Thirty Thousand in Morning

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Estimate of People Roads Brought in Early Part of Day—Council Bluffs Contingent.

Everybody around the railway depots was willing to make affidavit that every man, woman and child in the Hawkeye state had joined the army which consmenced to invade Omaha at an early hour in the morning and continued coming until the corporate limits of the city cracked and cracked under the strain. Special trains were the rule on all the roads and the depot officials threw up their hands in despair over the task of keeping tab on the number of trains and the special equipment which rolled into the depots in a continuous stream, which appeared to have no end.

The invasion commenced Tuesday afternoon and thousands of people formed the advance guard of the conquering army. They came in on every train from the east and special coaches were attached to all trains to accommodate them. But as soon as the rising sun appeared above the Iowa hills yesterday the main body of the army commenced, the movement on Omaha and the way it poured into the depots was a caution. Every incoming train was literally black with people. They hung on the steps and platforms and filled the aisles and seats until the conductors had to fight their way through in order to collect the tickets or fares. Coaches intended to hold about fifty people were crowded with nearly 200 and the platform and steps were made to carry as many as were intended to be accommodated inside. The conductors of these trains reported that they had been compelled to run by stations where platforms were crowded with people waiting to take the train for Omaha.

Special after special was put on by each road passing through Iowa until almost the entire equipment of all of the roads were concentrated in Omaha. The regular trains were run in from two to four sections, some of these sections containing fourteen coaches loaded to the limit.

Up to 10:30 o'clock the Burlington had brought in three specials from Creston, consisting, respectively, of four-teen, eleven and fourteen coaches, all loaded to overflowing. The Milwaukee had three specials comprising twenty-! one coaches, the Northwestern brought in four trains containing thirty-three coaches and the Rock Island three trains consisting of about thirty coaches.

These people were from all the towns within a radius of about 200 miles from Omaha and many of them were designated by badges of various colors. Many of them went direct to the exposition grounds, but many spent a few hours down town, waiting for the parade to form and putting in their time shopping. The street cars were almost stalled with the immense loads of people who crowded into them and the services of all of the officials were required to keep the trains moving.


The great majority of the people came in at the Burlington and Union depots, but the arrivals at the Webster street depot were on the same large scale. The Missouri Pacific brought in four extra coaches attached to the regular trains, all being crowded, the Omaha road hauled three trains of seventeen coaches, and the Elkhorn brought in twenty coaches, mostly from Iowa.

A careful estimate of the number of people coming in yesterday morning on the railways places the figures at about 30,000.

The Council Bluffs contingent was the largest, as might be expected. A large number of visitors stopped there Tuesday night and yesterday on their way in from the east and then took the motor line for Omaha. Before 9 o'clock the big coaches were filled to overflowing, although every car in the establishment was brought into requisition. This lasted, with slight intermissions at times, until after Governor Shaw and his attending party arrived at noon. Then the employes had a breathing spell. Nearly all the business houses in Council Bluffs being closed for at least a part of the day, clerks and employers were given a chance to take in the exercises of the day, of which they took advantage so generally as to tax the means of transportation to the utmost. The crowds were good natured, however, and put up gracefully with what little inconvenience was necessary.

A large number of people went from Council Bluffs direct to the exposition grounds by way of the Terminal rail-way and the new bridge, taking in the parade on the grounds in preference to witnessing it from down town.

Massing Around Hotels.

Early in the morning there were indications in the various hotel lobbies of the crowds that materialized later in the day. The Murray hotel was the particular resort of the Iowans, although the Paxton, Millard and Dellone came in for their share of the patronage. The Murray having been chosen as the headquarters of the Iowa commission, that was the place where the notables dropped in to exchange courtesies and guesses as to the out come of the political campaign, which. until its glory was temporarily dimmed. by yesterday's picnic was the biggest thing in sight. Among the prominent arrivals were Chief Justice Deemer and Justice Robinson of the Iowa supreme court, A. B. Cummins, formerly member of the republican state central committee, Auditor of State McCarthy, Lieutenant Governor J. C. Minima's and Congressman R. G. Cousins.

Governor Shaw and his staff spent the night at the Grand hotel in Council Bluffs, and did not arrive in the city until towards noon.


