Report of the General Secretary of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition
- Subtitle: June 1st to November 1st, 1898
- Date: 26 June 1899
- Author(s): John A. Wakefield
- Publisher: s.n.
- Publication Place: Omaha, NE

Report of the General Secretary of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition
June 1st to November 1st, 1898.
June 26th, 1899.


Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.
Mr. President, Board of Directors, Stockholders and Patrons:
It having been determined to pay a final "Distribution of Assets" equal to 2 1/2 per cent, on paid up stock (making a total refund of 90 per cent, on paid up stock), and close the Exposition offices on July 1st prox., it seems fitting that some salient tacts in regard to the enterprise should be transmitted with the check for final "Distribution of Assets." Hence, follows, as briefly as possible, perhaps all too briefly, such facts and information as do not require tabulated tables of figures, etc., to give the story as fully and satisfactorily as a history would do.
Since the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, 1893, the belief has been strong and oft expressed that a complete and comprehensive exposition, held at 'some central point, would be of incalculable and lasting benefit to every state, territory and interest within the Trans-Mississippi country.
Acting under this belief, some of the Omaha citizens, after the great work of outfitting the State Fair grounds in 1895 was completed, agreed that a movement should be started looking to a great exposition at Omaha. Resolutions were prepared, presented to and adopted by the Trans-Mississippi Congress, which held its yearly meeting at Omaha, in November, 1895. These resolutions strongly favored holding a TransMississippi Exposition at Omaha in September and October, 1898. Following this a meeting was held at the Commercial Club rooms, a committee appointed to prepare articles of incorporation, etc., and on January 18th, 1896, at a meeting at the Commercial Club rooms the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition was organized, articles of incorporatiton adopted and directors and officers elected, as follows:
Gurdon W. Wattles...Vice President Union National Bank
Vice President.
Jacob E. Markel...President Pacific Hotel Company
Herman Kountze...President First National Bank
John A. Wakefield...Wholesale Lumber
Gurdon W. Wattles...Vice President Union National Bank
Jacob E. Markel...Proprietor Millard Hotel
W. R. Bennett...President W. R. Bennett Co.
John H. Evans...President National Bank of Commerce
Dudley Smith...President Steele-Smith Grocery Co.
Dan. Farrell, Jr...President Farrell & Co.
George H. Payne...President Fidelity Trust Co.
Charles Metz...General Manager Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Isaac W. Carpenter...President Carpenter Paper Co.
Henry A. Thompson...Thompson, Belden & Co.
C. S. Montgomery...Montgomery & Hall, Attorneys

The preparatory promotion work was energetically pushed. Con- gress passed a bill recognizing the exposition and providing for an ap- propriation of $200,000.00 for a Government building and exhibit. This bill passed congress and was signed by the President on June 10th, 1896. Public parades and celebrations, in honor of the congressional recogni- tion of the exposition were held in Council Bluffs on June 20th and in Omaha on June 26th, 1896.
Subscriptions for the exposition, amounting to $404,720.00, were next secured, and on December 1st, 1896, a stockholders' meeting was held in the Board of Trade rooms for the election of a new board of directors, as required by amended articles of incorporation, amend- ments adopted at a stockholders' meeting held July 10th, 1896.
The list of directors elected at this meeting, after a few changes made subsequently, was as follows:
Babcock, W. N.
Bidwell, George F.
Brandeis, J. L.
Brown, J. J.
Bruce, B. E.
Carpenter, I. W.
Creighton, John A.
Dickinson, Edw.
Evans, John H.
Hibbard, F. B.
Hitchcock, G. M.
Holdrege, G. W.
Hussie, John H.
Hoctor, Thomas R.
Jardine, Walter
Johnson, John A.
Kilpatrick, Thomas
Kimball, Thomas L.
Kirkendall, F. P.
Korty, L. H.
Kountze, Herman
Lee, Dr. E. W.
Lindsey, Z. T.
Lyman, C. W.
Manderson, C. F.
Markel, J. E.
Metz. Charles
Millard, J. H.
Montgomery, C. S.
Murphy, Frank
Noyes, A. H.
Payne, George H.
Paxton, W. A., Sr.
Price, E. C.
Rector, A. L.
Reed, A. L.
Rosewater, Edw.
Saunders, A.
Smith, Arthur C.
Smith, Dudley
Thompson, H. A.
Wattles, G. W.
Webster, John L.
Weller, C. F.
Wells, Lucius
Wharton, John C.
Wilcox, R. S.
Wilhelm, C. M.
Yost, C. E.
Youngs, Fred M.
Directors at a meeting held December 16th, 1896, elected the following officers and executive committee:
President...Gurdon W. Wattles
Resident...Vice President Alvin Saunders
Treasurer...Herman Kountze
Secretary...John A. Wakefield
General Counsel...Carroll S. Montgomery
Z. T. Lindsey, Ways and Means Department.
Edward Rosewater, Publicity Department.
G. M. Hitchcock, Promotion Department.
F. P. Kirkendall, Buildings and Grounds Department.
E. E. Bruce, Exhibits Department.
A. L. Reed, Concessions and Privileges Dept.
W. N. Babcock, Transportation Department.

