general outpouring of the rising generation from Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs and from some other points. The Omaha Terminal railroad ran trains every hour in the forenoon and one or two in the afternoon from the Bluffs directly to the grounds, and all the trains, each having about six coaches, were loaded.

Perhaps the most tickled bunch of children was that from Fairbury. They did not know anything about the free admission until they got to the city, and their delight was unbounded when they discovered that each one was 25 cents ahead, or would have that sum extra to spend in souvenirs or on the Midway.

There was a rather queer look on the faces of many as they approached the gates that had all summer been so stern, and though free admittance was well understood, some of the little people had to have reassuring words from the keepers before they would push boldly forward between the iron arms.

The grounds were soon merry with their light steps, their calls and their noise, and had somewhat of din, too, for somewhere somebody was giving little tin whistles to the little visitors, and these they were using with vigor.

As was to be expected there was a larger number than usual of the more poorly clad children and some of them after a long ride reached the grounds chilled and shivering. Two little fellows with no heavy clothing of any sort and with but one pair of mittens between them were noticed on a car platform. Each had one mitten which protected one hand while the other was shoved down into a pocket, and when this arrangement grew tiresome, they would trade mittens and work it the other way.

Everybody noticed the little people and seemed trying to take pains that they should have a good time. The distributors of advertising cards and booklets were especiall​ kind to them, and few children there were who did not soon possess a load of brightly printed stuff or have hanging about them gaily colored cards.

Grown people were there, too, and probably as many as on any recent day, so that the indication was that the total attendance would exceed that of any day this week.

Everyone Shall See It.

Arrangements have been perfected by the exposition management which will make the closing day of the exposition a memorable occasion in the recollection of every resident of Omaha. On that day all the deserving people in the city who have been prevented by lack of money from visiting the great show will be admitted free of charge.

The details of this arrangement have been placed in the hands of County Agent W. S. Askwith and Superintendendt​ John Laughland of the Associated Charities, and these men will devote their time during the coming week to seeing that the people coming under this classification are provided with the means of gaining admission to the exposition on Omaha day. Messrs. Askwith and Laughland will be at the county store, on St. Mary's avenue, near Nineteenth street, all of the coming week to receive applications for tickets. Their familiarity with the people of the city will enable them to sift out the impostors; and no deserving application will be denied.

Hotel Men at Exposition.

A delegation of Chicago hotel men came in yesterday and is at the Millard. It will be here until Monday seeing the exposition. There are a  Scanned image of page 143 dozen men in the party, all accompanied by their wives. The leading hotels at the Lakeside city are represented. Among those are James A. Godfrey and wife, Robert L. Grant and wife, W. C. Keeley and wife, E. L. McHenry and wife, J. F. Cone and wife, F. E. Scott, H. C. Griswold, Orr Sang and wife, Thomas Miller and wife. The company came to Omaha in a special sleeper. It will see all that is to be seen.


Names of the Men Who Have Passed on Exhibits at Exposition.

Up to this time the names of the jurors judging the exhibits at the exposition have been kept secret, so as to save them from the importunity or the suggestions of exhibitors. They are now through with their work except in a few instances, and the names have been announced. They are:

O. F. Bourgeois, Chicago; Prof. Blanton, J. P. Moscow Idaho (Idaho university); T. K. Bruner, Raleigh, N. C.; Marcus Benjamin, Washington, D. C.; W. H. Caldwell, Petersboro, N. H.; J. F. Crawford, Wyoming; C. R. Courtney, Omaha; Henry Carter, Kansas City; Emerson Cole, Minneapolis; Louis Davidson, Louisville; Frank L. Egbert, Omaha; Robert W. Furnas, Brownville; C. G. Fisher, Omaha; Dr. Robert Gilmore, Omaha; W. W. Guthrie, Atchison; E. S. Greusel, Havelock; W. F. Glesseman, Des Moines; Paul Charlton, Omaha; John Hyde, Washington, D. C.; J. A. Holmes, Chapel Hill, N. C.; A. Junker, Chicago; J. J. King, West Point, Neb.; Israel Lovett, Council Bluffs; Lieutenant S. J. Logan, Washington, D. C.;Prof. J. H. Long, Northwestern university, Chicago; T. Z. Magarill, Ottawa, Canada; R. H. Miller, Nebraska City, Neb.; J. W. Nicholson, Omaha; C. S. Plumb, Lafayette, Ind.; Walter T. Page, Omaha; Edward F. Riley, Omaha; Dr. Victor Rosewater, Omaha; Lieutenant Commander E. M. Stedman, Washington; H. Schmidt, Council Bluffs; Edward F. Schurig, Omaha; C. Sommer, Omaha; Meier Swope, St. Louis; R. B. Swift, Chicago; J. A. Sterrett, Troy; D. E. Thompson, Lincoln; T. C. Tipton, Washington, D. C.; J. W. Van Cleave, St. Louis; Fred W. Wallwey, Omaha; A. Wernher, Omaha; H. C. Ward, Washington; J. E. Watkins, Washington; T. J. Watson, Toledo; Harry West, Des Moines; John Wallace, St. Louis.

The work of all the jurors will be completed, it is expected, today, and the committee on awards will at once go to work on the findings. It is thought that the announcement of premiums can be made next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Visiting Fire Chiefs.

Twenty-six fire chiefs, accompanied by their families, came in on the Burlington from St. Louis, where they attended the national convention of fire chiefs, to visit the exposition. Chief Redell and "Spud" Farrish met them at the depot and escorted them to the Iler Grand, whence they went to the exposition grounds for the afternoon.

Exposition Notes.

The exodus of live stock from the grounds continues rapidly, and by last night most of the animals had departed from the barns.

Now that the hard weather of the week has blighted the flowers many of the plants are being removed.


Secretary Fleming of National Association Here.

James W. Fleming, Columbus, O., secretary of the American Association of Fairs and Expositions, who arrived in the city yesterday morning and is at the Millard, says:

"I came expecting to meet ex-Governor Robert W. Furnas of Brownville, Neb., and president of our association, here. We want to plan and arrange some details for next week's meeting. The convention will convene Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the Millard hotel. There will be at least 100 delegates present. Delegates will come from Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Texas, Missouri, Minnesota and Nebraska, and several other states. Those named I know will be represented. Toronto, Canada, will have ten delegates present, and Quebec will have a good representation in the body.

"Two session will be held Tuesday and two on Wednesday, the sessions being held morning and afternoon. During this meeting some of the ablest men in the country, men who have made expositions and fairs a study and a business, and I might say a success, will be here to take part. We anticipate the best meeting ever held by the association, the attendance promising to be unusually large."


Stockholders to Meet in Council Chamber Friday Evening.

Resolution Unanimously Adopted--Election Booths Nearing End of Usefulness--Flags in All Windows.

The movement to continue the exposition next year received official recognition by the adoption of this resolution, introduced by Stuht at a special meeting of the city council yesterday morning:

Whereas, It appears to be the prevailing sentiment among the people of Omaha who are stockholders in the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition company that said exposition ought to be continued for another year; and

Whereas, The success of the exposition this year, notwithstanding the delay in getting ready for exhibits, the serious interruption of the war, and the fact that many of the states did not fully appreciate the exposition until too late to make exhibit seems to justify the continuance of the exposition during 1899; and

Whereas, There are no other expositions or enterprises of like nature to take place next year, and the expenses of continuing the exposition would be relatively slight; and

Whereas, It is proper that this matter should be discussed by the stockholders of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition company; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the council chamber of the city hall be tendered to the stockholders of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition company on Friday evening, October 28, 1898, for the purpose of discussing said matters, and requesting the board of directors of said company to take action in the promises.

Stuht spoke in favor of the resolution and of continuing the exposition next year. In any event, a number of the stockholders desired to have a meeting, and they should be granted the use of the council chamber.

Bingham agreed with Stuht in the main, but took exception to his statement that the directors were the servants of the stockholders. As a rule, directors were subject to the direction of stockholders, but the rule did not apply to the exposition directory.

Lobeck and Mercer favored the passage of the resolution.

Mount did not object to giving the council chamber for an exposition stockholders' meeting, but wanted it postponed until after the exposition closes, in order not to keep any persons away from the exposition.

It was decided best to hold it next week, and the resolution was unanimously passed as introduced.

A number of paving and curbing estimates were passed, and several vacancies in the registration boards were filled.

Fixing up the election booths was taken up, and it developed that about half of them are in a very dilapidated condition; there are big holes in a number of roofs and no glass in the windows; some booths are short of tables, due to the mayor, without authority, having lent tables; and the coal sent to the booths was simply wet dust and slack. The board of public works was given full authority to fix up the booths and provide good coal.

To stop Young America from bombarding "Santiago" and "Havana"—the booths furnishing the targets and sometimes being completely wrecked—the city clerk, on motion of Lobeck, was directed to have a small United States flag pasted on each window.

(Photograph by Rinehart.)
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Exposition Management Entertains the Youngsters of Omaha and Vicinity.


Many Who Had Not Seen it Pass Through Gates to Wonderland.


Nature's Brightest Smile Added to Man's Most Magnificent Achievements.


Old Sol Adds His Greeting to the Free Day Offered by the Managers and the Little Ones Have a Real Good Time.

Total Admissions Yesterday33,384
Children Admitted Free13,594
Total for the Week148,918
Total to Date2,297,296

Crabbed, contrary and disagreeable as Mother Nature has appeared during the week the old dame showed that there is still a strain of amiability in her disposition by showing a smiling countenance to the children who were the guests of the exposition yesterday. For six long days she had fussed and fumed and fretted like a spoiled baby instead of the mature matron that she is. Even yesterday she appeared with her customary frown and seemed disposed to be as unlovely as ever. But the bright, glowing faces and happy voices of 15,000 boys and girls could not be withstood. After a couple of hours she began to relent. The sodden clouds broke here and there in tiny rifts of white. Then the blue sky peeped through and a long, slanting ray of sunlight illumined the raw atmosphere and rested caressingly on the golden dome of the Government building. The rifts broadened and the clouds were rent into fragments that were hurried toward the horizon by the sharp morning breeze. The single sunbeam was multiplied until it merged into the full radiance of the October morning and gave back the dazzling beauty of building and landscape that had been stolen by the somber cloud shadows of the week.

"Why, it doesn't look like the same place, does it mamma?" queried a maiden of half a dozen winsome summers, as the gorgeous brilliancy swept over dome and colonnade. And it didn't, for the beauties that had slumbered in the shadow burst into new glory in the sunshine. The dull white of the buildings became alabaster and the russet tints of the landscapes burned with the brightest autumn colorings.

It was not altogether the same show that the sun looked on just before he said farewell a week ago. The glowing green of leaf and flower was no longer unbroken. There were streaks of russet and crimson and gold and here and there the flowers that had bloomed so lavishly were blighted and withered by the snow and frost. Some of the vines that had luxuriated in the out-of-the-way corners shrunk closer to the walls and half-dead leaves rattled ominously of winter winds. Even the cannae that had clung to life as though reluctant to close their eyes on so much beauty were not left unmarked and only here and there a blossom remained to smile back a greeting to the blue sky. But if the frost had stolen some of the summer beauty it left the glow and color of autumn. The bright tints of which it robbed the flowers were scattered lavishly over the shrubs and foliage and the effect was even more beautiful than before. It seemed most fitting that during its last days the White City should be robed in the colors of the departing season and no one seemed to regret the change.

Brought Out the Enthusiasm.

To the crowd almost anything would have seemed enjoyable with the unaccustomed warmth and comfort of the sunshine. It was a most delightful novelty after the frigidity and the gloom of the week, and the big crowd of boys and girls enjoyed it with all the enthusiasm of youthful spirits. They romped through the buildings and [?] in happy battalions along the walks [?]enues, while the older people took a [?]t and enjoyed the pretty spectacle. [?]ildren were a little late in getting started, and it was the middle of the forenoon before they appeared on the grounds in sufficient numbers to indicate the character of the day. But as the sun poked a rift in the clouds and smiled a merry welcome, the rush came, and from then until long after noon there was a continual procession at the gates. One turnstile was set aside at each of the main entrances to admit the children, and it was kept turning with a regularity that rapidly filled the grounds.

It was not exactly the same crowd that has been seen on previous children's days. There were more of the little ones who wore their big brothers' and sisters' made over clothes, and whose attire was supplemented by the ingenious devices peculiar to mothers who have to confront the problem of making something out of very little of anything at all. There were hundreds of youngsters on the grounds yesterday who have never been there before. They could be designated almost at a glance for their admiration was compounded with the wonderment of those who have been confronted with something of which they have never dreamed. They congregated in little groups as though they were dazzled by so many pretty things and must pull themselves together before they could decide what deserved their first attention.

The attendance was not confined to Omaha and its vicinity, for the morning trains brought in hundreds of children from neighboring towns and villages. One party of 400 came in on the Rock Island and began negotiations to see whether they could obtain the advantage of the 15-cent children's rate that has been in effect on previous children's days. When they were told that they could come in without paying a cent they became the most delighted crowd that has been at the gates this summer. One big boy called for three cheers for the exposition and they were given with a unanimity that testified to their hearty appreciation of the liberality of the management.

There was nothing in the way of a celebration to occupy the time of the children and they were left free to spend the entire day in seeing everything that constitutes the biggest show on earth. There were enough parents and teachers in the crowd to see that none of the youngsters came to grief and everyone on the grounds seemed to be making a personal effort to see that the children spent a pleasant holiday.

The German celebration that was partially prevented by the unfavorable weather Tuesday, will be carried out this afternoon. The parade will leave Turner hall at 1 o'clock and arrive on the grounds about 2:30. The floats and other spectacular features of the pageant were prepared at unusual effort and expense and, while many of the out-of-town Germans have gone home, it is expected that the local German population will be solidly represented on the grounds. Innes and his band will give the usual concerts in the Auditorium at 3 and 7 o'clock, and the Omaha Concert band will play at 5.


All But Six of the Awards Commission Have Finished.

All but six of the jurors who have been at work on the exhibits have turned in their reports and these are in the hands of the Bureau of Awards. The remainder will complete their work in another day. The decision of the bureau will not be made public until after each exhibitor has been given twenty-four hours' notice of the award. If he failed to file a protest within twenty-four hours the case will be closed. Otherwise an expert will be called on to decide whether the bureau or the exhibitor is in the right. It is expected that the first awards will be announced Monday and others will follow through the week. Superintendent Hardt says that the entire task will be completed by Saturday night and that every exhibitor who wins a medal will have it before the exposition closes. The following jurors have turned in their reports: O. F. Bourgeois, Chicago; Prof. J. P. Blanton, Moscow, Idaho (Idaho university); T. K. Bruner, Raleigh, N. C.; Marcus Benjamin, Washington, D. C.; Prof. William Beardshear, Ames, Ia.; F. W. Clarke, Washington, D. C.; W. H. Caldwell, Petersboro, N. H.; J. F. Crawford, Wyoming; C. R. Courtney, Omaha; Henry Carter, Kansas City, Mo.; Emerson Cole, Minneapolis, Minn.; Louis Davidson, Louisville, Ky.; Frank L. Egbert, Omaha; Robert W. Furnas, Brownville, Neb.; C. G. Fisher, Omaha; Dr. Robert Gilmore, Omaha; W. W. Guthrie, Atchison, Kan.; E. S. Greusel, Havelock, Neb.; W. F. Giesseman, Des Moines, Ia.; Paul Charlton, Omaha; John Hyde, Washington, D. C.; J. A. Holmes, Chapel Hill, N. C.; A. Junker, Chicago, Ill.; J. J. King, West Point, Neb.; Israel Lovett, Council Bluffs, Ia.; Lieutenant S. [?]ington, D. C.; Prof. J. H. Long, Northwestern university, Chicago, Ill.; T. Z. Margarill, Ottawa, Canada; R. H. Miller, Nebraska City, Neb.; J. W. Nicholson, Omaha; C. S. Plumb, Lafayette, Ind.; Walter T. Page, Omaha; Edward F. Riley, Omaha; Doctor Victor Rosewater, Omaha; Lieutenant Commander E. M. Stedman, Washington, D. C.; H. Schmidt, Council Bluffs, Ia.; Edward F. Shurig, Omaha; C. Sommer, Omaha; Meier Swope, S. Louis, Mo.; R. B. Swift, Chicago, Ill.; J. A. Sterrett, Troy, O.; D. E. Thompson, Lincoln, Neb.; T. C. Tipton, Washington, D. C.; J. W. Van Cleave, St. Louis, Mo.; Fred. W. Wallwey, Omaha; A. Wernher, Omaha; H. C. Ward, Washington, J. E. Watkins, Washington, D. C.; T. J. Watson, Toledo, O.; Harry West, Des Moines, Ia.; John Wallace, St. Louis, Mo.


Boys and Girls Make a Raid and Get Their Money's Worth.

Yesterday it was a neck-and-neck race between Nebraska and southern California to see which would be the most popular with the thousands of children who visited the Horticultural building. The youngsters commenced passing through the gates in the rear of the Georgia State building at an early hour in the morning and by 9 o'clock there was a perfect deluge. They came in pairs, by fours and in squads and inundated every part of the grounds. They heard that there was fruit in the Horticultural building and that was the mecca toward which they traveled. As the first detachment passed into the building the men thought it would be a great thing to give each of the youngsters an apple. The fruit was given and then the stuff was off, for everyone had to be treated in the same manner.

Down at the Southern California exhibit, in a thoughtless moment Superintendent Wilson gave a boy a big apple. The word passed down the line that Wilson was giving away fruit and almost instantly the line of march was in the direction of his exhibit. In half an hour his tables looked as though they had been struck by a cyclone, but there was fruit as long as it lasted. While this was going on the reinforcements were attacking the other exhibits and every superintendent in charge was doing something to make the boys and girls feel happy. The surplus stock was brought out and Idaho, Wisconsin, Colorado, Oregon, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and all of the other states vied with each other to see which could do the most in supplying the children with fruit.

At night the exhibits were in bad shape, but they will be straightened up today and when the building opens tomorrow morning there will be nothing to indicate the condition that existed yesterday.


"Trip to the Exposition" Proves an Instantaneous Success.

Innes' band rendered its famous director's new descriptive fantasia, "A Trip to the Exposition," for the first time last night on the Plaza band stand. Despite the cold and discomforts attendant upon a long period of inactivity in the biting wind, the largest crowd that has greeted the band during the last week gathered on the Plaza and patiently waited until the band had played its way through a lengthy program to the event of the evening, the much heralded composition of its leader, which concluded it. Little or no enthusiasm was manifested by the audience during the rendering of the program, but when the cocks began crowing in the opening bars of the fantasia indicative of the opening of the dawn of a new day, the listeners began to grow demonstrative, and their demonstrations grew in tumult as the fantasia progressed. Every familiar imitation of the sights and sounds on the Midway were greeted with vigorous handclapping and cheering.

Imitations that were exceptionally well rendered were: The clicking of the turnstile gates, the "spielers" in front of the concessions, the Midway band, Hagenback's animal show, the trolley car and the Streets of Cairo. The spectacular anvil chorus was loudly applauded. The fantasia concluded with the most stirring of the national airs and an exhibition of fireworks. Cheering was started when the first note of "The Star Spangled Banner" was sounded and it did not subside for fully five minutes after the last echo of the last song had died away. The music aroused the old-time war enthusiasm. Director Innes was called upon for a speech, but contented the audience by bowing several times.

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War Balloon Goes Up.

Late in the evening the war balloon made a successful ascension, the first of the week. There were thousands lined up along the ropes to watch the big bag as it made its trip out into space. The car reached a point about 2,000 feet above the earth. At that height the temperature was near the freezing point, while down on the ground it was as balmy as spring.

Old Times on the Midway.

Last night seemed like old times on the Midway. The spielers who were housed up during the frigid spell were out in full force and the street resounded from one end to the other with the sounds of their invitations to visit the shows which they represent. The crowd surged back and forth until a late hour and everything did a good business. There were plenty of children left over from the afternoon and there were also plenty of grown people along with them.


Remarkable Record Made in Face of Awful Weather.

While the attendance during the week just past is slightly less than half the big record of Jubilee week it is a remarkable showing when the weather is considered. Although there was only one day in the week on which it was possible to visit the exposition with any degree of comfort the attendance on each day was far above the average attendance on that day of the week. It was far bigger than any week up to the middle of September and it has only been exceeded by four weeks. The following shows the daily record as compared with the Jubilee week attendance and the average of each day during the first four months of the exposition.

Week ending Oct. 22.Week ending Oct. 15.Average June 1 to Oct. 1
Sunday 13,354 19,807 9,012
Monday 14,910 29,37813,007
Tuesday 22,983 48,05113,399
Wednesday 24,957 98,84517,474
Thursday 21,682 49,71017,983
Friday 17,648 32,40013,204
Saturday 33,384 35,96012,623
Average 21,274 44,879


Frank Iams of St. Paul, Neb., Makes a Fine Exhibit.

Th​ finest exhibition of blooded horses shown at the Transmississippi Exposition is that of Frank Iams of St. Paul, Neb. He has twenty-five head of Black Percheron, Clydes, Shires and Coachers picked from his string of a hundred head, with him here. The most noted of these horses is "Iris," the largest brood mare ever exhibited, weighing 2,460 pounds. "Iris" is the mother of Iam's "Bon-Ton," the largest sweepstake Percheron stallion in the world, weighing 2,440 pounds. Frank Iams has more head of Black Percheron in his stable, No. 1, than all other stables at the exposition combined. "Iam's Bon-Ton" and "Jacques Coner," the sweepstakes Percheron stallions of Illinois, Iowa, St. Louis and Nebraska State fairs, were shown at the exposition to the public, but did not compete for ribbons, as his great "Sans Gene" and "Heron" were winners at this show. Iams showed five Coachers. Two won four first special prizes, four sweepstakes and one second prize.

Iam's barn was constantly thronged with visitors and the general expression from the public was: "Iams has the finest and best exhibit of horses at the exposition."

Iams received $571 from the state of Nebraska as bonus cash, free stalls $125, and free freight $125. Received over $500 as premiums. Total over $1,300 for his showing at the exposition for making the grandest show of horses ever shown in the west. The state of Nebraska is to be congratulated in being able to have Mr. Iams make such a fine display of fine horses, as it is worth thousands to Nebraska to be able to make such a showing. Iams is a success and he is a mascot to all those who do business with him.

Mementos for Indians.

All of the Indians who visited the exposition will be given a memento that will enable them to remember. For all of these Indians Captain Mercer has had struck off heavy gold plated medals. On one side are the words, "United States Indian Congress, Omaha Exposition, 1898," while on the reverse is a raised design, showing an Indian mounted on a horse, running a lance into a buffalo. Beneath this are the numerals, "1868," the date of the admission of Nebraska as a state. Besides the medals, Captain Mercer has had printed certificates, the same showing that while at the congress the Indians have deported themselves in an exemplary manner and that they have not broken any of the rules of the congress or the exposition. These certificates are signed by Captain Mercer, officer in charge, and J. R. Wise, assistant manager. They bear a gold seal, under which are ribbons of red, white and blue.

Closing the Stock Show.

There was just about as much activity around the stock pens yesterday as at any time since the close of the live stock show. All of the exhibitors were busy getting their animals to the cars or in checking up with the exposition management for the purpose of ascertaining just how much money they had earned in premiums.

Friday it was thought that all of the barns would be cleaned of horses, sheep and cattle yesterday, but last night there were numerous animals in their stalls and now it is evident that the last of the exhibits will not be removed before Monday night. Some delay has been experienced in the matter of getting cars up to the grounds, owing to the fact that there are so many side tracks and also because it seems that all of the exhibitors seem anxious to get away at about the same time. Much of the stock that remains is being sold, numerous farmers having come in since the close of the show. All of the animals are bringing top prices, prices far ahead of those obtained at other fairs. The owners comment on this fact and say that there seems to be a general desire among the western farmers and ranchers to bring up the quality of their stock.


Great Historic and Allegorical Patent to Pass Through the Streets Today.


Floats Representing Incidents in German Legendary Lore and History, with Escorts Appropriately Costumed, to Move at 1 O'Clock.

Today is a continuation of German day of the last week, for this afternoon the grand historical parade and pageant which was to have occurred last Tuesday in connection with the celebration of German day, but was postponed on account of the bad weather, will take place. It will start promptly at 1 o'clock from Turner hall and after traversing the principle streets of the city will proceed to the exposition grounds.

The delay has worked to the advantage of this event in the German celebration. The executive committee which originally arranged it was unable to make all necessary preparation on account of other duties. Since that time, however, the members have completed all preparations and after a meeting last night announced that everything was ready for what they promised to be one of the finest street processions seen in Omaha during the exposition year.

The principal feature of the line will be a series of some fifteen floats, which will picture the progress of the fatherland from the earliest known times to the present. A considerable amount of time and labor has been expended upon these productions and they are said to be very attractive and handsome. All of them have been donated by societies of this city, with one exception. That float is the donation of the Bennington society.

Another interesting section of the line will be the first division, which consists of a group of well known characters of Germany on horseback. The great emperors, Herman, Carl, Blaubart, Rudolph of Hapsburg, Kurfuest, Frederick and William will be represented. Each will be accompanied by his official suite. These characters will be attired in the appropriate costumes of the periods in which they lived.

Four buglers from the Second Nebraska Volunteer infantry will lead the line and the music will be furnished by a number of bands. W. F. Stoecker will act as the marshal of the parade and he will be assisted by the following aids in command of the various divisions: Oberst Busch, Landwehr verein; Max Becht, Schwaben verein; George Hoffman, Bavarian verein; A. Schroedsack, Orpheus society; John Busch, Plattdeutcher verein; P. Laux, St. Peter's verein; M. Kracher, Austro-Hungarian verein; Jacob Hess, Schweitzer verein; Henry Voss, Bennington; Dr. Kruse, Millard; Henry Denker, Elkhorn. These three last societies will bring big representations and the Plattsmouth society is also expected to be in the parade. The local bodies will turn out in full.

The parade will form in the vicinity of Turner hall and is scheduled to start promptly at 1 o'clock. It will pass over the following route: Harney to Sixteenth, Sixteenth to Howard, Howard to Fifteenth, Fifteenth to Farnam, Farnam to Thirteenth, Thirteenth to Douglas, Douglas to Sixteenth, Sixteenth to the grounds.

The procession is to be met by Major Clarkson at the entrance to the grounds. Once inside the line will disband. The celebration on the grounds consists of a portion [?]

Yesterday's Temperature at Omaha:

5 a. m.31
6 a. m.31
7 a. m.31
8 a. m.33
9 a. m.35
10 a. m.37
11 a. m.39
12 m.41
1 p. m.44
2 p. m.46
3 p. m.48
4 p. m.49
5 p. m.50
6 p. m.49
7 p. m.46


Twenty-Fifth Sunday—Admission, 25 Cents.

At the Grounds:

2:30 p. m., the Great German-American Parade with Bands and Floats Will Enter Exposition Grounds.

3 p. m., Innes Band at Auditorium with Organ.

Part 1.

Overture—Ruy BlasMendelssohn
Funeral MarchChopin(For Military Band, by F. N. Innes.)
Scenes from LohengrinWagner(Introducing the famous wedding music and concluding with the "Prayer," performed by Messrs. Kenny (cornet), Porpora (saxophone), Zimmerman (trombone) and the Perfetto brothers (euphonium and tuba).)(Performed especially in honor of the visiting German societies.)
Piccolo Solo—Scotch FantasiaBurnsHeidelberg.
From Cavalleria RusticanaMascagni
(a) Vorspiel and Siciliana
(b) Intermezzo
(c) Easter Hymn
Trombone Solo—Power and Love (from "The Redemption")GounodInnes.
Peer Gynt (Suite No. 1)Grieg(Written as the incidental music to Ibsen's well known drama. The present suite describes (a) sunrise, (b) Aasa's death, (c) Anitra's dance and (d) Peer Gynt pursued by the demons of the mountain.)

5 p. m., Omaha Concert Band at Auditorium.

7 p. m., Innes Band at Auditorium.

Part 1.

Overture—The MartyrsDonizetti
Ave MariaSchubert
(a) Zuleika and HassanMendelssohn
(b) Love Is King (march)Innes
Love Feast of the Apostles (sacred scene)Wagner

Part 2.

Overture—The Flying DutchmanWagner
The Last Hope (nocturne)Gottschalk
Trobone Solo—There Is a Green Hill Far AwayGounodInnes.
From All Lands (international fantasia)Godfrey(Introducing the melodies of every civilized country under the sun and concluding with an entirely original arrangement of the national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner.")

Down Town:

3 p. m., Platform Meeting at First Congregational Church.


Delegates to the American Association Meeting Reach Omaha Well Ahead of Time.

Ohio's delegation to the annual meeting the American Association of Fair and Exposition Managers is the first to arrive in the city, reaching here yesterday. The association will meet at the Millard hotel next Tuesday and Wednesday, and the Buckeye visitors will spend the intervening time in looking over the exposition. The members of the party make up the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, and they are: C. Bordwell, president, and wife, of Batavia; L. G. Ely, vice president, and daughter, of Fayette; J. C. Bower, treasurer, and wife, of Columbus; W. W. Miller, secretary, and wife, of Columbus; J. H. Fleming, assistant secretary, and secretary of the American association and wife, of Columbus; A. J. Clark and wife, Cambridge; G. Leggett and wife, Watkins; Albert Hale and wife, Mogadon; E. C. Ellis and daughter, Crestone; S. H. Eller and daughter, Springboro; H. S. Grums and wife, Portsmouth.

The members of the party assembled at Columbus, and left that city for their western trip Thursday night. At the conclusion of the association's meeting here the visitors will scatter, some continuing their journey, others remaining in this vicinity to visit friends, and still others returning home. They are stopping at the Millard while in the city.

Ohio will be represented on the program of the association by two papers—one by Mr. Fleming on "What Can We Do to Establish Uniformity in Rules of Admission," and another by Mr. Ellis on "The Fair, the Farmer and the Community at Large."

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Last of the Congresses Brought by the Transmississippi Exposition.


Their Sessions Are Followed Immediately by Those of the National Council of Women of the United States.

The National Council of Jewish Women meets in the First Congregational church this evening and tomorrow morning. The session this evening will be devoted to addresses by Mrs. Belle Polack of Omaha, Mrs. May Wright Sewall and Dr. Leo M. Franklin. Tomorrow morning's session will be of a business nature. There will be reports from the various committees and a general discussion of questions relating to the welfare of the organization.

It is expected that 100 delegates will be present at the meeting of the council, representing sections throughout the central west. The questions that will be considered will be of a literary, historical and philanthropic nature. After the reading of the papers the subjects will be thrown open for general discussion.

The National Council of Jewish Women is an offspring of the World's Parliament of Religions held in Chicago during the World's fair. The present officers are: Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon of Chicago, president; Mrs. Emmanuel Mandel of Chicago, vice president; and Miss Sadie American of Chicago, secretary.

Preparations have been made for the reception and entertainment of the delegates by the members of the local section. There will be a luncheon and reception at the Metropolitan club Tuesday afternoon, to which an invitation has been extended to the visiting members of the National Council of Women and to the Women's club of Omaha, as well as to the Jewish women.

The program for the two sessions of the council follows:

Sunday evening, 8 o'clock: Prayer, Rev. Mary Girard Andrews; song, Mrs. Martin Cahn; greeting, Mrs. Belle A. Polack; address, "Our Problems," Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon; address, "Old Wine," Mrs. May Wright Sewall; address, Dr. Leo M. Franklin.

Monday, 9:30 a. m.: Report from vice president of Nebraska, Mrs. Clara Rosewater; paper, Miss Blanche Gatzert; report from religious committee, Miss Julia Felsenthal; report from philanthropy committee; report from Sabbath school committee; report from Army and Navy league committee, Mrs. Martin Barber; report from reciprocity committee; report of delegates from sections; discussion.

Last of the Series.

The meeting of the National Council of Women of the United States, which convenes tomorrow at the First Congregational church, will be the last of the congresses held under the auspices of the Educational department of the Transmississippi Exposition, and will bring together one of the most notable gatherings of women of national and world-wide reputation with which the west has ever been honored. The meeting will be in charge of the officers of the council, the president presiding. The officers are as follows: Mrs. May Wright Sewall, president, Indianapolis, Ind.; Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, vice president-at-large, Philadelphia; Mrs. Louise Barnum Robbins, corresponding secretary, Adrian, Mich.; Mrs. Frances Stewart Mosher, first recording secretary, Hillsdale, Mich.; Mrs. Helen Finlay Bristol, second recording secretary, Quincy, Ill.; Mrs. Hannah J. Bailey, treasurer, Winthrop Center, Me.

The following national societies are members of the council: National American Woman Suffrage association, National Woman's Christian Temperance union, National Free Baptist Woman's Missionary society, Illinois Industrial School for Girls (national charter), National Woman's Relief society, Wimodaughsis, Young Ladies' National Mutual Improvement association, National Christian League for the Promotion of Social Purity, Universal Peace union, Woman's Republican Association of the United States, National Association of Loyal Women of American Liberty, Woman's Relief corps (auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic), National Association of Women Stenographers, National Council of Jewish Women. American Anti-Vivisection society, Florence Crittenden missions, Supreme Hive Ladies of the Maccabees, Rathbone Sisters.

Wide Field of Work.

The number of interests and phases of work to be presented can be understood by a reference to the above list of national or-[?]

The distinctive idea of the national council is to give recognition to all good in all human effort for the uplifting of humanity, and for the amelioration of present conditions. It is planned that each society may present its own work and gain thus a broader sympathy and interest. It is to bring together women of all lines of work, with different view and methods, and to make known to the general public the variety and magnitude of woman's work for humanity. In fact, the history of the council "is a history of learning the forgetfulness of the things that divide, in remembering the greater things that unite." Hence one of the objects of the council is to unify the efforts of organizations upon some great objects upon which all can unite, but which no one would be strong enough to undertake alone. The motto of the council is "Lead, Kindly Light."

The standing committees have charge of the following general work of the council and represent the breadth and scope of the causes espoused by the organization. They are as follows:

Committee on dress, Mrs. Annie White Johnson, chairman, Chicago; on equal pay for equal work, Miss Mary Desha, chairman, Washington, D. C.; on education in citizenship, Mrs. Kate Brownlee Sherwood, chairman, Canton, O.; on domestic science, Mrs. Helen Campbell, chairman, Kansas State University, Topeka, Kan.; on social peace and international arbitration, Countess Cora Slocomb di Brazza Savorgnan, chairman, New York City and Rome, Italy; on social purity, Rev. Anna Garlin Spencer, chairman, Providence, R. I.; on domestic relations under the law, Octavia Williams Bates, A. B., chairman, Detroit, Mich.

Many Subjects Discussed.

There will be addresses by leading women of the country upon the following subjects: "Total Abstinence, Purity and Woman Suffrage," "Society's Duty to the Scarlet Woman," "Relation of Public Morals to Public Health," "The Business Women of the Present," "The Sociological Usefulness of Secret Societies," "The Relation of Industrial Education to Charity," "The Mother and the Child," "How May the Growth of Loyalty Be Promoted Without Developing an Aristocracy," "The Obligation Resting Upon Women to Promote Social Peace and International Arbitration," "What Constitutes Patriotism? How Shall it Be Inculcated?" "The Relation of Capital and Labor as Applied to Domestic Science," "Prison Reform in Behalf of Women Criminals," "Women's Work in Religious Organizations," "Current Tendencies of Religious Thought." These are subjects that appeal strongly to thinking persons and will be presented by representative women whom the country delights to hear.

The first public session will open Monday at 3 p. m. by addresses of welcome and response by the president of the council, the presentation of the presidents and delegates of the organizations and local councils belonging to the National council, and the annual address of the president.


Mayor Moores Issues a Proclamation Setting the Occasion Apart as a Holiday.

OMAHA, Oct. 22.—To the Citizens of Omaha. Greeting: I have been requested by the officials of the exposition to issue a proclamation calling the attention of all citizens to the importance of finishing our grand exposition in a manner that will always be a remembrance of this grand festive occasion.

Monday, October 31, 1898, is the closing day of our great exposition, such an exposition as surpasses all others from a financial, artistic and educational standpoint, excepting possibly the Columbian Exposition at Chicago. It is proper and fitting that Omaha, whose energy and pluck has been fortunate enough to secure this grand display above her sister cities, should celebrate this closing day in a manner that will make it the "banner" day of all the days of the Transmississippi Exposition period.

At the request of the exposition management our Commercial club has designated this last day "Omaha day," and is arranging the necessary details to make it above all others the "gala" day. Arrangements have been made with the railroads for special low rates from all sections of this western territory and the exposition officials have made a particularly special rate of 25 cents for the day for adults and 15 cents for children, so that every citizen, man, woman and child may be able to see the last of the wondrous beauty of our "White City."

Therefore, as chief executive of our city, I hereby proclaim and make Monday, October. 31, a holiday and ask all railroad offices, shops, factories, banks, wholesale and retail stores and city and county offices, as well as the schools, to close their respective places of business that day and such retail stores as cannot suspend busi-[?]


History Committee of the Exposition Asks Exhibitors and Concessionaires to Leave Some Mementos.

A circular asking for curios of all descriptions, minerals and geological speciments​, works of art, bric-a-brac, mementoes of the Transmississippi Exposition of all kinds, has just been addressed by the hitorical​ committee of the exposition directory to all exhibitors and concessionaires of the exposition. It is proposed to collect as many souvenirs of the exposition as possible for permanent display in the Omaha Public Library in order to form a "lasting remembrance of the great exposition, which has achieved such phenomenal and satisfactory success."

Among other things the circular says: "The Omaha Public Library which is owned and controlled by the city of Omaha, has a splendid fire proof building, and it is proposed to place in commodious and well arranged rooms in the library building a museum in which shall be stored for preservation exposition articles of interest and value. We ask that you will give to the city such articles as you may think may prove of interest in a free museum, such as it is desired shall be established. All articles thus bestowed should be accompanied by a statement giving a description of the article, any historical incident that may be connected with it and the name and address of the donor. Such articles can be transmitted to the librarian of the Omaha Public Library, or if the librarian is notified where and when the articles can be obtained they will be called for and receipt given."


Auspicious Opening Followed by an Unwelcome Change in Weather.


Attendance Yesterday Unusually Large for First Day of Week.


Demonstration of the Teutonic Societies is Quite a Success.


Warm Air and Bright Sky Combine to Make Conditions Perfect and the Crowd Enjoys the Fair as Never Before.

Total Admissions Yesterday23,621
Total to Date2,354,251

Happy anticipations of a week of real Indian summer that had been inspired by the radiant promise of two days of sunshine were almost shattered this morning. The wind veered back to the northeast, the clouds came sullenly back to shut out the sky and the damp atmosphere was ominous of unfavorable conditions. The result was a very light exposition attendance. There were fewer people on the grounds this forenoon than there has been on any morning in weeks and it was a sort of blue Monday for those who had expected to see the last week of the show surpass all records and pack the grounds with visitors.

But if the conditions were menacing they were not yet uncomfortable. The people missed the pleasant sunshine and warmth of the day before, but the wind was moderate and the air was not so cold that they were compelled to seek the shelter of the buildings to keep warm. Those who came to study the detailed features of the show had no occasion to complain, but the ensemble of court and landscape became dull and lifeless again when it lost the transforming illumination of the sunshine.

As the bulk of the local patronage was registered yesterday it was almost nothing today. The people who had come in Saturday to spend a few days at the exposition and those who were added by the morning trains practically made up the crowd. When this was considered there was nothing dis[?]  Scanned image of page 147 Travel never begins to boom in earnest before Tuesday and Wednesday, and most of the people who arrived today will remain through the greater part of the week. Under any conditions short of an actual blizzard the week will be fairly satisfactory, and with even fairly favorable conditions it is bound to be an immense success.

Sunday Was a Good Day.

The last week of the exposition began most auspiciously. The crowd far exceeded the ordinary Sunday proportions, the day was delightfully attractive after the prize package the weather man handed us last week, and the belated demonstration of the Germans lent the show the most attractive feature that has yet been pulled off on the first day of the week.

Evidently the people had become distrustful of the intentions of the weather distributor, for they seemed anxious to crowd as much enjoyment into the day as possible. While the brilliant sunshine of the preceding day had predicted favorable conditions for the wind up of the show, the skies were not so clear yesterday. The day was no less enjoyable on that account, but the cloud strata that crept along the horizon and scattered at intervals across the stretch of blue were just a little suggestive of less amiable moods. It looked as though the elements thought they had given up too easily and were disposed to make another demonstration just to show that they were not entirely vanquished. So the crowd turned out just as though there was never going to be another pleasant day and long before the gates were officially opened, there were several thousand people on the grounds. As everyone who gets in before 1 o'clock has to put up the full rate, such enthusiasm was commendable and a material benefit to the exposition treasury.

At 1 o'clock the 25-cent admission came into play and then the visitors multiplied. During most of the afternoon there was a continual procession through the main entrances and it was altogether one of the liveliest Sundays of the season. The Elkhorn brought in a big excursion from a number of towns along its route and this was a notable accession to the regular crowd. The attendance seemed to be equal to that of the ordinary weekday and the scene was pretty nearly as animated.

When the German parade arrived at 3 o'clock it added another pretty feature and the progress of the pageant through the grounds was watched by thousands of admirers. The elaborate furnishings of the floats elicited enthusiastic approbation and the general appearance of the cavalcade was exceptionally pleasing. The parade entered the north tract and passed down the Midway and along the boulevard to the Administration arch, where the people broke up to spend the remainder of the day in sightseeing and the vehicles were passed out at the Sherman avenue gate. While the attendance of Germans was not as large as on German day there were enough of them to give a distinctively Teutonic flavor to the occasion. Their representation was largely local and most of them brought their entire families to participate in the enjoyments of the day.

Stock Exhibitors Getting Away.

Yesterday was another busy day with the exhibitors who had animals in the live stock show that closed last week. They were hustling to get their animals out and onto the cars. Before night the barns were pretty well cleaned out, only a few horses remaining.

Warrants for the payment of premiums won at the live stock show will be signed today and will be ready for distribution tonight to the prize winners. The amount of warrants aggregates $22,000 in round numbers. The sum of $35,000 was appropriated by the exposition for the payment of premiums, but owing to the fact that a number of classes were not filled, all of the money will not be paid out. Secretary Williams, who had charge of the books, hustled through with his work and had his figures in the hands of the exposition management within twenty-four hours after the close of the show.

Druggists at the Fair.

Part of the delegates to the national convention of the wholesale druggists and manufacturers of proprietary medicines, which was held at St. Louis last week, came to Omaha yesterday morning to see the exposition and after a couple of days spent here will depart on their several ways, seeking recreation from business cares. In the party which eached​ Omaha yesterday morning were James F. Bullard of St. Louis, DeWitt C. Flannagan, S. D. Blanchet, Irving McKesson, Joseph K. Leeming, W. A. Hamann and wife and Howard M. Kirkland of New York City; Mr. and Mrs. George A. Newman of Louisville, E. D. Taylor and wife of Richmond, Va. Also in the party was W. G. Brooke of New York, representing the St. Louis Republic for the trip. Other delegates arrived on different trains during the day.

Music on the Plaza.

The immense crowds that are packing the Auditorium at the Innes band concerts indicate that the building will be several sizes too small if the weather prohibits giving the evening concerts on the Plaza this week. Saturday night it was decidedly frosty on the Plaza and Mr. Innes protested vigorously against playing there, but there were twice as many people to hear the concert as could be crowded in the Auditorium and the protest was overruled. The succeeding concerts will be given out of doors if possible in order to accommodate the crowd, but if the weather prohibits this the people who want to hear the music will have to get to the Auditorium early.

Pleasant Evening at the Grounds.

It looked like old times on the grounds last night. For the first time in more than a week it was warm enough to make an evening at the exposition enjoyable and there were more people in sight than have been in evidence on any evening since Jubilee week. The band concert was given on the Plaza and the big audience was thoroughly comfortable. The Midway was in full swing again and a big crowd of Omaha people who have been kept away by the cold evenings of late came out to make the most of the opportunity. Most of the people started home early, but there were enough left to keep the Midway busy until well toward the closing hour.

Getting it All in Cash.

The financial affairs of the exposition are being rapidly adjusted in anticipation of the end of the show. The outstanding obligations in the way of notes payable have been reduced to about $2,800 and of the large amount of notes that were received on account of concessions, only $1,500 remains unpaid. The bulk of this amount is good and only one or two of the concessionists are manifesting any reluctance to settle. It is expected that the remaining amounts will be collected during the week, so that everything will be practically paid up when the exposition closes.

Bothered by Bootleggers.

One of the greatest annoyances with which Captain Mercer has had to contend since the Indians came to the exposition has been the bootleggers, who have seemed determined to bring in liquor to the inmates of the camp. Scores of these people have been detected and driven from the grounds. Seldom has one succeeded in disposing of a bottle of liquor without being caught in the act.

As a rule the Indians are not addicted to the use of strong drink, yet there are some who take to it, even if they have never been under its influence.

Photographed in a Group.

The exhibitors in the Mines building got together yesterday, hired a photographer and had their pictures taken. There were about thirty in the group and all occupied a position on the north side of the structure under the projecting portico.

Committee Begins Its Work.

The committee on awards began its examination of the reports of the juries last night. The awards in the apiary exhibit will probably be passed on first and the agricultural will follow. In a day or two the first lists will be announced and the work will be pushed to completion by the end of the week.

The jury on needle work and other purely feminine exhibits will begin its work this morning. It consists of Mrs. Wiggins of California and Mrs. W. V. Cox and Mrs. Ward of Washington.

Fresh Fruit from Canada.

Canada has sent in its last installment of fresh fruit, which has been placed on exhibition in the space in the International hall. The fruit comes from Nova Scotia and Ontario and consists chiefly of apples, though there are some pears, peaches and grapes. The apples compare favorably with the best shown in the Horticulture building, coming in over fifty varieties. The largest apple in the lot weighs twenty-five ounces and is of the Chebucto Beauty variety. It is said to be the largest apple on the exposition grounds.

Inspecting the Minerals.

Dr. George P. Merrill, curator of the National museum at Washington, is visiting the exposition. His trip is primarily for the purpose of inspecting the mineral exhibit in the Mines building, and he will remain in the city for several days. Dr. Merrill says that in his opinion the mineral exhibit is the best and most comprehensive exposition of the mineral resources of the transmississippi country that has ever been brought together.

Final Butter Scoring.

The last butter scoring during the exposition will be made on Tuesday, October 25, and it is predicted that the number of parties entering the contest will be much greater than at any of the previous scorings.


Representatives of the Toronto Exposition Company Here to Attend a Convention.

Canada's representatives to the annual meeting of the American Association of Fair and Exposition Managers arrived in Omaha this morning. The meeting will be held at the Millard hotel, beginning tomorrow and continuing over Wednesday. The Canadian party is from Toronto, and represents the Toronto Exposition company. The members of the party are: H. J. Hill, secretary and manager of the company, and wife; Thomas B. Lee, a wholesale jeweler; Thomas H. Lee, wholesale hardware; P. J. Close and George Vair, directors; J. P. Edwards, treasurer, and Dr. A. W. Bell, assistant secretary. Others in the party are Walter S. Lee, Alderman Adam Lynd, Thomas Bryce, J. Knox Leslie, John M. Bowman and R. T. Cody, city treasurer. Aside from Mr. Bell, the members of the party are attracted to Omaha by the exposition, and they will make a study of the enterprise, for there is some talk of holding an international exposition at Toronto within a few years. Mr. Bell is on the program of the association meeting for a paper, his subject being, "What Can We Do to Establish Uniformity in Rules of Admission?" After the close of the meeting the party will return eastward, stopping for a few days in Chicago. The visitors left Toronto on this trip last Saturday evening, and had a pleasant but uneventful journey.


National Council Opens Its Annual Session in the Congregational Church.


Many Women of National Repute in the Various Movements for the Advancement of Their Sex in Attendance.

The National Council of Women of the United States began its convention in this city this morning in the parlors of the First Congregational church with a business meeting of the officers of the council, presidents and delegates of the national organizations and local councils federated in the national council and members of its cabinet, Mrs. May Wright of Indianapolis, the president, being in the chair.

The credentials of the delegates were first considered and then a very encouraging financial statement was submitted by the treasurer, Hannah J. Bailey of Winthrop Center, Me. Mrs. Sewell and the secretary, Mrs. Louis Barnum Robbins of Adrian, Mich., also submitted reports which were full of encouragement for the future.

The entire morning, until long after the noon hour, was taken up in a discussion of the question, "Shall the Next Triennial, Which is to Convene Next Year, Sit in Two Houses?" The first triennial was held in February, 1891, in Washington, D. C. The second triennial was also held there, but it was postponed from 1894 to 1895 because of the work done by the national council for the congress of representative women in Chicago in 1893. The postponement of the third triennial was due to the long illness and consequent resignation of the president, Mary Lowe Dickinson. The present executive session is being held under the auspices of the exposition. Another question discussed was whether the council should unite in recommending an amendment to the constitution of the International Council of Women for the purpose of securing a more direct representation. Both these matters were referred to committees.

This afternoon the gathering was formally opened in the auditorium of the church at 3 o'clock with a public meeting, an address of welcome being delivered by Mrs. A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln, president of the women's department of the exposition, to which a response was made by the president of the council, Mrs. Sewall. Five-minute talks were then given by the presidents and delegates of organizations and local councils belonging to the national council.

This evening there is to be a general reception in the parlors of the church. Eighteen of the most prominent workers for woman's liberation from the handicaps of tradition are to be present and the women of Omaha will have an opportunity to shake them by the hand. These will include Susan B. Anthony, president of the National Woman's Suffrage association; May Wright Sewall, Rev. Anna Shaw, Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon, president of the Jewish Women's council; Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, president of the Woman's Republic Association of the United States; Mrs. Flo [?]  Scanned image of page 148 dent of the Woman Relief corps, and others whose names have become as familiar to the public as household words. The local committee having this function in charge consists of Miss Mary Fairbrother of the Women's Christian Temperance union, Mrs. J. N. Cornish of the Woman's Suffrage association, Mrs. Henry Wagner, representing the national council, Mrs. C. W. Damon, and Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the local Woman's club.


Depots Fairly Packed with People Who Hurry to See the Exposition.

For a cloudy Monday, morning travel into Omaha was good, while the outgoing travel was declared by attaches of the two passenger stations and otherplaces​ where trains arrive and depart to be the lightest it has been since the exposition swung its gates open. The remarkably low rates given by the railroads for visitors from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota to the exposition during its last week are responsible for the number of people brought in. All of the passenger officials expect that the arrivals will be greater in number as the closing day draws nearer, especially if the weather should become more favorable.

At the Burlington station the work of the regular trains into Omaha had to be supplemented by a special from the Hastings branch. There were eight coaches in the train and all were well filled. The Union Pacific's train from the west came in with two heavily loaded sections. All of the four morning trains from Chicago were well filled, and the local trains from western Iowa points, which arrived later, also brought in a goodly number of visitors. Like the trains of the Burlington and the Union Pacific from the west the morning express of the Rock Island brought in a big number of visitors. The Rock Island's afternoon train from the west is in two sections, with two big loads.

At the Webster street station the arriving trains were well filled and a special of the Elkhorn road from Superior, Neb., and intermediate points arrived shortly after 10 o'clock with another lot of 450 excursionists. As all of the excursion tickets are good for five days they are likely to remain here for some time seeing the exposition and the city.

Rock Island's Officers Coming.

The officers and directors of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway will be here to see the eventful closing of the Transmississippi Exposition. They are now making an inspection of the lines of the system east of the Missiouri​ river, and will arrive here on Saturday. They will spend that day, Sunday and Monday at the exposition grounds and in Omaha.

Among those who are in the party, which is traveling on a handsome special train of six cars, are: R. R. Cable, chairman of the board of directors; Warren G. Purdy, president of the road; H. R. Bishop, R. P. Flower and Marshall Feild, members of the executive committee of the board of directors; W. H. Turesdale, first vice president and general manager; H. A. Parker, second vice president; J. P. Phillips, treasurer; George H. Crosby, secretary; W. U. I. Allen, assistant general manager; A. J. Hitt, general superintendent; John Sebastian, general passenger agent; H. Gower and E. B. Boyd, general freight agents.


Yesterday's Attendance Shows Increasing Interest in the Great Exposition.

Prospects for the Week Are Good for Exceptionally Large Crowds of Eager Sightseers.

Exhibitors Rearrange Displays for Final Exhibitions and All Parts of Immense Show Look Bright and New.

Sunday's Admissions23,621
Total Admissions2,354,301

Cloudless skies and balmy breezes caressed the exposition yesterday and after giving the enthusiastic Germans due credit, made it the very best Sunday of the whole exposition, the attendance being 23,621, a total to date of 2,354,301.

Before this time the best Sunday has been that of two weeks ago, the first day of peace jubilee week, 19,807. Up to that time the last Sunday of September had been best with 16,035. Yesterday, however, was an exceptional beginning for what it is believed will be an exceptional week. Since the clouds have cleared away and continued good weather is in sight, there is a revival of exposition interest everywhere.

It was an ideal day to visit the exposition yesterday, neither too warm nor too cool for comfort, with just enough breeze to gaily float the silken flags, but not enough below to raise the dust, had there been one to raise.

It was a day that brought out the city people, and they made the Midway ring with a new life till well toward midnight, while the Innes concerts were given to seething masses of humanity, sitting till no more seats were left, and then standing around in a wide circle, cheerful as could be.

The Germans owned the day, however. They followed the swell parade from down town early in the afternoon by thousands, began having a good time early and kept it up late. They hugely enjoyed the German music at the band concerts, filled to overflowing the big pavilions where foamy-crested liquid refreshments are served, and orchestras play tunes of the Fatherland, and for the day threw dull care aside.


In the Horticultural building there has been a general brushing up and polishing over for the last week of the exposition. New fruits have arrived, new arrangements made, and additions are everywhere apparent.

The last lot of Nebraska's cold storage apples of last year's crop, and the choicest, were yesterday placed in the Nebraska display, twenty-seven hardy varieties, smooth and glossy and perfect. A recent attraction added to the display is a massive horseshoe supporting a cornucopia, both of cut flowers, from which pours bushels of bright red apples. There is also an abundance of fresh peaches and grapes, with a supply of sixty baskets of grapes and 100 of peaches.

Los Angeles has sent a choice variety of oranges, peaches and other fruits. Thirteen cases have arrived and will be installed today. Among the novelties to this country are collections of cactus fruit, pomegranites​ and Japanese persimmons.

Iowa has renewed her display of all varieties of commercial apples, mostly from Mills country. Some unusually large peaches have been added. The display is now in charge of J. W. Murphy, superintendent, and Frank M. Nebe, assistant.

The Colorado exhibit has just received twelve boxes of apples, peaches and pears from Delta county, which will be at once installed, as will a fine collection of grapes from Grand Junction. A sample of apple, perfectly formed, weighs twenty-five ounces and is fifteen inches in circumference.

Wisconsin, Illinois, Idaho and Oregon are each making brilliant showings of splendid fruits, well kept and arranged.

No further orders having been received by Captain Yancey and the signal corps to proceed to Huntsville, Ala., preparations will continue for several balloon ascensions this week. Since the signal corps was sent here for the exposition it is believed that no order contemplating its removal before the close of the exposition will be made.


Last evening while one of the German bands which had made glad the German procession of the day was trying to make an exit through one of the Sherman avenue turnstiles the bass drummer got his drum in a tight place. If he pushed ahead the drum would be crushed and if he pushed back and had muscle enough the turnstile would be broken. Obeying the old-time injunction to tell your troubles to a policeman a guard was called in, and after due deliberation it was decided that the only remedy was to saw off three or four spikes of the turnstile. Permissions was sought from guard headquarters and refused. At a late hour the drum was still stuck and the drummer was sweating blood. The same kind of a dilemma happened Bohemian day.


German-American Citizens Show Their Great Love for Their Adopted Country.

Grand Pageant, Typical of Patriotism, Passes Through Omaha Streets Before Great Crowds.

Postponement From Last Tuesday, Owing to Unfavorable Weather, Gave Opportunity for Adding to Display.

It was the gayest and most picturesque parade which Omaha has seen in this year of pageants and parades—that of German day yesterday afternoon. It was an artistic commingling of the military and the social—of men and women on foot, on horseback, in carriages and a number of elaborate floats, representing historical events and home conditions.

In color the German day parade was especially fine, exceeding that of any parade of the present year. If the postponement of it from last Tuesday—German day at the exposition—had any unfavorable effect it was not noticeable. That the people of Omaha and visitors in the city expected something out of the ordinary was very evident, for at 1 o'clock, the hour set for starting, the court house grounds and the streets in the immediate vicinity of Germania hall were thronged with thousands of people, and all along the route to the exposition the sidewalks and in the center of the city even the streets, were crowded with people waiting to see the parade.

Over and under and through every part of the parade could be read "Love of Country." There was no banner bearing such an inscription or that of "Patriotism," or any synonym of it. There was no need of such a banner. Could it have been resolved into letters the whole parade would probably have read, "Our Country—Our Fatherland." For with all the intense and seemingly overpowering love of the fatherland, of its heroes and its heroic and home traditions, in the parade yesterday afternoon, the stars and stripes did not simply share an equal part—Old Glory was the only banner behind which a number of the societies marched. Everywhere the idea of a "nation" dominated—the different sovereignties united by the genius and strength of Bismarck and Von Molkte under Emperor William I., marched marched side by side, as would representatives of the different states of the United States—proud of their state, prouder of a united fatherland, proudest of the country of their adoption.


It was nearly 2 o'clock when the parade got fairly under way. Leading it was Grand Marshal Stoecker, followed immediately by four buglers of the Second Nebraska, United States volunteers, Buglers Miles of company G, Walt of company F and Murphy and Ellsworth of company A.

Then came a long procession of historical German characters, surrounded by guards, all mounted and in bright colored costumes of the times and characters they represented.

Barbarossa led the way, and Hermann der Grosse, Prince Rudolph, Blucher, with Napoleon a little in the rear and alone, and others were there, William I., Bismarck and Von Moltke bringing up the rear, all with their outriders and couriers.

A company of German cavalry made a fine appearance. One notable feature of the parade was the size and robust look of all those taking part in the parade, both on foot and mounted.

Drawn by four white horses and in a lavishly decorated carriage, surrounded by gard du corps, sat the three German heroes of the present century, and excellent presentments of William I., Bismarck and Von Moltke were, respectively, C. F. Bouffler, Charles Kauffman and John Waller.

Prominent Germans in carriages preceded the Omaha and South Omaha Platt deutcher vereins, which in turn were followed by the Austrian verein, a company representing the old German soldiers of a feudal lord; the Omaha Swaben verein, St. Peter's verein of St. Joseph's church, Bavarian verein, Orpheus Singing society, Herman lodge, No. 96, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Saxony verein, Swiss verein, mounted Germans from Millard and vicinity, Benson, Elkhorn and other points.

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In the parade, as stated, were a number of handsome floats, and the Omaha Military band, Omaha Concert band, Columbia Military band, Hoffman's band and the Bechtold band furnished the music.

After marching through the business part of the city the parade proceeded out Sixteenth street and Sherman avenue to the exposition grounds, where the afternoon and evening were spent, special provision have been made in the line of a concert of German music by the Innes band and in other ways.


The floats were very elaborate and it was apparent that much thought had been given to their conception and execution. Each told a story relating to an important epoch in the history of the Faderland and the manner in which even the smallest details were carried out indicated that the heart of the designer was in the work.

There were but six floats in the line, and here, again, the unpleasant weather of last week was responsible for a change in plan. Three other floats were prepared and ready for the parade, but they were so large that no covered place could be found for them and they were left standing in the open air. The rain and snow played havoc with them and the time was too short to redecorate them.

The floats were distributed along the line of the procession, the first one being well in the front of the line. This was a representation of the good emperor, Frederick Barberossa, so called on account of his red beard. He ruled over the great German empire in the eleventh century and was renowned for his wisdom and goodness. His castle surmounted Mount Kiefhauser and many years after his death the legend gained currency that the old king was not dead, but was sleeping in a big cave in the mountain beneath the old castle.

The empire had lost some of its prestige at this time and the story ran that the old king would continue to sleep until the ancient glory of the empire was restored. He was supposed to be sitting at a table, sleeping with bowed head, his beard resting on the table. At intervals he would awaken and send a messenger to the outer world to see if the birds were still flying about the mountain, the story being that not until the empire was restored would the birds cease to fly about the old castle. On the float the king was represented sitting at a table in a cave beneath a mountain, surmounted by an ancient castle. About him were brownies, subject to his orders as messengers to the outer world. Other brownies guarded the precious treasures buried in the depths of the mountain.


The second float was that prepared by the Plattduetsch verein. This represented the "Hansa," a very powerful organization of merchants which flourished in Germany in the twelfth century. Merchants from Hamburg, Danzig, Leipsic and Bremen formed this organization, which virtually ruled the world, controlling the commerce and making and unmaking rulers.

A mountain in the center of the front portion of the float was surmounted by a full-rigged ship of ancient pattern. On each of the four sides sat a young woman representing one of the four cities forming the league. Each bore the coat-of-arms of the city she represented. At the back of the float appeared a fisherman, representing the fishing industry of the coast, and a girl in national costume, representing the entire German nation. Above these latter appeared the motto of the Plattduetsch verein, "Jungs, Holt Fast."

The third float was one prepared by the Schwaben verein and represented the good Eberhart, count of Wurtemburg, in the eleventh century. Eberhart was a ruler of a small province, but so wise and generous was he that it was said of him he might, with impunity, go about unguarded to any part of his dominions and sleep with his head in the lap of any of his subjects without fear, a very dangerous operation in those troublous times.

In the float Eberhart appeared, surrounded by members of the Schwaben verein, an ancient society which flourished in Wurtemburg in those early days and of which the Omaha society is a lineal descendant.


St. Peter's society of St. Joseph's church contributed the fourth float. This was a very large float and was historical in its nature. It depicted three periods; the first, the "Old Country," in the early days, illustrated by a cabin in dilapidated condition, with people about in ancient costume and pursuing old time avocations; the second, the Christianizing of the country by St. Boniface, represented by the energetic priest in canonical robes chopping down trees on a mountain and surrounded by people dressed in skins; the third, the Germans in America, represented by a bevy of young girls dressed in white and singing in church, also by another group of girls, also in white, and flanked by volunteer soldiers in uniform.

The fifth float told the story of William Tell. The tyrant, Gessler, sat upon his horse, commanding the people to salute his hat, which surmounted a tall pole at the rear of the float. About him were guards. The heroic Tell occupied the center of the float, holding his cross bow with which he was about to shoot the apple from the top of his boy's head, the lad standing at the front of the float under a tree.

An allegorical float representing the union between America and Germany closed the parade. Columbia and Germania stood at the rear on a dais, side by side, and in front of them sat four young women representing art, agriculture, science and industry. About them were the products of the ground and of the arts and sciences.


Termination of One of the Most Notable of the Many Gatherings in Omaha.

Several Eloquent Speakers Address a Large Audience at First Congregational Church.

Meeting Visited by Susan B. Anthony, Rev. Anna M. Shaw and Other Women Who Are Here to Attend Council.

What was called a platform meeting of the liberal congress of religion was held at the First Congregational church yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It was the last meeting, and when it was over many of those prominent in its sessions took trains for their homes.

Just before the meeting opened Susan B. Anthony, Rev. Anna M. Shaw and other women prominent in the woman's suffrage movement and woman's work generally entered and were given places on the platform amid the applause of the audience.

At the suggestion of Dr. Thomas all arose and joined Rev. Anna M. Shaw in the Lord's prayer.

Dr. Hirsch, it was then announced, would conduct the meeting.

Dr. Hirsch said that all trusted that a few thought germs had fallen on fertile soil in Omaha during the sessions of the congress and that in due time they would spring up and bear fruit.

Some had a prejudice against the word liberal, feeling that a liberal was one who destroyed. For this reason some had desired to strike the word from the name of the congress. With this sentiment he could not side. If prejudice was to obliterate a word then he, himself, bore a name that ought to be obliterated. But as long as prejudice held that a Jew could never represent the highest in manhood he would cling to it and contradict the prejudice by calling attention to the great examples of his own race.

Dr. Hirsch maintained that liberalism was neither levity nor destruction. It was essentially constructive. It merely emphasized the proposition that every man had a right to think for himself. As soon as the new liberalism sprang up it was true that too much stress was apparently laid on trivial matters and that the passion soon prevailed of denying everything that in religion was commonly held, and that the human mind and the human soul could no longer grow under the shadow of the church and the synagogue.

But later, liberalism had come to recognize that church and synagogue were divinely appointed agents to advance the world to a certain stage of progress and destined, modified as they should be, to advance it still further.


Liberalism held that religion, yea, religion, was the salvation of humanity. But it held that religion had no part in the Spanish inquisition, nor in the persecution of his own people, with all of these horrors Christianity had nothing to do.

So called religious persecutions were fanned up either by political ambition or economical error. In every place, in every land, religion had been a social bond for the union of men, never for the separation of them.

This was proved by the record of the literature of the present time. The best books lately issued and being issued were of essentially religious character. Even the novels were of this kind, and the reason was that they answered to the appeal for a more genuine and broader religion. The world was hungering for the new word that was to heal and to lift up, that was to bring peace.

Germany, formerly cynical and apparently skeptical, had again become in fact a religious nation. A French author who had discussed the symptomatic condition of the French people, was quoted as saying that the French [?] higher idealism and that they could be caused to do this only through religion.

"Our congress," said he, "is the John the Baptist going before one higher, a stronger movement that will baptize with the fire of a higher inspiration."

In this movement would be all, Christian, Jew, atheist even, who loved justice, each standing up for his own system, indeed, yet all under one flag, the banner of humanity.

Dr. Hirsch was heartily applauded as he concluded, as he had frequently been during the progress of his remarks.


He then called on Susan B. Anthony. He said that for a long time the word humanity had meant but one-half of humanity. It meant only male humanity. It was only recently that men were beginning to acknowledge that they owed to women the best that was in them. He referred to Miss Anthony as one who had been most conspicuous in laboring for woman suffrage.

Miss Anthony was greeted with a great clapping of hands and waving of handkerchiefs.

She said she was born and reared a Quaker and supposed that one ought never to speak except by special inspiration from on high. She had never heard Dr. Hirsch on the woman subject before, but she thought he must be a pretty good Quaker.

Miss Anthony referred to the jubilee banquet at Chicago when 12,000 were crowded into the Auditorium to celebrate victories of peace, and not one woman in the company, not a woman thought of. When the poor soldier boys were at the front and became sick they were nursed by other mothers' sons, the surgeon general declaring that no mothers' daughters should go to the front to nurse. The only department in which there was criticism was the only department in which there was room for women and where they were denied.

Think of taking a man for commissary general who did not know in what drawer of the dresser his shirt was or whether he needed one or fifty bushels of potatoes in the cellar for the winter. What woman would have selected a place for 20,000 men to camp where there was no water fit to drink within five miles? And when Secretary Alger took a drink out of that frog pond at Montauk Point he only said that he had tasted worse water.

Miss Anthony concluded with discussing the refusal of President McKinley to sign an order abolishing the canteen system in the army. He refused because compliance would have disrupted his party. He would have signed it had it been true that the women who asked him to would have had the right by ballots to say whether he should be the next president of the United States.

"And we also have the doubting Thomas," said Dr. Hirsch, as Miss Anthony closed, "and we must hear from him."


Amid laughter Dr. Thomas arose. He spoke a few earnest words about the spirit of the congress. He referred to the statement of Dr. Hirsch that liberalism was not destructive, and enlarged a little on the idea. Liberalism was rather disposed to conserve the good found everywhere, but to extend the spiritual and the moral horizon as well. It would not take away from Christianity anything that was sacred and, therefore, uplifting in it. It would not take away anything that was sacred in Mohammedanism, Catholicism, Judaism or Confucianism or Buddhism. It would not detract from the truth discovered of old, but would add to it. Truth was growth and the men of the old time discovered it as far as they could. Mistakes had not been made about nothing, but about something. There was a truth somewhere about every error. And as a man grew he would find that all truth and systems of truth and systems of doctrine belonged in some way to him. The same sky and the same sun and the same God were over all men.

It sometimes was necessary to travel a thousand years away from a great character in order to learn that he belonged to no nation or school, but to humanity.

Twenty-eight years ago, Dr. Thomas said, he had been converted to Judaism. Later he was converted to Catholicism, for he had found much goodnes​ and truth in it. He was still a Methodist, though the Methodists sometimes did not like to admit it, and he was a Presbyterian and so on. This was the spirit of the congress.

Beauty and truth and great thoughts and great men belonged to all mankind and might be appropriated and become the life of all. And the spirit of liberalism was spreading. It was manifest out here in the free west. At no place had the congress ever had a more hearty welcome and reception than in Omaha.


Rev. Anna H. Shaw of Philadelphia was next called for. She expressed her sympathy with the ideas and the aims of the congress. She made reference to her connection with Methodism and said that it was well there were those who pushed forward to occupy higher heights, though others were slow to follow.

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Rev. Jenkyn Lloyd Jones was then called up by Dr. Hirsch as "the human dynamo of the liberal congress movement." Mr. Jones spoke very seriously of the purposes of the congress and of the work it had just accomplished here. So earnest had been the sentiment here that the leaders in the movement were being sent away with orders that would keep them busy for another twelve months. Behind the movement were men who had thought much and had felt deeply. Behind it was judgment moved by love, and philosophy illumined by conscience. The congress was on the fighting line between conscience and the injustice and iniquity in the world. Much had been said about the heroism of the boys in the front at Santiago. But he desired to emphasize that the courage which wins great victories on the battlefield is the cheapest kind of courage that the world knows anything about.

The worst cause had always had men to die for it, but the greatest, the noblest of causes had often languished for lack of men with the courage to live for them. He only hoped that the men who had bravely stood at the front in battle would not falter when the returned home; that they would not retreat here who advanced there.

And this courage on the field, too, was not to be mentioned beside that exercised by the mothers and the wives at home, who murmured not, not cried while the heart bled. Mr. Jones here paid his tribute of admiration and love to the representatives present of the noble women who had been persistent in furthering the cause of justice and equity, and turning to Miss Anthony and her friends he said: "We are glad that you are here to carry on for another week the work that we have been doing. But let me say to you that we have set you a lively pace. (Laughter and applause.) You will have to talk a great deal more sense than you would have had to had you come the week before we did. (Laughter.) But I have confidence that you will not only keep up with our pace, but pass it. For four or five years you have been tagging us about, coming into a town about one week behind us. Now suppose that some time we quit this game of tag and come together, taking a town abreast, and then what a day for that town." (Laughter.)


Dr. Hirsch then said the concluding word for the congress. And in doing so he related an old rabbinical tale. It was that of the traveler who having come far found shelter under an apple tree, whose fruit also afforded him feed and from a spring at the foot of which he secured water. Arising to leave the next morning he said to the tree, "O, apple tree, how can I thank you for your kindness in sheltering and refreshing me? I might say that you have fruit, but you have an abundance of the finest fruit. I might ask that you have rich foliage, but your foliage is abundant. I might ask that there should always be water for they​ roots, but a clear and cold spring bubbles up at thy feet. What, then, shall I ask for thee. I can only say, may there unto thee."

"And so," said Dr. Hirsch, "shall I say to Omaha, may there be many like unto thee."

The audience then arose while Dr. Hirsch pronounced the priestly benediction, and the fifth annual meeting of the liberal congress of religion was over.


Board Member Talks of Difficulties in the Way.

Apropos of the meeting of the park board Monday afternoon, a park commissioner yesterday afternoon said:

"It might be well to call the attention of the public to the fact that the park board three months ago passed a resolution that it would not consider any proposition to exercise its right of eminent domain for the acquisition of new park grounds unless the same was in petition form signed by the property owners, who would have to foot the bill. We are now asked to take steps to secure the grand court and bluff tract at the exposition grounds and maintain them as a public park.

"That resolution applies here, and it will be well for those who are backing the move to see about getting the signatures of the property owners in the north part of the city. If that property is to be acquired by purchase a district would be set apart by the city council as representing the territory to be benefited and that district would have to pay the purchase price. It might be as far south as Cuming and as far west as Thirtieth street. It seems to me that the promoters of the exposition park scheme would do well to get those property owners into line.

"So far as the plan to sell Miller park and use the proceeds in buying the new one is concerned, that land cost us $900 an acre, and we could not sell it for over $150 an acre now. Any attempt of that kind would result in a [?] would not realize [?]


Railroad Week Opens With a Promise of Aiding Its Thousands to the Total.

Strangers See the Exposition and Keep Up the Average Attendance to a High Mark.

Indians Are a Center of Attraction These Days and the Relics They Are Accumulating Would Fill Several Junk Shops.

Monday's Admissions17,981
Total Admissions2,372,644

First results in Railroad week began appearing on the exposition grounds yesterday in the presence of thousands of interested strangers. After the Omaha people had done their share for Saturday and Sunday the strangers made up the bulk of admissions yesterday, and promise to do more today, for last night the city was brimming over with them. The rates that have been cut down practically to half a cent a mile for the four states surrounding Omaha are beginning to be effective.

For the delectation of the students of art it has been decided to brilliantly illuminate the Fine Arts building each evening till 10 o'clock till the close of the exposition, instead of closing it early in the evening, as heretofore. Preparations are being made for the art sales of November 1, 2, 3.

The local affairs of the Indian congress nowadays are the most interesting features, for the preparations for moving home that are being made are as elaborate as if journeys to Europe and the holy land are contemplated. Men are buying stuff to wear that would paralyze a Broadway swell, while the feminine dress models are ten years in advance of Paris. The man, woman or child without a new trunk or dressing case to take home is a rarity. Each Indian is to be presented with a gold souvenir medal, while certificates of good character are to be given to the deserving Indians.

None of the reds went home yesterday, but the Flatheads, Lower Brules, Omahas and Winnebagoes will probably go today. Geronimo and his band will stay to the end of this week, for their sales of souvenirs and the attention that is being given to the old chief form a powerful inducement for them to remain.


But a Few Days Remain in Which to See the Sights.

Seven days remain in which to see the Cyclorama, reproducing the historic naval fight. Yesterday the place was crowded again with people from all parts of the country.

Mr. Mattox, the capable manager of the Wild West Show, had no idea how popular he was until yesterday, when the members of the show presented him with a handsome gold watch.

The management of the German Village is to be congratulated not only on the popularity of the resort, but of the splendid services. The weather has never been too cold for the famous Edelweiss beer, adn​ all the time the place is crowded.

Celebrate Innes' Birthday.

A committee of Innes' band, consisting of Piccoloist Heidelberg, Cornetist Hindley and Trombonist Meiswinkel, interviewed Manager Powell of the Iler Grand last night with a view to arranging for a banquet which the members of the band, in accordance with an annual custom, will tender to Bandmaster Innes on the occasion of his 41st birthday, next Saturday night. Covers will be laid for fifty-five, and in addition to the band it is likely that several prominent exposition and city officials will be invited to take part in this signal honor to the popular musician.

It is the custom at this annual dinner of the band that each nationality therein by represented on the list of speakers. These speeches are all made in the language of the nationality.

A serenade will probably be tendered to the wife of the director before sitting down to the banquet, this being the one occasion when Innes' band permits itself to be heard outside the strict line of its concert work.

Exposition Stockholders' Meeting.

The exposition stockholders' meeting at the city hall Friday night is being discussed by a number of interested persons, and several prominent stockholders are preparing to talk not only on the subject to discuss which the meeting was called, that of holding the exposition open next year, but also on other exposition subjects. The manner in which the exposition executive committee is preparing to sell out everything and close up shop without consulting the stockholders and also the question of how the money left over is to be divided among the stockholders are among the questions likely to [?]

Finding the Lost.

Looking after lost children and property constitutes the bulk of the work of the exposition guards nowadays. Saturday last the guard headquarters were turned into a nursery for several hours, but all the lost little folk were called for in good season. One mother rushed frantically around for her lost 10-year-old boy because he was "so shy and unacquainted." At last she gave up and had to be led to the Council Bluffs car line because she couldn't find the way. There she found the boy waiting and grumbling because his mother didn't know enough to take care of herself. A young woman of 22 years was picked up lost yesterday, and she didn't have the least idea of what to do with herself till relatives called for her.

Bluecoats Will Not Be There.

Soldier uniforms, which have been so conspicuous on the exposition grounds for the last few days, will, in a very large measure, be missing after today. The exposition executive committee ordered several days ago that the Second Nebraska volunteers be admitted at the north entrance free, when presenting themselves in uniform, up to and including today. Having nothing else to do for several days past, the soldiers have liberally availed themselves of the privilege. With the mustering out of the regiment yesterday, the leaving of a majority of the men and change to civilian clothing of those left, together with no more free admissions, will much change the appearance of the exposition crowds.

Exposition Notes.

Yesterday the pupils at the deaf and dumb institute were given a day at the exposition. They were under the general direction of Superintendent Dawes and under the immediate supervision of the teachers of the institution. There were 100 or more of them. They had lunch and hot coffee at the Nebraska building at noon, and after that took possession generally of the grounds.

A regular meeting of the Nebraska state commission will be held tonight and tomorrow forenoon.

State Librarian Barrett has written Mrs. Josephine F. Hull of Norfolk, who executed the portraits of Senator Allen, Governor Holcomb, Governor Dawes and Colonel Bryan that adorn the Nebraska building, requesting that she contribute them to be hung in the new fire-proof rooms of the State Historical society at the university. The pictures have been greatly admired.

Georgia Building for Sale.

The Georgia building on exposition grounds will be sold at low figures. Send bids to undersigned, care Georgia building. W. J. Northen.


Preservation of the Artificial Lake the Subject of a Special Session's Discussion.

The scheme to preserve the exposition lagoon as a centerpiece of a park in the northern part of the city occupied the attention of a special meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners yesterday afternoon. This is the plan that has been agitated lately and of which mention has already been made in The Bee.

R. W. Richardson was the principal advocate of the scheme. He presented a petition containing some 300 signatures, asking that the park board should take some action to secure the land upon which the lagoon is located. Among the names attached to this petition were those of the following exposition directors: Frank Murphy, Edward Rosewater, G. W. Wattles, E. E. Bruce and F. P. Kirkendall.

The plan advanced by these petitioners is that the park should contain some eleven acres, including not only the entire lagoon, but also a portion of the bluff tract. The park board has no money with which to purchase this land and recommends that the adjoining property owners should buy it. Nevertheless this matter will be the principal business at a meeting to be held next Friday afternoon.

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Attendance at the Exposition Today the Only Special Feature.


Railroad Week Attracts Many Who Have Not Hitherto Been Visitors.


Grateful Change Greets the World After a Decidedly Unpleasant Bluff.


People Now Here Show Every Indication of Staying to the Close and the Result is a Record Breaker in Sight for Monday.

Total Admissions Yesterday17,981
Total to Date2,372,644

It was just a bluff after all. What seemed like the beginning of another period of really wintry weather fizzled out in a dash of mingled snow and rain during the night and today the transmissippi​ show once more rejoices in the sunshine. The change was welcomed with unqualified gratification by the exposition officials, who had begun to fear that the splendid climax of their anticipations was to be marred by an unseasonable storm, and the bright skies promise everything that they had hoped. The wind still clings to the north, but its effect was scarcely disagreeable after it was tempered by the warm sunlight. The dust on the walks had been effectually disposed of by the combined efforts of the elements and the sprinklers and the people who had come to see the show in the face of menacing conditions found everything to their liking and the exposition at its best.