With them came Lieutenant W. L. Murphy, a Council Bluffs boy who has been well known in this vicinity from boyhood. He graduated at West Point last June and was detailed at once to the command of a colored regiment of regulars and sent at once to Santiago de cuba. Both he and his regiment distinguished themselves on the battlefield, and as a mark of especial consideration Governor Shaw Invited him to take a position on his staff, which Lieutenant Murphy did.

There were plenty of band uniforms in sight about the hotel lobbies. One of the best of these was that from Carroll, Ia., consisting of twenty-two men under the leadership of Charles Jones. During the forenoon they tendered the World-Herald an enjoyable serenade.


A Most Imposing and Characteristic Parade of the Hawkeye Visitors.

The formal exercises in connection with the day commenced with a parade which started from down town and marched through the principal streets to the exposition grounds. The line was formed about 1 o'clock, at Fourteenth and Harney streets, and this vicinity presented a most animated appearance as the numerous distinguished guests assembled about the Murray hotel at the hour announced for the parade to start. The entire member-ship of the Iowa exposition commission was on hand a bright badge of yellow ribbon fluttering from the breast of each member. The other visiting Iowans were designated by a button badge bearing a photograph of the Iowa state building and the date of the greatest day the exposition has yet witnessed.

A number of Iowa's distinguished citizens, and also of former residents of that state, mingled with the party and joined in the procession to the grounds, among them being Congressman R. G. Cousins, C. G. McCarthy, state auditor; ex-Governor Alvin Saunders, President Wattles of the ex-position; Adjutant General P. H. Barry of Nebraska, Judge J. S. Woolson of the United States circuit court in the southern district of Iowa; Judge Deemer of the Iowa supreme court and his wife; Late Young of Des Moines Lieutenant Governor Milliman, A. B Cummins of Des Moines, John Y. Stone of Glenwood and J. D. Bowen.

The parade was one of the longest and most imposing of the many parades in connection with the exposition. The military features were especially striking and the long line of carriages extended for a distance of several blocks, the entire line covering fully twenty blocks in length.

Governor Shaw and staff, all mounted, with the governor lead. log the way on a handsome dapple gray, were the center of interest in the imposing procession. The members of the staff were Adjutant General M. H. Byers of Des Moines, Colonel C. G. Saunders of Council Bluffs; Colonel H. H. Rood of Mount Vernon; Colonel James T. Priestly of Des Moines; Colonel A. B. Shaw of Des Moines; Colonel F. C. Letts of Marshalltown; Colonel E. G. Pratt of Des Moires; Colonel C. E. Putnam of Cedar Rapids; Colonel William Larrabee, fr., of Clermont; Colonel Sears McHenry of Dennison, and Colonel McGarraugh of Des Moines; Color Sergeant George 'F. Cunt, Quartermaster Sergeant Byers.

Major W. C. Wyman of Des Moines remained to accompany Mrs. Shaw to the rounds. Accompanying the governor's party by special invitation were Lieutenant W. L. Murphy of Council Bluffs, who was with his regiment, the Twenty-fourth regulars at Santiago; Lieutenant Lincoln of the same regiment, and Colonel W. B. Humphrey of 'the Fifty-second Iowa, who had also gotten home from the war.

Following the gubernatorial party in carriages were these prominent citizens of Council Bluffs: William Moore, J. C. Mitchell, John Beno, C. F. Wright, J. B. Hess, A. C. Graham, Judge N. W. Macy, Judge W. I. Smith, Judge E. E. Aylesworth. V. E. Bender, Lucius Wells, Finley Burke, Rev. W. S. Barnes, D. C. Bloomer, M. F. Rohrer, Rev. J. P. McDonald, S. B. Wadsworth, W. S. Baird, N. C. Christensen, F. T. True, F. A. Bixby, W. B. Reed, J. W. Bates, L. A. Caspar, Thomas Bowman, E. W. Hart and H. W. Binder.

