Noted Educators Convene

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Some Interesting Information About People Who Are Participating in the Great Teachers' Meeting.

W. W. Stetson, Ph. D., state superintendent of the schools of Maine, is one of the best known educators of New England. Mr. Stetson was born at Greene, June 17, 1849. He began teaching at the age of 15, and has taught some' part of every year since. He commenced in the district schools of Maine, and in 1868 went to Illinois, where he taught in district, normal and high schools, and finally attained to the position of superintendent of schools. In 1884 he returned to Maine, and in March, 1885, took charge of the Auburn schools, which position he held for ten years.

As a superintendent of schools he enjoyed an enviable reputation for executive ability, a broad grasp of what should be taught, and great fertility in devising methods of instruction. He was noted for not only being abreast of the times on educational subjects, but as an explorer in new fields. His annual reports, in which he elaborated his theory of education, have received the hearty endorsements of leading educators and have been widely noticed in the press. In the line of school work Mr. Stetson always has been prominently connected with educational associations. In Illinois he served as an officer in the Principals' association, and in the State Teachers' association, and was especially instrumental in founding the Northern Illinois State Teachers' association, and was its president for several terms. He has been actively connected with the Maine Pedagogical society. He was its president in 1890-91, when the largest meeting in its history was held at Waterville. He is also an active member and constant worker in the county institutes of the state. He was president of the American Institute of Instruction in 1894, and was appoined state superintendent of the schools of Maine in 1895.

Ex-Secretary of Agriculture Hon. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City is known far and wide as the "father of Arbor day," which is now universally observed in the public schools. He is one of the leading authorities on forestry and his address on "The Preservation of Forests and Arbor Day" is on the line of his pet theme. Added to a long record of public honors and of a persistent advocacy of sound money upon which he passed through several campaigns, President Cleveland honored the Nebraskan and the state itself by calling Mr. Morton. to his cabinet as secretary of agriculture. The position was held from March 7, 1893, to March 6, 1897. The following sentences best express, perhaps, more than a review of the Nebraska statesman's public acts, his characteristics with reference to his success in the cause of education: "I find more satisfaction in the results which I have aided in accomplishing by the institution of Arbor day in 1872, and by constantly encouraging tree-planting and forestry in Nebraska and throughout the union, than I do in the recollection of complimentary nominations bestowed or political prominence achieved. There ought to be more patriotic pride in accomplishing, as a private citizen, something useful and desirable for the common-wealth than in having the commonwealth distinguish one by exalting him to continuous office-holding. It is better to be useful to the state as one of its efficient citizens in private life than it is to acquire distinction as a mere recipient of the favors of the state."

President E. Benjamin Andrews of Brown university is an educator who is known from one end of the country to the other. His long experience at the head of one of the most famous universities constitutes him an authority in the educational world. He holds the titles of D.D., Colby university, 1884; L.L. D., University of Nebraska, 1884; United States military service, 1861-64, second lieu-tenant; principal Connecticut Literary Institution, Suffield, Conn., 1870-72; graduated Newton Theological Institution in 1874, ordained a Baptist in 1874, pastor First church, Beverly, Mass., 1874-75; president Denison university 1875-79, professor homiletics and pastoral theology, Newton Theological institution, 1879-82; student of history and economics, Berlin and Munich, 1882-83; professor of history and political economy, Brown university, 1882-88; political economy and finance, Cornell university, 1888-89; president and professor moral and intellectual philosophy, Brown university, 1889 United States commissioner to international monetary conference, Brussels, 1892; member American Historical association, American Economic association, Massachusetts Historical and Genealogical society, Rhode Island Historical society. He' is the author of numerous volumes, religious studies, researches and institutes on history, etc.

Miss Maud Summers, principal of Kinzie school, is regarded as one of the ablest school principals of Chicago. She has had large experience in addressing teachers and others upon educational topics, and has taught successfully in teachers' institutes. Miss Summers recently spent a year studying in Europe. She is a member of the Chicago Woman's club and kindred organizations. She was chosen to address the National Educational convention as a representative of Chicago Women's club, but was compelled to decline on account of being called to the Drake university summer School of Methods in July.