The crowd was not a record breaker, but it was a decided improvement on that of the day before. The first installments of the big volume of travel that is turning toward Omaha appeared, and all the forenoon the people passed the gates in constantly increasing numbers. It was very largely a farmers' crowd, and the sturdy and prosperous appearance of the agriculturists who came to see the show and brought their entire families with them was a sufficient indication of prosperous times in the rural districts. They were well if plainly dressed and carried themselves with the unmistakable air of people who are on good terms with the world. Many of them were paying their first visit to the exposition and their expressions of admiration and interest were just as extravagant as though their neighbors had not assured them that it is the greatest show they will ever have an opportunity to see.

The Hastings excursion that the Elkhorn brought in this morning did not fully fulfill expectations. The special dropped 300 or 400 at the north gate, but these were only a handful as compared with the general arrived. The people accounted for the rather limited number of excursionists by saying that many of their neighbors wanted to wait a day or two and then stay to see the finish and they declared that they will come in full force during the next two days.

With indications that the present good weather will continue through the week the expectations of a magnificent finish are emphasized. People have been waiting for the weather to settle and now they will start with a rush. The railroads are prepared to haul immense crowds during the next two or three days, and as most of the visitors will remain until the end of the week the attendance is expected to increase every day until the grand climax is reached and Omaha day goes after the record. It had been expected that the last day of the show would have to depend very largely on local attendance, but it begins to look as though it would be heavily supplemented. There seems to be a very general desire on the part of Iowa and Nebraska people to be in at the finish, and this encourages the belief that if the Omaha people turn out as they should the 100,000 mark can be exceeded. This is the end toward which the management is directing its energies and with flattering prospects of success.


Juries Begin the Examination of the Educational Exhibit.

The juries of awards that are under the control of the Woman's Board of Managers have begun work and will complete their inspection of the exhibits this week. These [?]tion and refer exclusively to educational exhibits. The prizes are handsome pennants, which will be distributed among the best exhibits in the various classes into which the educational department is divided. One pennant will be awarded for the best state exhibit, one each for ten of the best county exhibits and one for the best exhibit from each of thirty-two classes which comprise the entire exhibit. These are divided into seven groups, which are summarized as public and private schools, education for defective classes, technical schools, special schools, art schools, music and miscellaneous. The juries included the following individuals: Mrs. Holyoke, Omaha; Miss Baldwin, Council Bluffs; Miss Fanny Cooms, South Omaha; Dr. Wolfe, South Omaha; Superintendent of Schools Hayden, Council Bluffs; Mrs. McGilton, Omaha; Mrs. L. M. Guttery, Bellevue; Mr. J. S. Baer, Lincoln; Mr. Crabtree, Lincoln; Mrs. H. S. Wilson, Miss Samantha Davis, H. R. Corbett, W. P. Harford, Omaha; Mrs. Belle S. Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth; Herbert Rogers, Victor Rosewater, Miss Kate McHugh, Father McDevitt, Omaha; Rev. C. C. Smith, South Omaha; Hon. Albert Watkins, Lincoln; Andrew Rosewater, Henry Rustin, Miss Ida Condit, Mrs. W. P. Hanchett, J. M. Gillan, Omaha; Frank Wiggin, Los Angeles; A. H. Griffith, Detroit; Louis Jurgenson, Omaha; Mrs. Hall, Lincoln; Mr. Willard Kimball, Lincoln; Mrs. S. C. Cotton, Omaha; Mr. Seigmund Lundsberg, South Omaha; Rev. F. S. Stein, Lincoln.


Senator Dunlap of Illinois Praises the Horticultural Display.

Senator Dunlap of Champaign, Ill., arrived yesterday and will spend the balance of the week at the exposition. He is also president of the Illinois State Horticultural society and in speaking of the fruit exhibit made at the exposition said: "It is the best that I have ever seen at any exposition or fair held in the United States. I was here in June and at that time I thought that the exhibit was fine, but it has improved in every respect since then. It is large—much larger than I expected to find—and then the varieties shown are simply astonishing. Every state represented seems to have taken a great interest in sending on fruit and I am glad of it, as it will redound to the interests of the fruit growers. Already we are beginning to feel the effects of the Illinois exhibit. We are receiving orders for fruit and fruit trees from sections that have heretofore been entirely out of our territory, the parties writing informing us that they have seen our exhibits here. In dollars and cents the fruit exhibit alone has paid the state for the entire expenditure required to make our exhibit and, in my judgment, I regard the expenditure of the money a good investment."

Griffith's Scenic Railway.

Visitors to the Transmississippi Exposition have found the Scenic Railway the greatest place of enjoyment, pleasure and outing of any on the Midway. Here they can spend an hour listening to the seductive strains of the unexcelled Griffith Cornet band, which plays constantly during the day and evening to the delight of their patrons, and after a joyous ride around the double track through the dark tunnels and witnessing the beautiful scenery of the harbor and battle of Manila, showing the many war ships of the white navy of the United States, they find a haven of rest where they can get a fine luncheon and pass the time pleasantly. Mr. Griffith has been making many improvements in equipment and construction of gearing of cars and track and has fully arranged for a number of roads for other cities and expositions with the sale of franchises for same to be constructed and shipped at once. Mr. Griffith contemplates putting in at the Paris exposition one of the finest nickel plate tracks and equipment roads ever constructed in any country. It will probably cost a hundred thousand dollars, but will prove a grand achievement and a monument to his enterprise and a crowning success to his efforts and financial success, as has proven the case in all other instances and places where he has placed his patented railways.

Tri-City Day.

Wednesday, October 26, will be Tri-City day at the exposition. An excursion has been arranged that will enable 1,000 people from the three cities—Rock Island, Davenport and Moline—to pay the fair a visit and they will bring with them several notable officials of these cities to participate in the exercises that will be held in honor of their coming. In the Auditorium, beginning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, will be held exercises, including a number of addresses by prominent men. The program as now arranged is: Address of welcome, Hon. Frank E. Moores and President Wattles. Responses, George T. Baker, mayor of Davenport; T. J. Medill, mayor of Rock Island, and Gustaf Swensson, mayor of Moline. Music, Svea quartet, Moline, and [?]

Jury to Award Diplomas.

The award of diplomas has been entirely completed as far as the juries are concerned and the reports are now being checked up by the committee on awards. The remaining jurors who have made their final reports are Jules Lumbard, Omaha; Henry E. Dosch, Portland, Ore.; I. N. Simpson, Chicago; Charles R. Dodge, Washington; A. H. Griffith, Detroit, Mich.; T. J. Kelly, Omaha; Mrs. W. Van Sant Cox, Washington; Mrs. H. C. Ward, Washington, and Mrs. Frank Wiggins, Los Angeles, Cal. The list of awards in the Apiary building was announced by Superintendent Hardt this morning and that in the Mines and Mining building will probably be ready to give out tomorrow. The others will follow rapidly and everything will be cleaned up before the end of the exposition.

Stock Barns Deserted.

The live stock barns on the North tract present a somewhat deserted appearance yesterday and about all that the visitors to them found that was of interest was the exhibit of horses. All of the cattle, hogs and sheep had been removed, as well as many of the horses. The balance of the horses, of which there are a large number, will remain upon the grounds until Thursday. All of the stockmen pronounce the show a most complete success and what pleases them most is the fact that the premiums have all been paid and that without any scaling.

Art Building Opens Evenings.

The management has yielded to the pressure of the public and has decided to keep the Art building open in the evening until the close of the fair. Last night it was brilliantly illuminated and a large number of visitors spent their time in viewing the paintings and statuary by electric light. The doors were not closed until the gates to the grounds had been locked for the night.

Notes of the Exposition.

R. H. Leland, one of the wealthy farmers from the vicinity of Waterloo, Ia., is visiting the exposition and is making his headquarters at the Iowa state building. This is his first visit to the exposition and he regrets that he did not come earlier for the purpose of seeing the animals in the live stock show.

The Nebraska Exposition commission will hold a meeting at the Nebraska state building tonight. There is little business for transaction aside from passing upon the salary pay roll and the regular monthly salary accounts. This will be the last meeting that the commission will hold until after the close of the exposition.

R. J. Coe of Fort Atkinson, Wis., has arrived to take charge of the Wisconsin fruit exhibit in the Horticulture building. He will remain until the close of the exposition. He is one of the leading horticulturists of Wisconsin and has attended the fairs for years. He says that the fruit exhibit here is the best that he has ever seen.

The inmates of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb spent yesterday on the exposition grounds. There were no special exercises inaugurated for their benefit. They passed through the main buildings, visited the Indians and the Midway and had an enjoyable time. At noon they lunched at the Nebraska building, participating in what is known as a basket picnic.

Graham P. Browne of Hotchkiss, Colo., has arrived and will assist during the balance of the week in exploiting the resources of the state from which he hails. He will work in the Horticulture building, assisting Superintendents Lane and Fravert, who have charge of the fruit. Mr. Browne was a resident of Omaha twenty years ago and was one of the first carriers of The Omaha Bee.

W. H. Hurd, editor of the Cedar Falls Gazette, and ex-Mayor C. A. Wise, who is also president of the State bank of Cedar Falls, arrived from their Iowa homes yesterday and will spend the balance of the week at the exposition. They say that with the present railroad rates there will be thousands of Iowa people here during the remaining days of the exposition, providing the weather is anything like decent.

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Annual Convention of the Association is Called to Order.


Fair Weather Attracts the Delegates to the Exposition and Leaves the Afternoon Program to Be Carried Out Tonight.

The opening session of the annual convention of the American Association of Fair and Exposition Managers, was held at the Millard hotel this morning at 10 o'clock. Besides the regularly appointed delegates there were a large number of others present who are interested in the work of the association. Some of the delegates had not arrived, but a full representation of all the states that hold membership in the association is expected to be here this afternoon.

After the call to order by the president, Robert W. Furnas, the roll of the delegates was taken by the secretary and showed the following to be present: From Illinois, Colonel J. Irving Pierce of Chicago, A. J. Lovejoy of Roscoe, Lafayette Funk of Shirley, W. C. Gerrard of Springfield, W. H. Fulkerson of Jerseyville; from Minnesota, E. W. Randall of Hamlin, William M. Liggett of St. Anthony Park, John Cooper of St. Cloud; from Iowa, P. L. Fowler of Des Moines, C. E. Cameron of Albia, G. L. Johnson of Maquoketa, L. H. Picard of Harlan, R. G. Johnson of Humbolt; from Nebraska, Milton Doolittle of North Platte, J. B. Dinsmore of Sutton, E. A. Barnes of Grand Island, William R. Bowen of Omaha, R. W. Furnas of Brownville; from Wisconsin, John M. True of Baraboo; from Ohio, E. C. Ellis of Crestline, Albert Hale of Mogadore, A. J. Clark of Cambridge, J. S. Stuckey of Van Wert, J. C. Bower of Columbus; from the province of Ontario, Canada, H. J. Hill, J. P. Edwards, George Vair, J. K. Leslie and P. G. Close, all of Toronto.

The reading of the minutes was dispensed with, as they had been printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the members before the opening of the convention. It was then thought best in view of the pleasant weather that an adjournment be taken until 8 o'clock this evening, so that the delegates might spend the day at the exposition grounds. This action was taken.

This evening's session, convening at 8 o'clock, will be of more general interest to the public. H. J. Hill, manager and director of the Toronto exposition, will deliver an address on "What Can We Do to Establish Uniformity in Rules of Admission?" The subject, "Should Live Stock Sales be Inaugurated Under Association Management?" will be discussed by J. W. Fleming, assistant secretary of the Ohio state fair. William M. Liggett of the Minnesota state fair will address the convention on "The Rights of Exhibitors." He will be followed by S. C. Bassett of the Nebraska state fair, who will speak on "What is the Best System of Dairy Tests?"

There will be three addresses at the session tomorrow morning. "The Fair, the Farmer and the Community at Large" will be considered by S. H. Ellis of the Ohio state fair. Charles Downing, president of the Indiana state fair, will speak on the subject, "What Privileges Should Be Granted on Fair Grounds and How Should They Be Controlled?" The last address will be by John M. True, who will discuss the question, "How Can We Reduce the Issue of Complimentaries​ and Would it Be Wise to Abolish the System?"

The afternoon session Wednesday will be devoted to the hearing of reports of committees and the election of officers for the ensuing year.


Uncle Sam Has Been Bamboozled Again Most Scandalously.


Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight Laborers Enter Under Guise of Artisans for a Chinese Exhibit and All Have Disappeared.

It is pretty certain that the Chinese brought to this city last June by the Wong Ching Foo company and who have since disappeared do not intend to return and it is equally certain that they did not come here expecting that they would be returned to China upon the closing of the exposition or at any subsequent time. Recent developments indicate that there was a conspiracy to get them into this country, evading the laws, and then allowing them to lose themselves, as they have done during the last few weeks. These assertion are borne out by Wan Loy, who was the trusted agent and employe of the Wong Ching Foo company up to and including the date of the departure of the celestials for other climes.

Wan Loy is still in the city and talked freely of the matters leading up to the importation of the Chinese, their residence here and their final departure. He has taken out naturalization papers, speak good English and is a bright fellow. He came from Chicago last spring and has remained here since that time. Speaking of the affairs leading up to the coming of the Chinese he said: "For a number of years prior to last March I lived in Chicago. There I met Wong Ching Foo, who told me that he had organized a company and that he proposed to bring a lot of Chinese to Omaha and put in an exhibit at the exposition. He said the company had plenty of capital and included a lot of rich Chinamen of Chicago and New York. He showed me the articles of incorporation, from which I learned that the capital stock was $20,000, $5,000 paid by a New York Chinaman and the balance by Chicago men. The president was Wong Ching Foo; treasurer, Wong Ke, and secretary, Yee Man, all of Chicago. With an understanding that I was to receive $75 per month I came to Omaha with Wong Ching Foo and commenced arranging for the exhibit. Four hundred dollars of my salary is still due and unpaid.

Preparing for Business.

"After getting here Wong Ching Foo spent money very freely. He paid for the plans of a building that was subsequently built at a cost of $2,000 on space for which he paid $2,000. Soon after getting the building up he told me he was having trouble with the government authorities at Port Townsend, as they refused to admit the people whom he had shipped from Hong Kong. I asked him what was the matter and was informed that the officers at the port of entry were kicking on letting the people in. I don't know how this matter was fixed up, but early in June 238 Chinamen came here over the Milwaukee road. They had been sent over the Northern Pacific to St. Paul and from there to Omaha over the Milwaukee. Upon reaching here they were all put in an old vacant store building at Twenty-fourth and Hamilton streets, where they remained for some weeks. Not more than a half dozen of them ever came to the exposition grounds, as there was nothing here for them to do, as the exhibit consisted of only a store in which there was a small stock of goods for sale.

"Shortly after the opening of the store Sing Nam came here from Chicago and then the business was turned over to him and the Sing Nam company succeeded the Wong Ching Foo company. With the organization of the new company the Chinese commenced to disappear, going in every direction, some to the large cities, but most of them to the smaller town in the surrounding states, though I know that some went as far as Chicago, some to Denver, others to New Orleans and some even as far as New York. They made no secret of their going, many of them telling me that they had paid all of their debts and were at liberty to go when and where they pleased. The last lot left town about ten days ago, going I think to Chicago.

What They Paid to Get Here.

"These men all paid to get away, part of the money being turned over in Hong Kong at the office of the Wong Ching Foo company and the balance was paid after reaching Omaha. Who got the money I cannot say, I know that to reach the United States cost ever one of the 238 Chinamen $350 in cash. Half of the money, as I said before, was paid to the company in Hong Kong and out of this the passage money, $84 per head, was paid. Upon reaching Port Town-[?] company's agent there and in my judgment the delay at that place was due to the fact that some of the men did not make the second payment according to the contract entered into before leaving Hong Kong, for after that everything went along with great smoothness and there was no trouble about anything.

"I don't think any of the government officials here are mixed up in the matter in the least, for when the Chinese reached here their papers were all right. Of course there was trouble about some of the goods, but they were and are still owned by another company, the Lan Hing Trading company of Hong Kong. The people in this company sent the goods over to sell, but I don't think that the Wong Ching Foo company ever intended to sell them, as it took only enough out of bond to stock the little store on the exposition grounds and just make a showing in order to throw people off the track in the event that the United States officers should stir up a muss before the Chinese scattered.

Didn't Intend to Go Back.

"I know that none of the 238 men brought here ever expected to be returned to China, for I talked with a great many of them and they all told me the same story, saying they had fixed things so they could remain in the United States as long as they pleased and that they would not be interfered with so long as they kept out of sight until after the first trouble had blown over.

"All the Chinese who came over in the party are ordinary laborers and could in no wise portray the manners and customs of China. They are of the poorer class, and it will take years for them to earn enough money to pay for the freedom which they have secured, but they will do it in time. To raise the money, they borrowed from their friends and their friends in turn borrowed from their friends, so that to get the 238 men into this country at least 750 or 1,000 men are obligated to pay this debt.

"In China coming to America is regarded as the next thing to going to heaven, and if a man can evade the laws and slip in here he and his friends will pay all the obligations incurred, even if it takes the time and labors of half a dozen generations to wipe out the debt."


Commercial Club Committee Reports All but One Retailer Willing to Join the Celebration.

The executive council of the Commercial club met in their rooms at noon to consider several matter of business relating to plans for Omaha day at the exposition. After lunch was served the presiding officer, C. S. Hayward, called the meeting to order and Secretary Utt read a communication from a manufacturing establishment in Winona, Minn., the managers of which are making arrangements to move to this city. The concern is a manufactory of rattan goods and is seeking a desirable building and means to ship their stock of raw goods and commodities to this point.

To insure the attendance of school children from as many towns as possible throughout the state at the exposition Omaha day, Superintendent of Instruction C. G. Pearse has written letters of invitation to the principals of the various schools asking them to take advantage of the low rates and to join with the school children of this city in making the final day of the exposition a complete succecss​. The secretary of the Commercial club was written similar letters to the different commercial organizations in the larger towns of the state. Copies of these letters were read.

A report was then made on the progress of the committee which has had in charge the arrangement of matters relating to the closing of business houses Omaha day. The chairman announced that he had secured the consent of all but one of the retail stores of the city to close at this time. It was further announced that all the jobbers had declared their willingness to close at noon Monday, providing the railroads would receive their goods for shipment Saturday afternoon preceding. As the officers of the Commercial club have already secured the consent of the railroads to allow jobbers the privileges they ask the closing of all business houses the day of the celebration is now practically assured.

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Though there was scarcely more comfort on the exposition grounds yesterday than Monday, the attendance was better, and this is taken as an indication of the big crowds that the closing days of the big show and the low rates will bring.

The effect of the lower rates from Nebraska points was somewhat noticeable yesterday, for the number getting off the trains at the grounds was larger than usual and excursionists were also more plentiful at the depots down town.

The days of the formal exercises, it appears, are not yet quite over. The cold weather has no terrors for the people of Davenport, Rock Island and Moline, for several thousand of them are coming on special excursion trains today, and they propose to have exercises in the Auditorium at 2 o'clock. There will be addresses by Mayor Moores and President Wattles, Mayors Baker of Davenport, Medill of Rock Island and Swenson of Moline. The main address will be by C. A. Fickle, ex-mayor of Davenport. Music will be furnished by the Svea quartet of Moline and Bleuer's band of Rock Island. The trains will arrive at 8 a. m. The day will be called Tri-City Day.

To Cancel Expo. Land Taxes.

President Wattles, E Rosewater and A. Reed of the exposition met with the county commissioners yesterday to discuss the question of canceling the taxes on the land occupied by the exposition, amounting to upwards of $2,000. The city has already canceled the taxes on the land mentioned, and as the property owners granted the exposition association free use of the grounds upon the condition that the taxes would be paid, the exposition managers say they feel the county can well afford, under the plea of educational and agricultural purposes, to do likewise. The matter was referred to County Attorney Baldrige to examine the law on the subject as to whether the commissioners can legally cancel the taxes.

Reception at Illinois Building.

It is likely that the reception at the Illinois building Thursday night will be one of the most brilliant and pleasant social affairs held in connection with the exposition. Arrangements to this end are being carefully made by Superintendent and Mrs. Hambleton. President Carr of the state commission, and Miss Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Kingman and Miss Kingman, Mr. and Mrs. Stead, Mr. and Mrs. Williams and others of the commission will be present.

Inviting Schools for October 31.

Superintendent Pearse, at the instance of the Commercial club, is sending out circulars to superintendents of schools in the principal cities of the state, inviting them to come and bring their charges, as far as possible, the last day of the exposition, Monday next. The admission that day is 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children.

Exposition Notes.

A carload of fruit for the Idaho exhibit is due to arrive at any time. This is probably the last shipment for the exposition.

At the wish of Prof. Charles Richards Dodge it has been arranged that the wall pictures in the "Mother, Aint We Glad We Came to Nebraska?" scene in the Agriculture building shall go to Paris as a part of the agricultural display from this country.

Today at 1 p. m. Mrs. Harritt MacMurphy will give a corn dinner to the Nebraska commissioners at the model kitchen in the Agriculture building.

The superintendents under the Nebraska commission are all busy making their final reports. President Neville is in Lincoln today conferring with Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Wolfe about the turning over to him of the state building.

State Senator Mutz was visiting the Nebraska commissioners yesterday.

Georgia Building for Sale.

The Georgia building on exposition grounds will be sold at low figures. Send bids to undersigned, care Georgia building. W. J. Northen.


People May See Its Decline After Omaha Day Is Ended if They Have the Price.

Exposition Gates Will Be Kept Open as Long as the Public Finds Sights to Attract It.

Exhibitors Will Make Quick Work of Their Exit, as All Are Anxious to Leave--Live Stock Buildings Sold.

Tuesday's Admissions22,990
Total Admissions2,395,638

Omaha people who have seen the rise of the exposition, who have seen it in the zenith of its glory, will now have a chance to see its fall. The executive committee has decided to keep open the gates at regular rates of admissions for as long a time as the public demands after the close of the exposition proper, next Monday, Omaha day.

At once the work of demolition will begin, exhibitors who will have been retained to that time by iron clad contracts, and concessionaires who have been held by the profits, both being anxious to move at once. So in a few days will be left only the great white buildings, and they, too, must be torn down immediately after being sold November 15. All of this time guards and inspectors must be kept to guard against theft and fire, for neighboring property owners are protesting against the danger from fire in the event that the buildings are deserted. To balance the expense account and give the curious a chance to see the historic exposition as wreckers lave it from day to day, this move has been agreed upon.

All employes on the grounds after October 31 must provide themselves with new passes, to be known as "workmen's passes." No decision has been arrived at as yet regarding commutation tickets yet unused, although some of the authorities say they will be recognized.

The fifty-five buildings of the live stock show were sold yesterday to the highest bidders, each building being sold separately. The sales aggregated $2,641.11. All must be moved from the grounds at once, and the work of tearing down begins this morning.


Work of Exposition Juries Is Ended—Additional Reports.

All work of the exposition juries in the department of exhibits concerning the awarding of diplomas is complete, and in addition to the list published a few days since reports have been made by Jules Lumbard, Omaha; Henry E. Dosch, Portland, Ore.; I. N. Simpson, Chicago; Charles Richards Dodge, Washington, D. C.; A. H. Griffith, Detroit; T. J. Kelly, Omaha; Mrs. W. Van Sandt Cox, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. H. C. Ward, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Frank Wiggins, Los Angeles, Cal.

The list of awards in the Apiary building is ready for publication today, and it is expected that the lists for the Agricultural and Mines and Mining buildings will be ready tomorrow, while those for the other buildings will be given out as rapidly as the committee on awards can finish the work of checking up the recommendations of the several juries.

The Nebraska Farmer special premiums in the Apiary department, under the rules of general awards, resulted in special premiums to Mrs. E. Whitcomb, Friend; Nebraska commission, York; E. Kretchmer, Red Oak, Ia.; L. D. Stilson, York; Winnie I. Stilson, York, and A. I. Root Co., Medina, O.

The odds and ends of the live stock show have all been straightened up, the premiums paid, all stock removed, buildings sold and Superintendent C. H. Elmendorf leaves for his home in Lincoln today.


Wild Filipinos to Be Exhibited at the Labyrinth.

A party of sixteen Manila warriors from the Philippines, sent here by Aguinaldo, the chief of the islands, to confer with President McKinley, will exhibit their customs, dances and war implements at the Labyrinth, commencing today. Mr. George D. Steele, who has them in charge, says a portion of the party has cannibalistic proclivities.

People of Omaha and surrounding country have just begun to realize that the greatest magician ever seen in the United States, Ching Ling Foo, at the Chinese Village, will be here but a few days longer. The Village has been packed for the last week and Ching Ling Foo has performed his most wonderful feats.

William F. Cody was one of the visitors at the Wild West Show yesterday. He was well pleased with the performance.

Darkness and Dawn, or Heaven and Hell, [?]


Councilmen and All Officials and Employes Will Visit Exposition.

All the offices in the city hall will be closed next Monday, Omaha day, and the closing day at the exposition, and all city employes, including janitors and elevator conductors, will be expected to visit the exposition. A resolution so providing was unanimously passed at the regular city council meeting last night.


Citizens of Three Thriving Towns Invade the Exposition Grounds.


Visitors from the Mississippi's Winding Stream Delightfully Surprised.


Morning One of the Most Perfect of the Nebraska October Brand.


Exterior of the Buildings Proves More Attractive Than the Displays Inside for the Vast Majority of Great Throng.

Total Admissions Yesterday22,990
Total to Date2,395,638

Eight big trainloads of enthusiasm visitors, comprising the tri-city excursion from Davenport, Rock Island and Moline, helped make up another big exposition crowd this morning, and they solemnly declared that nothing would induce them to ever believe a word against Nebraska weather again. They left the Mississippi valley, where it is storming furiously, and landed in the midst of as beautiful an autumn scene as the season could offer. They had fully expected to find conditions similar to those they left, and had come in spite of it. And when they emerged into the bright Nebraska sunshine they were correspondingly elated and vented their satisfaction in the most enthusiastic enconiums​.

The spectacle fully deserved admiration. The White City was never more beautiful than this morning as the mist was scattered by the warm radiance of the sunlight. The white October haze still lingered around the domes and turrets of the big buildings and rested lightly on the transparent surface of the lagoon. It minimized the dazzling glow of the sun on the white columns and its shimmering splendor imparted an almost celestial beauty to the landscapes. There was no wind, no dust, no discomfort. The flags streamed lazily in a breeze that was just sufficient to toss their colors into bold relief against the background of hazy blue. The water in the lagoon lay as smooth and translucent as a mountain lake. The atmosphere was full of the virile inspiration of the frost and the flood of glorious sunshine diffused life and warmth and beauty everywhere.

No wonder that the people could not find words strong enough to express their enthusiasm and delight. They had come to see the show, but it seemed a crime to go into the buildings and leave the scene that charmed them with its transcendent beauty. So they lingered by thousands sitting on the benches and colonnades, leaning on the railings and walking up and down the court and avenues to enjoy to the utmost the grateful warmth and the splendor of the spectacle.

The crowd was easily the biggest since Jubilee week, and it kept getting bigger all day. A number of the low rates did not go into force until today, and the tide of people will not reach its flow until tomorrow. But the crowd of the day before was swelled by thousands of new arrivals, and the street cars again experienced a rush of travel that called out every wheel in the barns. There was a continuous jam at each of the main entrances and a rush that would have bewildered the ticket sellers a couple of months ago was handled with a rapidity that was amazing.

The Tri-City day exercises were scheduled at the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, but, as only three section of the Rock Island special were in at that time, they were postponed until after the band concert in the afternoon. That they will be held at all is not certain, as the people plainly prefer to [?]

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Government Decides to Adopt Part of the B. & M.'s Exhibit.

At least one of the Nebraska exhibits will go to the Paris exposition and that one will be the Burlington pictures shown in the Agriculture building. Yesterday Superintendent Taylor received a letter from Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture at Washington notifying him that he had appointed Charles Dodge to take charge of the pictures and install them in the American section in the exposition grounds at Paris. Mr. Dodge is one of the parties who installed the government exhibit in the Government building on the exposition grounds and has had much experience in this line of work. He will take the pictures down immediately upon the close of the exposition and will get them ready for shipment.

The Burlington pictures which will go to Paris are four in number. They are constructed entirely of grains, grain leaves and grasses, together with the seeds, all products of Nebraska. Everything is sewed and stuck on canvas and when viewed from a distance of twenty feet or more has the appearance of being painted in oil. The first picture represents a Nebraska farm scene, presumed to be in 1868. It shows a sod house in the foreground, around which are the members of a large family. There are a woman and a number of children. Near by is a man breaking the sod, using a team of four oxen. In the distance in every direction is the unbroken prairie, covered with luxuriant grass. The second picture is supposed to represent the same farm thirty years later. In this the sod house has disappeared and in its stead is a large and stately mansion, surrounded by fine outbuildings and towering trees. The oxen have gone, but in their stead is a fine span of horses, attached to a carriage, standing just outside the fence that surrounds the premises. The children have grown to man and womanhood and are about the carriage and upon the lawn. All are apparently dressed in clothes of fashionable cut, indicating that prosperity traveled in their direction during the score and one-half of years.

The other picture shows the progress made in locomotion during the same period of time. The first shows an emigrant moving over the prairie. He has a pair of oxen hitched to a covered wagon and is plodding along at the rate of fifteen miles per day. The fourth and last picture shows an express train speeding along over a prairie country and beneath is the inscription "1,025 miles in 1,047 minutes."

Some Sunday Excursions.

Some other people besides Omahans are going to be present at the Transmississippi Exposition on Monday to celebrate the closing of the successful show. Several railroads have arranged special excursions into Omaha for the last day of the big fair, although the general policy of the railroads has been against and considerable reductions on this eventful day. The Missouri Pacific is the first line to announce excursions into Omaha for Sunday and Monday next. From points in Kansas and southeastern Nebraska they will run several excursions which will arrive here on Sunday and Monday mornings.


Peculiar Custom of the Tribe Followed Out by the San Carlos Band.

The San Carlos Apaches have buried their medicine head dresses and departed for their homes in New Mexico, after having remained at the exposition nearly three months.

The buying of the Apache head dress is quite an important function with the members of the tribe. These contrivances are constructed principally of wooden slats, painted in all the colors of the rainbow. The slats are in the neighborhood of three feet long and run out at different angles from a skull cap of leather, to which they are affixed. On each head dress are six or eight of these slats and around and among them are eagle feathers, beads on strings, strips of red flannel and white cloth, decorated with pictures of birds, animals and imaginary gods. They are worn at the medicine dance and at no other time. To wear them upon any other occasion, according to the idea of an Apache, would be to bring down the wrath of the great spirit. It is also an unwritten law with an Apache that one of the medicine head dresses shall never be sold, given away or destroyed, so there is nothing left but to bury them. There is also a belief with the Apaches that if a man digs up and touches one of these ornaments, bad luck will follow him to the end of his days. Whether there is anything in this or not, will soon be known, for the head dresses have been dug up and are now the property of Harry Walker, one of the Exposition guards.

Monday evening just as he was going off duty, Walker saw two of the Apaches sneaking off the grounds and over the hills. He followed them and saw them dig a hole in the grounds, deposit something, hold their hands up toward the sky for a moment, execute a dance and then return the earth to its original place. Soon after this they started back to camp and Walker started for the spot that the Indians has left. With his hands he dug out the loose earth and soon brought up half a dozen of the head dresses, which he took away with him.

Yesterday, in addition to the San Carlos Apaches, the Omahas, Winnebagoes, Flatheads and Assiniboines left for their homes.

There are still many Indians here, including the White Mountain Apaches, Brule, Crow Creek, Rosebud, Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Sioux, Pueblos, Wichitas, Kiowas and Arapahoes. Some of these will leave Thursday, yet most of them will remain until Friday and some until Saturday.

Georgia Building for Sale.

The Georgia building on exposition grounds will be sold at low figures. Send bids to undersigned, care Georgia building.



Tri-State Bill Posters' Association Holds a Meeting in Omaha.

The Tri-States' Bill Posters' Association, a branch of the Associated Bill Poster's association of the United States and Canada, met yesterday in the Barker hotel. Many members were present from towns and cities in this state, Kansas and Missouri. Charles W. Hager of St. Louis presided. A resolution of thanks to the Department of Publicity and Promotion of the exposition for the large amount of work give to the bill posters throughout the country was adopted. An executive committee was appointed, those selected to serve being: F. C. Zehrung, Lincoln, Neb.; S. Sampson, Independence, Mo.; J. H. Brooks, Leavenworth, Kan. The officers were re-elected. They are: Charles W. Hager, president, St. Louis, Mo.; W. W. Rusk, vice president, Osage City, Kan.; W. A. Low, secretary, Hutchinson, Kan.; A. J. Avery, treasurer, St. Joseph, Mo. Among those present were: C. H. Burt, Beloit, Kan.; M. E. Mulvihill, Omaha; U. S. Watts, Fremont, Neb.; J. H. Brooks, Leavenworth; J. S. Craig, Hastings, Neb.; F. C. Zehrung, Lincoln, Neb; A. J. Avery, St. Joseph; Lon Hudson, Kansas City; L. M. Crawford, Topeka; E. L. Martling, Wichita; A. H. Weir, Nebraska City; J. G. Claus, Plattsmouth.


Officials of State Exhibitions Consider the Subject Fully.


Report of the Treasurer Shows a Balance on Hand—Effort Made to Secure Better Railroad Rates.

The American Association of Fairs and Expositions finished its business meeting and listened to the reading of three papers at the session held last evening.

The convention was called to order at 8 o'clock by the president, Robert W. Furnas, who made a short address. The reports of the secretary and treasurer showed a balance on hand of $79. Then followed an exhaustive report from the committee appointed to confer with the Central Railway Traffic association relative to reduced passenger rates to the several state fairs and the securing of freight rates on class horses and other exhibition animals. It told of the many attempts that had been made to place the matter before the association so as to gain their concurrence and the final answer that "compliance to their petition would by reason of the large number of state and district fairs and expositions annually held in the territory of the Central Passenger association result in blanketing the lines of the association for a period of at least sixty days during the season of these expositions with such abnormally low fares as would demoralize the revenue realized from the regular travel."

After considerable discussion the report was accepted as one of progress and the committee was continued with instructions to continue their efforts in behalf of a reduction of the rates.

The association next took up the subject of applications for membership. H. J. Hill, manager and secretary of the Toronto exposition, made application in behalf of that organization. This was followed by applications from the Wisconsin State Board of Agriculture and the Texas State fair and Dallas exposition. These were all accepted unanimously by a single vote. The president announced the committee on program for the next gathering as follows: J. W. Fleming, Columbus, O., chairman; W. C. Gerrard, Springfield, Ill.; P. L. Flower, Des Moines, Ia.

Live Stock Sales.

J. W. Fleming, the secretary of the association, then took up the subject, "Should Live Stock Sales Be Inaugurated Under Association Management?"

The speaker said that the inauguration of a department of live stock sales was a new idea and one that he thought if adopted would give a greater attraction and interest to the fairs. He declared that such a department would be the means of increasing the breeding of blooded stock and bring a finer class of animals and more of them into exhibition. He proposed a means of conducting this department, saying:

I advocate the establishment of sales that a better class of animals may be more widely introduced and substituted for much of the common stock of the country, thus enhancing the values and increasing the profits to the breeder and feeder. Such a department should be as distinctly one of itself as is any other one of the fair—a department in which every animal exhibited is for sale. And I would suggest that the price be fixed rather than use the auction system. The department should occupy a separate building from the stock exhibited in premium competition and not entered in the sale department. It seems that the larger fairs at least could afford to set aside certain space and equip it with stalls and pens for these animals. These sales would be of great benefit to breeders and farmers generally if properly conducted in the interest of pure breeds only.

After an interesting discussion a resolution was adopted that the suggestions of the paper be recommended to the various fair managements in the association for trial at the next annual gathering.

As to Exhibitors.

William M. Liggett of St. Anthony Park, Minn., read a paper on "The Duties and Rights of Exhibitors." Mr. Liggett said that those who prepared exhibits for fairs had imposed upon them certain duties and were entitled to certain rights. Chief among the duties was that the exhibits should be honest. Fraud should be promptly exposed. Exhibitors should comply with all the rules, having their exhibits on hand at the date set and pay their fees promptly. They should be courteous to the public, answering any and all questions cheerfully. They should be satisfied with fair judging and give due attention to their exhibits.

Prominent among their rights he enumerated that of considerate treatment from the management, saying that all promises should be carried out to the letter and that there should be no delay in the awarding of prizes. He referred to the right of fair and competent judging and recommended that the choice of the judges should not be left until the last hour.

The speaker called attention to the fact that failure to pay rewards promptly has a most damaging effect on the influence of the fair. He closed by touching on the subject of advertising, saying that it should be liberal but not extravagant.

"What is the Best System of Dairy Tests?" was the subject of a brief paper by S. C. Bassett of the Nebraska state fair. He said: "The test should be for a period of two days, commencing on Tuesday evening, when the cows should be milked dry in the presence of the judges and should close on Thursday evening at the same hour. By Tuesday the cows that make the circuit of fairs will be rested and accustomed to their surroundings."

Morning Session of Managers.

The Fair managers continued with the reading and discussion of papers this morning, which took up all of the time of the session.

H. J. Hill of Toronto considered the question, "What Can We Do to Establish Uniformity in Rules of Admission?" He advocated the giving of complementary tickets for one day only and was of the opinion that better satisfaction was to be gained if these were not transferable.

Another paper along much the same lines was read by John M. True of the Wisconsin State Board of Agriculture. His subject was, "How Can We Reduce the Issue of Complimentaries​ and Would It Be Wise to Abolish the System?" He said that he was in favor of issuing free tickets to officials who by their influence would be able to render the fair a good deal of valuable service. Beyond this he said that he was not in favor of the indiscriminate scattering of passes.

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Following the reading of these two papers the delegates engaged in an earnest discussion of the points involved, and finally decided that a set of resolutions should be presented at the meeting this afternoon embodying the suggestions offered in the articles. The object of these resolutions will be to establish a uniformity in the rules of admission among the various fairs connected with the association.

The session closed with the reading of a brief paper by S. H. Ellis of the Ohio State fair on "The Fair, the Farmer and the Community at Large." He advocated the maintenance of a fair for strictly educational purposes, with no side show or anything that would tend to be of the nature of a "midway." These counter attractions, he said, were generally of a demoralizing nature, and did the fair no good as a real benefit to those who brought their exhibits to be placed before the public for inspection. He maintained that the management should be able to induce the farmers to present exhibits of sufficient interest to the visitors that there would be no need of these extraneous attractions to draw the people.

At the meeting this afternoon the convention wil lhear​ the report of the committee appointed to arrange a schedule of dates for the fairs belonging to the association. The program committee will also report. Following these there will be the election of officers for the ensuing year and the selection of the place for the holding of the next annual convention.


Railroads Are Hauling In Many Belated Exposition Visitors.


Low Rates on the Omaha Terminal Lines Induce the Populace to Come Almost in a Body to See the Fair.

Travel into Omaha this morning was so heavy as to remind one of President's day just two weeks ago, when more people came into Omaha than on any previous day of its existence. The exposition visitors came from all directions this morning, but Iowa was the state that was most numerously represented.

The rates the Omaha terminal lines granted to Omaha on this occasion were low enough to move the pyramids, and the people of this state and their neighbors across the river took very numerous advantage of the opportunity to see the exposition at slight expense. The Iowa lines offered a round-trip rate of $5 from the Mississippi river, with lower rates westward across the state. The Nebraska lines offered comparatively lower rates, but did not bring in as many people.

On account of the severe storm in Iowa on Tuesday night and because of the heavy travel all of the trains from the east were late. The Milwaukee was the first in, a few minutes late, and its regular train was followed by three additional section. The local train of the Milwaukee due at 9:30 a. m. came in about an hour late in two section, making six trains for this line.

The Rock Island had eight trains in all to come into the Union depot shed this morning. They brought in over 3,000 visitors. Four sections of No. 13 arrived between 8 and 11, and they carried in all thirty-five well filled cars. Two section brought the tri-city delegation from Rock Island, Davenport and Moline. The third section was a solid train from the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern. Train No. 1 arrived at 11:30 a. m. in two sections of ten cars each, one from the Minneapolis & St. Louis road, and the other from the Des Moines Valley branch.

The Northwestern did a heavy business throughout the morning. Its first train, "The Overland Limited," was run in two long sections, and these were followed by four additional sections from Clinton, Marshalltown and Des Moines. The Burlington had a special from Peoria, Ill., and two sections of its morning train filled largely with travel from points in Iowa. From the west the travel was unusually good, but light in consideration of the $3.50 rate from the western end of the state. The travel from the branch lines of the Burlington and the Union Pacific will come in late this afternoon. The Union Pacific's morning train was in one long section of thirteen cars, and its noon train from Beatrice and Stromsburg pulled in with two well filled sections. The two afternoon trains from the west was well filled, and its work was supplemented with two specials, one of fourteen coaches from Orleans and Wymore and the other of twelve coaches form Mc-[?]

A few minutes after midnight on Tuesday two special trains from points on the Illinois Central in Illinois and Iowa pulled in at Webster street station over the Northwestern system. The two special trains brought 1,200 visitors, and it is said many of them just went about town and waited the few hours for the sun to appear and give them enough light to point out the way to the exposition grounds.


Omaha Section of the Jewish Council Greets Its Guest.


Distinguished Workers in the Cause Vie with Each Other in an Interchange of Wit and Wisdom at the Feast.

The luncheon and reception tendered by the local Council of Jewish Women to the visiting delegates of the National Council of Women at the Metropolitan club yesterday was a most brilliant entertainment. It is seldom that one city has the pleasure of entertaining so many distinguished women as are at present sojourning in the Gate City. The spacious hall, which is well adapted for the purpose of entertaining on a grand scale, was magnificent with myriads of electric lights and flowers, and exquisite confections in costuming, scintillating with gems, vied with natural flowers in the adorning of these women, who although they dive deep into reforms advanced to elevate humanity and raise the standard of citizenship, do not despise the witchery of becoming apparel, the glitter of jewels and perfume of flowers.

For a short time the receiving matrons, Mrs. Belle A. Polack, Mrs. Simon Adamsky and Mrs. Moritz Meyer, stood in the hall. Only there was nothing about it to suggest a hall, as it had been embowered with exotics so that it might easily have been imagined a bower in some tropical isle. Passing thence to the long dining room the guests perceived that the floral decorations had been managed with artistic restraint. The tables were arranged in a geometrical design and beautifully decorated with a rich display of white and yellow chrysanthemums. At the head of the banquet board the five guests of honor sat, Mrs. Polack, president of the local Council of Jewish Women, in the center. On her right was seated Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon of Chicago; on her left Mrs. May Wright Sewall of Indianapolis. Muss Susan B. Anthony sat next to Mrs. Solomon and Mrs. Draper Smith was seated next to Mrs. Sewall.

The out-of-town guests who cocupied​ spaces about the board were: Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. Hannah Solomon of Chicago, Mrs. Simon of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Rosenwasser of Cleveland, Mrs. Iesner of Champaign, Ill., Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Kate Barrett of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Emmeline Wells, Mrs. M. Y. Dougall of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Henry Hirsch of Des Moines, Mrs. Charles Mayor, Miss Mayer of Lincoln, Mrs. Oberfelder of Sidney, Mrs. Hirshland of Des Moines, Mrs. Lipais, Mrs. Sewall of Indianapolis, Mrs. Barbe of Chicago, Mrs. Thershein, Mrs. Schulman, Mrs. Fuhrman of Seattle, Mrs. Hollister of Detroit, Mrs. Richards of Champaign, Mrs. Moog, Mrs. Shaw of Kansas City, Mrs. Frances Beauchamp of Lexington, Ky., Mrs. Louise Barraum of Adrian, Mich., Mrs. L. S. Lieberman, Mrs. Simon of Kansas City, Mrs. Octave Williams of Detroit, Mrs. Newberry Adams of Dubuque.

Greeting to the Guests.

In opening the post-prandial exercises Mrs. Clara Rosewater, toastmistress, greeted the guests, saying: "At no time in the history of Omaha have so many brilliant and talented women been with us. I therefore think it fitting that the session of the Council of Jewish Women close with an expression of goodwill and fraternal feeling." She called the first toast of the afternoon, "Welcome."

Mrs. Belle Polack responded to this toast in a happy manner, extending a most cordial welcome to all.

Mrs. Rosewater then said: "During the last few years woman has steadily moved on. She has advanced from the seclusion of the past. The club is largely responsible for this."

"What Clubbing Has Done for Women" was responded to by Mrs. H. F. Smith, president of the Woman's club of Omaha. She spoke slowly and distinctly. "Clubbing punishes," she said, "punishes for past offenses. We see our shortcomings in the light of present study and regret times wasted in youth. Clubbing injures physically unless taken in homeopathic doses. To be serious it brings into our midst for our enjoyment here today the leaders in the world's progress and thought."

"The Wonder of the Nineteenth Century; the Fairest Work of the Great Author" was responded to by Mrs. May Wright Sewall, and "Liberalism in Religion" by Rev. Mary Garard Andrews. "If we grown intellectual we must grow into the thought of the spirit," said Mrs. Andrews, "in the spirit of love. In spite of our differences there is a large spirit of love and good fellowship and [?]

Miss Susan B. Anthony was presented in response to the toast "Woman is Man's Equal in Intellect, in Character His Superior. She Needs No Eulogy; She Speaks for Herself." Miss Anthony was heartily greeted as she arose to speak and said: "The other half of genus homo is making its appearance in the world. For the last quarter of a century I have been trying to impress upon the other half that she has the inherent right to be equal to the original half at the ballot box. I hope to see the fruition of my labors."

Mrs. Leo M. Franklin responded to "Castles in the Air" and Mrs. Hannah Solomon "Why Omaha Needs a Jewish Council."

At the conclusion of the luncheon an informal reception followed, Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. Sewall, Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. Shaw and Miss Anthony receiving in the parlor. Dainty refreshments were served from a round table in the hall. Mrs. Adamsky poured coffee and was assisted by Miss Polack, Miss Isabella Adler and Miss Cohn. About two hundred guests were present during the afternoon.


Discussion of Plans for Advancement of the Omaha Section.

A mass meeting of Jewish women was held at Temple Israel last night at which visiting delegates to the National Council of Jewish Women, together with a large number of the local organization, were present. Its purpose was to discuss plans to advance the work and usefulness of the Omaha section and a number of women experienced in the work addressed the assembly. The chairman was Mrs. Henry G. Solomon, president of the National Council, who gave a brief account of the work already accomplished in the United States. She gave a long list of cities where councils had been formed, making a total of 5,000 members. The purpose of the council, she said, was, first, the study of Judaism, that Jewish women might be intelligent regarding the history and literature of their race, and so more fully equipped to properly train their children. She added that with five Jewish women united for educational and charitable work.

Miss Blanche Gatzert of Chicago made an eloquent appeal to the younger women to enlist themselves in the work. Mrs. Charles Rosewater, vice president of the Nebraska section, gave an account of the work that was progressing in her territory. Three sections, at Hastings, Fremont and Sutton, have been recently established and are doing well. She also emphasized the importance of gaining the interest of young women.

The work done by the council in Chicago was presented by Mrs. Charles Haas, who said that especial importance was given to the mission school and the receptions by which it was planned that Jewish women of all classes should be brought together in social intercourse.

The council in Kansas City was spoken of by Mrs. Lieberman of that city, who mentioned the work accomplished in philanthropic and educational lines. Work is being done in history for the benefit of the women themselves and the members also operate a kindergarten, an industrial school and a night school, with an appended lecture course. Remarks were also made by Mesdames Shuleman of Kansas City, Hirsch of Des Moines and Falsenthal of Chicago. The latter brought out the fact that the Chicago mission school was in charge of paid instructors sustained by the liberal appropriations of Dr. Hirsch's temple.

A number of names were added to the membership of the local organization.

Indian Warriors Attend Theater.

A most unique box party was given at Boyd's last evening, where Roland Reed, who is holding forth this week, entertained as his guests Colonel W. F. Cody, Pete Liddiard and a company of distinguished warriors from the Indian congress in all the color and gayety of their native costumes. The red men were most intent spectators and gave frequent signs of their enjoyment by their applause. Comedian Reed responded to repeated encores at the end of the second act with a neat and appreciative compliment to Colonel Cody as one of the representative builders of the great west, as well as with a few jokes, new and otherwise, which struck a popular chord with the audience.

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Women's Council Takes a Turn at the Practical Side of Life.


Lessons of Saving and Philanthropy Taught by the Orders—Public Session, at Which Some Interesting Discussions Take Place.

From the sociological usefulness of secret orders in protecting the homes of America and inculcating principles of providentiality and self-government, the discussion at the morning meeting of the National Women's Council in the parlors of the First Congregational church turned to questions of the business development of women, man's gallantry in surrendering his seat in street cars, tobacco using by offensive males and gum chewing by both offensive females and males. The several scores of women present might not have known that there are two sides to the gum chewing evil, but for Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

The president of the council, Mrs. Sewall, occupied the platform considerably between times, and made a number of sage observations about the better information the identification of the two secret orders with the council had been the means of conveying to her, a church-going, Sunday school attending, woman's club duty performing woman, as to the sociological value of secret orders in practically demonstrating their principles of benevolence and providentiality and teaching women self-government and the advantages of pecuniary independence. She also discoursed upon the true home which does not bar from its table the ones who have provided its culinary and other domestic excellencies, and a good word was put in by her for the self-reliant working woman. Philosophizing somewhat upon the trend of social endeavor and developments, she said the time had come for a nobler work than that of sacrifice, namely, doing such work for society which will make crucifixion of anyone unnecessary. At the outset she called particular attention to the windup meeting of the council, on Saturday, which is to be a business one at the Paxton hotel all day, to settle matters pertaining to finance, the next triennial and the quintennial of the international council, which is to meet in London in June next.

Some Short Reports.

Several short reports were made on behalf of their respective organizations—all allied with the National Council—by Mrs. sociation; Rev. Anna Howard ShawJCity.l Minnie J. Snow of Salt Lake for the Young Ladies' National Improvement association; Rev. Anna Howard Shaw for Windodaughsis, the Washington organization which is doing so much to help women pass civil service examinations; Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister of Detroit, Mich., president of the Ladies of the Maccabees; Mrs. Jenette B. S. Neubert of aKnsas​ City, Kan., president of the Rathbone Sisters, and Miss Gertrude Beeeks of Chicago, president of the National Association of Women Stenographers. Miss Beeks also read a paper anent the "Business Woman of the Present" to show the business development and reaching out of women, and Mrs. Hollister read a paper which had been prepared by Mrs. Bina M. West of the Maccabees on the "Sociological Usefulness of Secret Societies."

Mrs. Sewell hoped the time would come when all the organizations of women, many of which are now local in their standing, would be nationalized and identified with the national council. The same wish as to alliance with the council she expressed as to the secret societies not yet allied with it. The councli​ does not exclude order of women, which like the Rathbone Sisters, have several thousand silent brothers.

Temperance Workers at It.

The afternoon was taken up with a congress of Woman's Christian Temperance union workers under the auspices of the national union in the church parlors and a large number of members of the national union were present to occupy the platform in behalf of their particular form of temperance work.

After a scripture reading and a prayer by Mrs. E. B. Towl of South Omaha an address of welcome was made by Mrs. S. M. Walker of Lincoln, president of the State Woman's Christian Temperance union. Her principal [?]tunities received in life are for the benefit of others. She was followed by Mrs. M. G. Andrews, president of the local union. While appreciating the wealth and beauty displayed in Omaha, particularly in the exposition, she said the needs of temperance placed the most emphasis upon her welcome to the visitors. She reasoned for scientific temperance.

Mrs. Charlton Edholm was then introduced as representing the temple of the national union at Chicago. Her address was devoted to a thorough discussion of the liquor traffic as being allied with the traffic in girls. She voiced the opinion that the liquor traffic really underlies the traffic in girls and that the real remedy is the use of the ballot box for the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of liquor.

The idea of physical culture was represented by Mrs. Frances Leiter of Mansfield, O., and she told of the work done by her particular department of the Women's Christian Temperance union. An intelligent scientific education along the lines of anatomy, physiology and hygiene in the public schools she believed would work wonders for temperance.

Scope of the Organization.

The work of organization and the principles of the union and its scope were presented jointedly by Mrs. Helen Harford of Newberg, Ore., the national organizer of Oregon.

Finally a "Glance at the Situation" was taken by Mrs. F. E. Beauchamp of Lexington, Ky., the representative here of Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, the president of the national union. Mrs. Beauchamp dilated upon the importance of the body and its proper care and preservation. Religion, she remarked, had been altogether too much spiritualized, and a more practical religion looking to the purity and health of the body and the freedom from the use of narcotics, such as tobacco and opium, and particularly its freedom from alcohol, she considered more essential to the reformation of society than a spiritualized scheme of beautiful ideals.

Mrs. M. G. Andrews, Dr. Freda M. Lankton, Mrs. S. M. Walker of Lincoln and Mrs. E. B. Towl of South Omaha constituted the local committee which had looked after the arrangements for the meeting.

There will be another meeting of the temperance congress Thursday afternoon.

Second of Public Meetings.

The second of the public meetings of the National Council of Women was held in the main auditorium of the First Congregational church last evening and it kept the attention of a very good audience for three hours. Its main features were the address of the president, Mrs. May Wright Sewall of Indianapolis, and a discussion of temperance and the social evil by Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett of New York, the representative of the Florence Crittenden mission movement; Mrs. Francis E. Beauchamp of Lexington, Ky., as the representative of Mrs. Lillian N. M. Stevens, the new president of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union, and Mrs. Frances W. Leiter of Mansfield, O.

Some fraternal greetings came first from several organizations not yet allied with the eighteen associations represented by the National Council. They were voiced by Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson of Winthrop, Mass., for the George Washington Memorial association; Mrs. Harriet M. Deutcher of Stillwater, Minn., for the National Woman's Keeley league; Mrs. Helen H. Stires of Columbus, Neb., for the Order of the Eastern Star; and Mrs. W. P. Harford of this city for the Woman's Missionary society of the United Brethren. Each told briefly of the work of her own particular organization.

President Sewall's Address.

The address of the president, Mrs. Sewall, came next. She said:

The stirring events of the last six months have been so emphasized on public opinion that they seem to have occupied the entire year. The din of war is wont so to deafen the public ear that the quiet activities of a war period are to it inaudible. There can have been no time when war did not involve the women of countries engaged in it; for even before women had any participation in public affairs the wars that drew men from their homes increased the importance of women in private affairs, as their industrial activity was augmented perforce by the very events which made the greatest drafts upon their hearts. At no period of stress in our country's history have the public services of American women in various fields been so conspicuous as during the last six months. The services of Miss Helen Gould in pecuniary gifts, or Clara Barton with the sign of the Red Cross, of the hundreds of nurses who have shunned no danger of climate and no discomfort of camp, of the women war correspondents who, let it be hoped, have contributed no yellow pages to the journals of the day, only conspicuously illustrate the various ways in which hundreds of thousands of women have, on a small scale, contributed to their country's strength.

While it was still hoped that war might be averted the National Council, responding to the well known desire of President McKinley to know the feeling of the people, added to the numerous petitions that went out from brave and loyal men and women from all over the country, its petition representing the desire of over 1,000,000 women, to avoid war if possible. That no one desired to avert the catastrophe more than President McKinley his whole course of conduct showed; that he was grateful to those who attempted to hold the public mind calm and to afford time for diplomatic intervention, his response to such petitions amply proves. It may well be believed that from the day war was declared those who have tried in whatever circle they were to avert it were most fervently grateful for the magnanimity constantly shown by our chief executive, the humanity manifested by our generals and the heroism demonstrated on land and sea by our countrymen.

Three New Committees.

Three most important standing committees have been added during the last year to our groups of committee workers. The committee on social peace and international arbitration, with the Countess Cora Slocomb di Brazzi at its head. The sudden call to arms but served to emphasize the need of this committee and to show that such a committee should long ago have been organized and been active in the diffusion of its doctrines. The committee on social purity, with Rev. Anna Garlin Spencer at its head. The formation of this committee is a declaration that the National Council of Women of the United States is committed to that doctrine of the common moral standard for men and women so forcibly expressed in the well known phrase, "A white life for two." The committee on domestic relations under the law, whose chairman is Miss Octavia Williams Bates of Detroit. It has for its specific work such a codification of the laws bearing upon domestic life as will show the contradiction existing among our states and the manner in which these contradictions work injustice to individuals and evil to the community.

During the year but one national organization of women has entered the council ranks—the Rathbone Sisters—the second of the great orders that have come in, the Ladies of the Maccabees, being the other one.

The growth through the multiplication of local councils is not less important. The largest formed during the year is that at New Orleans, which already includes in its membership 114 local organizations. Successful initiative has been taken in organizing a local council in New York City.

Among the organizations that for the first time send fraternal delegates to our sessions are the Congress of Mothers and the George Washington Memorial association.

During the last year the fraternal relations with Canada, which have from the beginning of Council work been fostered in the two countries, have been emphasized.

Women and War.

In these days we are continually hearing of the new role which the United States is to play among the nations of the earth. We are told that it will no longer do for the United States to hold itself in isolation from the rest of the world; that whether it wishes it or not, the nation is destined to assume a place which will compel all other nations to reckon with it in the prosecution of any projects they may devise. Those of us who truly believe that a perfect social peace would make either a civil or a foreign war impossible must still rejoice in every good that seems to have resulted from the recent war. If by it our country shall be lifted out of a selfish materialism which has engrossed and isolated it into a sense of its permanent relationship with all the other nations of the earth this must be counted a great good. But we believe it is its happy destiny to prove its relationship to the nations of the world and its consciousness of its kinship, not by becoming a terror because of its invincible navy, its invulnerable ships and its unmatched soldiery, but rather because of its sense of human equality, which is the inevitable outcome of a true sense of human kinship.

Our country has been isolated by its size and by the satisfaction which it derived from contemplating its own dimensions. Its sense of international relationship will be quickened by a sense of the insignificance of size when disconnected from contents and quality. Of this new sense of kinship among the nations, which indisputably has been quickened into consciousness by the recent war, the council was a forerunner. Through the International Council of Women this sense of relationship among the nations has already assumed organic form, and, as is well known, organic form is essential to conscious and responsible activity.

Mrs. Grannis' Address.

Several reports of affiliated bodies were next in order, the first being from the National Christian League for the Promotion of Social Purity. It has been prepared by Mrs. Elizabeth B. Grannis of New York, the president of that organization, but as Mrs. Grannis could not be present it was presented by Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, the [?]

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Our league pleads for the co-operation of the entire church and all seeking the betterment of the race in its efforts to promote for men and women in and out of the church an equal standard of purity and a higher type of spiritual life than that which at present exists. It seeks to impress upon the average mind, as upon the thoughtful, the vast advantage of pure conjugal affection, which would effect such improvement in offspring as in one generation would result in comparatively a new race of men. Not a third of the children born are wanted and prepared for by parents before the child is begotten. Multitudes of children, if not three-fourths of the human race, are accidents on the part of parents. Countless ones are objects of hatred and not a few of murder before birth.

Not this organization alone is striving to attain higher lines in child culture, for we see indications that the science of reproduction of the human race is receiving more and more attention. Educators, thoughtful parents, women associating themselves in mothers' congresses, and both men and women penetrating into scientific research, are putting forth efforts in their various lines to learn how to attain the best results in child culture to its broadest sense. Both the natural and divine laws which refer to proper mating of human beings have been shamefully ignored, not only by the theological professor, but by the church universal, and even the state.

We were deeply interested in the bill introduced into the Ohio legislature by Representative Parker, which required that ever male and female candidate for marriage should render a certificate of mental and physical fitness. Mr. Parker was published to have said that almost every child in our imbecile asylums and kindred institutions is the direct result of marriage which ought never to have been. This is true in a limited sense. Yet from twenty-five years of observation and investigation we have found that there are apparently as many, if not more, defective children born outside of wedlock as in it. We can do better than to increase illegitimacy by prohibiting marriage to persons afflicted with mental or physical disease. Authentic records show over 800,000 defective children in public institutions in the Untied States. What of the numbers outside of public institutions, in private quarters and homes? We read over the morning papers, which are circulated for family reading among all classes and the masses, and fine there similar statements to the following: That the bodies of twenty-six murdered innocents were picked up in the upper part of the city of New York during a period of about six weeks, and on investigation by the municipal authorities not one case was successfully disposed of.

Text Books Are Needed.

Text books on the science of stirpiculture should be familiar to all persons preparatory to becoming parents. Such books should be suitably prepared for schools of all grades from the primary to the university. It is through ignorance that there is no sin so prevalent in and out of the church as sex impurity. Thanks be the New Testament and to the progressive women in and out of the church for advance made by them out of the past conservative sex thralldom.

Humanitarian and educational progress is sought by the league along all lines. It is constantly working through the legislature for the passage of bills helpful to higher public morals and to prevent the passage of such as lower the standards. We expect this winter to renew our efforts on the bill relative to incorporating the seventh commandment into the laws of the Empire state. Although we have been sorely dismayed at the discouragements met with in the New York legislature during the last eight years, we shall never give up the matter until New York rises to the plane of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, thus possessing as strong, if not stronger, law for the protection of the marriage relation, of the home and of the children. New York, Delaware and Louisiana are the only states in the union without any legal protection for marriage. This condition of things is largely responsible for the rage of public and private Mormonism in New York. We want a universal law of marriage and divorce, but until this, our aim, is attained, we will not cease our efforts with the New York state legislature to pass a bill prohibitory to Mormonism. Bishop Doane, in his plea for the National Christian league's bill before the judiciary committee, declared that Mormonism was rampant in the state of New York and that its results were far more detrimental than where it is legalized.

Shot at the Army.

We remember during the last summer the strenuous efforts put forth by prominent, popular army officers to prevent the acceptance of service from trained women nurses, implying that from a moral standpoint male nurses were more desirable for soldiers. Is it not remarkable in view of this that these pretentious moralists manifested no concern at the arrival of 300 dissolute women in Tampa immediately after the troops were landed, or at the landing of three carloads of a similar freight in Jacksonville on the arrival of the United States soldiers? And we all know how much persuasion was required by these chivalrous officials to accept the services even of the Red Cross women nurses.

An important department of the league's work is the Christian League Industrial, or Woman's Club Home, located at 5 East Twelfth street. The house was opened in May, 1895. It is managed exclusively on the family plan.

Crittenden Mission Work.

Afterward Mrs. Barrett gave a report on behalf of her own organization in the Crittenden mission movement of reclaiming unfortunate girls. This movement had first met with considerable opposition, she said, and in Atlanta, Ga., the city council passed an ordinance forbidding anyone to attempt rescue work. Later, however, Atlanta turned around and donated a tract of land for a Crittenden home. What had been started in the way of congressional action she recalled and she informed her hearers that today there are fifty-two Crittenden homes in this country and one has been established in Japan even. All this work had been carried on, explained Mrs. Barrett, through the generosity of one man, Charles F. Crittenden of New York.

What had been done by the Woman's Christian Temperance union movement of the country was told by Mrs. Francis W. Leiter of Mansfield, O., the delegate from the National union. The National union, said Mrs. Leiter, attained its majority three years ago and in a couple of weeks in St. Paul it would hold its twenty-fifth national convention. At the last convention there were 426 delegates, each representing 500 paying members, and there were also forty fraternal delegates from various parts of the world. At one time the union didn't believe in prohibition, but it does now most positively; likewise as to suffrage it has taken an affirmative stand. Mrs. Leiter spoke of what it had accomplished for the proper temperance education of the children of the country as to the effect of narcotics upon the human system. Since the first convention of the union at Cincinnati the women of America had learned they could do something though the men had said they could not; they had also gotten out of the woods in the matter of parliamentary law. After explaining the requirements of membership and the white ribbon feature, she paid a glowing tribute to the memory of the late Frances E. Willard, who for thirteen years had been at the head of the union. The union, remarked the speaker, had learned that the saloon is intrenched in politics and it has therefore endeavored to create a public sentiment for temperance. The National Woman's Christian Temperance union stands unalterably committed against the liquor traffic and for the protection of the American home.

Plea for Total Abstinence.

Mrs. Frances E. Beauchamp of Lexington, Ky., Mrs. Stevens' representative, then made an address on total abstinence, using as a text the scriptural quotation, "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy spirit?" She pleaded for a religion that cared for the body as well as the soul, and this, she said, is the keynote of the Woman's Christian Temperance union. Were the effect of alcohol upon the physical system better known she believed there would be vastly more people in favor of total abstinence.

"Won't you please cease to speak of alcohol as a stimulant?" she asked. "Science speaks of it as a narcotic. It is the only poison for which no antidote has been found."

The total abstinence experiments upon the British soldiers in Egypt, she asserted, had demonstrated that there had been 50 per cent less sickness among the soldiers from whom the rations of rum had been withheld. Strong reasons for abstinence are found in the influence upon others of the liquor habit and the results of heredity. Millions of young men, according to the reports of the Young Men's Christian associations, are kept from the church by the open saloon on Sunday and the beer garden, and 80 per cent of the crimes committed has been traced to indulgence in intoxicants.

The closing address was by Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett of Washington on "Society's Duty to the Scarlet Woman." "The social evil is not a necessary one," she contended. "It was never intended that one-half of the world should suffer for the other half." She did not have much faith in efforts to cure the evil by legislation or by segregating the evil, as is the custom with many cities. The gist of her philosophy was that moral suasion, intelligently applied, is the better way, and that the stigma should be considered as great upon men as women. Society's duty she considered to be that of charitable effort to reclaim and uplift the fallen woman.


Transmississippi Exposition's Closing Hours Its Most Glorious Season.


Popular Verdict is Just Being Given in Favor of the Great Fair.


All Sorts of People Flock Through the Gates During the Day.


Management Looks Forward to a Most Successful Climax for a Season of Triumph and a Record Breaking Crowd.

Total admissions yesterday35,766
Total to date2,431,405

To see the virile and animated appearance of the grounds the observer can scarcely realize that only four more days of the great exposition remain. Nothing but the russet colors of the flowers that have been withered by the autumn frosts speak of approaching dissolution. Elsewhere everything is full of life and movement, and the crowds that move back and forth along the avenues and throng the buildings exhale all the gaiety of a new born enthusiasm. Nothing of interest has been sacrificed, and when the end comes it will find the enterprise in the apparent prime of its beauty and usefulness.

No crowds have been more uniformly admiring and enthusiastic than those that are adding the last figures to the grand total of exposition attendance. Those who have returned for a second inspection find that the show comprehends a thousand interesting features that they never noticed during their previous visit, and others who see it for the first time find no words strong enough to express their delight and approbation. So the people continue to manifest a constantly increasing interest, and if the season could be moved backward a couple of months this would still be apparent to the end. An expression of regret that this marvelous panorama is to be sacrificed in the tide of its prosperity is echoed by hundreds of people every day, and since the end must come in a few more days they are making the most of the opportunity that remains.

There is another big crowd on the grounds today which promises to equal, if not exceed, that of the day before. The early attendance was slightly diminished. Sunshine always brings the crowd out an hour earlier, and in its absence it was nearly 10 o'clock before the travel northward reached its biggest proportions. At that time the street cars were again overburdened and the lines in front of the ticket windows were continually expanding. After the experiences of the last two weeks the people were disposed to regard the cloudy sky with suspicion, but as they day advanced and no more serious discomfort materialized they concluded that it wasn't such a bad sort of a day after all and joined the rush toward the grounds.

If the spectacle lacked the mellow beauty that is borrowed from floods of golden sunlight, the day was well adapted for active sightseeing. The atmosphere was neither too cold nor too warm and the people found it thoroughly comfortable. The crowd is still very largely of a rural character and hundreds of the visitors are kicking themselves because they did not come earlier, when the big stock show was on the card. Many of them were not aware that this had closed and every day there is a continual swarm of farmers toward the barns, and they are hugely disappointed when they find that the prize animals have been shipped away and workmen are tearing down the buildings.

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Preparations for the big Omaha day jubilation are progressing satisfactorily and the management is highly gratified by the manner in which the business men of the city are co-operating in the plan to make it a fitting culmination of the exposition. With the reduced admission in force and every business house and public building closed for the day no Omaha man or woman will have the slightest excuse for staying away from the grounds. While the exercises of the day will not be elaborate, they will be highly interesting to every one who has an interest in the exposition and it is believed that fully nine-tenths of the entire population of the city will be on the grounds during the day.


President Wattles and the Mayors Make Brief Speeches.

The exercises that attended the visitation of the tri-city excursion were somewhat informal on account of the delay of some of the trains and the consequent shaking up of the prearranged program. They were scheduled at the Auditorium at 11 o'clock, but at that hour only three sections of the special train were in and President Wattles postponed them until after the afternoon band concert. But soon after noon the remainder of the party appeared and they preferred to let loose their oratory and have it over with. The visitors were met at the depot by General Manager Clarkson and Mayor Moores and escorted to the grounds. The exercises were begun at once, but as the people were anxious to see the show the speeches were abbreviated to mere expressions of good will and the general felicitations of the occasion.

Mayor Frank E. Moores welcomed the party in behalf of the city of Omaha with one of his characteristic addresses. He presented the golden keys of the city as a token that everything they saw was theirs and gave way to President Wattles, who extended a very brief but cordial welcome in behalf of the exposition management. Mayor George T. Baker of Davenport and Mayor T. J. Medill of Rock Island very gracefully responded to the sentiments of the previous speakers and ex-Mayor C. E. Ficke of Davenport delivered the address of the day. He spoke of the exposition as an enterprise in which the people of Iowa and Illinois feel a particular pride. Its magnificent architecture and beautiful landscapes will soon disappear, but the results that have been achieved will be evident for years to come.

The musical features of the program were supplied by the Svea quartet of Moline and Bleuer's band of Rock Island, which accompanied the excursionists. Both organizations acquitted themselves with decided credit. The quartet rendition of the celebrated "Illinois" was received with especial favor and was enthusiastically encored.


Superintendent Receives Present of Money and Commendation.

Something like 150 of the exposition exhibitors gathered at the Minnesota building last night to give testimony of the esteem with which they regard H. B. Hardt, superintendent of exhibits of the exposition. Shortly after 8 o'clock Major Wheeler of New York and president of the Exhibitors' club in a few befitting remarks presented Mr. Hardt with a purse of $1,042, a contribution from the exhibitors. After the presentation President Wattles of the exposition spoke at some length, referring to the work of Mr. Hardt in the most eulogistic terms, denominating him as the right man in the right place at all times. To this Mr. Hardt responded, saying that the occasion was the happiest of his life and that he appreciated the good will of the exhibitors much more than the money. He said that during the course of the exposition he has done all in his power to serve the interests of the exposition and at the same time has tried to be fair to the exhibitors.

In addition to the purse of $1,042, an engrossed testimonial, signed by a large number of the exhibitors, was tendered to Mr. Hardt and accepted with his most profound thanks.

After the presentation the parties adjourned to the second floor, where an elaborate lunch was spread. Following this Jules Lumbard sang "Are You Sleeping, Maggie," which in turn was followed by a season of speechmaking, which was opened by A. F. Griffiths of the Fine Arts building. He remarked that he had found Mr. Hardt very exacting, but in every demand he had apparently been working in the interests of the exposition instead of in the interests of the exhibitors.

Senator Thurston spoke of the exposition as an educator. He complimented the state of Minnesota upon its fine building and the manner in which it has been presided over by Commissioner Field.

Prof. Clark and Charles R. Dodge of the government exhibit designated the Transmississippi exposition as the most successful and best ever held in the United States, and one that would be recorded in history as the most remarkable show ever seen. They spoke of the government exhibit in detail, showing what had been done to make it interesting to all.

Additional speeches were made by Manager Babcock, Secretary Wakefield, T. J. Kelly, Superintendent Dorsch of the Oregon exhibit, Prof. Taylor, W. S. Shaw, Dr. Day and others.


Camp Broken and the Various Tribes Are Started for Home.

Almost complete dissolution prevails at the Indian village on the exposition grounds and the Indian congress is a thing of the past. The Indians who have interested and amused thousands of people during the last summer, or at least a greater portion of them, are speeding toward their homes as fast as express trains can carry them. Yesterday the Pueblos and Rosebud Sioux departed and today a special train will carry the Wichitas, Kiowas, Sacs and Foxes, Apaches, Cheyennes and Arapahoes. The train will be run solid to El Reno, Okl., from whence the representatives will scatter to their respective agencies. The Sioux will all leave Friday and their departure will be the final act in breaking camp, as they are the last Indians to leave for home.

Yesterday there was lots of hurry and bustle in the camp, as each delegation departing seemed to be of the opinion that if they did not get out on the first train there would not be another opportunity of reaching home. The squaws worked with a will in tearing down tepees, packing up and even the bucks took hold and for once worked as though life depended upon the progress made.

While the other Indians were working Geronimo turned several honest pennies by selling his autograph and pictures, charging from 50 cents to $1 for each, and he found plenty of purchasers too.

The grass house of the Wichitas was attacked early in the day and before night it was a mass of ruins. The grass with which it was thatched was thrown to one side, but the poles which formed the framework were saved and will be shipped home to be used in the construction of a similar domicile.

It was the intention to have a war dance as a kind of a parting function yesterday, but when the matter was suggested to the Sioux by Captain Mercer the Indians rebelled and politely informed him that their days of dancing before an exposition crowd were over. They said that they were too busy preparing to emigrate and in bidding their good friends goodbye, consequently the function was declared off, much to the disappointment of the spectators.


Secretary Wiggins of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce on Display.

Frank Wiggins of the Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles, Cal., and who has been one of the judges in the Horticultural section of the exposition, in speaking of the display of fruit, said yesterday: "The exhibit made by the fruit growers of the central and western states is the finest that I have ever seen. I have been in the fruit business all my life, was one of the Horticultural judges at the World's Fair, and have served as a judge at numerous other fruit exhibits and I can truthfully say that the display made at the Transmississippi and International Exposition far exceeds any and all. The variety has been greater and the quantity and quality have been something astonishing. It seems as though the whole transmississippi country is one great orchard and vineyard. It is hard to tell what state or section produces the best fruit.

"Of course the mountain region and the Pacific coast country lead in certain varieties, the climate being more favorable to their growth, but on the whole I can hardly say what region is most favorable for the general production of all varieties of fruit. I came here expecting to see a good horticultural exhibit, but never supposed I would find everything so complete. All varieties of fruit have been shown in their proper season and all classes have been kept full. The exhibit has been a great success in every particular and Superintendent Taylor is entitled to great credit for the work that he has performed in inducing exhibitors to come and show their products."

Minnesota Wins All.

The last butter scoring has been completed and Expert Collyer has handed in his conclusions. In making the awards he gave Minnesota first and Nebraska second. The score was: Minnesota, 98; Nebraska, 97¾ per cent. This award gives Minnesota the sweepstakes, it having won first at four of five of the scorings. The first scoring was won by Iowa and all of the others by Minnesota. Nearly all of the Transmississippi states were in the contest.

In the cheese scoring, where Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin were contesting, Nebraska took first, second and third prizes. All of the butter and cheese was purchased by a local grocery firm and will be put upon the market.

Improved Life Saving Drill.

Lieutenant McLellan, who now has charge of the life saving crew, has added a new feature to the dairy drill. Previously hundreds of people have wondered what the surfmen do with the gear that is attached to the mast after the crew of the wrecked vessel has been saved. Lieutenant McLellan has consequently introduced the use of the apparatus by which the hawser is cut. This is a small block that is run out on the line and when it reaches the mast a quick jerk on a small rope releases two sharp knives which free the gear. This piece of equipment was introduced into the United States service by Lieutenant McLellan. He saw something like it during a trip to England, where the life saving crews had been unable to make it work satisfactorily. He devised one or two improvements which disposed of the difficulty and since then it has been used in this country with general success.

The same twitch of the line that cuts the hawser also serves another purpose. The bulk of the people who see the drill are unfamiliar with it and after it is over they have been accustomed to remain standing around the lagoon in the expectation that there was something more to come. Lieutenant McLellan has had a large banner reefed to the yard on the mast and when the hawser is cut this is released and drops down, showing an inscription that assures the crowd that the drill is over.

What an Exhibitor Wants to Know.

OMAHA, Oct. 27.—To the Editor of The Bee: Why do you not publish the names of the jury of awards on the main exhibits at the exposition? I notice that The Bee has printed the names of a few of the minor juries, in the work of which there is but little interest, but of the main jury, whose decision is of vital importance to all the exhibitors, nothing has been said beyond the fact that they are at work. There have been a number of suspicious things in connection with this award business, and all summer long there has been a feeling among the exhibitors that there might be some sort of skullduggery at the end of the show. The testimonial by the exhibitors to the superintendent of that department, in which only a portion of the exhibitors joined, and the secrecy the department seems to be maintaining in regard to who is to judge the exhibits, adds much weight to the already well grounded belief that everything is not just as it should be.


Invitation to the Exposition.

Superintendent of Schools Pearse is sending invitations to the school superintendents in the principal towns and cities of the state to participate in the celebration of Omaha day at the exposition. He is calling attention to the preparations made in this city to celebrate the day, points out that it will probably be a long while before they or their schools will be able to see such an exposition as Omaha has had this summer and urges them to take advantage of the last opportunity to view it. In view of the low rates it is believed that there will be a considerable attendance of school children and school officials on that day.

Buy Tickets at the Gates.

Z. T. Lindsey, chairman of the Department of Ways and Means of the exposition, warns visitors to purchase their exposition tickets only from the official ticket sellers at the exposition entrances. He also says that purchasers of tickets should make sure that the tickets are torn from a strip in their presence.

Some irregularities have been discovered in the handling of the tickets and failure to observe the above warnings may result in tickets being refused at the admission gates.

Clearing Away the Plants.

The severe frosts of recent nights have entirely killed the cannae and other tender plants in the exposition flower beds. The leaves and stalks have been blackened and shriveled until they have ceased to be ornamental and a force of men armed with sickles has begun cutting them away.

Georgia Building for Sale.

The Georgia building on exposition grounds will be sold at low figures. Send bids to undersigned, care Georgia building.

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Notes of the Exposition.

Charles E. Cutter, the St. Louis representative of the Associated Press, is in the city taking in the exposition, accompanied by Mrs. Cutter. He is surprised at the magnitude of the exposition, and says that those people who have failed to visit it have missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

Ex-Senator Harlan of Iowa was an exposition visitor yesterday, spending most of his time in examining the exhibits in the buildings upon the main court. Senator Harlan is the only surviving members of the cabinet of ex-President Lincoln. His home is at Mount Pleasant. He enjoyed his visit to the exposition and unhesitatingly pronounced it a great show.

A great number of the exhibitors are making active preparations for packing up their exhibits immediately upon the close of the exposition. Some of them have ever gone so far as to get out their boxes, take their measurement and hire men to do the work. Nearly all of them announce that when the buildings close next Monday night they will spend the balance of the night tearing down and getting ready to move.

Mrs. M. A. Shute of Denver, who did so much to secure the exhibit of fruit in the Horticultural building, has returned and will remain here until the close of the exposition. She says that the fruit growers of Colorado are well satisfied with the exhibit and the methods that have been pursued with reference to its management. She also declares that the growers who have contributed to the exhibit feel that they have been repaid many fold on the investment which they made.

