Report of the Illinois Commission to Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition

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SPRINGFIELD. ILL.: PHILLIPS Bros., State Printers. 1899.

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Phillips Bros. State Printers. 1899.

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Chicago, Ill., December 23, 1898.

To His Excellency, Hon. John R. Tanner, Governor of Illinois.

Sir—During its last session the Legislature of Illinois passed an "Act to provide for the participation of the State of Illinois in the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, to be held in Omaha in the year 189ti, and making an appropriation of forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) therefor, which was approved June 14, 1897.

In accordance with the provisions of this act, Your Excellency appointed the following named gentlemen as a commission to administer said appropriation and perform the duties provided for in said act. viz.:

James A. Black Carthaee, Ill

William B. Brinton LaSalle, Ill

Clark E.Carr Galesburg, Ill

E. S. Conway Chicago, Ill

Edward C. Craig Mattoon. Ill

LaFayette Funk Bloomington, Ill

L. O. Goddard Chicago, Ill

William H. Harper Chicago. Ill

C. H. Keeler Dixon, Ill

Martin Kingman Peoria, Ill

Charles A. Mallory Chicago, Ill

Lewis H. Miuer Springfield, Ill

Ferdinand W. Peck Chicago, Ill

Randolph Smith Flora, Ill

John M. Smyth Chicago, Ill

William H. Stead Ottawa, Ill

Oscar P. Trahern Rockford, Ill

George W. Wall DuQuoin, Ill

James P. Whedon Chicago, Ill

Charles C. Williams Hoopeston, Ill

Now, therefore, we, the Illinois Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commissioners, so appointed, desire to submit herewith, through our president and secretary, our final report of the affairs with which we were charged.

Pursuant to instructions from Your Excellency, the above named members of the commission met in Chicago at 2 o'clock p. m. on Thursday, September 16. 1897, and organized the commission by electing Clark E. Carr president; E. S. Conway, first vice-president; Ferdinand W. Peck, second vice-president; Lewis H. Miner, treasurer; C. E. Hambleton, secretary, and R. T. Perry, assistant secretary; electing, also, an executive committee consisting of William H. Harper, Martin Kingman, Lafayette Funk, C. H. Keeler, James P. Whedon, John M. Smyth and Clark E. Carr, and clothed them with the full power of the commission.

They also enacted certain rules and regulations for the government of the commission and the promotion of its work.

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October 19. 1897, the commission visited Omaha for the purpose of conferring with the managers of the exposition and selecting a site upon which to erect an Illinois State building. The commission discussed fully with the executive committee of the exposition, their plans and rates as set forth in their prospectus, and secured a considerable abatement in their rates for space to exhibitors of agricultural implements, in which the manufacturers of this State were much interested. The executive committee also freely accorded to Illinois the credit of being the first state to make a substantial appropriation and giving them encouragement at the time they most needed it.

Visiting the exposition grounds, the commission were unanimous in their selection of a building site, upon which the Illinois building was afterward erected, and which proved to be the most eligible location on the grounds.

At a meeting of the commission, October 28, 1897, an auditing committee was appointed with power to approve all bills, consisting of Clark E. Carr, president: William H. Harper, chairman executive committee, and James P. Whedon, chairman committee on buildings and grounds, which was duly certified to Your Excellency by the secretary cf the commission.

The committee on buildings and grounds was authorized to advertise for bids for the erection of a State building and to let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. The committee's report is herewith submitted, to which you are respectfully referred for their action in the matter. Their report shows that the building contract was let to William Goldie Sons & Co. for the sum of $14,285. The total expenditures on the buildings, however, by reason of alterations, additions, decorations and repairs, and particularly because of the erection of an annex in which to exhibit the great World's Fair paintings of John R. Key, amounted at the close of the exposition to $18,777.87, as shown by the financial statement herewith submitted.

By resolution of the executive committee the furnishing and decoration of the State building was placed in charge of Mr. James P. Whedon, chairman of the committee on buildings and grounds, and you are again respectfully referred to the report of that committee for a detailed statement of their action in this matter.

The aggregate expenditure for furniture and decorations, by reason of additions and replacements during the exposition, amounted to $3,728.40, as shown by the secretary's financial statement above submitted, so that of the appropriation of $45,000. there was expended for buildings and furniture a total of $22,506.27.