Woodford D. Anderson, principal of the College of Business, Vermilion, S. D., is a graduate of the Gem City Business college, Quincy, Ill.. and Centenary college, Palmyra, Mo., and was a special student at the Vanderbilt university at Nashville. He was born in January, 1871, and taught several grades of schools in succession. For two years he was principal of the business department of the Missouri Wesleyan college, Cameron, Mo., and taught the normal and business work in the Morningside college. After holding positions in several prominent business colleges, in 1896 he was appointed to his present position in the University of South Dakota. Since Prof. Anderson's connection with the college the course has been considerably strengthened and the attendance has been more than doubled. He is now trying to secure an improvement in the course by getting the regents to put in a four years' business course.

President George A. Gates of Iowa college, Grinnell, has for the last eleven years been at the head of this eminently successful institution of learning. He is a Vermonter by birth, graduating from St. Johns-bury academy in 1869, Dartmouth college in 1873, and Andover seminary in 1880. He spent two years traveling abroad observing the educational methods of the great seats of learning. He became a minister, and was pastor of the Congregational church in Upper Montclair, N. J., from 1880 to 1887, since which time he has been at Grinnell. Grinnell college is this year celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of its existence, and it is due in some measure to Prof. Gates' efforts that it has made such favorable progress. The president achieved some notoriety through a fight in the courts over a publication of his anent the American Book company. The case was lost, the judge ruling it out of court on legal grounds, maintaining that the pamphlet was not libelous, as was charged. President Gates is a man with the courage of his convictions, and he still maintains that the book was needed.

Albion W. Small, head of the department of sociology in the University of Chicago, has become widely known in that position since he accepted the chair in 1892. His public career began at Waterville, Me., in 1881, when he was elected to the chair of history and political economy. With the exception of one year, when he was reader in history at Johns Hopkins, he remained at Colby until he came to Chicago. He spent a year at the University of Berlin and a year at the University of Leipsic. Ile is the editor of the American Journal of Sociology. Through his writings Prof. Small has be-' come known to the great educators the country over. The professor created some excitement at the meeting of the National Educational association at Milwaukee last year by an address, in which he maintained that the school systems, notably that of Chicago, legally paralyzes teachers' power to make pupils learn that there are laws which all must respect and obey whether they want to or not. Such systems, he maintained, are doing their best to make anarchists instead of good American citizens.

Major Aaron Gove has been at the head of the schools of Denver for twenty-five years and has earned an enviable reputation as an educator. He is considered an authority on the financial management of schools and has built up the system in Denver to a high grade of efficiency He was graduated A. M. from Dartmouth in 1876, and L.L. D., University of Colorado. He was president of the National Educational association in 1888. He served his country throughout the war in 1861-65. In 1874 he was elected superintendent of Denver's schools. His name as an educational director is widely known.

Mrs. Ella F. Young, assistant superin tendent of the schools of Chicago, Is $ prominent educator. She has spent her professional life in the Chicago public schools. Though limited to the schools of one city, her experience has been as broad as that city offers. She has been an elementary school teacher, a high and a normal school teacher, a principal of a grammar school, with a membership of over 1,500 pupils, and an assistant superintendent. In her present position she has thirty-two schools, containing over 20,000 children, and between 500 and 600 teachers under her immediate care. Her chief aim is to keep the schools from under the cramping influence of mechanism; to give teachers and children full opportunity for the exercise of their powers as individuals.