Mr. Hitchcock resigned from the committee on July 9th, 1897, and the Promotion Department was then consolidated with the Publicity Department, and the executive committee consisted thereafter six in number.
Choosing of a site for the exposition followed, and the rivalry re- sulted February 10th, 1897, in the choice of Miller Park by a vote of 28 for Miller Park to 22 for Hanscom Park site. The choice of Miller Park was made unanimous.
It developed later that Miller Park site was too far out from the city, and on March 17th, 1897, by a unanimous vote of the directors, the site was changed to the one used, which was known and designated as the "Old Fair Grounds site." Some prominent citizens, and some mem- bers of the directory, were reported at a directors' meeting held April 10th, 1897, to be quietly favoring postponement until 1899, feeling that the enthusiasm and prospects were not great enough to assure the great- est success if the exposition was held in 1898. To meet this interest- destroying argument, the directors at this meeting adopted the follow- ing resolution.
Resolved, That there is no ground for the vague rumors concern- ing the possibility of postponement of the exposition, and that the progress of the enterprise is satisfactory.
April 14th, 1897, the executive committee awarded the contract for the grading of the "Kountze tract" and the lagoon on said tract of land, and work was begun under this contract on April 28th, 1897.
April 22nd, 1897, the cornerstone of the "Arch of States," Twentieth and Pinkney streets, was laid with Masonic ceremonies, preceeded by a great civic parade.
July 7th, 1897, the first contract for building was awarded, being for the Administration Arch.
July 9th, 1897, the directors accepted the proposition of the United Real Estate and Trust Co. to sell to the exposition 5% acres of the Kountze tract for $15,000.00, upon which action they would donate to the exposition the sum of $5,000.00, and also donate 5% acres additional, upon the condition that the 11 acres thus provided should be forever maintained by the city as a park and be known and designated as Kountze Park. This park lies next north of Pinckney street, divided in two equal parts by the Twentieth street boulevard.
November 2nd, 1897, Douglas county, in which Omaha is situated, voted bonds in the sum of $100,000.00 for expense of Douglas county's participation in the exposition.
May 13th, 1898, the need for cash funds for carrying on the prepara- tions for the exposition being so very urgent, the board of directors voted authority for the issue of $200,000 negotiable bonds, secured by the property of the corporation, and further secured by a mortgage upon 50 per cent, of the gate receipts after June 1st, and it was believed that the clearing house banks of the city would subscribe for this issue of bonds. Negotiations with them were begun, proceeded with, but no bonds were issued or sold, for the 31st day of May having arrived with- out successful results, the president, secretary and executive committee advanced the funds (many thousands of dollars) necessary to make it possible to open the exposition gates promptly at 8 a. m. June 1st, 1898, as originally set and advertised.
In this connection it is pertinent to state that this exposition the only one in America to promptly open its gates to the public on a completed show on the day and hour originally designated the first to open free from mortgage or pledge of all or some portion of its gate receipts, the first to make money each and every month of the exposi- tion, and the first to repay to its stockholders any considerable portion of the funds advanced by them, upon which to base and build the en- terprise. In these respects the Trans-Mississippi and International Ex- position stands without a rival.
At this same meeting the directors adopted the following, a meas-
ure to safeguard the payment of the proposed bonds and as an assist-
ance in financing the enterprise:
"Resolved, That all contractors, whose payments are now due, or to become due, shall be paid 50 per cent, of their dues in cash and 50 per cent, in warrants or bonds.
"Resolved, That all employes who are paid by the month shall be paid, beginning June 1st, 1898, as follows: Those receiving $50 and under per month, 75 per cent, in cash and 25 per cent, in warrants; those receiving $50 to $75 per month, 70 per cent, in cash and 30 per cent, in warrants; those receiving $75 and over per month, 60 per cent. in cash and 40 per cent, in warrants.
"Resolved, That all warrants shall draw 7 per cent interest per an- num from their date, to be registered by the secretary, and to be paid by the treasurer in the order of their registration, as cash funds may be in the treasury available for such purpose."
For obvious reasons these resolutions were not carried out with em- ployees, and with contractors only to the extent that they could be per- suaded to accept same.
The financing of the enterprise caused great concern to the manage- ment and at times was most difficult. The situation was often dark and troublous, but by most persistent energy and manipulation all difficul- ties were overcome, and later the financial situation was all clear and calmly serene.
When the exposition opened on June 1st the indebtedness was about $225,000.00. Notes of the corporation were issued in a total amount of $47,502.63; Warrants of the corporation were issued in a total amount of $35,488.17, and the First National bank allowed overdrafts in distress times of $20,000.00.
June 1st, 1898. Opening day.
Pursuant to the programme, an immense procession, in four di- visions, comprising the military, civic, fraternal and secret society or- ganizations of the vicinity, reached the Arch of States entrance at 11 : 45 a. m., and the formal opening of the ceremonies at the east end of the Lagoon were proceeded with, as follows:
Prayer...Rev. Samuel J. Nichols, St. Louis, Mo.
Address...President Gurdon W. Wattles
Music...Song of Welcome
(Words by Henry J. Blossom, St. Louis, Mo.; music by Mrs. H. H. Beach, Boston, Mass.; sung by the Exposition Chorus, 150 voices; accompanied by the United States Marine band.)
Address...Hon. John L. Webster, Omaha
Oration...Hon. John M. Baldwin, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Music...(Fantasia) The Voice of Our Nation United States Marine Band.
Address...Hon. Wm. McKinley, President United States
(Received over long distance telephone and read by Governor S. A. Holcomb.)
Speech...Hon. Silas A. Holcomb, Governor of Nebraska
Starting of Machinery...President Wm. McKinley by Electric Button
Music...America Exposition Chorus, United States Marine Band and the Audience.
These ceremonies were followed by a luncheon at the Markel cafe and a great concert in the evening in the Auditorium, given by the Theodore Thomas orchestra and Exposition Chorus and was followed by a grand display of fireworks on the north part of the grounds.
On June 30th the National Congress passed an appropriation bill
appropriating $45,000.00 for the expense of an Indian encampment at
the exposition. This enabled the establishment of an encampment on
August 4th, 1898, comprising something more than 500 Indians, repre-
senting 35 distinct tribes, and constituted one of the chief attractions of
the exposition.
In commemoration of the exposition the United States Government designed and issued special postage stamps in amounts and description as follows, they were officially known as the "Omaha Exposition Stamps:"
100,000,000 1 cent, blue (Marquette on the Mississippi).
200,000,000 2 cent, copper red (Farming in the West).
5,000,000 4 cent, orange (Indian Hunting Buffalo).
2,000,000 8 cent, lilac (Troops Guarding Train).
5,000,000 10 cent, slate (Hardship of Emigration).
500,000 50 cent, olive (Western Mining Prospectors).
50,000 100 cent, brown (Cattle in Storm).
50,000 200 cent, blue (Mississippi Bridge, St. Louis).
10,000,000 5 cent, blue (Fremont on the Rocky Mountains).
Under the act of Congress, recognizing the exposition, provision was included for the establishment of a Government coining press in the Government Building, and upon this press were "coined" about 25,000 of the official souvenir coin medals, which bore upon the obverse side an Indian spearing a buffalo, and upon the other the composite type of Trans-Mississippi womanhood. This was obtained by securing the pictures of the two most beautiful women of each state and territory (selected by competent judges in each state), and from these 44 pictures the composite picture was obtained.
September 9th, 1898. The financial statement submitted to rhe management on this date demonstrated that the enterprise was practically free from debt, the indebtedness existing June 1st, with operating expense to September 1st, being all paid, and sufficient cash in the treasury to pay all debts existing, which by their terms were not yet due. Two months prior to the opening, when the Spanish war scare was engaging all attention, ruin was prophesied for the Exposition, and it was strongly asserted that for the first half of the five months of the Exposition not sufficient revenue would be received to pay operating expenses.
October 7th, 1898. Board of Directors adopted the following: "In view of the historical value of every incident connected with the Exposition, and the importance of preserving in a safe public depository all materials connected with its inception, its progress, its development, and its triumphant success, be it
Resolved, That the President and Secretary of the Exposition are hereby directed to obtain by purchase or otherwise, one, at least, of every medal, souvenir, program, photograph, illustration, magazine or newspaper article, and all other matters and things connected with its history that can be procured.
Resolved, That all such materials, when gathered, shall be placed in suitable cases or receptacles in the building of the Omaha Public Library; provided, that said Library shall agree to furnish suitable place therein and give due care to the preservation of the same.
Resolved, further. That the President shall appoint from the Di- rectors of the Exposition a committee of three, to constitute and be called the Historical Committee. Said committee shall be authorized and empowered to employ a suitable person as Historian, who shall at once proceed with the gathering of the material and information for a complete History of the Exposition and prepare a manuscript and select the illustrations and plates therefor. Such manuscript and material to be readv for the printer by June 1st, 1899. It is further
Resolved. That the sum of $10,000, or as much thereof as may be
necessary, shall be appropriated for such purpose. The sum needed to
be expended under the direction of the Historical Committee, unon
vouchers approved by a majority of them, and countersigned by the
President of the Exposition. The said committee shall serve without
emolument or compensation, but are authorized to employ a stenographer at not to exceed $75 per month. . The material prepared for publication shall be approved before printing by the said Committee, which
shall also direct the form of the book to be published and provide for
its binding. One copy of said book shall be furnished the Omaha Public
Library, the University of Nebraska, the Omaha High School Library,
Creighton College, each State Library of the Trans-Mississippi States
and Territories, and one to each of the Directors of the Exposition.
All other of the said publications shall be sold at not to exceed the cost of printing and binding and 10 per cent, additional. The funds resulting from such sales to be paid into the treasury of the Exposition.
Acting under this authority, a large amount of matter has been collected and placed in a room in the Omaha Public Library set apart and used as an Exposition Musee. Among other things, six of the valuable paintings exhibited in the Pine Arts Building, which were valued by the artist authors at approximately $12,000, and the matter and things reposing in said Musee are not only of value, but of great interest.
No proceedings have been taken in the matter of the official history for the reason that an application was made in the District Court for a restraining order restraining the Exposition from the publication of said history. This petition was granted and a perpetual restraining order was entered. No history will, therefore, be published, and stockholders and others interested will have no available opportunity to refer to the historical incidents, facts arid reports of the Exposition. It is for this reason that the meager information herein presented is supplied for the stockholders. It is not only meager, but incomplete and unsatisfactory, and may be to some extent, at least, misleading, but it is the best that can be offered under the situation.
Week of October 10-15 had been, on suggestion of President Wattles, determined and designated as "Peace Jubilee Week," and at an extra expense of $24,000 the ceremonies of the week were conducted to a highly successful finish. Wednesday, October 12th, "President's Day," on which day President McKinley visited the Exposition, saw the largest attendance of the Exposition (98,845 admissions); total attendance for the week, 314,151.
For the operation of the Exposition a large number of employees were required. The October pay roll, which fairly represents the requirements, shows as follows, by divisions:
President... 4
Ways and Means—
Secretary's office...15
Bureau of Music...2
Bureau of Medals...1
Bureau of Admissions...152—169
Publicity and Promotion...13
Buildings and Grounds—
Other employees 231—444
Concessions and Privileges...91
October 18th, 1898. Board of Directors adopted the following:
"Resolved, That the Executive Committee are hereby directed to
invite proposals, to be opened November 15th next, for the purchase of
buildings and materials belonging to the Exposition, as a whole or in
such proportions as they may require, subject to the conditions of con-
tracts for lands used by the Exposition, and it is ordered that the Ex-
position close its doors November 1st and proceed to the liquidation and
settlement of its affairs."
November 22nd, 1898. The Exposition sold and transferred to the Greater America Exposition all its buildings, appurtenances, engines, apparatus, materials and furniture for the sum of $17,500.00 and the assumption by the purchasers of all obligations to the owners of lands leased for the purposes of the Exposition.
Distribution of assets were ordered to paid-up stockholders as follows:
November 4th, 1898 (4 days after close of Exposition)...75 percent.
April 1st, 1899...12% per cent.
June 26th, 1899..2% per cent.
Total refund to paid-up stockholders...90 per cent.
Further information will be found in the following groups, given under the head of the Departments in which they were specially operated, and the general financial statement which concludes the list of statements:
Gurdon W. Wattles, President.
Thaddeus S. Clarkson, General Manager.
The special day and entertainment features of the Exposition were ably conducted by President Wattles, assisted by General Manager Clarkson. Of the 153 days that the Exposition was open, 100 of them were special days of societies, states or events, and the arrangements for them and proper attention to details of same required a vast amount of time and attention. In this, as in many other features of the Exposition, the demonstrated results are well known and cannot here be detailed.
President Wattles was ably assisted in the entertainment features of the Exposition by the
composed of fifty ladies of the city, organized tor the work and who occupied commodious quarters in the north gallery of the Mines and Mining Building. The work of this bureau was more particularly looked after by the following officers and executive committee:
President, Mrs. Clement Chase.
Treasurer, Mrs. Freeman P. Kirkendall.
Secretary, Mrs. Wm. A. Redick.
Mrs. Clement Chase, chairman.
Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles.
Mrs. Freeman P. Kirkendall.
Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
Mrs. Chas. W. Lyman.
Mrs. Wm. A. Redick.
Mrs. John L. Webster.
Mrs. Henry T. Clarke.
Mrs. John E. Summers.
Mrs. George A. Joslyn.

