Trans-Mississippi Stamps

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Each Denomination Will Be Printed in a Single Color Instead of Two, and the Issue Will Begin June 1

On June 1, or sooner if practicable, the Post Office Department will begin to issue the new series of postage stamps commemorative of the holding of the national and international Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha, Neb., during the coming summer and fall. The series will comprise the following denominations: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 50 cents and one and two dollars. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing having found it impracticable to furnish satisfactorily, or in the time desired, supplies of the several denominations in two colors, with black centre and colored borders, as was at first intended, the department is constrained to issue each of the denominations in a single color. This change has necessitated several other changes. The series will be discontinued on Dec. 81, but the stamps will be good for postage any time afterward.