A. B. Warner, city school superintendent of Missouri Valley, Ia., began his work as a teacher in a small country school in Mercer county, Missouri. After four years of service in the rural schools he was elected to the principalship of the school in his own town, Princeton, Mo. Since that time he has been principal or superintendent at Lineville, Ia.; Lathrop, Mo.; Allerton, Ia.; Harlan, Ia., and at Missouri Valley. His changes have all been promotions that have come to him unsought. He has taught in more than twenty-five normal institutes, has been president of the Iowa State Teachers' association and of many smaller educational conventions and has been a frequent contributor to the educational journals of the country. Perhaps his best work was done at Harlan, Ia., where he was superintendent of schools for eleven years. Mr. Warner was educated in the public schools of New York, in private schools and in the State Normal school at Kirksville, Mo., from which institution he was gradu-' ated in 1879, during the presidency of Dr. Joseph Baldwin. He has always been a close and intelligent student of pedagogy, has made a special study of the public school in all its phases and has won the respect and confidence of the educators with whom he has been associated.

Charles E. Bessey, professor of botany in the University of Nebraska, is one of the prominent and most active educational workers in the country. He was born in Milton, O., in 1845. He was fitted for college in Seville and Canaan academies. He graduated from the Lansing college, of Michigan, with the degree of bachelor of science. He studied with Dr. Asa Gray in Harvard, and for some years traveled, inspecting the work of several continental and English botanical laboratories. In 1870 he was was elected to the chair of botany in the Ames college, of Iowa, resigning in 1884 to accept his present position. He has received the following degrees: B. Sc., Lansing, Mich., 1869; M. Sc., Lansing, 1872; Ph. D., University of Iowa, 1879; member of the Phi Beta Kappa society and now president of the Nebraska chapter. Member of the "Society of the Sigma XI," the scientific honor society. Member of the Botanical seminar of the University of Nebraska. Prof. Bessey's official and honorary positions, in connection with educational bodies, 1 are Members of the Academy of Sciences of Iowa. and president from 1875 to 1884; member of the Academy of Sciences of Nebraska, and president from 1891 to 1894; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, secretary of its biological [section, 1884, and president of its botanical section, 1893; member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; member of the Botanical Society of America, and president in 1897; member of the State Teachers' Association of Nebraska, and president in 1888-89; member of the National Educational association, and president of its department of science, 1896. He is the author of the following publications: "Geography of Iowa," "Botany for High Schools and Colleges," "Essentials of Botany," "Elementary Botanical Exercises," the "Botany" of Johnson's Cyclopaedia, "Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Angiosperms."

W. W. Beardshear, president of the Iowa State College of Agriculture, is a member of the National Educational association for

Omaha High School
Iowa. He is now serving his eighth year as president of this well known institution of learning. Prof. Beardshear was born on a farm in Ohio and attended the public schools. He entered the army when he was but 14 years old and served to the close in the army of the Cumberland. He obtained his education at Otterbein university, Ohio, and Yale university. For eight years he was superintendent of the Western college at Toledo, Ia. He was superintendent of the Des Moines schools for two years following this. The professor is a member of the United States Board of Indian commissioners appointed by President McKinley last October.

C. H. Congdon, supervisor of music in the public schools of St. Paul, Minn., is widely known in that state and throughout the northwest generally through his special work in conducting large choruses in connection with patriotic celebrations. He is a Pennsylvanian by birth. He graduated from the State Normal school, Mansfield, Pa., in 1876. He went to Minnesota in 1878 and in 1884 was elected supervisor of music in the public schools of Brainerd, after teaching there for two years. In 1886 he was tendered his present position in the public schools of St. Paul. He organized the music department of the Minnesota Educational association and was the president for three years. In 1895 he was elected president of the music section of the National Educational association. In 1896 Mr. Congdon drilled and presented the famous "Living Flag" at the Grand Army of the Republic encampment held in St. Paul at that time. This made a remarkable impression upon all who witnessed it and it was considered the best presentation of the kind ever given in this country.

