Report of the Nebraska State Commission for the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Held in Omaha, June 1 to November 1, 1898

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To His Excellency, Governor Silas A. Holcomb:

REPORT OF THE Nebraska State Commission FOR THE Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Held in Omaha, June I fo November 1, 1898.

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REPORT OF THE Nebraska State Commission FOR THE Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.



Omaha, Neb.

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Dec. 3d, 1898.

To His Excellency, the Governor:—

We, the member's of the Nebraska State Board of Directors for the Trans-Mississippi and Intei*national Exposition, beg leave to submit the following report of our actions from the time of our organization up to the close of the said Exposition, and subsequent relinquishment of the property acquired by the Board to the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings:

We believed that if the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition came up to the standard set for it by its promoters, it would furnish a supreme opporunity for the State by a creditable showing of its immense and varied resou.rces, especially as developed by its crop of 1897, to more permanently establish its rights to be placed among the foremost States of the Union in the production of Live Stock, Cereals and Fruits.

Along with these chief products, we knew that in many other lines of industry we were capable of vieing with any, and strove to bring prominently forward our Apiary, Dairy, and Flower and Shrub interests.

Besides these, in Educational matters we realized that the State had taken high rank as having the lowest percentage of illiteracy among its inhabitants of any State in the Union, and in order to sustain and advance our standard we must makt an excellent showing of the work that was being done under our system of common and graded schools, our colleges and Universities.

With this outline of the work in hand before us, we began the task of working out the details of our plan.

The Board held its first meeting at Lincoln, on July 13th, 1897. and organized under the law, by the selection of William Neville as President, W. A. Poynter as Vice President, C. D. Casper, Secretary. After this meeting the Board established its headquarters and held its meetings at Omaha. For the first four months headquarters were maintained in the Dellone Hotel Annex, except during State Fair week when, through the courtesy of the State Board of Agriculture, they were temporarily kept at the State Fair Grounds. During the remainder of the time till the opening of the Exposition they were established in the Millard Hotel.

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The headquarters were placed in charge of Hon. W. H. Bearing of Plattsmouth, who was chosen Assistant Secretary for the Board, with Miss Nellie O'Rourke as stenographer and Dan Althen as book-keeper, to assist in the transaction of business and keeping the records. Dr. Dearing severed his connection with the Board as Assistant Secretary on March 1st, 1898, to accept a more lucrative ppsition. Mr. J. N. Campbell of Fullerton, was elected to fill the vacancy on March 9th, and took immediate charge. The duties of the ofBce in the interim were performed by Mr. Althen.

The first matter to which we turned our attention was to understand the scope of our privileges and duties under the special law providing for a State's display at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.

While awaiting the fulfillment of that portion of the law which predicated our State display upon the requirement that our appropriation should not become available until the Exposition management had collected |200,000 cash from its subscribers—which contingency we believed to be sure of fulfillment—we began the preliminary work by interviewing the representatives of various interests desiring recognition. We also gave our minds to the consideration of the possibilities before us in the work of providing for an exhibition of the State's resources which, while giving a creditable exposition of its main features, would also suggest to careful observers the multiplicity of its attractions, and adaptability as a State to the requirements of civilization in its highest form.

We were estopped from constructing an exhibit building for our State by the rules of the Exposition Company governing entries, which required that all exhibitors, State or individual, must purchase space in the various department buildings for that purpose, from the corporation.

In the matter of providing space for our various exhibits in the exhibit buildings of the Exposition Company, we held repeated conferences with the management, but without satisfactory result, until a committee consisting of Messrs. Poynter, Dutton and Whitford was appointed to bring the question to a conclusion. This was one of the most vital points which the Board had to consider before being able to lay definite plans for the future.

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The Committee, at our meeting of November 23rd, 1897, submitted the following report which was adopted as the best solution of the difficulty to be obtained:—

Omaha, Neb., Nov. 23rd., 1897.

"Mr. President:—

Your committee appointed to arrange with the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Company for space for exhibition purposes at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, would respectfully rejiort that we have conferred with the Executive Committee of the Exposition Company and agreed, subject to, the approval of the State Directors:

1st. That the Exposition Company make no charge foi ground space for Nebraska Building.

2nd. That the Exposition Company furnish all the space in each of the departments of Exhibits Avhich may be required to properly exhibit the State of Nebraska as specified hj us in memorandum hereto attached, for the sum of $22,000.


Horticulture...3290 square feet.

Agriculture...11672 " "

Dairy...500 refrigeration.

Dairy...1000 square feet.

Poultry...2500 " "

Apiary...700 " "

Educational and Forestry...10200 " "

Live Stock...10000 " "

Miscellaneous...1000 " "






Received application for above space.

Signed: E. E. BRUCE,

Mgr. Exhibits.


The day following vouchers to cover the amount of $22,000 to the Exposition Company were issued, and this important phase of our work was disposed of.

It was early decided that from the abundance of the im-  Scanned image of page 6 mense crop of 1897 we would gather supplies of all cbaracterb with which to maintain our State exhibit during the first two months of the Exposition.

In order to do this, our work was divided into departments that it might proceed with some system and thoroughness. Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy, Poultry, Apiary, Live Stock, Floriculture and Education were all looked after separately by Superintendents appointed under the State Directors. Through these Superintendents our lines were cast out through the State for the collection of the very best material to be found representing our State products.

Mr. E. D. Johnson, of Lexington, was chosen Superintendent of the Agricultural Department on August 10th, 1897, and authorized to proceed with his work by visiting the County Fairs during the fall months, and obtain from their exhibits the choicest samples of our farm products, and preserve them through the winter for exhibition purposes early in the '98 season. He was indefatigable in his work, and not only accumulated a fine collection of material for a State exhibit, but induced several of the Counties to make County displays in our space.

Peter Youngers, Jr., of Geneva, Neb., was elected as the Board's Superintendent of Horticulture. Being one of the leading authorities in the State in that line, and traveling extensively as the head representative of a large nursery company, his efforts in behalf of the fruit interests of our State were highly successful as evidenced by the splendid showing of fruits which was made by Nebraska from the opening day of the Exposition, and maintained with increased credit to the close.

The Poultrymen's Association petitioning the Board that a head be chosen for their department with whom they might proceed to arrange for an exhibit, Mr. E. A. Pegler of Lincoln, was elected on August 11th, 1897, to fill that position. Mr. Pegler conducted the work in a highly satisfactory manner until in April of 1898, when private business interests interferred with his labor, and he resigned. Mr. D. J. Richards of Omaha, was selected to fill the vacancy on the recommendation of the Association, and creditably carried out the work already begun.

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Mr. L. D. Stilson of York, was elected Superintendent of the Apiary Department at the meeting of August 11th, 1897. He immediately entered upon the preliminary work of locating and purchasing material for the exhibit, and did this so thoroughly that we were enabled to make as fine a showing of Apiary products from the beginning of the Exposition to the close, as was ever presented before the people of the West. We know that this exhibit has stimulated bee culture to a remarkable degree in our State, demonstrating the benefit to be gained from an intelligent, scientific control of the energy of the proverbial "Busy Bee."

The Live Stock show lasted one month beginning with the 1st of October. It was necessary, though, in preparing for it, that prospective exhibitors should be notified early in the spring in order to give them time to prepare their stock for entries. Our Superintendent, Mr. Foster of Saltillo, Neb., did all the work of managing this department without an assistant. He was untiring in his efforts, and is deserving of great credit for the magnificent display of fine stock gathered from all over our State.

Mr. L. C. Chapin of Lincoln, was elected as Superintendent of our Floricultural Department. Having an extensive acquaintance with the florists of the State, he was able to command their support in his plans for a representative floral display. His artistic arrangement of the flowers and shrubs in the center of the Horticultural Building was a notable attraction for all visitors.

At the meeting of the Board on Dec. 15th, 1897, the Dairy interests of the State, represented that it was time for the inception of the work in that Deparment. On the recommendation of their State Association, Mr. B. R. Stouffer of Bellevue, was elected as Superintendent of the Dairy Department. His plans for a Dairy Exhibit were frustrated by the fact that the refrigeration that was to be supplied in the Dairy Building by the Exposition Company was not furnished until the latter part of August. After this necessary convenience was put in Mr. Stouffer installed and maintained an exhibit which strikingly represented the magnitude and importance of our Dairy industry.

In looking over the field for the choice of a Superintendent  Scanned image of page 8 of the Educational work, the Board was animated by a desire to procure the services of some one in close touch with the variea school interests of the State. Finally, on November 10th, 1897, we selected the State Superintendent' of Public Instruction ass being best equipped, by reason of his position, to enlist the sympathies and arouse the ambitions of the educators of our State in the determination to make a thoroughly representative exhibition of our educational interests. As the manager to direct the work of putting up and renewing the exhibit at Omaha, Mr. C. W. Stewart of Alma, Neb. was selected.

Nebraska's ambition to attain to an educatinal standard par excellence has been stimulated by its phenomenal success during its history as a State. The Commission having this in mind in arranging for an educational exhibit, was determined that in the educational display Nebraska should not be outranked by any State. We were not disappointed in our plans.

Mr. Jackson, by his unremitting efforts, inspired the educators of our State with enthusiasm in the work. Mr. Stewart devoted himself to the task of planning and constructing this vast exhibit. The result obtained gave ample evidence of his excellent taste and superior judgment. In general design, in detail, and in association of all its parts, the Educational display of Nebraska at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition was pronounced by the leading Educational experts in the country to be one of the best ever shown in the United States. The effect of such a display upon visitors from all over our land will be to enlarge their respect for the culture and attainments of the people living in the Trans-Mississippi section, bringing special attention to Nebraska as its nucleus.

It is pertinent here to state that we were induced by the Chancellor to put forth a special effort in behalf of our University. There being no funds available in the University moneys to use in making a display, the Board paid the expense of preparing, moving and installing this exhibit. The amount required was $799.77. There was a further expense of taking down and returning, the same amounting to $190.2.3 making a total of $990.00 expended on the University exhibit. Through the untiring efforts of Professor E. H. Barbour in superintending this work for the University, a showing commensurate with its standing, as second to none in the west, was made for this great institution.