The procession, which formed at the Murray hotel, was led by a platoon of Omaha police, mounted. Then came two battalions of cadets from the Iowa agricultural college at Ames, under the command of Captain Herman Knapp, who also acted as marshal of the day. The first battalion was in charge of Major Goble and the second in charge of Major Clark. The cadets made a fine appearance in their neat blue suits and were accompanied by an excellent band composed of students. The Logan band, consisting of eighteen men under the leadership of John Crossley, followed. Next came Governor Shaw f Iowa, accompanied by his staff. The carriages containing members of the Iowa commission and prominent citizens from all over the state were the next in line. Albin Huster's band from Council Bluffs, twenty-five strong, led the last division, followed by the High school cadets of Council Bluffs. There were fifty young men In line, under command of Captain 0. G. Butts. Their marching was finely done, especially when it is taken into consideration that it is the opening of the school year and but little drilling has been had for the last three months. Prominent citizens of Council Bluffs in carriages closed the parade.

At the exposition grounds the procession was met by Major Clarkson and conducted to the Iowa building, through East and West Midway and down to a position north of the Administration building. The Iowa Agricultural college cadets marched through the Administration building, past the lagoon to a point south of the Boys' and Girls' building, where they awaited the governor's party. The governor and staff and state officials in carriages rode from the Administration building to the Boys' and Girls" building, where they dismounted and marched to meet Commandant Knapp and his cadets. 'The procession then marched to the Auditorium, arriving at 2:30 p. m., where the public exercises in honor of Iowa day were held. A reception to Mrs. Shaw and ladies will be held at the Iowa building from 6 to 7 p. m. There will be an illumina-  Scanned image of page unknown tion at the Iowa building and a concert by the Mexican band on the Grand Plaza at 7 p. m. At 8:30 there will be a grand display of fireworks on the north tract In honor of Iowa day.

The exercises of the day were held In the Auditorium at 2:30 this afternoon. The building was packed from top to bottom, and no sign of enthusiasm was lacking. The program included the main oration of Congress-man Cousins, addresses by Governor Shaw, Vice President Allan Dawson of the Iowa commission, and President Wattles of the exposition, music by the Ladies' band of Eldora and the Iowa Agricultural College Cadet band, violin solo by Lucile Franchere, and vocal solos by Nellie Mae Brewster and Mary Theresa Louthan.


Governor Shaw, President Wattles and Robert G. Cousins' Speeches.

There was a general crowding to points of advantage as the procession entered the grounds, the biggest jam being at the Iowa building, where the Carroll band had been giving a con-cert. As the procession started south-ward to go to the Iowa building a place of honor was given at the head to the Ladies' band of Eldora, and then the imposing cavalcade moved on about the thoroughfare of the bluff tract, along the Midway, and then to the Auditorium, where at 2:7:30 the state day exercises were held.

For the first time every seat in the big building was taken and people stood in the rear part. The center had been reserved for the members of the Iowa legislature and the Agricultural college cadets, but the cadets concluded not to come in, and but few members of the legislature were there. When President Wattles announced at length that the seats were open for the gen. oral public there was a rush that was somewhat like that for the Cherokee Strip.

Allan Dawson, vice president of the Iowa commission, acted as president of the occasion. The Ladies' band of Eldora played an overture, "The Wizard of the West," Rev. A. S. Barnes of Council Bluffs offered prayer and then Miss Nellie Mae Brewster of Chariton sang a solo, "Delight." She made a splendid impression. She is a beautiful girl and has a voice of rare sweetness. She had to come hack and sing "You and I Together, Love."

Governor Shaw of Iowa was than introduced and spoke substantially as follows:


Ladies and Gentlemen, Citizens and Friends of Iowa: "Not many generations ago, in the place where you now sit, encircled by all that exalts and embellishes civilized life, the rank thistle nodded in the breeze and the wild fox digged his hole unscared." So said Charles Sprague three-quarters of a century ago, and the utterance is as true when applied to the land of the Omahas as of the laud of the Wampanoags.

We meet tills day as citizens of Iowa on the soil of a sister state for no idle purpose. The people of Iowa are not idlers, but the day will have been lost to us and to our children unless what is here said, and, done, and witnessed, and enjoyed, shall bring greater thoughfulness and increased earnestness. The half century and two years since the admission of Iowa added the twenty-ninth star to the flag which has now become the protector of the world, has wrought great changes. Most of the improvements of earth, most of the progress in the arts and sciences, most of the advance in civilization, has been wrought within the period of our state history.