Gilbert Burnet Morrison, principal of the Manual Training High school of Kansas City, is a self-educated man. He was born in Rutland, Vt., in 1852. He first came into public notice as a country school teacher and educational writer in Missouri and Kansas twenty years ago. In 1880 he became superintendent of the Liberty, Mo., schools. He published "The Educational Advance," an aggressive educational magazine. In 1883 he took charge of the natural sciences in the Kansas City 'Central High school. He was elected president of the Missouri Valley Teachers association. He is a strong advocate of manual training and the Manual Training High school of Kansas City has attracted much attention. He has written much of a scientific and practical nature. In 1896, immediately after the discovery of X rays by Prof. Roentgen, Mr. Morrison conducted a series of experiments, the result of which he gave in an illustrated lecture before the Jackson County Medical association, which was afterward published in the Medical Index.

Mr. James H. Trewin, in charge of the section on school boards, has for eight years been a member of the school board ' of Lansing, Ia., and has done much for the cause of educational law making in the state. Mr. Trewin was born in Illinois in 1858 and gained his education in the way which determined young men set out to succeed. He was elected in 1895 to represent the Fortieth senatorial district in the assembly. Having taken much interest in school matters and delivered a paper before the State Teachers' association on the subject, "What Can the Legislature Do for Our Schools," which greatly pleased the educational people of the state, they urged -upon Lieutenant Governor Milliman to make him chairman of the committee on schools. This position was filled by him during the regular session of the Twenty-sixth, and also the session of the Twenty-seventh General assembly. The school laws were thoroughly revised and many new and important features were introduced. In the Twenty-seventh General assembly there was considerable agitation of the question of state publication of school books. Senator Trewin and the committee took strong grounds against any change in the school laws of Iowa along these lines and were sustained almost unanimously by the educators of Iowa and by the legislature. Having introduced the bill for the revision and codification of the laws while a member of the house, he followed this work step, by step until its final accomplishment. He prepared the bill for state publication and annotation of the code. When the bill became a law he was unanimously chosen chairman of the committee to have charge of the work.

L. A. Sherman, professor of the chair of English literature in the University of Nebraska, was born in Douglas, Mass., in August, 1847. He entered Yale in 1867, and graduated A. B., in 1871, and took the degree of Ph. D., in 1875, in the same institution. He taught in the Hopkins Preparatory to Yale. from 1873 to 1882, when he became professor of English literature in the University of Nebraska. He published de luxe translation of Tegner's Frithiof's Saga in 1877, and Analytics of Literature in 1893; and various pamphlets for class study of literature and Shakespeare. The basis of the system of literature teaching is aiding the student to take all the steps inductively him-self. He has been "dean" of the college of literature, science and the arts since 1891.

James A. Gillespie, formerly superintendent of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf, is a native o Pennsylvania. He served during the civil war in the Second Regiment of Iowa 'Volunteer cavalry. He was educated in the Iowa State university and taught in the public schools of Illinois. In 1872 he took up the work of teaching the deaf. He served six years in the Iowa School for the Deaf at Council Bluffs. In 1878 he was appointed superintendent of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb.

Mr. Gillespie gained his reputation as an instructor of the deaf principally through his auricular system. This method is one by which the latent hearing remaining to many of the deaf may be developed and improved. Prof. Gillespie has gained a reputation in this system which is world-wide and has done more to change the general idea regarding this subject than any one ever dreamed of.

He has also introduced a method of presenting language to the deaf which, though in use but a short time, gives evidence of being a reformation in this line of work. It is known as the complete thought method.

Arthur H. Daniels, professor of philosophy in the University of Illinois, graduated from Clark university, Worcester, Mass., in June, 1893, and since that has been at the University of Illinois in the chair which he now so ably holds.

Mr. J. B. Merwin, editor of the American School and College Journal of St. Louis, who speaks on the rural schools, is one of the bright particular lights of the educational world. He is a member of the Missouri state commission to the exposition, a member of the press committee of the fair and an enthusiastic supporter of the Transmississippi Educational convention from the time of its inception. He is not alone an orator, but is noted as a lecturer on Shakespeare. Every lover of our highest literature has heard of his lectures and each one has wished to hear him many times over again. In university courses and before some of the brainy audiences of the entire country Major Merwin has lectured to their intense delight and edification. His presence at the Transmississippi convention is a great card and those who anticipate an intellectual treat are not going to be disappointed in the least. J. W. Henninger, superintendent of the Jacksonville, Ill., schools, wrote this: "It was indeed an inspiration to hear the masterly analysis and the eloquent resume of the orator as the world's greatest poet passed in review before us. It was a presentation of a great subject by one who had brought to the occasion the insight of a lifetime of wide reading, extended travel, careful study and world-wide experience."