Commissioner J. H. McGibbon of Chicago, who has been appointed to represent the United States at the Paris exposition, is in the city, visiting the exposition. He is delighted with it and unhesitatingly declares it the most complete display of the resources of the country that has ever been made. While here he will arrange to have some of the features retained and arranged for exhibition at Paris. He has selected as one thing the cathedral design in the Los Angeles county exhibit from California and will complete his arrangements for having it forwarded when the proper time arrives.


Ryckman and Marshall Working on a Plan Looking to an Extension.


One of the Promoters Explains the Scope and Purpose of the Project Which They Hope Omaha Will Support.

A fortnight since John W. Ryckman of Chicago and Edward Marshall of New York submitted a proposal to certain prominent business men of Omaha for the holding of a foreign and colonial exposition in this city in 1899. The plan presented by these gentlemen has been approved in the abstract by so many of those before whom it was laid, and seems so feasible that there now seems to be a possibility of Omaha's having another and in many respects equally important and successful exposition next year. It is intended to form an entirely new organization to take over the present buildings and grounds, or such part of them as may be necessary for the purpose, from the present company, upon such reasonable basis as may be arranged.

"It is true," said Mr. Ryckman, "that a suggestion has been made to the directors of the exposition to secure the transfer of the Transmississippi Exposition buildings and grounds to a new organization to be immediately formed, for the purpose of holding an exposition in Omaha next season, for which every section of our whole country feels there is immediate demand. If Omaha did not take up the project some other city would, but as this magnificent plant is already here and available the cards are all in Omaha's hands.

What He Hopes to Do.

"Omaha having assumed the responsibility of this great Transmississippi Exposition and having come out of it so triumphantly with all the splendid buildings left intact should now for the country's sake assume an equal responsibility and bring into direct conjunction here next summer all of the forces that have become interlaced in our country's greater commerce of the future in the new territories and possessions acquired since the Spanish-American imbroglio. Within a very few months the whole political and commercial complexion of the country has changed. We have assumed control of rich colonies outside our own domain, and the markets of Cuba, Porto Rico, Sandwich Islands and the Philippines now fall to us by right of conquest. The commodities they have heretofore received from England, Germany, France and other countries may now and must be supplied by our own industrialists. At the present time they are absolutely unfamiliar with the character of the goods [?] in those countries and of their natural [?] some time this trade, which will rapidly develop for us to an unlimited extent, must be a question of barter. We must utilize their products in order to displace their good with our own in their markets.

Wants Omaha to Shoulder It.

"An exposition which will bring here to the precise center of the United States, where a great exposition plant is ready to receive them, all the products of our new possessions and samples of all the goods and wares entering into their domestic and economic systems is not only timely but is absolutely demanded and will make Omaha not only the magnate of attraction throughout the world next year by reason of the great importance of such a showing, but will add vastly to its reputation for courage and its masterful recognition of the necessary forces of national advancement. Japan would join in such an exposition and make a magnificent display, because of their loudly expressed desire to become allied to the United States in furtherance of her foreign commerce. Mexico has for years plead with us for a chance to make such an exhibition as would attract the attention of commercialists to her material resources. The Nicaragua Canal company would join extensively and bring here the best of everything in Honduras, Venezuela, Guatemala, etc. The administration, having evolved for the country the splendid achievements in these territorial aggrandizements, must favor such a demonstration and congress would appropriate a very considerable sum to bring the products and the producers of our new possessions and allies here face to face with our own producing classes for a perfect understanding and a sure commercial footing.

"It is proposed to organize a company with a capital stock of $250,000, which is considered by some of Omaha's most prudent business men to be an ample guaranty on the part of this city. You may say that definite action on the matter will be taken immediately."


Immense Crowd Visits the Exposition and Today Will Have Thousands More.

Railroads Bring Them In From Every Direction for the Closing Week.

Plenty of Entertainment for Visitors, the Concert and Indians by Day, Music at Night.

Cool Air Adds to the Enjoyment of the Show and the Fair City Shines in the Sun.

Geronimo Goes to the Theater--Red Men Preparing to Move Camp--Grand Display of Fireworks.

Wednesday's Admissions35,766
Total Admissions2,431,405

Not since the last day of Peace Jubilee week, October 15, has there been such a crowd on the exposition grounds as yesterday, when it ran up to 35,766. Almost without exception the crowd consisted of strangers, of people from the neighboring states brought in by the good railroad rates and the successful last effort to see the great exposition. Very few Omaha people were out.

Plenty of entertainment was provided for the visitors, for not a display can be touched in any of the buildings until after Omaha day. There were band concerts, the life saving exhibition, the fun of seeing the Indians making elaborate preparation for moving back to their reservations and to end the night, elaborate fireworks in the north tract. The Midway was at its best, the spielers having recovered from their throat and lung troubles of last week. The weather was [?]shining brightly, and the [?]

For today the best crowd of the week is anticipated, for all of yesterday's strangers will say, and thousands more will arrive. And then this is 25-cent night, and somewhere from 10,000 to 15,000 Omaha people, who haven't been out at all this week, are expected to attend.

The exposition management is permitting the railroad to take care of affairs this week, Railroad week, and is bending every energy toward making next Monday, Omaha day, a glorious success, with stirring events lasting from morning till midnight, and twice as many people as were ever on the grounds in one day before.


What was once the warmest spot on the exposition grounds, the Indian congress, is now rapidly becoming a deserted village, for by night none will be left save two bands of Sioux to sing of victorious battles and fat feeds of the summer. The Wichitas, Kiowas, Chiracahua Apaches, Sacs and Foxes and Arapahoes will go today, bag and baggage, with old Geronimo thrown in. Prof. James Mooney will accompany home the southern Indians.

Geronimo, it must be admitted, has been as big a drawing card in himself as any other half dozen whole tribes, yet, somehow or other, the attaches of the congress are glad to see him go. The character which made him famous as a wholesale murderer and a heartless and treacherous wretch is still in him, and no kindness or favor extended him is apt to be remembered over night by the old chief. Although his conduct has been that of a model Indian, so far as outside appearances go, he has needed more secret watching than ever. It was the request of Roland Reed to see him, so Geronimo and Natchi, the hereditary chief of the Chiracahua Apaches, in charge of "Rattlesnake Pete" Liddiard, were his guests at a box party at the Boyd last evening.

Among those leaving yesterday were the Pueblos and Goes-to-War's band of Sioux, a bright and progressive lot, who have profited educationally and financially by the exposition. When the band arrived its baggage was hauled to the grounds in a light spring wagon. Yesterday it took two big dray wagons to move the stuff to the depot. The way it accumulated good clothing and other property astonished the officers of the congress immensely.

There will be no more sham battles or war dances, the preparations for moving home and the leaving of the last delegation Saturday making this decision necessary.

The effects of the congress, consisting chiefly of 100 ponies, bought from the Omahas and Winnebagoes, will be sold at public auction at a date to be announced later.

Arrangements have been made for sending seven carloads of war balloons and other signal corps equipment on Sunday to the quartermaster's store rooms of the department of the Platte, or the "government corral" at Twenty-second and Poppleton avenue.

Thomas J. Kelly, superintendent of music, and Miss Officer are arranging for a big farewell concert to immediately follow the usual Innes band concert on the evening of Omaha day. Musical artists of note will be invited to participate.

Commissioner Bernard of Minnesota left for his home in Pipestone yesterday, having finished his work at the exposition.

The North Dakota exhibit in the Agricultural building has just received a fine collection of native grasses and mammoth vegetables, selected from the best of the North Dakota autumn fairs. The exhibit was much visited yesterday because of an excursion from Fargo and Grand Forks, the delegation from the latter city being headed by Mayor Dinnie and F. A. Brown, a leading business man. Miss Ford, the superintendent of the exhibit, leaves the coming Thursday to accept a position with a Minneapolis paper.

Owing to the unavoidable absence of Superintendent Green of the Georgia building the commissioners have been given permission to at once remove a portion of their exhibit in the state building, and four carloads will be sent away today. The building will be open for the reception of visitors till after Omaha day is over, however.

The A. L. Due Fireworks company gave a magnificent pyrotechnical display on the north tract last evening, representing the best that has been heretofore given. Another display will be given Saturday evening.

Council Bluffs people will no longer have a special gate by which to enter the exposition, the one on the bluff tract, which has been maintained for the benefit of the patrons of the terminal company, being closed. Business had not warranted its being kept open longer and since the terminal company has ceased to enjoy a profitable patronage it had asked to be released from its obligations to the exposition and the Council Bluffs city council to run ten trains daily.


Exhibitors Make Him a Substantial Present—Banquet and Talks.

The exhibitors of the exposition met at the Minnesota building last night to testify by greeting and by speeches to the efficiency and the courtesy of H. B. Hardt, the superintendent of the exhibits department. It had been arranged that they should do this at a meeting held a few days ago, and at which meeting a committee of arrangements was appointed. Of this committee Major Wheeler of the New York building was made chairman and Wallace S. Shaw of the Walter Baker exhibit secretary.

The Minnesota building was thronged  Scanned image of page 160 last night for three hours. Major Wheeler in a little speech, referring to the valuable assistance which Mr. Hardt had given to all exhibitors and his services to the whole exposition, presented him, on behalf of the exhibitors, with a purse of $1,042.

Major Wheeler was immediately followed by President Wattles of the exposition, who expressed his pleasure at the opportunity to add a word on behalf of the exposition management. President Wattles said that the services of Mr. Hardt had been invaluable. He had been a counsel to whom all the members of the executive committee had been glad to go when confronted with perplexing problems. And as an expert in exposition matters he had often been consulted with profit on general exposition matters.

Mr. Hardt, in responding, said that, though he had been connected with international and district expositions since 1873, this was the proudest moment of his life. If he had seemed to be hard sometimes on exhibitors here this was evidence that he had done best by the exhibitors and best by the exposition. He had, he said, started out to be loyal to the exposition, and he thought that the expressions of the evening and the presence of so many exhibitors proved that he had been careful in every way to perform his duty.

At the conclusion of his remarks a big pamphlet was handed him containing, in graceful lettering by Director Griffith of the art department, a testimonial signed by the exhibitors.

The exhibitors were then invited upstairs, where refreshments were served and where short talks were made by Senator Thurston, General Manager Clarkson, Secretary Wakefield, Profs. Clark and Dodge of the government board of control, Commissioner Dosch of Oregon, Director Taylor of the agricultural and horticultural departments, Dr. Day, director of the mineral section, Wallace S. Shaw, Musical Director Kelly and others.

Superintendents Feld and Danforth of the Minnesota building omitted nothing to make the evening enjoyable for all the guests.

Exposition Notes.

Manager Lindsey of the department of admisisons​ wishes to caution the public against purchasing tickets to the exposition, especially on Omaha day, of any persons or firms down town, or at any other places than at the exposition ticket sellers' windows, and then be sure that the tickets are taken from the rolled strips. This is to avoid the purchase of fraudulent tickets that may be offered for sales by irresponsible or dishonest parties.

Beginning Tuesday, November 1, many paintings now on exhibition in Fine Arts building will be offered at public sale. Hours for sales will be 2 and 8 p. m.


The low railroad rates from all points within 500 miles of Omaha, going into effect Tuesday, began to tell plainly on the attendance at the exposition yesterday.

Twenty thousand people were unloaded at the Union and the Burlington depots yesterday forenoon. There seemed no end to the trains. The Northwestern brought in ten, and the Rock Island and the Burlington something like that number. The same story may be told about the Milwaukee. At the exposition grounds stations, the Missouri Pacific and the Elkhorn delivered long and heavy trainloads. On the grounds, by the middle of the forenoon, it looked like one of the bigger days of a few weeks ago. Guessers had it that the attendance would be close to 40,000.

The street cars had to get all these people up from the depots and to take care of the thousands who got in from nearer points last night. Every street car going to the grounds today looked like a field mouse running from a corn shock, with its young ones clinging to it.

Six of the trains coming over the Rock Island were required to bring the Tri-City excursionists from Davenport, Rock Island and Moline. The first of the sections arrived about 9 o'clock and the last one about noon. On board were Mayors Baker of Davenport, Medill of Rock Island, Swenson of Moline and ex-Mayors Fickle of Davenport. They were met at the depot by Mayor Moores and taken in carriages to the grounds where all were to speak at exercises in the Auditorium.

The day, being practically without wind and the sun coming out warm, was the most comfortable that the exposition has been blessed with for two weeks. It looked like summer. Only the sharpness of the air in shaded places and the frost-withered flowers and shrubs reminded one that it was not.


Preparing to Quit and Will Go Out of Business November 10.

The Nebraska state exposition commission proposes to hold its final session November 10. It will then cease to have an existence.

This was decided at a meeting yesterday, when all commissioners were [?]tary Casper. As soon as possible after the clock strikes midnight October 31, all the loose property of the state at the various exhibits is to be brought to the state building, where it can be properly and safely taken care of until both this property and the state building are turned over to Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Wolfe. It is thought that this can be done about November 3. The pictures and hangings lent the commission for decorating purposes will be packed as soon as can be and returned to the owners. Mr. Wolfe will have charge of the disposal of the state building and of the state property therein.

With the close of the exposition all the employes under the commission except the office force and the three guards, Messrs. William, Barrett and Hines, are to be discharged. The commission will recommend that the three guards be retained to look after the property until it is disposed of by the commissioner of public lands and buildings.

The commissioners went to the agriculture building at noon and enjoyed a corn dinner tendered by Mrs. MacMurphy at the model kitchen.

Concessioner Goes to Court.

Fred T. Cummins, who has concessions for seats, roller and portable chairs, and drinks and eatables at the exposition, has secured a temporary injunction from Judge Scott's court restraining the exposition association from interfering with his business. The petition alleges that the exposition officials have interfered with his business in an arbitrary, highhanded, oppressive and domineering manner by trying to force him to make payments of sums of money for percentages of the business which are in dispute, and has taken possession of the seats, drinks and eatables, and also threatened to cancel his employes' passes. The amount in dispute is said to be $746.


Clearing House Association Declares Monday, Oct. 31, a Bank Holiday—All Interests Falling in Line.

Commissioner Utt of the Commercial club has received notice from Manager W. H. S. Hughes of the Omaha Clearing House association that all the clearing house banks will close on Omaha day at the exposition. The banks will be closed all day and employes given a holiday to visit the exposition.

The closing-up movement, according to the committee in charge, is now almost unanimous in all lines of business, and will be absolutely unanimous in a day or two. So far as business is concerned, there will be less of it, it is stated, than on an average Sunday.

Conventions of the Week.

During the week (October 28-29) two conventions will meet in Omaha.

National Council of Women in session each morning and evening during the week, at the First Congregational church.

Thursday, 3 p. m.—Nebraska Woman's Suffrage association in lecture room of First Congregational church.

Monday, October 31, is Omaha and closing day. The gates of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition will be permanently closed to visitors at 12:30 a. m., November 1.


Miss Anthony Speaks of Good Effect Equal Suffrage Would Produce.

J. Ellen Foster Thinks the Way to Secure It Is to Line Up With Political Parties.

Rev. Anna Shaw Says This Government Is a Male Oligarchy--Bright Thoughts of Noted Women.

The announcement of a meeting of the National Woman's Suffrage association which would be addressed by that veteran exponent of the rights for women, Susan B. Anthony, and Mrs. J. Ellen Foster and Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, was sufficient to draw a good-sized audience to the First Congregational church yesterday afternoon. About 250 women and a dozen men were in attendance.

Suspended from the reading desk of the pulpit was a black banner on which appeared in big, yellow letters the motto on the state seal of Nebraska, "Equality Before the Law"[?]peared, in letters readable from the center of the house, extracts from the writings or sayings of noted men, and epigramatic sentences like this, "Taxation without representation is tyranny," and this, attributed to Abraham Lincoln, "I go for all sharing the privileges of the government who assist in bearing its burdens. Consequently I go for admitting all to the right of suffrage, by no means excluding women."

Miss Anthony, in opening the meeting, said the purpose of the gathering at this time was not only to tell about the work of the suffrage movement, but to bring the various organizations holding their sessions in this city together in one grand council. The speaker reiterated her assertion at another meeting—that the suffrage association embraces all the other organizations of women—and argued that no other movement proceeds very far without encountering the ballot box.


The possession of the right of suffrage was cited as the panacea of many of the ills to which women are subjected in life. Many illustrations in the personal experience of the speaker were cited in proof of this assertion. She likened the attempt of women to bring about reforms without the use of the ballot to the baying of a hound at the moon.

Speaking of the condition of the movement, Miss Anthony said up to last year New York and Utah had stood at the head of the suffrage work, but last year Iowa had forged to the front and now stands first on the list. This led to the introduction of Mrs. Ballard, president of the Iowa association.

Mrs. Ballard spoke very briefly of the work in Iowa, giving to the national association the credit for what had been done.


Mrs. J. Ellen Foster of Washington, D. C., president of the Women's Republican association of the United States, discussed the underlying principles of government, claiming justice demanded that women be given the same right of self-government that is accorded to men. She said the ballot was the only natural, simple and direct way of accomplishing those things which every woman wants done; in every reform which is instituted the ballot box is encountered.

The speaker discussed the objections almost invariably urged by women when first considering this matter of "going into politics," and explained that there is nothing inherently bad in politics, but the mentality of the individual governs the character of the work. She expressed thankfulness that the time has passed when the weak, dependent woman is thought the most womanly, and said the woman who knows herself is the ruling idea of a true woman in these enlightened days.


The speaker affirmed her earnest conviction that the only way woman will ever get the right of suffrage is to support the aims and objects of some political party, saying that the right will never be granted because men believe, abstractly, that women are entitled to the privilege. but that it will only come when men are brought to a realization that they need the assistance of the women to carry out some desired object.

Rev. Anna Howard Shaw of Philadelphia, vice president of the National Suffrage association, discussed the suffrage question in a vigorous and forceful style. In the course of her remarks she commented sarcastically on the lessons to be drawn from the war with Spain, referring to the resolution adopted by congress declaring that the people of Cuba "are and of right ought to be be free," asking what fate would meet such a resolution declaring for the freedom of the women of the United States. She declared that the congress which passed the Cuban resolution would never have passed the second resolution.


Discussing the form of government in this country, the speaker said is it asserted that this is a country governed by representatives elected by the people. She said the people had never been so governed because a large portion has been disfranchised and the government is a "male oligarchy." She demanded that the word "male" be erased from the constitution of the country, and said that women must be given the rights to which they are entitled before this country can rightly be called a republic. She quoted from the platforms of the great political parties to support her assertion that the language of all of them extends equal granting of suffrage to women would not necessitate any change in the principles of these parties.


Series of Ten Minute Talks Led by Miss Anthony.

At last evening's session of the National Council of women, First Congregational church, the large edifice was well filled by an appreciative audience. The program of the occasion was an interesting one. Ten minute talks were first on the program. Miss Susan B. Anthony's subject was "National American Woman's Suffrage Association." She explained its object and workings and held that it had been the means of doing much good for womankind.

Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, Washington, D. C., talked on "Woman's Republican Association of the United States" very interestingly. Mrs. Flo Jameson Miller of Monticello, Ill., gave a vivid description of the work of the Woman's Relief corps auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. "National Association of Loyal Women of American Liberty" was the subject discussed by Mrs. I. C. Manchester of  Scanned image of page 161  Scanned image of page 162  Scanned image of page 163 Providence, R. I. Mrs. Emiline B. Wells of Salt Lake City, Utah, talked entertainingly on "National Woman's Relief Society."

Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson, president of the George Washington Memorial association, whose home is at Winthrop, Mass., delivered a thirty-minute address on "Citizenship and Loyalty." It was unanimously characterized as one of the brightest that has been made during the meeting of the council.

The evening's session closed with an address by Mrs. Flo Jameson Miller, her topic being "How May the Growth of Loyalty Be Promoted Without Developing an Aristocracy?"

The second session of the temperance congress convenes at the First Congregational church, Nineteenth and Davenport streets, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. There will be addresses by Mrs. Susa Young Gates of Provo, Utah; Mrs. Francis Beauchamp of Kentucky; Mrs. Charlton Edholm of Chicago; Mrs. H. Harford of Oregon, and other national representatives.


Mrs. Colby Calls the Annual Meeting to Order.

The seventeenth annual meeting of the Nebraska Woman's Suffrage association opened at the First ongregational​ church yesterday afternoon, occupying the hour immediately preceding the meeting of the national association. Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby, president of the Nebraska organization, occupied the chair and the audience comprised fifty women and four men.

Mrs. Colby announced that little had been prepared in the way of a formal program on account of the interesting proceedings arranged for the national gathering. She reviewed the situation in Nebraska, saying that twelve branches are in flourishing condition in various parts of the state and that steps have been taken to form a society in Omaha. She discussed the general nature and purpose of the organization, inviting all present to join the movement.

Mrs. A. J. Marble of Table Work, district president, read a report of the work during the past year in her district.

Mrs. Colby announced a business meeting of the association at 9:30 this morning at the church, at which time officers will be elected for the ensuing year. In this connection Mrs. Colby spoke of her own active work in connection with the Nebraska association during the past sixteen years, and said her continued absence from the state made it advisable that a woman living in the state should be chosen as president.

A second session of the Nebraska association will be held at the church at 2 o'clock this afternoon, which will be addressed by Miss Susan B. Anthony.

Brought up for Contempt.

President Wattles, Manager A. L. Reed, Superintendent Wadley and other members of the Department of Concessions at the exposition were brought into Judge Scott's court this morning on the charge of contempt of court because they have failed to obey a restraining order issued by the court, enjoining them from interferring​ with Concessionaire Cummins in running his roller chair, seat and other stands. The exposition people claim that Cummins has not paid over $700 that is coming to them out of his receipts and took possession of his stands. Cummins alleged that he does not owe the money and succeeded in securing a restraining order that ousted the exposition managers from possession. The order was not obeyed and this morning on Cummins' information, attachments were issued for the persons of the members of the Department of Concessions and they were brought into court by the sheriff. When the case came up the exposition people asked that the hearing be fixed for November 3, and this motion was granted. They were put under bond that they will obey the order of the court in the meanwhile.


Omaha's Gain Far Greater Than the Return in Money.

Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune.

Omaha is to be congratulated upon the great financial success she has attained in her exposition. Already the clear profit is more than $300,000 and the time remaining may swell that to $500,000.

Excepting the Philadelphia Centennial this is the only interstate exposition with national pretensions which has been a financial success. If matters turn out as now seem probable this enterprise will return to its stockholders every dollar of their subscriptions. This will be encouragement for other experiments along the same line and for the country's good, for they are edifying and instructive in a very marked way.

But Omaha has been benefited to a much greater extent than is apparent on the surface. She has had a wonderful amount of free advertising, which is of no small benefit to a city. In addition her merchants and innkeepers have reaped large profits by reason of the increased trade of the visitors. If they had no direct return from the expo-[?]they are[?]

This exposition was a daring venture for a city with a population less than 200,000. It is a gratification to know that the energy and daring of the people have been so abundantly rewarded.

It is said that before the experiment Omaha was in the dumps from a business standpoint. Business was dull and everything lagging. Now the city has taken on new life and trade is booming along every line. Surely the men who are the managers of the enterprise are entitled to the thanks of the whole city, for the success is undoubtedly due to good management and good financiering, coupled with western energy. Omaha and her managers are to be congratulated on the wonderful success of their experiment.


Great Throng Passes Through the Turnstiles Early in the Day.


Even the Midway Has a Busy Time Before the Noon Hour.


Status of Subscribers Who Have Only Paid Up in Part.


Frank L. McCoy Promises to Bring a Suit to Test the Question of How Much He is to Be Credited With.

Total admissions yesterday36,265
Total to date2,467,879

The exposition is experiencing another decidedly prosperous day. The people began coming early this morning, in recognition of the brilliant sunshine, and the arrivals continued without perceptible diminution until well into the afternoon. The grounds were crowded early in the day, and even the Midway, which is usually somnolent during the morning, received a liberal patronage. The management is rigidly enforcing the rule which prevents any exhibitor from taking any steps toward packing up before November 1, and, while they are actively engaged in settling up their accounts and other routine affairs, the exhibits remain undisturbed. The closing days are full of activity for the superintendents of the various buildings, and their offices are literally besieged by the exhibitors who are anxious to close up their business to be ready to get away as soon as possible after the exposition closes. Most of the superintendents will be pretty fully occupied for some time during November in adjusting these matters, and so far they are being accomplished with much less friction than usually attends the breaking up of a big exposition.

The question as to the rights of the stock subscribers who have only partially paid their subscriptions is likely to be decided by the courts at an early date. This question was referred to the counsel for the exposition some time ago by the executive committee, but so far no opinion has been returned. In the meantime there is a good deal of anxiety on the part of the holders of partially paid subscriptions to know how they will be treated by the management when the distribution of the surplus occurs.

The question was brought to a focus this morning by Frank L. McCoy, who called on Secretary Wakefield and demanded a certificate of one share of stock. Mr. McCoy subscribed for two shares of stock on which he has paid assessments amounting to $10.50. He contends that this entitles him to one $10 share of paid up stock. Secretary Wakefield takes the position that all the payments that he had made were credited equally on each of his two shares. Consequently, while he had paid $5.25 on each of these shares, neither of them is paid up and entitled to a certificate.

After some discussion Mr. McCoy stated that he proposed to make a test case of the matter and that he would go into court at once to compel the exposition to issue him a certificate in exchange for the amount that he had paid in. If the suit is brought it promises to settle a much vexed question and the result will be anticipated with much interest by the people who are represented by the $27,000 of partial payments that the exposition has collected.


Experiments of the Horticultural Society Are Eminently Successful.

A glance at the fruit in the exhibit of the experimental farm of the North Carolina State Horticultural society at the Transmississippi Exposition consisting of the finest specimens of Delaware and Niagara grapes, besides many excellent varieties of peaches, plums, pears and apples, will convince the most prejudiced that North Carolina is a fruit growing state. Fruit is fast becoming an important factor in the list of man's necessities, as well as his luxurious[?] It is one of the most simple and natural foods of mankind. In the last few years more has been done to improve and diversify the fruits than was ever done before in a decade of centuries. The highest talent among the scientific men is engaged in this work. To grow these fruits in the sand regions the State Horticultural society has been carrying on an extensive series of experiments with fertilizers on fruits of various kinds. The experiments have been a success and of untold value to the state. A once barren, sandy soil is now the scene of hundreds of acres of as fine fruit as can be grown in the south.

At one grapes and peaches seemed to be the best crops to raise in the sands, but experiments have shown that pears, plums, apples and many other varieties of fruit can be grown just as well as peaches and grapes with care and the addition of the right kind of fertilizer. The results of the experiments have not been confined to the state alone, but have attracted the attention of intelligent settlers from the north and west and the state will soon become a community of fruit growers. The peach thrives in the sands as well as the grape, and the development of the culture of this fruit has of late outstripped even the grape there. The most noted orchard in these sands is the one owned by the J. Van Lindley company. This company has now in bearing over 350 acres in peaches, and is extending its planting every year by hundreds of acres. The crop from this orchard in 1895 was the first crop from the trees and it paid 20 per cent on the investment. But this company has not stopped with peaches and grapes, but has every year added hundreds of acres of other fruit, and in the last year have planted 1,000 pear trees, which are in a flourishing condition. There are 1,000 acres of grapes on this farm grown entirely for shipping as fresh fruit to northern markets, and the culture of them is found to be very profitable. The Niagara and Delaware grapes grown here are said to be the best that reach the northern markets. Theh​ strawberry, blackberry and dewberry are also very profitable crops.

The State Horticultural society has lately undertaken the most extensive experiments in the fertilization of fruit trees, vines, etc., that has ever been attempted in the United States. The grounds are located at Southern Pines, N. C., and comprise two separate plots, covering about 120 acres of land. The experiments are made in various series to test the proper mode of applying fertilizers to promote the growth of fruits, etc., every conceivable variation being made so as to get at the proper combination of the plant food.


American Horse Tells What the Fair Has Done for His People.

American Horse, the great chief of the Sioux, who is one of the wealthiest Indians of the tribe and who has always been a staunch friend of the white man, said yesterday that he wanted to talk of the exposition. Speaking upon this subject he said, through an interpreter: "To all of the Indians who have not been able to get out and meet the white people, their visit to Omaha and the exposition have been two great object lessons.

"A large number of the Indians have held to the opinion that there are no white men except the few around the aegencies​ and in the little towns which they have visited at different times. Their trip here convinces them that the white are as many as the leaves on the trees and that they can do anything. Of course I knew much about the whites before I came to the exposition, yet never before did I realize what they could accomplish in so short a time.

"I am now close to 80 years of age and have lived in this country all my life. Sixty years ago when a young man I hunted and trapped along the streams in this section. Those were happy days. Buffalo, deer and antelope were as plentiful as cattle now are on the reservation up in the vicinity of the Black Hills. Beaver lived in all the little streams and there were millions of wild fowl. Then if a man had told me that I would live to see the day when the white man would own the whole country and my people would be reduced to a mere handful of lazy Indians depending upon charity for their support I would have thought him crazy. However, I have lived to see all of this.

"My younger days were happy ones. There was nothing to do but to hunt. There was no care and no cheating. All men were good and honest, but now it is different. Most men are bad and nearly all have a desire to cheat the Indian. The day will come when there will be no more Indians. We can read our destiny. It is to die and  Scanned image of page 164 be a forgotten and unknown race as now are the people who built the mounds. Some of our boys and girls go to school and learn the ways of the whites, but what is the use of that? As soon as they come home from school they are turned loose on the reservation with nothing to do but to drift back into their habits of idleness. So far as I am concerned, I can see nothing bright in the future for the Indian."

Great Rush to Omaha.

SIOUX CITY, Oct. 27.—(Special Telegram.)—A rate of $2 for the round trip from Sioux City to Omaha and return has been made. This ticket is good only on a special train, which will leave Saturday morning at 6:30, and return has been made. This ticket is good only on a special train, which will leave Saturday morning at 6:30, and return will be good until Sunday night. This will result in a large number of Sioux City people going to the close of the exposition. The traffic through Sioux City to Omaha just now is simply enormous. The trains go in sections, packed with people, and the rush is unprecedented in this part of the country.


Hospitality of the Commission Enjoyed by Many Invited Guests.

The handsome building that the state of Illinois contributed to the exposition has been the theater of a number of most enjoyable social functions during the season and of these none were more thoroughly enjoyed than the reception which was given by Colonel and Mrs. Hambleton and the Illinois commissioners to fully 500 guests last night. The pretty interior of the building was tastefully arrayed with decorations of palms, smilax and chrysanthemums. The designs were in exceptionally good taste and under the soft glow of the incandescent lamps the scene was marvelously beautiful.

The guests were received in the north parlor by Colonel and Mrs. Hambleton, assisted by President Wattles and Mrs. Wattles, President Clark E. Carr of the Illinois commission and Miss Carr, and Mrs. C. C. Williams of Illinois. This ceremony was performed with graceful hospitality and the remainder of the evening was occupied with music and dancing. During the evening light refreshments were served and the customary punch bowl was superseded by mulled wine, which was served in one of the reception rooms.

The guests began arriving at 9 o'clock and during the next two hours the spacious parlors were comfortably filled with a representative gathering of the best social and business life of the city. Among the out-of-town guests who were present were C. W. Studebaker of South Bend, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Nattinger of Ottawa, Ill., and Clerk Stuart of the United States senate. The members of the Government Exposition commission were also present, together with a number of exposition officials. Carriages were called at 11 o'clock and the guests departed, leaving many expressions of appreciation of the delightful evening they had enjoyed.

Crowd to Hear Innes.

The approaching departure of Innes and his band has apparently induced the Omaha public to lose no opportunity to hear what remains of their enjoyable music. The Auditorium was again too small to hold the crowd last night and aisles and corridors were densely packed with people who were willing to stand through the evening. Every number was heartily encored and the enthusiasm reached climax with the conclusion of Mr. Innes' new fantasie, "A Trip to the Omaha Exposition." Each of the excellent imitations of the familiar features of the show was vigorously applauded, and at the finale the immense audience rose and vented its approbation in a tumult of cheers and handclapping, which continued for fully five minutes. This was only ended when Mr. Innes took up his trombone and played "Auld Lang Syne," and even then the crowd very reluctantly consented to call it enough.

Balloon Retires from Business.

There will be no more balloon ascensions at the exposition. The big gas filled bag has been taken down, packed up and stored at the Government building, where it will remain for a time to be taken back to Washington with the government exhibit. The tanks, generators and other equipment used in inflating the balloon and in making the ascensions will be stored and go back to Washington along with the bag.

Today the signal service men will give wigwag and heliograph exhibitions along the lagoon, and after that they will not be seen here again, for on Saturday morning they leave for their respective stations. The men who have handled the balloon will go to their posts at the same time. How long they will remain there none of them know. The volunteers expect to be mustered out during the next sixty days, but the regulars will not be in the least surprised if they were sent to Porto Rico to spend the winter.


Georgia Carries Off Two and Other States Come Trailing On.

The report of the committee on awards on the disposition of the awards in the Mines and Mining building was completed yesterday afternoon. Of the purely state exhibitors Georgia carried off the lion's share of the honors. It won two gold medals, one on building stones, marbles and granites and another on aluminum ores and products. It was awarded three bronze medals, on gold ores, iron and manganese ores and clays and kaolins. It also received a silver medal on its showing of mica, graphite and asbestos. Minnesota received a silver medal on its showing of mica, graphite and asbestos. Minnesota received a silver medal on its exhibit of iron ore and methods of mining and transportation. The gold medal for the best collection of minerals and ores went to Montana and another was awarded to the State Bureau of Mines exhibit of Colorado. Wyoming also received a gold medal on its collection of ores and minerals, and New Mexico received honorable mention on account of its collection of mining literature.

The exhibit of the School of Mines and Metallurgy of the University of Missouri was awarded a gold medal and the Joplin club of Joplin, Mo., received a silver medal for its exhibit of galena and calcite.

Three medals in this department were awarded to foreign governments. Canada and Mexico each received a silver medal and the provinces of British Columbia was given a bronze medal on its display of gold, silver, copper and lead ores.

In addition to these rewards, which were conferred on public enterprises, a large number of medals were awarded to individual and corporate exhibitors for superior collections of various lines of minerals.

Sioux the Last to Leave.

The last of the Indians leave for their homes today. Those who will go are Sioux. They commenced packing their household goods last night and before retiring had completed the task with the exception of stowing away their bedding, which they needed last night. Their cooking utensils were picked after the evening meal and breakfast will consist of a cold handout of bread and meat.

The grass house, the property of the Wichitas, has been left behind. It was taken down by Tokawana Jim and his band and then sold to the government, to go into the Smithsonian institute at Washington. The poles and grass thatching will be sent and will probably go at the time of the shipment of the government exhibit. The structure is historical, the poles, which are of red cedar, having been cut and fashioned more than thirty-five years ago.

Along the Midway Last Night.

The Omaha city officials held a special session on the Midway last night and enjoyed one of the warmest picnics of the season. The official crowd was received by President Wattles and Superintendent Wadley of the Concessions department and Superintendent Wadley escorted them through the street and saw that nothing that was worth seeing was overlooked. At a number of the resorts special features were introduced for their special benefit, and some of these were sufficiently torrid to make even a councilman open his eyes. Altogether, the party spent a most delightful evening and only regretted that the Midway could not be made a permanent institution.

People Carry Away Souvenirs.

The desire to steal small articles at the exposition grounds is one of the things with which the guards have to control just at this time. People apparently feel that by reason of the dissolution of the exposition being near at hand, they have certain liberties with reference to the property of others. In the buildings the guards have to watch the exhibits much more closely than they did a month ago, while outside upon the grounds everything that is loose is likely to be carried off.

Yesterday the laborers were digging out the canna and lily roots, preparatory to packing them away, and as fast as the bulbs were thrown out on the ground they were picked up and carried off. Finally, in order to prevent a wholesale stealing of the bulbs, a guard was placed over them.

Nebraska Commissioners Adjourn.

The Nebraska Exposition commissioners concluded their meeting yesterday and adjourned until December 10, when they will meet and audit the bills and take some action with reference to a disposition of the property of the state.

At yesterday's meeting the commissioners ordered that upon the closing of the exposition, Guards Williams, Barrett and Hines be appointed custodians of all of the state property until some disposition is made of the same. They also ordered that all of the Nebraska exhibits in the several buildings be removed to the state house. It was decided to discharge all the state employes on November 1 with the exception of the members of the office force and the three[?]

At the Dairy Building.

The Dairy building is one of the structures upon the exposition grounds that has nearly run its race, so far as being a point of interest is concerned. With the exception of the Nebraska, the butter exhibits have all been removed, they having gone out when the butter in the last scoring was sold. Most of the cheese has gone along with the butter, though some fine samples yet remain.

The refrigerating car, in which Mrs. Brooks models butter, remains, and in it this artist in butter is still doing some clever work. Her relief portraits of noted men are greatly admired and are attracting the attention of all who pay a visit to the building.

Notes of the Exposition.

There will be an important rehearsal of the Exposition chorus in the Auditorium at 8:30 o'clock Saturday night. This is in order to prepare for the final concert, which will be given on the evening of Omaha day and which will be the final feature of the exposition.

At the bureau of exhibits it is learned that three medals have been awarded to the Fred Krug Brewing company of this city. The gold medal for cabinet bottled beer, silver for extra pale and bronze for the collective exhibit. Exhibitors are being notified officially through the mails of their awards.

Colonel D. H. Elliott, superintendent of the Transportation building, is carrying a very handsome gold-headed cane, which was presented to him by the exhibitors in the building as an expression of their appreciation of his efficient services and of the uniform courtesy with which they have been treated. The gift is appropriately inscribed and it hugely delighted the recipient.

Yesterday a large number of men were put at work tearing down the live stock barns and pens, which had been sold for the sum of $2,649.11. When the barns were sold on Tuesday there were a large number of purchasers. No one man secured all of the structures. The work of tearing down the barns will continue until they are all razed and then the lumber will be removed from the grounds.

The inmates of a number of hospitals and charitable institutions of the city will have reason to remember the Illinois commission after today. The remains of the refreshments that were served at the reception at th​ Illinois building last night were sent by Colonel Hambleton this morning to the Old Ladies' Home and to the Clarkson, Presbyterian and St. Joseph hospitals. There was a liberal supply of ice cream and other toothsome delicacies, which were heartily relished by their grateful recipients.

In the crowd of exposition visitors recently were three brothers who had not seen each other at one time since 1858. The beauties of the exposition were enjoyed all the more on account of their reunion. The visiting brothers were Rev. William P. Thompson, from Waterloo, Ia.; Rev. James Thompson, from Waterloo, Ia.; Rev. James Thompson, from Tecumseh, Neb., and Rev. J. W. Thompson, the Iowa evangelist who was visiting his son Ed of T. B. Norris'. All were disappointed over the non-arrival of Rev. L. H. Thompson of Oakland, Ia., who was detained to officiate at two weddings and could not meet them in the short time allowed.


Restraining Order Issues in Regard to the Transfer Business.


Application Based on the Assertion that the Company is Discriminating Against the Plaintiff in the Premises.

Judge Scott this morning issued a temporary restraining order which is intended to prevent the Transmississippi Exposition company from giving to any one the monopoly of transporting exhibits from the grounds at the close of the exposition. The particular individual benefitted by this action is John Owens, who secured the injunction.

In the petition which Owens filed he sets out that the exposition directors are proposing to give to the Exposition Transfer company, and perhaps one or two other favored firms or individuals, the exclusive right to remove all exhibits except such as have been made by Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs people. According to Owens, the directors also propose to pass a resolution excluding him from the grounds when he comes to move away some of the exhibits. Owens alleges that this not only will result in the changing of exorbitant prices for hauling by the favored transfer company, but will also prevent him from performing contracts for the removal of exhibits which he has made and he will suffer considerable damage and litigation in consequence.

On the grounds thus advanced Owens prayed for a restraining order to enjoin the directors from passing the proposed resolution and enforcing it, from excluding him from the grounds, from discriminating against him, and from refusing him [?]

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Occasion of the Attachment on the Streets of All Nations by Montgomery & Hall.

Acting under instructions from the county court Deputy Sheriff Stryker has released the attachment that he served the other day on the Streets of All Nations as the result of a suit for attorney's fees brought by C. S. Montgomery. According to the statement of Gaston Akoun, proprietor of the concession, the legal squabble with the Streets of Cairo that occurred during the summer has been a very prolific source of income for the attorneys interested. In speaking of the suit Mr. Akoun declared that it was an unqualified outrage, as he had already paid Mr. Montgomery $2,600 in cash for services that were guaranteed not to cost over $1,000.

Mr. Akoun says that when his contract with the exposition management was drawn up he submitted it to Mr. Montgomery with the statement that he did not want to sign it if it would involve him in a legal controversy. Mr. Montgomery assured him that there could be no trouble and that he would be protected by the exposition management. On that assurance he invested $16,000 in the concession and soon after it was closed up by the injunction issued by Judge Scott.

"At that time," continued Mr. Akoun, "I went to Mr. Montgomery and told him that as he was familiar with my contract and as I was not acquainted with any other lawyer, I wanted him to look after my interests. I said that I would not go into the fight unless the entire expense could be kept inside of $1,000. If it was to cost more than that it would be more economical to compromise. Mr. Montgomery told me he would not charge me over $1,000, and that in all probability it would not cost me over $300. So I told him to go ahead. I paid him $200 and $300 and $400 at various times until I had paid him $1,800 altogether. Then he demanded $1,200 additional. I reminded him that he had promised to protect me for $1,000, but he declared that if I knew what was good for me I would pay him $1,200 and at once. I asked him if that would pay the entire bill and he said that it would pay him for his services to date and if there was any more litigation a new arrangement must be made. I could not pay the amount in cash at once, but I paid him $800 more at various times and then Monday he called on me at my office and told me I must pay him the other $400 at once or he would close me up. I told him that I would pay him if he would give me a receipt for the entire $3,000. He refused to do this, saying that a receipt for $400 in full would answer just as well. I then told him he could not bluff me, as I was not making any money anyway, and refused to pay him the $400. The next day the deputy sheriff came out with a writ of attachment and seized the theater, the contents of a number of the booths and the various other features of the concession. I still refused to pay unless Montgomery gave me a receipt for the entire $3,000 and told him that if this outrage was continued I would make the facts public to every one. A day or two after the officer was instructed by telephone to release the attachment and he did so."

Mr. Montgomery declares that his firm is in a position to prove that the amount demanded as an attorney fee balance is not in excess of the amount stipulated to be paid for the firm's services. He said that the concession refused to pay the balance, and therefore an attachment was issued and served. No levy, however, has been made, according to Mr. Montgomery, because during the two days that the deputy of the court has been hanging about the streets he has been unable to find anything of sufficient value to satisfy the attachment. Everything has been transferred.


Glad to Get Away from the Exposition and Back to the Life on the Reservations.

Six tribes of the redskins belonging to the Indian congress at the exposition left the city for their frontier homes in the west yesterday afternoon. They packed up their tents, saddles and personal effects during the morning and as they lounged about the depot platform waiting for their train to leave late in the afternoon they seemed pleased at the prospect of exchanging the chilly quarters at the exposition grounds for the more comfortable abodes of the various government reservations to which they will be assigned.

There were 150 Indians in the party and they were under the supervision of Prof. James Mooney, who will accompany them to their destinations. The Arapahoes and Cheyennes will be quartered at the Darlington (Okl.) reservation, the Kiowa, Apaches and Wichitas at Andarka (Okl.), the Chiricahuas at the Fort Sill reservation and the Sauks at Shawnee, Okl. The Pottawattamies will be placed at Holton, Kan. The Indians had five of the nine coaches of the train for their own private use and there were two cars for their ponies. They will be on the trip two days.


Dress, Reform and Otherwise, Get a Full Morning's Discussion.


Miss Anthony Explains the Only Service Man Can Be to Her—What the Others Had to Say on the Topic.

Say a word of praise for man? No; not she! Miss Susan B. Anthony could not find one single reason for approving "a government of, by and for men," the evening previous, when the subject of patriotism was being discussed. Yet she did find the value of one man—Gerritt Smith—to illustrate a point when the Women's National Council at its last morning public session took up the subject of dress. True the only use for man Miss Anthony has is to illustrate a point. She doubtless thinks that is all the good he is to nature generally.

This subject of dress, supposed by some ill-natured men to be the all-absorbing topic to woman, came up the first thing on a formal report from Mrs. Frances W. Leiter of Mansfield, O., representing Mrs. Annie White Johnson of Chicago, the chairman of the standing committee on dress.

Not much had been done, said Mrs. Leiter, by the dress committee for want of funds and the publication of the dress bulletin had to be suspended. She continued:

Women need such a publication to tell them how to dress hygienically in such a way as will give the greatest freedom to the body and enable her to meet every vocation in which she may be employed. We all know we are the victims of a style of dress which has been imposed upon us by the prejudices of the past, and we have been forced to accept the situation and to dress as though we are unipeds instead of bipeds.

Several years ago a letter came to the national headquarters of the Woman's Christian Temperance union from a woman very much interested in dress reform, suggesting that on one particular day all the several hundred thousand of women belonging to the Woman's Christian Temperance union put on a particular costume in harmony with the laws of health and the requirements of modern society and business. But the thought came to me: "It will never be done that way. Even had Frances Willard put on such a dress or were Queen Victoria to put on a beautiful and sensible dress it does not follow that women would adopt it."

Just as a Sample.

Mrs. Leiter related an experience with Mrs. Bertha Morris Smith of New York at Denver at a meeting of women there Mrs. Smith was invited to be present. There was a big snow storm at the time. In came the women with one hand holding up a half hundred weights of skirts and accumulated snow and the other with between twenty and thirty pounds of Woman's Christian Temperance union literature. They twisted and turned Mrs. Smith around and there were plenty of feminine observations to the effect that "this is just the very thing." "But I knew that before the meeting ended those[?]" remarked Mrs. Leiter, "and in a little while I heard one and then another say, 'Yes, but how would I look in a costume like that?' for there were tall and short women there, big, thick and thin women, beautiful women and women not so beautiful, and I went out of that congress knowing that example was not the proper way." Mrs. Leiter went on:

The whole question is a moral question and we lack the physical courage to carry it out because our women have not been educated to physical courage. Dress reform will not come from outside influences, but from within. Our girls need physical training in the public schools and other institutions of learning. I believe we ought to have gymnasiums for women established in every important center of population and there is great need of physical reform in our public schools. Girls graduate from our schools and colleges with much of their health lost. When as last woman realizes that much of her liberty is curtailed by her manner of dress she will find some way of loosing the bonds. I have been looking to the national council for years to take a position on this question. The girls in what physical training they have in our public schools do not even take off their corsets during their exercises. There ought to be a law like they have in Russia compelling girls, as long as they are being educated, to go without corsets.

Miss Anthony on Man.

It was then that Miss Anthony had a story to tell. In 1855 when dress reform was at its height Mrs. Miller, the daughter of Gerritt Smith of New York, the millionaire abolitionist member of congress, wore the "bloomer" costume—a dress much less "queer" than the modern gymnasium dress or bicycle costume in all classes of society. So intensely did Mr. Smith feel upon the subject that he wore a letter to his cousin, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, saying it was no use for women to expect equality of rights so long as they persisted in following Parisian fashions. Elizabeth Cady Stanton replied that the dress of women was not the cause but the result of the conditions imposed upon her. Here Miss Anthony commented:

So long as women are disfranchised, so long as we have to ask some man for a chance to make a living, so long as the wife is a servant to her husband and the favors she gets are because of her subjection to him, so long will we be compelled to dress in the conventional way with all its inconveniences and drawbacks. What we need is free women.

Mrs. Louise Barnum Robbins of Adrian, Mich., told of physical culture societies which are teaching women to have their dresses hang properly from their shoulders. Mrs. Leiter, speaking of an intention of a college president to teach physical culture to girls, said it was found that out of seventy-five girls only three had straight spines. Her daughter was instructing a class at Mansfield, some of the members of which were married women. They were unwilling to leave off their "stays," because they feared they would "fall to pieces." The closing work of the class was a game of basket ball. They did eventually leave off their "stays," and, observed Mrs. Leiter, "you should have seen their eyes sparkle and their faces shine with a liberty they had not known before."

Miss Shaw Still Lively.

Rev. Anna Shaw was presiding as the vice president of the council. She caustically remarked: "We have been always represented as never tiring of the subject of dress, and I believe that the men would like to have us never tire of it, so we would not talk of our other rights." Mrs. Leiter having said something about "fifty years," Miss Shaw informed her listeners she had gone past that point and was as spry as ever. "If you don't think so," she said as a clincher, and with ominous meaning, "just come out with me some time on a bicycle and I will out-wind you, out-distance you and out-everything you." Her challenge was not accepted.

The details of human anatomy were entered into by Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby. It was the first time in five years, she said, she had appeared upon a platform in the conventional dress. She had learned from her experience with the Chicago Woman's Correct Dress club what a proper costume was like and had worn it; also that the real dividing line of the body is just below the stable ribs. The evolution of man's dress was actually due to the invention of women. Once in the evolution of the race women were the business end, because man was the warrior and woman the worker. Women therefore wore a business costume and man had since appropriated the trousers which had been the invention of woman.

There is No Waist Line.

"These conventional things" she characterized as "instruments of torture." In true art models there is no waist line. "When you see a round woman she is laced, for the human figure is naturally an oval." Mrs. Smith's dress had been a short-skirted one, terminating just below the knee.

Moral courage is what is required by women, thought Miss Shaw. The experience of the "co-eds" of the University of California at Berkeley was given [?]  Scanned image of page 166 The gibes and jeers of the young men had frightened the girls out of wearing a sensible short-skirted dress and the wise faculty had apprehended that the morals of the young men were in danger from the sight of shapely limbs and ankles. Even from the Young Men's Christian association came fears as to the effect upon the morals of the young men. Miss Shaw observed on this point: "I said it was not the fault of the feet of the young girls, but the morals of the young men. Women need this dress for their own freedom and also for the moral discipline of young men."

A report from Mrs. Helen Campbell of Denver, chairman of the committee on domestic science was read by Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, and Mrs. Susa Gates Young of Provo City, Utah, a daughter of Brigham Young, read a paper on the relation of capital and labor as applied to domestic service.

This afternoon the council visited the Lininger art gallery and took luncheon at the exposition as the guests of the department of entertainment there.

Woman as a Legal Entity.

Woman's domestic status under the law, her political status as regards patriotism and the efforts being made by the Universal Peace union in the direction of arbitration each had a good share of attention from the National Council of Women last evening. Incidentally, the conduct of the late war with Spain was discussed from the somewhat widely different points of view of Mrs. J. Ellen Foster and Susan B. Anthony.

The first thing was an interesting and exhaustive report from Miss Octavia Williams Bates of Detroit, chairman of a committee of woman lawyers, on "Domestic Relations Under the Law." It reviewed the work of the National League for the Protection of the Family (formerly the National Divorce Reform League) in its agitation for legislation pertaining to family stability. "Perhaps the most important agencies," she said, "at work today for the regulation of laws respecting domestic relations are the state and national commissions working for uniformity of marriage and divorce laws." After reviewing what has been done by some of the states, principally New York, and also what congress has done for the District of Columbia and the territories, she went on to say:

The effort to create a national commission whose work shall be to produce an amendment to the constitution of the United States, making the laws regarding marriage and divorce the same for all states of the union and giving congress jurisdiction over the subject of marriage and divorce, has not met with the approval of the best constitutional authorities. These claim it a waste of effort to disturb the adjustment of our states to the federal system by a useless and perhaps harmful amendment to the constitution. One of the greatest obstacles to be encountered is the fear of many members of congress that state rights might suffer if an amendment to the constitution should be the outcome of the investigation of this national commission. It is the best, therefore, that the experiment of uniformity by state co-operation be thoroughly tested. If this fail, then the constitutional amendment can be considered under more favorable conditions.

To us, as members of the National Council of Women, it is most humiliating and discouraging to note that the commissions, both state and national, are entirely composed of men. As far as your chairman has been able to learn no woman has ever been a member of those commission nor has even been invited to become one.

It is a significant fact that, at the executive session of the International council held in London last July, a resolution was proposed by an organization of Germany, providing that the national councils of all countries be asked to consider the nature of all laws concerning the domestic relation in all civilized countries. The subject of international uniformity is to be brought before the International Bar association at its next meeting. Statistics and the historical study of legal development clearly show the trend of international law. The tendency of the important legislation of the last twenty years, especially in Germany, Switzerland, France, Australia and Japan, is toward an essentially common system of law regarding the domestic relations.

Countess di Brazza's Report.

This was followed by a report by Countess Cora Slocomb di Brazza, chairman of the committee on social peace and international arbitration. As the countess could not be here herself, it was read by Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister of Detroit. From the Di Brazza castle in Italy the countess had written some words of praise for May Wright Sewall, Susan B. Anthony, Rachel Foster Avery "and the remainder of the brave galaxy of women across the Atlantic," and a tribute to the memory of Frances E. Willard, the first president of the national council, as propagandists of peace, and after referring to what had been done by the World's Temperance legions at Toronto and by the National Council at Nashville last year she expressed a wish that the peace work be taken up again before the next quinquennial "as an answer to the czar's invitation to the thinkers of the world for a discussion of the subjects of peace, individual and na-[?]disarmament, so that the daughters of fair, mighty and generous Columbia might not be behind the autocrat of all the Russias in the service of the highest human ideal. She advised a movement in favor of school text books of a pacific nature, saying the present school histories exalt great destroyers as mighty conquerors and teach the young to try to emulate them. In conclusion she urged:

With the suffering of our late little war with Spain still causing our national nerves to quiver; with the children rioting in militarism, masqueraded as patriotism, I implore you to turn all your attention and all your money into the channel of peace education. Be indeed peacemakers—the makers of the future peace, not only of the individual and home, but of the nation. Let not the czar outrun you in this race. He is dreaming; be ye leaders, practical trainers. "Blessed our the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."

The report also continued the information that the Sunday before Christmas throughout Europe is to be a "peace Sunday" and money to be raised for the propaganda by means of "blessing boxes."

For Universal Peace.

A report from the Universal Peace union came next through Mrs. I. C. Manchester of Providence, R. I., representing Mrs. Hannah J. Bailey of Winthrop Center, Me., the head of the peace department of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union. To quote from it:

It is a coincidence that the civil war of the United States caused the Universal Peace union to be brought into existence in 1866 and the war with Spain in 1898 has tested it. There has been a trial of faith. There have been cruel persecutions and severe criticisms. But from the time of the taking of one of our officers upon the peace platform and placing him in Norwich jail because of his nonpayment of the militia tax unto the present time, when we were disposed of our rooms in Independence hall in Philadelphia because of our letter to the queen regent of Spain imploring her to prevent war by still further concessions, the peace union has stood solidly and unwavering by its principles.

At our annual meeting last year we forwarded a general letter to the operators, miners and all interested in the great strike in the northwest. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, replied, acknowledging our high purpose and assuring us that many of the miners were favorable to arbitration. We have continued to encourage the submission of labor difficulties to arbitration. Through W. Evans Darby of England we have received a copy of a memorial from all the religious bodies of the world to the president of the United States in a strong appeal for international arbitration. Interviews were held with all the Central and South American delegates in Philadelphia encouraging reciprocal commercial relations and the ratification of the Panamerican arbitration treaty.

Some of our plans as substitutes for boys' military brigades have been adopted, such as fire brigades, life-saving corps, accidental relief clubs.

We raised a fund for the relief of the suffering in Cuba.

When the war with Spain assumed serious proportions we issued an appeal to President McKinley, his cabinet and the members of congress, designed to prevent war. The children of one of our Sunday schools sent a memorial to President McKinley and also to the queen regent, to which the president responded with an appreciation of the children's interest.

We aided in every way in our power to secure the concessions made by Spain, such as the withdrawal of Weyler, the retention of Consul General Lee, the feeding of the reconcentrados, the sending of food in battleships, autonomy and the armistice. The armistice was urged by us on April 9 by cable to Sagaste through Minister Woodford and Cardinal Gibbons and on April 11 it was granted.

As a Matter of Obligation.

Pertinent to this subject a paper which had been prepared by Mrs. Bailey on the obligation resting upon women to promote social peace and international arbitration was read by the recording secretary, Mrs. Louise Barnum Robbins of Adrian, Mich. To epitomize it briefly its main points were:

There are two ways of bringing about an interest in arbitration—one, by showing the unreasonableness of war; the other, the reasonableness and desirability of peace.

Social peace begins at home from which it will extend to society, thence to the nation. When the home is, society and the nation must be. Mothers are the real rulers of the home, hence they are the real promoters of social peace.

A war is often caused by so insignificant a matter as a home quarrel. Had the mothers of the past taught their children to arbitrate all their little disputes, social peace would be much more prevalent than it is. Had our senators heard more in their homes about arbitration, they would not have refused to ratify the Anglo-American treaty.

There rests upon mothers great responsibility in regard to the toys they choose for their children and the plays they permit them to engage in. Toy pistols, swords and battleships should give place to playthings which would interest the little ones in civil life. The market was never so full of military toys as it is at the present. When parents cease to purchase these they will be no longer manufactured.

The educational effect of literature of a [?]ence of authoresses in works of fiction promotive of peace was dwelt upon; likewise the influence of lecturers such as the peace department of the Women's Christian Temperance union has in the field. The paper also referred to education in which connection it said:

If schools would take as great pains to teach arbitration as militarism nations would long since have "beaten their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks." Arbitration will never be generally resorted to as long as the military drill is retained in the public schools and colleges. Women teachers should see to it that in the text books war is given its proper place and not glorified.

Two Views of Patriotism.

The final question of what constitutes patriotism and how it should be inculcated brought out Mrs. J. Ellen Foster and Susan B. Anthony in an expression of their radically different points of view. Mrs. Foster had a word of defense for the administration and Surgeon General Sternberg, and Miss Anthony was quite caustic respecting the manner in which the war with Spain had been conducted. However, Miss Anthony attributed this to the inability of man to do what she called woman's work in the quartermaster, commissary and hospital departments rather than to any particular fault on the part of the government. In substance, Mrs. Foster said:

You must have righteousness before you can have peace; you must have righteousness if you have to fight for it. Sometimes you must have righteousness through the gory trenches of war and then you have peace. Nobody wanted to go into the last war. Patriotism leads to something stronger and grander, that is humanitarianism. We had to go to war to free our slaves. It was necessary to go to war to ameliorate the condition of Cuba. It was humanitarianism for us to send our food and clothing to the suffering Cubans and when Spain would not let them get it the condition, in the words of our honest president, became intolerable and we had to fight. Jesus Himself once scourged the buyers and sellers out of the temple.

Mrs. Foster explained the relations between the Red Cross society and the government and the peculiar circumstances of the war which made it undesirable to allow women to go to the front. Then she defended Surgeon General Sternberg and praised the moral status of the American soldier. She did not forget to explain that General Sternberg is a regular army officer and not a politician. Patriotism, in her opinion, is to speak well of one's country and government.

In her handling of the subject Miss Anthony observed, on the point of her criticism of the equipment of the soldiers when sent to Cuba and their care at Chickamauga and Montauk Point, that she "was not criticising Sternberg—he knows lots about bugs, bacteria and all that, but doesn't know a thing about human beings." So far as the president and his administration were concerned, she excused them because "to have given positions to women in the subsistence and hospital departments would have disrupted his party." Her conclusion of the whole matter was that so long as women are held in subjection by being deprived of the ballot mothers will breathe the spirit of war into their children by being in constant rebellion.


Election of Officers and Reading of Reports Take Up Time.

With the election officers and listening to a number of speeches the State Woman's Suffrage association concluded its seventeenth annual convention in the First Congregational church yesterday.

It began with a morning session, which was taken up mostly with reports from the various officers, including an address from the president, Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby, on the progress of the movement in Nebraska, and some talks from the several judicial district presidents on what has been accomplished in their sections.

The following new officers were elected: President, Mrs. Mary E. Smith Hayward of Chadron; vice president, Mrs. A. J. Marble of Table Rock; recording secretary, Mrs. Ellen Day of Aurora; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Helen M. Goff of Lincoln; and treasurer, Mrs. Annie M. Steele of Hampton.

The afternoon was devoted to a meeting at which a number of the women representing the various national organizations combined in the national council made addresses. The speakers were: Mrs. Getty M. Drury of Pender, Mrs. Lane of Table Rock, Mrs. Adelaide Ballard of Hull, Ia., president of the Iowa state association, Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett of Washington, D. C., the representative of the Florence Crittenden mission movement and Mrs. S. M. Walker, president of the State Women's Christian Temperance union.

Mrs. Lane, the Eighth judicial district president, dilated upon the social features of the suffragists in her town. The husbands, sons and brothers of the women there had recently repaid the women with a banquet, for which the men did their own cooking, and it was found that their culinary accomplishments in the way of cakes and pastry  Scanned image of page 167 were fully as good as anything provided by the other sex. The movement had proved a social as well as educational benefit.

All of the arguments in behalf of equal suffrage were presented by the speakers in one way or another. It was remarked that the liberation of women from political handicaps is as important to the institutions of this country as was the adoption of the resolution by congress declaring that the people of Cuba had a right to their freedom, which brought on the war with Spain. This had been the sentiment of Rev. Anna Shaw the day previous.

A resolution of thanks to the local committee was adopted and a declaration of the principles of suffrage and an outline of the character of the work involved was read by the secretary.

Eulogies for Mrs. Willard.

Nearly every speaker at the second gathering of the Temperance congress in the parlors of the First Congregational church yesterday afternoon voiced a eulogy of the late Frances E. Willard, who for so many years was at the head of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union, and at the second and third mention of her name there were affecting scenes. Handkerchiefs were freely used as the tears came from the many temperance workers present. Particularly was this the case when Susan B. Anthony pathetically related her own personal reminiscences of Miss Willard.


St. Louis Committee Would Learn How to Run an Exposition.

A company of distinguished Missourians came in yesterday from St. Louis, and are at the Paxton. The party is headed by ex-Governor David R. Francis, and is composed of R. Graham Frost, Dr. Enno Sander, Valle Reyburn, John H. Terry, Julius Ritzman, Pere Chouteau, F. W. Lehman and H. C. Townsend, general manager of the Missouri Pacific railroad, the delegation coming in Mr. Townsend's private car.

These gentlemen are among the most influential citizens of St. Louis, representing the commercial life of that city. They are here by appointment of the chamber of commerce and other bodies of St. Louis for the purpose of making a study of the exposition.

St. Louis has decided to have a great exposition in 1903, the matter being now in hand, various committees appointed, and much work in that direction having been done. The gentlemen now in Omaha are here to talk with the managers of the Trans-Mississippi exposition, with an idea of getting what points the can, after looking over the grounds, and buildings, with a view of gaining all the help possible, calculated to benefit St. Louis. Mr. Ritzman of the party is a noted civil engineer, and will devote his attention to that feature of the exposition, having charge of that part of the proposed "future great" show. Other members of the party are identified as directors, committemen​ and otherwise interested in the proposed exposition.

They will be in the city until tomorrow. They spent an hour or two at the exposition yesterday afternoon, and after dinner at the Paxton returned to the exposition in charge of F. M. Sterrett, president of the Missouri exposition commission. Mr. Sterrett said he was going to take the distinguished gentlemen from Missouri on an extensive pilgrimage through the Midway, and as they were from the grand old Missouri he would spend his time "showing them" everything worth seeing. Upon returning home the visitors will report the result of their mission, and doubtless secure many practical points helpful in inaugurating and operating their exposition.

Tickets Turned Down.

A large number of tickets to the exposition which had never been sold were taken up yesterday at the gates and the holders were either compelled to buy tickets or were shut out. Each and every one claimed these tickets had been gifts, but refused to say who gave them. The illegal tickets were a lot that have been in the Rees fire, and evidently exhumed from the debris. Their numbers are posted and they are not accepted. Hence the official notice to buy no tickets except at the gates.


Exposition Attendance Grows With the Progress of Railroad Week.

Over Thirty-Six Thousand People Pass Through the Gates on Thursday.

Today's Admissions Will Carry the Total Beyond the Two and a Half Million Point.

Delightful Air and Sunshine Favor the Last Days of the Trans-Mississippi Show.

Swell Function at the Illinois Building Is a Farewell in Honor of the Officials--Reception and Music.

Thursday's Admissions36,265
Total Admissions2,467,879

Society honored the exposition with its presence 500 strong last evening at a swell function given at the Illinois building by the Illinois commission—a farewell in honor of the prominent exposition officials. The guests, by invitation only, were admitted to the grounds in their carriages, a courtesy extended for the first time. All else was quiet on the bluff tract, and the exposition public knew little of the goings-on of the sons of Illinois and their guests.

The sumptuous building was brilliantly illuminated and adorned with chrysanthemums in profusion and potted plants. Ices and a dainty collation were served. An orchestra in the balcony gave music for the dancing, to which the guests gave way after the reception in the parlors below.

Army and Navy day was the last time the exposition saw such a crowd on the grounds as yesterday, which went to Wednesday 500 better, the admissions being 36,265, a total to date of 2,467,879. Therefore the exposition officials anticipate that today's admissions will carry the total past the two and a half million mark, the highest estimate that the most audacious manager gave for the whole exposition at its beginning. But prospects are good that the exposition will have three good days to brag on including what promises to be the best of the exposition, Omaha day.

Yesterday was a delightful day on the grounds, and the immense crowd, almost wholly composed of strangers from Nebraska and the surrounding states, brought by the exceptional excursion rates of the week, enjoyed the day hugely.


Roland Reed's Experience With the Old Apache.

Roland Reed met his Waterloo Wednesday evening when he presented "A Woman Hater" at Boyd's. the Wellington of the hour being the old hater of all mankind, Geronimo. The great actor had expressed a desire to see the famous old Apache warrior, and a box party for distinguished Indians was gotten up Tuesday evening. Several Sioux chiefs were invited, and then Geronimo balked, vowing he didn't like the Sioux anyhow, and wouldn't go. This decision pleased the Sioux, and they went without the old Apache.

For Wednesday evening another box party was gotten up especially for Geronimo and his immediate Apache friends, an invitation which he deigned to accept. Under the guidance of "Rattlesnake Pete" Liddiard the party arrived at the Boyd in good seasino​. The curtain arose and Reed was at his best, appreciative of the fact that a heap big notable was watching him. The first act was over, and he waited for vociferous applause from Geronimo's corner. Alarmed by the deathly silence, he crept around to see what was the matter with the old chief, and found him comfortably stretched upon the floor blissfully sleeping and loudly snoring.

Geronimo's band of Apaches, the Kiowas, Wichitas, Cheyennes and all of the other southern Indians in attendance at the Indian congress left for home yesterday afternoon. Although the whole outfit did not have enough baggage to fill a collar box upon arriving, enough had been accumulated to fill two cars. The Indians insisted upon checking everything—new trunks, empty dry goods boxes, axes, baskets and various other junk, two-thirds of which the railroad employes at first refused to accept as baggage, declaring it freight. But all rules had to be broken, and everything was checked.

The southern Indians had brought their ponies with them, so all had to be returned. Much work was done in loading the two stock cars required, the Indians kicking heartily, but working none at all. Three cars were needed for the men, women and children. The whole outfit [?]


Deputy Sheriffs Get After Reed, Wadley and Others.

It began to look awfully as if some exposition people would have to sleep in jail last night for alleged contempt of court, but owing to the arrangements that were patched up, the seance with Judge Scott which several gentlemen will have was postponed till 9 o'clock this morning, and they slept at home, or at least went for that avowed purpose.

The story begins with the time that Fred T. Cummins was peaceably operating five pavilion lunch counters, and had charge of the portable seats on the exposition grounds. The exposition avers that he failed to pay over $746 due the exposition for percentages on his concessions, and sought to take them away from him. Cummins secured an injunction Wednesday from Judge Scott, directing that certain of the exposition authorities leave Cummins in possession. Wednesday evening, while Cummins was selling tickets to the seats at the fireworks, he was ousted from the place by Commander Llewellyn and a detachment of guards acting under instructions. The exposition put its own cashiers in the lunch counters to collect the receipts.

Last night Deputy Sheriffs McDonald and Lewis appeared on the grounds with warrants for Abe Reed and S. B. Wadley, manager and superintendent, respectively, of the bureau of concessions; Commander Llewellyn and Sergeant Martin of the exposition guards and Ticket Seller Babb, who displaced Cummins' ticket seller are the fireworks. All were served with the warrants, but after much telephoning and parleying the compromise before mentioned was reached.

During the proceedings Cashier Brown of the lunch stand near the Midway viaduct found himself a prisoner in his own castle for a short time. Cummins made a demand on him for the cash register, and in the mix-up Brown got $40 and Cummins $6. Then the stand was locked up with Brown on the inside till a detachment of guards rescued him and his money and cash register.


Immense Ovation Given the Bandmaster Last Night.

"A Trip to the Omaha Exposition," a descriptive fantasia beginning with dawn, a chorus of "Feathered Prima Donnas," the morning prayer, the trolley ride to the exposition, the clicking of the turnstiles and the gay and convivial noises of the Midway spielers, the Midway public and the Midway noises of mechanical and ghoulish devices, all treasured by Innes in his original musical production and presented by the Innes band, captivated the eager audience last evening and brought upon the band and its gallant leader a perfect ovation.

The great Auditorium was a crush of humanity from wall to wall, crowding seats and aisles and corridors, clinging to window ledges, and even thrusting itself upon the stage. There was the grand concert, leading up to its brilliant climax, "A Trip to the Omaha Exposition," ending, as will the exposition itself, in waves of thunderous applause that would not cease. At last Mr. Innes took up his trombone and played "Auld Lang Syne," then to retreat under renewed cheers.

Railroad Men Coming.

James Barker, general passenger and ticket agent of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas road, telegraphed the Millard last night for apartments for a party of railroad people whom he would bring to the city this morning in his special car. They come to see the exposition and will be in the city two or three days.

Exposition Notes.

Exhibitors in the Transportation and Agricultural Implements building, as a testimonial of their regard for Superintendent Eliot and as a recognition of his assistance and courtesies, presented him with a gold-headed cane.

This is a chance in a life time to secure a beautiful painting by some old master. The public sale of pictures in the Fine Arts building begins Tuesday, November 1. Hours, 2 and 8 p. m. each day.

There was a lack of space in the big Transportation building for Colonel Elliott, the happy superintendent, yesterday morning, and he needs must grasp his handsome new gold-headed cane to stroll down the street and visit all of his friends, for the exhibitors in the building had just presented their superintendent with the handsome cane in apperciation​ of his kindly and courteous conduct while associated with him. It was engraved, "Colonel D. H. Elliott, From Exhibitors, Transportation Building, Omaha," and again, "As a token of our appreciation of the many favors rendered us by Colonel D. H. Elliott during the last five months of our pleasant associations with him.'

The exposition executive committee last evening gave the Schlitz pavilion the privilege of remaining open after the formal close of the exposition till such time as either party desires to terminate the agreement.

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Susan B. Anthony Arraigns the Government for Neglect of Sick Soldiers.

Charges the Administration and War Department With Deaths of the Boys.

Wretched Site of Camp Thomas and the Work of Sternberg Denounced by the Speaker.

Women Would Have Done Better in Conducting a War Than the Officials in Power.

J. Ellen Foster Comes to the Rescue and Sensation Is Created at the National Council of Women.

The government of the United States is a murderer. I won't criticise Surgeon General Sternberg, as he knows lots about bugs and some other things but not a thing about a human being. The hospitals were full of undisciplined boys who were sick nigh unto death but Sternberg refused to allow forty trained nurses we had secured to go to Chickamauga, and only let them come in after it was fully demonstrated that the men had failed as nurses. Then only was it partially admitted that some one with natural instincts was welcome.—Susan B. Anthony.

"The government of the United States is a murderer," declared Susan B. Anthony deliberately, but firmly, to the National Council of Women, while discussing the manner in which a New York boy had been treated in the hospital at Chickamauga.

"Don't say that," cried J. Ellen Foster from her seat on the platform.

"You are right," yelled a man in the rear part of the church.

"Tell the truth, if it does hurt," said another male member of the congregation.

"O, that's awful," softly said a little woman down in front, but Miss Anthony never quivered as she stood silently erect for a moment to let her arraignment of the United States government have its effect. Then she added, with dramatic calm:

"I am here to tell the truth."

Again J. Ellen Foster winced and said to a friend:

"It may be ambition, but it looks like brutality."

It was supposed she was referring to Miss Anthony.

Just prior to Miss Anthony's address Mrs. Foster had talked on love of country and what constitutes it, and how best to inculcate patriotism. Among other things Mrs. Foster said that General Sternberg had done all any man could for the soldiers during the war with Spain, and she for one was willing to pay tribute to him. She censured some Grand Army of the Republic men for saying that the boys who went to the front to fight Spain were not as patriotic as they themselves were thirty-five years ago.


The speaker said it was humanitarianism that first sent food to Cuba's starving, and later guns to back it up. She held that the grandest patriots of the war were the women who stayed at home, praying for the absent ones. She complimented the Red Cross, and said that the patriotism of the average politician is as good as that of the average man out of politics.

While Mrs. Foster was talking Miss Anthony was seen to slowly draw down the corners of her kind eyes in a manner that always indicates she will soon have something to say. That these two noted women should disagree on the subject of the war was no surprise to their close friends. Mrs. Foster believes that the McKinley administration has done all that could be expected of any administration. That it has done it well, and she was not afraid to say so in highly complimentary terms. Miss Anthony evidently believes that there is much room for criticism and much more for improvement in the manner of treating her citizen soldiers.

Miss Anthony, in discussing the war with Spain, said in part:


"No class of men ever worked so patiently for the good of the government as the women of the United States, and yet they had no recognition whatever. Look at the war with Spain! No woman was given any honor or even allowed to open a box of delicacies for a sick and famished soldier boy without asking a man's permission first. The egotism of men surpasses all understanding. If women had been selected to procure the clothing for the soldiers, who rose as the flowers from the land to answer their country's call, do you suppose for a moment that they would have procured heavy woolen suits for the soldiers to wear in the hot, sultry and sickly climate of the Antilles or the camps of the south? Would women have selected Chickamauga as a camping ground for the boys, five miles from water? Would they have the camp located at Point Comfort in a frog pond? I guess not. Why should men be trying to care for an army in these matters when they are not born for such work?

"I won't criticise Surgeon General Sternberg, as he knows lots about bugs and some other things, but not a thing about a human being. The hospitals were full of undisciplined boys, who were sick night unto death, yet Sternberg refused permission to allow forty trained nurses we had provided to go to Chickamauga, and only let them come in after it was fully demonstrated that the men had failed as nurses. Then only was it partially admitted that someone with natural instincts was welcome.


"I feel that the lack of caring for our soldier boys was due to lack of women to do the work, and to me it is wonderful how women persist in standing by men when they are continually ignored. Mr. McKinley could have given women positions of honor and thus saved hundreds of soldier boys, but he didn't do it. He feared to disrupt his party and lose some man a position as chief of something."

Miss Anthony closed her very interesting address amid much applause by saying that while the mothers are being robbed of their rights by the laws of the states that there will remain a condition of war in her heart. To create a desire for peace in the sons of the nation she must be endowed with self-government. If not, they will remain in a state of rebellion and transmit it to the sons.

Fifteen minute reports were read by standing committees on different subjects. Miss Octavia Williams Bates of Detroit, Mich., read a report of the committee on "Domestic Relations Under the Law," in a breezy and interesting manner, the pith of which was that to have just and honorable legislation and equal rights to all the work of reformation must be taken up in the homes of the mothers of the land.

Miss Lillian M. Hollister read a report prepared by Countess di Brezza of New York city on "Social Peace and International Arbitration." She believed in arbitration in all matters, state, national and international; good schools, new text books and social harmony at home and abroad.


"Universal Peace Union" was the topic for a report read by Mrs. I. C. Manchester of Providence, R. I., which had been prepared by Rev. Amanda Deyo of Philadelphia. The paper treated of the efforts of the women to try and induce the president of the United States and the queen regent of Spain to prevent war. Of the work of the women in searching food and supplies to the soldiers after war had been declared, and closed by advocating the arbitration of labor difficulties.

Mrs. Louise Barnum Robbins read a paper on "The Obligation Resting Upon Woman to Promote Social Peace and International Arbitration." She said that social peace began at home and extends to the nation; that mothers can settle national complications by training the boys at home. That they should talk peace to their husbands and advocate teaching arbitration in the schools.


Short Talks and Address by Miss Anthony, Followed by Election.

The closing meeting of the seventeenth annual session of the Nebraska Woman's Suffrage association was held at the First Congregational church yesterday afternoon.

For the information of those not familiar with the matter, the secretary, Miss Helen M. Goff of Lincoln, read the declaration of principles of the suffrage association and gave a brief outline of the work which has been accomplished.

Short talks, referring to the work accomplished by their districts, were made by Mrs. Getty W. Drury of Pender and Mrs. Lane of Table Rock.

Mrs. Adelaide Ballard of Hull, Ia., president of the Iowa association, brought greetings from that association and talked for some time on the effectiveness of thorough organization.

Mrs. S. W. Walker of Lincoln, president of the Nebraska Woman's Christian Temperance union, made a lengthy address regarding the purposes of the organization she represented and of the work which had been accomplished.

Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, president of the Florence Crittenton homes, spoke at length of the reforms in sociological conditions which could only be brought about by giving women the right to vote.

Miss Susan B. Anthony addressed the meeting on the subject of which she is the embodiment, being greeted with applause and listened to with the closest attention.

At a business meeting held just before the public session the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Mary E. Smith Hayward of Chadron, president; Mrs. A. J. Marble of Table Rock, vice president; Mrs. Ellen Day of Aurora, recording secretary; Miss Helen M. Goff of Lincoln, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Annie M. Steele of Hampton, treasurer.

A meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union was held at the First Congregational church yesterday afternoon, many of the delegates to the meeting of the National Council of Women attending. Mrs. S. M. Walker of Lincoln, president of the Nebraska association, presided.

The meeting was addressed by Mrs. Susa Young Gates of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Unruh and Mrs. Helen Harford of Oregon, Miss Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. Beauchamp of Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. Mary E. Haines of Augusta, Kan.; Rev. Mary Girard Andrews, and Miss Mary Fairbrother of Omaha, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw of Philadelphia and others.

All of the speakers paid a tribute to the memory of Frances E. Willard, the late president of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, and the short talk of Miss Anthony was devoted largely to interesting personal reminiscences of the departed leader.

The meeting closed with a prayer by Mrs. Beauchamp, in which the name of Miss Willard was frequently mentioned.


Eastener's​ Scheme That May Be Proposed to Stockholders Friday Evening.

One matter which will probably come before the exposition stockholders' meeting at the city hall this evening is the holding of a "Colonial Exposition" next year.

This plan of continuing the exposition has been suggested by John W. Ryckman of Chicago, and Edward Marshall of New York, who argue that an exposition in the center of the United States next year of the products and life of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, with which Americans are today only very slightly acquainted, would be a great success.

Secretary Wakefield, when asked about the "Colonial Exposition" project said it had not come before the exposition management. The plant, he said, has been advertised for sale November 15, and the only way in his opinion for the promoters of the "Colonial Exposition" to carry out their project is for them to put in a bid which will get it.

The meeting this evening will be held in the council chamber and a general invitation has been extended to all stockholders to attend and express themselves on the matter of continuing the exposition next year, and also on the proper distribution of the money on hand after the exposition closes.