Time would not permit, if the inclination were present, to recount the achievements in the political, industrial, financial, agricultural, mechanical, scientific, educational, religious or moral world. Suffice it to say that in all of these Iowa has rendered her full share of service and has reaped her full measure of blessing. We can well afford to leave to others the study of the past. Let it be ours manfully to face the future, now more than ever big with possibilities, and with careful glance ahead improve the present.


In all the grand exhibit of this remarkable exposition there is not found that for which our state has greatest reason to rejoice. The product of the farm, of the orchard, of the garden, of the herd, of the dairy, of the factory, of the mine, are here in great quantity and of superb quality. Truly Iowa is great in territory, great in resources, great in product, but she is greatest of all in her children. There is presented to my eye from this platform that which is infinitely more valuable than all herds and all harvests. I see scattered through this audience many of the youth of Iowa. They are from the city, from the town, from the hamlet and from the Iowa farm. They are representatives of an aggregate of 700,000 of school age, and of an equal number who have just passed from educational tuition to face the activities, the anxieties and the achievements of manhood and womanhood.


These all belong to a generation, which will surely be heard from. Their fathers and mothers have been industrious. have been ambitious, have been hopeful and have been successful. A generation thus circumstanced is al. ways potential. Dr. Strong tells of a township in the Western Reserve. which was settled with an energetic. liberty-loving, God-fearing, education-ally inclined people, and which, in a limited period, furnished many members of the state legislature and the state senate, and from the little village of only a few hundred inhabitants men have gone forth to college professorships, east and west, to the supreme bench of the state and to the United States congress. The same authority says: "Northhampton, Mass. has among its native and resident population over 400 graduates from colleges and other educational institutions; it has furnished the world with 114 ministers, eighty-four ministers' wives. ten missionaries, twenty-five judges, 102 lawyers, ninety-five physicians, seven college presidents, thirty professors, sixty-four other educators, twenty-four editors, six historians, twenty-four authors, two governors and thirty other state officers, twenty-five members of the state general assembly, two generals, six colonels. thir. teen other army officers, thirty-eight officers of the United States, among them a secretary of the navy, two foreign ministers, a treasurer of the United States, five United States senators, eight members of congress and one president." If a territory six miles square, under favorable conditions, can make such a record, what may we not hopefully expect from a territory containing 55,000 square miles, all of it similarly peopled, and with conditions more favorable than Massachusetts ever enjoyed or Ohio ever possessed.

"Know thyself," said the Greek philosopher. "Know thine opportunity." has become a companion and equally important maxim.


When you go home tonight, tell the children that the world is big and constantly expanding; that this day's experience has broadened your vision; that life has become more real and I hope more ardent, and that both you and the world, and especially the state, expects something of them. Wake the boy in the night, break in upon his dreams with stories of hopeful possibilities; watch the fire kindle in his eye; then let him dream again of greater things, of broader expanses, of higher altitudes, of nobler achievements. Neglect neither seed time nor harvest; watch the growing and maturing crops; succor and protect both flocks and herds; zealously guard the interest of the shop and the store and the offices; but, above all, look well to the youth of Iowa, and to all things, that shall conserve the generation whose footsteps crowd the threshold of the world's activities.

The governor was given a hearty reception on the part of his own people, and liberal applause marked the close of his address.

Miss Lucil Franchere of Cedar Rapids, with Paul Byers for accompanist, played a violin solo which pleased the audience mightily and President Wattles followed with a greeting on the part of the exposition.


There was a special reason, President WattIes said, why this occasion had more of pleasure for him than other events of like character, for he was extending a greeting to his old associates and neighbors. It was with pride that he referred to a residence in Iowa covering the period of his early manhood, and it was at that time that he came to know and love the people of Iowa. The population of the state was of a singularly sturdy, progressive and intelligent character, and in respect to these qualities unsurpassed by the people of any other commonwealth.

The chapters that Iowa had added to the growth and development of the west were among the most important and instructive in the annals of the whole trans-Mississippi region. He cheerfully gave to Iowa the credit of being the first state to pass an appropriation for the exposition and on behalf of the management he bore testimony to the support which the state had from the first and constantly given to the great enterprise. He reminded the people of the state of the intelligent and effective administration of the commission, and mentioned the handsome state building and the splendid exhibits as affording ocular proof that this commendation was well deserved.