Dr. Ewin M. Hopkins, who directs the Conference for Teachers of English, is the professor of rhetoric and English language in the University of Kansas. Dr. Hopkins is an alumnus of Princeton university, graduating in 1888, receiving a fellowship in 1889 and a doctorate in 1894. In 1889 he was appointed instructor in English in Kansas university, became associate in 1892 and professor in the following year. The relations between the universities of Kansas and Nebraska are close in all departments, , notably so in the departments of English. The first interstate university debate to be held in the Transmississippi region was proposed by Nebraska and held in Kansas, and proved so interesting that such a debate that become an annual affair, and neighboring states are entering the league. Dr. Hopkins has been active in this, as in other matters looking to the widening of university relations. The period of his connection with Kansas university has seen a notable development in the English work of the high schools of the state. which he has aided by personal effort, and through numerous publications. In this direction, though much has been accomplished, the movement is but begun. In the university itself the growth of the department of rhetoric and language has been commensurate with that of the institution, and it has become especially popular with those who contemplate the profession of teaching. Dr. Hopkins is also known as a university extension lecturer upon literature and literary criticism, and as a writer upon educational and literary subjects.

John R. Kirk, state superintendent of the public schools of Missouri, has been engaged in public school work of Iowa and Missouri for twenty-five years. He was five years principal of schools at Moulton, la., eight years superintendent at Bethany. Mo., and worked seven years in Kansas City as ward school principal, high school specialist and suburban superintendent. He is just completing a four years' term as state superintendent of Missouri, being the only republican who has held that office since reconstruction days. Although specially fond of the classics, Mr. Kirk has carried on a vigorous campaign in Missouri for the introduction of nature study in the elementary schools and laboratory methods in the high schools. He believes in the elements of agriculture and horticulture as a practical course for elementary schools, vigorously advocating the same before the Farmers' Institute of Missouri. He is also urging that sloyd sewing, cooking and other forms of manual training be introduced into the city and town schools of his state. He is believed to have done more thany any other state superintendent of the country for the reformation of rural school architecture. His "Missouri Model" for rural school houses is probably more widely known than any other in the United States. A sample of this "Missouri Model" is to be seen at the Missouri Educational exhibit.

George Edwin MacLean, fifth chancellor of the University of Nebraska, was born in Rockville, Conn., August 31, 1850, son of Edwin W. MacLean and Julia H. (Ladd) MacLean. Dr. MacLean received his preparatory education in Westfield academy and Williston seminary, Massachusetts. He entered Williams college, from which he was graduated in 1871. He completed a course of study at Yale Theological school in 1874, and accepted the pastorate of the Presbyterian and Congregational society of New Lebanon, N. Y. From 1877 to 1881 he was minister of the Memorial Prebyterian church, Troy, N. Y. Going abroad in the latter year he studied at the University of Leipzig until 1883. He devoted his attention especially to philology and history, biblical exegesis and old English literature. He collated several old English manuscripts in the British museum, Oxford and Cambridge. He made the degree of Ph.D. at Leipzig. After an extended tour through Europe he returned to the United States and accepted the chair of English language and literature in the University of Minnesota. At the expiration of seven years' of service he obtained a leave of absence, spending eleven months in studying in. the British museum and in making cycle tours through England. He resumed the duties of his professorship in December, 1892, but again in 1894 he began researches in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. In 1891 he was elected a member of the Philological Society of London, and also of the American Philological society and numerous other scientific societies of an international character. In 1895 the degree of I LL.D. was conferred upon him by Williams college. In the same year he was elected chancellor of the University of Nebraska and president of the University senate, positions he still holds. He is also the director L of the 'United States Agricultural Experiment station at the university, and during the summer of 1896 traveled in England, Holland and Germany studying the work done in the stations in each country. Dr. Mac-Lean is an earnest scholar and an enthusiastic worker in his department. No work seems too arduous and no research too difficult or protracted. Personally he is an agreeable man, and this, coupled with his abilities as a teacher and administrator, has distinguished him in the educational circles of Nebraska. In addition to numerous 1 shorter articles and reviews, he has published numerous works on education.