Zachary T. Lindsey, Manager.
R. A. Finley. Auditor.
W. F. Holmes, Cashier.
Subscriptions to Exposition, which constituted its base of operations:
3,284 subscriptions of...$ 10.00 each
1,113 " " ... 20.00 each
439 " " ... 30.00 each
66 " " ... 40.00 each
790 " " ... 50.00 each
10 " " ... 60.00 each
5 " " ... 70.00 each
4 " " ... 80.00 each
494 " " ... 100.00 each
1 " " ... 110.00 each
1 " " ... 120.00 each
22 " " ... 150.00 each
94 " " ... 200.00 each
48 " " ... 250.00 each
37 " " ... 300.00 each
2 " " ... 350.00 each
4 " " ... 400.00 each
64 " " ... 500.00 each
3 " " ... 600.00 each
6 " " ... 650.00 each
3 " " ... 750.00 each
36 " " ... 1,000.00 each
1 " " ... 1,250.00 each
3 " " ... 1,500.00 each
9 " " ... 2.000.00 each
9 " " ... 2.500.00 each
6 " " ... 3.000.00 each
11 " " ... 5,000.00 each
1 " " ... 10,00'0.00 each
1 " " ... 15,000.00 each
1 " " ... 20,000.00 each
1 " " ... 25.000.00 each
2 " " ... 30,000.60 each
Assessments were ordered on these subscriptions as follows:
November 28th, 1896... 5 per cent
February 1st 1897... 5 per cent
March 1st, 1897... 5 per cent
April 1st, 1897... 5 per cent
June 1st, 1897... 25 per cent
August 1st, 1897... 20 per cent
February 1st, 1898... 20 per cent
March 1st, 1898... 15 per cent
100 per cent

