Exposition and Education

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In viewing the intermediate and primary exhibit of the Omaha public schools from the first or "baby" grade to the sixth inclusive, perhaps the third year's work attracts most general attention by its uniform excellence, and this is especially true as regards the drawing.

None of the freedom of expression which characterizes the drawing of the first two years and which to a certain extent seems to diminish in the upper grades is lacking, while a surprising degree of accuracy is attained.

The work of this grade, too, covers a wide range of subjects, including illustration or composition, sketches from nature, from life, of models and something of design, though more of the last is seen in the grades immediately following.

As the number of schools represented in these grades is considerably larger than in the seventh and eighth grades, it is not possible to show at any given time a corresponding proportion of the work prepared. But during the progress of the exposition the work on exhibition can be more frequently changed, which is certainly no disadvantage.

Several schools, including Kellom, Train, Omaha View, Dupont and Park, have sent the work of entire classes. Among the schools excelling in nature work are Train, a particularly well done thorn apple branch being the work of Mary Christenson: Kellom. from which comes an effective fruit piece by Jean McMaster and a group of vegetables by Lois Dorward; Mason, having several pieces by George Shropshire; Bancroft shows an attractive spray of woodbine, the work of Anna Konvalis; Forest, pretty pieces by Frank Pras and Lulu Riche and Farnam a thistle branch drawn by May Scott.

Leavenworth sends a pleasing sketch by King Chapman; Dupont, sketches by Erich Braun and Fred Graham; Lake, some excellent fruit pieces in color and Castellar also has some pleasing studies of fruit.

Many of the figure sketches seen in the booth devoted to these grades are of more than ordinary merit. Among them may be mentioned one by Clarence Walsh of West Side and an entire card, the work of Irene Mason of Train. Others showing careful work in this line are Judith Carlson of Farnam, Marcia Marsh of Long and Frank Inman of Lincoln.

There are numerous groups of models and other objects which show skillfully executed effects in light and shade. The work of Mary Bogue of Sherman, Clifford Mellen of Lothrop, Irene Hospe and Maud Barker of Cass, Andrew Crawford of Pacific and cards from Central, Saratoga, Park, Druid Hill. Farnam and Monmouth Park are excellent specimens of this class of work.

Many pleasing border and surface designs for wall paper are noticed. A border design in oak leaves from Vinton is the work of Albertina Johnson. Ernest Grim of Leavenworth and John Johnson of Sherman show very pretty surface designs. Omaha View, Kellom, Mason and Cass schools have effective designs.

There are several cleverly planned pieces in illustration or composition. Among them are landscapes by Anna Rasmussen of Saratoga, Helen Griswold of Columbian and Frank Swoboda of Comenius; also cards from Windsor and Clifton Hill.

Marine scenes in deep blue, suggestive of Holland, come from Central Park, Clara Pettitt having a sketch of an old-fashioned windmill, and Vinton sends a pretty card in sepin.

Lake and Webster contribute some dainty pen and ink sketches. The free-hand cutting by the first grade pupils of Webste is among the best in this class of work A "Mother Goose" card shows the kind old lady riding her traditional broomstick "Little Miss Muffett Who Sat on a Tuffett, "Tom, the Piper's Son." with his stolen pi under his arm and Jolly Old King Cole servants bringing his pipe and bowl. The cuttings are from black paper and at mounted on white which effectively bring out the subjects.

Franklin, Castellar, Comenius and mar other schools have cards of this frehand cutting done by the little folks from "imagination pictures and objects."

Among the subjects are "Hiawatha," with his how​, "Circus Parade," "Letting the Old Cat Die," and "Bound for the Exposition representing a band of no small propoptions.

Then there are many farmyard scenes a: animals so well done that labels are not necessary.

The first and second grades show a gre variety of work. Lake has a card of lan scapes in sunset effects. Long a card of colored birds sketched from life. Davenport pleasing card of nature and still li sketches and Druid Hill some strong work in shading.

The work of the little folks, which mu: be seen to be appreciated, is placed on the outer north walls of the booths containing the Omaha exhibit. ELLA B. PERRINE.