Bringing the Children.

A party of twenty-five school children are at the Barker, from Brainard, Neb., being here to see the exposition. Two of the teachers are with them.

Exposition Notes.

Dan Althen, the bookkeeper for the Nebraska commission, has been appointed custodian of the state property at the building. He will take charge as soon as the commission turns over the property.


Friday, October 28.


11:30 a. m.—Battleship Illinois docked at Government building.

12 m.—Fire horses hitched by electricity.

2 p. m.—Innes bands at Auditorium.

Overture—"Gods in Exile"Bosch
(a) "A Resting Place" (song)Schubert
(b) "Cupid's Story" (intermezzo)Innes
Concert Waltz—"Artist Life"Strauss
Scenes from "La Fille du Mme. Angot"Lecocq
Overture—"The Fairy Lake"Auber
Algerian—(a) "Serenade"St. Saens
Scenes—(b) "Military March"St. Saens
Rondo CapricciosoMendelssohn
"The Soloists' Tournament"Riviere

2 p. m.—Day signaling by United States signal corps, Grand Court.

3 p. m.—Indian sham battle and war dances.

5 p. m.—Santiago war balloon ascension (if not too windy.)

7 p. m.—Innes band at Auditorium.

"William Tell"Rossini
"Grand March from 'Queen of Sheba'"Goldmark
"Magic Fire Scene" from "Die Walkuere"Wagner
Trombone solo—"The Last Greeting"SchubertInnes.
"Peer Gynt" (suite No. 1)Grieg

7 p. m.—Indian war dance on Indian grounds.

9 p. m.—Grand special display of fireworks.

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They Rush Frantically Over the Grounds in Their Effort to See It All.

Only a Few Days Now Remain in Which to Enjoy the Attractions of the White City.

All Exhibits Will Be Open Sunday to the Crowds--One Marine Dies of Fever Contracted While Fighting in Cuba.

Friday's Admissions27,825
Total Admissions2,495,606

All exhibits will be open to the public tomorrow, by special request of the exposition management.

There is almost an air of desperation nowadays about the way Omaha people are rushing to the Government building to study the displays made by the various departments, for like many other valuable exhibits, they have often been neglected for the lighter amusements about the grounds, and now as the last hours in that great practical school of general information are slipping away, the best is being made of them.

There is the same throng of strangers as ever, but with the city people who are spending day after day in the building, and night after night with cyclopedias and special treatises on what they have studied during the day, these are the guests who cling to the exhibits as bees to a broken honeycomb. This class comprises every age and profession in life, the collegian rounding out his education, and the self-made men and women eagerly seeking the information for which they long have hungered. The courteous manner in which the attendants representing all of the governmental departments have explained the special features of their exhibits, as exhaustively as lecturers, and as easily as conversationalists, has been of invaluable aid to the students.

Because of the Spanish-American war especial interest has attached to the army and navy exhibits, both of which have been valuable schools. The war department exhibit has been in charge of Major Ward, a gallant soldier and splendid manager.


Orders have been received by Captain Yancey and the twenty-three men of the signal corps in charge of the war balloons ans signalling apparatus to leave for their respective stations early next week, ten men of the regular army who were at Santiago going to Fort Myer, near Washington, and the captain and other men, who are volunteers, to rejoin their corps at Huntsville, Ala. The balloons and equipment, belonging to the department of Colorado, will tomorrow be sent to the government "corral" to be stored for the present. Seven cars will take the stuff to the corral at Twenty-second street and Poppleton avenue.


The marines at the exposition, too, will leave for home, as they designate their post in Washington, next Tuesday. A sergeant and eight men came early in the month, but one, Benjamin Self, will never go back. He died yesterday afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital of typhoid fever, contracted while fighting in Cuba. Arriving here October 7, he was stricken the very next day, sent to the emergency hospital and from there to St. Joseph's. All that could be done was done for him, but to no avail.

Self, a man of magnificent physique and handsome appearance, about 25 years of age, enlisted in the marine corps from Leonardtown, Md. Last June he was one of the 650 marines who fought the first battle of the war on Cuban soil, landing on June 10 at Guantanamo under Major McCalla, and from the moment of setting foot on shore, bitterly fought the Spaniards hidden in the woods and brush on the higher ground, suffering untold torture from heat, thirst, and flies for four days on the shore.

Coming out of the battle apparently unharmed, Self was engaged in further service in Cuba till sent to Portsmouth, N. H., to guard the prisoners of Cervera's fleet, captured at Santiago. Then reporting at Washington, he was one of the favored few sent to the exposition as a reward for meritorious conduct. Commander Stedman has telegraphed regarding funeral arrangements.


Nearly all of the other employes and attaches of the government building will remain for several days after the close of the exposition to assist in packing the exhibits and sending them almost without exception to the places from whence they came, mostly to Washington in the cases of the state, treasury, postal and Smithsonian institute departments, but to various arsenals and navy yards for the war and navy departments, and to fish hatcheries nearby in the fisheries exhibit.

To assist in packing of some of the exhibits, particularly the delicate articles of the museums, experts from Washington, who assisted in installing the exhibits last spring, will arrive next week to pack them for shipment home. It is estimated that two weeks will be required to pack every-[?]


Executive Committee Adopts a System Regarding Admissions.

Nowadays the meetings of the exposition executive committee are devoted to the affairs of the exposition after its close, and to that end it last evening adopted rules governing the taking of exhibits and concessions from the grounds after Omaha day. These rules will be revised from the original draft today, and will be ready to be given out this evening.

These rules governing admissions to the grounds after November 1 were adopted:

White card passes, series "A," previously issued will be good for admission in usual way at pass gates.

All passes, series "B," good from a date prior to November 1, will be null and void. Parties entitled to the courtesy of a pass of this series must secure those of new issue.

Commutation books, series "D," will continue to be good for admission as heretofore.

Photographic passes, series "E" and "F," will be null and void. Exhibitors and concessionaires desiring admission for themselves and for such employes as may be necessary to care for their exhibits and concessions must secure through their department managers card passes good on and after November 1.

Complimentary passes, series "G," will be issued for single trip admissions as heretofore.

Press trip passes, series "H," will continue to be issued by the manager of publicity and promotion department for single trip admissions as heretofore.

Workmen's passes, series "I," will be issued by the bureau of admissions to employes of the exposition and of exhibitors and concessionaires on requisition of employer, approved by the department manager.

Card passes, series "L," heretofore issued, covering permission to cross Twentieth street at Manderson street, will remain good as heretofore.

Wagons conveying supplies for the operation of concessions, etc., will be admitted as heretofore by purchase of regular admission ticket, admitting team and driver, or by presentation of commutation book, admission coupon being taken therefrom.

Admissions to the grounds otherwise than above stated shall be secured upon purchase of regular admission ticket upon payment therefor the sum of 50 cents, children 25 cents.

A force of ticket sellers and gate keepers sufficient for the purpose will be maintained so long as need exists therefor.

Admission to the exposition grounds as above will continue from and after November 1 until all exhibitors, concessionaires and other goods are removed from the grounds, or until a proper safeguarding of the interests of the exposition shall no longer require same.


"By Request," Program to Be Given This Afternoon.

This afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Auditorium Innes and his band will present a "Ladies' Request" program, one made up entirely of selections which have been popularized by Innes and his band in past concerts. Several prominent society ladies, culling their favorites from time to time, have asked that they be repeated, and from their selections this program has resulted.

Innes and his band made another of their musical conquests last evening at the Auditorium, the audience filling it to a crush, and applauding at every turn.

A banquet will be given in honor of Bandmaster Innes tonight at the Iler Grand. It is the famous musician's birthday, and this happy way of celebrating it is taken yearly by the members of his band. It is a quiet affair, a "family" gathering at which a few newspaper men are guests. The band will serenade Mrs. Innes before sitting down to the table at a little before 9 o'clock.

To Restore Kountze Park.

The park commission yesterday afternoon at a special session decided not to take any action toward extending the limits of Kountze park to take in all of the main court and the bluff tract of the exposition grounds. A resolution was also passed requesting the exposition company, in accordance with its contract, to leave the eleven acres comprising Kountze park in the same condition as the property was turned over to it. This means that the exposition company is to fill up all of the lagoon, the park commission having decided it can best provide for a lake, if it desires one in the park, after this is done.

Life Saving Drill.

The life saving service on the lagoon daily at 3 p. m., mention of which has been unintentionally left from the official programs the last day or two, will continue up to and including the very last day of the exposition. This is an intensely interesting feature of the daily program, especially to the average exposition visitors unaccustomed to the sea coast and the life saving service, and attracts thousands every afternoon at the west end of the lagoon.

Promise to "Be Good."

By agreement the contempt case against President Wattles, A. L. Reed, S. Wadley, W. W. Wilkinson, C. R. Llewellyn, G. L. Martin, M. Hill, M. P. Dabb of the exposition, has been continued until Thursday forenoon at 10 o'clock, the defendants promising to obey the injunction and not to interfere with the concessions of Fred T. Cummins at the exposition grounds. The defendants were released under bond for further appearance.

Kansas Building Sold.

The Kansas building at the exposition was sold yesterday and nearly all the furniture has been disposed of. The purchase price was $150. It will be removed from the grounds at the close of the exposition.

Exposition Notes.

A large crowd will no doubt greet the opening of the sale of pictures at the Fine Arts building next Tuesday at 2 p. m. and again at 8 p. m. An opportunity like this will not be overlooked by lovers of art.

More refreshments were provided at the Illinois building on the occasion of the reception Thursday night than was required for the guests, though there were 500 of them, and yesterday the remainder, consisting of chicken salad, ice cream, cake, confectionery and candy, were distributed among the Old Ladies' home, and the Clarkson, Presbyterian and St. Joseph hospitals.

Messrs. Light of Wisconsin and Lane and Shepherd of Illinois, members of the executive committee of the National Educational association, are in the city, on their way back from the west, where they visited the cities that wish to have the meeting of the association next year. The cities are Los Anegeles​, Portland, Salt Lake City and Tacoma. The committeemen will spend a day or two at the exposition.

Charles Wilson, who has been in charge of the Los Angeles county exhibit through the summer, is confined to his rooms with an abscess.

Manager Lindsay of the department of ways and means announced that there will be fireworks on the north tract this evening and Monday evening, beginning promptly at 9 o'clock, and to give the public ample time to enjoy both, the Innes band concert will conclude promptly at 8:30 each evening.

To make tomorrow the warmest Sunday on the exposition grounds and give the thousands of out-of-town visitors a chance to see everything the exhibitors in all of the buildings have promised to keep open house, with all exhibits at their best, and some one in charge of each, as on week days. Before this time on Sundays the buildings have been opened, but exhibits have often been covered, and usually no one has been in charge. As usual on Sunday, the gates will be opened at 8 a. m. at the 50-cent admission rate, and from 1 p. m. at the 25-cent rate.

The committee of awards has finished its work of reviewing the reports of the juries, and exhibitors may now have the pleasure or displeasure, as the case may be, of finding out just how they stand by applying to the department of exhibits.


Meeting of Stockholders Talks of Continuing It Through Another Year.

Opinions on All Sides Expressed, Some Believing Greater Triumphs May Be Achieved.

President Baum and P. E. Iler for It, the Latter Being Enthusiastic Over Forming a New Company.

About thirty of the stockholders of the Trans-Mississippi exposition met at the city council chamber last night to talk over the question of continuing the exposition next year. It was a disappointment that so few were present. The fact was attributed to the rain and to meager announcement of the meeting.

Ernest Stuht called the meeting to order and announced the object. President Baum of the Commercial club was made chairman and Councilman C. O. Lobeck secretary.

Mr. Andreesen was called for and said that he thought that the exposition should be wound up as soon as possible and the buildings sold.

Postmaster Euclid Martin agreed with Mr. Andreesen. He thought it a good plan to let well enough alone. The success of the exposition had been a credit to the people of the city and of the west and he feared that a grat​ mistake would be made in attempting to carry the show on another year. If some company wanted to try it, all right, but present stockholders should have the privilege of withdrawing.

Henry T. Clark was in favor of trying the thing again. He held that the present organization should wind up its business next Monday because there probably were legal difficulties in the way of its continuance, but another exposition, he believed, should be held next year. There would be no war to interfere with attendance; states now participating would do so again, and the western states not this summer represented would be anxious to be represented next year; the show next year would have the benefit of the good report about this one, and every man in Omaha, Nebraska and the west should do his best to see the great success repeated next year. Mr. Clark believed the government exhibit would remain because there was no place for it to go to until 1900. He believed that next summer a big army encampment might be had here, and he thought that everyone who had been here this summer would come back and bring friends with him.

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George Barker said he thought it would be worth while to continue the exposition another season, according to some practical proposition.

The most enthusiastic advocate of continuance, save perhaps Mr. Baum, was Peter E. Iler, who declared that it would be a shame for the beautiful buildings to go down. He said he had spent most of the day trying to get the exposition managers to the exposition, but had failed. They had told him that they wanted nothing more to do with the exposition, and he did not blame them, for they had had a hard task and a big job.

He had talked with those owning the land on which the exposition stood, and they had said that they were perfectly willing to continue the leases on the present terms. The manager of the Illinois building had told him that if he would buy the furniture in the building he might have the building or he could have the building for $500. Mr. Iler's desire was that a company be formed to buy all the exposition buildings together, and then run the show next summer. Let any stockholder who wanted his dividend have it and let all stockholders who wanted to go into the new company go in. "We cannot afford," said he, "to let the thing go. We must keep it up."

Mr. Frenzer, speaking for the real estate men, said that the exposition had not had a considerable effect in raising the price of real estate in the city, but personally he would like to see the show tried another season.

Samuel Rees, as did all other men who spoke, declared that the old company must for legal reasons go out of business. If any new company wanted to take the thing up he was willing to do his share. But he was not sure that the project would succeed. Many things should be learned before it was undertaken. It should be found out how the land could be held, what the government and the states would do and what rates the railroads would make. Mr. Rees thought that better exhibits might be obtained for an exposition next year than were here this year.


Mr. Iler arose to say that he had talked with several of the railroad people and they had assured him that they would do more next year. The necessary money could be raised without any trouble whatever. The only question was as to what the exposition would sell the buildings for. Lots of the present stockholders would stay in and plenty would be found to take the places of those who dropped out.

John W. Robbins said that it would be a great mistake for the west not to continue the exposition next summer. The states which had not made appropriations and had not been represented in the exhibits had seen their mistake and would be anxious to be here next year.

Mr. Baum stated that he had given the matter a good deal of thought for two months and the only objection against continuance was the sentimental objection against warming over pudding and hanging on too long to a good thing. Most of his out of town customers to whom he had talked had said that they would come back if the show were open another summer and friends of his in Chicago had said to him that a great mistake was made in not continuing the World's fair another season. Omaha had been put to the front by the exposition. The city would be talked about more than any other western city through the winter and it would be put in the front to stay by an exposition next year.


The buildings were there and could be secured for a small sum; the grounds were there; all the work that had been done in the various departments would generally serve for an exposition next summer; 75 per cent of the exhibits would remain, and for ever foot of space left there would be ten applicants; it would be reasonable to expect a larger attendance next year than this; no war nor bad October weather would interfere, and a comparatively small capital would be required.

The matter was discussed further by D. N. McCord, Jay Burns and again by Mr. Iler, Mr. Baum and Mr. Martin. Mr. Iler said that Senator Allen and Thurston and Congressman Mercer had assured him that the government exhibit would remain if the exposition were continued. Mr. Burns believed that a company with a capital of $250,000 could carry out the project and make money and Mr. Martin spoke some words of caution.

It was decided that another meeting should be held next Thursday night at the same place, it being explained that the city council would have so little business that it would hold a very brief session, if any at all.


When Omaha was working to raise money to secure the exposition the workingmen of Omaha—some of whom did not own a dollar's worth of real property—came to the front nobly and made liberal subscriptions to the exposition funds. A few gave from their abundance, but it was the small contributions made by the workingmen and women of Omaha that supplied the greater share of the money raised for the exposition, and to them is due in large measure the credit for its glorious success.

Monday is "Omaha day," and the last day of the Trans-Mississippi exposition. The exposition's success has been magnificent. Now let the men and women who made that success possible have one day in which to enjoy it.

On Monday every shop, factory, office, headquarters, store and bank should be closed in order to give the employes one day—the last day—at the exposition. Let the great exposition close in a blaze of glory amid the shouts and rejoicings of all the people of Omaha who made it possible and who have contributed so much to its splendid success. On Monday let the keys be turned in the locks and the citizens of Omaha, young and old, large and small, rich and poor, go out to the exposition grounds and make the final day the greatest day in the history of this splendid western enterprise.


Whole Town to Be Closed Up so That Everybody May Be on the Grounds.

Railroads Make Low Rates for Radius of 200 Miles---Speeches in the Afternoon by the Exposition Managers.

While the attendance at the exposition has been very satisfactory and indeed surprising for the last ten days and the attendance Wednesday and Thursday was well up to the best records, the management is looking forward to next Monday. This will be the last day of the great show. It will be Omaha day. All Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha, and the surrounding country, is it expected, will turn out. The attendance yesterday was somewhat smaller than Thursday.

Omaha will be officially, educationally, commercially and industrially closed on Omaha day. The public schools and all city offices will be closed. All the national banks will be closed the entire day. The railroad headquarters, freight houses and shops will be closed at noon. The jobbing houses and retail stores of all descriptions will be closed at sharp 12 o'clock.

The Commercial club was assigned the task of getting things closed up down town. The exposition management prepared the program for the day, which is as follows:

11:30 a. m.—Battleship Illinois docked at Government building.

12 m.—Fire horses hitched by electricity.

2 p. m.—Innes band at Auditorium.

3 p. m.—Omaha day exercises at Auditorium. Speeches by officials of the exposition.

MusicInnes Band
InvocationRev. T. J. Mackay
AddressHon. Frank E. Moores, Mayor of Omaha.
AddressZ. T. Lindsey, Manger Department Ways and Means, Exposition.
MusicInnes Band
AddressE. Rosewater, Manager Department Publicity and Promotion, Exposition.
AddressW. N. Babcock, Manager Department of Transportation, Exposition.
AddressGurdon W. Wattles, President of Exposition.
MusicInnes Band

3 p. m.—United States life saving exhibition at lagoon.

7 p. m.—Innes Band on Plaza (weather permitting).

8:30 p. m.—Grand special display of fireworks.

In order to give the people of Nebraska as well as those of Omaha, South Omaha, and Council Bluffs and opportunity to attend the exposition on Omaha day, and see the last of the exposition the railroads will put in a rate of 80 per cent of one way fare for the round trip from points in the state within 200 miles of Omaha. The Burlington road, which took the initiative in the matter, announces that tickets will be on sale tomorrow, Sunday, and for trains arriving before noon on Monday, and they will be good to return on all trains Monday and November 1.

In addition to the other closings up which have been already noted the Commercial club committee has received notice that the Union Pacific shops will be closed at noon on Omaha day.

A very small percentage of the retailers, so small in fact as to be only a fraction of 1 per cent, objection to closing up on Omaha day, and as no business man cares to close his place of business while a competitor, or possible competitor, keeps his store open, there was some anxiety on the part of the committee. This has now been wiped out, for the retailers without exception are unanimous, and every store will be shut up when the whistle blows at 12 o'clock on Omaha day.


Local Brewery Carries Off Prizes on Several Kinds of Beer.

At the office of the department of exhibits at noon yesterday it was announced that three medals had been given the Fred Krug Brewery company of this city. They are a gold medal for cabinet beer, the silver medal for extra pale beer, and a bronze medal for the collective exhibit of the company. Official notices are being sent out to all exhibitors to whom medals were awarded.

Tearing Down Begins.

The tearing down of the live stock show barns, forty odd in number, is in progress. The barns were bought by several different bidders. This is the first of the actual dismantling of the exposition. Going with it, is the departure of the Indians and so the vanishing of their tepees. There will be no more sham battles or Indian war dances.

Exposition Notes.

J. Lewis Willige, acting chief clerk in the national museum, and C. A. Stewart of the museum have arrived to assist in the return of the museum exhibit at the exposition.

The managers of the war department exhibit yesterday practically completed the package of the balloon outfit and the signal service apparatus that have been used in exhibits at the exposition. The stuff will take but a short trip. Most of it will be stored at the government corral in this city.

Blurred official copy was responsible for notice of Indian affairs in the program. The Indian dances and other doings are all off by virtue of the late bad weather.

It is given out cold at the exposition that the republican campaign managers are making up the list of guards to be retained and that the "sixty" guards names have been gone over with an eye single to political usefulness.

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Some imposition practiced by subordinates of the exposition management deserve severe condemnation. Among these the most flagrant is the recent hold-up of exhibitors to make up a purse for presentation to the assistant manager of the Department of Exhibits.

This money was practically extorted from people who were not in position to incur the displeasure or disfavor of the officer in question, especially when these forced contributions were solicited by his cronies. While the parties who have been held up have made no formal complaint, the imposition is resented keenly and reflects discredit upon the exposition management.

In the interest of the good name of the exposition, the recipient of the purse should be required to refund every dollar that has been collected for him. If he is entitled to any substantial recognition for services rendered in addition to his salary, the exposition and not its patrons should give it.

The gift business in every branch of public or semi-public service is an intolerable abuse. Holding up exhibitors or concessionaires in an exposition is no better than holding up pawnbrokers and saloonkeepers by policemen or making subordinates employed in public service divide salaries with their superiors.


People from the Antelope's Prairies Come to See the Fair's Closing Scenes.

The crowd of visitors who traveled over the different railroads this morning to see the last day's attractions of the final week of the exposition was not so large but that it could be easily handled by the officials at the depots and the street car lines. Preparations had been made to provide for a greater number of people than the railroads brought and over-crowded stations and long waits for street cars usual on big days were avoided.

The visitors began to arrive early, the local trains from cities and towns not far distant being well filled and the through trains which came later in the morning all carrying extra coaches to accommodate excursionists from points along the lines. Then there were a number of specials, but they were fewer than usual and most all from the same direction, the greater part of the day's crowd being from Nebraska. There were three specials from over the Burlington road, the first bringing an excursion from McCook, Oxford and Holdrege, another from Hastings and Fairmont, and the last from Lincoln and the points further east. These trains reached the city about 9 o'clock. About the same time the regular trains from the west over other roads brought a great many travelers from the central part of the state. About the only visitors who came from the east excepting those traveling on the early local trains were brought by two specials over the Northwestern at 11 o'clock, and it was at this time that the greatest number of people were seen about the station. Preparations had been made to receive them, however, and there was no confusion or delays in securing transportation to the exposition grounds.


Plans for Distributing Exposition Gains Among Stockholders.


How to Equitably Divide it Up Proves Something of a Problem.


How to Treat the Stockholders Fairly is an Important Question.


Another Good Crowd Attends the Fair and Helps to Swell the Receipts to a Very Snug Sum.

Total admissions yesterday27,825
Total to date2,495,606

A great many people who have helped make the last week of the exposition interesting are beginning to go home and their departure makes a perceptible difference at the grounds. The Saturday crowd always shows a marked reduction from those of the preceding days and it is likely that the severe storm of last night induced some of the out of town visitors to conclude that today would not be much of an exposition day and to go home a day earlier than otherwise. It did look somewhat forbidding at first, but as the sun came out the conditions improved. The puddles that remained from the deluge of the preceding night rapidly disappeared and the sharp air moderated rapidly.

The time is rapidly approaching when the exposition management must decide on the policy that it will pursue in the distribution of the surplus that the end of the exposition will leave in the treasury. That a good-sized rebate on stock subscriptions will be immediately available is certain, but the question in regard to the manner of its disposal has proved an obstinate problem. The difficulty has been to determine the rights of the stockholders who have only partially paid their subscriptions and this was referred to C. S. Montgomery, counsel for the exposition, for an opinion. Mr. Montgomery has not officially returned his views to the executive committee, but it is generally understood among exposition officials that a plan has been decided on and will be promulgated within a day or two.

What the Plan Contemplates.

While this proposition takes the rights of the partially paid-up stockholders into consideration its effects will be to limit the profits to those who have paid up in full. The plan is to first set aside the amount of surplus that can safely be distributed, then add to this amount the aggregate balance unpaid, with interest from March 1, when the stock became delinquent. This unpaid balance is to be considered as a part of the assets of the exposition and the grand total of assets and cash will then be distributed pro rata among the stockholders. In cases where the stock is only partially paid up no cash will be paid, but the subscriber will be credited on his subscription with the pro rata amount to which he would have been entitled of his stock had been paid up in full. To thoroughly comprehend how this scheme will work an illustration is necessary. Suppose there is $100 in cash to be divided among three stockholders who had subscribed $500, $200 and $100 respectively. The first man has paid up in full, the second had paid $100 and the third has paid $60. Leaving the interest out of the question this leaves $140 in unpaid balances to be added to the cash assets. This would amount to $240, or a 30 per cent rebate on the total initial subscription of $800. It would allow $150 to the $500 subscriber, $60 to the $200 man and $30 to the individual who had subscribed $100. This would leave the first man $150 ahead, while the second and third would still owe the exposition $40 and $10 respectively. In this case neither of the two last mentioned would be entitled to a dollar of cash, as they still remained debtors, and the man with the paid-up subscription of $500 and the rebate of $150 would receive the entire $00 in cash and the uncollected assets of $50, which represented the amount that the other fellows [?]

Two Good Days in Sight.

The prospects for the remaining two days of the exposition are exceedingly gratifying. The admission will be 25 cents on both occasions and it is believed that there will be a general anxiety on the part of the people to have a final roundup of the show before it passes away forever. The hope that the President's day attendance will be exceeded on Omaha day is accentuated by the reports of the railroads that thousands of people from points within 200 miles of Omaha are coming to participate in the final jubilation. It is also believed that the rural population in the immediate vicinity of Omaha will turn out in force. Congressman Mercer has just returned from a thorough canvass of his district and he says that the farmers almost without exception were planning to come to the exposition Monday and bring their families. The exercises at the Auditorium Monday afternoon will be largely of a reminiscent character and will consist of short speeches by President Wattles and the members of the executive committee. It is expected that at that time the officials will be able to give the stockholders a fairly accurate statement of the finances of the enterprise and of the amount that will be available to be rebated on stock subscriptions. The exercises will be followed by a banquet at the cafe, which will be quite an elaborate affair.


Autocrat of the Exhibits Department Shows His Independence of Facts.

There is a loud wail going up from the exhibitors in the Apiary department of the exposition, who have just discovered that there has been some juggling with the awards made by Eugene Secor of Forest City, Ia., who has appointed by the exposition management to pass upon the honey, honey products and appliances used by the bee keepers. These same exhibitors have also learned that they have been barred from filing a protest against the methods employed in the office of H. B. Hardt, assistant manager of the Department of Exhibits. The reason why they have been barred is due to the fact that the time for filing protests expired at noon yesterday and that the notices citing the parties to appear and file their protests to Hardt's changing the awards of the judge were not served until 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.

In the award originally made L. D. Stilson was given premiums as follows: Heartsease comb, silver medal; largest number of samples of honey, gold; heartsease honey, silver; beeswax, bronze; honey in various stages, honorable mention. Without inspecting the exhibit or inquiring into its merits or conditions Mr. Hardt bunched it and cut down the award to one silver medal for the whole lot.

When Judge Secor had finished passing upon the Nebraska state exhibit, the largest in the building, he awarded silver medals on linden and white clover comb, linden extract, queens and appliances; bronze on sweet clover extract and honey in merchantable shape, with honorable mention for alfalfa honey. When Mr. Hardt concluded going through the awards of the judge he deliberately and without notice cut the premiums all off with the exception of one silver medal.

Davidson of Omaha was given silver medals, one for having the largest variety of honey and the other on his linden extract. He was also given two bronze medals, one on his marketable display and the other on honey wine. This bunch of awards Mr. Hardt took, and without any notice to the exhibitor decided that one silver medal for the entire lot would be sufficient.

Douglas county, with its 400 square feet of space, was given eight silver medals by Judge Secor. These awards were made on linden comb, heartsease extract, sweet clover extract, design in wax, bees and queens, experimental test with bees, heartsease comb and honey producing plants. The county also received a bronze medal on bee hives and honorable mention on a number of exhibits. When Mr. Hardt finished with the returns of the judge nothing was left but one lonely silver medal and this was not on any particular exhibit, but on the whole.

The judge gave L. C. Clute two silver medals, one on white clover honey and the other on white clover extract. He also gave him three bronze medals, one on Alsace clover, one on heartsease and the third on linden comb. Mr. Hardt got in his work on this exhibit and cut off everything except one of the silver medals.

Mrs. H. C. Aklin was awarded two silver medals, one on white clover comb and the second on white clover extracted honey. Mr. Hardt, without seeing the honey, cancelled everything except one of the silver medals.

A. D. Freeman was awarded two silver medals on his honey, but as a result of Mr. Hardt's action he gets but one. On the exhibit of Dr. Jaquis of Minnesota Judge Secor recommended two silver medals, but Hardt says one is sufficient.

One of the peculiar cases where Mr. Hardt's judgment comes into play is where  Scanned image of page 172 Mrs. Mary Segar was awarded a silver medal on account of having exhibited designs in wax. Without ever having examined this design and without knowing anything about it Mr. Hardt says that a diploma is about the correct thing.

William Stolly had an exhibit of sweet clover comb and another of sweet clover extracted honey. Judge Secor gave him two medals, one a silver and the other bronze. Hardt let the silver medal stand, but cut out the bronze. G. W. Schwenk of Rocky Ford, Colo., did not fare so well. The judge gave him two silver medals, one on alfalfa comb and the other on extracted honey. Mrs. Hardt has cut off one award entirely and this without looking over the exhibits. F. H. Glick and Mrs. F. J. Priess were awarded bronze medals on their exhibits, the former alfalfa extracted honey and the latter honey cakes. Mr. Hardt says that they are entitled to this and nothing more.

Yesterday afternoon as soon as Superintendent Whitcomb learned of the arbitrary action of Mr. Hardt he called on him at his office and demanded an explanation. The explanation was evaded, Mr. Hardt simply replying that in his judgment the judge had scored too high in making up his list of awards, and that he had cut the scorings down. Superintendent Whitcomb tried to argue the point, but Hardt would not engage in the conversation. Instead of doing so he took up a reclining position upon a sofa in his office and was soon fast asleep.

Superintendent Whitcomb declares that the action of Hardt is an outrage and that he will take the matter before the exposition management.

Rules After the Close.

At the meeting of the executive committee yesterday afternoon the question of the issuance of passes to the exposition grounds after November 1 was taken up and discussed. The following rules were adopted relative to the matter:

White card passes, series "A," previously issued will be good for admission in usual way at pass gate.

All passes, series "B," good from a date prior to November 1 will be null and void. Parties entitled to the courtesy of a pass of this series must secure those of new issue.

Press card passes, series "C," good from a date prior to November 1 will be null and void. Parties entitled to the courtesy of a pass of this series must secure those of new issue.

Commutation books, series "D," will continue to be good for admission as heretofore.

Photographic passes, series "E" and "F," will be null and void. Exhibitors and concessionaires desiring admission for themselves and for such employes as may be necessary to care for their exhibits and concessions must secure through their department managers card passes good on and after November 1.

Complimentary passes, series "G," will be issued for single trip admissions as heretofore.

Press trip passes, series "H," will continue to be issued by the manager of Publicity and Promotion department for single trip admissions as heretofore.

Workmen passes, series "I," will be issued by the Bureau of Admissions to employes of the exposition and of exhibitors and concessionaires on requisition of employer, approved by the department manager.

Card passes, series "L," heretofore issued covering permission to cross Twentieth street at Manderson street will remain good as heretofore.

Wagons conveying supplies for the operation of concessions, etc., will be admitted as heretofore by purchase of regular admission ticket admitting team and driver, or by presentation of commutation book, admission coupon being taken therefrom.

Admission to the grounds otherwise than above stated shall be secured upon purchase of regular admission ticket upon payment therefor of the sum of 50 cents—25 cents for child.

A force of ticket sellers and gate keepers sufficient for the purposes will be maintained so long as need exists therefor.

Admission to the exposition grounds as above will continue from and after November 1 until all exhibitors, concessionaires and other goods are removed from the grounds, or until a proper safeguarding of the interests of the exposition shall no longer require same.


End of the Great Exposition Now Only a Little Way Ahead.


Grounds and Buildings Filled with Those Who Linger Long and Lovingly.


Visitors Lavish Their Praise on the Now Fast Fleeting Show.


Sunday and Monday Inspire the Management with the Belief that There Will Be Tremendous Throngs to Take Care Of.

Total admissions yesterday26,783
Total to date2,522,389

In less than forty-eight hours the great exposition that has entertained and instructed over 2,500,000 people will close its gates and its beauties will disappear. Evidently this is in the mind of each of the thousands of visitors that are flocking to have a departing view of its marvels. The crowds seem possessed by a feverish anxiety to thoroughly exhaust every feature of the show. Where the people formerly wandered through the buildings, taking superficial glances at the exhibits, they now stop and study them by the hour. They seem to realize that they are enjoying an opportunity that will never occur again and the myriad features of the booths and buildings acquire additional interest as the time for their dissolution approaches.

"I would rather have my son spend six weeks in studying this exposition than to send him to college," said a prosperous looking farmer in the Government building yesterday, and he expressed a sentiment that is in some degree reflected in the minds of thousands of visitors. Appreciation of the vast store of general knowledge that is conveyed by the exhibits is becoming more general and a dozen busily employed note books may be seen now where scarcely one was in evidence a month ago. Even the old-timers, who have been frequent visitors since the exposition opened are constantly discovering hundreds of interesting things that have escaped their attention during previous visits and they are as loud as any one in their expressions of regret that the end is so close at hand.

This disposition was particularly perceptible yesterday. The crowd was not as big as on the preceding days and it was possible to get through the buildings without being jammed and prodded and elbowed until patience was exhausted. There seemed to be just as many people in the buildings, but they were not in such constant movement and they seemed contented to spend hour after hour in persevering inspection.

The prospects for the remaining two days of the exposition are exceedingly gratifying. The admission will be 25 cents on both occasions and it is believed that there will be a general anxiety on the part of the people to have a final roundup of the show before it passes away forever. The hope that the President's day attendance will be exceeded on Omaha day is accentuated by the reports of the railroads that thousands of people from points within 200 miles of Omaha are coming to participate in the final jubilation. It is also believed that the rural population in the immediate vicinity of Omaha will turn out in force. Congressman Mercer has just returned from a thorough canvass of his district and he says that the farmers almost without exception were planning to come to the exposition Monday and bring their families. The exercises at the Auditorium Monday afternoon will be largely of a reminiscent character and will consist of short speeches by President Wattles and the members of the executive committee. It is expected that at that time the officials will be able to give the stockholders a fairly accurate statement of the finances of the enterprise and of the amount that will be available to be rebated on stock subscriptions. The exercises will be followed by a banquet at the cafe, which will be quite an elaborate affair.


Exhibitors Charge the Superintendent with Manipulating Awards.

The discontent that has been somewhat quietly manifested during the last few days over the manner in which awards of premiums at the Transmississippi Exposition are being made broke forth late yesterday afternoon when two complaints against H. B. Hardt, assistant manager of the Department of Exhibits, charging him with forgery were filed before Justice of the Peace George C. Cockrell.

The complainants are H. S. Cochran, representing the Scofield, Shurmer & Teagle company and H. A. Searle, representing the Monarch Manufacturing company. Accompanied by Thomas Blackburn, esq., they called at Justice Cockrell's court yesterday afternoon and after a brief interview with Assistant County Attorney Jeffries swore to the complaints mentioned. In both cases the charge is based on a change alleged to have been made in the judges' awards. With the Scofield, Shurmer & Teagle company it is said that a silver diploma for excellence in exhibits of oils was originally awarded to the firm, but later changed by Hardt. In the case of the Monarch Manufacturing company a similar charge is made with respect to a diploma for honorable mention for excellence of display of axle grease. Justice Cockrell said that on account of the lateness of the hour the hearing would be postponed until some time this week.

Will Ask for Extra Showing.

Today Manager Lindsay of the Ways and Means department will serve notice upon the exhibitors in the various buildings requesting them to keep their exhibits open next Sunday during the entire day and also to keep the exhibits in the same condition as on the other days of the week. The managers in charge of the government building will be urged to keep their exhibits open for inspection from early morning until the usual closing hour.

Fireworks have been ordered for tonight and Monday night. They will be upon a very elaborate scale both nights. On both of these nights the band concerts will close at 8:30 o'clock in order that those who attend may have an opportunity of witnessing the fireworks, which will be on the north tract, beginning promptly at 9 o'clock.

Returning the Fish Exhibit.

Superintendent Conway of the government fish exhibit is preparing to ship the exhibit on the day after the fair closes. Lieutenant Ravanel, who represents the fish commission on the government board, will be here Sunday and will have charge of the final disposal of the material.

During the last few days Superintendent Conway has been besieged with applications from people who want some of the fish after the exposition closes. It is more than likely, however, that all that are not shipped back to the government hatcheries will be turned over to the Nebraska State Fish commission. Commissioner May was on the grounds yesterday and secured an understanding to this effect that Lieutenant Ravanel will probably approve. The car of the state commission will be brought to Omaha Tuesday to transport such of the fish as can be secured to the hatcheries at South Bend.

Commissioner May is especially delighted with the prospect of securing the small mouthed black bass, of which Superintendent Conway has about twenty-five in the aquariums. This fish inhabits the running streams and is a decidedly gamier fish than the large mouthed species, which inclines more largely to the ponds and other still waters. Commissioner May has been trying for several years to secure a supply of the small mouthed bass, but until this time he was unsuccessful. Several of the fish will be old enough to breed next spring and he now hopes to be able to install the fish in large numbers in the various Nebraska streams during the next few years.

Handling the Children.

Since the Elkhorn road brought in a crowd of 1,100 children and struck the exposition in the midst of a howling blizzard the exposition management has declined to set any additional children's days. It was thought that the chances of good weather at this season are uncertain and that the management might be criticised for bringing children out if any sickness resulted. Arrangements have been made, however, to give the reduced rate to any large parties of children by sending out the tickets on demand and a number of parties from adjoining towns are being accommodated in this way. This leaves the responsibility with the parents and answers the purpose equally well.

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Missouri Lumberman Unable to Learn About His Award.

George H. Riber, representing a Missouri lumber company, has an exhibit of soft pine lumber in the Agricultural building. That much he is sure of, but up to date he has been totally unable to discover where he is at in connection with the awards. His fruitless quest in search of information very forcibly illustrates the difficulty which some exhibitors have in extracting information from the superintendent of the Exhibits​ department.

After the awards were made notices were supposed to be sent to all exhibitors notifying them of the decision of the jury and giving them twenty-four hours in which to appeal. Mr. Riner received no notice, and was absolutely unable to find out what action had been taken in regard to his exhibit. He called on Superintendent Hardt and asked to see the record. He was told that this was in the hands of Superintendent Taylor in the Horticultural building. He traveled across the grounds to the Horticulture building, only to be assured that the records were in Superintendent Hardt's possession. A second trip to that official failed to bring satisfaction. Hardt suggested that his notice would probably turn up eventually, but Riner said that the time in which he could file an appeal had already nearly expired and he wanted to know where he was at. He was finally put off until Monday and will now have to accept the award whether it is satisfactory or not, as his right of appeal lapsed at midnight.

Stockholders Talk of Extension.

The question of continuing the Transmississippi Exposition next year was discussed last evening at a meeting of about thirty of the stockholders held in the council chamber. No definite action was taken, it being thought best to give the matter a little more careful consideration at a meeting at which a larger representation could be present.

There was a division of opinion among the stockholders as to what should be the fate of the exposition. Some of them thought that the buildings should be sold as soon as possible and the affairs of the company wound up. President Baum of the Commercial club was in favor of trying it another year. He called attention to the fact that there would not be the obstacles in the way of its success that were met with this time. P. E. Iler was also in favor of forming a new company.

The stockholders will meet again Tuesday evening at the same place, and it is hoped that there will be a larger attendance. They will discuss the question more fully, and, if possible, decide on what shall be done with the buildings.

Rules for Removing Exhibits.

The most important action taken by the executive committee yesterday was the adoption of an elaborate set of rules to govern the admission of wagons, etc., after November 1. These will be made public as soon as the revised copy can be prepared for publication.

The commissioners in charge of the various exhibits in the Mines building are getting ready to pack their specimens as soon as the exposition is over. This will be a much shorter job than the unpacking and a few days will probably suffice to practically clear the building. Nearly all the red tape connected with the breaking up has been wound up and the exhibitors are ready to get their stuff out as soon as possible. While the bulk of the specimens will be shipped back to the public and individual collections from which they were contributed, there is a large amount of valuable material that will be available for permanent location in a museum. Some active steps are being taken along this line and there is a strong probability that an important announcement in this connection will materialize in a few days.

Fruit Men Still Active.

Notwithstanding the near approach of the close of the exposition the first exhibit in the Horticultural building is as fresh and in a perfect condtion​ as at any time during the past season. Superintendent Taylor, who has had general supervision over the exhibit and who occupied a similar position at the World's fair, states that the record made here has been astonishing. He says that at Chicago during the closing weeks of the fair there, there was an inclination among the exhibitors to allow their tables to grow bare and unattractive. Here, he says, it has been just the reverse and that each superintendent has been as care-taking during the past few days as they were during July and August.

All day yesterday the exhibitors in the Horticultural building were hard at work preparing for the reception of the big crowd that are expected today and tomorrow. They got their fruit out of cold storage and with it piled their tables high. They had an abundance of every variety and will keep it until the close of the exposition Monday night.

Its Effect Beyond Realization.

Commissioner Harry E. Lee of Colorado has just returned from a trip to Washington and other eastern points. He says that he was astounded to discover how well informed the people whom he met had become with regard to the exposition, and how many of them had visited it during the season. Nearly every one he met in Washington had either been here or had friends who had and the comments were everywhere favorable and even enthusiastic. Mr. Lee believes that the exposition has done more for the transmississippi country than it friends realize for it has brought practically the entire population of the United States in touch with the west and its future.

Rules After the Close.

At the meeting of the executive committee Friday afternoon the question of the issuance of passes to the exposition grounds after November 1 was taken up and discussed. The following rules were adopted relative to the matter:

White card passes, series "A," previously issued will be good for admission in usual way at pass gate.

All passes, series "B," good from a date prior to November 1 will be null and void. Parties entitled to the courtesy of a pass of this series must secure those of new issue.

Commutation books, series "D," will continue to be good for admission as heretofore.

Photographic passes, series "E" and "F," will be null and void. Exhibitors and concessionaires desiring admission for themselves and for such employes as may be necessary to care for their exhibits and concessions must secure through their department managers card passes good on and after November 1.

Complimentary passes, series "G," will be issued for single trip admissions as heretofore.

Press trip passes, series "H," will continue to be issued by the manager of Publicity and Promotion department for single trip admissions as heretofore.

Workmen passes, series "I," will be issued by the Bureau of Admissions to employes of the exposition and of exhibitors and concessionaires on requisition of employer, approved by the department manager.

Card passes, series "L," heretofore issued covering permission to cross Twentieth street at Manderson street will remain good as heretofore.

Wagons conveying supplies for the operation of concessions, etc., will be admitted as heretofore by purchase of regular admission ticket admitting team and driver, or by presentation of commutation book, admission coupon being taken therefrom.

Admission to the grounds otherwise than above stated shall be secured upon purchase of regular admission ticket upon payment therefor of the sum of 50 cents—25 cents for child.

A force of ticket sellers and gate keepers sufficient for the purposes will be maintained so long as need exists therefor.

Admission to the exposition grounds as above will continue from and after November 1 until all exhibitors, concessionaires and other goods are removed from the grounds, or until a proper safeguarding of the interests of the exposition shall no longer require same.

Made Immigration Agents.

Two of the men who have been connected with the Oklahoma exhibit in the Agricultural building during the past summer have been rewarded for the energy that they have displayed in exploiting the resources of that territory. A. T. Riley, exposition commissioner from Oklahoma, has been appointed immigration agent for the Santa Fe railroad, with headquarters at Oklahoma City, while Edward Whitehead has receivd a similar appointment, with headquarters in Omaha. They will work together and will boom the section which they represent. In both instances the appointments came unsolicited. Commissioner Riley will leave for his new post of duty with the next few days and will open an office in Oklahoma City immediately after reaching there.

Saturday Night on the Midway.

There was a good Saturday night crowd on the grounds in spite of the fact that the frost air made it necessary to keep moving in order to be comfortable. The Auditorium was entirely too small to hold the concert crowd and when the program was over and the people poured toward the Midway that lively thoroughfare did a big business. The fireworks display also caught a crowd and the various amusement resorts were well patronized until 10 o'clock.

Notes of the Exposition.

Ninety school children from Missouri Valley came to the exposition yesterday and spent the day upon the grounds. They were all in charge of their teachers and went through the buildings and about the grounds in a party.

Manager Arriens of the Omaha Milling company announced to the employes of that company that the mill would not only close for a day but also allow full play and present the employes with admission tickets for the exposition for himself [?]

Commissioner Barrett of the North Dakota exhibit has returned to the city and will remain until the close of the exposition, after which he will pack the exhibit and send it home. He feels that the exposition has done his state much good and that his assistant, Miss Ford, has accomplished much in the way of advertising the sections represented.

The big century plant, together with a number of the other plants that have been standing under the dome of the Horticultural building, have been sold to individual purchasers in Chicago, the owners having received fancy prices for the same. The agent of the purchasers, who was here yesterday, said that, in his judgment, the display is the finest he has ever seen.

The 500 rifles used by the Indians in their sham battles during the last summer have been returned by Captain Mercer to the United States arsenal, from which they came. The captain compliments the honesty and carefulness of the Indians in handling the guns. Not one of them was broken, nor were nay of them stolen. The ponies, 400 in number, will be sold by Captain Mercer next Wednesday at the corral on the Indian grounds. They were purchased by him during the early summer for the use of the Indians in putting on the battles, which drew such immense crowds.

Typewriters at the Exposition.

The crowd that congested the aisle around the exhibit of the United Typewriter and Supplies company watched, many for the first time, the practical working of a typewriter. Few of them knew, however, that Prof. Boyles of Boyle's school had just finished reporting the speech of President McKinley and had rushed over to the exhibit for the purpose of transcribing his notes into copy for the next issue of The Bee, reading from his notes with the ease and fluency of the expert stenographer which he is, while with equal ease and fluency his electric fingered assistant wrote the speech off upon the Densmore typewriter, writing with a speed, in fact, that amazed even the old operators among the onlookers.

Among the typewriter exhibits were a number of things intended to exemplify the practical use of the machine, but probably there was none which did so so completely as this connecting link between the speech itself and its appearance in The Bee. The president's words had scarcely died away before they were reproduced in print from the Densmore typewriter and were on their way to the editor of The Bee, to be by him in turn distributed, through the medium of his paper, to the thousands of readers who were not so fortunate as to have heard it.

Highest Awards on Beer.

The Omaha Brewing association, one of Omaha's foremost brewers, was yesterday awarded the gold medal diploma by the judges of the Transmississippi and International Exposition for its celebrated bottled beer that has been on exhibition in booth 547, Manufactures building. Also diploma of highest award on their draft beer.


Receives Four Gold Medals, Covering General Exhibit, Canned Meats and Soap.

The Cudahy Packing company of South Omaha has won the merited distinction of receiving the greatest number of first premiums of any packed exhibiting at the Transmississippi Exposition. In their general display and in the competition of packing house products the Cudahy company has again demonstrated the superiority of its products.

The most notable award is the gold medal of the exposition for excellence in general display. The thousands of visitors who saw the attractive exhibit in the Manufactures building never had any doubt but that it would receive the first prize, and the decision of the judges merely confirmed the popular opinion.

The first premium gold medal was awarded Cudahy's Diamond C soap, which is renowned throughout the United States and has found its way in large quantities to the Orient. Gold medals were also awarded to Cudahy's canned meats, and Cudahy's hams are equally well and favorably known. Silver medals were awarded to Cudahy's Rex Extract of Beef and to all small meats, which includes principally their famous sausages and products of that nature. Mr. Edward A. Cudahy certainly has cause to feel flattered at the large percentage of prizes awarded to his exhibit. The result again demonstrates that the products of this factory lead the world.

There is a handsome surplus in the exposition exchequer. This money belongs to the stockholders. The stockholder in law is one who can produce a legal certificate of stock held in his or her name and the books of the company must contain a record of the issue of every share of legal stock outstanding. Upon such certificate only can rebates or dividends be paid. A promise to purchase stock or a partial payment on such purchase does not entitle the payee to a certificate, and holding no certificate he cannot share in the profits or dividends of the corporation.

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This is an opportune time for the World-Herald, on behalf of the people of Nebraska, and particularly the people of Omaha, to extend to the board of managers and the directory of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition heartfelt thanks for the manner in which they have discharged their duties.

The gentlemen who have borne the burden essential to the management of this great exposition began their labors under large embarrassments and great discouragements, and in the painstaking discharge of their duties they have often been the targets for criticism and general fault-finding. Not everyone can appreciate the magnitude of the task which these gentlemen imposed upon themselves and which they had discharged, on the whole, in a manner that must redound to their lasting credit.

Inspired by a devotion to the best interests of Omaha and Nebraska, strengthened by a spirit of enterprise and progress, these gentlemen have, without personal regard to themselves, devoted their best efforts to the welfare of this great enterprise for the greater part of the last two years.

Now, when the exposition is drawing to a close, while we are pointing with pride to its magnificent results, let us not forget that able and persistent effort on the part on the part of the management was necessary in order to make those splendid results possible.

To President Wattles, whose indefatigable work and thorough executive ability contributed so largely to this result, the people of this community are especially indebted. But what is said for Mr. Wattles is equally true of the gentlemen on the executive board who co-operated with the president and gave unsparingly of their time and ability to make the exposition a great success. Nor must we forget the members of the board of directors who, while not being burdened with the details of management that weighed heavily upon the shoulders of the president and executive board, discharged the duties that fell to their lot with no less zeal. The World-Herald assumes the authority to extend to these gentlemen on behalf of the people of Nebraska, and particularly on behalf of the people of Omaha, a vote of cordial thanks for their splendid efforts.

Having said this much in discharge of its duty toward men who are deserving of every good word herein recorded, the World-Herald desires to submit an important matter for the prompt consideration of the exposition management. Thousands of dollars of the stock subscribed and paid for was subscribed and paid by the working people of Omaha, many of whom could ill afford to give what they did give. They contributed cheerfully, however, and few of them had any idea that their money would ever be returned to them. Many of these people are today seriously in need of the money which they paid for exposition stock. Winter is rapidly approaching, and to many of these people that money will be very useful.

The World-Herald hopes that the exposition management will immediately declare a dividend on all paid up stock. This dividend should not be less than 75 per cent. This mater​ presses for the immediate consideration of the exposition management, and if that management will take this matter up immediately, declare its dividends and provide for the immediate payment of that dividend, it may depend upon it that the act will be a fitting climax to the splendid administration of exposition affairs.

There is no reason for any delay in this matter, and it is to be hoped that the exposition management will at an early date declare and pay a dividend of at least 75 per cent on all paid up stock.


Week Just Closed Ranks High Among the Great Periods of the Exposition.

With Two More Big Days to Come the Attendance Has Passed an Astonishing Limit.

Omaha Day, the Triumph of the Great Enterprise, Will See the Biggest Crowds of All--News of Saturday.

Saturday's Admissions26,783
Admissions for Week191,709
Total Admissions2,522,389

All exhibits will be open to the public today, by special request of the exposition management.

Most sanguine expectations for the attendance of the whole exposition, 2,500,000, as given last spring, were realized, with 22,000 to spare, yesterday, and two big days yet to come. Yesterday's attendance of 26,783 has brought up the total to date of 2,522,389.

Although there was an occasional discouraging day about the week, as a whole it has been the second best of the whole exposition in point of attendance, the total being 191,709. The best previous week was that of the peace jubilee, 313,736, and the second best previous to being knocked out by the week just ended was that ending September 24, which was 189,615.

The week was a big improvement over last week, when the total was 148,698. The attendance as compared by days is:

Days.Past week.Week before.

The two days yet to come promise to be ripe in good results to the exposition. Today especially is counted upon as an unusual Sunday in that all exhibits will be open to the public, with attendants in charge and everything stirring about as on the busiest week day. There will be concerts at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. by Innes and his band. The gates will be opened at 8 a. m. at the usual week-day rate of 50 cents, dropping as usual on Sundays to 25 cents after 1 p. m. So the thousands of strangers will have an opportunity for sight-seeing as if it were not Sunday.

Tomorrow as the last day—Omaha day—with a straight 25-cent admission rate for grown up people and 10-cent rate for children, with a magnificent program of music, special Omaha day exercises in the afternoon and fireworks at night, with all business in Omaha suspended and excursion rates from all the near-by towns, promises to make the last day the biggest and best in the history of the exposition.


Wedding on the Stage at the Old Plantation.

The close of the exposition ends with a love romance at the Old Plantation, Willie Hunter and Emma Draughn being married on the stage of the theater. Willie Hunter will be remembered by thousands of Omaha people that have enjoyed his laughing song at the Old Plantation. His bride is the piano accompanist. Their bridal trip will be a trip to Nashville, Tenn., as the proprietor of the Old Plantation will send the entire company of fifty people there, leaving Omaha over the Wabash railroad Tuesday evening at 5:50.

The Haunted Swing will only mystify and puzzle the [?]

The visitors to the exposition have passed up many a show on East Midway, but very few of them fail to see the Palace of Mysteries, where Lunette is on exhibition. Besides this mystery of the air La Belle Selica, the famous oriental dancing girl, gives performances and She, the great illusion, continues to attract.

The Flying Lady on East Midway will give a special performance this afternoon in the presence of a well-known Omaha gentleman who has put up a wager of $100 that he can explain the illusion. The performance will take place at 4 o'clock.

Thousands of people in Omaha and Nebraska will, in a few months now, congratulate themselves that they saw the great cyclorama on West Midway. They will probably never have another chance to see a naval fight reproduced.

Charges Against Hardt.

H. L. Cochrane, representing Schofield, Sherman & Teagle, and H. O. Searle, representing the Monarch Manufacturing company, both exhibitors at the exposition, last evening filed complaints against H. B. Hardt, superintendent of exhibits, charging him with forgery. It is alleged by the complaining witnesses that Hardt changed the report of the committe​ of awards relative to oils in such a manner that they got the worst of it, the change being made, they ever, after signatures had been made.

The exposition promptly instructed Secretary Wakefield to sign the bond for Hardt's release pending examination Wednesday. Manager Bruce of the department of exhibits, and J. E. Utt, assistant chairman of the bureau of awards, both aver that the changes causing the trouble were made by the committee of awards in the legitimate adjudication of awards, and that the reports were not touched by Hardt at all.

Innes Request Program.

Innes and his band added luster to the brilliancy of their musical triumphs at the exposition by two popular concerts yesterday. That of the afternoon was a "request program," selections made at the request of several society ladies. Throughout the program the dashing leader received a warm ovation from the ladies of society, who were a prominently large portion of the audience. In honor of his 41st birthday anniversary, a magnificent bouquet of forty-one American beauty roses were presented to him.

Last evening the crowd was unable to find admission to the auditorium and hundreds of discouraged people were turned away for want of standing room even. Only the rigid rule that the concert must close promptly at 8:30 saved the band an extra hour of encores.

St. Louis Fair Closes.

St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 29.—The exposition, which has been running since September 14, closed tonight. The evening was designated as "St. Louis night," and the vast building and the coliseum adjoining were both thronged with visitors. The closing hour was devoted to John Phillip Sousa's band in the coliseum, and as a finale a medley was rendered, small companies of the band played a good-bye air and retiring consecutively until Sousa stood alone upon the platform. Then with a sudden blare the entire band reappeared, "Coming Thro' the Rye" and the exposition was over.

Workmen immediately set to work arranging the coliseum for the horse show, which opens Monday night.

Exposition Notes.

Fireworks on the north tract were given last evening by the A. L. Due Fireworks company, a splendid pyrotechnical display of rockets and bursting bombs of flames and molten gold. The battle of the warships on the lake attracted much attention, and several set pieces were popularly received. The last display will be given tomorrow evening at 9 o'clock, and it is promised to be the acme of all the good things in fireworks for the summer.

Moses Folsom, immigration commissioner of the Great Northern railway, is taking in the exposition.

J. L. Williger, representing the national museum, and R. V. La Dow, representing the department of justice, are recent arrivals at the government building to assist in closing up the affairs of those departments.

A large crowd will no doubt greet the opening of the sale of pictures at the Fine Arts building next Tuesday at 2 p. m. and again at 8 p. m. An opportunity like this will not be overlooked by lovers of art.


Famous Bandmaster and Newspaper Friends Feted by the Band.

Innes' band has a happy custom of meeting once a year and celebrating their leader's birthday, and as his 41st occurred October 29, the celebration was held this year in Omaha. The Iler Grand was chosen as the place and an elegant banquet was served by Manager Powell last night. None were present besides the members of the band except Dr. Baetens, who occupied the place of honor, Mr. Mellen, representing the musical element of the city, and Messrs. Woodbridge, Clark and Hahn of the World-Herald and Mr. Fowler of the Bee.

The dining bee was tastefully decorated with flowers and vines, and altogether a perfect banquet hall.

Dr. Baetens, as the geust​ of honor, was introduced at the begining​ of the banquet and delivered a short address.

After the articles of menu had been done justice to, Toastmaster Broadfield, who by the way looks like a prosperous monk, arose and proposed the first toast, "The President of the United States."

Which was responded to by the whole company rising, glass in hand and singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee."

When the toast, "Our Leader," was announced, the band arose again and sang the German song, "May He Live High," after which Mr. Innes delivered  Scanned image of page 175 a speech in which he said that while the band had been feted all over the country they had never been better treated than in Omaha. He severely scored the musical management of the exposition.

When he referred to P. S. Gilmore, the band arose and sang, "Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot."

In the course of his address Mr. Innes said: "I think you will all agree with me that the exposition, which is just closing, has been far and away the most magnificent exposition ever held in this country with the one exception of Chicago.

"Curiously enough, the one discordant note, the one inharmonious chord which had been sounded in the great big symphony of good will and kind hearted friendship which our engagement here represents, has come from the business department of the exposition. The many gross discourtesies, impertinences and aerial displays of ignorance to which I have been subjected during our engagement here, by two or three people, would fill a book.

"But, gentlemen, while the playing of the organization has won for itself a host of friends throughout this whole section of the country, what would it have all amounted to had we not had the kind co-operation, sympathy and active aid of the newspapers. The newspapers of America have made us what we are. Need I say to you that the Omaha newspapers have not been any less generous to us than their fellows throughout the land. I am proud to say that during my stay here I have made some warm personal friendships among the boys of the press. Some of them are here with us tonight."

He closed with a flattering compliment to the press of this city, and when "The Journalists of Omaha" was proposed three rousing cheers were given them. Mr. S. F. Woodbridge of the World-Herald responded in a few well-chosen words, paying high tribute to Innes' band.

"Innes Band" was responded to by H. Heidelberg for the American section, Thomas Broadfield for the English; W. J. Clark, for the Irish; F. Heppner for the Russian; W. J. Meiswinkle for the German; Vincent Falvella for the Italian; H. Morin for the French; T. Caprelik for the Bohemian; M. Cesky for the Hungarians; J. De Bligh for the Belgians; H. Kruse for the Danish; N. R. Enberg for the Swedish; J. Romere for the Holland and J. P. Cox for the Young America sections of the band.

With the coffee came in Roland Reed and his manager, Harry Smith, who were warmly greeted. Mr. Reed made one of his characteristic speeches.


Hammond Packing Co. Gains Highest Awards at the Exposition.

A Great Triumph Achieved by the Pioneer Company of South Omaha.

Best General Exhibit Handsomely Recognized by Jury of Awards, With Gold Medal for Special Brands.

It is very gratifying to the people of the Trans-Mississippi states to know that the pioneer packing company of this section, the first company to recognize in South Omaha the future packing center of the country, has received such handsome recognition at the hands of the exposition management.

It has long been conceded by all who have visited the exposition that the exhibit of the Hammond Packing company excelled by far that of any other on the grounds, and the jury awards has only confirmed the general verdict by granting to the Hammond packing company the highest award for the best general exhibit, in addition to the highest award on meats of all descriptions. This includes their hams, breakfast bacon—in fact, meats of all kinds, whether fresh, cured or smoked. Also gold medal on their "Coin Special," "Calumet" and White Star" lards.

As this company has recently made South Omaha its headquarters and has lately established several new branches in various sections of the country, the people of Omaha, as well as the management of the company, are to be congratulated on the distinction given the Nebraska concern.


At Midnight Will Be Witnessed Close of Greatest Show Since World's Fair.

Attendance Promises to Be Largest Ever Confined Within the Grounds.

Visitors Yesterday Numbered Nearly Seven Thousand More Than at Any Previous Sunday.

Every Store in the City Will Be Closed and All People Will Celebrate the Ending.

Railroads and Hotels Taxed to Uttermost Last Night to Accommodate Thousands Who Gather to Attend Ceremonies.

Sunday's Admissions30,009
Best Previous Sunday23,621
Total Admissions2,552,398

Omaha day is here—the last day of the Trans-Mississippi exposition—and today promises to be by far the largest of any of the exposition. From everywhere in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs were received advices yesterday that many of the business establishments in the three cities would be closed all day, and that every place of any commercial standing would close promptly at noon. With the many attractions offered, the straight 25 cent rate which applies to everyone, all passes having been cancelled, and the novelty of seeing the greatest exposition since the World's fair die a glorious death, it is believed that the rush to the grounds today will be irresistible.

The pressure of yesterday was something remarkable for a Sunday, 30,009, as compared with 23,621 the Sunday before, which was then the best Sunday to date by over 4,000 majority. Coming after the second best week of the exposition, yesterday's attendance indicated that interest in the exposition is intense, and that today will be a hummer.

One thing peculiar about yesterday's crowd for a Sunday attendance was the unusually large number of strangers. Ordinarily 90 per cent of the Sunday crowds are from Omaha and the cities immediately surrounding. But yesterday the strangers were in the majority. With 20,000 strangers in the city last night, it is estimated, they with the additions brought by today's excursions, will form an immense factor, but not the largest, in the crowd today.


There were over 1,000 people waiting for the gates to open at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, something unusual for Sunday, since 50 cents admission is charged till 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It had been advertised that all buildings and exhibits would be opened to the public at that hour, and in consequence many of the exhibitors were on hand, and some of the buildings were opened.

But orders had miscarried somehow, and guards at once went around, drove out exhibitors and visitors alike, closing the buildings and announcing that they would stay closed till 1 o'clock. Men swore and women by their silence gave consent to the "cussing." People vowed they had been flimflammed out of an extra quarter each by arriving before 1 o'clock.

By and by the complaints got around to the mangers, who were at home sleeping late after their arrest and detention for alleged contempt of court till after 12 o'clock the night before. Red take reels revolved, and at 11 o'clock the buildings were again thrown open, and the eager public rushed in and kept them filled till late at night. The Government building alone remained closed, since rules promulgated at Washington required it. But special passes were granted freely on request, and several thousand visitors passed through ere the day was over. The day was beautiful and all were happy and contented.

As yesterday was lively in the buildings, on the Midway and with two band concerts, today will be doubly so, for today will include all of yesterday's attractions, with not only the two grand concerts by Innes and his band, but two more concerts by the Omaha Musicians' band, the life saving service on the lagoon at 3 p. m. and a magnificent farewell display of fireworks on the north tract at 9 p. m.


In the afternoon at 3 o'clock there will be Omaha day exercises at the Auditorium, to which the public is welcomed, and the exposition stockholders are especially invited. At that hour there will be music and addresses by exposition officials, that of President Wattles giving the stockholders many valuable facts and figures, and giving an estimate of the stock dividends to be declared. At the conclusion luncheon will be served to invited guests at the Markel.

The hour at which the exposition gates are to close has been designated as 12:30, but it is anticipated that the size and enthusiasm of the crowd at that hour will make an extension of time necessary. But at that hour the obligations of exhibitors and concessioners and the exposition to each other come to an end, so far as their contracts to stay are concerned, and hundreds of express wagons will be on the grounds to assist in the work of demolition.

Eight thousand wagon loads of stuff are to be hauled from the grounds, and such is the rush of exhibitors to get away early that contracts have been made with the transportation companies to begin at 12:30, and all night long the work is to continue.


Special Trains Bring Thousands to See the Great Fair.

The last Sunday of the exposition was in many respects a red letter day. The railroads entering the city brought in great crowds. Every section of the country contributed to the number, every train being heavily loaded with passengers. Ten or twelve thousand people came in, the streets being thronged with people as early as 7 o'clock. The Kansas City train on the Burlington brought in a dozen well-filled coaches from Missouri and Iowa, who spent the day at the exposition, many returning last night at midnight.

The Burlington from the west had one special from McCook and one from Hastings, both being heavy trains. The Rock Island trains from both the west and the east were heavy. Large delegations came from Sioux City, and another big train came in from Eastern Iowa. The Elkhorn and Missouri Pacific were unusually well loaded.

Thousands returned to their homes last night, but many remained over for today, anxious to see the closing of the great show.

The hotels were filled early in the day, and clerks were puzzled to know where to store away the guests. The Paxton, Millard, Dellone, Barker, Iler Grand and Murray were filled by noon, and many cots were brought into service, being gladly accepted by guests. Yesterday was doubtless the heaviest Sunday at the hotels since presidential week, when a chair was gladly taken.

Every comer was provided for and comfortably taken care of, but many cots were necessary in order to do this. At a number of hotels people who came in in the morning were compelled to wait until almost night for someone to go away in order to get a bed, rooms being almost out of the question.

It is probably a fact that the last week was the heaviest one with the hotels since the exposition opened, with the exception of presidential week. More people came to the city from a distance during last week than during any previous week. Especially is this true when the fact is taken into consideration that during last week there were no especially big state or other notable days, the comers being from every section of the country, coming to see the show before the close. There was not a light night at any of the hotels during the entire week, and last night was the heaviest of the week and the best Sunday night since the opening of the exposition.

Farewell Dinner to Employes.

One of the prettiest farewell affairs that has yet occurred at the exposition was the dinner given yesterday by Colonel E. T. Bickford of Maine Log Cabin restaurant to his thirty-four employes. Although the day was one of the best money makers of the exposition, the colonel closed his doors for the afternoon to the 30,000 crowd, and, with his wife, entertained at a sumptuous old-fashioned New England holiday dinner the employes from whom no further service could be expected, nothing save their best wishes. Toasts met happy responses, songs were sung and the afternoon [?]

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Idaho Men Favor Extension.

S. H. Cox of Boise and R. W. Purdum of Nampa, Idaho, are in the city attending the exposition. They brought a carload of fruit to Superintendent Driscoll of the Idaho exhibit. Idaho has ninety-seven varieties of fruit on exhibition. These two gentlemen are typical westerners and in a position to know public opinion, having been residents of that country for fifteen years. They have nothing but words of praise and admiration for Omaha and the exposition, saying that Omaha now has the chance of her life to secure the wholesale business of the great west that has to pass through her gates to seek a market.

These gentlemen are delighted with the idea of opening the exposition another year, promising that Idaho will be on hand to do her share in making the enterprise a great success. These gentlemen promise to work for an appropriation by the legislature to enable the state to make a creditable exhibit, doing even better than she did during the present exposition.

Exposition Pays the Freight.

"The exposition paid thousands of dollars for a balloon that didn't go up but four times. This one goes up every time for 10 cents," sang out a spieler on the Midway yesterday. An exposition director heard it and moved on. It was disagreeable and he remarked to a friend that the exposition had paid $3,600 balloon freight and $700 for bill printing and posting and the balloon had only gone up four times; and that this investment, through Manager Rosewater, was the worst the exposition had made.

Rosebud Indians Reach Home.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Rosebud Agency, S. D., Oct. 30.—Supervisor Rakestraw arrived at this agency and will begin an inspection of the government schools of this reserve tomorrow. The Rosebud delegation of Indians returned from the congress at the exposition and expressed themselves highly elated with their trip. Their friends crowded about them and listened eagerly to their tales of the wonderful sights which they have seen.

Kick Against Hardt.

Practically all of the various exhibitors now know where they are at regarding the award of premiums, but a few are yet seeking information, the most trouble being experienced in the Agriculture building. In that building there is a large and combined kick against H. B. Hardt, superintendent of exhibits, it being alleged that he has not satisfactorily accounted for the missing reports, particularly those of Minnesota and North Dakota wheat, George H. Riner's lumber exhibit and Missouri in general.

Exhibit Arrives Late.

Although the live stock show has been over for ten days and all affairs are settled up, a carload of fine horses, designed for entry, arrived yesterday from South Dakota and are now at South Omaha. It was explained that the owners were under the impression that the date of opening the show was October 3 instead of September 3.


Exhibitors Compelled to Watch Property With Jealous Eye.

Exposition souvenirs are very much in demand the last few days, and many visitors seem to have the impression that anything that can be carried away constitutes a free souvenir, if the owner isn't looking. Exhibitors have been compelled to watch their property with eagle eyes, and even then some of it has imperceptibly melted away. Extra guards have been stationed wherever there is any portable property.

Several weeks ago all pavilions where beer was served in steins were compelled to go back to the ugly old glass mugs, one pavilion alone having lost 6,000 steins up to and including Iowa day, when the custom of carrying off steins was broken off shortly by not using them any more.

But to the desperate souvenir hunter rich brewing corporations are no longer hunted out as victims. Yesterday complaints were made by several restaurants that guests were carrying off salts and peppers as fast as placed on the tables, while an alarming scarcity of spoons threatened.

On the grounds the bulbs from the frost bitten plants were being dug out of the ground by visitors till the florists began work, and the visitors ceased digging and began carrying away those already out of the ground, till special guards were detailed to watch as the florists worked.

Exposition Notes.

The sale of pictures in the Fine Art building, to begin Tuesday next, will be held at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. This is a rare opportunity to secure fine paintings.

Celebrate the closing day at the exposition by seeing the famous cooche[?] bear at Hagenback's.


Exposition Publishes Rules, Which Owns Says Don't Go.

For the benefit of the exhibitors and concessionaires on the exposition grounds the executive committee has issued a circular embodying the rules and instructions governing the removal of exhibits, concessionaires' goods and other articles from the exposition grounds. The circular is intended to facilitate the work of removal in the crush that is sure to follow the work of closing.

These are the rules:

First—The exposition will close on the first day of November, 1898.

Second—Exhibitors and concessioners must apply to the managers or superintendents of their respective departments and procure from them a release of their exhibits or concessions before exhibits or goods of any kind are allowed to leave the buildings or grounds of the exposition. The rule applies not only to the removal of exhibits or goods from exposition grounds, but also applies to the removal of goods from one space or building to another space or building.

Third—The exhibit department will certify to the manager of the department of transportation that such and such goods have been exhibited at the exposition, and that the same have not changed ownership, and will also release the article or articles (specifying the same on a blank prepared for that purpose) to the transportation department, so that the same may be removed from the grounds.

Fourth—The manager or superintendent of the concession department will certify to the manager of the transportation department (specifying on a blank prepared for that purpose) that goods have been released and are permitted to leave the exposition grounds. The department of transportation will issue a permit for the removal of all exhibits and concessioners' goods, said permits to state specifically the goods to be removed. Said permit to remain in the hands of the driver while on the grounds, and he will be required to show the same to any officer or guard on demand, as his authority for having goods in his possession. Gatemen will carefully examine wagons to know that contents are the same as described on the face of the permit.

Fifth—Gatemen will take up said permit when wagon leaves the grounds, and return the same to the department of transportation.

Sixth—The rules of the railroad companies provide "that they will carry free, returning all property, except race horses, exhibited at the exposition that has paid full tariff rates to same, but only via those routes that originally carried said exhibits, and only in case the return shipment is offered for transportation within one month after the close of the said exposition. This contingent on presentation at time of returning shipment of the original bills of lading, the original paid expense bills showing charges paid on the freight going, accompanied by certificate of a proper officer of said exposition that the property has been on exhibition and has not changed hands; said papers to be surrendered to the receiving railroad agent."

Seventh—The manager of the transportation department will certify to the terminal railroad company, upon the certificate of the manager or superintendent of the exhibit department, that goods have been on exhibition at the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition, that they have not changed ownership.

Eighth—The manager of the transportation department has arranged with the railroad agents of the terminal lines to furnish bill clerks, to be placed in the freight warehouse of the exposition, to issue bills of lading to exhibitors and concessioners upon certificates furnished by the manager of the department of transportation.

Ninth—In order that exhibitors may secure the benefit of the free return of their exhibits, their original bills of lading and original paid expense bills should be delivered to the manager of the department of transportation, who will cause to be issued to the exhibitor a bill of lading showing the return routing of exhibits. Proper attention given to this matter by exhibitors will save a good deal of delay in the reshipment of exhibits and will insure to the exhibitor the courtesy of a free return of exhibits as extended by the railroad companies.

Tenth—Exhibitors and concessioners, who have packing cases stored, will present their receipt for the empty cases to the manager of the department of transportation, who will order the empty cases delivered to their space, or adjacent to the same.

Eleventh—Exhibitors and concessioners requiring empty cars in which to load their goods, must file their order with the manager of the department of transportation, specifying the kind of car required and the railroad over which it is to be routed; also, giving the destination of the car.

Twelfth—No orders will be received for empty cars until exhibits are thoroughly packed and marked for shipment.

Thirteenth—The Trans-Mississippi and International exposition has a contract with the Exposition Transfer company for the handling of exhibits and freight goods for the exposition and for its patrons on the exposition grounds, and for the faithful performance and carrying out of this contract the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition has required of the Exposition Transfer company a good and sufficient bond to execute the work to the entire satisfection​ of the exposition and its patrons, and to keep harmless the exposition from any loss, damage or liability from whatsoever source arising on account of, from or through the transfer and delivery of said exhibits or freight goods.

Fourteenth—Exhibitors or patrons of the exposition desirous of employing outside transfer or drayage companies will be obliged to execute a release to the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition from any and all loss, damage or liability [?]

There promises to be trouble concerning rule thirteen, wherein it is stated that the exposition has a contract with the Exposition Transfer company and commends it to the exposition patrons.

John O. Owens, who last week secured an injunction against the exposition from interfering with his business as a transportation agent on the grounds, says he will be in the field early this morning as a competitor.

Mr. Owens denies that the exposition has a contract with the Exposition Transfer company, as asserted, or that it is under bond to them, and quotes from the rules adopted by the exposition concerning exhibitors and concessioners, whereby the exposition refuses to be responsible for any and all goods brought upon the grounds. As a result, Mr. Owens says, the exhibitors were compelled to provide their own insurance, and now must assume all their own risks of damage in removal, just the same with one company as another.


Sealed proposals for the purchase of the following buildings on the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition grounds will be received at the office of the general superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds department until 11 o'clock a. m. Tuesday, November 15th, 1898:

Two south viaduct restaurants.
Agricultural building.
Auditorium building.
Liberal Arts building.
Mines and Mining building.
Fine Arts building.
Machinery and Electricity building.
Press building.
Transportation building.
Dairy building.
Manufactures building.
North and South colonnades.
Ticket booths, exits and gates.
East End colonnades.
Two sanitary kiosks.
Hospital annex.
Warehouse building.
International building.
Horticultural building.
Apiary building.
Service building.
Fire and Police building.
Administration building.
Band stand.
Arch of States.
North viaduct.
South viaduct.
Mirror colonnades.
Thirty-two refreshment kiosks.

Bids to be made on blanks furnished for the purpose.

All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for twenty (20) per cent of the amount of the proposal.

For further particulars apply at the office of the General Superintendent of the Exposition Grounds.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.

Manager Grounds and Buildings Dept.,
Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.
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All's well that ends well.

Today is your last chance to view the Transmississippi exposition.

To reopen the exposition next year or not to reopen, that is the question.


5 a. m.34
6 a. m.34
7 a. m.34
8 a. m.36
9 a. m.38
10 a. m.39
11 a. m.49
12 m.57
1 p. m.63
2 p. m.65

For Nebraska—Generally fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer in east and central portions tonight; colder Tuesday afternoon or night; high south to west winds.

For Missouri—Generally fair, warmer tonight and Tuesday; increasing southerly winds.

For Kansas—Fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer in east portion tonight; brisk south to west winds.

For Iowa—Generally fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer tonight; warmer in southeast portion Tuesday; high southerly winds.


At the Grounds:
Omaha Day.
Admissions 25 Cents—No Free List.
11:30 a. m., Battleship Illinois Docked at Government Building.
12 m., Fire Horses Hitched by Electricity.
2 p. m., Innes Band at Auditorium.

Part I.

Overture, "Tannhaeuser"Wagner
(a) "Traumerei"Schumann
(b) "Cupid's Story" (Intermezzo)Innes(New; published for piano solo by John Church Co.)
Trombone solo, "Zimmermania," (Concert PolkaZimmermanZimmerman.
Second Hungarian RhapsodyLiszt
(a) "Omaha Elks" (American)Reichardt
(b) 'The Cossack"(Russian)Pares

Part II.

Overture, "William Tell"Rossini
Euphonium solo, "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep" (Air Varie)RollinsonPerfetto.
"Peer Gynt" (Suite No. 1)Grieg
Solo for Piccolo, "Concert Polka"DemareHeidelberg.
"The Barnyard" (Concert Gallop)Fahrbach
3 p. m., Omaha Day Exercises at Auditorium.
MusicInnes band
InvocationRev. T. J. Mackay
AddressHon. Frank E. MooresMayor of Omaha.
AddressZ. T. LindseyManager Dept. Ways and Means, Exposition.
MusicInnes band
AddressE. RosewaterManager Dept. Publicity and Promotion, Exposition.
AddressW. N. BabcockManager Dept. of Transportation, Exposition.
AddressGurdon W. WattlesPresident of Exposition.
MusicInnes band
3 p. m., United States Life Saving Exhibit on Lagoon.
8:30 p. m., Grand Special Display of Fireworks.
7 p. m., Innes Band at Auditorium Farewell Concert.


There is a prevailing impression in this community that extortionate rates are being exacted from exhibitors for the handling and transportation of their exhibits and chattels inside of the exposition grounds for the benefit of a close corporation in which certain directors are interested. This impression is based on the idea that this corporation, known as the Exposition Transfer company, has been given the monopoly of all the hauling and handling of the exhibits.

This is not true. While there has doubtless been a great deal of partiality shown to this concern in the transfer of exhibits from the railway terminals to the places of installation the rules adopted for the removal of exhibits from the grounds do not bar out competition. One of these rules allows all Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs exhibitors to take their exhibits out of the grounds with their own teams or such as they may hire. So far as local exhibitors are concerned there is therefore no ground for complaint.

Other exhibitors may be more or less hampered by the peculiar conditions under which shipments, delivery and reshipment of exhibits are made. All railway companies centering in Omaha agreed at the outset that the charge for hauling exhibits to Omaha would be the regular one-way rate with free return. In order to avail themselves of the privilege of free transportation by rail for their exhibits exhibitors must produce certificates from exposition officers showing that the articles offered for shipment were on exhibition at the exposition and that they have not changed ownership.