1,194 ... subscriptions 1 share each
451 " ... 2 shares each
211 " ... 3 shares each
39 " ... 4 shares each
500 " ... 5 shares each
8 " ... 6 shares each
2 " ... 7 shares each
4 " ... 8 shares each
322 " ... 10 shares each
2 " ... 11 shares each
1 " ... 12 shares each
18 " ... 15 shares each
70 " ... 20 shares each
36 " ... 25 shares each
29 " ... 30 shares each
2 " ... 35 shares each
4 " ... 40 shares each
52 " ... 50 shares each
3 " ... 60 shares each
1 " ... 60 shares each
1 " ... 65 shares each
1 " ... 75 shares each
34 " ... 100 shares each
1 " ... 125 shares each
1 " ... 150 shares each
6 " ... 200 shares each
6 " ... 250 shares each
6 " ... 300 shares each
10 " ... 500 shares each
2 " ... 1,000 shares each
1 " ... 2,000 shares each
Abstract of record of admissions:
Paid Admissions—
Adult...1,385,733 2,146
Special child's...43,741
Special night...163,819
Commutation coupons...49,975—1,778,250
Free Admissions—
Free (bands, processions, etc.)...28,516
Full term photo passes...132,514
Monthly photo passes...497,578
Card passes...106,340
Trip passes...12,518
Workmen's passes ... 57,792—835,258
Total attendance 2,613,508
.687 per cent, paid plus .313 per cent, free equals 100 per cent.
Record of admissions by months:
June. July. August. Sept. October. Total.
Paid...166,882 187,654 311,943 413,571 698,200 1,778,250
Free...122,469 144,030 162,234 179,597 226,928 835,258

Attendance on some of the principal days, as follows:
October 12th, President's Day...98,845
October 31st, Omaha Day...61,236
September 22nd, Modern Woodmen's Day...52,725
October 13th, Army and Navy Day...49,710
October llth, Governors' Day...48,051
June 1st, Opening Day...27,998
July 4th, Nation's Day...44,452
Smallest day's total attendance, June 3rd 4,756
Smallest day's paid attendance, June 6th 1,752
The week of October 9-15 showed a total attendance of 314,151.
Abstract of record of receipts from admissions:
Pre-exposition period...$ 4,199.82
Commutation tickets...14,850.00
Ticket sales...763,425.10
Workmen's passes...1,043.25
Exhibitors' and concessionaires' full-term photo books...4,304.75
Employees' monthly photo books...12,514.00
Wagon books...154.00
Post Exposition period...1,024.55
Total admission receipts...$801,515.47
Week of largest gate receipts was week of October 9-15; receipts totaled $116,320.10.
Day of largest gate receipts was October 12th; gate receipts, $42,822.00.
Thos. J. Kelley, Director.
The music of the Exposition was an important feature and added much to the attendance and to the enjoyment of the visitors. Among the musical engagements the principal ones were as follows: United States Marine band, 50 pieces, June, 4 weeks; Phinney's United States band, 45 pieces, Ju] and August, 6 weeks; Mexican 7th Cavalry band, 42 pieces, August and September, 7 weeks; F. N. Innes' band, 42 pieces, September and October, 5 weeks; Theodore Thomas orchestra, 37 pieces, June 1st for 5 weeks; Apollo club of Chicago, 200 voices, June 21st and 22nd. These musical organizations were supplemented and supported by a finely disciplined chorus of 150 voices maintained during the whole period of the Exposition. The music of the Exposition cost $52,703.28. The receipts from concerts given were $3,520.85.
Aside from various small attractions, of small expense, the fireworks constituted the principal side attraction. These were furnished by the celebrated A. L. Due Fireworks Co. of Cincinnati, O., and the total expense was $12,000.00.

Edward Rosewater, Manager.
James Haynes, Superintendent Press Bureau.
Prof. Max Adler, Superintendent German Press Bureau.
With this department rested the great work of advertising and promoting the Exposition. From the report on file it is learned that this department sent out 1,422,974 issues of 32-page pamphlets, news letters, cuts of buildings, photographs, bird's-eye views, framed pictures, posters, buttons, etc., causing wide publicity to the enterprise.
Through efforts of various organizations of the city, ably assisted by the Omaha Commercial Club, and directed generally by the Exposition management, nearly one hundred conventions (national, state, etc.), congresses, national and state gatherings of fraternal societies were induced to hold their meetings at Omaha during the period of the Exposition.
The department estimates upon a careful and conservative basis that they secured the publication in the various great dailies, weeklies, magazines, ready-prints, etc., of as much as 65,000,000 words concerning the Exposition not taking into account the publicity given the Exposition by the Omaha newspapers. The promotion work was prosecuted energetically and as a result of special and combined efforts 35 states and territories appointed commissions to provide and look after state and territorial representation in the Exposition.
The following appropriations were made to cover expenses of participation in the Exposition: State of Nebraska, $100,000.00; Douglas County, Nebraska, $100,000.00; State of Illinois, $45,000.00; State of Iowa, $30,000.00; State of Montana, $30,000.00 (one-half of which was given by Mr. Marcus Daly of Butte) ; State of Georgia, $10,000.00; State of Utah, $8,000.00; State of Ohio, $3,000.00; State of New lork, $10,000.00; Territory of Arizona, $2,000.00; total, $438,000.00.
The following states raised privately funds as follows: Kansas, $22,000.00; Minnesota, $30,000.00; South Dakota, $5,000.00; Wisconsin, $25,000.00; Oregon, $10,000.00; Washington, $15,000.00; Oklahoma, $5,000.00; New Mexico, $3,000.00; Wyoming, $15,000.00; Los Angeles County, California, $10,000.00; Missouri, $15,000.00; Colorado, $10,000.00; Texas, $10,000.00; total, $170,000.00; grand total, $608,000.00.