Your commission had constantly in mind and fully discussed the best plans for administering the appropriation so as to best promote the interests of the people of the State. In view of the fact that the exposition was to be held in the very heart of the great agricultural region and that Illinois had no market in that section for its agricultural products and could not hope to induce immigration from the Trans-Mississippi states, it was unanimously decided that the commission would not attempt to make an agricultural exhibit.

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Central and southern Illinois, however, offers exceptional advantages for fruit growing, and has a market in the West for its fruits. The commission felt that a horticultural exhibit would not only advertise the quantity and quality of Illinois fruit, but would also call attention to our fruit lands for sale and bring material advantages to the State thereby. It was therefore decided to make a horticultural exhibit.

We were also aware that a live stock exhibit would be advantageous to that great interest in Illinois, which finds a large market in the West for high grade animals. It was therefore thought best to encourage and assist a live stock exhibit at the exposition. For the purpose of this and the horticultural exhibit the sum of $3,803.39 was expended under the direction of the executive committee, whose report is hereby submitted.

One of the most attractive exhibits at the exposition was the four large paintings of the "World's Columbian Exposition" placed by this commission in the annex to the State building at a cost of $1,115. Perhaps no single exhibit at the exposition attracted more visitors.

These expenditures, together with insurance, $791.90; office rent, $887.50, and cost of electric lights in the State building, $1,125. accounts for the expenditure. $30,229.56, while all other expenditures,including salaries and wages, commissioners' expenses, water rent, general expenses, etc., amount to $9,738.31, which, added to the above, amounts to a total expenditure of $39,967.87, which leaves unexpended of the appropriation the sum of $5,032.13.

The special committee appointed to sell the building and furniture realized from the sale of the building $500.00, and from furniture $1,242.35, a total of $1,742.35, as shown by the committee's report herewith submitted.

This amount, added to the $5,032.13, will leave the unexpended balance of the appropriation $6,774.48, all of which is shown in the secretary's financial statement herewith submitted as a part of this report.

While it affords the committee much satisfaction to be able to return this substantial amount of the appropriation, they also feel that the results achieved have fully justified the money expended, as Illinois was accorded by all the first position at the Trans-Mississippi exposition. Every citizen from this State who visited the exposition took a just pride in the part taken by the State of Illinois.

Two special days were assigned to Illinois during the exposition "Illinois Day," June 21, and "Chicago Day," October 1. These two days were in charge of the executive committee, Wm. H. Harper, chairman, and the committee on transportation, E. S. Conway, chairman. For a fuller detail of the proceedings and success of these two special days you are respectfully referred to the reports of the two committees named. But we may say that these two days are red letter days, memorable in the history of the Trans-Mississippi exposition.

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That the people of this State were alive to the importance of the exposition is evidenced by their attendance. An average of bona fide residents of Illinois registered daily at the State building making a total of over 16,000 during the exposition, while no doubt thousands visited the exposition from Illinois who did not register. The total registration of visitors was about 45,000, but of the 2,600,000 admissions to the grounds certainly not less than a million and a half of them visited the Illinois building.

Although the commission found some difficulty in interesting commercial and manufacturing interests of Illinois, by reason of stringency of the times and because also of the absorbing interest in the war with Spain, yet we were creditably represented at the Trans-Mississippi exposition by about one hundred exhibitors, occupying about 60,000 square feet of space.

Altogether the commission feel justified in commending the action of the Legislature in making the appropriation and providing for participation of Illinois in the Trans-Missippi exposition, as it not only served to strengthen the bonds of friendship between Illinois and the other states of the West, but brought the people of Illinois her industries and products to the attention of a vast number of people in a way that can not but be beneficial to the people of the State.

In concluding this report we desire to express our appreciation of the earnest and faithful work of the chairmen and members of various committees to whom was confided special work in regard to erecting and furnishing our buildings, State exhibit, special days and the multitude of details that were essential to carrying on the work of this commission.

We desire also to express our high appreciation of the action of Your Excellency in aiding and approving this action of the Legislature and your uniform kindness and courtesy to this commission.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

Clark E. Carr, President.

C. E. Hambleton, Secretary.

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Chicago. III., December 28, 1898.

To Hon. Clark E. Carr, President Illinois Commission.

Sir:—I have the honor to submit herewith the following financial statement, showing the receipts and disbursements on account of the Illinois Commission.