There is no obligation, however, that requires exhibitors to employ the Exposition Transfer company on any pretext. Every responsible drayman or express delivery has a right to act for exhibitors and the railroad companies cannot discriminate against them, providing they file the requisite certificate. Nor has any officer of the exposition the right to interpose obstacles that would prevent exhibitors from getting certificates for whomsoever they may employ. If such an attempt is made the executive committee, upon proper notice, will be in duty bound to redress the grievance.


Gate City Celebrates Its Achievement in a Mass Meeting at the Grounds.


Ordinary Occupations Laid Aside to Give Farewell to the Exposition.


No Demonstration or Pageantry Possible to Add to the Fair's Glory.


Many People from Nearby Cities Come to See the Splendor of the White City Once More Before It Vanishes.

Total admissions yesterday20,009
Total to date2,552,398

One of the biggest crowds of the summer is massing at the exposition grounds to assist in the final celebration. Every condition favors the event and while it does not seem likely that the 100,000 mark can be reached the day will rank well toward the head of the list.

The early attendance was not extraordinary. It was mainly composed of strangers who came early to avoid the crush and in order to make the most of the last opportunity to see the show. It was 10 o'clock before the local patronage materialized. Then it came with a rush. The street cars were overwhelmed and one after another stopped at the gates with their human freight bulging out at the sides until it seemed miraculous that some of it was not spilled on the way. During the next three hours the grounds filled up at a marvelous rate and the scattered crowd merged into a compact mass that surged through every part of the grounds. Thousands of people did not attempt to come out until after lunch and the attendance was maintained all through the afternoon.

The last day of the enterprise is celebrated in a manner befitting its magnitude. Aside from the immense crowd that now seems assured there will be nothing spectacular or elaborate. Anything that could be conceived would be commonplace as compared with the great events that have now become historic. The exercises of the day will be distinguished rather by simplicity than by pageantry and will consist largely of a serious and dispassionate examination of the results that have been achieved. There will be a comparison of notes between those who have contributed to the undertaking and the men who have expended their money and carried it to a successful issue. It will be a sort of lovefeast at which all who are interested in the enterprise will be given ample reason for gratification.

The exercises- will occur in the Auditorium at 3 o'clock. They will consist of short speeches by the members of the executive committee and a somewhat elaborate address by President Wattles. The latter will deal exhaustively with the financial result of the enterprise and will give the stockholders a very accurate idea of the precise condition of the treasury. At 6 o'clock the management will tender a dinner at the cafe to a large number of invited guests, who will include the city and county officials. There are no formal toasts to be given, but President Wattles will probably call on several of the guests to speak informally. This accomplished, the guests will be taken to see the fireworks and later on a grand round-up of the Midway.

As the last day of the show promises to register well towards the biggest attendance in its history the last Sunday very appropriately fell in line with one of the largest Sunday crowds that has ever been seen on the grounds. Even at this late date the sun was warm and mellow, while just enough frost lingered in the atmosphere to make it invigorating. Several thousand people paid 50 cents apiece at the gates before 1 o'clock and after that hour, when the half rate came into play, the rush at the turnstiles was suggestive of a prosperous week day. Thousands of strangers from the adjacent towns and coun-[?]  Scanned image of page 178 entire population of Omaha is scheduled to come out today a large proportion of it mingled with yesterday's arrivals. From noon until late in the afternoon there was a continual access of visitors and in the end there were as many people in the main court as are usually apparent on a 40,000 day. The audiences that listened to the two Innes band concerts would have been a good deal bigger if the capacity of the Auditorium could have been stretched to hold them, but as it was hundreds of people were unable to find even standing room from which to hear the music. The exhibit buildings were exceptionally well patronized for Sunday and the domain of the spieler and dancing girl was invaded by the overflow.


Concessionaires Prepare for an Onslaught on Exposition Surplus.

With the close of the exposition the indications are that the organization that has managed the big show during the last summer will find itself with several law suits upon its hands. In some of them the papers are prepared and ready for service as soon as the gates close for the last time, while in others the facts are all in the hands of the attorneys who have been retained and who will begin upon their petitions during the present week.

Probably the most important suit that the exposition will have upon its hands is that to be brought by the Streets of Cairo. This company will sue the exposition association for $50,000 and will file its petition within the next day or two. Manager Ninci of the Streets of Cairo contends that he has a good cause of action and proposes to leave the matter to a jury to pass upon the merits of his claims. He contends that when he came here he was granted the exclusive right to put in an oriental street, showing the customs, costumes, methods and habits of the people of the orient. Contracting with him to do this, he will allege that later on the exposition gave a similar concession to the Streets of All Nations, thereby damaging him in the sum for which he will bring the suit.

The proprietors of the Wild West show are contemplating a damage suit and if it is brought they will ask that they be awarded $50,000 on a violation of contract. These men contend that when they bought their concession and paid for the space, it was with the distinct understanding that they were to have the exclusive right to put on sham battles, Indian dances and to exhibit Indians as they appear upon their native heath. Regardless of this contract, the Wild West men will allege that the exposition management brought 500 Indians here and that by reason of their appearing in sham battle and dances, their business was injured in the extent for which they propose to bring suit.

Fred T. Cummins will allege that his business has suffered to the extent of not less than $25,000 by reason of the acts of the Department of Concessions. He will aver an exclusive contract for furnishing reserved seats at several places about the grounds and that after paying his money, the contract was violated by the exposition and free seats were placed, thus depriving him of his revenue. For another cause of action Cummins will set up the claim that without due process of law the exhibit department of the exposition closed up a number of lunch stands that he was operating and for which he had paid all fees exacted by the exposition.

Even the Solon Springs Water company men feel that they are entitled to equitable relief. They allege the prior to the opening of the exposition they were given the exclusive right to supply water upon the grounds and that complying with the conditions of their contract, they located tanks at convenient places about the grounds. They were to charge for this water at the rate of a penny per glass. Soon after the water tanks were located, the Solon Springs men will allege the violating the conditions of the contract, the exposition management put in water tanks and furnished water, free of charge, thus ruining their business. By reason of this the water men will ask about $10,000 damages.

Numerous other parties are getting ready to bring suit, but as yet they have not formulated their demands, but will do so within the next few days.


Exhibitors Will Receive Their Insignia of Merit at Once.

The first shipment of the medals and diplomas that will be distributed among the prize winners during the next two or three days arrived yesterday. There were ten cases containing 1,000 medals, and a number of huge cases, which contained all of the 10,650 diplomas that have been awarded. There are about 5,000 additional medals on the road and it is positively announced that these will be on hand before Wednesday night. Consequently every exhibitor will be able to obtain his medals and diplomas before he goes away, a result that has been accomplished by no previous exposition. Many of the exhibitors who are in Omaha have been compelled to wait for months for their medals at previous expositions and they are hugely delighted with the promptitude with which the business of the Omaha show has been conducted.

Each of the medals is enclosed in a handsome case with a plush interior, which shows the medal to excellent advantage. All the medals are bronze when they are received by the exhibitor, but the company by which they are furnished has representatives on the ground to do the plating and engraving at a nominal price. It will cost the exhibitors $3 for the plating and engraving of each gold medal and $2.50 apiece for the silver medals. At previous expositions they have been charged $4 and $5 apiece for gold plating.

Beginning this morning the huge stacks of diplomas will be filled out for distribution to the exhibitors. A force of six skilled engrossers will begin work at once, and it is expected that the whole lot will be ready for delivery in two or three days. The diploma is said to be the most artistic production that has ever been given by any exposition.


Performers and Other Attaches Will Leave Omaha Tonight.

Tonight when the clock strikes the hour of twelve the shows, good, bad and indifferent which during the past five months have amused as well as annoyed the Midway visitors will close their doors forever and at the same time several hundred employes will be compelled to seek positions elsewhere, as their occupations will be gone so far as Omaha is concerned. These people in the main form a class that is separate and distinct, having nothing in common with the general public. They are born and reared showmen and show women and are only at home in this line of business or presiding over booths where curios are sold at great fairs or in certain districts in large cities. Few of them will stay in Omaha, but instead will scatter and come together again when some other exposition is contemplated.

New York City is the headquarters for fully nine-tenths of the Midway people and as a natural consequence that place is the Mecca toward which the majority of them will journey. There they will congregate and when spring comes they will take the road, some going out with musee companies, others with circuses and still others with shows of their own. They will gather at the seaside resorts and open in practically the same lines as here.

Few of the foreigners who are upon the Midway expect to return to the countries whence they came, preferring this to any other section on the face of the globe. The Assyrians for instance never expect to return to their native land. They came here to play their parts at the exposition and they are so well satisfied that they will continue to remain. This is equally true with the Egyptians, the Turks and Arabs.

All the Midway attractions promise to give the people the worth of their money tonight. Special features have been carded for the evening and everything billed will be put upon the boards. Some of the entertainments will have much more glare and glitter than heretofore and taken altogether everything indicates when the last performance is over the visitors will have seen some features that they will remember for a long time to come.

Hustling for Cars.

Beginning today the Department of Transportation will be kept busy attending to the applications of thousands of exhibitors and concessionists who are preparing to begin getting away early Tuesday morning. A large number have already applied for cars and permits and during the next few days the department will be literally inundated with business. The number of cars that will be required to move the material of which the big show is constituted cannot easily be estimated. One exhibitor alone has filed an order for sixteen cars in which to carry away his possessions and there are a number that require from six to ten cars. So far the department has been able to meet all demands with commendable promptness. One man had to have a fifty-foot car to carry some of his stuff and after a good deal of hustling the department has secured one and it will be ready as soon as the goods are ready for shipment. The dissolution of the show will be rapid and during the first few days of November the grounds will present as busy a scene as can be found in the country.

Came to See the Fair.

Eddie Wallman and Robert Vance are two boys who ran away from their homes in Plattsmouth two days ago to visit the exposition. Wallman is the older, being 14 years of age. His companion is 11. They stole a ride on a freight train and, having spent a day at the exposition, were ready to return home last night, but lacked the means. They appealed for aid to a passing policeman, who took them to the station and locked them up until word could be received from [?]

Exposition Notes.

Fritz Mueller, proprietor of Schlitz pavilion, was pleasantly surprised last night when the Streets of All Nations band marched into the pavilion playing "Hail to the Chief." The employes began to line up, and someone suggested to Fritz that the help was going to strike, but it turned out differently. In a neat little speech one of them presented him with a handsome heavy hunting case gold watch, with the inscription upon the case, "Presented to Fritz Mueller, Proprietor of Schlitz Pavilion, by the Employes." Fritz responded pleasantly, and was the happiest man at the exposition.

A noteworthy feature observed today in the Liberal Arts building was the gold medal awarded the George Ertel company of Quincy, Ill., on their celebrated Victor incubators and brooders for superiority over all competitors. These machines possess many meritorious features which have won the highest laurels wherever exhibited, winning the first prize at eight different fairs and shows this year. Considerable interest has been manifested in these machines since the opening of the great fair, even to disinterested persons on account of the chickens that have been hatched almost daily.

Among those who are helping swell the crowd at the exposition today are 232 employes of The Bee Publishing company. Each man, woman, boy and girl employed by the company in its Omaha service was given an exposition ticket and a half holiday, with an injunction from The Bee to go to the exposition. As far as can be told all went.


Railroad Men Discant on the Results of the Big Show.


Officers of the Rock Island Praise the Local Managers and Tell What They Think Will Be the Future Effects.

The special train of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, bearing a number of the directors and executive officers of the company, left for Chicago yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Chairman Cable of the Board of Directors, President Purdy, Vice President Truesdale, Vice President Parker and the other members of the party were delighted with their visit at the exposition, which they thoroughly inspected on Saturday and Sunday. Those who had seen it before said they were glad to have seen it again before the gates closed, while those who had not been here earlier in the season said they were sorry to have postponed the pleasure so long.

Before leaving President Purdy said: "This is my second visit to the exposition and I have enjoyed it even more than the first. It is truly a magnificent show and the best part about it is that it is going to pay back to the stockholders a larger percentage of the investment than has any previous exposition. It has been a grand success and has done an immense amount of good for Omaha and the whole west. The results must be pleasing to the people of Omaha and reflect credit on those who have had the management in charge."

Vice President Parker was equally enthusiastic about the exposition. He said: "The exposition has been a greater success than the most hopeful of us anticipated. It has been a financial success and that is the standard we guage​ pretty nearly everything by nowadays. I hope there will be no bad effects following in its wake, as were experienced by Chicago, and I do not believe there will be. Your people seemed to have profited by Chicago's experience and have avoided the dangers of immense investments that could not pay.

Business Generally Good.

"The business prospects throughout the west, as in Omaha, appear to be excellent. Good crops and a general period of prosperity had made business good. Our traffic this fall has been splendid, much greater than for many years, and the outlook for the coming year seems to be good. We have just been over the lines of our system, except the southern branch to Fort Worth, Tex., and all along them business appeared to be good. The lines are in good physical condition. The trip is one of regular annual inspection and has no especial significance. We are not contemplating any extensive improvements nor have we decided to build any extensions. It is natural that all the railroads should take advantage of the good condition of business to spend some money for betterments, and I presume we shall do so."

General Passenger and Ticket Agent Sebastian was still praising the big show when the train pulled out and cordially thanked General Agent Rutherford for personally escorting him through the Midway on Saturday evening. In speaking of the passenger [?]  Scanned image of page 179 "Travel to the exposition has been splendid, much better than we ever anticipated. Our line has done a very heavy business throughout the season, particularly during the last two months, and I believe all the other lines have done well. But viewing the matter from a purely passenger standpoint there is one other result that must not be forgotten. Such a heavy volume of travel during a few months pretty nearly destroys regular travel for a long time to come. Of course, there is the commercial travel, which goes right along, but people from the country who have visited the exposition are very apt not to take another trip for a long time to come. And this condition is what is most dreaded by passenger men. I hope it will not be the case in the west, but it was the aftermath experienced by the roads after the Centennial and after the World's fair. The Pennsylvania railroad did an enormous business into Philadelphia during the Centennial, and it said afterward it did not make a cent. Our business during the exposition has been far heavier than we expected, but it would be wrong to conclude that the Rock Island road will therefore be much richer as a result of this fair.

Interest in Farm Lands.

"There is one form of result, however, that cannot be measured in dollars and from this we, in common with all of the western lines, expect to realize considerable benefit. I refer to the interest created among the visitors, especially those from the east, in western farm lands. I believe a number of settlers will be attracted to the west as a direct result from the exposition. Our men in charge of the Rock Island exhibit in the Agriculture building, and, by the way, I think that is the very finest exhibit of its kind on the grounds, told me this morning that they had every reason to expect that a number of people who had many inquiries about lands while here would settle along our line in Nebraska, Kansas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma. If this be true, the railroad and the country through which it runs are both benefited and there is obtained a result compensating for the slump in passenger traffic that is to be expected after the close of the exposition.

"The exposition should have a very beneficial effect on Omaha. It is today one of the best known cities in the world. Any change in its business from what it was before the exposition was projected must be an improvement. Omaha has profited by the experience of Chicago and will not have a lot of useless hotels and big lodging houses to remain idle after the fair closes. The men who have built the exposition deserve the greatest credit for the faithful way in which they have worked, particularly Mr. Rosewater, who has done so much for it in every way. Whether they receive credit for it or not the railroads have done a great deal for the exposition. Their subscriptions were liberal and the rates granted were much better than were given to Chicago for the World's Fair. This may not be the popular opinion, but the record of the rates made for each occasion proves the truth of the assertion. The rates that moved the travel to this exposition were lower in actual price and were granted over a more extended territory than during the World's Fair."

St. Paul Visitors.

George H. McRae, assistant general passenger agent of the Omaha road, is in the city from St. Paul in charge of a numerous party of exposition visitors, who are guests of the railroad company. While in the Streets of All Nations on Saturday evening Mr. McRae fell from a camel when that animal took its peculiar drop to the ground. A heavyweight doctor fell on the genial passenger man and slightly injured him. Save for this mishap the visit to the exposition proved most enjoyable.

Among those in the party were: Paymaster R. Dodd, Superintendent of Telegraphs H. C. Hope and General Agent F. S. McCabe, all of the Omaha road; F. P. Nuzum of the St. Paul Dispatch, D. N. Dellinger, Dr. A. H. Goodrich, W. H. Crary, Dr. E. S. Wodd, Dr. J. W. Bettinger and Dr. Verige.

Hustle for Midway Patronage.

The contest for the travel of the concessionaires and other Midway denizens continues, and as the time for their departure from Omaha grows nearer the rates quoted them become lower. There has never been a movement, not even army business, for which so many eastern lines have sent representatives to Omaha. There may be a pool of the business, each line taking its proportionate share, in order to save the rates going down from nil.

And this is the end-
 Scanned image of page 180


Great White City Deserted by All Save Employes and Guards.


Midway Shows Marks of the Tornado of Fun that Swept It.


Wreck Left by the Good-Natured Crowd Strews Streets Everywhere.


Managers Busy Making Arrangements for Winding Up Business—Exhibitors and Concessionaires Hurrying Away.

Total admissions yesterday61,102
Total to date2,613,374

The few hundred people who visited the exposition grounds this morning had to look twice to convince themselves that they had reached the right place. Much that was familiar had disappeared and orderly activity had been succeeded by silence. The glamour had departed and evidences of dissolution were everywhere apparent. The remains of the revelry of the night before strewed the streets with debris until they looked as though they had been the scene of a general riot. Bottles, broken glasses, strips of board and bunting, hundreds of signs that had been snatched from concessions and restaurants and other selected bric-a-brac were scattered in profusion. Here and there a hat, battered and mud-stained, remained as evidence that the owner had participated in the carnival of the night before. On the West Midway a woman's headgear of the newest autumn style was perched on the pinnacle of a pagoda as a conclusive indication that it was not exclusively a masculine function. The story of the midnight gayety was repeated in a thousand inanimate objects that suggested the "hot time" of the preceding hours.

On the Midway the indications of revelry were especially conspicuous. Concessions were minus everything that was movable or could be torn away. Expensive signs were scattered in splinters along the street and handsome medallions and panels that had adorned the more pretentious structures were shattered and destroyed. Some of the smaller buildings looked as if they had been through a cyclone and all were closed and deserted.

Came to Move the Fair.

In other parts of the grounds the change was equally striking. Hundreds of express wagons were waiting to begin the work of carrying away the exhibits and a large proportion of the exhibitors were already at work packing their goods. In Manager Babcock's office there was a continuous line of from twenty to fifty people waiting their turn to secure permits to move. In the other offices routine work was going on as usual, the clerks working hard to close up their accounts and get their books into shape for the final balance sheet. No immediate changes are likely to be made in the office force. It will require some time to get the business of the big enterprise thoroughly checked up and straightened out and there is a vast amount of routine connected with closing out the exhibits and concessions that will require attention. The outside force has already been materially reduced and more employes will be dismissed in a day or two. The Admissions department has retained only enough outside men to keep two gates open—one at Twenty-fourth street and one at Sherman avenue. The pass gate at Manderson street is also retained, but the remainder of the ticket sellers and gatekeepers have been dismissed. Only a few of the employes of the Concessions department remain on the pay roll and the entire street gang of the Buildings and Grounds department had been dropped. The force of 200 guards will be reduced to about sixty [?]

The task of packing and shipping the government exhibit was begun bright and early this morning. The big traps in the floor were raised, tackle rigged from the rafters and the huge cases were lifted from the basement ready to be filled. Secretary Cox expects that it will require about three weeks to pack the entire exhibit and most of the heads of departments will remain for some time to see that the work is properly done. Secretary Cox and Major Ward of the War department will probably be the last to leave.

Given Fond Farewell.

Yesterday Omaha came to bid farewell to the beautiful city that was the creation of its people. All other business was laid aside in order that Omaha day might be made a fitting culmination of the undertaking. The banks, stores, factories and workshops were silent and deserted while their occupants joined in the procession toward the grounds. If the attendance failed to reach the proportions of President's day there were all the people who could enjoy themselves with comfort in the immense inclosure and the exposition ended as it lived, an inspired success.

The early attendance was not extraordinary. It was mainly composed of strangers who came early to avoid the crush and in order to make the most of the last opportunity to see the show. It was 10 o'clock before the local patronage materialized. Then it came with a rush. The street cars were overwhelmed and one after another stopped at the gates with their human freight bulging out at the sides until it seemed miraculous that some of it was not spilled on the way. During the next three hours the grounds filled up at a marvelous rate and the scattered crowd merged into a compact mass that surged through every part of the grounds. Thousands of people did not attempt to come out until after lunch and the attendance was maintained all through the afternoon.

The rule that prohibited the sale of tickets anywhere except at the entrances made it difficult to handle the crowd at times. The people swarmed up to the ticket windows by thousands and although the men inside worked with the rapidly acquired in five months of constant practice they were unable to keep up with the rush when it was at its tide. But the crowds were orderly and patient and if some were inconvenienced they did not permit it to interfere with their enoyment​.

South Omaha Contingent.

During the afternoon a long line of densely packed motor trains pulled up with a big delegation from South Omaha which speedily made itself noticed even in the big crowd that was already on the grounds. The employes of a number of local concerns came to the grounds in a body and the students of the Omaha Medical college, who were conspicuously distinguished by handsome blue badges, paraded through the grounds and cheered for Omaha.

It was altogether a tremendously enthusiastic crowd and everyone seemed to partake in the general felicitations on the triumphant ending of the show. The speeches of the afternoon were not of the spread-eagle order. The consisted largely of serious discussions of the struggles that had been successfully fought and word pictures of the results that had been attained. But the big crowd applauded tumultuously at the slightest provocation as though it wished to assure the men who had managed the exposition that their services and sacrifices were appreciated.

No disposal will be made of the main buildings until after November 15, but the exhibitors and concessionists will be at work bright and early packing their goods and getting them ready for shipment. In most cases this will be accomplished in a few days and within a short time the buildings will become comparatively vacant.


Appropriate Exercises Are Held in the Auditorium.

The final ceremonies of the exposition were held in the Auditorium yesterday afternoon before an audience that packed the building until a human skeleton could scarcely have found standing room. The afternoon concert by Innes' band was an effective curtain raiser and when the official party arrived it had difficulty in forcing its way to the seats on the stage that had been reserved. The exercises were neither spectacular nor elaborate. Some of the men who had as-[?]taining the exposition spoke of the experiences that they had encountered during their two years of unceasing effort and exchanged congratulations on the magnificent success that had been achieved. In return they were greeted with the hearty plaudits of those who heard them and expressed their appreciation of their services in frequent cheers. All congratulated each other that the long struggle was over and spoke hopefully of the results that are yet to come.

President Wattles presided and with him were seated on the platform the members of the executive committee and of the Board of Directors, Vice President Saunders, Rev. T. J. Mackay, and a number of city and county officials. The program was introduced by the band, which played Rossini's beautiful overture from "William Tell" so magnificently that the audience was scarcely willing to permit the music to give place to the regular program. The two-step "Love Is King" was played for the encore and the audience insisted on its repetition before it would allow the chairman to proceed. Then President Wattles introduced Rev. Mackay, who delivered an eloquent and appropriate invocation. The first address was by Mayor Frank E. Moores, who spoke as follows:

Mayor Moores Speaks.

"It is fitting that the closing day of the Transmississippi Exposition should be set aside as Omaha day, for from its inception this great enterprise has been dependent upon the energy, sagacity and benevolence of the citizens of Omaha.

"Omaha farsightedness planned this exposition when the leaden skies of adversity hung heavy over the land; Omaha courage inspired the Transmississippi region with faith in the future and secured promises of co-operation and assistance from the western cities and states, when financial panic and business depression were trying the stoutest hearts; Omaha liberality and generosity furnished the vast amount of money required to assure the successful completion of the exposition plans; Omaha intelligence and energy have directed and managed the enterprise; and now most properly to Omaha has been accorded the honor of closing the exposition. I trust that when the turnstiles cease clicking tonight they will have registered the largest daily attendance ever seen upon these grounds.

"This exposition has been a benefit to Omaha in many ways. It has inspired Omaha people with faith in themselves and in their city. It has shown our citizens that no enterprise is too large for them to undertake and carry to successful completion if they work together and give it their united loyal support. It has made Omaha people proud of their city and they have formed the habit of doing their part to make the city near, clean and attractive and of saying the best things about Omaha instead of always talking to friends and visitors about the failings of the city. In fact many of our most hopeless old fogies have become so accustomed to hearing other people say good things about Omaha that they sometimes find themselves praising the city. Then again the hundreds of thousands of persons who have visited our city have gone to their homes in various parts of the country singing the praises of Omaha hospitality, liberality, pluck, push, energy and thrift, and hundreds of business men and manufacturers are now looking toward Omaha for the purpose of locating new establishments here. My prediction is that during the next ten years Omaha will experience a larger proportion of growth than any other city in the country and that the close of the decade will see here a population of 250,000 to 300,000 with a commensurate increase in business in all lines.

"The country at large believe in Omaha and visitors have not been slow to voice their approval. That distinguished statesman and diplomat, ex-Governor Crittendon of Missouri, in an address here on Kansas City day said: 'The record Omaha has made in erecting this exposition is marvellous. Kansas City could not have don it; St. Louis could not have done it; in fact no other western city could have accomplished the task. Such an enterprise required a complete unity and a splendid liberality and public spirit which no other city I believe possesses.'

"Such words from such a source should fill our citizens with greater pride in their city.

"I feel that at this time I should poorly represent the people of Omaha if I should close these remarks without expressing to [?]  Scanned image of page 181 and Board of Managers of the exposition the gratitude of their fellow citizens for their devoted unselfish labors which have brought the exposition to this splendid culmination. They have succeeded far beyond our fondest dreams. I wish to thank them in behalf of the citizens of Omaha for what they have accomplished here and for the good they have done the city.

"And now fellow citizens as the exposition closes let us look forward to the future with faith and courage and let us one and all put our shoulders to the wheel of Omaha prosperity and progress. The future of Greater Omaha is in your hands."

Manager Lindsey Speaks.

Mayor Moores was vigorously applauded and this was continued when Manager Z. T. Lindsey of the Department of Ways and Means was introduced. Mr. Lindsey said:

"Away back in the good old times which we have all heard about and some of us have seen, there used to be an occasion at the close of the district school called the 'last day.' It was a gala day, as it meant freedom from lessons and restraint and because it ushered in a long looked for holiday.

"The management has come to the 'last day' of the Transmississippi and International Exposition, our tasks are almost ended, and our holiday near at hand. We have all seen on the Midway some wonderful and beautiful illusions, and have been mystified by many marvelous feats of magic, but the greatest marvel of all has been the exposition itself. To transform an irregular cornfield into a fairy land, with magnificent buildings, stately domes, graceful colonnades, beautiful flower gardens, pleasant groves, splashing fountains and the whole illuminated by a tracery of brilliant lights—to do all this in less than two years does indeed seem a feat worthy of Aladdin and his lamp.

"Unlike our friends on the Midway, I am going to tell you how this marvel was done. First of all it did not come by chance nor by inheritance. Some would have you believe it was a streak of luck, that good fortune like a pillar of cloud preceded us by day and hovered like a pillar of fire over us at night. While I believe that an overruling Providence aided us with clear skies, pleasant weather and bountiful harvests, still I must repudiate the good luck theory, and attribute the stupendous success of the exposition to the common sense, every day business ideas, to the sleepless nights, and persistent hard work of the members of the executive committee.

"Social pleasures, personal comfort and individual business requirements have all been brushed aside, and no obstacle has been allowed to interfere with the successful outcome of our aim—an exposition worthy of its name and the great territory it represents."

Continuing, Mr. Lindsey briefly reviewed the work of securing the funds with which to promote such a colossal enterprise and expressed his grateful acknowledgment of the confidence that the people had reposed in the management of the exposition. He also paid a tribute to the men on whom they had called for advice and encouragement in times of discouragement and trial and expressed the thanks of the management to everyone who has contributed to make the exposition what it is. In conclusion, he said that while there had been much hard work in the building of the exposition, there was also much that was pleasant, and if, in the stress and worry consequent upon so vast an undertaking there had arisen any unpleasant memories he asked that they be consigned to rest and that the people should remember that what had been done had been done for the glory of Omaha, of Nebraska and of the transmississippi region.

Address by Mr. Rosewater.

Another selection by the band was followed by a short address by Manager Rosewater, whose introduction was followed by a vigorous outburst of applause. Mr. Rosewater said that the birth of most great men creates no ripple of excitement except in the midst of their own family and friends. So some of the momentous epochs in the history of the world have been ushered in without attracting the attention of the world at large. It had come under his personal observation that even when the proclamation of emancipation was issued by President Lincoln it excited no visible demonstration in the city where it was promulgated. This was also true of the Transmississippi Exposition. The inception of the enterprise had attracted but little attention in this community. Even those who participated in its birth did not realize what tall oaks from little acorns grew. Three months after Omaha was selected as the site of the exposition scarcely forty men met at the Commercial club to start the subscription list. The first man wanted to head the list for $100, but over $10,000 was finally subscribed. Even when we went before congress for a $300,000 appropriation only $1,250 had been paid in.

"It was the greatest piece of adamantine gall I ever saw," continued the speaker, "but we succeeded, not only in getting the original appropriation, but $40,000 additional for the organization and maintenance of the Indian congress. It was not luck that brought this about, but hard labor. While very few of our people realize and many will never realize what has been done, they can see the results since 2,600,000 people have passed through our gates. Even some of our best business men refused to co-operate in the enterprise and freely predicted calamity and disaster. Only five state legislatures made appropriations, but we have twenty states creditably represented on the grounds through private subscriptions."

In this connection Mr. Rosewater called attention to some of the municipal jealousies that had handicapped the management in securing outside co-operation in the early days of the enterprise and related one or two humorous incidents that effectively illustrated the difficulties that had been encountered.

Speaking of the work of his own department Mr. Rosewater said that the labors of the Department of Publicity had extended from Massachusetts to Oregon and Washington. They had involved daily and nightly attention and the correspondence that had been carried on would fill many volumes. "But," he concluded, "I will not weary you with telling what we have done. Here we have the result, the most marvelous achievement that the pioneers of the west have ever undertaken and accomplished. We have found that what Omaha undertakes to do she will complete and that Omaha can do as much as any other city to develop the resources of the west. Chicago received money enough from the general government to build ten expositions. Even then they had to postpone it a year, while in spite of the war and in spite of circumstances we opened our exposition promptly on time and we will close it tonight with all the glory that anyone can wish."

President Wattles' Address.

The concluding address was delivered by President Wattles who spoke at some length and rather exhaustively reviewed the work of exposition building. In conclusion he gave a statement of the financial standing of the enterprise which was received with general enthusiasm. He said in part:

To one and all of these managers who have served from the beginning without compensation, this community owes a debt which can never be paid, and while it is usual for the credit of a great battle to be given to the general of the war, in many instances, as with this exposition this credit is equally due to the efficient services of his assistants and to the common soldiers, who include nearly every representative citizen in this community, for all have worked with one purpose to build up this enterprise and bring to it the large measure of success it has attained. This exposition has been an object lesson of great value to this community. It has illustrated what can be accomplished by standing together as one man in all matters of common interest. The much time and energy have been spent in the past in seeking to destroy the influence of men who were willing to work for the public good and the result of this great achievement should bring into close union the business men of this city in the upbuilding of what in the next few years must be one of the great commercial centers of the world.

An important work has been done by the women of this state in the Bureau of Education. No less than sixty-four meetings, many of them of national importance, have been held here under the auspices of their organizations. Men and women of world-wide reputation have been brought here to discuss the great social, political, economic and religious topics of the day and future history will record many of the able discussions of these subjects. The Bureau of Entertainment was well conducted by the ladies of this city and has been a feature of the exposition that has pleased thousands of visitors who have partaken of the hospitality of the well ordered rooms provided for its functions.

But I cannot estimate the faithful services of all those deserving praise for their work.

His Own Special Work.

When the exposition was completed and our gates were opened, special days and special programs were found necessary to interest all classes. No less than 143 special days were arranged, all of greater or less importance, each one bringing its quota of visitors who might not have come but for the special features of their day. Public ceremonies bringing into service many of the best orators of the land, were arranged. The culminating event of the year, the Peace Jubilee week, alone witnessed six successful celebrations in which the most distinguished men of the nation participated. It has been my humble duty since the opening of the exposition to arrange these special days, to meet and entertain the thousands of prominent guests who have been present and to satisfy, as well as my abilities would permit, the exacting requirements of visitors and of the thousands connected in every capacity with the affairs of the exposition. In these duties I have been assisted by the general manager, who, by his special fitness for the work, has made many friends for the exposition.

In my work I claim no specific credit. As a citizen of this community I have simply discharged my duty. From the start I saw a great opportunity to promote the welfare of all the people of this city and of the entire west. My every expectation has been realized and I shall retire from the [?] with which the stockholders and directors of this exposition have honored me with the consciousness that my every act has been inspired by pure motives and that my best efforts have been given at all times during evil and good report for the success of the enterprise and for the greatest good that could be brought out of it for the community, the state and the country it has advertised in a manner as never before to the world.

What Stockholders Want to Know.

But I must speak of the financial condition of this corporation in which more than 6,500 of our enterprising citizens are interested. No subscriber or donor, large or small, expected to receive back much if any of his contribution in dollars and cents. The money necessary to promote this enterprise was largely subscribed by residents or corporations directly interested in Omaha. It was given from the purses of the poor as well as the rich and when once placed in the treasury of this corporation it became to me a sacred fund and in its use the members of the executive committee have guarded it with jealous care. Since it became evident that a surplus would be left after the gates were finally closed, numerous propositions have been made and various agencies and individuals have endeavored to divert this surplus to other public enterprises foreign to the objects of the corporation to which it belongs. A horde of clamoring claimants seek to divide the spoils, but to one and all a deaf ear has been turned and whatever is left after the debts and obligations are discharged will be sacredly returned to the men and women who contributed to the enterprise in its time of need.

Not one dollar will be diverted to any other purpose foreign to this organization. I favor the publication of a true history of this great achievement and have appointed a committee of honorable men, whose capacity and integrity cannot be questioned, to prepare and publish this proud record, which is not the achievement of any individual or set of men, but is the culmination of the efforts and sacrifices and of the energy and enterprise of all who have participated in its conception or triumphal progress. But the publication of this history may not eventually cost the exposition a dollar. The first edition of the history of the Tennessee Centennial, a respectable volume of 500 pages, cost $4,000 and was sold in advance of publication at a profit of $1,000. A fund has been set aside for the payment of a history of this exposition, but this money will not be wasted and, in my opinion, the larger part will be returned to the treasury when the work has been published and sold.

Statement of Finances.

I have carefully compiled a statement of the present financial condition of this corporation, but bare figures are generally uninteresting and I will summarize as follows:

The total amount of stock subscriptions collected and paid into the treasury on October 28 was$ 291,909.04
The total donations collected on that date was 163,070.20
The total earnings of the corporation to that date was 1,306,384.94
Making a grand total of cash received from all sources of$1,761,364.18
Of this sum there remained in the hands of the secretary and treasurer on October 28$ 360,496.48
Add to this amount the known and estimated earnings and collections since 53,000.00
The good notes and accounts due, not including unpaid stock subscriptions 7,500.00
Would make available at close of business tonight $420,996.48
Deduct from this, contract balances still due$21,985.02
Estimated monthly and weekly pay rolls due November 1 23,000.00
Estimated unpaid bills and accounts 20,000.00
Would still leave available $356,011.46

I estimate that the salvage and earnings from gates and concessions will pay expenses of cleaning the grounds and closing the business after November 1.

It is estimated that of the $291,909.04 paid on account of stock subscriptions, $20,000 represents partial payments, leaving at this date about $271,909.04 paid up stock. What will be done for those stock subscribers who have not paid up in full is a matter for future determination. In any event the collectible subscriptions will more than pay any sum that may be found due them.

Deducing estimated paid up stock, $271,909.04, from available assets would leave contingent liabilities $84,102.42, which, it would seem, was sufficient to cover all possible claims of every character.

Fifty Per Cent Dividend.

If these estimates are correct it will be seen that we will be able to pay our stockholders in full and this is what we hope to do. But in order to protect the corporation from all possible liabilities, I shall recommend to the directors that an immediate dividend of 50 per cent be declared and paid without delay to the stockholders of record on this day.

I trust this showing may be as satisfactory to the stockholders and patrons of this exposition as it is to those who have been entrusted with its management.

I desire to express my sincere appreciation of the hearty co-operation I have received from the private citizens of this community, from all who have participated in the exposition from other states and especially from the board of fifty directors who have honored and assisted me in a manner unusual in public [?]  Scanned image of page 182 of the departments a grand result has been achieved, which will stand out in the history of the west as the crowning feature in its fifty years of growth and development.

At the conclusion of the address the band played a patriotic medley and at the familiar strain of the "Star Spangled Banner" the big crowd rose to its feet and cheered heartily. Then Rev. Mackay called for a vote of thanks from the people of Omaha to the officers of the exposition for their untiring zeal and energy and the people signified their assent by rising again. This ended the program and the crowd scattered through the grounds while the officials and guests repaired to the banquet tables at the cafe.

Government Building Closes Early.

The Government building closed last night at the usual hour, 5 o'clock. When the clock in the center of the building tolled the hour the officers in charge, the clerks and employes gathered in the open space beneath the dome, gave three cheers for the united States, three for Omaha and three more for the exposition. Then the doors were closed and everything was over, much to the sorrow of the thousands who gathered about the entrance and cast many fond glances at the structure which has closed forever.

Iowa Building Sold.

Yesterday the Iowa state building was sold to the St. Bernard's hospital at Council Bluffs for the sum of $300. The hospital authorities contract to remove the building and put the grounds in the same condition as before the building was erected.


Statistical Records Giving the Figures in Detail.

The statistical records of the exposition afford an excellent history of its material prosperity. The development of interest and the consequent additions in attendance and patronage are effectively indicated in the records of the turnstiles and the daily receipts from gates and concessions. On account of the great crowd of yesterday the complete figures of the day in each particular will not be obtainable until late this afternoon, but these can be approximately estimated as compared with other days of similar proportions. The record indicates that the total paid admissions have very nearly reached the 2,000,000 mark. The total receipts have far exceeded $1,000,000, without considering the receipts from the sale of commutation books and pass books, which aggregate nearly $20,000 additional. The following table shows the full record of each day of the exposition to October 31. The percentages from concessions are collected each day for the day before. The dates where blanks occur represent Sundays or crowded days when the collectors were kept busy making the collections from the gates:

 Scanned image of page 183
PaidPassesTotalFrom GatesConcessionsTotal
June 1 25,112 2,876 27,988$ 11,763.25$..........$ 11,763.25
June 2 4,129 1,341 5,470 1,957.25 2,012.78 3,970.03
June 3 2,734 2,022 4,756 1,196.75 350.16 1,546.91
June 4 2,394 3,596 5,990 1,042.75 271.97 1,314.72
June 5 3,371 2,387 5,758 1,552.50........... 1,552.50
June 6 1,752 3,278 5,030 818.75 711.06 1,529.81
June 7 3,159 4,698 7,857 1,432.50 172.53 1,605.03
June 8 2,795 3,764 6,559 1,308.25 411.09 1,719.34
June 9 1,499 3,760 5,259 711.00 208.19 919.19
June 10 2,609 3,958 6,567 1,203.75 1,086.87 2,290.62
June 11 3,833 3,956 7,789 1,178.00 790.10 1,968.10
June 12 3,908 3,355 7,263 1,178.00........... 1,178.00
June 13 10,397 4,408 14,805 2,464.15 799.29 3,263.44
June 14 11,726 4,744 16,470 5,452.00 1,048.68 6,500.98
June 15 7,894 4,266 12,160 2,757.20 688.44 3,445.64
June 16 4,425 4,098 8,523 1,891.75 3,190.35 5,082.10
June 17 4,187 4,096 8,283 1,877.50 1,413.96 3,291.46
June 18 6,335 5,003 11,338 2,804.00 817.37 3,621.37
June 19 4,481 3,174 7,655 2,020.50........... 2,020.50
June 20 3,730 4,168 7,898 1,683.25 1,006.31 2,689.56
June 21 9,399 5,334 14,733 4,266.50 557.84 4,824.34
June 22 7,411 6,805 14,216 2,657.50 915.30 3,572.80
June 23 8,506 4,894 13,400 3,930.25 759.05 4,689.30
June 24 6,654 4,563 11,217 3,094.75 1,654.96 4,749.71
June 25 4,744 4,913 9,657 2,102.00 1,312.25 3,414.25
June 26 2,884 3,766 6,650 1,331.25 24.91 1,356.16
June 27 3,578 4,616 8,194 1,629.50 1,132.34 2,761.84
June 28 4,463 4,575 9,038 2,068.25 486.13 2,554.38
June 29 4,769 4,931 9,700 2,195.75 723.91 2,919.66
June 30 4,004 5,114 9,118 1,899.00 577.26 2,476.26
Total 166,882122,469 289,351$ 72,665.85$ 25,471.04$ 98,136.89
Average 5,563 4,082 9,645$ 2,422.19$ 849.03$ 3,271.22
July 1 4,736 5,111 9,847$ 2,289.00$ 2,387.94$ 4,676.94
July 2 4,267 4,441 8,708 1,917.75 1,542.63 3,460.38
July 3 4,470 3,418 7,888 2,100.25 228.25 2,328.50
July 4 38,618 5,834 44,452 17,808.00 1,292.71 19,100.71
July 5 3,657 4,246 7,903 1,691.25 3,164.60 4,855.85
July 6 2,446 3,710 6,156 1,144.00 956.75 2,100.75
July 7 3,752 4,904 8,656 1,666.75 3,817.43 5,485.18
July 8 3,586 4,300 7,886 1,640.00 657.81 2,297.81
July 9 3,658 4,481 8,139 1,573.50 1,939.07 3,512.57
July 10 7,223 3,263 10,486 1,738.75........... 1,738.75
July 11 3,368 4,754 8,122 1,546.25 921.68 2,467.93
July 12 4,666 4,742 9,408 2,136.50 562.00 2,698.50
July 13 5,468 4,802 10,270 2,533.75 524.17 3,057.92
July 14 8,858 5,458 14,316 3,077.70 2,155.83 5,233.53
July 15 4,068 5,244 9,312 1,876.75 1,085.06 2,961.81
July 16 11,987 8,239 20,226 5,430.25 957.96 5,388.21
July 17 4,043 3,694 7,737 1,892.50 397.00 2,289.50
July 18 3,571 4,828 8,399 1,654.25 1,381.26 3,035.51
July 19 3,974 4,610 8,584 1,799.50 944.84 2,744.34
July 20 5,842 5,001 10,843 2,659.50 815.92 3,475.42
July 21 5,335 5,021 10,350 2,422.75 2,045.47 4,468.22
July 22 3,844 4,596 8,440 1,754.50 1,398.67 3,153.17
July 23 3,870 4,471 8,341 1,704.75 528.63 2,233.38
July 24 5,704 3,413 9,117 1,350.40........... 1,350.40
July 25 4,217 4,782 8,999 1,846.25 1,445.61 3,291.80
July 26 4,250 4,347 8,597 1,962.75 813.62 2,776.37
July 27 4,197 4,453 8,650 1,957.25 1,056.90 3,014.15
July 28 10,022 5,171 15,193 3,356.95 617.70 3,974.65
July 29 3,766 4,487 8,253 1,734.50 815.32 2,549.82
July 30 4,128 4,790 8,918 1,817.00 1,577.23 3,394.23
July 31 6,063 3,419 9,482 1,433.15........... 1,433.15
Total 187,654114,030 331,684$ 79,509.95$ 35,514.66$ 115,034.61
Average 6,053 4,646 10,699$ 2,564.83$ 1,145.95$ 3,710.79
August 1 3,409 4,806 8,215$ 1,567.25$ 1,880.54$ 3,447.79
August 2 11,494 4,968 16,462 5,239.00 346.31 5,585.31
August 3 8,062 4,883 12,945 3,177.95 1,000.92 4,178.87
August 4 14,309 5,339 19,648 6,376.75 1,300.66 7,677.41
August 5 16,080 5,361 21,441 7,123.50 1,210.98 8,334.48
August 6 5,589 5,105 10,694 2,565.25 800.25 3,365.50
August 7 3,827 3,485 7,312 1,783.25 444.81 2,228.06
August 8 5,246 4,958 10,204 2,441.50 3,204.78 5,648.28
August 9 7,669 4,939 12,608 3,589.50 899.37 4,488.87
August 10 10,166 5,233 15,399 4,673.00 889.02 5,562.02
August 11 12,525 5,225 17,750 4,984.25 1,650.50 6,634.75
August 12 8,422 5,348 13,770 3,624.85 1,222.56 4,847.41
August 13 8,950 6,003 14,953 4,095.50 1,060.77 5,256.27
August 14 5,012 4,112 9,124 2,320.00 772.50 3,092.50
August 15 7,963 5,465 13,378 3,699.50 1,659.89 5,359.39
August 16 10,026 5,243 15,269 4,683.25 965.02 5,648.27
August 17 11,688 5,478 17,166 5,469.00 2,194.22 7,663.22
August 18 15,565 5,660 21,225 6,003.75 1,665.59 7,669.34
August 19 8,792 5,238 14,030 4,036.25 1,596.90 5,633.15
August 20 8,137 5,365 13,502 3,708.25 1,706.47 5,414.72
August 21 3,381 3,823 7,204 1,568.50 1,278.97 2,847.47
August 22 7,022 5,236 12,258 3,287.50 1,292.16 4,579.66
August 23 10,525 5,695 16,220 4,878.75 1,051.63 5,930.38
August 24 17,547 6,116 23,663 7,110.00 1,779.01 8,889.01
August 25 18,293 6,023 24,316 6,895.40 2,481.14 9,376.54
August 26 9,918 5,650 15,568 4,607.75 2,009.45 6,617.20
August 27 12,996 5,971 18,967 5,968.95 1,311.99 7,280.94
August 28 7,304 4,183 11,487 1,972.10 28.81 1,955.91
August 29 11,243 5,729 16,972 4,560.40 2,011.15 6,571.55
August 30 14,264 5,623 19,887 6,676.35 1,570.06 8,246.41
August 31 16,589 5,951 22,540 7,676.00 3,321.02 10,997.02
Total 311,943162,234 474,177$136,288.25$ 45,803.62$ 182,091.87
Average 10,063 5,233 15,296$ 4,396.39$ 1,477.54$ 5,873.93
September 1 20,431 5,779 26,210$ 8,150.80$ 2,465.87$ 10,616.67
September 2 16,434 6,890 23,324 7,430.25 2,893.30 10,323.55
September 3 8,806 5,987 14,793 4,172.50 1,337.99 5,511.49
September 4 7,387 4,405 11,792 1,995.65........... 1,995.65
September 5 12,841 5,477 18,318 5,344.90 1,897.71 7,242.61
September 6 11,936 6,067 18,003 5,560.50 1,423.88 6,984.38
September 7 15,097 7,224 22,303 7,008.50 2,611.56 9,620.06
September 8 15,395 6,355 21,750 6,303.45 2,598.25 8,901.70
September 9 11,725 5,726 17,451 5,552.25 1,335.66 6,887.91
September 10 5,421 5,147 10,568 2,546.75 1,548.58 4,095.33
September 11 6,178 4,335 10,513 1,676.95........... 1,676.95
September 12 3,428 4,566 7,994 1,698.15 1,164.54 2,862.79
September 13 8,825 5,835 14,660 4,220.75 621.77 4,842.52
September 14 13,394 6,308 19,902 6,296.25 1,903.20 8,199.45
September 15 16,199 6,601 22,800 6,303.35 1,657.31 7,960.66
September 16 9,836 6,169 16,005 4,573.00 1,912.59 6,485.59
September 17 13,197 6,280 19,477 5,089.45 1,922.61 7,012.06
September 18 8,880 4,767 13,647 2,309.05........... 2,309.05
September 19 8,694 6,177 14,871 3,561.20 2,176.42 5,737.62
September 20 12,734 5,946 18,680 6,240.75 1,918.49 8,159.24
September 21 32,328 6,762 30,090 15,365.00 1,242.88 16,607.88
September 22 45,397 7,328 52,725 20,572.65 3,045.25 23,617.90
September 23 21,778 6,460 28,238 10,274.00 4,225.24 14,499.24
September 24 15,924 6,441 22,365 6,568.75 2,235.02 8,803.77
September 25 10,999 5,036 16,035 2,834.20........... 2,834.20
September 26 9,597 6,162 15,759 4,474.25 3,854.09 8,328.34
September 27 10,288 6,108 16,396 5,096.75 2,404.53 7,501.28
September 28 13,319 6,155 19,474 6,551.75 1,124.89 7,676.64
September 29 14,049 6,346 20,395 5,821.00 2,424.52 8,245.52
September 30 12,872 6,668 19,540 5,199.45 1,758.87 6,958.32
Total 413,571179,597 593,158$178,863.25$ 52,705.86$ 231,569.11
Average 13,875 5,896 19,772$ 5,952.11$ 1,756.86$ 7,718.97
October 1 13,902 7,349 21,251$ 5,984.50$ 1,484.68$ 7,469.18
October 2 10,763 5,162 15,925 2,758.60........... 2,758.60
October 3 8,976 6,290 15,266 3,931.75 2,840.62 6,772.37
October 4 13,977 6,021 19,998 6,893.00 1,196.81 8,089.81
October 5 21,963 7,576 29,539 10,501.00 1,425.11 11,926.11
October 6 20,328 7,145 27,473 9,872.65 2,548.15 12,420.80
October 7 16,282 7,380 23,662 7,677.20 1,866.23 9,543.43
October 8 18,381 7,686 26,067 8,000.75 2,122.07 10,122.82
October 9 14,216 5,591 19,807 3,769.95........... 3,769.95
October 10 21,853 7,525 29,378 9,809.80 2,571.20 12,381.00
October 11 40,381 7,670 48,051 21,031.25 1,845.61 22,876.86
October 12 87,892 10,953 98,845 42,822.00........... 42,822.00
October 13 41,817 7,893 49,710 18,003.75 6,290.67 24,294.42
October 14 23,791 8,609 32,400 10,363.00 6,464.52 16,827.52
October 15 27,707 8,253 35,960 10,520.35 3,296.61 13,816.96
October 16 8,305 5,049 13,354 2,465.65........... 2,465.65
October 17 9,975 4,935 14,910 4,446.55 726.92 5,173.47
October 18 16,586 6,397 22,983 8,234.75 2,021.24 10,255.99
October 19 17,747 7,010 24,757 7,810.00 1,341.92 9,151.92
October 20 14,493 7,189 21,682 6,734.40 2,050.69 8,785.09
October 21 10,935 6,763 17,698 5,541.00 996.12 6,537.12
October 22 12,244 21,139 33,383 5,960.55 1,549.74 7,510.29
October 23 17,604 6,380 23,984 4,617.95........... 4,617.95
October 24 11,883 6,102 17,985 5,309.55 3,026.36 8,335.91
October 25 16,988 6,003 22,991 8,063.50 1,735.98 9,799.48
October 26 29,412 6,563 35,075 13,956.50 1,883.64 15,840.14
October 27 29,629 6,538 36,167 13,278.90 2,320.36 15,599.26
October 28 21,353 6,472 27,825 9,893.00 3,027.58 12,920.58
October 29 19,812 6,845 26,659 8,907.30 1,996.22 10,903.52
October 30 23,958 6,051 30,009 6,739.25 6,739.25
October 31 61,102
Totals 643,589210,303 924,994$283,898.40$ 56,780.59$ 340,678.99
Average 21,453 7,010 29,838$ 9,463.28$ 1,957.95$ 11,421.23
Grand total1,723,639828,6332,613,374$751,215.70$297,340.63$1,048,556.33

Total attendance at the exposition—2,613,374. Not so bad.


Omaha People Work a Few Hours Overtime to Do It Properly.


Mad Throng of Merrymakers Races Along the Midway for Hours Visiting Happy Destruction on Everything in Sight.

Never did a better natured crowd attend an Allhallow's-e'en doings than that which closed the Midway season last night. Never did a carnival crowd on the Rivera put in a merrier, madder night. While everything thrown was not confetti—indeed, the program was varied with beer bottles, glasses, sign boards, in fact about everything that was not nailed sufficiently tight to withstand the vigorous and not infrequently concerted wrenches of muscular limbs, barring a few broken heads and some damaged appointments of summer resorts, no especial damage was done and the merrymakers and the others who did not seem so merry but who took part in the closing event trickled homeward on the street cars along some time after the midnight bell had struck the hour of the exposition's end. That no serious damage was done is a tribute to the temperament of the crowd. The few personal encounters—and for a time they seemed to be in progress in all directions—were carried on according to the tooth and toe-nail rules and while the exposition guards, extra police and ambulance corps were kept moving rapidly for two or three hours, the sum total of the casualties amounted to little more than blackened eyes, bruised noses and here and there an ecchymosis on some obscure part of the anatomy.

Souvenirs? Well, the salvage of some features of the Midway today wouldn't make a toothpick. One young man who transferred at Sixteenth and Farnam streets at 1:30 this morning carried westward with him an empty beer keg. The list of more portable articles had been exhausted before he had a chance to make his choice. A very stylishly dressed young women, who will probably only tell her most intimate friends about it, wore across the bridge over the lagoon the bill of fare from a Midway restaurant, the long strip of oil cloth trailing back from her handsome tailor-made walking gown. Another young woman struggled desperately to wrench the sign advertising a St. Louis beer from a Buffalo young man she had never seen before. And one place where beer has been dispensed with more or less freedom during the summer was compelled to suspend operations because by midnight its glasses had all been carried away four souvenirs by its enthusiastic patrons. Nothing that could be removed was overlooked. All sorts of signs, both those of the concessionaires and those of the exposition company, were removed.

Didn't Do a Thing to Each Other.

Fun? For four long hours, from 9 o'clock till after 1, there was a whirlwind and maelstrom of gaiety combined sweeping down the Midway from all directions, with no apparent storm center, everybody engulfed and everybody adding his share the general uproar. Young persons who would shrink from deliberate participation in the wild scenes of which they were a part last night will wonder today at themselves as they recall how they swooped down the streets last night, laughing and singing, sometimes tied together with ropes, sometimes with garlands of paper flowers, sometimes with bandages torn from the canvas signs, but always bent on trapping the unwary who stood in their way. Many a girl was the center around which a merry throng swirled for a moment, only to break away and answer her frightened blushes with a peal of raucous but good-natured laughter. "Don't get mad," was the admonition one stalwart escort audibly gave the young woman who accompanied him when she seemed about to resent the passing antics that seemed to pass the bounds of even carnival familiarity. And so it went. There were two Midways to close and it took some time to close them. But no one was seriously hurt and the headache and the legache that is doctored or endured in Omaha today will be tempered by the knowledge that the Midways were closed with an eclat born of easy terms with Midway methods.

The Midway midnight crowd was indecorous, but not a bit more so than was anticipated. The great majority of the men and women who boisterously shouted good-bye to the great show in its last hours managed to avoid any serious trouble. There were others who did not and as a result the patrol wagon and the ambulance worked overtime last night.

Fight in Cairo.

The first fight of any consequence took place at the north end of the Streets of Cairo at 10 o'clock. It grew out of a quarrel in the cafe between a couple of young Irishmen and two men of the Orient. It was a little matter at the start and either one of the two exposition guards who stood about and looked on could have prevented a small sized riot had he exerted himself. But the guards let it grow until a score of spectators were waging a hot fight with the foreigners. One of the latter received a bad cut in the head from a beer glass that was hurled at him in the melee. That made his countrymen fairly beside themselves with rage and they brought out their swords and camel whips to beat their opponents. The riot surged toward the exit, which was torn wide open and the turnstile wrecked in the scrimmage. Detectives Dunn, Donahue and Dempsey arrived on the scene in time to make some arrests and quell the riot. Then the exposition guards urged the people to fall back a little to let the ambulance drive up for the injured.

Uproar at Pabst's.

The second scrap of considerable dimensions took place in Pabst's beer hall, which has been the "official" rendezvous for a great number of railroad men and other Omahans during the season. About 11 o'clock a strange lot of spectators wandered in and, as they were more or less filled with the exhuberance​ of the occasion, and other things, they showed their appreciation of the show in their own manner. The trouble began when one man heaved an empty beer bottle on the stage to emphasize the fact that he wanted "Pepita, the queen of the Midway," to give another song and dance. About six simultaneously followed his example. Then the beer glasses commenced to rain on the stage and the large trays of the waitresses were hastily grabbed and shied into the jack pot. When a couple of chairs were tossed in Manager Willard concluded it was about time to close the game. A squad of guards and police soon cleared the hall, the more obstreperous visitors being dragged out and unceremoniously landed in the middle of the Midway. No serious injuries resulted from this affair, though there were any number of wounds of minor mention received. No more beer was sold, the show was adjourned sine die, and the big front gate was lowered for the last time about 10:45 o'clock.

Shortly after midnight a number of the young men who had been engaged in the Streets of Cairo fight met in front of the big see-saw and personally settled the aftermath controversy in a running fight that reached to the other end of the grounds. An exposition guard, who went off duty at noon, was gloriously drunk at midnight and resisted arrest after making some trouble. He received a cut on the head and was thrown in the exposition jail. Every time a man was arrested it took from two to six guards to get the prisoner to his destination, and then the party was generally followed by 100 or more shouting, gesticulating, encircling and encircled young men and old men and women of uncertain ages.


Feast of Good Things for Both Mind and Body is Spread.

One of the closing features of the exposition was the banquet tendered the members of the Board of Management of the government exhibit, the members of the state commissions of the transmississippi states, the superintendents of the various departments of the exposition, the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, the officers and members of the Omaha Commercial club, the city and county officials, the members of the Board of Education and Board of Park Commissioners, district judges and a few invited guests at the Markel cafe last night. The banquet was in the hands of the members of the executive committee of the exposition and the Board of Directors. Plates were laid for 160 and nearly that number of persons were present. The guests gathered about the tables, and under the canopy of red, white and blue bunting promptly at 6 o'clock and at 9 o'clock they shoved their chairs back and prepared for a stroll along the Midway, where they remained until the lights went out early this morning.

The tables at last night's banquet were set in the form of a huge "T," with President Wattles of the exposition at the head, while to his right and left were ranged the members of the executive committee and the Board of Directors, with General Manager Clarkson occupying the post at the foot.

After the excellent menu had been discussed and after the cigars had been lighted President Wattles announced that the banquet was an informal affair and that set speeches would not be the order of the evening. He declared that he had made his last speech and was ready to hear from others.

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Baum on Its Benefits.

President Baum of the Commercial club was called upon to respond to the subject of whether or not the exposition had been beneficial to Omaha. Mr. Baum said the exposition has been the most successful one ever held in the world, both financially and otherwise. People have gone away from Omaha during the past summer perfectly satisfied with the city and delighted with the exposition. They have been better satisfied than they were with the World's Fair and have brought Omaha before the world as the best advertised city in the country. He complimented the officers upon their management of the exposition, saying that they undertook a stupendous enterprise and carried it through in spite of all diverse circumstances.

H. J. Penfold of the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben was next introduced and talked upon the importance of advertising. He said that the knights have always worked in the interest of the city and have endeavored to please the people. He thought that the advertisement brought about by their efforts has helped the city very materially. The exposition, in his judgment, has been an advertisement that will prove a lasting benefit to the city.

President Bingham of the city council gave it as his opinion that the benefits that Omaha has received from the exposition will not be of a temporary character, but instead will respond to the future interests of not only Omaha but the entire west as well. He said he had been proud of the exposition and felt that every man in the city held the same opinion.

Speaking of the educational features of the exposition Superintendent Pearse of the city schools said it had been a great educator and that in every instance the management had done the graceful thing in extending courtesies to the children. The exposition had not only educated the children, but it had educated the grown people as well and had caused them to change their attitude toward the city of Omaha.

Share of the Government.

F. W. Clark of the Interior department and a member of the Board of Management of the government exhibit, when called upon to respond, reviewed the work accomplished by the United States in installing and maintaining its exhibit. The details have been looked after by the most experienced men, those familiar with all of the details, and in placing the exhibit he urged that they have put in the most comprehensive and instructive collection ever shown at any exposition ever held.

In speaking to the toast of "Peace in Times of War," Judge Keysor of the district bench said the exposition had brought about the great variety of injunction suits and court orders yet recorded or, in fact, ever heard of. The judges expected a summer vacation, which they might spend in peace, or at least six-sevenths of them expected this, but they had been disappointed, as suits had multiplied and there had been no peace in times of legal war. The exposition board, he said, had shown great energy and enterprise and enabled the visitors to the city to participate in an exposition the like of which had never been equaled in this or any other country.

Commissioner Dosch of Oregon, in discussing the importance of the exposition upon the transmississippi states, said he came here for business as well as for the purpose of exploiting the resources of the state which he represents. As a result of the exposition he has sent hundreds of settlers to the state where the "Oregon rolls from the mountain to the sea" and has interested millions of dollars in the mines and productive lands of his adopted state. He has succeeded in opening new markets for the state's fruit and grains. The exposition, he said, has surprised and exceeded the expectations of the most enthusiastic and has taught the world that the United States is capable of conducting a great war with one hand and carrying on an exposition with the other, succeeding with both and making both great and glowing successes.

Commissioner Fisher of Wisconsin explained that his state did not contribute one dollar, but the citizens felt the necessity of being represented and consequently contributed their money to erect a state building and put in a number of exhibits. The exposition, in his opinion, has been the greatest success that the world has ever seen and the millions of people who have visited it have learned lessons which they can never forget. He paid a glowing tribute to the management and the manner in which the great show has been financed and its interests guarded.

How Congress Helped.

The last speaker of the evening was Congressman Mercer, who was cheered to the echo as he arose to his feet to respond to the toast, "The Importance of Federal Legislation to the Exposition." He said: "I came here early this morning and I propose to stay until the lights are turned out tonight. I want to see the last hour and the [?] Congressman Mercer reviewed at some length the obstacles thrown in the way of securing a congressional appropriation, and then told how the prejudice had been overcome. He told of the surprise that was displayed by the congressional delegation that visited the city a few weeks ago, at which time the members of the delegation admitted that the exposition and its magnitude exceeded their fondest expectations. The $240,000 expended by the government, he insisted, had been of far greater benefit to the country than the $25,000,000 spent for books, which are printed and then thrown into garrets and haylofts.

Referring to the effect upon Omaha, the congressman predicted that the exposition has marked a new era in the history of Omaha and not that it is the best advertised city in the world it will push forward with rapid strides.


Program Contains Selections Suitable to the Occasion.

The largest audience that has gathered at any of the Innes' band concerts greeted the organization at its farewell concert in the Auditorium last evening. In the main floor and gallery not a seat was unoccupied and the aisles were crowded to suffocation. Throughout the program the audience showed an unmistakable sadness at parting with the organization whose music all classes have learned to love. And the band itself seemed to throw into its work a deeper feeling than that of mere musical instinct, which spoke their regret at parting.

The selection of numbers for the program was a fitting one. Each told the thought in the minds of all. The concert opened with Lassen's overture, "How Can I Leave Thee." This was followed by Mendelssohn's "Farewell" and Hatton's "Goodby, Sweetheart." A duet by Falvella and Walker, flute and French horn, entitled "Adieu," was rendered in a manner to touch even the most unmusical and unfeeling of the audience. The first part closed with a fantasia on the works of Tosti.

Mr. Innes played, for the next to the last number on the program, Selmbert's "The Last Greeting." The demonstration that followed the solo indicated the place he holds in the hearts of all exposition visitors.

Just before the program closed Rev. T. J. Mackey presented the great bandmaster with a beautiful gold watch, suitably inschibed​ on behalf of the band. Mr. Innes made a speech, but it could not be heard owing to the tremendous ovation and long applause that greeted him.

The band leaves Omaha for New York at 11:30 this morning. It will give several concerts on its way east.

Douglas County a Prize Winner.

The Douglas county people are in high feather over their success in pulling out prizes in the Agriculture and Horticulture buildings, where the principal exhibits of the county were shown.

During the entire season the agricultural display in the Agriculture building has been the pride of Sueprintendent​ Walsh and the admiration of the thousands of visitors. All the people connected with the exhibit realized that it was the best made by any county and consequently when the judges announced their decision yesterday no one was surprised. The award of the judges carries a special diploma for the entire collection, it being the highest award offered, and is a much higher premium than any gold medal or other diploma issued. In addition to this, the county draws a gold medal on its corn, a gold medal on the figure designated as King Corn and another on the figure designated as Queen of Grasses. The chandelier and the design, known as "corn on top," each receive silver medals.

There has been some question regarding the disposition of the Douglas county exhibit, but that has been settled now. The sheaf grain, corn and vegetables will be taken to the poor farm, where it will be fed to the stock. The grains in bottles and jars will also be taken out to the poor farm for the present and will be stored for safe keeping. Later on it is the intention of the county commissioners to bring it down town and place it in the rooms of the Commercial club or in the window of some one of the railroad city ticket offices, the intention being to keep it as a permanent exhibit, where it can be seen and used as a standing advertisement of the resources of the county.

No part of the Douglas county exhibit is for sale, though much of the corn has been given away to farmers from other states, who have come here and who have been so forcibly struck with the grain that they have insisted upon having small quantities for seed.


Hustle of the Railroad Men Has About Ended.

The hustle of the many visiting passenger men and the representatives of the Omaha terminal lines for the travel of the late residents of the exposition Midway, continues to be an absorbing topic in railroad circles. The people of most of the shows have selected their routes homeward, or to their next stopping place, but the attaches of the two concessions employing the most people, the Streets of All Nations and the opticians, are holding off for better rates than any of the roads have yet conceded.

A couple of days ago when the rates began to go down it looked as though the performers would be carried for almost nothing. Demoralization in the rates has been prevented, however, by a general agreement of all the lines on the special rates to be used on this occasion. Chairman Caldwell of the Western Passenger association made a trip here on Sunday, and with the representatives of the lines east of Chicago secured an agreement among all the lines to maintain an agreed rate for the Midway people. The rates are a little more than one-half regular rates.

Some of the travel from the Midway starts this afternoon, and the bulk of it will get away before Thursday night. Most of the travel is going eastward, New York being the most popular destination among the Midway folks. There will be a little travel southward and some to San Francisco, but the Omaha-Chicago lines will get the greatest amount of business from the thoroughfare that made the exposition famous.

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Great Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Officially Passes Into History.

Omaha Day With Its Thousands Closes a Series of Brilliant Events in a Blaze of Glory.

Roar of the Revelers and Jabber of Foreigners Keep Midway Open Until the Early Morning Hours.

Monday's Admissions61,102
Presidential Day98,825
Total Admissions2,613,374

With the gray of the first November dawn, the night of Omaha day was declared at end, and with it the great Trans-Mississippi exposition with its splendid showing of the wealth of the mighty west, the beautiful exposition, a wonder by day, and a dazzling dream by night, officially passed into history. By the sound of the tom tom, the weird cries of Turks and Egyptians, and the vigorous lungs of thousands of gay revelers, the big exposition plunged to its last wild dash to death.

Although the early hours of the day found the gates swinging slowly, during the afternoon the crush began, and lasted till late at night, till 61,102 had entered for their last good-bye, and swelled the grand total since June 1 to 2,613,374.

With that total of 2,613,374, the exposition far eclipsed anything since the World's fair; the Midwinter exposition with its less than 2,000,000; that Atlanta exposition with its 1,278,863; and the Nashville exposition with its 1,703,328.

And the last day, Omaha day, the second best of the exposition, with its 61,102, cast into the shade the closing day of Atlanta with its 16,000; of Nashville with its 41,703; but did not pass the last day of the Midwinter exposition, the Fourth of July, with its 77,000.

But if this exposition lacked numbers at its dying hour, it made up all in enthusiasm. The business of the day was finished in the afternoon by Omaha day exercises at the Auditorium; a farewell luncheon to the government board, heads of departments, exposition officials, and Omaha business men who have been prominent in exposition work, a fine collation served to 300 gentlemen at the Markel cafe, at 6 p. m.; four band concerts, two by the renowned Innes band; the last life saving exhibition; and the grandest pyrotechnical display of the summer.

Then the crowd turned loose on the Midway. Revelers with horns, whistles, squawkers, and every contrivance known to the fakir's art for making noise, used them fiercely; they fought fierce battles with confetti; threw cologne at friend and foe, and surged up and down the two Midways, an impenetrable mass of humanity from spieler to spieler.

Midnight began approaching, and the men out with their wives and the wives out with their husbands went home. So did a few other people. But 25,000 people didn't go. They just simply tore down every loose sign on the Midway, and carried the pieces about on their shoulders; they snatched every piece of curtains, awnings or cloth signs in sight and turned them into banenrs​; they carried every bottle in sight on the top of a long stick; and they made noise. One delegation wrecked the Dragon's Head, knocked out the eyes and teeth, and annihilated the pleasant smile.

Once in a while some one would create a disturbance. One riot at the Streets of Cairo nearly resulted in the lynching of a colored man. Another mix up between a guard and a small boy with a long pole over his should made West Midway a [?] place. Other outbreaks occurred [?]


His Great Audience Cannot Hear Enough of Music.

When the great audience in the Auditorium rose en masse with a great chorus of cheers last night and sang "America" to the accompaniment of Innes' band and then cheered as they rushed pellmell for the doors the triumph of the bandmaster was complete. For the last few days the band has been receiving the most vociferous ovations from the crowds that filled the Auditorium, but last night's scene was a glorious climax.

The first part of the program was in the nature of a farewell on the part of the band. It opened with "How Can I Leave Thee," "Farewell," by Mendelssohn, and "Good-Bye, Sweetheart," by Hatton. Every selection was greeted with a salvo of cheers. In response to the encore for the first selection, which was by Lasson, the favorite and fad of Omaha this summer, "Love Is King," composed by Mr. Innes, was played to the delighted audience.

A trombone solo by Mr. Innes, Schubert's "Last Greeting," was a beautiful selection rendered in the master's perfect style. It was so good that the audience wanted more and the pure and powerful tones in "In the Gloaming" created more cheers. The last selection was a Scotch fantasia, "Gathering of the Clans." But the audience was not satisfied and more music followed, the thousands finally joining in "America."

A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation of a handsome gold watch to Mr. Innes by the members of his band. Rev. T. J. Mackay made a graceful speech in behalf of the musicians for the occasion.

A well known musician and critic said last night: "What our beloved Theodore Thomas is to orchestra Innes is to brass instruments. Not since the time of Gilmore have I seen a director who has such control over his men."

All the people in his audience may not have known this, but filling every foot of space and clinging to every possible morsel of room in the windows and round the doors they gave their famous leader an ovation that he will long remember.

No Complaint Against Hardt.

The following was received by the World-Herald:

Dear Sir: Herewith we beg to hand you statement signed by Mr. E. Whitcomb, superintendent of the Apiary building, which we think, in justice to the department of exhibits and the committee on awards, should be punished.

To Whom It May Concern: I desire to say that the publication reflecting on Mr. Hardt and the department of exhibits in connection with the apiary department is a source of regret to me and a result of misunderstanding in regard to the conditions that applied to making awards on exhibits; that the matter has been taken into consideration by the committee on awards with the result that a well and reasonably defined plan has been agreed upon for the adjustment of some differences that have arisen in connection with how awards should be made.

I make this statement so that any reflections which may have been cast on the department of exhibits and the committee on awards may be removed.

Superintendent Apiary Department.
Yours very truly, E. E. BRUCE.


Exposition Officials Draw the Curtain at the Close.

The last thing in the way of "exercises" at the exposition was given at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mayor Moores, Manager Lindsey and Rosewater and President Wattles of the exposition association delivered addresses.

The building was crowded upstairs and down by people who had assembled to hear the last afternon​ concert of the Innes band, and most of them remained to listen to the speeches.

The program opened with a selection by the Innes band. The audience would not let this favorite musical organization go with this, but kept cheering, and then another selection was given. And still this would not do, and once more Mr. Innes and four trombonists came forward as the chief players again.

Prayer was offered by Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Saints' church.

Mayor Moores was then introduced. He described how the exposition had been a benefit to Omaha in many ways, and he expressed an appreciation, on behalf of the city of Omaha, of the efforts of the directors, and especially of the executive committee. He closed by saying: "And now as the exposition closes let us look forward to the future with faith and courage, and let us, one and all, put our shoulders to the wheel of Omaha prosperity and progress. The future of Omaha is in our hands."

Manager Lindsey dwelt briefly on the difficulties that the management had had to contend with, and gave due recognition to all the agents and agencies that had contributed to the success of the great undertaking.

Manager Rosewater of the department of publicity and promotion also went into history. His main theme was the distrust about the success of the exposition when it was first talked of, and the glorious accomplishment of the purpose after the people of the city earnestly took hold of it.

The concluding address was by President Wattles. He reviewed the progress of the enterprise and commended the work done by the different departments. With regard to the finances of the exposition he said:

"I have nearly compiled a statement of the present financial condition of this corporation, but bare figures are generally unteresting​, and I will summarize as follows:

The total amount of stock subscriptions collected and paid into the treasury on October 28 was$ 291,909.04
The total donations collected on that date was 163,070.20
The total earnings of the corporation to that date was 1,306,384.94
Making a grand total of cash receipts from all sources of$1,761,364.18
Of this sum there remained in the hands of the secretary and treasurer on October 28 360,496.48
Add to this amount the known and estimated earnings and collections since 53,000.00
The good notes and accounts due, not including unpaid stock subscriptions 7,500.00
Would make available at close of business tonight$ 420,996.48
Deduct from this contract balances still due$21,985.02
Estimated monthly and weekly pay rolls due November 1 23,000.00
Estimated unpaid bills and accounts 20,000.00
Would leave available$ 356,011.46

"I estimate that the salvage and earnings from gates and concessions will pay expenses of cleaning the grounds and closing the business after November 1.

"It is estimated that of the $291,909.04 paid on account of stock subscriptions $20,000 represents partial payments, laving at this date $271,909.04 paid up stock. What will be done for those stock subscribers who have not paid up in full is a matter for future determination. In any event the collectible subscriptions will more than pay any sum that may be found due them. Deducting estimated paid up stock, $271,909.04, from avaiable​ assets would leave for continguent​ liabilities $84,102.42, which it would seem was sufficient to cover all possible claims of every character."


Addresses by Representatives of Prominent Bodies.

Not the least of the good times of the last day was the luncheon served last evening at the Markel cafe to the exposition officials, the government board and its associates, the heads of departments, and Omaha business men whose work has been of value to the exposition. It was a compliment from the executive committee of the exposition.

The menu was of the best, and the occasion was made one of good cheer. President Wattles called upon several gentlemen for impromptu addresses, among them being J. E. Baum, president [?]nd the [?]position;"[?]se of the[?]maha scho[?]ional Effect of the [?]ion;[?] Frank W. Clark of the government boar[?] "Educational Benefits of the Government Exhibit;" Judge W. W. Keysor, "The District Court and Its Attitude to the Exposition;" Alfred Dosch of Oregon, "Good Done to the West by the Exposition;" and  Scanned image of page 186 D. H. Mercer, "How the Government Helped the Exposition."

At the same time, on the first floor of the cafe, several women prominently associated with the exposition were enjoying a luncheon. Mrs. Clement Chase, president of the bureau of entertainment, and Mrs. Kirkendall, were the hostesses of the occasion.

Employes Let Out.

Since the exposition is over many an employe is wondering "What next?" referring to their positions.

In the admissions bureau sixty-three gatemen and ticket sellers were dropped last night, eighteen being retained.

The guards, now numbering about 200, suffered a reduction of sixty men.

The emergency hospital shuts up shop today for good.

The nightly force of street sweepers has been dropped entirely.

Since the general offices must be retained on the grounds for several days yet, perhaps a month, nearly all of the people employed in the Service building will retain their positions as before for that length of time while winding up exposition affairs.

Of course, all exhibitors and employes of the concessions will at once be out of jobs except such as will remain a few days to help in packing up.

Toughs Start a Riot.

There was a lively fight in the usually painfully decorous Streets of Cairo about 10 o'clock last night. Manager Nincio's version of it was this: Four tough young men forced a way through the turnstile. They were told they might remain if they would make no more noise. But one of them scared a camel on which a lady was riding. Two guards undertook to put him out. Another of the toughs hit the gun-whirling expert of Cairo with a beer mug, cutting the back of his head. Then some of the employes of Cairo went to the assistance of the guards.

Outsiders said the Cairo man closed the gates during the fight and that the police had to break through the turnstile. Later the ambulance carried off some badly cut men to the hospital.

Sale of Fine Paintings.

The Fine Arts building is closed for good as an exhibit building, and packing up is well on its way. On the west side, at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. today, there will be offered for sale 100 or more paintings, several of rare value. The exposition has developed the value of two remarkable paintings, one that came with an attached value of $6,000, supposed to be a Vandyke, but settled by Superintendent Griffith after three years' investigation to be beyond a doubt a Van Der Weld, and is now valued at $12,000. A Churvan upon its arrival was valued at $4,000. Last week Churvan died, leaving but few of his splendid works, and now the painting cannot be bought for $10,000.

Scrap in Cairo Street.

George P. Slyke, a colored man, and Edmond Felder, president of the Moorish Village, had a misunderstanding in Felder's office last night. As a result of Slyke's actions he was ejected from the office by Mr. Felder, who then began hunting for a guard. Slyke suddenly struck Mr. Felder in the eye, crushing his glasses till a sharp piece of glass penetrated through the lid into the ball of the eye. Slyke was arrested, but not till a big crowd had seized him, pummeled him over half of East Midway and made him think he was a fortunate man when the guards rescued him.

Suspended in midair, 225 feet above the earth, at Omaha on the last day of the Trans-Mississippi exposition, occurred a wedding yesterday afternoon. It was in one of the cars of the Giant See Saw that Mr. Freeman N. B. Snyder of Rawlins, Wyo., and Miss Nina L. Rhodes of Aberdeen, S. D., were united in marriage by the Rev. S. M. Ware, D. D., pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of this city. The managers of the See-Saw permitted only the wedding party to ascend in the car in which the ceremony was performed.

Gashes His Scalp.

W. A. Foster of Leadville, Colo., dropped a nickel last evening while making a change at the merry-go-round on East Midway. He stooped to pick it up, when a car caught his head, gashed the scalp several times and left Foster unconscious and without his nickel. His wounds were cared for at the emergency hospital.

Exposition Notes.

The executive committee of the Iowa commission yesterday sold the state building. It went to St. Bernard's hospital in Council Bluffs on a bid of $300. The hospital contemplates making additions and improvements and purchased the building for the lumber in it.

The sale of pictures in the Fine Arts building, to begin today, will be held at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. This is a rare opportunity to secure fine paintings.

"Nothing Succeeds Like Success" was the legend inscribed in incandescent lights over the plaza grand stand last night.

The fireworks last night consisted of a collection of the rarest and best of the summer, and was the most elaborate display. Among the set pieces were the moving locomotive, full size; Niagara Falls in fire, designs in giant wheels and fans and last of all the words in molten gold, "Farewell. A. L. Due Fireworks Co."

Special Directors' Meeting.

There will be a special meeting of the exposition directory in the Administration building on the grounds Friday, at 3 p. m., to consider general business pertaining to the exposition.

Exposition Notes.

The sale of pictures in the Fine Arts building, to begin today, will be held at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. This is a rare opportunity to secure fine paintings.


Exposition Grounds a Scene Today of Only Loneliness and Desolation.

Disorder and Confusion Everywhere as Packing Up Begins---How the Big Crowds Left the Midway.