Freeman P. Kirkendall, Manager.
John A. Templeton, Chief Clerk.
A. C. Foster, General Superintendent.
Walker & Kimball, Architects-in-Chief.
Rudolph Ulrich, Landscape Architect.
Luther Stieringer, Electrical Engineer.
M. S. Rails, Chief Engineer.
Henry Rustin, Supt. Light and Power.
C. E. Llewellyn, Commandant of Guards.
E. W. Lee, M. D., Director,
The physical features of the Exposition were looked after by department and is, perhaps, well expressed in the following tables of figures:
List of buildings, showing size and cost of each, exclusive of architects' fees, office expenses and salaries, superintendence and miscellaneous, which was about seven per cent, of cost of buildings:
Administration building, 50x50 feet, 55 feet 4 inches high... $ 11,621.24
Mines & Mining building, 400x140 feet, 48 feet 6 inches high... 42,250.55
Manufactures' building, 300x125 feet, 40 feet high... 56,256.13
Auditorium building, 150x115 feet, 37 feet high... 12,358.29
Agriculture building, 400x140 feet, 40 feet high... 60,987.51
Machinery & Electricity building, 300x140 feet, 31 feet 8 inches high... 50,019.90
Liberal Arts building, 280x125 feet, 36 feet 4 inches high... 31,183.26
Fine Arts building, 240x125 feet, 39 feet high... 46,163.05
Power Plant building, 150x120 feet, 18 feet high... 10,063.05
Horticulture building, 300 feet long, wings 70 feet, dome 110 feet, height 29 feet... 35,130.33
North viaduct... 4,679.95
East Colonnades... 11,842.29
Mirror Colonnades... 15,979.90
Administration Colonnades... 2,094.00
Sanitary Kiosks... 2,968.65
Warehouse building, 115x145 feet, 14 feet high... 3,022.03
South viaduct restaurants, each 100x50 feet, 29 feet high... 24,832.00
South viaduct... 6,531.31
Band stand, 80x30 feet, 52 feet high... 3,861.66
North and South Colonnades... 5,652.00
Hospital building, 50x25 feet, 22 feet high... 1,821.00
Press building, 50x50 feet... 3,548.46
Dairy building, 160x75 feet, 14 feet high... 7,858.04
Service building, 100x60 feet, 22 feet high... 7,022.65
Apiary building, 130x75 feet, 14 feet high... 6,341.48
International building, 130x100 feet, 20 feet high... 7,846.61
Fire and Police building, 150x115 feet, 18 feet high... 6,248.58
Transportation building, 430x300 feet, 17 feet high... 40,804.38
Arch of States, 50x20 feet, 67 feet high... 7,353.00
Ticket booths, exits and gates... 6,671.74
Refreshment Kiosks... 3,292.00
Girls' and Boys' building... 9,154.42
Live Stock buildings... 19,157.13

Architect's department (exclusive of superintendence)...$ 28,426.38
Taxes paid...4,292.93
General expenses...26,372.72
Fencing grounds...6,483.63
Water system, permanent...22,224.94
Water system, temporary...6,160.65
Paid Omaha Water Co. for water 7,515.43—35,901.02
Fire Protection—
Wages and expenses...5,081.00
Preparation of Grounds —
Landscape department...57,840.99
Macadamized roadways...32,587.82
Fountains, Kountze tract...746.75
Brick paving 11,620.77— 127,707.91
Sewerage and drainage...9,481.52
Engineer's department...10,202.96
Maintenance and Care of Grounds—
Janitor service...14,708.69
Road cleaning...4,624.75
Road sprinkling...1,320.42
Sanitary service...824.80
Ice account...1,051.11
Decorations, exterior of buildings...4,495.67
Settees, benches and chairs...4,774.71
General repairs... 8,054.79— 41,071.84
Power and Light—
Electrical department...63,282.85
Machinery department...53,945.52
Power plant, Transportation building...2,045.44— 119,273.81
Police Protection—
Secret service...3,115.47— 56,783.04
Hospital department...4,075.13
Office expenses (Buildings and Grounds department)...6,964.21
Firemen's tournament, buildings north of M. P. Ry. tracks. 4,286.41
Artesian well...4,844.54
Personal injuries, payments and expenses...8,200.00
Sundry claims...1,792.00
Miscellaneous and sundry expenses not classified...19,143.87
Grand total $1,103,675.64
There were 25 alarms for fires. Losses by fire were:
Buildings... $4,225.00
Contents... 1,865.00
Loss covered by insurance...3,000.00
Loss uninsured... $3,090.00
Losses were mainly in fires at California Gold Mining Tunnel on June 3rd, and later when the "Mt. Nebo Chapel" at Old Plantation concession was completely destroyed.

Dr. E. W. Lee, Medical Director.
Showing the number of cases treated under the different diseases; also average cost per patient and total expense during the Exposition period for maintaining hospital:
Diagnosis. No.
Acute Gastritis... 110
Acute Pharyngitis... 17
Acute Corryza... 12
Acute Bronchitis... 120
Acute Laryngitis... 38
Acute Alcoholism... 20
Acute Dermatitis... 34
Acute Syncope... 117
Acute... Glancoma
Angina Pectoris... 2
Abscesses... 45
Appendicular Colic... 4
Abortion... 2
Acute Oaphoritis... 6
Burns and Scalds... 21
Concussion (Brain)... 7
Contused and Lacerated Wounds... 330
Cholera Infantum... 2
Conjuncteritis... 6
Dislocations... 2
Dentitis... 75
Dysmenorrhea... 39
Exhaustion... 471
Enteritis... 633
Epilepsy... 7
Erysipilas... 2
Epididims-Orchitis... 2
Foreign bodies removed from eyes and ears—sand, cinders and insects... 140
Fractures... 25
Fallicular Tonsilitis... 18
Gunshot wounds...4
Hemorrhages—Stomach, 2; Lungs, 12; Nose, 5...19
Hepatic Colic... 27
Hsematuria... 1
Hysteria... 35
Hiccough (severe)... 1
Insect Bites... 29
Icterus... 1
La Grippe... 49
Malaria... 217
Menorrhagia... 2
Myalgia... 1
Neuralgia... 70
Otitis Media... 12
Pleurisy... 13
Sprauis... 170
Sciatica... 41
Suicide (attempt) by Strangulation (squaw)... 1
Tumors... 1
Typhoid Fever... 4
Tends Vadinitis... 2
Ulcerations... 83
Total number of cases... 3, 095

Total expense maintaining hospital, $4,075.13.
Average number patients per day, 20.25.
Average cost per patient, $1.31.
Pre-Exposition period—
For construction purposes, filling Lagoon three times and seepage from Lagoon, estimated gallons... 60,000,000
Consumption in June... 24,759,750
Consumption in July... 32,006,325
Consumption in August... 36,389,287
Consumption in September... 40,064,425
Consumption in October... 37,833,652
Total gallons 231,053,439
Water pressure, 100 lbs. to 106 1/2 gallons.
Exposition paid 5 cents per thousand gallons for water used June 1st to November 1st.
Water used prior to June 1st was supplied gratis.
Exposition paid one-half cost of water meters.
Lagoon covering 7 1/2 acres required 13,800,000 gallons of water to fill.
Edward E. Bruce, Manager. H. B. Hardt, Assistant.
Conducted under the auspices of the Woman's Board of Managers.
President, Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, Lincoln.
First Vice President, Mrs. Thos. L. Kimball, Omaha.
Second Vice President, Mrs. William Button, Hastings.
Third Vice President, Mrs .Frank Johnson, Crete.
Secretary, Mrs. Frances M. Ford, Omaha.
Mrs. W. P. Harford, Chairman, Omaha.
Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, Lincoln.
Miss Kate McHugh, Omaha.
Mrs. Thos. L. Kimball, Omaha.
Mrs. J. R. Reed, Council Bluffs.
Mrs. W.W.Keysor, Omaha.
Mrs. D. C. Giffert, West Point.
First Congressional District—Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, Lincoln; Mrs. A. W. Field, Lincoln.
Second Congressional District—Mrs.Angelina Whitney, Elk City; Miss Helen Chase, Papillion.
Third Congressional District—Mrs. D. C. Giffert, West Point; Mrs. Nettie K. Hollenbeck, Fremont.
Fourth Congressional District—Mrs. J. B. McDowell, Fairbury; Mrs. Frank Johnson, Crete.
Fifth Congressional District—Mrs. William Dutton, Hastings; Miss L. W. Fyffe, Hastings.
Sixth Congressional District—Mrs. M. A. Hunter, Broken Bow; Mrs. J. H. Kerr, Ansley.