From appropriation...$39, 967 87

From sale of furniture...1,242 35

From sale of building...500 00

$41,710 22


Expenses...$4,338 33

Live stock exhibit...1, 200 00

Office rent...887 50

Salaries... 3, 183 36

Commissioners' expenses...1,415 92

Insurance...731 90

Buildings...18,777 87

Furniture and decorations...3, 728 40

Water rent...83 47

Electric lights...1, 125 00

World's Fair pictures...1,115 00

Horticultural exhibit...2, 603 89

Wages...777 23

39,967 87

$1,742 35

F. K. Whittemore. State Treasurer...$1,742 35

Total amount of appropriation... $45,000 00

Actual amount of appropriation expended... 38,225 52

Unexpended balance... $6,774 48

Respectfully submitted,

C. E. Hambleton,


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Chicago, ILL., December 15. 1898.

Hon. Clark E. Garr, President Illinois Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.

Sir:—Your executive committee, consisting of William H. Harper, LaFayette Funk, 0. H. Keeler, James P. Whedon, Charles C. Williams, Martin Kingman and John M. Smyth (President Clark E. Carr being ex officio member of all the committees), elected at a meeting of the Commission held in Chicago, September 16, 1897, have the honor to submit the following report:

At the first meeting of the executive committee held in Chicago, September 16, 1897, the committee proceeded to the election of sub- committees as follows:


E. S. Conway, W. H. Stead, Charles A. Mallory, Martin Kingman, L. O. Goddard.


John M. Smyth, Ferdinand W. Peck, Ed C. Craig, Wm. B. Brinton, George W. Wall.


LaFayette Funk, Randolph Smith, James A. Black, W. B. Brinton, Charles A. Mallory.


James P. Whedon, Randolph Smith, Martin Kingman, Charles C. Williams, Oscar P. Trahern.


Ferdinand W. Peck, C. H. Keeler, Wm. H. Harper, E. S. Conway, Lewis H. Miner.

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The chairman of the committee on buildings and grounds was directed to see architects and get plans for a building to be submitted to the Commission for their approval. Their report is herewith submitted, and to which you are respectfully referred.

At a meeting of the committee December 22, 1897, it was decided to encourage and assist in making a live stock and horticultural exhibit at the exposition. As the two exhibits were so dissimilar in character, it was necessary to place them on an entirely separate basis. Hon. H. M. Dunlap, president of the State, and Mr. J. W. Stanton, vice-president of the Southern Horticultural Societies, and Mr. H. Augustine, of Normal, Ill., volunteered to take charge of the horticultural exhibit, which offer the executive committee gladly accepted. Space was secured in the horticultural building at the exposition free of charge, and a most creditable display was made at a cost of 82.602.39 The committee also instructed the chairman of the committee on live stock and agriculture to expend not to exceed $1,500 in promoting and assisting a live stock exhibit. This report is herewith submitted, and to which you are respectfully referred, showing a disbursement of 81.200, which was distributed on the percentage plan among the distributors of 189 animals.

The Illinois Live Stock Exhibit was of a high grade and we are informed took a number of premiums.

The matter of erecting and furnishing the Illinois State Building was one of the most important duties devolving upon the executive committee. The committee on buildings and grounds was instructed by the executive committee to receive plans, secure bids and let contracts for building and furnishings subject to the approval of the Commission, Their report is herewith submitted, and to which you are respectfully referred.

Your committee is unanimously of the opinion, that by the prompt and early action taken in securing the site and letting the contract for the State Building, a saving of not less than $5,000 was effected, as combinations soon put up the price of labor and material. Not only did it effect this saving in money, but it gave us high standing in the esteem of the managers of the Exposition, who looked upon it as a token of friendship and as bespeaking confidence in their success, which would and did have its effect upon the action of other states. To do this, however, it became necessary for members of the executive committee to borrow money in their individual capacity, as the appropriation was not available until May 1, 1898.

The executive committee also took early steps to arouse the commercial and manufacturing interests of Illinois to the advantage of an exhibit at the Exposition, securing frequent free notices in the daily press of Chicago, and by a large correspondence. The secretary sent out several thousand circular letters to possible exhibitors and personally visted the leading manufacturers of the State Exhibitors were slow to make application, largely because of the extraordinary charges of from 50 cents to $1.00 per square foot for space. However, sufficient enthusiam was aroused to secure about one hundred, occupying 60,000 square feet.