Oh, what a difference yesterday on the exposition grounds. It looked like the soiled and disordered playhouse that some Titan's child had tired of using. It seemed that the public had determined to deride and make sport of the beautiful aggregation of buildings and landscape that had been its delight and its inspiration all summer.

And it was plainly apparent when daylight came yesterday how the hilarious crowds had sought amusement during the final hours of the show. The Midway and the bluff tract were littered with papers, sticks and boards and all the other rubbish that came from nobody knows exactly where. Everything that could be readily shoved about was overturned, window panes were missing here and there and in an unequal combat with a merry-making public the immense dragon's head had lost all of its teeth and divers​ parts of its jaws. Plastering had been knocked off a number of the frail buildings as high up as human heels could reach.

On the main court there was nothing of this kind, probably because the crowds were not there Monday night, but the usually neat and well kept walks and swards were sprinkled with rubbish.

But no particular damage had been done. Some nickel-in-the-slot machines for water, chewing gum and the like were wrecked, and vandals broke into the band stand and either broke or carried away the greater part of Will Stevens; stereopticon apparatus. He says his loss is $150.

Tearing down and packing up the exhibits began as early as Monday night and every building was in considerable disorder yesterday. An odd sight is wagons and vehicles of all sizes and descriptions that swarm on all parts of the grounds. Heretofore the pedestrian has had to look out not to collide with people. Now he has to look out not to collide with vehicles. They are going away from the rear doors of the buildings loaded down with the lighter exhibits that could be soon packed, chairs and furniture. Things are even being lugged away on foot. These consist chiefly of small pieces of furniture that have been purchased at the state buildings as souvenirs. And a common sight is a wagon loaded with bales of straw or excelsior or old papers brought into the grounds for packing purposes. Outside the grounds at the main entrance all the forenoon several carriages of the society women of the city were standing, and into them were carried the daintier souvenirs such as palms and plants or pieces of light furniture.

The public was admitted to the grounds at 50 cents per head, but all the buildings were closed except to exhibitors. Some belated visitors were so anxious to get some sort of glimpse of the departing glories that they secured special permits to enter the buildings. This they had to do by the rear doors and make their way between horses and wagons and boxes. There is no general attendance to speak of. The paid admissions for the day will probably number only a few hundred.

It has been decided to keep the grounds lighted at night as long as any lights are left, but the lamps and the wiring are being rapidly taken down. The Missouri Pacific railway will at once restore its tracks through the bluff tract and down either side of the main court. But no car loads will be ready for several days to leave. Sergeant Hittinger of the war department exhibit has probably made the best record for packing, for he had a case boxed up as early as 9 o'clock a. m. yesterday. The government force was busy all day getting its packing cases and boxes up from the basement. It will take three weeks probably to empty the building.


Brought in by the Railroads During the Past Five Months.

The exposition rush at the passenger railway depots in this city is over.

Monday night was a very busy one at the three depots, and it is estimated that not less than 20,000 exposition visitors left the city between 4 p. m. and 4 p. m. yesterday. Every outgoing train was well filled, and several specials were made up.

The last five months have been busy ones at the depot. In addition to the regular trains there have been from one to a dozen specials daily at each station. It is estimated that the average passenger arrivals will not fall short of 11,000 per day.

This gives Omaha an average of 77,000 visitors per week, or a total of 1,694,000 during the five months of the exposition.

It is further estimated that at least 1,000 people came to Omaha each day by bridge lines from the Council Bluffs depots. Add this 152,000 to the arrivals at Omaha depots and the total is 1,846,000 people brought to Omaha during the last five months by the various roads entering the two cities.

Closing Government Building

The people of the government building had quite a little fun at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon when the exhibit was closed. The bell was rung for five minutes to the accompaniment of a din on tin pans and all sorts of resonant objects, and then all went out on the steps where speeches were made by Captain Cox and others.

Small Suits Started

The justice courts of the city are being enlivened with attachment suits against concessionaires and exhibitors brought by parties holding claims against them for various reasons. These claims run all the way from $11.12 against the proprietors of a concession for wages alleged due a lecturer, to $147.24 claimed due the Nashville exposition company from H. T. Sinnott and C. H. DeZevallos on account of the concession at that exposition known as the "Beauty Show." Attachments were issued in each of these cases, the receipts of the See-Saw being attached in the last named case. Several of these suits are based on claims arising from the Nashville exposition.


Mrs. Hannah M. Salisbury, Seattle, Wash., wants $25,300 damages from the exposition company. Her attorneys are W. F. Gurley and Frank T. Ransom. It is claimed that September 29 she was knocked down by the west door of the Manufactures building and severely injured. Her left arm was broken, hip and foot injured, side bruised and shoulder blade fractured.


Sixty-Six Thousand Dollars Subscribed for Another Year of the Exposition.

Two Hundred Stockholders, Including Prominent Business Men, Discuss It.

President Baum Authorized to Name a Committee to Draw Up Plans for a New Company.

Sentiment of the Meeting Unanimous for the Project and Many Reasons Urged in Its Favor.

Major Hamilton of Illinois Says Twenty More States Will Be Represented--Believed Most of Exhibitors Will Return.

"Sixty-six thousand nine hundred dollars and a number of subscriptions of stock in the present exposition, the exact amount of which is not known," was the way Secretary Lobeck announced one result of the meeting of exposition stockholders in the city council chamber last night. It was just before the meeting adjourned and after, as an expression of sentiment on the subject, those present were asked to [?]

 Scanned image of page 187

Over 200 stockholders, among them being a number of the most prominent business men of the city, attended the meeting, and the sentiment was unanimously and enthusiastically in favor of holding another exposition in 1899. The meeting was organized by the election of J. E. Baum, president of the Commercial club, as chairman, and Councilman C. O. Lobeck as secretary. Mr. Baum explained briefly the object of the meeting, which was to discuss the holding of another exposition next year, and stated some of the advantages and objections to the project.

Major Clarkson was called on as an expert. He said he was hardly prepared to talk on the subject, but from all he had been able to learn, and in his own opinion, it was perfectly feasible and entirely practicable to hold an exposition next year. It had been stated as an objection to doing so that no city had ever repeated an exposition in a succeeding year. In answer it could be said that never before had there been such a successful exposition.


The exposition had not been visited by more than one-third of the people in the territory directly tributary to Omaha. Next year it would attract the same people and the other two-thirds, and also very many times as many people from the east. Seventy-five per cent of the exhibitors would be only too glad to return next year, and the place of the other 25 per cent could be taken by far larger and finer exhibits.

Edward Rosewater said the exposition had an unsurpassed record as a success. Whether it could be repeated was doubtful, but a good record, and possbly​ a still better one, could be made. It would not require more than $250,000 to obtain, maintain and add to the plant and do the necessary promotion work. The expenses of the exposition had been $2,000 per day. They might possibly be reduced to $1,500 per day. If another exposition was to be held $500,000 should be raised, which would pay all the expenses of the exposition, and it would be remarkable if that much was not taken in at the gates and the stockholders get back dollar for dollar for what they put in.

Major Hamilton, who has had charge of the Illinois building, was called on. If Omaha, he said, took up the matter of holding an exposition in 1889 twenty states not represented here this year would be glad to come and erect buildings. It would be a new exposition and it would be a success. The exposition this year was far greater and finer than many international exposition held in Brussels, Antwerp, Philadelphia and other cities. It would be still greater in every way next year and Illinois would not be backward in coming again to the city which the exposition just closed had crowned as the Queen City of the Trans-Mississippi States.

Major Wheeler of the New York exposition commission declared the manufacturers and merchants of New York and the east were today kicking themselves that they had not exhibited at the exposition. He pledged the support of New York to the holding of an exposition next year, in which project he heartily concurred.

Mr. Key of Chicago spoke of the beauty of the exposition and urged that an effort be made to save it for another year. C. M. Wilhelm declared that when such great states as Illinois and New York stood ready to pledge their support the project could be made a success. W. B. Taylor declared the exposition must be made a national affair and the eastern states must be invited to take part. It would also be necessary to have a new executive committee and a new directory. The project if rightly handled would be a big success.


P. E. Iler said some very pretty talking had been done and it was now time to get down to business, for if those in favor of holding an exposition next year did not act at once the exposition management would have all of the buildings torn down. It was in such an awful hurry about the matter that it was even doubtful if they would be standing this morning. He favored taking the names of those who were willing to subscribe for stock in a new company, and started the ball rolling by saving he would take $5,000 of stock, and more if necessary. H. J. Penfold said there was enough force and energy in Omaha to make the exposition in 1899 a greater success than the Trans-Mississippi exposition, and that he would put in double the amount of his stock for another exposition. George E. Barker heartily favored holding another exposition next year and said he would endeavor to make up for his remissness in connection with the exposition just over. Joseph Hayden said he was heartily in accord with the plan of holding an exposition next year and would double the firm's former subscription if necessary. The secretary, he said, could put Hayden Bros. down for $5,000. Emil Brandeis said he wanted another exposition next year and to put the Boston store down for $5,000.

P. E. Iler, E. Stuht, W. H. Green, T. J. Mahoney and others spoke in favor of an exposition next year, declaring it would be a big success. On motion of P. E. Iler those who were willing to subscribe for stock were asked to stand up and every man present rose to his feet. Chairman Baum stated that the vote might be considered a turning point in the matter, and as settling affirmatively the question of holding an exposition in Omaha next year.

Colonel S. A. Broadwell called attention to the fact that they were drifting back to oratory again. He wanted some more subscriptions. Charles F. Tuttle and J. W. Robbins were appointed assistant secretaries to take down the names of those wishing to subscribe for stock, and while this work was going on quietly H. T. Clarke and others spoke in favor of holding the exposition next year. P. E. Iler said he had talked to Herman Kountze, John A. Creighton, G. W. Holdrege and others about the matter and all of them favored the project. R. F. Hodgin said he had been told by Frank Murphy that the Omaha Street Railway company and the officers of it would subscribe as much as they had done for the exposition this year.

One subscription which was met with applause was when Major Wheeler of the New York state commission said he did [?] Omaha people getting all [?] Bangor, Me., who was one of the exposition concessionaires, and told why he wanted another exposition next year.

A motion was passed authorizing President Baum to appoint a committee of ten to draw up plans for a new company, etc., to be submitted at another meting​ to be held in a few days. The committee will be named today.


Invoices of Goods to Be Returned an Honest Company.

"There will be from forty to fifty invoices of goods now being exhibited under bond for return home," said Mr. James Randall Dunn of the customs house last evening.

Nearly all of the goods for the foreign exhibits were admitted free of duty, but under bond for their return at the close of the exposition. So inspectors are now working hard checking up all of the stuff, seeing that none has been lost, stolen, or sold, or undervalued, for which offense the owners will be liable to prosecution for smuggling. To the credit of the foreign exhibitors it has been found that not one can be accused of dishonesty, a rare circumstance at expositions. At the World's fair many arrests followed the close, and foreign complications ensued, which were smoothed over by the dismissal of the accused parties upon the theory that the government had gone to extremes in urgent invitations to foreign countries to make exhibits, and severe prosecutions of their representatives would be discourteous.

Exceptions have been made in the case of the entire Hawaiian exhibit and portions of the Mexican, Canadian and French exhibits. Hon. Robert W. Shingle, commissioner from Hawaii, has offered his entire exhibit, mostly educational, to various colleges and schools, as have the other commissioners certain portions of theirs. For this reason they will be released from bond.

Taylor Is Remembered.

While one exhibitor in the Horticulture building approached their efficient superintendent, Prof. W. W. Taylor, yesterday afternoon with a kick on things generally that was so loud and so trivial that Mr. Taylor was in good condition to bite a nail in two, all of the exhibitors took the occasion to organize for a simultaneous attack. After surrounding Prof. Taylor, Mr. Frank M. Wiggins of the Los Angeles exhibit, in a felicitous address, presented the superintendent with a valuable scolid​ gold case watch in appreciation of courtesies received.

At about the same time the exhibitors in the exhibitors in the Agricultural building gathered to cane Dick Berlin, having bought a nobby​ gold-headed ebony cane for the express purpose, but really Dick had been on the Midway the night before, and wasn't there. So a committee was entrusted with the cane, and likewise the duty of finding Dick.

Expressmen Are Delayed.

In the transportation office yesterday morning Manager Babcock was called down to district court to attend to another threatened injunction relative to expressmen on the grounds, and Superintendent Lee was left alone. Then men wanting permits to remove stuff from the grounds began arriving, and soon a line extended from his desk to the door by way of the stove and the telephone and the typewriter and three chairs, a line 200 feet long twisted into one of 20 feet. He couldn't escape to get help, to eat, or even get a drink, and not till late in the afternoon did four assistants arrive to straighten out the line. Over 1,000 permits were issued, which might mean several permits for one wagon load, as for single articles and small exhibits, but never more than one wagon load to a permit. Plenty of clerical help will be on hand hereafter.

Art Sale a Fizzle.

There was to have been a sale of paintings at the Fine Arts building yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, but no one was there who desired to have a picture put up for bids and so no sale was had. On this account the sale announced for the evening was declared off. The object of the sales was to relieve the exposition management of the responsibility of making good the balance of the $5,000 guarantee made when the art exhibit was projected. This was that $5,000 worth of pictures would be taken at Omaha. During the summer pictures to the value of about $1,200 or $1,500 have been sold, so the exposition will have to buy more to the value of $3,500 or $3,800 and dispose of them as it best can.

Sale of Exposition Stamps.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Washington, D. C., Nov. 1.—The sale of the Trans-Mississippi stamps has more than realized the expectations of the postoffice department. Up to date about $2,000,000 worth of them have been sold. Probably about $350,000 of these have gone to collectors. The department will continue to issue the exposition stamps up to December 31. The estimate of the third assistant postmaster general is that about $2,500,000 will be issued. The stamps were a great advertisement to the exposition, attracting attention to it throughout the world. The "Omaha stamps," as they are called, are considered the handsomest ever issued by the department and are in great demand by stamp collectors everywhere.

Minnesota Building in Demand.

Superintendent Field of the Minnesota building states that if the building is not presented to the Omaha park board on November 8, to be placed in Riverview park, F. C. Austin of Harvey, Ill., will take it for $1,000. Harvey is a suburb of Chicago, and Mr. Austin wants the building for a private park. He has bought of the exposition $2,000 worth of the plants that were on the grounds.

Mr. Field desires that the building be presented to the city as a recognition of the hospitality and courtesy that its people and the exposition management have constantly extended to the people of M[?]


How the Autocrat of the Exhibits Department Did Business.


Notice Served on Recalcitrants that There is a Hereafter and that Hardt Will Meet Them at Buffalo.

Up to date there is no indication of any intention on the part of Superintendent Hardt of the Exhibits department to disgorge the $1,000 purse for which exhibitors who were to a large extent dependent on his favor were stood up during the last days of the exposition. Evidence continues to multiply that this was merely the culmination of a series of arbitrary and disgraceful holdups to which nearly everyone who had any business to transact with the department was subjected.

As a matter of fact comparatively few of the people who have been victimized are in a position to discuss their grievances. They have been assured that Hardt will be likely to occupy a similar position at subsequent expositions and that anything they may say will be charged against them when they again become exhibitors. As one of Hardt's lieutenants said the other day: "These people have to do the right thing by us. They all expect to be at Buffalo and Hardt will be there, too." The victims consequently prefer to take their medicine and in one sense they seem to be completely under the thumb of the autocrat who has flayed them so mercilessly.

While nine out of ten of the people who have suffered through Hardt's methods diplomatically decline to discuss their grievances, enough has leaked out to indicate that if the entire history of this department could be laid bare it would present a spectacle of arbitrary and illegitimate practice that would open the eyes of some of the exposition officials who have shielded Hardt during all these months. It is well known that the barefaced robbery of exhibitors under the guise of a purse is far from being the total of Hardt's illegitimate profits. A substantial present has been found to be necessary in order to induce Hardt to perform the routine services for exhibitors for which he drew his salary from the exposition.

Pass List for the Chinese.

One instance which occurred in the presence of a well known Omaha man very accurately illustrates his methods. This gentleman happened to be in Hardt's office when one of the Chinese connected with a Midway concession came in with a list of his employes for whom it was Hardt's duty to order passes. The autocrat of the department dismissed him with a wave of his hand and said: "Oh, I can't do anything for you. That list isn't right."

A minute or two after Hardt turned around again and demanded, "Where is that roll of silk you were going to send me?"

The Chinese assured him that the matter had been overlooked, but that the silk would be delivered to him at once.

"H'm, let me see that list," replied Hardt. "Oh, well, that's all right. Got your own name on there?"

The visitor said that he had not, as he did not want to impose on the department. Hardt told him to add his own name and also mentioned another who was not on the list and when these were added he immediately signed the order without question.

This incident throws some light on the manner in which the superintendent of exhibits has been able to fill his private apartments with a symposium of valuable articles culled from exhibits all over the grounds.

Another incident which is related by the superintendent of one of the main buildings shows how exhibitors learned to secure favors after a few conversations with Hardt. One day a representative of a firm came into the building and wanted to occupy portions of the aisles with stands for the sale of tops and pens. He was told that the aisles could not be used for that purpose and replied that he had fixed it all right with Hardt. The superintendent persisted in his refusal and the exhibitor went back to Hardt's office. He came back again saying that he had it fixed with Hardt and that Hardt had told him to fix it with the [?]  Scanned image of page 188 would be all right. He illustrated his idea of "fixing it" by slipping a $10 gold piece into the superintendent's hand. The latter refused to accept the gift, but the stands were installed in the aisles over his protest and they remained there during the remainder of the exposition.

His Treatment of Women.

The insults to which women who were compelled to do business with Hardt were subjected have been notorious all through the exposition and apparently this official made no distinction in his inexcusable verbal assaults on the women who came into his office. His profanity was just as picturesque when half a dozen women were in his office as though there was not a woman within ten blocks. Here is a sample of the sort of humor with which he entertained his feminine visitors when he was in his jovial moods:

A gentleman who is connected with the exposition in an official capacity was waiting for an audience with Hardt when an unmistakably modest and respectable woman entered on a similar mission. Hardt turned to him and he explained that he was merely there as a messenger boy, and the woman, who was evidently in a hurry, added that she was just a messenger boy, too. She regretted her pleasantry a minute later when the gentlemanly head of the department turned to her and insultingly inquired, "Have you got pants on?" The lady reddened to the roots of her hair, and as she turned to leave the office Hardt explained, "Oh, I thought all messenger boys wore pants."

Similar instances of unprovoked insult have been in evidence through the entire exposition, but complaints have been unheeded and the offender has been protected, on the theory that the exposition could not get along without him.


Justice Court Dockets Well Filled with Actions Growing Out of the Different Disputes.

The Midway is now furnishing a great source of revenue for the justice courts of the city, each justice having from twenty to fifty cases for trial.

The latest suit to be instituted against a Midway concessionaire is that of George R. Bird against the people who operated the baby incubator over on the East Midway. The plaintiff was a lecturer and for weeks he explained the scientific principles involved in connection with the incubator and during his leisure hours "barked" for the show. Now he says that Dr. Schenkien and the other people connected with the concern failed to pay him his wages. In addition to suing he has attached the cases and compartments where the infants were kept while on exhibition.

Justice Houck has forty suits on his docket against the Clifford Theater company and almost as many more against the Moorish Village company, many of them growing out of failure to pay salaries, while others were started with a view to collect for goods and materials sold and delivered.

The criminal suits against H. B. Hardt of the Exhibits department of the exposition, wherein the defendant is charged with forged in tampering with awards after the same had been passed upon and turned in by the judges, were called in Justice Cockrell's court, but as neither side was ready for trial they were continued until Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock.

Leaves the Midway in Darkness.

City Electrician Schurig and Electrician Rustin of the exposition have decided to avoid all danger of fire from electric wiring on the exposition grounds by cutting out the circuits. In accordance with this determination power for incandescent lights in all the buildings on the grounds has been shut off. Arc lights will be run in the main buildings to enable the exhibitors to pack up their goods by night, but the buildings on the Midway will be in darkness and the concessionaires who are left will have to work in the daytime. A few arc lights will also be left on the grounds outside the buildings.


Judge Scott Puts a Construction on the Restraining Order He Recently Issued.

An effort was made by the Omaha Merchants' Express and Transfer company to have Judge Fawcett enjoin other hauling concerns from carting any of the exhibits away from the exposition but the judge refused to act in view of an order of Judge Scott recently. During the afternoon W. N. Babcock, manager of the Transportation department of the exposition, went before Judge Scott for a construction of the order made in favor of his former superintendent, John O. Owens, restraining the exposition from preventing Owens or other hauling concerns from taking away stuff from the exposition grounds. The judge explained that under his order parties other than the transfer company could do any hauling asked to be done by the exhibitors or concessionaires but would not have the right to go into the grounds and solicit business; that is to say, they could only haul away such stuff as they would be specifically asked to do. To get into the grounds it would be necessary for them to obtain a permit. Mr. Babcock denies that there is any monopoly of the transfer business any more than the rights of the exposition warrant.

Harry Took a Bath.

Harry Hotchkiss, 14 years old, claims that he accomplished the most original feat of all the revelers at the exposition on the closing night. Shortly before the lights went out for the last time Hotchkiss and several companions went to get a final view of the lagoon. Hotchkiss was doing a contortionist act on the railing when he was awkward and unlucky enough to fall in. The water was beyond his depth and the boy plunged desperately about until he could reach a hand extended by a startled comrade. Hotchkiss was escorted to his home at 1512 Sherwood avenue with chattering teeth but little the worse for his bath.


Superintendents Berlin and Taylor Made Recipients of Mementos.

Superintendent Berlin of the Agriculture building was remembered yesterday noon by the exhibitors who have occupied the structure during the summer. Yesterday morning the exhibitors held a meeting in the Missouri booth, where and when it was decided to buy a gold-headed stick. President Sterrett of the Missouri commission was detailed to purchase the stick and also to make the presentation speech, both of which he did in a manner most satisfactory to all of the parties concerned in the transaction. The present was a complete surprise to Mr. Berlin and was received by him with thanks. He said he appreciated the gift very much and that he appreciated the good will of the exhibitors much more than money.

Over at the Horticulture building a number of the exhibitors gathered and sent one of their number over to the office of Superintendent Taylor to notify him that they were very much dissatisfied with some of the detail work that he had been performing with reference to the displacement of the exhibits. The superintendent responded promptly, but could not remember an instance wherein he had incurred the displeasure of any one. Upon reaching the building he found a group of men engaged in holding a spirited conversation. He head his name mentioned and at once pushed his way through the crowd and asked the cause of the trouble. He was informed that during the last summer he has been closely watched and as none of the exhibitors will be able to watch him in the future, they had all clubbed together and had purchased a watch to assist in the undertaking. With these words Superintendent Taylor was presented with a valuable gold watch, a gift from the exhibitors in the building. Mr. Taylor declared that he was unable to express his thanks in words, but assured all present that he would always remember the last five months as one of the most enjoyable periods of his life.


Railroads Put the Midway People on a Par with Other Patrons.


Airtight Agreement Names Two-thirds of Regular Tariff for Parties of Five or More Signed by All the Local Lines.

The Midway concessionaires and other people attracted here by the Transmississippi Exposition are recovering from the closing that made the thoroughfare famous just in time to wake up to the sad fact that they will have to leave considerable more money with the railroad companies than they had anticipated. They are learning that a railroad combination is a harder thing to buck than anything they met during the exposition season and admit that their prospects for half rates, with a pass for the concessionaire, have really gone a-glimmering.

The agreement of the Omaha terminal lines, drawn up by General Passenger Agent John Francis of the B. & M. and signed by the general agent of each line running out of here, has so far withstood the troublesome pertinacity of the Midway denizens, and if lasts through today it is not likely to be broken. The agreement, in brief, provides for a rate of two-thirds of the regular one-way fare to be given to each member of any party of five or more members, with the stipulation that no passes or other forms of transportation shall be given to any person or persons connected with the movement.

The passenger officials say that there is nothing in the agreement contrary to the law as interpreted by the Interstate Commerce commission, as any party of five or more passengers may secure the same rates offered to the Midway and other exposition folks who are to leave the city. The railroad attorneys have carefully examined the instrument and say there is nothing illegal about it and declare that it will stand any test in the courts.

The local representatives of the various railroads who formed the agreement are being highly complimented by the executive officers of their respective lines for conserving so much revenue. There is no doubt that the absence of an agreement on rates would have meant a lively fight for the business with the result that many of the exposition people would have been carried away from here at a great deal less than half rates.

It is estimated that about 2,000 directly or indirectly connected with the exposition are affected by the passenger agreement. Of this number only about 600 are connected with the Midway shows. The leading concerns outside of the Midway are the opticians who had booths in all the buildings and who form one company, the souvenir sellers, the government attaches, Innes' band and the various troupes of vaudeville stars down town. All of these companies would have been carried at rates lower even than exposition travel had the lines ever engaged in a scramble for the business, but if the agreement is maintained all will pay two-thirds of the regular fare and will transfer some of the dollars coined on the Midway to the exchequers of the western railroads.

Notes of the Exposition.

The Kansas state building has been purchased by G. E. Carlson, who will wreck the structure and use the timbers and materials in the construction of barns and outhouses. The purchase price was $150.

Fifty of the exposition guards were mustered out of service yesterday. An additional cut is expected, as it is proposed to merely keep enough men in service to protect the buildings and their contents from fire and vandalism.

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the exposition has been called for next Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The call provides that all matters pertaining to general business shall be discussed. The meeting will be held in the rooms in the administration arch.

Some of the wildly hilarious crowd that populated the Midway early yesterday morning succeeded in doing some damage to other features than the Midway. One gang of unscrupulous revelers got into the Transportation building and were beginning to tear relics from the Lincoln car, when they were discovered and dispersed. As it was they succeeded in securing a few splinters from portions of the curiosity, but the damage was not serious.

Prof. Stevens was the victim of the vandals who strolled up and down the Midway during the evening of the close of the exposition. He is the owner of a very fine stereopticon plant, which was stored in one of the side rooms of the music stand. Some time between noon and midnight on the closing day of the exposition parties broke into [?]

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Proposition to Repeat the Success of 1898 Meets with Encouragement.


Enthusiastic Meeting of Stockholders of the Late Great Fair Favors Going Ahead with a Bigger and Better One.

The plan to repeat next year, even upon a larger scale, the magnificent Transmississippi and International Exposition that has just passed into history was launched at a meeting of stockholders of the now dead exposition company in the city council chamber last night. About 100 of the stockholders were in attendance and with complete unanimity they placed themselves on record as being in favor of a repetition of the great fair.

The wisdom of the well worn saw that nothing succeeds like success was emphasized at this meeting. There were present in the attendance representatives of the small stockholders and the big stockholders, the humble citizens and the energetic business and professional men, whose money had brought the late enterprise to such a successful issue; there were also present men, some of considerable means, who had not had confidence in the exposition when it was first planned. Its successful issue induced the former class to express themselves as willing to subscribe as much and double what they had put in before; the latter paid tribute to the magnificent result by promising to make up for their remissness in connection with the coming and second exposition.

Feeling the Public Pulse.

It was not a meeting to secure subscriptions, but to secure the sentiment of exposition stockholders regarding a continuance of the exposition next year. The object was fully attained; there was but one sentiment and that was enthusiastically in favor of a second exposition. But in addition to this, promises of some $65,000 cash subscriptions were given and not a few of those present agreed to double the amount of stock they have in the present exposition company. With this the meeting was satisfied. It was decided to let a committee of ten, to be appointed by the chair, go over the situation to see if the grounds can be secured, to canvass the probable subscriptions list and in fact to examine thoroughly into the proposed plan. This committee is to report at another meeting to be held next Friday night in the council chamber.

The meeting convened shortly after the city council adjourned its session and was called to order by President Bingham of that body. J. E. Baum was elected chairman of the meeting. He in a very few words explained the object of the meeting and immediately called for expressions of opinion. General Clarkson was the first to be called upon.

General Clarkson stated that the second exposition plan seemed to him entirely feasible and practicable. It would be an added feather in Omaha's cap, for on top of bringing an exposition to a successful financial close, the city is proposing to do something that has never been attempted—to repeat an exposition in the succeeding year. There is no reason why once a success the exposition should not again be made a success, for it has not been attended in the past five months by one-third of the people tributary to it. Its beauties and its magnificence will be advertised by those who have attended. The plant is on hand, is in splendid condition and can easily be improved upon. Seventy-five per cent of the exhibitors will be glad to return and the places of the other 25 per cent can be filled with finer exhibits. As great an attendance will not be required to make it a financial success as was the case with the past exposition. The speaker admitted that there are a large number of obstacles, such as the possible refusal of the government to make another exhibit, but he believed that they can all be mastered.

Mr. Rosewater's Ideas.

Mr. Rosewater was called upon next and also expressed himself as confident of success if the second exposition was properly managed. He declared that the exposition just closed had been begun under adverse circumstances and conditions and its record has been unsurpassed in the history of expositions of the United States. The question now is whether this success can be repeated. It is somewhat doubtful if it could be under the same circumstances, but under the existing situation another exposition as creditable may be the result. Above all things the citizens have gained self-confidence, an essential factor in all undertakings. One thing is absolutely requisite—to have a certain amount of money in sight. This time, however, not one-quarter of the amount the present exposition ought to have had when the exposition was started will be required. Assuming that the grounds as at present formed can be secured, Mr. Rosewater estimated that $50,000 will be needed to maintain them until the opening in the spring and $150,000 more to embellish them, replace damages, advertise and give bonuses for several important features that cannot otherwise be secured.

It cost $2,000 a day to run the late exposition, and while this expense may be cut down by $500, Mr. Rosewater thought it would be sage to estimate that it will be the same. Therefore he asserted that the new company should have $500,000 behind it. He felt confident that that sum would be secured at the gates and another $100,000 could be secured for concessions, one-half the present exposition company realized, without charging anything for space.

Mr. Rosewater also pointed out that great obstacles must be overcome. He had thought at first, for example, that the probable refusal of the government to put in an exhibit would be an insurmountable obstacle, but he had come to the conclusion that an exhibit from Porto Rico, Cuba and other territory recently secured by the United States would be as great an attraction. He said that the men who had brought the exposition to such a magnificent ending should not be called upon to do the work again, but nevertheless offered to do all in his power to make the proposed exposition as successful as the one just closed.

Major Hambleton's Encouragement.

Major Hambleton, secretary of the Illinois commission, urged that after closing the most magnificent exposition next to the World's Fair ever held in the history of the world, Omaha should make a great effort to continue it another year. He pointed out, however, that it must not be held for the purpose of making money, but be planned on the broad plane of bringing credit to the west and spreading knowledge of the resources of the west. The success of the past summer indicates success next year, for there are twenty or more western states which will want to have buildings on the ground. He advised that the present exposition managers should be invited to have a large part in the new undertaking, as the almost insurmountable obstacles they have overcome have marked them as men fitted for the places.

Major Wheeler, secretary of the New York state commission, declared that a second exposition is a matter that can be properly and easily financiered and with the consent of neighboring cities and towns can be made as great a success as the past exposition. He felt quite certain that the exhibits would be much finer, as eastern merchants are sorry that they did not take advantage of the opportunity that has passed. He, too, declared that less than one-third of the people living right about Omaha had not attended. He insisted that this resulted from the fact that they were too poor to come and he urged that if the second exposition is a go, arrangements should be made with the railroads to decrease the cost of attendance.

John R. Key, the artist connected with the Illinois commission, spoke from an artist's standpoint and declared that it would be cruel to permit the present beautiful grounds to go to wreck and ruin. He said that the exposition had become a thing of really world-wide fame and that Omaha should by all means preserve it a year longer, if possible.

C. M. Wilhelm said that he had been in some doubt about the advisability of continuing the exposition, but he had become much encouraged after listening to what had been said and felt that success was certain if the support of such states as Illinois and New York could be secured.

Will Double His Subscription.

W. B. Taylor said that with the prestige that had been secured as a result of the success of the exposition just ended he believed that its scope should be enlarged—that it should be transformed from a transmississippi into a national exposition. H. J. Penfold supported this idea and to start the ball rolling announced that he was ready to double his subscription to the old company.

Joseph Barker stated that he had not seen his way clear to do anything in the way of helping the exposition just closed, but promised that he would make up for his remissness.

Joseph Hayden and J. L. Brandies each announced that their firms would subscribe $5,000. Peter E. Iler offered to subscribe a similar amount and Major Wheeler said that in behalf of himself and his state he would take another $5,000. Offerings came in until a total of some $65,000 had been made. P. E. Iler suggested that $100,000 should be [?]

H. J. Penfold suggested that it might possibly be difficult to secure a re-lease of the grounds. Mr. Iler said that Kountze and Woolworth had told him they would give their lands if taxes were paid.

Mr. Rosewater said there would be no difficulty in securing the consent of the large land owners, but felt that smaller property owners, who number altogether some hundreds, might be unwilling to allow their land to be used again.

It was finally decided to let a committee investigate this matter and also see how large a subscription could be secured. Chairman Baum was given power to select this committee. It will be appointed today and will report at a meeting of the stockholders to be held Friday night.

Commercial Club Favorable.

The question of continuing the exposition next year was discussed informally at the meeting of the executive committee of the Commercial club yesterday noon. No action was taken, but the members expressed themselves freely in regard to the matter.

It was the general sentiment of all the members of the committee that a continuation of the fair would be both practical and successful. They said that the plant is there and paid for. The interiors of the buildings are in good condition, and with but a small expenditure they may be made as attractive as they have been this year. The fact that there is now an organization ready to take hold was admitted to be strongly in favor of the new venture and would save both time and energy.

The members thought that it would not be necessary to charge for space for exhibits next year, and the management could therefore, by choosing what should be admitted, be able to place before the public a much better show. The railroads have been awakened so that next year's exposition would get much more and far better assistance from this direction.

The sentiment was unanimous that people want the amusement and instruction such as only an exposition can afford, and that from the army of walking advertisements that have attended during the last five months, many more may be counted on if the thing is tried again.

Complaint from the Exhibitors.

There is general complaint by exhibitors on account of the delay that they experience in securing permits to move their goods. There was only one man in Manager Babcock's office yesterday to attend to an amount of work that would have kept half a dozen busy. The exhibitors secured their orders for permits, had their wagons ready and were then compelled to stand in line for one and frequently two hours in order to secure their permit.


Minnesota Commission Contemplates Making a Notable Donation.

The city of Omaha stands an excellent chance of acquiring the Minnesota building for a park house for Riverview park. Whether or not it secures the building will be known to a certainty next Thursday, when the Minnesota commission holds its meeting in St. Paul. The building cost the sum of $10,000 and the proposition is to donate it to the city of Omaha, conditioned that it is located in Riverview park and there maintained as a public park house. Commissioner Field is strongly in favor of the plan, as is also Secretary Danforth of the commission. Both of the members have been working with their associates on the commission and say that if the full membership is in attendance the vote will be 18 to 12 in favor of making the donation.

Soon after the Minnesota building was erected Commissioner Field took the position that the house should be given to Omaha as a gift from the state of Minnesota. Ever since then he had clung to this opinion and has advocated it both here and at home. At the start a large number of the members of the commission favored selling the house, but both Commissioner Field and Secretary Danforth argued against it and showed to the other members of the commission the advertising that Minnesota will receive by presenting the building to this city. One by one the members of the commission came over and now there is a majority in favor of the donation.

F. C. Austin, a millionaire of Harvey, Ill., has a conditional option upon the Minnesota building, having offered to pay $1,000 for it just as it stands. His option will not be in effect after November 8 and if the building is not sold to him prior to that date it will go to the city, even if the commission should not pass upon the matter at the meeting to be held on Thursday.

Commissioner Field contends that it is far better for the state to give the Minnesota building to the city than to sell it for the paltry sum of $1,000. He says he knows of no better way of continuing the friendly relations between Minnesota and Omaha [?]

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Good Thing for Douglas County.

Superintendent Walker, who had charge of the Douglas county horticultural exhibit from the opening to the close of the exposition, in discussing its effect upon fruit raising in the county, said: "I am satisfied with the showing that we made. During the last five months we have exhibited a greater variety of fruit than any of the states outside of Nebraska. We have shown every variety of fruit known to this latitude and it has equalled that from the irrigated regions of the west. I think the Douglas county exhibit will have much to do in the way of increasing the acreage planted to fruit in this county. The exhibit was carefully studied, by not only those from abroad, but also by our own people, who heretofore have never gone into fruit raising. They were surprised to what an extent the industry can be carried on and next season hundreds of the farmers will add many trees to their orchards."

Regarding apples and grapes, Mr. Walker said: "We have furnished the most conclusive evidence of what the county can do and in the future I predict that the commission men will look more to encouraging home industry than they have in the past. The award of the judge, who gave us a dozen gold and as many silver medals on our fruit, shows conclusively that we raise not only fine berries, pears and peaches, but apples and grapes that are world beaters.

"In my judgment the exposition has been worth thousands of dollars to the fruit men of the county and next year they will find a market for all of the fruit that they can raise. The market will not be entirely local, but will include the towns and cities of all of the adjoining states."


Restraining Order is Issued in Another Exposition Case.


Oriental Exposition Company Secures Permission to Remove Its Goods in Despite of the Concessions Departments or the Guards.

Another injunction has been issued by Judge Scott, or rather, a restraining order anticipating an injunction. The Oriental Exhibition company (Streets of Cairo) is again the petitioner and the question of hauling stuff away is raised in a new form.

Complaint was made by this concern yesterday afternoon against the exposition and S. B. Wadley and C. E. Llewellyn, respectively the superintendent of concessions and the chief of the guards, alleging that the Oriental Exhibition company is denied access to the grounds and prevented from hauling, or having hauled, any of its property away. Judge Scott granted the restraining order asked for and set the case for Saturday for a hearing on its merits. Meanwhile the Streets of Cairo people can go ahead under this order and take their entire outfit from the grounds.

The contempt case against Messrs. Wattles, Reed and Wadley of the exposition (constructively) and Chief of Guards C. E. Llewellyn, Cashiers W. W. Wilkinson and J. P. Pryor, Ticket Taker M. P. Badd, Chief Inspector C. E. Brownlee, Inspector Murray Hill and Guard G. L. Martin, came up before Judge Scott at the time set, but was continued over to Wednesday morning for a hearing. This proceeding arose out of the Fred T. Cummins seat controversy. All the defendants appeared and upon arraignment pleaded not guilty.


President Baum Names the Conference Committee to Decide the Fate of the Project.

President J. E. Baum of the Omaha Commercial club has selected the following committee to confer with the executive committee of the Transmississippi Exposition regarding the holding of an exposition at Omaha in 1899: Herman Kountze, Frank Murphy, John A. Creighton, George W. Holdrege, Peter E. Iler, Edward A. Cudahy, William D. McHugh, William A. Paxton, Joseph H. Millard and Jacob E. Markel. The conference will be held at the Millard hotel at 12:30 o'clock. On the result of this meeting will largely depend the next public meeting, the time and [?]


Exposition Company Held Up as Well as Exhibitors and Concessionaires.


Two Sample Instances in Which Large Sums Were Diverted from the Exposition Treasury and No Trace of it Left.

The officials who have been responsible for the continuance of H. B. Hardt as superintendent of the Department of Exhibits after his undisguised holdup of exhibitors had become notorious are having something to think about. The genial alacrity with which Hardt has levied tribute on all comers has aroused a vigorous indignation on the part of everyone who is familiar with his methods. Although the mouths of the principal sufferers are closed for fear that they will again be dependent on Hardt's favor at subsequent expositions, the sentiment is growing that his conduct is a disgrace to the exposition that should no longer be condoned.

As a matter of fact, the most serious irregularities that are charged to Hardt's administration have never been made public. His unprovoked insults to women and his wholesale collections from exhibitors are supplemented by a condition of affairs in connection with favors shown to certain exhibitors that demands the most searching investigation. In these cases the exposition has been robbed of hundreds of dollars, and the records point conclusively to Hardt as the man who is responsible for the loss.

These cases arose in connection with the concessions that were located in the main exhibit buildings after the exposition opened. As soon as it was decided to admit these features there was a lively rivalry among concessionists for the few favored spaces that remained available. Most of them were willing to pay good prices for certain locations, but in a large number of instances, through the connivance of Hardt, they secured these very spaces for from $50 to $300 less than they originally offered the Department of Concessions for them. Where the remainder of the money went to is a question that Hardt will undoubtedly be called upon to answer in the near future.

One Man Who "Saved" Money.

One man offered the exposition $300 for a vacant space in the Manufactures building. The offer was refused because Hardt declared that the space could not be sold, and the applicant finally took a less central location and paid the exposition $100 for it. Immediately after, by virtue of some arrangement known only to himself and the superintendent of exhibits, he moved into the $300 space that he had originally applied for and the exposition never received a cent aside from the $100 that he paid for the inferior location.

Another man offered $750 for a vacant space in the Machinery and Electricity building. In this case Hardt played the same smooth game. The application was turned down on his insistence and the applicant paid $500 for another space in the same building. Subsequently by appeared in the space originally applied for, where he remained through the exposition. No additional payment was made to the exposition, which lost $250 by the transaction.

The same procedure was followed in other cases of which a dozen have already been discovered. The facts have been placed in the hands of President Wattles, who is now in Chicago, and it is expected that the matter will be taken up officially after he returns. The aggregate amount of which the exposition has been defrauded by this trick alone runs well into four figures, and the investigations has not been completed.

How an Exhibitor Suffered.

The troubles that beset exhibitors who failed to submit to the holdup tactics of Hardt and his lieutenants are in striking contrast to the favors that were shown to others who were less independent. The Omaha Glove company, which has an establishment on South Thirteenth street, did not comply with a request to contribute $25 toward the purse for Superintendent Hardt. Consequently when the jury on awards awarded the company a gold medal on green lamb glace Hardt arbitrarily refused to deliver the goods. One of the members of the firm called on him Saturday, but all he could get out of him was a statement that the award was a mistake and he could not get a medal.

According to the statements of members of the firm they have had all sorts of trouble all through the exposition. In the first place they declare that Hardt deprived them of fifteen feet of space that they had paid for. Then their show cases were broken open and seventy-seven pairs of gloves were stolen.[?]ey have never been able to obtain any satisfaction, and now propose to sue the exposition unless their claims are investigated.

The criminal case of the State against H. B. Hardt, late superintendent of the Department of Concessions of the exposition, charged with having changed the awards made by some of the judges, was called before Justice Cockrell this afternoon, but as none of the attorneys were ready for trial, the hearing went over until tomorrow afternoon.


Meeting of Transmississippi Directors This Afternoon May Settle the Matter.


Executive Committee and Commercial Club Representatives Hold a Private Confab with Results Announced as Satisfactory.

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the exposition which will be held in the Administration Arch at 3 o'clock this afternoon promises to be one of the most important sessions of recent months. Not only will the question of immediate action in regard to a rebate to stockholders come up for decision, but another matter connected with the scheme to continue the exposition in 1899 as a private enterprise will probably demand attention.

A number of the capitalists who are interested in the scheme met with the executive committee at the Millard hotel yesterday afternoon. Managers Lindsey, Rosewater, Kirkendall and Reed were present and Herman Kountze, P. E. Iler, Frank Murphy, J. E. Baum and others represented the interests of the projected company. The idea was discussed for nearly two hours in a general way. Mr. Iler and his colleagues were given a good deal of information designed to give them an idea of the situation, but as they had no definite proposition to offer in connection with the acquirement of the buildings and improvements no positive action resulted. They agreed to formulate a proposition and present it to the executive committee at the Administration Arch at 2 o'clock this afternoon, with the understanding that it will be brought before the big board when it meets an hour later.

While yesterday's conference was entirely in executive session, and none of those present were willing to divulge a definite statement of the situation, the fact that the backers of the 1899 idea have decided to present a definite proposition to the exposition management is taken as an indication that they propose to push the project. Mr. Iler, who is one of the most enthusiastic advocates of the plan, said that the matter had not gone far enough to warrant publication, but in a general way he seemed to be very well satisfied with the result of the conference.

In this connection it is a significant indication that two or three real estate men were waiting in the hotel lobby to learn whether the meeting developed any certainty that the enterprise would be carried on. One of them stated that he believed that if this was decided on it would soon result in some considerable investments in Omaha. He said that in Chicago, for instance, business is very dull with poor prospects for the immediate future. One of his correspondents has dealt largely in Chicago real estate, but more recently he has been pulling his money out as rapidly as possible, while he declined to make any further investments in that city. He had at present $70,000 in Chicago banks which he was thinking of putting into Omaha property and he was very anxious to secure reliable information whether there would be an exposition here in 1899. The Omaha man said that he did not have the slightest doubt that if the plan went through a large proportion of this and other idle money would come to Omaha.

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Freight Men Giving Themselves No Uneasiness About the Business.


Agreement Made at the Beginning is Now Being Fulfilled—Revenue to the Railroads is Very Light.

The freight men are not having much harder work in watching the return shipments of exhibits and other material from the exposition than are the passenger men in standing back enjoying the sight of the Midway folks paying two-thirds regular fare.

The exhibits were sent in here on the payment of full freight rates with the understanding that they would be sent back to their point of origin free of charge, providing they had not changed hands while here. As fast as the necessary papers are secured from the Department of Transportation the exhibits are being moved out.

Some of the property that was brought here for sale as merchandise will go back to the warehouses of the respective owners. For this traffic, which will be moved on prevailing freight rates, there is some competition. The amount of this material is not great and $1,000 probably covers the freight charges that will be paid. Some of the lines secured quite a little freight business out of the larger Midway concessions. The Hagenbeck show was taken to Kansas City. The big see-saw will remain here for several months, until the owners decide where they want it to swing next.

The passenger agreement providing that none of the Midway business, or other exposition travel, should be moved out for less than two-thirds of the regular fare, with no free transportation to be issued, still stands fairly well intact. It was somewhat fractured on Thursday afternoon, one small party getting out of the city over the Wabash road on half rates. There was a little flurry over this, but the matter was satisfactorily explained as a "charity case" on Friday morning, and peace is still preserved and revenue conserved by the local passenger men.


Bond Given to Indemnify the Claimants in Justice Court.

The Baby incubator people, who did business on the East Midway during the exposition, have again secured possession of their incubators and have turned the babies over to the people to whom they belonged. All during the exposition these people showed babies in glass cases for the purpose of proving to the public that there was a way other than the old way to raise babies. The show attracted thousands of people and proved to be one of the features of the Midway. After it was all over the employes discovered that they had been spending a portion of their time working for fun, as the proprietor was not inclined to settle and pay their salaries, whereupon the aforesaid employes attached the incubators and the babies that were in them. The suit was brought in justice court and was to have come on for trial today, but when everything was ready the aforesaid proprietors filed the required bond and again came into possession of the plant, which is still in position on the East Midway.

The men who worked for the Baby incubator concern now feel secure, and are of the opinion that they will get their pay, as the bond that has been filed is regarded as ample security for all of the debts.

Condrom Gets a Ring.

Sergeant Condrom, who was in command of the detachment of the Exposition guards, designated as "Company Z," has been remembered by his boys. Last night they met at the Montana state building and presented the commanding officer with a valuable gold ring. The presentation speech was made by President Sutherlin of the Montana State commission to which Sergeant Condrom responded. After the speeches refreshments and light drinks were served.


How the Department of Exhibits Helped Swell Deadheads' Total.


Some Instances in Which Passes Were Given to People Having No Right to Them—Pull that an Agency Enjoyed.

That investigation of pass abuses that consistently refrained from discovering anything might have worked to some purpose if a little more careful attention had been paid to the long list of passes that were issued at the request of Superintendent Hardt of the Exhibits department. That the pass system was being manipulated for the advantage of persons who had no shadow of right to free admission was apparent to everyone who was familiar with the exposition. It was notorious that hundreds of people were coming through the gates every day on passes to which they were not entitled, but which they had received as personal favors from officials. A large proportion of these came through the Department of Exhibits and it was notorious that an exhibitor who was in favor with the superintendent had no difficulty in securing passes for his friends. Hundreds of people were worked into the grounds all summer in the character of attendants and employes in exhibits when as a matter of fact they never even saw the exhibit in which they were alleged to be employed. The result was a material loss to the exposition, while the favored exhibitors indicated their appreciation by raising an extravagant purse for the man who had connived in the conspiracy.

Some of the pretexts upon which passes were ordered by Hardt were so flimsy that the fraud was unmistakable. In some cases Hardt gave the order with full knowledge that the recipient was not entitled to it. For instance, one of the exhibitors in the Liberal Arts wanted a desk to use during the summer. He called on the proprietor of a local furniture establishment and asked him what he would charge for it. The furniture man suggested that he would give him the use of a desk during the exposition if he would get him a season pass under the pretense that he was connected with his exhibit. The exhibitor told Hardt the whole story and asked him what he could do about it. Hardt replied that that would be all right and gave him an order for a pass for the furniture dealer, although he knew that he had no connection with the exhibit and was also well able to pay his way into the grounds. The result was that one man who would otherwise have contributed a number of dollars admission during the summer had free entrance to the grounds and the exhibitor had his space furnished practically at the expense of the exposition. The same exhibitor says that he knows of a dozen others in the same building who were favored in a similar manner, but such irregularities were kindly overlooked by the pass inspector who was employed to report them.

Aided an Agency.

The superintendent of exhibits is apparently a firm believer in reciprocity, and his experience devised numerous schemes by which the principle was applied to the mutual advantage of himself and certain exhibitors. Since Hardt has succeeded in fixing up the report of the committee on awards to meet his own views the exhibitors are beginning to discover that those who patronized a certain Exhibitors' agency, in which Hardt has been suspected of having an interest, having fared rather better than their neighbors. This agency was organized at the beginning of the exposition at the personal suggestion of Hardt and O. C. Holmes was the ostensible manager. The plan was to secure contracts from exhibitors to take full charge of their exhibits during the summer for a stated compensation. The agency took the goods from the cars, unpacked and installed them, kept the exhibit in good order during the exposition and then shipped the goods back to the exhibitor. Hardt was an enthusiastic capper for this concern and largely through his influence it did quite a flourishing business. Now it is alleged that medals have been distributed among the exhibitors who patronized the agency with a lavish impartiality that left nothing to be desired. Just how far this imposition on the remaining exhibitors was carried cannot be discovered. The full list of exhibits that were handled by the agency is in the hands of Mr. Holmes, who declines to give any information on the subject. He says that this is his private business and that he does not propose to provide ammunition that might be used against himself.


Both Command the Country's Admiration and Commendation.

Chicago Tribune: The Transmississippi Exposition at Omaha has closed its doors, and the Omahans are rejoicing, and not without reason, that they have closed with a record of total attendance over 2,625,000, and a surplus of nearly $400,000. That shows good management. It is a record-breaker of which the officials have every reason to be proud. Again, all the medals and diplomas will be given out before the exhibitors leave Omaha. That is another thing of which to be proud. But there is a rift in this tuneful lute. The Wild West show is going into court to get $50,000, the Oriental companies to get $50,000 more, the Streets of Cairo company for another $50,000, and the slot machine man and several other concessionaires want heavy damages for alleged violations of contract. If they are all successful the surplus may be wiped out. Let us hope not, however. Omaha deserves to have that surplus.

Chicago Times-Herald: Nothing but good words and compliments are to be given to Omaha and "the parts adjacent thereto" for the splendid triumph of the Transmississippi Exposition. Rarely if ever has a local exposition been more attractive or more beautiful, and never has one been more fortunate financially. In this last respect it has excelled the World's Columbian Exposition, showing a surplus that will probably repay all of the stockholders.

This was certainly a good investment for the people of Omaha, who entertained, instructed and amused over 2,500,000 guests and gave world-wide fame to their city. The Times-Herald takes equal pride with the actual promoters of the exposition in its magnificent results, for they are a victory for American character, courage and industry. In these respects the exposition was national.

Chicago sends greetings to its younger sister on the sunset side of the Big Muddy!

Indianapolis News: The Omaha exposition, which closed Monday night, was in every way a brilliant success. It is reputed to have been the greatest exposition the country has ever seen, with the single exception of the great Columbian fair five years ago at Chicago. In some respects, as in the electrical, the mining and the agricultural display, Omaha surpassed even Chicago. Moreover, the fair was a financial success. We suppose this does not mean that the income paid all the cost of installation, for much of this was borne by public appropriations. But the revenues were sufficient to reimburse the men who ventured their money in the enterprise. The exposition speaks volumes for the energy and faith of the people of Omaha and Nebraska, who, through the recent years of stress, went on with their preparations. This exposition affords, also, an impressive illustration of the vastness of our country. East of the Mississippi people have known and cared little about the exposition. Perhaps if the war had not absorbed so much attention they would have known more of it, but as things have been, they have failed to realize how great the fair really was. It may be, too, that the many expositions in recent years have taken the edge off the public appetite. But in the great new west, between the Mississippi and the mountains, the people have been vastly interested, and from the opening to the close of the fair have poured into Omaha by the tens of thousands. We congratulate the city and the managers of the fair on the great success they have achieved.

Washington Dispatch to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat: The sale of the Transmississippi Exposition stamps has more than realized the expectations of the Postoffice department. Up to date about $2,000,000 worth of them have been sold. Probably about $350,000 of these have gone to collectors. The department will continue to issue the exposition stamps up to December 31. The estimate of the third assistant postmaster general is that about 2,500,000 in all will be issued. The stamps were a great advertisement to the exposition, attracting attention to it throughout the world. The "Omaha stamps," as they are called, are considered the handsomest ever issued by the department, and are in great demand by stamp collectors everywhere.

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More Exposition Medals Struck--Electrical Machinery Finds Buyers--White City Echoes.

The big engine in the power house at the exposition has been started up to furnish power for the mint machine in the Government building to strike off a few more souvenir medals. The supply has fallen short.

Almost all the electrical machinery on exhibition found purchasers.

All of the furniture in the Minnesota building not sold has been packed and hauled down town to the cars.

The department of buildings and grounds is getting the switch tracks uncovered and expects to have cars in the main court in three or four days.

Mrs. Hittinger, wife of Sergeant Hittinger of the war department, has been suffering from blood poisoning. Monday Mrs. Hittinger fainted on the Midway through heart trouble, and was taken to the emergency hospital. There a hypodermic injection was given in each arm. Her physician alleges that the blood poisoning was doubtless caused by the use of a syringe that had not been thoroughly disinfected.

The members of the life saving crew got away Thursday, with the exception of Lieutenant McLellan. The apparatus is ready for shipment.

Mr. Ewell of the agricultural department in the Government building has gone. Miss Cook of the Indian office left yesterday.

The New York building has been sold to Paul W. Horbach. He owns some lots near where the German village stands. He will move the building on one of these, make it a permanent frame building and convert it into a double dwelling house.


They Paid Exposition Company in Gross Receipts $307,000.

Manager A. L. Reed of the concessions department is congratulating himself upon the good condition of the finances of his department.

The total revenue of the department for the entire time of the exposition was $307,000.

Of this large amount less than $2,000 is set down as uncollectible, the balance having been paid in full, with the exception of a few small items which Mr. Reed regards as perfectly good.

Deducting from this amount about $100,000 which represents, approximately, the cash payments, approximately, the cash payments, space charges, etc., paid by concessionaires, there remains about $200,000, the latter amount representing about one-fifth of the sum collected by concessionaires from visitors, as the exposition received from concessionaires a percentage on receipts which averaged about one-fifth of the gross receipts. From this is follows that exposition visitors paid to concessionaires about $1,000,000.

Says Trilby Escaped.

Manager Reed and Superintendent Wadley of the concessions department were congratulating themselves yesterday morning upon the smooth manner in which they had outwitted Attorney Strickler and broken the Svengallian charm by which the painting "Trilby" had been carried out of the possession of the exposition. An attachment was issued from a justice court and the Trilby boxes seized.

Attorney Strickler never said a word until this afternoon, when he announced in fiendish glee that "Trilby" was several hundred miles from Omaha and out of the reach of the exposition. He said the exposition had a few old boxes under its attachment to which it was welcome, but that the picture was not in any of them.


James M. Woods Says Both East and West Want Exposition Continued.

James M. Woods of Rapid City, S. D., whose large cattle and other business interests call him to all parts of the country, is in the city this week, and was asked for an outside and unprejudiced view on the matter of holding an exposition in Omaha next year.

Mr. Woods declared his belief that Omaha should hold another exposition and his confidence that it would not only be a success financially, but be of greater benefit to Omaha and the west than the one just closed. Omaha was certainly the place, and the time was favorable for an exposition which would give special attention to exhibits of the products, industries and advantages of Cuba, Porto Rico, the Hawaiian and the Philippine islands, and if this were made a feature of it he stated that visitors and exhibitors would not only come from the eastern states, but also from all the European countries.

The greatest need of reform in the holding of the next exposition, Mr. Woods declared, was in the matter of railroad rates. The rates during the last six weeks of the exposition he believed very favorable, but people wanted some degree of comfort when they traveled, and did not want to be packed in cars like sardines in a box. If some arrangement could be made by which the railways would sell tickets at low rates during the entire exposition, selling one-way tickets only if they were in earnest in their fight on the scalpers, there would not be the excessive crowding during a few weeks of the exposition and it could not fail to be a success in every way. The people, not only of the west but also of the east, would like to see Omaha have an exposition next year, and from the good reports they had received of the one this year more of them would come in 1899.


Important Work Done by the Medical Department During the Big Show.

More Than Two Thousand Cases Received There and No Fatal Results.

Accidents One-Fourth of the Whole--Record Breaking Days--Fifty Wound From Wild Animals.

The emergency hospital at the exposition did not occupy a prominent place on the grounds, nor was the building imposing. It was a painted-over private dwelling, with an addition of frame and plaster, situated on the avenue leading from the main court to the West Midway and between the general offices building and the fire department building. But, though its position was modest, it served a ministry of mercy that will be always remembered with peculiar gratitude by at least half of the individual beneficiaries, and that will be gratefully recognized by all who know or who may learn of the work done inside its walls.

The total attendance at the exposition was something over 2,600,000. One person out of every 1,300 who passed through the gates had, first, the misfortune, and then the good fortune, to go to the emergency hospital. There were 2,016 cases handled there. Not a death in the hospital. Not a death of any person sent from the hospital to any of the city hospitals. There were three deaths on the grounds after the exposition opened. All were sudden. One was that of Dairy Commissioner Gates of Iowa, who dropped dead from heart failure while delivering a speech at a meeting of dairymen in the Dairy building. Another was that of the boy Chinese acrobat at the Chinese village, also from heart failure. The other was that of an Indian baby on the Indian congress grounds. There were two death cases at St. Joseph's hospital of parties from the exposition grounds—an Indian from pneumonia and Mr. Self, a marine, from typhoid fever contracted in the war.

Not one of these was at the emergency hospital.

The hospital record shows some interesting facts. The proportion of accident to illness cases here is greater than that at the Atlanta, the Nashville or the Midwinter expositions. Here the accident cases have been 25 per cent of the whole, the accident cases being 507, and the illness cases being 1,509. This proportion is attributed to the fact that the climate here is more wholesome with respect to heat diseases, and to the excellent management of the medical department of the exposition.

Another interesting fact is that on the record are written some chronic diseases such as eczema, constipation, rheumatism and some others. Medical Director Lee was asked about this. He said that, while he supposed that no one paid his way into the grounds simply to be treated at the hospital free, he knew that many took advantage of the fact of their presence on the grounds to go to the hospital for treatment for chronic ailments.

The most interesting cases, from a professional, medical point of view, were those of bites and lacerations. Most of these, and there were about fifty of them, came from the wild animal shows. Some of the wounds were serious, yet there were no cases of poisoning, and a fatal result in no instance.

One case out of five required the ambulance to get the patient to the hospital. Between 600 and 700 were given treatment in the wards. Between 1,300 and 1,400 got away with the taking only of medicine.

All parties connected with the exposition were treated free and so were all parties who, though generally able to pay, had not the money to do it and then get well home again. Patients who could pay were charged a nominal sum, defrayiyng​ the actual cost of the medicines and a little for service. The whole amount received at the hospital does not exceed $200. Of course this does not pay for the maintenance of the hospital. It was not expected that it would.

The largest number of cases at the hospital daily was on July 4, when seventy people had to go there in the ambulance or on foot and on account of one thing and another. August 20 was the big day for heat prostrations. There were fourteen cases. July 16 came next, when the Third regiment, Bryan's regiment, was bidden good by. On that day there were twelve cases.

The ambulance call record was broken on Mcinley​ day, when twenty-eight out of thirty-seven people, who had to go to the hospital, had to go there in the ambulance.

Dr. W. E. Lee was the medical director. He made it a point to get out to the hospital every day. Dr. Campbell was his chief of staff, and Dr. Strader, the ambulance surgeon. At the hospital were Drs. Updegraff and James and on big days Dr. Powell was there to help. They were well supported by Miss Nelson, the matron and head nurse, and by Mrs. Donaldson, her assistant. The ambulance drivers were James O'Brien and Joseph Vendarfort, who ran over nobody and quickly brought in those whom they went after.


Cairo-Nations Contempt Case Refore​ Judge Scott---Trilby Trips Away—Common Cases.

The exposition managers and the concessionaires from the Streets of Cairo and the Streets of All Nations were the center of attraction in Judge Scott's court yesterday, this being the day set for the hearing on the charge of contempt of an injunction issued by the court to restrain the presentation of oriental features by the Streets of All Nations.

The entire morning was spent in preliminary legal skirmishes on the part of the defendants, including motions to quash, demurrers, etc. All of these were overruled and the introduction of testimony commenced just before the noon adjournment.

On account of the meeting of the exposition directory yesterday afternoon the taking of testimony was continued until this morning, after Attorney Mahoney had introduced the documentary evidence in the case.

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Sealed proposals for the purchase of the following buildings on the Transmississippi and International Exposition grounds will be received at the office of the general superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds department until 11 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, November 15, 1898.

Two South Viaduct Restaurants.
Agricultural Building.
Auditorium Building.
Liberal Arts Building.
Mines and Mining Building.
Fine Arts Building.
Machinery and Electricity Building.
Press Building.
Transportation Building.
Dairy Building.
Manufactures Building.
North and South Colonnades.
Ticket Booths, Exits and Gates.
East End Colonnades.
Two Sanitary Kiosks.
Hospital Annex.
Warehouse Building.
International Building.
Horticultural Building.
Apiary Building.
Service Building.
Fire and Police Building.
Administration Building.
Band Stand.
Arch of States.
North Viaduct.
South Viaduct.
Mirror Colonnades.
Thirty-two Refreshment Kiosks.

Bids to be made on blanks furnished for the purpose.

All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for twenty (20) per cent of the amount of the proposal.

For further particular apply at the office of the general superintendent of the exposition grounds.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.

Mgr. Grounds and Bldgs. Dept. Transmississippi and International Exposition.
Oct31 eN1to14


Sealed proposals for the purchase of the plumbing in the following buildings on the Transmississippi and International Exposition grounds will be received at the office of the general superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds department until 11 o'clock a. m. Tuesday, November 15th, 1898.

Two restaurants buildings at South Viaduct.

Agricultural building.
Auditorium building.
Mines and Mining building.
Fine Arts building.
Machinery and Electricity building.
Press building.
Transportatiion​ building.
Fire and Police building.
Service building.
Administration building.
Dairy building.
Manufactures building.
Hospital annex.
Horticultural building.
Apiary building.
Liberal Arts building.
Two Sanitary Kiosks.

All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for twenty (20) per cent of the amount of the proposal.

For further particulars apply at the office of the general superintendent on the Exposition grounds.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.

Bids to be made on blanks furnished for the purpose.

Mgr. Grounds and Buildings dep't., Transmississippi Exposition.
Oct. 31 E N1 to 14


The Transmississippi and International Exposition offers for sale the three (3) Westinghouse Compound Engines which have been on duty in the Power Plant during the Exposition; each have high pressure cylinder 18-in. diameter low pressure cylinder 30-in. diameter by 16-in. stroke. Engines will be sold singly or together.

For further information apply at the office of the general superintendent on the Exposition grounds.

Mgr. Grounds and Buildings Dep't, Transmississippi Exposition.
O31 to N10 E


Exposition Stockholders Will Receive Back Every Cent They Subscribed.


Time of Declaring the Dividend Ahead of All Previous Expositions.


Financial Condition of the Association is Given to the Body.


Director Will Consider that Matter at a Later Date—Question of Show for Next Year Still Undecided.

Wonderfully as the Transmississippi Exposition has impressed itself on the comprehension of the present generation its greatest triumph occurred today. In exactly five days from the end of the show it is paying its stockholders 75 cents on the dollar and when this is accomplished a sufficient sum will remain in the treasury to meet all prospective obligations and to return at least the remaining 25 per cent. However previous exposition may rival it in other respects, none have even approximated its financial success. It will be the first exposition to pay back dollar for dollar to its stockholders and it is now evident that if it had not been handicapped by unprecedented conditions it would have yielded a large profit in dividends in addition to rebating the original subscriptions.

The preliminary distribution of a proportion of the surplus equal to 75 per cent of the paid up stock was ordered by the Board of Directors yesterday afternoon after a discussion that occupied the bulk of the session. Secretary Wakefield reported that the association has now about $355,000 on hand, against which current bills for October amounting to between $25,000 and $30,000, are outstanding. Paid-up stock subscriptions now aggregate about $271,000. It was therefore calculated that a 75 per cent rebate could be allowed and still leave $100,000 in the treasury to meet prospective obligations.

The question was raised by President Wattles immediately after the board convened. He suggested that a rebate of 50 per cent could be safely ordered. John L. Webster moved that the 75 per cent distribution should be ordered. He contended that this was a conservative amount in view of the statement of the secretary and that it was advisable to distribute as much of the surplus as possible at once. If it was allowed to remain in the treasury it would be an inducement to litigation and it was very possible that the money might be hung up for two years while suits were being fought through the courts.

On Partially Paid Stock.

Thomas Kilpatrick offered an amendment which provided that the rebate should apply on all money actually paid in, whether certificates of stock had been secured or not. He included a provision that the books of the association should close at 6 p. m. yesterday as far as receipts of payments on stock were concerned and that all suits against stockholders for balances should be dismissed.

This brought up the question of the rights of the stockholders who had only partially paid their subscriptions and several directors contended that they should be included in the distribution to the extent that they had actually paid. President Wattles said that the opinion of the attorney on the legal point involved had not been secured, and after some further discussion it was decided to adopt Mr. Webster's resolution, leaving the merits of the partially paid up subscribers to be settled later. The resolution was adopted by 27 to 1, Mr. Lyman casting the only negative vote because he was not in favor of distributing more than 50 per cent at this time. That portion of Mr. Kilpatrick's amendment that related to closing the books and dismissing the suits against the stockholders was subsequently adopted.

The board then considered how the distribution of the surplus was to be effected. It was suggested that if it was known that this action had been ordered it might be possible for a lot of people who had trumped up claims against the association to secure [?] order to avoid this contingency and after considerable discussion Mr. Webster offered a resolution which provided that the secretary should at once draw a voucher on the treasurer in favor of Frank Murphy as trustee for the stockholders for $225,000. This would effect the transfer at once and then Mr. Murphy could distribute the money to the holders of stock certificates as soon as they could be presented.

Mr. Rosewater favored the resolution. He suggested that this was not an ordinary situation and it was essential that the transfer should be made at once, or the money might be tied up in the courts indefinitely. He urged that the rights of the partially paid subscribers were not endangered, as fully $100,000 would remain after the transfer was made.

The resolution was then unanimously adopted and Mr. Murphy was directed to pay the rebate on the presentation of the duly certified stock certificates.

Other Matters Adjusted.

Aside from the action relative to the distribution of surplus the only important action was the receipt of a proposition from the business men who are booming the 1899 exposition to purchase the buildings and all other improvements, together with all other chattel property of the exposition association and all leasehold interests for $10,000. After a brief discussion the proposition was referred to the executive committee with instructions to report back to the board at the next meeting.

The proposition specified that the new company should assume all existing contracts with leaseholders and the city of Omaha relative to leaving the grounds in the same condition that existed before the exposition was built. It was stipulated that $3,000 of the purchase price should be paid as soon as the proposition was accepted and the remaining $7,000 December 1. The first payment was to be forfeited in case the backers of the enterprise failed to form a company to fulfill the remainder of the contract. The document was signed by P. E. Iler and Hayden Brothers, who assumed an equal liability for the purchase price.

The discussion that occurred was hardly sufficient to indicate how the proposition was regarded by a majority of the directors. Mr. Lindsey suggested that before he acted on the matter he wanted to know who was behind it, as this association does not want to dispose of its property except to people who are likely to make a success of the enterprise. He also intimated that the consideration was hardly sufficient. Further debate was avoided by the reference to the executive committee.


Exposition Association Dismisses Its Suits Against Delinquent Subscribers—Another Damage Suit.

The suits brought against 400 of the exposition stockholders who were behind on their payments have been dismissed, the Exposition association paying the costs and ordering the dismissals. This action was taken this morning in Justice Cockrell's court, where the actions were started.

Last July the Exposition association commenced suing the stockholders who were behind on their payments and has been bringing suits at intervals ever since that time. Some of those brought early went to judgment, while others were continued from time to time.

Another suit has been brought against the exposition company in the United States court for $25,000 damages. The plaintiff in this case is Carrie Van Brunt, who gives her place of residence as in Iowa. In addition to the exposition company Frederick T. Cummins and Captain W. A. Mercer are also made defendants. The plaintiff alleges that while occupying a seat at the Indian congress on September 24 it broke and precipitated her to the ground with great force and violence, from which she received internal injuries, and was permanently injured in the back and hips, and particularly in the spine, which have since kept her confined to her bed. In addition to the damages asked, she wants the sum of $404.60 to cover costs she has been put up to for medical treatment, etc.

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Transmississippi and International Exposition Pays Its First Dividend.


Joyous Scene on Farnam Street Which an Enthusiastic Silver Man Took for a Run on the Merchants' Bank.

A silver shouter who figured vociferously in the curbstone debates that characterized the last presidential campaign stood on the corner of Thirteenth and Farnam streets this morning and wriggled and squirmed and twisted in a veritable couchee couchee of delight. A crowd of excited men were surging against the doors of the Merchants' National bank, which was just opening for business. There were lawyers and business men, laborers and mechanics, all jostling each other toward the head of the line and apparently animated by some unusual motive. As the big doors were opened they crowded through and excitedly besieged the cashier's window. That official stood in front of huge piles of gold and bank notes and coolly surveyed the mob that clamored excitedly on the other side of the grating. The gyrations of the calamity man increased in vigor and he could no longer contain himself.

"See there, see there," he yelled exultingly, "there is your McKinley prosperity. It's a run on the bank and these fellows that are telling us that the country is prosperous are right in the push. I tell you we can never have real prosperity until—"

"Shut up, you blooming idiot," advised a man in blue overalls and with the smut of the shops on his face, "these are the stockholders of the only exposition on earth that ever paid back dollar for dollar to its subscribers, and they are here to get their coin. See?"

The curbstone orator stared blankly, gasped in a feeble effort to recover his breath and then vanished softly and sadly into the golden November sunshine.

Handing Out the Cash.

Meanwhile the teller behind the grating was rapidly examining stock certificates and counting out little piles of gold and greenbacks to the men who had backed the transmississippi enterprise with their money and now received the reward of their loyalty and faith. In accordance with the action of the board of directors yesterday afternoon Secretary Wakefield had made out a voucher on Herman Kountze, treasurer, for $225,000, to be paid to Frank Murphy, as trustee, and to be by him distributed to the exposition subscribers. The voucher was delivered just before 6 o'clock last night, and Mr. Kountze immediately delivered to Mr. Murphy a cashier's check for the amount. When the bank opened this morning the money was there and all day today it was being paid out to the stockholders, who passed in a continuous line before the window. As it required some time to pass on the certificates, the crowd accumulated constantly. In an hour the line doubled on itself until the entire interior of the bank was crowded. Every minute or two a happy exposition stockholder walked away from the window with his hands full of money that he had contributed freely without expecting to ever see it again and another moved up to take his place. The ordinary business of the bank was transacted with difficulty, but everyone seemed to sympathize in the delight of the stockholders and the mighty triumph for Omaha that was signified.

The prompt action of the exposition management in paying back its stockholders is a subject of enthusiastic comment, not only in Omaha, but all over the country. President Wattles has just returned from Chicago and he says that during his stay he scarcely heard anything else talked about. Business men of all classes and conditions expressed congratulations and declared that it is the greatest achievement that this country has ever witnessed. "It is the talk of Chicago today," said one of the biggest bankers of the Windy City, "and I want to tell you that it is the biggest and best advertisemen​ that any ciy​ in his​ country has ever enjoyed."

Forced to Use Checks.

The work of paying out cash proved so onerous that it was abandoned and payment by check was substituted. But even this was too slow, and it was found impossible to accommodate everybody. So the stockholders were asked to leave their certificates for listing. Clerks were put to work listing the certificates and preparing the checks, which were signed as fast as written. These will be handled to stockholders Monday morning at the bank. None will be mailed. The large amounts have all been paid and the money either taken away or left on [?]


The dream is over. The voice of the gondolier is silent. The pipes of the organ breathe forth no more sound. The bandmen have packed up their instruments and fled. And the great exposition is a memory.

There has been a large amount of money expended in music at this exposition, and now is the time to reap the benefits. The position of musical director has been a hard one, involving an infinite amount of detail work. That the musical director has made enemies is not to be wondered at. But it was unavoidable. It really seems that musicians are the most difficult people to manage. But the work has been a pleasant one as a rule. It has shown some bright sides as well as the dark ones. Extravagant letters from Mr. Santelmann of the Marine band, Mr. Mees of the Thomas orchestra, Captain Pacheco of the Mexican National band, Frederic Phinney of the United States band and many others show that the efforts of the management have been duly appreciated and recognized.

Now, there are several conflicting interests at an exposition, and these must all be looked to and everyone given a fair chance. First there is the vast crowd of the day, which must be entertained. Then there is the local attendance at night. These people last mentioned want to hear, doubtless, a fine concert. They do not want to hurry out immediately after dinner. So much for that. Now, the exposition has let out concessions for certain things, seats at Plaza concerts, seats at fireworks, booths, and shows of all kinds on the Midway. The exposition in letting these concessions did so to make money for the stockholders, and at the same time business interest demands that the exposition will not pull a crowd to other places when night falls, because that is the witching time on the Midway, and Vanity fair must be seen in a blaze of light if seen at its best or worst, whichever you prefer).

And as the exposition makes an additional sum out of each admission to each concession on this pleasure ground, concerts must be over at 8:30, so that people can see the sights, and get home. The majority of the visitors this summer to the city of Omaha was composed of people who believe in the old fashioned motto, "Early to bed, early to rise."

Actual scene on the Midway, near Markel's restaurant:

Bashful Young Maiden—I feel kind of tired, don't you?

Rustic Young Swain—Well, yass! (Yawning vigorously). And, ye know, I always get hungry, when I stay up as late as this.

Time—(Actual)—8:15 p. m.

And so the management was not always able to cater to the wishes and tastes of the few faithful, who are art devotees, nor to those who dote on Liszt, rave over Wagner's "Parsifal," and think Bach's fugues just too sweet for anything.

The people have learned more about what an overture is, during the last six months, than they ever knew before. And some magnificent overtures have been played. Santelmann, Pacheco and Innes were especially fruitful in this line.

And in encores—how each one differed. Santelmann would occasionally introduce a Sousa march, and he could not have done anything better, because he showed that while he was a march writer himself he was big enough to accord to the greatest march writer of them all a tribute of praise. Phinney, when he wanted to make a hit, would invariably play "Stars and Stripes," or some of his own marches. His favorite Sousa march, however, was "The Directorate."

Captain Pacheco, with his beaming smile of thanks, doffs his little cap, grabs his sword with one hand, and passes it on to the other, and striking his music rack with his baton makes one or two peculiar movements and amid the shouts and cheers of assembled thousands the strains of "La Paloma" float in the evening air. "La Palome," as that band alone can play it.

Innes was very happy in the matter of encores. The graceful "Spring Song" of Mendelssohn, the never tiresome "Traumerei," the "Serenade" of Moszkowski, and the virile and melodious "Love is King." Innes, with his smile, his medals, and his trombone, on the middle movement of his march would always arouse the house.

How refreshing it has been to witness the enthusiasm that has marked the concerts of the past season. Imagine Omaha people standing on the top of benches, frantically waving their hands, hats and anything they could find, when, accompanied by a pyrotechnic salute of gorgeous beauty, the flag of our nation would gracefully unfold itself as if by magic from the crown of the bandstand and flutter, forty feet long, on the summer breeze. Surely the people did get away from their usual monotonous chill, and they may keep it up. They have started on a good thing. There is nothing so infectious as applause and the beautiful words of Portia, in her appeal to Shylock, about Mercy, would be equally fitting to that reward of the artist, called Applause. "It is twice blessed. It blesseth him that gives and him that takes." "'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown."

For the benefit of readers of this column, and also in order that there may be no criticism of the writer on that point, it is hereby stated that it is not the policy of The Bee to print programs for any one, or any cause whatever, in this column. Information as to artists appearing or advance notes of recitals, concerts or other high class musical entertainments will be gladly accorded the space which they deserve, provided they do not interfere with the legitimate object of the business office.


Unpaid Stock is Abandoned.

The suits brought against 400 of the exposition stockholders who were behind on their payments have been dismissed, the Exposition association paying the costs and ordering the dismissals. This action was taken yesterday morning in Justice Cockrell's court, where the actions were started.

Last July the Exposition association commencing suing the stockholders who were behind on their payment and has been bringing suits at intervals ever since that time. Some of those brought early went to judgment, while others were continued from time to time.

Another suit has been brought against the exposition company in the United States court for $25,000 damages. The plaintiff in this case is Carrie Van Brunt, who gives her place of residence as in Iowa. In addition to the exposition company Frederick T. Cummins and Captain W. A. Mercer are also made defendants. The plaintiff alleges that while occupying a seat at the Indian congress on September 24 it broke and precipitated her to the ground with great force and violence, from which she received internal injuries, and was permanently injured in the back and hips, and particularly in the spine, which have since kept her confined to her bed. In addition to the damages asked, she wants the sum of $404.60 to cover costs she has been put to for medical treatment, etc.

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Over the pediments of the great arch of the music pavilion on the Grand Plaza on the closing night of the exposition were emblazoned in letters of fire the words: "Nothing Succeeds Like Success."

The triumphant ending of the Transmississippi Exposition is upon everybody's tongue. It stands as an achievement unmatched, save in one instance, in the history of American expositions. To be able truthfully to say that the Omaha exposition was second only to the World's Columbian exposition, and to have this fact recognized as it is by press and people throughout the United States, is glory enough for any metropolitan city. It has raised Omaha to a higher plane in the estimation of the world at large and it has invested our people with renewed confidence in themselves and a stronger faith in the future greatness of our city and state.

At the beginning of this great enterprise very few persons had faith in its ultimate success. Most of those who contributed money in aid of it had no expectation that any part of the money subscribed would be returned to them, while many of our rich men kept aloof and would neither encourage the enterprise by personal effort nor contribute a dollar to its support. In fact some of the great corporations which had contributed from $10,000 to $30,000 declined, upon the advice of their attorneys, to accept exposition stock, preferring to donate the money rather than incur a liability to assessments on stock consequent upon a possible financial failure of the venture. One corporation, maintaining an office in Omaha, took stock in the exposition and at once transferred it to an employe, thus evading the much-dreaded assessment. This employe has increased his bank account by more than a year's salary. This is but one notable instance of the lack of faith in the success of the exposition evinced by men who in their business affairs have shown marked ability and whose sagacity in the field of speculation has won for them high places in the financial world.