Omaha—Miss Anna Foos, Miss Kate McHugh, Miss Alice Hitte, Mrs. O. S. Chittenden, Mrs. S. R. Towne, Mrs. W. W. Keysor, Mrs. W. P. Harford, Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, Mrs. Stella R. Feil, Mrs. T. L. Kimball. Mrs. Euclid Martin.
South Omaha—Mrs. E. B. Towle, Mrs. A. A. Munro.
Council Bluffs—Mrs. J. R. Reed, Mrs. S. C. Key.
The Bureau of Education was organized as an avenue for woman's greater participation in the work of the Exposition. The women de- sired that they be not set apart to a distinctive or special woman's de- partment, but that their work be a part of the general scheme, working hand in hand with the sterner, stronger, but not more willing nor capa- ble, sex.
The educational exhibits of the Exposition were in charge of this bureau, of which Mrs. Frances M. Ford was the untiring and capable secretary, while at the same time the superintendent of the Liberal Arts building. These exhibits included not only all the usual collections of school work, but a series of individual competitions in drawing, nature study, history, composition, penmanship and manual training.
The Girls' and Boys' Building, which is pleasantly remembered by Exposition visitors, was planned and conducted by the bureau, and was in charge of the secretary. The building fund was the donation of the school children of the Trans-Mississippi region, assisted by their friends, and under agreement the building became the property at the close of the Exposition of the Creche, a day home for children maintained by prominent women of the city.
A series of congresses conaucted by the bureau was an educational feature of the Exposition. These congresses extended over several days in most cases, and consisted of programs in which celebrated speakers in various lines of thought appeared. The congresses were as follows: Art, Music, Temperance, Liberal Congress of Religions, National Council of Women, State Federation of Woman's Clubs, National Household Economic Association, Single Tax, Congress of Mothers. Other con gresses in which the bureau assisted were the Library and Sunday School Congresses, the Conference of Charities and Corrections.
Armond H. Griffith, Director Art Museum, Detroit, Mich., Superin- tendent.
Paul Charlton, Chairman.
C. S. Huntington.
Clement Chase.
F. W. Parker.
Earl W. Gannett.
Z. T. Lindsey.
W. S. Poppleton.
C. W. Hamilton.
Herman Kountze, Jr.
Jules Rolshoven, England.
Frederick Mayer, France.
Dr. C. Hofsteded de Groot, Holland.
W. M. R. French, Illinois.
John L. Griffith, Indiana.
Stephen N. Crosby, Massachusetts.
Chas. L. Freer, Michigan.
Thomas B. Walker, Minnesota.
F. L. Ridgely, Missouri.
John W. Bookwalter, New York.
Frank Duveneck, Ohio.
Daniel Baugh, Pennsylvania.
Theo. Cooley, Tennessee.
John L. Mitchell, Wisconsin.
Prof. Frederic W. Taylor, University of Nebraska, Superintendent.
H. B. Hardt, Superintendent.

Mrs. Frances M. Ford, Omaha, Neb., Superintendent.
Dr. David T. Day, Washington, D. C., Superintendent.
John B. Dinsmore, Sutton, Neb., Superintendent.
S. C. Bassett, Gibbon, Neb., Assistant Superintendent.
E. Whitcomb, Friend, Neb., Superintendent.
D. H. Elliott, Omaha, Neb., Superintendent.
John B. Dinsmore, Sutton, Neb., Superintendent.
C. H. Elmendorf, Lincoln, Neb., Assistant Superintendent.
The results of the work of the Exhibits Department is of the record- breaking sort. Following the precedents of the San Francisco Mid- Winter Fair and of the Atlanta Exposition, the Exposition management made a charge for exhibit space as follows: In buildings, $1.00 per square foot; in grounds, 50 cents per square foot. To each state and territory of the Trans-Mississippi country 1,000 square feet of exhibit space was granted free of charge. The policy of making a charge for exhibit space is one that has been much discussed pro and con. The arguments pro are, however, stronger and more numerous than per contra, and the wisdom of the decision to charge exhibitors for space used is apparent in the results and in the statements of the most experienced exhibitors. There follows the results in figures, the only form in which a brief report permits: Number of separate exhibits, 5,119; number of exhibitors, 1,252. Receipts from sales of exhibit space, round numbers, $200,000.00. Number of square feet of exhibit space in buildings, floor space, 425,000 square feet; galleries, 75,000 square feet; total, 500,000 square feet.
Expenses of Exhibits Department:
Fine Arts... $16,984.50
Live stock, dairy and poultry premiums... 21,182.00
Live stock, dairy and poultry premium lists, catalogues, expenses and claims... 6,565.55
Apiary exhibits... 2,582.93
Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Irrigation... 7,487.77
Machinery and Electricity... 6,656.05
Bureau of Fducation, general expenses... 700.00
Mines and Mining... 8,165.00
Manufactures... 5,166.70
International Hall... 1,695.40
Transportation and agricultural implements... 5,560.45
Awards Bureau, diplomas, medals, judges, jurors, etc... 9,016.40
Decorations, fiags, bunting, pictures for interior of buildings... 8,000.00
Miscellaneous expenses not, classified... 157.45
Total $99,920.20
Hon. James M. Woolworth, Omaha, Chairman.
John E. Utt, Commissioner Commercial Club, Omaha, Asst. Chairman.
This bureau was ably conducted and the awards made upon reports
of jurors were eminently satisfactory to the army of exhibitors. A jury
of 3 persons examined, tested, and formulated a report, giving points of
merit of each exhibit entered for competitive award. This report was
examined and approved by the Bureau of Awards, assisted by the man-
ager of the department. About 100 persons served the Exposition as
members of the many juries, and the list comprised names of men, ex-
perts in their lines, from all parts of the United States and Canada.
Medals and Diplomas were awarded as follows:
Highest Award. Gold Medal. Silver Medal. Bronze Medal. Hon. Mention.
Manufactures... 17 501 296 145 120
Mines and Mining... 28 68 67 44
Agricutlure... 1 51 32 61 73
Horticulture... 2 63 86 126 72
Apiary... 2 41 24 12
Dairy... 6 32 96
Commemorative Medals and Diplomas, 464.
Total Medals and Diplomas awarded, 2,530.
Cattle, horse, hog and other animal exhibits were awarded cash prizes, which were promptly paid upon the submission of report of the juries of awards in these sections.
Abraham L. Reed, Manager. S. B. Wadley, Superintendent.
The story of the operation and results in this department is per- haps best told in the following, which is well worth careful study:
Number of concessions and privilege contracts... 247
Number of employees in the department... 91
Number of employees of concession and privilege holders... 2,762
Total rent charged to concessionaires... $ 65,851.25
Paid up privileges concessionaires... 50,802.35
Percentages concessionaires... 177,294.58—$293,948.18
Cashiers' salaries concessionaires... 12,139.88
Cash register rent concessionaires... 1,494.00
Tickets... 989.45— 14,623.33
Total charges to concessionaires $308,571.51
Voucher Crs. for rebates and errors... $ 4,208.02
Cashiers, registers and tickets chgd. conces'aires... 14,370.52
Office expense, salaries, etc... 12,415.25
Claims, attorneys' fees and costs... 17,390.65
Miscellaneous expenses... 5,931.41
Transferred to Exhibits and Educational Depts... 16,181.94
Total disbursements... $ 70,497.79
Amount uncollected... 2,033.16
Net cash earnings... 236,040.56