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In recognitiou of the excellence of the displays made, the Exposition Committee on Awards gave us a total of 127 diplomas with medals, and 125 diplomas of honorable mention. This does not include the 15 diplomas awarded to Douglas County for the exhibits maintained on her account. This ws believe to be the greatest number received by any State. The State received the highest award on its Horticultural display, and the gold medals on its Agricultural and Floricultural exhibits.

As an appendix to this report we give the reports of the Superintendents of the various departments, made to your Commission at the close of their labors.

The work of the Commission, through its different departments, was carried through the winter without placing any special limit on the expense of making what preparation was needed. However, when the spring work actively began, we called upon our corps of Superintendents to furnish detailed estimates of the amounts necessary to defray the expenses of installing and maintaining their exhibits from the 1st of April to the close. These several reports were submitted at our meeting March 22d. Taking these estimates as a basis, together with the contemplated outlay of funds in other directions, and reserving for contingent expenses about $7,000, an approximate 4;stimate was made for an equitable distribution of the balance remaining among the several departments. In this way provision was made against the possibility of being confronted, to vrard the close of the Exposition, with the choice of crippling our exhibits of creating a deficiency in our funds.

In accordance with the prevailing custom at former Expositions, the management of this one set aside a portion of their grounds, known as the "Bluff Tract," where such States as desired could be represented by a State Building. Nebraska had been favored preeminently by having her metropolis chosen as the location for the great Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.

The local benefit was to be all ours, while our proportionate share of the general benefits to the Trans-Mississippi country would be greater than that of any other State by reason of the proximity of our territory to the Exposition. These advantages, however, carried with them responsibilities which must not be  Scanned image of page 10 avoided. Nebraska was the home State of the Exposition. She must show her faith in the success of the great enterprise by her works. If our State was indolent other States would be deterred from taking part altogether, or encouraged to make but a feeble effort.

So besides early instituting our plans for gathering and preparing our exhibits, we deemed it advisable to begin at once the erection of a building upon the Exposition grounds to be used as a social and business headquarters for our State. We believed that the requirements of the situation demanded this. We believed, also, that such a building when completed should not only be placed at the disposal of the people of Nebraska but that its accommodations should be placed at the service of the people from all states, and especially those not represented on the grounds by a State Building.

Our building was erected with these requirements in view, and the success attending the project was ample justification of this move on our part.

The plans submitted for a State Building by the firm ol Craddock & McDonald were adopted, and they were voted three per cent of its cost, when completed, for their work as architects. Mr. George Blake was selected as Superintendent of Construction, with Mr. J. E. Knowles as assistant. The WyattBullard Lumber Company making the lowest bid, was given the contract of furnishing the lumber.

The carpenter work on the building was done by day labor, the workmen being brought in from different parts of the State. At the outset the Board adopted the following resolution bearing upon the scale of wages which should govern:

"Moved by Mr. Dutton, that this Board adopt the scale of wages for skilled labor which now obtains in the labor unions in. the city of Omaha to conform with the law, which itself fixes the minimum scale of wages for unskilled labor. Motion carried."

When the plaster work was being done on the building, there being some dissatisfaction expressed by representatives of the labor unions over the scale of wages being paid by our contractors, the following supplementary action was had by the Board which we believe finally settled all doubts as to the position which the Board held towards organized labor.

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Resolution by Mr. Poynter: "Inasmuch as there seems to be a misunderstanding between the State Board of Directors and the Omaha Trades' Union in the matter of wages to be paid workmen on the contract for plastering, therefore, Resolved, That the Assistant Secretary be instructed to confer with the contractors, and insist that they pay the plasterers on their con tract the rate of wages then in vogue in the city of Omaha adopted by the Omaha Trades' Union."

Mr. Dutton offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:

"Resolved that in future contracts made by the Board that the scale of wages for skilled labor adopted by the Omaha Trades' Union shall govern."

The attitude of the Board thus being clearly defined, there were no further complaints.

The work on the State Building commenced the last week in September, and was pushed to completion as fast as practicable. The contract for staff and plastering was let in December to Kimball Brothers of Lincoln for $4,800. Hester & McCaslin of same place getting the work of plastering as sub-contractors.

Adverse weather conditions prevailed to such an extent that during a large part of the winter months the workmen were laid off", and progress delaj-ed, so that the building was only completed, ready for the decorations and furnishings the latter part of April. The same firm of Kimball Bros, were given a further contract of placing statuary on the building at a cost of $1,200. The figures were of heroic size. The central one in front represented "Nebraska Welcoming the World," while four groups representing "Agriculture," "Horticulture," "Commerce" and "Manufacturers," were placed on the four corners around the large dome. They added much to the dignified appearance of the building.

The Western Electrical Company fitted the building with wiring, and fixtures for 118 incandescent 16-candle-power lamps, and one arc light, all for inside lighting, at a total cost of $330,00. The power for lighting purposes was obtained from the power plant of the Exposition Company for $226.80 per month, or a total for the five months of $1,134.00.

The outside of the building being somewhat spotted with  Scanned image of page 12 weather stains in the spring, Mr. A. B. Bender, of Albion, was given the work of tinting it under contract for $372.00 The color chosen was becoming, and gave the building a finished appearance comporting well with is surroundings.

After completion, the inside decoration and furnishings of the building was given into the hands of Miss Mellona Butterfield, and artist of Omaha, whose fame was not limited by State boundaries. Although circumscribed by a Imited appropriation of $1,500 for the purpose, she accomplished the work in a manner satisfactory to the Commission, and highly creditable to the State.

The site for a State Building was selected, giving a fine view of the Missouri Valley and bluffs on the east, making a choice location.

In our first plan we decided to erect a building at a cost not to exceed $16,000, but as the magnitude of the Exposition became more apparent we enlarged our estimate so that when finished it approximated a total expense of $26,000, including the lighting fixtures, fountain in center, and plumbing for sewerage and water connections.

In dimensions it stood 90 feet wide by 140 feet deep, and 36 feet high, with dome surmounting center 60 feet across and 58 feet high. A small dome ornamented each of the four corners of the building.

Although we knew that our building was to serve its purpose through only one season, in planning for its erection we deemed it wise to build it perfectly safe and substantial. In its construction the foundation timbers were of the best, and the dome, being one of the largest in the State, it was necessarily made strong.

The outside was boarded with No. 1 sheeting over which a double coating of heavy plastering was laid. The inside work was of a permanent nature, giving the building, as it deserved, the credit of being the best constructed one on the Exposition grounds. While the expense of making it so may be condemned by many as useless, we believe that the situation demanded that our State should be represented by a building that would give some idea of stability and dignity, rather than to have a makeshift that would excite ridicule, and provoke disgust among the people.

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The center of tbe main floor was utilized as a large auditorium. On the second floor a large balconj' extended clear around and overlooked the auditorium. The auditorium and balcony, with two porch openings above and two below, all liberally provided with settees and benches, making a very attractive and comfortable resting place for the people.

There were twelve rooms of various dimensions ranged around the building on each floor, which were used for reception, waiting and office purposes. Four small rooms on the first floor were designated severally as Postoffice, Telephone, Registry and Intelligence offices. One large room on the same floor was used for free checking of baggage. The appreciatiob of the people for these needful accommodations was a flattering testimonial of the wisdom of the Board in providing them.

The large, Auditorium was frequently utilized by different organizations of this and other States in holding their ceremonial exercises. On such occasion the building was placed at their disposal for headquarters. This hospitality was highly appreciated, and undoubtedly increased very much the social renown of the State.

For social purposes, where we endeavored as the home State of the Expositon to extend the courtesies of a host to all visitors, we feel sure that our efforts were crowned with unqualified success. It is but justice here to say that this gratifying result was attained largely by the efficiency of the corps of em ployees kept on duty in various capacities throughout the season This list, including the office force, numbered about twenty people, which, though seeming large, was none too many to keep the building presentable, and to properly accommodate the great number of people who daily made it their temporary home.

June 14th, 1898 was, at our request, set apart as a "Special Day" by the Exposition management for the formal dedication of the Nebraska Building for the purposes for which it was intended. All our arrangements for its commemoration were happily carried out.

October 19th, 1898, was also a day set apart and observed as "Nebraska Day." The exercises were held in the Exposition Auditorium. Open headquarters were maintained at the Ne-  Scanned image of page 14 braska Building where a reception was held and badges were distributed. Our exhibits were arranged in the most attractive and impressive forms. The efforts put forth by the Commission, to make this day a memorable one, were fairly successful.


At the meeting on March 9th, 1898, the Board set apart 1500.00 to build and maintain a Sod House on the Exposition (grounds just by the east side of the State Building. The idea was to emphasize by contrast the material development of our Rtate during its thirty years of Statehood, by having the Sod House as a typical pioneer home in juxtaposition with the Nebraska Building representing our present comfortable residences.

The success of this exemplification of our advancement was noteworthy as attested by the remarkable interest in the Sod House manifested by all visitors coming to the State Building or to that part of the grounds.

The details of building and maintaining this exhibit was placed in the hands of Mrs. Bowser, of Norfolk. Having resided on the prairies of Nebraska for years, and living in a sod house a part of the time, she was peculiarly fitted for managing this work, and the Board feel well satisfied with the manner in which she performed her duty.


The Ceramic Club of Omaha was given $300.00 by the Board to assist them in placing an exhibit in the west gallery of the Liberal Arts Building, consisting of the choicest products of the skill of Omaha artists in china decoration.

The showing made by this organization of the ability and taste of its members was very creditable, and has done much to dispel the erroneous idea that the west contains no talent in this direction.


The proposition presented to the Board by Mrs. McMurphy of Omaha that we should join with the Miller's Association of the State in the maintainance of a "Model Kitchen" in connection with our Agricultural Department, was given favorable consideration. Five hundred dollars was set apart for the pur-  Scanned image of page 15 pose, and used by Mrs. McMurphy as proprietress in the payment of help in the Kitchen.

The Model Kitchen occupied a booth twenty feet square in the center of the Agricultural Building, and throughout the season Mrs. McIMurphy gave free lectures and practical demonstrations of the multiplied ways in which our cereal products could be prepared for nutritious food for human consumption.