On the other hand hundreds, yes thousands, of mechanics, clerks, artisans and wage earners of every class contributed of their savings and many actually borrowed money in order that they might help the project to a successful finish. To this class of citizens Omaha owes a debt of gratitude which we trust may not be forgotten in summing up the elements which contributed to the signal success attained. They are loyal sons of Nebraska's metropolis and to their fidelity and courage are due in large measure the splendid results which have made the word Omaha the synonym of enterprise, public spirit and pluck in every section of the country.

The Board of Directors at the regular meeting Friday authorized the repayment of $225,000 to holders of paid up stock. The distribution of this vast sum cannot fail to make itself felt among all classes of the community. It is also gratifying that fully $100,000 in cash will remain in the treasury of the exposition after all obligations are paid a sum more than sufficient to meet any possible contingency growing out of valid or trumped up claims against the exposition. It is fair to conclude that within a reasonable time the remaining 25 per cent may be paid over to the stockholders.

This is a record unique in the annals of exposition enterprises. It is the supreme test. No other exposition city every distinguished itself in like manner. Among all the populous communities which in years past have built great expositions Omaha is the first to pay back all stock subscriptions dollar for dollar and to have placed before the world an exposition that has been universally commended.


Exposition Stands a Melancholy Shadow of Its Former Self.


Scenes of Life and Beauty Are Succeeded by the Desolation of the Grave—Many Delinquents Are Paying Up.

Six days of hard work have demolished what it required months to put in place and now little but the empty buildings remains where only a few days ago the exposition was in the fullness of its beauty. To walk through the now littered and forsaken avenues seems like passing through a cemetery. The life and movement and color are gone and only the gaunt perspective of wall and colonnade remains. To those who have seen the great enterprise grow into perfection and ripen into matchless beauty the scene inspires a sentiment of regret. It suggests the loss of something that can never be regained and to miss the stirring panorama that has reigned during months of activity seems like losing a familiar friend.

In the main court itself the change is least perceptible. The buildings are empty, but undisturbed, and one almost expects to see the people come crowding through the gates as they did a week ago. Nothing is missing here but the flowers, and ever at this late season the turf retains its green vesture to a remarkable extent.

But once inside one of the buildings, the change is impressive. The hundreds of pretty designs that converted the bare walls and galleries into the most beautiful effects have been utterly destroyed, and are succeeded by the naked ugliness of rough lumber and a vast extent of flooring that is littered with discarded refuse. The silence is oppressive, and even the lightest step on the bare floors rings out with startling distinctness. One misses the noisy entreaties of the hucksters, the hum of machinery and the audible movement of the bustling crowds. Even the few guards that remain to stalk back and forth in the desolated structures only emphasize the loneliness.

In other parts of the grounds the dissolution is further advanced. The streets are covered with all sorts of debris, and here and there ugly vacancies indicate where pretty buildings have been torn down and carted away. A few concessionaires still remain in the International building to close out the remains of their stocks, but these are rapidly disappearing and in another day or two this will also be deserted.

In the Service building the clerks and bookkeepers are still engaged in closing up the books of the association. Secretary Wakefield still has his full force at work, but in the other departments a large proportion of the employes have been dismissed. The Admissions department has practically shut up shop and nearly all of the concessions people have been dropped. Manager Babcock's department is still occupied in looking after the removal of exhibits, but the rush is over and the demand for permits has almost ceased. Superintendent Foster and his assistants are still kept busy attending to the buildings and grounds, but nearly the entire outside force of the department has gone.

During the last few days the prospect that the stockholders would receive their money back has resulted in considerable activity on the part of those who had not paid up. When the books were closed by order of the board of directors Friday night the amount of partially paid subscriptions had been reduced from $27,000 to about $20,000, and the indications were that nearly all the balance would have been paid up in full if the opportunity had remained open. No action has been taken in regard to moving the office of the secretary down town and no one seems to know when this will be done. The present quarters are well fitted for occupancy and unless the weather should turn decidedly frigid it is not expected that a change will be made much before the middle of the month.


Refund Out of Exposition Earnings to Stockholders Fully Paid Up.

Whether Those Who Partially Paid Will Be Reimbursed Left to Be Decided---Suits on Subscriptions Dropped.

Holders of paid up stock in the exposition were yesterday registering at the Merchant's National bank to receive back 75 per cent of the amount of their subscriptions.

A refund at this rate was decided on at the meeting of the board of directors Friday afternoon. It was decided at the same time that the secretary at once cease to receive payments on partially paid up stock and that all suits for subscription balances should be dropped.

The action of the directory was taken after a full discussion of the condition of the finances and of the rights of all parties.

Secretary Wakefield stated that the amount in the hands of the treasurer was $355,000, and this represented the present assets of the exposition less the bills for the month of October, which would amount to about $30,000. The amount of paid up stock was $300,000 and of stock partially paid about $20,000. Donations had aggregated $163,000.

While the question as to whether those who had only partly paid their subscriptions should receive a percentage back was not definitely passed on, it was apparently the sentiment of a majority that they should receive nothing. It was determined that this question should be left for after consideration, and it was believed that enough was being left in the treasury to pay all this back, even dollar for dollar and besides satisfy any just claims of whatever sort against the exposition. The sum to be paid out to stockholders was $225,000, and this would still leave in the treasury $130,000.

It was generally agreed that the distribution should be made as soon as possible, for there was no objection to the suggestion that so large a sum in the treasury would be an inducement to parties with any shadow of excuse to make claims and institute litigation in the hope of getting part of the money.

Attention was called to the danger that should the action of the directory become known injunction suits might be brought Friday night or yesterday morning, and the money be tied up for an indefinite length of time. To get around this difficulty as well as possible Frank Murphy was selected as trustee for the stockholders of the $225,000, and directed to pay the money out on the presentation of the certificates of stock. Mr. Kountze, as treasurer of the exposition, was authorized by voucher to at once turn this money over to Mr. Murphy. This he did Friday night, and the distribution was begun at Mr. Murphy's bank yesterday. This was done simply to get ahead of any parties who might seek to enjoin the paying out of the money. Should they obtain an injunction against the secretary or Mr. Kountze, it would avail nothing, and it was not supposed that the selection of a trustee would become known until late yesterday by which time it was the expectation that the money would have been mostly distributed.

Secretary Wakefield stated at the meeting that there was a rush on the part of delinquents to pay up their stock since it had become plain that the corporation would be able to pay dollar for dollar. No more money will now be received.


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Among those at the meeting who spoke in favor of refunding a proportionate share to all subscribers, whether fully paid up or not, were Mr. Kilpatrick and Mr. Brandeis. They believed that this plan would save a vast deal of annoyance on account of litigation, and would be the fairer and more equitable process in all respects. Attention was called to the fact that many a poor man had subscribed and had paid as much as he could, even to the hardship of himself and family. He had contributed to a public enterprise which had been successful and profitable. His money, what he had actually paid in, had helped to make it so, and he should be reimbursed, as well as those whose more profitable circumstances permitted them to pay in full.


Several questions were asked as to the legal points in the case, but Mr. Webster said he was not prepared to answer except off hand. His impression was, however, that the man who had not fully paid up his subscription had no legal right to any dividends, for it was a rule of the corporation that no certificates should issue until the full amount subscribed in each case was paid.

Secretary Wakefield and his clerks were busy until late Friday night sending to the stockholders notices of the distribution and the doors of the Merchant's National bank were scarcely opened yesterday when the rush for cash, which a year ago was not expected, began. For a time the attempt was made to write out and deliver checks, but the applicants soon were too many for that, and the plan of reginstering​ them simply was adopted. A few of the first comers, however, got their checks and their money. The rush has continued all day.

Yesterday at the close of banking hours there had been, it was estimated, 500 certificates presented and registered and it was announced that checks could not be given out until Monday, owing to the clerical labor involved.

It was stated at the Merchant's National bank that there was no fear whatever of any litigant enjoining payment of these checks because enough money had been left in the hands of Mr. Kountze to cover all claims, whatever the outcome of the litigation.

One of the attorneys who was suspected of having designs in the nature of an injunction to restrain the payment of dividends stated yesterday afternoon that he had no idea of beginning any such proceeding. He said the fund held in reserve by the exposition he regarded as ample to cover any liabilities arising from damage suits and that no other reason would warrant the bringing of a suit such as referred to.


Work of Getting Exhibits Out of Buildings Goes Rapidly On.

No official information was to be secured at the exposition grounds yesterday, for all the managers and officials were having another turn in Judge Scott's court for contempt. Official information is getting scarcer every day because the affair of the exposition are reaching an end.

The packing up in all the building continues, and a vast quantity of stuff has already been hauled off. Carload lots must remain until the cars can be switched into the main court in the rear of the buildings.

The government people have packing reduced to a science, and there is less noise and confusion in the government building than anywhere else, though the work is progressing very rapidly. Loads will be ready for the cars before the cars can come in.

All the buildings on the Midway except Schlitz, are practically empty and many of the smaller ones are being torn down. Several have entirely disappeared.

Two Damage Suits.

Mrs. Carrie Van Brunt of Iowa, sues the exposition company. Concessionaire Cummins and Captain Mercer for $25,404.60. She claims that on September 24 the seats at the Indian show gave way, precipitating her eight feet, permanently injuring her hip, spine and back. The $404.60 is for expenses incurred.

Anna E. McKivett of Central City, Neb., has sued the exposition management for $25,000 for damages alleged to have been sustained by being struck by one of the big gates at the Twentieth street main entrance to the grounds on October 12. She alleges that the gate was insecurely fastened and swung against her, knocking her down, severely injuring her about the head and neck and breaking the bone of her right hip.

Peter Lenagh, a garbage inspector of South Omaha, has brought suit against the city for $3,330.57 alleged to be due him for his services.

Awards at Exposition.

Merit of Agricultural Exhibits as Measured by Expert Judges.

The following is the official returns from the department of exhibits, showing the distribution of awards for agricultural display by counties, states and individual exhibits in the Agriculture building:


Washington County Agricultural society, red spring wheat, honorable mention.

J. P. Anderson, Oakland, white oats, red spring wheat, bronze medal.

Crete Mills, Crete, model of mills, honorable mention.

Victor Colson, Oakland, early rose corn, diploma.

George Close, Herman, Alsike clover, diploma.

F. F. Davitz, Cuming county, yellow corn, calico corn, bronze medal.

C. E. Drake, Albion, pyramid of grain, collective forage plants, bronze.

J. D. Ellinghouser, Cuming county, mammoth white corn, honorable mention.

C. Farnham, Blair, seven-headed wheat, hulless barley, winter rye, bronze.

Felix Givens, Cuming county, three varieties corn, honorable mention.

Nels Johnson, Cuming, Neb., fourteen named varieties potatoes, golden corn, yellow bonanza corn, bronze.

D. J. Marsh, Tekamah, winter rye, honorable mention.

John Mills, Geneva, general exhibit, silver medal.

John Oberst, Tekamah, Kentucky blue grass, honorable mention.

John Ocklander, spring wheat, honorable mention.

Henry Picotte, Bancroft, squaw corn, honorable mention.

Frank Peterson, Bancroft, group animal heads covered with seeds, grains, collective seeds, bronze.

M. H. Smith & Son, Washington, county, general exhibit, silver.

Throckmorton & Griffith, potatoes, honorable mention.

Anton Tosota, corn, honorable mention.

John W. Watson, corn, honorable mention.

H. Wortman, corn, honorable mention.


Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railway company, model ticket office, gold medal.

Cotton Belt route, display of products of territory, gold medal.

Burlington & Missouri River railway, beautiful pictorial display in grains, gold medal.

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway, splendid agricultural display, gold medal.

Northern Pacific railway, railroad car containing exhibit, bronze.


Bingham county, Idaho, bronze.

Boone county, Nebraska, silver.

Burt county, Nebraska, bronze.

Cuming county, Nebraska, silver.

Dawson county, Nebraska, silver.

Douglas county, Nebraska, special honorable.

Fillmore county, Nebraska, silver medal.

Frontier county, Nebraska, silver medal.

Red Willow county, Nebraska, bronze medal.

Saline county, Nebraska, silver medal.

Washington county, Nebraska, silver medal.


Government of Canada, gold.

Province of Alberta, gold.

Province of Assiniaboia, gold.

Province of Manitoba, gold.


J. B. Armstrong, general exhibit, silver medal.

O. Anderson, white corn, honorable mention.

R. H. Bailey, white corn, honorable mention.

Bingham & Co., corn flour, bronze medal.

L. G. Clute & Sons, collective corn, gold medal.

C. A. Clute, spring barley, gold medal.

John Coyle, white corn, honorable mention.

John Croil, yellow corn, bronze medal.

Francis Dukey, yellow corn, bronze medal.

J. L. Edmunds, white corn, honorable mention.

John Fishell, white corn, bronze medal.

Fred Hetherstraw, oats, honorable mention.

James Heatherstraw, red corn, bronze medal.

William Hoyt, white rye, honorable mention.

J. W. Murphy, squaw corn, bronze medal.

Nims Bros., yellow corn, bronze medal.

A. L. Plummer, white oats, honorable mention.

S. A. Thomas, corn, honorable mention.

C. R. Taylor, corn, honorable mention.


Union Club of Pecos Valley, wheat, gold.

Union Club of Pecos Valley, oats, rye and sugar beets, silver.


Experimental farm of North Carolina Horticultural society, experiments in sod and vegetable products, also tobacco, gold.


Nebraska Seed company, for seed exhibit, gold.

The F. E. Sanborn company, Omaha, Neb,. exhibit of stock food, gold.


Republic of Hawaii, rice and rice starch, silver.


Los Angeles Farming and Milling company, wheat and barley, bronze.

Los Angeles Co., C. A. McKnight, onions, bronze.


Bingham county, potatoes, oats, wheat and timothy, silver.


Utah, cereals of seeds, cocoons, cottons, silks.

Lehi Sugar company, sugar, gold.


Agricultural College, Fargo, N. D., soils, gold.

W. W. Barrett, Churche's Ferry, N. D., rye, bronze.

Cass County, N. D., grains and grasses, bronze.

Crofts & Montgomery, Wahpeton, N. D., barley, bronze.

D. McDonald, Grand Forks, N. D., collection of vegetables, bronze.

B. F. Taylor, Wahpeton, N. D., broom corn, dent corn and potatoes, bronze.

Thaill County, N. D., yellow corn, bronze.

Mrs. Van Solen, Yates, N. D., corn grown by Sioux Indians, honorable mention.

Oscar Will, Bismarck, N. D., yellow corn, oats, honorable mention.


Hawaii, gold.

Iowa, gold.

Kansas, silver.

Minnesota, silver.

Missouri, gold.

Montana, gold.

Nebraska, gold.

Nevada, bronze.

New Mexico, silver.

North Dakota, silver.

Oklahoma Territory, silver.

Oregon, gold.

Texas, gold.

Texas, gold.

Utah, silver.

Georgia, gold.


Georgia, grasses, lint cotton, rice, wheat, rye, oats, cotton seed and products, short staple cotton, silver.


Agricultural college, soils, bronze.

F. M. Averill & Co., mounted elk, silver.

F. J. Bazee, mounted pheasants, bronze.

C. J. Dodd, samples of grains and grasses, silver.

Charles E. Ladd, wool, bronze.

Richard Scott, wool, silver.

State of Oregon, wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, orchard grass, timothy, blue grass, potatoes, silver medal.

James Whitcombe, wool, bronze.

Hans C. Wahlberg, hops, silver medal.


Oklahoma territory, wheat, corn, broom corn, Kaffir corn, castor beans, cotton, silver.


P. H. Albright, corn, wheat, bronze.

A. E. Case & Son, grains, bronze.

Citizens of Sumner county, corn, honorable mention.

O. C. Daisy, wheat, honorable mention.

Samuel Detweiler, wheat, honorable mention.

J. L. Diesen, alfalfa, honorable mention.

Sampson Foster, corn, bronze.

F. H. Glick, popcorn, bronze.

G. W. Glick, wheat, bronze.

Greenleaf Baker & Co., wheat, bronze.

J. N. Graw, wool, bronze.

H. Hanson, broom corn, bronze.

Horner & Ross, corn, bronze.

Kansas State Committee, field and garden seed, silk cocoons, bronze.

E. D. King, wool, bronze.

Charles B. Lambe, grass wheat, bronze.

William Matthewson, corn in ear, bronze.

Hugh L. Miller, wheat, bronze.

W. A. Reem, corn, honorable mention.

Vincent & Schofield, corn, honorable mention.


On motion of the county attorney the two charges of forgery filed in Justice Cockrell's court against H. B. Hardt, superintendent of the exhibits department of the Trans-Mississippi exposition, were dismissed Friday evening, the plaintiff paying the costs.

It is stated by one of the complainants' attorneys that the board of awards shouldered all responsibility in the case, it having changed the awards, and that therefore there was no forgery. In adjudicating the case the original awards were allowed the complainants.

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Exposition Entertains but Few Visitors and Grounds Look Almost Deserted.

Today Will Witness Removal of Last Colony Which Served to Make the Show Fascinating.

Omaha Citizens Entertain the Few Who Yet Remain--Preparations for Removal of Exhibits Progress Rapidly.

Not a colony will be left on the exposition grounds after today, for the Streets of Cairo and the Streets of All Nations were depopulated early last week, the Japanese tea garden inhabitants left Friday, and this afternoon all that is left of the Chinese village moves down town. Most of the villagers left for Shanghai last week, but the merchants and several of the more prominent people about the place remained. Sales of curios in the store have been fairly active the past week, but since 20 per cent had to go to the exposition, the merchants thought best to move down town to dispose of their stock.

The leading people of the Chinese village have been tendered many courtesies by the society people of the city since their arrival, since the celestials were bright and entertaining. Several receptions have been given in their honor.

Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey and a party of friends entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ching Ling Foo, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hay and several other Chinese friends at Mr. Lindsey's home. Chin Ling Foo treated the guests to some rare feats in jugglery.

At the Government building practically nothing has been taken away, but everything is being packed preparatory to loading almost directly from the building to cars, which will be switched upon one of the exposition tracks near the building this week.

From Washington Dr. J. J. [?]inyon of the Marine hospital has arrived to assist in the safe packing and transportation of several of the government exhibits. Among those who have gone home are D. T. Maring, weather bureau; Miss E. S. Cook, Indian bureau; E. E. Ewell, department of agriculture, and W. A. Taylor, department of agriculture.

Hereafter exposition visitors will be permitted to take their bicycles upon the grounds and to ride wherever they please.

Although an ideal day there were but few visitors at the exposition grounds yesterday, and nothing was done by the transportation companies in the afternoon. So there was a comparative desertion and desolation everywhere noticeable, and guards and firemen complained for the first time in six months of feeling lonesome.

Exposition guards closed International hall to all but exhibitors yesterday and stated that the exhibitors had broken off with the concessions department and were not allowed to make sales, but were packing up.

Secretary Wiggins of the Los Angeles board of trade and Mrs. Wiggins have gone home and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, who have had charge of the exhibit in the absence of Mr. Wiggins, will follow as soon as Mr. Wilson, who is in the hospital recovering from a surgical operation, is able to travel.

Los Angeles county won twenty-nine gold medals on citrus and deciduous fruit, the grand prize gold medal on the most artistic display, twenty-one silver medals and seventy-six bronze medals. It came a long way, but had exhibits worth bringing, was early on the ground, conspicuous, and is presumed to have paved the way for sales of products in the markets of this part of the west.


Exposition Dividend the Most Popular Thing Before the People.


People Who Held the One and Two-Share Certificates Are Being Cared For as Rapidly as Possible at the Bank.

Although the bulk of the $225,000 which was appropriated by the exposition management for the payment of a 75-per cent rebate to stockholders was paid out Saturday, only a minority of the stockholders were provided for. The remainder are now being accommodated with their money at the Merchants' National bank as rapidly as a large force of clerks can attend to them.

The bank officials state that about two-thirds of the entire amount was paid out Saturday. It was desired to get as much of the surplus as possible into the hands of the stockholders at once, and an effort was consequently made to pay the heavier stockholders first. Practically all of these as well as a majority of the stockholders who held medium amounts received their money and those who remain are largely laboring men, clerks and other people who hold from one to three or four shares of stock. There are nearly 3,500 of these, as compared with between 500 and 600 of the heavier holders who were paid Saturday. As it requires practically as much time to pass on a certificate for one share as on one that represents ten or fifty it will probably require at least another day or two to dispose of the entire amount.

The bank was opened at 9 o'clock this morning in order to accommodate the stockholders and there has been a long line of people in front of the windows all day. Those who had filed their certificates Saturday were handed out checks for the amount of their rebate at one window and these were cashed or deposited as they were presented to the paying teller. Auditor Streetor of the exposition was in charge of the distribution of checks and these were checked with the certificates as they were issued in order to avoid any possibility of error.

The stockholders who still retained their certificates were accommodated in an office on the second floor, where a force of clerks was detailed to receive the certificates and list them so checks could be issued. As fast as this is accomplished checks will be drawn and tomorrow those who filed their certificates today will receive their checks on demand. This will be continued until all the stockholders have been paid.

The people who came in today and secured their rebates on small amounts of stock were scarcely less jubilant than the capitalists who drew the larger sums Saturday. They were almost without exception men who work on limited salaries and the money was exceptionally welcome at this time when the winter is fast approaching. Few of them had expected to get anything better than a nominal rebate and they felt very much as though they had picked the money up in the street. There were not a few working girls among them who had bought one or two shares of stock out of their limited savings and to these the cash rebate of $7.50 or $15 seemed like a small fortune. So far no action has been taken by exposition claimants to enjoin the payment of the money and as only a comparatively small amount remains in the hands of the trustee there is little doubt that every paid up stockholder will get his money without difficulty.

Ching Ling Foo and America.

Mr. Ching Ling Foo, in company with Mrs. W. S. Strawn, visited The Bee office on Thursday afternoon, and the great juggler was amazed at the process of the newspaper business. He watched carefully every detail, from the typesetting by machinery to the working of the great press, and grew more serious every moment, and at last he said: "American newspaper making—no juggling; no 'up your sleeve;' real thing!'" Ching Ling Foo is 40 years old and has traveled about considerable, having spent one year in France, one in England and some months in Germany, but says he "never met such friendship as has been extended to him in America," and his greatest hope is to learn to speak good English. He is a great admirer of our Dewey and is charmed with our respect for McKinley and says he will come again to America, which he calls "home, sweet home."



Sealed proposals for the purchase of the following buildings on the Transmississippi and International Exposition grounds will be received at the office of the general superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds department until 11 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, November 15, 1898.

Two South Viaduct Restaurants.
Agricultural Building.
Auditorium Building.
Liberal Arts Building.
Mines and Mining Building.
Fine Arts Building.
Machinery and Electricity Building.
Press Building.
Transportation Building.
Dairy Building.
Manufactures Building.
North and South Colonnades.
Ticket Booths, Exits and Gates.
East End Colonnades.
Two Sanitary Kiosks.
Hospital Annex.
Warehouse Building.
International Building.
Horticultural Building.
Apiary Building.
Service Building.
Fire and Police Building.
Administration Building.
Band Stand.
Arch of States.
North Viaduct.
South Viaduct.
Mirror Colonnades.
Thirty-two Refreshment Kiosks.

Bids to be made on blanks furnished for the purpose.

All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for twenty (20) per cent of the amount of the proposal.

For further particulars apply at the office of the general superintendent of the exposition grounds.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.

Mgr. Grounds and Bldgs. Dept. Transmississippi and International Exposition.
Oct31 eN1to14


Sealed proposals for the purchase of the plumbing in the following buildings on the Transmississippi and International Exposition grounds will be received at the office of the general superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds department until 11 o'clock a. m. Tuesday, November 15th, 1898.

Two restaurant building at South Viaduct.
Agricultural building.
Auditorium building.
Mines and Mining building.
Fine Arts building.
Machinery and Electricity building.
Press building.
Transportation building.
Fire and Police building.
Service building.
Administration building.
Dairy building.
Manufactures building.
Hospital annex.
Horticultural building.
Apiary building.
Liberal Arts building.
Two Sanitary Kiosks.

All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for twenty (20) per cent of the amount of the proposal.

For further particulars apply at the office of the general superintendent on the Exposition grounds.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.

Bids to be made on blanks furnished for the purpose.

Mgr. Grounds and Buildings dep't., Transmississippi Exposition.
Oct. 31 E N1 to 14


The Transmississippi and International Exposition officers for sale the three (3) Westinghouse Compound Engines which have been on duty in the Power Plant during the Exposition; each have high pressure cylinder 18-in. diameter low pressure cylinder 30-in. diameter by 16-in. stroke. Engines will be sold singly or together.

For further information apply at the office of the general superintendent on the Exposition grounds.

Mgr. Grounds and Buildings Dep't. Transmississippi Exposition.
O31 to N10 E

The Sneer of Envy.

Kansas City Journal.

Omaha has demonstrated that with a good midway an exposition can be carried on successfully without the aid of a belligerent board of lady managers.

[?] said resolution, [?] therein described, and spending [?] for the purposes therein mentioned, [?] ultra vires and void.

That unless restrained by an order of this court the defendant company, through its directory and other agents and officers, will enter upon the work described, in said resolution, that the contract therein contemlated​ and spend the $10,000 of the stockholders' money therein mentioned; that your petitioner is without remedy at law to prevent this threatened violation of his rights and the rights of other stockholders in the premises.

 Scanned image of page 199
 Scanned image of page 200


Cordial Farewell to the Transmississippi Exposition.

New York Mail and Express: Official reports show that the Omaha exposition paid all expenses and left a surplus of $400,000 to be divided among the stockholders. The men who managed that splendid enterprise certainly got a show for their money.

Philadelphia Press: The financial success of the Omaha exposition is a good thing all around. Such shows are educational and beneficial and should be encouraged. That the government did by making a liberal appropriation—more than was given at the Centennial Exposition in 1876. But the country has learned much since that time as to the value of such expositions.

Philadelphia Times: Omaha's achievement in bringing to a successful conclusion the exposition which opened in the midst of an unexpected war, continued through five turbulant​ months and closed before the settlement of the terms of peace, is a specimen of American pluck and resourcefulness of which, because it is just an average sample, the whole country may well be proud. The plans had all been laid beforehand, and such a little thing as sudden war was not allowed to affect them, nor indeed did the incongruity of fighting a foreign foe and of exhibiting the products of the arts of peace at one and the same time seem to occur to the practical and unexcitable westerners. In so far as the original program was changed—because the plans of nearly every individual private citizen were changed and because of the general blocking of transportation and of concentration of interest elsewhere—it was changed for the better and the results came out as figured in advance.

Boston Transcript: The Omaha Exposition, which has just closed its doors, has been a pronounced success. It took in during its continuance nearly $2,000,000, and has $400,000 left, so that even on its financial side the result is gratifying beyond expectation. Of course, it will take some time to clear up all the outstanding details, and when this is done the treasury is likely to be somewhat depleted, but the promoters of enterprises of this kind do not as a rule look for fat dividends immediately upon the face of their expenditures. Their advantages are of a more indirect kind, but in the present instance not less sure. The Omaha Exposition was the finest thing of its kind ever attempted on this continent. It was not international. It was not even national, but sectional, and yet it was an achievement that has commanded the interest and the admiration of the world. It was held during a year when the country's thoughts and interest were largely engrossed by the unusual experience of a foreign war. had this been foreseen the exhibition would have been deferred, but in spite of all that the result has been fully up to the anticipations of its most hopeful friends and supporters. It has brought people from all parts of the country and the world to Nebraska. It has advertised the resources of that fertile middle section as nothing has ever done before, and it has left to the state and the city permanent benefits.

Whether Omaha is to have an exposition next year or no exposition next year must be decided without delay. To produce an exhibition that would compare favorably with the one just closed would require all the concentrated effort of the promoters from now until the gates opened without a moment to lose. On the other hand, if the exposition chapter is concluded the sooner every one knows it the better.


States and Midway People Hesitating to Dispose of Their Building.

Demolition of Iowa's Building Begins---Several Shipments Ready for the Cars---Taking Up Pipes.

The Iowa building is state building No. 2 to go down toward the ground. The demolishers are at work and the graceful branching front piazzas have largely disappeared. The last walls of the Kansas building were pulled down yesterday forenoon.

Major Hambleton of the Illinois building and Mrs. Hambleton have taken apartments at the Iler Grand, and will be here the rest of the week. The furniture remaining in the building will be sold or packed, and the building will then be locked up. The Illinois commission has as yet made no disposition of it.

It was expected that by this time the Minnesota commissioners would have decided the fate of their building, but they have not done so, and it is not yet known whether it will finally stand in Riverview park or go to Chicago. The disposition of the Montana and Wisconsin buildings is also undetermined.

Removing exhibits, which began last Monday night, and which was suspended yesterday for a well-earned rest, was resumed today with more vigor than ever. Several of the heads of departments in the government building and several of the exhibitors in the other buildings are ready to load on cars but the cars cannot yet enter the main court. A number of the frail structures on the bluff tract which were built right across the tracks must first come down. Their owners have been a little slow in getting at this and will be hurried up.

Superintendent Foster is doing whatever work on the grounds the circumstances will permit. The piping for water where the live stock show has been taken up and various transient necessities are coming down.

The delay in disposing of state buildings and many of those on the Midway is caused by the uncertainty as to whether the exposition will be continued another year. If it is continued several of the state buildings will probably remain and a good many of the Midway buildings.


(From Monday's Daily.)

Two long lines from the 4,000 of exposition stockholders made the Merchant's National bank building busy as a bee hive this morning. The one line on the second floor was the longer, for it was there in the front room that the stockholders were taking their certificates to be registered today, then to have checks made out for the 75 per cent distribution by the corps of clerks later in the day, and to receive back their certificates and the checks on the first floor of the bank tomorrow or at any other convenient time. All certificates are taken as registered for verification of accounts, but since there is yet to be a final settlement all are returned. For only $225,000 is being distributed this time.

The smaller line was on the first floor, where the 500 who had registered their stock Saturday were being paid.

The sight on the second floor was the more interesting of the two, for there, beginning at 8 o'clock, men and women formed the huge human horseshoe extending through the hall way from the elevator through two rooms leading to the place where two clerks were busily working. One street railway employe had a bunch of over fifty certificates gathered up from fellow employes which blocked the line for several minutes. Nearly every certificate was carried in the pasteboard mailing tube in which received, and which was thrown away as the desk was approached. Hundreds of them were soon being crushed under foot, leaving the crisp and tightly rolled certificates in the hands of owners, smiling as a class of high school graduates with new diplomas.

Then would begin the process of unrolling the certificates to get them flattened for the convenience of the clerks, and one by one they would escape the owner's hands, and go dancing merrily across the floor with the owners, earnestly, but not too gracefully in pursuit. Thus sufficient fun was created to keep everyone amused, and then everyone remarked that it seemed like finding money, anyhow, for but few of them ever expected to get back a cent when they paid their subscriptions.

Another amusing thing was to watch the uninitiated stockholders with their big certificates fall in line on the first floor, struggle for half an hour to get to the window, only to be told that they properly belonged in the second floor. Equally interesting were the movements of several men who had registered Saturday, but by mistake waited in line nearly an hour sometimes on the second floor, to be told that their money was waiting for them down stairs.

A large number of uniformed men, employs of the Omaha Street railway company, were among those drawing dividends. All employes of the company had subscribed, as a rule, five shares each and their total had amounted to $14,300 in subscriptions.


Those Who Lost Certificates Put to Trouble to Get Them Replaced.

Some Still Applying to Pay Up on Exposition Stock---Their Money Not Taken---Exhibitors Hurrying to Get Out.

It appears that a good many people, when they received their certificates of exposition stock, took it for granted that they would be like the certificates of every other exposition and that nothing would ever be paid on them. Therefore, they grew careless, and instead of framing these pretty souvenirs, they either burned them up or threw them in the waste basket.

These people are now being put to a lot of trouble because they acted that way. They go to Secretary Wakefield and the secretary tells them that they must make out an affidavit about the loss of the certificate and then given a personal and guaranteed indemnifying bond to the exposition[?] this the duplicate is issued and the holder can go and get his 75 per cent on it.

None of the lost certificates, however, are for large subscriptions.

Notwithstanding the decision of the executive committee was published to the effect that after last Friday no more money would be received on subscriptions, a number have since applied to pay up in full. They are simply advised of the rule and told that the exposition wants no more money.

Extra Expense to Exhibitors.

The delay in getting cars switched into the main court in the rear of the main buildings is proving to be an extra expense to such exhibitors as have finished packing up and are anxious to get home. They are hauling their stuff to the tracks in the north part of the grounds and loading there, and have to pay extra for the hauling.

A part of the German village and a part of a restaurant just south of the Olympia theater must come down before the cars can come into the main court.

Election Day on the Grounds.

There seemed to be a little let up to work on the grounds yesterday due either to the fact that the election had taken the attention of some or that the cold north wind made getting about too unpleasant. The chilling atmosphere called to mind some of the cold days last winter when the building was going on, and the loose piles of lumber here and there helped in giving the old impression. Day by day a few more of the lighter structures on the Midway are levelled to the ground.

 Scanned image of page 201


Estimates That Fifteen of Them Cared for Nearly 140,000 Guests.

Beside These Were Smaller Hotels and Boarding Houses---600,000 Patrons in All During Exposition.

The hotel business in Omaha during the five months of the exposition was something enormous. Rough estimates obtained from fifteen of the principal down town hotels reveal a showing considered creditable as to caring for the guests.

For the first three months of the exposition, the attendance at the White City was not of a character which benefited the hotels to any considerable extent. The average at each of these fifteen hotels was about fifty persons, or 750 per day, all told, entertained. Two or three hotels did not average to exceed ten to twelve guests per day for the three months; several averaged thirty or more, and three or four averaged sixty to seventy, making, as a rough estimate, 750 guests each day, or, for ninety-two days, June, July and August, a total of 69,000 persons registered during these three dull months.

Late in August and the first of September a perceptible change for the better was noted by the bonifaces. The crowds began to come, and hotels at which ten to twelve persons had been the average more than doubled their former figures. Hotels were often "full" to running over; cots were frequently brought into use, the proprietors having a veritable harvest during these last two months. The number entertained during those sixty-one days was almost as many as had been entertained during the three preceding months. The average being 1,400 per day, or 85,400 for the two months, making a total number of guests entertained at the fifteen down town hotels during the five months of the exposition of 153,400.

These fifteen do not take in a half of the hotels of the city. It is estimated that nearly or quite as many guests were entertained at the hotels not included in these figures, making a grand total of hotel guests for the exposition of over 300,000. In addition to this there were as many who took rooms with private families in various parts of the city, which would make a total of over 600,000 people who spent one or more nights in the city during the five months.

These figures are only rough estimates, while carefully made, and are rather under if anything than over the actual number entertained.

Calculating that each of these 600,000 or more people spent $3 per day for entertainment, and some spent not over $1.50 while many spent $6 to $7, the total left with the hotels and boarding houses of Omaha would each $1,800,000.

The hotels named in the fifteen down town houses are the Paxton, Mercer, Arcade, Dellone, Colonade, Klondike, Midland, Henshaw, Schlitz, Victoria, and Union Depot.


Lagoon That $9,000 Was Paid to Excavate Must Be Filled for One Thing.

Piles, When Cut Off, Will Not Be in the Way---Gravel and Clay Solidly Packed Down.

In all the talk about the salvage on the exposition grounds the question of the cost of restoring the different tracts of land to a condition as good as that they were in when taken by the exposition management comes in. The terms of the leases secured by the exposition provide that this shall be done. Once in a while the term "original condition" has been used, but the lands will not be restored to their original condition. This is not what the owners will require. They will be satisfied with considerably less because considerably less will leave the lands improved.

The Kountze tract and the Bluff tract and the north tract were cornfields when the exposition took hold of them. When the buildings are removed from the north tract it will be just as suitable for cultivation as before and it can be made a garden truck patch or a cornfield.

If the parties who own the Bluff tract want the ground left tillable, then the exposition will have to go to a good deal more expense than otherwise. It will have to remove almost all the small rock and gravel that was put down for walks and driveways, and of this stuff there is an immense quantity—several train loads. It has also, by the traffic of vehicles and the treading of millions of feet, been packed down so that every square foot of it would have to be gone over with a pick in order to raise it. The workmen have found this out who have been exhuming the railroad tracks in this part of the grounds. But the grading done in this part has left the general surface of the ground in much better form than it was before, and if it is the desire to keep the land merely for lot property most of the gravel walks and drives might remain, for with a coating of dirt grass would grow above them readily, and in cases where the walks are over the lines of streets laid out the walks might remain just as they are.

In any case something different must be done in the main court. Here a hole in the ground was dug capable of holding 13,000,000 gallons of water, and here also the heavy piling was done. The lagoon will have to be filled up save with respect to that part in the site of what will remain permanently as Kountze park—five and a half acres on each side of the bridge over the island and extending from Pinckney to Manderson streets, which means from the south to the north fence of the main court. The whole excavation cost something like $9,000. The filling in will not cost near so much, but it will be quite a sum.

Then there are several hundred piles under each of the buildings and these piles in the case of most of the buildings stand several feet above the ground. Even if their heads were on a level with the ground, this would not do, for the piles would be in the way of building or lot grading or even of the spade. In the advertisement for bids for the buildings it was stipulated that the buyers should cut off the piles one and a half feet below the surface a finally left, and it is thought this would be satisfactory to the owners of the land. The remaining portion of the piles would be an obstruction only in case of excavations for cellars and basements.


Board of Directors of the Exposition Want More Money.


Do Not Want to Sell at Any Price Until it Knows Who is Behind the Scheme for Another Show.

The board of directors of the exposition will meet at the Millard hotel at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The principal apparent business is the report of the executive committee on the proposition submitted by P. E. Iler and Hayden Brothers at the previous meeting to purchase the entire chattel property of the association for $10,000. It is unofficially intimated that the committee is not likely to recommend the acceptance of the proposition. It is urged that the property is worth much more than the amount that is offered, and some of the members have stated they do not propose to sell the property unless they know who is behind the scheme, and are satisfied that they have the funds and capacity to make it a success.

The question whether any portion of the surplus is to be rebated to the stockholders who have made partial payments on their stock may also be raised, as several of the directors have stated very plainly that they are in favor of such action. It would only require $15,000 to pay back 75 per cent of what has been received as partial payments.


Hearing of the Exposition Contempt Cases Proceeds with Routine Testimony—Docket Notes.

The testimony of Gaston Akoun of the Streets of All Nations was the feature of the exposition contempt case before Judge Scott this morning. Akoun testified in such a manner as to leave the impression that the Orientals have come together in a combination to get the best of the exposition management. Something of a sensation was created when Akoun swore that Carroll Montgomery had told him that Judge Scott was crazy. The main point of Akoun's evidence had reference to the obtaining of the Keysor-Powell-Slabaugh injunction.

Will Talk of Another Exposition.

The advisability and possibility of having an exposition in 1899 will be the subject of discussion at a lunch and smoker that will be given by the Builders' and Traders' exchange Friday evening. Short speeches will be made by J. E. Baum, A. Hospe, jr., J. H. Dumont, R. W. Richardson, Emerson Benedict, A. J. Vierling and others, and the Orpheus male quartet will furnish music.

To Be Had for the Asking.

St. Paul Pioneer Press.

Every city in the country will want to apply to Omaha for the recipe for a financially successful exposition.


Commissioner Field Works Out a Plan to Donate Minnesota Building to Riverview.

There is still a strong probability that the city will secure the Minnesota building on the exposition grounds and that it will be located in Riverview park, there to be used as a park house. At the meeting of the Minnesota exposition commission, held last week, the members decided that as the building is state property they have no right to donate it to the city of Omaha, but that instead, they decided that it will have to be sold and the money covered back into the state treasury.

As soon as Commissioner Field, who is still in the city, acting as custodian of the Minnesota building, learned of the decision reached by his associates, he took other steps looking to Omaha securing the property. He had an offer of $1,000 for the building, an Illinois man proposing to pay [?]


Memories of Bluff Tract Still Linger Around the Omaha Justice Courts.

Constable Learn has a choice collection of flags and bronze eagles, together with yards and yards of tri-colored bunting that he took from the Montgomery Ward & Co. building on the exposition grounds today.

Last summer George A. Hoagland of this city furnished the National Decorating company of Chicago with a lot of material to be used in beautifying the walls of the Montgomery Ward & Co., being garnisheed​. The case was called in Justice Foster's court, where the Ward people appeared and agreed that if the decorations were allowed to remain until the close of the exposition they would see that they were turned over to Hoagland. It was to secure these things  Scanned image of page 202 that took Constable Learn to the exposition grounds. But instead of finding as many flags as he anticipated he secured only about half as many and a number of cheap eagles covered with cheap bronze. The stuff was carted away and will be sold at auction in due course of time.

A few days ago the exposition officials went before Justice Cockrell and after making their showing they secured a writ that when served gave them possession of the Log Cabin Bean house on the East Midway that they might realize on some percentages due to the concession that had been granted. Cook, the owner of the place, brought suit in replevin and after the exposition people had taken an account of stock they concluded that the stuff taken was of so little value that they would not prosecute the suit. As a result the property has been turned over to Cook.

 Scanned image of page 203


Owner of "All Nations" Testifies to Remarkable Advice by Montgomery.

Says a Scheme Was Hatched Up to Defeat Cairo's Injunction--Montgomery Denounces the Story--Scenes in Court.

The hearing in the exposition contempt case changed yesterday from a dull and prosy recital of the selling of oriental goods and the exhibition of oriental costumes and customs to a lively entertainment showing the inner workings of an alleged scheme to defeat the purpose of the court and evade the restraining orders issued against the exposition management and the Streets of All Nations.

Gaston Akoun, one of the proprietors of the Streets of All Nations, the man who negotiated the concession for that show, was on the stand all morning. After telling about the circumstances surrounding the making of a contract for the Streets of All Nations, in which he was given the right to use camels and donkeys and display oriental costumes and customs, he testified regarding the several injunctions issued in connection with his show.

When the injunction secured by the Streets of Cairo was served on him he said he consulted with Manager Reed and the latter advised him to see Attorney C. S. Montgomery, the exposition attorney. He said Montgomery told him to "go ahead with the buildings; that injunction will not amount to anything and we will fix it all right." At the same time he said he gave Montgomery $100.


Akoun then testified that shortly after this interview with Montgomery the latter asked him if there was anyone in the Streets of All Nations in whom he could trust. Akoun suggested that he had implicit faith in his mother, but Montgomery said he meant a man. The witness then suggested that he could trust Isaac Benyakar, the master of ceremonies of the concession, who was employed on a salary and whose duty it was to entertain visitors.

Akoun said Montgomery then instructed him in the details of a scheme to make it appear that Benyakar was the owner of the camels and donkeys, which the witness had previously testified most positively belonged to his partner, Zitoune. A bogus lease was made out by Montgomery transferring the camels and donkeys to Benyakar for an alleged consideration of $500. This lease was copied by Kahlil Neimy, another partner in the concession, under Montgomery's direction, in order that it might not appear too formal, and Akoun then signed it, dating it back about a month and a half. He swore that the ownership of the camels and donkeys was never actually transferred to Benyakar and that no money passed between them for the animals. This contract was given to Montgomery and witness said he had not seen it since that time.

After this document was executed, Akoun, acting under Montgomery's instructions, wrote Benyakar a letter notifying him that he would not use camels and donkeys in the street any longer on account of the injunction. Montgomery then said he would get "another lawyer" to bring an injunction proceeding on account of the injury Benyakar would suffer by having his camels and donkeys taken out.


Attorney Montgomery had been rapidly growing pale as the story proceeded, and when this point was reached he lost his self-control. With a face livid with passion he denounced the whole story as false and made from whole cloth.

Judge Scott insisted that the witness should be protected, and said attorneys must not attack witnesses while on the stand.

Akoun testified that he had ignored the restraining orders issued by Judge Scott, acting under the advice of Attorney Montgomery. He said on two [?] occasions he had told Mont-[?] he could settle the contro-[?]e Streets of Cairo and [?] this than to litigate if more. Montgomery told him it would not cost more than $200 or $300.


"Mr. Montgomery told me to go ahead," said Akoun. "He said Judge Scott had no jurisdiction and could do nothing, but for me to go ahead and work on the camels and give the show and he would do the rest, but he told me not to give the cooche-cooche too strong because Scott did not like it."


Akoun again told Montgomery that he would rather settle the case than have expensive litigation, but Montgomery assured him that he would pull through all right as "Scott is crazy and can do nothing."

"What's that?" exclaimed Judge Scott.

The witness repeated his statement and the court smiled as he settled back in his chair and murmured, "Thank you."

The witness continued that Montgomery told him that everybody knew Scott, and that no attention was paid to anything he did.

"Did he say to you that he would make arrangements with the other judges to send me to the lunatic asylum?" asked Judge Scott of the witness.

"I didn't hear him say that," replied Akoun.


At the afternoon session Akoun testified at length regarding the payment of money to Montgomery. He said that although Montgomery had assured him that the litigation would not cost him more than $200 or $300, yet Montgomery continued to call on him for money, and he responded by giving him $200 or $300 at each visit until $1,800 had thus been paid. Early in October Montgomery wanted $1,200 more, and threatened to close up the street if the money was not paid. Akoun asked for three days in which to raise the money, but Montgomery would not wait, and Akoun took his own jewelry and that of his mother and pawned it down town for $300, which money was turned over to R. S. Hall.

In the controversy over the payment of the amount demanded Akoun said that Montgomery told him, "Not other lawyer would take you case; the work I have been doing for you is not straight law, and may put me in a very bad light in society here, and may jeopardize my legal standing."

Akoun demanded to know what was being done with so much money and asked for a detailed statement, but Montgomery refused to give him such a statement, saying: "If I told you what was done with the money you would not need any lawyer, but could go and use it yourself."

Akoun proved to be a very unwilling witness and volunteered no testimony on material points except such as was drawn from him by direct questions. After Attorney Mahoney had completed the direct examination, Judge Scott took him in hand and asked a number of questions. Attorney R. S. Hall, for the defendants, object to the court questioning the witness, but Judge Scott said in a contempt proceeding the court had the right to ask any question designed to bring out the facts.


"Mr. Akoun," said the judge, "do you remember when an injunction was issued by Slabaugh, Powell and Baker, restraining the sheriff, the clerk and everybody from executing the orders issued by Judge Scott?"

"Yes, your honor," replied Akoun.

"Did any of these three judges visit your street after that order was issued?"


"Did Judge Powell visit you?"


"Did you talk with him?"


"What did you say?"

"I said to him, 'Judge, we are having plenty of trouble.'"

"And what did he say?"

"He said, 'I guess it will come out all right; we are here.'"

"Ah! he said 'we are here,' did he? And who did he mean by 'we?'"

"I don't know, your honor, but I thought he meant himself and the other judges."

"When Montgomery asked you for that $1,200 what did he say was being done with the money?"


"He would'nt​ tell me; he said he had been working very hard for me, but if he told me what was done with the money I would'nt​ need any lawyer, but could use it myself."

"What did he say he had been working so hard on?"

"He said he had been working hard to get court adjourned until after the exposition."

"Did he say anything about Scott not being able to do anything in vacation?"


"So he told you he had been working very hard for you to get court adjourned, and that Scott couldn't do anything in vacation, but he couldn’t tell you what he was doing with the money because then you could use it yourself and wouln't​ need any law-[?]


President Bates Tells of Park Board's View on the Kountze Site.

Steel Bridge Likely to Be Lowered or Shifted--Trees From White City Go Outside.

"The fact that the Park commission has requested the exposition management to replace all of the earth in the lagoon and leave the surface of Kountze park substantially as it was before exposition building commenced does not necessarily indicate that the park board intends to remove the bridges from Kountze park and not have any lake in the park," said President Bates of the park commission. "As a matter of fact there has been no definite action taken by the board in this matter and no man can say what will finally be done. The bridges may be removed or they may not be, according to the final determination of the board when the question is taken up.

"There is a sentiment in the board in favor of retaining the bridges as a memorial of the exposition, but if this is done we would not want such a lagoon as now exists on the grounds. We should want a much shallower body of water with gently sloping banks to that visitors to the park could approach the water. We can secure this result much easier by having the present excavation filled up and then making such a lake as we desire. The dirt thus secured would serve to grade the approaches which must be made to the bridges at the north and south sides and also between the bridges.

"Another question which has been discussed in this same connection," continued Mr. Bates, "is whether these bridges should not be lowered from their present position. In my mind they are too high to make them desirable for a driving boulevard, and I think they should be lowered about four feet.

"Whether the bridges are left in their present location or removed to other points, they will be put to good use by the park board. A bridge of this character has been badly needed in Miller park for some time and the other could be used to very good advantage in some of the other parks.

"I do not think there is any doubt about a lake being constructed in Kountze park, but it may not be crossed by the boulevard. Under the conditions made by Mr. Kountze when he donated this ground for park purposes, a street must be opened through the park east and west and this, with the boulevard now bisecting the park on a north and south line, may make it desirable to have a lake in some other portion of the tract. If this should be the decision of the board, the bridges would not be required.

"We have made preparations to take a large number of trees from the exposition grounds," said Mr. Bates in reply to a question, "and will plant them along the boulevards. The sycamores will all be placed on Twentieth street south of the exposition grounds and a number of elms will also be placed along this boulevard, replacing all the trees which have not thrived. We loaned the exposition thousands of trees and these are those which will be removed. The transplanting of these trees has been suspended until we learn the result of the movement to hold the exposition another year, but in the meantime the trees are growing, so that the boulevard will lose nothing in the end. A large quantity of flowers and shrubbery on the exposition grounds also belongs to the park board and these will be transplanted to our nursery or to some of the other parks when the trees are removed."

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Exposition Directors Modify Their Origina​ Dividend Resolution.


Action of Secretary in Distributing Contributions Upheld—No Decision Reached as to the Matter of Selling the Buildings.

At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors yesterday the members voted to extend the rebate on stock to all subscribers who shall pay the amount due on their stock before December 1, and this was the only actual business transacted. The question of disposing of the exposition property to a local corporation was postponed, to be settled at a special meeting to be called by President Wattles after November 15.

The long delayed opinion of Attorney Montgomery relative to the legal rights of the partially paid subscribers was submitted. It was to the effect that under the articles of incorporation of the association no certificates of stock could be issued until the stock was fully paid up. All payments made by subscribers for two or more shares of stock were properly distributed on each share and they were not entitled to the rights of stockholders until the entire amount had been paid.

General Manderson said he full agreed with the attorney in his construction of the law, but in view of the fact that many subscribers had been unable to pay their entire obligations, he was in favor of giving them a chance. He offered a resolution which provided that all subscribers who had made partial payments may pay the balance before December 1, and on that date receive from Frank Murphy, trustee, the rebate of 75 per cent. All subscriptions that are not fully paid up on that date to be forfeited.

Manager Lindsey opposed the resolution. He declared that it was wasting sympathy on people who do not deserve it. Most of them could have paid up if they had wanted to, but they had simply laughed at the collectors and he was opposed to giving them anything.

Rights of Delinquents.

Mr. Montgomery suggested that in cases in which suit had been instituted the subscriber should be made to pay the costs. Incidentally, he protested against what he termed the hasty action of the board at the previous meeting in ordering suits dismissed. A question developed the fact that he had brought these suits on a contract by which his fee was to consist of a percentage on the amount recovered.

In reply to the last speaker Manager Rosewater suggested that the exposition had enough law suits on its hands without entangling itself in any further litigation. He contended that the remaining subscribers should be given a chance to pay up if they want to and secure their rebate. He differed with Manager Lindsey and declared that while some of them might have been able to pay, the bulk of them were wage-earners who have done their best and are entitled to consideration.

The resolution was finally amended to provide that the costs should be paid by the subscribers and then adopted. Several of the directors favored paying the rebate directly on whatever amounts the subscribers had paid on their stock, but it was explained that this would be in conflict with the law.

The executive committee reported that it had received two bids for the exposition property, neither of which it recommended for acceptance. The second bid was from the same parties who made the first proposition to pay $10,000 for the property, and a number of hotel proprietors and business men. The second bid was $17,500. The committee recommended that the board turn both bids down and offer the property for sale until November 15 for $17,500, of which $5,000 is to be cash and the remainder payable on the date specified.

John C. Wharton declared himself in opposition to the idea if it contemplated another exposition next year. He contended that the quicker the buildings were torn down the better it would be for the future of the city. Mr. Manderson also opposed the 1899 exposition project, and state officially that the railroads would not contribute a cent toward it. After considerable additional discussion it was suggested that the executive committee had already advertised for bids for the exposition property, to be received November 15, and on motion of Mr. Wilhelm the entire matter was postponed until after that date.


Akoun Testifies Enjoined Oriental Steps Were Trod in "Nations."

Morning in Court Goes to Show Little Beyond His Familiarity With These---Cases at Tribunals.

Gaston Akoun, proprietor of the Streets of All Nations, was on the stand in Judge Scott's court all day undergoing a cross examination at the hands of his own attorney in the contempt proceedings against the exposition officials and the people connected with the Streets of All Nations for disregard of an injunction issued by Judge Scott.

Akoun's examination was directed along lines tending to show the character of the shows conducted by him at various expositions during the past nine years and of traveling troupes of oriental people with which he gave exhibitions at various cities in different parts of this country and Europe.

Akoun testified that at all of these shows oriental dances were given, sometimes by dancers employed by him and at other times by people holding sub-contracts. He invariably used the term "oriental" when referring to these dances and his attorney almost as frequently used the expression "danse du ventre." He endeavored to have Akoun use the same expression, but the witness objected, saying that this was not the name of dance and was a vulgar expression originating in the United States. He also explained that the "oriental dance" was not necessarily the "danse du ventre."

One point brought out by the lengthy examination of Akoun was his intimate familiarity with all kinds of oriental dances and his competency as an expert on these performances. His testimony was not shaken in the least and he remembered clearly even small details in his lengthy examination of the previous day, varying not an iota from his original statements.

Expo. Sues Cummins.

A civil case has been commenced in the district court by the exposition company against Concessionaire Cummins to recover $519.01, alleged due as percentage on the sale of seats at the Indian congress grounds, and $325,06, alleged to be due as percentage from four lunch stands. These are the claims which Cummins refused to pay and on account of which he was thrown out of his various booths and ticket stands by the exposition forces. He procured a restraining order from Judge Scott, which was disregarded, and the manager, superintendent and numerous employes of the concessions department are now awaiting trial for contempt of court.


Financial Backer of "All Nations" Tells of Controversy Over Them.

Benyakar Was a Figurehead as to Ownership---Montgomery, He Says, Inspired the Scheme---Corroborates Akoun.

In the exposition contempt case developed before Judge Scott yesterday. Mardoce Zitoune, the financial backer of the Streets of All Nations, and the stepfather of Gaston Akoun, the active manager, was on the stand. His testimony was almost entirely corroborative of that of Akoun and was given through an interpreter, Zitoune speaking English very imperfectly.

He testified as to his experience in exposition concessions and in the show business generally, and was then questioned regarding the disregard of the first restraining order issued by Judge Scott. He said that when this order was served he and Akoun went to see General Counsel Montgomery, at the suggestion of the concession manager, and the general counsel of the exposition told them to go ahead with their buildings and to pay no attention to the order.

At this point Zitoune became excited and gesticulated in a violent manner as he exclaimed in broken English, "Montgomery he say 'go 'head, no pay attention to order, Judge Scott he no can do anything, he one fool, he got no jurisdiction; you go 'head, I fix him, he's crazy.'"


A new point brought out at this time was in connection with the use of camels and donkeys in the Streets of All Nations. Zitoune said he consulted with the manager of the concession department and the exposition attorney regarding an application by the Streets of Cairo for the loan of his camels. They told him not to let the Cairo people get possession of the animals on any account, and he also stated that the manager told him that the Cairo people had no camels and if they did not have camels in their street on the opening day their concession would be cancelled and the Cairo concession awarded to the witness and Akoun.

Zitoune was also questioned regarding the alleged transfer of the camels and donkeys to Benyaker. He said this scheme had been fixed up by Montgomery and he related the details of the conference in the same manner as was told by Akoun. He also said that Benyaker object to swearing to the affidavit that he owned the camels and donkeys—the affidavit being the basis for the injunction proceeding brought to prevent the removal of the camels from the street—but he afterward swore to it "because he was afraid of us."

Receipts and statements of accounts rendered by the concessions department for monkeys due on account of the camels and donkeys were produced, some of them being rendered in the name of Zitoune and others in Benyakar's name. Zitoune testified that he paid all of these percentages, covering the whole period of the exposition, and that Benyakar had never paid a cent on them.

"Did Mr. Montgomery know that Benyakar did not own the camels and donkeys?" asked Judge Scott.

"Of course," replied Zitoune, laughing. "He put up the trick himself and knew all about it."


At this point Judge Scott took a hand in the examination of the witness in order to bring out certain points in his testimony.

"Did I understand you to say, in connection with your consultation with Mr. Montgomery about the first restraining order issued by this court, that he called Judge Scott a fool?" asked the court.

"Yes," replied Zitoune in French. "He told us to go ahead and pay no attention to Judge Scott. He said 'Judge Scott is a — — fool,' and we need not pay any attention to anything he [?]

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Zitoune corroborated all that Akoun had said regarding going to Council Bluffs in order to avoid arrest for contempt while awaiting the issuing of the restraining order issued upon the application of Benyakar, the alleged owner of the camels. He also testified as to the payment of money to Montgomery in small amounts until $1,600 had been paid and the demand of Montgomery for $1,200 more. He said he demanded a statement showing what was being done with the money, but Montgomery refused to give anything more than a receipt in full, saying, "Do you think I get all of this money? There are others."


Zitoune became excited while relating the details of the discussion in the little office of the Streets of All Nations when this demand was made, and said that whenever Montgomery demanded more money he always held Judge Scott up as a boogie man, and said if the money wasn't paid he would abandon them and Judge Scott would "fix them." Zitoune said he became tired of what he denominated "bluffing," and told Montgomery he didn't care if the case cost him $20,000, but he didn't propose to be robbed and held up for money without knowing where the money was going.

"I told him I was tired of paying out money all the time, and wasn't afraid of Judge Scott. I said, 'Judge Scott can't kill me, and I might as well have trouble with Judge Scott as to be paying you money all the time.' Then he threatened to close the street, and I told him to go ahead, as we would better close than to be losing money all the time. I wanted an itemized statement so I could come back on the exposition for a part of the expenses. We paid the exposition $500 per month for lighting our street and $60 or more per month for water. When there was a fire in the Old Plantation next to us and water was taken from our hydrant to throw on it, the exposition made us pay for the water."


Library Board Receiving Many Donations from Exposition Exhibitors.


Boxes and Cases Already on Hand Indicate that the Collection Will Be Extensive and Valuable from Every Point of View.

Omaha's museum, which is to be a memento of the Transmississippi Exposition, is beginning to take shape so far as that can be true with a large collection of articles, most of which have not yet been unpacked and none yet in place. But the exhibitors at the exposition have shown a commendable degree of interest in the enterprise and articles of considerable value from a museum standpoint have been freely donated to the cause. Not all of these have arrived at the public library, which is to be the home of the museum, and no attempt will be made to arrange them for the convenience of the public for two or three weeks, or until all donations have been received.

Of the few things which are unpacked and mounted the most beautiful is the plaster model of the library building of Columbia university. It accurately depicts the minutest details of the exterior architecture of the building and is a handsome piece of work.

There is a collection of minerals from western mines which are made to sparkle with their particles of precious metals, and there is the mineral house which Custer City, S. D., had on exhibition. A case of cones, embracing many varieties, is the gift of Oregon, and samples of building stone, mineral rock, coal and quartz are contributed by other states in the mountain region.

George W. Lininger of this city has already become a generous patron of the museum and has loaned to it many articles of value and interest, some of which he purchased at the close of the exposition from among the exhibits there. Much of this is from the Chinese village. Among them is a sedan chair heavily draped in rich and brightly colored silks, in which Chinese officials are in the habit of riding. Then there is a weaving machine, a crude affair, one of which, it is said, can be found in nearly every Chinese home. Rude contrivances [?]up another part of Mr. Lininger's loan, and there are banners and spears decorated in the unmistakable art of the Chinese.

Contributions Yet to Examine.

There are a score or more of boxes which have not yet been opened containing material to make up this museum, but the nature of the contributions can only be guess, as none of the boxes will be disturbed until arrangements are perfected for properly displaying the exhibit. Many other donations which have been promised have not yet arrived, but will be here in due time. Among these is one by the Agricultural department, made up of the poisonous plants of the west, which is believed to be one of the most valuable adjuncts to the museum from an educational standpoint. Another is a collection of asbestos and a third is a collection of turquoise and other gems which is to be sent from Manitou.

Donations are arriving almost daily and many exhibitors who removed their displays are expected to send on something suitable for the museum after reaching home, and it is thought that after the museum shall once be opened to the public a local interest will be awakened in it which will induce residents of Omaha to contribute articles of historical value which they now retain as private souvenirs or family heirlooms.

The library board has set aside three rooms on the third floor of the building for the use of the museum. They are at the west end of the building. They are well lighted and while the walls are now bare and the rooms unattractive, it will require little effort to convert them, even with the collection now on hand, into a resort of paramount interest and attractiveness.

The United States government has loaned a large number of glass cases and tables for the use of the museum, including one large circular stand and case which occupied a conspicuous place in the Mines building at the exposition. These are to be used by the museum until called for by the government, which is a period of indefiniteness of advantage to the enterprise.

Library Also Benefits.

But the museum is not alone a beneficiary of the exposition. The library itself has come into possession of a number of valuable gifts. One of these is a collection of Spanish books, between seventy-five and 100 volumes. They include generally reports and statistics treating on Mexico and South American countries and there are also some text books.

Another momento​ is a picture from the Boys' and Girls' building, donated by the Board of Women Managers. It is a print entitled "Weimar, 1803," and is allegorical, showing portraits of leading learned men and women of that time, gathered at Weimar, which was considered the Athens of Germany at that period.

The figure of Neptune from the pillar in the fountain in the Court of Honor and the statue of "Winger Victory" from the Art gallery have been donated to the library and will be placed in the art rooms.


What a Printer Who Did Some Exposition Work Found Out.


Refused to Endorse a Bill for Goods Ordered and Delivered Until the Printer Submitted to a Graft of $1.50.

If anyone imagines that H. B. Hardt, who has been playing an extended engagement as superintendent of exhibits of the exposition, has only recently acquired his habit of holding up everyone who had business to do with his department there are plenty of people in Omaha who can correct the error. As a matter of fact, Hardt embarked in the holdup business from the start and it can be proven on his own authority that it was his practice to extort substantial presents in return for his influence in the distribution of exposition patronage.

One of Hardt's most lucrative grafts was in connection with the job printing that was required during the early days of exposition organization. At that time the exhibits department was having a large amount of printing done under Hardt's direction and according to his own statement no printer could get in on the deal unless Hardt's fingers were appropriately greased.

Hardt unbosomed himself to this extent to the proprietor of a well known down town job printing establishment with whom he was desirous of driving a bargain. Early in September, 1897, this establishment did a piece of job work under contract, the price of which amounted to $40. Soon after Hardt dropped in at the printing office and ordered a quantity of cards bearing his own name and his official position, for which he was charged $1.50. On September 25 a bill was sent in for the printing and also a bill for the cards. No answer was received and some weeks after the proprietor called on Mr. Schneider, who had charge of the Supply department of the exposition, to see why the voucher had not been remitted. He was informed that the bill had not appeared and asked him to send a duplicate. This was done and after another period had elapsed without returns he called on Mr. Schneider again, and was told that the bill remained in Hardt's hands.

The printer then called on Mr. Hardt, who assured him that he had both bills in his desk. "But I have also this bill for $1.50," added the superintendent. "The exposition don't pay for these and you must make me a present of them."

The printer did not jump at the opportunity to conciliate the superintendent of exhibits and Hardt went on: "All the printers make me presents, and you must make me presents, too. If you don't I won't O. K. these bills and you won't get any more of our business."

Hardt then repeated his statement that if his personal bill was receipted he would approve the others at once. This was refused and Hardt tore the $1.50 bill up and threw it in the waste basket. Then he remarked, "Now, if you say that this is all right I will approve those bills. If you don't, I won't approve them at all." Making the best of a bad situation the printer agreed to call it all right if Hardt would O. K. the $40 bill, and this was immediately done. He got his money, but he never got another piece of work from the Department of Exhibits. The victim is not looking for publicity in connection with the affair, but he stated his willingness to make affidavit to the facts state above if it should become desirable.

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Railway Tracks Now Reaching Out to the Large Buildings.

Admission to Visitors Is Reduced, Only Bulky Goods Being Left--Where Those in Charge Go.

Paid admissions to the exposition ground have fallen to a very low ebb, but $46 being taken in Friday, although the receipts from this source since the close of the exposition have been $873.40. The admissions number 22,794, of them 915 being Friday. Commutation tickets, such as were unused at the close of the exposition, have been honored to the number of 495. The large number of free admissions have been to employes engaged in removing exhibits.

To enable those who desire to see the exposition as it looks while being torn to pieces, the admission rates have been reduced to 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. There are no longer any small articles to be carried away or any buildings filled with struggling exhibitors—in either event of which the presence of crowds of visitors would have been annoying. So the former rate, designed to be prohibitive, no longer exists.

Owners of heavy and bulky articles which have not been taken away pending the hope that railroad tracks would be in use in the grounds in due time will not be disappointed. The complications which prevented the tearing down of that portion of the German village over the track leading to the Bluff tract have sufficiently cleared away to permit this. Tearing down was begun last night, and by tomorrow morning cars will be running the whole length of the Bluff tract. By that time tracks will also be opened to the north side of the Government building, and in a day or two more it is expected that the track to the south end will be opened. It will require from fifty to sixty cars to transport the government exhibits.

Government Men Going.

From the government building, Prof. F. W. Clarke and staff, representing the Indian department, have gone to Washington; J. H. Biddle, representing the state department, left yesterday for California, to be united in marriage to a charming daughter of the Golden state ere his return to Washington, and T. W. Sweeney, representing the national museum, and C. G. Porterfield, the bureau of education, have gone to Washington. Lieutenant Commander Stedman of the navy goes to Chicago for the present; W. H. H. Michael, representing the state department, has arrived to arrange for sending home the exhibit.

The life saving crew has dispersed, and the men have gone to their respective stations around the great lakes; Henry Sinningen to Milwaukee; Jacob Van Weelden, Grand Haven, Mich.; James Scott to Sand Beach, Mich.; Henry Walker to Muskegon, Mich.; John McLeod to Duluth, Minn.; Winfield Adamson to Grindstone City, Mich.; Frank Johnson to Holland, Mich.; Nelson Simms to East Tawas, Mich.; Lieutenant McLellan to Washington. The surf boats, with one exception, will be sent to the Monmouth Beach life saving station, New Jersey. The odd one goes to Grand Haven, Mich.

The Press building, which has been in charge of Miss Ellinore Dutcher as hostess, was closed yesterday. The offices of the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies on the grounds, were also taken away yesterday morning.

Mr. Charles Wilson of the Los Angeles board of trade and Mrs. Wilson start for home this morning, taking the bulk of the 119 medals, prizes and diplomas awarded Los Angeles county at the exposition.

The exposition executive committee, at its daily meeting yesterday, dined as usual, but confined discussion of business to its troubles in Judge Scott's court.


Commercial Club Will Tender Them a Dinner Friday Evening.

One of the rewards of several months' long and faithful service by the board of exposition managers, its secretary and general manager, will be a big fat dinner to be tendered by the Commercial club, Friday evening at 6:30, at the club rooms. Invitations have been accepted.

The desolation and desertion of the grounds yesterday was even more pronounced than the Sunday before, save that during the forenoon railroad tracks were opened through the German village, and now extend clear across Sherman avenue to the buildings on the south side of the lagoon. Tracks were gotten from the north to the government building, and some of the bulky articles were loaded up to make room for some active work there today.

The exposition guards have been gradually dropping away as they have found more permanent jobs, till but fifty are now left. No forced reduction has therefore been necessary since the one of November 1.

During the latter part of September at a dairymen's convention at the dairy building at the exposition Hon. L. S. Gates, the dairy commissioner of Iowa, dropped dead while delivering an address. Advices have now been received that his successor has been appointed in the person of L. S. Gates of Cresco, after a spirited contest.

NOTICE is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors of the Transmississippi and International Exposition any stock subscriber who has not paid his subscription in full will be allowed to pay the balance due, together with any court costs that have been made in the collection of same, at any time before Dec. 1, 1898; that to all stock subscribers who pay in full before December 1, 1898, stock will be issued and a refund of 75 per cent will be made. Notice is further given that all sums paid by stock subscribers as partial payments on their subscriptions will be forfeited to the Exposition on December 1, 1898, and no stock will be issued for said partial payments nor refunds made on same.

Payments should be made at the office of the secretary of the Exposition, which is now in the Service building on the Exposition grounds, but will be removed to some central location in the city of Omaha on or about November 15, 1898.

N13d-10t M&E


When the Transmississippi congress met in Omaha several years ago a committee waited upon a distinguished citizen of Omaha and asked him to introduce in that congress a resolution providing for the holding of a transmississippi exposition in Omaha in 1898. That distinguished gentleman refused to introduce the resolution, laughed it to scorn and said it would mean an invitation for disaster to come upon the people of this city. Mr. Bryan did not entertain such fears. Mr. Bryan introduced the resolution, the resolution passed, and today the world knows that the fears of that distinguished citizen of Omaha were not well founded. * * * The exposition of 1898 was held while the American nation was at war with a foreign country. The enterprise labored under the disadvantage of being meagerly advertised and the special rates accorded by the railroads were on a par with those usually given to county fairs; but in spite of all embarrassments the exposition proved to be in every way a great success.—World-Herald.

It is not to be expected that a newspaper which deliberately and persistently attacked and berated the Department of Publicity in order to prevent it from retaining the cordial support of the press would have the decency now to admit the efficiency of its work. That, however, is no longer called in question by anybody, even those who were more hostile. The attendance during the last three months of the exposition shows the efficiency of the work done in the line of both publicity and promotion.

The attempt to extol William Jennings Bryan for what he has never claimed and will not claim credit is in keeping with the course pursued by the World-Herald in relation to the history of the great enterprise. Mr. Bryan introduced the resolution in the Transmississippi Commercial congress endorsing the exposition project "by request," just as he would have introduced a bill in congress which he would not care to father. As it was a harmless proposition, considering as possessing no more vitality than did the pope's bull against the comet, Mr. Bryan met with no opposition and the resolution was adopted unanimously.

Mr. Bryan himself did not dream of its far-reaching effect and never by word or act did he willingly give the proposed enterprise his support. After the gates were opened, however, he visited the exposition and being dazed and overwhelmed by its magnitude and magnificence, he could do nothing less than to commend it. During the critical period when he could have been of invaluable service on his lecturing tours through the south or the mountain and Pacific coast states, he preferred to remain neutral or silent. His attitude of indifference need not be ascribed to hostility, but rather to his known aversion to subsidizing private enterprises in general and expositions in particular. Believing himself to be a man of destiny, Bryan did not want to make a record that would come back to plague him should he ever occupy a seat either in the national legislature or the White House.

We say these things not to detract from Mr. Bryan, but to vindicate the truth of history, which is so easily perverted for personal and political ends.

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Wakefield Moves Down Town.

After today the office of Secretary Wakefield of the exposition will be located on the second floor of the Merchants National bank building. This will be appreciated by the people who have been doing a tremendous amount of kicking during the last two weeks because they had to put up an admission fee in order to get to the office. The office furniture and records were packed this morning and by tomorrow the force will be ready for business at the new location.

Up to today 250 carloads of exhibits and other matrial​ have been shipped out of the exposition grounds. It is estimated that it will require forty-five cars to carry away what remains. As an immense amount of stuff has been sold and otherwise disposed of to local parties, the aggregate of nearly 300 cars affords some conception of the vast amount of exhibit material that was distributed through the various buildings. The merchandise is not moving as rapidly as it did during the rush of the first week and it is thought that it will require very nearly the remainder of November to entirely complete the task.

Manager Bruce Getting About.

Manager Bruce of the Department of Exhibits is still unable to attend the meetings of the executive committee, and when his advice is necessary to the conduct of the department patrons are compelled to see him at his residence. It is stated that he has practically recovered from a severe attack of erysipelas, but is kept at home by danger of a relapse. For over a week, however, he has been attending to business at his store for a part of each day.

Executive Committee Meeting.

At the meeting of the executive committee of the exposition this afternoon Manager iKrkendall​ of the eDpartment​ of Buildings and Grounds submitted a stack of bids for various parts of the exposition property, which were received under the advertisement ordered by the board of directors two weeks ago. As most of the bidders only wanted certain portions of the property the property the bids were referred to Manager Kirkendall for tabulation. The result will be submitted to the committee tomorrow and then turned over to the board of directors, which meets at 4 o'clock.

The invitation of the Commercial club to attend the dinner which will be given Friday night to the exposition officials was accepted.


Judge Fawcett Issues Restraining Order to Prevent the Prosecution of the Work.

On application of Edward Rosewater Judge Fawcett has issued an order restraining the executive committee of the Transmississippi Exposition from proceeding with the appropriation of $10,000 for the purpose of publishing a history of the exposition.

The petition was filed this afternoon and the order issued at once, made returnable on Saturday, November 19. In the petition the articles of incorporation of the Transmississippi and International Exposition associations are set forth, showing the object and scope of the association. The fact that the exposition was successfully organized and carried through is recited, together with the further fact that the association is now engaged in liquidating and winding up its affairs preparatory to dissolution. The resolution adopted by the board of directors in October, providing for the appropriation of $10,000 for the purpose of preparing and compiling a history of the exposition, the copy to be in the hands of the printer by June 1, 1899, providing for the appointment of a committee to prepare the material and directing how the books should be disposed of is quoted in full. The fact that a majority of the board of directors is on record as in favor of the appropriation requires that the plaintiff seek the courts for relief. The petition then goes on:

Your petitioner avers that manifestly the prosecution of the work or business described of the work or business described in the foregoing resolution is without the scope and purpose of the business for which the corporation was organized, and is not embraced within the meaning of article iii of the articles of incorporation of the defendant company, already quoted, which describes the nature of its business, and that there is no amendment, instrument or bylaw adopted, by the defendant company or its stockholders giving the company the power to carry on the work described in the foregoing resolution. And that the action of the directory in passing the resolution and entering upon the work [?]


Zitoune Took That Name and Redeposited His Cash for Sake of Safety.

Asserts Counsel Montgomery Advised to Get Out of Sheriff's Reach---Tells of a Letter That Was Faked Up.

The exposition contempt case in Judge Scott's court is attracting considerable attention and the court room is crowded at each sesssion​ with people drawn thither by the decidedly sensational testimony which is being brought out by the prosecution in the quasi-criminal proceedings.

Those in a position to know say that the taking of testimony will continue for several days and assert that much of a startling nature is yet to be heard.

Mardoce Zitoune, the owner of the camels and donkeys and the financial backer of the Streets of All Nations, was on the stand yesterday. His redirect examination was intended to bring out more in detail the facts testified to regarding the fixing up of the scheme whereby the injunction restraining Akoun and his associates from using camels and donkeys in the Streets of All Nations was to be evaded.

Zitoune testified that Counsel Montgomery wrote a letter purporting to have been written by Benyaker in New York, offering to lease the camels and donkeys from Zitoune. This letter, Zitoune testified, was translated into French by one of the employes in the Streets of All Nations and signed by Benyakar at the exposition. The letter was dated "New York," the date being some time before the commencement of the injunction proceedings or the actual writing of the letter.

Zitoune further testified that at the same time Montgomery wrote another letter, accepting the proposition and this was also translated and was signed by Akoun.

According to the witness Montgomery said he wanted these letters to use in the injunction proceedings to show that the camels and donkeys belonged to Benyakar (who had not been restrained), and this would make the restraining order of no effect.

About the time of this transaction Zitoune testified that Montgomery told him to take his money out of the bank in Omaha and put it in a safe deposit box in Council Bluffs to prevent the sheriff from levying on it. This made Zitoune suspicious and he said he drew all his money out of the bank and redeposited it in the name of "Leonine Temine." In this name he said he paid Montgomery $200, and he produced a check for that amount to prove what he said. The check was signed "Leonine Temine" and was made payable to Zitoune and was indorsed by him payable to "Montgomery & Hall," the indorsements and cancellation stamps showing that it had been paid.

During his examination Zitoune became very excited as he spoke of the money which he had paid to the exposition. He said he had paid $9,000 for his concession and in percentages on receipts and in addition to this had been compelled to pay for every little thing necessary to be done. In addition to the $500 per month for lights testified to Saturday, he said he had been compelled to pay ten prices for gas for cooking, the same exorbitant rate for water and had been charged $1 for a permit every time he wished to bring anything into the grounds. The total of these charges, he said, was $7,000, making a total of $16,000, which he said he contributed to the exposition treasury.


Iler and Others Offer $17,500 for All Buildings for a Fair in '99.

Other Bidders Contemplate Only Wrecking and Moving Off---Plenty See Bargains There---The Figures.

Bidders, house wreckers and movers and speculators, big and little, hung about at the exposition service building yesterday for the opening of bids on the exposition buildings by Manager Kirkendall. Bids were permitted on any or all of the twenty-nine divisions of the property, each accompanied by a certified check for 20 per cent of the amount, the agreement to move the buildings and debris within a specified time, and to pay balance in cash within three days if award is received. Plumbing and stand pipes were excepted.

The bids ran in number on each division from one each on the north and south colonnades and the Administration arch to eight each on Transportation and Dairy buildings. They varied in size greatly, such as from $300, the lowest, to $1,775, the highest, on Machinery and Electricity building. The liveliest contest semed​ to be for the Transportation building, several bids approaching $2,225, the highest offered for any building.

These are the highest bids on each division: $650 each for the South Viaduct restaurants; $1,775 for Agricultural building; $600 for Auditorium building; $1,025 for Liberal Arts building; $1,775 for Mines and Mining building;$610 for Fine Arts building; $1,775 for Machinery and Electricity building; $100 for Press building; $2,225 for Transportation building; $505 for Dairy building; $300 for Manufacturers building; $100 for Hospital annex; $300 for Warehouse building; $400 for International building; $1,060 for Horticultural building; $260 for Apiary building; $325 for Service building; $300 for Fire and Police building; $100 for Administration building; $65 for Band stand; $50 for Arch of states; $100 for North viaduct; $50 for South viaduct; $25 for North and South colonnades; $50 for Mirror colonnades; $100 for East End colonnades; $50 for Ticket booths, exits and gates; $150 for thirty-two (32) refreshment kiosks; $20 each, for two Sanitary kiosks.

Beside this the Chicago Wrecking company had made a blanket bid of $15,519 under regular conditions, and P. E. Iler and others for the '99 exposition $17,500, but with the conditions that buildings are to remain. Representatives of the Chicago Wrecking company gave notice that if Iler's bid was considered, they would ask to submit a new one under the same conditions. It is said they would hold for speculation only.

F. W. Widener bid on every division separately, and was the only one so doing, the total being $15,290. His bid averages the highest of those not making blanket bids, and is the highest in fourteen divisions and ties the top figure on two more.