Gross Receipts. Exposition Revenue. Collections.
1—Amusements...$479,696.78 $117,502.34 $114,582.78
2—Restaurants, beer and cigars...451,963.18 105,327.75 104.482.46
3—Ice cream and soft drinks...55,553.70 17,557.60 17,455.89
4—Popcorn, fruits and candy...35,091.39 10,877.73 10,602.73
5—Souvenirs and novelties...29,535.10 7,560.46 7,141.01
6—Merchandise...172,404.11 49,745.63 48,065.46
$1,224,244.26 $308,571.51 $302,330.33
Voucher Crs. for rebates and errors... 4,208.02
Balances uncollected... 2,033.16
William N. Babcock, Manager.
Ambrose H. Lee, Superintendent.
One of the important duties of this department was the securing of most favorable transportation rates and facilities for passengers and freight from points in this and foreign countries to the Exposition. Railway companies viewed the enterprise with favor, and it may be said that no reasonable requests upon the railways for assistance were declined. Through their courtesy the Exposition was enabled to send its officers and agents to various parts of this country, often in special cars and trains, promoting the interests of the Exposition and traveling in its interests.
Foreign railroads and steamship companies also assisted materially. Exhibits from the Orient, European, South American and other countries were transported to and from the Exposition at greatly reduced rates. Foreign exhibits, by act of Congress, were admitted to our ports free of payment of duties. Import brokers at ports of entry assumed the duty of clearing the exhibit shipments free of expense to the exhibitor. These courtesies were much appreciated.
Domestic exhibits were transported to and from the Exposition on reduced rates—full rates to the Exposition and return rate free on certificate that goods had been exhibited and had not changed ownership. In many instances exhibits from Nebraska and adjoining states were carried free. Railway tracks were laid to all the principal buildings without expense to the Exposition.
During the period of the Exposition passenger rates were very liberal, and this fact, taken with the extensive advertising given by the railway companies, contributed largely to the success which resulted.
The Omaha Street Railway Co. gave a car service which was generally ample and very satisfactory. Better than a one-minute service was given, and on three of the big days an average of 242,617 passengers were carried.
Handling of freight pertaining to exhibits was done by the Exposition Transfer Co. under a contract with the Exposition, providing for charges of six cents per cwt. from cars and from the freight house on the grounds, and twelve cents per cwt. from down-town depots and terminals to the designated exhibit spaces in the buildings. This important service was so well performed that not a single loss or damage claim against the Exposition resulted. There were handled in this way 5,417 consignments, consisting of 127,749 packages, weighing 21,205,457 pounds, or 10,603 tons, or 1,000 carloads of ten tons each.

Carroll S. Montgomery, General Counsel.
Aside from suits instituted against delinquent subscribers to the Exposition, there were begun 29 lawsuits, in which the Exposition was a party, either as plaintiff, defendant, or as one of the parties defendant. The departments more particularly responsible for operations resulting in these suits were as follows: Publicity and Promotion 1, Buildings and Grounds 10, Exhibits 3, Concessions and Privileges 13, Transportation 2.
The amounts claimed from the Exposition as damages, etc., in these various suits aggregated $236,678.58. All litigation has been concluded, except one suit, and at a cost to the Exposition of $25,960.00. Most of these cases were settled out of court. The Exposition has paid for attorneys in all of its various litigation in above suits $1,915.00.
Five of above suits were for damages arising from personal in- juries and aggregated $105,100.00. These particular suits were settled by payment to the parties of the aggregate sum of $6,850.00.
One suit remains unsettled and is as follows: Mattox & Root (Wild West show) vs. Exposition. Damages alleged to have been sustained to their concession by reason of United States Government placing on the grounds an exhibit of Indians, showing various tribes, modes of life. Damages claimed, $15,054.00. The Exposition has been unable to get this case to trial, and it now goes over to the September term of court, when the issues will be determined. Little liability is believed to exist. Considering the magnitude of the enterprise, its character, scope and length of time occupied from the organization of the corporation, in promoting its objects, and its conduct to the end, it is apparent and clear that litigation has been remarkably limited, and that its results as regards the Exposition are especially favorable.
H. Kountze, treasurer... $ 1,831.51
Frank Murphy, trustee... 1,265.00
Distribution of assets (90 per cent.)... 292,482.00
Subscriptions unpaid... 77,547.50
Bills receivable, scrip of State of Washington... 851.85
Expense prior to December 1st, 1896... 3,898.36
General expense... 53,156.62
Ways and Means Department... 138.691.62
Publicity and Promotion Department... 97,784.92
Exhibits Department... 99,920.20
Concessions and Privileges Department... 50,106.12
Transportation Department... 6,575.94
Buildings and Grounds Department... 1,103,672.92
Interest and discount... 3,634.26
War balloons (balance of freight charges advanced)... 2.537.94
Indian Congress (cash advanced) 4,597.62
Bond guarantee (deposits to secure bondsmen) 3,800.00