As showing the satisfactory results obtained from the work, the Board at its last meeting adopted the following resolution:

"Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that their expenditure of $500 toward the maintenance of the Model Kitchen in the Agricultural Department has been as beneficial to the State in the way of advertisment of its products as any outlay of like amount in any of the departments. We further realize that this splendid showing is due to the tact and talent of Mrs. McMurphy', proprietress of the Model Kitchen, in her practical cooking demonstrations and instructive lectures showing the variety of nutritious and palatable food products which can be manufactured from our cereals."

Below we present a report of the financial transactions of the Board in the expenditure of the appropriation. This gives for each month since we began, the amount expended in each department, which conveys some idea of how the work progressed:

Officers' salaries and employes' wages from July 26 to Aug. 31, 1898 . . $ 721.98

Furniture and fixtures " " 159.54

Office supplies, current expense " " 125.35

Construction " " 59.50

Agricultural Exhibits " " 98.83

Postage account " " 50.00

Total $ 1215.20

Unexpended balance, $98784.80.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for September, 1897 $ 487.50

Office supplies " " 58.20

Agricultural exhibit " " 65.00

Construction " " 91.00

Total $ 701.70

Unexpended balance, $98083.10.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for October, 1897 $ 487. 50

Office supplies " " 82.10

Construction " " 4248.05

Agricultural exhibit " " 429.55

Apiary exhibit " " 56.77

Poultry exhibit " " 21.15

Live stock exhibit " " 32.32

Space account " " 3560.25

Total $ 8917.69

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Unexpended balance, $89165.41.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for November, 1897 $487.50

Office supplies " " 86.72

Construction " " 2856.85

Agricultural exhibit " " 4214.75

Horticultural exhibit " " 2116.20

Apiary exhibit " " 391.31

Live stock exhibit " " 5000.00

Dairy exhibit " " 750.00

Floricultural exhibit " " 43.50

Educational exhibit " " 5100.00

Poultry exhibit " " 1250.00

Postage " " 50.00

Total $22346.83

Unexpended balance, $66818.58.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for December, 1897 $ 487.50

Office supplies " " 50.90

Construction " " 2240.44

Agricultural department " " 78.90

Horticultural department " " 375.53

Apiary department " " 3.52

Educational department " " 100.00

Total $ 3337.69

Unexpended balance, $63480.89.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for January, 1898 $ 487.50

Office supplies " " 165.57

Construction " " 3122.75

Agricultural department " " 40.70

Horticultural department " " 148.93

Apiary department " " 33.68

Live stock department " " 26.83

Dairy department " " 3.20

Poultry department " " 3.20

Floriculture department " " 40.70

Educational department " " 94.09

Total $ 4167.15

Unexpended balance, $59313.74.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for February, 1898 $ 487.50

Office supplies " " 41.70

Construction " " 2886.13

Agricultural department " " 88.62

Horticultural department " " 98.95

Poultry department " " 7.00

Floricultural department " " 34.40

Educational department " " 91.96

Total $ 3736.26

Unexpended balance, $55577.48.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for March, 1898 $ 477.50

Office supplies and current expense " " 41.85

Construction " " 5948.20

Agricultural department " " 157.55

Horticultural department " " 40.00

Live stock department " " 28.48

Floricultural department " " 70.00

Educational department " " 65.00

Postage " " 50.00

Decoration of state building " " 32.50

Total $ 6911.08

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Unexpended balance, $48666.40

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for April, 1898 512.50

Office supplies " " 59.00

Construction " " 2652.58

Agricultural department " " 342.99

Horticultural department " "71.00

Apiary department " " 74.00

Live stock department " " 35.30

Dairy department " " 1.50

Poultry department " " 1.00

Floriculture department " " 131.45

Educational department " " 130.35

Building employes [sic.] " " 125.50

Sod house " " 70.00

Decoration state building " " 314.60

Total $4521.77

Unexpended balance, $ 44144.63.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for May, 1898 " " 512.50

Furniture and fixtures " " 65.96

Current expense " " 71.38

Construction " " 976.52

Agricultural department " " 592.76

Horticultural department " " 138.15

Apiary department " " 277.09

Live stock department " " 71.00

Dairy department " " 130.00

Poultry department " " 32.50

Floriculture department " " 170.25

Educational department " " 1151.95

Building employes " " 344.84

Sod house " " 126.90

Decoration state building " " 69.20

Total $4641.00

Unexpended balance, $39503.63.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for June, 1898. $ 512.50

Furniture and fixtures " " 27.00

Current expense " " 514.68

Agricultural department " " 652.02

Horticultural department " " 953.79

Apiary department " " 579.11

Live stock department " " 65.00

Dairy department " " 164.83

Poultry department " " 327.65

Floriculture department " " 813.88

Educational department " " 1539.44

Postage " " 60.00

Building employes " " 953.83

Sod house " " 254.62

Decorations of state building " " 1045.74

Nebraska cereal cooking school " " 200.00

Nebraska Creamic club " " 300.00

Total $9768.78

Unexpended balance, $29734.85.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for July, 1898 $ 512.50

Furniture and fixtures " " 88.95

Current expense account " " 384.70

Construction " " 83.30

Agricultural department " " 274.97

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Horicultural department for July 1898, $590.55

Apiary department " " 233.65

Live stock department " " 91.80

Dairy department " " 109.13

Poultry department " " 123.45

Floricultural department " " 171.75

Educational department " " 587.83

Building employes " " 971.00

Sod house " " 48.48

Decoration of state building " " 200.00

Nebraska cereal cooking department " " 100.00

Attractions " " 37.00

Repairs and improvements " " 120.03

Total $ 4649.09

Unexpended balance, $25085.76.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for August, 1898 $ 512.50

Furniture and fixtures " " 29.00

Current expense account " " 270.18

Construction " " 4.00

Agricultural department " " 242.10

Horticultural department " " 674.61

Apiary department " " 183.01

Live stock department " " 87.11

Dairy department " " 169.59

Poultry department " " 144.83

Floricultural department " " 166.80

Educational department " " 469.55

Building employes " " 971.00

Nebraska cereal cooking department " " 100.00

Repairs and improvements " " 59.00

Total $ 4083.28

Unexpended balance, $21002.48.

Officers' salaries and employes' wages for September, 1898 $ 512.50

Furniture and fixtures " " 12.50

Current expense " " 520.70

Construction " " 200.41

Agricultural department " " 348.41

Horticultural department " " 2080.70

Apiary department " " 197.39

Live stock department " " 85.35

Dairy department " " 837.80

Poultry department " " 173.41

Floricultural department " " 197.60

Educational department " " 364.57

Building employes " " 965.00

Decoration of state building " " 77.19

Nebraska cereal cooking departmetit " " 100.00

Total $ 6673.53

Unexpended balance, $14328.95. Total.

Salaries and wages for October... $ 383.35 $ 7582.83

Furniture and fixtures... 302.95

Current expense... 1230.80 3703.83

Construction... 873.45 26243.18

Agricultural department... 701.69 8239.74

Horticultural department... 1749.44 9037.85

Apiary department... 188.66 2218.19

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Live stock department $3365.61 $8888.80

Dairy department 224.30 2390.35

Poultry department 192.13 2276.32

Floricultural department 313.41 2153.74

Educational department 1049.21 10743.95

Miscellaneous space account 3560.25

Postage account 50.00 260.00

Building employes 1237.84 5569.01

Sod house 500.00

Decorations of state building 59.20 1798.43

Nebraska cereal cooking 500.00

Nebraska Ceramic club 5.00 305.00

Attractions account 667.04 1426.79

Repairs and improvements 9.70 270.67

Totals $12300.83 $97971.88

Amount of appropriation $100,000.00

Amount expended 97,971.88

Balance reverting to treasury $ 2,028.12

We have exercised the utmost care in our expenditures to avoid useless or profligate outlay of^the funds at our command, and have endeavored to conduct our affairs upon a business basis. The records are suflflcient evidence as to how we have succeeded in this matter.

We append here a list of the people employed by the Board in the different departments during the five months of the Exposition, giving their addresses and the positions they occupied.

J. X. Campbell, Assistant Secretary...Fullerton, Neb.

Dan Althen, Bookkeeper...Beatrice, Neb.

Nellie O'Eourke, Stenographer...Omaha, Neb.

A. J. Williams, Guard...Irvington, Neb.

Patrick Hynes, Guard...Hastings, Neb.

John Barrett, Guard...Omaha, Neb.

F. M. Whittacar, Custodian...Ainsworth, Neb.

Cyrus Lindell, Assistant Custodian...Lincoln, Neb.

Cyrus Lindell resigned and his place was taken October 1st by Eoy McPherrin...Lincoln, Neb.

A. J. Tomlinson, Intelligence Clerk...Red Cloud, Neb.

E. B. Wilber, Assistant Intelligence Clerk....So. Sioux City, Neb.

G. C. Stevenson, Register Clerk...Madison, Neb.

F. W. Barry. Check Clerk...Wahoo, Neb.

Ed Parriot, Janitor...Auburn, Neb.

W. C. Bass, Janitor...Seward, Neb.

A. E. Elder, Messenger...Clay Center, Neb.

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Mellona Butterfield, Hostess...Omaha, Neb.

Mrs. TV. H. Hunter, Assistant Hostess...Fremont, Neb.

Mrs. Clara W. Marks, Check Clerk...Grand Island, Neb.

Lela A. Wheeler, Postmistress...Lincoln, Neb.

Anna B. Overton, Attendant Ladies' Room...Gibbon, Neb.

Sara A. Burrows, Attendant Societies' Room...Lincoln, Neb.

Lucinda Burrows, 'Attendant Societies' Room from September 1st...Lincoln, Neb.

Mrs. Ella Manzer, Janitress for last month...Omaha, Neb.

E. D. Johnson, Superintendent Agriculture...Lexington, Neb.

C. E. Drake, Assistant Superintendent Agriculture...Albion, Neb.

J. Waggoner. Helper Agriculture...Bellwood, Neb.

Peter Youngers, Jr., Superintendent Horticulture...Geneva, Neb.

Geo. A. Marshall, Assistant Superintendent Horticulture...Arlington, Neb.

Chas. Nownes, Assistant Superintendent Horticulture...Papillion, Neb.

Frank Clark, Assistant Superintendent Horticulture...Tecumseh, Neb.

Matt Youngers, Assistant Superintendent Horticulture, last two months...Geneva, Neb.