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It seemed desirable that Illinois should have a special day at the Exposition, and the executive committee took up the matter by corrrespondence with Hon. G. W. Wattels, president of the Exposition, and finally arranged for June 21, 1898, as "Illinois Day," and at once set about arousing- the people of our State in the matter of excursions to the Exposition on that day. About three thousand circular letters were sent out through the State to clubs, societies and citizens. Prominent citizens were invited as guests and speakers. Governor John R. Tanner and staff, and most of the State officers were in attendance and led the delegations. Among the commercial organizations and social clubs that attended, the following sent delegations: The Chicago Board of Trade, Live Stock Exchange, Commercial Club, Illinois Club, Union League Club, Hamilton Club, Marquette Club, Standard Club and Chicago Club. Also, the Apollo Musical Club, two hundred strong. Over 1,000 Illinoisans attended the Exposition on that day. The exercises at the Auditorium were interesting and impressive, after which a luncheon was given at the Exposition grounds. Among the guests invited were the Exposition officials. In the evening the sons of Illinois residing in Omaha gave a magnificent banquet in honor of the visitors from Illinois.

As "Illinois Day" occurred early in the existence of the Exposition, it was thought best for your committee to arrange for another day to be known as "Chicago Day." The executive committee took up, with the transportation committee, the work of arranging for special rates on the railroads, and stirring up the people of Chicago to the importance of a large attendance. Again over 1.000 invitations were sent out, and extensive correspondence was entered into with the commercial organizations and clubs of Chicago. The mayor, with the Cook County Marching Club, Board of Trade and the Union League Club, each had a special train. The clubs heretofore referred to as sending delegations on "Illinois Day," were also represented on "Chicago Day." It was estimated that over 2,500 citizens from Chicago and the State were visitors at the Exposition on that day, and the Illinois Commission received high praise from the Exposition officials, not only for the large attendance, but the character of their visitors who were representative business men.

In all the work of the various committees, there was general consultation with the executive committee, which was also careful to consult with the sub-committees and with the Commissioners, which enabled it to secure the best result.

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The statement showing the financial position of the Commission and the receipts and disbursements to December 16. 1898, is as follows:

Amount of appropriation...$45,000 00

Expended Account:

Expenses...$4,338 33

Live Stock Exhibit...1,200 00

Office rent...887 50

Salaries...3, 183 36

Commissioners' expenses...1,415 92

Insurance...731 90

Buildings...18,777 87

Furniture...3, 728 40

Water rent...83 47

Electric lights...1,125 00

World's Fair pictures...1,115 00

Horticultural Exhibit...2,603 89

Wages...7,7 23

39,967 87

Balance...$5,032 13

Add receipts from sale of furniture...1,242 35

Add receipts from sale of Illinois Building...500 00

Unexpended balance...$6,774 48

At a meeting of the executive committee, September 15, 1898, there was a special committee appointed who was given authority to dispose of the building and furniture. The committee was composed of Clark E. Carr, president of the Commission; William H. Harper, chairman of the executive committee, and James P. Whedon, chairman of the building committee.

The committee had inserted in the "Omaha Bee" and "World-Herald" for ten days prior to November 1, 1898 (the date of the closing of the Exposition), an advertisement for bids for the building and the furniture. There was only one bid received for the building and the fixtures, that being $325.00, "and none for the furniture. Your committee authorized our secretary to dispose of the furniture at private sale, which was done, and we are of the opinion that the same was well sold.

In regard to the sale of building, your committee had a second advertisement inserted in the "Omaha Bee" which resulted in the sale of the building for $500.00 to the committee representing the Greater American Exposition to be held in Omaha, in 1899, our committee reserving the right tore-purchase the building any time prior to May 1, 1899, at the same price. This, the committee thought might prove highly desirable, and feel that no better disposition could have been made of the building.

The full report of the committee is'herewith submitted, to which you are especially referred.

It would not be proper to close this report without referring to the Illinois Building as a factor at the Exposition, by reason of its beauty and elegance, and the hospitality shown to its visitors. Its praises were on everybody's lips. There were entertained, not only all the residents of Illinois visiting the Exposition, but also the farmers, the stock men, the business men of the West, many of whom had formerly  Scanned image of page 12 lived in Illinois, and all of whom had done business in Chicago or in the State, and were proud of this expression of friendship to the West by our State.

It is also due to the architects, Messrs. Wilson and Marshall, of Chicago, to acknowledge their fidelity and zeal in planning and supervising its construction and furnishings. The building was pronounced by celebrated architects to be architecturally, absolutely correct, and no pains or expense was spared by the architects to complete it with absolute fidelity to the plans and specifications contained in the contract.