Capital stock (stock subscriptions) $ 411,745.00
Donations (donation subscriptions) 141,670.20
Exhibits (receipts) 200,031.28
Concessions and privileges (receipts) 286,146.68
Buildings and grounds (receipts) 38,128.22
Admissions (receipts) 801,515.47
Music (receipts) 3,520.85
Publicity and Promotion (receipts) 525.33
Water (receipts) 2,879.22
Souvenir coin medals (receipts) 5,963.00
Power and light (receipts) 28,550.96
Indian Congress (receipts) 159.05
Salvage (sales of buildings and appurtenances) 21,519.12
Total receipts reported to June 1st, 1899... $1,963,359.22
Received during June from exhibits... $ 76.50
Received during June from concessions and privileges... 32.75
Received during June partial refund of overcharges on war balloons... 588.52
Received donation from Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co... 5,000.00
Received from bond guarantee fund (reduced)... 3,000.00
Received surplus of fund to pay 12 1/2 per cent.
"Distribution of Assets" 137.50— 8,835.27
Total receipts to date... $1,972,194.49
By Departments—
Frank Murphy, trustee... $ 245,000.00
Distribution of assets, 12 1/2 per cent... 40,760.00
Distribution of assets, 2 1/2 per cent... 8,124.50
Ways and Means Department... 138,949.57
Publicity and Promotion Department... 97,784.92
Exhibits Department... 99,955.20
Concessions and Privileges Department... 50,207.83
Buildings and Grounds Department... 1,102,949.19
Transportation Department... 6,575.94
Interest and discount... 3,634.26
General expenses... 53,072.50
Girls' and Boys' building... 9,438.35
Refunds... 4,671.04
Indian exhibit (cash advanced)... 4,597.62
Union Stock Yards (special premiums)... 875.00
War balloons (freight charges paid)... 3,126.46
Bond guarantee account... 36,800.00

By Requisitions—
Capital stock (90 per cent, paid)... $ 293,884.50
Salaries and wages... 356.831.75
Freight and express... 19,634.19
Advertising... 16,303.16
Printing and stationery... 37,623.88
Photographing... 4,844.60
Commissions paid... 11,816.80
Souvenir medals... 3,027.63
Furniture and miscellaneous... 4,031.88
Telegraph and telephone... 4,213.60
Interest and discount... 3,637.56
Amusements... 65,444.27
Insurance 16,104.43
Traveling, messenger and livery... 30,134.66
Pictures and painting... 22,957.03
Postage and revenue... 11,593.68
Taxes and license... 17,273.69
Steam and electricity... 76,842.34
Miscellaneous... 118,381.78
Utensils... 10,599.82
Grounds... 111,994.55
Buildings... 598,450.46
Sewers... 3,690.54
Water... 40,220.14
Awards... 26,985.49
Expenses prior to December 1st, 1896... 3,898.36
General fund warrants redeemed... 35,488.17
Bills payable redeemed... 23,602.22
Bills receivable on hand... 851.85
Cash with treasurer... 1,831.51
Disbursements during June, $9,409.11.
These disbursements required the use of 4,976 disbursement vouchers and 26,227 disbursement checks.
Herewith submitted for your further information and reference, statements showing receipts and disbursements for month of June, 1899; from January 18th, 1896 (date of organization), to December 1st, 1896 (date of reorganization); and from December 1st, 1896, to date; also statement of balances from general ledger, as shown on this date.
From the detailed report of the treasurer, Mr. Herman Kountze, the following summary is taken:
"June 1st, 1899, balance on hand... $ 2,671.93
Deposits during June... 8,802.02
Vouchers paid during June 9,642.44
Balance on hand June 26th, 1899 $ 1,831.51"

As shown by the foregoing the available resources of the corporation are as follows:
Cash with treasurer...$1,831.51
Cash with Mr. Frank Murphy, trustee (surplus of fund to pay 75 per cent, distribution to paid up stockholders)... 1,265.00
Cash with Omaha National bank (to secure bondsmen)... 2,000.00
Cash with Mr. A. L. Reed (to secure bondsmen)... 1,800.00
Total funds available for use $6,896.51
The liabilities of the corporation are whatever may result from the following:
Wild West Show vs. Exposition, suit to recover alleged damages, amount claimed $15,054.00
Oriental Exhibition Co. vs. Exposition, contempt fines unpaid. . 1,200.00 P. T. Cummins vs. Exposition, contempt fines unpaid 1,075.00
In closing, it is but just to call attention to the fact that the success of the Exposition was due to the feeling, general among our people, that it was their Exposition; that they each had a proprietary and prideful interest in it. This was supplemented by the care, attention, and assistance of the Board of Directors. After all, however, the success attained could not have resulted except for the energetic, untiring, unceasing care and attention given to the enterprise by the business men comprising the executive committee. The real work, the load of responsibility, was upon them, and to them a very large share of the credit for results attained should be given. For more than two years much of their time was given, together with their business knowledge, experience and judgment, for the best success of the project, and altogether without emolument or recompense of any sort.
During this period 458 meetings of the executive committee were held, holding from two hours to five hours each, and at these meetings only the concrete results of their labors for the Exposition in their business offices were presented, considered and determined.
In these meetings, for deliberation and decision of the momentous interests of the Exposition, and at all times, the executive committee was ably assisted by advice and counsel of the president, whose great interest in and valuable aid to the enterprise was much appreciated and is apparent in the results achieved.
With regrets for a situation that prevents the publication of a proper and creditable History of the Exposition, and with profound satisfaction with the great and beneficial results that have come to the enterprise, for which we have all labored so earnestly and zealously, the foregoing is
Respectfully submitted,
John A. Wakefield
OMAHA, June 26, 1899.


Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition
Resident Vice-Pres., ALVIN SAUNDERS.
Babcock, W. N.
Bidwell, Geo. F.
Brandeis, J. L.
Brown, J. J.
Bruce, E. E.
Carpenter, I. W.
Creighton, Jno. A.
Dickinson, Edw.
Evans, John H.
Hibbard, F. B.
Hitchcock, G. M.
Holdrege, G. W.
Hussie, Jno. H.
Hoctor, Thos. R.
Jardine, Walter
Johnson, Jno. A.
Kilpatrick, Thos.
Kimball, Thos. L.
Kirkendall, F. P.
Korty, L. H.
Kountze, Herman
Lee, Dr. E. W.
Lindsey, Z. T.
Lyman, C. W.
Manderson, C. F.
Markel. J. E.
Metz, Chas.
Millard, J. H.
Montgomery, C. S.
Murphy, Frank.
Noyes, A. H.
Payne, Geo. H.
Paxton, W. A , Sr.
Price, E. C.
Rector, A. T.
Reed, A. L.
Rosewater, Edw.
Saunders, A.
Smith, Arthur C.
Smith, Dudley.
Thompson, H. A.
Wattles, G. W.
Webster, Jno. L.
Weller, C, F.
Wells, Lucius
Wharton, Jno. C.
Wilcox, R. S.
Wilhelm, C. M.
Yost, C. E.
Youngs, Fred M.