L. C. Chapin, Superintendent Floriculture...Lincoln, Neb.

A. W. Shickley, Assistant Superintenent Floriculture...Shickley, Neb.

C. W. Stewart, Manager Educational Department...Alma, Neb.

W. H. Howard, Helper Educational Department...Crawford, Neb.

A. H. Holmes, Helper Educational Department...Wilcox, Neb.

Eliza L. McGrew, Helper Educational Department...Burwell, Neb.

Eliza L. McGrew resigned and place taken by Nettie Harmer, September 1st...Syracuse, Neb.

W. H. Mullen, Helper Educational Department...O'Neill, Neb.

May O'Shea, Helper Educational Department...Lincoln, Neb.

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M. O. O'Hara, Helper Educational Departmen. (Month of June) Bloomington, Neb.

W. H. Mullen resigned and place taken Sept. 1st by...

Ed J. Clark, Janitor Educational Department...Omaha, Neb.

L. D. Stilson, Superintendent Apiary...York, Neb.

G. M. Whitford, Assistant Superintendent Apiary...Arlington, Neb.

B. R. Stouffer, Superintendent Dairy...Bellevue, Neb.

Mrs. R. C. Hayes, Assistant Superintendent Dairy...Omaha, Neb.

D. J. Richards, Superintendent Poultry...Omaha, Neb.

C. A. Cook. Assistant Superintendent Poultry...Salem, Neb.

William Foster, Live Stock Superintendent...Saltillo, Neb.

Becoming thoroughly imbued with the importance of the work as we advanced when the Exposition opened we were de termined that it should not lack for personal supervision upon our part, even at the sacrifice of personal interests. So we arranged, by taking turns, for the continuous attendance at the Exposition of one or more members of the Commission, in order to advise our Assistant Secretary and corps of Superintendents, and to be present in emergencies which might arise in the man agement of the business.

In conclusion we must express our satisfaction with the work accomplished. We believe that we can say, without being accused of self praise, that we put up the best show possible for the money. The people of our State of all classes seeing our exhibits were proud to claim a citizenship in Nebraska. People coming from all over the United States and from other countries, iieely testify to their amazement when viewing the evidences of our rich and varied resources.

We know that by reason of our display the State of Ne braska will be held in higher respect; that its products will be sought with more eagerness. The people know that labor in development will yield the choicest rewards, and from everywhere ihey will be encouraged to came and make the State their home iind aid and share in its increasing greatness.

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It is not possible to estimate the ultimate benefit in dollars and cents, but rather we must know that in material progress, in added importance, in the upbuilding of all its multifarious industries, our State has received an impetus that, as the years go by, will bring us many times the return of the amount spent in this enterprise.

WM. NEVILLE, President.

W. A. POYNTER, Vice President.

C. D. CASPAR, Secretary.





Attest: J. N. CAMPBELL, Assistant Secretary.

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Reports of the Superintendents of the departments of the Nebraska State exhibit at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.

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To William Neville,

President Nebraska Commission Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Neb.


I respectfully submit to your Board the following report of work done in my department since it organization to date:

At the time of appointment, August 23d, the Board had set apart no certain amount to make an exhibit, and the work at this time was to a large extent preliminary and finding out what material could be had to make an exhibit. Upon looking the ground over it was found that a good exhibit could be secured. At a later meeting the Board secured 1,290 square feet of space in the Horticultural Building for use of this department, and space around the Nebraska Building for parking purposes, and at a later meeting in March set apart $1,000.00 foi use in this department, and appointed Mr. A. W. Shickley oi Geneva, Assistant Superintendent.

We commenced active work at this time, laid out space around the Nebraska Building for flower beds, and sodded intervening space with blue grass sod. These beds were planted with blooming plants, and the exhibits of flowering plants were confined to this space, as it was the most economical way to make an exhibit of flowering plants on account of their perishable nature. Great credit was due the following florists for plants to make this exhibit: Paul Paulson, L. H. Henderson, R. H. Davey, Paul B. Floth, Peterson Bros, and Chapin Bros. A large variety of plants was exhibited, among which were 44 varieties of geraniums, 71 of cactii, 18 of roses, 12 of cannas, 5 of altheranthea, 23 of coleas, 2 of salvias, besides many others such as heliotrope, verbenas, etc.

Youngers & Co., nurseryman of Geneva, who exhibited a, fine group of evergreens, consisting of fine specimens of the following: Picia pungens, Douglas spruce, Abies concoler, Black Hill spruce and other commoner kinds. Marshall Bros, of Arlington also had a fine group of the following: Black Hill spruce, white pine, arbor vitae, silver spruce and cedars. Thesti gentlemen deserve gi'eat credit, as no charge was made for these exhibits. Some of these were especially fine specimens and peo-  Scanned image of page 26 ple are just beginning to see that evergreens can be grown successfully in Nebraska.

The exhibit in the Nebraska Building consisted of the fountain, which was especially fine during the hot weather, as the cool, running water seemed very refreshing. This fountain was kept decorated with palms and flowers, and palms were had oii all occasions to decorate the Nebraska Building.

The display of vases was placed on the steps at the entrances and at the east side consisting of both iron and rustic vases, also a display of hanging baskets in the Nebraska Building.

The exhibit proper in the Horticultural Building was in place on June 1st and was ready for the opening. This was a very valuable exhibit. The collection of palms consisted of forty-four varieties, one of which (cycas cirsanelas) was of the value of 1500.00, and nearly all varieties shown were of special commercial value in Nebraska.

The collection of foliage plants included sixty-six varieties. In this collection there were especially' fine varieties shown, such as Pandanis Vichiti and Ficis Varigati.

Of cactii 104 varieties, nearly the entire list, was shown, all native cactii and many from other States and Mexico. Especial mention is made of a large agave ameraci, probably the largest in the United States, valued at |1,000.00. Collection of ferns, thirty-seven varieties.

All of the above was in the nature of a competitive exhibit, and was entered in the name of the State of Nebraska and secured a gold medal and diploma.

The exhibit has attracted very favorable comment, and at the time of the National Florists' Convention florists from the east were very agreeably surprised at the exhibit shown and the work done in the floral line. It has been an object lesson to all, especially as we are a young State and many supposed that Ne braska had nothing worth showing to the floral world and I believe has increased to a large extent the desire of our own people to go and do likewise, as it has shown them that plants, flowers, shrubs and trees can be successfully grown and used to beautify the house and grounds.

We commenced our display of cut flowers at the time of the Florists' National Convention which met here. Our display at  Scanned image of page 27 that time consisted principally of vases and jardinieres filled with roses, carnations, petunias, tube roses, astors and gladiolia. This display was renewed each day and was supplied by Chapin Bros, of Lincoln and was awarded a gold medal and diploma.

On September 12 to 16, during the exhibit of the State Horticultural Society a special display of cut flowers and designs was exhibited, among which were large designs made up of roses, ferns, carnations and smilax; also baskets and vases of choice cut flowers which were among the principal attractions in the Horticultural Building during that time. This display was entered in the name of the State and secured a silver medal and diploma.

Great credit is due W. J. Hesser, the palm grower of Plattsmouth, for his valuable collection of palms, ferns and cactii. His collection was entered for an award and secured a gold medal and diploma.

S. B. Stewart of Omaha made a display of bulbs during the months of September and October, consisting of lillies, hyacinths, tulips, crocus, snowdrops and many others. This exhibit secured a gold medal and diploma.

Credit is also due to the following florists and private persons who kindly aided us in every possible way. Dr. George Roberts of Creighton, Neb.; Frey & Frey and Chapin Bros, of Lincoln, Neb.; Paul Paulson, A. Donahue, Jr., L. Henderson. Peterson Bros., S. D. Stewart and Paul Floth of Omaha; also to the State University.

I have returned to the owners all plants and material loaned my department and hold their receipt therefor. I also append below a list of State property used in my department and hold a receipt of the custodian appointed by Land Commissionei Wolfe that same has all been returned in good condition; also an itemized list of the expenditures of my department.

In closing this report I wish to especially thank yourself and the members of the Nebraska Commission. You have at all times done all in your power to assist me in making this department a success and our relations have been most pleasant. Your selection and appointment of Mr. A. W. Shickley of Gen eva. Neb., as Assistant Superintendent was especially wise, as to him is due in a large measure the success of this department. He has been an especially faithful workman and an obliging gentleman. Again thanking you, I am yours truly,

L. C. CHAPIN, Superintendent Floriculture.

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To the Honorable Board of Directors,

Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Neb.:


I beg leave to make the following report of the Department of Agriculture:

August 29th, 1897, I received a letter from your Secretary, W. H. Dearing, that it was your desire that I proceed to gather grains and grasses and care for the same in proper manner, th(! same to be used in and for the Trans-Mississippi Exposition to be held in Omaha, June 1st, 1898.

I commenced at once to gather as follows: 1st. Sheaf grain, wheat, rye, oats, barley, flax, buckwheat and hemp; also selected best samples of threshed grain possible. Later I found it necessary to have some safe place to conveniently store what I had gathered. I asked your Board's permission to rent a store room in Omaha which was granted. I rented a room on South Eleventh street and there stored and cared for all collections. At a regular meeting of the Board August 10th, 1897, you appointed me Superintendent of the Agricultural Department. You bought 11,672 square feet of space for $4,144.45 and set apart for my department $1,196.17.

At your regular meeting January 31st you autliorized me to invite counties and districts to exhibit.

Extract from the minutes of the meeting January 31st, 1898.

First. That such as may be financially able and desirous oi making and maintaining county exhibits at the Exposition may be permitted to do so, provided that exhibits shall be grouped as follows, to-wit:

Agriculture in the Agricultural Building, Horticulture in the Horticultural Building and so on throughout the different divisions of the Exposition, in the space set aside for such county or district by the Superintendents of the diffei'ent departments thereof.

Second. That such counties as may desire to organize themselves into districts for the purpose of making "district exhibits," the same to be maintained at their own expense, and in the same manner as country exhibits, may be permitted to do so.

Third. That all other counties desiring to be represented  Scanned image of page 29 and are not able to maintain exhibits may be permitted to forward their products to this department, which department may be privileged to arrange and maintain such exhibits in the namt of the county or counties furnishing such products.

Provided further, That all such counties or districts making exhibits shall accept such space under such rules and regulations as your honorable body may in the futui'e prescribe.