It was something to say with satisfaction that Iowa immigrants belonged to the best part of the population of Nebraska and so had had to do with the building up of two great states.

Here the audience arose and was led in singing "The Star Spangled Banner" by Mary Theresa Louthan. This was the prelude to the main oration of the day by Congressman Cousins. He said:


"I have asked five of the ablest and most noted Americans what they regard as the chief thing or leading feature of the trans-Mississippi region, and they have invariably answered, 'Its men and women.' The other day I met one of the oldest settlers of Eastern Iowa—one of those original, rugged characters, whose wit and wisdom has lightened the settlers' hearts and homes for many a toilsome year—one of those interesting characters who never bores you and whom one always likes to meet—a man whose head is silvered and whose countenance is kind—and I asked him what he regarded as the principal feature of our trans-Mississippi country, and he scratched his head a moment and replied, 'Well. I'm no scholar, but I've been round here nigh onto sixty years, and I reckon 'bout the most important thing is the folks and the farms.'

"The men and women who settled the Hawkeye state were not those who expected to go back 'in the fall,' or as soon as they could prove up on their claims. They were stayers. They were not men to be discouraged by winter or by work. They were men who knew that nobody ever amounted to much in this world unless he had to. Most of them began simply with the capital of honesty, good health and their inherent qualities of character. They built their cabins in the clearings and, watching the smoke curl up in the great, wide sky, felt Just as patriotic for their humble rustic homes as e'er did princes for their castles or millionaires for mansions grand.


"Civil government proceeded in Iowa with its rapid settlement. The pioneer became a model citizen. He knew the necessity for the laws that were enacted. He did not feel oppressed by government. He had experienced the losses of robbery and larceny and knew something of the embarrassment and inconvenience of being scalped. There was no hysteria about trusts and combines because they had practiced combinations themselves for mutual protection. If any one would learn the true genius and exemplifrcation and philosophy of self-government, government of and for and by the people, let  Scanned image of page unknown him study the records of pioneer life the institutional beginnings and tit evolution of their laws. It would t worth our while on some suitable occasion when time permitted to talk over the interesting incidents of ii territorial legislatures, the birth an growth of its statehood and the character of its officials. But the greatness of our state is not contained in any name, Its official history is the exponent its industrial life and character. It greatness is the sum total of its citi zenship. In order to be just, John Jones, the average citizen, must b mentioned along with our most illustrious officials. Somebody said that The history of a nation is the history of its great men,' but there is an unwritten history which that averment overlooks. The growth of a state is the progress of its average citizen. The credit of a state is the progress of it average citizen. The credit of a commonwealth is the thrift its John Jones and William Smith, and the character prosperity and patriotism of the individual citizen is the history of Iowa.


"Industry and nature have made th state of Iowa a creditor. Her soil ha always been solvent and her system o farming does not tend to pauperize it. She is a constant seller, and therefor wants the evidence of the transaction to be unimpeachable. She has more school teachers than any other state except the Empire state, and only 3. per cent of her population are illiterate. The state of Iowa has yielded the grandest dividends on her educations investments. She has become illustrious on account of her enlightenment She has progressed further from 'primitive indifferent tissue' than the lam even of Darwin himself, and in her es cape from protoplasm and prejudice she is practically out of danger. Marked out in the beginning by the hand o God, bounded on the east and west b, the two great rivers of the continent purified and stimulated by the snows o winter, blessed with copious rainfall in the growing season, with generous oil and steady forests interspersed, n wonder that the dusky aborigines ex claimed when they crossed the Father of Waters, 'Iowa, Iowa, beautiful land beautiful land.'

"And now, my fellow citizens, a won about of great trans-Mississippi region the empire of the pioneers and of our country and its future.