In closing this report your executive committee desires to make special acknowledgment to Governor John K. Tanner, of Illinois. He gave not only his loyal support to the passage of the appropriation bill, but at all times every encourgement to your committee, that our State should be properly represented.

Your committee also desires to make special mention of the work of the various committees, and also of the committee who took charge of the Horticultural Exhibit.

In conclusion, your committee wishes to bear testimony of the uniformly courteous and able manner in which the duties pertaining to his office have been performed by Maj. C. E. Hambieton, secretary.

Respectfully submitted,

Wm. H. Harper.

Chairman Executive Committee.

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Chicago, III., December 6, 1898.

William H. Harper. Esq., Chairman Executive Committee, Chicago? Illinois.

Dear Sir:—The undersigned, chairman of committee on transpor- tation, begs leave to report as follows:

Soon after my appointment by your committee I took up with the railroads the question of free transportation for the Commissioners to and from Omaha when traveling in their official capacity in connection with the Trans- Mississippi and International Exposition. The railroads interested having made liberal contributions in money to the exposition, did not. feel justified in granting free transportation to the Commission. They claimed that any precedent established in the State of Illinois would have to be followed up in all the states interested in the exposition, and for these reasons the best our committee could do was one- half fare or one fare for the round trip.

In regard to special rates for Illinois Day, June 21. the question of rates for this day, Mr Harper states, was taken up by the transportation committee of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission at Omaha, and one fare for the round trip was agreed upon before our committee had taken up the question of rates for that day. After my return from Europe we took up the question and tried to have the railroads interested re-open the question, and if possible make a rate of $10 for the round trip. In this we had your cooperation, but the result, as you know, was that the railroads were unwilling to make a less rate than one fare for the round trip.

In regard to the rate for Chicago Day, October 1, after you informed me that you had requested the exposition authorities at Omaha not to interfere in the question of rates for Chicago Day, and that we would handle the question from this end of the line, we took the matter up with the railroads interested and secured, as you know, the rate of $10 for the round trip, which was $2.75 per round trip less than the rate for Illinois Day.

Respectfully submitted.

E. S. Conway.

Chairman Committee on Transportation.

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Chicago, Ill, December 6, 1898.

To William H. Harper, Chairman Executive Committee, Illinois Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission.

Sir:—Your committee on buildings and grounds have the honor to submit the following report:

At a meeting of the executive committee, held September 16, 1897, the chairman of the building and grounds committee was directed to see architects and ask for plans for building. "The commission to be under no obligation to accept any plan or to pay for same unless said plans are finally accepted by the commission." At a meeting of the commission October 28, the building committee submitted several plans by different architects for an Illinois State Building at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, and recommended as their first choice the plans and designs drawn by Wilson & Marshall, architects of Chicago. The committee approved the same and instructed the building committee to advertise for bids and to accept the lowest responsible bid. By virtue of this authority your committee secured bids from several contractors and builders, and the bid of William Goldie Sons Co., of Chicago, being esteemed by your committee to be the most advantageous and all things considered, the lowest bid, the contract was let to them at $14,285, upon their furnishing good and acceptable bonds in double the amount of the contract, the work to be supervised by architects Wilson & Marshall, for 5 per cent of the contract price, which met with the approval of the committee.

At a meeting of the executive committee, held December 22, 1897, it was

"Resolved, That Mr. J. P. Whedon and such other members of this committee as he may associate with him are hereby authorized to provide for the decoration and furnishing of the Illinois building at an expense not to exceed thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500)."

Pursuant to these instructions the chairman of the building committee associated with himself, Mr. Martin Kingman and Mr, C. C. Williams of the building committee, and Mr. Wm. H. Harper, Mr. Clark E. Carr and Mr. C. H. Keeler of the commission, and after an investigation of the prices and the quality of the material the contract was let to Marshall Field & Co. to furnish and decorate the building according to specifications furnished them for the sum of $3,107,74.  Scanned image of page 15 The building was completed and furnished according to contracts and opened for the reception of visitors on the opening day of the exposition, June 1, 1898.

At a meeting of the Commission, held at Omaha June 1, by a vote of the Commission the building committee was made a house committee with authority to make necessary purchases and repairs. This action of the Commission was supplemented by the action of the executive committee at a meeting held in Chicago September 13, at which meeting it was voted that the house committee "shall control the conduct and management of the Illinois State Building."