March 8th, 1898:

Counties making exhibits must file their applications with the Superintendents of the respective divisions on or before April 1st and have their exhibits on the ground ready to be installed on or before May 1st, 1898. This includes all exhibits except live stock and poultry.

P. S.—Space for, and freight on exhibits, free.

This portion of the minutes was printed in letter form and sent to all the counties in the State where there was no Agricultural Society, to some county or city officer or some re sponsible person. Out of the ninety counties only twenty-seven applied for space, but later when the time came for the exhibits to be placed only nine complied. The counties exhibiting were Boone, Burt, Cuming, Dawson, Red Willow, Filmore, Saline and Washington.

September 20th I commenced to put in a vegetable exhibit, which I kept replenished almost daily until the close of the Exposition. Towards the close of September I found my appropriation was short for my work; I asked for |350.00 more and it was granted. The nine counties all made creditable exhibits, each receiving an award. Whether the State made a good exhibit is not for me to say, but those who saw it can judge for themselves. If any credit is due my department it is very largely due to my assistant, C. E. Drake, and helper, Jerry Waggoner.

The State received a gold medal and diploma.

E. D. JOHNSON, Superintendent Agriculture.

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To the Honorable Members of the Nebraska Commission, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Neb.:


In compliance with the request of your Assistant Secretary, Mr. Campbell, I herewith submit report of work done in my department:

On August 12th, 1897, I was notified of my appointment b3 your honorable body as Superintendent of Horticulture for Nebraska, and on September 8th was instructed to commence gathering apples for exhibit at the opening of the Exposition. During the fall I succeeded in securing ICl barrels of apples containing sixty-three varieties which were placed in cold storage at Swift & Co.'s warehouse South Omaha. This firm kindly donated the storage charges to the Horticultural Department. The storage was perfect in every particular. Apples placed in theii cold storage room in October, 1897, taken out October 17th, 1898, were found to be in perfect condition, many varieties remaining upon the tables in good condition until the close of the Exposition.

On May 31st last we commenced to fill our tables with tht fruit stored during the winter, and the opening day, June 1st, found the Nebraska space, consisting of 2,000 square feet, containing 2,450 plates, filled with the produce of Nebraska orchards. Our space was kept completely full without any interruption from the opening day until the close of the Exposition, during which time the following varieties of fruit were exhibited:



Crab apples...19



Plums, named...76

Plums, seedling...80







 Scanned image of page 31


Paw paw...1











As the season advanced it was thought advisable to set apart certain days upon which to distribute fruit to visitors of the Exposition. Accordingly September 2 was set apart by the Superintendent of the Horticultural Department and designated as 'Peach Day." All of the Trans-Mississippi States were invited to join, but as no other State responded to the call it fell upon Nebraska to furnish all of the peaches. Between twelve and fourteen thousand people partook of the hospitality of Nebraska on that day; about eighty thousand peaches being distributed.

September 17 was set apart and known as "Nebraska Grape Day." On this day grapes were distributed in two-pound sacks to fully twelve thousand visitors. At one time seventeen persons were engaged in sacking and distributing the grapes. The day following (September .18) being Children's Day, the school children of Omaha and Council Bluffs were invited to sample the products of Nebraska orchards and vineyards. Each child that passed through the building was given a sack of grapes and two peaches. The children were highly pleased with the treat and Nebraska received much credit for her liberality.

Again on October 19 we had what was known as "Nebraska Apple Day." We commenced distributing apples at 1 o'clock and continued until dark, having some ten persons employed in handing out the fruit. The apples given away were of the finest quality that Nebraska orchards produce consisting mainly of Jonathan, Grimes, Golden Pippin, Northern Spy and Snow, all of excellent eating quality.

The object in distributing the fruit—peaches, grapes and apples—was to convince visitors to the Exposition that the qual-  Scanned image of page 32 ity of Nebraska finiit is equal if not superior to that of any other State in the Union, and many of the visitors, especially those from the eastern States, expressed great surpise at the quality of the fruit. The Nebraska apple has also demonstrated its superior keefjing qualities over apples exhibited by the other Trans-Mississippi States. For instance, apples taken out of cold storage remained upon the table in perfect condition for a period of from two to three weeks, and in one or two instances apples that had been in cold storage for seven months remained upon the tables in perfect condition for five weeks. At the close of the Exposition there were on exhibition thirty-eight varieties of apples of the crop of 1897. The grapes distributed were of very fine quality, and many visitors expressed sui'prise both at the quantity' we gave away and the excellent quality of the fruit. Our peaches rank second in quality in the United States as a former award made at Chicago will attest.

The expenditures in my department have been as follows:

For space in Horticultural Building...$1,000.00


Furniture and fixtures...215.93





Paper for wrapping fruit...46.65

Freight and drayage...149.79

Express and delivery...490.01

Cold Storage...37.10



Salaries of Superintendent and assistants...1,780.16

Hotel expenses Superintendent and assistants...325.60




Car fare...27.40

Telegraph and telephone...11.86


On March 23, 1898, the sum of $6,000 was set aside for use in my department, exclusive of salaries. Of that amount there has been expended the sum of $4,576.74, leaving an unexpended balance of $1,423.26. I have also received rebate on plates re-  Scanned image of page 33 turned of $41.19, making the total net balance unexpended in my department, $1,464.65.

For whatever degree of success has been achieved in my department a large part of the credit is due to my assistant, Mr. Geo. A. Marshall of Arlington. Being President of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society, he not only rendered valuable assistance himself, but enlisted the hearty co-operation of the whole Society.

The fruit growers of the State generally have been uniform ally prompt and generous in selecting the best from orchard and vineyard to assist in making the display. There are so many worthy of mention that space forbids my giving a complete list. I feel, however, that special credit is due the following: Robert W. Furnas, Brownville; C. H. Barnard, Table Eock; J. M. Russell, Wymore; Dr. A. Gaiser, Tecumseh; Marshall Bros., Arlington.

The help provided by the State Board consisted of four assistants, viz.: Geo. A. Marshall, assistant; Chas. Nownes, second assistant; Frank Clark, third assistant, and M. H. Young ers, fourth assistant, have performed their work faithfully and well, being ready and willing at all times, night and day, to do all in their power to promote the interests of the Nebraska fruit exhibit. It was frequently necessary for the entire force to work imtil 1 o'clock in the morning and again be at their posts at 6 o'clock, and each and every one has cheerfully performed every duty required of him.

To you, gentlemen of the Nebraska Commission, I wish to tender my sincere thanks for your uniformly kind and courteous treatment both of myself and of the Horticulturists of the State. Your generous conduct has contributed very largely to making the work in my department easy and pleasant, and you have at all times labored to make the Horticultural Department a grand success. That your efforts have not been fruitless the following, list of awards received of my department will testify:

State of Nebraska, for display of fruits of the State, special diploma of honor. This diploma ranks above the gold medal and is the highest award made in the building.

The Nebraska State Horticultural Society, for display of fruit at their September meeting, gold medal.

Douglas County, for display of fruit, gold medal.

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J. M. Russell & Co., Anymore, for collection of peaches, gold medal.

C. H. Barnard, for collection of fruit, gold medal.

Marshall Bros., Arlington, for collection of small fruit, gold medal.

Theo. Williams, Benson, for display of plums, gold medal.

Youngers & Co., Geneva, for display of apples, gold medal.

Robt. W. Furnas, Brownville, for collection of peaches, pears and plums, gold medal.

Sarpy County, for County display of fruit, silver medal.

P. Schumacher, York, for collection of small fruit, silver medal.

J. W. Stevenson, North Bend, for display of strawberries, silver medal.

W. F. Jenkins, Arcadia, for display of cherries, silver medal.

R. N. Day, Tekamah, for display of fruit, bronze medal.

J. A. Yager, Fremont, for display of plums, bronze medal.

W. R. Harris, Tecumseh for display of fruits.

A. Gaiser, Tecumseh, for display of grapes.

E. J. Jury, Tecumseh, for display of peaches, bronze medal.

G. S. Christy, Johnson, for general display of fruit, bronze medal.

C. A. Whitford, Arlington, for fruits of 1897 and small fruits, bronze medal.

The following received diploma for honorable mention:

Geo. L. Allen, Lehigh, for display of small fruit.

F. R. Martin, Omaha, for display of grapes.

C. M. Kaufman, for display of pears.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Superintendent Horticulture for Nebraska.

Nebraska State Commission for the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition:


Having been requested by your honorable body to give a full report of the Poultry exhibit I herewith am pleased to inform you that this exhibit has been a grand success considering the small amount of money expended.

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Poultrymen of Nebraska, as well as visiting poultrymen, are almost unanimous in expressing themselves as well pleased with this method of exhibiting poultry at all times.

There have been 863 birds on exhibition during the season from June 20th to the present time. These were owned by seventy-two different brooders of this State.

By the able assistance of Mr. C. A. Cook we have lost but eight birds in all out of the 863 exhibited. This is far below the average loss at coop shows, which usually last from three to seven days.

Mr. C. A. Cook and myself desire to thank you all for your kindness and help in making this exhibit what it has been. We appreciate the trust given us.

Yours respectfully,



Omaha, Neb., Nov. 16, 1898.

To the Honorable Members of the Nebraska Commission:

Trans-Mississippi and Internatiional Exposition,

Omaha, Nebraska,


In compliance with the request of the members of the Commission I herewith submit a report of the work done in my department as Superintendent of Decorations of the Nebraska Building.

On January 26, 1898, I was notified of my appointment by your honorable body as Superintendent of the interior decora tion of the Nebraska Building. I commenced my work at once soliciting pictures from the prominent artists who were, or had been, interested in the art of the State. From February 1st to June 1st I called personally upon the best artists of Omaha, Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Beatrice, Ashland, Fairburj', Hastings, Aurora, Grand Island, Columbus, Norfolk and Fremont, in some cases going to them several times, besides corresponding with many others.