"We have on this side of the Missisisippi river an area, of 2,143,155 square, miles of land, two and a quarter time: the area east of the Mississippi. You could put England, Ireland, Scotland the German empire, France, Austria Hungary, Italy, Spain and all of the United States east of the Mississippi into this trans-Mississippi territon without touching California or Hawaii and Admiral Dewey would still have the Pacific ocean and Manila, with rope enough to lasso and hang the last enemy of the United States and civilization and there would still be left for sal( a few choice lots in Omaha and Kansas City.


"Being a perpetual creditor, on account of its vast productions, the western region and all its states have a common interest in the largest possible employment of people in other avocations than producing food, because employment not only creates appetite, but likewise the financial ability to satisfy it. The western region and its many states also have a common interest in honesty. Having given their labor for a large increase in wealth per capita—the largest of any section of the country—they are naturaly interested in maintaining it. No one has a greater interest in the vested value of a dollar than he who has exchanged his labor and his products for it, or who has a constant surplus to be sold and registered as accumulated wealth. You labor today and accumulate thereby. You may want to rest tomorrow. Your accumulation should be secure. You have been selling all these years. You may wish to buy or build tomorrow. The credit registered by your toil, frugality and prudence should be forever sacred. The west should look to the future and think not only of its gains in one decade, but of the balance that will be to its credit in a hundred years from now. Do not forget that the world must eat and that mankind is multiplying by the millions, and that the Creator is not making any more land on this planet. Hold fast to the heritage which God and the pioneers have left you and to the standard of integrity and value by which it was earned.

Let the future buy from you according to that same standard by which you have bought and by which your toil is measured in the present.


"No one can foretell a limit of the possibilities of this great, producing, !half developed region for the future with the United States forging to the front in the commerce of the world, claiming its coaling stations along the lines of trade in the uttermost parts of the earth and realizing more than ever before that it is a joint proprietor with the older nations of the earth in the great high seas. Doubtless some people are over-reckless for expansion and some are so conservative that their intellectual estates seem almost in probate. Commerce will not stop; it undermines the mountains, lays its cables underneath the billows of the sea and scorns the fury of its crests. Commerce is a greedy, moiling, tirelesss [sic.] spider catching all the world in a web of iron, and it will weave its wires wherever there is life. It has found the orient and the occident and it will never rest until it ties its cables to the poles.

"America will build a greater navy and will build the Nicaragua canal and her merchant ships will take her commerce into all the harbors of the world and our battleships shall protect our commerce in its legitimate and rightful course. The American flag shall be visible and revered away from home as it is loved and venerated here, and under it a free people shall thrive and multiply in peace.


"What shall be the events of the coming century? Probably with what-ever degree of certainty we are able to comprehend the past and to understand the present, with that degree can we foretell the future. Yesterday and today are the premises of a syllogism whose conclusion is tomorrow. I believe there is a good reason for everything that happens to be in the universe. The indications are that the great events of the near future shall be in line of commerce, as I have already indicated, of jurisprudence, of social economy, of science and of art. The tendency of the times is to get rid of long-established humbugs as soon as their copyrights expire. So long as toil shall bend the back of man his brain shall question science for its mysteries, and so long as mystery remains to form the boundary line of knowledge the scientists will strive and strive and climb and climb and reach beyond those bounds. They will make the electric current turn the wheels of all the world.


"Emerson declared a little while before his death: 'We think our civilization near its meridian, but we are yet only at the cock crowing and the morning star.' The future will verify Emerson. The greatest alliance ever projected in history will be the alliance of American efforts and American interests. Into the opening gateway of the twentieth century, hand in hand, shall stride our king of commerce and the queen of industry, the sphinx-eyed scientist and his bride of art, the sturdy son of agriculture and the dreaming child of song, and their thought, and toil, and song shall glorify the Anglo-Saxon race and make our country great—essentially, exquisitely, magnificently great."


Children Come From Glenwood Institute and Bring Band.

Dr. George Mogridge, assistant superintendent of the Iowa institute for the feeble-minded at Glenwood, Ia., came to the exposition yesterday with a number of assistants and about 150 of the children. These were those of the S00 children at the school who had remained during vacation and worked, and the trip was made as a treat. The boys, seventy all told, rode overland in wagons, while the girls and the band of eighteen pieces came via the Burlington railway. The band gave a concert in the morning and another in the afternoon and played excellently. Head-quarters of the party were made at the Iowa building.