The building committee and house committee feel satisfied that the building, furnishing and conduct of the Illinois State Building reflected credit upon the State of Illinois.

Respectfully submitted,

James P. Whedon,


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Chicago. III., November 30, 1898.

Wm. H. Harper, Esq., Chairman Committee Illinois Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission, Chicago, III.:

Whereas, The executive committee of the Illinois Trans-Mississippi Exposition at a meeting- held in Chicago. December 22, 1897, authorized the chairman of the committee on live stock and agriculture to expend five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or so much thereof as is necessary to make an exhibit of live stock and agriculture at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, and,

Whereas. The committee on live stock and agriculture at a meeting held in Chicago February 8, 1898, unanimously decided that "no attempt be made at an agricultural exhibit at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition." and

Resolved, "That this committee will not require more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) of the money set aside by the executive committee for the use of this committee," and

Further resolved, "That the chairman of this committee be authorized to expend this $2,000.00 for the purpose of encouraging and assisting in an exhibit of live stock and horticulture."

I desire therefore as chairman of the committee on live stook and agriculture to report that by virtue of the authority vested in me by the action of the committee above recited, and after consulting with other members of the commission, I decided that inasmuch as the horticultural exhibit could be made to better advantage under the direction of the president of the State Horticultural Society, that the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00) should be retained by me out of the $2,000.00 for the purpose of assisting the live stock exhibit at the Trans-Mississippi -Exposition, and submit the following report of distribution on the percentage plan for animals exhibited as reported to me by the superintendent of the live stock exhibit.

Allowing horses and cattle...30 per cent each.

Allowing hogs and sheep...20 per cent each.

$1,200 x 30 per cent...$360 for 42 horses at...$8 57 1/7

1,200 x 30 " ...360 for 43 cattle at 8 37 9/43

1,200 x 20 " ...240 for 46 hogs at 5 21 17/23

1,200 x 20 " ...240 for 58 sheep at 4 13 23/28

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13 horses at $8.57 1/7...$111 43 | E. M. Barton...Hinsdale, Illinois...

29 " 8.57 1/7...248.57 | R. Burgess &...Winona, "...

Total....$360 00

12 cattle at $8.37 9/43...$100 46 | S. R. Pierce...Creston, Illinois...

14 " 8.37 9/43...117 31 | John Hudson...Moweaqua "...

17 " 8.37 9/43...142 23 | E. M. Barton...Hinsdale "...

25 hogs at $5.21 17/23... $130 43 | Geo. W. Irons...Rushville, Illinois...

21 " 5.21 17/23... 109 57 | Thos. Taylor...Waynesville "...

Total...$240 00

21 sheep at $4.13 23/28... $99 31 | Geo. Allen...Allerton, Illinois....

23 " 4.13 23/38... 95 17 | R. J. Stone...Stonington "...

11 " 4.13 23/26...45 52 | Thos. Taylor...Waynesville "...

Total...$240 00

If, therefore, this distribution meets the approval of your honor- able committee I request that vouchers be made and warrants issued, payable to the above named exhibitors for the amounts set opposite their names.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

LaFayette Funk,

Chairman Committee on Live Stock and Agriculture.

Chicago, ILL., December 17, 1898.

Messrs. P. E. Her, J. L. Brandeis & Sons, J. Hayden, Omaha, Neb.

Dear Sirs:—Your favor of the 9th inst. to Secretary Hambleton received. We, the undersigned, a committee appointed by the Illinois Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Commission, with authority to sell and dispose of the Illinois building at Omaha, accept your proposition to purchase the said Illinois State Building on the following terms and conditions, to-wit:

That you pay to us the sum of ($500.00) five hundred dollars and assume all the obligations of the Illinois Commission for removing the building and restoring the ground to its original condition, to whomsoever the said obligations may run.

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In consideration of which payment and agreement, we will sell and transfer to you the said buildings, including plumbing, pipes and fittings, and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging, you to guard and preserve the same, we reserving the right, however, to take the same back again at any time prior to May 1, 1899, paying or refunding to you the original price paid by you for the same.

Yours very truly,

Wm. H. Hamper,

Chairman Executive Committee.

Clark E, Carr,

President Illinois Commission.

James P. Whedon,

Chairman Building Committee.

Accepted: P. E. Iler,

J. Hayden,

J. L. Brandeis & Sons.