On March 15, the honorable board directed that my salary as Superintendent of Decorations should begin, at which time  Scanned image of page 36 there was an appropriation made of $1,500.00 for expenditure for decorations and furnishings, transportation of pictures, etc. The tinting of the large audience room and gallery, and fourteen rooms with stenciling of border, was handsomely done in different colors by Mr. E. Von Reichman & Co., formerly of St. Louis. The ninety-eight windows were all provided with good shades, and suitable draperies were provided for windows and doors. Over five hundred yards of matting and carpet, besides twentyfive rugs, more than one hundred and fifty chairs of all styles, seventeen cots and numbers of pillows and cot-covers, several cozy corners, many tables and desks for writing were purchased, all of which tended to the comfort and restfulness of the weary guests.

The State was indebted to the courtesy of Messrs. Schmoller & Mueller for the loan of three pianos for use during the summer.

The pictures added much to the beauty and home-like appearance of the building, and we are under obligations to the following persons who so very kindly sacrificed the comfort of their homes to assist us:

Miss Cora Parker,..(10 pictures and 2 pieces of statuary) State University.

Mrs. Balliman, Omaha...2 pictures.

Mr. O'Neal, Omaha...2 "

Miss Ethel Evans, Omaha...1 "

Miss Bessie Cowles, Omaha...1 "

Miss Nightingale, Chicago...1 "

Miss Tanie Snowden, Omaha...2 "

Mrs. Emerson, Omaha...1 "

Mrs. Seavey, Denver...2 "

Miss C. Miller, Omaha...1

Miss Ranke, Omaha...2 "

Mrs. Bachman, Omaha 1 "

Mr. Hogle, Omaha 2 "

Mrs. Henry Estabrook, Chicago...1 picture and porcelain slab.

Miss Anna Rogers, Lincoln...4 heads.

Miss Mellona Butterfield, Omaha, 7 water-colors, 1 mirror frame. Several pieces of china.

Miss Mable Taylor, Omaha...9 pretty heads.

Mrs. Murr, Omaha...1 picture.

Mrs. Bruner, Omaha 1 "

Mrs. Burnam, Omaha 1 "

Miss Van Geasen, Omaha 1 "

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Miss Orcutt, Omaha...1 Picture.

Miss Burnett, Omaha...1 "

Miss Iler, Omaha...1 "

Mrs. Petitt, South Omaha...1 "

Mrs. C. Powell, Omaha...1 tray cloth framed.

Mr. H. H. Bagg, Peru, Neb.,...4 pictures.

Mrs. McLellan Hinman, Chicago...8 "

Mrs. J. Hull, Norfolk, Neb...5 "

Miss O'Shae, Lincoln...1 "

Miss Harmer, Syracuse, Neb...1 "

Mrs. Isaman, Aurora, Neb...8 "

Mrs. Anna Morey, Hastings, Neb. ..4 pictures. 4 pes. of china.

Mrs. Paul Holm, Lincoln...4 pictures, 1 piece of tapestry.

Miss Mable Sears, Lincoln...2 slabs (plaster).

Miss Alice Eighter, Lincoln...4 pictures.

Mrs. A. Oelrich, Columbus...1 table top.

Miss Nina Oumbard, Fremont...2 " "

Mrs. A. Warwick, Oscaloosa, Kans.... 4 " "

Mrs. A. P. McKnight. Council Bluffs, Ia...5 " "

Mr. A. C. Peters, Filley, Neb...1 " "

Mrs. Littlefield, Syracuse, Neb...4 " "

Miss Graves, York, Neb...4 " "

Miss Stevens, Omaha...6 " "

Mrs. Parks, Omaha...3 " "

Mrs. Willis, Omaha...2 " "

The Misses Thurston, Omaha...3 " "

To Mrs. Frances Mumaugh we are indebted for the arrangement and decoration with pictures and bric-a-brac of the Ladies' Resting Room. She used about twenty-seven water-colors for the walls, besides loaning us twelve fine oil paintings which were hung in other places, making a total of over two-hundred pictures hung in the building.

We are indebted to Mrs. Canfield for a tine bust of Chancellor Canfield, the same afterwards being presented to the University, also to Mrs. Judge Stewart of Lincoln, for a portrait of Chancellor Benton, the first. Chancellor of the University; to Mrs. Silas Garber for a portrait of Governor Garber; to Mrs. Bert Hitchcock for a jjortrait of Ex-Governor Crounse. We also had the portraits of Ex-Governors Thayer, Furnas, Boyd, Saunders and Cummings. Mr. Lininger contributed his photograph. Mrs. Hull of Norfolk sent the portraits of (iovernor Holcomb, Colonel Bryan, Senator Allen, Governor Dawes and Senator Allison.

Senator Thurston showed his loyalty to the building by  Scanned image of page 38 loaning us fine portraits of President McKinley and Vice President Hobart, also the portrait of Senator Thurston.

The building was handsomely decorated both inside and out with the Ak-sar-ben colors and flags in honor of Ak-sar-ben week and the Peace Jubilee.

The pretty corners and rooms maintained by the different fraternities added much to the beauty of the building. The Knights of Pythias furnished a large room handsomely and expensively under the direciton of Mr. Will Schism. The Free Masons and Eastern Stars furnished another room equally as handsome. The Sons and Daughters of the American Eevolution had a most interesting corner, making an exhibition of Revolutionary relics collected throughout the state. Mrs. Langworthy of Seward, Mrs. Reylander of Lincoln and Mrs. Jaynes of Omaha- being untiring in their efforts to make this an attractive corner.

The Christian Endeavor under the direction of Rev. A. J. Tukey arranged a pretty corner in the rotunda. The room set apart for the "Old Soldiers and Sailors" was taken care of by Mr. Heston, assisted by the ladies of the Relief Corps and ladies of the G. A. R. They had an interesting exhibit of over 200 war relics. The Woman's Home Missionary Society entertained many guests in their cozy corner in one of the rooms. The Modern Woodmen arranged one of the neatest corners in the ro tunda. Mr. Talbot superintending, and the congenial smile of Mr. McFarran and Mrs. Allan to greet all friends. Modern W^oodmen Day was one of the most successful days of the season. The Ancient Order of United Workmen entertained man}^ a weary friend in their quarters, holding a most succestsful day for their members. The Junior Order United American Mechanics also fitted up a corner for their friends' comfort.

The W. C. T. U. Society had part of a room on the second floor tastily furnished by their order where many could register and be at home. In the same room was the P. E. O. Circle, whose pretty colors of yellow and white were very tastily carried out in their furnishings. The Pi Beta Phi Fraternity of college girls could find a home in one corner of the east blue room. The Knights and Ladies of Maccabees had a very comfortable booth in the balcony; also the Red Men of the World quarters were neatly arranged. We must not forget the valuable and attractive stamp collection loaned by the State Stamp Society,

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We were sorry tbat we had the Eoyal Highlanders with us but about one-half of the time for they arranged one of the prettiest booths in the rotunda with their plaids and bows and quivers, under the direction of Mr. Sharp of Aurora, and Mr. Burgess of Lincoln.

Many other fraternities made application for quarters in our building but as they could not get the proper passes to the grounds they withdrew their applications for space. The Ohio Commission accepted the invitation extended and held their headquarters in the office of the building with Mr. H. M. Greene in charge.

As hostess of the State Building I may say that in every respect I was treated with the utmost courtesy by guests and employees alike. Every one with whom I spoke was elaborate in their praises concerning the beauty and comfort of the building, and said that the State might be proud of her effort. This word was not only from our own people but from all parts of the country.

With the assistance of Mrs. W. H. Hunter of Fremont we cared for the comfort and entertainment of all guests, and assist ed the Commission in entertaining on Opening Day, Dedication of the Building, Modern Woodmen Day, Sons and Daughters of the Revolution Day, Lumbermen's Day, Free Mason and Eastern Star Day, three days of the Money Congress, Woman's Relief Corijs Day, Maccabees Day, Redmen's Day, P. E. O. Day, besides the days of several minor organizations. Our doors were always open for the entertainment of the people from eight a. a. until the time the lights were extinguished on the grounds.

To you gentlemen of the Nebraska State Commission, I wish to tender my sincere thanks for your unremitting courtesy to me in every particular. Every want was gratned. Your kindly word was always cheering and encouraging, and it gave me great pleasure to work for your comfort and approval.

Respectfully submitted,


Superintendent of Decoration and Hostess of the Nebraska Building, Trans-Mississippi Exposition.

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To the Honorable Members of the Nebraska Commission,

Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition:—


Having been appointed by you as Superintendent of the Nebraska exhibit, in the Apiary Department of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, and as such Exposition is now near its close, I herewith make the following report of my work, as such Superintendent.

Beginning in the fall of 1897, I collected some vai'ieties of honey, with which to make a showing at the opeing of the Exposition. This was sorted and stored in a heated room, so as to be kept at as even temperature through the winter as possible, never getting below 50 degrees.

This honey on May 1st, showed to have kept in almost a perfect condition, showing neither leakage, bursting of cappings, nor granulations. The greater portion of this honey has been kept on exhibition from the opening thereof until the present time, still in perfect condition, showing the excellent keeping quality of our honey under severe conditions.

For honey and expense of keeping over winter, prior to April 1st, 1898, |132,()8. On April 1st. we began work prepar atory for the Exposition. Prior to this time, money had been apportioned to this department as follows:

For space...1350.00

For Superintendent's salary, 7 mo...455.00

For salarv for one assistant, 5 mo...300.00

For exhibits...975.00

All moneys paid out have been upon itemized statements and vouchers each month, and approved by you as follows:

April... $ 9.00






leaving still $165.75 Oct. 1st, to the credit of this department. Since the opening of the Exposition, either myself or assistant have been constantly with our exhibit, and generally both have been there Sundays as well as week days. During the summer we have purchased material and obtained use of some other,  Scanned image of page 41 so that our present exhibit occupies more than double the amount of space originally assigned to this department, occupying in the whole, 900 square feet of space. This caused much additional work for those in charge.

In the spring we purchased three swarms of bees, so as to have full colonies to draw from for a continuous exhibit of live bees in observatory hives. These required removing at least each week, and at times twice each week. The first three swnrms proved inadequate for this display, and we have drawn heavily from colonies purchased by ourselves, for which no charge has been made. We have at times purchased some queens, twelve in all, for replenishing the stock, thus making a continuous display of bees and queens of from four to seveii observatory hives, for over four months.

