Happy Hawkeyes are Here
- Publication: Omaha World-Herald
- Date: 22 September 1898
- Publication Place: Omaha, NE
- TEI XML: transmiss.news.owh.18980922a.xml

Hundreds of Iowawas Come as the Advance Guard for Thousands.
Exposition the Attraction that Bring So Many of Nebraska's Neighbors to the Metropolis—Governor Shaw at the Murray.
Secretary Chase of the Iowa commission has assurances that train load after train load of Hawkeyes will be at the exposition today for the purpose of assisting in the observance of Iowa day. Hundreds of the Iowa people came yesterday, hundreds more last night and still more are to come this morning.
The parade that will precede the exercise: will form down town at 12:30 o'clock. The organization will start at Fourteenth an, Harney streets and move north on Fourteenth to Douglas, west to Sixteenth, north on Sixteenth street and Sherman avenue to the gate just south of the south viaduct where it will be met by General Clarkson After entering the grounds the procession will move to the Iowa building, thence through the two midways to Twentieth street, down Twentieth to the Administration arch, going east to the Boys' and Girls' building, where the horses and carriages will be dismissed. The line of march will then be continued around the Lagoon to the Auditorium, where the exercises will be held at 2:30 o'clock.
After the exercises and from 5 to 7 o'clock a reception will be held in the Iowa building, where an opportunity will be given to meet Mrs. Shaw and the ladies of the governor's party. At 7 o'clock there will be a concert on the Plaza, to be followed by fire-works on the North tract at 8:30 o'clock. The fireworks will be unusually fine and in addition to the rockets and bombs there will be a portrait of Governor Shaw, "Welcome Iowa," and a number of other set pieces.
Governor Shaw Here.
The Rock Island train that pulled across the bridge at 11 o'clock last night carried Governor Leslie M. Shaw of Iowa and Mrs. Shaw, with eleven cars solidly packed with Cornhuskers, who come to help celebrate Iowa day at the exposition. The train began picking up exposition visitors at Davenport, where a good sized party got on, and there was a crowd waiting at pretty nearly every station between Davenport and Council Bluffs. By the time the train reached the latter city the cars were liter-ally packed with people who stood in the aisles by the hundred after the seats were all filled. The Rock Island alone brought in nearly 2,000 people to swell the crowd on the exposition grounds today.
The only other state official who accompanied Governor Shaw was C. G. McCarthy, auditor of state. G. L. Dobson, secretary of state, and Treasurer Herriott could not get away at this time and several other officials were compelled by circumstances to postpone their trip until a little later, But Both Governor Shaw and Auditor McCarthy were jubilant over the prospect for a tremendous crowd from their state. They said that the people were coming by thousands and that they would show Omaha a crowd today that would put other state celebrations in the shade. Governor Shaw and party are domiciled at the Murray.
From Northern Iowa.
Captain J. F. Merry, assistant general passenger agent of the Illinois Central and chairman of the committee on transportation of the Iowa Exposition commission, feels pretty good over the fact that a special train left Dubuque over his road at 6 o'clock yesterday morning and pulled in here last night over the Sioux City & Pacific with 662 passengers aboard at 6 o'clock, all gathered up before the train got to Cherokee, where it left the main line and took the branch for Onawa. As the Illinois Central does not class itself as an Omaha road, Captain Merry thinks this is a good showing He says it is the result of advertising says he expects that the travel will continue as good from this out. The special was in charge of F. D. Hadley, traveling agent of the line, with headquarters at Sioux City