Grace Bibb Sudborough of the Omaha High school has a Iong and widely extended experience in the work of child study. Her work has been concerned with High school, Normal school and college work. For two years she was first assistant in the Springfield High school and for six years was first assistant in the St. Louis Normal school, where she was elected to the chair of pedagogy in the University of Missouri, 1 At this position she remained five years. Upon coming to Omaha she taught in the High school and was principal of the Teachers' Training school. Mrs. Sudborough has taken a prominent interest in club work, being leader of the Department of Education and also of the Department of English History in the Omaha Womans' club. She has been the president of the Nebraska Society for Child Study since the organization of that body three years ago. Mrs. Sudborough contributed a series of articles on "What Children Imitate" and an article entitled, "A Contribution to the Study of Child's Moral Nature," both of which attracted much attention from expei t in child study. The woman is a life member of the National Educational association and is an honorary member of the National Council of Education.

Grace Espy Patton, superintendent of public instruction and ex-officio state librarian of Colorado, was born in Hartstown, Pa., October 5, 1866. Her parents belonged to the most substantial citizens of the Keystone state. In 1876 they moved to Colorado, choosing Fort Collins as their new home. In that city, that has always been most progressive, she began her education. After her High school course she entered the State Agricultural college at Fort Collins, where she distinguished herself; and, after being graduated, was called to the chair of English and sociology. She taught for twelve years, in this period contributing to leading newspapers and magazines.

When the equal suffrage agitation began the "little professor" took an active interest in the movement. She used her pen and her I voice for a cause she believed to be one of simple justice. She established a magazine called the Tourney, a periodical that had a most successful existence. Later it was christened the Colorado Woman. Prof. in Patton did veteran service on the platform, where her oratorical talents were of great service in the campaign of '96. Prof. Patton assumed office in January, 1897. The department of public instruction in Colorado carries with it many diverse duties. The superintendent is a member of the State Land Board, the State boared of Examiners, and the State Board of Education. She has jurdisdiction over fifty-six counties, 1,500 school districts, and over 3,000 teachers.

Manuel C. de Baca, superintendent of public instruction for Mexico, is well known throughout New Mexico as a man of fine atttainments and advanced ideas and one well fitted to perform the duties of the high office to which he has been appointed.

Mr. Baca, whose full name is Manuel Cabeza de Baca, is a direct descendant on his father's side of the great soldier and traveler who first traversed and blazed out the path for future civilization in that portion of the United States now included within the territories of New Mexico and Arizona and the states of California and Colorado and of whose deeds of daring and exploit the early history of our country is replete.

He is 45 years of age and was educated principally at the St. Michael's college in Santa Fe. He was admitted to the bar in 1882 and has followed the profession of law staadily. He has been city attorney of Las Vegas, a member of the twenty-seventh legislative assembly and probate judge of San Miguel county. Since 1892 he has continuously held the office of United States district court commissioner for New Mexico. Credit is due to Mr. Baca for the establishment of the public school system in the territory, for, as speaker of the house of the twenty-seventh legislative assembly, being a strong advocate of the masses and a strong supporter of every measure tending to the establishment of public schools.

Samuel T. Black, superintendent of public instruction in California, was educated both academically and professionally in England. He taught a short time in Wisconsin, and went to the Pacific coast in 1868. He taught in all kinds of schools, from rural to the principalship of city high schools. After serving with credit as county superintendent of schools in several counties of the state, he was elected state instructor in 1894. He was made a member of the National Educational association committee on rural schools and is a. vice president in that body.