We have been very fortunate in not having our honey stolen, as it is generally in the best shape for peculation; but in all the six months of preparation and exhibit, we have not had over 100 pounds of honey stolen, which is the lightest of any Exposition known, I think, where so much has been handled. By special arrangement, your body purchased from Mrs. E. Whitcomb of Friend, Nebraska, designs and flowers in bees-wax, she reserving the right to enter them for award in her own name in competition.

A collection of 250 mounted and pressed honey producing plants of this State was obtained from Miss Winnie Stilson, without compensation to aid in decorating our honey cases. We have endeavored to have a complete line of such apiarian goods as are in general use by up-to-date bee-keepers, and by instruction in their uses, tried to induce all who visited our exhibit to use latest methods. We have given out to visitors about 10,000 circulars, descriptive of honey as food and medicine. These have cost this Commission nothing except expressage.

During September we had held in Omaha, the meeting of the United States Bee Keepers' Union, the local expenses as well as entertainment at the Apiary Building, were borne mostly by a few Nebraska bee-keeprs, aided by Hon. G. W. Swink of Colorado, and E. Korethum of Iowa. In the awards Nebraska received 45 awards out of 81 awarded in the classes competing, comprising three gold medals and diplomas, 21 sil-  Scanned image of page 42 ver diplomas, and 10 bronze medals and diplomas. Of these, 21 were on honey alone.

We also took nine special premiums, offered by the Nebraska Farmer in this department. Three of them going to the Nebraska Commission of a value of $15.00

Douglas County put up and maintained at their own expense a very creditable display of apiarian products, under the direction of August C. Davidson, with Mrs. F. J. Preiss as his as sistant, who deserve credit for their tine exhibit, and th« manner in which it has been kept up.

Before this exhibit is broken up, I should like authority from your Commission or other proper persons, to make small collections from the same, to be placed in the Nebraska State University, to be kept for further scientific investigations, as to changes chemical or otherwise. I have already forwarded to the University of the State of Kansas, some specimens of honey from different plants, for chemical analysis, taking samples from other states, as well as from our own. The college at York, Nebraska, has also requested samples under like conditions. Some of the samples we now have are valuable only from a scientific point; having been gathered by careful work, some of it extending over a series of years, and such samples, I think, should not be thrown on the market to the highest bidder; and I would ask that at least .flO.OO be taken from funds still on hand in this department, to reimburse the State for first cost, and then place such collections where they can be studied in the future.

We also have a curiosity in the way of honey comb built on a Cottonwood limb, over thirty feet from the ground. When found the bees had built sufficient to have filled a common bee hive. Some comb was broken off in getting down. This was well filled with brood and honey. The bees were taken off and hived, and the combs placed on exhibitioji. This I would like turned over to the State University, as such an amount of comb built in the open air, is very rare in this climate.

The premiums awarded are as follows:


Linden Comb Honey...2nd.

White Clover...2nd.

Linden Extract...2nd.

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Queens in Cages...2nd.

Sweet Ciover Extract...2nd.

Honey in marketable shape...2nd.

Alfalfa Extract...4th.


Varieties of Honey...2nd.

Varieties of Honey...2nd.

Linden Extract...2nd.

Honey in marketable shape...3rd.



Heartsease Comb Honey...2nd.

Largest Display Foreign and Domestic Honey...1st.

Honey Sugar...2nd.

Heartsease Extra...2nd.

Unrefined Bees-wax...3rd.

Honey in different stages of granulation...4th.


Designs in Bees-wax...1st.

Culinary Products in which Honey is made to take the place of sugar...2nd.


Winnie Stilson...1st.

Cleveland Cross...3rd.

Clark E. Bell...3rd.

Douglas County...2nd.


Mrs. Frank J. Segar...2nd.


Mrs. Mary Segar...2nd.

Mrs. Delia Benson...2nd.


G. M. Whitford...4th.


Sweet Clover Honey...2nd.

Sweet Clover Extract..3rd.


Linden Comb Honey...2nd.

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Heartsease Extract...2nd.

Sweet Clover...2nd.

Designs in Beeswax...2nd.

Queens in Cages...2nd.

Experimental Test of Bees...2nd.

Unrefined Wax...4th.

Bee-keeping fifty years ago...4th.

Honey Vinegar...4th.

Honey Plants...2nd.

It would be unworthy in me to claim all the credit for the work in connection with the exhibit, for the skill and good judgment of my assistant, G. M. Whitford, is due to his full share of credit, in making this display the finest in this line ever made by any state.

I would also express my gratitude to the Superintendent of the Apiary Bureau, Hon. E. Whitcomb, for the courtesies shown us, while together, and trust that these relations may always continue pleasant.

To each member of this Commission, I wish to tender my thanks, and gratitude for support and advice in making this splendid Apiary display.

Respectfully submitted,



To the Nebraska Commission,

Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition;

Omaha, Nebraska.

Hon. Wm. Neville, President:—

We herewith submit for your consideration a brief report of the Nebraska Educational Exhibit, located in the gallery of the Manufactures Building. We desire to express our warmest gratitude to the Commission individually and collectively, for the kindness and courtesy extended us during our official relations. Your hearty support in all our endeavors has enabled Ub to make the Nebraska Educational Exhibit one of the best edcational exhibits perhaps ever made. It has been our earnest endeavor to perform faithfully and economically the work you have assigned to us. Special pains were taken to make our ex  Scanned image of page 45 hibit of a practical nature, as well as to make it interesting and attractive. We believe that this exhibit has not only reflected great credit on the state but also on the Commission. The county superintendents, city superintendents, principals, and teachers in general, have co-operated with us most efldciently, and it was only by their effective work that we were able to make such a magnificent display.

In bringing the matter of preparing the work properly before the county superintendents and educators of the state in general, it was necessary for us to place before them a plain and concise statement of our plans. This was done by preparing and issuing a series of circulars.

Circular No. 1, issued December 1, 1897, set forth that spacv. had been purchased, which would be absolutely free to all schools in the state supported by taxation, and explaining how the spase was to be obtained. To affect a closer organization each county superintendent was appointed a county manager. Each school desiring to make an exhibit was expected to make application for space. The circular had a blank form appended. 11 opco cmfwypcmfwyp cmfwyp cmfwyp cmfwy cmfwyp cf [sic.] to be filled by the applicant for space, and the same was to be Detailed and sent to the superintendent of this department at Lincoln not later than February 1, 1898.

Circular No. 2 issued January 17, 1898, was a reminder of the importance of the work, and made mention of special features that we desired carried out. It also informed exhibitors that we had succeeded in getting the railroads to furnish free transportation both ways, on all lines in Nebraska, for all edu cational work prepared under our direction.

Circular No, 3 was issued January 22, 1898. This circulai stated the size of cardboard to be used for all mounted work.

Circular No. 4, issued February 15, 1898, was a notification of the amount of wall space given to each teacher, together with shelf space. It also stated the quality and size of cardboard to be used, how work was to be mounted, and when we wished it to be completed.

Circular No. 5, issued February 20, 1898, was much similar to Circular No. 4, but gave additional information.

Circular No. 6 issued 1, 1898, notified each county superintendent of the time for shipment, where the headquarters  Scanned image of page 46 would be, and many other minor details giving final instructions for shipping the exhibit.

Two other circular letters were issued, one dated May 3, 1898, and the other May 17, 1898, keeping county superintend ents and exhibitors thoroughly informed as to the progress made in the preparation of booths and stating the plans for placing the exhibits in these booths; also explaining workmen's passes, etc.

Sixty-two counties responded to the call of Circular No. 1. These are indicated below:

Adams, Boone, Buffalo, Burt, Butler, Cedar, Cherry, Cheyenne, Clay, Colfax, Cuming, Custer, Dakota, Dawes, Dawson, Duel, Dixon, Dodge, Douglas. Dundy, Fillmore, Furnas, Fron tier, Gage, Gosper, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Hayes, Hitchcock, Holt, Howard, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Kimball, Knox, Lancaster, Lincoln, Madison, Merrick, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Otoe, Pawnee, Phelps, Pierce, Platte, Poik, Red Willow, Richardson, Rock, Saline, Sarpy, Saunders, Stawton, Thayer, Washington, Wayne, Webster and York.

The number of teacher* and pupils wao contributed for the exhibit from the work of city schools is 2,23G, from the rural schools, 322; from graded and high schools, 1,732; from state institutions, 107; from private schools, 15. Summary of schools reporting: rural schools, 822; graded and high schools, 183; state institutions, 7; private schools, 2; total, 514. Of the private schools, two were represented, viz: The Lincoln Normal and the Omaha Commercial College. The State Chautauqua, under the management of the state secretary, exhibited an interesting line of Chautauqua work and distributed a large amount of reading matter. The state institutions represented tht University of Nebraska, Lincoln; State Normal school, Peru: Boys' Industrial school, Kearney; Girls' Industrial school, Geneva; Institution for Feeble Minded Youth, Beatrice; Institute for the Blind, Nebraska City; School for the Deaf, Omaha. It is especially gratifying to note the excellent provisions that have been made for such efficient work to be done in our schools for the defectives.

The various exhibits fully demonstrate to the public the high order of work that is being done in all of our educational institutions, from the kindergarten on up to our graded and high  Scanned image of page 47 schools and through our great State university. The State university exhibit occupied nearly 2,000 square feet of floor space and was superior in all of its departments. The entire north side of the gallery, comprising about 10,000 square feet of floor space, had erected in it nineteen booths, each booth containing table and shelf space, together with a vast amount of wall space all of which was covered with work done by the pupils of the public schools of Nebraska. While the most of this work wass from the graded and high schools, there was also some excellent work from over three hundred rural schools.

It was specially noticeable in this exhibit that our educational work of the state forms a comprehensive system, with each part closely allied to others, with successive steps ot gradation, which makes it possible for the child starting out in the primary or kindergarten work to move forward by a succession of steps or gradations up through the rural and graded schools into the high schools, and finally through the State university. Similar work is done in the rural schools to that done in the grades in our city schools.

The exhibit has afforded an excellent opportunity for visitors to study into the plan of our educational system, and thousands from other states have taken the opportunity to visit this exhibit, and have expressed themselves as highly pleased with the work that is being done in Nebraska. The Nebraska educational exhibit occupied over 15,000 square feet of floor space, and yet throughout the entire preparation of this work, quality, rather than quantity, was emphasized. Nebraska has the proud record of having the lowest per cent of illiteracy of any state in the union, and we feel that the character and quality of this educational exhibit has been in keeping with this record.