The bidders are Henry Haman, F. W. Widener, R. P. Hamilton, Union Stockyards company, Chicago House Wrecking company, John Monk, A. W. Phillips & Son, A. S. Forbes, R. C. Strehlow, G. F. Swift & Co., James H. Kirk, Jensen & Anderson, James Rasmussen and P. E. Iler and others.

Separate bids were also received for the plumbing in eighteen of the above divisions containing it. The board of education bid $600 for all, the Chicago Wrecking company $687 for all and R. C. Strehlow $100 for that in the Transportation building.

All of these bids will be tabulated and conveniently arranged with their accompanying condition for submission to the exposition directory, which meets this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Millard to act upon them.

Not the highest bidders will receive awards in all cases, however, for the conditions asked in many cases are unfavorable to them. For instance, the highest bidder on two of the divisions asks five months' time to move them away—something that will probably bar his bid from consideration. Thus the directory, having the option to reject any or all bids, will probably make many variations from what might appear the highest bids.


Secretary Wakefield yesterday moved his office from the service building to  Scanned image of page 209 second floor of the Merchants National bank building, to which place all of the other offices in the service building will begin moving today. The convenience of location to the place where most of the exposition business is now being transacted, as well as better light and heat, causes the change.


Zitoune's Interpreter Goes on the Stand in the Contempt Proceedings.

He Contributes Many Racy Incidents to the Chapter of Counsel Montgomery's Actions.

He Also Describes How Mr. Wadley South to Give Assurance That "Things Were Fixed."

Emil Lermy, an importer of French goods and the proprietor of one of the bazaars in the Streets of All Nations, who has been acting as interpreter for Zitoune in the contempt proceedings in Judge Scott's court, was called to the stand yesterday afternoon and gave a lot of testimony of the most damaging character in connection with the acts of General Counsel Montgomery of the exposition and the hired attorney of the Streets of All nations, and also implicating Superintendent Wadley of the concession department in numerous suggestions to disregard the orders issued by Judge Scott because "we've got everything fixed now and you won't have any more trouble; the other judges won't stand it."

Lermy proved to be a good witness, answering questions directly and promptly and showing a great familiarity with all stages of the intricate proceedings in which the legal phase of the case had become involved. He stated that he had almost invariably accompanied Zitoune in his visits to Montgomery's office and was present at the interviews between them at the exposition and other places, acting as interpreter in all of these instances on account of Zitoune's ignorance of the English language. His testimony was largely corroborative of that of Akoun and Zitoune, but more explicit than that of either of them.

He told about Akoun and Zitoune going to Council Bluffs to avoid arrest when the first order of injunction was issued by Judge Scott, and said he himself remained in Omaha to assist in perfecting the bogus injunction proceedings brought in the name of Benyakar, the pretended owner of the camels and donkeys, to restrain the removal of the animals from the Streets of All Nations and thus evade the effect of Judge Scott's injunction. He consulted with the attorney procured by Montgomery to bring the injunction proceedings and procured a bondsman in the case.


Lermy's recollection as to the statements by Montgomery to the effect that Judge Scott was crazy was very good and he testified to numerous occasions at different times and places when Montgomery had used this expression, coupling it, at times, with expletives not used in polite society.

In this connection Lermy related an occurrence at the exposition grounds when Akoun and Zitoune were arrested the second time for violating the injunction issued by Judge Scott. Montgomery was at the Streets of All Nations when Deputy Sheriff Stryker appeared with the writ for the arrest of Akoun and Zitoune. Montgomery asked to see the writ and Stryker refused to exhibit it in public and an adjournment was taken to Schlitz' beer garden. Here Montgomery again asked to see the writ, saying: "We've had enough of this blankety blank foolishness and you can't get into the street to serve this warrant if it takes all of the guard force."

"I'm going into the Streets if it takes every man in the county," replied Deputy Stryker, and he went in.

While Akoun and Zitoune were under arrest in their office in the custody of Stryker Lermy testified that Superintendent Wadley came around and suggested a quiet game of poker as a solace to remove the lonesomeness. Lermy said they made him play to fill out the game and Wadley administered consolation in the shape of sage advice about paying no attention to anything Scott did or said. "We've got everything fixed now," said Wadley. "The other judges know just what to do, and you needn't worry; you won't have any more trouble because the other judges won't stand it." Lermy said Wadley often told Akoun, Zitoune and himself quite frequently that they would not have any more trouble because everything was fixed.


An incident in Lermy's testimony which "brought down the house" and caused judicial dignity to be thrown to the winds for the moment was his recital of an interview in Montgomery's office. Lermy said he entered the office just in time to hear Akoun say to Montgomery: "How did they come to [?]

"Oh," replied Montgomery, "Rosewater elected him."

Rosewater is one of the defendants of the contempt proceedings and was [?] room. This reply caused a laugh, but the reply to the next question was on the climax.

"Akoun said," continued Lermy, "'How is that? I thought Rosewater and Scott were not friendly.'

"'That's just it,' replied Montgomery; 'Rosewater opposed him and that was why he was elected.'"

Judge Scott joined in the laugh as heartily as any one, and when quiet was restored he addressed himself to Rosewater, saying: "I was not aware that you were responsible for my election, Mr. Rosewater, but I suppose Mr. Montgomery knows, and I thank you."

Lermy then told of another plot hatched by Montgomery to defeat the execution of the orders issued by Judge Scott, but which was never carried out for reasons he stated. This plot was fixed up in Lermy's presence with Zitoune, when the latter asked if there was likely to be any further trouble. Montgomery said he didn't know whether there would be more trouble or not, but suggested that it would be just as well to guard against it. Zitoune suggested that perhaps the Streets of Cairo might attach the gate receipts of the Streets of All Nations during the last month, when they would be heaviest, in order to satisfy a claim for damages.


It was then arranged that a bogus suit should be brought in the name of "Camille Temine," the mythical mother of "Leonine Temine," the name assumed by Zitoune. This suit was to be brought to recover $20,000, it being estimated that the total receipts for October would not exceed $15,000. It was arranged that two notes were to be made out for $10,000 each, evidencing a supposed indebtedness of Zitoune to "Camille Temine" for that amount. They were to be dated back several months and made past due prior to October 1, and on these an attachment suit was to be started to get ahead of the Streets of Cairo.

Lermy said Zitoune asked Montgomery, during the discussion of this plot, whether the exposition was likely to bring any suit against the Streets of All Nations.

"Mr. Montgomery said he could not tell us that except in confidence," testified Lermy.

"Except in confidence?" exclaimed Judge Scott.

"Yes, sir."

"Was he not the attorney for the exposition at the same time he was attorney for the Streets of All Nations?" demanded the court.

"Yes, sir, I always understood he was," replied Lermy.

Lermy said this plot was not carried out because his associates and Montgomery fell out about that time over the payment of the $1,200 demanded by the latter.


Before Mardoce Zitoune was excused from the stand he testified regarding paying of money to Counsel Montgomery, producing checks to prove payments made by check and memoranda to prove cash payments. In this manner he proved payments by three checks during the period ending October: One hundred dollars, $200 and two checks for $300 each. Cash payments to Montgomery to October 22 were shown to have been $300 each on four separate dates and $200 at another time. Another check for $300 was shown to have been drawn to Montgomery's associate and paid to him, making a total of $2,600.

At this point in Zitoune's testimony Judge Scott pulled from his pocket a paper and handed it to Zitoune, asking him if he could identify it. He readily did so, saying it has been written in the office of the Streets of All Nations by Montgomery on the date it bore, when Montgomery had demanded a further payment of $400.

The paper proved a receipt for $400, dated October 22, 1898, and was "in full for all fees for legal services." It was not signed, and Zitoune testified that Montgomery had written it when Akoun demanded an itemized receipt for all payments previously made, offering to pay the amount if given such a receipt. Montgomery refused to give any other receipt and his associate left the office in a huff, exclaiming, according to Zitoune, "It will cost you $4,000 before we get through with you."

Zitoune said that the next day a suit for $700 was commenced against the Streets of All Nations, and the place was attached and closed by the sheriff.


Business Men, Officials, Friends of the Exposition Feted by Commercial Club.

Executive Committee and Those Who Did Valiant Service Guests of the Evening.

Trials and Difficulties Like Mountains Now Seen From the Safe Side---Toasts on the Program.

The success of the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition, which has caused special gratification in Omaha and the west and favorable comment all over the country, was formally celebrated at the Commercial club rooms Friday night. The occasion was a banquet given by the club, to which were invited more than 100 of the business men of the city.

The special guests were the members of the executive committee of the exposition, who performed the brunt of the labor of carrying out the exposition project; the Knight Congressman Mercer, who did signal service in promoting national legislation to the advantage of the enterprise, and John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs, always the friend of the exposition, and who delivered the oration at the laying of the corner stone of the Arch of States, the oration on the opening day and the oration at the dedication of the Iowa building. Having a part to do with the exposition similar to that which Daniel Webster had to do with the Bunker Hill monument, it was thought fitting enough that he should be the last on the toast program and should say the concluding word, as he had said the opening word regarding the greatest civic event of the west in the last quarter of a century.

The tables were ornamented with chrysanthemums and roses. At the right of the toastmaster, C. S. Hayward, were Mr. Baldwin, Congressman Mercer and the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. At the left were President Wattles and the members of the executive committee of the exposition.


When the time came for toasts Mr. Hayward made very brief introductory remarks and introduced W. S. Poppleton, who had been one of the committees of promotion that visited the legislatures of western states. He referred to these trips and to the statement which one man was fond of making to the legislatures, that $1,000,000 was in sight. At the time it was considered that this man was the champion long-distance sightseer of the world. But since the time this money and more, too, had been seen, and it was the pleasant function this night to do honor to the men who had accompanied in and for Omaha what would be a lesson for generations to come.

The success of the exposition, he said, was not due to one man, nor to one set of men, nor to a dozen sets of men, but to united Omaha. It had thus been shown what the men of the city united could do, and if they did not hereafter unite when occasion required it would be their own fault. The motto for Omaha should be "To Co-operate and to Dare." If new railroads were desired or new factories or new markets, the only essential was united effort and they would come, and Omaha within the next decade would be a city of 200,000 inhabitants. It was right for the Commercial club to afford this occasion for congratulating the members of the executive committee and all who had actively contributed to the success of the exposition. It was the sentiment of the city, of Nebraska, of the west, that the duty imposed on the committee had been faithfully and splendidly performed.


President Wattles was received with cheers as he arose in response to call. The $1,000,000 talked of seemed nothing now, he said, for the exposition had received and expended, or held for distribution, $1,700,000. He referred to the discouragements that were at first met with in the enterprise—discouragements that were met with a faith that had triumphed and that would triumph when any undertaking was entered on. The success of the exposition was due to every citizen who had contributed, however little, to its support. Mr. Wattles mentioned with much compliment the work done by Congressman Mercer in getting the appropriation for a government exhibit through congress. He described how the executive committee had worked in season and out of season, on week days and on Sundays, to accomplish its task, and he was sure that the results, already being felt, would continue to be felt for years to come, not only in the city, but through the whole west. Some mistakes, no doubt, had been made, but the general result seemed to prove that they were not serious.


Mr. Penfold described the aim of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and the work that they had done in trying to bring about a better understanding between Omaha and the state, in filling the streets with people once a year, in helping the trade of the wholesaler and the retailer and in assisting the exposition enterprise. The Knights, in bringing out their electrical parade, had done something never done by an American city, and though other cities spent twice as much on similar entertainments, their parades were no better. For the future he bespoke the support of the business men of the city.

Manager Lindsey of the department of ways and means of the exposition responded in a few words. He wanted simply, he said, to confess one of the mistakes generally suggested by Mr. Wattles. He said that he was one of a promoting committee that went north. Another member of this committee was Judge Scott. They got stuck for seven days in a snow bank, and Scott then said that same day he would get even. He was now getting even. The mistake was in taking him along. (Laughter.)

Congressman Mercer was received with great applause. He said he wondered that the committee did not permanently utilize the snow bank mentioned by Lindsey. ((Laughter again.) Mr. Mercer congratulated himself on being a member of the Commercial club and of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. He believed that the former had done a great work in promoting friendly feelings between the business men of the city and those in the other towns of the state. He had much confidence in the permanent good done by the exposition. It had put the west in a new light. During the summer the presidents and the brains of most of the railroads had been here and now the roads were running a race to see which could get into Omaha first. (Laughter and applause.) The exposition had proved that Omaha could do anything, and its people should not forget this important lesson.


Manager Kirkendall of the department of grounds and buildings simply acknowledged the courtesy of a call made for him. Manager Rosewater of the department of publicity spoke at some length. He called attention to the fact that the exposition had been the third for which special postage stamps were issued, and he mentioned a letter written by President Eckert of the Western Union to General Western Manager Dickey in which Eckert said that the payment back of 75 per cent of the exposition stock was a fact more to Omaha's credit and renown than any other since the town was founded.

W. B. Taylor described how the exposition had been a benefit from a real estate man's point of view. It had filled the empty houses of the city. It had attracted the attention of capital. It had enhanced the value of every acre of land in Nebraska and of every l[?] Omaha. It had begotten confidence in the future. It had created energy and harmony.

Manager Reed of the department [?]

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Expo Stockholders Took Advantage of Extension to Capture $16,000 in Additional Dividends.

Would Pay in Full but for Damage Suits---Prospects Now Are That Another Ten Per Cent Will Be the Limit.

With the coming of the 1st of December the opportunity of subscribers to exposition stock to pay up the balance due on their subscriptions passed away, and with it their prospects for receiving a dividend. It transpires that the extension of time was taken advantage of by subscribers to 2,125 shares, representing $21,250, on which a 75 per cent dividend had to be paid. This required $15,937.50 in dividends, and the exposition treasury received about $13,000 from the parties who drew it out, the extension of time thus costing the exposition about $3,000, individual stockholders benefiting to that amount.

The total amount of paid up stock now stands at 32,670 shares, out of a total of 41,200, or $326,700, requiring $245,025 to pay the 75 per cent dividend. As but $225,000 was turned over to Frank Murphy, trustee, for this purpose, another $20,000 will have to be set over to complete the payment of the dividend. This will leave over $90,000 in the treasury, with practically all claims paid except pending law suits. If these were out of the way, there is no question that all stock would be paid in full, as $81,675 would pay the remaining 25 per cent, but the sentiment at headquarters is that they are "up against it" in the Cairo case, and that the stockholders will have to be satisfied with another 10 per cent dividend.


Work of Department of Buildings and Grounds About Concluded.

Up to the present time the department of buildings and grounds has kept about forty men at work packing up goods under its charge and getting things in shape to sever its connection with the exposition grounds. The greater part of these were laid off last night, and the work of the department is now practically concluded. A clerical and stenographic force of three persons will be continued for probably the remainder of the month to complete the preparation of the final report, and one gatekeeper will remain on duty to attend to the parties removing the small quantity of material that is still to come off the grounds.

Diplomas and medals were issued yesterday to the fifty jurors of the exposition bureau of awards. The jurors occupied honorary positions and the diplomas and medals are awarded them "for valuable service."

The sales of duplicate diplomas and medals to exposition exhibitors is not as heavy as was anticipated, and it is stated at headquarters that the systematic onslaught made on the awards bureau and Superintendent Hardt by the Bee has deprived the exposition of fully $3,000 in receipts from this source. The odium thrown upon the awards has had a tendency to make the prizes less valuable to those receiving them, and the reduced demand for duplicates is noticeable. Duplicate diplomas sell for $1 each and duplicate medals for $2. Big exhibitors who have been successful at other expositions have called for from fifty to 500 duplicates each to send out to their branch houses, but the muss kicked up by charges of alleged crookedness exploited in the Bee without regard to the facts has practically cut off this source of revenue and stockholders' dividends will be reduced accordingly. It is stated that some plain information will be given the directors on this point at the meeting of the big board on Friday.

Status of the Contempt Case.

Tomorrow Judge Scott is to appoint his disbarment committee to bring proceedings against Carroll S. Montgomery and at the same time he expects to hear argument on the motion for a new trial in the exposition contempt case. Supersedeas bonds have already been filed at Lincoln by Mr. Montgomery for himself and Messsr.​ Wattles, Reed and Wadley and the exposition company, this amount of the bonds being $40,000. Bills of exception are now being prepared for the appeal.


Lermy on the Stand Giving Evidence as to the Shows.

Beyond a statement that Superintendent Wadley had tried to inveigle the owners of the Streets of All Nations into a quiet little game of poker to divert their attention from the litigation and their fears of being tied up all through the exposition, nothing of great interest has so far come from Lermy in the present long-drawn out proceeding before Judge Scott. Mahoney has been endeavoring to get out of him some idea of the proportion of business done by the Streets of Cairo to the total of paid exposition admissions in Nashville, Atlanta and other places, hoping to show hypothetically how much the Streets of All Nations cut into the business of the Streets of Cairo here.

An exceedingly long hypothetical question from Mahoney to this end was objected to by Mr. Hall as not being relevant and the court sustained the objection. Lermy had shown that the average proportion was about 20 per cent—25 at Nashville, 18 at Atlanta, and varying more or less at other places.

Then the examination turned into the character of the goods sold as Oriental. Lermy admitted that much of this stuff was imitation, though he did not have an opportunity during the morning session of the court to specialize to any great extent. It did not appear that either of the so-called Oriental shows had been very scrupulous as to the genuineness or otherwise of their goods, represented to the public as being genuine.

Finally the examination of Zitoun was finished late in the afternoon yesterday and Emil Lermy, the confidential adviser of the Streets of All Nations concessionaires, was put on the stand. Lermy was made to relate a great deal of conversation of a private business nature between Akoun and Zitoun and their counsel at various places. He has been acting interpreter for Zitoun. At Atlanta, Nashville, Atlantic City, Baltimore and other places he was with the Streets of Cairo exhibit, but when the Oriental Exhibition company obtained the concession here he went in with Akoun, Zitoun, Naimy, Benyakar and the others of the Streets of All Nations. Mahoney wants his testimony on the ground that he is an expert.

The old story that Mr. Montgomery said privately that he believed Judge Scott incapacitated for the bench by reason of his supposed lack of mental balance was gone over with several other incidentals that served the purpose of swelling the testimony. He said Mr. Montgomery had once advised the Streets of All Nations people to ship their stuff away from town to prevent attachment and also related an alleged conversation in which W. D. Beckett was to be sent to Lincoln to get a supreme court order to protect the Streets of All Nations. A trip to Council Bluffs for the purpose of having Zitoun deposit some money there was also recounted.

Mr. Hall object to the evidence from Lermy on the ground that he was not a competent witness and his testimony was immaterial and irrelevant. The court overruled the objection, giving as a reason that he proposed to let the examination go on in the interest of the standing of the district court.


Directors of Old Exposition Not to Expend Funds for Big Painting.


Action Deferred for One Week and in Meantime President and Secretary Will Ascertain Amount of Liabilities.

The question of paying an additional dividend on the stock of the Transmississippi Exposition association was discussed at some length at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the Millard hotel Friday afternoon, with the result that action was deferred for one week in order that more exact information might be obtained relative to the obligations that may accrue. Aside from this, the board decided not to perpetuate the memory of the exposition through the medium of a large painting of the main court which John R. Key proposed to furnish for $1,000. It voted to donate several paintings that were acquired in connection with the art exhibit to the city of Omaha on condition that the upper floor of the public library building be prepared to receive them.

The proposition of Mr. Key was submitted by General Manderson, who moved that it be accepted and the picture placed in the public library building. Mr. Key offered to paint a picture 9x14 feet, or nearly as large as one of his famous World's fair paintings, for the sum mentioned. It was to represent the main court looking westward from the colonnades, near Sherman avenue.

Manager Lindsey opposed the motion on the ground that the board has no right to expend money for this purpose and that in any case the propositions of more than one artist should be considered. Frank Hibbard also registered a protest. He suggested that the board has already provided for a $10,000 history. Now it is a $1,000 painting, the next thing will be a portrayal of the Board of Directors in cast and no one can tell where it will end.

The result was that the motion was voted down by a decisive majority, and if such a picture of Omaha's greatest achievement is handed down to posterity it will be through private subscription.

Paintings for the Library.

President Wattles suggested that it was time that some action was taken in regard to the pictures previously purchased from the collection in the Art building. In order to secure an extensive exhibit the association has agreed to guarantee the purchase of $5,000 worth of paintings. At that time it had been expected that art loving visitors would invest fully that amount, but only $1,600 was expended in that way and the association was compelled to make good its agreement by buying paintings to the amount of $3,300. These have been selected by a committee of local artists and obtained for greatly reduced prices. They are now in the upper story of the library building with other contributions toward the prospective museum. After the facts had been explained it was unanimously decided that the pictures should be given to the city if satisfactory assurances should be given the executive committee that they would be cared for and exhibited.

The matter of a further dividend was brought up by Dudley Smith, who moved that an additional dividend of 15 per cent be declared. This encountered immediate opposition from some of the more conservative members of the board. Mr. Yost inquired whether the directors would be individually liable in case the dividend was declared and it should result that enough money should not be left to clear up the final obligations of the association. On being assured in the affirmative, he vigorously declared against another dividend at this time. Mr. Kountze took a similar view. He declared that the association should retain money enough to pay all possible liabilities. In view of the litigation that is now pending he thought it would imprudent to declare a dividend that would practically require all the balance that is not already pledged.

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Put Off for a Week.

Mr. Rosewater suggested that there is a good deal of misunderstanding in regard to the debts of this corporation. The biggest suit is that of the Oriental Exhibition company, in which a judgment of $34,000 has been rendered, and to offset which $35,000 has been set aside. This company has offered to settle for $20,000, and will undoubtedly be willing to compromise for $12,000. The other obligations, including all other suits now instituted, can be settled for $5,000. He was not in favor of too radical action, and moved as an amendment that a dividend of 10 per cent be declared.

Mr. Lindsey advised waiting and Mr. Price declared that the longer they waited the more suits they would have. He suggested that if there was not much money in sight they would have fewer lawsuits.

Further discussion brought out the fact that aside from the $35,000 set aside to cover possible defeat in the suit of the Oriental Exhibition company there is about $49,000 in the treasury. There is also about $16,500 remaining in the hands of Frank Murphy as trustee on account of the previous dividend of 75 per cent. Some of the directors took the position that since a 10 per cent dividend would only require $30,000, it would be safe to act, but others contended for delay until a more definite statement in regard to the suits pending could be secured. It was eventually agreed to postpone the matter for one week, and that in the meantime the president and secretary prepare a detailed statement of the suits pending, running expenses and all other present and prospective liabilities.


Builders' and Traders' Exchange Discusses the Project in Detail.


Speakers Not of One Mind in Regard to the Advisability of Undertaking the Repetition of the Great Fair of 1898.

The members of the Builders' and Traders' exchange gave one of their "at homes" last night, serving a lunch and indulging in punch and cigars. This feature was the last of the evening's entertainment, the early hours being devoted to a discussion of the subject, "Shall We Have an Exposition Next Year?" President Vierling occupied the chair and called the speakers from the body of the house and from the remarks made it was apparent that the speakers were not all of one mind relative to the subject under discussion.

President Baum of the Commercial club said he has faith in the project for next year. The exposition just closed has shown to the world the resources of this great transmississippi country and it is the duty of the people of the city to get together and continue it for another term next season. The exposition has placed Omaha more prominently before the people than any city in the world and continuing it next year will clinch the opinions thus formed. The plant is intact and by going out among exhibitors and offering free space every building can be filled to its utmost capacity. There will not be any heavy expenses to meet, less advertising will be required than during the last year, buildings will not have to be erected, so that the expenses will not be to exceed $500,000 for the full term. Every person who was here during the last summer will be an advertisement for an exposition to be held next season, as all of those who were in attendance have been well pleased and will not only come again, but will bring their friends.

A. Hospe, jr., said that the city has outgrown county and state fairs and something better must be provided for the entertainment of visitors. He was of the opinion that if the exposition is run on broad lines next season it will be a good investment and will bring in many strangers. He suggested a committee composed of members of the Builders' and Traders' exchange, the Commercial club, the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and the exposition executive committee and the railroads get together and discuss with matter with a view to outlining a plan.

J. H. Dumont believed that an exposition next year can be made a great success than the one held last summer. The plant is intact and now experienced men can be secured to look after it and carry on the details. With favorable railroad rates, Mr. Dumont argued, hundreds of thousands of people can be brought here from the extreme east next season. The speaker opposed a close corporation and favored a semi-public corporation, similar to that of the past season. This being done, the exposition, Mr. Dumont said, can be made a great financial success.

Colonel R. W. Richardson did not think it advisable to hold another exposition. The one of the last season had been successful, but he doubted if another could be made so.

E. Benedict was opposed to another exposition, saying that one satisfied the people. Other states will not contribute and it will be a difficult matter to get the government to assist another exhibit.

J. W. Laurie did not take much stock in a great attendance from abroad. He did not think that the state would be willing to appropriate money to make exhibits next year. The only question is one of finance. If the railroads will make the rates people will come.

Eventually the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the president of the Builders' and Traders' exchange appoint a committee of three members to confer with other committees of prominent associations in the matter of holding another exposition in 1899, they to arrange a meeting with members of the Transmississippi Exposition executive committee, Commercial club and Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben or others not herein mentioned, same to be left to the discretion of the committees appointed by the president of this association.

President Vierling announced for members of the committee John H. Harte, B. J. Jobst and W. C. Bullard.

Commercial Club's Share.

The Omaha Commercial club will holds its next meeting next Tuesday noon, at which time lunch will be served and the question of continuing the exposition over next year will come up for consideration. At that meeting President Baum will act upon the suggestion of the Builders' and Traders' exchange, relative to the appointment of a committee to confer with other committees upon the subject. Speaking of the matter, President Baum said: "If the members of the club want a committee appointed, I shall certainly name the men, but if they do not, then the matter will be dropped, so far as the club is concerned. As to the continuation of the exposition over next year, at this time I am not prepared to speak. Many arguments can be advanced upon each side of the question, all of which no doubt will be fully discussed at our next meeting."

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Question of Repetition Must Soon Be Settled Some Way.


Solid Business Men Who Think the Extension Could Be Made More Interesting Than the Transmississippi Exposition.

Bids for the purchase of the buildings and other material assets of the exposition will be submitted to the executive committee at its meeting this afernoon​. These bids were advertised for two weeks ago and are not necessarily connected with the bids that may be submitted by 1899 exposition promoters. A number of sealed bids are already in the hands of Manager Kirkendall of the Department of Buildings and Grounds and others are expected this morning. A special meeting of the Board of Directors has been called at the Millard hotel at 4 o'clock Wednesday for the purpose of taking up the question of the disposal of the grounds. The members will then have an opportunity to compare the proposition of the exposition boomers with the bids for the purchase and removal of the property that may be submitted today and it is the general impression that final action will be taken.

Manager Kirkendall says that it is essential that the question whether there will be another exposition should be settled at once. As the matter now stands other bidders are reluctant to make propositions for the property because they do not know positively whether their bids will be considered. A number of those who have submitted bids for various portions of the assets have stated that they would have put in much better figures if they could have been assured that the property was to be disposed of in that manner. At the same time it is costing the management $500 a day to protect the property and the general sentiment is in favor of immediate disposal of the buildings one way or the other.

Concerning Plan for Extension.

Sentiment in favor of another exposition in 1899 is rapidly crystallizing. The Bee here gives the views of some of the best known of the downtown dealers:

J. L. Brandies of the Boston Store—There is every reason why the exposition should be continued next year. The expense in operating it would be nothing as compared with that of the last season, as the plant is intact and nothing would be required aside from some repairs on the buildings and the daily cost for help, power and lights. It will be no trouble to secure the money to finance the exposition and after the first month it will yield a profit, the same as it did during the last season. Most of the people who were here last summer will be here next, providing a good show is maintained, which there will be no trouble to secure if the right men are placed in charge. Every building can be filled with first-class exhibits, far better than those that were here this season. Space should be free, and if necessary a bonus should be paid to some of the best exhibitors, rather than to miss them. If this is done hundreds of manufacturers will gladly come and put in live exhibits. Right now I know of fifty big establishments that are ready to contract to come and make their showing. If the government will not allow its exhibit to remain, why then secure the building and fill it with the products and wares of the colonies which the United States recently acquired. By all means the exposition should be held next year and if it is conducted along business lines it will be far more beneficial to the country than any of the great expositions of the past.

C. W. Morton of Morton & Sons, Hardware—It would be a good thing for the town and country and with the right kind of management could be made as successful as the one held last summer.

C. R. Sherman of Sherman & McConnell, druggists: Make the exposition of wider scope and fill the buildings with more live exhibits and it will be a great success. We don't want a little affair, but instead we want an exposition bigger than the one last summer, with plenty of amusement features.

Ought to Be Permanent.

H. Hardy, Dealer in Toys and Fancy Goods—We not only ought to have an exposition next year, but we ought to have a permanent affair of this kind, one that continues for say sixty days every fall, that the resources of this country may be shown. If we don't do this some of the cities in the transmississippi country will step in and take advantage of a great opportunity. If we have an exposition next year there will be no difficulty in getting exhibits to fill the buildings. With the success of our exposition attained I can go east and secure any number of manufacturers who will gladly install their goods and wares for the advertising that they will receive thereby. We must have exhibits and plenty of them. There will be no trouble in bringing them here if space charges are not too high.

H. B. Irey of Irey & Co., Dealers in Agricultural Machinery—Another exposition would be of great benefit to Omaha and the whole country. If one is held there will be no trouble in finding exhibitors. In my judgment an exposition next year could be made a great success.

B. Rosenthal of the People's Furniture Company—The exposition next year would be a big thing not only for Omaha but for the entire west. There can be no question about its success. The plant is there and the only expense would be the mere cost of operating. The merchants and business men of Omaha will all contribute to the maintenance and most of them will gladly double their subscriptions of last year. Next year there is no exposition in the United States and this being so, if one can be held in Omaha it ought to draw more people than did the one held this year. There will be no trouble to induce exhibitors to come if the space is given away or sold at low prices. Right now I know of nearly 100 manufacturers who will come and put in live exhibits if they are not charged too much for space. We can secure thousands of new attractions for next year and all of them will be of the very best.

A. C. Raymer, Hardware Merchant—Personally I favor the continuance of the exposition, and I believe that every person in this vicinity should feel the same way. The exposition of the last season was a great success and if one is held next year and has the right kind of management it can be made bigger and better at a slight cost.

M. Levy of the Nebraska Clothing Company—The exposition next year would be a good thing if managed upon business principles, but I am not so enthusiastic for it as I was a few days ago. It is going to be a difficult matter to find the right men to take hold and push it. If and​ exposition is held and is conducted along liberal lines it cannot help but be of great benefit to the whole of the western country.

Robert Rosenzweig, Secretary of the Drexel Shoe Company—Put the right men at the head of the exposition and it would be a great thing for the entire west. There is every reason why an exposition next year should be better than the one just closed. There is no war, and the entire country is prosperous. Many new states would come, while hundreds and hundreds of manufacturers would be anxious to show their wards, thus making the exhibits larger and more attractive than those that were here last summer.

Needs First-Class Management.

G. W. Kelley of Kelley & Stiger—If an example is held on a large and grand scale with the right men at the head and small prices are charged for space and the railroads make rates for those who would come, it can be made a great success. There must be first-class attractions, novelties and new things. Above all there must be a first-class management.

C. S. Raymond, Jeweler—I would like to see another exposition, so far as I am concerned, but generally speaking I think it is better to let well enough alone. The exposition just closed was successful in every respect, and the question is, Can we make another so?

J. A. Fuller, Druggist—The exposition was a good thing for Omaha and business and I suppose another would help trade very much.

Moritz Meyer, Wholesale Cigars—The exposition has been a big success and I think that we ought to let it rest there.

Will Benefit Everybody.

H. J. Penfold of the Aloe-Penfold Drug Company—The exposition was a good thing for Omaha and the whole of Nebraska. It enhanced the value of the city, town and farm property throughout the state and did much to bring the whole of the transmississippi country to the attention of the balance of the world. If another exposition is held it should be a display of the products of the United States and its colonies.

J. U. Rose, Dealer in Art Goods—Another exposition would benefit the town and country fully as much as the one held last season. Conduct it on broad lines and it can be made a brilliant success.

James Forsyth, Druggist—Personally I would like to see another exposition, but on the whole I don't think it would be for the best. Now we have quit in good shape, and I think it would be a pity to hold another exposition and make it a failure.

George F. Munro, Grocer—I want to see another exposition, as it would furnish a place for people to go, and again it would benefit trade. If an exposition is held it must have new features and be under semi-public management.

Major Hambleton of Illinois—There are many reasons why I consider the proposition favorably. The prestige of success in the splendid exposition just closed has gone abroad and the established confidence in the ability of Omaha to produce another and a greater exposition than the last. It seems, too, an opportune time to hold a national exposition because of the developments of the last few years in the arts of war and peace and the acquisition of new territory incorporating a people of whose habits and customs our people are entirely unfamiliar. This would seem to commend it to the patronage of the general government, as well as to the state. The exposition just closed opened the eyes of the people of this country as to the resources and possibilities of the great Transmississippi country and it will be easier to secure appropriations by many of the state because of this knowledge than it was before. Omaha is now in the very heart of the country and it is an appropriate location for a national exposition and by reason of the beautiful grounds and buildings already completed is the only place where an exposition could be held next year. Other expositions already planned would preclude such an exposition for a few years thereafter. It ought not and would not be a repetition of the Transmississippi Exposition, but be so enlarged and beautified that it would be as new to the people next year as the Transmississippi was this year and so command the same local patronage for the same reason that brought visitors this year, while it would draw a much larger patronage from the eastern states and Europe because it was impossible to secure the attention of the country before, on account of the absorbing interest in the war and because all the countries of Europe are more desirous of cultivating friendly relations with us than they were a year ago. Omaha has done it once and can do it again.

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Omaha Will Witness a Repetition of the Transmississippi Success.


Committee Instructed to Purchase the Buildings as They Stand and Promised Support in the New Enterprise.

"Resolved, That this meeting is in favor of an exposition in 1899 and we hereby pledge ourselves to push the enterprise to the best of our ability and to use our best efforts for its success."

This was adopted by a rising vote and with the unanimous approval of a crowd of citizens and business men that packed the council chamber in the city hall last night. The meeting was called for a final decision as to whether the new exposition should be pushed to a finish and this was voiced in a series of enthusiastic speeches, which culminated in the action above stated. The men who have been the prime movers in the enterprise up to date will close the contract for the purchase of the exposition property next Monday. Then the task of securing subscriptions will be pushed with additional vigor, a corporation will be organized and unless all sings fail the task of preparing for another great exposition will be fairly under way.

Thomas Kilpatrick called the meeting to order and briefly narrated the steps that had already been taken. He called attention to the fact that the committee had only two days in which to make the preliminary canvass and consequently it had been unable to make its work as complete as might be desired.

On behalf of the committee P. E. Iler stated that subscriptions amounting to $22,900 had been received, in addition to the $25,000 that was turned in on the list that accompanied the proposition to the exposition directory. The banks, the street railway company and other corporations are expected to sign Monday.

Asked for an Expression.

Mr. Kilpatrick stated that it had not been decided whether another exposition should be held or not. What was wanted was an expression from the people. If they did not want an exposition it was useless to push the matter further. If they did want it they should make it known in a manner that would leave no room for doubt.

H. T. Clarke referred to the success that was achieved under the most unfavorable conditions and declared that there are still a large proportion of the people of the east who have not been brought in touch with it. With the prestige already secured and with more favorable conditions there is every reason to believe that a tremendous attendance from the east can be secured. The people of our new colonies will want to come to show their wares and the people of the east will want to come and show them what they have to sell. We can have a bigger show than the old one and a great manufacturing enterprise. We can make the grounds more beautiful with what we have to start with and even if it should cost $500,000 to float the enterprise there would not be a dollar of risk.

Mr. Iler announced that some work is already being done outside of Omaha. Colonel Hambleton is working in Chicago and it is expected that at least $25,000 will be raised there. The committee has also telegraphed to W. V. Morse at Boston to feel the pulse of the New England manufacturers on the subject and a number of government officials has promised to co-operate in the effort to secure a government exhibit here next year.

W. B. Taylor suggested that this was a business meeting. That another exposition would benefit of Omaha admitted no doubt and it was simply a question of raising $100,000 with which to go ahead with the undertaking.

Some New Stock Subscriptions.

Acting on this suggestion, a fifteen-minute recess was declared in order to give those who desired to subscribe an opportunity. This was very liberally approved and several thousand dollars in subscriptions ranging from $10 to $500 were added to the list.

Then the discussion was renewed and the expressions continued to favor another exposition. H. J. Penfold called attention to the fact that while we had five months of exposition, the show had mainly consisted in the last two months. Consequently he thought Omaha was entitled to another exposition and his observation was that the general sentiment of the people was in favor of the enterprise.

After complimenting the Omaha people on what had been accomplished in the last forty-eight hours, John W. Ryckman declared that the proposed exposition would be of more material benefit to the western country than any which had ever been held. This country was entering on a colonial period and this exposition would be the distinctive illustration of the new national era. Another strong plea for the enterprise was contributed by John R. Key, and then Ernest Stuht introduced the resolution endorsing the project. This was followed by another resolution by Harry Lawrey, by which the committee was definitely instructed to close the deal for the property Monday. This was also adopted by a unanimous vote and the meeting adjourned with the understanding that the undertaking was a go.

Traveling Men Oppose It.

At a meeting of the Traveling Men's Transmississippi club held last night the following resolutions were passed:

Whereas, The exposition recently held at Omaha closed in a blaze of glory creditable alike to the management, to Omaha and to all concerned; and

Whereas, Believing an attempt to hold it another year would be unwise; therefore be it

Resolved, That we, the traveling men covering territory tributary to Omaha, do earnestly protest against another exposition in 1899, knowing as we do that if it is held it will be detrimental not only to the best interests of the wholesale, jobbing and manufacturing trade of Omaha, but also to the merchants of the surrounding territory who are entitled to equitable treatment and whose interests would be antagonized by another exposition to such an extent that many will withhold their trade from Omaha; therefore, be it further

Resolved, That we, the traveling men in convention assembled, withhold our support from any such movement.

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Committee of Ten Is Appointed and Goes Promptly at Its Task.

Not Yet Determined What Will Be Done With Most of the State Buildings--Awaiting Instructions and Developments.

With the greater parts of the exhibits at the exposition shipped away and the general offices down town, the interest which the public had in the exposition of the past summer is being transferred to the exposition which it proposed to have in 1899.

Chairman Kilpatrick of the citizens' meeting held Thursday appointed yesterday the committee to solicit subscriptions that was decided on. It is considered best not to publish the names of the committee, which is composed of ten, but E. Rosewater has been named chairman. The committee, it is announced, began its work yesterday, and will make a report at a meeting to be held tonight.

It has been given a good start, for it inherits the subscription list already worked up. On this list are names representing $31,000. This, however, does not indicate the full amount of money in sight. These names were signed to a proposition for the purchase of the exposition property, and the proposition contained a forfeit clause involving $5,000—the forfeit to be made provided the new company did not finally take the property after making the first payment. A good many of the business men would not sign the proposition with this clause in it, but gave their verbal pledge for $34,000 more, so that back of the project is in fact $75,000. Doubling this amount, it is thought, will be easy work, for one single company has agreed to subscribe $40,000.

The former soliciting committee comprised Messrs. Stuht, Coates and Homan.

$100,000 ITS GOAL.

"No," said Mr. Iler yesterday, "there will not be any organization until after the money is raised, and then the stockholders will form the organization. The first thing we are going to do is raise $100,000 and take the present exposition property."

Mr. Iler expressed a little doubt as to whether the canvassing committee would make a report tonight before the meeting of the citizens' committee.

The canvassing committee held a meeting just before noon at the Commercial club and again in the afternoon at the Paxton hotel.


Mass Meeting at the City Hall Unanimous for the Exposition of 1899.

Representative Men Pledge Support of the Project to Maintain the White City.

Committee Instructed to Close the Contract for Purchase of the Entire Property.

Sixty Thousand Dollars Subscribed, With Several Large Contributions Coming.

Those Interested Enthusiastic Over the Prospect and Sanguine That Former Success Will Be Surpassed.

"Resolved, That this meeting is hereby in favor of the exposition for the year 1899 and hereby pledge ourselves to push the enterprise to the best of our ability and use our best efforts to promote its success."

The above resolution was passed by a unanimous vote at a mass meeting held at the city council chamber last night and assures beyond peradventure that the Trans-Mississippi exposition of 1898 is to be reproduced in all its glory in 1899.

Subscriptions for $22,900 were reported by the committee representing the promoters of the new exposition project, which, added to the $25,000 previously pledged, were further swelled at this meeting by several thousand dollars. Before the meeting closed Secretary Lobeck announced that upward of $60,000 was subscribed.


The amount already subscribed does not include any corporation subscriptions, such as the banks, street railway company, gas works, water works, packing houses or wholesale houses. These institutions have been approached, but they have deferred setting opposite their names an amount until Monday, pending a conference as to the extent of their subscriptions.

It was an enthusiastic meeting and a fairly representative one of the business men and property owners of the city.

Thomas Kilpatrick presided. He made a preliminary statement, explanatory of the object of the meeting, stating what had already been accomplished and what was necessary to be done if the exposition project was to succeed.

P. E. Iler, one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the project, explained the plans proposed and predicted that the new organization would realize 200 per cent upon its investment. He said he had positive assurances that the government would be represented at the exposition of 1899 and added that upward of $50,000 remained unexpended of the appropriation made for the Trans-Mississippi exposition. This, he said, would be available.

H. T. Clark reviewed the numerous advantages to Omaha and the west arising from the exposition just closed and said that with a plant which originally cost upward of $600,000 to be had now for the nominal sum of $17,500, and with exhibits of people and products from our new possessions abroad, and with no war to contend with, the exposition of 1899 would be unsurpassed in point of interest and attendance.


H. J. Penfold spoke of the unanimity of favorable opinion he heard in his visits among the business men of the city in soliciting subscriptions.

A number of other speeches were made along the same line and then fifteen citizens volunteered to present subscription lists Monday to the business men of the city and South Omaha to raise the required $100,000 to put the project on a firm basis.

The executive committee of the Trans-Mississippi exposition meets Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when the promoters of the new exposition will in accordance with the following resolution unanimously adopt close the contract for the purchase of the plant:

"Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the committee having in charge the exposition project immediately close the contract with the exposition company for the purchase of the plant at the amount agreed upon, $17,500."

It is estimated that an assessment of not to exceed 25 per cent on stock subscribed will be necessary to provide for insurance, guards and the protection of the buildings and property.

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The Fremont Tribune.

HAMMON BROS., Proprietors.


A paper is being circulated in Fremont with the following purport:

We, the business men of Fremont agree to not buy one dollar's worth of goods in Omaha in case another exposition is held in that city in 1899.

Already something like eighty of the representative business firms of the city have signed this agreement and there will be no fewer than 150 signers when the work of organizing is completed.

The Omaha exposition for 1899 is an unusual proposition. No other exposition city ever before undertook to "hog it" in such a manner. Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta and Nashville were all content with one season for their enterprise. If Omaha were not actuated by a sordid and grasping spirit and had a grain of gratitude for the cordial co-operation of the people of Nebraska who made the exposition of the present year a brilliant success, it would not again embark in an enterprise of that nature, at least until the time and the occasion have arrived.

The people of Nebraska contributed $100,000 from the state treasury to encourage the exposition of 1898. What was much more to the purpose they visited the big show by the tens of thousands and poured an immense amount of money into Omaha and the exposition treasury. Without this support the exposition would have been a failure. With it the exposition was a success, and this is precisely why it should not be continued. Omaha should be satisfied with what has been done, instead of smiting the hand that has fed it.

It is proposed to give next season's enterprise the flavor of novelty by making it largely a colonial exhibit, bringing out the resources of our new territorial acquisitions. The aid of congress will again be invoked for this purpose, but Omaha is not likely to find favor at Washington. Congressman Mercer may support a government appropriation for a continuance of the exposition, but the remaining five members of the house, and doubtless both senators, will be steadfastly and vigorously opposed to it. They will represent the nine-tenths of Nebraska living outside of Omaha's city limits. Pete Iler, Brandels, Hayden & Co. will run against a snag when the go to Washington.

The merchants of every town and city in Nebraska should, and doubtless will, boycott Omaha. This is the only way their protest can be made effective. They have patriotically contributed to one exposition, the benefits of which accrue immediately to Omaha and eventually—perhaps only therotically​—to the remainder of the state. They cannot be expected to sit quietly down and see their customers coming home from Omaha with bundles of goods, the purchase money for which should have been spent at home and used to square old accounts.

The wholesalers of Omaha can be reached first by the boycott. They can then discourage the proposed 1899 exposition. This is the manner in which to proceed. The wholesalers must act or see their business diverted elsewhere.

If Omaha can afford to have its great jobbing interests sacrificed to the greed of Pete Iler's whiskey ring and the devastating department stores, it will put its shoulder to the 1899-exposition wheel.

The merchants of Nebraska propose to defend their interests. The exposition boomers might as well understand the fight is on and will be to a finish. The whiskey gang and the department store influence may dominate and domineer over Omaha, but they cannot antagonize the state of Nebraska without being squarely faced in the arena, and vanquished. They may have an exposition, but it will be a dismal failure.

THE TRIBUNE appeals to every newspaper in the state to take up the defensive struggle in favor of its own town. "Lay on Macduff and damned be he who first cries, hold, enough!"


Mr. Iler and His Associates Do Their Part Toward Buying Exposition Buildings.

Another step was taken towards the transfer of the exposition property to P. E. Iler and his associates at a meeting held in the exposition offices in the Merchants' National bank building late yesterday afternoon. Mr. Iler and his associates tendered the executive committee checks aggregating the purchase price of $17,500 and it was arranged that the bill of sale and the agreement to protect the present exposition company from claims of property owners should be drawn up and submitted today. When these are accepted the deal will be closed.


Subscription List Not Yet Complete and the Committee Still Out for Signers.

The new exposition project is still hung up while its protectors are hustling to complete the $100,000 subscription list that is considered essential. Some work is also being done with a view to ascertaining how far the government can be depended on to co-operate in the enterprise, and it is not likely that any further movement will be made until something is heard from that quarter.

P. E. Iler said this morning that the desired amount of subscriptions had not been secured and he could not tell with certainty when the list would be completed. "If we don't get the money," he added," we will simply sell the property and pocket our losses and that will be all there will be of it. If we do get the money we will go ahead if our reports from Washington are favorable. While we do not propose to carry on the exposition unless the people want it, we are not inclined to be turned back because some of the small towns in the state are opposed to it. Chicago and all the other large cities are with us and I can't see any reason why we should be dictated to by Fremont and Lincoln. The entire subscriptions to the old exposition in Nebraska was only $130 outside of Omaha and I think we are entitled to an exposition next year if we want it."

A conference is in progress at the Commercial club this afternoon between the jobbers who have been opposing the exposition on account of its alleged effect on their trade, and the promoters of the project. The proceedings are behind closed doors, but it is presumed that their object is to endeavor to induce the jobbers to abandon their opposition.

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Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition

Omaha, June to November, 1898.

Official Bird's-Eye View.


Six months hence the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition will be opened to the world. June 1, 1898, is the day set for the inauguration. The gates will close November 1. Arrangements are already far advanced, plans have been definitely adopted, and the work of construction is being vigorously performed in all departments. Much has been accomplished since constructive work was commenced a few months ago, and the highest achievement will soon be realized in the completed architecture. The harmony of design attained through artistic grouping of the buildings is most pronounced. The plans have been arranged on an elaborate scale of architecture for all the principal buildings.

The construction of the Manufactures building on the south side of the basin is well advanced. The staff workers are putting on the frieze and other ornamental designs with which the exterior of the Exposition buildings will be richly and artistically embellished. The Machinery and Electricity building and the Mines and Mining building are rapidly nearing that stage when a force of staff workers will begin their operations to add to the beauty of the coming enchanted city. Work is being hastened on the Liberal Arts and Agriculture buildings. The ground floors are laid and the framework in position for the superstructures. The Administration Arch is now receiving its finishing touches of staff ornaments, and the inside of the building will in a few days be ready for the use of the Exposition officials.

On the sites selected for the Fine Arts building, the Auditorium, the Girls' and Boys' building and the Service buildings, work on the foundations has been commenced. Active operations will soon attend the erection of the United States Government building, which will occupy a sightly location at the west end of the Mirror in the Court of Honor. The Government building will be ready in time for installation of heavy exhibits early in the new year.

On the Bluff Tract overlooking the river, a commanding site set apart for the buildings of the various states and foreign countries, the Nebraska building looms up in conspicuous evidence under a massive dome.

Trainloads of building material of all kinds, machinery and other supplies are daily unloaded on the grounds, convenient to the buildings. In every direction hundreds of mechanics and laborers are busily employed hastening the Exposition work to completion.


The arena the architects have chosen for a display of the highest artistic effect is pitched in the great rectangle locally known as the Kountze Tract. The main buildings are ranged along either side of the basin. At the west end stands the Government building, flanked by imposing colonnades which converges toward the west. The Arch of States, the main entrance, is on the south line at Twentieth street. This arch, one of the most noticeable in the group of structures, is decorated with a frieze composed of the arms of the Trans-Mississippi states, the whole being surmounted by sculpture figures bearing the United States shield. The bright colors of the shields contrasting with the monochrome background of the Arch itself, and the gay effect of streamers flying above form a brilliant point that can be seen the whole length of the boulevard. Entering this Arch, the visitor arrives at the Court of the Grand Canal, opposite the Administration Arch, the Palace of Agriculture being on the right and the Mines and Mining building on the left. The canal or basin is spanned occasionally by picturesque bridges, built with little arches to permit the passage of gondolas and various small boats. Its two ends terminate respectively at the Government building on the west and at the viaduct on the east. Vine-shaded promenades of columns, treated in the Pompeian manner, extend between all the buildings, and provide visitors with nearly a mile of continuous shade all around the basin.

Visitors going by boat the length of the basin to the Sherman avenue viaduct will pass all the main buildings—the U. S. Government, Agriculture, Administration Arch, Mines, Machinery, Art, Auditorium, Liberal Arts, Boys' and Girls' and Manufactures buildings, and the Arch of the States. Approaching the eastern end the ground rises in terraces, and is adorned with shrubbery and flowers mingled with pieces of sculpture, until it ends in a great hemicycle stairway crowned by the kiosk or minaret on the viaduct. On either side of the esplanade beyond this are the two chief restaurants, fanciful structures with irregular spires or minarets. At the extreme east end of the Canal Court are the electric water grottoes, the Blue Grotto of Capri and Mammoth Cave, which can be visited only by boat. Very striking effects of light and color will be seen here, reflected from glittering rock-crystal and tinted by many-colored electric globes placed under the water.

All the buildings, gateways, colonnades, bridges, etc., forming this main group, are parts of a composition, each having its own share in the architectural effect to be produced. One point to be noticed is the success of the designers in keeping free from the influence of other expositions. The plan of grounds, the grouping and design of buildings, the scheme of color, are all wholly different from any former achievment​. The buildings will be given the tint of old marble, the staff work being colored to produce this effect. Classic sculpture and intricate carving will be imitated to nicety and statuary of heroic size will surmount some of the main buildings. Imposing columns of the long colonnades, beautiful porticos facing the main court, bas-relief sculpture adorning the pediments of great buildings, and lions, couchant and rampant, surveying the main court from lofty pedestals, all wrought in staff, will contribute to the splendor of the completed architecture.


Situated upon a broad plateau, well within the city limits on the north side, the Exposition grounds are easily accessible from all points of the compass. Kountze tract, 670 feet wide, defined by Sherman avenue on the east and Twenty-fourth street on the west, was selected for the focus of the group of main buildings. The ground is nearly half a mile long and in the center a canal extends the greater share of the distance. This basin is 150 feet wide at the east end, while at the west end it runs into a trefoil or three-lobed lake fully four hundred feet across. On the east, lying at right angles to Kountze tract, is an area of sixty acres stretching along the bluffs and overlooking the river and country beyond. The remainder of the Exposition grounds lies north of Kountze tract, west of Sherman avenue, and includes the old fair grounds and the land beyond it, embracing in all about eighty acres. Two viaducts across Sherman avenue connect the Bluff Tract with the Grand Canal Court and with the large area to the north. The northermost​ viaduct immediately connects two sections devoted to concessionaires, the one on the Bluff Tract lying parallel to Sherman avenue; the other being west of the avenue—the midway leading westward to a connection with Twentieth street, which leads southward into the Grand Court. The main entrance is on the south line at the intersection of Twentieth street, through the Arch of States. Perhaps the most effective view of the whole grounds is to be found on the viaduct spanning Sherman avenue at the east end of the Grand Court and leading to the music pavilion, esplanade and park which will distinguish the Bluff Tract. The whole Tract will be transformed into a fine park, where the various state buildings are located and which is the admirable site of the Horticulture, Forestry, Dairy and Apiary buildings. A wide avenue leads back to the music pavilion where, around the band-stand, will be placed seats on the terrace for 100,000 listeners. To the north lies the pleasure ground, where will be arrayed a remarkable assemblage of attractions. On the old fair grounds site the live stock and irrigation exhibits, the sugar beet fields, the great display of agricultural implements, alfalfa fields, the amphitheatre and athletic fields are located. Trees will be made use of very freely in the form of parks and groves and for shading and ornamenting unsightly places. A rose garden will adorn the crest of the bluff.

At the west end the Mirror, with its cluster of artistic accessories, is itself to be the center of a beautiful park, whose winding walks and shaded arbors all lead to and frame this bit of water. Music pavilions, restaurants and other attractions will make the Mirror a favorite haunt for many visitors. Pleasure boats, launches and gondolas, as well as swans and other water fowl, will add to the interest and help to beautify the lake. In this "Mirror" will occur the water festivities, swimming and diving displays, etc., which can be observed from the colonnades and from the steps of the U. S. Government building, whose noble proportions are reflected by the sheet of water lying before it.

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The Kings and Queens of the Range.

Yearly Subscription,$1.00
Single Copies, .10
Published by
524 Ridge Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
Entered as second-class matter.
MRS. JOHN F. GREGORY, Editor and Manager.
Advertising rates will be furnished on application.
Lawton & Burnap, Prs, 706-708 Delaware St., Kansas City.


I know as my life grows older,
And mine eyes have clearer sight—
That under each rank wrong, somewhere,
There lies the root of right;
That each sorrow has its purpose,
By the sorrowing oft unguessed,
But as sure as the sun brings morning,
Whatever is—is best.
I know that each sinful action,
As sure as the night bring shade,
Is somewhere, sometime punished,
Tho' the hour be long delayed.
I know that the soul is aided
Sometimes by the heart's unrest.
And to grow means often to suffer—
But whatever—is best.
I know there are no errors,
In the great Eternal plan,
And all things work together
For the final good of man.
And I know when my soul speeds onward,
In its grand Eternal quest,
I shall say as I look back earthward,
Whatever is—is best.


ON Tuesday, May 31, Annie Louise Hickman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Z. Hickman, of Independence, Missouri, lost her life by a terrible runaway accident, in which two young ladies, the Misses Yantis, of Sweet Springs, were seriously injured.

Miss Hickman survived the accident but a few hours, and death, which always comes with a shock to friends, when its victims are in the very flower of youth, in this case, came with the added horror of suddenness and violence, to sorrowing parents and many fond friends. The floral offerings, expressing the loving remembrance of many sad hearts, were profuse, and hundreds of tiny blossoms shed their perfume above the beautiful head that had so often bent in tender adoration over their kind.

Miss Hickman was a young woman of rare mental attainments, and one of the most highly esteemed teachers in the Kansas City schools. She was a native Missourian and the daughter of Hon. William Z. Hickman, ex-county clerk of Jackson county, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Independence. Mr. Hickman is now a member of the Ben. Holmes Commission Co. at the Kansas City Stock Yards, and hosts of our readers will remember his interesting tales of old times which appeared in KINGS AND QUEENS OF THE RANGE.

Miss Teresa Bryant, the youngest daughter of the world's greatest comedian, the late Dan Bryant, is the subject we have selected for our Art Supplement. She is an American beauty of the purest type, being a daughter and granddaughter of two famous beauties.

Miss Tessa, as her mother fondly named her, is of perfect height and figure, with a wealth of golden brown hair, surmounting, like a halo of sunshine, a face of rare heavenly purity, and her tender blue-gray eyes are but an index to the beautiful soul that reigns within.

The July issue of KINGS AND QUEENS will be a National one. It will contain many choice war sketches of value, and will be profusely illustrated, and we hope to make it as meritorious as the Omaha edition. We again urge our readers to aid the publication by making themselves self-appointed agents and sending in each a new subscriber. One cannot have too many good magazines; they are friends and educators that we should all entertain and prize.

We have just received Remarques, the handsomest publication in central New York. It has enlarged its size and form and to day is the most artistically illustrated periodical which reaches our exchange table. It is most ably edited and superbly illustrated, and takes the lead in high art journalism in central New York.


The Arch of the States is to be the perpetual monument of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. It is constructed of 24 courses of stone contributed by the 24 Trans-Mississippi States and Territories with Nebraska at the base of a foundation constructed of Nebraska stone. The Arch forms the grand entrance to the Exhibition. It is flanked upon either side by exedras which advance in semicircles partially embracing the plaza before the Arch. In these exedras are the main ticket offices. The Arch itself is fifty feet wide, twenty-five feet deep, and sixty-eight feet to the top of its parapet. It is in the form of a triumphal arch, the opening being twenty feet wide and thirty-five feet high to the keystone.

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THE Omaha Trans-Mississippi Exposition opened June 1 with a blaze of splendor and elegance. It is a second Chicago World's Fair and should be supported by every stock man and westerner. There is hardly a guest who visited the Chicago Fair that has not regretted the little time they allotted to the visit. We have all longed for another chance to renew such a trip and now the city of Omaha comes forward, after months of toil, and more than fulfills her many promises by presenting to the people of the East and the people of the West another opportunity for sight seeing. This number of KINGS AND QUEENS has been dedicated to the city and its magnificent enterprise, and we trust that our readers will consider it a matter of personal education to themselves to visit the exposition before the first of November. Some handsome cash prizes have been offered to those engaged in our great industry, as the following announcement will show.



OMAHA, NEB.—The protest of the stockmen of the west against the offer of medals as awards in the live stock department of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition has resulted in a unanimous decision by the board of directors to substitute cash for medals. Stockmen declare that this change will result in making the live stock section of the exposition the greatest show of live stock ever held in the United States.

The matter was considered at a special meeting of the board of directors called to consider the matter. One of the arguments used in favor of the cash premiums was that Kansas City was preparing for a live stock show at which $75,000 in cash prizes would be offered and that breeders of stock would not bring their animals to compete for medals. The stock yards and other stock interests of South Omaha and live stock associations throughout the state were fully represented at the meeting and all expressed great satisfaction at the decision, saying that the action would result in bringing thousands of people to the exposition who would not otherwise have come.

The resolution, which was adopted by the directors without a dissenting vote was as follows:

Resolved, that this board hereby directs the executive committee to reconsider the subject of live stock premiums and instructs the committee to offer cash prizes amounting to $35,000 in place of medals.

In addition to the $35,000 to be awarded by the directors under the terms of this resolution, the Union Stock Yards Company, of South Omaha, will contribute $1,000 in cash to be awarded in prizes by the executive committee for cattle, hogs and sheep. The announcement of this offer was made to the directors by General Manderson, representing the Stock Yards Company.

Grouped on a high plateau the shape of which is not unlike what printer call a Gothic "L" are the buildings occupied by the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. The perpendicular line of the L points east and west; while along the horizontal line sweeps the Missouri river. The perpendicular and the horizontal are connected at the intersection point by a viaduct. The perpendicular of the L is known as the Kountze Park, and the horizontal as the Bluff tract, covering an area of something like 120 acres; and, forming an annex stretching away to the north, is the area devoted to agricultural implements, transportation building, athletic sports, etc. A section of the Midway is on the North tract. All this lies two miles from the heart of Omaha, and is connected therewith by innumerable tramways and railroad lines. The journey thither is made in less than fifteen minutes.

The view from the Bluff tract up and down the valley of the river and way across to the bluffs of Iowa, is most striking and impressive, while peeping out from between the pillars which form a colonnade connecting the buildings in Kountze Park are bits of greensward and leafy hill-sides as exquisite as could be desired.

On the Kountze Park is what is known as the Main Court, with a Grand Canal sweeping down the center and flanked on either side by the stately buildings of the general exposition. The architects have exhausted the resources of their craft in the designs, and they are every way worthy of the great occasion and would not put to shame even the artistic French capital, even if posed on Champs de Mars or the Esplanade des Invalides. They are variations of the Pagan Greek with here and there an impudent though not offensive, intrusion of bits of fin de siecle. As you look west a long canal sweeps away at your feet. Half way down the picture is an island and still further a massive electric fountain, while at the east end rises the great building of the National Government. This structure surpasses in beauty and expense  Scanned image of page 224 anything that the Federal authorities have ever attempted. In design the building suggests at once the Capitol at Washington and the great church of St. Peter's at Rome. The surmounting dome, unlike that which adorns the average state capitol, is gratifying in proportion, and really looks as if the building beneath it is heavy enough to carry it. It is gilded as bright as the crown upon St. Isaac's in St. Petersburg, and rising above it is a colossal reproduction of Bartholdi's statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World." The approach from the green lawn connecting the mirror lake with the United States Building is up a massive flight of steps, flanked on either side by figures of herculean mould, while stretching away from either end of the structure are the curving colonnades suggestive of St. Peter's.

It is a curious and most admirable feature of this exposition that all of the important buildings are connected by colonnades, enabling the visitor to pass from one exhibit to another through a shaded walkway, free from the discomfort which the broiling summer sun has usually imposed upon World's Fair visitors.


The design of the Liberal Arts Building is of the French Renaissance school of architecture, harmony and proportion being regulated by the conditions of the other main exhibit buildings in the Grand Court. The Liberal Arts Building is 246 feet front by 130 feet in depth. The main entrances are on the east, west and north fronts.

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of Manufactures and the house of Agricultural display, mammoth structures of beautiful design, stored with the riches of all lands.


The Horticulture Building is a magnificent central features, around which are clustered the various State buildings and some amusement buildings. It is 130x310 feet in dimensions and 160 feet to the top of the belfry, which contains the chimes. The building is to house the floral, fruit and forestry exhibits and is admirably adapted for the purpose, the high dome, covered with glass, permitting the exhibitions of the tallest ornamental plants. In the center of the dome is place the crystal cave in a pyramid of rocks covered with mosses and flowers and down the sides of which trickles countless little streams to the pool below.


The outside dimensions of this building are 148x400 feet. It has a total floor space of 84,260 square feet. The design of the Agriculture Building shows a richness of ornament almost to redundancy, which not only gives it the character of an exhibition building, but suggests the wealth and abundance-derived element in the design.

At your feet and immediately in front of you is the Auditorium, a building for conventions, concerts and mass meetings. Next the building for Mines and Mining, and last the Hall of Fine Arts. Posed midway between the extremities of this long Canal of Honor, on the right, is a building of collossal​ design, which is used for administrative purposes, and facing it and forming the main entrance to the grounds is a colossal arch, modeled upon those with which Bonaparte adorned Paris and Milan. Scattered over the picture are a vast number of statues,  Scanned image of page 228 representative of the best types of sculpture in ancient and modern art. The scene, particularly at night, when the silence is broken only by the lapping of the waters and song of the gondolier and the hum of a myriad voices, with the great buildings outlined by thirty thousand electric lights; with the bridges in graceful arches spanning the canal on which the Venetian boatmen glide, in soft and rythmic​ motion, promises to be a thing of exquisite joy and beauty. All this is the picture of the main section of the exposition proper.


Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, June to November, 1898.

Yet this is but a fraction and a small fraction of the general display. Adjoining on the east is the Bluff tract, wherein are the great Horticultural Building and the structures for state headquarters. The Horticultural display will be one of rare magnificence. The building is fully as large as that at Chicago, and quite as well adapted to the uses. It will contain a wonderful display including a rich collection of exotics from the South. The State Buildings are located on little plats through which wind macadam walks and roads and about which lie massive flower gardens and shrubbery fields. There will be shady nooks and arbored​ walks with peeps out over the river valley, all of the most picturesque and inviting character. Two great restaurant buildings flank the approach of the viaduct, which connect this tract with the main grounds.

Further north lies the Passing Show, the counterpart of the Midway Plaisance at the Chicago Exposition. There is a Rue de Caire, with the white donkeys and the frolicsome darkey boys, the lumbering camels, the attractive mosque with its slender heaven-pointing minaret, and shrill-voiced muezzinp​, the snake charmer, and the antique shop.

The Moorish Village is finished in the style of the Alhambra and will contain a traditional labyrinth, Bedouin camps, stalls for the sale of bijouterie, and all other quaint and interesting features of life in northern Africa. A novel attraction  Scanned image of page 229 will be the exhibition of the incubator for the artificial development of infantile vitality. The display will be in the nature of a clinic, which cannot fail to be of great interest, chiefly of course to the mothers of the country, but incidentally to all.

Such, in brief, is this great Western exposition. Want of space curtails description; the reader should "go and see."


The Greek Ionic style of architecture characterizes the Mines Building. The order is of heroic proportions, carried out with great artistic care in detail. The principal feature of the lagoon facade is a circular dome 150 feet in circumference, rising to a height of 75 feet. The dome is supported on a circular row of fluted Ionic columns, and the space enclosed by them and under the dome is open, forming a grand open domed vestibule for an approach to the building. The inner dome is richly designed with ribs and panels and is decorated in colors, while the outer is formed by a series of steps rising in the form of a cone to apex, which is crowned by a richly decorated base for flagstaff.


The Machinery and Electricity Building is 304 feet front by 144 feet in depth. There are triple entrances on the main floor level in the center of the main front, and similar groups in the centers of the east and west fronts, with four emergency exits in the north wall. The main floor covers the entire area of the building. Above is a gallery thirty-two feet in width, extending around the four outer walls. The gallery is reached by spacious staircases located in the front corners of the building. This leaves a high central court 248 feet long by 80 feet wide, lighted from the sky-lights and clere-story windows above the roof.

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STAND here this rare first day of June, beneath this cloudless sky of the West, and look far down this noble court, with its great buildings, massive and magnificent, classic in their architecture and rich in ornament, their snowy façades mirrored in the long lagoon that stretches away two thousand and more feet to the fountain playing before the splendid public building erected by the general government in recognition of the progress and the power of the great West. It is indeed a fair sight.

Just a moment ago the President of the United States touched a tiny electric button in the capital city of the nation, and now the machinery of a great exposition is in play, responsive to his finger. Turning from the toil of war to the noble pursuits of peace, he has set in motion the energies of one of the most important expositions of any day.

The red suited members of the Marine Band from Washington have played sonorously, a chorus of singers have sung and the speakers have sp[?]d the vast audience has rendered its response[?]ause—the Trans-Mississippi Exposition has begun[?]

Just as one expects to find [?]w Western town tokens at every turn of the spa[?]estern enterprise, so one quite naturally expects[?] evidences of sectional—indeed, of national—thri[?]nterprise in this exposition now under way in this [?]g, rushing, bustling Western city of Omaha. En[?]and sincerity seem to me to dominate in this re[?]e remarkable fair. If the people of this region ha[?] nothing more than afford this fine token of sincer[?]lfilling promises, it would have been worth the [?]d the millions that have gone into it. In carrying [?]e plans of this exposition, those in charge have [?] important advantages—immense area for grou[?] cordial assistance. Nearly or quite two million five hundred thousand dollars has been expended in preparing this exposition.

Nearly as many acres of ground as Paris will have for her exposition in 1900—200 acres, to be precise—bordering the edge of the bluff, with the lazy, mud-stained Missouri in the distance, have given fine opportunity for the development of the exterior scheme of the exposition. The grounds where the more important buildings stand are in the form of a great quadrangle over two thousand feet in length, and perhaps five hundred and fifty in width. In the central portion of this lies a lagoon. Bordering it are fine stretches of turf, with much promise of bloom when the hotter summer comes, and at their edge rise beautiful buildings, snowy white, large, artistic, architecturally exquisite. Strong men in architecture from various American cities have united to produce about the sides of this long lagoon the most imposing and attractive series of buildings ever erected for similar purposes in America, save for the buildings which distinguished the Columbian Fair above all other exposition of the century.

The quadrangle lies east and west, and at the eastern end, lying at right angles, are the State buildings, structures highly creditable to the dozen or more Western commonwealths which are represented. Beyond the State the Midway displays its manifold attractions.

Perhaps the candid Nebraskan would tell you in a moment of frank contriteness that the prime object of this exposition was to boom Omaha. And yet this is not an exposition of the common commercial type. It is something much higher, and keenly sympathetic with higher elements of life.

Had there been no White City at the lower end of Lake Michigan, this must easily have been the most striking and important public enterprise of the kind in the history of American fairs.

Beginning at the viaduct, over one of the city streets crossing through the grounds, the buildings stretch away in white beauty along the lagoon. The buildings are large, imposing indeed, and so cleverly treated in their adornment of staff that they quite completely carry out the illusion of permanency. They are fitted out for the best possible display of the exhibits of home and foreign tokens of the world's progress. Over three hundred thousand square feet of space had been contracted for before the exposition opened. To your right as you look down the great quadrangle the snowy buildings extend until they fall into a fine perspective at the extreme western end cut by the Government Building, a vast structure five hundred feet in length. First the Electrical and Machinery Hall, then the Manufactures Building, the Administration Building, Building of Agriculture, then the immense Government Building stretching across the whole western end of the court. At its right, continuing on around the court, come the Fine Arts Building, of a noble type of architecture and admirably suited to its purpose, the tall arched entranceway, the arch of States, rising opposite the Administration Building, then the Building of the Liberal Arts, the Mines [?]nity and harmony characterize the buildings and the arrangements of the grounds of the exposition. Over on the Midway ample scope has been afforded for such display as suggests the incongruous or the unreal, and even here is apparently a steadfast purpose toward fidelity of representation.

Taken all in all, the general impression of this exposition must be decidedly satisfactory.

In a deeper sense, it would seem to be an exposition of much significance, illustrating as it does the commercial, the manufacturing, the agricultural, and the mining progress of a section of the country—a vast resourceful empire in itself.

The opening day of the exposition, June 1, brought many thousands of people from the regions roundabout, as well as a liberal proportion of Omaha's one hundred and fifty thousand of inhabitants. One would hardly believe it possible a musket was in the hands of the nation, to look out over the great court on the opening-day and see the assembled thousands. Reduced rail rates have, and will have, no doubt, their influence in attracting people, aside from the genuine beauty of the exposition, while nearly one hundred national conventions—medical, humanitarian, religious, ethical, commercial, and the like—will add their thousands to the throngs. So, take it all in all, Omaha promises to have her hands full this summer. The exposition closes on the 1st of November.

The exposition-grounds are easily accessible by electric railway from the downtown part of the city.

Taking advantage of experiences in electrical effects produced at other expositions, the managers of this department have provided an admirable display, both in the ornamentation of the buildings with innumerable lights and in producing novel and striking effects in the fountain immediately in front of the Government Building at the western end of the ground.

It would not be easy to estimate the value of such an exposition as this in illustrating to the nation at large the immense resources of the region which lies in the great Mississippi basin and contiguous to it. The railroad trains, which these weeks past have been entering the grounds, and stopping now at one, now at another, great building to unload immense boxes of exhibits, have brought their freightage from many States and from a vast region of country. These exhibits of the mining, the manufacturing, the agriculture, the forestry, the horticulture, the commerce, the business of this vast region, from the Canadian line to the Gulf of Mexico, are not mere advertising dodges. The States themselves, through appropriations, have provided the funds to show to the world the best of the material resources of their commonwealths; and while art and music and all phases of the æsthetic have not been neglected, it is perhaps this fine panorama of the material West which is here afforded that most will interest. Cast in a different figure, this Trans-Mississippi Exposition is an epitome of the wealth—and not only of the wealth, but of the progress—of the great central region of the nation.

One of the speakers at the opening of the exposition put the progress of the region in a nutshell when he made note of the fact that in the land where only fifty years ago the Indians wandered at will, there are now 22,000,000 people, with an aggregated wealth of twenty-two billions of dollars.

In the telegram which President McKinley sent to the exposition, after setting in motion its machinery, he paid a tribute, for which the success of this exposition will give warrant, when he said that nowhere have the unconquerable determination, the self-reliant strength, and the sturdy manhood of American citizenship been more forcibly illustrated than in the achievements of the people of the region this exposition exploits.

The officers of this Trans-Mississippi Fair are:

Gordon W. Wattles, president; Alvin Saunders, resident vice-president; Herman Kountze, treasurer; John A. Wakefield, secretary; Major T. S. Clarkson, general manager, with an executive committee of seven, and vice-presidents for each of the twenty-four Trans-Mississippi States.

The corner-stone of the exposition was laid on Arbor day, 1897, so that the vast enterprise has been accomplished in a year's time. Many of the States of the region have contributed liberally to the exposition in the way of suitable buildings, while the general government appropriates $200,000 for its building, and in it has placed exhibits of great interest. The government has also taken official notice of the exposition in the issuance of a series of postage-stamps, from one cent to $2, inclusive, commemorative of the event. Over three hundred million of these stamps were ordered for the first instalment​. The designs on the stamps are appropriate to the great West and its progress, illustrating phases of pioneer life.

The stamps were to have been ready for distribution June 1, but the issuance was delayed a few days.

Much that is of particular rather than general interest in the many features of this exposition must be reserved for future consideration. The Trans-Mississippi Fair appears to be more important than it promised to be—an exposition of wide scope and value.

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CENTURIES ago, the Red Cross of the Crusades was the badge of a merciful and fraternal bond existing among men. For not only did they fight for the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre, but they also deemed it an equally meritorious deed to care for those who sickened while upon that holy mission. To-day, the civilized people of five continents and even half barbaric states are bound together by this same idea. The headquarters of the American National Red Cross Society are at Miss Barton's home, Glen Echo, six miles from Washington. She is the ruling power of thousands of men and women who have enlisted in a great society to devote themselves to "smoothing the rough in the lives of those who suffer." She who encouraged and urged the work begun by the noble old Henri Dunant is still anxiously planning and working for the spread of the divine doctrine taught by Christ in the parable of the Good Samaritan. She has shown the whole world that the vital idea of the society is not charity—it scorns the word—but friendliness, helpfulness; its creed, human brotherhood; its law, true love.

God's remembrance of the wounded soldier was personified by a Swiss gentleman named Henri Dunant. Being near the battlefield of Solferino, he took part in the care of the wounded, remaining for some days in the hospitals. He was profoundly impressed with the lack of facilities for the care of the wounded. He thought much and deeply upon the subject. In 1862 the first public step was taken by him. He corresponded with the military author, Colonel Lacomte, in Lausanne, in regard to the adoption by all nations of a uniform flag by which all those who cared for the wounded and dying should be regarded as neutral. In April, 1864, Druinde L'huys, in the name of Napoleon III., sent to all the powers diplomatic communications inviting them to a congress of nations for agreement on an international treaty. On August 22, the great treaty was agreed to at Geneva by twelve of the powers of Europe. The badge adopted was a red cross on white ground, because it is the symbol of a saving power, and also because this is the national ensign of Switzerland with the colors reversed. Later, at the conference at Berlin in 1868, thirty-three more states signed the treaty. The work once started by Dunant's efforts gathered strength of itself almost.

Forty governments are now bound together by the articles of Geneva. Many nations, some of Asia, some of the isles of the sea, clasp hands under its banner, and pledge themselves to carry out its humane provisions.

Yet this noble work would not have been begun but for the heroic action of a woman. In 1853, the Crimean war began, and the disgraceful failure of the British medical department stirred the public to furious indignation. Florence Nightingale offered her help. A few days later she set out for the scene of war. The history of Miss Nightingale and her companions in the Crimea need not be repeated. The whole world is familiar with it; how order was brought out of chaos in the hospitals; how hope and returning health followed in the footsteps of these self-sacrificing women; how men snatched from quick-coming death would raise their feeble hands in blessing and even kiss the shadow of their benefactress as she passed; and how she has become one of the world's highest and most beloved ideals of nobility of character.

To another woman is due the fact that the United States has a Red Cross Society, and that woman is Clara Barton. She was born in Massachusetts in 1830. In 1854, she entered the Patent Office at Washington. When news came that Northern troops at Baltimore had been fired upon and wounded, she volunteered to go and care for them. Her life work opened before her that day.

After the war, broken in health, Miss Barton went to Switzerland. When the Franco-German war broke out in 1870, the Grand Duchess of Baden enlisted her services in establishing military hospitals upon the best basis. At the joint request of the German and French authorities, Miss Barton took charge of the distribution of relief among the sufferers in Strasburg after the siege. She did similar service during the siege of Paris. The honorable decorations of the Golden Cross of Baden and the Iron Cross of Germany were conferred upon her.

President Garfield appointed Miss Barton president of the American Association of the Red Cross Society. She soon saw the need, in our country, of the society acting in peace as well as in war. So an amendment was added, providing that all calamities by fire, flood and other misfortunes, should be ameliorated by the aid of the organization.

When the devastating floods of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers occurred in 1864, Miss Barton went to that district. The society under her leadership has borne noble aid to the sufferers from the forest fires of Michigan, the Texas drought, the Mt. Vernon cyclone and the Johnstown flood.

At the present time, when every loyal citizen of the United States is stirred by the great pending crisis in out national affairs, Miss Barton and her noble band of assistants have bravely stepped forward to relieve the sufferings of the Cubans. She recently returned from the scene of famine and death, foreseeing war. "Red Cross policy is to go behind the guns, not in front of them," she exclaimed to General Lee. Miss Barton had been in Cuba only about two months, but she did much to save a part of the Cubans from starvation. Few realize the courage required to enter those closely situated huts, dark, dirty and uncomfortable, or to make the native hospitals, hovels of filth and foul air, fit for men even to die in.

There are many homes and stations belonging to the Red Cross Society. A home, of more interest to us because it is on native soil, is the Red Cross Farm, in Lawrence county, Indiana. Here is located the only landed possession which the Red Cross Society has in the world. This beautiful farm of 300 acres, with its costly house, one of those old-fashioned country residences, and large barns, was given to the society in 1893, by Dr. Joseph Gardner, of Bedford, Indiana. Miss Barton spent one entire summer there. She said, in accepting the gift: "This land will be the one piece of neutral ground on the Western Hemisphere, protected by international treaty against the tread of hostile feet. It is a perpetual sanctuary against invading armies, and will be so respected and held sacred by the military powers of the world." It will remain as a place to accumulate and produce material and stores for sudden emergencies and calamities. Miss Barton said: "I will direct that monuments be erected defining the boundaries of this domain, dedicated to eternal peace and humanity, upon which shall be inscribed the insignia of the treaty of Geneva, which insignia all the nations of the earth are bound by solemn covenant to respect."


Two soldiers lay on the battlefield.
At night when the sun went down.
One held a lock of thin gray hair
And one held a lock of brown.
One thought of his sweatheart​ back at home,
Happy and young and gay,
And one of his mother left alone,
Feeble and old and gray.
Pale grew the dying lips of each,
Then, as the sun went down,
One kissed a lock of thin gray hair,
And one kissed a lock of brown.

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