Respectfully submitted,


Superintendent Nebraska Educational Exhibit,


Assistant Superintendent.

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To the Honorable Board Nebraska State Commission.

Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.


I herewith submit the following report of Department of Live Stock from Nebraska:


The Horse Department was not as well filled as we hoped it might be (and should have been). In the Percheron "French Draft," we had out a very fine showing, and in competition with the other states we received 26 per cent of the ribbons offered. Mr. Frank lams of St. Paul and Mr. M. M. Coad of Fremont were the only two exhibitors. They also had a few Coach and Hackneys.

Thomas Andrews & Son of Cambridge, had some Welch Ponies which were very attractive, and were the only ones oii exhibition, therefore got all that was offered in the Pony Class.

Mr. McAllister of Joy, had Jacks and Jennetts on exhibition, making in this department a total of forty-five head of horses and mules, and altogether made a splendid show for the State.

The above named exhibitors of horses and mules were paid the amount set aside for the Horse Department, $1,000.00.


This class was very well filled, a few of each breed being shown, but no department of this class was filled with a full show, therefore could not expect to get a large per cent of the ribbons, but Nebraska stock usually got some as they were passed around.

Shorthorns were shown by Mr. Thomas Andrews & Son, of Cambridge, who showed five head of very fine animals and received three ribbons on them.

Herefords were shown by the folowing breeders: Mr. E. E. Day, Weeping Water; Mr. Thomas Mortimer, Stanton; A. F. Huwaldt and E. H. Elmendorf of Lincoln. To say the Hereford show was simply immense, is putting it mildly. No such show of "white faces" was ever brought into the show ring before in America, and rarely, if ever, seen before. The above exhibitorti made a showing that themselves and the State may justly be proud of, showing in this breed twenty head.

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Aberdeen Angus.—Only one herd was shown, Mr. D. W. Syford of Lincoln, having on exhibition seven head of very good cattle making a creditable show, getting some ribbons in very strong competition.

Bed Polled.—Mr. Sam McKelvie & Son of Fairfield, showing the only herd from this State, had the misfortune to have hisj car catch fire and burn some of his cattle, thus barring them from showing in several rings in which they would have been winners. In spite of being kept from all herd premiums they made eight shows and received eight ribbons, which testifies that they started out to hold up their end of the show for the State, having eleven head on exhibition.

Galloways were shown by Mr. J. H. McAllister of Joy. Having nine head he made a very good show, getting 18 per cent of the premiums offered.

This makes a total of fifty-two head of cattle shown in this department. They received $500.00, their part of the State apportionment set apart by the Commission.


Holstein-Fresians were shown by I. W. Chappell of Normal, and J. C. Doubt of University Place, and H. C. Glissman of Omaha. These breeders had twenty head and made a grand showing, getting 24 1/2 per cent of all the premiums offered. Mr. Chappell was winner of first prize on young herd bred by exhibitor, the most valuable prize offered from a breeder's standpoint.

Of Jerseys there were only eight head shown, but they madt a very creditable exhibit. Mr. E. E. Day, of Weeping Water, and Mr. H. C. Young, of Lincoln, were the exhibitors.

Brown Swiss were shown by Nixon & Laughlin of Auburn. They made a very fine show of eight head and captured 20 per cent of the premiums offered in spite of strong competition.

This makes a total of thirty-six head of cattle in the Dairy Department. They received $500.00, their part of the State apportionment set apart by the Commission.


Poland Chinas were shown by the following breeders:—

J. Mandlebaum of Blue Hill exhibited...6 head.

S. McKelvie & Son, Fairfield " ... 1 "

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E. H. Andrews, Kearney exhibited... 1 head.

C. H. Beethe, Elk Creek " ... 1 "

John Blain, Pawnee City " ... 3 "

E. E. Day, Weeping Water " ... 3 "

P. J. Gossard, Friend " ... 3 "

Mr. Watts, Waterloo " ... 13 "

John O'Connell, Malcolm " ... 9 "

Dawson Bros. & Co., Endicott " ... 13 "

William Uhe & Son, Papillion " ... 11 "

D. S. Rouse, Grand Island " ... 4 "

making a total of...68 "

Poland Chinas being the larger class in swine no one party or State can expect to get a very large per cent of the premiums, but the above exhibitors made a good show, getting 14 per cent of the ribbons offered, which speaks well for Nebraska breeders.

Mr. J. W. Townley had the only herd of "Berkshires" from the State, seven head, but made a very good show, and got 10 per cent of the premiums offered.

Chester Whites were shown by Vanderslice Bros, of Cheney. They had eleven head and got 12 per cent of the premiums, making a very good show.

Durock Jerseys were shown by Mr. C. H. Searle of Edgar, W. C. Shinn of Pawnee City and W. H. Taylor & Sons of Lincoln having altogether fiftj'-one head of this breed. They captured 70 per cent of all cash premiums offered. This makes one of the g-reatest shows ever made from any one State in this breed, Mr. L-5earle alone getting over 30 per cent of the money offered.

Of Essex only one herd of thirteen head was shown from Nebraska by Mr. L. E. Mahan of Malcolm. Although the competitionn was very strong, Mr. Mahan came out with 35 per cent of the premiums for his herd.

Yorkshires were shown by Mr. E. M. Wolcott of Archer. He had eighteen head and won 14 per cent of the prizes offered.

This makes a total of 168 head of swine of all breeds, and taking tliem all together they made a grand display of good animals. The above exhibitors received the amount set aside for swine, $1,000.00.


Sheep were also shown by Mr. Chas Bal jnger of Lexington, Chas. Cook, Cyrus and Robert Taylor, in the Shropshire Class.  Scanned image of page 51 Mr. Ballenger showed some very superior sheep and received about 40 per cent of the premiums.

Mr. Cook showed some excellent French Merinoes which were very attractive.

This makes a total in the different departments as follows:

Class "A" Horses and Muels [sic.]...45 head, received $1,000.00

Class "B" Beef Cattle...52 " " 500.00

Class "C" Dairy Cattle 36 " " 500.00

Class "D" Swine 168 " " 1,000.00

Class "E" Sheep 45 " " 250.00


Hoping this report will meet with your approval, I am

Very respectfully,

Signed: WM. FOSTER,

Superintendent Live Stock.

Mr. President and Members of the Nebraska Commission:

I beg to submit the following rejjort of my doings as Superintendent of the Dairy Department of the Nebraska Exhibit. When entering upon my duties, I found some misunderstanding existed between Mr. Hardt of the department of Exhibits and your body as to the space and its condition that I should occupy. After spending considerable time I learned that I was privileged to do just as the department dictated; that the plans that I expected to use in making an exhibit of Nebraska dairy products could not be used; that I must use such space as they prepared and that the dairy supplies and machinery could not be exhibited in the Dairy Building. This I regarded as most unfortunate and it has proven so to the dairy interest. After passing through the long drawn siege of imperfect refrigeration, thereby losing the best and most available products, we arranged with Mr. W. A. Carpenter of York, the only creamery man in Nebraska willing to undertake the work, to furnish and install a display. This was to be representative of a day's work of a first-class Nebraska creamery and should present samples of ah the various kinds and sizes of commercial butter packages, as follows: Butter in various stages of churning, showing the effect of temperature; one churning salted and washed; one in  Scanned image of page 52 granules in a creamery size churn of glass; a display of filled packages of all commercial sizes and shapes representing the methods of packing demanded by the principal butter markets, of the United State, also a general display of prints in commercial cases and labels and a large display of tubs, open, closed and stripped.

That this showing has been a success I have every reasoi. to believe, from the universal commendation of visiting creamery men from all parts of the United States. The cheese display has been continuous during the exhibit, and we have reasoii to believe has been an eye-opener to a great many people, and has gone far to dispel the prevalent opinion that good cheese cannot be made in Nebraska. We cut and gave away in small quantities as samples about 300 pounds of cheese. We advertised the manufacturer and exhibit by handsome placards, and if they follow up the noteriety gained in a business way it must certainly boom cheese making in Nebraska.

Unfortunately the dry summer cut short the amount of butter made by our creameries. The result was they found it impossible to take enough of their product from their trade to make a display and as they represented, "when the demand exceeded the supply, there was no incentive to advertise."

Unfortunately there has been some misunderstanding among the butter makers regarding the competitive exhibit, which in connection with the active market demand was sufficient to keep the entries from Nebraska astonishingly low.

On the 11th of October, Dairy Day was observed at the building. Your Superintendent was one of the committee who had charge of the same. Invitations to be present and take part were extended to all the most prominent dairy men of the TransMississippi country and their presence gave assurance of a most successful meeting.

Ex-Governor Hoard, of Wisconsin, who was to have made the principal address, disappointed us at the last moment, but we had others to take his place. The entertainments of guests devolved upon your Superintendent and seventy-four invited guests were taken to the Markel cafe to luncheon, after which the meeting was called to order in the Dairy Building. Ad dresses were delivered by Hon. W. A. Poynter, Professor Haecker, Henry Wallace and Hon. D. L. Gates, Dairy Commissioner  Scanned image of page 53 of Iowa, who, while speaking, was suddenly overcome and expired on the floor. This unfortunate circumstance abruptly ended what would have been a very interesting and profitable meeting, a full report of which will be published iu the Nebraska Dairymen's Report of 1898.

In the matter of butter exhibits from Nebraska the number of exhibitors was disappointing but the quality of that exhibited was, as a whole, fully equal to that from other states.

On a basis of 100 points for perfection the highest score made by any exhibit was 98 points while exhibits from Nebraska scored 97 3/4. On cheese Nebraska was more fortunate and secured the highest score, 96 points over all, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Kansas competing.

That we have failed to expend all the money set aside for our use, is explained in the beginning of this report; but we believe that the interests of Nebraska have been well served by making a smaller display since no other state attempted to put in any general exhibit.

We cannot close this report without thanking the Nebraska Commission and its employees for the uniform kindness and courtesy shown us at all times.

Respectfully submitted,





Nov. 1, 1898.

While the Nebraska exhibit was not competitive, the Superintendent, of the department of which the Dairy exhibit was a part, has recommended that a special Gold Medal be awarded the Nebraska exhibit for its general excellence.

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